oldfarmhouse · 5 months
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cozydayszine · 4 months
Now Presenting: The Cozy Days Zine (Winter Edition)
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Several wonderful artists have come together to present to you a collage of illustrations featuring original characters, scenery, and all things comfy, cozy, and warm for the winter season. It is a free digital zine, that anyone is welcome to view at any time.
We’d like to thank all of the contributors for their amazing work. This project would not have been the same without you!
❄ @theminiartblog ⛄ @feynarts ❄ @author-does-art⛄ @licantaurarts ❄ @charcoaldaydreams ⛄ @featheryfern ❄ @chibbycookie ⛄
And now what we've all been waiting for:
View The Album Here
-- And the PDF can be found here!
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thepaperpanda · 1 year
Lights Above Our Heads || Alex Hogh Andersen x fem!reader
Masterlist ❄
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Summary: A charming spectacle awaits you when Alex takes you on a tour of the mountains
Warnings: none :)
Word count: 1289
Authors: Fenrir & Cass
A/N: today’s prompt: Watching the Northern Lights
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It had been one of the coldest winters in a long time. A cold winter like this would freeze the blood of anyone who didn't take sufficient care to stay warm at heart and core. However, despite the coldness engulfing the world, Alex decided to take a little trip with you, his beloved girlfriend. 
As Alex crossed another snowdrift while wearing a thick, red, 66°North jacket, thick, black pants and boots reaching slightly above his ankles, and a black hat pulled over his head, he glanced over his shoulder to see if you followed him. "Is everything okay there, Y/N? We're close!"
Angrily waving your hand at him, you nodded, saying, "It's fine! I'm just questioning my life choices here!"
As Alex made his way back to you through the snow, he offered you his gloved hand as he improved the camera case on his shoulder. He made sure you were walking after his traces in the snow, saying, "Come on, I'll help you."
Sighing deeply, you squeezed his hand and vowed to never let him drag you on another adventure again.
As the two of you walked up an icy, snow-covered hill, he reminded you firmly, "With all due respect, hun, you've always wanted it yourself. I want to see the northern lights, that's what you've been repeating like a fucking mantra."
You bit back a little sarcastically, "With all due respect, hun, I don't want any more trips if it means freezing my ass off in a mountain of snow!"
"You don't have to be a drama queen. It's not that bad," Alex commented, squeezing your hand a few times. You haven't been far north, trust me, it can be much worse." 
After walking in silence for a bit, Alex made a brief stop near a fallen fir tree, all covered in snow. "What a beautiful scenery, isn't it, darling? Can you pose for me?"
As you walked up to him, rubbing your hands together, you murmured, "It's going to cost you, love."
"It will cost me, okay, but what?" He teased back.
"A kiss," you smiled, tapping your cheek.
Alex didn't need to be told twice - he hugged you, pulled you closer, but before kissing your cheek, he rubbed your noses together.
Before pulling away to pose for him, you laughed and grabbed his chin to kiss him properly.
While Alex was setting his camera, he instructed you what to do with your hair falling from underneath your woolen hat. As soon as he put the lens on, he took several shots, changing the parameters every time to achieve more depth from the pictures. "You make the perfect model, sweetheart."
As you winked at him, you replied, "I want to hear that when you take care of me once I get sick again."
He gave you a look with an eye roll. "Don't make a duck face, baby, we're not taking a selfie."
"Why! I look sexy with a duck face! You could take some fun pictures, so we have a souvenir of our trip."
Even though he didn't want to admit it, you were right. As Alex packed his camera back into its case, he sat down on the fallen fir tree next to you. "Thank you for taking a week off from work. It has been quite a while since we were somewhere together."
With a soft aww sound, you kissed his cheek. "The first reason is that I wouldn't let you go alone, and the second is that you asked so nicely that I couldn't refuse, plus I needed a break from my job."
Alex wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer, enjoying the moment and your presence while staying silent. "Is it okay to continue climbing the hill now? Have you rested?"
"A few more minutes?" You asked, nuzzling closer to him. "I just want to savor the moment a bit longer."
In the moments before he commented, Alex straightened his back after noticing something. "Babe, take a look at that!"
The aurora lights played above. In the midnight blue, the northern lights were a river of green.
Taking a moment to look up, you whispered quietly, "Wow... Is that it?"
"Yes, yes it is."
