#why we worship lord shiva
chhavikhurana-blog · 1 year
Why we worship Lord Shiva?
Shiva, the Unconventional Lord
Imagine if you had a friend who didn’t follow all the usual rules and liked to do things in a different way. That’s a bit like Lord Shiva. He believes in being free and doesn’t worry too much about what everyone else thinks. It’s like he’s saying, “It’s okay to be yourself and not always do what everyone else does.”
The Lord of Our Bodies
Our bodies are like our own special houses, and inside these houses, there’s something called “tamas.” Shiva takes care of tamas, which is really important because it helps us become better people. When we worship Shiva, it’s like asking him to help us clean our houses and make them nice and cozy.
A Direct Connection to Shiva
You know how you can talk to your friends and family without needing someone else to help you? Well, with Shiva, it’s the same way. You can go to a special place called a temple to talk to him, or you can even talk to him in your heart. Shiva is always ready to listen, just like a good friend.
Accepting Our Feelings Sometimes, we feel angry, and that’s okay. Shiva understands that, too. It’s like having a friend who tells you that it’s alright to feel upset sometimes. He helps us understand our feelings and not feel guilty about them.
Shiva, the Loving Husband and Family Man
Shiva is not just a powerful god; he’s also a great husband and a loving family man. He treats his wife, Parvathi, with so much love and respect. He shows us that in families, everyone should be treated equally and with love.
The Bestower of Amazing Powers Imagine if you could have superpowers, like flying or making things better with just a thought. Shiva has powers like that! When we ask him for help, he can make our lives better and help us become the best versions of ourselves.
Protecting All Creatures Shiva loves animals and takes care of them, making sure they are safe and healthy. When we pray to Shiva, we can ask him to protect animals from harm and make their lives better.
The Source of Wisdom
Shiva is like a super teacher who knows everything about art, science, and lots of other cool stuff. When we look up to Shiva, we can learn so many interesting things from him. He’s like a superhero with all the knowledge in the world.
So, that’s why people love and worship Lord Shiva. He’s like a friend, a superhero, and a teacher all in one. He helps us become better and teaches us to be kind, loving, and understanding. Isn’t that just amazing?
Read the full article on Stories of Gods website HERE.
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abyssalpriest · 11 months
if i disappear after saying that ive been assassinated no jokes aside if i take that down its not bc i disagree with it, you can still pin it on me as a belief that i think that shit should be said and ill put my whole ass behind it, but saying shit like that has consequences lmfao. also theres a time and a place to bring that up
#ive already. dealt. with enough fucking propagandising royal family members on my fucking ASS this lifetime to last. the rest of#this universe's incarnation. sometimes its better to not get involved which i KNOW is a big part of why the propaganda is rampant#among people who work with ''demons'' but like. no. no race is more superior than other races. hot take i know sorry#ramblings //#honestly tho. im so sick of dealing with the topics of ascending and (''demon'') racial supremacy and fighting jxdaism under the guise#of ''we hate chrxstians tho and thats good!'' bc ''(JEWISH NAME FOR GOD????) is a horrible person he wiped out half his angels!!!!''#listen i do not care how uncomfortable you are w your species' and peoples' histories you are. leave innocent fucking people and their#concept of the Creator that you dont even understand alone. whats the point in pride in your people if youre only proud of how#your people are Better than another set of people. like. bruh. are you proud of being a (demon) or are you so insecure your only source of#literally describing said propagandising family members lord almighty im gonna stop myself there.#WOW. I DSFJKHDFH. IVE NEVERRRRR SUDDENLY GOTTEN THE URGE TO TALK SHIT ABOUT WAR /AND/ SPILL THINGS PEOPLE#WANT SECRET /AND/ TALK SHIT ABOUT TWISTING KNOWLEDGE TO MAKE YOURSELF LOOK GOOD /AND/ HAD IT DEVOLVE INTO#''even tho im (practically) hindu jxdaism is too fucking important to my family for me to not have OPINIONS about shit'' BEFORE HMM#WEIRD WEIRD unincarnated selves just fucking going AT it. i mean. spilling opinions. cant say they havent gone at it in other#ways too wow no wonder Ardhanarishvara (God as half man half woman) and Shiva and Shakti are super important to me -#NO WONDER THIS CAME AFTER TALKING ABOUT CONSCIOUSNESS AND MIND WHO I SEE AS SHIVA AND SHAKTI#anyway the first post had nothing to do w jxdaism and this topic itself has nothing to do w it i just finally had it click why Certain Peop#calling the things the kings they worship did atrocities of (name) was bothering me SO much. i mean i knew why the rest of it was bothering#me - i mean the NAME bit clicked
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jeevanjali · 8 months
Bhagavaan Shiv: शिवलिंग की पूजा करते समय इन बातों का रखें ध्यान Bhagavaan shiv 2024: हिन्दू धर्म में शिवलिंग की विशेष रूप से पूजा की जाती है। ऐसा इसलिए क्योंकि उन्हें साक्षात् भगवान शिव का रूप माना जाता है
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rrcraft-and-lore · 6 months
In addition to my Monkey Man post from earlier, the always kind & sweet Aparna Verma (author of The Phoenix King, check it out) asked that I do a thread on Hijras, & more of the history around them, South Asia, mythology (because that's my thing), & the positive inclusion of them in Monkey Man which I brought up in my gushing review.
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Hijra: They are the transgender, eunuch, or intersex people in India who are officially recognized as the third sex throughout most countries in the Indian subcontinent. The trans community and history in India goes back a long way as being documented and officially recognized - far back as 12th century under the Delhi Sultanate in government records, and further back in our stories in Hinduism. The word itself is a Hindi word that's been roughly translated into English as "eunuch" commonly but it's not exactly accurate.
Hijras have been considered the third sex back in our ancient stories, and by 2014 got official recognition to identify as the third gender (neither male or female) legally. Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and India have accepted: eunuch, trans, intersex people & granted them the proper identification options on passports and other government official documents.
But let's get into some of the history surrounding the Hijra community (which for the longest time has been nomadic, and a part of India's long, rich, and sometimes, sadly, troubled history of nomadic tribes/people who have suffered a lot over the ages. Hijras and intersex people are mentioned as far back as in the Kama Sutra, as well as in the early writings of Manu Smriti in the 1st century CE (Common Era), specifically said that a third sex can exist if possessing equal male and female seed.
This concept of balancing male/female energies, seed, and halves is seen in two places in South Asian mythos/culture and connected to the Hijra history.
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First, we have Aravan/Iravan (romanized) - who is also the patron deity of the transgender community. He is most commonly seen as a minor/village deity and is depicted in the Indian epic Mahabharata. Aravan is portrayed as having a heroic in the story and his self-sacrifice to the goddess Kali earns him a boon.
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He requests to be married before his death. But because he is doomed to die so shortly after marriage, no one wants to marry him.
No one except Krishna, who adopts his female form Mohini (one of the legendary temptresses in mythology I've written about before) and marries him. It is through this union of male, and male presenting as female in the female form of Mohini that the seed of the Hijras is said to begun, and why the transgender community often worships Aravan and, another name for the community is Aravani - of/from Aravan.
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But that's not the only place where a gender non conforming divine representation can be seen. Ardhanarishvara is the half female form of lord Shiva, the destroyer god.
Shiva combines with his consort Parvarti and creates a form that represents the balancing/union between male/female energies and physically as a perfectly split down the middle half-male half-female being. This duality in nature has long been part of South Asian culture, spiritual and philosophical beliefs, and it must be noted the sexuality/gender has often been displayed as fluid in South Asian epics and the stories. It's nothing new.
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Many celestial or cosmic level beings have expressed this, and defied modern western limiting beliefs on the ideas of these themes/possibilities/forms of existence.
Ardhanarishvara signifies "totality that lies beyond duality", "bi-unity of male and female in God" and "the bisexuality and therefore the non-duality" of the Supreme Being.
Back to the Hijra community.
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They have a complex and long history. Throughout time, and as commented on in the movie, Monkey Man, the Hijra community has faced ostracization, but also been incorporated into mainstream society there. During the time of the Dehli Sultanate and then later the Mughal Empire, Hijras actually served in the military and as military commanders in some records, they were also servants for wealthy households, manual laborers, political guardians, and it was seen as wise to put women under the protection of Hijras -- they often specifically served as the bodyguards and overseers of harems. A princess might be appointed a Hijra warrior to guard her.
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But by the time of British colonialism, anti-Hijra laws began to come in place folded into laws against the many nomadic tribes of India (also shown in part in Monkey Man with Kid (portrayed by Dev Patel) and his family, who are possibly
one of those nomadic tribes that participated in early theater - sadly by caste often treated horribly and relegated to only the performing arts to make money (this is a guess based on the village play they were performing as no other details were given about his family).
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Hijras were criminalized in 1861 by the Indian Penal Code enforced by the British and were labeled specifically as "The Hijra Problem" -- leading to an anti-Hijra campaign across the subcontinent with following laws being enacted: punishing the practices of the Hijra community, and outlawing castration (something many Hijra did to themselves). Though, it should be noted many of the laws were rarely enforced by local Indian officials/officers. But, the British made a point to further the laws against them by later adding the Criminal Tribes Act in 1871, which targeted the Hijra community along with the other nomadic Indian tribes - it subjected them to registration, tracking/monitoring, stripping them of children, and their ability to sequester themselves in their nomadic lifestyle away from the British Colonial Rule.
Today, things have changed and Hijras are being seen once again in a more positive light (though not always and this is something Monkey Man balances by what's happened to the community in a few scenes, and the heroic return/scene with Dev and his warriors). All-hijra communities exist and sort of mirror the western concept of "found families" where they are safe haven/welcoming place trans folks and those identifying as intersex.
These communities also have their own secret language known as Hijra Farsi, which is loosely based on Hindi, but consists of a unique vocabulary of at least 1,000 words.
As noted above, in 2014, the trans community received more legal rights.
Specifically: In April 2014, Justice K. S. Radhakrishnan declared transgender to be the third gender in Indian law in National Legal Services Authority v. Union of India.
Hijras, Eunuchs, apart from binary gender, be treated as "third gender" for the purpose of safeguarding their rights under Part III of our Constitution and the laws made by the Parliament and the State Legislature. Transgender persons' right to decide their self-identified gender is also upheld and the Centre and State Governments are directed to grant legal recognition of their gender identity such as male, female or as third gender.
I've included some screenshots of (some, not all, and certainly not the only/definitive reads) books people can check out about SOME of the history. Not all again. This goes back ages and even our celestial beings/creatures have/do display gender non conforming ways.
There are also films that touch on Hijra history and life. But in regards to Monkey Man, which is what started this thread particularly and being asked to comment - it is a film that positively portrayed India's third sex and normalized it in its depiction. Kid the protagonist encounters a found family of Hijras at one point in the story (no spoilers for plot) and his interactions/acceptance, living with them is just normal. There's no explaining, justifying, anything to/for the audience. It simply is. And, it's a beautiful arc of the story of Kid finding himself in their care/company.
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h0bg0blin-meat · 7 months
I think I need to make it clear for many Vaishnav (looking especially at you, ISKON) Hindu extremists (and even many Shaivites) that ya'll can have your sects and your beliefs as Vishnu or Shiva as your supreme lords. I don't have an issue with that.
But when you try to say that this is the ONLY truth about the Vedic religion (I'm not using Hinduism here because it doesn't sum up the pantheon as much as the ''Vedic" word does, despite the term being associated with the Vedas, and yes we need to come up with a better word that comprises this entire pantheon as a whole), that's when I have a problem, because that is definitely NOT the entire pantheon.
