#will gives up however much blood mike wants
thefirstlioveyou · 6 months
vampire mike uhhhhhdhhhhfgg. will being both down bad and terrified at the same time
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feeder86 · 1 year
Mike could remember how his breath caught in his throat when he saw Bruno for the first time. Having always been so slim and athletic himself, it was as if all of the blood in his entire body rushed down into his groin and he felt lightheaded; his heart racing with lust for the man in front of him. Bruno was the epitome of Mike’s dream man: taller than everyone else in the bar, large and very, very fat. He was flaunting his chubby physique with pants that were clearly too small; his butt crack on show, as well as the lower half of his gut that pushed out over his belt. There was a buzz around him at the bar. It was rare that a man so large came in here and it was obvious, from the twitching hands of the bear-loving guys around them, that there were many who wanted to touch his remarkably overfed body.
Mike stood behind him at the bar, waiting to be served, feeling like he was invisible in the wide man’s shadow. Even the scent of him, slightly sweaty in the humid environment, was turning Mike on; his large love handles shimmering gently as the bodies crowded around. Finally, with a space opening up at the crowded bar, Mike squeezed himself next to the big man, waiting to be served as well. He looked to his side and smiled shyly, without speaking. Even then, the eye contact, however brief, made Mike’s hardness flex in a way that made him hope he wouldn’t be served too quickly in order to allow the bulge in his crotch to calm down.
“Mine’s a beer,” the big man stated confidently to Mike.
“Sorry?” Mike spluttered back, surprised that he had been spoken to.
“My drink. I’ll have a beer,” he repeated expectantly.
“Oh… I wasn’t…” Mike mumbled, full of embarrassment. “I guess I…”
“Geez, relax, would you! I’m just joking,” Bruno chuckled, raising hand and finally ordering his own beer. “And what would you like?” he offered Mike, as if by way of an apology for causing Mike to get in such a fluster.
Mike accepted the offer and found himself following the heavy man out of the bar queue moments later. It seemed as if the big guy had come here alone, leaning against a small, high table where he could view the entirity of the bar. “Are you a chaser?” he asked Mike in his usual plain manner.
Wishing that he could act cooler, Mike mumbled once again, unsure how best to answer. “I’m not sure,” he lied. “I guess I could be.”
“You’re cute,” Bruno smiled, after formally introducing himself. “Do you want to touch my belly? Most guys in here seem to want to.”
With a free pass to feat his eyes upon Bruno’s large gut, Mike wasted no time in admiring it’s size and shape. He checked with the big man one last time, then let his electrically charged fingertips spread over the fleshy skin. Pure heaven.
“You’re pretty good at that,” Bruno nodded in approval. “Gentle. Sensual. I bet you’re good at giving a massage.”
“I’d be happy to work on your whole body if you like,” Mike shot back, unsure where his sudden boldness had come from, and immediately feeling a little embarrassed by it.
“Maybe,” Bruno chuckled. “If you play your cards right tonight,” he added, leaning into the table and seemingly about to take some time to really invest in finding out a lot more about his new admirer.
It was strange to think back on how shy Mike had been that night. Although Bruno still never failed to make him feel flustered and aroused, he liked to think, nine months later, that he at least managed to keep a cooler head around him. Being in a relationship with someone that he found so attractive should not have been as much of a challenge as it had seemed to be. His parents and friends had taken one look at Bruno and allowed their sizeist prejudices to rise to the surface. Mike had heard no end of slanderous things about Bruno that had been said to him: that he was lazy and greedy, selfish and unambitious. It was all based entirely upon his weight, and Mike knew it. They seemed to hate how much Bruno felt comfortable in his own skin. It was as if they were offended by it; believing that Bruno should feel ashamed and insecure, just like every other 400lb man of his stature. How dare he simply not care about being so fat?
There were sighs whenever Bruno went to grab Mike’s hand and show him affection in front of others. Perhaps it was the way that Bruno dressed that most irritated people and made them feel embarrassed in his company. He enjoyed his clothes being overly fitted and figure-hugging. For him, a t-shirt shirt should be over-long and tucked into his tight shorts, displaying the full arch of his gigantic gut, or else it should be too short, allowing the fat of his underbelly to show through and catch the breeze as he walked about. However, it was also his grotesque appetite that Mike knew his dad in particular found especially repulsive. He wasn’t wrong in saying that Bruno was always eating something or searching in the cupboards for snacks. He found it cheeky and rude how Bruno would help himself in their kitchen, and when he once upturned the milk bottle to chug it straght from the refrigerator, Mike’s dad had raised his voice in a way that Mike hadn’t heard since he was small.
Mike’s friends and family didn’t understand though. They didn’t realise how far Bruno had come to be in the sort of shape he was in now; how he’d always wanted to be a big man. Back when he’d started college, Bruno had been incredibly slim, and even lanky, given his great height. He’d documented his body well by taking lots of pictures during those early days and continued to do so as he began pushing his appetite to the extreme. His body had responded in just the way Bruno had wanted, as a doughy belly began to form on his slim frame. 
Mike felt an arousal he’d never experienced before as Bruno guided him through all of the pictures of him over the years: the time when he’d started to get love handles, the first signs of his double chin beginning to show. Even from quite early on, his butt had started taking on a fair amount of fat. Bruno had said this had been down to the way he’d tried to limit his exercise so much and make those calories as effective as possible when fattening his body. It had taken time; especially at Bruno’s height. Even when he’d left college, his fat stomach had still been faily easy to conceal under baggy clothes. It was only once he’d started working and had his own place that Bruno’s overeating and weight gain really started to turn to very obvious obesity. Bruno recalled with glee the time when his weight started impacting his everyday life: when he’d become too heavy for store-bought clothes, the stairs becoming more intense to walk up. He’d embraced each one of these changes, accepting the fact that his lovers would now purely be confined to those who enjoyed his fatter body. He’d taken on several feeders, of all shapes and sizes, but he’d never committed to any of these other guys in the way that he had to Mike. 
Sometimes Mike would pick up the guy’s empty clothes off the floor and just admire the sheer size of them, hardly comprehending how lucky he was to have such an oversized and greedy boyfriend. Twenty to thirty pounds a year, that was Bruno’s steady gain rate, realised by maximising his opportunities to overeat and consume as often as possible. As Bruno himself had said, fattening his skinny college body had been a lot simpler than pushing the fat on now he was well over four hundred.
Mike often wondered what it was that Bruno saw in him. Whenever they were out at some sort of bear event, it was obvious how much attention the big man could command. Mike had become accustomed to the grumpy stares of jealousy as he held his enormous boyfriend’s hand. Bruno claimed to like how constantly aroused Mike was for him. He could submit and take a pounding, yet also take the reins and feed Bruno far beyond his daily calorie goals. Not that such a mission was often required. Bruno was, if nothing else, highly motivated to overeat, and always so very self-sufficient. Despite the many hours Mike had spent feeding Bruno in the past, he knew that the big man would most likely be just as big, even if he was still single. Everything to him was so erotic, from the new stretch marks and shape, to the retirement of old clothes and the reactions of those who had not seen Bruno in some time. Every last little chance encounter was a reason for the guy to get aroused, and that horniness was more than infectious.
With Bruno’s birthday approaching, Mike began to feel a little anxious about what to do for it. Last year, they had only been dating a couple of months, and so he hadn’t gone too overboard. However, four months ago, for his own birthday, Bruno had arranged an entire weekend away to visit Mike’s hometown; the one that his family had left when he was just eleven. It was incredibly sweet and thoughtful, not to mention remarkably satisfying to show off the town he knew so well to the man that he had fallen so helplessly in love with.
Mike thought about buying an enormous cake, or an entire banquet of food to surprise Bruno with on the big day. However, when considering  how much Bruno ate in a normal day anyway, he didn’t really feel that he could make it all that special. Bruno’s hobbies weren’t any help either. There weren’t any special video games coming out anytime soon and the hot summer sun was zapping the large chub’s energy levels daily.
“What would you like to do for your birthday?” Mike finally asked, having exhausted his entire creative reserves. However, Bruno dutifully denied needing any sort of fuss, claiming that birthdays were nothing special for him.
Mike persisted. With only a couple of days remaining, he was feeling desperate for an idea to delight his lover for his birthday. “I guess maybe there is one thing I might like,” Bruno began cautiously, as if he had been thinking of the idea for some time.
Breathing a sigh of relief. Mike nodded enthusiastically, wanting to hear Bruno’s thoughts.
“Well, maybe we could try a little role reversal that night?” he asked tentatively.
Mike furrowed his eyebrows. “Role reversal?” he asked. He already thought they did that, having quite an active, versatile sex life.
“I mean… maybe I could feed you for a change? Just for one night,” Bruno added hastily, trying to express the idea in baby steps. “I used to be quite good at it, back in the days when I played around with lots of different feeders and gainers. They all said I was good at it.”
Mike mumbled awkwardly. Despite the length of time he’d been with Bruno, he’d never anticipated the man making a request like this. “I thought you loved my body how it is?” he asked, knowing how hard Mike worked at the gym classes he attended.
“Oh, I do!” Bruno nodded emphatically. “I love all body types. It’s just a one-night kinky idea I had.” He shrugged, then laughed at how ridiculous this scenario was. “It’s not about changing you, and if it’s not your thing, it’s fine. I’ll think of something else.”
Mike considered for a moment. “No, wait…” he mumbled; his brain trying to catch up. “It’s fine,” he shrugged. “It’s for your birthday,” he nodded, feeling that a little sacrifice like this would help show Bruno how important he was to him. “Let’s… let’s do this.”
The bus-worker strikes had completely messed up Mike’s day as he arrived home late on Bruno’s birthday a couple of days later. It was nearly half seven already and he’d been out of the house for almost thirteen hours. He apologised profusely, but Bruno already knew how much chaos the strikes were causing on the city, having seen it on the news. He could see the tiredness in Mike’s eyes and offered to forego his birthday treat in order to let Mike head to bed. However, Mike was having none of it. He tried to rally himself, heading for a shower and coming back in, feeling more refreshed. They ate a normal meal and chatted about much of the same things as they usually did.
“Come sit down,” Bruno smiled, patting his extra large, personal chair in front of the TV; a wicked, horny grin plastered across his face.
Mike did as he was told. He never sat in Bruno’s chair and it felt strange to him now; so roomy and worn-in. He stood briefly once again as a hugely fat Bruno kneeled on the floor in front of him and pulled down his pants so that he could play with him more effectively. Right away, the fat man’s expert tongue set to work, making Mke take huge long sighs of pleasure. He put his hand on Bruno’s head for a moment to stop him. “Honey, it’s your birthday. I should be doing this to you,” he worried.
Bruno shushed him and set back to work, making Mike’s legs twitch as he came close to cimaxing at least a couple of times. Then, just like that, Mike suddenly felt a long, chocolate cream cake getting pushed between his parted lips. He chuckled, having been caught off guard completely. He’d almost forgotten about this part of their horny evening. Where had his kinky boyfriend even hidden those cakes? Still, he chewed and swallowed, having accepted this would be exactly the sort of thing he would be getting up to that night.
Bruno’s demeanor was entirely different. His hands caressed and stroked Mike’s body like he was a precious, god-like being; his large, chubby hands stroking his flat stomach and fondling Mike to keep his hardness as he pushed in another cream cake, then another. Yet, still Bruno was edging him, making him think his time had arrived, then pulling it away.
Mike had never felt such a rush of different emotions. At one point, he would feel dominant and pampered, being hand fed and pleasured by his lover. But then, the next, Bruno would stop everything and chuckle at all the food smeared around his face, declaring him to be a ‘greedy boy’, before resuming as before. 
Mike’s stomach was getting tight and yet he still hadn’t climaxed. The shape of it was distended as Bruno rubbed his giant hand over it with a wicked smirk plastered across his face. Mike stared at his boyfriend’s chubby hands as they gathered the fattening foods and felt as those wide, sausage-like fingers he had long admired, now stuffing it all into his open mouth.
“You’re such a good little piggy!” Bruno teased him as it was clear just how full and aroused Mike was at that moment; those expert hands now whipping his erection up into a dangerous frenzy that could tip him over the edge. Mike stared down at his body, having never seen himself so bloated, nor felt his stomach quite so full. Then, that was it, the moment that Bruno chose to let him climax, just as his eyes settled on the little swollen midsection that was now his stomach. The feeling was intense; more so than Mike had ever encountered before and he let out an embarrassing multi-toned moan that only highlighted just how caught out he had been by the whole experience. He felt utterly spent and withered like a dead flower, being taken to bed by his enormous lover.
The next morning was much the same as any other. Bruno thanked Mike for indulging his kink to let him feed him, and chuckled as he apologised for how bloated and full Mike felt, right up until dinner time that day. But Bruno hadn’t stopped lamenting about how much he had enjoyed it and how well Mike had eaten. He recreated the moan Mike made when he climaxed as if it was the sexiest sound he had ever heard, eating more than usual, as Bruno tended to do when he was aroused.
Perhaps it was the way that Bruno recounted that night over and over that made sure the experience never left Mike’s mind, but now, even the thought of it was making Mike feel horny. His memory was crystal clear as the image of his bloated stomach came back to him each and every time he ate.
“I see you guys are still very happy,” commented Danny, one of Bruno’s gainer friends that Mike had been introduced to when they first started going out.
“He’s wonderful!” Bruno gushed, rolling his big arm over Mike’s shoulders. “I’ve never been this happy with anyone before.”
Mike blushed and smiled, always enjoying how open Bruno was about his affection for him. “Thanks,” he mumbled shyly.
“Mike also had his first, er…” Bruno began cheekily, looking across to Mike as if to gauge whether he should share these sorts of intimate details. “He had his first feed the other week,” he finally finished.
“Seriously?” Danny laughed aloud, his jaw dropping in surprise. One look at Mike’s athletic form and no one would ever have suspected that he would be open to try feeding.
“No… it wasn’t like that,” Mike tried to explain, feeling that Danny was suddenly seeing him in a whole new light. “It was just a little birthday treat for Bruno. That’s all. I didn’t want to do it.” 
“He fucking loved it!” Bruno went on; full of excitement to explain; like this had been bottled up inside him ever since it had happened. “He ate like a pig and then squirted absolutely everywhere afterwards. Shall I do the noise you made when you came?” he asked Mike with a cheeky smirk. 
“No!” Mike shot back with blood rushing to his face.
“Well, well, well!” Danny smiled to himself. “I never would have picked you for a gainer!”
“I’m not!” Mike tried defensively. “It was just a one time thing!”
“Sure,” Danny teased him. “That’s what they all say!” He winked and laughed, letting Mike know that he was only joking with him. Then the conversation changed, leaving Mike feeling surprisingly disorientated as they went back to discussing more mundane affairs. His heart was racing. Was he annoyed at Bruno for sharing their intimate secret like that? Or was it something else?
A few more weeks passed by. Bruno had made some significant progress with his weight, to the point where his tummy was starting to fall out of the t-shirts he had worn when he and Mike had first gotten together; arousing them both beyond belief. Bruno had wanted to celebrate, getting high on some weed and stuffing himself full, just as he had done in his early days, back in college. 
