#winn schott fanfic
marinawolf · 1 year
Obvious (SuperCorp)
by marinawolf
As promised- something for the supercorp girlies ❤️
So remember that post (this one) I made about Lena and Kara being totally obvious about their 'secret' relationship and Alex figures it out? Wellllll, I turned it into a fic with a bit of smut, so be warned. (a little teaser: only Lena Luthor can bring Supergirl to her knees.) Here you go:
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"So, I was thinking we could maybe grab a drink after work today, Kara? Just you and I," James suggested, a hopeful smile on his face.
Kara hesitated, her mind already formulating a gentle rejection, when her attention was captivated by the sight of Lena, walking towards them from across the Catco bullpen.
"James..." Kara's voice trailed off, her focus shifting entirely to Lena. The world around her faded into the background and her breath caught in her throat. Lena looked absolutely stunning, and Kara couldn't help but feel a rush of desire course through her veins.
Lena's pants clung to her figure in all the right places, perfectly fitted to accentuate her curves. With every step she took, her movements exuded confidence and grace, drawing attention to her every sway. The way her hips moved in those pants left Kara captivated, her mind spiraling with thoughts of exploring every inch of Lena's exquisite form.
Her heels added an extra touch of allure, giving her an air of undeniable sexiness. With each confident stride, Lena seemed to command the room, turning heads without even trying.
Kara's eyes trailed up Lena's body, drawn to the sight of her unbuttoned white shirt. The top buttons were undone, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of her collarbones and the gentle curve of her breasts. A delicate chain adorned her neck, its presence teasing Kara's imagination, making her yearn to trace its path with her fingertips.
Lena's hair was pulled away from her face, styled in a perfect ponytail that showcased her flawless features. Every strand seemed to fall into place effortlessly, accentuating the elegance and sophistication that radiated from her. Kara couldn't help but admire the flawless canvas that was Lena's face, her eyes fixated on Lena's mesmerizing blue-green gaze that held her heart captive.
Lena approached them, a knowing smile curving her lips as she looked at Kara. "Am I interrupting?" she asked, her voice filled with a playful edge.
Kara's response was immediate, her eyes lighting up as if James had ceased to exist. "No, not at all," she replied, her voice laced with affection as she turned her full attention to Lena.
James, caught off guard by the sudden shift in Kara's focus, tried to draw her attention once more. "Kara?" he called, hoping to regain her interest.
But Kara barely registered his words, her eyes locked with Lena's, a silent conversation passing between them. It was a magnetic attraction that defied reason, and Kara found herself lost in the depths of those enchanting eyes.
Snapping herself out of her reverie, Kara finally responded to James, her voice filled with a mixture of distraction and apology. "Sorry, James, maybe another time," she said, barely registering his disappointment. Kara could only focus on Lena.
"Hey, guys, have you seen the news?" a voice piped up, filled with urgency.
Kara turned to one of her fellow reporters, Jane, who had joined them without her even noticing, her curiosity piqued. "What's going on?" she inquired.
Jane held up her phone, displaying a series of alarming posts on various social media platforms. "There's a new terrorist group making waves online. They're threatening to bring Supergirl to her knees," she explained, her voice tinged with worry.
A smirk tugged at the corners of Kara's lips as she confidently responded, her blue eyes gleaming with playful defiance. "Oh, trust me, nobody can bring Supergirl to her knees," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of humor.
Just as Kara finished her sentence, her gaze instinctively shifted to Lena, who had been listening intently. To Kara's surprise, Lena raised an eyebrow, a playful glint dancing in her eyes. A surge of adrenaline shot through Kara's veins, her heart racing in response to the unspoken invitation hidden within Lena's gaze.
Before Kara could fully process the implications of Lena's expression, Lena spoke.
"Kara, could you please join me in the boardroom? There are some matters I'd like to discuss regarding your assignment for Friday night's tech event," Lena requested, her tone laced with professionalism.
Kara's breath hitched in her throat, a wave of anticipation washing over her. She couldn't resist the allure of Lena's invitation, knowing full well that their encounter in the boardroom would be far from a mere discussion of work.
She followed Lena to the boardroom, the anticipation building with each step.
Once inside, Lena closed the door behind them, enveloping the room in an air of secrecy and desire. Kara leaned against the door, raising an eyebrow playfully, a surge of anticipation bubbling inside her.
"What's on the agenda today, Boss?" Kara asked, her voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and longing.
Lena's eyes darkened with desire as she moved closer to Kara, their bodies now inches apart. Her fingertips brushed against Kara's cheek, tracing a path down her jawline. "Oh, just some urgent matters that require your undivided attention," she replied, her voice laced with seduction, her breath ghosting over Kara's lips.
Without warning, Lena's lips captured Kara's, the heat of their connection igniting a fire within them both. Their kiss was passionate and hungry, and Kara melted into it, desperately.
As they kissed, Kara reveled in the taste of Lena's lips, the softness of her touch. The world outside the boardroom ceased to exist as they lost themselves in each other, the kiss deepening with each passing moment.
In that stolen moment, Kara let go of her inhibitions. She surrendered to the intoxicating pleasure of Lena's kiss, her powers and strength fading in into irrelevance as Lena took control, claiming Kara as hers.
Their bodies pressed against each other, fitting together perfectly like pieces of a puzzle. Lena's hands roamed over Kara's body, teasing and exploring with a gentle intensity. Kara melted into the touch, her body responding to Lena's every caress.
Lena's touch ignited a burning desire within Kara, her knees weakening as Lena's kisses traveled down her neck. A soft moan escaped Kara's lips, a testament to the pleasure coursing through her veins.
Whispering against Kara's ear, Lena's voice carried a teasing tone, her breath hot against Kara's skin. "So, no one can bring Supergirl to her knees, huh?" she playfully remarked, her words laden with desire and a hint of challenge.
Lena's words sent a surge of desire coursing through Kara's body, her knees growing weak in anticipation. The challenge in Lena's tone was irresistible, and Kara's playful confidence melted away, replaced by a hunger for Lena's touch. Kara's pulse quickened, desire coursing through her veins. In that moment, she was all too eager to surrender to Lena, to let her take control, to submit herself to Lena’s mercy.
"I guess I was wrong," Kara whispered, willingly dropping to her knees.
Later that evening, inside the bustling DEO headquarters, Kara stood in her Supergirl suit as the team worked frantically to trace the elusive terrorists who had targeted Supergirl with their threats. Winn, her brilliant friend and the DEO's resident computer geek, furrowed his brow as he grappled with the complexities of their digital trail.
"They're rerouting their connection through multiple countries, making it difficult to trace," Winn explained, frustration lacing his voice. "But give me just a few minutes, and I'll have their exact location."
As the gravity of the situation settled over the room, Hank and Alex joined Kara, their expressions reflecting a mix of concern and determination. The theft of synthetic kryptonite from a secretive chemical company weighed heavily on their minds, amplifying the urgency of finding the culprits.
"Synthetic kryptonite is volatile at best and in the wrong hands could pose a grave danger," Kara reminded them, her voice resolute. "not just to me, but to anyone near it."
Hank nodded, his stoic presence exuding a sense of reassurance.
Alex, a blend of fierce loyalty and worry in her eyes, interjected, "We won't let anything happen."
As the team rallied, Kara's gaze involuntarily drifted toward Lena. Their earlier encounter in the boardroom remained fresh in her mind, the taste of Lena still lingering on her lips. Kara couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of the situation. Despite the terrorists' elaborate schemes, it was Lena's mere touch that held the power to bring Supergirl to her knees.
The room's dynamics shifted whenever Lena drew near. Each time Lena brushed past her, she faintly grazed her fingertips against Kara's waist, sending electric pulses through Kara’s body, teasing and tantalizing.
Amidst the turmoil, Lena dedicated herself to the cause, assisting Alex and Winn with unwavering determination. Her worry for Supergirl's safety mingled with her expertise, lending a sense of urgency to her actions. Kara marveled at Lena's intellect and resilience, grateful to have her as both her girlfriend and a formidable partner in their fight against evil.
However, shock rippled through Kara as her gaze inadvertently fell upon a vivid lipstick stain adorning Lena's neck and collar. Realization crashed over her, and she silently cursed herself for her oversight. In the midst of their passionate encounter, she had unwittingly left evidence of their intimacy.
Panic surged within Kara as she desperately hoped no one else had noticed. Her gaze darted toward Alex, whose inquisitive eyes seemed to linger on Lena's neck, a glimmer of suspicion flickering within them. She was certain that Alex would figure it out- she had helped Kara pick out that lipstick. The fear of their secret being exposed gripped Kara's heart, yet she masked her worry behind a confident smile, silently urging Alex to let it go.
Taking a deep breath, Kara refocused her attention on the task at hand. They had to locate the terrorists before they could carry out their nefarious plans.
The next evening, Kara and Alex settled on Kara's couch, ready for a well-deserved sister's night with popcorn and movies. The successful capture of the terrorists the previous night had left them both relieved, and this evening was their chance to unwind. Lena, unfortunately, was tied up with work at L Corp, as the recent acquisition of several smaller companies demanded her attention. Kara, missing Lena's presence, tried to push the thought aside and focus on enjoying the night with her sister. She pulled on her coziest clothes, ready to enjoy a fun night with Alex.
