#winchester school au
Feeling Guilty Without A Reason
It's Friday, and frankly, Felix wants to disappear.
Not only did he have an argument with Eruidan, but he was also forbidden from meeting Juvelian. Also, Irene has been avoiding him for no reason at all. Claudia also seems to be mad at him.
Really, Felix has no idea what's going on.
He leans against the tree in front of the magic departments' training field. He does know why Erudian is upset. He believes his sister is too young for a boyfriend.
Felix thinks it's bullshit. No, actually, he knows that it is.
It's not like Juvelian is a little girl who has no mind of her own. She's fourteen, for gods sake.
He understands that Erudian wants to protect his sister. He wants that, too, after all. He wants Claudia happy. Still, he wouldn't intervene in her relationship.
Well, maybe if her partner was a dick. Still, Felix isn't a dick. No, he's Erudians best friend, so why is it that Erudian doesn't trust him?
Felix sighs again.
"What has gotten you all upset?" A voice asks from behind him. He turns around and meets blue eyes. They are darker than his, calmer too.
"Your boyfriend is being a moron," says Felix to the red-haired girl. Elvia hums and sits down next to Eruidan on the ground.
"He's not my boyfriend," corrects Elvia
The white-haired boy shrugs. "Yeah, sure." He says and sighs. His eyes still focused on her. Her features are softer than usual. Her eyes look lighter than usual in the light... maybe she received good news?
Elvia suddenly shakes her head. She does that sometimes, shaking her head without any reason. Erudian calls it cute.
Felix agrees.
"I heard you've had an argument with Lord Erudian," says Elvia. Right, why else would Elvia talk to him if not about her (not) boyfriend.
Felix nods and tilts his head to the side. "We did."
Elvia nods. The silence between them grows awkward. "Was it very serious?" She asks.
Once again, Felix nods. "I suppose it was. He said he didn't want to see me for the time being." He sighs. He's been doing that a lot lately. "I guess I shouldn't have kissed Juvelian. I know how he feels about our relationship."
Elvias eyes widen, but she fixes her expression of surprise quickly. "You kissed her?" She asks and clears her throat. "Personally, I think Erudian is acting like a child. Juvelian isn't a little girl... you didn't force yourself on her, did you?"
"No! Of course not!" He looks at Elvia with disgust. "I would never! I wasn't even planning on kissing her. She's the one that asked me to do it."
Elvia looks at him. "That's true." She says. "Well, I don't know if she's the one that asked you to it, but I know that you would ever force yourself on her. Or anyone for that matter." She says and gives him a reassuring smile.
She places her hand over his. It feels too intimate. It seems Elvia realised that to, judging by how quickly she pulled her hand away.
The white-haired man sighs again. He rubs his hand through his hair. "Seriously. I've never been upset with Eruidan before. Not before now." He sighs for what might be the thousandth time.
Felix looks back at Elvia. The smile on her (a thing he doesn't think he's ever seen directed at him) face looks pretty. Frankly, Elvia looks pretty. Gorgeous even. He has known that for a while now.
"I didn't come here to talk about that." Elvia says and breaks the silence. Right, there is no way Elvia would just talk to him for now reason. "Why is your sister upset with you?"
"I don't know..." Felix pauses. "It has something to do with Irene, I suppose. She's been avoiding me for a few days ago. Actually, she's been avoiding me since the tournament."
He looks at Elvia, and he knows that she knows something.
"She's been avoiding since you've kissed Juvelian..?" She asks. Felix feels like there is something he should've checked by now.
"Well, I don't think the kiss had anything to do with it," replies Felix.
The redhead sighs and shakes her head. "Felix, do you really have no idea why she's avoiding you?" The white-haired boy shakes his head. "No, I didn't do anything to her."
"That's the point, Felix." She says. "Felix, Irene is... has been in love with you for years."
Wide bright blue eyes meet darker blue eyes. Felix feels like the world is spinning.
