lilolilyr · 8 months
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A Bering and Wells (Warehouse 13) fanfiction to the @flufftober 2023 day 21 prompt: ‘swoon’! For @wibblywobblyida :)
1k words, rated T, no warnings
Summary: Helena waits for Myka to walk down the isle.
Read on Ao3
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tryingthisfangirlthing · 11 months
@purlturtle replied to your post:
If I may, could you tell me more about Ghost Helena/Myka and Bering/Wells Myka figures out she's bi ?
Heh, you picked two of the rather bare-bones snippets. I'm pretty sure I came up with these when I was still a fandom baby and was mostly just remixing ideas from other people.
Ghost Helena/Myka
This one is... seriously just the vaguest of outlines. Probably to some degree subconsciously inspired by @tantedrago's Transient. Oh, and 2020 quarantine.
Myka has never believed in fate, or ghosts. She's not that kind of superstitious. But it was certainly serendipitous that she closed the deal on this place only weeks before the pandemic lockdown orders hit. It means she has plenty of time and opportunity to get settled in.
The boarded-off alcove in the attic is certainly strange, especially when she finds someone had sealed several leather-bound first editions and a pristinely preserved antique writing desk inside. The previous owners insist they know nothing, and anything in the house is hers. Moving it down to her newly-christened home office will have to wait, but she's drawn to that piece and its little alcove nonetheless.
Then the notes start appearing...
Myka has some company for quarantine of the noncorporeal kind. Helena has some issues that need working through, among them the death of Christina and her last several unfinished manuscripts. But, as Myka helps her with these, unknotting Helena's remaining entanglements and tying up loose ends, Helena might be forming another tether to this mortal plane.
Bering/Wells Myka figures out she's bi
Because Myka being utterly obliviously bi/pan (because heteronormativity) until H.G. is an idea I can't seem to shake.
An artifact reveals the the sexuality of everyone surrounding the bearer, including that of the bearer themself. The Warehouse team is in for a few surprises.
Inspired by vestwearer’s (@wibblywobblyida's) artifact idea in all we need is a rhythm to dare.
“Pete…” Myka looked down at herself, then back at him, curling her fingers around the pin button she'd just picked up. “Why do I look like I'm standing in front of a projector image of a finger painting?”
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The Matter at Hand
submitted by: @wibblywobblyida
AO3 link and details: The Matter at Hand (14900 words) by @tigrecat Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Warehouse 13 Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Myka Bering/Helena "H. G." Wells Characters: Myka Bering, Helena "H. G." Wells, Pete Lattimer Additional Tags: Fluff, Smut, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Summary: In which the effects of an artifact lead to some forced proximity, and some forced proximity leads to… well, just read it.
Please tell us why you like this fic so much!
It's fluffy! It's funny! It's cute! It's hot!
Remember that you can submit fics to be featured here, too! This one is currently the end of the queue; please keep them coming! Here's the link to the submission form (Google Form)!
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lavendelhummel · 2 months
I was tagged by @onaperduamedee to do this game, thank you for that!! I obviously am not good at short questions-short answers but I will do my best ;)
Last song: I started my top100 of 2023 list from Spotify while dying my hair earlier, so there was a good mix. The last one I consciously remember was Ne m’applle pas, by Coeur de Pirate. (ah, looking for that link, I saw that there was Requiem on Water (yes, from the twilight soundtrack) Talking to the Moon, Greensleeves, Bobby, and currently River from the Sky, playing in between)
Currently watching: Star Trek Voyager! I enjoy it so much! It’s fun and I like the characters so much! I like how they care for each other and that the relationsips are so various and most of them not romantically but non the less important. They seem so real. And I enjoy the fact that it’s episodic plots and a lot slower than newer series a lot at the moment. I was overwhelmed with the fast paced dramatic stories and got stressed out by things I actually like. Voyager is calmer and let’s me actually relax, so that’s great.
