#william x ava
aquagirl1978 · 29 days
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Meet my OC: Ava (IkeVil)
Name: Ava Paired with: William Rex Relationship: romantic Age: 24 Hair Color: black Eye Color: sapphire blue Birth Sign: Aquarius
Early Life
Ava grew up in a small, but close family. She was the only child, her mother managed the house, while her father worked as a solicitor at a prominent firm. Life was comfortable for Ava, her parents doted on her and provided her with all she needed. Despite being an only child, she had a good number of friends in school and thrived while learning.
As she advanced in her education, Ava grew bored with her subjects. But she never once complained or sought other enrichment - this was simply the way of life for her, so she went along with everything with a smile on her face. She learned by example, as her mother displayed the same behavior at home. One could call the two of them people pleasers.
When Ava was a young teen, her mother passed away from a sudden illness. Ava took over the role of her mother, taking care of the house and making sure her father was happy at home. She cooked his favorite meals which they shared only when he returned home after work. Occasionally, her father would take her out to the city for dinner or a show - always his choice of where to go. Again, life was comfortable for Ava, if perhaps a bit rigid.
Following in the footsteps of the other girls her age in her neighborhood, Ava met a boy and they soon began dating. He was nice enough, she supposed. Her father approved of him, and he was set to take over the family business. Ava's entire future was mapped out for her - what could go wrong?
It happened while they were on a date. Everything was going fine until it wasn't. He took her hand in his and told her he met someone else and had to end things with her. Ava couldn't understand why this was happening to her, she did everything she was supposed to.
Before she could sink into darkness, Ava went to her father and begged him to let her work in his office. Typing contracts, greeting clients, cleaning the office - she was willing to do anything to get her out of the house. While it was unorthodox for a woman of her class to ask to work, she knew if she stayed home, she would simply dwell on the fact that she was not good enough and it would eat her alive. If she had this job, even if performing the most menial of tasks, she could do something to help ease her father's workload. And that was better than doing nothing.
Her father said no at first, but after much insistence, he gave in. Just a few hours a week, he made her promise. The tasks were simple, but seeing how proud her father was whenever she completed one filled her with a sense of purpose. She lost her boyfriend, but she had this.
Growing up with a father who was a solicitor, Ava had a strong sense of what was right and what was wrong. Oftentimes at work, her father would talk to her about some of the high-profile cases that made the newspapers. Justice always prevails, he would tell her. And to Ava, her father was on the side of justice.
One night, her father asked her for a favor - a client was unable to come pick up some documents, could Ava hand deliver them? This was out of the scope of duties she normally performed, but these documents needed to be executed immediately. If it wasn't so urgent, he wouldn't be asking her. She took the envelope from him, happy to assist.
He scribbled down the address and said good-bye, knowing it would likely be the last time he saw his daughter.
Meeting Crown
I could be nice and tell you now how everyone met (hint, it's very similar to what happens in game, but with some changes). But as I started typing it, it started turning into something longer than this should be. So I'll save all that for a later fic.
On that note, I do welcome any and all asks about her, about her relationship with William and anyone else in Crown. I will be reblogging OC ask games moving forward - always feel free to ask about her. I also have an OC for IkePri, you may also always ask about her as well.
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#Ava Getting Deja Vu
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inpursuitofnunchi · 1 month
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it's like a hallmark movie
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abbottmenty · 2 months
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cyarsk52-20 · 6 months
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Happy birthday 🎁🎈🎉🎊🎂 I can’t wait for more episodes of Abbott elementary
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jordanrosenburg · 2 years
Abbott Elementary - The Savior of Sitcoms
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When Abbott Elementary aired midseason in December of 2021, I don’t think any of us were ready. I had first heard about the show from Quinta Brunson’s TikTok. I’ve been following her since she worked for Buzzfeed, having made very funny and true digital shorts about what it’s like to be a woman, specifically a short woman. So, from time to time I liked to check in on her and see what she was up to. She was announcing her book, She Memes Well, and she briefly mentioned she was working on a pilot.
