#wingless anon
exo-meme-ories · 2 years
that moment when two sourcemates front and become close friends when theyve never met in source at all, fictive moment innit /affectionate (theyre fine with me sharing this fyi, i always check first)
-wingless anon
fanfic could never
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sumerun · 2 years
oh did you see the ruin drakes yet bc i screamed in unprepared terror
I got into a withering zone and the final thing I fought to purify it was the ruin drake but it appeared behind the camera?? I didn’t see it until I turned the camera and gave me a good scare LMAO
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Whenever I'm feeling down, I'd often perch up on the tallest build i can find (whether that's mine or someone elses') and just sit there... Focusing on the wind and my surroundings. Its a nice stress reliever. Though, of course, i was caught doing this a few times. I find it hilarious to see the hermits without wings just yelling from below about why i was up there lmao
Wels (not the mod wels </3)
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hmshermitcraft · 2 months
(Watcher!Grian x Scar, featuring Watcher!Pearl)
The Watchers tried to target Scar only once.
This audience (Watchers plural) of Watchers didn’t know Grian was a Watcher. They also didn’t know Grian is more than happy to fight back when his loved ones are injured. He was going to visit the Watchers alone, but his sister Pearl tagged along “for the chaos, and emotional support.”
It was going relatively well, until one Watcher decided it’d be fun to kill Scar. A creeper had “just so happened to spawn” right behind the poor Vex. (Don’t worry Scar’s fine, he respawned in his train).
Things deteriorated after that, and rather quickly. Grian didn’t know if players-turned-Watchers could kill full-blooded Watchers, but he was certainly going to try.
Xisuma had to get involved.
Xisuma is pretty sure he’s never seen Grian that angry, before or since. He also had no idea Grian spoke D̵̺͌͊e̸̙͂͆ę̴͕̏p̶͎͖͛ ̷̜̐̃G̶̬͝a̵̗͗̀l̵̙͒̌a̶̬̺͝ċ̸̙̾t̴̬̘̍͒ǐ̵̠͗c̴̄̅ͅ (Deep Galactic), or that he knew such—colorful language. X and Pearl had to hold Grian back so he wouldn’t rip the Watcher apart.
That audience of Watchers never bothered Hermitcraft again. They also learned to avoid this “Scar” player as much as possible.
The Watcher who ran Secret LIFE ignored this. They were found wingless and severely injured.
-💫🌠 Anon
Xisuma is less surprised to find that most of Grian and Pearl's knowledge of Deep Galactic is swear words. He's not sure if that's a concern or a relief, but it certainly isn't his problem.
Scar still doesn't know the target that was painted and simultaneously erased on his back. He's oblivious to the cosmic war, only knowing Grian can be overprotective sometimes and gets very flustered and cute when Scar points it out.
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anonpolls · 1 month
Anon wants to see if the entire wingless pad industry is kept afloat by pad users buying them by accident.
Thanks for the question, Anon!
-submit your poll!-
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hell-drabbles · 2 months
Wait after seeing your Lucifer pieces
I just realised do you know how shattering it'd be if Lucifer is the first person to see Companion after their anglification or after their fall
Lucifer watching his friend returned into a angel knowing full well what they'll go through and how he feels when he sees their mangled body fall to the earth of hell staining the ground like his did
Even better in Raqi timeline
Only he and Raqi know Companion is back and has to take care of them
I imagine Companion is in a vegetable state for a while before making enough recovery to think and speak
Dante Anon
Yeah you'd have to think of how the bones have probably set wrong, so they'd have to be reset. Their vision will definitely not be right for many a day, so, in their heavy brain fog and migrained state, the Embittered Companion would think they're back in the hands of the angels. Whatever healing the devils are trying to do is made excruciatingly hard because, for that moment, the Companion body keeps rejecting that power. Ever fierce, ever spiteful.
They'll need sponge baths for a time, then they'll need assistance for regular bathing so there'd be a shower chair for them to sit on while they're being washed. And then there's the physical therapy to think about. Man, their body is going to be such a hurting mess. Lot of chronic pain, tremors, cramps. Ouchies.
