#winter suits design for ladies
kaurtrends · 2 years
Latest new velvet suits designs 2021-22 || Velvet fabric kurti/suit Design || Kaurtrends
Latest new velvet suits designs 2021-22 || Velvet fabric kurti/suit Design || Kaurtrends
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its-poojagupta-shree · 5 months
When it comes to ethnic fashion, much emphasis is often placed on the beauty of the top or the kurti. But a well-rounded ethnic ensemble isn't complete without the right bottom wear. The right choice of bottoms can enhance the overall look, add flair, and ensure comfort. In this guide, we explore the diverse world of bottom wear in ethnic attires, from traditional classics to contemporary trends.
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In A Rut (Monster!Hawks x Black!Fem!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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Pairing: Keigo “Hawks” Takami x Black!Fem!Reader (Coworkers to Lovers)
Synopsis: You haven't seen your boss around the office in a while ever since he started feeling "under the weather", but when you decide to visit him one day to cheer him up with some soup, you realize that this isn't a normal spring cold. Your boss is in heat and you, his good little assistant, are the only one who can help him cure it.
Warnings: Monsterfucking; Monsterfucker!Reader; Mild Power Play; Boss x Assistant; Mild BDSM; MDom/fsub; Marking; Heat Symptoms; Hawks Has a Big ol’ Dick; Deepthroat; Cunnilingus; Sloppy, Rough Sex; Scent Play; Overstimulation; Ownership; Multiple Orgasms; Multiple Creampies; Multiple Positions; Cum Play; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: Happy spring, y'all!! 💐💐🌼🌼🌻🌻 Fucking FINALLY winter & the cold is gone! Now that the weather is heating up, I wanted to write something about my favorite birdman suffering from heat. Enjoy! -Jazz
You’re worried about Mr. Takami. 
Or “Hawks” as he’s told several of his employees, staff, and interns to call him around his agency time and time again. But as his personal assistant for over a year, you take respect and professionalism very seriously. 
Hawks is one of the most laidback bosses you’ve had in your professional career. He doesn’t make you fetch coffee unless you’re getting some for yourself, he’s flexible with deadlines, he lets you go home early despite the workload, and has all of his employees take off on Fridays…which he also pays for. 
Though it’s a nice change, you also can’t help but be wary of Hawks. It isn’t that he’s a bad guy. He is considerably nice––always greeting you in the mornings; checking up on you in the afternoons; letting you use his office when he isn’t in it, etc.
But he is also extremely cocky. It comes with the territory of being pro hero #2, you suppose, but the way he saunters into the office every Monday through Thursday in his designer clothes and Rolex watch always rubs you the wrong way. 
Not to mention he’s a humongous flirt. Your friend calls it being “overly friendly”. She also says he doesn’t flirt with any other woman at his agency like he does you. He always gives you those charming smiles that seem to irk you to no end and puts that flirty lilt in his voice when he speaks to you. Not to mention the constant compliments on your outfits and work that stick with you until the end of your shifts. 
Last week on Monday, the last day you saw him, was no different. You were sitting with your friend at your desk that morning, sipping on your iced coffee before the 9 AM meeting. Your friend was giving you the latest gossip on two employees hooking up in the stairwell during lunch last week when you both saw Hawks sauntering into the office. 
“Shh, shh!” she hushes you even though you didn’t say anything. She straightened up and smiled at your boss, bowing. “Good morning, Mr. Takami,” she chirps. The blonde, in his navy blue suit and red bottoms, gave you each a smile that lingered on you for too long. “Ladies,” he greets. 
You looked away, busying yourself by checking your email. “I’ve got your schedule and plans for today’s meeting for you,” your friend said, passing him a folder. “And your coffee, made by yours truly.” She nudged you, making you narrow your eyes at her. 
“Ah, thank you!” Hawks happily sighed. “And I told you before: just call me Hawks. I don’t need all of that ‘Mr’ shit.” His golden eyes then trailed down to you, his stare making you feel uncomfortable in your long-sleeve blouse. “Thank you, Ms. L/N,” he purrs. “See you at the meeting?” 
He gave you a wink, a hint at his joking manner, and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. He was always picking on you like this. “I’m required to be there as your assistant so, yes,” you replied, blandly so.
He didn’t think anything of it. “Good,” he hummed happily. “I’ll need my right hand when I get tired of talking or my coffee doesn’t kick in fast enough. Carry on.” 
He gave you a flitting wink before walking off to his office for some time alone. Once gone, your friend fanned herself. “Oh, my God, he’s so fucking fine!” she groaned. You shushed her, hitting her arm. “Come on, his office is right there!” you hissed. “He might hear you!” 
“But isn’t he so fine?” your friend went on, ignoring your warning. “You have to admit that he’s fine!” You chose your words carefully, stirring your straw around in your coffee. “He’s…okay,” you weakly replied. “But he’s our boss! Whatever I think of him doesn’t matter.” At least you told yourself that. 
The meeting was about new anti-discrimination policies in workplaces and merging with UA High and Indeed to create a special job website for aspiring pro heroes and those with quirks. 
You sat across from Hawks and Rumi, his friend and co-owner of the agency, who sipped on her coffee free of cream and sugar. “Took you long enough,” she grumbled to Hawks. “What, you forget to fluff your feathers this mornin’ or somethin’?” 
You giggled to yourself at her joke before the meeting started. You met with Principal Nezu who happily bowed in front of the laptop personally set up to meet his eye level. “Good morning, everyone!” he exclaimed. “I appreciate all of you for your time today, including the Indeed associates, and for Hawks for allowing me to take you away from work for a moment. Now, Hawks, if you would like to share your opinion first?” 
The pro sat back in his chair, legs crossed and glasses perched on his eyes. You secretly liked it when he wore glasses. “I think it’s a perfect idea,” he said with a shrug. “As I’m sure all of you know, my agency is open to all new talent, whether they graduated from UA or not. We don’t discriminate against anyone with a particular quirk or education. As long as they are willing to learn, respect our rules, and participate in training, we will hire them.” 
“But what if the public has concerns about who we hire and whether they will be able to effectively do their jobs with no UA education or license?” one of the Indeed associates asked. Hawks smiled. “I’m glad you asked that.” He nodded at you, smiling warmly. “Y/N, would you mind answering this question? After all, it’s your wonderful brain that came out with such a well-thought-out plan for this.” 
Though you flushed at the compliment, you pushed those butterflies away and stood. “This agency is not new to the scrutiny of the public,” you explain, poised and calm. “Hawks and Nezu-san are proposing the opening of a new pro hero license program for those who cannot afford UA or are over the age of 18. This program would include…” You continued just as you rehearsed, not looking at Hawks who looked dead at you, almost as if he was staring through your clothes. 
When you finally finished, you sat and Nezu thanked you for your well-spoken words. “What is your opinion on that, Hawks?” he asked. The pro didn’t answer, too busy staring at you. Now his eyes were hooded and looked slightly sharper than they were before. You squirmed uncomfortably in your seat, mostly because of how warm his stare made you. 
“Hawks!” Rumi hisses in his ear. The blonde blinked, snapping out of it. “Huh?” he dumbly asked, looking up at the screen. “Are you alright?” Nezu worriedly asked. Everyone was staring at him, including you. He had never acted like this before. “Yeah, just…” He paused, clearing his throat as a flush appeared on his cheeks. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?” 
Nezu repeated himself, asking for Hawks’ opinion on the internship program and when he’d prefer to announce it. “It is the spring already, but I believe the summer is when most of my student body will be looking to do internships,” he explained. 
You watched as Hawks’ eyes grew wide at the mention of spring, but he did his best to keep it lowkey. But you noticed. “U-Uh, yeah,” he said, clearing his throat. “I’ll do it in April.” You also noticed his body language for the rest of the meeting: his knee bouncing anxiously; his eyes flicking from yours to back at the screen or down at his papers; his cheeks flushed red. 
Was he sick? Was it the coffee you made? After the meeting, Rumi confronted him on it, grabbing his elbow. “Hey, what the hell happened in there?” she asked. “You looked like you were about to deck Y/N!” 
“I…sorry,” he huffed. “I just…” He paused, seeing you and his eyes roamed over your lower body in your pencil skirt. “I need to go to the bathroom,” he quickly replied before rushing off to his office. You followed him. You don’t know why you did. Maybe you felt obligated to do so as if his assistant. Maybe you just needed to make sure he was okay. 
So you knocked on his door, tentatively so. “Come in,” he raggedly said. You opened the door and automatically closed it behind you. Hawks leaned against his desk, his back to you, breathing concerningly hard like he just got off the treadmill. 
“Mr. Takami?” you questioned. Your heels clicked against the hardwood floor as you walked farther into his spacious, high-rise office. “Hawks, is everything alright?” Hawks didn’t look at you as he spoke: “Y-Yeah,” he replied, still sounding winded. “What’s up?” 
You stood two feet away from him, afraid to get near. You didn’t want to spook him or cross any boundaries. “I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be writing a ‘thank you’ email on your behalf to Nezu-san and the Indeed associates,” you lied though you were planning on doing that anyway.
But Hawks shook his head. “Don’t bother. You did a good job today, Y/N.” His voice sounded so off. It was usually light and syrupy, but now it sounded deep and raspy. It did things to you. 
“Did I do something wrong?” you blurted, confused at his strange behavior. The blonde quickly shook his head, turning slightly towards you. His sleeves were rolled up, showing off his forearms and the feather tattoo on the inside of his left wrist. “No, no, of course not!” he protested. “I’m just…not feeling well.” 
“Well, you know you can always go home,” you said. “We can hold down the fort here like we always do.” Finally, Hawks turned around and you saw how flushed he looked, his cheeks a rouge hue. He gave a smile that felt too intimate. Too adoring. “Thank you,” he sighed. “That’s so like you. Always so professional. Always so sweet.” 
He took a step toward you and instinctively, you took a step back. “M-Mr. Takami?” you weakly asked. He continued to walk to you until you finally stood with your back to the wall, unable to escape him. His cologne clouded your senses, the scent of sweet and spicy invading your nostrils as he stopped in front of you. 
“Y/N,” he began, his voice breathlessly and soft. “I…” He stopped, raising his hand to touch you. And then he stopped, dropping his hand and using it to cover his mouth instead. “I-I’m sorry,” he muffingly said. “You should go. I don’t wanna get you sick.” 
Quickly, he reached beside you with his free hand and opened the door. The sound of chatter, coffee machines, and ringing phones smacked you back to reality. “You should go,” he said, his eyes willing you to do so. So you did and he shut the door in your face, leaving you feeling breathlessly and hot. 
