awww-brain-no · 6 years
Hi, your fandoms you are obsessed with -list had The Mummy and Labyrinth right after each others and I just... the mummy/labyrinth crossover? How would Evey manage to thumble in to that mess?
Two years after the events of the year of the Scorpion King….
Rick stomped into the front room and dropped his bag with a sigh. “If your brother sells our ‘skills’ one more time without explaining the full situation, Evie, I might actually kill him.”
“Come, now,” she called from the hallway where she was carefully setting down all her dig equipment. “It’s not as if Jonathan has sold us out to any of his less-reputable associates. This was a legitimate government-funded project for a museum!”
“In a war-torn country that we had to flee from with our lives!” He yelled back as he tossed his coat and hat on a chair. “And another thing-“
But he cut himself off, catching sight of something not even he wanted to believe was real. “Who are you? And why are you holding my daughter?”
The tall blonde man smiled from across the room, bouncing a gurgling and giggling Gertie up and down, the feathers on his cape bouncing as well. There was nothing comforting about the image.
“How the young forget their lore so quickly, my dear girl,” he murmured to the baby. “Should we really remind him of the truth?”
“What other thing, Rick?” Evie asked walking in and immediately wrapping her arms around his waist. “Is this about that billionaire at the hotel?”
“I told you, we’re not taking his money, no matter how stupid he might be to offer that amount without a clear contract in place.”
Without saying another word, he grabbed her shoulders, pushed her away, and turned her to see what he was looking at.
“Now that we’re all here,” the strange man said, cuddling into Gertie, “let’s all get better acquainted.”
With a growl, Rick tried to push past his wife, but she reflexively held out her arm to hold him back.
“Now dearest, we’ve already discussed how you can’t solve every problem with threats of violence or screaming when that doesn’t work.”
“Nefertiti, always so patient and wise,” the man said, smile glinting in the lamplight.
Evie easily held back her husband’s second attempt to attack an intruder before asking any pertinent questions. And she had many questions. Like why she knew him but not who he was.
“I don’t have all of my memories, so I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage.”
As though he didn’t walk but glide, the stranger came forward, Gertie comfortably settled in one arm as he raised a gloved hand with a crystal in it.
“Memory is such a tricky thing. But I can offer you everything you wish to see with this gift.”
Rick tensed behind her, unsure of what to do, but she merely watched the man speculatively.
“Who are you?”
“I’m the Goblin King, of course.”
Something fluttered at the back of her memory, and she felt herself sway before Rick’s hands firmly held onto her shoulders.
“Jareth,” she whispered.
“Ah, so you do remember. How fortuitous.”
“Not everything.” She said with a shake of her head. “But I remember enough to know I should never accept a gift. Your favors always came at a high cost.”
“You know this guy?” Rick said, unable to stop himself from pulling her closer despite trusting her instincts.
“I did once. Enough to know that he had a recipe for honey-infused peach tea that I was always partial to.”
A genuinely pleased smile spread across Jareth’s face, turning his features more impish than predatory. “I’m so glad you remember. I am always so pleased when people recognize my more unique skills. Shall I share it with you now as we discuss why I’m here your child and the other is missing?”
Suddenly realizing they’d forgotten all about Alex, both parents winced.
“So let me get this straight,” Rick said setting his beer down. He’d tried the tea but decided he needed something much stronger once the terms goblin and labyrinth started getting tossed around. “Alex wished his sister away and he’s now running your maze thing-“
“Labyrinth, dear.”
“-yeah, labyrinth, to try and win his sister back. But you realized you knew her mom and decided to make a side agreement?”
“More or less,” Jareth said languidly. “Nefertiti was always so entertaining during my visits that I felt I should make this one concession.”
“Uh huh.” Rick took a deep breath, ready to try and break the entirely crazy situation down more, but Evie cut him off.
“And why did Alex wish his sister away? He dotes on her.”
“Most times, yes. But I’m afraid she was rather fussy because of the teeth she’s developing and he was very put out that he was left behind on your most recent expedition.”
“He knew he was grounded for trying to excavate the ruins in his headmaster’s garden. The man is still sending us bills for the destruction to school grounds. We had three new ones arrive while we were gone.”
Jareth tilted his head in what seemed like admiration. “An enterprising young man, to be sure. But it appears he hasn’t learned the lesson that there is indeed harm that can come from reading a book. Especially when one reads aloud and means the words.”
Rick merely glanced at his wife, but it was enough to make her sigh.
“Oh stop it.”
“So,” he said, focusing back on the important topic at that moment. He was willing to point out Alex’s obviously inherited traits later. “What happens if Alex doesn’t make it to the center of your labyrinth and win her back?”
“Why, I will give her to you, of course.”
“And we don’t have to run the maze or challenge or whatever?”
“No, with old souls as ours who’ve seen the realities of the world, it never pays to be in another’s bad graces. The boy must have his chance to win his sister, but I’d never take her from one so beautiful and wise as Nefertiti.”
The beautiful and wise Evie let out a groan and waved her hands to dismiss the idea. “That’s all hooey. I want to know how much time Alex has left and if he’s in any real danger.”
“He is now at the halfway point of his 13 hours and I assure you I will return him with no real damage. But I fear I should be getting back, I do believe he’s about to find his way into one of my oubliettes and I do so love to be present when that happens.”
“And you’re taking Gertie with you?” Rick clarified.
“Yes. She must be there for him to win her back.”
When Jareth tilted his head and Evie shot him a dirty look, he just shrugged. “What? He needs to learn his lesson and It’s been damn near six weeks since I’ve had an entire evening alone with my wife that didn’t involve children, dead guys, murderous guys, or a godforsaken desert.”
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missmungoe · 7 years
Oh I love these
THEY SAY THIS IS WHAT MARRIED PEOPLE DO // Rayleigh x Shakky // Horseshoe Crab; been around a long, long time + Seahorse; surprisingly domestic
For all his ease in getting himself elbow-deep in it, he doesn’t always get out of trouble on his own.
