#why does this have 400 notes what is wrong with you people
sant-riley · 2 years
[Ghost x fem!reader blurb]
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this is for the girlies who can't drive for shit and don't have their license <3 it's me. I'm girly.
Notes: Extremely short, about 400-500 words, She/her pronouns aren't used but he does call you girl. Use of the nickname "Runt." No established relationship. Lmk if I missed anything!
"You know I can drive right?" You murmured, looking up from your phone as you sat on the passenger side.
Ghost was rubbing his nose bridge, sighing heavily at the traffic on the road.
He was slouched back in his seat, legs spread wide in his seat as his eyes closed forcibly. It was a treat to see him in civilian clothing, a real one.
A small part of you hummed with contentment knowing you were one of the very few to get to see him like this often.
You two were the off base for a week-long break, choosing to spend it together as you both usually did. It was too much hassle to head back home on your end and Ghost enjoyed your company.
It wasn't rare to see the pair of you get back to base together and return as well. You had worried about what the others could say but that was quickly silenced when Ghost shot a glance at you with a look of "I don't give a fuck." which silenced your worries.
Snapping out of your running thoughts, You swore you could hear the creak of his neck twisting towards you, Simon's eyes snapping open and looking at you incredulously.
"What? No." He turned his head back to the road, inching the truck closer to the light. You could see his eyes roll too.
"You don't look like you want to, so let me." Rolling your eyes in return, moving to undo your seatbelt so you could do a quick swap as the light was red.
"Runt, no." A big hand covered your hand, pushing your own away, leaving as soon as it was there.
"And why not?" You raise an eyebrow, narrowing your eyes.
"For starters, you're a shit driver in the states, can't imagine you driving here in Manchester." He stated it was a fact. He shrugged like y'all were talking about the weather. Fucker.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean-" You stuttered, huffing as he doubted you. He wasn't wrong but did he have to fucking phrase it like that?
Ghost couldn't help the smirk growing on his face at your pout, letting out a low chuckle.
"It means what it means, runt. Second of all, it's not your job." He poked fun at you, licking his lips under his mask as he focused his eyes back on the road.
"What the fuck does that mean, 'my job?' Don't tell me you're playing stereotypes on me."
You grumbled, crossing your arms as you stared out the window, watching the people on the sidewalks.
"No, don't be stupid." He should be offended, to think you'd say that but to be fair, he couldn't blame you.
"Okay so tell me!" The whine left your lips, staring at his side profile, puffing your chest as you tried to get him to meet your eyes with his own.
"Pretty girls don't drive, simple as that."
His huge hand patted your thigh, sending a shiver down your spine as you felt the blood rush to your face.
All he could do was snicker as he stepped on the gas pedal, his hand warming your skin as he drove.
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moodymisty · 2 months
Oh boy I have been waiting to be able to put in a request! Wanna start of by saying, love your writing and especially your Cato fic ^^ A joy to read.
Im curious about if you would write in more details how Cato is sweet for his lady? Or maybe is 'sweet' not the correct word, but I will love to read you thoughts about the relationship that is not all about sweaty action. Are the couple able to be subtle or sneaky enough to flirt out in the open? How are they acting behind closhed doors, is it then you will seen the Cato acting more bombastic on his feelings toward the diplomat?
I hope you will like this request ^^ keep it up with the great writing.
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Author’s note: Sure, lets have some of that sweet Cato action <3
Relationships: Cato Sicarius/Fem!Reader
Warnings: None really
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Cato, once he gets over his constipated emotional crush stage, is a white knight. Maybe less so in the way Titus is, but he is still a bit dramatic. It's all in private though, or only around a few people he knows his reputation is safe with.
Offering his hand to help you down, shielding you from rain or sun with his cape are some examples.
But he does a decent job of making it just seem like he's being polite, abit perhaps having a bit of favoritism. So he isn't going to blow the secret by acting a fool.
In private, he's a bit more overtly romantic as you'd epxect. But he's also super confused and out of his depth; Being an astartes. The most he's heard about romance is from jokes from other astartes (not the best information source to begin with) of from the other serfs, whom he's found himself listening in on quite a bit more as of late.
That one male serf said that baseline women like...What? That doesn't sound right but maybe she will...
Though as sneaky as he is, he isn't totally perfect. Even his men, as emotionally stunted as they are have noticed the soft stares he'll give you while you talk, or while you're working on your dateslate and he simply watches. Similarly now you always sit right beside him, when before you would do anything to be away from him.
Loves to kiss your forehead. There's something about it that feels while romantic, also a bit protective. He is a captain yes, at times of your retinue, but he also is your protector at all times now.
He cannot flirt. It's not possible. You've tried to subtlety teach him but he is just not able to. The best you are able to get out of him is a 'your attire looks good today.', or that you look shorter than usual. You've just chocked it up to 'astartes speak' flirting and take what you can get. It's cute in it's own way, apart from the time Ventris told you that your small fingers would be good for poking eyes out, and Cato promptly smacked him? You assumed it must've been another weird astartes flirt.
You once joked with him while alone together that since he has two hearts, he must be able to love someone double the amount you could. It was a stupid joke and you promptly rolled your eyes at yourself and moved on, but Cato really liked it and always remembers it.
bonus: You begged him for like a solid 3 weeks straight to let you try a taste of his astartes gruel, before he finally caved and let you have a taste. You promptly threw up, making Sicarius laugh so hard the other marines though something was wrong with him, as they'd never heard the man let out more than an amused chuckle. To this day he still hasn't let you get over it.
"That tastes vile Cato! Why can't you just eat my food!" "Because you don't have 400 kilos of muscle and fat to maintain, my love."
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Something that you might have discussed that I just missed for AEIWAM - if Hell is basically Soul Rehab for souls that aren't Contributing Properly, then why does having high spiritual energy mean that you're more likely to go to Hell? Are they basically bleeding off excess energy from those souls, or?
Yes and no?
1. Hell is rehab for Souls that would damage the cycle of reincarnation*specifically*. People only go to hell for two* reasons: they do a lot of harm to others (aka Bad Karma), or when reincarnating them would throw the balance between worlds off (High power)
Basically, there needs to be... Approximately the same amount of spiritual energy in the living world, spirit world and Hell. So when an exceptionally powerful spirit like say, a Captain, dies and moves onto the next plane, there sort of needs to be 'room' for the incoming powerful soul. There usually isn't, and also the Life Machine that generates reality needs to eat, so Hell solves both problems by having really powerful souls come to hell and vent power for a while until they are only about as strong as a regular soul, and then send them back to the living world.
2. So, yes, the more powerful a soul, the more likely they are to go to Hell, no matter how they behave in the living or spirit world.
For people on the level of Gotei-13 captains, it's pretty much guaranteed, unless they manage to do something bizarre like drain all of their spiritual energy into a magical barrier or leave it stored in the Family Cursed Artifact (looking at you, Tsunyashiro clan). Lieutenants stand an estimated 50/50 chance (unless they learn Bankai in which case, again, guaranteed), and all seated officers are at some increased risk.
3. How they behave while alive still makes a difference though.
See, Hell in AEIWAM isn't *necessarily" The Bad Place. Souls cause harm to other souls for TONS of reasons that aren't evil: mental illness, getting caught in terrible circumstances, genuinely trying to make the world a better place and severely fucking up, and sometimes it's just bad luck. Hell isn't there to punish, it's there to figure out what went wrong that this soul hurt so many people, and try to fix it.