Now that he knows that a lot of things feel different. Oh Christ, she's has been dropping hints all along.
"I-I wasn't aware. Oh god." He feels terrible. He broke his best friends heart. He shouldn't have done. He should've noticed. "I think I'm going to be sick."
Elvia rolls her eyes. "Don't be dramatic... Just..." she sighs, "I'm not sure what you should do now."
Felix laughs out loud suddenly. "I don't know either. I suppose I'll have to wait until Irene isn't all that heartbroken anymore... That's sounds mean. I mean that I'll wait until she talks to me again." He says.
The red-haired girl hums. "I see."
Her gaze wanders from Felix to the training flied in front of them. A huff leaves her. "I'll try to talk Erudian out of it." She says. "I can't let him intervene with your relationship."
The younger man looks back at her. Elvia would do that for him?
Sometimes, Felix questions if they really are friends. Sometimes Elvia is kind, she helps him and is nice to him. Then, on the next moment, she curses at him and hits him.
It confuses the shit out of him. It's like Elvia herself isn't sure what she feels about him.
The most confusing thing, though, is the way she looks at him. Sometimes, she looks at him like he means something to her. Even when she's angry at him, she looks at him like he is something.
"Thank you." He says to her. "I'm sure Erudian will listen to you." He tells her.
Elvia rolls her eyes. "No need to thank me. You'll stop bothering me and Erudian when you have a girlfriend... and Juvelian is good for you."
Felix smiles.
C h a r a c t e r s a r e f r o m:
Felix & Irene & Claudia(I have become the hero's rival)/Elvia(I fell into the world of a reverse harem game)/Erudian(Seduce the villains farther)/Juvelian(Father I don't want to get married)
<Manhwa Crossover Family Tree>
<Felix x Juvelian - Masterlist>
<Erudian x Elvia - Masterlist>
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phrysic · 3 months
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class president and the new kid
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valeron99 · 1 year
Finally welcome to Dean’s school locker.
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And more detais ofc, cause I love them all <3
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manpaindyke · 6 days
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"yeah i have a girlfriend... she goes to st. michael's so you wouldn't know her."
new lesbian high school destiel au just dropped
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Losing your love for more than a decade and then finding again. All this from the 1950s to 1970? While The Long and Winding Road by The Beatles is going in the background? Boarding school, first love and meeting with your best friend (and love of your life) again? What else do you need? Go read The Long and Winding Road by @friendofcarlotta on AO3.
So here is my artwork for this wonderful fic. The left side turned out pretty well. I had this vision about those old school fifties graphics and in my opinion it became quite close to that. In the mean time the right side was a battle with several redraws... Overall I love the colour palette and long live the vintage gay yearning. This fic was the perfect amount of fluff and pining for me. Hope you will like it too. ;)
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Nerd/jock destiel but Dean's the nerd and Cas is the jock. OR jock/cheerleader, Cas is still the jock but this time Dean's a cheerleader. OR EVEN BETTER these both happen and everyone's happy.
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my-prompt-dump · 2 months
Teenchester/Weechesters High School Fics?
Anyone have any fic recs of the Winchesters in their high school days?
Maybe with Dean as a popular senior and Sam is the quiet freshman. With the premise of Dean's "friends" thinking Sam is annoying or smth but Dean doesn't give a shit and includes Sam anyway?
Or maybe it's in Sam's POV where he thinks Dean might not want to hang out with him at school or will pretend he doesn't know Sam because talking to your little sibling at school is considered lame.
I've read a few but it's really hard to find ones.
No AUs if possible. I'm also open to weirdcest, gencest, or pre wincest, I'm not picky.
Thank you!
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shaynee-san · 6 months
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In an alternative line, Cas is still falling for the green-eyed blonde,
only in high school!
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spncompostheap · 9 months
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“My name is Castiel. I thought I'd introduce myself since you're new… So, how’s your first day treating you?”
