#wishing that palpatine would die
phoenixkaptain · 2 years
I think it’s interesting the scenes that they chose to mirror from the original trilogy.
I think it’s interesting how many of those scenes go from being Luke and Darth Vader to Padme and Anakin.
The idea of it is clear. Padme was the reason Anakin ultimately joined the Dark Side, but she was also the only thing keeping him from falling completely. Luke plays a similar role, in that he is the thing that draws Vader out of the Dark Side. The role Padme played, albeit differently.
An example of this is Vader asking Luke to kill Palpatine with him and rule the galaxy by his side. Anakin does the same with Padme, on Mustafar, where he tells her that they can kill Palpatine and rule the galaxy together.
Luke and Padme actually react to this offer rather similarly, if you think about it. Luke just found out the Darth Vader is his father and he’s scared and he doesn’t know what’s going on. Padme just found out that her husband is Darth Vader and she’s scared and she doesn’t know what’s going on. They both refuse, of course, but the mirroring is still there, and I like it a lot.
Of course there’s the mirroring in which Padme believes that Anakin is good even on her deathbed, and Luke believes that Darth Vader is still good even while Darth Vader is being very convincingly not good. Padme’s faith in him kept Anakin grounded until Obi-Wan snuck onto her ship and showed up at the least good time ever. Luke’s faith in Anakin is what ultimately led to Anakin fulfilling his destiny and destroying the Sith. It’s nice.
But, there’s also a mirror of the scene where Palpatine is using Force Lightning on Luke. He uses it on Mace Windu, and Palpatine is in Luke’s role of being hurt, but it differs a lot. Palpatine complains a lot and keeps mentioning how old and frail he is. Luke just kind of asks for help. And there’s Vader and Anakin, watching this happen and torn in both scenarios until he snaps.
It’s interesting that they mirrored this scene in this way. It’s a good way of showing that Anakin views Mace Windu and the Jedi as the villains, the same way he later views Palpatine in the same position. And both scenes end in Anakin betraying someone. Betraying the Jedi, then betraying the Sith. It’s fascinating, the visual storytelling here. In my opinion.
Of course, Luke mostly mirrors Anakin, but I appreciate that he mirrors Padme as well. Leia is the same way. Neither of them copies one parent entirely, they act as a mix of both, which is more realistic and more interesting. It’s fun to see how Luke and Leia are similar to their parents.
Apart of the mirroring that’s interesting to me is the loneliness. Anakin is surrounded by Jedi, but feels entirely alone. Luke is entirely alone and is, when you think about it, the entirety of the Jedi and therefore surrounded by it (go with it). The way their loneliness mirrors each other is interesting, because Luke seems to get stronger from it. Anakin gets nervous and fearful and doesn’t trust anyone, but Luke just seems to be calm.
And that’s really the difference between Luke and Anakin, isn’t it? Anakin reacts by lashing out, while Luke mostly reacts by remaining calm.
When Anakin finds out his mom died, he killed an entire camp. When Luke found out Owen and Beru died, he just went quiet. Luke reacts to sadness more like Padme, where he gets quiet instead of angry, and I like that a lot.
Anyway, long story short, I love narrative mirroring and I love parents and children being similar and I love Luke Skywalker. Not in that order.
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bibxrbie · 3 months
"Luke Skywalker isn’t like the old Jedi. He saves Vader with his attachments!”
Luke Skywalker, at the end of Return of the Jedi, after his confrontation with the Emperor drags Darth Vader through the destructing Death Star. He’s desperate, knuckles white under the heavy weight of his father’s body, a little boy dragging his dad to safety. He sets Vader down for a moment, to catch his breath or maybe to get a better grip. He goes to grab Vader again, but Vader, uncomfortable and in pain, asks Luke to take off the mask. He wants to see Luke through his eyes instead of the eyes Palpatine built for him. Luke refuses, says that removing the mask is a sure way for Vader to die. Luke doesn’t want Vader dead, he wants Vader alive. Not to hold him accountable for his many evil acts, but for the same reason why Luke Skywalker can’t kill Darth Vader; Vader is his father and Luke loves him.
And yet, after a moment, Luke removes Vader’s mask. He doesn’t want to, he hesitates, but he removes the mask with enough slowness to allow Vader to take it back. In that moment, Luke sets aside his desire for Vader in his life, sets aside his desire to see him live, and sets aside his entire mission, the reason he was even on the Death Star in the place. In his compassion for his father, Luke stays with Vader until he dies. It is this moment where we see him be the best damn Jedi he can be. I’d even argue that this moment is the greatest example of non-attached love we see. Because Luke lets Vader go! He lets his father die, and in some ways, by removing the mask, he too kills Vader, he stays with him until his last moment, gives him the kindness of granting his last wish and finally chooses Vader.
And Luke doesn’t have to do this. If Luke Skywalker’s love for his father was an attachment, he would ignore Vader and continue dragging him to the escape pod, put his desire for a father as his central focus and ignore Vader’s wants and discomfort. Maybe he would even save him. But he doesn’t. Instead, he watches as Vader dies.
He builds a Jedi burial for his father and watches it burn the remnants of Vader and Anakin Skywalker away. He mourns Vader, he mourns what they could’ve had as father and son, considers what ifs and maybe-if-I-did-this. Vader/ Anakin is released from his mortal body, from his ‘crude matter’ and Luke lets him go. He says one final goodbye to Anakin. Then, he joins Leia, Han, Chewie, Lando, and the rest of the Rebels and celebrates their victory. He lives in the present and celebrates what he has instead of what he lost.
