#why did kirk react like that
bj-cuntycunt · 7 months
Subtle. Very subtle.
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darkness-and-books · 7 months
How the TOS crew reacts to being stuck in the turbo lift with you
requested by anon: “how would the tos crew react to getting stuck in the turbolift with reader?”
He only briefly looks up when he realises that the turbo lift has stopped.
Has no reaction whatsoever and goes back to doing whatever work on his PADD because he figures somebody has to notice it’s out of order fairly quickly
He just goes about his business until he hears you hyperventilating
He already knows why you’re panicking.
Spock does his best to comfort you by telling you that there’s only one turbo lift and therefore someone will have to fix it soon.
He’ll 100% tell you all about the history of elevators and how the turbo lift is so much safer 🤓
If you’re still worried after that he’ll let you hold his hand until someone finally fixes the turbo lift.
Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy
Internally, he also freaks out a little bit
Bones somehow keeps his composure despite being trapped very close to you
He’s entirely in his own head about it until he realises that he can hear you freaking out even more than him
His inner country boy breaks out a little and pulls you close to him
Absolutely kisses your hands and maybe even your cheek to make you giggle a bit
He’ll remind you that you guys have been through way worse than a stopped turbo lift.
Jim Kirk
“Huh” his exact words after realising you’ve stopped.
Honestly, he really really trusts his crew so he won’t be worried at all
But the moment he hears your breathing pick up he’ll start cracking jokes
“Actually this works out perfectly, I was on my way to a meeting”
Pulls you into a big bear hug and tells you how he’d much rather be here with you
if you’re still panicking he’ll say something like “do I have to order you to calm down”
Keeps telling jokes until you laugh
and when you do laugh, he’s pretty sure his heart jumps out of his chest.
Nyota Uhura
Absolute girl boss about it
Would 100% wait it out if it weren’t for the fact that she could see you panicking
But you’re panicking and she can’t bare to see you with anything but a smile on your face
She pulls out her comm and calls down to engineering (why did no one else think to do this? 🧐)
Once she’s done that all she can really do is wait
She won’t even wait or hesitate, she’ll pull you to the floor and sit with you
10/10 would recommend getting stuck in the turbo lift with Nyota, she will cuddle until someone fixes the lift
“Oh my”
His mind seriously blanks
But he kicks into gear when he remembers you’re here too
He pulls out a deck of cards and asks if you like magic 🪄
(I dunno why I just think Sulu can do card tricks and stuff 🤷‍♀️)
Card tricks quickly devolves into an intense game of war
Its unexpected for sure, but it works
It takes him a moment to notice
But when he hears your breathing he looks up and realises that you’ve stopped
You’re lucky to be stuck in the turbo lift with the head of engineering
He gives you a quick wink 😉 and smirks when you blush
He’d turn around, open up a panel that you didn’t even know existed, and fix it
Bam, problem solved
If you’re really shaken up by it though he’ll probably take you for a drink after or make you tea if you don’t drink
I hope you like it, anon. I’m super sorry if this isn’t what you had in mind, feel free to re-request it with more specific parameters if this isn’t what you meant.
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mustainegf · 1 month
kirk comforting his gf on her period🥹
AWWWW kirk is such an awkward sweetheart I love it
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I curled tighter onto the bed, clutching at my stomach as the next shot of cramps echoed through me. Aching, relentless pain, no matter how much I shifted or adjusted, there was no relief from it. I reached out for my heating pad and tucked it against my belly, but it hardly touched the discomfort.
My period was never fun, but this time, it was very brutal. Cramps would just not stop, even my back ached, and there was nausea that seemed to lock on to me. All I wanted to do was stay in bed and wait for it to pass.
I heard the door creak open, and then I looked up to see Kirk standing in the doorway. His hair was wild with curls all around his face, and his expression was concerned as he took in the sight of me, all curled up and under the blankets.
"Hey, sweetheart," he said softly, stepping into the room. "You okay?"
I forced the stiffest of smiles onto my face, failing to reach my eyes. "Just my period," I muttered in a hoarse voice. "It's bad today."
Kirk frowned, his eyes filling with worry. "Is there anything I can, uh… do? Do you need something?"
I shook my head. "I will… ah.. Just ride it out."
He faltered, and I could practically see those little cogs at work in his mind. A second time, I felt that he was going to press his point home, perhaps even ask more questions, but he just nodded. Turning wordlessly, he left the room.
I watched him go, feeling my heart sink. I'd known Kirk a long time, and we'd been together for a while now, but this was the first time I'd seen him react like that to my period.
It wasn't that I expected him to have all the answers or be perfectly comfortable with it, but the way he'd just left the room without another word… it hurt.
No cuddles? Or kisses? No nothing? I needed him right now.
I bit my lip, trying to suppress the budding tears. It was probably only hormonal. Why had he just walked out? Did he not want to deal with it? With me?
I sighed and shoved my face into the pillow, trying to tell myself it wasn't such a big deal. I hated this feeling, hated that my body was out of control and making me hurt and frustrate myself so much. And now, on top of everything, I felt like I was scaring Kirk off, too.
I was still lying there, trying to get a grip on my emotions, when the door opened again. I didn't look up right away, but then I smelled something that made my mouth water despite my nausea.
Cheese. So much cheese.
I lifted my head to find Kirk standing in the doorway yet again, this time holding a bowl of what appeared to be the cheesiest macaroni and cheese I'd ever seen, and that crooked smile on his face. The steam rising from it carried the comforting smell of melted cheddar, and my stomach rumbled in response as the nausea was forgotten now.
"Hey," Kirk said softly, grinning as he walked over to the bed. "I know you're not feeling great, so I thought maybe this would help."
He sat beside me and passed me the bowl, and for a moment, I continued staring at it before I took it from him.
My hands were already warming up from the bowl, and again I was tearing up, but this time for a different reason.
"Kirk…" I started, my voice choking in my throat. "You didn't have to…"
"I wanted to," he broke in, gentle. "I know it's not much but I figured cheesy mac would at least make you feel a little better. It's your favorite, right?"
I could only nod, my throat too full to ever begin describing what it meant for him to do this. That he had noticed I wasn't doing well, that he'd gone out of his way to make something he knew I loved.
"Thank you," I whispered, through tears.
Kirk's look softened, and he leaned over to press a kiss to my forehead. "Always," he murmured. "I just want you to feel better."
He shifted on the bed to lie down beside me, then drew me gently against his chest, where an arm came around me. He was warm like always.
"Eat up," he smiled. "I'll be right here."
I ate a bite of the macaroni, and indeed, the rich, cheesy flavor covered my soul. That was exactly what I needed.
As I ate, Kirk stayed with me, his hand rubbing circles on my back. He didn't say much, just his presence beside me was enough to make one feel safe.
When I'd eaten enough, I set the bowl aside and turned into Kirk's arms to snuggle deeper. He tightened his hold on me and pressed another soft kiss to the top of my head.
"Feeling a little better?" he asked.
"Yeah," I murmured, letting myself finally relax and closing my eyes. "A lot better, actually. Thank you, Kirky.”
"Anytime," he giggled at his dumb nickname, his lips brushing against my temple. "I love you, you know that, right?"
"I love you too, Kirk," I replied. "So much."
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anewstartrekfan · 8 months
Reading an old Star Trek book and to my surprise Jim Kirk has always had Daddy issues
So the only Star Trek book I’ve read was the one explaining how the tribbles episode was made and the aftermath, so trying to read Enterprise (1986) with some basic knowledge of trek post 2009 is fascinating. Cuz you see where the breadcrumbs of some of the characterization and even backstory come from.
