#i love irene but i have to fo it
Romour has it
"Have you heard?"
Juvelian isn't one to eavesdrop, but she just can't help herself. Aylet is talking to Hari. Their voices are very hushed and barley hearable, but Juvelian will manage.
"What?" Hari sounds very interested.
Aylet chuckles. "Apparently, Felix Heylon and Irene Padalian are dating."
Hari gasps. "No way!"
The pinkette laughs. "Yes! They are seen together a lot, and they are really touchy." Aylet leans back. "It's confirmed that Lord Felix likes someone, or so I've heard from Miss Louise."
Hari gasps again. "He does? So that means it's true?" The younger girl shrugs. "Miss Louise told me that sir Yuri told her that sir Noah overheard Irene tell Melissa that she likes Felix." The silver haird girl nods.
"My sister, Yona, told me that Irene and Felix are very close." Hari looks up. "Perhaps it's true."
Juvelian can't believe it. It can't be right? Not when Felix seeks her out all the time and always treats her nicely. Not when he smiles at her so much. Not when he looks at her in that way.
Not when he told her that he liked her.
"Juvy!" Jeanette calls out. Right, Juvelian told her she'd be gone only for a little. The silver haired girl jumps up and rushes to her brunette friends side.
Jeanette brightens up when she meets Juvelians blue eyes. "There you are! I thought you ditched me." Cayena klicks her tongue. "Us. I thought you ditched us." Jeanette corrects herself.
Cayena grabs Juvelians wrist. "Let's go, the show is about to begin!" The two girls of obelian nobility drag Juvelian to the magic department battle grounds.
Just yesterday was Juvelian super excited. Felix had asked her to cheer for him, but now all she can think of is him and Irene.
She knows that it's probably just baseless romours. The children of two very powerful families are always great to pair up after all.
But why not her? Juvelian is a princess. Felix spends most of his free time with her. She'd be perfect for the job as his girlfriend.
"It's Jeremy!" Jeanette's exited voice pulls Juvelian out of her thoughts. Right, the agriche boy is Jeanette 'boyfriend'. "Hi! Do your best!"
Cayena rolls her eyes. She obviously couldn't care less. "Even if he does his best, the chance of him winning against the helion boy is small to non at all." Says the blond.
Juvelian nods. Felix is amazing. He had mastered shape shifting magic already in his first year at the academy. That's level four magic!
"Don't be like that, Yeny! I can still cheer for him." Defends Jeanette.
Cayena rolls her eyes. "Sure, just don't cry about it when he loses."
Maybe Juvy should say something. Tell them not to fight, but she's bored, and the idea of them fighting is cheering her up just a little bit.
He eyes wander through the grandstands. She recognizes Claudia almost immediately. Next to the white-haired girl stands one with brown hair and bright golden eyes. Both seem to be chatting about something very excitedly.
"Is something wrong?" Asks Jeanette concerned. "You seem kinda out of it."
Juvelian looks onto the ground. They're her friends, she can tell them. "I heard a romour." As soon as the words leave her mouth, she feels stupid. Trusting a stupid romour with no real evidence except for the fact that Irene might like Felix. How old is she? "No, forget it."
Cayena shakes her head. "I won't. It's bothering you, right?" Juvelian nods. "Good, then tell us."
Juvelian takes in a deep breath. "Do- Would you say that me and Felix are... Well, you know..."
Both of the other girls look at each other and then shrug. "Not sure what you mean."
The silver haired girl plays with the skirt of her uniform. "Dating. Would you say we could be considered to be dating?" The cousins once again look at each other, but this time they nod.
"Yeah, it sure sounds like you are. Why?" Cayena seems interested now. She always liked drama as long as she wasn't involved.
"Like I said earlier, I heard a romour." Juvelian leans closer to the railing. "Apparently, Felix and Irene Padalian are dating... But that can't be right?
Jeanette shakes her head. "Of course not!" She pats her friends shoulder.
"Unless he's two-timing," Cayena chimes in.
Jeanette gasps and hits Cayenas shoulder. "How could you say that!"
Cayena isn't wrong. It's just that Felix isn't the type of guy to do that. He isn't. Juvelian refuses to view that as a possibility.
When Juvelian looks up, her eyes meet those of Irene. The brunette smiles before looking back at Claudia.
A pang of jealousy bubbles up in Juvelian. She never talked to Claudia. It's kinda unfair. Why doesn't Felix introduce her?
Perhaps he is two-timing?
No, not Felix. Erudian would never be friends with a guy like that. There is no way. "Look, it's Felix!" Jeanette laughs.
The silvernette looks down to the ”battlefield“. He looks through the stands and smiles as soon as he meets Juvelians eyes. He winks at her.
Not at Irene.
It feels like she's winning. Juvelian smiles back at Felix. She then notices a weird expression on his face. Did something happen?
"It's unfair!" Jeanette is complaining again. "How come Felix keeps winning? Jeremy trained so hard!"
Cayena rolls her eyes. "I told you not to complain when he loses."
Juvelian laughs. "Felix is just talented."
Cayena hums. "Also, he was being cheered on by his two girlfriends."
Jeanette glares at her again. "Don't listen to her, Juvy! I'm sure the romours are based around a misunderstanding and have no actual ground!"
The girls leave the stadium. In front of it stands Felix... With Irene.
Juvelian feels a knot in her throat. Irene is blushing at Felix, who doesn't seem very bothered by it. Jeanette looks at her friend with concern.
Juvelian balls her hands to fists. She's not going to run away from it. Maybe she misunderstood, but if she didn't, this would mean that either he's cheating (which is unlikely) or that this girl is trying to steal her boyfriend.
So Juvelian walks over when something hits her. They aren't dating. So Felix wouldn't be cheating. He's not doing anything wrong. He never clarified in which way he likes her.
Maybe she's doing something wrong?
"Juvelian!" It's Felix's voice. He seems happy as he walks up to her. Irene is following close behind him with a confused expression.
Felix wraps his arms around the younger girl and whirles her around. "I won!" He looks so happy. Like he wants to be praised.
Juvelian laughs. "Yes, you did." She pats his head. "I knew you would, but it was still amazing."
She looks at Irene. The brunette just stands there, a little sad and jealous. Juvelian feels a little bad. "Lady Irene, correct?" She asks.
Irene looks surprised and nods. "Yes! You must be Juvelian, Erudian's little sister, right?"
Juvelian nods. "Yes, correct. My brother told me about you."
Irene blushes a little. Juvelian suddenly wonders if she is just a very blushful person. Perhaps she doesn't even like Felix?
"I hope he only told you good things." The golden eyed girl laughs akwardly. Juvelian nods with a bright smile. Erudian did talk nicely about her.
Felix coughs to get the attention back on him. "I apologize, lady Irene, but I want to talk to Juvy." The silvernette looks at him, surprised. He usually doesn't use her nickname in front of others.
Irene backs away. "Alright! I'll see you tomorrow, Felix!" Her voice is so forcefully joyous. It doesn't seem like Felix realizes it.
Felix waits until Irene is gone. Juvelian turns around to tell her friends to leave them too, but they are already gone. She wonders when they left.
Felix pulls her closer and leans his head on her shoulder. "You seemed angry earlier." Is all he says.
Juvelian is a little embarrassed as she shakes her head. Why did he have to notice? "I wasn't."
Felix hums. Juvelian hugs his shoulders. She's afraid he leaves. It's not reasonable, she knows.
"In a relationship, you need to communicate, remember that, alright?" Her mother's voice reminds her. A deep sigh escapes her.
"Felix... I- It's stupid. I know that." She starts, and Felix shakes his head. "If something bothers you, it's not stupid."
She smiles. He's always like that. "I heard a romour. Apparently, you and Lady Irene are dating." Felix laughs. It's loud and joyful.
It takes a while, but he stops eventually. He then looks up to meet Juvelians eyes. "Never. I like you, not her." Juvelian can feel herself blushing. Does this count as a confession.
"Me too. I like you too."
Felix nods. "I know that." He kisses her forehead, then her cheeks, and then her forehead again.
Juvelian wraps her hands around his neck and pulls his lips onto hers. "Kiss me here." Is what she says. She watches with satisfaction as he goes red like a tomato.
He clears his throat and does as he's told. "If you want me to."
Juvelian feels like she's floating. It's crazy that all it took for him to kiss her was asking. Now that she thinks about it, it was obvious.
Someone else clears their throat. "Felix." It's Erudian, and he doesn't sound happy. Within seconds there is a lot of space between Felix and Juvelian.
Felix smiles in a terrified way. "Hello, my best friend, the man who'd I trust with my first born, the man i would trust with my life."
Erudian sighs in a way that makes you think he lived for decades and has seen all the bad in the world. "Get your hands away from my sister and disappear."
The younger man nods wnd salutes. "Ay ay sir."
C h a r a c t e r s a r e f r o m:
Aylet(a transmigrators privilege)/Hari(Beware of the bothers)/Jeanette (Who made me a princess)/Cayena(The villainess is a marionette)/Juvelian (Father i don't want to get married)/Felix & Irene & Claudia(I have become the hero's rival)/Erudian(Seduce the villain's father)
⟨Manhwa Crossover Family Trees⟩
⟨Felix x Juvelian Family - Masterlist⟩
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jils-things · 10 days
YO MY EYES WIDENED AND I ALMOST THREW MY PHONE YOU CAN'T JUST (half) EXPOSE ME LIKE THISS /pos I'm gonna do that myself one day- I meant- haha close guess hahaha
Ehehehehe I love the Irene/Aryon/Euphemia trio dynamic!! AND NAIPHEMIA THAT SOUNDS SO CUTE AWW 🧡🧡
I have another scenario which I'd love to doodle if you approve:
I think Irene would be a supportive sister as soon as she found out Naib has a crush. And I think it would be kinda funny that after Naib finally admits his crush he goes to Irene like “How do I talk to… You know… A lady?” And Irene just helps him looking for nice flowers and gives him tips on what to say and WILL brush his hair no matter what. Then it's basically that one Toothless/Hiccup meme with Naib awkwardly trying to flirt with Euphemia and Irene is in the bg like “GO BRO YOU DOING GREAT” Also pspspsps if you remember that last oc sketch on my blog? Maybe that was early Euphemia concept 👀
THE BASEBALL OUTFIT REALLY LOOKS VERY GOOD ON NORTON!! cheerleader Irene!!! With the pompoms and all HOW CUTE <3
I have… so much fanart in my drafts - at some weak point I just spam all the naib art on my blog hkkjhjkl
-not so secret 🐭 anon anymore aka Sop- NO I SHALL NOT SAY IT NOT YET
IM ABSOLUTELU APPROVINGTHIISISISS ARE WE GETTING NAIPHEMIA!??!?!?! REAL1?!!?!? OMG GKFJDDJGHGFHFDHDFJDFJ IM PRAYING MY HARDEST ILL BE FREE TO DRAW WHEN IM DONE W MY EXAM KKGRKRKRKG irene is finally getting that hair brushed out just how she wanted it.... EEKEKEKE hes gonna complain that shes pulling too hard BUT LET HER COOK SHES COOKING FOR THE DATE GKRKRHEHR IM ROLLING AROUND irene is absolutely hiidng in the bushes just watching this go down... omg kuya is in love i have to SEE this happen idc!!! (MAN BTW WHEN I READ THAT BLOG MENTION IM JUST. IM SO GLAD IM RIGHT WKWKWLWW IM SO GLAD IM RIGHT HAOAYAAAIA) NOT SO SECRET ANYMORE BETWEEN ME AND YOU BUT HEY for the funny you should keep up the mouse facade HEHEHEHEHE
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kyuusberry · 5 months
candyfloss | red velvet seulrene - drabble
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pairing: kang seulgi x bae joohyun (irene)
genre: wlw and fluff
warnings: none!
ib: none!!
a/n: old post from my wattpad lol! only posting this bc my pookie wookie bear (@aeriniee) said so /hj
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"but babe! i want candyfloss!" seulgi whined.
"you're acting like a child seul, but if you really want to, we can get it." irene laughed, tucking a stray strand of hair behind seulgi's ear.
"wait really! you mean it? this is new! you usually always say no then give me a lecture after! am i dreaming?" seulgi's eyes sparkled.
irene sighed, "it's starting to sound like that you don't want to have candyfloss then. we can just go home and not get it instead. i don't mind either." she shrugged her shoulders, about to walk off till seulgi stopped her.
"wait wait! i promise i'll be good! i won't whine! but seriously, can we get it now?"
irene chuckled, "yes of course, love. now come on. you wanted candyfloss right?
"yay! candyfloss here i come!" seulgi cheered, walking with irene to the cotton candy stand.
"hi there ladies, what would you like today?" the person at the stand smiled.
"what are your most popular flavors?" seulgi asked, looking at the menu down below.
"our most popular flavors? it's blue raspberry, pink vanilla, green apple, and lemon!" the lady said, pointing at each flavor.
"i'll have blue raspberry and green apple." seulgi said, "what about you love?"
"i'll have pink vanilla." irene replied.
"is that all?" the cashier asked.
the lady typed into the tablet in front of her, "alright then, the total will be $2, plus tax so basically $3. cash or card?"
"card." irene answered. the lady took her card then gave it back. "now all i need you to do is sign right here." she said, turning the tablet towards them.
"here you go taeyeon, the cotton candy they ordered." someone handed her candyfloss.
"thanks fany. here you go ladies! the blue raspberry and green apple for her and the pink vanilla for you!" she smiled.
"thank you, uhm, taeyeon!" irene took the sweet treats from her hands and walked off with seulgi.
seulgi immediately plopped a bunch of the candy into her mouth, "thank you irene!" seulgi smiled, mouth slightly stained from the cotton candy.
"welcome seul. after this we're going home. i'm exhausted." irene sighed as she plopped down on the bench.
"are you gonna eat that? cause if not i'll have it!" seulgi pointed at irene's candyfloss, eyes wide.
"you can have it. i bought it for you. i never wanted it anyways." irene handed her the sweet treat.
"thanks!" seulgi laughed, eating it.
irene looked at seulgi and her face started to crack into a smile. "you're so messy." she wiped the cotton candy off her lips.
"welcome. and i love you." irene spoke.
seulgi stifled a laugh, "why did you say i love you all of a sudden?"
irene's face grew red at the statement, "it's nothing, i just love you. is it a crime to say i love you to someone now?" irene barked back.
"i love you too, irene." seulgi pressed a kiss fo irene's forehead. "now c'mon, let's go home. it's getting late."
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rodyaaquata · 3 months
I think you all need to know more about my precious f/o's and my beloved selfsona ^_^
Their name is Rodya or Salt, they're werewolf and a guess they seventeen (just like me hehe)
So, i know that no one (even bros who knows Russian) would understand what i writed on this "ref" so i guess i should make it a bit clear (and + for myself)
Possibly aroace
Animal habits are pronounced too clearly
Likes to show up unexpectedly in places (and scare others with it)
Nice youngish, positive
Turns in a wolf because they want to or because of intense bad emotions
Know English and French
Sasha (nein) their crush/boyfriend/whatever they just like him very much
Loves raw meat
I remember that i said earlier that i don't have a story for them, what actually partically true, but i once write somethin abt them and you know, they remind me of mery sue a little bit.
TW next i would talking about some unpleasant things like sex, drugs and bad childhood/parents
If i would talking completely honestly, most of things that i put through my sweet selfsona i experienced myself.
They didn't had a really good environment as child, father was one of abusers, mom wasn't sure how dealing with her own emotions and most of childhood Salt was neglected. I myself was going through something bad as child but i wouldn't say because I'm not fully comfortable yet, but Salt themself worked in porn industry because they didn't know anything better and because of this they have hypersexuality.
I had thoughts that they would had worked as drug dealer, it would make their past more darker, but I'm still thinking about it.
Actually i think everything i do to salt is just makes their life so pathetically bad, at least in past. And yes they are traumatized.
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And once i did a "Humanization" of their "inner self"
St. Cutted form of "Salt"
It uses it/it's/itself pronouns
Also like with Salt themself earlier there some notes
"Rodya's inner self"
Creepy dude
Very Impulsive
Lies alot
It's physical form sees only Rodya/Salt and not everytime
Have mental problems (although i think This is the embodiment of all possible problems that Salt themselves have)
Not nice bro, not positive
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It design was a bit different some time but once i accidentally drawn Rodya with star on eye and that give me an idea of make this a really weird and cool part of St.
Idk what else tell about it, but i like draw it alot too
I also have a younger version of Salt ^_^
And for young one i use he/him prns, he here about ten?? Or eleven. Innocent little lamb.
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Here also a little more of Salt themself
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Aaand ref with all of them
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Annd here we go to my fo's!!!
