#why will the whole of love come to me suddenly when i'm sad and feel you are far away
uruhasbubble-tea · 8 months
hey, do you know that i love vessel from the band sleep token? you probably don't but now you do. i love him so much sometimes idk what to do with this all in my chest. i hope he's smiling a lot these days.
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Please forgive this fear of mine (it used to keep me safe)
let me wrap my teeth around the world - series masterlist here
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pairing: poly marauders x reader (gender neutral)
length: 1.9k
genre: fluff, happy ending to the angst
warnings: slytherin reader, here's the happy ending folks, reader is described as very attractive in a lot of different ways by the boys but it's all ofc still gender neutral
a/n: here it is I PROMISED I would give you the happy ending to I don’t know you anymore (maybe I never really did)
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"You made James cry." You flinch at Remus's words, looking up at him from where you're sitting in the astronomy tower. He sits next to you as you look back out at the night sky, the stars blinking in and out.
"I wanted to talk to him to fix things, not make it worse," you say stubbornly. Remus raises a brow at you.
"Did you really think what you said would help?" He asks dryly. You stiffen.
"I'm trying my best."
"We all are." His words sit heavily in the silence between you, Remus looking at you pointedly, patiently, while you stare up through the clouds. As the constellations stare back at you, you find your hands bunching into fists as you miss Sirius sitting next to you, leaning against your side and pointing out stars and their names to you. You feel suddenly nauseous at the realization that you'll never have that again. Oh well.
"I would've thought it'd be Sirius up here right now. I'm sure he wants to chew me out for this," you say. Remus looks at you knowingly. 
"He's upset right now. We thought it would be best for me to come talk to you while he calms down. He loves you too much to knowingly hurt you."
"Don't say that," you snap back. Remus doesn't flinch.
"It's true. He loves you."
"Why is that so difficult for you to hear?" Remus pushes, gentle and soft in all the ways that make you crumble. You grit your teeth as you begin to feel your eyes burning, knowing that if you start crying, it'll make the whole thing so much worse.
"I didn't mean to do this," you say bitterly, a defensiveness in your voice that has Remus straightening. "And it'll be my fault when it wrecks everything - it already is."
"What do you mean by that, dove?" Remus asks patiently. You look at him and he stares back, lost in whatever it is you're trying to communicate.
"You think I'm horrible for leaving," your voice warbles against your will and you dig your nails into your palms. "You think I'm heartless and cruel for stringing you all along and then running away."
"Hey, love, we don't think that -"
"But it's not my fault," you barrel on. Now that you've opened the floodgates, the words burn your throat in your desperation to get them all out. "The only way to make sure the three of you don't fight over me is to leave. If I'd stayed, you would've demanded I choose one of you and no matter who I choose, it would have been wrong and it would've hurt you all and the stupid jealousy you all would've gotten lost in would've wrecked everything." You stare at Remus after your outburst, desperately wiping away the tears that have begun rolling down your cheeks. Remus stares back, shock painting his features.
"I beg your pardon?" Is all he finally says. You huff and begin to turn away, but he stops you with a delicate hand on your cheek, gently forcing you to look at him.
"I love you," he says firmly.
"I'm sorry," you whisper back.
"No, listen to me. I love you -" 
"And I'm sorry," you interrupt. Remus sighs and smoothes his thumb over your cheekbone, but lets you continue. He's never seen you hysterical like this and there's an anxiousness eating at him at your distraught state, but he can't think of anything to do other than just walk you through it. "I told you, I didn't mean to do this."
"You didn't… mean to make us fall in love with you?" Remus hesitates.
"Yes," you huff back like it's obvious. And then, much quieter, "I didn't mean to ruin everything. I swear, I didn't mean to." Something in Remus's heart clenches painfully at the sad, small, warble in your voice and he draws in a deep breath.
"Ok, sweet thing. Can I just… speak for a minute? Just listen, ok?" You wince like you're being chastised and Remus rushes to speak before another apology can tumble out of your mouth. "It's alright, you're alright. Just… I love you, ok? Hey, no, look at me. I love you. And so does James. And so does Sirius. They love you as much as they love one another and as much as they love me. And I love you as much as I love them."
"…I don't think I know what you're saying," you respond slowly, blinking rapidly. Remus smiles sheepishly and something in you softens as you let your head rest a bit where he's got your face held securely in his palms.
"It was never a competition, dove. There's no jealousy. We're… sharers. You share me with the others, right? And you share them with me? We all… share you the same way." Remus strokes your cheeks with his thumbs gently, waiting and watching as you put together what he's said.
"Oh," you say abruptly. "Oh. I hadn't - I didn't… oh." Remus lets himself laugh a bit, pulling you closer with an arm around your shoulders and smiling when you slouch against his chest, although he assumes it's mostly out of shock. You pull back after a moment, though, narrowing your eyes at him. He blinks.
"You're all awful communicators, you know," you say haughtily. He kisses you on the forehead.
"Sorry, doll."
"Whatever. I tortured us all for nothing."
"Yes, well, you do have a flair for dramatics. I think it's what Sirius loves about you." Remus pokes your side gently. You squirm a little but sit up straighter at the mention of Sirius.
"Tell them I'm sorry, will you?" You ask gently. Remus frowns.
"You'll tell them yourself… won't you?"
"Yes," you huff out a laugh. "I'm not running away again. But you'll see them before I do."
"Alright, love," Remus plants a kiss on the corner of your mouth, so soft you barely feel it. "I'll let them know."
You wonder, sort of desperately, if Remus kept his word. The way Sirius is staring at you makes you shift, rolling the tension out of your neck before you slump further down into the couch you're sitting on, looking back at him. Sirius is sitting opposite you rather pointedly, choosing the couch farthest from you as the two of you sit in the Gryffindor common room. James and Remus are supposed to be here by now, but your constant glances toward the doorway don't materialize them in front of you.
"I thought you weren't angry at us anymore," Sirius's voice snaps you back to the present. It's soft, the way he speaks to you - kind, your brain supplies weakly.
"I was never angry at you," you sit a bit straighter. Sirius shrugs, but his eyes stay trained on you.
"Avoidant, then. You're looking at me like you're waiting for me to tear you a new one."
"Well," you blink. "Are you going to?" Sirius frowns at your words, shaking his head and letting loose strands of hair fall over his eyes.
"I'm not here to have a row with you, doll," he says gently. Your shoulders drop.
"Well… you could," you point out. "I don't expect all to be forgiven just because I bat my eyes at Remus and let him kiss me a bit." Sirius leans forward at your words, propping his elbows on his knees and looking at you intently. You shift in your seat and glance at the door again.
"You seem to be under the impression that your beauty is some horrible weapon you use against us. It's really not - you're just pretty."
"Just pretty?" You say indignantly. Sirius laughs.
"Drop-dead gorgeous, of course. I didn't mean it like that - you know I think you're fit. All I'm saying is that you haven't ensnared us in any way that we're unhappy about." Sirius grins at you, canines exposed, and you roll your eyes. "I'm happy to be caught in your trap, baby."
"Oh, aren't we all," James says as he flounces into the room, Remus coming in right behind him. James settles next to you on the couch and pulls you into a crushing hug, murmuring something about how you had him so worried and he's so desperately relieved to have you back here with them all.
"What are you doing all the way over there, love?" Remus questions Sirius as he settles down next to James, fondly watching the way you smooth his curls out of your way as James buries his face in your neck.
"Didn't want to crowd them," Sirius says dryly. "Not that we all got that message." James pops his head up, blinding you with one of his million-watt smiles. 
"Am I crowding you, love?" He asks. 
"I'm alright," you respond easily, sending a smile in Sirius's direction. He stands at that, making his way over to you.
"Alright, shove off, Jamie - learn to share," is all Sirius says before he's pushing through James to get to you, Remus pulling James by the waist to sit curled up against him instead. James takes it in stride, settling with his back against the armrest and letting Remus flop against his chest. Sirius, on the other hand, is wrestling you into doing the same. He grins at James once he's got you planted on his lap, leaning against him. You only have the energy to pretend to be a little annoyed.
"Anyway," Remus begins, and all three of you soften at the lulled, sleepy quality that's taken over his voice as he melts against James's chest - you all know it's a lethal position to be in. "What was it that we heard about you not being pretty enough, dove?" You huff and James pouts sympathetically.
"I'm too pretty, I guess. That's the problem." Sirius laughs at your words, smoothing a hand over your hair when the abrupt movement of it jostles your head against his chest.
"I'll keep telling you, love - we're willing participants in this. You're not conning us into anything," he insists. You mumble out a whatever and sink further into his embrace. James nudges your leg with his foot and Remus catches you by the ankle when you go to kick back, rubbing soothing circles into the skin there.
"Our sweet baby," James coos. "You're a precious little thing, aren't you?"
"Shut up," you quip back, your voice muffled against Sirius's chest. He rubs a firm hand up and down your back and drops gentle kisses onto the crown of your head.
"I admire your confidence, lovely," Remus murmurs, his hand smoothing up and down your calf. "But I promise you haven't bewitched us against our will."
"Nah," Sirius whispers against your hair. "You've only bewitched us because we begged. So really, we're the ones who caught you." You smack Sirius's chest at his words and he grins, holding you tighter against him. "Go to sleep, doll. I promise we'll still be right here when you wake up."
"Because we'll still be under your spell," James supplies. You sigh wearily.
"Please shut up," you beg. They take no notice.
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luvvixu · 8 days
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mind over matter pt. 3
synopsis: witness how your marriage was bound to fall apart with you on the front seat and your husband gojo had missed the show—now, he gotta figure out the story on his own.
content: arrange marriage au, angst, husband!gojo, mean!gojo, mention of blood, strong languages, some unsettling scenarios, emotional trauma, read at your own risk
a/n: yooooo, finally an update!! thanks for waiting everyone~ i actually took a small break because my friends and i had a beach outing and that was great!
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you feel like you had the longest dream in your entire life the moment you slowly open your eyes and reveal the white plain ceiling with matching beeping sound coming out from the machine.
it takes a second or two to realize that you're in a hospital.
like a seemingly newborn, your half lidded eyes traveled across the room until it reached the sight of some peculiar white haired male with his face buried on your arm, sleeping uncomfortably while sitting on the cold hard chair.
you could feel your whole body ache when you tried to move some parts of your body to stop it from numbing when you noticed some kind of empty feeling—like something was missing.
it did not take you a while to realize that your stomach feels so empty right now, and you know it's not because you're hungry, but because you couldn't feel your baby anymore.
an anguish screech escapes from your mouth when you realize that the baby isn't part of your body anymore. tears stream like a waterfall as your body automatically sits up and hugs your lower body, specifically your stomach, because you cannot accept the fact that your baby has been taken away from you.
this immediately woken satoru up and started to console you. “hey, hey, y/n! i’m here. i'm here.” his voice was soft and comforting but there's a hint of shakiness due to your sudden outburst.
“satoru, my baby! i can't feel my baby! my baby is gone!” as an upcoming loving mother, it hurts you so bad that you'd rather die than to accept this.
the sound of the machine keeps on loudly pulsating, meaning that your heart rate is rising quickly and it's dangerous for you to get stressed since you just came out from the operation.
“y/n! the baby is fine. our baby is fine. they were being cured by the best doctors so don't worry.” pulling your body close to his, satoru caresses your hair and keeps on murmuring some comforting words to calm you down.
but it seems that his actions were no avail when he saw your lower stomach bleeding. feels like his own blood had disappeared, his pale face becomes more paler when your extreme sadness cry turns to extremely painful cry.
his body seemingly moves on its own and presses the button to call for help while still managing to calm you down.
“where's my baby? g-give me back my baby! satoru, do something!” it pains satoru to see you like this. a whole crying mess who cannot even digest the fact that her baby was in intensive care so they can become better.
suddenly, the door in your room opened, revealing the doctor and their nurse—shoko was there too. they immediately inject you with midazolam to calm you down and it works almost instantly. satoru watches your body go limp as your wound continues to bleed.
satoru and shoko were instructed to wait outside as they transfer you to another room to tend your wounds. after you were scouted to exit the scene, satoru fell on his knees and leaned his back on the wall.
god, what did you do to deserve this kind of thing?
letting out a soft sob, satoru prayed once again—something that he just learned yesterday. he prayed that all of your pain, burden, suffering, and all must disappear because satoru couldn't list any single reason why you must suffer like this.
“you should go back at least for now, gojo. i’ll handle things here while you freshen yourself up.” shoko suggested but satoru just shook his head, refusing to leave your side.
“don't be a fucking stubborn. you still have other things to do, don't forget that.” shoko hissed.
“but i need to be by her side. i need to be there to support her whatever i can.” satoru slowly let himself up and looked shoko straight in the eye.
“do you think she still needs you to be by her side? oh please, not after what you had done.” the doctor rolled her eyes as she toys with the unlit cigarette on her lips.
for some reason, satoru was having a deja vu, it was like they're in her clinic once again and they argue where you heard things that you shouldn't have. as much as satoru would like to shut her down, he's worried that you might hear him say nasty things that he didn't mean to say.
“shoko, please…i know you're mad at me and you wanted to be hostile towards me. i actually don't care if you hurt me or insult me, just not now. i need to stand by her side and i don't need you to tell me what to do.” satoru stood up and his gaze on shoko became hard.
the doctor just tsked and decided to drop the conversation for your sake. there's a whole silence in the atmosphere when satoru suddenly thinks about your little breakdown earlier. you're looking at your child and he is too. he really wants to go to the baby but he thinks it would be better if the two of you are together.
satoru was excited to see his baby, sure. but something inside stirs up something that he personally couldn't explain. was it because he remembers your conversation when he first knew of your pregnancy? that he found himself unable to answer your questions during that night?
but whatever the reasons are, satoru was ultimately willing to ignore it and just focus on becoming a better husband and now a new father towards his child with you.
the strongest sorcerer of his generation, the one and only satoru gojo, the pride of his clan, your husband on papers, your most hated person, your child's father—swore to himself that he will treat his son as his own flesh and blood, not as the heir that will dethrone him from being the pride.
and most of them all, he swore to himself that you will be treated way, way better than everyone, specifically and especially him. satoru will patch up the wounds that he had caused you.
but not all wounds can be treated by a mere bandaid.
an hour had passed and now you're once again in your room, but this time, you're more than calm as you finally understood the situation—thanks to shoko who patiently explains everything to you.
like right now, she's standing by the end of your bed while satoru was on his seat just like the first time you saw him in this hospital. shoko carefully and softly explained what was going on with you and gave you some sort of assurance.
“you suffered from placenta abruption which caused your placenta to detach from the inner walls of your uterus. it unables the baby to receive oxygen and nutrients with the placenta detached. that is why the doctors had no choice but to put you into a cesarean delivery so it can save both of your lives.”