In chapter 2, Sam Kirk and Kirk’s mom show up to Kirk’s ceremony where he takes command of the enterprise. They talk about George Kirk Sr. being in Starfleet, (he’s dead here too) something that I don’t think was in any of the episodes or movies. And how he was always distant and away. And they’re clearly going for some parallels/dramatic irony with the Wrath of Khan when it comes to Kirk not believing he could’ve developed a relationship with his father as an adult. And it plays into the tragic aspect I love about Kirk.
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Upon reflection he’s happy that Carol rejected him (he proposed to her in chapter 1) because he doesn’t want to leave anyone behind while on the job, only returning for sparse visits the way his father did. But at the same time, Jim craves companionship. And he can’t get it in his current job because as captain, it is not ethical for him to date anyone else on the Enterprise.
Anyway the long and short is if we take this book into account, Kirk has always had daddy issues. It’s just in TOS EU it was abandonment issues whereas in 2009 it was dad sacrificed himself so high expectations issues.
The little details like the mom’s name getting carried over into the aos movies are a good touch, but then seeing George Kirk being a Starfleet officer actually get incorporated into the 2009 movie as an important plot point, and then also using his absence in Kirk’s life but just in a different way as part of Kirk’s backstory is so cool to me.
A difference though is unlike fanfic tropes, Winona is actually a good mom and wants Jim to succeed in his career where his father failed in his Starfleet career. Unfortunately though Jim appears to be falling into the same pitfalls. As in lack of communication and unwillingness to play workplace politics.
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That last burn from Winona tho… like damn girl I felt that.
Another thing I want to backtrack to, Sam Kirk. Sam being the alleged chosen child, the one that was supposed to follow in George Kirk’s footsteps but didn’t, and then Jim strolled in and did even more than what Sam was supposed to do, and Sam and George never reconciled. Like dudes this book is almost 40 years old and this stuff was in strange new worlds last year. Tho xenobiology appears to have morphed into xenoanthropology (tho according to the fan wiki he’s still a biologist so idk what the deal is)
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For the record Sam’s characterization isn’t remotely the same here. Likely the choice to keep him out of Starfleet all together removed any sort of resentment of Jim potential like he has in SNW. There’s still tension though, as Sam tries to force Jim to confront why he’s reacting like this to his first mission for the enterprise being an escort job for a flying horse.
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Shifting gears back to Jim needing to learn how to play workplace politics. The assumed reason for Pike leaving the enterprise. While SNW is doing the whole, Pike knows he won’t fly the enterprise forever and about the disfigurement and is cool with it, I find if fascinating that he’s more, sad about it here and that he got promoted out of the way for pushing too many buttons. It would be a sad ending but I wonder if SNW would incorporate that into its eventual ending. Hell I wonder if that’s what happened to Kirk between TOS and TMP.
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Anyway big picture is this book is a fascinating time capsule and it’s fun seeing just how much has stuck around over the years both in fandom and in the franchise itself. Whether or not that’s the book’s doing is questionable but still. Fun to think about.
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ihavenolife346 · 9 months
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Pairing: Black!Album James Hetfield x f!mom!reader
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of alcoholism, and pregnancy
Summary: James didn’t remember anything about what you or him said that night
Characters: James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Jason Newsead, Kirk Hammett, Julie (readers daughter)
Pt 2: /heartbreaker
“Listen Lars, you know I would love to come and see 𝘺𝘰𝘶 play but I don’t have anyone to watch Julie.” Y/N made it very clear, if she was going to a show, it would be to see Lars play, say hi to Kirk, and meet their new bassist.
For the past 7 years, Lars was the only person Y/N still kept in contact with ever since James left. Lars was the only one who knew Julie was James’s, he was the only one she knew as an uncle. “You can’t keep her hidden from him forever Y/N.” Lars groaned. He’s been trying to get his best friend to come to one of their shows for almost 3 years now. He knows Y/N doesn’t wanna see James, but he knew he could either keep her from seeing him, or he could get her out of there if she had to.
“You were there Lars. He told me he didn’t want anything to do with me or her, he told me he never wanted to see me again. He doesn’t want to see her, so I’m only making sure his wish is my command.” Y/N remembered that day like it was yesterday. She had just come home from the doctor, she found Lars and James sitting in the living room with a beer in their hands. She was so happy. She thought James would have been happy too, she thought he would have been overjoyed. They had talked about kids a bit, they both knew they wanted at least 2, the only thing was the time.
Y/N hadn’t realized at the time how much James had to drink. She remembered the way his face dropped when she told him and Lars. She remembered how his face went from happy to angry. She remembered how Lars was the only one to get up and hug her, Lars was the only one that was happy. “Y/N, I know. But he was drunk out of his mind. He probably doesn’t even remember you telling him.” Lars tried to reason with her, knowing how much his bandmate missed the girl. Over the past 7 years, Lars had seen how James didn’t have the spark he had when Y/N was around, whenever Lars asked about it, James always said “I don’t even know why she left me.” James didn’t know what he said, he didn’t remember.
The only think James knew was that Lars still kept in contact with her. He knew she was ok at least. The only thing he didn’t know what that Julie even existed. Lars wanted to tell him, but he remembered when Y/N told them she was pregnant just as well as she did. Lars wasn’t sure how James would react, and he knew Y/N didn’t wanna tell James unless it was herself.
As much as Y/N hated to admit, she missed James, and she hated the fact that Julie has never met her father. “God damn it…can I bring Julie? I can’t get a babysitter this short.” Y/N threw her head back against the couch.
Lars immediately perked up from his seat on the couch. “So you’ll come?!” Lars was amazed she seemed to agree.
“Can I bring Julie?” Y/N repeated again, looking Lars dead in the eye.
“Yes! You can bring Julie! I’ll get her a pair of headphones, you guys have full access to my dressing room, and I’ll find you a good place on the side of the stage!” Lars clearly forgot his niece was sleeping upstairs.
“Shut it! She’s sleeping!” Y/N whisper yelled, knowing Julie would never go back to bed if she was woken up now.
“Sorry.” Lars chuckled, excited that his best friend was finally coming to see them play after 7 years and that his niece was getting to se her first Metallica show.
“Mommy, where are we going?” Julie asked her mother as she climbed into the car, clearly forgetting what Y/N had told her this morning.
“We’re gonna go see your uncle Lars play with his band!” Y/N reminded the young girl, checking to make sure she had the backstage passes Lars had given her this hours before.
“Oh right!” Julie cheered, buckling herself in her seat, a huge grin on her face.
Ever since Y/N agreed to go to the show Metallica was playing in her town tonight, she had been thinking about a lot. As much as she wanted to forget it, Y/N remembered how happy her and James were. She missed his voice, she missed the thought of him holding her close at night like he did, she didn’t want to, but even after 7 years she missed him. But she also hated him. She hated him for saying the things he did to her when she told him she was pregnant, she hated him for not being there for their daughter’s life. “You excited baby?” Y/N got them heading down the street.
“Yea!” Julie nodded, imitating her uncles drum playing, making Y/N laugh.
“Now, you do know you have to wear the headphones uncle Lars brought you, right?” Y/N reminded her, knowing Julie may have issues with keeping them on the whole time.
“I know!” Julie smiled. “What type of music does uncle Lars play?” Julie remembered that she had never heard her uncles music besides when she was hanging out with him while he had been practicing.
