#why did i make beels deeper than mammons?
mageofseven · 1 year
Surprise Birth- Diavolo Route
I finally got around to writing this one!
For those who may be new or simply don't remember, I originally wrote a series for most of the Boys where they and MC have a children. After starting that, I was asked to make a version where neither MC nor their lover knew about the pregnancy till MC was giving birth. I did this for all of the Brothers and now I'm doing this for Dia and MC's child.
Unlike with the original birth (which can be found here), MC's pregnancy will be no where as difficult as before and will be much more covert, hence why she doesn't know about it till she gives birth.
Also, just a warning. This Surprise Birth turned out pretty different from the other. I was really struck with inspiration so I added more world building elements to this one than I have the other. I think this was a good addition and I'm very proud of my work, but please tell me what you think!
Lucifer, Mammon, Levi | Satan, Asmo | Beel, Belphie
MC remembers it; the night that changed everything. A night where only after it happened did she realize she knew so little about the Devildom, despite calling it her home.
Dia had just bought her a new dress for a party. It wasn't going to be a fun one, according to him. It was one of many the prince had to go to. For royalty, a party is just work under the guise of relaxation and fun. In truth, the man found them to be very draining; that's why he had asked MC to join him. At least he'd be able to spend time with her instead of secretly counting down the clock till he can leave in a polite manner.
Devil, she was nervous, but she was determined to go and support her boyfriend no matter what. And he was so excited too! He had his designer make this beautiful red lace dress. It was long, but with a deeper 'V' than she has ever worn and was cut along one side to show off her whole left leg.
(Btw the way, I love this dress so much! I'm dropping in the pics so you can see too okay bye)
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She loved it--except it didn't fit. The woman really didn't realize until that moment that she actually gained weight. With hindsight, the woman wished she would have looked into why she had suddenly gained the weight, but at the time, she had no reason to think it was anything serious. She assumed that she had just been snacking too much lately.
It was so embarrassing for her to admit to her boyfriend that the dress didn't fit. After all, he went through all that trouble to have a dress be designed for her and the amount of grimm he spent on it was probably more than she could make in a lifetime.
Still, Dia didn't care at all. To him, it was such a trivial thing to have his designer make the dress a bit bigger, even though it was last minute, and he didn't care that her stomach bulged out just a little more than before. In his mind, his Queen was still gorgeous; she could weigh double what she weights now and it still wouldn't matter to him.
Diavolo was insanely sweet, as always. Once the new dress came and MC's hair and makeup was all done, the couple headed out to the party at the Abalams' estate.
She remembers being all starry-eyed at the party. Classical music being played by a live orchestra, demons of so many genders and styles wearing the most beautiful clothes (though some wore very little at all; MC thought her dress was a bit revealing, but in truth, her dress looked more conservative in comparison with the other guests' attire), food the human couldn't even identify but was actually excited to try (as long as Dia said they were safe for her to eat).
The woman was so excited...until she noticed all eyes on her. MC didn't know if it was because she was a human attending a party for the demonic elite or if it was because she was attending as the date to the literal demon prince.
Her grip on her boyfriend's arm tighten, causing him to lean in and whisper in her ear.
"My Queen, breathe. And smile. All with be fine."
The woman took a deep breathe like he told her and gave her best attempt at a smile for the other guests.
That's when a woman came into view. She was wearing...something. There wasn't a single thread of cloth on this woman. Instead, she wore an intricate series of metal and gemstones. It hid very little of her body and made a slight jingle with each step, reminding the human of a cat with a bell on their collar. Her long white hair was wrapped in two bun on her head, big enough to cover the pale horns behind them. Somehow, she gave off this air of both fitting in with her environment and contrasting with it.
"Dia!" The woman threw her arms around the prince, who smiled back.
"Lady Abalam, glad to see you're cheerful as always."
Lady Natalona Abalam, as she was then told, was a lust demon and the oldest daughter of Matriarch Abalam, a well respected pride demon.
The Abalams were one of Diavolo's biggest supporters in the Primordial Senate, a group of the oldest families in the Devildom with enough political influence to make the royal family weary.
Not too long ago (by demon standards), the Abalams and the royal family were at odds politically. The Abalams were proud members of the Aldatu faction, a political party within demonic society. They believe change is always beneficial. With change comes chaos and chaos is the path demons have walked since the beginning of time.
Back when Diavolo was growing up, his family was backing the Traditionalist faction, a political party that believed order was not just meant for the Celestial realm and could be used in small does to keep their society in line and to continue following the ways of the Old Ones.
When Diavolo's father fell into his deep slumber though, Dia essentially was given fully reign for his family and his kingdom. Though a stressful change, it was also one where he felt like he could make a real difference and really believed true peace could be brought to the Three Realms, that each race could learn from and understand one another.
Such views were heavily discouraged by the Traditionalists and so he used his authority as prince to change alliances. Honestly, this woman never realized just how much effort he truly put into things. Diavolo did more than build a school and start an exchange program. He fought in the trenches that were his people's politics, gained allies and enemies alike in order to push his people and the people of the other realms into a new age.
MC felt ashamed. How was she only learning all of this now? Yes, most of this work took place long before she was born, but these were still realm altering accomplishments of her boyfriend's and she never knew.
The demon woman pulled back and smiled at MC.
"Awwww, you must be that cute little human he always talks about~."
MC blushed.
"Hi, ya, I guess I am--."
The demoness threw her arms around her.
"You are just too cute!" She gushed. "I could just eat you up~."
The woman broke the hug and stood back.
"Kidding, kidding." She laughed. "Trust me, I am so not my sister."
Diavolo laughed with her before changing the subjects.
"Oh, I heard about the incident. How's your fiancée healing up?"
"Oh she's fine, believe me." The demoness smiled. "Honestly? She bruised her ego way more than anything--shit."
Dia raised an eyebrow.
"Is everything alright?"
The demoness laughed.
"Just...give me a minute please." She said before slipping by the couple and running the fastest she could in her heels towards another demoness who had grabbed one of the waiters by the collar and lifted him from the ground. "V, put him down or so help me!"
Apparently, V was Lady Viviana Uwan; a wrath demon and Lady Abalam's fiancée.
That interaction was one of many that night that taught her what her boyfriend's job really was and gave her a glimpse at Devildom society that she never truly saw.
By the end of the night, MC was overwhelmed with all of the knowledge she had collect. It's scary, in a way, when you realized the place you've loved for so long was more of a stranger to you. Funnily enough, RAD didn't prepare her for the 'real world' here in the Devildom any better than the school in the Human realm prepared her for the 'real world' there.
Not to mention all she's learned about her boyfriend. Like, how is she learning all about his accomplishments from strangers? Why has Dia never told her about any of this?
Noticing the change in his Queen's mood, Dia excused himself from a conversation and led MC out to an empty balcony overlooking a garden.
"Are you getting tired, Sweetheart? You aren't looking too well."
MC shook her head and leaned against the marble railing. She stared out at the garden with this faraway look in her eyes.
"I don't even know the Devildom, do I?" She asked softly. "Do I even know you?"
"What do you mean?" His eyes widened.
He reached out to take her hand, but the human pulled hers away before turning to face him.
"The state of this place is so divided it's deadly." She told him. "Its so different than everything we learn at RAD. Student walk away not even knowing the real status of the realm they study in. We don't even have a political science class to explain the basics of this stuff."
The prince's frown deepen.
"RAD...is suppose to show the students the best of us; especially to the transfer students." He explained. "It's to show that even with our darker side that we are redeemable, that we area capable of peace and understanding."
"Then why hide it from me?" The woman started tearing up. "And why not tell me about all you did to make this possible? The school, the cultural exchange, the societal changes? You treat it all like a small thing that just happened to work in your favor, but you worked for it. For hundreds of years! And I never knew..."
MC had no clue why she was crying and in truth, part of her knew being upset over this stuff was silly, but the woman still couldn't hold it in.
Dia reached out and pulled her into his arms. He rubbed her back as he gave her a minute to just cry in his arms.
"I admit, I'm at a loss for worlds." He kissed her head. "I'm sorry that this has been an overwhelming night for you. We'll head home now."
MC pulled back and wiped her face with her hand. She started to nodded in response before noticing movement in the corner of her eyes. When she tried focusing on it, her head was overwhelmed with a sharp pain. She close her eyes and raised a hand to her head.
"What is it? Sweetheart?"
MC just shook her head.
"Nothing, I... I saw something thing over there."
Dia turned around to see what his girlfriend was talking about and the next things the human knew, he was pushing her inside the building.
And then she heard an explosion.
MC opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry and bouncing around. She hear ringing in her ears and, seemingly in the distance, heard screaming.
It took her a minute to realize she was being carried. She heard Dia, who also sounded far away, to close her eyes, to not look at 'them'.
Then she passed out once again.
After that, MC remembers waking up in Dia's bed. Her brain was fuzzy at first, but she slowly started to remember the party. Body aching, the human started to slip out of bed, but stopped when the bedroom door starting opening.
Barbatos came in with a silver tray filled with food.
"Ah, I figured you'd be awake." The butler smiled his usual smile.
"Where Dia? What happen--"
"My lord is finishing up some business. I'll let him know you've awaken, but first, you must eat."
Thats when the human learned she had been unconscious for the past 36hrs. The party had been attacked, but both herself and Diavolo were okay.
Later, she learned from Dia that the attack at the party was led by the Traditionalists...and their target was MC herself.
The Aldatu viewed MC as a pleasant curiosity. The Traditionalists, however, viewed her as a symbol of everything that has gone wrong in their realm.
No where was safe for the human; even if Diavolo sent her home to the Human realm, these demons would just track her down. All Dia could do for his girlfriend was lockdown the castle, armor the building up with wards and defenses, and prepare for civil war.
And that's how MC's months of isolation began. Her boyfriend was out leading armies. Lucifer and his brothers were out fighting a new war...and the woman felt like it was all her fault.
MC spent her isolation deep in depression. She felt like all she did was eat and sleep so when she gained weight, she blamed herself for that too.
Some days she was so worried sick about her boyfriend and the brothers that she'd find herself in the bathroom, puking.
Occasionally Barbatos would come check on her and ease the pain in her heart just a bit, but mostly it was just herself and the occasional Little D in the fortified castle for months on end.
Eventually, an end did come for MC, but by the devil was it a painful one.
After months of isolation and weight gain, the woman start having these horrible cramps. The Little Ds didn't know how to help her, but promised to send word to Barbatos so he could instruct them on the matter.
Twelve hours of this pain came and went. The woman was leaning against the post of the bed, heavily sobbing and praying to universe that if she has to died, just do it. End her suffering because that's all she wanted at this point.
A pool of blood was under her feet her feet and half a baby was hanging out below her, but she couldn't recognize anything over the pain she felt.
She didn't even hear the door open.
After months of war, Diavolo was home. Barb told him that he had gotten a message from the Little Ds that MC wasn't feeling well so he rushed to his room and practically slammed open the door, just to find his girlfriend bent over the bed, blood dripping down her legs, and a baby hanging between them.
"MC!" Dia rushed to her side just in time to catch her as she fell, her vision going black.
She saw a glimpse of her boyfriend before the darkness came and before she slipped away, the human felt some peace.
He's okay. He came back to me.
Diavolo sat out in the hallway, head in his hands. Barbatos had brought him a chair to wait in over an hour ago and he's been here ever since. He had one doctor in his room with MC and another in the room down the hall, tending to his son.
His son. In any other situation, this man would be downright overjoyed right now. He's a father. He has a child with the woman he loves more than his own existence. But everything is wrong.
He fought a war to keep her safe, but in the end, he also neglected her. He didn't know she was pregnant. Devil, there's so much he would have done if he had just known. Instead, his Queen suffered for months her own and as she birthed his son, the baby's overdeveloped horns cut through her. His son could have killed her just as easily as the extremists that originally targeted her. If he had been a bit slower returning home, what would have happened to his Sweetheart?
Honestly, Diavolo has never loathed himself more in his entire life than he did right now. MC is the most precious being to him in all three realms. How could he have let this happen?
MC's doctor came out to let the prince know that his girlfriend was stable. He gave Dia a list of potions and salves that needed to be given to her twice a day for the next few weeks at minimum, but otherwise she should make a full recovery.
Dia thanked the doctor before rushing into the room, finding his beloved awake, but incredibly pale from all of the blood loss she suffered.
"Dia?" The woman spoke tiredly, still seeming a bit out of it. "What happened?"
Diavolo knelt at the side of the bed and took her hand in his, pressing them against his heart.
"You had my child." He said, broken hearted. "I'm so sorry I didn't know."
"I...what?" Her eyes widen. "I thought I was dying."
You could have.
That thought crushed the man. The prince laid his head on the human's torso and silently cried.
"Sweetie..." MC took her other hand and stroked his red hair. "It's okay; I'm okay."
But you almost weren't.
Instead of speaking that thought, the demon just shook his head.
"I almost lost you..." The demon raised his head. "But never again, I swear to you that I will never leave your side again."
He gave her a gentle kiss.
"I...I want to be with you forever," He said softly. "Or however long this life will give you to me. And I want to dedicate myself to you in every way I can."
Dia took both her hands in his and stared down into her eyes.
"My Queen...please marry me."
MC just stared in disbelief.
"You would marry me? Even though I'm human..."
"Why would you say that? I've never had an issue with your humanity."
"But other demons have." She reminded him. "You literally went to war because of me."
"And I'd do it again," He placed a hand on their cheek. "Because nothing and no one is more important to me than you."
Tears streaked down MC's face.
"Do...do you mean it?"
"With every ounce of my being."
The woman sniffled before nodding.
"Yes. Yes, I'll marry you."
The two cried together as they kissed and held each other.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door followed by it being opened.
"Pardon the intrusion." The butler smiled. "But I assumed you two would be ready for him."
The man stepped inside, holding the baby swaddled in a soft red blanket
Dia grinned the biggest smile of his life.
"Of course!" His eyes darted to MC before softening. "Let my future wife hold him first."
"My, so much has changed here in the castle so fast." Barbatos remarked as he walked over and carefully laid the babe in his mother's arms. "Congratulations, my lord and lady."
MC stared down at her son, feeling so much disbelief but even more love. She didn't know...she had no clue she was going to be a mother, but as she met her son's eyes, ones he shared with his father, the human couldn't help but be so incredibly grateful that things ended up the way they did.
The two named their son Ashur.
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asmomyluv · 11 months
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I just realized how long this is wow.. I mean Beel is the LOML so I guess I'm not that surprised
Warnings: none
- First off Beel is absolutely 7’3 or close to it, I refuse to believe he’s shorter than Shaq… Lucifer would be so mad knowing a human is taller than him eheh
- He’s the type to set off fireworks like idk… he’s the least scared of the sound and flames yk
- Beel definitely blushed harder than the others idk I feel like when something makes him blush he goes red
- Beel is a cuddled through and through not that he has a choice considering his twin but he enjoys knowing someone finds him comforting and would let any of his loved ones lay on him without judgement
-Honestly I think Beel is stronger than most of his brothers, like Mammon as the second born was intimidating when Beel brought up how much he works out which makes me think Beel is crazy strong yk?
