#wish i didnt have to do this alone going forward when its something youre supposed to be supported by
captainadwen · 9 months
It is ~sad anxiety hours~ however this, like all other horrors, shall pass!
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rrelationshipadvice · 10 months
🐤-so i can find this easier
SORRY THIS IS LONG tldr i always think abt breaking up with my gf and now i might have feelings for someone else
i think i know what im supposed to do in this situation but its kinda eating me up a bit
my (20f) gf (20f) have been together ~17 months and i do like her but i worry that its just for the attention and not for her. also i feel like she likes me way more than i like her, she asked me to move in with her and it entirely caught me off guard bc i really didn't feel we were at that point at all. when we first started dating i worried that she liked the idea of me more than me in reality. i worried about how much she trusted me so quickly when i felt like she didn't know me well enough to. of course now shes gotten to know me. i do like her but idk if its romantically or to the same degree as her. i feel like a lot of what i joke abt goes over her head as well. well for months ive been thinking what if i broke up with her. but i worry im being impulsive, pms mood swings, or being influenced by my homophobic parents (im closeted but they met her and had strong negative reactions)
enter my coworker (19m) we didnt work together much kast semester but when we did he was really easy to talk to and just really great in general... fast forward to summer im going insane alone in my room and start thinking abt him but try to tell myself theres no way he likes me its just in my head. theres also a 50% chance hes not single. well when i first met my team i kept getting him mixed up w someone else so i dont remember if it was him or the other person who said that. also they couldve broken up. but now we're working together again i really do think he has a little crush like. im not that dense. i pick up on social cues i just dont know how to respond. and lets be fr i am also not beating the has feelings allegations. clearly.
but yeah i just compare how i feel abt him vs her like. i really enjoy spending time with him and talking with him etc. beyond that i clearly am not having the best time with my gf. i dont want to throw away a good thing with her, yk relationships dont just fall in your lap perfect and shes an amazing person. but i wonder if this is something that can be fixed w a conversation ("i wish we would text/call more...") or if its just that we're not for each other. i dont want to throw away a good thing with him either, like eventually he will learn i have a gf it will come up. and if he actually is into me that could make him. um not be anymore lol. so idk. well i know but idk.
also i feel like he doesn't even factor into this like this girl is in love with me (i think) and probably deserves someone who can give that back 100%. but maybe i am giving it back 100% . idk.
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nyashykyunnie · 3 years
Might as well hope on the bandwagon. May I please request a Father Xiao scenarios? Maybe his child can be a half-adeptus like ganyu (Child auto-corrected to Childe when I was typing this xD)
A/N: took me awhile to think of a Xiao hc cuz I was tryna choose between some scenarios AHWHEGW Also SAME, MY PHONE AUTCORRECTS INTO CHILDE ALL THE TIME AHAHAGAGSG AND YES XIAO HAVING A HALF-BLOOD CHILD EEE NGL HE GONNA BE EXTRA PROTECTIVE AHADHJADGS I’m so excited for this ehehh. Also tyvm for the req!!! I hope you enjoy this anon!! Btw this was supposed to be for three charas but I got carried away with xiao so ahah,.... Woops =w=;;
𝙵𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛! 𝕏𝕚𝕒𝕠 x 𝙶𝙽! 𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍! ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
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.      ﹢ ˖     ✦      ¸ . ﹢  °  ¸.    ° ˖ ・ ·̩   。 ☆   ゚ *   。 ☆ ✦˖
Having a child, with his own blood running through your veins, you being the spitting image of him- Was the last thing Xiao could ever imagine ever happening to him.
It’s understandable that he was really shocked to know you are his. Xiao is, after all, the Conqueror Of Demons. He is more than used to being in battle, always being on high alert and ready to slash any enemy down since it isone of his duties as the Vigilant Yaksha who protects Liyue.
Xiao was very cautious around you. With your small and fragile body, he feared that even touching you was enough to kill you. The Wangshu Inn keeper had to teach him ‘how’ to hold you because Xiao’s fear of holding you might just make him stay ten feet away from you at all costs.
He watches over you from afar, always ready to strike at whatever dares to bring you harm.
Though, most of the time, the yaksha is always leaving you to Verr Goldet’s care so he can fulfill his duties. It was fine at first- Until Verr had to talk to Xiao about it. He told him that he shouldn’t be too focused  on that job. 
She told him the possibilities of his constant negligence of you, she told him you might grow “Deprived From Fatherly Affection”. Xiao was shocked of course, he didn’t really know that. 
He felt guilty, he was so blinded by not wanting to inflict any form of harm on you, he didnt expect that it’ll inevitably lead you to growing some unwanted mindsets and habits.
Xiao isn’t really one for affection, there’s no need to explain that. Majority of his skills are more on the ‘slaughter’ and ‘exorcise’ expertise.
Regardless, he is not just a protector of Liyue now, he is a ‘father’ now. Specifically your father. This new responsibility isn’t something he will run away from.
Don’t expect much from him though. Xiao is still hesitant to some extent, he’s trying to figure out how he will interact with you.
 Unlike him, you’re fragile. More fragile than glass. He’s afraid of exerting accidental force that will lead him to hurting you. You’re just too small- so small can’t even reach pass his knees(Please this yaksha is just overthinking too much)
Baby steps, that’s what he’ll do. Slow and steady so he wont be too overwhelmed.
He starts off by simply talking to you, maybe even playing with you for a bit with enough begging. Xiao slowly got used to handling you as time went by. Verr was even suprised at one point when she saw Xiao handling you during your tantrums. 
Xiao made good progress with you. He didnt even know that he was unconciously getting attached to you, he didnt know that he adored your presence. He didn’t realize that he gets a little frustrated when he needs to leave you behind. Xiao developed his ‘father instincts’ to such a level to the point that he sometimes wished his Yaksha responsibilties were less demanding.
When you are trouled with nightmares- Xiao will put some stuff to wardoff evil. Though, he also heard that child mortals are more effectively comfoted if they are sung a lullaby, so he’ll do that. Just... Don’t tell anyone else or that will be your last (maybe)
The immortal sometimes even comes home with new clothes since he knew that children grow and he wouldn’t want to see you struggling with the small fit ofyour clothing. He also makes sure to put some spells on them too to ward off evil.
 Xiao unconciously spoils you, his mind always drifting; ‘Maybe they’ll like something like that. Mortal children I’ve seen are fond of those stuff’.  Naturally, he’ll make a way to afford that small gift for you. If he cant, then he’ll just learn how to make it himself.
He loves you, he just doesnt know how to convey that. Being an adepti, being raised as a machine for war- Love wasn’t something he is great at. But even if it’s that, he’ll still strive for you secretly. Xiao will no doubt make the most descreet efforts to adore you. He still doubts himself even after all the progress he’s made in becoming close to you.
“Silk Flowers!” You squeel in delight as you spotted a bouquet of it from afar. You dash off from Xiao’s side, making the adepti startled and call out your name.
But still you were a child, of course you just kept running and running until the ground beneath you rumbled at what seems like caused from footsteps. Your feet wobbled and almost knocked you off of your feeting. Then it stopped, a huge shadow looming over your small figure. You look up only to have the color of your face drained.
“D-Daddy!” You cried out in absolute horror, falling down to the ground. You were terrified, how could you not? Monsters were real, and one of those monsters was about to murder you in cold blood. “Daddy! Help!”
Just at the beast was about to swing it’s flaming axe towards you- The  wind shifted, as if slicing through the air and knocking back the mitachurl.
“How dare such filthy demon dare to even make their presence in front of my child, let alone even dare to strike!” Xiao growled, his eyes flaming gold from raw fury as he walked with the air dancing violently around him. “ I’ll make you pay”
Xiao’s voice was flooded with resentment, his primodial jade radiated as it felt it’s master’s sudden abundance in power. He spun it as his Yaksha mask formed in his face. At the roar of the enemy, Xiao leapt forward, striking the demon in overwhelming speed. He moved so fast it’s too the point the mitachurl wasn’t given any chance to react. But was it done? No, not even a little bit. That demon frightened you to the point your voice faltered in calling him. He has seen you in tears but never to this extent. Xiao was fuming as he plunged down, his anemo spears stabbing the enemy with no hint of sympathy. 
When he finally finished the kill, Xiao’s mask disintegrated and immediately walked to your crying state. He clicked his tounge, feeling a huge pang in his heart as he saw you this disheveled.
“Da-daddy!” You wailed, reaching your arms out for him desperately as your tears clouded your eyes. “Waah!”
He wanted to scold you, he really did. But the sight of you crying like this made the words stuck in his throat. Xiao instead lifted you in his arms, letting you bury your face on the crook of his neck and sob freely. You soaked his shoulder and Xiao didn’t complain, he just rubbed your back to let you know he is there.
“Does anywhere hurt?” His nonlachant voice rung in your ears softly, stealing your attention. “If there is, better tell me now or those wounds will cause  further damage in you.”
“[Y-y/n] is bad.” You hicupped. “[Y/N] is so bad daddy is now ou-ouchie. Daddy now hates [Y-Y/N]”
“Hate? You mortals have odd ways of thinking” Xiao sounded a little rough, making you flinch. “Don’t be ridiculous, I would never bear such hostility towards you. Moreover, I’m not hurt. I’ve lived for thousands of years, pain is something minimal for an adepti such as myself.”
He scoffed.
“On the other hand, your life is counted by only one hand. You have yet to experience what life will truly bring you.” Xiao’s voice started to soften bit by bit as he softly squeezes your small body towards him more “However, I am your father. If darkness decides to crawl at your feet and even when you are frigthened of what’s ahead- Call out my name. I’ll always be there.”
“Da-daddy promises?” You look up to stare at his amber orb. “Daddy will make monsters go bye-bye?”
“Yes” He simply answered. “Now stop your noisy crying, we’re going back to eat.”
He appears cold, his way of talking always straight to the point, but still he loves you. Adeptus Xiao, the guardian yaksha, his power will not simply be used in order to slaughter the darkness creeping around Liyue. With his Vision and might as Alatus, the Golden-Winged King,... He will protect you at all costs and raise you no matter how he is troubled regarding his difficulty in making much of emotions.
You are one his greatest gifts, a treasure he will sincerely hold in his heart forevermore. It doesn’t matter if his karmic binds attack him, he will venture out of it for you. 
A/N: AIGHHTT AAAA ITS MY FIRST TIME WRITTING FOR XIAO HNNN, Did I do good??? AAAA I DUNNO AHDKSGF. I hope you all liked it hngghhhh ;___; Also I’m sorry for being inactive a lot AAAAA, school is starting to get mre and more demanding. I have more hcs upcoming so dw! I wont end up completely turning into a dead ghost!
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iwaisuke · 3 years
i like you so much, you'll know it
ft. kageyama tobio, semi eita, iwaizumi hajime x fem!reader
genre: fluff (prompts are based off lines of the song)
a/n: from the c-drama a love so beautiful :) i wrote this at like 4am so sorry if its crap haha. not proof read either. also, sorry in advance if they're too ooc lol im a mess rn.
» ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆
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i like your eyes, you look away when you pretend not to care i like the dimples on the corners of the smile that you wear. i like you more the world may know but dont be scared cause im falling deeper baby be prepared.
» today was your first day at karasuno highschool. honestly, you were so scared. that was up until you found out kageyama was going too.
» the two of you had been childhood friends due to each others grandparents knowing the others. you had been with him through his ups and downs. his victories and defeats. almost everything kageyama did, you were there with him.
» actually, you didnt know kageyama was going to karasuno until you walked outside your door to find the raven haired boy in the same school uniform as you
» "tobi? you never told me you were going to karasuno?" giving him a side eyed grin. "i thought you were planning on going to aoba johsai like oikawa senpai and iwaizumi senpai"
» you viewed kageyama as someone who expected others to reach his level in order to be a good match for him. he had a strong head on his shoulders. naturally gifted in volleyball, like everything was given to him on a gold platter. of course, he wasnt perfect and thats where you come in and keep him level headed. helping him understand his faults and weaknesses as well. doing your best to encourage the setter
» he let out a sigh. a slight frown forming on his face. "i didnt get in.." he quietly said. "karasuno has a good volleyball team though and i can feel myself growing here" he stated bodly
» and boy was he right. something about kageyama did changd that day. he usually was so bitter and angry. a very pessimistic look on life if he and others weren't at the top. maybe it was the orange haired boy, hinata, that the setter and you became friends with. and maybe it was his great senpai's who were patient with him and gave him the opportunity to grow
» kageyama started smiling more often. his small unnoticeable dimples showing. he became kinder. softer. and more carefree. he was a growing boy both mentally and physically.
» what you didnt realize was that not only was kageyama changing, you as well, had something changing and growing in your heart.
» but kageyama noticed. oh boy did he really notice, the way you seemed to become happier and livelier by the day. how the stars sparkled in your eyes when you talked about something you enjoyed. the kind of perfume you would wear and how you would tie your hair differently each day. the weird trinkets you just seemed to love that decorated your bag. but most importantly, how much bigger your heart has become, loving everyone and their faults. always encouraging and motivating him and his team.
» was she always like this? he would constantly think to himself. all of a sudden being hyperaware about you... but he would NEVER let you know that, let alone his senpai's. it was just too embarrassing. just thinking about the never ending teasing he'd get from tanaka and noya senpai made him shiver.
» all of these things he felt about you hit kageyama like a truck the day everyone started to wear their winter uniforms.
» picking you up to walk to school together was a normal thing since the two of you lived close, but how was kageyama suppose to do this now when you're standing in front of him. thigh high socks to keep your legs warm, an oversized jacket that you had borrowed from him a while back you forgot to return. white mittens to cover your cold hands and the slight blush on your face from the wind chill.
» "does it look weird?" you shyly asked. kageyama was silent. "ah.. give me a second. I'll go back in and change real qui-"
» kageyama tugged on your hand. "its fine. lets just go to school or we'll be late." refusing to look you in the eyes. heat rising to your cheeks as tobio dragged you along with him.
» your feelings for the setter had blossomed over the past few months. falling deeper and deeper into him, and at this point you felt like you couldnt hide it anymore. you just had to tell him. tell him all the wonderful things he's done. the way he's grown and how much he means to you.
» "tobi..." your soft voice spilling out. eyes closed, the fog of your breath coming out as you exhaled. "i lik-"
» you felt something wrap around your neck. "wait y/n..." kageyama spoke, interrupting what you were about to say. not gonna lie, you felt like your heart was about to be shattered like ice eventhough kageyama continued to wrap his scarf around your neck.
» "dont say it..." he quietly said as he began to walk forward without you.
» ah... is this what rejection feels like? i didnt even get to say it properly... your hands felt colder now that kageyama wasnt holding them anymore.
» he took a quick glance back at you. blush on his cheeks. "be prepared because i want to be the one to tell you first."
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i like the way you try so hard when you play ball with your friends. i like the way you hit the notes in every song you're shinnin' i love the little things like when you're unaware, i catch you steal a glance and smile so perfectly
» semi eita, your 3 year heart throb from the moment he first spoke to you.
» at first, you had suppressed these feelings, telling yourself he would never look at you the same way. but something about the blonde tsundere struck a chord in your heart that you just couldn't forget.