Sometimes she thinks he does it on purpose – stays an extra day just to see if she’ll come looking. And sometimes she does, sometimes she doesn’t. It all depends on how busy she is, or if she’s inclined to let him suffer a little longer.
They play these games, from time to time. A long life has allowed them their small indulgences, strange that they are.
The corridor reeks of the foulest things humanity has to offer. Oh, and piss. But her footsteps barely make an impression on the quiet, and the smoke from her cigarette makes the whole thing a little more bearable. The smell, at least. Not so much the setting, which looks like something out of a low-budget horror picture, down to the excessive cobwebs. Slavers never did keep a clean house.
It’s not a particularly well-organised operation, and she only has to knock out two guards on her way. She steals a set of keys hanging from the first one’s belt, and a flask tucked into the other’s jacket. It’s booze, and cheap, but she’s never been a picky drinker, and she takes a swig before she moves on, the keys jangling softly with her steps and the alcohol burning a pleasant trail down the back of her throat.
It doesn’t take her long to find him, and, “Well,” Shakky says, leaning against the doorframe, a curl of smoke escaping into the stench and the dark, to compel them both into yielding. She’s good at that, or at least so she’s been told.
She watches the lift of his eyes, the pale sliver of light creeping through the slit right below the ceiling of his cell catching in his broken glasses. His smile follows, cheeky and just insufferable enough to make her consider leaving him where he is, as she adds, taking another drag of her cigarette–
“What’s an old thing like you doing in a place like this?”
There are other people in the cell with him, having glanced up at her arrival, some of them wary, some of them hopeful. Shakky doubts they’ll be either, after this encounter.
“Shakky,” Rayleigh says, smiling. “Am I late for dinner?”
“It’s more than just the food getting cold,” she offers back. “You know I hate sleeping alone.”
“Couldn’t find a replacement?” he asks. “You’re usually so resourceful.”
She shrugs, turning the keys over in her hand. “It’s been a slow week for business. And maybe I’m getting old. My usual wiles won’t work on the youngins.”
That grin again, lifting his glasses high on his cheeks. “Perish the thought.”
“Hmm. You’ll perish first, at this rate.”
He laughs at that, and she knows he’s okay. Of course, she hadn’t doubted he would be, but the affirmation is no less welcome.
The other occupants in the cell are looking between them now, wariness and hope both exchanged with surprise, like they can’t seem to decide what to make of them. Then again, that’s nothing new where they’re concerned.
She makes her way to the cell door, and the lock comes apart in her hands. She could have taken her time pretending to look for the right key, just to let him suffer a little longer, but the other people in the cell makes her decision for her, and a moment later she’s pulling the door open, with a gesture for them to come out.
Rayleigh makes quick work of their collars, before seeing to his own. It’s a deceptively casual gesture, and few words offered to go along with it, but Shakky has dealt with enough escaped slaves to know it’s better to just do it than to waste time explaining. The freedom offered is the same, anyway; it’s not likely they’ll even remember either of them after this, at least not beyond being two strangers who have far too private conversations in public. But at least they haven’t started pawing at each other.
Well. Not yet, anyway. The night is still young.
His cellmates make for the exit first, barely sparing them a second glance, desperation winning out over whatever lingering curiosity might have survived the release of their shackles, but Shakky waits until Rayleigh steps through the door, arms crossed and her cigarette tucked between her fingers.
He ducks his head to kiss her brow. He smells like he hasn’t showered in a week, and she proceeds to tell him as much.
“You don’t like to sleep alone,” Rayleigh says, eyes twinkling. “I don’t like to shower alone.”
“If that’s supposed to be an invitation, it’s not a very good one.”
He grins, and when she turns to walk out, he falls into step beside her. “Maybe so, but you’ve never been hard to ask.”
She laughs, and tosses him the flask. “True.”
He takes a deep swig, before handing it back, fingertips brushing over her pulse once, before lets the flask go.
They walk back in silence, the grove lit gold and beautiful from the sun that casts ever-lengthening shadows across the grass, each dark corner of their island seeming a little darker every year, but some things never change, like the old souls who’ve put down their roots with the trees.
Her bar is as she left it, empty and quiet, and, “Sit,” Shakky says, when they step across the threshold, and she moves to fetch the suture kit. A strange home for even stranger people, but then they’ve never done things the usual way, not even settling down. And it’s a strange domesticity, the one that sees him seeking a favoured chair, and Shakky reaching without looking for the kit she could locate with her eyes closed. But it’s theirs, like all the years that have shaped it into being, and the two of them into the people they are.
When she comes back with the kit, Rayleigh wordlessly offers his hand for her inspection, no more need for hiding his scrapes than he’s ever had; an old, hard-to-shake sort of pragmatism that doesn’t allow for foolish notions of masculinity and bravado.
Shakky clucks her tongue, turning his larger hand over between her own. His knuckles are bloodied, purplish bruises blooming across them. Shallow cuts, but wholly unnecessary.
“This is excessive, for you,” she says, putting his hand down before reaching for the cloth in the washbowl she’s placed on the table. “You could have used your haki.”
“Fists are more fun,” Rayleigh says dryly, but there’s a gleam in his eyes that beckons mischief, and far more than the years on his back should so readily allow. She might have told him.
Instead, she snorts. “Roger used to say that,” she tells him. “And half the time I think he was just being lewd.”
Removing her cigarette from between her lips, she holds it out, and tucks it between his teeth when he tilts his head, running her thumb in a quick sweep over his bottom lip before she draws her fingers back to continue cleaning the cuts across his knuckles.
Lifting his free hand, Rayleigh takes a long drag of the cigarette, before letting it out, sinking back into the chair with the release. It’s unfairly erotic, in that effortless way he has about him.