That was over a week ago. After the work day, Hawks headed home and sent out a staff meeting the next morning about being out because of a “spring cold”, but he’d be back soon. “Soon” hasn’t come yet. You haven’t heard anything from him in days! 
It’s starting to worry you. A spring cold can’t last this long. Is it the flu? Is it something else? Plus, no one can seem to get in contact with him. What if something bad happened to him? 
These worrying thoughts swim in your head all week every time you see Hawks’ empty office. 
Finally, you reach your breaking point. You’re not going to call, text, or email him. You’re going to be a good assistant and instead, bring him something to let him know that you’re checking on him. Something to make him feel better. So on Friday, you leave work after your shift and stop by your favorite cafe to buy a bowl of their best chicken noodle soup.
You then drive to Hawks’ penthouse on the Upper East side of the city having kept his address to deliver things from work to his house if need be. When you park your car, you walk to the front door and click a button to buzz to his room. At first, nothing happens, so you press it again. Finally, on the third buzz, someone answers. 
“Yeah?” a deep, raspy, growly voice barks. It startles you. “Uh…I’m sorry, do I have the wrong room?” you ask. “I’m looking for Keigo Takami.” The other end of the line pauses and you think that they left. “Y/N?” they ask, sounding shocked. “Why are you here?” 
You blink at the speaker, shocked that this is your boss talking to you. Why does he sound like that? Is he that hoarse? “I came to give you some soup,” you say, suddenly shy. “I haven’t heard from you in days, so I bought this just to let up your spirits. That must be some cold.” 
You wait for a response, but when he never gives it to you, you begin to feel stupid. This was a mistake. “Well, I’m gonna go now, but I’ll give it to your doorman so he can–” 
“Don’t,” Hawks interrupts though he still sounds strained. “Come up.” You scowl in confusion, wondering if you misheard that, but then his doorman is meeting you at the front door to guide you to the elevator up to Hawks’ penthouse with the soup. 
You take the elevator up, your heart pounding and your hands shaking slightly as they hold the soup. You almost explode from your nerves when you finally make it upstairs and the doors open, revealing Hawks’ beautiful, luxurious, and empty penthouse with an included gameroom, private gym, balcony, pool, mini bar, and expensive-looking kitchen. But he is nowhere to be found. 
You walk further into the living room, your heels clicking across the hardwood floor. “Hawks?” you call. You don’t get any answer right away. The home is uncomfortably silent, making you feel paranoid. “Hawks!” you call again, louder this time. “Where are you?” 
“Upstairs!” he rasps from the staircase leading to the upper floor. “Don’t come up here!” He sounds so pained. In such agony. You place the soup on the counter, confused and worried. What’s going on? Why does he sound like he’s in trouble? 
Not listening at all to your boss’ warning, you slowly head up the steps, taking each tentative step further up in your heels. The hallway is dark when you finally make it upstairs, the only door open being the one at the end of the hallway. It is cracked and through it, you hear the sound of your boss’ soft pants and grunts of pain. Hawks’ bedroom. 
Though something inside of you is telling you to turn around, you persevere and walk towards the bedroom. Slowly, you push the door open, revealing a dark masterbedroom with drawn curtains blocking out the outside world. “Hawks?” you tentatively question. “It’s just me. I just came to–” 
“Go away!” he bellows from inside. “I told you not to come up here!” You jump, startled by the volume of his voice. He’s never yelled at you in such a way. You poke your head inside and gasp at the absolute mess of his bedroom: furniture askew; clothes and empty water bottles discarded on the floor; a rumbled mess of red sheets on the bed.
The smell in the air is thick with sweat and something else. Something tropical. Coconut oil? You look towards the king-sized bed where a heap sits hunched under the sheets which move up and down as it pants heavily. You thought it was just a pile of clothes at first, but no. There’s something under there. 
“Hawks?” you question, your voice wavering in fear. The strange heap stirs, reacting to your voice. It breathes raggedly, almost as if it can’t get enough air in its lungs. “Hawks, what’s going on?” you demand. “Tell me. I want to help you.” 
But he turns away, the sheets shifting as he does. “You can’t,” he whines. “You can’t.” Not being able to take how he sounds anymore, you storm over to the bed and snatch the sheets off of him. There, under the covers, you see your boss with your own two eyes. “H-Hawks?” you whisper. “Is that you?” 
You almost can’t believe it. He has gotten much bigger in the past couple of days since you’ve last seen him, his muscles almost bulging. His pecs are ridiculously big, his nipples hard and perky, and veins protrude from his forearms and hands. Speaking of hands, they barely resemble human hands anymore. Red feathers sprout from his skin and long, sharp talons have grown out of his fingernails like knives. 
When he looks at you, his face is flushed and his eyes are nothing more than red slits, those warm, golden irises gone. But all of those things aren’t even the most shocking to you. You are more shocked by the size of his wings. They have doubled in size, nearly taking up the entirety of the bed, and are red as the purest blood. His feathers shake and ruffle as if someone has run their fingers through them, disturbing their peace. 
He looks shocked to see you and then embarrassed. “I didn’t want you comin’ up here,” he pants. “Didn’t want you seein’ me like…this.” He shifts and sits up so the sheet falls off of him, revealing his naked body to you. He is flushed and coated in sweat all over his tan skin and toned muscles. Your eyes trail down his abs and V-line to his cock which is way too obvious to look away from. 
He is big and throbbing, the head a blush red and dripping in precum. One mouth-watering, angry vein trails from his shaft up to the head of his cock that twitches. Hawks winces, not looking like he is enjoying this at all. In fact, he looks like he’s in complete agony. You can’t be embarrassed or mortified by this when he looks so awful. “W-What happened to you?” you softly gasp. 
He covers his throbbing dick with the sheet, but it’s no use. You can still see it protruding from underneath it, creating an obvious tent. “I’m in heat,” he sighs. “It’s what us mammals go through around this time. A spring thing.”
He wipes the sweat off of his forehead, his blonde hair soaked in it. “That’s why I’ve been hiding,” he explains. “I’ve been here tryna get through this, but I just…can’t!” 
He grabs at his hair, running his hands through it. Now you understand it: his absence; the transformation; the smell of coconut oil in the air. You feel yourself blush, feeling hot in your clothes. All of this because he’s horny?
“How long does it last?” you curiously ask, but you’re not even sure you want to know. Hawks sighs, looking doomed. “Either a day or months depending on if my heat is satisfied.” 
“Months?” you gasp. “Are you in pain?” 
Hawks’ face screws up, triggering something in your core. “Terrible, baby,” he groans, wrapping a hand around his cock, his talons long enough to curl around the entire thing...and he’s at least 12 inches. “I can’t even sleep. I’ve been up for days, sweatin’ through my sheets and tryin’ to cum as many times as I can.” He releases himself and looks down at his hands, clenching them. “But my hands don’t do it for me anymore and I broke my fuckin’ toy.” 
He nods at the fleshlight you didn’t even notice lying near his nightstand, completely broken in half. He completely tore that pussy out the frame, you realize in shock. What the fuck could he do to a real one? “O-Oh,” you exhale. 
“Yeah,” he sighs, running his hand down his sweaty face. “I’m sorry about this, Y/N, really. I didn’t want anyone seein’ me like this.” He looks away from you, appearing so utterly humiliated and ashamed that it pains you. You find yourself not liking him like this: so utterly downtrodden and hopeless. “What can I do?” you blurt. 
He faces you, his slitted eyes widening. “What?” he gasps. “What do you–” 
“I wanna help you, Hawks,” you cut in, already taking off your cardigan to reveal your pretty, pink blouse underneath that you paired with a skirt. “What can I do to help you get through this?” 
He watches you, looking completely stunned and mortified, but his cock also twitches at the sight of your outfit. “No, no, baby, no,” he protests. “Y-You can’t…you don’t need to do this.” But you stand firm on your decision, refusing to leave him like this. “I know I don’t need to,” you firmly respond. “I want to. Just look at you! I can’t let you go on like this.” 
Hawks still doesn’t move, but his cock begins to leak pre for you, dripping down his thick thighs and onto the mattress. The sight is so lewd but so arousing, making your pussy throb indeciently in your panties. You shouldn’t be doing this. There are so many consequences you could face from this…but you also find that you don’t care right now. “Let me help you, Hawks,” you whisper. “Just tell me what I need to do to help you. I’m your assistant, after all.” 
A fire explodes behind Hawks’ eyes, lit with lust and need. A low growl leaves his chest and you find that he has fangs in his mouth. The sight scares and thrills you. “You wanna help me?” he asks in his low, deep voice. “Then take off your clothes.” 
You swallow hard, feeling like you just dry-swallowed a gigantic pill. You start with your blouse, your painted fingernails teasing the buttons before you begin to pop them open one by one. You expose your lacy bra to him, one of your favorites because of how it makes your breasts look: pretty, juicy, and appetizing with the lace trim of the cups adorning them. 
You peel off the blouse and let it fall to your feet. Hawks barely notices it, too busy staring dead at your chest. He slowly begins to pump his cock with his hand, lewd, wet sounds of his pre and coconut oil acting as lubricants drifting to your ears. Under his laser-eyed gaze, you feel like an animal being watched behind a cage. A specimen. It makes you feel slightly uncomfortable, but also hot and bothered to see that you’re affecting him so deeply. 
You then move to your skirt and begin to unzip it, but Hawks puts a hand out to stop you. “Slowly, mama,” he raggedly says. “Don’t rush this.” Biting your lip, you slowly drag the zipper down and then slide the skirt off of your waist, leaving you in just your matching bra and panties. You go to take off your stockings and heels, but he stops you. “Leave ‘em on,” he demands. 
So you stand there, arms at your sides and trembling like a leaf. “Turn around,” he orders, his pink lips parted as he continues to fuck his hand nice and slow. You listen and turn, exposing your ass to him. “Ah, shit,” he hisses, soft pants leaving his lips. “I knew you had a nice ass.” 
You bite your lip, feeling your pussy flutter and throb impatiently. “Sit on the bed and bend over for me,” he orders. “I’m not gonna touch you. I just wanna see you rub that pussy for me, okay?” 
You turn around, staring down at your shoes. “Yes, sir,” you whisper and flush at your words. They just came out of you, as naturally as breathing. 
Hawks shudders, affected by your reply. “Such a good girl,” he sighs dreamily. “I’ll definitely take that over just ‘Hawks’ right now. But ‘Keigo’ works too.” Your face grows hot with a blush, having never referred to him by his first name before. Not wanting to waste his time, you slowly get on the bed and face away from him, your feet tucked under your butt. 