“and about your baby, don't worry, they're in safe hands. currently in the neonatal intensive care unit where the baby is under process of developing it since it came out during your six months of pregnancy and is premature.” she continued.
then, shoko put a hand on your shoulder, slightly massaging it to give you some comfort. “worry not, y/n. we're not going to let anything hurt your baby. they're safe here and are guarded with blessings and restrictions so no other curses or unauthorized people could touch your child.”
all this time shoko speak, your head was hanging low and it seems like you're having a hard time digesting everything. but you still get what she meant by putting you under a cesarean because it's the only way to save you and your baby's life—which you're incredibly grateful for.
“c…can i see my baby?” your tone was quite hushed, probably because you hadn't really talked to anyone after what happened to you.
shoko gently shook her head and gave you an apologetic smile. “i am so sorry, y/n. but you need to rest first and we, the doctors, recommended you to not move too much since it can open up your cesarean stitches once again.”
to everyone’s relief, you nodded at her words, like you agreed to get better first before seeing your child.
“alright, i gotta excuse myself now. i have an appointment later this afternoon.” shoko gives you a smile before sending a knowing gaze at the man beside you, saying ‘you better not forget that you still have other things to do’ look.
“mhm. take care and thank you for helping me during all of this, shoko.” you replied tried to return the same smile but it only reached a have, you just wished she could feel your sincerity towards her.
“i don't accept thank you’s, yet. i can only accept it if i see you in a much better condition. so if you want me to say you're welcome, then get better.” her words make you giggle a little but you take that as a note.
giving you a one last smile and a secretive glare at your husband, she finally left the scene…and that leaves you two, you and your husband. silence engulfs the whole room, only the sound of your beeping monitor keeps on echoing and adds awkwardness to the atmosphere.
you take a small peak at satoru who's looking at an empty space somewhere, looking like he's in a deep thought. you're not sure if you want to talk to him or not, but taking the preceding events from earlier, you see no reason.
on the other hand, satoru was lost in his thoughts because he's trying to construct everything that he needed to say to you. he's kinda bad at impromptu when it comes to you and mostly forgot his points and other subtopics because he's being blinded by the emotions that keeps on distracting him.
satoru also noticed your small gazes towards him and it feels like you're not planning to talk to him first, so he finally initiated a conversation.
“do you feel any pain in your body?” he asked you.
however, it took you a while to answer because you're not sure if your following responses are gonna be normal, sarcastic, or not answering at all. but you choose the first one because the two other choices would most likely put you into stress and makes your healing process becomes slower.
“my tummy hurts but i'm fine…and i'm also hungry.” you replied, that's it.
satoru was glad that you're answering him…well. anyway, he smiled at you and carried on with the conversation. “if the pain gets worse or it causes you discomfort, you must tell me immediately. and about that hunger, we still need to wait at least eight hours for you to eat something heavy. but for now, you can only take liquids and…the doctor said you could eat oatmeal and eggs—maybe we should get that. the doctor also to avoid greasy food and it would take at least six weeks for you to recover, and then…what are the other things he said again?”
while satoru was busy yapping, you slowly think that he's speaking to himself more than he's speaking to you because of how concentrated he looked and it somehow brings some sort of warmth in your chest because he really tries himself to remember all of the things that the doctors had prescribed him for you.
“satoru…” you called out to him, but he's still busy talking about do’s and don'ts and keeps on going while you occasionally call his name.
“satoru.” he's still busy talking.
“...satoru?” yep, still talking.
his yappings are getting too long and you're running out of thin patience, so you hold into his arms and that makes him look at you and stop talking instantly. breathe in relief, you finally stopped him from his own shenanigans.
“i—i’m sorry, i talked too much.” satoru awkwardly chuckles to himself, but you just shrugged it off. “anyway, what is it?” he asked.
“satoru, i was wondering…how did i end up here? all i know is i was in my room, i feel my tummy hurts really bad and it got me so worried about my baby. then all of the sudden, there's blood seeping down on my legs then everything black out.” you said.
“well…” then satoru proceeds into another minutes of yapping about what happened based on what they had said to him back then. you'd understand that yuuji and megumi were planning to cheer you up by a surprise room visit when they smelled blood and that made them instantly realize that something was going on with you. so they called shoko and yaga to break into the room, and there they saw you lying in your own pool of blood.
nodding slowly, the question that was formed because of the preceding events were finally put into the end. “oh, so that's what happened. anyways, do you think yuuji and megumi could be here tomorrow? i wanted to thank them.”
“sure. i’ll come with them tomorrow. but now, let's get you some light foods so you can sleep tonight.” satoru stood up but he froze as his feet were not walking. you watch him turn back to you while you give him a confused look.
“will you be alright being alone for like…five minutes? i’m just gonna be quick and get you some food. i promise i’ll be back before you know it.” you just let him do what he wants and just continue watching him. satoru looked at you for a long seconds, rather seemingly so hesitant. but you told him you'll be fine and just do his thing, so satoru assured you once again that he'll be back then uses his teleportation.
now, you're alone (for a while) in this room. your thoughts wandered towards your baby who you knew is in the same building as yours. you really want to run towards that room where they are located but you forcefully shut yourself because it'll just make things worse. you're still in the process of healing and you want to be at your strongest when you're with your baby.
but something was still arguing inside your head. it's the desire to run towards your child and the desire to get better—
something—no, someone was suddenly in the room. it was satoru who's pouting at you like a puppy who got lost. his sudden appearance makes the beeping machine beside you go wild as you curse out profanity because you're that shocked.
thankfully, your heart beat becomes normal again and nothing bad happens. but you'll be sure to send out a death glare to your husband who's still pouting.
“what the actual fuck, satoru?! do you want me to die of a heart attack?!” you glared at him, still your hand is at your chest.
“i'm sorry about that. but i cannot bring myself to leave you like that even for a minute.” he said.
“i told you i'll be fine. you don't need to guard me 24/7 anyway, so go and grab or do whatever you want.”
“no!” satoru whined…and that surprises you, because this might be the first time you saw him whine like a child, especially without any involvement of alcohol or sugar to activate this kind of his system. this was just a new sight to you.
“then how are you going to get some food?”
“i’ll just have them deliver it here.”
“seriously? you're going to order and deliver oatmeal and eggs?” your eyes were wide at his crazy idea. like yeah seriously, for an oatmeal and eggs? he could literally get it from a convenience store.
“what? i'm gonna order some food for myself too, you know.” he pouts, again.
“okay, you order your food online. and we'll get mine at a convenience store.”
“what? no! i told you i don't want to leave you alone.”
“then i’ll come with you. we'll go and buy my food together if you're really that worried about leaving me alone.” you said sarcastically.
“what the hell is that suggestion? absolutely not!” satoru gasps. he's so dramatic.
“well then, i’ll just starve!” you huff at him before turning your head away from him.
“i—wait, i'm sorry. i really can't force myself to be away from you. i'm just scared that when i'm gone even for just a minute, s-something might happen again and i’m not there to help you out instantly.” the sad look on his face is back, similar to what he looked like when he confronted you in the hallway.
after hearing his explanation, you turned back to him and said, “there are things that come unexpectedly. you cannot also force yourself to stick with just in case an emergency would occur, you'd be there. for all that i know, you still have other things to do, like you have your priorities.”
“but you're my priority,” he said seriously. well that caught you off guard.
“whatever, just go and get me some food.” you brush it off.
the night ended with satoru eating his ordered food happily while you were still glaring at the man because he really stick to his words and ordered your food online instead of just running to a convenience store or buying the hospital once. although, it makes you wonder, how is there a plain, plain! oatmeal and a boiled egg that has been selling online?
well, whatever it is, at least your hunger has lessened and your relationship with satoru has gotten…at least a little better.
[part 4 is up tomorrow! and you know the drill, for those who would like to be added to the taglist , just comment — ©luvvixu2024]
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a/n: istg guys i'm trying my hardest to get y'all tagged but some really did not appear when i @ your blogs huhu. but don't worry, that won't stop me from tagging y'all, so i am just going to manually mentioned you on every chapter update ;)
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undiscovered-horizon · 8 months
Hello! Just finished Die Happy, and oh my gosh what a wholesome and sad time!! I love the way you portray Sanji and his inner monologue with himself.
Would it be possible to get a continuation where reader ends up making it a habit of sleeping with Sanji now that’s she’s had a taste. They kind of make a nightly routine and no one really questions it because they just like seeing everyone happy. How would Sanji feel realizing that it’s been weeks since you first started sleeping with him? What if reader is trying to tell Sanji they actually really like him but he just thinks reader is to perfect for him so he’s kind of blind to her advances.
Thank you so much and I hope you have fun writing!!!
All ye who yearned (@federalclassroom @sparkyrosewood14 @zzbloody-animezz @clonaa @number-0-iz) come get y'all juice:
Maelstrom - Sanji x Reader
Part 2 to "Die Happy"
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One night turned into two, two turned into a week and a week turned into... well, however long you and Sanji have been sleeping in one bed. He's not keen on keeping track but taking in the moment instead. He doesn't ask why you continue to crawl right back into his bedroom every night. In fact, he doesn't dare make any comment about your new habit out of fear that you might think he's grown tired of it.
Every night he thinks it might be the last, so he forces himself to stay up as long as he can. Although having you sleep soundly against his chest makes his heart rejoice, the new and asinine sleeping schedule he has implemented puts his body into a poor state. Sanji expected someone to say something but he hasn't considered the whole picture and how it looks to the other Straw Hats - he sleeps in one bed with you every night and looks exhausted during the day. It gives... quite a boost to one's imagination. This is why no one so far has made any inquiry about the new sleeping arrangement.
Even if only opportunity made him the person you like to waste your spare time with, Sanji feels as though the universe itself has smiled at him. Some god above him saw his suffering and decided to ease his burden a little. In his mind, this is the most logical explanation.
But that's about to change.
He feels you stir against him. Unknowingly, Sanji freezes, afraid that it's his feathery touches that wake you up from slumber. He holds his fingertips right above your skin, uncertainty hanging in the air.
"You're not sleeping?" you murmur against his chest.
Gently, he sets his hand back on your arm. Your skin is burning his fingers but he welcomes the scorch like frosty cheeks welcome the scarce sunlight in winter months.
"Just thinking about something," he answers with faux disinterest, hoping that you won't inquire further.
To Sanji's horror, you lean away from him and prop your chin up on your head, staring at his face from above. A bright, curious glint shines in your eyes.
"Come on, shoot. What keeps you awake at night?"
Like a deer caught in headlights, he's silently panicking for a moment.
You. All of you. From the way you say "good morning" in a raspy voice to the "goodnight" you separate with a yawn. How I can tell exactly what's on your mind by the expression on your face. The little dances you do when you're having a good day. How adorable your scowl is. The way my chest hurts when I see you frowning.
Sanji gives you a reassuring smile and shakes his head slightly. "Nothing you should worry about, love," he dismissed you. A beautiful liar he is - nothing in his voice indicates the dread that resides inside him.
His heartbeat quickens suddenly when you give him a flash of a smile. In the twilight of a dark night, you look like a faerie, luring a poor, lovesick man to bestow his deepest, darkest secrets upon you.
And Sanji just might.
"Maybe I want to." You shrug your shoulders. With your other hand, you poke his chest playfully. "I'm fine with worrying if it's about you."
Sanji swallows thickly. You're in his bed, snuggled against him and openly admitting you care about him. If he doesn't change the course of the conversation soon, he might act upon his desire, confess feelings he's been unwilling to admit even to himself.
"As much as I appreciate that," he begins nervously, "there's enough in that pretty little head of yours. You just lean on me and I'll do the rest." Sanji forces himself to smile softly at you as he makes a point of leaning through putting his hand on his chest.
You chuckle and bite your lower lip. Sanji's mind tries to slip into his well-known fantasies of kissing you but he manages to keep his thoughts at the present moment.
"Spoken like a true gentleman." Hinging on your forearm, you lean closer to his face. "Maybe it's you I should marry."
He clenches his hand covered by the duvet. Having you so close to him was a daydream until you made it turn into somewhat of a nightmare. Sanji keeps telling himself that whatever happens, he can't let you in on his feelings, fearing that if you learn of his hopeless affliction, you will abandon his intimacy once and for all. And that Sanji doesn't even want to consider as a possibility.
"I thought you wanted to marry a prince," he says in an attempt to divert the conversation.
A scoff leaves your lips and you shake your head in disapproval.
"Fuck princes," you drone out. "I'm not a participation award you can put in your trophy case and show off. I'm more like wild, untamed waters. Like a maelstrom." Your voice hangs for a moment and Sanji holds on to it with more hope than he thought he's capable of. Maybe the universe really did take pity on him. Then, you lean even closer to him, leaving a rather obscene lack of space between your faces. "And you, my lovely Sanji, are a skilled sailor."
His heart stops for a moment.
"Don't do this," he whispers in a weak voice. "Don't give me hope for something I can never have. It's cruel."
"'Can never have?'" you repeat in confusion. "It's your bed I keep crawling back into despite telling myself to stop doing that. You already have me. All of me. I don't care how desperate that makes me look. I want you to have me."
Sanji tries to control his ragged breathing. His iron will is crumbling as he allows himself to look at your lips. Is he dreaming?
"You shouldn't say things you don't mean," he warns you in a distant voice. His mind is too occupied, too busy going haywire, to be rooted in reality. Will you taste as sweet as he imagined? Will you linger on his lips like the reviving kiss of a goddess given to a dying man?
"You shouldn't assume I'm someone who just runs their mouth," you answer.
His lips barely touch yours. There's too much fear in him - fear, that this isn't actually happening. That you're just a dream within a dream, that he imagined this moment to curb his desperation. But then he feels you kissing him back, your lips engulfing his as though you're silently begging him not to go anywhere and stay with you. Sanji can't help himself putting his hand on the nape of your neck and fixing the angle off the kiss to deepen it; to kiss you like princesses deserve to be kissed.
Maybe you are a maelstrom - raging waters twisting into deadly whirlpools. But he's definitely not a sailor. A shipmate would navigate dangerous tides, while Sanji seems to be drowning. The waters of you are filling his lungs and yet he feels like he's breathing for the very first time. He's slowly falling farther away from the light of reason. Soon, darkness engulfs him. But it's not cold. It's not lonely. It's the darkness of a warm, summer night.
And in this darkness, drowned in the untamed waters of a maelstrom, he hears a siren singing in your voice:
The madness of returned devotion.
