#willaim shakespeare
asoftepiloguemylove · 3 months
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Diana Nguyen Ghost Of // William Shakespeare The Tempest // 僕のヒーローアカデミア My Hero Academia cr. Kohei Horikoshi // unknown // unknown // @nathanielorion // Madds Buckley Brother // 僕のヒーローアカデミア My Hero Academia cr. Kohei Horikoshi // Jennifer Saint Ariadne // Leonard Cohen Famous Blue Raincoat // The Crane Wives Icarus // unknown // Clive Barker The Hellbound Heart // 僕のヒーローアカデミア My Hero Academia cr. Kohei Horikoshi // Natalie Diaz When My Brother Was an Aztec // Taylor Swift The Best Day // Joshua A. Krisch Brother, Sister, Rival, Friend: The Longstanding Effects of Sibling Relationships // 僕のヒーローアカデミア My Hero Academia cr. Kohei Horikoshi
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lesbienneanarchiste · 2 years
Nature doc: "Ancient Hawaiians"
The people in question: literally existing circa 1500-1600 ce
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 4 months
Since im to the Ikemen series imma just do quick hcs because I'm absorbed into this world (and how it's probably like Steven King novels that are in the same world but the stories are connected in a way you don't need to read them all to get trough them)
I'll start off with the Villains because that was my start also, Villains have been gay for ages so we claim alot of them :3 happy pride:
They are all Polyamorious. Full stop. They love MC, but they are ok with shareing them with the others (depending on their relationship with them ofc-)
William: Pansexual, he loves people who need a bit of work done on them to pull out their full potential, wither or not they flop, he still adores them all (probably with Elbert tbh-)
Harrison: I think he second guesses himself and his own feelings, William kinda makes it easier to not do that. I think he is bisexual with a preference towards women and nonbinary
Liam: Gender fluid pansexual I will not take any comments. Acting let's him be either a man or a woman when he wishes (because Victorian Era had no women actors) his favorite play to act out is Shakespeare's Twelfth Night for this reason
Elbert: omnisexual with a preference for men Beauty, doesn't give two shits about what his own gender is, just says he is a man because that's easy
Alfons: I don't think he has focioused on himself at all. He dosent have anything to identify himself with, MC kinda just grounds him along with Elbert.
Rodger: I think he has done Gender corrective surgeries (to the best of his abilities and with the access he had to medicine), this man breaks the gaydar scale. He is bi with no preference
Jude: he is moneysexual with his gender being buisness(jk) he says he is straight, he says he is- and yet- he has a boy toy twink right there. He is Pan, plain and simple
Ellis: asexual biromanitc. He is the type of Ace to just do the do whenever his partner(s) need/want to.
Victor: the resident mom is a demiboy and bisexual, dated Willaim for a bit but they agreed that they are better as friends
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Apollo/Admetus VS Apollo/William Shakespeare/Anne Hathaway
Apollo/Admetus - made Apollo's second mortal punishment bearable, even joyous.
Apollo loved him so much he blessed his cows to have twin calves
 he loved him so much he won for him the hand of Best Wife Ever Alcestis
 he loved him so much he persuaded the Fates to invent a loophole so he could avoid a premature death, in some myths he even got the fates drunk and then persuaded them, which is girlboss behaviour, plus admentus comforted him at a critical time, aka after the Asclepius Situation. - Dadmetus was know with his hospitility and kindness. I guess that's also what Apollo needed after his sorry excuse of father made his son oof. After his punishment was over he went to fates to make him live longer. For him. For a mortal.  Apollo/Willaim Shakespeare/Anne Hathaway - Apollo talks abt Bill like they are exes who remained on very good terms which I like to think implies he's on good terms with Anne too and visits the children to bring them gifts from time to time
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emberfrostlovesloki · 11 months
Books Aaron Has Read and Enjoyed [a ramble]
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Photo credits: Left (mine) Center (@hotch-girl) Right (@lone-nyctophile)
So deep down I think Aaron loves to read. Not all the time, because there isn’t time for it often. But every now and then he’ll pick up a book for one reason or another. Because of this, I’ve compiled a list of six books that I think Aaron has read, why he read it, and what his favorite line of the book was and why. I think this list might prove Aaron is a romantic, even if he doesn’t think so. Enjoy all of that below the cut. Sending my love to you all this Saturday evening - Levi 
The Poisonwood Bible by Barbra Kingsolver 
When and why he read it - Aaron had to take an America Novel class his sophomore year. 