Do not spread the beliefs of your sect as the ONLY canon belief and don't speak for the people who don't fall under this category. I have seen this in all of social media and it pains me how much of a linear pantheon this once oh-so flexible culture has become.
Yes the concept of Prajapati and the Supreme being has existed since the Vedas. But when you say that Vishnu and Shiva are somehow superior to other gods as the ONLY CANONICAL BELIEF, that just flips me off, and I'm gonna call it out.
How dare you forget the four Vedas, that had no mention of such an idea? This might tick some people off but Indra, Agni, Rudra (which later became synonymous with Shiva, but is a whole different deity), Mitra, Varuna, Vayu and a few other Gods were just as much powerful as Vishnu or Shiva, if not more. This is ANOTHER canonical truth that these extremists (again, somehow mostly Vaishnav) are denying.
Ancient pantheons weren't some linear path with just one canon event. These were their own multiverses of a plethora of VARIOUS canon events, myths and legends. So stop making the Vedic religion a linear, rigid pantheon. Remember? It's not an organized religion. There can be SEVERAL canonical truths. Like I definitely understand that a religion/culture changes overtime. It evolves. Fine. Vishnu is the supreme God now, fine. But you can't deny the history. The Vedas that didn't canonize this. Are you gonna say that these Vedas, that came BEFORE this Vishnu/Shiva being the considered the supreme lord(s), were wrong? I hope not lol.
Besides, I'm not even gonna get into ISKON. They have regarded anyone that's not Vishnu as a demigod, which is ABSOLUTELY VILE AND DISRESPECTFUL. Do they even KNOW what a demigod is??? FUCK NO. They don't. They just like to use that word to inferiorize other deities, due to their unhealthy and toxic obsession with Vishnu, who doesn't deserve it. On top of that they have claimed that worshipping such gods will not lead you to eternal peace, or that it's somehow wrong. Ah yes. Gotta love gatekeeping and toxic cult fan behavior. Call me rude but if you disrespect a GOD (yes, Indra, Mitra, Varuna and others are ALSO GODS, FYI) is WILD, and they should be called out for it. (Some Shaivites have done the same in case of Shiva, and they need to be similarly called out.)
In conclusion, worship whoever tf you want, but remember that theologically, and even historically, there can be more than one canonical story. It really depends on which sect/region you belong to. You CAN be a polytheist. Idk why Hindus these days are inadvertently trying to appeal to the monotheistic pantheons so much, to the point that they have an internal dislike for polytheism, which they're not aware of, but it shows when they speak up.
This pantheon (like every other pagan pantheon back in the day) is very broad. Remember that. And it's very flexible. So let it be like that, and stop gatekeeping it and having a war between who supreme Lord is. I'll stop my yapping here. But I hope people understand this. Cuz damn.
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the-devils-library · 1 year
A Brief History of Satanism
I see quite a bit of misinformation circulated about Satanism's historical origins, both online and in the pages of books, so I thought it may be worthwhile to give a breakdown of the truth as my research has shown it to me. I have no official credentials as a historian, but I'm a theistic Satanist who takes my religion and my research very seriously. I encourage all to read my words and respond with corrections if they notice a mistake in my work; that being said, I will likely demand sources if someone's "correction" conflates with what my research has shown me.
First off, I'm going to disappoint many of my fellow theistic Satanists with this announcement: Satanism is not ancient. It's not older than Christianity, it's not even as old as Christianity, by a long shot. I suspect this need to insist that Satan and his followers are an ancient faith (or that they can somehow be found within other faiths, such as comparing Satan to Pan or Shiva) stems from Christianity. Christianity was once a very new religion in comparison to those that surrounded it, and in order to gain followers and create legitimacy for themselves, Christians had to insist that their religion was the only true one, that their god had been pulling the strings from the beginning, and that if you looked back in Jewish holy writings you'd find evidence of Jesus and his teachings. Let us Satanists not make the same mistake.
And secondly, to disappoint the atheists in the crowd: LaVey didn't invent Satanism. Yes he was very impactful on the Satanic scene, especially in the anglosphere, but he didn't invent the entire religion.
Alright, let's start at the beginning.
Satan, and the concept of worshiping him, began in the minds of Christians. That may seem like a let-down to some people, but it's the truth. Satan as a powerful lord of evil and enemy of God didn't exist before Christianity. The concept of the satan, or adversary, existed within Judaism, a famous example being the satan of Job, but this was a job for an angel working under God. For further understanding of the Jewish satan you'd have to look into Jewish writing on the topic, but if you want a basic historical explanation, Elaine Pagels' The Origin of Satan gives good context in simple terms. For now I'd just like to emphasize that Capital-S-Satan does not exist in Judaism. That's where the word came from, but it had a different meaning from what Christianity gave it.
When Christianity came along, of course, they began to use the word Satan to refer to the enemy of God, and thus anything they considered to be ungodly or against their beliefs was instead under the domain of Satan. Jews, Pagans, other Christians with differing beliefs or customs, anyone was fair game to be accused of being a Satanist.
This does not mean any of those people were actually worshiping Satan.
"Satanist" was not a real religious identity that anyone claimed, it was an insult and an accusation hurled by Christians at those they wanted to oppress, silence, and control. The Christian worldview did not allow for cultures and religions other than there own (or even variation within their own). If someone wasn't a follower of God, then they were a follower of the Devil, end of discussion.
It is very dangerous, therefore, to assume that any of these people accused of Satanism in the far past would actually have self-identified as Satanists. In my mind it is comparable to thinking the "witches" of the Salem witch trials would've self-identified as such (they did not, they "admitted" to witchcraft under torture. I hope I don't have to explain why that isn't a reliable thing to cite when trying to parse whether someone was a witch or not). By claiming that any group persecuted by Christians in the far past were secretly Satanic, we are not only stripping those people of their actual identities and cultures, we are agreeing with the Christians who harmed them.
To my knowledge we don't see anyone actually viewing Satan in a positive or sympathetic light until the emergence of Romantic Satanism in the late 1700s through the 1800s, with writings by poets like Percy Shelley and of course John Milton. Romantic Satanism, it should be emphasized, was not a religious movement, but an artistic one. Different writers of the era had varied religious identities, from Christian to the beginnings of Atheism, but while they were writing about Satan with more nuance and personality than he'd ever been given before, they were not worshiping him or intending to write holy texts.
It isn't until the 1900s that we begin to see inklings of truly religious Satanism, and not always by that name exactly. Aleister Crowley, founder of Thelema, had some Satanic flavor to his persona (calling himself the Beast 666), despite saying he did not consider himself a Satanist nor worshiped Satan. Crowley's contemporary, Maria de Naglowska, founded a sex-based magical society and religion called The Brotherhood of Eulis, which centered on Satan as the embodiment of Reason, and the story of Adam and Eve as the original magical act of a woman granting magical knowledge to her lover through sex. The Neo-pagan religion Adonism was founded by Franz Sättler, who equated Adonis with Satan in a positive way. There are more to name but this post is already lengthy.
These movements were scattered, some were not well-documented, and many happened in Europe and the original texts were never translated to English. I believe this is part of the reason why Americans and others in the anglosphere may only know of LaVey as Satanism's modern father, because of course, in the 1960s, we got the Church of Satan, and their accompanying Bible. Again, this is a lengthy subject I'm sure I'll make more posts on later, but LaVeyan Satanism is, to my knowledge, the origin of the atheistic Satanism movement, the worldview that deities aren't real (though magic may be, depending on how closely we're sticking with LaVey's worldview) and Satan is a figurehead used to symbolize self-worship. Though they share very few philosophical values, it is due to this version of atheistic Satanism that The Satanic Temple exists today, practicing their own version of Satanism, also without literal deities. It is also due to the CoS that the Temple of Set came to be, as it was originally formed by LaVeyan Satanists who wanted something more theist.
With the creation of the internet we have seen many Satanist authors and some scattered churches, covens, and groups arise; Marie RavenSoul (edit: RavenSoul no longer considers herself Satanic, and has converted to Christianity), Aleister Nacht and Magnum Opus, Rev. Cain, Brother Nero, and others. Some of these groups and authors inspired one another, others seem to have sprung up on their own. Others, I'm sure, have been lost to time, and that saddens me as a scholar of Satan and his followers. But that is part of my mission with this blog, is to track down and keep record of every Satanic resource I can find, no matter how obscure.
Follow The Devil's Library here on Tumblr for more posts like this, as well as book reviews in the future. Ave Satanas to my fellow followers of Satan, and to all others, I bid you good day.
[DISCLAIMER: The Devil's Library is not affiliated with any of the previously mentioned groups or authors. It is an independent project by a single Satanist. Do not mistake my mentioning of an author or group as endorsement for their beliefs and practices.]
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tamblr · 10 months
Intro to Tantric Shaivism
Shiva as a god is someone who has been deeply influential in my personal spiritual journey. From watching both Lord Ram and Ravana pray to him to seeing the relationship between Shiva and Shakthi, I was always intuitively fascinated by him and that led naturally to intellectual curiosity. In the previous write up I had summarised the meaning of Tantra, this is a small introduction to Shaivism. 
Shaivism is the worship of Lord Shiva as the supreme being. It is an ancient Hindu sect that is an amalgamation of pre Vedic and Vedic traditions. As such, some scholars have dated the sect to the Indus Valley civilisation at 2500-2000 BCE. 
Shaivism has many schools of thought, two of the most popular ones being: Saiva siddhanta and Kashmiri Shaivism from which we will draw most of the metaphysics, philosophy and cosmology from but first…
Who or what is Shiva? 
The answer to this question itself could be a series all on its own but here’s two etymologies from two of the most ancient languages: Tamil and Sanskrit.
I was reading this incredible novel called Kottravai where the author describes the etymology of the word, Sivam, this is my very rough translation of the tamil text, “from the word meaning, life (Siivam), the people named their lord sivam”. From sivam comes siivan, more predominantly pronounced as jiivan meaning soul or living being. 
Indeed, one of the most ancient names of the lord is pasu-pati, lord (pati) of animals (pasu). In Saiva Siddhanta, pasu is has a further meaning of soul so the lord of souls. 
According to Monier-Williams, the Sanskrit word "Shiva" means "auspicious, propitious, gracious, benign, kind, benevolent, friendly". The root words of shiva in folk etymology are śī which means "in whom all things lie, pervasiveness" and va which means "embodiment of grace”.
While the Tamil etymology talks about who he is, the Sanskrit one gives a description of his characteristics. 
But what is he? 
He is sat-cit-ananda (being-consciousness-bliss). Or more succinctly, the universal consciousness. Kashmiri Shaivism talks about the universal consciousness as having two characteristics: prakasa (light) and vimarsa (reflective awareness) and talks about the universal consciousness as being the efficient cause whose effect is the vibration of consciousness (spanda). Here it should be noted that cause and effect are reciprocal processes where cause leads to effect and effect back to cause.
While we talk about Shiva as masculine, it is important to note that Shiva and Shakthi are a dual principle, like two sides of the same coin where Shakthi is the instrumental cause whose effect is pure energy (kundalini Shakthi). Symbolised in Ardhanadishwara.
Similarly, while Shaivism and vaishnavism are at odds with each other in many aspects, the old name for Visnu in the Tamil was Mayon, the personification of Maya (material reality, illusion) and Shaivite traditions agree that Maya is another aspect of Shakthi. The duality of Shiva and Vishnu is symbolised in Hari-Hara.