Quinta is a triple threat to the world of Abbott - she’s the head writer, executive producer, and lead actress. Her being a woman and doing all of these things is already incredible, but seeing a woman of color shine like this is truly inspirational, and quite honestly...it’s about damn time. Quinta was awarded the very well deserved Emmy for OUTSTANDING COMEDY WRITER. A young (she’s 32, that’s young) woman of color won an award for comedy writing. I cried tears of joy during her acceptance speech. As a woman, we’re basically told our whole lives that female comedians aren’t funny, so this was major for a multitude of reasons.
The cast of Abbott is comprised with some familiar face: Lisa Ann Walter, who many folks of my generation know as Chessy from The Parent Trap, Tyler James Williams of Everybody Hates Chris fame, Sheryl Lee Ralph, who many of us remember as Dee Mitchell from Moesha, and William Sanford Davis who is no stranger to the sitcom world. We also have Janelle James, a comedian who I had honestly never heard of, but is truly hilarious, and Chris Perfetti, another new face to me, but has quickly stolen my heart as his character Jacob.
The first season starts off during the spring semester of the school year. Janine, played by Quinta, is a semi-new teacher who wants to be the absolute best for her students. She’s young, ambitious, high-spirited, and is often annoying her colleagues.
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Seasoned professional Barbara Howard, who happened to be Janine’s teacher back in the day, is probably the person annoyed by Janine the most. But only because Janine’s high energy and new teaching styles don’t jive with what Barbara’s used to. Throughout the season, Barbara ends up leaning on Janine a bit more, and starts to see her value as a teacher. Especially when it comes to using new technology that Barbara isn’t exactly savvy with.
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Jacob is a corny, happy-go-lucky social studies teacher. He’s the closest with Janine. Jacob is the quintessential cis-white guy who is often a little too “woke” for his own good. But he means well, and even though his students refer to him as “Mr. C.” because he’s so corny, they love him as their teacher. He also has a very loving relationship with his boyfriend, which I enjoyed seeing represented.
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Melissa is a fast fan favorite. Having grown up in Jersey, she brings a very real character to the table. She’s a math teacher, and a damn good one at that. Another seasoned professional, who is close with Barbara, but also plays by a lot of her own rules. If something needs to get done, she knows someone who knows someone who knows someone, but you didn’t hear it from her.
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Gregory is new to the elementary school. He starts off as a substitute teacher. He was originally supposed to be the principal of Abbott, he was offered the job after going to school for it! But alas, the job was given to someone else - Ava Coleman. Ava has literally no teaching background of any kind. So how did she get the job?
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Ava is often flirting with Gregory, making some very crude remarks. She uses the budget inappropriately for her own vanity, and only sometimes actually does her job. She and Janine tend to have many disagreements, but Janine is a passive person, so she’s usually coming up with some over the top idea to make a change instead of just simply discussing the issue with Ava. Not that Ava ever really listens, so it almost forces Janine to do something crazy.
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And Mr. Johnson, our beloved custodian, is always there with a smart remark, often that extra comic relief we need to break the tension during some of the more serious scenes.
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The show is a mockumentary style sitcom, similar to The Office, or Parks and Rec. The interviews the characters give aren’t as formal as they were on The Office. Most of the time when they’re talking directly to the camera, they’re in the hallway between classes. This style can be hard to pull off, especially when so many other sitcoms have done it, like Modern Family, for example. But Abbott does it flawlessly.
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Like many of my favorite shows, we have a slow burn occurring between two main characters: Gregory and Janine. Gregory makes it pretty obvious, to the cameras, that he likes Janine right away.
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In fact, part of the reason he takes the open position to become a full-time teacher and not a substitute, by the end of the school year is so he can still be around Janine. Nothing can be too easy, though. We learn early on that Janine has a long-time boyfriend, Tariq. Tariq is basically a deadbeat, going from one dead-end job to the next, leaving Janine to constantly pick up the slack. But they’ve been together for well over ten years, so she’s not exactly looking to start anew.