“Somebody’s putting you up to this, right?” Dean asked, his voice deepening angrily as he looked around the room.
“Thing is, I'm not really the fuck around and find out type, so it’s probably best for EVERYONE INVOLVED to just leave me alone, okay?”
“No, no, it’s nothing like that! I- I've genuinely wanted to meet you all day… Who would treat you that way!? Has someone here been bullying you?” 
Dean paused, looking Castiel over before speaking. The guy wasn't unattractive, with his intense blue eyes and lightly tousled brown hair. Although dressed unconventionally in an oversized trench coat, Dean dismissed it as just another example of the artsy adolescent bullshit he’d been witnessing all day.
“What can I say, Cas? Most kids are assholes.” 
“Well, please allow me to be the exception then!” Castiel said, leaning into Dean’s personal space.
Dean frowned, his fight-or-flight response having been easily triggered. He was still unsure that he wasn't being played.
“What’s the matter?” Castiel asked, slowly reaching across the table.
“You don’t think you deserve to have a friend?”
“Not exactly something I-” Dean said, cutting himself off mid-sentence.
“Listen, my dad works a lot, and we move all over. It's a fair bet I won’t even be here next year… So you're probably just better off not knowing me, like, at all. ”
“See now, I’d rather you let me decide that for myself,” Castiel said, shrugging slightly.
“Okay, let's start off small. What’s your name?”
Usually, this was the part of a conversation where Dean said something snarky and walked away. Most folks couldn't be trusted to get too close since they’d never possibly understand his and Sam’s unconventional living situation. Though Dean had secretly longed to have friends many times, the jury was still out on whether it would ever be a good idea.
“It’s Dean,” Dean said, biting his lip.
“Alright, well, I’m very glad to meet you then, Dean,” 
Castiel said, flashing him a smile that made Dean’s insides flutter.
“Uh, great to meet you too, Cas,” Dean said, ducking his head to suppress the beginning of an unwelcome blush.
 “So, mind if I walk you to class?” Castiel asked, glancing down at his watch. 
“Yeah, uh, that would be great,” Dean said.
“Okay! To the second floor, and Ms Milton’s world history class!” Castiel said, adding ridiculous sweeping hand gestures that Dean couldn't help smiling at. 
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gremlinbean · 5 months
hsau for a supernatural ship!
Oki I'm very loopy right now (headaches are hell) so sorry if this isn't the best response. Imma go for Samifer as the ship because they're my faves
1 - they meet in the school library. Sam is there to borrow a couple of books for his classes, wanting to get the best grades he can so he stands a better chance of getting into law school. Lucifer is there because he's seen Sam around and is interested in him already, even though they haven't talked yet. He knows that Sam goes to the library a lot, so he hangs out there until he sees Sam. He uses one of the books Sam is checking out to spark a conversation
2 - Sam is in the year below Lucifer. Dean is in the same year as Luci, and warns Sam not to go near him. Sam argues with him about it, because Lucifer is the first person to really *see* him, which makes Dean angrier. This eventually leads to Sam running away to stay with Lucifer for a while
3 - Sam helps Lucifer with homework a lot. It isn't that Lucifer is bad, he just has a lot going on at home and struggles to focus. This leads to hours of them in either the school or local library, working together and pining after each other before they get together
4 - Lucifer and Sam help set Dean and Castiel up, and doing so means they spend even more time together. In the end, they have their first kiss just after they successfully set Dean and Castiel up. Lucifer panics after the kiss, sure that he isn't good enough for Sam. He runs. But, eventually Sam finds him and they have an emotional confrontation in the rain, leading to a kiss
5 - John tries to kick Sam and Dean out after finding out they both have boyfriends. Lucifer, Castiel, and some of their siblings rain hell upon him. Bonus if Adam - who Sam and Dean know is their half-sibling at this point - pops up and admits he and Micheal are dating
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alltheoutcasts · 1 year
Alien Blues x I Love You So| Destiel edit (AU’s cannon and not)
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Romour has it
"Have you heard?"