“I fucking love you,” Bruno growled, barely able to focus properly. He slapped his big gut and grinned. “I’m getting so fucking huge with your help, and I love it!”
“Well, I’m very pleased to be of some assistance,” Mike chuckled back, in much the same way any sober guy would, speaking to someone so high.
“And you know what else I love?” Bruno asked mischivously.
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Mike smiled back, indulging Bruno with his attention, despite the fact that he knew the big man would never remember any of this in the morning.
“I love how chubby you’re getting too!” Bruno whispered as if not wanting to be overheard by a thousand invisible people that surrounded them.
“I’m not getting chubby,” Mike laughed, rolling his eyes at how far gone Bruno was by now.
But Bruno simply threw his head back and smiled with complete joy and happiness. “Oh, I love that!” he moaned with pleasure. “I love how you don’t even realise it! It’s so fucking… insanely hot! You’ve got a little chubby paunch and you haven’t even noticed! It makes me so fucking horny. If you only knew how much fucking butter… and cream… and oils I throw into your food when I cook! Oh, you’d be so fucking mad if you knew!” he giggled to himself; still with that blissful smile as he drifted off to sleep.
Mike stood up, resisting the urge to touch his body and feel. His heart was beating with a peculiar speed, considering how little attention he usually paid to the ramblings of Bruno when he was high. Calmly and without speed, he took himself to the bathroom and shut the door. He saw his face in the mirror, much like every other time he was in here. Pragmatically, he lifted his shirt from his body and dropped it onto the floor. He realised quite quickly that he hadn’t scrutinised his body in quite some time, especially given how quickly the mirror steamed up in this tiny bathroom whenever the shower was running. And yet, the shape of him was all wrong. Since when had his stomach looked so swollen? As he brushed with his finger against his belly button, he noticed a strange, alien fluttering beneath the skin. Unlike the sleeping Bruno in the next room, he hadn’t just gorged himself to create such a bloat. No, underneath his skin was an entirely new, and surprisingly thick, layer of fresh blubber. He grabbed it and pinched at it, surprised at how much he could hold between his fingers and thumb. He turned to his side and noted with horror how very much the shape of it curved out enough to look like a paunch, just as Bruno had said. 
Throwing down his sweatpants and underwear, Mike turned and inspected his rear, only to discover peculiarly plump glutes where his tight butt had once been. His fingers delicately traced the marks on his skin around his waist where his underwear had been quietly digging into him and he bounced on his toes, seeing a ripple of fat flutter through developing love handles. 
Just what had happened to him, he thought with horror, pressing his fingers into his face and realising that there was indeed a little padding of fat growing under his chin. His body was so altered and he hadn’t even realised it! His focus had been so squarely on Bruno, it had left him blind to all else. 
Yet, there it was, as he prodded and poked, grabbed and jigled: the very thing that had led him here, into a kinky relatioship with an ever fattening 440lb man; his raging hard-on, pumped full of blood and throbbing with lust at the sight of his own reflection. Mike’s hand reached for it, as if from pure instinct. Then, with very little time needed, he stroked it up and down, up and down, until it ejaculated with a violent force all across the mirror.
The next morning, Mike awoke to the smell of frying bacon. Bruno was always up early after a session like the one last night, and he generally consumed more than usual the following day. The big man re-entered their bedroom with a grin, passing a large plate of greasy goodness to Mike; it’s hefty portion cleverly camouflaged by the more extreme size of Bruno’s own plateful. 
Instinctively, Mike accepted it, only remembering Bruno’s confession from hours earlier as he was halfway through. Just as he had anticipated, Bruno didn’t remember much from the night before. Once he’d finished the box of doughnuts, he claimed that his mind was a blur, and Mike knew there was no point in bringing up what had been said. However, he did notice, for the first time, how much Bruno was casually glancing over to check on his lover’s progress with the food, inexplicably eliciting a surge of blood into his groin. Throughout the day, Mike also noticed how much Bruno’s eating and snacking habits were rubbing off on him. Whenever Bruno headed to get something for himself from the kitchen, he would always return to the couch with something small and seemingly insignificant for Mike as well. How long had Bruno been doing that without him even registering how these incidental, accidental calories must have been bloating his usual diet?
There were other revelations as well. When Mike went for dinner at his parents’ place one evening, he noticed straight away how small their dinner plates seemed in comparison to what he was now so used to, living with Bruno. He ate it all up, yet his stomach still churned with hunger, even as he left to head home. Then there was the night that he went out for food with his friend, Martha. He’d worn something loose and relaxed, given how much he was starting to notice his paunch in all his other clothes, yet Martha still picked up on a differene to his eating, laughing at how quickly he ate and how full he filled his mouth. Mike blushed. The way Martha described the way he was eating seemed to be exactly how Bruno gorged himself. It had been one of the traits that had turned Mike on the most about his huge boyfriend: the way he ate so ravenously, taking enormous mouthfuls that filled his cheeks and then swallowing it all down and starting again. But had it become a habit that Mike had subconsciously picked up himself as well? Was he now eating in a way that was reminiscent of his 450lb boyfriend?
There was an easy solution to all of this confusion that Mike felt. All he had to do was ask Bruno what was going on. Was he noticeably fatter than he used to be? Was Bruno overfeeding him, as he had claimed that night when he was high? However, Mike had never been particularly great at facing issues head-on. In fact, he found the silence and the ‘not talking about it’ to be strangely comforting. He could forget it was happening and attempt to convince himself that it was all just a kinky little fantasy that was playing out in his own head. That was, until the obvious strain of his pants, underwear and t-shirts started to become too much. Mike remembered how flustered he had been when someone in work had called him out on his weight gains, prodding an outstretched finger into his middle and laughing. He remembered the plethora of emotions within him: embarrassment, shame, disappointment. However, it also supercharged his libido to an insane extent, giving him a boner that he had hardly been able to shift for a whole week.
Upgrading his work pants became the logical strategy, not wanting to generate too much attention to his new shape, nor rip them open if he were to bend over. Likewise, his shirts could look unprofessional if they were to strain any more than they currently were. Mike looked in the mirror and nodded in approval. Yes, these would work well. His new body shape was nicely concealed with ease if you could ignore the slight puffiness to his face. It was certainly something he could learn to live with without too much worry. But that was before the fat started to build up more in his chest. He’d noticed a slight bounce under his shirts for a few days, but it was only when he stood in the mirror that he realised how pointed and full his nipples now appeared. They began to show through, even when he wore his most flattering of shirts and t-shirts. Then Mike could see Bruno staring at them hungrily, knowing exactly what he was doing, and loving every second of it.
It was only a few weeks later, when the concert tickets arrived that Bruno had booked for Mike as a Valenetine’s Day treat, that the enormous Bruno made his next big move. Mike had been gushing about what an amazing gift his thoughtful boyfriend had surprised him with, and kicking himself instead for having forgotten Valentine’s Day altogether.
“You really didn’t get me anything, huh?” Bruno asked with a bemused smile.
“I’m so sorry. I just don’t know where this month has gone. It feels like yesterday we were taking down the holiday decorations,” Mike tried as an excuse.
“That’s okay,” Bruno smiled, grabbing Mike’s butt and rubbing it suggestively, as he tended to do quite often these days, having become seemingly very obsessed with the shape and feel of Mike’s glutes. “I’m sure you can think of a way to make it up to me.”
“I’m positive I could,” Mike smiled back suggestively, turned on by his lover’s chubby hands touching his softer body; his shirt being lifted off.
Bruno headed straight to his target; his tongue sliding over Mike’s nipple with an expertise unkown to Mike beforehand. 
As Mike moaned, Bruno’s hand massaged it’s way into Mike’s groin until the increasingly thicker legs parted to grant him better access. “It’s time you had another feeding,” the enormous, horny man whispered as he lifted his head to kiss Mike.
“Another one?” Mike asked, as if it hadn’t been months since his last one.
“Another one,” Bruno nodded, leading his porky lover to the big chair by the TV and sitting him down. “Right now!” he stated with a smirk.
Deciding not to argue, Mike waited patiently as Bruno disappeared and then returned with mountains of supplies. Where had he hidden all those things? 
Mike sighed and let his head flop back into the chair. Bruno had clearly orchestrated the whole thing, knowing that Mike would forget all about Valentine’s Day, given how busy he had been in work. “All right… Just this once,” he chuckled, surrendering. After all, he really should have remembered their Valentine’s Day. No excuses
This new feeding was kinky from the offset. Bruno’s hands rubbed and pinched at Mike’s extra pounds more than usual, and he pushed in the food with a lot less compromise than he had last time. “What a greedy little pig…” the man whispered between sucking Mike off and pausing at just the right moments to prolong the experience.
There was a swirl and great gushing of chemicals and pleasure in Mike’s brain throughout the entire process. He thought he would climax, then not. He thought Bruno’s teasing couldn’t get any better, and then it did. He’d almost forgotten how arousing his feeding had been last time, and then it all came rushing back with ten times the original intensity. 
“Are you going to keep getting fatter for me, Mike?” Bruno asked, expertly stroking his lover’s hardness as if he really might let him climax this time.
Mike moaned. The answer was obvious. “Yes,” he nodded submissively, desperate to feel that final pleasure.
“Say it. Promise me!” Bruno ordered.
Mike inhaled as much as he could as the orgasm built and his legs twitched with the impending climax. “I promise. I’ll get fatter for you. I’ll eat whatever you want me to!”
“Are you a gainer?” Bruno asked, suddenly deadly serious.
“What?” Mike asked back, completely thrown by the word and the thought of it being deployed to describe him. He looked down at his body, so completely altered and swollen, not just with the food he had eaten that day, but with the pounds and pounds of pure blubber he had amassed over months and months. He’d let it all happen to him without so much as a second thought. His gym subscription had been a pointless outgoing from his bank account for weeks now. He really was… a gainer.
“Say it!” Bruno demanded, knowing that he had taken Mike over the edge and he was running out of time before he would squirt everywhere.
“I’m a gainer!” Mike shouted as he came. “I’m a gainer!”
The smug smile couldn’t be wiped off Bruno’s face over the next few days, even as Mike had panicked and asked if they could take this new direction of his quite slowly. Bruno had agreed, without any sincerity whatsoever. Mike found that his portion sizes had almost doubled overnight and Bruno immediately began experimenting with new pet names for him, like ‘piggy’ and ‘hog’. They’d also had more sex than even in the early days of their relationship; both allowing the eroticism of food and bloating to overtake them.
As Mike’s paunch swelled into a full gut, he hardly recognised his own kinky reflection. He’d started adopting items from Bruno’s old wardrobe from the time when he’d just finished college. The comments on his weight from colleagues and friends had stopped, just as Bruno had warned him they would; the seriousness and speed of his rapidly increasing weight startling them all into silence. Aside from eating a little bit more, Mike could hardly understand why it was all happening to him so quickly. Pants he had bought only weeks before, were now unable to close; the buttons on his shirts straining to contain the expanding flesh behind them. 
Likewise, Bruno had packed on weight at a greater pace than usual, gaining his annual 25lbs in only three months of Mike becoming an official gainer. His double chin had continued swallowing up his neck and his remarkable gut had a new, more extreme width and sag to it than ever before. The gainer bug inside of him was more ravenous than it had been in years - and it showed!
“Look at you two!” laughed Bruno’s gainer friend, Danny. “Fuck!”
Bruno smiled proudly, lifting his enormous t-shirt up to show off the huge expanse of skin and faint stretch marks across his own monstrous stomach. Meanwhile, Mike held back, unused to such attention and merely smiling at how delighted Bruno was to have gained so much weight.
“And look at you!” Danny marvelled, seeing the stout stomach that was pushing its way out of Mike’s torso. “I hardly recognised you!”
“He’s still a little shy about it, aren’t you?” Bruno grinned at his boyfriend, giving his wider butt a little pat at the same time.
“I can’t believe you finally let Bruno have his way with you!” Danny smiled at Mike. “He’s been wanting to fatten you up ever since you two met.”
Mike looked across at Bruno with surprise. “Since we met?” he asked in alarm.
Bruno smirked, despite the truth slipping out. “Of course I did,” he laughed. “Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I just knew that with a little time and patience, you’d make the perfect piggy for me!”
“Piggy, huh?” Danny chuckled, watching their interaction with more than just bemusement.
“He loves it!” Bruno smiled back excitedly; his tone full of mischief, just as it always was when he was about to overshare. “If he’s eating something and can’t quite finish it all, all I have to do is…”
“THAT’S ENOUGH!” Mike jumped in, full of embarrassment.
“Take a look at his butt too!” Bruno insisted, spinning Mike slightly so that Danny would see.
“Jeez!” Danny marvelled, seeing Mike’s previously tight glutes now so overwhelmed with the fresh fat that had both widened and rounded out his once pretty little rump. “Not to mention those love handles!”
Mike’s face flushed.
“He’s at that stage where everything is starting to jiggle, all over his body. Such a turn on! In fact, he’s already gained his first hundred pounds!” Bruno boasted.
“First?” Mike asked to clarify, trying to keep his composure and hide the erection that the seemingly throwaway comment had just given him.
“It looks like this fatty really got to you, didn’t he?” Danny chuckled, proudly throwing his arm around Bruno’s big shoulders, like he had acomplished something monumental.
“Yeah,” Mike nodded in agreement, looking on at the man he knew he never wanted to be without; the man who had changed his life in multiple ways - and all for the better. “I guess he did…”
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keerysfreckles · 8 months
falling in — steve harrington
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: when a burnt down mall sends y/n to steve
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns, steve got his ass beat (who's surprised), s3 spoilers duh, pure fluff/comfort, blood and injuries mentioned, pretty detailed makeout session
a/n: for my wife @keerysbrowneyes ily
masterlist !
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y/n sat nervously at the edge of her couch in her small living room. she watched her small flickering tv at the other end of the room with nothing but worry.
helicopters roaring, a blazing fire and multiple reporters surround the loved starcourt mall. y/n's heart almost burst out of her chest when one reporter stated most people made it out safely.
steve harrington was the first person to flood her mind. the girl hasn't heard of him for the past three days, which only made her nerves skyrocket.
"sources say scoops ahoy workers were at the scene, with multiple young kids and parents. . ."
y/n was out the door, struggling to put on her other shoe while running to her car.
y/n didn't even let the car come to a complete stop before she was running past concerned townspeople, reporters and cops. she easily slid under the caution tape and fit in between two firetrucks, not bothering to listen to the cops and other authorities yelling for her to stop.
y/n looked from left to right. she first saw nancy and jonathan, and robin sitting in the back of one ambulance. will was with his mother, with el and mike besides them. lucas was comforting max. she looked at the last ambulance and saw steve.
as soon as their eyes met, time slowed. steve dropped the blanket from his shoulders and y/n's worn out converse hit the asphalt again.
steve stood from the ambulance, and for the first time tonight a smile broke out onto his face. he didn't care it was hurting his eye.
his arms are wide open once y/n reaches him. hers instantly wrap around his shoulders as he lifts her off the ground.
"you're okay," y/n lets the tears fall from her eyes, her voice is strained. "you're here, you're really okay."
steve kisses the side of her head before setting her back on the ground, however neither of them let go of each other.