As they snuggled in, Alex's eyes narrowed as she noticed Kara's choice of attire.
"Kara, why are you wearing an MIT sweatshirt?" Alex inquired, her curiosity piqued.
Kara's mind raced for a plausible explanation. She fidgeted slightly, her nerves betraying her as she replied, "Oh, this? It's Lena's. I guess I borrowed it when I spilled something on my shirt. You know Lena," she laughed, nervously, "always willing to help. I didn't realize I had put it on."
Alex raised her eyebrows, a knowing smile tugging at her lips.
"Right," she said, "okay, then."
Relieved that her impromptu excuse seemed to have worked, Kara steered the conversation towards movie choices. "So, what are we in the mood for tonight? Comedy or action? I've got a few ideas in mind."
A few days later, Kara and Lena found themselves in the confines of a supply closet at the DEO, their lips locked in a passionate kiss. The intensity between them was palpable, fueled by the longing from being apart for two days as Lena returned from a business trip. Kara sat perched on a table, her legs wrapped around Lena, their bodies pressed against each other. Lena's shirt was partially unbuttoned, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of skin, while Kara's fingertips traced the contours of Lena's waist.
Lost in their own world of desire, Lena's lips trailed along Kara's neck, eliciting soft moans of pleasure from Kara. However, the blissful moment was abruptly interrupted by the faint sound of approaching footsteps. Kara's super hearing caught wind of the intruder, and they hastily separated, Kara's heart racing with the fear of being caught.
Lena quickly adjusted her disheveled shirt while Kara frantically fixed her hair, both trying to regain their composure. With trepidation, Kara cautiously opened the closet door, revealing Alex standing there with an amused smile and a steaming cup of coffee in her hand.
"Well, well, well," Alex teased, her voice dripping with mischief. "Seems like you two aren't as discreet as you think. It's getting a little ridiculous, don't you think?"
Kara stood there, her face flushed with embarrassment, unable to meet Alex's gaze.
"Uh, we didn't mean for anyone to find out yet," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.
Lena's cheeks were tinged with a faint blush but Kara expected that it was due to their previous activity, and not embarrassment at being caught. Lena was too confident for that.
Alex took a sip of her coffee, unable to hide her amusement. "Well, clearly subtlety isn't exactly your strong suit, is it? But you know what? It's okay. Everyone at the DEO already knows because you two couldn't be more obvious if you tried. So, no need to hide anymore."
Kara and Lena exchanged a nervous glance before an unexpected burst of laughter escaped from their lips. The tension dissolved, replaced by a shared sense of relief and humor. In that moment, Kara realised that subtlety was simply not their style. How obvious had they been?
As their laughter subsided, Kara and Lena reached for each other's hands, their fingers intertwining effortlessly. They didn’t have to hide anymore.
btw I love you guys! I have been writing these fics for so long and only recently found the courage to post them. whenever you comment on my fics, I get a little dopamine hit. So thank you. ❤️
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 7 months
A Pleasant Ruse
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Andrea Rojas, Alex Danvers, Winn Schott
Summary: Lena runs into her ex-Andrea who wants her back. Lena panics and tells her that Kara is her girlfriend. Will Kara be willing to help Lena keep up the ruse?
Lena looked at her phone and sighed as she walked down the street. L-Corp stock was down again after Lex’s latest stunt against Superman. The Board was at each other’s throats about what to do. Normally, these things didn’t get to her, but today she just felt like curling into a little ball and hiding in the middle of nowhere.
“Sometimes I wish I could go somewhere where no one knew my name,” muttered Lena. 
Normally, she would wallow in her apartment and drink the night away, but she knew she didn’t have to do that anymore, especially with Kara and her friends. She blushed when she thought of Kara. Every time she smiled, it would light up the room. She was hoping a little of that light would rub off on her today. When she called Kara an hour ago, she was happy that she was available to talk but was wondering if Lena would be able to do so at Noonan’s. She was saving seats for some of the others in their friend group. Lena would rather they be alone, but she realized that she did call Kara out of the blue without necessarily considering her current plans. Also, her curiosity was piqued. Noonan’s wasn’t normally opened passed 10 p.m. during the week. However, it was currently 10:39 p.m.
After five more minutes, she began to see the outline of Noonan’s but was surprised to see not only was the place lit up, but there were multiple cars parked down the block. As she got closer, she noticed that the place was packed. It was more crowded than the morning rush. When she got inside, Lena looked around the crowded room and smiled when she saw Kara hopping up and down waving at her from the back. She shook her head and tried to maneuver her way towards Kara. 
As she got closer, she nearly stopped and blushed. Lena didn’t notice before because she could only see Kara’s face and arms when she was at the front of the restaurant, but now that she was in front of the blonde, she was surprised at what she was wearing. She had on a green short-sleeved crop top, black short shorts, and brown hiking shoes. Her hair was flowing down her back. The entire outfit highlighted Kara’s muscular form. Kara usually wore things that covered her fully. She didn’t realize that Kara had a hardcore twelve-pack abs, and toned legs and arms. She gulped when Kara hugged her tightly. She could feel the heat in her face growing. Lena had to fight to keep her arms next to her instead of caressing her abs. 
“Lena, I am glad that you were able to come out!” exclaimed Kara excitedly. 
“Me too,” squeaked Lena. 
As they went to sit down, Kara stared at her with a frown. 
“Are you ok? Your face looks a little flushed and you are panting.”
Lena tried to seem unfazed but felt like her brain was in overdrive. 
She started fanning herself and shakily said, “I’m, um, fine. Yes, I am fine.”
Kara stared at her hesitantly and said, “You don’t seem so sure.”
Lena let out a nervous laugh and said, “Don’t worry. I just got winded trying to get back here. I don’t think I have ever seen this place so packed before, even during their morning rushes.”
“Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that they are having an event here tonight. You know the author Helena Bromfield?”
Lena nodded and said, “Ah, yes! She has a bunch of popular action books.”
“Yup! That is the one. Well, she is having a book reading for her latest novel: Alana and the Lost Civilization of Atlantis at midnight tonight. She will then host a Q&A followed by a book signing. That is why a lot of the people here are in costume.”
Lena looked around and felt a little foolish. She had been so focused on seeing Kara that she didn’t notice the outfits everyone was wearing. They all looked like they were out of some archeological action movie. Lena shook her head and stared back at Kara. 
“I never took you as one that was into cosplaying. You look very good as Alana.”
Lena felt her face flushed again and looked down. 
Good doesn’t begin to describe it. She looks sexy as hell.
Lena had to slowly breathe in and out to try to control her racing heart. Lena had secretly been a fan of Bromfield’s work. Her mother always disapproved of sci-fi and fantasy. Her thoughts were living in reality was more important than make-believe. However, the books offered her a brief escape from all the trauma of that household, mostly done by Lex. She would imagine going on an adventure with the Great Alana as she explored distant worlds and planets. She recently had been fantasizing about Kara as Alana and whisking her off on an amazing adventure. The thought caused her to blush harder. 
Can’t believe I get to live out part of my fantasy!
Kara chuckled while rubbing the back of her neck and said, “Thanks! I wasn’t sure if I could pull this off.”
Lena stared at her dumbfounded. 
She thinks she couldn’t pull it off! She looks ten times better than the initial character description for Alana. I am surprised that guys and girls aren’t flocking to her now!
Lena cleared her throat and said, “You pull off the look amazingly. I’m surprised the other people cosplaying as Alana don’t look at you with envy.”
Kara blushed while laughing. 
“You are too kind.” 
They looked at each other shyly for a moment before Lena asked, “If the book reading doesn’t start until midnight, why are people here so early?”
“Good seating. Alex made me promise to get here at 9 to save seating for her and Winn since they wouldn’t be able to get here until after 11. I got here at 10, and I had to fight people in order to get this booth since it was so packed.”
Lena chuckled which caused Kara to frown.
“What’s so funny?” pouted Kara.
“I didn’t mean to laugh. It is just that I wished I had gotten here sooner to see you try to defend your territory.”
Kara chuckled and said, “It didn’t get nearly as dramatic as that. I just gave a very stern look until they backed off.”
Lena raised an eyebrow and said coyly, “Really? A stern look?”
Read the rest on AO3
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cyclone-rachel · 3 months
Winn had wanted to hope for the best.
Of course, he had no idea what he was about to discover, that day when he found the spaceship under National City harbor. But in general… he wanted Mon-El to be alive. He wanted to believe that the device- that he and Lena had built together, that Kara had activated, sending lead into the atmosphere that had ended the lives of Queen Rhea and many other Daxamite soldiers- somehow lost its effect on him once he was sent into space. That maybe, someone had found him, and helped him, just like Kara had found him in his pod so many months ago and helped him adjust to life on Earth.