Juvelian isn't one to eavesdrop, but she just can't help herself. Aylet is talking to Hari. Their voices are very hushed and barley hearable, but Juvelian will manage.
"What?" Hari sounds very interested.
Aylet chuckles. "Apparently, Felix Heylon and Irene Padalian are dating."
Hari gasps. "No way!"
The pinkette laughs. "Yes! They are seen together a lot, and they are really touchy." Aylet leans back. "It's confirmed that Lord Felix likes someone, or so I've heard from Miss Louise."
Hari gasps again. "He does? So that means it's true?" The younger girl shrugs. "Miss Louise told me that sir Yuri told her that sir Noah overheard Irene tell Melissa that she likes Felix." The silver haird girl nods.
"My sister, Yona, told me that Irene and Felix are very close." Hari looks up. "Perhaps it's true."
Juvelian can't believe it. It can't be right? Not when Felix seeks her out all the time and always treats her nicely. Not when he smiles at her so much. Not when he looks at her in that way.
Not when he told her that he liked her.
"Juvy!" Jeanette calls out. Right, Juvelian told her she'd be gone only for a little. The silver haired girl jumps up and rushes to her brunette friends side.
Jeanette brightens up when she meets Juvelians blue eyes. "There you are! I thought you ditched me." Cayena klicks her tongue. "Us. I thought you ditched us." Jeanette corrects herself.
Cayena grabs Juvelians wrist. "Let's go, the show is about to begin!" The two girls of obelian nobility drag Juvelian to the magic department battle grounds.
Just yesterday was Juvelian super excited. Felix had asked her to cheer for him, but now all she can think of is him and Irene.
She knows that it's probably just baseless romours. The children of two very powerful families are always great to pair up after all.
But why not her? Juvelian is a princess. Felix spends most of his free time with her. She'd be perfect for the job as his girlfriend.
"It's Jeremy!" Jeanette's exited voice pulls Juvelian out of her thoughts. Right, the agriche boy is Jeanette 'boyfriend'. "Hi! Do your best!"
Cayena rolls her eyes. She obviously couldn't care less. "Even if he does his best, the chance of him winning against the helion boy is small to non at all." Says the blond.
Juvelian nods. Felix is amazing. He had mastered shape shifting magic already in his first year at the academy. That's level four magic!
"Don't be like that, Yeny! I can still cheer for him." Defends Jeanette.
Cayena rolls her eyes. "Sure, just don't cry about it when he loses."
Maybe Juvy should say something. Tell them not to fight, but she's bored, and the idea of them fighting is cheering her up just a little bit.
He eyes wander through the grandstands. She recognizes Claudia almost immediately. Next to the white-haired girl stands one with brown hair and bright golden eyes. Both seem to be chatting about something very excitedly.
"Is something wrong?" Asks Jeanette concerned. "You seem kinda out of it."
Juvelian looks onto the ground. They're her friends, she can tell them. "I heard a romour." As soon as the words leave her mouth, she feels stupid. Trusting a stupid romour with no real evidence except for the fact that Irene might like Felix. How old is she? "No, forget it."
Cayena shakes her head. "I won't. It's bothering you, right?" Juvelian nods. "Good, then tell us."
Juvelian takes in a deep breath. "Do- Would you say that me and Felix are... Well, you know..."
Both of the other girls look at each other and then shrug. "Not sure what you mean."
The silver haired girl plays with the skirt of her uniform. "Dating. Would you say we could be considered to be dating?" The cousins once again look at each other, but this time they nod.
"Yeah, it sure sounds like you are. Why?" Cayena seems interested now. She always liked drama as long as she wasn't involved.
"Like I said earlier, I heard a romour." Juvelian leans closer to the railing. "Apparently, Felix and Irene Padalian are dating... But that can't be right?