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ssahotchnerr · 7 months
how about doing a birthday celebration with the team for aaron and he feels overwhelmed bc he’s so used to doing nothing for his birthday since haley passed and felt alone even with jack <333
happy birthday aaron 🥹<33 cw; established relationship, mentions of haley, aaron self deprecating (it's sad - i'm sad), references to alcohol, mentions of food, hurt to comfort wc; 1.4k
about an hour or so in, you found aaron in the kitchen, half sitting-half resting against the counter. the man of the hour had been missing in action; he'd gone in search of a drink a while ago and had yet to return.
it was november second, aaron's birthday, and the first birthday you were spending with him. naturally, you wanted to go all out, for aaron to feel nothing but loved on his special day.
it wasn't a surprise party, aaron had been aware the whole time (you knew he didn't favor surprises too much), but had zero part in planning. he was only aware of the time jess were to drop over to pick up jack for the night, and the time of which the others would be arriving at the apartment. which, had been swallowed up with balloons, colorful streamers, confetti was scattered across the floor (which truthfully you were dreading picking up later, and hopefully you all wouldn't still be finding pieces for the next month), a banner was hung on the wall. his team were all in attendance, drinks were flowing, lively conversations were being had, a table of god only knew how many appetizers.
it was going nearly as perfectly as you had visualized, mind the part where aaron snuck away.
"hey, you alright?" you sidled up to him, your hand comfortably resting on his back.
aaron nodded, meeting your eyes as he lifted his drink to his lips. his eyes maintained their usual soft glow, but appeared down. "all good."
you weren't convinced, your puzzlement clear. "but you're hiding?"
"i wouldn't call it hiding." he chuckled softly, a sigh leaving him as he set his glass of whisky down. "just soaking it in? the night's been great, don't get me wrong. but it feels... strange."
you moved in front of him to wrap your arms around his middle, pulling him flush against you. "can i ask why?"
"the last time i had a banner," aaron chuckled again, a melancholiness suddenly overtaking him. "jack was practically a newborn - haley's doing."
"yeah." aaron's hand ran up and down your back instinctively, mindlessly drawing shapes. "brings back memories."
"god i can only imagine." you sobered, tucking yourself more into his chest. your ear was pressed against him, hearing his steady heartbeat.
"i guess overwhelmed is the correct word to describe it. haley always went all out, then the divorce happened and then..." an exhale left him. "birthdays since, never did anything. i guess it was acknowledged but never celebrated. come to think of it, i don't think i've ever celebrated with the team."
as if on cue, a loud commotion came from the other room - team mid-drinking game.
once it had died down, you queried, "how come?"
aaron continued, the hand on your back rising to the surface just below your neck, finger pads pressing into your skin comfortably. "some years we were on a case, penelope hosted her Día de los Muertos parties, or everyone was still recovering from halloween. trust me, i'm sure no one would be too keen on partying again the next night. and you know me, to them, i'm not the heartfelt, full of life, approachable type. not worth it." he laughed, but it was more so an attempt to brush it off.
but it didn't sit right with you - of course it didn't. "did you ever say something about it?"
"it's okay." it wasn't, and he didn't answer your question. "i felt alone, sure, but when didn't i? i managed, and just took jack out for ice cream if i happened to be around. i don't think he ever knew the reason why, either."
you craned your head up to look at him. this surprised you. "you never told him?"
"it's," aaron paused, exhaling a breath. "complicated. he knows but he doesn't. he's young, the only dates he's technically supposed to remember at seven are christmas, halloween, his birthday." aaron shook his head, feeling almost silly. "what was i supposed to do, just out of the blue state, 'it's my birthday'?"
"well, it wouldn't have hurt. he could've made you a card, or wished you happy birthday at the bare minimum."
"i didn't want to inconvenience him-"
"aaron," you laughed sadly, your heart shattering at the same time. "he's your son."
"it's okay." there it was again. "my birthday wasn't a huge deal growing up anyway. if i wasn't as gravely punctual as i am and paid attention to the date, it most likely would pass as any other, normal day."
you fell silent; having so much to say, but having no idea how to fully express it. you just felt, sad. for him.
aaron sensed your dropping demeanor, and placed a kiss on your forehead to hopefully counter it. "it doesn't matter much now. i have you."
"but yet, you're still here rather than out there." you nudged your head towards the direction of the distant yells. "and i didn't even think about you potentially getting overwhelmed, i'm sorry. this party, it's an almost drastic change come to think of it, and i should've-"
"are you kidding?" astonishment reigned in his voice. "the fact that you went through all this - planning, coordinating, decorating - for me. it makes up for all those years alone. and i'm not just saying that because i love you." he gave you a cheeky expression, but you knew he was only playing it up to lighten the situation, despite his genuineness. "even breakfast with jack in bed this morning. i never pictured myself as the type to get breakfast in bed, stuff like that doesn't happen to me. it was really, really special, thank you."
"well, you better get used to it." a rush of air left your nose - makeshift laughter - as you thought back to earlier in the day. "not only was it a hit for you, but jack as well. he already brought up pancakes instead of waffles, with sprinkles, for next year."
a laugh shook through aaron's chest, jostling you a bit, before he fell silent, his fingers brushing through your hair soothingly.
"you deserve to be celebrated." you offered softly, the solemness reentering your heart, although it never left.
it weighed heavy on you - the man who gave you everything, who made you feel like you were everything, and who deserved it even more, defining himself as close to nothing. it was in complete aaron fashion, but you wished he wouldn't downplay, everything about himself, or make up 'rational' excuses to be okay with being overshadowed. he wasn't only meant to be there for others, to be thinking of others - he deserved happy, simple things too.
aaron's expression started to pull into one of disagreement, but you were quick to halt it. "hey, no. you deserve to be celebrated. i can't even tell you how much your existence means to me. being with you, doing life with you, seeing you be the best dad to jack and the most integral leader to the team. they value you, trust you, and you're family to them. they wouldn't be here tonight if you were some hard ass who wasn't worth it. that's not you. and i thank the stars every day you're here with me."
"please. say it."
nothing short of longing was cast on your face, in your eyes, and aaron were suddenly afraid that if he didn't admit so, the tears would start rolling.
he sighed, "i deserve to be celebrated."
"no, you gotta say it like you mean it."
aaron playfully rolled his eyes, but caved, his tone more forceful this time around. "i deserve to be celebrated."
"you're damn right, and you better start believing it."
aaron took a deep breath, pressing his lips to yours. "with you around, i will. thank you, i love you."
you returned the kiss, giving his chest an affectionate pat. "c'mon, let's rejoin your party."
you started exiting the kitchen, but aaron stayed put. when you looked back, another melancholy expression painted his face, and standing there, he almost looked younger for a moment.
"it is nice. not feeling like a drill sergeant for once."
your lips tipped into a smile as he moved closer, brushing your hands along his torso as soon as he was in reach. "they love you."
one of his rare, small but charming smiles adorned his face, brown eyes aglow. "i know."
"i love you."
aaron grabbed one of your hands, allowing you to lead him back to his party.
"i know."
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Swimming (Matt Sturniolo)
description: y/n and the triplets go swimming for content. But matt and y/n's sweet intractions definitely do not go unseen.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of sexual things.
I have had a crush on Matt for the longest time. Everybody always tells me that he likes me back, but I never belive it.
Today, Matt, Chris, Nick and I have rented out a swimming centre, so we can film content in there. I was so exited, I had done swimming in the past and it was always a huge part of my life, something that I could do where I don't overthink or get stressed or anxious. "Y/n?" Matt says, breaking me out of my thoughts. "You alright?" I nodded, continuing to gaze out of the window humming quietly to 'TV by Billie Eilish.'
I suddenly felt a warm feeling on my inner thigh, I peered down at my lap and saw that it was Matt's hand. Slowly rubbing circles with his thumb. I felt a hot flush of heat run to my face as I turned away, biting my lip.
Around 5 minutes later, Matt removed his hand from my thigh to park in a space outside the swimming pool. I was sad at the loss of contact, but I knew matt had to use both hands so he didn't rear end the car beside him. As soon as he had parked we got out, Chris came up behind me and ruffled my hair "hey!" I said looking back at him annoyed. " I was having a good ponytail day!" All he replies with is "whoopsies" as he runs away like a child. Matt came up behind me and wrapped his arm over my shoulders pulling my back into his chest as he walked behind me. He carefully moved my misplaced strands of hair back to their original places. Little did we know Nick was recording us behind long enough to catch the whole thing. "Definitely keeping this in, it will be good for the edits." Whispers Nick to Chris. Chris just chuckles and agrees.
I start to get giddy as we walk inside because I smell the familiar scent of chlorine. I ran into the changing rooms, Chris running behind me as Matt and Nick slowly walked behind us. As me and Chris were fighting over who should get the family sized stall, Nick started to talk to Matt.
"So when are you two gonna get together?" Asked Nick. "What are you talking about?" Says Matt his gazed still fixed on me as I tried to push myself into the stall that Chris wouldn't let me have. "C'mon you know exactly what I'm taking about. Don't think we don't see the way you too look at each other. AND don't think we didn't see you putting your hand on her thigh or when you did all that weird shit in the car park coming in."
"Okay okay geez, I would love to talk to her about a relationship but I'm not sure she likes me back." Nick looks at him with an expression mixed of disgust, shame and shock. "Are you fucking stupid?" Matt laughs and walks away to get changed. All he could think about was y/n. Her beautiful voice, her soft hair, her flawless skin, her eyes, her curves, her lips. Oh god he loves her lips, they are so plump and naturally pink that he just wondered what they taste like.
Matt was quickly shook out of his dirty thoughts when y/n called his name "Matt! Hurry up we're all waiting for you!" Matt quickly shoves his clothes in his bag as he stepped out. He was wearing blue trunks. He scanned the floor and looked up when his eyes met y/n's but not for long as he traveled his gaze down to her bikini. A white fabric with little cherries on it. It looked so good on her. "You okay?" Y/n said giggling. He snapped up out of his trance. "Yeah I'm good." He said as he walked past her, grabbing her hand as he did.
30mins into filming we ended up doing races.
I always remember being really good at breaststroke. It was an easy swim for me as I didn't have to suffocate myself for that long. "Hey Matt!" I yelled " I bet you can't beat me in a breaststroke race!" ( A/N: help why does that sound so weird.)
"I bet I could." Matt says as he runs up to me grabbing my waist and jumping into the water. Nick laughs as he points the camera to us and zooms in. When I pop up from under the water, we both get ready to start the race. "GO!" screams Chris. I take off, my hands and legs moving rapidly, I got a pretty good headstart so I was ahead of Matt but still in arms reach. We were close to the end of the pool when I felt Matt's hand wrap around my ankle as he pulled me back into his chest. Kissing my head subconsciously and whispering in my ear "slow down sweetheart." Oh. My. Word. My somache filled with butterflies as I smiled shamlessly. "Or what?" I whisper back. In that moment I could feel him getting hard against my ass. He pulled away and continued swimming the rest of the pool as I stood there in shock.
Later when we were home, I was lying in my bed, hair washed and feeling squeaky clean, I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when I heard a knock at my door. "Come in." Slowly, my door opens to reveal Matt. I put my phone down and stand up, slightly flusterd as I remember our last interaction. I patted the spot next to me inviting him over. He slowly walked and sat down on my bed, I felt the space sink down and I struggled to stay balanced. "Hey." He said
"Hey." I repeated. He looks me dead in the eye his gaze burning imaginary holes into my soul. I opened my mouth to talk but he got there before me. "You know, I never did answer the question earlier." He said. I nodded, waiting for him to continue...
A/N: Hey guys! This was my first imagine and I just wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger for you guys. English is not my first language so if i spelt anything wrong or something just doesn't make sense, please let me know thanks xx ALSO DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO SAVE DRAFTS ON HERE?
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Soft Dom Bangchan x Female Reader Sub!
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: This is strictly 18+ MDNI fan fiction.
Summary: A sub needs a dom, a dom wants a sub but what happens when feelings overlap with contracts and love creeps in? Will a contract remain only a contract? Or are emotions like love too hard to keep in check?
A/N: would also like to dedicate this story to @daceydeath​ , thank you for always putting up with my deluluness, also thank you for putting up with my drama fill life honestly. I wouldn’t be still writing if it wasn’t for you encouraging me. Also thank you so much for writing my summary xx
You walked into the living room, relieved to be out of that uncomfortable outfit. The shower helped you relax, but you were still uneasy about the situation. Chan smiled at you from the couch, gesturing for you to join him. "Come, Princess."
You snuggle into his warm embrace, nestling your head on his chest. His strong yet gentle arms wrap around you, making you feel safe and cared for. As you listen to the steady beating of his heart, he leans down and places a tender kiss on the top of your head.
"I uh want to talk to you about something," he said, adjusting his body and causing you to sit up straight. 
"Sure, what about?" You say, getting comfortable on the couch, turning to face him and crossing your legs.
"Last night….I ah," he was really struggling to get the words out. You grab his hands in yours, hoping it will help him get them out, lightly stroking your thumb over his knuckles. 
He takes a deep breath before saying, "I heard you crying. . . because of me." You smile lightly but think to yourself that's only half true. Chan had yelled, and that's what started the tears at first. But really, you were mostly mad at yourself.
You take a deep breath. "It wasn't your fault. I was disappointed in myself for not being honest." Your gaze falls to the ground as you speak. You never wanted Chan to feel guilty for expressing his feelings.
Chan looks at you with soft eyes. "All I want is for you to trust me. That's been my goal this whole time." He gently lifts your chin up so you're looking at him. You notice his gaze drift down to your lips briefly before returning to your eyes.
You looked at him, unsure of what to say. "I don't know why I didn't tell you earlier."
He softly caressed your lips with his thumb and whispered, "It's okay. I just want you to know I'm sorry." 
Leaning in, placing his lips on yours, time seems to stand still. Chan's soft lips press against yours, consumed by the intoxicating feeling of his hands caressing your hips. His tender kiss leaves you breathless. 
Your eyes remain shut as he pulls away, giggling cutely as he realises you are chasing his kiss. 
"I have to go", you said, trying to grab your bag from Chan's hands. 
In an effort to keep you there longer, he pulls it away from you playfully as you attempt to grab it. "Chan," you say, pouting as he laughs, "I really have to go. I have to pack. The movers are coming next week." 
"Oh, that reminds me." He placed your bag and did a light jog to the main bedroom.
"This is not how I wanted this weekend to go….but I was supposed to give you this last night." He came down the hallway with a jewellery box, running his fingers through his hair.
"Open it", he smiled as he handed it to you. You snap open the box, and inside is a key. Your head shoots up to look at Chan as you blush. "It's the house key….I wanted to give this to you last night at dinner, but….we got rudely interrupted." 
He was right. This weekend did not go according to plan at all. The fact that you may not see each other for a couple weeks while Chan goes to Japan for his dome tour, resulting in you having to pack up your apartment alone, makes you sad. You thought this weekend was going to be some sort of sex-filled dream. However, that did not end up happening for obvious reasons. "I may not see you for two weeks", you pout as you suddenly become in no rush to leave. 
"Mmm," he hummed as he pulled you closer to his body. "See, you should stay," he smiled as his nose brushed your cheek, giving you goosebumps. "I have a lot of other things I was planning this weekend that we didn't get to do." He placed a light kiss just below your earlobe.
"We can't. You have a flight at 6 am tomorrow….and I have the movers coming at 9," you said, placing my hand on his chest, trying to put some space between the both of you. 
"But 2 weeks without you may just kill me." There he goes again, being all sweet. 