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Uhhm uhh so i hope you know that fo it's not only about romantic one
Sasha Nein is 100% my romantic f/o ^_^
I can mumbling about him for sooo long, but for now all i would say that I'm not sire about dynamic between him and salt, sometimes i like them being all nice but then i feel that rebzyxx songs are very them
Raz/Max it's like,,,,,, little siblings or kids to take care of, tehehe
Idk what much tell about them
Dion is really good brother for Salt. Sometimes Dion reminds me of Salt and i guess they would be great siblings (quarreling because they also both damn stubborn)
Postal Dude/Rodion/Daniel I consider like friends. Especially Dude. They like besties ^_^
And there left Irene. She new one actually and I'm still not sure about what kind of relationship she would have with Salt but i think about something more like "familiar" one too. Or romantic??
I still thinking about it.
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narutosfrog · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐲𝐦𝐩𝐡 — Reader x Strawhats ! Reader x Luffy — FINAL PART
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cw: fem!reader, some body description, violence, mentions of death, sexual content, angst, fluff, smut, mentions of survivor's guilt, fear of commitment, mdni
NSFW cw: rough!luffy, needy!luffy, praising, dirty talk, hair pulling, head pushing, deep throat, choking, overstimulation, implications of Luffy using his power during sex, mating press, multiple orgasms, a tiny bit of a size kink probably, mdni
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✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
— TAG LIST: @cameshitpost @herbo-logia @irenered-20 @unstable06 @toraochi @cuddleymoonbear @boggiesho @nerdyphantomlady @hppy-fandom @damnednerd @doodlingpizza @megumiiichanie @rosiepetalss @yua-himari @lynnsemptymind @beclover @desiray562 @ahseyy @chanyeolscoon @touyasfatcock @lovingyeets @mugiwaraelly
To be put on the tag list, please comment 🤍
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Not me screaming and crying thinking about how "Turning Page" by Sleeping at Last perfectly resembles the way Willow feels about Luffy. Not me being inspired to write heart-wrenching fluff and angst for this final chapter.
PSA before i finish this — I'm kinda drunk bc I partied with my teachers. I told EVERYTHING about my romantic life to my 24 yo math teacher and I wanna hide under a rock. Sooo, if the way I write it's a bit strange, yk why.
Luffy's room smelled just like him. Salty sea breeze, lemongrass and wood.
That was the only detail Y/n was able to register as he pushed her up on the wall, kissing her hungrily. He was breathless, his kisses almost getting messy — he felt like he was going insane, getting drunk on her lips and soft skin. He wanted her. He wanted her to be his and his alone. Luffy gripped on her thighs at the thought and she pulled his hair, a whimper escaping her mouth.
That sweet, filthy, sound was music to his ears. And he wanted more of it.
"You're killing me," he groaned, just before sitting her on the bed. He ran his thumb on her lips, eating her up with his eyes. "I want to know how you taste."
Her hand, still tangled in his hair, gently guided his head down, until he kneeled in front of her. Her heart was beating impossibly fast — she couldn't think straight, not with him. Her instincts had taken over and Luffy was the object of her desires. Y/n put one of her legs on his shoulder and bit her lip, staring into his eyes. "Please," she murmured, in a tone so sweet it made Luffy's cock twitch in his pants.
He started leaving wet kisses on her inner thigh, his hand caressing her other leg, bringing it on his spare shoulder. Y/n's breath itched in her throat. She couldn't remember the last time someone touched her like that. She jolted when Luffy left a kiss on her throbbing heat, right through the fabric of her short pants.
"And you're calling me sensitive?" he uttered, looking up at her and smirking.
Y/n didn't have the time to answer. Luffy effortlessly took her pants off, only leaving her in her top, that left very little to the imagination. When Luffy's eyes met her cunt, they widened. And his attitude changed completely. He clenched his jaw and he smiled, his eyes darker than ever. He brought two fingers to her opening and brushed them between her folds.
"Fuck," he breathed, "You're soaking."
The nymph bit her lip, forcing herself to keep her eyes on him. It was only when his thumb found her clit that he remembered what he had said.
"Don't tease me, Y/n" he had warned her, "Or I'll have those pretty eyes of yours roll to the back of your head."
She didn't think he would have kept that promise.
"You're so fucking pretty, like that," he uttered, "You're going to make me so happy tonight."
Then his mouth made contact with her throbbing heat, his tongue lapping up and down her clit as his fingers made their way inside her, pumping at a steady pace. The nymph let out a high-pitched moan against her palm and she pulled Luffy's hair, bucking her hips from the sudden pleasure.
Luffy groaned against her core, grabbing harder on her thighs to keep her still. He looked up for a moment, smiling at her flushed face — glossy eyes, lips parted, reddened cheeks —, and then he substituted his fingers with his tongue, as he stimulated her clit with his thumb. He moaned at the taste, pushing his face against her dripping cunt. He bucked his hips against the air, desperately needing friction. He couldn't help himself, not when the way she tasted turned him on so fucking much.
"Luffy —," she whimpered, her back arching as she pushed his head, "I'm — I'm close."
Following those words as they were godsent, he kept going exactly the same way, pushing his tongue towards that spongy spot and working over her pulsing clit. He couldn't stop whimpering and groaning against her pussy, the vibrations only adding up to her pleasure. Y/n bit her lip, the mess between her legs — the lewd sounds, the drool and arousal leaking from her cunt to her inner thighs — only driving her more towards the edge, the knot in her lower belly becoming tighter and tighter and snapping after a few seconds with a loud moan.
"Fuck —," she gasped, trying to relax her curled toes and her hand, still gripping on Luffy's hair.
Luffy unwillingly separated from her heat, cum dripping down his chin. He was catching his breath, lust radiating from his eyes. He got up from the floor and cleaned his chin with his thumb, before pushing it through Y/n's lips.
"Here" he said, in a tone that seemed to be demanding, "Taste yourself."
Y/n sucked on his thumb, so obedient and good for the strawhat captain. He indulged in feeling her warm mouth wrapped around his finger and clenched his jaw, taking his thumb out. Everything to keep himself from throwing her on her back and fucking her right then and there. He kissed her slowly, their tongues meeting halfway in a messy exchange.
"I want that pretty mouth wrapped around my cock" he spoke against her mouth, "Can I?"
The nymph couldn't help but let out a low moan against his lips — his thoughts, so loud and filthy, were enough for her to lose her sanity. "Please," she breathed, "I want all of you."
Luffy had to put an unimaginable effort not to cum untouched. Pleasing her had already done the most to him — but the way she spoke, too... The way she was completely giving herself to him. He was getting addicted. He decided not to speak until he was sure he was going to make it and he let his pants fall off along with his tunic, which was tied around his hips.
The nymph ran her golden eyes all over his body, inch by inch. His skin, his scars, his marks, the outline of his muscles... When her gaze met his dick, she bit her lip. She didn't imagine he would've been that big.
She got up from the bed and slowly took off her top, remaining completely naked. He devoured her with his eyes, in silence, as his hands immediately met her waist and breasts, travelling all along her body. She covered in shivers, his heavenly touch only making her want more of him. She ran her hands on his naked body, down his chest to his groin. "See?" she murmured, leaving a kiss under his ear, "We're even."
When she took his cock in her hand, Luffy almost hissed. His dick was already throbbing, rock hard and pre-cum leaking from the tip — the anticipation was what had made that moment incredible and yet such a painful wait. When she started pumping her fist, Luffy shut his eyes closed, trying his best not cum immediately and commanding through gritted teeth to fucking suck it.
Y/n smiled, staring at him through her lashes as she slowly kneeled in front of him. "Won't you even say please?" she murmured, her thumb running in circles on his reddened tip, "You know I can be a lot nicer than this."
Luffy bit his lip, his fingers immediately tangling in her hair. "Please," he obliged.
She chuckled, her little laugh darkening as she pumped his shaft at a slower pace. "That's better."
When she ran her tongue through the tip of his dick, Luffy held his breath as he instinctively pulled her hair. She looked up at him, a devilish smile flashing on her face. His red cheeks, his chest heaving up, his abdomen tensing up whenever she touched him — everything about him made the nymph lose her mind.
"You look so pretty," she murmured. And, as his gaze met hers, she took him in her mouth. Her lips surrounded him inch by inch and the wetness and warmth of her mouth made Luffy's eyes roll to the back of his head. He let out a low moan, his hand tugging on her hair as he searched for something — anything — to hold on to.
"Oh, — fuck," he breathed, his voice breaking as she started bobbing her head, "Your mouth feels so... oh, so good."
The praise made the blood rush to her lower belly and she started to ache again, craving his touch like no other. She swirled her tongue, her vision becoming blurry as she pushed his cock down her throat. He was so big she already found it hard to fit him in her mouth.
Luffy knew she was struggling because of that. And it turned him on even more. He groaned, not being able to contain himself any longer. "Take it all" he spat, barely holding in a moan, "Or is it too much for you?" As those words left his mouth, he thrust his hips, his cock twitching when the tip touched the back of her throat.
She whimpered, the vibrations running along Luffy's shaft. It was too much. And, yet, it was so fucking good. Boiling tears fell down her cheeks, as she struggled to take all of him in her mouth. Luffy's merciless thrusts were getting sloppy, as he pushed her head against the base of his dick. She knew what it meant — one of her hands reached his balls, slowly massaging them as she took him deep down her throat once again.
"Fuck —," he moaned, "I'm close."
She looked up at him, searching for his eyes through the tears. She found them. She saw the lust, his face — a mixture of bliss and damnation, as if he were almost in pain. Then Luffy finished with a moan, cumming down her throat.
Y/n swallowed with no hesitation, the taste only making her want more. She slowly separated from his dick, milking it of every drop of cum. As she got up from the floor, Luffy wasted no time pulling her in from her waist. He kissed her with passion and yet softly.
"Thank you," he murmured breathlessly on her lips, as he kissed her again.
"Don't thank me yet" she uttered, gently grabbing his neck and pulling him on the bed, "I said I wanted all of you, didn't I?"
Luffy didn't need anything else to get fully hard again. The way she took control made him lightheaded, drunk on the way she could make him feel. "Yes," he mindlessly mumbled, incapable of forming a decent thought, "You said that."
As Luffy sat on the bed, Y/n straddled his lap and started running her fingers on the side of his neck, down to his waist. "And don't you want me to take care of you?"
Her voice, so sweet in expressing such dirty thoughts, was honey to Luffy's ears. He was hers — she could've done anything to him and he would've been happy with it. "Please" he breathed, his hips bucking in search of friction, "I need you."
"You need me?" she repeated, as she ran her lips along his neck and clavicles, leaving wet kisses all over his skin, "And what do you need me to do, pretty?"
As Luffy was about to answer, the nymph started grinding against his cock, the wet and warm feeling making his eyes shut closed while his mouth hung slightly open in a silent moan. Y/n bit her lip, trying to keep herself from making a sound. The stimulation was already too much to bear, the effects of their previous orgasms not yet vanished.
Luffy's hands instinctively grabbed her ass and his mouth flew to one of her tits. Y/n arched her back with a whimper, from the sensation of Luffy's tongue against her nipple, as he sucked it quite harshly.
"Please" he begged against her skin, his breath itching in his throat as she wouldn't stop grinding, "I want to be inside you."
When he started guiding her movements, the nymph's brain shut down. She needed him so badly she couldn't keep herself from granting him whatever he wished for. "Take me" she murmured, one hand tangled in his hair, "I'm yours."
Luffy's lips crashed against hers, as he whimpered from her words alone. Between open mouth kisses, all Y/n heard were his thoughts, as what she said replayed in his head.
I'm yours. I'm yours. I'm yours.
He got on top of her in a sudden movement, pressing her thighs on her chest. He kept kissing her as he brushed the tip of his cock between her folds.
Luffy bucked his hips, making his way inside her. Halfway in, they gasped in each other's mouth. Y/n pulled his hair, whimpering in his mouth from the stretch. "Keep going," she begged.
Luffy clenched his teeth, unable to say anything. And, once he was deep inside her, the pleasure was so intense his vision went white. He let out animalistic sounds, blinded by the bliss of feeling her clench around him.
His voice broke, as he started rutting his hips against her, going impossibly deeper. "So tight — so fucking tight."
The nymph let out a loud moan, Luffy's thrusts hitting that spot just right. "There" she stammered, breathless, "Just — just like that."
Luffy kept fucking her at an unforgiving pace, not having enough of that sensation, of her cunt squeezing his cock so good and warm and tight. "Fuck," he breathed, as the feeling was about to become unbearable. The overstimulation provided such a beautiful kind of pain that got him whining, whimpers and moans leaving his mouth endlessly.
As she was about to come undone, panting and exhaling such sweet sounds, Luffy's thrusts became sloppier.
"I'm about to cum —," he groaned, with a filthy roll of his hips.
Her walls clenched around him impossibly tight as she reached her high. She cried his name, her legs shaking under his grip, and he came inside her with a low growl, the spasms of his orgasm making him collapse on top of her. He filled her to the brim, stuffing her full of his cum to the point it leaked out, running down her inner thighs.
They tried to catch their breath, still shaken by their orgasms.
Delicately, she kissed him. It was a soft kiss, their noses touching and their sweaty skin making contact in a delicate brush. Luffy opened his eyes to look at her, then closed them and opened them again. A smile slowly formed on his face and he kissed her once more.
"You're beautiful," he said, with such simplicity it made Y/n's heart flutter.
She couldn't help but beam at him, as her cheeks lightly blushed. "You are beautiful too, Luffy."
He giggled, moving on his side and leaning on his elbow. "You're all red."
"Oh, shut up. As if you aren't."
"Of course I'm red, we just had sex."
Y/n blushed again, this time trying to hold in a laugh of embarrassment. "Luffy!"
"What? It's true" he retorted, still cackling with excitement, "I would be up for another round, actually."
"Okay, Captain" she murmured, laughing through her nose, "As much as I'd like that, we wouldn't last five seconds."
Luffy grinned, suddenly smacking a kiss on her lips. "You said you'd like that!" he exclaimed, "That's enough of a win, for me."
The nymph openly laughed, as she rolled on her side as well. "Are you seriously surprised?"
He giggled, nuzzling his face into the pillow. "Not really but I couldn't be sure, could I?"
"Oh, don't worry. I liked that — pretty sure you saw that."
"I liked it more — pretty sure you saw that. Bet you were checking my thoughts."
Y/n smiled with guilt. "Only a little. I was... concentrating on other things."
"My cock."
And he laughed again, before pulling her in. They silently smiled, embracing each other, tangled in a mess of sheets that they didn't even use.
Luffy had buried her face in her neck and she was stroking his hair, a look of full peace painted on her face. Then something hit her, in the depths of her mind.
"I can't believe..." she suddenly whispered, "I can't believe how natural this feels."
Luffy raised his head and stared into her eyes for a moment. His gaze was soft, though. Then, he blurted out an innocent admission. "I think it's because we're meant to be."
The nymph fell into a deep silence, his words resonating through her head and chest.
He stroked her cheek and left a delicate peck on her lips. "I'm going to grab something for you in the kitchen" he murmured. Then he got up and wore a silk robe on his naked body. "I'll be right back." Finally, he got out of the room.
She wasn't able to read his thoughts from the shock but, really, she was fairly convinced he was just trying to give her a moment alone.
Meant to be.
Such a strange concept.
She was, in fact, naked in Luffy's bed after she tried everything in her power to keep him at a distance — and yet she couldn't bring herself to. She had decided she couldn't trust him — and yet there wasn't a feeling more natural than being with him. She had claimed she would've never followed him — and yet there was nothing more heartbreaking than the thought of never seeing him again.
She cursed herself in a whisper, as tears rushed down her cheeks. "What the hell did I do?"
Meanwhile, Luffy walked to the kitchen, hoping he would find some food. Instead, he found Sanji. Sanji, who was looking at him in utter shock.
"Oh" Luffy said, "Hi, Sanji."
"You're naked."
Luffy looked down at his silk robe. A gift from Zoro. "Uh, no. I'm wearing this."
Sanji swallowed. "No. Under it. You're. Naked."
Luffy blinked. "Yes. Do you have any food? I think Willow is hungry."
Sanji's face went white, then full red. Luffy thought his nose was about to bleed. Then, Sanji started screaming.
"You had sex?!" he yelled, "Right now? With her?!"
Luffy shrugged with a smile. "Yeah. Best night of my life" he confirmed, then peeked at the fridge, "So? The food?"
Sanji held on to the counter to avoid passing out. "Why not me —," he stammered, "How the fuck did you conquer the gentle heart of a beautiful nymph and I didn't?"
Luffy bumped his fist on Sanji's head. "Sanji, I'm in a hurry! The. Food."
And Sanji, probably as envious as he ever was in his life, gave him the juiciest tray of snacks, adding two sweet drinks that smelled like fresh fruit. "Just for the lady" he clarified, quite offended, "I didn't do it for you."
"Okay" said Luffy with a smile, as he walked back towards his bedroom, "Thanks."
When Luffy came back, Y/n had already brushed the tears away from her face and she was waiting for him, trying to look as relaxed as possible. He smiled at her and her heart softened. Less and less hard to pretend.
"I grabbed some things for us," he announced, putting down the tray and a small pile of clothes, then getting closer to her. He was holding a wet cloth, his face as hopeful as it could get. "Can I clean you up?"