"i thought i lost you," y/n admits.
steve chuckles, "you could never get rid of me that easily."
y/n leans back, her eyes roaming over the boy in front of her. she sees the large bruise surrounding his swollen eye, and the tiny cuts on his lips.
steve copies her actions, not believing the girl in his arms is really here. this feels too much like a dream that he didn't want to wake up from.
y/n puts her hand gently on steve's cheek just as a tear falls from his right eye. his voice is soft and broken, "can you take me home?"
y/n nods immediately, and carefully takes his hand in hers to lead them both to her car. they're stopped briefly by a cop, to which they explain y/n would be taking steve home.
they sit in the car for a moment, while an abba song plays quietly over the radio. y/n leans forward to turn it off. she didn't think steve was in the mood to dance to anything, let alone listen to a happy pop song.
"are you okay?" y/n knew it was a stupid question to ask, but she had to ask anyway.
steve only nods, as he wipes his cheeks as more tears fall. y/n simply gives him her hand. his rough hand holds onto it the whole drive back to y/n's small one bed-one bath house.
"wait, i thought you were taking me home," steve announces once he watches her turn down the wrong street.
"you really think i'd let you stay home alone after whatever you went through?"
steve shrugs.
"how hard did they hit you?" y/n lets out an airy laugh, which steve reciprocates.
y/n looks over to the passenger side after parking on the street in front of her dark red door.
"thank you," steve's voice fills the silence of the car.
the two walk out of the and in the housr wordlessly. they both leave their shoes in a pile by the front door, and steve follows y/n to her room. he sees she left the tv and lights on, guessing she left in a hurry.
"you take a shower okay? then if you want i can help with the other cuts."
steve gratefully accepts y/n's offer. he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding once he sits on the edge of y/n's bed. she comes out of the bathroom after starting the shower, and making sure it wasn't too hot.
steve holds his arms open again, making y/n walk towards him. she stands between his thighs as he rests his head against her chest, hearing the pulse of her heartbeat. the girl leans down to place a kiss on his matted curls.
"i'll be here when you get out," y/n whispers into his hair.
as steve showers, he's careful when he reaches and cuts or bruises, and can't help but let more tears fall. by the end of it he couldn't tell if it was tears or water running down his face.
he's quick to dry off and doesn't mind the water falling back onto his face and neck from his wet hair.
he noticed his dried bloody work uniform was replaced by a pair of sweatpants, a tshirt and boxers. he smiled at the thought of y/n keeping a pair of his clothes here for him.
steve leaves the bathroom and is met with y/n coming back into her room with a small basket in her hands.
"hey," she smiles towards steve, "how are you feeling?"
"that was a must needed shower," he chuckles.
"what's that for?" he points to the wooven basket now placed on the bed.
"a couple things to help with your cuts."
after steve came over to y/n's house their junior year, with the aftermath of a fight with jonathan byers, the girl knew to keep a first aid kit just for steve.
y/n instructs for steve to lay on her bed. he gladly let a loud sigh leaves his lips once his back hits the mattress, making y/n chuckle.
she sits on the left side of steve, making her be in the middle of the bed. she easily leans over him to turn on the lamp placed on the night stand. steve can't help but blush at the close proximity.
"these are just wipes, to get any extra dried blood off," y/n starts walking him through the steps.
she's careful when wiping around the cuts on his lips, and is surprised he only winces once.
she moves to his hairline and bruise covering his eye. the swelling has gone down drastically, and she can now look at both of his beautiful brown eyes.
steve keeps his hands folded on his stomach while y/n takes care of him. she goes to the next step and takes peroxide and cotton balls to the cuts.
after the cotton meets his lips he grabs y/n's wrist. she mutters out many apologies, not meaning to hurt steve more.
"it's okay," he stops her rambling apologies, "just hurts way more than i thought it would."
y/n continues treating his wounds. every so often steve's eyes would float to her features. to her concerned eyes, crinkling at the corners. or to her hair that kept falling over her ear, to which she always put back, yet it never stayed.
y/n finally takes a warm towel, steve guessed was from the dryer, and she dabbed it over his lips and eye. she watched his shoulders relax as she held it over his eye.
"are you alright?" she felt like she asked the question a million times tonight.
steve nods, "never better."
another comfortable silence fills the room. steve now sits up, making y/n bring the towel to her lap. steve breaks the silence.
"did you always have that freckle?" his thumb traces the light freckle on her cheek. she blushes from the contact. before she answers, steve moves his hand to fix the strands of hair that have fallen in front of her ear. his hand goes back to holding her cheek.
y/n's eyes move between both of steve's brown ones.
"steve," y/n warns in a whisper as he starts moving closer to her.
"i want you y/n. thats the one thing i've never been more sure of tonight."
his soft words leave a tickling breath over y/n's lips.
y/n makes the move to lean forward. her right hand reaches to hold onto steve's bicep as her lips collide with his. the kiss only lasts for a few seconds before y/n pulls away. her cheeks are flushed as she sees steve's widened pupils.
steve simply pulls her back to him with the hand that was still on her cheek. he turns his head to deepen the kiss, and he can't help but smile against y/n's lips after feeling her hand move to his neck. she grips the damp hair, threading her fingers through it.
steve's left hand goes to y/n's lower back as he moves her to lay down. he's now hovering over her, with his thighs falling between hers.
the two pull away, both with blown pupils, flushed cheeks and swollen lips.
"do you want me to stay–"
steve couldn't even finish his question before y/n answers quickly and pulls him down tp kiss him again, with much more hunger than before.
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nethhiri · 5 months
Marooned: Chapter 34
Kid, Killer, Wire, Heat x Reader (Sexual)
Pure smut; No plot; 18+ only (could be read as a standalone I suppose?)
Warnings: Sex, group sex, blood play, knife play, rough sex, no holes barred, dp
(Was inspired to write this by Bestrafe Mich (Punish Me) by Mike's Dead)
Audience Participation
Kid's hands weren't long for wandering around your body before the flesh hand was shoved under your waistband, and the metal one was tearing your shirt over your head. If you minded being watched, there were no protests for Heat, Wire, or Killer to leave. You had seemed sheepish when you were telling him about this dream of yours, though there was no hint of that shyness now, while he sank two fingers into you. 
The only reason you had reservations about being shared was that you were friends with Heat and you thought Wire hated you. You didn't want your friendship to be tainted, since you had so little of them to begin with. As for Wire, you didn't know if he would be into it. You didn't have much of a chance to give a shit about that as Kid tore moans from your mouth with his fingers. You did, however, notice that Killer excused Minerva and sent her out of the room. Always so thoughtful. 
Your own hands were occupied fighting Kid's belts. Why did he have to lock his dick away like this? You were struggling to focus on them as Kid pushed you closer to the edge. You felt other hands push yours away, both flesh hands, which caused you some confusion. You looked over Kid's shoulder to see Killer, who had reached his hands around Kid from behind. 
"Let me help, darlin." Killer spoke in a low tone that sent electricity straight to your groin. "You seem distracted." He undid Kid's pants in record time, himself an expert at getting to Kid's dick.
Kid tsked. "What a slutty lass you are. Already reaching for my cock." He spit into his hand and gave himself a few pumps. 
You were unaware that Kid had been walking you back towards the wall until your back was flush against it. You couldn't take your eyes off Kid, his heavy member in his hand. Only vaguely do you recall shedding your pants along the way. He tugged your panties to the side and pressed his weeping tip to your entrance, pushing the head in before suddenly removing it again. You whined, desperate to have something filling that space.
"How bad do ya want it?" 
"Badly. Give it to me."
"What will ya do for it?" 
You swallowed thickly. "Whatever you want, Captain." You knew he loved when you called him by the proper title, an instance where you let him have dominance over you.
Kid hummed. "And what if I want to be rough?"
"I'm not fragile." You looked at his bandolier. "Will you... use this?" Your hand tugged at the hilt of his blade. 
Kid's brow quirked up. "Ya sure about that?" 
You nodded. A chill of excitement running up your spine.
Kid pushed his tip in again and then pulled it out, with a devious look in his eyes. "I change my mind." Kid turned you around so your chest was against the wall. "I think I want this hole instead." His hands ran down your sides and paused at your hips, pulling them against him to rub his cock between your cheeks. 
From this angle, you had a hard time seeing what Kid was doing, though you heard him slide his knife out of the sheath. Killer had been on the side you could see and moved to be behind you, Heat taking his place. You couldn't tell where Wire was. There was pressure, followed by stinging pain on your lower back. You sucked in a hiss.
Killer spoke from behind you. "You can say stop if you need a break, ok?" You felt his broad hand cup the back of your neck. 
You nodded. Finding it difficult to look Heat in the eyes, yours drifted down to his feet. They came towards you until the scent of burnt wood filled your nostrils. That's not how you thought he would smell but you weren't mad about it. You felt his fingers lift your chin, causing your gaze to pass over the bulge in his pants. He paused for a moment, either to look at you or give you a chance to pull away, or both, then brought his lips to yours. He tasted like fire, too. You don't know whose hand it was, but it found your clit and immediately went to work rubbing circles into it. The sting on your lower back turned into a blissful burning sensation, growing as Kid slowly continued to drag his blade over your skin. Warm liquid that you almost couldn't feel since it was your own body temperature starting dripping down your back and into the valley Kid was rutting against.
You moaned against Heat, allowing your tongues to slide past each other. You were able to move the hand on that side from being against the wall to press against his erection through his pants. Caught up in your own haze of pleasure, your hand stuttered, and Heat took it upon himself to grab your wrist and move it for you. Something about that mad you shudder. The pressure building in your abdomen made your legs twitch. The hand that played with you dipped its fingers inside, pressing its palm against your clit. You whined again as you felt the absence of Kid pushing against you. 
Kid looked down at his artwork, licking your blood from his knife. His dick throbbed at the act of marking you. In sanguine letters, "KID" was carved into your skin. He pressed his fingers against the lines, tracing his name again, coating his fingers with your blood. With every touch, you cried out with a mix of pleasure or pain. It was hard to say which, especially since Heat was greedily keeping your mouth occupied with his own. 
"Heat, I can't fuckin hear her." 
"Switch with me then," Heat teased.
"Not a fuckin chance." Kid took the fingers with your blood and introduced one to your back entrance. "Her ass is mine. Isn't that right?" Kid smacked your ass with his metal hand and slid another finger in simultaneously.
It was too much. You couldn't answer him. Or maybe this was your answer. The coil had been building and you knew you would cum soon, but the smack and the feeling of fingers shoved up both holes made it happen without warning. "FUCK!" You shrieked, almost losing your balance as your knees buckled and your eyes rolled back. Your body clenched down on Heat and Kid's fingers from both sides. You realized they were Heat's fingers because he shoved them in your mouth while you were coming down from your high. 
"If you're good for them, maybe I'll let you have a taste," Killer mused, touching the soaked fabric of your panties. Your hips instinctively tried to grind against his touch, but he pulled his hand back. "Uh uh. I said if you were good." 
All touches were removed from you while you caught your breath. You leaned with your back against the wall.
"Please, Killer." 
His hands briefly skirted across your belly before hooking his fingers on either side of your panties, shredding them with one pull. His finger slid under the bra you still had on. "Take this off too unless you want me to ruin it."
You tossed it away. "I want you to ruin me." You were only mildly aware that you were completely bare in front of all of them, two for the first time. 
Killer motioned for you to get off the wall and come to him, which you did gladly. He pulled you to his chest so you were slightly bent forward. You looked so cute with those eyes pleading up at him. He would love nothing more than to fuck your sassy mouth, but this was still his game and he still wanted to torment you. "You have to relax or it will hurt." He watched as your eyes widened when Kid spread your cheeks apart. 
"I want it to hurt." This wasn't your first time. You were aware of the risks, but you were also aware of your own body. It was going to hurt regardless since Kid was bigger than anything you had before. Unlike before, you could heal yourself if anything went wrong. 
Kid still worked you open a little more with a third finger and then a fourth. The blood dripping down from your future scar made it plenty wet still. He couldn't wait to feel that tight ass wrapped around him. Though he tried not to think about it so much or else he would cum. 
Killer still held you, praising you for taking Kid in. It stung, as you knew it would. In the beginning it always felt a little sore and weird, but after he started moving, it would be better. Just the idea of being 'violated' in this way had you dripping wet. The twinges of pain sending shivers up your spine. Killer released you when Kid was all the way in. You expected someone to come fill your mouth. Instead, you felt Kid's arms reach under your thighs to hook under your knees, picking you up while still on his cock, and spreading you wide open in the front. That was the first time you were acutely aware of Wire. He was rubbing himself through his clothes, enjoying the show. 
Kid groaned into your ear. "Fuck. Ya really clenched down when ya saw Wire. Ya thinking about him hate-fucking ya?" Kid slowly moved you up and down his cock, using you like his personal sex doll. Kid snickered. "In fact, I want ya to tell them about yer dream."
You slowly shook your head. "I d-don't want to." It was hard to get the words out when Kid was fucking your ass. "Embarrassing."
"Ya got a dick in your ass and your pussy spread wide for everyone to enjoy, and that's embarrassing?" 
Killer appeared in front of you. "Being good includes doing whatever the Captain says." He put his thumb against your clit, moving it very slowly.
"Please fill me up. I'm begging you." You writhed in Kid's grip, desperate to feel full. The slow pace that he and Killer set was agonizing. 
"Heat will be glad to oblige, but first ya have to satisfy my request." 
"Louder. Wire can't hear ya from all the way over here."
"I-I had a dream that Kid was f-fucking me and that you were all g-gonna take turns."
"And what was that bit about Heat and Wire? They need details if ya want it to happen." 
"They tossed me back and forth, l-like a rag-doll."
"That's still not everything. Go on, tell Wire what you were interested in."
"K-kid please."
"Tell him," Killer pressured, pausing his ministration. 
"I want to get hate-fucked by Wire." You felt your face heat up.
"Good girl," Killer gave another firm press against your bud before turning it over to Heat.
Heat quickly blocked your line of sight, but not before you saw Wire with a sneer on his face. That look went straight to your cunt. 
Kid held still for a moment while Heat bullied his way in. "So tight." The pressure around his cock was made more intense by the feeling of Kid's cock filling up the space next-door. 
Heat's hands found their way to your breasts, kneading them and twisting your nipples as he bit at the smooth, warm tops of them. His mouth moved up the side of your neck, adding to the marks Kid had left earlier. Kid was moving you only slightly up and down the tips of both of their cocks, so Heat could kiss you. The height difference made it hard in this position to kiss and fuck at the same time. Heat released you, moving his rough hands to your sides, aiding Kid in moving you, though he didn't need it. They met over your shoulder to make-out with each other. The feeling of being ignored and used as a toy was dizzying. It's not exactly something you would have thought you liked. They used you to jerk themselves off while they moaned into each other's mouths. You gripped harder as the thought wound the knot in your stomach tighter. The overwhelming feeling of being filled and stretched by two, exceptionally large cocks was sending you to the moon. You were pretty sure there was a steady stream of moans from you mixing in with their own, tongue panting. You didn't know for sure, so focused on how good you were feeling. It could be your imagination, but Heat's dick had a warm sensation to it.
