#wild Jollibee
pawbeanies · 3 months
anyway i'm such a cute shy and well behaved boy that has never let loose in his life it would be such a shame if someone was a bad influence on me ... just saying
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barblaz-arts · 9 months
OMG ITS SO COOL THAT ONE OF PUGSLEY’S KIDS IS A MANANANGGAL !! and a boy ??? mananaggal ?? (unless im completely misunderstanding that)
anyways as a filipino its just so cool to see stuff with my culture in it (those posts abt the wenclair fam going to jollibee made me so happy!!!)
btw, what made u decide to create those characters as pugsley’s kids?
Something that I'll give the show props for is subverting what would usually be represented genderwise for monsters. Gorgons are usually women, but they had a boy be one(the only thing I like about him--). And there isn't a lot of female werewolves out there in media. And I'm not talking about stories that are about werewolves. Cuz yknow. Duh of course there'd be female werewolves. But I'm talking about stories about monsters. If you have a show about different monsters or fantasy characters and there's a werewolf, they'd usually give you an angsty and/or wild dude as the main werewolf.
But Wednesday's(the show) main werewolf is a happy girly girl. The only other similar instance I can think of at the top of my head is Ruby from Once Upon A Time. That's probably why the twist in Ruby's episode was so shocking. You expect the dude to be the werewolf. Not the femme girl who dyes the tips of her hair and would probably cry if she ruins her manicure.
Anyways. Monsters that are always majorly represented by one gender is boooorrriiiiiing. Let's mix it up a little.
Sorry that got long.
So! About Pugsley's kids!
I'm not sure about the B&W series, but in the animated movies, Pugsley's a bit of a hopeless romantic. So growing up, I like to think he got around. The problem is he also has terrible luck with women, so none of them lasted, not because he's fickle -- he would fall in love deeply every single time -- but because he just has dog shit luck. He is Fester's nephew after all. So all three kids are Pugsley's from different baby mommas. I'll talk more about em later.
As for what made me choose em
Dante - I've previously mentioned that I headcanon Pugsley as a pyrokinetic because of his love for explosives. I think it'd be neat if he had a girlfriend who came from literal hell and had a baby demon with her
Jasper - some time back when the fandom was still super active, people making their nevermore sona was a trend on twitter. I actually wanted to join and have mine be a manananggal, but I couldn't because I was both busy and was never really a fan of drawing myself(not cuz of like self esteem issues. im pretty darn cute actually! i just prefer to draw other people). but i still wanted to draw a manananggal in Nevermore, and I figured just having it be an OC for Pugsley's child is the perfect opportunity
Briar - those faceless students are sooo damn cool. I love them a lot. I wanted more from them in the show. So I'm just making the content I craved for. Also a faceless little girl whose aunt is Wednesday, pokerface queen, and looks up to her for it? Too funny and cute of a thought to me.
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springledongle · 7 months
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Wow. Well...what can I say?
It's been a wild ride. 7 years of SpringleDongle, granted the last year has been a hiatus on Tumblr (I've been actively posting in the official discord). Posting the archive was also a massive task- 625 total posts on the new blog!
I've lost the several thousand followers I had on my old account, but that's just the nature of things. Hopefully I can regain a new audience as new asks are responded to, and new arcs posted!
I don't know what to say. So many people made this blog what it is, and I've had so many friends support me during the downtime. I'm in tears just thinking about how much this blog means to me.
I want to personally thank a few people.
@springlockedfoxy : My love, my life, my husbunny. Without you, I would've given up a long time ago. Thank you for the love, the inspiration, and your endless support. I'm so excited for our new life together.
@foxygogogo : My precious sibling. Without you, this blog wouldn't exist. We created a universe together, our silly characters and story, and of course Stan. Thank you for always being enthusiastic and enabling my bullshit stories, and being the best Funtime Foxy ever.
@ask-springsecurity : My beloved best friend, whose ongoing support and enthusiasm for our story has kept me coming back again and again. Hopefully I can push you to continue your blog too!
@sproingtrep : My blog wouldn't exist without you. Your blog was such an influential story for so many people, myself included. Thank you for rooting for me over the years, and best of luck in your non-FNAF endeavours!
@primalarc : You've always motivated me to better my art, try new techniques, and pushed my characters with Mike bullying everyone. You are such an incredible friend, I love you so much. I treasure that FNAF brought us to eachother, made our characters interact, and let me come to meet you!
@pinkusponkus : My absolutely darling, soft and gentle friend. Your support for me on and off the blog has meant an immense amount over the years. Thank you for always being gentle, encouraging and supportive towards me, both on and off the blog. I'm so lucky to have met you.
@ravi-and-rainbows : Your ever-passionate love of Jingles made him into so much more of a character than he was originally planned. Your ongoing love, support and shitposts never failed to cheer me up and make me laugh. I'm sorry I killed Jingles. ):
And of course I have so many people that I can't even think of the words, but I love and appreciate you all! A few more names I want to put here, dedicated thanks to my server members:
@livingneptunian , @inga-don-studio , @unknownthedemonrabbit123 , @misty-bun , @the-night-trio , @ask-jollibee-and-co , and so many more!
Moving forward, we are BACK.
The inbox is open, the story is active, and we will keep going! I have so much in store for all of you that I can't wait to share.
So much love to all of you.
From Erik, Springle, and the entire crew here at Freddy Fazbear's Party and Pizza.
I always come back.
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spikybanana · 2 years
@wolfstarmicrofic - prompt: insult + underground - sorry for the nonsense haha this is based on a scene I witnessed outside Jollibee (a Filipino fast food chain restaurant) in London
"Sirius! Sirius I'm sorry!" Remus shouted through his laughter, as he ran to catch up with Sirius.
"After that insult??" Sirius walked on grumpily.
"I was just telling the truth!"
"You said it tastes like ketchup!"
That only served to make Remus burst out laughing anew. "Where's the lie! It's ketchup on noodles, with, okay, bits of cheese and meat—"
"How dare you!" Sirius spun around, a finger to Remus' chest, "Jolly spaghetti holds a part of my soul!"
"I said I'm sorry!" Remus said with a teasingly fond grin that looked not at all apologetic. "Here, I got it packaged. Don't you want the rest of your ketchup spaghetti?"
In response, Sirius reached for the plastic bag, stuck a finger into the sweet, sticky sauce and swiped it right across Remus' cheek. Remus yelped, and Sirius smirked as he snatched over the takeaway box. He leaned back into an alcove outside the underground station, and rolled his eyes when Remus scooped the sauce with a finger and exaggeratedly licked it off. "Thought you said it's ketchup."
"I never said I didn't like ketchup." Remus said smugly, still licking his finger.
Sirius snorted. "Come on then, help me finish it before we hop on the tube."
Remus immediately swooped in, tucked snug against Sirius, and accepted the forkful of floppy, cheesy noodles Sirius held up to him with a raised eyebrow.
"You know what?" Remus said, chewing thoughtfully, "this is still strange."
"Piss off."
"I don't mean Jollibee. Well, that too. But it's just— us." Remus drew up one knee to tuck against his chest, voice suddenly soft, "The two of us alone, out of school, running wild in the big city. I never imagined it. It all happened so fast."
When Sirius looked over, he could only see the lights twinkling around them and in Remus' eyes. It was all so crisp, so clear, without a hint of the murky, murky futures. They were but in their early days of London. Sirius wished it would last forever. He leaned across, kissed tart-savory-sweet against the corner of Remus' mouth. "Hush with all that, Moons. Just help me finish the cheese."
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now-we-say-c0ral · 10 months
August 18, 2023
Happy 9th monthsary to me and Eddie!
Day started off pretty uneventful. Gym in the morning. Worked chest, abs, and cardio. I went to Earl's Court to eat dinner at Jollibee with my baby girls Carla and Dani. It's been so nice to catch up with my girls and to be able to talk shit about our favorite person. It's just sad that Porcia couldn't come with us because she has some jiujitsu class that she has to take before going to Cornwall. I also suggested that we do a paintball session soon here in Canary Wharf. Most are down but we just have to set a date when we can actually do the activity. It's a hefty 40 quid/head but I think it'll actually be a fun activity.