She saw in his mind that he had stolen some of Nami's clothes for her. She would've normally scolded him for not asking her permission but she couldn't — not when he looked at her like that. So, she nodded with the tiniest smile ever.
When Luffy was done cleaning her up, stealing a few kisses in the process, he let her wear Nami's clothes. He giggled. "You look beautiful. Comfortable?"
Y/n smiled more openly. When Luffy called her beautiful she lost all of her self control. "Yep. I will thank Nami, tomorrow."
"She steals so many clothes from shops that she won't even notice these were gone in the first place."
"She already set up the whole crew for a lifetime of debt" she giggled, "I don't think you want to make your situation worse."
Luffy laughed. "My situation? I'm not the one wearing her clothes."
"I'm not the one who stole them, though."
Luffy looked at her as he cackled, in pure awe. It was amazing to him, how much she already knew them all. He was restraining himself from asking whether she was finally going to join him — he wanted to enjoy that night without making her uneasy.
"C'mon," he said, as he stood up to wear a pair of cotton shorts. Then, he grabbed the tray and laid back next to her. "Let's eat."
She wanted to bring up the fact that he had just put shorts on without underwear but the smell of the food was just too delicious not to eat it right away. "Fuck" she groaned, right after taking a sip of the drink, "This is amazing."
"Right?" he gushed, biting on another snack.
They ate in silence for a while, too concentrated on the amazing taste to say anything else.
Then, after the tray was empty, Luffy yawned. At that point, Y/n just couldn't help herself. She grabbed his squishy cheeks and planted two big kisses on each one of them. Luffy blushed, giggling, and she just froze, realising what she had done.
"Uh, sorry," she apologized with a smile.
Luffy pulled her closer. "Shut up. Do it again."
And they went on like that, until they fell asleep in each other's arms.
The morning came pretty fast.
Luffy woke up first. When he opened his eyes, his heart skipped a beat. She was still asleep. The rays of sun that had made it through the curtains were shining on her relaxed face, her eyelashes forming curious shadows on her cheeks. He brushed his fingers on her horns, tracing their outline, then he caressed her hair. He felt his stomach ache terribly and his throat closed in panic.
"I'm having a heart attack," he thought, as his trembling hand gently stroked her cheek.
Suddenly, she scrunched her nose. Her eyelashes fluttered and she finally opened her eyes. When her gaze met Luffy's, she lightly smiled. "What 're you doin'?" she slurred, her voice still sleepy.
In case Luffy's thoughts weren't explanatory enough, his face definitely did the trick — widened soft eyes, red cheeks, parted lips. But he stammered out the answer anyway, accompanied by a little giggle. "You're gorgeous and you don't even realise, do you?"
She blushed and hid her face in the pillow, trying to stop a huge smile from forming on her face. "Come here, sweetcheeks."
Luffy laughed, even as he pulled her into his arms. "Did you just give me a nickname?" he taunted her, "Not that I mind that."
She curled her lips and left a small peck on his left cheek. "You heard me."
Luffy's heart softened again and he kissed her slowly, enjoying her warm lips to the fullest. "Never stop calling me that" he ordered, as a huge grin appeared on his face, "Let's go to breakfast, mh?"
Y/n's eyes filled with worry. "Are you sure? I feel like I'm intruding."
"Ridiculous. Let's go."
"Luffy —."
His stubborn eyes were making a convincing argument, already. "I'm not going anywhere without you and you're not intruding" he retorted, "They like you, if there's gonna be any issue at all it's going to be about them being way too familiar."
The nymph sighed and closed her eyes. She knew her next goodbyes were going to hurt like hell.
But she couldn't say no to Luffy, could she?
So, they got up from the bed and reached the kitchen. Y/n had to fight the impulse to hide when Luffy grabbed her hand.
The crew was already there, chatting at the table. As soon as the two stepped in, Franky and Nami pointed at a chair — right next to Luffy's seat.
"Y/n!" Nami exclaimed, "We added a chair for you."
Meanwhile, Usopp and Brooke stared in shock — even though the skeleton made it a point that he doesn't have eyes.
Franky, hoping the nymph wouldn't notice, gave Luffy a high five as he walked past and Zoro smirked.
Chopper and Robin giggled. Sanji, who was placing food on the table, was still incredibly envious but was still a gentleman to Y/n.
When Y/n took a seat, between Nami and Luffy, she shyly smiled. "I wanted to thank you — Luffy stole clothes from you last night for me to wear" she confessed, "I'll give them back."
Nami shrugged and cackled. The nymph was giving her so much information with so little conversation. "Oh, no worries" she said, "You can keep them — Luffy owes me 100 Berries, though."
Luffy scowled. "You didn't even pay for those!"
"They're still worth 100 Berries."
Y/n exchanged looks with Luffy. "Don't say you told me so," he thought. She smiled to herself.
"So, Y/n" whispered Franky with a knowing look, "Was the bed I made for our captain comfortable enough for you?"
The nymph blushed and cleared her throat. "I'm sorry?"
Franky just laughed and then turned to Sanji, complaining about how much he had to wait for a restocking of Cola.
"Oh, Y/n!" exclaimed Chopper suddenly, his eyes widened with worry, "Do you need medical attention?"
The nymph raised her eyebrows. "Why would I need medical attention?"
Chopper pointed at her cleavage, still worried. "A purple spot, there! Is that a bruise?"
Sixteen eyes and two empty orbs suddenly stared at the nymph's cleavage but, more specifically, at the obvious hickey Luffy had left right above her boob the previous night.
There was a moment of deafening silence before half of the crew spat their drinks and food out. Only Zoro, Franky, and the girls were left smiling and giggling — Chopper was just plainly confused.
"Yeah, okay, everything is pretty obvious — we get it" said Luffy at one point with a little laugh, as he took Y/n's hand under the table, "Let's just have breakfast."
The nymph thanked him silently with a light squeeze of her hand and quickly took a sip of whatever was in her cup, hoping her cheeks weren't too red. Then her eyes widened. "Woah — this is... What is this?"
"It's latte, my beautiful lady" immediately said Sanji, "With vanilla scented foam."
Luffy rolled his eyes. The nymph was almost too shocked by the culinary experience to notice the jealousy in his thoughts.
"I didn't understand a word you said" she chuckled, after taking another sip, "It's delicious, though."
"You never had anything like it?" asked Nami, as she placed three chocolate sweets on her plate.
Y/n smiled at the gesture. "Thank you — and no. We didn't eat elaborated stuff. The most complicated thing I've ever eaten in my years was the stew the caretakers used to cook for newborn nymphs and a mixture of honey and berries as a treat."
"Newborn nymphs?" asked Robin.
Y/n bit the inside of her cheek. She was telling the crew a bit too much — but she had caught their interest and there were no secrets to keep anymore. So she took a deep breath and started explaining.
"Yes. There were four clans of nymphs. The forest clan, the river clan, the wind clan and the fire clan."
The silence was deafening. Everyone was listening.
"Each nymph had a role in the community. There were warriors, providers, caretakers, sentries and the council."
"You were a warrior, right?" asked Chopper.
Y/n lowered her gaze. "Correct."
"What about the council?" questioned Zoro.
"Each category could choose a representative for them to enter the council. When a representative is chosen, the deal is done."
"So the representative can't say no?" murmured Luffy.
"No, they can't. I was the representative of the warriors for over two hundred and sixty years."
"If they kept you as representative for that much time, you must've been good," said Franky.
A little smile appeared on the nymph's lips. But it was sad and plastered. "I've never lost a battle... except for one."
Luffy squeezed her hand again, in utter silence. And Y/n forced herself to get back to her senses.
"Then, there's the Eldest," she continued, clearing her throat, "The Eldest is the head of the community."
"You said you were the Eldest, yesterday," said Sanji.
A dark laugh made its way through her lips and she didn't comment further.
"How does a nymph become the Eldest?" asked Usopp.
"Again, the Eldest is suggested by the community in a sort of secret ballot and then chosen by the council — usually, it's a member of the council that is chosen but, this time, they can refuse."
"Why?" asked Brook, "What is the difference between the members of the council and the Eldest?"
"I said we are immortal but we could choose to age, didn't I?" she murmured, "If a nymph becomes the Eldest, they have to give up their immortality."
"Why?" asked Luffy, "Isn't that unfair?"
"I wouldn't know how to answer that, I think it depends on your perspective. When the Eldest is chosen, they rule on a whole community that has existed until the beginning of time. It's expected of them to give everything for the other nymphs and to make the right decisions — giving up our immortality is seen as a way to show loyalty and dedication. To show that you truly want it."
"The Eldest rules until they die, is it?" asked Nami.
"Yes, normally. But they could also choose they've had enough. They wouldn't gain their immortality back, though. Once you give that up, it's done forever."
There was silence after a few seconds.
"Earlier, when you talked about newborn nymphs..."
"It was the fire clan's job to take care of that" Y/n explained, "They had the special ability to give life — they were the guardians of the hearth."
"The hearth?" asked Luffy.
"I don't exactly know what that is, it was special knowledge of the fire clan. What I know is that they were the only ones who could give life to newborn nymphs — every year, three nymphs were born from each clan, from trees, bodies of water, clouds and the hearth itself. That was how we kept the community alive."
Robin's eyes widened with sadness. "So, that means..."
Y/n lowered her gaze. "That means I am the last nymph."
Luffy's heart ached with pain and anger. "That's the reason why you're the Eldest, even with your immortality."
"I have to be, I imagine. There's no one else."
"Did the nymphs ever ask you to be the Eldest?" asked Zoro in a low tone. He didn't like the nymph at first, but knowing the whole story he couldn't help but feel some degree of respect for her.
The nymph clenched her fists, in an attempt to control the piercing agony that was crushing her heart. "Yes" she answered, "The day they all died."
Luffy furrowed his eyebrows, as the crew held their breaths in shock.
"I said no. I didn't want to give up my immortality because I felt my time hadn't come yet" she muttered, "They insisted and I left — I climbed up the mountain and stayed in the forbidden bit of the island for hours, just to get away from that. I was too far to even hear the thoughts. When I came back..."
Luffy interrupted her, the pain in her voice already being too much to bear for him — let alone the one she was actually enduring. "You don't have to keep going if it's too much."
The nymph shook her head, as if she were trying to send the memories away. "Yeah, uh — you're right." Then she got up, her hands shaking a little. "I need to go now, thank you for yesterday and... uh, breakfast."
"What?" said Luffy, getting up from his seat as well, "Where are you going?"
She shook her head again, panic building up in her chest as she freed her hand from his. "I need to go," she repeated, going towards the door.
"Wait —."
"Luffy" Nami warned him, grabbing him by his wrist, "Let her go."
And, just like that, she disappeared.
"What the fuck —," he lashed out, freeing himself from Nami's grip, "Why would you stop me?"
"She needs time, Luffy. She's panicking!"
"No, she needs me to be there for her. She's afraid of letting me in and if I give up now she will never come with us!"
"I'm afraid this isn't about you or us, Luffy," said Usopp.
"It's really not," agreed Nami.
"You're right, it's about her. But it's also about me, now, because I —." Luffy stumbled into his words and fell into silence. "I care about her" he finally uttered, "I need to check on her."
"And what if what she needs isn't you?" retorted Sanji.
Luffy glared at him like he never did since he met him. "And what the fuck do you know about that? I'm there for her, that's what matters — if she doesn't want me at her side, she will let me know, I assure you."
"I think she wants him there," uttered Zoro, "I just don't know if it'll be enough."
"What do you mean?"
"Think about it. You know what she's feeling — you know that guilt."
Luffy stayed silent. Zoro didn't express his thoughts a lot but, when he did, his words were gold to him. "Yes," he simply said. The mere thought of not being able to save Ace two years prior was heart-wrenching. Every single time.
"But you had us, still," Zoro continued. "She was left completely alone, she lost everything. Don't you think that she's too afraid of losing someone else? So afraid that she won't even let herself think about the chance of being happy again?"
"Or maybe she doesn't think she deserves happiness" said Robin, in a low tone, "I know a thing or two about survivor's guilt."
"And how do I convince her otherwise?" asked Luffy, softly.
"I don't know if you can."
"Look, we're on your side" said Usopp, "We're just saying to have a little caution."
"We want her in the crew, too" murmured Nami with a little smile, "We never saw you act the way you do with her."
Luffy sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I want to check on her."
"Wait just a little" Nami tried to convince him, "Sort your thoughts out and then go — you're too shaken up and she needs you to be there, she doesn't need to be comforting you as well."
Luffy nodded and sat back down. "Thank you, all of you" he muttered, "Sorry I lashed out."
"Stop worrying. Calm down and get her to join us once and for all."
Luffy sat for forty four minutes. Then he got too restless to even think of staying still and he ran up to Zoro, who was training.
"Oi," he said.
Zoro turned around and raised an eyebrow, completely stopping his training. His way to show he was listening.
"Am I doing the right thing?"
Zoro shrugged. "Does it feel right to do anything else other than this?"
Luffy thought about it for a moment and shook his head.
"Then you're doing the right thing" answered Zoro, "It might not work but... you know, at least you're making a choice you can live with. It's like having the chance to try a mysterious sake you've been curious about — the taste might suck but at least you won't regret not trying it."
Luffy smiled. He felt lucky to have Zoro as a friend. "Thank you, Zoro."
"Oh, shut up. Go get your nymph."
Luffy looked for her in the forest for at least an hour. He used haki to find her and he perceived her in such a faint way there was only one place she could be. Luffy ran to the mountain and looked up. He couldn't see the top — but he knew she was there. So he climbed. He climbed up until his limbs were sore and his bones were hurting. When he reached the top, there she was.
She was lying on the cold stone, silent tears streaming down her temples. "What are you doing?" she murmured.
Luffy caught his breath, sitting next to her. "I was looking for you."
"You know why."
She sighed, other tears falling from her eyes.
Luffy brushed them away with his thumbs, in silence. "I'm sorry," he whispered.
Y/n opened her eyes, staring into his. "Sorry for what?"
"I'm sorry you had to go through that" he muttered, "It's not your fault."
"It might not be my fault but I could've changed the outcome. And that means I'm still partly responsible."
"There's a chance you could've changed the outcome, yes. But you can't control life. I was there to save my brother and I still failed. Terrible things happen to a lot of people, everyday."
"How is that a comfort?"
"There's no comfort. Except for the fact we can stop him from doing this to other people."
The nymph furrowed her eyebrows and sat straight. "You're talking about Blackbeard?"
"Yes. We can stop him. Together."
"He's an emperor."
Luffy held her hand. "We'll stop him anyway," he insisted.
She shook her head and got up. "You wasted your time, climbing all the way up here," she murmured.
He stood up as well, anger radiating from his voice. "Don't do that. Don't be cold to me as if nothing ever happened between us."
The nymph avoided his eyes and clenched her jaw, trying to keep herself from breaking. "I'm not cold."
"You try to be," he retorted, "You're trying to push me away and it won't work."
"Don't make this harder" she seethed, her golden glare appearing again as if the prior day had never passed, "This can only go one way."
"Yes" he uttered, his eyes as stubborn as ever, "My way."
"Don't be a fool!"
"Don't be condescending, I am not a child."
"Then respect my decision," she spat.
"I'll do it once you'll allow yourself to even think about the chance of being happy with me" he yelled, "You won't even let yourself think about that, will you?!"
Y/n froze. She shook her head again. "You don't know what you're talking about."
"No, I know. You saw my thoughts and you know I get it. But I can't let you do this to yourself. I had someone who grabbed me by the neck and told me to think about all I had left and all that future had to offer me — I will be that someone for you if I have to."
"Jinbe could comfort you just because you still had your crew" she screamed, pushing her palms against his chest, "I have nothing!"
"You have me!" he screamed back, "You. Have. Me."
Tears started to swell up in her eyes again and she turned around, ready to jump into the forbidden bit. "Leave me be," she begged in a whisper, "It's easier this way."
She didn't let him answer. She jumped into the waterfall and closed her eyes, waiting to land in the fresh water. She craved the feeling of noiseless emptiness that being underwater could provide and the loneliness of a forbidden forest that was only populated by raging, unreasonable beasts, just like herself.
But, just as she was about to touch the water, an arm surrounded her and she landed on the grass, Luffy holding her close to her body. The nymph furrowed her eyebrows, in pain.
"Why can't you give up on me?"
Luffy stared into her eyes, his gaze being the depiction of torment. "Because we are meant to be together."
"How do you know that?" she insisted.
"All I ever dreamed about was becoming King of the pirates" he answered, his voice low, "But, for some reason, I can't fathom the idea of doing this without you — from the moment I met you."
Her eyes softened and yet the agony was still glaring. "Why are you wired this way?"
"Come with me and I'll have plenty of time to find an answer to this question."
"I can't come with you."
Luffy pulled her closer, the frustration radiating from his voice. "Why not? I thought you trusted me by now — after tonight!"
"It's not that" she whispered, "I do trust you — more than anyone."
"Then why?" he insisted.
"I can't come because I'll fall in love with you."