- Even tho he loves all food he takes a special appreciation for food cooked by someone’s else for him like when his brothers or MC makes dinner
- Speaking of MC, he cares abt them so much honestly I think Beel is very selfless with the people close to him, and now MC is in the circle that’s an eturnity of loyalty
- Beel is definitely amazing at chess I think he’d play with Lucifer when they’re both free he’s definitely patient and observant
- He has an appreciation for beauty definitely, paintings statues any form of art I just think he’s the type to slow down and enjoy things but he often can’t because of his hunger
- Strong boi workout and,,, he uses MC as weights sometimes it’s nothing compared to his usual weights but they both enjoy it if you two were together he’d love to hav ur kids him after a rep
- And ofc regardless your encouragement keeps him going
- Dry ass humor but it’s so funny from him, like he could say something that’s definitely not meant to be funny but the way he says it so idk he’s just unintentionally funny
- He only has 4 facial expressions smile, frown, straight face no more no less
- Ok just because Beel doesn’t act out doesn’t mean he doesn’t want your attention, he’d prefer you give him attention just because you want to not because you think he’ll be dramatic about it
- He likes to subtly mark people, giving Belphie his jacket as a blanket, letting Asmo bedazzle his dumbell for decór
- He gives off the most body heat, like he just runs hot which is good because his room is always as cold as it can get
- Don’t get fooled, yes Belphie sleeps the most but Beel? He sleeps deeper there is almost nothing that can wake him even the smell of food, he'll just sleepwalk to the source
- I think in his Demon form he had an ACTUAL void in his stomach like anything that goes in is just gone from existence which can be good for making any kind of threat to his brothers especially Levi or Mammon
- Beel has a very deep voice and it gets even deeper when he’s hungry or tired
- Beel gives the best compliments stuff that really reaches what your insecure about and makes you feel good about yourself all day
- He will not hesitate to move anything in his way not violently just pick it up and move it even if IT is another demon
- It’s hard for him to understand just how little humans eat like “Only three times a day :0?” And ofc sometimes not even that he’d think your sick he first time you skip breakfast
- Why did i think his name was Beelzelbub for so long,,, idk where the second l came from
-I feel like he can't get poisoned by anything that's consumed or that gets digested like he won't get sick from consuming bacteria
-Ok so yk he has a tattoo I think it's some symbol with seven lines to symbolize his brothers
-He's such a family guy even tho he's pretty stoic he'd do literally anything for his brothers Levi's too sick to stand in line for a new game? He's got a snack bag to take his place. Satan needs help cleaning his room Beel's on the way. Asmo want's to try some new makeup Beel's already in the chair
-He picks up on the little things, part of why he's so quiet is because he likes to observe everyone else
-I love the idea that he just lets kids play on him and MC like they can just crawl on him and he'll have his gentle little smile
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blithesharem · 8 months
Fragile Returns
Obey Me Nightbringer fic based on some angsty thoughts I've had about our return to our proper timeline.
An intro with continuations for Lucifer and Mammon. I plan to do the rest of the brothers and Solomon (or maybe make Solomon a separate fic all together we'll see).
SFW, angsty, insomnia etc. GNMC unless I've missed something (please feel free to lmk if I did).
The first night you think it’s just a fluke. Of course you’d be having a bad dream or two, that’s to be expected after everything you’d gone through.
By the fourth night, you’re beginning to get frustrated, on edge every time you turn out the lights and crawl into your bed in the House of Lamentation.
After three weeks, you’ve completely resigned yourself.
It’s not always the same nightmare. A part of you wonders if it would be easier if it were. Then, at least, you would know what to expect. Instead, your nightmares vary wildly. Sometimes you dream of being yanked back in time again, only this time without Solomon by your side to support you. Sometimes you dream of returning home only to find that none of your demons remember a thing about you. Occasionally you dream of drowning, reaching out a hand for a brother, choking on surf as you beg for him to pull you up to safety, only to watch as they’re consumed by their sin and turn their backs on you all together.
Whatever the dream, it results in the same: you waking up writhing in your sheets, gasping on silent screams and chilled with sweat.
You try to power through. The dreams will stop eventually, you know it, if only you can endure. But everyone begins to notice your fraying sooner than you expected.
You had returned to them in a rougher state then which you’d left. Your eyes were haunted despite your smiles, your laugh a little quieter, your touches more restrained. None of them ever said anything, but you’d caught Asmo and Mammon exchanging concerned glances more than once, and both Leviathan and Belphie had begun following you like a shadow when you moved from room to room. Perhaps you were imagining it, but you thought Satan may even be avoiding you, though you were too exhausted to try and sort through why that could be.
No matter how hard you tried to settle again, something always felt off. It felt like jet lag, only deeper, the way you were constantly knocked off balance by the tiniest of differences. Stubbing your toes on a small table moved three inches to the left. Pausing every time you entered Levi’s room and feeing a wave of dizziness before you could adjust to the change in arrangement and quantity of his collectables. Walking into Lucifer’s study and having a panicked moment, trying to remember which timeline you were in and how you were expected to behave around him.
The less you sleep the harder it got, your mind slipping more and more as the exhaustion deepened. The dark circles under your eyes darkened, your smiles began to grow thin, and then one day something just broke.
It was stupid. You’d been carrying a vase of flowers toward your room, having decided that if you were going to be up all night staring, you may as well look at something pretty. As you approached the living room, you could hear the boys were bickering comfortably, and you hadn’t even given it a second thought until Beel had backed up around a corner, avoiding Mammon and Levi’s wrestling. His elbow had just barely caught you, but your reflexes were dulled, and before you could stop it, the vase had tumbled from your fingers and shattered on the ground.
There was a beat of silence, and then you were sobbing. A wail that collapsed into deep, chest wrenching sobs, face pressed into your hands as Beelzebub stared at you in abject horror. He had made you cry and he had to fix it, quickly stooping to gather the dripping flower stalks and lift them from the glass.
“Don’t cry! I’ll…I’ll get another vase,” he promised, in a near panic himself, and jostled as Mammon and Asmo rushed over to your side.
“H-Hey! Look, it’s okay, don’t cry…”
“Oh love, my poor dear, what happened?”
But of course it wasn’t about the flowers, or poor Beel, or any one thing. It was everything and everyone and the constant, all-consuming wrongness that had been choking you every minute since you’d gotten home.
You fell into a crouch, covering your ears and weeping into your knees, trying to claw your way out of despair as the boys watched in helpless despair.
A sudden weight and darkness fell over you a blanket was thrown over you, Levi’s voice quieting his brothers. You feel pressure as someone wrapped their arms around you, and you take a deep shuddering breath and try to get control over your sobs.
Eventually, silence falls outside of the blanket, and someone kneels in front of it. The fabric lifts, letting light in, and you blink pathetically out at the demon looking back at you.
Lucifer took in the sight silently, searching your eyes until you have to look away. The wail he’d heard from his office had chilled him to the bone, and Lucifer wasn’t sure he’d moved so fast in his life, thundering down the stairs before coming across the scene: his brothers whispering frantically around a blanketed, weeping lump, Belphie clinging to it determinedly. Lucifer had sent them all away with a word, crouching before gently lifting the blanket.
Before you, he breathes a soft exhale, lifting his hand to carefully brush your tears off your cheek. Your lip quivers, the gentle touch almost making you start weeping again.
“Forgive us,” he murmurs, voice low, “It seems we are still asking too much of you.”
You want to argue, to tell him he’s wrong, it’s you who are broken not them, but the words won’t come. He shushes you anyway when you try to speak, taking you into his arms, blanket and all, and scooping you from the floor. You’re wrapped up still, unable to protest. Instead, just close your eyes and press into his shoulder, breathing in his scent and trying to remember that you’re home. This is your home.
When he sets you down, it’s on his bed, Lucifer gently unraveling the blanket from your shoulders. His warm hands cup your face, tilting it upward as he bends to give you a long, steadying kiss. He would give anything to be able to love the pain out of you, to speak a word of magic and lift every burden from your mind, but he also knew the healing you needed could never be so simple.
Even so, the kiss doesn’t hurt.
You give an exhausted sigh, shaking your head at yourself as he sits beside you on the bed.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It wasn’t Beel’s fault, I just…” your voice hitches and Lucifer hushes you again, lifting your hand and brushing his lips over your knuckles. Gently, he guides you to lay across his lap, his palm coming to rest atop your head.
“Sleep,” he commands quietly, “I’ll be right here. We will speak when you wake.” His fingers start to move through your hair, and almost against your will, your eyes fall closed. Lucifer watches as you give a final shuddering exhale, melting against the stable grounding he offers you. However long it takes, whatever he needs to do, he vows not to leave your side until your feet are steady on the ground again. He would collapse mountains if only it would keep your tears at bay.
But for now he knows all you need is this. A deep sleep and the knowledge that he will never allow the two of you to be parted again.
“Hey…ya alright there, sweetheart?” Mammon asks anxiously, quickly flicking the blanket over his head so he can wrap his arms around you, pulling you close as you whimper back another sob, “Shit…c’mere…I’ve gotcha…” He exhales his own shaking breath, throat tight from seeing such pain in your expression. He doesn’t want to start crying when he’s supposed to be comforting you, but it’s hard.
“I’ll pick ya every flower in the Devildom, don’t you worry,” he promises, kissing the top of your head as you gave a watery laugh. He knew it wasn’t about the flowers. He knew that something was haunting you, like a ghost that hovered on the edge of all your conversations. What he didn’t know was how to help, and that damn sense of being useless was killing him.
“Cry as much as you want, alright? Mammon’s got ya,” he continued, wrapping your legs around his hips and standing up, lifting you into his arms with a grunt. He shook his head, sending the blanket sliding off of you both, and you pressed your face into his neck to hide from the brightness of the lights and any lingering witnesses.
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered, ashamed at having caused such a scene, and Mammon clicked his tongue as he fumbled to open his door.
“Shut up. Don’t you be apologizin’ to me,” he grumbled, carrying you into his room to sit on his couch, keeping you straddled in his lap. You sniffle, sitting up a little to peek at him. His brows are tight with concern, but he forces a quick grin at the sight of your face.
“There’s my sunshine,” he teases, kissing your nose as you make a face at him, “Like I said, cry as much as you want, whenever you want. Your Mammon can take it, got it?” He pinched your side until you gave a weak giggle.
“Got it,” you tell him with another sniffle, and he exhales a sigh, kissing across your brow and rubbing his palm over your back.
“This ain’t been so easy on you, huh?” he murmurs, casting his gaze aside. He knows he’s been selfish. He’d been so lost without you that once you’d returned, he’d drunk you in like a man dying of thirst. In his desperation, he hadn’t been payin’ enough attention to what it was taking from you.
“…hey, I got an errand to run in the human world. For Lucifer, yeah?” he says suddenly, catching on an idea and clinging to it, “So tomorrow, let’s you and me go, alright? You don’t gotta do nothin’ but eat and sleep in the hotel and I’ll take care of the rest.”
That sounded like heaven to you but…your eyes cast sideways, betraying your uncertainty. Is it really okay to leave everyone when you’ve only just gotten home?
“Stop that,” Mammon orders, tugging gently on your hair until you look at him again, “I can see you worryin’. Do you want to go or nah, that’s all you got to think about.”
“I do,” you croak, and he smiles again, softer this time.
“Good. Then you just let The Great Mammon take care of you this time, got it?”
“Got it,” you sigh a deep breath, leaning in to kiss him, and you let Mammon chase every other thought from your mind.
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Belphegor with a Mothperson!Mc
this piece belongs to this and has 632 Words
they are fluffy, nocturnal and can easily get him from even the highest spot he found to nap on and if that isn´t the best partner ever for Belphie he doesn’t what else could be I mean sure every time they see light they want to fly to it and did eat half of his and Beel´s wardrobe but even if they did that everyday they would still spend less on clothes than Asmo does
but it can be awesome to use them to annoy Lucifer most notably he just set them free in Lucifer´s room and watched the chaos unfold but the chaos was just them eating all of the textiles in his room and Lucifer not doing anything because he actually likes them and Lucifer openly said they are his favorite and he shouldn´t have because now Satan and Belphegor can exploit it
they also put them in a white sheet and told them top fly around like crazy for no reason actually all three of them just thought scaring random people would be funny, Satan and Belphie were on the ground making scary noises or just any to make it more believable, it was a great day for all of them
they even took a picture with Mammon in the background, why was he in the background? easy he doesn´t do well with Horror and they were so good he fainted in fear, they actually insisted they at least carry Mammon home because Satan and Belphie would have just left him there they know that Mammon always finds his way home also he´s heavy and neither of the two really felt like dragging him around
they were left in the dust while they flew away with Mammon, felt like a pretty big insult towards him but they still let Belphie nap with them so he forgot really quickly
… is what he thought because now he just remembered that was a thing that happened
“why did you leave me alone with Satan?” they just looked completely lost “what?”
“you know last week when you flew away with Mammon”
“Belphie did you seriously just woke me up for that”
“answer my question” they sighed “well if you weren´t up for just abandoning your older Brother, which mind you you were part of the reason why he fainted in the first place, I would have gladly taken you with me”
“you suck” he felt them move around, no doubt trying to free themselves from him he won´t allow them to but it´s funny to see them struggle, the only time it was funnier is when they got stuck in a giant spiders net they struggled like their life was on the line which if he wasn´t there it probably would have been
“if I didn´t know throwing tantrums like an infant is how you usually are I could tell you some very rude words I carefully choose to hurt as much as possible” he just held them tighter “your completely evil” he chuckled a bit “and that´s exactly why I love you”
“I don´t I actually hate you and this is just an elaborate plan to kill you”
“did you know you aren´t even half as funny as you think you are” they faked a gasp and even made it a point to make it as loud as possible in hopes of annoying him which did not work at all they did it far to often and now it just lost any and all way to even slightly bother him “that´s a lie I´m hilarious”
he just snuggled into their fur even deeper “uh-hu whatever you say”
“I am!” he didn´t even bother to answer them, he just pretended to fall asleep and let´s them let out their anger at nothing
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scarlett-vixen · 2 years
This is the second request in @ari-shipping-stuff request. I know I did E already but it’s my event I make the rules this was too cute to not do another one💖 I’m sorry this took so long 🥺 I thought about it every day though!!
Prompt: E - Excited
Pairing: Beelzebub x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff!
“Four hours, twenty-six minutes and twelve seconds…”
Though you were living rent free with the brothers you still needed a source of income to afford all the cool things you saw in stores…even if Asmo and Mammon were constantly trying to pay for you.
“Four hours, twenty-two minutes and three seconds…”
Days like this you regretted getting a job down here and not just living a spoiled life at the hands of seven demon lords.
Business had been slow and the store was practically empty yet your boss wasn’t willing to let you leave early. You stared at the clock counting the minutes until your shift ended, thinking of all the things you wanted to do once you got home.
Take a quick nap, check in with Levi and play a round or two of the current game you guys were tackling, seek help from Satan with that unfinished essay sitting on your desk, but more than anything you just wanted something to eat!
Mammon had offered to bring you lunch two hours ago and you turned him down, not wanting to owe him more than you already did, that was now on the long list of regrets plaguing your mind.
Solomon had stopped by earlier to do nothing more than harass you for being stuck behind a counter. You had shooed him out but now wished he was here again to entertain you.
You checked your phone.
“House of Lamentation (New): 75 unread messages”
“Nnnnnnnope! Not opening that right now.” Even with the boredom digging deeper into you, you were not about to skim through all those messages about who knows what.
You reached the point where you actually wished you had that essay here so you could finish it…this had to end soon.
After an agonizing four hours finally passed, you headed back to the house, stomach rumbling on the way. You considered just grabbing something from the kitchen but told yourself you deserved a reward for surviving total boredom all day.
You swung open your bedroom door and tossed your jacket on a nearby chair, quickly finding the sixth born sitting on the couch in your room. A massive grin on his face, a sweet sparkle in his eyes, you swore if he had a tail it would be wagging right now from excitement.
“Beel? What are you doing bud?” You chuckled as you asked. You didn’t really care, the sixth born was always welcome in your room since he always cleaned up after himself and respected your space.
“I was lonely so I came looking for you, but you were gone…I got worried so I decided to wait for you!”
“You— how long have you been here?” Noticing a small pile of empty chip bags next to him; neatly stacked as to not make a mess.
“About six hours now I guess, are you okay? You were gone for a long time!” His beaming face quickly turning to a look of concern.
“Six hou— Beel I was at work! It’s Thursday!” You were both stunned and impressed at his ability to sit here that long by himself. It comforted you to know that he was worried about your absence though.
“Oooooooh that makes sense…I guess I forgot, sorry” a small blush appeared on his cheeks.
“What do you normally do while I’m at work?” You questioned.
“Wait for you to come home…” The blush on his cheeks growing rapidly. He was so damn cute it would kill you eventually, before you could comfort him though you felt your stomach rumble.
“Well, since we both had to sit alone for a stupid long time why don’t we spend some time together and go get food?”
“OH! That reminds me!” Beel dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper. “I had a coupon to Hell’s Kitchen and originally came looking for you to ask you to go with me…do you want to?”
You watched the excitement come rushing back to his body, eyes lighting up once more as he waited for your answer. You couldn’t blame him, after a day like this you were more than excited to spend time with him as well as fill your empty belly.