» the two of you ended up becoming friends. closer than you had actually imagined within these past 3 years. doing everyday life with you. waking up and saving you a spot at breakfast. helping you with your studies in exchange for being his workout buddy and motivator.
» semi kept his tabs on you. your likes and dislikes. the things that made you smile and the things that made you groan in disgust, but he would never let you know that.
» to semi, you were his breath of fresh air. the song he has on repeat everyday. the kind of person who would keep him on his toes. in a good way of course
» "oi what are you daydreaming of this time?" semi asked as you zoned out while drinking your carton of strawberry milk. "hm? oh nothin. just thinkin about whats in store for us today!" reaching your arms above your head letting out a stretch. "i just know for a fact. today is gonna be a good day." semi chuckled at your optimistic claim. "how do you know for sure?" "i dont know how. i just do" you replied with a smile on your face.
» today, shiratorizawa had a practice match with aoba johsai and today, eita was picked to be in the starting line up. the pure joy that radiated from his body. maybe today was a really good day just like how you had said.
» semi took a quick glance up into the stands, you gave him a thumbs up and wished him good luck. his smile was brighter than you had ever seen it and his eyes shined like stars. he always told you that whatever chance he got on the court, he would be sure to not let his team down no matter what. he was in his zone. playing his best and sure enough, they had won all 3 matches.
» after practice, semi and you would hang out at his dorm afterwards. he liked to show you all the new songs he was working on. whether it was a cover or a song or a song he was writing on his own.
» the two of you leaned against the wall as you sat on semi's bed. his sheet music all sprawled out before him on his bed sheets. guitar in his arms and you beside him.
» "what are you working on semi?" "a song" "well obviously dum dum" you laughed, reaching out for a paper in front.
» "so who's the special lady?" you teased him as you read the lyrics. deep down inside you could only wish these words were meant for you. a blush formed on eita's face. "just... shut up about it... its not ready yet"
» it was getting late and falling asleep at semi's place was a normal occurrence at this point. your eyes became heavy and your head started bobbing.
» "sleepy?" eita asked as he noticed your eyes drooping. "mhm. sing for me semi? please?" his voice was so soft like a mothers touch yet somehow had the power to pierce through your soul sometimes. although, it never failed to help you fall asleep when you needed it.
» hesitantly, semi started humming. softly speaking some lyrics here and there. you didnt know where the tune was from so you listened the best you could.
» "... till the last of snow dissapears ... till a rainy day, becomes clear. never knew a love like this, now i can't let go..."
» your eyes had closed. slumber taking over you as you fell onto semi's shoulder.
» "im in love with you... and now you know..."
» yeah. today was a good day. just like you said it was going to be.
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in a world devoid of life, you bring color. in your eyes i see the light, my future. always and forever i know i cant let you go. im in love with you and now you know
» to iwaizumi, unlike volleyball, oikawa, maki, mattsun, school, anything life threw at him; you were the thing in his life that was constant yet at the same time a whirlwind of new beginnings. not in a bad way though.
» ever since you were kids, you showed iwaizumi the beauty in things he would have never guessed had. he was bold and tended to look over things without giving them much thought. his eyes straight ahead to the trials before him. you on the other hand, stopped him and slowed him down from rushing into them blindly.
» "every moment is precious. you should learn to cherish it because you never know when it's gonna be your last" you always said
» your views of the world were beautiful compared to how cruel it actually was. naivety maybe? or maybe it was just because you were blessed with a kind soul.
» iwaizumi always knew he had feelings for you. you had been with him through thick and thin. he could depend on you and you could depend on him. in his eyes, you were the most beautiful person on earth. deep down he had hoped the two of you could stay like that forever. nothing could ever change that.
» or so he thought...
» "iwa chan~ you owe me a meat bun" oikawa whined as the group of friends were walking to the gym for volleyball practice. "shut up crappykawa. i already bought you one last week" "oi isn't that y/n over there?" maki said, shaking iwaizumi's shoulder.
» sure enough it was you. apparently you had told iwaizumi to go ahead of you today because you had something to take care of in the afternoon. telling him you'd meet up with him after practice was over. not thinking much of it, he bid you a farewell and went on in his day.
» "oooou by the looks of it, this is the perfect confession scene" mattsun teased. "oi stop messing around" iwaizumi's voice hoarse. not gonna lie, iwaizumi felt his heart drop when mattsun said that
» the 4 boys crept closer to see what was going on.
» there you were, standing in the middle of a classroom with a black haired boy. "mhm. definitely a confession." oikawa stated. "shut up tooru we cant hear" maki retorted.
» you weren't considered popular in school but that didnt mean people didnt know who you were. iwaizumi knew you were gorgeous and on top of that, smart, kind and one of the sweetest girls, so it was only natural that people would be drawn to you.
» they watched as the boy got closer and closer to you. voices barely being audible to the 4 boys outside. iwaizumi's heart could bear to see this right before his eyes.
» without even thinking, his feet moving on his own, iwaizumi barged into the room. all eyes towards him.
» "iwa what are you-" without letting you finish, iwa dragged you out of the classroom. "iwa where are you taking me" asking him as he took you to who knows where, leading you up the stairs of the school.
» up on the roof, he finally let go. "sorry..." he mumbled.
» "sorry for what iwa?" "for ruining that confession... i just-"
» "you just...-?"
» "i just love you ok?!"
» your heart shook at the resonance of his voice. iwa liked you? he liked you back?! wait no- he loved you.
» you had loved iwaizumi from the moment you met him and as the two of you grew up, your love for him only grew deeper. he was the only one you'd ever look at. the only one who would ever cross your mind. you had hoped he felt the same about you but he was always so busy with other things you only felt like you would be able to support him on the sidelines as he faced the world head on like he always does.
» just being in iwaizumi's presence was enough for you. no need to be greedier, you thought. its good to be content with what you have, but just knowing that he shares the same feelings... its ok to be a little greedy right?
» your silence being louder than it should have been, iwaizumi took it the wrong way. "look I know this isn't the greatest confession. heck it's not even the way I wanted to confess to you, and get it if you like that other guy, you don't have to-"
» shuting him up with a kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. needless to say, he was shocked, but embraced you as well.
» "you're overthinking too much iwa. that's so unlike you" you chuckled. his face bright red at the previous actions.
» "i love you. I've loved you for a long time actually. every single second. every moment we've shared. i cant picture myself with anyone but you hajime."
» iwa let out a sigh of relief. a smile being brought back onto his face. "good because all I know is that i cant let you go. in the past, present and even in the future...."
» the blue sky slowly changing into shades of coral warmed your heart even more on top of his sweet words that you've always longed to hear.
» "im in love with you, and now you know"
-» ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆
enjoy your order! have a great day!
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littlenahsstuff · 3 years
In love, I swear.
A/n Literally my first time writing actual fanfiction. This might be a flaming dumpster fire idk. I will persevere and cringe later, but for now, enjoy.
supreme!Cordelia Goode x reader
TW:nothing much, just a big old fluffernutter sandwich. A little angst. Swears I guess.
Synopsis: Cordelia has just recruited you to be a counselor at Robicheauxs and it's safe to say you are head over heels for the supreme. Unfortunately, you aren't the one to tell her.
You always thought that you weren't too special of a witch, you had the basic witchy spells down and specialized in the people who struggled on the inside... but in a more witchy sense. You also helped the witches who needed to get their powers more developed or who ones that are just behind in school. A sort of glorified counselor you suppose. It's sorta funny, especially since you aren't the most confident, how you can talk to all of the girls. When it boils down to it you are just a witchy gal searching for love. Specifically Cordelia's. It could never happen though.
Your love life wasn't the only area you lacked in before Robicheauxs, you had been struggling to find a job suited for your interests. Let's just say that you have a lifetime ban from one of the Mcdonalds in Louisiana. Fire and grease doesn't mix.
Of course, if it wasn't for dear, sweet, precious, Cordelia, you would be living on the streets. Luckily that didnt happen and so here you are today, three months in to your teaching position at Robicheauxs.
Oh, the moment, "You're hired. I look forward to expanding the academy's family and getting to know you better especially," left the Supremes lips, the better off you were.
And yet, even with all of the joy that comes with finally getting paid, there were the challenges as well. For starters, everyone was extremely nice to you, even though you kept mostly to yourself, there was this one person that made this heaven more hellish. Madison the bitch witch Montgomery.
You had been warned by Zoe, your closest confidante in this new place and also Madisons freaking girlfriend, that she was no pleasant peach. Never in all of your doubtful thoughts, had how bad it actually was crossed your mind. It was never the cockiness that got to you, you had a different appreciation for it than most. Found the confidence refreshing almost. No, no no no no. It was in fact, that she was constantly trying to dig up dirt on you.
"You're too much of a goody two shoes y/n," she once stated with a glare. The same day you had heard Zoe squabbling about something and your name came up. Your name and the fact Madison had stolen your wallet to look at your license. It turned up later on your bed stand.
Madison's a lover of Zoe and drama you've come to find out.
It's harmless though really, you dont mind the extra bit of attention that comes with it. Its flattering so no need to complain to anybody, especially not Cordelia.
Cordelia, mmm, yeah now shes the biggest threat here. She is the reason you got this job and might be the reason you lose it.
She once caught you with your doodle journal. It was a harmless question,
"Y/n, what're you drawing?" She looked over your shoulder. You almost jumped out of your skin and your sketchbook went flying.
"Oh dear, are you alright?" She worried her lips a bit. Her big, plump, kissable lips. Come on Y/n, get out of it.
"Yes," you squeaked. Sinking farther into the sofa. She chuckled her beautiful chuckle and sat on the couch arm.
"So, what was my favorite school counselor drawing just then?" She questioned. Glancing to the thrown book.
Your face went red.
"Uh-" you paused, come on you're making it a bigger deal than it has to be, "you." You couldn't look into her eyes.
She gazed at you at you and it felt like a hole was being burned into your skull.
"Okay," Cordelia said, leaving it at that. Stood up and made to walk away.
"Wait!" She paused and turned back to you, seeing you scramble to get your sketchbook.
"Yes?" Her eyebrows raised in surprise.
"I- don't you want to see it?" You said and you slapped yourself mentally for about the hundredth time she walked in.
She smiled softly at you, "Of course, I thought you didn't. You looked scared to death, like bambi."
"Okay," you flipped back towards the page and cringed. It wasn't your best peice. You could never capture her beauty right.
Her eyes scanned over it, widening before squinting with her grin.
"It's so good!" She gasped.
"Yes, that is Cordelia Goode," you joked in a monotone manner. She slapped your shoulder jokingly, making you snort.
"You nerd, I didn't mean it that way. Either way, you did a fantastic job! I wished I looked as good as you make me seem," she muttered the last bit, bit you heard it. It saddens you to remember the damage Fiona did.
"Hey, Cordy," you started. You realized that you used a nickname that Madison did, but she doesn't seem to care.
"You know what I think? I think that you're wrong. You see I just can't for the life of me get your soft proud loving smile right. Your eyes aren't as warm and glowing as they are in reality. I couldn't manage to picture the right placement for those worry lines or crowd feet you have. You might not like them, but to me they show that you worry and care and that you laugh at the stupidest of things, which is a trait I adore. You are more perfect than any Davinci or Van Gogh," you say. You don't like when your friends feel bad about themselves.
Cordelia's tearing up a bit and wiles it away. "Didn't know you were a goddamn poet too?" She joked with a giggle, "thanks y/n, sometimes I need to hear something like that."
"No problem Cordelia," I can't help it, you're my muse, is what you want to say.
"Well, I have some paperwork, but it was nice to see ya," she hurriedly excused and rushed out.
Unbeknownst to you, Madison was watching. She knew exactly how to get dirt on you now. She had something all along.
The next week you spent daydreaming about Cordy...elia, you couldnt help but go back to that conversation. You needed to be more discrete, way more descrete.
So you made sure to draw your crush no more. That didn't change the fact you forgot to destroy the evidence in writing.
You had slept in a little too late, so in a rush you were to get to your office. The reason you had being you daydreaming about Cordelia and yours faux life together a little too long.
A bunch of new juicy stuff for Madison as she snatched it from your bedside table. It was too easy really.
She opened it up to the first page. It acted like a normal diary, just stating checklists of things to do and things you did. The size was fairly large, so skipping a few pages till she got to the juicy stuff and the part where you actually did know Cordy wasn't harmful.
It was a barf fest of emotion. "Oh Cordelia is so awesome, oh I'm so lucky to work with Cordelia, oh my, I won't ever get a chance with Cordelia, she's the supreme!"
"Ew," Madison groaned, whipping out her phone.
Then she found it, the goldmine of confessions. It was all the way in the back, meaning you had wrote it recently.
"Dear, myself
Cordelia today caught me drawing a picture of herself and said something I didn't particularly enjoy listening about herself. I can't believe Fiona would send her into such a deep hatred of herself that even with her gone she's hurting. She's no mother. Cordelia is the love of my life, even if I'm not hers, she deserves all the love I can give. She's not broken, but she just needs someone to love her and I do. I promise to give her as much love as possible without her finding out what kind it really is, I'm in love, I swear.
Sincerely, Y/N."
So she snapped a picture of the page.
After school was over Cordelia was not expecting Madison to barge into her office. Let alone with something regarding YOU of all people.
"Cordy, I've got something to tell you about y/n!" Madison sang out, waving her phone in front of Cordelia's face as she sat on top her desk.
Madison was just careless with others and too carried g about herself. It was the perfect storm. The only person who could ever take it too far to just prove a point. That there was something wrong with you.
If Madison Montgomery had taken one moment to actually think about it, she was just jealous. Jealous that another person at the coven was better than her to Cordelia. She was one spoiled bitch growing up. Guess it backfired.
"What?" Cordelia questioned in concern, "Is she okay? Madison what did you do to her!?" Her thoughts raced, Madison's pranks often went a little too far. She did kill Misty.
"Now now Cordy, don't get your panties in a twist. Here read this," Madison demanded to her supreme, she shoved it into her face and Cordelia grabbed it.
Her eyes expected headlines on the news or a mugshot, but she realized it was just your writing.
"Madison," she warned.
"Come on, I know you can read!" Madison poked Cordelia's forehead, prompting a slap from the Supreme.
Ms. Goode exhaled, "Fine."
Her eyes fluttered over the words, brows furrowing with every sentence. She couldn't comprehend, could she read?? It seemed to her as if her brain was creating what she wanted to see, but no, you wrote it. Unfortunately.
Everything's silent. Then the thought flits across her head, you like her back.
"In love, I swear."
Oh she's mad. Not at you, no, she could never. Madison on the other hand better,
"Get out of my office right now," Cordelia whispered. Madison's smile faltered.
"What, didn't you want to know your feelings are reciprocated? Come on, I'm just trying to get you two to speed up the process." Madison hopped of the desk and sauntered out.
What has she done.
Cordelia was wracked with guilt for awhile, with no way to tell you either. How does one even go about telling someone they read their deepest darkest secrets. How!?
She couldn't, so she did what she could. She pulled away from you and into her work. All of those lunches spent together stopped. The nights in the green house gone. Reading together on the weekends by the fire, gone.
And it left you empty. You had no idea what you did, but you must've done something.
So you decided to confront her, you hadn't gone much sleep since, so you were literally and figuratively tired of all of this shit.
