#why am i always in rarepair hell
frownyalfred · 1 year
not me rereading my sladebruce fic like hey this was kinda sexy huh
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lynpheas · 11 months
random flora rarepairs i have solely because i think the characters are hot are flora/darcy and flora/diaspro. i don’t think flora and darcy have notably canonically interacted (mind you i’ve only watched up to season 5 and a couple episodes of wow), but in my season 2 rewatch i was pleased/surprised to see that flora and diaspro HAVE canonically interacted. it’s after diaspro gets kidnapped by the weird orientalist gang and is ranting about sky or something, meanwhile flora and chatta are validating her.
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I finally reached a new level of rarepair hell, where I have to translate fics using google translate just to have some content about a pair.
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catboygretzky · 5 months
Exyblr Dashboard Simulator based on what I personally see on sportsblr:
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📜 realexyblog
haiku because exy is back:
GOD, why are my teams
SO fucking bad at exy?
FUCK this FUCKING sport.
#and i watch sports for why? entertainment? no way
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♛ queen-of-exy
💃fox-me-up follow
queen on the court, pillow princess on the mattress amiright
♛ queen-of-exy
ive never felt more understood, I am kissing you w tongue
#marry me tumblr user fox me up
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🌞 blonde-jeremy-knox
i'm just gonna say it. i know we're all thinking it. jeremy knox eats ass like it's his JOB.
👁 jean-mor-uhoh
babe literally no one was thinking that but i'm proud of you for speaking your truth
#we're friends but what cost. when all u talk about is jeremy knox eating ass.
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🧚 goalie-stan
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#dan wilds #psu
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🌄 softkevinday follow
He lived. He served cunt. He died. He was Resurrected. Served more cunt.
#kevin day
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👸🏻 kevindazed follow
absolutely busted a fucking nut watching kevin day switch hands like that oh my god my nut was so forceful it created a new dimension.
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
hey can i join you in that dimension
👸🏻 kevindazed follow
Sure, just bring some snacks or something
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
hell yeah!!!!!!
#thanks youre the best do you like doritos?
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😎 foxyknoxy
the best exy team in the nation is a LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE how many of those students even go to the games when your school is full of artists and theater kids. your student section must be wACK
😎 foxyknoxy
*sorry, 2nd best exy team in the nation
#fuck you theater kids!!!!!!!! can't even appreciate a good sport !!!!! anyway go trojans
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🙈 ittybittyminny follow
Andrew Minyard should get a little bite and chew. As a reward. Maybe a small gnaw. nomnomnom Maaaaaybe as a treat he can rip a throat out, but only if he's really really good
#only if he's REALLY GOOD and maybe tests negative for rabies but whatever you can't win em all
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🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
favourite exy rarepair????
☀️ usctrojanny
ACTUALLY !!!!! was thinking about this earlier and while ive never seen anyone talk about it.......aaron minyard and neil josten would be 👀 kinda cute???
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
omg wait why have I never thought about guys before!!!!!!!! noooo why did you say this, i can totally see it!!!!!! Neil would probably have to lean down to kiss aaron 🥺 do u think he has ever had to lean down to kiss someone 😭
☀️ usctrojanny
And obviously, u know me, im always here for a striker/backliner matchup
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
this is all i'm going to think about for the rest of my life now, thanks, fuck you
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👅 nastyneiljosten
I want to put neil josten in a jar and shake the jar so violently he turns into sludge and then pour a drop of that sludge on to a petri dish so I can see what kind of bacteria he produces.
🦩 exyonmymind follow
what happens to the rest of the sludge?
👅 nastyneiljosten
*sluuuuuuurp* *swallowing sounds* *sluuuurp* *gargle gargle* *more swallowing sounds* yummy yummy in my tummy
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🐋 sexyexy
headcannon that neil josten is so feral bc andrew bit him and gave him rabies so now he's a literal rabid dog
👢exyinaphonebooth follow
You can't make headcannons about real people don't be freaks
🐋 sexyexy
exy players aren't real they're my little dolls that I can put into any situations I want and you can't stop me
#thanks anyway did u know andrew minyard gave neil josten rabies
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🧸 mreow-bearcats-mreow
#exy lb
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👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 talk-exy-to-me
Kiss cams are only acceptable during sporting events if they zoom in on two players
🗣️ jeremyknoxes follow
ok but what if they're wearing a face mask
👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 talk-exy-to-me
smash your cages together obviously, don't be a pussy #love wins
🗣️ jeremyknoxes follow
fair enough
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🌸 softexy
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Andrew and Aaron Minyard
#exy #andrew minyard #aaron minyard #palmetto foxes #psu #web weave #poetry
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kingcrow01 · 2 months
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DC/Marvel Pool Noodle Party 2024
Week 5 | Mercs & Murder Husbands
Marc Spector & Harley Quinn, 0 fics!
Here’s the outline of the event for those interested. TLDR, This event celebrates relationship tags that have less than 30 works on ao3, both platonic and romantic. The rarest of rarepairs!
Inspired by Harley harassing interacting with Marc and Damian in chapter 20 of in labyrinths of reflections by @blackkatmagic, specifically these lines:
“Fuck the hell off,” he growls, and gets a hand on her face as she tries to kiss his mask. She’s wearing a lot of lipstick, and he'd rather not run around the rest of the night with a black lip-print on his face. 
Harley blinks at him, big eyes and blond pigtails and smeared makeup that makes her look like a raccoon with a hangover, and then laughs. 
Ho-ly-shit, I cannot begin to express how happy I am with this piece! Initially I was having a hard time with MK’s suit, to the point that I was contemplating just dropping the whole project. (I hate drawing superhero suits, why do I keep on doing this to myself) Like always, all it came down to was retaking my ref and utilizing that handy-dandy line of action, and I finished it pretty easily after that.