Luke Skywalker is THE Jedi. Everything about Luke Skywalker serves as the foundational cornerstone of the Jedi, everything about the Jedi as a culture and philosophy is reflected in his character. Luke’s desire for the New Jedi Order isn’t to throw away the values of the old Order, but to vitalise them, breathe life back into dying lungs, and rebuild a path that people set out on their way to destroy. (Yes, his Order is different from the Old, but that’s because it has to be. He doesn’t have the resources or the safety of the Old Order.) The philosophies of the Jedi are difficult and they aren’t for everyone, and like the perfect Jedi that Luke is, he struggles and stumbles and sometimes he even rejects it. But, no matter how far he falls, it is a way of life he chooses again and again and again. It is a way of life that welcomes him back each time
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frostbitebakery · 2 months
a Jedi Shadow!Obi-Wan AU
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“Each of us, every single clone, is a one-man army. And yes, I am… I’m so proud of them. We protect the Galaxy, we die fighting for the Galaxy and its peoples. We are not made for peace times, Obi-Wan.”
The cynical part of Obi-Wan wants to ask why Cody is so steadfast in his belief when everywhere the clones go they’re confronted with people dismissing them, equating them to the droids they’re fighting.
He understands, though. Jedi are only welcome where people know about the help they can provide. The Order is looked down upon, the Jedi just as easily dismissed, more often than not when it comes to it.
And still. And still. The call to protect people is too strong to ignore. He doesn’t want to ignore the call. He can help so he does.
So yes, he understands Cody and his need to fight.
He watches as Cody self-consciously rubs the back of his neck, fingers not halting over the port, so— so used to its presence, as the silence reigns. Cody doesn’t try to further his explanations. He said his piece and that’s that.
Obi-Wan settles down on the floor in front of the weightlifting bench. And Cody.
He crosses his legs automatically, the armor he has to don if he wants to engage in the battles blessedly absent, here. His fingers find Cody’s other hand in his lap, tapping it lightly, glancing by the embedded screen in the armored boot proclaiming Cody as belonging to the 212th.
Commander Cody got his own Attack Battalion. Mace remains the immediate superior but the brass saw Cody’s merit. No Jedi can easily fill the role as war general and Cody is… too brilliant to not be in charge. He and Mace have been flattening the CIS, the GAR is only too happy to spread out their heavy hitters.
“He’s always giving them a chance to surrender first,” Cody had commented on Mace, pride and admiration shining from his whole body. “How he’s able to walk with balls like that is a mystery to me.”
Obi-Wan had politely choked on nothing.
Once Cody is looking at him, apologies in his eyes for being made for war, of war, Obi-Wan signs a simple question. “How would you know?”
Temper makes the scarred eyebrow rise and Obi-Wan continues, undeterred now that Cody’s attention isn’t on misplaced guilt.
“You know nothing but war. You’ve learnt nothing but war. You’ve,” Obi-Wan pauses to swallow the grief, “experienced nothing but war in your life. How would you know you’re not made for peace times when you haven’t even had the chance to live in them?”
A smile, half there and fleeing, cracks, warm brown eyes watch Obi-Wan’s hands. “In my darkest moments I’m not sure I’ll even see them.”
Obi-Wan is against false promises but hope has never left his life’s side and he’d like to share. “We work together and we end this war. We see as many of you and us on the other side as possible.”
“Sounds like an easy first step,” Cody laughs ruefully, and leans down, captures Obi-Wan’s unmasked face, blurred by the unknown, and holds their foreheads together for a long self-indulgent moment.
Obi-Wan ducks his head, mask and scars in place once more. “Is that something you wish? To see me?”
Cody shakes his head, shoulders tight. “I’m sorry. I went too far.”
No, you didn’t, Obi-Wan wants to tell him, I want you to see me.
Soon. Probably. As soon as Obi-Wan has removed the screws from his heart and their doubting pressure.
“I think I can help you,” Obi-Wan signs, bullheading through the burgeoning silence. “But I need your help for that.”
“What do you need,” Cody asks, all Commander now that he’s got a mission objective.
“I want to know how you can communicate neurally and who has access to that channel.” He’s been looking into it for months, always ending in front of a Kaminoan wall. He’s at his wits end and now, now, with Bail confirming Palpatine is shuffling credits to the CIS and it’s still only heresy where a court is concerned…
Kamino confirmed only authorized personnel has access to the comm links in the clones’ heads. What if those include the CIS?
Cody blinks in surprise. “General Windu has access to that information.”
Does he? Obi-Wan is beginning to doubt that fact. “Humor me.”
Shoulders go wide, straight, loose. “Protocol dictates that, in case of emergency in an engagement situation, a High General is able to deploy orders directly to a CC-class clone via the Force after initiating with the correct identification.”
The clones are password-locked. Obi-Wan tries very, very hard to keep his expression neutral. “I assume every Commander knows the identification?”
Cody starts to smile, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, ready to playfully lecture Obi-Wan about confidentiality. Obi-Wan can see that, can feel the intention of Cody to do so. Before his eyes sharpen like the back-up blade in the boot holster. “Is there a leak?”
“Not that I’m sure of,” Obi-Wan hurries to sign. “Cody, please, what is the initialization sequence?”
Cody watches him, tracks his every move and twitch and stillness with keen eyes. Obi-Wan lets him, not able to keep a lid on the worry he’s feeling, the Force hushed in absolute and anticipation. “Every Commander knows those words. No one else does. A High General can request it of his Commander. That is what General Windu knows. A Commander takes the words to their grave if they have to.” A built-in failsafe, based on the clones’ loyalty to the Republic. “And the Jedi,” Cody adds with a soft smile. “Maybe we have been trained to follow you but you have proven yourself over and over again. The initialization is—“ Cody’s face twists into confusion as the Force starts— starts to shriek in warning. “Is…”
Shards of glass hurtle towards Obi-Wan, high-pitched tone piercing his eardrums, hack into his thoughts—
“Who are you?”
Obi-Wan hurries, pulls a hand up and projects “Cody, wake”.
Cody wakes, blinks. Shakes the cloudy remnants of a dream gone wrong off, as stuck on him, burnt into him as some details of it are.
He looks up when he notices the presence by the training salle entry, smiles up at Obi-Wan, feels his eyes go soft, relaxed.