Three ships: Siuaraine (Wheel of Time), Bering and Wells (Warehouse 13), and… those are the two I am hung up about. Oh, I also wrote fic for Marla/Fran from I care a lot. But not currently. I am currently positively surprised by liking a hetero ship for the first time in years, Tom/B’Elanna from Voyager, it’s cool to see that when the characters are well done, I can also like them even though they are not gay. But keeping it with wlw and also WoT, I am still sailing my little Berelain/Annoura (WoT) ship all by myself.
But yeah, I’ll leave it at those two, there is no third invading my thoughts as much as them.
Favorite color: used to be blue, but I discovered that I like red. Also yellow! Maybe that. But seriously I love colours in general, the more colourful the better, I am not choosing.
Currently consuming: The weekend. Or, ehm the plant hair-dye on my head?
First ship: ouufff, first fic I read was about was Amelia/Owen from Grey’s Anatomy. Well. Made me question a few things about myself because *I liked her so much*.
Relationship status: Very single in my little bubble, and trying not to feel bitter about my well of loneliness (ha, what a great lesbian pun I got in here 😅).
Last movie: But I am a cheerleader with @lilolilyr! I fell asleep… sorry. But we watched D.E.B.s right before, I was awake, and it was great.
Currently working on: Trying to combine two intense work things with also taking time off, to feel less burned-out while doing all of this. It’s a challenge, because time happens so fast, and it makes me feel guilty, but I am trying. Also working on being okay with that, the taking time to chill, not succeeding at things, working on being more okay with myself, less mean, which is even harder. But I try. Fandomwise, still the washing machine/mermaid AU for Bering and Wells and also still Chapter 8 of Yellow for Siuraine (both of which I thought would be long finished my now). I want to finish those so I can start other fun ideas that are cluttering my head/notebook!
The rules said to tag 9 people to get to know better, so let’s see: I am tagging @anandabrat @akittennameddaisy @incompletesong @viharistenno @woodytwig @wibblywobblyida @hecatesbroom @cozcat @masterpieceofunderstatement no pressure to answer these of course, do it if you like to and if not, just don’t ;)!
Thank you for the tag @onaperduamedee!
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lilolilyrae · 8 months
Thanks for tagging me @bookgirlfan!
Rules: Make a new post and post the latest line in your WIP & tag as many people as there are words or as many as you feel like:
Once I had made my way through the part of the forest, and I know every area of the woods here and have names for them in Entish speech, but I will not write them here for they would be much too long to translate into a quick tongue such as the common language of the people of middle earth… Burrarum, I carried the halflings who might not be orcs through that part of the forest until I met Gandalf, and Gandalf the wizard told me: they were not little orcs.
Yeah I'm writing a Fangorn & Gandalf pov description of hobbits as part of my flufftober challenge xD it's fun - I get to write long rambling sentences where Treebeard loses track of what he's saying at least twice halfway through because he gets distracted by some other story, and that's just a mood!
Not gonna tag that many people, I don't even remember that many usernames. Let's stick to a nice even 10. @cookie-sheet-toboggan @purlturtle @squishmittenficfan @smittyjaws @xvnot15 @kla1991 @wibblywobblyida @toboldlynerd @imagitory amysnotdeadyet die-schwanenkoenigin (only if you want to of course) you can wait to do it whenever you've got a new fic started, or if you like you can just use a line of an old wip from the drafts pile, I know we've all got one xD
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soundsfaebutokay · 2 years
Hi, I love your post about the Leverage Lesbian! I've watched Leverage before, so I know the show, but I'm not caught up... would the story make sense if I only watched her episodes? And which one are they? :)
Oh, I'm so glad you're discovering Breanna! She's such an incredible character and she brings such a fresh, unique energy to the show. It's impossible not to fall in love with her.