Damian was a last minute add-on, and I wanted to draw him on Marc’s right side and a head taller (kids are bigger than you think!) but I ran out of room on the page. I ran into the same problem with Harley’s mallet; I wanted it to be bigger, but with the angle it had to sit at to rest against her thigh, I kept it on the smaller side. 
This piece has made it very clear how limiting my sketchbooks’ size is. For example, I have an idea for another week in this event, but it literally wouldn't fit in this sketchbook so I’m not going to make it. Digital art 1: traditional, 0.
I tried out a new lining style as well, and I’m never going back. Before, I was making every line the same width, but it’s SO much more impactful with alternating line thickness! I attached the lined final sketch below. Do you see how much of a difference it makes?? (Written early May, so I've been using this style since.)
I think it’s silly that Harley’s boots are covered in blood, but not her actual weapon lol
Harley is as tall as she is because she’s standing on her toes in platform boots
The tattoo on Harley’s midsection is of ivy leaves (though, it’s not poison ivy) as a sort of homage to Ivy. Not that she’s dead or anything. They’re just. Lovers. So, tattoo.
I got to put NO WORK into shading the black parts of MK’s suit, and that was FABULOUS
I wanted to give her colored shoe laces, because I love small details like that. I would love to give characters any color of laces, but some of them seem to have negative meanings, especially on Doc Martens, so I went the safe route and gave her purple laces, which represents gay pride. Yes, I know she’s bisexual, but I felt like I didn’t have many options.
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fabled-lady-twilla · 5 months
Hi, I'm Twilla and I'm currently in the process of writing a ShigaDeku Dystopia/Soulmate AU fic that no one, and I mean literally NO ONE, asked for! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Why do I always join fandoms late and why do I always somehow end up loving/shipping the rarepairs in fandoms that barely anyone likes or wants to read about lmao? 🥺👉👈
I just finished reading the latest manga chapter, watched all six seasons, and binged all three movies. I am absolutely BURSTING with ideas of where I want this story to go. I want to at least post the first chapter by the time ShigaDeku Week 2024 is here next month. :)
In my fic timeline, the MHA canon story line doesn't happen until Class 1-A's third year, and since my story is set six years after their graduation, most of the main characters are in their mid to late twenties. My story starts after the Quirk Affliction, a strange illness that begins killing off Quirk-users all around to world, resulting in a massive a death toll that causes civilized society to collapse.
Anyways, here's the general synopsis:
The Final War was over before it had even begun. With the onset of the Quirk Affliction, a mysterious illness that disproportionately targeted the Quirks of heroes over the Quirks of villains, the world was left defenseless as it plunged into a new era of chaos and devastation.
It’s been six years since the onset of the Affliction and the death of All Might. Six years since the world’s heroes, and the society they desperately fought to protect, have crumbled into dust in Shigaraki Tomura’s hands.
From the ashes of this destruction, Japan’s new regime was born. The country was split into three territories, each with its own Grand Commander, united in nothing save for one singular rule: life for those who submit, and death for those who do not.
As Grand Commander of the largest and most plentiful of Japan’s territories, Shigaraki has lived the last six years reaping the fruits of his labors and taking pride in helping his Sensei accomplish his dream. But as of late, Tomura has been having strange dreams of his own: hazy memories of an abandoned park, of blooming wisteria trees, of laughter and freckles and forest green eyes.
Midoriya Izuku, now Quirkless due to the Affliction, has not stopped his pursuit of helping others, despite the world — and everything in it — turning itself upside down. Izuku dreams of a brighter future, and strangely enough, dreams of his long-lost childhood friend, Shimura Tenko.
The same Tenko that Izuku had unknowingly befriended as a young boy. The same Tenko who’d stopped him from jumping off the rooftop all those years ago. The same Tenko that, Izuku realized with horror, was now the monster known as Shigaraki Tomura.
Unfortunately, Izuku learns all too late that having a Soulbond with the King of Villains comes with a heavy cost. Shigaraki seems hell-bent on keeping Izuku as close to him as possible, believing Izuku to be his Soulmate, and thus, Shigaraki’s only true weakness, stirring up an ill-fated romance that neither has prepared themselves for.
As a new calamity encroaches upon them in the form of a mad man attempting to become a god, the heroes and villains must find a way to work together and solve the mystery of the Affliction before it destroys the world and everything they hold dear.
✨ P l e a s e ✨ let me know if you're interested in hearing about this by either, liking, reblogging, or sending me a PM. I'm working really hard to get the first chapter of this out by ShigaDeku Week 2024 in May!
Thank you so much for reading. 💚💚💚
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orphiclovers · 1 month
Just rediscovered spyjh scenes I had COMPLETELY forgotten about in the reincarnator island arc and I am THROWING UPPPPPP AGHHHHH they're soooo. How is there STILL so much material for me to talk about in regards to this insane rarepair. Ok.
This scene, first of all.
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The sky distorted?? Dramatic and cunty as hell SP entrance, as always. YJH's sponsor cameo cool...
Then he takes YJH to the same place above the Star Stream where he took KDJ before sending him to the 1863rd arc. This is just a thing he does I guess.[It has been a long time, puppet of the Oldest Dream]<- I love it when SP talks like a queercoded anime villain, I really do. His petname for YJH <3
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Second dramatic as hell enterance, even more cunty than the last. Also he just...shows up when YJH CALLS???? despite the probability cost?? even dkos can't do that in 0th round.