Why he likes it - Aaron really wasn’t a fan of the book at the beginning. It was the longest book on the reading list, and even though he is a fast reader, he found it tedious at the beginning. However as the story progresses and he saw Mr. Price spiral out of control and eventually succumbs to his mania, Hotch feels a connection to the man and his own father. He felt a sick sort of satisfaction as Mr. Price was burned alive due to his madness. This is a book Aaron wouldn’t reread, but he remembers it well. 
His favorite quote from the text - “Don’t try and make life a mathematics problem with yourself in the center and everything coming out equal. When you’re good, bad things can still happen. And if you’re bad, you can still get lucky” (Kingsolver). 
King Lear by William Sheakspeare
When and why he read it - Aaron read this in high school when he was starting to fall in love with Hailey. He joined the theater club and went as far as reading King Lear because Hailey loved it and was writing a paper about it. 
Why he likes it - He likes it because it brings him fond memories of Hailey and their very early relationship. He has reread the play a few times though he has no idea where his original copy is. He went looking through a few boxes in the attic once with no success. 
His favorite quote from the text - “In jest, there is truth” (Shakespeare). 
The Sound and the Fury by Willaim Faulkner 
When and why he read it - This is one that Aaron picked up for himself. He’d been told it was a classic so many times, and he figured he would see what all the fuss was about. He read this over a quiet weekend when the team was having a break. 
Why he likes it - Aaron enjoys the second and fourth sections the most. The stream-of-consciousness style in Quetinen Compson’s section was a nice change from the first. Aaron wouldn’t say it aloud, but it had been a challenging read for him. He shudders at the thought of reading something like Infinite Jest, another book that he had been told that he just must read in his lifetime. 
His favorite quote from the text - “I give you mausoleums of all hope and desire… I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you might forget it now and then for a moment and not spend all your breath trying to conquer it. Because no battle is ever won he said. They are not even fought. The field only reveals to man his own folly and despair, and victory is an illusion of philosophers and fools” (Faulkner). 
The Complete Stories of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle  
When and why he read it - During a few cases in the winter when Aaron felt that he wasn’t his sharpest, he had complained to Rossi about questioning his abilities to profile and lead the team. That Christmas Dave had given him this collection and a note on the inside read: “If you’re doubting yourself, why don’t you read about a real profiler?” The note had been a joke, but one day he decided, ‘What the hell? Let’s see how wrong Doyle got the science.’ 
Why he likes it - Aaron didn’t expect to like the character of Sherlock as much as he had. The Britishisms and Holmes's dry humor made him chuckle. The science was very wrong. 
His favorite quote from the text - “As a rule, the more bizarre a thing is, the less mysterious it proves to be” (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle). 
The Brothers Karimozov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
When and why he read it - This was a gift for his forty-seventh birthday from you (the reader). It’s their favorite book, and they thought he might like the themes of family, atheism, and loss of faith. 
Why he likes it - He found reading this both easier and more challenging than The Poisonwood Bible. He was much older, but the depth of the story and the ideas brought up challenged him to introspect in a way that he hadn’t in a long time. After he finished he felt a bit cathartic and he had to call you to give some thoughts. 
