#winter soldier ff
amasterpieceofmadness · 4 months
hooked on a feeling - bucky b.
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summary You're an overthinker and instead of sleeping you are listening to music in the living room, when Bucky decides to join you and you two end up dancing together and kissing
wordcount 920
warnings none; fluff; mentions of insomnia, overthinking and nightmares
Being part of the Avengers is not always easy. Your mind is constantly thinking about the next mission, or the last, about all the (possible) danger out there and so much more. Basically, you're an overthinker. And your thoughts are loudest when the world around you is quiet, like at nights.
As usual you toss and turn in your bed, unable to find sleep. After what feels like hours you decide to get up. You tip toe into the dark and quiet living room, as the others are most likely asleep by now. You only turn on the small light in the kitchen as you make yourself a cup of tea and wait patiently for the water to boil.
With the mug in your hands you walk over to one of the big windows and turn on the stereo system on the go. As you sip your tea and watch out the window some old songs start to play, quiet enough to not wake up the others but loud enough for your thoughts to shut down. Music has always helped you to calm your mind. You can't help but hum softly to the songs and start to sway just a tiny bit.
After a while you hear someone clearing his throat behind you and you turn around surprised, just to find Bucky leaning against the kitchen counter with crossed arms, watching you.
"Oh, hey Bucky" you greet him with a shy smile, embarrassed that you got caught.
"Hey doll" His voice is deep and low, almost a bit hoarse. "Can't sleep?"
You shake your head and look back outside with a sigh. "No, as usual..."
Bucky sighs and walks over next to you and looks out the window as well. "Me neither"
It wasn't unusual for you and Bucky to meet in the living room in the middle of the night as you both suffer from insomnia and stuff. You two always got along well. Some nights you talk about his nightmares or your thoughts, others you just enjoy each others company in silence while listening to some music. Tonight seems to be one of those nights.
After some time one of your favorite songs come on - Hooked on a Feeling and Bucky turns his head to look at you. "This is your favorite, no?"
You smile softly at him, he really paid attention, didn't he? "Yeah, on of my favorites"
Bucky nods and listens to the familiar "Ooga-Chaka" line before he then joins in to the lyrics. "I can't stop this feeling..."
To say you are surprised would be an understatement. Bucky has never sung to you before and you didn't even know that he knows the lyrics to this song.
"Deep inside of me..." He continues. "Girl, you just don't realize" He turns his head to you and sings with this smug grin on his face "What you do to meee"
You can't help but join in as well. "When you hold me, in your arms so tight..."
"You let me know"
"Everything's alright" You finish Buckys line.
"I'm hooked on a feeling!" Bucky sings now, his voice no longer low like before, but more powerful and he seems to be a lot more at ease then when he joined you at the window.
"I'm high on believing!" you sing now same as him, a huge grin plastered on your face and your overthinking long gone.
"That you're in love with me" Bucky sings and then stretches his hand out for you to take. So you do just that and without warning Bucky spins you around. "Lips as sweet as candy!"
You two continue to sing and dance to the song. Bucky pulls you a bit closer with every line until you are interwined completely, swaying to the music. You feel hypnotized by his movements and his voice and it feels like right now the world around you is gone. Both if you seem to just live in this moment and enjoy it to the fullest as Bucky spins you around in the dim light of the living room.
Finally the last verse comes on and you are pressed against Buckys chest, his metal hand on your back and his other still holding yours gently as he sings with more passion this time, looking directly into your eyes. "I'm hooked on a feeling"
"And I'm high on believing" you sing along as Bucky places your hand on his shoulder and brushes a strand of hair out of your face gently.
"That you're in love with me" He almost whispers those last words as his hand cups your cheek and you feel like it meant more than a simple song lyrics.
Bucky leans slowly closer to you, his hold on you firm but still gentle until his face is only inches apart from yours. You can feel his hot breath againt your lips and for a moment Bucky hesitates before closing the gap between you two and kissing you softly. You close your eyes and lean into the kiss without thinking, your heart skipping a beat.
When he pulls away again he can see the soft blush on your cheeks and smiles gently. "Always wanted to do that, doll" Bucky whispers before starting to sway with you in his arms once again as the next song comes on.
And so you spent the rest of the night dancing to the music and exchanging sweet kisses every now and then, both of you feeling at ease and happy.
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scoonsalicious · 2 months
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Hunted - Masterlist
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: A plane crash leaves you stranded in the Canadian wilderness with the one person who can't seem to stand you: Your mission partner, Bucky Barnes. You'll have to work together and put your differences aside in order to survive and get rescued. Only, the two of you aren't alone; someone, or something, is watching you from the woods. COMING SOON!
If you ever feel so inclined to support my work, hop on over to buy me a coffee; it's much appreciated! <3
Warnings: 18+ Minors: GTFO; I don’t serve your kind here.
"*" indicates explicit sexual content (each chapter will feature its own warnings as needed), language, violence, horror.
More will be added as the story progresses, and some chapters may have specific warnings that I will keep under wraps to avoid spoilers. When we get to those sections, I will let you know, so if there is a specific trigger that you absolutely cannot handle, let me know and I will tell you if the section is safe. As always, please let me know if I miss any warnings.
