#will finn you national treasure
eonsmillennia · 5 months
Just a reminder that both of these were written by the same man
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s1ater · 1 year
god, forgive me.
part three of n/a.
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ricky rocks. i always forget to update this story even though it's my favorite plot tbh
kathaholics 🦵
finn guess who we just fucking found
sab god himself?
josh we were a little more luckier than that
enya luckier than god?
enya can't wait to hear this
josh the bitch who lit stacy on fire
finn she's coming to smoke with us
sab oh great, another deadbeat to add to our group
josh how could you say that, chicago is a national treasure
josh she did what no one else could do
sab josh, she basically committed arson
finn no, we weren't lucky enough for that
finn more like, third degree burns
josh arson would be like if stacy had just completely disintegrated
josh which sadly did not even come close to happening
"these two jackasses would get themselves expelled if they ever talk like this in public."
"what do you mean?" enya snorts, "they talk like this all the time in public. neither of them have a filtered thought to save them."
louis watches the continuation string of messages between finn and josh dogging on stacy golifolk feed through his screen within their groupchat to no end. he lied in the back of their rec room on an old dusty chair while sabrina and enya continued to discuss how stupid their two friends were.
"louis, you ready to go soon?"
louis perked his head up to sabrina's inquiry, finding both of them looking at him now.
"the graveyard," she nodded, "ditching school... remember?"
louis dips his head back as if suddenly being hit with recollection, “oh yeah, uh… no.”
“no?” sabrina is on her knees know, hanging off the back of the couch as she looks at him in surprisal.
“yeah, you seemed to have heard me correctly.”
“okay, no need to be rude about it, blockhead,” enya barges in, looking widely distasteful to his disinterest. “you’re the one who wanted to go.”
“and now i don’t.”
enya rolls her eyes before mumbling, “fucking cunt,” then turning back around to sit normally on the orange couch both her and sab were on. sab still watched him, more with confusion than annoyance that enya was hunkering.
“what’s up with you?”
kathaholics 🦵
josh yo, wtm
josh i got my bag and we already hopped the fence, so the rest of you fuckers better be on the way
sab looks up from her phone as he still scanned josh's messages, “so, you going or not?”
louis feels a strain of annoyance in his chest and a flash of heat flare upon his face; anger. for some reason, he felt a large amount of annoyance and irritation with sabrina still talking to him even after his rejection. he felt this a lot lately, and not just with sabrina, but right now she was putting the cherry on top of increasing his bad mood.
“fuck off, sabrina.”
“do you fuckers have no sense of time?”
“relax fuck face, you act like your mental watch is so good.”
“when weed’s involved, it’s immaculate.”
enya gave a hefty sigh before swinging her bag onto her designated seat. she then looked up, analyzing the three sets of red eyes before her, she smirks, “well, well, well, if it isn’t the woman of the hour.”
“my fellow candle stick holder.”
sabrina rolls her eyes as you and enya lean toward one another to shake hands, and you’re just beaming with a thin pressed smile of amusement. she couldn’t believe this was happening.
“ladies, take a seat. you know where you belong,” josh extends his arms out to the dusty old cushions that filled the area across from him
the graveyard was an old abandoned boys school from the 1950s that was never tore down, but rather left for catholic delinquents to discover and deem as there smoke spot. the five of them currently sat in a rusty old school bus that was cleared of most its seats and replaced with scruffy old couch cushions, bean bags, and really anything to provide comfort.
you were beyond amazed at the craftsmanship when your two new friends pulled you into what was the perfect smoke spot. your urge to spark up had increased immediately upon the sight, cutting your tour short and landing all three of you on the couch shoved all the way to the back.
“aye, where is louis at?”
“his cunt ass decided he didn’t want to come,” the sour tone of enya's voice suddenly covered every part of the bus, making everyone look up to her.
you were quick to catch onto the look josh and finn share over you despite being in your high state. her tone was very sobering and somehow you felt ten times more aware of everything all because of her clear distaste for this louis boy.
“fuck, why is that?”
“fuck if i know, louis has a fuckin’ stick up his ass lately.”
“isn’t that right.”
“sorry, who are we talking about?” your face screws up while you pass on the blunt you had to finn, looking between each of them subtly.
“louis partridge,” finn inhales “brown hair, brown eyes, and apparently a recent stick inputted into his ass.”
“such a clear decipher, almost like you didn’t just describe every walking fuck in our school,” enya rolls her eyes at finn and the vague features he offered, then looking to you. "he's the same year as us, was going to be top boy."
her provided information wasn't anymore of a help either.
"what?" however, a burst of energy seized through the group upon the relevance of it.
"lou was going to be top boy?" sabrina's posture was pulled straight as the rest of them, looking for clarification from enya--all she does is shrug.
"no wonder louis has been such a prick lately. he has to start fulfilling the roll," finn chuckles to himself, slowly starting to slouch back down. "too good for us."
"hey, whatever man, good for him," josh lightly taps finn, "maybe we'll finally get coed bathrooms and cig breaks like we've been petitioning for since first year sense we know someone on the board now."
"you guys are disgusting," enya rolls her eyes.
"what, you think they won't go for the dart breaks between class?"
you think enya's eyes are about to fall out of her head by the amount of eye rolls she's had in the past five minutes. you suppress your snicker as she looks at them with a dead stare.
"yeah, good luck with that one," she readjusts herself. "louis doesn't seem to give a damn about us, let alone your first year petitions."
"cmon, en, it was just one thing. he was only pissy because of coming down off of whatever josh gave him this morning," sabrina's voice lightens in defense of him, pushing enya further in annoyance.
"it wasn't just one thing. he's been a dick for the past couple of months. you can't tell me he hasn't when we're the ones who always have to deal with it because these two dimwits are too high half the time to even speak," her pointer finger jabs in your general direction in reference to both finn and josh who seemed shocked to her accusation. "tell me you didn't forget just because you've known him for so long."
there are hints of more spite that intertwined within the sentence, and you wonder why.
"well, I have known him for a long time."
"we all have, sab, but I don't forget his bitch fits because of it."
"oh, cmon, enya, don't you think you're being kinda harsh?" josh motions mindlessly with the hand that isn't propped behind his head. "you're just still pressed about him throwing out your booze stash."
"yeah, and you would be too if it was your pot."
"yeah, well at least I'm smart enough to not bring it around him when he's asked you not to," he takes a hit, his nonchalantness pissing her off. "plus, you're the one who put it in his room."
"suck me off," she grumbles, finally throwing herself into the cushions as if finally giving up. "he shouldn't be friends with alcoholics when he doesn't want to become one himself."
silence, but you still wonder;
"who's louis again?"
@aliyahsutherland @ioveisabel @multifandom-obsessed @cryinginsanity @rebbyr @cc13723things @heyitsmeimdead @thehuntress09 @black-rose-29 @rrosecar @instabull @rudypankowisdaddy @lukewearingbeanies @kiramdd @kitkat-mini @spencybear @w0nderr @deadbeatbarb @phantompogues @i-love-scott-mccall @greengarsstuff @rowena-ravenclaws-diadem @felixulvr @demigirl-with-problems @whoreforpsychopaths @mxsmwndr @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @xivilivix @morganaah @eichenhouseproperty @alliechickens @moonlighy @ancientimes @thelaststraw3 @i44nishi @iluvt4ylorswift @liltimmyst @falcvns @alexxavicry @grxcisxhy-wp @esposadomd
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snarkesthour · 1 year
United By Music Hatred Of The Jury  
Eurovision has been dogged by allegations of cheating, corruption, bad judging calls, and hatred of the jury for many years. This year brought that to a head with Sweden’s win over the public favourite Finland, in an allocation of points that shocked Europe.
Sweden received only 243 points from the public vote, without a single “douze points” from any country. Finland received 376 votes from the public, the second highest amount ever, including the coveted 12 points from eighteen different nation-states. How, then, did Sweden manage to win? Finland was only awarded 150 points by the professional jury, while Sweden was given 340, sailing their singer Loreen, a previous Eurovision winner, to victory.
Understandably, people are upset.
One reason that Finns have said it hurt to lose to Sweden is due to their history. Finland was colonised by Sweden for over 600 years, after Sweden annexed them (a long process lasting between the 1150s and 1350s at least). Sweden is still seen as superior in a number of ways. The Finnish language is often considered weird and ugly. Käärijä, the singer representing Finland, went to Eurovision to prove that a song sung in Finnish could win.
The professional jury clearly shows bias against songs sung in native and minority languages and not English. Time and time again, they vote for the most generic pop songs instead of performances laced with languages and culture from the performing countries. Last year in 2022, France sent a song in Breton, a language with a long history of oppression in France, with Celtic iconography. They received only 9 points from the jury. Meanwhile, audiences enjoyed the performance, and were happy that France finally sent something other than a modern chanson song, French audiences included. Keiino included aspects of Sami culture and language in their song in 2019, and lost out to the Netherlands, falling several places due to the jury vote. The Eurovision Song Contest exists to showcase and celebrate the full cultural richness of the competing countries, and it is wholly wrong for the jury to penalise that.
This argument is unhelped by those that often complain about the amount of Anglophone pop songs, yet then vote for the same due to loyalty, or the attractiveness of the singer, or politics. There is nothing wrong with voting for an English language pop song if you think it is the best song that year, but one way to help these non-English language songs is to allocate them a smaller amount of votes and save the rest for your favourite. This way these countries know that other people did enjoy their performances, and that they would like to see more of the same.
During its occupation by Sweden, Swedish became the dominant language in Finland, spoken by the upper class, administration, and education. It was only under Russian rule that the Finnish language started to gain traction and recognition, finally achieving equal status as Swedish legally in 1892. This is part of why it was so important to Finns to have a winning song sung in Finnish, their only previous win being in English. To show that their language is not rough and ugly sounding, and to demonstrate what it means to sing in your native language. The crowd sang along to Käärijä’s performance in Finnish; people who are not Finnish and have never spoken a word of Finnish. I cannot imagine that feeling. Käärijä also performed topless, with a perfectly normal body, unlike the heavily chiselled bodies favoured by Hollywood, which are, only produced by extreme diets, workout regimes, and dangerous levels of dehydration. It is no surprise he became a national treasure. Finland redecorated statues and had green shrines in their libraries and supermarkets. The country was so excited. Then they lost to Sweden over the jury vote.
Norway got the third highest votes this year from the public. They also won the televoting in 2019 too, but lost because of the professional jury votes that propelled Netherlands to the win. It was said that Norway may have had some voice trouble during the finals week, including her jury performance. The BBC praised her jury performance, but Swedish newspapers allegedly said it was very rough, and that she missed nearly every note.