So Breanna Casey, Hardison's foster sister, is a new member of the team in the revival series Leverage: Redemption. She's introduced in season 1 episode 2 (The Panamanian Monkeys Job) and is in most of the following episodes except 12 and 13. She plays a significant role whenever she's present, showing her journey as she grows and learns vigilante crime and justice as part of her new found family.
If you don't have time for the whole season, I suggest watching her introduction in Ep. 2 and any of these Breanna-focused episodes:
Ep. 3 The Rollin' on the River Job: Breanna's first job as the official hacker of the team with Hardison being away
Ep. 5 The Paranormal Hacktivity Job: Breanna, Parker, and Sophie's Halloween adventure
Ep. 6 The Card Game Job: Breanna in all her nerdy glory (an absolute must)
Ep. 7 The Double Edged Sword Job: Breanna vs evil tech dude
Ep. 11 The Jackal Job: I don't wanna spoil anything, but something very LGBTQ happens
Ep. 14 The Great Train Job: the one I referenced in the post you liked, where Breanna meets Emily Yoo, a cute and brilliant engineer, in another very LGBTQ episode
Each of those has a self-contained plot, so you'll be able to keep up. But honestly her entire arc throughout the show of growing from Hardison's little sister trying hard to fit in with the crew to becoming a confident, dependable full-fledged member of the team is a beautiful thing to witness. I think you're gonna love her.
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purlturtle · 3 years
Hello! I just saw that you'd reblogged a prompt list and I would very much like to read about Myka and Helena holding hands. :)
♕: Holding hands from this prompt list - feel free to send me more!
“Myka, are you quite sure that this is alright? I would not want to cause undue atten- goodness!”
Myka grinned at Helena’s exclamation. It was understandable - running into a rowdy group of leather aficionados would startle anyone, Victorian or not. However: “Told you: this is normal at Pride events; perfectly okay.”
“But we’ve barely gotten off the plane!”
“Yep,” Myka nodded, “and this is San Francisco. This kind of thing,” she let her eyes rove ostentatiously over the group that had now passed them by, a laughing gaggle of college-age kids bedecked in all kinds of community flags, a group of quite obviously queer families, and the acres and acres of rainbow flags that covered the walls and ceiling of the concourse, “is normal here at the best of times, and during Pride month, it’s practically expected. So us holding hands? Perfectly alright.”
Helena, whose eyes had followed Myka’s gaze, nodded slowly, a faint crease of focused attention between her eyebrows as she took it all in. Then, as her eyes returned to Myka’s, the crease smoothed and vanished, and a smile broke across her face instead. Myka had only once before seen a smile like this on Helena’s face: when she had steered a car for the first time. It was an expression full of delighted marveling, breathtaking to behold in the sheer joy expressed in it. “Righty-ho, then!” Helena announced, and it was an announcement, all delightful intent and sparkling eyes as she held out her hand. "Would you do me the honor, Agent Bering?"
Myka beamed back. She wasn't usually a fan of PDAs, but here? Today? With Helena all elated like that? "My pleasure, Agent Wells," she replied, going along with Helena's playful formality for the fun of it. She even gave a little bow as she took Helena's hand, and reveled in how Helena laughed in response, out loud and head thrown back.
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lonely-night · 5 years
Slow burn, fake date, enemies to lovers: Helena Wells, Dana Scully, Regina Mills!
slow burn: dana scully, obvs
fake date: ummmm helena wells
enemies to lovers: regina mills no doubt bc I’m such an emma swan skdfgskjdhfk
thanks for sending me this!!!! 
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absedarian · 7 years
Hello! If you feel like writing it, I'd like to read “why didn’t you tell me?”, with Bering and Wells... :)
Thank you for the prompt. I apologize that this is a little late but I spent the weekend in the land of no internet. I hope you like what I came up with. :)
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Myka looked up at H.G. who was standing in the doorway, shoulder and hip pressed against the doorjamb. “Tell you what?”
“That you don’t like lobster?”
