badasspantiestalker · 10 months
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this piece was inspired by @winged-mammal 's fantastic fanfiction:
pls, read her story, it's hot af. 👀😳🥵
I will also post a link to the uncensored version again. ;D There are a few things hidden under their clothes. 😘
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winged-mammal · 10 months
Title: Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones (But Words Will Make Me Horny)
Word Count: 22,001
Fandom: The Expanse
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Chrisjen Avasarala/Bobbie Draper
"I don't want someone to take me hostage and fuck me, I want you to take me hostage and fuck me." Or: Chrisjen has a very specific fantasy she wants Bobbie to enact for her. Bobbie rises to the occasion.
Notes: This post would probably get shadowbanned by tumblr if I included a more thorough description, and definitely if I included the list of AO3 tags. So instead I'll just say: if you enjoy thinking about milfs getting ****** with ******** and ****** with *********, or thinking about being ****** ** ***** by big strong women, this is the fic for you!
Suffice to say, this is hands down the filthiest, nastiest, horniest thing I've ever written in my life, and if you've been following my writing for a while you know that's saying something. Follow the link, check out the tags, and know that I mean them!
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sapphicteaparty · 7 months
Hey, do you have any POI fic/writer recs? I love your art btw - I first found you because of Sunny and Rainy (have been especially enjoying this latest arc) and then when I recentlyish watched POI I was like oh I get to binge more of your art! Love the soft and funny scenes
oh you're in luck because there is so much POI fic and a lot of it is really well written. however i've only read Shoot and Shoot ™ fics, so if you're interested in other ships then i'm not the right person to ask.
but do check out these writers:
⭐ https://archiveofourown.org/users/andthatisterrible/pseuds/andthatisterrible
probably best to start with Sliding Towards Chaos if you want something closer to the canon setting but if you want AUs then you're gonna have a great time because there's so much of that too! some of my personal favorites are The Lighthouse Keeper and Through Dark Waters
⭐ https://archiveofourown.org/users/brightly_brightly/pseuds/brightly_brightly
⭐ https://archiveofourown.org/users/swu/pseuds/swu
⭐ https://archiveofourown.org/users/canadianwheatpirates/pseuds/canadianwheatpirates
⭐ https://archiveofourown.org/users/winged_mammal/pseuds/winged_mammal
The Signal's Just a Roar is one of my favorites
⭐ https://archiveofourown.org/users/likeafouralarmfire/pseuds/likeafouralarmfire
have fun!
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wibblywobblyida · 3 years
Bering and Wells fic recs!
Hello hello hello, oh do I have some great Warehouse 13 fanfiction recommendations for you! 
* Bedroom (Let’s start with this fun, light, read! It’s medium length and rated T), by apparitionism.
* Choice and Chance (A great fill-in-the-holes fic, which also fixes things and deals with mental illness. Novel length, rated M), by kla1991. 
* In Which Helena Attempts to Ask Myka Out (Cute, short little fic, rated G), by ace.
* (lady i will touch you with my mind) (A light and sexy fic, not rated but I think M fits, medium length), by corchen.
* Unscenes: A Canon-ish Fix (Novel length, satisfying fill-in-the-holes fic, rated T-M), by deathtodickens. 
* Falling Is Like This (Short, cute!, rated T), by Arbryna. 
* Moscow (Missing scene, vulnerable Helena, caring Myka, feelings! Relatively short, rated T), by NuMo. 
* Hotels in America (They meet accidentally and proceed to have sex after the grappler-day! Medium length, rated E), by Roadie. 
* Today's Kind of a Holiday (This one is about Helena & Claudia, very short, rated G, lovely), by Typey.
* Claudia’s Family (Warehouse family, short, rated T), by tellany. 
* The Future An Experiment (Helena moves into the B&B! Medium length, rated M), by thrace. 
* Drink the Day (Soft and fun, sexy and filled with feelings. Medium length, rated E), by kla1991. 
* Against All Odds (Angst? Strong feelings, a slow, drawn-out story about coming together at last. Medium length, rated M), by Redlance.
* Zip It! (Pete & Myka talk about H.G. and gay stuff, short fic, rated G), by kathryne.
* We Were Lovers (Now We're Not Even Friends) (Follows the show during S2 but delves deeper into Myka and Helena’s developing relationship. A short fic, rated E), by pirateygoodness.
* Catalysis (Artifacts cause them to get intimate with each other (but it’s not creepy). Medium length, rated E), by winged_mammal.
* The Long Way Home (A long fill-in-the-holes fic that deals with Helena’s history – she goes through some really bad times in this one, but it’s also a Bering and Wells slow burn. It’s a great, unfinished story, but that’s okay. Rated M), by Roadie.
