#why are u telling nate this u crazy boy!!
raeflora · 8 months
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chuck bass outfits 3x08 the grandfather: part ii
outfit 1
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bingwriterxo · 1 year
Y/N always having to stop Nate and Eddie constantly badgering Tara for the poor girls own sake.
Nate would probably invade her personal space ever so slightly while harassing Tara into telling him her interests, mainly hoping to see if she’d mention Shakespeare or any playwriter/play for his sake. Then would proceed to say his favorite quotes in which half of them would be ones Tara have heard before because of you.
Eddie, on the more easygoing though still crazy side, would ask about her future (in which Tara would mention you because she knew it’s part of what he wanted to hear, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t see you in it) and proceeding to lie straight out of her ass because she actually doesn’t really know what she wants in the next 5 years, aside from still being with you.
Bonus points to Tara if she’d make it through a whole sentence without stuttering when talking with your dad.
R: mom, where are the boys?
R’s mom, waving in the general direction of the house: oh, somewhere in there. tara’s with them
R, sprinting: NO NO NO
nate: has R ever told u ur a twelfth night kinda girl? have u read twelfth night? have u—
eddie: and thats why i think u and R should get 6 dogs and a cat, because u need some variety in there, you know, and—
tara, thinking: WHATS GOIN ON
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firedragon1321 · 1 year
I torture myself with badfic sometimes. There used to be a LiveJournal for posting this kinda stuff, but who uses LJ anymore? Here is a fine collection of horrible badfic lines and author’s notes, for your viewing pleasure.
Most of these are from Digimon fic. Some of these are NSFW, or from a NSFW source.
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“Then Myotismon then said," I think that’s enough damage for one day, ciao!..."
Myotismon, Digimon
This one’s from a Digimon Mary Sue fic. Myotismon- a villain who wants to kill the child protagonists- kills only the Sue. The canon characters mourn the Sue. He has them at his mercy. But then he does...this. This is one of my personal favorites, but I never noticed there’s two “thens” in that sentence until tonight.
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“You like what you see, Hugh? Come get it, come get your birthday gift. That’s right; you’re getting an ass as your birthday present. Who needs a Wii U when you’ve got an ass?”
Nate, Pokemon
I need to stop reading bad/OOC fic on purpose. But lines like this make it all worth the suffering. The succulent line “Who needs a Wii U when you’ve got an ass” made me break out laughing- hard. The rest of the fic was OOC crap, BTW.
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“What the HELL ARE You Doing You Motherfukers! It was. Dumbledore!”
Dumbledore, Harry Potter My Immortal
This is one of the classics of badfic. I read it in one night. A skunk sprayed outside, providing an odor to enhance my reading experience. I went a little crazy and remember nothing but the famous introduction and this line. A pure gem.
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"Stop calling Lexaeus my mom, it just creepy. I mean he's like almost 7 foot and hell of buff!"
Axel, Kingdom Hearts
I vaguely remember this fic was some kind of Soriku/AkuRoku Double Power Hour where Sora and Roxas were catboys or something. This line- like many of the other zingers- comes in out of fucking nowhere. Yes, Axel- Lexaeus is “hell of buff”. I also know the image is technically of Lea, but KH3 graphics are pretty.
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“He smiled, before pulling off his plaid shirt. Don't worry, he had a white t-shirt underneath.”
Prose, Digimon
I used to do a lot of MSTs of Digimon fanfics. The Myotismon quote was from one of my victims. So is this one, which was a Stufic. The Stu’s target was Mimi. They were hanging out or going to bed or- God knows what. The author pulled the story to a full fucking stop to tell the reader about this white t-shirt. Just in case they thought things were getting too racy. The fic was rated K on fanfiction dot net.
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“Mimi's eyes widened as she watched the older man grab Izzy's neck viciously as the man grabbed a rifle from his pocket and held it threateningly against the younger boy's head.”
Prose, Digimon
Another old MST victim. Yes, you read right. A thug pulled a full-size rifle out of his pocket. I had to stop my MST for two solid minutes because- no? I think the author meant a small handgun, not a fucking rifle. Fun fact- the minimum length of the barrel for a rifle is sixteen inches. This is equal to stuffing a standard ruler and then some in your pocket!
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““DORA! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Screams Annie way too overdramatically.”
Prose, Digimon
This was another Suefic. Not sure if I actually MSTed this one. Anyone who knows Digimon knows that- right before crossing into the Digital World- your regular Joe experiences some freaky electronic behavior. A television playing Dora the Explorer- to the delight of some teenagers- zapped out, leading to this little gem.
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"I had them not shoot you for the soul purpose to annoy you."
Leomon, Digimon
This fic was an MST fic and I fucking hated it. It was made by non-Digimon fans if I remember correctly, who made everyone OOC and stupid. And used “knave” as an insult a lot. Leomon was an antagonist- not sure if he was under Devimon’s control- and he summoned cupids to make the DigiDestined fall in love with random bullshit. TK was spared this gruesome fate. When he questions why, Leomon drops this zinger.
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“He then kicked Gatomon a few feet (Because I hate Gatomon and so does Koushiro.) “
Prose, Digimon
Same fic as above. I forgot to mention the Author’s Notes liked to butt in at times, too.
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"Sorry Miss Luna, but there are no breaks form learning your education,"
Teacher, Digimon
MST Suefic victim. This one is just a grammar mess. It looks like something Google Translate might write if it was allowed to make a fanfic. No- let’s not wish that into reality.
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“He decided to act like a complete wigga and moonwalked home at 45 miles an hour.”
Prose, Beyblade
This was the most terrible Beyblade crackfic I’ve ever seen. I’m not sure if that’s supposed to be a slur in there? The moonwalking bit was what got to me, in addition to the very specific speed. The fic gets even worse. That gem of a line is in the NSFW section.
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"Samus... there's no sal-"
Link and Samus, Smash Brothers
I honestly remember nothing about this fic except this line.
(Note- I didn’t bold anything to avoid eye strain. The battle below is presented uncut in its entirety, to deliver maximum pain. Enjoy!)
"Let's get started, shall we?"
"Okay," Rosa said, moving away from Elesa to get their battle started. "Go, Emboar!" Rosa said, releasing an Emboar holding a Quick Claw.
"Go, Zapdos!" Elesa said, releasing a shiny Zapdos. "Thunderbolt, Zapdos!"
"Flare Blitz!"
Doing as told, the Emboar ignited himself, then he rushed towards Zapdos to tackle it. The Fire-type move instantly knocked Zapdos, but it costed a bit of Emboar's health.
"Impressive, I say. Go, Raikou!" Elesa said, and she released Raikou. "Thunderbolt!"
"Flare Blitz, again!"
The Emboar's Quick Claw didn't activate this time as Raikou attacked first with Thunderbolt, easily blacking Emboar out. "Go, Haxorus!" Rosa said, releasing Haxorus. "Outrage!"
"Hidden Power (Ice), Raikou!"
The Raikou's Hidden Power wasn't enough to knock Haxorus out as Haxorus retaliated with Outrage, knocking Raikou out as Elesa stomped her foot.
"Damn," Elesa cursed.
"Almost out of Pokemon?" Rosa asked.
"Yep, let's see what happens next!" Elesa replied.
After releasing her last Pokemon, a Magnezone holding a Life Orb, Elesa yelled, "Hidden Power (Ice)!"
Rosa didn't order her Haxorus to use a move since Outrage forces Haxorus to use it again. After getting hit, the Magnezone used Hidden Power to knock Haxorus out.
"I'm almost out too," Rosa said.
"Then let's finish this," Elesa said.
"Okay. Go, Sigilyph!" Rosa said, and she entered a shiny Sigilyph in battle. "Use Heat Wave, Sigilyph!"
"Avoid Heat Wave, then use Thunderbolt!"
Failing to avoid the Sigilyph's Heat Wave, the Magnezone blacked out and Rosa jumped up and down in joy, celebrating over a win against a Gym Leader.
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"She just walked away licking off your semen like it was gameshow slime."
Sora, Digimon
MST victim again. “She” is Kari and “your” is Tai. Yep- it was one of those fics. The fic was later revealed to be a deconstruction of ero-fics, exonerating it of all crimes. But this line remains, like a bad taste in your mouth.
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"With my Viagra pills of the gods, anything is possible."
Palutena, Kid Icarus
This was...special. The fic was set up to be a Pit/Palutena fic, then abruptly bait-and-switched into Pit/TWINBELLOWS. This line explains why Twinbellows is willing to participate in a union straight from the Underworld.
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Pit, Kid Icarus
Same fic as above. You can probably imagine when this line comes into play.
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"Whut are you fuck'un norms looking at!" roared Granpa, his 134 inch knob swaying out in front like a barge pole. "GAY PRIDE WORLD WIDE!"
Ryu Granger, Beyblade
This is the same fic as the moonwalk line and hoo boy. I told you it got worse. How to make it even worse? Every single major male character is lined up behind him and- well, I’m sure you can figure out the rest.
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“this is a sentence that makes no sense for you enjoyment.“
AN, Kingdom Hearts
This is from a response to a PM from an anti, who wasn’t happy about the author sexualizing the underage characters. The author broke down the PM- itself poorly written- in a nasty, mocking way, making an ass out of the anti. This was part of that response, and perhaps the only redeeming quality of the exchange.
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“My grandmother was a poet (she taught me to read, too!) and she watches over me from the Good Place The Good People Go. She watched me write all 12+ words of this. Do you think YOU can shame me, internet puritans? Do you really? No one can shame me or stop me. The only thing that can stop me is running out of tea.”
AN, Beyblade
This is similar to the AN above. It’s more of a general response to antis than a direct attack on one person. This line made me lose my mind laughing. Remember- it’s okay to write pedofics, as long as Grandma approves of them first! Props for having better spelling/grammar than the Kingdom Hearts AN...
You survived! Yay! This is my grand gallery of badfic lines and horrible author’s notes. I am honored to share it with all of you!
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elliewritess · 4 years
Scorpius Malloy x reader :I love you
A/N : it took me a lot time to write it but I couldn’t think of anything else,I hope you like it ❤️
The morning has arrived and y/n had to get up for her classes. She hated waking up early,but what choice did she have ? She quickly changed her pijamas , put on a her robes and tied her silvery -green tie. And exited the common room heading to the Great hall where everyone had already started their breakfast . She sat next to two slytherin boys who know her from her brother and,because they waved at her to sit there . Y/n greeted her ,they did the same ,Scorpius on the other hand looked at the boys with pure anger , Albus pat his shoulder trying to calm him down,but it didn’t work. Scorpius couldn’t stand it anymore,his hands started shaking ,so he quickly finished his breakfast and exited the hall. After some time y/n was done with her breakfast ,on her way out she saw Albus and greeted him.
‘’Good morning ,Albus ! ‘’ -she said.
,,Morning , y/n!’’
,,Is everything alright ? Where is Scorpius ? ‘’
Albus tried to think of an excuse why his best friend was avoiding his other best friend . It was so hard lying to y/n .
,,He -um had to finish his essay for professor Longbottom before the first class .’’
This didn’t seem too convincing for y/n ,but she decided to go along with it . Albus quickly changed the subject and walked y/n to her class. After that the boy ran to the Slytherin common room where he found Scorpius curled up in his bed. Anxious.
,, Scorp,if it’s about y/n I don’t think she is like that -‘’
,,YES , it is about her ,one time she feels like we could be more than my friend ,but then she ignores me and sits with other guys ,smiling with her beautiful white teeth and her blue eyes and -‘’
,,Scorpius,you like her and both of us know it ,but she doesn’t know it . I think you need to tell her before it’s too late and someone steals her from you!’’
Scorpius looked at his best friend he was right ,maybe it was about time ,,Malloy the unanxious becomes really unanxious ,but there was one thing stopping him. What if she didn’t feel the same way about him? What if it ruined their friendship?
,,Maybe you are right ,Al! I will think about it ...’’
They had Herbology class starting in few minutes ,so they ran fast before they were late. Time passed,few more subjects did too and it was time for Quidditch. It was not a match they were practicing,but it was good because the blonde boy s mind was focused on the snitch,not the beautiful girl.
He was so tired after the practice and all he wanted was to shower and take a break ,but he didn’t like what he saw on his way. He saw y/n giggling and hugging with Albus ,he wanted to see what happened,he hid himself so they couldn’t see him. He watched them leave the castle when Albus put his hand on y/n ‘s shoulder ! This was the last straw! The boy was furious !
,,Hey ,Scorp! ‘’ -y/n greeted
She could see something was wrong ,she was wondering if she shouldsay something,but then he did.
,,Is that what has been happening ,huh? My best friend ,the person I could trust the most ! ‘’
,,What do you mean?’’ - Albus asked
,,Don’t act like you don’t know you both have been dating behind my back ! Now everything makes sense .So ,Albus you were the one who you warned me about! You were the guy who would steal y/n if I didn’t take action ? Is that it ?’’
Scorpius tensed . He was so sad ,they could hear the anger in his voice beginning to broke. Albus and y/n needed few seconds to process what he was saying. It sounded crazy to them.
,,What?!’’ -asked Albus
,,WHAT?!’’ - yelled y/n .
Scorpius was still angry at them but still confused . What was hapening ? Why were they denying ?
,,Scorpius...’’ - Al said softly,worried about his best friend
,,N-no I don’t want to listen anymore ! It’s okay guys I support your decision you are my best friends,my only friends‘’ -he sounded so broken and a tear was streaming down his face.
,,Scorp,please calm down and listen to me,sweetie ! I went to see Albus because I was worried about you and his lie about your unfinished essay didn’t stay right with me ,the most smartest boy in Hogwarts not to finish the thing he loves the most was just so -weird ‘’ -y/n told him .
He looked at her right in the eyes . His met hers and he was so pleased to hear her call him ,,The smartest boy at Hogwarts ...’’
‘’ -so after my classes ended ,you had already started your Quidditch practice ,so I couldn’t ask you and that’s why I went to ask Albus .
‘’ And I told her that you will be fine ,and you didn’t start to hate her . ‘’ said Albus .
,,And that’s what you saw ,my friend , I know y/n means a lot to you but she’s not really my type .
,,No offence,y/n ! ‘’ - he continued.
,,None taken.’’ - said y/n
Scorpius felt relieved,but if he wanted to finally have something between him and y/n he had to clear another question.
,,Really? But y/n how do you explain what happened this morning?When you were with these boys at breakfast ?’’ -asked Scorpius .
Y/n was surprised to hear this question ,so she began to explain the whole situation.
,, I was late for breakfast,everyone else was full,the only free seat was next to these boys ,who by the way are good friends with my brother that’s why we seemed close to you?! But NO! there’s only one boy I have my eyes on -‘’
,,Who??! If it’s Nate I will make sure he doesn’t hurt you y/n I love you too much and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you...’’
Y/n giggled
,,It’s not him ,silly ! It’s you I love you !How caring you are ,loving and loveable & you don’t care what others think u still are your dorky and geeky self ! You make me smile every day ,you are my best friend and my biggest support ! ‘’ - confessed y/n .
The boy was speechless ,he was so surprised by her words ,he felt guilty for ever thinking bad about her or his best friend.
Y/n ,I am so sorry that I ever thought something like that about you ,but I really really love you and I was scared I won’t return my feelings that -‘’
Y/n kissed him.
He kissed her back and he felt warmth in his woke body.
,,I hope that blows all your insecurities away ,Scorpius Malloy ! I love you and I always will,no one will ever be as good as you are and I think I like you more than a friend ‘’ -y/n told him
,,It’s about time you two get together, don’t you think? - Albus asked .
,,Yeah,yeah it is ! Scorpius hugged y/n tightly ,rifting get few inches of the ground after that he kissed her . Albus was so happy for his two best friends
Scorpius felt like he was the luckiest guy and still couldn’t believe that such an amazing and beautiful girl chose him . And from the his day on he made sure to love her no matter what ,to protect and be there for his girl.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Three Days of The Hunter Job
leverage 2.05
hunt for the truth = fox news
you can’t change my mind, sorry
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Nate: Here's what we can do. We can probably get you enough money to save the house and pay for medical bills--
Sarah: We aren't interested in money, Mr. Ford. This woman took my father's self-esteem. She took his reputation. She took his good name. That's what he needs back.
someone needs to make a compilation of their clients being noble as hell
- - - - -
Sophie: I wanna take the lead on this one. I wanna do what you do.
Nate: Yeah, listen, I know breakups can be very difficult, Sophie.
Sophie: Whoa. No, that's not what this is about.
Nate: I know that you have this need to be in control right now, you know.
Sophie: I don't have any such need.
Nate: But you can't project that onto the con.
Sophie: Excuse me? This, coming from the man who spent an entire year drunk, working out his obsessive vengeance on every dimwit in a suit who happened to cross our line of vision.
Nate: Hey, you put some thought into that one, didn't you?
Sophie: You know, I'm not tryin' to control the universe just because some guy dumped me. I-I appreciate the concern. I just, I need a new challenge.
Nate: Okay. (hands Sophie the files) This is your job.
Sophie: Thanks. Now, let's go get this bitch. (walks away)
Nate: Oh, boy
fucking get rekt nate you’re the literal last one to talk
- - - - -
huh nate is wearing flannel in this one
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Sophie: Exactly. And then to protect themselves, they issue an apology to Mr. Pennington and then they throw Monica Hunter into the jaws of the very media machine that she bent to her own malicious will.
Parker: Wow. I gotta say, Sophie's briefings are much more dramatic.
Eliot: And poetic.
parker and eliot are cute
- - - - -
Sophie: But we can sell a story that commands respect. A story that she's gonna chase to get the respect she craves. Hm? Pack your bags, everyone. We're going to D.C. to make news.
(everyone continues sitting, looking uncomfortable)
Nate: That's when you wanna...
Sophie: I wanna do that bit again. Pack your bags, everyone. We're going to D.C. to make news. (leaves room)
Nate: She's walking into the closet
- - - - -
Parker: I got the pass. Easy.
Sophie: Parker, we went over this.
[Exterior Studio]
Sophie: You're not supposed to take it. Get caught with it.
Parker: I don't know how to get caught.
Sophie: Yeah, I know it's difficult to steal badly. Just, just try
- - - - -
Monica (grabs Parker): Hey. Hey. I will have you arrested for trespassing if you do not tell me what you are doing here.
Parker: Technically, you can't have me arrested for trespassing because you don't own the station.
Sophie: Parker, tell her the story
parker: TRY ME BITCH
- - - - -
hardison doing crazy tinfoil hat guy is iconic
+ parker and hardison’s high five and “that’s what I’m talkin about!” ADORABLE
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Parker: Eliot, these conspiracies aren't real, right?
Eliot: What do you mean?
Parker: Like that one over there that says all the major wars of the past 50 years were ordered by members of The Council.
Eliot: Parker, I'm not at liberty to discuss that with you. (walks away)
Parker: You're not a member of The Council, are you? Eliot? Is he?
