#willing suspension of disbelief
"That willing suspension of disbelief for the moment, which constitutes poetic faith."
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
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pomeraniandancer · 10 months
Frostpunk broke my brain. So, I like gaming, and I like a lot of games, and I've kind of had Frostpunk as a game that I want to play eventually on my backburner for a while now. Just recently I happened to see the opening cut scene for the entire game. And it completely confounded me.
Like, I get it, for game storyline purposes and stuff, they kinda need the population to go to the nearest oil supply, etc., and apparently that nearest oil source is the North Sea or something (don't at me if I'm getting some storyline stuff mixed up, all I've seen is the opening scene and the music).
The entire opening thesis is that the world has been plunged into a very sudden Ice Age. I highly doubt Ice Ages actually impact the Earth as suddenly as this one in-game did, unless triggered by some external cause (a meteor, for example). But I digress, willing suspension of disbelief and all that. But. Then the narrator and his colleagues decide that their only choice is to pull everyone together and go...NORTH?!?! WHY. The HELL. Would ANYONE. Go NORTH. After being PLUNGED into a BRAND NEW ICE AGE. That's the point where my brain went blank. They're not in South Africa or South America -- from what I can tell, they're from somewhere in England, considering the new city they found is called New London. Going north from England in the depths of a new Ice Age makes no logical sense, and that was the point where I dropped my willing suspension of disbelief. Like, I'll still buy and play the game at some point. But the foundational thesis of the game is nonsensical.
That's setting aside the questionable usage of steam-powered engines in Ice Age Scandinavia (again, just a guess there), but the reasons for that -- and I how I know it -- is a post for another day.
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Still wondering why no one on the Revenge spotted Blackbeard's ship the whole time it was following them 💓🤣
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heyyitsarwen · 2 years
Troy Bolton: Whoa, don't tell me you're good at hoops too.
Gabriella Montez: You know, I once scored 41 points on a league game.
Troy Bolton: [looks at her, astonished] No way.
Gabriella Montez: Mmhmm. Yeah, and on the same day I invented the space shuttle and microwave popcorn.
Troy Bolton: [grins wildly as he realizes she tricked him] Ah, microwave popcorn. Haha, very funny.
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thejohnfleming · 3 months
"Late Night With The Devil". Not really a movie movie, but the eyes have it...
Late Night With The Devil poster I don’t normally post reviews on here, but I saw a preview of Late Night With The Devil earlier this week. It opens in UK and US cinemas today and it opens up a whole can of interesting worms.  I guess the elevator pitch was something along the lines of The Exorcist meets The Blair Witch Project on a late-night US chat show – although ads are plugging it as…
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doctorkinktraveller · 7 months
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ehj3 · 9 months
“The country is doing well in so many ways. But there’s such divisiveness.” —DJ trump THE FAT MAN WAS FUNNY a long time ago when he was merely a sleazy buffoonish playboy-entrepreneur, but he got into politics and killed what few norms there were there and thereby let loose all the depravities kept in check by them. There were racists and sexists, authoritarians and opportunists, before the…
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jeanmoreaue · 2 months
as a non-sports fan, i totally thought that the aftg in universe fans were so unrealistic and that nobody would care about sports players personal lives that much. until i met my boyfriend who is into sports and i can 100% confirm that not only is it realistic, but i think people would be even crazier.
what’s happening rn with Shohei Ohtani from the Dodgers and his best friend betraying him and stealing millions from him is such a good example. it’s all i hear about lol. not to make light of a bad situation in real life, but it’s very Kevin Day and Riko Moriyama coded and i think fans would’ve been reacting similarly in universe lol
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obiwan · 2 years
hi, just to inform you, i noticed you tag some fanart of obiwan and anakin as obikin, but people usually use that tag for shipping them (like a couple). have a nice day!
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well consider me informed <3
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leezuhh · 10 months
as someone who loves detective games i have to say the genshin fontaine trial is not doing it for me. namely the massive plot hole: why did the magic water that only dissolves fontainians also dissolve lynette? they just established that she's fatui AKA snezhnayan, and that's kind of a major plot point... not to mention the idea of magic water that only dissolves french people is hilarious. does the magic water know about immigration?
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kleefkruid · 9 months
I forgot I clicked that "show my instagram stories on facebook as well" button a while back so I shared what I have for sale again on instagram and got jumpscared by someone from my high school trying to buy something on messenger.
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sarroora · 9 months
What you need to know about me is that I love Naruto but I freaking HATE the War Arc and all its 'plot twists'
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emilyaxford · 3 months
okay the poet dean fic was bad but beat sheet is incredible. i started reading it this morning without looking at the chapter count and i got so giddy i had to check, thinking i was almost done, but in fact there are 9 chapters of like 100k more words to go
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heyyitsarwen · 2 years
Oliver Martin: Bon Jovi get a big record contract or somethin'?
Emily Friehl: His name's not Bon Jovi.
Oliver Martin: Oh.
Emily Friehl: He plays guitar.
Oliver Martin: Everyone plays guitar.
Emily Friehl: You play guitar?
Oliver Martin: No.
Emily Friehl: Strike two.
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love-springs · 1 year
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this face made lady sam break almost every single HR regulation ever made
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watching the scene where they get in the truck and joel leans over ellie to get her seatbelt i can only ever think about how nice he must smell especially after idk 2, 3 days wearing the same clothes he literally burned bodies in (and you know bill and frank had to have actual nice soap unlike whatever irish spring atrocities ellie’s probably always been subjected to in the QZ), and conversely watching the scene where they’re huddled together behind the crashed truck and joel is telling ellie to crawl to the hole in the wall, they’re not gonna hit you, i can only ever think about how overwhelming his coffee breath must be
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