You said eagerly, "C'mon! Don't sit like a stick! Grab your camera and take some pictures! And we should take a picture together! With lights in the background, it will look so pretty hanging in our bedroom."
"Don't worry, they won't vanish anytime soon," he assured, resting his chin on your shoulder while looking up while making sure to hold you as close as possible. "Let me savor this moment a little longer."
Your smile softened, and you took his hand, moving even closer. As you nuzzled him, you whispered, "You know? I love you."
"I love you too," Alex mumbled quietly and kissed your cheek after. "Despite your sometimes bratish behavior. Even if you are easily offended by irrelevant things. No matter how moody you are."
"You like it when I am bratty. You simply love to put me in the right place."
As Alex slowly opened his camera case, he said, "Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, especially when I'm fed up with your bullshit." He asked you to hold his Canon camera while he set the tripod after making all the adjustments.
You scoffed loudly, "For sure babe, I will remember this next time." When he wasn't looking at you, you took the opportunity to gently poke his ribs.
Alex mounted his camera on the tripod and set the self-timer. After wrapping his arms around you, he pulled you closer, looking down at you for a moment before kissing you.
Once you were certain the picture was perfect, you kissed him back and pulled away to say, "I love you so much, my talented fiancé."
As Alex went to look at the outcome, he raised both thumbs up with a smirk on his face. "It's perfect! Can't wait to frame it, but let me try something else!" After turning the self-timer again, he returned to you and picked you up in bridal style; his eyes never left yours. "I love you."
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you confessed, "I love you too. I love you more than anything."
As Alex stopped paying attention to the camera, he kissed you tenderly for long enough that he had to break the kiss in order to breathe. As soon as he set you down, he adjusted the hat on your head, so you wouldn't get colder; and then he headed back to take more pictures of the northern lights. "I'm so fucking glad we came to Norway, darling."
You stared up at the sky and the beautiful lights dancing above, thinking about all the memories and plans you two had shared.
The sky shimmered with the green and yellow hues of the aurora; the silence of the spectacle added to its charm. The two of you were just staring silently into the dark as you enjoyed the silence and the stars above. In those moments, all your troubles seemed to fade away, and the world seemed to be at peace. Lights danced in front of you and stretched across the sky. Color was dancing across the sky and it almost appeared to be putting on a show, just for the two of you.
Slowly, you improved your scarf. "My happiness is the same as yours, Alex."
Alex turned his camera into recording mode and pointed it at the sky, then he returned to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders after sitting by your side. "I love you, Y/N."
Your hearts were set ablaze by the northern lights dancing silently above your heads.
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*:・ let it snow, let it snow, let it snow *:・
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• malleus draconia x gn!reader • 491 words • no warnings! • requested by anon!
for 'the snow's coming down', my winter event! ❄
When you initially invited Malleus to a different meeting spot tonight, he was intrigued, even more so when you requested for him to see you at the clock tower on campus. Nevertheless, he spent the evening reading your most recent recommendations to provide fresh topics of conversation and banter.
When the clock began nearing nine, he simply grew too distracted and impatient to continue the gothic romance, and instead focused on his own.
With a flourish of fireflies, the heir manifested before the tower, witnessing the mostly cloudy sky and relishing in what little moonlight shone through. He took a seat on one of the nearby benches and simply waited, letting the new yet not unfamiliar scenery charm him in the meantime.
As you descended the stairs leading to the clock tower, you observed Malleus already there – sitting in his internal world. Drawing nearer, you watched as his body seemingly stood at attention. He turned to you a moment later with a lovely smile reciprocating your own.
"A wonderful night, isn't it?" he stated.
"Yes, it is." you agreed, sitting down in the empty space for you on his right.
A calm silence briefly sat before the heir spoke up, "This setting reminds me of one of my favorite chapters in the new novel you recommended."
"Yes. The only thing missing is…"
Malleus trailed off before chuckling, "Nevermind."
You realized his thoughts as snow began falling lightly.
"Would you like to join me?" he asked simply, now standing and giving you his hand.
"Do you even need to ask?" you quipped lovingly.
While you had yet to truly master ballroom dancing, Malleus was both an excellent partner and teacher – contrary to what you heard from others. Deciding to push your thoughts aside, you concentrated on the dance at hand. It was fairly simple, and eventually you found yourself simply basking in the way your lover looked in the weather.