Nate: Oh, I don't know. (walks away)
Parker: Huh? Uh, Nate, is he?
parker looked so vulnerable asking it and eliot’s just like,,, imma fuck with her LMFAO
also this is another chaotic ot3 scene that I’d die for
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eliot taking the general’s id with his pencil and handing it off to hardison? SMOOTH AS FUCK
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Parker: But what if he won't talk to us?
Monica: Then we celebrate.
Parker: Celebrate?
Monica: Denial means guilt. Refusal means more guilt. Punch out my cameraman, and I'll kiss you on the mouth.
Camera Man: Mm-hm.
parker: 👀👀👀
- - - - -
parker gets hit with a car ,,, how many times in this series does she get hit with a car ??
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monica’s face when she sees parker get hit by a car is LITERALLY the exact same as the surprised pikachu face
bruh imagine you see this happening ,,, like a girl get hit by a car, a suit running out, grabbing stuff of her body, then running away ???
her playing dead on the ground for a hot minute before “waking up”, dusting herself off and walking away ???
- - - - -
Hardison: Move. Don't stop. Come on.
Monica: They ran her over.
Hardison: I know, but we gotta go. Security cameras, the ATM cameras, the traffic cameras. We're always being watched. Just put your head down. Act natural.
Monica: Why are you dressed like a mailman?
Hardison: Invisible man, mailman, nobody notices the mailman. He blends right in. Just like a circus clown.
- - - - -
Parker: We totally went to the moon.
Eliot: Movie sets. I've seen 'em. They're outside of Albuquerque.
Parker: Why would there still be sets there?
Eliot: Because they're gonna reuse 'em for the Mars mission. Repaint it all red.
her bumping shoulders with eliot and leaning on him? the casual intimacy that nourishes my S O U L
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Sophie: She has to have corroboration from her own sources. She has to craft the narrative. Monica Hunter has to be the author of her own personal nightmare.
Nate: Do I sound that creepy when I...?
Eliot: Hell yes.
Parker: Mm-hm.
Nate: Really?
Eliot: You do
- - - - -
Sophie: The only question is whether Hardison guessed her sources right.
Hardison: G-guess? Guess?
Sophie: Well, you know.
Hardison: Woman, my name Alec Hardison. I do not guess, OK? Look, journalists, they're lazy. They always go back to the same sources. I compared Monica Hunter's stories for the last ten years and created a heuristic model based on her sources. I-I filtered by story type, priority and evidentiary chain. Look, (pulls up info on laptop) sex scandal: 87 percent chance she goes to these sources. Serial killer scare: 90 percent she contacts these sources for confirmation. Government secrets and health scare intersects: Ninety-five percent chance she goes to these sources. Look, look. Right there. She's emailing them right now. Look.
- - - - -
Hardison: Get me out of here.
Sophie: Yeah, I'm working on it.
Parker (comes out of back room pulling on jacket): I'm on it.
Sophie: No, no, no, no, no, you cannot go. You're dead. Monica Hunter sees you and the whole con is blown.
Parker: Right
- - - - -
Hardison: Damn the con. I'm a black man caught on an Army base with a video camera. I am going to jail forever.
the realest part of the show
- - - - -
Hardison: Eliot, get me everything you can on a Lieutenant Abbot.
Hardison: Just-just do what I taught you.
Eliot (typing on laptop): Now, the "http" thing comes before—
[Interrogation Room 2]
Eliot: --the "www-dot," right?
Hardison: Eliot!
Eliot: Which one's the forward slash?
Sophie: Oh, come on.
[Interrogation Room 2]
Hardison: It ain't the time, Eliot. It ain't the time.
Eliot: It's not fun when you're hanging out there in the wind and there's a dude behind a laptop cracking jokes, is there?
Parker: (holding a gas mask over her face before looking over it) I like it when we switch jobs. It's exciting
someone PLEASE make an eliot-being-bad-at-technology compilation I’m begging
also it’s officially canon that hardison tries teaching eliot about technology
- - - - -
Eliot: No, that's everything on this guy.
Lieutenant: Sir, I need to know why you're on this base.
Hardison: Yes. Why am I on this base?
Lieutenant: I'm asking you.
Hardison: No, I'm asking you. Why am I on this base? Why am I in this room?
Lieutenant: So I can ask you questions.
Hardison: Or maybe it's so I can ask you questions, Lieutenant Kyle Abbot, Social Security 823-24-6270?
Lieutenant: I don't know what you're up to.
Hardison: Maybe you’re not cleared to know. Two disciplinary actions? That one in Germany? Maybe you're just too much of a security risk.
(lieutenant goes to leave and Hardison slams his fist on the table)
Hardison: Did I say you could leave?
(lieutenant swallows nervously)
- - - - -
[Army Base Gate]
Nate: Not gonna work.
Eliot: It's all in the salute, man.
Sophie: Just work the stars and bars. Nobody wants to--
[Army Base Gate]
(a soldier moves to the side of the car and leans in, saluting Nate)
Sophie: --look a general in the eye.
Nate: Uh, good form soldier. As you were.
Soldier: Clear.
(the gate goes up and Nate pulls into the base, parking near a building. He gets out of the car and walks toward the door)
- - - - -
Nate: We hunt for the truth through many dark places. (approaches Monica menacingly) I am a patriot, Ms. Hunter. I'm sorry. (to Eliot) Earl.
(Monica takes a can of pepper spray from her purse and sprays it in Nate’s face, driving him back. She runs out the door as he groans in pain. Eliot goes to pat his back)
Eliot: Good thing Parker switched that with water.
Nate: Didn't! Didn't switch. (they both start coughing)
- - - - -
Monica: My friends, this is the enemy. Our water has been poisoned.
(an aide spits out a mouthful of water)
- - - - -
(Eliot is cutting vegetables while Nate opens a bottle of wine and Hardison swirls orange soda in a wine glass)
hardison is literally swirling his neon orange soda in a wine glass as eliot cooks actual food for the fam I CANNOT
- - - - -
Parker (holds up photo): Loch Ness Monster.
Hardison: Loch Ness submarine.
Parker: No!
Eliot: Scottish waters are cold and deep. It's a perfect place to test.
Parker (holds up photo): Area 51.
Eliot: True.
Hardison: False.
Eliot: That's true.
Hardison: False. She said Area 51, 51.
Eliot: I'm sorry. False. Area 52.
Hardison: Been there.
Eliot: Yep
I’m crying the ot3 was top tier chaotic this entire episode and parker was having A Time™ with all these conspiracies
someone make a compilation of these scenes overlayed with the wii music. pls.
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zwiezraczek · 5 years
Heyy!!:) Can you do 5&7 she/her with four where they’re teammates but he treats her like?shit? then on a mission smth goes wrong so she saves him but he gets unconscious and one of the others tells him what she did. Or u know, just go off &do it however u want, I love what you write and always manage to surprise me💕
Love Of My Life [Blurb]
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5. “Look at me love, please” 7. “No please, love, don't do that!” // Four dislikes Eight, for no real reason. Maybe, yes, there is a reason, but he doesn't want to admit it...
Billy looked at you from afar, peeking, seeking some attention from you in this high-school hallway. You were gorgeous, and he knew he had no chance with you, but he still believed you would be the love of his life, one day at least. He even started doing parkour to impress you, to show off his skills – even though these were still weak – after you'd cheer for him as the most beautiful cheerleader of the school. With your rosy lips, you'd chant their team's name during competitions, waving the pom-poms in your hands, a smile on your face. And even sometimes, he got a glance from you, and he knew he would die for your eyes, again and again.
“Eight, listen, fuck you with your knives,” he burst as he hit the table with his fist, enraged as he always was while speaking to you. “I know what I have to do, so can you just fuck off from my personal space and let the pros do their thing? Huh?”
“Listen, I don't know what I've done to you but you need to stop this,” you emphasized strongly as he just huffed and puffed at you. You rolled your eyes. This guy was truly unbelievable and unbearable.
It all started when you joined the team, as their knives expert. This seemed pretty awkward for a young lady, a fragile-looking lady but you always liked to surprise people. Well, you recently found out how much you liked it. Before all of that, all you could do was cheer, smile, laugh and be pretty. Nobody could ever imagine what passion burnt your heart, this would be against the image you worked on hardly during so many years: the perfect girl, dating one of the most popular guy in the school, getting tipsy during parties and being mean. How much it hurt you to be mean. You had to collect them, never let them collect your own heart. But once, this one time, somebody, some stranger, collected it,and you couldn't forget how much your heart pounded when you saw this.
“Please, youngsters,” One intervened, looking at both of them, “we have something going on here. Four, she's only advising you, noting meant to hurt y...”
“Yeah but she could shut the fuck up,” he cut him off. His eyes burning with rage, he left the room as soon as he said these words. A storm.
“What have you done to this poor boy,” Seven asked you, again. He never stopped questioning you about this, he never saw Four being so angry, so salty, so full of rage.
“If I knew, I would apologize, believe me.”
“Dear y/n,
I'm not good with words, but I'm even worse in person. If I tell you who I am, you'd probably tell me no, but fortune favors the bold.
It's the 14th of February, Valentines Day. The day of lovers. And I know I am no lover of yours, I am a mere stranger in the crowd, but I admire every move you make and how flawlessly and effortlessly you cheer our high-school teams during competitions. Your words are a blessing to my ears, soothing the pain of my existence.
I love you, y/n. It doesn't mean much, but I'd like to meet you in person, only if you want. And I will understand if you won't. Join me around at 5.p.m in front of the big tree we have next to the swimming club.
With love,
Your secret lover.”
Your hands were shaking. Your boyfriend would never... This was probably the sweetest words you have received since forever, not mentioning how your butt was fuckable and your mouth perfect for blowing them – this was absolutely disgusting. You felt butterflies in your stomach, not knowing what to do.
And Billy stood near, waiting for you to open your locker and to read his letter. He put his heart and soul into this, every emotion, but had to keep it short. Still, he felt pleased withthe final result. He hoped you would meet him, he hoped you would at least be nice and gentle enough to tell him yourself that you don't want to date him, just to know how much his heart would ache but knowing that you'd be happy with someone else.
“Look at me love, please,” he whispered, hoping you'd look at him, notice him and maybe understand.
“Who the fuck wrote that sappy letter to you,” your bestfriend peeked over your shoulder, you jumped, scared before facing her with a sarcastic smile.
“Just some... Jerk,” you commented. The words hurt when they came out of your throat, but not as much as they hurt Billy, listening.
“No please love, don't do that to me,” he whispered again, not believing what you said.
“He got all lovey-dovey for me, telling me how beautiful I am and stuff, but fuck that shit, I'm happy with Nate. Fuck that romantic asshole.” You went too far, but never too far for the one you called your bestfriend, who laughed heartily as she put a hand on your shoulder.
You heard a noise from behind, somebody going away, somebody escaping the words you said. The words you regretted for the rest of your life, holding the paper in your wallet's pocket.
His head hurt, his eyes struck by the light above him, as Five stroke his face gently before he woke up. The hell he was doing here... Laying here... With this massive headache... And the mission... Shit, he thought before moving a bit too abruptly for his body.
“Don't move too much Four, or you'll never be able to stand,” Five said to him, a warm smile on her face as she said these things to him. “I'm joking, you just need some rest.”
“... What happened to me,” he asked, mouth dry and eyes going crazy in every direction.
“You got into trouble with the guys who were chasing you, one of them got you. You fell on the ground, unconscious.”
“Seven is really a savior,” he whispered, sure of himself.
“One number more and you'll have your savior,” she said as he widely opened his eyes. “Don't look like that at me, she saved your ass from the mess you put yourself into. You should thank her.”
“For what?” His voice became clearer now, slowly rage took over him, his head still aching, his body almost immobile. “She's just a bitch, she doesn't deserve this.”
“I don't want to talk about this,” he stated, turning away from Five. “Thanks for taking care of me Five, but don't try to settle things up between Eight and me, it's... Personal.”
And it became personal... To Five to settle things up between them, bringing you into Four's room, the next day as he felt a little bit better, lying to you that he wanted to apologize and thank you. She was evil, but she was kindhearted. But she was evil for that.
You entered the room, looking at Four who rose his head and sighed in disbelief as he saw you coming in, tilting his head slowly and facing you now, a dissatisfied look crossing his face.
“What the fuck do you want,” he asked you, as you were reaching his bed's side.
“... I thought you wanted to apologize,” you replied to him, confused.
“The fuck I... Five. Fucking Five. She's the devil in disguise I swear... You can leave now," he stated looking quickly at you. You still had these beautiful eyes, eyes of the devil.
“Four, I'm here, tell me what's wrong with me. I want to know why you hate me so much because I don...”
“Everybody fucking liked you since high-school,” he blurted angrily, “so you can't handle some fucking jerk disliking you? Huh?”
“What are you saying, Four, I don't,” you tried to say, your past resurfacing slowly in your mind.
“Fortune favors the bold my ass. A romantic asshole, for a fucking bitch,” he almost screamed at you. “This is the fucking problem I have with you.”
“You are...” Your voice weakened instantly. You felt your heart race. You became breathless for a second, not knowing what to say. Four was... This gorgeous soul who wrote to you? The soul that never showed up at 5.p.m because he heard you? Four was... This amazing person not wanting your body but to know you? And you screwed the things up? “My secret lover?”
“No, just some jerk,” he bitterly answered. “Fuck you, y/n, fuck you.”
“I kept that letter,” you admitted, reaching for the small wallet you carried with you, taking out of it the thing damaged paper. “I went to meet you on that day, but you weren't there...And now I know why. You heard me with this... Fucking bitch, a backstabbing bitch.” You recalled how many times she had stolen your boyfriends, telling you that they were unfaithful, but she was the real viper right there. “And... I was stupid. This letter... It made me feel better about myself, not being just something to fuck but someone. Just someone.”
“I started parkour to please you,” he whispered, looking at you, confused.
“I loved watching you doing parkour,” you admitted, “my favorite sport after martial arts. These competitions were a pleasure to cheer too... You were Billy, right? The one with the long bangs in front of your eyes that you tied up while doing parkour?”
“You do remember me,” he asked, thrown off by you.
“How could I not remember the love of my life?”
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colbybrocksmolder · 5 years
Welcome To The Family – Colby Brock x Reader
“Colby.” You gasped, your hands flying to your stomach. The two of you were in the middle of cooking ‘breakfast’ (don’t judge a pregnant woman for wanting hash browns at 3 am) when something felt a little…off.
“Is he kicking?” Colby asked, his hands moving to smooth over part of your belly that your hands weren’t covering.
“Oh, he’s kicking alright. I think he’s about to kick the door down.” You answered, feeling a wet sensation fall down your legs. Being 37 weeks pregnant made it a bit difficult to find comfortable clothes so you were currently in your undies and one of Colby’s tank tops.
“Wait, what?” Colby asked before following your line of sight to the now wet floor. He started mumbling something to himself, his eyes still staring at the floor.
The reality of the situation hit you and you stayed silent for a moment before quietly laughing. “I swear I didn’t pee.”
His eyes shot up to meet yours. “You’re okay, right?” The two of you hadn’t moved in nearly a minute. You nodded, a few stray silent tears making a break for it and falling down your cheeks. Colby’s fingers moved to wipe them away. “Are you in pain yet?” he asked, cradling your face in his hands.
“Not yet.” You said, shaking your head. You were kind of afraid to move. You took a deep breath. “This is real.”
Colby couldn’t stop the huge smile that spread over his face. “This is real, baby.” He said, leaning over your belly to kiss you. “Holy shit, this is real. NATE! NATE, WAKE UP!”
Nate had been staying with you guys for about a month. Colby was too afraid to leave you home alone when he went to film and Nate was on break from school. Up in the loft, you heard Nate roll off the air mattress and hit the floor. “WHAT?!” He yelled, startled.
“Go wake Sam up! Y/n’s water broke!” he answered.  
Nate flew down the stairs and out the door to get Sam.
Colby guided you towards your bedroom, holding on to you to make sure you didn’t slip or fall. “Do you want to change?” he asked.
“Honestly, I’m afraid to bend or move or do anything.” You said, the anticipation starting to settle in and overwhelm you.
“Baby, here. Sit down on the edge of the bed. I’ll get you changed.” Colby helped you sit and lean back, getting you into fresh undies. “Why don’t you just wear one of my really long shirts.” He suggested, grabbing one from the closet quickly.
All you could do was nod and breathe. He knew that trying to get you into anything more than that right now was going to be a struggle and he wanted to keep you as calm as possible. “I love you” was your quiet thank you after Colby had helped you change and get back up off of the bed.
“I love you, too. Both of you. So much.” Colby replied, kissing you and helping you walk back out towards the living room.
“I’M HERE! WE’RE READY!” Sam practically fell into your apartment, Nate following him in and quickly getting dressed. “Kat is going to meet us there.” He looked hilarious. He was dressed and had his backpack on, but his hair was sticking up all over the place and you’d never seen his eyes open so wide.
You chuckled. “Thank you, Sam.”
“Sam, grab the black bag by the couch and I’ll make sure she gets downstairs safe.” Colby said, remembering that you had packed an emergency bag for when this happened.
When you finally made it to the hospital and got checked into a room, Colby took a minute to text the appropriate people. Neither of your parents lived in California, so he sent them messages saying that he’d keep them updated. Letting them know that if they wanted to fly out that they’d have a place to stay between yours and Sam’s apartments. He then text the group chat with your friends. Colby had named the group chat “Misfit Island” like the old claymation Christmas movie. Your friends were definitely family, and everyone had insisted he text the gc when your water broke.
The first to show up was Kat. She had walked in with coffee for Sam and Nate and a Red Bull for Colby.
“How are you doing?” she asked, leaning down to hug you the best she could.
“So far so good.” You answered, smiling up at her.
Next to make appearances were Mike and Kevin. Mike wasn’t wearing shoes and Kevin wasn’t wearing pants. They were bickering about who looked dumber in front of the hot nurse at the welcome station when they walked in the room.
“I think you both look equally crazy.” You said, laughing at the two disheveled boys.
“Who leaves the house without shoes?” Kevin teased Mike, sitting in a chair next to Colby and throwing his arm around him.
“I was in a hurry!” Mike laughed, leaning down to kiss your forehead. “Hanging in there, mamas?” he asked, squeezing your hand.
“I am.” You smiled. “I think I panicked more than Colby did, though.”
Kevin shook Colby a bit with the arm he had around his shoulders. “My man stayin’ strong for his woman.”
Colby smiled over at you and then looked between Mike and Kevin. “Kevin, how did you remember to put socks and shoes on, but not pants?” He laughed, looking down at the baggy orange boxers Kevin was sporting.
“See!” Mike joined in.
At first you didn’t know if you wanted your friends to be hanging around during this whole process, but 30 seconds of Mike and Kevin bickering made you grateful Colby decided to text them. The rest of your friend group showed up throughout the day. You ended up being in labor for HOURS, but Colby never left your side.