Your knock on the door startled Cordelia, but your presence startled her even more. Both of you looked like wrecks.
"Oh, Y/n! Please, come in," Cordelia gestured and you did, closing the door behind you.
It was then that you finally broke down.
"What did I do Delia!?" You sobbed, falling to your knees. Yes it was dramatic and not even you expected it but you were holding your emotions for so long.
"Oh," Cordelia briskly moved over to you, concern painted on her face. She was watching you carefully, you looked so fragile. Just like she had felt at times.
"I'm sorry," you whimpered, "What did I do?" Her hand tilted your head towards her, but you still couldn't look into her brown eyes, opting for the floor. If you did, you probably wouldn't be able to look away.
"Y/n look at me sweetie," the nicknames never failed to make your heart soar. It was your weakness, your eyes met and they were glued there.
"What did I do?"
"Nothing nothing!" She took a deep breath, "I saw a page from your journal."
You froze, terror crept up your spine.
"Oh my god. Um Cordelia I am so sorry, you, wow I- god I'm so creepy! It's perfectly fine if you want to not be my friend or fire me. I didn't do it to be weird, it was how I expressed myself. I was trying to hide it I promise, i dont even know what happened!?"
"I'm gonna kill Madison, faster than my mother did," Cordelia groaned.
"Wh-" your brain malfunctions. Is-Is Cordelia kissing you? Right now?
Indeed she was and just like you dreamed about, her lips were so soft and her kiss gentle.
Maybe Madison could be forgiven... but not without a harsh talk.
"In love, I swear," she repeated in a whisper against your lips.
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Hes one of my favorites not sorry
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-guess who got spotted? Ultra Magnus
-well we're taking you back to the base
-he found you extremely childish and it annoyed him to a T
-And of course Optimus appointed him as your partner
-yay for him-
-Once he actually- finally- for god saken- took the time to actually get to know you, he didnt find you as annoying
-you were being bullied one day outside the school and the bulky threw you into the side of Magnus' alt mode- the door suddenly went flying open must've been a bad bolt
-Not to long after the same group of bullies keyed Magnus' alt form:
"Aw shes gonna cry!" One of the boys teased.
"Why? Did your sugar daddy tell you if you wreck it you'll actually have to do something for them." Another spoke.
"Aw. I knew she was a-"
The thrid boy was grabbed by the throat as his hands clawed at the wrist of the teen who held him, causing the other two to back up slightly.
"Touch any of my shit again and I'll bury you myself."
She threw him to the side, catching himself on his feet he held his neck with a hand, gritting his teeth he glared at her.
"Who do you think your talking to!?" He argued, catching the attention of kids near by.
She turned to look at him just to be punched in the face falling to the floor from the sudden force that knocked her off her balance.
"Dude! The hell! Your gonna get us in trouble!" One of the boys shouted.
The teen ignored him toppling over Y/n straddling her stomach, as he delivered brutal puches to her face. Kids started to gather cheering on the male as Y/n pushed him off her and return the favor, causing and either louder up roar."
"I told you!" She shouted punching him in the face.
A broken nose
A black eye
A busted lip
Her final blow was stopped when teachers pulled them apart.
"You broke my nose!" The teen cried.
"Well then go cry to your mom who I fucked last night!"
-Did Magnus just see what he thought? The seemingly innocent cheerful girl looking more scarrier than a decepticon out with a bloodlust
-he waited until you were able to come out- even though the kids had informed him via comn link she'd go home with her parents- you came out alone, him being the only thing there:
"I don't want to go with you today Magnus."
"I'd prefer if you did come with me." Magnus stated
Y/n frowned as she looked at the deep key job.
"Im not allowed back for a week."
"I figured so."
The door opened as Y/n only followed as she hopped in.
-did he- did he just be n i c e?!
-Instead of taking you to the street corner as usual he took you. He drove you around, mindlessly
-you ended up falling asleep so he took you back to base, unknowing of what to do with you, he he held your small form in his large servo, luckily nurse June had showed up sometime before to help with something and she was able to lay you down on the couch.
-Optimus has asked what happened as you were littered with brusies and cuts, Magnus explained and took full blame but Miko backed him up
-Magnus said one of the humans should contact Y/n's parents- Nurse June looked worried as she knew you were lacking in the depart of family.
-so she advised to keep her in base saying , "well if they didnt even bother to pick her up why worry right?
-Everyone found that extremely off as a cover June said: "well you like her right? She'll tell you whats wrong?"
-Arcee choked at that sentence, Ratchet actually laughed, wheeljsck was given ammo to fuel is annoyingness, Bulkhead was extremely uncomfortable, the two youngsters were like "hold up" and Optimus like a proud dad- brother- figure thing- smiled to himself
-Magnus was completely embarssed but kept it under wraps.
-miko was completely shocked when she figured it out
-"Magnus go scout" "thank you sir"
-you woke up to a dark room looking around you seemed to be on a cot, and Ultra Magnus was sleeping in the berth above you- wait- WHERE YOU IN HIS ROOM?!
-He woke up as soon as he heard you wake up.
-it was only silence at first, but he ended up thanking you in a way, saying it was arrogant but brave of you
-you thanked him for helping you as well
-cue the speaking at the same time
-confession was kinda werid tbh:
"So..." y/n spoke.
"Suppose you know about me then? All of it?" Y/n asked, "Im sure Nurse Darby told you."
"No, nothing was said about you." Magnus spoke.
It was silent for a few mintues the air thick and the only thing used as a light source was Magnus' bright optics.
"If you wish you can tell me." Magnus informed.
"Right..." y/n breathed in, "My uh mother...she died while I was being born....my dad commited a murder-suicide, he said it was my fault in his will."
"I am sorry." Magnus spoke softly then paused for a long second, "How do you do it?"
Y/n looked up at him, "do what?"
"Your as enetergic and as arrogant as Rodimus, your sparks would be one in the same." Magnus told, "but your well rounded as if you were a high ranking assistant to Alpha Trion. Then you deal with what would take most well trainned mechs off the feild."
Y/n shrugged, "I suppose..." y/n paused, "I dont want anyone else to leave me, it's tiring being alone."
Magnus answered awfully quick, "I would never leave you, you have too much meaning in my life."
-Woah wait! He didn't but did mean that!
-you ended up asking who Rodimus was and you both talked through the night.
-you guys were closer than ever after that
-he attempted to tell you out more straight forward but failed for a while
-when he finally told you- you were all like: Oh I know
-cue dating??????? Poor man hes so confused
-nothing changed much he loved being with you either way- with dating he just became more and more worried for each other
-Acree has extreme suspicions of you two
-you guys were going good, open with one another and honest, it was a pretty loving relationship
-that "Im Lutenit" shit dont slide with you
-you guys like driving in the rain, he especially like it if you've calmed down from a hetic week and fell asleep getting the resr you deserve
-when he lost his hand in combat and had it replaced with a new one you went to a tattoo shop and asked for stitching as if someone has stiched your fingers back together, you proceeded to go up to Magnus afterwards and tell him you guys were just alike now
-He got angery you hurt yourself- well he thought you hurt yourself- he couldn't stay mad at you
-Guess who squared up on the predaking? You and this is how it happened:
Magnus had been knocked to the side with the two wreckers. You who had came our from behind a Boulder shouted at the dino-mechanism
"Hey You!"
The giant beast looked towards you, "yeah you!"
Rushing its way over it screeched in Y/n's face, "Oh blow it out your ass!"
The schreeching stopped as Y/ns arms crossed
"How dare you!-" and you raged ON.
-The predaking is now warry of the autobots
-Wheeljack was given even more ammo to mess with Ultra Magnus now knowing you two were dating
-except Ultra Magnus to see you in a whole knew light of being a strong hooman and finding it absolutely memorizing and beautiful
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (2) | T.H.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Kate and Harrison question Y/N on why she really left Tom. Natalie and Harrison become Tom’s shoulder to cry on. Another message?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
A/N: By popular demand, Ive decided to continue Happier! Thank you for the support !
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The only word that can describe Y/N and Tom’s experience after being apart for a whole week. The feeling where you wake up from an awful nightmare praying to never experience it again. The only difference, this was no nightmare. It was very much real.
Happiness and love were now just meaningless words for them. Days and nights can pass, but the emptiness in their hearts stayed. While Y/N had her fair share of reasons for being apart, Tom still couldnt understand. She had to have known that no matter what, Tom would always pick her. With the slightest ounce of hope, he’d text Y/N at least once a day to make sure she was okay. But each unanswered text brought a wave of disappointment.
“Hey mate...Cmon I know you’re waiting for her, but now’s not the time.” Harrison explained, his heart breaking for his best friend. “You need to give her the space she needs.”
“I just cant believe she really left me.” Tom muttered. His head hung low, hair an unruly mess, and his facial hair sprouting, but his eyes remained the same. Brown, puffy and welled up with tears. “All because of these stupid fucking rumors!” He yelled out in frustration throwing his phone at the closet. Tom sulked into the closet to grab his phone, right next to it was a small box that contained a promise he was going to make to her, had everything not gone all to shit.
“Shit...” Harrison muttered. “You were going to propose to her.” He knew Tom was bound to pop the question to Y/N, but he never thought he’d see the day that she would fall out and leave his best friend. Yet, it all seemed off. In the time he knew Y/N, she was never the one to give up, especially when it came to Tom.
“Yeah...I was going to ask on our anniversary next month. I love her...more than anything.” Tom confessed, staring at the diamond cut ring. “Before she left, she wished me happiness. Saying I’d be happier with Natalie, but i just don’t believe that.”
Harrison was about to open his mouth, when Natalie popped in their doorway, giving a small sympathetic smile. “Hey...I heard you two in the hallway. Is everything alright?” She asked.
“Mmm..Nat. I don’t think now’s the —”
“No it’s okay. She can come in.” Tom interrupted Harrison as he gestured Natalie to sit with them.
“Look. I know you’re upset by the whole thing, but you shouldn’t have to be.” She explained, her hand rubbing Tom’s for comfort. “She left you. For what? Because she couldn’t ignore a few comments about us...When there wasnt an us to begin with? She just didn’t care about you as much as you thought she did.”
“Yeah, but Natalie this is Y/N and Tom. The bond between them was supposed to be unbreakable. They’re practically soulmates.” Harrison argued. “It doesn’t mean that Y/N didnt care for him.”
“Look Im just saying if she really loved Tom with all her heart she wouldnt have left him because of me.” Natalie spoke out, flipping her dirty blonde hair to the side. She grabbed Tom’s hand again, and gently stroked soft circles. For Tom it felt good, but it wasn’t Y/N’s touch. Y/N would have traced squiggly lines on the top of his hand because it was less boring.
Harrison scoffed at her gesture. Sure he had known Natalie to be a flirt at times but never picked her to be the friend that got too friendly with another after a messy breakup. “I’ll be back. Have to make a call.” He muttered as he walked away from the most cringey and awkward situation a person has ever been in.
As Harrison made his call, Natalie scooted closer to Tom, leaning on his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around him. “Tom...I know it hurts, but you have to believe she wasn’t right for you. There are so many girls out there that could treat you better.”
“What like you?” Tom rolled his eyes as he put the ring away.
“If you wanted me, yes I could. I’d handle your career and your personality better than anyone else. I dont want to seem forward but I always imagined you’d end up with me. Its silly but I wanted that with you, the whole romantic movie experience.” She explained, endlessy spilling out her idealistic fantasy with him.
Tom was shocked by what he heard. To him Natalie was just a friend he had known most of his life. Maybe there was one time he did have a slight crush on her but that was just it. It was an attraction and nothing more. He thought for a great deal, wondering if this was where it all went wrong. Maybe he should have listened to Y/N more. “Tom did you hear what I said?” Natalie spoke up again, this time threading her fingers on the nape of his neck.
Tom shrugged her off, as he shook his head. He couldnt do this right now, he needed to be alone. “Look lets deal with this another time. I just...I really need to run right now...alone.” Tom excused himself as he grabbed his airpods and quickly left the room. Truthfully he always hated running, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Meanwhile back in the States, Y/N still felt the affects of her heartbreak. She trudged through the New York apartment like a zombie with no purpose, waiting for someone to finish her off already. It wasn’t like she wanted to break it off, but it was the only logical solution at the time. The only problem, it built off a lifetime of regrets.
Kate watched Y/N from afar, the message she read still clouding her mind. Her best friend was terrible at keeping secrets, let alone she was always the first person Y/N would go to if she ever had one. She observed her very closely, waiting for Y/N to come to her.
Kate felt the usual vibrations of someone calling her phone. Again another unknown number? It was almost similar to the one Y/N had recieved. Maybe it was a robo-call or a psychotic fan, which if it was she’d have to talk with Tom about. A mental note she promised she would get too.
“Listen I dont know who you are, but if its the same person that sent my best friend a threatening message that she’s better off breaking up with her boyfriend...I swear to God I’ll fucking punch you in the face.” Kate threatened, her eyes glaring and fist balling up on the counter.
“Whoa...chill out. It’s me, Harrison. Im a friend of Tom’s.”
Kate looked up with surprise with a helpful pinch of embarassment and relief. “Oh. Hey, what’s up?”
“Nothing. I just wanted to know how Y/N’s holding up. I know she broke up with Tom, but something’s just not right about this. Has she told you anything?” Harrison confessed.
Kate shook her head as she continued to watch Y/N lie on the couch mindlessy scrolling through an already watched list on Netflix. “No. It’s like her soul left her body. I can barely get through to her.”
“Blimey, it’s the same with Tom. This is ridiculous, we should just get them together so they can talk about it.” Harrison groaned, thinking how stupid this all was. They could have saved each from the heartbreak and depression. “Are you sure there’s nothing she told you?”
Kate hesitated for a moment on whether she should answer. “Well... there may be one thing, but she didnt talk per say. It’s more of what I found.”
Harrison stood up, intrigued by her response. “Oh really what did you find?”.
Kate was about to answer until she hear a text go off on her phone.
I wouldnt say anything if I were you 😚
She squinted at the text when another popped up.
That is...if you want to keep your friendship with Y/N 🤫
“Uhh..it was nothing actually. Just found a wallpaper of her and Tom. She hasnt changed it since they broke up and she got a couple of messages......from Tom.” She lied haphazardly.
Harrison was confused and disappointed by her answers, knowing it led to nothing. While Kate was a great liar among all things, this wasn’t her best work. Of course it was all planned in hopes that Harrison, if he was really smart enough, could figure it out.
Harrison was not that smart, but he was a good lie detector, and that was all he needed to know something was definitely up and Natalie, although may be a good friend of his, became a prime suspect.
@hollanddolanfangirl @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams
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shhh-no-ones-home · 4 years
december 18 - chris motionless
title: die hard for the holidays
prompt: Person A has secret feelings for person B. person B has secret feelings for person A. one of them suggests having dinner together for the holidays since neither of them will be spending time with their families and all their other friends are busy
request from: @svintsandghosts
tag list: @musicsexandpizza69 @alilpunkrock @cynic-spirit @theoneandonlykymberlee @thisplace-ishaunted @lifeisabitchandsoareyou 
@xyours-eternallyx @joeynihil 
i looked over his newest Instagram post and sighed. god was i that desperate? simping over my best friend? of course i was, but we'd known each other long enough that i knew nothing would ever come of it. when my phone dinged it almost startled me, prompting me to look up at the new text notification. it was my mother. i sighed, opening it and reading it.