* Time Traveler of Mine [song] (Yes! This one is a song! And it’s great!), by justsing17/just_sq. 
* Vibe (Short, sweet, and Claudia is included in this one! Rated T), by kla1991.
* You are all I've ever wanted (An artifact makes Helena act on her subconscious urge. People are present. Medium length, rated E), by Crimsoncat.
* Soon (1950′s AU where Myka is a CIA translator and Helena plays the violin, among other things. Terrible things happen in this fic, but everything gets a little better because of love. Novel length, rated M), by apparitionism. 
* show don't tell (They don’t know each other very well – yet... A short fic, rated T), by ellenm (quasiradiant).
* Balance Beam (Helena is moving into the B&B (here, as well). A short fic, rated M), by cjmarlowe. 
* Blood and Bronze (One of the first fics I read, I remember it fondly. Long distance, developing relationship, with lots of feelings. Somewhat AU, novel length, rated E), by green78.
* I've found a whole new way to love you (Established relationship, video call! Relatively short fic, rated E), by winged_mammal. 
* Family is Triumph (Helena watches Fringe (and you should have done that too to properly enjoy this fic). She identifies with the story and the characters as we do with our favorite characters. Relatively short, rated G), by amtrak12.
* Stages (Cool opera AU! Novel length, unfinished but ends in a good place, rated M), by mrsdaphnefielding. 
* Sacrifice (What if Helena had been in that alternate reality Christmas episode? You are right, she and Myka would have been very much drawn together, without even knowing who the other one was! A great fic, rated T, medium length), by apparitionism. 
* Can't Help But Stare (You Can Look) (Very short and very nice, rated M), by Rinari7.
* All for Love (Marriage of convenience AU with so, so, much pining. Novel length, unfinished (but we still get updates!), rated M), by JDaydreamer.
* Many of My Lovers (Short, lovely, rated G), by kla1991. 
* Expertise (There are things Helena and Myka are experts at and some they aren’t, yet. A short fic, rated E), by LalaGen.
* Thirsty, and In the Beginning (You get to “watch” these short, new fics by a new writer! (Welcome to the fandom and this list!) Rated T), by BeneathTheWillowTree.
*And lastly I'm just going to add myself! Hi, I'm vestwearer on ao3.
Remember, this is by no means a complete list of all the good Warehouse 13 fanfiction! Our fandom has so many great writers!
Happy reading!
(This list was made in April, 2021.)
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asleepinawell · 5 years
What's your favorite shoot story of all time? (It can be one of your own too)
I'm bad at following directions so I chose three:
The Signal's Just A Roar by winged_mammal
no title, just lava lamps (how Root found herself with a collection of lava lamps) by modestroad
Pressing Matters by winged_mammal
and since you said I could choose one of mine
Underneath the Roaring Sky
though if it's like a stuck on a desert island with only one fic to read for the duration situation I'd go with the signals just a roar because it's a bit longer and full of math and science nerdiness and great aesthetics and also hot.
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adigeon · 7 years
Star Trek TNG  Fic Rec Post
hey what’s up i still exist, i’ve been moving between houses and reading weird amounts of trek fanfic recently, here’s some recs:
Past Duties by astolat (tumblr @astolat), 2353 words, rating T. One of the sweetest completely in-character pieces out there -- post-canon, kinda gently angsty (but, rest assured, a happy ending!). I can’t beat the summary: “Late in life, Picard has an uninvited guest.”
A Kiss Before The War by Alara J Rogers (tumblr @alarajrogers), 6795 words, rating T. Gorgeously in-character Q, perfectly on-the-boundary-of-vulnerable-and-pretentious Picard. Especially good tangling with Q’s omnipotence and his restraint or lack of restraint thereof; such cleverly clear prose on Picard, who can sometimes be tempting to get bogged down in from an author’s perspective. First-time fic.
A Far Distant Star by icarus_chained (tumblr @honourablejester, I believe -- hopefully i’m not wrong!!).  5371 words, rating G. The most h/c of anything on this list, and unrepentantly -- I love it. Charmingly and convincingly sentimental Picard;  First-time, mutual pining-adjacent, the most rom com-ish of anything on this list, totally excellent.
the spaces between by ImpishTubist (tumblr @impishtubist). 3391 words, rating T. One of those perfect “unknown established relationship from another’s POV” pieces -- ensemble cast, perfect dialogue, wonderful pacing, just a wonderful read.
