#will try to post daily
Prologue Part 1
KHR TYL!Timeline & Consequences
This all started with a short-sighted act of revenge, like so many other parts of Vongola's bloodsoaked history.
After Byakuran's death, and the death or capture of the Six Funeral Wreaths, Millefiore's downfall was basically ensured, meaning the misplaced teenagers were finally allowed to go home! There were quick, but heartfelt goodbyes and then, one by one, the time travelers stepped through the large, round machine to finally, finally return home.
Accompanying them for a two-way trip, of course, were this time period's Arcobalenos. Just to seal the Past's Mare Rings, to prevent any further heartache. To hopefully change all parallel worlds in which Byakuran succeeded with his hostile takeover.
The machine could only handle one or two people passing through it at once, so sending the teens back became almost ceremonial. Not to mention that there was a brief overlap when some of the teens encountered Vongola's actual Boss. Adult Tsuna instantly grew flustered and uncomfortable with the amazement and praise he was receiving and retreated to the back of the room.
A naive mistake...
Either way, inevitably the young Hibari Kyoya stepped up to the portal. He'd be the last to pass through, right after their Skull, whom this teen unceremoniously kicked through ahead of himself.
Tiny Kyoya waited for the machine to fall silent, signaling that it was fine to pass through, only to turn slightly, now facing the room. That angry, sharp whistle immediately got everyone's attention and the teen gave them an absolutely withering glare. "This was by far the worst week of my life."
Confusion instantly silenced all conversations, several people now alert and worried, but the teen continued easily. His smirk was definitely cloudy and sadistic when he pulled something out of his pocket. "I'm taking these as compensation."
And there, comfortably clasped between the teenager's fingers, wrapped in Mammon's chains, were the missing Sun and Lightning Mare Rings. Every other ring has been accounted for, only those two were presumed lost or destroyed, because they didn't show up on any radar when the scientists checked.
Instantly, everyone lunged for tiny Kyoya, but even as a teen, he'd always been unnaturally quick. At the very least quick enough to pocket some rings and take a step, before any of them managed to grab hold of him. Not even Dino's whip snapped that fast. Tsuna might've stood a chance, but with how far away he was from the machine, he didn't have a clear path.
And just like that, the machine whirred and Teen Kyoya disappeared in a flash of light.
Chaos immediately ensued.
For a moment nobody knew what to do and even then, most of the adult guardians did not have any kind of reason to trust Irie when he urged them to follow the teen to retrieve the rings. And no, Adult Kyoya could not be put back in the machine to force the teen to reappear.
Mostly because he was experiencing advanced symptoms of blood loss. Afterall, he'd been bleeding from countless wounds he suffered at Genkishi's blades for all the days he'd spend in the machine. Tsuna forced first aid onto him immediately, but it was still too late.
Because when the Arcobalenos returned, which they did within minutes, they did so all at once. And that promptly melted through the round machine's core processor and fried most of the attached computers' motherboards. In summary, they are stuck until everything would be repaired, at which point, who knows what that teenaged menace would've done with those rings!?
At least, even with several chunks of their Tri-ni-sette unaccounted for, Time, Space and Reality didn't rip apart at the seams...
... Right?
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minty364 · 5 months
DPXDC Prompt #142
It was considered a pretty big deal when a new ancient gets born. Danny didn’t and wouldn’t know this when he gets into an accident. A signal went out to all magic users that the ancient of space was born as soon as he stepped out of the portal and then things changed. If you could make a deal with an ancient it increased your power way more than that of a demon. Soon Danny gets chased by all sorts of folk trying to make a deal with him. He then gets caught by John Constantine who takes him back to the safety of the watchtower. What is the safest place to put the space ancient? In space!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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If I was in a lucid dream with a ghost, I would simply impress them with my blunt rolling skills
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ghirahimbo · 7 months
evil time loop escape conditions where you can't get out until you've fuucked up your life in the most spectacular way possible, confident that the next night will reset the slate as usual.
instead, the next day comes.
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eridude · 10 days
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prospit gurls
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puppyeared · 4 months
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happy valentines day <3 i wanted to do more, but sadly i only had enough time to complete these two
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please also don't forget Rafah is under attack and urgently needs help. you can buy esims, check the BDS boycott list, click the daily donation button and email your representatives (USA).
there will also be a global strike february 18 - 24.
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sunflowergraves · 2 months
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buggachat · 2 years
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Part 114 of my bakery “enemies” au!
<3 back on my bullshit
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sealsdaily · 3 months
So, depending on how my situation is gonna turn out, i may stop interacting with people as much on this blog (asks, tags, reblogs, etc.) and just focus on dailies. Everyone else on the sealsdaily team might also pitch in to do that instead if they see this, but in any case this is how it's gonna be. I'm still gonna be posting on my main blog, it's just gonna be ordinary everyday posting though. In any case, I hope you guys understand. Love you all 🦭
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clownsuu · 1 year
Frank/Home anon here, again, with a new idea. we know very little about Home from the mob au, other than hes a god like figure who has immortal control over the family. and we know that Frank is trying to figure out whats happening behind the scenes, and is getting into places he probably isnt supposed to. i know you made a few drawings about Frank and Home meeting, but damn, being faced to face with a GOD has got to fuck you up, not only from their interaction, but the uncanny divinity as well. i like the idea of Frank, not so much falling in line to Homes control, but being so infatuated with him after that he keeps pushing and pushing his luck. imagine fighting against the control for so long, only to be caught because of your own untamable curiosity and need to have questions answered. not only that, but being in the physical presence of an entity whos basically bending reality to their own will? theres a comparison to a moth being drawn to a flame here (or an electric fly buzzer). how do you even recover from something like that, and go back to ordering supplies at your day job? (you dont, lol.) anyhow, you should def drop a few more crumbs of Home lore, to add coal to the train that is my ranting.