Obi-Wan stares back at him, mask in place which ups the distant, rumbling intensity of his gaze like an incoming storm. “Thank you,” he signs, and Cody can see the tremors in his fingertips. Blue eyes flick up to the surveillance camera in the ceiling, go back to him.
Cody… remembers. Obi-Wan pushing him behind a destroyed tank during battle, one hand covering the helmet camera while the other had signed “need to talk, no eyes” in battle signs.
He looks to the door again but Obi-Wan is suddenly right in front of him, cradling his face so gently Cody can feel tears prick at his eyes, forehead carefully, with no hesitation and too much meaning coming to rest against his.
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fanfic-obsessed · 1 year
Not quite a fall
Here is an idea that takes the horrifying absurdity of the Clone Wars and magnifies it.  Please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times…unless you wish to become part of the ride itself. Then grab onto these characters and you too can try to wrangle them. 
I do want to make it clear from the start that the Jedi Council and Dooku are making the best of some fairly shitty options, at this point and in the future. The Jedi do not know/cannot prove Palpatine is Sidious and the reality is that without absolute proof they risk being wrong and if they are then the real Sith master will go to ground and they will be left with nothing.  In addition Palpatine has contingencies for every aspect of his plan (and likely did in canon as well, if he had a contingency clones for himself), including if clones were found early, the chips did not work as intended, and the Jedi found out too early. It may not be obvious, or seem counterintuitive for the Jedi to keep walking forward, even knowing of the trap, knowing that so many would likely die in this fabricated war. But this is not meant to be criticizing the Jedi for the shitty options they had. 
Now we start with Yan Dooku, prior to his Fall. This is also before the Naboo crisis , in fact this is in the beginning when Palpatine is still manipulating him. 
*-As a side note, have you ever tried to look into the timeline for the clones and try to fit it into the greater timeline. That shit is wild. Jango Fett is recruited for Operation Knightfall-Order 66 and the clone project- in 32 BBY. This is the same year of the Naboo crisis and, according to Wookiepeidia, it is also the year that Cody was born. Based on what we know of the Kaminoan numbering system for the clones, there were at least 2 batches before Cody’s-The Nulls and the Alphas. Jango Fett was recruited by Dooku after his Fall, and he is said to have fallen after Qui Gonn’s death. I get that Palpatine had already been building towards this but man for this timeline to work Dooku had a quicker Fall time than Anakin-who went from ‘stop him’ to ‘time to murder children’ in a distressingly short period of time-  All this adds up to 32 BBY being, like, 2020 COVID  levels of crazy. Because we had Qui Gon’s death, Dooku’s fall, the recruitment of Jango Fett-I understand there was a bounty hunt as an audition-, and all of this happened in enough time for at least 3 batches of clones- possibly more- to be born in 32BBY. How long is the gestation period for the clones? How is gestation and decanting set up so this timeline works. The Galactic Standard year is a 12 month/368 day model. Even if we presume that the double aging is also present in gestation, thus instead of 9 months it takes 4.5 months, that is still 13.5 months for 3 batches. Even with a staggered start cycles-batch 1 is the start point, batch 2 starts a week later, batch 3 starts a week after that and we can get everything down to a minimum 5 months, there still so much shit that has to happen in 7 months-*
In this Dooku, as a Jedi Master, does recognize that he is being manipulated and goes to the Jedi Council. He has just enough proof to prove that the Sith were back but does now know who (He knows that Palptine is involved but does not know if he is a Sith, a willing collaborator, or a patsy). The council decides that Dooku would go undercover as it were, to pretend that he is falling for Palpatine’s manipulation and to let it go to its natural conclusion, which they all presume will end with Dooku pretending to fall.  Outside of the Council, there are only three other Jedi that are told of this assignment. Shadows Tholme and Quinlan Vos (though a senior Padawan at the time) were his contacts. The only other person told was Senior Padawan Obi Wan Kenobi, at the insistence of Mace Windu (Now this was not through some belief in Obi Wan as a person, or his value to such a mission. It was purely so that he could keep Qui Gon Jinn from flipping his lid when and if Dooku needed to pretend to be a Sith. Jinn was not told because no one thought that he could keep from endangering everyone through some ‘Will of the Force’ reasoning or trying to be ‘helpful’).  Neither Obi Wan or the Shadows are told who else knows (though Vos and Thome do know the other is aware), and Obi Wan still has no contact with Dooku, so this knowledge does not change much at first. To be exceedingly clear, Obi Wan is only told that Master Yan Dooku is taking a long term mission where he might have to appear to Fall, in which case Obi Wan is going to need to keep Qui Gon from interfering; he is given no other information about to mission or what is being found.  As it turns out Qui Gon dies just before Dooku ‘falls’. 
The clones are still commissioned, but they are not chipped; save for a single clone whose name later becomes Chip, this is the clone that Dooku shows to Palpatine as proof the plan was going as it should. This Dooku is more involved with the Clones. Though the trainers do not know it (having entirely bought into project Knightfall), Dooku carefully teaches the clones th truth of their existence (that the war they are being commissioned for is BS, purely a trap for the Jedi and that they would have been designed to both love and be forced kill the Jedi). In essence he trains them to be spies in the guise of soldiers.  He has reported the existence of the clones to the council, but like Dooku they are stuck by what they can visibly do with the information. There is some limited secret contact between the leaders of the clones (The Alpha’s as the Nulls had been adopted by Kal Skirata) and the Jedi Council, in which the Jedi Council apologizes for what is being asked of the clones and plans are made to help those that need an escape wherever they are able (Dooku ‘claims’ as many clones that were due to be decommissioned for his own ‘experiments’ as he is able, most of the time that meant that clones who were to be decommissioned were sent to live on a small, unpopulated moon in Serrano’s system-the exceptions to this were clones born with fatal, untreatable congenital defects, for example being without enough of their major organs that there would be no way to grow more before the child died in agony-those few who were truly not viable were given a painless death. It becomes a practice amongst the clones that anyone who truly did not want to fight would drop their scores into Decommission range). 