Proof of existence 
Saiva siddhanta, a school popular in South India is a philosophical school that is based on theistic realism and therefore offers a rational argument for why the universal consciousness should exist. The proof first begins with 3 laws:
All existing things have arisen and must at some time be destroyed. 
Law I, to the thesis that the world in its entirety must have been created at one point of time, and, again at one point of time, will in its entirety be destroyed; the world has a beginning and an end. 
Everything that gets destroyed must arise again; something that exists cannot become a nothing. 
Law 2, that the world's history will not end with its destruction, but that after a certain time it will be created anew out of itself; a new world-creation will follow a world- destruction. 
Whatever arises must have existed before; a nothing can't turn into an existent something
Law 3, that an eternal living something must form the basis of this world, out of which it was created, and into which it will at some time be resolved, and from which it will at another time again be created.
But why Shiva?
Why is Shiva the personification of the universal consciousness? The answer given is quite simple. 
There is a popular Tamil saying: ‘Anbe Sivam’ which means ‘love is Shiva’ or ‘shiva is love’. To quote from Saiva siddhanta: “You must worship what engages your love, you disciples of advaita.” Advaita means non-duality of subject and object and talks about the relationship between the individual soul and the divine. So from their perspective, anything that fuels your love is your personification of the divine and for Shaivites due to the history, culture and religion, Shiva is who engages their love and hence their devotion.
This is where the idea of Tantra comes into play. ‘The exploration of the inner cosmos is Tantra that helps one discover the inner architecture of one’s self and its relationship with the outer world.’ Tantric Shaivism is essentially the exploration and recognition of the soul and its relationship to Shiva, the personification of the universal consciousness.
Why use a personification?
the soul has three faculties: knowledge, will, action 
it needs something to lean on, which it then imitates and assimilates
its faculties need to be set in motion by some impulse from outside.
When you love something, you desire to understand it, be with it and you immerse your thoughts in it. In other words, you develop devotion. This is what you lean on. The qualities of the personification of the universal consciousness as being auspicious, benevolent, full of grace enable the soul to be able to imitate it and assimilate with it. This love is fuelled by culture, mythology and other personal experiences unique to each individual so theology helps set in motion the faculties of the soul. 
Knowledge - Knowledge can roughly be of two types: intellectual knowledge and instinctual knowledge. Instinctual knowledge is brought about by faith and the faith is strengthened through intellectual knowledge gathered from reading scripture, philosophy etc. Sometimes instinct can give rise to intellectual curiosity and other times intellectual exploration can give rise to a deity that is instinctually recognised by the soul. 
Will - the will is simply the ability of a person to concentrate completely on the divine and is fuelled by devotion and resilience of one’s faith and this initiates action.
Action - action is the performance of inner (meditation, chanting mantras) and outer (puja, yoga) rituals acting as a symbolic union from which the actual union with the divine occurs
One of my main resources was the book Saiva Siddhanta: An Indian School of mystical thought in addition to other resources which I would be happy to link if anyone is curious.
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evansuvamp · 7 months
Under A Lustful Moon pt. 1
🌸Pairing: Rudra x female OCs x Shiva 
🌸Warnings: mention of sex (oral, penetration, masturbation, fingering), kinks (restraints, praising, body worship), nudity, dirty talking 
🌸Notes: the reader is consenting! 
IMPORTANT: The authors (@evansuvamp and @riseofamoonycake) have chosen to write a fic with their respective OCs (Scarlet and Tanit), so they are presented with the names and features created by them; but the work can be read as a normal character x reader fic.
You can see the full header pic here. I did with lots of love!
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It was a pleasant evening. A smooth and warm wind was blowing, a light breeze full of wet and sandy smells like a sea landscape. And to make it even better, a perfect view from the Svarga, which was printed with the most rich and colorful figures.
Everything there was filling the senses of a pair of old friends: the gods Shiva and Rudra, who weren’t alone at all. 
With them were two beautiful ladies. One of them had the brightest blonde hair, curly and smooth; a cascade of hair falling down her back, her feline gaze full of pleasant promises and the small mouth opened in a lascivious smile, the Moon Goddess Tanit, the Lady of Carthage, was slowly roaming around the high chamber, looking at the two deities sensually lying on the marble floor, lean on soft blankets, cushions and pillows. She was deliberately delaying the moment of joining them, taking all her time to observe them and to be observed, especially seeking and paying attention to Rudra: her great companion, her love. 
The Lord of Storms did nothing but stare at her, his eyes devouring her elegant and haughty figure, which the long scarlet dress only made more sensual.
With each wave of her hair or shadow play on her pale skin, his desire rose until it began to be painful. And she enjoyed seeing him tremble, slightly biting her lips and giggling. 
On the other hand, resting her hands on Shiva’s shoulders, there was a human: a redhead woman with clear skin, which had lots of small moles in many parts of her body. The most recognizable were in the valley of her breast, a half circle, almost like a moon cycle. These moles were arranged in different sizes. Her curvy hair flying with the light breeze. She was devoted to the king of the Hindu Pantheon, that’s why she was allowed to take care of him, even touching him. Also his wives agreed with her presence.
Her name matched the color of her marvelous hair: Scarlet. The young human slowly caressed the purple skin of the god, exchanging some glares with the magnificent goddess while a soft tone of her voice hummed right next to her Lord’s ear, which made him smile a little.
The tension in the air was increasing, and maybe that’s what made Shiva set his eyes into the redhead. He was not that fool to not notice how both females were playing with Rudra and him. That playful atmosphere never failed to turn him on. Even now, some scenes danced inside his head so he sent a quick glance to Rudra, wondering if he was also feeling the intoxicating air full of desire and lust emanating from him.
The God of Storms answered his friend’s silent question sighing and half closing his eyes, large drops of sweat beading his forehead and his hands firmly closed around the soft blankets, waiting for his lady to make her move.
Once again, the females looked at each other in silence, nodding at the same time; and finally Tanit came perilously close, stopping right in front of the gods and glaring at everyone present with the expression of a hungry tiger. «Now…», she fluted then, licking her lips with studied slowness and, immediately after, dropping the gown to the floor in one fluid motion, revealing all the golden jewels that intertwined on her naked skin. Behind her, a big silver moon was rising, its light sliding into her hair like a liquid crown, «… Why don’t we entertain each other?»
… And the night was just starting.
Everything started time ago, in a day like another. 
«Lady Tanit.» A shy voice called for the goddess. It was the human Shiva brought some months ago. Her red hair was covering some parts of her face.
It wasn’t their first time talking, and she really appreciated the Moon Goddess because of her kindness and warmness. And for that reason, they entrusted themselves with lots of stuff. Even the intimate topics.
«I’m here for you, darling», replied the goddess, closing the book that she was reading and looking at the kind girl in front of her. She liked the human with all her being: she was respectful, caring and bright, a good company for Lord Shiva and a trustful person, a human sincerely devoted to her Lord and with a gentle heart. Tanit couldn’t help but love the humans and she sometimes missed the ancient times, when she was in Carthage among them; so she took Scarlet under her protective wing, it was natural to do so. 
«You know, Lord Shiva is always that playful… And how easy it is for him to be in the mood… I was thinking, how will he react to being teased by us? Do you think Lord Rudra would also join us?» The red lips of the human made a pouting face, wondering if the questions weren’t out of place for the time she was sharing with the goddess. Small and chubby fingers reached for another lock of blonde hair, braiding it with the other two that Scarlet was already grabbing carefully. She liked to brush and braid Tanit’s hair.
Tanit was silent for a moment, surprised at the request; then she curled her lips in a smile, which became a light and gentle laugh. «My, my, you sure know how to light up the nights, don’t you, little one?» The goddess threw back her head to look at Scarlet, then narrowed her eyes and gave the girl a knowing grin. «I think it’s something that can be done… such an idea has been on my mind for a while now, and knowing I’m not the only one doing it piques my interest.» With a gentle gesture, the Lady of the Moon signaled to Scarlet to stop her work and change positions, then she took the brush that the red beauty offered her and began to comb her wonderful hair. «Yes, I have no doubt that together we will come up with something great. We know our lovers well...»
The sudden change in her aura made the redhead curious about the goddess’ thoughts. In fact, her curiosity grew even more with the final comment. Maybe it would be fun. Scarlet smiled as well, allowing Tanit’s hands to brush her hair.
Later, both females were talking about the suggestion Scarlet made early that night. She wasn’t that skilled about intimacy, because not only were books the best source to get information about it, there was also the practice. Something that she, as a human, had never been interested in until now. And that was Shiva’s fault. Scarlet wanted to be more passionate, to show her Lord how good she could be and give him and his wives the same love she always received from them.
Scarlet listened to Tanit carefully, trying not to miss a part of what she was explaining to make the night even better for the four of them.
The goddess knew what she was doing, and the sweet desires that Scarlet kept within herself: for this, and this was the core of the speech, why not realize them immediately? Shiva already greatly appreciated the girl and was intrigued by her, but he still didn’t know her full potential, and neither did she herself; both needed a good test, but under certain conditions…
«… Why don’t we entertain each other?»
The echo of Tanit’s voice had not yet died away, and the Lady of the Moon had already swung into action: after undressing herself, she was quick to kneel in front of Rudra and crawl sensually towards him, her gaze locked on the lover’s eyes and barely shaded by her long lashes.
No one would have had any doubts that he would have been her intended victim, but for his part the god was not caught unprepared: he didn’t let escape a moment and with two of his hands grabbed his beloved by the hips and dragged her over him, while the others slipped under the jewels that covered her breasts to caress the nipples. His head snapped forward and his mouth reached up to her neck, biting into the hollow between it and the shoulder and starting to suck, at which point she burst out laughing and wrapped her white arms around his back. «Easy, my love, there’s no need to hurry», she whispered in his ear while her skin was already beaded with drops of sweat and reddened under the hungry touch of the Lord of Storms, who for that evening had forgotten his usual calm and had decided to take her as soon as possible. The goddess let him play with her body without depriving him of the satisfaction of hearing her moan at every caress, bite and pressure on the sensitive skin, but her gaze often went to Scarlet, who in turn stared back at her: everything was proceeding according to plans.
Rudra was enjoying it, may it be because of how sensual and beautiful his favorite goddess was or maybe ‘cause he could sense how the Lady of the Moon managed all the situation. He could tell her stubbornness turned on him even more, and the way she was moving her hips in small circles while he played with her skin made even more noticeable how much their bodies had been missing each other. His lips traced her neck, sucking slowly to cause more moaning.
Scarlet had her cheeks blushing already: she could feel how sensual her lady was. The movements of her hips were so erotic, even when she was just teasing her Lord. Still, Scarlet’s hands made their way through Shiva’s neck to his hard muscles in his chest. The slow grunts from him as a signal of doing a good job. The massage was slow, with little circles, playing with the texture of his skin. From the corner of her eye, she noticed the god throwing his head to the side with his eyes closed. His smirk never disappears. One of his hands came to find Scarlet’s nape, forcing her a little closer so he could whisper: «What are you planning, little one? Hmm?» 
The voice was low, but playful and full of expectations.
He wanted to see her full potential, making her pass some limits and enjoy the time together. 
A small grin appeared on the angelical face. «Nothing, my Lord. I just want to praise and worship you.» She placed a small kiss on his forehead, never stopping the massage. 
Another grunt came from Shiva’s lips and this time it was lower, coming from his throat. The only noise of it made Scarlet’s legs rub together. She loved his voice.