However, by the end of the first season, Janine does end things with Tariq. And it’s not because she’s in love with Gregory. As much as we want them to be Jim and Pam, they’re not. Janine breaks up with Tariq because she realizes she’s simply outgrown him, and it’s not healthy for either of them to stay in their relationship. It’s not easy for her to come to terms with this, we see that at the beginning of season two as she pretends to be fine with the breakup. Throughout the first season, Janine evolves quite a bit. She’s much more confident as a teacher going into the fall semester. She’s more sure of herself and her capabilities.
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The show is heartwarming at its core. Yes, it’s extremely laugh out loud funny. (Which is a big deal because a show rarely makes me audibly laugh, so the fact that I’ve laughed so hard I’ve nearly cried?? Yeah, this is a well written show.) All of the main characters go through a sort of “after school special” moment that helps them grow and become better. I think my favorite person’s journey is Gregory’s. He was obviously bitter about not getting the principal position. He’s also just a very odd duck. He likes order and rigidity. He only eats plain, boiled chicken between two slices of white bread. (He doesn’t like when different foods mix together. When he admitted he didn’t like pizza, it was a whole thing. Jacob was the most offended, especially when Gregory also told them he didn’t pie.)
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Gregory doesn’t get goofy or silly with his students, he prefers order. But he slowly starts to realize that if he’s going to actually have a good command over his classroom, then he’ll need to let loose a little.
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We’re three episodes in to the second season, and it’s already holding up to the groundbreaking first. This isn’t always easy to do. Sometimes when a show has such an incredibly good first season, the second season can feel lackluster. But not Abbott Elementary. Less than a minute into the first episode, I was already laughing hysterically. Janine was discussing her breakup, so we cut to a scene showing Tariq packing up his friend’s car, and them both driving away. Tariq had a shining smile on his face as he danced in the passenger seat while ‘Snap Yo Fingers” by Lil Jon blasted through the speakers.
The main cast are back to their old antics: finding ways to keep the students interested, doing their best to keep the school from crumbling, and just getting through each day one step at a time. The teachers lean on one another for so many things, and I don’t think that’s something we’ve seen in a show with a school setting before. Most sitcoms that take place in school are usually about the students, not the teachers. And if it is about the teachers, it’s usually very serious. We’re getting a real and unique perspective about what teachers have to deal with at a semi-underprivileged school. Second and third grade classes get lumped together, the textbooks are nowhere near new, and the grant money Janine won for new supplies had to go towards getting rid of a rat infestation in the cafeteria.
Not that it’s all about Janine and Gregory and their slow burn, but if we’ve learned anything from watching Jim and Pam (The Office), or Jake and Amy (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), or Ben and Lesley (Parks and Rec), or even Jonah and Amy (Superstore), these two will not be confessing feelings any time soon. And if they do, they won’t be getting together as an official couple until at least the end of the third season, as many of the couples listed previously did. I’m really excited to see how it all plays out. I know it’s going to be good.
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In my opinion, we haven’t had a truly good sitcom in quite some time. Many of our favorites have long since ended. Sometimes when I see the current ones, the ones that are on cable networks like ABC, CBS, and NBC, I find myself asking, “How is this still on the air?”. One of the last good ones standing, again in my opinion, was Brooklyn Nine-Nine, which ended in 2021 after eight seasons. Modern Family ended in 2020, but despite the few really funny clips I’ve seen from that show, I never got into it to watch regularly. Just because a family is blended and a little unconventional, doesn’t mean it’s modern. Who was it modern to? The upper-middle class? The same goes for Black-ish, which ended last spring. That was another show I tried to get into, but just couldn’t. To me, it was just another show about an upper-class family. Yes, the cast was diverse and had good representation, but not everyone lives like that family did. Other honorable mentions are: The Good Place (2016-2020), Schitt’s Creek (2015-2020), and Superstore (2015-2021). Many of these beloved shows have all ended within the last three years. And what are we left with? The Goldbergs? Young Sheldon? Grown-ish? Hard pass. If you like those shows, no shade, they’re just not my cup of tea.
