#why do they only ship to North America and Mexico????
jainkoa · 2 years
Who’s ass do I need to eat in order to get a kuromi plushie from the Sanrio online store?
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oscarjcarlisle · 1 year
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This is Isaac, my OC with the most lore and worldbuilding around him (but not much art yet). He’s a red panda, he was born in 1804 in Tibet, died in an accident as a young man, and was resurrected by his parents, a pair of powerful necromancers. Isaac is the only known case of full, complete resurrection in history, even Jesus (who historically lived and was resurrected in this universe) was only brought back for several days and in dubious physicality. Isaac was fully resurrected.
Magic in this universe also comes with “riders”, random side effects that correlate roughly in severity to the magic being performed. Usually it’s not a big deal, sometimes you cast fireball and a dove flies out of the flames for some reason. But resurrection is on another level of power, one of the highest levels, and in Isaac’s case, the rider that came attached with his resurrection was immortality. The odds of this are astronomical, which is why he’s the only case of immortality in his universe, ever.
Since his accident and resurrection in the early 1800’s, Isaac has bounced around the world essentially following his passions; fighting in wars he thinks need fought, protesting wars he thinks are pointless, seeking out the hidden magical communities around the world to unravel the secrets of his creation, and prevent the creation of any more beings like himself.
He fought in the First World War, starting in the African Theatre helping local rebellions against Germany, and was praised by his English comrades as a dead shot sniper. He went to the eastern front, where he met bolsheviks, read Marxist theory, and decided to join the brewing Russian Civil War. After the establishment of the Soviet Union, he got a position in the NKVD, and eventually his own special branch, the secret Paranormal Affairs division, which allowed him to seek out and “neutralize” supernatural threats to the Soviet Union, and to study paranormal and magical happenings and artifacts to his heart’s content. Isaac detested Stalin (and had several plans to assassinate him, but never carried them out) but used his paranoia and superstitious nature to get more funding for his research.
When Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was signed, Isaac declared the Soviet project dead in his heart, and began using his position in the NKVD to weaken Stalin’s police state as much as possible, and keep tabs on the Nazis. Isaac learned of the Final Solution in its early stages, but Stalin ignored his letters, so he went and fought on the ground on the eastern front instead.
After WWII, he went back to the Soviet Union, trying to mitigate the damage Stalin could do, tying up loose ends in the NKVD before it would become the KGB. The anti-colonialist and socialist rhetoric of Ho Chi Minh led him to Vietnam, where he fought in the Vietcong (not the Vietminh) primarily as a sniper. But when the firebombing campaign began, the compounding traumas of war drove him slightly insane.
He left Vietnam, took a job on a cargo ship from the Philippines to South America, and began working his way north toward the US, unsure of what he was going to do, but mired in nightmares and hallucinations of the firebombings. He’s stopped in Mexico by an empath, an indigenous healer who senses his rage and trauma, and guides him on several mushroom and peyote trips, which reveal to him the true nature of his existence, the permanence of his being, the power that grants him, and the fragility of his mind.
So for a while he spends his time having fun, through the late 60’s to the late 80’s, and his idea of fun is fast boats and cars, lots of drugs, and getting shot at. He begins hoarding wealth for his perpetual retirement, mostly by designing and selling submachine guns to the drug cartels (and socialist revolutionaries! He didn’t forget!) and smuggling high value items between Colombia, the US, and Cuba.
In the 90’s he begins buying up real estate around the world, and on 7 carefully selected plots of land, he builds his Compounds: places where he can safely store magical artifacts, which he’s been accumulating over the years; places where he can relax, disconnect himself from the world (all 7 are in remote locations); places where he can meditate, do drugs, work on his projects.
And that’s his history up to now, basically.
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roszabell · 1 year
🏠 - Quick! You now live in a mansion in the middle of nowhere and you've got your choice of three nations to live with. Who do you choose as your new housemates and why? Canada, Hungary, and Romano
🏛 - If you could pick one historical event to be adapted into Hetalia, what would it be? Canada being a badass in the world wars and Netherlands' liberation!!
⚔ - In terms of the nation lore in the series, what would you like to see expanded upon or introduced? Definitely I'd love to see Canada's relationship with/influences from Scotland and the Nordics. And/or, how they travel between countries - but there are a lot of amazing headcanons for this, so maybe its more fun left open for interpretation!
💫 - Now say you can only choose one country to add to the series. Who is it? MEXICO!!!!!! GIVE US CANON MEXICO PLEASE! I have my headcanons for him/her that are mainly just from @stirringwinds 's OC, but i NEED North American trio to be canon (more than just a mention)!!!!!!
💘 - What's the most obscure pairing you've got a soft spot for? Estonia x America (estame) :3
👻 - There are lots of explanations about what happened to Prussia after he was dissolved and why he's still around. What's yours? Well, its canon he was East Germany and lived with Russia during Soviet times, and then stuck around as Kaliningrad afterward—but that doesn’t give him much to do! It ties in with my ships mostly haha. I think he sticks aroud with Ludwig, but gets bored and makes friends with Matthew (whos fresh off nedcan breakup) in the early 90s and it eventually turns romantic! He stays at Matts house around 8 months of the year, spending holidays/winter in Germany (to be with family and becuase Matthew's winter sucks. dw they do have Christmases together sometimes, and it is quite often Matt gets to snuggle him by the fireplace in a snowstorm). Ik ik it is sappy ok 😭 He also spends as much time as he can with old friends (Aus, Hun, Poland, etc)!
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bluesnow21 · 2 years
Addressing Slavery in the New World: 1619 vs 1620
TLDR: Both the Dates are Misleading but address key issues that need to be addressed in the classroom regarding the founding of the New World and the U.S. especially slavery and “religious freedom.”  These two things have a really ugly history and are part of the history of the Americas and North America. This past Monday, in a Barnes and Nobles moving out sale, I came across a book which tried (and failed) to argue for 1620 to be the right date as the “Founding of America” with the Mayflower Compact instead of the 1619 account of African slaves brought by pirates to Virginia by accident.
Those who are upset about the 1619 “theory” would do well to remember that in 1492 Columbus came here and started the slave trade.  Slavery in the New World pre-dates 1619, and Columbus started what we could call the beginnings of the transcontinental slave trade with the exploitation of Taino and Arawak Indians as slave labor, thereby tying colonization with slavery.  This set up a future blueprint for other European powers (like England) to follow: The way for not just future colonization but laying the foundation for the Transcontinental Slave trade and the labor exploitation not just of American Indians but the eventual exploitation of African peoples and slavery here in the Americas.  Not just North America (Canada and the United States) but Central (Mexico) and South America (Brazil) too. Indian slave labor and selling Indians off as slaves in the aftermath of every Indian war by Europeans in North America started here at this point and didn’t really stop. Even today, arguably Native American women are sex-trafficked so sex slavery is still an ongoing issue here in North America (both in Canada and the United States) and isn’t really talked about in mainstream news.  You cannot ignore the history of slavery in a classroom, it needs to be talked about as it is still going on in some form in our countries here in the Americas. Now Columbus didn’t need to do these things in 1492 but felt desperate to do so in order for his exploration campaign to continue to be funded by the crown after he realized that there was no “gold” or “riches” to exploit and bring back.  Many Italian Americans in our country are visibly upset and uncomfortable when this gets brought up because Columbus “discovered” America, which feels accurate in retrospect, even though this is technically incorrect too;  He accidentally discovered an island chain thinking he’d found the “East Indies,” i.e. the lands of Malaysia and Southeast Asia.  Prior to this discovery, his crew wanted to mutiny and murder him. Another Italian Explorer, Amerigo Vespucci (who the “Americas” are named after) is the Italian explorer widely credited with and can be accurately said to be the Italian Explorer who realized that this was indeed a New World, thereby giving the New World landmass, the title of the Americas.  Italian Americans would do well to REALLY CONSIDER naming Amerigo Vespucci and not Christopher Columbus as their new mascot.  The “Knights of Columbus,” should call themselves the “Knights of Vespucci” and likewise could make a weekend for Italian American heritage celebrating Amerigo which gives them a nice place in the narrative of our country’s founding and several others here in the New World while still saying, “hey Columbus was a shitty dude” (but I digress I’ll put that in a later post).
Likewise there are flaws about the 1620 “theory” about the Mayflower Compact being the “start” of an idea we could associate with the  “United States of America.” Notwithstanding the fact that at least the 1619 argument addresses slavery in the Jamestown Colony and was where the Mayflower was originally headed.
