#why am I deciding to post a moodboard instead of studying
sfb123 · 3 years
Sapere Aude - Part 4
Book: The Royal Heir
Pairing: King Liam Rys x Queen Riley Brooks
I introduce one original character in this chapter, all characters belong to Pixelberry.
Catch Up Here
Series Description: I developed a theory of what I think will happen in TRH Book 4, and I was encouraged by some very lovely people to turn my theory into a fic, so here it is. Basically, Riley is recruited to join the Via Imperii, this series will follow her as she joins them to try and bring them down from the inside, and all of the drama and bombshells she learns along the way. Sapere Aude is Latin for “dare to know” it seemed like an appropriate title.
Rating: PG-13 Adult language, allusions to smut (but nothing graphic), discussions of death, conspiracy, blackmail, and other adult themes.
Warning: The Royal Heir Book 3 Spoilers all over the place.
Word Count: 2,954
Notes: My only real note for this one is to make sure you’re sitting down. Other than that, enjoy!
As always, one love to my pre-readers @texaskitten30​ & @txemrn​ (who is also always down to hear my crazy ideas, thanks for fact checking references to books I didn’t read!). And thank you @twinkleallnight​ for my moodboard! 
Tags: My tag list is below. If you would like to be added or removed, just let me know!
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“Mommy, I don’t want to go to my lessons today. Can’t we play instead?” Eleanor pouted and threw her shoe across the room.
“Baby girl, you need to go to your lessons, and mommy and daddy have to go to work.” Riley knelt down to her daughter’s level and brought her in for a hug. “I know sometimes lessons can be boring, but I promise if you’re a good girl, we can talk daddy into a game of maze tag when you’re done.”
“Pinky promise?” Eleanor pulled out of the hug with a hopeful look in her eyes. 
Riley lifted her hand, pinky extended, and moved it toward Eleanor. The princess did the same and linked her pinky with her mother’s. They each kissed their thumbs before separating. “Now go get that shoe, Thomas is waiting outside to walk you downstairs.”
Thomas had been a member of the King’s Guard for a few years. He had been mostly tasked with general details, and would regularly accompany the family when they required extra security for their outings. It was during those outings where Liam and Riley saw how good Thomas was with Eleanor. He was able to take the parts of a public life that would seem terrifying for most adults, let alone a five year old, and help her navigate them as if they were a fun game. They saw the care he took for their daughter, as if she were his family, and decided that he would be assigned as her permanent detail. 
As soon as Eleanor saw Thomas standing by the kitchen counter, she let go of her mother’s hand and charged toward him. “Tommy!”
“Good morning, Your Highness.” He grinned and caught Eleanor before she collided with him, lifting her up and spinning her in a circle. 
“Thank you for walking her down this morning Thomas, Liam is dealing with a last minute call in the study, and I still need to finish getting ready.” 
“Of course ma’am, all in a day's work.” He gently placed Eleanor back on the ground, and bowed as Riley approached. 
Riley gave Eleanor a hug and a kiss before Thomas escorted her out of the royal quarters to attend her lessons for the day. Once the door shut, Riley returned to her bedroom to finish getting ready. It had been a week since she had accepted the invitation to join the Via Imperii, and she hadn’t heard anything from them about what that meant, or what to do next. She wasn’t sure if she was now a member, or if there was some kind of hazing or initiation ceremony that she would need to partake in, but she was sure she should have at least heard something by now.
The same day Riley accepted the invitation, Liam met with Bastien and ordered a full sweep of both offices, as well as their private quarters. He made sure to instruct Bastien not to remove anything, just to report on what was found. It was determined that their offices, as well as the study in their home were bugged. Liam was relieved but, after everything sunk in a bit more, he realized they should have been more vigilant before speaking so openly about what Riley had uncovered. 
In addition to the sweep, Liam spoke with Bastien about the Via Imperii, and told him about the conversation he had had with his wife the night before. Bastien said that he had been recruited to join many years ago, but after Jackson Walker’s death, they rescinded the offer. The only information Bastien knew was that they were an international organization whose mission was to keep world leaders in check. When his membership didn’t happen, he tried to do some research on them, to gather intel for Constantine, but he couldn’t find anything. Like they didn’t exist. This was deeply concerning to both of the men, no group that is out to do good works so hard to stay anonymous. 
As Riley stood in her closet picking out her dress for the day, she felt Liam’s arms wrap around her waist. “I don’t want to go to work today. Can’t we just go back to bed?” He trailed light kisses down the side of her neck. 
“Like father, like daughter. I swear, if you throw your shoe across the room, I quit.” Riley chucked as she turned in his arms. 
“You had a hard time getting Eleanor on her way this morning?”
“I had to bribe her. We owe her a game of maze tag when she’s finished for the day.”
“Hmm...that shouldn’t be a problem. But only if I get to play with you alone first.” His kisses turned more heated.
“Liam, we have to get to work. We have a whole kingdom to run.” Riley tried to push him away, but he only pulled her tighter against him. 
Liam’s lips gently brushed her ear as he whispered, “You know, as King and Queen, the more children we have, the more stability it means for the monarchy. If we stay up here and play the games I have in mind, it could technically be considered working.”
Riley was just about to give in when there was a knock on their bedroom door. They both groaned and pressed their foreheads together. 
“I’ll get that. You cool off. You’ve got a meeting with Rashad in 20 minutes.” She kissed him quickly, as she removed herself from his arms and walked away.
Riley opened the door to find Mara on the other side. “Good morning, Your Majesty. Can I have a word with you in your study?”
They entered the study, Riley motioned for Mara to sit as she walked around the desk and sat behind it. Mara didn’t have to say anything for her to know what this was about. She was about to receive her marching orders from the Via Imperii. She was nervous, no question, but telling Liam seemed to lessen the anxiety. She knew she wasn’t alone in this anymore. “What can I help you with, Mara?”
“I have received word back from the Via Imperii, there will be a small gathering this weekend to welcome you into the society. You will be formally inducted at that time.”
“Ok, where will this gathering be held?” 
“I am unable to divulge that information at this time. The only information I can provide you is that you will need to plan to be in Valtoria for the weekend. Leaving the palace Friday morning, you will return on Sunday night. His majesty’s schedule will be arranged so that he is unable to travel with you.”
“And Eleanor? I’m assuming she’s not on the guestlist, but she will need to travel with me.” Even if she was on the guest list, there was no way she was going to bring her daughter anywhere near this mess. 
“Of course, it is fully expected that the princess will be traveling with you. That is why you will be leaving out of Valtoria. The house staff will be on hand to care for her while you are at the event.” Mara stood from her seat before continuing, “We will need to leave for Valtoria by 10AM Friday, the event will begin at 6PM that night.”
Riley walked Mara out of the office and paused before she headed down the hallway to her bedroom. “Thank you Mara, I will make sure Eleanor and I are ready to go. If you’ll excuse me, I need to finish getting ready. Please return to your post, I’ll be out in a few minutes.”
When she returned to the bedroom, she told Liam about the conversation that she had just had with Mara. It was then that Liam filled her in on the phone call he had taken earlier that morning, (not so) coincidentally, it was Francesco inviting Liam to Italy to partake in some trade agreements the same weekend that she would need to be in Valtoria. Of course Liam was concerned for his wife, she was being whisked away to some mystery location, and neither of them had any idea what was going to be done to her. However, he also held a great deal of concern for his daughter, who would be alone in Valtoria. What if their end game was to get Eleanor alone and something were to happen to her? The two most important people in his life, the centers of his universe, were going to be left without him and vulnerable, and there was nothing he could do about it. 
Liam suggested one of their friends travel with her to Valtoria, that way someone from their inner circle would be there to protect his family if needed, and there was no question who Liam’s choice would be. He invited Drake to lunch where he asked him to escort Riley and Eleanor to Valtoria for the weekend. The royal couple had agreed not to tell anyone else about the Via Imperii just yet, so Liam simply told Drake that he didn’t want his family traveling alone. Since Riley would frequently invite her friends for ‘slumber parties’ at the palace when Liam had to travel without her, this didn’t seem like a particularly out of character ask, so Drake agreed without hesitation.
On Friday morning, Liam escorted his family to the vehicle waiting out front to take them to Valtoria. Drake was helping the driver load the bags in the back. He nodded at his friends as they came into sight, then quickly went back to what he was doing to allow them some privacy for a goodbye. 
Liam bent down on one knee, so that he was eye-level with his daughter. “Now Eleanor, I trust you are going to be a perfect little Princess for your mother and Uncle Drake while you are in Valtoria?”
“Always daddy!” She placed her small hands on her father’s cheeks and pushed them together. 
Liam chuckled in return, and pulled her into a hug. “Wonderful. I love you angel, I will see you in a few days. Why don’t you go see if Uncle Drake needs some help so that I can say goodbye to mommy?”
As Eleanor ran off to the waiting car, Liam stood and took both of Riley’s hands in his, stroking her knuckles with his thumbs to soothe her. “How are you feeling?”
“Terrified. I don’t like one single thing that is about to happen.” Riley’s voice wavered as the reality of the weekend began to sink in.
“I know it is an intimidating situation. But you, my Queen, are the strongest person I have ever known. I have no doubt that you will be fine.” He pulled her into a tight embrace. “And you will come home, and we will work together to figure out how to stop all of this. Just like we always do.”
Riley sighed deeply into her husband’s chest, trying to memorize this moment to draw back on when she was away from him. “I love you Liam. So much.”
“I love you too, Riley”
They both pulled back, Liam resting one hand on Riley’s cheek, wiping the stray tears away with his thumb.They were not afraid of facing another enemy, they had defeated their fair share in their short time together. However, when they fought those enemies, it was always together. They drew from each other's strengths, and would compensate for each other's weaknesses. This time, Riley would have to do the fighting on her own, while Liam sat alone, waiting. It was similar to the battle they fought during his engagement tour to Madeline, but the stakes were much higher this time around. They both knew this, and it made it that much harder to part ways. 
They leaned in and shared a deep kiss that expressed all of their feelings in that moment. As they pulled away, Liam gave Riley’s hand one final squeeze. She wiped her eyes and got into the car where Drake and Eleanor were waiting for her. Riley watched Liam through the window until he was completely out of view, then she turned and faced the seat in front of her, sniffling a couple of times. 
“Mommy sad?” Eleanor reached across the seats and touched her mother’s hand on the center armrest.
“No baby, mommy’s not sad, I’m just going to miss daddy while we’re gone”
“Jeeze Brooks, get a grip. I know you guys love each other, and are all but surgically fused together, but it’s only a couple of days.” Drake chimed in from behind them. 
“Yea, thanks Drake. Helpful.” She brushed off his comment, the hurt evident in her voice. 
“Hey, I was just joking around. You guys are ok, right?” 
“Yea, we’re fine.” She nodded towards Eleanor to signal that she didn’t want to have a heavy conversation in front of her daughter. “It’s just been a while since we’ve been separated for more than 24 hours. We’ll survive.” I hope. Drake bowed his head in understanding and patted her on the shoulder. The rest of the car ride was mostly silent, Eleanor sleeping for a majority of the drive. 
After settling in, and a quick mother-daughter walk through the gardens, it was time for Riley to leave for the Via Imperii induction event. She went into Eleanor’s playroom to say her goodbyes, making her best effort to hide the emotions that were running rampant inside of her at that moment. There weren’t many people who would have been able to see the worry and panic deep within Riley’s eyes, but Drake wasn’t just anyone. He was one of her best friends, and had been with her through so much already that he could tell that wherever she was going, it was not someplace she wanted to be. And it was much more than the average mother not wanting to leave her daughter. Between that, and how she acted after they left the palace, he knew something serious was going on with his friend. He made a mental note to check in with her tomorrow. 
As her car pulled up to the large estate where the ball would be held, Riley looked out the window, reaching through the recesses of her mind, trying to match it up to one of the pictures in the many history books that she had studied in her journey to become Queen. She knew it looked familiar, but she wasn’t able to place it. “Mara, this place is gorgeous. Where are we?”
“Welcome to House Fierro. This is the Via Imperii’s base of operations in Cordonia”
“Wait, House Fierro as in Hunter Fierro?” Riley had learned about Hunter, he was personally appointed by Queen Kendra Rhys as heir to the throne, and became King-Regent of Cordonia after her assasination.
“Yes ma’am. He was Cordonia’s first Via Imperii member, he donated his family home to them.” As the car came to a stop, Mara exited and walked around to the other side, opening Riley’s door for her. 
Riley entered the estate, paying attention to every last detail, looking for anything worth reporting back to Liam. However, there was nothing that particularly stood out, it looked just like every other fancy party she had attended since she arrived in Cordonia. She made note of the faces she recognized, mostly minor palace staff members, a couple of members of the King’s Guard, including Thomas, Eleanor’s personal guard. Great, they’re still trying to take my daughter away from me. In addition to staff, she also recognized a lot of faces that she knew she’d seen before, but couldn’t place. Aside from the members she was already aware of, there was only one other notable person she recognized. Donnie Brine. A local paparazzo that had been on hand to cover all of the Royal events and functions. He was no Ana De Luca, but he was definitely popular with the people. 
As she walked around the ballroom, she shook hands, made pleasantries with those she knew, and was introduced to those she didn’t. She would ask leading questions to try to understand people’s roles, or try to get some information of their plan for her, without coming off as too eager to gather intel. She didn’t get much information, it seemed this was merely a mixer, not so much an official ‘plan the fall of King Liam’ meeting.
Later in the evening, Riley stood in a back corner with Mara, evaluating the scene in front of her. “This seems like an awfully small group for a major worldwide organization.” She whispered to her bodyguard. She really expected a better turnout, considering the build up she was fed. 
“This is just the Cordonian chapter, Your Majesty. Each territory occupied by the Via Imperii has its own chapter, with its own leader. Rest assured, there are many more members around the world.”
“So who is the Cordonian leader?” Riley tried to act casual, she didn’t want to come off like she was just phishing for information, which is exactly what she was doing. 
Mara nodded to the front of the room, where a woman started to approach the podium. “That’s her, she’s about to give the opening remarks.”
Riley’s eyes followed Mara’s as she watched the older woman step up to the podium and clear her throat. She could have sworn that this woman looked familiar, maybe she had seen her around the palace. Perhaps their paths had crossed during one of her Royal appearances. Then it hit her, she knew where she had seen that face before. She immediately got dizzy and felt her legs start to give out underneath her.
Queen Eleanor?
Then the room went dark.
