#why do i even like post about this tho like is there any point XD anyway
kuiinncedes · 2 years
i went to see a friend on campus today for the first time since school endeddd :'')
#i'm so fucking shit at like keeping in touch w ppl and trying to plan things UGH i have another friend i wanna see and have to text Anyway#she fucking got me 😭😭😭 h/eartstopper vol 1 😭😭😭 for my birthday tmw 😭😭😭#we were in a restaurant if we weren't i probably would've screaming lmao i was close#*screamed idk why i wrote screaming sjdghdfk#i was not expecting it i dont rly do shit for my birthday except like#traditional ish family dinner thing so 🥺 bro#also we walked so much i'm out of shape lmfao my legs kinda hurt i've just been sitting here since i got back bc i'm tired XD#i want to like walk more and stuff but that requires me .. Doing stuff and i don't like that apparently 🥰#also my high school friend texted me happy birthday bc she thought it was the 10th lmao and she was like wanna hang out tomorrow#and i'm like yeah bc i do but like why have i been the one trying to get our group (of 3) to hang out for the past like two months#why haven't you said anything then skldhgdskljf anyway just lowkey idk i'm not mad at her or anything#it is frustrating tho bc idk if we're gonna be able to get the three of us together :]#idk anyway lol#i'm gonna be 20 kdjahglkhfgfhdfahgd idk that's justtttt lmao ahhhhhh h#i also texted another high school friend who left our high school before graduation so i haven't seen them in a rly long time#but we've like kinda kept lowkey contact thru instagram lmao idk and their bday is today and i remember us talking about our bdays being#close together so when i saw their ig story i said happy bday and ee was like 'do u own a birthday' lol#idk it was nice to have like a tiny conversation with em lol i'm so bad at this kjfghajdsfsl#why do i even like post about this tho like is there any point XD anyway#jeanne talks#i rly just wanted to talk about my friend getting me hea/rtstopper and then i went into all this lmao
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
28 asks! :DD Thank you as always!! 💖💖
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My FNAF AU has been sorted out. In the sense that the timeline has been re-written enough that I can go back to drawing it..
Now the next comic in the AU is a re-write/re-draw of my old FNAF comic, Moon Malfunction. A few months ago though there were several time sensitive projects that came up and I needed to shelf Moon Malfunction 2.0 until they were done. Well now they're all done.. but Moon Malfunction is gonna take me some time to get around to..
For the past few months I've been in a really bad spot mentally and physically. And taking on my FNAF Recap/Repair project is just not something I feel I have the mental energy to do at the moment.. All it feels like is a one big pile of work. And all I wanna do I just draw what ever comes easily to me and focus on recovering..
Soooo for the time being,, my main FNAF AU might not see any updates for a bit.. Though I haven't forgotten about it and I do want to get back to it at some point soon. But for now I want to cut any work out of my relaxing/drawing time and just draw what ever I want. Which atm is pirate cookies-- <XDD
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They're also great for grabbing something across the room while I stay in bed 😎😎
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Why haven't I drawn anything like that yet- what--
I might just have to at some point! :00
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I never thought of it like that! Anyone who gets into the game through my characters is like a lactose intolerant person recommending an ice-cream joint- and they're very persuasive! XDD
But fr, thank you! And hey, even if my characters aren't in the game, they'll always be here on Tumblr waiting for you XDD
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Actually, I wasn't! :00 I haven't seen that episode of the Cuphead show. But I'm assuming its about Cala Maria and Captain Brineybeard, yes? If so I can easily see the relation XD
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(Post in question)
AAAA THANK YOU!! The comic was different than what I'm used to. But it was a nice change of pace. I'm glad you liked it! :}}}
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@badlyblurry (Post in question)
FRRRRRR THO He's been holding that glow back for a while. Trying not to send the wrong messages to Blue and potentially damage their friendship 💔💔
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I have! In this post you can see 3 of them floating behind Melvin! (The anthro donkey)
And in this post, you can see Melvin holding one while it passes away... :((((( Sad day for sure.
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Well? What did she taste like? XDD
Oh wait you're dead my bad-
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Unfortunately I cant think of any songs that would match each crew members theme.. Rn all my brain can think about is this 👇
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@nunyabusiness459 (Comic in question)
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What is primordial dough? :0
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Thank you! :DD Though unfortunately my fwernnd, I am known for being very bad at explaining how I do art things. :(
If I tried to explain my thought/design process it would just be a lot of word spaghetti that boils down to "uhhh... I just drew it.,. aandd if it dont look good.. draw it differently.. until it looks good-"
My advice would be to look on YouTube for character design tutorials or ask some other artists that have artwork similar to mine and see if they can help. :( Again, so sorry! I wish I could articulate my thoughts better 💔💔
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This actually makes me think- Google says that if you add too much sugar to a cookie they become brittle.
Huh,, makes me think. If one of the cookies was baked with too much sugar.. they'd break real easy.. hmm.. 👀👀
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Thank you so much!! :DD I wish the same for you!! ✨💖✨
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I've thought about drawing them! :0 And I thiiink I drew Franny one time..? The Blue one. Although I don't think I'll be able to find the sketch unfortunately-
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tbh though I think they'd see him as just a normal guy! :0 Right..?
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I'm not sure.. considering what I know about the games.. I thiiink they'd be horrified?? <XDD If they understand that they're made of dough, it'd be the equivalent of a human walking into a giant meat factory where they chop up meat and make weird false humans..
Okay yeah, they'd be horrified for sure XDDD
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@neo-metalscottic (Cookie run post in question)
AAAAA thank you so much!! I'm glad you liked it!! :DD As for the power, I think you're right about it being a rare occasion. And the idea of her gaining better control over it over time? While her love grows as well?? Perfection. But man I'm also tempted to make it so she can change when ever she wants. :( I really like drawing her and Seafoam together like that.. 🥺
As for the Colossal squid episode,, I'd have to go back and re-watch it to decide if I'll keep it for my AU or not..
But thinking about all the stuff you described about a violent altercation and nightmares?? 👀👀 Its giving me ideas! XDD
Now if the crew did face a violent altercation like that, I imagine their #1 goal would to protect the Octopod. That's their home man! They would probably do what ever they could to get the octopod away from the situation. Like the Captain manually piloting it and some of the crew being sent out in gups to distract the squid. Stuff like that :0
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It was on the 10th actually- and hey thanks! Seam could probably use the calories <XD
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@unpopularartist14 (referencing this ask post)
<XD oh boy, what a stark contrast between the sides--
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I didn't have them in mind while designing them,, though maybe I took some subconscious inspiration? I see the similarities! :0
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intothegenshinworld · 2 years
I have a habit that I learned from my mother where if anyone’s lounging next to me with their bare legs, I’ll instinctually start massaging it.
Of course, it only happens with my friends and family. If I ever did it to a stranger I would die @.@
Anyways, acolytes’ reaction xD
Hey hey! I chose a few characters I personally liked to write about, but feel free to send in another ask if I missed the characters you wanted! I also changed the prompt here and there; it’s basically ‘’an unexpected massage’’, hope it’s still alright :)
Note: not proofread, wanted to post it tho
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It had been a while since you first arrived on Teyvat. Everything is a lot more peaceful and you're able to enjoy your days with relatively little stress. 
One of the only chores you needed to do included paperwork. You have an office of your own where you do most of your work, usually with the help of some acolytes. Generally, you'd be at your desk, but today was a couch day. So as one does, you plopped down and patted the seat next to you
Venti is constantly testing how far you'd let him go. He'd hug you, attempt to cuddle up to you, he even tried to sneak in a kiss! So when he'd lounge himself onto the couch it's no surprise that he'd move his legs into your lap. Venti thought you were too occupied with your 'stupid paperwork', so he assumed something like this would bring your attention back to him. He'd be surprised when you'd continue to read the paperwork while your free hand starts to gently massage his leg. His shock passes quickly, and suddenly he doesn’t seem to hate the paperwork as much as before. When you notice that his constant nagging stopped, you look up; Venti isn't usually silent. When he throws a cheeky smile your way, you realise the situation you brought yourself in and get flustered real quick. 'Don't worry your Grace! I'll return the favor any time, ehe!'