“Well…” Y/N tried to figure out a way to word it, knowing she herself had kept up with their albums. “You know the music mommy likes to listen too when she takes a bath?” Y/N questioned.
“Yep! Is that uncle Lars?” Julie wondered.
“Yea! That’s your uncles band!” Y/N kept her eyes on the road.
“Oh! Ok! Cool!” Julie grinned, remembering the nights she would listen to the music her mom was listening to from her own room.
“Lars Ulrich. Lars gave me these…” Y/N put her ears over Julie’s ears. “Lars gave me these fucking passes so please, let us through.” Y/N looked at the two backstage passes in the security guards hand.
“I was not told to allow you two backstage before the show. So fuck off.” The security guard didn’t even look at Y/N.
“Oh for fuck sakes.” Y/N grumbled, about ready to give up and go back home.
“Uncle Lars!” Julie chirped once she saw her uncle coming towards the entrance, knowing that the two of them should’ve been in his dressing room.
“Hi sweetheart!” Lars smiled, knowing that James was in his dressing room, turning his attention to the security guard. “Is there an issue?” Lars questioned, seeing the passes he had given Y/N in his hand.
“No sir, I wasn’t aware they were coming. My apologies miss.” The security guard didn’t ask any other questions one he heard the young girl call Lars “uncle”, not being a further explanation than that.
“Thanks.” Y/N rolled her eyes, letting Julie go in front of her as they made their way backstage with Lars.
“I thought some other guy was working, I didn’t mention it to Sam. Sorry about that.” Lars apologized.
“Nah, all good, don’t worry about it. When does the show start?” Y/N wondered.
“Here in about 20 minutes I think.” Lars shrugged, keeping both girls close to him.
“Ok!” Julie chirped happily, sticking by her mom’s leg to not get in the way of everyone rushing around.
For the next 15 minutes, Y/N, Lars, and Julie hung out in his dressing room. Lars kept his niece occupied, while Y/N was left with time to think. What if James didn’t actually remember her telling him? What is James saw them, put the pieces together? She knew she couldn’t hide Julie from him forever, but this was his choice. He told her he never wanted to see her again, and that he wanted nothing to do with the baby. That was his choice. But the it crossed her mind that he was drunk, he might not have even known what he was saying. Y/N started getting anxious at the thought of even being in the same place as him like she was, she didn’t know how to handle it if he did see her. Did he miss her? Did he remember anything, at all.
Y/N was snapped out of her thoughts by the door slamming open, 10 minutes before show time, revealing a clearly stressed out Kirk. “La-“ Kirk started, his eyes falling on the child who was seated next to Lars, and the woman on the couch who he couldn’t tell where he knew her from yet. “Who are they? Your wife and kid or something?” Kirk joked but was also serious.
Y/N froze, she didn’t know what to say. Lars saw the panic on her face, making immediate eye contact with her, “can I tell him?” Was the look Lars was giving her, getting a slight nod from her. “Not my wife and kid dumbass. Do you remember Y/N?” Lars wondered, watching the dots click in Kirk’s head.
“Y/N?! Holy shit!” Kirk looked at her with complete shock. He hadn’t seen the woman in 7 years, he didn’t even know if she was still alive, yet there she was right in front of him.
Y/N snapped out of her gaze, a small smile appeared on her face, “hey Kirk.” Y/N got up from her seat, already knowing he would be bringing her into a hug.
Without even thinking, Kirk pulled the girl into a bone crushing hug. “What the fuck are you doing here?” Kirk didn’t let her go for a solid minute.
“Lars invited me and Julie.” Y/N simply explained, nodding her head over to Julie who had a very confused look on her face.
“Mom, who’s he?” Julie wondered over to the spot next to her mom, looking the curly haired man up and down.
Kirk didn’t even need to ask to put the pieces together. Julie clearly wasn’t any older than 8. Kirk was stunned when he heard the word “mom” come out of her mouth. Y/N just simply nodded the second Kirk made eye contact with her with a “she’s his…?” Look on his face. Kirk had so many questions. “This is an old friend of mine and your uncles band mate.” Y/N explained. She knew he had questions. Now that Kirk knew about Julie, she would be willing to answer them. But now two people close to James knew about Julie, Y/N wasn’t sure how much longer she could keep it quiet.
“Oh, ok! Hi!” Julie stuck her hand out for Kirk to shake.
“H-hi.” Kirk nervously shook the young girls hand.
Before anyone could say anything else, “5 minutes everyone!!” One of the staff members yelled.
“Does he…I have a lot of questions.” Kirk was still trying to process the fact that he was looking at his best friends daughter.
“No and I know.” Y/N nodded lightly, watching Kirk run off to get on stage, turning her attention back to Julie who seemed as happy as a kid can be.
“There’s a spot behind my drums you and Julie can hang out at.” Lars told her.
“Ok. Go. We’ll be right there.” Y/N smiled, grabbing the headphones for Julie. “You ready baby?” Y/N asked.
“Yea!!” Julie practically skipped after her uncle with a grin on her face.
Following closely behind the girl, Y/N tried to spot Lars’s drum set to find where they could watch the show. Y/N didn’t even realize they were closer to her front of the stage until she heard him… “Derek!” James called for his guitar tech, looking around frantically for him, knowing they only had 2 minutes left until “It’s a long way to the Top” was over.
Julie wasn’t too far ahead of Y/N, at a walking pace now. Y/N froze the second she heard him. There he was, right in front of her, barely 10 feet away, Julie heading right for him. “Derek!!” James yelled again, his eyes landing on the small girl basically skipping right toward him. James had no idea who the hell the kid was, or why she was back here. No stage members had brought their kids in, none of his band mates had kids, and the girl seemed perfectly happy so she probably wasn’t lost.
Julie had felt a pair of eyes on her, stopping when she saw a pair of legs in front of her, Julie looked up with a smile. “Hi!” Julie grinned.
James didn’t even register her hello. The kid looked 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘭𝘺 like him. Long, blond hair, ice blue eyes. She looked just like him. “H-hi.” James stumbled out, looking around to try and find the girls parent.
One having to look up, that’s when James saw 𝘩𝘦𝘳. Right there, right in front of him, with a sad yet panicked look on her face. There she was, his Y/N.
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elljayvee · 1 year
Dear fanfic authors,
If you are writing a Star Trek story and someone is reading poetry it is ok for the poet they are reading to be Dante, or Tennyson, or Eliot. Star Trek is set in an Earth-descended future. They have those poets. Star Trek is the master of the formula Known Real Author, Known Real Author, Invented Future/Alien Author. Jim Kirk has read Dante, Tennyson, Eliot, and Sterek. (Sterek is a famous Vulcan poet don't @ me)
If you are writing a Star Wars story you better Star Wars up those fuckin' names. Star Wars is a secondary world story set in a nebulous, distant past. They don't know from Dante. They never heard of Earth. Their poets are named things like Dahn Tay, Son Tenni, and El Yiot.
Work with me on this please.
(Yes, I am reacting to a specific story here, but it was only the final straw -- the last 3 Star Wars stories I happened to pick off my Marked for Later list all had similar issues -- just-- throwing famous real-world people into Star Wars without fixing up the names. Look! If you fix up the names it's a fun easter egg: hahah! That's secretly Dante! It is fun that the author of this fic did that! What a good Star Wars name with a real-world referent! If you DON'T fix up the names you get readers throwing their tablets across the room while making angry Wookiee noises.)
Listen. Listen. You are passing up the opportunity for Tez El Yiot to write The Jundland Waste Land. Why are you leaving that on the sands of Tatooine, I ask you.