Continue Reading
Tags: @txemrn @texaskitten30 @kingliam2019 @anjanettexcordonia @twinkleallnight @mile9213 @kittypryde-bipride @motorcitymademadame @kat-tia801 @bebepac @gkittylove99 @khoicesbyk @jessiembruno @cordonianroyalty @queenrileyrose @shewillreadyou @athena-penrose @pixie88 @eadanga​ @choicesficwriterscreations​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @annarenee355 @burnsoslow 
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flamediel · 3 years
About me
ok, so I figure it was finally time for me to make one of these since i’ve been here for a bit and I hate how disorganized tumblr is. Hi, I’m Nadia, I’m 19, and this is my CNCO blog. I’m a mixed black muslim bisexual who uses they/them pronouns and I’m studying law. Other random facts about me are I box, make my own clothes, paddleboard, and love dogs. My aesthetic is all over the place and so is my brain so while typing this out i decided to make a moodboard that’s ✨my aesthetic✨ so here lol:
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Was that necessary? no. did I do it anyway? yes. Moving on..
so what will you find on this blog?
Primarily, CNCO. This is a side blog so I tend to stay pretty on brand with the content I post. I tend to answer asks here, be it about fandom tea or random stuff relating to the boys, but when inspiration strikes I’ll write fics, make moodboards, or even pull together random uquizzes and zodiac interpretations no one asked for. I host a lot of events on here too like to celebrate their albums or band anniversaries, so stay tuned for that as well. As you can see we do a little bit of everything here, so feel free to stop by for a chat whenever. 
Where can I find your writing?
All my fics can be found under the ‘#my writing’ tag on my blog, so check them out there! anything tagged minors dni (or cnco smut for older posts) is 18+
What writing do you have coming up?
Chris sex tape smut
Boxdiel smut
Sub!Richard Smut
Zabdiel + Power Play
The boys while you’re pregnant (Minus Chris since it’s already up)
Richard pampering you
a ton of songfics I have half finished
And if you want anything else, I am taking requests! Keep in mind they may take a while though, I tend to write when inspired and I haven’t had the time at all lately with work. Also, if you remember requesting something that isn’t here, it’s because I likely haven’t gotten to starting it. once I do, I’ll add it here. 
Where can I find your moodboards?
These will be under the ‘#cnco moodboard’ tag on my blog! Requests for moodboards are open (and will probably be fulfilled MUCH more quickly). 
Which CNCO member are you?
Which CNCO hookup are you?
Where are your CNCO Zodiac interpretations?
I’m only doing full chart readings for the boys once we get their birth times, since I don’t like how inaccurate readings can be without houses and such (ie, Chris’s Sagittarius energy doesn’t make sense until you realize it’s all in the fourth house). That means I’ll be analyzing Joel and then Chris’s birth charts in detail for now, and when we get the rest of the info I may do the others’. This is gonna take a while since these are long and take a ton of research, sorry about that
Joel: Part 1 (part 2 coming soon)
Chris: (TBD)
Management vs record label analysis
You've done some analyses of cncos team from a legal perspective, where are they?
Joel leaving the band timeline/contract renegotiation explanation
Who owns cncos trademark
Why are some of your posts tagged minors dni?
Why didn’t you answer my ask?
personally, I don’t feel comfortable with minors interacting with any explicit content on my blog. I tag it that way for people to be able to blacklist these posts (including adults who don’t want to see them). I know minors look at this content anyway, I’m not dumb, but this gives them the opportunity to be responsible without me having to make this whole blog nsfw, andit also provides a clear warning. Minors I find repeatedly interacting with my NSFW posts are getting blocked. You’re violating my consent and disrespecting the rules I put in place on my blog, and I don’t want you around if you cant understand that.
my inbox is almost always full and it takes me a while to get to stuff! I will though, i promise, and if it takes a while maybe resend it since tumblr doesn’t like to work sometimes. 
Why do certain anons have symbols/emojis?
It’s like a signature so I can tell which anon it is. if you want one just ask!
can you tell me about X cnco thing?
usually, yes. but also, keep in mind I don’t know everything, and most of what I say is my opinion, as with everyone else here. don’t take it too seriously please. I will also sometimes answer asks sarcastically or jokingly and entertain dumb stuff, if you have a problem w that just send smth in about that instead of fighting, no need to get disrespectful over tumblr shit I swear it’s unnecessary. 
Why wont you answer dms?
I am. so so bad at checking dms. so bad. it gives me anxiety and i WILL leave people on read. honestly if you’re not my mom you should not be expecting quick replies from me. if you want to talk more and we’re mutuals, message and ask for my snap. I tend to be more active on there
Why aren’t you following me/liking my posts/in my notes? 
I probably am, this is a side blog, I interact from my main @imbrium-mare​
Any other important notes?
A couple. First, something light. info about me is in my ‘#about me’ tag, and if you care what i look like check the ‘#my face’ tag, I tend to delete those every now and then so you might not find anything.
Secondly, more heavy. Like most active cnco blogs, I’ve dealt with my fair share of “anon” hate. Most of the time, I can figure out who you are pretty easily. Yall aint slick at allll, and I am more than happy to expose anyone who thinks online bullying is okay. casual reminder, using racial and homophobic slurs is not cute. I will not tolerate it, you’ll be blocked. the fact people think this is ok to do over a BOYBAND of all things? tragic.
And finally, since this will now be my permanent pinned post, any events I host or new things I write will be linked in a reblog of this post and pinned, rather than pinning the actual post with it. That way this information is all still accessible. That’s it! have fun, and I hope you enjoy your time here xx
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twokinkybeans · 3 years
Company Chapter 3: Imbolc
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Moodboard made by Kim <3
Peter and Oberon find warmth with each other. Another Fae has different plans.
Warnings for this chapter: Fluff, smut and angst, magic and folklore, mischief, masturbation, anal (fingering), hand job, rather vanilla sex tbh? it’s full of love, then regrets and a scene that could be compared to how victims respond after rape (and the next chapter that will release on Ostara will likely contain actual dub-/noncon so please continue with care), Mysterio is here to fuck shit up.
Go to the Masterpost for all the teaser poems and chapters! Read Company - Chapter 3: Imbolc on AO3 —————————————————————————————- Here it is! Chapter 3! The next one will be posted on Ostara, March 21st. Thank you for reading it, if you do! I hope you enjoy!!! <3 - Lien
The Fae haunts Peter. His thoughts, his dreams- both day and night. Oberon’s smile and intense gaze follow Peter through life. He catches himself yearning to hear the man’s laughter, to feel his fingers curl in Peter’s neck as he did when he took off Peter’s coat. Sometimes, Peter imagines how he would whisper, laying next to him in bed. How his soft lips and stubble would contrast themselves on the shell of Peter’s ear. He can only guess the words the Fae would tell him, but part of him wonders what his name would sound like from Oberon’s tongue. “Peter…” The young man gasps as he shakily thrusts up into his hand, spilling over his lower abdomen. His muscles tense and his lips part to let out a strained noise in a half-assed attempt to hold back his ecstatic experience. Wave upon wave of pleasure floods over him until his body and member slack. Peter pants, eyes closed, and whispers the Fae’s name in reply to his imagination. “Oberon-” Peter knows he shouldn’t be thinking of Oberon like this. The more he gives in to his growing infatuation with the Fae, the more likely he is to slip up and give himself to the man fully. He can’t help the small voice in the back of his head, wondering how bad it would be to spend eternity with Oberon. Would it be bad at all?
… When Imbolc finally arrived, Peter took the first train to the woods. Maybe he’s a little eager, but he simply can’t wait to see Oberon again. He scrolls through his phone, smiling at some silly photos of May he took last week and setting one as his lock screen. She’s alive again because of the Fae- because of Oberon. And all the man wants is company. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, Peter thinks. If it’s company he wants, it’s company he’ll get. With the snow gone, Peter more confidently finds his way through the woods. He’s still not exactly sure where to go, but at least the direction he’s taking feels like it makes more sense. “Oberon?” Peter uses his hands to help his voice carry further. “You here?” “Why, aren’t you cute.” Peter’s back straightens and he turns, startled, at the voice behind him. A man with slightly longer, pushed back, dirty blond hair grins down at him from a large branch. His short, trimmed beard enunciates his jawline and he has large eyes, almost comically so. They glow dim, just like Oberon’s. Fae. Bad news. Peter swallows and presses his lips on top of each other, breathing in through his nose. “Says a strange man sitting in a tree by himself in the middle of the woods,” he replies calm and collected. The Fae chuckles darkly, causing a shiver to run down Peter’s spine. The man hops off the branch and lands effortlessly. “Hmm,” the Fae hums. “If it is strange I am here in the woods by myself, then why is it not odd you are here?” “I’m looking for someone,” Peter answers earnestly. “A friend who goes by Oberon.” Suddenly, Peter’s blood seems to freeze, locking him in place as the Fae stalks closer until he is right in front of Peter. He looks down, locking Peter’s eyes with his. The Fae grins and leans in, nearly letting their noses touch. “You may call me Oberon, then.” The man’s breath is cold on Peter’s face and the young man blinks in an attempt to fight a sudden drowsiness that washes over him. “I’ll be your friend.” The Fae’s gaze holds him in place and momentarily, Peter wonders if the beauty of the being’s bright blue eyes are the cause of this sleepiness. He is using magic on Peter and only now does it become painfully obvious what Oberon could have done to him from the start, but never did. “I don’t think I should-” As quickly as the Fae got hold of him, he lets Peter go again. He looks to his side cautiously and when Peter blinks, the Fae is gone. “Puck,” a familiar voice speaks. Immediately, a smile grows on Peter’s face. He pivots and the Fae seems surprised by how Peter beams. “Oberon, hey!” Peter holds himself back. Part of him wants to fall into the Fae’s embrace straight away, but as much as his feelings for the man have rooted and grown, he’s not sure Oberon has gone through the same. “Who were you talking to?” Oberon inquires curiously. Peter cocks his head and frowns. With an uncertain pout, he looks around him. “Nobody- eh, myself, I guess? I tend to do that.” … “What’s that?” Oberon creeps over Peter’s shoulder, staring at the device in Peter’s hand. The young man is seated on the soft pillows of Oberon’s cabin. Peter grins. “With my aunt back at work, she started making money again.” He holds up his phone to proudly show it to Oberon. “She gave me this phone for Christmas!” The Fae frowns slightly and shuffles to sit down next to Peter, who sucks in a breath at how close the man is to him. “Phone…” Oberon repeats, lost in thought. “It looks fragile.” “Well,” Peter chuckles. “I wouldn’t throw or toss it. I don’t want it to break- these things are expensive.” “Huh.” Oberon cocks an eyebrow. There’s a curious glimmer in his eyes as he stares at Peter’s fingers caressing the screen. “May I… May I see it?” “You are seeing it, aren’t you?” Peter smirks. Oberon scoffs and gestures at the phone. “From up close, please?” “Since you asked so nicely,” Peter says theatrically, wanting to hand Oberon the device. However, he quickly pulls back. “There’s metal in this.” “I can handle it, remember?” Oberon says with an encouraging nod. “I am Iron Man.” “Right- right,” Peter chuckles at the silly nickname and passes the phone to the Fae. The man turns and twists it in his hands, studying it intently. His eyes squeeze to slits in an attempt to look into the charger hole. “Press the button on the screen,” Peter instructs. Oberon looks up at him confused, but does as told. The screen lights up and a photo of Peter and May together appears. Oberon gasps in awe. “Who is that?” “M-“ Peter stops himself, nearly saying her name. “My aunt.” “The one I helped?” Peter nods. “She seems nice.” “She’s the nicest.” “Not I?” Oberon jokes, causing Peter to scoff a soft laugh. “Don’t make me choose.” Oberon perks up at that, eyes wide and glimmering, mouth open in a wide smile. “So, you think I am nice?” “I- I don’t mind spending time with you.” Peter looks away into the fire, blushing profusely and silently swearing at himself for feeling it crawl up to his ears. Oberon stays quiet, but Peter can practically hear him grinning. The Fae settles flush next to him as they both stare at the flames. “I think you are nice too,” Oberon speaks softly. He slowly raises his hand to give the phone back to Peter. Instead of taking it, Peter curls his fingers around Oberon’s and presses the home screen again. Oberon seems surprised by Peter’s actions, but watches intrigued as Peter swipes up, opening the camera without unlocking his phone. Oberon gasps when he is met with his own moving image on screen. “It is a mirror?” Oberon moves the phone closer to his face with Peter’s hands still on top of his. “A camera.” “For… Photos?” The Fae looks at Peter with a cocked head. The young man smiles and nods. “Correct,” he replies with a posh accent. “And videos too. Here-” Peter takes the phone out of Oberon’s hands and angles it so they are both in shot. His thumb hovers over the button on screen. “Cheese!” Right as Peter presses the button, Oberon turns to him with a frown. “Cheese?” Click. “What does that have to do with pictures?” Peter snorts and looks down at his phone to open his album. Oberon’s captured face is pricelessly confused, but Peter understands where it came from. “I- I’m not actually sure,” Peter chuckles. “I think it has to do with the word itself? Like, you kind of smile when you say it?” “I smile when I say cheese because it reminds me of its lovely taste.” Only then Oberon notices the photo on Peter’s screen. “Oh, that one is not particularly flattering,” he deadpans as he leans in to look at himself. “Can we tear it?” “Let’s not rip up my phone.” Peter smiles. “I’ll delete it.” “Just because I cannot lie, does not mean I cannot tell when others do,” Oberon says smugly. Peter hides his phone, but his eyes shimmer mischievously. “We could also just try again?” “Yes, let’s do that,” Peter says, already promising to himself that that photo will be his home screen. Peter unlocks his phone and raises his arm to angle it right again. His breath hitches when he feels Oberon press himself against Peter, to fit in the frame better. The Fae’s breath is warm in his neck and Peter nearly forgets what they were doing. He smiles awkwardly, but it turns into a genuine laugh when Oberon pokes his side slightly and exclaims: “CHEESE!” … “So, which one of these are edible?” Peter asks as he pulls at the leaves of a bush, nodding at the berries resting at the base of the twigs. “For starters, that one leads to an eternal nap, so I would advise against it,” Oberon states dryly. Peter immediately lets go of the plant and stands up straight again. They had decided, since Peter can’t actually eat food that Oberon offers him, to go foraging. That way, Peter can collect his own food. It’s been around five hours since Peter had arrived at the cottage and their conversations were as interesting and comfortable as they could be. Peter really loves his time with Oberon. “How about that one?” Peter sheepishly points at another bush with darker berries. Oberon smirks and saunters towards it, taking exactly one berry off of it and tossing it into his mouth. He chews and swallows. “Good pick.” He picks another few berries and eats them. Peter can only stare at Oberon’s bobbing Adam’s apple. After a few bites, Oberon cocks an eyebrow. “Are you alright, Puck? The berries are safe.” Peter blinks and steps towards the bush, but Oberon