Sometimes that's things like "magically removing the ego and putting a different sized one in", sometimes it's "cognitive behavioral therapy" sometimes it's "you're not a bad person but you did fuck up so you gotta do a really boring and gross task that helps restore the ambient vibes of the universe for 400 years to balance out the damage" sometimes it's "actually, we can trust you to do good deeds, here's a visa to the living world to dole out minor miracles to anyone who needs it".
In AEIWAM, the only difference between a devil and an angel is that the angel does field work and the devil does back office.
So sure, all the captains are going to Hell at some point. But if they did their best while alive, they more or less get to skip rehab and have Free Time until they're weak enough to leave. It fun, actually! Captains and the like get assigned a Demonic Personal Assistant and told to go have fun, don't break anything, and are turned lose to go adventuring, get married, take up farming and/or stamp collecting or whatever they desire.
*note from above: there is a third "legitimate" way to enter Hell: Superlative Karma.
It's RARE, but once in a while a soul so vastly improves life for everyone else they end up with such extremely good karma that they run the risk of unbalancing the planes just by sheer vibes clash. Superlatives are plucked out of the cycle of reincarnation by Hell to help the spend some of that karma having a very literal HELL OF A GOOD TIME.
4. And so, all the planes of the wheel lived in harmony, UNTIL THE BOURGEOISIE ATTACKED.
Problem is, about... 1500ish years ago, a bunch of the noble houses got together, tricked The Monk Who Speaks The Name into letting them into the house of the guy that maintains The Life Machine, they very literally butchered The Divine Tech Support, and used parts of his body to jam up the wheel of life, because they thought they could be God better than God.
One of the things they jammed was the Exit from Hell, so now only a few people can leave at a time and the backup is threatening to unbalance the entire wheel now, so Hell is also being VERY VERY CAREFUL to not let any of the Captains die until they've gotten enough souls out that there is effectively 'room' for the Captain.
So yes. Higher spiritual power means a soul is guaranteed to go to Hell, at least for a while-but it also means they won't be going there for a long, LONG time.
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Look out its a Linkblr Dashboard Simulator!
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🪶 redwingskies Follow
So who was gonna tell me the Surface is Real, huh? Who.
🎶 ocarina-macarina Follow
Where are you from?? What....what are you??? ....God?
🪶 redwingskies Follow
Nah turns out she's my best friend though.
🪶 redwingskies Follow
Hey btw, If I kill a god does that make me one? Is there like. Rules for this? Asking for a friend. (Like seriously. I don't care. He does.)
1,680 notes
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🚋 train-life Follow
Today's Fact: Did you know Trains are the reason New Hyrule has Standardized Time Zones? As citizens needed to know when to get to a train station, the council lobbied for standardized time that could be applied precisely for travel by train! The entire modern perception of time is because of the Train!
⌛️ forestchild Follow
Thanks, I hate it. Lets go back to living by the sun rise and set.
🌸 dont-look-at-me Follow
??? We've always had standard time zones??? What are you talking about. Trains didn't invent that.
🚋 train-life Follow
...they literally did. I re-researched this to double check. What are YOU talking about?
🌸 dont-look-at-me Follow
Time zones? Like. The era of Legend, the Golden era, bullfish like that?
🚋 train-life Follow
... you can swear you know? I'm 12 not a baby.
🌊 kingoftheseagull Follow
you're HOW OLD? I thought you were a Royal Engineer???
🚋 train-life Follow
12? It's in my bio?
🌊 kingoftheseagull Follow
I love you but get the hell off of this website why are you here
🌟 excuuuse-me Follow
Can we go back to the weirdo who thinks Time Zones are HISTORICAL PERIODS?
🌸 dont-look-at-me Follow
Haha yea total weirdo, what, are they like 400 years old or something? Lol
🐴 goatman4life Follow
Actually I wanna get back to why a 12 year old has a job
1,203 notes
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🐟 indigo-gos-official Follow
Hey anybody willing to lend me bail money? I'm short like 10 rupees and it's really annoying.
⌛️ forestchild Follow
Wait shit wrong account! Wrong account!!
🐴 goatman4life Follow
Why do you have access to a hyper-famous Zora Band's account??
⌛️ forestchild Follow
Their lead guitarist died in front of me and I am very nice. Now get me out of jail goatman.
23,045 notes
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🌳 wildflowerwastaken Follow
#hi #i saw a cool bird today #the camera was left on selfie mode so it only got a picture of me squinting at it #the bird noticed the flash and it pecked me until I fell out of the tree #straight into a malice puddle #the bird was pretty tho #so I say my day went great!
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🌟 excuuuse-me Follow
Hey apparently I need to update people on my boundaries. So. Here is a list of what's okay:
Kissing me
Kissing me directly on the lips
Parasocial relationships where you praise me constantly <3
And this is NOT okay
Hunting me for my blood to revive the prince of darkness
Ignoring me
Thank you, that's really all, I'm kinda sad that this has to be said but clarity is wisdom and all.
👑 princess-of-hyrule Follow
Link. This is not what I told you to post.
🌟 excuuuse-me Follow
Well EXUSe ME if my boundaries look different than yours!!
25,690 notes
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⚒️ smol-smithy Follow
Hey pulled the Four Sword again so we need help figuring out who gets to run the blog lol.
Thanks everybody
⏳️ forestchild Follow
Lol this loser doesn't know how to make sideblogs
🎶 ocarina-macarina Follow
The poll says "Who gets to be Link on MAIN" though, so maybe they do? They just wanna have one person in charge of the first blog?
⏳️ forestchild Follow
The path to truth is unity. Many voices can be heard within one "main".
-The Diety
⏳️ forestchild Follow
...ignore him, I've made him a sideblog and he refuses to use it.
⚒️ smol-smithy Follow
Hey wait no let him come back, he's the only smart person I've ever heard
-Green (?)
⚒️ smol-smithy Follow
I am going to kill you.
#we have all agreed to not utilize this blog until the poll is complete #so shut up green
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wutheringmights · 1 month
please please please explain how the bullshit military death cult in Fourth Wing is unsustainable. I need more Iron Flame slander in my life lol
I may have chosen the wrong phrasing last night. It’s less about the sustainability of the magical dragon country’s military college, and more about how much Yarros’s tendency to use specific numbers riles me up. Very specifically, a graphic at the beginning of Iron Flame. 
(Note: I only got a little bit over 200 pages into Iron Flame before I had to return it to the library; if there is an universe rebuttal to any of this, I may not have reached it yet; I also do not have the book in front of my to double check specific numbers, but luckily Yarros’s Specific Numbers have rustled my jimmies so much that I have been spamming my group chats about them so I inevitably wrote them all down.)
The graphic in question is this:
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It illustrates the structure of the titular Fourth Wing. As you can see, it is made out of 3 sections that are then divided into 3 squads. You will notice two important notes on this graphic:
Each squad contains 15-20 people
Each of the four wings that make up the dragon rider cadets in the military academy has the same layout
With this information, I should be able to more or less calculate the number of dragon riders attending the military academy. 
In theory, the fourth wing has 8 people in leadership positions, and 136 to 180 squad members. That’s a total of 144 to 188 people in the fourth wing. 
If the fourth wing is identical to the other three wings, that means that there are anywhere from 576 to 752 dragon rider cadets across three grade levels. That’s already a pretty small number, but this is an exclusive military program. It’s not an unreasonable.