Again, Winn didn’t know who would have found him. But it was a good story- and in the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t too implausible. Superman had been found by Kansas farmers as a baby, and Kara’s pod had been knocked off-course where she lingered in an endless void for a few decades, only for her to be found by her grown-up cousin. Anything could have happened to Mon-El, and Winn would have been happy if he was still breathing. Somewhere out in the universe, where the lead couldn’t touch him- nothing would’ve been better.
And when they did find him- despite how many questions he had- nothing was better. Arriving on the ship with Kara and J’onn, expecting an attack, but seeing him there instead- seeing Kara’s face light up, as she clung to him as if to make sure he was real… it made him happy just being in the room.
(If he hadn’t seemed so tired and barely able to stand afterwards, Winn probably would have hugged him too)
Mon-El was different when he woke up- quiet, distant, detached. Reluctant to speak about where he’d been, what had happened to him, what exactly he was doing on a spaceship that had apparently been under the ocean for 12 thousand years. And yeah, Winn was pissed when he found out Mon-El had attacked two DEO agents just to try and get back to his ship, and that he’d made Kara cry when he refused to explain himself. But at least the distance made sense when he found out the truth.
It had been seven years for Mon-El- and he’d done a lot in that time. Not the least of which was founding his own superhero team in Kara’s honor, living in the thirty-first century, receiving a cure for his lead poisoning and getting married to one of his teammates. Most importantly, he and Imra were there to stay, at least temporarily- because they were supposed to help fight the new supervillain that had just surfaced in National City.
Which was great! Especially the idea of a whole legion of superheroes- Winn could just imagine them in the ship Mon-El had arrived on, working in perfect harmony. Piloting the ship, controlling the weapons, making plans of attack against whatever villains they would face next- everything that would happen with any superhero team. Kind of like what happened at the DEO, except in space, flying all over the galaxy.
(If Winn was being honest, that was his wildest dream, being a part of something like that. But… he’d already gotten to live that dream in some ways, just working with Supergirl. He was fine where he was.)
What wasn’t so great was what had happened next- Kara fighting the new villain, Reign, and ending up in a coma. Winn watched her fall, bloodied and bruised, and tried to reassure himself. Kara had been in comas before, and the previous times, she’d been okay.
This time… he wasn’t so sure, and he knew the others around him felt the same way as she was wheeled into the DEO. But Mon-El, again, was quiet and calm, and looked at Imra as though they could read one another’s minds, knowing what had to happen next.
“Kara will be alright.” Imra said. “But we need to take her down to our ship… and we need to wake up one of our friends.”
“Another superhero?” Winn found himself asking, too excited for this situation.
Mon-El nodded, though he didn’t elaborate, and with that, lifted Kara into his arms, as he and Imra went to leave.
Winn was the first to follow them, and soon Imra was working on the controls for one of the empty tanks, which opened as Mon-El shifted Kara in his arms and placed her into it. The tank filled with something that Winn figured was probably not water, and the Legionnaires turned their attention to another tank- one that Winn could now see had blue lights coming from inside it. And as he took a closer look, he saw the lights on this man’s belt too, arranged in a familiar shape that only brought to mind painful memories.
“Who… who is that?”
“Our friend.” Imra said, moving over to that tank’s controls, draining it before it fully opened. “Brainiac 5- or Brainy, as we call him. He’s going to communicate with Kara for us.”
“And are you sure that’s going to work?” Alex asked.
Are you sure we want her seeing a Brainiac inside her head, Winn thought. But he kept it to himself.
“We’ve done it many times.” Mon-El reassured her. “The sooner she wakes up, the better, since Reign is still out there. And trust me- he will help her wake up.”
To be fair, he did. Which he, and especially Alex, were grateful for.
But the more time Winn spent with him, the more he realized that that was his only redeeming quality. He tried to be friends with him, sure- showed him around the DEO, asked for a tour of the Legion ship in return (and was turned down- Brainiac 5 said he didn’t need to see more than he had to), offered to take him to all the places he loved in National City, but Brainiac 5 wasn’t interested. He was, however, dismissive, always ready with a sarcastic or negative comment about the 21st century, or Winn’s lack of intelligence compared to his own. And it all came to a head when Kara had to take the Legion ship to Fort Rozz- which was promptly when everyone else in the DEO realized what he did about the Coluan.
And, unfortunately for both of them, when J’onn made his decision.
“We have to do what?”
“You have to learn how to get along.” J’onn stated. “We will not be able to defeat Reign if we don’t work together. That includes you two- so as long as the Legion is in the twenty-first century, you will be sharing a room with one another.”
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hey, does anyone remember this one supergirl fanfic on AO3 about vines, and Lena didn't understand them, and was really confused?
I remember a few moments, like Lena correcting Kara when Kara said said "fresh ava ca do" and Winn yelling "this house is a f*king nightmare" and i think Lucy lane was in it.
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valorianknights · 1 year
Here's some ToyBird art!
This is based on the Supergirl fanfiction, A Second Chance, by 29PheonixLement on ao3
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This art is from like January, but I felt that I needed to color it
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Found old fanart too! From 2022 I think.
But in all seriousness, a bouquet of Oreos is the perfect Valentine's Day gift and ultimate act of love. CHANGE MY MIND.
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I really like these facial expressions from snowie😊 I think it really gets across her frustration and sadness in the moment during this exchange with Kara.
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Also some sanvers in the corner. The Babies 💛
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lupines-slash-recs · 1 year
Rec: Something In The Air (Is Giving Me Bad Ideas) by lady_ragnell
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Title: Something In The Air (Is Giving Me Bad Ideas) Author: lady_ragnell Canon: Supergirl | DCCW Pairing: James Olsen/Winn Schott Jr. Rating: Teen [PG] Word Count: 2,048 Summary: In which everyone thinks Winn and James are dating and it is extremely embarrassing.
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pez-wolf · 2 years
Does anyone have any good Winn Schott Jr. centered fanfic recommendations?
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Chapters: 12/15 Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Imra Ardeen/Mon-El, Samantha "Sam" Arias/Alex Danvers Characters: Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Querl Dox, Brainiac (DCU), J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Agent Vasquez (Supergirl TV 2015), James "Jimmy" Olsen Additional Tags: Heavy Angst, Graphic Description, Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl, Lena Luthor Needs a Hug, Alex Danvers & Lena Luthor Friendship, Endgame Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Lena deals with the aftermath of Supergirl's fight with Reign, Kara and Lena Pining after one another from afar, Sick Character, Minor Lena Luthor/James "Jimmy" Olsen Series: Part 2 of Pulling back the curtain (Supercorp) Summary:
Lena deals with the aftermath of Supergirl's fight with Reign, and grieves the loss of Kara.
This story is a continuation of my other story, If Only. I highly recommend that you guys check out that story before you read this one!
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uselessgayshit · 2 years
Y’all are gonna hate me when I finally release my bartender au. Y’all are gonna be sooooo mad at me
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years
Supergirl fanfic idea i might write one day (should i find the time + motivation)
Kara didn't get the job at CatCo - maybe Cat was out that day, maybe Kara just didn't make the impact she did in canon, whatever, she doesn't get the job. But she does get a job with a temp agency and she winds up temping at a few different places - eventually including CatCo, but as the front desk girl. She does still make friends with Winn, but they have to make time to hang out after work since they're not in the same room all day. So he asked her out early in their friendship and maybe Kara turned him down off the bat or maybe they casually dated for a few weeks before deciding they were better off as friends, but they're in a pretty solid place now with no one hiding any secret crushes on the other.
Now being the 'start' of S1, but with some S2 elements thrown in.
Lena has taken over Luther Corp earlier than in canon and is doing the rebranding now. Along with moving the headquarters to National City in order to get away from all things Superman because, well, the company needs the literal distance and Lena rather gets the impression that Superman doesn't like her. Her regular secretary can't come with her, so she gets one through a temp agency because her plan is to lure Jesse back once whatever crisis meant she needed to quit abates. The temp is Kara Danvers.
Kara doesn't realize what L Corp is because the rebranding went through internally before being officially announced externally, so her first day is supposed to be the day of the announcement. Kara is coming up with all kinds of reasons to quit once she realizes that she's Lena Luthor's secretary, only to immediately come up with reasons to stay when she realizes Lena is super nice actually.
So when Kara saves the plane, she can't just tell Winn all about it at work the next day. They aren't even in the same building. Instead she winds up talking to Lena about the news. And Lena is worried that this Superwoman (I love Cat but her reasoning for 'Supergirl' ignores how reclaiming 'girl' doesn't erase the fact that its infantilizing to call a grown woman a girl) is going to hold her brother's actions towards Superman against her. Lena winds up admitting that she suffered a lot of being tarred with the same brush as Lex.
The last thing Kara wants is to make things harder for Lena, so she doesn't jump head first into the super hero thing. CatCo is wondering who this 'Supergirl' is and Kara doesn't bite. The hype dies down and Kara talks a bit with Clark about learning how to use her powers safely in dangerous situations. Meanwhile her temp contract with LCorp is coming to a close and Kara knows that Lena's wanted her previous secretary back from the start... so she's a bit surprised when Lena offers her a permanent position.