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nhasablogg · 4 months
would you make my year and write a fic with Captain Kirk tickling Mr. Spock? I love their ship and seeing Spock flustered :3
800 words for you :)
Jim didn’t understand it at first because Spock never once broke eye contact. In retrospect maybe that was the first clue; a persistent burning gaze so unlike the collective human reaction to something so delicate. But Spock wasn’t fully human, and so Jim didn’t immediately decipher the meaning behind it. Didn’t understand what value it carried.
“Do you want me to stop?” He aimed to tease but felt uncertain, and so the words came out as a genuine question.
Spock didn’t respond, merely blinked, the first time any of his features really moved. It hadn’t surprised him that he remained entirely still beneath him, as if calculating the situation, wondering if Jim would actually take it as far as he said.
“I-” Jim sat up straighter when Spock’s voice broke, knees on either side of his hips, a weak attempt at keeping him in place even though he knew Spock could throw him off easily if he wanted. The fact that he didn’t was probably the second clue, had Jim been counting.
He tilted his head, moved his hands off of Spock’s chest. “Spock?”
“I do not,” he said, voice steady as if there had never been any hesitation and Jim had imagined it. His eyes still on Jim, keeping their gazes glued together. He felt himself flush, always so human in his own emotions. Always so unsubtle.
“Oh.” Why Jim was the flustered one was beyond him, but maybe this was the third clue. Nerves very rarely came alone. Usually something about the other always accompanied them, and Jim would be a fool to say there was no tension in that room.
Spock blinked again, the second time he interrupted their locked gazes. “I reckon that is not common.”
Jim felt himself smile. “Well, it depends on who you ask. But I get it.” He placed his palms flat against Spock’s chest. “It’s kind of appealing, giving up control like this. To some, at least.”
“Not to you?”
Jim shook his head. “We’re talking about you here. Tell me.” He leaned closer, hands moving down. “You don’t want me to stop.”
“I do not.”
“Which means you want me to tickle you, right?”
Spock betrayed his timidness distinctly for the first time now. Gaze flickering. Cheeks reddening. “I do.”
And suddenly Jim understood. Understood the stillness and the forced eye contact. Attempts at keeping himself in the moment. Attempts at not letting his human emotions win.
“It’s okay, you know.” He leaned even closer and let their foreheads bump together. “To want it. To let yourself want it.”
Spock’s breath hitched - delicious, dizzying - but he let Jim’s fingers find his hip bones without protest. Jim could imagine the way his nerve endings were short circuiting. All anticipation, all a battle of control. He wasn’t stupid enough to think that letting go didn’t take control of its own. The only time Spock allowed Jim to take the upper hand was in the bedroom. This was new territory. They were on the bed, they were intimate, but this was different. This was silly.
Spock was rarely silly, only with him. Jim suddenly felt like crying.
Clearing his throat, he pressed his fingers into the skin; not enough to tickle, but enough to ask a question. “May I?”
Spock wasted no time when he said, “Yes. Always.”
Jim squeezed. He didn’t expect Spock to laugh immediately, but he did expect him to squirm, even to buck, but he merely stiffened, as if unsure of how to react. Jim would’ve found it adorable had he not been too focused on how fucking hot it was to be in this position. As he squeezed again, he saw Spock unravel all the more. From the way he now gripped onto the sheets, to the way he nearly smiled. Jim could imagine it, how a few squeezes from now, maybe to his sides or thighs, would have Spock giggling, the tip of his ears reddening, until he wouldn’t be able to look Jim in the eyes anymore.
But Jim, being absolutely captivated by this new flustered Spock, decided to take his time. Spock would giggle either way, he realized when he later went for his belly. Spock would squirm and twitch and refuse to admit to being ticklish, he realized when he went for his neck and ribs at the same time. And Jim would never forgive himself if he went too quickly. This was meant to be dragged out. This was meant to be an exploration.
“You’re so fucking cute,” he said, and Spock opened his mouth to respond just as Jim dove in, mouth on skin, and all that came out was laughter.
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in-hav3n · 11 months
So I have a request. I saw the post you did of Y/N taking Care of James after he got his arm burned. I was wondering if you could reverse the rolls? Like Y/N is a part of Metallica (like a second bassist of guitarist), is James’s girlfriend, and instead of James not being able to live away from the fire in time Y/N is the one who can’t. So in other words what it would be like if the burn happened to Y/N instead and how James would react.
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WARNINGS : mentions of pyro accident
Sat on the waiting room of the Montreal hospital, head into his hands, James tried to recover from the previous hours events. In just a few seconds, the worst happened. Something they could never ever imagined happened, making his own world falling apart.
"Do you want a coffee, man?", Lars asked, placing a gentle and comfort hand on his friend's shoulder. James slowly moved his body to face the drummer and simply nodded. He wasn't thirsty but a hot coffee would maybe help him to relax a little. Lars nodded back and disappeared into the double doors, going straight to the cafeteria.
Since two hours now James was waiting in this depressing corridor for some news of you and he slowly started to go crazy. He was waiting to see this damn white door getting opened on a doc or nurse to tell him you were safe...
or not...
He sighed at this idea and rested his head against the wall behind him, his palms nervously rubbing his thighs. They were sweaty and he didn't like it. He closed his eyes and tried to take deep breaths but it was impossible to relax. Pictures of the accident immediately crossed his mind and made him shivered.
He could still pictured you on the stage, him on a side, you on the other. You were both rocking hard, playing "Holier than thou" and performing probably one of the best show of your career and life until you stood at the wrong place at the wrong time...
James realized too late where you were and when the fire started, he could just heard your screams throughout the riffs, saw your body stepping back and falling on the stage. He didn't think twice. His instinct told him to react quickly.
James pulled off his guitar that fell on the ground and ran over you. Kirk and Lars didn’t see what happened and wondered why their friend stopped playing until they noticed you. They joined James and some staff members who came to see what's going on. But soon enough they decided to talk to the audience who was wondering too what was happening.
James fell on his knees next to you, not caring about the pain he could fell, and grabbed your face. You were pale, big drops of sweat were running along your forehead as you were whining off pain. Your arm was completely burned and James could see your arm's flesh burned and red. He tried to not look frightened or scare cause it wasn't the time to falter. But it was so difficult...
"Stay with me baby...", he kept whispering, your eyes watered by your tears of pain and your mouth tensed up by the pain. He saw you moving your eyes to look up at him but you were like paralyzed by the pain and the fear, you couldn't even speak.
"Everything will be alright...". He heard his own voice cracking under the emotions and tried to remain calm. But he knew how much a burn could be serious...
Suddenly, two medics arrived and proceeded to take you to the nearest hospital. James heard them babbling about how serious this was and tried to keep a cool head. He saw the panic in your eyes when they grabbed you by your head and feet to place you on the stretcher.
"It's okay love, they're gonna save you. I won't leave you I promise", he grabbed your hand and held it until they walked out of the stage to put you in the ambulance. He didn't leave you a single minute, hearing the audience and his band mates voice vanishing slowly...
This image would be stuck in his mind forever. No doubt. He sighed again and started to shake his leg nervously. Damn, we arrived 2 hours ago, how many hours do they need to save her? . He felt a urge to smoke or to drink, he couldn't tell but right now, he needed anything that would make him forget the fact he was waiting desperately for a single new of you. But it wasn't the time to leave the place. He was ready to stay here forever if he had to...