The snow landing on his hair melted, but the frost landing on his horns remained. While it may have sounded comical, you could only smile and think of how winter always called to him. The miniscule amount of moonlight shining through the murky sky cast Malleus's pale features ablaze, reminiscent of the fire that relentlessly burns inside of him. By far the most striking, however, were his eyes. The richest of greens that contained so much history and emotion that sometimes you would feel your heart ache. 
The heir seemed to be admiring you himself, his emerald eyes ever present as he recited a poem given from the love interest to the protagonist in Umbra Lestair's novel.
"At night I can feel my strong heart beating
Hoping to death our love is not fleeting
Do you want me the same way I want you?
When you gaze upon me I think you do
How dazzling and heavenly you are
My guidance, my home, my beaming North Star
Divina, my eternal undoing."
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innocence-impulse · 10 months
"if you need a breath of fresh air or a change of scenery, i know a place we can go." - Arle
@ever-winter ❄ when it gets hard
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Despite Alice knowing it was useless to seem strong for Arlecchino, she still tried to show the tough surface but gave up way too fast. She tried to encourage herself that sometimes experiments go wrong, and others might blow up (likely, it wasn't the case), but still couldn't help feeling a bit down about this.
«...perhaps it's a good idea.»
It's not like they shared any specific strong bond yet, however, Alice sought the harbinger to be someone who has the upper hand, older and more experienced. That wasn't the first time Arle was there for her, and she already starts to build trust in the woman. A long heavy sigh followed as she decided to speak again.
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«Do you have something in mind? I'm not sure what could distract me after such an evident failure.»
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aceghosts · 2 years
🌙❄☁️⚡🍃 for hunter!!! :D
Thank you so much for sending this in! It's nice to get to flesh out Hunter a little more.
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🌙- Does this oc have any unusual hobbies?
No super unusual hobbies, but Hunter’s favorite hobbies are sketching and painting. Hunter just considers it at odds with their tough-as-nails image, and this hobby involves way less violence than the rest of Hunter's life. Primarily, Hunter sketches with a pencil and a simple artbook. Hunter’s favorite subjects to sketch are people. Back when they were part of the BSAA, Hunter sketched the members of their team (Arthur, Kevin, Patrick, and Natasha) or their friends (Chris, Jill, Parker, and Barry). Post-death, Hunter’s favorite subject is Wesker, as they spend a lot of time with him, but they also will sketch Raymond, Ada, and Jessica. When painting, Hunter likes to use watercolors and paint scenery. Before their death, it wasn’t uncommon for Hunter to take a day trip somewhere to go paint.
❄- What is this OC's favorite and least favorite food?
In general, Hunter’s favorite food is Italian. Chicken Parm, Risotto, Lasagna, it doesn’t matter what it is. Hunter is always down to enjoy a classic Italian meal.
Hunter’s least favorite food is seafood. For some reason, they can’t stomach seafood, especially seafood like oysters. Just looking at Oysters is enough to make Hunter sick.
☁️- What is this OC's clothing style like?
I created a mood board for Hunter’s winter style here, but it’s nice to have a chance to expand on their fashion more.
Casual: Hunter tends to opt for comfort over fashion, wearing a lot of loose-fitting clothing. They wear a lot of cargo pants with simple shirts or T-shirts. Often, Hunter will layer on top by wearing a hoodie under a jacket in colder weather. In warmer weather, Hunter wears a hoodie made of lighter materials. (Hoodies help with the sensory issues due to their enhanced senses.) For shoes, Hunter prefers their combat boots or sneakers. Also, they tend to wear a lot of muted colors.
Missions: On missions, Hunter opts again, for comfort over fashion. They usually wear a hoodie with the hood up, cargo pants, combat boots, and a bulletproof vest. While they do have enhanced regeneration, a bullet in the chest could give the enemy a chance to get the upper hand on Hunter. Hunter also wears a combat face mask to help disguise their face. While the BSAA has officially declared Hunter killed in action, they aren’t keen on being identified. It would be easy to identify Hunter based on their facial scars.
Business Attire: Hunter tends to wear a lot of black or dark grey in their business attire. They tend to wear suits with a hoodie underneath their suit jacket. Hunter doesn’t wear business attire often. A lot of their work involves fighting, and suits are not the best to fight in.