Except it’s actually impossible for there to be 576 to 752 dragon rider cadets. Why do I know that? Because Yarros already gave us a Specific Number.
Let’s rewind. In Fourth Wing, it’s established that you cannot advance beyond your first year unless you bond with a dragon. If you do not bond with a dragon, you repeat the year until you either bond or die trying. There are also only a select few dragons who are willing to bond each year. 
Yarros, of course, told us specifically how many dragons were willing to bond not only for that current freshman class, but for the two years previous:
1st year: 100 dragons*
2nd year: 137 dragons
3rd year: 163 dragons
(*actually, it was 101 but two dragons, in a super special unprecedented move, bonded with the same person; I’m trying to count the cadets, not the dragons so this really does not matter)
That means that there are around 400 dragon rider cadets, which is way less than what the info graphic implied. You can argue that the missing 176 cadets are those who did not bond with any dragons, but I highly doubt they would make much of a difference. Why? Because dragon rider cadets keep dying. 
I kept track of how many people were dying in Fourth Wing. By the end of that book, there were less than 80 bonded cadets still alive. Yarros then contradicted herself in Iron Flame by stating that there were 89 cadets in the second year. This isn’t because a bunch of cadets suddenly bonded with dragons and advanced a year; that only happens in a one a year ceremony. Yarros is just bad with numbers, which shows how silly I am for going to this much trouble trying to prove her wrong.
All that’s to say that I’ll split the difference and say that 85 cadets were still alive at the end of the first year. That means that there is a 15% death rate between bonding with a dragon and getting to the end of the first year. 
That means that by the time each class ended their first year, this about how many dragon rider cadets there should be:
1st year 85 cadets
2nd year: 117 cadets
3rd year: 139 cadets
That’s 341 people across all four wings. That means each wing has about 85 people. 
But wait! People die beyond their first year. There’s an ever decreasing number of cadets each year. If we assume that 15% death rate is consistent each year, that means that by graduation day, each year has: 
1st year: 85 cadets
2nd year: 100 cadets
3rd year: 102 cadets
That’s 287 cadets across all four wings, or 71 people a wing. I need not remind you how that is far below our predicted 144 to 188 per a wing. 
And I haven’t even mentioned that not every dragon available to bond even bonds. So those starting numbers are already the best case scenario where every possible dragon selects a cadet. Our actual class numbers are probably 10 to 20 people smaller, and that’s before the numerous deaths. 
When I started Fourth Wing, I inferred that the incoming freshman class started with about 700 people. (Each of the freshman dorm floors hold 156 people; there are at least three but it makes more sense for there to be a floor for each wing. Sixty-seven freshman died on the parapets. That’s a total of 691 freshmen, which I rounded up to 700.) 
Xaden (terrible name) has a speech where he claims that 1/2 of the incoming class will die by the end of the first year, 1/3 by the second, and 1/3 by the third. He’s probably just trying to scare the newbies, but let’s take him at his word anyway. 
According to his estimation, by the time the freshman class graduation, 172 people should still be alive. That’s a 21% survival rate, according to Xaden. That is somehow less severe than what is actually happening in the books.
There's never a point in time in the story where we acknowledge that the class sizes are this small. Everyone is dying, and there always seems to be more nameless faces than not. Yet, as all evidence suggests, there's not even enough people in the entire dragon rider curriculum to fill up a movie theater.
Ultimately, the numbers don’t really matter. What matters is that this fantasy military system is wildly inefficient. I understand on a trope-level why it has to be deadly. New Adult, the gangly older sister of YA, loves a good deadly game of wits and wile. Yarros was commissioned to write a romantasy story, and by god she was going to write the most marketable one possible. But you would also assume that Rebecca “second generation army brat who loves military heroes and has been blissfully married to her for over twenty years” would have a better understanding of how the military works. 
On the most basic of levels, you win a war by having the most people still alive at the end. Everyone knows this. It’s not that hard. It’s in the best interest of the brass to keep your soldiers alive. When that best interest gets screwed over, it’s usually because of economic issues (like being able to afford the supplies needed to keep your troops alive), or prejudice (soldiers from persecuted demographics being less worthy of better food/ammo/missions, under qualified officials earning their jobs via privilege, etc.). 
That is in itself another gross simplification. My point is that there’s no good reason why you would kill your own troops before they can even reach the battlefield. That’s a waste of resources! I don’t care if the dragons demand a blood sacrifice, or whatever. A practical military leadership would find some way to reroute failed rider cadets to a different career track before they needlessly died in training. The training can be as dangerous as you want, but for world building sake, be practical about how wars work. At least acknowledge that the military’s favorite canon fodder aren’t soldiers, but foreign civilians. 
Believe it or not, but I actually don’t really care that the worldbuilding is nonsense. Can I write a needlessly long essay about how the numbers don’t add up? Sure, but who cares? It’s just bad in a normal way. I’m more than happy to let other people harp on it. 
What is interesting is the way that Yarros views the morality of the military. It’s one thing for something to be pro-military. It’s another when your book’s thesis comes down to “it’s morally wrong for the big, powerful, totally not American, country  to not provide military intervention to smaller, poorer foreign countries that are being viciously attacked by a seemingly unbeatable, dehumanized enemy.” Yarros doesn’t even try to cover it up; Xaden makes a giant, righteous speech about how they have a moral duty to protect citizens, to actually quote the book, “beyond our borders.”
As I said when I first read this: what the fuck? 
Rebecca “second generation army brat who loves military heroes and has been blissfully married to hers for over twenty years” Yarros claims she is writing a series about the dangers of censorship. See how callous we are for letting other people die, and then covering it up? Yet, she mindlessly reproduces that idealized justification we’ve been fed for decades. Yarros, it’s never about helping civilians. I know you’re a biased army wife, but you know about the oil and the military industrial complex. You know America is not the good guy. 
Moreso, the in-book movement to wage a war “beyond our borders” is labeled as a rebellion. According to this series, it’s counterculture to want military intervention overseas. Yes, Yarros is writing the world’s most marketable book. In a post Hunger Games society, there must be a little rebellion sprinkled in there. But to frame the desire to fight a war as any form of counterculture is downright insidious. 
Fourth Wing is a book that looks you in the eye and tells you that the government is lying to you-- the war beyond our borders is necessary, that if we do not send the army to fight our inhuman enemies, they will hurt not only our poorer, less fortunate allies but also our homeland. War is a morale imperative.
I haven’t finished Iron Flame yet. Perhaps this rant is premature. Maybe the series turns itself around. But as one can imagine, I don’t trust Rebecca “second generation army brat who loves military heroes and has been blissfully married to hers for over twenty years” Yarros to have thought it through all the way. Just a gut feeling. Who can say? If I am wrong, I would be more than happy to eat my words, though. I would love to be wrong. 
Me being wrong means that the most compelling reasons why Fourth Wing is bad really is the bad worldbuilding, prose, romance, characters, action, lore, smut, dialogue, editing, and everything else. There’s already a hundred big brained book reviewers who are making a video essay career off of telling you that in five hours or less. I respect the hustle. Personally, I never want to hear about this series again unless it’s about how Yarros built her blockbuster book series on conservative ideals of militarism and foreign policy, and then had the audacity to tell you that’s what it means to be a rebel. 
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tenkos-heart · 4 months
tenko/tomura and fenrir: similarities
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Welp. I consider this my proper post for the MHA fanbase, as I've been a lurker because the fanbase can be... something! If you wanna know more about me, pinned post!