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I went to Soho and met up with Eddie. While I waited for him in Mamasons in Chinatown, I saw Josh, one of the people I came here with in the UK and it's been lovely having a chat about how our lives have been lately. Saw Eddie outside and we sat in Ku Bar while we waited for Kaebe and Angelo to party. We had some a few shots and drinks before the other boys arrived. We went down to the dance floor and it was okay. The songs were getting better and better and there we met Mina and Angelique. Not my vibe, the both of them, but didn't want to be rude so I just had to go with the flow.
We went to Heaven afterwards and it was my first time there. It's wild. It's big. It's so nice to let loose and just dance every once in a while. I'm really glad that Eddie took me out on our monthsary. I saw Carl, my college junior, in the club. We didn't recognize each other at first but damn, it was so nice having to see him after a long, long time. I hope I get to see more of my colleagues soon when I go out.
We were suppose to eat in Old Town 97 in Chinatown but it was around 3:30am already and they were closing so we bailed with Mina and Angelique and headed each our own way. We caught the N551 bus and when we arrived it was already around 5am and we had a double date at Carl and Ross' place in the morning.
Today was a good day!
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purplesurveys · 11 months
Have you ever seen an emu in real life, whether in captivity or the wild? I have never.
When was the last time you visited your state’s biggest city? I live in it.
Do you remember what colour the eyes were of the last person you spoke to? Dark brown, as all Filipinos have.
Have you eaten pasta in the past week? Sure. It was fast food spaghetti but still.
Did you pierce your ears yourself or have it done by a professional? I'm pretty sure my parents had it done by a professional. I had been a few weeks or months old after all.
Are you wearing any shoes right now? No.
How many letters are in your surname? Six.
Do you enjoy Burger King? Their burgers are good but Burger King is honestly something I just never seem to look for? Idk, lol. Like I'll never say no to it, but I also don't ever go, "I think I'll get Burger King today." In general I guess I'm also not into fast food burgers much, unless it's Jollibee.
Have you ever worn bell bottom jeans? I don't think I've ever, actually.
How far away from your house is the nearest ice cream place? The nearest one I know of is around a 30 minute drive away.
What colour is your kitchen counter? It's a shade of peach.
When was the last time you washed the dishes? Not a plate but I washed my glass around half an hour ago before I settled in my room.
Do you own a lot of cookbooks? We don't have, like, a bookshelf's worth of cookbooks if that's what you mean by 'a lot,' but I'd say we have more than average. My dad's a chef, so he liked to collect them early on in his career.
How many rooms are in your house? Four.
Have you ever seen American Pie? I haven't. I heard of it a lot as a kid but was also always warned not to watch it, so I kind of brought that with me until now. I still have no clue what that show(?) is about haha.
What do you think of Leonardo DiCaprio? He's really good-looking and an even better actor but I do find his dating choices quite weird given his age.
Do you stay in touch with many people from high school or college? It's a good number. Most of my current circles are from my years in school.
Are you feeling nervous about anything right now? Just a little bit, but I'm trying not to think of it now so I can focus on my weekend and free time.
How many cars can your driveway and garage hold? Technically just one, but we have some extra space around the backyard area and our front yard so we're able to have our two other cars fit in those slots. Mainly so that we don't block the road because it's so annoying that most of the nighbors do that.
When was the last time you were late for something? Around a month ago for one of our events. My teammates arrived earlier to cover for me first so I wasn't too worried, and I was mostly stressed because of the traffic and because the driver kept on heading towards turns that led to more traffic.
Do you own an iPod, and if so, what type? I have not used an iPod since high school.
Did you ever play Stardoll when you were younger? I don't think I've ever heard of that.
Is there a university in your town or city? Yes. There's a small local one literally right beside our village gate.
What’s your father’s handwriting like? The hilarious thing is I don't even know what his handwriting looks like because he writes so rarely. He just...signs. I should hand him a blank piece of paper one of these days and just ask him to write random phrases so I can finally know hah.
Have you ever lived on a farm? Haven't.
Are you hung up on anybody right now? No.
Do you eat fries one by one or in big bunches? Just one each, every time. I always eat stuff like fries by piece.
Did you wash your hair last time you showered? Yeah I never skip anything when I take a bath.
Has anyone ever ransacked your bedroom? Apparently my mom did because that's how she came to read my diary when I wasn't around. I've always been a bit peeved about her entering my room since then.
Do you have any weird sleeping habits that people have told you about? No. I also don't like sleeping with people around, so that's also probably why no one has ever told me anything.
Do you enjoy That 70s Show? I tried getting into it but couldn't understand the humor right from the first episode - either that or I just simply found it unfunny, idk - so I didn't really care to watch the rest.
Are there any clouds in the sky, and what colour are they? Well right now it's 2:01 AM so everything looks black/super sper super dark blue.
Do you think you’re fast at typing? I know I'm fast, haha.
What was the last type of pizza you ate? Pepperoni, but I removed all the pepperoni from the slices I took as I don't like it.
How old are you? 25. WOW I can't believe I'm 25
Do you know anyone with an unusual middle name? Yes.
Would you consider yourself to be intelligent? Only in select aspects.
Have you ever waxed your eyebrows? Nope.
What does your shampoo smell like? Just...idk like a refreshing one?? It doesn't have a distinct scent.
Have you ever passed gas in front of your significant other? I don't like farting hahaha I always suppress mine. Only my sister has heard me do it and that's because those got out accidentally.
Do you have any big regrets in your life? I wouldn't say big, but there have been a few medium-sized regrets here and there.
What colour is the ground or floor where you are right now? Brown.
Do you live on a street, avenue, road etc.? Street.
Can you taste anything right now? Just the remnants of my coffee.
What was the last board game you played? I don't play board games but I played Anomia with my family the other night.
Are you renting the house you’re currently living in? No.
Do you listen to Guns n Roses? Other than the like two songs I know of theirs, no.
How old were you when you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend? I was uhhhhhhh 16, I think.
Have you ever been a bridesmaid? A junior bridesmaid, if that counts; my aunt had that kind of gimmick during her wedding. I was 8 and didn't actually do anything in the role.
Has the sun already set for the day? Forever ago. It's about to rise in a couple of hours or so.
Do you know how to tie a tie? No. I had to wear a necktie from kinder to high school but since I didn't know how to tie ties I just kept the knot and wore it like I would a necklace for the 14 years I studied there hahah.
What are the age gaps between you and your siblings? 2 and 5.
Does your birthday come before June 19th in a calendar year? No, before.
Do you pay attention to the FIFA World Cup? If so, what team do you go for? I'm paying attention to the Women's World Cup right now because 1) one of my clients is the Philippine team's official outfitter so we have had a million and one events related to the World Cup; and 2) THE PHILIPPINES IS (well, was now since we're out...but still) IN THE WORLD CUP FOR THE FIRST TIME. Made the entire country turn into rabid football fans overnight lol it's so surreal to see it all unfold. I love our girls :')
Even if PH got booted though I catch up whenever I can! Some narratives have been super heartwarming, like Jamaica's who apparently had to do crowdfunding to even get to the tournament in the first place.
Are you on any medications right now? I am not.
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saturnsoiree · 4 months
Not an eat-the-rich kind of girl (obviously), but seeing a former collegemate's Taylor Swift Singapore stories makes me furious knowing they're from a corrupt politician's dynastic family whose municipality only got rural hospitals, roads are not fully cemented, a lot of their citizens live in HUTS, heck they don't even have Jollibee there! Their people's political views are still decades delayed from lack of proper education in their area. Eugh! Their uncle is currently being investigated for using public funds to 'la mierda' in the US, but it doesn't matter; Their daily stories never leave out Starbucks and charcuterie boards, their quarterly stories showcasing international trips, when we graduated they were gifted a brand new Ford car. I'm someone who doesn't care about someone else's life no matter how simple or extravagant, but after being exposed to their ruling land for a year, God! How I want to vomit everytime I see their insta posts knowing their people are literally hunting ducks for dinner whilst some citizens die from being bitten by wild boars- an animal case that I have never even heard of until I was in their land. Yet, they keep voting for the same thick faced family, but who can blame them? The Philippines is less than a century independent, but still unfortunate to rid of corruption and cruel colonization from the hands of fellow Filipinos.