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engineerbebe · 8 months
Arrival and the Arrival and start of a new life
You don’t know exactly how you came to the Devildom. All you can remember is talking with your teacher about the next school. At first you talked about normal schools in your country. After the teacher looked at his phone, he began to mention the RAD. The only explanation he gave wasn’t informative at all. You didn’t really want to leave your country or even continent, but your curiosity tortured you to your agreement to enrol in that school.
After saying good-bye to friends and family you sat down on your place in a plane to a country you have never known. Sadly, you fell asleep fast. You don’t know how long you were asleep, but someone put you in a car and drove you somewhere. “I’m not tied up…. ….so, where am I?” You asked yourself. Seeing a driver in the front you asked where you are. “Milady, you are in the magnificent Devildom. Now we are going to the ground of RAD – also known as the Royal Academy of Diavolo.” the driver answered your question. “Wait a minute. Diavolo? As in Diavolo the Italian name for the Devil? Well, figures if we are in Devildom. There is the name in it.” You mumbled to yourself. Curiously you looked outside of the window to see hell. It was nothing as described in the human world. It looked so beautiful.
After more time passed the car stopped in front of a huge building. The driver exited the car and opened the car door for you. “Milady.” “Thank you.”, you smiled while saying so. There were many normal looking beings there. You walked into the building. In the great hall you were standing and admiring the interior. Suddenly you heard a soothing voice coming from the top of the stairs that are in the hall.
“Hello and welcome to the Devildom. I am Diavolo, the future ruler of this kingdom. What is your name?”
You answered his question.
“Quite the nice name you have there if I may say so. How was the trip?”
“It was really nice although I don’t know how I got from the plane to the car. Did someone carry me in the vehicle?” you responded.
“The plane was the actual car. All the people entering it were just an illusion to make it seem normal. So, nobody moved you.” The devil answered your question with a little smile. You don’t know him that long and you already liked him. As a friend, of course.
“My lord, it seems she arrived.” Another voice realised. The voice was deeper and more husky.
“Yes, she did. Lucifer, introduce yourself to her.” As Diavolo commanded another devil spoke to you.
“Hello, I’m Lucifer. While you are in this world you stay with my brothers and me. After the introduction to this school, we go to the House of Lamentation, and I will show you your room. To ease your stay here please take this D.D.D.” He explained to you.
“HEY! WHAT ARE YOU THINKING OF KEEPING ME HERE, LUCIFER!”, an annoying voice called the demon with the deep voice.
“Mammon, you are the guide for this exchange student at our school. Be nice to them.” The demon dominated the other voice through speaking.
“Who are ya? Huh? Don’t think I’ll be nice to ya.” Mammon tried to frighten you.
“Geez, Mammon. Get a grip. Don’t yell at such a beauty.”, a more feminine than masculine voice called the wither-haired demon out.
“Asmodeus, please keep Mammon in check while he has to care for her.”, Lucifer asked the beautiful demon.
“Tsk, Lucifer. You can’t be more dominating, can you?”, a sassy voice told the black-haired demon off. But with no success.
“Satan, why don’t you introduce yourself to the lady here? Afterall you are the most responsible of you four.”
“Four?”, you asked.
“Mmhpf. I’m Beelzebub. Nice to meet you. Need food. Dou you have any?”, a muscular and tall demon with red hair spoke.
“I have this little snack here. Do you want to try?”, you offered. With sparkly eyes the demon took the snack and ate it.
“It had an interesting taste. Do you have more?”, Beel asked.
The blonde-haired demon started to talk to you.
“Hello, I’m Satan, the Avatar of Wrath. As you already found out we are all demons here. The dumb white-haired guy over there is Mammon, the Avatar of Greed. The petite looking guy next to Mammon is Asmodeus, the Avatar of Lust and the red head eating is Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony. Lucifer is the Avatar of Pride and Diavolo is the future heir to the throne. We have another brother named Levi. He is the Avatar of Envy. He is currently at home playing some of his games or watching some of his cartoons.”, he nicely explained. You began small talk with the nice demon and found many sharing interests.
After all the documents were finished Lucifer brought you to a car. “Hop in. We are going to the House of Lamentation.”, he told you.
The house wasn’t that far from the school. While Mammon had to take your luggage out of the car and carry it to the hall inside the house Lucifer showed you the house.
“Here is the dining room. We eat breakfast at seven o’clock, lunch at one o’clock in the afternoon and dinner at six o’clock in the evening. Here is the living room. Here we have the kitchen. Although we are one of the most powerful beings in this realm, we cook for our own. There hangs a schedule at the board next to the door to see who must cook. Naturally you were already added to the list of beings cooking. Now to your room. Here is your bedroom.” After he showed you the ground floor, Lucifer takes you to the first floor. “Here resides Mammon, Levi and Satan. There reside Asmodeus and Beelzebub. If you have any questions or troubles, come to my office or my room. Any questions?”, he finished.
“Not really.”
“Good. Now, if you excuse me, I need to continue my work in the office.”, he explained and walked off.
You went to look at your room. Upon further inspection you found out the theme of your room. Seeing the luggage in the corner you are laughing a little. “He does as his brother says.”, you thought. Decided to thank Mammon for his work you look for his room. It took you a while to find it. Standing in front of the door you knocked on the wood. A couple of seconds passed until the demon opened the door.
“What are ya searching for here?”, he tried to sass you.
“Oh, nothing. I just wanted to thank you for carrying my luggage. It wasn’t that light, and I appreciate the action. So, thank you.”, you told him with a little smile at the end.
A little blush appeared on the demon’s cheeks. “It’s not like I did it for ya. Lucy told me to do it. It has nothing to do with you.”, he blurted out with an embarrassed face.
“Still. Thank you.”, you said in a soothing voice and walked off. The demon was in a weird kind of shock after hearing that nice voice of yours.
Before going to the dining room for the dinner you wanted to talk to Leviathan and Satan. The first room you found was Levi’s. Even though you knocked twice nobody opened the door. But you clearly heard noises coming out. You opened the door yourself and found an otaku themed room. In the middle of it sat a demon with blue hair. He was playing something. You didn’t want to interrupt so you walked out. The next room was Satan’s room. You knocked on the door and the blonde demon opened the door after mere seconds.
“Hello. It is a surprise to see you here. What do you want?”, the green-eyed demon asked.
“I wanted to say hello.” You calmly spoke. While looking inside the room you found books and more books. “Holy shit, he has more books than the city library in my hometown.” you mumbled to yourself. To your surprise Satan heard that.
“Really?”, he asked.
“Yes, really. You have way more books than the library there. May I borrow some books to read them?”, you asked him while starring at the books in his room.
“That wouldn’t be a problem at all.”, he responded.
“May I enter your room, Satan?”, you asked him with a nice tone in your voice.
“Yes, you may.”, he answered and went out of your way to enter.
Inside his room was this nice smell only found in old libraries. The smell of old wood, old books and candle wax. You love that smell. Looking around the room you found even more books. “Good thing he has a couch in his room.”, you thought after seeing most of the furniture in his room.
“What in particular do you want to read?”, he asked you.
“What do you recommend?”, you countered his question.
After that question he sat down of his chair besides the table and started to talk about some of his favourite authors. He spoke with sparks in his eyes.
This thought went with you without noticing it.
“I’m sorry if I bore you. What kind of genre do you prefer?”, he asked after some time passed.
“Oh no, you don’t bore me at all. In fact, I would like to read all the books you just mentioned.”, you said with a smile.
He took some books out of their places and handed them to you.
“Does it matter to you where I read them?”, you asked.
“Not really. As long as they are the same as I handed them to you. Why?”, Satan questioned you.
“I wanted to read them here, so I could take the next ones when I finished one.”, you responded.
“You can if you want. Actually, I would prefer that. But you only read when I am around. Okay?”, he set the rule.
“Yes, that is okay. Another Question. Do you mind me sipping tea while reading a book?”, you asked.
“No, not at all. I do that myself.”, he said. For him it felt more like a confession that a normal response to your question.
“Awesome. Then I’m going to start read.” You sat down on the couch with a book in your hand. Satan wasn’t sure what to do. Out of that weird mix of feelings in his stomach he did the same as you did. Being focused on the book you didn’t notice Satan’s glances at you. Sometimes he didn’t concentrate on the page he was because he looked at you. After time passed someone knocked on Satan’s door.
“Satan. Food. Ready.”, you heard Beel talking. Panicked you closed the book remembering the page number and looked at the clock.
“Dammit. I better go, Satan. Food is ready.”, you told the blondie. Before he could say something, you were gone. You left the door open and Beel looked inside.
“You okay?”, Beel asked Satan.
“Yeah, I am. Thanks for asking.”, he responded.
Being seated at the end of the table you looked forward to meeting all the brother. It took a while for everyone to arrive. Next to you sat Beelzebub and opposite of you Asmodeus. On the very first meal in Devildom Lucifer introduced you to his brothers. Seeing Satan, you smiled at him. Flustered as he was, he didn’t know what to do. He responded with a light smile and to your surprise he looked stunning with just a slight smile. You thought of nothing of his and your reaction to each other. But he did. As well as Asmodeus. Asmo isn’t the avatar of lust for nothing. He decided to observe the two of you from today on.
The meal was finished, and you went back to Satan’s room to continue reading.
There you finished the book and returned to your room after saying goodbye.
I'm always open for some feedback, be it grammar, the story or something else. Should something be unclear tell me and i try to solve it.
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spotlightstudios · 8 months
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Okay so, Neon got me back into Obey Me:Nightbringer, so here's another redesign of N. (This time w/ Gargoyle features!)
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She's an insert, not a mc, so I like to think she'd be a side-character like Mephisto.
Her whole thing is that she's the keeper of knowledge in the Devildom, and therefore she's really handy to have nearby when solving problems. Fire in the kitchen? Here's 15 ways to put it out. Ancient curse? Here's the century it originated from and also the way to reverse it. Protection spells to bypass? Yep here's a way to slip past. She's like a walking Google.
Having said that, it's exactly why N chose to retreat into solitude after Diavolo rose to power. (Aka she missed that the brothers fell and also the founding of RAD.) Satan is the one to stumble upon her archives after getting the recommendation from Diavolo, and she finds him interesting and inquisitive so she humors him.
When Satan let's news slip of RAD and the human/angel exchange students, N immediately decides to get back in contact with Diavolo and registers for RAD (though she's blocked from her infinite well of knowledge while in the building, because he doesn't want her cheating). She becomes a student and subsequently takes up residence with Diavolo again (which is awkward at first because she *did* ditch him but like... Barbatos held more of a grudge than Dia did) and goes back to work as a Lord of the Devildom.
This let's her connect w/ the brothers more easily, and the mc by proxy.
N is very reclusive, as well as sharp. She's pretty chill, but she *will* find a way to be downright mean if she thinks Dia won't find out about it. (Basically think the Solomon situation w/ Barbatos, but Barbatos and N eventually drop the grudge.)
And speaking of Solomon, he actually *does* have a pact with her. They met back before Solomon met Asmo or Barbatos, and he promised to be her "eyes" around the world if he could access her knowledge. So, every once in a while Solomon is allowed into N's library to collect more books and info, while N can simply look through Solomon's eyes whenever she likes. (She doesn't use it often anymore. After the 5th time he set his kitchen on fire while she was watching, she kinda gave up. But she does now know *so* many ways to set kitchen appliances ablaze.)
Around the brothers she's mostly chill. Satan was the first she befriended, and she loves hanging out around him and is rarely away from him when she's off school grounds. Asmo's the next one she befriends, if only through circumstantial encounters (she's being nosey and gossiping to Satan and Asmo overhears). Belphie isn't far behind, since he and Satan usually work against Lucifer, and a friend of Satan is a friend of hers. (She also likes Napping near him. She's not a person who sleeps a lot, and Belphie leaning on her arm immediately makes her eepy.) Beel and N meet through Belphie, but they bond fr when she reveals her hidden knowledge of recipes and spend like 20 hours in the kitchen cooking/eating. Mammon and N are decently familiar with eachother, but N isn't one for Mammon's antics (She once tried to explain probability in gambling to him and he immediately fled) and he isn't too sure about her either. N and Levi on the other hand have a decent relationship. N knows everything about Levi's media by proxy, so when they talk they're able to evaluate and theorize on new ideas and delve into deeper meaning. Also her Kane instinct is strong w/ Levi and they regularly start joking arguments just to fight eachother. And lastly Lucifer. N thinks of Lucifer as a servant of Diavolo, and therefore she assumes she's higher rank than him. He's a fallen angel, and he's strong, but surely he's bound to the word of the Demon King sooooooo, whatever. (She has respect for what he did and likes having him around since he brought his brothers but like, her selfish attitude is smth Luci doesn't appreciate so she stays uninvolved from him.)
Physically, N is built like a gargoyle. She was created kinda like that myth of a statue coming to life. She was literally sculpted with the intention of being a steadfast advisor to the next Demon King, and that's kinda what she is. Because she was created from stone, she's heavy af. Her wings are rough and have a stony texture. She hardly flies, and when she does it's usually not far, because her wings function better as shields than actual wings.
She's just heavy and built different. (Beel and Diavolo are the only ones who can really lift her for extended periods of time.)
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bbnibini · 2 years
KEY 9/MEMORIA 14: Beelzebub and ▇▇▇
Note: This MEMORIA entry happened during Mammon's Route/Levi's Special Ending
The Lord of the Flies. The Avatar of Gluttony. A brother. A friend...an angel who had fallen from grace--through the years, Beelzebub had garnered many names. However, he realised that none of those names were ever something he wished to claim as his own. Humans had a choice--beings like him felt like they were beyond such intimate gestures. A name is only a name; what mattered was what he can make out of himself. He did not even need one. It was merely letters and syllables, spoken and written to distinguish himself from everyone else. That was why, to he who had never sought for a name of his own volition, the rare nights when he actually seemed like he did felt...strangely lonely. 
  In the whispers of his dreams, he was called by a name he had never known.
  As much as he strained his ears to listen, the voice would only grow faint. The face of that person was equally so. When he tells Belphie of this, his twin would only shrug, a non-committal "I don't know." thrown in earnest. Dreams would not visit him then, lulled by the insatiable hunger consuming him in blissful reverie. A thought would occur to him, only drowned out by the rumbling of his stomach, and it was lost again. It did not bother him then, as such dreams were rare and faint, but it had all changed when they arrived. 
  For the months they have stayed with him and his family in the House of Lamentation, they had become an irreplaceable existence to all of them. Some were more honest of their importance, and some were more reserved in expressing their affections. 
'Reserved' is an understatement, however...to that person. 
  It was...strange. There was a nagging feeling inside him that said he knew him...
  ...of course, he would have known his name by now but...a deeper part of him insisted that it was a different sort of acquaintance. His smiles never seem to reach his eyes, and the tiredness that came along straining those expressions on his face seemed more...noticeable than usual. 
  That person was in this very room himself, unaware that he had taken notice of him. He could hear that person's breath hitching from the curtains, while he pretends to rummage for the bandages for his imaginary injury. 
  There was a sweet scent in the air—familiar yet distant. Ever since the herb had been banned for the Exchange Program, he hadn't eaten too many snacks that made use of it. His stomach rumbled louder at the memory of the taste--
  "Are you--" 
  That person answered in more coughs. He tried to muffle the sounds he was making by covering his mouth, but it only worsened. It sounded painful. Worried, the sixth-born opened the curtains to see that person trying desperately to stop his coughing. It was then that Beel realised that the sweet scent was coming from him. 
  "What are you doing?!" 
  He knows what eating these herbs will do to him, so why...? He didn't understand. The blood caking from the corner of that person's lips only curved down further as he attempted to take the herbs away from him. He...seemed different than usual. Even the towel he hastily offered the man was taken with only curt words of gratitude. Its once crisp white colour dyed itself crimson from that person's blood; but strangely, he didn't seem to mind. It even seemed like he was used to it. If Beel didn't take the rest of the herbs away from him, he was sure he would take a few more helpings and subject himself to his previous agonies. 
  "How did you get here?" That person's voice sounded hostile. The dark circles under his eyes only emphasised how unfriendly he seemed at that moment. 
  "Through the door?" Beel answered with not much thought put into his words. That person looked confused. His eyebrows furrowed deeply as his frown, but he couldn't seem to wrap his head around the sixth-born 's answer. 