Zhongli has no trouble helping you. He liked spending his time with you and felt happy whenever he could aid you in these tasks. His voice was a bonus for you as well, and you always listen carefully when he points out the important parts on the papers. His figure is close to yours and you’d been leaning closer to get a good look at the papers in his hand. Unknowingly to you, you had grasped his free hand in yours and had started to gently massage it. Believe me, he didn’t want you to stop but it was hard to point out things on the paper without a hand. He'd bring the situation to your attention and would give a deep chuckle when he'd see you get flustered. After he further explained the paperwork, he decided to massage your shoulders instead. Perhaps some closer contact would help your focus? 'Do you wish to remove my gloves, Your Grace?'
You were in Mondstadt for the upcoming weeks and decided to visit Diluc at the Dawn Winery. There had been enough time for you to visit the city and other places, but the endless workload still chased you. After procrastinating for a good while, you decided that Diluc could be your motivator! If he’s working, you might feel obligated to work as well! At least, that was the idea. At one point during your stay in his office you invited him to sit on the couch with you. Unfortunately, from that moment forward it’s Diluc that’s unable to work. The moment you moved closer to his figure,- his brain stopped working. He could feel his leg touching yours, -and why did you have to place your hand on his leg to massage him? He was certain you could hear his heartbeat. Are you doing this on purpose? It’s only when you remove your hand after finishing your paperwork that he regains the ability to think. ‘Hey Diluc, you’re not procrastinating right?’ You tease him. He huffs in response and returns his focus on his work, hopefully then you wouldn’t see his face. ‘I’d never.’
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ganondoodle · 11 months
every now and then i get comments on some of my older rants about totk and im pretty sure its usually the very first post without any of the additions i tend to add later on-
old post about how i found it a lil weird that the one of the first things rauru and sonia doing is put zelda back into a little white maiden dress even tho her own clothes didnt look damaged at all and were far more practical and someone commented that its so she doesnt stand out (something that was said in nearly every comment i got on that post already) and that it was only weird bc i was making it weird or sth xD
but it made me think about it again, so .... that excuse doesnt work for me at all bc .. why wouldnt she want to stand out? whats the danger of that? her suddendly appearing out of nowhere, not knowing anything of the traditions or happenings of the time, being around the king and queen all the time with a duplicate enigma stone and unknown technology (purah pad) isnt weird? i know the excuse of oohoho shes a distant relative of sonia (i know its far stretched techinically true i guess) but why even do that, why go to such lengths of keeping her time traveling secret? making her less of a target for gan isnt really sensical either bc he went for sonia anyway, despite zelda clearly being the younger and less experienced of the two with less control of her power, and if he knew she was techinically more powerful .. well then shes even less in danger, and if he might have wanted to get information from her what could he have gained from it really? she didnt really know anything more anyway? like all she could tell him would be like you will lose i guess lol
(also you could keep it secret from him but why from the others, i just dont see the point, i dont find her look pretty either, she just looks uncomfortable, like if she gets put in to a lil white uwu maiden dress AGAIN im just gonna assume ok you are stripped of all your agency and will sacricifce yourself again wahoo what fun)
in a world were time magic is normal why wouldnt you just say yep she literally came from the future to help us? the usual rules of time travel, as in, dont tell anyone who you are, dont mess with the happenings bc everything can have major consequences, doesnt apply anyway, she goes around by her real name and is involved in literally every major happening .. so why care?? keeping it secret from gan for the future? why? he literally recognizes her within a split second anyway
(no gonna get into why i think her time travelling in the first place is like .. so forced? its only segway to put her out of the game essentially and the oh no tragic twist, but like why, she got the powers and the stone so she unconcisouly travels ... back in time ..?? why not reverse the stones she fell from or something, if it was soemthing that would come up again ok! like she did the time travel accidentally and then learned how to return over the time she spent in the past thats good!! i like that idea, but its never broguht up again, the closest thing to it is the weird two time bubbles that just serve to give you her time powers (whats up with how that went down anyway) and then to send the mastersword back ... why even do that when it could have fallen and travelled back with her right away?? and both of those are at the very start of the game AND IT NEVER COMES UP AGAIN, like fine if it was her trying to go back but not getting it right so she creates weird ass time bubbles cool! why not put them all over the place with them getting bigger and maybe being able to talk to link from the past idk SOMETHING- ok ill stop here ...)
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flwrrrton · 4 months
Do you have any more head cannons for krauser? It's kinda strange to think about someone like him being young, but ig he was at some point 😂
First of all: sorry for late reply bro. The study depths are killing me—
I can't say much about my Krauser hcs. It's just like everyone else's: he comes from german military family etc...
But i have something to say about his family members tho!
Have you seen the "Biohazard 4D: Excecutor" movie? (year: 2000)
If not, watch it! You're missing out on a lot!
So there was a character named Claus, the head of the U.B.C.S squad, which was sent to Raccoon City. And that dude shares A LOT of physical similarities w Krauser!
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Some people theorise that Claus was Krauser's prototype. But i headcanon them as...
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(Jack looks a bit younger there, but i think that added some sparkle)
I think that Claus would be the older one, cuz... I see Jack as that one younger sibling who always misbehaving xD (But with age he became very strict and disciplined, ofc)
It seems to me that due to his age, Claus joined the military a little earlier than Jack, which is why Krauser jr. often set him up as an example of someone to look up to
Aaaaand since in previous post we were talking about teen Krauser
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Claus would be just a normal (maybe even quiet) kid, while Jack was very popular punk dude at his school
Oh yeah, they'd be studying in one school, but in different classes
They'd have a noticeable height difference!!
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Jack would have heard about the B.O.W for the first time after the death of his brother in Raccoon City. He would doubt that everything was really like that, even despite the terrible injuries on Klaus's corpse. But after that he began to take the army more seriously in order to justify the honor of his brother... And to be able to protect himself too.
Thank you for reading!
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Hello there!
a little "about me" post
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https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1342558 + canva.com I'm a very long-winded person and when I like doing something, I like doing A LOT of it. I recently moved to Tumblr full-time after being stuck with 200-symbol posts on Twitter (ugh), so I'm using the full power of this blogging platform. I'm concerned about the AI, so it's all switched off on all my blogs. I hope Tumblr will wise up and survive, because I love it here so far 💛
I have a lot of fandoms, I like pretty art, I write and muse about stuff - it's all a huge mess if I put it one place. So that's why I decided to split my obsessions into several neat piles, so people could have an easier time decining whether to follow, ignore or block my stuff according to their preferences.
Here are my blogs which you're free to explore and follow as you like:
» ur-friendly-nbhd-cardassian
The main blog where I shout into nothingness. But where I also post lots of Star Trek, mainly about Cardassians (bc I love them). I do not do Garashir, tho, look for that particular bit elsewhere (not bc I don't ship them, but bc I'm severely overfed to the point of having an allergic rection). My focus Cardassian is Damar, followed by Dukat. I'm super open to reblogging your OCs, though. My other favorite fandoms you might come across on this blog (which I don't post enough about to make a separate blog): Mass Effect, Discworld, Tolkien, Detroit: Become Human, Apex Legends, Marvel/DC, Hunger Games. I also ramble, post about writing in general, reblog some fitting memes and pets/animals, share my own photography, reblog art etc.
» pixie-in-a-moonlantern
The initiated already know: Baldur's Gate 3 brainrot blog. I post my OC screenshots, maybe some stories, perhaps one day I will even finish a fic (started one, didn't finish). My all-time favorites are: Halsin, Gale, Rolan, Emperor. I do not have any VP tools, so my screens are only lightly edited to be prettier, and that's it. I do not draw or paint (tho I so want to). It's mainly reblogs and discussions so far, with my screenshots sprinkled in between.