Anyway they had multiple conversations off screen between this screenshot and the last... 'playing along with your schemes long enough' SP was totally stringing him along by drip feeding him cryptic and unhelpful information, like he does in the next part of this conversation (while also taking the opportunity to mock him, he's such a cunt <3)
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[What are you curious about, oh Puppet of the Oldest Dream?] Oh, he is enjoying this so much. He loves YJH relying on him for answers, that's why he comes at his beck and call.
[Maybe. Maybe not.] [You think you can understand it after hearing the answer?] [Let's just say that such a scenario would've been fun to observe.] He's such an asshole why does he TALK like that. KDJ comments on it too the first time they meet. Does he genuinely not know how to talk to people after all these years or is he immitating an anime villain on purpose. What's wrong with this guy (complimentary).
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letterex-fyofm · 2 months
probably the worst idea i've ever had (ft. hq rarepair that i've never seen anyone discuss before)
So, I have I think more than thirty tskym fics in my docs (none of them are fully complete) and recently I've been working on one that was supposed to be a one-shot yet it escalated and it's growing to be its full monster.
Without sharing much, it revolves around Tadashi and Kei's relationship, with it tempting to cross the lines from really-close-friends to something more - yet without ever making the real jump. I also projected my experience with comphet and realising I was bisexual and the internalized homophobia I first faced - and since my favourite character of all Haikyuu is Tadashi, well, I used him as my guinea pig.
The thing is, I wanted to include a Tsukki pair that was not TsukkiYama, KuroTsuki, TsukiKage or TsukiHina, since they wouldn't really fit in the story. I was scrolling on twitter and boom.
Hear me out: TeruTsuki - don't click off yet.
Listen, does it make sense? Absolutely not. I think Tsukki would be annoyed as hell with Terushima - yet I actually am starting to like the idea of them as a messy fwb situation, where there are no strings attached and they just vibe.
So, I think Teruyama is a pretty popular ship and although I have no problems (because why would I have) if someone ships it, I never could get totally behind it. Like, I guess it's fun, yet I also think Tadashi would never like someone like Terushima. And I think people like it more because it gives the chance to write about Punk!Yamaguchi, which I think it's a funny concept yet I'm not a fan of because I always find myself missing the actual/canon Tadashi.
Yet...Terutsuki? That could be funny and almost even plausible without changing their personalities - too much.
I feel so stupid - this is all this user's fault.
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And this one too
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TELL ME YOU CAN'T SEE IT? There's something cooking here.
And just imagine the amount of drama it would cause. For context, when I write jealousy I usually write Tsukki kind of depressed and with self-esteem issues (because, same) - which is great for angst and character/relationship study! Yet, I've realised that writing jealousy with Tadashi has so much potential to be funny AS FUCK.
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He was two seconds from barking at Koganegawa just because he called Kei "Tsukki". Just imagine how funny it would be if Tsukki was suddenly going out with freaking Terushima.
I imagine him just being like "What the fuck, Tsukki. Since when do you like punks? He has a tongue piercing for fucks sake! Who cares if he is on the top of his class - his hair is piss coloured!"
And I think it would be even funnier if Kei and Terushima didn't actually have any sort of feelings for the other. Like, I'm not saying as in they are fake-dating, but like more as friends that occasionally make out because one, it's fun. Two, Terushima is figuring things out. Three, Kei wants to move on from whatever the hell happened between Yamaguchi and him and he is going to do it - in one way or another.
They are both using the other for something, yet it is not unhealthy since they are pretty open about it.
So, what if Tsukki wants to make Tadashi a bit jealous? Terushima doesn't mind - he is enjoying it even.
I have no words to express how disappointed I am of myself.
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angstyastro · 1 year
wait im new to mass effect and am romancing thane for hot dilf reasons pls tell me all about vakarios, i only ever see people talk about garrus not thane
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Oh BOY anon you’ve got a big thing coming on my vakarios brain rot Okok SO sit back and lemme just word dump on you on why and how I just really love me vakarios so much:
SO first things first don’t get me wrong I am a huge sucker for thane/Shepard, garrus/Shepard and specifically thane/shepard/garrus because i have personal headcanons etc and my canon is always Shakarios BUT vakarios is my thane/garrus part of all this
I love the idea of garrus/thane realizing they have a lot of parallels to eachother and thane seeing a bit of himself in garrus:
Thane talks about being in battlesleep for 10 years after the death of his wife Irikah where he basically went on a revenge quest and killed everyone involved in her murder. He comes to realize he made a mistake in terms of not staying with Kolyat and ultimately revenge not giving him the fulfillment he needed.
Garrus can be labeled as a man who is going through his own battlesleep after Shepard dies. For 2 years he basically said fuck it and went to omega to “clean up” and seek Justice against the criminals that he couldn’t take down in c-sec. It’s implied that he was devastated after Shepard died no matter if fem/bro shep and then it just snowballs when he’s betrayed by Sidonis. Garrus falls into his own small form of battlesleep given you can’t really talk to him much as Shepard until he tells you about his revenge quest for a loyalty mission.
I like to see the Normandy crew in me2 as a ragtag group of people who come together and become something of a family so they all get to see the ugliest and best sides of eachother and I love the concept thane and garrus would become good friends based off being snipers at first but then relating over the histories they’ve had. Thane is able to relate to Garrus’s seeking of revenge and has a different perspective over it.
Now when you play as Shepard and you go the route of stopping him from killing Sidonis consider that you’re kind of replicating the whole thing that thane went through with Irikah. Irikah stepped in thane’s way to stop him from killing someone and Shepard is doing the same for garrus.
It’s not until after this that Garrus will begin to see things clearer and differently and I love the concept of both thane and garrus realizing they have so much in common. This also can happen if Sidonis is killed. Garrus may be filled with that void of it not really helping him solve anything. He killed him via battlesleep and is barely coming out of it with the help of Shepard and crew.