  Until he did, moments later. He looked at Beel and laughed incredulously, shaking his head at the hilarity of his situation.
  "Did I do something wrong?" Beel asked in concern. That person shook his head, his previous unfriendliness had now dissipated, and his more familiar, half-smiles returned on his face. 
  "Not you, technically speaking." He couldn't understand him. They were speaking the same language, but his words seemed like riddles. "You're a demon of your word, aren't you?" 
  Even now, Beelzebub didn't know what he was talking about. 
  "Don't mind what I just said. Instead...how much did you see?" 
  Beel looked at the herbs, then at him. Looking around, that person seemed to be taking note of something, his elegant, cursive handwriting was scribbled all over his journal, filled with words Beel could barely understand. 
  "An...ti..dote? You're writing an antidote?" Beel answered him back with another question. That person sighed deeply in surrender, sounding genuinely troubled. 
  "I was in the middle of some test runs before you rudely interrupted." Beel almost mouthed an apology on instinct before he realised the weight of that person's words. He was about to scold him when that person spoke again. "Those herbs were given to me with utmost permission from the Demon Prince."
  Beel didn't like the way he was speaking. He wasn't frowning because he was doubtful of him. Rather, what was Lord Diavolo thinking? That person, thankfully seemed to understand his innermost feelings and smiled a bit at him. 
  "My methods of research are top secret...until you came here, of course."
  "Were you always this reckless?" Beel answered. It didn't seem like him, nor did he sound like the careful and calculating person he had heard from Lucifer and Asmodeus. 
  That person's smile seemed almost sad as it remained on his face. "You would be surprised." When Beelzebub didn't look like he believed him, he added, "When an important person you really care about is in danger, wouldn't you risk everything to keep them safe?" 
  "Someone?" Beel clasped his hands, associating many people as "important" to him. Putting himself in that person’s shoes made him understand him a little bit. Even so, looking at his state now—
  "...forget what you saw here today. Or else, I would have to force you to forget." Beel nodded his head at the warning. 
  "Sure. I promise I won't tell anyone, even Belphie. But can I come here again?"
  "I'm worried about you."
  That person looked at him with wide eyes. He refused to look back and told him he was tired and needed to rest.
  "You didn't say no, so I'll come back next time."
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That person was strange.  They were strange too. At times, it felt like they weren't looking at Mammon at all. Beelzebub hears about the way they gush about Mammon—mostly of sides of him that they have claimed to have discovered. But...that was what was strange.
  The question "who", couldn't seem to escape his mouth. Instead, he let his stomach rumble, hoping its sounds will drown out the uncertainty he had felt at his favourite human's words. 
  A distant longing.
  Surprising timidity.
  Self-sacrificing and unassuming.
  Rather than Mammon...
  "It's you again, Beelzebub." That person said in between coughs when he opened the curtains. The uncertainty in the sixth-born's heart only festered.
  "...you're still doing your experiments?"
  ...rather than Mammon...
  "Can I sit here?"
  "...you wouldn't leave even if I told you no."
  Beelzebub smiled a little as he handed him some herbs. "You can eat these after you're done with your experiments. It's good for neutralising the poison." 
  Luke was growing them in his garden. He had to pretend to be interested in the plants to give them to this person. Beelzebub supposed his actual genuine interest to consume Luke's carefully grown plants helped on making it convincing. Even now...just looking at it is making him drool—
  "No! I won't eat it. These are for you!"
  It relieved him to hear that person laugh despite the obvious pain he seemed to be in.
  He called that person's name. 
  "The smell is getting stronger. Is that why you're being aloof in RAD?"
  "Half-truths are also a lie, ▇▇▇."
  He felt bad for questioning a sick person, but he had a feeling that the strangeness he felt will be answered if he got closer to him.
  "Humans are particularly sensitive of the herb's side effects. It could even cause them death."
  "...but of course, not for you...isn't that right?"
  Beelzebub called his name again.
  "The one you cared about...is it them?"
  He can almost hear a crack on that person's facade. Beelzebub heard him sigh as his hoarse voice started to speak out.
  "You're being ridiculous. I barely even know them."
  The carefree expression Beel was so used to seeing on him felt almost...pitiful. He had never seen someone look so vulnerable before. 
  "Then...I must be mistaken."
  He felt so bad for that person that he couldn't help but choose to believe in his obvious lie. 
  After all, that lie seemed to be the only thing that's keeping him together.
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"You're reading the letter again."
  They smiled bashfully at him. "I couldn't help it. Mammon's letter really lifts up my spirits. I didn't know how much he knew me so well! He'd even put Levi to shame!"
  "I barely even know them."
  "What?" Their favourite human had a bright smile on their face. Their eyes always seemed to sparkle at the topic of Mammon and his letter. "Do you want to read it?"
  Beelzebub shook his head. "Not really. But...I'm interested in the envelope…the pressed flowers stuck to it...I wonder how it tastes?
It was a joke. I'm sorry. But can I take a closer look at it?"
  "I won't eat it, I promise."
  There was a faint scent of carnations as they handed him the envelope with the elegant handwriting. He hoped they wouldn't hear how loudly his heart had been beating against his chest as he accepted it. He just wanted to confirm something, so that...the strangeness he was feeling would go away.
  "Beel? What's wrong?"
  But instead of serenity, the drumming in his heart only got louder. He felt like his whole chest was sinking at the revelation.
  "I knew it."
  ...the insatiable hunger he usually felt was numbed by a shocking fact unbeknownst to everyone but himself. 
  And he didn't know how to process it at all.
  "Beel, where are-"
  ...if he continues like this, Belphie would start to notice his feelings. They were twins, after all. He wasn't sure why, but it felt like he had to do something. In fact, he knew he might be the only one who could do something.
  That person. And them...
  ...they love each other, and they didn't even know. And Mammon...
  ...the sudden thought of his older brother made him stop on his tracks. He hadn't even noticed his feet had started to move on its own. 
  As he had realised it, even stranger things started to become more obvious to him.
  Wasn't that person capable of healing himself? They were taught healing spells in class, after all. Then why does it seem like he's only getting worse?
  They said the secret admirer knew a lot about them. How could he have known about them if he had been purposely avoiding them?
  And also...
  ...had RAD always looked so different?
  "How did you get here?"
  That person's question suddenly popped out of his mind. Was there a deeper meaning to it?
  The drumming in his chest was deafening. As he opened the sliding doors, the usual person coughing on the bed met his eyes—gold and midnight with an expression he couldn't read. 
  He called that person's name, and the familiar aloofness in his tone of voice greeted him.
  "I was expecting you."
  Beelzebub clenched his hands as he replied. 
  "You lied to me."
  "You told me you didn't know them at all. Then...why?" He doesn't understand him at all.
  "Are you really okay with this?"
  "Okay with what? I don’t get what you mean."
...are you really okay with them being stolen away? Are you going to hide your feelings forever?"
  That person didn't seem surprised at his outburst. In fact, he heard the same words he had told him from before.
  "I barely even know them. How can I fall in love with someone I don't interact with at all?"
  "...I don't know."
  "See? You're not making any--"
  "No, you are. You don't make any sense." He bit back.
  "If you don't know them at all, then how can you write them that love letter? How could you know them so well?"
“There are other wounds in your body too besides the poison. Why are you risking your life for them when they mean nothing to you?”
  "I saw your handwriting in your journal. It looked the same as the handwriting in the letter."
  "Are they in danger? Is that why you're so desperate?"
  "I want to help you. I want to protect them too."
  "▇▇▇. It's better if you have someone who can help you." 
  "I know you want to keep this a secret, but you don't have to endure it all alone. They don't have to know." 
  "They already know."
  "But I thought you said I was the only one who knew about the experiments?" 
  "Those who need to know already know. Let's leave it at that."
  He's speaking in riddles again. But if he leaves this person alone...
  "I can tell you what's going on, Beelzebub. So long as you promise not to tell anyone. Will that be enough?" 
  ...Beel felt like he would disappear. 
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That person pushed him away again today. But…at least he let him treat the wounds he couldn’t treat himself.
"Humans are particularly sensitive of the herb's side effects. It could even cause them death."
  "...but of course, not for you...isn't that right?"
His own words from before started to bother him after they talked.
  "Are you okay, Beel? You couldn't sleep?" 
  This isn't good. Now, Belphie is getting worried about him. 
  He wasn't good with his words, so he only shook his head at his twin. 
  He couldn't stop thinking about it. 
  The fact that people are targeting their precious human's life, that person's desperation to save them...
  "I'm fine. I'm sorry, Belphie."
  The seventh-born sighed and placed his hand atop his head. 
  "You don't have to keep it all in. I'm here, you know."
  What should he do? It felt terrible to know without being able to do anything at all. 
  That familiarity he felt with him. He wondered if there was something more about that person than he lets on? 
  "Sorry, what did you just call me?" 
"I'm hungry. I'm going to grab something in the kitchen. Do you want anything, Belphie?" 
  "...nah. Just eat something quickly. I couldn't sleep."
  "...okay. Good night, Belphie."
  What was that just now...?
  ...why is that name so familiar? 
…he had that dream again. A person was calling him that name. But when he woke up, he had forgotten their face.
The only memory he had of that nostalgic dream was that name.
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....they were crying. 
  He passed by their room and he could hear Levi's muffled voice by their door. The sudden news of their breakup with Mammon must have taken a toll on them. 
  ...and now, even Mammon had realised that something felt wrong. 
  Would anything change if he had broken his promise to that person? Would their precious human be smiling instead if he had told everyone he knew who their secret admirer was? 
  "...Levi." He called the human's name as they got out as well. 
  "...are you okay?" They obviously weren't. Their eyes were swollen, and they seemed really tired. The lingering hunger he felt dissipated at the sight of them. How could he eat contentedly when they looked so sad? 
  "I'm sorry, you heard everything, didn't you?" They told them, forcing a smile. Beel wanted to hold them gently and tell them they didn’t need to put on a brave face. In some ways, both of them were similar. They were far too concerned over taking care of others to prioritise their own happiness.
But living like that wouldn’t make anyone happy.
Beel shook his head. Not really knowing what else to do, he gave them the snacks in his arms. "...no. I'm sorry. This is all I could do for you."
  "Dude...seriously?" (Leviathan) 
  They finally smiled. Beel couldn't help but smile back. 
  "Thank you, Beel."
  He wished they were always smiling. Seeing them cry made him want to do the same. 
  "Hm? What is it, Beel?" 
  'I know who he is.'
  'You don't love an illusion. He's real, and he's doing his best to protect you.'
  'He has his reasons for not telling you who he is.'  (Even though he still had no idea what those reasons could be, nor would he ever come to know.)
  But...he couldn't seem to get the words out. It wasn't in his place to say it. 
  They love each other but, they couldn't be together. 
  Beel's chest hurt at the thought. 
  "...It's nothing. Enjoy your game."
  "Mhm! You can join us if you want. We have extra dance mats."
  "Yeah. I'll think about it."
  "See ya, Beel!" 
  ...in the end, he couldn't say it. 
    "Mhm...feel better soon."
  Deep down, he knew that was what he wanted too. 
He seemed perfectly content with things staying the way they are.
  "They left their door open..."
  A thought suddenly popped out of his mind. 
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He started to suspect that the infirmary he was in was different from the one he knows since his second visit. The large bonfire by the school grounds should have painted the windows vermilion based on its location, but once he opened the sliding doors again, there was only darkness. When he looked closer, there were slight differences in its appearance with the RAD infirmary he knew. Negligible, but definitely different. That might explain why the usual patient by the bed also felt…different as well.
Speaking of that person, the wounds he had treated had now healed, and the sweetness he smelled in the air grew fainter. But along with it was that uncertainty in his heart once more. At times, it felt like that person would disappear without a trace. The way he treated himself was also strange.
An outsider.
A person who did not belong anywhere.
Beneath his surface level friendliness was a distinct line he separated himself from everyone else. He must have noticed it more now that he had confirmed that he was their secret admirer.
“You’re not going to the festival?” He asked that person, and his gold and silver eyes looked up at him blankly as he answered.
Not midnight?
Was he just imagining things from before?
“What about you?”
“I will go back,” he had expected him to avoid his question. “I only came here to give something to you.”
He heard his hoarse voice gasp at the sight of the pink envelope on his lap. The usual blankness of his gaze was replaced by utter confusion. “Why—”
“I think I’m beginning to understand why you're doing all of this, ▇▇▇.”Beel said. “You were planning to do this at some point, aren’t you?”
“But you were sick. You couldn’t find an opportunity to do so….
…so I did it for you.”
“…you’re crazy.”
“Maybe. But you’re crazier.
He heard that person laugh at his words. He wiped the tears that formed at the corner of his eyes and greeted Beel with his “usual”, friendly smiles.
It was almost as if he was a different person. On second thought, he…didn’t understand ▇▇▇ at all.
“▇▇▇.”He called his name.
"Why do you trust me so much, Lord of the Flies?"
"...I don't know." It was the truth. "You just seem trustworthy."
"Even if your brother said I'm not?"
Lucifer did warn them about him. He was unpredictable, and his intentions were sometimes questionable. Until recently, he also thought the same, but…
…seeing him force himself to smile and hide his hurt and his feelings for the person he loves, all for the sake of protecting them…made him change the way he thought of him.
"...you also looked really sad." He couldn’t help the words coming out of his mouth. It was the truth. When he thought hard about his previous actions, it was always done for their sake.
"...You had always been watching over them."
"You were always there for them ever since the beginning."
"But you have a weird way of showing it. Remember the TSL quiz battle with Levi?"
"Thank you for lending me your necklace! If not for that, I would have never won against Levi."
"What makes you think I'm doing it for free?"
  "And even-" That person interrupted him.
  "Perhaps I'm only doing it to gain your trust. You do know I'm not keeping my intentions with your dear brother a secret."
  There he is again with that impertinent facade. When deep down, Beel knew he was...
  "You don't need that. Your magic is unparalleled. In fact...
...sometimes, it feels like you don't belong here."
  He was able to present himself normally outside of this mysterious infirmary as if he was not badly poisoned or injured, after all.
  "Of course. I'm an exchange student after all."
  "No, that's not it. You're ▇▇▇  and you're not ▇▇▇  at the same time. I can feel it. Simeon…also seems to know that too.”
  "I don't know what you're trying to do, but I feel like you wouldn't ever harm anyone, especially them. So why don't you tell them who you are? You seem to love each other. It's not because of Mammon, isn't it?"
  "I don't know what you're talking about."
  "Because you don’t know them at all, don’t you? I understand. I'll keep your secret for you."
That person’s expressions immediately changed at his words. He crumpled the envelope in his hands. His whole countenance turned sombre.
“I want them to be happy.”
Finally, he was being more honest. When he looked up at him again, his gold and silver eyes were showing the emotions he desperately held back for all this time. His hoarse voice sounded shaky despite his desperate attempts to keep himself composed.
“…I couldn’t make them happy. But, they don’t need me to be happy. They’re plenty capable of reaching their happiness at their own strength. Even so…
…if I could do something about it, even just a little…I wanted to help them.”
“…I love them, that’s why…I couldn’t tell them.”
  "So in order for them to be happy, that shouldn't exist?" He pointed at the letter.
  His laughter was strained. "...its existence is meaningless. Their heart won't be swayed even with the truth."
  "You don't look like you're sure. No one could really know what will happen until they know the truth themself."
  "And what gives you confidence with your words, I wonder?" 
  "I just know.”
 He ignored that person’s mockery and continued speaking. “It's strange. I never imagined you to have a side like this. Lucifer said we should be careful when dealing with you, but it feels like you've given up on everything.
People who have given up on everything must have fought for everything before and failed many times."
  "Your gut feeling again?" 
  "...No. Belphie looked the same way as you before they came into our lives."
  "...Don’t you need to go? You’ll miss the festival."
  "In your condition? I couldn’t leave you alone. I'll take you to your dorm. You don't look okay."
  "Don't worry about it. And please forget about everything. Don’t go here ever again."
  "Okay, I promise. And ▇▇▇?" 
  "Whenever you need my help, just tell me. We’re friends, aren’t we?"
  "Haha! Goodbye. And thank you…
It came by like a flash, and disappeared like his existence in their heart. But at that fleeting moment, Beel remembered him.