Word Count: Currently: 20k; Total: TBD
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2/Sticks & Stones
3/Fire Starter
5/First Aid*
6/Thaw & Refreeze
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musings-of-a-rose · 10 months
For the "Leave the first sentence of a fic in my askbox" game:
I thought I knew what love was, but then I met him.
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The Meaning of Love
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!reader
Word Count: 1026
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
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❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
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**Reader is not described
Main Masterlist
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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Life comes with expectations. Everyone told me to go to college, get a degree, find a nice man, get married, start a family, grow old together. I intended to do just that, sort of floating through life, not unhappy but not entirely happy either. Like I hadn’t found the exact fit. 
Then I met Jeremy and my life became brighter. We met my senior year of college, literally bumping into each other in the bookstore on campus. He’d spilled coffee all down my front and I laughed, as I’d had to change my shirt earlier that day for doing the exact same thing to myself. He was studying business, his days spent mostly in the library with his nose buried in books or online, trying to keep up with the latest business trends. I was majoring in elementary education with a minor in creative writing, so I definitely spent my fair share in the library too. 
Wherever we went, we had a good time. Jeremy was respectful and kind to me, always making sure I ate, knowing that often I’d forget to. We were together about 6 months before confessing our love for one another, and at a year, he asked me to move in with him. We were well on our way to finishing the typical expectations. Everyone kept asking me if he’d popped the question or when he was going to put a ring on it. We talked about marriage and it was something we were both interested in. It was the normal flow of life.
What no one expected was for me to suddenly gain powers, become what people call an inhuman. 
It happened randomly one day. I was out for a run when suddenly, I tripped. But instead of slamming my palms into the ground, it cracked beneath me, ripples of concrete fanning out from where my palms hovered above the ground. I scrambled back and landed on my ass, scooting backwards from the partially sunken sidewalk. My breath shaking, I look at my hands - not a mark on them. It was probably nothing. A coincidence. But what else could do this?
I called Jeremy as I walked home quickly, asking him what could have caused the sidewalk to crack like that. Of course he was quick to tell me to sue the county, that the sidewalk was dangerous and could’ve seriously injured me. That was just the way he was.
I got home and took a shower, letting the hot water cascade over my shoulders, willing them to relax as I looked down at my palms again. I was so focused on what I was doing, I didn’t hear Jeremy come in. When he touched my shoulder I jumped, my hands coming up to shield myself. But then Jeremy flew back against the door, his back nearly leaving an imprint in the shape of him. 
“I’m so sorry!” I started to cry, looking down at my palms and back at Jeremy. “I don’t know what’s happening to me!”
“Y-you did this?” He choked out, staring at me.
I nod. “I thought the sidewalk was random but this? I don’t…I don’t know what’s happening to me.”
He started to stand up and I took a step towards him, but he threw his hands up, fear flooding his eyes.
“Stay back!”
I stopped. “Jeremy? What..what do you mean?”
His hand scrambles for the door handle, hand scraping against the wood. “Don’t come any closer!”
“Jer..it’s me. I just..I don’t know what’s happening. I need help.” I take another step but he finds the handle and turns it, running out the door but not before he looks at me, fear and anger in his gaze.
“Get away from me, you freak!”
That was 10 years ago. I never saw Jeremy again after that night and I rarely dated, never trusting anyone fully. If Jeremy could be so in love with me and leave me in an instant, how could I ever trust again?
I never went into teaching. No one wanted an inhuman teaching their kids. I did discover more about myself, what it meant to be an inhuman. Someone with powers. But I never trusted anyone. 
Then Clint Barton found me, alone and living in my car. He offered me his hand and told me to come with him, that I would be more than welcome at the Avenger compound. Unfortunately, people there still walked on eggshells around me, never sure if I’d “go off”. Then one day, a firm knock raps on my door and I answer it, breath catching in my throat at the most beautiful, troubled man I’ve ever laid eyes on.
Bucky Barnes, aka The Winter Soldier.
He looked like he was bracing for the worst, for my eyes to go wide and to retreat back into my room. But it was very much the opposite, my curious eyes tracing down his metal arm and landing on the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen.
“Clint told me you needed training?”
“Oh. Uh I guess so?”
“Come on.”
Bucky trained me how to control my powers, using the skills he learned since getting rid of the brainwashing Hydra had put there. He taught me how to use my powers for my own self, using them to protect others. But he also taught me that in my solace, in others fear of me, fear of myself, of my own power, that I was not alone. He had been through the same thing and was still battling it himself. We eventually found ourselves pressed together, my legs and heart opening to accept him, all of him, as he whispered praises and love in my ear, our bodies melting together.
I thought I knew what love was, but then I met him. Bucky was the missing piece of my life that I had been waiting for. He sees me, loves me for me, isn’t afraid of me. And all of that love and adoration is reflected back at him through my eyes. I can’t imagine my life without him and I know I’ll follow him past the end of the line. 
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers @icanbeyourjedi @wretchedmo @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @Sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics @sullyosully @kmc1989 @veryprairieberry
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sleepisaturn · 2 years
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warm mugs and warm hugs
Christmas fic ⛄
PAIRING—boyfriend!bucky barnes x gn!reader
SUMMARY—as Bucky's partner you absolutely can't allow it that he spends Christmas alone.