And Kara wants to take it. She likes Lena. As a friend. And maybe romantically too which she's pointedly ignoring because of their professional relationship. Lena's been nothing but honest with Kara - Kara's been the one keeping secrets. So she blurts out what she's been keeping to herself all this time. She's the woman who saved the airplane.
She's Superwoman.
When Kara starts doing the super hero thing, it's Kara, Lena, and Winn working together with Lena poaching Winn from CatCo when she see's what his 'IT' skills are like. Alex just about has a heart attack over Kara trusting a Luthor with her identity, but eventually gets on board with everything.
And at some point Lena and Kara get a big damn kiss.
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polyamships · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Jimmy" Olsen/Winn Schott Jr./Lyra Strayd, Winn Schott Jr./Lyra Strayd, James "Jimmy" Olsen/Lyra Strayd, James "Jimmy" Olsen/Winn Schott Jr. Characters: Lyra Strayd, Winn Schott Jr., James "Jimmy" Olsen, Simon Kirby, Bastian Strayd Additional Tags: Multiamory March, Multiamory March 2023, Prompt Fic, Cute Winn Schott Jr., Past Lena Luthor/James "Jimmy" Olsen, Minor Mon-El/Winn Schott Jr., Driving, Road Trips, Pets, Aliens, Alien/Human Relationships, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Sexual Humor, Implied/Referenced Sex, Polyamory, Long-Distance Relationship, Established Relationship, Supergirl (TV 2015) Season 5, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, References to Canon Series: Part 58 of take me to your best friend’s house (I loved you then and I love you now) Summary:
“Are you all packed?” James asked through the cell. “Y’know, Kara could swing you by here in five seconds flat.” “And deprive myself of the road trip experience?” Winn gasped. “Also, the view from National City to Calvintown is phenomenal. Isn’t it, my Valerian babe?” “Hey, that’s our Valerian babe!”
Or, the one where Winn and Lyra take a road trip to see James and something stows away in their bags.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 2 months
About Last Night-Chapter 7
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lillian Luthor, Lena Luthor, Andrea Rojas, Lionel Luthor, Lex Luthor, Clark Kent, Alex Danvers, Eve Teschmacher, Jess, Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince, Winn Schott
Summary: Lillian Luthor is eagerly wanting to get to her daughter's destination wedding. However, a couple of detours with the docile Kara Danvers changes her life in a big way.
Rating: Mature
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Lillian frowned as she felt something licking her face. She gradually looked up and chuckled. The kitten was up and seemed to be doing its darnedest to get her attention. 
Probably hungry. 
Lillian murmured as she started to fall back to sleep, “You’re lucky you’re so cute.”
The kitten meowed and proceeded to lick her so more. 
Lillian smiled and said, “Alright, I’m up. I’m up. I will get you some food.”
As Lillian started to become more awake, she noticed her other senses. She felt arms around her and something pressing up against her shoulder. Lillian looked down to see that Kara was holding her. Lillian looked up baffled to see Kara’s head resting on her shoulder. That immediately woke Lillian right up causing her to move quickly. However, she didn’t pay attention that her legs were still wrapped in blankets so when she tried to get out of bed, she instantly tripped and fell causing Lillian to fall flat on her bottom. The kitten looked down at her from the bed shaking his head. 
Lillian sighed.
It’s bad when even the kitten thinks I am a mess.
Lillian shook her head as she untangled herself and gradually started to get back up. Unfortunately, she made a bit of noise because, by the time she was finished getting up from the floor, Kara was wide awake and staring at Lillian curiously.
Kara asked, “Are you okay? I didn’t push you off the bed, did I?”
Lillian chuckled nervously and said, “No, it was all on me. You took me off guard, and I overreacted just a bit.”
Kara frowned and asked, “How so?”
Lillian looked down blushing and said, “You had your arms wrapped around me cuddling when I woke up this morning.”
Kara stared at Lillian mortified and said, “I am so sorry! I hope that I didn’t make you uncomfortable.” Kara frowned while looking down and said, “What am I saying? Of course I did or you wouldn’t have fallen off the bed.”
Lillian shook her head and quickly grabbed Kara’s hand while sitting down.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. I was just startled is all. I didn’t expect it to feel so… nice.”
Kara looked up at her startled and asked, “Really?”
Lillian nodded and said, “Really.”
Lillian and Kara stared at each other blushing for a minute before they heard a loud meow. They looked over to see that the kitten was meowing and rubbing his head against Kara’s arm. Kara chuckled as she picked up the kitten and snuggled with him. 
Lillian smiled and said, “Don’t worry my little alarm clock. We won’t forget to feed you.”
Kara smiled while she started to get up out of bed with the kitten and said, “Well, we can’t have that Mittens.”
Lillian smirked and asked, “Don’t you mean The Fantastic Mr. Mittens?”
Kara chuckled while raising an eyebrow and said, “Yeah, I don’t see myself saying such a mouthful each time. Do you?”
Lillian chuckled and said, “No. I think Mittens is just perfect.”
Kara smiled at the kitten while patting his head and asked, “Do you hear that Mittens? You have a new nickname.”
Mittens purred in contentment while rubbing up against Kara’s hand. 
Kara smiled while looking at Lillian and said, “I think he likes it.”
Lillian smiled while petting Mittens and said, “Now that we got you a more appropriate name, let’s get ready so we can all have breakfast.”
Lillian looked up at Kara and asked, “Did you check out the walk-in closet? It looks like it has clothes tailored for both of us.”
Kara looked up startled and asked, “Really?”
Lillian nodded and said, “I am quite impressed with whoever Bruce got as a stylist. They have really good options that match my normal style. I am probably going to sneak some of the stuff with me when we leave.”
Kara smirked and said, “Why Ms. Luthor, I never took you as someone that would live so dangerously close to the edge.”
Lillian smirked and said, “There is more to me than meets the eye, Kara.” As Lillian walked toward the closet, she turned to Kara and said, “You know that you can call me Lillian by the way.”
Kara looked at Lillian startled. 
Lillian chuckled and said, “Don’t look so surprised. We have seen each other naked. I think we are passed the point of being formal.”
Kara looked down, blushed, and said, softly, “Okay.”
Lillian smiled. 
She looks so cute as she blushes. I wish this side of her came out more than the sad persona that she has had for months. 
As Lillian walked into the closet, she said, “I think the stuff that would interest you would be towards the back.”
Kara quickly followed Lillian inside with the kitten and went to where Lillian instructed. She stared at the clothing surprised.
As Kara looked through the clothes, she let out a low whistle and said, “I don’t know if I should be impressed or creeped out that Bruce knows my personal style so well.”
 Lillian chuckled while looking through clothing and said, “I’m choosing to be impressed. This is the same guy who used his tech to create a personal shopper AI. I wouldn’t be surprised if it arranged for all the clothes we have here.”
Kara smirked as she ruffled through the clothes and said, “The Alfred AI was genius on his part. Didn’t think that so many people would like the whole British butler schtick.”
Lillian held up a dress to herself while looking in the mirror and mused, “I am more surprised that Alfred approved to have his image and voice used like that. He has always been such a private person.”
Kara chuckled and said, “You know Alfred is a big old softie when it comes to Bruce and his kids. It probably helped that the AI has generated Wayne Enterprises over $15 billion this year so far. They are projecting that it will make $50 billion before the end of the year.”
Lillian smirked and said, “I am glad that I invested early in the project.” As Lillian chose an outfit, she turned to Kara and said, “If you like, I can use the bathroom in here and you can use the one in the bedroom.”
Kara looked at Lillian startled and asked, “Wait? There is a bathroom in the closet?”
Lillian nodded and pointed to a door in the back of the closet. Kara went to the back of the closet and opened the door. She raised an eyebrow and was surprised at what was before her: a bathroom with a bathtub, toilet, and sink. It was much smaller than the ensuite bathroom for the room which also had a shower and a hot tube. 
Kara mused while scratching her head, “Bruce really didn’t spare anything when it came to this place.”
Lillian smirked and said, “And this is just the lodging accommodations. I must admit that I am a little excited to see the rest of the island.”
Read the rest on AO3
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cyclone-rachel · 1 year
Querl knew this would happen.
He’d gone over the plan with Lex Luthor immediately before, in fact- arrange for the doppelganger Winn to attempt to kill someone, which his own version of Winn would have to intervene for, and capture his double. Winn would stay a little longer to visit his friends, and then go home to the future- everything would be fine.
However, he wasn’t counting on the other Winn to escape, and he was equally unprepared for just how much he would feel when his Winn stepped out of the Legion ship.
Because here he was, wearing his own Legion uniform with a mask over his eyes to protect his identity in the past. Here he was, confident, immediately taking action in a crisis.
Here he was, alive. Safe.
And here Querl was, not caring if Lex saw any of this, not wanting to seem as though he’d been a part of the process for plotting this whole thing.
So when Kara and Alex had had their reunion with Winn, so did he.
“I missed you too, Brainy.” Winn said, glancing up the stairs where Querl stood. “Did you think I forgot about you?”