Recovery just ain't a sexy process but the dedication behind it is nice nonetheless.
Ah, Raqiel hasn't been in my head in a whiiiile. My boy! I have forgotten my boy! Anyways, Raqi over here doesn't hold the biggest reputation but his name has passed by others lips enough for Lucifer to probably have heard of him. After all, a lot of the bloodlust-y techniques that the angels use can be attributed to Raqi, so there's probably a certain amount of caution Lucifer has towards Raqi, but not in the sense that he feels Raqi will be of any danger to him. Raqi has most definitely heard of Lucifer but has probably only seen him just as Lucifer fell out of Heaven. To Raqi, Lucifer was the falling star that had him questioning just how strong his own love towards God is, how deep does his dedication truly go? Never really thought to question it up until now, Raqi was simply going with the flow.
"To me, Lucifer was always wingless." is what Raqi would probably say.
But anyways, once those first meetings are out of the way, I feel Raqi and Lucifer wouldn't mind being around one another, seeing as they're fellow outliers in the grand scheme of things. Can potentially annoy Lucifer when the topics of Raqi's kinks come up. He gets pretty talkative about them, which is amusing in it's own way considering how the angels usually are, but the novelty will probably wear away after a certain point.
That being said, I can imagine that Lucifer found the Companion first and probably sent for Raqiel to come to Paradise Lost, because he most certainly was looking for the Companion harder than anyone else.
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An anon stole her when she was sleeping and put her I the zooted universe cus zooted Jax was crushing on Erebus hard it's cute oh also there is a wingless bat he got as a pet
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eddiemunsonhotgf · 2 years
first kiss on the cheek! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ (short hc fluff!)
he knows ur not used to the feeling so he decides to take his time ! even w the first kiss on the cheek :( u've been kissed on the cheek by some of ur friends, girls ! but never by a boy and oh boy ! it gets him excited !
maybe maybe maybe this wld happen after you finish all the bible study u haven't been able to finish. he wld wait for u in the room, laying on your bed full of stuffies ! u can't help but giggle from time to time at how cute he looks ! photo worthy !
he's just so proud of you for overtaking, that he's not able to contain himself ! he needs to get his hands on you but he wants to go slow. he wants to enjoy every stage of the relationship u both have :( so the first thing he does after u've finished ? he gives u a kiss on the cheek !! containing himself so he doesn't go any further.
he got so close to u. ur smell, ur skin ! everything made him craze. you looked like an angel, you just missed a halo. a wingless angel !
"mwwa!" there was a silence. u didn't rly know how to respond :( all reddened for him "here's for my good girl! is that okai? if i kiss u on the cheek?" trust me he wld need a lot of reassurance once he makes a further move ! he doesn't wnt to ruin something w the girl of his dreams. he wld actually go crazy if he evr loses u :(
it was a natural reaction from his body due to the proudness he felt by you being able to catch with all the hw u were given over the last few days :( he was just so so proud of u !
if he had to associate you with absolutely anything at the moment, a tomato was the only answer he'd be able to give ! so blushy n flushed !
"'m just so proud of u, doll!" he tries to give grounds for his actions, which were well enough justified cuz they were true ! it just came natural !
(i know this is not wht anon rly asked 4 but the first kiss on the cheek made me absolutely melt !! aaa he wld b so gentle n caring. thank u sm to the anon who sent this ! love u ! mwwa! )
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aprismaticodyssey · 2 months
Really? Yeah, Raziel giving mc his handkerchief and the lift? like let me thank you, very physically. okay and also because I think he is hot as fuck, plus dude got wings.
😂 i feel like the wings is what sealed the deal for you, anon.
"Wingless?! B E G O N E."
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itsonlydana · 2 years
Heyo Dana :D you have the same name as one of my irl friends lol, anyways can I get a sbi + winged little sibling reader? Like maybe hybrid school au and their the only winged hybrid so they feel a bit out of place or smth- idk it's just an idea I needed out of my brain. Anyways have a good day and make sure you drink some water and eat something!!