His favorite quote from the text - “I believe like a child that suffering will be healed and made up for, that all the humiliating absurdity of human contradictions will vanish like a pitiful mirage, like the despicable fabrications of the impotent and infinitely small Euclidean mind of man, that in the world's finale, at the moment of eternal harmony, something so precious will come to pass that it will suffice for all hearts, for the comforting of all resentments, for the atonement of all the crimes of humanity, for all the blood that they’ve shed; that it will make it not only possible to forgive but to justified all that has happened” (Dostoyevsky). - Aaron isn’t sure if this is his favorite because he likes it, or because it’s your favorite line. When you tried to explain why, you cried, and he held you close. Aaron’s not sure he believes everything said here. He’s not sure he’s earned a spot for that type of bliss when he goes. But he wants it for you and for Jack and Hailey too. And for him, that’s good enough. 
On Beautry by Zadie Smith 
When and why he read it - This was a gift from Emily after her first month on the team. She was just so grateful that she was with the BAU. It felt like home to her. 
Why he likes it - Aaron likes satire. The biting and witty phrases of Smith make him smile. He may not understand that it's a spoof of Howard’s End, but it doesn’t really matter for his understanding of the text. The last line, his favorite, also reminds him of Hailey and it makes him a bit sad, but not in a heartbreaking kind of way. More that there was hope. Hope for broken people, and he wanted to believe in that. 
His favorite quote from the text - “Though her hands were imprecise blurs, paint heaped on paint and rolled with the brush, the rest of her skin had been expertly rendered in all its variety -- chalky whites, and lively pinks, the underlying blue of her veins and the ever-present human hint of yellow, imitations of what is to come” (Smith)
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witchlingsandwyverns · 11 months
Hellooo again from your secret Santa!
I have ideas coming together so I hope you don’t mind if I pop in for some more questions!
You’re a big reader - do you have any foundational fantasy books that hold a special place in your heart? Like Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, Mists of Avalon, Wrinkle in Time? And if so, what do you love most about them?
You mentioned gardens - tell me your ideal fantasy garden to wander around. Is it messy and wild and covered in moss? Full of strange special plants from around the world with magical traits? Is it filled with hedges trimmed to look like dragons?
Finally, if you were Rhys and buying Feyre her first Solstice gifts, what would you get her?
Okay just wow where to begin
Foundational fantasy... hard to say since I'm only really now getting into High Fantasy/the foundational epics typical of the genre (I never read lotr till this year, but grew up with the movies - discovered Philip Pullman late, couldn't get into GoT, etc) but some long time favs inlcude:
- Tamora Pierce (lioness/wild magic): characters are fun, spunky, and challenged by circumstance to weigh what they value vs what must be done. The romance! The action!
- Howls Moving Castle: I loved how protagonists can be flawed and petty and stubborn but those things can also be strengths in the right light (I have the same feeling about the Mistborn cast) not to mention that underlying truth of sometimes you don't want to do a thing but you have to and you'll be better for just doing it idk I really hope this makes sense
- you mentioned Mists of Avalon! I took Arthurian Lit and loved it so anything that takes an old myth and spins it, I'm am here for
- (do you know how hard of a question this is for me?)
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This is only what I could squeeze in frame. Books were one of the very few things i collect? Hoard? And have been hoarding since Ive had my own money. A lot of fantasy I think of as 'foundational' is whatever I could get my hands on and shaped how I read the genre. Cinda Willaims Chima. Patricia C Wrede. Bruce Colville. Niel Gaiman. Piers Anthony. Terry Pratchett. Could literally talk for hours. But I love characterization/character dynamics and tropes (whole tag: "takes a hit of the good shit tropes") omg this got so long I'm sorry I hope this is helpful I just really want to do your questions justice
(I'm sorry in advance I've worked at a plant nursery and as a florist assistant so bear with me!)