Jeanette shakes her head. "Of course not!" She pats her friends shoulder.
"Unless he's two-timing," Cayena chimes in.
Jeanette gasps and hits Cayenas shoulder. "How could you say that!"
Cayena isn't wrong. It's just that Felix isn't the type of guy to do that. He isn't. Juvelian refuses to view that as a possibility.
When Juvelian looks up, her eyes meet those of Irene. The brunette smiles before looking back at Claudia.
A pang of jealousy bubbles up in Juvelian. She never talked to Claudia. It's kinda unfair. Why doesn't Felix introduce her?
Perhaps he is two-timing?
No, not Felix. Erudian would never be friends with a guy like that. There is no way. "Look, it's Felix!" Jeanette laughs.
The silvernette looks down to the ”battlefield“. He looks through the stands and smiles as soon as he meets Juvelians eyes. He winks at her.
Not at Irene.
It feels like she's winning. Juvelian smiles back at Felix. She then notices a weird expression on his face. Did something happen?
"It's unfair!" Jeanette is complaining again. "How come Felix keeps winning? Jeremy trained so hard!"
Cayena rolls her eyes. "I told you not to complain when he loses."
Juvelian laughs. "Felix is just talented."
Cayena hums. "Also, he was being cheered on by his two girlfriends."
Jeanette glares at her again. "Don't listen to her, Juvy! I'm sure the romours are based around a misunderstanding and have no actual ground!"
The girls leave the stadium. In front of it stands Felix... With Irene.
Juvelian feels a knot in her throat. Irene is blushing at Felix, who doesn't seem very bothered by it. Jeanette looks at her friend with concern.
Juvelian balls her hands to fists. She's not going to run away from it. Maybe she misunderstood, but if she didn't, this would mean that either he's cheating (which is unlikely) or that this girl is trying to steal her boyfriend.
So Juvelian walks over when something hits her. They aren't dating. So Felix wouldn't be cheating. He's not doing anything wrong. He never clarified in which way he likes her.
Maybe she's doing something wrong?
"Juvelian!" It's Felix's voice. He seems happy as he walks up to her. Irene is following close behind him with a confused expression.
Felix wraps his arms around the younger girl and whirles her around. "I won!" He looks so happy. Like he wants to be praised.
Juvelian laughs. "Yes, you did." She pats his head. "I knew you would, but it was still amazing."
She looks at Irene. The brunette just stands there, a little sad and jealous. Juvelian feels a little bad. "Lady Irene, correct?" She asks.
Irene looks surprised and nods. "Yes! You must be Juvelian, Erudian's little sister, right?"
Juvelian nods. "Yes, correct. My brother told me about you."
Irene blushes a little. Juvelian suddenly wonders if she is just a very blushful person. Perhaps she doesn't even like Felix?
"I hope he only told you good things." The golden eyed girl laughs akwardly. Juvelian nods with a bright smile. Erudian did talk nicely about her.
Felix coughs to get the attention back on him. "I apologize, lady Irene, but I want to talk to Juvy." The silvernette looks at him, surprised. He usually doesn't use her nickname in front of others.
Irene backs away. "Alright! I'll see you tomorrow, Felix!" Her voice is so forcefully joyous. It doesn't seem like Felix realizes it.
Felix waits until Irene is gone. Juvelian turns around to tell her friends to leave them too, but they are already gone. She wonders when they left.
Felix pulls her closer and leans his head on her shoulder. "You seemed angry earlier." Is all he says.
Juvelian is a little embarrassed as she shakes her head. Why did he have to notice? "I wasn't."
Felix hums. Juvelian hugs his shoulders. She's afraid he leaves. It's not reasonable, she knows.
"In a relationship, you need to communicate, remember that, alright?" Her mother's voice reminds her. A deep sigh escapes her.
"Felix... I- It's stupid. I know that." She starts, and Felix shakes his head. "If something bothers you, it's not stupid."