The professional jury doesn’t judge the same Grand Final performance that everyone else sees. The jury judges the final jury performance, a separate show where the public is not allowed and only press accredited people can attend. Performers will obviously give it their best, but that does not guarantee it will be their best performance. It is also reasonable to assume that some singers might have a lower energy performance during the jury performance due to exhaustion, or in order to save up for the grand final, among other possibilities.
It is clear that everyone needs to be voting on the same show – anything else is just blatantly unfair. Votes cannot be accurately distributed if people are voting on two different shows.
If the juries are unbiased, we have a huge problem. Even if Finland got 12 points from everyone voting in the grand final, they would have only scraped a win with 11 points. They scored the second highest votes in Eurovision history, second only to Ukraine last year, a win that itself was mired in allegations of cheating and corruption. And yet Finland still lost.
The weighting of the votes is undoubtedly tilted towards the jury. As mentioned earlier, Finland received the second highest amount of televotes in Eurovision history, and won the public vote, yet lost to Sweden based on the professional jury. This is a kick in the face to members of the public that watched and voted. It sends a clear message that the public and their opinion clearly does not matter at all and they might as well have not voted. The public pay for Eurovision, the public stream and download and buy the songs, and as such, the publics vote should count, otherwise why bother? Why have a competition?
As it stands right now, the Eurovision Song Contest is essentially voted on like a US Presidential Election. The professional jury vote is essentially the Electoral College, capable of snatching the victory from the clear public winner that secured the majority of public votes. If we are going to complain about this system being used for American elections, then there is no reason that it should be acceptable here.
One way to fix this is to change the weighting of the jury versus public votes. The professional jury was established to prevent nations from simply voting for their neighbours or allies, yet it is remarkable how often the professional juries’ votes reflect these politics anyway. A 30/70 split to the public votes will allow the jury to make clear who they think should win while also not holding enough sway to alter the public results.
An overhaul also needs to be made to the professional jury itself. It is no secret that corruption is present within Eurovision. Keeping the names of the jury secret to prevent this from happening is only going to make it impossible to know when it has happened. Instead, the jury list should be transparent, and the juries themselves should be diverse, with a number of musical styles represented. Eurovision has a wide range of musical styles perform, and having a jury compiled of industry professionals from only one or two genres will only harm these entries, especially those that draw on traditional music styles. Many fan favourites were cheated by the voting system because their songs and performances weren’t “normal” or “palatable” enough for the jury. As mentioned earlier, these trend towards songs that have considerable influence from the culture of the country, including native and minority languages. It was also caused by the “war” between the juries, as evidenced by the graphic put out by Eurovision showing the difference between the jury favourites and the public favourites. Sweden and Finland sat in the middle of each half, essentially causing a fight over who would win by each half voting only for that one country.
Worldwide voting should also be removed. There should be a return to form when it comes to who can vote, as it was last year. Those that did not pay for Eurovision should not be able to vote, and worldwide politics could tip a win or loss by a considerable amount. The US has a population of almost 332 million people. India has a population of 1.408 billion. Imagine if any country with a population like this had even a fraction of its people cast a vote based on socio-political reasons.
Even within the voting process itself, there are problems. Votes should cost the equivalent amount everywhere. It ranges from 15p/17ct up to over a euro to vote, depending on where you are. This is going to have an impact on who can vote, and therefore who will win. Even on the app, it costs money to vote. This will not be a fair competition until everyone can vote equally and the organisers need to get on top of this rapidly.
Equality is the basis of every democratic vote, but Eurovision does not treat all of its competitors equally. The Eurovision Song Contest explicitly acknowledged the war in Ukraine and the need for another nation to host because of it. They sanctioned Russia by banning them from entering, this year being the second year in a row after their initial ban last year. This is considered the right thing to do, but it has raised several questions. The Eurovision Song Contest declined to let Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy address the audience at the grand final, saying that it would politicise the event, ignoring the fact that they had already politicised it by acknowledging the very real events happening in the world that caused something as drastic as a change of host nation. They also politicised it by denying Russia entry. The politics are even implied in the theme. While seen as the correct thing to do, it means they have, to an extent, been hypocritical. They have then taken it one step further though, with the inclusion of Israel.
Israel’s participation has long been debated due to geographical location and politics. However, to ban Russia for the invasion and war against Ukraine while allowing Israel to compete is hypocrisy at its finest. Israel has carried out the same actions against Palestine as Russia has against Ukraine, yet they have not been banned. Instead, they have hosted in recent years, often receive a decent amount of points, and this year had a previous winner featured during the interval act. Many people with the job of awarding points made statements in support of “peace and unity!” only to immediately award points to Israel.
This disparity of treatment is most obvious at two previous competitions. Israel hosted in 2019 when the Icelandic group Hatari famously waved Palestinian flags during the grand final, causing them to be deported and banned from the country. They were later fined for breaking the no politics rule.
In 2021, the Israeli entry was a song called ‘Set Me Free’, a song title that was mocked and by many for its irony. The day before the grand final, Israel launched a missile strike against Palestine (reminiscent of the harrowing news that the hometown of the Ukrainian entry was bombed moments before they took to the stage this year simply from the other perspective) as part of a series of escalations that included threatening to evict Palestinian families from East Jerusalem and nightly clashes between Palestinians and the police during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Many people felt that it was wrong for the performance to go ahead. For a considerable time, YouTube searches for Israel’s grand final performance only returned results for the semi-final.
Despite all this, Israel faced no sanctions at Eurovision. Contrasted with Russia, who has faced sanctions for their actions in Ukraine, fans are understandably angry and upset with Eurovision’s lack of consistent positioning on this issue, calling for the end of the hypocrisy. The double standard shown here, in the disparity of Eurovision’s treatment of Russia and Israel, is a symptom of racialised Eurocentrism – something which remains a massive problem in Europe and a subject which deserves its own post.
Speaking of the war, the UK did not utilise enough Ukrainian talent, or songs. The UK hosted on behalf of Ukraine, yet little of Ukraine was represented. Previous performers Verka, Go_A, and Jamala (who herself faced controversy for her entry at the time, it being an allegory to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in the same year as the title under the excuse of “allying with Nazis”) returned to sing their Eurovision entries, and last year’s winners Kalush Orchestra returned with an extended opening sequence. Beyond this, and one Ukrainian presenter, Ukrainian representation was far below what it should have been. Other Ukrainian groups or previous entries should have been invited to perform, and the three previous groups that performed should have had the option to sing additional songs if they wanted to. This was a serious let-down by the UK, especially given the interval performance. Famous songs of Ukraine could have been sung instead, or even some of those Liverpudlian songs translated into Ukrainian and sung by Ukrainian performers.
Moving on from those who didn’t perform to those who did: Loreen, too, is facing accusations of rudeness and arrogance. She has already won Eurovision once before and has returned to try and win again. The popular opinion is that those who have won Eurovision before should be allowed to return and perform as part of interval acts, but should not be allowed to enter again. It is unfair to the other contestants; they have already had their moment, and should move on to allow the new competitors a fair chance under the spotlight.
Viewers noticed that it was strange that the hosts kept mentioning Abba, and that a member of Abba even made a recorded appearance. Eurovision has nothing to do with Abba’s 50th anniversary next year. Abba won Eurovision for Sweden in 1974 when the UK hosted on behalf of Luxembourg. Now, 50 years later, Sweden wins Eurovision again, in the UK hosted on behalf of Ukraine, just in time for Abba’s big anniversary. No-one can deny that this coincidence seems suspicious, especially considering the jury versus public votes Sweden received and the landslide amount of votes won by Finland.
And that brings us to the plagiarism. Many fans say Loreen’s song this year, “Tattoo” is very similar to her previous winner ‘Euphoria’. An even more common accusation is that her song is very similar, or even identical to ‘Flying Free’ by Pont Aeri. Indeed, the openings are almost a complete match. It seems hard to believe that she could compose an identical opening without having heard the original at all. Sections of the instrumentals are also similar to Loreen’s entry.
Having not heard about this controversy before the grand final, the comparison this blog draws is with Abba’s ‘Winner Takes It All’. Perhaps this is why Sweden scored so many points from the jury this year? After all, Abba constructs very enjoyable, musically excellent songs. This was only noticed when my own father heard Sweden’s entry and began singing along with Abba’s lyrics, only realising that something was different when his lyrics didn’t match Loreen’s. He has been a fan of Abba since they won Eurovision and owns several records and CDs. And even he thought it was a dance remix of Abba.
During the judging section of the competition where the points are awarded, the crowd kept booing, and chanting Käärijä’s name and “cha cha cha” while the hosts were trying to announce Sweden’s victory. This chanting continued during Loreen’s victory song, as well as many other competitors immediately making their way to Käärijä to chant and support him. It was very clear who people thought the winner should be, and it was not Loreen.
No-one remembers who won the year Verka performed. They remember Verka. That’s what’s going to happen this year. This won’t be remembered as the year Loreen won Eurovision for the second time. This will be remembered as the year the juries finally went too far, and the year Finland was robbed.
Next year we should all just send our previous winners. And maybe question if Israel has a place in this competition anymore.
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suomeen · 4 months
Kirppis is a flea market or a thrift shop, though Finns also include consignment shops. There are many of them in Finland and they are very popular. Kirppis shopping is a sort of national sport. It’s partly about sustainability. But of course, many people come for a chance to get cheap treasures. You can find all sorts of people here. There are a lot of mothers looking to buy clothes for their rapidly growing infants. There are elderly people looking at porcelain that is beautiful but wildly impractical. There are middle-aged men looking at old records and CDs. There are green-haired piercing-covered youths looking for something weird and edgy. And of course, a lot of immigrants, looking for cheap basic things and clothing. It truly makes you feel the saying “one man's trash is another man's treasure”. The town isn’t very big so it feels like over the years half the stuffs in town have changed hands.
I go to one kirppis a lot. Of course, more than anything, it’s a way to find cheap good things. But to me, it’s also an adventure. You never know what you may come across. Everyone has a weak spot for a certain type of things that they find hard to pass by. For me it’s stuffed toys, beautiful ceramics and children’s books. I also acquired a few too many boxes and containers. I think it’s a middle-aged thing to try to organize your mess of a life.
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Finding something good and cheap gives you a rush. But these places always give a bit of a melancholy vibe as essentially, they’re a collection of unwanted things. I especially get that at consignment stores where people rent shelves to sell their things. There are a lot of clothes, dishes and glassware, toys and books, decorative items, even plants. Also a massive number of Moomin mugs, but that’s another story. And there are many reasons for people to sell things. Some clothes no longer fit and some are unwanted gifts. But sometimes a shelf tells a story. A hobby abandoned, a child grown up. And sometimes looking at someone’s things I wonder what event brought them here. Was the owner just bored with these things? Did they get them from an elderly relative who just died? Were those things unwanted reminders from a bad breakup? I sometimes come across books with lovely inscriptions inside, from friends or relatives. Those make me a bit sad. There’s one shelf that’s from a girl who went through an intense goth and anime stage and later apparently went on to study linguistics. I wonder how she’s doing… I guess I’m just weird like that.