I wish you would have, Querl thought. But he didn’t say anything, only approaching Winn, as Winn began to wrap his arms around him.
“I was worried about you.” he said instead, hugging Winn in return, doing his best not to let the tears escape his eyes. “Thank you for keeping the future safe.”
“Trust me, I’ve been worried about myself plenty of times.” Winn answered. “And it hasn’t always been easy, to do that- but we can talk more later. Right now...”
Querl nodded, and pulled away from him.
Right now, I need to regain control of this situation- and make certain nobody knows I was involved, he thought as he steadied himself.
This would not be easy either... but he could only hope that Winn understood (such as what had been the case with the future dirt Querl had gifted him) when he eventually told him everything.
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witch-pxnk · 5 months
i’ve been obsessed with the idea of a Mob!AU Winn Schott fanfic since rewatching the Flash musical episode.
like, just imagine it: he’s been caught up in the family since his Dad is the Toymaker, but he doesn’t do their dirty work. he helps with the books (20’s equivalent of I.T. i guess) and he also plays the piano in the speakeasy, like in the episode. falls for the boss’ daughter and they have an elicit romance-
am i the only one obsessed with this? would anyone else even read it if i ever wrote it?
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saiilorstars · 1 year
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Ch.11: Bitter and Sweet
Story Masterlist ◦ Anais’ Masterlist ◦
Also on: Fanfic • Ao3
Pairing: Winn Schott x OFC
Taglist: @ocappreciationtag​​ @arrthurpendragon​​ @anotherunreadblog​​ @maaaaarveeeeel​​ @stareyedplanet​​ @foxesandmagic @kmc1989​​
If you’d like to be a part of this OC’s work/edits, let me know!
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James gave a light knock on Anais' office door and stepped inside, wearing a bigger smile than usual. Of course, ever since he put Snapper in his place - leaving both men to their respective job roles - who wouldn't be happy?
"What can I do for you Mr. Boss?" Anais pushed her chair closer to her desk, putting her hands on her desk.
"I just sent a reporter to the Children's Hospital new building to see what we can get for an article so I need the pictures to go along with it."
"Oh, great!" Anais winced when she heard her own words. "Not like that! I meant — I'm happy to take the assignment before I lose my mind!"
James chuckled. "I take it Winn is still fixing your suit, then?"
Anais glared at nothing in particular but it was a deep glare nonetheless. "Yup," she muttered and got up from her chair.
Winn had kept his word about not letting her go out in the field until she told the DEO — primarily J'onn, Kara and Alex — about Cadmus' threat. It drove Anais up the wall that she wasn't able to convince him otherwise and the use of the physical threats was no good either as she would have to explain to everyone else why she suddenly decided to kill their friend. So, until she decided to tell the truth, Winn was basically holding her suit hostage.
To everyone else, he was just mending her suit.
"And how's Mon-El doing?" James curiously asked since he hadn't stopped by the DEO in a while. He only knew what he was told.
"Kara and him are learning to get along-ish," Anais said, "And we're testing Mon-El's abilities too. See what he can and can't do. He's not leaving the DEO for a while, I'm assuming. Poor guy must be going crazy too."
J'onn had given the order to test Mon-El in every possible way to deduce the danger he could post if left unsupervised. Winn was put in charge of monitoring him and recording the results to later discuss together.
Anais could only imagine the frustration Mon-El would be feeling soon since he'd already been cooped up in the DEO for days now and training since then. Maybe she could help in some way, she thought before leaving the office.
~ 0 ~
Anais walked down the street before the hospital site, adjusting her clothes and hair since she'd basically sped there from CatCo. As she approached the site, she began to smell the after scent of burnt rubber and metal, along with the horrible sight of the crumbled hospital.
"Oh, what happened here?" She stopped in front of the yellow tape keeping civilians away.
"Aliens happened," a familiar voice answered. Anais whipped her head to the right and saw Lena Luthor approaching her.
"Miss Luthor," Anais smiled politely, "I didn't expect to see you here."
"Yeah," Lena nodded. "No one expects to see a Luthor at accident sites unless they caused it." There was a brief moment of silence before she added, "And just so we're clear, I didn't cause this."
"I didn't think you did," Anais clarified for the woman's sake. "So what is Miss Luthor doing here, though?"
"Please, it's just Lena, I told you," the black-haired woman sighed. "And I was one of the investors of this building. It was brand new when it was destroyed."
"Millions of dollars lost, I assume," Anais gazed at the crumbled building. She could still see some leftover melted medical equipment peeking from under the walls.
"Oh please, it's not about the money," Lena set her hands on her hips. "This building was built because the first hospital was getting overcrowded. Now the children that did survive this, had to return to the first hospital."
Anais pulled her camera in front of her eyes and snapped a picture. "What happened to the building?"
"Your reporter hasn't come to you yet?" Lena nodded to the young CatCo. Reporter talking to a cop at the moment.
"Nope, I just got here, remember?"
"Well, we don't know much but we assume it was aliens judging by the mass strength of whatever hit the walls. Plus, some of the records from the kids say they saw hooded people."
"Ah," Anais started walking a bit to get better angles of the building. "Which could mean it was a regular human crime scene."
"But they didn't steal anything," Lena countered. "They just came in to destroy."
"Well, sometimes people don't need reasons to do something," Anais lowered her camera to see Lena giving her a look. "What?"
"I'm assuming you're like Kara in that you both share pro-alien opinions," Lena crossed her arms.
Anais gave a shrug of her shoulders. "Well, what's wrong with that?"
"Nothing. Everyone's entitled to their opinions and thoughts," Lena looked ahead at the building again.
"It's so refreshing meeting someone like you," Anais chuckled. She felt her phone buzzing and picked it out from her pocket. "Oh, gotta go. It was nice seeing you, though. Wouldn't mind doing this again."
Surprise etched across Lena's face, making her dark eyebrows simultaneously raise. "Really?"
Anaís paused after taking another picture to see Lena's expression. "What?"
Lena smiled warmly. "Not a lot of people would say that. In fact, I don't think I've ever heard that."
"You're nice and you're badass, so...yeah, I'd like to see you around," Anaís chuckled. "You're doing what I'm doing and, as I've said, I admire that."
Lena's smile widened, clearly beaming at the chance of a second friend. She hadn't admitted it but she liked to believe she was friends with Kara Danvers too. "Okay then, you're welcome at L-Corp anytime."
"Cool," Anaís beamed then. "Now I gotta run for real. See you around." She hurried past Lena to get going because if she wasn't at the DEO in the next five minutes, she was sure Arun would come for her himself.
"Again!" Arun shouted the order without hesitance.
A blonde speedster whipped past him in circles, repeatedly, until she would come to a stop and attempt to throw a lightning bolt she was meant to create during her run. Just as Anaís was about to throw her bolt, it shattered in her palms..
"Dammit!" she growled and glanced back at Arun who stood at the end of the room with his hands behind his back and no emotion on his face.
"Again!" he simply commanded once more.
She sucked in a breath and took off again. She'd been doing this for more than an hour now with no such luck. Arun silently watched as she sped in circles - a long circle too - to see exactly where she was going wrong. He never felt the visitors coming into the room, much less Anaís.
"Woah, that is awe and some!" Mon-El's cheer startled Anaís and caused the speedster to trip over her own feet. She came hurtling into a wall, face first. She groaned and turned on her back to glare at Mon-El then Arun and Winn for not warning her.
"Two things," Winn made a motion for Mon-El to listen, the latter even nodding his head to show him that he was indeed listening. "One: never sneak up on a speedster, especially when she's throwing lightning. And two: it's just 'awesome'. You got to put those two words together and you'll be golden."
"Awesome," Mon-El tested the word out and felt like it did sound better put together. He then looked over to Anaís who was getting back on her feet. "And sorry. Just thought that whole…" His fingers wiggled in the air as he attempted to mimic what she'd been doing, "...the whole lightning thing was cool…"
"You taught him the word 'cool' already?" Anaís dusted her legs off. Winn grinned. "Of course you did."
"If you three are finished talking, Anaís has a lot more practice to do," Arun spoke up with an air of annoyance. He knew well that they had a new alien amongst the DEO but he hadn't actually talked to Mon-El.
"Are you the other Solista?" Mon-El asked, though he was sure of the answer by the looks of his beam. "You got the whole lightning thing down, I assume?"
"Since I was a teenager. Child's play, really," Arun said plainly, shooting Anaís a look that meant to point out she was extremely behind. For that, Anaís looked down.
"W-well, I mean, it is lightning we're talking about," Winn purposely glanced at Anaís in hopes of lifting her spirits. "It takes a while to practice when it's the first try. I-I'm assuming."
Anaís smiled softly at him. She appreciated his attempt to help her out…until she remembered what he was doing with her suit.
"Yes, when we're teenagers," Arun brokered the silence without realizing it. "But Anaís is twenty three now."
"Okay, can we just call it a day with the training?" Anaís decided it was for the better lest Arun wanted a lightning bolt thrown at him instead of the practice dummy. "I'll continue tomorrow."
"Your call," Arun shrugged. "You wanna go get lunch?"