To this end the Coruscant Guard were specifically chosen because they were the best at that kind of subterfuge, the clone equivalent of the Jedi Shadows and the ones who could keep themselves hidden/shielded against mind control 24/7. Fox is the only non Force sensitive, near human in the galaxy who is entirely impervious to Jedi mind tricks and Sith Mind control, the reason he was given the command that would have given him the most contact with Palpatine. They find out, much later, that some strange mutation makes him entirely impervious to any Force based power that will cause him harm.
When the time comes to enact the plans to start the war, Dooku still sends Jango Fett to lure Obi Wan to Geonosis.  But Obi Wan goes to Kamino knowing that he was going to find the Clones (having been briefed by the Council, who had been informed by Dooku). Anakin is not aware of the second layer to their mission to protect Padme, having never been brought into the loop regarding Dooku.  Obi Wan and Dooku have a pleasant conversation about both Qui Gon (and how he was likely watching from the Force), and there is a plan in place for Obi Wan to escape before the gladiatorial arena in a way that still would spark the war, but not cost lives.  That plan had to be abruptly scrapped when Anakin and Padem showed up on Geonosis to ‘rescue’ Obi Wan, after they sent a message to the council.  One of the major changes to Geonosis is how Anakin lost his hand; it was not chopped off by Dooku but lost in an explosion caused by the droids. 
Here is where we start to get into the horror and the humor. Because this war is fabricated, a thing of smoke and mirrors whose sole purpose is to collect power for a few individuals. More importantly this is a Bullshit created war for the purpose of trapping the Jedi. The upper command on both sides (Jedi High council, Dooku and later Ventress, Palpatine, Grievous) know that the entire war is bullshit, though Palpatine does not know that the JHC are aware. The troopers, from the youngest to the oldest clones, are all utterly aware that the war is bullshit. They grew knowing they would be fighting in a war that was utter bullshit.  The reason that the Droids could not be programmed for critical thinking was that it took them a maximum one battle to realize the war was bullshit, and they were not pleased about being cannon fodder. 
In fact there were only two groups who were actually affected by the war that were not aware that the entire thing was contrived bullshit. 
Every office not part of the high command (non clone officers, Jedi Generals, the entire command structure between fielded droids and CIS Generals on Grievous's level-I have no idea how the command structure of the CIS army works and barely any more about the GAR structure but work with me here), which I tend to think of as the middle management is the first group. 
The other is the innocents being attacked by CIS forces.  To them the war is very real.
Until they know for sure who the Sith Master is Dooku, the Jedi High Command(now including a fully read-in Obi Wan), or the Clones cannot let on that they know the war is ultimately bullshit. And there are too many innocents at stake to completely blow off or fake fighting. Yes when Dooku, and Ventress after she is brought into the fold, are in command they tend to try and take worlds with resources but little to no populations and they disengage as soon as they possibly can,  but there are too many who buy into ‘The War’ or the power that they are getting to fake battles and in battles someone is bound to die. 
Imagine being one of the Jedi Councilors and high generals, knowing (instead of just suspecting) that every battle they go into is unnecessary bullshit to trap the Jedi. Knowing that their troopers know that they are being sent into battle for unnecessary bullshit, but everyone having to pretend that they buy into the bullshit, that they have to pretend ignorance of things so gallingly obvious.
-In this world the Jedi council has created a secret process for allowing the defection of troopers that do not want to fight. Pong Krell (who never got to the point of Falling, as he never got used to thinking the clones were non sentient) and a handful of other Jedi spread throughout the system's armies, maintained a deliberately high ‘casualty’ rate to go with their high success rate. Clones that wanted to defect were transferred to these specific battalions where they were ‘killed in action’ and transported to a way point that relays them to the planet the decommissioned clones went to. None of these Jedi know that Dooku is actually on their side, or that the whole war is bullshit, but they are able to hang onto their sanity a bit better for this process. -
Picture Dooku, and later Ventress, staring across the battlefield as horrified at the lives being taken as the Jedi. Still having to pretend to buy in, saying all the right things (Ventress does still take Wolffe’s eye, but it is Wolffe’s idea to help sell that Ventress is not ‘too soft’ on the clones she is fighting). Imagine having to calculate the exact point they can withdraw, when they have to press their victory for appearances. Knowing that they (as Ventress was completing her Jedi training under Dooku, who does not want her to be lost to the darkside) have to reconcile killing for the sake of appearances.  Having to bury their own horror when they work with other CIS high command, who very much know that the entire war is bullshit but don’t care, or are actively enjoying, the lives lost. 
It changes some details, both major and minor, on who dies when, but in the grand scheme of things this knowledge does not change the overall trajectory of the war (though Dooku is not killed). It is still three years in that Palpatine tells Anakin (who, at no point, is brought into the loop about Dooku, the defection of clones, or any of it-mostly because no one not in a very strict ‘need to know’ was told and partly because the Jedi Council allowed the clones themselves to decide who would know about the defection battalions; they could not quite convince themselves that he would not share that information where he should not) that he is the Sith Master. Anakin runs to tell Windu. 
But in this, instead of gathering the council to fight Sidious, Windu’s first action is to comm Fox. All he says to the head of the CG is, ‘Palpatine has just confirmed that he is the Sith Master’. 
Fox responds with, ‘I will comm you when it is done’.
Anakin is standing there, breathing heavily from running all the way from the Senate, very unsure what was going on but certain the announcement that Palpatine was a Sith should be taken with some more urgency than Windu was showing. 
Ponds enters and when he is told who the Sith is he sighs, deeply. “I was so sure it was that odious aide of Palpatine’s” (Whom Pond refers to only by the name of Bastard, if at all).