"But when you return, I'll be fully moved in." You smile, kissing his lips with a light peck. 
He glides his hand down your back, realising you're not wearing a bra. He pulls you in closer, lightly brushing his thumb over your nipple, instantly making it hard. 
"When I come back, I want to take you out on a real date," he said out of breath.
"I'd love that" you smiled, gripping your bag and stepping out of his reach, his hands falling to his sides. "Bye, Channie," you say sweetly.
"About to leave for the plane… I'll text you when I land." 
You send him a picture of the live YouTube video you are watching of the airport. 
“Are you watching me 😳…..are you sure you are not a stalker 😉” 
"Fine, I'll turn it off." 
"No, I find it adorable." 
"Safe flight, sir." 
"I'll call you tonight." 
It was only a short time before the YouTube live you had streaming on the TV went active, showing the guys rocking up to the airport. 
The camera zoomed in on Chan, making a heart shape with his hands. "Dork", you laughed, shaking your head. 
As they walked through the airport, you couldn't help but be nervous for them as people started swarming around them to get any sort of photos or even a quick touch from them. 
Your heart beats so fast in your chest as one of the members falls; you can visibly see the frustration in Chan's face as he struggles to keep himself calm. Eventually, they push through the crowd and head to security clearance. 
"Omg….are you all okay?" 
"I'm fine" 
"Is it always that hectic?" 
His short answer makes you believe he is indeed angry. You decided to call him.
"Hello," he must be in professional mode.
"I know you said you're fine….but you're texting like you're angry." You just came out with it. 
"Guys, I just have to take this. I'll be back…order me something," he excused himself from the group. 
"Did you see the way they just swarmed us?" He snapped. "They could have hurt Ji", he growled.
"It's okay…just breathe." You could hear him take a deep breath in. 
"Thank you," he said, breathing out. 
"Okay, good….now have a safe flight," you said, about to hang up. 
"Wait…" He said quickly. "Did you see my heart? I did it for you?" Even through the phone, you could see him blushing. 
"Mmmmm….I did…. You're a dork," you laughed. "I better let you go. Text me when you land", you smile.
"What… you're not going to watch YouTube live", he chuckled.
"I ah…think I'll give it a miss….it made me nervous," you said 
"Cute, you worried about me." You could tell by how he said that sentence that he was grinning. 
"Bye, Channie," you said before hanging up. 
But you couldn't help yourself; when the video of the boys arrived in Japan, you ran to the TV; this time, it was a much calmer arrival.
They looked so happy and excited to be there. Chan even smiled and waved at the camera, almost like he knew you were watching. Chan pulls out his phone as they walk outside and into the car.
"I made it, princess….in the car on the way to the hotel." 
Before you could reply, your doorbell went off. "Coming," you said, running to the door. 
You had been so busy moving that a week and a half had gone by in no time, and it was finally time to move your stuff into channies officially. Well, the things you took with you. 
When you arrive at his house, Chan calls you to meet the small moving van you hired. 
"Hello," you say sweetly.
"How's the moving going?" You know he is watching you on the camera. He has them everywhere. 
"Are you watching me?" You laughed. 
"I'm always watching you… it's my favourite pastime." 
"That's creepy, Chan," you say as he laughs. "But while I have you…where would you like the couch you requested me to bring?"
"In the living room," he laughed.
"Chan, don't we should just get a new couch? Mine is so old." 
"I love that couch..." 
"It's ugly," you say, rolling your eyes. 
"It's not ugly… it's perfect." 
"Whatever?" you mumble. "I have to go….. they're here." 
"Okay, I'll see you in a couple of days", he said before he hung up. 
Ting Ting
I open my eyes to check my phone. "Fuuuckkk", I growl as tears begin to form in my eyes from the light's rays. 
"Unknown number", I whisper to myself. I don't want to wake Minho up from his sleep. 
Unknown number
"Don't worry, buddy…. I've been looking after her."
My heart races as I re-read the message, desperately hoping it wasn't meant for me. As I clumsily grab my phone, almost hitting myself in the process, I frantically open the camera app with shaking hands. Scrolling through the outdoor security feeds, my blood runs cold when I don't see her bedroom light on. Dear God, where could she have gone? The house sits empty as I plead for her to be safe inside. I feel a sense of dread wash over me - where is she? Please let her be here. 
I flick the camera into the master suite, and my panic subsides. "Oh, thank God," I breathe. She's curled up all cozy under my silk sheets. I watched her breathing so calmly and peacefully for a few minutes. Her chest rose and fell with such grace; she was simply stunning with her lips pressed together in the cutest sleepy pout. If I were there right now, I would not be able to control myself from planting the biggest kiss on those beautiful lips. My body gets all tingly just thinking about it, and I can't help but push those thoughts aside for now. The worst part about sharing rooms on tour is honestly not being able to care for myself whenever the urge hits. But now that I know she's safe and sound asleep, I continue to check the house for signs that she is alone. I don't care if I have to watch these cameras night and day; I will not let anyone touch her.
Morning finally arrives, and I open my eyes to find that Y/N has left our bed. This is the first time I've even had a thought like that about a woman… "Ours," I say softly, still staring at my phone screen. It's such a strange concept to me. The thought of sharing with a person makes me so happy. I look over at Minho, who is still asleep. Thank God…the last thing I need is for him to wake up and find me staring at my security cameras like a possessive monster. 
But that's what I am, a man obsessed with her, and after last night's text message, I need to hear her voice. Seeing her on my house camera is not enough. 
I step into the hallway as the phone rings. Minho is still sleeping but shouldn't hear me if I keep my voice low. 
"Hey you", her sweet voice was like music to my ears.
"Hey," I say back, and my nervousness vanishes. 
"What's up?….why are you calling so early?" I can hear her talking with her mouth full. 
"Is now a good time to talk?" I say, and I'm hoping she agrees to continue this conversation because now that I have her, I don't want to let her go. 
"Sorry…. I'm just eating breakfast….is everything okay?" I can see her now in my kitchen, eating toast and frowning. 
"Yeah…..I just ah," fuck how do I say this without seeming like an utterly love-sick puppy? "I ah", I keep choking on my words. Why can't I just say it? 
"I miss you too, Channie." I can hear her giggling on the other end, and it makes me smile to know she misses me just as much. 
"That obvious, huh?" I look at the floor as I kick my foot out. 
"That, and I figured you'd call me after I heard you snoring through the camera system this morning" My eyes widened…..could she really hear me snoring FUCK. 
"I ah….I can explain," I panic, fuck, who am I going to explain this without her thinking I'm an absolute creep.
"I'm just joking, sir….When I woke up this morning, I saw the red light and figured you were just checking in." The strain in my chest subsides as I relax my muscles. 
"I hope it's okay that I slept in your bed last night." I want to correct her and say our bed inside. I chuckle.
"Of course….keep it warm for me." I smile and hear what sounds like Minho walking towards the door.
"I have to go, but I'll call you later, okay?" I hang up the phone before she can answer me, and just in time as well….because as I place my hand on the door handle and open it, Minho practically falls out. 
"Spying on me…are we?" I laugh as Minho groans on the floor.
"Who are you even talking to this early?" He squints his eyes as he looks up from the ground. 
"Wouldn't you like to know?" I say, stepping over him and back into the room. 
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't." Minho gets up off the floor as I charge my phone. 
"I'm going to take a shower", I say, grabbing my towel and heading into the bathroom. 
"Oh, and Minho," I say, peeking my head out and catching him red-handed, looking at my phone. 
"No peeking, yeah", I laugh as I turn back into the bathroom; he could try to get into my phone; however, I changed the code as soon as Y/N and I got together. 
For the first time, I think I actually miss someone. All the boys have gone out to eat and walk around Tokyo sitting, and I can't help but lay here in my shared hotel room and watch CCTV footage of y/n in my house. 
I wish I was there to help her; it's not like I can go home early, either. We have our show tonight. However, after our last show in Tokyo, the boys decided to stay for a couple of days. Still, I was reluctant to because everything I needed was at home. 
I've been sitting on the Korean Air website, deciding if a 6am flight back home is going to piss the boys off or not. They would be supportive if they knew why, but it's too early to let them know I'm seeing y/n. Especially when they only know her as a JYPE staff member.  
"What are you doing?" Minho said, coming out of the bathroom.
"Do you think the guys would be offended if I left tomorrow?" A question I only trust Minho to answer.
"Want to get home that fast?" 
"I just have so much I need to do….I just really don't have time for a holiday right now." A few days off with the boys would be fun; a few days off with y/n is my priority. After we had that huge fight before I left, I felt I needed to make it up to her. 
"I think they won't mind", he said, drying his hair with the towel. 
"Okay, I'll book this ticket then," I said, moving my hand to click the checkout button. 
Minho smiles. I know he's onto me, but he will never immediately ask me. That's not what Minho does. 
"This wouldn't have anything to do with a girl, would it?" He grins.
"No, Minho", I say, pretending to be annoyed and rolling my eyes. 
"Because we will support you 100% if it is?" 
"I know…but it's not." I smile, knowing it has everything to do with a girl. 
Master list: @bellamuerte1987 @nightrayseishina @9900z @armystay89 @dreamstarsandskz @fosfopirite @neyangi @princesspanda16 @krishastumblernow @agnes-king @bangtanmix73 @khemrose @fawnpeaks @missrobyn81 @dreambelieveinme @umbreonwolfy @jisungiexx @scarletrosesposts @choisoorin @izzathequeen @binnies-minsung-fanclub @jetblackbelle @bunnyxoxodarling @berryberrytan @sky-outta @zerefdragn33l @shiningnono @tinys0ftie @zinnichong @tuggybug @nokacchan @amaranth-writing @seungbinis @jisunglover3409 @kimseungminsprincess @goblin-waifu @skzswife @uwuitsjungwoo @marrivmel
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itsshawtyfellas · 1 year
Breaking in
Pairing: Charlie Walker x fem!reader
Warnings: angst, 18+ (mature content such as dom!charlie, sub!reader, dry humping, clit stimulation, oral, praise kink, degradation kink, mask kink, penetration)
A/N: ngl I'm a sucker for all of those charlie as a sub type of fics (I stand by that) but I believe that behind that mask charlie is a whole different person based on his murders. So I decided to write something about it because why not 😈 sit down and enjoy my little sluts (btw my obsession with this man is over the roof by now help) the gif is just to give you a little idea of how it will go further into the fic😉
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You didn't know how to feel.
Were you angry? Upset? Scared? Probably all of them.
You just couldn't believe it at first. You refused to believe your sweet, smart and funny boyfriend Charlie could do something like that.
You simply decided to go to Charlie's house after school to surprise him but when you got to his room you saw him taking off his ghostface costume that had droplets of blood in it. You confronted him about it, asking him if he was the one responsible for all the murders in Woodsboro so far and he didn't even bother to deny. He couldn't lie to you, so he admitted it, explaining the truth and reasoning behind it.
You were quiet the entire way back to your house and also inside it. Your mind went back to all the moments you had spent with him; the sweet ones, the sad ones, the intimate ones. As time went by, your thoughts made you realize how real it all was.
It's been only a couple of days since you walked out of his house and you still couldn't stop thinking about it. The rational side of your body kept telling you that you should inform the authorities; that meant reporting your boyfriend would not only make him stay in prison for a few good decades but it would also make you, as his girlfriend, an accomplice of his crimes since you knew the truth. Meanwhile, the emotional side of your body wanted you to hide the whole truth and run back into the kind arms of the love of your life. Whatever your decision was, you couldn't tell anyone about it.
Right as you mind wandered back to reality, you noticed the movie you had put on to distract yourself had ended, so you started to do some chores around your house, since you didn't want to think about it for a little while.
As you finished cleaning the kitchen, you went out for a few minutes to take out the trash, leaving the front door slightly ajar so you could go back in, but suddenly you felt eyes on you and a presence on your back. Turning around to go back inside, you quickly checked your surroundings to make sure you weren't being watched, scared you would be the next kill despite knowing Charlie would never do something to you.
The moment you turned around after closing your door, you came face to face with your boyfriend Charlie; except that he was wearing the ghostface costume and you gussed that he was either coming back from a kill or going for one. For brief seconds, the two of you just stood there in front of each other without saying a word. Every emotion and every thought that you were having and thinking earlier came back rushing to your heart and mind. Your own body was battling against your own, not knowing whether you should run away from him, to him or fight him; so you opted by asking him a simple but stupid question.
"Are you going to hurt me?" He didn't answer, only shaking his head.
"Then why are you here?"
"I wanted to see you." Those were his only words before going quiet again. He could tell you were feeling conflicted but he wasn't going to blame you.
"You could've called me." He took a step closer to you.
"I didn't know if you wanted to talk to me, much less see me."
He took another step towards you but you didn't back away. He kept coming closer and closer until he was right in front of you. Charlie lifted a hand to your face, caressing your cheek, feeling your skin heat up under his touch.
Not only was your skin hot, but your heart was almost popping out of your chest from how gently he was touching you. The way he was touching your face along with the way he was looking at you behind that mask was arousing you, even though you wanted to ignore it.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for putting you through this." His voice, soothing and calm as always, comforted you as he looked at your trembling form.
You had no words. Even after finding out he was the killer – ghostface– he still made you feel warm and fuzzy inside; you shouldn't but you couldn't help yourself, you still loved him and he was still your boyfriend.
"I didn't want you to find out this way, I swear I never meant to put you involved in this." Even though you couldn't see his face, you could still hear the plead in his voice.
"I was involved in all of this ever since you started murdering people knowing you and I were together and I could find out about it at any moment." You said, while stepping away from him, the anger and frustration showing through your voice. Charlie turned his head slightly away from the direction of your eyes knowing how upset you were. "At least show me your face and look at me if you're so sorry."
He was aware of how angry you were, so, like a soldier listening to his commander's orders, he turned his head back to you and brought his hand to his chin to take off his mask, his hair tied into a bun, all while looking into your eyes.
You stared at him; your eyes running all over his face, mostly remaining on his baby blue eyes, as if to remember every single detail of his angelic like features to assure yourself that he was still the same –which he was. If someone told you a few days ago that your boyfriend was the one who committed the murders, you wouldn't believe them and would've laughed in their face, telling them he would never do something like that, for he was far too sweet to kill people in such a brutal way, but right now, as you looked at him, you could only wish it wasn't true.
It didn't stop you though. It didn't stop your mind from reliving all those moments spent with him; it didn't stop your feelings from erupting into the surface everytime you thought of him; it didn't stop your heart from racing whenever you saw him; and it definitely didn't stop you from loving him.
You and Charlie kept eye contact with each other once no other words were exchanged. The silence surrounding your bodies in the living room was loud; you could even hear your light breaths and maybe even your heart ramming against your ribcage.
However, Charlie tried to make another move for the second time that day by walking slowly towards you. The stare in his eyes was so intense the arousal you felt before came back to your body, the tingling sensation lowering to your core. Without thinking, you took a step back as he kept walking towards you until you collided with the wall.