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[To Eveliina Christmas 2010, From Granny and Grandpa]
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doomed-to-be-obsessed · 5 months
Are there any fics that you can just come back to again and again?
I’m sorry for getting to this late, but yes, I do!
Is a great fic written by @exhausted-eternally, it’s about getting gc’s face back by going to, well, going to Atlantis! It’s full of fun and serious moments between bc, the master builder crew, and business, as well as development of relationships between them all (plus coppernauts!) I love how all the characters interact and how bc and business interact (especially after gc comes back!!! Amazing scene) plus with the little inserts of Finn and the babysitter makes you look at the story with a different perspective! (A good one) I totally recommend it!!
Another one (which is also coppernauts) is https://archiveofourown.org/works/41773548/chapters/104802354
Which I feel is a pretty good fantasy au with seelies and unseelies and an interesting version of master builders getting captured! I like the suspense and tension between the characters, especially in light of what just happened in the story!
This series of fanfics https://archiveofourown.org/series/105734 is about bc learning how to adjust to changing sides after takos Tuesday, (with coppernauts). It has bc and Benny becoming police officers together, and eventually bringing gc back! It has good world building dealing with the consequences of the real bricksburg police being a front and duplos! (unfortunately that fanfic is unfinished, it’s still extremely good though!!) (as a bonus this fanfic https://archiveofourown.org/works/1744280, which is a short fanfic of the series and is really good!!)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47336524 is a fanfic about gcbc apologizing and becoming friendly to unikitty after takos Tuesday. I really like the characterization of both Unikitty and gcbc in this fanfic, and the reconciliation(if it could be called that?) between them two!
As a bonus: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1643848 and https://archiveofourown.org/works/48528943/chapters/122410555 are by far my favorite fanfics that aren’t Lego. A National Treasure fanfic about Peter Sadusky being integrated into the gates family :).
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thehollowwriter · 1 month
Hihi!! How about these for Finn and Nkulu:
If your character had to get a tattoo what would it be?
What are your character's opinion on scars?
If your character had to get a tattoo, what would it be?
For Finn? A butterfly most certainly. They are his favourite creatures, and they really mean a lot to him for various reasons. They're also absolutely beautiful. You know that fanart of mafia Octotrio where they've got the moray eels or octopus tentacles curling around their arms or back? I feel Finn might get something similar to that? But it's more likely he gets a small one.
Nkulu would absolutely get a King Protea and a Ipê-amarelo curled around each other. They are the national flowers of South Africa and Brazil, respectively, and his dad is South African and his mom is Brazilian. His heritage and culture really mean a lot to him, so something like that is something he'd really treasure
What are your character's opinion on scars?
Nkulu thinks scars are pretty cool! He doesn't really think much about them? When he sees one, he's like, "Oh cool" and that's about it.
Finn, though, has a lot of thoughts about scars. He's grown up around people who have varying degrees of severe injuries. His Papa, Gale, even Timo, etc. He himself has scars too.
Finn finds scars beautiful. It shows you've lived, and it shows you've survived. They have an impact. Certain scars make you look cool while others make you seem dangerous. Some are ones with silly origins, and others have stories that are best kept in the past.
There is always so much history behind a scar, and it really does fascinate him.
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle @galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker @offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @inotonline @1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy @casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch @ramshacklerumble @ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts @the-banana-0verlord @cloudcountry @skriblee-ksk @twstinginthewind @lumdays @theolivetree123 @natsukishinomiyaswife @authoruio @jewelulu @raguiras @honeynclove @moonyasnow
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dmndvtt · 3 months
Just wanted to say I love seeing you and biiigtimes stuff, you guys write really well together and seeing Becky and Finn content makes me smile.
ahhhh nonnie, i'm gonna cry !!! no, but saz is a national treasure and i'm so glad to have met her. literally one of my favorite partners to write with. her writing brings the best out of mine, and that kind of enriching quid pro quo is top tier quality in what i look for with roleplay partners. @biiigtime just hits different. also, we love manprince content in this house !!!
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luucypevensie · 5 months
Have you ever thought about crossovers between yours and another person's oc? Tell us about them! - 🖤
Oh where to begin??
Well I do have crossovers with my ride-or-dies: @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @daughter-of-melpomene, and @ginger-grimm
With Alexandra @dancingsunflowers-ocs, my most cherished crossover is with her Glee OCs and mine. The two of us are adamant that her OC Claudia, mine Dorothea, and Finn Hudson are a poly threesome and Francesca (Alexandra’s oc) and Augusta and Iris (my OCs) are besties
Fae @daughter-of-melpomene and I have so many crossovers I can’t keep track of them. Off the top of my head, some favorites are our National Treasure OCs, Laurens (Fae’s OC) and Lizzie (mine), our Glee OCs, Cord (my HP OC) and Rosaline (Fae’s OC), and a few of our TW OCs
Anna @ginger-grimm and I have an elaborate TW crossover where her OC Riley and mine Laurel are doppelgängers/twins, our Glee OCs Celeste and Thea are besties, our Riverdale OCs Beth and Verena are also besties and so many more!
I’m sure I have crossovers with other people, but I think most of them are not active anymore. So my ride-or-dies!
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thebrownsinasia · 4 months
Kuala Lumpur
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Forest Eco park in middle of the city.
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We arrived to Kuala Lumper ( K L) after a short 1 hour 30 min flight from Krabi landing on the 6th April. Our pre booked AirBnB apartment was everything we could of hoped for, swimming pool, gym, games room and surrounded by hundreds of restaurants and necessities. We chose to stay out of the main tourist area and be close to a Jiu jitsu gym for the boys so Desa Park City fitted our needs. To our surprise Desa Park is also known for Hot Pots, parks, dogs and mermaids ( a new sensation where people dress up as mermaids and swim around in pools). Now these aren't your typical big dogs playing catch at your local park oh no these are little fluffy dogs often found wearing a nappy being pushed around in a pram and sometimes wearing full dress attire.
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Lake Symphony water show KL central park
During our 2 month stay here we have enjoyed our favourite eatery hot spots like PV Manja, our local cafe where we enjoy our brunch most days. Brian and Jonny know our order and they make the best coffee / full english breakfast in town. Sushi Hero our local Japanese restaurant, high class food for great value less than $40nz for us all to feast like kings. Leo has loved our dinner's out at a local hot pot, although he does like to boss Rupert around telling him what to add to the cooking pot!
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Finn celebrated his 10th birthday at Malaysia's largest water park Splash Mania, with over 40 slides this place was truly insane. We went on a weekday and didn't have to queue once, slides for all the daredevils out there including a 2 storey high vertical drop one where the floor beneath gives out and you drop into a loop, Leo went on this twice!
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Black forest cake
During our stay the boys trained at Blueprint Martial arts under head coach Silvio Braga ( 5th degree blackbelt). They trained 3 days and week and enjoyed learning new techniques. Coach Silvio was used to training top athletes and was left to fill in for the kids coach who had left short notice. It was very interesting watching this dynamic and seeing his knowledge of over 35 years of BJJ was really special.
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Blueprint Desa Park City
We had left home with a full wooden chess and backgammon set but found this was too heavy and had to leave back at Bottle beach, so we decided to look for some new travel games. We discovered Board games cafe a family run business that not only has the biggest selection of board games to buy that i've ever seen but a seperate place where you can play. The owner helps set up and explains the rules and his 9 year old daughter Rachel sometimes joins in, Rachel is one to watch out for she definitely out smarted us on more than one occasion. We brought some cool new games to play on the road like Bandito, Deep sea adventure, Dobble and Rat a tat tat.
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Board Games cafe
KL had a lot of things to see and do. The Butterfly Park was a great day out surrounded by thousands of different butterflies flying close by and even landing on you. Leo had found a new Butterfly friend he named Nacho which stayed on his hand for the whole time we were there.
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KL skyline luge( same company as the ones in NZ) special birthday treat from Nanny.
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Superpark was an epic indoor playground with rock climbing, trampolines, pedal carts and lots more games. One of the rides im not sure qualified as overly safe where Finn had encountered his knee to his nose. Apart from that minor hiccup we had a fun day out to celebrate Finn's birthday, thanks Granny.
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Batu Caves
Guarded by a monumental statue of Hindu deity Lord Murugan, the Batu Caves are a Malaysian national treasure. These limestone caves formed more than 400 million years ago harbour Hindu temples where dioramas of mythic scenes glow beneath stalactites. The 272 brightly coloured stairs draw you up towards the entrance of the temple as you pass dozens of monkeys perched on pillars and scurrying about, you catch your breath and take in the beauty. There are 3 main caves as you walk through and you experience the beautiful art work, sculptures and people offering up food/incense and flowers to their god.
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Our 2 months spent in KL was just what we needed, a chance to slow down, stay put and just take it easy. We definitely want to explore more of Malaysia in the future but there's plenty of time for that. KL had so much to offer families with there endless activities which we definitely made the most of. The cost of living here is low which makes eating out for all meals a breeze and getting around with Grab ( uber) is so cheap. We have had so many fun times here as a family whether is was teaching the boys how to play a game of pool, water parks, ice skating or our daily swims in our pool.
Next stop..... Da Nang Vietnam
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What was the very first Anime you have watched?
That. This version is animated in Japan so it is anime. I watch anime for the first time at the age of 3.
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I am Finnish and the Moomins are our national treasure. Yes, Finns invent Moomins! If you consider them a Swedish invention you are wrong!!!!
Btw Snuffin and Moomin is the best ship ever.
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germanicseidr · 4 years
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We are picking up from where we left off on my post about the Frisii. The Frisians were a germanic tribe/kingdom located in modern day Frisia, Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Groningen, Drenthe and Overijssel in the Netherlands, east-Frisia in Germany and north-Frisia in Denmark. They are the oldest Germanic culture that still exist until this very day with their own unique history, flag, traditions and language.
During the great migrational period, which also marks the end of the iron age and the start of the medieval age, new settlers, mostly Saxons, settled themselves in former Frisii territory. Most of the Frisii had abandoned their homeland and migrated either southwards or to the west to Britannia. Only a very few Frisii remained in their homeland, too little to continue their population.
Around the 5th century AD these migrants were now settled properly and called themselves Frisians. They quickly turned their homeland into a powerful seafaring nation now bordered by the Christianized Franks to the south and the still pagan Saxons to the east, the Frisians were still pagan as well. By 500AD they were possibly the most powerful sea power in western Europe, a power they gained from their long history of sailing and trading.