"dads sick, doctor says its viral so we wont be able to do Christmas this year. i hope you and your siblings can get together to do something else but if not that's okay. we both hope you have a blessed Christmas anyway and will be mailing gifts out in the next week. love you."
i hummed to myself before answering her.
"hope dad gets better soon and send him my best. i don't see any of them making plans to get together but i guess we'll see. ill mail gifts too if you're okay with that and hopefully ill see you in the new year. love you both."
i closed my phone and set it upside down on my chest, rubbing my hands over my face.
"so much for getting out of the house."
i said to myself. then my phone dinged again, making me roll my eyes in annoyance. to my surprise though it was a text from Chris.
"mom cancelled Christmas this year cause they won a cruise lol. you doing anything?"
i sat up abruptly and typed back.
"my dads sick so mine was cancelled too. when and where do you want me? lol"
i waited patiently for a second before seeing a new message.
"hope he gets better soon. but how about Christmas eve, dinner at my place?"
i nodded quickly to myself.
"ill be there."
when the day finally came i wasn't quite sure what to do with myself. we'd hung out millions of times but this was the first time we'd be together for Christmas alone. usually we all had a party with the band and other friends but that was pushed to new years. lets just say i was beyond nervous. plus he told me to dress nice, whatever that meant. no matter what it meant to him, here i was stood in front of my full body mirror, looking over the sparkling blue velvet dress i had on.
"this is too fancy."
i said, moving to my closet. as i started flipping through things i heard my phone buzz. it was Chris.
"you on your way?"
i looked to the time. shit, it was almost six.
"getting my shoes on now. ill be there in fifteen."
i replied. so much for changing. i grabbed a Christmas jumper and pajama pants just in case and shoved them in a bag, pulling my heels on and running out the door. the car ride was fairly quiet, apart from the light Christmas music playing through the radio and my complains about the snow. i wish i would've known it was supposed to snow but it was a little late for that i guess.
as i pulled into his apartment complex parking lot i could see his Christmas tree through the open window. it looked nice, covered in colorful lights and shiny ornaments. i got out of my car and walked quickly across the lot and up the stairs to the second floor, knocking on his door and shivering as the snow flew around me. when he opened the door he offered a wide smile.
"hey! how's it going?"
he asked as he pulled me in for a hug. i breathed in deeply, trying to warm up.
"I'm good, and you?"
i asked as he let me into his apartment. i still felt over dressed, even seeing him in his button down and tie, the two peaking out from under his sweater.
"oh ya know, same old same old. i hope you're hungry, cause dinners about ready."
he said excited and i laughed.
"you know me, never not hungry."
i said and he sent me a knowing look.
"how about you go sit, and ill bring it out."
he said, motioning to the made up table. i nodded.
"you sure you dont want help with anything?"
i asked and he shook his head.
"of course not, you get to be the guest this time, now go relax."
he instructed.
"okay, okay, im going."
i said as he pointed, a demanding look on his face.
after dinner we both worked on dishes and things before moving to the couch, the lights all out except the tree as he looked for a movie to watch.
"im glad we could get together for this."
he said, clicking the remote and i smiled.
"you and me both. i think this is the first year i would've been alone since moving out of my parents place."
he laughed a little bit.
"you and me both. even when im not home i still usually have the band to be with."
i nodded solemnly.
"speaking of which, how are they all doing? i feel like i haven't talked to any of them in a while."
i said and he shrugged.
"theyre as good as they always are, keeping busy thats for sure. but youll get to see them for new year."
he mentioned and i nodded.
"yeah i guess so."
it was quiet for a moment, and i looked over him, his focus still on the tv.
"got any suggestions?"
he asked and i hummed.
"uh, no, not really."
i said bashfully, catching his eye when he turned his head with a frown. i guess i wasnt exactly making it subtle that i was staring at him huh? oh well.
"how about die hard?"
he asked and i laughed.
"oh yeah, a christmas classic."
i said sarcastically as he clicked on it.
"you know it."
he said, setting the remote on the coffee table, settling back into the couch. i thought for a second before slipping my arm into his and resting my head on his shoulder.
"you cold?"
he asked and i nodded, looking up as he pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and down over me.
i said, getting comfortable against him again. we sat like that for most of the movie, until i heard him yawn, then he moved to rest his head against mine. i smiled to myself, sliding my hand slowly into his as it rested against my knee. when the movie finally ended neither of us moved.
"ya know, it looks pretty bad out there, maybe you should stay."
he said, never once looking away from the tv. i could feel a small smile making its way to my lips as we sat there cuddled together on the couch.
"you sure? i wouldnt want to be an inconvenience."
i said, feeling his head lift off mine and prompting me to look at him. he squeezed my hand.
"you're never an inconvenience. and besides i wouldnt want you to get stuck in the snow or anything."
i smiled at him.
"i guess i cant argue with that logic, huh."
i confirmed and he nodded his head once.
"great, we can watch another movie then and then go to bed together."
he said, freezing for a second.
"i mean, uh, not together together. but, like, uh-"
he said, flustered, tripping over his words. i pressed a finger to his lips gently.
"its okay chris. i get what you mean."
i said and he sighed.
"fuck it, i did mean together."
he said, slipping his hand out of mine and bring it up to cup my face. he pushed forward and kissed me fervently. a thousand things rushed through my brain at once as i melted into his touch but at the moment none of them mattered. all that mattered was that he felt the same. when he pulled away i didnt open my eyes just yet, sitting there trying to engrave into my memory exactly what he felt and tasted like. when i opened my eyes he was staring down at me, his lips sucked in like he messed something up.
i said softly, laughing a little bit.
"im sorry, i shouldn't have done that."
he said, looking down. i shook my head.
"like hell."
i said, making him look to me in shock. i grabbed his face and kissed him again, his hand moving to the back of my head as our mouths moved together. when we both pulled away for air we panted lightly, smiling at each other like idiots.
"it took ya long enough."
i said, making him laugh.
"merry christmas y/n."
he said, stroking my cheek lightly with his thumb and i could feel a blush rising to my face.
"merry christmas chris."
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blueclearcloud · 4 years
Hello everyone, here's my full of spoilers opinion on aggretsuko no one asked for or wanted.
Haida should not get with Retsuko in general. In season 3, Retsuko is still struggling with the job she hates but this time with virtual escapism, mood. The problem is the gambling mechanics and manipulative micro-transactions that get her almost broke. So she is prime to be manipulated into accepting an odd position from a guy who she rams into by accident. He manages an underground idol group. Long story short she becomes the 4th member and a stalker fan does not like that.
She definitely should have taken it more seriously and not been so trusting but I dont blame her. I DO BLAME NETFLIX FOR NOT ADDING TRIGGER WARNINGS FROM THE 1ST EP HE FOLLOWS HER TO HER HOUSE.
So he attacks her and the show makes Haida go save her cause somehow he was able to hear her phone convo? They could have easily had all her work friends wanna walk with her or even have Haida stop and ask to walk with her to make it make more sense. So yea, he protects her from her stalker and she holes up in her parents house which is extremely fair and the right thing to do. She was basically doxxed of her home and workplace and attacked. Of course she needs to do this.
But the show straight up called this weak and sets up Haida as "the right person" for her by giving him no punishment for dragging her out when she only had a few days to recover. This is just all kinds of wrong.
Maybe it would be alright if all her friends came to the house to support her and be there for her but this show has to jack hammer Haida to be Retsuko's savior with his "love" when he barely chose her and waited for Inui to break it off herself. Like, just bc someone saves you or does something for you does not mean u are obligated ANYTHING TO THEM including your feelings. Retsuko had every right to be alone and recuperate for a while after that and SHE WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN WEAK FOR DOING THAT. But no, Haida has to be with her by forcing his way into it rather than writing Retsuko ACTUALLY CHOOSING HIM! Her getting with Haida conflicts with every theme and breakup of Aggretsuko's. Her choosing what she wants herself is always portrayed as what's best for everyone involved. If she rejects Haida, he should respect that, but he doesn't and obsesses over someone who actively does not want him romantically. If Haida is supposed to be endgame, this contradicts every theme and violates Retsuko's wishes. The show has not done a good job writing this relationship. It is portraying Retsuko as in debt to Haida and stupid for not recognizing him when she has.
They are still friends and she sees him in a positive light. She is not into him romantically and that should be ok. She has literally rejected his feelings and that IS HEALTHY AND GOOD! Haida should have gotten over her after that but instead he's this tragic figure that needs to wait for her cause he somehow cant move on. Which is stupid and unhealthy. Obviously it wont be easy after 5 years, but is violating Retsuko's wishes better? No, it's not if he truly loves her.
I'm just saying I'm not looking forward to season 4 of "let's slapdash a relationship together in 3 hours cause we didnt feel like it b4 now."
Also, I was disappointed Aggretsuko doesnt have a message of dont be ashamed of your job but acknowledge you hate it. Hyodo being a window washer shouldn't be something he's ashamed of. He provides a valuable service and we all need money to survive. But its portrayed still as something to respectfully ignore rather than respect in general.
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modern-vellichor · 3 years
Chapter 4
Summary: Bucky finally catches up with you.
Warnings: polyamory, smoking, implied substance abuse, cigarettes, alcohol consumption, broken noses/wrists, angst!!
Pairing: Steve x Bucky, Bucky x Reader, Stucky x Reader, Steve x Reader
You did as you always do. Conflict arose and you fled. You packed up your plants and your little blond boy toy and disappeared. California was a comforting new scene. After that early morning argument, neither Steve or Bucky saw you again.
Bucky was cross. It made him angry. He was angry at Steve, for many reasons. He was angry that Steve hid from him - didnt tell him about his true self - he was angry that Steve just left you walk away. He loved you, he missed you. But he loved Steve too, and for now, Steve was enough.
Steve was annoyed at you more than anything. How could you walk away from the man you loved. He was angry that you didnt say goodbye.
You, on the other hand, were thriving. Los Angeles' club scene was far brighter and more lively than New York's. It was easier to hide here, easier to get fucked up here.
Steve and Bucky learned to live without you. And you replaced them with conspicuous powders and violent pills. It wasn't a difficult transition.
Eventually, the pair ended up in the city of the angels, looking for a Hydra leader. He was supposed to be best man at a wedding up there, and so they snuck in. Things were going smoothly, until you walked up the aisle, the maid of honor. Bucky and Steve were starstruck, and thankfully, the bride arrived just as their jaws dropped.
You kept your eyes locked on Luca, who stood behind the groom, the entire ceremony. It was only at the reception when you noticed the two tall and brooding men. And you avoided them at all costs. You never sat down. You never gave them a chance to get near you. You hid in bathrooms and in crowds of rowdy drunks. But you stayed sober, head clear just in case.
Eventually the wedding died down. Partying sl owed. Then you began to notice the new focus of Steve and Bucky's attention. Their gazes were trained on the groom, who was now shifting anxiously. You slowly began to make your way towards the groom. Bucky and Steve followed. As soon as he noticed the two men beginning to approach, he bolted. You were quick on his tail. Your dress was getting in the way but you never slowed. You struggled over fences and jumped over bins and all sorts of things thrown in the way. Eventually you managed to tackle him to the ground. You broke your nose and a sickening crack sounded from your wrist as you made contact with wet cement. You can imagine what he looked like, struggling under you.
Your mind goes blank until the three of you, bar the groom, have returned to the venue. Luca is waiting anxiously, pacing around the ballroom. Bucky and Steve stood awkwardly as you embraced Luca and apologised profusely. The two of you were about to leave when Luca stopped abruptly. He turned to Bucky and Steve with a smile.
"Why don't you guys stay with us?", he asked kindly. "You've come all this way and its late. You just must be exhausted"
The two men stood in awkward silence.
"Oh, come on. We've got plenty of space!" Luca exclaimed, shoving you playfully. Bucky and Steve agreed reluctantly. Luca drove you all back to your apartment. For a long while after you arrived home, you sat in awkward silence in the living room.
After an your you stood. "I think I'm gonna go to bed"
You learned over the back of the couch to wrap your arms around Luca.
"Goodnight", you mumbled before trudging away to your bedroom.
It wasnt long after that Luca was showing Steve and Bucky to their room.
"I assume you two are together so I'm gonna put you guys in here"
He pushed open the door to reveal a bland looking guest room with a decent sized bed, enough space for the two of them.
"Y/N is a lighter sleeper than me so if you need anything, she's right next door"
Luca wished them goodnight and shut the door. And Bucky and Steve were left alone.
The two tried to get comfortable. Neither of them could sleep. After a few hours of tossing and turning, Bucky finally stood up and made for the door.
"Babe, where are you going?", Steve mumbled sleepily.
"I'm gonna go ask Y/N why the fuck she left without a goodbye"
Bucky was gone before Steve could stop him.
Bucky gently pushed open the door. His angry demeanor changed suddenly when he saw you curled up, asleep and alone.
"Bucky?", you whispered, voice sleep sodden. "Are you okay?". You say up with a worried expression. "Can I get you something?"
Sudddnely Bucky was at a loss for words. He no longer knew what he wanted. He stumbled over his words before settling on a rather morose sentence.
"Why didnt you say goodbye?"
You sighed before rolling over and switching on the dim bedside lamp. Now that Bucky could properly see your room, he realised it wasnt as bad as he suspected. He had expected you to fall back into old habits, after the breakup. But instead he found a clean room with only a crumpled box of cigarettes and a beat up lighter.
"I was mad."
Bucky wasnt sure what you were talking about for a moment. But then his mind came back to him. He took a small step forward and when you didnt respond, he took another, and another until he was stood at your bedside. You took a cigarette between your teeth and lit it before pulling back your duvet and patting the mattress. Bucky sat down and you threw the blanket over his legs. You offered him a drag of your cigarette and he took it.
"How is Steve?", you asked. You were now fully awake, taking your cigarette from Bucky before he could finish it.
"Hes good, getting better. He was real bad after you-"
"I mean how is Steve to you", you interrupted. Bucky sighed.
"He's good. Hes great. I could show you how great he is if you just come back to us. Just give us a week and if you dont like it you can leave. No hard feelings"
You rubbed your eyes and took a deep breath. "Sure"
Bucky was sure that should you have been more awake, you would have said no. A hard pass. He got lucky.