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Very intriguing very intriguing, that would be the trope of “the most powerful god” x “some weak loser from across the street” HDHDHDH
cw minor spooki
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Man art block is REALLY kicking my ass rn-
also a few more crumbs of (mob) Home lore? Well lemme seeeee-
-Home is a entity who works entirely alone (unless otherwise chooses someone)
-He answers to the most weak and vulnerable who calls for him
-he is not a demon (but can be considered a god)
-he is neither defined as good or bad
-Home and Wally are NOT related (home purposely takes a form who’d look like a father to him)
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tzarrz · 9 months
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to all people who said PART 1 made them laugh - i lov u 💗 this is for u
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qara-wen · 2 months
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Let's paint the town, we'll shut it down Let's burn the roof, and then we'll do it again Let's do it, let's do it ♫
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todayintokyo · 2 months
I have so many cherry blossoms in my drafts, from locations all over Japan. I may have to spam you with pink. You wouldn't mind, would you? If you don't want to see these posts, block my tag "verymanyblossoms". I'll do this avalanche tonight and probably tomorrow night as well.
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why-the-heck-not · 9 months
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01.09.23, friday
coffee, honey-mustard pretzels, laundry, pumpkin chai tea
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wigglesdtuff · 10 months
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the flower we saw that day
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edgeray · 3 months
One Hell of a Butler Pt.1
Encounter (Arlecchino x Fem! Reader Blurb)
A/N: Guys. I am so sorry. I don't think that Arlecchino oneshot is being posted tomorrow. 😿Trust that it will be posted this weekend. Take this as an apology (I am fr spoiling y'all Arle fans) for the pushback. This is a repost to something I submitted as an anon to @/megistusdiary so there's a chance you've already seen this. It was written a while ago so quality is not up to par. This is the Black Butler inspired demon au! that I talked about in my poll, check it out if you want a little bit more on this concept. (Thank you guys for voting in it! :33 I'm looking forward to writing the oneshots). Series Masterlist Content Warning: Semi-graphic descriptions of violence
Everything hurts. It burns, burns, burns, and you can't feel your limbs and your vision fades in and out. Your broken form twitches on the ground, and as your assailants approach you, ready to wrench the remaining life out of you slowly and painfully, with your final burst of energy and concentration, you let out a guttural screech, a summoning spell spewing from your raspy throat and bloodied teeth. 
At first, you think nothing happens. They stalk you, unfaltering despite what you have just called for. Wearing teeth-baring grins and depraved intentions, they near your crumpled body, with their dirty, despicable hands reaching out towards you. Your half-lidded eyes shut fully, and you heave out a sigh of resignation, giving up the futile struggle of staying alive. 
You hear it first before you actually see it. A sound distinct only to stilettos clicking against the ground. It jerks your attention immediately, and you twist your head slowly to face the oncoming figure. Black heels with gold adornment catch your eye, and then--
"Well, well, looks like I found the doll that called me," you hear a deep, feminine voice sibilates, voice reverberating throughout the chamber. Your gaze slowly trails up the newcomer's figure, and the white clothing, snow-white hair, and feminine features cause you to mistake her as an angel. Red-crossed pupils meet with yours. A shiver works its way up your spine but you stare in awe regardless. What kind of human was this?
One of your tormenters inquires rather rudely about the woman and storms towards her haughtily, ignorant of the fact he has just sealed his fate. There's an audible, irate click of her tongue, then a snap echoes the room. For a brief moment, your sight is filled with just red, and then your eyes widen as the aggressor bursts into a beautiful explosion of blood and guts. She walks past where once the man stood without pause, now just a puddle of blood, tutting at the blatant disrespect of the formerly alive human. Her feet stop just before you and her shadow looms over.
"A-arle...cchino?" You croak weakly as your hazy gaze sets on her. She looks so handsome, beautiful like a guardian angel, even when she's covered in red. Her lips curl up slightly and she crouches down to hook an arm behind your back and knees, lifting you bridal-style. Heat radiates from her cold-blooded being and it is so much more comforting than the icy hardness of the floor. You immediately bury your face into her shoulder while your needy hands grip onto her coat out of desperation and fear. Beneath the intense iron smell of blood, she smells of something floral, you noted with dulled surprise. 
"That is me, the Knave. And what have you called me for?" She purrs from above, repositioning you in her arms so she could support you with one arm instead of both. 
You give one single glance behind your shoulder towards the now cowering group of people, their behavior reminding you of feeble sheep rather than the bloodthirsty pack of wolves. You think that you'd like lamb chops after all of this. 
Turning your head back, you suck in a steady breath, your voice unwavering and clear despite being muffled into her clothes. "Kill them." 
"As you wish." 
Even as she draws out the sweetest, most revolting of screams from the remaining alive people, you find peace in your arms. You don't watch, instead, opting to rest your head against her and try to fall asleep to your former captors' begs of mercy. A hand combing through your hair wakes you up. You admire her sharpened red nails and her black hands, so contrasting against her unblemished and perfect skin but pretty all the same. It looks nice, sifting through your hair, it feels right, it feels perfect, even if they're dipped in blood.
"Well, I suppose we can work out the contract at a later time. For now, rest, my dear," her voice is soft and it lulls you to sleep in her arms. She tucks your head underneath her chin and walks away from the bloodbath, her darling wrapped tightly close to her.
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