Formal: On the rare occasion that Hunter has to do a formal occasion, they like to wear dresses. They just think dresses are neat, and a nice change of pace from what they normally wear. Again, like their casual fashion, Hunter tends to stick with neutral colors, usually preferring black or navy blue, occasionally a dark red.
⚡- How well does this OC sleep?
Not well.
Pre-death, Hunter would occasionally have nightmares, either from their encounter with a B.O.W. in the Air Force or from their missions at the BSAA. The nightmares wouldn’t happen often, and Hunter could go back to sleep pretty quickly afterward. For the most part, Hunter was able to get a decent night’s sleep and be ready to go the next day.
Post-death, Hunter doesn’t need to sleep as often due to the virus, but their quality of sleep has gone way down. They suffer nightmares more frequently, usually nightmares involving their death or mutating from the virus. Hunter struggles to go back to sleep after these nightmares, so they usually go do something else, mainly punching.
🍃- Describe this OC in one word
Hunter is so angry that it threatens to swallow them whole. They’re angry at the world. They’re angry at themself. They’re angry at being infected with a prototype virus that could mutate at any time. They’re angry at Dr. Griffin for thinking he could play God with their life. They’re angry at their BSAA teammates for killing them. They’re angry at being left behind. They’re angry at being reanimated. They’re angry that they can’t go home. They’re angry that they can’t see their family again. They’re angry that this virus stole their future.
On a positive note, Hunter is using their anger to motivate themself. The downside is that they are using anger to fuel their quest for vengeance.
[OC Ask Game]
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chillart22 · 6 months
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I just reached the winter season in Hogwarts Legacy ❄ I think I'll just stop doing the main quest for many weeks so I can enjoy this beautiful winter scenery 😊
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advnterccs-archive · 2 years
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🎄❄🌨 — winter theme sentence | prompt starters || accepting
@dcmonprncss sent; "I think I saw this in a Holiday special once and it was a bad idea." (for Morty)
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The idea sounded great to Morty. It was his own and he thought of it as smart. One of the very few that he had. Which meant that it sent his blood pressure to rise when he was met with otherwise.
"J-Just -- Marsha -- trust me on this," His voice raised, hand still on the steering wheel of the ship. The keys in his other hand that turned to cut the engine. "I-I don't want Rick to have to -- to have keep dealing with wh-whatever he's got and,"
He looked forward. The scenery a dark, deserted planet. So bleak and unwelcoming. Though, he held determination within his brown gaze.
"I-If whatever's in there can help him, I-I'm going to get it a-and, yeah, maybe save Christmas while we're at it, so let's go."
With that, he opened the door and slid himself out of the ship, trudging forward into the unknown.
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❄ Snow Ducks Playing #Xmas #tree #Evergreen #winter #mountain #mountains #snow #forest #trees #climb #ice #scenery #scenic https://www.instagram.com/p/CYDNPccsz7F/?utm_medium=tumblr
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oldfarmhouse · 4 months
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Painting Snow [Sai & Sakura] @fuchsiafortified​
fuchsiafortified asked // Dec 17 · 9 days ago
It’s nearing winter! Send a symbol for our muses to:
❄ - Watch the snow fall (For Sai!)
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Sai was painting the landscape outside when it started snowing, “Should I paint the change of scenery too, Sakura?” He asked her in wonder as he watched the snow in artistic curiosity.
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rosey100 · 2 years
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This was a peaceful winter morning for Rose,she being waiting for awhile to get back out there and enjoy the winter scenery in quite sense the blizzard with her dad and pa at the east and her mom,ma and gamer d working in the Tortuga she can finally be able to walk without any trouble stroms rolling in on her. Almost out the door she says goodbye and hop out
Part 1 /3
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acollapsar · 2 years
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@nibelheimraised​ said: ❄ for my muse’s reaction to you throwing a snowball at them 😇
✧° ┊┊ PROMPTED // Not Accepting!
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          A pristine, untouched, and nearly breathtakingly view of flakes gathered together to form soft blankets of snow on the ground of the street below had Sebastian pause for a moment for the sole purpose of appreciating the view that was with certainty about to be gone by the time morning would come. Despite how lively and loud a city could be, even at night, there was still some appreciation to be taken from the fact that not nearly as many were awake and could disturb what little innocence nature had to offer. Humans were cruel by their own nature --- but nature of the Earth itself? Ah, mother nature knew when to show mercy --- when the man was deserving of a treat. Such a shame her acts would come to pass by without recognition. They were certainly not worth it. If you were asking him? He would not have paid these crowded and overgrown towns any mind and effort.