» shaved-wampa
Diehard fans surely got the joke: Star Wars brainrot, and that goes for every conceivable piece of the fandom, even the bits you might not agree with - I don't discriminate. My all-time favorites are: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bode Akuna. Yes, just the two, because I also have a huge pile of characters I love, but don't really focus on: Padmé, Ahsoka, Ventress, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Din Djarin, lil Grogu, Cody, infinite number of other Clones, ... soooo many. My top two are just the guys I actually write about. Bode is getting his fic right now, Obi-Wan's is on hold.
» cyber-vianne-77
As the name suggests, this is my Cyberpunk 2077 blog. I used to do a lot of virtual photography in that one - and yes, this time I mean real VP, though still no paid tools, just vanilla and free mods. I love Goro Takemura and ship my fem V with him heavily - wrote a dope fanfiction about them, too. I reblog other cp77 vp (especially of Goro) and fanart. I don't currently play the game or shoot photos, but I have a large collection I plan to drizzle over the next few months, until I maybe decide to go back to cp77 for a while again and finally play Phantom Liberty that's been waiting for me for a long time now xD.
» goodness-all-around
My "assorted dopeness" reblogs. I love pretty pictures and I love supporting artists in my own small way, so it'll be reblogs of general beautiful things I can't stuff into my other blogs, and reblogs of commission offers. Perhaps even some theory and discussion if I happen to like any.
I will update the list if I happen to change things or add/remove blogs. Thanks for your attention and see you in the activity notifs! 💛
Bits of trivia: I'm Czech, cis woman (bi & poly and, frankly, hyper), 32, in a relationship, mom to a 5yo boy, a writer struggling to finish and publish her first original novel, drowning her sorrows in fanfic instead :). I got to most of my fandoms quite late in life, because where I live this info only started to properly flow in with the coming of the internet. I'm usually a casual fan, though when I hit a gold vein I can get a bit obsessed. I love writing fanfiction, which is mostly why I'm here on this site. I self-insert a lot (therapy writing) and usually ship us, with the rare occasion of finding a couple where I can identify with one of them (or mold them to my image because I like or even fancy them). I've spent my life believing I was hetero and discovered I'm not only once I (finally) was in a hetero relationship and had a kid, so... my ships are also hetero. It's a habit, not hating, I don't discredit any gay ships (maybe quietly to myself when they don't make any sense to me character-wise, lol). My AO3 account: XindiChick I usually try to write even the most niche of my ships in a way that doesn't require much knowledge of the original, so you're welcome to browse and read to your heart's content if you happen to like my style. I welcome any interactions, especially comments, because I don't get many.
I think it's something everyone should always be aware of, but I've also seen many people ignoring this unsaid rule:
- lest they get blocked. I'm not here to argue with you about why I like certain characters and why you think I shouldn't. Go simp for your own top picks on your own blogs and leave me alone. Same goes for any of my personal trivia I shared.
DISCLAIMER: My blogs are a safe space for everyone who doesn't go around hating on everyone else. I will block indiscriminantly assholes of every shape, color, faith, gender, orientation etc., just as I will happily interact with good people of any kind. Idc what your deal is, I just wanna enjoy being on this platform, so if you plan to rain on it, don't expect me to indulge you.
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Icons by: @rpschtuff
By the way, a fun fact known only to people aware of my main fanfic novel, The Casualty, the Cardassian in my username was actually born Bajoran, but raised Cardassian, which is why she's a Cardassian in heart and spirit. She's your friendly reminder that not all Cardies are the same and as a nation have the capacity to be much better than how they were presented in the DS9, which is what she's trying to achieve.
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bebx · 16 days
Hey there! I hope you are doing well. I don't mean to bother you again as you are gonna figure out I am the same person who asked about your unexpectedly but hopefully temporary drifting away from ST sub fandom hehe. So I decided to do my homework and see if you probably left some clues or hints regarding your hiatus from it before but unfortunately I couldn't find any unless my dumb@$$ missed it despite thorough research as if I was looking for easter eggs in a deeply layered show like ST. My search report :- It had been going well on your side even when there was a drought in HC contents but slowly it lost the 'momentum' which I feel you played a key role in wonderfully building up yourself, ironically right at the moment of D-day which honestly feels like if reality had tv drama like loopholes lol.
So all I have now is what you last said to me that you are busy with stuffs and other things like hyperfixation on a character from Harrow series { although I haven't watched it yet but based on your enthusiasm which mostly resonates with my own interest, I have added it in my watchlist :) Cuz Bingo I can't tell you how happy I was when I found you with the same sentiments as mine after watching Damsel! } plus point is you did mention how he is certainly still in your heart and you are planning to make more posts and fanfic about him in future. So I decided to wait, months passed with more tempting Henry Creel info pouring while I still kept up with *patiently waiting for my favorite Tumblr user's ST fandom era to resurface as well as coexist with her new obsession of Harrow series*, so that one hyperfixation won't have to be sacrificed for another still worthy subject of hyperfixation :) Hence it has been quite an introspective and empathetic time but now I am like "okay at least lemme just ask her how she has been and what exactly is the status", to stifle my other apprehensive thoughts forming with the passing time as well as disappearing silver lining( as there is no sign of either Henry or JCB these days at all lol apart from Jamie Bower World Domination post) out of overthinking.
I always felt your contribution to this fandom has been immensely valuable and even though others may or may not have been enough reminding you that as I can see I am probably the only anonymous seeker regarding digging this matter up, I miss you and your blogs about it. I have mostly been a lurker kind so I never interactively participated in any discussion or thread but I have always inwardly appreciated people with a good taste of art. So even if anonymously, this is a great deal to me, sharing my wish embedded in vulnerability. *nervously chuckles* Idk if this is a stretch but given how what Jamie manually allows to be displayed on his tagged section had most of your posts, tells me that he must have subconsciously felt your absence lately too. The fact that this is true tho, makes it a reasonable theory.
So now after hopefully doing a great job at explaining the deep context behind my "ask away" here are the main deal of questions xD;-
How are you, once again? (I don't want to pressurize you into rejoining it earlier than you planned according to your life and schedules uk. Besides I don't wanna interrupt your balancing of multifandom fascination.)
Is there any particular reason behind this seemingly complete "switch off mode" which you can share? ( because my Spidey senses keep feeling it's more than what it is, could be false alarm tho) Could it be potentially because Stranger Things is so addictive, it is not possible to keep a track of its updates while continuing with hyper fixating on other fandoms?
If the aforementioned fear is unfounded, then here are my other theories and questions, have you stumbled upon the TFS spoilers of any kind?
If no, are you planning to watch it LIVE soon or later? (as the canon play is gonna stick around for a long time) is this why have you been avoiding discussions as they would involve major spoiling of the experience?
Or are you planning of watching it whenever it streams on Netflix as technically it just has to one day?
Have you been weakly following any ST S5 leaks? ( as we finally got a very *greatest leak of all time* kind of leak not even exactly 24 hours ago lol) [to tell you the truth- this is exactly what triggered me to get some clarifications from you, as despite knowing that I would open your page only to be greeted by Harrow, deep down I felt maybe you would say something about it because it directly involves JCB and it's quite making waves already.]
Did you check out the VR Game released this February?
Or are you taking a complete long break for a while because once S5 release date inches closer, there is no going back from its fever for another 2-3 years anyways? haha ( ngl this is my most optimistic theory I am clinging onto)
(optional question xD) Am I seriously the only one approaching you by bringing this old buried fascination or others have felt the same way too and they express their perplexity in your inbox instead?
(anyways I will be very grateful if you respond to my plethora of mystified emotions even though I think it would secretly answer to many other lurkers like me who found a sense of kindred spirit through you but are too busy abiding by their lurking policy)
hi, I’ve been looking at this for…. a while, because… oh my 😅 I understand that it’s been so long since my Stranger Things era, and I know some of my followers follow me for my Henry / ST content. I just didn’t know my silly ST posts actually have this much impact that they stay in people’s memories even after it’s been a long time. so this ask actually brings back so many memories. and I really appreciate that you’re still sticking around. really. I had to take a moment to just sit here and stare at this ask in my inbox and go “whoa” — but it’s a good kind of whoa. I am touched that you still remember, because gosh how long has it been since my ST days!
to answer your questions, I am fine and I am doing well. thank you. I didn’t mean to “abandon” my interest. and I AM still interested in the show. I still love Henry, even though I don’t really talk about him on here anymore. it’s funny because a part of me is kind of sad that I don’t talk about him on here anymore? to tell you the truth, anon, I don’t exactly know why? I mean… sure, my blog currently focuses on something else, but I never really stop loving Henry as a character. this sounds extremely cliche, but it’s the truth. I still love him and I still think about him and those time I spent writing fics about him.