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more orchien brands (yes i have made themes and changes to all of them.)
im sorry im jus- on a high rn.  carls jr = casey sr' (making fast food the old fasioned way.) arbys = arbuckles (they have the meats. and damn good fries.) subway = last stops (their logo is a sandwich train) dairyqueen = cow kingdom (providing you with fresh ice cream every day) buffalo wild wings = outback bbq (they're mostly in australia) jollibee = honeycomb (honey bbq, honey mustard, honey baked hams, honey-)  little caesars = rocky rumble's (caveman themed. even the pepperoni is shaped like dinos.) chipotle =  icy spice (they pride themselves on spice that doesnt make you sweat)
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purplemys · 2 years
Favorite food
Your height
A song you like
1) Spaghetti, esp if it's from Jollibee (a restaurant from the Philippines)
2) I'm like 5 ft. That's it.
3) Wild by Troye Sivan is just special 💕
Thanks for the ask!
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walangkaibigan23 · 2 years
The Office Inferno: Chapter I - The Code of Buraotism
Are you familiar with the saying, “Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you kung sino ang mga nakinabang sa food mo”?
Sino ba naman kase ang may ayaw sa libre ‘diba? Lahat tayo ay ipinanganak na buraot. Lahat tayo, at some point in our lives, ay nakapag-isip na mag-take advantage sa ibang. It’s fine. Part ng human nature yan. All of us are born greedy. Kahit mga bata na hindi pa exposed sa kasamaan ng mundo had already show signs of selfishness at the earliest years – una nilang iniisip ang sarili nila more than anyone else: 
“Laruan ko ‘to!”, “Pagkain ko ‘to!”, “Akin ‘to!”. 
Sound familiar?
Siguro naman hindi na iba sayo yung agawan ng kendi sa mga bata. Paano pa kaya ngayon na hindi na tayo mga bata – na hindi na lang kendi ang pinag-aagawan naten, minsan pati jowa (tangina). Nagdaan ang high school at college and for sure nasaksihan mo na ang iba’t ibang uri ng pambuburaot sa paligid mo and here you are thinking na things will be different since nasa corporate world na tayo. Akala mo people evolved into a more civilized creatures.
They don’t. 
Kase dito mo mae-encounter ang ibang level ng pambuburaot na talaga namang mag-iiwan ng palaisipan sayo kung saan nila nakukuha ang kakapalan ng mukha. 
Parang corporate world meets wild, wild west meets hunger games. (literal na hunger games)
At dahil wala akong magawa, pinag-aralan ko ang mga sintomas ng epidemyang ito at binukod ko sila sa iba’t-ibang stages – yep, parang cancer. Ngayon, kung feeling mo meron ka kahit isa sa mga sintomas na nabanggit sa baba, malamang naging laman ka na ng usapan sa opisina niyo.
STAGE 1 – The Benign Buraot
·         Nakaabang ka na sa pagkain ng katabi mo kahit hindi pa nya nabubuksan yung food.
·         Bida-bida ka sa kainan, pero kapag singilan na daig pa nasalanta ng Yolanda sa pagpapalusot para hindi makapag-ambag
·         Kapag may pakain si boss, ikaw ang pinakauna sa pila para sureball na makuha mo yung pinakamalaking hipon dun sa palabok.
·         Parati kang may Tupperware sa bag for emergencies like surprise party ni boss dahil naka-abot sa quota ang team. (May kutsara’t tinidor ka pa, partida!)
·         Bukambibig mo ang “Pa-Starbucks ka naman, dami mong pera ngayon oh” – kahit pare-parehas kayong sumahod nung araw na yun.
·         Sinasadya mong sabayan yung officemate mo sa counter ng Jollibee para madugasan siya ng fries or balat ng chickenjoy habang hindi siya nakatingin.
·         Parating way beyond sa maximum price limit ang items sa wishlist mo sa tuwing may exchange gift sa office - tipong 500 pesos yung limit pero humiling ka ng isang brand new entertainment showcase.
STAGE 2 – The Intermediate Buraot
·         Gusto mong sulitin yung kuryente kaya sa office ka nagcha-charge ng cellphone, laptop at apat mong powerbank.
·         Kapag tapos na ang kainan, first instinct mo na i-secure yung mga natirang sachet ng ketchup, soy sauce, hot sauce at mga kalamansi
·         Hindi pa tapos yung opening speech ng CEO niyo nakaka-dalawang rounds ka na ng pansit.
·         Bente pesos ang maximum na ambag mo sa tuwing may team lunch kayo.
·         Kapag may team lunch kayo sa Korean restaurant, yung mga kasama mo lang yung nagluluto nung samgyupsal, tapos ikaw taga-kain lang. (Buraot na, tamad pa)
·         Kahit na sinabing tig-dalawang pichi-pichi lang ang pwedeng kunin para makakain lahat, anim pa rin yung kinuha mo kase you believe that you deserved better.
STAGE 3 – The Hardcore Buraot
·         Every year parang may clearance sale sa bahay nyo dahil buong taon ka kumupit ng tissue at office supplies.
·         Yung nanghihinayang ka sa natirang sauce ng spaghetti kaya dinilaan mo yung buong bilao.
·         Pinaglalaban mo sa HR na dapat covered ng HMO ang pagpapa-brace ng ngipin.
·         Yung kahit jowa ng officemate mo gusto mong tikman.
·         Sa tuwing may officemate kang mag-out of the country, pinag-iisipan mo na kagad kung ano yung dapat na pasalubong nya sayo.
·         Kapag may lunch out kayo sa KFC, may dala kang timba for the gravy.
·         Lagpas 3 hours na nalaglag sa sahig yung food pero kinain mo pa din. Pati mga langgam inagawan mo ng karapatang makakain. [Hindi mo man lang binigyan ng fighting chance
·         May madinig ka lang na kumaluskos na plastic sa kabilang aisle, your buraot-senses [spikes up] will tell you na may pagkain sa area na yun.
STAGE 4 – The Omnipotent Buraot
·         Naka-vacation leave ka pero bigla kang pumasok nung nabalitaan mong may pakain sa office
·         Nakikisali ka birthday celebration kahit hindi mo ka-department yung celebrant para sa free pancit.
·         Nagpapalibre ka sa CEO niyo kahit walang okasyon.
·         Yung pupunta lang sa 7-eleven yung officemate mo, nagrerequest ka ng pasalubong.
·         Nung nagbilin sayo yung officemate mo na itapon yung 3-month old embutido na nalimutan nya sa ref, imbes na itapon mo - kinain mo. Walang salmonella at staphylococcus ang makakapigil sayo sa pag-claim ng libreng embotido.
·         Masama yung pakiramdam mo pero nung nakadinig ka na may manlilibre, bigla kang naka-receive ng healing from God - ayos na ang buto-buto.
·         Noong nag-resign ka sa office ka pa nagpa-print ng resignation letter at 50 copies ng updated na resume mo – at colored pa lahat ng pages. Simot sarap ang ink ng printer.
·         Pinatulan mo yung ex ng officemate mo – isinuka na nya pero kinain mo pa rin.
Mga kapatid, there is a very fine line between pagiging “matipid” at “kuripot”. Learn the fucking difference
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thegreenerartist · 4 years
More Filipino Foxes hcs! Because I am wayy too invested in my weird mini-series
(All of my previous Fox hcs stand alongside this one since a lot of Filipinos aren’t purely Filipino, like me since I also have a Chinese and Spanish descent along side my Filipino one :)
- Yes Andrew and Neil call each other mahal no I don’t take criticism <333
-Neil can understand Tagalog and Bisaya and he can understand most Dayalek but he cannot, for the love of god, understand Idyolek
“Guys, what’s a “char”? what is a “skrrt”? what in the everliving heck is a “lodi”? ??? what even is a “yourme”???”