Another thing is Garrus isn’t a stranger to losing someone close to him because of illness. His mother becoming sick etc has him as one of the only people on the Normandy who would probably know how to care for and make things as relaxing/comfortable for someone going through something similar (thane w his keprals) and like consider them just bonding over this in general.
And last but not least thane and his dry fuckin humor would make him and Garrus really close.
All in all I am a fan of every ship/crackship/rarepair etc because It’s fun to pair characters so i know vakarios isn’t for everyone but hell it makes me happy and lots of possibilities for it so :3 thanks for letting me ramble anon.
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just wanted to say I've always absolutely loved and adored Taco since Season One like omg he went from silly to evil to silly evil to depressed and I'm here for it and always have long I just draw these silly characters doing whatever I want because I love them. Why the hell am I so attached to a show about (gay) objects, anyways? Literally nobody irl I know likes them and my friends tease me about it grrr My friend made me 'fanart' of Steve Cobs stabbing me to death and I thought it was the funniest shit like it's on my wall rn. I'll talk to her about Inanimate Insanity and she'll talk to me about Bungo Stray Dogs and all is good. I'm very attached to Taco what do I do like he's a piece of Mexican food that is British and apparently can speak french? (I saw somewhere that she could speak it in Season One, I think.) idk why I posted this man I'm just having fun I'm just gonna have fun with my hyperfixaction lol I can cry to the angst later on silly stuff first SPEAKING OF you should like totally request me a rarepair including Taco to draw!!1 I will write my opinion aswell :3 Goodnight/morning, everybody.
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1lostsoul0fishbowl · 9 months
annual writing self-evaluation 📝
Many thanks and muchas smooches to @justhere4thevibez for tagging me! 🥰
1. List of works published this year (in no particular order):
chapters 56-84 of With a Little Help From My Friends (completed 5/15/23)
Next Time I Fall (24 chapters, completed 12/19/23)
Lost and Found and Turned Around (7 chapters, completed 11/16/23)
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
I’m incredibly proud of all my works, but I think probably I’m most proud of Next Time I Fall. I created a brand new rarepair, shaped a beautiful fluffy love story for them, and persevered through extreme personal difficulty to finish the fic despite the temptation to abandon it.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
There are a couple of chapters in Little Help that I feel aren’t as strong as they could’ve been. 64, 73, and 81 in particular. I don’t know what I should’ve done to make them better; I just know they needed more.
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
I’ll pick one little snippet from each fic…
Little Help:
Wayne waited until she’d finished her tiny blueberry slice and was debating over which to try next. “Actually, sugar,” he said quietly to Max, “I wanted to talk to you about that.”
“About what?” she asked, puzzled. “About gaining weight? That was a joke.”
“No.” He watched Eddie let Lucy lick a tiny smear of pie filling from his finger, despite Chrissy’s protest that sugar wasn’t good for cats. “About staying with us.”
A chill ran through her. “It’s still okay, right?” she said hesitantly. “My mom’s getting out of the rehab next week, but Claudia said I could stay longer if I needed to. But if that’s changed…” She trailed off, swallowing hard.
Wayne patted her shoulder. “Naw, sugar, that ain’t changed. You can stay long as you like. Fact is”— he rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly bashful— “fact is, what we really want is to keep you for good.”
Next Time I Fall:
Gareth couldn’t imagine having to grow up without his mom and dad. He thought of the way Janie held so tightly to his mom every time they hugged, and a lump formed in his throat.
“They never found your parents?” he whispered. “Baby, I’m so sorry.”
Honestly, he hadn’t even thought before speaking, he’d just blurted that out. But somehow it had been the right thing to say; Eddie and Chrissy’s tense expressions melted into something that looked like relief, and Janie’s crushing grip on his hand finally relaxed a little. Gareth laced his fingers through hers, giving her hand a little squeeze, before gently turning it to examine the small number tattooed on the inside of her wrist.
“Is that where this came from?” He lifted her hand to his lips, softly kissing the tiny 011. “Did they do that to you in the Lab?”
She nodded, tears spilling down her cheeks. “It was my name,” she murmured. “That is why everyone calls me El. El is short for Eleven.”
Fucking hell. Gareth felt tears running down his cheeks, too.
Lost and Found:
“Jane, you need to wake up!” Kali tried unsuccessfully not to shout. “You really are naive! They can always take you if they really want you. You need to face facts. Your policeman cannot protect you, you have to be able to protect yourself. Are your friends helping you with that? Is your boyfriend? No, they just want you to be ‘normal’. They want you to suppress your gifts instead of using them, and they want you to forget who you are and where you came from. And if I stay here they’ll do the same to me. Putting on their hypocritical smiles as long as I convert to their idea of normal. I don’t want to hide who I am, and neither should you, Jane. You can’t heal by hiding. The only way to heal is to face up to the truth, confront and conquer your past.”
“Stop calling me naive,” Jane snapped, “just because I am trying to accept my past instead of confronting it. I confronted Papa face to face, and then I let him die, and it did not change anything. All your revenge has not changed you either.” Just as quickly as her anger flared up, it dissipated again. Her voice softened, her entire demeanor settling into something more gentle. “You talk a lot about healing, but you are still so mad, Kali. I think I am more healed than you are. Maybe if you stayed here, as part of my family, maybe that can heal you like it did for me.”