Dream garden: wild and colorful! Anything that attracts pollinators (half the fun is watching bees and butterflies and birds appreciate what's been grown) and smells nice! Jasmine lavender honeysuckle, I think gardens should still look like nature (wild, balanced between flowering and evergreen) but also a sensory experience. Moss!! For!!! Days!!! Old stone/brick work! Statuary! Swings to sit on in the morning sun with coffee or at night with the bats and fireflies! (I once got to walk in Central Park in the rain and stumbled across the Shakespeare garden and I straight up was in heaven. The sound of rain on leaves. The walking paths.)
BACK TO YOUR Q: Hedges are for kissing behind. Plants with healing properties are a magic of their own. Growing things ARE magic. But if that dragon statue was enchanted or the sculpted siren in the fountain sang when the sun hit the water just right? I WOULDNT BE SAD ABOUT IT. 🌻
For our our first solstice I would give her a space to paint or read in depending on her fancy. A space to be creative in with lots of light and windows. With warm drinks on tap for the late nights she wishes to stay up late chasing that creative buzz. Conveniently soundproofed for music to jam to while painting late at night... or maybe other late night activities with a certain high lord should he also need an escape or she needs a model (ahem 👀). Maybe it's near a garden or within walking distance of a view of natural elements to inspire her. Maybe its filled with plants and canvases and brick walls to hang other artists art on. I know Rhys has gifted her similar things in cannon but as a fellow creative, it's the dream.
(Dear lord this got long, I hope it helps!!!)
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msunitedstatesjames · 4 years
Does anybody else just love classic literature for the sheer, insane wackiness of it? Like, I don’t even care that much about the writing quality or the fact that these novels/stories/plays changed the face of literature and culture forever. I just love these tales for the stupid drama and wacky characters.
Like Romeo and Juliet. The hero of the play, Romeo, is first introduced to us when his family talks about how he’s literally been shutting himself up alone in his dark room and crying like all the time. That’s one of the first things we learn about one of literature’s most famous romantic heroes. Incredible.
How about Mr. Rochester of Jane Eyre fame? There are all these real life people who swoon over him and I’m just over here like, I also love him, but not because he’s a romantic hero. This dude not only talks to Jane in a super creepy way, but he’s been hiding his mad wife in his attic for years. Not to mention at one point he dresses up like a fortune telling lady and tries to get Jane to admit she loves him. The audacity. And that just skims the surface of the insanity of that book. I love it.
Have you ever read some of the original Sherlock Holmes stories? There’s unending craziness there. I mean, The Hound of the Baskervilles is straight up like a twisted episode of Scooby-Doo. And we’ve all got one of those wacky neighbors that just sits on the moors and spies on people with his telescope, right? How about “The Speckled Band”, where a swamp adder is being sent through the vents to commit murder? And I don’t even have time to delve into the bizarre tale of “The Red-Headed League.”
The Scarlet Letter. The villain's name is literally Roger Chillingworth. Like, Nathaniel Hawthorne didn’t want you to have any doubt going into that book who the bad guy is. And let me tell you, Roger Chillingworth is straight up crazy. Like, whoa. Iconic.
And I don’t even know what to say about The Iliad. I’ve written before about the wacky chariot race that takes place immediately after the poem’s most tragic death, but there’s so much more. How about the time Agamemnon tries to test his men by being like, “We suck, we should just go home.” And the dudes are all like, “That’s actually a great idea though.” And they all start to pack up and flee to the boats, and Agamemnon is like, “Wait. This wasn’t supposed to happen.” And Odysseus and the bros have to go around frantically trying to stop everyone from fleeing for their lives.
Who could forget Kafka’s The Metamorphosis? A man literally turns into a gigantic bug. Or does he? Maybe it’s all just a metaphor for being a burden to your family. Or maybe this dude actually just turned into a bug. Or maybe it’s both. I hate it. But I also think it’s amazing.