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writingbakery · 4 years
“tapewebs”; a series 🕸
hanta sero is just your regular everyday japanese-american immigrant college student, living in the heart of brooklyn. when miles morales collapses on the windowsill of his shitty one bedroom apartment, life gets.... a hell of a lot more interesting 🕷
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[a spiderman! sero au one shot series, featuring class 1-A, hanta sero, miles morales, an assortment of marvel villains, & you, dear reader - the object of one tapespider’s affections ✨]
[pairing; sero x gender neutral reader 🕸]
[warnings; fluff, violence, action, angst, romance, & a lot of tape/spider puns 🕸]
“Sticky Note Origins”
───── ⋆🕸⋆ ─────
the city is prettier up high, sero realizes. granted, he wishes he’d come to that conclusion on solid ground, without his feet nervously planted on a skyscraper ledge, but still.
every whip of wind threatens to topple him over, send him careening down into a frenzied spiral of buildings and colors until he meets concrete at the bottom - and he’s supposed to willingly jump.
he wonders if he’ll pass out before his bones meet solid mass, cracking in so many different ways the coroner’ll have to play connect the fragments until he’s a person again.
behind him, an impatient cough sounds, bringing him back to the task at hand. fuck.
you’re probably wondering how he got here. let’s rewind a week.
one week earlier
at ten pm on a friday, the city is in its prime, bustling crowds of people laughing and stumbling through the brightly colorful streets. hanta’s just trying to protect his pad thai & dumplings, hugging the greasy paper bag to his chest as he weaves in and out of the chaos.
a day full of long classes & a quiet shift at the cafe-slash-bookstore halfway between campus and his crap one bedroom apartment leaves him exhausted, shoulders hunched as he makes his way home. nobody ever sees him regardless - the city’s too big for one lanky, always tired beanpole to be much notice.
despite living in brooklyn since he was four, he’s never felt a hundred percent comfortable here - he had an accent right up until he was thirteen, still trips over certain words and customs that don’t exist back home in japan. he’s awkwardly tall, not enough to be a phenomenon but towering over all his family. he just doesn’t quite fit anywhere - too smart and plain to be popular, too boring to be with the jokesters, too awkward for the nerds. he’s been a loner all his life, and while he doesn’t mind too much, he just wishes it was a little easier to belong.
a text rolls across his phone screen as he’s shuffling songs, skipping some j-pop rock song to settle on kendrick lamar as he smiles. you. he couldn’t lie and say he was completely alone, not when he had you in his life.
you were a year younger than him but twice as smart, skipping a year ahead and landing yourself in hanta’s high school freshman english class. the pair of you had just... clicked, from the very first moment he pointed to shakespeare’s likeness on the cover and mocked “what, you egg?!”
your laughter had left him on cloud nine the entire day, and he made it his personal mission to hear that beautiful little giggle at least once a day for the rest of his life.
a lovely friendship had bloomed from there, the two of you joined at the hip - if you were somewhere, hanta was bound to follow & vice versa.
you’d even gotten into the same college, albeit for drastically different majors - he was a biochem/engineering double major, while you were an english/history double major. you were opposite but similar in so many ways, and the way you both completed each other didnt go unnoticed by sero.
you were his puzzle piece, the bits of him he’d never been able to fill easily made whole by your presence.
he could never tell you, however; your friendship was too precious to risk, especially over his dumb, emotional heart.
sending a string of laughing emojis towards the meme you sent, he jogs up the seven flights of dimly lit stairs to his tiny, one bedroom apartment - living in the city wasn’t cheap, & while the elevator was always busted at least he had a doorman, and heat that worked on occasion.
stepping into his apartment, however, he can immediately sense something is wrong; the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, a heavy silence coating the darkness. the air feels wrong, tipsy turvy like the whole place is holding its breath - like something’s on the verge of exploding, catapulting him into chaos and danger.
quietly stepping through the living room, he peeks into the kitchen and bathroom, holding his backpack out like a makeshift weapon - his $200 biology textbook finally going to good use. finding nothing in either dark room, he slowly advances towards his bedroom, carefully measuring every step. at first, the room seems perfectly normal - nothing’s been moved, and it’s just as empty as the rest of his apartment.
and then he sees the blood.
dotting his windowsill in bright, red streaks, the window itself pushed halfway open - but that’s not what stops him in his tracks, eyes so wide it hurts.
spiderman is leaning against his windowsill, covered in blood and panting heavily, one hand held up in an effort to stop hanta in his tracks.
“i need...... help,” he whispers, voice rough and low; hanta’s amazed he can still speak.
he opens his mouth to react, somehow, even steps forward to catch him before screaming like a ten year old girl at a morgue, panic setting in like cold water.
never a dull night in brooklyn.
───── ⋆🕸⋆ ─────
once he’s made sure that spiderman - miles, as the young man bleeding all over his $12 walmart carpet supplies - isn’t going to die anytime soon, hanta’s quick to recover from his shock. bustling around his tiny kitchen to make cheap ramen and digging around in his closet to find his mini first aid kit, he’s in full fanboy mode - he’s got posters plastered wall to wall of miles morales on his bedroom walls, for gods sakes. not that he knew it was miles morales, but still.
miles morales is curled up in the fleece blanket hanta’s mom had sent him his second week at college, and he’s totally not freaking out.
he’d had to cancel his nightly facetime call with you, lying about a stomach bug - he hates keeping things from you, but this is just too big and messy and dangerous. he’ll tell you in due time, he promises himself, trying to ease the coil of guilt in his stomach.
“how did you end up on my windowsill, again?” hanta asks, gently pushing the bowl of noodles towards the injured man. he’s got his own pad thai long forgotten in the microwave, more focused on the superhero who’d gotten his ass whooped on his doorstep, so to speak.
“i told you. i’d been watching you for a while - you’re the most promising candidate i have.” miles’ voice is slick with humor, a sort of teasing confidence that’s clear even through the pain.
“which i’m still not understanding - candidate for what? blood services? biology questions? how to make $20 last two weeks??” he knows he’s being childish, too joking for the severity of the situation, but he can’t help it. the neighborhood’s - and his own - hero is sitting in front of him, eating shitty 33¢ ramen from the bodega around the corner, telling him he’s a prime candidate.
“to take the mantle.” all traces of laughter are gone now, miles leaning forward on the table to emphasize his words. “i’ve been doing this long enough to know when to quit. my body’s giving out on me - i got slammed into a wall last week and couldn’t shake the pain till yesterday. before, i’d be fine within an hour. the city needs someone new, young, willing to take the risks.”
hanta’s ears stopped listening the moment he heard quit. “me? are you fuckin’ joking?” he wheezes, coughing his way past the shock. “i get winded walking up to my apartment! an old lady beat me to the c train yesterday! a strong wind could kick my ass!”
miles is either willfully ignoring him or just can’t hear, plowing ahead with his explanation. “you’ve got the perfect build for webswinging, and you’ve got a good heart - you know when to do the right thing and when to step away. leave the rest up to me, and trust me - i know what i’m doing.”
hanta can’t believe his ears, pushing away from the table to pace around his kitchen in panic. “i don’t till you understand, you’ve got the wrong guy - there’s no way i could be spiderman!” his words are falling on deaf ears - miles is standing too, and he doesn’t seem to care about hanta’s impending panic.
“you’ve got to trust me on this, alright? meet me tomorrow, at this address - 12 pm sharp. the city needs you, hanta - hell, i need you. just have a little faith.”
hanta scoffs at that, throwing his hands in the air. “faith?! i met you an hour ago, bleeding all over my windowsill! that’s not exactly the most- hey! where the hell...” there’s nothing but a blanket, a hastily scrawled address, and an empty bowl where miles had sat, leaving hanta alone with his thoughts.
───── ⋆🕸⋆ ─────
hanta pushes through the crowds of people at eleven am the next morning, half asleep but wired enough to power the whole city - hell, the whole goddamned country. he’s running on no sleep, adrenaline, two redbulls & the guilt of lying to you again, his “stomach bug” keeping him from class. he’d told you he was going to visit his parents for the weekend to recover; your sweet messages in response only made him feel worse.
he’s tossed and turned over this decision a million times & yet, he’s still not sure where he stands - it’s so little information, so much responsibility in so little time. he’s still half convinced he’s being punked, if he’s honest.
and yet, somethings drawing him to the address miles had left him, something deep in his gut that tells him he needs to be there. clearly, miles had seen something he himself is woefully oblivious to, and it couldn’t hurt to find out more.
apple maps leads him to a tiny shed somewhere behind a deli & a nail salon, not too far from his apartment, and he’s completely confused. “stupid gps, probably got me lost,” he whines, leaning against the door of the shed to zoom in on his location.
the pigeons in the alley are the only ones to hear his panicked yelling as he phases right through it, tumbling all the way down a metal chute into the dark unknown.
at least, for ten seconds. he lands on a remarkably soft pad of foam, a glass panel separating him from a brightly lit, fancy looking room lined wall to wall with computers, parts and half made suits, spiderman suits. he doesn’t know where to look first.
a robotic, feminine voice brings him out of his shock, the glass panel lighting up with code and writing.
“please enter your name.” hanta is floored.
“uh.. hanta sero?” the voice trills lightly, before a red grid-like laser scans him head to toe. he’s proud to admit he only squealed in terror once.
“identity confirmed. welcome, hanta.” the panel slides away to allow him access, his careful steps alerting the rest of the room’s computers to light up at his arrival.
“you came. i knew i chose wisely.” miles comes into view slowly, limping heavily as he smiles. it’s almost familiar, like he & hanta have been friends for years; he finds it comforting.
“well, not everyday you get to be spiderman,” hanta jokes, fidgeting a little where he stands. “you gonna fit me for a suit or something?” miles just laughs, shaking his head.
“that comes later. first, we’ve got to get you bitten.”
───── ⋆🕸⋆ ─────
for the third time in 24 hours, hanta’s screaming like a man who’s just been told he has two days to live.
“you want me to let that thing bite me?! have you lost your mind?!”
miles sighs patiently, holding up the little glass vial to the light; inside, the spider races up and down the glass, an odd orange color to its patterning.
“it’s the only way. no offense, but i saw that lady beat you to the c train. she was like, 85.” hanta’s pouting now, crossing his arms.
“she had a cane and she was agile- hey hey! you keep that thing away from me, so help me god-“
“you’re being dramatic, it’s the size of a pea-“
“that’s a fat ass fuckin’ pea-“
“stay still-“
“i will not- ow! jesus fuck, that thing has tarantula jaws!”
miles carefully shepherds the spider back into the glass, chuckling a little. “it’ll take a moment to cause effect. the original spider was cross-bred with a more agile, lanky species - perfect for your body type. i’m hoping it’ll be most effective in your transition.”
“hoping?” hanta squeaks, staring at the red welt forming on his hand - his visions already starting to blur out, a throbbing pain traveling up his arm.
“well, it’s the first time i’m experimenting with this-“
“you used me as a guinea pig?!”
“it’s perfectly safe! my mentor-“ but hanta’s not listening anymore, the world swimming in front of his eyes before the ground rushes up rapidly to kiss his face.
god. damnit.
when he comes to, he’s wrapped in about half the blankets in brooklyn, a cold compress against his sweaty forehead. he’s burning up, and his elbows hurt for some reason - his skins gone all itchy, and he’d probably kick a pigeon for a glass of water.
sitting up alerts miles to his newly conscious state, the man quickly scanning his vitals with a smaller version of the glass panel hanta’d been fascinated with earlier. “thought you were gonna croak on me. how do you feel?”
“itchy. and my arms hurt.” hanta’s pushing off the blankets as he speaks, attempting to get comfortable - his body feels weird, like he’ll burst out of his skin at any second.
“alright, don’t panic. i need to see how it’s mutated your body. stay still.” miles’ fingers delicately press against his neck, shoulders, before jabbing at his ribs without warning. hanta’s arms shoot up on impulse, a trail of sticky, precise webbing escaping him from his...... elbows?!
“what the fuck, dude what the fuck look at my elbows, they’re all puffy and red i’m gonna die, and the coroner is gonna leak my story to the press and my moms gonna see me in the paper with fucked up elbows-“ hanta may or may not be panicking, poking at the tender, slightly swollen skin around the bends of his arms. miles just rolls his eyes, clearly amused by his antics.
“you’re not going to die. japanese tape spiders shoot webbing from the bends of their eight arms; its a thicker & stronger strain of web. clearly, your elbows are how your body has adjusted.”
“that doesn’t make it better.” hanta’s too busy staring at himself to notice the other changes at first, but slowly, they’re trickling in. heightened eyesight and hearing, an odd balance to his feet he hadn’t had a day ago, even itchier fingertips - making it easier for him to grip flat surfaces, or at least as miles says.
“come on. let’s get you a suit.”
───── ⋆🕸⋆ ─────
a week’s worth of planning & adjusting has led him right here to this rooftop, suited feet firmly balanced on the ledge. he likes his suit, thinks it’s unique - he’d modeled it after the spider who’d blessed him with these powers, orange and black and white [miles sort of thinks it’s ugly, but who cares.] he’d been in & out of the fondly nicknamed “spider-lounge”, getting fitted for his suit & honing his new abilities; he’d also been avoiding you whenever possible.
he couldn’t suck you into this world, not when he was barely comfortable in it himself; he kept promising himself he’d come clean, but the guilt’s eating him alive with every sad look & evening alone you spend.
another impatient cough brings him back to the present, miles sitting in the middle of the roof & watching hanta’s nervous stalling. “you’re going to have to jump eventually, you know,” he calls, and it takes everything in him not to turn tail and run.
he has a duty, a responsibility now, and he doesn’t take that lightly. he thinks of you, sitting in your ratty little apartment off campus and remembers that your safety is all but in his hands now; he’s got to protect the city, for your sake at least.
“i absolutely will not hesitate to kick you off this rooftop,” miles threatens, but its empty - they both know hanta needs to do this himself.
one step back, then two, the nerves racing up his spine as he prepares himself to meet cold concrete [a dramatic thought, miles would catch him far before he reaches ground. a bad knee wouldn’t stop him from that.] he says a silent prayer to every god he’s ever heard of and closes his eyes, taking a step forward into the air-
and trips over the ledge, falling ass over heels into the air. nice.
the rushing wind only heightens his panic for a moment, before one arm snaps up to blindly shoot into the air; his spider sense kicks in from there, aiming without even realizing and latching onto a nearby ledge. he swings aimlessly for a moment before finding a new ledge, then a railing; slowly, he finds a rhythm.
he’s soaring through the city before he realizes, laughing at the sharp roar of the wind in his ears - he feels like he’s flying, weightless as a bird. the only thing he can think of is you, how much you’d love this.
one day, he’ll take you webswinging. one day.
for now, he relishes in the fact that he’s one step closer to being brooklyn’s - & new york’s - new spiderman, fresh faced & determined to bring peace to the city.
he’s going to do it for you, even if it kills him.
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feeling-uncomfy · 4 years
Here's part two!! The warnings kick in a little more during this one, so be cautions!
Sorry in advance Tokoyami—
Hope you enjoy!
"Are you sure you didnt get hurt?" Hawks asked for the umpteenth time as Tokoyami chewed on his food. He sighed and repeated the same answer he had given Hawks an hour ago when he first asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just hit the ground." And Hawks stood nervously over him.
"Dont you want to eat?" Tokoyami looked up at Hawks, who shrugged. "I'll be fine, no need to worry about me." Tokoyami sighed. This happened everytime they ended up in a situation like this. The last time Tokoyami didnt stop him, Hawks went a week straight without sleep. Tokoyami didnt make that mistake again.
Hawks turned as the door opened. Tokoyami went on guard and Hawks put himself between Tokoyamiand the door, but they both relaxed as the Todoroki's walked in. Endeavor stood towering over Hawks and Tokoyami, coat discarded. Shouto wasn't wearing a suit, having decided he didnt want any part in this mafia business after his mother was injured when Shouto was small. Endeavor called it a phase.