"those who don't mind matter"➷ sleepy bois inc
➛ pairing: c!sbi & winged sibling!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
➛ idea: being the only winged hybrid in your new school took a toll on your self-confidence, but that is nothing that can't be fixed by some good old cuddling on the couch with your family
➛ words: 2,1k
➛ tags/warnings: fluff, tiny bit of hurt/comfort, swearing
➛ an: your friend is like soo cool because of that name! I apologize for how long it took me to write this- tbh i lost motivation to write sbi for a while but now i finally sat down and wrote it in one go. Hope you enjoy it anon!
important links: rules + masterlist
🌿 reposts and comments are appreciated, they motivate me a lot and keep me writing <3
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you were never insecure about your wings - how could you be when from an early age you were praised by your family for them and any insecurity was smothered in the bud before they could even sprout
even if three of your older brothers were wingless, they tried their best so that you would not feel different. You loved each other for your differences
especially in the early days when your wings were growing and you had to learn how to use them, you did not feel alone, for Phil walked every step with you by his hand and guided you through all the new and unfamiliar things that he had to go through as well
he gave you flying lessons with Techno, Will and Tommy cheering you on from the ground (and rushing to help when it looked like you were going to crash)
all four of them helped you preen your wings, a task each of them performed with care, pride and honor. It was hard for you to groom your wings alone, but as soon as you realized it was time again, all you had to do was sit in front of one of your brothers, and immediately they knew what to do
it was relaxing and strengthened the bond and trust between you all the more, made you feel like family even if you were not blood related
when the invitation to Hybrid School came, Phil was the most excited and raved about the wonderful memories of his school days filled with friendships and adventures. You just had to bring up the subject and a dreamy smile spread across his face and his gaze disappeared into the distance
even if you weren't sure what it would be like to be in a new environment with complete strangers and to be away from your family for several hours a day, Phil was happy enough for both of you - besides, things couldn't be all that bad
The front door clicked into place with a barely audible "clack," and the handle was released as quietly as it could be with that creaky thing. It seemed to work, because the clatter of dishes from the kitchen didn't stop, nor did the clamor of Tommy and Will from the brightly lit living room. You would have to pass both rooms to walk up the stairs to your own bedroom, and so you stopped indecisively in the dark hallway, the straps of your backpack clutched tightly in your hands. 
From the smells coming from the kitchen, Phil was probably cooking your favorite meal, just as he had promised you: "After your first day of school, I'll cook you whatever you want and then you can tell us how great it was!" You were looking forward to finally being able to wish for dinner without Tommy complaining, but now you weren't sure if you would be able to eat a single bite; even swallowing was difficult because of the lump in your throat. And then there were the rocks in your stomach and the loss of appetite, despite the prospect of your favorite freshly cooked meal that Phil must have gone to extra trouble for today. 
You leaned slightly to the side, brushing off your one shoe with one foot and then the other, pushing the pair you'd already worn through to the pile of other shoes lying around in front of the shoe rack where only Phil's shoes were on the otherwise empty bars. Unfortunately, in doing so, you stepped on one of the floor ledges, which groaned loudly enough at even the slightest touch to wake the whole house. Tense, you held your breath.
"(y/n)?" you heard Phil call over the rumbling that was coming from the living room.
Before you could answer, the blond was already poking his head into the hallway, as expected a gleam on his face that made your worry of disappointing him run cold down your neck. "I didn't hear the door at all. Take off your jacket and come in, dinner's almost ready. You don't even have to help anymore, just sit at the table. I'm sure you can't wait to tell us about your day, we're all very excited mate!" 
During his flow of words you could hardly look Phil in the eye. Instead, you dropped your backpack on the floor. For a moment you considered storming up the stairs and fabaricading your door. If you didn't get out, the others couldn't get in either, and you wouldn't have to answer any questions, and you wouldn't have to get out tomorrow!