"Look at you. Taking two huge dicks at the same time." 
Killers words were going to make you crash back to earth. 
"After this, no one will be able to fuck you as good. Your cunt will never be full like this again."
"Shit. Killer." You didn't have words to warn him. 
"Tell me. Are you close?"
"Yeah," you moaned.
"Do you want to cum?" 
"I want to cum. Please." 
"I want you to hold it until they cum. Can you do that?" 
You shook your head.
"Yes you can." 
You felt both Heat and Kid's grips dig into your skin, slamming you down on themselves. You strained to keep your orgasm at bay. They were definitely close, their breaths ragged, their cocks twitching. Your arms were around Heat's neck for support. "Cum in me! Please cum in me! I want to be dripping from both holes," you repeated various iterations of this mantra until, nearly at the same time they grunted, filling you with hot semen. As they did, they held you tighter to their bases, pushing them into your sweet spot. Finally you were allowed to release. Your cry of pleasure was so earth-shatteringly loud, the dead guys in the room could hear it. There was a rush of fluid down your legs as your own juice and the force of your cunt clamping down caused cum to leak out. 
Before you had a chance to recover. You felt Kid remove himself, but Heat held you up. And suddenly you were on Wire's lap, facing him. He had been sitting on the table. "If you wanna be tossed back and forth you better get to work on Wire before I go soft," Heat said. You barely processed what he said before Wire impaled you on his cock, shoving it so deep, you felt it in your stomach. It was a good thing you were thoroughly prepared, because Wire was proportionate in every way. He bullied your cervix and just as you were about to cum, he lifted you off himself and gave you back to Heat who opted to take Kid's position, lifting you with your legs spread open, his hand barely reaching your clit. He already came, this was purely for you. Right as you were on the precipice of your climax, Heat passed you back to Wire. They did this several more time before Heat had to tap out. 
The last time Heat gave you to Wire, Wire got off the table and set you on it instead, on your knees, facing away from him. "Spread your legs until your stomach is flat against the table." 
It was slightly uncomfortable with your legs splayed completely out, bent at the knee. Your ass hung off the edge of the table and your arms were above your head. Wire's palm pressed firmly into your back, crushing you against the table. You felt him lean over you, the blades of his necklace touching your skin, so if you bucked, they would cut you. You wondered if that was their purpose. He didn't talk, simply shoved his cock back inside and railed you from behind. After edging so many times, you came fast and hard, gripping him so tightly, you earned a grunt from the otherwise silent man. 
Killer thought you had been good enough. And he was feeling a little left out if he was honest with himself. Watching you cum over and over again, dripping with sweat, blood, and tears. He wanted to take some responsibility for your impending fuck coma. You were beyond the point of fucked-out. Your pretty pink pussy was puffy around Wire's cock from the repeated battering. And your ass was still gaping for now. But your poor mouth had no use. He positioned himself on the table in front of you, legs splayed almost as wide as yours, as wide as his jeans would allow, to get his cock as close to you as he could. You were practically drooling as you looked up at him, making his dick twitch within its confines. He freed his cock from his jeans and it sprung forth, bobbing in front of your face.
Wire released the hand from your back so you could lift your front half enough to reach Killer. "Choke on his cock you filthy fucking marine bitch." 
You eagerly opened your mouth. Finally Killer was going to reward you. You gagged as Killer unexpectedly pulled your head down on him. Your ponytail was wrapped around his hand.
"Fuck the little slut tightens up when you do that. Do it again." 
Killer did it again, bringing tears to your eyes. You were being bounced back and forth by the thrusts of their hips. "You're so cute when you're crying on my cock, breadcrumb." 
"You like getting used, don't you? I bet you'd like to be chained down here, free use for all the Kid Pirates, huh? I can feel you getting close. You want me to come visit every day and fuck you until you cry?"
"That's it, darlin. Relax your throat. You feel so good."
"Marine whore. Cum on this pirate cock."
The opposition between degradation and praise was strangely working. Wire slapped his hand down on the freshly carved "KID". The vibrations from your yelp going straight to Killer. He felt his balls empty. He meant to last longer, but he had held out for so long he was straining from the start. The salty taste hit the back of your throat. You swallowed most of it, though some leaked from the corner of your mouth. Partially because you weren't ready and partially because that sensation forced you over the edge. 
"Fuck. I'm- I'm-" The words were lost as Wire felt you start to pulse around him. He pulled out and slammed back in, not into your cunt, into your ass. He shoved his fingers in your pussy at the same time. It was the most intense orgasm yet. Your feet cramped from your toes curling so hard. Your whole body shook and twitched. Your eyes were squeezed shut, and you would have screamed even louder had your voice not been hoarse already from being so vocal. The vice grip you had on Wire pushed him over the edge too, he chose to pull out, showering the letters on your back with cum. 
You couldn't move. Arms and legs too weak to push yourself up. Eyes completely glazed over. Still twitching with aftershocks. You didn't even want to heal yourself at then moment. The dull throb and the burn felt good. 
"Don't worry, darlin. I've got ya." 
Next Chapter
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
yandere hcs for ennard, more so ennard when they're using Mike's skin and the darling is someone Mike knew? Hopefully that makes sense
Yeah, sure! I'll see what I got :)
Original Ennard HCs I'm using for personality purposes
Yandere! Ennard Pretending To Be Michael
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Graphic descriptions, Manipulation, Multiple personalities (Ennard), Deception, Dubious but implied forced companionship.
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I feel this situation would progressively get worse as things progress.
Your connection to Michael doesn't matter too much.
I'd imagine due to the pairing you were friends or something closer.
The biggest issues with Ennard taking over are these;
Ennard has multiple personalities you'll pick up on over time, they struggle with replicating Michael fully.
The eventual smell as their disguise rots.
The odd movement "Michael" begins to display.
The look of your friend gets worse and worse.
Pretending to be Michael is a way for Ennard to be close to you.
At first they'd definitely struggle.
Not only do they have constant personalities buzzing in their mind, but they also don't know you well... if at all.
As a result, when you call Michael's name, you'll notice him twitch a little before trying to respond.
Ennard tries to also learn singular pronouns.
It would give them away if they kept saying "we".
Ennard struggles to learn Michael's behavior, but soon they get the hang of it.
It would help more if Michael had videos of you and him so they can copy it.
When Ennard meets you they can tell you're worried about Michael.
They can't tell if it's nice someone cares about them after being forgotten so long... or if they're envious of the supposedly deceased Michael.
Either way they try to respond in a way similar to Michael.
Honestly, trying to replicate Michael is hard for them.
One moment you find Michael being playful with you, the next he's asking you to dance midway through.
Then there's times he claims he wants to impress you, other times he gets a bit... devious.
You begin to wonder what he's gone through when he was gone?
Michael just seems so erratic with you.
He also appears oddly obsessed with you and things about you.
You even pull him/them aside to try and figure out what's up.
Your friend is acting weird... so you'll keep an eye on him.
There's times when he visits that there's the distinct smell of decay around him.
You jokingly tell him to take a shower one time, to which he (Ennard) gives you a confused look.
You feel even more concern towards your friend when you notice his walk.
He appear limping at times, leading to you holding him up.
An action you notice he shuffles closer to you during.
You offer to call the hospital when you notice Michael's skin turn a bruising purple, one that remind you of flesh lacking blood.
Ennard tells you they don't need it as Michael despite your worry.
Meanwhile as Ennard plays the role of your friend, they pick up items they think remind them of you.
They also often stare in an attempt to memorize what you look like in their mangled databank.
During this time Ennard is working on a time limit.
Michael won't be a suitable disguise soon enough.
Plus... the personalities buzz even more when they discuss you.
Soon you'll notice "Michael" slip away again.
This is Ennard making their escape, fleeing into the sewers.
They really hate the idea of leaving you... they miss the comfort you offer.
However, they promise to see you again.
They may even be in a different form when they meet you again.
Then they can have your comfort in their true form...
They hope you'll be just as welcoming as when they were Michael... won't you?
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froggywritesstuff · 1 year
Poly Yandere Will Byers & Mike Wheeler x male reader
Byler Ghostface au
ours | poly!ghostface!yandere!byler
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ship/pairing: yandere!ghostface!Will Byers x male!reader x yandere!ghostface!Mike Wheeler
warnings: yandere themes, murder, character death, blood, stabbing, unhealthy relationships, possessiveness, implied period-typical homophobia (please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of these)
A/N: i do not in any way support yandere behaviour, please understand that this writing is purely fictional, and should not ever be reenacted in real life. fem readers dni, Byler Ghostface au, sorry for the wait, hope you enjoy :)
Mike and Will were best friends. Sometimes other things. They shared a simple interest with one another. An interest no one else would be able to properly understand. You. And when someone else tried to take an interest in you, they took it upon themselves to get rid of them. Of course you were always so sad when a friend you had become close with vanished out of nowhere, and when your dates never showed up, but that was just a bonus in Will and Mike’s plan. They'd always be there for you when you were lonely, sometimes making you feel like they were the only people there for you. Of course, you never knew they were intentionally making you feel that way, and intentionally driving away any other friends you might make. You just felt so loved having Mike and Will’s friendship, unaware of how they both wanted you in a different way. So much, they’d do anything for you. But apparently, you never got the memo.
You happily sped toward Mike and Will at the lunch table they were sitting at, greeting them both with a wide smile as you handed them a note.
"What's this?" Mike asked, taking it from your hands.
You sat down across from them, unable to contain your excitement, "Just read the note." you said, voice having a slight excited squeak to it.
Mike smiled at your excitement, before opening up the note and reading it.
'I got a date :)'
He felt his heart drop as he read your words. His brain went into overdrive, before he passed the note to Will, giving him a look. 
Will’s eyes widened as he read it, not wanting you to see his anger. Mike however, did not care about hiding his expression. The thought crossed his mind a few times, but he was too focused on this. What did you mean, you got a date?
Will was a way better actor than Mike, as he quickly plastered on an eager look as he spoke to you, “So what’s his name?”
You were beyond happy over Will’s ‘support’, completely naive to his real intentions.
”It’s Conner, from our science class.” You gushed, waving to a boy sitting at another table, not noticing the scowl etched on Mike’s face as he saw him. He and Will were familiar with Conner. Every odd science lesson, he would ask to be your lab partner. They agreed they wouldn’t do anything about Conner unless he tried becoming friends with you, so they could stop anything else happening between the two of you. Apparently they were too late. Will had a plan though. He usually did.
“Do you guys have anything planned? Where are you two going out?”
Mike began listening more intently, immediately understanding what Will was thinking.
You shrugged, “We were just gonna watch movies at my place, since we don’t really wanna go out in public.”
Will and Mike nodded, an unspoken plan being formed, “Nice.” Will smiled.
Mike plastered a smile on his face, almost speaking through gritted teeth, ”Sounds fun.”
You looked so beautiful. You were laughing, and smiling, and the light from the tv screen illuminated your face in the most ethereal way. Mike and Will loved your smile. However they hated when you smiled because of someone else. No one else should be able to see you happy, let alone make you happy. So to say they were angry as they saw you laughing because of something Conner said through your living room window would be an understatement. Conner didn't deserve you. No matter how much you liked him, no matter how much he liked you, you two would never be right for each other. Mike and Will just needed you to realise that.
You were unaware of Mike and Will's presence, your attention on the boy beside you, until the phone rang. You left the couch where you and Conner sat, sending him an apologetic smile as you went to answer the phone.
"Hello, Y/N speaking?" you said, into the phone.
"Hello?" a low, gravelly voice responded.
You paused, waiting for an answer before realising you weren't going to get one, "Who is this?" you asked.
"Who's this?" they asked, much to your confusion.
"Is there someone you're trying to reach?"
"Well, what number is this?"
"What number are you trying to reach?"
"I don't know."
You narrowed your eyes, before speaking, "Then I think you have the wrong number."
"Oh do I?"
"Uh-huh. I gotta go now, bye." you said, ending the call and hanging up the phone. "Sorry about that," you said, walking back to where Conner was sitting.
"Who was it?" he asked, to which you shrugged, about to answer, only to be interrupted by the phone ringing again.
You sighed, walking back to the phone, picking it up with a huff, "Hello?"
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the familiar voice, "Did you need something?"
"I wanted to apologise."
"Dialling the wrong number."
"You're forgiven. Bye now." before you can hang up, the voice calls out.
"Don't hang up, I just wanna talk."
"I'd love to talk, but I have a friend over, I don't wanna keep them waiting."
"He can wait. I just wanna talk." the voice responded, to which you sighed, holding the phone away from you and turning to where Conner was sitting.
"Who is it?" he asked.
You shrugged, "I dunno yet, but they seem very persistent in talking to me. I'll try and hang up soon." you said, receiving an understanding smile from Conner, before you brought the phone back to you, "What do you wanna-?"
"Who was that?" the voice snapped.
"Just my friend? Now what do you wanna talk about?"
"How much do you like your friend?" the voice asked, giving you a bad feeling.
"What do you mean?" you asked, growing more and more cautious of the stranger.
A mocking laugh came from the phone, "How loud are you gonna scream when I slice Conner to bits?"
You whipped your head around, heart dropping when Conner was nowhere to be found. Much to their disappointment, you hung up the phone, running through the walls of your house, screaming Conner's name. The phone rang again, making you jump with fear. You raced toward the phone, picking it up and answering it.
"Who the fuck are you and what do you want?!" you imagined yourself sounding tough, but your face was drenched with tears and your voice was cracking from the fear.
The voice laughed, "Like I said, I just wanna talk."
"I don't wanna talk to you." you cried, heart racing with fear.
"Oh?" you could almost hear the smirk over the phone, "So you'd rather I slit Conner's throat right now?"
"No, please don't hurt him!"
"There we go," a low laugh came from the phone, "Now if you don't wanna hear your boyfriend choking on his own blood, you'll talk to me."
You felt your heart drop with fear, "H-how did you know we were-?" you stopped yourself from continuing, taking a breath to calm yourself, the sound of low static on the line making you uneasy, "Is that why you're doing this?"
A hum came from the phone, "Maybe you should just be more careful about which boys you date."
"Fuck you," you hissed, breaths heavy as you felt tears roll down your cheeks, "I'm calling the police, you dick." you hung up the phone, about to dial 911, when you heard a loud scream, followed by a thud.
The phone dropped from your hands as you saw Conner's mutilated body on the floor. Blood pooled from slits around his neck, arms and legs, staining the floor bright red. A choked sob escaped your lips and you went to run to his body, when a man in a black cloak and white mask walked in front of his body, facing you. You shook in fear, beginning to back away when someone else came behind you, wrapping their strong arms around your body to keep you from running. The masked man in front of you stalked toward you, and you began thrashing in their arms, attempting to escape, when he brought his hand up to his mask.
You felt your heart drop as you stared at the familiar dark brown eyes of your best friend, "Mike? Wh-what the fuck are you doing?"
He stared at you looking genuinely confused, "Did you not see this coming? Y/N, we've been friends with you for years, did you never think we deserved something a little more than that?"
You felt your breath hitch, "Will?"