Once again, her eyes returned to her lady, looking for some approval to follow the plan.
«Yes, Lord Shiva… enjoy the time with your girl, you deserve it!», the golden haired goddess added, sweetly smiling at Shiva just before letting out a louder moan and digging her nails deep into Rudra’s back, who in turn muffled his voice against the partner’s shoulder. «You can lie to him, but not to me», replied the Lord of the Storms, taking a deep breath and giving her a slight grin. Two hands rested on her breast and the others grabbed his thighs, Tanit couldn’t have escaped that grip even if she wanted to: not even his gaze showed a sign of letting her go. «I don’t believe a word you said, my lady. What are you planning for us? Come on, share it, we are listening.» As if to give her a little incentive to start, one of the god’s hands slided from Tanit’s thigh to reach her intimacy, and two fingers were quick to find her already wet opening and caress the outermost lips, then pinch them.
Shiva chuckled hearing the goddess barely hold back a cry, then lifted his lids slightly to observe her, focusing on her flushed cheeks and the trembling of her hips and breasts, then turned his head and stared at Scarlet, piercing her with a lascivious look. «These sweet girls... they really think they can hide something from us, eh, Rudra?», he murmured, caressing his lover’s chest up to the neck, then taking her chin between his index and middle fingers and caressing her lips with his thumb. His jewel, his precious little bat… 
That caress was just a warning, she could feel the God of Destruction’s hot breath. Then she was attracted to the front, so Shiva could see her. He raised an eyebrow: her little body was showing some signals of pleasure, indeed, his beloved human was enjoying the tease and Shiva became impatient to take her for his own desires.
«Don’t underestimate us, great Lords», Tanit replied playfully, trying to control the speed of her breath and not give in to the shivers running through her skin, «… or you might be surprised.»
«Are you playing with us?» The two friends spoke at the same time, and at this point the girls started to laugh, the complicity arising in their tune. 
«Some things require patience, my Lord», Scarlet spoke. Her curves were even more noticeable through the light gown she was wearing. The saree was black, her favorite color, it had been modified to some fresh look for the girl’s comfort. Clothing and light played a good silhouette for the god’s view, while the candles’ flame danced through the room; even the slightest movement was caught by Shiva’s vision. And just for that, he brushed his own lips with the tongue. «Well then, I’m beyond interested now. Let us see what you have in mind.» 
Scarlet took apart the veil covering part of her shoulders and bare back, her hips swayed to the left side and her hands took a new position. No music was needed really for them. Slow motions of her curves, along with the jewels she wore most of the time, were enough to make the arousal of her Lord to increase. 
Besides, she was not alone at all: soon, her moon lady escaped from Rudra’s touch and joined the show. Her golden jewelry tinkled in synchrony with her body, and the sight made Rudra go feral easily. He knew the perfection of Tanit’s graceful movements, and the fact that she rarely allowed him to dance together just made the teasing game a little but pleasureable torture.
Scarlet joined Tanit and touched her body, playing with it and caressing her hips. Her body bounced slowly to the sides, making small circles in the air. Soon, the pair of their hips grinded together and they took the opportunity to share a small kiss. Their hands intertwined, both bosoms collided as the kiss became deeper. Scarlet let out small moans, while her lady’s tongue made its way through her mouth. 
Then, Shiva retorted with some impatience: «Come on! That’s cheating! If you keep doing that, I don’t think I can control myself.»
It was an evil game. Rudra tried to be calm but the view was making him totally desperate to feel that burning skin one more time. «Tanit… please, don’t make it longer…» 
The little plea made Tanit smile, while she was still dancing with the little human. It was funny for the ladies but not that much for the great gods. «We told you not to underestimate us», the Moon Goddess replied in a siren voice, slowly turning her eyes to observe Rudra’s pained expression, kissing Scarlet again as she maintained eye contact with him. She loved these moments: when the situation was in her hands and she was in charge, deciding and pulling the strings, and everything depended on her. This was the power she had always wanted to have: not over Carthage, not over peoples, but over her lovers. To be worshiped by them, to dominate them, to take them to the edge was a sadistic pleasure that went beyond that of the flesh, even if she herself felt the weight of that torment on the body. She and Scarlet wouldn’t continue much longer with that teasing, the effect they had obtained was enough and their companions were becoming really impatient and difficult to control; and they, too, were eager to join the lovers once their goal was achieved. They had played enough.
With a slow and fluid movement, and without their mouths separating, Tanit first slid her hands on the girl’s buttocks and squeezed them tightly, eliciting a moan, then took her in her arms and kissed her at the base of the neck, slightly biting. «You are very good, truly exceptional», the goddess praised softly as she carried her into the arms of Shiva, who welcomed his girl and hugged her as if for fear that Tanit would take her away after only one touch. «You had a great time at our expense», he murmured, giving the Moon Lady a burning look and a smirk that promised revenge, «but are you ready to be repaid? Especially you, Lady of Carthage... I know there is your mind behind it all, don’t fool me. You really love to play with fire, hmm?»
Tanit smiled more and more, the answer ready; but Rudra was faster and, grabbing her with all four hands, pressed her to him until she was out of breath, burying his face in her hair. More than before his desire was evident and imbued with irritation and animal hunger, ready to explode. «Shiva is right... you have to make it up to me, my beloved. And now I want to see how you manage to escape me again...», he whispered in her ear as his fingers unhooked and removed her jewels, leaving her completely naked, «try, if you can.»
The goddess only had time to cast a glance at Scarlet, about to suffer the same fate, that the Lord of Storms rolled her under him and anchored her to the soft blankets, squeezing her with his whole body and grabbing her wrists with two hands, while the others were free to caress, tease and slip where they most wanted. The moon was caged by the storm, a roaring, thirsting and demanding calamity.
The god knew his lady’s body well, by now not an inch of her skin was a secret to him: not a mole, not a single mark. For this reason, after playing for a while with all her most sensitive points, he suddenly attacked her hips, stroking them slowly and repeatedly, gently pinching them. 
For Tanit, nothing was more irresistible than being touched and grabbed there, so it didn’t take more than an instant before she began to squirm and pant, her cheeks redder and redder. In her mind all thoughts became confused, invaded by waves of pleasure more and more intense; and almost as if she wanted to get rid of them, she threw her head back on the pillows, exposing the neck.
A more than tempting occasion for Rudra, who attacked it repeatedly with kisses, and then started to go down her chest to reach the breasts, making her tremble under his tongue.
«R-Rudra», she chirped as his lips closed around her nipple, trying to break free from his grip; in response, the god tightened the fingers around her wrists and began to suck, enjoying every gasp and moan she let out, with the clear intention of tormenting her until she was exhausted. The Lord of Storms was delighted, every single sound escaping Tanit’s lips just made him sweat and grunt. His tongue dances slowly around the areola, while his right hand left the hip and started to torment the other nipple; then he freed the goddess' wrists and started having fun with her wet skin. He left a moan out after feeling her gracile hands reaching out his hair, and the soft strokes became hair pulls. Judging by the sexy and loud noises Tanit was letting go, he was doing a good job. Her voice was an authorization to his movements, which made him keep sucking on her nipple, again and again. 
The wet sounds echoed through the beautiful bedroom, making all of them shiver. Her siren-like voice was always tantalizing and not just the gods were affected by it: Scarlet started to feel more and more wetness between her legs, and the kisses her Lord gave to her neck just fueled her desire to the highest point. She moaned loudly when Shiva’s teeth marked it slowly, sucking the tender flesh as his right upper arm played with her soft thighs. «It seems like you enjoy it, hm?», Shiva’s low tone rang in her ears, a wet sensation made her tremble and then, the sharp teeth touched just a little of her earlobe. That panting voice mixed with Tanit’s and Rudra smiled, giving a glance to her eyes. 
He noticed her nipples hardening, just the same way as his dick. Suddenly, he stopped licking to pinch them in slow round movement. His bottom arms kept the beautiful and plush legs open for him, and another smirk appeared on his face, noticing how wet she was. «Is all of this for me? It looks so sweet, I’ll have a taste.» Rudra bent, leaving small kisses all over her sweet and plump skin. As soon as he found her pubis, his arms secured her legs to keep her still, he knew how sensitive she was: that’s why he enjoyed teasing her in such a way. Grabbing her so tightly would make her feel vulnerable when his tongue licked the round, pink pearl. 
She squirmed, moaning for the cool sensation as Rudra gave another lick, this time accompanied by a little bit of biting. Guided by her moans louder and louder, Rudra added more tension to the hot session, starting to suck on it as his eyes locked with hers. «Mmh… What is it, eh? Do you enjoy yourself, Little Moon?», a husky voice came from his mouth. He knew a storm was building up in her core.
The Moon Goddess was in rapture with the skilled wet muscle of her beloved Lord. «Oh my… Rudra…» Another subtle bite was given. Rudra’s teeth weren’t as sharp as Shiva’s but still the feeling was enough to tame Tanit. Her hips rolled up, trying to feel more of him as her hands pulled the raven locks of his hair. She wanted more of his sweet and rough ways of love. «More, Rudra… I want more… Ah!», she jolted, and Rudra moved his tongue until meet those sweet folds which called him.
Once again, Tanit pant loudly, enjoying the way her Lord worshiped her body. He knew how to embrace her, to tame her desires. But it was never enough. She loved to be at his mercy and feel their bodies rolling, sweating and intertwined. Right now she was lost of words, lips parted, eyes half-lidded and sweat running through her body. «Tell me, my queen… Mmh… Answer», his voice changed. He wanted to know, he wanted her to scream how good she felt when he ate her out.
No answer came, Tanit wanted to play and not giving Rudra what he wanted was the perfect way to join the game. But it lasted shortly: a finger slipped easily in her folds. He showed her a smirk, adding the second finger and still holding her legs with the bottom arms, while the other was free to roam on her body. It helped him to tease her clit easily and pump his fingers inside her. «If you refuse to talk, then I can make you answer with this», hunger and lust were placed in his voice, working her body. He adored her. 
Tanit's shaking voice increased with the pace of his fingers but still managed to reply his demands. «So good… Please, my Lord… Don’t stop. Make it harder… Hah! I’m going-»
But he stopped. A wide smile formed in his face, loving how flustered and upset she was.
As this happened, Scarlet was starting to struggle to keep her powerful Lord at bay, who continued to torment her sensitive earlobe for a while as all of his hands moved along her face and neck, stroking and squeezing his treasure’s beautiful skin. This felt very much like a sensual punishment, a slow, simmering torture to teach an overly bold and disobedient subject where she belonged. Shiva was hungry for her flesh and did nothing to hide it; on the contrary, he probably also felt pain from holding back, yet he continued to do so, in order not to give Scarlet the physical satisfaction she craved for.
The redhead sighed deeply, shaking under a shiver when two of the Lord of Destruction’s hands slid along her shoulders and the fingers began to run along her arms, the fingertips just resting on them in a very light caress. «A torment for a torment, my lovely bat. Some mistakes cost dearly, sweet girl», he whispered to her just before leaning forward, suddenly interrupting the caresses and giving her a slight push. With a small cry of surprise, Scarlet slid off the god’s lap and onto the soft blankets, and immediately afterward she found herself surrounded by his arms, ensnared by his burning eyes and triumphant grin. It wasn’t the growing pressure of Shiva’s body on hers that made the girl blush; not the arms ever tighter around her, tense not to leave to her even the imagination of being able to escape, nor the knee that slipped between her legs to keep them open and rubbed softly against her opening dripping with fluids and delights, nor the low, heartless laugh that only she could hear… but the shadows that suddenly began to dance on the face of her lover, making him look like a creature of darkness and secrets, an entity that has come from the Night itself to kidnap her and make her his, only his. 