WARNINGS—hurt/comfort, sad Bucky, a pinch of angst but this is technically a fluffy fic
A/N—I know its way past Christmas but hey IM BACK BITCHES
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A knock awoke Bucky who's in bed, well more like disturbed as he wasn't actually asleep. He tried but Bucky's an insomniac; who's only effective sleeping pill is you. He groaned as he rolled off his bed, landing on the soft but rough carpet under the wooden bed frame.
" I swear to God, it's the holidays, didn't that mean I get a few days where people don't disturb— " his annoyed murmurs was silenced by the view of the person on the other side of the door. The corners of his mouth turn upwards as he saw the person through the peephole. Half your face hidden by a scarf, a box of cookies on one hand and a thermos on the other that contained hot chocolate, held by cute green mittens that he gifted you a few days prior. Pride filled his chest as he sees the green mittens being out to use.
" doll ... you're supposed to be with you're family " Bucky's raspy deep voice called and sighs as he accepts your hug, a warm feeling dancing on his stomach as the smile on his face widens when you nuzzled your head on his chest. His arms wrapping tighter around your body as he finally feels at home, the cold atmosphere of his apartment warming up with just your presence.
" and I am " your small murmured voice replied as he pulled both your bodies near the kitchen whilst still in each other's embrace.
A comfortable silence fell as the two of you untangled from each other. Your hand immediately clasping itself with his as you looked at him with lots of love but a tint of sadness as you remember the reason you were here in the first place.
He sighed seeing the look on your eyes, mistaking it for pity but he knew you were just concerned but deep down he thinks just like everybody else, you just pity him and sometimes he's scared it's the actual reason that you're dating him.
Your body immediately followed Bucky's as he turned away from you, his head turning to yours as you use your palm to gently hold the side of his face. The growing beard slightly tickling your palms as you caressed his cheeks, a sad smile forming on your face as you notice his eyes that couldn't look at yours.
" hey, I'm not mad, I'm just ... it's the holidays, it's Christmas—it's an unspoken rule that you can't be alone for Christmas, baby "
He mirrors your hand, the back of his fingers slowly caressing the side of your face. He's still cautious about touching you even with his non metal arm because just like everything in his life, he thinks he'll ruin you—hurt you and even worse break you.
You knew that, you saw a lot of times how hesitant his touches was even in the middle of very intimate moments but you're patient. You knew being with him wasn't gonna be easy but you didn't hate him for that, not even a little bit. You never got tired proving Bucky that he could never hurt you and you never will. The love you have for Bucky is unconditional.
" remind me to beat bird brain's ass tomorrow " He replies with a little laugh.
" don't even, he tried to hide it but I spot liars even from a hundred miles away.
—you told me you'd be with Sam's family for Christmas because Steve's with Sharon, again I'm not mad ... why did you lie? did you hate the idea of meeting my family that much James? "
James, he's fucked he thinks; you only ever call him James in serious situations, when your angry or worse—dissapointed.
" No! of course not doll, I-I " He immediately cups your face on his large hands, your cheeks slightly getting squished together that made him chuckle as your glare intensified.
" Sorry doll—It's just I don't want to ruin your family's Christmas incase they don't like the fact you're dating me, no parent would be calm when their child is dating the world's most dangerous assassin " He laughs as your cute face felt irresistible, even if his own words degraded his being but he couldn't control his laugh as all he could see was your cute grumpy face with furrowed brows and cheeks that were still cupped by his large hand.
" ex-assasin, James—we've talked about this and my family would be scared at first but they wouldn't hate you "
" stop calling me James, doll "
" I'm dating you, they're gonna be protective, especially my mom but that's just because I brought home a boy " You ignored his words, taking his hands off the sides of your face. You held both his hands in yours, with a tight grasp and a deep breath you look straight into his steel blue eyes.
" I love you, Bucky "
" and I love you too, you're too good for me " He said with love and sadness lacing his tone. Slightly tilting your head as you make a move to kiss Bucky. Smiling against the feeling of his soft lips with the roughness of his stubble. The two felt the warmth of each other as they explored each other's bodies a bit. You're hands wrapping around his neck while he grabs your waist with his hands.
As the two of you separated for a breather, you looked at each other's eyes full of love.
" doll, not gonna lie, I kinda want that hot chocolate now " you chuckle slightly and pecking his lips once more.
The both of your spent two hours just talking about random things while you sat on the counter and Bucky stands in-between your legs. The two of you holding warm mugs filled with hot chocolate that had little marshmallows floating on the top. Bucky could stay right here forever.
But the two of you find yourselves minutes later on the top of the rooftop of the building his unit was at, laying flat on your backs on the room's roof that was built on the top floor, so that the two of you would be closer to the stars. Your fingers pointed out one of the constellations you knew, the bright lights of the moon and stars reflecting on your eyes because that's where Bucky was looking. You eyed the stars with amazement as Bucky looks at you with eyes filled with adoration. He loves you so much sometimes he questions why you're with a guy like him.