The “Mayflower Compact Charter,” only guaranteed rights to a small group of free men aboard the ship.  Not women, not indentured servants aboard the ship or black slaves if they had any (which is why 1492 and the ‘1619 theory’ are equally important), and not even conditions for children.  It did not address what rights would be given to black slaves which is pretty important considering they were originally going to a colony in Jamestown where slavery was going to be a legal practice. It’s also pretty important to consider when 104 people were on-board this ship and about 30 of them were indentured servants. It did not even guarantee rights for free people, as there would be free black colonists where they would live too. It was at best an alleatory loose contract based on their English charter and oligarchic in nature. Rights were not held or defined by all on the ship through this contract.  It was simply agreed upon by the men who signed it at the time (who keep in mind were literate in a time of great illiteracy too). Likewise there were OTHER powers in North America at this time: The French (Canada and Southeast coast), The Spanish, The Dutch (NYC Metro Area), and later on the Swedes too (Delaware).  Coincidentally, Pilgrims accidentally wound up where they were like Columbus.  When they left the boat a couple times prior to their physical landing, they too exploited Indian grounds for first food and later on slaves with aftermath of the Pequot War: seasonal coastal homes (left unoccupied at certain times of the year due to harsh seasonal coastal conditions) and burial grounds for food prior to their contact with native Wampanoag tribes (you can read the Pilgrim journal accounts left by Mayflower ship records it’s there).  The idea of religious freedom albeit their flawed version and the genocide it wrought on Native people, religious minorities, and black minorities cannot be ignored either. It is partly what led to the Salem Witch hunts as it started with a black woman named “Tituba” accused of witchcraft, and as documents also show Quakers were forced to leave or forcibly be labeled as practicing “witch-craft.” Also: Some scholars (and teachers too) want to look at “ergot poisoning” from wheat as an explanation for “hysteric outbursts” or “visions,” that played a role in igniting the witch trials but the persecution of minorities in the name of religious freedom as a a morally wrong thing to do should stand on it’s own. There is also a black narrative of Black Pilgrims who arrived in the Pilgrim colony too from Jamestown between 1620 and 1640 so black students have a history to draw from and look at.  See here it’s actually pretty cool and really should be part of the classroom discussion. (https://www.capecodtimes.com/story/opinion/columns/2016/02/11/black-pilgrims-key-to-plymouth/32541061007/)
I should also probably mention this as part of below but:  Black colonists and slaves were clearly not allowed to practice their own religions, outside of practicing Christianity.  It’s a pretty important thing to discuss as we know at least 25% of black colonists and slaves were Muslim however when freed they not only had one of the lowest social statuses with few defined rights in the English colonies but it would appear that many of them were not even allowed to practice their faith openly, adding to the hypocrisy of “religious freedom.”  It gives greater weight to the original words and intent of why Jefferson added in his justification of Virginia Statute of Religious freedom that, “the jew and the gentile, the Christian and the Mohammedan,” should all be allowed to practice once you understand that there were religious minorities in British colonies from the 1600′s onwards that were NOT christian and who were NOT allowed to practice their faith.  Despite the further enshrinement of religious rights with the 1st Amendment’s existence and evidence to the contrary in this link below, it is still an issue met with by American and Fundamentalist Christians who really don’t know enough about it’s nation’s founders. 
In the fall of 2021, I was a special-ed substitute teacher assistant in a 7th grade classroom at a charter school.  My bachelor’s degree is in history.  Even though this 1620 argument and religious freedom set up by the Mayflower Compact charter is still given in schools, teachers are quick to point out to seventh graders what is wrong with this statement with the argument I’ve presented above in a condensed version and kids in the classroom pick up on it pretty quick (much how like if you mess up a magic trick they’ll point out the wholes quite visibly, ie “It’s in his pocket!” Or “what’s up your sleeve?”). Students are taught that the Puritans didn’t espouse religious freedom for all.  It was very much hypocritical. We want to practice our own religion but won’t respect or tolerate other religious groups, like the Quakers, to practice theirs in our own Pilgrim colony. The flawed practice called “religious freedom” led to other religious colonies like it to be set up out of necessity:  Rhode Island Colony, Penn’s Colony, etc. had to be set up so that “religious freedom,” could be practiced by all. So then why is this 1620 date such a big deal?  If the French allowed their colonies to be set up the same way, this idea wouldn’t have been special at all.  I suspect the French didn’t want religious wars in their colonies but the British permitted religious refugees in their colonies as they were clearly desperate to get people to their colonies to make them productive. Slaves had different rights in other colonies that were not English ones. For example, the Dutch appeared to have given slaves and black colonists far more equitable rights by comparison.  Had the English lost the Anglo-Dutch Wars slavery may have looked a bit more different than it would later go on to exist in the United States. (https://www.newnetherlandinstitute.org/history-and-heritage/digital-exhibitions/slavery-exhibit/the-law/)
(https://ny.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/nys09.soc.k-6.statloc.slaves/slaves-in-new-amsterdam/)  So it’s important to include this in the narrative as a lot of raw production and economies in the new world revolved around slavery and was done by the black populace whether enslaved or free.  Slavery and the black narrative are a part of the founding of this country and the classroom.
There is a LOT that got left out in the classroom. Even at the middle school level where this is correctly addressed, I would privately bring up the Beaver Wars missing to the teacher (which has been missing from most school textbooks for YEARS even though it’s the precursor to the French and Indian War and British/French Indian relations).   The teacher respectively had to say “You’re thinking late high school (junior/senior) and college material.” Remember these are middle-school kids.  Even though it’s a pretty important 80 year missing gap in most textbooks.  I’d meant to ask him to bring up to these kids what I’d addressed in an above paragraph regarding getting these kids to think about Black Muslims in the 1600s and 1700′s not being allowed to clearly worship which would tie in nicely with hypocrisy of “religious freedom,” but never addressed it with him.   Teachers are doing a good job teaching this but only if they’re allowed to do their jobs.  I understand parents are upset but history is not meant to make you feel comfortable. Calling something “revisionist,” or “fake,” when the reality and documents continuously show otherwise isn’t going to do our kids in schools any favors.  If anything it’s just going to lead to more of the same problems of the previous generations of Americans. If you read this all the way through, I hope you enjoyed reading this.  I wasn’t sure if I should post this up but in light of states taking a stand on “Critical Race Theory,” the fact that it’s Black History Month, rampant islamophobia and attacks on Muslims, plus seeing books like “1620,” pop up in the “Parents” Section of Barnes & Nobles near the kids section really made me want to put up my thoughts about this somewhere.  If someone wants me to document sources for any of this then PM me and let me know. Please feel free to comment or share/signal boost if you like.
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molsons112000 · 7 months
So meteorologist can have sample collections of the rain end of snow end of the atmosphere. Then they can break down these samples to figure out the chemical content of each. Here, below is how to do a water sample of the rain. Now, this is just to take natural water Samples of lake water or any water source, but rain is a water source.
Here do you see the eastern third of the united states is affected by acid rain. Now, where this asset rain moves is over the Atlantic and towards Europe. Remember the golf pushes up the atmosphere northern. Then you have the jet stream which goes from west to east. So we are not getting acid rain from the east coast. But we can give acid rain to the east coast. So they would be a receiver from everything from the west and remember the pacific is the most polluted ocean in the world. So that means we get rain from the Pacific at certain times of the year.Other times we get it from the Gulf and atlantic. This is what people in california and on the west Coast their rain is very polluted. We get most of our moisture from the gulf which is from the atlantic side which is much better. But we have a problem because the East Coast is dumping unbelievable amount of toxins from their rivers. Cause the rain comes down, goes into their waterways and those waterways go to the Atlantic feeds. The Midwest, mostly with its moisture and so if we don't take care of things on the East Coast we can have a serious problem. The Pacific is not as much of a worry for us. But definitely the atlantic.... And thank God the canal is only one way, but the Panama canal can take ships 2 ways and that's where they make a mistake. Because if we could move goods coming from california through the lock to the atis thick faster to asia. Faster to the East Coast, so a problem with the system. Is we don't have something going from the Pacific to the Atlantic, only from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Is the lock only goes in one direction. So the second lock that is more towards mexico can be the reverse lock so they don't compete. It takes goods from the pacific like this would help hawaii as well. So they can ship out things to the East Coast of America and to Eastern or what you would say.Western europe are east their west..... So that second lacter building they can reverse the direction not going the same way as the panama but going the opposite way from the pacific to the atlantic and this way they don't compete...... So this is better for Latin America than Panama continues to get its revenue.And the new one creates its own revenue ships returning..... So yes we need a new canal going to opposite direction....