I don’t know if there’s any particular reason behind this, according to you, seemingly complete "switch off mode" on my blog. but there’s no conspiracy theory or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about? I just kind of focus my attention on something else, for the moment, but again, I still do love Henry. just because I don’t talk about him here like I used to does not mean I love him any less. rest assured. he’s still in my heart.
I haven’t stumbled upon any real TFS spoilers, but that’s probably because I don’t follow many blogs that talk about it so it rarely reaches my dashboard anyway.
and I don’t live near the place where the play takes place, so unfortunately I don’t see myself traveling there to watch it live, as life has been a little busy for me here to take that kind of vacations. but I would have loved to. if the time were right. I do look forward to streaming it when or if it becomes available on Netflix though.
I haven’t been following ST leaks much, I can’t see “weekly” because I kind of just look at them if they reach my dashboard here or my twitter’s/X’s timeline. but I don’t actively go search for it nor do I avoid it for fear of any potential spoilers either. but I did just see the leaks you talked about, and I’m actually very excited. it actually reminded me of my fic “Salvation” — I’m not sure if you’ve read it, but yeah. gosh I am genuinely very excited.
though I haven’t checked out the VR Game. I mean… I don’t really play video games so that might explain why.
and no. I’m not “taking a long break” because I think there is no going back from its fever for another 2-3 years after season 5 is released. I don’t even know why I’m “taking a break” except that my mind has just been focusing on something else, currently.
also, yes, some people have asked, and I haven’t had the chance to answer them (I’ve been meaning to, though), so this might be the answer they were looking for as well? there’s no “real reason” behind my lack of activity when it comes to ST fandom, except that I’ve been focusing my attention on something else lately, but that doesn’t mean I love the show — or especially Henry — any less. I still am a fan of the show and of Henry. and I still love Jamie with all my heart, obviously. I still keep up with him and his music and I am so incredibly proud of him as an artist and a person.
I am super excited to see Henry again when season 5 drops. I don’t know when or if my hyperfixation will come back, so I wouldn’t wish to make any promises. but what I can say for sure is that, even though it’s not exactly a hyperfixation, I still love Henry just the same. I hope I will start making lots of posts and writing fics about him again one day.
last but not least, I will always love and support Jamie in everything he does. and he will forever be my source of happiness that keeps me going when things are difficult.
I also want to thank you for reaching out. it means so very much to me. if there is any further matter you wish to talk or discuss with me about, you are very welcome to drop by my inbox anytime.
(and yes, I still love talking about Stranger Things and Henry here. anybody is more than welcome to drop by my inbox to talk to me about Henry — who knows, it might re-spark that hyperfixation within me…)
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bleue-flora · 1 month
Hey, for the transcript for the fourth stream, my grammar is bad and its chat format and the start and last bit s2 stuff is missing, Its only the part where tommy goes to fight dream & punz. Hope thats alright. How would you like me to send it?
And to your reply, admittedly I am not heavily a Dream apologist. I'm not a Tommy apologist either, I always found myself in the middle. I perceive a lot of Tommys reckless actions as trauma responses, like believing dream is obsessed with him and trying to kill dream all the time even dream hadn't bothered him for months, but one of the last times tommy and dream were in contact was when dream chased him with an axe, the other being the cwilbur disc stuff, granted from dreams pov the chase was just out of scaring tommy away, and trying to regain his own agency after losing it to q in the prison (I think) But from tommys pov, its dream trying to put him back in exile so i can kind of get why tommy thinks dream wants to go after him all the time and I can understand him believing Dreams using the revival book for horrible things based on the threat he was told. Just to clarify that is not me justifying Tommys actions.
He and the Tommy apologists thought that getting closure would be done by killing dream when really, the closure came in the form of understanding dreams perspective since he kept asking 'why' a million times at the place. Thats been his motive all the time is finding out why Dream hurt him. Also, looking back on the final stream its not verbally expressed that Tommy feels remorse, but the body language he has shows that their was some sense of understanding there, perhaps not genuine remorse though. Or at least taken a back more than anything. I might just be reading too far into it tho like I'm pretty gullible.
Yeah, sorry poor wording on my part. Not give up the book, more like stop performing the spell but now I feel, it would be more like stop using the spell for bad reasons like experimenting on people. I see what you mean about Punz now, I read through your other posts about him and Dreams dynamic and I agree, I'm so used to seeing takes claiming he's just in it for the plan but I'm realizing now that, that doesn't make sense with his character. Ooh, thats a good point you brought up, I didn't notice Tommy and Tubbo being hypocritical when it came to that revival book, yeah then Its more the living for eternity immortality part. My last thing about majority server not being on revival side was more of a theory tbh, I guess its based on more of the rest of the server seeing Dream as a villain so they wouldn't want to go with any of his plans even if it benefited them. Forgive me I wrote a long essay in your asks xd
lol no worries about your transcript I have plenty that are quite messy but still good references. Chat format? (I’ll be honestly I’m not entirely sure what that means) Umm I mean you can dm me, You can post and tag me, you can put it in an ask if you want, whatever makes you comfortable.
I mean, yeah the last stream certainly had some trauma driving it, but before? Before exile? Before L’manberg? Can we use the trauma reasoning (not justification) across the board? And unless we are making the assumption he was traumatized before he showed up, which isn’t confirmed canon, then he wasn’t always traumatized and yet his behavior was the same. So, can we reasonably say that trauma was a major drive in his actions when his behavior was the same as it always had been? Is there reason to believe that even if Exile and Prison traumatic events hadn’t happened that Tommy wouldn’t have stormed the prison to killed Dream after months of being left alone? I’m just not sure I see that nor in the same way do I think Tommy felt truly remorseful enough to change his behavior after the finale. Regardless of what Dream’s point of view is or Tommy’s, using history as our guide, does it seem like this only happened because of Tommy being traumatized? I’m not so sure…
The question of Why is actually interesting because Tommy does ask it on more than one occasion including in the finale. But here’s the thing, do you think Tommy would actually listen to the answer? Did he not prove in the finale before dying that he wouldn’t? That Dream could give some genuine reasons and Tommy would disregard them. Tommy asked the question Why and yet didn’t listen to Dream’s answer, partially because the reasons didn’t agree with his perception of Dream. So Dream started answering instead with the answer they wanted to hear - control, power, enjoyment of Tommy’s personal suffering. Not even in the finale stream until the very end was his true motive the answer to Why, it was mostly used to stall. So personally I don’t see Tommy’s motivation as Why anymore than all the other characters who failed to even ask.
Fair assumption, it is interesting to think about. But what’s funny about the dsmp is that some characters can even agree with Dream’s actions like destroying L’manberg. I mean, is that not why Niki burned the tree. Hell, they even approved of the prison if you think about it even though it was a plan of Dream’s. So it’s not so much as they hate his plans but they hate him. So honestly I could almost see Tommy presenting the same plan as Dream and then doing it if he wasn’t involved though then again after prison quite a few characters became less anti-Dream so it would be interesting to see who is actually willing to work with Dream… I don’t know maybe. I think in general that’s partly what’s tragic about it, is that some characters have the same opinion as Dream and yet the propaganda got so bad that it didn’t matter, because it was Dream - the evil enemy…
Nah no need to apologize for writing an essay, I’d be pretty hypocritically to judge. lol XD
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asterefflores · 8 months
I saw the post about angst in your story. I want to put a comment but mine might be just too long and this app is just not ready for it xD, so I drop it here.
For me, the angst in ur story tilts towards the darker side. It's not just sad, unhappy stuff. I don't know how to articulate it in human language (istg), but I find it remarkably balanced and just feels right. It feels fitting, somehow.