- Allison often spoke English when she was younger (because English is viewed superior here for some reason,,,) and she has that Inglisero accent but she actually?? Knows a ton of vocab???
She surprised her probinsyana gf because woah she’s really smart omg
Renee helps her through the harder stuff because it can get really confusing
“Ren, how the HECK do you understand what “bababa ba? Bababa”??? It is literally,,,, all ba,,,,”
-Dan and Matt,,, they’re the couple you go to if the hugot feels come when your crush rejects you.
“Esmeralda, I cannot BELIEVE that boy just dumped you here have some more rice” Esmeralda, crying: “t-thank you Kuya Boyd”
“Wait where’s Ate Wilds po?” “Looking for the boy”
-Kevin is like the grumpy neighbor but he’s actually really chill
-They all lowkey believe in superstitions
-Kevin is one of those people who have read El Filibusterismo and Noli Me Tangere and are willing to have a 7 hour discussion on it
“No no no! The Period of Imitation was during the American Colonozation Period, not the Japanese”
He loves the Katipunan, or better known as the KKK here, and hates the group KKK in other parts of the world because their actions make the Katipunan’s hard work in freeing us from the Spaniards look like we’re just racist assholes
-Nicky uses online linggo the most and it’s a FACT
-Jean and Jeremy have the cutest nicknames <333 “bituin” and “liwanag” make my heart go uwo the most
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decoyd · 2 years
Hi :)
Kamusta/Hello! I go by Vic, A Filipino (She/they) that likes to write as a past time and ramble about a lot fictional stuff. (I also draw sometimes but thats its own mess.)
Note: anything not listed in "will write"' just assume is on "won't write" for now.
What I will write:
X Gender Neutral Reader
X Female Reader
What I won't write:
Inc3st / Ped0phil!a etc.
Hardcore gore (I can vaguely describe blood, or how [n/a] became deceased, but anything beyond that extent is no-no)
Anything hardcore really
X male reader (no discrimination, just not used to writing it sorry)
Character x Character
Character x OC
Things I am currently writing for:
Note: Any knowledge I have on these fandoms on there books, mangas, comic books, etc. Are very minimal.
Note: All of these are subject to change
Osomatsu - san
Ranma 1/2
Danganronpa (THH, SDR2, UDG NO HAIJI, DRV3)
My Hero Academia
Genshin Impact
Demon Slayer
Detroit: Become Human
One Punch Man
Mob Psycho 100
Other things I like (planning to, or not planning to write for. that is the question)
Note: Basically a 'pending', list
Note: All of these are subject to change
Attack on Titan
Bungo Stray Dogs
Fire Force
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva boss
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Jojo's Bizzare Adventures
Doki Doki Literature Club
Five nights at Freddys
FNAF: Security Breach
Persona 5
Life is Strange
Road 96
LOZ: Breath of the Wild
Little nightmares 1 & 2
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Cookie Run Kingdom
Saiki K.
Pokemon Shield
Squid game
Dr. Stone
Gatchaman Crowds (& Insight)
The World God Only Knows
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches
Fukumenkei Noise
Pokemon Legends Arceus
Other Stuff I like / do:
Drawing/Painting (at times)
Dungeons and Dragons
Animal Crossing
DAILY Genshin Impact
Getting my ass kicked in Monopoly
Rhythm games
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Oh hey welcome back! How was your trip to the Philippines?
Thank you, it was fun. Hot and humid. Beautiful and heartbreaking.
There’s really a lot that I can say so I’ll try to keep it short if possible lol. For most of the time, I stayed in Manila but I also went to Pangasinan and Palawan. We weren’t too far from Taal either when it erupted so that was pretty scary.
The beaches and islands and waters around them are very beautiful though. The views overlooking Manila are pretty. The malls are huge and clean. Food is good and cheap as hell. Ate a lot of Jollibee and Chow King lol
The driving in Manila is wild. You gotta be aggressive. There are cars, trucks, bicycles, motorcycles, and pedestrians everywhere going in all directions with barely any lights or signs anywhere. It’s like If you put the driving in NYC and LA together but had no rules lol. That’s how it’s like. Crazy af. First few days on the road, anxiety levels were through the roof but I got used to it.
The slums and homelessness were on another level though. An entirely different league tbh. I’ve seen tent cities. I’ve lived in a rat- and roach-infested places. I’ve been to or at least have seen poor and rough neighborhoods like in LA, SF, Stockton, Modesto, Oakland, NYC, Chicago, and elsewhere but none of this could prepare me for what I saw in Manila. And that’s the capital of the Philippines.
I do think that overall, the Philippines is a very beautiful country but it’s also important not to glamorize things and act like I didn’t see diaperless and clothesless babies and children on the streets and sidewalks and even on freeways. I can’t act like there weren’t entire families with nothing sleeping on busy streets with tons of people walking by like they weren’t there. Can’t act like I didn’t see the extremity of some people’s living conditions that was so far beyond anything I’ve ever seen before.
I’m not a fan of traveling but sometimes, it opens your eyes to things you’d think you’d know or be prepared for. But you really aren’t until you see things with your own eyes. Like tbh traveling to other countries (if possible) can rid some of the ignorances and naiveness that we have here in the US. Made me realize how ignorant I am too tbh.
Anyway, there are tons more to say but I would go back to the Philippines again. I’d like to see Cebu and some of the other islands. Even though I was there for a few weeks, it went by really fast. Didn’t get to check out the night life or anything lol. Just missed Christmas too.
Angry Asian Guy
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purplesurveys · 4 years
1. What’s the last thing you ate? Shawarma. It was a usual meal of mine at school so I’ve been missing it a lot during this quarantine, and I was happy when my dad got me a couple ones yesterday.
2. What’s your favourite cheese? I haven’t been super experimental when it comes to cheese mainly because the better ones are a little expensive and I’m more willing to spend my money on other foods...but the best one I’ve had is feta.
3. What’s your favourite fish? My favorite cooked or grilled fish is tilapia and eel; as for raw fish I love tuna.
4. What’s your favourite fruit? I don’t really like fruit but I’m open to eating avocado-flavored things like shakes and cheesecake; and I’m okay with strawberry-flavored candy hahaha.
5. When, if ever, did you start liking olives? I’ve never liked olives. I take them out of my pizza and such.
6. When, if ever, did you start liking beer? I never *liked* beer but sometimes I’ll have a bottle if and only if it’s to socialize at a party. I just keep the grimace to myself lol because I personally never found it good. I had my first beer at Marielle’s debut, four years ago.
7. When, if ever, did you start liking shellfish? High school. That was when my palate started to expand and I wanted to try being more adventurous with food. I got into shellfish pretty early on and my mom even used to buy a kilo of mussels just for me. 
8. What was the best thing your mum/dad/guardian used to make? I love my dad’s laksa, risotto, curries, and chicken wings. My mom doesn’t cook much but I do like her spaghetti.
9. What’s the native specialty of your hometown? My city doesn’t have native food of its own; and I’m not sure about my province’s specialtes either only because cuisines from other provinces are far more popular. I can say though that most visitors who come to the country often try adobo, sinigang, kare-kare, and bulalo.
10. What’s your comfort food? Cheeseburgers, samgyeopsal, pad thai, and chicken wings.
11. What’s your favourite type of chocolate? Milk chocolate. And it gets a lot of flak because it’s not actually chocolate, but I do enjoy the flavor of white chocolate too.
12. How do you like your steak? Rare.
13. How do you like your burger? I like mine with caramelized onions, a mayo-based sauce, and brioche buns; barbecue sauce or jalapeños are add-ons I have no problem being put in my burger. I don’t like tomatoes, pickles, and lettuce.
14. How do you like your eggs? Scrambled if on toast; omelette with cheese, tomatoes, mushrooms, and bell peppers if with rice; and obviously, poached if on top of an Eggs Benedict. I don’t have a preferred style for eggs.
15. How do you like your potatoes? As French fries or mojos.
16. How do you take your coffee? If someone is making the coffee for me, I request for lots of cream and sugar. I’d drink any kind of coffee but black. If I’m at a coffee shop I typically get caramel macchiato.