" I suggested we go here so we could look at the stars not so you could look at me, sergeant "
" not my fault you're a much better view doll "
" god you're such a romantic and they don't believe me when I say the great Bucky Barnes actually wrote me a poem once "
" to be fair it was a shit poem "
" it was the effort I liked "
" so you do admit it was a horrible piece of literature " He said chuckling as he moves his body closer to yours, using one of his elbow to support the top half of his body. His other hand immediately holding your hand that wasn't busy feeding yourself cookies.
" I love you "
" I know "
" I love you, doll, I am so in love with you and its scares me sometimes just how much I'm in love with you " he said while chuckling at the end as a big smile was painted on his face. His smile starts to falter seeing you have no reaction and your eyes that didn't meet his.
" I love you too " you whispered almost too quietly
" good, you kinda got me there so—uh so why the sad face? ... shit, was that too sudden? " He questioned, closing his eyes as he ran both hands through his hair
" I know we've only been dating for a year and well a couple months but— "
" no, uh nothings wrong "
" okay doll, that's pleasant to here " he humors making you slightly chuckle
You reached for his hand, locking your fingers with his as your finally look directly at his eyes
" I love you all the time. Every minute of every day and sometimes you pretty much the only reason I wake up in the morning, so I guess this is it, I love you and I don't ever wanna live without you James "
Your confession made Bucky feel like he was in heaven, like all the secrets of the world was bestowed upon him by Jesus. God, you were going to be the death of him and God does it scare him that your now his biggest weakness. He'd do absolutely anything for you, he'd die for you, he'd even kill for you if you asked.
" don't ever have to worry about me disappearing doll " He said with a straight face before immediately catching your lips, both his hands cupping your face gently.
" Merry Christmas, Baby " you said as he parts away his lips from yours while still cradling your face.
" I promise, you'll never have to celebrate Christmas alone, ever "
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tiiramisu-cake · 1 year
step into the daylight and let it go- (stucky fic)
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Two age-old lovers, a strawberry farm and "the soft epilogue that they deserve".
There will always be grief and pain and guilt. The past will always come knocking on the door, the darkness waiting to engulf them both. But not inside this cottage by the sea. Not with fresh flowers in the vase and pencilled sketches lying about on every table. Not with the hand-picked strawberries and plums and raspberries. Not with the fruit pies, old recipe books, and slow mornings and hands that always find each other. Not with Bucky, a soldier turned lover, who grows fruits in his backyard, and bakes delicious desserts. Who tastes like strawberries and feels like home.
Read the rest on AO3
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stucky-fanfics · 4 months
in this life (ch. 1)
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Steve is paralyzed from the waist down, having difficulties adjusting to his new life even after a year following her accident. Luckily Bucky is there to support him and pick up the pieces.
Warning: contains graphic descriptions of bodily functions and (probably) inaccurate medical procedures!
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Steve Rogers
James "Bucky" Barnes
Peggy Carter
Words: 3,245
Chapters: 1/?
Read on: AO3
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pinkiebieberpie · 2 years
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requested by @moonchildlov thank you, honey!! 🖤
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zombie apocalypse!bucky
what's your favorite scary moodboard?
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luna-rainbow · 9 months
What if S2E05
Ew. Genuinely do not recommend watching, purely from a writing point of view. It feels like I've just watched someone wanking off to themselves and walked away covered in goo.
I'm just saying 90% of the fanfics on AO3 is less stomach-churning than this crap.
Cut for language.
This episode starts off with just...the most wankerish introduction ever from The Watcher. What is this, 6th grade creative writing? His speech was basically "the bestest Mary Sue to ever Mary Sue is to Mary Sue in this upcoming Mary Sue episode! Did I tell you she's a Mary Sue?"
They really just...cut Sam out of his first and major appearance in the MCU. I mean...between Sam's glaring omission and somehow having the lead Widow antagonist (other than Melina) being a Black woman, in an episode featuring Ms Brexit...I'm not saying you should join the dots but the dots be damn there.
How come she gets to yell at Fury and Nat for hiding Steve from her but everyone is pretending that Steve would be fine with Peggy never telling him about Bucky. The math ain't mathing.
Fury tells her to sit out of the fight and Peggy whirls on him with the most possessive Karen snarl, "I'm Peggy Carter and we're talking about ~Steve Rogers~" Just. EW.
Steve literally has no personality or character beyond "UwU I just wanna be your lover~" the whole way, which. The writing was just not good enough to carry off and it just comes across like a juvenile self-insert fanfic.
OH FFS Not only is she stealing this whole Winter Soldier storyline she gotta steal NAT'S MOVES of beating up the Winter Soldier just FOR FUCK'S SAKE GET YOUR OWN PLOT WOMAN.
"Even in Russia girls grow up dreaming of being Captain Carter."
I can't believe this script got greenlit. She's the best she's flawless she's got a perfect love story and everyone wanna be her! Without showing you anything that proves that.
Pffft the shield dropping and the sob story (which Steve fanfic did they lift that monologue from because it sounds awfully familiar). At least they didn't try pulling the end of the line.
Oh and Steve saves her ass at the end of the day.
So not only is she a Mary Sue, she's a Mary Sue who still fucking needs a man to finish off her job. Like. This is the dumbest kind of story telling.
