#winds got away from me
luimagines · 11 months
pspspspsps may i have a scenario where the boys receive a kiss from their crush thamks
- bestie anon
You got it, Bestie! o7 :D
Prepare for massive pining.
Content under the cut!
Time was having a hard time coming to grips with himself.
He would watch you from afar. Making sure that you were well taken care of and that all your needs were met. He didn't want to admit that he may have given you special treatment compare to the others but it was something that he didn't how to properly control.
The worse part of it was that he was beginning to suspect that you knew and were thus preparing to use it to your advantage.
"Time." You called to him as a warning before you latched onto his arm. 'I have a request."
Time looks to you, unaware of the soft look he gives you. "What is it?"
You don't miss it either, subconsciously matching it with your own. "I wanted to take a few of the boys down to the river to teach them some tricks of the trade that my father showed me. You're the head of group so I wanted to pass it by you. Is that ok?"
His heart flutters, betraying him over the severity of your questions. But it's light and there's little that needs to be done in the immediate. He sees no problem with it. Besides, how long would it take you to get there and come back? A few hours? The whole day? Either way, it's unlike you stay away past sun down.
"Sure. Thank you for taking it into consideration." He smiles. Although, it's not as if he's their father. They're free to do whatever they wanted for the most part. But it's nice that you thought about him.
You grin and pat his shoulder. "Any time. I suppose you'd like everyone to return before nightfall?"
Time clears his throat for a moment. Yes, that was exactly what he was thinking. How did you know?
With a small nod, he meets you head on. "If possible."
You nod back and lean in to kiss his cheek. "Then we'll be back before dinner."
You turn on your heel, as if nothing has happened and start gather a few of the younger members to take them on the short trip.
Time however can feel the very well crafted and fortified walls of his psyche crack slightly. Admittedly, he was caught off guard. But there was something in such a simple moment that only endeared you more to him.
It was so sweet. You did it so quickly. Were you even aware? Was that planned?
The moment replays in his head and he's forced to cover his face. He's a grown man- surely he would be past this level of fluster and tame the butterflies that tickle the inside of his torso.
His hand comes up and covers his mouth, slowly inching up to cover the rest of his face. That was cute. You're cute. And nice. And pretty. And delightful. And he's doomed.
Hopefully no else saw that.
Twilight was almost certain that he was in love with you. Call him dramatic or exaggerating- but he was about 87% certain that he knew this feeling and that it was going to lead him down a very familiar path.
Part of him wanted to nip it in the bud and cut it off before it became anything larger than he knew he was capable of handling. The other part of him threw a fit at the thought of doing that.
He wants to be by your side and make you smile and laugh and make you pretty things and make sure that you're happy and- and- and-
"Hi Twilight." You hopped right next to him with your hand behind your back. "You seem deep in thought again. Care to share?"
Twilight clears his throat, ignoring the way he wants to blush at being caught. Even fi you have no idea what he was thinking about. "Nothing too bad. Just some things about our next steps. Sorry if I worried you."
You hummed and grabbed his arm, leaning on his without a care in the world. "Apology accepted. Here I thought that you had some dark secret or something that was eating you alive and would inadvertently change your life forever whether you kept it to yourself or told others."
Twilight chokes on his own spit. That's one way to say it.
"It can't be that bad." He tries to brush it off. "I was a little lost in thought, that's all."
"Hm..." You don't seem to believe him. "Alright. Keep your secrets, Mr. Man."
You lean over, kissing the corner of his mouth. "Just don't get too lost in thought anytime soon. Wild is about done with lunch. That's what I wanted to tell you. Anyway- that's all!"
Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute- Twilight tries to reach for you but you dance out of his range. What was that about?
You don't seem to want to acknowledge it but Twilight knows that it's going to be around in his head if he doesn't get any answers!
You laugh under your breath but he hears it. Something clicks in his mind to catch you. To get you to explain yourself. But also- something in him just wants to run.
So he starts to do so but you seem to catch on to what he's doing and also take off running. You take a turn away from the camp, trying to lose him in the surrounding thicket.
It excites him and he pushes himself faster to catch you.
Come back here!
Wild was watching you play a card game with Warrior and Legend, keeping them close to your chest as you looked at your opponent with a mischievous gleam in your eye.
Twilight snickers beside him. "They're going to notice."
"No they won't."
"Yes they will."
Wild rolls his eyes, turning to the other hero to face him head on. "No, they're not going to notice me. I am stealth and secrecy. I am invisible-"
"Wild, do you want to play with us?" You shout, still keeping your cards close even as you wave to him. "This game is really easy to learn if you're interested."
Wild chokes on his own spit as he looks back to you. This could be a chance to get close to you. Physically anyway. He can keep himself in check as he plays a simple game. You don't have to know how much he's been fantasizing about holding your hand or playing with your hair.
Twilight starts snickering a little louder, albeit trying to keep himself quiet. He's fails. But Wild wants to keep in mind that at least he's trying.
"Maybe!" Wild stands, decided to take the chance. "What do I have to do?"
"He can't join yet." Warrior points out. "Not until the match is over. It's too late to deal him in."
"Oh..." Wild tries to not sound too disappointed. "Next round then."
Legend is too focused on the game to comment but he plays down another card, only for you to cheer and place a different one. Legend curses as you take a small pile of acorns in the middle that they had piling up.
"One more and they win, Vet." Warrior hisses.
"I know! Don't remind me!"
You laugh and give a small wink to Wild. "Let me wipe the floor with these two first."
Wild can only smile. "I hope you win."
You grin, hopping up to give him a quick kiss to his cheek. He gasps but you seem none the wiser. "I'll take that as my good luck charm! I'm winning this!"
He coughs again, feeling himself grow a little hot under the collar. "As long as it's painless!"
Warrior places down another card, which Legend seem to take advantage of- but you cheer again and win the game.
"Woo hoo! Let's go again. Thank you Wild!"
"Champion, help us." Warrior groans. "This is the third game in a row."
Wild sits down next to you, struggling to keep his composure. "SuRe. How do I play?"
Four was going to lose his mind.
Here you were, helping him with fixing his tunic, and being incredibly close to his body, while also marginally whispering in his ear through the entire process.
It was maddening.
Four was trying his hardest to keep a straight face as you worked. What had happened was that he was working on sharpening your sword, as a request when you had tried to sit next to him and sliced the embroidery on his tunic.
He thought you were going to start crying with how apologetic you sounded. Between mentioned that he was doing you a favor to ruining something that had taken a lot of time, you had offered to fix it for him in return.
He didn't expect you to run off and come back with a small sewing kit and get to work right then and there.
"Again- I'm so sorry-"
"I know. You've said that ten times already." Four snorts, moving his arm out of the way so that you could reach it better. He doesn't expect you to lean closer, borderline putting your face against his chest as you work with the flayed threads.
Four can feel his cheeks start to burn and he has to look away. He's glad you're not in a position to see him at the moment. He's not sure if he would be able to handle himself in what would be considered the correct and polite way.
He coughs once and slowly moves his arm over your head. "It's not as bad you think it is. It's made in a way where it's easy to fix. It's not the first time this has happened."
"Really?" You seem to calm down. "What happened the first time?"
"I was wearing in the forge because I had a few orders backed up." four admits with a small laugh. Stay cool. Don't worry about your proximity. He's fine. He's totally fine. "I managed to get most of my work down, but at the cost of the treads. The designed has changed after some time."
"Oh thank god." You give a little bow with your head. "Because I had no idea what it looked like so I just planned on winging it and hoping that you didn't notice."
Four laughs and shakes his head. "I mean... I probably would. But knowing you did it would just make it more special."
"Really?" You snap your head up and you're nose to nose with him. "Ah- Sorry."
You pull back, before something comes over you. "Oh, what the hell!"
You kiss his the tip of his nose and grin. "In that case, I have to make this extra special then! Just you wait, Link! It's going to look... mediocre. But with feeling!"
Four has completely checked out at this point, feeling his blush finally push past his defenses.
"I'm glad you're ok with this. I still feel really bad."
"...I think I owe you now."