doesn’t move. Instead, he moves to angle a branch so that the berries are easier to pick for Peter. The young man fills his hand with berries and gratefully pulls his arm back from the bush. Two got squashed in his greedy attempt to fit as many as possible in his hands, but they still look edible. Peter takes his free hand and tastes a single piece. It’s a little sour, but incredibly tasty. He immediately perks up and tosses another three in his mouth, not noticing Oberon’s intense stare on him. Peter’s next bite is a little too eager. To prevent the berry from falling out, he clenches his teeth. However, the berry wasn’t in Peter’s mouth all the way, so it squashes and starts dripping down his chin. “Shit-” Peter exclaims as he makes a cup of his hands to catch the juice dripping down. “Here,” Oberon says quickly. “Allow me-” The Fae raises his hand and steps closer until their breaths mingle. Peter can’t move as Oberon’s thumb finds his jaw and wipes away the juice. He looks up at the man with big eyes, jaw slacked as his mind races. Oberon, seemingly reluctantly, takes his hand back but Peter stops him by dropping the berries he still had to the ground and grabbing hold of the Fae’s wrist. His mouth is dry, regardless of the juicy fruit he just ate. He feels like he’s not breathing, but judging by the fact that he can feel his heart thump in his head and that he sees his chest rising and falling rapidly from his peripheral vision, he’s still taking in oxygen. “Puck?” Oberon whispers. “Are you-” “I think there’s still some left on my lips,” Peter replies breathlessly. It is a bold move, but one he was definitely willing to make after so many more hours of talking and getting to know the man better. “My hands are already sticky.” Oberon licks his lips, eyes strained on Peter’s plump ones. Peter absentmindedly mimics Oberon’s actions. “Only one way to get rid of it then…” Oberon scoffs softly at Peter’s directness. The corner of his mouth curls up as he leans in, closing his eyes. Peter’s and Oberon’s noses brush together and Peter can’t help but close his eyes as well, relishing in the feeling of Oberon’s heat flush against him and his breath mingling with the Fae’s. He gasps softly when he feels a tongue flick against his lips, but the Fae remains distanced in a way that drives Peter mad with want. “I can only imagine how sweet you would taste,” Oberon mutters. “Don’t imagine anymore…” Peter’s order soon turns into a plea. “Please.” “Since when are you so loose? So relaxed? Why would you let me steal a kiss from y-” Peter lets out a strained noise at Oberon’s indecision on what to do, now knowing damn well the Fae wants exactly the same Peter wants. He boldly leans in, immediately opening his mouth so Oberon can push his surprised moan into him. Where Peter took initiative, Oberon now takes the lead. Peter lets himself be guided into the kiss, letting go of Oberon’s hand, so it can find its way into Peter’s hair. After a little bit, Peter pulls back slightly and scoffs a quiet laugh, still not opening his eyes. “Maybe your spells are finally working.” … The door to Oberon’s cabin gets blown wide open as he and Peter are glued to each other, breathing rapidly and tugging at their clothes. The Fae lifts Peter effortlessly, kicks the door shut and pushes the young man up against it. His hips grind into Peter’s crotch and the human whimpers at the friction against his clothed cock. “O-Oberon-” he begs. “More- more, please-” The Fae immediately moves his lips to Peter’s neck to suckle on it. He grins against Peter’s skin when a certain spot has Peter buck his hips involuntarily. Oberon sucks at it a little harsher, drawing the most delicious sounds from Peter. “More-” “I will give you all- everything- all of it.” Oberon’s mutters are nearly incoherent as he ravishes down Peter’s neck, pulling at the hoodie until he can reach Peter’s collar bone. He grazes his teeth past it and pushes his hips up against Peter’s crotch again. “Yes, yes, please-” Oberon carries Peter over to the pillow pile on the floor and sits down with Peter still on top of him. The young man’s eyes flutter open to stare straight into Oberon’s. They glow brighter than they did before. Peter immediately pushes in to kiss him again, rolling his hips into Oberon’s and moaning with every sting of stimulation on his aching clothed cock. The Fae pushes his hips up invitingly as he pulls his head back to take off his shirt. Peter stares, nearly drools, at the beautifully toned chest. “Your turn,” Oberon chuckles darkly. Peter follows the Fae’s lead and undresses his upper body. When Peter’s head is hidden in his dress shirt as he awkwardly pulls it over his head, there’s a sudden intense, wet suckle on his left nipple. “A-ah!” Peter exclaims, twitching under Oberon’s attention. The Fae’s large hands keep Peter in place. He wants to get rid of his shirt asap, but now that he can’t see, the sensations of Oberon’s tongue circling his sensitive bud are all the more overwhelming. When he’s free, Peter throws the shirt away from him and moves his hands into Oberon’s hair to anchor himself. The roll of his hips into Oberon’s crotch is steady now, but both men are ready for more. Peter feels like he’s floating as the Fae turns them both around until he’s pinning Peter on the floor. He rubs their clothed crotches together and all Peter can do is take whatever is given him. “Can I-” Oberon gasps as he sucks possessive marks on Peter’s chest. “M-May I-” “Fuck me-” Peter orders. “Please, I need you-” “Oh, Dandelion,” Oberon moans, tugging at Peter’s pants. “Sweet Chamomile, Bluebell, Primrose…” Each flower nickname is paired with a kiss or a mark or the scraping of teeth over Peter’s skin. His head spins and his eyes roll back as he tries to buck up into Oberon. He can’t close his mouth anymore. All he can do is gasp and moan and attempt to catch Oberon’s lips with his before the Fae moves back to ravish Peter’s neck again. “Clover, Columbine, Sunflower-” When all clothes have been discarded and both men are grinding into each other naked, Oberon’s voice rumbles through the cottage. “Puck-” Peter smiles at how much that particular name takes him out of it. “Parker.” Oberon freezes at Peter’s last name. He pulls back, wide-eyed until he can look at Peter properly. Both of them pant, hips still gently rolling into each other as a soft reminder they’re still going. “What?” The Fae whispers. “Puck isn’t a sexy name, is it,” Peter chuckles, bringing his hands up to trace patterns on his chest with his index finger. He gasps quietly when he brushes past his nipples. “You already know my last name…” Peter half-closes his eyes and licks his lips in an attempt to seduce Oberon to continue. “Use it.” “Parker…” The word gently falls from Oberon’s lips and Peter can feel that same tug at his heart as he did last time. It feels amazing. “Parker,” Oberon repeats, seemingly feeling pleasure from simply saying it as well. “Parker-Parker-Parker-“ Sparks seem to fly from Oberon’s eyes and he growls, moving in to eat Peter up again. Peter is unsure what is happening, but it feels absolutely heavenly. Is it Fae magic? Oberon isn’t in pain, like he said he would be if he broke his promise, so it’s not Oberon using magic directly on him. Maybe Peter feels the unwritten rules of the Fae; rules no one can go around. Not even promises. Oberon might not have Peter’s full name, but through this, part of Peter wonders if he is already bound to him. In all honesty, he couldn’t even mind it if he tried. It feels too good. The sensation is everything; an overwhelming pleasure that makes Peter yearn for more. Earlier, Peter wondered if it would be bad to be bound. But if it feels like this, he is certain that it’s not bad at all. Not with someone as sweet and caring and loving and giving as Oberon. Peter gets brought back to reality by Oberon snapping his finger. The young man blinks dreamily and smiles up at the Fae. “Are you with me?” Oberon checks and Peter nods. “Feels so good-” The Fae grins but it soon fades when Peter cheekily cocks an eyebrow. “However, I do believe I told you to fuck me,” Peter says cheekily. Oberon scoffs a laugh and leans back until he’s up straight again. “Proof of autonomy, right there,” he chuckles as he brings one hand down to circle Peter’s hole. Peter immediately pushes down and lets out a soft whine. “Make me yours-” he gasps. Oberon licks one long stripe from Peter’s right nipple over his collar bone, up to his neck and jaw. “You already are, my flower.” Oberon’s voice is dark and Peter can’t help a high pitched sigh escape his throat. “Are you alright with Oberon?” Peter double checks. “From your lips, always,” the Fae smirks, still teasing around Peter’s entrance. “Anything else, my king?” Peter jokes, referencing the fact that the character is king of the Fae. Oberon freezes at that, causing Peter to open his eyes. “Too much?” Peter ponders out loud. Oberon licks his lips and swallows, seemingly regaining his composure. The Fae then pushes in without warning, curling his finger. Peter’s surprised the glide comes so easily. Like he is already lubed up. Magic, he guesses. He doesn’t really want to think more of it and the ecstasy already makes him forget what just happened. When Peter’s body complies and follows without protest, it doesn’t take long for a second finger to be added. And then a third. Peter is fucking himself on Oberon’s fingers while the man searches for the spot that will make Peter scream. Soon enough, he finds it. Though, after brushing past it once and earning the most delectable noise from Peter, he pulls his fingers back. Before Peter can whine about the lack of touch, the fingers are replaced by Oberon’s stiff cock. “Wasps-” Peter chuckles at the characteristic swear coming from the Fae. “You’re so tight, Parker. So tight.” Oberon bottoms out and stops moving, allowing Peter to get adjusted to the Fae’s girth. Peter, however, is so ready to be fucked, he doesn’t really want to wait anymore. He reaches his, up until now jelly and motionless, arms up until his fingers wrap around Oberon’s shoulders. He then starts pulling and smiles when Oberon lets himself be guided. The Fae’s eyes are closed, like he’s trying to concentrate. It makes him a lot more compliant, which Peter uses to his advantage. Peter keeps pulling and turning until Oberon is laying down and Peter is sitting on top of him. The young man’s hands rest on the Fae’s chest. “Your turn,” Peter whispers, repeating what Oberon said earlier, as he leans down to obscenely lick at Oberon’s perched nipples. He wets them up nicely and moves back enough so his index fingers and thumbs get enough space to start rolling the nipples between them. Oberon chokes back a moan. His entire body is tense. It’s only now that Peter notices Oberon’s arms are spread, fists clenched and… Is that magic in his closed palms? “Are you alright?” Peter inquires. Oberon nods, simply and aggressively. “Holding back-” he chokes out. “What are you holding back?” Peter’s question is paired with a first, slow and gentle roll of his hips. Oberon sucks in a breath and Peter stares curiously at the sparks, brightening in the Fae’s hands. “Magic. My- m-” “Is that magic dangerous to me?” Something about that question thrilled Peter. The only thing that actually frightens him right now is the idea Oberon might want to stop. And also the fact that he may or may not have fallen in love with the man below him. “No,” Oberon groans. “J-Just magic-” he pauses to react to Peter slowly lifting himself up his cock, only to lower himself again and slightly wiggle his hips when he bottoms out. Peter’s curiosity grows by the second, just as his need to get both Oberon and himself off. “What kind?” The words roll off Peter’s tongue, low and alluring. “Illusions- I think I- I can make them be illusions.” Peter isn’t sure what Oberon means with that exactly, but the reply surely piqued his interest. He picks up the pace riding the Fae, reveling in how Oberon falls apart below him. The magic in Oberon’s hands intensifies and it is now Peter’s sole mission to have the man let go for him. Peter leans in and kisses Oberon on the lips, so soft and gentle. “Oberon,” Peter whispers as he sits up straight again, slowly but surely turning his rolling into bouncing. “Open your eyes.” The Fae obeys and moans at the sight of Peter’s body on top of him. In a reflex, the man starts fucking up into Peter in tune with Peter’s bouncing. “O-oh, yes!” Peter exclaims. “I- I wanna see it, Oberon. Y-your magic. Let it out-“ Oberon’s eyes roll back as he loses tension in his fingers. Blues and purples shoot from his hands, surrounding the two lovers with an endless galaxy. Peter gasps surprised, staring at the infinity around them. It’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. When he looks down at Oberon again, whose eyes still glow and flicker, he notices even the ground has turned to stars below them. He grins as he picks up the pace again. “Never thought I’d get to fuck in space,” he chuckles, riding Oberon feverishly. “Or y’know, get fucked by a Fae.” “You,” Oberon sighs with a smile. “You talk too much.” Now that Oberon doesn’t have to hold anything back anymore, he quickly turns them around like they were before. His hands, still sparking with magic, cup Peter’s cheeks and he brings them together in a hungry kiss. He has once again taken the lead and is now thrusting into Peter, chasing his high. One hand swiftly finds its way down between them. Peter moans into Oberon’s mouth when the Fae’s fingers curl around his shaft to pump him at the same pace as Oberon’s hips move against him. They’re wet and sticky with magic lube and precum and the sounds their crashing bodies make are downright porn-worthy. “Parkeeer…” The Fae groans. “O-Oberon,” Peter replies breathlessly. Their pace is relentless now, bodies tensed and nearing release. “Stark,” the Fae says, causing Peter’s eyes to shoot open when he feels another tug at his heart. The Fae looks down at him with a panting half-smile. “If I get to call you Parker, you get to call me Stark.” Last names. Peter’s entire body shakes and trembles as the edge is ever so close. He’s on fire, surrounded by moons and stars and milky ways and Oberon- Stark, right there with him, above him, making him see even more stars. “S-Stark-” he whispers. Around him, the scene intensifies and Oberon’s eyes glow even brighter. “Yes, that’s it, my sweet, my flower, my Parker-” Peter squeezes his eyes shut. “So close-” Peter isn’t sure if Oberon means himself or Peter, but either way, he’s right. “Wanna cum,” he gasps, biting into Oberon’s lower lip slightly. “Go on then, show me your beauty,” Oberon encourages, moving to sit up a little straighter and parting their faces from each other. Peter instinctively tries to move up along with Oberon, so he can keep their lips locked, but Oberon pushes him back down. The Fae’s thrusts are more calculated now, angled exactly where Peter needs him to go. His last free hand shifts to gently roll Peter’s balls while his other still pumps the young man’s shaft feverishly. “Stark!” Peter’s body thrashes and he cums, spilling himself all over Oberon’s hand and his own belly. He clenches down on the Fae’s cock and smiles deliriously when he milks Stark, the feeling of his insides being coated white adding another surge of pride and pleasure to his high. “Oh, flower,” Stark sighs, nearly dropping himself on top of Peter. “You were so good, so sweet.” Peter’s eyes are already closed, Oberon’s cock still sheathed inside of him. “Hmm…” Stark/Oberon shifts until they are both laying on their sides, bodies still flush together. “Will you sleep for me tonight?” Peter nods absentmindedly, still grinning ear to ear and basking in the afterglow. The smile brightens slightly when he feels Oberon’s lips press a soft kiss on his nose. “I will be here in the morning. Take your rest. I’ll hold you.” Peter drifts to sleep to the soft humming of the Fae’s voice. Not bad, he thinks before losing himself to slumber. Not bad at all. … A chilly breeze hits Peter’s face. His lips curl up and he turns, feeling around for Oberon. For Stark. His smile fades when the haze of just waking up fades and he notices just how cold the room actually is. His hand ends up on the cool flooring. Oberon isn’t there. Peter opens his eyes and sucks in some air when he notices there is snow. Inside. He quickly moves to sit upright, pulling the blankets up to keep himself warm, and he looks around. Oberon sits by the opened door, hands folded together in front of his mouth. He’s hunched up and his expression is stern. Tight. Worry settles in Peter’s stomach. “O-Oberon?” He isn’t sure if he should be saying the Fae’s actual name now. Oberon doesn’t look up. “Get dressed.” “Is something wrong?” Peter’s browns curl