"No, I can't. Supergirl's waiting for me. We have a lead on that dead alien we found in the back of a car."
"Alright then, until tomorrow," Arun said and started heading out. He suddenly stopped though by the doorway and glanced back. "Oh, and Winn, the suit seems to be working fine right now." He made a gesture at Anaís' regular DEO suit she was wearing. "Have you finished mending it?"
"Nope," Winn replied without a second thought, even wearing that big smile Anaís was beginning to hate. "Still got kinks to figure out."
Arun nodded and walked out of the room.
"It doesn't have any kinks!" Anaís shouted after he was fully gone. "You're just purposely keeping it away from me!"
"Me? What?" His pretense sarcasm only made her even more mad. "Never."
"I'll kill you," Anaís warned but all Winn did was ask Mon-El if he wanted to continue practicing. With a shake of her head, she left the room and went to find Alex and Supergirl in the control room. "Anything on our alien perp?" Anaís stopped by them.
"Yes, actually," Kara motioned to Alex, "Alex was just telling me what the lab found."
"The thorn found in the dead body is from a Brevakk. Some sort of biological defense mechanism," Alex explained. "So, yeah, that's new and terrifying."
"Don't suppose there's any ideas where we can find him?" Anaís tried her luck.
"Turns out there's exactly one Brevakk registered in National City for the President's Alien Amnesty Act," Alex moved on over to an empty computer. She pulled up the profile of said alien. "And we got the address ready to go."
"Alright, so what's our first step?" Anaís looked between the more experienced women.
"It's just a check out, so...I think we're good," Alex's words surprised both aliens. "I got someone in mind I'll take."
"Are you sure?" Kara raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, yeah, don't worry," Alex waved her off, really smiling like she meant it. "She's good, trust me." And with that cryptic description, she left.
"You want to train, then?" Kara asked Anaís once they were on their own. Anaís groaned and covered her face. "What?" Kara looked around in case anyone knew what she said wrong.
"I just finished a round with Arun and I didn't get it right."
"You mean the lightning bolt thing?"
"When we agreed that he would train me, I didn't know Arun would be one of those uptight 24/7 trainers!"
Kara chuckled.
"And he won't get off my back for my pathetic attempts to create and throw a lightning bolt!"
"Don't get so worked up about it, remember how long Barry said it took him?"
"Yeah, but... he's a metahuman and I'm an alien. It's in my biology to get it!" Anaís exclaimed particularly loud enough to draw some attention.
Kara, in particular, was giving her a look. "Some funny words you used there." Anaís dropped her hands to her sides and looked back. "Sounds like something Arun would say." She'd come to learn that Arun's 'words of encouragement' were not so light. They seemed like backhanded insults instead.
"Well, he kind of did, and he's right. It's in my biology to get it and I'm taking longer than a kid would!"
"Okay, maybe you need to reel it back a little," Kara brought Anaís to the side so they could speak better. "You may be a speedster with incredible strength but you still need practice and you know that. I know you know that."
"Yeah, I know…" Anaís sighed.
"Then why don't you let Arun know that? He's the one that needs to reel it back a lot more." Kara suspected Arun was the one putting more pressure on things than Anaís really thought. "He's a hard coach, and maybe a good one, but a hard one nonetheless. He wants you to do exactly what he did and that's not gonna happen."
"Because I'm only half a Solista?"
"No, because you're you and you're different. Everyone is. So c'mon, let's go train nice and easy."
Anaís finally agreed and followed Kara to their training room meant just for them. They trained for about an hour before J'onn called them back to the control room. Alex had returned but not with good news. Their lead on the dead alien had been whisked away by a group of men in a suspicious can.
"Do we know who the men in the van were?" J'onn asked Alex, and the woman shook her head.
"No. But these weren't low-rent thugs. They were definitely combat-trained. They mean business."
"So do we. Or have you forgotten about that?" J'onn's snark startled all three women.
"Hey, what's with the grumpy?" Alex finally noted. "Today and yesterday. Is everything all right, J'onn?"
"I appreciate the concern, but I assure you, I'm fine."
"Don't make us pout," Alex nodded to Kara beside her.
"They're surprisingly good at it," Anaís admitted being victim to it a couple of times.
J'onn knew they would never let it be so it was better to get it out in the open. "I am not the last Green Martian. There is another. Her name is M'gann. Megan."
"It's a miracle, J'onn," Kara's eyes widened.
"I met her at that alien bar Alex spoke of. We talked, but... I think I made a mistake."
"Why do you say that?" Anaís asked. "What happened?"
"I offered to merge with her in the Martian way."
"But you guys just met…" Kara trailed off, thinking of something else.
"Psychically, Kara. The bond is the traditional Martian way of communicating. We...we link minds, share dreams, emotions, memories. We kept no secrets from one another. Imagine a world without ego, selfishness. Without... lies."
"That sounds beautiful."
"She didn't seem to think so. The moment I talked about it, she left. I am grateful to have you all in my life. I truly am. But with Martians, it's... It's different. It's deeper. Deeper than talking. Fuller. With her, there's a chance for me to live how I was meant to live."
Of course everyone there understood.
"Just tell her that," Alex encouraged him to go for a second attempt. "Why don't you try apologizing?"
J'onn seemed to be encouraged enough.
The night brought Alex and detective Sawyer to an illegal fight club that ended up in catastrophe. Supergirl nearly had her head torn off by a large alien creature, and neither her nor the detectives had luck in capturing the ringleader of the fight club. It did, however, leave them with a new clue that could lead the DEO to capturing the culprits.
It also led to a new wave of anger inside a certain Solista.
Mon-El had just failed to conjure up heat vision on a piece of cement when Anais came storming in.
"No heat vision, no x-ray vision…" Winn was recording the results on his tablet for later study so he was startled when Anais used her own heat vision to destroy the piece of cement. "Hey!" Winn made a gesture but Anais looked far too upset to care.
"Kara nearly got hurt in an underground alien fight club and I couldn't do anything about it and do you know why!?" She came storming up to him, making him backtrack several steps. "Because I didn't have my suit so they didn't call me in for backup!"
"Is she okay, though?" Mon-El thought to ask if only to pull some of that attention off Winn for safety reasons.
"Yes, but she could've gotten hurt," Anais deeply sighed then set her glare back on Winn. "C'mon, Winn, enough is enough. Give me my suit back"
Winn was first and foremost relieved to see that anger fading because it decreased the chances of being heat visioned. "I'll do it as soon as you come clean to Kara and the others."
Anais' hands twitched in the air as she air-strangled him. "I'm gonna—" She started for him again.
Winn jumped back, throwing his hands in front of him. "If you kill me now, you'll never get your suit!"
Anais stopped in her tracks and dropped her hands. "I really hate you right now."
"Yeah, got that," Winn swallowed hard and moved away to put down his tablet. "But you also know why I'm doing this."
Mon-El cleared his throat to remind the two of his presence. "Can I offer my help to Kara as an alternative?"
Anais briefly smiled at him. "Thanks, Mon-El, but I don't think the DEO wants to let you go out until you've finished your examinations."
"Well, I think we have," Mon-El gestured to Winn. "Right?"
"Sort of," Winn shrugged and turned to the two. He brought his fingers up to list what they knew so far of Mon-El's abilities. "No heat vision, no X-ray vision, but you're strong."
"As strong as Kara?" Mon-El curiously asked but Winn scoffed with a great big 'Ha!'
"No, not even close. No freeze breath, which is kind of a bummer, right?" Winn glanced at Anais but she was still kind of glaring at him. "Right. No flight either, but his leaping is fantastic. I'm... I'm talking about like "tall buildings in a single bound" kinda stuff. Yeah, we...we definitely have the makings of a superhero here."
"Superhero?" Mon-El repeated. "Is that what Kara's called?"
"Yeah. You know, you...you go out there, you fight crime, save people, wear a costume…"
"Yup," Anais crossed her hands. "I'm almost there…"
"Speaking of going out there, I'm, uh... I'm going kind of crazy in here," Mon-El admitted. "I could really use some fresh air."
"Yeah, you heard Hank. I mean, you got to stay here at the DEO."
"You know, I'll bet if I were outside, I could fly like Kara and you, Anais," Mon-El put on his best smile for the blonde.
But before Anais could say anything, Winn cut in. "Nice try, buddy. No, we got to stay here. Them's the rules. I mean, I'm new here. I'm trying to make a good impression."
"Failed!" Anais dramatically exclaimed, much to his annoyance. And because she saw his annoyance, she decided to go on ahead and make it worse. Screw being an adult, she shamelessly thought. "And you know what, Mon-El? I'll take you out."
Mon-El looked deeply surprised at the easy give in. "You will?"
Even Winn had the same reaction. "You will?"
"Yup!" Anais grinned from side to side. "I don't think it'll do any harm. But you gotta listen to me, alright?"
Mon-El was now almost grinning like Anais was. "Of course!"
"Anais y-y-you can't do that," Winn started wagging his finger, but by that point it was too late. "You're gonna get in trouble!"