Anyways, I've been thinking over the past couple of days of how strikingly similar Tenko is that of the figure of Fenrir in Norse Mythology. Also, if I DO get anything wrong in terms of Tenko, please let me know! My memory is shit and this manga is 400+ chapters long.
The thing with Fenrir is that his fate was already pre-destined, in a way. One of the seers told Odin that Fenrir would be apart of Ragnarok and being told to "swallow the All Father," as so as been told. Fenrir's tale already starts with tragedy. Being separated from his mother, his sister Hel was taken to... Hel, to be imprisoned in there, in a way. His brother, Jörmungandr, a regular snake was tossed into the sea, with hopes of drowning him. Instead, he grew so large, he became the Midgard Serpent, or World Serpent. For those who don't know, Midgard is our world within Norse mythology. But, the Gods had a different plan for Fenrir.
They decided to take Fenrir with them and to keep an eye on him. The one who took care of him the most, and cared for him the most was the God Tyr. The God of War, and even Justice. He was formerly apart of the Æsir. Also, something to note of, Tyr is also a God of Justice. So, Fenrir is raised in Asgard, home of the Gods and Goddesses, and fallen soldiers. Fenrir was a very happy, excitable pup who loved having a lot of fun. However, the wolf pup seemed to grow quite larger and larger. This worried the Gods, and because of the prophecy that Fenrir would eat Odin, they put together a plan to trap the wolf.
The Gods disguised their efforts as a game for Fenrir. Fenrir, the excited wolf he was, loved playing games. So, for this first "game", they chained him to a rock. It was a contest of sorts to test his strength. Even then, Fenrir broke through the chains. The chains weren't strong enough to hold the wolf down. So, the Gods turned elsewhere.
To the dwarves. They asked the dwarves to make the strongest chains, ever. This chain was quite different from the others. It looked more something like a ribbon. In some different stories, this happened twice before the ribbon idea. And naturally, the third time this happened Fenrir is suspicious and isn't sure what's going on. The wolf agreed to only be chained, IF only one of them would placed a hand in his mouth.
Tyr, the closest God to Fenrir to him offered his own arm up. Then, Fenrir couldn't be freed. He couldn't get out of his bindings, and thus, bite off Tyr's arm. Then, they teleported the wolf far away, and placed a sword within the wolf's mouth so he couldn't use his jaws. Then, it's said that the only way Fenrir will be free is during the destruction of Ragnarok. Odin confronts the beast on his stead with 8 legs, Sleipneir.
He will swallow Odin whole. However, Odin's son wouldn't let this stand. Vidarr would slay the wolf with his magical boots, splitting the wolf's mouth in half, thus his fate had befallen him.
I promise, there's a reason why I gave a lot of the backstory, we'll get into it!
If you haven't read up until MHA chp 425, spoilers will be here!
Tenko, since birth, had his entire life planned and trapped by literally one of the most awful people to ever exist. It didn't help that his father would emotionally berating him, leaving him outside. Even physically abusing him when he was 5 or the people in his life who were suppose to protect him, being bystanders. While Tenko does love his family, the bystander effect is very real. Or no one on the streets helping a bloodied, orphaned child on the streets.
Wondering for days and many nights without shelter, home, and food. That is, until All For One "found him and took him in." I.e. kidnapping his grooming victim, and then molded and neglected this kid for literal years until the LOV came around. I could go on about how much of a brillaint character Tenko is, but so many people have done that already and I wanna get into the meat of this.
Tenko and Fenrir were both happy, hopeful people who were molded and shaped by the very environments they were made in. Even before birth. For Fenrir, he was destined to be this destroyer of the world, and bring an end to a mighty King of Gods. While Tenko was going to be All For One's next vessel. The next Symbol of Fear. Both Tenko and Fenrir were molded into being their own separate Symbols of Fear.
Fenrir and Tenko never had a chance. Fenrir and Tenko never had a chance since birth. Fenrir and Tenko's destinies were already pre-determined. Both were left to rot by the societies they both were in, and no one bothered to give a helping hand. With Tyr, he did give justice, in a way. He had to deal with the consequences of his own inaction when he placed his hand into Fenrir's mouth. They both got something the other wanted, in a way.
Fenrir got some semblance of justice. While Tenko did gain friends, in the end. All Fenrir and Tenko (before his hatred was destroyed) thought they could do was bring destruction, violence, and chaos onto the world. I mean, fuck. They weren't taught anything else. I remembering reading a comment on a YouTube channel going over Fenrir's mythos and some others, and it perfectly sums up their situation.
The Gods just created their self-fulfilling prophecy. That is something that can absolutely be applied towards the heroes. Instead of trying to PREVENT Fenrir from being this symbol of destruction, and treating him nicely because of the prophecy, they decided that Fenrir was evil from the get-go and already plotted of leaving him to rot when he was a fucking pup. It was said of being a hopeful, happy pup who just loved to play games with his family. If someone had stepped in and actually HELPED Tenko, he wouldn't be dead.
(Or supposedly dead, with that one mysterious guy.)
If someone didn't ignore and just swept the problem of a stumbling, scared, child, they could have prevented so much. And now with Tenko being dead, they just created a self-fulfilling prophecy of another Symbol of Fear being groomed again.
Fenrir and Tenko were just two kids who were happy and hopeful of their world, and their innocent got snatched away from them from their respective societies. At the start of it all, they were just kids who loved their families.
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catofoldstones · 8 months
The bemoaning of s@nsan's loss of popularity by shippers fascinates me because iv'e seen a lot of ancient fans stance on it was that sansa's flaw is liking pretty things/people so her lesson should be to marry the hound for humility yet not ONE of them look inside the text that all the men that attack/abuse/molest sansa all find her pretty or are infatuated with pretty women worst abuse them, the double standard of fans against sansa fascinates me as they ignore one of sansa's character traits is to treat people with courtesy,they also ignore every character has been attracted to pretty people even j0n yet not one person says that hes vain for liking val based on her attractiveness, the only person iv'e seen thats been as criticized is d@ny simply for her infatuation in daario and dismissal of quentyn and while we as readers didnt like that she did that she's also a teenager(and doesnt know quentyn) again there's huge double standard for girls and boys in this fandom yet no one saw it
im getting off track but basically s@nsan's loss of popularity shouldn't be such a surprise when there's a whole new generation of readers that might not have the same readings or bias from previous years especially when a lot of it was just misogynistic undertones
Has san/san lost popularity? It’s still heralded as one of the most iconic ships to come out of the game of thrones and late 2000s/ early 2010s in general, isn’t it? And the san/san posts I see have a good number of notes, always around and upwards of 400, which is a hefty number to me. But yes, it has definitely left major pop-culture discourse centres.
I have heard a lot about this “flaw” you are talking about and I consider myself extremely lucky that i didn’t join the fandom earlier. I absolutely cannot imagine being in the fandom from the 90s to 2018 as a Sansa stan, when hating her was the norm. I was just about to bring up this point you mentioned, that all men, who are full grown adults btw, lust after Sansa based on her looks. They consider her pretty and want them all for herself, and all the while she’s a 12 year old.
“Why should I be guilty? My wife wants no part of me, and most especially not the part that seems to want her.”
Tyrion VII, ASOS
“Give your Florian a little kiss now. A kiss for luck.” He swayed toward her. Sansa dodged the wet groping lips, kissed him lightly on an unshaven cheek, and bid him good night. It took all her strength not to weep.”