Your breathing got heavier as the air around you felt hot, the arousal only increasing more and more with the way Charlie was staring at you; what you didn't know was that he was doing it on purpose to rile you up. He loved to watch the way your chest rose up and down when he did something like this. It turned him on when he had some kind of control over you since it was unusual for him and when that happened he liked to enjoy it as much as he could.
"Do you still love me?" He asked with uncertainty.
"I don't know if I should." You answered out of spite despite wanting to say yes.
"Do you trust me?"
"I don't know if I should either."
No words were said after that. It wasn't that you didn't trust him or love him –you did, with your soul and life– but you wanted to see how the moment would go and how it would end. Would you lie to him and say you didn't want him anymore? Would you guys break up and never see each other again? Or would you confess your love and trust for him and keep it all a secret? Whatever way that conversation would go, your mind was set on not sending him to the authorities.
You were so distracted thinking about how it would all end, preparing yourself mentally and emotionally, that you didn't even notice Charlie's hand locking itself on your neck, right beneath your jawline, and leaning in to kiss you. Despite getting caught off guard, your body accepted the kiss with an eagerness never felt before.
As the kiss evolved, eventually turning into makeout session, all the doubts you were having before left your mind, the only thing remaining being the love and trust you had for him. A wave of emotions flooded your heart, making its palpitations increase, causing you to pull him closer to your body with your arms encircling around his neck.
To say he was surprised by your reaction was an understatement. Even though the love you had for one another was unconditional, he almost expected you to turn around and go straight to the police, but he was mostly relieved that you didn't. With that, he started to slowly and reluctantly slide his hands down your back, afraid you would stop him but decided to keep going when he felt you holding him even closer. Now feeling more secure and confident, he ran his hands over your waist and to your hips, pulling your pelvis against his when arousal started to rush into his body, going straight to his core.
"Do you want me?" He asked, pausing his actions.
"Yes." You didn't even hesitate to answer his question, the passion you were feeling mixing up with the physical contact only added more fervor into your veins. Right when you were about to carry on with the now heavy makeout session, Charlie stopped you by grabbing your wrist. Looking at him with a confused look in your face, you were about to ask him what was he doing when he suddenly took a step back. When he did this, your mind began to cloud itself with insecurities and second thoughts, in fear that he had regretted his decision; it almost made you prepare yourself for a heartbreak until you saw him kneeling down to grab his mask that he dropped earlier on the floor to put it back on.
"Charlie?" Without answer, he started to walk back to you, your body still pressed against the wall. Even when you couldn't see his face due to the mask, you could feel his eyes on you, watching you like a hawk. It made you feel nervous and a little scared but you kept telling yourself he wouldn't hurt you –after all you trusted him and you wanted him to know that.
Now standing in front of you again, Charlie tilted his head lightly, noticing the way your chest rose up and down due to your heavy breathing, your lips slightly parted and your eyes locked on his –or his mask.
At first, he thought about taking off the costume and let things flow between the two of you like they usually would, but now, as he stands in front you, watching the way your body reacted to him and his actions, he couldn't help but feel a sudden urge to take control, soon overtaken by a feeling of power, something he would mostly feel whenever he wore the ghostface costume for his kills. All of it only turned him on more.
You weren't far behind. If someone walked in on that moment and saw ghostface –or Charlie– in your living room cornering you against the wall, they would immediately think you were being attacked and would call the police –but that wasn't the case as the energy around the room shifted once again as your body heat increased and your heartbeat sped up as Charlie kept staring at you under that mask, causing you to feel just as aroused as he was.
Coming even closer until your bodies were touching, he grabbed your hips and pulled you close to him all over again, his hands then sliding down to your buttcheeks to bring your pelvis towards his to create some sort of friction. Noticing this, you circled your arms around his torso and buried your face in his neck, moving your hips against his clothed erection, while his hands held your ass helping your movements.
Not a single word other than each other's heavy breathing was exchanged as the two of you were humping your hips towards one another, at least not until one of his hands left your butt and you felt his fingertips going over the seam of your pajama pants, teasing you at first to arouse you even more and then going under your panties and to your pussy, using his middle and ring fingers to give you slow and light circles to your stimulated clit.
"C-Charlie..." You panted against his neck. The hand that was still holding your cheek, was brought to your chin, lifting your face from his neck in order to make you look at him, his head slightly tilted in a provoking way.
"What is it? Hmm? Does it feel good?" He asked, amusement oozing out of his voice as he kept touching your pussy.
"Y-Yes, yes, it feels s-so good." You stuttered, as you let your head fall on his shoulder.
"Yes, it does and you wanna know why? Because you're taking it like a good little slut, aren't you?" As he spoke, the words only got stuck in your throat as you felt your orgasm approaching, the only possible answers being the nods of your head and the shifting of your hips as he changed the speed of his fingers, going even faster to help you reach your peak.
"Shhh, I know, I know, there you go." He praised, his voice soft in your ear as the most earth shattering orgasm hit you, making your body tremble in his arms, the sounds of your erratic breathing only getting louder with each after shock, causing your shaking form to look like it just got a short circuit.
Charlie then removed his fingers from your underwear, wiping them on his costume without care and took a step back, giving you a minute to cool off before trying anything else. He was about to ask if you were okay but refrained himself from saying it when you suddenly brought your hands to his ankles, in an attempt to remove his costume, lifting it up and taking it off his body along with his shirt, leaving him with only his mask and jeans. As you were about to unbuckle his belt, Charlie suddenly held your hands, stopping your actions. You glanced up at him perplexed, questioning why would he stop you and wondering if he didn't want you to return the favor when all of a sudden you felt the weight of his palms on your shoulders, gently but firmly pressing on them to push you down on your knees.
"What? Isn't this what you want, hmm?" You could tell he asked it in a rhetoric way, using a taunting and condescending tone and smirking under his mask, whilst stroking your cheek and looking down at you, almost as if telling you you knew what to do. So, with little hesitation and excitement filling your body, you brought your hands to his belt loops, unbuckling them and then unbuttoning his pants, giving little kisses and licks on his firm abs and down his v-line, his hips going forward, towards your mouth as you tugged down his jeans along with his boxer briefs.
"Look at you, pretty little thing getting excited over my cock. You're such a fucking whore, aren't you, baby?" Charlie's words did nothing but arouse you even more, making you feel even more turned on to the point your own wetness was seeping through your panties.
Bringing his pants and boxers down to the middle of his thighs, you took a few seconds to admire him in all his glory, starting with his face –covered by the mask– and going down his naked torso, ending with his fully erected dick, standing long, hard and with a certain girth before grabbing his cock in your hand, kissing his underside and then wrapping your lips around his reddish tip, lightly sucking and swirling your tongue around it while using your hand to stroke him slowly and teasingly to excite him even more. You kept doing this for a while before Charlie got tired of your teasing and put a hand on the back of your upper neck and brought your head forward, taking off your hand so you could bob your head easily.
"Fuck, you're doing so good, it's like you were made to suck dick, weren't you? Maybe that's why you always look so pretty with my cock in your mouth, right? What would everyone say if they saw you right now on your knees in front of the so known ghostface, sucking him off like the dirty fucking slut you are, hmm? You'd love that, wouldn't you, baby?"
Your boyfriend's choice of words only made you move your head even faster, trying to make him reach his orgasm with his hand still at the back of your neck controlling your movements. All you could hear were his groans along with his irregular breathing as he rutted his hips against your mouth, feeling you squeeze your lips around him and running your tongue on the underside as he came and let the milky white substance fill the inside of your cheeks, watching you swallow it all.
As soon as he finished, Charlie grabbed your arm and pulled you to your feet, your knees sore from being on the floor for too long, and, without saying a single word, bended your over the arm of your couch and pulled your pajama pants down, looking at the wetness of your pussy.
"God, you're so fucking wet, is this from sucking me off? Yeah? Do you want me to fuck you? Will you be a good girl and let me fuck you? Answer me or I'll make you fuck my shoe instead of me." He said, running his middle finger up and down your pussy, circling your clit every once in a while.
"Yes, y-yes, please fuck me, please..." You panted.
He didn't answer, simply pushing your head down and lifted your hips a little, making you arch your back, and started to rub the tip of his dick on your clitoris and then at your entrance, sliding in slowly to let you adjust to him before starting to move in a slow pace, soon speeding up the rhythm of his thrusts while paying attention to your light moans.
"Fucking hell, you're such a fucking whore, fucking a murderer in your living room when no one knows who and where he is, but you love it, don't you, darling?" The way Charlie was talking only added more fire to your veins and skin, making you try and push your hips back a little to meet his thrusts, when you felt his hands gripping your thighs and sliding up and around your hips, adding more force into his thrusts, only to bring a hand to the front of your body, towards your pussy, stroking your clit to bring you to the edge.
The house was so quiet that the sounds of skin slapping, erratic breathing, grunts and moans seemed loud on your ears but it only made the two of you more excited.
"Are you gonna cum? You want me to fill you up and stuff your pretty little pussy with my cum? Is that what you want? Cum for me then, c'mon, love, you can do it, cum." Charlie panted, his voice slightly baffled by the mask that he was still wearing.
"C-Cumming, cumming –fuck– I'm cumming..." You stuttered as you felt your legs starting to shake, feeling an orgasm coming to hit you body as you shivered, it being as strong and intense as an earthquake, feeling the spurts of cum painting the walls of your pussy, as Charlie came inside you.
After taking a few minutes to gather your breaths, Charlie pulled out of you and used his shirt to clean you up and pull up your pants after taking off his mask and buttoning his jeans. The two of you were staring at each other's eyes in silence before he decided to speak.
"I'm sorry. I really am." Those were his only words before looking at the floor, not being able to look you in the eye.
"It's okay, I love you and I still trust you with my life, and even when I shouldn't I won't report you."
"Thank you, I love you so much." Nothing else was said afterwards as you locked yourselves in a passionate kiss.
A/N: Jesus fucking christ this took me DAYS but tbh I'm just happy that it's already done😁 well I just hope that you guys enjoy the reading🤭
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stray-kaz · 9 months
First Blushes : a Monkey D. Luffy x f!reader oneshot
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Summary: Shy teenage reader and Luffy are gently coerced into admitting their feelings for one another.
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"You know, you could just tell him."
You jumped and stared up at Sanji, who had found you in your hiding spot, behind the mast but still able to see Luffy perched up high on the figurehead.
"Tell who what?" you blurted out, eyes wide.
He smiled gently at you.
"Luffy. Tell Luffy you like him."
You felt your face burn.
"I don't -"
"Honey" Sanji interrupted. "Everyone sees the way you look at him and listen to every crazy word that comes out of his mouth. We know. It's about time the boy does, too."
You bit your lip and chewed, thinking hard. Then you looked up at Sanji again, eyes big and wide.
"What if he doesn't like me?"
Sanji ruffled your hair.
"Only one way to find out, love."
"How do I tell him?"
"That's up to you. Sing it, shout it, vandalise his beloved Jolly Roger with it. Your choice."
You glowered at him.
"Well, he'd never believe me if I did that, genius" you retorted. "Or like me back."
Sanji grinned at you.
"Tell him. You might be surprised" he urged.
You snorted.
"Yes, surprised by how much heartbreak and rejection hurt."
Sanji rolled his eyes and gently pushed your shoulder.
"Are all teenagers so dramatic?" he sighed.
You sidled out of his reach and shrugged.
You blinked fast, something else suddenly occurring to you.
"Does Zoro know?"
"Zoro knows!" Nami called to you as she wandered past. "Zoro wants to lock you both in a room until you come to your youthful senses."
You dragged a hand down your face, groaning.
You made a beeline for your bedroom, not even looking up when Luffy passed you on his way to the deck and smiled, his whole face lighting up. His smile fell, though, when you didn't look at him, your gaze fixed on the floor, and he stopped to watch you disappear, your bedroom door slamming at your back.
He made his way out into the light and bounded over to Sanji.
"Is she okay?" he asked, glancing over his shoulder again in case you had returned.
Sanji shrugged, one corner of his mouth quirking up slightly. From the opposite end of the ship, he caught Zoro's eye and raised his voice.
"I'm not sure, Luffy. Perhaps you had better go and check on her. I think she was heading to her room."
Zoro put down his sword and stood up, heading down to them and casually following Luffy at a short distance as he spun on his heels and hurried back to your room at a trot.
From inside your room, you heard Luffy calling your name and knocking hard on your door.
"Are you okay?" he hollered through the wooden barrier. "You seemed sad!"
"I'm fine!" you yelled back, face down on your bed.
On the other side of the door, Luffy turned to Zoro and shrugged.
"She said she's fine."
Zoro rolled his eyes.
"She's not fine. That's just what girls say."
He reached around Luffy, opened the door and shoved him through the gap, then locked it from the outside and leaned against the wood, looking bored.
Inside your bedroom, you glanced up, shocked, when Luffy stumbled in and the door shut with a loud thud. The telltale sound of the lock had you off the bed and on your feet in record time.
"Roronoa Zoro, let us out!" you shouted, barreling past Luffy and hammering on your own door.
His voice came back through muffled.
"Not until you confess!"
Luffy stared at the back of your head, puzzled.
"Confess what?" he asked, reaching out to touch your arm.
At the brush of his fingers on your skin, you recoiled and he stepped back, dark eyes wide. You stiffened, then turned slowly to face him again, your expression contorted with guilt.
"Luffy, I didn't mean to" you said, agonised. "I'm sorry..."
He shook his head and avoided your eyes.
"I don't get it" he told you, still not looking. "You're never...icy with me. Why now? What did I do?"
"Nothing" you sighed uncomfortably, closing your eyes. "You have done absolutely nothing wrong, Luffy. You are always good."
He blinked rapidly at that admission.
"Then...why?" he asked again.
You glanced longingly at the closed bedroom door then back at Luffy. You sat down on the end of your bed and beckoned to him. He caught the movement out of the corner of his eye and looked at you again, his mouth set in a slight pout. But he sat next to you, keeping his hands folded in his lap, careful not to touch you again.
On the other side of the door, you could hear Zoro's shoulders shifting against the wood, his shirt rustling. The air in the room felt warmer than it should be, clogging your lungs and making it harder for you to breathe.
"Monkey" you said quietly, addressing him by his given name.
His eyebrows rose at the sound of it; you never called him Monkey. He murmured your name and tentatively reached for one of your hands, clasping it loosely in his on the cloudy duvet between you.
You took in a deep breath, unconsciously squeezing his hand. Then you very slowly turned to face him.
"I like you, Luffy" you said solemnly.
A broad smile spread across his face, his sunny eyes brightening.
"I like you, too!" he exclaimed, delighted.
You bit into your lip, shaking your head, heart in your throat.
"No" you said softly.
His eyebrows furrowed and another frown replaced his smile.
"What do you mean, 'no'?" he asked.
"No, I like like you" you admitted at last.
Luffy's hand tightened on yours and your eyes closed again.