Sebastian doing an old man voice was the much needed breath of fresh air in this episode until I remember that it was probably a trial run for his Trump voice.
*Scrubs brain*
BTW Bucky clearly was not a morally corrupt character like Pierce and I guess...no shit, he wasn't the one who used Operation Paperclip to recruit Zola into the organisation, but I'm not sure the general audience would make that distinction.
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georgiapeach30513 · 30 days
Mini rant for a second: Since recent events (well maybe not recent but the last two years) I’m Seeing comments discrediting Chris performance as Steve/Cap and literally acting like he did nothing but then praising his peers (I’m not naming them because I know you all know who I’m talking about) as if they’re all light years better and he’s nothing.
I’m sorry. When did we start just high key lying about people?
I understand some of you are disappointed and upset for various reasons (he got married, he’s not active or vocal anymore and social media is a barren desert of nothing, his career moves aren’t to your liking, blah blah blah forever)
But make no mistake. He made a generation or more of people love a character, and in turn, open their eyes to other characters and other extensions of this character/mantle they wore. I say this as someone who does not like the MCU or the avengers and have stopped watching anything since endgame. In general, I don’t like comic book movies. But I decided to watch the movies before endgame came out and after five mins of winter soldier I watched the entire cap trilogy back to back and I haven’t stopped loving the character since. i also finally watched the old FF movies after 20 years of ignoring them and Johnny just steals the show. I was so surprised at how likable Chris is on screen. And it’s all because of him.
whatever you feel about him as a person, the one thing I won’t accept is slander on his performance as Steve Rogers.
His performance was more difficult to pull off than RDJ as Tony, and I stand by that. He does not get enough credit for his contribution and I really don’t care who he married, I’m going to say this loud and proud and will continue.
Give him his flowers that he rightfully deserves. If some of you wanna be mad and scream into the void about everything else, fine. But some of you need a serious check in how you insult him and “praise his costars” as if it weren’t for him, the MCU wouldn’t be half of what it is.
Thank you. End rant.
This is a hill I will die on. Stan Lee said Chris was Steve Rogers, and that should be enough. And I have went on multiple times in private how Chris deserved to be paid more than he was. Physically he did a lot. He also became the face of the MCU. Chris was Steve Rogers in those movies. The end.
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amasterpieceofmadness · 8 months
museum – bucky b.
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parings Bucky Barnes x reader
summary Bucky and you visit the museum as it won’t stop raining. As you are looking through the exhibition you stumble across an old picture of him and Steve…
warnings established relationship, mentions of Bucky’s past, fluff
word count 1k
“I want to go to the history exhibition first” You announce as you take a close look at the museum plan.
Bucky just nods, giving you a soft smile “Sure, whatever you want, doll”
It’s been raining for 3 days and it’s getting really boring in the compound with not much to do there. So, Bucky had the idea to spend a day at the museum. And this is where you two are right now. You walk through the halls together, looking around curiously. The exhibition is impressive and Bucky’s hand rests at the small of your back as you look through the displayed items together.
As you enter the next room you find yourselves in an exhibition of World War 2. You take a look at Bucky, who is already looking around a bit stunned and speechless. “We can skip it, if you want” You suggest but Bucky quickly shakes his head.
“No, it’s fine. Don’t worry, doll” he shoots you one of his handsome smiles and you return it as you both start to roam through the exhibit.
You are looking through some old medals and pictures displayed. As you are searching for Bucky you can find him in front of a showcase, so, you step closer to get a better look. “Is that…?”
“Yes,” Bucky nods “it is.” You are looking at the old uniform of none other than Captain America. It’s pretty different from the tactical suit Steve wears nowadays on missions. The one from back then is more like a suit for theatre, which is not surprising considering what he had to do at that time. The suit looks worn out a bit, the red and white stripes still bright though.
This part of the exhibition shows the life of Steve Rogers back than as a national hero. As you continue to admire the uniform Bucky looks around. He comes to a stop in front of a wall full of old letters and pictures. You come closer too and notice his changed expression. He looks deep in thought, a bit nostalgic and wistful even. He is looking at an old picture of young Steve right before going to war. Next to him is a young man with short dark hair, wearing the same military uniform as Steve.
“Is that… you?” You ask in utter disbelief. Bucky doesn’t respond, only gives you a short nod. He can’t tear his eyes away from this picture. Under it is a short description, quoting “Steven Rogers and his friend James Barnes, one day before departure, 1943. It is the last picture of James Barnes before his death 3 days later”. To say you are shocked is an understatement. Of course, for the world this soldier was just a number, lucky enough to be friends with Americas national hero, who died 70 years ago.
But he is still here, right next to you. You cannot believe that this is a picture of young Bucky. He must be around 26 years old on it. And even though you can see in his eyes that he has been through a lot since then, he still has the same cute smile. A wave of emotions rushes over you as you continue to look at this picture and the description. Their life was so differently, and yet, somehow they both ended up in a reality that shouldn’t exist for the both of them. And you don’t even want to imagine what they had to endure over all this time.