together. “Get. Dressed.” Peter remains seated, frozen in place and at a loss for words. When Peter still doesn’t move, Oberon finally turns his face to stare Peter down. “Do as you’re told.” “Excuse me?” The young man’s eyes go wide with surprise. Who does this man think he is? “You’re leaving,” Oberon says with a shaky voice. “Now.” He looks away again. “Get dressed.” The world around Peter collapses. Everything they had been through together, everything that had happened… Is over? “I don’t understand-” “Do not make me get over there and force you.” Peter immediately stands and grabs his clothes, feeling his tears threatening to spill. The only word going through is head right now is why. Why would Oberon do this? Why is he suddenly so different? Why does Peter have to leave so suddenly? Why is this happening? Once Peter is dressed, he grabs his phone from where it’s resting against a pillow. The screen doesn’t light up. Great; his new phone is dead too. He stares at his reflection in the dark screen. His cheeks are red and his eyes puffed. He blinks and then the tears fall. “Puck.” Peter gasps and looks up at the Fae who now stands. An odd glow now radiates from the middle of his chest. The man’s expression is pained, like he’s holding back. “You are no longer indebted to me. You are to go home and forget about us. Do not come back to these woods. Ever.” “You,” Peter pushes out through gritted teeth, his sadness slowly making place for anger. “You got what you wanted, didn’t you?” Oberon doesn’t speak. The only response Peter gets to his accusation is the twitch over Oberon’s upper lip. “You manipulated me enough to have sex with me and now you’re dropping me.” The Fae looks away and takes hold of the door, gesturing to outside. “Leave,” Oberon orders. “Please.” Peter is confused at how the Fae’s voice cracks, as if he actually cares about Peter. “Unbelievable,” the young man breathes. “I can’t believe I fell for this. For you!” “LEAVE!” The Fae’s aggression reverbs through the cottage, making it even colder than it already was. Peter’s jaw trembles as his tears now freely glide down his cheeks. Peter runs. Past the pots and pans at the cooking area, past the herbs hanging from the ceiling, past Oberon, through the door. The second he sets foot outside, he hears the door being thrown shut, but when he turns around he finds the cabin has disappeared entirely. It’s gone. And now Peter is alone in the woods. He shakes violently, dropping to his knees and sobbing. Part of him hopes that wherever Oberon is, that he can hear him wail. … When Peter arrives home, he plugs in his phone and heads to the shower. He feverishly washes himself, scrubbing his body and hating how he can still feel the Fae’s touch lingering on his skin. He wants it gone. Wants the Fae gone. He sobs under the stream, knowing damn well that he will never be able to get rid of the sensation of disgust. After an hour of letting his tears disappear in the drain, he turns off the tap, broken and drained- empty and dulled. He drops himself on his bed and simply lays there. He won’t be able to sleep anyways. … Peter is startled back to reality by his buzzing phone. The alarm he had set for the morning after Oberon went off, now that the battery was fully charged again. He swallows and grabs his phone, snoozing his alarm. He wants to put the phone away, but notices something is off. He unlocks it and the notification that caught his guard now fully pops up. Recording ended due to empty battery. Confused, yet curious, Peter opens his album to check which recording the notification meant. He blinks a few times when he spots the right one. Two hours and forty-two minutes. When did that happen? He selects it and starts the recording, not entirely unsurprised to be met by Oberon’s face, extremely close to the camera. The sight stings him. “Oh, this is a video right?” Oberon’s voice asks from the phone’s speakers. “Right. Well, hello, future Puck, I am going to show you something.” The Fae turns the camera to show a peacefully sleeping Peter. The camera moves closer to Peter and he can hear a bit of shuffling. He guesses Oberon went to lay down next to Peter. “Do you see your face?” Oberon’s voice is toned down and soft, now that he’s so close to Peter’s sleeping form. Peter watches what Oberon means, already feeling the tears sting in his eyes again. “You wear no mask now…” A hand appears from the corner of the screen to move a few of Peter’s curls out of the way. His fingers caress Peter’s cheek, causing an unwelcome shiver to run down Peter’s real spine. “You are at peace like this. So wonderful, so beautiful…” The Fae sighs content. “I could watch you like this for hours, you know?” “I know.” Peter is startled to hear himself talk in the video. In his sleep. Oberon chuckles. “Oh, do you?” “Mhm.” “Tell me, Puck, what is your favorite season?” “Spring.” ���Well, aren’t you lucky that’s right around the corner.” Peter wants to throw his phone to the other side of the room. Oberon is having a conversation with him that he doesn’t remember having. Because he was asleep. It makes him feel uneasy and wonder what else the Fae asked him. “Think you can do some math right now? That ought to be fun to make you try.” The Peter in the video doesn’t reply, so Oberon simply continues. “Puck, what is two plus two?” “Four,” Peter replies promptly. “Easy.” “Alright how about twenty-one times forty-eight?” It’s quiet for a few seconds, but Peter replies still. “One thousand and eight.” “I honestly would not know how to check if it is correct, but I would surely assume you are correct.” Oberon asks Peter some more insignificant questions before falling silent again, simply looking at Peter. It seems he forgot he was filming Peter as the phone is quickly put away in a standing position. Peter guesses this was the spot he found his phone in, looking out over the entire cottage. Peter scrolls ahead in the video, not wanting to watch Oberon play with Peter’s hair for one and a half hours. Peter plays the video at normal speed again when he spots Oberon standing up. He shuffles around the room and speaks softly. “I will be out back to collect some more berries. Will you be alright, my love?” The name is a punch in the gut for Peter and he pulls at his hair. He doesn’t know why he’s still watching, but part of him wonders if whatever made Oberon change his mind like that so suddenly has been caught on camera. “Be fine,” Peter in the video mumbles bluntly. “Love you, bye.” A wide, surprised smile spreads on Oberon’s face and he walks out, mumbling something to himself. Again, nothing happens for half an hour, when suddenly… “Here you are…” A familiar voice speaks. A stranger saunters into Oberon’s cottage. Peter feels like he’s seen him somewhere before, but he can’t recall where. His eyes glow blue, like Oberon’s and when he reaches Peter, he squats down. “Didn’t expect someone as delectable as you to spend time with our heir.” Heir…? Peter’s skin crawls when the man’s hand traces down his bare body, curiously lifting the blankets and grinning wide at his findings. Peter instinctively clutches his sheets, covering himself more. He feels even more disgusted now. “Oh, aren’t you spent…” His eyes darken and his smirk turns ever so evil. “Used.” “Was so good,” the Peter in the video says. The man perks up surprised. “You speak in your slumber?” “Mm…” “Oh, what a nice turn of events…” The man’s hand cups Peter’s face. “Does the prince know your name?” Prince- “No- yes. A little.” “A little? How does that work?” “Last name.” “Oh, like so. Well then, sweet thing, what is your last name?” “Parker.” Peter feels the tug at his heart again. No, is all he can think. Don’t say more. “And then, if you’ll indulge me… What is your first name?” “Your voice is silenced in eclipse, no more words fall from your lips-” Oberon rushes in and reaches his hand forward at Peter, quieting him immediately. The second the spell has settled on Peter, Oberon’s eyes widen and he freezes before he collapses clutching his chest and letting out an agonized groan. Peter stirs, but the other Fae waves his hand once. “Do not wake ‘til morning comes, Parker, I have plans for you.” The man turns back to Oberon and scoffs a laugh. “I can spell him all I want, I have no promises to break. Unlike you, cousin.” Oberon gasps as he trembles, the area where he clutched his chest now glows blue like his eyes. Like Peter had seen the morning after. Oberon broke his promise and now had to deal with the consequences- the pain. He broke his promise; to protect Peter. “Why are you here,” Oberon seethes. “Why, I was quite intrigued to find this beautiful specimen in the woods yesterday. Searching for Oberon. I suppose that is you?” The man laughs condescendingly. “And you are not even king yet.” He turns back to Peter. “Pathetic… You didn’t even take his name.” “Step away from him.” “I will not. You have not claimed him, so I will.” “Mysterio-“ Oberon threatens, squaring up. His hands turn to ice like they had done when he almost spelled Flash. Snow is brought through the opened door by a wind Oberon conjures up. “Leave Puck alone.” “Oh!” Mysterio exclaims. “You call him Puck? And he calls you Oberon. How disgustingly sweet.” His expression drops. “I’m going to hurl.” “He’s not yours to take, leave us!” The snow in the cottage thickens as Oberon’s skin pales more with anger and cold magic. “Iron Man, do not tell me you love him.” Oberon’s jaw tightens at Mysterio’s condescending tone. “Oh, you love him.” Mysterio confirms to himself. “Well, then I’ll certainly enjoy taking him for myself.” “I will not let you!” Peter doesn’t understand why Oberon doesn’t just force the man out of his home. “You will, cousin.” Mysterio stands upright and circles Peter like a hawk, waiting for the right moment to take his prey. “For if you do not, I will tell all of Winter Court of the human you bedded. The human you want. The human you did not trick. The human who is not yours, for you do not have his name.” “You would not,” Oberon breathes. “All the Fae will come for him then. I won’t be able to protect him.” “That is what you are worried about?” Mysterio scoffs. “Not that your father will revoke your title and pass the throne to me for your dishonorable and disappointing behavior?” “I do not want to be a king like my father. The title means nothing to me.” “Then why not pass it to me?” “And leave you in charge of all of Winter Court? I’d rather eat my own two feet.” “Rude, much,” Mysterio says faux-offended. “Tell you what. I’m giving you one chance to redeem yourself.” “What will you have me do.” “Claim him.” “No,” Oberon immediately counters, taking two steps forward. Desperation seeps off every word. “No, please, do not make me do this.” “You choose, Oberon,” Mysterio taunts. “You either take his name and keep your honor, or you will lose your title to me and all of Winter Court will be scouring these woods to use him the way you would not.” He cocks his head and grins. “And I will be first in line. Your boy will certainly look lovely at my feet, having no choice but to worship me for all eternity.” “You disgust me,” Oberon seethes. Though, his magic loses power as his shoulders start hanging. “And you me, cousin.” Mysterio then steps over Peter’s body as he casually makes his way to the door, past Oberon. He places his hand on Oberon’s shoulder and pats twice. “Make our court proud.” Mysterio then leaves Oberon and Peter alone in the cottage- in the cold. Oberon’s sad eyes find Peter’s figure and after a minute of visibly holding in his tears he manages to shuffle towards Peter. A soft sob escapes his throat as he lays down next to Peter again, fixing his hair where Mysterio had undone it. The new light emitting from Oberon’s chest now lights up both of their faces. The Fae waves his hand over Peter’s face to undo the spell he had put on him. He then sniffs and the Peter watching the video cries along with him. “Oh, Puck, my flower,” Oberon mumbles through his tears. “I do not wish to lose you. I want to keep you.” “Keep me,” sleeping Peter replies softly. Oberon swallows and closes his eyes. “I can’t.” “Keep me,” Peter repeats. “No.” Oberon is sobbing quietly now. His shoulders shake with every intake of breath. “No.” The Fae presses his lips together and swallows. “I love you too much to keep you.” “Love you too, bye.” Oberon can’t help but scoff a quiet laugh through his tears. Peter is still asleep. Whatever he says is steered on by his subconscious. It’s quiet for a few minutes, but Peter can’t get himself to stop the video. He watches as all possible emotions in existence pass over Oberon’s face. “Puck,” Oberon asks suddenly. Peter holds his breath, anticipating the question. “What is your name?” Peter stares breathlessly at the screen, but when the Peter in the video opens his mouth to speak, Oberon swiftly covers it. “No. No, I do not want it.” He averts his gaze. “I should not have asked to begin with, I am sorry.” “It’s okay,” sleeping Peter answers, probably only responding to the I am sorry part, not actually aware of what it was attached to. “It is not.” It’s quiet again for a little bit. Peter notices the video is almost at its end. He wonders if anything else will be said before his phone’s battery died. In the last thirty seconds, Oberon speaks once more. “I have decided to let you go, flower.” Oberon’s words are shaky. “You deserve your freedom more than I deserve anything else.” Peter is sobbing now, so painfully aware of the things he had accused Oberon of when he left the cottage. “You will never see me again after this, so I want- I want you to have this… To have mine.” Peter frowns through his tears. His…? His what? “My name…” Peter’s eyes widen and he sits up straight in his bed. Is Oberon giving him the one thing they would never share? “My name is-” Peter stares at a black screen as the video and audio cut right when Oberon was about to say his name. After five solid minutes of being frozen in place, something in his mind finally clicks. He has to go back. Back to the woods, back to Oberon. Stat. Straight away. Pronto. Immediately. Now. … Peter runs as fast as his legs can carry him. The ground in the woods is treacherous and uneven, but he can’t get himself to slow down. The wind cuts the skin on his face and his quick breath condenses in front of his mouth. “OBERON!” His screams carry far. “OBERON, COME TO ME!” He nearly trips, causing him to stop running altogether. “OBERON, PLEASE!” he cries out. “PLEASE!” Peter wants to protect Oberon the way he had protected May. Mysterio hadn’t given Oberon this third option; to let Peter leave. It was a risk Oberon had taken in an attempt to go around Mysterio’s threat, since in both, Peter’s freedom would be taken. The Fae was presented with two choices: claim the name or don’t and suffer the consequences. Thing is, Oberon did not claim Peter’s name. That means Mysterio will still tell all of Winter Court about Peter. Oberon will lose the throne and be shunned from his people forever. That is why Peter is here. Oberon has to take his name. He simply has to. And now, Peter is more than ready to give it to him. The Fae had sent Peter away to protect him from being taken, but there is nothing he wants more right now then to be taken. By no one other than- “OBERON!” It’s no use. Peter has been walking for hours now, searching the woods for any sign of the Fae. Or any Fae for that matter. He assumes they would’ve already found him by now, but they are nowhere to be seen. He unlocks his phone and swears when he realizes what day it is. The human world and the Fae world are parallel to each other and they only really mingle on the actual Pagan celebrations. It’s no longer Imbolc. The veil is back. Peter couldn’t find any fairy circles or other signs of passage to their realm in his desperate attempt to locate Oberon, which means there is no way he can find the Fae before the next time Oberon and he were supposed to meet. Ostara. March 21st. Defeated, Peter falls to his knees on the forest floor, clutching his phone against his chest and crying without tears. He had none left. Peter inwardly has to tell himself that he is going to have to go home… And that he is about to face the longest one and half months of his life…
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ravenkruposts · 3 years
7/26 : Writing Rambles
Decided to start doing these just to sorta get my head in the game and organize my thoughts! Inspo credit goes to @kinetic-elaboration
So, this summer definitely didn't got to plan in terms of how much writing I thought would get done. It seems that free time actually makes me less productive? Hopefully I'll start writing more soon, though, bc school starts in a week and all that compressed time might make writing into a sort of creative outlet for me instead of just a hobby.