I don’t know if anything is crazier than Great Expectations though. I had to read that book in 9th grade, and I hated every minute of it, but boy do I love to look back on it now and just be like, what was that book even about? There’s Miss Havisham, the jilted spinster who’s still sitting in her wedding dress, surrounded by the crumbling remains of all her wedding stuff. Symbolism. And she literally stopped all the clocks in her house at, like, the moment she was jilted or something. She’s the epitome of petty rage. And the main character, Pip, runs into an escaped convict in the graveyard as a child, and then that convict later becomes Pip’s mysterious benefactor who allows him to become a gentleman, and like, if you haven’t read it, don’t bother, but it’s unbelievable. 
If you’ve ever wanted to read more classic literature, but just couldn’t get into it, here’s my advice. Do what I do. Read the classics with a sense of humor. Find the wackiest thing you can and just laugh at it through the whole book. I used to hate Romeo and Juliet. Now I love it, and laughing at Romeo’s dumb drama is my favorite thing every time.
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jnvi · 4 years
“One may smile, and smile, and be a villain”
William Shakespeare (Hamlet)
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bitterbloodrose · 5 years
no! I have No sense of self identity, yes! I base my entire existence off of dorian gray and only speak in shakespeare quotes
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artsridley · 4 years
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socialshakespeare · 4 years
Hotspur has fallen but the civil war rages on. How will Falstaff, Henry, Hal and the rest handle it?
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Romeo: If I don't, Juliet will never know how I feel about her!
Mercutio: Just keep those feelings inside until you die, like a normal person!
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writer-akihiko · 4 years
IkeVamp Boys + MC Similar to Their Wife
To put this in context, MC's nationality does not change. Her facial structure and more importantly, her aura is what is similar to their past wives. By being around MC, they are reminded of their wife.
In addition, I have only included the IkeVamp Boys who historically have a wife. This excludes half of them. As for the boys who have more than one wife [Arthur, Napoleon, Dazai], I have chosen the wife that by historical records, they loved the most.
@delicateikemenmemes I said I was gonna do it because I’m just that much of a madlad 
Napoleon Bonaparte
He was on his way to dinner as he passed the door
The sound of the door made him look back on it
And… a woman appeared. No, it wasn't just a woman. It was a woman in strange looking clothes… His gaze moved to your face-
He gathered you in his arms and kissed you fully on the lips, hugging you as if you were going to disappear
Oh how he missed you, if only he knew
His passionate kiss drew out his lonely emotions
You were never kissed in such a way, making you weak at your knees
He held you up as your strength left you, not wanting to let go of his beloved wife
You wanted to push away this foreign man who suddenly kissed you
"Napoleon! Let go of her!"
He pulled away, holding you close as if you were his favourite childhood toy
Comte pulled on Napoleon's shoulder, seeing how you were in trouble
Napoleon quickly grew annoyed, "Why can't I embrace my wife Comte? Didn't you bring her back?!"
"She's not Josephine. Look at her properly."
He did and horror filled his face. He just kissed a woman as if she were his wife
You were much more comforted seeing Comte, but you still had a wild blush with tears in your eyes
Comte brought you away, letting Sebastian consult Napoleon
He avoided you that day
He was afraid that he might lose control around you again
You just… You reminded him of Josephine so much
Without a doubt, he had a wet dream about his beautiful wife
He certainly had his… desires riled up around you
Not wanting to scare you, he doesn't get close to you physically
Arthur Conan Doyle
Sebastian had called everyone to a special dinner by Comte's request
He sat next to Dazai, teasing Isaac about today's events as he downs a bottle of Rouge
"Everyone, please welcome her to the mansion."
He stopped for a moment, dropping the glass bottle
"Jean sweetie…"
He got up from his chair so fast that no one could act on what he was going to do
The chair crashed as he embraced you so gently
"Jean… You've finally came back to me…"
He kissed your forehead lovingly and touched you in a way a husband would
Your little squeaks of panic alerted him of the surrounding
"Arthur what are you doing?" Comte asked calmly. Comte knew what was up
"Did you not bring my wife back?" He said, holding your hand
"Don't you remember your husband-"
As he turned to look at you, he could see his mistake
"I… I apologise."