Affected areas. Places significantly impacted by acid rain around the globe include most of eastern Europe from Poland northward into Scandinavia, the eastern third of the United States, and southeastern Canada. Other affected areas include the southeastern coast of China and Taiwan.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki
Acid rain - Wikipedia
The worries from asia is more the water current that goes to the east coast and this is why the pacific is the dirtiest ocean.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki
Kuroshio Current
Similar to the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic, the Kuroshio is a powerful western boundary current that transports warm equatorial water
So you'll see with the wave pattern.It moves the top half of the water from asia towards california. And the evaporation from the ocean comes from the top half of the ocean. Now the bottom half runs the opposite way away from California. Yes, the ocean runs the undercurrents.Run the opposite way of the winds.Remember the winds bring the waves in while when they wash in they wash back out. So when the water reaches California, it turns around and heads back. So depending on the particle weight of the matter going into the ocean. And atomic particles are very light. This is my nuclear waste from japan ended up in california. And so the fish that are at the higher level eat the nuclear waste. Now whatever california is dumping into the heavier particles come back towards california and end up going and polluting the atmosphere of california and going westward. But the heavier particles that go deeper into the water those go eastward. So we're both playing a role in hurting each other. It just depends on the type of waste that's being dumped and who's getting more of what type of pollution....
This is why I tell you.You have to go down in the ocean and grab the sediment samples at the bottom of the ocean. This is what's heading back towards asia from the united states. And if any of the shipping Is dumping heavy waste while that waste is going back towards asia ... It will initially move westward until it gets deep enough and then it will move back eastward. Remember this was the problem with finding the plane.They don't understand at different levels.The current moves at different directions. So yes there's a middle park that's moving and it's own direction as well.
The direction of an undercurrent is typically opposite to that of surface currents, and the strength of the undercurrent varies, depending on the situation and the circumstances.
https://waterhappy.net › the-power...
How does the ocean change with depth?
Conditions in the ocean change with depth: pressure increases; temperature and light decrease; salinity, oxygen, and micronutrients all change as well. There are five different Pelagic layers encompassing all open waters beyond the coastal regions.
https://www.globecomposite.com › ...
Exploring the Ocean's Depths - Globe Composite Solutions
So the high tide and low tide affects the speed of the undertow of the water of the ocean.....
How many times does the depth of the ocean water change per day?
Because the Earth rotates through two tidal “bulges” every lunar day, coastal areas experience two high and two low tides every 24 hours and 50 minutes. High tides occur 12 hours and 25 minutes apart. It takes six hours and 12.5 minutes for the water at the shore to go from high to low, or from low to high.
https://oceanservice.noaa.gov › tide...
Frequency of Tides - The Lunar Day - Tides and water levels
Ocean water moves in horizontal and vertical directions, so it's turning. So, yes, it does bring up matter from the bottom of the ocean.
National Geographic Society
https://education.nationalgeographic.org › .
Ocean Conveyor Belt - National Geographic Education
Oct 19, 2023 — Ocean water moves in two directions: horizontally and vertically. Horizontal movements are referred to as currents, while
https://www.wired.com › story › t...
The Physics of Scuba Diving
Nov 26, 2022 — Since the pressure is greater the deeper you go, the water underneath pushes up more than the water above it pushes down
And I told you the ocean has a natural divide.
University of Michigan
https://glisa.umich.edu › NCAPDF
Historical Climate and Climate Trends in the Midwestern USA
by J Andresen · Cited by 167 — Average summer rainfall exceeds 12 inches across
So if you see the area of tornado ally from the coast of Texas and then upward, this is the jet stream movement through the United States, which is very valuable to us in the Midwest.It protects us both from the east coast and the west coast. But if texas and others are polluting like in mexico are polluting into the gulf heavily then we're screwed..... So Is protecting the gulf is very vital for the midwest of the united states.... So remember our rivers flow into the Gulf.And so what we do with our rivers affects us because what goes out comes back.... So if we don't make sure our rivers and waterways flowing in like the Mississippi into the Gulf. Are good nutritional, healthy pollutant. Free water, then we're f***** in the Midwest. So that means from texas all the way up to canada because they get snowfall in their midwestern from the gulf as well. Yes, warm dry warm.I should say cold dryer comes down and then it meets the water from the Gulf.A gulf goes all the way up into canada and beyond actually.... So depending on the gulf depends on snowfall up north..... So as we've been polluting the Gulf, we've been devastating our ecological climate in the Midwest.All the way up and this leads all the way up obviously the north pole or arctica.....
The current flows northward into the Gulf of Mexico, then loops southeastward just south of the Florida Keys (where it is called the Florida Current), and then just west of the westernmost Bahamas. Here, the waters of the Loop Current flow northward along the U.S. coast and become the Gulf Stream.
https://www.wunderground.com › l...
Gulf of Mexico Loop Current Explainer - Weather Underground
Warm, salty water is carried by the Gulf Stream from the (much deeper) Atlantic Ocean into the Arctic Ocean. This warm water collides with cold water east of Svalbard where the seafloor rises steeply, making this warm water come to the surface.Jun 11, 2015
https://arctic-news.blogspot.com › g...
Gulf Stream brings ever warmer water into Arctic Ocean
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
Some other things that are happening that are really disgusting a lot of people think that they can drink our son's blood and become big and keep saying there's so much prilosec in there that you're not going to become big at all why do you think I don't become big and it helps him and there's another thing too his own brother is not compatible with his blood and he diverse Caju are diverse he's more like a purebred. And his own brother couldn't do it so you guys keep talking about it and we'll keep killing you but it's ridiculous you're doing for nothing. Ghwb had some samples and he tried it and he died twice and he said this kid is going to be gigantic and he is a mega mutant and it's worse than these Caju for some reason. There's two other people who tried it and they became very sick and it didn't go away and it was his parents his mom pretty much died from it and didn't flush it she didn't know she had to and it sat in her bloodstream and it killed her he was eating her cells. Jen grew a mustache when was she was with him and Carrie grew her hair mustache for her ass. And Melissa became really really hairy in certain spots it was hilarious and she was mad conversely I saw an actual little funky for a while and changed and noticed it and she changed and she noticed it too thinking somehow control it but people can't you people don't know what you're doing now you're just not compatible
-there's a huge number of people who don't get it then we're going after them. Right now there's a huge fight and it is in Charlotte county and some of the garbage that's another thing too most of you almost all of you would never be able to have a child with him and he would have to try millions of times it's very difficult and these two were doing all sorts of things and when they had offspring and you don't know about it
-couple other things are happening and these people are getting ready for a greed session they say at the mall and our son says he's going to get his big straw out and we understand that so we're going to reverse and check Holiday inn Holly even calling bringing you in and he said Holiday by the way and we know what he means fattened and there's more to
-we have a couple more things they're producing evidence or sun was doing wrong doing and it's the pseudo empire mostly Mike too and Stan and the others are starting to beat on them right now they're all losing the bunkers in the northern portion of the northern hemisphere all of them are going and they will be without those and they're also being destroyed in the Southern hemisphere and they're almost all gone it's only in the northern portion and they have moved on to the caucuses in the Middle East and Eurasia and Asia and Mexico and they are getting their asses kicked the max bunkers are targeted and they are attacking them as well and they're calling for more and more troops as soon Africa and South America will be empty of warlock and we think the Sahara will still be intact for the empire right now they're not getting anywhere and they only have about 10% left to the South of the Amazon and 20% to the north and it's not a large area but they're in because they don't have much equipment and they're trying to move it out from the south and having trouble ships are intercepting spaceships and it's going to be very difficult but yeah they're trying to put something together and Mike too says our son's a loser and their son says you lost your wife and your nutcase now and you're on the list to be terminated so have a nice life outside of the United States I'm sure that they're going to outlaw you too and Stan was going to be outlawed anyways and mac and the others are confirming they're going to outlaw them and Michael too is a flaming homo and he doesn't get it and he will and he'll be kicked out of his judgeship in disgrace. The others are gathering his ships now and there's several that really needed it like Justin even Daniel but Ken he needs a lot and he's going after them and he's getting help it's not a terrible person and there's more to know and he knows it and he knew JC and Mary and he has thoughts and some proof about since you may have seen he may have seen so what's going on now and we are aware of it a couple other things
-he has no battery left but this court today with John rebelord and company for 5% more of their land and assets leaving only 10% in Florida and they're going to lose and they're going to be assholes again
-along with that they are moving their troops North from Florida no but from everywhere else here they playing the kidnap him and take him to the island and bja is fighting him and it's violent and it's dangerous and we're going to be there but these people are at each other and people need to know and we also need to have people helping here no matter what you can get here and be a help please do so and they're requesting it but we are requesting it first and in writing right here
Thor Freya
Please do so and now Olympus and they thank you in advance
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garudabluffs · 2 years
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The United States has become a plutocracy where a few ultra-rich individuals and families control almost all of the wealth and power.
Why is excessive wealth a problem?
READ MORE https://excessivewealth.org/
What Do the GOP Seditionists Offer Us Other Than Ripping America Apart & Oligarchy?