He knew he was doomed before anyone else did.
It was a quiet thing at first. It usually is. It was just a little look here, a short conversation there and a giggle and a blush the next minute then a blinding smile the next.
Legend knew his patterns better than anyone would have been able to guess. He knew the route he was on. And he a afraid of going any further down the familiar road.
"Good morning, Legend!" You raised your hand in greeting.
Legend ruffled his hair, shoving his hat over his head. With a yawn, he waves back, ignoring the giddy way he feels knowing that you've called out to him specifically. "Good morning."
"Sit next to me! Breakfast is almost ready!"
He nods, making his way over to the log by the fire. He sits and tries to rub the sleep out of his eyes. "What's on the menu?"
"Eggs and bacon." Wild answers easily.
"I've never had bacon." You say absentmindedly. "So I hope it's good."
Wild looks up for a moment before he looks back down into the pan. "These have to be the best bacon I've ever made."
Legend snorts. "It's bacon. That's pretty hard to mess up."
"What do you usually have for breakfast, Legend?" You bump your shoulder with his. "Bacon and eggs."
Legend yawns again, shaking his head. "Just some bread and cheese usually. Nothing fancy."
You nod and rest your head on his shoulder. "I would always have a bowl of oatmeal...but I guess that's a bit harder to find while you're traveling than the rest of it, huh?"
"A bit." Legend rests his head on yours. This is ok, right? If you did it first, then it should be fine. It's safe, platonic, good. It's nice. It's doesn't have to be anything else.
You sigh before you lift yourself off of his, giving a quick kiss to his cheek. "I suppose it's just as good as everything else."
Legend's brain stops working. His eyes widen and all thoughts cease.
Wild had missed it thankfully, but the captain was already awake, along with the Rancher and the Old Man. They all send him knowing looks and smirking smiles.
Legend coughs. Where did that come from? Why did you do that? Why was that so cute?
It was the final nail on the coffin. Legend finds that he's fully embarrassed and unable to keep his head up, even while you're right next to him.
You laugh at his reaction, pulling away slightly. He stops you from getting too far despite his better judgement. You snort. "Too much?"
"The day just started." Warrior snorts. "Go easy on him."
You nod, still smiling. "Alright then. I will. Sorry Legend."
"It's fINe."
More giggles follow, and Legend realizes that he doesn't actually care that much. It's such a lovely sound.
Hyrule didn't know just how soft the world could be, not until he met you. It was hard to explain. One moment it was life or death and the next is was tender touches, feather light whispers and stolen glances.
His heart fluttered at the thought of being by your side. He gets nervous and shy but happy and playful. It was strange to feel a mix of everything soft but good and light.
His life was always full of intensity whether he wanted to acknowledge it or not. He was always on the move and everything was big and bright and bold. Suddenly, when he's next to you, it all comes to a stop and it's quiet. It's sweet and lovely and new and just as exciting as everything else.
"You ok?" You asked him out of the blue. You bumped your hips against his and it's enough for him to struggle to meet your eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Hyrule laughs nervously, ruffling his hair for good measure. He hopes that he doesn't seem too strange or weird. He just wants to have a good time with you today as you all make your way to the town. "Sorry, I'm just thinking about some stuff."
"Must be pretty serious." You nod, putting your hands behind your back. "It has nothing to do with me, does it?"
You're being cheeky but it's closer to the truth than Hyrule wants to admit. He coughs, hitting himself in the chest a few times for good measure. "You'll never know."
"That's a yes." You laugh. "What's it about? I'm not annoying you, am I?"
"Of course not!" He snaps to you, horrified about the implications. "I love hanging out with you! I would never think that!"
You snort, beginning to pink up a little. It's a lovely shade on you, Hyrule realizes. And they way you giggle, hiding your smile behind your hand simply makes it a sweeter image in his mind. "Rulie, I was kidding."
His mind comes to a screeching halt.
"...Oh." Hyrule can feel his face pink up a little as well. Perhaps he came on a little too strong. "Right...I knew that."
You giggle even louder and pat him on the head before you toss your arms around his shoulders. "You're a sweetheart, Traveler. May you never change."
You then give him a big kiss on his cheek, poking it for good measure as you tease. "You're too good for this world. I might just have to take you home with me."
He gulps, biting his lip in an attempt to keep his cool. "CoOl."
He loses it.
With his voice crack, he gives up completely and hides his face behind his own hands. You seem to find it more amusing, laughing louder at his expense.
"Don't worry, Link. I love hanging out with you too."
Bury him, this is embarrassing. He thought he was better than this... At least you seem to be having a good time.
Warrior was about to have a crisis.
Why were you so alluring? How can someone do everything so perfectly? How is it that he makes himself look like an idiot when he so much as opens his mouth when he talks to you?
Warrior knew that this was a dangerous road he was on.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he tries to keep the idea that he's being watched, either by Lana or by Cia. He can't afford to step out of his place. To be close to you would just put a new target on your back.
Granted, he knows that she's changed... supposedly. He has no reason to trust that Cia would be able to control herself if she couldn't do it the first time around- Ganondorf or no Ganondorf.
And here he was, spending more time trying to impress you and get your attention that he knew it was worth.
"Found a new target, lover boy?" Twilight knocks the side of his head, sitting down by his side. "You know you can ask for a painting of them. It would last longer."
"Shut up." Warrior punches him. "Don't make it weird. They're just... very nice to look at."
"Don't say a word-"
"Hey!" Twilight calls out to you, getting your attention. You wave back and jog over.
"What's up?" You put your hands on your hips. Warrior can't believe this. He so needs to get back at Twilight for this. This is just cruel.
"The Captain and I need a third person opinion." Twilight explains naturally. Warrior has no idea where he's going with this. "Would it be better or worse if we were to compliment you on your hair today?"
You snort and raise an eyebrow. "I beg your pardon?"
"You're pardoned." Twilight smirks. "Warrior wasn't so sure if he should say something but I'm under the idea that he should."
Warrior coughs. Is he being helped or dragged alive? He's lost full control of the situation. What is he supposed to do?"
"Aww!" You grin and lean down to kiss his cheek. "Thank you very much, Captain. Just say so next time."
He makes a choked sound before he nods. He's surely blushing. You're little snicker is all the confirmation he needs.
Twilight gives a lazy salute. "Thank you for clearing that up Darlin'."
"Any time."
Warrior turns to Twilight as you walk away. The Rancher has the most face splitting grin he's ever. "You're welcome."
"You're horrible."
"I believe a thank you is in order."
You were so pretty, Sky sighed into his hand. And so sweet and sassy. It excited him. It caught his attention in more ways than he thought possible. He wanted to know everything you had to say. He wanted you to be happy and he wanted you to be safe.
He wanted to be your friend and he wanted you to like him so bad.
Sky knew that he was a romantic at heart and he knew (at least in some degree) that he was slowly crushing on you.
Not that he had any chance with you. He wouldn't dare be that hopeful. You seemed to get along better with Legend and Four than with him and he was ok with that.
He'd just admire you from a distance.
At least that's what he told himself.
"Hey." He approached you one day. He noticed that you had done something different with your hair and well... no one else commented on it. That's what people like, right? They change something up and get a compliment on it and it's nice, right? He's not overstepping some unspoken rule, right? There's no way he can overthink a simple compliment, right?
You turn to him, all smiles and oblivious to his internal turmoil. "Hey Sky! Good morning!"
He can feel himself flushing. Why is he already embarrassed? He didn't even say anything yet! He can't jump ship now!
"Good morning." He replies back, losing some of his bravado. He shouldn't say it. Oh, but he already has your attention. You're going to ask him if he needs anything. You're going to ask why he called out to them. You're going to ask him what's on his mind and he's going to have nothing to say to any your questions.
"What's up?" You pull some of your hair back and Sky's heart flutters with the movement.
"You changed your hair today." He admits softly. He anticipated your question yet it still managed to catch him off guard. There was no way for him to even remotely change the pathways in his head. He might as well be honest. "I thought that it looked really nice. I wanted to tell you that."
You blink before beaming.
He's aback by your reaction, but at least you seem happy.