Each arc in your story unfolds at the perfect moment, revealing itself in due course (what am i talking about). Tbh, your story might be considered heavy. I said this numerous times already (maybe) but I love the world-building in it (even tho my brain needs to restart every time).
The characters' backgrounds and the reasons why they are in their current state are intriguing. Moreover, although you introduce certain angsts, what I admire is that you never dwell on them excessively. They are relatable, logical, and not exaggerated or cringe-worthy. They are in the right amounts.
It's like, the story holds multiple layers of surprises each time you unveil the answers to the readers' questions of "why." Also, the angst within goes beyond than just sadness, contain/hiding various emotions and elements of irony.
I remember how the other readers and I went crazy (for fun) with theories in the comments when it was first revealed that Cale had a connection to the Secret Kingdom. We all anticipated something light and fluffy, but oh my goodness, jahahshfhf it took a darker turn that caught us off guard in the most unexpected moment. I love that aspect, and the transitions between each arc are incredibly smooth.
I also love every one of your original characters, (wait you already knew this ajshfkh) but duh, I've never had this much love or enthusiasm for fanfic before. I have a huge crush on your art and writing. It's therapeutic for me to see and read them. Thank you for the artwork and stories, even your daily shenanigans at your office @Xwitter are entertaining to follow up. Love isn't enough to describe how fascinated I am with your work.
I know, I throwing so many compliments for you on this one. I can't help it. I hope you don't mind🧍🏻‍♀️if you mind, I'd still going to do it. So I hope you still don't mind.
Please have a good day 🍀 (Please rest...)
I like to keep the characters realistic with logical responses in any case according to their traits and their back stories and whatnot, I don't like dwelling on anything too much in the plot, sure the angst part is important but if used too much it'll ruin the story not only for readers but also for me lol, it'll feel like I'm forcing it on the characters when, logically thinking, they wouldn't stay depressed for long or behave in certain dramatic ways, based on the way their brain works and all.
And yeah, well, my fanfic was indeed meant to be simple at first you know, but I naturally turn any plot I write heavy and dark with time, and it gets worse gradually but I try to hold back and be reasonable before I mess up at some point lolol
I didn't know you find my transitions between each arc smooth, I'm really happy and thank you for letting me know, all this time I stare at my stories and ask myself "Are there even arcs? Isn't it all a mess? Does anyone notice the transition? Is there even a transition?" Then laugh at my own writing and say it is what it is and keep writing anyway while confident that I'm doing everything wrong somehow XD
And you know, when I introduced OCs in my fanfic I was very sure no one gonna care or pay attention to their parts (except maybe my close friend lol) so I'm really glad to see some readers come to love them eventually, though I think Tristan is getting most love than the rest but that's expected considering his character and his role with Roksoo and Cale lol, I expected many readers would hate his role as their father but now the majority is cheering for him xDD
About my office shenanigans, you just made me recall how my followers on Instagram used to like and anticipate my stories about my daily life at work lolol I didn't think anyone would find joy in them also on twitter/X but glad you enjoy my comical work life 🤝🏻
Lastly, ofc I don't mind, at all, you don't know how many times I read your message and made me smile the whole time, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me 💕💕💕
And I'm trying to rest, I think I'm resting— ok, the fact I don't even know if I'm resting says enough lol but I'm working on it *cough
Thank you again and take care you too, have a good day 🌸🌸
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victoriacoffee · 3 months
Hey guys! Uh I felt like I should say something about the fandom
// mentions of self harm, suicidal ideation
This is gonna be long, sorry!
Heyyyy, sorry I've been so uhhh hardly active online...I've been trying to come back to posting online and stuff just idk it's been a pretty rough several months and every time I think my motivation is back enough it disappears. I'm currently tryna work things out in therapy as a result of how bad certain things have gotten in the last few months, I'm not gonna say what it was but based on my writing with a lot of focus on self harm and suicidal ideation, you can probably guess.
At this point I think I'm about to just not even bother logging into twitter anymore and pretty much use this and ao3 and pinterest and stuff (maybe occasionally instagram idk tho that place kinda sucks). It would probably help me be more active on here tbh since yall seem not really do a lot of the things that make my mh worst XD
Alright, anyway I'm currently editing a few different fics I've been working on for a while, several of them decided to be in the 50-100 page on google docs range whether I liked it or not, so that and my current disasterous working situation is why it's taking a ridiculous amount of time. If I had a functional posting schedule, ig I wouldn't be an ao3 user. I was gonna include a statement in one of them about this, but I decided this needed to be said here first
So I don't think I plan on leaving the dsmp fandom no matter what happens at this point. The average length of interest in a fandom is like what 10 years? Idk I heard that from some yt. If so, I'm approaching the halfway mark with the dsmp, which is insane to think about, and I don't plan on jumping off that train any time soon. The stories were intriguing and the cc's and their characters and music and stuff have gotten me through the lowest points of my life, so it's very hard to forget that.
Even if the cc's turn out to not be great, I still have their characters, and I'm not willing to give up this coping mechanism just yet because I feel like not having one when everything else in my life seems to be going to shit wouldn't be that great
I see it like if you liked a character in a movie and the actor that played them turned out to be bad, would you still like the character? I would.
cc!Wilbur turned out to be a shitty person. His song about being a wanker and a fucking waste of time was in fact spot on. Fuck that guy. I'm done with his stuff but I'm still gonna write his character
There are a lot of things erupting on twitter right now, I'm not sure what's going on and I do Not have the mental fortitude to find out at this point. I can't say I believe everything because after the Dream situation last fall...I'm just holding off my judgement for now. I'll probably go looking once the dust starts to settle but right now it's all a huge mess and everything is up in the air
I can't guarantee anything at this point, but I will most likely continue to write c! stagedduo and most likely draw and crochet them. I do not have another coping mechanism and the brainrot over the story of the dsmp will likely not go away
Uhhh really sorry I keep falling off the face of the earth, but I think I'm back now. I don't know what the future holds, but this is probably gonna become about the only social media i use now and I think i might just make an alt account or something for my other art so i can stop posting on instagram all together hopefully. Everytime i open that app it makes me more sad and then I never get around to opening this
Due to the severity of what I mentioned earlier, I'm just going to say that I'm not feeling like *that* right now, I feel like I'm actually very gradually starting to get out of the not great mental state I've been in for basically since high school, but I'm not gonna let twitter and the potential of social media harassment fuck that up, so from now on y'all are gonna be like 90% of my social media interactions most likely and I'm not gonna let whatever the hell twitter does in the next few weeks take my favorite characters from me.
I love c!Dream and c!Punz. Their dynamic is excellent be it drunz or stageduo. I'm gonna keep writing them.
They look like the cc's but they still very much exist separately of them (irl Dream isn't getting tortured by irl Quackity and Sam or anything lol).
So whatever ends up happening, imma be here most likely. So for those of you who'd like to join me, hey! For those of you who can't take it anymore, I understand.
Oh and for those of you who've been drawing/writing/whatever any cc's who are currently accused or exposed or anything, I encourage you not to delete or destroy your work, you worked hard on it! If you don't wanna look at it rn, put it away for now. If it's character based especially! Don't let the actions of others or the vitriol of twitter take away your favorite characters!
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vexic929 · 4 months
Writers Truth or Dare!
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats
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🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
like a 2, I do it because I have to but I've never been good at editing my own work lol I'd much rather have a friend look it over cause I'll get in my head about it XD
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
this one is just so cute <3333
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
follow me back on tumblr? lol if we're moots, we're moots, if we're not that's okay I still love you <3333
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
neither Tim nor Damian should be Robin at this point, they've both grown past it, the current Robin should be Maps Mizoguchi
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
I'm not usually very good at dealing with writer's block honestly XD but I find sometimes all you need is to watch an episode of one of your favorite shows to get your brain invested in the creative process again
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
literally any, I'm not picky, you can leave an emoji or something and it's totally fine! that said I do love when people quote lines that they enjoyed and talk about them, I always like to find out what stood out to people especially if it's not something I anticipated <3333
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
I don't wanna compliment Lex Luthor tho lol
honestly pretty creative with some of his schemes
iconic character design
took the obsession with his enemy further than even Eobard Thawne by doing the "make a clone child with the DNA of you and your enemy", truly hingeless behavior, I'm impressed
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
@practically-an-x-man so kind and inspiring!