Endeavor looked at Hawks and nodded, and Shouto walked over to Tokoyami, calm as ever. Endeavor and Hawks wandered over to the other side of the room, and Endeavor began speaking. "The woman is in stable condition." Hawks breathed a sigh of relief, and he was sure Tokoyami would be the same. "Also." Hawks snapped to attention. He hated when there was an also. Endeavor continued. "The group the lady came from sends their deepest apologies, and wish to send men over to assist with the rebuilding." Oh, that didnt sound half-bad.
"Which group?" Hawks asked, getting excited. Endeavor's face scrunched up. "Have you heard of a man by the name Toumura Shigaraki?" Hawks stopped. He had, and he hated that bastard. "No, tell him he can keep his men and piss off." Hawks snapped immediately. "Now, hold on–" Endeavor started, and Hawks yelled.
Tokoyami looked over at the argument. "I wonder what it is this time?" Shouto asked, chowing down on Tokoyami's food. Tokoyami sighed and drank some of the milkshake he ordered. "Whatever it is, they better get over it soon."
"Yeah, they're awful loud, aren't they?"
Tokoyami twists around to find a total stranger bent over them. Tokoyami immediately scrambles away, his fight-or-flight senses kicking in full swing. Shouto also swings backwards, startled by the sudden presence. The man laughs quietly, standing at his full height. "Woah, a little jumpy there, aren't we?" When neither respond, the stranger takes off his hood.
"Forgive my rudeness, I haven't introduced myself, have I?" His eyes are a bright blue, and Tokoyami hates the way he seems to stare into his soul. "The names Dabi, at your service." He reaches a hand out, and Tokoyami hesitates, not trusting him for a second. Dabi shrugs and pulls back. "Not much of a talker, huh? That's fine." Tokoyami tried to get his breathing back to normal, in fear of panicking too much.
Hawks glanced over, and did a double take. "Hey asshole, back off!" Hawks called, stomping over. He stood between Tokoyami and Dabi, glaring. Dabi smirked and stood back, hands raising in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. No need to be so feisty, we were just talking."
Hawks glares at him, and Tokoyami reaches out and grips the back of Hawks jacket, breathing shakily. Dabi cocks a brow, and leans forward, causing Hawks to tense. "Hey birdie, look here." Tokoyami glances at him, and Dabi pulls something out of his pocket. "The fuck are you—" Hawks starts, but Dabi just shushes him and pulls out—
A tub? He opens it and points it towards Tokoyami. "Its ice. Dont think about it too much, just pop it in your mouth." Tokoyami looked confused, and Dabi sighs and talked Tokoyami's hand, and Tokoyami flinches when Dabi makes him take an ice cube. It's cold, and Tokoyami isnt sure what to do with it. "Eat it." Dabi pushes the hand towards Tokoyami's mouth.
Hawks is frozen, torn between angry and... Hawks isnt sure what the other emotion is. Tokoyami doesn't say anything, and the ice disappears, immediately Tokoyami winced. It's freezing cold, stinging his tongue and his teeth clash horribly against it. All thoughts of panic are gone, replaced with questions of why the fuck he just did that. He shivers and tried to move it around, its gross and cold.
Dabi pulls back, seemingly satisfied. "Not so panicked now, are we?" Hawks blinks. Tokoyami thinks about it for a second, and nods uncertainly. Dabi flashes him a grin, thought its unseen because of the mask. "Good." Dabi goes pats his head, which causes Tokoyami to veer back. Dabi chuckles dryly. "Still weary? That's fine." He turned to Hawks. "Shigaraki, my boss sent me. I'm to help with some stuff?" Hawks tilts his head. "Yeah, thanks but no thanks. Any man from that group isnt trustworthy to me." Hawks states bluntly.
Dabi snorts. "Wow, rude. Remember that, if not for me, birdie here would be having an anxiety attack right now." Hawks couldn't argue with that, though he didnt budge. Dabi sighed. "I can call off the others, if you want? But Shigaraki was adamant about helping." Dabi looked at Tokoyami, who had finally finished the ice-cube. "How about it, kid?" Tokoyami glanced at Hawks, then Dabi. He took a second before speaking.
"You..." Hawks looked down at him, and turned so they were standing side-by-side. Tokoyami looked at Dabi again. "You have to swear not to pull a fast one. No double crossing." Hawks raised a brow. Tokoyami very rarely spoke directly to adults, especially not like this. Hawks wondered why it was suddenly easier.
Dabi snorted, and stuck his hand out again. "Let's shake on it? I swear not to engage in any double crossing, if you swear to get your idiot of a brother to let me help." Tokoyami looked at the hand, and Hawks jumped in, shaking it instead. If Tokoyami was willing, then Hawks supposed he could let Dabi stay.
Dabi sighed, but they shook hands. "Great, let's get started. Why dont you show me around, birdie?" Tokoyami blinked up at him. He hadn't really been paying much attention when Dabi had called him that earlier, but now...
"What's with the nickname?" Shouto, who seemed to have finally recovered, looked at Dabi in suspicion. "Ah, well, Hawks's brand is a pair of wings, yeah? It's his thing." Dabi ruffled Shouto's hair. "So obviously, his brother is the baby bird of the organisation. Thus, birdie." Hawks looked up, glaring. He hadn't told Dabi that. Shouto nodded, and didnt comment any further.
Dabi left, expecting Tokoyami to follow. He did, with much hesitation, and Hawks followed them out immediately. No way did Hawks trust Dabi's apparent 'interest' in his little brother, and he wasnt letting them get a second of alone time. Dabi for one, didnt seem to mind Hawks's constant presence for the first while, and Tokoyami was grateful for it.
While he had quietly thanked Dabi for the ice, Tokoyami couldn't fully relax whenever Dabi was in the room. If Dabi noticed, he was doing a good job at hiding it. He still tried to talk to him, and every day it was the same. Tokoyami trying to open up just a little, but shying away everytime.
Dabi never seemed as impatient while talking with Tokoyami in comparison to everyone else, which was strange. He straight-up refused to acknowledge Endeavor, and greeted Shouto the same way he would greet Tokoyami, which frustrated Endeavor. With Hawks, it was a fifty-fifty. Sometimes Dabi would greet him with a sarcastic remark, other times he'd just groan and ignore him. Tokoyami and Hawks were confused as to why.
Hawks often found himself wondering why Tokoyami found it easier to relax with Dabi than any other adult. Well, that's a lie, Hawks knew why his baby brother found it hard to relax, especially when adults were in the picture, and Hawks had tried again and again to get Tokoyami to try trust people. Therapy hadn't exactly gone well, not after Hawks had to tell him Tokoyami would be alone for thirty minutes with a stranger.
Hawks sighed. He was so, so proud to see Tokoyami talking with an adult that wasnt him or Endeavor, but Hawks wondered why it had to he one of Shigaraki's men. That man was as trustworthy as a rope about to snap. And Hawks knew that there was something up that bastards sleeve, but he couldn't bring himself to scare Tokoyami off Dabi, in fear that his brother would never trust anyone else again.
Hawks couldn't bear to be the one who broke his baby brother's trust in the world, it was his job to keep him safe, not terrify him. It was complicated, and it was hard, but Hawks knew it was worth it to see his brother smile, even if it was rare.
After three weeks, the building was repaired in one, so things had gone back to normal, which was good. Dabi didnt show any signs of leaving, however. Tokoyami speculated on why Dabi wasnt leaving, while Hawks was yelling at someone over the phone. Dabi plopped himself down next to Tokoyami with a sigh. He glanced up at the sudden presence, but looked away again.
"So. Three weeks really flew, huh?" Dabi muttered. He knew what was coming, but he couldn't stop it. He could warn them, but risk dying. He sighed again and glanced at this kid. This stupidly anxiety-ridden kid that had grown on him, and wondered if he could stop what was going to happen. Rationally, he knew the answer was no, but Dabi found himself wishing there was some magical way he could get Tokoyami out of this.
But, unfortunately, Shigaraki was not a patient person.
Dabi looked over at Hawks. "What's chicken boy yelling about this time?" Dabi had quickly grown accustomed to the volume, but it annoyed him still. Tokoyami startled only slightly, and shrugged. "I'm not sure, I think it's another business opportunity denying him." Dabi snorted. "Isnt that like, the third guy this week?" Tokoyami nodded, his shoulders shaking in silent laughter.
Dabi looked over at the clock. "Shit." She said quickly, causing Tokoyami to look over in distress. "What is it?" Dabi shook his head. It was three o'clock, which meant...
"Kid, I just wanna say..." Dabi looked down at Tokoyami. Very slowly, he reached out and gave his head a gentle pat and surprisingly, Tokoyami made no move to stop him. He tensed slightly, but other than that, Tokoyami didnt object to Dabi's touch. Dabi smiled under the mask. Where was this two weeks ago? "Kid, you're... Hawks better take care of you." Tokoyami blinked, but laughed quietly.
"I'm sure he will, besides, he's doing a good job. He always has." Tokoyami looked over at Hawks, and Dabi couldn't help but scoff. "People always seem to be doing a 'good job' until something bad happens." Tokoyami looked over at him. He was silent for a moment, almost debating whether he should say something at all. Dabi was quiet, letting him think.
"I trust Hawks. If anything happens, I know he'll help. I know he'll be here." Tokoyami spoke truthfully, staring intently at the ground. 'Trust' isnt a word he could afford to throw around, but Tokoyami knew that he could trust his brother to pull through, without a doubt. Trust wasnt something that came easy to Tokoyami, Dabi knew, so to hear it from his mouth meant he was serious.
Dabi shook his head. "Yeah, well. Make sure he lives up to that, okay?" Tokoyami nodded, and there was a car screeching to a stop outside. Dabi cursed internally, and Tokoyami's head snapped to the door. Hawks had also stopped yelling, and slowly took his own gun out.
For a second, it was quite. Then, something was thrown into the room. Dabi's eyes widened. It was a flash grenade, and it went off with a loud bang. Tokoyami was shoved to the ground, his ears were ringing and he couldn't see anything. His arm was grabbed and he was dragged away, and he thrashed around. The person clamped a hand over his mouth, and his yell was muffled.
The person was saying something, but Tokoyami couldn't hear anything, and he was suddenly thrown onto the floor. Two people were fighting above him, but Tokoyami looked around and couldn't see shit. There were gunshots, he was sure. His arm was grabbed again and he was dragged off, into one of the little office areas. He struggled, and the person held onto his face, making him look up.
His vision cleared slightly, and he saw Dabi kneeling over him. His mouth was moving, but he couldn't hear anything. Tokoyami latched onto Dabi's arms in a panic, and Dabi tensed and another hand went over Tokoyami's mouth. He tried not to pull back when Dabi dragged them over to a wall and sat them down.
The ringing in his ears died down, and he could hear people shouting, and guns being fired. Dabi was still talking. "... Kid, you're gonna have to find somewhere to go. Did you get all that?" Tokoyami looked up and shook his head. Dabi cursed and repeated himself. Okay, find somewhere like a safe-room and hide, try get Todoroki as well.
He could do that. Probably. Dabi sighed and had to just assume he could. Tokoyami looked at the chaos spiraling around him and couldn't pull his thoughts together. Red and white– look for red and white...
There! Tokoyami took off and found Todoroki on ghe ground. His leg was bleeding and his eyes were unfocused. Tokoyami dragged him off into an empty corridor when he heard Dabi yelling. Panicking, Tokoyami turned to see him hit the ground and get dragged off. Tokoyami looked between Dabi and Todoroki and cursed quietly. Tokoyami couldn't decide on who needed him more– he was gonna screw it up—
Hawks screamed.
Tokoyami's eyes widened and he watched his brother– who never yelled like that– collapse. Tokoyami didnt have to think twice about it and ran forward. Hawks looked up at him and said something– Tokoyami didnt make it out. Someone grabbed him and Tokoyami kicked whoever it was, he was dropped and he continued making his way over.
Tokoyami was grabbed again– this time by the neck. He gagged and felt something stick into his arm. He felt cold and oddly... sleepy? No– he knew what this was. His vision swam and he reached for his brother– he couldn't move. His mouth was covered, so he presumed he was still yelling. It all faded out and Tokoyami went limp.
Hawks had to watch. Because he was too weak to move– he had to watch this asshole drag his brother away. He tried to move– to do something but he couldn't. He prayed for some sort of miracle.
But nothing happened.
Part 2 end.
I love cliffhangers :)
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Emotions pt 2
This is the extension of when my sister moved out. We had a small group of friends who lived nearby, and we would visit them occasionally. Lets call these people "Family B" So we'd visit them every once in a while, and my sister would always chat with family B and very often go and sleepover with them. Remember, she was still struggling with depression. One day, my mom goes out with our grandma in london. She desperately needed a break, and little did I know. My sister had decided to go to a party against my mom's wishes. This party had boys, and possible drugs and drinks. This was after prom, my sister wasnt even graduated yet. My mom gets angry and texts my sister to go back home, and I'm at home with no idea what happened. The next morning my sister lets in Family B, and for some reason Family B decides to take us. My mother was terrified of what was happening, and was so mentally unstable at that moment. Family B said they weren't giving either me or my sister back. At the time I was 16, but I'd lived a sheltered life so I had no idea what exactly was happening. My sister was 18. Nearly graduating. I had no idea what was happening and just treated this trip as a sleepover, no idea why this was happening. While I was there at Family B's house with my sister, I started to get sick. I threw up and they were trying to give me medication that I'd never had before. I rejected their offer after trying one of their things. I just rested on the balcony, feeling pale as all hell. Exausted and very unwell, at the time I didn't know any of my choices. All I knew was "stay." While that was happening, my sister didn't even help me. She just patted my back in an uncomfortable way, in which I told her to just not to touch me. Then Family B told my sister and I that we'd have to go back. Or at least I would. I vollunteered to go back, telling my sister that she can stay. Her reaction to possibly going back was filled with anxiety and such. I packed my things again, feeling weaker than before. Pulling my backpack upstairs. I see my dad and something lifts me up, suddenly I feel like I have the energy to carry my bag properly. I had no idea what happened there, but i realized. I was supposed to be with my parents, not Family B. I put my bag into the car and sit in the back, noticing my mom in the front. Then she turns around, I'm shocked by the sheer amount of tears on her face. My steeled emotions turned to putty as I realized she wasnt even mad, she was just terrified. We spend most of the time home for a bit, and I'm mostly getting better with her. We talk alot while my sister is gone, and we realize we barely knew anything about each other. I keep going to school and keep feeling heart wrenched while seeing her on the bus. She cries, I cry. But the more I think about it, I did miss her. But the thing I hated was the fact that she took so much time away from me and my mom. She wanted all the attention and energy from my mom when she had none. Me on the other hand was happy with anything, I'd always be happy with even the smallest thing. Like candy bars or a card. I was easily satisfied, and that made it easier on my mom and dad. After my sister graduated, I spent most of my time with my mom. Chatting with her, and seeing her grow. The longer my sister was gone for, the more my mom grew into learning about trauma and how to handle it. She sometimes consulted me about the teachings she was recieving, and I would be able to explain the methods and how to go through with some of them. But most of all I was learning more about her, at that time she loved cooking. Then it turned to resolving trauma, and we looked towards therapy for my mom and sister. While Me, in the middle. I dealt with the frustration of seeing my sister just act like she's being judged too harshly. I just most of all communicated that I was the one watching most of the time, and the stupidest thing came out of my sister's mouth at that time. "You're not the watcher anymore, I wont let you be in the middle." HAH! I'm your sister and Mom's
kid. I will always be in the middle. Then she proceeded to get upset at mom for communicating with me. From which I responded with a small cry, "i want to know". Then she says I dont need to know. But I'd been shut down and left behind in the closet of living a sheltered life. I was much too sheltered and this was both my mom and sister's fault. But now my mom was revealing the truths to me, and I started to see more about reality. Its not easy at all, you have to make sure you get shit done or else you get evicted. You have to make sure you do things or else you'll not recieve legal money from the gov't. The more I talked with my mom and learned about what my sister said about me, the more I felt hurt. Yeah its fine if you told me face to face, but you said that to mom. Pushing her away from me as I moved along all alone with no one to confide to about my own familial issues. When she moved out. I don't know what exactly was going through my head, but I was suddenly completely against my sister coming back. I was paying for the place myself now, and I didnt want it anymore. As in I didn't want the tense feeling that my sister made whenever they came over. Of course, my sister just blamed it on my mom. Saying it's her who is making the air tense. But to be honest, both me and my mom just couldn't handle my sister being back. So the best thing for me and my mom, instinctually I knew. We had to cut her out of our lives. But my mom still held out hope that they would come back. Back to normal, but the more she tried. The more my sister just deteriorated. Now its just me and my mom, safe from anything my sister says now. My mom is finally telling my grandma to stop supporting my sister so she gets a taste of real life. So she understands how hard it is to live by themselves. Honestly they'll always be babied until they actually live on their own, without talking to any people. Just chores and saving money so they wouldn't have to worry about medical bills. But of course, ordering out is more important. Going to starbucks is more important, going to abandoned buildings is more important. Her friends were always more important. This is my goodbye. I refuse to help you in any way because you refused to help mom when she asked. When you came around, you'd lay around and let skittles(her service dog) Bark and affect Sully(mom's service dog) to bark as well. When skittles isnt around sully is perfect. He behaves and doesnt bark at all. Theres so much more I want to write but I'm scared to move forwards to those words, I myself am not ready to say the words left over in my head. So. Good bye, and have a nice life. I still love you but stay the hell away from me and my family.