"Oh Sky! You're a sweet heart!" You cry, leaning over. You kiss his cheek faster than he can react and poke his nose. "Thank you! I'm really happy with how it came out. I have to go help Time with something real quick, but I'll talk to you later, ok?"
Sky nods, not trusting his tongue.
"Thank you, Sky!" You call out as you walk away.
Sky takes a shaky breath. He didn't anticipate that reaction. His mind betrays him as it replays the soft touch of your lips against his skin. His hands come to cover his face as he falls into a squat.
That was cute. He's doomed.
Wind (Reader is same age as Wind)
Wind was hiding behind a rock, watching as you fluttered around the camp. You'd spend a little time between each guy, watch what he was doing, ask a few questions about it, then move on the next one.
They all seemed to give you a little bit of time to tell you about themselves, their hobbies, they're hopes, their passions and maybe, if you smiled sweetly enough, they would tell a little story as well.
It was driving Wind crazy.
It was taking too long! Each guy was getting their turn but never once looked around for him! He was cool! He had stories! He could make stuff too!
He huffed and tossed himself on the side of the rock, sliding down his hiding spot with his arms crossed. Some guys seemed to be annoyed when you talked to them, but he wouldn't dare treat you that way. They should feel honored to have your attention.
You were so special. You were wonderful. Incredible. Breath taking.
Wind jumps and pulls his arm away from the rock. He had gotten cut. Great, another disappointment. Wind pokes it, watching as little beads of crimson blink up at him as he shifts. "Ow."
"Are you finally going to come out, scardy cat?" You teased popping your head around the rock.
Wind jumped again, hiding his arm against his side. He says your name, because it's the only thing he can think to do. "H-hi!"
"I've been watching you." You continue to tease. "Just like you've been watching me! What are you doing over here anyway?"
"Um. I...Was..." Wind can't think of a lie fast enough. Given the way you raise an eyebrow, Wind knows that he also has his lying face on. He sighs, suddenly feeling stupid. "Hiding."
"Hiding?" You don't sound impressed. It's another hit to his pride. "Hiding from what? Get up, dork."
You giggle and grab his arm. Wind hiss and you drop him like a hot potato. "Wind?"
He looks back to his cut. There's more blood than before, but it's not the worst cut he's gotten. It just stings.
"Oh...oh my god, when did that happen?" You drop to your knees, taking a rag from your belt, to wipe the blood. "Wind! When did you get hurt?"
"Not long ago." He pouts, letting you do whatever. It's too late for him. There's no coming back from this. "It just happened."
You frown, putting pressure above the cut. Wind hisses again but doesn't move away. "No wonder. If Warrior saw this, you wouldn't get your sword back for a week."
"He acts like my dad." Wind gripes. "Who let him do that?"
"You do."
You laugh again, pulling the rag away. It appears that the bleeding has stopped. "Don't be stupid. Come hang out with the rest of us. It's not the end of the world."
"Why not?"
"I don't wanna."
"Pleeaasee?" You pout back, gesturing to his arm. "I'd even kiss it better."
"No, you wouldn't-"
You reach and take his wrist, pulling his arm away so that you can kiss the spot where he's hurt. Suddenly, it doesn't sting so much anymore.
He flushes a deep red color while you look... not that much better actually. "There. Come on. It's all better now."
You get to your feet and pull him up. Wind follows you without a second thought. Both of your faces are flushed with embaressment.
"What happened to you two?" Time raises an eyebrow.
"I fell." You blurt. "On top of Wind. Not my great moment."
Time hums and turns to Wind. "Is this true sailor?"
Wind curses in his head. Time has some knowing look on his face. He doesn't like it. Not trusting to speak, and only feeling more shame creep up his neck, Wind covers his face and nods.
Let them guess. He won't talk about it.
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sneez · 25 days
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an illustration i drew for the fic i wrote recently (which you can read here if you are interested) :D please don't tag as body horror or anything similar [id in alt text]
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bigfootsmom · 1 year
Slow dancing for the soft prompts?
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“C’mon, up you get.”
Eddie’s voice cuts through the gentle hiss of rain against the windows and the soft staticky music leaking from the small radio perched next to the fridge. 
Buck lifts his head from where it had been resting on his folded arms, blearily searching the now dark kitchen for his husband. He can feel the beginnings of a headache pounding in his temples and his mouth feels like he swallowed sand. 
“Wha– what time is it?” Buck asks, throat clicking as he tries to rewet his mouth. 
Scrubbing his hands over his face, Buck twists in his kitchen chair to look at the clock hanging on the wall. It takes him a moment to read the small numbers, but when he does finally manage it he’s surprised to see how late it is. He had planned to already have dinner ready, but the remnants of half completed prep is strewn around the countertops. Halfway through preparing the food, Buck had to sit down at the kitchen table — the ache in his leg becoming too persistent to ignore.  
“It’s time for you to go to bed,” Eddie hums, smoothing a warm palm across Buck's shoulders. Buck leans into the contact, shifting toward Eddie’s warmth like a sunflower seeking the sun. 
“Mm— not tired,” Buck mumbles, tilting his head up for a kiss. 
Eddie complies with the request, easily planting one against Buck’s lips before asking, “oh really? Why were you sleeping on the table then?” 
Buck sags, knee and hip twinging as if to remind him why. “I was just resting.” 
Calloused fingers card through his probably wildly unkempt curls, and Buck finds him sinking more and more against the solid warmth of Eddie pressed against him. Just when he thinks he could actually nod off like this, Eddie breaks the silence. 
“Is your leg bothering you?” 
Biting his lip, Buck sighs as he spins his wedding band around his finger. The warm metal glints in the lowlight of the hall light filtering into the kitchen. There are more days than not that his leg ends up bothering him. But that’s to be expected when he had fallen through the floor of a burning warehouse and landed on his previously crushed leg. Today is just particularly bad. 
Buck had known it was coming, had woken up with the telltale stiffness in his joints. But he had ignored it, not bothering to do any of the stretches his PT had taught him, hoping to muscle through like he used to be able to do. He knows that was stupid of him. There’s a small curl of embarrassment settling in his belly, and he debates not telling Eddie. He doesn’t even have a good reason he can provide for why he didn’t do anything. Not one he can articulate at least. 
In the end, he decides he doesn’t like lying to Eddie, even by omission. “Yeah, it is.” 
“Did you do your stretches?” 
Buck’s silence is answer enough and Eddie nods to himself. “Okay, c’mere.” 
Eddie gets a big hand wrapped around Buck’s bicep and helps him stand from the kitchen chair. Buck goes willingly, letting Eddie pull him up and into his arms. 
At first, he thinks they’re just embracing, and he’s not complaining about it, soaking up all the heat radiating off of his husband. Then Eddie starts rearranging Buck’s arms, getting them loosely looped around his neck before Eddie’s palms slide to Buck’s waist, holding him gently. 
The music coming from the radio is low, too low for Buck to identify the song that’s playing. But he can hear enough to realize that Eddie is moving them in a slow shuffling rhythm around the kitchen that matches the staticky rhythm humming through tinny speakers. 
“Babe, what are you doing?” 
“Dancing— we’re dancing,” Eddie replies, swaying their bodies together as they rock side to side. 
Buck shoots Eddie an incredulous look, but he just leans forward and kisses it off Buck’s face. “We can do your stretches instead, if you would like?” 
With a laugh, Buck shakes his head fondly. “You’re ridiculous,” he mutters, but continues to follow Eddie’s lead, letting himself be slowly spun around the kitchen. 
It helps. The ache doesn’t leave him entirely, but the stiffness slowly bleeds from his joints — the slow gentle movements of their “dancing” and the warmth of Eddie helping to ease the persistent discomfort. 
Gradually, Buck finds himself relaxing, allowing more of his weight to settle on his husband. Eddie accepts it gracefully, a pillar of strength against Buck. 
“There you go, baby,” Eddie murmurs, pressing a kiss to Buck’s temple. 
Tucking his head into the hollow of Eddie’s throat, Buck sighs out, “thank you.” 
“Always,” Eddie says as if it’s just that easy. 