The plans you made in your mind were thwarted by two giants rushing out of the living room, because suddenly you found yourself in the arms of Will and Tommy and how could you keep your dams up? 
A sob drowned out every sound and silenced the excited questions of your brothers and one sob was followed by another and within seconds you were pressing your tear stained face against Will's familiar yellow sweater. It happened in a matter of seconds, the crash in the kitchen as Phil dropped everything and stormed into the hallway. Even Techno's room door on the second floor opened, even if he couldn't possibly have heard the crying, and flew down the stairs.
"What happened? Did something happen?" asked Techno, visibly ready to take on anyone who was even slightly to blame for your condition.
"(y/n), hey everything is fine," Will tried to reassure you, one arm wrapped around you and the other patting your head lovingly. You didn't want to let go of him at all, your hands were clasped behind his back in an attempt to feel caught again after a day of completely out of control situations. 
"School was awful," your tears quickly soaked the sweater, as soon as you started crying you couldn't hold anything back. All day you had been suppressing these feelings, trying not to let on how overwhelmed you felt being alone in this new environment and now that you were back with your family it was impossible to keep these walls up. Their love was overpowering, you didn't want to hide from them. 
A meaningful silent conversation took place over you between your brothers, after which you stepped from the dark hallway into the warmth of your living room - you continuing to press against Will, for you dared not look Phil in the eye. 
A cool glass of water and a shuffling around on the couch until everyone had found their place, later, you told your family about the day you'd just had. You began by saying how impressed you were with the old walls of the castle, which had served as a school for hybrids of all kinds for centuries now, and how you couldn't take your eyes off the battlements, sloping towers, and magical-looking courtyard. However, the magic of the castle and the feeling of being a part of something big and secret faded as soon as you stepped into the hall with all the other first-years and quickly realized that you were the only one with magnificent feathers. Of course, there were fairy hybrids whose fragile glassy wings glistened in the sunlight, and there had been a group of older dragon hybrids with gigantic leathery wings that could fling you into the air with a powerful push, but no one was like you. You had been startled to realize that....
"I was completely alone," you finished your narration, and again quickly drank a sip of water before tears could once again make their way up. With that burden lifted from your shoulders for the time being, you leaned against Phil to your right, exhausted. He didn't look disappointed at all, you noticed from the angle you were resting on his shoulder, much more sympathetic and as he looked down at you a warm smile played around his lips. 
Tommy, sitting next to Phil with the armrest at his back and his legs intertwined like a pretzel, again screwed up his face. "But just because no one else has wings like yours, doesn't mean you're alone! There are a lot of kids and really none of these thousands wanted to be friends with you?"
"Can't get more insensitive than that, can you?", Will clicked his tongue before poking you in your left side. "You can never expect too much from your first day. Most people are overwhelmed with it anyway because it's new and unfamiliar. Don't let it get you down that you haven't found anyone to get into mischief with yet. I'm sure that will come once you all get settled." Even though he was right somewhere, you didn't dare approach anyone either, it was different. 
Remembering back to the introductions in your class, how everyone had some friend or sat together in groups. "No one will want to talk to me," you sighed, raising your glass only to mumble in it as you drank, "Not after one of the cool guys said I looked like a pulled chicken."
"HE DID WHAT?" Techno's previously quiet voice filled the room like a thunderclap, sudden and loud enough to make you flinch. The pink-haired man's red eyes were able to pierce a hole through you with the sharpness in them, and you were glad that the anger wasn't really directed at you, otherwise you would have been guaranteed to run for the hills by now. Techno's back was pushed straight through, his thighs strained, and he looked like it was costing him everything not to jump up from his usually comfortable position next to Will. Will, however, didn't really look calm either, his soft gaze had become hard and he gritted his teeth under his tense jaw. 
You looked from the twins, who looked more alike than ever at that moment, to Tommy. His jaw lay ready to be picked up from the floor. 