Since the collapse of the Western Roman empire, the economy in western Europe was in a very sad state. Poverty and hunger were considered to be normal while ancient Roman settlements started to decay and slowly disappear. Between 300-500AD, trade was pretty much dead and time appeared to have stopped moving for the people in western Europe. This all eventually changed thanks to the Frisians who were able to restore trade routes and opened up a path for the now so famous vikings.
During the late 6th century, the Frisians set up wide-spread trading routes all across the north sea, east sea and the Rhine area. In all of these trading areas, settlements grew like cabbage thanks to the wealth that these Frisian traders brought, settlements like: Ipswich in England, Ribe in Denmark and Medemblik in the Netherlands. Already existing settlements such as London and Dorestad grew thanks to this trade. Dorestad, a city which was located in modern day Utrecht, the Netherlands, even became the most important trade hub of western Europe, it was also the capital of the Frisian kingdom.
The Frisians were in fact so dominant in their trade that the term Frisian became a synonym for trader in many Germanic languages until around 1000AD. Curiously enough, many of the trading settlements were not fortified with walls or forts, the 6th and 7th century were relatively peaceful times. It was also the Frisians who reintroduced the concept of money in the form of sceatta coins. The word sceatta itself is Frisian for treasure. Archeologists have found these sceatta coins all around the North sea coast, England, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. These sceattas were based on earlier Roman coins. So you can thank the Frisians for the fact that we use money instead of the old trading system.  
So what did the Frisians trade exactly? They traded both luxery goods and more mundane goods per example: Fabrics, skins, pottery, metal, cattle, fish, flesh, salt, wine, dairy products, fur, milling stones and even walrus, sea lion and reindeer products which they got from the far North in Scandinavia. They also traded in human lives because the slave trade was a lucrative business and slaves were essential for the early medieval economy.
Who ruled the Frisians? It is not known when the Frisian tribe turned into a kingdom but we do have written sources of some of the earliest Frisian kings. The oldest yet quite unreliable source comes from the epic poem Beowulf which mentions Finn Folcwalding as the first king of the Frisians. It is however doubtful if Finn actually really existed since Beowulf is not exactly a reliable historical source. According to the Poem, Finn was the son of Folcwalding and married a Danish princes, Hildeburh.
Here is a quote from the Beowulf poem: "The warriors returned then to seek their houses, bereft of friends, to see Frisia, their homes and high fort yet Hengest the death-stained winter spent with Finn, in a place with no fellowship at all; he remembered his land, though he could not drive on the sea the ring-prowed ship: the sea welled in storm, fought against the wind, the winter locked the waves in icy bonds, until came another year to the courtyards, as it still does now, those which continuously carry out their seasons, gloriously bright weathers." Beowulf
The first Frisian king of whom's existence we actually got archeological evidence, is king Audulf, who ruled Frisia between 600-630AD. The most famous Frisian ruler however is king Redbad/Radboud who ruled Frisia from 690-719AD. His story is recorded by the Franks, the enemy of the Frisian kingdom. According to these records, Redbad refused to convert to Christianity exclaiming that he would rather spent an eternity in hell with his ancestors than to go to heaven.
It was also under Redbad's rule that the Frisian kingdom reached its peak. The Frisians and Franks were continuously at war with each other as the Franks tried to expand their empire. Not only did the Franks aspire to add more land to their already massive empire, they wanted to convert the Frisians to Christianity as well which they eventually did with quite some violence. Bonifatius and Willibrord were send to Frisia with orders to built churches and convert the local people.
Bonifatius started to chop down sacred trees throughout Frisia, oak trees which were dedicated to Donar, which were used not only for religious purposes but also for judicial purposes. This angered the Frisians greatly and eventually the mob turned against Bonifatius killing him and his followers out of anger and revenge.
Redbad managed to keep Frisia largely pagan until his death in 719AD. After his death, the Frisian kingdom was quickly conquered by the Franks who divided the kingdom into three parts, East-Frisia, Middle Frisia and West-Frisia. One thing I want to mention is that there is a very popular post going around the internet saying that Redbad is the last Frisian king, this is however not true. The last Frisian king was Poppo who ruled Frisia between 719-734AD. It was during Poppo's reign that Frisia was conquered by the Franks, perhaps the reason why most people conveniently leave him out of history.
By the year 734AD, the Frisians were now largely converted to Christianty but some pagans still remained. The latest pagan burial dates back to around 1000AD and some pagan habits like placing offerings in moors and swamps continued on well into the 18th century. It took a very long time before the Frisians accepted Christianity, almost 1000 years before the Christian faith fully got its hold in even the smallest settlements.
Not only Frisia was conquered and converted by the Franks, the Saxons were also invaded by them which led to the Saxon wars which took place between 772-804AD. These wars eventually led to the destruction of the Irminsul and the forcible conversion to Christianity. Countless of pagans were murdered for refusing to convert. The Frisians provided military support for the Saxons in their uprising but it sadly failed. With the arrival of the 9th century, continental Germanic paganism has almost completely died with the exception of Denmark.
The Frisians were no longer independent and by 839AD, the reign of Frisian counts began. During the 9th century, the Frisian territory, now part of Lotharingia, was repeatedly attacked by the vikings. Thanks to the vikings, the Frisians lost their status of the most powerful seafaring nation and an age of terror began. Dorestad, former capital of the Frisian kingdom, was raided several times by the vikings until the city eventually slowly died. It was rediscovered in 1842 during archeological research conducted by L.J.F Janssen, conservator of the rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden.
Since the Christianization of Frisia went so slowly, many of its people still believed in the Germanic Gods by the time the vikings were active. After the passing of Louis the pious, king of the Franks, in 840AD, a power struggle broke out between his three sons which resulted in devastating civil wars. The Frisians, who are genetically and culturally identical to the Danes, decided to stop defending their territories from Danish raiders and so Frisia fell in the hands of Danish rulers. The Frisians and Danes actually had good relationships with each other as their culture and religion were the same. It is believed that many Frisians turned viking as well and joined the Danes in their viking raids.
Eventually the viking raids stopped but the Frisians, now known as the West-Frisians, continued their good relationships with Denmark, a friendship which continued for many centuries as Holland and Denmark later united to battle the Swedes, in fact this friendship still endures until this very day and was recently celebrated between both governments.
The counts of West-Frisia, who governed on behalf of the Holy Roman Emperor, ruled over the area which was formally part of the Frisian kingdom, modern day Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland, Friesland, Groningen, Drenthe, Utrecht and east-Frisia. The first known count is Dirk I who governed over Frisia between 916-928AD. This line of counts continued until count Dirk V of West-Frisia declared himself as count of Holland and so the province of Holland was born.
The climate of Europe changed again between 800-1200AD, the medieval warm period had begun. This eventually led to a gigantic flood, the Sint-Lucia flood, which created the Zuiderzee and separated West-Frisia from East-Frisia. Eventually east-Frisia became known as simply Frisia but West-Frisia, now reduced to an area connected to Holland, continued to exist under its former name. The remaining part of West-Frisia refused to join Holland which resulted in the West-Frisian wars which lasted around 160 years.
West-Frisia was eventually absorbed into Holland by count Floris V during the late 13th century after series of battles and a mass slaughter committed by the Hollanders on West-Frisian men, women and children. Even though West-Frisia is nowadays part of Holland, they still remain their own unique identity, anthem, flag and dialect. the province of Holland grew into the most powerful province of the low lands and eventually revolted against their Spanish overlords in 1568, a struggle now known as the 80 years war for Dutch independence which resulted in the free republic of the united provinces in 1648, the creation of the Netherlands as a united land.
Meanwhile east-Frisia, now known as Frisia, continued to resist against every power that tried to conquer the territory. Frisia became an independent territory around the year 1000AD and continued to be independent until they decided to join the Dutch revolt against the Spanish. Frisia joined the union of Utrecht and became part of the Dutch republic and still continues to be part of the Netherlands until this very day although some Frisians want to reclaim their independence again.
I am sorry for this long post on the history of the Frisians but they have a very long history that deserves to be told since they greatly influenced all of Europe and are the oldest still existing Germanic culture of Europe.
Here are images of: a map showing Magna Frisia, the Frisian kingdom at its peak. An image of king Redbad/Radboud, Frisian traders, artist unknown, A map of the Frisian trade network, Frisian sceatta coins with a depiction of Wodan, a map showing West-Frisia before the formation of Holland, A photo that I took myself of West-Frisian remains badly maimed by soldiers of Holland during the West-Frisian wars, Current territory of West-Frisia, map showing present day Frisia and east-Frisia
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madhare0512 · 4 years
Fandoms I May Write For:
Marvel (caught up on Marvel shows, Agents of SHIELD-through season 4, caught up on the movies)
DC (Flash-season 1 only, Arrow-season 1 episode 13, Supergirl-season 1 only, Legends of Tomorrow-season 1 only, all movies)
Criminal Minds
Harry Potter
Maze Runner (movies)
Doctor Who
Star Trek (AoS only)
Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
Merlin (through season 2)
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (movie)
Lord of the Rings/Hobbit (movies)
National Treasure
Dark Matter (through season 2)
Glee (up to Finn's passing)
13 Reasons Why
Hawaii Five 0 (through season 3)
Percy Jackson (PJO, HoO)
Shadowhunters (tv) (through season 2)
The Umbrella Academy (tv) (through season 2)
Teen Wolf (through season 5)
CSI: Miami
911/911 Lone Star
One Chicago (Fire, P.D., Med, Justice)
S.W.A.T. (2017)
Power Rangers (In Space and below)
TMNT (2003, 2009, 2012, 2014 versions)
The Magnificent Seven
The Dukes of Hazzard
I will happily mix fandoms, please see my Inhuman Academy and the Chaos Crew AU I've written on and for.
I will not be doing a list of characters but I will let you know if I won't write for a specific character. Thanks!!
I do not write for real people, but I do write for the YouTube Egos, so feel free to ask for them as well!
Thomas Sanders
I also write for the YouTube Web Series Escape the Night, which I am caught up on.
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direnightshade · 4 years
Hope In A Faraway Place
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Chapter 1
The year is 1917. America has just declared war on Germany after suffering hundreds of civilians lost at sea at the hands of German submarines. Nearly a month after signing up for the newly implemented registry, Kylo finds himself on a boat to France, drafted in the first World War. Little does he know just how much his life is about to change when he meets you, a nurse at the Hautmont Hospital. But outward appearances are not at all what they seem.
A quick note: This will be the only chapter that's set up with the timeline format. I just needed to do so in order to get the story set up.
You can also find this over at AO3.
April 2, 1917
On the third of February last I officially laid before you the extraordinary announcement of the Imperial German Government that on and after the first day of February it was its purpose to put aside all restraints of law or of humanity and use its submarines to sink every vessel that sought to approach either the ports of Great Britain and Ireland or the western coasts of Europe or any of the ports controlled by the enemies of Germany within the Mediterranean.