Metadata by winged_mammal (tumblr @winged-mammal).  3875 words, rating G. Possibly my favorite Data voice in a fic ever, and overall perfect crew dynamics (Riker is pitch perfect.) A slightly abrupt ending, but totally worth it. Developing relationship fic, the old school amongst us might call it ‘preslash.’
These are kinda brief suggestions for fic that is def not hard to find but if you’re a TNG fan that hasn’t dipped their toes into fic then maybe this will be interesting to you!!
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susiecarter · 7 years
Hey, it's your Trek anon! I must admit, I wanted Picard and Crusher to get it on before I even really knew what that meant; but honestly I ALSO felt that way about Picard and Guinan, Picard and that one thief lady he met on vacation one time, and so on. So maybe that's less shipping and more my love for Sir Patrick. Otherwise, I always felt that Deanna and Riker had too much history to make it work long term, if that makes any sense? (1/2)
Trek anon (2/2) Data & Geordi always seemed either like they were together to me- they share the "cool uncle" custody of Wesley!- my favorite ficof them together is Metadata by winged_mammal on AO3. For some reason I have a lot of trouble with seeing Worf in any relationship at all- not that I see him as gay/ace/otherwise; more that he never seemed to be the relationship type to me for some reason?
*waves* HELLO TREK ANON. Sorry for the long radio silence! IT’S NOT YOU IT’S ME. D: /o\ Anyway! Your Trek feelings are great and you should feel great, just fyi.
Picard and Crusher just had such *clenches fist* IDEK, GLORIOUSLY RESTRAINED DEEP-RUNNING FEELS, GOD, HELP ME. But absolutely every scene with Picard and Guinan in it is pure gold, totally, and basically yes, you are right, he’s shippable with a ridiculous number of people. Sir Patrick is impossible to resist. :D
As for Deanna and Riker, I do get what you mean! I like them both so much and “I’m still into them but they’re over me” sads work for me so powerfully that I can still go for it most of the time—but their friendship is so delightful and fond, I would read many thousands of words of them platonically navigating shipfic tropes with sighs and wry smiles and comfortable good humor.
And oh, thank you for the rec! *adds to to-read list* Data/Geordi is definitely a “pick-me-up on a bad day pairing”—all the fic I’ve read for them has been so heartwarming, IDK, they just make me so happy!
I don’t have any particularly strong shippy feelings about Worf myself—I like him and Jadzia fine, partly because they had some great moments and partly because I LOVE JADZIA SFM, but yeah, I can’t say I find myself looking for lots of Worf shipfic most of the time. (My Spock feelings may have given away that I love characters feeling conflicted about relationships vs. cultural expectations, which you do sometimes get in Worf shipfic, and I enjoy that a lot! But that’s not necessarily about the ships themselves, as such.)
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wbsfanficrecs · 7 years
Fandom: Star Trek: the Next Generation Chapters: 1/1 (Oneshot);  Words: 3,875 Pairings: Data / Geordi La Forge (Daforge) Summary: The first poker game on the Enterprise-E takes an unusual turn when certain aspects of Data's emotion chip are brought up. For the LGBTfest prompt Star Trek: The Next Generation, Data, Having emotions includes having a sexual orientation. He's not sure why everyone expected it to be heterosexuality.
A Brilliant and somehow still-in-character story of Data and the ignorance of certain crewmates’ shortcomings. See: Data puts his coworkers to shame. 
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winged-mammal · 7 months
Title: Take My Wife. Please. Fandom: The Expanse Pairings: Bobbie/Chrisjen, Chrisjen/Arjun, Bobbie & Arjun Chapters: 5/5 Word Count: 16,634 Rating: T Additional Tags: Polyamory, Canon Divergent, Friends With Benefits, Idiots in Love, Outsider POV
Someone needs to be the brain in this relationship. If Bobbie and Chrisjen won't do it, Arjun is gonna have to.
At long last, the Bobbie/Chrisjen+Arjun poly dynamics fic that I've always been like oh I have so many feelings about them but I could never write it. Joke's on past me, cause I wrote it!
Featuring: merciless teasing, sex jokes, friends (with benefits) to idiots (with benefits) to lovers (still with benefits), mostly Arjun POV, Bobbie and Arjun friendship, and a lot of scheming. Five chapters, but they're all posted already. Enjoy!
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winged-mammal · 9 months
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 12049
Fandom: The Expanse
Rating: T
Relationships: Chrisjen Avasarala/Bobbie Draper
Characters: Chrisjen Avasarala, Bobbie Draper, Arjun
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Missing Scenes, Angst with a happy ending, some supporting Chrisjen/Arjun
Bobbie and Chrisjen go through a lot of shit between the end of the Io Campaign and their reunion on Luna after the Bombardment. So does their relationship. Or: twelve thousand words of an excuse to work the "I love and adore you" scene from the books into show canon.