Then you bend over for him, your back arched. “Yes, that’s it,” he encourages, softly panting and the move bouncing slightly from his ministrations on himself. “Pull those panties to the side, baby. Let me see you.” Biting your lip so hard that you’re sure to draw blood, you pull the thin strip of cotton covering your sodden, wet, puffy pussy to the side and expose all of you to him. 
Hawks shudderingly moans at the sight of the wet strand of your arousal connected from your pussy lips to your panties. “God, mama,” he groans. “You have the prettiest pussy. Look how wet you are!” He growls once more, sounding so much like an animal. “You like what you’re doin’ to me?” You can tell he’s started to stroke himself harder, faster, his pants and heavy breaths becoming more intense. “Keigo,” you softly whimper. 
You’ve never been this horny before. Your pussy is about to slide off the bone with how wet it is. 
“That’s right, say my name,” he groans. “Play with your pussy, baby. Don’t let me do this alone.” 
So you do. You sneak your hand down your ass, teasing him before you begin to rub your cunt for him in time with his strokes. A weak moan leaves your lips as you rub your clit in tiny, firm circles, your ministrations impassioned by the sounds leaving Hawks’ lips. He sounds so desperate. So slutty as he pumps his cock, imagining that he’s doing so to your pretty, little pussy. “So fuckin’ cute,” he says, agonized at your beauty and sexiness. “How the fuck are you this adorable?” 
You want to look back and see him, but you get the feeling that he doesn’t want to be watched, so you instead close your eyes and drift away at the sounds of his moans and his lubed cock fucking his hand, making the bed bounce slightly underneath you. You imagine that he’s fucking you like that, his big hands gripping your ass and talons digging into the fleshy part of your ass cheeks. You can almost feel his cock stretching you out, pumping you full again and again as he uses you, doing his best to not break you like he did his fleshlight. 
Finally, you can’t take it anymore. “K-Keigo!” you whine. “Fuck, I’m about to cum!” Hawks groans at your warning, happy to hear this. “Uh-huh,” he pants. “Do it for me, baby. Cum all over those fingers for me.” 
And you do. You rub and flick your clit until it can’t take any more stimulation and explodes all over your hand. Your sweet moans of release push Hawks over the edge. “Fuck!” he bellows, his voice bouncing off of the walls as he cums in his hand, shooting warm cum all over his thighs and stomach. Your moans and whines mix with one another, creating a symphony of pleasure as you both cum together. 
When the high of your orgasms finally fades, you both sit there for a moment, panting and sitting in the reality of your situation. “I…I’m sorry,” Hawks awkwardly huffs.
You don’t answer, unsure of what to say until you turn around and find that he’s still hard. “Keigo!” you gasp. “Y-You’re still–” 
“I know,” he sighs, frustration evident in his handsome face. “Like I said, my hands ain’t doin’ it for me at this point. I need more.”
His slitted eyes, red as crimson blood, narrow at you, a deeper meaning in his words. You gulp, weighing your options but only briefly. You realize you’re thinking more with your pussy than with your head, but the curiosity of feeling Hawks’ wings wrapped around you while he fucks you is too tempting. 
“Keigo, it’s okay,” you softly purr, putting a hand on his thigh. He flinches as if your touch burns him. “We can do more if you need it.” You then dip your fingers between your thighs and come back with them dripping in your cum. His cock twitches at the sight, but he doesn’t have to imagine how you taste for too long. 
You lean forward and put your fingers to his lips. “Use me,” you say, a plea in your voice. “I’m all yours.”
Right then, something in Hawks snaps the moment he wraps his lips around your fingers and greedily sucks your cum off of them. He is no longer entirely human, his animal instincts taking over. He snatches you up and places you in his lap, emitting a small gasp from you at being yanked up so forcefully. “Just tell me ‘no’ if you want me to stop,” he orders. “And tap my thigh three times if I got my cock in that mouth. Understand me?” 
Unable to reply, you wordlessly nod. That’s enough for him. Immediately, he’s on you, pressing a rough yet passionate kiss to your lips, nibbling on your bottom lip and swirling his tongue with yours. His kiss is brutal yet hot; forceful yet careful as he wraps you up in his arms and soft wings. It’s the best kiss you’ve had in your life. 
And the sex he gives you by far trumps all of the other bedroom adventures you’ve had. You’re so glad he gave you a non-verbal safety precaution because Hawks takes the “use” thing literally when he finally gets his dick down your throat. He is as big and thick as he looks, your fingers barely being able to wrap around his girty, throbbing shaft. 
You have to cover his cock in copious amounts of spit and coconut oil just to make it easier to stroke him, Hawks’ crimson, lustful eyes and soft moans encouraging you. “That’s it, baby bird,” he growls, one clawed hand in your hair. “Take me nice and easy.” Though he allows you to slowly take his cock down your throat, it doesn’t do much to ease the stretch of your jaw. 
Unfortunately for you, Hawks’ heat gets the best of him and his impatience rises, making your time to adjust to his size shorter. When he grabs your hair and begins to fuck your face, you have no choice but to take it. He shoves his cock so deep down your throat that your eyes burn with tears and embarrassing, wet gagging sounds leave your mouth as you gurgle around his cock that throbs and pulses in your mouth. 
“Thaaat’s my girl,” Hawks grunts, staring down at you throating his dick. “You’re takin’ this dick like a champ, baby bird, y’know. You could make this a profession if workin’ as an assistant don’t work out.” He takes his cock out and taps it against your tongue, loving how slutty you look for him with your tongue hanging out and makeup a mess. 
“Or you could add this to your duties of bein’ my little assistant,” he hums, smearing his cockhead across your plump lips. “You could fetch my coffee and take this dick over my desk every workday. How would that sound?” He doesn’t allow you to answer as he grabs you again and forces you down onto his cock, groaning at how amazing your wet tongue and soft mouth feel. “God!” he groans. “I hope your pussy is this fuckin’ tight.” 
His curiosity gets the best of him. After a few minutes of fucking your throat like it’s a toy, he pulls out with a moan, giving you heart eyes at the image of your messy hair and sloppy mouth dripping in spit. He holds your face in his big hands, his talons gently caressing your cheeks. “On your back,” he orders. You must go too slow for him because he tosses you down onto your backside himself and quickly ducks between your thighs, his big, feathered hands parting them. 
“K-Keigo,” you stammer, but that’s all you can get out before he’s cutting the waistband of your panties off with his teeth and sliding his big, fat, wet tongue all over your slit.
All words cease to exist as pleasure washes over you which only builds the more his tongue swirls against your clit and inside of you. Your eyes widen and your hands dig into the skin of his muscular back that flexes as he dips his head low to eat you out. His soft wings caress your skin as they wrap around you, making you feel like you’re being pampered from all ends. 
Hawks knows how to run his mouth, but also knows how to work it. His tongue moves magically inside of you, slurping up your juices as his nose and soft lips bump against your clit. You grind your hips up into him, meeting his tongue thrusts while his talons dig into the fleshy parts of your ass.
You can’t keep quiet, too enveloped in the ecstasy you’re feeling. “God, yes, Keigo!” you whine, bucking your hips up. “That feels so fuckin’ good! Keep going, please, ooooh, shit!” 
Hawks gladly takes all of those lovely sounds, moaning into your cunt. He is a rapid, ravenous animal, slurping up your pussy like he’s yearning for it. “So good,” he whines into your clit. “So fuckin’ good.” 
Your orgasm comes rather quickly, that knot in your core threatening to snap as he continues to work his tongue in and out of you. “Fuck, Kei!” you sob. “I’m gonna fuckin’ cum! Please let me cum, sir please!” 
“Mmm-hmm,” Keigo hums, sucking gently on your pussy lips. “Do it for me, baby bird. Cum all over my fucking face.” He goes back to eating you out, moving his tongue against that little spot up and inside of you that makes you see stars. “Do it,” he growls in his deep, gravelly voice. “Fuckin’ cum for me. Give it to me now!” 
A scream erupts from you–”Oh, shit!”–as you explode all over Hawks’ tongue. He moans in release with you as he slurps and laps you up, drinking in all that give him while you buck and writhe under his hands. Even when the orgasm high fades, he doesn’t stop. He continues to eat you out even as your pussy and body twitches. “O-Okay, Hawks,” you stammer. “Please, ah, please stop. I-I can’t…oh, my God!” 
Tears prick your eyes as the agonizing pleasure continues, swallowing you whole. His crimson eyes stare up into yours between your thighs, loving how desperate and pathetically horny you look as you writhe against his tongue. But as good as you taste, he needs to know how you feel. So he hikes himself up on top of you, his big body covering your smaller one, and his wings creating a curtain around you. 
“I’m gonna be honest with you, baby,” he pants. “I need to fuck you now and when I do, I ain’t gonna be nice. I need to cum as many times as it takes to ease this heat and that could be hours. You sure you’re okay with that?” Despite his obvious need, he is holding back, his cock throbbing against your thigh. 
Knowing that, you nod and press a kiss to his lips. “Yes, Keigo,” you purr. “I want this too.” You give him a smile, pretty and seductive. “So fuck me.”
The pro doesn’t need to be told twice. He starts by fucking you on your back, your knees tucked up into your chest. You’re happy for the lubricant and orgasm because it is a stretch. His cock stretches your pussy out in a way it didn’t do to your jaw, making your mouth go slack and your eyes widen. “Relax, mama,” he coos, pressing a kiss to your face while he rubs your clit. “You’re doin’ so well takin’ me.” 
After a few minutes of adjusting and slow strokes, Hawks feels you relax around him and finally begins to pound you like he needs to. He fucks you into the mattress that shakes and bounces beneath you, making your tits bounce in time with his thrusts. Each pump of his thick cock sends sparks of pleasure throughout your body as your soft, spongy pussy walls stretch and mold into his shape. 
“O-Oh, my God!” you cry, grasping his shoulders as he takes you straight to poundtown. “Fuck, Keigo, yes, baby! Fuck me just like that!” 
The winged pro grips your thighs and pins them down to the bed, giving you a stretch that yoga couldn’t even do. “Just like that?” he teasingly asks, smirking down at you. “Look at you takin’ this dick like a champ, baby bird. Bet you couldn’t wait for your boss to fuck you, huh?” 
You whine in response, earning a tongue shoved in your mouth as Hawks gives you a wet French kiss while he pounds into you. He nuzzles his nose into your neck next, covering himself in your scent and you in his.