@negative-speedforce so sweet and fun <3333
@autisticharrywells excellent analyses and best takes!!
@shrinkthisviolet so cool and nice <3333
@faeseekerandy an excellent friend!
@goldheartedchaoticdisaster super cool and fun!!
@angst-is-love-angst-is-life absolutely lovely and sweet <3333
I'd tag every single mutual honestly but I need to stop sometime lol just know I love you all!!! <3333
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factual-fantasy · 3 months
10 Asks! Thank you! :}} 🌱
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I assume I'm not, it appears to just be a chest cold 😞
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<XD I've heard of whiteboard yeah. But I've never used it. I can just imagine people popping in just to scribble all over everyone else's work. I'll think I'll stick to solo drawing for now-
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(Post in question)
XDD Sylvester has a tendency to be rather cursed-
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I don't see why not! :}
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(Post in question)
Indeed it is! I made a post talking about his backstory but I can't access my archive atm so I'll do a quick recap-
I don't actually know anything about madness combat. Some friends of mine were really into it and made a bunch of OCs and I wanted to be cool like them 🥺 so I made my own madness OCs based on what little knowledge I had.
His name is Casey. And he lived out in the middle of nowhere Nevada with two of his best friends in this giant armored truck that they built.
At some point they were caught in a burning building disaster, some bandits stole the truck and Casey's friends died in the fire. He wandered the wasteland alone for a few years.. before eventually stumbling upon the bandits camp.
He stormed into the camp and killed everyone, unfortunately his truck was nowhere to be found. He did however find this little girl that had been captured and tied to a tree.
Him and "Stefany" then traveled together for a few years before meeting a scientist named Eric. He had gotten separated from his group and was stranded. I had this idea that the people from the wasteland hate scientists. But Eric begged for help. They made a deal that if they brought this guy back to his lab, that he would give them this valuable thing from the lab. He agreed.
Eric didn't intend to keep his side of the deal. But after a few weeks of traveling together and bonding.. when they got to the lab he stole the thing and gave it to Casey. Getting himself booted off the lab team in the process.
So now the three of them travel together. Eventually Casey gets hurt really bad and the group has to camp out for a bit. While Stef was out looking for food, she saw Casey's truck in the distance. She went and hijacked it, kicking out the two bandits that were in it.
She drove it back to the camp but the bandits followed. There was a stand off between the bandits and Casey. When suddenly..
"..Casey? Is that you?"
The two bandits were Casey's friends he thought he'd lost. There's this tearful reunion, a lot of story telling and explanations.. and now they travel together as a family :)
Oh yeah and at some point Stef gets a (probably) rabid raccoon named kitty, even though there aren't animals in madness combat..? Apparently?? Idk I had barely any world knowledge when I made these characters <XDD
But now that I'm thinking about them.. I should draw them again some time.. 🤔 anyways, thank you for the interest and for the ask! It means a lot to me :}}
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(video/link in question)
That's how I'd start probably. Then they'd build sandcastles, dig giant holes for no reason and play in the sea! :}
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Sorry, I don't take drawing requests. :/ and considering my state, it's especially something I will not do upon request..
And what are you doing askin me to draw? 🤣 I've seen your work, you're quite the artist yourself! Why not draw it yourself? I know it'd come out great! :D (genuinely)
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I don't think much surprises the Mario Bros anymore. �� If they saw a crew of talking pirate cookies they'd just think "well this might as well be happening."
As for a bully on the ship, the crew would not tolerate any of that behavior towards Red. They'd shut that down real quick. ❌
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:DDD Thank you so much!! :}}}
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Jimmy's doin fine. And I'll draw what ever I WANT when I finally get over this, thank you very much! >:T ☝️☝️thank you tho :}}
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yayforocs · 2 months
Ohhhhhhhhhh My God okokok i'm going to be unpacking a lot here and i'm. oh my goodness i'm so excited there's stuff here i FORGOT about!!!!!! never posted anywhere would have been lost forever if i hadn't saved it on this flash drive!!!!!
OLD UNPOSTED ART LET'S GO (pt 1) (yes i'm doing multiple parts bc u can only post 30 images per post)
ohhhhhh man oh man ok i'm looking through and checking on like Each And Every One Of These to make sure they're not actually posted anywhere and m a n
ALRIGHT, cranking the clock alllll the way back to the start of my main blog, july 2012!!!
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God ok this is fanart for a slamacow video, it's the like one music video he made :VVV good ol Cube Land!!
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shadow of israphel!!!!!! what a series, my brother and i still quote a few lines from it. i actually did draw quite a lot more SoI fanart that never got posted, i'll have to go digging around and see if i can find it.... BUT atl now i know like!! timestamp for when i drew all that!!!
moving on to august 2012!
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herobrine in a cloak ig
dklsfjsd did i not feel like drawing regular clothes or.
september 2012!!
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genuinely i don't remember if i traced this over my laptop screen or if i just copied it down bc i was pretty good at just like lookin at stuff and replicating it, but it's erza from fairy tail!
october 2012 :V
i opened up a requests thread on the craftedmovie forums, and lookin back it looks like i only ever posted one of them, wack
so here's the rest!
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we've got a gamzee makara! we've got 'a brown haired girl (brown eyes may have also been specified? i don't quite remember but i'm p sure brown haired girl was) standing next to fluttershy'! who i actually, since no other specifics on the girl were given, drew to be the protag from the animation Crayon Dragon! and then the third one is the requester, trixomaniac, sitting on a rainbow :VV
november 2012!
we've got more requests!
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first one was i don't remember if it was just 'chicken man' or actually the requester's (gafloff was the name) skin but the request was for the person to be holding a butter sword standing over a zombie piglin or something along those lines :V i had no context of skydoesminecraft so i remember being very confused like. why a sword made out of butter XD
and then the second is shadowflare86, holding a gun pointing at the viewer :V whiCH! i had no idea how to draw so i did my best to imitate a pose from this wonderful animation called Serenade to Miette
...looking at this now tho i think it just looks like it could be a fantastic reaction image klshdg
speaking of
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i also. did this? i don't remember any context for it tho, i think it may have been another one of the requests?
on to the next folder! here we skip december, then looks like i've posted everything in january, then there's no february folder, so on to march 2013!
starting out strong with this one lskdfjs
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so i did actually post like the big middle drawing there, but it was posted before i colored, and also before i drew the other stuff on the page, but yes cue the homestuck art >:J starting with some runawaystuck fanart (and actually i know i added in a little jade and karkat to that page at some point, not sure if i scanned it again later after i added them or not)
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copied the talksprites for funsies :V rip jade ig
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ohohohoho i don't even remember what the context for this one was but i do definitely remember that i had fun with it X)
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FAIRY QUEEN LADY!! THE ORIGINAL DRAWING OF HER!! she was based on a Really Funky Graph i made one time messing around with inputs:
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i had a sliding phone so that's unfortunately as good a picture as it's gonna get bc i don't think i can recreate it 😅
april 2012!
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cleverbot doodles! kldsfjs i found the post i'd made of the colored drawing i did, and saw in the tags that i'd said ''#website characters #yeah i think there's a name for it but idk what it is'' gijinka friend. the word you are looking for is gijinka
and i had a lot of fun with this gijinka :V
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GOD SS PAINT!!!! i think i never posted this bc i was worried it looked too much like he was choking her skdlfj
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-oh wow this is. this picture is a lot smaller than i thought it was. slkdfj. anyway another that i can't remember if it's a trace or a replication but it's a yellow from the pokespe manga! please go read it if u haven't it's so so so good
skip to july 2013!