“Remember to put your clothes in the hamper later,” she says, slipping the needle under his skin. He doesn’t flinch, but closes his eyes to her ministrations. With her cigarette still perched between his teeth and his broken glasses askew on his nose, Shakky has to drop her gaze to focus on her work.
The half-smile teasing at the corner of his mouth tells her she’s been caught, but then she’s never made much of a point pretending at coyness around him.
“Don’t look so pleased with yourself,” she tells him, smiling. “You know I have a weakness for wounded men.”
He hums, his eyes still closed. “Maybe I should apologise. Shallow cuts and bruises don’t really make for an effective seduction.”
Shakky flicks her eyes up, finding his eyes hooded behind his glasses. “Given the impressive repertoire of injuries you’ve walked across this threshold with at one point or another, I’m inclined to agree. You’re not getting soft in your old age, Ray-san? Next you’ll tell me you just want to cuddle.”
His smile holds that same softness. “Would it be so terrible?”
She looks at him a moment, before dropping her eyes back to his hand, cradled between her own, protruding veins and old scars and fresh stitches that will leave new ones. “Maybe you’re not the one getting soft,” she says simply, and sets about stitching the last of the cuts.
The sun has dipped beyond the grove when she’s done, and the old, guttering lamp offers little light to eyes that used to see better. But she wraps his knuckles and cleans the needle, and then it’s just the two of them and her empty bar. Like it always is, at the end of the day.
Pushing up from her seat, she means to take the kit away, but hesitates, and instead reaches down to push his hair out of his brow, rubbing the pad of her thumb across a still-healing scrape right above his temple. Careless, she thinks fondly, and means to remind him of the fact.
“Dinner?” Rayleigh asks before she can, tilting his head to look at her. “I’ve only had bread and water for the past few days.”
“The food is already cold,” Shakky counters, touching a fingertip to the corner of his smiling mouth. “A shame, too. I made your favourite.”
“You don’t cook.”
“No?” At his raised brow, she smiles. “Then I guess I’ll be your bread and water tonight,” she says, plucking her cigarette from his lips, before leaning down to kiss him. He tastes of cheap scotch and nicotine, the sharp, smoky tang slipping onto her tongue like it belongs.
“That doesn’t sound like much of a punishment,” he laughs into the kiss. The weight of his palm settles over the small of her back, easing her into his lap. She comes because she wants to, but doesn’t tell him that. Another small game they have.
“Oh, Ray,” Shakky says instead, tucking her palm against his cheek. The cigarette sits between her fingers, and the taste of him is still on her tongue. And she sees his grin curving, an old, knowing thing, even before she adds, smile full of promise,
“You know me. I’ll make it a little bit punishing.”
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inkgirlpoet · 6 years
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#midwinternightsdream #ritualpreparation #looseincense #wintersolsticemagic #winterwitchery #intentionincreation #wolvesandwitchesofoklahoma #witchesofinstagram #smellspells #littlehousewiththewilllowtree (at Tulsa, Oklahoma) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrTi-z8n6o8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1q3hzf5zwxgk0
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yonkapala · 7 years
11 questions
I got tagged! What is this sorcery? :O (cheers @anyshadow !)
The rules: answer your set of questions, add 11 of your own, tag 11 followers.
Something you’re looking forward to? I was going to just say “going to bed” because let’s face it - I’m tired and would probably sleep for a full week non-stop if I had the chance. But in all honesty there are things I’m looking forward to - the fall, for one, can’t get to the dark evenings and crispy mornings soon enough! I have a few larps and other projects that I feel great about and looking to the future I can’t wait to get out of my current work and move back to Helsinki.
If you take photos, what are they usually of? Cats. Random photos of lights or shadows or something else that really needs someone with skills to become anything worthwhile. Mostly I just don’t.
One thing you’re afraid of that most people aren’t? Afraid? Me? Probably of things that most people are afraid of on some level - trusting my instincts when logic would dictate otherwise, taking that blind step towards something I want but can’t have if I stay in my comfort zone... I’m probably more aware of things I’m afraid of compared to most people, maybe?
One thing lots of people are afraid of that you aren’t? Spiders. I love those cuties. Not on my face, but definitely in my home where they can eat all the annoying bugs they want. <3
Which world (any fandom) would you most like to live in and why? I... don’t know. So many of them and yet all of them not as happy and awesome as they might seem on the first glance. Maybe in the future of Star Trek where humankind has found peace and gotten rid of the need for money and such things? I mean, there’s still intergalactic war and crazy aliens, but at least society seems to be mostly in a good place.
The book that has left the greatest impression on you and why? TOO MANY. So I’m going to ignore all the fiction (LotR, Nightfall, Narnias...) and answer with the Book of Mormon. It did change my life, after all, and continues to bring me closer to the answers I’ve been looking for on the question of life, universe and everything.
Favourite dish atm? Anything home made. Salmon, with mashed potates. Whatever that’s not me ordering pizza for the 100th time this week (yes, it’s only Monday) because I can’t gather the energy needed to actually cook.
Furthest you’ve ever been from home and why? “If I take one more step...”, I thought as I ventured on a mission for my church to Scotland in 2014. In truth it’s not geographically the furthest away from home (that’d be South Africa where I visited my sister many years ago) but definitely so in every other aspect. For 18 months I was away from social media, from my usual hobbies and friends and circles and spent time doing things I’d never normally do - knocking on the doors of strangers and stopping them on the streets to talk about what they believed in and offering to teach them a bit about what I knew to be true. It was wild and I still wonder how I ever did all of that.
A good quality that you have and why you appreciate it? I know and accept who I am to a point where others have the room to be themselves around me. I appreciate it because it means I usually get to know people as who they are (and hear a lot of things they probably weren’t planning on sharing) and because it means I usually don’t mind being just by myself because there isn’t anything within me I need to hide from. Usually.