"Um. Like Usopp likes Kaya?"
His voice was softer than usual and trembled a little in your ears. You nodded and then stood up off the bed, leaving his hand behind, empty on the duvet. Without glancing back at him, his jaw loosened, you walked over to the door and banged on it with both fists.
"I did it, Zoro! I confessed! Now let me out!"
You listened for the click and bolted past him, barely affording him a glance at your face before you were gone. Zoro leaned in through the doorway and eyed Luffy still sitting on the bed.
"She finally tell you?" he asked, eyebrows arched.
Luffy suddenly shoved off the bed and slammed through the open doorway, his brown eyes burning. Zoro flattened his back to the wall and watched him run.
You might have been light on your feet, but Luffy was faster, much faster, and he caught up to you just as you stepped onto the ship's deck. He snatched at your wrist, but you were both still moving forward and the momentum sent you both tumbling down, falling towards the deck.
You shut your eyes tightly, anticipating the blunt impact, but it never came. Luffy stretched and wrapped around you, landing on his back, your forehead jouncing off his collarbone. You stayed there for a little while, allowing yourself to soak in the feeling of his arms around you and his breath in your hair.
Time whipped by, though, and you forced yourself to push away from him, cheeks burning as he stared hard at you, his beautiful eyes darker than usual.
"I like you how Usopp likes Kaya, too" he said quietly, his hands sliding from your shoulders to your elbows.
Your eyes widened again and you stared back at him, surprised.
"You do?"
Luffy nodded, biting his lip.
"I do, yes."
You just continued to stare at him for a while longer and he started to squirm, scooting slightly away. You shook yourself out of it and reached for him; Luffy eyed your hands warily as your fingers closed around the brim of his straw hat. Your grip tightened as you grabbed hold of every bit of courage you possessed and dragged him forward until your lips met.
It was quick and uncertain contact, a swift brush of lips and warm breath mixing, and you withdrew like you'd been burned, lips tingling.
You crawled back off Luffy and rose to your feet, aware now of your audience of crew members. Your whole face on fire, you turned your back, but a quiet voice and a hand on yours stopped you.
"Please don't go."
You turned halfway around, eyebrows raised, but before you could say anything at all, Luffy kissed you back, hat tipped up on his head so it wouldn't get in your way. His mouth was eager and warm, with all the unbridled enthusiasm he gave to everything. You grabbed at his arms, searching for something to keep you on your feet.
When he pulled back to breathe, there were loud cheers and clapping. You glanced around at your friends, feeling hot and embarrassed but thrilled down to your toes.
"About damn time" Zoro said from the doorway.
You smiled shyly up at Luffy and the corners of his eyes crinkled.
"Can we do that again?"
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Tagging: @elizabeth-karenina @writingmysanity
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temilyrights · 23 days
Summary:  Emily Prentiss x GN!Reader. Spencer helps you come to the realisation that maybe you've been looking in the wrong place for happy ever after all this time, and the person of your dreams is right in front of your eyes.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: References to drinking alcohol, slight sexuality panic.
A/N: hi it's been a year and a half since i posted anything but i read a half finished fic and suddenly got inspiration?! anyway i've missed you all and i hope you enjoy <3 (my one emily gif because i've lost all my gifs :D i want to cry!!)
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How were you meant to know? Sure, you’d watched the movies and heard the songs just like everyone else, but no one had explained to you what it felt like. 
Plus, it wasn’t as if the movies were great demonstrations. They were always so dramatic, with tears and rain and running through airports. 
Spencer was the one, out of everyone, to point it out in the end. 
The whole team was gathered in JJ’s garden, a family event to mark the beginning of summer. Will and Hotch were grilling food on the BBQ, while JJ handed out alcohol that Rossi consumed generously, the kids were playing on Henry’s swing set, and Penelope, Derek, and Emily all spoke boisterously, their voices and laughter filling the garden. 
You stood to the side with Spencer, watching in bemusement. You had no idea what they were saying as they shouted excitedly at each other, but Emily was grinning, her cheeks flushed, and looking more carefree than you had seen her in a long time.  She was wearing a gorgeous blue vest top and jeans. You loved the top on her, it made her glow, complementing her skin and hair in a way that you couldn’t put accurately into words.  
Your heart stuttered, something that had been happening with increasing frequency recently, but you hadn’t given it much thought.
“Can I ask you something?” Spencer said abruptly as his fingers drummed against the side of the cider bottle in his hand. 
You turned slightly to look at him, your brows furrowed at his thoughtful expression. You nodded, “Of course.” 
“Why—" He hesitates. You smile reassuringly at him and he takes a breath before continuing, “It’s not really my business, but I’ve watched the two of you and I guess I'm just confused as to why you’re not dating.” 
Your eyes widen in surprise but he continues. 
“I thought maybe you two were just keeping it a secret from the team, but it’s been years and neither of you have said anything, plus Emily gets this sad look in her eyes sometimes and I think if you were together she wouldn’t, and—”
“Me and Emily?” You stammer, “Why would you think…Emily and I-” 
Spencer’s brows shoot up. 
“She’s one of my closest friends. I don’t…I’m not…”
Your heart beat speeds up and you tug on the collar of your shirt to cool yourself down. 
You didn’t understand, Emily was your best friend. You knew she was a lesbian but you weren’t. You liked men. 
“But you don’t look at the rest of us the way you look at Emily.” Spencer says softly. “You look at her like she’s the sun. Like the world turns because of her.” 
You shake your head. 
“You love her.” 
No. No. No.
You didn’t. You’d know if you were in love, and okay, so maybe you’d never been in love before but loving a woman had never once crossed your mind. It’s not like you were against it, you'd just never thought about it. Why would you? You dated men. 
…you dated men and felt very little. Your relationships have always been short, and when the men would finally leave you’d feel nothing but relief as if the relationships were draining the happiness out of you. 
But you’d know if you’d like women, surely? Sure, Emily made your heart clench and your stomach swirl. Sure, every time you saw her you’d smile wider and maybe you thought about her often but that’s what friendship was, right? 
You gulp.
Spencer and Penelope were also your close friends, and you did think of them often and enjoy their company but it was different. 
You’d set Penelope up on a date with your friend just like week, but last month there’d been a detective flirting with Emily and you’d been in a terrible mood the entire time. The team had smirked and you hadn’t understood, only thought how unprofessional the detective was being and oh, oh. 
You loved her.
You didn’t know. 
You really didn’t know. 
No one had told you that this is what it felt like. You hadn’t known. 
A hand on your arm jolts you, and brings Emily’s concerned face into focus. “Hey, are you okay?” She asks, brows drawn together.
A couple of tears had made their way down your cheeks without your permission. Embarrassment burns through you and all that comes out of your mouth is an urgent, “I didn’t know.”
Her frown only depends, rightfully confused, and you don’t know what to say. Too many thoughts rushing through your brain all at once. 
Spencer and Derek stand together a few steps away, whispering hurriedly to each other. You catch your name and Spencer’s worried, “I didn’t think this would be the reaction.” Emily is only focused on you, and doesn’t seem to notice their conversation. 
“What do you need?” She asks, hand still touching your arm and it’s all too much. 
You shake your head, stepping away from the hand that burns your skin. “I just need a minute.” You say, already walking away and into the house where the world is a little bit quieter and there are no watchful eyes. 
You wipe away the tears and take deep steadying breaths as your heart beat slows down. 
You find a glass and fill it with water with shaky hands. You had no idea what happened to your cider. 
You lift the glass to your lips and take a couple of sips, feeling yourself steady even more as you focus on simple actions. You sense when Emily enters the room, able to pinpoint the tread of her boots against the others with ease, and really how had this ever come as a surprise to you?
How had you failed to notice something so glaringly obvious? Emily Prentiss. How many years have you wasted failing to notice her? Going on dates with meaningless men, running yourself in circles and feeling guilty for not feeling enough when that woman makes you feel everything. 
And you weren’t going to waste another minute. 
Your shoulders set as you come to your decision and you place the empty glass of water down on the counter. Emily, equally as tuned to you, notices the change in your stance and from the other side of the room asks, “Ready to talk about what happened outside?” 
You turn around to face her, and your breath catches in your throat slightly. Wow. 
The sun shining in through the window is lighting up half her face, making her dark eyes sparkle more than normal, and bringing out the silver tones in her raven hair. 
“Y/N?” She prompts, brows drawing back together in concern as she approaches you. 
You shake your head, dispelling the thoughts. “We can talk about what happened outside another time. I actually have something else I need to ask you.” 
Emily’s head tilts slightly, confusion masking her expression. “Okay?” 
You blow out a breath, and gathering all your confidence, ask, “How would you like to go out to dinner with me Friday night?” 
“Oh,” Emily smiles, shrugging, clearly still confused. “Yeah, of course, did you want to finally try that new sushi place?” 
You sigh, “No Emily. For a date.”
Her eyes widen, “Oh, oh, uh.” There’s silence for a moment and then “Yes,” As a massive smile spreads across her face and a laugh ripples from her mouth. “What? Are you serious?” 
You can’t help but laugh too, your cheeks warming. “Yes. I’d love to take you out for dinner, if you’re agreeable.”
Her eyes turn soft as her hand reaches out and squeezes your arm, causing butterflies in your stomach. “I would love that more than anything.” 
“It’s a date then.” You smile, eyes dropping down briefly to her lips. 
“It’s a date.” She agrees. 
It may be only five days away but god you would do anything to bend time and move it closer. You’ve waited years, what’s another five days…
taglist: @ry-kills-jemily @sapphic-stress @xrainydazeteax @mckennamayfairgoode @dalexandriag16 @enduringalexblake @augustvandyne @themoontaxi @prentissology @alexbllake @alexblakeswife @quinnharkness @ssa-sapphic @storiesofsvu @strongsassysexysloane (i have you all listed as being on my taglist but i know its been over a year so if you wanna be removed pls just message me/fill out the form linked on my masterlist and i can take you off <3)
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violetrainbow412-blog · 8 months
Day 26: drunken confession
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
Another one a little long that I love. I hope you like it :)
"Hey, look who's coming over there!"
Morgan's cheerful voice forced Spencer to look up from the bar and it was then that you could see that Derek hadn't lied when he called you: he seriously was hopelessly drunk.
"Y/N!" he shouted, slurring his words and grinning from ear to ear as he opened his arms to fling himself in your direction. Luckily you closed the distance to grab him to keep him from falling off the wooden bench he was on "How did you know I wanted to see you?"
You heard Morgan let out a chuckle at this, as if he hadn't had to listen to his incessant pleas for him to call you, since Spencer was pretty clear that only under those conditions would he return home.
"Oh, I can read your mind, didn't you know that?" you joked and he, whose reality was completely altered, widened his eyes in astonishment as if he genuinely believed your words.
"I'm sorry for upsetting you, it's just that he can be very stubborn at times" Morgan apologized.
You two knew each other because of your common friendship with Spencer and on more than one occasion members of the unit had included you in their activities, so there was a degree of trust.
"Why did he get drunk, anyway?" you muttered, with the man still in your arms and his head buried firmly in your neck "I mean, he... you know, he doesn't do it because of his streak of sobriety”
"I honestly don't know. He just asked me to join him here and he ordered one cocktail and then another and well, he ended up like this."
That didn't sound like Spencer, for you knew that if there was one thing the man had, it was strong willpower to stay free of anything that would alter his body chemistry. You were suddenly worried that something had happened and he hadn't told you, although judging by the state he was in it wasn't the most appropriate time to find out. Still, you could try later.
"I'm tired, I want to go home" he complained, rubbing his nose against the skin of your bare shoulder. You didn't think Spencer would get so clingy under the effects of alcohol, because of that whole germ thing, so you were slightly surprised to feel how he was holding you so tightly.
"Do you want me to help you carry him?" asked Morgan and after your friend got off the bench you looked at him for a second, checking that with a little of your help he could still stand to walk to your car.
"Don't worry. Everything under control”
"Are you sure?"
"One hundred percent”
"Well, in that case I'll see you later. Bye kiddo, be sure to call me when you're home."
"Bye, Morgan!" he hiccupped cheerfully, waving goodbye to his friend and getting a pat on the shoulder.
You two stumbled to the parking lot, but with enough luck you made it to your car in one piece and once there you were able to throw him into the passenger seat, making sure to buckle him in before starting.
Once you started the engine, you asked your friend if he was ready for you to leave, and since Spencer's entire body was turned in your direction, it wasn't hard to notice his nod to your question.
You waited until you were a couple of blocks ahead before finally speaking, though you knew full well that he would answer truthfully to whatever you were going to ask him.
"Hey, Spencer”
"I'm not mad at you, but... Can I know why you drank?"
Out of the corner of your eye you saw him take a moment to ponder what had really been the reason for all that, and you waited patiently, until he finally got up the nerve to say something.
"I was sad”
"And I felt lonely" he completed. The red light allowed you to turn and look at him, and then you met his big, beautiful, melancholic honey-colored eyes. 
"You could have just called me"
“But you knew I needed to see you, right? Why didn’t you ever tell me you could read minds?”
You laughed at his innocence and just shook your head, incredulous to see how a genius had fallen to that level just for a couple of drinks. But you were still worried about what kind of emotional problem your friend was now afflicting and why he hadn't had the confidence to tell you, because after all you were supposed to tell each other everything and support each other. It had always been like this.
You wanted to ask him something else, but you noticed that Spencer's eyes had already closed suddenly, so you thought it would be best to wake him up until you were finally home.
“Reid,” you called softly, once you parked outside the building and unbuckled his seatbelt. He seemed oblivious to everything and for a second you feared you would have to leave him sleeping there until the next morning “Come on. Up"
As best you could, you managed to put his arm around your shoulders and half carry him to the entrance, making sure there were no gossiping eyes when you struggled to open the front door. You thought the staircase would be the most difficult, but fortunately he acquired a certain lucidity that lightened your load after the first step.
“Hi,” he greeted you, speaking too close to your face and smiling from ear to ear, as if he had just noticed your presence.
“Hello, hot stuff” you replied amused and your friend's cheeks blushed violently at your compliment, staying that way until you managed to reach the door with the number 23.
Once inside you managed to lead him to the small bed where he slept and then you let out a sigh of relief; he watched you from where you stood, still with that dizzy expression.
“It was difficult, but we're finally here, huh?”
“I have already been thinking about it very seriously. And I don't think you can read my mind," he said, sounding quite convinced “I mean, although there has been evidence that it's still not scientifically possible, you would need... you would need a lot of things that right now I don't know what they are, but that I know you don't have”
You giggled and then knelt next to the mattress to be closer to him, stretching one of your hands enough to brush his hair away from his forehead. Spencer smiled at your touch.
“You got me, I can't read your mind. Because if that were the case, I would walk in there right now…” with the tip of your finger you gently touched his forehead, bringing a smile to him “to find out what is making you so sad”
“Even if you wanted to, you couldn't. I'm not thinking about that.”