Pitting Americans against each other by race, geography, or even politics when simultaneously invoking bloodshed as a justified outcome is as anti-American as it gets
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<>This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. Hinton Rowan Helper (1829-1909) was born near Mocksville, North Carolina, the son of a slave-owning farmer. After graduating from Xavier College Preparatory in 1848, he became a fervent opponent of slavery-and of the presence of Africans and non-Europeans in America. His most famous book, The Impending Crisis of the South, marked him out as a visionary on racial matters, and he was appointed by President Abraham Lincoln as the United States consul in Buenos Aires from 1861 to 1866. His residence in Mocksville, North Carolina, was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1973 and is maintained as a monument by the US National Parks Service.<> & "One interesting tidbit is that only 1/5th of white Southerners owned slaves." + "Helper was a Southern abolitionist who compiled this book with the specific purpose of presenting the case to his fellow Southerners that slavery was destroying their region, their morality, and even their intellect." ALSO, "The book was banned in the South before the Civil War. Owning a copy was a criminal offense. Reading the book, you can understand why."
"When Reagan came into office in 1980 about two-thirds of white Americans were solidly in the middle class: today that number is around 45 percent and it requires two people working full time to pull even that off."
"The past 42 years have seen over $50 trillion in wealth stolen from the homes and pockets of working-class people and deposited into the money bins of the morbidly rich through GOP tax-cut and union-busting policies.
In the past 42 years over 60,000 factories and 15 million well-paying union jobs have been shipped to Mexico and China, leaving working class whites (among others) literally out in the cold.
Just like in the 1850s, that’s an explosive transition. And just like in the 1850s, it has brought out oligarch-funded political demagogues to tell white working-class people that their problems are all caused by Black people and their “woke” allies, and therefore the nation must divide itself."
Greene, Massey, and the rest of the sedition caucus in Congress are playing with fire.
As Southern abolitionist Hinton Helper wrote in his 1857 book The Impending Crisis of the South: “The lords of the lash are not only absolute masters of the blacks, but they are also the oracle and arbiters of non-slaveholding whites, whose freedom is merely nominal, and whose unparalleled illiteracy and degradation is purposely and fiendishly perpetuated.”
READ MORE https://hartmannreport.com/p/what-do-the-gop-seditionists-offer
29 Comments "The Red States could split off without a fight. First, as a group they refuse to send their Congressional Delegations to Congress. Congress wouldn't be able to do any business without a quorum. Next, don't send Electors after a Presidential election. The election goes to the House where there is no quorum. No President, no Congress, no Federal government. The Red States then form a confederacy. This venture would eventually fail because they'd struggle to come up with the money to continue agricultural subsidies, Social Security, and Medicare. I describe how the Dobbs decision brought this about:
"Trump is not an executive, any more than a head of a mafia family is, and in my opinion he was the head of a mafia family,with familial connections to the "Russian" mob,via his son in law and Giuliani who made his bones eliminating the competition of the"Russian" mob by prosecuting the Italian mob. Who would expect an Italian Quisling. working with the "Russian mob"?"
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soundskinsglobal · 2 years
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pionia-milly · 2 years
Watch "A day after North Korea's ICBM launch, US, South Korea & Japan stage joint air drills | WION" on YouTube
North Korea think South Korea is Crazy and South Korea think North Korea is crazy so both are crazy more crazy is Japan they will put nuclear poison water to the world and fish die not only fish, animal are die not only animal human are die and America want to keep Pacific and their lovely wife japan acting is destroy with nuclear poison water this world. First victim countries are USA, Russia and Mexico it is not only Pacific problem Indian ocean, Atlantic Ocean too and fish doesn't need Visa they can free to move Pacific to Atlantic Ocean and we won't see birds anymore. Japan's nuclear poison water is 150 tone or more and their ships dropped Korean to everywhere I think. This poison nuclear is not only Ocean problem it goes up in Air so bible is correct. Peoples die by nuclear and China think America keep Pacific and try to blocking China but why they crazy about dead Pacific because it will die soon by this March or April and Australia most people lives ocean side how about Vietnam or Thailand? ?? Pacific's all the fish belong to japan because japanes can hold nuclear poison water anymore they can make the nuclear lake but they won't and better die with this planet creatures include birds so I think they better come to America west America is vacant and Australia people can't live 85% their land so dried wildness and save Pacific show or do some act japanese not give-up their situation and in my dream two j as panese guys said they only big land America or Canada can help this situation I think they will like too not kill fish and fisherman or creatures from God. America is huge land and China is huge land but only peoples live east side or south side and other countries are crowd with own people so peoples understand America keeps Pacific ocean and this poison nuclear water goes Russia and America and Mexico first and came to Korea 5 years later so they won't fishing anymore after 2 years I think. This japan is charging world too
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tonkiks · 2 years
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shadowfae · 4 years
We’re all pretty aware that the tumblr otherkin community is at a huge decline; I was wondering if you have any theories as to why that is?
American Protestantism, the decline of queer oppression in North America and the AIDS crisis, helicopter parenting, web 3.0, morality politics, and  Tumblr’s porn ban; roughly in that order and rolled up into one bombshell that was a few years in the coming but nobody really saw it and understood it until it was far too late.
That was a mouthful and probably only made sense if you follow current cyberpolitical theory. For some of you reading this, as with every other hot take I have this has a chance of being passed around, that alone is enough. But for others who had no idea what I just said and need the ELI5 version, let me explain that. Buckle up, this’ll be a long one, and will go into fandom history a bit as well because it is actually relevant.
As we know, tumblr is a very American-centric platform. Twitter is also this way, but less so, but tumblr has it bad. Now, I’m ‘lucky’ in the fact that I’m Canadian and a twenty minute drive from the American border, so that puts me in the ‘privileged’ majority. (I say privileged because I’m not really sure what else to call it. Most of the information going around about politics either directly affects me or indirectly affects me approximately one or two links of contact away. Someone who’s only influenced by American politics because it makes their sister’s online friends sad is not going to be privileged in that way.)
This means that American politics and their social climate overwhelmingly affects tumblr’s social climate. This also bleeds through into other fandom spaces, on twitter, instagram, and Pixiv to name a few places; but here’s where I spend the majority of my time so here’s what I’ve witnessed.
America’s main religion, as far as I understand (from the raised agnostic and currently neopagan view I have), is some weirdass capitalistic-Protestantism that is so many miles from what the actual Bible says that if I were a betting man and knew more about cults than I did, I’d say it’s some weird fucking cult and never set foot in the country again for any reason that isn’t gaming free shipping through a PO box. If you have no idea what I just said but are at least vaguely familiar with Christianity, this graphic explains it pretty well. So we can see there’s some glaring issues with that ideal.
The decline of queer oppression and the rise of queer rights in North America, which is to tenderly include my own country but we all know when people say ‘in NA’ they mean ‘America, and Canada where it applies because the right-wing Republicans are really good in the propaganda department to convince everyone that Mexico is a drug-lords-and-anarchy wasteland to the point where even I don’t actually know what’s down there other than bad drivers and heat’; means two things. One, it’s a good thing by a long shot and do not mistake this as me thinking queer oppression being lessened is a bad thing. But two, it means that thanks to the AIDS crisis, queer folks lost a lot of first-person sources as history.
The queer elders in NA who survived are typically either a) bitter anarchists who are often POC, probably still dirt poor and do recreational drugs or b) university-tenured TERFs (trans exclusionary radical feminists). Category A are the people who Republicans have deemed worthless in every way, because racism, queerphobia, ableism, and all the other ways to be wrong and different and Evil that they can’t handle, because Jeezus would never want them to actually learn to love someone who wasn’t just like them, and they don’t have the compassion to do better. Category B are the people who want to be different in just a teensie little bit, typically with TERFs they want to be lesbians, but they don’t want to challenge the status quo. They’re fine with the way things work, they just want to be on top oppressing others over ripping the whole damn thing down and building a more forgiving system.
Now, due to all those ‘isms and the cheerfully malicious aid of the Republicans, pun not intended but drives home the cruelty of it all, we also see the rise of helicopter parenting. The invention of the internet did not really help this. Basically what you’ve got is a whole bunch of parents who saw the civil rights movement, just got access to the internet and things going viral, know the world is changing, and like all parents, they’re scared for their children. Now instead of parents knowing one or two people in their classes who just went missing one day and everyone assumed they ran away, they hear about eight homicides in the city of kids going to parks at night and dying. The Satanic Panic was another event around this time that contributed to that, but I’ll let you research that one.
This means that all of these parents, instead of doing what their parents typically did and let their kids wander off for the day so long as they’re back by sundown, they can’t let their children out of their sight. There might be a freak accident where their child is decapitated on the playground swing! Their baby might get murdered by an evil Satanist walking home from school! Their dearest darling might go online and tell their address to someone who’s got a 100% chance of being a pedophile who will show up and kidnap them in the night!
…You get the idea. 
Combine those three things I just established, what we’ve got is a lot of queer kids who have a lot of internalized shame for being different and wrong, because they’re queer, and they can’t find spaces offline to be themselves, because all of the elders who would do that are dead and/or inaccessible and their parents won’t let them go to any clubs that aren’t school-related, which they’ll never find a GSA or queer club because Republicans, ‘isms, propaganda, and the war on Category A queer adults have all done their best to ensure that those spaces don’t exist.