Sansa IV, ACOK
And these are just two people, with one out of many such instances each, among a hoard of men who think of her like that. A very simple answer to all of this is misogyny, in and out of the universe. Of course the entire san/san fandom has no hive mind, they were apparently the first ones to come up with the qitn Sansa theory while also coming up with the cottage theory, but shipping a 12 year old with a grown man who almost raped her at knifepoint is an open letter invitation for haters to find a settling point for making sansa suffer without actually getting called out for it. It becomes such a perfect cover for actively hating a 12 year old because even the haters realise how insane that actually is.
I think the “flaw rectification” argument was birthed to fuse the thought that yes, sansa did bad things, here’s how we can still enjoy her character while the undercurrent of unfounded hatred runs through the ship while we conveniently never acknowledge it. Obviously new readers came along who had never interacted with the fandom and realised “hey, what the fuck?” and had a different opinion of “that’s a defenceless 12 year old girl who actually did nothing wrong”. I’m sure there were voices who expressed such opinions before but were silenced. Internet is such a friendly place after all.
The “courtesy” thing is so true. She literally has no option but to respond the way she does. One wrong word and she might get beaten or killed. That girl is terrified and only trying to survive. Considering Sansa’s action as anything but survival mechanism is so superficial. This is so analogous to how women today are polite to men while because they’re scared that the men might hurt them/kill them. It’s the same shit, times ten, with Sansa. This also goes for when San/dor catches her during the battle of black water and demands a “song” from her (which is a thinly veiled euphemism for rape), and Sansa sings him a hymn of Mother’s mercy as a way to protect herself.
As for the Dany thing, I just want to say, what exactly is wrong about a teenage girl having a crush? Why is she termed as “lovesick” and “stupid” and “annoying” anytime she shows any interest in a guy? And it’s always the dudebros screaming this the loudest. Obviously, Daario is not a good choice and Dany herself acknowledges that.
“Daario might whisper words of love when the two of them were as one, but she knew it was the dragon queen he loved. If I gave up my crown, he would not want me.”
Daenerys VII, ADWD
I mean, the other shoe will definitely drop with this guy but this the first time we see Dany have a consensual relationship, which I feel is important to her arc - the relationship and the man she has the relationship with. Moreover, she has bigger fish to fry like her governance/dragons/moving towards westeros etc.
And berating her over Quentyn? Wasn’t she supposed to get married the next day to Hizdar? Didn’t she herself say that she’s not sure if Quentyn is the real deal or not? Moreover, she remembers Quaith’s prophecy about the “sun’s son” and double backs (Dany and prophecies are a whole another thing which we can talk about later) and solidifies her decision to go forward with her wedding with Hizdahr.
“Enough,” Daenerys said. “Prince Quentyn has crossed half the world to offer me his gift, I will not have him treated with discourtesy.” She turned to the Dornishmen. “Would that you had come a year ago. I am pledged to wed the noble Hizdahr zo Loraq.”
“The sun’s son. A shiver went through her. “Shadows and whispers.” What else had Quaithe said? The pale mare and the sun’s son…”
Daenerys VII, ADWD
Although, the Martells will not understand that Dany didn’t order Quentyn’s death and might antagonise her so that’s a chekov’s gun waiting to go off. Clearly, Quentyn was clearly the first leg of a bigger arc that we’ll likely see in TWOW (consider Quaith’s whole prophecy) and a part of a bigger theme Dany has to fulfill. Her decision to make Quentyn wait was not based on whether she found him ugly or not, it was based on being right in the middle of a political crisis with another volatile variable being added that has the potential to uproot a lot of what she has struggled to maintain (which ultimately does happen). Dany does have a knack of picking the worst option and that does not bode well for her governance/politics but that is not the point here. The point here is how dare a 16 year old doesn’t find a guy attractive and another guy too attractive (which is a part of a bigger theme btw) and sometimes, it’s a thin line between misogyny and valid criticism. Let’s stop flattening female characters into digestible one-dimensional beings, especially when it comes to teenagers. The fact that they have more than one motivation to act a certain way, makes them so much more enjoyable and interesting and honestly, human, like you and me.
Let’s also stop pigeonholing (12 year old) female characters into high-school mean girl clique leader trope who is so shallow and superficial that she needs to be assaulted by an “ugly” middle aged man to come to her senses. Also, that is called projection. The character that we are talking about isn’t like that at all. But whatever 🙄
Sorry I got carried away and got angry, things like these piss me off so bad. Never change, fandom, never change.
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awesomecitys-blog · 10 months
One Piece Spoilers below
Something that’s really funny to me is that the Straw Hats are speed running being pirates, which I’ve talked about before, but it gets even funnier when look at it from the perspective of the World Government. Like, one day you get told that a random guy in a straw hat took down Buggy, Don Krieg, and Arlong, which gained the highest bounty in the East Blue, 30 million Berries. Which you think is crazy, but whatever, that just puts him on Smokers radar and nobody gets past Smoker, right? Wrong, cause according to Smoker, Dragon showed up and prevented Smoker from taking down straw hat guy. And for a while, that’s it. You don’t hear anymore about him or his crew, which you believe is because of the Grand Line being, well the Grand Line. Smoker calls you up one day and is like, hey, the Straw Hat Pirates, that what they’re called now, defeated Crocodile in Alabasta. To which you suddenly freak out, because know this Luffy kid is a threat, and you can’t have people finding out about his actions. So, the world thinks that Smoker took down Crocodile and that Luffy played a tiny part in that. In accordance, his bounty is now 100 million Berries. And then him and his crew vanish off the face of the earth, which you take to as a relief. Then Kuzan calls, informing you that the Straw Hats pulled up to Long Ring Long Land with Nico Robin in tow, he didn’t catch them, but that they’re most likely heading to Water 7. Great. Well, at least Lucci and co. are already at Water 7, so they just capture Robin, head to Enies Lobby, and… what? They did what? Scratch that, the Straw Hats broke into Enies Lobby, saved Robin, and escaped the Buster Call to boot. Increase the bounty, 300 million Berries! Poof, Luffy and crew are once again the wind, and you think they might ended up encountering Moria, so you send Kuma to warn him, as well as be there in case Moria washes up. Which he does, but so does Kuma, but at least it wasn’t public like Crocodiles. And besides, you have more pressing matters, what with the upcoming execution of one Portgas D. Ace and all the Supernovas arriving at Sabbody at the same time. Then that idiot punched a World Noble, because of course he did. So Kizaru rolls up, as does Sentomaru and some Pascifta, and the Straw Hats were totally defea… Kuma sent them away? Oh. Well, that’s basically a defeat, right? Huh? Luffy is were? Impel Down? Trying to free Ace, who’s apparently his brother? Ah, good ol’ Mellegan, I knew we could count on him to take down Luffy. Pardon me? Luffy escaped? With who? Crocodile, Mr. 1, Mr. 3, Ivonkva, Inzuma, Buggy, Jinbei, and a ton of prisoners? Gosh darn it all, I’m busy enough as it is! All right, let’s just focus on killing Ace and… GARP IT’S YOUR OWN DAMM FAMILY AGAIN! Fucking hell, Luffy just dropped out of the sky, caused so much trouble, and then vanished for two years, but at least he’s gone…he just showed up? Did we capture him? No?!?! What do you mean no?!?! Well, where the hell are they?!?! (Worth noting that Luffy’s bounty went from 300 to 400 million Berries during this time, and that Dragon was his father, which is probably why Luffy was saved by him all the way back in the East Blue.) At which point, the Straw Hats proceed to wreck havoc at Punk Hazard, according to Smoker, defeat Doflamingo, giving Luffy another bounty increase to 500 million Berries, pull another disappearing act, during which they give Big Mom a headache, which you decide warrants a bounty raise to 1.5 billion Berries, and then they hop their way into Wano, in which you have no power. But you do have spies, which inform you that they, along with their allies, dropped both Big Mom and Kaido. Because of course they did. So, you slap a bounty of 3 billion Berries on Luffys head, and the last you heard, he was gallivanting in Egghead, with Kizaru, Saturn, and a bunch of marines heading there to take down Vegapunk. Oh dear.