Maybe it is. 
send me a soft prompt and I'll write a little something!
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tossball-stick · 7 months
so in episode 1 of tales. where did vaughn and rhys get the handcuffs. huh.
did they just. have them??? did vaughn just come out of his room like "ok rhys im ready for pandora!!" and he randomly handcuffed the briefcase to his wrist and rhys was like "???? where did you get thos" and vaughn interrupts like "OK RHYS IT SEEMS LIKE WE'RE READY!!! LETS GO DOWN TO PANDORA TO MAKE THAT DEAL. NO TIME TO KEEP TALKING ABOUT THIS"
or like. did rhys have them. did he see vaughn holding the briefcase of money and go "hm. he needs a bit if freakiness to his fit" and just. put vaughn in cuffs??
how did they decide who would be cuffed to the money. because rhys seems like. the infinitely better option here
i mean. come on. rhys has a super strong robot arm and also isnt so small and lightweight that he'd blow away in a breeze, like vaughn would
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fiona-fififi · 3 months
Make me write game 💕💕💕
💕 Post vow renewal
Okay, so technically this is well over 9 sentences, but I do believe I only actually added about 12 (maybe a little more). Several parts of this section were already written, but I added in multiple spots to link pieces together and flesh out the scene, so I figured I'd offer the whole thing. I have not proofread it, though, so please forgive any awkwardness or typos because I'm sure there are plenty.
And then Buck's reaching, but Eddie's pulling away, shifting himself up and off of Buck's body, off of the bed, and Buck feels himself panic, a quiet plea of Eddie's name pulled from his lungs before he can stop it. But Eddie's there, still so close as his careful fingers strip away the last of Buck's own clothes, discarding them in some haphazard pile beside the bed as he murmurs gentle reassurances that have Buck sinking back into the mattress beneath him as Eddie works. 
When Eddie finally, finally manages to strip them both down, Buck is lost, all thought swept away at the sight of Eddie bare before him. Before Eddie can find his way back, Buck is reaching for him, gentle fingers tracing soft skin that stretches over hard muscle, dipping into the divots of Eddie's abs before tickling back over his hips as Eddie crawls back up over him. Buck sighs into the feel of Eddie's lips trailing kisses back up to his mouth, whines softly at the feel of Eddie's skin against his own as Eddie blankets him once more, not a breath of space left between them once Eddie settles back in above him, petting gently through Buck's hair as he presses delicate kisses over the sensitive skin of Buck's face. For long moments, Buck lets Eddie play, gives him all the access he needs to explore, but when Eddie's mouth tickles over a particularly sensitive spot beneath Buck's eyelids, he can't help the way a quiet giggle bubbles out of him. It should be embarrassing—should leave him shying away—but he's not, can only smile bright and content, as Eddie shifts back just the tiniest bit, just enough to let his eyes trail over Buck's happy features, and then Eddie's smiling, too, and chuckling just a little, those eyes full of all that soft, hazy brightness Buck had never quite learned to read until this moment, and Buck is absolutely giddy with it when Eddie finally whispers "you're beautiful, sweetheart.”
There's so much behind it—Eddie's words so full of the delicate devotion he's shown Buck from their very beginning, and Buck can't quite help the way his smile turned to a quiet gasp that escapes him at the awe in Eddie's voice. Finds himself reaching up, tracing careful fingers over the frame of Eddie's face, letting his touch come to rest at the cut of his jaw. And then Buck's urging him closer with those gentle fingers, guiding Eddie in for a soft press of a kiss that doesn't go further, but lingers, the both of them breathing the same air for long moments after they part, and Buck lets his gaze wander over every delicate feature his eyes can reach.
When he meets Eddie's eyes, he feels flayed open—like Eddie can see every complicated part of him he tries his best to hide. “Make love to me,” Buck pleads, whisper quiet, and for a moment he feels silly and cliché. But Eddie's eyes only soften, a sweet adoration Buck knows well suddenly settling into a whole new context he'd once expected he could never have.
Eddie doesn't answer, really, not in words, but his eyes study Buck's features like he’s something precious, and he presses his body closer than Buck think should be possible, leaving every inch of Buck singing with a sweet pleasure unlike anything he's ever felt before because it's Eddie, and he thinks maybe Eddie's touch is everything he's been searching for.
Eddie dips in to kiss him, then. A sweet, searing kiss that's over too soon and has Buck whimpering as Eddie shifts to mouth at the curve of his neck. Buck hopes he might leave traces there, marks Buck might get to keep even after he leaves Eddie's bed.
“I'll give you anything you want, Buck,” Eddie promises, then. Whispered words he hides in the crook of Buck's neck that leave Buck gasping and clinging tighter. “Anything at all.”
"Eddie," Buck whines, and it's desperate. A sweet, delicate, broken sound that trips over his tongue and catches in his throat that has Eddie smiling against the curve of Buck's neck, and Buck whines again as his breath hitches. "Eddie, I want you. Please. Tell me-tell me you want me, too."
"Sweetheart," Eddie presses into Buck's skin, lets his lips form gentle, reassuring kisses that linger as he pulls back, just far enough to catch Buck's eye, lets the fingers of one hand stroke through Buck's hair and then trace delicately over the birthmark at his brow, as he studies Buck's face, "of course I want you. I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.”
For a moment, Buck's quiet, trying his best to blink away the overwhelming emotion that settles over him at Eddie's words. But then he's reaching, sinking his own fingers back into Eddie's hair, hand cradling his neck. Then, near breathless, “How do you want me?”
Make Me Write
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ladyrijus · 1 year
I'm not sure if the creators realize, but based on its title alone, Tears of the Kingdom has the potential to turn around the entire Legend of Zelda franchise in terms of its storyline.
Let me explain.
I think we can all agree that in most of the games, there is a core narrative of light versus evil that outlines the game. Link and Zelda are the benevolent heroes of the story and Ganondorf / Ganon is the irredeemable villain. Storywriters for the franchise like to use this formula for the franchise because hey, it's worked so many times, and gained lots of reception, so why not?
But just because it has worked doesn't mean it's right or suitable. 
Firstly, given the history of our world, it is problematic that the face of evil for this game series is a dark skinned man from a tribe of women who are based of the caricatures and sexualization of women raised in the MENASA regions (MENASA stands for the Islamic countries in Middle East, North Africa, South Asia) and the face of good is always two white characters who are held in the highest regard. Not to mention, Ganondorf and his foster mothers Koume and Kotake had their character designs in Ocarina of Time based on anti-semetic caricatures. This overall set-up speaks volumes already, but it doesn't stop there. The franchise decided to expand upon the lore of the Gerudo in Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess, explicitly and implicitly establishing that the tribe was, in fact, oppressed, ostracized, and underwent genocide. Some people may argue that this information is up for debate, given that a lot of it comes from Ganondorf who is an unreliable narrator; however, this argument fails to consider that even then, it never proves that Zelda and Link are any more trustworthy. After all, the victors write history. With these complexities added in, it becomes hard to discern who exactly is in the right or wrong. In reality, the matters were never black and white to begin with.
This segues to my next point: the light versus darkness trope is not suitable this time around. It's a very two dimensional, inaccurate representation of the world of Hyrule that conflicts with the goals the creators are trying to achieve in Tears of The Kingdom. If they truly wanted to concentrate on the duality between light and darkness, they've already done it with Breath of the Wild. We had Calamity Ganon, a sub-sentient manifestation of hatred that sought nothing but death and destruction, and it was up to Link and Zelda, who strove for the preservation of life and progress, to seal it. So why continue to expand on that? Why bring back Ganondorf? Personally, I see no point in his return. 
Unless… the "Tears" of the Kingdom refer to the Sheikah. 
"But, wait!" you ask, "All this talk about the Gerudo and for what? What does the Sheikah have to do with this?" 
To explain this we'll have to start at the beginning. No, not Skyward Sword, though it shares striking similarities with Tears of the Kingdom, such as the return of the magatama relics, a character with a likeness to Demise, and the juxtaposition between land and sky. No, we have to go before even then. We have to go to the Era of Hylia.