The man behind you took his mask off as well, and you felt his hand grip your jaw, turning your head to face him, "Oh, this wasn't a one person job Y/N."
Mike nodded at Will, "There were way too many people getting too close to you, and we couldn't let that happen."
"Apparently this was the only way to get you to realise it, but you're ours, Y/N."
You felt Mike grab your hand tightly, sending a chill down your spine, "And we don't intend to let anyone take you away from us."
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
hey could I request a blurb for dbf! hopper where he calls reader whenever he needs help with eleven? love your blurbs!
word count: 1k
warnings: I made this nanny!reader x dbf!hopper, hope that's okay, age gap obviously, reader is in their twenties. giggles terribly because I love him so much- also the gif??? ignore the blood though
summary: hopper asking you to come over after eleven and mike broke up
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You were sitting with your back against the wall, Eleven gripping her pillow tightly though her head was settled in your lap, your fingers digging through her hair in an attempt to calm her down. When Hopper called claiming he was having trouble with her attitude you'd expected to come over to settle a little pre-teen-encouraged spat, what you found, however, was a girl trying to cope with her first breakup.
"Ellie, I'm so sorry," you hummed, the girl moving further into your lap, looking up at you with the saddest brown eyes and absolutely breaking your own heart in the process. "Boys suck," was your simple reply, and though Hopper was stuck in the hall, not allowed in but obviously peaking through the half-closed window, he offered a little nod in agreement.
You'd been the designated nanny for all the kids in town, getting first-hand information about all the latest couples and crushes and you'd sworn to give Mike Wheeler a hiding at his full pre-teen age if he so much as caused a frown on the little Hopper's lips. She was special to you, always the best company if you had to finish an assignment when watching her, helping you with dinner when Jim was working late and it didn't help at all when you and Jim ended up in your complicated little love affair, you'd rearrange the whole town for her before, you'd wipe out the whole world for her now.
"Dad said so too," she sighed and you couldn't stop yourself from pulling her up into a hug, knowing she'd long outgrown being sat up in your lap to be coddled when sad but it was awful hearing her cry like this and she clearly didn't mind, nuzzling her head into your chest with a few sniffles. "Said he'd beat Mike up if I wanted, I didn't," you had to smile, looking up to the door knowing Jim was there, knowing he'd catch your eyes and shrug.
"You can still change your mind," the man noted, and when he pushed his head through the open space both you and Eleven shook your head, sharing a knowing look before reaching a hand out to beckon him over.
"Come on in, old man," you breathed.
"Dad," she groaned and peaked up from where she'd been engulfed in your, Jim's, sweater, letting him take her hand despite her pride, managing a little smile when you squeezed her one more time. "Not cool."
"Listen, Ellie," you stepped in, guiding her to look at you, smoothing some hair from her face and dotting away the wetness under her eyes. "Not all boys are trouble, you know, despite what your dad says, but do you maybe want to wait a little longer before trying the whole dating thing again?" she nodded quickly, if this is how bad Mike, her friend, could make her feel then she had zero interest in any other boys.
"No more boys, ever," she concluded and Hopper was very pleased with that, a wide smile dipping into his lips and earning him a warning raised brow from you. "Except for Dad," she added and made both you and Jim laugh lightly. "He's a good one, that's why he's your boyfriend," she explained and wiped her cheek dry, shrugging as if it was all very self-explanatory.
"He is a good one," you agreed, happy that she was no longer crying, clearly still sad but no longer needing the extra cuddles you had planned for later.
"Do all boys break your heart?" the purest little question, Hopper looked to you to answer, this entire conversation was not for him because he could swear she was just his little El yesterday and now she's talking about boys.
"Not all of them, not the good ones," she moved to sit next to you, a little yawn slipping from her lips, tired from all the crying and the long day and the drama that was sure to come, so you brushed a hand up and down her back, an old habit from when she struggled to fall asleep. "Your dad would never," you were looking at him, smiling just as widely as he was, it was something to behold, such a silly little gesture but it was true, Jim Hopper would protect your heart for as long as he could and you knew that for sure.
"Okay, so I just need to find a good one then, like Dad," Eleven yawned again and you nodded for Hopper to meet you in the hallway, slipping out from your little corner and holding onto the girl's hand as she moved to lay down, sighing happily as you draped her with a blanket, tucking her in just as you usually do.
"You don't have to worry about that now though, you know, just stay our little Ellie for a little while longer, won't you?" you crouched down to be at her level, smiling at her sleepy state and she giggled lightly at your comment.
"I'll try," she mumbled and you kissed her forehead, booped her nose, and squeezed her hand three times just like you'd do when she fell back asleep after a bad nightmare. "I love you, blueberry," she breathed, eyes closing, heart already asleep but mind fighting it just for a few seconds.
"I love you too, pancake," and you did, she wasn't yours, not even slightly but you loved her like she was, like you'd been a part of her life forever, and in special moments like these it felt like you were. "We need to have a little word with Wheeler," you announced tiptoeing into the kitchen where Jim was already making you a cup of cocoa, silently bribing you to stay a little longer.
"We can meet him in the alley," he scoffed and you were drawn to him without any control, melting into his back as you snaked your arms around his waist. "Thank you for coming to talk to our girl," he sounded shy in the statement, busying himself by putting too much sugar in the mug Eleven got you for your birthday, she'd painted it herself and admittedly it looked awful but it was your favourite thing in the world.
"Our girl," you breathed and the words sounded so perfect to your ears, tasted like home on your lips. "We do make a good team though, don't we?"
"The best," he lifted one of your hands from his waist, squeezing it three times, kissing it softly, holding it tight. "You staying the night?"
"Will you help me study if I do?" he wouldn't, he'd distract you long enough for you to cave and cuddle but you had an extra day to study anyway so you'd risk it.
"Of course, I will," he reached a hand around and patted your butt gently, completely contradicting his words. "No distractions, no kisses until you're done," you giggled, kissing the space between his shoulder blades and you didn't need to see his smirk to know it was there, hand not showing any signs of moving.
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elekinetic · 2 years
lucas is ten years old, and he has made a mortal enemy. there is an owl living in the tree just outside his bedroom window and he freaking hates it, okay? it’s so loud and annoying and smug and it won’t stop “hoooing” all night long — or however you spell it. whatever. and look, lucas has never been one for violence, but there is a reason he asked his parents for a wrist rocket last christmas, and no, he hasn’t hit the stupid bird yet but one of these days he’s gonna get it, and he’s gonna take the fucker down, right between it’s freaky yellow eyes, and he’ll finally get a good night’s sleep. just you wait.
lucas is twelve years old, and he’s wide awake. and yeah, the owl is still freaking hooting even though he DEFINITELY hit its foot like, four weeks ago. but that’s not why he’s up. will’s missing, and mike’s mad at him, and that weird bald girl is messing everything up and…well. lucas isn’t crying, okay? lucas is fine, and if you tell erica anything otherwise he’s gonna hit you with his wrist rocket which is a serious threat because he’s gotten so much better. even if the owl hasn’t left yet. even if he asked his parents to call animal control because it’s been three years, you guys and it’s still yelling into his bedroom window. HOOT, HOOT, even right now. it’s fine. he’ll get it eventually, he just needs a plan. he’ll come up for a plan to get rid of the owl, just like he’ll come up with a plan to save will. if mike and dustin won’t help him, he’ll do it himself.
lucas is fourteen years old, and oh my god, he GOT IT. HE FINALLY FREAKING GOT IT. it took him half a decade, but he borrowed a teammate’s BB gun and managed to knock down its nest. and lucas doesn’t get why that was what got it to leave because it’s the most stubborn motherfucker he’s ever met, and he’s friends with dustin, but maybe it’s some kind of animal thing where you leave when your house gets wrecked and you’re too scared to build a new one. honestly, lucas doesn’t give a shit. the bird is gone, and that’s what matters. five freaking years of obnoxious hooting at 2am, over! peace at last! SILENCE at last! he wants to get up and jump on the bed, but maybe that’s immature of him. maybe he’s too excited about this. maybe he was right to tell his teammate it was to show off for a girl (which, he would’ve, gladly, if she’d come over or return any of his calls). maybe… maybe… maybe lucas should go to bed.
lucas is sixteen years old, and his bedroom is quiet. max is alive—thank god—and okay and healing and kind of happy, and vecna is dead and his friends and his family are safe and….god. they won. they won months ago, and it’s almost been a year, but lucas still has a hard time believing it. (his bedroom is quiet.) they tried so hard for so long and came so close to losing, and lucas hasn’t quite shaken that constant paranoia. “stay alert, stay alive,” is what they’d say when they went on patrols. (quiet.) he held max’s hand today and it was warm and she smiled at him, and it almost made him forget how cold her hands used to be. he remembers the hospital. he remembers the first days, when max had bloody bandages around her eyes. (quiet.) when she didn’t have the bandages, when it was just blood. he remembers holding her when she said she didn’t want to die (quiet.) and he said she wouldn’t and she needed to hold on cause the paramedics were almost there (quiet.) he remembers her dying and yeah she came back but she died. she died she died she died, and lucas’ room is so fucking quiet.
it’s ridiculous, really. the world ended, and they all lived. this is happily ever after. they saved the day.
he misses the stupid owl.
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sssammich · 7 months
collateral pt4
author's note: this and the next part will close out this arc, and then posting will slow considerably as i figure out the next arc. in the meantime: enjoy!
ao3 link (opens to part 4)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
The night finally came to a close and Kara’s heart was battered and bruised, her cheeks in a similar state from the amount of polite smiles she provided as people expressed how moved they were about her speech. A speech that didn’t follow what she’d written and rehearsed for two weeks leading up to the wedding. A speech that included so much more, stories and anecdotes of adventures and happiness and jokes and laughter to share with guests: an oral history of their friendship interwoven with the ways that Jack and Lena belonged together. 
In the end, all it became was a quiet plea for her best friend to be taken care of, to be loved and cherished—words from a deeply rooted secret she’d simply never had the courage to confess. 
Her heart was of two bittersweet halves: overwhelmingly happy for her best friend, yet broken still for what Kara could never have, what they could never be. 
She’d stuck to drinking water after the scotch she’d drank with Andrea, glad to clear her mind even if her heart remained in a fog. Tomorrow there was a wedding party brunch before Jack and Lena left for their month-long honeymoon. So despite wanting to return to the comfort of her apartment, she had to stay one more day until she could give herself a break. 
As the night wound down, Kara couldn’t help but observe the woman who had appeared out of nowhere, lit cigarette in one hand and gold lighter in the other, and stuck by her side for much of the reception. In truth, the night would have been considerably worse if Andrea hadn’t stayed by her side. Kara had originally brought her friend Mike as her plus one, but he’d long since disappeared to hook up with another guest, exactly as she promised him when she asked him to attend with her. 
Her eyes settled on Andrea’s profile, the way her brown hair slid down the side of her head to curtain her face before a hand shot up and carded through her hair to put it back in its place. Then she resumed to quickly type away at something on her phone, her slightly long nails, oval and blood red, audibly tapping against the screen. 
“Got a hot date tonight?” she started, trying to tease the other woman, when she nodded towards Andrea’s fast typing. 
In response, Andrea only tilted her head, raising a sculpted brow before pursing her lips. Kara fought the desire to look away when Andrea didn’t immediately respond. 
Eventually, Andrea leaned forward, closer than she’d ever gotten to Kara. “You could say that.” 
Kara barely resisted every temptation to shiver, suddenly aware of Andrea getting into her space; the fresh floral scent of her perfume faint, yet still present. Andrea sat back in her chair and resumed texting whoever, leaving Kara to gulp down the rest of her water. 
She was left to her thoughts as she watched the great hall begin to clear out. Andrea had mentioned that she was helping Kara. But that didn’t explain why. It was still a mystery to the reporter, and she had to know. She would find out at some point, but for now, however, she was going to bid her best friend goodnight. 
The pair of them were last in the short line closer to the bride and groom, quipping about the remaining guests all the while. 
“That outfit is garish. She looks like a walking Jell-o.” A loud laugh erupted from her and she had to quickly cover her mouth when several heads turned in their direction, including that of Lena who cocked her head in wonder even as she resumed talking with guests. Kara stifled her giggling and waved at them in apology, Andrea remaining unbothered beside her. 
“That’s not very nice.” 
“I’m not very nice.” 
Kara shook her head. “I don’t believe that,” she offered before turning back her attention to the line, just missing the way Andrea’s eyes watched her for a few lingering moments. 
They waited patiently as the last of the guests shared their well wishes with Lena. Andrea stepped up first and gave Lena a brief hug. 
“Congratulations, Luthor. Finally found yourself a good one, huh?”
Lena narrowed her eyes in mock offense, but she only shook her head. “Ben Lockwood doesn’t count, and you know it.” 
Andrea and Lena conversed some more about memories Kara wasn’t privy to, an exchange that Kara had never witnessed until now. She knew about Andrea, but only peripherally. She knew that Lena and Andrea’s families ran the same circles and they’d known each other longer than Kara realized. She noted to herself to ask about it sometime later, if given the chance. The other woman flashed a winning smile and she and Lena hugged again before Andrea took a step back just as Kara emerged beside her. 
When Lena’s eyes fell on her, Kara’s heart skipped a beat. Lena’s polite smile widened to a genuine one—one that Kara loved being directed at her. She opened her arms and Lena fell into them easily, comfortably, her head tucked by her shoulder. Lena sighed audibly and Kara giggled. 
“Tired?” she asked, pulling back to put some distance between them, except Lena kept a hold of her hands. 
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” 
“Well, at least it’s over for now.” 
“Ah, Kara!” Jack called from over Lena’s shoulder. He went in for a hug and she accepted it, letting her hands drop from Lena’s hold and patting him on the back. “You have been a godsend, and we just can’t thank you enough for helping make this day perfect.” 
She smiled, her cheeks aching. “You’re welcome.” 
“And I promise. I will do as you say,” he said softly, an earnest smile on his face, harking back to her speech. 
She swallowed the dryness in her mouth and nodded. 
“So, brunch tomorrow morning?” Andrea asked aloud, three heads turning to look at her. “Kara graciously invited me to join, but wanted to make sure it was okay if I crashed.” 
“Oh, um, of course,” Lena started. 
Kara tried to hide the surprise on her face at the blatant lie Andrea just told, when she offered an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I had some Scotch earlier, and I guess I just ended up mentioning it.”
Lena tilted her head, confusion more apparent on her face. “You…don’t drink Scotch.” 
Before she could reply, she tensed as Jack stepped forward and placed an arm around Lena’s shoulders. “Absolutely! The more, the merrier. The dining area opens at 8:30 but brunch won’t start until 10, more officially.” 
“Come on, Pulitzer,” Andrea said, hooking her arm around Kara’s own and leaning so that her side pushed up against Kara’s arm. If Kara knew any better, she’d say there was a flash of something that passed through Lena’s eyes. But she knew that the lights and the after effects of the alcohol were most likely playing tricks on her. “Let’s leave the happy couple to retreat back to their rooms. See you two lovebirds tomorrow morning.” 
Kara lifted a hand and waved at Lena just as she let herself get ushered away until the two of them were walking out of the grand hall and towards the elevators. 