17. How do you take your tea? I enjoy lemonade iced tea. I don’t really like hot tea.
18. What’s your favourite mug? I suppose my favorite is the only mug I own, which is a white mug that changes colors depending on the temperature of the drink inside.
19. What’s your biscuit or cookie of choice? I can’t stand biscuits anymore because those are what my grandma/mom packed for my recess nearly everyday throughout grade school. I don’t like store-brought cookies either because they taste super processed, but my favorite as a kid were the Presto peanut butter cookies.
20. What’s your ideal breakfast? Garlic rice, a packed omelette, and hashbrowns if I’m somewhere fancy. Scrambled eggs and hotdogs when I’m at home.
21. What’s your ideal sandwich? Monte Cristo or banh mi.
22. What’s your ideal pizza: Quattro formaggi. If we’re talking more experimental pizzas, barbecue pizza is a guilty pleasure.
23. What’s your ideal pie (sweet or savoury)? I’m not a big pie person but I do love savory a lot more, like chicken pot pie. I think most of the sweet pies out there are fruit-based anyway.
24. What’s your ideal salad? Spicy tuna salad. I’ve been having such a craving for it :(
25. What food do you always like to have in the fridge? We always have white bread, eggs, my mom’s cranberry juice, and veggies.
26. What food do you always like to have in the freezer? In the freezer we never run out of various meats and frozen meal packs, like frozen bangus, hotdogs, chicken nuggets, French fries, etc. We also often have ice cream, but it’s not a must-have for us obviously.
27. What food do you always like to have in the cupboard? Pasta, canned food like luncheon meat and corned beef, cup noodles, various condiments like soy sauce and fish sauce, 3-in-1 coffee.
28. What spices can you not live without? I can’t cook but I do know I like salt, pepper, paprika, and cumin. I’m sure I’m missing other essential ones lol
29. What sauces can you not live without? Sriracha, bagoong, banana ketchup, gochujang, peanut sauce, gravy, barbecue sauce, aioli, mayonnaise.
30. Where do you buy most of your food? My parents don’t have a supermarket preference; they just go to wherever is most convenient for them at the moment. Once I start doing my own grocery shopping though I would rather go to a supermarket where they’d have a wider selection for foreign foods, like those that would have Pop-Tarts and sriracha sauce. Just the foodie in me that constantly has to have food from other cultures.
31. How often do you go food shopping? My parents do the groceries once every two or three weeks, I think.
33. What’s the most expensive piece of kitchen equipment you own? Aside from the obvious ref or cooking range, probably the coffee maker. Not sure how much it cost my parents but it’s supposed to be branded haha.
34. What’s the last piece of equipment you bought for your kitchen? Dad bought a couple of pans because he didn’t like how our old ones were starting to get too many scratches.
35. What piece of kitchen equipment could you not live without? Refrigerator. So many things would spoil without it...that’s why when we get blackouts the first thing we worry about is how long the ref would stay cold.
36. How many times a week/month do you cook from raw ingredients? I’ve only done it once.
37. What’s the last thing you cooked from raw ingredients?
38. What meats have you eaten besides cow, pig and poultry? Crocodile, carabao, lamb.
39. What’s the last time you ate something that had fallen on the floor? Don’t remember exactly when but it has to be sometime recently. I’m not too grossed out by this.
40. What’s the last time you ate something you’d picked in the wild? I have never done this.
41. Arrange the following in order of preference: Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Thai, Sushi – Indian, Thai, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Mexican. This question is a teeny bit annoying and a little offensive. How would you like it if I referred to American food as ‘ribs’ lol
42. Arrange the following in order of preference: Vodka, Whiskey, Brandy, Rum – Vodka, rum, (some) whiskey. I don’t drink brandy because that’s what my grandpa, who had alcohol issues, used to drink.
43. Arrange the following in order of preference: Garlic, Basil, Lime, Mint, Ginger, Aniseed – Aniseed, garlic, basil, ginger, lime, mint.
44. Arrange the following in order of preference: Pineapple, Orange, Apple, Strawberry, Cherry, Watermelon, Banana. –
45. Bread and spread: I don’t really munch on this particular food. Toast and butter is enough for me.
46. What’s your fast food restaurant of choice, and what do you usually order? It’s either KFC or Jollibee. In KFC I get a Zinger and a brownie; in Jollibee, I usually order the chicken-spaghetti set, large fries, and a Yum Burger. If they have tuna pie on the menu I’d get that too. My appetite gets exceptionally large when it comes to Jollibee hahahaha.
47. Pick a city. What are the best dining experiences you’ve had in that city? I no longer remember what exactly I ate but I had a blaaaast eating in Bali. I also had a sushi platter in Fukuoka that I’ll never forget.
48. What’s your choice of tipple at the end of a long day? I don’t drink regularly but if I’m out with friends and we want to chill after a tiring day, we get a pitcher of a mixed drink.
49. What’s the next thing you’ll eat? Eggs and hotdogs for breakfast. Probably with bread.
50. Are you hungry now? A little bit, considering it’s nearly 10 and I still haven’t had breakfast.
51. Do you eat your breakfast everyday? I’ve been having it everyday now because I’ve been home for...most of the year...sigh. But I skipped it all the time when I was in school because getting to class on time and having a clean attendance record mattered to me more than filling up my stomach. 52. At what time do you have breakfast? On weekdays I have it between 9-10 AM. On weekends when my parents are home, we have brunch instead at around 10:30-11 AM because they wake up late.
53. At what time do you have lunch? I normally skip lunch now. In school I just had tiny eating breaks throughout the day, but I didn’t have lunch per se.
54. What do you have for lunch? My usual purchases were instant noodles/kwek-kwek, tapsilog from Rodic’s, or shawarma rice. Thrived on these three for my entire college life.
55. At what time do you have dinner? 7-8 PM, depending on whenever my dad is finished cooking.
56. What do you have for dinner? My dad likes changing up our dishes everyday :) It’s one of my favorite things about quarantine. Outside of the quarantine, I’ve never had a main dinner dish.
57. Do you light candles during dinner? No.
58. How many chairs are there in your dining room and who sits in the main chair? 6 chairs. We don’t have a ‘main’ chair that’s larger than the rest, but my dad is the one who sits on the chair on one end of the dining table, or what we call the kabisera in Filipino. My mom, siblings, and I sit on either side of him. 
59. Do you eat and drink using your right hand or the left one? I use my right hand for the spoon and my left hand for the fork. I drink with my right hand most of the time.
61. Mention the veggies that you like most: Broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, cabbage, spinach, asparagus, string beans. Idk what eggplants and bell peppers are but I like those too.
62. What fruit and vegetable do you like the least? Cucumber and ampalaya. 63. You like your fruit salad to have more: Air. Hahahaha I do not like fruit salads.
64. You prefer your vegetable salad to contain more: I love vegetables but don’t really eat vegetable salads? I don’t think I’ve even heard of those.
65. What’s your favourite sandwich spread? Whatever goes on banh mi.
66. What’s your favourite chocolate bar? Whittaker’s peanut butter chocolate.
67. What’s your favourite dessert? I really love macarons, cupcakes, and cheesecake.
68. What’s your favourite drink? Just water. Other drinks make me fuller more quickly.
69. What’s your favourite snack? Pringles, French fries, corndogs...anything deep-fried, really.
70. What’s your favourite bubble gum flavour? Strawberry, or just the original bubblegum flavor.
71. What’s your favourite ice cream flavour? Salted caramel, queso real, or cookies and cream.
72. What’s your favourite potato chip flavour? Original or sour cream and onion.
73. What’s your favourite soup? Miso. Have to have it whenever I have Japanese food.
74. What’s your favourite pizza? Already answered this, but I will always order quattro formaggi if I see it on a menu.
75. What’s your favourite type of dish? I have lots of favorites, but I think chicken curry takes the cake for me. 
76. What food do you hate? Fruits, any dessert with fruits.
77. What’s your favourite restaurant? Yabu. It’s a Japanese restaurant that doesn’t even serve sushi (because I’m still ticked off by that sushi question lol).
78. Do you eat homemade food, or food delivered from outside? These days I eat food cooked by either parent. But when I’m on my own, I buy my food.