The Legacy of Hylia
Not much is known about Hylia beyond the fact she was meant to protect the Triforce as supposedly ordained by the Golden Goddesses and the people worshipped her for it. But, notice how we learn this story through Fi, a creation of Hylia, with few additions from Impa, from the Sheikah tribe that Hylia established herself. The Triforce is seen as something to protect in this story they share, though interestingly, the relic itself is designed to be as unbiased and uncaring of the individual that seeks it out. It is, without a doubt, divine (as it quite literally is a means to warp reality), but there is also no tangible morality associated with it.
So why did the Golden Goddesses think it had to be protected? Why is Hylia chosen to do it?
…Why did Demise go for it?
If it wasn't clear enough, Hylia is much more flawed than the creators let on. She feels entitled to the Triforce, though there is no reference but the Golden Goddesses (whom no one has ever witnessed) that says she should. It's selfish, almost childish even, that she gatekeeps it away from any user. It's human. Perhaps her traits are a reflection of the time she had spent with the civilization that worshipped her. Because of this, I consider her to be a demigod rather than god. Not so distant and otherworldly like the Golden Goddesses, but a force of nature that can't be subdued but still respected. Time is ruthless, it flies and it trudges. But I digress. In short, for all that is said about Hylia and her divinity, she was certainly stubborn in her efforts to prevent anyone from wielding the Triforce so that her world could remain the way it is, perfect and idyllic. 
But that's the thing, life was not idyllic like she wanted the Sheikah and the rest of the world to remember; no, it was terrible enough to spur Demise and his "demon" forces to seek out the Triforce as a means to wrest control from her. Again, I want to make it clear that Hylia and Demise go beyond the bounds of good and bad. A lot of lives were lost to Demise, to the point the humans nearly went extinct. There's little to redeem on that end. But we're never told the stories from the other side of the battle, so who's to say they hadn't suffered as much extreme casualties? Either way, there had to be something Hylia had done (or even not done) for Demise to take severe measures. The hatred he feels is all consuming, but there is something to be said about how hate does not bloom spontaneously — it is cultivated and grown. Keeping all of this in mind, I sometimes wonder if Demise's name was in relation to Hylia, as in he was her Demise, and that those demon forces of his were actually the demonized. We'll never know. But what we do know, is that the Triforce was the Golden Goddesses' way of giving hope to the mortals, to be able to use divine power to shape the world as they see fit (at least, according to the first Zelda, which is a fantastic moment of irony if you ask me) and Demise had every intention of seeing his future through.
The Sheikah's Story
Now, let's fast forward a few eons and come back to the tears. Many people have associated the tears from the title to be the magatama relics seen with Zelda, Sidon, Riju, Tulin, and Ganondorf. But the tear's symbolism in the franchise has been around for much, much longer, thanks to the existence of the Sheikah. The tear is a part of the eye symbol for the Sheikah, and according to the The Legend of Zelda Encyclopedia, it represents their willingness to go any lengths so as to support their divine mission of protecting the Royal Family that possesses the blood of the goddess Hylia. Given that information alone, wouldn't it make sense that the title "Tears of the Kingdom" refers to the Sheikah?
"Okay sure, but what role would they play in the game?" That's not the point. It's not the role they play now. It's the role they played in the past. Something of particular interest to me when it comes to the Sheikah is how differently the Sheikah are characterized between the games of Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, and Breath of the Wild. In Skyward Sword, they were a tribe who patiently for the day to protect the goddess's reincarnation and went so far as to transport her through time repeatedly. In OOT, they were agents who went so far as to secretly carry out the Royal Family's dirty work. In BOTW, they were inventors and sorcerers who went so far as to recreate divine power to protect the land. 
But guess what never changes? The fact that they write history.
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Above everything else, they are the storytellers, and they have seen everything. The good, the bad, and the ugly. But with the role of storytelling, they have the ability to alter it, embellish it. And in the Sheikah's case, they have a tendency to omit the negative, so as to promote support for the goddess and her Royal Family. Think about it: Impa never explains why Demise wanted to take control of the world in Skyward Sword and she's the first to jump to fix issues at the Shadow Temple in Ocarina of Time so no one has to bear witness to what the temple had actually turned into. If she did, Hyrule would surely fall into chaos. To Hyrule, the governing powers like the goddess Hylia and the Royal Family are the pinnacle of morality. That image can't be compromised.
And for a time, it wasn't, until we reach Breath of the Wild. That's when things get interesting.
In the tapestry, as shown above, a majority of it is occupied by the tale of the warrior with the spirit of a hero, a princess with divine power, and a technological army pioneered by Sheikah. That's what the game's creators want you to see. But do you see that little strip at the bottom?
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Yeah, that. It's a tiny piece of the story but it's a big one. By now, most game fans know that is the history of how the Yiga Clan came to be. Cado, one of the Sheikah that stands guard in front of Impa's home, elaborates on this imagery, remarking that once upon a time, the Royal Family (more specifically the King of Hyrule) did turn on the tribe that swore nothing but utmost loyalty to them.
Of course, this seems counterintuitive. Why punish the people who protected you? What was their sin? As far as we're told by Cado, Sheikah technology had once been praised as "the power of the Gods". Now, I won't get into too much detail about this, but the Triforce, which you might have noticed isn't really mentioned by word of mouth in Breath of the Wild, is now a power of the Royal Family that is passed down. All parts of it. It's a lot to take in, given my lack of elaboration, but I recommend watching THIS video by Monster Maze who does a fantastic job exploring the nature of the whole Triforce being hosted in an individual body.
But what I want you to take out of this information is how there is, essentially, a rivalry between the Sheikah and the Royal Family, a sudden leveling of the playing field that the latter party does not want. It's eerie how similar they act as their ancestor god. The entitlement is present yet again: you cannot change the world like I can, you cannot be as powerful as I am. I have the final say. This certainly paints a more explicitly, vicious picture of the Royal Family, but it's nothing really new. After all, the Sheikah remember everything cruel that had been done to others by this family, by them, but hid it for the purpose of the "greater good". But once they become the target, everything changes. The Sheikah don't remove it from history. They remember it. Some more passionately than others.
Ties between the Gerudo, the Sheikah, and the Yiga.
Something else on the Sheikah tapestry that seemed out of place for me is the depiction of the hero.
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He is clad in green, which one would imagine, is a reference to Link's green motif throughout the games. However, I fully believe that detail is a red herring — that is to say, it's meant to throw us off. And from what I have seen, most fans of the game agree. Why? Because that same individual has red hair and a sword that looks more like a golden claymore than the sword that seals the darkness. And well, given that the Gerudo are the ones who use golden claymores, plus the way the figure is drawn to have a knee bent, there can only be one person this image is referring to:
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Keep in mind how the Sheikah have erased his name, but did not erase him, and that the Yiga swear their allegiance to Calamity Ganon. To be completely honest, I think the Calamity did not have the name Ganon to it 10,100 years prior to the events of Breath of the Wild. But, to explain why it suddenly does in Breath of the Wild, I do believe Ganondorf had a calling to malice, whether the kind left behind by the Calamity or the kind that was already existing throughout the land. Read THIS post by @golvio to get an idea of what I mean. The only change I would make regarding this theory is that the people did not originally see the malice as inherently evil. A little rot was needed to clear the space for new growth. But with great power comes great responsibility, and I think Ganondorf might have utilized the malice in a manner the King of Hyrule was not pleased with. 
How so, and why? Well there can be different reasons to choose from for the creators, but I have a personal favorite theory that explains why the Sheikah and Yiga remember Ganondorf more acutely than even the Royal Family and why there's ruins in the Gerudo Desert: As a last resort, to protect the Sheikah who helped him defeat the Calamity, and to reclaim the technology they lost, Ganondorf used the malice to take over the guardians and to get rid of the soldiers wiping out the civilians. In response, Zelda from that time was tasked with defeating him with the help of the other "Sages" (those who possess the magatama relics/tears) and one of those sages sealed him away with the Zonai hand. Zelda's betrayal breeds the hatred that Demise foretold would reincarnate, time and time again, leading to Ganondorf internally accepting that a peaceful world is a world without the Kingdom of Hyrule, without the Royal Family, completing the cycle once more.