Latest addition to your favourite characters and why? LARP THINGS! Okay, so maybe not a larp thing. Let’s see, what have I gotten into lately... Well, I’ve always been into Austen, but I recently re-found Elinor Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility and man, do I relate to her. <3
Aaaand I’m stealing this question because it is just too good: Favourite thing to learn about? Humans! I mean human minds! I mean how humans work and why they do the things they do and especially why they believe the things they believe! Humans are fascinating.
And now for the 11 (completely optional) questions to these cool people (and for anyone else who feels like taking part): @secondaryideas @j-the-latter-gay-saint @mormocrat @losttinmymind @omenankukan-teralehtia @winterwitchery @wintaria @kaelvas @softspeeches @mycasualexistence @humminglines 1. How would you describe yourself to someone who’s never met you? 2. What is one of the earliest memories you have of your life? 3. Where would you move if you wouldn’t be allowed to live in the country you live in right now? 4. What are some things that cheer you up? 5. How did you end up on tumblr and what keeps you here? 6. What is something you eat or do when you feel like celebrating something small? 7. Are you able to pinpoint the time and place of becoming friends with someone you’re still close to? 8. What do you love about cats the most? (Or, you know, if you don’t love cats for whatever strange reason, about any other animal of your choosing.) 9. Where does wind come from? 10. What is your favourite kind of weather for a walk outside? 11. If you had 30 minutes to address the whole world, what would you say?
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salliro-blog · 5 years
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Custom order for Sarah, she saved this soap from being discontinued... Read all about it on you website salliro.co.uk/shop/winter-witchery-soap #Salliro #handmade #soapmaking #naturalsoap #winterwitchery #artisansoap #madeinnewham #Bathtime #handmadesoap #plantbased #natural #Madeinlondon #madebyme #patchouli #pinkgrapefruit #soapcrafting #soap #ultramarineblue https://www.instagram.com/p/BxmXHHsBcf_/
0 notes
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I want to talk to you all about this cloth I use in my kitchen alter. It’s very special to me as it came from my dear friend @winter.witchery. 🐝 . She cut it from a babywearing wrap she used to carry her sweet little and I’m so touched she gifted it to me when she encouraged me to pick up my cards again. She also encouraged me to stop hiding the witchy side of myself and for that I am forever grateful. 🐝 . #friendship #winterwitchery #witchcraft #witchfriends #altercloth #alter #kithenwitch #witchoncaffeine https://www.instagram.com/p/BnyshX-HvX4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hre9wthzyz98
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pinkapple-windy · 10 years
44, 29 aand... 5.
Random five first : D
5.What does your URL mean?
- Pinkapple ‘n’ Windy are both my nicknames~ Windy is commonly used, but also very common URL in different variations. So I added in front of my the older nickname to get my own, unique, recognizable url. 8B
29.Do you dance in the car?
- …How do you dance in the car ò___Ó ?!? Yeah, sometimes I jam when I feel good and music is awesome, but 8D ???
44.Can you curl your tongue?
- Yisss 8B
Thanks for the questions, hun o/ ~!
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tsvaling · 11 years
Do you have any idea how long Scattered will be? I try to avoid reading unfinished fanfics but I need more nami x law and I really like your writing (had to start reading Fairytail again sooner than I planned, just so I can read Words are Unnecessary :) )
I have absolutely no idea, lol. It's gonna be a long one, though, I know that much. I guess, best estimate at this point is that it's about at the halfway point? But there are parts to the fic that come as a surprise to me, that I don't entirely plan, and that could happen again later on, and drag out the whole story. I tend not to plan that far ahead with any of my fics.
I'd say best guesstimate is it'll probably be another 10 chapters on top of what I have.
And yay! I hope my Miraxus fic made it worth it to pick up Fairy Tail again. XD
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missmungoe · 7 years
Gladiolus. Shakky/Rayleigh
CAUGHT IN A WEB OF YOUR OWN MAKE // Shakky x Rayleigh // gladiolus; you pierce myheart
She’slate in realising it – strange, for her, so good at making connections; tosee patterns and spin knowledge from information.
Sheknows she’s attracted – she’s not blind, and she would have to be, Shakkythinks, not to be attracted. And okay, maybeshe’ll concede that there’s some kind of infatuation going on, when he turnshis head at that angle and the corner of his mouth lifts, just a fraction.
Uselessinformation, but she hoards it, anyway. He’ll smile without trouble after drinknumber two, and laugh unprompted after drink number three. Sometimes afterdrink number four he’ll get bold – will touch his fingers to her wrist when shehands him number five, and his hand will be warm. He always is.
“Somethingcaught your eye, Shakky?”
Thefar-too-innocent query drips with amusement, and the look she tosses Roger overthe counter holds a playful warning, even as she tucks a smile around hercigarette. “Why, it’s you, Straw-chan. Who else?”
Hegrins. “You know, I might believe that if you actually threw me an appreciative glance once in awhile.” He lifts his brows, openly suggestive. “Wouldn’t kill you.”
Shehas a quip ready – something borne of that easy air he has about him, but thelift of her eyes catches his first mate raising a glass to his lips to cover agrin, and she forgets quite abruptly what she’d been about to say.
Rogerdoesn’t follow the line of her gaze, only lifts a dark brow, a silent retaliation, insufferably teasing. “Still waiting onthat appreciative glance.” At the look she gives him, his grin widens. “Now that’s what I’m talking about! Even ifit breaks my heart that you’re doing it under duress. But I guess I can give Rayleighthis one. Can’t win ‘em all, eh?”
“Howgenerous of you,” Shakky muses.
“There’s a lot that’s generous about me,” Roger quips, with a shameless wink that prompts her smile.
“Don’tbe lewd, Straw-chan. You’ll tempt a girl into forgetting she’s decent.”
“You’reabout as decent as I am,” he reminds her, dryly. “A good thing it’s not me you’resmitten with. I think our collective indecency would give Rayleigh an earlyheart-attack.”