Just as Anakin is starting to become antsy (very much in the mindset of ‘shouldn’t we do something about the professed Sith in the same building as my secret wife?) Fox comms back. His hair is sticking straight away from his head (he found out that Palpatine’s Lighting did not hurt him the old fashioned way) and reports that Palpatine is very dead (each Guard wanted to make sure…and shooting is a good way to make sure), the Senate is in lockdown, to tell Skywalker that his wife is on a medical transport for the Temple’s Healing Halls (using those exact words),and that Fox will be filing a formal complaint against the Naboo education system for poor sex ed.  
After the call is done, the next call Windu puts in is to Dooku. Windu tells Dooku that it is time to come home.  Anakin watches horrified fascination as Dooku visibly sags with relief, saying that he and Ventress just need to tie up some loose ends here and to have a therapist ready. 
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translucent-sun · 11 months
So much had changed in the time they were forced to be apart, so much hurt and trauma cast upon them. Neither of them had been ready to talk about all of it – or any of it, really. They´d mostly avoided talking about the war at all, not knowing what they could mention without triggering unpleasant memories in the other.
But tonight, Cody felt brave. They´d spent the early morning walking, wandering until they´d found a particularly high dune that would usually block the first seconds of sunrise from their view, were they watching from home. They climbed it, sitting high up in the desert, waiting for the suns to wake.
“You know, I never even dared to think too much about anything like this,” Cody admitted quietly, almost whispering. He had a faint smile playing on his lips, his eyes diverted to the ground.
“What, us being together? A somewhat normal life?” Obi-Wan turned his head, watching Cody intently.
“All of that, yes. But mostly just a life post war.” Cody raised his eyes to look into his, his smile now pained.
“When you´re created for war, to kill and die on command, what would you even do without it? I never really allowed myself to think about what would happen after – if I even lived that long. And now to get a life after the war, and a somewhat normal one, and at your side… Sometimes I think I´m still lying on that battlefield and this is all a dream.” Obi-Wan was still watching him, and his own words echoed in Cody's mind. It seemingly took Obi-Wan a moment before he was able to speak.
“I would´ve gotten you out of there. After the war, I mean. If they´d – if they´d planned on discarding you back then, I would have gotten you and as many of your brothers as I could out of there. I would have left the Order if I had to. We would have run.”
Cody chuckled at the thought. He knew Obi-Wan was being serious, and knowing him, he would´ve managed to somehow pull it off too.
But Obi-Wan continued. “Sometimes I do wish I had left the Order and we had just disappeared,” he mused, smiling sadly. “Going on a mission in a faraway system and just never return.”
“You know what they did to deserters,” Cody reminded him. “It would have been a life on the run. In hiding. I wouldn´t have wanted to be the reason for that. It´s bad enough that I´m part of the reason why you´re in exile now. Why your Order doesn´t even exist anymore.”
Obi-Wan flinched beside him, but didn´t speak. Instead, he looked at Cody, waiting for him to continue. There was something in his face, as though he had something to say on his own but wanted to hear what Cody had to say first.
Maybe being brave wasn´t such a good idea, Cody thought. He hadn´t meant to start a conversation like this – about this. He knew they´d have to talk about all of it eventually, otherwise the pain would never go away. But he felt he wasn´t ready.
But then, would he ever be ready? He decided now would be a time as good as any.
“When – when that order was called out, when –” Cody stopped, choking on his words. “The order wasn´t ‘kill the Jedi’ or anything like that, it didn´t have to be clear like that. I´m sure you know about the inhibitor chips by now.” He waited for Obi-Wan to nod. “The only thing Palpatine had to say was ‘execute Order 66’, and everyone suddenly knew what that meant. I ordered my men to– to shoot you down. Something in my mind was telling me to do it myself, but I couldn´t. I couldn´t bring myself to hurt you. I was so relieved when they didn´t find your body. That sliver of hope. But when no one afterwards reported that they found you again, I assumed you must be dead afterall. That I killed you. And then when you found me instead and stood in front of me –”
Cody swallowed, his eyes darting to the sky, fighting back tears. “It was like I was facing a ghost. I wished it wasn´t real, I wished you weren’t really there, because the second I saw you, I knew I was going to hurt you. And you– god, you stubborn idiot, why didn´t you fight back?” he huffed a laugh through his tears, but there was nothing amused about it.
Obi-Wan reached his hand out, laying it on Cody´s neck. “Because I knew it wasn´t you. I couldn´t hurt you for something you weren’t doing, could I?” he asked gently.
“I could´ve killed you,” Cody said in an exhale, his voice not more than a whisper.
Obi-Wan smiled just barely. “You couldn´t. And even if you had, I wouldn´t have blamed you.”
“But I would have blamed me. I am blaming me for what happened,” Cody whispered. “If my mind had been stronger, I–” But Obi-Wan interrupted him.
“You were controlled by a chip inside your brain. You are not to blame, for anything.”
“You have no idea what I´ve done. What– what I´ve–” Cody couldn´t finish his sentence. He didn´t even dare to think it.
Obi-Wan squeezed gently. “You know you can talk to me, if you want to.”
Cody huffed. “I want to tell you everything. But I´m afraid if I did you wouldn’t be able to look at me the same. I
couldn´t –” he paused, then continued, whispering. “I couldn´t live with that.”
Obi-Wan cocked his head, leaning forward until Cody was forced to look into his eyes. There was so much unshakable love in them. “I would never look at you differently than I do now.” Cody averted his eyes, not daring to look at him for too long, afraid he´d make him believe him.
“You don´t know what I´ve done –” His voice broke. Deep down, he did want to tell him everything, down to every bloody detail he could remember. If someone else was as disgusted with him as he was himself, maybe the voice inside him stopped lying to him, stopped telling him that it wasn´t his fault. Another part of him needed Obi-Wan to know and it not changing a single thing. It needed him to tell Obi-Wan everything and for him to love him through all of it, shutting off the part that told him it was all his fault.