She smiles. He's always like that. "I heard a romour. Apparently, you and Lady Irene are dating." Felix laughs. It's loud and joyful.
It takes a while, but he stops eventually. He then looks up to meet Juvelians eyes. "Never. I like you, not her." Juvelian can feel herself blushing. Does this count as a confession.
"Me too. I like you too."
Felix nods. "I know that." He kisses her forehead, then her cheeks, and then her forehead again.
Juvelian wraps her hands around his neck and pulls his lips onto hers. "Kiss me here." Is what she says. She watches with satisfaction as he goes red like a tomato.
He clears his throat and does as he's told. "If you want me to."
Juvelian feels like she's floating. It's crazy that all it took for him to kiss her was asking. Now that she thinks about it, it was obvious.
Someone else clears their throat. "Felix." It's Erudian, and he doesn't sound happy. Within seconds there is a lot of space between Felix and Juvelian.
Felix smiles in a terrified way. "Hello, my best friend, the man who'd I trust with my first born, the man i would trust with my life."
Erudian sighs in a way that makes you think he lived for decades and has seen all the bad in the world. "Get your hands away from my sister and disappear."
The younger man nods wnd salutes. "Ay ay sir."
C h a r a c t e r s a r e f r o m:
Aylet(a transmigrators privilege)/Hari(Beware of the bothers)/Jeanette (Who made me a princess)/Cayena(The villainess is a marionette)/Juvelian (Father i don't want to get married)/Felix & Irene & Claudia(I have become the hero's rival)/Erudian(Seduce the villain's father)
⟨Manhwa Crossover Family Trees⟩
⟨Felix x Juvelian Family - Masterlist⟩
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valeron99 · 1 year
Like Bert and Ernie.
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Sam puts an ad in the paper to get Dean a date and Dean has no idea how well it's going to turn out for him
Attractive, intelligent male seeks soulmate. Must enjoy travel, cars and sci-fi.
“YOU DID WHAT?” Dean screamed at Sam, snatching the paper from his outstretched hand. His eyes scanned the page once again and yes, there it was: “Dean’s” ad.
“You need help getting over Victor and I thought this would help.” Sam replied, a hint of smirk gracing his face.
“You thought putting me in the dating ads section was gonna help me get over Vic?” Dean asked, unbelieving.
“Yep.” Sam walked into the kitchen as if the conversation was over but Dean had other ideas. He shook his head and followed Sam through the door.
“Soulmate?!” He asked as he shoved the paper in Sam’s face.
“Yep.” Sam continued to move around the kitchen preparing breakfast. Dean sighed exasperatedly.
“You do realise I’m gonna get replies from a bunch of nerds now, don’t you? If I get any replies at all…” Dean looked back down at the paper. Sam smirked, he knew he’d won.
“Of course you’ll get replies. But you don’t have to do anything about it. No obligation. Just meet some of them.”
Dean gulped again and pulled at his collar. He had insisted on wearing his ACDC shirt and a pair of jeans but Sam had made him wear this ridiculous get up. Seriously? A shirt and tie? He was nervous as hell and was going to sweat right through this and this guy was probably going to waltz through the door looking casual and Dean was going to make a fool of himself.
He was just about to get up and leave when he heard a small cough come from behind him. He turned to look and was stunned for a second before he found his voice again.
“Castiel?” He asked, and damn it he had not meant to sound that incredulous but this guy was definitely not what he had expected.
“Yes.” Castiel responded and wow how deep is his voice? Dean was definitely intrigued. “You must be Dean.” Castiel said before extending his hand out to shake Dean’s. Dean took it and noted that Castiel had a very firm handshake.
“Uh, sit down.” Dean said, gesturing to the chair opposite him. Castiel sat down and fumbled a little with his napkin as he spread it across his lap and it was obvious his hands were shaking. He must have noticed Dean looking at them,
“If you couldn’t already tell, I am very nervous.” Dean laughed.