The door opened again but not the one he had hoped. It was Lars coming back with two coffee cups. He thanked him and grabbed the cup he was handing to him. The hot liquid comfort him a little, as he expected but not for long...
"Still nothing?", the drummer asked his friend, blowing out over his coffee cup. James shook his head and leaned his elbows on his thighs.
"Nothing...and it's been 2 fucking hours".
"Easy James...I'm sure they do the best they can. She'll be there soon", Lars said to comfort his friend, knowing his temper. He was surprised James didn't make a scene or didn't break everything in the hospital yet.
James sighed loudly and ran a hand into his long hair. "I'm going fucking crazy. My mind is showing me horrible images of tonight, I-...", he shut himself and though carefully of the words he was using. "I wouldn't survive if she...", he couldn't say it loud and heard his own voice cracked.
"Hey....", Lars said with a soft voice, grabbing his friend's shoulder to squeeze it. "She's a strong girl. She won't leave you that easily man. You know her. She will overcome this, she'll be alright". James nodded and hoped his friend was alright...He had lost his best friend and brother a few years ago, he could't face another loss.
Like if Lars' words had been magical, the double white doors brusquely opened on a doctor. He walked over them, taking off his surgery's gloves. James quickly got up and gulped when he saw the blood on those gloves he was pulling it off. He tried to read the doctor's face to have an answer. Was he mad? Was he sad? Was he content? He couldn't tell.
"Mr Hetfield?", he asked with his serious voice as he stopped in front of the frontman.
"How is she doc ? Is she alright ? Can I see her?", James immediately asked.
"Easy James...", Lars repeated as he grabbed his friend's arm to make him stop harassing the doc with questions.
"Yes she's alright. Your girlfriend is safe now. We could treated her burns but she'd need to stay here for a while. She needs a specific medication", he started to explain but James was only hearing "she is safe".
He nodded at everything the doc said and sighed loud of relief when he left, telling them they were preparing you to go to a private room where James could meet you.
"See, I told you she was a strong girl!", Lars said as he happily hugged James, wearing a big smile on his face. James hugged his friend back, his smile hurting his cheeks. His heart could beat at a normal pace now.
"Wow...what a relief! I can't wait to see her", he said as clapped his hands together, feeling more than ready to see you. He had so many things to say but he already knew that the first thing he'd say to you was how much he loved you...cause with these 2 hours of waiting, he realized even more how much you meant to him.
A/N : OMG this idea is absolutely perfect ! James and girlfriend being in the same band, that's exactly what I wanted to hear. Hope you'll like it <3
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calliecat93 · 9 months
I will never NOT go feral about how in Mirror, Mirror, Mirro!Spock has confronted Kirk and goes:
SPOCK: I shall not waste time with you. You're too inflexible, too disciplined once you've made up your mind. But Doctor McCoy has a plenitude of human weaknesses, sentimental, soft. You may not tell me what I want to know, but he will.
There are so, SO many things to read into with that. But mainly to me is the fact that he specifically threatens McCoy to Kirk. What does that say about Kirk and McCoy's relationship in the Mirrorverse? Are they still close? Does Spock view McCoy as Kirk's weakness? He talks like he knows that using him will get some kind of reaction from Kirk. He doesn't threaten either Scotty or Uhura either. It's McCoy.
Then after that when Spock's knocked out and McCoy wants to treat him. Kirk heard Mirror Spock threaten to do something to McCoy. He was about to do it too until Kirk fought back. He should know damn well that leaving McCoy alone with this Spock who can easily overpower him is a bad, bad idea. But he's unable to separate Mirror Spock from the Spock that he knows. Despite everything he still feels like they're alike. It's why he lets McCoy treat him at all. Thus he grants McCoy's request, and we all know what happens right after.
Can you imagine the aftermath? What would happen if Kirk ever found out about the forced meld? How he knew full well that McCoy was in danger, but he allowed it because it was Spock? Because he let his care for Spock interfere with his judgment and McCoy got hurt because of it? Even though McCoy wanted to stay, that wouldn't matter. Kirk let his feelings get in the way and it not only led to one of his crew getting hurt, but it got Bones hurt. He knew that Mirror Spock would be willing to hurt him, and he let it happen anyways. McCoy knows all too well that Kirk would react badly and would do everything in his power to never let him find out about it. But if he did... God I can only imagine the pain...
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space-helen · 1 year
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Words: 812
Pairing: Jack Thompson x Reader
Request: Hey! Can I send in a request? Maybe Jack Thompson or Captain Kirk with the prompt "Of course we're best friends. No one else would put up with our shenanigans."? No worries if you're not feeling it! Hope you're doing wonderful! - @captainsophiestark
“Remind me why we’re here again?” Jack’s voice came from beside you.
“To work?” you replied as you shifted in the car seat.
“This is the most boring stakeout I’ve ever been on.”
“Are you calling me boring?” you joked, turning towards him.
“The company isn’t boring but the stakeout is.” he re-phrased “Happy now?”
“You know me. Of course I am.” you fixed your eyes back on the building in front of you “How about we just go inside?”
“Y/N, no.”
“Why? We’re clearly getting so much information from here.” you said sarcastically.
“And how would we go inside? What would we even do?”
“We could pretend to be looking for directions. Look.” you pulled out a map from the glove compartment “We can just say we’re looking for somewhere random on the map and hope they give us directions.”
“You forget they’ve seen me before.”
“Just shove some sunglasses on and take off your jacket. Perfect disguise.”
The man rolled his eyes “How the hell are we best friends?”
“No one else would put up with our shenanigans so we have each other.”
“Our shenanigans huh? Please as if I contribute-”
“Remember when it was your idea to prank the whole office with the out of date milk-”
“Alright, alright.” he tried to shush you with a smile on his face “but you agreed to help me.” he pointed his finger at you playfully.
“That’s what I mean, our shenanigans. We couldn’t really do it without each other.”
“How did we even end up friends in the first place?” he questioned how it all started but soon remembered. “That’s right, you hated me.”
“No, I’m pretty sure that you hated me. You couldn’t stand to be in the same room as me. Saw me as dirt, the same way you first reacted to Peggy.”
“I’ve never seen you as dirt. It just took me way longer than it should have to realise that women can work just as well, or even better than men in this sort of work.”
“Thanks Jack, you’re a real charmer there.”
“At least I’m admitting I was wrong.” he nudged you slightly “That’s a big one for me.”
“I suppose.” you laughed remembering the early days “then we worked together a bunch and practically became inseparable.” 
“I wouldn’t change it for the world. I think you’re probably one of the best colleagues I’ve worked with.”
“Alright, no need to go that far Chief Thompson. That’d be favoritism in the workplace.”
“I think they already know we're friends Y/N.God some of them even think we’re something more.”
You genuinely laughed “I knew it was only a matter of time. Hey why can’t a man and woman be friends without people assuming they’re dating each other? If it were two men or two women they wouldn’t bat an eyelid.”
“I suppose it’s because they can’t see themselves being friends with the opposite sex without anything else happening.”
“Gross.” you huffed.
There was a silence as the two of you watched the building but Jack was the first to break it. “How about we grab dinner?”
“Are you asking me on a date!”
“Y/N, god no. I’m just hungry alright? Would it even be that bad if I did?”
“Did you not just hear our last conversation?” 
“I did alright. I like you Y/N but we’re friends.” he was panicking, he did like you slightly more than a friend sometimes but to him your friendship was more important and he’d never want to do anything to jeopardize it. 