You’re so deep in the pleasure that you don’t even realize that Hawks’ feathers, sharpened to the touch, cut off your bra until you feel the cool air on your nipples and then pleasure as he stimulates them with his feathers. 
When he begins to get closer, his crimson eyes glow red and the black rimming his eyes grows sharper like a hawk’s. You feel scared yet aroused at the same time, your pussy clenching around his cock. “I’m gonna cum, baby,” he grunts. “Gonna fill you up. Want you to fuckin’ cum with me too!” 
“Fuck, Hawks!” you whine, tossing your head back against the pillow. Your second orgasm erupts and sends you on a trip while Keigo fucks you like he’s trying to hit a home run. When he cums, he does so with an animalistic grunt and grips your hips so hard that they bruise. He tosses his blonde hair back, every muscle in his body tense from the pleasure. You gasp as he fills you up with his cum, feeling warmth flooding inside of you. It feels good to be full, you realize. 
But even when the orgasm fades and he has successfully filled you up, Hawks looks down at you with an increased level of need and lust that shakes you. “I ain’t done with you yet,” he growls. 
And he’s not. He fucks you in every single position imaginable. He fucks you doggy style, his cock pumping into you again and again while he yanks on your hair and dirty talks in your ear.
“You my little slut?” he pants, his hand grabbing and smacking your ass. “You love gettin’ fucked by me? You love this number 2 pro hero dick, don’t you, baby?” You can only whine in response, words and logical thoughts completely gone as he turns your pussy into mush. 
He fucks you on your side, his big body spooning yours and red wings wrapped around you as his throbbing cock drives inside of you. In this position, it’s easier to rub your clit and tilt your head back to kiss him, the two of you sharing breath as you hotly pant and moan into each other’s mouths. 
He fucks you with your head hanging off the bed and your leg pinned up to get a better angle at your G-spot and to drive himself deeper into you. 
He fucks you in mating press, his feet on the bed as he mounts you and drives himself inside of you like he’s trying hard to breed you. 
He fucks you in full nelson. 
In prone bone, his hands massaging your ass. 
While standing up, you bouncing like a cute little fuck bunny in his arms on his dick. 
From the bottom while you ride him, both from the front and the back, his hands groping your bouncing tits and jiggling ass. 
“Mine,” he growls to you in every position known to bed that he puts you in. “You’re fuckin’ mine, baby bird. Only mine.” 
And in every single position, he makes you and himself cum. He seems to always know how to trigger your orgasm so you cum again and again. He then uses your tight walls to chase his orgasms, cumming inside of you and filling up over and over again. He makes you sweat out your hair and your makeup, making you look like the sexiest Goddess to him as you take his cock like it’s your job. 
By the time he finally finishes, hours have passed and you are spent. Your body aches. You are wet with sweat and cum. Your pussy twitches and is sloppy with his and your cum mixed together, all of it dripping down your thighs and through the crack of your ass. 
Hawks, finally back to his normal self, lies down next to you and snuggles you into his chest. “Thank you for doin’ that,” he sighs, pecking you on the forehead. “You did so, so well for me, honey. I hope a dinner date can make up for that workout.” 
You only mewl tiredly in response, but you wrap your arms around him and snuggle into his chest. He chuckles, the sound pleasant to your ear pressed against his heart. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he sighs.
And then you sleep, satisfied and comfortable finally. 
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chrollohearttags · 7 months
Heyyyy Cherry 🍒! I hope your doing well ☺️
It’s currently 3am and my YouTube switches from night routines to a man building a cabin in the woods and all I could think about is Nanami!! Idk why but I could imagine him telling his black girlfriend about the idea of him taking her on a luxury camping trip and she’s protesting and somehow he’s gets her to agree and when she sees Nanami sweating chopping woods with his shirt off, she’s seems to forget why she was mad in the first place 🤭🤭🤭
~ I had to get this off my chest 😭
hi lovely! I’m doing well and I hope you are too! ❤️❤️ this is waaay too good, like to really can imagine it.
kento doesn’t exactly get a lot of time off, despite not wanting to work long hours. So of course, when he gets to take a vacation, the only thing he wants to do is be with his beloved lady! He comes to you, telling you the news and tells you to pack your bags because he’s got the ideal spot. But he doesn’t get the reaction he hopes… “Seriously, Kento?” “What? It’ll be nice.” Because his proposal for the perfect getaway spot wasn’t some luxurious resort, a stay on some beautiful island..no, not even close. Truth was, when Kento said he wanted a getaway, he truly meant it! He didn’t want to be bothered, he didn’t want to be contacted..he wanted to be so far away from his coworkers, that no one could come and bother him. He wanted to be alone with you and only you. What better way to do so than to rent out a luxurious cabin in the countryside? After all, it was chilly this time of year anyways so it was rather ideal. However, you aren’t exactly sold on the concept. “I don’t know, Kent. You couldn’t have picked somewhere else? Doesn’t seem real relaxing..” but with your face smushed between his hands and a gentle kiss on your forehead, he’d assure that you were going to have the time of your life! “Nonsense. As long as I’m with you, we’ll have a great time.” So reluctantly, you guys pack up your BMW and head out for the woods. Two weeks of relaxation, surrounded by forestry, birds and nature. Touring the area and ski resorts along with the hot springs. still not convinced and for the duration of the ride, you’re glaring out of the window with a pout and your arms folded like a petulant child. That is until your two of you reach your destination and he’s all excited. You hadn’t seen him so excited in a long time. But he’s wasn’t the only thrilled because as the two of you got settled in, unpacked and evening time fell, your mind changed! Dressed in your cute winter attire, you’d step out onto the front porch brandishing a warm thermos full of hot cocoa, calling out to your husband. “Kento, babe. It’s cold! Why don’t you come inside—“ and before you can finish your sentence, your jaw falls slack and your heart begins thudding in your chest. You look over to see him chopping wood, shirt off and sweat beaming down his ripped muscles. You watch him dutifully swing that axe and split a round piece of wood in two. Sporting jeans and boots with a pair of work gloves covering his hands. Completely out of character from his designer suits and business casual wear. A sight to behold for sure..so much so you had completely forgotten why you had come out in the first place…or why you were so against going!
“Sorry, my love. Did you need something?”
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arc-misadventures · 9 months
Full Metal Plate
Winter: So, are you all packed, and ready to go… l-little sister…?
Jeanne: D-Did you just try to call me, ‘little sister?’
Winter: Is that alright? I mean, we’ve only know each other for a little while, and I’m still not sure that you’re… Huw?!
Jeanne rushed over to, Winter, and wrapped her arms around her for a tender loving embrace.
Jeanne: It’s okay, you can call me your little sister all you want, big sister~!
Winter eyes teared up before wrapping her arms around her in kind. They stayed that way for a while before breaking away.
Winter: Thank you, Jeanne. I… I needed that.
Jeanne: Any time sis. And, as for packing, I’m all ready to go. Well, bar my armour, well, my planned armour that is. I’m still a growing lady, I mean, look at these~!
Jeanne provocatively gestures to her sizeable chest.
Winter: Looks like… Double D-Cup’s?
Jeanne: They used to be A’s.
Winter: And, you’re fifteen?
Jeanne: Yep! Meaning these gals are still growing~!
Winter looks down at, Jeanne’s chest before looking down at her, C-Cup chest.
Winter: Well… good for you~!
Jeanne: You absolutely seething with jealousy, aren’t you?
Winter: Oh absolutely. Seriously, how are all, Arc woman so well endowed?!
Jeanne: Don’t forget about the men too!
Winter: …
Winter: I did not need to know that.
Jeanne: Yet~!
Winter: So you don’t have any armour at all, excluding your shield?
Jeanne: Oh I do have some armour! Give me - moment, and I’ll show you!
Winter: Alright, take your time.
Jeanne: And, done! What do you think?
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Winter: Not bad. It really shows off your figure. Seems light, and easy to move in. You are a fast fighter, this must suit you quite well. And, it does look like it will accommodate for any future growth spurts.
Jeanne: Yep! I can really move around in this. But, after I reach the peak of my growth spirt, I’m going to switch to wearing some more full plate armour. This is just a stop gap until then.
Winter: Oh? Why do you desire to do that? Light armour seems to best suit your fighting style. Wouldn’t full plate armour slow you down?
Jeanne: Depends on how the armour is designed. If it’s thick, and made from heavy metals, its going to be damn heavy. But, if the armour is dense, and made with thin armour plates, it can be quite light, and easy to run around in. Hell, I can even do a backflip while wearing heavy plate armour.
Winter: But, you don’t have heavy armour?
Jeanne: I… I could do a backflip in full plate armour!
Winter: Alright.
Jeanne: Whatever, just know this: when I get my full plate armour, you going to be amazed with what I can do with it. And, more importantly; I’ll look damn good in it too~!
Winter: Oh really? My grandfather may have worn full plate armour, but he didn’t look that good in it.
Jeanne: That just means he didn’t have any style, just like the rest of you snobbish, Atlasians!
Winter: Like anyone can look good in full plate armour.
Jeanne: Wanna bet? Hey, Jaune!
Jaune: Yeah?
Jeanne: Put your armour on, I wanna win a bet with, Winter!
Jaune: Am I playing any other part in this bet?
Jeanne: Nope!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Ha… fine… I’ll be out there in a moment.
Jeanne: Thank you~! Ha! Just you wait, Winter, I’m gonna make you eat your words!
Winter: Oh I highly doubt that.
Jeanne: You done, Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah, I coming down.
Jeanne: Get ready to lose, and question your sexual preferences, Winter!
Winter: I doubt…? Wait, what was that bit about, ‘sexual preferences?’
Jaune: Okay… Care to tell me why I’m doing this?
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Jeanne: Oh yeah… Momma likey~! So, Winter, what do you think?
Winter: …
Winter: Okay… You win, Jeanne. You can look sexy in full plate armour.
Jeanne: Hell yeah, I wi…?! Wait, did you say ‘sexy?’
Winter: No! No I didn’t! I-I’m leaving! I-I-I still need to pack!
Jeanne: You think your little brother is sexy you brocon~!
Winter: I AM NOT A BROCON?!!
Jeanne: Don’t be upset, Winter; we can still share him!
Winter: What the hell are you talking about?!
Jaune watched as the pair left, their voices slowly drifting off into the distance with only one thought upon his mind.
Jaune: …
Jaune: I got to get out of here. I have got to get the hell out of here!