Sheignores what her heart does at the casual mention of smitten. “You say that, but he’s the one wearing that coat.” Gaze shiftingacross the room, she tries not to let her eyes linger on the sheer amount ofbare chest offered by the coat in question. It takes a surprising amount of restraint.
Rogerfollows her gaze this time. “Yeah,” he agrees, with a shake of his head. “I don’tknow where he got that thing. I think it’s payback for growing out mymoustache.”
Before Shakky can offer any insight to that, Roger looks at her. “Sowhen are you going to tell him?”
Herexpression doesn’t let anything slip. She’s good at that, keeping things, but then that’s never stoppedRoger from getting his hands on them. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sureyou don’t.”
Sheleans her elbows on the counter. “A girl can be a little taken, Straw-chan, withoutit being anything more than that.”
“Noargument there,” Roger counters smoothly. “But it’s more than a little taken, if you ask me.”
Shedoesn’t know why she does ask. “And what would you call it?”
Helooks at her – with that look that sees,straight through her like it sees through everything, sea and stone and all themortal hearts between them. And he doesn’t say anything, but then he doesn’t haveto.
Rayleighlaughs then – a rare but honest sound; a deep-bellied, drink-number-three kind of laugh, and it pulls her eyes like it wants topull her whole body, and there’s a moment where Shakky thinks, softly, crap.
Shedoesn’t say it, and doesn’t let her face say it, either, but Roger is wearing ashit-eating grin that tells her he heard it, anyway.
“That,” Roger says, lifting his glass tohis lips, ridiculous moustache quirking, “is what I would call it.”
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missmungoe · 7 years
Jonquil. Boa + Hawkeye
NO SOFT SURRENDER // Mihawk x Hancock // jonquil; desire
Itis, for lack of a better term, an office party.
Orat least, it’s the closest thing to it, for people like them, most of whichwouldn’t suffer a party together any more than they’d suffer actually sharingan office. But the sentiment is what it is – meant to inspire trust, andcooperation, even though their employers know full well that most of them areon speaking terms, but little else. For some, barely even that.
Well– most of them, although they haven’t exchanged a single word all evening, andHancock doubts their employers had their particular union in mind when theyissued that two-hour seminar on encouraging relationsin the workplace.
Thethought is a dry one, and the sweep of her eyes finds him enduring theattentions of one of the newest additions into their ranks – the loud one withthe red nose whose name she couldn’t have been bothered to learn, and whoseattentions have previously been gifted to the open bar, at least going by thesheer volume of his shrill-sounding voice.
Sheseeks his gaze – not discreetly, because she’s not a discreet woman, but ifanyone finds her quarry an odd one, Hancock doubts they’ll chalk it up toanything other than her usual habit of laying claim to the room, and everyonein it. An Empress’ prerogative, to look at whoever she pleases.
Asthough having sensed it – or maybe it’s something else, some part of him that’sbeen anticipating it; an expectation wrought from the settled waters of an affairthat has for a long time now been more than just that – Mihawk lifts his eyesto meet hers.
Somethingin her loosens – drops low, the slow, viscous drip of honey with the sharp kickof a strong drink, and his eyes invoke both; gold like the first in the rightlight, and amber like the second when ducked under the brim of his hat. Anow-familiar feeling, she doesn’t question the heat climbing up her throat; doesn’t think it a sickness now. Her breath sits suddenly heavy in her chest – the whole of her feels heavy, from her hair tothe weight of her earrings. And yet, at the same time she feels light. Weightless.
Shedoubts what she feels now is what most opponents feel when meeting those eyes, but this look is no less effective, Hancock concedes wryly, although the promise it gives her is of a smaller death than what he’s likely to give those facing him on the battlefield.
Abrief incline of her head is all she yields, before she turns to walk out – noquestion asked and no answer given, but she doesn’t doubt that he’ll come.
Thebalcony offers a welcome respite from the stifling conference room – and fromtheir colleagues, new and old, the cool air and the quiet hush draped over theevening, sheer as gauze. Headquarters, in its newer, harder trappings, but thesea beyond the shore is the same as ever, vast and dark under a horizon touchedwith lilacs. It’s not a gentle sea, but kinder than the walls encasing her,pillars and archways of stone, and little mercy to be found in either, former pirateor not, and no matter who signs her paychecks.
Shehears his approach, and he hasn’t kept her waiting long, but then he rarelydoes. Economical in most things, but even with his stark efficiency and limitedpatience, he treats her with little of the former, and more of the latter thanhe does anyone else.
“Youdo not usually initiate,” he tells her by way of greeting, something like amusementwinking in his eyes when she lifts her head to meet them. Not a rare thing, she’s come to learn; it’s just thatmost people don’t know how to recognise it for what it is.
“Although your proposition leaves something to be desired,” he adds, coming to stand beside her.
And he’s right; between them, she’s not usually the one who makes the first move, but she’s not about to greet his amusement with deference. Although Hancock doubts it’s what he expects.
The angle of her chin speaks volumes on its own, but, “I don’t see you declining,” she counters smoothly.
“Areyou asking?”
She narrows her eyes at that, and he lifts a brow in silent retaliation. A knowing smile idles at the cornerof his mouth, and Hancock sniffs. “I wasn’t aware I needed to issue a formalrequest.”
“It’sencouraged,” Mihawk tells her, dryly. “We attended the same seminar, if youremember.”
Hersmile comes before she can stop it – quick, startled. She doesn’t hate herselffor it, anymore. “I doubt they have official forms for this kind ofproposition.”
Thelook he gives her suggests the opposite, and she’s tempted to laugh – it sitsin her chest, loosened like her breath, so easy to find now, after years ofshoving it down as far as it would go. Strange, that such a reticent man shouldinspire it.
“I’msurprised you showed up for this,” she tells him then, with a glance at the balcony doorway behind them. From somewhere insidedrifts a curl of conversation, muffled by layers of stone. “You who avoidsocial obligations like the plague.”