Novaverse- I am fully aware I only have one reader on this fic, but at this point it's purely self-indulgent and honestly I don't mind. I've already posted a playlist- the next 'thing' I have planned is an OC introduction. I think I'm only going to post that once part 1 is completely finished. The good thing about Nova is that I already have it all planned in my head, so I can just get started writing whenever I want.
Remember Me- The fic that people actually read, yet I seem physically unable to write! I am completely pantsing this fic, which is probably why it takes me so long to brainstorm and write each chapter. Still, I do enjoy writing it, and it's definitely a fic I would want to continue reading. I'm still in the process of thinking up the fourth chapter, but I do have some new content coming soon in the form of a playlist! For now, I think it's still gonan be erratic updates. :/
Troped: Visual- I decided to participate in this competition hoping it would offer some quick inspiration, and I do really like the moodboards, but I just don't lnow what to write. I'm putting this on the backburner for now- there's still a lot of time left in the writing period and hopefully I'll figure some stuff out soon.
Character Studies- Need to add this to Tumblr. The next one I have planned is Maya's, but I'm having trouble coming up with what to actually write. I figure I'll let it stew for a bit since there's no real deadline. Mostly I just need to add links and posts to Tumblr for now.
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ivarsrideordie · 4 years
The Sleepover
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Must be 18+ to read. No if, ands or buts.
Pairing: Alex Høgh Andersen x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, maybe angst, kissing, idk it’s pretty tame for me.
Title: The Sleep Over
Words: 2,724
This will also be posted to my  AO3  account in the future.
I wrote this for @honestsycrets for Christmas.  It’s a little late and I’m really sorry about that.  Also, thank you for the moodboard.  
If you would like to be tagged, comment or message me.  I’ll be happy to add you.
The sweet smell of sugar cookies baking in your oven fill your small apartment that sits atop a small insurance agency on a busy downtown Copenhagen street.  You crack one of your windows open, allowing your place to cool off a bit from all the baking.  The streets bustle with shoppers going from store to store gathering their last few Christmas gifts.  Felix, your black-tabby, jump up on the open windowsill and watch the little squirrel-sized people scurry through the street.  Distant horns honk every so often along with the sound of bicycle bells and angry shouts here and there.  
“Felix! Don’t jump out now.”  You scold him just as he decides to curl up on his window blanket.
Felix just looks at you, then starts to clean himself.
“Gross. So rude, Felix.” You say with a disgusted face.
You start making your last batch of cookies, this time, chocolate chip. Alex was coming to visit tonight so you had to make his favorite or he would never let you live it down.  your stomach flip-flops at the thought of Alex.  He is one of the funniest, kindest, happiest, handsome people you had ever met.  
‘Wait, did you just think handsome?’  You thought to yourself.
Sure, Alex is very handsome.  He has been a good friend for several years.
You remember the day you met him.  You were with your friend, Josie hanging out in the park.  Alex and his friends were playing Frisbee.  Alex was showing off his skills and his friend threw it too hard.  Next thing you knew, Alex was falling headfirst into your picnic, knocking over the wine and stepping on the plates of fruits and cheese.  He did an acrobatic roll, landing on his back in the grass just past our blanket.  
You remember yelling at him, calling him a fucking dumb fuck and throwing some grapes at him.  Alex was beet red with embarrassment but laughed so hard when a grape smacked him on the tip of his nose.  You could have sworn he was looking at Josie the whole time he was playing Frisbee with his friends, but when he sat up from the fall, he was looking at you. He offered to pay for our wine and food and to get the blanket cleaned.  With your good nature, and even though you were pissed, you declined his offer.  But Josie snatched up his offer. She was the one who brought everything after all.  You guess you shouldn’t have declined for her.  
Josie decided she was no longer angry when his friends came over and started flirting with her.  She loved the attention.  She always got it, which is what surprised you. Alex was talking to you instead of her.  That never happened.  Ever.  
Alex asked for your number since she was busy, said he would call for me to come to get the blanket after it was cleaned and left with the blanket in hand.  A few days later, you got a text from him asking where we could meet.  At first, you were confused, not knowing who this stranger was.  All you could think was ‘Stranger danger!’  After a few texts of confusion later and he reminded you of your encounter in the park.
You remembered the way his light blue eyes searched your face, studied your features.  You guess you were doing the same.  You could still remember the little scar on his chin, how he had a smudge of dirt on his cheek, the way his voice was so soft and soothing.  You had decided to meet him on the pier closest to your place.  
You gazed out at the rippling water as you patiently waited for him.  your eyes closed at the touch of the canals slight breeze.  The time came and went.  You thought You had been stood up.  You weren’t too upset.  You mean, he probably had other plans and forgot all about you. You tried to hold back tears, but even in protest, they fell down your cheeks.  Just as You were about to turn back to walk back to your place, You saw him in the distance, running towards you with a big bag in hand.  He nodded in recognition and smiled brightly.  Your face instantaneously lit up with a huge grin.  He showed up. He actually showed up! Quickly, you wiped your tears from your eyes as he reached you.
“I am so sorry.  There was a line at the dry cleaners.  I thought I’d never get out of there.”  He said.
“It’s alright.  I was enjoying the nice breeze we have today.”  You lied.
“I don’t think I ever got your name.  My name is Alex.”  He said, holding his hand out to shake it.
You looked at his hand and grinned.  “Really?  We are going to shake?” You snickered.  “My name is Y/N.”
You took his hand, shaking it.  His palms were warm and calloused like he worked somewhere where he did heavy labor.  His thumb lightly caressed the top of your hand, his eyes locked on yours. You felt a warmth run through your body.
“Y/N? What a pretty name.”  Alex said with a smile.
He had to be joking right?  It is such a plain name.
“Thank you.  So is Alex.”  You joked.
He laughed.  His laugh was contagious.  It made your face light up and your heart sing.  His smile was as bright as the sun.  You know he’s not perfect, but how can he be so perfect?
“So, where is your friend?”  He asked.
Your heart sank into your stomach.  He did want to see her.  You knew it was too good to be true.
“I’m not sure what she’s doing today.  D-do you want me to call her or give you her number?”  You frowned.
It must have looked like you had the wind blown out of your sails by the way his face fell too.  You were trying so hard to hold back any kind of emotion.
‘I just need to numb myself for another 10 minutes, if that long.  This will all be over soon.’  You thought.  
“I just want to give her this.”  He said, holding up the blanket.
“Yeah. I got it.”  You said shortly.  “I’ll call her for you.”  You looked for her number in your contacts and pressed send.
“No! Please.  You can take it.”  He hurriedly said.  “I wanted to see you.  Please?”
You heard Josie pick up.  your end was silent.  Josie started asking if you were okay, if you needed help or if he hurt you.  You just replied that you were fine, you had her blanket and would see her tomorrow.  She hung up the phone after she sang her goodbyes to you.
“Please?” Alex begged.  
It was adorable.  You were trying so hard not to be mad.  
“I didn’t mean to upset you.”  He said, taking your hand in his. “So, Y/N? Would you like to go get some coffee or something?”
You blinked away tears, one trickled down your cheek.  Alex frowned when he saw this.  He placed his palm against your cheek, wiping it away with his thumb.  
“Sure. I’d like that.”  You said with a smile.
Alex gave a soft smile.  He held out his hand for you to take.  He walked with you, hand in hand to the nearest coffee shop.  The line was winding halfway down the block.  
You sighed.  “I don’t do this, ever, but since it’s such a long wait, do you want to go have coffee at my place?”  As soon as you asked, looked to your feet in embarrassment.  You couldn’t believe you just asked that.
“Sure! If you are okay with that, I mean.”  Alex said with excitement.
“It seems to be getting colder.”  You shivered.  
He took off his coat and placed it around your shoulders.  “Better?” He asked.
“Much.” You smiled warmly.
His coat was so toasty.  It smelled like him, the sweet smell of his cologne mixed with a tiny bit of his manly musk.  You breathed in deeply.  
Once you were back at your apartment, You made coffee and offered snacks.  You got to know each other and talked well until the sunset.  You wanted to kiss him.  You wanted him to kiss me.  You were afraid to make a move.  You didn’t want to ruin any kind of friendship you would ever have.  Alex kept reaching out, touching your hands, hair, cheek, shoulder, anything he could.  He looked at you in a way you had never been looked at before.  You were mesmerized by his stare, his eyes.  God, his eyes.  
Finally, Alex said he had to go.  He had work the next day.  He promised he would call or text or both.  You gave him back his jacket, never expecting to hear from him again.  Early that next morning, your phone buzzed with a text message.  You smiled.  
*Flashback ends*
The buzzer on the door rings and snaps you out of your thoughts.  The chocolate chip cookies are in the oven and baking.  
“Y/N, let me in!”  Alex hollers from behind the door.  “I’m freezing my fucking balls off out here!”
You giggle-snorted into the door monitor and pushed the button to unlock the door.  You heard Alex’s big clunky footsteps climbing up to your apartment. The alarm in your oven notified you that this batch of cookies was done.  You were removing the gooey chocolate chip cookies from the baking sheet onto wax paper when Alex walked into the kitchen.
“Ah! There you are!”  Alex said with a big bright smile.  “Did you know it is snowing?”
“No! Is it?”  You ran over to the window.  “Would you look at that?!” You grinned.
“I hear it’s going to get worse. I mean, I might have to crash here tonight if it gets too bad.” Alex winked.
“Well, you know where your bed is and where the blankets are if you do.” You smirked and pointed to the couch.
“Ah, man!  Come on!”  He whined.  “Can’t you sleep on the couch for once?”
“Nope! My house, my bed.”  You giggled.  “Besides, Felix will keep you company.”
The fat lazy cat lifted his head briefly when he heard his name being called.  
“Yeah. He seems to be the only pussy I have gotten in a while.”  Alex cackled.  
You shook your head as you tried to hide a smile.  
“So, why haven’t you got yourself some?”  You asked before you could stop yourself.
“Uh...” His eyes grew wide.  “Well, I guess I haven’t found the one.  Or maybe I have and I could be waiting for her to figure it out.  Either way, I can wait. Besides, if I really need it, that’s what this is for.”  He smirked and made the jerk-off motion with his fist.
“Oh, lord!”  You burst out laughing.  
His words made your mind race.  ‘Waiting for her to figure it out,’ kept racing through your thoughts. ‘What if he means me?’ Your heart fluttered.
“Are you making any more cookies?”  Alex mumbled through a mouthful of cookie.
“I hadn’t planned on it!  But I guess I better make more.”  You huffed.  Alex had already eaten half of the chocolate chip cookies. “What did you do?  Make a sandwich out of those?”  
“You know how much I love your fresh baked cookies.”  A big chocolaty smile spread across his face.  “I think it’s time you teach me how you make these.”
“Oh? You want to help instead of watch this time?”  You raised an eyebrow.
“Sure! Why not?”  He grinned.  “So what do we start with?”  He looked into the flour jar.
“Get three eggs from the refrigerator.  And the butter.”  You said as you reached for another clean bowl.  “Oh and the milk!”  You ran around the kitchen gathering the ingredients you needed, all the while humming to yourself.  
Alex had placed the eggs, milk, and butter on the counter and took a seat on the stool at the end of the island.  He watched you dance around the kitchen, picking up bowls, spatulas, spoons and measuring cups.  You brushed a stray strand of hair out of your face but it fell back in its awkward place.  Alex stood from the stool and helped you unload your arms from the miscellaneous baking items.
“Thank you!”  You said.  
Alex didn’t answer.  You glanced at him and noticed he was staring at you. This was a look you had never seen on his face before.  Alex reached out and tucked the stray hairs behind your ear.  His thumb slid over your bottom lip as he pulled his hand away from your face.  
“So, where do we start?”  Alex asked, pretending as nothing happened.  
You licked your bottom lip hoping to get some sort of taste of him. “Uhm, you want to put a few cups of flour in this bowl.”  You handed him the measuring cup.
Your tongue danced around your lips, licking still for more.  You watched Alex count out the cups of flour.  Your eyes trailed up his arms. His big strong biceps flexed.
“Now what?”  Alex smirked.  
His voice broke your trance.  You looked at his face to see him grinning. He chuckled under his breath when he saw your cheeks grow red with embarrassment.  You wondered just how long he was watching you watch him.
You cleared your throat.  “Put the eggs in.”  You dryly swallowed.
“Eggs? Gotcha!”  Alex said, grabbing the eggs and cracking them into the bowl.  
You were still playing with your bottom lip wondering what his skin tasted like, what his lips tasted like.  You were staring into space when you heard him.  
“How am I doing?”  A low growl next to your ear brought you out of your thoughts.  
Alex stood next to you, his face close to yours.  His lips so close to your ear you could hear him breathing.  You could feel the warmth of his breath on your cheek.  
“Looking good, Alex.”  You smiled nervously.  ‘Why am I nervous?  It’s just Alex!’