The nymph hadn't planned on saying those words. She didn't want to let them out of her mouth. And yet nothing could stop them. Not even her will, not even her determination.
Luffy's heart had skipped several beats. He blinked, staring into her eyes. The silence was deafening, as the muscle between his lungs struggled to keep pace with the way he felt, with the physiological need for oxygen and circulation and with how much he wanted to kiss her. He took a deep breath. One. He took another. One, two. He took the last one. One, two, three. Then, he talked.
"Fall. I will catch you."
And their lips crashed into a breathless kiss. A kiss that tasted like pain and regret, like trust and open wounds, like new love and uncertain promises. A kiss where they felt home and yet still with a foot outside the door.
Until she heard a sound. A strong, sudden wind through the branches of trees and a strange warmth that came with it.
Y/n broke the kiss and looked around, weapons in hand, ready to fight a predator. And, when she met its eyes, her knives fell on the ground.
The phoenix flew towards her, drawing majestic patterns in the air. It left her breathless, as Luffy gazed up at it in awe. She had never seen one before — but she knew what it meant. And she needed it. She had been needing it so desperately.
"What is it?" he murmured.
The phoenix flew in circles around them and then in front of the nymph again, looking into her eyes. In the creature's eyes she could see all the answers she had been longing for. Tears ran down her cheeks and she brought a hand to her chest, as her heart felt like it was about to burst. "It's a blessing" she whispered, "A message from Mother Nature."
The phoenix flew in circles once again and then disappeared in a wind turbine, leaving the air to smell like infinite fire and endless silence. A final decision.
"What message?" asked Luffy, delicately, as if he were trying not to bother what was left of the appearance.
The nymph turned to him, burning tears streaming down her cheeks and lighting up the gold in her eyes. "Rebirth" she said, breathless, "Catch me."
The legend says there was a specific moment when the King of pirates stopped losing his battles. No one knows for certain but some say that it involved a power, a power beheld by a mystical woman who could see and hear everything — a power she would use for love, some would argue. Other smart tongues would rather chat about convenience, since the matter is about the king of damned pirates. But, in the depths of the New World, as he explores the greatest peaks of freedom, there are his companions who know the truth. The truth about a nymph, met long ago on a deserted island, who gave up his immortality to age with him. A woman that, in his presence, is called the Queen.
HI GUYS!!! WE REACHED THE END OF THIS SHORT FANFIC. I'M GONNA CRYYYY. I just wanted to thank you for all the love🤍 All your comments and compliments meant the world to me. I just want you to know, I'll keep using this tag list even as I publish my next works. So, if you want to be in it please tell me and I'll add you immediately 🤍
I want to remind you that you can leave all sorts of requests and I'll happily write for you! Have a good night babies🤍
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asherlockstudy · 3 years
Hello :D I love all your metas and had a question about something I just realised. People in the fandom say food = sex a ton! And I looked it up, wherein I got a meta done by thefakefangirl on tumblr. I really liked it, especially since they linked other meta from other accounts addressing the same issue. I was just wondering if you'd ever seen this/ realised it because I thought it was very interesting.
Heeeeey!!!!!!!! Sorry for delaying my answer for so long! I sort of lacked the willpower to write anything meta-ish.
It's been a very long time since I read metas about this topic, however the food=sex is a very old and classic Sherlock theory. I agree that there is undoubtly a connection there although I believe it isn't a subtext parallel for sex as much as a psychoanalytical exploration of food's significance as a substitute for the sedation of emotional needs and physical needs besides hunger.
In order to explain this better, this significance can be explored through Sherlock's relationships with Irene, John and Molly. But more nuance can be drawn through Moriarty, Mycroft, Magnussen and Eurus too.
The easiest way to start is with Irene. Irene invites Sherlock to dinner multiple times, implying that she wants to date and have sex with him. Sherlock always refuses or ignores her, once clearly telling her that he doesn't want dinner with her because he isn't hungry. However, Irene earlier has sent him a message stating she wasn't hungry and yet she would like to go to dinner with him. Also, after Irene sends Sherlock her phone, Sherlock goes through another fasting phase, trying to decipher her code. In short, it's about the levels of need for emotional intimacy. Sherlock's mind is occupied so he doesn't care for food. He isn't attracted to her so he doesn't care to satisfy needs with her or go to a date with her. On the other hand, Irene is neither literally hungry nor lacks a rich sex life - but she has an emotional need. A human need for intimacy - sentimentally or physically - with Sherlock. Sherlock initially equates her offer exclusively with sex. As we find out in the end though, a traditional date would be nice for Irene too.
When John gets to know Sherlock, he finds out Sherlock doesn't eat for days on end. Sherlock is entirely dedicated to his work - he has no needs or wants. However, through the course of the first episode, Sherlock asks for something cold from Mrs Hudson, then takes John to a detective dinner and invites him to dinner once more after the case is solved. Sherlock still doesn't eat in these dinners, like he doesn't eat in the Chinese restaurant in TBB or in that other restaurant in TGG. Still, what his invitations tell us is that he now develops the availability to "waste" some time for domesticity, peace and emotional intimacy with John (who always eats). However, in ASIB Sherlock suddenly starts eating and it's the only episode in the three first seasons that he shows such interest in food. He has also put on some weight compared to Series 1. Look:
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Obviously, Sherlock does not have sex in ASIB. Between cases though, we see that Sherlock enjoys his newly found domesticity with John. He doesn't leave the house for less than a "seven", he likes to chill and read his newspaper and of course he can now enjoy a snack and even talk with his mouth full. During the peak of his times with John, which is that period between TGG and ASIB, he was not agonizing for a new case. He was living like a relatively normal human being.
After Irene sends him her phone and fakes her death, Sherlock refuses to eat because he obsesses over the code. After Irene and John's meeting, from which Sherlock essentially finds out that both are in love with him or at least interested in him, and once the intrusion of the American agents in 221B is dealt with, Sherlock feels awkward yet certainly content and the first thing he does is to check Mrs Hudson's fridge for snacks.
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He also shows a temporary disregard for the whereabouts of Irene's phone, which only escaped the agents thanks to Mrs Hudson's cunning. This shows that Sherlock left in a hurry to follow John and the mysterious woman, forgetting to secure the phone, and that he was way more interested in everything else that had happened that day to care whether the phone was still safe. However, Sherlock is still not ready to go further with John, let alone that Moriarty has warned him not to in TGG, so his instictual search for food is indicative both of his need for a substitue for intimacy and a prioritization of needs and domesticity.
In series 4, Sherlock is much more interested in food. He goes hard for the gingernuts while still riding that high after the plane and John can even lure him twice with the promise of cake. He also takes Eurus for fish and chips to keep her company. None of these can be explained as meta symbolisms for sex but they show that eating and sharing food with others is telling of Sherlock's progressive humanization. It makes me surmise that just as Sherlock is now more eager to enjoy a dessert or go out for dinner with somebody, he is more interested in closer human relationships as well.
Sherlock's interactions with Molly are actually the most informative regarding the meaning of food in this show. In TBB, Sherlock shows up at Bart's restaurant, supposedly to keep Molly company as she eats. He does not eat with her and fakes interest in her looks. In short, he fakes romantic interest to convince her to show him two bodies.
He does the same thing in TRF, when he shows up with two bags of chips and asks Molly to help him in his research for Moriarty's Sir-A-Boast-A-Lot case. Even more interestingly, when Molly decides she needs more chips, she asks whether Sherlock wants something too and then quickly retracts her offer, stating she knows Sherlock doesn't want anything. This comes after her very significant quote "You look sad, when you think he can't see you". Sherlock feels seen, understood and closer to Molly after this. He tries to interrupt her "Actually, I -" but Molly cuts him off ("I know you don't") and leaves him. It shows that Molly has picked up on Sherlock's fake attempts at intimacy and she wants this to stop. "I know you don't" means "I know you don't really care to do with me the things people do with their loved ones". The exchange leaves Sherlock perplexed and slightly wounded because this was the first time he actually did want to eat with Molly.
A similar thing happens again in TEH. After his enstrangement with John, Sherlock tries to replace him with Molly and then also suggests to have supper together. Molly refuses because she understands that this attempt at intimacy means very different things for Sherlock than for herself. She returns to her fiance and she doesn't help Sherlock in another case because she knows whom Sherlock really wants is John.
The meaning of food is more nuanced than that though. Putting on weight in BBC Sherlock has a very certain meaning. Sherlock points this out three times, twice to Molly and one to John.
First in TGG:
MOLLY: What do you mean "gay"? We're together!
SHERLOCK: Domestic bliss must suit you, Molly. You put on three pounds since I last saw you.
I doubt Sherlock means this because of the physical exercise sex normally provides. I don't know how long Sherlock hadn't seen Molly, but if it was too long it would also be stupid to blame the lack of sex for only 3 pounds! Let alone that when she was single Molly obviously didn't have sex either, so that doesn't explain it. What it means though is that Molly experienced neglect from Jim and thus was sedating her emotional and physical needs with food. She used food as a substitute.
The same exact thing happens again in TSOT.
MOLLY: Meaning you think I like a drink?
S: Occasionally.
M: That I am a drunk?
S: No...no! You look... well. (Sherlock's social skills have improved. However we know since TGG that Sherlock believes some weight gain is what looks good on Molly.)
M: I am.
S: How's... Tom?
M: Not a sociopath.
S: Still?! Good.
M: And we're having quite a lot of sex.
S: ..........
Molly looks confident, however she breaks up with Tom in the beginning of TEH, which means Sherlock was right after all. Here he had deduced that Molly was both drinking and eating and Tom was apparently a closeted homosexual. As for Molly, she was either lying to Sherlock or turning a blind eye to the situation.
In TEH, this happens to newly married John too. John actually gains 7 pounds in his first month of marriage, but since we saw him dreaming of Sherlock and keeping always a bag of packed clothes with him, we can safely conclude that his emotional eating was because he missed Sherlock and not because he felt neglected by Mary. He was trying to lose the weight by bicycling and Sherlock urged him to follow him in the cases instead, stating "bicycling isn't doing it". Normally bicycling DOES do it but Sherlock knows the true reason behind John's weight gain and offers the correct "treatment".
Mycroft always tries to lose some weight and Sherlock makes fun of him for it. Thanks to the themes we already explored, I believe Mycroft resorts to emotional eating too as he tries to fight his intense feelings of loneliness.
We only see Moriarty eating once but he tastes things a few times throughout the show. Tea, gums, even dust, which he calls "human skin". He only eats an apple, although it would be more precise to say he cuts the apple with a knife, perhaps even injuring himself in the process, he bites hard down on it and then spits in on the floor. This is a clear parallel for Moriarty's sexual insticts for Sherlock, which he suppresses...technically. Getting it out on the apple in the close presence of Sherlock is Jim managing (poorly) to keep his one last inhibition. This is not subtext though; Moriarty intends to pass that message to Sherlock.
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I am not sure whether this is a piece of apple skin or Jim's blood because they have the exact same colour, however nonchalantly cutting himself while cutting the apple is a great metaphor for the lengths he was willing to reach in order to destroy Sherlock.
Magnussen spoils Sherlock's food and water. He often harasses sexuallly those he blackmails.
Eurus agrees to follow Sherlock for fish and chips and then this little exchange happens.
EURUS: Amazing.
E: I meant the chips.
S: (laughs) Mmm.
Eurus actually meant Sherlock and she also calls him sweet and declares he is nicer than she thought. But in this instance she regrets her sentimentality and turns her compliment to a dry joke. She likes the food and she likes eating with Sherlock. Having food together as a way of people bonding applies to her case too.
Conclusively, the trope of emotional eating is used heavily in BBC Sherlock. The ritual of eating together is a sign of intimacy and familiarity of any kind, not just sexual. Eating alone, perhaps compulsively, is a sign of unsatisfied emotional and physical needs.
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closedafterdark · 4 years
How would Irene dominante you in bed or everywhere in the house?
sorry I took awhile to answer this, @pshyco5.
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CEO Bae has come home and is not in a good mood. 
Slamming the apartment door, she tosses her bag on the couch before grabbing onto the hem of your shirt and dragging you into the bedroom.
“B-Baby, everything okay...”
“Shut up.” she said, slapping you harshly across the face.
Still in shock, Joohyun rips off your shirt and begins sucking on your neck. You barely have time to process what’s going on as she removes her blazer and tosses it onto the floor. Roughly capturing your lips, you are about to unbutton her dress shirt before she swats your hands away. Looking at you with an icy cold stare, you place your hands back onto your sides as she removes the bright white fabric herself. Angrily grabbing onto the knot of her tie, she manages to remove it before tying stuffing your mouth and tying it with the slightly thick piece of silk.
“So that you can be quiet as mommy fucks you.” she said in between biting your lower lip.
She presses you against the window leading to the balcony, not bothering to care the newfound uncomfortable position for you as the cold glass causes you to have goosebump on your rapidly rising body temperature.
Joohyun’s eyes carried the weight of her emotions - anger, lust and need.
You pulled her closer to you, earning yourself another slap from her.
“I didn’t fucking allow you to touch me.” she said.
“Ugh, shut up. Mommy is going to fuck the life out of you.”
Joohyun turns around, pressing her body against yours. Her cute, small yet still round butt rubbing against your rapidly hardening cock. As you hear her unzip her poor excuse for shorts, you suck on her neck, mirroring her earlier actions. Grabbing onto the tie of your shorts, she undoes them from behind, smiling as they fall onto the floor and join her own discarded clothing.
Joohyun is left in a cute red laced bra and matching thong. You rubbed your hands against her toned abs, exploring every curve in her fit body. She notices what you are doing, choosing instead to bring your hands down lower. She slips the thong down her creamy white legs, which are quite long despite her smaller stature. She lets out a soft moan as your fingers managed to graze her hot, wet lips.
She turns her head slightly, her expression changing rapidly from ice cold to lust filled and wanting to release her inner desires. You worked on her pussy, managing to spread her lips apart as your middle finger plays with her clit.
“Fuck...” she moaned.
Her erotic moans and lustful cries of pleasure turned you on even more.
“Fuck me.”
Joohyun strokes your cock slowly, more than fifteen times before lining it up between her legs. She spreads her arms, one of them grabbing onto your shoulder while the other grips your left hip.
You were slightly angry at her, turning down your request for a quickie in the shower earlier in the morning after edging you out the night before. You turned Joohyun around, fucking her against the glass. You weren’t going to let her get away with teasing you.
Her body was going to be the outlet of all your built up anger, the way for you to relieve yourself of the stress she made you go through the previous night. Joohyun moaned, her pussy was extremely tight and wet. You felt the heat radiating from her core on your thighs.
“Fuck, baby... you’re fucking me so hard against the glass. Everyone in the nearby apartments can see you pounding me.” she said.
You smacked her bottom, thrusting into her even harder. Her body quivers as you grab one of her breasts. Like the rest of her they were small, but were all the more reason you found them beautiful. You continued thrusting your hips upward into her wet flesh, each time earning yourself a coveted moan or gasp of pleasure.
“Baby...” she moaned. “You’re fucking mommy so hard... Harder! Fuck me harder!”
Joohyun no longer cared that she could be seen or heard, only caring that the pleasure emanating from her pussy being used by your cock going in and out as you fucked her against the glass.
You smacked her ass firmly, watching it jiggle each time it made contact with your hips. Joohyun places a hand on your stomach, wanting you to stop. Unable to speak through the tie, you slowly closed your eyes as she pushed herself back against you. Joohyun’s pussy drenched your cock, allowing you to move freely in and out of her body. Her hips were doing a lot fo work, gyrating in a counterclockwise motion as you held onto them. She spread her legs slightly, allowing you to move in back and forth motions as well.
“Fuck, baby! Fuck me harder!”
Joohyun’s body is pressed against the cold glass as you raise your body upwards and thrust inside her. She tried to look for anything to brace onto, unsuccessful as the door is closed. She is unable to stand properly upright, leaning onto you for support as her small breasts bounced with each thrust. Her perky brown nipples were erect, so sharp you would tease her and say they could break glass. She certainly felt that way at the moment as you slammed your body against hers.
Every thrust of your cock is matched with a muffled moan from you. Her wet pussy was driving you ever so close to your own orgasm.
“Mommy is so close... Are you going to cum soon, baby?” she weakly asked. “Please cum inside mommy. I want it deep inside me. Can you do that for mommy? Can you cum inside me?”
She lets out simultaneous loud screams as you roughly fucked her. Unable to contain herself, she pushes her ass against you as you thrusted into her. Both of you orgasm at the same time - Joohyun letting out a eardrum shattering scream as she cums, throwing her head back as her body succumbs to the pleasure. Her petite body quivers and shakes as her juices drench your cock.
You grunted through the tie, filling her wanton body with thick, hot streams of semen when you cum. Your fingers pressing into her milky skin as you empty yourself inside her. Joohyun lets out a satisfied moan while laughing as she savors the feeling of your thick creamy cum coat the walls and inside of her pussy.