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spidergrotto · 7 months
before peter had met tony, he had to rely on nothing but himself, his costume hand made and his web formula created in his school’s laboratory.
spider-man didn’t have a fancy suit with millions of different commands and safety protocols coded into it, he didn’t have someone to call when he got a particularly nasty stab wound or a mild concussion— spider-man couldn’t rely on anyone or anything but himself.
so really it shouldn’t be any different during winter. the weather was slowly getting colder and colder and it was obvious spider-man wasn’t coping well with the shift, his hands trembled fingertips numb while he swings around stopping petty thefts and low level drug deals; his ears tinged red under the suit, stinging because of the cold.
why the hell didn’t spiders thermoregulate? he could break down a steel door and catch a bus but god forbid he keeps himself warm, that’s way too unrealistic.
but he couldn’t stop being spider-man because of the cold— people were still getting hurt regardless of the snow or rain, what right did he have, staying home in bed, bundled up with blankets while people got hurt?
new york wasn’t oblivious— winter was coming and spider-man was struggling, his little quips and the back and forth between criminals and the police had slowly stopped and the vigilante looked like he was running on auto pilot.
a small group of people; local teens from a highschool decided that enough was enough and came up with a plan; they started knitting winter clothes that would keep their vigilante warm, because if he insisted on protecting them the least they could do was make sure he was warm while doing it.
the news spread around and suddenly, spider-man was wearing a new knitted beanie every day— different design scattered across the scarves wrapped tightly around his neck while he gives directions to an old lady.
god, the best thing was the heated gloves— they fit perfectly around his hand while giving his web cartridges space to work. his finger tips felt slightly better and the familiar stinging pain that would encase his ears had nearly completely disappeared, his headaches lessened and new york beamed at the sight of spider-man swinging around with new found strength.
and when spider-man finally meets tony stark who gives him a total upgrade — a real suit, safety protocols and thousands of commands coded in, including a very helpful heater— he doesn’t stop wearing the beanies and scarves, swinging around the city every winter with a new set of clothes every day.
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lapetiteseductress · 2 years
the assessment.
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hair - is always well kept with a soft sheen, almost always long at least cleavage length. hairstyles are simple, usually long and flowing (either straight, wavy or loosely curled). hair extensions are probably added.
skin - clear. flawless with a soft glow grooming - immaculate. eyebrows plucked and arched to perfection, lash extensions, fillers. here's something i noticed about their nails and makeup that i didn't expect:
their makeup, while it was usually a "full face" or applied "heavy" at times, was almost always in neutral or natural colors. lips were shades of pink,nude,browns or red. same thing with eyeshadow. it was never any colors like purple, blue and it was also never "loud" or extravagant. i guess the best way to describe this would be "soft glam".
as far as nails go, it was pretty much the same. shades of white, light pinks (i didn't see too many dark/hot pinks, rarely was there any color (i noticed that if there was, they were usually on vacation or it was around halloween or a special event), the boldest was either a red nail or various versions of french manicures.
body - slim/slender or hwp with average to big breasts (implants). something else i noticed is that while a lot of these girls may be naturally skinny they still go to the gym and workout. there is a difference between being naturally slim and being fit and toned. these girls definitely prefer to be fit and very toned, especially when it comes to their legs and stomachs. preferred workouts are cardio and pilates.
this wasn't shown a lot but from what i did gather, these women eat healthy 75% of the time (if not more). supplements, vitamins and protein powder were apart of their fitness/workout regimes. it seems like everyone has a sweet tooth though. favorite indulgences where chocolate and desserts from restaurants.
teeth - perfection. hollywood smiles. bright white.
wardrobe - i would call this elegant yet very stylish. quite a bit of lace, fur, and ruffles. i noticed that the color palette skewed slightly more towards neutral colors: white, black, nudes, beiges, light/baby pinks, light greys and light brown (usually in the fall/winter). when they did wear color (which was often) i realized that it was because they were promoting/modeling clothes. when it seemed that they were wearing their own clothes, it was usually with a more neutral palette.
when colors were worn, the two forefronts were deep blue and hot pink. other colors such as orange, yellow, green, etc seem to be usually worn during mid summer or on tropical vacations.
jeans are rarely worn. when pants or shorts are worn (and this is rare as well just not as rare as denim) it's usually apart of a 2 pc set or paired with a silk/satin/lace shirt.
solid colors were still in the majority but as far as patterns go, the main one was floral, then the versace baroque print and some animal print, also there was plaid but almost only when worn with tweed (usually a tweed suit, jacket or blazer) and it was almost always accessorized with a chanel brooch, chanel jewelry or a purse, or pearl jewelry.
accessories - always designer (unless they were modeling someone else's designs), the 3 major designer purses were louis vuitton, chanel and hermes. and honorable mention is the lady dior bag. other accessories were sunglasses, luxury jewelry mainly cartier and vancleef and arpels, watches were rolex or patek and of course diamonds are a girl's best friend.
when it came to shoes, this was the exception to the rule. shoes were in various colors and styles and embellishments. and it was usually heels. heels. and more heels. sneakers were worn sparingly and usually only at the gym or while shopping. flats were usually worn on at the beach (or a beach club) or while shopping. flats of choice are the hermès orans and the sneakers of choice are chanel.
it seems as if the clothes don't need to come from saks, bergdorfs, etc. but my guess is that they do need to be made well and of quality. also baggy/loose clothes are hardly ever worn unless it's a sweater; form fitting clothes are preferred. dresses and skirts are worn wayyyy more than pants.
lifestyle - i'm going to keep this short because it should be pretty obvious: these women only associate with rich, generous men. they have a tendency to go after men that really love the feminine, slightly sexy look. and the men in their life are most definitely sponsoring their lifestyle. if the woman is new to the game, the man will be introducing her to the luxury life, if she's been in it a while he will be keeping her at the level she is accustomed to at minimum or taking her higher.
they are always eating at upscale restaurants, going to events, sunbathing on yachts and traveling to the hottest vacation destinations around the world: maldives, monaco, mykonos, etc.
in their world it's either luxury or nothing. and if you want her to be apart of your world you better be able to afford her.
this is the aesthetic and lifestyle i am aiming for.
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blackberryshortcake · 7 months
Witches’ Wrath
I Can Get to Hell Much Faster Than You pt.2
Part 1
The man I’ve learned to call Sebastian lead me to what assumed was a guest room in this labyrinth that boy called home. Out of a small wardrobe in the corner of the room he produce a dress.
“Put this on. Can’t have you looking like that in front of the young master.”
“Like what?” I glance down at my clothes. Modern in design, black skin tight jeans that belled out at the bottom covering the top of my black boots the kind you’d assume were slippers but were suited for everyday wear, and a simple grey zip up hoodie.
Rather than answering my question he continued on.
“You sure have grown comfortable in your new world. Do all women wear clothing that leaves little to the imagination or has human society simply forgotten proper etiquette.”
I snatch the dress out of his gloved hands. It was simple cream in color something you’d probably see a corpse wearing or in a photo of a long dead relative.
“When did you get all high a mighty.”
The demon who stood before was almost unrecognizable. Bowing to the hand of a boy and playing servant so easily. Corvus has always been, well not necessarily kind but not as viscous or violent as many others of his kind to be. He was proper in nature but now he’s different, posh is the right word I think. What was so special about the boy that he was able to whip this demon into a right and high-class British asshole that stood before you.
The tension in the air was palpable.
“Do you require any assistance in dressing?” He asked almost looked amused.
“No I think i can handle it, thanks”
“Very well I will return in precisely 15 minutes the young master would like to have word with you in his study.” He pull a pocket watch from his waist coat, glanced at it and left.
The dress was uncomfortable and odd something you hadn’t worn the likes of in years and you had hope to keep it that way. After a bit of a struggle and many curses for deaf ears the hellish invention was on and I promptly heard a knock on the door.
“My Lady?”
“I’m not your lady Corvus stop callin me that.”
“My apologies may I come in.”
“Yeah sure whatever.”
His eyes widened slightly they landed on me. He almost looked shocked. Almost.
“So we gonna go see the kid or not.”
“Ah yes, right this way”
He lead me through many halls and turns if I had been any less of a demon I suppose I would have been lost. We come to a stop in front of yet another mahogany door. He knock before opening it a gesturing me inside.
“Sebastian leave us.”
“Yes my lord”
He stood facing the window a fool would think he was deep in thought but I guess I see past that.
It was him who broke the unbearable awkward silence
“Sit” said as though I’m some sort of dog. Like the one he turned Corvus into.
We sat facing each other a large antique desk in between us.
“So tell me how exactly do you know my butler.”
“I’ve known him for a long time”
“I didn’t ask how long you’ve known him I asked how you met him.” The venom in his words would be more intimidating if he wasn’t but a child.
“ I met him in a field of buttercups and forget-me-nots after I was burnt at the stake.”
“I’m sorry?” he was slightly taken aback by my brashness.
“Can I tell you a story? Normally I don’t just go tellin just anyone this story but since you’ve got a friend of mine wrapped around your skrawny finger I figured I’d extend the courtesy.”
“Go on” he was pissed
“The was a girl once in a small village in the new world. Her and her mother settled there, her father had died just about 2 winters prior. And when that girl came of age one of the older men in the town, I think he was percher if I remember right ,took upon himself to marry that girl off since she had no daddy to do it for her. And when that girl refused they labeled her a witch and then tied her up and peraded her around the village. Scorn her and accuse her of frolicking with the devil, But when they tied her to that stake she swore and she cursed them. She burned but never felt it and when she woke she was in a meadow. A man sat atop a rock nearby dark hair bewitching to the foolish and he spoke to her took her under his ebony wing and taught her to fight taught her how to seek revenge on those who wronged that poor girl.” My voice trailed off and I felt a tear hit my hand in my lap.
“So let me guess your that girl.”
“Maybe I am.”
“I suppose I never saw Sebastian as the nurturing type.” Oh how I wanted to punch that smug look off his face.
“You only know what he wants you to know…..You may think you’re in control but he could kill you if he so pleased right his very moment without a second thought. You’re lucky you caught one with some sorta fucked up morals. Demons they’re funny creatures they don’t exist to temp humans as many assume they exist solely for population control. Can’t have to many souls running around in the afterlife now can you.there simply isn’t enough room.”
“Tell me this, what kind of demon are you if you don’t consume souls”
“I make deals. Imma Dream demon. I think some call us masters of the mind. Only a hand full of us exist.”
“There is more like you wandering about.”
“Only a few, only other one I met is Bill and he’s a certified psycho, he was there at the beginning of time and I’m sure he’ll be there at the end. Just consider yourself lucky yah met one that has some sorta humanity left.”