One hand rested on your thigh, the other under your chin, turning your head so that you looked at Phil. He spoke your name softly, quietly and gently and full of warmth that put a band-aid on all the wounds of the day. "First, and it's the most important thing you need to know in your life, is that you are perfect just the way you are," he began and you were almost ready to cry again. You made an effort to keep looking him in the eyes, even if Phil seemed more hurt about these events than you were "and secondly, you can't let comments like that get to you, okay? The ones who think they can judge you aren't important, but the ones who don't mind matter." 
"Because they're complete bullshit!" shouted Tommy indignantly, and despite the expletive, he was not admonished by Phil. Instead, the elder nodded in agreement, which only spurred the young blond to continue, "They're talking trash, irrelevant lies because they're idiots! Jerks! Ass-"
Before he could utter the last expletive, there came an urging, long-drawn-out "Tommy" after all, to which he only gave you a braces-presenting satisfied grin. 
"Phil he's right" Will fell back into the couch cushions behind you and threw his legs up on the small coffee table in front of you "The little rug rat has no idea who he's messed with" 
"Messed with?" Alarmed, Phil tensed next to you and his eyebrows shot up at Techno's nod. 
"Messed with" Techno confirmed, looking thoughtfully around the room "We could come with you tomorrow and dangle him off one of the towers"
"Or we could dunk him in the fountain for revenge, then he'd have to walk around with wet pants on" Tommy suggested.
"Or," Phil firmly interrupted the creative exchange of ideas on how your brothers could get back at the boy "Or we approach the teacher and settle it without violence"
The three boys sighed, you began to grin. At the saddened faces, you leaned back against Will, patting Techno with one hand and smiling at Tommy. "I'm very grateful to you, but you don't have to be my bodyguards. I can handle it on my own. It was just a stupid comment from someone I don't know and from now on I'll just stay away from him."
Before you knew it Phil's wings spread out behind you all, pressing you all closer until you were lying in a heap on top of each other, arm in arm, some foot half in your stomach, but together. Maybe tomorrow wouldn't be so bad, maybe you'd even meet a friend with whom you could do all the nonsense Phil had experienced in his time at school.
And if things didn't go well, the four self-proclaimed bodyguards sitting outside the school gate in sunglasses would immediately come to the rescue.
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
I LOVE anon’s idea of Player being a sort of guardian Angel type figure! The absolute audacity of unseen forces tearing away their one true shred of hope in their bleak world, and then having their minds wiped squeaky clean of their existence? Even more brutal than the OG chain.
Here’s that but with only one of the evil boys
The crackling light from the fire danced at the edge of Link- Hyrule’s vision. He had turned his back to the flames in favor of staring at you, their little prisoner, you who had decided to sleep as far away as possible from the campfire to stay away from at least (as some slept far off, not trusting their team members) the bulk of their ragtag group.
He narrowed his gaze, dark circles pronouncing themselves as they crinkled under the weight of his sneer.
Hyrule had asked for first watch that night, knowing he wouldn’t be able to get much sleep after a few things- regarding his… wingless condition- got brought up by yourself.
It wasn’t something he wanted any of his peers to be privy to, the more knowledge they had of him the more they could exploit. It was your fucking fault they even knew that he had a fairy form. At the very least, they didn’t know it wasn’t just his magic, and that he had actual fairy blood.
He grumbled as you shivered, curling in on yourself with your thin blanket. With a slight glance Hyrule noted that everyone was asleep, his keen sense of hearing confirming their even breaths, aside from the occasional flutter due to frequent night terrors.
Quietly, he stood, slowly moving across the dry, dead grass. He squatted beside you, hunching over you with a disgruntled countenance.
“I’m sure that dark creature won’t mind you having a blemish or two…” He whispered, pulling out his sword. “Just one little cut, a bit of discomfort to start your tomorrow with, think of it as a warning to leave my past in the past.”
Despite your slumbering state not being able to process his words to their fullest meaning, you shifted in a show of slight fear, lip quivering as sweat began to bead down your face. Your breathing kicked up a notch, and you began to mumble.
