vinca-majors · 8 months
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adore | lady mary wimsey x charles parker
The first thing she notices is that he radiates calm, as though he is the eye of the storm and no matter how winds rage and debris flies, the chaos cannot touch him. The second thing she notices, though it will be some time before she realizes she knows it, is that his eyes are brown. If Mary cared anything for kindness she might have taken a closer look at him, but she has no time for the romance of kindness, and her starving, brittle, betrayed heart rejects it outright. Kindness never killed a dragon. She is fighting for their lives. Lady Mary Wimsey falls in love with her life, her family, and Detective-Inspector Charles Parker.
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earlgraytay · 1 day
God, there really is nothing like 20s detective fiction to remind you that prejudice is a social construct.
You'll have a story with a crossdressing thief which is mildly transmisogynistic but completely devoid of modern vitriol; it literally comes off as "here is a fun oddity that lets me be Clever about French grammar"
And in the very next story you will learn fifteen different slurs for Italians
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This really ought to top every “Best Opening Lines,” list. The 21st century reading public is sleeping on Dorothy L Sayers.
(Have His Carcase 1932)
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aceredshirt13 · 9 months
if there's one thing about classic literary detectives it's that they are not conventionally attractive. doyle told sidney paget to stop drawing holmes so pretty. christie was like "let me introduce you to this short pudgy balding man who is retirement age and i hate him." sayers compares wimsey to maggots on literally the FIRST PAGE
i love it. i love them. stop casting hot people in these roles. we need our detectives to be Charmingly Weird-Looking
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Father Brown: Beneath the foolish-seeming exterior there lies an analytical, supremely sympathetic man.
Lord Peter Wimsey: Beneath the foolish-seeming exterior there lies an analytical, supremely sympathetic man. Beneath him there lies another very silly man, except this one reads Donne.
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frommybookbook · 1 month
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For some reason, the cover preview of this Dorothy Sayers murder mystery on my library's website is actually the Cat in the Hat. I'm not saying there isn't a lot of character overlap between the Cat and Peter Wimsey, but I still don't think this is quite right.
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m-a-salter · 2 months
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Period Drama Appreciation Week 2024 | Day 2: Favorite Character | Edward Petherbridge as Lord Peter Wimsey in Dorothy L. Sayers Mysteries (1987)
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elodieunderglass · 10 months
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Friend and I were pondering the curious specificities of the Permitted Aristo
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thesarahshay · 6 months
Thinking about her (the 9-year-old girl from Gaudy Night who says "I don't want a husband, I'd rather have a motorcycle").
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wormtimenow · 7 months
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Harriet Walter as Harriet Vane my beloved
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vinca-majors · 10 months
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clouds of witness was the first LPW book i ever read, and even after umpteen rereads this page always feels like coming home ♡
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magicaloxford · 17 days
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Twilight in the gardens of Somerville College. 🌷🌃 This was the Oxford college of Dorothy L. Sayers. Sayers is known as the author of the Lord Peter Wimsey detective stories, but while at Oxford she immersed herself in the medieval "glories of scarlet cloaks and dragons and Otherworld Journeys". 🌠
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e-louise-bates · 5 months
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Whilst in Oxford, I also did a bit of homage-paying to Dorothy L Sayers—found Balliol on purpose, stumbled across her birthplace on accident. Both delightful!
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leojurand · 1 month
Never, never, never shall we do anything like other people. We shall always laugh when we ought to cry and love when we ought to work, and make ourselves a scandal and a hissing.
— Busman's Honeymoon, Dorothy L. Sayers
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Harriet. Oh, HARRIET.
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