Obi-Wan was watching him intently, not saying a word for a long moment. He didn´t have to.
“I´ve hurt, killed people. Good people, people who were fighting for the right thing,” Cody whispered, still not looking at Obi-Wan. When he finally spoke, he did so with greatest care, seemingly considering every word twice.
“I know,” Obi-Wan whispered, reaching out to take Cody´s hand in his. “I knew you would, and I know you did. And I don´t love you any less for it. I never stopped loving you.” Then, gentle but more intend, he added, “because it was out of your control.”
The tears that had started to rise in Cody´s eyes were starting to spill over, trickling down his cheeks. Obi-Wan carefully wiped them away. Cody finally looked at him, his eyes red and burning from trying to keep new ones from falling.
“I´m not sure I´ll ever be ready to talk about it,” he muttered. Obi-Wan brought his hand to Cody´s neck, his thumb stroking the skin there.
“It´s alright, we´ll get there when we get there. Until then, small steps like this are good.” He smiled gently, bringing their foreheads together. Cody nodded against it, closing his eyes, bringing his hand up to cup Obi-Wan´s where it was still resting against his neck.
“Obi-Wan?” Cody whispered after a moment, slowly pulling back. He received a questioning hum in return.
“You´re not ready to talk about what happened to you either, are you?” Obi-Wan exhaled, a sound that answered all of Cody´s questions. Cody huffed. This really wasn´t a funny situation, but something about Obi-Wan´s stubbornness had a frustrating humor to it.
“You´re so good at caring about other people, and you always hope they´ll be so busy being cared for that they forget to ask you about your own feelings. You´ve always been like this.” The words sounded harsh, but Cody´s face was gentle.
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lea-noah · 5 months
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never forgive me
"Master, please never forgive me. Master, Hate me. Kill me. [anything] please..."
obikin edit from Across the Stars series made by l e a n o a h | # 1 | # 2 | # 3 | # 4 | # 5 | # 6 | # 7 one of my favourite (heartbreaking again 😭) obikin fanart ❤️❤️❤️ by @mandhos pin | deviantart c | 09. 01. 2024
The lockscreen Version. 👇 Free to use and share (please credit or link) Thanks.
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fanart : @mandhos overlays : Carllton textures : erinaeErae psd : ciaracoloring
[ inspired/based on ]
Guilt. There’s no other feeling more human than guilt. Nothing can expose the human flaws, its own confines better than guilt. For only then, you’re made aware of your human condition. The utter misery and absurdity of it. [...] No, you must have everything, given everything you ever could wish for, power, fame, luck, love, have the world at your knees or thinking yourself above it all, above death itself, above everyone, for only you have the right to have it all and do whatever you want with it. You are free, you are able and justly entitled to decide what should or shouldn’t happen, what is your own, who is yours and belongs to you. For you are none other than Anakin Skywalker. The one and only Chosen One this galaxy had ever known, the legendary Jedi, the “Hero with No Fear” every being in this galaxy has heard about, fearless since the famous hero forgot he’s just a human. He didn’t forget. He acted like he did, because it was easier. It was easier to live in the illusion of him being invincible, ‘cause otherwise… he would remember what he really is, like when his mother died. A human. No, less still. A small pathetic weak human and he knew it then. Fear. Even with him still having his cherished “all”, he threw himself to gain even more. To get more admiration, more recognition, more honor, praise, love… but most of all, power. Only more power, the supreme power could face his fears. Could crush it. Erase it forever. Wipe out this annoying defect blemishing his existence. He’s no ordinary human. He’s above it. For he has it all and can have even more. Yes, he can. He will… it’s what he thought.
He never actually asked himself why was he offered so much?! Why was he given everything that made him feel important, feel wanted, feel…happy. Oh, the answer is never simpler. Because it will make a karking good show of watching him lose it all. It will be so much satisfying to see everything he had, crumble before his very eyes, no, better yet, blasting it all with his own hands, will it not? Falling to degraded mindless scug, no, even lower, for he became nothing more than a slave…willingly. To Palpatine, to power, to fear. He threw away anything left human in himself because he was afraid to live as one. Anakin Skywalker would have been dead to the world and to himself foremost, since to think himself alive, to call himself with that name again, would mean to accept everything he did. Everything he destroyed. Everyone he killed. At last, accept he is only a human or even less, for he can change nothing. He’s helpless. He can’t erase his deeds or revive the ones he killed. He can’t ask forgiveness from the loved ones he betrayed, as he never will be forgiven. He has no right to be forgiven. He may die for the world, for the whole galaxy, save it, save every living soul on it. He may burn alive for them, let his screams of pain entertain them, let his blood wash the dirt on their soles, let his tears choke a whole flaming river, let his knees grow in stone and it still wouldn’t be enough. It will never be. And this he knows now, it’s what is called guilt. His guilt. To want to do all of that only to lessen it. A fraction. A scrap. A breath lighter to take in, a tad less feeling like rotten sand are filling his lungs. Like the air carries screams of whom he slayed. He’s dying. That’s what humans do. Worse yet, as he’s doing it himself, slowly, oh, so very slow, with every taken breath, with every strangling beat his heart dares to pound. His body knew of pain that nearly wiped out his mind with its intensity, however even that paled beside what his guilt feels for him now. And it gets worse. Since he is given it. A second chance. Warmth. Love. Trust. Happiness if he chooses to forget everything. He’s given so much, more than he ever had… and with every small smile, warm hand or caring gaze he’s gifted with, everything that Obi-Wan gives him, with it Anakin Skywalker dies. His guilt is killing him, and the slashes are getting heavier, sharper, unbearable more. For he understands he doesn’t deserve any of it. He can’t have it. He shall not. He was not forgiven. He will never be.
| Chapter 24 "Guilt and Peace" from "Chosen: from the Ashes" by lea noah
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stargirl-writes · 5 months
padme amidala x anakin/vader
angst, rated m for some dark themes. [ptsd, dissociation]
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where in padmé amidala chooses to live for her twins.