“Thepromised company offered incentive,” Mihawk says, with a deliberate look.
Shemeets it without flinching, and doesn’t miss a beat. “Not the open bar?”
“Iam not Red-Hair.”
“Clearly,or this party would be louder.”
Hissmile is brief, but genuine. “I’m not sure it would be animprovement, if it was.” And with another look at her, eyes cutting deep, “Either way, I am content with thepresent company,” he says, simply.
Thatwarmth within her softens – becomes a kinder thing, but, “Your flattery stillneeds work,” she tells him.
He’sstill looking at her, and the gleam in his eyes holds at least two glasses ofwine. “So you say, and yet you are still pleased.”
They’restanding closer now – too close for colleagues, but then there’s no need forpretence here, with no other eyes to bear witness. But he doesn’t move to close the last breath of space between them, so small that she can hear his heartbeat, if she focuses. It’s deceptively steady, although she’s never let that fool her.
“Maybe I’ve lowered mystandards,” she says.
His gaze hasn’t budged from hers. “Anunlikely prospect, knowing your standards. And you.”
It’sher turn to raise a brow. “That could be taken as self-flattery.”
“And I reiterate,” Mihawk says, deadpan, “that I am not Red-Hair.”
Shedoesn’t try to stop herself from smiling this time, and he doesn’t pretend thathe’s not pleased by the sight of it. Both very small concessions, for exceedingly proud creatures, but the roadto making them has been a long one, and even small, they’re anything butinsignificant.
Hehasn’t touched her yet, and once, the reason would have been caution – respect forher boundaries, back when things were new. Now there’s challenge in his restraint; anoffer for her to make good on her proposition, lack of official paperwork notwithstanding.
Thetrail of her fingertips along his jaw isn’t tender, because they’re neither ofthem tender people, and tenderness has no room in this place, between thesewalls. But with that slow warmth persisting, she doesn’t think about the walls – orthe party, or their employers. A rare, selfish rebellion, claimed for herself.Rare, because the world might know her as fickle and selfish, but she has fewthings that are hers – or at leastthe way he is. Her tribe, her crew, they’re both hers, but they’re hers asEmpress, and there is little selfishness in that – the sacrifices she makes, tokeep them safe.
Hedoesn’t ask her to sacrifice anything – asks only for her, and with himself offeredin turn. And it’s bearable, with him – the meetings and the inane, socialgatherings; their employers, and the proximity to Mariejois, the holy cityalways looming, always at the edge of her awareness, no matter which side ofthe Red Line she’s on. Unavoidable, like the brand on her back, but with him, enduring it takes less effort that it did, once.
Herpalm curls around the back of his neck, and the dip of his head seeks hermouth, barely a pause between them. And there’s no more tenderness in the kissthan there was in her first touch, the bitter aftertaste of wine on his tongue and the scrapeof his beard against her chin, but she welcomes both with regal dignity – and onlya little bit of graceless impatience, sitting in the telling grip of herfingers in his hair.
Footsteps, then – an uneven shuffle on the stone, before a shape stumbles out onto the balconywith a startled shout. And between breaths he’s released her, the momentum leaving herreeling, only to catch herself on the balustrade, and he’s put himself in front ofher before she’s had the chance to reclaim her breath; his own, straight-backed posture letting nothing slip, even as she catches the barest twitch of his fingers, only a moment ago buried in her hair.
Red-Noseblinks – then squints at them through the dark,expression suddenly accusing. “Did you two form a sub-party out here or somethin’?Rude.”
Shecatches Mihawk pinching the bridge of his nose. “Leave.”
Thatearns him an affronted look – a fool’s bravery, aided by too much drink. Hancock doubts he’d be so quick to offer it, if sober. “Y’realways so serious, Hawk-Eyes. Sheesh.”Then to Hancock, voice slurring a bit over the words, “Hey – snake lady.” He blinks. “S’rry, can’t rememberyour name.”
Helooks between them, still blinking, his brows furrowed slightly, as though trying to make sense of the situation,but the glaze of inebriation in his eyes banishes whatever worry she might haveharboured, that he should realise just what he’s stumbled upon. “Wait– thehell did I even come out ‘ere for?”
“Icould turn him to stone,” Hancock says, the words offered under her breath.
Thecorner of Mihawk’s mouth lifts a fraction. “They will make us attend another seminarfor that.”
“I’llendure it.”
“Iwill not.”
Shecuts him a look, and he parries it with a raised brow. But the source of theirinterruption is still standing in the balcony doorway, and Hancock considersher patience – finds it lacking, rubbed thin by that still-lingering heat, andthe taste of him on her lips.
Thenext look she gives him is meaningful, and, “I’ll be in my quarters,” she says. Then with a toss of her hair, “Enjoy your new company.”
She’sstriding away before he can respond, across the balcony and through the doorway, counting the seconds, her smile knowing and hidden from sight, and it’s not long beforeRed-Nose’s voice rises behind her–
“Oi, thehell’s that glare for? Y’know, Shanks was right, you have the biggest stick shoved up your–”
Thethud of an unconscious body hittingthe stone barely makes an impression on the quiet – even less than his footsteps behind her. And she doesn’t slow her pace to allow him to catchup, but then he doesn’t need it, long legs eating up the distance between them until there’s nothing left.
“There’llbe another seminar now,” she reminds him, eyes gleaming. “I doubt there’ll be anopen bar.”
Hemeets her eyes, nothing teasing in his own, although she would have been surprised to find that to be the case. Instead there’s something else, brighterthan amusement, or even annoyance – want, she sees, and as stark and earnest as the rest of him, when he offers it.
Andshe isn’t surprised when all he does is look at her, before offering her ownwords back, no flattery, just a simple, wry truth with her at itsheart–
“Iwill endure it.”