He left the dining room, clearly not acting like himself
Theo walked out to not so nicely slap Arthur back to your senses
"She… She's so much like Jean-"
"Get yourself together you kl**tz*k! Think about why you accepted Comte in the first place."
He became more civilised when he returned
He couldn't sleep, drinking a ton of coffee throughout the night
He doesn't become his flirty side and even tries to hide his flirty side from you
He feels as if he's soiling his precious Jean with a dirty worthless man such as him
Arthur appreciates watching you from afar, as a person he would never touch
Dazai Osamu
You were being introduced to the Van Gogh brothers
Dazai was about to go through the window next to Vincent
Your tangled hair caught his attention
He stopped, deciding to change the window so he stood behind you
He went through the windows in his usual fashion
This time he hugged you from behind, letting out a sigh of sorrowful relief
His voice broke as he called out, "Michiko..."
"My precious wife.. You've come back to me..."
The single tear that trailed down his cheek warmed your face
He took in your scent, wrapping his arms around your
You let out cries of surprise at the man's sudden hands around you
"Please let me go!"
Dazai woke to his senses, releasing you
He bowed to you in apology, leaving you alone
Only the next afternoon was when Sebastian found him in the gardens
Dazai made his intention to avoid you throughout the mansion
Michiko saved him once, but he's unsure if you could save him again
Theodorus Van Gogh
You had entered the mansion in the dead of the night
Comte asked you to take rest then he'd introduce you to the residents
As you chatted with Comte and Sebastian, Vincent had walked out of his artist's room and saw you
He had to tell Theo that Comte brought Johanna back
Theo was out doing business at the time
The next morning, Vincent urgently went to Theo
“Theo, the new resident is Jo. I saw her…"
He figured out where you were from seeing Sebastian focus on breakfast. You might be in the garden…
And he saw you… among the sunflowers… His Johanna
He had tears in his eyes knowing he died, leaving you all alone. Oh why, did you chase after him?
He hugged you from behind, letting his waterworks flow.
"Jo, Johanna I'm so sorry my wife… Please forgive me. We can be happy together with Vincent just please forgive me for leaving you…"
The mumbling of Dutch startled you as you turned to meet the crying man in your arms.
"What are you saying?..."
This must be Theodorus Van Gogh, you thought to yourself
You smacked the larger man's shoulder to make him come to his senses
"Sir are you alright?"
He let you go, realising you weren't his wife
"You're not Johanna?" He says in French
You shook your head. "I'm YN, the new maid."
He excused himself, needing to cry out in his brother's room
He treated you coldly afterwards, but in turn blamed himself more for leaving Johanna when he died
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
That morning he played his Grosse Messe in C Minor. He didn't feel like composing, instead reminiscing his past compositions
He had heard of the new maid that came to the mansion. Huh, he doesn’t really care
The knock on his door stopped his playing. You entered with a bottle of Rouge, setting it on the table in the room
"Herr Mozart, your breakfast."
He turned to you, wanting to retort your saying
He dropped the music sheets he was preparing
He stalked closer to you, bringing his arms across your waist
"Tell me if I'm dreaming."
"It's not a dream Herr Mozart! And-"
"And you should call me Wolf, my dear Constanze. Has my music summoned you here?"
Then it dawned on him.
"Did Comte bring you here?"
Still confused, you replied, "Yes but Herr- I mean, Wolf-"
"That man…" His grip on your waist grew tighter, his jealousy clearly seeping through. "How dare he touch my Constanze so carelessly…"
You realised what this is about and pushed his chest away from you
"I'm not a vampire and I am certainly not your wife!" You cried out, asking him to take a good look at you
He did, seeing how you and Constanze Maria shared the same aura
"Out. Get out."
His cold demeanour drew you away, you shutting the door with a thumping heart
He really thought you were his dear Constanze. Oh, to hear her sing once again…
He's almost tempted to make you sing for him.