So you have a generation of kids who I am the youngest of. The first generation on the internet. The late Web 1.0 (usenets and Geocities) and early Web 2.0 (livejournal was the big one, ff.net too, also 4chan but fuck those guys) generation. What we were taught was: trust nobody on the internet with your real info no matter how much you like them, this is a wilderness and any crimes that happen won’t be punished or seen so don’t put yourself in a position where you’re going to be the victim of one, and everything you put online is never getting taken down so don’t put anything up that you’re not willing to have on the front page of your local newspaper.
This worked out pretty well, actually! You had kids who knew that if they got in trouble, there was no backup coming to save them. Because the form that backup might take - parents and police - wasn’t going to help. Best case, they’d be banned from their friends and online support groups for being queer. Worst case, they’d be jailed and put in juvie and conversion therapy and turn to drugs and become evil Satanists just like everyone says they secretly are already. So they learned very quickly to take care of themselves. Nobody was going to save them, so they learned to not need saving.
And then, well, Web 2.0 shifted to Web 3.0. Livejournal died because parents - the Warriors for Innocence was the big name - went “gasp how horrible my children are being exposed to the evil pedos and homosexuals they’re going to do drugs and die of AIDS!”. Which is uh. It’s filled with a lot of bigotry, and I’m not excusing them - absolutely I am not - but you can kind of see where they’re coming from, if you tilt your head and squint.
Either way, LJ died, tumblr took its place, Facebook was fast taking off, and the fandom folks who had seen mailing lists go inactive, web admins take their fanfic sites down due to copyright, entire fandoms burnt to the ground in flame wars, said ‘fuck that we’re making our own place’ and that’s how AO3 got made.
That’s important. A lot of folks move to AO3, because well, the rules let them. The rules say ‘you can throw literally anything up here so long as it’s fan content and is not literally illegal, so we don’t get taken down’. It’s a swing for the first generation internet users, those kids who know this place is a wilderness and are carving out our own sanctuary.
But. The children under us. The children for whom AIDS is a nightmarish fairy tale, for whom the ghost stories are conversion therapy, for whom know they can’t really talk to their parents about being queer but can trust they probably won’t get kicked out over it. The children who haven’t spent ten seconds without supervision except online, and their reaction isn’t ‘oh thank god I’m finally free to express myself’ but ‘if I get in trouble, who will protect me?’.
And there’s nobody there. Because we went in knowing there was no backup. And that was fine. But now, the actual adults have figured out that hey uh, maybe we should make cyber laws? Maybe we should make revenge porn and grooming children over the internet crimes? And they grew up with that. They grew up learning that no, even if your parents are suffocating and controlling, they’re always be there for you! Some adult will always be there to protect you!
That isn’t the case. It’s not. But they expect it, because it’s always been done for them. They don’t really want to change the status quo, because that means doing it themselves. They can’t do that, because they don’t know how, they’ve been controlled for every single part of their lives thanks to helicopter parenting and without that control, they don’t know how to keep their lives together, and they demand someone come and control it for them, without restraining them.
Effectively, they want someone to ensure they never face the consequences of their actions. Helicopter parents will rescue you from whatever you did, because you’re their precious baby and it doesn’t matter if you punched a kid, you can do no wrong and the other kid clearly started it.
But being queer is doing wrong. Being queer is something Jeezus doesn’t approve of. So they want to make it something he could approve of! But if it’s too off what they consider to be okay, if it’s too different and weird and wrong and evil, that can’t do, that’s still bad, and they’re precious angels, and children, and minors, why are we the adults not protecting them and letting them see it? Why aren’t we being just like their parents  but queer-friendly, why aren’t we protecting the children?
The adults who taught us were the children of those who died as a result of AIDS. The eldest of my generation knew some of them personally. My therapist’s younger brother died at 20 of AIDS, and she told me what it was like. But they don’t have that. These kids of web 3.0, they don’t have that. What they have is over-controlling parents, and the expectation that someone will always be there to protect them but hopefully in ways that don’t hurt them this time, no real understanding of why Category A queer elders are the way they are, and so much internalized shame that they have to do some pretty fancy logic-leaping to keep them from collapsing entirely.
They can’t turn into Category A queer youngsters, because they don’t know how to unravel the system around them, because they’ve never had to actually make choices in their lives and live with the consequences, because they don’t have the example of how to do it. They can’t unravel their internalized shame because again, that’s hard and they don’t have their parents to take away the consequences and pain. It doesn’t come easy to them, so it may as well not come at all.
But, you ask, if Category A queer elders aren’t around to teach the kids, then how are they learning anything positive at all? Well, Category B, our university-tenured TERFs, who don’t want to change the status quo but want to just be at the top of it instead.
For a lot of kids who don’t know how to make hard choices but want to be queer, this is an extremely attractive option. But when they go online to queer spaces, a lot of them say fuck terfs, we don’t support your hate, and they go ‘yeah okay that makes sense’. They can say fuck terfs without ever actually questioning why terfs are bad. They’re Bad and Evil, just like drug addicts, just like fairytale nazis, just like the evil homophobes.
And we saw them say ‘yeah fuck terfs’ and we were like, ‘aight you got it’ and we never questioned if they actually understood us. They didn’t. They didn’t, and we didn’t do enough to fix it, because not enough of us realized the problem. So terfs got a little sneaky. They hid behind dogwhistles and easy little comments, hiding their rhetoric in queer theory that you’ll absolutely miss if you just memorize it and never actually question it and understand why that point is being made.
This goes back to America sucking, because their school system is far more focused on rote memorization over actual logic and understanding of the text. They’re engaging with queer theory the way they’ve been taught, which is memorize and don’t think, don’t question. Besides, questioning and understanding is hard. Being shown different points of view and asked what they think is not only hard but requires them to go against all of the conditioning that says to just listen and agree and never question it, which goes back to tearing the system and internalized shame down, and we’ve established they can’t do that so naturally they don’t do that.
This begets, then, the rise of exclusionary politics. They’re turning into Category B queer youngsters, because we told them ‘hey that’s a terf talking point what are you doing’ and they never questioned why. They learned you can do all sorts of things, just don’t say X, Y, or Z, because they never thought deeply about it.
The children who have grown on Web 3.0 do not want to do any heavy lifting to make things easier for themselves long-run. They want to do as little as possible and have things get better for them. There isn’t enough of us left in Category A, because Category B terfs are very good at recruiting young folks and Cat. A is overwhelming poor, dead, and easily dismissed in the system as evil and bad, so we can’t exactly convince the young folks to listen. If all of the young kids could agree to tear down the system, a lot more older folks might listen. Change always starts with the young, and there’s a reason for that.
But Republicans have figured out, if you get people fighting, they never put together a force that can actually stop you. TERFs, who want the exact same thing as Republicans but with themselves on top, are doing this to queer youth, and Cat. A elders can’t fight back because there isn’t enough of them and the odds are against them, and the young folk like me who follow their lead.
People can kinda handle gay people. It’s not so far from the acceptable normal that it’s impassable. But you want them to handle kinky people? Gay people of colour? Kinky gay people of colour? Trans people? Those are bridges too far to step across. The original idea was to get the foot in the door with marriage equality and inch our way through with racial equality, sex positivity, dismantling ableism and perisexism (forgive me if that isn’t the word for anti-intersex ‘ism), and see if we can’t patch up the system instead of inciting a civil war over this and have to tear down the system entirely.
Well, we might’ve managed that if not for AIDS being the perfect ‘Jeezus is killing all the evil gay people for being sinners’ propaganda machine. As it stands now, not a chance in hell. So long as Republicans and terfs keep everyone fighting, nobody has the power to dismantle their empire, and they stay in power.
So then, you ask me, “Lu what the fuck does that have to do with the decline of otherkinity on tumblr???” and now that you’ve got all that background knowledge, here is your answer.
Those children who want their experiences curated for them and the evil icky content they don’t like to be gone because it disgusts them and anything that disgusts them is clearly sinful problematic and should be destroyed, are what we call ‘antishippers’, or anti for short.
They like being progressive. Sort of. They learned what Republicans and terfs have honed to a fine talent: keep people fighting, hold them to a bar they have to constantly make or risk being ostracized, and harass the people who don’t play along into getting out of your sight forever. Sound familiar?
They learned of otherkinity, and particularly fictionkind, because web 3.0 means if something goes viral on one site, it doesn’t just go viral on that site, it makes it to worldwide newspapers and twitter and nobody ever, ever fucking forgets it. They realized the following: “Hey wait, if I’m this character for realsies, not only does it help me deal with the internalized shame I’ve done nothing to actually fix because that takes work, I can also tell these people who draw gross content I don’t like they’re hurting me personally, and that actually sounds credible, and I can shame them into stopping”.