“You invited yourself to brunch,” she commented just as they stood in the elevator car, unsure of what else to say. 
“Yeah, and thank God too, querida. You were losing it.” 
“What?” She turned to face Andrea. “I wasn’t—I wasn’t losing it.” 
“Your feelings are raw, okay. I get it. But if you stuck around any longer, you’d look more pathetic than a wet dog in a snowstorm.” 
“Th-that’s not even remotely true. I was keeping it together just fine.” 
Andrea took a step forward until the tips of their shoes were practically touching. “Were you keeping it together when Jack placed his arm around Lena?"
When she couldn't give a response, Andrea patted her gently on the cheek. "Listen to me: you’re not fine. You will be, but you’re not fine right now.”
She glared at the woman in front of her. Yet as her eyes roamed Andrea’s face, the shock on Kara’s face told all too well what realization she’d made about the other woman. 
Andrea rolled her eyes and made a face. “Don’t make it a big deal, alright? We were kids. Hardly matters now, I’ve since moved on to directing my one-sided affection towards worse people.” 
She wanted to ask more questions—she had so many more that were on standby at the tip of her tongue, but just then, the elevator dinged and the doors opened, and Andrea walked out without so much as a glance back at her. It was only after Andrea stopped in front of a door that Kara realized their rooms were right next to each other.
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queenofbaws · 2 months
top 5 favourite until dawn characters to WRITE vs top 5 favourite until dawn characters in general (if it's different)
it is such an important distinction med, and i thank you endlessly for letting me get into it 😏
1. flamethrower guy/the stranger/jack: this one likely shocks no one. there's just. a joy. that comes with writing an unhinged, monster-hunting hermit. he kicks doors open. he lives in a burnt out hospital full of Creatures. he's larry fessenden. he's alive in canon for roughly 5 minutes. he's the light of my life. 2. mike: probably slightly more of a surprise because i don't write him OFTEN, but i love writing mike. lovelovelove writing him. mostly because, of the ud kids, i think he's the character who talks...the most...like i do irl??? similar speech patterns, i mean - same tendency to just. say things. that do not make sense. or things that did not need to be said. 3. EMILY: again, probably a surprise because i don't write her much, but my GOD there is a freedom to writing in emily's voice asldkfjdskf she's smart. she's mean. she always has at least three insults locked and loaded in the chamber. she's also the only character in the franchise to say "understand the palm of my hand, bitch." she contains multitudes. 4. dr. hill: gotta be honest here. i went through. a lot. of schooling for psychology. okay. like. however much you think that means? it was like. twice that. and i spent a lot of time - a lot of time - listening to professionals in the field talk in circles and say absolutely batshit things while sagely nodding and giving everyone around them knowing looks, and if i didn't have alan j. hill to channel all that lingering angst into, i might've exploded by now 😫 hehehehehe. i'm only sort of joking. 5. beth: what did supermassive give her? nothing. what does that mean? she can be anything i want, and i don't have to worry over whether or not it sounds believable in canon 😎 lmfao. in much the same way i looove writing jack because we get like. 10 lines and A Vibe from him, beth's a hoot to write for because, like. we know who her siblings are. we have an IDEA of what her home life must've been like...and everything else is up for debate!!!
1. ashley ashley ashley: they could never make me hate you bb. did she handle some things poorly? yes. does she make some questionable decisions? sure. would i give her the world if the opportunity presented itself? of course. look, i just think. she should get to do...whatever she wants. always. as a treat. :)c 2. matt: i am so. intrigued. by matt's whole deal. every second of it. he's a huge part of the prank but he's also hugely sympathetic. he has that incredibly cute moment with ashley right as they get to the lodge but seems pretty chilly (if not downright disinterested in) chris and josh, her best friends. he helps jess through the mines. he holds his own with emily. unless you play him a v certain way, he seems the most interested in smoothing things over between everybody. HE LEAVES. THE FUCKING. HATCHET. AT THE BASE. OF THE FIRE TOWER. i would love to live in his brain for just like...ten minutes. just really figure him out. (i need to write more with him too 😭 he has bewitched me, body and soul) 3. flamethrower guy/the stranger/jack: look. look i'm not subtle. i just. love that weird old man. i just love him so much. if supermassive said 'hey here's a dlc where you go through one (1) calendar day as jack fiddler, it costs $60 and is roughly 1 hour of gameplay,' i'd fold immediately. idk why. 4. josh: there is no one - NO ONE - in this, or any other, game who's so willing to commit so fully to the bit. my man had BLUEPRINTS. my guy had DEAD PIGS. bro sourced knockout gas and fake newspapers and real blood and made voice recordings and an alter ego and rigGED HIS WHOLE FAMILY'S VACATION HOME WITH BOOBY TRAPS, THREW A PARTY ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF HIS SISTERS' SUPPOSED DEATHS, AND EVERYONE STILL FUCKING SHOWED UP. say whatever else you want about him, josh had SOMETHING figured out, man. 5. jess: again. did she make some questionable decisions? sure. do i agree with everything she did? no. but after everything she goes through, after all the tragedy and agony and terror she is put through, this girl still has the wherewithal to grab a shovel and beam a guy in the head with it, and you know what? i respect that 🙏🏻 plus she wore hiphuggers to a party on a mountain in alberta in the dead of winter, and i just want to study her under a microscope.
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messrsbyler · 2 years
Today I'm here to talk about how from season one we are shown how Mike was forced to grow up and mature at a very young age given the dysfunctional dynamics of his family, the neglect he was put through and how he's been left to fence for himself as if he was an adult.
There's many scenes where Mike's attitude and behaviors make a contrast from Dustin and Lucas, even though they are exposed to the same situations. For example, when Hopper questions them and Dustin and Lucas start bickering over whether Mirkwood is a reference from the Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit, Mike is sitting in the middle trying to convince Hopper they can help as well and that they should be out there to find Will. This isn't because Dustin or Lucas don't care about Will as much as Mike does, but immediately we see Mike taking over the role of leader of the group with a much serious approach to the situation.
Where this is even more evident is at the beginning of Episode 2 when the guys bring El to Mike's basement and interact with her. Here is how that goes down:
Mike: "Is there a number we can call? For your parents?
Dustin: "Where is your hair? Do you have cancer?!"
Lucas: "Did you run away?!"
Mike: "Are you in some kind of trouble?"
Lucas: "Is that blood?" *reaches out to touch the blood*
Then Mike stops Lucas saying he's freaking El out. When things get complicated over what to do with El, Mike immediately comes up with a plan for the next day so they all stay out of trouble and can go out there the next night to go and find Will.
Now, keeping in mind that these are twelve years old we are talking about, Dustin and Lucas' reaction to El make sense with how a kid could react. A bit of curiosity, a bit of hesitance and awe, asking questions like of El has cancer because her hair is buzzed and trying to touch the blood on her clothes. Mike, however, takes the approach I would expect from an adult, immediately asking for a number to contact and if the strange girl he found in the woods is okay or in trouble. Instead of giving into his curiosity and awe like Dustin and Lucas, Mike pushes that away and gets to the point in order to help El and learn more about the situation so he can understand how he can solve it.
Then when El tries to take off her clothes we again see this contrast. Dustin and Lucas freak out and turn away, both probably embarrassed and weirded out that a girl just tried to take off her shirt in front of them. And honestly, it makes sense for Mike to feel the same way, but he still instead reaches out to El to kindly stop her and show her the bathroom where she can change. He steps up in the situation and takes control of it. Then when El tells her she doesn't want the door closed, Mike is quick to learn how to communicate with her in order to make her feel comfortable around him (like a protective figure would).
Once Dustin and Lucas leave his house, Mike shows El where she will sleep and they sit down to talk. Now, this is an interesting part of their dynamic because THIS is the first time since meeting El that Mike allows himself to behave like a kid just like Dustin and Lucas had been acting before. When Mike sees El's tattoo he drops trying to control the situation like an adult would and reaches to touch the tattoo because he is a kid and he's never seen another kid with a tattoo, it's something new that surprises him and he acts on that surprise. And then El pulls away and Mike is quick to apologize and pull back as well, and just like that he's back on seizing control of the situation and acting like the grown up between them.
The next day we see Mike also allowing himself to behave more his age around El, showing him around and making impressions for her with his toys, but El is mostly uninterested going around on her own and looking around the house. (This because, in my opinion, El from the first moment is more interested in a parental/protector type of relationship with Mike since she doesn't know what a friend is and doesn't know that type of relationship can even exist. Then El learns about what a friend is but by then Mike has been pushed into a romantic type of dynamic with El by Lucas and Nancy). And then El sees Will's picture and she reveals she knows Will and saw him, and Mike is back on being the leader, the one that makes the plans and doesn't allow himself to be surprised over small things or get distracted with toys and games when his best friend is missing.
So, yeah. Mike has always been in a rush to grow up, but during the first and second season I see it more being an unconscious process for him that comes from being neglected by his family. Then, by season three, Mike takes an active role in wanting to grow up fast and leave all the "childish" things behind in order to fill his role as El's boyfriend.
It's interesting to think how running out of time is Mike's thing in ST, and how that's linked to Mike rushing through life as if he had no seconds to waste because he is either after something or something is chasing him.
I see how El exacerbates these feelings in Mike, that also link to him wanting to pretend to be someone else that's worthy of being with El, from season one when Mike tries to lie to El about the wound on his chin because he doesn't want El to know he gets bullied at school, to Mike wearing that outfit at the airport that's a knockoff of real brands and that, we know, is not his style at all.
Now, of course I HAVE to link this to Byler. And, well, just thinking how Mike was forced to mature at a really young age, how he's pushed into thinking he should be embarrassed about the things he enjoys, about how he thinks he has to pretend to be someone he's not in order to get the "normal" everyone seems to want. And how then there's Will, the one person that tells Mike things don't have to be like that, that on this the rest of the world is wrong because yes, they can stay in Mike's basement and play games for the rest of their lives, they can keep on enjoying their favorite board game, they can make plans to retire at a young age and play Nintendo for a living. Will tries to tell Mike that it is okay if he wants those things, that it's nothing he should avoid or feel ashamed of, that they don't have to stop being kids because the world and the Upside Down keeps making them soldiers, fighting battles they should've never had to fight.
Because Will wants all of that, and Mike wants it too. But Mike knows he's not supposed to. He knows he should want something different, something like what the rest of the people want because otherwise he'll be different. And for now, it is Will the one that's okay with being different because Mike is there, and Mike makes Will feel like it's okay being different, that he shouldn't feel like a mistake at all. And I think Mike has put so much effort into not being different, that he hasn't stopped to think that maybe it could be good, until season four happens and the van scene happens.
There's a TON more of this I wanted to write about but this will do for now.
Anyhow, love Mike Wheeler and how disturbed he's on the inside.
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light-lanterne · 10 months
Hi! Idk if you're into it, but can I request some Byler and vivisection please? Look it up if you don't know what it is, I get the feeling it's right up your alley
hello ! thanks for the ask ~! a lovely mutual (rori) has been sharing stuff about it here and there so i know what it is, don't worry :]
anyway, you'll forgive the uninspiring scenario and the massive departure from your prompt, but i'm a little dry on creativity these past couple days so this is the only thing i could come up with. i hope it's enough:
tw // abundant, vivid, semi-anatomically-correct descriptions of gore - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ☽ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - a short offering @boycattj, @byelerss, @catboy-cabin, @cosmobrain00, @dark-quill, @conanssummerchild, @fenixashes, @fluffyfangirl, @foodiewithdahoodie, @holyvirgilscriptures, @hyperfixationcentralsvoid, @rotisseries, @wheelersboy, @yearninginblue.
s5 scenario where byler are trapped by themselves in the upside down. they are lost, tired, they've been fighting quite a lot and they just want to find somewhere safe to spend the night and recover a little bit of their strength.
luck, however, isn't on their side and they get mauled by a pack of demogorgons. they manage to outrun most of them via trickery and deception; they even manage to kill a couple.
but it's not enough and, just when they think they're finally safe, a lone beast follows their tracks and finds their hiding spot, attacking and ripping to shreds the belly of one of them before the other is able to do anything and neutralise the threat via bashing them in the head with a bat.
so, the demogorgon is dead and the one who killed it (could be either mike or will) takes a moment to recover his breath, then turns around and notices just how bad the other is doing so he rushes to his side. kneels by him. of course, he quickly realises the blood loss is almost too much and starts to crack under the pressure of what's happening, but he keeps trying and even manages to stop most of the bleeding with one hand...
...but then shock sets in and the heart stops, and the one still awake —who again, only has one hand available since they're still trying to stop the bleeding with the other— is forced to take a rather unorthodox approach towards saving the other's life.
if it's mike, it's because of his unyielding determination and stubborn resolution to not let vecna win after everything that's happened. if it's will, it's because of his love for mike and maybe because he's lost a little bit of sanity throughout the last few months of their struggle, with the constant nightmares and taunting vecna's been subjecting him to non-stop.
whoever it is, he's a little deranged over the situation and thus, he doesn't hesitate to stick his hand inside the tear —careful not to be too forceful in an effort to keep the guts intact—, then slides it under the sternum and pushes past the liver, stomach and diaphragm and reaches towards the heart, erratic spasms from the lungs a clear indicator of how quickly the other's condition is deteriorating and how urgent the situation is.
so he keeps going. and at first, the fingertips barely touch the muscle, the blood is slippery and makes it so the heart keeps moving further into the ribcage, and it's a rather awkward angle so he has to consistently rearrange the position of his hand. but then he figures it out, pushes a little bit deeper —closer—, and finally manages to get a firm hold onto the heart and squeezes.
gently, softly. he has no idea what he's doing but he's determined and he's already in so deep (literally) so he's not going to stop.
thus, he massages the heart and tries to make the blood flow from one chamber into the other —just like mr. clarke showed them in biology class—, then maybe even moves their position a little so he can attempt to give some rather-ineffective mouth-to-mouth, barely any air making it past the throat due to the atrocious angle, yet enough air entering the lungs to inflate them a little and pushing them closer to the hand that's still in there.
little by little, for several minutes, he keeps struggling to reanimate the heart and get it back in working order until, finally, the demogorgon's poor victim takes a deep, tortured breath and the heart beats a couple times on its own, its rhythm slow and uneven but at least it's there.
moreover, there are yells in the distance and they've been there for a while, but the boys were a little busy to notice and it is only now that they realise it's their party and thus, help is on the way and everything is going to be fine and it is! the others arrive promptly and help the unfortunate teenagers through their conundrum, then a few weeks go past and the upside down is out of their lives so everything should go back to normal soon.
and for the most part, that's exactly what happens. life is not quite what it used to be before the gates opened —much less before will was even taken—, but slowly, the anxiety and nightmares the entire party now suffers start decreasing as time goes by and it's probably only going to be a couple years before they can all feel a sense of peace and calm at long last.
but during the quiet nights, when they're completely alone in their bedrooms with nothing but their own thoughts as companions, mike and will keep thinking back to that moment. to when one of them had to do something so odd to save his life.
for the receiver, it's a little confusing since it's all a blur, the strange, phantom sensation of having a hand around his cardiac muscle somehow entwining with the endorphin rush produced by the delusional daydreams he was having at that moment, on the brink of death, when the pain of what his body was going through was no longer being registered in his tired brain, and thus, the pressure of a foreign object in his chest somehow being logged in his mind as something that felt nice.
for the giver, however, it's all much clearer. much more vivid. if he focusses enough, he can still feel the warmth of the blood and smooth innards against his palm, all over his skin and under his nails; the pressure of the viscera pushing against his fingers, the space tight and clearly not meant to house any more mass, yet squishy and malleable and able to make enough room for the slim hand; the blood inside the heart moving from one side to the other, the sensation not too different from that of playing around with a water balloon...