In that fleeting moment, he knew…of another him and that person who suffered the same loss, and shared bitter jadedness to the world that had forsaken them both.
[ You have unlocked MEMORIA 15: Letter to Beelzebub🔑 ]
>follow the instructions and use KEY for access
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luci-four · 4 years
Hi!! Can I request a scenario/imagine where Mammon and Beel (if you can do also Lucifer 👉🏻👈🏻 but if you can't is okay💕) MC treats Luke like her younger brother? Like would the guys get jealous, annoyed, etc.? 💕
A/N: sorry, two for scenarios! Sorry luci I still love you,,,, but this is so cute! I hope I did it justice; sorry its been so long since you requested ;A;
★・・・★ MAMMON★・・・★
“Whatcha getting'?” Mammon peeked over MC’s shoulder and eyed the neatly displayed pastries. “Oh oh, that one! Get me that one.”
“I’m not getting you anything!” They thanked the demon behind the counter and pushed Mammon out of their way, “these aren’t for you, so don’t go trying for any!”
“Come on!”
He whined, knowing MC wouldn’t budge, even when he used his Mammon-Grade puppy dog pout—which he liked to think got to them. MC couldn’t bring themselves to tell him otherwise.
“Who are ya getting treats for, then? I’m your number one demon, ain’t I?”
“Never said they were for a demon.”
Mammon paused for a moment, hustling to catch up to the one who continued walking.
“Who else would ya give ‘em to?”
“None ya.”
Much to his dismay, MC ignored his pleading and repeated questions, only to smile and wave off his more ridiculous theories. He couldn’t even get a hint to where they were going! Not that a hint would have helped anyway, he was too focused on finding out just who had MC’s attention enough for a sweet treat. Not... that he was jealous—or even cared at all!
“Purgatory Hall?” Mammon glared at the building, “they better not be for that damn human!”
“Or what? You’ll fight him?”
“Yeah! Well--”
Another dismissive smile before they kept walking; the words Mammon spoke fell on deaf ears as MC continued to ignore him. Knocking on an unfamiliar door, Mammon braced himself for... whatever—not that he was scared. He hadn’t expected a dog to answer the door.
“The chihuahua?” he scoffed, “that’s who these are for?”
“Maybe I like spoiling a little angel every now and again.”
MC ruffled Luke’s hair as he cried for them to stop, swatting at their hand as they only laughed. The scene before him made Mammon’s brain spin; the way MC doted on the small blonde, teased, and interacted seemed... sweet, familial. Why the hell is he getting all that sweet attention?
“MC!” Mammon pushed Luke out of their way and crouched so their hand would land on the top of his head instead with a blush and a pout. “What about me, huh?”
★・・・★ BEELZEBUB★・・・★
Beelzebub doesn’t notice much when he’s munching, but something across the room caught his eye—the lively way MC laughed.  
They seemed so happy—something in their conversation with Luke apparently made them shine so bright. The angel looked flustered, signaling for MC to stop whatever teasing they had been putting him through. The way they smiled at him was endearing—it made Beel’s stomach flip, in a good way.
After pouting, Luke’s expression changed. The both of them seemed happy—it was cute. The aura around was relaxed, gentle, sweet; if an aura had a taste, Beel’d assume this one tasted like vanilla.
The way the two interacted was familiar to him; it was a feeling he remembered having long ago that was almost nostalgic now. The kindness in MC’s eyes to tag along with the mischievous smile, Luke’s whining tone to his angry cries towards their prodding—it was family. Beel wished he’d feel something similar again soon. For now, though, he’s content knowing the two across from him had such a bond, and that he’s able to witness it.
Beel must have been lost in thought without realizing it, as MC and Luke now stood in front of him.
“Got something to say, Beel?” MC asked, obviously teasing.
“Why are you just staring!” Luke huffed, “if it’s for my treats, you can just forget it!”
Beel laughed, a deep, genuine one rumbled against his ribs. The blushes across MC and Luke’s faces reflected vastly different emotions, Beel liked seeing both. Leaning over the table a moment, he engulfed them in a crushing hug, earning a cry from both parties.  
As he sat back down, his smile never wavered while they pulled up seats next to him. Feeling the familial love was far different than seeing it, and he was the luckiest guy in the world to be in the middle, no matter how short of a time it may be.
MC leaned across him to grab one of the boxed sweets they had given the small angel earlier, much to the blonde’s dismay. Ignoring his shouts, they stuck their tongue out as a taunt, and fed Beel the snack instead.
Sitting between the two bickering made Beel feel at home, a feeling he never wished to forget again.
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Hello!! Your hcs and writing are so awesome, and since I’ve had this on my mind for a while I thought I’d ask away lol
So, Obey me, right? Imagine actually going to hell and meeting the brothers, before promptly being threatened and killed? I’d be scared for my life. Every waking moment would be spent fearing for my safety. I’d especially despise Lucifer and never trust Belphie again.
Anyways, how do you think the brothers would react to mc being scared of the brothers and being around them? :)
Obey Me Spoilers! for like everything
OKAY BUT SAME. Like I feel like as a fandom we don't talk about how scary that would be. Like I love the boys but if I was actually there I would never trust them with all the stuff they pull. 
The way you flinch when you are around him hurts his pride
But he has tried to kill you more than once and even almost broke your hand during a dance
I honestly think he is too prideful to admit he was in the wrong and tries to go about his day as normal
however its hard to fake normalcy when you actively do anything in your power to avoid him
Has tried to invite you to do things as an attempt to patch things up but stopped trying when all your responses were always no
it stresses him out because when Diavolo asks how you like being in the house of Lamentation you always say that you dislike it
This makes Diavolo very displeased and causes him to remind Lucifer that he can’t afford any bumps in the exchange program.
He only interacts with you when he absolutely has to
Honestly I feel like he would be one that you would be less afraid of
I feel like he understands the situation and does anything he can to make you less scared
like walks you to all your classes, sits next to you at every meal, etc.
He’s very hurt by it but he understands why you’re afraid
I mean his brothers have tried to kill you
He feels guilty. He was supposed to be your first man, he was supposed to protect you
stops his comments about how you’re just a human
He will do anything you ask
he definitely buys you gifts to compensate
You need space? you got it. You need a drink but Lucifer is in the kitchen? He’s running to go grab it for you.
Does what he can to make you feel safe
He almost killed you because you beat him in a TSL quiz
He hardly comes around because he’s wallowing in self pity
He beats himself up over his actions
He never interacts with you and stays in his room
he only roams around when he knows you’re asleep so that he won’t run into you
Absolute self-loathing 
throws himself deeper into his anime and games
he lost his Henry and he will always regret it
He essentially tried to use you to make Lucifer mad
He then got mad when you first told him you weren’t going to make a pact with him and he flipped out
He’s the avatar of wrath and you were placed on the receiving end 
he notices how you nervously glance at him when you are both in the library
he finds himself having to reread pages as he can’t focus on the words in front of him
he’s ashamed of stooping to that level of petty and ruining your relationship
he tries to show you cat themed things in attempt to get you to view him as less threatening
Tries to overcompensate by being too nice
He tries to get you to go on outings with him
in his eyes he is perfect so he doesn’t understand why you don’t want to be around him
He is overbearing about it and gets huffy with you
You try your best to avoid him but its near impossible
he pretty much forces you to interact with him
he constantly questions why you are skittish around him and his brothers
he’s never satisfied with your explanations for him
you definitely avoid him because he is usually with Belphie
He’s absolutely heart broken. He so desperately wants you, him, and Belphie to be friends but he understands the damage that Belphie did
He tries to be friendly and invites you out to eat
he savors the times you say yes and understands when you say no
Him, Mammon, and Asmo are the ones you are the least afraid of
whenever Belphie is asleep, Beel hesitantly hovers around you if you’ll allow him
he tries his best to make you comfortable with his presence
You don’t have to even talk or acknowledge him, he just wants you to let him be around you
You have every right to be scared of him
You have every right to hate him for what he did and he understands it
He quite literally strangled you to death
He literally does not deserve your friendship or forgiveness 
He does his best to keep away from you
He hates himself for what he did but he can’t undo his actions
Anytime the two of you end up in a room together it always ends with one of you immediately leaving
He’s apologized countless times but the words fall on deaf ears
He knows he destroyed any chance of a friendship
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Date bled or demon bros react to mc likes to nap and cuddle throughout the day
I’ll do the brothers! :D
…MC get off of him. He’s in a meeting.
Aaaaaaaaand they’re napping. Wonderful.
At first, Lucifer is annoyed that he’s got another Belphie on his hands, especially during the time when Belphie’s locked in the attic. How dare MC remind him of the brother that he’s holding under house arrest >:c
But once the relationship grows, Lucifer submits to the snuggles. Luci quickly realizes that he’s very not used to cuddling.
As long as MC isn’t napping through their classes, they’re good. Nap whenever you want, MC, just make sure your homework is done.
MC should expect the cuddling to be one sided in public, but behind closed doors? Hoo boy, the man’s attached to MC like a koala to a tree.
MC may have also accidentally fixed his sleep schedule… it’s just… why does he feel sleepy when he sees them nap? *yawn*
He’s just going to rest his eyes for a second, the paperwork can wait.
G-gah! Stupid human! What do they think they’re doin’ cuddling up to him like that!? They do know he’s a demon right?
For the first little while, Mammon tsuderes it up, but he gets so easily flustered whenever MC leans on him that it renders everything he says pretty much meaningless.
The first time MC ever fell asleep on him it was absolutely magical. He slowly patted their head and refused to move until the next day. Sure, his back hurt and he didn’t get any sleep, but MC was just so cute dammit!
Deeper into the relationship, Mammon is the happiest demon alive because he doesn’t need to ask for snuggles! He just plops himself down next to MC and his human just cuddles up next to him!
His absolute favourite thing is when MC falls asleep on his lap. They did it in public once and Mammon took this opportunity to flex. Yeah, he has a cute human that likes to cuddle him, do you?!
Mammon’s only wish is that MC would be more awake when he’s explaining his totally legit business ideas, they always seem to fall asleep once he gets goin’
SISJDJSJSJDJDJSJJAJAKALSKA- PHYSICAL CONTACT?!?!?! WITH HIM?! it’s more likely than you’d think.
First part of the relationship when Levi had just made a pact with MC, he was kind of confused. He had tried to murk this normie just a couple of days ago and now they’re cuddling up next to him? What’s that abou-
Levi.exe has stopped working.
Yeah, Levi blue screening happens a LOT. It takes literal months for MC and Levi to snuggle properly on a regular basis.
As totally Kawaii MC is when they nap on him, they just need to see how this fight scene is animated! MC! MC! Look! Homura and Mami are- WAKE UP AND LOOK AT THIS!
Cuddling in public causes Levi to die a flustered death. Fs in the chat everyone, had a good life, he did.
Though, it makes him feel so much more comfortable whenever MC just holds his hand out in public and doesn’t make a big deal about it. It makes him feel safe ^.^
At first, Satan was taking notes on how this human got so comfortable so quickly that they just started cuddling people and napping everywhere. Hm, humans appear to be quite adaptable… interesting.
They also seem to lack any sense of danger. Well, at least this one does.
Later down the line though, when MC first crawled into Satan’s lap to nap, it rivalled the first time a cat chose him. This was wild.
Snuggles… while reading stories… yes please…
Okay, that part sounded better than it ended up being. MC fell asleep while cuddling and ended up right on Satan’s arm, then in their sleep, MC basically locked Satan’s entire right side into a vice grip and couldn’t be pried off. Basically, Satan had to reread the same page of his book over and over and over again because he didn’t want to wake up MC.
Well, call it a learning experience, and Satan loves to learn, so next time, he was prepared for MC’s death cuddles.
Apparently he wasn’t prepared enough because the exact same thing happened again… multiple times more.
MC is literally a walking relaxant, Satan is significantly less filled with burning rage when they’re around. Notice I said less filled, he will still cut a bitch.
Oh~ how bold! MC just plopped themselves down next to him and cuddled up close to him!
At first, Asmo was amused by all the cuddling MC was doing and made quite a few less than wholesome jokes about it. The Avatar of Lust has a dirty mind! Shocker!
But hark! (The herald angels siiiiing-) Asmo actually… likes platonic snuggles?!?! What is this sorcery?!
If MC and Asmo don’t enter a romantic relationship, my man still needs his cuddle quota met, ASAP.
If they do end up dating, hoo boy, MC and Asmo sure do a lot of snuggling, and “snuggling”.
But overall, Asmo loves being held and cuddled, and sleep is good for one’s skin!
*sniffle* Beeeeeeeeeelllllllllpppppphhhhhiiiiiiiiieeeeeee-
Congratulations MC, they have made Beel more sad about his twin being gone just by existing :D
Once the custard incident happens and MC and Beel grow closer, oh man, oh man oh man, is he in desperate need of cuddles.
If MC ever falls asleep anywhere and needs to get from point A to point B, fret not, Beel is prepared. He will gently pick them up and they will awaken at point B. How nice!
Once Belphie gets his ass out of the attic, MC has competition.
Not really, Beel has enough love to go around. Both his sleepy beans can get carried around and cuddled with. Beel is big and strong for a reason.
Since MC has a vice grip while they cuddle, Beel kind of walks around with them clinging to his arm like a sloth to a tree. Belphie also picks up on this behaviour and starts doing it too.
Someone (*cough* Levi and Mammon *cough*) took a picture and posted it on Devilgram and now it’s kind of a meme template.
Gasp! Whomst- whomst is this human who comes before him and cuddles up close to him? This must be his soulmate! His other half! His destined partner!
…his destined partner was drooling all over his cardigan.
Ah well, two can play that game motherfucker. *SNORE*
Anyway, Belphie and MC? I would say power couple but in reality, the two just do a lot of snuggling and sleeping, it’s like they’re attached at the hip.
The two are always touching in some way, Belphie resting his head on MC’s shoulder, MC attaching themselves to Belphie’s torso like a koala, the two of them trading spit with each other… you get the idea.
It gets weird when the two start legitimately visiting each other in dreams, it gets so frequent it basically becomes a date night thing to just sleep and do weird shit in dreamland.
“Hey MC do you wanna hang out?” “Sorry, can’t, it’s date night. *SNORE*” “Yeah, shoo. *S N O R E*”
On their most recent date, MC and Belphie fought a dragon and then ate a giant cake.
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
Familial Attachments
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***Awwwww, I'm so happy that you're enjoying my blog! This request warms my heart and I am WEAK for soft big brother Lucifer. I hope you enjoy @lorkai! - B*** Summary: MC keeps favouring Lucifer. It baffles the other brothers. Lucifer is intrigued by the behaviour and slowly begins to open up to them.
No one really noticed it when you first arrived. You were new to the Devildom, and so much was foreign and scary around you. So you following orders without question and lingering near Lucifer, the strongest of the demons living with you, could've been passed off as a survival technique. But after a few months of you staying in the House of Lamentation, Lucifer thought the initial fear would wear off, and yet you still continued to follow him around like a little duckling. Still, Lucifer hadn't really clued in that there was perhaps sentiment behind your behaviour until he had walked in on a discussion between you, Mammon, Beelzebub and Leviathan. He had approached your bedroom door and raised his fist to knock when he heard Mammon's annoyingly loud voice. "I'm just sayin'! There ain't no reason for you go followin' mean old Lucifer around like that! He's old. He complains a lot. He never has any fun. You should be spendin' time with me! I'm supposed to be your protector ya know!" Lucifer huffed in annoyance and was about to barge in when he heard your giggle. "I'm hanging out with you now, aren't I?" "I don't know MC. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Mammon has a point." Levi pipped in. At this point, Lucifer cracked open the door and peeked inside. You were sitting in Beel's lap as he munched away on a bowl of popcorn. Mammon was standing, punching harshly onto the buttons of the remote he was holding, while Levi sat playing with the ease and skill of the pro-gamer that he was. He didn't even look away from the screen as he spoke to you. Lucifer made a mental note to talk to him about conversation manners. Leviathan continued. "You're always hanging around Lucifer. You only spend time with us if we specifically ask you to, or if we arrange it ahead of time," Levi shifted uncomfortably as he pressed a button on his remote; Mammon cursed as a result. "I-I-Is he your favourite or something?" Lucifer couldn't help but perk at the question. He wasn't aware that you were spending particularly more time with him than the others. Sure, he noticed that you would listen to him much better than any of his brothers ever did (and that alone made him warm up to you), and you always seemed to smile when he was around. But he thought that was just the kind of person you were; happy and compliant. Much to his, and everyone in the room's, surprise, you nodded. "I guess he is." Chaos erupted inside the room.