The radio crackles, static filling the silent pauses between carefully crafted sentences of Woodrow Wilson’s impassioned speech to Congress. Kylo’s joined a group of his coworkers, the lot of them surrounding the small device, listening intently to the broadcast. There’s a feeling of dread that settles into the pit of his stomach, and he knows, he just knows what’s to come of this all. There had been far too many attacks by Germany on neutral ships, and this latest—with 128 Americans on board—had been the final straw for the United States.
Vessels of every kind, whatever their flag, their character, their cargo, their destination, their errand, have been ruthlessly sent to the bottom: without warning and without thought of help or mercy for those on board, the vessels of friendly neutrals along with those of belligerents. Even hospital ships and ships carrying relief to the sorely bereaved and stricken people of Belgium, though the latter were provided with safe conduct through the proscribed areas by the German Government itself and were distinguished by unmistakable marks of identity, have been sunk with the same reckless lack of compassion or of principle.
“This is it, boys,” says Hux, his hand clapping Kylo on the back. “Wilson hasn’t even said it yet, but this is it.” Kylo shrugs out of his touch, scowling at both Hux and the broadcast. The redhead pays him no mind, instead turning to Poe, practically grinning from ear to ear.
It is a distressing and oppressive duty, Gentlemen of the Congress, which I have performed in thus addressing you. There are, it may be many months of fiery trial and sacrifice ahead of us. It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into war, into the most terrible and disastrous of all wars, civilization itself seeming to be in the balance.
“You hear that? What’d I say? Did I call that or what?” Hux is beyond pleased with himself, though he seems to be the only one in the group that’s anything other than fraught with uncertainty. “We’re goin’ to war.”
Thirty-six hundred miles away in Hautmont, France, amidst the chaos and the war itself, the same broadcast blares through the otherwise quiet nurse’s station of the hospital. You and two of your coworkers are bent over the desk, elbows atop the counter, chin in your hands as you hang on every word of Wilson’s speech.
“Do you think they’ll come here,” asks Rey, her gaze shifting between you and Phasma. “The Americans?”
Both you and Phasma exchange a worried look at the prospect, and with a sigh, you rise up and away from the desk, posture straightening while your fingers drum against the counter top. “It’s either here or Belgium,” Phasma says first.
“It’s been getting worse here,” you counter, to which both women nod their heads in agreement. They’d be hard pressed to disagree, of course. The Germans have already come to occupy the town, as well as the surrounding communities, declaring Northeastern France for themselves. Life within the town you’d grown to love so much has drastically changed; open air markets and bustling streets have tapered off dramatically, what with the German soldiers ensuring everyone stays inside unless absolutely necessary. Hautmont’s become less of a home and more of a prison.
But the right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts,-for democracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own Governments, for the rights and liberties of small nations, for a universal dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free. To such a task we can dedicate our lives and our fortunes, everything that we are and everything that we have, with the pride of those who know that the day has come when America is privileged to spend her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth and happiness and the peace which she has treasured. God helping her, she can do no other. 
The words fade into the background, lost to the chatter of the three of you as you exchange your worries and your woes, taking comfort in one another’s presence. It won’t be long now until the Americans officially enter the war, throwing the once European war onto the world stage, shining a spotlight on the atrocities committed by the German leadership.
May 19, 1917
PRESIDENT’S PROCLAMATION! Selective Conscription Law Presented To Country.
The bold headline is everywhere, seemingly on every newspaper in some shape or form. It had taken just a little over a month for Wilson to sign off on the Selective Services Act, requiring that every American male citizen between the ages of twenty-one and thirty register with the United States government, increasing military establishment within the country.
Kylo steps out of the recruitment office, taking a moment to glance down at the thin piece of paper in his hand. REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE. The words scream up at him, effectively sealing his fate for the foreseeable future. He’s done his duty, did what the country required of him and registered for the military. All that remains to be seen is whether or not he’ll be one of the poor bastards his own country forces into battle.
June 25, 1917
The creaks and groans of metal sound as the ship that carries Kylo and the remainder of his fellow soldiers bobs up and down in the waves of the Atlantic. France is just out of sight, but it won’t be long now until they join the Western Front, taking up occupancy in Chaumont. The plan is to advance towards Belgium, and should they succeed, drive back the German forces—and with any luck, put an end to this war once and for all.
“How much longer?” Poe’s voice pulls Kylo from his thoughts, his gaze shifting over to where Hux and Poe sit, the former shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly while he shovels another bite of food into his mouth.
Poe’s attention turns from Hux to Kylo, who gives him the same type of shrug that Hux had only moments prior. “Hard to say. Shouldn’t be too much longer, though.”
“Heard we’ll be fighting alongside Canada and Australia too. Can you fuckin’ believe that? Australia, of all places, has shown up to fight.” Poe huffs an amused breath, and Hux does the same, both men shaking their heads in disbelief.
Kylo picks at his food aimlessly, any sense of hunger long gone and has been ever since he’d received notice that he’d been one of the unlucky ones drafted up to take part in this war. Commotion sounds from the opposite end of the room where the men sit, heavy footsteps clamor down the metal set of stairs leading to the room until another one of the men makes an appearance; Finn, if Kylo remembers the man’s name correctly.
“We’re here,” he says, nearly out of breath, and Kylo can’t tell if it’s from nerves or excitement. “We’ve made it.”
— — — — —
Tagging my fellow Kylo lovers!
@mind-p0llution​, @candycanes19​, @duty-isnt-always-honour​, @holacherrycola90​, @safarigirlsp​, @little-laamb​, @gurl-ly​
If you’d like to be added to the tag list, give me a shout!
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lauralikedthatmovie · 4 years
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I wish I could tell you something profound like I was on a mission trip, or something tragic like I was in a coma… but the fact of the matter is I lost my bliss. I just plain old slacked off so hard, y’all. I can’t even tell you how many movies I took notes on and just never wrote up… and maybe I’ll dig those scribbled sheets out finally! 
So here’s a post that is the equivalent of me dipping my toe back in the (blog) water! 
I think I speak for all of us when I say 2020 was disappointing in so many ways. Movies being a major casualty of the pandemic, especially frustrating since we were cooped up for 80% of the year. I can only think of 3 mainstream films I saw and I’m not exactly over here singing their praises to anyone. (THE WAY BACK, PALM SPRINGS, THE KING OF STATEN ISLAND - for the record.) This was definitely the year of the miniseries, for me… Perhaps I’ll revisit that another time :)
I compiled this list to recap what has stuck out to me since I dropped off the radar. I have seen these 8 films more than once; I have recommended them several times; and I didn’t even have to Google what year they came out because they left such an impression! Honorable mention to ON THE BASIS OF SEX, THE HATE U GIVE, and A SIMPLE FAVOR.   From indies, to docs, to major award winners… there’s a nice crop of content for you to comb...
THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBINGS MISSOURI Fox Searchlight, 2017 My Take: Jaded mama bear in the backwoods of middle America channels her guilt & frustration following personal tragedy to shine a light on an antiquated, sexist, classist justice system. Perhaps the most darkly funny and timely film to win an Oscar? 
MOLLY’S GAME STX, 2017 My Take: Could not take my eyes off Jessica Chastain as ex-Olympian turned bi-coastal private high-stakes poker hostess-with-the-mostest. Layered performances from a remarkable supporting cast (including Idris Elba, Kevin Costner, and Michael Cera) create a freaking symphony in this underrated adapted bio.
TO THE BONE Netflix, 2017 My Take: I can only think of one other film that unflinchingly highlights the taboo world of eating disorders and the oft-fatal road to recovery this particular avenue of mental health takes - and with all due respect, the Lifetime network wasn’t nearly as effective with their offering. Lily Collins carries this special film on every delicate, exposed vertebrae in her capable back. 
INGRID GOES WEST Neon, 2017 My Take: Sardonic assessment of the fringe demo between Millennial and Gen Z. Screen culture, inflated self-importance, and the dangers of filtered life are embraced then set aflame by Audrey Plaza… who is SO MUCH MORE than the weirdly charming yet frightening April Ludgate on NBC’s “Parks & Rec.” 
... .. . The only movie I cared about for the entirety of 2018 was A STAR IS BORN but I’m sure you’ve had about enough of the Gaga/Cooper talk . .. ...
BOOKSMART Annapurna Pictures/United Artists, 2019 My Take: It’s SUPERBAD for the woke #metoo femmefluid set. It’s fun, it’s evocative, it’s simultaneously timely AND nostalgic, and oh boy, it’s packed with a cast of young Hollywood faces you know and names you’ll learn shortly, as they’re all shining so bright I didn’t know where to look for fear of missing the next nuanced moment.  SOMEONE GREAT Netflix, 2019 My Take: Giving yourself a day to cry, do some scene drugs, and relive the glory days with your friends - set to a near perfect soundtrack - as you transition between major phases of adulthood is reminder we all needed. Gina Rodriguez is a goddamn treasure… Someone greenlight a sequel before I tear up thinking about it any more.  THE PEANUTBUTTER FALCON Roadside Attractions, 2019 My Take: YES to buddy road trip movies (this is a reimagining of Huck Finn if ever there was one!). YES to inclusive casting. YES to loving something pure & simple. YES to movies set in the beautiful state of North Carolina. YES to Shia LeBeouf in a vehicle that makes him seem much more tenderly human than we now know him to be. 
ATHLETE A Netflix, 2020 My Take: I get a fresh wave of chillbumps across my whole body just thinking about this documentary. As a woman… no, you know what? This is about common decency not gender issues. As a human person with working brain cells, this film is startling for several reasons: The inexplicable willingness to sacrifice tender-aged girls in order to protect a brand; the overwhelming, pervasive silence amongst the otherwise tight community of elite athletes; the lack of urgency with which any consequences were doled out to the dozens of so-called professionals culpable among several branches of Team USA; and the absolutely unapologetic, fierce judge who created a safer space within the walls of her courtroom for 175 women to be heard than National Gymnastics could ever have hoped to fathom let alone facilitate.
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notdeadjack · 4 years
annual rec list 2020
13 fandoms represented:
Part 1: 55 fics total
Leverage: 13 fics Star Wars: 3 fics  Star Trek: 2 fics  Haikyuu!!: 13 fics   Teen Wolf: 3 fics Jurassic Park: 1 fic The Witcher: 1 fic  Merlin: 3 fics  Borderlands: 2 fics  She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: 2 fics Naruto: 8 fics  Dorohedoro: 3 fics 
Part 2:
Boku no Hero Academia: 211 fics here
If the read more breaks, I am truly sorry oTL
List split into two bc tumblr called me out on reading too many fics and wouldn’t let me post all of them at once boo
https://archiveofourown.org/works/799639    your body is a war zone but you are not a ruin by postcardmystery    2k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, 
“Make me a sandwich,” Parker says, so he does.