If this is your first time here and that sounds sickening, it damn well should, and I am so, so sorry that any of us had to witness this, and I am more sorry I and everyone else who personally witnessed this didn’t realize what was going on and put a stop to it. I answer asks and browse the tags and clear up misinformation and it isn’t just a genuine desire to help. It’s damage control, and my own way of trying to deal with the guilt of not stopping this. I’m well aware I couldn’t have seen it coming, I was a teenager myself still learning and no one person has that much power. I still feel like I should have done more, and I’ll do what I can to fix what’s within my power to fix.
So back to the story. This all culminates around 2016 or so. Trump wins the election, and every queer person ever knows they’re fucked, and the younger generation’s only ever heard horror stories, never seen actual oppression that this could bring. We’re all scared. We all don’t know what to do. Nobody has any answers or any control over the situation.
So they lash out. They attack others for drawing things they don’t like, for challenging them in literally any way, for asking them to reconsider the vile shit they just said, for so much as defending themselves from the harassment they just got. And when challenged, they yell “But I’m a minor! A literal child! How dare you attack me, clearly you get off on this, you evil pedophile!” and they sling around every insult in the book until one sticks. Pedophile is a pretty good one, so is abuser, and sometimes zoophile works out too. Freak is great, everyone gets right pissed off about it.
The fact that Category A queer elders were called pedophiles and freaks is not a fact they know or care about. The fact that they are quickly making every fandom community super toxic is also not a fact they care about. The fact that the ‘kin community has words and terminology and they actually mean shit, and the fact that they’re spreading misinformation faster than we can keep up with, are not facts they care about.
So they come in, take our terms, make it impossible for us to find new folks. They realize our anger is easily a power trip, because we’re already made fun of, so they get off on the little power they can find and make fun of us too, and then when we get rightfully annoyed and pissed off, they can hide behind being minors.
Then tumblr implements their porn ban, because nobody’s stopping them, because it isn’t profitable to have porn on here. Considering most of the otherkin community, and most fandom communities, are full of adults who do occasionally talk about NSFW things, and the fact that they’re just banning everyone who so much as breathes wrong, this begins the start of a mass exodus, scattering already fragile communities to twitter, pillowfort, dreamwidth, and a few other places. Largely, twitter, where you can’t make a post longer than a snappy comeback and where the algorithm is literally designed to piss you off as much as possible.
So community elders have largely left, because they can’t stand the drama and the pain of what’s happened, and that’s if they didn’t get banned for being kinky furries who do talk about how their kintypes merge with their sexuality. Most community members have also left or stopped talking about being ‘kin, because they get associated with antishippers and toxicity and it’s just not worth it. Those of us who are left get drowned out by misinformation and trolls and wishkin and antishippers who appropriate our terminology because it supports them getting a power trip, and whenever we argue, we get called pedophiles and freaks and worse.
And now there isn’t much left. I hope we get to find a better place. Othercon was a good place to talk about it, I did a whole panel (it’s on Youtube!) about what we want to do about it. But I don’t really have any answers. 
But to sum it all up... America’s political climate ultimately culminated in destroying queer spaces, and we survived, and then people who wanted to destroy smaller communities to get on top showed up and we were all but defenseless against something we had never, ever dealt with before on this scale.
One of my twitter mutuals mentioned how kinning and otherkin are now completely separate communities. It’s really the best I can do to keep hoping that continues, until nobody realizes the words are at all connected to each other. It’s the best anyone can hope for, now. I hate it. I hate every part of this. But maybe we can salvage what’s left.
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another-mexico-oc · 4 years
Pls, more unpopular opinions :)
Mun: Okay, this is not an unpopular opinion, it´s more like a divided opinion between the creators of Mexico OCs. And I want to give my opinion, and I will focus only on the Hetalia fandom. Countryhumans has a similar case but since this fandom doesn´t have a solid canon in order to establish how this universe works, I will not bother to analyze it.
Some people think that Mexico should be two, or even three persons. One represents the North, the other the South, and if there is a third one, that person represents the Central part of the country. The reason behind this is due to the different cultures, customs and, yes, stereotypes between the mexican states. Take these maps as an example: 
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But guess what? Mexico is not a particular case. Many countries have areas that are polar opposites and that have cultural differences between them, and still, just one single person represents the whole country in the Hetalia canon. E.g. France is not just Paris, there are rural zones, as well as other cities and towns; and I´ve heard that, just like Mexico, some areas have different idioms and expressions. Even with all this given information, France is still represented by one single character. 
I think that some people who created more than one Mexico OC, in addition to the information already mentioned, wanted to copy the cases of the Italy and the German brothers. (Or simply they just wanted to have more than one ship for Mexico to have, e.g. usually one is paired with America, while the other is paired with Canada, or Russia. But the shipping thing is another issue) The thing is, Germany and Italy territories were temporarily divided at some point of their history and later unified again. The case of Mexico is different. Historically, the mexican territory has never been divided into two different nations. Yes, throughout the history, some states wanted to become independent nations, but it didn´t last long. In that case, it would be like that manga strip in which Canada has a nightmare of Quebec gaining his independence. 
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And that is the reason of why I prefer Mexico to be represented by just one single character, and Himaruya has already shown us that the representations of states do exist in the Hetalia universe, and so, the mexican states can have their own designs and personalities, and with that you can justify and explain the variety and diversity of the country.
Lastly, these doesn´t mean that I despise all the Mexico OC´s that are divided into two or three characters. Some fans did a great job with the design and the personalities, but then there are others than only focus in one of them, leaving the other as a generic and uninteresting character. Or sometimes these characters are the classic siblings that are completely different in every way, and that has become something very cliché. 
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funtimemichael · 5 years
⚠️⚠️warning: ((countryhumans)) strong opinions ahead, bad mouthing polititians, and opinions in war. Some of this info is stuff I got from the news which I know isn't always trustworthy. So if I did something wrong please PM me and kindly explane what I did wrong and if it offended you⚠️⚠️
So, idk why, but I felt like making a post about things I dislike in the countryhumans fandom. Its all my opinion so no one needs to take this seriously.
I don't mind a few stereotypes here and there, but when someone compleatly bases the ch on stereotypes it bothers me. Take America for example: stereotypicaly America is a greedy fat trashbag who loves burgers and doesn't care about anyone. The real America ((AKA the people)) is very nice, a little odd ((but hay, ain't we all?)), cares for other people, doesn't exactly agree with the government, and a lot of people here are acctually quite fit. It bothers me when I see my country ((or countrys if you count the ones my family originated from)) be represented by stereotypes.
Basing a country off it's polititions.
Why? Why do people do that, half the time polititians are blumbering fools who are trying to do something good but are just making it all worse. A country is not a country without the people, the people should be the ones to represent their country, not some powerfull rich man in a tux.
Basing a country off it's history.
I have seen some people make Germany, Japan, and Italy seam bad because of their history, or people make Poland weak because it has lost a lot of wars, trust me, Polish people can be scary ((especially when it comes to their vodka))
What I'm saying is that countrys change, you shouldn't base the characters off their country's past mistakes.
Shipping countries that despise eachother.
Now I will leave Russia x America, China x America, and America x Mexico out of this because it's only polititians being crybabys and whining to mama about the other one calling them names.
But ships like America x North Korea, no. Yes it seams fun but the thing is the people and government dislike eachother. Along with America x Iran, personaly i don't dislike the Iranians, infact most Americans don't dislike them, we dislike the polititians. Though, there is the problem that some Iranians are burning American flags and chanting "death to the Americans" there is a lot of tension and shipping both countries is like shipping the anime hero with the villian who killed the hero's entire family, its wrong.
All of this is my opinion and how I feel about things in the CH fandom, so please don't hate, just respect my opinions and I will respect yours.
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The Rose of Texas
Request: Female S/O and George writing love letters to each other please.
A/N: What was asked of me and what I provided are completely different. I had an idea and it snowballed into a product not only longer than intended but something I plan to work on further. In the end I wrote something that I wanted to write. I hope you enjoy it.
My Sweetest George
I assume its too late to say Merry Christmas while I’m writing to you, no doubt when you finally receive it. If it manages to get through whatever blockade is set up for the Red Cross Couriers. I should have written to you when I first departed. That night I left it felt like I hadn’t said enough to you, now I can barely think of any words that could explain the world I find myself in.  But like you say George, its best to start from the beginning. What I ask myself is what is the true beginning of this? I suppose your start would be me sneaking off in the middle of the night. I’ve had a lot of time to think about what I said to you that evening, or to be more accurate, to say what I yelled at you in blind anger. All the trouble I’m going through seems to be an appropriate punishment for my sins, but I still feel guilty for it. I guess I’m not as heartless as you think. Kidding aside I am truly sorry for what I said about you George, you are one of the best men I know. No man I’ve met can hold a candle to you, such a man does not deserve to be branded a coward because he refuses to follow every whim I have like a trained dog. Regardless of what you believe me to be, just know I deeply regret what I said to you. I love you George, do not ever think otherwise.