But.... He supposed for the time being... he’d simply have to appreciate the view while it would last. It was hardly as if he had anything better to do at this late hour ( besides... while the lingering hunger would still remain, the still untouched streets seemed to soothe his frustration at least a tad ).
This neighborhood was... not a flattering sight otherwise, and nature’s attempt at sprinkling a calm and silent bed of flakes did not do it many favors --- even while still untouched by man, how in the ever it had lasted this long was beyond him.
A swift leap down a drainpipe, careful as to not to disturb the resting snowbed far too much, Sebastian’s feet sank through the few centimeters of cold snow when he made his way down to the sidewalk below.
...Nearly untouched.
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         “ ... ” A defeated, soft sigh escapes him as he’d glance down at his own buried feet. Ruined blanket of snow aside, it is not like him to pay the scenery as much as attention has he had in this past hour or so. While aesthetically pleasing to witness, it was of little use to dwell too much on its inevitable fate. Seasons would come and go as they had always done, after all. And it would even seem as if the mortals were starting to pick up on how fast time would pass --- with a mere blink of an eye, the warm and welcoming season of spring would knock the chilly winter out the door.
.... No, this was not about the snow, nor its remarkable ability to somewhat turn this slum of a block into an area worth lingering in. Gone by the morrow or not, it was Sebastian’s utter boredom that was starting to take a toll on him. The loneliness he did not mind, but the boredom that would come with it this time around... it caused his mind to wander.
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What do humans do when they’re bored? ... They eat. Tsh.... how ironic. The ever so growing thorn in his side that was the tormenting hunger that only grew more and more for each day and night that would pass --- it was a frustration he could not quite shake off. While he knew from the start that it was not going to be easy, he had never imagined it would be.... like this. No, this was hardly the first time he found himself in a contract that would last for longer than a year, but each deal was different --- and he supposed he truly had misjudged the circumstances this time. Money, power, fame, material things, protection, revenge --- those were accomplished with ( mostly ) ease. Even the desire for something as unreasonable as gaining the affection of one other’s heart. As easy as humans insisted on making it out to be, how ‘simple’ love and affection was, they were awfully inconsistent with their words and actions. Not even them knew what it truly meant --- and thus, providing a contratee with ‘the love of his life’ could be done by a simple illusion, and he would never be the wiser. Sebastian had witnessed enough of it to understand that he did not understand. Other than that it was nothing more but a pile of utter rubbish. How mortals can do unspeakable things to those they claimed to ‘love’ was absolutely beyond him.
And that was why EXACTLY why he found them so immensely interesting.
.... But it did not help his case this time, as this was no ‘ordinary’ love his master was seeking.
55 years. While it was a mere blink of the eye for a demon like him, one had to take into consideration that most of his kind did not go 55 years without as much as bread crumb. Time was relevant, but the hunger was a steadily and ever so growing factor. ... And it certainly didn’t help his pride as he had to come to terms with the fact that he might be roaming this earth for an additional 55 years without having the opportunity of satisfying his never-ending pain... Not being able to fulfill what’s expected of him... to FAIL such an important task. Failure --- the very thought of it rarely ( if ever ) crossed his mind, and yet... he found himself as a crossroads.
For the first time in his devilishly long life, Sebastian found himself dreading the fact that he may be bearing second thoughts.
         “ ... Ridiculous. ” He’d murmur to himself as he tore his gaze away from his own feet. One thing was for certain --- if there was ever anything he’d a foe in, it’d be boredom. Letting his mind wander like this... it was not only little to no good use, but also somehow managed to trigger a dangerous state of hid mind that only made him furious with frustration. No, he couldn’t continue his nights like this. He had to find a secondary purpose that would occupy his mind.
When entertaining the idea to himself, it became obvious to him within seconds what he would rather do. However, given the late hour of the night, he highly doubted his first choice would always be an available option. For instance, he doubted it was now, given how the street before him was vacant, and no traces of human activity could be detected. And as he’d rise his gaze towards the black windows of the apartment complex above, this fact become more obvious to him than what it was before.