Beel dropped his popcorn. Levi sputtered and actually looked away from the game to gape at you. Mammon threw his remote and whipped around to face you. "WHAT?!?! You mean you prefer that old bat to the GREAT MAMMON?!?!" to Mammon's defence, he looked genuinely hurt by the confession. "But I'm your first! I thought we were pals, MC?!" Levi tensed and sniffed before turning back at the game. "I'm not that surprised really. Makes sense that you wouldn't l-like a slimy gross otaku like me." Beel remained frozen and quiet. A frown etched on his face as his hands tightened around you. Your eyes widened at everyone's reactions. "Woah, woah, woah! Who said anything about not liking you guys? I love hanging out with you three, and I do see you as my friends," you looked directly at Levi. "Otaku or not. I treasure my time with you." Levi pouted and refused to look at you. "Then what does Lucifer have that we don't? Why does he get the title of your favourite?" Lucifer was shocked to see your expression soften as you smiled gently at just the thought. "He reminds me of my big brother in the human realm," everyone went quiet and looked at you. "I-It was hard being ripped away from everything I knew and be forced to live in a world that I didn't even know existed. When I saw Lucifer and got to know him a bit, I noticed how much he acted like my brother. It was comforting to have just that little bit of familiarity amongst all the chaos of the Devildom, you know?" The eldest brother's heart warmed at the statement. It stroked his pride in the best way possible. He loved his brothers, but none of them were very affectionate with one another with the exception of the twins. To hear that someone cared about him and saw him as an older brother was...touching. His younger brothers seemed to agree as, with a little irritation, they settled back down into their game. Forgetting what he came for, Lucifer smiled and went back to his office. Since that day, he was notably kinder and more vulnerable with you. If you saw him as an older brother then he was determined to be the best older brother you could ask for. He gave you a pat on the shoulder or ruffled your hair every time he saw you. He always made sure to congratulate or acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small they were. He asked you how your day was and allowed you to come to him with any troubles (which he would promptly take care of the moment you left the room). Every night he would invite you into his office for some tea and a round of chess before bed. It felt like in no time, he had begun to see you as a little sibling just as much as you saw him as an older brother. Lucifer did his best not to let his brothers catch on to how soft he was around you. He tried to compensate by teasing you a little more whenever they were around. Or pretend that he was taking you into his office to scold you when he really was going to look you over and make sure you weren't hurt in the most recent incident. The result was an endless amount of taunts and ridicule from his brothers on how he was a better sibling to you than he was them (which was mostly true), that you had thawed his ancient icy heart (which he would never admit), and that he couldn't say no to you (which he tried to prove wrong but inevitably failed, much to his embarrassment). Still, the bond between you two was one that was strong and pure. When it was finally time for you to go back to the human realm, you were in tears and refused to let go of Lucifer. Lucifer held onto you tightly. It was obvious to everyone there that he was just as reluctant to let you leave. "You have to go know MC. Your real big brother is up there worried about you, I'm sure," his voice was steady and firm. He refused to cry; no matter how badly his heart ached at that moment. You sniffled and buried your face deeper into his chest. "I know. But you've become just as much a brother to me as him, a-a-and I don't want to leave you. What if I never get to see you again?" Lucifer inhaled sharply at the thought.
He looked over at Diavolo. Something in his eyes must have given away the hurt and inner turmoil he was feeling, for Diavolo's eyes widened in shock before he smiled softly at his friend. "You may take your D.D.D. with you, MC, to stay in contact with the brothers. Perhaps, on occasion, we can also organize visits. This will not be goodbye forever." Lucifer chuckled as you held him tighter and ran a hand through your hair. "See? You'll see me and everyone else again. But for now, it's time for you to return home." You shakily nodded and reluctantly pulled away from his arms; Lucifer felt his chest tighten as coldness filled the warmth where you once stood. Still, he refused to cry or show vulnerability. He would not become a blubbering mess like Mammon. He was better than that. He clenched his fists as you went around giving everyone final hugs goodbye. He held his breath as you picked up the bag the two of you had put together full of keepsakes from the Devildom. You took a step towards the portal. "MC, wait!" Lucifer rushed towards you, damning his own pride and reputation to hell, as he pulled you into one final tight hug and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. He held you there; closing his eyes and allowing himself to pretend for just a moment that he didn't have to let you go. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. "I love you, MC. I will miss having you here." Suddenly you were sobbing again. The two of you held each other for several minutes, as Diavolo had Barbartos escort the others out to give the two of you some privacy. Finally, he let you go, and within a second you were gone and back to your true family. Lucifer went home, and sat in his office, wondering what you were doing with your real big brother and if you were as happy up there as you were with him. ***HOW THE FUCK DID I MAKE THIS ANGST AND END UP CRYING WELL WRITING I AM SO SORRY I SERIOUSLY MEANT FOR THIS BE FLUFF GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *Wipes tears* Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this no matter how accidentally painful it was. Thank you for the lovely request @lorkai! I was touched by how personal it was!***
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devildomimagines · 3 years
Could you do the brothers (Lucifer especially) reacting to an MC who jokes all the time, seems carefree and stupid but eventually they find out that MC is actually a very deeply caring, responsible and intelligent person. They act like an idiot likely as a response to some adversity in their own past. Sorry if its complicated, i just like the idea of the brothers almost discounting MC only to realise they weren't looking deeply enough
Hi Anon! Thanks for the request! Sorry it took me so long to get to, it's been busy in my personal life. The older brothers are under the cut so this post isn’t a mile long lol. I hope this is worth the wait!
King of rolling his eyes at your antics.
Belphie is maybe the most knowledgeable about humans so, of anyone, he might be able to see a little deeper than the surface.
On one of the rare occasions you got Belphie out of the house, you two came across a Little D that was clearly lost.
He didn’t pay it any mind since he figured the Little D would just teleport to their master but you insisted on helping.
As you knelt down to the creature Belphie stood back and watched as you quickly soothed the Little D’s worries and it hopped into your arms. 
You brushed past Belphie to carry the spirit across the street and start talking to the shop owner. The two of you laughed and Little D hopped over to the shop owner’s hands.
“The shop keeper knows that Little D’s master and will give them a call,” you explained as you wrapped your arm around his and began leading him down the road.
“You’re amazing MC,” Belphie murmured, such a small act really changed his view of you.
Where he thought you were foolish in trusting him after what happened in the attic, he realized that he wasn’t a special case of forgiveness, you were just a truly caring person. 
“Hm, what was that Belphie?” You asked but he wasn’t sure if you actually didn’t hear him or if you were teasing.
He wasn’t too proud to admit his feelings but his face did heat up a bit, “I said you’re amazing.”
He’s pretty caring for a demon so he could see you were too, although maybe he didn’t know the depth until today.
The two of you were enjoying a meal in Hell’s Kitchen. Beel was absorbed in the food that he didn’t at first notice you were distracted.
When you asked for a moment and got up to grab the attention of a waiter. Beel watched on curiously, he was hoping you were asking for more food.
The waiter nodded along and ducked into the kitchen. You waited in that spot and you caught Beel’s stare. You waved at him with a smile.
He waved back with a fried shadow bat in hand.
You laughed and then the waiter was back. They handed you a to-go container, you talked for a second, probably thanking them and then made your way across the restaurant, walking right past your table.
Beel thought to call out to you as if you had somehow accidentally overshot the table but you made your way right out the door.
He started to get up to go after you, he shoveled a few things in his mouth not totally satisfied but more confused why you were leaving.
Then he saw you through the window. He stopped moving as you approached a small demon looking into the restaurant through the window. Beel sat and watched the scene unfold.
It jumped back away from you, probably not having seen a human before, and was clearly defensive as you talked. You then offered the to-go container, popping it open so the demon could see the food contained.
The little demon inched closer, clearly hungry and tempted by the food you offered. You nodded and the demon took the container and ran. You watched for a second and then came back into the restaurant to join Beel.
You sat down like nothing had happened and went back to your meal. When Beel didn’t start eating you asked,  “What is it? Do I have something on my face!?”
He shook his head no, “You’re incredible.” He picked back up eating but he would not forget this moment.
You watched on as Asmo was applying his make-up. He always enjoys your company when preparing for the day but he noted you were reading the ingredients pretty seriously.
“What’s got you frowning MC?” 
“This is from the human realm, right?” you held up the bottle so he could see the label in the mirror.
He hummed, “That’s right, I get products from all over so that one is definitely from the human realm. Have you used it before?”
“Um, no I tended to stay away from their brand.” You put the bottle back where you found it.
“Why’s that? It is kind of expensive in Grimm, was it the same in your currency?”
“Not really, it’s just that…” you paused trying to think of the most sensitive way to put it, “there are make-up brands in the human realm that test their products on animals before marketing it to humans.”
“How cute!” Asmo giggled at the thought of bunnies in blush.
“No Asmo, it’s more like they are testing if their products are safe for humans by using animals as a proxy. It can be brutal and even unnecessary and could result in the animal’s death.”
Asmo had stopped and turned to look at you as you explained. His face was slightly troubled.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable! I just tried to use products that didn’t use that as a part of their process in manufacturing so as to not cause any unnecessary distress.”
He nodded understanding your thought process. The Devildom didn’t have such markers since suffering was the norm.
The fact that you were thinking about what products you used and their impact on others, even just some animals, had him reassessing you.
It was more thoughtful than he originally credited you. When you and him were joking around and gossiping, he figured your interests were more superficial.
It was refreshing that not only could you keep up with the most recent hot news around town but you truly cared and respected your impact on others.
“Asmo?” You asked, he had been quiet for a while lost in thought.
“It’s nothing!” He recovered but he kept peeking back at you with a mysterious smile.
The two of you were studying in the RAD library.
There was a particularly tough exam coming up, notorious for dropping the GPA of 75% off the class.
Satan was confident in his abilities but he agreed to come study for your sake. He didn’t have access to know your grade like Lucifer did but he assumed you were struggling by your pleas for his help and deprecating jokes about failing.
He watched as you diligently took out your books and notebook. You flipped through a few of your notes and then shifted your focus to your textbook. Satan shrugged as he opened his own books, you seemed to be off to a fine start.
After about an hour you asked, “Can we quiz each other?”
He agreed and flipped to the end of the chapter he was on for the review questions. Satan took a question and asked it in a slightly different way so you couldn’t rely on memorized answers. 
To his surprise you answered correctly and made up a question for him that he thought was actually pretty difficult. 
Of course he got it right but shrugged it off as a fluke that you didn’t mean to ask such a hard question. The next one he asked you was harder, not from the textbook in any way, it was something that the teacher had mentioned offhand in class.
You got it correct again. With your turn next, you asked another complex question.
Satan answered properly but was now on the edge of his seat, surely twice in a row was not a coincidence.
His next question, he matched your difficulty. You thought for a few minutes and dived into explanation with examples and even a source that you quoted off the top of your head. Your answer was insightful and succinct.
You were waiting for Satan’s assessment of your answer but he sat unmoving.
“Was I mistaken?” You asked, and started frantically looking through your notes.
While you reviewed your materials, Satan was seeing you in a new light. He figured you got along so well with Mammon because the two of you could joke and slack off with the best of them. He thought that you and Asmo got along more as a pair of airheads. But here you were, in this moment your intelligence came off as easy and effortless.
“No, you were right.”
“Really?” you looked up surprised but happy.
He smiled back, but wondered, “What is your current grade in this class, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Last I checked, like 96?”
Satan laughed and shook his head, unbelievable that he thought otherwise.
He already thought of himself as a charity case. The fact that you would be willing to sacrifice your time to be with him was a miracle in his eyes.
No matter how many times you told him you wanted to hang out with him, it wasn’t a sacrifice, he still didn’t believe you.
When he gets more comfortable around you, he let’s you see his uglier sides when the envy consumes him.
You were a safe space he could vent to and you took that responsibility seriously. You listened and he felt the things he shared never left his room when you left.
It was after one of those vent/gaming sessions that you had to excuse yourself.
You had never gotten up in the middle like that and it scared Levi, had he gone too far? Did you actually hate him?
He watched silently as you left the room. Once the door closed, he was on his feet, what was so important? He decided to follow you.
Levi followed about a hallway behind you, as you turned a corner he would sprint to the corner to watch where you go next.
He followed all the way to the kitchen? He didn’t want to peek in fear of being caught but he listened as you greeted Beel.
Beel asked what’s up and you answered you were getting snacks for an intense gaming night with Levi. Beel must have perked up with the snacks you grabbed and you shooed him off, “If Levi’s up for it, you can join us but you can’t have that snack, I made it for a special occasion.”
Special… special? Levi couldn’t wrap his head around it when he thought of himself but the silence in the kitchen meant you must be leaving… meaning you were heading right for the door he was cupping!
He turned around and found a hiding spot on the other side of the hall behind a vase.
The door swung open as he held his breath. You started the way you came. You were heading for his room and he wasn’t there!
Cue montage of Levi comically running through the halls of HOL to get to his room before. He jumps into his gaming chair seconds before you open his door quietly.
He was panting and sweaty when he turned towards you with a smile, totally failing to act natural.
“Sorry I got up so abruptly but I just remembered I made you this!” You presented a cupcake exactly replicated from the anime the two of you watched last week.
Levi’s heart melted, he felt bad that he had second guessed you. He reached out for the cupcake with one hand and with the other he took your hand to pull you to the bean bags. He was blushing but still said, “Let’s put on that anime while I eat it.”
The level of detail that you had gotten correct showed how dedicated you had been to paying attention to his interests and how much you cared for him in turn. He was also impressed with your baking knowledge, it takes a decent level of skill to be able to replicate something just from seeing it.
The scene was coming up where the protag was going to give the cupcake and Levi was struck with the most embarrassing thought. But if anyone would indulge him, it was you.
As the protag took the cupcake, Levi copied their posture. Then he copied their words in unison they both said, “Thank you, no one has ever made me anything like this before.” The two of them ripped the cupcake in half in the same spot and he extended the half to you as he protag did, “Will you share it with me?”
“Of course!” You and the character answered together then giggled as Levi blushed and hid behind the half cupcake as the two of you returned to sitting on the beanbags.
There was no way he was ever going to forget this moment, his eyes opened to how much you did care for him. Even if he was doubtful of others by nature, he would never doubt you again.
People always write Mammon off as dumb and because you have a pact with him, you’re often included in that assumption. The two of you get along like peas in a pod. You’re here for a good time and Mammon can definitely provide that. 
His schemes to make money keep things interesting so you usually go along unless you have other commitments. Today’s work was clean-up in the local park. Not because it was lucrative, but because this was a punishment from a prank that backfired.
You had pleaded with Diavolo for a lighter sentence on Mammon’s behalf as his pact partner and Diavolo indulged you.
Mammon was brooding on your way to the park but you were looking forward to being outside in nature for the day so you chattered aloud to fill the silence.
Barbatos was waiting for you two with the materials you would need. He gave you a look of pity when you turned but Mammon caught it and knew Barbatos was probably feeling sorry you had to be punished when you didn’t do anything. Mammon ripped the rake out of Barbatos’ hand and sulked off after you.
You each set to different tasks, Mammon raking leaves and you weeding the flowerbeds. 
Demons and spirits passed with a few snickers, definitely not the first time Mammon had been sent to do community service but he hated that you were now a laughing stock with him. You didn’t seem phased by it though, even flashing him a bright smile when you two made eye contact. 
Halfway through the day, the two of you were taking a break for a snack and fluids, you shared a bench and admired the work so far. “We might even finish early!” You shared your optimism.
Mammon nodded but still kept quiet. It was so unlike him and you were hitting your limits of how to try to get him out of his own head, you figured he would be back to normal tomorrow but missed hearing his voice.
You two split the last of the duties, you were now cleaning equipment and decorations while he was trimming bushes and trees.
While Mammon was trimming a nearby bush, he heard your voice, then heard his name. He peeked through the bush to watch you talking with a crow.