Like, Luffy and co. should not be where they are now, but they are and they’re pretty powerful as well.
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causenessus · 1 month
HELLO!! okay lowkey i feel like we talk more through your inbox than we do in dms so im just gonna start ALWAYS talking here 🙂‍↕️ idk tumblr dms just don't work or something so GOOD AFTERNOON!! I HOPE YOURE GETTING A TON OF REST NESS bc tomorrow... we have to go back... sigh. and i have picture day tomorrow so i probably need to make myself look presentable ykwim?? 😞
but like about that friend i yapped about HIGHKEY SHE IS NOT IT YOURE RIGHT!!!! i think what makes it worse is whenever she thinks theres an issue between her and me and she goes to literally everyone but me about it to try to get other people to validate her?? FUNNIEST THING EVER because usually people side w me too pls 💔 like they'll defend me, and the people usually tell me when she starts yapping about it to them so like... just wondering why she feels the need to tell everyone in the world about what i apparently did wrong ⁉️ live laugh love i suppose... AND IF YOU EVER WANNA HEAR ABOUT STUFF THAT SHES DONE TO ME I LITERALLY HAVE STORIES FOR DAYS
its been days and the try again playlist is literally the only thing pulling me through... ness im forever grateful for the existence of this playlist‼️try again isnt even finished but like NESS i would marry it if i could i think i think about it even more than love notes omf 😭 i need yn as my therapist NOWWW!!! AND ADDING ONTO THAT, TONICS LOOKS SO AMAZING SO FAR OH MY GOD?? LIKE ALL THE DETAILS AND THE GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR ARTIST PROFILES AND EVERYTHING UGHH IM SO EXCITED
okay another thing, i think i told you about a phone vault before cause like my school was really talking it up... it was the stupid pocket thing on the wall. they're out there calling it a phone vault GOODBYE 😭 anyway ive given up on paying full attention in class and have reverted back to wearing and airpod in class so i can listen to music (the SOLE reason why i have airpods is bc they were a christmas gift i dont have enough money to buy those on my own 🫡)
HELLO SAV!! AND PLEASE TALK WHEREVER U WANT!! I WILL RESPOND WHEREVER <3 and omg good luck with picture day!! 😭 literally those pics never turn out good like they PURPOSELY WANT ME TO LOOK BAD they're always like "no no!! push your hair out of your face behind your shoulder so we can really see how much of an egg you look like!!" but i'm wishing you the best of luck and that your picture turns out well 😔
and also HELLO??? I'M SO GLAD EVERYONE TAKES YOUR SIDE BC LIKE,, THAT'S JUST EMBARASSING FOR HER 😭 I HOPE SHE TAKES IT AS A SIGN AND REALIZES LIKE...maybe she's in the wrong...or maybe she should go to you and sort it out with you!! instead of just complaining about it to others!!
AND AA YAY GOOD FOR YOU!! it's def expensive but so so worth it in the end 😭😭 i remember for me (idk if every state does this!!) but i actually did my lessons when i was like 16 1/2 (for many reasons we won't get into 😔) but anyway!! in my state or at least at the drivers ed school i went to if you were that age they'd allow you to do this thing where basically they just threw all the information you'd learn over the course of the week (or however long all the drivers ed courses are) in one night crash course style!! and then u take the permit test at the end of it and then u get ur permit!! and although i felt a little behind everyone else bc i didn't start drivers ed immediately yk i was kind of glad i got it all done in one night!! and like you learn all the info and then IMMEDIATELY take a test on it so it was kind of easy!! but best of luck to u!! i hope it all goes well <3
AND AA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'M SO GLAD YOU LOVE THE TRY AGAIN PLAYLIST!! i always listen to it in the morning when i'm still waking up and then will switch to the tonics playlist when i'm more awake LMAOO BUT YES!! DW i think now that i've gotten tonics intros out of the way i'm gonna work on try again while trying to outline tonics!!
BUT HELLO THE "PHONE VAULT" BUT BEING THE SHOE HANGER THING?? MAN THAT IS NOT A VAULT 😭 THE WAY SCHOOLS ARE OUT HERE COMING OUT WITH THE CRAZIEST NAMES EVER JUST SO THAT IT LIKE FITS THE AESTHETIC OF THEIR SCHOOL OR WHATEVER IS CRAZY but yes!! i think my wireless earbuds were also a christmas gift or something and then during this one play during high school that was literally the bane of my existence (and also simultaneously the best play i ever did) i NOT ONLY lost my earbuds but i ALSO bit my phone on accident and then broke the screen so like...i sacrificed blood sweat and tears for that play frfr (i also bled all over the set after cutting my finger on accident so i mean it...) so i had to buy myself another pair after that bc my mom was sick of me 😭😭 but they were like an off brand pair and tbh they're better than like samsung buds!! (what i have to use bc i'm not an apple user </3) so honestly it worked out in the end!!
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kentopedia · 11 months
rylie ur so real for the rant u posted bc i feel the same way sometimes . . . i started writin smut ONE TIME bc i wanted to try it out and ever since then i sorta just kept doing it bc i dont like when my activity goes 📈📉📉📉 and like ok i dont rly mind writin smut but i wish some of the other stuff that i write would do as well cause i never rly intended for my blog to become a nsfw blog but uhhhh here we are 🧍 and if im being fr i kinda feel the same way about gojo too. this isnt really the point but i like gojo n all but honestly i only still write a lot of jjk bc that gets way more popular than my bsd stuff so i feel more motivated to write for jjk and less so for bsd even tho i enjoy writin for dazai n chuuya more 😖😖 oh well. anyways thats my own rant, u dont have to post/answer this but im cool either way lmao !
honestly halfway thru typing that i forgot what my point was but uhhh yea hopefully u know what i mean </3
HANNAH NO i know exactly what you mean 😭 i wrote that one nanami piece bc (well obviously i wanted to) but also bc i knew it would get notes :/ and i actually really like it don’t get me wrong i had fun writing it!! but now everyone’s talking about ppl writing that stuff for him and it makes me feel weird being lumped in with that group of ppl. but my nanami stuff never does as well as my other work and idek why bc i’ve been a nanami blog since day 1, my first work was for nanami and i have literally never changed my url ?? & i DO love writing for dazai so so much but i also love writing for nanami so so much. so it’s kind of a bummer when of all the characters i’ve written nanami pieces get the least notes. especially bc ik the jjk fans are alive and well.
sigh. not to start any discourse but i like writing other stuff more than nsfw too ! but now that i’ve gotten so many followers i feel like … i have to keep doing it. and i like to try new things but i don’t want to mostly be a nsfw blog either. i have fun writing it but i get tired of it quickly, that’s why most of my nsfw pieces are so long. & it’s so easy for people to say “write what you love” but it’s discouraging when i write 10k words of mostly sfw & get 400 notes & other people can write 400 words of nsfw and get 10k notes.