And so here it comes, the big storyline change that Nintendo stands on the precipice of:
To break the cycle, Ganondorf is not the one that needs to necessarily be redeemed. It's Zelda. That isn't to say that Ganondorf isn't flawed and should not repent; there are a million things he could have done better or have not done, whatever it is that lead him to be sealed. And what I mean by Zelda having to be redeemed is that even though she technically has done nothing personally to Ganondorf, it is her blood that binds her to the ancestors who spurred the very hatred that fueled the Calamity and left behind a legacy built on the maintained misfortune of others. If anything is to change, she must be the first to cast aside her fear so that the cycle cannot repeat again, and instead work on understanding her family's past and building her faith. And no, I don't mean her faith in the goddess (she has lost too much trying to), but faith in the goodness of a man who was unfairly pushed to become the worst version of himself to protect the helpless.
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leofrith · 8 months
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hello leovor community. 🧍🏻‍♀️
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dnangelic · 4 months
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nervously sits with wiz in his lap as thunder rattles his entire surroundings .
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toastsnaffler · 2 months
anyway yeah relevant to that post abt being deaf/hoh and ppl excluding u from conversation bc of it (even unintentionally), that's smth that's been really deeply bothering me lately bc there are a few ppl I routinely have to deal with who do it a lot and it Pisses Me The Fuck Off I've lost all patience w them. giving up and calling it ableism and walking out idc anymore 🚶‍♂️
#theres a guy at work whos incredibly annoying for it but tbh hes bad at his job in general anyway n everyones annoyed at him all the time#so at least i get some solidarity from my other coworkers (who are generally rly accommodating of my deafness)#i dunno how he hasnt got the memo ive explained im deaf so he needs to face me n make sure he has my attention n enunciate multiple times#but nope still not getting thru to him! so half the time if he starts mumbling i just pointedly ignore him until he either speaks more#clearly or goes away lmao#and same with a friend of a friend im sure hes a nice guy and everyone else seems to like him n hes in our main discord server so i cant#avoid him as easily and ive been so tolerant of it but hes worn thru my patience entirely and idc abt trying to be nice anymore#if he comes on call and starts mumbling and sidelining me from the conversation i just put him on mute im not dealing with that anymore#i dont fucking care if its petty and rude to do that. im tired of trying to understand him and dealing with how left out he makes me feel#i hope he picks up on the hostility n feels unwanted so maybe then he'll understand what its like for me and fix his behaviour 👍#bc i have no other way of communicating that with him anymore. since I CANT FUCKING HEAR HIM!!!!!#he also has a lot of other annoying behaviour which is fine but this is my limit its so disrespectful and outside of my control#make space for my disability or go away forever#not sure if we could even be friends if he did change now bc hes soured my impression of him so much by this point.#sad! well theres other guys#im glad everyone ive met at climbing so far has been pretty good abt it. really not that hard to do!#anyway rant over lol. at least the guy at work is only on a temp contract so only have to deal w him for a few more months#unfortunately since the rest of that group is friends w this other guy he'll prolly be around longer. but oh well lmao#just crossing my fingers he'll drift away n never open discord again so ill never have to deal w his shitty crackly mic mumbling#or maybe he'll stop fucking calling from whatever wind tunnel hes in and properly join in on our movie nights instead!!!!!#it is sad bc i think he has similar music taste to me. there are def some things we have in common that could form a basis for friendship#but hes gone n ruined it innit#aaaanyway oops started complaining again... the bitch grind never ends#im gonna shower n go back to elden ringing it.... fare thee well#.diaries
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waywardsalt · 11 months
Hey, thanks for the response on the post where I asked about what people dislike ab totk! I genuinely appreciate it a lot, and you summarized most of my thoughts about this beautifully!
Here's something you might find interesting: something about this game's pacing REALLY bothered me from the start, and I think I know what it is. Totk, despite being an open world game that you can pour a ton of time into, feels short. It's a really weird feeling, and I think it can be explained in that Nintendo is trying to use the linear storytelling format for a nonlinear game, which is also why the ability to see the tears in a random order was disorienting, and why the stories from the ancient sages felt so repetitive.
The gameplay is long, but the story isn't! If you compare it to Skyward Sword, for example! In sksw, you go through each of the areas once, and then again with some changes, and then again with more. There's several clear acts, and even if the game is super super linear and recieves criticism for that, it works really well in that context. Additionally, the characters more than make up for the linearity of the story. Totk tries to take that same format, but doesn't seem to understand that this format is for a linear story. It only has a very brief story, and the story to gameplay ratio is so dragged out that unless you get invested in the world, it all starts to feel really stupid and pointless. Unfortunately, totk fails at getting us invested, too.
I really hope this made ANY sense at all, ty again for the input!! I love the responses I'm getting on that post djbdjsndns :D
Hi, you're welcome for my uh... totk rant, I guess? I covered a lot of stuff in it but I wouldn't say I covered everything bc there is... a lot abt that game that rubs me the wrong way in one way or another.
totk is definitely an odd case, it being an open world game that does try to adhere to linear game rules, you’re right- and i’d say the story is severely kneecapped by that attempt on the game’s part to have its cake and eat it too. it tries to mix what botw brought to the table with what was done in the past, but because botw is vastly different in what it does than past zelda games, the result is a messily paced, poorly-told, gameplay-focused with piss-easy mandatory puzzle segments result, failing to capture the advantages of linear games and instead making those specific parts considerably weaker.
people give linear games shit for… honestly, im not totally sure, as someone who really enjoys linear games. they allow for a good focus on story and character, mostly because you can have a set pace and passing of time and order of events. totk tries to implement linear style elements into a game where you can do anything out of order, so in the end the story is surprisingly brief but slow paced because you have to travel so far for everything and they have to account for you doing everything in any order, hence... repeating the same fucking information as a reward for four of the dungeons (which, i don't care how you feel about this game, is an awful fucking choice i mean holy SHIT), and is probably why the interactions with the new sages include very brief character arcs or something, they wanted to include some kind of linear character stories but it all just got stuffed in between a bunch of mini-main quests.
the fact that effectively half of the main story happens ages in the past and is communicated through brief cutscenes that can easily be encountered out of order, too, is kind of a pitiful way to tell the story. they're all basically glorified exposition dumps since nothing about them will change, they're all events that have already happened and have nothing to do with the player except hyping them up i guess.
the dungeons themselves are awkwardly transposed from a more linear game style with them relying on a specific skill to some degree, but they just fall so flat compared to past linear zelda dungeons. in botw the divine beasts honestly worked because the mechanic of manipulating the beasts themselves and the activating of switches fit perfectly with the setup of the dungeons being huge machines, while there isn't as good of a story example as to why totk's dungeons have the same switch mechanic. botw's divine beasts work pretty well in an open world setting. totk's just fall to pieces in an open with setting, even discounting how ascend could just snap them in half entirely. you just... can't have the same kind of dungeons as past zelda games in an open world format. once you take out the array of specific-use progressively-earned items, you're just left with this tiny little gmod ass toolbox to do what felt like baby's first loz-style dungeon. go to the clearly marked waypoint, do one (1) simple puzzle, get reward.
i miss mini bosses, rooms with puzzles that had to be solved to unlock a door or a doorkey, and even the experience of wandering around just trying to figure out what to do next. honestly, the first half of the lightning temple was the best part of all of the dungeons put together, and then we're back to 'go to four different rooms to do four different easy puzzles'. linear games have genuine advantages over open world games, and open world games have their own advantages. in the story segments, totk just ignores the advantages inherent to it's game's basic style in favor of trying and failing to emulate the advantages of a very different game style.
totk is so paradoxically unable to tear itself away from the series' past while at the same time disregarding series staples and even big parts of its own goddamn prequel.