“Shh, can’t have you moving now, I might make a mistake, and the wound may be… a bit bigger than wanted.” He tried to gently put a hand on your shoulder to quiet your movements, which worked, but in response your mumbles turned to words.
“Link… Link it’s okay…” You muttered, faced creased in worry.
The sound of his real name sent a slight shudder down his spine. It shouldn’t even phase him, you were dreaming of those other versions of them, of him, it shouldn’t effect him at all.
“Link- Link you don’t need to fly… you’re still perfect to me…” Now that surprised him.
The other… the other him still had his wings, given what you had said today. Why would you be dreaming up such a scenario?
In his hesitation, his wrist was touched. He startled, noticing your hand gingerly grasping it. Despite himself, he felt no need to pull away, no burning rage at the sudden touch, no coursing fear that he had been caught and this was it.
“I’ve got you, I can’t hold you, but know that I’ve got you…” You whispered, wiggling closer to him despite being unconscious.
A numb film drenched his brain as his limbs seized up, goosebumps from the night’s chill melted back into his skin as sense of feeling drove away for comfort, and a wave of memory crashed over him-
“I’ve got you- it’s okay Link, I’m here.” You rapidly whispered to him, a warm brush caressing his cheek.
He pressed his knees further against him, sobbing violently into his legs. “T-they’re GONE! They clipped them gone! I-I didn’t e-even get a choice!”
He had slipped into his fairy form after jumping onto a desk so that he could drop into a small drawer, unable to simply fly up and into it like he normally could.
“I’m not even a fairy anymore, am I? What kind of fairy doesn’t have wings?” He cried, fruitlessly wiping at his red eyes.
“The one I hold dearly, Link.” It was like gentle tendrils of warm, golden mist curled around his legs, arms, hands, wrists, and entire body. A shield made of love and support in his dark world.
He hiccuped, “That’s stupid.”
You hummed, twirling your gentle feelings through his hair, like fingers carding through his wild locks. “Not to me it isn’t, not to me.”
Hyrule blinked furiously, tears marring his face. He pulled his hands away from you, throwing his sword as far as possible from your vulnerable body, it fell silently in the grass nearby.
He looked down at you in a whole new light, eyes sparkling as more and more came back to him. The noise of crickets and owls buzzed out of his hearing as you became the only thing in the world that mattered, the only thing he cared about.
Oh- wow, oh gee- you were even lovelier in person. How did he not realize that? How could he not realize that? How come he didn’t remember you? You were all he cared for, fought for!
No wonder he couldn’t remember where he found the motivation to keep moving, keep alive, keep going even when he craved death over all else. You were what kept him going- living! If not for you he wouldn’t even be here, he would’ve been dead if not for you.
You were right here, in front of him, and he had almost harmed you.
Hyrule scrambled back, not trusting his own hands. He had almost wounded his light, his wonder, his world. All for what? Your horror over his well being? Stupid stupid! He couldn’t, he couldn’t conceive the idea of ever hurting you-!
‘They might,’ a piece of him whispered. ‘They’ve already drawn weapons against them, threatened them, scared them’.
He looked back at the group, sleeping not-so-soundly as nightmares attacked their minds.
He could kill them now, just one little slice to the throat and they’d be too busy choking to scream, just one little slice…
‘They wouldn’t like it thought, they’d feel even more disgusted by you…’ a small part of his brain mumbled, referring to you.
But who cares? You wouldn’t be awake to know it was him. Besides, even if you had guarded the rest as well, you clearly didn’t recall. You hadn’t remembered him, given your surprise over his wings, so what reason would you remember the rest? If you hated them as much as you currently hated him, then it’d be a damn blessing that they had all mysteriously died in the night.
He has never been happy once in his life, and here was his happiness, sleeping on the floor, in danger. It didn’t matter that the rest may soon recall like Hyrule, or like your goody two shoes versions of them, couldn’t he be selfish just this once? Doesn’t he deserve to be selfish by now?