“Humanity that’s a laugh” He seemed to pause for a moment to think before speaking once more. “I’d like to make a deal”
“Yeah and what kinda deal is that”
“I will permit you to stay here in my manor while you figure out your…situation and in return I want you to gather all the information you can on my butler.”
“So you want me to spy on him. Someone I’ve know for just over 300 years. For a boy I met less than two hours ago.”
“Yes” the answer was so nonchalantly I almost believed this little shit.
“How about this I stay here and with Corvus and he helps me with my…situation and in return I’ll protect you and you may have my arsenal of power at your disposal.”
“The power you no longer have” his response was smug almost like he thought he had a checkmate locked and loaded.
“Imma helluva lot stronger than you think”
We both stood and I offer my hand to him engulfed in a souls flame that is ablaze of bright green. The kinda flame that produced no heat but a light that burns just as bright as the stars. He hesitated but reached for my hand. The moment our skin touch I felt it my eyes were white and I could feel and see any and every memory this child ever experienced. I could feel in the moment he feared me. But it was all over just as soon as it had begun. And I was on my way out the door.
“See yah around pip squeak”
The second that heavy mahogany door shut I was grabbed by the throat and slammed into the nearest wall. Corvus was pissed I could feel his breath on my face while I fight to catch my own once more.
“What exactly gives you the right to fill his head with those thoughts.” Anger and malice in every syllable he spoke.
“Did I stick a nerve Sebastian”
His gloved hand around my throat tightens.
“All-all I did was tell him the truth and he wanted to make a deal. Last time I checked that’s not against the rules.” When in the hell did he get so strong.
“Ciel Phantomhive’s soul belongs to me”
That stupid fucking accent of his was really pissing me off
“I don’t want his soul and anyways what the big deal with it anyways? There are plenty of other souls just like his. If I had the power to right now I could leave and come back with 10 just like it and 20 that are even better.”
“That simply isn’t the matter at hand” he’s loosened his grip but he was still impossible close to me.
“Oh it’s not is it. Do you understand how fucking Insane this all is. I saw inside his head when we shook hands and how had i don’t know CPS not been called or some shit. Now don’t get me wrong the modern world I’ve called home is no better but at least someone would say something about all this” gesturing around me. “Not to long ago I finally realized where I had heard the Phantomhive name before I new the boys daddy once upon a time and the fact of the matter is you have what a 14 year old boy running a business and working for the queen like he’s not yah know a child” I may be a demon but I was still once human.
“The young master is quite mature for his age.”
“You and I both know you could have given that kid his revenge a real long time ago and put him out of his misery. Yah know what I think? I think you like it here. I think you berated me for going “soft” but you’re ending up just like me.”
His eyes burned with the fury of a thousand fires, but no response was given.
“Whatever” I push him off me and head down the hall but not before promptly flipping him the bird.
I really need to get outta this dress.
After finally changing back into my clothes I decided it was high time I explored this manor in the process I met May-Rin the maid who was to clumsy for her own good. Finny who was outside in the garden in the process of kill a rosebush with “fertilizer”. Tanaka a small older gentleman who I presume was another butler and last but not least baldroy who was frantically exiting a smoke filled kitchen when what I can only assume was the demon whisky by me to put out said fire.
The “cooks” eyes met mine and he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.
“You lost or something miss”
He had a thick accent the kind you’d figure a chimney sweep or a Mary poppies character would have.
“No, just wandering I suppose”
“We’ll I don’t think Mister Sebastian would like you wandering down here”
That’s when Sebastian’s thick voice cut through the air
“She is perfectly fine where she is. You however have once again ruined a perfectly good meal. Do you care to explain yourself.”
By this time he’d come out of the ashen kitchen to the hallway
“Thought it might cook faster, yah know”
Sebastian sighed and pinched his nose.
“You are responsible for cleaning that mess up I have other matters to attend to” with that he once again checked his pocket watch and briskly walked past me. I’m surprised he didn’t shoulder check me as he did.
He’s different than he was when it last saw him something odd years ago. Not just his looks although I don’t mind the form he has taken now with that pitch black hair and amber eyes. He’s just tall enough to be intimidating but not to tall as to be awkward. He’s simply handsome but his personality is different when we first ran into each other he almost seemed like he cared for me as I believed he did long ago. Now he’s cold, calculating, not vicious or vial as many demons are but his eyes a see of resentment towards me or the world. I do not know.
There however is one thing I know I better clean my act up and get the fuck outta dodge so I never have to see this god forsaken era again. So I never have to see him again.
Though I’d take a second crack at it. Feel free to give feed back.
Ps here’s Pt.3
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sapphic-agent · 6 months
I think another problem I have with MHA is just how hit or miss a lot of their designs are. Like, Midoriya and Bakugo have some really really cool designs but then I look at Overhaul and literally just laugh. Overhaul is a young, yakuza plague doctor boss who wants to rid the world of works so the yakuza can rule again (still think his reasoning is dumb and Horikoshi missed the chance to have a "get rid of quirks bc they harm ppl more than they do good" plot, but w/e.) and THAT'S how he dresses? Oh my God, he looks ridiculous. Everytime I see Overhaul I laugh because his outfit is so fucking ugly. I showed my friends who aren't into MHA the outfit and they could not take him seriously. Like Horikoshi, you have a plague doctor yakuza boss character, and that's ALL you can come up with. Someone needs to redesign Overugly because while Overhaul is a competent villain, I just want him to actually look his part. Or just- half of the girls' outfits are just spandex suits. No cool costumes or practical purposes- the only one who has like a cool outfit that is a girl is like Lady Nagant.
Yeah MHA's designs are either really good or really bad. Like Shoto's costume is so bland and Hori for some reason refuses to fix it (yet another reason why I think he really doesn't put much stock into Todo past his involvement with his family/Dabi). Like jeez give the kid some sort of gimmick even if you have to keep it simple.
And we've gone over the girls' designs. Jirou's and Tsu's are probably the only ones that aren't sexualized in some way and it gets across how they're trying to appear.
This might be controversial, but Midnight's costume isn't bad to me. I mean, obviously it's fetishizing and fanservice but at the very least it's part of her gimmick. It has personality (despite what you might think about that personality).
Now compare it to Momo's costume and Bubble Girl's costume. Momo's gimmick is supposed to be "practicality," but it's just an excuse to use her for fanservice, as she has virtually no protection and her bookcase thing could break her spine if she falls on it. Bubble Girl's is even worse because it's almost completely unrelated to her quirk/personality. Plus, both costumes just look dumb, there's no style.
(I actually like Momo's winter costume better because it gives her a fancy flair, it kind of makes her look like a general/commander)
Mina and Uraraka's suits aren't terrible. Uraraka's for the whole gravity/space suit thing going on and Mina's fits her personality. Obviously I could do without the sexualizing, but hey🤷🏾‍♀️
And don't even get me started on Hagakure. There's absolutely no reason to have her naked on a literal fucking battlefield. Hori could have written around that, he chose not to for a cheap joke
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alakeeffectgirl · 11 months
cruisequarries PART TWO
PART ONE What did we get up to yesterday? 2018? Okay. I will put everything behind a spoiler cut again (there are more pictures/a video today).
Actually, let's rewind just a little, for some Fallout premiere pictures just because.
Paris, July 12th:
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London, July 13th:
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Seoul, July 16th (according to the designer's website, the hanbok Heather is wearing was designed as a wedding dress, mmhmm)...
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I love this picture because they're making those faces at Chris. Here's the bit of Tom making Heather cry in Tokyo:
I highly recommend listening to Tom & Chris commentary track on Fallout, which starts with McQ introducing himself as the writer/director and then Tom introducing himself - as McQ's friend. After the Fallout press tour wraps up, work starts in earnest on Top Gun: Maverick, which Tom and McQ have been discussing - idly, on McQ's part - for years now. "Our relationship is one long conversation about movies," indeed.
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While TGM is filming, pre-production is also happening on MI:DR, which McQ has signed on to direct. (These two are usually juggling at least two projects at a time, and really it's probably more like five projects at a time.)
In January of 2019, they're all back in LA so Tom and McQ can pick up some awards.
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The McQuarries also go to a premiere and look fantastic (I love McQ's suit):
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Tom and McQ go to Ukraine to scout Dead Reckoning locations later in 2019, meet President Zelenskyy, and McQ gets to put his arm around Tom for once instead of their usual other way around.
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OH NO I ALMOST FORGOT - at the end of 2019, Tom took the whole McQ clan with him to Las Vegas to see Lady Gaga and ask her to write the TGM song. [cries in 'that's his family']
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Production ramps up on DR - and then unfortunately, as we all know, COVID. Most of the cast and crew were in Venice when everything shut down, but Tom hadn't arrived yet.
Production resumes in Rome in October (their production struggles/trying to keep everyone employed/Tom rightfully yelling at people to follow protocols because a lot of jobs depend on them is all well documented), and then moves to Venice. Heather and the dogs are also part of this traveling band.
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This isn't six feet apart, dudes...
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Production breaks for the holidays, and resumes in Abi Dhabi for the airport/desert sequences, and also one of my favorite pictures of Tom and Heather, just for her expression.
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Train sequence filming in Yorkshire in April of 2021, that's Heather in the blue coat:
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DR production then breaks for a bit over the summer so Tom can take all his friends to Wimbledon, go to several car things, and make McQ watch football (the soccer version).
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DR filming resumes in the fall/winter. Heather goes with to South Africa and they rent out what is basically an adults-only hotel (and save it from having to close!), for part of their stay. I love this picture because Gypsy looks so long-suffering:
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OKAY IT'S 2022 NOW, time for the Top Gun: Maverick premiere tour to start - finally! (Do any of these people SLEEP? No. I think it's well-documented that Tom Cruise does not sleep, which is part of what makes him Tom Cruise, but also this means he calls McQ at two in the morning to talk about movies. There's a podcast somewhere where McQ says he thinks Tom might sleep "between the 2:05 email and the 2:40 email", or something along those lines.) (After getting back from South Africa, there was a bunch of test screening stuff for TGM, which is why there are those parking garage pictures. Wouldn't the movie be done, you'd think, since it was supposed to be out in 2020? COVID gave them a reason to tinker with it even more.) The San Diego premiere on the USS MIdway (all the McQs were there, but there aren't any good pictures):
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Then Tom went to Mexico, and McQ went home to London for a few days before Tom returned, and they went to the Royal Windsor horse show together.