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missmungoe · 7 years
Quince. Shakky/Rayleigh. (... feel free to inore me if I start to be annoying with these :D)
AN OLD ALLURE // Shakky x Rayleigh // quince; temptation
“I likeyoung girls,” he’ll tell people, almost by way of introduction, wearing that cheeky smirk that’s too young for his face but that couldn’t care less that it is, and a gleam in his eyes that the years have only turned brighter.
It’s anold joke between them – as old as they are, and she’s hard pressed to say which is thebigger marvel; that they’ve lived this long, or that their jokes have endured,so many years and so many losses. Two weathered rocks in the seabed, worn bythe shifting currents, but the sea hasn’t uprooted them yet.
“Any lucktoday, old man?” she asks, when he comes home. His glasses are smudged, but theeyes behind them crinkle at the sight of her. “Found any pretty young thingsthat would give you the time of day?”
“Too manyto count,” he tells her, taking a seat at her bar. She fills him a glass, andpretends she doesn’t catch the wince when he eases himself into the chair. Thesea has little mercy for the worn and weathered.
“Must bedifficult,” Shakky muses. “Resisting all that young allure.”
She feelshis eyes on her; feels the smile in them, before he knocks back his drink. “It’s hard on an old man’s heart,” Rayleigh agrees,putting the glass down. Shakky follows the map of veins across the back of hishand; the sword-scars. Old, old things.
“A goodthing you have me, to offer reprieve,” she’s quick to counter. “Somethingthat’s not so hard on that heart of yours.”
“Hmm,”Rayleigh says, with a look that contradicts his agreement. “I’m not so sure itisn’t.”
She laughs, a soft sound. “Old flirt,” she says, fondly. “Whatever should I do with you?”
His eyesare alight with mischief, with cheek. “Youcould give me the time of day,” he suggests. “Pity an old man.”
Her smilegives her away, Shakky knows, because she allows it to. “Well,” she says. “I’mno young thing, but I suppose I might. Pity you, that is.”
The warmcurve of his fingers around her wrist seeks her pulse, the fragile stretch of skin above it soft and thin even as it leaps beneath, younger than the rest of her, and, “My old girl,” he says, and looks at her like he looked at her forty years ago, and every year between; like she’sone of those tempting young things, and as though he’s never once questioned that sheisn’t.
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missmungoe · 7 years
winterwitchery replied to your post: Jonquil. Boa + Hawkeye
thank you for this <3 your writing is wonderful as always, and I almost feel sorry for poor Buggy.
Aahhh thank you for the prompt, friend! I’m always a little nervous about reblogging prompt lists because I never think I’ll get any, but I got so many lovely ones!
And for some reason Buggy keeps showing up in my writing lately? Poor guy can’t catch a break.
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missmungoe · 8 years
That anon message you answered today made me remember how bad I am at telling writers how much I love their work. So I just wanted try to at least once rectify that and tell you how much I love your writing. Even though I don't usually read Koala/Sabo I can't wait next one you write. You are the reason I started to ship Mihawk and Hancock, I love your Shanks/Makino fics, and I absolute adore you for writing about Shakky and Rayleigh. Thank you.
Reading this message was a face journey of emotional expressionsthat got progressively more and more ridiculous and I WISH YOU COULD HAVE SEENIT
I’m just…so happy to hear there are people reading my stuff. Writing can be such a lonely experience and so every comment gets itsown special place in my heart, and sometimes a small nudge from someone is all it takes to turn my entire day around.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this ♡♡♡♡
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missmungoe · 5 years
Are you implying that Shanks took a nice picture of himself and sent it to the marines so that it could be his bounty picture?!
(credit to the lovely @winterwitchery for supplementing this idea by suggesting they had a navy photographer, er, “assist” them)
“I just don’t feel like this angle does me justice.”
The sighing remark was accompanied by raking his fingers through his hair, before he stopped, an idea having struck, and, “Does my hair look better this way?” Shanks asked. “I’m going for ‘roguishly unkempt’, like I’ve just woken up and I’m a bit bashful for looking so good, but I also can’t help it? Do you see where I’m going with this?”
The navy photographer holding the camera shot him an imploring glance, before nervously side-eyeing the pirates around him. Even the Den Den Mushi in his hands looked like it would rather be elsewhere. “Look, I just want to go ho―”
“I think you should go for a profile shot,” Yasopp said, clapping a hand on the lad’s shoulder, making him jump, and nearly fumble his camera in the process.
“But that would only feature half of my face!” Shanks pointed out with a pout, and a furious gesture at the face in question.
“Then do a full headshot, from the neck and up. Eye-level, no fuss.”
“No fuss?” Shanks asked, visibly offended, before whispering, “Do you know me at all?”
“A low angle?” Ben suggested, smiling around his cigarette at the look his captain shot him.
“Wash your mouth, you mutinous heathen. No one looks good from a low angle.”
“Here I’d think you’d just take that as a challenge, Boss,” Yasopp chirped. Shanks just pointed a finger at him.
Then, “What do you think?” Shanks asked the photographer, who seized up when all the faces in his crew turned to look at him. For a brief moment, he regretted not having taken over the family farm like his mother had wanted.
“I think I’m not being paid enough for this,” he muttered.
“No one is keeping you,” Shanks said breezily. He wore his most innocent expression; the one that usually got his wife to cave whenever he pushed the limits of her endless patience. “You’re free to leave whenever, if you feel like you’re proud of the work you’ve done today. Can you look at these photos and say ‘this is a reflection of my true skill’?”
The photographer stared at him, then at the crew around them, observing with grins that usually sent most rookies running in the opposite direction. Shanks had to hand it to the lad: he’d lasted much longer than the last guy who’d shown up asking to take his photograph, whose patience had run out after his third request for a re-shoot.
Then, and with a fearlessness that ought to at least warrant a pay raise, “Fine,” he said fiercely, lifting the camera, before announcing to his crew, “We’re doing some more headshots. Someone crank up the wind machine!”
Shanks beamed. “That’s the spirit! Oh, and try not to make it look like a mugshot? I’m a pirate, not some common delinquent.”