5. Share or describe a favorite comment you received:
I love every single comment I get, truly I do. But I think the ones that made me smile the most this year were the few on Next Time I Fall that basically said ‘I never would’ve considered El and Gareth together but your fic made me ship them’. Is there any greater compliment? 😄
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Basically the last eight weeks have been awful. I got covid, and had barely recovered from that when a family emergency happened and I was thrown into the role of caregiver, and since then just more and more stuff keeps going wrong. I’m exhausted and honestly in a pretty dark place, mentally and emotionally, right now.
And yet. In spite of that I finished both Next Time and Lost and Found. Neither of them seem to have made any great impact— I barely even got any comments on either finale— but it was a goal of mine to finish them both and I’m still proud I managed to achieve that.
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
Kali, in Lost and Found, was so much fun to explore! I rewatched “The Lost Sister” before I started writing this fic, and I realized that I still hated her obnoxious friends but Kali herself was a super interesting character with a lot of potential. I had a lot of fun digging into what might possibly make her want to reconnect with El, and what would make her feel drawn to Steve. Also it surprised me how much I ship Stali now!
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I learned that my stories come out better when I write them the way I want them, instead of “taking requests” and pushing the characters in directions I wouldn’t have chosen if left to my own devices. I feel like certain parts of Little Help suffered because of this, so I resolved I’d stick to my own plans for Next Time and later Lost and Found, and I think those two fics came out better for it.
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
Next year, if I write any more, I want to somehow learn not to be so obsessed with stats. Stop comparing my kudos/comments count to other fics and feeling sad and inadequate. I have no idea how to accomplish this, but it’s where I need to be if I’m going to keep writing.
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
Oh it’s 1000% @pearlypairings — she’s been all of the above for me and so much more! Lost and Found would never have happened without her, and Next Time would likely have been abandoned unfinished.
11. Anything in your real life show up in your writing this year:
Lots of things, yeah, I don’t think I can help adding little bits and pieces of myself to my stories. I write the kind of world I’d like to see, and populate it with characters I either want to be like or wish I’d had in my own life.
A very silly specific example, though, is that I made Eddie adopt a kitten because I lost my cat last year and I missed her so much.
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Um. Not really? I don’t think I’m good enough yet to be passing on wisdom to others!!!
13. Any new projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
I have a couple fun ideas jotted down in my Plot Bunnies folder, but no definite plans to start anything new right now. I gotta get out of this awful headspace before I can even think about new projects.
14. Tag three writers/artists whose answers you’d like to read:
@sokkas-first-fangirl @bratanimus @slowandsteddie
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drowninginredink · 9 months
WIP List
I always like it when people talk about their WIPs. I live for that. So it's my turn. But I am a one-shot writer at heart with way, way too many ideas, so here is a list of everything I'm toying with. For the record, some of these don't even have a single word written yet, and none are that far along, so don't get your hopes up too high.
Smosh One-Shots
"Feelings are so fragile" — Platonic Shaymien thing where I project really hard onto Damien. (Yes it's for the aro collection)
"Most euphoric I've ever been" — A spetney fic based the fact that yes, they're technically a m/f couple... But like, no. Put them together, you've got nonbinary lesbian vibes. Sorry Spencer, you're getting your gender transed because there's no way you and Courtney are straight.
"But what's a home?" — A Damian QPR fic. Damien/Ian is already such an interesting rarepair and then you make it a QPR and it's like... They end up living together just temporarily because Damien's housing falls through and turns out they both really miss when they used to be living with their best friends and look I know everyone likes romance but do you know how good QPR fics can be? I love the idea of them as a QPR so much?
A thing for @aro-soulmates-fest about Anthony getting all his tattoos to hide the fact that he doesn't have a soulmate one.
A murderverse one shot about Arasha because God I fucking love gang AU!Arasha
A vampire!Spencer fic where Shayne plays the role of Johnathan Harker
"And I lie like the right thing to do" — me taking @generaltrashshecox 's whole "Anthony sleeping with Damien to cope with unrequited feelings for Ian thing that I love so much and just doing my own version of it where I lean into the angst so hard. With permission from bun, don't worry
A (platonic) nintendogs fic where I decide to do a little bit of own voices stuff on the fact that The Chosen is suuuuuuuuper schizo-coded
I bought a new ray and it's time to use it. Let's make Ian aplatonic this time.
"Then it's done." Killing off Spencer. Very one-sided Spommy.
A lil smut based on Anthony asking Tommy to choke him.
Hey @generaltrashshecox infected me again and now aro4aro Antmien needs to exist
This post into a real fic
Smosh not a one shot but also kind of a one shot?
14. "Once in twenty lifetimes" — A no smosh AU that's going to go through all the different ways Ian and Anthony could have ended, choose-your-own-adventure style. And as the title suggests, only one of them is the reunion. Most are things falling apart. And also to fit the title, it's going to be in twenty chapters (although that does not mean 20 endings. I don't hate myself.). So it's multichapter, but also it'll all be posted at once so it'll basically be a one-shot. It's going to end up as kind of an epic and God I hope it turns out as good as it is in my head. Inspiration for the good endings is "Cardigan" by Taylor Swift, and for the bad endings and a lot along the way is "San Cristobal" by Mal Blum.
15. Partners (in crime) — my Changela QPR fic that was supposed to be a one-shot right up until I wrote the thing, and actually wrote a chapter one. Not sure how long that's going to be, but I like it so far.
Smosh Multichapter
(The fact that my very one-shot oriented self has multiple of these is such a problem)
16. "Puppy Love" — I don't need to say anything about this. There are already 5 chapters on AO3. Either it's extremely your shit or you're wondering what the hell I'm doing and why I'm writing this extremely specific concept. If you're wondering why I still haven't posted chapter 6, it's because that has sex in it and I fucking hate writing sex scenes so I'm procrastinating really hard.