Since you had about 15 people taking up space in the waiting room, the hospital opened up another sitting room for your group. This is when Sam busted out his camera. He set the camera up on a little shelf in the corner and told everyone in the group to take turns recording themselves. He wanted to make a video for your kid to watch when he was old enough to understand and appreciate it. He wanted to capture all of the anticipation and joy and love that your child was bringing to the group.
One by one, everyone in the group recorded themselves talking to your soon-to-be-born baby.
Kat’s was sweet. “You’re the first to make one of us a parent.” She had said, a huge grin on her face. “I know your parents can’t wait to meet you, but after them there’s a long line of people just waiting to love on the newest little member of our family.” She blew a kiss to the camera and ended her recording.
Corey’s was funny. “When your mom starts scolding you for making fart jokes at the dinner table, just blame me. She’ll believe you.” Corey had laughed, his energetic expression slowly being replaced by a softer serious one. “I know I’m a goofball and I hope that I get to be in your life enough that you know it too…I don’t take a lot of things seriously, but I swear on my life you can always come to me. For a laugh, for advice…Doesn’t matter. Your parents have been there for me more than most people know. They’re family. That means you’re family.” He smiled at the camera, taking a deep breath and ending his recording.
Aryia’s was thoughtful. “I didn’t realize I was really growing up until your dad busted ass running through our house with a pregnancy test in his hand. He was so happy, man. He couldn’t shut up about you.” He smiled but looked terrified. “Seeing Colby so confident that you were going to be the biggest blessing in his life made me start to think about what I want out of life and honestly? That scares the shit out of me.” Aryia said, shaking his head. “Oh, shit. I mean, crap. Ah, whatever. You’ve probably got a swear jar for me by the time you actually see this video.” He laughed. “What makes thinking about the future not so scary is knowing that your mom and your dad and all of our friends…they’ve got my back. They’re the best friends I’ve ever had. We’re like a big family…and soon we’ll be welcoming you into it.” Aryia threw up his usual peace sign and ended the recording.
Kevin’s was cheerful. “This is a beautiful day, kid. It feels like every time I turn around, someone I love is doing something new and amazing…but I think this blows most of those out of the water. You’ve got some cool aunts and uncles in this room right now. You’re going to grow up with rock stars and poets and comedians…” Kevin paused when everyone busted up laughing at something Corey had done. “See? We’re lucky to have each other. There’s a lot of love in this room, kid. You’re gonna grow up with the coolest family around.” He turned to snark back at something someone else said and ended his recording.
Jake’s was goofy. “For some reason recording this makes me nervous.” Jake laughed. “I know I’m weird and I make dumb jokes and I’ve probably still got weird hair whenever you’re watching this…but I’m calling it now, I’m going to be the fun uncle. I buy the best snacks and there’s cartoons constantly playing on my tv.” He continued to list reasons why he was going to make a great uncle. “You know, even though I know I’m gonna be the best, you’ve got a lot of people here that are pretty cool too.” He laughed. “And you’re all they’ve been able to talk about for like 2 whole months. Everyone keeps telling Colby his life is about to change, but really…I think you’re gonna change all of our lives when you join the family.” Jake waved like a little kid and ended his recording.
Mike’s was honest. “You know, life isn’t always going to be perfect. It’s tough. You’re going to go through some stuff that you won’t want to talk about or ask for help with.” Mike took a moment to think. “I’ve been there, little man. Your dad pulled me out of a pretty dark place in my life. I’ve had a lot of crappy friends and your dad came along and reminded me that there are still great fricken people in the world. You’ve got amazing people for parents. I know it’s not always cool to go to your parents for advice, but they’re always going to be there for you. And for those times when you need someone else…we’re all here for you. We’ve literally been sitting in this room all day just waiting for you to show up. The nurse even put a sign on the door that says, “Brock Family”. That’s us. We’re really excited to meet you.” Mike made a heart with his hands before ending his recording.
Nate’s was deep. He stared at the camera for almost a minute before he said anything. “I’m inclined to believe that life is what we make it. I’m not a big believer in fate. I never really had a reason to believe in anything but the here and the now…” He looked away from the camera for a few seconds. “See, I always had this idea in my head that we just bump into people as we walk through life and that sometimes it sticks and they stay, and other times it doesn’t and you move on. Consequence be damned. But I’ve gotten to know your mom pretty damn well over the last month. I’ve known your dad nearly my entire life. He’s probably the best friend I’ve ever had…but your mom? Your mom isn’t afraid of anything or anyone. Your mom is smart and kind and she’s got a knack for knowing when you’re full of shit so good luck with that as you grow up.” He laughed. “Your mom changed your dad’s life. Your mom has changed pretty much everyone in this room in one way or another. There’s nothing coincidental about her walking into your dad’s life. It’s not happenstance that the people here in this hospital waiting for you all found each other. That’s fate, baby. I think you drew the winning cosmic lottery ticket, because you’ve got quite the family waiting for you.” Nate smiled at the camera for a few seconds before standing and ending his recording.
Lastly, Sam sat and started talking. “Hey, little Brock. I don’t know what else to call you yet because your parents won’t tell anyone what they’re going to name you.” Sam laughed. “That felt crazy to say. At some point today my best friends are going to become parents.” He shook his head, a huge grin on his face. Sam waved at the camera. “I’m Sam…but by the time your parents decide to show you this video, you’ll already know that. I hope that by the time you see this that you’ve decided I’m your favorite uncle. I know Gage is awesome and all, but your dad and me…we took on the world, kid. We’ve done some crazy stuff together. I can’t wait to tell you the stories. I’ll tell them as many times as you want, I promise. Your dad is more than my best friend, he’s my brother. He’s the best person I know. Period. And your mom is the best thing that ever happened to him…I need you to know that I’m always going to be there for you guys. You and your mom and your dad. You haven’t even been born yet and I know I love you.” Sam looked away from the camera for a moment to wipe his eyes, trying not to full-on cry. He turned the camera to catch all of your friends just hanging out, laughing in the room. “You see these guys?” Sam pointed over his shoulder. “You’re going to grow up surrounded by more love than I think you’re going to know what to do with. Your dad and I spent a lot of time weeding out a lot of crappy friends over the years, but I think we’ve got it narrowed down to the best at this point.” He smiled at the camera. “See, I believe that you pick your family. It doesn’t matter if they’re blood related or not…”
The door to the waiting room flew open and an emotional Colby ran in wearing a doctor’s gown over his clothes. “He’s here.” He said, practically shaking. “They said he’s healthy and that everything went smoothly. They’re getting Y/n moved back to her room and they’re going to bring him to us in a minute.” He ran back out of the room. Cheers could he heard from everyone in the room.
Sam leaned back down to look into the camera that was still recording. “Welcome to the family.” He said, ending his recording.
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demelzahcarne · 4 years
Sisters be talking and remembering their father, it's an early Christmas miracle for start up
That hope dies fast, director han. Is do-San now the one writing letters?
Yay finally they rich to show off the product placement
Frozen in 2020, okay..the cousin looks like a bad try as a LMH look a like.
Why make a time jump if everything is like before, except for the status and the supposedly changed character which never needed change according to fanbase? Blows my mind, dragging shit out for nothing, just get them together and let it be over.
HJP with the phone Jun had on ddsslls, I want it too, money God throw me some extra cash
Look at his smile, ugh my knees, dalmi is immune to this but I am fucking weak. He looks soooooo good. Its rude to look that good. The fucking hands well too bad there is a dude returning from SF who has bigger hands than you, when were hands starting to be the most important thing about a man, I have other priorities, and no it's not feet. I should turn it off after the elevator closed. Scratch that I should stop this ep right after this little family outing, perfect ending for a non perfect drama. Is granny now blind or not, cant tell.
She really has no feelings for him whatsoever, girl u stupid but so be it. Enjoy your life with NDS. Dude who wrote the letters, what letters? Dalmi in a nutshell.
Cloy boy as a hotshot is the weirdest thing for me. Are tech nerds with a fanbase and vlogs a real thing? I mean I was once crazy for Nate silver talking about numbers but that's as far as I gone
LMAO...KSH should just act alone, this is fucking me up. Good to know it was too saccharin for his own good, but gimme the bling I wear it proudly and wont break your heart rejecting it or maybe she will never know, this drama is still about HJP missed opportunities to get the girl.
And there he is, I am ready for the ending credits.
Tearing up again by the mention of her name, nothing changed in nds land.
His cologne must be strong and unique if she can feel his breeze...
Lol, a ransomware of course, in a tech company, sure, nds will fight the ransomware and be the hero of the day...well done.
Hahaha, okay of course do-san again with the perfect timing....I can't take anything serious. Herrlich.
Let's talk, I am already puking from the shit HJP will say eventually to either to be together or whatever.
Srsly whats the fucking issue of nds and dalmi for not being together? This is getting dragged out by throwing a sided love into this who they still play as if he could have a chance when he clearly never will, it's just a fucking waste of mess. Make kdrama shorter if it means better content.
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peterthepark · 5 years
crush culture - [two]
call it fate, call it caffeine
pairing: steve harrington x reader
summary: coffee can help with a lot of things - and one of them entails becoming closer to your crush.
warnings: strong language, caffeine, FLUFF, uses of social media and brief mentions of cheating
A/N: loved writing this chapter a lot. hope u enjoy everyone! :)
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Drumming your fingers against the counter, you began to adjust the obnoxious green hat on your head, frowning at the long line of customers before you. It wasn’t that you hated your job - you just... preferred not doing it (which in your opinion, was completely valid, despite how ridiculous it sounded). However, you did like caffeine and the perks that came with being an employee at your favorite shop. You’d see cute guys sometimes - they’d order the most blasphemous things off the menu - and sometimes you’d gain the courage to ask them out after your shift. Most of the times, they’d say yes, recognizing you from their classes or in the hallways on campus. Exchange numbers, plan the first date, show up, and let it all unfold naturally - yet nothing progresses.
Your love life was bitter, unlike how you liked your coffee.
You squeal excitedly when Nate Mendoza walks through the double doors, calling out your name with a sing-song voice. Of course, you cherished your dear friendship with your roommates, but Nate was just that one friend you couldn’t shake off or forget - no matter the circumstances.
He was also undoubtedly attractive: his blue eyes, a stark contrast to his dark hair. But despite the many rumors and claims that the two of you have been dating, he had a girlfriend back home; you had a strictly platonic relationship with the boy, who was almost like a brother to you.
“What’s up, Y/L/N?” He high fives you over the counter, attempting the handshake that you had developed over the course of your friendship. “Can I get, uh...”
“One chocolate chip cookie with a vanilla latte?” You smirk proudly, having memorized his order as well. He nods with a wide grin, handing you his credit card. “Coming right up, Mendoza.”
Conveniently, you were nearing your break. So after you had gotten Nate’s order sorted, you approached him with his pastry and mug, setting it down on the little corner table that he loved to sit by. You complimented his outfit, and cooed at how long his hair had gotten. Living in Chicago made it difficult for you to hang out with Nate, but he mostly would drive down for the holidays to visit.
“Has it been that long?” You nod your head, counting the amount of months that he’s been M.I.A. “That’s crazy! Alright, tell me about college. Give me the whole experience.”
“Okay, well. It’s not too great. Lots of coffee and studying - a lot of them being for pointless shit that I’m pretty sure I won’t need when I get my actual job. Uh, parties. I literally went to a party like yesterday! You should’ve told me you were in town! I would’ve brought you along.” You nudge his hand from across the table, smiling when he offers you a piece of his cookie.
“Fuck, man. I’m too tired for parties.” He smacks his lips together, wagging his index finger at you as he waited for the right words to come to him. “Ah! Have you gotten a boyfriend yet? Or - or a girlfriend for that matter?” You shake your head with disappointment. “It’s probably cause your game is weak.”
“Okay, okay!” You laugh at him, covering your mouth as you chew on his food. “I’m not - I don’t know, Nate. I guess I just haven’t been looking for anyone? M’too busy for that shit.”
“That’s because you aren’t supposed to look.” Nate scoffs, causing you to glance up at him in interest. “That - that special person is supposed to come to you. Trust me, when the-“
“Time is right, it’ll happen.” You give him a small smile. “Hopefully I won’t have too wait that long.”
Sadly, your break is over after talking to Nate for what felt like ages. You retreat to the register once again after washing your hands, putting on a cheery front for customers. Nate insists that he’ll stay for the rest of your shift, wanting to spend more time with you afterwards.
Collecting your things, you sling your purse over your shoulder, nodding your head towards the door so that Nate follows. The frigid air bites at your skin, and you curse yourself for not bringing a jacket.
“Here, take mine.” Nate shrugs his off, draping it over your smaller frame.
“God, have you even washed this shit?” You joke, tugging it tighter around yourself for warmth.
“Yeah, I have. Like maybe four months ago.”
“You disgust me.” You chuckle, shoving his arm.
You’re rounding the corner of the sidewalk when you see a familiar face approach: brown fluffy hair, denim jacket, and a red bike - yeah, that’s definitely Steve Harrington.
“Oh, we should go back,” You’re about to turn around until Nate glares at you, narrowing his eyes at you suspiciously.
“Alrighty, then. I’m not gonna question it.” He shrugs, following you once again.
The universe is a fucking bitch. You take it all back.
You and Nate pause in your steps, and you have no choice but to face him.
“Oh, hey, Steve. Funny, uh, funny seeing you here.” You grin, ignoring the dirty look that Nate was sending him.
“Hey, yeah. Um, what are you up to? I was just - just gonna go get coffee at Fran’s.” His eyes flicker to Nate, visibly eyeing him up and down.
This was the guy who was in the picture with you.
Steve masks the scowl on his face with a easy smile, pulling his earbuds out of his ears.
“I actually just finished my shift there.” You sway from one foot to the other, hands tucked beneath Nate’s jacket. “Sucks we didn’t get to see each other.”
“Well, good thing I ran into you then.” You dip your head at the remark, and before you can continue again, Nate is holding his hand out for Steve to shake.
“Don’t think we’ve ever met. I’m Nathan.” There was a tone in your friend’s voice that you couldn’t place, and suddenly, he seemed intimidating. Poor Steve seemed uneasy. You don’t miss the tiny twitch in his eye when Nate squeezes a bit too hard. “And you are?”
C’mon, Nate. Why do you have to be such a fucking asshole to him?
“Steve. Uh, you guys are... friends?”
You nearly jump when Nate’s arm snakes around your waist, pulling you into his side. “Something like that. Yeah.”
Oh, this dickhead. This overprotective, complete, idiotic dickhead.
You glance away from Steve, trying to avoid his questioning gaze as it bounces from you to Nate, then back again.
“Um, well - well, it was nice running into you, Y/N... and, uh, you too, Nathan.” Steve clears his throat, rubbing at the nape of his neck. “Hopefully I’ll catch you at work one day. Maybe hang out or something.” He chuckles, running a hand through his hair.
He wanted to hang out?
You exchange an excited grin with him. “Yeah, of course. Have a good day, Steve.”
“Right. Bye, again.” He hops back on his bike, pedaling away. You don’t hesitate to look back at him as he rides off - maybe your eyes are playing tricks on you, but he looks back as well. And you smile.
That is until Nate starts interrogating you, causing you to get a bit pissed.
“Dude, what is your deal?” You huff at him, shaking your head with irritation.
“That’s Steve Harrington.”
“Okay, and?” You cross your arms against your chest, protesting when Nate pulls you closer to him as he frowns at the people who decide to walk right through your conversation. “Nate, what about him?”
“He’s an asshole.”
“And so are you.“ You gesture at him, letting your hand fall lazily against your thigh. Nate raises his eyebrows at you, patiently waiting for you to quit talking. “Fine, then. What do you mean?”
“I’ve heard some shit from - from a few people. He cheated on Olivia with that sorority girl.”
Cheated? He was a cheater?
“Those were rumors. And besides, why are you telling me this? It’s not like I care.”
Oh, but you do care. You care immensely.
“Really? Because the way you were looking at each other said otherwise.” You’re about to interject, but Nate holds a hand up, shushing you. “I’m just lookin’ out for you, kiddo. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have a crush on him-“
“I do not have a crush on him.”
“You sure?” You nod confidently, squaring your shoulders. “Just don’t come crying to me if he decides to break your heart, Y/N.”
“You’re a very mean person. And I’m suddenly not cold anymore.” You shrug his jacket off, handing it to him with a dramatic pout.
“I’m only mean because I‘m trying to protect you.” You nod gratefully at his words, but the thoughts at the back of your head don’t stop swarming you.
You didn’t want to believe Nate’s claims of Steve being a cheater, but then again, who’s to say that they aren’t actually true?
“Do you guys know anything about Steve and Olivia?” You turn the sink on, soap roaming around your hands as you scrub delicately at the dirty dishes.
“Steve and Olivia? Girl, that’s ancient history.” Kate cackles, throwing her head back against the sofa to give you a look of attitude. “Why are you asking?”
“Heard some stuff about them. Just wondering.”
“All that crap is bullshit.” Robin pipes up through a mouthful of cereal, chewing obnoxiously as she gestures at you. “His ex-girlfriend started those rumors to get back at him. It’s stupid. Reminds me too much of high school drama.” She scoffs, shaking her head.
“Speaking of Steve, have you texted him?” Kate cocks her brow at you, smirking mischievously.
Robin nearly spits out her Lucky Charms at the question.
“You have Steve’s number?!” She squeaks, holding the back of her hand to her mouth with shock. “Oh, my god. I see it now.”
“Right?” Kate turns to her. “I saw it from the beginning.”
“What the fuck are we seeing? What is there to see?You shut the sink off, placing your hands on your hips as you move to stand in front of the TV. “Am I supposed to be seeing something? Because if you don’t know, I’m actually fucking blind.”
“You like Steve!” Robin says in a sing-song voice, pointing her spoon at you. Giggles fill the room as your face turns red, and you begin to pace back and forth.
“I do not like him! Why is everyone thinking that I like him?”
“You’re being-“
“I’m not defensive!” Your chest heaves as Robin and Kate exchange knowing look, both sharing identical smiles as they look you up and down. Clearing your throat awkwardly, you ruffle at your hair, bunching it up into a mess. “Okay, maybe I do. Just a little.”
You wince when a ear-piercing scream escapes from Kate, who runs up to tackle you in a jumping embrace. Robin makes kissing noises in the background, squishing her cheeks together.
“You have to text him, Y/N.” Kate lets go of you, grabbing your hand in support.
“No, no, no way.” You toss your hands up, waving the idea away as you plop down onto the beanbag in the corner. “I’m surely not gonna text him.”
“What are you so afraid of? You have nothing to lose!” She points out as Robin hums in agreement. You bite down on your thumb, training your eyes onto the grey carpet.
“What if he doesn’t like me? What if - what if when he gets to know me, he’ll be disappointed?” You ramble.