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deeeelightfuldee · 3 years
Are you better at cooking dinners or making cakes/biscuits/sweets? baking definitely. I want to get more comfortable cooking.
Have you ever cut someone else’s hair? yes. I used to be pretty good at doing my brothers hair-- even the fading. But I’m sure I’ve forgotten it all by now.
Who was the last guest in your house and what were they staying for? probably my sister or my nephews.
How many long term relationships have you been in? blegh. not many. Whenever I’d know that it didnt have long term potential, id drop it. no sense dragging out the inevitable.
Do you sleep with all the lights out, or do you leave a lamp or even the television on? so for the longest time I kept my room super dark. I slept well. once miller died and kile broke my heart, I couldn’t sleep without the tv playing. I needed to hear something calming and voices talking so I wouldn’t be left with my thoughts. I still can’t turn it off.
Who is one person you have forgiven, but still have not “forgotten” what they have done? i think its easy to say “forgive and forget” but the reality is that once we have endured trauma we don’t easily forget. I think its kind of unrealistic. I’m trying to forgive kile but thats going to take.. i dont know how long. As for what it was... it was just betrayal.. lying. for six+ years. lots of laughing at me. 
Are you a fan of Lana Del Rey? I like some of her songs.
Do you know your blood type? o+
Do you know your mother’s birthday? Yes. its coming up. 
Have you ever been pregnant? I dont think so. I was really late after my assault but who knows.
How old were you when you first went on a plane? like 7ish
Have you ever had to take out a loan for anything? Yeah, student loans. 15k feels so daunting right now.
Are both of your blood parents still in your life? One is. My mom.
When was the last time you went apple picking? highschool maybe?
Someone asked you what you wanted, what would you say? money.. or a trip.
Have you ever been drunk at school or work? definitely not. 
How many bedrooms are in your house? four. 
Are you smart about computers? I know some stuff.
Have you ever played Just Dance for Wii? oh heck’n yeah
Do you own a Xbox 360? I had one from my brother for a little while but I traded it for the gamecube since Kile was going to send me one of the 15 he had lol. That didn’t end up happening, but its OK i really dont need more gaming.
Would you ever do a sex tape for a million dollars? oooooooo.. probably not.
So, do you need a nap? all day is full of naps to try and get over this.
What would you rather be doing? school
What sport are you the best at? maybe volleyball or swimming
Do you have a little sister? What’s her name? Nope, im the baby. 
Do you complain a lot? no, i try not to. I find complaining to be the most unattractive and yet common human trait and while there are definitely situations worthy of complaining, most of the time it just makes a situation worse than it actually was.
Would you rather go to an authentic haunted house or an ancient temple? temple
Do you like fruity or minty gum? definitely minty
Are you looking forward to any day of this month? i was really looking forward to Kile’s birthday on monday, but since we arent talking anymore then there is no joy in that. all the other special dates have been ruined by covid.
Have you ever gotten detention? Nope. homeschoolers and detention arent a thing. 
Is there a traumatic event that you’ve experienced that’s changed your life? oh sure. heartbreak, deaths, assaults, etc.
Do you buy a majority of your clothes from a certain store, or do you just pick out items of clothing you could see yourself wearing, not caring about the store it came from? no, i can’t be super picky because not every store carries clothing long enough for me.
Have any of the artists you’re fond of released new albums recently? i havent got a clue
Would you ever keep your favorite animal as a pet? I mean I’m very fond of cats & dogs
Ever cried so much you threw up? this is what happened the whole 2-3 weeks following finding out about Kile.
Who is your best guy friend? I suppose now that would be Nathan
What do you two do when you hang out? drives, game nights, get food/drinks, or just talk.
What is a movie that you thought you would hate but you ended up loving? Her
Do you even like horror movies? not particularly. I’ll watch them if someone else wants to but its not my preference.
Do you live in the country? i live in the suburbs i suppose.
What is your favorite accent? Some southern and British accents. <same ... i have no idea how I made the font like this.
Have you ever had a boyfriend your parents didn’t like? Not that I can think of.
Do you drink Pepsi or Coke? diet coke
What do you plan to do on your 21st birthday? my family celebrated during the day and then I think nathan took me out on the town
Do you have any person in your family with an addiction to beer? nope.
Do you take a lot of pictures? man. this question is hard. I used to love taking pictures of myself. I had much more self confidence and some of it was because kile LOVED my selfies -- or so he said. and I just had so much fun doing that. Since the heartbreak, I’ve maybe taken 10 selfies. I just don’t have any self confidence in my looks anymore. its so different now. most of my pictures now are of other people or scenery.
What kind of face wash do you use? cerave when I want to. otherwise i use water and a very particular type of fabric. 
Does drama always seem to follow you? No, i dont think so.
Does anybody in your family race? like cars? running? no.
Are you closer to your mom or dad? My mom.
How much money did you used to get from the ”tooth fairy?” I think i got it like 2x and it was a dollar.
Do you have a laptop or desktop? Laptop.
Do you like your parents? i love my mom.
Do you secretly like someone? No.
Would you ever date your best male friend? I don’t see any romantic feelings developing between nathan and I
What are you currently listening to? I have gilmore girls on.
Do you want to be single? oooof. Um. I am torn on this subject. On the one hand, i really am ready to be loved, held, protected, cared for, etc. I love the idea of building a life together with someone and us both protecting our unit. I miss supporting, cherishing, loving on someone. Yet on the other hand, im fine being single. I have so much insecurity about myself lately that I dk that anyone else needs to deal with that baggage. Idk
Did you go out or stay in last night? I stayed in. ill be staying in for some time.
Have you pretended to like someone? romantically, no. professionally, yes.
How is your heart lately? Sad. heavy. 
Are you wearing socks? not at the moment. 
What do people call you? Di, diana, dee, ana, di-nan-na, dine-uh, deenah.
Do you get stressed out easily? no, I really dont
Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? yes
What is wrong with you right now? im sick. im heartbroken.
Do you own something from Hot Topic? not that I know of. if I do, it’d be from like middle school. I never shopped there but people tended to give gifts from there.
Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? Alone. maybe I havent found the right sort of person to share a bed with.
Do you still talk to the person you last made out with? No.
Have you ever seen your best friend cry? Yes, several times. 
Did you get any compliments today? No.
Have you ever gone to a beach? many many many times.
What would you say if someone asked you to get high right now? not my thing. at all.
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Yes.
Have you ever done volunteer work just because you wanted to? Yes.
Do you have long nails? they are healthy length. I want to grow them out a bit more. 
Do you like the gender you are? Yeah.
Do you generally look nice in photos? Not anymore
Have you ever had a stick insect as a pet? no haha
What colour are your father’s eyes? Blue.
If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer? uhhhhm, blue october
Would you ever get into a long distance relationship? maybe not anymore. 
What’s your favorite hot beverage? hot chocolate from dunkin
Did you ever play an instrument? If so what? i did. no comment.
Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents? oooooohhhhhhhhh man i love both.
Do you think you’re important? I mean i offer some importance to this world but eh.
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? Hmm no idea.
Have you been diagnosed with any mental disorders? no
Have you ever moved to another state or country? If so, how did it feel to be new? No.
Do you know how to properly eat food with chopsticks? Nope.
What was the first thing you ate today? I haven’t eaten since breakfast yesterday
If you could spend the day, doing absolutely anything, with anyone, anywhere, what would it be like? for the longest time it was to spend the day driving aimlessly and getting food and talking about everything and nothing with Kile. now, its just.. idunno. blank.
If I were to ask you how you are doing, and you were only able to answer completely honestly, what would come out? I’m not doing well.
What is the one thing that you have been avoiding that you should do? There’s a few things related to school.
Is there anything that you wish you could take back? not really, no.
What, in your mind, could make you truly happy? this whole covid nonsense going away, heartbreak to soothe, and my miller back.
If you could change one conversation in your life, what would you say differently? Would it have REALLY made any difference? i dont know. 
When is the next time you’ll change your hairstyle? Will you color it? I just changed it up so itll be a bit.
Do people normally say you’re a fast typist, or are you rather slow? Fast.
Have you ever been considered the ‘smartest person in school?’ yes. several times.
How many drugs are in your system? lol lots of meds rn to kick this. usually none.
What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? the same as today.
Do you currently have any bite marks/hickeys on your body? No. i dont like the idea of bite marks but hickeys were fun for a time. in not visible areas tho.
Do you call anyone baby? Not anymore.
What’s your current mood? Bleh.
What were you doing before filling out this survey? Watching gilmore girls
How late did you stay up last night? I took PM meds at i wanna say 8? maybe 7? I don’t remember.
When was the last time you cried really hard? its been a few weeks since ive cried about Kile. I’m in the numb stage.
Is your hair longer than your shoulders? hahahahahahah
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sainadazai · 3 years
Chapter 5
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A/n Hey I drew a lil doodoo drawing of y/ns suit
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So yeah, this was a quick one when I was bored. Maybe Ill do more art for this book and better art later. I also apologize for the body type being on the side of thin- curvy.
I simply drew the common body shape for MHA's animated style, and then made the thighs a lil thicker because I felt like a garter deserves some nice thighs . If its not your body type, or it offends you, I apologize, and I can take it off this story if it bothers anyone.
On the way out of school that day, you could faintly hear the quarrel of two boys from your class, the ones whose fight earlier scared Ojiro. They seemed to have so much in common, and yet it pitted against them. They needed a wake up call, but it wasn't yours to give. The yelling was hard to just walk by, but you did your best to tune it out, you'd ease dropped enough earlier when you watched them put their hearts into their battle on the screen.
Still, your mind was preoccupied, so you walked past them easily, not even sparing a glance. Eyes stuck to the ground in concentration. Just trying to follow the little scrapes and grooves in the sidewalk you stood on.
Todoroki said thank you, after you apologized. As if he'd never heard it before, that's what his voice sounded like. Like no one ever noticed that fear he had in those heterochromatic eyes. Whatever happened to him, stuck with him. Bothered him, even. You could just tell.
Why hadn't you said something more? Or maybe all you said was all he neede-
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you," He did see you, he saw you from meters away, looking at the ground. Perfect time for him to execute his plan.
You looked up from your spot on the ground, having fallen over. There stood Shoto Todoroki, in all his deadpan glory, looking down at you. He wasn't offering a hand so you did your best to stand on your own while keeping your underwear hidden. The boy didn't seem like the type who would look, but you never know.
"Ah, don't worry, um, its my fault anyways." You had been waiting for the chance to talk to him, but now he stood in front of you, there was nothing you felt comfortable saying. Earlier in class you totally embarrassed yourself in front of him, and then scared him. In a mean way too, in a trauma way.
"I don't really see how it's your fault."
So he did want to talk to you? He could have simply left after the brief apologies, but he stayed, protesting your claim. That and the privacy, made it much easier to respond to the boy.
"Well, I was staring at the ground, so not really the best way to walk through a place where anyone else could be." You kept your gaze at his shoes, to prevent from overthinking and getting flustered. This was supposed to be the beginning of a great friendship.
"Hm, you always look at the ground?" He pondered seriously, as you used his voice to block out the sounds of yelling a couple hundred meters away.
What was he implying with that question? Did he mean it as an insult, or was he just curious? He always seemed so sincere with his words, blunt but soft. It was strange to you, but it felt trustworthy.
"What do you mean?"
"You always seem to be looking at the ground, like in the quirk assessment test, and when you were beating me earlier. Why do you do that, L/n?" Todoroki took a step forward, standing one meter away from you.
"I guess to distract myself?" You were guessing out loud, but again something about it felt okay. Like you could say whatever you wanted and he would still just be there, curious eyes staring down at you.
"What are you distracting yourself fr-"
"You were super cool in the training earlier!" You almost yelled at him, not feeling like describing the eyes that felt so prying on you every time you spoke. Similarly not wishing to relive all the years where talking got you beat up in alleys on your walk home, and black eyes began to mark your face more commonly than not. It's not like that would be important to him, at least your wounds healed.
He had that trauma, whatever it was, constantly screaming at him in the mirrors or reflections of himself. A scar that widens his stoic eyes at the mere presence of heat, something that must hurt him very badly. Your childhood bullies are nothing to him, so it's best to talk about anything else.
"Oh, um thank you, L/n, but you were the one who won after all. I won't let you best me again, you know."
"Oh, I um, I'm not sure that win was fair.." You rubbed the back of your neck, hiding your embarrassment for your actions earlier. It didn't seem to cross your mind that what you did was actually what you were supposed to do. All you could think of was the look in his eyes that you put there, and you didnt ever wanna see it again.
Todoroki could sense that feeling of guilt in you, he'd felt it plenty of times before. Alone in his room when he dreams of his mothers face, sitting at his desk at school, thinking of all of the times he lost control of his quirk as a kid, in training. He learned to see it in others, you felt like it was an unfair win because you had scared him. That was your job, though, wasn't it? Why were you so upset at your success? He didn't understand.
"Did you break a rule, or something?"
"Then how could you have cheated?"
"I just.. Look whatever happened to you eye-" you stopped as you noticed him stiffen. It wouldn't be nice to make him relive his trauma either, so what were you meant to say?
"I just shouldn't have used heat, I could tell that was a burn scar and it was a cruel thing to do." you looked down at the ground feeling like the shittiest hero in the world.