Rudra had brought the storm even to the sky, for the sweet moon had fallen into the hands of black clouds which deprived the chamber of much of its light: and from that darkness neither the goddess nor the girl could find salvation, as it had come just for them.
One frowning and the other hesitant, both bent by the impulses they felt in their bodies but which their loved ones didn’t want to satisfy, the two ladies looked at each other for a moment; the next instant their respective companions grabbed their attention again by turning their faces to look at them, then both Rudra and Shiva burst out laughing. 
«You two will drive us crazy», the first murmured, leaning over Tanit's forehead to give her a kiss, before doing the same service to her mouth, «but we love you for that too. Come on, open your golden doors to me, my great queen, this time I'll give you all the pleasure you want», he said while wrapping his arms around the Lady of the Moon as he covered her chin and neck with more kisses, making her smile again.
Shiva looked at the two with a smile, then returned his focus solely to his young devotee.
Scarlet opened her arms without hesitation when the god stretched out on her body and crouched on her belly, rubbing the nose against the hollow between her breasts and kissing her skin. «Aaah, now what am I supposed to do with you, my little flower?», he purred, enjoying her caresses and eyeing her sideways like a cat, «I should thank you for always making me so hungry... but you’ll be able to hold on long enough to let me do it properly… or you’ll faint for me?»
«Do with me what you will, my Lord», Scarlet’s soft voice answered him, her eyes filled with stars and his same hunger, «I’m here for you.»
«And that’s what I want», replied the Lord of the Dance as he leaned on two of his arms and lifted his torso just enough to advance up her body, stopping when their two faces were at level, «and you know it, my adorable chick.»
«My Lord… I really love you», Scarlet’s arms passed through his upper limbs with a snake-like touch, until they were around his neck. She smiled, leaning to meet her Lord’s lips, eye contact all the time. Her lips parted a little, to allow his tongue to seek the wanted dominance of hers as always. A small pant escaped the red and plump lips from the human, as her hips made a slight trust against the god. He replied doing another one, playfully, he wanted to tease her even when she was already soaking between her legs.
For the friends gods, this was going to a crazy level and they needed some release soon. The body language never lied, and all the kisses, wet sounds reverberated through their room doing a perfect harmony for the heated session. Scarlet reached for Shiva’s hair, pulling slowly while her lips hid between his neck. Small bites and marks were left along the muscles, caressing the blue tattoo easily. Shiva grunted, using the right bottom hand to meet Scarlet’s hips. She was being naughty again and he won’t last a second more waiting for her.
She could read his expression when his muscles tensed above her, so the next she knew was a ripping sound, of course it was from her own clothes. Shiva surely liked to destroy things and he was serious about it. The thin silky fabric was thorn easily, leaving just some shreds around and a devilishly grin from the God of Destruction. Scarlet maintained her eyes on him, feeling how the hunger flames seemed to burn her alive with every single caress. Before he could take another step, she used her legs to trap him. «Lord Shiva… Do I give you pleasure?» Her question was just a fake concern, she just wanted to earn some time and enjoy his alluring voice while the plan started.
«Oh my sweet one, you know very well that you do it. You light up the flame inside me and make me feel in rapture. Just a little touch of yours can make me fall instantly for you… My devoted girl… You give lots of pleasure, love and kindness. So that’s why I want to take you to the next level every time. Are you ready for me?» A lascivious smile came from those plump lips, running his hands through the bottoms of his human girl. For him, patience was becoming zero and his breath started to increase, kissing her deeply.
Now, Scarlet reached for his strong arms for support. She knew that god was a complete steel man, his iron force would never let her go and do as she pleased soon. Scarlet stopped the kiss and took him between her small hands, «My Lord, would you let me take some initiative this time? I just want to worship you in every possible way… I want to be yours, and only yours…» Her voice was smooth, wanting to crush her own barriers and start to make a move for him.
The small left hand traveled down his torso, caressing the hard skin. All his muscles were tonified and tensed, his breath hitched when she touched his pelvis. By this moment, Shiva was completely lost in her, throwing his head aside and enjoying those touches. A small moan came out at the light pressure Scarlet put onto him and it became louder just in a quick movement she made. It was also hard for her, because even if it was just a few octaves, Shiva used that voice of his to take her to nirvana. Her thighs were sweating with the new posture, she above him and Shiva allowing the pleasure to increase. He was about to come when she stopped, another groan completely upset came out and she smiled, climbing to his body. «May I ride you, my Lord?» He was huge, she knew that but still, she wanted to take him, restrain his will and make both of them enjoy each other.
On the other hand, Rudra stared at Tanit’s body, running his fingers between the last jewels left on her. He took some of them between his teeth, just to play with her. The make out was passionate, they could feel it around their skin. The lord of Storms lined up with her body, a pair of arms on both sides of her beautiful and feminine curves. His eyes never let her break their connection. Then he said: «Sweet moon… Am I allowed to give you all the pleasure now? We both know this won’t last a minute more… I need to feel your beautiful body shiver under me. And I know you want me to please you, to touch and fuck you so hard…» last thing was a low whisper, while he placed a kiss behind her ear.
Tanit looked at him, her eyes shining like golden gems, filled with desire and adoration, and sat down, urging the god to do the same thing. Her hands slid up his chest in sinuous circular motions, finally closing around his breasts and gently massaging his nipples: she knew very well how irresistible it was for him, as much as for her to be touched on the hips, and stared at him, who tilted his head back and took a deep breath, his skin covered with new beads of sweat and two of his hands convulsively gripping the covers, the others closed around her wrists and trembling under the light torture. «Yes, I want you to take me», she replied, leaning her face against his chest and rubbing her nose on it, then kissing the hot skin, «I want to feel you inside me. You are so good at making me scream, and I have been too sadistic with you… so, take your time: you know how I like it, deep and slow. I am in your able hands, my only Lord: I am your love slave.»
Rudra clearly heard the slight provocative note in her words ― who really was the slave between them? ―, but he paid no attention to it, enchanted by her gaze as he was; also, the Lady of the Moon was quick to jump on the lover’s lap and, freeing the wrists from the grip, threw her arms around his neck and dug the nails into the nape. «Go», her honeyed voice murmured to him, the lips an inch from his and the belly rubbing against his muscles, «the moon wants to get full for you.»
This was the watchword: unable to hold back any longer, Rudra grabbed Tanit with all the four hands and pressed her against his chest, while she wrapped her legs around his hips and her moist opening begged to be filled. The god slid into his beloved moon with ease and both gasped as their bodies united, then he began to move calmly, pounding into her sensually and deeply, breathing rapidly while she seconded every movement with her pelvis. The urgency to give and take all the promised pleasure manifested itself in the iron grip with which they held the other’s flesh and kept looking at each other, inflaming the gaze with smiles and everything that escaped their mouths and bodies: whispers, cut words, short breaths, moaning and panting, and the Tanit’s sharp nails deeply marking the nape of Rudra’s neck and then tracing bright red roads along his back, making the skin quiver under the mix of pain and delight that the god was feeling.
Usually at this time, the goddess leaned her head on his shoulder or threw it back, snuggling against him or letting her neck be marked; in that night, however, she continued to stare at his face for long minutes, with the clear intention of seeing his every reaction, even if the continuous and well-aimed thrusts made her moans higher and higher and her eyes began to ooze gold and silver tears, as they always did when she felt an almost unbearable pleasure. «More», she whispered to her lover, «I know you can hold on… on… hold on for me. Do it for me, do it... please! Please, again! Ah!»
Without saying a word, Rudra surrendered completely to his own desires and those of his lady and leaned forward, laying her on the blankets and covering her with his body, harpooning the fabric with two hands as the others positioned themselves on the goddess’ hips to hold her in place. The thrusts became stronger and if possible even deeper, also favored by her fingers, still tormenting his back; and while the love making seemed destined to last forever and to grow in intensity, she was going to faint, losing all of herself, while the great heat she felt became almost nil and the nerves slowly lost resistance to consciousness. Never, never before Rudra fucked her dumb with such strength and urgency; and she loved every second of it almost desperately, fearing that she was only living a dream and none of this was happening: especially, that the god had never been real, that he had never loved her, that the happiness and peace she felt from when he had entered her existence it was only an illusion.
«Oh no, you are not running anywhere. Come back to me», Rudra murmured when he saw her eyes blur and detach from reality, leaning closer to her and slowly biting her lips; she gasped and let out a choked cry, wrested from her fears with the delicate firmness that only he possessed, and met his flaming gaze a short distance from hers, waiting for her return. «Your thoughts have to know there is no place for them tonight», he said with a sweet smile, pressing her hips harder and kissing her cheeks, mouth and neck, «you are all mine, you have to feel everything I do to you.» As if to underline the words he had just uttered, the Lord of Storms gave a stronger thrust, taking her breath away for the umpteenth time: and her body vibrated and trembled, making her realize that she was close to the climax and suggesting the same thing to the god. The belly of the Moon Goddess stretched out towards that of her lover, who slowly massaged it with one of his free hands, just pinching the navel, and then slid the other under her, to stroke her back and help her free herself. Tanit’s hands grabbed the ones pressed on her hips, and with a sigh she had her first orgasm of the evening.
«Good girl», whispered Rudra, embracing his golden goddess and slipping to the side to change positions and roll under her, without stopping pounding. «You deserve to dominate me. Come on, my lady, ride me as you like, the reins are yours.» A second orgasm followed soon after, but the series was destined to be long: Tanit had known for some time what to expect during her nights with the lover, his voracity melted her skin in shivers at least as much as the energies with which he tested her resistance.
«My love, so you really want to drive me crazy…», she murmured, taking two of his hands and bringing them to her breasts, as she let the others slide down her buttocks and squeeze them; before he could answer, she motioned him to stop for a moment and, in front of his delighted gaze, undid the ponytail, freeing the long locks and sending them sliding down his back and over both of their chest, and on Rudra's fingers.
«Look at my sweet lynx», the god commented, stroking her curls and bringing them to his mouth to kiss them one by one. He was the only one allowed to touch, caress and even lick them, a great honor for him, «we aren’t joking at all, aren’t we?»
She leaned over him and poured her hair around their faces, a soft golden curtain that separated them from all the rest of the world, even from Scarlet and Shiva. «Hmmm… I’ll be all yours, but you belong to me. And now, don’t you feel like you’ve been standing still for too long?» Placing her hands on his chest, Tanit rotated her hips and began dictating a new rhythm, immediately feeling shivers of pleasure invade her flesh and mind. «Leave it all to me. Trust me, puppy, mommy is here.»
«Tanit… Tanit…» This time it was Rudra’s turn to reach the climax: his lady’s hair lightly tickling his cheeks and neck, her nails gripping his chest like the claws of a hungry feline, her little mouth stimulating and testing his throat and his neck cords, the dance she forced him to do with her hips, every move added ever more uncontrollable pleasure: he was losing his mind and giving it all to her, the goddess was holding him firmly in her white hands and playing with him as she pleased, teasing him, slowly sucking away his lucidity. He, he was the true slave, and she the sweet and sadistic mistress delighted by every moan and gasp and murmur released by his lips. «Come for me, my Lord», whispered the moon siren, repeatedly stroking his nipples and receiving a louder moan in return, «come on, free yourself for me.» He kept chanting her name like a prayer and the grip of his hands tightened on her flesh, making her smile wider and stimulate him again and again. She was in heaven, at the pick of delight, and all this thanks to her great partner. «I love when you adore me in this way…», she praised him softly, then kissed him on the lips, «you really are the beloved heart of the moon.»