Myka cringed as she thought back to last night’s dinner, which had turned into an awkward disaster for far more reasons than just H.G.’s attempt at creating a great dining experience. The tension between them had been palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife, and far harder to get through than the lobster’s shell. No, the lobster had been the least of Myka’s issues. Still … “It’s not that I don’t like lobster as such,” Myka muttered. “It’s just that … I have an issue with the way they’re prepared. I’m not really into cooking things that are still alive.”
“But it’s a delicacy,” H.G. protested, “and I’ve been taught that it’s due to the cooking process.”  
“That might be but like I said …”
“It’s not for you,” H.G. finished for her. “You could have told me, you know.”
“Maybe I should have,” Myka conceded. “But you put so much effort into that dinner that I didn’t want to ruin it.” She sighed. “And I still managed to ruin it anyway.”
“You didn’t,” H.G. said quickly. “No dinner with you could ever be considered anything but a lovely evening even if …”
“Even if?” Myka asked when H.G. didn’t continue.
H.G. hesitated, and Myka was surprised to see a slight flush tinging her cheeks. “Even if I never managed to tell you that … that … I find myself hugely attracted to you and that I’d like to see where this could lead if you were amenable.”
Myka smiled. H.G. looked adorably aghast at the way she had stuttered and stammered her way through her explanation. Then the words started to register in Myka’s brain. “Oh my,” she whispered.
H.G. immediately looked worried. “Too much? Too soon? I know we—“
Myka jumped up from her chair and took three long strides towards the doorway. “Just enough, Helena,” she whispered as she came to a stop a few inches from H.G. “And definitely not too soon. In fact I’d say it was high time.”
The hope on H.G.’s face was unmistakeable, and Myka couldn’t take it more than two seconds without leaning in and capturing H.G.’s lips in a soft, reassuring kiss. “Not too much,” Myka repeated once more when they parted.
H.G. smirked, her eyes still closed. “But you still should have told me about the lobster.”
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kla1991 · 3 years
It’s Bering and Wells Gift Exchange Time!
The Bering and Wells Gift Exchange, which starts now with sign-ups and ends with gift exchanges on Valentine’s Day, is a fandom exchange where everyone who signs up is matched to someone else and makes a Bering-and-Wells-related fic, manip, gif, art piece, or other gift!
You can sign up by messaging me, @kla1991! You can send a dm, ask, or fan mail, whatever works best for you. I’m also accepting applications for co-runner of the exchange, so let me know if you’d like to be more involved!
Sign ups are open until the winter solstice, December 21st!
Please also reblog this, and tag folks you think might be interested!
@lonely-night @wibblywobblyida @grandhike @beatricethecat2 @nerdsbianhokie @deathtodickens @apparitionism @amtrak12
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tragic-shadows · 2 years
Hi! Here's a Bering and Wells prompt from your list! I liked this one right away: "Did you get my note?" "Of course I got it. You taped it to my forehead while I was sleeping." I'm thinking the note is a post-it from HG...
Title: Saving The World (and other extreme sports)
Word Count: 593
Warnings: None
Pairing: Myka Bering and HG Wells
A/N: I haven't written for these two in what feels like years so hopefully it's up to par and not to ooc :) Title creds to the lovely James Patterson and his Maximum Ride novels.
Myka awoke to the smell of cooking bacon. The sun was shining through her window and the breeze fluttered at the curtain. She reached up to push the hair out of her face but it hit something. “Wha..” She pulled it off, reading it. There was no signature but she knew exactly where it came from. Throwing off the covers she slipped on a pair of slippers and bolted downstairs.
“Morning Mykes,” Pete smiled and slid a plate over to her.
“No time. Where’s my phone?” She looked up wildly at him.
“Uh.. No idea.” Pete shrugged, “We don’t have a ping do we? Just sit down and relax for a little bit.”
“Pete, she was here. She was here.” Myka put her hand up to her forehead. “Right here.”