“Yes, you are.”  Alex whispered even closer to your ear.  
“What?” You squeaked.  
“You heard me.”  Alex said softly.  “You look beautiful today.”
“I-I...” You stammered just as Alex’s lips touched yours.  
You melted into the kiss.  Was this really happening?  Were you dreaming? His tongue licked at your bottom lip.  You were the first to break the passionate kiss.
“Alex,” You moaned.  “What are you doing?”
“Fuck, I love hearing you moan my name.”  He groaned.
“I thought we were just friends?”  You whispered.  
“We have always been more than friends.”  He said, placing soft little kisses down your neck.
You leaned your head back into his shoulder allowing his lips to glide down your skin.  His strong arms wrapped around your waist.  
“Why today, Alex?”  You whimpered as his nimble fingers trailed down to the top of your jeans.
“Why not?”  He nuzzled his nose under your ear, his warm breath sending chills down your spine.  “I’ve always wanted to be with you.  And I know you want to be with me.”
“I do, I have.”  You confessed.  
“So, I decided today would be the day.  If you kissed me back, I knew I was right.  If you didn’t, I would know I am in the friend zone and try to move on.”  He said and started peppering kisses down your neck again.
A moan escaped your lips.  Fuck, he felt good.  You had never felt this before with any other man.  His lips were like little electric sparks caressing your skin.  He had snuck his hand under your shirt.  His fingers were like fire. You giggled a little when he hit your ticklish spot.  He silently snickered.  
“Sorry.” He laughed.
“It is okay.”  You said.  You raised a hand, turning his face towards yours.  Your plump lips brushed against his.
“Should we finish the cookies?”  He said between small kisses.
“Fuck the cookies!  I’m going to bed.”  You smirked.
“Oh.” Alex frowned.
“Are you coming with me?”  You licked your lips.
Alex’s eyes sparkled in delight.  “Fuck, yes I am!”  He exclaimed.  
You couldn’t believe it.  He was finally yours.  You had been waiting for this moment for so long.  You took his hand in yours as you led him to your bedroom.  
@honestsycrets​  @lisinfleur  @therealcalicali​  @missrobyn81​  @dangerousvikings​  @ivarswickedqueen​  @bang-kim-bap​  @michaeliskindahot​  @heathen-whore​  @vikingsbifrost​  @hvitserksgirl​  @mblaqgi​  @ivarsshieldmadien​  @captstefanbrandt​  @funmadnessandbadassvikings  @titty-teetee​  @ethereallysimple​  @ivars-snowflake​  @babydoll7478  @inthenameofodin​  @ivarsheathen​  @microsmacrosandneedles  @trailerthoughtstexas​  @ivars-heathen  @cbouvier23​  @tierneygonzalez​  @dmv49​  @ivaraddict​  @akamaiden​  @readsalot73​  @moondustmemories​ @jxylynn-eliz​ @tayachristopher​ @ivarlcthbrok @slut4hazeleyes​  @cynthianokamaria​  @jadelynlace​  @xinyourdreamsx​  @car-karaoke​  @wallabieswisher​  @poisonedjoinery  @zarousa​  @winchesterwife27​  @rekdreams-fandom   @flokidottir-imagines​  @writingbyjade​   @ainatirb-j​  @tgrrose​   @inforapound​
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Professor!Rami AU
I am slowly but surely emerging from post-Robot catatonia and being sick, so here’s something short and filthy to help me break on through, to the other side of this writer’s block.
I'm like 200% sure this has been done before but I saw this gorgeous moodboard and got inspired, so here's my take on it. Also thanks to @sherlollydramoine for giving me a reason to post this!
Note: I intended for the reader to be in their senior year of undergrad in this. So like 21-22 years old.
Warnings: Smut, pls don't interact if under 18
"My advice to you is this..."
You could still remember your reaction that day - all of your senses suddenly piqued - the first time you had heard his voice.
Well, you and give-or-take thirty other people.
"... if you like movies - I mean really like them - don't study them. It will ruin them for you."
What a great sign, you thought. It's the first day and this guy is already discouraging us from taking his class.
"But if you're prepared to take a peek behind the curtain, and maybe become the annoying movie snob in your friend group, then you've come to the right place."
A voice like melted chocolate, and a bad sense of humor. Interesting combination.
You doubted the class would have much of an effect on you either way. You were filling out your schedule and checking all the boxes you needed to graduate, and Cinema 101 seemed like an easy enough elective to breeze through. Even if it was at 8AM.
To your surprise, you started to look forward to those early mornings spent listening to Professor Malek talk about movies to a mostly-uninterested room. But you happened to be very interested, and you made sure he noticed. Sometimes you would show up a few minutes early to discuss close-ups and cutaways alone with him before people started trickling in. And you were always a massive show-off in class.
"Well, obviously Kubrick is the most famous example when it comes to the one-point perspective," you proclaimed one day in as sultry a fashion as such a sentence could be said. You crossed your legs and pushed your chest out just a little bit more, secretly hoping to draw the good doctor's attention to one or the other. "But we all know Wes Anderson loves his symmetry too."
Professor Malek gave a slight nod of approval and - was he blushing? No, you had to be imagining it. "Yes, he certainly does. Good examples Y/N."
Your roommate had made fun of your outfit choice for the day - "Are you headed to class or a schoolgirl-themed Penthouse shoot?" but with the benefit of hindsight, it had been a good day to play up your strengths. Mr. Malek certainly had; you were so wrapped up in daydreaming about slowly unbuttoning his collared shirt and peeling  off his painted-on-tight dress pants, you almost forgot you had something of actual importance to tell him.
You approached him after class as the room started to empty, once more putting on ‘the voice’ just a little bit. "Excuse me, professor?"
He came to stand in front of you, and suddenly you were as physically close as you'd ever been to him, close enough to see the blue of his eyes, the sharpness of his jaw, his perfectly-styled curls begging to be fucked up...
"Oh please, it's Rami after ten."
Now it was your turn to blush. "Really?"
He smiled broadly at you, and you almost lost some of your composure. Almost. "Yeah, it's a privilege I reserve for my top performers. Don't tell anyone," he joked. "So how can I help you?"
"Well, I have to miss our next class. We're watching a movie that day, right? Is there anywhere I can watch it online or something?"
"What for? You could probably write the paper without even seeing it."
Flattery will get you everywhere, Rami.
"Actually, I just have a hard copy, so I'm not sure. But I was planning on showing the movie tonight for my office hours anyway. Can you be here at six?"
You definitely could. And you silently hoped no one else planned on taking advantage of this alternative screening.
As luck would have it, they didn't.
When you walked into his office, you left the door just slightly ajar, not enough to be able to see inside but certainly enough for some noise to filter out. It was an unspoken dare for him to close it all the way and make his intentions clear.
He didn't. Instead, he decided to make it your problem.
"You've gotta be quiet," he whispered, lips and teeth teasing your ear to see how well you could obey him. "Or else someone's gonna hear." You were sat on his desk with him standing between your legs, and he had just finished sucking hard on your neck, which had made you cry out loud enough to merit his response.
The sequence of events between you walking into his office and you being completely bared open to his hands and mouth was a blur. All at once, it seemed, your eyes had connected just right and then your lips had connected just right and then the tension between you gave way like butter under a hot knife.
And now here you were, mind and heart racing as his warm hands gripped your thighs and his lips trailed from your ear down your neck, then slowly mapped out your collarbones with his tongue and teeth. He could feel how tense you were with restraint, your fingers digging into his back as you struggled to stay quiet. His hold on your thighs tightened, and as he pulled you closer to him, you realized just how little his pants left to the imagination.
"Fuck, Rami." You wondered if your ragged breaths were as loud outside the door as they were from where you were sitting.
"Need something?" His eyes flicked over your face, coming to settle on your own. He maintained eye contact as he dragged his knuckles along the inside of your thigh, making his way toward your core achingly slow.
"You, Rami. I need you."
He groaned in appreciation, a barely-there rumble of his vocal chords that sent waves of arousal coursing through you. Rami cupped your jaw and kissed you, his mouth battling with his other hand for your  attention as it drifted up between your thighs. His tongue found yours as his fingers brushed over your clit, the barrier of your underwear regrettably still present. When you arched up into his touch, plainly begging for more, he finally reached under them and started to tease his way into your wet folds, finding your clit again with his thumb.
"Rami," you moaned into his mouth. "I want you."
"How can I be sure you'll be quiet if I give you all of me?" At this, he slipped one long finger inside you, following it with a second once he met no resistance. "You're barely holding back now."
"Fuck, Rami! Please?"
He flashed you an absolutely wicked smile before his mouth was back on yours, silencing your moans as he fucked you with his fingers and started to apply more pressure to your clit. You were completely knocked off your equilibrium and helpless against him, shocked at how quickly he was able to parse out exactly what you needed, how he was able to start pushing you toward the edge in earnest. When he felt your body start to tense, he pushed in deeper and curled his fingers, letting the heel of his palm grind against your clit. Your climax washed over you within moments of this treatment, and Rami never took his eyes off your face as he worked you through it.
You held onto him tightly as you came down and the world came back into focus around you. You realized you had probably been louder than intended, but you couldn't find it within you to care, or be ashamed.
Worth it.
"God!" You buried your face into his shoulder and giggled, the flood of endorphins having worn down the barrier between your brain and mouth a bit. "Why didn't you just fuck me?"
His shoulder shook a little as he quietly laughed at your bluntness. "Well, I had to give you a reason to come back some time."
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the-mad-starker · 5 years
Starker Fic: High School Sweethearts AU
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For @lostpuppy666, based on this post about inexperienced Tony. (Sorry I took so long 😭)
This turned into a WHOLE FIC. With crushes and getting together... And I made a moodboard because procrastination....
I mean, I hope you guys enjoy? But I'm wondering why I can never write straight up smut at the point lol possibly more at a later point cause I really wanted to write Tony being shameless and dirty talking. Also wanted to write about Tony giving his first BJ 😩
Length: 3.3k
Notes: crushes, tutor!Peter, flirty but inexperienced Tony,  high school au, frottage
Peter slipped out of Mr. Banner's office and barely staved off the desire to knock his head against the wall.
Tony Stark.
Local celebrity. The richest kid in school. Shameless flirt.
And he was Peter's newest student in the tutoring program.
Peter really really didn't want to tutor Stark but more than that, he didn't want to disappoint Mr. Banner. He had a free period which he should've been using to study, but he also knew that Tony should've been in class.
Instead, Peter knew the other boy was skipping and after getting a tip from some students, he knew just where to find him.
He tried to hold onto his exasperation, tried to remain annoyed with the other teen. They've barely said any words since they were in two different circles. And yet when he spotted Tony Stark, he couldn't help but stop dead in his tracks.
God. This was why Peter really didn't want to tutor Tony Stark. It wasn't because Stark was a crazy flirt or that he didn't take anything seriously.
It was because somehow Peter had a crush on the other teen and it was bigger than the entire state of New York.
Peter didn't even know why he liked Tony he just… did. He always felt flustered with Stark in the same room, always stammered more than usual in the same classes. It was embarrassing and mortifying and he'd already gotten one or two suspicious looks from Ned about it.
Maybe it was Tony's cocky attitude or just how adorable he looked with that infuriating smirk. Either way, Peter's mind and body were traitors for finding Stark so attractive.
Even now, as Peter stood at the back of the bleachers, he couldn't help staring. The other boy was sprawled on his back, head cushioned by his varsity jacket. His backpack was propping up his feet where he had his ankles crossed. And because the science gods were merciless, there was a sliver of tanned skin on display where his tee shirt had ridden up.
He just looked so relaxed and comfortable somehow, snoozing beneath the bleachers when he should've been in class. It was envious almost.
“Pictures last longer,” Tony said without even opening an eye. “They also don't block out the sun.”
“You're skipping,” Peter said bluntly before sidestepping out of the sun's way.
With the sound of his voice, the other teen finally opened an eye. His stupid kissable lips stretched into a wide smile.
“Parker,” he greeted like they were old friends. “I wasn't expecting you.”
In a single fluid motion, Tony pushed himself into a sitting position. He looked up at Peter with a lazy smile.
“Have a seat,” he said, patting the ground beside him.
Peter eyed the spot but declined with a shake of his head. “I'm good, actually. I just came to find you since you weren't in your normal class.”
From his pocket, he withdrew the letter Mr. Banner wrote about their new arrangements. Tony stared at it for a moment before taking it. His eyes darted over the words, brows narrowing as he found out the news.
“I don't need a tutor,” Tony scoffed when he finished.
“Apparently, you do,” Peter argued.
“I really don't,” Tony fired back just to be asinine.
“You– Oh God, I'm not arguing with you,” Peter shook his head. “Talk about it with Mr. Banner if you really don't want me to tutor you.”
“Wait– You're the tutor?” Tony sounded pleasantly surprised and Peter looked away, feeling his face flush a bit. He wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing, the way Tony had said it.
“Well, yeah,” Peter answered, “Why else would I hunt you down?”
“Thought maybe you were just the delivery boy,” Tony said absentmindedly.
When Peter glanced at him, the other teen had a curious look in his eye. It made Peter flush even more which was infuriating since he wasn't even sure why he was blushing.
“I’m sure Mr. Banner will at least hear you out,” Peter said, “Or maybe if you stop skipping his class…”
“I'll do it,” Tony said simply.
“Do… it?”
“The tutoring thing,” he said with a grin. The way he looked at Peter… Was he being flirty? There was a sudden influx of butterflies in Peter's stomach and the boy shifted from foot to foot, uncertain.
“Oh... That's great,” Peter decided to say. He was relieved that he didn't have to keep arguing with Tony but now he felt off balance. “Okay… Cool.”
Needless to say, he did the next best thing on his mind for this situation and… ran.
Maybe it wasn't the best thing but the way Tony was looking at him, all pleased like he actually didn't mind spending time with Peter… That couldn't have been real. That had to have been Peter's Massive Crush seeing something there that wasn't actually there.
Except… Maybe it wasn't...
Peter got himself together. He had no choice because their tutoring sessions were twice a week in the school library.
As he expected, Tony was a shameless flirt. But for some reason, seeing and experiencing it made handling his crush easier.
Because if Tony was a shameless flirt to any and everyone, that meant that he wasn't personally antagonizing Peter for having a crush on him. Maybe the other boy didn't even know, though Peter was learning that Stark was a lot more observant and smarter than anyone gave him credit for.
He still skipped classes, but during their sessions, Tony looked at the theories and problems for their assignments and never seemed to struggle understanding them. It was only after they got into a pretty deep conversation about thermodynamics that Peter realized– Anthony Stark might actually be a genius.