in my experience with the game, as far as i can remember, i believe i went around and opened all of the towers, did some shrines and the depths, got the master sword, did the main quests with some side quests, then sped through getting all of the memories in order, then did the final boss. in between all of that, i managed to get all of the armor, do every single shrine, and open the entirety of the depths. i did not give a single damn about the story by the end. for me, with my playstyle, everything was just... spread out over such a long period of time so there was barely any urgency at all, i experienced the memories all in quick succession while already knowing the big twist (which. btw. i didnt care about. i wasnt really endeared to zelda and link's lack of visual interest during cutscenes just brought up the question of if he doesnt care why should i), and since this game's story is more linear, it just felt so disjointed and strange and... not important.
with botw it makes pretty good sense why link may take ages, why you could get the memories however you want, all of that. zelda is keeping things with ganon on pause for you. all of the big stuff happened in the past. you are here in the present, in the ruins of the past, a blank slate come to eventually complete the mission that you had failed, at the same time discovering this new world and becoming re-acquainted to it with this strange second chance you've been given. totk doesn't have this excuse. at least in past zelda games, you did things in a specific order, so when you wanted to fuck around, it was usually something related to or based on your progress. if you want to fuck around in oot what you can do is based on where you are in the game and even then it all ends up wrapping back around to bolstering link for the end. getting hearts, better items... like every side quest in every other loz game did. in totk you can do a sidequest for like. one flower. and what does that even do for you. it doesn't have the excuse of the honestly pretty well crafted setup and world state of botw.
i really don't know what happened during the development of totk, and i can't imagine it was the smoothest thing in the world, esp considering the pandemic hitting in the middle of it. but just... it just feels like it failed in so many regards and was just... so disappointing, and yet people are heralding it as the best zelda game and- this is not what i want a zelda game to be! i want a zelda game to have those wonderful puzzle-filled dungeons with well-written main characters and music that fits the setting and feels supported by the game's events and a unique setting with unique little nooks and crannies and good pacing and act structure and like. some kind of heart to it. not just another big open-world game created to be the big open world game where you can do this one amazing specific cool thing that TOTALLY is worth the $70 or whatever else it may be priced around the world.
idk. to me what makes zelda games zelda games is the linear storytelling and those complex dungeons and specific method of progression, and botw's new open-world emulation of the sense that loz 1 gave does not and probably will not ever be able to mix with that linear style unless you have massive in game game style shifts to allow for it. either return to the old format or just commit to the series becoming Triple A Open World Game Series Number 34
#asks#salty talks#bitching abt totk#wind-awoken#ty for the ask i love tearing into this game bc its at least helped me understand some stuff abt game design and what kinds of games i like#and why. too bad this game is rancid imo#dude i fucking love skyward sword. the linearity lends itself to a sense of progression and time passing and just. ugh. its so good#totk critical#totk neg#totk salt#covering my bases :)#i just. yeah gamedev is hard but if this is the mess we got after 6 YEARS what the fuck happened??? what was scrapped????#they had SIX FUCKING YEARS and having the ancient sages regurgitate the same info 4 times made it to the final release#what in the fuck happened in there#i dont really like the idea of there being a permanent move to open world bc its clearly just following the crowd on this one#its just such a massive departure from all other loz games (including loz 1 tbh) that that has to be part of it i feel. it makes sense#botw + totk dont feel unique like the other loz games do. they just. feel really similar to shit like elden ring and fenyx bc like.#thats just how open world action adventure games are ig. ironically theres not a ton of wiggle room with the open world formula#cant really get away from what makes them all feel interchangeable bc its so core to what an open world game is#best you can do is add some standout aspect like the general. Being A Souls Game in elden ring#totk adding dumbass glue doesnt even feel unique bc like. its just what every other sandbox game lets you do with some added jank#progression feels meaningless when it has no impact on what you can do in the game and thats the only kinda progression in totk#get more health make armor numbers bigger make better food fuse better weapons. you cant even upgrade the abilities this time#yeah botw has similar pitfalls but it at least owns being an open world game. it utilized and embraced the format#idk. totk before release was increasingly overwhelming to me and post release it was just such a massive letdown#i remember trying in earnest to pull a wagon using a horse and just. having the worst time. ultrahand sucks unless you make death machines#or one of like five specific traversal things
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dreamcrow · 1 year
and you will learn the trick of making
(unrated/non-explicit; 3737 words)
Beloved only children, perilous quests, ill-advised bargains with an ancient witch. We all know how this story goes, right?
[ » continue reading on ao3 ]
and if you enjoy, perhaps consider a reblog? 💖
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caterpillarinacave · 6 months
So you choose not to step through the door, after all why mess with nonsense when you're already in nonsense? You check the items in your pockets, your phone you shut off to conserve power, the dog tag, key and top clink together but offer no help, and when you fiddle with the walkie-talkie you manage to get it to turn on, excitedly you call out to the void but only static responds, which is disappointing but predictable, so you put the items away and hunker down for the night, looking at the sky you can see that the stars seem strange, though you're no expert, and the moon seems to have a second smaller moon near it which looks pretty cool but is a stark reminder of how not on your own world your predicament has landed you.
In the morning you begin looking through the nearby bushes and plant life taking note of anything strange, you notice the berries you had been picking before you stepped through the door are also growing around here, they look and taste the same, and some other plants seem pretty similar to the forest from before as well, although the further away from the door you go the more unfamiliar plants you come across (of course that may just be your lack of familiarity with plants) and the few animals you have noticed are bizarre in a way that you can't explain, like the people from town, they seem almost perfectly familiar, just a little off and the noises they make have you thinking they wouldn't be able to communicate with their counterparts either, brushing aside another branch you come across a strange funnel made of metal which you pocket and what looks to be a regular whistle, you wipe it down and blow but hear nothing aside from the air going through, you consider it is either broken or maybe a dog whistle, as you go to put it away you hear something big running in your direction, before you can decide how to react a large creature storms out of the bushes and stops in the clearing before you, it's huge as a horse with paws and sharp teeth it licks as it looks around and spots you, it shakes its head again reminding you of a horse, then steps closer before turning and staring expectantly, you get the feeling it's waiting on you, impatiently, and you realize it seems to expect you to get on its back. Do you get on?