The two of you are gasping, a thin layer of sweat lining your skin as you both catch your breath. Your cock has finally softened, allowing you to slip out of her tight body. Joohyun moans when you exit, the two of you seeing a stream of your hot semen flow out of her and onto her thighs. She is exhausted, somehow managing to find the strength to turn around before resting hers back onto the glass once more. With heavy breaths, she wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you closer to her. She brings her lips to yours, kissing you deeply. Contrasting her earlier actions, you felt her being genuine. Each kiss was full of love, appreciation of you making her feel good. When she finally breaks the kiss, she gives you several more pecks before pressing her forehead against yours.
“Baby... that was so hot. Fuck, I haven’t cummed like that in awhile.” she said, still gasping for air. Her chest heaves up and down, her flushed skin still looking beautiful. You tease her by cupping her breast, causing her to pinch you in the hip.
Reaching behind her to unhook her bra, you watched her raise her arms to remove the distracting piece of fabric. She kisses you once more, stroking your cock to full erection before slowly sinking to her knees. She smiled naughtily, hearing the squelching sounds of her juices and your cum as she spreads them all throughout your length. She sticks out her pretty pink wet tongue and licks you from base to tip.
“Mmm, we taste good baby.”
You looked down and smiled at her, causing her to do the same as she hits her tongue with your cock before parting her lips and taking you fully into her warm and wet mouth. She works with purpose, bobbing her head gradually to establish a comfortable rhythm. You moaned, running your fingers through her long beautiful hair before gripping both sides of her head and thrusting inside her. Not even caring that your mouth was still stuffed with her tie, you could only focus on the beautiful woman using her moist cavern to pleasure you.
It was going to be the start of a lust filled evening. Being the CEO had its perks, you were going to fuck Joohyun until she is forced to call out the following morning.
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heavenlysan · 5 years
Cruel Love (10)
Mafialeader!San | Detective!Reader | Soulmates | Choi San x female reader | NSFW | Explicit language | TW: Hints of domestic abuse |
Words: 3,5
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
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(Y/N’s POV)
I have to admit at first I didn’t want to drive, I’m a terrible driver my car and the FBI’s car had a lot of scratches everywhere and I didn’t want to leave San’s car the same way something tells me he wouldn’t care but I anyways drove as best as I could but keeping it that way was hard since I could feel San’s deep stare while driving, it was definitely making me blush and giving me a thousand thoughts but I tried to ignore it for as long as I could.
“You know you’re not supposed to distract the driver right?” I say with a smile, without taking my eyes off the road.
“I’m not doing anything” He teased
“You’re staring at me”
“I just think you look gorgeous with my hoodie”
I unglued my eyes from the road to look down at my body, shit I forgot I’m wearing his hoodie. “I’m sorry I kept wearing it” He laughs and I chuckle, he sounds more relaxed now but not completely.
“You don’t have to apologise to me” There’s a red light and I take advantage of that to look at him “Like ever”
San is so sweet and I can’t help but feel like shit, my initial idea was doing something good for him to release the noticeable stress he was carrying on his shoulders but while driving I got the stupid idea of taking him to the FBI and forget this beautiful fantasy ever happened. I hated myself for having that second idea so I pushed it back, really back on my mind and threw it in a trash can. Sooner or later I’m gonna have to give Irene all the updates but for now I don’t want to think about that. The light changes back to green and I get back to driving.
“You look tense princess” He says with a frown.
“Is it that obvious oh god” I ask while I touch my cheek as I feel it warming up “I’m a terrible driver” I confess ashamed.
“You’re doing great” I snicker shyly. Anyone else in the world would get nervous if the designated driver suddenly admits they’re bad at driving, why is he so calmed?
“I guess you haven’t seen my car” I say while looking at him for half a second and get my eyes back on the road immediately “But it’s okay we’re almost there" 
"We can play some music and maybe that’ll relax you” I’m hesitant, I think music distracts me even more but San’s hand is already turning on his radio.
“It’s all about finding the right song” The first seconds of around twelve songs passed but none of those convinced him he was about to give up and turn it back off but then he stopped in one and smiled at me “This one is perfect”
“The Beach Boys?” Wouldn’t it be nice was playing, in the corner of my eye I saw him and he looked pleased.
“Yeah why not” He playfully asks “We can sing it together”
“What?” My eyes go wide open along with a smile “You don’t wanna hear me singing”
“It’s only for relaxing purposes princess and wouldn’t it be nice to live together in the kind of world where we belong?” He starts singing and I listen in awe, he had to be sweet, caring, handsome and have a gorgeous voice didn’t he? “Come on this is a classic I know you know the lyrics”
“Wouldn’t it be nice if we could wake up in the morning when the day is new? And after having spent the day together” I stop singing and laugh embarrassed “I can’t but you keep going”
“What? You sound perfect princess” He replies “Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray It might come true”
He keeps singing and clapping his hands and I actually pay attention to the song and I can help but feel upset a sigh leaves my body wouldn’t it be nice if I had met San under different circumstances. I stop the car abruptly and he looks at me surprised and confused.
“I need you to cover your eyes” I say softly he looks at me with squinted eyes but does as I say.
I drive just a little bit more and he grows impatient, are we there yet? He keeps asking and I keep saying no I have to admit he sounds… Adorable.
It looks like it didn’t rain around here and that’s a relief my plan would’ve been ruined a little if it had.
“Okay we’re here but don’t uncover your eyes yet” I say and I undo both of our seat belts.
I get out of the car and a nice breeze of fresh air hits me, this is one of my favourite places so I really hope he likes this. I open San’s door and I walk behind him covering his eyes so he doesn’t cheat.
“Okay here it is” I remove my hands from his eyes and he gasps.
“The ocean?” He looks around completely amazed.
“Yeah but that isn’t all the beauty of this place look up” San does as I say and he looks like an excited child and I smile at the sight of the stars reflected in his eyes “There aren’t buildings around here and as you can see it’s pretty dark and because of that the stars are more visible. And well you see, a sweet and handsome man once told me that after an orgasm you’re supposed to see the stars but I didn’t bring you here to have sex but I still wanted you to see the stars” He looks back at me and a soft smile grows in his face making his eyes slowly desapear.
“How do you do that princess” A confused expression shows on my face.
“Do what?”
“Make my heart flutter”
I felt shivers down my spine and butterflies in my stomach. San you make my heart flutter as well I thought to myself. If someone had told me that I would be feeling this way towards San when I had just started this case I would’ve probably laughed hysterically, and if someone had told me years ago that a man was going to look at me with such tenderness in his eyes and hold me and protect me like I’m the most precious diamond on earth I probably would’ve been sad and mad at them for making such jokes.
“There’s something I want to know princess” He lays his long black coat on the sand for us to sit “I just told you I’m the leader of a big Mafia aren’t you scared or curious about it, you look so calmed”
“Well yeah I’m a little curious, but when you told me about it it sounded like you were nervous about it I don’t wanna push you or something we have plenty of time” He looks touched at my words
“We can talk about it, I trust you enough, ask away”
To be honest I didn’t want more details, the more details I had the more details Irene had. But San wanted to talk about it and changing the conversation would be plain rude.
“How did it started” I say quietly
He sighs but doesn’t look bothered by my question “I didn’t build it on my own, I had a friend and we both worked as hitmen for his grandfather, I started getting closer with him and soon he considered me his grandson too and his right hand, I stopped being just a hitman to be involved in all the things he did as well” he takes a pause to look at me “But then age started doing things to him, he realised that he couldn’t work anymore and he left the big empire he created to the person he trusted the more, at that time we all thought it would be his grandson but he gave it to me”
“Did he die” I ask
“No, he’s still alive but he doesn’t remember a thing I think he still recognises some people but not so much” He says and his voice sounds sad I guess that man is someone San looked up to.
“But please don’t think bad of me princess, I know I was a hitman but I only killed bad people, real criminals, I always did my research and I never killed innocent people—”
I cut him off by placing one of my fingers on his lips I give him a quick smile and I rest my head on his shoulder while holding is hand “You really don’t have to explain that to me” I feel his shoulder relaxing as I let out those words “And what happened after that, it must have been a lot of pressure for you”
“It was, especially since my friend got really mad at me after his grandfather picked me and not him and that’s understandable but I had no control over that, I told him we could work together and make it even bigger but he left and made his own businesses” He rests his head on mine and sighs “After that Wooyoung, Seonghwa and Hongjoong joined me I felt bad since we were long time friends and I knew they had different plans for their lives but I needed men I could trust and they needed money so we worked together, later on Yunho, Mingi, Yeosang and Jongho joined, and we build it even bigger we got deals not only here but outside the country too, like Japan, Italy, Colombia, Mexico and many more and deals with politicians as well, I have control pretty much on everything around here and outside, my old man was scared to get this out of the country but we’re careful with everything we do and it has been going well so far”
I’m left without words, knowing all of this I think I can see and understand what I thought it was his dark side. He has this job not because he wanted to but because someone trusted him. Yeah he killed people but he only killed bad people, while being a detective I’ve known cops and judges who have killed or imprisoned good and innocent people and those cops and judges don’t get the punishment they deserve all because of their high positions those people are the real criminals.
“You still don’t look slightly concerned or scared” He saids and pulls me out of my thoughts.
“You want me to be scared of you?” He laughs as he shakes his head.
“No, I just expected a different reaction”
“It’s because I don’t have or had the best lifestyle and I don’t think I’m in the place to judge you or be scared of you”
“Being a sex worker isn’t something to be ashamed of princess” I wasn’t talking about that, or me being a detective.
“It’s not that, and I’m not ashamed about being a prostitute, I was talking about my past, I think I’ve killed a man” I take a second to process why I said it and why I said it as if it was nothing.
“You think?” He looks confused.
I don’t understand why but I keep going “Do you remember I told you about me being homeless for some time” He nods “And then how a man found me, I lived with him only for a few months, but it felt like an eternity at first I thought I was in love with him he took care of me and paid for my food and other stuff but” I start trembling a little but I force myself to endure it and stop “When I saw myself in the mirror and I finally noticed all the bruises I had I realised that that wasn’t love and I had to leave that place or else I’d end up dead” His chin trembled like he’s holding back tears and that pained my heart “One night I got him drunk really drunk, when he passed out in his room I set the place on fire and I locked all the doors so he couldn’t escape and I ran as fast as possible, so fast and so much that I ended up right here, I cried so much but it felt like a cry of victory not of sadness, I stayed here till the sunrise this place made me feel safe and at peace it became my secret and favourite spot” I sigh “I never went back or tried to find out if he died or survived, I survived and nothing else mattered”
The wind and waves is the only sound, he pulls me into his lap and I wrap my legs around his waist resting my arms on his shoulders. He’s lost at words just as I was after he talked about his life.
“You don’t have to carry that on your own any longer” He said while holding my cheek and he was right, I think at this point he already knows almost everything about me and it felt so relieving letting out all the secrets I held on my own for so long, it felt liberating.
“I just told you that I think I’ve killed a man but you don’t look scared of me Sannie” His sad puppy expression changes into a small smile.
I rest on my back with my legs still wrapped around San bringing him down with me, I give him a quick kiss and as I saw him and his sparkling eyes, his dimples, his gentle touch and my heart out of control I realised something. I like him… so much, and I don’t want to keep this going fuck Irene and this mission she and the FBI can go and fuck themselves, this is the only good and real thing that has happened in my entire life and I don’t want it to end, even if I end up in jail for not following my contract I won’t do this to San he doesn’t deserve this.
“What are you thinking princess?” He asks suddenly bringing me back
“Choi San I think I like you too” His eyes go wide open and his jaw drops, he gets up from our hold and he looks like he cannot believe what I just said, he points his index finger at himself and a soft almost inaudible me? leaves his lips. “Yes you, I like you”
He runs towards the ocean with his arms open “She likes me back” He yells with happiness and excitement as the waves touch him. I run to him and I jump onto his torso, he catches me and our bodies fit so well, Lucy was right and I finally found the missing piece of my puzzle. “Princess with those words you just made me the happiest man on earth” He kisses me, slowly, his hands are on my tights lifting me and I want to stay this close for longer. His lips feel so good pressed against mine, his tongue feels so good dancing with mine.
He walks back to our spot, with me still in his arms, the moonlight covering and protecting us, this doesn’t feel like the beginning criminal and undercover detective, right now this is just us, simply as that. I lie on San’s coat him by my side, he shifts his body to lie on his side, I cup his cheek bringing him closer to me I leave a kiss on his lips a long lasting one and move on to his neck.
“Don’t do that princess or else we’ll end up fucking right here” I laugh at his words
“That’s the point” A sensual grin appears on his face, I want to feel his touch and he understands my begging eyes, his wet hair drips water droplets onto my face. He kisses me rough and I can’t understand how just a kiss gets me on fire, I feel my entire body burning. He brings his hand to my neck and trails it down down the valley of my breasts, down my stomach just with his fingertips until he stops, he lifts my dress up and I no longer feel exposed or shy in front of him.
“Have I told you how beautiful you are?” He goes back to kissing me and his hand back to my stomach right above my underwear. His touch is so slow but he knows exactly what he’s doing. His hand reaches into my panties, and a soft moan comes from my lips and I feel him smiling between our kiss. His fingers move a little “You’re so wet princess, you feel so good” he says as I moan “I love that sound princess moan for me” His fingers go faster, I feel like I’m gonna explode my hands travel to his neck and to his hair, his fingers still inside me going in circles, I bring him closer to me kissing and leaving a mark on his neck, he groans, it’s like music to my ears. “I can’t get enough of you, y/n” it’s been a long time since he called me by my name, his voice sounds raspy and deeper, filled with lust. it sounds so hot when he says it. “I want to kiss every single inch of you” He whispers. I’m hypnotized by his brown eyes staring fervently into mine. He kisses me, his lips are demanding, soft and slow, he leaves a trail of kisses down to my neck, my chest, my stomach, his fingers suddenly stopping and I wanted to scream, I want more, but then I felt something even better, his tongue, this feels like paradise. I run my fingers through his hair, I’m desperate I want him deeper inside of me.
"San please” I cried, his hands squeezing my tights, his lips felt so good, his tongue felt even better, I was moaning out of control. I look down at San looking up at me and grinning, his hair wet and pressed down on his forehead, his tongue extended, my back arched and my legs twitching, I throw my head back and I feel this huge relief. It’s almost painful yet so satisfying. I push him so he rests on his back I get on top of him taking him by surprise he took the lead for too long now it’s my turn. I wanted to kiss him forever, I kissed his neck and he loved it as much as I do. The bulge in his thin boxers growing, I reach down caressing San, Fuck he whines, my fingers go around him and I wiggle them a little. I lean down, opening my mouth I take him in, his moans are desperate and I just can’t get enough of that sound and how I’m the one provoking it, his hips rock upward to meet my mouth. I push myself further, taking all of him in, and look up at him. His eyes are rolled to the back of his head and his breathing is slow and heavy, he looks heavenly.
“Fuck… princess” he gasps my hand moves up and down on the bottom of him as my mouth works the tip. I look up at him and I love the way he is losing control because of me. I pull away teasing him, I get it inside of me all at once it’s painful but I get used to it in a matter of seconds, he wraps his arms around me, He groaned low in his throat when I started grinding against him. I moaned against his lips, his tongue swiping across my top lip biting it down as he thrusts his hips up.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could stay here forever.
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belasims · 4 years
My 2020 Tumblr Top 10
1). 705 notes - Nov 16 2020
Yeti’s Best Life™
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2). 83 notes - Mar 29 2020
One Fo(u)r All CAS Challenge with Donny boy 😄
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3). 82 notes - Jan 3 2020
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4). 62 notes - Jun 2 2020
“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” - Maya Angelou 
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5). 51 notes - Jul 26 2020
Irene vs Shark, Pt. 2
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6). 44 notes - Mar 16 2020
Part of me has felt weird about continuing to post given everything that’s going on, like I’m being insensitive in some way. But then I realized that it can give us a sense of normalcy and enjoyment, which can be therapeutic for many, myself included.
The Simblr community has always been a happy place for so many of us, no matter what is going on in our lives and in the world. I’m so thankful to be connected to such a loving, supportive and creative group of people from all around the world.
So, I plan to continue playing and posting, but I’m also putting it out there that if you are feeling isolated and alone, or just want to talk, feel free to comment on this post or message me privately.
Wishing you all good health, safety and happiness. ❤️❤️❤️
7). 42 notes - Jan 22 2020
These two have a strange way of flirting.😂 (Nathan Drake & Elena Fisher)
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8). 40 notes - Jan 24 2020
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9). 38 notes - May 18 2020
Like mother, like daughter.😋 (Gia and Briony McKenna - DITFT Challenge)
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10). 36 notes - Feb 8 2020
Townie Makeovers
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Created by TumblrTop10
I kinda can’t believe it’s New Years...this crazy year has been a blur! I definitely wasn’t as active or consistent as I wanted to be, but your continued kindness and support on my posts and in my inbox has meant a lot. I’m thankful for you all, my awesome simblr fam, and I wish you a happy, healthy, prosperous and better new year! 💕🥂
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nothingeverlost · 5 years
Finally got to watch Knives Out and I just. Ship it. We both know who I’m talking about, hashtag no spoilers (jk it’s been out long enough now, so what’s their ship name? 😂)
OMG those two.  The way he makes her smile and has to tell her over and over how kind and good she is.  I would so love to see her with him when she’s not scared or sad.  