Or a really convincing fake.
Either way, Peter found that their sessions grew less structured. It… almost felt like hanging out with Ned, just joking around and talking. Having fun. Except Peter didn't have a huge crush on Ned and he often found himself mesmerized by Tony's… everything.
His face. His eyes. His lips. God, his lips… The other teen was such a talker but Peter found himself invested no matter the subject. Tony could be reciting his next grocery shopping list, and Peter would listen like it held the secrets of the universe.
Maybe Peter wasn't all too put together when it came to Tony Stark. He convinced himself that it was fine. A harmless crush. It hurt that nothing would come out of it but he and Tony were becoming really good friends.
Maybe that was enough.
Of course, one thing Peter learned about Tony was that the other boy was unpredictable. It was fun to watch him talk circles around people. He just didn't think that Tony would use it against him.
It was a regular Tuesday. Library again but they were goofing off instead of studying. Tony was in a rather passionate rant about– something. Peter, guiltily, wasn't paying attention cause he was mesmerized by the way Tony's hands were passionately gesticulating.
“–energy costs would be reduced by half. But no,” Tony complained with a huff, “People want to argue about– Hey. Are you listening to me?”
“Yeah,” Peter perked up in response. He felt heat crawl up his neck, a telltale sign that he knew Tony noticed.
The other boy's eyes narrowed and then he leaned forward, locking gazes with Peter. Peter's eyes widened but he didn't leap back, just felt those infuriating butterflies dancing around in his stomach.
Tony nodded, satisfied at what he saw.
“You should let me kiss you,” Tony said suddenly.
“What?” Peter almost exclaimed, only then rearing back.
He glanced around the library, just as an excuse to avoid looking Tony in the eye. Of course, besides the teacher at the front, they were alone.
“Why would I do that,” Peter muttered, blushing fiercely. Was it time to leave already? He closed the textbook that neither of them was using, intent on running once more.
But then, Tony placed his hand on top of Peter's, stopping the teen from escaping. Peter stared at their hands then slowly looked up. His heart was pounding in his chest but there was a rare expression on Tony's face. In the past few weeks, he's never seen Tony look so genuinely serious.
“Well,” Tony said, “If you said yes, my chances of you accepting a date with me would be… great. But if you said no, then I guess I really am dumb and was reading the signs wrong…”
Then a small, soft smile tugged at his lips and Tony looked down. Peter followed his gaze, fingers twitching beneath Tony's hand.
“Considering you haven't pulled away…” Tony mused, “Maybe I just surprised you a bit…?”
Peter licked his dry lips. “You… You want to go on a date with me…?”
The question seemed to take Tony off guard.
“I thought I was pretty obvious?” He sounded hesitant, brown eyes flickering with uncertainty. “I've been flirting with you for the past few weeks?”
“You flirt with everyone,” Peter objected, staring. “How was I supposed to…”
Tony's smile changed, from soft to slightly abashed. “Well… Not everyone since… I've been spending all my time with you…”
That… was actually true, Peter realized. Beyond their library sessions, Tony had been popping up around Peter a lot more often. It was always with one excuse or another so it never occurred to Peter that Tony was actively seeking him out.
“Oh,” Peter said, a bit faint. “Maybe… then…”
“Can I?” Tony asked, smiling brightly once more.
When did Tony's face get so close? His brown eyes were so bright and sincere… He had flecks of gold in them… Or maybe it was just the sunlight making them look so brilliant.
“Yeah…” Peter replied breathlessly. “Go for it…”
Even with permission, Tony didn't dive right into it. Slowly, carefully, he leaned closer and closer and with every second, Peter's heart raced with anticipation.
It was soft… Tony's lips felt soft and sweet pressed against his. Gentle and careful as though he'd fly back if Peter showed any objections.
There was none. Peter leaned forward, lifting a hand to hesitatingly cup Tony's face. Their noses bumped together, awkward and a bit embarrassing. Tony pulled back a bit, lips curled into a wry smile with Peter staring at him, pink cheeked.
“Again?” He asked.
“Please…” Peter murmured.
Another turned into two then three and many more until they got kicked out of the library for PDA.
Both boys were still beaming, faces flushed. In the hallway, Peter shyly took Tony's hand. His confidence skyrocketed when Tony squeezed and didn't let go.
Peter should've felt bad.
He was supposed to be tutoring Tony but Peter couldn't resist those pretty brown eyes of his. A week later and several chaste kisses, he still couldn't believe what had happened. But things escalated fast… How could they not? Tony was the boy of Peter's dreams and with how the other boy reacted to him, Tony felt the same.
Their sweet kisses quickly heated up.
Tony was shameless but Peter was still a bit more reserved, at least around other people. Pete quickly suggested that they move tutoring to his place.
His face was fire engine red when he said it, but Tony didn't tease him too badly for it.
Of course… Perhaps, it was a terrible idea…
The most they did in terms of studying was bringing the books out. Maybe cracking it open in some attempt to focus but they were two teenage boys with their crushes just recently reciprocated.
May was often working until the evenings so with the two of them alone… They wouldn't even make it past half an hour before someone did something. And as much as Peter wanted to blame Tony for always being so touchy feely, he couldn't deny that he was just as bad.
How could Peter deny himself when his boyfriend was right there? Soft lips smirking at him, brown eyes sly and filled with warmth… The kind of warmth that heated Peter up from the inside out.
Most times, it started off slow and careful. Hands touching, mouths pressing gently. Once the mood was set though, they'd press up against each other, clothed chest against clothed chest.
It just felt so good to touch… To let his hands wander over Tony's body, hands slipping over his wrists, his arms… Palms curving around his jaw and mouths gasping open...
The first time Tony pressed him down against his own bed, Peter's heartbeat skyrocketed. They fell down together and Peter remembered staring at Tony's wide eyes and so feeling embarrassingly hard.
The first panicked thought, oh God, he's gonna feel it… I can't help it... He's gonna know…
How embarrassing that Peter was already so hard but this was normal, wasn't it? A discrete glance down Tony's body showed him in the same predicament and suddenly it no longer mattered that Peter had an erection. He wanted to feel Tony against him, wanted to feel the proof that he was desirable and that he, Peter, had provoked such a reaction.
Dark strands of hair fell into Tony's eyes and he froze, looking down at Peter with that hungry gaze.
“Is this… is this okay?” Tony asked breathlessly.
Peter knew at that moment that if he had said no, the other boy would scramble away. It'd be an embarrassing moment, but Peter felt such warmth and happiness that Tony was being careful with him.
Not that he needed it. At least, not then. He tugged the other boy down and Tony followed, his body pressing Peter's down.
More kisses, sweet and passionate. It was clumsy and wet but at least their teeth didn't click together, not like the first couple of times they got caught up. They were better at kissing now, tilting their faces so their lips would slant together.
The first time Peter slipped his tongue into Tony's mouth, the other boy jerked in his arms, surprised by the feeling. Tony eagerly reciprocated, moans muffled against Peter's mouth.
Tony's leg pressed between his own and Peter gasped, pressing his erection against a strong thigh. His eyes squeezed shut, losing himself in the sensation.
They ended up on their sides. It was easier that way and Peter liked it better. He was able to wrap an arm around Tony's neck and pull the other boy close. Any form of embarrassment was out the window. All that was left was the heat of Tony's mouth and the hard line of his erection pressed against Peter's own aching cock.
They hadn't even been able to strip off their clothes. Maybe a part of Peter was still hesitant to do so but it was more likely that impatience had taken over.
Everything just felt good and neither boy was willing to stop it for even a moment. There would be plenty of other times, but for now, this was what they wanted.
Just rutting against each other, their hips moving a little too fast, a little too roughly. They were both eager for it and couldn't spare a thought besides how good it felt.
When Tony pulled away, Peter whined and chased after him. His lips landed on the other boy's jaw and to Peter, that was good enough. He kissed down the line of his jaw, lips closing in on Tony's unmarked skin. He actually felt the moan Tony let out in response, a helpless groan reverberating through his throat.
“Peter– Fuck,” Tony gasped when he felt Peter's tongue lick at his heated skin. His hips jerked eagerly against Peter's and his hands grew tight on the boy's arms.
“God, I'm gonna–” An embarrassed moan, a bit high pitched. A sign that Tony was losing it. “We should stop…”
“Stop?” Peter groaned, pulling away just a bit, “You don't wanna keep going…?”
“Of course I want to…” Tony said, panting breathlessly. “But if we keep going .. You're gonna make me come and that's gonna be so… fucking embarrassing.”
Hearing Tony admit it was both arousing and embarrassing too. Peter loved that he was making the boy lose control and in that moment… He didn't really care too much.
His hand slipped beneath Tony's shirt and he felt warm skin beneath his fingertips. Just that feeling… Tony's bare flesh against his palm… It further incited the teen.
“You can borrow something of mine…” Peter suggested without hesitation. “I don't wanna stop… It feels good… Doesn't it feel good for you… too…?”
He didn't want to stop…
Tony groaned at the friction. Peter's cock was pressed against his own and he couldn't deny that this was the sexiest thing that's happened to him ever. The thought of coming in his pants, just from rubbing up against the other boy was too much…
“So good…” Tony murmured. Then he reached between their bodies, pressing his palm against Peter's clothed cock.
“Oh…!” Peter groaned, head jerking down to watch. Just one touch and he felt like he was going to blow… But he used every bit of strength to hold on.
He wasn't disappointed. Tony fumbled with his belt, but with a bit of fighting, he was able to undo Peter's pants. He quickly switched to his own and Peter took over, unzipping and slipping his hand inside his boxers.
He hissed when he touched it… His cheeks burned but Tony was hastily drawing his own cock out.
Peter got a glimpse of it, his first look at another boy's erection besides his own. It was flushed pink, the tip of It wet with precum. He could barely take his eyes off it, Peter just wanted to reach out and touch it…
“Yours…” Tony gasped, voice needy with arousal. He reached out and finished what he started, reaching into Peter's pants and pulling him out. Peter groaned at the first touch, hips jerking forward.
Both boys hissed when their erections pressed together. Peter gripped Tony's wrist, helpless to do anything else besides ride out the sensations.
Tony had them grasped in his warm palm. They were both leaking, the precum dripping from their slits to coat their hard lengths.
“Better…” Peter said reverently.
“So much better,” Tony groaned into his ear. His hand jerked them off but it was sloppy and messy. Their hips moved without care, just chasing after their own pleasure.
They were pressed so close together that there was barely any room. But the friction was there. Whether it was against each other of Tony's hand moving over them, it was more than enough.
Neither lasted very long once they got into a decent rhythm. Tony groaned when he couldn't hold out any longer. Peter had his face pressed against the other boy's neck and he felt it the moment Tony came.
It was such an intimate moment, realizing that Tony was coming. The other boy's body froze and at that moment, Peter felt the other boy's cock twitch against his. Then he felt the warmth of Tony's cum as it spilled over the boy's fingers.
“Tony…” Peter gasped. The sight of his cum spurting out between their bodies… All that thick cum spilling into him, wetting own erection…
Peter came with a harsh groan, barely able to keep his eyes open. Once Tony recovered, he helped Peter finish, jerking him off and letting the boy make an even bigger mess.
“That's it, baby…” Tony murmured, breath hot against his ear. “Yeah, that's it… Cum, Peter… Cum on me… Feels so… good…”
Peter whined as Tony milked the last drops from his sensitive cock.
A glance at the clock showed that it had only been ten minutes since they started. They were a mess with so much cum between their bodies and on their clothes. And yet, from the quirk of Tony's lips, Peter knew that the other boy didn't regret it.
Tony kissed him again in the aftermath and Peter knew then that this was just the beginning.
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griffinxwoods · 5 years
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clarke and lexa are snowed in at raven and anya’s holiday/housewarming party
i wanted to finish this for clexa week but, life happens, and i wasn’t able to so here’s a snippet, the beginning really, and if you guys like it, i’ll wrap it up soon and post it to ao3. but i figured something is better than nothing, even if i think it’s pretty rough so, here you go. also, a rough attempt at a moodboard. nevertheless, enjoy! 
It’s almost over. Technically she’s halfway to the finish line. But it’s almost over.
Finals week is upon them.
Clarke has a few sketches to finish for her portfolio, her finals project only has a few tweaks to be done, and then she can finally relax for winter break. She can worry about her last official university semester once the new year rolls around.
Tonight, though, Raven wanted to have a group study session at Clarke and Lexa’s apartment. it’s a nice change from the stuffy Arkadia library, at least Clarke can sketch on her couch instead of those hard, wooden chairs, oddly always warm.
The crew’s scattered around her apartment, Octavia and Lincoln are sitting at the kitchen island, going through flashcards for Lincoln’s psych exam. Bellamy has taken to the recliner, flipping through the pages of his latest history read. He graduated years ago yet, he still hangs around. Nerd. Jasper and Maya are sat at one end of the dining table, there’s less studying and more of Jasper goofing around, but poor Maya has a highlighter in her mouth and about 3 other different colored highlighters in each hand, going through her bio notes. Pre-med is rough and Clarke feels for her. Monty is next to them, fiddling with a broken car radio he’s trying to fix for Miller. Raven and Anya are at the opposite end, Raven seemed to have wrapped up her studies early and somehow dug out Clarke’s old toaster and opened it up, rewiring it. Anya’s just eating some nuggets.
Clarke’s stomach grumbles. Hmm, not a bad idea. She moves to get up from the coach when Lexa appears, plate of nuggets in hand.
Clarke beams up at her, “how’d you know?”
Lexa shrugs, “You’ve been sketching for a while, figured you’d want some fuel.” She flops down next to Clarke and pulls up the Twitter app on her phone.
Clarke pulls her in for a kiss, slow and tender. She caresses Lexa’s face and Lexa pulls back, rubs her nose against Clarke’s, moving her head to the other side. It’s sweet and slow, perfect.
Clarke leans back and looks at Lexa through her eyelashes, “Thanks, baby.”
Lexa’s lips curl up a bit on one side, that sweet smile reserved only for Clarke. She reaches for Clarke’s hand and rubs her thumb over Clarke’s.
“Attention, everyone!” Raven yells. “Hear ye, hear ye, I have an announcement before we wrap up this lovely hellish study session.”
Everyone jumped in their places at the crash, but they gather closer nonetheless. Raven smashed Clarke’s old toaster on the ground. Sigh, typical. Dramatic, as usual.
“Anya and I are throwing a housewarming party,” Raven beams.