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 2 years
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I posted 1,885 times in 2022
That's 1,730 more posts than 2021!
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#obi wan kenobi - 118 posts
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#why would you chose to invent an explanation for padme's position that directly contradicts literally everything we know about her character
My Top Posts in 2022:
Jedi as serial scammers though. Every mission includes a sidequest to sabacc table for extra cash. Padawans on their first outing be like ‘but I thought the senate was funding this mission’ yes little one but they will ride our arses for every cent so let’s go fleece some rich asshole. He won’t even notice. You know how cops were invented to protect private property? Well jedi are here to protect your everything except your private property. *force tricks an atm into printing free money* that, my very young padawan, is something we call a victimless crime.
2,240 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
Unfortunately the stark fact is that Anakin objectively did treat the clones worse than other jedi did. That he was pretty good with them for three years might make him better than Krell but I doubt other jedi would have been prepared to override their free will entirely to force them to kill little kids. You can’t just... ignore that when looking at his relationship with the clones.
At the end of the day he cared about the clones the same way he cared about the jedi. He cared about Rex the same way he cared about Ahsoka and Obi Wan. He cared, just not enough not to betray them and kill them. He valued their lives, but not as much as he valued his needs.
2,399 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
Something something in the wrong jedi arc Ahsoka’s whole training was geared to the front lines and that’s what makes her look guilty. When she’s arrested what keeps making her situation worse is that she escapes and keeps running but that’s literally what Anakin trained her to do. If she’d been caught behind enemy lines she’d have been trying to escape, so that’s what she does, but she’s not behind enemy lines, this is coruscant. When the keycard is slipped into her cell she immediately assumes it’s Anakin’s rescue plan. In crisis she relies on training and experience that’s completely unsuited to navigating a legal system of a republic planet, but everyone expects her to act like a citizen and not an active combatant but that’s all she really knows, so she looks guilty but she doesn’t even really understand why it makes her look guilty. She’s a padawan coming of age in war and it’s left her unprepared to be a jedi within the republic
2,514 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
Not to be reductive but the plot of aotc is that Obi Wan leaves Anakin unsupervised for the first time and he immediately goes awol, murders a bunch of people, and gets secretly married and the plot of rots is that Obi Wan leaves Anakin alone for five minutes and he immediately gets confused, pledges himself to a sithlord, and murders a bunch of people
3,314 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Imagine Anakin absolutely losing his mind as it’s explained to him that his marriage is literally illegal because of article whatever subsection b and it’s because 400 years ago there was an entrapment scheme and that’s why Padme is being sued by the republic
6,418 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thewul · 6 days
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Wallpaper of the day, CL CAPSULE INTERIOR
design notes continued : an average adult male will measure 1340mm when seated on a 440 chair, side seats are 420mm height including cushions, or 400 when full, that puts us at a height of 1300 per seated adult for a cabin roof height of 1400 at the extremities or an 100mm overhead
while it is granted that the capsule is less on its ends, we should expect the seat's base the become less respectively, whereas the alleys stay at a constant 60cm
8 years and counting, if you have to do anything don't do for a year, or two, or even eight, do it for a million years, for a hundred million years, for a future that is shaped as much by our aspirations in life as by the early starts that we take
BCS is meant to translate into different digital mediums with a preservation plan to make sure that it remains what it is a personal legacy for the many generations, who have yet to come into existence and to whom I have dedicated this work,
that is continuing
People might question why this venture of space industrial and transporter, why did it start with a submarine or why project things so further ahead, a future that so distant and unforeseen
Wrong it is foreseen and we are seeing it now because while BCS can fail it can also succeed, and we are making it so is that it does, and in doing so already shaping an unknown that is many millions of years ahead of us
Think things through and ahead, figure out the future, own it
Presently BCS entails taking over more than 90% of civil aviation by merging Bombardier, Boeing and Airbus into one company, that is Bombardier, to mass produce the Gunray in different sizes, some of which quite large that will require new airport infrastructures, and still it is only but a stepping stone in Bombardier's space ventures
And of course the questions arise about the magnitude of such an ambition isn't it immense, it has nothing whatsoever to do with ambition and everything to do with opportunity
An immense opportunity for us all, and by that I mean not just mankind because we do believe in the existence of many many extraterrestrial civilized sapient races, whom can all benefit from what we are working to accomplish
Thank you for your attention, and for your continued interest in BCS
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 3 months
2008 Johnny Pag Spyder 300cc Motorcycle
I think I'm gonna do this I just gotta burst of energy and it's for my guys and you can do if you wanna I remember when it riding it's like look at 300 for me it has plenty of power my friend says he needs like a 400 that's true this will pull away fast this I can move fast geared a little different and they'll go really good there's lightweight it's a red shape design is low put your head down it goes 200 miles an hour I've done it on this bike no I tell you something it's very hard to find a decent video somebody goes through our videos we have a lot of them The ones that are up are all kind of sucky. He went through a lot to find this one. It shows its decent quality some guy riding around Europe at night splitting lanes and it's good it shows it can handle it sounds like a triumph it's kind of rough and throaty it's gotten the power you can see empowering out empowering in cars can hear you not really that's pretty extreme what he was doing if you're not watching it you're posted people get disappointed but this is a nice bike it'll go allowed to use here on the road then a Kawasaki Enduro them a lot of people bought that I had to lower it change the seat it went pretty good and it's a kawasaki the power band is wrong kind of slow in the uptake and this bike is not. It's very hard this is what happens with Japanese Enduro they just crap the bed like any of them true the Chinese too so we know who makes the motor we don't think they make them but I got a boost energy you said nothing Chinese and they won't they won't send steady made bikes. Then he said there's probably a ton of parts somewhere I know where they are I think I can get to them it's not that hard of a deal. I've been there before and I can do it again these are parts from China and we're making some of the bikes here and I was part of the team and we had a lot of parts I mean there's a ton of parts at this place. And you need the parts he says to make new ones and you can change them a little bit. Note something with the bikes no longer made and the brand name is not owned. And we know what happened to Johnny Peg it was Dave and he went away and he stopped making the bikes does the max told him to stop doing it. So I'm gonna try and find a way to make this happen. I went for my people and really it's not a bad bike and we can manufacture the parts in LA and do what he said you just make shops everywhere they all have an interest and then they start buying them I can do with my guys for awhile as long as I can yeah I haven't make the parts that's right tires I can get rims I can get they make those elsewhere other than China there's a few other things made in Mexico Scooter parts brakes lights seats even that kind of seat hannah bars the fenders and tanks I'd have to make and he says who makes the aftermarket ones because they're like Harley tanks but they're smaller like these and they are and it really is not China so I can get those so it's gonna come down to the same thing the frame and the motor we can make the frame and then it comes down to the motor what a pain in the ****. So we know where we can get motors and he says and we can get motors from it's an ATV Company but they only make so many. And then there's all why and they'll stop sending them they become that way he said there's a couple shops gas gas gas gas and ATK and the motor sounds pretty good when you put the right exhaust and we have done it and it sounds really cool. Those motors are powerful they have a powerful power band. They're pretty big no they're 250 which is better we can make it cheaper or less expensive and the motor is reliable and it's liquid cooled. It's an outstanding idea those engine plants are also in the LA area all I have to do is reopen them. Away to get around and we can get around and we can get around our area. Motorcycles are not safe they say but a lot of people use them and they go back and forth to work and they do Incognito true though people are not very safe about them but it is a transportation and we need it now.