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i'm like 90% certain this is a replication. but there's still a 10% of uncertainty. regardless, it's de nam from final fantasy crystal chronicles!
next up is august 2013 :V
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ib time ib time
i doodled an au where garry was also a kid :V i think we (mogi and i) also joked around about like. a teenager au? they're both teens? i don't think any doodles came of it tho
october 2013, featuring doodles i know i drew in july bc i remember drawing them sldkfjds oh well
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these are a bunch of random ocs i came up with as like. a. ok it's not like a homestuck au bc it doesn't involve any of the comic characters in any way but this was a group of ocs i came up with that played through their own version of sburb and. everyone died but one person. i never came up with names or anything for any of them, it's literally like just what is there visible on the paper is all i had for them 😅 i'm p sure i redrew these guys a few years later, but i don't think i ever scanned it.
-ah i cannot upload any more, let me. multi-part this.
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hellbubu · 3 days
Hello!! Ik im super late, I spent the whole saturday travelling back to my hometown (a 7 hour travel turned into 10 so i just wanted to sleep after) and today was fathers day here and i had a family asado, so i got home at 5pm and also wanted to sleep after so many hours of ~socializing~ lmao Also, here I have next to zero privacy and it's very difficult to have 'unproductive' time online ¬¬ My mother demands at least 6 hours of conversation a day and its...exhausting
Anyways, finally watched the ep! And it left me with more doubts than answers tbh
First, I think Blue house really doesn't give a shit about the tournament. Its a given they're gonna lose, so why bother with much training? I think they participate out of obligation, but I bet being in the team is more like a chore than an honor at this point lol (idk how Derrick would fake it, except by saying he's the leader when he just played for fun and left the rest of the responsabilities and strategizing to others?)
Somehow Derrick IS less creepy as a zombie, ngl. His dead eyes at least make sense when he's, you know, dead.
And I must say that I already didnt think much of the P4, but after this??? Bitch, be fr right now. Did they seriously just slaughtered 6 people??? And did it for the 'school traditions' not even the student body who are the actual victims!? Cause I'd totally support them if they had thought of the students, since the fucking 'Lower Master' (which i guess would be the vicedirector/vicerector???) was in on it (which eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww????????' like, are you some kind of pedo sadist? or just so hard up for that whiskey? what is your deal, man???) and they had no recourse for justice. But eh, maybe plan a little?? The tiniest bit???
Also, we don't see what became of the others!!! Did they kill them all? Did they knock them out and left them tied up somewhere and waited for Druitt's people to murder them?? (Imagine you expect your nephew to have killed 1 (one) boy and then he just throws SIX corpses at you lmao) And WHY were they more worried about Derrick than about the Lower Master? WHERE ARE THE TEACHERS IN THIS SCHOOL? You *cannot* pay me enough to believe that 4 teenage boys have more autority than the full roaster of teachers? *They* never wondered where the man was? Why were they following orders from children??? How little did they interact with their superior than a zombie didn't arouse any questions?
(Also, HOW did they took them all out? Wheter they killed them or knocked them out, there were 4 other robust boys and a full grown adult and they had one single weapon! I was kinda expecting Violet to start throwing butter knifes a lá Sebastian when he crouched before the door lololol)
And that post-mortem hit really was overkill. I guess they felt Derrick was completely to blame and wanted to let out some anger. How do you even coordinate a hit like that tho? Awkward xD
I did not expect Ciel to keep up the innocent act lol. Yeah, suuuure you don't understand a little murder as a necessity (or as a treat xD) And admitting murder so readily is the epitome of stupid!! They didnt even ask you directly if you killed him! You could have said he died accidentally and you just...stumbled into UT's cult. Bluff or something, man! Amateurs
Yeahh I totally believe people with more wealth and prospects have more 'episodes' planned out. Poor people tend to just think about the end of the month and then the next one and so on. Rich people don't have many limits to their imaginations (I mean, the men dont.). I believe the LM, being an 'educator' had probably plans for multiple of the boys and their futures and how that'd affect his, bla bla bla and that's why he became so...lifelike.
Oh, so you're in the UT is Ciel's grandad train! Or is it canon now? Idk, I feel lost xD (But ALSO. Why is UT not chasing the people that killed his son/other Phantomhives and instead antagonising the only actual Phantomhive left???????? It makes no senseeeeee)
I don't give a s h i t if bullets didn't do UT harm. The SECOND I heard that 'heh-heh-heh' I'd be shooting. Three bullets at least (Ciel's gun is a modern one, why the f idk, so he prob has 20-25 bullets instead of the 5-6 of revolvers). I'd just want some *blood*. (Kudos to Ciel for keeping his head straight tho, UT would have probably bounced the bullets and injured the others)
Hartcourt is going THROUGH it today. He was probably very relieved when Blue House humiliated themselves in front of the Queen cause people would probably forget what happened to him in the pitch. But now this??? Poor baby. He's gonna have nightmares for YEARS.
I love the idea that O!Ciel still has an inner goodness that neither of his blood family had, even without being hella traumatized as a child.
Sebastian being pre-cog is bullshit. Just say you're insecure, Seb. It's okay. UT kicked your ass before, it's fair to be scared lolol
And poor Joanne passing out. I kept expecting Ciel to shoot the zombie Sebastian was protecting him from in the head, making his head explode, to remark the fact that he can (kinda) protect himself (sometimes). Alas, he didn't. Wasted oportunity!
Sebastian totally wants the Queen dead. He hates his master being someone else's dog xD
I LOVE that Ed went away but only to look for a weapon and come back!! Love that kid lol
The P4 were expelled and left probably in disgrace, but really, how much?? Like, they obviously end up working for Druitt (WHY?) but....adopt a new identity? Leave the country? I love that they sticked together tho. And even this the crown had all of THIS covered up; so really, they could have just done better.
Love the servants and the little glimpse we got of them! Ciel missed them too, it's obvious ha.
Oh, the Queen is 10000% evil (like pretty much any monarch of this time period) and very much had something to do with Ciel's family dying. Why tho, is the question.
Traveling for so long is tiring, adding to that socializing, amor you should probably rest a bit more. Just imagining me traveling 10 hours plus having to socialize that much makes me feel like one of UT's bizarre dolls.
Maybe Derrick just made the others play badly so that he'd look better? But that just makes it funnier when the time for the tournament comes and he's shit. "I'm just here to have a good time." "Well, stop having a good time and start properly playing!"
Honestly, I kinda like how much they value tradition because it makes the school seem a bit evil. Others have already pointed out that this arc is a mundane horror arc. The pace and the goals make it seem like one of those teen movies but not quite right. Ciel needs to get rid of a bully, he needs to get close to the popular kids (the P4) so he can get invited to the party (the midnight tea party) like in the movies. Ciel is almost like that unpopular kid who wants to become popular. But at the same time, the arc reflects how society as a whole works. You need to network, gain trust, etc. to get invited to certain things. There are traditions or processes that could be changed but aren't because "they work just fine rn. if it ain't broke don't fix it."
I don't like that the P4 are idiots that share 1 brain cell, because in what universe do you decide to try and bring your victims back to life???? They'll tattle on you.
The Lower Master is 1000% a pedo sadist. Why else would he be hiding in the shadows watching kids get beat? IMO he's as bad a Druitt because those kids are under his care, the parents put their trust in that institution, in that fucker and he does that? he's a bitch.
There is only one teacher in that school and it's Sebastian. Otherwise, the other houses would have a coach too. But it only seems like the Blue House has a coach, that does spend a lot of time with one particular young boy and carries him when he's hurt and kinda flirted with another and made him confess to being bullied... yeah, that school has too many faculty that's into kids... poor kids.
Violet kinda just blocked the exit while Redmond + Bluewer held one person and Greenhill beat up Derrick. I love Violet, I really do, but there's no way he took down the rest of the boys. Those boys should've been able to run and the P4 should've been forced to hunt them down for sport.
The P4 are lucky to live in an era where they can't be easily voice-recorded. Because if Ciel wasn't the Queen's Guard dog, it'd be a he said, she said kinda thing. The moment Ciel started asking, they should've just said," I have the right to an attorney and won't speak without one present."
Gender and socio-economic status must play a big role. There would obviously be exceptions, there's always people eager to climb the social ladder (marrying kids into a better-off family, a middle-class family pushing for one of the kids to go into a good, respectable, career, etc.) The LW was probably just eager imagining what kinda of kid he'd see beaten up next year and what success story would decide to mention his name as an inspirations or whatever, maybe he even wanted to become the headmaster.