“Cut the damn wire,” says Hardison, so he does.
“Jump,” says Parker, says Hardison, and he never needs to ask, “How high?”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12475840    Well Worn, Well Loved by BabylonsFall    3k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, fluff, sharing clothes, 
You would think, given everyone’s space issues this wouldn’t be a thing. But it was. And none of them were complaining.
(Everyone steals each others clothes. They're all surprisingly okay with it.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6363724    Hotel Heart by Laughsalot3412    45k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, canon-AU, psychic abilities, mind rape, 
He had a sniper rifle scoping the girl’s bright eyes and the guy’s smile.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1407967    The Safe and Sound Job by flutterflap    15k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, injury, h/c, 
Eliot Spencer doesn't do hospitals.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3861028    like a map of a place you've never been by bydaybreak    24k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, pining, slow burn, fake/pretend relationship, 
He knows it’d be so fucking easy, if he’d let himself. Because he’s easy for them, has been since that first job, since the day he hauled Hardison’s ass out of a building about to explode. It’d be so easy.
So he won’t.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3928687    the warmth of your doorways by gyzym    3k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, 
Don't let me in with no intention to keep me.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1357111    Old Dog by thingswithwings   16k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, service submission, bdsm, mild puppy play, 
Eliot's their hitter, and taking on any physical threats to the team is his job, but there's something beyond professionalism – even beyond the obvious fact that Eliot relishes the fight itself – in the way he puts his body between Parker or Alec and any potential threat. Alec has a good view of Eliot's back on a lot of jobs, and he reads something in the tight line of Eliot's shoulder, in the slow turn of his foot as he steps into a fighting stance.
Something possessive.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8823406    Motion Parallax by Laughsalot3412    8k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, outsider pov, 
So, apparently Amy’s boss was part of a criminal gang.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/9071065    Wash the sorrow from off my skin by Keiya    2k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, soulmates, 
He lays on his bed and knows without a doubt that his soulmates can read Fucking Genius on their skin, or maybe just Genius, but Fucking gives a ring to it.
Because he is, baby, he is.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2854310    Love (By Any Other Name) by ChouetteAnanas41    5k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, 
Eliot fell in love on a Tuesday.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3928888    Pancakes by saavik13     7k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, mentions of rape and child abuse, h/c, 
Parker can't ever ask a simple question.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3556844    No Time Like the Present by waterbird13    22k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, past Moreau/Eliot, violence, murder, child murder, 
Eliot's past with Damien Moreau is even more complicated than most people know about, and of course that would come up again when dealing with his incredibly complicated present feelings for Parker and Hardison. Eliot isn't a hundred percent sure how love works, but he's pretty positive it exists only to bite him in the ass.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4542576    Guard Your Eggshell Heart by letsgostealafandom    14k, Alec/Parker/Eliot, praise kink, 
Parker had a theory, and her theory was this: it made Eliot really happy when they noticed the things he did for them. It made Eliot happy when they made sure he knew they noticed the things he did for them. And when Eliot thought they didn't notice, it made him- not unhappy, but something worse, something like he knew that was all he could expect from anyone and he'd resigned himself to it a while back. Once she'd noticed it, she couldn't stop, and the realization of how often they took Eliot for granted made her stomach twist uncomfortably.
Star Wars
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5783371    This is Called Falling by Cartopathy    24k, Finn/Poe, h/c, 
Poe stood and he walked, remembering suddenly his only friend on the planet was gone and there was little hope of finding a town, much less hospitality.
And yet he walked in hope.
There was a stormtrooper—he needed to find the stormtrooper. ________________________________
“Was Poe important to you? You were close in the Resistance?” Rey asked.
Finn cleared his throat. “Yes, because I’m in the Resistance and he was in the Resistance so we've known each other for a while. He was important to me, yes.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18546007    Stop Your Fear by gloss    12k, Finn/Poe, sex pollen, dub-con, public sex, pining, 
Imprisoned by space pirates, Finn and Poe get to know each other better. When Finn gets whammied with sex pollen, Poe helps him out, not entirely unselfishly.
Afterward, they try to clean up the mess and take care of each other.
please note: sex is entirely consensual, but within a compromised situation. Dub-con, not non con.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6904006    Against Disaster by gloss    29k, Finn/Poe, pining, PTSD, 
Not that he loved Finn. There was no way he could love someone he'd spoken to for all of ten minutes, no matter how lifechanging those minutes proved to be.
He loved the feeling of it all. The thrill, the novelty, the rush. Everything he'd shared with Finn had been more exciting than the rest of his life put together, and his life had been far from sedate.
That's what he told himself, anyway.
__ Poe's a disaster and Finn's still got a lot of brainwashing to work through.
Star Trek 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/849107   Treasures by yeaka    17k, Kirk/Spock, AU, pon farr, soul bond, 
Sometimes the other Vulcans wonder how Spock managed to obtain such an exotic bondmate, and sometimes Spock wonders himself.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11697684    Echolocation by Darksknight    8k, Kirk/Spock, 
Kirk and Spock don’t realize that they’ve bonded right away. The rest of the crew is a different story.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21762448    discovering the smile of one kageyama tobio by Emlee_J    8k, Hinata/Kageyama, fluff, 
Kageyama blinks once before a grin of his own spreads over his face. Shouyou’s breath halts in his lungs at the sight, and he wills for time to stop, just so he can drink it in. He sees it sometimes, when they’re playing - Kageyama’s fierce smile when they pull a combo off just right, when they show their opponents how possible the impossible can really be. But then there’s another serve, another rally, and the moment is gone.
'Shame', Shouyou thinks to himself, as he lets his eyes roam over Kageyama’s stupidly happy face, taking in the creases that are from joy rather than frowning, for a change. 'It’s a really nice smile.'
In which it's their third, and final, year in high school and Hinata has only one goal: to make Kageyama smile outside of volleyball.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5479973    75% Useless Pining by ravelqueen   4k, Nishinoya/Asahi, pining, hair kink, 
People often ask Asahi why he keeps his hair long. He gives them a different reason every time, from being too lazy to cut it, over saying he thinks it looks nice on him, to just ducking his head and hoping they'll move on.
The actual reason is pettier and smaller and has nothing to do with his fashion sense and everything to do with Nishinoya.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2330126    Exception to the rule by Mysecretfanmoments   2k, Sugawara/Daichi, 
In which Sugawara Koushi just so happens to belong to the .001% of guys Daichi might conceivably fall for, and it takes a confused third party for Daichi to realize it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21580309    Just Another by Mooifyourecows    103k, Sugawara/Daichi, drama, humour, childhood friends, flip-flopping,
Everything is changing. But in the midst of exams, plans for the future, nationals, and a tumultuous new fracture to his family life, at least Sawamura Daichi can always count on his friendship with Sugawara Koushi to stay the same.
Or so he thought.
(RN: some of the best flirting i’ve ever read. also, Sugawara’s family? A++)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2940728    boys by buu    5k, Sugawara/Daichi, 
Before, if Suga had been asked to pick a type, he would have hummed and thought it over, maybe said something vague like “nice eyes” or “nice legs” or “a good personality”. Now, he can only think “Daichi”.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3189353   Perfectionism by Mysecretfanmoments    2k, Sugawara/Daichi, practise kissing, accidental boners, 
“I just wish it was something you could practice before you have to… perform.” He narrows his eyes, imagining it. “Like a CPR class.”
Suga raises an eyebrow. “You want to practice it. Beforehand.”
“Yeah. Are you offering?”
((Daichi doesn't like to be bad at things--kissing included--and Suga is willing to help him practice.))
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6411370    Jealousy by surveycorpsjean    7k, Sugawara/Daichi, jealousy, 
It’s so horrid- it feels like sludge in Suga’s stomach, like poison in his veins, like an itch behind his skin.
It burns, it stings. He hates it, he hates it more than anything, but he can’t help it.
He’s hopelessly in love.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7496004    Hinata Shouyou's Fucking Face by Esselle    17k, Hinata/Kageyama, 
'Kageyama doesn't know why Hinata's face rubs him the wrong way—it just does. So one day, in an attempt to pinpoint exactly what it is that makes Hinata's Shouyou's fucking face so fucking annoying, he begins to catalogue all the things that really tick him off.
This proves to be startlingly revelatory.'
A thought-provoking study and critical analysis of Hinata Shouyou's stupid face, by Kageyama Tobio.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1831732    need a friend you can fuck, i can be that by readbetweenthelions    5k, Nishinoya/Tanaka, friends with benefits, 
noya and tanaka are just really good friends who have a bit of good, not-exactly-clean friendly sex sometimes. here's the first time it happens.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3332642    it's fine by lokh    2k, Nishinoya/Tanaka, phone sex, just dudes being bros, 
have you ever wanted to jack off but you're in the middle of talking to someone and you can't exactly tell them that you've gotta jack off so you either sit through it awkwardly or make an excuse to leave? imagine that they found out and tell you that it's fine if you just jack off mid-conversation. now imagine that it's not you and it's tanaka and noya. that's the whole plot.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5103794   find out what we're made of by sweggscellent    2k, Nishinoya/Tanaka, first kiss, frottage, 
It’s weird, noticing things about your best friend when your best friend is literally the goofiest person on the planet, but Noya does; the swell of his powerful calves, the line of his back when his tee shirts cling to it with sweat, the strangely graceful determination on his face when they’re up against a particularly strong team. It almost makes Noya uncomfortable.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6205864   Rule 4 by mean_whale    15k, Nishinoya/Tanaka, friends with benefits, friends to lovers, 
Nishinoya and Tanaka are tricked into watching gay porn, and curiosity gets the better of them.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5979136    Roundabout by Shaples    12k, Nishinoya/Tanaka, past asanoya, post-canon, emotional h/c, 
“Actually I, uh. I was thinking I might stick around. Like, long term? I mean, if you haven’t already found someone to rent the other room, and you still. You know. Want to live together.”
Tanaka’s eyes widened in surprise. “I thought that you and Asahi were-”
“Yeah,” Noya said. “We aren’t.”
“Oh,” he said. And when Noya didn’t look up from the label on his beer bottle, Tanaka breathed out, “Shit.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13344624    And They Were Roommates by Hella_Queer    7k, Hinata/Kageyama, first time, trans character, 
“I can like...eat you out if you want.”
Silence surrounds them. This was it. Three years of friendship down the tubes. Kageyama would move out, or demand he move out, and he'd be forever branded as the Pervert Roommate. No one would talk to him ever again. His life was over!
Teen Wolf
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22812937    Five Times Derek Heard Something He Wished He Hadn’t, and the One Time He Did by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)   14k, Stiles/Derek, 5+1, pining, 
“This place is hell,” Derek decided. “This place is absolutely hell.”