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And even though we have shows on paid streaming services like Ted Lasso (a must watch if you’re able), that’s not a program that’s easily accessible to everyone. I’m hoping Abbott sparks inspiration for more warm-hearted comedies. It’s a show that’s fun for adults, but it’s something you can still watch as a family if you so choose. Having someone like Quinta as a writer is truly the key to its success. The show is funny, relatable, sometimes gut-wrenching, and something I look forward to watching every week. 
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meowmeowhissss · 1 month
I’m so torn between Janine and Ava, and Janine and Gregory. Like UGHHH I GET BOTH SIDES BUT I ALSO UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE DONT SHIP THEM YK? I think they should just all fuck idk man
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knopeswifts · 2 years
abc should renew abbott elementary for seven more seasons right now
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bubbipond · 5 months
Abbott Elementary Newest Episode With No Context
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theessenceofbeautyy · 2 years
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so sorry but i am once again BEGGING for more abbott mutuals like pls y’all don’t just do it for me do it for THEM !!
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aquagirl1978 · 27 days
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2x9 | 3x3
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crown-ov-horns · 5 months
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An endless list of favourite ships: Ava Silva x Adriel (Warrior Nun)
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writtenbykie · 1 year
CRIMINAL MINDS: spencer reid, emily prentiss, alex blake
MARVEL: matt murdock, natasha romanoff, sharon carter, steve rogers, riri williams, sarah wilson, joaquín torres
OTHER: shiv roy, jessica chastain characters (mace brown, mira phillips, beverly marsh, ava faulkner, melissa lewis…)
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Abbott Elementary 2x07 “Attack Ad”
This episode title made me laugh before even watching, because all I’ve been seeing lately are political attack ads. Election time really is interesting.
I was really worried that Janine and Tariq were going to get back together, even if it was just for a little bit. That scared me for a second.
Of COURSE Gregory knows her favorite movie, he actually listens when she talks. It reminded me of Andy and Erin, and how he knew her favorite movie but ~Gabe~ kept making her watch horror. Smh Gabe, I greatly dislike you.
Also, that LOOK he gave the camera after he walked away! He knows how he feels and he's not trying to hide it from the cameras anymore. I love this for him. After that shot I went “WHAT WAS THAT” and my mom looked at me and said “You know what that was.” And yes I do, I know very well what that was.
Melissa calling her just Barb all episode.....I think I’m onto something here
That “friend” conversation was veryyy awkward but in the best way. Don't act like you haven't been staring at Greg talking to another woman all forlorn, Janine. That man is more than your friend. It reminded me of Dina and Garrett after their open relationship arrangement doesn't work out. I loved the awkwardness in that too, and them calling each other “friend” the whole episode. My ships are winning.
No Ashley :(
Of course Tariq wrote that jingle. That was hilarious
“We’re munching on our lunches” I love her, I would fight anyone for her
I’m sorry but I can't get over the pinning?????? The looks at each other and the looks at the camera and the looks of jealousy??? Absolutely amazing. I know that Tyler has said Quinta hasn’t made a decision on the will-they-won’t-they, but I think that if they weren't going to then the buildup wouldn't be happening. If they're not going to end up together then I think it would be better to establish a really strong friendship between them and make it clearly platonic. There’s no need to bait viewers. However...if they do get together then this is the best build up I have seen because the LOOKS I cannot stress this enough.
Give Jacob more scenes. My boy needs his time to shine. I loved his story in the cold open, I feel like that's what hearing drama is always like
Janine’s apartment is very cute! I love her style
No Mr. Johnson?? What is this?
I think that's it for this episode. I really enjoyed it, it exceeded my expectations once again. See ya next Wednesday!
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escargal · 2 years
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My job there is just to post any of my silly gay fanarts and leave
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