17. "I'll use you as a warning sign" (aka the evil fic, so named because chu-tea thinks I'm evil for coming up with the plot) — yeah so what I planned for PL was just a straightforward kind of fluffy ianthony piece. And then a certain friend of mine (*cough* chu *cough*) accidentally inspired me to think of a different ending that is such hardcore angst and hurt that I absolutely needed to make it happen and have been obsessed. It's interesting when you've already made the bad decision to start a long project and then oops, now you just really want the next 6 chapters to be done already so you can write the alternate ending. This one will *really* not be everyone's shit because I will rip your heart out in 6 different ways. But God I'm obsessed. Anyway, if you want details... I'll just say "major character death" and leave it at that. Oh and rarepair.
18. "I've come back changed and I can feel it in my bones" — an AU where "what if Anthony left because he got psychosis." Basically very hardcore projection on my part. This is on the back burner for a while because obviously when I have projects that aren't going to be emotionally gutting to write, I'd much rather work on them.
Non Smosh Stuff
(I'll be honest, I'm so deep in the smosh obsession that you should not get too excited about any of these. I know myself, so I know the smosh flame will eventually burn out but these are based on things I will be obsessed with until I die. So I know they'll happen. But not for a long time)
19. A Phantom of the Opera one-shot for @aro-soulmates-fest. This is the one thing I will actually write within a reasonable amount of time, because it's due March 17.
20. "Baby, please don't bore me" — A Series of Unfortunate Events — Sunny (well, Sorrel in this version because oops I transed their gender) teams up with Olaf to find their siblings after years of separation. I find them to be a very interesting chaotic, morally gray, bantery duo.
21. "Because the same night awaits us all" — ASOUE — A Klaus/Lemony fic that I swear I will write someday. Very morally gray, very much a codependent relationship, very leaning into the age gap. Basically they're together because they do not have anyone else in the world. It's just so delicious a dynamic that I will explore I swear.
22. ASOUE — I'm still not entirely convinced I'll ever be bothered to actually write this one, but I might do a Kit/Fernald FWB thing. I'm not sure where on earth the idea of that came from, but it's been living in my head for a long time now. Long enough that there's an early one-shot version of it that I don't really like anymore on *gasp* fanfiction.net
If anyone actually bothered to read all the way to the end of this long-ass post, you deserve a medal.
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whitelikeroses · 1 year
Ship of the Week!
Gonna start posting these here too because why the hell not. I love to scream with joy about my ships. Starting off strong with one of my favorites (actually they're all my favorites), Blacksmith's Familiar! Which is my name for the ship comprised of Blake/Yang/Penny (I named it for the fact that the ship name for Yang/Penny is Blacksmith) Now let's get into it!
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These three are, as I so affectionately refer to them, my 'THEY COULD HAVE BEEN SO FLUFFY THEY DESERVED TO BE FLUFFY' OT3. I mean, notice how in the pictures above, Yang lets Penny pick her up, and Penny lets Blake lift her when she hugs them! Anyway Combat Kitty happens to also be one of my favorite rarepairs. One of my favorite things to talk about regarding it is how Blake must know how Penny felt in the early volumes, being different but being able to pass being both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because they can blend in, they aren't targets. A curse because they can't be authentically them. And then you have Yang. Yang who has never been anything BUT authentically herself. Yang who doesn't care that Blake's a Faunus or that Penny's a robot. Because they're still them! And she loves them! And they should be able to love themselves too! Yang Xiao Long who goes out of her way to remind them that not only are they wonderful for everything that they are, but she'd never want them any other way. I hc that Yang runs warm, and thus she appreciates that Penny is cool to the touch. Her favorite times are when Penny and Blake are leaning into her on either side, snuggling into her while she wraps one arm around Penny and uses the other hand to gently pet Blake's ears. Think of the affection in her eyes as she gazes at each of them. Yang's always worn her heart on her sleeve, and that means Penny and Blake are never left in the dark about how she feels about them. This is great for Blake, because she never has to worry about empty promises from Yang. She means and does what she says. It's also great for Penny, who has always struggled with the nuance of interacting with people, and struggles when people either don't say what they mean, or worse, suddenly change their behaviors. Penny's bluntness and slight inability to lie also helps. It helps Blake for the same reason Yang's earnest nature does, and it helps Yang because of her issues with people leaving her, lying to her, and in Raven's case, even trying to manipulate her (I hope I'm making sense). I am so delusional about these three I stg. They would be SO obnoxiously in love that Weiss would have to take to wearing earmuffs in their vicinity to ignore the stream of loving words, and a blindfold to ignore the sweet gestures they'd constantly exchange. Like They're so adorable I could DIE Anyway, Thank you for reading! I have been delusiona- I mean Apex and this has been a Ship of the Week post! See y'all next week!
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narastories · 8 months
what we can have
I want to say ‘this is a weird one’ but let’s face it: when have I ever written something that’s not?
That said… this is: a) a crossover b) wizardbaron
Fandom: The Dresden Files - Jim Butcher, The Fetch Phillips Archives Series - Luke Arnold Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Harry Dresden/Johnny Marcone, Thurston Niles/Fetch Phillips Tags: Crossover, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dimension Travel, POV Alternating, POV First Person, POV Third Person, Marcone POV, Fetch POV, in terms of the Dresden Files it's set after Fool Moon, in the FPA universe after OFITF, pining Wizardbaron, established Philes, because I said so, somehow Philes ended up being the emotionally more mature couple in this which is hilarious, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Fae & Fairies, Niles & Marcone bromance, Fluff
John Marcone has a bad start of his day when he manages to get his favorite wizard to help him, only for them to be transported to a different city. Fetch Phillips also faces trouble when a self-proclaimed wizard and a trigger-happy mafia boss enter his café unexpectedly.