“Okay, well, how are you gonna answer that question if you haven’t given him a try?” Robin shrugs at you, standing up to hand you your phone. “Take a risk. Fuck everything.”
Fuck everything, right?
“I’m doing this alone.” You chuckle, taking your phone into your bedroom.
“Don’t send nudes, please!”
“And no sexting in this apartment!”
You huff at the wolf whistles of your two roommates, teasing you from the living room. Switching on the lamp on your nightstand, you slide under your covers as you pull up Steve’s contact. You groan aloud, feeling a build-up in your nerves as you stare at the string of numbers.
Texting seemed too formal. You curse at yourself for backing out, resorting to the confines of pointless Instagram stories to free your mind. Almost as if the universe had heard your cry for help, a colored ring appears around Steve’s profile picture, and without hesitation, you excitedly tap on it.
Based on the photo, Steve seemed to be in one of the campus’ libraries, pulling a late-night study session by himself. You pause for a minute, before you slowly swipe up on the screen, which brought you the option to send him a message.
need a coffee refill? ☺️
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
You instantly lock your phone after it sends, holding a pillow to your face as you let out a muffled scream. You kick at your sheets with heart-pounding anticipation, trying your hardest not to peek at your phone for another five minutes in fear of getting no reply.
Then, a notification pops onto your lockscreen, and your hands fumble to open it.
i would love one
from you specifically :)
With a dreamy smile, your limbs shift with giddiness as you move to lay on your stomach, legs swinging mindlessly in the air.
want me to come over? 😂
Maybe you shouldn’t have said that.
ur serious?
Fuck. Was that appropriate? Did you force him into a situation that he’d have to awkwardly say no to?
i don’t mind
i could rlly use the company then 😁
so what’s your drink of choice?
surprise me 😩
You chuckle, shaking your head at the suggestion.
just don’t be mad if i get u something terrible
on my way 😇
With a sigh of relief, you hastily move to slip on a sweatshirt, grabbing your phone and car keys as you tiptoe out of the bedroom.
Robin lays on the sofa, snoring lightly as you try to quietly unlock the front door.
“Mmm... where you going?”
Ah, shit.
“Gonna go for a walk.” You reply casually.
She turns onto her side, peering at you with droopy eyes. “It’s midnight.”
“I’ll be back. Don’t worry.”
Okay, you do like Steve.
You like him a lot.
That‘s pretty fucking obvious enough... because who the hell gets out of bed at twelve in the morning to go buy coffee for some boy they’ve just started talking to?
You hiss when your palms come in contact with the steaming hot coffee, one carried in each hand. There aren’t many students left in the library - most of them cramming for exams or either falling under the cursed spell of sleep. You double check Steve’s message, searching for him towards the back of the building. Your heart beats faster when you catch sight of his profile, nearly walking right past him from how nervous you were making yourself. His earbuds are in, obviously unaware of your arrival as he rapidly types at his laptop.
You set the two coffees down, laughing softly at how Steve jumps in genuine surprise. He looks up at you, mouth agape. He suddenly realizes how much of a mess he looks, and he quickly runs his hands through his hair to fix it.
“Y/N, what - you actually came.” A smile tugs at his lips, and he pulls out the chair beside him for you to sit in.
“You wanna get rid of me already?” You joke, finding amusement in Steve’s distraught expression.
“No!” He says a little too loudly. “No, no, s’nothing like that. I just didn’t think you’d go out of your way to see me. Especially at...” He checks his watch. “...one in the morning.”
“Well, how else are you gonna make it through this night? Or morning, technically?” You hand him his coffee, warning him that it’s a bit hot. “I hope you like white chocolate.”
He takes a sip from the lidded drink, nodding his head at the sugary flavor. “Shit’s good.”
“Seriously?” You chuckle.
“You got taste, Y/N.” He gestures, subconsciously bumping his knee against your thigh as he returns to working, yet still taking the time to hold a conversation with you.
“Okay, so fill me in. What’s going on here?”
Steve explains that he’s got a big essay to work on for one of his minor subjects, and at the same time, he’s stuck with studying for a huge test from his criminal justice course. You listen attentively, trying your best to understand the complex terms he uses in his rambling state.
“Sorry if I went overboard. I just really, really like my major, even if it stresses the fuck out of me.” He scoffs nervously, running his hand through his hair.
“No, it’s great to hear someone so passionate about their studies. It’s super inspiring. I think it’s cute.”
Oh, hell.
You did not just say that he was cute. Sure, you said it in a completely indirect way, but you still fucking called him cute.
Steve blushes, dipping his head down to avert his eyes from you. “Uh, y-you wanna listen to music with me?”
You nod with enthusiasm (slightly embarrassed on the inside), before putting the left earbud into your ear as Steve hits the play button on his playlist. You smile when you recognize the song, it being from one of your favorite artists.
“No way! I love this one!” You sway in your seat, chuckling as Steve mimics your movements. You whisper-shout the lyrics to one another, creating microphones with your fists as you hold it to your mouths. You ignore the weird stares from the other students in the room, only having eyes on Steve as you reach the ending of the impromptu duet.
“Oh, my god, that was - that was great.” He doubles over onto the desk with laughter, feeling himself already perk up from the caffeine. “I didn’t know you had such amazing taste in music. First, coffee, now this? You’re the best.” He points his pen at you, raising his eyebrows with clear satisfaction as you continue discussing your favorite songs.
The best.
He called you the best.
“Thanks, Steve.”
After another hour of conversation and studying, you both begin to wrap things up. Steve tosses the empty cups of coffee into the nearest bin, thanking you as you help him pack up his textbooks and laptop.
He kindly holds open the door for you on your way out, letting it swing shut behind him as the windy air nips at his ears. He walks you to the parking lot, driving his bike with his hands as he comes to a stop by your van.
“W-would you like a ride back to your place?” You offer, rubbing at the sleeves of your sweatshirt. “It’s really cold and dark outside, so...”
Steve smiles. “Yeah, thank you, Y/N.”
“No problem.”
The turn signal ticks loudly as you round the street towards Steve’s apartment. His bike rattles in the backseat, folded over to fit the van.
“I hope your, uh, your boyfriend is okay with this.” Steve sniffles from the heater, scratching the underside of his jaw.
“My boyfriend?”
“Yeah, that Nathan guy from earlier today? He’s your boyfriend, right?”
Well, shit.
“Oh, jesus. He totally isn’t. Trust me.” Steve sends you a questioning look, doubt written all over his features. “I’m serious, Steve. He’s just my best friend, and he’s protective over me, kinda like a brother.”
“That’s good.”
Why was that good? Good that Nate wasn’t your boyfriend? Good that you weren’t dating anybody?Steve couldn’t have possibly liked you back.
Unless... he did?
You shut the engine off when you arrive at his place, walking with him into the lobby. The elevator ride is mostly silent, but there’s an unrecognizable tension that wavers in the air.
He stops you for a second before he unlocks the door to his apartment, twirling his keys between his fingers.
“Uh, I wanted to say thank you for keeping me company. I had lots of fun with you earlier.” He smiles down at you.
“Me too, Steve. You’re a really sweet guy.” You chuckle, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“And you’re a sweet girl.”
Oh, woah.
Wow. Wow. Wow.
Steve clears his throat, continuing with a casual tone of voice. “Listen, I was wondering if I could... if I could get your number? Maybe we can hang out again or something, if you’re like available, you know.”
Holy fuck.
Say something. Say anything.
“Yeah, I would like that.”
Steve nods happily, taking his phone out from his pocket. He pretends as if he didn’t have your number in the first place, re-entering it into your already saved contact.
“Okay, great! Thanks. Uh, thank you for... for walking me here. And earlier, which I already mentioned - okay! I’m gonna go now.” He points at his door, cringing at himself with a disappointing sigh.
Confidently, you pull him into an embrace, making the butterflies in your stomach rejoice when he returns the hug with a tighter squeeze.
“Good night, Y/N.” He mumbles into your hair before stepping away.
“You as well, Steve.”
A smirk forms on his lips. “I’ll text you, yeah?”
“I’ll be waiting.” You lightly bounce on your heels, biting your lip as you finally lock eyes with him.
Suddenly, Steve’s hand reaches around behind you, causing your eyes to widen with surprise. He pulls the hood of your sweatshirt over your head, letting it cover your ears and parts of your hair.
His fingers trail down the uneven drawstrings, gently tugging on them.
“It’s cold outside.”
“I know.”
“Don’t want you to get sick.” You can’t fight the grin on your face, watching carefully as Steve turns open the door to his apartment. “Well, get home safe, Y/N.”
Flustered, you start to stutter over your words, forgetting all the right things to say. “You too!”
With one final smile and a sweet gaze in your direction, Steve slowly shuts the door, leaving you in the hallway. You slap at your reddened face when you hear the lock click, scolding yourself for saying something completely idiotic at the last minute.
Meanwhile, Steve leans on the other side of the door, resting his head against the smooth surface as he stares up at the ceiling in an enchanted state of mind. Silently, he begins to jump joyously before he victoriously pumps his fists into the air.
Who ever thought that coffee could draw two souls closer together?
@aphrodites-perfume @itsametaphorbriansblog @delicrieux @ultrunning @l0ve-0f-my-life @novaddictx @liakgs @loulouloueh @charming-fan-girl
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dingoberg-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
[ cisfemale, she/her , cierra ramirez, twenty-four ] i think i just saw INDIGO GODFREY looking down at their phone in the middle of lecture hall . i wonder if they think that will help them get through their MECHANICAL ENGINEERING major . i’m sure professor baker doesn’t mind , though , especially since D can be so + INDOMITABLE. then again , SHE/HER can be a little - CLODDISH , so maybe prof b will mind after all . what do you think is catching their attention all of a sudden ? surely it can’t be more pictures of MOTORCYCLES. hey , you know , sometimes they really remind me of OVER SIZED HOODIES, ROMANCE NOVELS, AND BRUISED KNUCKLES , but maybe that’s just me . oh well . i hope their FOURTH year is treating them well ! [ mariam , she/her , 18 , est , n/a ] 
born as surrogate baby, her biological mom gladly offered to help out two married men and fulfill their wishes on having a child.
wishes she can say she had it tough but that be a wholesome lie.
I mean her dads weren’t necessarily ready when she arrived into the world.
her biological mom had to constantly visit them everyday but it’s not like she hated it. She vowed to continuously be in indigo’s life.the two relationship was very tight, like their wasn’t a time when they would argue or not tell each other anything. Her relationship with her dads were stable but not close as her biological mom.
This all changed when indigo turned sixteen and her mom didn’t even show up or call for her birthday.indigo assumed it was because her dads were getting jealous of the relationship of the two, she wasn’t wrong but still that wasn’t the cause of her mother’s absence.
 She never found out either nor did her dads, of course they contacted her but she went MIA.With her mother gone she wasn’t this spoil girly girl anymore. she took interests in mechanics and started to fool around with boys.she lost her virginity at the age of seventeen which isn’t bad right ? but the amount of boys she had sex with wasn’t a normal amount for a seventeen year old girl ?Her grades were average, high 70s at most.
When she graduated high school she planned on doing online classes yet her dads weren’t ok with that.She didn’t even know why they cared so much about her attending an actual college when she can do it for free online.They literally paid for her to go to Powell university. How sick is that ? She did not like it one bit but she manage to grow into it during her third year. Like she was seriously lacking during her first and second year but soon enough she got her act together.
She joined the rugby team so at the rugby party.. you can bet she was there. she wanted to see what the idiots at her university were made of.
After the whole situation going down at the party she had a plan to figure out the mystery hooded attacker
.She literally had a whole fake relationship with Nate Jacobs bcz she’s so nice and he needed a girl to impress his parents with, after the fallout with maddy and she happened to be the right one ?Well the fake dating actually led to real dating which is crazy bcz she would never see herself with him fr fr but it actually happened.
 I mean it was fake dating on her end still but to Nate it was real, she convinced him that it was.she legit was ready to set the whole thing up against him, so when he came to her about fake dating in front of his parents he had already led the execution. Her intentions were to find out him, more so deeply. 
Her research soon ended when he ended up getting arrested for murder. She knew he was like not ok in the head but not to the point he would murder somebody ig ?
favorite color is yellow.
in the middle of a convo she stares dead @ the wall and rethinks about situations in the past and how they’ve could have gone differently.
doesn’t even care at all about her appearance but once she does and she puts the effort into it, it’s over for u hoes.
takes her insightfulness to a whole other level. get ready for the most outrageous theories coming from her.
almost burned her parents house down just by trying to fry plantains.
she can fall asleep anywhere anytime.
copes better with screams
.microwaves her milk.
constantly does this routine which she clicks her teeth with her tongue.
can’t be left unsupervised or she ends up doing some dumb shit as usual.
literally a nervous wreck, always throwing gun fingers at someone to communicate.
she’s literally impossible to defeat bcz she’s always convinced of her instincts and she truly sticks by them. Also, will bug you to ends of the earth just for you to admit that she’s right.
cue nervous chuckles
.don’t tell her anything bcz it will most likely flop out of her mouth unintentionally.
has an embarrassing mom aura to her. 
can and will baby everyone the chance she gets
.easily offended and constantly tends to overthink about herself but sons out of it
.carries a large black duffel bag everywhere and a steel pipe may or may not be hiding in it.
seems unreliable and is unreliable. well I mean sometimes she can be of help but it would have to be some crazy extra step just to help out.ppl.
Ngl she’s all cool with sex yet feelings in a whole relationship for her are just ahhhh.
not optimistic at all. In fact she’s always prepared for the worst to come.
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vaguely-concerned · 7 years
Some Uncharted 3 feels
- My sister and I just finished up Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, and let me tell you… she chose the perfect fucking game to introduce me to the series because a) parental substitute stories are my ultimate narrative Jam and I will eat it up with not one spoon, not two spoons, but every spoon made available to me, b) the early parts of the game with Chloe and Charlie are  g e n i u s  and I loved all these treasure hunting weirdos (Charlie’s interspersed British History info dump while Nate was doing his own Francis Drake info dump was golden) and c) the moment I had to control tiny little bb Nate scrambling over the rooftops every protective instinct rose up in me and I adopted him as my son. He just feels so vulnerable in this one, even as an adult, I want to slap Marlowe’s filthy British gaslighting hands away from him and keep him safe. (‘Sullly hasn’t come back for you yet’ how D A R E you monster)
- I feel a deep eternal spiritual connection with Sully, because we both took one look at this disaster child and went ‘...well nothing for it I must now protect him for as long as I live’. (There were frequently hilarious moments when I was cottoning on to what kind of insane leap the game/Nathan ‘No Trace Of Impulse Control’ Drake wanted me to do next and I was like ‘oh no… no baby child you’ll break your neck I hate this’ and one second later Sully would be like ‘...you sure about this, kid’ and I was like ‘THANK YOU SULLY THIS IS MADNESS’ and then of course Nate would do it anyway while I turned my head so I wouldn’t have to look at the craziness I had wrought with the dual shock controller)
- It’s perfectly understandable why Nate marries Elena in the end and I am very happy for them, but with all objective truth in the universe we must all come to accept that no one in this game is more Marriage Material than Salim. Always there with a freakishly durable horse and a perfectly timed rescue to sweep you off your feet — literally, because you’re an idiot who routinely jumps from your horse onto trucks at breakneck speed and yet he lets you sit behind him on his horse until you find yours again; a Gentleman. Beautiful eyes. Excellent sense of dramatic timing, maybe good hair under the coverings, could immediately feel the cosmic vibrations of hurt puppy, I-am-doing-the-best-I-can-I-swear-everything-just-keeps-happening-to-me energy around Nathan Drake and chose to protect him… truly, the perfect man.  
- I sort of got the thing they tried to do at the end with the Talbot/Marlowe bond mirrored with the Nate/Sully one, but I feel like it would have been better if it was built up more before they reach the city? Like at this point your distaste for Talbot is so strong that you’re like ‘well GOOD your mother figure sucked anyway, choke on quicksand assbutt’, and it could have been more gutting if he was just a tiny bit more likeable. Marlowe had some really good indirect characterization going on though, like the fact that after twenty years she STILL hasn’t figured out that the reason Sully suddenly ‘stabbed her in the back’ was that she fucking hit a kid in the face in front of him. (It wasn’t subtle, Katherine, he’s standing there like D: D: D: right behind you)
- GOD the damn shipyard stuff dragged on FOREVER and for no narrative reward whatsoever — if you think about it it could literally be removed from the game completely and… nothing at all would change except Nate would maybe have a few more ribs still intact — and also the gameplay was tiring, but it was tremendously effective in making you feel what Nate feels and so I forgive it. I felt fucking harrowed by the time he wakes up on that beach, enough so that I didn’t even bother to go ‘uh. Sure. sure he washed ashore safely from what looked very much like the open ocean. That’s… likely’. I was just happy he was okay. Ssssh it’s psychological storytelling okay let’s not question it. Also being on a sinking cruise ship was admittedly some of the coolest level design I’ve ever seen, so there’s that.
- On an unrelated note I wonder what the hell Marlowe was paying her goons for them to keep trying to murder me after their employer had set fire to the chateau with them still inside it with no way out and while a plane was getting torn to pieces around them. That’s dedication, I’m actually impressed.
- No one wears a henley shirt quite like Nathan Drake. Like my feelings for him are more parental than anything but damn that boy sure knows how to pull off a Look.
- Talking about parental feelings, who else melts every time he starts expounding on a special interest? He’s such a ditz about everything else and yet… is it English renaissance and/or connected to Francis Drake in even the vaguest possible way? My boy will talk your ear off about it. God bless this ADHD poster child.
- They really did some cool things with his characterization otherwise too — this game feels a little like a coming of age story, despite the fact that he’s like… thirty five, because there’s this childlike quality to him, that slight manic brittleness of an abandoned, hurt child that is both tremendously endearing and slightly unsettling. (He… kills a lot of people in this game, u guise, and while most of it is made out to be basically self defense he, uh, doesn’t seem all that broken up about it) Marlowe revealing his real backstory so off-handedly and leaving you to puzzle together the fact that he has made himself into his own escapist character worked so well and might have hit me even harder if I’d played the first two. From how strongly he reacts to Elena’s comments about it he must realize on some level that Sully is getting older and that would trigger that fear that he’s going to leave the Adventure and by extension him behind, taking the one stable thing he’s had in his life since he was like fifteen away. (Thank you, Sully, for staying alive like a champ even though you’re the resident mentor and Nate’s terrified imagination murdered you like… four times in this game, this is the kind of dedication and survivability I like to see in a father figure)
I love that in the end what lets him heal is feeling safe in the fact that these people love him and won’t leave him even though he’s pulling the most insane shit and that is all that hole in him he tried to fill with adrenaline and Adventure really needed and he can let go enough to have real emotional closeness. Aaaand also he needed to sink a fucking city into the sand in the process b/c of who he is as a person, I guess. Let me reiterate: god bless him.  