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literally started writing this drabble bc of this art ! not proofread! just word-vomitted these so if the plot is incoherent, no it isn't!
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perhaps, this story would've ended along with anakin dying on mustafar.
not long after, padmé amidala delivered her child, well children. luke and leia.
despite the blinding pain of childbirth and her breaking heart, padmé's resolve was strong.
she needs to live for her children.
the moment her children were born, all connections she felt with the force severs.
the detachment made her feel blind, she hasn't even noticed how much she relied on that invisible string that without it she feels lost.
but looking in the eyes of both her children, she knew she needed to stand strong.
padmé was decisive, reacting with every situation in her life with a well-thought action.
her years being queen has trained her to always act now, feel later.
so, it was a blur, how shortly after giving birth, she was able to contact senator bail organa and the queen to ask for refuge.
naboo wasn't even an option. it felt like she'd regress into a place she can't relate to.
every memory she had with her loved ones, with anakin, all stained with bitterness and some sort of hurt.
especially now that the republic was overthrown by an empire led by palpatine. naboo would be the first place they'd go looking for her.
bail organa offered a place for padmé and her children.
padmé didn't miss the excitement of the pair over her little girl. they've always wanted to have a child, too.
it was padmé's idea to create a public funeral.
the queen amidala needed to die along the republic.
it would protect the babies from anyone ever intending to look for them.
quietly, she grieved for the person that she once was. daughter, lover, queen, senator.
and her heart broke all over again as she realizes that no matter how hard she'll try, she'll never be able to provide the life she wants for luke and leia.
in aldeeran, padmé finally let herself feel.
the weight of it, it feels like if she stops holding on, she'd crush underneath.
she tries not to think about how much she contributed to anakin's downfall.
she's seen how those aspects of anakin would slip from time to time. the slightest hints of the parts of him she didn't think would consume him.
it's always been there.
had she made some decisions differently, perhaps this wouldn't be the future she is facing.
some days, she'd catch herself slipping...
she'd blink and she'd find that the day has passed and she'd remain frozen on the same spot as she were.
at first, she didn't want to believe it, must be some trick her mind was doing.
of course that's easier to stomach than to admit that there's some irreversible damage that came.
what was important was the wellness of the children.
she'd convince herself she'd have captured stars so she can give it to them.
the empire grew more everyday as did the children.
leia was starting to look like her more and more, padmé wishes her mother could've met her.
and luke inherited every trait anakin had. it startles her sometimes, to look at him and find traces of anakin still living.
because anakin was gone. he left. and all there is for her now is to live on.
a small group of senators were beginning to spark a resistance.
around this time, the children were beginning to talk.
padmé was firm in teaching them to never speak her name in public.
in another life, perhaps she'd be teaching them the names of the flowers that grew in naboo.
but in this one, she has to teach her kids to forget she was their mother when talking outside.
leia had understood this little game, and got on to calling her 'paddie', while luke had never really stopped calling her mama.
when the kids went to sleep, she'd weeped, for this is not how she had envisioned raising her children to be.
she was supposed to be having these moments with anakin.
this... hypervigilance, it never really would go away. especially since force-sensitive children are being hunted everyday.
the queen and bail organa would do best to have padmé involved with the resistance.
padmé knew this was them trying to keep her old self alive.
which made her dislike it more— because it felt like she was becoming less and less of who she once was.
she did fight then. she'd risk everything to make sure that the senators don't forget who the people they are supposed to be serving.
she has different priorities now.
looking back at it, she realizes, she played right into the part the emperor laid out for her.
did any of it ever matter?
stepping into the role of queen prematurely, hiding her love, trying to be the voice of reason in a room filled with people who have gone so tone-deaf. did any of it change anything at all?
she blinks and she finds that it already had been dark and leia was standing in front of her with teary wide eyes.
"what's wrong, my baby?" padmé kneels down to the little girl.
"you won't wake up, mama" her little palms were on padmé's cheek.
padmé's breath hitches as she realized, she must've gotten lost again.
it was getting harder to control when her thoughts appear. she'd tell herself to focus at the task at hand and not think about how worried she was about it, she doesn't have to worry so much, all of it was in the past. no one was going to take the children. she should stop thinking about someone taking the children—
she pauses and bites her cheek, forcing herself to not cry in front of leia. who had to witness that. who was so scared she started crying.
"it's fine, my love, i was just having a dream" padmé kisses the girl's forehead.
with inquisitors hunting down the galaxy, padmé knew she had to teach her children about the force.
they were barely nine. and padmé had to break it down to them as if she can sum the world in a bedtime story.
they thought it was some sort of magic.
luke was starting to say some things that would terrify padmé.
she told them how their father died a hero. she'd spare them the truth of him until they are a little bit older.
and luke would say that he's not gone.
meanwhile, leia had gone around the society of aldeeran.
padmé will never come back again. she hardly ever hears her name anymore. (if not for the organas)
no one really knew she had survived except for them, obi-wan, and yoda.
in the beginning, padmé refused to let leia be seen in public.
it felt like inviting this new sith lord to come at her own doorstep.
but then the queen insisted that under their roof, leia would always be protected.
the queen has grown so fond of leia. and with padmé playing the strict parent, leia would go off to the queen.
but leia should get a chance to live normally, no matter how little of it she is given.
in aldeeran society, leia had been the organa's adopted daughter.
there was still a little wince whenever leia says her new name...
but at least, the little girl's lonely eyes sparked once more.
and it broke padmé's heart all over again.
of all the things she can't give her. all the things she should have.
one time, luke and leia had been outside the castle walls.
padmé had disguised this new lesson as a game. a play of cat and mouse.
leia was agile. and she has a habit of climbing trees.
luke was instinctive, and always found his way to his sister.
it was padme's turn, hiding from the twins when she peaked and found that both the kids had tripped over the string she laid out.
she quietly chuckles at the sight, they should learn to never let their guard down! anakin would've loved doing something like this, yes.
luke had quickly gathered himself and he helped his sister back to his feet. they had strategized that their mother would approximately be where padmé was hiding.
the kids were growing so fast— padmé felt as though she already knows the people they will be.
it was painting in her brain. leia; quick-witted, discerning, a bit stubborn. and luke; kind-hearted, compassionate, and loyal.
she was already proud of who they'll be. they only need to stick together. then she might finally get some peace.
minutes passed by and padmé was beginning to worry because the twins' footsteps trail away.
her blood drops when she heard leia screaming.
she ran towards the source, finding a lone luke weeping.