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THEN EVERYONE WENT TO CANNES. Sorry I have just a shitty screencap with a watermark here but alas tumblr only lets you put one video per post. Tom and McQ stopped to get their picture taken en route to the actual photocall and Tom made Heather come back and be in the pictures with them. There is video here.
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Cannes, of course, was amazing. I have garbage homemade gifs but they're too big for tumblr (also they're garbage) but all the Cannes red carpet footage is available on YouTube, here and here. (Worth it for Heather, tbh.)
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They went straight from Cannes - on Tom's helicopter - back to London for the Royal premiere. Where the McQuarries looked amazing and McQ wore his McQ shoes.
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And the after party, because heaven forbid they not all ride in the same car:
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And then the McQuarries got a slight break, while Tom went to do more TGM press. But he was back in London by the end of June, and they went on what can only be described as a string of dates. First, they went to the Rolling Stones concert at Hyde Park.
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McQ was on Tom's other side, but he's only visible in video (the Daily Mail might be garbage but they do come through with the media).
Then Tom and Heather went to The Eagles show at Hyde Park:
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And they all went to see Adele - also at Hyde Park. (The woman in the pink sweater is Tom's CAA agent Maha Dakhil Jackson - I found the picture where you can see Heather over Tom's shoulder.)
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Then for Tom's birthday, they went to the F1 British Grand Prix (with some other TGM folks, but they aren't three steps behind Tom like the McQuarries are).
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Oh no, we're not done. Tom takes Heather to Wimbledon, where she holds his sunglasses (not visible in this picture).
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McQ did not go with, as he was recording a Light the Fuse podcast - which he surprise-dialled in a bunch of DR folks - and his final surprise was Tom. Who was still at Wimbledon with Heather. McQ calls Heather to get Tom, and Heather plays dumb and is like, "oh I don't know where he is, did you try calling him?" and Chris says he already told the podcast guys that they were together. So Tom does his segment from the car he's in with Heather, and his part is only supposed to be like ten minutes but he talks for about forty-five and this includes telling the world they basically all live together. Then they went out to dinner!
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And the next day they all went to Wimbledon with Maha and her husband.
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I'm stopping here because this is already SO LONG and 2023 is going to be wild just by itself! PART THREE
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daincrediblegg · 8 months
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all right. since you asked very nicely I'll do an outfit breakdown for our dear girl, complete with pictures because I’ve become a bit of a hoe about victorian clothing since I began this whole fucking thing bc of her. (And everyone kindly thank @thejewelsofmyheart for asking)
Now I will note that some of the photo accompaniments are not quite completely the vibe I was going for sometimes in terms of fabric/color/vibe, but let it be noted these are all from my references I’ve collected on here and on pinterest over months and hey this is what I got if I was talking to a costume designer tho this is the kindof breakdown I would give them
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Lady Terror's typical undergarments consists of drawers (notably crotchless- as ladies drawers were back then for what should be reasonably obvious reasons), corset (notably one with the recently invented front clasp closure that would make it easier to do up and undo without assistance- on a ship full of dudes this would be wise), chemise, petticoats 1 (linen), 2 (flannel) and 3 (which she only truly occasionally wears) corded- to give her skirt a bit of extra poof (not a fan of this when the cold gets extreme tho understandably). And those are at least the basic components.
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Moving outward it gets a little different from what would typically be worn by women even on a ship, but Lady Terror's whole thing is she's trying to fit in with the men while still holding onto her identity as a woman. So to start, we have a collared shirt and waistcoat (where she also notably keeps her pocket watch, given to her by her father), which she typically wears while she's inside the ship and the climate isn't... fucking dead freezing all the time. in lieu of the vest sometimes she wars a smart red crossover. She also has two knitted sweaters (one a slightly lighter than naval blue - one her father used to wear- , one a handsome cream with a slight puff at the forearm to imitate the women's fashions of the day- knitted by a friend) . Alternatively, she has two thick long-sleeved woolen bodices, one in a more formal style that matches her woolen naval blue skirt (which she typically reserves for dinner with the officers) , and one lighter colored more casually styled one that she can wear with her vest over it (much more practical during the colder winter months).
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As for OUTERWEAR she has a long naval peacoat (similar to that which most of the officers wear, save for a little more flare at the skirt to accommodate her skirt- and btw the coat pictured above I actually own), a capelet for when she needs to look a little more feminine and extra formal. Gloves, of course, are a must (one pair knitted, one pair lined with fur, and a pair of fur over-mittens that match her hat), a fur hat that she favors from her time in the Prussian seas, a bonnet (that she loathes), and a long red scarf, knitted for her by a friend back home.
And that just about does it for her everyday outfits while on the ships at least. She has a few more bodices and lighter underthings kept in store on Erebus(including one fancy dress complete with crinoline skirt), which doesn't much see the light of day anymore, but on the few occasions that she had to wear it before the expedition, she enjoyed it quite a lot.
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Of course also, in my lady terror energy and inspiration tags I continue to compile and collect some dresses that I think would suit her for formal gatherings. She brought only one of note with her on the ship, but it remains in store for the majority of the story (but allow me to say without spoiling anything: Francis would recognize it on sight). I only had room for one more photo so there you have it. Outfit breakdown of the century. Good night.
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janumun · 2 months
Faa, I was wondering, are there any gorgeous ladies in genshin that caught your eye?
Hey Nonny! Funny you would ask while her banner is active 🤣🕸️ but I guess this is a sign for me to gush about my love for Father 😍
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Fontaine AQ quickly cemented her at the top of my charts as my favourite Genshin woman. Arlecchino makes me as happy as she does insane 😩🫠❤️ And to think I wasn’t too interested at first when the Winter’s Night Lazzo trailer dropped.
She quickly gripped me by the neck though and asked me to be good because good things come to children who are good, after all. 🫠
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I think what grabbed me most was her design (!!!!) the suit and those eyes 😍😍 Genshin has many lovely frilly women 💙❤️ but Arle’s outfit just hits different. She is so perfect and so Father 🥰 which is why I’m going to try and C6 her this banner. Been saving since last year, wish me luck!
Among my other girls are Ayaka, Yae Miko, Jean and Furina 💙🩵
How about you, Nonny? What does your tier list for the Genshin women look like? 💕
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avocado-writing · 1 year
Said the Spider, to the Fly (pt 2)
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It’s a sequel to the Sub!Tangerine choking fic. A Sub!Tangerine spanking fic.
NSFT (Naturally), 18+, MINORS DNI. CWs: gags; spanking; sub/dom relationship; aftercare
1.6k words
Reader x Tangerine (reader is f! in the previous fic, but no gender/parts are mentioned this time)
thank u to @lady-jane3​ my beloved for betaing 💕
There’s an iciness so prevalent in the car, it might as well be fucking winter. 
Out of the corner of your eye, Tangerine shifts. He knows he’s fucked up. You gave him one rule this week: no touching himself. And what happened? You got back to your hotel room early from doing your recon work, found him with his head thrown back and his cock in his hand. 
Safe to say you were not impressed. The job itself was a piece of piss, but Tangerine’s been on edge ever since you caught him.
In the passenger seat he opens his mouth to say something. 
It’s the voice you use when you want him to listen like a good boy. He harrumphs, shutting his jaw with an audible snap, but complies. It took a while to make him so well behaved. He knows the punishment will be worse if he’s a brat. 
That’s not to say he doesn’t like to push the limits sometimes, though. 
The two of you are… well, you’re not sure. He’s not exactly your boyfriend, but he’s more than the man whose mouth you spit in. The dinners you’ve been on suggest that. Quietly tucked away in the corner of some fancy five-star restaurant, enthralled in each other’s conversation, fingers tracing together quietly. He holds your hand on the way home, laughs at your jokes, then when you get back to your flat you put his cock in a cage and he eats you out until his tongue goes numb. 
It can be tricky to traverse. But you’re both happy with the situation. And mostly your personal and professional lives don’t mix. 
You pull into your designated parking space under your building. Turn the engine off. Step out without another word, wait for the sound of him shutting the car door as he follows before you bother locking it over your shoulder. He trails behind you like an obedient puppy; exactly how you like it.
In your flat, you flop down on the sofa as he begins to fuss about around you. Puts the kettle on; brings your slippers over; turns the radio to your favourite station. Trying to earn his way back into your good graces. When you’ve got a cup of Earl Grey in hand he sits at your feet and buries his head against your thigh. He won’t meet your eye. If you were to forgive him so easily you’d run your hand through his hair and give him a kiss. But he has been very naughty.
The radio plays, time passes as you drink.
“What was the rule, Tan?” you ask, gently but firmly. You feel him tense up next to you.
“...No wanking.”
“And you broke it, didn’t you?”
You hear him swallow.
You let him dwell on that until you finish the dregs of your tea. You put the cup down loudly, with purpose, and get to your feet.
“Clothes off. Follow me.”
You head into the bedroom, opening one of your drawers and rifling through it. Tangerine follows obediently, removing his suit as he does, folding everything into a neat little pile to the side. He sits on the bed and waits with fraught patience. He may be nervous, yes, but it doesn’t stop the way his cock bobs up; ready for whatever you have planned for him.
Eventually you find what you’re looking for: the ball gag. You bring it over to Tangerine while swinging it from the buckle around one finger. His eyes go wide, his cock throbs.
“Open up.”
He does, mouth obedient and quiet, and you place the gag between his lips before tightening it into place. His breathing gets heavier as you go; eyes soft and dreamy. When you’re done he swallows ineffectually around it.
“You alright?”
He nods enthusiastically.
“If it gets too much, hit the mattress twice and I’ll stop, mm?”
Another nod, but a little more reluctant. You want him to know he can always ask for you to pause, you won’t mind. You’re worried his bravado is too much though. That he won’t allow himself to give up, as it were.
You sit down on the bed next to him and, with a show of strength he wasn’t expecting, grab him by the biceps and haul him over your lap. He makes a muffled sound of surprise but doesn’t get much of a chance to react before you have him exactly where you want him: face down over your thighs, his arse bared.
You rub your hand over the peach of it before slapping. The crack of your palm is loud and bounces around the room, followed by the sound of his gasping against the gag. He looks up at you from over his shoulder, brow furrowed, as if to say: really? You don’t reply but pause with your hand raised again, giving him ample opportunity to tap out. This is, after all, quite humiliating. 
Instead you see him grit his jaw and turn back over. He’s giving in; he’s waiting for you to continue.