80. Who cooks at home? My dad does most of the time. My mom will make breakfast on the weekends.
81. What kind of diet (e.g. low-fat, high-fiber, high-carbohydrate, balanced diet etc.) do you have? I’m not on any.
82. How do you keep yourself fit? I just moderate my food intake in general and make sure I stop eating once I feel full. I don’t work out or count calories and stuff.
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albakatrinaalexis · 4 years
𝓟𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓱 𝓶𝓮, 𝓘 𝓶𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓫𝓮 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰
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𝒯𝓇𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓁 𝐸𝓈𝓈𝒶𝓎
       Never have I imagined that I would be able to fly out the country, it's something that was way below the list of my priorities. I mean, I consider us financially stable but still flying out is not cheap. But that does not push away my desire to have the experience. I have only gotten the chance to fly out once before and it was to go to Bacolod for family matters. But this one's different and I was beyond ecstatic. This trip had been mentioned here and there during family discussions and it was only then that a plan was solidified. But before all that can become possible my family and I spent the first weeks of summer to get our passports ready because mine hasn't been renewed since the year 2003 and that just goes to show that we aren't the spontaneous kind. We had a bit of a struggle since I have just recently turned 18 and the renewal process is a lot more different compared to government employees which what my parents are. With a little more push we were finally ready to head out the country. To Hong Kong we go.
        Days blurred by and our flight was right around the corner. Anxiety was pumping through my veins as I couldn't shake the feeling of how unreal all these are. Packing was a task that I thoroughly enjoyed, planning my outfits for the 5-day trip and fixing up the bits of make up that I wanted to bring with me. I was confident that had everything set and the only left to do was to get in the plane. Also, I'm pretty sure that I don't have a fear of flying but ones the plane was off the ground I was uneasy to say the least but I still wanted to get the window seat which of course my parents kindly offered me.
        I couldn’t believe it! We were up the air after a few minutes of waiting, gripping my mother’s hand a little too tightly as I kept my focus trained on the window that was hindering me from reaching out to touch the fluffy clouds. I have only admired them from afar and having to see them up close the second time was a treat. I released the breath I didn’t realize I was holding as the plane steadied itself on the sky. If I remember correctly it wasn’t that long of a flight, I got to finish 2 movies before the captain’s voice boomed through the speakers and informed us that we would be landing shortly. I peeked through the other side of the aisle and saw my cousin staring back at me with a sleepy grin on his face, he knew what was coming and he was ready for it, kind of, once he gets the sleep out of his eyes.
         And so, after a short wait I then felt my throat drop down to my stomach painfully indicating that the plane had shifted, preparing to descend for landing. The wheels then skidded on the ground causing the plane to violently tremble for a couple seconds shaking the other passengers awake. I silently cheered with all the seatbelts clicking open in unison. We waited until the other people had left and the area had tamed before we all stood and got our stuff fixed.
         After we have gotten situated on our motel we slept. Yes, we slept. We had something planned that day but after having to run back and forth a number of train rides we were exhausted. During our stay in Hong Kong I had made it my mission to take a picture of the names of the places that were neatly written on ceramic tiles on the station. The place was a different scenario compared to the Philippines, it was different kind of beautiful and I couldn’t get enough of it.
         There were many moments that I consider wonderful, I can talk about us getting lost and ended up eating dinner at the Jollibee around the corner or that time where I got to experience Disneyland for the very first time or that time where I went up close and personal to some of my favorite celebs in Madame Tussauds wax museum. But for me the highlight of our whole stay was the last day, when we headed to Ocean Park. It has been known that I have a soft spot for creatures ranging to cute to deadly, no matter the size. And having to spend a day with animals is like a dream come true. I always tell my mom that my only motivation to earn money and become rich was for me to be able to provide for and help animals. And that statement still stands to this day. Once we arrived, I wasted no time to sprint towards the map and get myself familiarized where and how to get to places. And let me tell you, that place was not small and I’m not complaining because there will be more places to explore my only concern being is if the a day is enough for me to admire everything.
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         I might’ve died, when I saw the seals and the other sea creatures. Also, I felt like I have annoyed my cousins a little too much after I have drowned them with facts about gold fishes when we reached the small cave that was covered from top to bottom with different types of breeds of goldfishes. I couldn’t stop having a mental breakdown on how cute they were, and I never wanted to leave that place. I have found my place of solace and it is with the fishes. We also went to the area where they had Pandas and we needed to be extra quiet because they’ve informed us that they can be easily spooked. Our stay there wouldn’t be complete if we didn’t check out the Penguins! The floor was clear glass so we can see the swimming around under our feet. Adorable.
         A funny thing happened since there were also rides there like rollercoasters, those things were you ride down the rapids and get splashed by water and also one that brings you high up in the air and spins you. I rode the last one, alone because I couldn’t get my cousins much less my dad to go with me. And once I go situated on the sit other two people sat beside me, one was an Indian kid with her sister who seemed confident at first and another Asian individual who I feel like he has been forced to ride this one. He was sweating bullets and his eyes were wild, his hands kept clawing of the handle and gripping it tightly. He tried to talk to me but I couldn’t really understand his dialect, but I knew that he was scared, anxiously checking the safety belts and locks to make sure of his safety. Once the ride started and we were hoisted high up in the air I was laughing while the two gentlemen beside me were screaming their lungs out. I was happily kicking my feet up whilst the two seem to be on the verge of tears, I’m sure they think that I’m a psychopath.
         The thing that completed my day was when I got to handle a Phasmid, commonly known as the stick insect. We were casually heading towards another destination after watching the dolphin show and something caught my eye. It was my first time actually seeing one in person, but I knew they are harmless and are easily handled. Now, this fella is bigger than my hand and my cousins and aunt aren’t really fond of insects so you can go ahead and imagine the squeals and disgusted looks I receive when I went ahead scooped the insect on my hands and let it chill there for a few minutes. Even other foreigners were amused at what I did that they began to gather around us. It was hard letting go of that guy, I was attached. But I knew that I couldn’t keep it and it would much prefer being left alone so I pressed my hand on the wall and watched it crawl back up. It’s safe to say that I enjoyed my time there.
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tsukkinode · 6 years
Cosmania 2018: Ino Hiroki and Asuma Kousuke Fan Meet Report
Hello! I’m back with a new fan report, and it’s from the recent Cosmania 2018 in the Philippines where Hiroki and Kousuke came as special guests! It was a pretty fun and wild(?) fan meeting, so I hope you enjoy my report!
Note: I know that a lot of fan reports have emerged from Twitter, but I would appreciate it if you would link back to this post if you ever decide to share any parts from this post. This is ging to be as detailed as possible esp the talk part. Thank you!
I also have a Ko-fi account, so if you ever want to give me some coffee, I’ll be grateful!
The MC introduced both of them with their respectful 2.5D roles, and the screams were really loud without them appearing yet. They entered from the center of the stage, as the backdrop display splits into two. Hiroki is wearing a dark navy suit with a black shirt underneath, while Kousuke is wearing a light brown suit with a white shirt underneath. They both look so handsome in person! We were lucky to be seated on the fourth row near the stage!
Hiroki and Kousuke greeted the fans to the front! Hiroki greeted everyone in English along with a “Mabuhay!” Kousuke mentioned how he’s finally in the Philippines. (Fun fact: I got a Hiroki calendar from a friend, and the friend with me used it as a signage. We decided to use the July page bc it’s a very sexy one. Hiroki couldn’t help but laugh to himself bc there were at least 3 Hiroki calendars in those pages waving at him lol I love my friends. He was looking at us when he laughed, it’s so precious XD)
The first part is a talk event where the MC asks questions, and they basically have to answer them. (Stylistic note: Anything that’s italicized is spoken in English.)
Q: How did you start as an actor?
Hiroki: Oh. Alright, I’m gonna start talking (Fans started screaming when he started talking in English, and he said that we’ll probably like it if he does speak in English)... So, when I was 15, I worked in Harajuku and I was scouted by a manager. But at first, I was not interested in being an actor... Oh, sorry! Okay, in Japanese!