"You were playing the villain, though, weren't you?" He spoke again, seeming to have regained his stoic presence and stone face.
"I guess I was, but I'm here to become a hero. A hero wouldn't do something like that."
"Maybe they would." He started talking with certainty that disobeyed his use of the word 'maybe'.
"Not all heroes are what you think they are, L/n." He looked you dead in the eyes, the intensity of his aura growing and it almost felt like you were supposed to cower in fear. Still, you held your ground, despite now being only inches away from him.
"Sounds like you speak from experience," You tilted your head becoming more outwardly spoken and allowing your thoughts to exit your mouth.
"That's a topic for another day, goodnight, L/n." With that, he turned away and walked stiffly out of U.A.'s gates. Leaving a million questions to run through your mind.
Did this make you friends now? When would that other day come? Had you just eternally ruined your chances at being a hero? Was he right? Were some heroes bad, like you? Were you bad? There were too many questions for you to answer yourself. So you settled from going home and making some dinner with your parents, you missed them, after having to be friends with other kids all day. They would be your comforting escape from highschool, or well, two days worth of highschool.
When you arrived at the barrier-like gates of your school the next morning, you were rushed with reporters. They were men and women, tall and short, circling around you all at once. You could hear the sweet and kind voice of Uraraka from afar, but you couldn't see her over the swarm of reporters. It was terrifying.
"What's it like having all might as your teacher?"
"Is the hero course majorly improved by the symbol of peace's presence?"
"Why did All Might become a teacher?"
"Have you done any training with the number one pro?"
Being here almost felt like being in your own mind. Swarmed with questions you don't have the answers too, or the confidence to answer them if you do. It was overwhelming, the world began to spin around you and your palms grew sweaty. E/c eyes shot in every direction to find an escape but they couldn't, you were trapped. Then, little black dots started to crowd up your vision like ants in your eyes and you fell unconscious.
The brown haired girl who had been happily indulging reporters noticed your fall and ran to you, grabbing hold of your arm. She wasn't really sure what had happened, but she decided to just take you into class with her. The reporters busying themselves with other arriving students.
Ochako took it upon herself to take hold of your backpack and drag your limp body by it, all the way up the hill and into the buildings of U.A. She wouldn't admit it, due to being a bit shy, but you caught her eye on the first day of school, and she'd been meaning to befriend you. Unlike the group of girls who she noticed had adopted you, Ochako spent her first few days with Deku and Iida. Securing herself in a nice little group with them.
However, you were very pretty, and adorably shy, and she really wanted to be your friend. Then after your awesome performance in yesterday's training, she was set on it. This was a great opportunity for her to help someone out, and make a new friend!
Strange looks came from every direction as the short, pink-cheeked girl dragged your seemingly lifeless form through the halls. They were both concerned for you, and confused at her calmness in the situation. However, no one spoke on it, fearing a hero class student might have some weird reason to do a strange thing like this.
Well, no one until Deku. He had been excited to greet his friend until he noticed her unusual baggage.
"Hi Urarak-Is that L/n?!" His eyes shot wide and he almost jumped back.
She looked down to you, and then back up at the freckled boy, "Oh, yeah" rubbing her neck she added, "She sorta passed out by the reporters and I couldn't just leave her there!"
"Oh my god! Is she okay? Should we take her to recovery girl? What if she has iron deficiency? Did the reporters zap her with some sort of quirk?"
"She is fine, I think she just got overwhelmed." Uraraka tried to calm him. She wasn't all that sure about your condition herself, but it didn't seem crazy like Midoriya was implying. You just looked panicked. Her head turned as soon, Todoroki walked up to 1.A. 's door.
"Oh, hello L/n.." he looked down at you, kicked your side a bit to check if you were dead or not. Honestly, he wasn't very surprised to see you passed out in the halls, having assumed you were met with the reporters as well. Todoroki couldn't blame you for falling unconscious, he wished he could have, too.
At his nudge, you stirred awake, and then all at once, shot up to your feet defensively. "A-All Mights cool, okay! He's fine, he's just fine. Please I-" Then your eyes cleared and you were no longer in front of the school. The people surrounding you were no longer reporters, but your classmates.
"Oh, um, hi..guys?"
"I already said hello to you, L/n."
"While I was unconscious?"
"How does tha-"
"Get outta my way you losers!" The puff of blonde hair and rabies stormed through the halls. Back slumped like an angry old man, scowl resting on his face. He was not excited for school after yesterday, and those damn reporters made it worse, bringing up the sludge monster incident. So imagine the rage when the annoying girl who placed just behind him on almost everything was at the door, looking stupid, and nervous, and in his way.
"L/n! You better get out of that doorway!"
You squeaked, not because bakugou's empty threats scared you, but because if you defied him, that meant speaking words. He seemed pretty good at words, so you didn't want to test it. His voice was also way too loud for someone who had just woken up from what you thought was a near death experience.
People were scary.
Soon enough, however, everyone was settled in class. You, in your seat next to Todoroki, who didn't seem quite as cold as the day prior. Not to say his face was any less stone-like or his voice was any less monotone, but the aura around him wasn't as intense. That comforted you as Aizawa began the days homeroom period.
"Decent work on yesterday's combat training, you guys. I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results. Bakugou, you're talented, so don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?"
Said boy huffed a breath "Yeah, whatever."
"And midoriya.."
He continued talking about how Midoriya has to break himself to use his quirk, but you tuned it out because the memory of seeing it was pretty gross.
"L/n, your battle with Todoroki was risky, he was less than a foot away from a victory by the time you took action, additionally, you're going to have to get those nerves under control. We can't have you apologizing every time you use your quirk. It's a waste of air."
His call out of your name was enough to shock your eyes open, but him criticizing your work in front of others? That was terrifying. You knew he was right, about everything, it was his job to be, after all. Still, it hurt to hear, considering it wasn't like you intended on being shy. Your body just clamped up and started to sweat when other people came around. It got super hot and loud and scary until you muttered an apology, nothing about it was voluntary. If anything, you really wanted to be extroverted and say what's on your mind and be bold. The world just seemed to have different plans, you supposed.
"Sor- I mean, uh, yes sir!"
Todoroki shot you a side glance , internally a bit proud at your ability to stop the apology that rested on your tongue. He was having an internal battle with himself about why he wanted it and why he didn't. The argument points being; it's adorable when you're shy, it's kind to apologize - versus - you being confident yesterday was arousing, and making quick progress is a sign of intelligence. A tough battle for the young boy's mind.
"Today we'll be choosing a class representative. Hurry up and choose before class ends." Aizawa zipped himself away in his sleeping bag and the class was left confused. Until you suppose everybody wanted to be class rep. Then there was an abundance of screaming and begging. From the red haired boy, the pink skinned girl, the kind girl from lunch. The whole class thought they would be worthy leaders. You heavily disagreed.
From your experience in previous schooling, class representatives were meant to be somebody smart, strong minded, compassionate, a good leader. These were just a ton of kids begging for attention, really, you aspired to be just like them.
Aizawa was right, though, you needed to get the whole shy thing under control, and fast if you wanted people here to view you as a threat. So you decided you probably wanted momo as class rep and slumped in your seat to strategize ways to be more bold.
While you were zoning off in your seat, Iida took charge of the situation, you guessed it was always going to come down to a vote, but good on him for 'coming up with it.'
"Hey, L/n."
"Wha?! Oh todoroki, um, yes?"
"Who are you choosing?"
"Um, Yaoyorozu.."
"Well, she is smart, and kind, and probably a good leader, so"
"Okay. Me too then."
His words didn't make sense to you. Was he agreeing with you just because of something you said?vIt couldn't be. Maybe he was insisting that he, too, was a good leader. That would make more sense than agreeing with you.
"You're a good leader too?"
"No. I will also vote for yaoyorozu."
"B-b-but...WHY!?!" your eyes widened in shock as you whisper-yelled at him.
"You don't want me to?" he asked, still in deadpan.
"I-well I do, B-but um, nevermind." It was better to return your gaze to yo[ur desk. He would think you are weird if you said something about it being because of you. He probably just also saw those traits in momo, it had nothing to do with you.
There were almost tears in your eyes. It felt as if the whole world was rooting against you, cheering for your failure. Eyes were watching and glaring, it felt like it'd be better to just curl up into a ball on the floor. Be so small they cant see you anymore, then maybe the universe would stop hating you so much.
They were out of soba for lunch. You would rather starve.
Next to you, on the way to some random table, momo was complaining about how Midoriya was president. She didn't understand what he really could do, being that he was so shy to attention. He reminded her of you, but she would never say that. It would make you nervous, like you and he were competitors, and he is so much nicer than you.
"Hey! Over here!" Ashido called to the two of you, waving her hand frantically.
"As I was saying, he does show some signs of good leadership, but im worried he is too nervous right now."
"Mm, yeah.." Your hand came up to wave at said boy, who had been making an uncomfortable eye-contact with you for quite some time.
Over at Midoriya's table, the conversation about pros had shifted to you. As Iida was explaining his family business, or hero-business, it led him to the memory of having been told a story about you. About your dad, to be precise.
"Yes. And I dont think I'm the only descendant of a pro in our class."
"What?!' Ochako screamed, eyes wide and shaking in excitement.
His gaze flickered to where you walked slowly next to a rambling black haired girl. No lunch in hand and mind seemingly elsewhere.
"Yes. I recall the story of one rising pro from years ago, under the name of Magneto. He was almost in the top ten ranks after less than a year of hero work, and climbed quickly. His private life was kept under wraps but his last name was L/n. That, and the metal quirk lead me to believe that the L/n of our class is his relative in some way." Iida presented the information with less gestures than he used for his own family, but more like he was solving a mystery, one he seemed quite proud to have deciphered.
"Oh I know Magneto, he retired around the same time All Might got famous." Uraraka added.
They were both quite indifferent at this information, but Midoriya was thinking a million miles a second. He knew exactly why your relative retired. In the battle where All Might saved over a hundred people, and became famous, the battle he'd watched a thousand times as a kid, Magneto was injured, along with his pregnant wife. It caught the news a couple days later and he had written down everything.
So was this hero your father? Uncle? Cousin? Is this how you got to be so strong? He was so busy feeling in awe of you he began to stare. Lost in the gate of your stride, and the stillness of your lips, how they were pursed in a straight line as if you disagreed with something. Those e/c eyes were however lost in thought. Until you spoke something quietly and looked up at him, holding eye contact.
He blushed slightly at being caught and decided he should just wave, and you waved back.
From the other side of the table, Todoroki could hear everything. He could acknowledge that you were strong, with or without a famous dad, but he wondered if the pro-hero dad thing was the same for you as it was for him, He'd hope not, he assumed not, too. Even if your life wasn't what he had thought it was, you always smiled so brightly. When you thought no o[ne was looking, you'd smile at Midoriya's success, and the fighting of the kids in front of you. Sometimes he even caught you smiling to yourself in class, as you just wrote down some English questions.
That smile didn't feel like it came from struggle, or masking pain, it felt genuine. He found that he really liked that.
"Warning Level 3 Security Breach!" 
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oubliette-od · 4 years
Okay...I'm not one to usually cause confrontation but I've had enough. I've seen a lot of negativity here on tumblr and Twitter, a lot of people coming out of the woodwork to give their opinion on something they know very little or nothing about. All these "hot takes" on how queer baity this is or how this is the fastest bury your gays or "oh so they sent him straight to hell for being gay lol typical cw, all you destiel shippers are crazy and are still waiting stupid" "f this show and the horse it rode in on, you people are stupid for feeling joy over this"....like get over yourselves. I get it, the show isnt perfect and kinda sucks sometimes. I completely agree on that. But you treat it like it's the worst show ever and it's really not. It's just easy to pick on because its popular and everyone knows it so to make yourselves feel better you trash on a show that people still get joy from. I was so excited last night until I checked the tags and Twitter and saw so many people being so mean and negative to those of us who were excited and happy this happened.
Like okay so 1. No they didnt kill Cas and send him to ultimate hell for being gay. F off. Hes still alive, he's just trapped in the empty forever (which yeah sounds not great but hes not dead and I know they will do something about this before the show ends.) 2. Dean loves Cas. Anybody who watches the show and isnt a cynical douche can see how much Dean cares for /loves cas. Heck he was supposed to say I love you to him back in season 8 but Jensen had them change it because he thought it wasnt the right time (which I agree with him but kind of wish they left it anyway). People say his reaction was flat but did you watch the scene? All the micro-expressions that swallow, the head tilt the furrowed brows. Dean is already in a bad head space, he was freaking out trying to find a way to save them. Then Cas drops the bomb of his empty deal, bookended by his confession. The poor man didn't have a second to breathe let alone process what was happening. From his reaction on the floor, sobbing, he finally understood what happened and was completely devastated in losing cas again, especially after realizing that Cas does love him back. Just give him time, I dont think he will disappoint in the coming episodes. He wont let this slide, hes going to save Cas and tell him he loves him back. I would be more skeptical if like it was just Cas and a few randos that were gone but its everyone so I believe they are going to bring everyone back, including Cas, Charlie, her girlfriend and Eileen. 3. Its not queerbaiting until the end of the show, and I can't believe they would just leave it like this. I will eat my words if it does happen but you can't tell me with all the evidence shown in previous episodes that Dean is not in love with Cas too. It just doesn't make sense if he isnt. Am I disappointed they waited till now to do it? Sure but I'm still happy they did.
Cas' confession is just the first piece of the puzzle. We still have three hours-ish of show left and a lot can happen within that time. I for one am still hopeful and look forward to where this goes. Yes I get and understand why people are upset and crap on the show. It has some definite issues which most stem from bucklemming being awful writers who unfortunately have written the next episode. Going by the promo, I'm very worried they will screw with the tone and Dean especially. But nothing can erase or take away the fact that Cas confessed to Dean, saved his life once again, left his handprint on THAT shoulder and left Dean a broken man once again. I have faith in the actors and the writers (besides bucklemming I dont trust them at all) when they say they are happy and that the ending is what they wanted to see so I am willing to just wait it out and see how it goes. I never thought we would ever get in show confirmation of destiel but here we are with half of it. And you cant tell me that dean wasnt trying to tell Cas his feelings. He says "Cas, I-" before Cas says goodbye and pushes him away so I feel confident he wanted to tell him something before disappearing forever. The guilt and devastation he must be feeling now, i can only imagine and i for one am very excited to see this play out.
In conclusion, don't spread your negativity and hot takes on something you know nothing or little about. I have seen so many posts from people like "I don't watch the show/never heard of spn/haven't watched in years" going off of what posts they may of seen without much context and I just want to say that yes, you are entitled to your opinions but maybe don't form your opinions on little information that may not be correct or on something you know little about. Like, when you are attacking or jeering at people for being happy or excited about this, maybe you need to step back or at least tag your posts accordingly so they stay out of the main tag.
And no, this is not up for debate and I will not answer any asks about this. You can send all your hate and "you're so delusional" asks to me if you want but it's not going to change my mind. Destiel is canon, confirmed by both Misha and Berens, and that's all I need to know that its true. I am going to stay happy about this and I am able to criticize this show while still enjoying it and that's what I'm going to do through the finale. As the Ghostfacers said, Gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day. Dean will come through and save his angel.
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