#I am a terrible terrible Irish child#Clearly all those folk tales whose only moral was “don’t climb on the strange horse” were lost on me. Technically not a horse though. So. H#Uh please don’t run into the bog with my on your back strange horse thing.#…This may be one of my worse ideas#On one hand moving away from what appears to be the only connection my world doesn’t sound like a great idea#Back through the door is logically the the best bet. However I’ve already explored the area#The only thing to do would be to just sit there for hours and that will get me nowhere. The things that do have leads like the walkie-#Sputtering are things to pay attention to but not things that are likely to change if I don’t move. The whistle is the newest thing-#And let’s be real I’ve been in the bramble for like 14 hours without the neurospicy meds I am teetering on dangerously antsy#Probably better to get on the horse before I come up with something more stupid#It’s interesting my world flora seems to surround the door. I wish I’d payed more attention before I stepped through#If the nearby flora on the other side seemed like it would come from this world it would suggest that the door just leaks between universes#In two ways. If it’s earths flora then it’s either only leaking one way which we could no from one step through#Or - which we will not know but should pay attention for if we step into some other world - if the earths flora shows up around EVERY porta#Which would suggest earth is the base in some way#It might be beneficial to climb a tree to try and see farther out#Though I don’t exactly get many opurtunited to haul myself up a tree so I would put to much stock in a)my upper body strength#And b) my ability to chose a tree that won’t kill me#It’s defintley worth taking in as much info as possible. I’ll try and notice things like different winds gravity tempature ect#What should i tag this all. Help I got lost in a blackberry bush? Anon who takes me to alternate planes of reality?#I know#Guys I got lost in a bush#That’s a good one. Nothing weird there at all.#FINE I’ll rage it “guys I got lost in a blackberry bush”#I wonder what makes things so familiar. Perhaps this world exists very closely to the other. Perhaps they’ve crossed paths before.#Perhaps they’ve shown up in our dreams. Perhaps I have bad memory and my brain gaslights itself into thinking everything’s familiar#I wonder maybe the horse is a horse/dog thing- that would explain the likeness to the dog whistle (?)#This can’t get any worse I say doing something that could very much make it worse#Eh what’s the worst that can happen. At least I don’t have to pay taxes in this world#Guys I got lost in a black berry bush
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ereborne · 6 months
Song of the Day: March 25
"Groovy Little Summer Song" by James Otto
#song of the day#it's not at all summer yet but it is spring!!#it's chilly when the wind blows and the dew-damp sticks around until noon but the sun is out and the sky is maybe not clear but close!#spring!!!!#I put my first early plantings in the garden today#I had planned for a bunch of marigolds but I got a different batch of flowers instead#so now what's down is rootings for a bunch of perennial flowers#sea holly and red-hot pokers and butterfly weed and hollyhocks#and then my little pea plants#I told Kelly I'd share pictures but for today it only looks like a square of dirt--I'll definitely share pics when my sprouts come in!!#beautiful beautiful garden times#summer of 2010 when this song came out was the first time in three-ish years I'd spent much continuous time with my family#my littlest siblings were old enough to be away from Mom for a while and still young enough to be lulled to sleep by the car#and Mom was very eager to be left home alone to sleep (and play this weird chicken bowling game she was briefly addicted to)#and so we went on a lot of long leisurely pointless car rides and we listed to a lot of#(I will never not hear this in my head) 96.9 The Kat! country music radio#and this got added to the short list of songs I sang to myself#it's so catchy!! cute fun moderately-bouncy little earworm and my voice cruises up and down it so easy#'when the days start gettin warmer / the sun starts sinkin slower / weekends go by faster / and beer starts tastin colder#wanna tune into a station / takes me on a soul vacation / hey there mister dj / come on won't you please play'#and crucially Dad did not mind this song--which could not be said for 'There Is No Arizona' by Jamie O'Neal#or (after I sang it approximately ninety million times) 'Just What I Do' by Trick Pony#we also had--this was very fun for me--we had exactly one CD we could play in the car (because it was stuck in the disk player)#and that was Joe Diffie's 'Third Rock From The Sun'#so many songs of absolute joy on that album. lucky as hell that Dad agreed because it meant we'd crank it up so loud#close my eyes and let the sun shine all red through my eyelids#sing some real dumbass enjoyable-as-all-getout songs at the top of my absolute voice#Dad laughing and singing along and the littles sleeping through the all of it like the precious babies they were#these are the songs of sunshine and pointless happiness! it's not summer but it will be! my garden doesn't have plants yet but it will!#sing a song!!
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ronanlynchbf · 1 year
this summer i need to cut my hair and buy silly t-shirts and stop being apologetic abt merely existing and do things even though i'm very bad at them and be earnest & bouyant and stop thinking i'm being punished when bad things happen and read books i've never heard of and be in any body of water as much as possible and be less afraid of people crushing my heart when i give them it!!!!! Basically i need to go on walks even when i don't feel like it so every time i do i will be enraptured by the world like i always am 🙏❤
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aethergate · 7 months
i have too many vanitas headcannons that i just have rattle around in my head
#mun in the moon [ ooc ]#i have no idea how he got to me so badly on this playthrough of KH#i think he only knows like. fire magic and maybe one or two other spells#i think he doesnt know healing magic at all#i know that boy doesnt know how to read and write he was raised in the KEYBLADE GRAVEYARD by XEHANORT#i think he doesnt do training matches he acts like hes fighting to the death in every fight ever#hence why he just fuckin#flops on the ground after so many fights in bbs#he just puts his entire strength and all his energy into every fight so viciously he doesnt keep stamina#so after it hes just absolutely winded#holding my head in my hands. boy whos anger comes from a deep sense of lonliness and envy because hes been alone all his life#and wants what ventus has so bad cause hes gotten so many looks into it#but he thinks the only way he can Stop feeling like that is straight up just dying. and becoming whole with him again#cause he hasnt been given the space to breathe and deprogram himself from thinking hes a monster not made to exist#which. it doesnt help in the bbs times darkness was way more villianized people didnt think you needed both!!!#so everyone would've just been like ew youre mad of darkness youre evil right away anyways even without the xehanort influence#i know he hates looking at his reflection and so many parts of himself cause hes like ew im just a mismash of ventus and sora#my boys lack of a sense of identity out of being a weapon or feeling like something not meant to exist#just meant to die to fulfill a bigger purpose and become someone else again#everyone else is trying to get out of the heart hotel hes trying to get IN#anyways. im normal now.#i have so many other thoughts but i cant word them just yet. boy who i adopted 3 days ago rotting my head
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monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
Slightly relevant to my previous ask but also not, just remotely related to the concept of "The Banning of the Gremlin".
Suppose Cassie's dad is still in the picture. What if Cassie, surviving the elevator but believing the Mimic's last act (if we're going that route,) and pulling from a past ask where I humored the idea of the cameras in RUIN still having leftover footage of the day SB happened and Cassie salvaging them through the cam stations as well as footage of inside the elevator, she not only tells Roxy but also her dad what Gregory allegedly did?
Her dad, a faztech and likely a reliable Fazbear employee, certainly wouldn't be happy.
Can you imagine him taking all the evidence Cassie brought back up with her and going to Fazbear Entertainment itself to issue an official ban against Gregory, claiming he's a 'destructive child dangerous not only to other children but also to company property' (and all the salvaged footage would help support that claim.)
And I think a company-issued ban would be far wider than the one reinforced by Roxy alone; if the company accepted Cassie's dad's claim in this scenario, chances are Gregory would get completely blacklisted and banned off setting foot in the entire PizzaPlex property (and maybe even other company-owned properties,) and forbidden from approaching the property- which includes Freddy too.
If Vanessa is someone who got Gregory's back after SB, she probably would need to issue a counter claim to prevent or lift the company ban, but unless she has enough proof to present against all the hard evidence of the salvaged footage of Gregory destroying the glamrocks and voicing his betrayal to Cassie in the elevator that Cassie's dad included in his claim, I don't see a very effective counter claim. Either way I can see this putting Vanessa and Cassie's dad at odds with each other as well.
Okay so... Gonna be honest here and say that uhhh. I think including recordings of Gregory's voice dropping Cassie might not be the best thing. For one, Cassie's dad probably has way bigger beef with Fazbear over the murderous robot in the basement that lured his daughter to her almost death, than the kid that wrecked the animatronics. But mostly, that might put a target on his back?? This is a fully grown adult, a Faztech, who knows how the world works, showing up and telling Fazbear Ent that he knows about their killer robot, what it can do, what its done and what Fazbear did to sweep it under the rug, with a pretty good reason to take this to the police and more potently, the media.
I don't like to quote the books too much, but in the shitty Mimic story, one of the guys sent to the warehouse had previous experience with people dying horrible gruesome deaths at Fazbear. I think the intent was to imply that he was sent on this job with his friends as a way of getting rid of him (though I don't think Andrea did a very good job of that at all, this is just a guess) so um. Maybe not his best plan?? Maybe Cassie's dad does go missing, it just happens to be after he stormed into Fazbear HQ and demanded answers from them for what happened to his daughter... I can't see Fazbear taking too kindly to anyone having evidence on them ngl...
It might work without that though! I dunno if he'd risk it or not when Roxy can just bypass restrictions on the Pizzaplex and lock him out for good if she didn't find it more satisfying to mess with him though. Maybe he would! It'd be a hell of a move! I can see Roxy being overjoyed at that one! She'd take such joy in removing him from the Plex herself and waving goodbye to him from the lobby windows lmao
Ooooo hey maybe Roxy could send some of this footage to the higher ups to get Freddy into shit for allowing his fellow expensive animatronics to get damaged? Petty as hell! He's in trouble now! Fucking visits him while he's locked in his room, knocks on the window like "how's it feel Fazfuck?" she's so mean to him
On another note, what if Cassie's dad took Fazbear to court over all the evidence Cassie found with the help of the others and won? What if he's awarded the Pizzaplex and a shit ton of money as compensation? Could have been a settlement or whatever else, but what if he kicked their shit in and now has all the power to make the Plex not a death trap anymore? That could be fun... Absolute hell for him if he loses though...
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