To most Canadians this ugly situation would have officially started back in ‘01’, when McKinley was shot dead and our beloved Roosevelt ascended to the Oval office, to the rank of self-appointed King. Another Caesar stabbed in the senate house with an opportunistic Augustus looking to forge his throne from the blood of the opposition. For every Pure Food and Drug Act making headlines, there was a coal miners strike repressed by federal troops. For every shining railroad built off the labour of the Southern states in his so-called relief camps, political opponents arrested and shipped out west. Corruption in the government pulled out like a weed and replaced with a loyal lap dog. Any man could see Roosevelt moved against anyone who dare opposed him with a vengeance, quickly and decisively. The press would say it was all in the name of stability and security; those journalists untouched by the Bears Claws at the cost of singing him endless praise and justifying every sin they could not cover up. The press in Canada more than happy to parrot their kin who looked up to the ever kind, ever present presidential king. How many truly knew the light of democracy that all sources held on the highest pedestal was being snuffed out. Fuel to the flame being cut by a tyrant who would stop at nothing to consolidate power around himself. Roosevelt’s party switch in the ‘04’ election should have been the wake-up call to the world, yet most remained ignorant. From the Republicans to the newly founded Progressive Party of America. The medias favourite figurehead as the acting chair; old officials sent to replace the ‘corrupt’ surprisingly changing sides to the governing party. The ignorant sang their praise at the man, no longer was America a two-party country, surely liberty and prosperity would follow us into the new century. The naïve and unenlightened will maintain that rhetoric, those paid to believe that it was the ungrateful south that opposed our King who kindly kept us under the federal government’s thumb. I guess we should be grateful to Roosevelt George: he had generously allowed our suffering to continue rather than slaughter the disgruntled southern population entirely, although even his media sources would have a rough time justifying that atrocity.
To me George, this started all the way back in ‘65’ with the end of the civil war. I’ve heard the cries that we are nothing more than a second coming of the Confederacy, succession is the last thing on our minds George. Instead of state and property rights; our cause is against tyranny and for a liberation of our enslavement. Only Lincoln wanted to reintegrate the confederates into the union. When he died so did any hope of unification. They liberated the slaves only to create a new breed to replace what was lost. While the new states in the west would thrive, we were kept in limbo, we were added back to the boarder but treated like foreigners, a conquered population, an enemy. P.O.W’s were sent home branded as traitors, permanently disfigured, or not at all. Their labour was used to rebuild the country they supposedly destroyed. If they refused: beatings would be felt, if they persisted: executed. All vailed as righteous punishment for a war that was spouted to end such treatment. When the work force gradually trickled back to their impoverished states the federal government still needed bodies for their factories, to build their rails, roads, to work for starvation wages. They have been stealing our men since the war’s conclusion, leave it to the Bear to expand upon a profitable idea. The men before him content with only conscripting the innocent for a camp or costly war abroad.
I remember the stories Pa would tell me of his time in the labour camps, whips, a hot iron and chains placed onto the worst offending farmers and militia men, not one rich enough to own a slave. That fact still true when they passed reforms for meager wages to be paid after years of free imprisonment. He’ll never tell us the full story of how he made it back to Texas. Just whispers about riots and hard choices being made. You’ve seen photos of him back when I was a youngling. It’s hard to imagine that moustache wearing the skin of an old gray back bludgeoning a guard for his freedom. He wore the uniform so his sons and daughters could wear suits and dresses. That fantasy gave way to reality when the Bear took the office. We all know now that was the turning point, the final act calm before the storms return.
When that French self-proclaimed Marxist revolutionary tried to rob Roosevelt of his life outside the senate building last September, we all knew there would be no turning back. A final push for greater political power while he was still in the hospital; forced eradication of opposing political parties, arresting any figure suspected of discontent towards the Bear, tightening the reigns on labour camps; all in the name of security and stability. Just short of a throne and crown for the new set appointed Royal and his noblemen. That revolutionary expected to trigger an uprising of the workers of America. Perhaps the French immigrant will be disappointed he mistook the civil discontent for an overthrow of the upper class. Maybe he’s in such a state with the provider answers given to him from outside that cell, upset that the only revolution to come is for the fate of our democracy rather than his ideology.
They call us Confederates, slaver, traitors: we are no such thing George. We didn’t betray the constitution, our foundations of the Republic. Our police forces haven’t arrested innocent diplomats and citizens for imagined crimes. The re-emerging National Unity Party did not crown a king. The Federalists fight for the Progressive Party and their oligarchies own interests. The Union States Of America fight for a greater purpose than self improvement; we fight for our republic, our constitution, our freedom. That is why I went home George, to save my country, not destroy it. The territory of an old enemy along with states tired of Washington’s rule now harbor the government they once opposed.
When we departed from Toronto, I expected the worst, years of training and work in hospitals as a nurse has filled my mind with standards for the dead and injured. All were surpassed when we arrived. Medical tents filled with victims of the Bull Run offensive executed by the federalist along the Virginian boarder. Such audacity does not surprise me: expecting us to falter at a single push into the Tennessee mountain ranges and entrenched divisions. Their hastily assembled army under Pershing has failed to end this war in the one fell swoop that the Bear has promised. As the winter snows began to set in November, we all knew this would be another long war.
However, we are determined to fight until our flag flies over Washington. The problems of the old war are gone. Allies from South America and Europe not blinded by the Tyrants propaganda rally behind us, bringing with them the newest toys of war. Self loading rifles from Mexico, artillery and generals from Germany, raw materials from Chile; manpower from all. I’m curious if it was more surprised to hear the Kaiser’s finest were getting involved rather than the United States got caught in another war. The old guards of Europe stay neutral for the time, I doubt the British will stand idle if an ally to the Germans were to set up south of their biggest dominion, not while world tensions are on the rise. I pray that this war stays contained to a single country. Perhaps with some luck the Germans, Unionists and British can unite against the tyrants of the North.
It must have been a field day for the parliament and press when the German Kaiserliche Marine flying the new flag of free America appeared off the eastern coastline. We don’t always get the best information of their front, rumours of skirmishes between the two fleets at best. It’s ironic: after the Spanish American war the federalist tried to bring their armada into the modern age. Their expensive steel monsters laying at the bottom of the Atlantic or under siege in harbour to another European power; neutralized, useless. Unable to halt the merchants and never-ending convoys bringing supplies into the bastion of freedom that will be their undoing. The southern men they conscripted as canon fodder returning home with knowledge of war. Liberated slave labour taught the craft of large-scale production under the threat of death now building our infrastructure from the rubble it was left in. All in due time George, we will rebuild our homes into a flourish state.
The war was quiet for most of December; everyone was busy drawing lines on maps to lay claim to whatever they could get their hands on. When the dead and wounded came down to what the regulars call “acceptable levels”, the medical staff finally got some rest. I got word from my older brother; he’s been stationed in loyal Missouri as a mechanic. Apparently, he learned a few more tricks with a wrench while interned in Wisconsin last year. He’s still not pleased I moved up to Canada, it’s not my fault there was no work in Texas. He’s a stubborn man, stuck in his own mind most of the time. He really is a spitting image of my Ma at times.
He did tell me something wonderful. Since the actual constitution was re-enacted after our schism the original voting laws have been put in place. Any citizen who owns property has a formal vote in government affairs. My brother wrote to me and informed me that after I left Pa added my name to the family homestead. I was able to vote George; man or woman, gender and race made irrelevant in a single move. Now I know they say a man’s vote is his own business, but I won’t pretend I’m not pleased with President Wilson being sworn in as the true leader American republic. God willing, he’ll be able to see us through these trying times.
In more personal news George, I have an update. I received a promotion of sorts, although I’m sure you would have a less glamorous title for it. Back in January our medical unit got assigned to the 12th Union Division near the Missouri, Illinois boarder. We were near the front providing what we could to soldiers on rotation to reserves when our dressing station was attacked by the federalists. Apparently, they exploited a breach the line and rushed into gain land. We were doctors and nurses being targeted, fresh faced recruits and wounded apparently a grave threat.
Pa always said I had the best shot in the family, hunting rabbits in my youth to avoid starvation has paid off. I managed to organize what soldiers remained and we held the federalists off, long enough for the reserves to come in. I’ll spare you the details George, but shooting an animal isn’t much different than a man. Not here at least.
We managed to push them back to the starting line of trenches before they gave up. In the heat of the moment no one noticed or cared about a nurse with a rifle and ammo pouch along side them. It came to a marksman battle between the two trenches cut short by an artillery barrage. When the explosions and flying dirt came back down to earth the Boots finally noticed the out of place skirt.