Everyone was laughing because he really did his best but he gave up midway. He wanted to probably answer it properly.
Hiroki: In my very first stage play, during the curtain call, I could properly see everyone’s face. From then on, that’s when I started getting interested in acting so I decided to become an actor.
When it was Kousuke’s turn and he started talking, fans were so loud. He really has a lot of fans here in the Philippines.
Kousuke: As for me, I was introduced into the entertainment scene by my friend.
MC: I think it’s fate that they have met several people into becoming actors, and now they’re here with us!
Hiroki: Right! That’s it!
(Please stop Hiroki, he’s too cool and funny in this panel.)
Q: We understand acting is not easy. What are the challenges you faced as an actor?
Hiroki: It actually varies on the characters you get as an actor like you could be required to know sword fighting. And there, we actually have to study those skills.
Kousuke: For me... Well, as I’ve been into different 2.5D production, with every single character that differs, you have to keep studying the (original) work and so every day there’s a challenge you face. But right now! It’s (the character) Jollibee.
Right after he mentioned Jollibee, everybody just lost it. I did too because that’s too extra of him to say tbh.
Hiroki: Do you want to try (acting it)?
Kousuke: Jollibee?
HIS FACE WHEN HIROKI SUGGESTED THAT. Seriously, Hiroki is so good with this adlib thing, Kousuke looked like he wasn’t prepared for it. But anyway, Kousuke went in front to try doing Jollibee. What he did is he’s like doing this holding a tray thing and serving it in a cute way. XD
MC: Is that Jollibee?
Fans were screaming, “Noooo!” and were disagreeing.
Hiroki: Where’s Jollibee? XD
Kousuke turned to Hiroki while laughing bc he got so shy and embarrassed. Suddenly, the fans were asking for Hiroki’s turn to show his Jollibee. Fan went, “Hiroki! Hiroki!” along with Kousuke. So when Hiroki went in front, he just did this cute pose and went, “This is! Jollibee Spaghetti!” And the whole audience went wild and cheering for him!
Hiroki: Is this Jollibee? (The fans said yes!)
Hiroki, looking/pointing at Kousuke: I’m Jollibee, you’re not. XD
Kousuke looked so dejected though. Both of them are so cute in that segment.
Q: Which character you portrayed is your favorite?
Hiroki: I know you want to, you want, ehh... (He gets flustered here bc of his pause and the fans were just cheering him on XD) Okay, okay! What you want to is... Koushi Sugawara? (Fans: Yesssss!) I know, I know. But the question is difficult for me because it’s like, “Hey, who’s your favorite, your mother or father?” So yeah, it’s hard because I can’t choose.
(My friend and I were like, “Awww that’s so sweet” lol)
MC: Everyone is your favorite.
Hiroki: Yeah! Hmm yeah!
(This is just me, but it’s weird for the MC to ask the audience if we accept that... Of course, we do lol what are you saying)
Kousuke: Uhm, well... it’s Haikyuu’s Oikawa Tooru.
The fans just went screaming (seriously though, Oikawa’s a fan favorite, and a lot of PH fans became his fans bc of Oikawa). The MC asked if we can hear his “Yaho!”
Kousuke went to the front and went, “Yaho, Tobio-chan!” The screams were louder than usual, and then some started chanting, “Iwa-chan!” Kousuke didn’t understand it at first, until Hiroki told him (without the mic) to say Iwa-chan too. And so he did that too!
Q: What was your happiest moment as an actor?
Hiroki: It makes me the happiest when I get to see everyone laughing or crying because of stage plays. (Hiroki does these crying motions too, and he was just so adorable).
Kousuke: Well, I feel just the same as Hiroki, but also from getting into Haisute, I get to be in different amazing stage plays. And the fact that I am here in the Philippines. How do you say this... I’m very grateful for everything.
Q: What advice do you have for people aiming to be an actor?
Hiroki: So... Actors cannot be alone. You’re here, and we’re here.
Tbh, I got what he meant by this. He said this in English and I went, “Awwww. Holy crap, I want to cry.” Hiroki said it in Japanese to his interpreter which she basically said the same thing, “If not for you, they won’t be here.” With an addition of “Never forget that feeling of gratitude towards your fans.”
Kousuke: For me... Well, I know everyone’s aiming for it, but we won’t know when we would be debuting exactly. Until then, I think it’s important that we keep studying and improving ourselves so we can be much more prepared for it. That’s what I want to share.
From here, questions are asked from the audience.
Q: What future roles would you want to be in?
Hiroki: I wanna be a prime minister! President! Or Spider-Man!
Kousuke: I’ve said this earlier, but it’s Jollibee! A 2.5D version of Jollibee!
Good heavens, you don’t know how much we laughed at this part bc it ended up as Hiroki and Kosuke arguing about Jollibee. XD
Hiroki: Hey, you said Jollibee is me?!
Kousuke: I’m gonna steal it from you!
Q: For Asuma-san, have you every adlibed on stage? If so, how did you execute it?
Kousuke: Adlib... a little. I’m bad at it.
The audience went silent, and Kousuke got so confused with the reaction, so he went, “Eh? Eh??” Hiroki saved him by saying, “They’re saying ‘ooooh’”
Kousuke: Well, so not to forget my character’s lines, I always make sure to really study them very well so I can tell them properly.
Q: For Ino-san, out of all the characters you have portrayed, whom do you relate the most, and why?
Hiroki: Uhm, Koushi Sugawara. He’s the most normal human out of all the characters I’ve played, which is like me who’s pretty much normal and doesn’t want the kouhais to steal the position from me. I think that’s how much I relate to him.
Q: What is your reaction when you were invited for an overseas event for the first time?
Hiroki: Yesterday, I was really nervous because this is my first time to be with you. But now! I am so excited to see you! Thanks to you!
Kousuke: Uhm... I was really worried that there wouldn’t be a lot of people who would come, but now, if we could make each and every one of you even a little bit happier, then... Until the end, let’s have fun with what we have today!
Second half is more of the fun stuff! The first challenge is making them speak Tagalog. Sentences were flashed on the screen and they basically have to pronounce them.
The first one is “Ako si __. Ako ay ipinaganak sa __. (I am __. I was born in __.)”
MC: Can you do it, Hiroki-san?
Hiroki: Of course!
Hiroki was actually good in pronouncing words so he was able to speak the sentences well.
Hiroki: Ako ay si... Hiroki! Ako ay ipinanganak sa... Japan! (Fans were cheering him on!) Masarap... Jolly Spaghetti!
He also asked if it was good, so the fans were satisfied and gave him an okay sign. Kousuke went up next.
Kousuke: Ako ey si... Kousuke Asuma. Ako ey pen? pen?... (Fans were teaching him by this time, shouting “ipinanganak/pinanganak) pinanganak! Sa... Japanese!
Kousuke was so cute, but because of that little mistake, fans were giving him an NG sign and telling him to try it again. He also cannot pronounce ‘ipinanganak’ well so he fumbles his words too. He did it again and he said that he was born in ‘Japanese’ until Hiroki taught him the proper word and said that Japanese is a person, Japan is the place. When Kousuke did it again, he said, “Ako ay si Kosuuke Asuma. Ako ay pinanganak sa... in Gifu!”
Second sentence is “Ang paborito kong pagkain Pinoy ay __ (My favorite Filipino food is __).” A lot of fans are actually chanting Jollibee here, but I kinda shouted adobo lol
Hiroki: Alright. Paborito kong... pagkaing Pinoy ay... adobo!... Perfect?
When it was Kousuke’s turn, I had to cheer him with ganbare!
Kousuke: Paborito kong... pegkein? Pagkain? Pinoy? Pinyoy? ay... Philippine meat! Philippine meat... Chicken, chicken.
The fans were not so convinced so he went, “I like lapu-lapu!” Which is a kind of fish in the Philippines.
The last sentence is, “Mahal ko kayo” and omg the fans were losing it lol.