He knew Cloud was fast asleep at home --- he must be. Either that, or he was elsewhere at the moment and had not yet arrived. And while it would normally not be beyond Sebastian to barge in unannounced in the middle of the night, it would be most inappropriate... Mostly due to the fact that Cloud had never actually invited him over before and thus, as far as Cloud knew, Sebastian didn’t know where he lived.
But he knew. Sebastian had picked up on this detail quite a while ago, but he supposed he preferred for it stay a secret, but if the blonde would ever want to officially invite him over... well, then bargaining in unannounced at any time would be fair game. For reasons he could not quite explain, he would rather see Cloud giving his initial approval to have Sebastian over. It only seemed... appropriate.
Alas... all this did him no good at the moment.
With slow steps and g loved hands tucked away inside the pockets of his coat, the flawless white blanket covering the street was gradually ruined as he stepped out and towards the closest lamppost, the bright shine illuminating dark strands of his head.
He had to find something else to do on nights like these. Something that didn’t require him to venture too far away from his master. To think he had not come to think conclusion sooner was frankly enough a mystery, as it should have been obvious since day one that Sebastian’s journey was going to be quite troublesome. Just look at him --- allowing himself to get swallowed whole by his own mind and drown in thoughts he normally wouldn’t have the time to think of. To think time in any capacity would become his number 1 enemy...
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         “ ...Hm? ” In an almost comical manner, Sebastian’s ear twitched the moment he heard a muffled squishing noise far back behind him. Like an on- and off switch, the sensation of a mortal’s presence made itself known within him as he’d slowly glance over his shoulder with caution. Just like that, any previous thoughts were shoved aside as it became clear to him that he was no longer alone.
With a glance over his shoulder, Sebastian expected to spot an unfamiliar figure in the far off darkness of the street --- but before he could make out whether the newcomer was a stranger or not, a sudden flash of something bright came flying towards him, causing him to instinctively tilt his head to the side, bending his back a tad in the process and effectively dodging the ball of snow that had been aimed at his head.
Sebastian blinked, surprised more than anything. Mostly due to the fact that he had genuinely thought he had been alone. And perhaps he had, at least up until now. In any case though, he could not say he was not thrilled by sudden turn of events.
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         “ Didn’t your Mommy ever teach you not to talk to strangers? ” He’d muse in a somewhat of a husky and coarse voice, the low chuckle of amusement evident as he kept his back facing the ‘stranger’. “ Especially those you meet in the night... ” While it might not be his ideal idea of how he’d prefer to spend his nights to keep boredom at bay, he could not might as well ignore an opportunity when it WILLINGLY strolled straight into the bored devil’s grasp. A plain snowball, or deadly firearms aimed at him --- really now, what was the difference when a starving demon was bored out of his mind, desperately trying to not think of the hunger?
         “ But, if you insist on picking on the unprepared... ” He started again, bending down to scoop up a handful of snow in his grasp --- hands squishing and turning around the snow to form and shape it into a ball as hard as ice. “ Allow me to demonstrate--- ” Slowly, he’d raise it to have a good look at it with his own eyes, pretending to inspect his own craftmanship before abruptly turning on the spot to LAUNCH the deadly ice ball in the "stranger’s” direction.
He’ll make sure to tidy things up after himself before the morning comes.
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skippyv20 · 4 years
As someone who lives in mild, grey, southern England but who loves snow, thank you so much for those wonderful pictures of the snowy landscapes. I imagine those of you who live with the snow probably get fed up with it, but you have to admit, the scenery is really beautiful. Feerl free to send some our way any time you like😁❄☃️⛄
God works in mysterious ways.  I never thought about snow, how it made me feel until I moved to California.  I missed it!  I love it so much, and feel blessed everyday to be home.  As I have said, I start each day, going outside...looking to up to heaven...I say “thank you God for this beautiful day, thank you for all good things, thank you for all bad things.”  Since I have done that....I have not been affected by the weather.  Even in winter, I feel cold when out, but all I can think of is how warm I will be inside.  I love all weather.  Snow makes me happy.  And yes, it’s very beautiful....especially the fluffy snow.....😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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nordhouse · 5 years
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Winter has come to Hokkaido❄︎⛄️❄︎
The scenery changed when I woke up‼︎
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oldfarmhouse · 6 months
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