...the bizarre feeling of the lungs expanding and breathing in life at the very end, his hand suddenly trapped and unable to move by the increased volume, almost as if the inside of his loved one's body was trying to hold him and keep him there, unmoving for just a little bit longer, nestled between some of the most important organs in the entire human body (the very organs he'd just reanimated and essentially returned life to with his very breath and gentle force).
so he lays in bed, hand extended towards the ceiling, the light from outside his window illuminating his fingers, and he pictures how they looked back when he finally pulled out to give room for the others to finish saving the other's life.
he pictures his hand covered in crimson blood, the likes of which was too quick to get cold upon being in contact with the air, then sighs in melancholy as he chases after the memory of the wonderful heat and pressure he'll unfortunately never get to feel again.
- the end -
(now that this is done, i must ask,,, is vivisection a weird kink ? >.< not shaming in the slightest (and this isn't technically vivisection so it's not even right), but i was writing the last couple paragraphs when it hit me that not everyone is an aroace ex-med student like yours truly so i was just going with the vibes while it is entirely possible that anon had a different angle when sending their request x.x oh well, it's done. thanks for the ask, for reading, and for letting me write weird stuff !! have a lovely day / night ~)
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slutforsnow · 1 year
I swear im trying for chapter 6 of The Blue Note 😔 My fyp isnt giving more astv edits 🥲 anyways, to feed the twilight community im here to offer
A Cowboy's Dream
Character info:
Name: Eliana (el-e-anna) Smith
Nicknames: Eli (El-e), Ana, Silly, Star Girl
Insults: Accident, Freak, Weirdo, r-slur
Age: 17
Birthday: April 6th
Blood type: O-
Mental illness/disorder: Autism
Sexuality: Omnisexual
Gender: Female she/her
Backstory: Eliana was born in with a semi-normal family. She had a father, Michael, and a mother, Terra. When Eli had turned about 6 months old when Michael realized he was gay and wanted a divorce. Terra went along with it, as she was a closeted lesbian. She couldn't stand being in a marriage with a man, so once the divorce was finalized, Michael and Terra stayed friends but went to live on their lives. Terra kept Eliana, as Michael wasn't sure that traveling in a van would be safe for a 6 month old, and met her later wife -Vanessa- when Ana was 3. They got married on Eli's birthday, with her permission of course, and have given Eliana the world and more that a girl could ask for while living in Forks, Washington. Michael comes to visit Eliana for special days just whenever she wants to see him because Terra and Vanessa decided that it'd be good for her to have connection to her father, despite calling him "Uncle Mike." Eliana was diagnosed with autism at 7 years old after she had a meltdown about having to sleep on silk sheets in a hotel that the 3 women were staying at for a trip.
She's lived in Forks her entire life and doesn't mind the quietness or rain because at night, when the rain clears, she see the stars and often draws pictures out whatever shape(s) she sees in them.
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START NOTE: IM AUTISTIC AND CAN RECLAIM THE R SLUR. I WILL AVOID USING IT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE SO IT MAY ONLY POP UP 1 OR 2 TIMES. If people are uncomfortable, I'll remove the slur from the story entirely <3
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First Meeting
"Do I not look Italian-?" Eli asked, laughing as Mike was in shock learning the autistic member of the group was Italian.
"No, you look white-!! Like, white white." Mike protested as Eliana walked with Bella to her truck.
"Bye bye, Mikey~!" She called as Bella shook her head and ruffled Eliana's dual colored hair.
"So, I'm guessing you and Mikey are close?" Bella questioned as Eliana moved closer to her to avoid bumping into the Cullens.
"Eehhhh, if you wanna call teasing each other like siblings close because you're both only children then yes...? Besides, we grew up neighbors, so we see each other every day and let me tell you- being surrounded by loud neurotypicals hurts like hell."
"Really?" Bella looked up at Eliana as the smaller female sat on the hood of the car. "I thought they were ok- a bit better than the people back in Arizona."
"Ehhh, depends on the person. Since I'm autistic, and I don't speak for every autistic person, I have sensory issues meaning I can't handle super loud crowds or friend groups. But they were my only friends, so I sucked it up as best as I could and dealt with it. You, however, aren't autistic and don't really mix with the loud crowd and tend to avoid them as much as possible," Eliana explained pulling a marker out of her patch-filled messenger bag and started to draw stars along her left arm.
"Oh.. that makes sense, yeah," Bella replied after a moment, watching Eliana draw on herself. Throughout the day, Bella noted that Eli would do this whenever a certain blonde was around. According to Jessica, Eliana has had a thing for one of the mysterious Cullens- Jasper. Yet, he was seemingly taken by Alice. It hurt Eliana, so she took to drawing on herself to avoiding staring at him and causing drama.
Yet, every so often, Jasper would catch himself staring at her and he looked away, attempting, and failing, to not be caught.
The reason why the pair did this was because Jasper saved her life exactly 3 years ago today.
"Are you serious dude? The Freak?" A student inquired, laughing his ass off as Eli walked passed, clutching her books and not noticing the 5 squares of toilet paper stuck to the bottom of her shirt.
"Yeah! I mean, besides, it's not like anyone's going to stand up for the retard and won't it be awesome to humiliate it in front of the whole school?" The student's friend spoke up, grinning and seeing Eliana walk to class faster to avoid being seen crying out of distress.
Later that day, Eli had forgotten all about the worry of being humiliated. She felt safe and at peace. Besides, she had gotten to talk to one of her more mysterious classmates, Rosalie, today and she promised to help Eli get a good hair-do that would make her feel happy.
Life felt perfect and completely worry-free... until one of her bullies kicked her in the back and caused her to trip down the stairs of the building and fall into the wet pavement.
She groaned, rolling onto her side and hugging her ribs as blood ran down her face from her nose and her head spun in dizziness. She was in so much pain that she didn't process a car come barreling down to her until she heard a large crash and a familiar voice yell.
Two sets of hands pulled her up, eliciting a cry of pain from the younger as pressure was put onto her right foot. One of the 'strangers' whom had helped her up, scooped her up bridal style as she began to fall in and out of consciousness.
After a few hours had gone by, Eliana woke up, groaning.
"Ah, I see you're awake, Eliana. You gave us a scare there," a gentle and friendly voice said earning a tiny smile from the teen.
"Hi, Dr. Carlisle..." She groaned out, putting a hand to her head and flinching in the process.
"Hi, dear," he greeted, sympathetically and gently running his hand through her long bright blonde hair. The doctor cared deeply for her and she loved him like he was her dad. "Can you tell me what happened this time?"
"I- uhmmm... I don't think I remember a lot of it..." She told him, honestly and shrugging a tad. Carlisle merely smiled reassuringly.
"It's alright, you don't have to try and remember all of it now, but would you be able to give me a gist of what happened?" He questioned, sitting in one of the rolly stools while checking her heartbeat.
"Uhmm... I think I tripped down the stairs... and then hit my head really hard, but I don't remember anything after that," She told him, trying to focus on the light he was using to check her eyes.
"You tripped? Eli... these injuries don't typically come from tripping down the stairs- accident prone or not," Carlisle started, looking at her and she moved her gaze to her hands. "Are you sure someone didn't kick you down the stairs or anything?"
Eliana tensed and stayed quiet. She didn't want the senior to get in trouble, but her silence did confirm that someone did kick her down the stairs.
"Eli..? Come on, you can't stay quiet for this, honey. Jasper and Rosalie already told Chief Swan everything that they know and he's waiting to talk to you downstairs, as he's wanting to know if your mothers will press charges against whomever hurt you and, apparently, tried to run you over."
"He's gonna kill me if I say anything though..." Eli buried her face into her knee that she could move and groaned audibly.
"But he also could be behind bars. Freedom from him, Eliana, wouldn't that be nice?" Ana paused for a moment and nodded a bit, earning a kind smile from Carlisle.
However, before Carlisle could continue, one of the Cullens entered the room with Eliana's stuff. This one must've been Jasper, due to the fancy shirt he wore and his wavy/curly blonde locks were pushed out of his face that as Rosalie had described.
"Ah, Jasper, here with Eliana's things. Thank you, son," He said as Jasper sat her bag by her shoes and nodded, then went to leave, not making eye contact with either.
"Hey, Jasper-?.. uhm... Thanks.. to you and the other person who helped," Eliana called. Jasper had froze at the door when she called his name. He'd never heard it said so... kindly and softly before. There was no sound of reassurance or manipulation behind it- just pure gratitude and the blonde could sense that from her, even without his power.
Partially turning to face her, he smiled at her kindly.
"You're welcome, ma'am. I'm just glad to see you're not bleedin too bad," He said to her, with his Southern accent coming out before leaving the room. This left Carlisle chuckling softly at his son for sneaking in a thank-you to her for not causing him to go feral and Eliana completely in love with him.
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cupioriot · 6 months
any octavian/octkahale song recs? i've been listening to 'we will commit wolf murder' (of montreal) a lot recently and i feel like it kind of fits octkahale but honestly it might just be my brain projecting them onto it.
oh my gods yes hi hello i have been working on a playlist for octkahale for a bit and ive had an octavian playlist for a while that i have not shared thank you sooo much for this ask. i am SO SORRY it took me this long to answer this i kept forgetting about it
but yeah this post isnt much analysis sort of just observations and me connecting themes from songs to octavian (and mike)
warning. pretty long post under cut
as for the songs i associate with octkahale;
I will never shut up about them and Vampire Empire by Big Theif. I think about them everytime i listen to it, honestly. So, this, as I see it, if from Mike's perspective, talking about Octavian, more specifically Blood of Olympus era.
"[...] I'm not quiet, you've been quiet just recieving what you said Reeling, feeding, feeling filled by everything you fed I see you as you see yourself in all the books you read Overwhelmed with guilt and realizing the disease."
"You give me chills, I've had it with the drills I am nothing, you are nothing, we are nothing with the pills I am empty till she fills, alive until she kills[..]"
"I wanted to be your woman, I wanted to be your man I wanted to be the one that you could understand"
"Well I walked into your dagger for the last time in a row * It's like trying to start a fire with matches in the snow Where you can't seem to hold me, cant seem to let me go So I can't find surrender, cant keep control"
(*the end of this lyric was removed in the now released version of the song, making the actual lyric "well I walked into your dagger for the last time" however I though the demo version fit better for them here)
alsoooo. P.U.N.K Girl by Heavenly. This to me sounds like Mike trying to defend Octavian in some way. Much more domestic than the other one lmao
"People say she's bad But they don't see The way she is with me"
"P is for the painful way she makes me feel some days U is for utopia, the other times with her N is for the new wave dreams she had back in her teens K is for the kid in her [...]"
"She is honest in kind but in a way that people see As telling lies and being mean She has thousands of dreams but what they are I'll never know I hope I figure in them though"
"I don't care if they don't see Just how great that girl can be But I wish she'd find a way To act well for just one day I don't mind if they can't see Just how much she means to me[...]"
"She is hardened to hurt her softness hidden from the world But almost ready to unfurl She tries so hard to change but something always happens to Persuade her, it's too hard to do"
I put like. almost the whole song their. It just works very well imo :')
Allies or Enemies by The Crane Wives. This to me also reminds me of Blood of Olympus. augh. Mainly just Octavian and Michaels tenseness. This one I'd say is from Octavian's perspective. I have been meaning to do a oneshot about this for so long and I prolly will once I figure out how to do Octavian's narrative voice (i have been working at it too long. anyways)
"The words I speak Are wildfires and weed They spread like some awful damn disease And I swear, I didn't mean what I said I swear, I didn't mean it."
"Now listen close You owe me ears for dropping eaves Forget it all, you caught me in a moment weak Sometimes I just can't help myself[..]"
"Remember when I could tell you not to smile when you were mad? And you would always crack And we'd both be laughing in the end Now you're not so quick to forget"*
(*this verse specifically I think fits in Mike's perspective. only this one specifically tho)
"Are we allies or enemies? This will be the death of me This will be the death of me All is fair in love and war, but I can't fight with you anymore This will be the death of me"
"What happens now? Do we have another go? Do we bow out and take our separate roads? I'll admit I've had my doubts But I want to be let in, not out[..]"
Nothing's New by Rio Romeo. Ohhh my gods yeah. I like angst with them very often sorry guys. Octavian's perspective, rocky times w them. Not much more to elaborate on methinks.
"I want to be touched, be loved I wanna heal, be hugged It's just the two of us Or that's what we swore And if I lost my charm Apologies due, no harm Cause you got ahold of my heart And I know it's worn"
"I want to be close to you But I don't know what to do 'Cause if we are near to through It may make it worse And if I start to grieve 'Cause it feels like you're 'bout to leave Forgive me, I'm not naive I've been here before"
Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives. Oh my gods. No thoughts just Octavian warning Mike that he's flawed and despite the fact that Mike is fine with that and wants to help him, he [Octavian] just knows it wont end well.
"I've grown a mouth so sharp and cruel It's all I can give to you, my dear"
"And I know you mean so well But I am not a vessel for your good intent"
"Desperation will erase the fact I'm keeping all Of the answers in my cigarette box Yeah the answer's in the second before the other shoe drops[...]"
Octavian specifically!(a lot of these r like him and his relationships with other charavters);
Brutus - The Buttress. OCTAVIAN TALKING ABOUT JASON AND ABOUT THE GIANT WAR/HIS DEATH HELLO YOU ALL SEE MY VISION YES. I almost cited the entire thng but. just listen to it the ENTIRE THING WORKS!! i have literally no intelligent way to explain said thoughts i just. take these mid observations
"Or am I just wishing I could be like you? That the people would see me too as a poet, And not just the muse. Oh, it's not true, I don't wish harm upon you From birth we've been like brothers from different mothers Within the spirit of the same womb May the Gods strike me down if I forsake you, Frater meus, you're beautifully made And to you I'm forever grateful[...]"
"I know the love you showed me came from a pure and noble heart I love you, and if you want, I'll call you king But why do I lie awake each night thinking 'instead of you, it should be me?' "
^^ugh on the topic of how he feels about jason's status. i think he would feel a weird sort of jealousy, and a lot of that would be distressing because he likes jason. its not jasons fault that he has the acomplishments octavian wants. but he's human and that comes with loathing.
"Something wicked this way comes And as I set to face it, I'm unsure Should I embrace it, should I run? What motivates me? Hatred? Is it love? What's more wrong; that I too wish to be great Or my mother wished she'd had a son? And even if I can't be the one Maybe I could at least help make way for him Until the day that he comes Maybe my name could also be known That I helped return good to the people And restored greatness to Rome."