I haven’t seen a ship name for them yet.  Interesting things I’ve learned while trying to think of one:
Benoit means blessed, to speak well of, the one who says the good
Blanc means white (obviously) fair, bright
Marta means ‘the lady’ or the daughter, the mistress, the wife
Cabrera means place of the goat, the place of the wild animals 
His name specifically seems carefully chosen, tied to the idea of looking at the truth without any other attachment clouding things.  One who says the good is especially poignant when it comes to how he speaks of Marta.
Marta being ‘the lady’ reminds me of Sherlock, and the line about Irene “To Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman. I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name. In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex.”
‘Place fo the goat’ reminds me of sacrifice, and the way the family would have gladly made a sacrifice of her, and the way Harlan wet her up as a scapegoat.
I don’t know that any of this leads to a ship name idea.  
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jils-things · 11 days
“unless they were my romantic fos!!!” YES SAME it’s that bad now I guess waaawaahhh YES I ADMIT I LIKE HIM A BIT TOO MUCH
AWWW YOU THINKIN OF ME WHEN PLAYING NAIB INGAME (I made it, I made it to Naib-crush status in Jil’s brain /jk)
Pls know that you're also on my mind when seeing Steven or Red in Pokemas or Norton (very rarely tho)!!
I’M- YES- I’M THINKING UP A- PARTNER A NAIB PARTNER (should I ask u first if I’m allowed to create a partner for your brother idk would you be ok with that)
H-HE MIGHT REVEAL HIS FACE TO A VERY NICE LADY- ok wait I have to overshare real quick, so I actually have a fewww ideas - she doesn't have a name yet but I think she would be the daughter of some kind of astronomer or researcher idk I like that idea. Annnd Naib gets a job… he has to retrieve a very rare item from a family of astronomers/researchers and Naib thought he would have to retrieve it from the father BUT NO the family member with said Item is the daughter :] I just think this could be a fun concept. And uhhh maybe later he ends up rescuing her from danger somehow and I can imagine her having a very sunshine like personality, so she’s like “I want to thank you :)” and gifts him something (a flower, a small trinket maybe idk) and Naib gets quite flustered about it (but still kiinda irritated/confused? Like what is this? Why am I feeling like this?) and is like “I can’t do this anymore” PFFFTT idk pls let me know if this might be too ooc ;w;
(GIRL I’m scrolling through his gallery on the wiki and I wanna save all of the images and draw him and AGHGHFFDG I EVEN CONSIDER GOING PUBLIC WITH THAT CRUSH AND CHANGE MY BLOG THEME BECAUSE THE BUTTERFLIES IN MY STOMACH GOING CRAZY AGGHHG)
-🐭 anon
thrhretheamount of times i had to look away and just squeal to myself obymhoifd what have i done /pos
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THE FUCKIGGN OVERSHARE. THE SUDDEN SI DROP NO FUCKING WAY‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ WE GENUINELY GETTING AN SI RN?;?;?;?;?;?;? I FEEL LIKE EXPLODING EVEN MORE NOW😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 NAUR IM ABSOLUTELY NODDINH MY HEAD TO THIS CRUMB?!?!?! him absolutely startled by this sweet lady handling such important data... kinda cute ... hes probably thinkijg HRMRMRMMM (I WOULDN'T SAY ITS OOC BECAUSE HES HESITATING W HIS FEELINGS!! ive seen fanart absolutely destroying his personality so YOURE FINE) (my argument that he would feel "the butterflies" with his gift from si is because he doesnt a lot of good things in his past because of war and living not-so-comfortably back then so i think him being given something kind is a nice change of pace for him!!) (ps i think si should treat him to a nice dinner. he is a foodie, i mean understandably so for a fit man!)
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haveyouseenthis · 4 years
Monster is Here and It Feels so Good
Red Velvet’s first subgroup dropped their first mini-album this month, and what a nice distraction it was from my pandemic woes. Red Velvet - IRENE & SEULGI - and don’t you just love what they did with that ampersand? - arrived boldly with Monster, a five-track mini-album that packs some beautiful harmonies and intense eye contact into 16 minutes of play.
“Monster” begins the album with a sinister sound and matching dance. To begin by pointing out the obvious, Irene and Seulgi sound beautiful; it would have been foolish to expect anything else. The music almost whines back and forth behind them in some parts, adding to the danger. The choreography is sharp and intimidating, building and building to the multi-body monster at the end of the song, stepping back and forth as if to look bigger or place us under its spell. The alternating choreo and snaps in the first pre-chorus also support the idea that Irene and Seulgi are controlling us like puppet masters. The music and the dance go back and forth between the pair, emphasized by the snaps they do as they shoot their hand up.
The wardrobes and settings further highlight the control theme. The dress uniformed inspired piece especially serves to show you exactly who is in charge. The setting, like their wardrobe, is grand and foreboding. The stained glass against the dark walls speaks to beauty and danger. There is no question who holds the power in this video. Even when Irene is crawling toward the camera, you feel at her mercy. You are her prey.
I have a small bone to pick with whoever decided to add the visual effects of the devil face over Irene, and I’m not sure I’m totally sold on the ending pose, but really, those are such small details that they don’t affect my enjoyment of the song or the video.
“Diamond” seems to have the pretty standard “there is no one like me” message that a lot of songs coming out right now have, how they have had a long road but now they are at the point that all their dreams are coming true. Granted, I can’t think of one that sounds as seductive as “Diamond” does, but I stand by my main point. “Diamond” doesn’t sound like a typical bragging/uplifting song. It definitely trends toward the velvet side of Red Velvet, pulling you in, seducing you, as if you are the one who is lucky to have this amazing person who is at the top of their game. It’s a beautiful song, but overall it is probably the most skippable song on this mini-album for me. I’m a little disappointed that it’s the second song on the album. Maybe they just wanted to make sure track two didn’t sound exactly like “Monster,” but I sometimes feel a little let down by how much it pulls back when I listen to the album straight through.
“Feel Good” seems like a better follow up to “Monster” in my opinion. It’s making good on those threats and promises made in the title track. “Monster” is the warning and “Feel Good” is the action. Both songs focus on a speaker who enjoys creating chaos and pain in their lover’s life. Both songs reveal a twisted side of their speaker. If “Monster” is the nightmare, the thing that keeps you up at night, “Feel Good” is it come to life.
Similar but not quite exact is “Jelly,” a song that takes a more playful approach to the games we play in relationships. I don’t know if I’d go so far as to say this relationship is a healthy one, but it seems a lot more loving than “Monster” and “Feel Good.” The flirting between the two and the reactions are sweet like jelly, making the speaker want to stay in the relationship more and more each time.
“Uncover” feels a little strange to talk about considering it’s only sung by SEULGI. Did they not have enough songs to fill out the album? Did they just have this song lying around and not know what to do with it? It’s a quietly beautiful motivational song, only making it sound more sincere. Don’t be afraid to let yourself show, the speaker implores, let your true colors shine.
Overall, I like this mini-album. Irene and Seulgi are a great pairing that brings a lot to the table. I love seeing and hearing the two of them together. I can’t help but compare the sub-unit to Red Velvet though, and I don’t like that at all. Still, I can’t help it. The sound of many of the songs reminds me of something I would hear on a Red Velvet album, and the concept of dangerous yet alluring women is something Red Velvet has in their sandbox. It makes me wonder if their group was planned, or if the sub-unit was something that came together after Wendy’s injury. It’s a little disappointing really. I don’t want to keep comparing IRENE & SEULGI to Red Velvet. This is a separate project, and it deserves to be recognized as such. But here I am, saying I’m so happy to have finally gotten a Red Velvet fix after waiting so long.
Final Song Ranking
Feel Good
Uncover (last only because I don’t think it’s fair to count it)
A “Naughty” postscript:
Fun song, but that choreo though! That has to be some of the most complicated and entertaining choreography I’ve ever seen Red Velvet do. It really shows off their talent.
Bonus Features
FO Squad Kpop MV Reaction Video
FO Squad Kpop Dance Performance Reaction Video
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peachesandfiction · 4 years
Red Velvet’s reaction to their princess! girlfriend choosing them over their betrothed on the wedding day
A/N: this was actually kinda cool to write and would be down to write out out a fanfic for it if you guys wanted me to. Although for a fanfic I would do a lot more research than I did for this bc it would be hard to keep it as vague bc I was already having difficulty keeping this vague.
You looked longingly at Joohyun as you were led down the isle. She tried her best to ignore your stare while she helped situate the rest of the band to start playing the melody in time with your steps. Finally pulling away your stare, you focus on the alter in front of you that was growing closer and closer with each step, your betrothed smiling at you, but your lips quivered. You were released into their hands as they led you to the alter.
The man standing before you two, called out, “speak now or forever hold your peace.”
With your heart racing, you push back from the alter. “I object,” you sternly stated, despite your hands shaking. Without letting anyone speak, you hurry over to Joohyun, who stood there shocked. She had been ready to sing once you kissed your betrothed, but she wasn’t prepared when you threw yourself into her arms, causing the two of you to stumble and fall. Ignoring the gasps of the crowd, you pressed your lips onto Joohyun’s and at first she tried to push you away, “you’re making a mistake,” her lips clumsily said as your continued thematically against hers, but then she felt the hot tears that dripped from your cheek to hers. Not being able to hold back any longer, Irene pulled you closer.
There was a loud commotion behind you two, but neither of you listened to it. Instead, you pulled Joohyun’s arm before she took the lead and hurried away with you. Your feet pulling you to the secret location the two of you met for weeks when it was announced who you would be betrothed to. Once there and out of breath, you still continued to kiss Irene.
In between kisses, she breathed, “you are- fucking- crazy. I- love- you,” until she finally melted into the kiss, her hands pressing into your cheeks to wipe away the tears as some of her own rolled down her cheeks.
She had accepted that you two would never be able to be together ever again, and despite not knowing where you two would go from here, she decided that it was still worth the fight.
You two stood in the empty corridor before the huge set of doors that will lead you to your betrothed. Seulgi smiled sadly at you, twirling your hair between her fingers. You reached up and stilled her hand, pressing it against your cheek, “I wish I could be marrying you right now.”
“Either way, I’ll always be yours and be here for you.” Seulgi pulled her hand away, making a last few adjustments to you, “there we go, ready to make your way down that aisle and to becoming the greatest queen of the decade?”
You shook your head, feeling tears warm your cheeks.
Seulgi bent down and gently patted them away, careful not to ruin your make up as she smiled at you, “you can do this. I will be right by your side.”
“I want to marry for love,” you broke down into sobs, your knees buckling to the floor. Seulgi bent down and let you crawl into her arms, your face pressed into her shoulder as you hiccuped, “I want to marry you.”
Seulgi ran her hand up and down your back as she tried to calm you down. When you were finally sitting before her, pressing your fingertips under your eyes, Seulgi finally talked, “I wish we could live in a different world, a different time where we could be together, but can you imagine the outrage right now if you don’t do this wedding? All that is at stake.”
You took a deep breath before looking her in the eye, “ can you do me one last favor?”
“Anything for you, my love.”
“Let’s run away. Just for today. Have one last escapade before I am tied down to this Kingdom and treaty forever.”
Seulgi hesitated, “you do know what will happen if you don’t walk through those doors.”
“I’ll handle it tomorrow. Please, I just. I need you. One last time.”
“This isn’t going to be the last time, is it?”
You shook your head, “not unless you want it to be.”
“… I don’t.”
“Good, let’s go to our usual place. Please.”
Seulgi nodded, helping you up and leading you away from the doors.
As it grew closer to you saying, “I do,” Seungwan couldn’t take it any longer. She slipped out of her seat, apologizing to the people around her before trying to make a swift get away. Of course, you had already been watching her from the corner of your eye, so when you started to see her walk over to the door way, you could feel your heart drop. The man next to you cleared his throat, pulling your attention back, “do you take-”
You cut him off, shaking your head.
The entire crowd stands up as you pull out of your betrothed hands and hurry down the hall. “Seungwan,” you almost screamed, causing her to stop and turn towards you. Her eyes were wide as you threw your arms around her. “I choose you,” you whisper in her ear as you spin the two of you.
“What,” Seungwan stuttered, “ but what about-”
“My title is not worth losing you.”
“Y/N, but you-”
You stop her with a kiss before pulling on her arm and away from the audience of people, “we have to get out of here. Remember when you joked about running away?”
“Y/N, it was just an insane thought, a joke.”
“Please, Seungwan, I want to be with you and marry fo love not treaties.”
Seungwan wanted to protest, but when shouts started up, she was quick to pull you away.
The two of you kept running and running until you found yourself in the middle of a field, unsure of where to go. Seungwan sat you down, “we should rest her for a while. Since it seems like we are going through with this, where would you like to run away to? It can’t be anywhere in the country, since you will more than likely to be noticed.”
“You really mean it?”
Wendy let out a breath before smiling and kissing you lightly on the cheek, “yes, I want to be with you as well.”
“Sooyoung, wait up,” you called as you hurried after her. She turned around, confused on why you were leaving your dressing room with your gown half undone and barefoot, “Sooyoung, please, get me out of here.”
“What? Y/n, are you okay?”
“Sooyoung, I can’t do it. I want to be with you.”
“Y/N, we’ve talked about this.”
“I know, but I changed my mind. I don’t want to lose you.”
“you could never lose me.”
“Then why were you leaving?”
“You having to marry someone who isn’t me isn’t something I want to see.”
You stood there quiet, looking Sooyoung in the eyes as tears filled yours. You look out the window near by and towards the doors you were supposed to be walking through in just moments before turning your eyes back to her, “take me with you.”
“Y/N, you can’t just run away and get out of this marriage. We were never meant to be. You are next in line for the throne, you have to do your duty.”
You shook your head, “no, no I don’t. Someone else can take the throne, please Sooyoung, I can’t do this without you.”
“What happened to the Y/N before the betrothed who was sworn to her kingdom? Who said she will do anything to protect her people?”
Falling silent, you eyes fall to where your hands had subconsciously taken hers.
“Y/N, you have to do this. I’ll be back one day, alright?”
You watched her pull her hands away before she pressed a kiss to your temple. She smiled at you, “I love you, now go back into that dressing room and make yourself the beautiful and strong queen that I know you are.”
“Can you promise me one thing,” your voice sounded small.
“Come back to me, no matter where you end up on your trip, please find your way back to me. If I have any say, this marriage wont last long and I’ll search endlessly to be with you, so promise you will be there waiting for me when I do.”
Sooyoung with tears filling her eyes, nodded before letting you pull her into a kiss that held more sorrow than anything.
“Now go. If you don’t, I-I don’t know how much strength I’ll have to go through with this.”
She slowly walked away and once she was around the corner, she slid down to the ground crying before pulling herself together and hurrying out of the palace and towards her ship that was awaiting her.
You two were in the dressing room, Yerim was playing with your hair as you watched her in the mirror. It was quiet, a somber mood spread between you two, but she took a deep breath and let your hair fall from her fingertips, “you should smile.”
“I can’t,” you said as you stood up and walked over to the window, watching the last few guests mingle before heading inside.
Yerim made her way over to you, wrapping her arms around your waist and resting her chin on your shoulder, “you look beautiful. That’s a good reason to smile. You are the prettiest bride I have ever seen.”
You let your shoulders fall as you turned to her, “too bad I’m not your bride.”
“Forget it,” you said as you held your hands up before making you way over to the mirror again. While fixing a bit of your make up, your lips twitched into a smirk, “I have a plan.”
Yerim hummed from where she sat.
“I’ll cancel the wedding.”
Yeri let out a laugh until she saw your eyes from the reflection in the mirror, “baby- I mean Y/N.”
“Please don’t stop calling me baby,” you turn back towards Yerim. As you begin to pace within the room, Yerim’s eyes follow you like a tennis match, “I can’t choose anyone who isn’t you. I only want you.”
“Baby, you’ll only start a war,” Yeri started, but you cut her off.
“Then so be it,” you said, ignoring Yerim as she tried to stop you. Your feet pulled you to the doors, throwing them open and startling the people nearby before making your way over to the alter. You stood before the entire crowd, your chin high as you called out in a projected, calm voice, “the wedding has been cancelled.” Commotion spread throughout the room, but you raised your hands and caused them to quiet down just as Yerim hurried through the door. She stopped halfway down the hall, her eyes wide. You let your hands fall before continuing, “there has to be a better way to make an alliance that doesn’t have to be in a loveless marriage.”  
Your eyes fell onto Yerim as you slowly made your way to her. She shook her head, but you continued on your way, entangling your hand in hers. Her hair curtains her face as she leaned towards you, whispering, “Y/N, don’t do this.”
You press your lips onto hers before answering back, “I have to.” The crowd seemed to lean forward, waiting for you to finish your statement. You tighten your grip on Yerim’s hand before facing them once again, “as next in line for the throne, I ask all of you to trust me.”