New fic alert! Yes, this is also set in the same universe as the accidental marriage fic, because that's basically my canon for these two now, whoops. This one fills in the gaps between episode 306 and 510, angst and all.
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winged-mammal · 4 months
given *vague gesture* everything, here's where I can be found elsewhere
discord: winged_mammal
twitter (only a technicality in that the account still exists)
AO3 (doesn't really count but I guess you can always leave a comment on something to get in touch if all else fails)
I don't have a cohost yet but if I end up getting one it'll be the same username as everywhere else, with an underscore if allowed or with a dash if not
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winged-mammal · 8 months
untitled blind date fic fandom: star trek voyager pairing: janeway/seven rating: m word count: 9454 additional tags: abandoned work - unfinished and discontinued
I originally conceived of this fic over a decade ago. The premise was that Tom made a kind of Voyager-based OK Cupid algorithm for friendships or romance, for crew enrichment during a boring sector of space. Naturally Janeway and Seven got paired up, but Janeway thought Seven got matched with a fake profile that she'd made up when in reality it was her real one. Shenanigans!
Obviously I never finished it, for various reasons. I think I never knew what tone to take, and it seemed to lend itself to a more schmoopy vibe than I could ever pull off, and also had more plot than I could handle at the time. But there are bits I still really like, so it's getting posted for the @goodintentionswipfest so those can see the light of day.
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winged-mammal · 1 year
Fandom: The Expanse
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 3058
Rating: G
Relationships: Chrisjen Avasarala/Bobbie Draper
Characters: Chrisjen Avasarala, Bobbie Draper
Additional Tags: Character Study, Spooning, Post-Canon
On their first night together on Earth, Bobbie has trouble sleeping.
This is set in the same universe as "One Foot in Sea, One on Shore," though it's not necessary to read that first.
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winged-mammal · 1 year
Chapters: 29/29 Chapter Word Count: 8185 (169658 total) Fandom: The Expanse Rating: T (E overall) Relationships: Chrisjen Avasarala/Bobbie Draper Characters: Chrisjen Avasarala, Bobbie Draper Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Established Relationship, Relationship Negotiation, Long-Distance Relationship, Bed Sharing, Bickering, Canon-Typical Violence, discussions of ethical non-monogamy, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Competence Porn, a years-long game of marriage chicken, terrible poetry, light hurt/comfort, light crack, some minor Michio and Josep content, Domesticity, Accidental Marriage, a bit of angsty crack
Bobbie and Chrisjen, post-canon, in love and making it work while Chrisjen rebuilds Earth and Bobbie splits her time between Earth and the Rocinante. And if an ongoing joke gets a little out of hand, well, these things happen.
Chapter Summary:
Thirteen years after they met, seven years after the war, Chrisjen's time in office is coming to an end. Bobbie marks an occasion, and ponders what the future holds for their life together.
It’s done! This is the final chapter!! I somehow managed to end up with a word count of 169k (nice) and I have absolutely no idea how it happened, but I hope you’ll enjoy my self-indulgent end to my self-indulgent story as much as I did.
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winged-mammal · 1 year
Chapters: 28/29 Chapter Word Count: 9581 (161473 total) Fandom: The Expanse Rating: T (E overall) Relationships: Chrisjen Avasarala/Bobbie Draper Characters: Chrisjen Avasarala, Bobbie Draper Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Established Relationship, Relationship Negotiation, Long-Distance Relationship, Bed Sharing, Bickering, Canon-Typical Violence, discussions of ethical non-monogamy, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Competence Porn, a years-long game of marriage chicken, terrible poetry, light hurt/comfort, light crack, some minor Michio and Josep content, Domesticity, Accidental Marriage, a bit of angsty crack
Bobbie and Chrisjen, post-canon, in love and making it work while Chrisjen rebuilds Earth and Bobbie splits her time between Earth and the Rocinante. And if an ongoing joke gets a little out of hand, well, these things happen.
Chapter Summary:
Three years, three marriages, three divorces, and six glimpses into their lives as time marches on.
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winged-mammal · 4 years
Root + Shaw + The Machine + ethernet cables = someone's bound to have a good time.
It’s been two years since I had this porny Shoot/Machine idea and put it in a gdoc titled “ethernet cable bondage” but now it’s finally done!
Featuring: PWP! Strap-ons! Strap-on blowjobs! Butt plugs! Anal! The aforementioned ethernet cable bondage! Some strange mix of voyeurism and exhibitionism facilitated by the Machine! No actual jacking off!
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