“Best friends I think you’d find.” you smiled at the man sincerely, you liked the man, of course you how could you not? There had been nights the two of you had been in the office late and you’d fallen asleep and he’d tucked you up. He’d saved your life on multiple occasions and you’d saved his. He’d also been very protective of you when other men had made seedy moves on you. Honestly, you’d love to be in a relationship with him and it was probably the reason none of your relationships had worked out so far.
“We can go for food, or a date or whatever if we get this stakeout over and done with sooner rather than later.” you offered.
His heart bounced out of his chest. What did you just say? “How about we just go inside then? Get this over with?”
“I love the change of heart.” you passed the man his sunglasses and gave him a tap on the shoulder before getting out of the car. 
He scrambled out and flung his jacket from his body frantically before popping the glasses on and linking his arm with yours. “Let's go ask for directions darling.”
You laughed, you had to admit you did love undercover work with him “Sure thing.”
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Marvel: @coffeeandcrimeshows @spunky-89 @heyitsaloy @captainsophiestark
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t0ast-ghost · 6 months
20th Episode Achieved! (Tomorrow Is Yesterday)
Here’s some thoughts:
- it’s a time travel episode, isn’t it?
- I think there could be a lot of “real UFO’s” because they’re just unidentified flying objects
- goddamnit Kirk what’ve you done, your in the atmosphere
- great Scott! They’re in the 60s!
- Kirk certainly hasn’t been briefed on what to do by the starfleet time agency
- “I’ve never believed in little green men” “neither have I.” SPOCK, you literally just saw a Gorn… also Orions
- Spock knows he’s scaring the shit outta this guy and he’s enjoying it
- why when the computer starts calling him dear does Kirk look to Spock like he did this (I’d believe it, I could totally hear him saying that)
- WAIT the computer system on all ships are made by a female dominated planet, that’s pretty cool
- Kirk not afraid to slap a bitch
- “Jim, what if we can’t go back?” Was delivered with such… je ne sais quoi
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- (18:33) “Now you’re sounding like Spock.” “Well, if you’re gonna get nasty, I’m gonna leave.”
- “Could he be retrained to forget his family, his children.” “The answer to that is no.” Don’t worry they’re not making threats! They’re just having their regular chats on theoretical situations!
- “It’s just a joke, Captain.” Bones finding Spock’s joke funny
- Sulu looks so happy to be here
- McCoy pacing and worrying while Spock watches him and does his calculations
- THE BOYFRIENDS CONCUR! They’re both worried about Kirk and Sulu
- BOYS WE GOT ANOTHER ONE! Spock gives the new officer a look and then WALKS AWAY
- McCoy just takes the gun. BONES GOT A GUN
- Okay again, walking around in plain sight (yeah this isn’t sneaking at this point) is not an effective strategy for being unseen
- Kirk would eat the chemicals in a darkroom, you can’t convince me otherwise
- Kirk’s fighting strategy is straight up goofy
- I love Kirk and Sulu gaslighting the soldiers
- “hmm… Poor photography.” REALLY?!?
- “BLAST your theories and observations, Mr. Spock! What about, Jim? He’s down there alone, probably under arrest. He doesn’t have a communicator and we can’t beam him back aboard without one.” “I am aware of that, doctor.” I feel like they have this conversation every time. Like McCoy wants Jim to be safe and thinks that Spock is under reacting when Spock is just as worried but doesn’t think any outburst would be effective.
- “I popped in out of thin air.” He took that sass from Spock
- Spock worried Kirk punching someone hurt his hand
- yay they made it back!!!!
I’ve been a bit distracted while drawing for the past couple episodes but drawing Bones is worth it
Master list :D
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favvn · 29 days
I really am tired of how the Star Trek fandom on here (hell, on other sites, too) talks about Shatner. It is always, always some post with a qualification attached to it, "Shatner is an asshole, but--" and then it is a funny anecdote of something he's done at a convention or a post about how attractive he was. Like, okay? You hate Shatner. Shatner is such an asshole. Cool. Should we throw a party? Should we invite George Takei?
Like. I take issue with these posts because:
1. If you have to type out a qualifying statement before getting to your point, why bother posting? Are you afraid to endorse something ~problematic~ if you didn't include the "Shatner is an asshole/is a jerk/whatever" disclaimer? Does your post matter if the disclaimer isn't included?
2. Do you care about anything else that the other cast members have done or said in the past, or is Shatner the only one who is not allowed to be a human being capable of making mistakes, capable of change? Did he sign away his right to complexity and nuance by daring to pursue an acting career? Is he the only big ego in a cast of other actors with their own big egos given how charged Star Trek: TOS's production became over the years?
3. If you're upset about his Twitter posts, consider the reality: he is in his 90s. He is still attending conventions, releasing his spoken word albums, writing, raising horses, etc. Do you really think he's spending what time he has left on the bird app? Or is it not possible that someone else has been hired to manage his social media accounts? (My honest opinion is that some of his tweets are genuinely from him and some are from whoever has been hired to run his account, but, frankly, I am not going to comb through his tweets to pick out examples to prove my point, which is that Shatner is a complex of a human being as you or I. The other thing to keep in mind is: we have no way of knowing what the set up is for said hired sns manager. Did Shatner himself hire them or did someone else do it? Does Shatner read and sign off on every tweet? (highly unlikely if one considers time stamps, but again, I am not combing through those details just to reinforce my main argument that is: Bill Shatner is just as complex of a human being as you or I. You do not have to like him or agree with him, but he is hardly the asshole that exists in fandom's perception.) And so on.)
Consider also: did you read what was being said in a Shatner tweet or did you just react? I ask this given the "Kirk was not Bi" tweets:
“If Kirk were bisexual Star Trek would have never have happened. It would not have influenced Star Wars & it would be a blip in the history of the Roddenberry family. How is it you don’t understand the social constructs of the 60’s? Why did Stonewall happen in 69 if all was ok? “I am so tired of presentism & moronic people who continue to place today’s value systems on the past to judge. They cannot comprehend that the fact they have the freedom to judge is because of what brave people did in the past. Education needs a wake up call.
These claims are true. Harshly phrased, but true. A bisexual character would never made it into a finished television show in the 1960s, at a time before Stonewall, when states were only beginning to decriminalize sodomy and so forth. That would have been cut and left behind in the writer's room, long before filming or casting began. The character of James Tiberius Kirk was written to be straight for all overt intentions, especially where having a series green-lit and funded is concerned. (If you are familiar with Truman Capote's Breakfast at Tiffany's, the unnamed narrator has long been understood to be gay; Holly Golightly in the book expresses attraction to other women. In the 1961 film adaptation, the narrator is made straight and in an affair with a married woman, both to adhere to the Hays Code--he's not gay! No "perversion" to be had here!--and to take the spotlight away from Holly Golightly's profession--he is having an affair! Horrible! Pay no attention to the men coming and going to Holly's apartment or what $50 for the powder room means. Holly's attraction to women exists as a mere blip of a look to the dancer at a bar.)
Tweet from another person: You're offended by suggestions that Kirk was bisexual. You think being bisexual is wrong, bad. You most likely feel the same way about being gay. It's 2022. To to catch up or slink away, quietly. Shatner's response: Dear, no one is offended nor is anyone saying bisexuality is wrong. The theory has been rebuffed by Gene👇🏻& I didn’t portray the character that way. All the pontifical theories people publish are manifestations of their own minds Now you may go “slink away” whatever that involves
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Does it sting that Shatner later cites the novelization to The Motion Picture later in another tweet as supporting evidence? Yeah, as a biased believer in The Premise and shipper of K/S or Spirk, it does. But that nuance is exactly why Roddenberry wrote the footnote the way he did: people who ship Spirk can find vindication in it. People who view the two characters as no more than coworkers and friends can also find vindication for their belief.