Hiroki went to start, and he turned his back to us. He started this countdown, 3, 2, 1, then he went to turn to us and say, “Mahal ko kayo” in quite a sexy voice lol
Kousuke also did the same, and his countdown is in Japanese, san, ni, ichi. AND GAHD KOUSUKE WAS SO SOFT but his voice is deeper. It was so good! Both of them were so good! Thank you for the food lol
The next challenge is an improvisation game/acting challenge. They have to pick a noun they have to portray and an adjective to describe their character. Now, this is also a contest so there would be voting at the end of the challenge. The loser would have to dance. I told my friend that I hope Hiroki loses so he would have to dance.
For the first round, Hiroki picked up a cheerful gay person (it’s actually okama, but it doesn’t have a good connatation imo) while Kousuke picked up a dog that is surprised easily. Hiroki actually laughed when he first picked his paper. Funny thing is when Kousuke picked up ‘dog’, he went back to the bowl to try to change it, but he was stopped. 
They have to act together too, and all I can say is... Hiroki went too all out XD Kousuke was on all-fours because he was a dog, while Hiroki started as “Oh no. It’s so hot!” And he suddenly screamed and ran after dog!Kousuke! Hiroki went, “Come on, dog!! Come on!” There was a part that he was grabbing dog!Kousuke by the pants lmao just to call him towards him. 
Kousuke looked so scared of how gay!Hiroki was acting obviously. He was doing this gesture with his hands in front of him to make gay!Hiroki calm down too (he’s being too friendly with this dog lmao). 
Gay!Hiroki kept trying to get dog!Kousuke’s attention and asked for his name, to which Kousuke answered, “Jollibee” lmao. Dog!Kousuke kept walking around the stage (in all-four), but Hiroki kept grabbing him (by his leg/feet). And then Hiroki called him while bringing a bottled water, “Do you want this?” Kousuke is just looking at him even though he’s scared.
Hiroki: Do you want this from my mouth?
istg I think the venue went a bit hotter during this segment. Kousuke couldn’t understand him tbh, so Hiroki told him in Japanese, and KOUSUKE’S SHOCKED FACE LMAO. So they continued with the segment, with Kousuke saying he’ll drink it. HAHA Even Hiroki didn’t expect that hah.
They were actually sitting on the floor, the bottled water placed in between them, and Hiroki suddenly went, “Do it yourself! Do it yourself!” and shoved it to Kousuke XD And then Kousuke walked away looking sad HAHAHA PLEASE STOP THIS.
Hiroki: Oh, sorry, sorry, my puppy! Puppy!
Kousuke went back to him, and then Hiroki asked him to stand up (tbh whyyyy). Kousuke did, and they were just looking at each other’s eyes, and suddenly Kousuke fell to his knees, and GOOD HEAVENS THE POSITION THEY WERE IN. Kousuke looked up to Hiroki and just akslgalkgjalkg. And then Hiroki put his hand on Kousuke’s shoulder and went, “Finished!”
Note that there were two screens on the side of the stage so we can see their faces close up. And istg it was that good, just from seeing Kousuke’s face lmao. From our seat, we can vividly see their faces, but thanks to the screen, we can see their expressions bigger lmao
Voting was done and the screams were just so loud for both of them. It was decided that they would do one more. They will have to pick another character, but there will be a change.
Hiroki: I picked a dog! Well it’s okay because I like dogs.
Kousuke: I got a drunk! (and he acted this for a bit lmao)
The setting would be in a school.
Kousuke: Going drunk in school is bad though!
Which is true lmao, but they have to act in this setting. Hiroki was also in all-four but he’s towards the back of the stage, while Kousuke was in front. And then Kousuke went moving around the stage, he even went down towards the left side almost near the audience, looking for “San Miguel”
When he went back to the stage, he saw dog!Hiroki and asked for San Miguel. “San Miguel please? San Miguel!”
Hiroki: What!? San Miguel?
Kousuke: San Miguel. Uh.. San Miguel, San Miguel! (does a drinking motion lmao)
Hiroki: What you saying?!... Hey, don’t touch the puppy! What are you talking about? DON’T TOUCH ME! Don’t touch the puppy! You don’t touch the puppy! Holy shit!
Kousuke was actually touching Hiroki the entire time on his back lmao. So when Hiroki said not to touch him, he was trying to walk away (in all-fours) but he was so cute being grumpy like that lmao 
Kousuke: I... I don’t speak in English a little. Okay? Koko (here)
Hiroki: Annyeong.
Kousuke: Japanese.
Hiroki: Ni hao.
Kousuke: Japanese. I speak Japanese.
Hiroki: You speak Japanese... Ohhh. Annyeong.
Kousuke seemed to give up because Hiroki won’t speak to him in Japanese, so he kept looking for San Miguel. They have a table full of bottled water and Kousuke acted as if he found beer (San Miguel), and then he brought one to Hiroki. 
Hiroki was so cute because he was just sitting there and just being such a diva puppy tbh. XD And then he put the bottled water on the floor, and then he just drank from the straw. 
Hiroki: I’m a dog.
Kousuke: Dog?
Hiroki: No, a puppy. That is so cutie puppy!
Kousuke: Want to drink? Want to drink?
Hiroki: I want to drink.
And then Kousuke took the bottle and he drank from it. Of course everyone exclaimed and just lost it (bc indirect kiss lol)
Kousuke: Oh this is water! Water! No San Miguel, water!
Kousuke: Puppy’s?
Hiroki: Yeah!
Kousuke: Oh, sorry. Sorry... I didn’t know. My house? You want to come my house?
Hiroki: Your house is big?
Kousuke couldn’t understand it, so Hiroki repeated if his bag is big XD
Kousuke: Oh! Big! Yes, big!
Hiroki: Ooooh okay, I go your house!
And that’s when they end the skit. LOL. Of course, there’s also the voting. Voting started with Hiroki, and he was like “More!!” When voting started for Kousuke, Hiroki went, “booo!” In the end, Hiroki won, and Kousuke like, “No, no!!”
The punishment is dancing to MOMOLAND’S Boom Boom because it’s trending here in the Philippines. They showed the video on the screen and Kousuke was trying to follow it. He was so cute as he tried to do it. Hiroki was actually dancing along with it. Kousuke was so unprepared because they only showed the video once, and he had to dance to it already.
In the end, Hiroki also danced to it together with Kousuke. We even danced with them too. It was so nice! So it ended up as the audience are their teachers while dancing haha. Also there was this part that Hiroki is doing the Gangnam Style dance steps instead haha.
After that, we took a photo together! After the official photographer, Hiroki asked to take one from his phone too (he actually brought it with him on stage haha).
And then onto the last messages:
Hiroki: Thank you for coming today. It’s my very first time to come here so... How do you say it. I was really nervous. Just like what Kousuke said earlier, I worried if people would come. For the sake of people who came and those who have fun, I will keep doing my best as an actor. I love you all.
Kousuke: Thank you to everyone who came here today. When I get home, we’ll start with Haikyuu, so I’ll be doing my best for that. Also, with everyone’s continuous support, maybe we can return to the Philippines.... I will come back Philippines!
Hiroki: Which you like... Me and Jolly Pasta? I mean Jolly Spaghetti?
At this part, he has acctually looking at our side, and because I was motioning that I like him more than Jollibee, he saw me and went, “Me?”
I thought his question was like that, until Kousuke reacted with, “No! Me Jollibee!” And both of them were just a laughing mess.
Before they actually went off the stage, they actually went down towards the audience so we were able to see them closer! Hiroki touched some fans from the other side haha. But aah, they were really handsome and funny! Such nice people too!
I was able to meet and talk to Kousuke too because of the high touch event!  He was so fun to talk to, and he got excited when I told him I will see him again for Haisute~ He also remembered me talking to him on his very first even in 2016. My request of telling him to go to the Philippines because he has a lot of fans here has come true. That time, he told he that he wants to. ;A; (Yep, I lined up more than once for the high touch event, thanks to some people! You know who you are! <3 No regrets lining up for 3 hours for the goods and getting so hungry just before the talk panel.)
I hope you enjoy this fan report! I tried to be as detailed as possible, so please direct people here instead of lifting/reposting them. 
Again, my ko-fi account is also open for coffee donations! Thank you! 
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