"Feel free to join us, if you're so worried," Anais patted his arm.
"But I - but we can't!" Winn practically shouted in the room while Anais and Mon-El started leaving. He tried to stay put and just let the two aliens figure it out on their own how big of a mistake this would be, but…
He scrunched his face. "Damn you, Anais Allen-Mjorkland. I'm so weak." And he took off to catch up with them.
~ 0 ~
Mon-El didn't know anything about Earth but that didn't stop him from learning in one night. Especially when Anais introduced him to the cellphone.
"I gotta get me one of these!" Mon-El laughed after Anais showed him the search engine for bars.
"I'm sure we can arrange that," Anais tucked her phone into her back pocket and led the way to the bar across the street. "Maybe a small computer for the time being. Or a tablet!"
"You can't make promises like that," Winn trailed behind her, still unable to believe she was pulling this off.
"It's a computer with restricted WiFi," she reminded him that it wasn't a big deal. "Now let loose and have some fun, if you're capable of that anyways."
Winn stopped just by the doorway with a look of offence. "Excuse me?"
Anais smirked with Mon-El. They both knew they'd gotten him now.
"You heard me," Anais crossed her arms and watched as Mon-El went to open the doors for them. "Can you have some fun, Winn Schott?"
"And I continue to be weak," Winn scrunched his face in defeat while Anais yanked him inside the bar.
"Did I ever mention you're my absolute favorite alien in the whole DEO?" Mon-El said to Anais, making the woman laugh. "You are! Totally are!"
Winn did not agree with the sentiment and he definitely did not agree when they somehow found their way to the bar counter. Mon-El was introduced to human alcohol very quickly and he learned that it tasted really good. Anais monitored how much he drank but did let him experiment how much he could tolerate. She figured if anything went wrong she could speed him out of there in less than a second. But so far, he just seemed intent on mingling with the other humans and discovering what human men do for fun.
"Why do you guys like to arm wrestle so much?" Anais wondered out loud and reached for her own drink on the counter. Mon-El had just defeated his third opponent.
"He's cheating," Winn's flat tone made Anais laugh.
"Then go stop him or...have a drink and join him," Anais slid his untouched drink to him. "You can watch him while you're closer."
Winn knew his options were very limited here, and so with a small glare he picked his drink up and got up from his stool. He could hear Anais's second round of laughter while he walked away. She would not win forever, he thought.
Anais took refuge at the bar counter with the only other female in that place. As the hours ticked by, all the other customers started getting more and more annoying, in Anais' perspective. Mon-El had gone past arm wrestling and moved on to good old fashioned drinking challenges, most notably beer pong. But, to his credit, he had somehow gotten Winn to join in.
"Amazing," she huffed while she went for another drink. The two men ended up becoming more buddies than they had been earlier. Now she had become the third wheel. "Men are idiots."
"Tell me about it," the bartender mused when she walked by Anais.
Anais soon learned that, just like herself and Kara, Mon-El could actually not get drunk. However, Winn most definitely could. While they entered a series of drinking games, somehow Winn ended up winning most of them.
"Oh my God, he's a drinker," Anais said with a laugh as she and Mon-El watched Winn go at it against another fellow bar customer. They had a line of shots they needed to get through.
"So, you don't get drunk here?" Mon-El was curious as he gazed at his newly filled cup of beer.
"The earth stuff isn't strong enough for you guys," Anais shrugged, crossing her arms.
Mon-El picked up on her word choice and glanced at her. "How about you?"
"I'm half human, Mon-El. I don't get granted all the perks of a Solista. Don't get me wrong, it takes me way longer to get drunk than an average human but in the end, I can still get drunk."
"Have you ever tested the theory out of how many glasses it takes?" Mon-El offered her his glass of beer, making her laugh.
"My parents would kill me," she said, pushing his glass back to him. "They're humans and they don't really care how alien I am. I cannot drink when I'm supposed to be on business matters."
"I know I'm not from here but is this business?" Mon-El gestured towards the scene. Winn had just won another round of shots.
A smirk crossed Anais' face. "My business, anyways." It was Mon-El's turn to laugh.
A short time later, Mon-El had entered another wrestling match. He'd won every single one but the last man he went up again ended up with a broken elbow.
The man, angry, tried punching Mon-El but then broke his hand as well. His buddy went to fight Mon-El for support yet the Daxamite easily won as well with a simple 'push'. The human man crashed into a table behind them.
Mon-El was overly surprised with his strength but the other men had grown furious.
"Time to go!" Anais hopped off her stool after the strangers had met face to face with a glass table — another accident on Mon-El's part. She scurried through the group - possibly using her alien strength to push some of the men away - and got her two idiots out of there.
By the Anais returned home, she expected to find a dark apartment most certainly not Kara wide awake in the living room.
"Where were you?" Kara noticed Anais' disheveled appearance.
"One could say babysitting...or one could say proving a point," Anais fixed herself and released a deep breath. "Beginning to think my plan backfired and it was more of the first then the latter."
Kara couldn't and honestly didn't want to try and understand what all that meant. There were more pressing matters to deal with anyways.
"What are you doing up so late anyways?" Anais pulled her jacket off and headed for the couch chair. "I thought Kara Danvers always has a timely bedtime set up." Kara playfully rolled her eyes but even the playfulness faded very quickly. Anais noticed it and knew that the Kryptonian was worried and/or upset. "Kara, what is it?"
Kara hesitated to speak but after a moment of thinking, she figured it was better Anais knew now in case something happened later.
~ 0 ~
Veronica Sinclair - aka Roulette - was a formidable human enemy to the DEO. She proved herself last night when Supergirl made a visit to her and Sinclair only retaliated with confident words knowing she would not be defeated that night.
Kara now relayed her visit to J'onn, Alex and Anais (again). "I should've heat vision'd that stupid champagne glass out of her hand," Kara balled her fists on her sides.
"That's what she wanted," Anais offered a different perspective on the matter. She'd gotten over her anger last night when Kara had told her. "Supergirl heat visions local human and the media has a field day with that."
Kara gave her points on that, but it didn't stop her from wishing she could've used her heat vision. "I mean, do you think Sinclair is right about this? That she's the only one who can offer something to aliens?"
"Not a chance," Alex answered instantly.
"But then how do you stop them from letting themselves be used and exploited?"
"By offering something more powerful than fear," J'onn settled things and glanced at Winn at his desk. "Winn?"
"Nothing!" The man in question startled awake — his hand holding an ice bag on the side of his slipped and he nearly hit his head on the desk. "I'm not hungover! You're the one being defensive!"
Anais barely hid her smile from the others while J'onn approached a hungover Winn.
"Agent Schott—"
"S-sir, yes, s-sir!" Winn dangled a hand at the front of his forehead. "Er, Mon-El is doing great, by the way. He's here in the DEO. He's here. Did you know his heart is on the other side?"
J'onn gave a nod of his head. "That's absolutely fascinating. You know, the DEO received reports this morning of a six-foot alien attacking two men in a bar last night."
Anais' own smile faded upon learning that.
"The news is so very violent these days…" Winn briefly said as he slowly turned his chair back to his desk.
"Apparently this alien had a 5'2" sidekick—"
Winn jumped out of his chair, leaving it to spin from the force just to shout, "I am 5'9!"
"No, wait," Anais slid in between the two men with her hands raised in front of her, "This one's on me. I'm the one who took Mon-El out. Winn actually tried stopping me several times."
"Anais, why'd you do that?" Alex moved forwards with the same questionable face as J'onn.
"Because sometimes I'm an idiot," Anais answered with the simplest of shrugs. "But this was totally on me."
"You know better," J'onn snapped unexpectedly. "Everything we do is under a microscope. We work so hard to make humans trust us. All it takes is for one alien to ruin it for all of us."
Anais' eyes had slowly widened while J'onn scolded her. "I-I didn't mean to do that…"
"You should've thought about it!"
Alex exchanged looks with Kara, both agreeing J'onn was projecting his fight with M'gann on Anais. "J'onn, why don't we go talk somewhere else," Alex held onto his arm and persuaded him to walk with her.
"I'm really sorry," Anais said to Kara and Winn afterwards. "I wasn't meaning to do that. I was just...I was mad at you," she made a languid gesture at Winn, which didn't surprise him. "And I have to apologize to Mon-El too."
As she left, Kara briefly stopped by Winn to ask, "What's she mad at you for?"
"It's...it's just better if I hold off on that," Winn made the call thinking Anais would want to explain it herself once she got the courage to actually accept that CADMUS was looking into her.
~ 0 ~
Kara caught up with Anais in the hallway, and while Anais didn't exactly say why she was mad with Winn, Kara got the jist that it'd been a long argument now.
Anais led the way into Mon-El's training room where the man was currently doing his training. When he saw Kara, he assumed he was in trouble for the previous night.
"I'm sorry," he immediately said but Anais raised a hand to stop him.
"You're good, I'm the one who screwed up."
Mon-El blinked. "You were?"
"Yes," Anais sighed. "I was basically trying to stick it to Winn and I ended up using you. It was very wrong of me."