Backlash had started to spread throughout the crowd and Yerim quickly pulled you out of the room and towards the dressing room once again, locking you two in there. Through the door, you could hear the guards voices as they tried to settle and clean the mess you made, but you couldn’t stop smiling. Yerim almost felt like she was losing her mind, “what was that? Y/N, did you expect anything else than that happening?”
“I mean, kinda? I hoped they would have a bit more trust in their own ruler.”
“You are absolutely insane,” Yerim stated, but took you into her arms, “but I love you because you are.” Before you could say anything else, Yerim kissed you hard and fast. Pulling away once more, she asked, “how do you want to go about cleaning this mess?”
“I think first I want to marry you.”
Yerim could feel her cheek flame, but she laughed, “I think first, we need to find something else to seal the treaty that isn’t you marrying someone else.”
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narutosfrog · 2 years
"𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙮" — 𝙇𝙪𝙛𝙛𝙮'𝙨 𝙏𝙬𝙞𝙣 𝙎𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙓 𝙕𝙤𝙧𝙤, 𝙋𝘼𝙍𝙏 𝙊𝙉𝙀
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cw: oc!protagonist, unhinged protagonist, Luffy's twin sister, mentions of death, grief, mentions of imprisonment, violence, mentions of Garp beating his grandkids' asses up, Zoro being a literal caveman as always, mentions of scars and serious injuries
tropes: fwb, forbidden love, brother's best friend, commitment issues, abandonment issues, daddy issues, mommy issues, Franky and Robin being parent figures, trauma, grief
Spoiler alert: Dressrosa Arc
Flashbacks will be signaled in pink and in italics while places will be signaled in purple!!
I added a playlist for Zoro and one for my OC, so that you can kinda catch her vibe and enjoy the music as you listen!!
— TAG LIST: @cameshitpost @herbo-logia @irenered-20 @unstable06 @toraochi @cuddleymoonbear @boggiesho @nerdyphantomlady @hppy-fandom @damnednerd @doodlingpizza @megumiiichanie @rosiepetalss @yua-himari @lynnsemptymind @beclover @desiray562 @ahseyy @chanyeolscoon @touyasfatcock @lovingyeets @mugiwaraelly @joyfullyinharmony @umiexe
If you want to be added to the tag list, please comment🤍
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Punk Hazard
"You can have another plate, everyone!" yelled Sanji, "C'mon, people — this food won't go to waste on my watch."
"I want more" whined Luffy, "I'm hungry, it's too good."
Sanji rolled his eyes and handed him another plate, trying to hide a smile. "You should let the children eat first."
"Huh?" said Luffy with a grin, burying his spoon in the soup, "They're not special, I don't care."
"You never change, do you?"
Zoro chuckled under his breath, as the Marine next to him opened a barrel of sake. "Oi, quick with that" he groaned, "Or I'll have to finish it too fast."
The Marine laughed. "Yeah, finish it." Then Zoro started drinking and he stopped laughing.
Meanwhile, Robin was cackling as the children attacked Franky, snickering nonsense about robots. Brook was chatting with Kinemon and Momo. Law was brooding in the distance as he talked to Smoker and Chopper and Nami were just done having a conversation about the kids with Tashigi.
"It's just right that way" she sighed, reaching the others, "She's a Marine and a woman — I trust her enough."
Usopp smiled. "Does she make you think about your mother?"
Nami was just about to answer when a woman about her age approached her. She was a Marine too and gave her a bright smile. For some reason, she looked familiar.
"Hi, sorry — I heard the conversation and I thought this was the right moment to talk to you" she giggled, "Can I speak to the Captain?"
Usopp raised an eyebrow. Everyone was approaching Luffy quite freely so he didn't really understand why she was asking. "Huh... Why, though?"
The Marine giggled again. "I'm a fan. So, can I? Later, before you leave."
Nami sighed, still weirded out. "I guess, we're already partying with you lot anyway. But can't you come now?"
She smiled. "No, he'd choke on his food."
Chopper tilted his head. "Huh?"
"See you later."
And she left without a word.
Nami exchanged looks with Usopp and he shook his head. "Thank heavens you trust women who are Marines, right?"
"Well, I guess every clique has a weirdo. Like us with you."
"You're a fucking witch, you know that?"
And Nami giggled, while they reached the others.
When the kids had already gotten on board and the Marines were about to leave, Nami looked around. "A Marine wanted to talk to you" she told Luffy with a shrug, "Apparently she changed her mind."
Luffy cackled. "Nevermind. She must've forgotten."
Then he heard a voice, coming from above the Sunny, as if someone was facing down to look at him. "I don't know, have I?"
Luffy immediately turned around. And, when his eyes met her face, it took a moment before his heart dropped to his feet. That face... He hadn't seen that face in years and yet it couldn't have been anyone else. So, shaking from head to toe, he managed to choke out her name.
"Lu... L-Lucy?"
"You'll meet another boy" said Garp as they all walked through the forest, "His name is Ace and he is three years older than you two."
"Where are you going?" the little girl accused him, a pout already forming on her face, "Why do we need to stay here?*
"I'm a Marine, I got work to do."
"Boring," huffed Luffy.
"Yeah" she repeated, sticking her tongue out, "Boring."
"Oi, brats!" yelled Garp, the vein on his forehead ready to pop, "You will become Marines as well, do you understand?"
"Nah" they said in unison, "We're gonna be pirat —."
And, before they even finished the sentence, they were both rewarded with two of Garp's famous love-punches, right on top of their heads.
"Behave, you two! A woman is going to take care of you." As those words left his mouth, he pointed at a hut.
When he knocked on the door, said woman opened it and stared at Garp in shock. His presence was bad news already. Then, she saw the two little kids and repeatedly shook her head. "Two more?" she yelled, her voice shaking.
"Do I need to remind you that I could arrest you?" he threatened even as he smiled. Then, he turned to his grandchildren. "This is Dadan, she is the woman who will take care of you."
"That little brat Ace is already enough!"
"Dadan" Garp continued, ignoring her complaints, "This is Luffy and this is Lucy, they're my grandkids."
"They're twins, it's like having only one of them."
"What do I care if they're twins?" screamed Dadan, "I refuse!"
In the end, Dadan had to wrap her mind around it. The twins were hell but, at some point, she had to get used to it. Ace was another story. It took months before he started to be nice to them and, when he did, it was after the twins had to go through hell for him and Sabo — so he kinda felt like he had to. And Dadan had gained another kid.
"Lucy?" repeated Usopp.
"You know this Marine?" asked Nami, as Luffy tried to stammer out his words.
"She's..." he babbled, as tears pooled in his eyes and a shaky smile appeared on his face, "She's my twin sister!"
The crew fell into silence for a second before they all screamed in unison. "Your what?!"
Lucy threw herself off the Sunny right into Luffy's arms, as they both sobbed and laughed at the same time, tears of joy flooding their faces. He surrounded her waist with his arms multiple times, screaming incomprehensible words and gaining a load of equally incoherent ones in return.
"Twins," declared Robin, quite convinced.
"How come you never tell us about your siblings?" yelled Zoro.
"And this one is a Marine, too," said Usopp as he shook his head.
"How is she so beautiful and his twin at the same time?" mumbled Sanji.
"Now I see why she looked so familiar," said Nami, still stunned.
"I see the resemblance, too!" agreed Chopper.
Brook laughed quite nervously. At the same time, he was endeared in seeing such a sweet reunion. "Yohoho! It's quite ironic that she's a Marine, though. And a seemingly high rank, too. Look at the coat."
"Great. Fucking great," seethed Law.
"Right?" snarled a chained up Caesar, gaining a glare in return.
Zoro narrowed his eyes and held his tongue. Judging from her uniform, she was probably a Captain or a Lieutenant-Commander. He couldn't wrap his head around how the hell Luffy's twin was a goddamn Marine. He decided to keep quiet until they were done crying like children and to just watch them.
Luffy broke the hug and cupped his sister's face, studying every single detail of it. "I haven't seen you in six years" he sobbed, as he sniffled to keep himself from covering his face in snot, "I thought something happened to you!"
"I'm sorry" she stuttered, her voice breaking with anger and sadness, "I tried to get to you and Ace in Marineford! I tried, I — that traitor locked me up in a Seastone cage and I couldn't —."
Before she could finish, Luffy covered her mouth and hugged her again. "Don't be sorry" he whispered, "I'm sorry I couldn't save him, I... I'm sorry."
Lucy bit his hand — which left Luffy somewhat shocked but not really surprised — and grabbed his cheeks, staring into his eyes, which perfectly mirrored hers. They had the same exact eyes. "You know what, stop. We shouldn't blame ourselves. Ace wouldn't have wanted that."
Luffy attempted to smile and he melted again in her hug. She held him tighter than he thought she would be able to and smiled wider, in silence. She was strong.
"I've kept track of you" she murmured and Luffy felt the smile in her voice, "I'm so proud of you — now I'm here to keep my promise."
Zoro tilted his head as Luffy let out an excited giggle on her shoulder.
"Promise?" he thought. He couldn't know, of course, about that promise she had made six years before.
He couldn't know about Garp's insistence on making them Marines. He couldn't know about Lucy's decision to just oblige and go with him. But, especially, he couldn't know about what she had told her brothers before she left.
"I'll go with grandpa" she had announced, "I'll go and I'll become a Marine."
"What?" Ace and Luffy had screamed in unison.
"Are you fucking mental?" Ace had yelled, "You're thirteen, you're not going anywhere."
"You're supposed to become a pirate! That's your dream, what are you even talking about?!" Luffy argued, possessively grabbing on her hand. He didn't really want to separate from her.
"Just listen!" she protested, slamming her hand on the handmade table, "I have a plan."
Ace clenched his fist and kept arguing. "I'm your older brother and I say —."
But Lucy didn't give him a chance to finish and stuffed a leaf she had found on the floor right into his mouth. "Oi!" she scowled, "Get your head out your protective asshole and listen!"
As Ace tried to spit out the leaf and all the mud that came with it, Lucy managed to explain.
"I'll go and I'll become a strong Marine. A lot of the strong ones get Devil Fruits, right?" she asserted, "I'll become very strong and then I'll escape and I'll become a pirate like you!"
Luffy was nervously quiet. Ace opened his mouth and closed it again.
"If you do that..." Ace had murmured, "If you do that and they catch you... they will execute you."
Lucy had laughed. Her laugh was pretty. Contagious. "Catch me?" she had ridiculed, "Catch me how?"
Luffy broke the hug again and brushed his fingers on a scar he didn't recognize, right in the middle of her forehead. He furrowed his eyebrows and she giggled, like she used to do when she was a child to keep Ace and Sabo from worrying. Now Luffy was old enough to understand and to worry about her as well.
"I have so many things to tell you," she said, ruffling his hair.
"Keep them for tonight" he decided, finally letting a grin form on his face, "We're giving you a welcome home party."
Then he helped her up and turned to his crew while snickering. "This is my twin sister, Lucy" he loudly announced, "Meet the new member of the crew."
While Robin, Chopper, Brooke and Franky greeted her quite dearly, the others were... uncertain.
"Isn't she a Marine?" questioned Zoro.
"Was" Lucy corrected him, "I was a Captain, to be precise."
"If you're not a Marine anymore, then why are you wearing the uniform?"
Lucy scoffed. "Ever heard of an undercover mission?" Then she turned to Luffy, a giggle erupting her lips. "Is this really your second in command?"
Zoro clenched his jaw and Luffy laughed as well.
"She's kidding," he told Zoro.
"Am not," she contradicted.
Luffy interrupted her by covering her mouth. "It was all part of a plan from when we were children. We'll explain tonight."
Lucy bit his hand again. "Just tell him now, he will relax."
"Stop biting me!" Luffy yelled, even as he cackled.
"When you stop covering my mouth, moron!"
"You're making everybody nervous!"
"Well, what can I say? I made an outstanding entrance."
Zoro snapped his fingers twice. "So? What plan?"
Luffy exchanged looks with his sister and giggled to himself. The thought of having her back made him insanely happy. So, he turned to his crew and explained everything.
After listening to the story, Zoro blinked a few times and barely relaxed his shoulders as the crew stood there, shocked. "That is a weird level of commitment," he observed.
Lucy shrugged. "I did what I had to. Does anyone have a change of clothes?"
"I do," said Nami. Considering Lucy was Luffy's twin, Nami was barely surprised so it was pretty easy to move on from the knowledge she had just acquired.
"Great" she smiled, "Thanks!" And, before they climbed back up on the Sunny, she gave the crew an apologetic smile. "Hope you don't mind that I left my stuff on the dock."
Franky shrugged. "No, sure —," he was saying. Then, he saw an enormous pile.
A huge backpack was laying open on the dock, drenched clothes spilling out of it. Next to it, weapons. Weapons of any kind. Metal bats, knives, brass knuckles, whips and two magnificent swords.
"So cool!" yelled Luffy, immediately running to look at the weapons.
"Oi, don't touch the swords!" she seethed.
Zoro blinked, as Lucy protectively grabbed the swords to fix them in her belt. He wanted to throw himself off the ship. "Are you a swordswoman?" he asked.
She proudly smiled at Zoro. "Yeah" she simply said, chuckling under her breath, "You know, my teacher knows yours."
Zoro lightly scoffed. "Fuck my life," he thought. He couldn't seem to escape swordswomen. "Well, I assume Mihawk knows an awful lot of Marines."
She raised an eyebrow. "Sweetheart, who ever talked about Marines?" he taunted him, as she took off her Justice coat.
Zoro gritted his teeth at the pet name. Sweetheart.
"Ever heard of Red-haired Shanks?"
Luffy immediately dropped his sister's metal bat, gaining an hiss from her. "What?! Shanks? Shanks taught you?"
Zoro's eyes widened. "You've been taught by an Emperor?!" The way he said that, it almost sounded like an accusation.
Usopp's knees seemed to have lost solidity. "What kind of siblings do you have?" he told Luffy.
"I told you I have a lot of stuff to explain," she laughed.
Meanwhile, Robin was giggling. "Luffy has such an interesting family," she said to herself.
Chopper was screaming about how cool it was along with Franky, while Brooke and Sanji were simply forcing themselves to look away as Lucy unbuttoned her shirt right in front of everyone. Nami noticed and laughed nervously, grabbing Lucy's hand to walk her to the girls' bedroom.
"Lucy, let me show you our room so you can change" she said, gesturing Luffy to take care of his sister's stuff.
Zoro watched her disappear into the room, her shirt hanging off her bare shoulder despite the cold weather, and glanced at Luffy, hinting at Sanji — which now had a nosebleed — with a movement of his head. "You need to tell your sister she can't take her clothes off in front of everyone."
Luffy shrugged. "She will probably tell me to fuck off, but I'll try."
Then they both grabbed Lucy's stuff. Luffy emptied her backpack and hung her clothes to dry, while Zoro took care of the weapons. He was silent throughout the whole process. He was bothered by the fact she was a swordswoman — he couldn't help it. He was also bothered by the chance that, given who her teacher was, she could've been better than him. He shook his head. Yes, she was taught by an Emperor but Mihawk was the best swordsman of the world. As he was deep in his thoughts, something in the pile of weapons caught his eye. Handcuffs. Seastone handcuffs. They seemed detachable, as if they could turn into bracelets.
Zoro clenched his jaw and jiggled the handcuffs over Luffy's face. "What the fuck is this?"
Luffy tilted his head and shrugged. "And what do I know?"
"Look, Luffy, you know I appreciate meeting your siblings but don't you think it's weird that she has spent her life being a Marine and now she's here with a pair of Seastone handcuffs?"
Luffy chuckled but Zoro could sense he was a bit upset. "Zoro, she's my sister... my twin sister" he said in a low tone, "You need to relax — if you care so much about the handcuffs, ask her."
Zoro sighed and left, just as Law approached Luffy, probably to discuss the new entry as well. Meanwhile, the Sunny had sailed and Sanji was frenetically cooking, so that last detail meant the Party was still happening.
The weather drastically changed and everyone abandoned the heavy clothing. Zoro was still holding the handcuffs and he sat on the dock, waiting. He decided he would've confronted her. He didn't trust her — why would he?
Brooke was preparing to play and Franky was setting up fireworks. Zoro sighed and shook his head. He got up, tired of waiting, and reached the girls' bedroom, ready to knock. Just as he was about to, he heard a voice behind him.
"Looking for someone, sweetheart?"
Zoro turned around, narrowing his eyes.
Lucy had changed into some of Nami's clothes. Her tanned skin was mostly exposed. She was wearing one of those useless short tops that Nami loved so much, with long sleeves but made of a fabric so see through that it was almost like wearing nothing. At least, the fabric wasn't white but of a light mint green colour. Other than that, she was wearing a cover up that looked sort of like a skirt but tied on her side.
But Zoro didn't even notice the clothes or the way they suited her body. He was too focused on the number of scars that covered her body. On her arms, her legs, her chest, her abdomen, her neck. Everywhere. He furrowed his eyebrows. Was that the treatment in the Marines or was all of that courtesy of the Emperor? Enemies, perhaps?