He came while she was kissing him for the second time. The goddess felt his body relax and distend under her touch, his hands becoming more delicate and gently caressing her; so she pulled away from his mouth to rub her nose against his. «Good boy», she fluted, stroking his hair and face, «you know that I love you more than my existence, right?»
«I know it very well… but I want it more», he whispered, panting heavily, his teary eyes full of love and veneration for his moon. «Please, love me again. I want to… I want to be fucked another time by your perfect body. Take me again.»
«How insatiable we are⁓» she laughed, standing over him and throwing her head back, her eyes sparkling with euphoria, «but don’t worry, I’ll gladly obey: I too want to feel you inside me a thousand times...» She stopped for a moment and glanced at Scarlet, who in tacit agreement replied with a silent look, «but first, there is something our little girl and I have to do… a present for you and our Lord Shiva.» Without waiting any longer, Tanit slid down from Rudra’s body and jumped to her feet, her skin covered in bites and love marks of all kinds, to then bend down to the ground and collect the jewels that the god’s ardor had scattered around. Her hands were soon filled with the golden chains with which she used to cover her body, and when she stood up, in her gaze there was a new light and a smile more similar to a grin.
«What... What do you want to do? Hey!» Shiva threw his head back, looking at the goddess from below, as soon as he saw her approaching him out of the corner of his eye; then he returned his attention to Scarlet, who with the speed of a snake and unsuspected strength had grabbed two of his wrists and held them tight, waiting for Tanit. «Don’t be afraid», the girl chirped, an innocent smile painted on her gorgeous face, «you will like it and thank us, later. Trust my words, my Lord.»
«Listen to her», Tanit went on, grabbing his other two wrists and smiling at him affably and warmly, «we will make you happy.»
«I don’t believe a word you―»
Both ladies bent over his face and kissed him on the mouth at the same instant, depriving him of any possibility of replying and making his eyes widen in surprise; then, the subtle click of a lock or something like that filled the air, and Tanit let out a silvery laugh. «Now try to move, if you can! Come on, use all your strength!», she breathed into his ear, lasciviously stroking his cheeks as she withdrew to contemplate the work, and Scarlet did the same.
More and more astonished and now also agitated, Shiva stared at his hands: a refined but very strong golden weave, the most precious gold Carthage had ever created and Tanit blessed with her powers and love, caged his wrists, tying them one to the other above his own head, effectively immobilizing all his arms. Firmly anchored to the ground, a long pin held all the chains in place, further limiting the god’s possibilities of movement, who was therefore completely at the mercy of the two. «What… What! Why? What are you two going to do to me? Answer!»
«You will see for yourself, Lord of Destruction», Tanit replied, throwing her hair back and waddling elegantly towards Rudra, who, propped up on his elbows, watched the scene with rapt eyes and a deep blush on his face, «indeed, you will both see it: you, and my beloved storm.»
Without putting up any resistance, Rudra suffered the same fate as Shiva, but he never took his elongated eyes off the goddess: thus, she had this in mind when she let her hair down; and probably, somehow, it was she who had goaded him into take off her jewels to later use them for a methodically concocted plan, woven together with Scarlet’s skilful mind. Those two… «Torture me all the time you want», he whispered as she closed her hands around his wrists, wrapping them in a cold grip, «but remember that sooner or later you’ll have to free me, and you’ll pay for everything.»
Scarlet smiled, then hooked all the chains to the pin, snatching a small gasp from him when she had to pull: now he was her prisoner in every way, unable to defend himself from her torturing fingers, and he had to accept whatever she would have reserved for him. «I’m not going to make you feel pain, fear not: you deserve only the greatest pleasure, and I don’t want to deny it to you. However, I also desire to fully enjoy your beautiful and strong body, so… so now get ready for a second session of warmth and love, as I promised before.»
«Are… are you going to torment me again until I am at my limit? Aren’t you?»
YOU DON'T KNOW HOW EXCITED I AM FOR THIS! We worked together and it was truly a wonderful experience! We hope you like it and, wait for the second part!
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
I read the recent post and I hope no hate anon is approaching you because I will bring my steel tupperware bottle
Anyway I am really glad that people like you and @lil-stark didi exist. I do not have much knowledge about the political power and parties and especially about the kashmiri pandit issue who was ruling who belonged to which party so I don't speak about this but people who downplay the atrocities that happenes with those pandits deserve a special place in hell. Like think you are moved away from your land by force, by brutal killing and rapes only after some years to hear a random person on the internet say yaar utna bhayankar bhi nahi hua tha and it's a propaganda
The amount of misinformation these so called modern radical folks have is hilarious. Ghanta ramayan mahabharat padhi kahin koyi translation chipka. Not so sweet61 posted that ss of ram following manu, if they really did Vashishtha wouldn't have asked for sita to be the commander of ayodhya instead of leaving with ram.
And Manusmriti itself contradicts the vedas and upanishads. We have had a culture that promoted women scholars, encouraged debate and questioning, and lol as if one could be a brahmin just because they were born in a family. You had to have those qualities to be that and then can you be one. It's as similar to a person being a warrior. Not everybody can be one. You need to train and practice for it. It's good that if you are born in one that way you have an exposure to the respective field just like today if I am born in a house full of doctors, I would have much knowledge about the study, expenses and related stuff to medicine.
Just like every culture every community has good and bad things, sees its rise and fall, we Hindus have seen too. From an era where it was encouraged for a woman to be a brahmavadini, we became resentful at the thought of sending girls to school. We forgot how the texts told to respect each and every person irrespective of their social status to discriminating them on basis of caste and there are all so many issues that we need to address too.
But majal hai that I will sit quietly and see these random people on the internet speak about my culture and insult it. From North to south east to west, Rama and Krishna have been worshipped and always will be. We will always look upto them and learn from them.
In the recent years, the youth of today apart from some dumb idiots who have bhagwan rama in their pfp and comment women tea on every post, I am happy to see that teens are taking interest to read and learn our own Indian history and scriptures. I am not seeing them blindly accept everything. I have seen them ask questions which might be considered 'blasphemous' by the elders but the vedas themselves promote curiousity, questioning and debate as the best way to gain knowledge. And I hope the younger gen keeps going in this path.
(You can respond to this ask in private varna tere piche hate anons aa skte hai)
Seriously, why did Ram, who supposedly followed Manusmriti marry a woman who was a scholar, a warrior, capable of lifting Shiva’s Dhanush and encouraged her to remain her brave, outspoken self because that’s who she was? Why request her to stay in the palace when Manu says that a woman should always be observed? Why give in to all her requests and respect her decisions when Manu says that a woman is mentally incapable of making sound decisions? Why be happy and praise her when she slays Sahastra Raavan?
If Manusmriti was truly being followed, why did the biggest scholar in that entire story, Janak, have his daughters educated, that too by a scholar woman like mata Gargi? Why train them in warfare? Why Did Dashrath bring Kekayi to war with him? Why did Dashrath request the hands of women, who impressed him by thier knowledge, for his sons? And like you pointed out, why offer a woman the position of commander??
If caste was the way Manusmriti says, why was Shabri, a lower caste woman, visited by the lord and sent to heaven? Why did he make a big show of letting the arrogant priests who looked at Shabri with scorn know that she is purer than them by making her touch clean the pond?
Why did Shri Krishna say that a true pandit (knowledgeable person) would see a Brahmin and a Chandala equally? Why did he say he resides in everyone equally, women and Shudras included? Why did the Vedas that are supposedly off limit for Shudras say this?
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Manusmriti is not a scripture, it condradicts the Vedas themselves, when it comes to women’s education, the position of women (there is an exceprt where a warrior queen is mentioned), and being for everyone. Apparently women cannot read Vedas even though the Vedas speak to them directly in multiple excerpts? (Oh men and women, oh women etc,) Shudras Cannot read Vedas even though the Vedas say they are for everyone, Shudras included?
Even if you look at other works of the time, like Kamasutra, which technically is somewhat of a scripture in some parts where it discusses philosophy, because its prologue says it was first written by lord Nandi. Manusmriti thorughly contradicts that aswell.
Oh, and Kamasutra was written after Manusmiriti, And Ramayan and Vedas before it, and all of these except Manusmriti are now engraved on temple walls, so you can clearly see which ones of the restrictive and liberating philosophy was preffered by Hindus at large throughout.
If Casteism was so prominent and rigid, how did a shudra become the partriarch of the biggest empire in mainland India?
Chandragupta Maurya was either clanless or a Shudra, and the current existence of Maurya tribe in Bihar enforces the second one. How did he make it to the top, that too with the help of a Brahmin, if things were as dire? Same can be said for
How was Queen Durgavati’s Father in Law able to change himself into a Rajput despite being a tribal?
How was Vishwamitra, a born Kshatriya able to be a Rishi? How was Lord Parshuram, a born Brahmin revered on a higher level than most Kshatriyas in warfare and was able to put the fear of lord in their hearts?
How was rishi Matang able to be a brahmin despite being born a Shudra?
How was Mātang blessed with goddess Saraswati as a daughter?
How did Lord Gorakhnath become such a prominent saint?
How was VedVyas, son of a Fisherwoman, able to be a sage? How were children of Satyavati able to be kings?
How did the founder of Raghukul become a Kshatriya after becoming a king when he was born a Brahmin?
How was Lord Krishna happily doing the physical labour of a cowkeeper, like a shudra, while living in a vaishya community, despite being born a kshatriya?
I honestly have no more questions to ask that I can think of right now, and I honestly cannot agree more with everything you say. Slay girl💅🏻
I think its better if I make the answer public, simply because I ranted in public so the follow up doesn’t change much, and this is something people should see. But girl, thankyou so much for being worried <3
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vedicstory12 · 2 months
What Are the Sawan 2024 Rituals and Significance?
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Hindu mythology is full of interesting Vedic tales. One such legend we narrated at Vedic Story about the Sawan Shivratri in Hinduism. However, today we are discussing why Sawan Month is important in Hinduism. What is the significance, and should devotees observe the religion fasting or vrat?
Before we start narrating the significance of Sawan Shivratri month, let’s inform you that the Sawan began on July 22 and it will end on August 19.
What Are the Important Timings of Sawan 2024?
Sawan is the most important month in Hinduism and the Panchang Calendar.
It is the sacred month of Sawan, the month of rain, religious fasting, fertility, and soul purification.
Sawan month is a month of Lord Shiva that lasts for a full lunar cycle and starts Ashadha Purnima. However, the month is also known as the Shravan and Kawar Shivratri or Kawar Yatra. It began on 22nd July, Monday, and will end on 19th August, Monday. It lasts for 1 month, and this year the festival is going to last for 29 days.
What is the significance of the Sawan Shivratri Vrat or festival?
Sawan 2024 fast has special meaning and space in Hinduism. Sawan Sonwar Vrat is a rite that unmarried girls perform for getting grooms with qualities of Lord Shiva.
Goddess Parvati also performed Sawan Shivratri to get married with Lord Shiva in the month of Sawan. Thereafter, it became a ritual for Indian women to fast in Sawan month.
Indian mythology and sacred texts of Shiva Purana narrates that whoever keeps the fast in Sawan month on Mondays, Lord Shiva will bless them and fulfill the wishes.
Every Monday, devotees observe the fast throughout the day without eating food or water and pray to Lord Mahadev.