I received a medal for my work. “For outstanding bravery in service of the American Republic, her citizens or sons of war in the daunting presence of the enemy.” Words inscribed on the back of a silver wolves head now pinned to my new uniform. The same animal that occupies our flag. The red and white stripes guarded by a ferocious beast.
I expected to be chewed out for stepping out of line. Instead, punishment gave way to practicality and I was given the ability to be more than a subject for propaganda.  I agreed to become a Lance Corporal for the first company in the division. A hybrid of marksman and field medic, whatever the situation calls for. I’m happy to serve my country however I can, even if the task has become more deadly. I will answer the call, even if I maybe one of the only woman on the battlefield of this war. I know I still have to earn the respect of the men around me, citizen soldier or foreign volunteer. I know I can rise to the challenge George. I know I can prove myself to be a model soldier, perhaps an officer if I get lucky. I know I can be the strong woman you believe in. I know that together our united effort from around the globe can crush the tyrants of the North.
I don’t expect you to forgive me for what I’ve sin to you George. I want nothing more than to be back by your side. To be held in your arms that seem to protect me from the horrors of the world. We might be in for a lengthy war, but I have eternal confidence, our armies, our allies, our mission for freedom for all Americans; not just those in the Bears preferred party. Our armies will march north until we reach the Canadian boarder, crushing all resistance in our path. Then George, perhaps we can be together once again.
Lance Corporal y/n Crabtree.
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ldysa-blog · 4 years
Extra beer or wine?
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How would Canada, Prussia, and Romano handle every country but theirs dying? And the micronations. Asking since I'm writing a fanfic, and it's set in the future with time shenanigans. [And yes, america dies, italy, Russia, Germany, everyone but those three and the micronations since they're so small]
Hello, lovely!
This ask took me a bit to warm up to; Hetalia is my happy-go-lucky escapist fandom, but the more I thought about this, the more my own curiosity was piqued.
I took the liberty of assuming this was sort of a “sudden death” scenario, and that the lads find out the Others are missing at relatively the same times. I also tried to be optimistic, and I apologize if some of it is unrealistic.
Hope this is sufficient, and perhaps inspires you in your future writing ventures!
Lovi and Gil knew immediately that their brothers were gone. 
Lovino felt the hegemony fall to his shoulders as he was watching the sunrise, sitting on a dock with his feet under the water. He was immediate rage, cursing any name he could think of for the responsibilities now falling to him, for daring to take away someone so young. 
Gilbert, on the other hand, knew as he was brushing his teeth, bright pink bubbles swirling down the drain as he simply collapsed into himself, crumbling to the floor. “I was supposed to go first. Not you. Never you.”
Matthew was the first one to reorganize, take charge of the situation. With all major world powers gone, Canada was now the leader of what remained of the Free World, and he took his duty very seriously. Having been in Berlin already for a meeting, he hunted down the remainder of Germany, dragging the eerily quiet Gil along with him to find any others.
Mattie played the strong one, keeping a stiff upper lip throughout the first few weeks of the crisis. It’s not until he goes back to his house and sees one of America’s stray Converse and Mexico’s favourite hoodie that he completely breaks down.
The humans are in chaos, the global economy having crashed, and a large majority of them now gone. There is panic of an epidemic, of a possible apocalypse, with looting and strong alliances forming between any survivors.
It has been three weeks.
Gil remains stiff and silent, though he does consent to food, sleep, and bathing. Lovino hovers near him in case the idiot tries to do something foolhardy when he finally overcomes the shock.
Italy, what is left of Italy, ties with what remains of Germany for second in strength in this new world. Lovino keeps a stern face, greets each minute of regrowth with a solemnity that Feli and Toni would have teased him endlessly for. When Marcello bursts through the meeting doors one evening with news about refugees, he nearly loses his composure; Seborga looks more like Veneziano than Romano ever cared to admit.
The panic has mostly settled, and an eerie sense of calm and faux normalcy hangs in the air for humanity. There is no real normalcy- Most continue trying to determine if their loved ones are still alive, many don’t return to work, some carry on as if they had no interruptions.
After months of debate, Rome is once more declared the centre of the world, and Lovino and Marcello move permanently into their family home. Many of the micronations soon join them, adopting Ladonia’s preferred communication strategy of staying in touch digitally.
Lovino takes on his new responsibilities easily. He’s lost half his population before, led empires before, been at the centre of the universe before. So long as he keeps himself busy, he can ignore the missing sarcasm, ignore the missing “Fuck!” tossed around every five minutes. The big house is almost filled to capacity; it still feels too empty.
It has been two years, and Humanity is working together to connect everyone who remains to a proper global network. In times of distress, everyone comes together. 
Most migrate nearer to the micronations, seek out shelter in one of the three main remaining nations. But there are some who refuse to leave their homes, and efforts are made to ensure everyone has access to medicine, electricity, and clean water. 
There is more progress now, with no real economy to stop it.
Gilbert remains quiet, though he observes everything. He signs whatever forms need his attention, acknowledges any issues to be addressed. But he can’t help thinking that it should be Freidrich or Ludwig here, that they should both be here.
He misses his inside jokes with England, with Scotland. He misses raising hell with France and Spain and Denmark. He misses shit-talking with Japan, Belgium’s bounding energy, Seychelle’s fierce optimism. All gone, with the survivors trying to build a new world order out of the ashes.
Ten years, and Mattie officially moves in with Lovino. Castel Sant’Angelo has once more been renovated- now into a central home, with more than enough space for every representative to keep their own room. Mattie just shrugs when Lovi raises a brow at his luggage. “It was too quiet, and someone has to keep you in line.”
It has been twenty years; Gil still has yet to speak.
Several attempts have been made to create some form of economy. Each was shot down.
Humanity, now interconnected more than ever, has resumed interest in teleportation and space travel.
Twenty-five years, and everyone now understands at least three languages.
Thirty years, and Mattie sometimes swears he can see Ukraine keeping watch over the garden.
Thirty-five years, and Lovino and Marcello are thick as thieves. Seborga is finally as deadly a shot as Romano, and Lovi has started to embrace his more childish ways at his brother’s encouragement.
Forty years, and two of the Big Three are arguing over which Grecian deity most closely fits them. Lovino insists there is no way he could be Zeus, just as there’s no way in hell Mattie could ever qualify as Poseidon. The debate could have raged for hours, but a dark scowl from the unanimously voted Hades left them both feeling too sheepish to continue.
On the forty-fifth anniversary, Lovino snuck off to the north, taking a boat to explore what still remained of Venezia.
Fifty years later, and the first person to Mars smiled for the camera. In a dialect birthed after the Great Disappearance, she sent love to her family, and made a small speech about progress and adventure and all the hopes for the future.
Millions of miles away, from a small kitchen in the Black Forest, a grainy television delivers the message to a soul older than comprehension. The words sank in, the phantom of a firm hand resting on his shoulder. “We will continue to rebuild, and we will grow stronger.”
For the first time in decades, Prussia smiled.
Fifty-seven years, and no one questioned why Matthew is completely smashed during the first two weeks of July.
Sixty-three years, and Mattie was trying to dig Prussia, Sealand, Wy, and Hong Kong out of a mud pit, cursing up a storm as the four continue to throw more earth at their rescuer’s head.
After eighty-six years, Gil has stopped wearing black. He came to breakfast with a vintage white t-shirt that read “Spread Pages, Not Legs (the ace agenda)” across the front, and Mattie nearly choked on his orange juice before he finished reading.
One century later, and no humans are left alive that can remember the Great Disappearance, the only recounts in history books. The world has rebuilt, and the people have learned to move on.
The micronations have grown into their power, now hosting monthly meetings to discuss policy, agenda, progress, shipping- All the things that society needs to function.
Missing from today’s meeting are the three eldest nations, who had left early in the morning without a word. No one is sure where to find them, where they could be. They’re not gone though, so there is relief.
It is 5 am local time. The sun will be rising soon.
Matthew murmurs a chant, golden glow slipping past his lips and circling around the small trio. Lovino harmonizes with his own sounds, some deep, dark, and inexplicably ancient rasping coating each syllable, cold air tying itself to the dancing lights. Gilbert watches on for a moment, holding in his hand a pile of letters and Alisdair’s old lighter, waiting. The moment comes, and he sets the papers ablaze.
The winds of Lovi’s spellwork and the control in Mattie’s ensures not a speck of ash will hit the ground, and all three watch as their words fly up, disappearing in seemingly midair.
They wait until they are satisfied, then begin the hike back to their car, parked on the old A303, Mattie nearly tripping as Gil rushes past him, desperately trying to beat Lovi in their impromptu race. The Canadian snickers quietly as both of them fall in the process, underestimating the steepness of the hill. Taking the initiative, he rushes past them, outright cackling at the outraged squawks of protest behind him.
None of them see the hazy figure sitting atop the bluestone, smiling softly before fading away.
The world is finally at peace.
And one addition, in case anyone was curious:
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