“Does that mean we have to buy you gifts for being an adult,” Lexa scrunches her face, she grabs a nugget and pops it into her mouth.
Raven tilts her head to the side and feigns a smile, “Yes. Why ever the fuck else would I be hosting a party when you and Clarke have a perfectly furnished apartment.” she waves her hand in the general direction of everything they have, then points at the kitchen, “a fucking Nespresso machine, Clarke. You guys are boujee and I want in on it.”
“Raven,” Clarke sighs.
“Help me, I’m poor,” Raven pouts and bats her eyelashes.
Lexa stifles a laugh, “Might as well make a, like, baby registry for your apartment, ya know”. She pauses and looks at Clarke, “Is that a thing? Did we do that?”
She pats Lexa’s arm and sighs, “Yeah babe, it’s a thing. Technically.”
“Lexa, you beautiful dumbass, te quiero tanto” she practically launches herself across the table to grab Lexa’s face and plant a quick rough kiss on her lips. “I’m gonna sign up for that and send you all the link. I want a blender. And a microwave. And those smart light bulbs. God, they’re so fucking expensive, I don’t understand why. Gonna need Ms. Amazon Alexa too so I can connect that. I wanna speak to her. Our own smart house, how zesty of us. Oh! A fridge, need that too but the one you tweet on! That’s so boujee, I love it- ”
Lexa’s stunned, really didn’t expect that one. Clarke plopped back against her seat and lets out an exhausted breath. She’s used to Raven’s antics, of course, but tonight she just wants to finish her sketch and cuddle with Lexa. They’ve been here for hours, she’s tired and she has an early class in the morning. She picks up a pencil and continues to work, letting the conversation idle into background noise.
Her peace only lasts a few seconds.
Jasper mischievously snatches a sheet of paper and crumples it up, throws the ball at Lexa, and laughs, “She won’t shut up and it’s your fault, Woods.”
Lexa snatches a fat eraser out of Clarke’s hand and launches it at Jasper’s face, pure reflex.
Clarke gives up, her efforts futile, she snaps her sketchbook closed and groans.
“Fuck! Ow, what the fuck, Lex?”
“If you so much as look at me wrong, I will Spartan kick you off my balcony, you failed abortion. Capice?”
Clarke snaps her head towards Lexa, trying and failing to controller her laughter, and smacks Lexa lightly on the arm, “Lexa, no.”
“What? He’s annoying.”
“He’s our friend, remember. Be nice.”
“I’ve never claimed him. He’s your friend.”
“Everything that’s mine is yours, sweetheart,” Clarke singsongs and boops her on the nose.
Lexa tries to bite Clarke’s finger and falls short, her eyes narrow on her girlfriend, “Pick your battles, Griffin”
“HELLOOOO!” Raven bangs on the table abruptly. Everyone stops. “We were talking about me.”
Anya’s exasperated at this point. She only decided to come over for the free food and now she has to deal with this? She checks her watch, wondering when would be a good time to drag Raven out of her before she rips someone’s head off for suggesting teal accents when her apartment theme is planned to be black and gold. Seems trivial to Anya but, she knows Raven well enough by now.
Lexa blinks, “Oh? I-”
“Can you not? Thanks. Anyway, back to me now.”
Lexa throws her hands up, defeated, “Why am I in trouble when that sorry excuse for a man physically attacked me. In my own home! I’m a victim.” Lexa narrows at him, “the white man wins again.”
“Hey!” Jasper protests.”I was just-”
Raven lowers her voice and glares at Jasper, he gulps. “I will tie you to a chair and set your three mustache hairs on fire one by one. I know how long you’ve tried to grow that out, you’ve gotten attached to them, little man. Do not test me.”
Octavia grins, “This is getting good. Shall I make popcorn?”
Jasper slouches back into himself. Maya gives him a soft kiss on his cheek and a soft smile, and Monty puts him in a headlock and tousles his hair playfully, “You’ll be fine, buddy.”
Anya pinches the bridge of her nose, her eyes closed. She checks her watch again, looks around the room. Good enough. She raises herself out of her seat and steps towards Raven, an arm snaking around Raven’s neck.
“Alright Reyes, that’s enough. We get it, we’re poor, we need house stuff, and you’re becoming a dictator.”
“The Castros are shaking right now,” Lexa smirks.
Raven snorts, “Ha, noice.” They high five and Clarke and Anya share a look, both rolling their eyes.
“Okaaaay” Anya drawls, she detaches from Raven and grabs her hand as they make their way to the door, “So we’re gonna go. This was nice until crackhead Martha Stewart here took over.”
Raven pauses, a little insulted but nonetheless, she continues, “I want the fridge that can tweet, Anya.”
“I know baby,” Anya sighs, dragging Raven along.
“It’s essential. It’s the future. Technology, it revolves around us, you know.”
“I really don’t even know what you’re saying anymore.”
Lexa waves from her seat, grinning, and turns to Clarke, “We’re not getting the fridge.”
Clarke hums absentmindedly, “Absolutely not.” She really doesn’t care anymore, though. She just wants to go to bed with Lexa. She rubs her hands down her face, crosses her arms and yawns.
Lexa watches her, noticing the drooping eyelids, sketchbook closed in front of her. She stands and clasps her hands together.
“Okay putas, time to go. Pick up your shit and get outta here, it’s beddy-bye. Clarke looks like she’s going to knock out on this couch and I’d rather not carry her to bed so, let’s move on out.” She ushers everyone up and out, herds them towards the door like a shepherd gathering stray sheep into a barn. Or out, rather.
They all protest on their way out, but appreciate the eviction considering how late it’s gotten and no one noticed.
“Thanks for the food, Lex. I’ll see you on the field tomorrow, right?” Lincoln hugs her and gives her a sharp look. She’s on her vacation and he knows how quickly she can fall into a lazy spiral if she lets herself.
Lexa grunts, “But it’s supposed to snow.”
Lincoln gives her a sharp look and she concedes, nodding in agreement.
They all file out, waving goodbye, and piling into their cars. Lexa closes the door, locks it and leans against it, letting out a sigh of relief.
“It’s quiet,” Lexa breathes.
“Lex. Bed,” Clarke whispers. She’s waiting in the bedroom doorway, hand reaching out towards Lexa. She strides over and slips her hand into Clarke’s, placing a tender kiss to her lips. Clarke hums and her lips curl into a smile on one side, similar to one of Lexa’s.
They fall into bed, a tangle of limbs, soft kisses on smooth skin, breaths evening out.
Clarke curls deeper into Lexa’s warmth and not a minute later, drifts off.
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jess-oh · 6 years
aaaaaaaaahhhh i did too much today and didnt have enough time to dedicate to my schoolwork!!! Ahhhh!!!!
I FORSURE need to do my moodboards for Publication Design tomorrow and post my articles for negotiation skills and developing a marketing plan. And then after that... i want to do as much as I can. That includes reading for GD III, gathering information online before class on Wednesday, reading and annotating the physical article for developing a marketing plan and so on. I really hope work isn’t too busy tomorrow so I can just get everything done but even if it is, I’m going to just try and stay in the computer lab at school until I finish everything! I just gotta focus and get everything done at once so that I’m prepared for the week! It’s not that I’ve been procrastinating but I’ve been really busy with a lot of other things! I essentially have no time over the weekends anymore so Monday will be my “safe” day from now on until the end of October! Probably! EEEEEE! I do want to stay up and get some of this stuff done but I also know that it’s better to get a good night’s rest and be on time for work! Ido want to be more committed this year and do a better job at faithfully serving my customers with a smile and a good attitude! Haha. I have high hopes for the year so far!
I woke up at Esther’s this morning around 7am and 8:30am. Around 8:30am, I started reading 1 Samuel a bit again before preparing for the day by brushing my teeth and changing my clothes. I decided to wear my jumpsuit! I was kinda worried that it’d be awkward spending so much time with Esther but it wasn’t! I didn’t ask overly intrusive questions and just stayed surface level but we were still able to learn more about each other through that! I learned about her parents&siblings, her views on pets, her apartment, and so on. Very lighthearted and casual! And she bought me an iced blonde americano today! So kind and generous! It was actually a little bit awkward bc she insisted that she would pay but I confessed that I was just going to my backpack to take out my glasses so that I could see the menu. From her tone and offering, it seemed like she was willing to pay anyway and maybe I shouldn’t have assumed it. I felt kinda bad. Anyway, Johnathan picked us up and then we went to go get Daniel Kwon and had a pretty good time in the car ride to church! It did fall silent at times but overall, it was pretty fun! I only wish we could’ve talked more with Daniel bc he was pretty quiet the whole ride after. He does usually keep to himself anyway but still. I felt bad. But we listened to Johnathan’s experience with drum corps and I shared about my internship and we joked about the Bible quiz and discussed all the great parts of Crazy Rich Asians and so on so forth! I was actually really happy to finally have a positive conversation about that movie bc I feel like I’ve just been constantly trying to defend it from the backlash and criticism but I could finally openly discuss it with other people who enjoyed it and it was honestly so great! At church, I signed up to be a mentor for Kidsland and then hurried into service! I sat towards the front behind Johnathan, Esther, and Daniel and was soon joined by Amanda and Angela. I’m really happy Angela and I are starting to get along better this year! I don’t feel so afraid of her constant judgment anymore and I think she’s been accepting me more too. I’m glad! Amanda and I had a great time together as per usual during service and whilst eating together. I’m really blessed to have her in my life and I think we’re going to grow really deep in our relationship with Christ together. Thank you for sending her into my life, God! Even just eating with everyone and welcoming in someone we met over the summer felt so great! Just being able to casually share life together with them all! I was really sarcastic and enthusiastic and unapologetically me and it felt so great! Oh back to the service, the sermon today was sooooo good! P. William challenged our faith and how without God, we are nothing. We should constantly be seeking God like a treasure and be so willing to give up everything for Him! We need to surrender all that we are at His feet but far too often we do so but then want to take it back and solve our issues by our own strength and that’s just not how it works! And that kinda felt like the first “sign” today. I should always keep my eyes locked on Him bc as much as I may study, it’s worth nothing if He is not at the center of my heart. The worship was really good too and my hands and arms just kinda lifted by themselves but I wasn’t thinking about how I sounded or how I looked. I was just so happy and blessed to be serving God! Honestly, a small part of me hoped that Jason saw me but I did my best to just cast out those thoughts and focus on God and I think I did pretty well! Now fast forward to the Bible competition! We didn’t do as poorly as I thought! There were definitely things I could have studied more but my guesses were sometimes right and overall, we did pretty well! We were third place until the very end when we bet it all and lost it all LOL. But we did much better than I thought we’d do! Especially considering how little we all studied! But I do think our study session from last night really helped us retain some more information! Like the story about God and how many times He called Samuel! Esther originally thought it was three but I remembered it being four and bc of that conversation, I had confidence that it was definitely four bc we even checked the Bible for evidence! P. Josh was the pointkeeper and his pride in us was really encouraging! Just by how big he would write our score on the board or whenever he smiled at our joy in winning. It was really nice! I made mistakes at times but by trusting and working together, it actually all turned our pretty well! I wish it could just stay like this but I know Johnny and Christine are returning soon and I am excited to serve with them but I’m also kinda afraid that it’ll ruin our current dynamics! I’ve been having such a great time with everyone and I wish it could just stay like that forever.
After that, Jason graciously drove us all downtown and dropped Amanda, Angela, and I off at the Arc since Angela moved there! Amanda took a bus straight to the mission conference thing she invited me to and I went to 623 to see if it was open so that I could work on some homework! It was closed! D:
Then I took the red line and 15 bus home and immediately peed! I had to so bad! I’m so glad the restroom is so close to the front door! But unfortunately by that time, I only had about 10-15min to rest and I wanted to get a lot of homework done today! Thinking back on it, I’m a little disappointed bc I passed by macapartments earlier on my way to the conference and could’ve easily picked up my textbook! No wait. I remember now. I was going to go but they close at 5pm on Sundays and it was past that time. Riiiiight. But yeah! So I watched a couple videos, tried to quickly figure out how to resize the resource guide, and then I left for the conference! Googlemaps told me it would take me about 23min to walk there but it actually took about 30min, even with me rushing! But then again, I got confused and kinda lost at one point so that makes sense. I did debate on just bailing out bc my decision to attend was so last minute too in favor of doing homework but ultimately, I told Amanda that I would go so I went. And it was so good! Grace Kim, a missionary that recently went to Turkey, shared about her testimony and why missions are so important and her own journey getting there! And as interesting as that was, I was just really surprised by the community after! Everyone was so genuinely welcoming and I was glad to meet them all! I’m excited to go back again next week and see them all again! I want to grow in my faith with them! I know that I’m committed to investing and serving at Lakeview but the people I met today were the people I imagine when I think of church. They were diverse and welcoming and so kind! I really got along with this girl named Amy and we shared our testimonies and how we got to Vision School and just hearing how passionate she was for the Lord now in comparison with how she felt before was so amazing and interesting to learn about! She’s really the one that made me want to join Vision School and maybe even serve as a missionary with her! I really think we can grow deep in our relationship with Christ together! And I am so excited to see her again next week! I should’ve gotten her contact info today but I’m sure I’ll see her again! But the conference was kinda “sign” two! Especially when Grace, the speaker, said our biggest blessing should be Jesus and we should want Him to come now! If we want Him to come later, the things of this world have become idols. My biggest concern in going on a one year mission trip to a different country was the fact that I would be so close to getting my degree and would rather finish that and not mess up the credits that I have already earned and delay the trip for later. But we can’t procrastinate on God! I got to talk to Amanda during the break about her heart in going to Egypt for a year and she shared how she heard from God that when she is turned away from Him, everyone that she would have met and reached out to are also turned away and they all start walking instead towards death. And yeah, she could go to the same place and just delay the trip but there would still be people that she could have reached but never did because of her priorities. And that thought scared her more than anything so she decided to go for those people that she could reach! And it was really interesting to hear about her faith in that! I was also touched by how Grace said Muslims never question Islam and are blind followers and are taught to never question anything and are blind followers as a result. But because we do question things and have a deeper understanding of Christianity bc it isnt something we were just forced to know, we can show them the right way! And the fact that someone else finally told us to question Christianity to find more answers was so reassuring and nice to hear! I think I can dedicate my Sunday nights every week to these lectures and I’m excited to be spending more time with Amanda and maybe even going on a short term or long term mission trip! Who knows! Regardless, I’m excited.
Thank you God for blessing me with this blessed day! I am so grateful for all that you are and all you have done. Thank you.
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