“You’re not alone.” Dean was then treated to the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. One that touched Castiel’s eyes and made it impossible to look away.
“Cas, come on, we’re gonna be so late!” Dean shouted into Cas’ room.
“I’ll be there in a minute!” Cas shouted back.
“We need to leave five minutes ago! Jo’s gonna kill m-” Dean was cut short by Cas running into the room dressed in a very posh, probably very expensive suit, with a blue tie that matched the colour of his eyes. Dean was speechless for a minute or so before he managed to whisper, “Wow.” He walked over to Cas and hooked an arm around his waist, pulling him close.
“You know what? Screw Jo, let’s stay here.” he said before he kissed Cas and could feel him smiling.
“Dean, do you really want to risk that?” Cas asked when they broke apart. Dean thought for a second.
“Yeah, I think it’s worth it.” Cas laughed but moved away from Dean to pick his coat up and head towards the door. Dean groaned as he followed. “You’re going to be the death of me some day, Castiel.”
“So, how exactly did you two meet?” was the first question Jo asked as they all sat down to dinner. Dean and Cas looked at each other. Cas made a gesture with his eyes towards Jo, attempting to telepathically tell Dean to just get the story over with.
“Uh, well, Sammy decided it would be funny to, uh, put an ad in the paper.” Dean coughed and Jo laughed.
“You met through a dating ad?” Dean frowned, just because they didn’t have some cutesy story about how they met didn’t mean that their story was worth any less.
“Yes. And?” Dean said, getting very defensive. He could feel Cas putting a hand on his leg under the table in an attempt to calm him down. Jo sobered quickly.
“Oh no, Dean. I didn’t mean to laugh. I just didn’t expect you would go through with that sort of thing. But I guess you’re glad you did.” she explained, smiling at Cas who turned to smile at Dean.
“Yeah, I am.”
“If you guys spend any longer staring each other, your soup’s gonna go cold.” Jo pointed out, holding back a grin. Cas laughed.
“I distracted him so well on our first date that he completely forgot his burger was sitting right in front of him.” Cas joked. Dean gasped in mock horror.
“I made him laugh so hard he spit his coffee all over the fancy tablecloth!” Dean told Jo, as if it was some kind of challenge.
“At least I didn’t drop apple pie all down my shirt.” Cas said in a quiter voice. Jo laughed and looked fondly at Dean as he threw a bread roll at Cas’ head.
“Here, let me take that box.”
“Contrary to popular belief, I am not a weakling, Dean.”
“I believe you.” Dean said but took the box anyway. “Jesus, what have you got in here?!”
“Books.” Cas replied simply.
“But the last five boxes have been books. How many do you have?” Dean asked, incredulous as he ascended the stairs with what felt like a ton in his arms.
“A few…” Cas replied vaguely. Dean put the box down by their new bookcase (and thought they were going to need way more than just one of those) and Cas sat the box he was carrying by the sofa.
“That’s the last one.” Cas said as he flopped down on the sofa. Dean fell down beside him and put an arm around Cas’ shoulders. Cas rested his head against Dean’s chest. “I’m really excited about this, Dean.” Dean smiled tiredly.
“Me too.” he said before he placed a soft kiss on the top of Cas’ head. Cas lifted his head and kissed Dean forcefully. He raised his eyebrows when he moved away.
“Time to christen this room?” he asked, very suggestively. Dean chuckled.
“When I have the feeling back in my arms.”
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lightningstorm003 · 2 years
Why does it feel like all of season 4 is just the writers poking fun at how big the fan-base has gotten, and making episodes like au fanfics and breaking the fourth wall. I'm not complaining in the slightest because it's absolutely amazing, but it's still funny how they totally took advantage of us.
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starlite-png · 1 year
Sam gets academic validation primarily from a feeling of personal accomplishment. Dean, however, gets academic validation from teachers praising him because, let's be honest, he's completely starved for positive attention.
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