Amor, I don't think he's Ciel's grandpa. I just think he was Claudia's sidepiece. She probably rode that D while away from home when he was busy being the Guard Dog. She probably left after fucking, meaning UT wrote their names and drew hearts around them in a notebook. Maybe they're canon in the manga, but I just find this funnier.
I feel like UT would've either been offended had Ciel fired at him or found it hilarious. Because that kid knows not even 2 reapers and a demon can take him on but he still shot at him? He'd burst out laughing.
Harcourt is the real victim. He shat himself in front of everyone, he discovers one of his crushes is a butler, then his body goes into shock because there are hungry, hungry zombies and he pisses himself, lastly, his two crushes are being gay in front of him and he passes out. And by, like, the next day, his boss is expelled, his crushes leave, and he isn't allowed to talk to anyone about what happened. My boy needs therapy.
I think Yana has spoken at times about how Vincent is kinda very evil and just the fact that he's evil (even if he's so soft and attentive to his sons) was kinda passed down to them. I think R!Ciel might've inherited more of the Phantomhive evilness because he was the oldest and Vincent might've spent a bit more time since he'd inherited everything. I also think that Ciel has always been the one with more inner goodness, I think. I've seen screenshots here where O!Ciel says he wants to start his toy company because he's almost always inside (cause he's sickly) and wants kids like him to be able to enjoy themselves because most toys are outside toys. Meanwhile, R!Ciel tells him that it's dumb and stuff. There's also a difference when it comes to how they speak about the Earl's duties to the people who live in the Phantomhive land and how they talk to servants from the little I've seen.
Ed is such a sweet boy. I like the dynamic between him and Ciel.
I am 10000000000% Druitt approached them and gave them the job because he "loves" his nephew. The only way Druitt becomes tolerable to me is if I HC him hating his family and going out of his way to fuck them over. That's why he's doing this to poor Redmond. Because I doubt even he (Druitt) is stupid enough to think that any of this is a good idea.
and very much had something to do with Ciel's family dying. Why tho, is the question.
I can answer this question. She had Claudia killed because she UT's D but he was too in love with Claudia. She obviously had to wait until there was a Phantomhive heir old enough to be a Guard Dog before killing her, hence she waited until Vincent was around 15 years old. Then she got impatient because UT had still not gotten over his ex and killed Vincent. She probably wouldn't give a shit if the twins dies because if UT didn't want her, then she'd at least have killed all he loved and would just give the title to the Midfords or some other family. (joking)
My best bet is that they were turning against her or knew something that they shouldn't and she didn't trust them to keep their mouths shut.
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disneynerdpumpkin · 8 months
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Welp, it seems every other Disnerd (and even non-Disnerds!) is making posts about Once Upon a Studio, so as a Disnerd I guess I should jump in on this too!
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Seeing all of the Disney characters interact with each other was AMAZING!
I wish we got to see The Nightmare Before Christmas characters tho :( That would've been pretty awesome (and there weren't any Pixar characters smh which makes no sense since they're Disney too, just a different studio partner)
As a Disney Pinocchio fan I was delightfully surprised that Pinocchio was one of the first characters to emerge! (The voice wasn't very accurate, too high-pitched but still so cute!) I honestly thought that they weren't going to put him in at all, cuz Disney tends to not pay attention to Pinocchio nearly as much as the other movies. AND HIS CUTE WIDDLE FACE OH MY GOODNESS MY LITTLE BLORBO!!!!! And he was trying not to laugh when Louis fell out of his picture frame XD like oh my goodness his little opera-gloved hand trying to hide his smile. Pinocchio has broken the cuteness meter
And Mickey stopping at Walt's picture, and "Feed the Birds" piano instrumental to accompany it???!?!?!?!?!!!! You better believe I cried :sobs uncontrollably: (for those non-Disnerds that might not have understood, "Feed the Birds" from Mary Poppins was Walt Disney's favorite song)
Moana, Flounder, Merlin, and Mad Hatter interacting with each other was AWESOME!!!
And the bit when Prince Charming loses his shoe on the stairs and Max grabbing it and running off and him yelling "ERIC, GET YOUR DOG!!!" I can't even I CAN'T EVEN THAT WAS AMAZING OMIGOSH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
and then Cinderella was like "Go, Max, go!" She was legit ENCOURAGING HIM to run away! (I'm pretty sure, from this information, that she plays pranks on her prince often) why was this short blessed upon us?!?!
AND THEY MADE CINDERELLA'S GOWN SILVER!!!!! NOT BLUE!!!!! Cuz it's not blue, it's actually silver (and Disney seems to disregard this a lot of the time)! BUT THEY ACTUALLY MADE IT SILVER akjhkjhroiqrowoewvwpqwomiepovie21ueiuv9upwe9pv;";ad's;dw!
the elevator bits were hilarious XD and Baymax looking adorable as ever :D
they finally had Mickey and Minnie NOT wearing their typical outfits (red shorts and red and white polka dots dress) so that was great!
and of course Winnie the Pooh characters!!! All looking so cute, as usual! Everyone stuggling to get Pooh out of the picture frame was genius!!!
And ROBIN HOOD AND LITTLE JOHN picking up Scrooge's moneybags and saying "Ooh-de-lally"!!!!!!!
And Allan-A-Dale providing the soft instrumental music for "When You Wish Upon A Star"?!?!?!?!?!?! AND Mirabel?!?! AND Scat Cat?!?!?!?!?!!?!?? AND MULTIPLE CHARACTERS PROVIDING THE VOCALS?!?!?!
AND ROBIN WILLIAMS VOICING GENIE?!?!?!?!?!!? (tbh I actually didn't know it was him until someone pointed that out. which is funny cuz I was like "this sounds SO MUCH like Robin Williams, who did the voicing?") (so they took one Robin William's voice clips from improvising.) fun fact: Robin Williams improvised so much for Aladdin that they literally had 16 hours of material to work with!
Bruh Timon and Pumbaa calling Olaf "Frosty" was amazing
:internal screaming:
Honestly I would've loved to see some interaction between Geppetto and Pinocchio (DISNEY I'M WAITING TO SEE WHOLESOME FATHER-SON BONDING BETWEEN THEM!!!!!!) I only saw the two of them at the end :(
But seeing all the characters together (except TNBC and Pixar for some reason) was amazing!!!!!!!!
LIKE OH MY GOODNESS I CANT EVEN LIST EVERYTHING IT WAS SO AMAZING (like ima have to come back to this post and add more!!!!)
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Brief moment of me relating back to source shit once in a blue moon, but sometimes being a fictive is weird. I don't have much psuedo-memories or anything, but I just have these hanging false like... attachments and feelings like I knew certain characters when I look at them
And as a result I have my "Fan opinions" of Kingdom Hearts characters - and then I have my biased introject opinions of the characters.
Like most of my proper favorites I have honestly little introject-feels towards (one in particular is a favorite solely because of introject feels tho)
But one of the most complex dichotomies for me is that - as a fan - Kairi is an honestly huge disappointment of a character to the point of occasional annoyance with how she was never given much of any time to expand and grow but is shoehorned in like a main character despite arguably being the LEAST built character in the entire franchise
But as an introject I'm just like "no man shes good I couldn't dislike her" for no reason other than I'm like "man thats mean" in the way one would with a friend
And so as a result everytime I see the Kairi hate train / debate / discourse in the fandom (which I only ghost at best) my stance ends up being whiny disappointment XD
Cause I really want to like her character and have her role in the story play out more because I am biased and think she should have it, but I also think her role in the canon is absolute garbage and annoyance and I'm just like COME ON GUYS. I DONT KNOW WHAT BUT MAKE SOMETHING OUT OF THIS EMPTY SLAB SHE DESERVES BETTER EVEN THOUGH SHES SO EMPTY I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT OR WHY
REE *dies*
Do not be weird about introjects on this post. No I am not interested in source / cannon / any of that sort of mates / meet ups.
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