“I thought it would make the day more fun if I was here with him because he always makes me have fun but it’s like I’ve made his mood worse…” You looked down at the bird bath you had been polishing and knelt down. The crow watched your movements from it’s perch on the top. “Maybe he hates that I intervened with Diavolo, I probably overstepped. I don’t know what I can do to get Mammon out of this funk. What do you think?”
The crow outstretched it’s wings and took off. You pouted, but continued polishing. Mammon was about to push through the bushes to comfort you, his mood wasn’t your fault and he felt even worse that you thought that but then the crow returned.
It swooped onto your shoulder and dropped something into your hand. You jumped with surprise and it scared the crow off your shoulder, it resettled on the bird bath. “This is perfect! Thank you!” The crow let you give it a few scritches and took off once more. You looked around for Mammon.
He nonchalantly rounded the bush so you would notice him, “Mammon! Look!” You rushed over and handed him the object.
It was a golden grimm coin. You explained, “A crow gave it to me, that has to be good luck! Take it and your luck will change, you won’t be punished forever!”
He wrapped you in a tight hug. What did he do to deserve you? Why did you care about him so deeply that you’d give him your treasure and good luck?
You laughed into his hug and he pulled back, “Alright, let’s finish this up and go home, I’ll treat ya to some ice cream on the way back.” He ruffled your hair but your shining eyes and too big smile made him blush and turn away.
He questioned if putting you under Mammon’s care at first was a mistake.
It’s not that you didn’t get along, in fact you two got along too well. Was Mammon’s stupid tendencies to slack off rubbing off on you?
You had been coming back late without being accompanied by one of his brothers and he was determined to find out what you were up to.
For the morning, he watched as you and Mammon walked to school. Lucifer stayed far enough away so he couldn’t be sensed so he couldn’t hear what you two were saying but it was clear you were having a good time. Mammon was snickering as you animatedly gestured and walked backwards. Lucifer’s heart warmed that his brother was genuinely happy then realized he was getting distracted.
You sat through your first class diligently taking notes and participating. The same for most of the classes that day. Lucifer started to acknowledge your responsibility to learning but it made him all the more curious as to why you skipped your last class. 
He watched you look around for any onlookers and dipped into the library. He was both surprised and amused that you were meeting with Simeon. The angel was leading you astray? 
Simeon didn’t look happy about it either, probably scolding you for missing class, but he was a pushover and your pathetic look won him over. The two of you sat as Simeon talked. You were taking notes on whatever Simeon was lecturing on. 
You left the interaction and Lucifer took the chance to talk with Simeon himself. He learned that you were asking about stories from the Celestial Realm. Simeon offered that it was just human nature to be curious what lays beyond life. Lucifer, the ever-skeptic, didn’t believe that was it.
He had lost your trail by talking to Simeon so he went home to wait for your return.
Lucifer intercepted you as you tried to sneak in. “MC, this way please,” he led you to his office, “How was today?”
“Good?” you answered but was unsure why he looked so serious.
“How was class?” 
You got nervous but answered, “Fine, same old same old.”
“Ah,” Lucifer smirked, “And how was Simeon?”
Your attempt to play dumb failed spectacularly when you stammered, “W-who’s Simeon?”
“Lying to me won’t do you well,” Lucifer reminded.
“Sorry, it’s just it wasn’t an approved activity so I didn’t want anyone in your family to be implicated…” you scratched the back of your head and looked away.
“And what activity is that?”
“Oh I thought you knew since you caught me,” you laughed, “Solomon and I were going to play with young demons at an orphanage in town. We were telling them stories from the Human Realm but I thought it would be nice to incorporate stories from the Celestial Realm too.”
Lucifer sighed.
You took that as a sign he was disappointed so you continued, “Let me explain, I know I should have asked permission first and for that I’m sorry. Solomon and I just stumbled on the place one day and the kids bombarded us with questions, never having seen humans before and before I knew it we were going almost everyday. I guess I thought it wouldn’t be bad because exposing the next generation of demons to humans would help Diavolo’s mission to strengthen relations between the realms. And I asked Simeon for stories so we could share Celestial Realm things too without getting Simeon in trouble or putting him in an uncomfortable position.”
Well that was definitely an eye opener for Lucifer. What you said made sense that changing minds starts with the youth. His original assumptions that you were just shirking responsibilities was way off base. He didn’t want to but admitted to himself he was wrong. Not only had you been doing something charitable but you were furthering Lord Diavolo’s message in a different way.
“You’re correct, you should have asked permission,” he started and you sank in your seat, “but I don’t see any harm in what you’re doing except for missing classes.” You sank further in your seat. “For skipping class, you’ll need to do extra studies,” he paused to make sure you knew this was a punishment, “I think a fitting topic would be interracial communication with a focus on the youth of Devildom.”
You perked up with a smile, “So I can keep going to the orphanage?”
Lucifer fought back a smile himself, trying to continue to be stern, “Yes, but that’s only if you don’t skip class and you have one of my brothers accompany you. As competent as Solomon is, he is also human and I would feel better if you had a demon escort.”
You were absolutely beaming now. “I’d like that but I don’t think you brothers would be interested.”
“They’ll do what they’re told but I think the twins would enjoy it the most,” Lucifer offered.
“Thanks! I would like if you could join us sometime too,” you suggested shyly.
He did smile at that, “If my schedule allows,” He didn’t finish before you were hugging him. He stiffened, not used to being hugged after doling out a punishment but softened and returned your hug, “I’ll make time to join you.”
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hispipsqueak · 3 years
Good Little Pet
Satan x F!Reader - NSFW
WC: 2.5K
TW: pet play, anal play, choking, master/pet dynamics, maid outfits, light degradation, unprotected sex
A/N: I’ve been on a huge Satan kick lately. I roast the hell out of him, but would I still die to be his kitten? You bet! Sorry I’ve been MIA for a bit. I have so many fics I’m working on, and not enough time in the day. Thank you for all the support friends. <3 I see your tags and they honestly make my entire life! Also I did proofread this, but I’ve also been staring at it for a week so plz don’t hate me if there’s typos! :D 
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All characters are 18+
The House of Lamentation had been unusually relaxed today. Most of the brothers were out, leaving only three home. Surprisingly the room was mostly silent as Levi had his headphones on as he played his game and even Mammon had been quiet, as he fiddled with his D.D.D. 
Satan thumbed through a mystery novel as he sipped his tea. Though he usually preferred to read in his room, the ambience here was relaxed enough for once, that he could focus.
Until the door opened and Asmodeus walked in, dragging you behind him laughing. The two of you had been out shopping and the stack of boxes you held towered above you.
"Ah, Satan could you help me with this?" You asked, giggling about something Asmo had said. Sighing as he placed his bookmark, Satan reached over to help you with the boxes, revealing your smiling face and the cat-ear headband you had on top of your head.
"Satan, isn't MC adorable as a cute cat?! Nya for us MC!" Asmo asked. You rolled your eyes, but put your hand up in a paw shape, letting out a sweet "nya". Satan's eyes widened and he could feel heat rising into his cheeks. He quickly turned around.
"Uh, yes of course. I'll be going back to my room." He placed the boxes on the floor and hurried away as you and Asmo looked at each other confused.
Satan closed his door behind him and pressed his back to the wooden frame. 
Satan often considered himself to be more level headed than most of his brothers, but he couldn't deny his attraction to you. Still, he showed less emotion outwardly than the rest of the brothers and he prided himself in that. However, seeing you in those cat ears, giving cute little meows as your eyes gazed up at him? Satan could feel his growing erection tenting his pants. 
He had seen one of Levi's games a while back that featured a cat girl in a scantily clad maid outfit on the front cover. Now, he pictured you in the same outfit, cat ears atop your head, your skimpy dress leaving little to the imagination as you knelt in front of him, your lips parted waiting for your master's orders.
Fuck. He let out a shaky breath as the image of you bent over his desk, collared and begging for him to fuck you now entered his mind. His hand slid down to his throbbing cock, desperately wanting release. 
A knock at the door interrupted him.
"Satan? You left your book and your tea. I brought it for you." Your voice called out, tentatively.
Shit. Satan looked around wildly. before sitting at his desk to hide his obvious arousal. 
"Come in." He called out hoarsely, hoping you didn't notice the quiver in his voice.
You opened the door, still wearing those damned ears and looked concerningly at him.
"Are you feeling alright? You rushed out of there and your face is really red." You placed his things on the desk as you walked towards him, avoiding the precarious stacks of books around the room. He quickly grabbed a book from the top of a pile and placed it on his lap as you approached him. 
"I'm fine, just got lost in thought." He lied. You raised an eyebrow but didn't press it. The pile of books next to him chose that moment to clatter to the ground and before he could react, you knelt down in front of him to pick up the fallen books. 
He looked down at you and bit his lip so hard he tasted blood. You looked up at him innocently, identical to the naughty visions of you in his mind. 
You placed a hand on his knee and he let out a low groan. Your eyes widened.
"Satan? I-"
"Come down for dinner!" Asmo's voice chirped out from outside the door. You stood up and turned.
"Do you want me to let them know you're not feeling well? I can bring you something back."
Satan nodded. He had to really take care of the very pressing issue at hand and knew he wouldn't be able to sit through an entire agonizing meal.
"Pass the salt, Asmo."
"I didn't hear a 'nya', MC." Asmo giggled, poking his tongue out at you. Your hand flew to your hair. 
"I forgot I had these on!" You laughed.
"Let's hope Satan doesn't see those." Levi muttered.
You cocked your head. "What do you mean."
Levi's face flushed. "Uh...no reason, er, nothing!!!"
You narrowed your eyes at the reddening demon.
"Satan's obsession with cats doesn't stop at real cats. Didn't he get obsessed with that stupid cat girl game?" Belphie yawned, sliding his half-finished plate to Beel who dug in happily.
"You mean Neko Magic Maid♡. It wasn't even that good of a game!" Levi said, "It definitely wasn't as good as SuperStar Magic Maid…"
"Yeah. I don't think he was interested in the storyline." Mammon interjected, laughing.
Lucifer scolded the brothers for being crass but your mind wandered. Was that why Satan was acting so weird? After dinner, you headed to Levi's room.
"Hey Levi! I was wondering more about that game you were talking about? The catgirl one?"
Levi didn't even turn from his computer screen. "Yeah it's on that shelf. But if you really like the Magic Maid series you should start with Springtime Magic…AHHH HE'S RESPAWNED!" He yelled, ignoring you again for the game he was currently playing.
You grabbed the game and slipped out of his room quietly. Glancing at the cover you saw a cat girl dressed in a ridiculously short maid costume. Her ears and tail were perked up and she donned a black collar around her neck with a little bell and tag that read 'Master'.
You grinned as you headed to your room. This would be fun.
"Come in."
Satan turned the page in his book.  Thankfully after that disastrous night, you hadn't worn that headband again, though he'd be lying if he said the image from you that day hadn't been filling his mind as he jerked his cock each night.
He heard you step into the room, but you didn't say anything. Looking up, his jaw dropped.
You were dressed in a maid outfit somehow more revealing than the one from the game. Your breasts were practically popping out of the dress, and the short skirt barely covered your ass. He could see the slight bulge of your thighs over top of your sheer thigh-high socks and he had the urge to bite that spot over and over.
You had the cat ears on again and as you walked towards him, he could hear a jingling noise. Glancing at your neck he saw a simple black collar with his name on the tag and a silver bell. 
"MC what are you doing?" He breathed out shakily. You placed your hand on his chest, gently pushing him into his desk chair.
"Taking care of you…Master." You knelt down on the floor and looked at him expectantly. 
Satan blinked rapidly. He had to be dreaming. 
"Can I please you, Master?" You asked. He nodded, at a loss for words, and you began to unbutton his pants, freeing his rapidly hardening cock. Your hands wrapped around it squeezing, and you slowly moved up and down. Satan let out a groan.
You moved closer, pressing your lips to the tip of his cockhead before lapping at the beads of precum from the slit. You slid his length into your warm, wet mouth and looked into his eyes, swirling your tongue around his cock. This elicited another grunt from the blonde demon.
As you bobbed up and down on his length, he rested his hand on your hair, gently pushing you deeper on his cock. You moaned around him and the vibrations made his heart race. He looked down at you, and noticed the tail that led to under your skirt. 
The realization set a switch off in his brain. He bucked his hips, forcing more of his cock into your mouth.
"Ohhhh fuck. That's it kitten. You like choking on Master's cock?" He asked, his fingers gripping tightly to your hair. You could only gag around him as a response, and the noises you let out were absolutely sinful.
"Such a good little pet. Your throat is squeezing me so well, kitten. But you can go deeper, can't you? Don't you want to please your master?" He asked. 
Frantically you nodded and forced even more of him down your throat, trying your best to breathe out of your nose. As you tried to pull back, his grip tightened, holding you firmly in place. Your eyes watered as you felt his cock throb in your throat and your vision blurred, from tears or lack of oxygen, you weren’t sure. He pulled back and you gasped for air, tear streaked face looking up at him. Satan panicked, apologies already forming in his head before you grinned and pulled him back into your mouth.
“Fuuuuck, such a good kitten. Addicted to master’s cock.” Satan groaned out, his eyes closing as you found your pace on his length. He could feel his release creeping up on him, a fiery feeling in the core of him as your mouth enveloped his cock. The room filled with soft pants and the jingling of the bell around your neck. He met your eyes as you continued to take him deeper. He wouldn’t last much longer if you kept like this. 
“That’s it kitten, that’s it. You want master’s milk? Want your cute belly full of your master’s cum? Tell me, kitten.”
You whined around him, releasing his cock from your lips. 
“Please master. Need to please you. Want your cum.” Your eyes were glassy with tears and drool dripped down the corners of your plump lips. Satan wished he could snap a picture of you looking so lewd.
“Good girl. Milk my cock kitten. Milk my fucking cock.” He gasped as you sped up around him, sloppier and more vigorously than before. Spit coated your chin and spilled onto his thighs as you wrapped your tongue around his cock.
“FUCK! Fuck, just like that!! Oh fuck, cumming!! Take it all, kitten. Fucking take it.” Satan wailed, his muscles tensing as he shot load after load down your throat. You struggled to swallow everything, with some dripping off your lips. Breathing hard, he scooped it with his finger, pushing it back into your mouth.
“Don’t waste a drop kitten.”
You sucked on his finger, a content smile on your face. He reached down, tugging your wrists and pulling you to your feet.
“You didn’t think we were done, did you kitten? Oh no...I want to explore every little bit of you.” He whispered, bending you over his desk. Flipping up your skirt he admired as the tail slid into your ass and gently tugged it, pulling a low moan from you.
“Such a naughty kitten. I can’t wait to fill all your holes with my seed.” He said, his hand palming your ass, before smacking you hard. You jolted forward with a soft whimper. He tugged at your tail again, chuckling as you squeezed your thighs together.
“I’ve barely touched you and you’re already squirming.” His fingers pressed against your drooling cunt. “Already this wet, just from a few tugs on your tail? What a slutty little pet you are.”
You moaned as he pressed his fingers into your cunt, the slick arousal easily letting him into you. He slowly pumped in and out of you as you attempted to grind against his palm, whining when he gripped your hips, stilling you.
“Look at you, kitten. Debasing yourself just to get off. How filthy.” His voice was sadistic and yet your body trembled with desire under his touch. Your brain was hazy with his fingers rhythmically plunging into you and all you wanted was for him to use you for his pleasure. 
“Please Master. Please touch me.” You pleaded, squeezing your thighs together as he pulled his fingers out of you. He pushed you down on the desk, as he pressed his cockhead against your entrance.
“Please fuck me master. Please let me cum around your cock. I need you so bad, sir – FUCK!”
Satan slammed his cock into you, causing you to cry out. His hand gripped your hip as he fucked himself deeper into you. 
“Scream as loud as you want kitten, no one is going to hear you through the spells in this room. You’re clenching around me so deliciously, pet.” His fingertips bruised your skin and papers and books were knocked off the desk as he slammed into you over and over.
Your body shook and you felt so full with his cock in your pussy and the plug in your ass. You felt stretched to your limit and still he pressed on, fucking you until you saw stars.