“This is for your wanted poster, Boss,” Yasopp pointed out.
“Exactly, and I want it to look like I’m wanted for being so criminally good-looking. Did you see Kaidou’s latest? He just looks tired and angry. Then again, that’s like the full range of emotion that guy has, so maybe it’s spot on.”
“Focus!” snapped the photographer, and Shanks snapped to attention.
“Jeez,” he muttered, even as he straightened. “You’ve got moxie, I’ll give you that. Hey, wanna join my crew? Also, is this sufficiently rakish or should I amp up the heat a bit? I was once described as ‘sex on two legs’, and I’d really like that to transfer. If they’re going to be slapping this one a noticeboard in New Marineford, I’d like to make everyone attending that meeting uncomfortably turned on. Which reminds me―how are my lips? I want them to be pouty but not too pouty.”
“A bit more pout. And keep your chin level, but look down. Like that, but a little more to the side. Like you’re thinking about something.”
“Anything in particular?”
“I don’t know, what’s on your mind most often these days?”
It was a feat keeping his mouth from stretching in a smile, but the shift in his eyes didn’t go unnoticed.
“Might want to tone down the bedroom eyes, Boss,” Yasopp remarked with a grin, followed by a wolf whistle from someone in the crowd. The photographer glanced up, visibly confused. “Unless you really want to make those meetings uncomfortable. Garp attends those, I hope you remember.”
Flipping him off, Shanks kept his gaze lowered, angled slightly to the left. “I want them to wonder ‘how does his hair look so dastardly good?’ Speaking of―Yasopp?”
“I don’t think I’m being paid enough for this,” Yasopp sighed, but still complied, flipping the switch on the wind machine. Two of the others moved in to keep his cloak from flapping in his face. A third sprinkled water on his chest.
Ben considered the spectacle, then said to the photographer, “You can still make a run for it. Saying you narrowly escaped with your life wouldn’t be far from the truth.”
Shanks ignored him. “Should I lose the shirt? My pecs are responsible for adding a whole zero to my bounty. Would be a shame to leave them out.”
The photographer looked up from behind his camera. “I thought that was just a rumour.”
Brows raised, Shanks just gestured to his chest, as though to say rumour? please.
Ben shook his head, although didn’t deny the claim.
“I know someone who’d love a photograph of you with your shirt off, Boss,” Yasopp said then, grinning. “And isn’t your anniversary coming up?”
His whole face alighted at the mention, shattering the pensive expression he’d been maintaining, and his grin so wide it almost made the photographer take a step back.
“Hey, before we finish up, I just have one last request.”
The envelope arrived on her doorstep first thing in the morning, unmarked and with no return address.
Perplexed but admittedly curious, she pulled the straps off the heavy manila folder, withdrawing the contents, a series of glossy photographs, which had her brows lifting, before she turned them over, her eyes drawn first to the rumpled sheets of a familiar bunk, then an even more familiar trail of dark hair, before she promptly choked on her tongue, causing every patron in her bar to look towards her.
“What’s that you’ve got there, Makino?” asked one curiously, as she scrambled to keep the raunchy photographs from scattering across the floor.
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missmungoe · 7 years
I was re reading Unwritten (I just can't stop pointing out how much I love it. There just isn't enough fics about those two.You are absolute treasure for writing about them.) and realized that I have never read a soulmatefic about Shanks and Makino. Naturally I thought about you, and not only because I was already reading your fic, you just happen to be my absolute favorite writer when it comes to them(or Mihawk/Hancock. Or Rayleigh/Shakky). Would you maybe consider someday writing one for them?
I would! I actually have one in the works as we speak—well, heh, I have two. One set in the same verse as Unwritten with the first words tattoo trope, and one with a different soulmate trope, because I couldn’t decide which one I wanted to write the most and so of course I went with both. I’d forgotten about them in my ever-growing pile of WIPs, but you reminded me of how excited I was about those ideas, and now I really want to finish them!
I’ve had the first one planned since I wrote Shanks and Mihawk’s banter in Unwritten. Poor Makino trying her best to decipher Shanks’ chicken scratch handwriting (does it say ‘poor girl’ or ‘poop gull’? she’s not sure she wants to know), and Shanks spending most of his life loitering in the doorways of various businesses just to see if some irritated proprietor will tell him off for it, and then being utterly delighted when, two seconds into their first meeting, he realises it’s her. And when she doesn’t believe him he’ll threaten to pull down his pants to convince her, because true to form, the tattoo would either be on his hip or on his ass. She has beautiful handwriting, and he’s ridiculously proud of it, and subsequently has no qualms about showing it off (”the ass is a bonus,” he tells her, and winks, and Ben deadpan offers to toss him out of her bar for her—on said ass).
The second one is a bit…darker? Or not so much darker as more focused on hurt/comfort as the thing that bonds them together. He’ll walk through her doors that first time and she’ll recognise him immediately because of the scars, because it’s the trope where you feel your soulmate’s pain as your own? And even if she doesn’t have the scars herself she can feel them on her face—has felt them for years, long after they healed; a dull throb that sometimes flares up unexpectedly. And oh, don’t even get me started on his traumatic amputation and the aftermath (the pain she’ll feel for years; the aches and the twinges, phantom fingers twitching that aren’t her own). And my favourite part: Shanks spending their ten year separation trying not to get seriously injured because he knows it will hurt her, but then SURPRISE SURPRISE one day he’s the one who wakes up in agony.
……the numerous people who’ve called me out for having a slight sadistic streak might be on to something, I realise.
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pinkapple-windy · 10 years
hi :)
I can’t escape this hellAnother head hangs lowlyA featherbed to rest my headMade a wrong turn once or twiceOut of sightThree Days Grace - Animal I Have BecameThe Cranberries - ZombieBlackmore’s Night - Queen For A DayPink - Perfectt.A.t.U - 30 Minutes
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