How was it possible he’d gone so many years of his life without hearing anything nearly as over the top as he had just visiting Stiles at school? This had to be some kind of record for the most disgusting things he’d ever overheard.
(I mean really, the title says it all lol)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27872045    Can You Feel A Whole New Part of Your World? by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)    53k, Stiles/Derek, AU, neighbours, fluff, 
“Can you hear me singing in the shower?” Stiles blurted out, because he had to know, now. If one of his neighbours had slid that note under his door, then it meant Parrish as another neighbour could hear him, too! He had to know if this was all a huge joke and one person had walked by and overheard him and decided to fuck with him.
Or if everyone could hear him and he now had to leave the country.
Parrish gave him a weird look at the question, but answered anyway, making Stiles’ plans to leave the country speed up in his mind.
“Of course I can. You’re actually not bad. Though you have been singing a lot of Frozen lately, getting kind of tired of the soundtrack.”
“Oh my God!” Stiles shouted in his face.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6156885    you're never too much of an old dog to teach a duckling a new trick by driedupwishes    2k, gen, light angst, 
“Y’know, it’d be real neat if someone gave me a gun,” Stiles says.
And Chris does.
Jurassic Park
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5199038   5 Times the Raptors Tried to Kill Miriam, and 1 Time They Didn’t by JulisCaesar   22k, OCs, gen, blood, science, freaking dinosaurs heck yeah!
Miriam thought the job working for InGen sounded perfect. Tropical island, good pay, first dibs on publications… At least, she thought so until she found out that she was the only behaviorist on staff. Once the eggs hatched, it became all she could do to keep up–with the dinosaurs, the science, and her health.
The Witcher
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22247587   swallow my breath and take what is mine by anacaoris    6k, Jaskier/Geralt, first time, sugar baby!geralt, 
“It began with the baths.
It had been so easy to dismiss at first. Some attempted to win him over with kindness-with-a-catch when in need of something, a bed for the night, a pouch of coin, a good drink to lower the cost.”
Jaskier likes to take care of Geralt. Geralt very quickly takes notice.
Merlin (BBC)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7287    In Want of a Wife by syllic    43k, Merlin/Arthur, 
When Merlin first hears that Arthur has been betrothed, his ribs pull inwards with an odd little hitch, and he only allows himself a second—which he needs in order to coordinate spinning in place without falling on his face—before he’s running to Arthur’s chambers.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2193282   The Frog Prince by Clea2011     58k, Merlin/Arthur, canon AU, disability, 
Canon era AU. A teenage Arthur is hit by a mutation spell intended for Uther. Unable to speak and hidden away by his father because of his appearance, Arthur is left lonely and isolated. A few years later Gaius takes on a new apprentice, someone who can understand Arthur and see through the enchantment. Someone with magic.
But breaking the spell was never going to be easy.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/835089    Such a Life, a Heart, a Mind as Thine by dreamlittleyo    42k, Merlin/Arthur, sex pollen, first time, non-con, soul bond, guilt, 
In which Arthur inadvertently triggers an ancient magic, but he does not face the consequences alone.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8628043   How They Met Themselves by Wheat From Chaff (wheatfromchaff)    205k, Timothy/Rhys, slow burn, past abuse, 
Rhys wants to change Pandora. He wants to make things better, build things up. He wants, more than anything, to prove Jack wrong.
Tim just wants to get paid.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/9951275    you'll find me buried by Wheat From Chaff (wheatfromchaff)    7k, Jack/Timothy, fight club, hate sex, dub-con, 
It's not every day you face yourself in the ring.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16748245    tooth for a tooth by nowweareunstoppable    3k, Adora/Catra, exploration, first time, biting, 
Now, though, Adora was on top of her, and her chest heaved in a way that was decidedly not sleepy. She pleaded with Catra with her eyes, then her words, “Please, I just-” before cutting off, not knowing what to even ask for.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19767655    More than Words by SimonKilnsworth    5k, Kyle/Rogelio, first time, 
Rogelio gets woken up in the night as Kyle struggles with his feelings. 
https://archiveofourown.org/series/37259    Ten Years Gone series by 100demons    80k, gen, time-travel, 
Thirty year old Kakashi was supposed to have been killed by Pein during the Invasion. Instead, he wakes up in the body of his twenty year old self.
(It gets a lot more complicated.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25538635    Better It Be You by cricket_aria    4k, Kakashi/Sakura, dodging arranged marriage, 
When Sakura's parents realize that she would be ill-trained for any job in the civilian world should she ever be too badly injured to remain a ninja they decide to try to arrange a marriage for her with one of the members of a major clan, so that at least if that day comes she'll still have value within the ninja community. Too bad they didn't discuss it with her first.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14143890   the chosen fruit by theformerone    51k, Sakura/Shikamaru, AU, honey pot, sex work, exhibitionism, implied non-con, kidnapping, drama, politics, 
Sakura is a rōnin, but she's good enough with a blade to find work. She's trusted at Fukiage because she's a nameless woman who can't afford to bite any hand that feeds her.
Shikamaru's awful attitude makes him a favorite in the teahouse. He makes his money on his back but his real trade is information. There is rot in Fire Country. Shikamaru sees it, and he is going to burn it at the roots.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16304705     Being Over-Prepared is Impossible (and other mottos) by Pleasedial123   gen, 40k, canon-AU, BAMF!team 7, 
In one world, Kakashi awoke, felt grieved at being assigned a team he sees his own in, and he let that grief make him a lazy teacher. He saw himself in Sasuke, Obito in Naruto, and Rin in Sakura. He woke, saw himself in them, and took a large step back, regretting accepting them as his new team. In another world he was quite hands off, merely a watcher because it was so very painful to watch. He saw himself and all his mistakes in this new team of his.
In this world, Kakashi awoke, saw the similarities, and instantly panicked. He suddenly realized what he had done, passing a team. Kakashi was left scrambling not to repeat old mistakes and regrets. This team would not suffer the fate of his team.
In this world, simply put, Kakashi became a teacher. This is the starting of a new Team seven.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13690269     there to welcome you home by theformerone    1k, Sakura/Neji/Shikamaru, fluff, 
Sakura gives birth to their daughter in the bathtub in the main house on the Nara compound.
Neji comes home and nearly has a stroke.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14902124    brown eyes steal me by theformerone   10k, Kiba/Shikamaru, canon-au, arranged marriage, mutual pining, 
"You planted a -,"
"I planted a tree, Ino, I know, I was there."
"Kousa," she says, finishing as if he never interrupted. "Not very original, but cute. You think that'll be what you name your firstborn?" 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18913750    gonna give you all my love, boy by theformerone    2k, Sakura/Shikamaru, first time,
Shikamaru is a (maybe ace?) virgin. Sakura is not either of those things. It still all works out. Sexually, speaking.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18756313    Consideration: Or, The Smart Kids Get (It) Together by cairn    12k, Sakura/Shikamaru, friends to lovers, 
Noun: Consideration 1. Careful thought, typically over a period of time. 2. A fact or a motive taken into account in deciding or judging something. 3. Law: (in a contractual agreement) anything given or promised or forborne by one party in exchange for the promise or undertaking of another.
"You want to give yourself cancer?" she had asked.
"Good afternoon, Sakura," he'd drawled back. "So nice to see you so unexpectedly."
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25767034    I Am Intrinsically No Good by Medegela    2k, Noi/Shin, accidental voyeurism, sexual tension, masturbation, 
They had recently renewed their partnership for the third time and things he faintly noticed and always dismissed before were amplified. He knew now that she also enjoyed watching him, he knew that the same kind of release ran through her when she saw him, and he was sure of that because of the contract.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12192696    Secondhand Smoke by dirtbag    -1k, Noi/Shin, unresolved romantic tension, magical shotgunning, 
They sure do this a lot, for something that's so endlessly frustrating.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12387897    Love Is a Verb by dirtbag    4k, Noi/Shin, pegging, 
Shin can’t figure out why Noi is so insistent on being careful with him tonight when he’s pretty sure he’s come out of her bedroom mildly concussed before.
12 notes · View notes
sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
WIP List
**This is just to show you guys what pops up into my head and what I plan on working on. I’ve got all of the requests up until today. I’m excited for all of these just need to get cracking on my keyboard!**
Fallin’ All In You Side Pieces: So many planned!
Stiles x Reader Series: In Love With Someone Else 7 parts. Angsty Romance. In Progress!!
Blue Jones x Innocent!Reader Series: He’s a club owner and she shows up at his club for one of her friend’s bachelorette parties. She is enchanted by the dancers at his club and when Blue sees her he knows he has to have her as his own. Smut insues.
Poe Dameron x Prisoner!Reader Series: Poe is captured by the First Order and is thrown in a cell. While he’s there he befriends a fellow prisoner that he can’t see but they talk all the time to distract themselves from being captured. When Finn and Rey come to save him Poe sees the Reader and is unable to save her as the First Order is coming but she tells him it’s okay. She’ll see him again.
Whiskey x Readers Series: Whiskey and Reader have a relationship like Roz and Mike Wazoski from Monster’s Inc. Reader is constantly hounding him for his reports that he keeps turning in late which puts her in a bind with her surperiors. Whiskey keeps dodging her and she finally gets fed up and slams him against the wall in the hallway and threatens him. Whiskey is shook and suddenly he’s like a puppy dog tailing her trying to get on her good side. Reader is confused now and is exasperated with the underfoot agent.
Stiles x Reader Series: Operation Open Their Eyes. 9 parts. The pack can see that Stiles and Reader are head over heels for each other but they can’t see it. So the pack decides that they’re going to help them see it.
Whiskey x British!Reader Series: Sex around the globe. Whiskey and Reader have been working on taking down an international terrorist group that has multiple locations and along the way things get a little heated between the two. Places they hit UK (England), Wales, Ireland, Australia, Hawaii, Kentucky/New York.
Whiskey x Reader Series: Inspired by The Mummy. Whiskey is O’Connell and Tequila is Jonathan.
Whiskey x Reader Series: Tangled inspired. Whiskey is sent on a mission to retrieve “something precious” from a secluded island. Only to come find out that this “something precious” is actually a woman who has never been off the island since she was captured by the baddie. Whiskey has to get her back home and it’s a long trek and he slowly falls in love with her during it.
Whiskey x Reader AU Series: Whiskey is a single dad who lives in your neighborhood. You're kinda like a community leader and are always looking for everyone, i.e. always doing grocery runs for the elderly neighbors, cooking freezer meals for the tired work moms, mowing your neighbors lawn while they're away on vacation. So when Whiskey puts out an ad for a babysitter for his 8year old daughter you answer it and offer to babysit while he goes away on business trips. His daughter slowly warms up to you and Whiskey easily becomes smitten because his daughter likes you. He tries to get close to you but you only let him so far because you're worried he'll be like your ex husband and only want you bc you take care of his kid.