"Well…" Mon-El bobbed his head, "I've done worse, believe me. But this has helped me realize something neither of you told me about." Anais exchanged a glance with Kara, both confused of what he meant. "Hank told me I needed to stay here because it wasn't safe. But he didn't mean for me. He meant it wasn't safe for humans. From me."
"Listen, we've all been through that," Anais spoke up first and received an agreeing 'mhm' from Kara beside her. "I was taken in by human parents when I was a kid and just got my freedom a couple months ago. The government didn't want to let me out because they were afraid I'd hurt someone."
"After I first got to Earth, I went to my junior prom and Scott Klein asked me to dance. I stepped on his foot and I broke three of his toes," Kara shared her embarrassing yet meaningful story. "It's just gonna take some time to get used to having these abilities and...and living in this world."
Mon-El appreciated both women trying to make him feel better and even showing sympathy for him, but he was especially thankful towards Kara considering their respective backgrounds. "I know it's not easy for you to be nice to me, Kara. Where I'm from and all."
"That's not why I've been standoffish. And don't say I haven't been," Kara sighed and dug her hands into her back pockets. "My parents gave me so much. And I was so loved. My dad was a scientist and my mom fought for justice. They were proud, strong people. Good Kryptonians and even better parents. And that's the way I want to remember them."
"And why shouldn't you?"
"Because...they weren't perfect. And no matter how smart they were, or how hard they tried, they couldn't save us."
"Yeah, you never met my parents. They weren't exactly role models," Mon-El shook his head.
"But mine saw the end of the world coming, and didn't do anything about it!"
"Hey, it's not...it's not your parents' fault. It's not even Krypton's fault. Okay, we shared a star, that's all. I promise that I will do as I'm told from now on."
"And I promise not to be a manipulative bitch," Anais raised her hand but then pointed a warning finger at Mon-El. "Don't repeat that."
"Repeat what?" Mon-El blinked with genuine oblivion. He wasn't up to speed with curse words yet. "Anyways, I heard you survived Draaga." Kara nodded. "I once saw him fight on Warworld when I was, uh, guarding the royal family. Draaga took a blade to the right leg. It hit a nerve cluster. He's favored his left ever since."
The new piece of information was enlightening for Kara. "Thank you."
~ 0 ~
A couple hours later, the group got word that J'onn was missing. The only known person who'd seen him was M'gann and since she hadn't shown up for her shift it led Alex to conclude J'onn was taken by M'gann's boss: Sinclair.
"The fightclub was cleared out," Supergirl returned to the DEO very put out from her failed trip. "It's like it was never there."
"And there's no sign of where they went?" Anais curiously asked since she'd once again been planted at a chair instead of the field.
"No," Supergirl crossed her arms and thought about it for a minute.
"Okay, so where are we going to find them now?" Alex leaned against a table, trying not to look so frustrated even if she was.
"I bet that fight club has a list of recurring invitees and I think we may know one invitee in particular," Supergirl's suggestion made Anais jump from her chair.
"I'm coming! It involves no actual fighting therefore no need for super suit!"
She practically led the way to Lena's office. Kara understood her since Anais hadn't come out to the field in weeks now. She'd feel antsy too if she was cooped up (which then led Kara to feel even more sympathy for Mon-El).
"Excuse me, you can't go in there!" Lena's assistant failed to stop Anais and Kara from barging into Lena's office. "I swear I just blinked and they got right past me!" the poor woman did her best to explain to Lena before she was fired.
Lena, for her matter, was quite surprised at the sight.
"Lena, I'm sorry," Kara apologized first and foremost. "We just need to talk to you."
"Not her fault," Anais jerked a thumb at the secretary.
Lena's calm smile was a sight of relief for the two aliens. "Jess, will you make a note downstairs that Kara Danvers and Anais Allen are to be shown in right away whenever possible?"
Jess was surprised but since it meant she wasn't going to be fired she dutifully noted it and hurried out of the office.
"Woah, thanks," Anais beamed.
"So, how can I help?" Lena gestured for them to come sit down.
"We think a friend of mine has gotten involved in something shady," Kara's excuse was met with a light scoff from Lena. "It's an actual friend, we swear. And he's missing."
Lena got serious fast and nodded for her to continue.
"Do you know of a woman named Veronica Sinclair? She caters to people in your, um, your circles. Tight dresses, tattoos like Lisbeth Salander?"
Lena pursed her lips and played with a pen on her desk. "Yeah, I know Roulette. We went to boarding school together. I never liked her."
"We share the sentiment," Anais nodded. "We need to find her. And since her little fight clubs are mobile, we need to know where she's holding the next fight."
Lena seemed at a cross of amusement and impression. "And you assume I'm on the invite list?"
"Your last name is pretty famous," Anais shrugged.
"We wouldn't ask if we had any other option," Kara promised Lena as a last means to get her to talk.
Luckily for them, Lena was a smart, kind woman. "I'm a Luthor, of course I'm invited to her little pop-up. Not that I'm interested in her type of entertainment." She wrote down the location of the next fight club and handed it to Kara.
"Thank you. We owe you, big time," Kara tucked the paper into her purse and stood up with Anais.
"Not at all. I know you'll be there for me when the time comes," Lena offered them a genuine, friendly smile.
~ 0 ~
Together with the DEO, J'onn and even M'gann, Supergirl managed to put an end to the fight club with minimal injuries. Mon-El's tip about the Draaga came in handy to put the creature down for a bit. She was even more relieved to see J'onn patch things up with M'gann because it meant J'onn would finally have some peace.
This time Kara was the one to get home to find Anais still awake. Of course Kara wasn't surprised since Anais wanted to know the outcomes of the fight club.
"I would've stayed at the DEO but figured there was no use for me anyways," Anais shrugged at the counter where she was having a drink. "Update: I still can't do the stupid lightning bolt trick. I'm considering opening a stupid breach to find my young adoptive Dad for another training session because it is not going well."
"Arun's still too hard?" Kara assumed since Anais hadn't talked about him in a while.
"He expects too much from me," Anais sighed. "But what happened with Sinclair? Is she done for good now?"
"No," Kara ruefully answered. "Alex says Maggie got the orders to let Sinclair go and there's nothing we can do about it, not even the DEO."
"We'll get her one day," Anais assured. "So how come you're coming back late, then?"
"I…" Kara removed her glasses and set them on the counter, "...stopped by Mon-El's room to talk to him."
"What about?" Anais got up from the stool and went into the cupboards for some more wine.
"I offered to take him under my wing, basically, and show him around the city for real now."
"Yeah, because I totally screwed that up," Anais cringed at the reminder and pulled two glasses from the counter. "And the DEO is going to let you do that?"
"Yup, it's sort of what I did with you in the beginning, remember?"
"How could I forget!"
Kara smiled. "I think it'll do him some good. Plus, I can get him a job at CatCo. Maybe not as a reporter but somewhere there should be good."
"Speaking of," Anais returned to the counter with two glasses of red wine, "Your editor called about that new article you sent in. Apparently he expects your rewrite tomorrow morning."
"Mm," Kara sipped some of her wine. "May have sent him a new one earlier at his e-mail which I got off from James."
"Taking initiative," Anais pointed. "Very good. Look at you, Kara Danvers, having all your crap together. I'm jealous."
Kara chuckled and lowered her glass to the counter. "Well, maybe you can unburden yourself a little bit by telling me what you and Winn are arguing about."
"Ooh, smooth," Anais commended Kara for her easy transition but was still reluctant to go into detail about her disagreement. "But it's nothing, and you shouldn't worry about it."
"I worry when my friends aren't okay. Right now, it looks like you're not okay, so...tell me. Please?"
Anais released a small sigh. "I mean, I just don't want it to be made into a bigger deal than it is...just like Winn made it."
"Well, what is it?"
Anais put her wine glass down and prepared to spill the truth. Who knows, maybe it would be better for her. "CADMUS sent a message for me at the DEO." Kara's confused expression implied she hadn't heard that from anyone at the DEO. "Yeah, Winn caught it and showed it to me instead. Apparently, they want to use me as a fuel for their growing army. Whether or not I want to join them is not really up for debate in their perspective. They made it very clear that they were not above taking me dead."
"Oh my god," Kara said, horrified. "So how does this go to you getting mad at Winn?"
"Because he told me to tell you guys and I said no so instead of nagging me to tell you the truth, he is keeping my suit hostage until I decide to tell you the truth."
"Why wouldn't you want to tell us anything?"
"Because you guys would overreacting and keep me on lock-down like Mon-El!"
"If it was to keep you safe then why wouldn't you?"
"Because I just got my freedom, Kara. I don't want to lose it again." Anais picked up her glass but at first glance she could tell Kara was putting more thought into the situation.
"Maybe Winn's making the right call in keeping you out of the field. The less you're out there, the less chances CADMUS will find you or hurt you."
"No ma'am, not you too," Anais shook her head. "I've spent the better part of my life in seclusion. I'm not doing it again."
Kara was not aiming to argue like Anais and Winn. She would rather find an alternative that would benefit both sides. Making peace was her job, after all.
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