Your breathing starts to get shaky and tears dwell in your eyes. You then feel a hand on your shoulder, comforting you. It’s Bucky. He is no longer looking at the picture, his eyes are focused solely on you. There’s concern in his face. “What’s wrong, doll?”
You simply shake my head, taking a deep breath. You shouldn’t be the one who needs comfort right now. Instead, you should be the one who comforts him, as this is for sure not easy for Bucky. “Nothing” You give him a forced smile.
Bucky tilts his head, not believing you. “Don’t dwell on the past. I’m still here” He whispers the last part and pulls you into a soft hug. Your arms wrap around him immediately and you burry your head into the crook of his neck. “I’m still here…” He repeats his words, talking more to himself than to you, which shows just how much he is dwelling on the past right now, even though he tells you not to.
Before you pull apart Bucky presses a soft kiss to your forehead and looks into your eyes, still concerned. “Everything okay, doll?”
You nod and peck his lips with yours quickly. “Yes, how about you?”
His smile grows a bit. “Of course. If all those things didn’t happen, I wouldn’t be here with you now”
His words make you smile as well, and he takes your hand softly in his before you walk out of the exhibition together, taking one last look at the picture. You spend the whole evening sitting on the couch together in the compound, Bucky talking about his life before war, before Hydra, and you listen closely to every single detail. And even though not all memories are good ones, his infamous smirk returns to his lips every now and then.
A/N Here is my complete masterlist with all the ff, imagines, oneshots, smut and whatever. Check it out and leave a like :)
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zoozvie · 14 days
🎃🧸🍒for the self ship ask game?? (levi)
kisses you kisses you kisses you
Hi !!! Sorry, I ramble. I'm mwah-ing back at you. ....that's why I took so long &&& can I tell you that my favorite quirks from you are when you respond with "kisses you" and "HELP—"
🎃 — what is your Halloween costume? Do they match with your f/o?
I usually like to wear lowkey or low-budget costumes (or I'd like to, I haven't worn a Halloween costume since I was like 7 :/ but I think about it every year), And I LOVE matching costumes even if they're not super in your face that they're matching.
When it comes to Levi, I think I would let him decide whatever he wanted to wear and go along with it, lol. I'm not picky, and I'm pretty happy he would humor me by participating. Dressing up as duos from TV shows or movies would be super fun, even if they're not couples.
It's not the question, but Levi would look hot in a Walking Dead, The Last of Us, or other apocalypse survivor getup—OR OR as the Winter Soldier or Spider-Man's venom suit.
🧸— favorite gifts from each other?
Oh fuck I'm so bad at gift-giving, and you know what? I bet he would be too. I'm sure he's alright at it, but both of us are acts of service people, so we probably would just listen out for what each other needs or complains about and get whatever would fix 'that'.
Actions are gifts, though, and I would 100% like a massage literally anywhere from him. I'm tense in my neck, back, legs, hips, everywhere.
He likes to treat himself to nice things, so I would probably save up to get him something useful, practical, and of really good quality—something he'd use every day. (I don't just want to say something related to tea.)
🍒 — what would your contact names be for each other?
I bet in his phone it would just be my full name. Maybe he'd add an emoji if I asked for it. "If there's an accident, I'm not going to have emergency personnel fucking around trying to find you in my phone." Babe set me as your emergency contact ffs
I like alliteration, so I'd name him something like "Levi, my love" or "Lovely Levi Ackerman." (so his last name would make him first in my contact list)
self-ship ask game
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cyb-by-lang · 1 year
I completely forgot to ask!
With how much Kei suffered when coming to Gotham with all the smells etc. how is Kakashi handling it? Is the mask built in with seals? Honestly I thought he’d be the first to complain or feel overwhelmed.
Also also, I know Kei is stressed about which comic book run she’s in, did she actually have a favorite character? I always wonder about this a bit, eg, going to One Piece world would be terrifying, but also I’d probably be a bit starstruck at meeting the Straw Hats. Any moment like that for Kei? At meeting BATMAN or any of these cool characters?
After wearing a mask for three years, I'd say that the model Kakashi is using now helps cut even the city's terrible scent input by a fair margin. He did know Gotham was a city, after all. That said, he does still notice the problem. It's why Batman was able to get so close without being kicked off the roof.
The main continuity that Kei actually remembers "well" (inasmuch as it qualifies) is the Justice League cartoon from 2000. DCAU, where there were only ever two Robins and both were effectively banned from the universe by DC policies against having more than one show featuring a given character (since it was running concurrently with the 2002 Teen Titans cartoon). This story is very clearly not that, so it doesn't help. Even if it did, that version of Bruce Wayne sorta...gets more >:| the more you think about the implications.
All she's got left is wiki dives, clips of the Under the Red Hood film, and memes. So, so many memes.
Remember that old joke about death in comic books that goes, "No one stays dead in comics except Uncle Ben, Bucky Barnes, and Jason Todd?" Kei knew that was 2/3rds bogus by the time she transmigrated, since there were jokes countering it and also Captain America and the Winter Soldier was coming out that same year. Not that she'd even once read a comic involving any of them.