The story of four men grappling with the unpredictable nature of magic and their impractical crushes.
Read on AO3
To answer a few questions you might have in advance:
Can I read this if I haven’t read the Dresden Files?
Yes, totally! There are a few minor spoilers from book 1 & 2 but nothing big. If you are familiar with the general premise of the Dresden Files, you should be fine.
Can I read this if I haven’t read the Fetch Phillips Archives?
Technically, yes, but from the FPA perspective, this takes place after the third book, and there are some pretty significant spoilers alluded to. If you have no intention of reading the FPA or don’t care about the spoilers, you should be fine. However, I think if you like the Dresden Files, you should really give the Fetch Phillips Archives a go, and maybe save this fic after you read the first three books ;)
Nara you never seemed like a huge Wizardbaron fan, how come you wrote this ship? Can we expect more Harry x Marcone fics in the future?
I’m sorry for being so antagonistic about this. I have a real love/hate relationship with Marcone and this ship.
I get everything I ever wanted from enjoying Harry/Nic and Fetch/Niles. The reason why this fic ended up being Harry/Marcone is because they are much closer in vibe to Fetch/Niles, and I thought Marcone and Niles would get along pretty well. These ships and characters mirrored each other nicely so Marcone fit my idea better.
If I could have gotten away with making this Harry/Nic I would have, believe me.
I will always respect Wizardbaron enjoyers as the backbone of the DF fandom. And I also liked the idea of writing something that they could realistically enjoy without having to descend into the rarepair hell with me lol
I have no intention of writing more wizardbaron tho, sorry. Although as all fanfic writers know we have limited control of what we end up writing, am I right?
Also I re-listened to Even Hand while editing, and I highly recommend the audiobook version of that if you’re far enough into the DF series. It’s narrated by Mr. Author himself (btw I don’t know why I always call him that but you know, I think I’d better stick to Fae rules and don’t call him by his name on a fanfic lmao) and he clearly had so much fun with it. Certain implications for future theories aside it’s also one of the good parts with Marcone.
Anyway, if you read all that ramble i love you hope you enjoy the fic <3
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Tres Leches Cake
Written for @ygorarepairweek!
YGO Rarepair Week 1 - Prompt is Sweets/Desserts - Fathershipping
~~~ Vetrix has always had an eye for baking, it’s always been there. Even when him and Faker were cooped up in that lab, he always baked nice little tea cakes, although he never accepted them, let alone his tea. He remembered it so clearly, to see the shards of the teacup splayed all about the ground. He detested Faker for the act, but he never let it show.
But now, he kind of missed it. He was so petite that he could barely reach the top of the kitchen counter, always having to drag over a stool or ask one of his kids to hold him up so he could get something.
He’d barely had time to bake as he used to. Oh, such a shame.
It was sad, really, to be reduced to such a pitiful thing. But it was okay, because Kazuma didn’t mind. When they’d reunited he had expected him to be disgusted, to wonder where the old him had been, to never speak to him again. Maybe he was just scared, because the moment Kazuma saw him again, it seemed he’d loved him even more than before.
It was almost like nothing changed.
He’s hesitant, however. It’s a maelstrom of “Can I do this?” and “Is it wrong?”, to the point it makes his head spin. Because Kazuma is married, after all. Vetrix has met his wife multiple times, she’s a nice lady, this has to go against some type of rule.
But he doesn’t have the time to dwell on it. it’s the middle of the day, a quarter past 2 and not a second more, and their outside soaking up the sun. Kazuma went traveling with her again, bringing over a box of tres leche cake he’d picked up. Even though he never says it, it’s a gift! He assumes Vetrix would like it. It’s light and fluffy, just as Kazuma is whenever he holds him close.
His eyes are starting to wander again, noticing Kazuma's smile. "Who's got you smiling like that?" Vetrix asks, setting down his fork for a moment, "It's you, I think. You're always so cute when you eat, y'know."
"A-Am I now?" Those words alone make his cheeks flush. (Along with his galaxy eyes too, which is pleasantly pulsing with color)
"Yeah, you've got a.. what's it called?” He takes a moment to think. Oh, endearingly air-headed Kazuma, “A sweet tooth, yeah!"
“It always shows whenever you eat cake or stuff like that..”
"I suppose I do." The blonde stifles an awkward laugh, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and wiping the runaway crumbs from the side of his lip.
But he doesn’t suppose so, he knows so. It wasn’t his fault that sweet things always tasted so amazing. Kazuma always has a way of making things better, this cake included. He’s never been fond of big extravagant cakes (like the one Mr. Heartland had at that big party for the World Duel Carnival finalists, which he was sure it tasted like nothing but chalky, tasteless fondant) as it was always the small ones he loved the most, much like this tres leches cake.
He doesn’t love it, (love is too strong a word to place on an inanimate object, and love denotes attachment. Vetrix is absolutely horrible with attachment) and he’s still not 100% sure if he hates it, but he continues to eat it while not being completely sure why.
Visiting Kazuma, or just having him come over always tended to be a little draining. Most times he couldn’t find the right words to say, or just wanted his intrusive thoughts to win, to pin him down to the ground and kiss him until the both of them forgot their own names. Vetrix could barely function, like a computer running on the the first version of Windows as it slowly rotted away. But it’s always a relief, because Kazuma does most of the talking, anyways.
Vetrix has never been chatty whenever he’s alone with Kazuma. No one’s here, just Vetrix and Kazuma and over 100 colorful flowers that sit in the the flowerbeds right next to the table. Hell, Kazuma helped him plant all of them as well.