-  Most difficult parts: when they try to make you shoot hallucination!Sully (I’m such a wimp, I couldn’t lol) and when you have to fight Charlie. I failed that fight thrice because I didn’t want to hit him back. Also when they make you think Charlie’s about to die, that was straight up mean
- “*deep sigh* This is why we can’t have nice things” I am Sully and Sully is me. Really though, that man is the true hero of this story. He’s been saying ‘Careful Nate’ and ‘Nate find another way so you won’t fucking die’ and ‘HOLY SHIT KID’ for twenty years and it has never worked and yet he still tries. Inspiring.
- The voice acting was amazing — I have never understood the hype around Nolan North before, he’s just everywhere in games, it would be like noticing the presence of air, but then I heard the way his voice went tiny when he said ‘Sully?’ and everything inside me went !!!!!
I get it now
- My one real complaint: I hope whoever’s responsible for all the ‘running towards the floaty camera’ scenes steps on one Lego annually for the next decade, those parts took years off my life  
- Marlowe is a class act on the good old Villain Stuff — I burst out laughing when it turned out she was a member of an ~*ancient secret society*~ because… of course. Of COURSE she is — and I deeply respect that. Quoting T. S. Eliot at you while you’re dying in the desert? They just don’t make ‘em like that anymore, guys.
- This game is the ultimate proof that if you successfully create emotional connection with the characters, your plot can be as openly silly and full of holes as you like and people will roll with it. I mean that ending made no sense whatsoever but I was too busy whimpering through Nate’s hallucination panic attack thingy to care and that is… no one should have that kind of power, Naughty Dog, why u hurt me this way and make me forget what logic is
- Most brilliantly funny and understated moment: baby Nate casually reaching out for Sully’s beer and Sully being like ‘lol no kid’ in the most knowing, already fond way. The physical acting in these games is just phenomenal, which I guess is the upside of all the mocap stuff? (also makes sure they’re quite short and streamlined tho ha ha)
- We got ‘The Lost Legacy’ with the PS4 too so I’m going to start that — I think I will miss Nate but I also love Chloe and her cynical yet caring ass with the passion of a thousand suns so it’ll be okay ha ha  
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Dangers of Stevia, Supplements, Soil Mineral Depletion | LIVE CALL: THRR015
Make your health an act of rebellion and join the community here. Please Subscribe and Review: Apple Podcasts | RSS This episode of The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by Perfect Keto. Perfect Keto makes eating keto easier. Perfect Keto provides clean low-carb bars, nut butters, and supplements, and the best keto recipes and info so you can keto with confidence. Go to http://perfectketo.com/rebellion10 and use code REBELLION10 for $10 off orders of $40 or more.   Download a copy of the transcript here (PDF) Submit your questions for the podcast here Show Notes: News topic du jour: Silicon Ranch partners with organic livestock farm in Georgia for solar sheep grazing 1. Supplementing for soil depletion of minerals [11:35] Ben 2. Supplements Affecting Exercise Adaptation [17:50] Isaac 3. Ketosis [28:55] Ben 4. Behavior Change [48:39] Zack 5. Dangers of Stevia [54:20] from Nate Hi Robb and Nicki, Huge fan of the show and format. Do you see any dangers in consuming pure stevia? Powder or liquid. Other than the obvious danger of it potentially making you crave more sweeter foods. Have you read about any credible downsides to it that would concern you? I love the stuff, it helps me on my keto diet and I just want to make sure it’s cool to keep consuming in moderation (quarter to half tsp maybe a day). Thanks again for being an unbiased source of truth in this crazy landscape. Nate Transcript: Nicki: It’s time to make your health an act of rebellion. We’re tackling personalized nutrition, metabolic flexibility, resilient aging, and answering your diet and lifestyle questions. This is the only show with the bold aim to help 1 million people liberate themselves from the sick care system. Nicki: You’re listening to The Healthy Rebellion Radio. The contents of this show are for entertainment and educational purposes only. Nothing in this podcast should be considered medical advice. Please consult your licensed and credentialed functional medicine practitioner before embarking on any health, dietary, or fitness changes. Warning Robb gets passionate, he’s been known to use the occasion expletive. If foul language is not your thing. If it gets your britches in a bunch, well there’s always Disney+. Robb: What’s up wife? Nicki: It’s time for another episode. Robb: It’s. Nicki: It’s time- Robb: Time. Nicki: For another episode of The Healthy Rebellion Radio. Welcome everyone to our crazy little moment in time here. It is a nice day here in New Braunfels, Texas though. Robb: It is pretty nice. Sun is coming out. It’s going to be nice and warm, so yeah. Nicki: We had a lot of rain last night and it’s looking like the fog is burning off and it’s a good day. Robb: Mats are being delivered to Straight Blast Gym Texas today, which this podcast will air a bit after this, but very excited for jiu-jitsu to get going. Nicki: Absolutely. What do you have for us today with your news topic? Robb: Oh, the news topic. The title is Silicon Ranch partners with organic livestock farm in Georgia for solar sheep grazing. So today’s topic is a bit of a sustainability regenerative ag story, but it’s pretty cool. White Oak Pastures pastures has partnered with this outfit Silicon Ranch, which is basically one of these big solar farm outfits and what’s emerging out of this story is the potential upsides of solar energy can be welded to another upside of solar energy, which is grazing animals. Robb: People kind of forget the whole solar powered feature of pastures and grazing animals and whatnot. But White Oak Pastures has this research that demonstrates that their meat production is a net carbon sink. It has all kinds of beneficial effects on local ecology birds that interestingly the Audubon Society, this is some of this stuff that’s really important and I’m looking forward to Sacred Cow getting out there both in the film and the book form, but people assume that ranching in animal husbandry is necessarily injurious to the environment. Robb: But the Audubon Society has been one of the folks that has really embraced the Allan Savory kind of flavor of regenerative ag. So anyway, within this- Nicki: Because of the impact on the birds. Robb: Because of the beneficial impact on the birds. People who look at birds and want to protect birds, they’re finding that the habitat is being restored and that animals that were endangered or had not been seen in particular areas for 15 or 20 years are now back in large numbers. Robb: So this is some of the really important stuff to get out there and to talk about and to have discussions around because there’s just a monotone that animals are bad, animal husbandry is bad and that may not be the case. It may in fact be a story of this is one of the only legitimate solutions that we have. And what’s interesting is they’re predicting millions and millions of acres globally that will be under use with these solar farms, which is great. Robb: It has some challenges in and of itself. Solar panels actually have a limited life cycle and the recycling of that stuff is pretty toxic and difficult. So I’m optimistic about solar energy, but it is by no means a free lunch in that story. But what’s interesting is mixed into that whole process is the opportunity to have vast numbers of grazing animals that maintain those areas and maintain the normal ecology and produce food. Robb: And so this is something that when people kind of hand wringing about, “Oh, how do we feed the world going forward?” There are enormous tracks of land that are amenable to nothing but the raising of animals on grass. So this is a great article and it points out kind of an intersection of technology that is arguably 10,000 years old with technology that is 50 years old, photovoltaics and then holistically managed grass eating animals. So cool article, we’ve got the link for you in the show notes. Please read that. Please share it with people. Nicki: And we actually interviewed Will Harris of White Oak Pastures as a live interview inside The Healthy Rebellion community and it was amazing and we will be excited to share that interview with y’all here in another month or so, but just can’t say enough about what he is doing for not only his local economy, but the land and the animals and you just get this amazing, I don’t know, richness and just goodness listening to him speak and what he’s done over his lifetime with his animal. Robb: And just a real quick, maybe a highlight on that Will was a very successful conventional meat producer and he said that he was one of the best at it, which interestingly he said was likely why his farmland ended up cratering perhaps the earliest because he had figured out such an extractive process that the grasses were failing, the soil was failing and it wasn’t good for him, wasn’t good for the animals, wasn’t good for the local environment. Robb: And Will’s a good old boy from the South and likes to make money and all the rest of that. But at the same time he started seeing not only an economic kind of brick wall facing him, but also just some stuff that it is kind of moral core he couldn’t really deal with. And what’s interesting is it was a slow iterative process, but these holistic management practices are what he ended up adopting. And it’s been both economically successful for him, but then also environmentally it’s a major, major win. Robb: So these are the stories that we’ve got to both critically assess like are they legit? Is what is being claimed here true? Let’s be honest about that. But if it is, then we need to be singing this stuff from the rooftops. It can’t just be game changers and pea protein all the live long day. Nicki: Awesome. Already it’s time for our Healthy Rebellion Radio t-shirt review winner. This one is from, I don’t know if it’s even pronounceable, G-O-U-K-U-G-T, goukugt. Robb: Goukugt. Nicki: Thank you for all your positive influence. Thank you Robb and Nicki, I’ve been a listener since 2012 and I found paleo to help cure my arthritis. I was 28 and in grad school, which is too young for a chronic illness. I found that the trigger was wheat and I’ve been arthritis free since then. I’ve always been inspired by your work and my research has steered towards using diet as a therapeutic tool. Nicki: I study polycystic kidney disease and I’ve published two papers this past year on the impact that ketosis and oxalates have on disease progression. I wouldn’t have been able to do this without first healing myself so that I could still hold a pipette. Keep doing the great work you do and inspire more out there like myself, Dr. Jacob T. Awesome Dr Jacob T. thank you. Nicki: Please send us an email to [email protected] with your tee shirt size and your mailing address and we will send you a Healthy Rebellion Radio t-shirt. Robb: Awesome. Nicki: All right. This episode of The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by Perfect Keto. Perfect Keto makes eating keto easier. Perfect Keto provides clean, low-carb bars, nut butters and supplements and the best keto recipes and information so that you can keto with confidence. And Robb, we just got a box of their brand new keto birthday cake bar, which is quite good. I normally am not a birthday cake flavor kind of girl. Robb: Just like you’re not a cheese girl. Nicki: I’m not a cheese girl either, but I really liked it. Robb: You liked it, Sagan liked it. The mouth feel was good. And what’s interesting about this stuff too is the girls generally like these things, but they’ll do a half of one or one and then they’re done. So it’s not like that- Nicki: They want to go back to that. Robb: Cocaine thing where they’re going to want to like smash the whole box, which I think is of telling. Nicki: So if you haven’t checked out their lineup of keto snacks and bars, go to perfectketo.com/rebellion10 and use code REBELLION10 for $10 off orders of $40 or more. And Robb this here is a live call episode. Robb: Well, right here, Nicki, we have a live espisode. Nicki: We have a live call, but this might be our last live call, at least for a wee bit. Robb: It’s super fun to be able to ask people additional questions, but the technical challenges of pulling this off were kind of crazy. Nicki: It was a cool experiment and I think we’ve really enjoyed it, but here’s the challenge that we face when we first go live. And we were using a thing that we can see the people in queue when we first go live, we see there’s like five or six callers there, but we don’t really have a way to communicate with people to tell them where they’re at in line. Nicki: And so then we’ll take the first person’s question and then by the time we’re done with the first person question, the other people have hung up because they’re like, they have no idea how long they’re going to have to wait. So they’re like, “Oh, screw this. I don’t want to sit here for 30 minutes or an hour.” So then we answer one question and then we’re sitting and we have no callers on the line. Nicki: And so then we’re waiting and waiting and maybe we get another one. And so it’s been… We’ve blocked them. When we did them, we did an hour and a half slot and it was kind of challenging to get our five callers for the show during that hour and a half block because of the way what I just described with- Robb: We might have 20 people call in but we’re only able to grab- Nicki: But then because of how- Robb: A few of them. Nicki: So did a little reflection and I think we’re going to hold off on that until we can come up with a little bit of a better- Robb: We need a little better technology. Nicki: System. Robb: We need a little better system. It’d be fun to do something like this in the future. In The Healthy Rebellion, we are doing some text chats in there which live text chats- Nicki: Which have been really fun. Robb: Which had been really fun. So we’re going to start putting more emphasis on that because that’s a great way to interact with people, get some live back and forth, ask those lead on questions. But it’s much more technologically doable for us at this point. Nicki: Right. So I guess- Robb: So for now, this is the last live call. Nicki: Yep. Until we figure out a way to solve for this, then we’ll be doing our regular Q and A. So you guys can always submit your questions via the website, robbwolf.com and then let’s jump into our callers. Nicki: Hello. Welcome to The Healthy Rebellion Radio caller from seven eight five tell us your name, where you’re calling from in your question please. Ben: Hello, Robb and Nicki. This is Ben from Ruleville. Nicki: Hey Ben, thanks for your patience. Ben: Oh, no problem. I have kind of a two part question, a small question then maybe a bigger concept related to it. I wanted to know if you or Robb had any insight on supplementing with fulvic acid or sometimes I think Ayuverdic realm is called shilajit, but it’s like that black tar substance. But in a broader sense, the reason I ask that is because I have read some stuff on it and started messing around with it myself because what I’ve read it’s there to fill any gaps that were missing from the farming or the current state of agriculture, depleting the minerals from the soil. Ben: So we used to get a lot of trace minerals from ground root vegetables and things like that, but now we’re missing that either through agricultural depletion or then the washing and transport of these vegetables or whatever. So I just wanted to hear you guys’ take on any of that. If it’s a valuable thing to supplement with or it’s even an issue we should worry about. Robb: Oh man. So I’m not familiar with that term. There was a substance that Dr. Fred Hatfield ages ago mentioned it sounds like this, and it was called Mumi, M-U-M-I. And it was kind of this tare substance. It was supposed to be really nutrient dense, but I mean, I heard about this in the late 80s early 90s and then I really haven’t heard anything since then. Robb: And similar to being able to sing along to like Scooby doo and stuff like that. It’s a piece of obscure information that just lodged in my head and I don’t know that it has any relevance to today at all. In general supplementation with Foley is a little bit of a tricky story which is kind of separate from just the basic mineral piece. Robb: Chris Master John has done a pretty interesting look at I guess methylation status and what not and is really kind of arrived at this idea that riboflavin supplementation is kind of the master governor for the whole methylation story for the MTFR gene mutations or gene permutations. On the mineral side it makes sense to me to try to round out our minerals and trace minerals. Robb: I think that this is where things like sea food and sea vegetables are probably a pretty good plan. It at least in some regards because at a minimum I think that other than adding pollutants to sea water, the mineral composition of the water itself and the critters in it has probably changed less in state, like the less 10,000 and a hundred thousand years then our soil has. Robb: And so it I don’t know that you fully deal with selenium and a few other trace minerals in that context, but I do think that just a real judicious application of sea vegetables and seafood could probably plug a lot of the holes and kind of the deficiencies of a modern agricultural diet. Robb: I would make the case that this is one of those things that I think it’s going to take a while to fully vet this out, but when you have meat in particular meat that is produced on a patch of dirt that has really solid holistic management, regenerative farming practices, you’re feeding the soil microbiome in a way that those critters are then mining various nutrients out of the soil and putting it into grass. Robb: And then that goes into the animals and it’s pretty early. But I think that there’s a powerful case to be made that you probably have a better nutrient profile than with the industrial agriculture approach, which is putting synthetic fertilizer in all of the activity is happening right there at the surface of the soil and you’re actually kind of destroying that deeper microbial interaction that mines minerals. Robb: So I think that over the course of time, this is another one of these cases for why regenerative farming is probably going to be really important. I don’t know if that entirely answers your question. That’s kind of what I’ve got. Ben: Yeah, no that, yeah. So what has Hatfield was talking about is the same stuff. It’s over in Russia and the rocky areas over there, they source it. But no, that answers a lot because that’s just something I know we really like to talk about micronutrients a lot. But in with regenerative farming, we’re focusing a lot on the practices around raising livestock. Ben: But I know that the whole component as well is the depletion of the ground minerals and how we used to be able to get some of that from those vegetables. And I just was wondering if you had any insight. Robb: Yeah, I think leaning heavily on regenerative practices and then I do think interim to that. Some things like Mumi maybe could be a way to fill some of that gap. And then I, my sense is also that leaning heavily on ocean derived plant and animal material is a really solid way to kind of plug some of those potential gaps. Ben: Awesome. That answers it. Robb: Thanks for hanging in there with us. We had all manner of- Nicki: Technical diffculties. Robb: Technical difficulty getting this thing fired back up, so thanks for hanging in there. Ben: No problem. I appreciate what you guys do so it’s no problem. Robb: Awesome. Thanks man. Nicki: Thanks Ben. Robb: Take care. Ben: Yep. See you. Robb: Bye. Bye. Nicki: All right, we have a caller from area code three O four area code three O four you’re on the line. Please tell us your name, where you’re calling from in your question please. Isaac: Robb and Nicki, how are you doing? This is Isaac. I’m calling from Ohio. Robb: Hey man. Nicki: Hey man. Robb: Great to get you. Isaac: All right, so here’s the deal. I beat the odds and I was selected for a very selective race, 100 Mile trail race out in California and last time I did it, I barely made my time goal. So this time I’m going to have to look for every optimization out there and I want to get it perfectly right. Isaac: So the thing that’s been on my mind is related to like supplements that may be could backfire and specifically thinking about resveratrol, vitamin C and then other interventions like ice water baths or yoga and Dr Gundry’s book Plant Paradox even has me looking skeptically at plants now. Isaac: So I’m wondering if you have any thoughts on spacing, endurance, exercise with certain supplements or whether there’s no concern for any of the things that I’ve mentioned. Robb: No, I think that you’re really onto something there and we could maybe make the case that this is getting out to the last few percentage points in adaptation. But then again maybe not some of the studies that have been done looking at say like Potassium bicarbonate supplementation in and around say lactate producing exercise. Robb: People will get a performance bump so long as they don’t succumb to the gastric emptying deal of spewing out of both ends with that but the bicarbonates seems to blunt all of that kind of hormetic stress adaptation and we see a similar thing with vitamins in general, vitamin C and so it really it’s interesting. Robb: I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts that’s a little bit of a tangential thing. I will really try to pull this thing back in, but I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts on just longevity in general, like work from Dr michael Rose and he just makes this case that there might be some real specific supplements that we may be wanting to use once in a