Kei's also generally not interested in celebrities? Whenever she runs into a continuity she actually knows, she usually just gets extremely worried. In a "oh, shit, the high-end threats in this place are things I can't handle" kind of way. Or in an introvert's classic, "I DO NOT WISH TO BE PERCEIVED" manner. Even meeting Obito--who was eight at the time--was a moment of pure "oh fuck no." Hayate was like that too, but he was a baby and then Kei got attached and here we are.
Some rando who commented on Ocean Stars Falling ages ago called Kei an ignoramus for not knowing who Ace was immediately after entering One Piece. And I just sat there, thinking, "You do not have the slightest idea how much your bias is coloring your idea of what media a given human being in our modern society might be even passingly familiar with." I didn't know who Ace was before the pirate collaboration idea with @ffs-abalisk came up.
And if Kei did know who the hell Ace was at the time she met him, that would've probably inspired her to get it the fuck out of there immediately.
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froggibus · 2 months
Just bought my deadpool tickets for Sunday! Going to superise my friends who are watching it at that same theater and were making plans in the groupchat for it.
Did you ever try letterboxd? Also do you have a favorite superhero movie or book?
ah so exciting!!! you’re gonna have to tell me all your thoughts on it when you see it ^^ I’m so excited for you!
I did try letterboxd! I have an account but ill have to pull it up after work :,) fave superhero movie is definitely Into The Spider-Verse, The Dark Knight or The Winter Soldier (so hard to choose! the Batman is a close one too)
loveloveloved the Matt Fraction Hawkeye comics, Deadpool: Back in Black (so cool!) and FF: Heroes Reborn
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the-book-queen · 4 months
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Hide your wallets, it's that time again! Your daily thread of romance deals is ready, FREE to $1.99!
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FREE ✦ Rebel by Savannah Kade
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FREE ✦ Abigail's Shop by Rachael Herron
City girl suddenly inherits a cottage in the country and wants to turn it into a knitting shop. But the grumpy cowboy next door owns all the land around her.
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$0.99 ✦ Tempting Olivia by Clare Ashton
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KU Title
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Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq
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stray-kaz · 2 years
Reparations: a Bucky Barnes x reader FF : Three
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Guilt gnawed at Bucky’s insides. He was supposed to be concentrating, but he only thought of you instead. He had slept better than he had in years with you next to him, but when he had woken up to see you crying, deep, wracking sobs, his heart had sank.
A hand reached out and smacked his shoulder; he jerked and raised baleful eyebrows at Sam.
“What?” he snapped.
Sam waved a hand in front of his face.
“You went all spacey, bionic man” he said, arching one eyebrow back. “What’s up with you?”
Bucky clenched his jaw, considered whether or not it was worth the potential ribbing if he told Sam about waking up with you, and bit the bullet.
“You told You-Know-Who about my bad landing” he began, and was immediately cut off.
“‘You-Know-Who’“? Sam retorted, trying not to laugh. “Voldemort?”
He lost his control when Bucky’s dark eyebrows drew together in a frown of confusion.
“Harry Potter?”
He shook his head, agitated.
“Haven’t read it yet. You know who I mean” he muttered, glowering. “She came over to check on me and saw how tired I was. She made me go to bed...and she stayed with me.”
He did his best to ignore Sam’s rounded ‘o’ of surprise.
“I slept better than I have in years. But when I woke up, she was crying.”
Sam frowned then, hesitating.
“What?” Bucky asked. “What is it?”
“You know she hasn’t dated a man since her husband died” Sam said pointedly.
Bucky conceded the hit with a duck of his head.
“She was probably feeling guilty about sleeping over with you and maybe enjoying it. She misses her husband, she likes you, she’s probably confused” Sam explained. “After all, who wouldn’t be confused if they liked you?”
He danced away from Bucky’s half hearted punch and stepped back with a faint smile.
“Seriously, Buck. It’s her history. It’s not you. Now pay attention, will you?”
Bucky nodded, but he knew it was him. It was always him. Always the Winter Soldier.
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“And where were you all last night?”
You glanced up as your bedroom door swung inward, admitting Natasha and Yelena without your say-so. You raised your eyebrows, attempting to stonewall.
“What do you mean? I was asleep all last night.”
Yelena pursed her lips and Natasha smirked, no holds barred.
“I asked where you were, not what you were doing” she retorted, just a little smug.
You felt your face heat up as you struggled to find an excuse.
“Don’t bother” Natasha interrupted your train of thought. “I am a master interrogator. Don’t try to lie to me.”
You sighed and nodded.
“I was at Bucky’s” you admitted.
The sisters’ eyebrows shot up and they both sat down hard on your bed.
“Details, please” Yelena instructed.
You shrugged, shaking your head at them.
“There aren’t any, really” you said honestly. “I went to check on him after Sam showed me the video of him jumping out of a plane sans parachute. He was exhausted. I told him he needed to sleep and I would stay with him, so I did. Only sleeping occurred.”
“One hundred percent truth?” Natasha asked, eyes narrowing slightly.
“One hundred percent.”
“Well, that’s boring, but I’m glad you took a step in the right direction. Baby steps are still steps.”
“Tiny ones” Yelena muttered under her breath.
You rolled your eyes at her and she shrugged loosely in response.
“I only want to hear the exciting stuff, so sue me” she said flatly. “I have no love life. I’m too busy for that. I live vicariously through you and your odd little friend-mance with the White Wolf.”