“I like the sunflowers. They remind me of you.” He’s shifted in his chair just a bit. They always point towards the sun, as if it’s their own personal spotlight. But Vetrix isn’t confident enough to do any of that. “They’re pretty, like you.”
He doesn’t quite remember the last time he heard Kazuma call him pretty, it’s been so long that the memories almost escaped him. He remembered Kazuma holding him closed running his fingers through his hair when they slept in that tent together, “The stars are pretty tonight, almost as pretty as you.” But the moment was cut short due to the most obvious.
But, out of no where, he finally has it in him to speak.
“I like spending time with you,”
It’s not an “I love you”, or an “I need you”, or “I like you”, nothing to ever suggest it. But the feelings there.
“And uhm, thank you very much for the cake, you’re very sweet.” He squeaks, feeling a little tinier than he actually is. But he doesn’t even realize what he said, having to do a double take. “I mean the CAKE is very sweet!” He babbles out, yellow eyes darting about.
Kazumas smile doesn’t go away, seemingly unbothered. Vetrixs shoulders relaxed, cheeks covered in blush.  
“That wasn’t so hard, now was it?” He chuckles as he cuts himself a slice. Almost as if he knew. “I’ve barely gotten to try this stuff, let’s see if it’s as good as you make it look!”
He takes his first bite of cake and briefly closes his eyes in contentment. It’s pleasantly sweet and moist, and Vetrix can’t help but look on as his features fill with pleasure.
“And you’re welcome, really.”
And somehow, almost magically, the tension disappears.
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intcritus · 25 days
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I don't really do OTPs, but Hua Cheng and Xie Lian is the only one to ever exist in my head. Other than that, I don't really have many if any at all because fandom tends to ruin any sort of OTP for me and I just don't even bother anymore.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Mmm, I'm pretty open to write anything but no non-con, I just don't see myself going that route after somene shoved it on me in Bleach fandom days, I'm still traumatized that shit happened. That and I find that it's a harstop for me to write stuff like that in general with the way I've mutred over the years and it's a trigger for me. Generally though, I'm happy to write pretty much anything else, but there has to be communication involved.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
I try to make my characters from 27 to damn near 50, and I have a lot of immortal muses. That being said, no one below like 27 because most of my muses are just old enough that they'd be bothered by certain age gaps. For my 27+ muses, no one below their age but upward ? Yes please. For my immortal muses, give them them 30 + always. They don't wanna feel like grave robbers. As for any muse I have below 27, i.e Edward, Shoto, Shinso, they're dating in their age bracket.
Are you selective when shipping?
Yes and no. As someone who needs active communication when it comes to shipping, I realize things don't really progress or develop if we aren't talking. And I don't mean everyday, because that's unrealistic. But if we're in the midst of shipping, I would like to hear your thoughts on the way they're developing together. I would love to share thoughts about the ins and outs of them just being in the same space. I love to ship, but empty ships with no substance fall flat and get dropped overtime because shipping is a two-way street and if one part is not putting in the work, the whole workload falls onto the other partner and that's a no go for me. In the same token, I'm happy to talk about dynamics, I'm all about what'll work and what won't work, especially in romantic ships, but familiar and friendships work out perfectly without much chatter.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
There's steamy, then there's suggestive. Steamy is them grinding against one another, dirty talk and the like. Suggestive is just them probably making eyes. Either way, I'm tagging it as is because I don't want the tumblr police in my ear.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Honestly, couldn't tell you off rip. I have friends who I've been friends with for years that occupy most of my ships. It's such dynamic and rarepairs that it's hard to list them all. Its so much fun when I think about just how rarepairs, pairs I've hardly thought about can work once talked about. It's so good.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Absolutely. I feel like if there's some blooming chemistry for our muses, and you see it, feel free to tip yourself into my IMs or my inbox and shout in capital letters about them, I'm always happy to discuss it. Because I'm not an insta-shipper, but I love when muses develop crushes, or if there's potential for a certain dynamic and I'll never turn down anything, as long as there's adequate communication.
How often do you like to ship?
As someone who takes the time to develop ships, not as often as I used to. Mutual interest goes a long way into getting me to ship. Sometimes I'm there for shipping and I'm like hell yeah, other times I'm just eh. Depends on the why and if there's interest on both ends.
Are you multiship?
That, I am. But I don't do multiples of the same muse. I'm all for a friendships but I refuse to be ship with multiples because it's messy and my brain doesn't like to feel like someone's hoarding my muse or vice versa. Most people don't do exclusives but in my head, I do because it gives me peace of mind. That and my muses are very devoted to their person and the thought of trying with the same muse, different writer shrivels up their muse as a whole.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
The only thing I'm obssessed with when it comes to my ships is probably everything me, Sis and Aven come up with. Because those pairings come outta nowhere and are all the more dynamic for them. Shipping has become a rare thing for me these days because stuff tends to fall off, and I am okay with that. Developing ships is different because muses aren't one dimensional and it's fun to see them opposing one another, for them to be realistic and have conflicting feelings. Those are the things that make me want to ship rather than ' oh my god, they need to kiss', it's more ' could they agree on world destruction ? ' or ' is that thing a deal breaker ?'
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
Don't really belong to a single fandom tbh. Like I said, most of my pairings are rare and odd, so....
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Like I've been saying, communicate with me ! I'm not gonna bite and the worst thing I can say is no. I'm big on communicating because it goes a long way in letting me determined if there's mutual interest there and if not, we can always come back to it another time. But if not, I'm not always in a rush to jump into ships, it takes time.
tagged by : @avaere ( thanks nerd <3 )
tagging: @venstm @strcngered @msftsn & anyone whose feeling froggy !
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