while similar to a pharmaceutical, but there’s all manner of speculation around things like TA-65 elongating telomeres and different things like that. Robb: Everybody was geeked out on, you need super high antioxidant intake because reactive oxygen species appear to be a co factor in the aging process. But then what we found is you ended up with immune dem regulation and all this other stuff. And so I guess my point of that is figuring out a way to really optimally fuel your training and kind of periodicing that. Robb: And so building your robotic base and then honing that edge you with a peaking cycle. And it’s interesting even on the recovery side, and I’ve kind of thought about this and I’ve seen some stuff that suggests this, but Pavel Tsatsouline was just on Joe Rogan and he made the point that things like ice water baths, one, it can blunt the adaptation to exercise. Robb: But then two, what was interesting is that it actually can encourage the body to rely on that process as part of the recovery. And so what actually ends up limiting the total kind of adaptive process that we could get. And if I were to default to anything, it would actually be sauna exposure. And I could make a case on two points for that. Robb: One, heat shock proteins seem a lot better suited for dealing with the demands of exercise than cold shock proteins. Although there’s certainly value to cold shock proteins without a doubt. But then there’s also this opportunity to get a legitimate less than tricolor stretch training adaptation from that sauna session. Robb: So I would and my sense is that post-training sauna does not downregulate that pulsatile inflammatory state. If anything, it enhances it. And again, there may be, could be an argument that perhaps we don’t want to do that too often or too much. I’m not entirely sure about that. But I think that you’re on some really good footing here questioning is ribs near trawl is a concentrated dose vitamin C really going to do you any favors in the context of trying to force a really powerful training adaptation for an event. Robb: And then maybe during the event that’s it. And clearly you have to do some tinkering with this ahead of time, but a buffered vitamin C with the bicarbonate mix that could buffer lactate and keep total pH within perhaps better operating parameters on game day that might be a really viable solution, but you’re just going to perhaps test that over time and not really rely on it as training adaptation but more to know how to use it. And then do you exclusively use it on training on game day. Isaac: Yeah. I mean that’s, those are some excellent ideas. Especially I think the sauna is going to be really important for me. But I also like what you said about the periodization, because I think that’s a mistake I’ve made in the past was doing the same thing too often. So I think mixing it up is probably a good approach. Robb: Yeah. And I don’t know if you followed Zach Bitter, but that guy is really smart on this stuff. And he will admit that there’s a lot of individual variation, but some folks it’s so much simpler. If it’s like Zack Bitter is carnivore. And it’s like he never eats plant material and it’s like, well that’s not really true. Robb: He uses that in a really smart and sophisticated way to kind of goose a specific training adaptation. And then on these days where he’s covering a hundred miles in a pretty quick pace. He’s using targeted carbs now he’s using a fraction, the amount of carbs that most people would use under similar circumstances but he is absolutely using carbs. Robb: I don’t remember him talking about some things like a buffered vitamin C or bicarbonates to try to deal with that side of kind of the metabolic acidosis. But he’s operating at a really sophisticated level with that for sure. Isaac: Well that’s great. I really appreciate it. But let me get greedy and just ask one more follow up. Robb: Lay it on me. Isaac: And it’s on a related note, what are your thoughts on Sulforaphane? Because it’s another one of those, it’s not a supplement. I’m getting it just from broccoli sprouts. But it’s the sort of thing where I’m wondering could it blunt because it’s supposedly a powerful antioxidant, may be doing similar things that resveratrol would. So do you have any specific thoughts about broccoli sprouts in Sulforaphane? Robb: I’m confused on it to be honest because there’s all this great correlative stuff that suggests it’s healthy. Is that in the context of just kind of so much of what we see there, it might be preventing some of the deleterious effects of a poor diet and poor lifestyle. So what does that mean in the context of an elite athlete like yourself? Robb: And I’m not entirely sure there. It’s interesting. Anything that we call an antioxidant can be a pro oxidant under the right circumstances. So it’s really a case of relativity there, whether like vitamin C or so many of these things statens function as antioxidants to some degree. So it’s interesting what falls under that context of like antioxidant. Robb: What also appears to be happening is some degree of that mito hormetic stress that’s occurring with these plant materials. Man, I’m not entirely sure what the real deal is there. I mean it seems just the epidemiology would suggest that eating some cruciferous vegetables are generally a pretty good idea. Just this morning I had two people on Instagram messaging. Robb: These were much shorter races, but a 5K and a 10K two separate people that, but they were like, “Hey man, I just had to tell you like listen to the Paul Saladino podcasts have been tinkering with carnivores and they both set and it’s really intriguing now these are much shorter races than a hundred miles. Robb: So that’s a big deal. But that’s really intriguing. It’s fascinating to me because there’s just a million different ways to tank your performance. You’d have a terrible night of sleep. You could go out and drink a bunch of booze, you could screw up your electrolytes and stuff like that. Robb: But these folks have shifted, do what appears to be a largely carnivore intake. And like Sean Baker is kind of made the case if you’re. So I guess if the story from the carnival or camp is true that the main benefit that vegetables provide is this mito hormetic stress. And then if you’re training really hard, you’re getting a mito hormetic stress there. Do you need anymore? And I don’t know maybe not. Robb: Maybe you want to save all of that adaptation for just dealing with the exercise and not necessarily plant toxicants. And that sounds like crazy talk, but it’s plausible. I would put the likelihood maybe a little bit on the low side, but it’s possible. And again, it’s just intriguing that people are going from what is generally a pretty… They’re eating clean, they’re kind of paleo, maybe they’re eating keto and then they pull out all plant materials and all of a sudden they get a PR. Robb: And then I also know for sure there are folks at the flip side of that, that are not doing well with it. So it, and then that begs the question like how are they doing it? What other factors are in there. I do think that for these longer events, like what you were talking about, what Zach Bitter has competed in, there’s probably a case to be made for doing things some sort of a starch or glucose polymer or something like that in that context. Awesome, man. Isaac: Well, hey, thanks a lot. I really appreciate it. You’ve given me so much to consider and more generally, I think that you and Nicki help out so many people, so I’m just so grateful for the chance to say hello. Robb: Hey man. Thank you. Nicki: Thanks Isaac. Robb: Take care. Isaac: All right, take care. Bye. Robb: Okay. Bye, bye. Nicki: Okay. All right. We have a caller from eight one five. Welcome to The Healthy Rebellion Radio. Please tell us your name, where you’re calling from and your question. Ben: So yeah, my name’s Ben. I’m from the Chicago land area and yeah, I had some questions, comments are about ketosis. Robb: Lay it on me. Ben: Okay. So I follow, I don’t know if you’ve heard of a guy named Bart Kay, who he’s part of the carnivore scene. And he has some, I mean he’s pretty smart. You’ve spent some time in academia and he has some ideas about ketosis where he says that… He talks about ketosis… I think his hypothesis is that ketones are a secondary messenger for a hormone system and your endocrine functioning. Ben: And his argument is that it’s not a good idea to be in ketosis all the time. Granted he doesn’t really find a level of ketosis that he’s talking about and then kind of goes on this if you’re doing carnivores, like especially like a version that’s probably over a pound of meat a day and maybe with one meal a day you’d be doing basically kind of like a daily kind of keto cycling where you’re going to be keto for a large part of the day and then- Robb: Bump out due to the big meal. Ben: The big meal. When you do that, when you eat all the protein then you’re going to be gluconeogenic and then that’s I guess kick you out of ketosis enough that it’s not going to harm your metabolism or your thyroid. And I guess you want him to think that would kind of add to that. Ben: My experience is, like a couple of weeks ago I was getting hardcore about measuring my ketones and glucose and a thing that was interesting is my ketones were never above like 0.12 but my glucose was always in like 80. I kind of expected that it would be like dipping lower than that. But it wasn’t and… Robb: I think I know what you’re digging at. Let me jump in here and then you can save me if I’m bailing off of a cliff, but it’s interesting. Ages ago, I mean the mid to late 90s Dr michael Eades was recommending a low carb diet, not necessarily a super high fat diet. Now he wasn’t afraid of fat, but he made the case ages ago that he would like to see the glucose that’s used by the body primarily come as a consequence of gluconeogenesis out of the liver and mainly from dominating breaking down proteins because it was a super slow steady titration. Robb: There’s a super high nutrient density attached to it. There’s a high thermic effect. And so what’s interesting to me in some ways is in this story of carnivore versus keto or whatever a carnivore diet is it’s effectively a low carbohydrate diet, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a low glycogen diet or low glycogen state because of the amount of protein folks are eating. Robb: I think that we could see reasonable topping off of both muscle and liver glycogen, both from the fat and more specifically the protein. And it’s really interesting and I honestly don’t know what’s the real deal is here. I definitely could see the case for transient ketosis being a favorable thing. I think that a little bit of pulsatile exposure to glucose either via kind of hepatic released glucose or some carbohydrate in the diet. Robb: I can see some arguments from that from kind of like a hormetic stress response kind of perspective and it wouldn’t require much to get that. And then there is just a lot of really interesting stuff around potential anti aging benefits of these secondary messengers effects that ketone bodies might play stack inhibition and stuff like that. So I have not followed Bart’s work super specifically, but I’m familiar with kind of the broad brush strokes and I don’t take issue with any of it. Robb: I think that this, a lot of this stuff we really just don’t know what the real deal is. And I think that it may boil down to some fairly unique individual considerations. But one thing that we’ve talked about on I think the standard podcast is when you look at what the recommendations are out of the Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution. It’s not specifically carnivores, but it’s a high protein, moderate fat, low carb diet. Robb: And what this is specifically designed for our folks with type one diabetes… And type one diabetes is so hard to manage because really the first activity of insulin when it’s released out of the beta cells of the pancreas, arguably is to downregulate glucagon in the adjacent alpha cells of the pancreas. And the way that type one diabetics have to manage this is completely in a reverse order of sticking insulin in at the surface exterior level and then waiting for it to fuse and get activity at the internal level. Robb: And so they are not really fans of a really high fat Keto diet per se because it induces potentially physiological insulin resistance and people in it and it makes that management to blood glucose levels and the management of insulin boluses more challenging than a high protein, low carb, moderate fat intake, which looks really in a lot of ways a lot more like a carnivore approach. Robb: When you get right down to it. So it makes sense to me to be more on that side of things. And then some of the early work that Loren Cordain did, one of his early papers, Paleo contemporary diet made from paleo food sources where he basically does a perspective to date 2000 calorie plan and it was for a woman and it was around 2100 calories a day, but it was over 200 grams of protein for a medium size female. Robb: And then it was maybe like 150 grams of carbs and then, I don’t know, 7,500 grams fat, something like that. But it was really high protein and so a lot of this stuff that I’ve seen that comes out of the Keto games world, the Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution, the people that seem to be succeeding on carnivore and also kind of that Loren Cordain perspective on paleo. Robb: I just see a lot of similarities there. Mainly just this really powerful emphasis on protein. And then I think that we individually have to get in and do some tinkering, kind of figure out do I do okay with some plant material, do I have some gut issues that doesn’t really allow for that. And then we’ve got some playing to deal with after that kind of kernel of like a very protein centric approach makes a ton of sense to me. Ben: Yeah. I guess the other thing I would say is I kind of wonder if there is if the keto diet is kind of a myth in the sense of at least when I first started learning about it, I had the sense like when you’re in a keto diet that means okay, my brain is being entirely told by ketose and then, so it was an interesting kind of happenstance that like when I’m kind of measuring the ketones, it’s like they’re like in this middle range, they’re not that high. Ben: And then I kind of was interested in seeing well how does that amount of ketones compare to glucose? And what’s interesting is I guess a level of 80 what is it like milligrams per deciliter of glucose is around the ballpark of like 4.5 millimole per liter. So even when you’re decently ketonic you still have- Robb: A fair amount of glucose. Ben: Three or maybe even four times as much glucose hanging around. So I, and maybe that’s just the thing is like the Keto gains approach, which seems to work for me that’s maybe not down-regulating things that you could still feel good on and do it sustainably just actually isn’t really that much of a keto diet. And so whatever kind of secondary hormonal effect maybe there is a ketones is not really happening as far as down-regulating … Robb: Yeah, man it’s really interesting these things with potential thyroid downregulation and stuff like that. I do think that a decent whack of protein is going to produce enough of an insulin response that maybe that keeps you out of that thyroid down-regulated state. Maybe you don’t need specifically a bolus of carbs to do it, particularly if you’re eating something like beef or even Whitefish, which can produce a really remarkable insulin release. Robb: And so maybe that is part of the reason why we’re not seeing that that keto gains seen just crumbling. It’s mainly females and we’re not seeing a ton of HPA axis dysregulation or thyroid or hair falling out and stuff like that. They seem to be motoring along really well. Robb: So it is interesting. There’s just some fascinating stuff on there. I forget who it was. Somebody recently was looking at the total energetic pool, which you just kind of alluded to of maybe about four to five millimolar glucose and then if we can get, usually ketone bodies are not remotely that high. They’re people that are keto adapted. Actually we’re lucky if we get a much up over one, 1.5- Ben: Oh, you know what, I have a question. So yeah, some of that I have been wondering and I couldn’t find a quick answer on the internet part is like, okay, so how many, I mean I guess it depends on what level of ketosis you’re at, but how many calories of ketones are you making in a day? Because I remember I used to be under the impression like, Oh you know, if I do like a shot of MCT oil, that’s like all getting converted into ketones. But I don’t think… It doesn’t seem to work like that. Robb: Marty Kendall did a piece on this re I think it was Marty where it, and he’s had just an interesting look on this. Basically making the case that somebody that’s metabolically flexible and metabolically healthy at rest they have a comparatively low amount of circulating energy and that makes sense. You don’t need a lot of glucose, you don’t need a lot of triglycerides, you don’t necessarily need a whole ton of ketone bodies. Robb: You need enough but don’t need a ton. And what we see on the flip side of people that are metabolically broken or heading into metabolic syndrome, they’ve got high glucose, they’ve got high triglycerides, the lifeboat proteins go up. And in really extreme cases we end up in a scenario in which we have ketoacidosis too. So we’re like drowning in energy in these situations of people with really poorly managed metabolic scenarios. Robb: Now, and he did do some breakdown on the total energetic, not load, but I guess consequences of say like a given ketone level of in general MCTs is just kind of backing up a little bit. In general, my understanding is that MCTs do predominantly convert to ketone bodies. It is interesting on the brain metabolism side, it was only recently that they discovered that some medium chain fats, medium chain triglycerides can fuel the brain directly. Robb: So the brain isn’t only glucose or glucose and ketones like there’s some medium chain fats in there and I don’t know that anybody’s really been looking at this, but under a more ketogenic scenario is the brain able to use longer chain fats? I don’t know, but it was a surprise that it could use medium chain triglycerides. Robb: So I wouldn’t be shocked if we had another surprise that there’s some utilization of longer chain fats in addition to the ketone body. Interesting thing is the production of ketones is kind of thermodynamically inefficient. There’s an energy loss in that whole story. And so biology wouldn’t be super stoked about that. It’s great on the one hand from kind of a potential fat loss perspective, although you’re talking about maybe 25, 50 calories a day. I mean if you miscalculate your handful of almonds, you just screwed that quote metabolic advantage up. Ben: Hold on I wonder though, I mean is the conversion of the MCT into beta hydroxy iterate? Is that actually that much more energy costly then like a longer chain fatty acid that going through everything to get converted into acetol COA. I mean take one more step. Robb: It’s a little bit more energetically costly and it’s both good and bad because you’re popping out of the NADH part of this story and relying more on the FADH part of the story. You’re pulling things away from going through the mitochondrial complexes one, three and five. Robb: They’re more mitochondrial complex too, which has a lower oxidative stress but interestingly is a little bit more energetically demanding. So, and again at the end of the day, I don’t know how much any of that matters in the big picture, but it’s interesting stuff for sure. Ben: Yeah, you definitely hear a lot of, I mean at least when I was first getting into this stuff, you get sold on this idea fat it burned so much cleaner. You almost get this visual, if you don’t know Biochem that literally like the electrons or whatever the hell is getting stripped directly off the fat. Ben: But at the end of the day it’s just like a Acetyl-CoA really. And you kind of like DC whatever differences that there are just marginal or really just marginal and but it adds up I guess on a big scale Robb: It could. Nicky’s going to cut us off here because we’re getting long winded but couple of quick thoughts. So it is just that clearly for at least some people, a low carb or ketogenic approach, whether carnivores or whatever. It just offers some really remarkable appetite control, you’re just not hungry in the same way that you were on kind of a mixed diet. Robb: And that’s a huge win. And I would say that 90, 95% of the benefit is there. When we look at longevity research in animals, most of the benefit of calorie restriction seems to just be that they’re being protected from a super shitty lab, chow based diet. And when animals are fed a species appropriate diet, you don’t really see much benefit, but it may be even detriment for a species appropriate diet. Robb: So I, if we figure out a way to just not succumb to overeating in the modern industrial world, and I think that’s like 90 or 95% of the fight and then from there, this 5% of do we have H stack inhibition? Do we have lower oxidative stress? There might be truth to that, but I think all of that takes kind of second seat to just the fact that we’re not overeating. Nicki: Thanks Ben for your call. Robb: Nicki is doing the big hook- Ben: Thanks for answering my call. Robb: -and yanking us out of here. Nicki: Thanks so much. Robb: Take care man. Ben: Thank you, you too. Robb: Bye, bye. Ben: Bye Nicki: Welcome to The Healthy Rebellion Radio. Can you tell us your name and where you’re calling from and your question? Zach: Hey, it’s Zach from Reno. Missed you guys. Nicki: Hey Zach. How are you doing? Zach: Doing great. How are you doing? Robb: Good. Nicki: Great. What can we answer for you today? Zach: Okay. Can you hear me okay? I’m kind of outside right now. Nicki: Yeah. Robb: You’re coming through? Yep. Zach: Okay, cool. First off, I just want to thank you for that interview do with a doctor Saladino, did I pronounce that