What Are the Rituals Devotees Can Perform During Sawan 2024 Month?
Throughout the sacred Sawan month 2024, devotees of Lord Shiva can pray by performing some rituals that not only clean the devotees internally but also bring happiness into their lives.
Kanwar Yatra
Kanwar Yatra is a festival that devotees perform by going to Haridwar and bringing holy Ganga water barefoot. This pilgrimage yatra signifies the cascading of Goddess Ganga from heaven into the life of Lord Shiva to cool down his poison.
Many people in Hinduism perform fasts, the Sawan Somwar Vrat, throughout the month. They don’t consume food and water until the evening and after the prayer of Lord Shiva.
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Shiva Lingam Abhishek
Devotees in Sawan month perform rituals and rites that cool down Lord Shiva and bless them with prosperity and happiness. They bathe Shiva Linga with water, milk, honey, datura, vel patra, and flowers. This ritual signifies the purification of devotees.
Chanting Mantras
Devotees chant the Shiva mantras, especially the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra in Sawan. It is believed that whoever chants the mantra gets protection from Lord Shiva himself and is blessed with long life.
What Are the Other Festivals Falling in the Month of Sawan?
Sawan month is sacred and has many ancient legends to this month.
Let’s find out some of the most auspicious festivals and Vrat fall in this month.
Shravan Shivratri: This festival falls in the Krishna Paksha of Sawan month. Devotees of Lord Shiva perform fasts and perform puja to the blessings of Mahadev.
Nag Panchami: It falls on the fifth day, Panchami of the Shukla Paksha. People worship snakes in this festival to get protection from snake bites.
Hariyali Teej: This festival also falls in the Sawan month. People worship Goddess Parvati and seek her blessings.
Raksha Bandhan: Sawan month also brings the most auspicious festival of Rakhi, the festivals of brother and sister. It is believed the Goddess Parvati tied the Rakhi to Lord Vishnu, and thereafter it signifies the day dedicated to brothers and sisters.
Kajari Teej: This festival falls in the monsoon Sawan month. Married women sing folktales and sing for good harvest.
Janmashtami: Lord Krishna was born on this day, and the entire India and Hindu people celebrate Krishna Janmashtami, the birth of the most beloved deity in Hinduism. Krishna was born on the eighth day of the darkest night in Sawan month.
Therefore, Sawan 2024 is a sacred month in the Hindu calendar.
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lagggggomorph · 2 years
Raven being Desi
Hello, hello again, I'm back with another tirade! This whole thing started with seeing a fanartist post a drawing of Raven (a DC Teen Titans character created by George Perez) as dark skinned with a Desi associated hooked nose. One commentor began to complain saying 'Raven isn't a dark skinned Indian, she isn't Indian at all'. When the artist pointed out that they were referring to the fact that Raven's original design was based of an Indian model, the astute commentor acknowledged that Ravens 'style' was Indian but was influenced by other models of other nationalities as well, so lets break it down.
Raven's style
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I assume you're talking about the red dot on her forehead. It's called a Bindi and it's not a part of Indian culture, it's a part of Hindu culture. Traditionally, the west has not cared about the difference, assuming any part of Hinduism is just spiritual hokum and using it in art and pop culture without consideration. But no, the Bindi is worn by Hindu women and yes, it is cultural appropriation for the Bindi to be worn by non-Hindus for aesthetic. More of Raven's character involves Hinduism too. Meditation, and chakras also frequently appear in Raven's magic and were also Hindu practices. Then there is the topic of Ravens model.
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Her name was Persis Khambatta. She won Miss India and is the model that George Perez named as the original influence for Raven's character design. But that isn't definitive, I hear you cry. White people can be Hindu too! And the same quote that lists Persis as an influence also lists a Fran MacGregor as a later influence! And that is true, but also like...
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That, dear reader, is Raven in New Teen Titans wearing a Sari, which is one of the traditional styles of clothing for Indian women. All of this combined methinks makes Raven being Desi a pretty decent possibility, right? Well, apparently not, according to some people on Reddit, since there is still the issue of
Raven's Ancestry
Raven's mom is white. She Elizabeth Roth, by both her Germanic last name and her blonde haired character design, is definitely one white lady. And Raven's father is Trigon, aka the devil from the bible. And like, there is no way that there is a historical precedent of Christianity associating Hindu culture with evil (just ignore Indiana Jones the Temple of Doom and the demonisation of Kali and Lord Sheev from Star Trek and Lady fucking Shiva and that time Tim Drake fought an actual Indian god for some fucking reason). I mean there is no way that the bible says anything negative about 'Idol worship' (cough cough Romans 1:21–23, Exodus 20:3–6, 1 Corinthians 10:14 cough). Is it really that much of a stretch to say that the devil, as far as DC is concerned, may have some Indian traits. Or that Raven's home of Azarath, steeped in spiritualism and mysticism and definitely-not-Hinduism, may have had some Indian culture there too? But I feel like all this pedantic behavior is kind of missing the point.
What is the point of representation anyway?
Why does Raven being Indian coded matter?
Well, it matters because if we include her in the Indian coded bucket, there is a total of 4 desi coded characters in DC, three of those 4 being the Al Ghul family. The sum total of all actual canonical Desi characters in both DC and Marvel combined, is one. Just one. Kamala Khan from the Marvel universe.
Representation, specifically changing the ethnicity of pre-existing characters in later adaptations is done to better reflect the audience diaspora, so that the audience can see themselves in those character. Little Desi girls want to believe that they can be superheroes, just like anybody else. And if we don't have that in cannon, we will make it in fannon.
Accuracy be damned.
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chhavikhurana-blog · 1 year
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Why is Shiva worshipped? He is the divinity who disobeys conventions and is the monarch of your body. No middlemen, direct interaction. Embrace your rage like Shiva does. He has enormous power and is a great family man and spouse. the love of animals. the origin of knowledge. For a transforming journey, worship Shiva. Read the full article on stories of gods website HERE
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jolilk · 11 months
Who is Lalita Mata, how did she originate?
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It is told in Brahmanda Purana that taking the name of Lord Shiva once gives the same result as taking the name of Maha Vishnu a thousand times. Similarly, taking the name of Mother Lalita once gives results equal to taking 1000 names of Lord Shiva. Let us know what we will know in today's article:-
1. Who is Lalita Mata?
2. How did Lalita Mata originate?
3. Mantra of Lalita Mata and 10 Mahavidyas
4. Benefits and advantages of reciting Lalita Chalisa
1. Who is Lalita Mata?
Lalita is the form of Mother Goddess Sati-Parvati. Lalita Mata is also known as Tripura Sundari, Shodashi and Lalita Tripurasundari. Mata Tripura Sundari is one of the 10 Mahavidyas.
There are three forms of Mother Lalita. Tripura Sundari in the form of an 8 year old girl, Shodashi at the age of 16 and the young form of mother Lalita is known as Tripura Sundari. Mother Lalita Tripura Sundari is expert in 16 arts, that is why she is also called Shodashi. Lalita Mata's birth anniversary is celebrated every year on the full moon date of Magh month. During Navratri, Lalita Panchami fast is observed along with Skandamata on the fifth day of Navratri. It is also called Upang Lalita Vrat. According to the Puranas, Lalita Mata has two arms. This mother is of fair complexion and is seated on a bloody lotus. According to the Dakshinamargi scriptures, Goddess Lalita has the place of 'Chandi'. Their method of worship is similar to that of Goddess Chandi. The meditative form of Goddess Lalita is very bright and luminous. Lalita Mata can be worshiped anytime but worshiping her on Lalita Jayanti or Lalita Panchami has special significance. On the day of Lalita Jayanti, there is a crowd of devotees of Mother Goddess in the temples. Skandamata and Lord Shiva are also worshiped on this day.
By worshiping Goddess Lalita, devotees attain happiness, prosperity and salvation. People become free from the bondage of life and death.
Lalita Mata's name comes third among the 10 Mahavidyas. The fast of Lalita Panchami is considered very auspicious and auspicious. It is believed that the person who worships Lalita Devi with true heart and full devotion gets the special blessings of Lalita Mata. Regarding this fast, Lord Shri Krishna has said that this fast is going to give happiness and wealth. Those who are childless get the happiness of having children. This fast is observed to pray for the happiness and long life of the child. Next we will know the mantra of Lalita Mata and which are the 10 Mahavidyas. But before that let us know the origin story of Lalita Mata.
2. How did Lalita Mata originate?
In the Puranas we find two stories about the origin of Lalita Mata. According to the story of Devi Purana, the story of origin of Lalita Mata is related to the sacrifice (death) of Mother Sati. Who is Goddess Sati? Let us know how the story of mother Lalita's origin is connected with her death.
Sati Ji, the incarnation of Mother Adishakti, is the daughter of Maharaj Daksh. When Sati saw Lord Shiva, she became fascinated by him and decided to marry him. Despite Maharaj Daksh not wanting, he married Sati to Lord Shiva.
Although Maharaj Daksh married Sati to Lord Shiva but he was not satisfied with that marriage. Mother Sati married as per her wish. Daksh did not like anything about Shivaji's behavior or attire.
Brahma Ji gave Maharaj Daksh the post of guardian of the people i.e. Prajapati. After getting the post of Prajapati, Maharaj Daksh became more arrogant. Often the attainment of great authority leads to arrogance in the mind. Who is like this in the world? One who is not intoxicated by attaining dominance. Once Brahma ji organized a religious assembly to formulate the religion. Great sages and gods were present in this religious gathering. Lord Shiva was also present in that meeting.
When Daksh Prajapati arrived there, all the sages, sages and gods stood up to welcome him. Only Brahma ji and Lord Shankar remained sitting at their places. Brahma ji is the mental father of Daksh Prajapati. Daksh bowed to Lord Brahma. Daksh Prajapati did not like Shankar ji sitting because Brahma ji was his father, hence he felt it was right for him not to stand, but Shiv ji was his son-in-law, so his not standing and not greeting him felt like an insult to Daksh. Prajapati Daksh was especially pained by the fact that his son-in-law Shankar ji did not salute him. Distressed by this, Maharaja Daksh strongly condemned Shankar ji. Shankar ji was called uncivilized and corrupt. They even cursed him that he would not get any part in any yagya. Even after this, Maharaj Daksh's anger did not subside.
Prajapati Daksh organized a huge yagya with the aim of humiliating Lord Shankar. All the sages, sages, gods and goddesses were invited to that yagya but Shankar ji and Mata Sati were not invited for the yagya. Seeing all the sages, sages and gods leaving in their respective planes, Goddess Sati asks Shankar ji where all these people are going. Then Lord Bholenath Shankar ji tells Devi Sati that your father Maharaj Daksh has organized a huge yagya. All these people are going to participate in that yagya. Goddess Sati said – Lord, I have not gone to my maternal home for a long time, a Yagya is being performed there, so my sisters will also definitely come. If you have permission, then both of us should also go there, even though they have not invited us, but it has been said that permission is not required to go to parents and teachers. Lord Shankar ji said that you are absolutely right that one does not need permission to go to parents and teachers. One can visit parents' and teachers' places even without inviting them. But here the matter is different. If someone believes in opposition then there is no benefit in going there. Maharaj Daksh does not like our coming there, he has deliberately not invited us, hence it would not be entirely appropriate to go there. Therefore, O Goddess, it would be appropriate to give up the idea of ​​going there.