“Woah woah woah,” Pete put his hand up to feel her forehead but she slapped it away and stuck the small piece of paper in his hand.
“I know I said coffee.. but I think the world might need saving?”
“She was here. She was in my room and I missed her and I have absolutely no freaking idea how to reach her!” Myka spat, sinking down into the nearest chair. “Helena was in my room, she touched my skin and I can’t.. I don’t..”
“Mykes look, here,” Pete pointed out the corner, “It’s a different color than the rest of the post-it.” Myka snatched it back and looked around frantically. She grabbed a tea bag from a cup on the table. She rubbed it gently on the paper.
“There,” Myka smiled. “A phone number. Now where the hell is my phone.” She turned in circles, tearing up the house looking for it before a bouncy red head entered the room.
“Hey Pete I got her phone back from Arti— Myka?” Claudia froze. “Are you good?”
“Gimme that,” she took her phone back and dialed the number. After all the rings a voicemail came up.
“Darling,” Helena’s voice sounded tired but it was her. Myka grinned and listened. “Cafe across from the Boone Police Department. ASAP. See you there my dear.”
“I have to go,” Myka ignored her breakfast and left the front door swinging open.
HG sighed and leaned back in her booth. She had forgotten how long it would take for Myka to get here, and maybe she hadn’t seen the note. The door to the small diner dinged open and the inventor sat up straighter, waving the woman over. “Did you get my note?”
“Of course I got it. You taped it to my forehead while I was sleeping.” Myka slid in the booth and looked up at the raven haired woman.
“You don’t look too happy about it..” HG replied with a frown.
“No I just.. I guess we’re getting coffee before we save the world??”
“What?” Then Helena understood. “Oh, no no. You must not have seen the other one. It was purple.” She looked for a reaction but all she got was the same confused face. “Myka I’m coming back to the warehouse.”
“Wait what?” Myka’s head snapped up. “You’re…”
“They cleared it with me last night.” Helena smiled. “Come here darling,” she opened her arms and Myka switched sides, coming to sit next to the woman. “I’m coming back.” Myka snuggled in under her arm.
“We can save the world together again.” Myka laughed. “After,” she raised her arm and got the attention of a waitress. “We have some coffee.” She winked, knowing it would all be alright again.
For: @wibblywobblyida
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lilolilyr · 8 months
Swoon? from the prompt list :) Bering and Wells of course!
Oop almost forgot to reply to this, but found it again when looking through my inbox for prompts :D (why I want ppl to send them as asks - so I have them all in one place and don’t need to try and fail to remember to check ten different chats and ao3 comment sections adsfg)
Anyway thanks so much for this prompt, I had fun writing it, even though the storyline completely got away from me! I literally wrote a bit of Helena’s swoon moment first and was like thinking about what Myka might be dressed up for, like maybe they’re going out or something, or is there a canon moment Helena wasn’t there for that I could write a canon-divergence with her in it for… and then the wedding just happened xD
If anyone sees this and wants the fic, you can find it linked here!
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ghostgrrl-archive · 7 years
bubblegum: books or movies?
bubblegum: books or movies?
Assuming this question is in regards to film versions of books versus the original novel, I generally will ALWAYS, without fail, think the book is far superior.  There is only so much you can fit into a 2 hour film, and so a lot of great parts in the novel get cut out.  Not to mention a lot of times the author isn’t involved at all, and so the movie definitely shows that lack of perspective which ultimately makes the film suffer.  
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lavendelhummel · 29 days
Last line tag game
@lilolilyr tagged me a while ago to post the last line from one or multiple WIPs and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence. And all the teasing she had to endure aside, I obviously love that you tagged me, and am more than willing to share a line or two. Thank you for the tag!!
So I am just gonna leave this here.
“And he looked so funny with my tail on!”