right? Robb: Yep. Zach: Yeah, I didn’t know the damn, I mean like your other books, you’ve kind of talked about your struggles, but hearing the full extent, I was like, Oh man, I make a lot of excuses. So I really appreciate you leading by example and being transparent about all that. Robb: Thank you. Zach: Basically my question is I have a lot of behaviors I’ve used over the years to varying degrees of being unhelpful. So like when we put one behavior and we do kind of this stereotypical cross eviction type thing where we use another behavior. I’m kind of curious as to what methods you use outside of working on mindset, movement, sleep, wake cycle, like all the general things. Zach: Have you guys gone down the amino acid rabbit hole? It’s like brain support or have you seen other ways of trying to change multiple behaviors at the same time? Robb: Man, I’ve done a fair amount of tinkering with the amino acid story. I personally haven’t had great success with it. A good friend of mine, Dr Ben Bolser leans heavily on that and but also it’s in the context of kind of appropriate glycaemic load, paleo West type diet. And so I think that for some people doing DL phenol alanine can really dramatically increase dopamine levels in either depression or chronic pain. Robb: It can really help with that. But on facilitating that behavior change. And it’s a really interesting thing going from one kind of addictive behavior to another within CrossFit, and this isn’t beating up on CrossFit, but within CrossFit there are a remarkable number of former addicts from alcohol to harder drugs. And you could make the case that they kind of supplanted one addiction with another. Robb: And then depending on to what degree CrossFit takes over their life, it may take on some maladaptive characteristics. But I guess I’m a little bit sanguine on that in the… I think that so long as we figure out something that seems like a better option than maybe that’s a good idea. Robb: But I did in my youth, I lived literally next door to a methadone clinic and those folks would chain smoke and eat Twinkies like their life depended on it and I don’t it clearly compared to heroin. Maybe they’ve got a longer run on the Twinkie and cigarette diet than they were on the black tar heroin diet. Robb: But at the same time that’s going to have an expiration date on it too. So man, I don’t know as far as it is definitely outside my wheelhouse on that. That definitely gets into the addiction counseling and stuff like that, which I am not even remotely well steeped in. But again, I guess circling back to your original question, I’ve tinkered with some of the amino acid stuff, recommending things like tyrasine or tryptophan at various points and they I haven’t seen it work miracles for me. Robb: But again, I’m also not at an exceptionally well schooled in the protocols on that stuff. I do know some people really, they profess some really remarkable successes with that. But I think beyond addressing sleep quality and things like that. It’s hard to beat those elements and then even some things like some degree of sleep deprivation that feeds into consolidating sleep into a more sleep efficient period. Robb: They’ve used that for some bipolar disorder and some depression. So I think tweaking the levers of circadian biology, sleep and food in my opinion are probably more powerful tools or that shows the confirmation bias of my limited experience on that. Zach: Yeah, no, I appreciate that. It sounds funny but I mean even having read about this stuff for over 10 years, it took me until last year to accept how bad my sleep has been. For literally decades. How a natural extent and going through some really good, well reputable, clean books and how it talks about kind of what you were just saying, how having that chronic sleep deprivation can impact decision making and all these other things. Zach: Your brain is basically damaged to varying levels on a daily basis. So, okay. I appreciate that feedback and I really appreciate the healthy rebellion. So thank you very much. Robb: Awesome man. Nicki: Thanks Zach. Robb: Take care. And we miss all of our peeps in Reno. Nicki: Yeah, take care. Zach: Yeah, you too. I missed being crushed by you a regular bases. Robb: Well, we’ll see you at a Spring Camp. Take care, man. Zach: Awesome, thanks brother. Have a good day. Bye. Nicki: All right. Our final question this week is in written format and it’s from Nate on the dangers of Stevia. He says, “Hi Robb and Nicki. Huge fan of the show and format. Do you see any dangers in consuming pure Stevia powder or liquid other than the obvious danger of it potentially making you crave more sweeter foods? Nicki: Have you read about any credible downsides to it that would concern you? I love the stuff. It helps me on my keto diet and I just want to make sure it’s cool to keep consuming in moderation. About a quarter to a half teaspoon, maybe a day. Thanks again for being an unbiased source of truth in this crazy landscape. Robb: Well, I don’t know if I’m unbiased. Everybody has a bias. I appreciate the vote of confidence. Hopefully my bias being steeped in evolutionary biology and a little bit of biochemistry and stuff. Hopefully that gives us a half decent place to at least start the conversation around. Robb: But the stevia and sweetener topic, it’s funny, particularly within fasting circles, people will see Stevia say in the element product that we have and they freak out and they’re like, it stops your blancher fast. And I’m like, via what mechanism? Robb: And then there’s radio silence and then I’m a big mean person because I’m being a scientific or whatever, I don’t even know. But so people will make cases around, well you release insulin and I think in some people under some circumstances, typically in an overfed state, stevia could pose a problem because it’s an additional sweetening agent. Robb: But the interesting thing with it is it lowers blood sugar, which they usually hold up as being a laudable thing. But that is because it gooses a little release of insulin, but it’s not a really huge amount under the conditions of keto and fasting. It is trivial, non-significant, or maybe even beneficial because you’re actually scooting a little bit of blood glucose into storage and then you’re going to burn fat and produce ketones more. Robb: So even on that whole autophagy side, I’ve been digging around and there’s not a ton of material around this, but stevia, lice, like most plant materials seems to enhance certain degrees of autophagy. So again, in the, what was his name? Nicki: Nate. Robb: Nate, hit the nail on the head, the real concern around any type of modified sweetener flavoring in something like chicharrones, if they’re plain, you’ll have one or two and you’re good. If they have like- Nicki: Barbecue flavor. Robb: Barbecue flavor then you’ll have one or two bags. And so that’s where we get into hazards mainly with these different flavors and sweeteners and stuff. Nicki: Making it hyper palatable and- Robb: Making it hyper palatable. People get all wrapped around the axle of, well, it’s got a little bit of monosodium glutamate or this or that, either the other. And it’s like that’s really not the issue generally other than maybe some very sensitive people. Robb: But the issue is when we tweak things in such a way that we can easily overeat them. We were messing around with a couple of different chocolate bar variations and they’re pretty good. They’re mainly stevia sweetened and then we found this one and Oh my God, it’s like amazing. Nicki: Yeah, it was like a zero. It was like a sugar free chocolate bar, but it also had almonds in it and I saw that it changes the palette. Robb: Just the mouth feel though, and like man, it tastes like chocolate. And this is something where normally the standard like stevia sweetened chocolate bars- Nicki: 80% chocolate. Robb: We’ll eat a piece or two and it’s no big deal. But we would through the course of a day, smash. Nicki: The entire bar. Robb: At least one bar, maybe more if it was around. Nicki: So we had to stop buying those. Robb: Just don’t last that much. Yeah. Those are examples. But the problem is the hyper palatability thing that occurs, in my opinion, not necessarily that these specific sweeteners are in and of themselves problematic. Nicki: Awesome. Thanks for the great question, Nate. All right, that’s a wrap. And then thank you for joining us. Make sure to check out our show sponsor Perfect Keto for all your keto needs. You can go to perfectketo.com/rebellion10 and use code REBELLION10 for $10 off your order of $40 or more. Please- Robb: Share this episode. Nicki: Share this episode. Robb: If you enjoy it. If you find it helpful- Nicki: You can help us. Robb: Share this thing around. Nicki: Reach our mission of getting a million people out of the sick care system by spreading this podcast. We are doing all that we can to get the message of health out there in regenerative agriculture and the fact that we have power over how we feel and how our bodies are. Robb: It’s profound in its profundity, but seriously that we’ve had solid growth, but to reach this goal of getting a million people out of the sick care system, we need y’alls help and the feedback that we get is that the show’s awesome. We produce good content. It’s super helpful, but we need to start sharing this out to the masses and clearly the show isn’t going to be a perfect fit for everybody, but if somebody has- Nicki: Especially with you F-bomb. Robb: Particularly with my F-bombs. Nicki: Tendency. Robb: But if you know somebody that is struggling and they have a certain health issue or a certain question, it’s a pretty good chance that we’ve covered it at some point in either this show or a previous show. So please do share that stuff around. Sign up for this subscription. Nicki: And if you want to join us in the healthy rebellion community where I guess when this show airs, we’re just wrapping up our first 30 day reset and 7 day carb test. Robb: Which has gone amazing. Nicki: We couldn’t be happier. People are making some great strides, breakthroughs. We’ve had mindset coaches come in where it’s been a really, really special experience. So we’re looking to do more stuff like that. But this just the community in general, it’s a really amazing place and we’ve got some great people and we’d love to have you as well. So you can go to join.thehealthyrebellion.com and we’ll see you in there. Robb: Awesome. Thank you wife. Nicki: Thanks hubs. Robb: See y’all soon.   Where you can find us:   Submit questions for the podcast: https://robbwolf.com/contact/submit-a-question-for-the-podcast/   Keto Masterclass The keto diet is one of the most effective ways to shed fat and improve your health. Keto Masterclass helps you start keto right, step-by-step, so that you can be successful long-term. Learn More   Don’t forget, Wired to Eat is now available! Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, #Podcast #BehaviorChange #Podcasts #SoilMineral #ExerciseAdaptation
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/dangers-of-stevia-supplements-soil-mineral-depletion-live-call-thrr015
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hotelsweet · 7 years
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HI and thank you so so so much if you got involved in this!!!! I’m so excited to be celebrating 1.5k w you guys and can’t wait to dish out some of these lil prizes <3
u guys I’ve had so much fun doing this and I’ve legit sat here for HOURS going through everyone’s blogs and tags and I’m just so,,,, in love,,, this fandom is amazing and u guys are so gorgeous and amazing! I’ve been whining at @peraltiagoisland​ all day about how much I want to include everyone and shower u all in compliments and just!!! I’m so blown away tbh  A QUICK REMINDER OF THE PRIZES WINNERS:  - a big personalised playlist from me to u (u kno how I love my tunes) - a follow from me if I’m not followin u (duh) - a mention here!! - a b99 fic from me if u want it!!! any prompt ya like - hugs and love obvs
RUNNERS UP: - a lil personal playlist from me to u - also a follow if I’m not already - also hugs and love - and a lil mention here <3
if you’ve won/are a runner up please message me so we can talk and I’ll get started on your stuff! i’m so excited to talk to a bunch of you and give u music and writing agh <3
OKAY WITHOUT FURTHER ADO (I have added notes in italics bc I am just so excited and amazed by u guys)
BEST SMALLER BLOG (a very important category bc I actually do not understand how these people don’t have thousands of ppl following them??)
WINNER: @the-pontiac-bandit​ OKAY let me tell you about carrie and her blog. I spent a solid 60 mins reading her amazing writing and admiring her theme and then I checked her reblog and she had the #under500 tag and I yelled. not kidding. like an actual noise left my mouth because HOW THIS GIRL DOES NOT HAVE A CULT FOLLOWING I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND. FOLLOW HER RUNNERS UP: @theartofdreaming1​ aka Vicky who is the sweetest person and SUCH a talented artist!!! @khwabonkeparindey​ anna’s blog is so adorable and maybe it’s bc I’m type A but the layout of her navigation actually turned me on a little bit oh my LORD it’s beautiful and so well-organised @two-drink-amy​ I was only gonna have two runners up for this category but nicole and everything about her blog is so sweet!!
BEST URL WINNER: @jake-purealta​ not only does tash seem incredibly lovely BUT this url is so perfect and well-fitting!!! I feel like, given her obsession w Tswift, it fits beautifully well with jake’s obsession too??? everything about it clicks I love it RUNNERS UP: @roscoesantangelo​ because I mean!!!!! you’ve scored the perfect url of jorma taccone’s character in parks and rec!!!? like damn good on u my guy  @amysantiagone​ okay I wont lie this one is for personal reasons- although I happen to absolutely love Nate’s blog- bc for some reason the url reminds me of when u get super drunk and describe urself as “gone” (a v popular phrase here in the UK) and as a result I just picture drunk Amy whenever I see ur URL
BEST EDITS WINNER: @juliadorable​ RIGHT OKAY SO JULIA (julia) is one of these people I’ve always wanted to chat to bc she seems amazing but what I absolutely love about her edits & gifs is that she picks/ creates posts for some of the most underappreciated moments in the show!!! I love em and this blog is a blessing thank u sm RUNNERS UP: @jakeperallta​ aka @deepshadows​ !!! look at these edits immediately oh my god they are actually incredible and so creative!!! i’m not worthy!! fam I love ur edits so much thank u for providing me w this goodness <3 follow alexa immediately on both blogs seriously @brown-aces​ I won’t lie I’m not sure if these count as edits but I legit couldn’t not include you because of THE INCORRECT QUOTES TAG. this is legit one of my fave things and ur posts never fail to make me chuckle
BEST GIFS WINNER: @fourdrinkamy​ okay so not only is Emma gorgeous, talented, super clever and just all-around marvellous BUT her gifs are like... so good they’re satisfying? like I spent a good half hour just scrolling and admiring ‘em RUNNERS UP: @amesantiagos​ okay this girl has such an eye for colour and aesthetic I’m not kidding everything just looks so Good!! like I adore her stuff to the point where I followed her on insta too (hi Amy I’m darcey_wm if ur wondering where I am) bc it just looks so damn good @sergeant-santiago​ I’m just.... like.... shooketh..... I’ll get back to this later
BEST FICS (oh my god what a category I legit could NOT pick someone lol this was painful bc u guys write the best shit)  WINNER: @elsaclack​ this feels a little obvious/predictable of me bc I’ve rambled about em’s stuff before but Dear Fucking God can this woman write. her fics and the way they had me laughing/crying/glued to my phone are the reason I  RUNNERS UP: @peraltiagoisland​ MICHELLE aka the love of my life KNOWS HOW TO KILL ME NO MATTER THE TIME NOR PLACE dear god I recommend so hard,,,, jump in and give the drama club au a spin trust me u won’t regret it  @jakelovesamy​ oh my god okay so let me tell u. let me TELL U i did not realise that this gorgeous girl was on AO3 but then I clicked over from her blog and it all came flooding back once I recognised her handle!!! I recommend u go and read ‘and all my world is losing light’ bc it’s gorgeous @oceanvirus​ again I didn’t mean to have three runners up but I had to bc I’m just..... a piece of shit lol BUT ANYWAY please please go and read Bella’s stuff I love it so much
BEST ICON WINNER: @brown-aces​ GIRL THIS ICON FITS THE THEME SO WELL AND ALSO IT’S THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE ROSA LOOKIN FIERCE so obvs I’m obsessed  RUNNERS UP: @jakelovesamy​ bc it’s adorable and I adore it @three-drink-amy​ bc it’s my beautiful, smiling boy,,,, grinning at this wonderful blog
BEST DESKTOP THEME WINNER: @smolsamberg​ okay kara’s blog is gorgeous anyway (go follow!!!) but this theme is fuckin funky as shit??? navigating it genuinely felt like operating the sexiest lil website on earth and for that I am grateful RUNNERS UP: @bastillebananas​ this theme is FUCKING ADORABLE not kidding I love it omg I had so much fun w it (also hi fellow fan of bastille!! I’m seein ‘em this summer at a festival exciting) @amesantiagos​ this theme is so cute oh my lord (almost as cute as the wonderful Amy who runs this blog!!! seriously it’s just so wonderful and satisfying and Good Choice my guy I love it (and u)
BEST MOBILE THEME WINNER: @swansongcas​ MATE omg your blog is so satisfying and blue and just like.. sexy to look at so well done my guy!!! also helps that I adore ur blog in general but omg is it aesthetically pleasing RUNNERS UP: @oceanvirus​ bella your mobile theme is almost as sexy as u ;) x (I’m sorry if that was creepy I promise it was well-intended) @two-drink-amy​ okay this is partially bc of the adorable icon but mostly bc of the theme and I just... it’s so bright and sweet and honestly just reminds me of my joyous response to every b99 episode ever WHEW OKAY SO BEFORE WE DO THE BEST OVERALL BLOG,,,, I WANNA JUST THROW A FEW SURPRISE SUPERLATIVES / FUN CATEGORIES 
this is also gonna include some honourable mentions bc I am supported by some brilliant people and also bc not everyone I wanted to put in on here I could??? which is crazy so:
A big round of applause to the X-drink Amy crew who I see all the time and firmly believe should all be led by the adorable @full-santiago​ ?? like a little clan of Amy-themed URLs: @two-drink-amy​ / @three-drink-amy​ / @fourdrink-amy​ / @fourdrinkamy​ / @fivedrinksantiago​ / @six-drink-amy​ (I’m sure there’s more of you out there but these came to mind and I want u all to form a band or something)
A big fat shout out to emily aka @jakefreakingperalta​ who!!! made these valentines cards that I used this year for my friends but never knew the source of!!! another example of the funny and amazing ppl I follow here
an honourable mention for the amazing @tiadorable​ whose comments on my first works on AO3 (and my more recent stuff, too!) made me smile and motivated me so much <3 now for some superlatives!! follow these people rn!!! and if ur here please feel free to come ask me to write or make anything for u ever I love u 
most likely to lure me onto the sin train and never look back: my girl erica aka @startofamoment.... can u believe.... the creativity and the happiness/giggles this lady brings me 
most likely to literally ruin my fucking life thru writing: obviously em?? aka @elsaclack. I appreciate this is a fairly harsh title but dear god the things u could make me feel?????? also a brilliant woman i love u
most likely to always have complete faith in me, chat to me constantly, make me smile, & constantly be a complete angel w a heart of gold and amazing writing: @peraltiagoisland. need I say any more????
OKAY so the big 1:
BEST OVERALL BLOG RUNNERS UP: everyone who reblogged my first post. not a cop out. not kidding. u guys are amazing WINNER: @sergeant-santiago​  okay okay okay let me tell u about this blog. everything from content to quality stuck out to me when I was looking through everything for the blog awards and I was just completely blown away and in awe??? this girl is perfection and if you’re not following her blog then I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY get ur late ass over there bc u are missing the fuck out. I can’t stress this enough!!!!  alright!!! I think we’re about there!! thank you so much (again) for 1.5k. u guys are wonderful
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whale-shark-queen · 7 years
You mentioned fucked up weird AUs in your one post? I'm interested. Tell me about your favourite one(s)!!
AAAaaaah thank you so much!!
Uhhhhhhh heck most of them involve N turning into some horrible Thing because he’s the Estranged Outsider with a Connection to the Bad Guys Even If It’s Not Willingly (yknow like how Eren from snk is a titan shifter or Rin from blue exorcist is part demon) and all of them involve vuvuzelashipping (Nxall the Nuvema lot) I don’t really have a single favourite but I’ll summarize the ones I like most (also note that some of them are good dad Ghetsis/Dadsis aus because u gotta balance out the angst somehow plus dadsis aus are Cool)
Under the cut because I literally can’t summarise for shit and I’m sure no one wants to scroll past 3 pages worth of this (mobile users I apologise since the app is SHIT and refuses to even acknowledge these) 
Also here’s a bit of an index so u can skip to ones that sound interesting instead of going through them all but first u should ask nationalharmonica about her aus bc I love all of hers and they’re awesome and need more love and she also helped with alot of these aus too!! ESPECIALLY the Dragonflower au which I won’t include here because I think she has it on her blog somewhere already.  If ur wondering why I haven’t posted any of these it’s because a) i have neither the skill, time or patience to draw up proper references for all of the characters involved and b) I’m always worried theyll seem too Out There for some people but here we go au masterpost i guess, if anyone reading would like more info feel free to ask!!!