Even after the persuasion of Lord Shiva, Mother Sati started insisting on going to the Yagya. When Mother Sati did not agree, Lord Shankar ji sent her along with his followers Veerbhadra and Nandi. When Sati reached her peak, everyone started ignoring her. Maharaja Daksh did not show him any respect. When the sisters saw her, they started smiling sarcastically and said among themselves that look, Sati has come without invitation. There he met only his mother with love. When Goddess Sati came to the Yagyashala, she saw that all the gods had come there but no one had come there for Lord Shiva. Sati asks her father Maharaj Daksh why such contempt for Lord Shiva? Maharaj Daksh says very good and bad things about Shiva, he says that he does not consider Shiva as a god. He is the master of ghosts and devils. Gonna be naked. The one who applies crematorium ashes to his body and wears a garland of bones is not worthy of sitting in the ranks of the gods. Who will give him away? Hearing the words of Maharaj Daksh, Sati's eyes turned red in anger and she started saying that even if the name of Lord Shiva comes up in the context of conversation unexpectedly, all the sins of the person taking his name are destroyed. Who has the power to destroy the entire creation in a moment. They are my master. You hate Shiva like this. Your end is near, Maharaj.
For a woman, her husband is heaven. A woman who hears derogatory words about her husband has to go to hell. You have hatred towards Lord Shiva. Therefore, I will immediately abandon this body of mine, born from your intercourse, because this body is like a skeleton for me. Saying this, Sati meditated on Lord Shiva and burnt her body in the fire of Yagya Kund. Mother Sati's divine love for her husband is a great role model for women even today. Angered by her father's insult to her husband, Sati jumped into the Yagya Kund and sacrificed her life. It is from here that the story of Sati becoming Shakti begins. Seeing Mata Sati immolating herself in the Yagya Kund, Veerbhadra got angry and cut off Daksh's head and threw it away. When Lord Shiva came to know about this, he became distraught in love for Mother Sati and lost his senses. After this, Lord Shiva became sad and started the Tandava dance by carrying the body of Mother Sati on his head. He started roaming around the world carrying the dead body of Mata Sati on his shoulder. Due to this condition of Lord Shiva, the order of the entire world started deteriorating.
Seeing such a dire situation, Lord Vishnu was forced to cut the body of Mother Sati into pieces with his Sudarshan Chakra. After this, wherever the body parts of Mata Sati fell, Shakti from her body parts began to reside at those places in various forms and Shakti Peethas were formed there. In this way, wherever Sati's body parts and jewelery fell, Shaktipeeths came into existence.
There is mention of 108 Shaktipeeths in Devi Bhagwat, while 72 Shaktipeeths are mentioned in Devi Geeta. Whereas 51 Shaktipeeths have been discussed in Devi Purana. It is said that Mother Sati's heart had fallen in Naimishrai. Goddess Sati left her body with Lord Shankar in her heart. By keeping Lord Shankar in the heart, she is called by the name of Lalita. Therefore Naimish is considered to be a Linga Dharini Shakti Peetha place, here Lord Shiva is worshiped in the form of Linga and there is a temple of Mother Lalita Devi here.
3. Mantra of Lalita Mata and 10 Mahavidyas
Dasa Mahavidya – 10 forms of Goddess Shakti
1. Kali
2. star
3. Shodashi
4. Bhuvaneshwari
5. Bhairavi
6. Chhinnamasta
7. Dhumavati
8. Baglamukhi
9. Matangi
10. Kamala
Mantra of Lalita Mata:
'Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Ain Sau: Om Hreem Shreem Ka Ee La Hreem Ha S Ka Haal Hreem Sakal Hreem Sau: Aem Kleem Hreem Shreem Namah.'
4. Benefits and advantages of reciting Lalita Chalisa
Worship of any deity or god yields the desired results only when it is done with a true heart. We have written a separate detailed article on what are the benefits of reciting Shri Lalita Chalisa with full devotion and true heart. You can read that article by clicking below.
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meetdheeraj · 1 year
TIL Bŗihaspathi, Brahmaņaspathi and Brahma were the three major gods of Rig-Veda and not Trimurti of Shiva-Vishnu-Brahma who we consider today as major deities. Later were minor gods in Vedas who were elevated when Puranas were written. They were given more powers, virtues and functions in respective Puranas.
Why might this be? While I don't have the answer, here's something to speculate.
Vedas, considered oldest Hindu texts were written by people who traveled to India from European (central Asian) regions. Were there people in India already?
Yes. Harappan civilization had long ended. Indus Valley Civilization started declining with arrival of Vedic migrants. Here's something more interesting.
Shiva as he is seen today was already present in Harappan civilization. Yes, Shiva was here (with people) long before Vedic people arrived here. So it is highly likely (in fact many historians have already said this) that Shiva and so many other gods (almost all that we worship today) were assimilated into new religion by migrants who arrived here. Coopted. Stories (Puranas) were written in this process. They probably tried to convert natives into their vedic religion. It didn't work. And so they went many steps ahead and instead started calling gods of natives as theirs own. And to support this claim they also wrote stories. A job well done.
Lemme enunciate this further with a recent instance. Last year or a year before that, during Covid, at our annual function of a local deity "Naag Brahmo" who is most times just a god worshipped in form of peepal tree or even a mango and when given form is shown as multi-headed-serpent (sometimes 3, other times 5, 7 too). For some reason someone decided up call people from ISKCON to conduct a bhajan. They arrived. They saw our god who at this place was a five-headed-serpent and slyly told us how this was no ordinary serpent but serpent of lord Vishnu. For the record, we don't consider our god a simple serpent, at times we talk of him with abundant power to move natural elements. But anyways, you get what was happening here.
Why do they do it? My theory is, caste system exists in their world and anyone outside of it is a threat or one less human not under their control. Whatever the reason, fact is, the ancient form of Hindu religion was a religion of migrants and not of natives. While today all of us have traces of Harappa DNA (recent books have abundantly cleared this), ideology is still alien. There's absolutely no reason to be touchy about the religion of migrants. And also tell Mr Amit Shah and company when he calls fellow Indians migrants from here and there. His ancestors, if he thinks he comes from Vedic ancestry, were migrants too.
Finally, just remember how none of the Vedic gods are worshipped by masses today. Gods we pray to were created using Puranas as vessels of their stories. If you think about it then, the only thing that is still practised from Vedic age is caste. So whenever you say your religion is old, sanatan, whenever you try to assert oldest, this is the bit that is oldest and still practised. We all abandoned our old gods but stuck to caste system nonetheless. Caste in that manner was more important to us than even our gods.
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blessed1neha · 1 year
What happened with Tulsidas ji while composing Hanuman Chalisa?
Tulsidas ji used to write Hanuman Chalisa, he used to keep the written letters carefully at night, when he woke up in the morning and looked at them, the writings in them were erased.
Tulsidas ji worshiped Hanuman ji, Hanuman ji appeared. Tulsidas told that if I write Hanuman Chalisa, someone erases in the night.
Hanuman ji said, if you want to write praise, then write of my Lord Shri Ram, not of me. At that time, Tulsidas ji thought of the first couplet of Ayodhya incident, he wrote it at the beginning of Hanuman Chalisa.
"श्रीगुरु चरन सरोज रज निज मन मुकुरु सुधारि।
वरनउं रघुबर बिमल जसु जो दायकु फल चारि॥
So Hanuman ji said, I am not Raghuvar. Tulsidas ji said that you and Lord Shri Ram have incarnated after receiving the same prasad, therefore you are also Raghuvar.
Tulsidas reminisced that there lived an apsara named Suvarchala in the Brahma world who had once been enamored of Brahma, and in anger Brahma had cursed her to be a vulture. The prasad that will be distributed among the three queens in the Yajna of Dasaratha's son, you will fly away with Kaikeyi's share. Mother Anjana was wishing for a son by extending her hands to Lord Shiva, in those hands she had dropped the prasad from which you incarnated Lord Shri. Ram himself has called you his brother.
"तुम मम प्रिय भरतहि सम भाई
Tulsidas gave another argument that when you went to Ashok Vatika in search of Maa Janaki, Maa Janaki made you her son.
"अजर अमर गुननिधि सुत होहू।
करहुं बहुत रघुनायक छोहू॥
Lord Shri Ram himself had made you his son when he came back after searching for mother Janaki.
"सुनु सुत तोहि उरिन मैं नाहीं।
देखेउं करि विचार मन माहीं॥
That's why you also became Raghuvar, after listening to this argument of Tulsidas, Hanumanji should be enlightened.
It is often said and heard in the world that a person should not be too straight and simple, everyone takes advantage of a straight and simple person, it is also a proverb that no one even touches a crooked tree, only a straight tree is cut. .
In fact, the world runs away from crooked people, while the straight ones are harassed. But do understand this thing that whatever creation has been done in the world, it has not been done by crooked people but by straight people only.
If a straight tree is cut, then the wood is also useful in building construction or building decoration.
Even in the temple, the rock from which the form of the Lord appears, is not a crooked rock, it is a straight rock.
The flute whose melodious sound we enjoy listening to is also made from a straight bamboo tree. Straight people are dear to Govind!
Jai Shree Ram!
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devsabha · 2 years
Find the Perfect Ganesh Murti: Devsabha Online Brass Idol Shop
Ganesh Murti, also known as Lord Ganesha, is one of the most revered deities in Hinduism. He is the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati and is known as the remover of obstacles, the god of wisdom, and the patron of arts and sciences. Ganesh Murti is widely worshipped in India and Nepal and is considered to be the God of beginnings.
Finding the perfect Ganesh Murti can be a daunting task, especially if you are looking for a brass idol. There are many online shops that sell brass idols of Lord Ganesha, but not all of them are created equal. At Devsabha Online Brass Idol Shop, we pride ourselves on providing the best quality brass idols of Lord Ganesha that are handcrafted by skilled artisans.
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Our brass idols are made from high-quality brass and are handcrafted with great attention to detail. Each idol is unique and has its own special characteristics. We have a wide variety of Ganesh Murtis available in different sizes, styles, and designs. Whether you are looking for a traditional style Ganesh Murti or a modern one, we have something for everyone.
Our traditional style Ganesh Murti is perfect for those who want a traditional look for their home or office. These idols are made with intricate details and are perfect for placing in a temple or altar. They come in different sizes, so you can choose the one that best suits your space.
Our modern style Ganesh Murti is perfect for those who want a more contemporary look for their home or office. These idols are made with sleek and modern designs and are perfect for placing on a bookshelf or desk. They come in different sizes, so you can choose the one that best suits your space.
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We also have a wide variety of sizes available, so you can choose the one that best suits your space. Our idols range from small desktop-sized idols to large idols that are perfect for placing in a temple or altar.
At Devsabha Online Brass Idol Shop, we understand the importance of quality when it comes to purchasing a Ganesh Murti. That’s why we only use high-quality brass to make our idols. We also make sure that each idol is handcrafted by skilled artisans who pay attention to every detail. This ensures that each idol is unique and of the highest quality.
In addition to our high-quality brass idols, we also offer excellent customer service. Our team is always ready to help you with any questions or concerns you may have. We also offer an exchange within 10 days of the receiving date of the purchased product, so you can shop with confidence.
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In conclusion, if you are looking for a brass Ganesh Murti, look no further than Devsabha Online Brass Idol Shop. We offer the best quality brass idols that are handcrafted by skilled artisans. We have a wide variety of styles and designs available, so you can choose the one that best suits your space. With our excellent customer service and an exchange within 10 days of the receiving date of the purchase, you can shop with confidence. Bring Lord Ganesha’s blessings and wisdom into your home or office with one of our beautiful brass idols.
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