“I can feel the pressure of your tail plug through your delicious cunt, kitten. Doesn’t it feel good to be so full? You’re such a lewd little kitten, aren’t you?” As he taunted you with his words, his fingers danced around your clit, causing your legs to feel like they were giving out. Relentless, he continued pounding into you as tears fell from your eyes.
“So, so full. So good, master! Your cock is so perfect, Master.” you babbled, your brain delirious with lust. The fire burning in your core was so overwhelming, your body ached for more and you needed him, needed your master to push you over that peak.
Satan growled, feeling his demon form activate. His tail wrapped itself around your neck, holding you in place as he wrecked you.
“Your lewd little pussy is fluttering around my cock, kitten. Are you going to cum for me? Are you going to cum for your master’s cock?” He panted out. He was close, apparent as his thrusts became harder and faster.
“Yes please Master. Let me cum on your cock!” You choked out, his tail tightening around your throat. Your eyes fluttered as you felt back arch.
“Cum for me, pet.”
That was all it took. You wailed as your cunt clenched around him, creaming around his cock. Your body convulsed and you felt dazed as you gushed around him. 
“Fuck, kitten!” He groaned out. His hand slammed you down as he unloaded into you. He was so deep, you could practically feel his cum in your belly as he shot ropes of his hot seed into your body over and over. After what felt like a lifetime, he slowly slid out of you.
Picking you up he delicately placed you on his bed, wiping aways the traces of cum that dripped onto your thighs. He gently worked your tail plug out and placed it on the desk before covering you with his sheets. 
“You did so good for me, kitten.” He whispered into your skin. Your eyes were too heavy to open, so you just smiled sleepily and curled into his chest. Running his hand through your hair, he undid the cat ear clips and placed them on his nightstand before succumbing to exhaustion, his whispered words barely audible.
“Good little pet.”
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moemammon · 3 years
Alright so my request is angsty-ish. Mc is engaged to someone else when they move for the exchange program and stays faithful during their entire stay, so maybe hcs on how the brothers react to a taken MC who (if they even try to advance) actively avoids romantic situations with them, and maybe a little bonus of them reuniting with their lover smittened.
I tried to request this before but all my asks get eaten so I just wanted to make sure it got through
"What Do You Mean You're Already Taken?!" (Feat the Demon Bros and GN!MC)
(Hell yeah angst time heheHEH >:))
Can you even imagine how Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride, reacted when his obvious advances toward you were always awkwardly brushed off? No matter what he tried, no matter how perfectly romantic the situation, he could never coax you into accepting his affections.
And he soon found out why, when you finally admitted that you were taken by another.
He can't remember the last time he's felt pain like this. He'd finally found someone he could be... vulnerable with. Someone he could open himself up to, who wouldn't see him in a different light as a result.
But to know that no matter what, he'll never be able to have you? It's a worse punishment than he could've imagined himself. He can't do anything but accept it, and you'll soon find that his advances come to a complete vault.
He's a little colder to you, but that's only because he's trying to relearn how to feel about your presence. He asks that you give him some time alone, for a few days. He'll be busy in his office in the time being.
God, he's crushed. Mammon... was always aiming to be your first everything. Guess someone beat him to the punch before he could do anything to stop it. It takes everything in him not to accuse you of pulling his leg.
But you can't be serious... right? You're saying that no matter what he does or how strongly he feels, he can never have you? He won't get to hold you against him? He'll never be able to kiss you? To pull you under his sheets so you can sleep your worries away? Never be able to tell you just how much he loves you, more than any material possession in this entire world...?
But... why couldn't you just choose him..?
Mammon doesn't get it. He feels like he's always getting the short end of the bargain no matter what he tries. He knew the stakes were high when he started pining for you. You're... YOU! Perfect, amazing, lovable you... who will never be his.
These days he's barely home. You guys are still 'friends', but sometimes you can't tell if he's teasing you or actually being mean. He can't even stand being around you for too long, because his damned heart starts pounding until it hurts. He'd rather gamble the nights away than to have to deal with that.
Of course you're taken... it's not like he could've expected otherwise. Someone as great as you wouldn't look good standing with a gross otaku...
Jokes aside, Levi's heart has just shattered into a million pieces. You were his one! The one he dreamed about! The one he wanted to be around, despite his crippling social anxiety!
You got him... No, you REALLY got him. He didn't have to put up any walls when he was with you. He knew you liked him for who he was, and that you weren't secretly making fun of him when he wasn't around.
And... you two actually enjoyed one another's company! You shared so many laughs, so many days together, and just when he thought he'd gathered the courage to ask you to be his, you told him that you were taken.
He'll get over it. He's used to being disappointed, after all. Just don't mind him while he spends the next two weeks holed up in his room. If you need something, do you might just writing a note and slipping it under his door? He can't bear to look at his phone, since it's full of pictures of you.
Satan didn't mean to cause an outburst like that. He never meant to scare you. But when he realized that all this time spent falling deeper, and hopelessly in love with you, was all for naught? He didn't know how to react.
So many new, strange feelings rushed into him at once, until it all exploded in a fit of rage. Was it really anger? Or was it sorrow so strong that it could've been mistaken as such? He couldn't tell, because he's never felt this way before.
His room had been completely destroyed, many precious books lost to the unstoppable force that was his angry release. And when it subsided he was left feeling empty and lost... scared, even.
Would you think differently of him now? Would he think differently of YOU now? Could this... odd, sick, twisted relationship of yours be mended..? He didn't even know if he had the strength to attempt it.
So he isolates himself from you, spending a great deal of time repairing the damage done to his room. And when that's been finished, he's reading like his life depends on it. In the world of books, he can forget about real life entirely. Is it silly for him to imagine that maybe, some day, everything will work out like in a lighthearted fairytale?
So you have a partner? Polygamy is fine too! Or so he thought, until you emphasized that you were loyal to your one and only partner. Meaning.. Asmo wasn't invited to the party.
Now, the Avatar of Lust wasn't exactly one who knew rejection. Sure he got a few 'no's here and there, but those little flings meant nothing and had no weight on his heart.
But you? You... were everything he didn't know he needed. Asmo knew he was beautiful and alluring, but you knew there was more to him than that. And you sought to bring those parts of him out into the light! He could only dream of showing his true self to you and you alone.
Asmodeus felt so secure with you, like the mask he'd been wearing for millennia could finally come off. With you, he could just be himself, and he could never tell you just how much that really meant to him. But now his heart aches with a pain he's never felt before, and it hurts so much that he can't help but cry.
His devilgram followers have been seeing him a LOT more lately. So has all of the devildom, really. He's never home anymore, choosing to fill the void with temporary lovers instead. It isn't enough though, and it only makes the pain worse. But in the end, what more can he do? He doesn't understand what love is without you.
Beel loved you. More than he could understand. More than he could've known.
When the feeling first blossomed within him, he thought it was hunger. Instead, it was a burning desire for you and only you, twisting in his core and setting his heart on fire.
Beel didn't understand it, but he knew that when you were with him, he could breathe a little easier. He could forget about the gnawing hunter that clouded his thoughts. For once, he actually felt free of his sin.
And then, you told him about your significant ofter, and he’d never felt so hungry in his life. The pain was so strong he thought he might collapse from weakness right then and there. It hurt... he hated it...
To everyone's shock, Beel has begun losing his appetite more frequently, most often after catching a glimpse of you. That familiar pain would sprout within him again and make him grimace, and he could no longer find the desire to eat. Maybe he'd just take his meals to his room from now on..?
Right... of course. A human like you would be partnered with a human. It was natural that you'd have relationships before your life in the devildom. Anyone would've known that. So... why the hell did it sting so much?
Belphie couldn't sleep. Every moment he closed his eyes, visions of your sweet smile, your wonderful laugh, the way your nose wrinkled when you ate something gross... all of it haunted him. He couldn't get you out of his head no matter what he tried.
And it was so much worse now that he knew you were taken. He wondered if this was a punishment for killing you, like the universe's way of judging him for his misdeeds, and the ages of hatred he held in his heart for humans. Why would fate allow him to be happily partnered to one?
Try as he might, this was one worry he couldn't sleep away. He could never get comfortable. He couldn't close his eyes without thinking about you. He didn't want this. He hated this feeling of self loathing and regret. Belphagor wanted you, more than he’d ever wanted anything.
Maybe... he could convince you to love him? Show you that his love was so, SO much more than what anyone else could offer? He’d remind you of all the times you two shared together. You're not scared, right? Good. That's the last thing he’d want, because he loves you.
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diavolosthots · 3 years
I don't know if I'm too late if so ignore this. Mc trying to take care of Lucifer. Like bringing him food and drinks, trying to make sure stuff is done in the house, stopping the brothers from bothering him.,thanks for reading my request and remember if you don't want to do it or I'm to late delete it.
You weren't too late at that time and I'm in a lucifer mood tonight so this is being done!
Also who else would like to try spicy hellburned chili now that i made it up? Because I do.
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People always underestimate how much he does for this family, or at least he thinks so. They see mean old Lucifer who only ever bullies and is way too strict. They see the guy who has a patch of gray hair but should be way too young to have it. They see the Avatar of Pride who can’t bear to be defeated for the life of him. Sometimes they see a stuck up asshole who thinks of nothing but himself and occasional torture because he’s viewed as Mr. Sadist. The last part might be mildly true, but only on bad days and only to those who really deserve it. He’s heard it all, from both friends and foes alike, and of course his family. Even Diavolo scolds him at times, which that’s when he’s truly about to snap it because if it weren’t for the Demon Lord he probably wouldn’t be on edge all the time, but more on that later. The point is, though, that most, if not all, of those claims are fault. 
People see the surface level. They see what they want to see and they don’t dare to dig deeper. Maybe they fear him, maybe they’re just too warped in the idea that he absolutely hates everyone that they also turn to hating him. A “I do you like you do me” type of deal, but if they would just take the time… if they would listen and really take a good look at him… maybe they’d realize he’s just suffering. Everytime he gets mad at Mammon or gives a stern, “not now,” that’s him being overwhelmed. Or if his agitation shines through, it’s not because he’s truly annoyed, but because he knows they can do better. He pushes his brothers, absolutely, but only because he knows their true potential. He holds all this weight on his shoulders, for everyone, and instead of giving a small thanks, they ruin his day. It’s hard being the unwanted parent of six, but if he wasn’t, Hell would burn. Or, well, more so than it usually does. Diavolo adds to his work on the daily, and maybe that wouldn’t be such a problem, if he weren’t also the one distracting him from such work and then getting onto him for not having it done. 
It’s hard being him. It’s hard to be the responsible one because you feel like you have to; because you feel like you owe it to them. He blames himself, heavily, for everything that has happened, even though it was their choice to join him. He lays there at night, more often than he likes to admit, and asks himself the big “what if” questions. “What if I didn’t go against them.” “what if I let loose.” “What if I’m being too strict.” Never, ever will you hear him say these things. Pride, ya know? But you don’t need to hear those things because you do know. You see it in his tired eyes and slumped posture once no one is looking. You see it in the way he eats and his coffee outweighs his nutrients. You can tell every time his anger rises too quickly, although he deems himself the rational one. You know Lucifer, even if he thinks you don’t, and you feel bad for him. You feel bad that you’re the only one who seems to see how truly tired he is. How much of a shoulder to lean on he actually needs, and although you’d never dare just go up and offer it, because once again his pride still wouldn’t let him admit that, you try to acknowledge his needs in little ways. 
Coffee was ready this morning, Lucifer noted, but he brushed it off because maybe it was just Beel’s late night or early morning snack; maybe he wanted some? “The pot is full…” and he took advantage of that. Whoever made the coffee, and someone must have because it was still hot and tasted fresh, he thanks them. You smiled to yourself when you saw him with a cup, heading back to his office, “morning, Lucifer. Enjoy your coffee.” He had looked at you, blinking a few times and probably wondering why you’re so cheery this early in the morning, “Good morning, (Y/N).” but that was it. Well, not really. Next thing he knew was that lunch was already done when he arrived in the kitchen to start it. “(Y/N)? What are you doing? It’s my turn.” but you only shrugged, wiping your hands before grabbing the plates and heading out to the dining room to place them, “yeah but I was already down here and didn’t have anything to do. Don’t mind me, just come sit and eat.” He didn’t say it, and he didn’t need to, but he was really appreciative and he even managed a small smile when you passed. 
Those were isolated incidences, though, or so he thought. But now, little by little, he realized more and more things that he had never noticed before. The rooms were clean, or at least the ones he was in, the fridge and pantry was always stocked, even with Beel around, and he rarely ever got interrupted. Of course, he still heard the occasional arguments between his brothers; Mammon stealing the remote right as Belphegor was about to put sleepy time music on… seriously, why can’t the guy do that on his D.D.D.? Or Satan screaming at Leviathan who accidently tripped over Satan’s books in his room while lending him his headphones. Shocker on that one, right? Or maybe it was a disagreement between you and Beelzebub about which spices should be used in the Spicy Hellburned Chili for this wednesday night’s dinner. But all of these were minor and nothing compared to what he usually deals with. At first he was super suspicious though and would constantly check on everyone, but by day three he thought that maybe, just maybe, he had gotten lucky and he finally does have some peace. Spoiler alert: he did. He got way more done than he ever did. 
That, however, does bother him. He doesn’t know who or why they would do it and as much as he enjoys it, he would also like to have a discussion with them. His birthday isn’t for another couple of months so he knows that that wouldn’t be the reason he’s being treated so nicely, so what else could it be? Mammon would only do this for money and even then he’s pretty upfront about it and begs for it Lucifer immediately after he had done the task, so he’s off the table. Satan and Belphegor would rather die than help him, Asmodeus is too obsessed with himself and Leviathan is holed up more than he shows any signs of life. So, the only other two people are you and Beelzebub, both of which are very nice people and debatably the only ones who truly care about him. The last part is a joke, but you two show it more than others. “Was it you that has been helping me?” But Beelzebub just looked confused, half a bag of chips down his throat as Lucifer asked and something told Lucifer that he wasn’t it. “No, but did you need help?” With a shake of his head and a sigh, Lucifer turned on his heel to go and find you, but not before doing something else. 
“Come to my room, (Y/N).” he had said and for a moment you thought your whole plan backfired and his brothers annoyed him again, or maybe you had forgotten something in it? Were you not careful enough in your attempts to make his life easier? You haven’t even gotten to the best part! “I’m here…” you practically sprinted down the hall while trying to find an excuse for anything he could potentially say, but when he opened the door to let you in, all of those left your mind, “what’s up?” He didn’t look… mean, per se, but he looked stern like always and it kind of freaked you out. Did you do something wrong? Was the coffee not strong enough? You used the wrong spices for the chili, didn’t you? “Do you see this?” Lucifer’s finger pointed out and you followed it, noting it was pointing at his desk, “uhm…. Yes? Am I not supposed to see it? Wasn’t it always here?” “Yes, it has always been there. However, something is different.” You turned to look at him and then back at his desk. Was it new? Did he paint it? Is there a trophy on there you should be aware of? “Lucifer I can’t see--”
When you turned back around, he was holding out two glasses of champagne and a smile was, for once in what felt like forever, gracing his lips. “Exactly. It’s empty. You can actually see it.” he hands you one of the glasses, his smile never faltering, “I had an unusual amount of time this week thanks to a few… coincidences that just so happen to align with my schedule and make my life easier. I know it was you. You made my coffee that morning, and were kind enough to leave the pot. You took up my lunch shift on purpose, not because you were down there. You also took my dinner shift this week, and cleaned the house. I’m assuming you’re also responsible for keeping my brothers in line which is a miracle within itself.” He chuckled softly, shaking his head before reaching out his other hand and tilting your chin up, “I don’t know how or why… and frankly, I don’t want to know. It would ruin the fun of it, but I do want to thank you for it and seeing as I have nothing else to do tonight, or tomorrow, you’ll be staying with me.” You blinked a few times. You could feel your heartbeat speed up and for a moment you wondered what you had actually done, but also, how bad could this go? You had one more thing to give him, anyway. “Works for me. I have one more thing to give you, anyway.” You clink your glass with his before taking a sip, watching him raise an eyebrow while your own eyebrows rose up and your lips turned into a smirk. “Undress for me, Lucifer.” 
You hope he will agree to a massage. Lord knows he needs his shoulders loosened up. 
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