Bacterial Contamination inspired au aka bacterial pestileNce
BotW au
Ib au
PMMM au (the longest one)
Plasma/Aether swapover, N wins+UB monochromeshipping au
Simple fNaf dadsis au
sister locatioN dicksis au (yes I have two for that because I only found out about the secret springtrap cutscene at the end of SL that changes everything the other day)
Nombie (dadsis) au
isolatioN au- Au based on the song Bacterial Contamination.  N goes to the snobbiest most pretentious school you can imagine only because his ex mafia boss dad wants the best for him.  N hides the fact he’s being relentlessly bullied until a teacher phones Ghetsis up asking why N is in such a state whenever he comes into school (BC bruises and cuts and looking roughed up in general).  N goes to therapy and gets meds but surprise they’re an experimental drug and he’s a bug boy now
- BotW au where Touya is Link, Cheren as Revali, Bianca is Mipha and Touko is Zelda.  Ghetsis (who is kinda like Demise if he hung around to make sure his curse worked) is the king of a neighboring region who’s a bit of a warmongering asshole but his son N is friends with princess Touko and her…ahem, associates, which is the only reason Touko’s dad stays civil with him at all.  He uses this to his advantage and infects N with the Malice and reveals his plan to take over Unova, knowing fine well that N would run away to Touko for help.  The truth is he’d set up N to be a ticking time bomb and eventually he becomes the Calamity.  After the whole ~100 year coma and releasing the divine beasts~ thing Touya only remembers who N is after killing him but dw there’s a blood moon just as Touko is sealing the Malice away and N’s freed spirit is brought back to become a friendly giant fluffy spider boy just because I said so
- Ib au with N as Mary (obv Ghetsis is Guertena) except instead of going crazy and trying to kill everyone and being burned up and dying himself the toutous make him sit in the frame while they drag it out of the portal to the real world: problem solved.  I have all this stuff about the others being able to step into his frame but he can’t leave unless someone else draws him so he can possess the drawing but I won’t go into it here BC this post is gonna be long enough already
-Okay I have two madoka aus because possibilities for N are Ndless but I’ve only really developed the dicksis version whereas I only have a witch design for a possible dadsis version so here’s the dicksis one.  The first: Ghetsis is kinda like Walpurgisnacht and N was originally a familiar that represented Ghetsis’ interest being only in things that directly oppose him who was becoming powerful enough to become a witch of his own.  Not wanting him to have even a fraction of power himself Ghetsis transformed him into a human shape, gave him sentience and intelligence and as close to a pure heart as possible so he would be easier to manipulate and led him to believe that magical girls/boys hunt down innocent witches for fun and have witches trapped in their soul gems and tasks N with stealing people’s soul gems to ‘free the witch inside’.  The problem is that the alteration gave N the mindset of ‘innocents who aren’t involved must be protected at all costs’ rather than Ghetsis’ mindset of ‘don’t give a fuck about anyone unless they’re a problem’.  N is also sent to integrate into human society so that he can find magical peepos easier so he ends up coincidentally going to school with the Nuvema kiddos.  He ends up becoming friends with them until he finds out Cheren and Bianca are magicas (I’m just gonna call them that for simplicity) but even though the toutous arent magicas they still support them which is all very upsetting and conflicting for N but he tries his best to protect the witches and steal more soul gems until the others eventually call him out on it and prove to him that the shit Ghetsis told him is bull.  When he goes to confront him about it it’s too late, Ghetsis has absorbed enough witches to become a Walpurgisnacht-like entity, and finally allows N to become a witch.  I’ll link the drawings I’ve done of him but basically his labyrinth would be like a puppet theater and even tho hes the witch he’d have this fuckin giant messed up ghetsis-lookin puppet master familiar who pulls at his strings and coordinates his attacks.  There’d be an audience of masked figures that look like all the magicas he’s caused the deaths of, tiny animals with scissors to represent his wish for freedom and also his fear of his ‘father’ since they never actually get to cut the strings holding him up, and figures that look a heck of a lot like the nuvema kiddos watching in a balcony.  This is all tied into a theory I came up with that almost all the witches are able to be saved since yknow how Homura had that figure of Madoka locked away and Madoka was able to bring her back, and how Sayaka had the violin guy and Charlotte had that doll that probably represents her dead mother? My guess is that if the people those figures represent are brought to the witch and reach out to them the magical girl inside would be able to be freed.  But yeah since N was never really a human the Nuvema kiddos can only really save a fraction of his conscious and he ends up like Bebe.  They all beat the shit out of Ghetsis and everyone lives happily ever after with their pocket witch bf
- the au where 1) plasma and aether are sort of swapped around and 2) N beats the toutous in the final battle.  This is actually based on nationalharmonica’s courtesaN au which is awesome BTW (but it doesn’t involve actual courtesans or N being a courtesan at all but its Sarah’s au so if you’re interested you should totally ask her about it).  Ghetsis keeps Touko and Touya prisoner and just to rub it in their faces blackmails Cheren and Bianca into joining and doing sciency experiment shit which ends up with Touko and Touya becoming UB fusions/hybrids themselves; Touya with Kartana and Touko with Celesteela.  Ofc in the later stages they are able to destroy their place of confinement and escape with Cheren and Bianca to find N who becomes understandably fucked off and upset that his friends have been put through all this shit but begs them not  to kill Ghetsis so he can ask what’s going on.  When he does Ghetsis stabs him with a syringe full of UB fusion shit because he knows fine well hes gonna die he just wanted a final ‘fuck you’ before he is killed by both fire and paper cuts.  Surprise! It’s a Guzzlord.  N becomes a big squishy boy. I’ve done drawings of N in human Guzzlord fusion/hybrid form but I’ve been afraid of posting it but uh if anyones interested i will
- Simplified fNaf dadsis au - basically N and the Nuvema kiddos are the ones that were killed and stuffed in the animatronics, Ghetsis owns the place but risks going bankrupt pouring money into helping find the culprit and also his son and his friends when they’ve been stuck in the one restaurant he kept open to stay afloat.  Nate is the new nightguard and they decide to fuck with him to get rid of some of the boredom of being alone together in the one building for like…30 years or so.  In the end they fess up and make Nate pizza as an apology and they’re chill again
- sister locatioN dicksis au - I already summarised a thing i wrote of it in response to an anon but I’ll include here too.  Once again Ghetsis owns all the shit with the animatronics.  Anthea and Concordia get killed by one of them when they were young so years later Ghetsis sends N down to ‘free’ them (surprise he only wanted to get rid of N) but since their spirits have been fused into one hideous amalgamation of animatronics they’ve gone a bit loopy and want to leave.  The whole scooping room thing ensues and they accidentally turn their brother into a zombie
- Nombie au bc Z is a sideways N heheh I ahven’t thought up much of the background for it but it involves Plasma being a pharmaceutical company that is sort of accidentally being the cause of it.  N gets separated from his dad who ends up being the leader of a large group of people in a little town sort of thing they were able to reclaim but is Sad bc he thinks his son is dead which ends up being half true bc surprise N is half immune and ends up being a conscious zombie boy who wears a curtain as a cloak so he doesnt immediately frighten people bc he got his eye shot out by hillbilies, his face scratched up, his throat bitten out and his heart impaled on a pole (hes a freak without a human heart geddit) zombie apocalypse stuff happens
- isolatioN au - basically spawned from the thought of ’what if N was kept even more hidden away/locked up/never even left at all’.  Plasma is instead secretly in the Pokemon poaching/hunting/selling business but are disguised as…well you already know about Plasma.  The nuvema kiddos had varying levels of rough childhood and were desperate for money so they all joined up; the toutous as night guards and the dualrival s as researchers.  Hidden deep in the facility is a certain tree haired manchild who has been kept in a cage for pretty much his entire life.  Ghetsis does a mother gothel and makes out its to keep him safe and brings him Pokemon to ask about where they live and what other kinds of Pokemon live there so that Ghetsis can release them safely back into the wild go hunt for more Pokemon in the area if there’s anything good there
There’s a few more that I have but I won’t include them because im worried it’d be a waste of time if no one takes interest in any of these but uh thanks for asking and reading if you did!!!
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starkidmack · 8 years
in case anybody wanted to read my stream of consciousness from Flash and LOT this week
did the show conveniently forget that Barry supposedly has no stamina or are they ignoring that like fandom does
my heart can’t handle this
A Segway are u kidding me I hate HR
This cop is a douche I hate him I hope Wally punches him
HR made Cisco call him brilliant and handsome
he had to pose himself what a nerd
Oh Jesus Barry don’t fuck up the timeline anymore plz
I hate HR so much how many times can I say that in one episode jfc
Cisco misses Harry fuckin fight me on it
Cisco cleans up well omfg like I hate HR but also my Harrisco heart just came back to life
This hurts me
like okay that sounded like a pregnancy announcement
Cisco has been waiting his whole life to make that Back to the Future reference
“Save the scientist, save the world”
I love Wally but his suit is stupid
“I know” I love Westallen
Julian babe
“I asked myself to say a few words” what a DOUCHE
I did not sign up to relive that scene
I’ve really missed Rip
Oh no Mick my angry son oh NO
I love Nate so much he’s a NERD
Malcom and Darhk are an old married couple holy shit
Arthur Darvil is a gem
I love all the period costumes this season
Mick: *is feeling things* AM I GOING CRAZY
“Brain surgery obviously” I wish this show was a sitcom
that was almost cool I feel bad for the guy
How is Eobard even here I thought he stopped existing
What the fuck why would they do this to me
Recreational drug user omfg Rip
I hate these guys so MUCH I just want things to be okay again
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survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #9: "we're here for the messy bitch game play right" - Annabelle
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Tribal was f*ckin wild. Like didnt see that coming and Nicole we literally never talked so dont come for me. 👏
So far Nicole’s attempt hasnt affected anything. And plus Sharky took more of the heat and more blood on his hand and I did for coming up with the Nicole vote. Like im scream team to the end but like it works better for me if people dont see me as a huge threat right now unlike Sharky. I think i might be in a good spot and with an advatage with this immunity hopefully i can win.
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Well... I refuse to be booboo the fool right now. I have conflicting information currently about who voted me so guess what? I am not gonna trust anyone LMAO. Everyone is denying and pointing the fingers at others and its fucking pissing me off. Like just own up to voting me so i can have a clear target my fucking god. Like goodbye see you soon!
from my confessional cause i just went off in it LOL about the last tribal: i know brian and sharky did not vote me nate and bryce are being fishy maynor seems non exsistant keaton is literally opening his big mouth and getting himself in more trouble i trust anna enough and nick thinks he is "iconic" for an idol play like boi con-fucking-gratulations that you can do something many have done before you
Like, im so done with these people, just let me play my idol in peace smh
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So I basically threw this challenge. I just put myself for most of the positives and I put Keaton for most of the negatives. With a few random answers sprinkled in. I get so nervous about really trying on Touchy Subjects because Im worried about revealing my alliances and stuff. This way I just look cocky. And Keaton and I are already on bad terms so me putting him for the negatives might piss him off but probably not anyone else. Ugh
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ok so me snapping and voting matt is really annoying KJFHDSAKJFDHS idk why i did that! i was crazy back then... so current thinking is that me/matt/keaton voted matt. and then nicole did keaton and everyone else did nicole. i dont think anyone suspects me but like they woudlnt tell me if they do FJKASDHFKJ apparently matt thinks that nathan did it and anna thinks that it was keaton and maynor and im just like :| FSAJDHFKD. also this comp is about to ruin me like my answers are def gonna make ppl hate me and plus i wrote myself for some good ones which i never do but idk im just really feeling myself so cant wait for the crushing weight of reality to knock me down a peg or two when i get like "next voted out" "doesnt deserve to be here" AFJKSDFHKAJ but maybe not... anyways i recently got obsessed with shakira again like.. im thriving
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https://i.imgur.com/5o6sz3j.png when i tell u i screamed JKDFASHKJAD
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Okay so Touchy Subjects ALWAYS blows up my game. Like I got all the ones that make people target you. Running the Game. Biggest Snake. Physical Threat. I even somehow managed to get "Trust the Most" and "Best Liar". HOW!? And now I'm super worried because if I wasn't on everybody's radar before I sure am now. And I have no idea who I can trust after those rogue Matt votes. I even feel slightly sketched out by Nick. He's acting...weird. And he keeps telling everyone there is a war between me and Keaton. Which I guess is sort of true because Keaton is throwing my name out there. And obviously I would rather him go. 
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everyone is so extra JKDAHSKFJ matt making a post about how the ppl who are lying and saying they didnt vote him are personally effecting him are terrible like.. ok sorry for not exposing myself get over it u got 3 votes one of which were ur own and maybe if u were more active and didnt reply with one word responses no matter how hard i tried to get u to speak i wouldnt have thrown the vote on u. im just like so over his entitledness that ppl confess to him like who do u think u are KJFHADKJFDH. i feel like maybe im being too mean so if matt reads this after the game im sure ur just in ur feelings or w/e and u did say u had personal stuff going on but like thats not an excuse to go on tirades in the tribe chat when no one but u cares.
keaton is the worst person ive ever met (and i know zach :s) weird of him to choose white ppl saying the n word as his hill to die on but um i got the cannon ready to aim and hes going :airplane: to jury.
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OK, so basically Annabelle wins immunity!  Good for her, but she's literally not doing enough for me to feel beyond happy for her kjHD... like she's nice and I like her, but at the end of the day, I really don't think she's doing much to propel herself and she's just getting kinda lucky... considering the first and now second immunity have been somewhat luck based... ya....
Keaton's the name being thrown into the mix already (it's only 9:11pm), and I really am fine with that this time around!  I like him, but I think he's just someone who can easily go now and it not be bad for me in the future.  He's already thrown out Sharky's name and basically called out Sharky to his face, so I'm kinda shaking in my booties.  As long as it ain't me, I'm happy enough to listen, but I just don't want any big surprises like the Matt votes, again.
Sharky has been thrown out as the biggest threat in this game right now, and while I think it's very apparent to everyone, I can't have him going anywhere right now.  No fucking way.  I love the shark man.  He's my favorite... he cannot go anywhere... I need him!!  So buh-fucking-bye, Keaton!  I may like you, but it's not enough to keep you.
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Keaton is trash.
Let me elaborate on my previous confessional. So first Keaton tries to call me out for mentioning his name which I didn't do (I did admit to it to save the drama so thats partially on me) but he tries to call me out in public after the vote. Gross. Then after the challenge he starts gunning for me hard. He wants to claim I was doing the same but I wasn't gunning for him very hard. Because i didn't care if he went. He wasn't an ally but he wasn't a threat either. until he started trying to tear me down. Also let's be clear this all started because EVERYONE thinks he's rude and annoying. Then he tries to come for me in pms calling me out for spreading lies. Which again I NEVER DID. So I straightened him out on that. Then he tries to do the "If I don’t get you out now I never will and then we all lose." which is BULLSHIT. Don't get mad and angry with me just because I'm playing better than you. CHILDISH. Then in the tribe chat he says "As a player he can burn. As a person he's enjoyable." IS HE TRYING TO MAKE ME HATE HIM!? First of saying I can burn makes me want to really drag him. Also bro you and i don't talk you don't know shit about me as a person. You did that just to feed this "Feud" thats going on. STFU. Bye. Whichever one of us goes I'm glad I won't have to talk to his KIRBY LOOKING ASS anymore. I wish Marie had stayed.
Okay I can't lie I'm super nervous about this vote. I just don't trust anyone. I'm talking to Annabelle now and was like "I'm down to vote for anybody" because I'm not sure where she's at and I want her to know I am a vote for her.
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Well. Good thing is that i wasnt dragged with with what Nicole said which is good with me. I didnt get any touchy subject which is also great. My two best allies Sharky and Keaton both did which means they’ll be targeted before I do. Which is awesome. Me and Nathan dont want to see Keaton go so we got Annabell and Bryce to be with us for a 5 person voting block thats going after Matt. Thats right, Matt is going home. Keaton plan was to try and distract Sharky and fight with him and have both of their names on the chopping block. This means that Matt wont see this blindside happening. And if Sharky has an idol, he’ll waste it cuz he won’t be getting any votes. Its gonna sbe wild af. Be ready.
Its been very quiet this morning. The plan has been set so im hoping that nothing else shatters the plan. The idol search doesnt like me as it likes Nick. Only thing i found was an advantage for next immunity which was an extra point butnit was touchy subject so i kinda threw it cuz said my name for the ones i felt where really bad. And i want to give a shout out for host Drew. You are an amazing and cool person.
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OK, so Nathan has been going behind me and Sharky's back to target Matt... and I'm just shook to my fucking core.... bless Annabelle's big heart for telling Sharky because it gave us some room to snap hard.  I know Matt has an idol, and I cannot wait for him to pull it out at tribal.  I think that Nathan is thinking very short term and thinking him not telling me and Sharky is just some move he can make on his own, but as the Touchy Subjects' results showed us, Nathan thinks he's running the game but Sharky is actually doing it.  Getting this info... what a fucking legend...
Annabelle doesn't want to be screwed because of this whole situation so Sharky wants to avoid voting Nathan out but I lowkey don't care.  Nathan keeping me out of the conversation makes me lose all trust in him.  I know I'm not the target, but it doesn't change the fact that he's trying to run the game behind my back.  It's not going to work, sir.  It won't.
Ok... I'm angry, but I'm going to have to control that anger and turn it into making the best decision for my game and that will be to work with Matt and Sharky till the end.
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Brace yourself this is going to be a LONG ONE. So last night I basically went to Anna and tried to save my ass because I really haven't been sure how genuine our alliance was because of our history together. She basically kept saying she was in a tough spot and this and that and so I outright asked her if she was considering voting for me. And she was like absolutely not. Which is such a relief. HOWEVER! She confesses that Nathan has created a secret plan to vote out Matt. He specifically told everyone not to tell me and Brian about it. EXCUSE ME? Aren't we in an alliance dude? So thats really pisses me off. But supposedly they have the majority for this plan. So that means I don't have to worry about myself as much. But I don't want Matt to go. Especially after this proved that he's one of the only ones I trust. So I'm thinking out of 9 votes we have 3 we can maybe use the steal a vote or something to try and get a majority. CUT TO THIS MORNING. I tell Brian about this secret plan and Brian tells me Matt has a freakin idol!!! So now we can use his idol and even if there are 5 votes left Matt/Brian/Myself control that vote then. Now the tough part...I need the vote to stay on Keaton because if it goes to anybody else Anna is going to think I screwed her over. And I promised her that her telling me wouldn't bite her in the ass. I also need this to stay TOP SECRET because if anyone finds out I leaked the plan they are going to come after me and I love Matt but I don't want to destroy my game to save him. So we need to have Matt use his idol and all 3 of us need to vote for Keaton.
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God these people. I am VERY sure I am getting votes tonight and it's ok. Why? Cause I have an idol fuck these cunts. If not the WOOO love a minority!
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i'm playing a super dangerous game right now but it's ok hopefully it works out we're here for the messy bitch game play right and i also just like play better in chaos so let's keep it that way once the game gets boring people will think of me.
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Y'all I'm feeling real shitty about this week. I still feel super in danger. i feel like everyone is lying to my face. But I'm also worried for Matt. Luckily he has an idol so he'll be safe but the fact that he's catching votes at all is concerning. I hope it's Keaton going out but you just truly never know. This could be my time.
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So it seems Matt might be an option for the vote but the questions I have are: Do I trust Matt enough to tell him he’s getting votes? Am I willing to make an early move? How will this will effect me moving forward? And when thinking between Keaton and Matt... I think I know my decision…
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The shit hit the fan. Somehow Nick knows the hidden real plan that it was going to be Matt tonight. Keaton keeps lying to Bryce that he’s doing Sharky but Bryce is the number we have to have majority over Matt. Keaton is being sketchy kinda. Hopefully the plan goes according and Matt goes because last time he was doing a witch hunt for those 2 votes. Im going to be drinking at tribal tonight. Shit is too stressful.
Keaton is idoled out in a 6-3 vote.
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