Your hand comes down again, a hearty slap against the meat of his cheek. Another choked-off noise from behind the gag. You can feel his cock pressing between your legs as he gets harder with each spank, desperately wanting not to enjoy the indignity of it but his body betraying him. 
As you continue your punishment with one hand the other comes up to hook at the strap around his gag, running a finger between the leather and his hair. He hums, chokes.
Though he squirms and roils in your lap, your aim is incredible. You keep bringing your palm down to strike at the same spot, watching the way his skin begins to redden and petechiae blossom. What a pretty little sight. 
“Are you sorry you broke the rules?” you ask after the tenth strike. Tangerine remains still on your lap, refusing to accept his guilt.
“On all fours, then,” you say, tapping his arse to get him moving now. He does as he’s told, scrambling to his knees and elbows in the middle of the bed where he watches, cautiously, as you head over to your wardrobe this time.
Not the one where you keep your suits. The better one.
You go through your toys slowly and make a show of a decision. Tangerine watches you from where he’s been told to wait. His eyes are wide and curious, if a little trepidatious. Eventually your fingers settle on your choice.
He swallows as you show him the paddle. It’s small but it stings, he knows from experience. It’s black leather and only a little bigger than your hand - but dear god do you know how to wield it. 
You see his back begin to rise and fall with the effort of breathing as you cross the room over to him; you climb up beside him, rubbing the plain of the paddle over his cheeks. You take your time. Drawing circles, pressing down harder to get him to gasp. When you finally raise it and bring it back down, he fucking squeaks and his hips thrust down into the air. You watch to see if his hand slaps down twice.
It does not.
So you do it again. And again. The paddle is lifted and you smack it back down. The clap of leather on flesh is incredible. Tangerine lurches forward, dropping his head to the mattress, clasping his hands together as if he’s in prayer. The more you go the further wrecked he gets: precome dribbles from the head of his cock, saliva drips onto your cotton sheets from around his gag. A couple of tears join them as the pain gets worse.
“Are you sorry?” you ask again, not angry, but stern. He’s on the edge of breaking; you can tell. One final strike makes him let out a muffled cry and he nods, furiously, choking out an “mm-hmm!” the best he can.
It’s enough for you. You put the paddle down and take his cock in hand instead. It only needs a couple of pumps before he comes all over the bed with a cry. 
He rolls over onto his side, panting, and quickly you remove the gag so he can breathe better. With one hand you massage his back and with the other you grab the bottle of water from your bedside table, the one you always make sure to have on hand. You feed him sips of it as he comes down from his high, back into the room with you; you hold him close the whole time.
“You with me, love?” you ask gently, a few minutes later. He nods, pressing his face into your leg again. 
“Not gonna be able to sit down for a week,” he grumbles. You snort with laughter, then relax in comfortable silence for a moment.
“... I did it because I missed you.”
“In the hotel, when you caught me. I was only… it was because I missed you, alright? You were away for ages.”
“Oh.” It makes sense. Tangerine won’t meet your eye as he confesses, but you can hear the sincerity in his voice. It takes a lot for him to be this vulnerable.
“I’ll try not to do it again,” you promise, but you both know, with the job you both do, there’s no way you can keep it.
All you can do is enjoy these moments of bliss. And, as you run your fingers through his hair, you plan to do just that.
tags from masterlist:  @honestlywtfisgoingon​ @white-wolf-buckaroo @felhomaly @venusthepirate @lunarpansexual @wanderedaway​​ @georgiee-riviere @mushywutty​​ @apieceoffabulousshit @4ng3l-0n-34rth @minjaz @starl1g4t @earth-elemental18 @luhvbot​ @underratedboogeyman @july-is-summer @vocalvixen20cp @northerngalxy​ @tangerinesgf @chaoticroaddreamerpasta​ @rxcently​ @skrrten​ @nightmarefeast​ @lost-lila​ @hardcore-flower​ @kalli0pes​ @insanitia​  @tvngerinescoat​ @assmaster37​ @lucyyoshida​ @oldyellowbricks2​  @sassyspocksworld
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gogmstuff · 10 months
Images of 1912 fashion -
Left 1912 (April) Afternoon dress by Beer, Les Modes - photo by Talbot. From les-modes.tumblr.com/page/21 784X1920.
Center 1912 (June issue) Robe d'après-midi par Redfern from Les Modes. From Bibliothèque nationale de France via Wikimedia; fixed spots w Pshop 1453X2265.
Right 1912 (January) Tailored afternoon suit by Linker & Co., Les Modes - photo by Félix. From les-modes.tumblr.com/page/14 705X1920.
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Left 1912 (August issue) Journal des Demoiselles print by A. Baeurlé (Rijksmuseum - Amsterdam, Netherlands). From their Web site 3277X4834.
Right 1912 Journal des Dames et des Modes. From tumblr.com/antiquebee/733887948520652800/journal-des-dames-et-des-modes-1912? 956X1705.
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Left 1912 (September) Laferrière evening gown - photo by Félix, Les Modes. From les-modes.tumblr.com/page/10; fixed bigger spots w Pshop 1265X1920.
Right 1912 (September) Lelong evening gown, Les Modes - photo by Talbot. From les-modes.tumblr.com/page/10 1236X1920.
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1912 (Winter) Jeanne Paquin evening gown (Helen Larson Historic Fashion Collection, FIDM Museum - Los Angeles, California, USA). From atkinreport.com/2015/07/21/television-academy-fetes-its-costume-design-emmy-nominees/ 1200X1600.
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1912 (June) Vita Sackville-West at Ascot cropped 1396X1022
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1912 (May) Dresses for the races by J. Dukes, photo by Reutlinger. From castaroundlesmodes.tumblr.com/post/68584847179/my-little-time-machine-dress-for-the-races-by?is_related_post=1 1280X1877.
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Left 1912 Afternoon dress by Jeanne Hallée (Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York City, New York, USA). From their Web site 2568X2760.
Right 1912 (September issue) Robe d'après-midi par Redfern from Les Modes. From Bibliothèque nationale de France via Wikimedia; fixed bigger spots w Pshop & trimmed 1334X2118.
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1912 Frieda Countess Logothetti née Baroness Zwiedinek of Südenhorst (1866-1945) by Karel Žádník (Slovácké Muzeum - Uherské Hradiště, Zlin Region Czech Republic). From Wikimedia 2784X3855.
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Left 1912 Gustav Beer dress (National Gallery of Victoria - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia). From tumblr.com/lenkaastrelenkaa 1280X1855.
Right 1912 L'Adieu dans la nuit. Robe du soir de Paquin (pl.9, in La Gazette du Bon ton, 1912-1913 n°6) by André-Edouard Marty. From edition-originale.com/en/ 1680X2528.
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1912 Ladies attending the Henley Regatta in wide-brim hats, a feathered boa and curved-heel shoes. From vogue.co.uk/gallery/style-file-1912?image=5d54889ce144470008e44627 1280X1920.
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1912 Lady Cynthia Asquith by Bassano front and side 5112X3325.
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1912 "Sorbet" by Paul Poiret (Victoria and Albert Museum). From omgthatdress.tumblr.com/page/2490.
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twotangledsisters · 4 months
What do you think Cass’s ideal dress or suit of armor would be?
Oooh, dresses and suits of armours are too pretty different stuff... For dress I'd honestly say Cass is likes something short that won't get in her way. Her usual outfit is a tunic which is pretty much just a short dress with leggings, and her winter outfit is also a short winter dress. I don't think she'd want to wear her lady-in-waiting dress outside too much just because it's a trip-hazard and she wants to fight.
As for suit of armour, though I love her S2 armour, I think given her fighting style, she'd want something light that won't get in her way, probably leather.
Although we've never seen her in leather armour, it seems to be what I default to when designing outfits for her cause I just think it'd be perfect for her XD
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loveloki555 · 7 months
Boudoir design for Lady Sigyn
A boudoir is a woman's private sitting room or salon in a furnished residence, usually between the dining room and the bedroom, but can also refer to a woman's private bedroom.
A cognate of the English "bower", historically, the boudoir formed part of the private suite of rooms of a "lady" or upper-class woman, for bathing and dressing, adjacent to her bedchamber, being the female equivalent of the male cabinet. In later periods, the boudoir was used as a private drawing room, and was used for other activities, such as embroidery or spending time with one's romantic partner.
Since Loki has just become the God of Stories and, as a result, the Emperor of the Multiverse… he can create his own castle for himself and his new wife.
I will be happy to present the boudoir design for Lady Sigyn. For Lady Sigyn, we will consider the boudoir as places for her own use like bedroom, living room, bathroom, dressing room...
While I think Loki's citadel would have been quite dark in color, I think part of it would have had a completely different aesthetic for his wife's use.
So let's go for our tour.
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First - enterning to her part of citadel.
Beautiful bright colors, stained glass windows with effect of illusions, nice couches for those waiting, and a golden elevator.
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After going up the golden elevator, we have a beautiful living room for guests. Modern, cozy style in a winter tone. Sigyn loves winter as she was born during this time of year. Comfortable sofas to welcome guests, a table on which to place treats and drinks. Windows have a wonderful part of illusion, clean air and winter landscapes. The living room also serves as a dining room. You can eat all your meals there. Lady Sigyn can eat alone or with her husband.
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Next we go to Lady Sigyn's private library. Like her husband, she loves reading. But on the way, we have place of meditation. Greenhouse with stained glass and exotic plants. A nice place to reflect among nature.
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From the greenhouse we are now at the library. A beautiful library with a warm fireplace and pink flowers.
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While places like the living room, greenhouse and library can still be considered somewhat accessible to guests… now we go to the private rooms. Now we go to bedroom.
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Lady Sigyn has a beautiful place with a rain illusion window where she can lie comfortably and watch movies like The Lion King or listening of music.
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Another part of the bedroom contains illusions in window about the effect of the city and its lights. Lady Sigyn has a comfortable bed, sofas and beautiful lamps.
Next to the bedroom there are three rooms - two-piece bathroom, two-piece dressing room and private swimming pool - Lady Sigyn loves swimming.
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The bathroom consists of two rooms - one with a bathtub and the other with only a washbasin. The place with the sink is used for quickly and daily hygiene. The place with a bathtub is for morning and evening baths.
Next we go to the dressing room consists of two rooms - a part for make-up and hairstyles and a part where dresses and outfits are stored.
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Lady Sigyn loves swimming, so she loves to have own swimming pool. The swimming pool is located in a beautiful, sunny room with white walls among green plants. An additional place is a spacious terrace and a scarf swing.
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Thank you for the tour of Lady Sigyn's boudoir. I hope that tour was nice for you.
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