Tequila x Reader Series: Tequila starts a relationship with a woman and when it gets serious he makes the decision to tell her about his career choice. Only problem being is that she doesn’t believe him! Just a cute little series of the times that Tequila tries to get her to believe him and the time she finally does believe him.
Raymond Smith x Reader Series:  Reader is American and begins working for Rosalyn at the garage. Rosalyn likes her so much that she promotes the reader fairly quickly to become her admin assistant. When she finds out from the reader that she's being harassed on her way home she tells Mickey and Mickey sends Ray. Ray comes across the reader yelling at the toddlers as Ernie is on the ground in pain bc she maced him. Ray is shocked and impressed and the reader almost maces him too but she stops when he tells her he knows her boss.
Rewrite of Golden Circle: Using Wip’s as chapters. Do it like a choose your own path series. Reader is a medic.
Catfish x Reader: Song fic “Love me like you” – Little Mix. Reader is babysitting Rosalita for Frankie while he runs errands. When he comes homes he finds you dancing and singing with Rosalita in your arms and he just stands there watching before coming to join you two.
Catfish x Reader: Song fic “Bullet in a gun” –Imagine Dragons. Catfish thinks of you when he’s out on a camping trip with the boys. He thinks about you watching Rosalita back at his place. He thinks about how easy it is with you in his life now. Pope looks over and sees him deep in thought and pulls him back asking if he’s ok. Catfish says yeah and that he’s just thinking about his girls. Ben teases him by making kissing noises and they all chuckle after Will hits Ben.
Stiles x Reader: Song fic “Invisible” –Taylor Swift. Reader POV as she watches Stiles fawn over Lydia. Scott holds her as it gets too much one day and is just close to make sure she’s ok. Stiles notices and asks what’s wrong but the Reader refuses to tell him and Scott won’t say anything either. Then Lydia walks by and Stiles is back to fawning over her making the reader cry.
Marcus Pike x Reader: Song Fic “Lightning” – Little Mix. The reader watches Marcus flirt with Lisbon. Super sad.
Isaac Lahey x Reader: “Lightning” –Little Mix. Scott’s POV. Reader is Isaac’s best friend (even before he was bitten) and Scott hears her heartbeat whenever she’s around Isaac, whenever she sees Isaac with Allison, whenever Stiles teases/messes with Isaac. Scott talks to the reader about it and she confesses that she’s in love with Isaac and that she’s coming to terms with not being as important to Isaac. Isaac overhears and is devastated because he saw Scott comfort the reader.
Fic Request: Choose your own adventure type fic. Tequila x Reader/Whiskey x Reader. The boys are crushing on the reader and decide they are both going to take reader out on dates to see who she chooses.
Fic Request: Whiskey x Reader. Whiskey has a crush on reader who is into pop culture which he knows nothing about or very little. So he asks Tequila for help and he teaches Whiskey all about Pop culture.
Fic Request: Whiskey x Reader. Whiskey is crushing on reader and tries to flirt with her but she brushes him off and he’s thrown for a loop. He asks Tequila about her. So when he’s got more info on her he tries again.
Song Fic: “I found you” Andy Grammer. Stiles x Reader.
Stiles x Reader Song Fic: “Story of us” Taylor Swift Stiles and the Reader’s relationship broke down because he kept trying to hide the supernatural from her and when Theo came he told her everything to hopefully get her on his side. The two of them are at a party after being broken up for a little bit and he’s standing there with Scott, Lydia, Malia, Liam, Mason, Peyton and Kira. The reader is standing with some of her friends when she spots Stiles and he’s staring at her as Lydia tries to talk to him. The reader gets upset and walks out of the party to get some fresh air. Stiles follows her and asks her how she is and she scoffs angrily at him asking if he’s asking cuz he feels guilty or because he actually cares. They argue and the two of them burst out saying that they’re still in love with each other. When they both stare at each other with wide eyes they lunge at each other and begin kissing. Stiles apologizes through kisses and the reader reassures him telling him to shut up and that she loves hi
Fic Request: Statesman x Reader. Agent has to go undercover for a big baking competition as a pro pastry chef. For research she starts baking and researching recipes. Tequila gets all up in this by declaring weekly baking nights for research! He helps research recipes and helps with the baking part. Whiskey and Ginger hear about this and everyone gets roped in somehow either with ideas for recipes and how to stand out, taste testings, etc.
Fic Request: Whiskey x British!Reader. She transfers to Statesman and needs a place to stay. Ginger is helping her with house hunting but when Whiskey hears that she needs a place ASAP he offers for her to stay with him since he’s got a large ranch. They become roommates and she just never leaves. Whiskey has NO problem with this.
Fic Request: Whiskey x Reader. Treasure hunt where Whiskey’s the treasure! Reader is big into puzzles and is a bit like Riley from National Treasure. She gets stumped a little bit on one clue but when she finally figures it out and gets to Whiskey she’s sarcastic and a little frazzled. In her state she doesn’t think and just grabs him and plants one on him. Could possibly be a training exercise??
Fic Request: Whiskey x Genius!Reader. “Sucker” – Jonas Bros. Whiskey is assigned to protect the reader. In the briefing there’s no picture to protect her identity and Whiskey immediately assumes that she’s just a nerd with coke bottle glasses. When he sees her she’s nothing like how he pictured, she’s got glasses but that’s all that’s shared from his assumption. Whiskey is weak.
Fic Request: Whiskey x Kingsman!Reader. After being on assignment with Reader as a married couple Whiskey caves into the attraction he has with the reader and they blow each other’s minds. This happens just as the assignment is ending. She’s on a plane back to England and when Whiskey tries to stop it he’s too late! A month later Kingsman throw a celebratory black tie event to celebrate their work and when Whiskey sees her again he’s over come with need and desire. She’s working the room easily and he’s brooding until she comes over to him with a sweet soft smile. Whiskey takes no time in telling her that he’s thought of nothing but her since she’s left and that he tried to stop her. She confesses that she’s done the same and that she’s put in a transfer for the NY office to try and reconnect with him. Whiskey sneaks her away from the party before their commemorative speech happens (Eggsy has to give their regrets for not being there while Tequila laughs.). SMUT
Fic Request: Whiskey x Medic!Reader. Whiskey’s heard the rumors about the new Head of Medical Department and how she’s as competent as she is gorgeous but he’s not prepared for her at all. He meets her and is instantly taken with how proficient she is with her job and her looks are just a bonus. But as he gets to know her he finds feelings are taken hold. When he winds up in her Department due to a stray bullet that grazes to close he wakes up knowing that he has to say something since he almost DIED. She teases that she saved his life and he owes her and he’s quick with a response that just sets the mood for the two of them.
Tequila x Sad!Reader: “a little too much” - shawn Mendes. Tequila and reader are together as a couple and she mellows him out while he uplifts her. She has depression that comes and goes. On a rainy day she is cuddled up in Tequila’s arms as he softly lets her hair and kisses her temples until she turns and buries herself in his hold. She then softly makes out with him.
Stiles x Reader: Song Fic “I Found” - Amber Run
Fic Request: Do you think you could write something Whiskey-centric (I’m obsessed and the girls will thank you for it😊), along the lines of an agent exchange where Whiskey stays with reader at her home.  That’s a really good idea and for some reason I’m getting Love Actually vibes with the Colin Firth couple part when he goes after his woman in her city and he’s clueless. Oooo good idea!
Fic Request: Fight Club with different weapons for different agents. Reader kicks all of their asses. Ok, so my husband made me watch fight club with him last night and it got me thinking... we all know that each statesman agent had a particular style of fighting (tequila with his guns and presumably his fists, whiskey with his lasso and whip etc). What if there was a challenge issued whereby all the agents could fight each other in a controlled environment - possibly a simulation to provide different scenes (non lethal, point scoring style) and awesome sexy reader kicks all their asses!
Mitch Rapp x Reader: Prompt "Those who can’t do teach" The reader is a trainer and Mitch gets cocky by saying the prompt. She lays him flat on his ass and he's instantly interested. Harley snips in the background for Mitch to get his head out of his ass. Reader teases Mitch and he asks her out she refuses saying until he can beat her she won’t go out with him.
Stiles x Reader:  study session. Stiles is studying with the reader and scott and hes growing distracted by his crush on her. Scott teases and the reader is oblivious.
Isaac x Reader: Best friends who are exploring each other. They are making out and Isaac goes a little over board and leaves one lone hickey that she can’t cover. Lydia and Allison see it. They vow to find out who left it.
Isaac x Reader: Song fic “Best of You” - Andy Grammer
Isaac x Reader: Song fic “West Coast” - Imagine Dragons “Oh my love please don’t give up” lyrics inspiration. Isaac and Reader are dating before his bite. When he gets bit he starts to distance himself and then he gets arrested. The reader is heart broken and tries to be there for him. When she’s at the station with Stile she sees Isaac as  werewolf. Isaac comes to find her and confess all and confesses that he loves her and can’t be without her. She tells she’s always gonna be by his side no matter what.
Isaac x Reader: Song fic “Fight For My Survival” - Phantoms. The reader helps Isaac through the abuse from his dad. When he gets bit he tells her while he feels more powerful now what she did for him will always be greater.
Isaac x Reader: Song fic “On My Way” - Sheppard. Peter holds the reader hostage to get at Isaac. She manages to break free and runs straight for Isaac. When she finds him fighting Peter at Derek’s she crashes into him while he finishes. He holds her close and confesses to her as he kisses her. 
Stiles x Reader: Song fic “My Own Hero” - Andy Grammer. The reader is fed up that Stiles has been more focused on protecting Lydia lately. When Stiles and Lydia are in trouble it’s the Reader who comes to their rescue. Stiles starts to see her differently and when he tries to tell her that she tells him she’s able to protect herself and doesn’t need him to and he can go back to protecting Lydia. Stiles is gutted and regretful.
Kingsman vs Statesman: Pick up line competition. Eggsy runs his mouth while out at the bar with the Statesman crew saying that Brits have the better chat up lines. Tequila takes that bet while reader, Whiskey, Harry and Merlin all roll their eyes. They all participate though. Reader takes the win when she uses her line on Whiskey in front of all of ‘em. Making him tongue tied.
Whiskey x Reader: Whiskey’s a sweetheart with the manners of a saint. He’ll open doors, stand until you sit at the table, say yes ma’am. Super soft and sweet date. He even walks you to your door at the end of the night. Summer love inspiration.
Thanksgiving w/ Kingsman and Statesman
TeaCup Chronicles: Each character gets their own fic. These revolve around a cafe.
Strangers on the Street: Each guy gets a fic of seeing the same woman walking along the street for a good amount of time. Do they approach her? Do they just watch? Do they fantasize about her? Or is she just another face in the crowd?
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