Of course, this does not even get into Shatner's long history with Spirk, be it interviews in the 70s or his own book. Once more, nuance, complexity, etc. Is this a case of Shatner changing his tune because Nimoy is no longer with us? Or is this the sign that these tweets are not from Shatner himself? (Even in the Bill Boggs interview, Shatner cracks a few jokes but then offers a thoughtful answer as to why fans ship the pair. It's certainly not an answer that supports the idea of K/S as lovers, but it does earnestly answer the interview question.)
Anyways, I leave you with Mind Meld (2001), if only because it is fascinating to see how Nimoy and Shatner both differ and share overlaps in how they approach acting, their characters, and so forth:
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electronickingdomfox · 7 months
"The Covenant of the Crown" review
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Novel from 1981, by Howard Weinstein. This is the first novel set in the TMP era (not counting the movie novelization), though strangely enough, they still refer to Kirk as "Captain". I didn't love the story A LOT, but it was a fine read with good characterization and entertaining plot. This author seems to love McCoy, so he receives the main focus, while Kirk moves to a secondary position, and is absent from most of the novel. Spock and McCoy's bickering is fun, with a really bitchy Spock, and a somewhat pitiful, somewhat childish McCoy. The Doctor is going through a middle-age crisis, and his vulnerable portrait is kind of tender.
As for the plot, is a bit unusual, since sci-fi elements are scarce, and instead, the story takes the form of a traditional quest to restore the rightful king to the throne.
Some spoilers ahead:
The neutral planet of Shad, rich in valuable minerals, has been torn by civil war for decades, between the Loyalists (partial to the royal family and supported by the Federation), and the Mohd Alliance (warlike and secretly aided by the Klingons). Whoever wins the war, will determine if Shad enters the Federation, or becomes a Klingon satellite.
Almost twenty years ago, Kirk had been a Federation envoy in the planet, and had befriended the King. But back then, the advance of the Mohd Alliance forced the royal family into exile. Things are looking more hopeful now, and it's about time for the King to return and finally bring unity and peace to Shad. The Enterprise is thus tasked with the mission of bringing him there. Problem is, the King is very, veeery old now, and he dies soon after arriving to the Enterprise. The full weight of Shad's restoration falls then on his only daughter, Kailyn. But she's in her early twenties, and very inexperienced. (Why is it that these fantasy kings always wait until they're at least 60 to produce a heir? Seems very risky, if you ask me. I guess this is something that Kailyn has in common with Disney princesses). Anyway, Kailyn lacks confidence in herself, compounded by her chronic illness, which she doesn't know how to treat herself, and forces her to take shots regularly or die. Also, before being accepted as Queen of Shad, she must retrieve the crown (hidden in a different planet) and pass a test. Rightful heirs to the throne always have some psychic powers, which make the crown's crystals react upon touch.
The plot diverges then, with the main story following Kailyn, McCoy and Spock going in a shuttlecraft to a most inhospitable planet to find the crown. As Klingons are likely to sabotage Shad's unification, Kirk stays in the Enterprise, hoping the Klingons will follow him, and not notice the shuttlecraft's course. Kirk's subplot revolves around him trying to find out who in the ship is the Klingon spy, who's been feeding info about the mission to the enemy.
Meanwhile, Kailyn and the others aren't having a fun time looking for the crown. The shuttle crashes upon landing, there are horrible storms in the surface, Kailyn falls ill, a savage tribe captures them and wants to sell them as slaves, McCoy is feeling too old for this shit, and Spock has to babysit the two princesses (Kailyn and his dear Doctor). If this wasn't enough, Klingons have, in fact, noticed the shuttlecraft and followed them. So it seems there won't be much landing party for the Enterprise to rescue later. And at this point, I have to ask: "Why, Kirk, WHY did you send this landing party to such hostile planet!!?" Spock, I can understand, but McCoy and the only heir to the throne? (you know, the one who should be ALIVE, in order for the mission to be successful at all?). As it turns out in the end, Kailyn's presence was necessary, because the crown's guardian wouldn't give it to anybody else. But I'm not sure Kirk and the others were aware of this at first.
Throughout her adventures, Kailyn matures a lot and grows confident and self-sufficient, so of course she becomes a worthy queen. However, she had developed a misplaced crush on McCoy. And when the Doctor finally rejects her, and explains that he loves her "but not like that", she has a hard time. Now, McCoy's attitude had been less than stellar, and he shouldn't have been such a flirt and mislead her. But at least this receives the proper criticism, and the author doesn't turn Kailyn into a trophy girlfriend for McCoy to feel younger.
Spirk Meter: 0/10*. Judging by Weinstein's Star Trek comics, this author leans much more into...
McKirk: The novel opens with Kirk in McCoy's cabin, while the Doctor counts his gray hairs in the mirror and complains about getting old. And Kirk (as the good husband he is) assures him that he's not that old and still looking fine. Later Kirk pulls him out of bed, where McCoy is lying depressed, to bring him to his surprise birthday party (and Kirk's very anxious about McCoy not liking the party idea, since he's feeling so bad about his age). Then Chapel is gossiping about how Kailyn follows McCoy everywhere, and probably has a crush on him, and Kirk hears this. Chapel is like "uh, oh... spoke too much in front of the wrong person...". As result, Kirk has a bedroom discussion with McCoy (no, literally, McCoy was just getting into bed). And Kirk confronts him with the typical "what the hell are you playing at!?". And McCoy retorts with a "what about ALL the things you did in the past!?". You get the idea... There's not a lot more, since Kirk almost disappears from the story later. But consider McCoy's literal definition of love in the novel:
"Caring about someone more than I care about myself... enjoying someone’s company through thick and thin... trusting completely..."
Reminds you of anyone?
There's also a bit of Spones, though they spend most of the time bickering with each other. But Spock is protective of him, and McCoy is a bit clingy. Specially in the latter parts, their dynamic becomes more like that of two proud dads for Kailyn. There's also this exchange:
“Spock,” McCoy said slowly, “Kailyn’s in love with me.” The Vulcan raised an eyebrow. “Indeed?” “Don’t act so surprised. I happen to be quite lovable.” “I have never doubted that, Doctor,” Spock replied wryly.
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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spacejellycreates · 4 months
Fic Masterlist!!
Star Trek
Get Some Rest - You are the head of the ecology team on board the Enterprise, and after returning from a mission that did not go as planned, Spock and Jim take care of you and make sure you get the rest you desperately need. Absolute tooth rotting fluff.
Lay All Your Love On Me - You walk into medbay to find Bones overworking himself (no surprise there) and try to convince him to take a break. In the process he discovers that you are a very good hugger, and word spreads fast. Basically, it's four chapters of gratuitous cuddling with Bones, Kirk and Spock, sue me.
Banter or Bullying? - Spock has gained some insecurities from the constant teasing he gets from other members of the crew. On his way to a meeting, he overhears you talking to Scotty about him, or, more accurately, gushing about him. You help him realise that the things he gets teased for by some people can be the very same things someone else finds most endearing about him.
Huddling for Warmth, Logically Of Course - You and Spock get stranded in a cold, snowy landscape when the transporter malfunctions. The logical solution is, of course, to share body heat. If you happened to fall asleep in Spock's arms, I wonder how he would react...