As she saw him stare in silence, she smirked. "Like what you see?"
He ignored the comment and stared into her eyes. Then, he held up the Seastone handcuffs. "Why do you have these?"
Zoro saw her relaxed face change slightly. Her expression barely hardened and yet it was that noticeable.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" she said slowly.
Zoro remained silent, waiting for an answer.
"Shanks used to put them on me during training — I'm a Rogia" explained Lucy after a while, her cold eyes not leaving Zoro's, "He used to say that if I didn't know how to win a battle by using my swords alone, without my powers, then I wasn't cut out to be a swordswoman." Then, her gaze turned venomous. "Happy?"
Zoro gazed down at her, almost displeased with the answer. It was a reasonable explanation and yet he felt nervous. He wasn't satisfied, for some reason. "That's how you hurt yourself this way?"
Lucy furrowed her eyebrows, almost startled by the question, and Zoro froze. He really didn't mean to ask that. He had no idea how that came out of his mouth — what did he care, after all?
"Yes," she answered, after a moment. Then she cleared her throat and raised her eyebrow in a playful look. "But, you know, not all of my scars are from that. Some are from my time as a Marine. Some from when I was a kid. Some from battle."
Zoro tilted his head and stared for a few seconds. He studied her face. Her brown eyes mirrored Luffy's, except for the fact she had longer lashes. His brain kept registering more and more details. Full brows and high cheekbones. Straight black hair which framed her face and fell all the way down her back. Full lips and a straight nose covered with little freckles. Her cheeks, another thing she had in common with Luffy, were adorned by dimples. And, right under her eye, a scar just like her twin.
Before he could stop himself, Zoro grazed a finger over that scar. "What about this one?" he asked, almost abruptly, "It's just like Luffy's."
Lucy's gaze followed his finger and a mischievous smile appeared on her face. She liked the fact that he was interested — it was enough to lighten her bad mood. "Me and Luffy were idiots and we stabbed our own faces to convince Shanks we were tough enough to join his crew."
Zoro couldn't help but chuckle under his breath. "Sounds like something Luffy would do.
"I'd like to say I'm the responsible twin, but..."
Zoro was so caught up in the conversation he didn't even notice how close she was to his body.
"If he's the responsible twin," he said, scanning her whole face with his eyes, "then you're definitely bad news, doll."
Lucy smirked, slightly biting her bottom lip. "Bad news?" she repeated. She tried to ignore the way the pet name made the blood rush to her belly. She brushed her fingers on his chest and gazed up at him through her lashes.
Zoro held his breath for a second and took a step back, as he gave the handcuffs back. "Sorry about the 'cuffs" he said rather dryly, "They're throwing a party for you, so... catch'ya later."
Just as those words left his mouth, Brooke started playing and Lucy sighed, shrugging. She opened the girls' bedroom door enough to just throw the handcuffs inside, then she followed the music.
Hey sweeties!! I wanted to write more but I lost a ton of fucking progress by accident and I'll lose it if I have to write it again. I'll just post this part and pretend it never happened 😃. Next parts will be much much longer!!
Lemme know if you wanna be put in the tag list and what you think so far!!
I'll tell you in advance, the next chapters will have some pretty serious trigger warnings about violence and death so be careful before you read.
Ily all🤍🤍🤍
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The Day Magic Died - A Merlin Oneshot
I, Impudent Miscegenation, of Tumblr (dot net), do not own or have any affiliation with the creators of Merlin. All rights respectfully go to: Jake Michie, Johnny Capps, Julian Murphy, Julian Jones, and BBC1 Entertainment. I don’t gain material profit from my works featured here, I write for my own amusement.
Full Summary: Merlin realized, too late, that the ephemeral nature of man leads to a blatant disregard of heritage. Further away from magic does humanity slip, and the world is made all the worse for it. (Modern Era)(Canon Compliant)
Author’s Notes: I’ve been thinking about the phrase “when Albion needs him most”, being when Arthur will return. This is the result of that line of thinking; I may continue but let’s just call it a one-shot for now. No beta, we die like men, even if I did try to edit it well myself. If anyone has ideas on how they would want to continue it, and adopt this plot bunny, feel more than free, just credit me and give me a link so I can read it! Also, if it’s in italics, it’s the character’s thoughts!
WARNINGS: Major Character Death, Mentions of Major Character Death, Illness, Petrification (turning to stone)
Story under the cut.
The Day Magic Died
If someone were to ask the warlock Merlin when magic went into decline, he’d probably say that it started with Uther Pendragon and his Great Purge of Magic. He would also likely mention that King Arthur was to have mitigated some of the atrocities committed against magic by his late father had his life not been cut short at Camlann.
The truth of the matter was that the fall of magic happened slowly over the course of a thousand years or so. The Purge was certainly a catalyst but the complete destruction of magic could not be done in just one human lifetime, or even two.
The dragons were the first to die out. They were followed swiftly by the griffins, wyverns, and hippogriffs. Then gone were fairies, dwarves, elves, gnomes and trolls. When creatures of magic became myth alone, the world’s shift from magical to mundane became much more dramatic in a short span of time (at least, short for the immortal Emrys).
Healers were known as doctors, pyromancers became pyrotechnicians, evocationists turned to theology, and history was rewritten by hands that didn’t trust in the magic of the natural world. The druids lost their way, disbanded, and joined the rest of magic as legend. Remnants of their clans scattered and the modern world dubbed the descendants of their gentle souls “hippies”. As the Old Religion grew older and was forgotten, Merlin realized that he may be the only true magic practitioner left in the world.
Humanity, callous and ever-marching forward, favored the development of their technologies, their industry, over the preservation of the natural world. Ambitious fires consumed lands of wonder for the sake of progress. The future was steel and concrete, after all, so who had the need for an enchanted forest, anyway?
Merlin realized, too late, that the ephemeral nature of man leads to a blatant disregard of heritage. Not that evolution as a whole was a bad thing, but did it have to come with such sacrifice? Try as he may to convince the strangers of tomorrow that magic exists, and has existed for all time, his labor yields no result. (“Your sleight of hand is amazing; do you give lessons? I’d love to be a stage magician!”)
Further from magic does humanity slip, and the world is made all the worse for it.
War and famine tear through continents, hate and lack of common ground inciting violence as the answer. Death and destruction rule over peace and prosperity but Merlin knows that he, alone, cannot bring magic back to this world.
He is magic given form, of course, and is well aware that magic is dying.
Merlin stares at his haggard reflection through a dirty, cracked mirror.
He feels weak, his body like lead and spirit slowly breaking. Despite this, his magic chooses to youthen his appearance. Such a thing has happened previously, in his many centuries, and gives him little pause anymore. The difference is that, this time, it drains him. Utilizing any kind of magic tended to do as such these days, so Merlin made a point to avoid using his gift as often as was feasible.
Before him is a man of thirty or forty-some years. Untamed black waves, flecked with silver towards his ears and wet from a recent shower, are slicked back and reaching the base of his neck. He'd recently shaved his face; the first time he’d done so in perhaps seventy years, mind, and he bore the cuts to substantiate that fact.
Despite being more clean and groomed than he had been for a while, Merlin still looked like death. His complexion was so white it had a nearly translucent quality, blue veins pronouncing themselves starkly where they were close to the surface of his skin. The dark, almost bruise-like color surrounding his eyes wouldn’t go away regardless of the fact that he’d been spending most of the past few weeks doing nothing but sleeping. The deep blue that had once reflected light and happiness had turned a stormy gray that sluggishly pleaded for an ear to listen, a mind to open, a heart passed childhood to believe in magic.
The warlock grimaced at the corpse-like figure reflected back at him. I have studied, I have counselled and been counselled in turn, I have searched realms beyond ours for answers… For all that I have done, what have I wrought?
Over a thousand years of waiting, trying to spare creatures of magic, even those he’d fought against in his youth, if only to prevent the inevitable downfall of his kin. Centuries of searching for hints or whispers, making friends with those who still believed, when there was the occasional kindred spirit. (Merlin had later discovered that many of these ‘kindred spirits’ were also very much addicted to taking LSD, but he liked to think of their discussions more than that fact.)
Merlin had not been idle while awaiting the return of his king, that was for sure. He had been appointed various titles, given different jobs, and even has made himself entirely unknown in the many years of his unending life. Recalling a few brought a smile to his face. He had been a counsellor, a poet, a bard, and a spymaster. He had also been an artist, an author, a bartender, and a professor. All that time, and yet nothing he did seemed to help, or matter really, in the end. Magic was still dying.
He was so tired of being tired all the time. Not for the first time, Merlin cursed his druid name and with it cursed his immortality. What he wouldn’t give for the slumber promised by death’s kiss.
Merlin decided that he needed a walk, a long walk to some heavily forested area. He always seemed to feel better among the towering oaks that could relate, at least somewhat, to the inequities of long life. Perhaps he could shake off his melancholia with some good, old-fashioned isolation. Leaving the dingy motel room he’d decided to call home whilst staying in Inverness, Merlin looked to the dreary, gray clouds looming overhead. There were still no whispers of magic.
Avalon’s lake is still yet again, Merlin thought, crestfallen, as he did so every day, Albion must not need you yet, Arthur… I wish you’d come back; I need you, I don’t want to do this alone anymore.
Merlin stopped in the Ness Islands, having stepped away from the trail and into the heavily wooded areas around it. A small stream of water cut through the earth at his left, winding carelessly through the trees and stretching beyond view. Merlin cupped fresh water in his hands and used it to clear the sweat and grime from his face, before taking a moment to ponder his reflection again.
He appeared even younger than when he'd left, an adolescent just approaching manhood stared at him from the clear water. He looked younger than his magic had ever made him appear before and Merlin wondered why that was so. He looked as he did when he arrived in Camelot for the first time.
The bone-deep exhaustion had only gotten worse as he walked, and Merlin suspected that this was due in part to his inadvertent age regression. Moving to lean against a large tree, the warlock drew his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. Resting his chin atop his bony knees, Merlin sighed his weariness and his eyes, if not the rest of his face, betrayed his long years.
Merlin knew that he would wait however long he needed to for Arthur's return, would gladly do so, but his heart ached and his mind was now more than ever prone to wandering. Was destiny a lie? Was he doomed to wait an eternity for a day that will never come? He was always poised for the day that King Arthur would return to him, yet every day he would feel nothing from Avalon. The water remained irenic, despite his clever and colorful foul-mouthing of the few remaining Sidhe.
So he continued to wait, to move forward but never move on, and try to make the world a more magical place in the process. He'd failed, of course. Just as he'd failed Arthur, failed Camelot. He had failed everyone in his life, including himself. His most recent years were the most melancholic he had ever truly allowed himself to be, simply because… he was so tired.
He moved, his forehead on his knees, and was the perfect picture of grief.
Under a canopy of shimmering stars, Merlin wept for his years of loneliness, his truest friends long dead. He wept for the withering magic of this world, and for Arthur. He always wept for Arthur, the man who'd once told him never to cry over such loss. But, then, when had Merlin ever listened to Arthur anyway?
It was a while before the tears stopped but, even when they did, Merlin found that he didn't possess the strength to move from his position. He was only able to lift his head, watching the bright colors of the sunrise dance across the sky.
The world was still beautiful, the world still held wonder, and for those reasons alone, Merlin knew that there was some magic there, there just had to be. The warlock smiled to himself, half-delirious with the sudden wave of comfort that overtook him as the birds began to coo in the trees.
He leaned to the side, a leg tucked underneath him and propping his head up with his hand, elbow on his other, raised knee. In the palm that didn't support his head, he produced a small blue butterfly, its wings shimmering with gold as they flapped. Merlin hummed in contentment. Despite the fact that this measly butterfly had likely tapped his magical resources out for the next several hours, Merlin decided in the moment that it was worth it.
His fingers gently closed in on the magic butterfly and it fluttered in his loose fist. If the butterfly didn't dissipate by the time he woke up from a brief nap (thus returning the magic to his body), he would release it in hopes of the butterfly unleashing some magic into the world that so desperately needed it. Sapped of energy, Merlin closed his eyes and allowed himself to succumb to sleep.
The warlock never woke.
Starting with his lost, grieving heart, the immortal Emrys turned to stone.
Merlin’s true age caught up with the stone epitaph he left behind; hundreds of years worth of damage from the elements and plant growth spawned upon the almost unrecognizable statue.
The butterfly fluttered in its stone prison for a few moments more before settling, presumably to wait.
Hundreds of miles away, a lake whose surface had been placid for centuries began to ripple.
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mychakk · 5 years
Fanfic Questions: 1, 10, 41?
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
Hm, the first fandom I got active in, made some friends online and all, has been definitely Harry Potter. It has been my introduction to fandom and a very glorious positive experience. I ship Harry/Hermione and back then there used to be this big safe harbour for Harmione shippers (called back then Harmony shippers): Portkey.org. It was this huge website with independent fanfic engine, art gallery, fic rec platform (you could rec fics from ff.net, livejournal, there was this big HP archive too, and from Portkey.org iteslf), there were also forums devided into many subcategories, off topic, shipping wars (but civilised it was the rule otherwise you're banned), meta (boy the metas there!), challenges (like fic prompts). And the whole community was awesome. Like really awesome. Many wonderful people. The website was under hacker attack twice, they tried to recover it after the first one, but it has been down since the second. There is now a ghost archive, an unofficial website with the fics, that a few fans managed to recover. It was a huge loss.
Before that. I definitely read some fics for other shows, I think The Pretender (TV series), might have been the first one. I actually wrote my first fic for that one (in my native language. It was so dragging even I got bored rereading it 😅😅😅🤣🤣🤣)
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
There have been a few. I generally start with reading and if I get succked in deep enough I generally end up writing something. But in the last year or so I've definitely read some fics for How To Train Your Dragon, MCU, One Punch Man, Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. Before that I've definitely visited The Big Bang Theory, Agatha Christie's Poirot/Marple, The Pretender (I haven't published that fic XD), CSI, Monk, Sweeny Todd, Pirates of the Caribbean, Man of Steel, The X Men (the first movie trilogy), Lie To Me. Generally if I like a show/movie/books enough i tend to check out the fanfics. I sometimes get hooked and sink in deeply, and sometimes it just passes after a while.
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
I'm going to cheat with this one 😛 because I like to reread stuff, and this question made me think of stories I want to reread I'm rereading. I'm also going to post stories for some other fandom I've read.
1) How To Train Your Dragon: Two stories:
The Choice by reens (the first movie retelling with a twist: arranged marriage. One of my fav tropes, ships: Hiccstrid, and Rufflegs, status complete);
The Becoming Trilogy by Midoriko-sama: part one Becoming Lífþrasir (Canon Divergence in the middle of first movie, but story is set up five years later. Ships: Hiccstrid and Rufflegs). Part two - Winter in Líf's Holt (Direct sequel, when a war approaches). Part there Meeting at Iðavöllr (connected one shots) This series has character development, fabulously complicated relationships, and epic tale. It's a helluva long series, but so so worth it. Status complete.
2) Harry Potter - Two stories:
Harry Potter and the Prince of Slytherin by The Sinister Man (oh, look it's a WiP, so I am technically still reading it XD) this is another helluva long read. But it's so so good. It does drag a little, but the reimagned HP world is just wow; things are the same but nothing is the same. Its It's currently in book 3, Harry is a Slytherin, it's a wrong boy who loved trope, no ships so far, and nothing is sure here. Also, if you think you know what's coming think twice, and trice. Gilderoy Lockart will blow your mind. Also, Peter Pettigrew. Gosh, this story is really that good. But be warned it is very very long and still wip. It is regularly updated.
The Wise One Trilogy. Complete. It's a retelling fo the books with a premise that Harry is taken by Sirius way before his Hogwarts letter comes. We follow both the pair on the run and the Magical World as it deals with the presumed death of the Boy Who Lived. : Book One: Becoming, (follows Harry's years from 8.y.o to 14/15 y.o.), Book Two: Awakening (follows Harry's years from 15 to 18/19) Book Three: Being (The Aftermath of the war). It is Harmione, Sirus has an OC romance. But it's not that big part of the series. It's a fabulously thought out what if. Characters are wonderfully developed. Drama, angst, growing up.
3) Vendetta by avidbeader Set between TBB and TGG, s1 complaint but with hints of sherlolly. Molly's life is threatened and Sherlock takes things into his own hands. Definitely a rec. I've been meaning to reared it for a while.
4) As You Wish by Alydia Rackham Set in ASiB, after Christmas, as Sherlock deals with Irene's death Molly comes to read him a book. Two words: Princess Bride. Go shoo read!
5) The Third Guest by Fireplum (and its sequel). Post TRF. When Molly distances herself Sherlock cannot compute it. It's a very good story, even though Molly's first portrayed accordingly to the general interpretation of her based on s1/2 but she is bamf in this one too. Because of that Sherlock undergoes a breakdown in a way ;)
Ok, I gotta go. I love doing fic recs.
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