This is awesome it's my project that I'm helping with it. Awesome and I think Awesome and I think that it's a good idea. There's a bunch of parts and he knows where to get him and they're also other motor manufacturers and they do make frames there and he can make the frame there. And he does have a connection and really nobody is using the place it's an awesome idea it will probably work so I'm gonna try and get it going and I'm gonna talk to people I think it's great and I thank my husband.
Hey Wade says did I spend all afternoon in her project the answer is yes so he has to try and figure out what to do about his something he was doing.
yehok buddy well we say it too.  nevermind it then
I can handle my own battles now get off chris get off it and I'm here anyways he says so we're going to start manufacturing hopefully.
He's talking about pulling the parts out we know where they are and they're not in the Midwest or in the upper Midwest but the place is a mess there are people pulling stuff out everywhere and for him to go in and grab those it'd be very dangerous and probably not worth it and we're wondering if he would actually do that.
Thor Freya
I think I might I think I do it's in the movie Prince or deep actually it's purple rain. Kind of the area. What I was doing. It's like it's kinda tough thoughbg
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fireflyskitters · 1 year
i repeat myself too much in my head
Most of the thoughts in our head are repetitive. That makes us like cows, then (no offense to cows, there are positive and negative sides to it)–if we could listen to a recording of what goes on in our heads, we wouldn’t be able to stand it for more than half an hour because it’s incredibly neurotic, the same old anxieties and worries looping back and forth, another childhood memory rehashed as we absent-mindedly note whatever actually is happening in front of us.
And there’s an exasperating quality to this. I think the times that I’ve felt very bored were the times when my thoughts were constantly the same. Isn’t this a waste of mental energy? What if we could stop being repetitive about it and forge our thinking so that we actually get new ideas and insights?
Today, I got asked: “How do you make sure your life is always improving?” It’s a question I can answer quite easily, automatically in English, but my Chinese is probably at a six-year-old level right now, so I stumbled over what I was going to say. But it did make me wonder because I hadn’t really given that much thought recently.
There are… a lot of things that I haven’t thought about.
For example, I’m slogging through this widely recommended novel that was interesting at first, if gritty–people in slums, belonging to some of the lowest castes in India–but then everything bad seems to happen. Amputation, murder, getting burned alive, getting widowed… There’s no hope for a happy ending for any of them, and I want to put the book down because it just seems like the author wants to torture the characters. It’s imbalanced storytelling–if you were the god of a fictional universe, wouldn’t you try to sneak in at least some breadcrumbs of happiness? But then what if that is reality? What if in real life, people do run into all sorts of unhappy endings all the time, especially when everything’s set against them?
There’s a very old debate about art: should art disturb, or should art entertain? I think both forms are equally valid, and of course, the best forms of art manage to do both. “Disturb” isn’t really the word I’d use–I’d rather say good art leaves a mark on you, makes you think thoughts you’ve never thought before, leaves you with questions that you have to grapple with yourself because there’s no absolute right or wrong here. And so maybe it’s a depressing book (that I am honestly just finishing because I’m already at 400 out of 700 pages), but it does do its job of breaking me out of the monotony of my usual thinking. Because I’ve thought millions of times about my job, someone I like, the tediousness of having to be proactive about a social life, my Chinese classes, the constant haunt of what my next step should be. But I haven’t thought as much about–let’s say, beggars who were born without limbs so they take advantage of that, or why “neediness” is seen as so horrible today (but its opposite, being cold or distant, doesn’t get vilified as much), or those strange characters in a bubble tea menu that I order from every day but have never bothered exploring all the drinks yet.
Maybe instead of neurotically ruminating about my life yet again (or doomscrolling on IG, or looping the same music because it gets me lost in fantasies), those are more worthwhile things to think about because they’re fresh.
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On weird (and annoying) tropes
Let's talk about some tropes in the anime and manga industry.
Sheesh, even though anime can be real fun, a lot of Japan animators or mangakas are such weirdos aren't they? It's almost like they live in another dimension, firstly because of the cultural differences (being them on the other side of the globe and all) but also because of their own distorted perception of the world around them. Today I'll focus on one aspect in particular, "weird tropes", for one reason in particular.... the audience likes them and I find it creepy xD.
Of course covering them all in just one post seems impossible so I'll just focus on two that are the most common.
First off... Let's tackle tsunderes. Like, seriously? It's not like you like the MC but you're gonna hit him (or her) or insult him just because he said something you didn't like or they hang around with someone other than yourself? The deal with this kind of character is not their existence, you see, if a show comes and manages their tsunderes to make actual plot points and maybe tell a story that touches delicate subjects like, I dunno, insecurities, family problems and relationship violence it would actually be alright, it serves the purpose of the story, it's telling something. But when their existence solely serves the purpose of filling the checkboxes to making a "comedy" anime or a romance one, it gets terrible results. Almost every show that falls in these categories has a tsundere. Yelling, hitting and making the "uh-oh, you entered the room and I was half naked" joke (joke that has to die once and for all pleaaase). What's the point? Does it actually fulfill fantasies of people? "I like that girl, she treats me bad, but maybe she is just a tsundere in real life" Dude c'mon, eeeeeven if that, for some big old miracle from the heavens it's actually true, you. Are. Allowing. Violence. That ain't cute, that ain't good.  In short, tsunderes need either a makeover or completely disappear, tropes get old with time. Moreover, if we look at anime like a medium that more andore kids have access to, it gets worse. We're teaching them that that's supposed to be cute, that that's an actual startegy to interact with people. It's gotta stop. 
Well, now let's get to real business, because even though I find tsunderes annoying, they can't compare to actual liking felony material.....Let's discuss lolis. 
Where do I even begin? Calling the police because you're acting suspicious if you actually enjoy when animes oversexualize minors? Trying to read your Google history just to make sure this isn't escalating? It's just a show I know. An animated show even, but there are doors that should remain closed even for shows, at least when, again, they are not trying to actually tell a traumatic story of how this little girl or boy gets abused. She's 400 years old? Dude that's just an argument to stop looking at the real problem: they look like little girls and boys. What you are liking and watching is WRONG, no other way around it. Should little boys and girls be erased from anime? Of course not, there are plenty of awesome stories that run around the friendships or paternal bonds, or they are just silly comedy shows with toddlers. I'll he the first to put up examples, I loved barakamon. One of the main characters is a little girl, that's it, she does little girl stuff and annoys the adults. Period. The problem is when is managed poorly and in a perverted way. It's good to note that this isn't a problem exclusive to kids, I'm also pinpointing ecchi anime that focuses on middle or high schoolers. Why In hell would you draw them in school uniforms and say they are 15 to then take of their clothes and pretend it's hot? They. Are. *Still*. Kids. C'mon. Addressing this is important because one common argument is " I only watched this when I was at school" or "I don't watch it because of that, i watch it for the plot" Okay, you know what? I buy ya. But damn there are a ton of freaks that do watch it for the wrong reasons, you only have to go through reddit for a few hours. Sexualizing minors is wrong, and it doesn't matter that is "another" culture,  globalization is closing gaps, more people have access to that content and we gotta focus on our ethics. Let's not support pedophiles please. Thank you.
Nikolas Naranjo, CFG Translations and betrayals.
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littlewestern · 2 years
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