He's over his mistake, but he can't stop being reminded of Constanze when looking at you
He pushes you away more, being the true ice king he is
The thought of you and Constanze warms his heart, but he'd never admit that
Comte Saint Germain
Comte did not meet you on the first night
It was during breakfast when hell broke loose
Comte knew who you were and knew who you resembled
He kept it to himself, with the exception of Leonardo
He made his presence known, seeing you serve the other residents
"My Comtesse, just a cup of coffee."
This was one of the rare moments he slipped up. You and his Comtesse are so similar he mistakenly called you so
Theo choked on his pancakes and Arthur did a spit take with his coffee
The other residents looked at you, bewildered
"Theo, you should apologise to the Comtesse." Vincent says.
Theo gets up from his chair, bowing to you
The room was in chaos, the residents trying to give you their respect as the supposed lady of the house and you were trying to serve Comte his coffee
He leaves with his coffee, feeling sad about his Comtesse
With him barely being around the mansion, he avoids you so
He does give you the Comtesse's unused bedroom and jewellery
He has no qualms in pampering you and spoiling you with his wealth
Please… It's the only thing keeping him sane.
William Shakespeare
Out of all the boys, he's the most delusional
Comte had invited William back to the mansion for an important chat
You had been walking to the kitchen as you passed the main door
William entered, being greeting by Sebastian
Your eyes met as you looked at the new guest
He however, turned red seeing you
"Anne my muse…"
He wasted no time running up to you, lifting you up in his arms, with eminent tears in his eyes
"Anne, Anne… Oh Anne my love how I missed you!"
His tears flowed as he kissed you on the lips, his gestures and touches romantic in a way you'd never felt
He couldn't control himself, wanting to feel more of you
He broke the kiss, holding you up
"Sir Shakespeare, that is not your-"
William cut him off with a frown
"I am taking Anne to stay with me. Tell Comte that I will not return for his talk and I do not appreciate his secrecy of my Anne."
Sebastian had to call Napoleon and Jean to hold Will down from taking you
Despite the talks, he still thinks you're Anne
He tries to kidnap you on multiple occasions
If he ever succeeds in bringing you back, he will not hesitate to treat you like his wife
First on his priority was to rebuild the family he'd left behind
He doesn't mind this sin of his, after all he had gotten Anne pregnant before marriage
His yandere side only increases, being extremely delusional as he sees you as his beloved Anne
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permanentreverie · 2 years
top five...
things to do in the summer
books you've read recently
tv show finales
love songs
things you like about yourself
Hi I literally love you 🥺♥️♥️
things to do in the summer: read the mistborn, poppy war, and crazy rich asians trilogy, watch suspicious partner, get my own car, write and publish more fanfics, get another job
books I've read recently (rip I haven't read too many fantastic books this year I truly hate it): book lovers by emily henry, the final empire by brandon sanderson, hamlet by willaim shakespeare, and crazy rich asians by kevin kwan
tv show finales: vincenzo, avatar: the last airbender, it's okay to not be okay, death note, our beloved summer
love songs: paper rings by taylor swift, london boy by taylor swift, I think he knows by taylor swift, like real people do by hozier, fallingforyou by the 1975
things I like about myself: I can get along with people pretty easily, I'm energetic and outgoing in social settings, I think I have a good taste in books and music, I give good advice, I'm down to earth but also imaginative
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justadarlinggirl · 4 years
How would the Ikevamp writing trio be with an s/o that is an author but kept it a secret because they didn't think they were on their(the vamp's) level??