"No? And then what do you think about?” you asked gently.
Your smile was calm and you were very close to him, admiring with amusement the signs of drunkenness that were still in him. Spencer, as much as the situation allowed, was also watching you, although this time there was something different about him. While your friend looked at you fondly every time, now he seemed completely enthralled with you.
“It's not about that”
“Does it have anything to do with your mom?” 
“No, she's fine.”
"And then?" you insisted. He just kept watching you “Come on, what is that wonderful mind thinking?”
It took Spencer a second to respond.
"Me?" You murmured in a light voice. “And why do you think about me?”
You wanted to know what it was about, however, nothing could have prepared you for the response you were going to receive.
“I'm thinking about how pretty you are. And how much I want to kiss you right now”
You unconsciously leaned back, and to say you were surprised was an understatement, because you were completely taken aback. Although you had clearly heard every word drawn from his tongue, your mind was wondering if he had seriously confessed that he wanted to kiss you.
“Huh… what…?”
“I think about how much I want to kiss you all the time, actually. Every time I see you, and smell your perfume, and I see your smile, and you touch me... it's like you drive me completely crazy”
“Y-You don't know what you're saying,” you stammered, feeling those words unreal. “You're very drunk.” 
"It's true, but even if I am, I know well what I feel. And I know that I am so in love with you. As you can't imagine."
Even though he was drunk he sounded totally sure of what he was saying and he couldn't do anything but terrify you. Spencer wasn't supposed to be in love with you, you didn't even believe he was capable of harboring feelings of that nature for you. If you were honest, you didn't feel scared by what he was saying, but what worried you most was that you didn't know how to feel about it.
You were barely deciding what would be the right answer when he beat you to it:
“Why did you have to go out with that boy?”
“The one from your social network”
Your mind had to recalibrate so you could now focus on what he was referring to and understand that he was probably talking about your last date. You had met this guy online that you had liked and with whom you had made a date last week, just to be able to distract yourself a little from the routine of your work and, with a bit of luck, maybe think of a candidate for the future. 
It was obvious that you had told your friend and although you thought he was happy for you, you now knew that, surely, that wasn’t the case.
“Are you angry about that?”
"I'm sad!" he corrected you. The thought of him breaking his streak for you made you feel nauseous and if you could you would have told him it was a totally stupid reason "You're my friend and you're so pretty and you're going to date an idiot that I'm not”
“You're not an idiot.”
“But you don't want to date me either”
You were quiet for a moment, your brain practically burning to find the right words. You were afraid that one bad answer would hurt your friend or that another would give him false hope, because you didn't even know if you felt the same way about him to begin with. The confession had caught you so off guard that you needed time. Just a few hours, or maybe a day, to put in order the whirlwind of emotions that danced inside you so that you can offer a verdict.
Besides, Spencer was madly drunk, how could you trust the words of someone who was intoxicated?
“We'll talk about this tomorrow, okay?” you said at last, reaching out to caress his cheek as if you could offer some sort of comfort. “You're not up to it right now”
“Maybe you're not even real,” he mused, lost in whatever was on his mind “I'm just dreaming about you again.”
“Oh, I assure you, I'm very real,” you huffed, feeling the suffocating weight of the entire situation settle on your chest. “I just don't want to rush things. I need time and you need sleep”
"You love me?"
That wasn't a question, it was a plea. And it was breaking your heart not to be able to answer something to those crystallized eyes that were looking for some positive sign in your own cloudy gaze. 
“Spencer, I… Why don’t we discuss it tomorrow?”
“I just want to know if you love me,” he insisted. One of his hands shakily rose to your chest and planted himself there firmly, the tips of his fingers reaching your shoulder.
"Of course I love you. I love you a lot"
"But you love me?" 
You just wanted to hug him and maybe give him that kiss he wanted so much, but your mind kept screaming at you that you would be taking advantage of your drunk friend and that you couldn't know if that would be something you would regret.
You took a deep breath to maintain your composure and with the hand that had previously been on his cheek you took charge of holding his hand, still at the level of your heart.
“I will answer you tomorrow, when you can understand the answer, okay? I promise you"
Spencer smiled, defeated, and finally nodded his head. From his perspective there was no longer any hope, your response to what he felt was negative. 
“Can you at least stay with me until I fall asleep?”
"Yes, yes, of course. I'll stay as long as you want, honey”
“I like it when you call me that,” he murmured tenderly and quietly, as if he were afraid of saying the wrong thing. But when you smiled at him that worry dissipated.
“I'll make sure to remember it.”
You stayed in silence for a while, which was only broken when you asked him if he wanted you to turn off the light. He said no and then you stayed where you were, still holding his hand.
It took you a bit to convince him that to sleep he had to close his eyes, because he refused to stop looking at you. After a few minutes of him doing it, you began to see the first signs that he was falling into the realm of dreams.
“Y/N” he called to you, just when he was between the limbo of consciousness and unconsciousness.
“I hope you love me tomorrow”
You stayed with him until you checked that he was sound asleep, as you had promised, and then you returned home. You didn't even sleep that night, tossing and turning in bed for hours while your brain racked to understand what your heart was feeling.
And at least one thing was certain, that, the next morning, when you returned to Spencer's apartment with breakfast in one hand and his favorite coffee in the other, you already had an answer.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @vivian-555 @r-3dlips @rhiannonhippiegirl @taygrls @simp4f1 @sdddoobydoobydoo @taintedstranger @missabsey
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lurkingshan · 3 months
Unknown Episode 6
Well, we wanted them to bring the pain, and my god did they do it. If you had any remaining doubt that this show knows exactly what it's doing with this story, this episode surely put it to rest. There were so many excellent scenes this week, and not all of them are strictly from the source material. I'm going to walk through the episode by favorite moments, because there is so much worthy of discussion here.
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That first scene between Qian and Yuan, when Qian put his hand on Yuan's face and expressed his worry, was original to the show, and it got me right in the heart. It is exhausting to love someone you know won't love you back in the same way, and Yuan has been crumbling under the burden of trying to restrain his feelings while staying close to Qian. That Qian is both the source of his comfort and his agony makes it all so much harder, and Qian's blinders to Yuan's feelings means he is constantly making it worse for Yuan without meaning to.
I also loved the whole sequence at the H.O.T. party, from Yuan arriving sad and sick and vulnerable only to see Feng Ning getting cozy with his brother, to Qian knowing instantly that something was wrong with Yuan and becoming distracted, to Qian and Feng Ning's chat clearing up their relationship and the show allowing her to be awesome and not at all villainous about it, to Qian following Yuan into the backroom for the confrontation. It was a short sequence but it all built masterfully to the moment we've been waiting for since episode 1.
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And what a scene that was. I loved that it began with Qian trying to care for Yuan like he always does. He is at a work event but he cannot focus on anything else until he knows Yuan is okay. But Yuan has hit his limit while his guard was down, and it all finally comes spilling out in the worst way possible. The emotions of this scene were perfect--Qian was truly shocked, deeply upset, and importantly, betrayed by Yuan crossing this boundary and imploding their relationship. And Yuan is also feeling upset and betrayed, because he has always counted on Qian to accept him no matter what, and in this moment, Qian failed him by rejecting him in a way he never has before. They are both clearly devastated to have this relationship ruined because for both of them, it is the most important one in their lives.
It's not surprising that Qian goes into full avoidance mode in the aftermath; he has no idea how to navigate his conflicting instincts. He doesn't want to reject Yuan and in fact it hurts him deeply to do so, but he can't accept him either. He's too shell shocked and angry to return to caretaking, but the guilt is clearly eating at him. So he hides, and finds a way to keep avoiding it by sending Yuan away. And this led to two more fantastic scenes, because this show cares about all its characters and the entire family unit, not just the two leads.
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First, San Pang and Yuan. I love that despite making many mistakes and ultimately accelerating the implosion between the brothers, San Pang is not intentionally being malicious here. He is genuinely trying to help because he loves both Qian and Yuan, he doesn't want Qian to be hurt by Yuan's feelings, and he is clearly hoping Yuan can move on from it if he intervenes. Yuan knows this too, which is why he does not hate him despite his interference, and why he feels comfortable pushing San Pang to explain why his love for Qian is such a bad thing. I love that the show went here, and that San Pang couldn't come up with a logical reason why it's wrong. It just feels wrong to him, and isn't that the case with so much cultural taboo?
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Second, I love this show so much for not forgetting Lili in all of this. Her increasing anxiety and fear at seeing her brothers' relationship fall apart without understanding why was so heartbreaking. This is her family, and she has had her own very rough childhood and survived parental abandonment too, and suddenly everything is blowing up and no one will explain it to her. Yuan clearly doesn't want to leave her anymore than he does Qian, but at this point he's not being left with much choice. And Qian is not in a headspace to offer her any explanation or comfort. I'm glad her pain was not overlooked.
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The way this episode ended, with Yuan setting off for a lonely stint abroad, and Qian not even giving him a proper goodbye, was the final touch of heartbreak. Qian loves his brother so much, and I think he'll regret sending him away so coldly when he is finally able to process what happened here--he may already be starting to regret it, judging by the forlorn look on his face as he leaned in his doorway recalling their memories together. I was glad that at least he left Yuan a token to take with him; he can't face him right now, but he does care. Some time apart will likely do them some good, but in the meantime there will be a lot of loneliness in both their lives. This show hurts so good.
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elliespuns · 4 months
The whole scene where Ellie is leaving Dina and JJ is so heavy, it makes it harder for me to breathe. One would say the only horrible thing about this scene is the fact that Ellie is leaving, choosing Abby over her family. But there's more than that, and it's killing me.
When Dina comes downstairs and sees Ellie packing her bag, she appears unaware of what is happening. But in fact, she is well aware. She knows it as soon as she wakes up and finds out that Ellie is not in the bed. And what makes this scene so heavy is the way Dina tries to convince herself that THIS is not happening AGAIN. The way she just smiles and starts talking about JJ so casually, as if she didn't catch Ellie packing her bag to leave her. She doesn't want to admit it to herself. She can't admit it to herself, even though she already knows. She knows Ellie has already made up her mind when she sees her in Joel's jacket in the dark.
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The way she says, "Come back to bed." and turns around, praying for Ellie to change her mind in that moment. But that doesn't happen. Instead, Ellie speaks up, and we see in the way Dina closes her eyes how the crushing feeling of losing Ellie suddenly becomes so real and palpable to her. She doesn't need to admit it to herself anymore. It's happening, and it's so hard to accept.
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We finally see that Ellie is not the only one struggling. They were both there in Seattle when it all came down. "For you and for him, I deal with it." Dina says and we realize that maybe if it weren't for the two of them, she would be a wreck too.
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But to realize it, Dina and the way Ellie treats her in this scene is not the only one to get sad over. Ellie has her reasons, and knowing what she went through and who she lost, we can't blame her for them. This makes this moment much more painful because we know Ellie is living her family life in denial. We know this has nothing to do with Dina or JJ. Ellie has always loved them. But she's not doing well, bottling up her feelings. She doesn't sleep, doesn't eat, has panic attacks and bad memories to remind her every step of the way of just how big of a hole there is in her heart. They have a beautiful home, but they aren't happy—maybe at heart, but not inside their heads. Dina has always known there was going to be a time like this where Ellie's bad memories win, and Ellie lives her life pretending everything is fine because she doesn't want to hurt the people she loves the most.
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Also, we can see how deeply Ellie hurts by choosing to leave Dina. When she says, "I love you." and Dina wants her to prove it, Ellie knows she can't. And it has nothing to do with the feelings she has for Dina. She loves her, there's no doubt about that. But she can't go on like this. She can't rest until she gets closure. This way, she'd finally be able to give Dina what she deserves. She feels like shit, it hurts her so bad knowing that Dina has always been there for her, choosing her over anything else—almost dying because of her. And now, when the tables have turned, she's not able to do the same for her. She's leaving her instead, and it hurts so fucking bad.
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"I'm not gonna do this again." is when Dina breaks up with Ellie, and through a heavy heart, Ellie lets her because she knows it's for the best. She knows she's weighing her down, and she believes Dina will be better off without her. That's why her answer is more of a cold one, "That's up to you." because Ellie needs to give Dina a reason to think she doesn't deserve her love; all to make it easier on her to let her go. I just can't.
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skyeslittlecorner · 3 months
As someone who's craving whb contents, i love ur scenarios so muchhhhhhh
I've seen the smol kings and it was so cute :33
Can i request the kings with smol mc, but maybe slight angsty because Mc lost their parents when they're young and stuff...
I'm so happy you find this entertaining, because I'm not going to stop lmao You're stuck with me. Poor things. Love you too
We've already had kings with a little shy MC, now it's time to see how they deal with a sad or crying one
We may say it's a little continuation of this request
Satan will let you cry if you want. Expressing emotions is healthy. He told himself that you can do whatever you want, even if it means yelling and snotting on his shirt. That doesn't mean he'll leave you alone; he'll hug you, and you can bury your face in his shoulder, covered with soft hair that smells like sunny cat fur. Safe and hidden from the whole world. If you're frustrated and want to beat him with your little fists, he's there for you, too. He understands your pain, as he also lost loved ones. Loses people every day in the war... he knows what it's like when your emotions control you more than you control them. Although you express it in a much less destructive way than he does. Maybe deep down, he envies you for being able to afford something like that.
Mammon will be very concerned. His little master is unhappy? Why, can he do something about it? Cuddled against a large chest and tucked into huge arms, you feel safe. But... unfortunately your pain doesn't come from outside, where Mammon can protect you, but from inside. He will rock you and try to gently distract you. He knows you very well. Whether it's a design show or just a playground, Mammon knows what you like and will take you there to cheer you up. And all his nobles will join him. You can count on hugs from Eligos and be carried in Valefor's arms, even Bimet will let you play and fly on his skulls.
Beelzebub, like Mammon, will try to comfort you, but in a less gentle way. Are you crying? These are definitely bad memories. He is also often tormented, and he has a way to deal with it. Break them down like soreness. You won't even have time to cry properly. Cuddled in his arms, you suddenly feel the strong smells of spices. Is this an Indian bazaar? Beel will grab vada pav for you and for himself, and while eating street food, you will watch how other snacks are prepared. A few moments later, you will find yourself in front of the coliseum, where you will watch an artist painting landscapes with sprays. (By the way, Italy, mafia, Beel feels at home here, don't let him into the fireworks stands.) Snowy Carpathians, mustangs on the prairies, atolls of coral reefs, when such a colorful kaleidoscope flashes before your eyes, you won't have time to cry. Beel will only breathe when you fall asleep in his arms. Even though he was entertaining and laughing with you the whole time, there was a boulder in his chest. Only passing tourists who see a handsome man with a child in his arms, sitting by the fireplace and staring into the flames, will be able to see that he is hunched over with worry.