^^all just about the giant war. oh my gods this boys desire to save his city. ALSO THE 'wished she'd had a son' LINE. cheering and clapping as a trans octavian truther (literally either way. it works either way transfem and transmasc octavian truthers unite)
"So with a heavy heart I'll guide this dagger into the heart of my enemy My whole life, you were a teacher and friend to me Please know my actions are not motivated only by envy I, too, have a destiny This death will be art The people will speak of this day from near and afar This event will be history, and I'll be great too I don't want what you have, I want to be you"
'goodbye, traitor Jason Grace!' ahh lyrics. oh hell he makes me ill.
"I always knew I could be the one Though I feel the endless pain of being And I am scorched by the Sun Of humble origins and born of the cursed sex My name is Brutus, but the people will call me Rex"
mmmm. something something prophet of apollo. something something transgender my brain is radio static.
now. heres a few where i really dont know how to draw any specific connections between him and the lyrics just. sort of themes which i apply to octavian. all of the songs are good listens though imo (especially wannabe which is SO UNDERATED AND SO GOOD)
Wannabe, Pt. 2 - North Bloom
Saint Bernard - Lincoln
Flight of The Crows - Jhariah
A Mask of My Own Face - Lemon Demon
I Am Not a Robot - MARINA
Teen Idle - MARINA
Under My Skin - Jukebox The Ghost
Migraine - Twenty One Pilots
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sugartitstownley · 2 years
HC’s for Post Option C Trikey
Hey, everyone! This is nothing too formal or well written— just some thoughts put down. All mistakes are mine because I didn’t reread this at all. Trigger warnings for mentions of violence and canon compliant themes. Here’s some Trikey + a bit of Amanda/Mike/T friendship.
Michael and Amanda’s divorce is rather amicable despite years of prior arguing.
Neither want to admit their marriage is over—both worried about the kids’ reactions. But they know it’s in everyone’s best interest.
Amanda moves out of the house, opting for a beach front property like she once asked Michael for months before.
Mike decides to stay at the house for now, even if it reminds him of what a lonely, washed-up jock he really is.
It doesn’t matter, though, because he’s never home. Instead, he spends his time at the movie studio, threatening actors and crew alike (because old habits die hard, right?).
If he accidentally hits too hard and the actor just doesn’t wake up…well, who can blame him?
The rest of his time is spent in the company of Franklin, Trevor, and Lamar.
“Jesus, sugar tits. You finally have time for us outside of kissing Solomon Richards’ ass.”
“Oh, bite me, T,” Michael says, rolling his eyes as he slides into the backseat of Franklin’s car. “I’ve been busy doing my job on set.”
“Well, sorry! I didn’t realize I was in the presence of a huge celebrity.”
Franklin slams on the brakes, the car coming to a halt in front of the stoplight. “Man, if y’all two don’t shut the fuck up, I’m dropping you both off.”
In hindsight, maybe things don’t seem that different between him and Trevor after The Big One. But he knows something has changed.
Trevor’s insults and quips don’t pack as much punch; they don’t leave a bitter taste in your mouth.
And Michael? Well, he stops regulates how many times he calls his former running buddy a psycho.
Their tentative friendship rebuilds for the most part, but there’s still an added component that neither party wants to speak aloud. That, or maybe it was a returning feeling resurfacing from their youth.
Either way, Michael tries to let it go and focus on making himself semi-happy for once. However, he doesn’t factor in until later that maybe he’s been so damn unhappy for the last 10 years because of a certain murderous, incest-loving hipster.
Michael feels his heart jump out of his skin as he turns around to see Trevor leaning against the glass outside of his house. He watches Trevor give a small salute before walking over to let the taller man in.
“You can’t knock on the front door like a normal human being?” Michael asks, his voice dripping with mild annoyance. “What am I saying? Of course you can’t.”
“For your information, pork chop,” Trevor starts, walking straight past Michael to look through his fridge, “I do this to keep you young— keep you on your toes.”
He watches Trevor pull out the soup container they made a few days prior while hanging out. Like a reflex, he opens the drawer and pulls out two spoons while they wait for it to heat up in the microwave.
“Yeah, whatever. What are you even doing here anyway?”
“Can’t a guy come see his best friend without there being a reason? Not all of us are looking to gain something from their relationships, sugar.”
Michael sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “God, T. When are you going to let it go? Just once I’d like to spend time with you without thinking of our past. I said I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
Trevor’s eyes find his, and surprisingly, there’s nothing but understanding in them. They hold each other’s gaze a moment too long until the microwave’s beeps fill the quiet room.
Their companionship settles into a routine that even surprises Michael himself. Food will be cooked together, movies will be watched, bikers will be shot (you can’t blame Mike for getting involved sometimes most times— it’s in his blood).
The taller man’s presence becomes so normal in Michael’s life that even Jimmy and Tracey aren’t surprised to see Trevor walking throughout the house when they’re visiting.
If Michael didn’t know any better, he’d say the kids even missed their uncle— enough to visit the Rockford Hills house even when Mike himself wasn’t there.
“Argh! This game fucking sucks!”
Michael’s lips twitch into a small smile as he heads up the stairs towards Jimmy’s room. The sight in front of him doesn’t surprise him all that much considering Trevor’s cursing could likely be heard from across the street.
Michael stops at his son’s doorway, watching him and Trevor furiously tapping on controllers to try and shoot the on-screen targets.
“Uncle T,” Jimmy pipes up, cringing at the screen. “You’re standing too close to the bomb, you’re going die if you don’t—”
The blood of Trevor’s character splatters across the screen before Jimmy starts laughing uncontrollably.
“Shut the fuck up, kid! C’mon, Mikey. Let’s go do something actually worth our time.”
Michael chuckles, reaching over to fist bump Jimmy, before leaving the room with Trevor.
He’s not sure when it happened—or why— but every time he looks at Trevor and his kids while they’re together, he can’t help but think of them as a family.
Sure, Trevor is already family. His kids call him Uncle T for a reason. But that’s not what Michael means. He sees them as his family. Trevor, Michael, Jimmy, and Tracey— a family.
It could be the people of Los Santos getting inside his brain with their comments and assumptions. Every time the pair go out with the kids, there’s at least one person who calls them a “two-dad family.”
For some reason, though, it doesn’t bother Michael like it used to. He doesn’t feel guilty anymore, like he’s cheating on Amanda.
After realizing that, it hit him harder than Martin Madrazo’s baseball bat. He loves Trevor. He’s in love with Trevor, and he probably always has been. Why else would he feel like he’s doing something wrong to Mandy every time he’s with him?
He doesn’t want to even think about telling his friend, but he also knows he wants to be done keeping secrets from him forever. And apparently, he’s done keeping secrets from everyone.
“Dad,” Jimmy starts off nervously from his side of the couch. “So, like, can I ask you something?”
Michael shoots him a weary look. “If this is about me buying you that new game, I already told you no Jim.”
“No, no. Nothing like that. It’s more, ya know, personal.”
The silence drags on as Michael waits for Jimmy to continue, but he never does. “Spit it out already.”
“Look, are you and Uncle T, like, closer than you were before the divorce? You know, closer. Because, like, that’s totally cool with me. I have gay friends now, and I guess it’s better than you staying with mom and cheating. Maybe you and uncle T can, ya know, keep each other alive and shit but—”
“What? Jim! No! Trevor and I aren’t…”
Jimmy interrupts him. “But you want to be?”
“When did you get so observant all of a sudden? You sound like a fuckin’ psychologist.”
“Well, pop, you raised me in Los Santos.”
Jimmy, much to Michael’s embarrassment, prodded at him until he agreed to talk to Trevor about the “issue.”
It takes Michael another month, plus one more terribly uncomfortable conversation with Jimmy, to confess to Trevor.
“Christ, T. I think it’s possible that maybe…”
“I’ll be dead by the time you finish your sentence, sugar.”
Michael sighs. “Have you ever thought that there might be more to this?”
“More—” Trevor groans. “Can you just say what you mean for once in your life?”
“I love you, you asshole.”
Horns honking and police sirens can be heard from outside as the room becomes eerily quiet. Before Michael can truly panic, Trevor leans forward so fast that Mike’s sure he’s about to slam his head into his nose, but the searing pain never comes.
Instead, Trevor’s lips push against his while his hands tug Michael’s hair to bring him closer.
It’s cliché. It’s really fucking cliché. But, for once, Michael feels like he’s doing something right for a change.
“I love you, Mikey.”
After that, not much changes really. The only difference is that, now, when Trevor comes over after a long day of doing God knows what, Michael gets to sit on the couch wasting away with his boyfriend’s head lazily rested on his shoulder.
Or, sometimes, between his legs.
Telling Franklin and Lamar ended up being easy. Neither was all that surprised. In fact, Lamar even tried to start a bet once about when they’d “stop sucking as people and start sucking each other,” but Franklin put a stop to that real quick.
Other than that, Frank was supportive.
“I’m happy for you, dog. Maybe now you’ll stop being so miserable.”
Michael smirks. “I don’t know, but I think this is a good start.”
Telling Amanda and the kids was…interesting.
Jimmy, of course, knew already. But he was surprised that his dad actually grew the balls to do it.
Tracey was a little more shocked; she always thought the jokes about her dad and Uncle T were just that— jokes. Plus, she worried that her dad had been cheating before with him, but they assured her that wasn’t the case.
Tracey tried to act a little stubborn just in case her mom wasn’t okay with the relationship, but she was secretly happy for them.
Amanda, having found her own happiness outside of Michael, took it rather well too.
“This just started, right? You weren’t…together…during our marriage?”
“No, Mand,” Michael reassures her before sparing a glance at Trevor who is across the room talking to Tracey and Jim. “I only just realized it.”
“Well, I always wondered why on Earth you would stick by his side through some of the shit he has done,” Amanda says, her voice growing softer. “And now I know.”
Michael lets his gaze move back to his ex-wife’s. “I’m sorry I was such a prick to you.”
“I wasn’t perfect either.”
He’s about to respond when he feels a hand land on his shoulder. He looks up to see Trevor hovering above him while looking at Amanda.
“Hey,” Trevor points a finger at her. “You better accept his apology or I’ll be hearing about it for the rest of the year.”
Michael watches Amanda actually crack a smile towards Trevor. “He was always really miserable. But, lucky for me, he’s your problem now.”
Michael scoffs. “Hello, I’m right here!”
“Yeah, we know. It’s hard to miss you, pork chop.”
Despite Trevor’s remarks, Michael can hear the man’s smile as he walks back over to join Tracey and Jim, and that makes the sides of his lips curl into a small smile too.
“I’m not going to say I understand it completely,” Amanda admits. “But if you’re happy, then I’m glad.”
“I am. I think I finally am.”
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onmypinkmother · 1 year
Today's very special and lengthy One Donut a Day is about one of my favorite Hoops and Yoyo shorts 
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Its a cute little animation of Yoyo taking a walk around listening to the song Sugar Vendor by Softee. 
Love the use of real locations. Piddles house is so cute too. I want to live there so badddughh!!! >w<
It's such an interesting short as its the only one of its kind, It feels branded like it was supposed to be its own recurring series but its not.
 So after watching something like this I wondered how hoops and yoyo collaborated with an indie band but finding that kind of information is hard. First of all the band, Softee was an indie Pop band from Kansas City, Missouri had a pretty short run starting in 2009 and going for a few years before becoming inactive. 
Excerpt from their youtube channel description,
“Softee is Sarah/bass/lead vox, Mimi/drums/vox, Flora/cello/keys & Steph/guitar/vox. A super fun lo-fi indie pop band from KC, USA, Softee met at work and are designer/illustrators by day and power popsters by night. They LOVE it and have a blast!!! We have 2 EPs & 2 singles available on itunes and amazon!!”
Looking at their page cant give me that much but it's something. Their albums are hard to find let alone catalog how many releases they’ve made. What I can find is 2 Ep’s and sugar vendor on a compilation album FIRST BLOOD which is the only way to listen to Sugar Vendor in good quality. Or like at all. Their youtube page has some of their songs performed live however the band being active in 2009 does not equate to the best quality. 
They’re cool but I wish there were more answers. I'll try to find some contact info for members of the band and how they came in contact with Hallmark. Maybe they had ties due to their design work? If they did the (really nice) art for their albums and banners) they do match the styles Hallmark has for their media in this era. Their art has this cute little baby squirrel? I think thats what it is these icons and posters are nice.
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 So if I think the obvious thing is to either contact Mike Adir and or Bob Holt but that would seem like a hassle because I'd have a billion questions about Hoops and Yoyo to ask them. 
Well now that that section of the post is done with theres some merchandise based off this short, an Ipod case. It has Yoyo on one side with his ipod with some edited headphones instead of wearing the Apple Earbud style earbuds he wears in the Short, and Hoops on the other side just bein silly :p 
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Heres some things I ripped from the flash file. I wanted to rip Yoyos adorable little head bobbing but this ones really strange compared to other flash files i’ve digged into where I could not find this animation by itself in the file. 
So have these of Yoyo and Piddles and the full backgrounds uncropped.
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Speaking of the backgrounds I wondered where Yoyo was walking. So for fun I tried to find out what the real world locations of the walk and map the trail so lets see where these locations are now. 
Yoyo Takes a walk around 63rd street in the Brookside District in Kansas City Missouri possibly due to the band being from there maybe they frequented the spot. So lets reveal (almost) all the real locations from the short.
Location 1 - BlueBird Cafe 
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The short begins and ends here and Bluebird Cafe is actually a CVS :( I think has been for a long time.
Location 2 -  Coffee Depot
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Coffee Depot has an interesting history as it was once a Goodcents sandwich shop to now a Starbucks so it kind of is a Coffee Depot but less cute and more corporate and a big lack of a giant coffee mug on top I don't know if that was there at all or edited in.
Location 3 - pink house :) 
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My personal favorite location as its such a pretty house. Unfortunately it was repainted in blue by the company that currently occupies it, a pest control service. I have no idea what previous business occupied the house as when i find other images of the house it seems to be up for sale. An odd point on googles street view shows one capture from 2011 when the house was still pink frozen in time. Such a shame a pretty house was repainted :( 
Location 4 - restaurant and DOGGONE IT!
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Yoyo sits on the bench, reads a paper, and has a little dance break in front of these 2 buildings on a which are 3 stores. The restaurant is now 2 separate stores, a pet salon and a framing shop. Doggone it is a clothing store now.
Location 5 Ye olde donut shoppee
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So this is the one I have no ideas about, reverse image search didn’t give me a clue and i took a street view tour around the area but did not find a matching building so this ones odd so please if anyone can find it let me know.
Location 6 - Chillis Delli
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The location Yoyo passes but waits to cross the street is actually a restaurant so its not too off.
Bonus thing! - Hallmark location 
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While researching the street I viewed old videos touring the area and had stumbled upon an old hallmark store there on the street. So I believe this may have something to do with the connection to Hallmark and Softee idk thats just my theory.
This has been a very long and big project post when it wasn't supposed to be, however the questions keeps piling and I enjoyed researching for this one. Next post may not be as long but will still have lots to it. 
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Hello again and goodbye for a little - Penny <3
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