“And you don’t think I’m too busy for that?”
She shook her head at you.
“You work admin.”
You sighed and rolled your eyes.
“It’s a little more complicated than that” you mumbled.
“A little.”
Natasha reclined on your bed, watching the miniature squabble unfold. She wondered when Bucky would tell you his biggest secret to date, if he would tell you. If he would want to risk losing whatever was shyly budding between you and him for honesty’s sake.
“He must know what you feel for him by now” she said suddenly. “I mean, you went to him like a bat out of hell when you thought he might be hurt and then you took him to bed.”
She waved a dismissive hand at you when you looked like you were going to try protesting.
“Semantics” Natasha told you. “He’d have to be an idiot not to understand.”
“He’s an idiot” Yelena butted in. “A beautiful woman dragged him to bed and all he did with her was sleep. He’s dumb.”
“It’s not like I threw myself at him” you protested, already aware of just how weak an argument this was even as you were saying the words. “All I did was tell him he was perfect and then undressed in front of him. I wore his henley to sleep in.”
The two women stared at you, all eyebrows raised. As you replayed what you had just said out loud, you groaned and covered your face with your hands.
Yelena mouthed ‘wow’ at her sister and Natasha stood gracefully and made her way to you, wrapping her arms around your hunched shoulders.
“He is a man” she murmured into your hair. “And what’s more, he is a man from the 40′s. You have to beat him over the head with the truth before he gets it.”
You nodded and then jumped slightly when an unexpected hand clamped down on your shoulder and squeezed.
“James isn’t Jack” Yelena said quietly. “Bucky is flesh and blood. And vibranium, but that’s not important. What is is that he’s here and the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.”
You lifted your head to gape at her, and she shrugged, tossing her ponytail.
“What? It is true.”
Natasha waved her out and she closed the door behind her.
“Call Bucky” Natasha told you firmly.
“He’s away” you reminded her. “He’s working.”
She just reached behind you for the cell phone sitting on your desk and settled it in your hand.
“Call Bucky.”
She patted your shoulder and wandered back out of the room, leaving you to stare down at your phone’s black, blank screen.
You took a deep breath and called him.
He answered after the second ring, but he sounded breathless and irritable.
“Yeah, doll?”
“I need to talk to you, James. I have to see you.”
“Okay... But it’ll have to wait. I’m not actually in the country right now...”
He trailed off and you knew it was because he couldn’t tell you where he was.
“All right” you murmured into the phone. “Let me know when you’re home.”
You heard a heavy breath and closed your eyes, imagining the worst.
“Sure thing, doll. I’ll be seeing you.”
He hung up and the connection turned to fuzzy static. You turned and dropped the cell phone back onto your desk. Now all you could do was wait for him.
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Tagging: @hoodedbirdie​
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grailfinders · 2 years
Fate & Phantasms Viewers' Choice
it's that time once again, the time where we all gather to pick a build to show up next month! to help give the smaller name options a better chance, we'll be making a blurb for each of them before the actual poll.
first up is Riesbyfe Stridberg, from Melty Blood. She's a holy knight who cheated death thanks to her shield, Gamaliel, and as such she could be considered Mash's senpai in shielding. it also keeps her from aging, so that's a fun addition to add for no reason, and makes her much easier to build. thanks, nasu!
Edgar Figaro from Final Fantasy 6 is a master inventor and brother to the most jacked motherfucker in FF history. some of his inventions include an automatic crossbow, a medieval chainsaw, an "Air Anchor", which is some kind of explosive... grappling... arm... thing. he also decked his whole castle out with the ability to tunnel underground, but we won't cover that in the build. probably a caster.
Don Quixote, however, is a lancer. that we know for sure. he was completely delusional, thought himself a knight, and rode around the countryside helping people with problems they didn't have. and then FGO made his whole thing even weirder by making his sidekick and love interest his horse. Still, he's always willing to give his all, and that's what matters in the end.
Simo Hayha is from real life! as one of the most popular options from last month's poll I doubt he needs much introduction. a Finnish sniper from WW2, he became known as the White Death thanks to his incredible skills at camouflage and the fact that he killed roughly 500 enemy soldiers. over 100 days. in the Finnish winter. he is considered one of the greatest snipers of all time, and is more than qualified to be one of the few members of the Archer class from modern days.
Genghis Khan is also from history, though not quite as recent. I know Altera already exists, but tbf the real deal Scourge of God could easily qualify as most classes with or without the sci-fi overhaul he got in Fate. like, the number of people he killed had a measurable impact on global warming, he should probably have like, an Artoria of servant classes by now. (yes, that is what a group of servants is called)
Koyanskaya of Light is a weird one, in no small part due to the fact that her big story chapter hasn't shown up in NA yet. still, she's an arms dealer, and this one's focused more on hurting humans than her other side, so we should be able to manage fine. bullets and rifles and tanks, oh my!
and finally, we have Oberon. what is there to say about Oberon? he's totally Oberon. the very first Pretender is a faerie, so that alone would give him all sorts of fun nonsense to play with, but he specializes with putting people to sleep and messing with their heads.
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