Ok so for some reason I totally forgot about William Shakespeare and just sat there for wAY too long trying to remember who the third guy was, but thanks for the request bb! I had to resist making this into a full-fledged fanfiction, but I can if you want me to! ♡
Also, I feel like I don’t know Dazai well enough to write for him, so I didn’t do him, but if you want me to, I can search a bit and make one! Sorry~
William Shakespeare: To say you were ecstatic to meet THE Willaim Shakespeare was an understatement. You could probably recite every act in Romeo and Juliet and most of the works you had done took inspiration from the intricate lives William had written. At first, he hadn’t disclosed his name to you, insisting you call him Daisuke (that’s the name of his voice actor ♡) Over time, you two had gotten close, and despite the lack of computers, you had continued your stories, writing chapter after chapter with no one to show them to. When he finally revealed himself as Shakespeare, the way he spoke finally made sense to you.
When you both made it official, he had moved into the mansion, specifically the room right next to you. As you two had gotten closer, he had begun staying over in your room more and more often. One day, he spotted a drawer left carelessly open. You had left to grab some food for the both of you, so he was alone with the countless amounts of paper, stack upon stack. When you came back, the tray in your hands clattered to the ground. He had somehow gotten through over half of the pages in the short time you were gone. Snatching the papers, your face heated up as you recklessly shoved them back into the drawer. 
“D-don’t look at those!” He tilted his head, reaching back for the drawer only to get his hand slapped away. 
“Why?” (I tried to do fancy talk but failed -_-) he asked, “I wanted to see what would happen next.”
“It...It’s not as good as yours.” Silence filled the room.
“My writing...is so childish compared to yours. How could I possibly compare to you!” You said this, not with scorn or jealousy, but admiration and longing. You felt hands pat your head and slowly bring you into his chest. 
“Don’t say that, my love. Although our writing styles may differ, it does not make yours inferior. To be quite honest, I wish you would have shown your works to me before. They were lovely.” As you snuggled closer into his chest, you failed to hear the subtle opening and closing of a drawer and the shuffling of papers being gently placed into a certain writer’s bag.
Arthur Conan Doyle: Arthur had just left your room when you frantically began to write, ideas popping into your head left and right. Your hand began to cramp with the uncomfortableness of the quill, yet you persisted, continuously writing and completely unaware of the azure eyes amusingly watching you, tracing your figure.
All of a sudden, you heard two small knocks next to you. Spinning in your chair, your eyes searched for the culprit, e/c orbs landing on your smirking boyfriend. Your hands frantically cover the sheets but knew he wouldn’t give up easily. This was, after all, the all-too-observant Arthur. 
“What’s that Y/N? Are you keeping secrets~?” You flushed, trying to shove the papers away and desperately change the topic.
“Ahah...Arthur! What’re...um...what’re you doing back here?” He chuckled, coming towards you and wrapping his arms around you, subtly preventing you from grabbing the papers. 
“Well, beautiful, I forgot my coat and when I came back, I saw you vigorously scribbling something onto that parchment over there. Now, may I take a glance or will I have to pin you down first?” Hesitantly, you backed down, letting him pick up and read the papers. Thick tension filled the room as he read one page, then another, then another, and eventually he was simply reading at your desk while you overthought every single part of your very existence. 
Finally, he looked up at you, and, with pure panic laced throughout your voice, you began to ramble, 
“I-I know it’s not the best...I mean it’s nothing compared to you. Like, you’re this amazing author and I’m just a random fanfic writer, I mean you probably don’t even know about the pure amount of smut that I’ve written about you when you were just an otome game but I was never confident enough to post it and I barely even showed my works to anyone so this is really embarrassing and-”
You were cut off by your face being buried into Arthur’s chest. 
“Don’t you dare talk about my woman like that. Your works are amazing. I expect you to write more and I will gladly proofread for you darling. Never put yourself down. I love you and trust me, you are so much better than I am. At least you didn’t fail as a doctor and writer.”
This started a cuddle session involving both of you yelling at each other about how the other was better and boosting each other’s writings
A/N: It’s 5 am but ily and wanted to finish this just for my favorite (and only) requester! ♡
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"In nature's infinite book of secrecy
A little I can read."
— Willaim Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra
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