Cuddlebug - Spock gets high on catnip and craves cuddles! Unfortunately, he also seems to think you're 'his' and won't let go. Oh well, might as well enjoy the attention while it lasts! (Crackfic)
A Sweet Surprise - A fic I wrote for Dean Winchesters birthday in January, and the first fic I ever posted!! It's a very short and sweet little one-shot about young Sam and Dean. John is away on a hunt for Dean's birthday, so Sammy takes matters into his own hands!
Unexpected Affection - You are a very casually affectionate person. Sam and Dean are not, but they're not exactly complaining. This fic is little collection of scenes where you give Sam and Dean a little more affection than they bargained for!
I was here first - A fic request from tumblr user beardothebard. The Winchesters have a lesbian older sister named Johnny!
Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Lonely Warrior - Einar, my MCU OC, is a 10-year-old Light Elf who becomes orphaned and is taken in by the Avengers. Contains some pretty heavy themes, especially to begin with, but makes up for it with plenty of found family fluff later on! New chapters are being uploaded every Sunday :)
Side Quests of a Light Elf - My other current WIP. A collection of one-shots about my OC, Einar, that didn't make it into the main fic. There are a number of reasons why a story might be in here, including: it is a crossover or AU, it doesn't connect well to the main timeline, or I felt that it wouldn't have added anything meaningful to the main story, but I thought it would be fun to write anyway. These stories are not canon to The Lonely Warrior, but if you like Einar and want to see them being put in Situations, then this fic is for you!
Reblogs are appreciated!
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walkingstackofbooks · 5 months
TOS rewatch - Conscience of the King
Jim is SO certain that Kodos is dead, isn't he? Or at least, in utter denial that he could be anything else. Ohhhhh.
Gosh, the complete CONTROL he's maintaining as he looks up the information, only stroking his hands anxiously.
"Stop." I spoke too soon - he can't allow the computer to continue to say about the massacre. MY HEART IS ALREADY TOO MUCH.
Jim's description of Tom as "with a very long memory". How much of this has Jim blocked out of *his* memory? He appears to have no recognition of Kodos, which I've never really thought about too much before, but how deep is that memory buried?
(Alternatively - and I have no idea if this would track at all with any other episodes - but aphantasic Kirk?)
The way he smiles at Lenore definitely would add to his reputation if it wasn't obviously a ploy to get to the bottom of this.
I've never thought about the fact that Lenore IS Lady Macbeth, either, killing Kodos' "rivals" for him so that his future is clear. I really feel like I ought to have 😅
OH, and SHE'S like the cat who's got the cream when he suggests they leave, because it's like he's handing himself straight to her - far easier than I imagine she'd have thought it would be to trap a Starship Captain!
"At the party you were such a brash young man" He's more than ten years your senior, Lenore. You've been playing Lady Macbeth too much.
Why did she let him take her so close to her murder? Did she just not realise what direction they had come in until it was too late and then was trying to distract him with a kiss once she realised? I guess she is not exactly a professional with this...
Oh, Jim. It always strikes me how Tom is an actual friend to him, still - he clearly knows Martha, and she knows him.
Jim delighting even at this time in making Spock confused about knowing about the pick-up 🤣❤️
Oh, he has really played her so well, even without knowing that *she's* behind the killing - she totally believes he's just a charming captain who has quite fallen for her charm.... Although I guess he's the same, thinking that she's just Kodos' innocent daughter who's fallen for *his* charm.
And again, his startled-ness at Kevin Riley. I guess there's technically no *reason* why he should have known the other survivors who had seen Kodos? With 4000 survivors, I guess it could have been quite random which ones of them saw Kodos.
Okay, with his orders to Spock to send Kevin back to engineering, Jim has definitely entered "fight" mode, and as tactical as he can be he's not thinking with his whole brain here.
"Did it ever occur to you that he simply might like the girl?" "It occurred. I dismissed it." "You would." I don't know what this is but Bones, Spock, I love you.
I'm guessing Bones isn't worried only because he hasn't been snapped at by Kirk.
Bones really feels like he's trying to avoid this conversation here - either hecan guess the conclusion Spock's coming to and doesn't want to hear it, or he already knows and is trying to protect himself privacy.
Spock reaches out for Leonard's arm! "Over 4000 people" and he has to reach out to TOUCH Bones. SPOCK 💔💔💔
Oh yeah, I think Bones totally knew already about Tarsus. He didn't know the Karidian connection, definitely, and he maybe didn't know about Riley, but I really think he knew about Jim. He barely reacts to Spock saying Jim's name, already steeling himself not to give away that he knew.
Oh, Riley. "Someone talk to me!" Ohhh, bless.
"Something to reassure me I'm not the only living thing next in the universe." He's so melodramatic I love him XD
The disinfectant into the milk is so jarring!
The way you think he might not drink the milk but then he does! Aghhh. The drama!
Spock needing to physically protect Jim by making him completely informed Vs Bones needing to emotionally protect Jim by letting him have a little longer in ignorance.
Bones backing Spock up - "he's doing his job!"
Spock and Jim telling each other to get out and go! And Spock of course coming back after doing orders.
Well that did seem like a murder attempt for sure.
Kodos barely reacting. I guess he knows the name James Kirk, knows this might have been coming.
The fact that Kodos barely looks at the paper but still keeps up the charade afterwards. Argues with Jim about Kodos' motives but pretends Kodos is another man. And it shouldn't work too dissuade Jim yet it does because Jim has to be *surer* then sure, he can have no room for doubt 💔💔
Seriously, Bones, recording your medical log with such sensitive information out in the open like that?!
I guess being raised by a secretive af Shakespeare actor probably screws up your childhood a whole lot. This Lenore and Karidian scene is so chilling.
Her insistence in finishing the play. Her quoting of Shakespeare over her father's body. It's like Shakespeare was the more real world to her.
How long does it take him to process that Kodos saved his life and died for him. Because fucking hell that is a HELL of a lot.
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darkness-and-books · 6 months
Indoor Catch
No particular pairing, gn!reader
⚠️: no warnings
word count: 357
Where the hell you got your hands on a tennis ball, Kirk and Bones will never know and Spock won’t care, but Chekov is all in for a game of catch on the bridge. It was a rare occurrence really, but nothing had happened today, on bridge, in the medbay, or anywhere on board for that matter. So you did what you do best, be bored and then cure boredom. At about 11 this morning you had run back to your quarters to grab a ball that you remembered you had stuffed away in a box. When you came back and waved the tennis ball around a bit, Chekov reacted like an excitable puppy, and even Kirk popped his head up for a moment. You and Chekov had enthusiastically been playing catch for an hour and a half, he had missed his catch a couple of times, but that was still better than Sulu who was sleeping at his station and just let the ball ricochet off his head (although was he really letting it happen if he was in such a deep sleep he was snoring???) A few times Uhura had even intercepted, meanwhile Spock spectated and occasionally asked questions. You could only play simple catch for so long though. It eventually devolved into seeing who could bounce it off the most things without breaking anything. The answer was you and the game was quickly put to an end by Scotty when Chekov broke his coffee mug. You don’t think you’ve ever seen the man more upset, there was still even coffee in the mug when it shattered over his console, which was another matter. Scotty made you and Chekov clean his console, when you asked why you had to help he said “because you started this devil game” You couldn’t really argue with that, well you could, but at your own risk. After that incident Kirk had confiscated the ball, with a few protests, then Spock confiscated it from him with even more protests because once Spock had it all hope was lost. Ah well, you would just have to hope for an emergency now.
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This is definitely a reflection of my own boredom
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