‘You once promised them a world where everything was better, you know…’
‘You said to be better, things would have to get better, and now, with these… people like you… that’s possible…’
‘If you’re selfish about this… will your guardian miss out on happiness too…?’
“…What if they hand them over before then…?” He whispered out loud to himself in abject horror, looking back at your rising and falling chest, needing reassurance that you were still breathing and alive.
‘…Then we’ll cut, and cut, and cut, until their are no more pieces left…’
Inspiration hits when it hits, and it hit fucking hard.
I just want them all to cuddle and kiss and smooch and THESE VILLAINS ARE BAD, WHY DO I LOVE THEM SO MUCH?!?!
(I chose Hyrule because his OG counterpart was the first as well hehe)
ALSO! Do the villains and yanderes go by their new nicknames or by by the same ones? Or is stuff like ‘Conflict’ and ‘Shards’ and ‘Abyss’ out of world stuff? Or maybe later things? I need to know, it makes writing much harder not knowing
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exo-meme-ories · 2 years
'tis i, the wingless anon! i tried to get a wig of my source and the shipping... and this body does not have the style or length for to mimic my style with aaaaaaa
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To the previous anon(not mean just came off like they don't know wyrms with a y are a thing)
Noun. wyrm (plural wyrms) (mythology, fantasy) A huge limbless and wingless dragon or dragon-like creature. A sea serpent.
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lxkeee · 4 months
HI! Thank you for sending in that request! It was honestly such a cute idea and I'm glad that you enjoyed reading it! Honestly, I didn't expect people to like it so much 🥹🫶
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jolteon-rph · 2 years
A very small & general bundle of magical anon prompts, or M!A’s, for almost all kinds of muses.
Feel free to alter them however you see fit.
Length of these M!A’s are all up to the mun.
M!A - Roboticised; Your human/humanoid muse is completely roboticised. Whether they turn into an android or a full-on robot is up to the sender.
For the reverse, send M!A - Organic to an android/robot muse for them to become human/humanoid.
M!A - Wings; Your muse sprouts a pair of wings. The style and size of the wings are up to the sender.
For the reverse, send M!A - Flightless to a winged/flight-capable muse to make them completely wingless/flightless.
M!A - Animal; Your muse is turnt into an animal of the senders choice.
For the reverse, send M!A - Human for an animal muse (anthro or otherwise) to become human.
M!A - Superpowers; Your muse gains a superpower of the senders choice.
For the reverse, send M!A - No Supers to a muse with superpowers/unnatural abilities for their abilities to be removed.
M!A - Phantom; Your muse is now a ghost and is intangible.
For the reverse, send M!A - Tangible for a ghost/phantom muse to be brought back to life/become tangible again.
M!A - Honesty; Your muse cannot lie, no matter how big or small, in response to every question.
For the reverse, send M!A - Liar for the muse to only lie in response to every question.
M!A - Supernatural; Your muse becomes a supernatural being of the senders choice (i.e, vampire, werewolf, etc).
For the reverse, send M!A - All Natural for a supernatural muse to become entirely normal.
M!A - Heavyweight; Your muse doesn’t appear to have a change in weight, but they are suddenly extremely heavy, and find it extremely difficult to move.
For the reverse, send M!A - Lightweight for the muse to become extremely light and agile, despite no visible weight change.
M!A - Hatred; Your muse has a very sudden burning hatred for everyone around them, regardless of their personality beforehand.
For the reverse, send M!A - Lover for the muse to become very loving and kind towards everyone, regardless of their personality beforehand.
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
hi it's scared-of-roaches anon again. i looked up dubious roaches and they are definitely very roach-y, but we'll see about forming a colony. can the males fly?
dubia can’t really fly, but males will try to jump down from a surface and glide. I like to say they can only fly down…
can’t remember if you wanted to have them as pets or for feeders, but Madagascar hissers are maybe a decent option? those are totally wingless, and make good pets and a thriving colony should have sufficient offspring to use a few as feeders for one or two predators. the Therea domino roaches can be tricky to keep but are probably the least roachlike roaches! not good as food though
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