Leviathan isn't the happiest when you're crying on his shoulder. You will see this, and you will want to run away from him, but he will grab you in his arms before you can. Who let you? It's better that no one sees you like this. Come. You will stay with him. He will wipe your tears with a tissue and tell you to blow your nose. Even if you are scared, over time, when you sit with him, you will realize that there is nothing to be afraid of. It's quiet and safe around. You won't even be warned for disturbing him at work. He will spend as much time with you as you need. But what will shock you the most... is his voice. He will walk with you in his arms and start humming softly. A voice more beautiful than an angel's, you will listen like a charm, although it is a purr quieter than a whisper. He simply did what he would like to receive if he were a crying child.
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mxqdii · 9 months
angst to fluff matt sturniolo but he's stubborn about talking it out with reader so it lasts long to the point where reader gets frustrated yk? maybe this is too specific 😭 also if u do this, do it however!!
did you mean it? - m.s
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pairings: matt sturniolo x reader
summary: matt accidentally says "i love you" and just pretends it never happened, leaving the reader sad and conflicted.
warning(s): angst, confession, crying? (idk help 😭)
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"this is why i fell in love with you" he says and i freeze
he loves me?
i look at him, blank expression on my face
(which is definitely not how my mind is reacting)
his face turns bright red
"you-" i start but get interrupted
"i didn't mean it like that" he says and i feel my heart drop
"oh, okay.." i say, almost in a whisper
my heart just shattered into a million pieces. matt, my boyfriend, the love of my life, doesn’t mean it like that.
we continue making dinner, the awkward silence filling the room.
suddenly nick and chris come downstairs, and for some reason i'm actually thankful for it.
they start talking to us but my mind is elsewhere, maybe it's my fault. i mean, i didn't say it back fast enough which could've caused matt to second guess, or he just didn't mean it, or-
"y/n you there?" nick says and i snap out of my thoughts
"yeah! yeah im here.." i say with a dry tone and a short smile
i'm too upset to be cheerful right now.
we finish making dinner and finish eating, which is when me and matt decide to watch a movie.
throughout the film, i noticed how matt started acting like nothing happend
i hate it.
i feel like we should at least talk about it, or like.. mention it again?
maybe it wasn't that big of a deal
maybe i should let it go
or maybe, matt is being stubborn.
"matt" i say, abruptly
"yes love?" he says and i feel shivers go down my spine
do i really wanna ruin this? now?
i just am so in my head i cannot leave things like that.
"i- uh.." my words get caught in my throat and i feel like i can't get out what i wanna say
maybe it's for the better.
"i'm gonna go, home- yeah." i say
"oh, okay." he answered
i quickly grab my keys and jacket, saying bye to nick and chris, then giving matt a quick hug and immediately leaving.
fuck fuck fuck, what do i even do.
i get home and feel a sense of lonliness, emptiness fill me.
i can't help but burst into tears
i messed up
i don't know why my mind immediately went to it being my fault, i guess that's just my instinct, matt was actually the one who noticed i always assumed things were my fault, so he would always reassure me thing's weren't.
after that whole situation earlier though, things are different this time.
the thought of matt makes me cry harder.
minutes pass, then hours, and suddenly its been a day.
it's currently 10pm, the last time i heard from matt was yesterday, when i left his house actually..
i've been crying all day just watching TV
i am a mess.
suddenly i get a knock on the door
i wipe my tears, running to the bathroom to make sure my nose and eyes arent red anymore (which thankfully arent)
i look fine, i look like i've been fine.
i run back to the door, quickly opening it, knowing i've kept whoever waiting long enough
i go speechless, like, i literally don't have the words, and even if i did, i'm not sure what i'd say.
"you're a mess" he says, breaking the silence
"i'm not a mess" i exclaim and he looks down with a laugh
"i can tell you've been crying" he adds on, confirming his 'i'm a mess' comment.
fuck, this boy knows me too well.
i open the door wider, gesturing him to come in.
"so.. why are you here.." i ask and he turns around to face me
"because i'm stubborn and you're frustrated." he replies, causing me to look at him in confusion
"i've never lied to you, until last night. i do love you y/n, i should've said it but i just- i couldn't. and then i got scared and tried to ignore it, causing me to be distant. but every second we didn't talk i was thinking about it- i was thinking about you."
all this information is too much for my slow brain to process
"so you- you meant it? you love me?" i repeat and he steps closer to me
"yes y/n, i love you" he states and i smile
he puts his hands on my waist and kisses me
we pull away, still inches away from eachother
"i love you too matt."
@strniolo @stargirlv0id @annaisabookworm
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creedslove · 5 months
Hi Mari 👋
I've been having Javier Peña brainrot... and I need to tell someone 😭😭
So reader and javi work together, reader is married but her and javi become friends and get closer and closer until they have smex, she feels so guilty after and says they can't talk anymore and completely ignores him.
Then at a work function after a few drinks Javi tells her 'it's hurts me not to be able to talk to you', reader says 'you're a good looking man javi, you could talk to anyone of the girls here', javi says he doesn't want any of the girls here and 'you're all I think about' and then he walks off.
Later reader asks to talk to him and says did u mean what u said earlier? Then they kiss and have smex again basically.
ily 💋
Javier Peña x f!reader
Warnings: mentions of sex, infidelity, marriage issues, javier peña who comes with his own warning ⚠️
A/N: I totally understand it bestie, Javi is like an addiction, he makes me feel like an animal in heat, I'm sorry it took me a while, I had a bit of a writer's block, but hopefully I'm back at writing again ❤️🫶
2.3k words
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You had a good husband, you really did, amongst all your friends and all the stories one could call horror stories about what an awful man they decided to marry, you had been lucky. Michael was a kind and patient man, he treated you well, your parents liked him since you were both each other's college sweethearts and he wasn't bad looking at all. He might have not been the most handsome man you'd seen, nor the brightest and most fearless, he was safe, so safe it was kind of boring, and yet you knew you didn't have the right to feel that way, after all, Michael left his life behind to come to Colombia, during the most dangerous time to ever travel to that place all in order to support you and your career. You loved your husband, it had been so long you got used to him and that feeling, but you weren't so sure if loving and caring was the same as being in love with him. Passion was different, but before coming all the way to Colombia, facing danger and the excruciating heat on a daily basis, that was the kind of thought that didn't even cross your mind, however, it all changed when you met him.
Javier Peña.
At first you recall not actually liking him, you'd heard of his reputation of course - who hadn't to be honest?! - and you already had decided you didn't like him, you had this whole picture made up in your mind and you'd decided by yourself you wouldn't give that man the time of the day. It would've worked if you weren't so starstrucked the first time you met him. Even if you didn't show, you were so surprised it was almost at a shock level. Javier Peña was simply breathtaking. He was handsome, a singular kind of handsome, there was something about him, about his looks that drew women to him. There was something about his eyes, sad and glimmery, his side profile, something you had never paid attention to before, but suddenly you did, and his was just so attractive and those lips. The most kissable lips you'd ever seen. You couldn't believe that gorgeous man was the same obnoxious one you'd heard of since you began working at the office, you supposed it made sense for two main reasons: if he attracted women like a magnet there had to be a motive for it, besides, he was one of those cases of being it too good to be true. You remembered making a mental note to not get near him.
It would've been easier, if in addition of being the most handsome man you'd ever seen, Javier Peña wasn't also the nicest guy you'd ever met. He wasn't nice like your husband was typically the nice guy, whether that was a good thing or not; Javi was different, he was nice as in… sweet. Something you wouldn't really expect him to be after hearing about his reputation, but he was. Exclusively, he was sweet to you. He was kind, gentle and patient. He wouldn't be able to tell exactly why he was that soft on you, it wasn't simply an attraction - of course you were pretty and he would've made a move if he ever had a chance to -, but that wasn't his regular flirty self. There was more to it, he could feel it, he enjoyed your presence, your voice, the whiffs of perfume you left around he could've sworn it got stuck on his shirt which made him smell you on him even when he was home by himself.
He remembered seeing you for the first time; you were nervous, starting your new position in a new place, one where stress and tension simply ran loose, not knowing anyone there and yet you stroked a confident pose. He had scanned you up and down, enjoying what he was seeing, but when he lay eyes on your hands - a personal favorite - he saw the golden band and knew he should back off. You were married and he respected that no matter what.
Still, it seemed something was preventing the two of you from staying apart, as you and Javi simply hit off. He was nice and gentle and you were funny and pleasant, and those were very precious qualities in such a heavy work environment. It didn't take you both to become friends, and soon enough you were inseparable at work. You've had work friendships before, you weren't a stranger to it, but the fact that it did happen to you and Javi was unexpected, at the same time it felt you couldn't keep away. It wasn't a problem to be constantly around each other when you were at the office, but it was a problem when you couldn't keep your mind away from Javi when you were at home. Even if you tried not to think of him all the time, you still did it, often wondering if he was home or if he'd gone out, if he had female company or if he was having a calm night in just watching TV and eating takeout, if he thought of you outside work the same way you did.
The answer was yes, even if he didn't tell you that, he kept thinking of you. More like he kept torturing himself with the prospect of you and your husband living your casual married life; it was insane, he never really cared about marriages and commitments to that extent, but he couldn't help himself and think of you and your husband sleeping together, having meals together, going sightseeing on the weekends in order to get familiar to the city you were living in, things he knew it was normal for a married couple to do, so why did it bother him and above all, why did he closed his eyes and pictured himself instead of your husband?!
As much as Javier didn't want to dwell into it, the closeness you continued to straighten over the months fueled those mutual feelings more and more, and eventually you and Javi opened up on a personal level. He told you he'd left his young bride at the altar and that he carried that guilt with him for a decade, no matter how many times she assured him she'd forgiven him. And you finally admitted your marriage wasn't as perfect as many people assumed. It straightened your bond with Javi and the confessions quickly brought more subjects into the conversation, to the point you and Javi wouldn't go a day without having a conversation, you just needed each other's presence around and that dependency on each other led to the inevitable with Javier Peña: you slept with him.
It happened after the night Carrillo was killed; he was caught in a trap set by Escobar and it was by pure luck Javi wasn't among the dead body count. When you heard the news, you felt as if your heart had been ripped off your chest, the despair and the panic before the possibility of having lost Javier. You couldn't even bear the possibility of not seeing him again, not talking to him and when you stormed into his room and found him sat down drinking and looking the most miserable you'd ever seen. You didn't think twice, you ran to him, to his arms and kissed him.
From that kiss, things escalated to Javi fucking you on his desk, thrusting into you in a rough way, his groans and moans filling you up with his thick cock, his big hands slapping your ass occasionally and the way his lips called you cariño and it was enough for you to be lost in his touch, drowning into the wave of pleasure no man has ever made you feel. But just being railed on his desk wasn't enough, that was why after getting dressed in a sloppy way, Javi drove you to his place, he needed more of you, so he took you again, over and over, fucking you on his couch, his bed, and he would've done it plenty more if you hadn't said goodbye by pecking his lips and running home. It broke his heart to know you couldn't stay, he hadn't quenched the hunger he felt for you, quite the opposite, the desire he was feeling was almost inhuman, craving someone he knew he couldn't have, it gutted him.
You, on the other hand, found yourself so confused at everything that had happened; guilt, passion, lust, sadness, all of it overflowing you and causing a knot on your stomach, you felt you could throw up at any minute, especially the moment you faced your husband. How could you?!
At the same time, wondering how could you resist Javier?! He was irresistible and the only way out would be pretending nothing really happened between the two of you.
The next morning, you both showed up to work, dark circles under your eyes, sleepy face on his side and that odd hesitation in interacting. Suddenly, your natural bond with Javi seemed to be replaced by a growing awkwardness between you two. It was strange, being so connected to him, knowing him on a carnal level and yet simply acting as if you'd never met. Javi understood your silence even if it broke his heart each passing day watching you act as if he was invisible, he understood it. You were married, you were probably feeling guilty and regretful of everything that happened, Javi was a man with no strings attached, while you were a traditional woman, with your beliefs and a solid marriage. Maybe you weren't that in love with your husband anymore, but that didn't mean you didn't respect him, so truly, Javier understood it, which didn't change the fact it was so painful to see you daily, to have been able to touch you and no longer have access to it.
Day after day, he sat at his desk, remembering how your skin felt against his, how your body seemed to be a perfect match and thinking of how no women had compared to you since, but still, he kept his distance because you were distant, as much as it hurt him, he'd promised himself he would respect that. Day after day, week after week, you still wouldn't talk to him, pretend nothing happened, and even if he tried saying it didn't hurt, it really did. It was only when the team decided to go out for a drink, Javi saw the opportunity to talk to you. As you'd loosened up a bit from the drinks you had, to the relaxed environment of a bar, he waited patiently, purposely taking his time and drinking slowly, still keeping to himself in an attempt of not scaring you off, but having everything planned out so the only two people left at the table were you and him. As he lit up another cigarette, you knew what was coming, he was understanding and you appreciated that, but your problem with Javier was the addiction. After you tried him for the first time, you couldn't help but crave more of him, that forbidden fruit you desperately needed but couldn't have. He saw you noticed his plan and the way you began fumbling around your purse making sure you were about to leave, made his chest tighten in longing. He couldn't wait anymore, he had to at least talk to you, get a reaction from you, he wasn't a romantic man, but he deserved some closure at least.
“Don't go just yet, cariño” Javi's hand gripped your arm at the same time he blocked your way. He wasn't rough or pushy, he would rather die than make you uncomfortable, but he was showing you he wasn't going to let you go like that.
“I have to Javier, please let go”
“It's Javi for you, I've always been Javi, you know that… don't go, let's talk, it hurts me not to be able to talk to you…” he admitted showing you more weakness than he would like to, but he got caught up in the moment and at that point there was no use to try and hide his feelings.
“Javi, I-” you sighed and looked at him, it killed you to have to step away from him, you knew it sounded crazy to simply walk away from Javier, he was everything any woman could ever dream of, he was handsome, sweet, funny, and he was simply the best lover someone could ever have, you couldn't even imagine how many girls would kill to have the same chance you had, however, you had to be strong “Javi, you are handsome man, you could talk to any girl here…”
“I don't want to talk to any girl here, you're all I think about” he admitted pulling out his cigarette in the ashtray and looking at you one last time, before turning his back and walking away from you. He didn't know what else to do in order to show you you really belonged next to him.
“Did you really mean that?!” You asked Javier as you didn't know where to put your hands, picking on your nail polish as he opened the door and looked at you up and down. He raised his eyebrow at you, which caused you to clear your throat and repeat your question “did you mean it, Javi? What you said? That I was the only one you wanted to talk to?”
His hand immediately wrapped around your waist, pulling you to him, your body bumping against his, because he needed that, it seemed too good to be true, you, standing at his door, looking at him with your beautiful, lovely eyes.
“Of course, cariño, you're all I can think of, I need you, I crave your body, your lips, everything of you…” he whispered and kissed you. Javi didn't leave much space for hesitation, he didn't want to risk losing you for whatever reason. He didn't care about your husband nor your marriage, he wanted you and from that moment on, you were his.
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