Yes, I am still writing that mermaid AU. Though, I decided to not call it mermaid AU anymore, but washing machine AU, because let’s be honest, that machine is actually the third protagonist/party in their relationship, because this is another line from the same chapter (it’s chapter 7/ the epilogue, omg): "Anything unusual? My dear, there is always something unusual happening, we are talking about washing machines! They attract all kinds of uncanny.“ […] "We are talking about laundry, people's dirty laundry to be precise. And there is nothing more bizarre than that. It is so human. And we humans are quite unusual sometimes, wouldn't you say?"
So, yeah, let’s hope that laundry will get clean and fresh to your table (the chapter be posted to ao3) soon! Other last lines I have stored in documents are:
“Awesome!“ The girl starts squeezing her bad into the luggage compartment, then plonks down in front of Moiraine. 
“Light, you are such a lightweight,” Siuan laughed and joined in on the kisses, kissing her lightweight drunkenly. Sometimes life was good. 
We could start a scientific research program on the matter, which you hate, or I can ask Lan on Monday. If he doesn’t know, no one does.”
Myka interrupts her by kissing her again. (This is technically the last line of a finished one-shot, that is some nonsense fun about Cavorite, and I am not sure if to post, so it’s not edited and therefore counts as WIP)
So, that Actual last line had 9 words, so I am tagging: @lilolilyr right back, because I am sure you will brew new delicious things since you last made this post, @trollocks-in-my-bollocks, @anandabrat, @purlturtle, @thatordinaryoddity, @lakeofsilverpike, @hecatesbroom, @onaperduamedee, and @wibblywobblyida. Only do this when and if you have time and want to of course, there is no pressure to share anything at all!
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feijoaaas · 6 years
wibblywobblyida replied to your post: nO election nut?
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justdrifting · 7 years
Tagged by @agntalexxdanverss and @jiemba, thank you ❤
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better Name: elsa Nickname: else, to my family. elsie-pops, to one of my friends (for real...) Zodiac Sign: sagittarius Height:  175cm / 5′9 :’( Ethnicity: white Orientation: queeeeeeeeeeer. leaning towards bi at the moment as well, and probably demi/a-spec but who knows honestly. Favourite Fruit(s): mangoes mangoes mangoes mangoes Favourite Season: spring! Favourite Book(s): diary of a wombat by jackie french (yes it is a picture book, no i don’t care it’s freaking hilarious). slightly more adult, the tomorrow when the war began series by john marsden. also blueback by tim winton and the little house series by laura ingalls wilder, both kids books oops i never grew up? Favourite Flower(s): lavender Favourite Animal(s): dogs! tigers! sea turtles! wombats! echidnas! whales! possums! bandicoots! Favourite Beverage: smoooothies Average Hours of Sleep: 9 Favourite Fictional Characters: noooo help i can’t...  greys: callie torres, addison montgomery, arizona robbins, mark sloan  poi: joss carter, john reese, sameen shaw  supergirl: m’gann m’orzz, maggie sawyer, alex danvers, j’onn j’onzz, james olsen  others: adelle dewitt, rose tyler, lorelai gilmore, raven reyes, misty day, kurt hummel... Number of Blankets You Sleep with: it has been increased to two now because it’s so fucking cold. it’s not even winter yet whyyyyyy Dream Trip: back to costa rica or around australia, particularly to the great barrier reef, the daintree, kakadu and the kimberley (except, crocs.....), uluru, ningaloo, etc Blog Created: 2011 Number of Followers: 540 Tag 20 blogs: @siobhansmythe @mcggiesawyr @svperheros @downriversandroads @wildemeraldeyes @wibblywobblyida @clizzyiscanon @maggiesawyersdimples @older-danvers @wittyeagle [i tried to do people i haven’t seen tagged or doing this yet (also, clearly, you’re all the greatest), but i obviously missed a tonne so even if you’re not here but you haven’t been tagged yet, consider yourself tagged now]
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