"they took her!" he cries
padmé kneels down to take the boy in her arms.
despite her racing heart, she forced herself to remain in tact for luke.
"who did, luke? who took leia?"
padmé was ready to storm off when the queen informed her of the possible reasons leia was taken.
bail implores padmé to pause and think about what would happen if she went finding her daughter.
it would reveal her. it would reveal the twins.
"i can't... if anything happens to her" padmé's voice was failing her. she looks over the couple to find luke had been listening.
"maybe it's time we call on someone fit to face the inquisitors" bail suggests.
and obi-wan appears the next day.
padmé has long accepted that obi-wan had to do what he has done.
but of course, the sight of him still stings. everything she could have had if he stayed in the ship for just a little longer.
but all that's past now. because she needs his help.
obi-wan left soon after. padmé had held her breath ever since.
the empire has never shown any mercy to innocent children. leia would not be spared.
luke had come to her bed late that night.
the little boy had started apologizing, his words incoherent.
he said that he should've just stayed with his sister so she'd still be here.
and she held her son, reassuring that it was never his fault.
it hauntingly reminded padmé of when she held anakin after he started blaming himself for shmi skywalker's death.
the next morning, bail organa was the one to tell padme that theed has burned to the ground because of darth vader.
and that leia was with obi-wan on the way back.
her anguish was superseded by relief when leia returned.
along it was obi-wan's guilt-ridden eyes when he said—
"anakin's alive"
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am gonna continue this thought later plss i have so much what ifs for this!!!
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[Dear Thorn,
This is by far the most stupidest thing I’ve ever done but my therapist recommended it so here I am. Writing a letter to a ghost that will never read this.
The war ended. About six months ago. The Jetti finally realized Palpatine was a Sith. He almost killed Rex. He did kill me but Quinlan revived me. I wish he didn’t but He’s a good friend. Things have been…not bad. I have a place of my own now. Well, kind of. I used to live with Quin but he’s—
I fucked up. Worse than I’ve ever done. The fight wasn’t supposed to get that bad. It was fine. He stepped in though and I-I couldn’t control it. This rage. I hurt him. I almost killed Fives. Again. He’s in a coma now. They don’t know when he will wake. If he will. His brother, Echo I think his name is, sits beside him most days. He’s almost always there every time I try to visit.
I think there’s something wrong with me. I thought maybe visiting would help but it hasn’t. Thorn I don’t care. I don’t…every time I look at him, I can’t bring myself to feel guilty, for any of it. It burns in my mind. If he never survived the first time, you would be here and now he’s in a coma—it feels like it’s deserved and I can’t stop thinking about it. And I know—
You wouldn’t have wanted that and I can’t help it and I’ve tried but I don’t know what to do. I was so sure that no matter what Chancellor Palpatine put me through, he could never strip me of my humanity. And I was fine after the war. Everything was fine. But then I saw him, laughing with his vod. And you’re dead. And I didn’t care. I almost killed him, Thorn.
I kept punching him. I couldn’t stop my fists from hitting his face over and over and over again. I didn’t want them to. He was hardly recognizable, had to be put in bacta for a week, and I still don’t care.
Am I human anymore? Is this what finally made me CC-1010?
Why did you die? Why did you leave me alone? Dammit, I can’t do this alone. I can’t do this. I don’t know how to be a vod, I can barely be a man.
Thorn, I just…
Please help me.
Fox CC-1010]
CC-1010 crumbled up the paper before smoothing it back out. There’s no reason to keep it.
Thorn’s never going to read it.
What’s the use of keeping it? He crumbles it further in his hand and it feels like a sin, like a damnation that he’s not saving it but what’s the use?
No one is going to read it.
CC-1010 won’t let them. He can’t let them. They can’t know he’s … that he’s not …
He leans his head against the table. Grits his teeth. When did pretending get so hard to do?
It should be easy. He’s pretended all throughout the war to his Vod’e that he’s fine. Nothing was wrong.
Why is it so hard now?
CC-1010 turns his head. Stares at the wall.
He should not be alone, he thinks. Almost snorts. He glances to his comm. Knows Cody is the only contact he has in there besides Quin.
He wonders … CC-1010 shakes his head.
No, no. If he was in Cody’s shoes, he wouldn’t want to hear from himself.
He’ll be fine. He always is.
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mcrdvcks · 25 days
Down Bad - Chapter 3
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Chapter Summary: After Amina experiences a nightmare, she decides to pay a visit to an old friend.
Word Count: 6.5k+
Notes: so this is where i stray a little bit off canon, but really it's not that much. this chapter takes place during season 1 episode 13 if anyone was wondering. enjoy!
Series Masterlist - Chapter 2 → Chapter 4
AO3 Link For Chapter
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“Together we can rule the galaxy.” Vader’s hand reached out, as Amina stood her ground.
"I won't join you," she declared, her voice steady despite the fear coursing through her veins. "I may not be a Jedi anymore, but I know right from wrong."
Vader regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and disdain, his towering presence casting a shadow over her. "You underestimate the power of the dark side," he warned, his voice tinged with an ominous edge. "Together, we could achieve greatness."
Amina shook her head, her resolve unbroken. "I've seen what the dark side does to those who embrace it," she countered, her gaze unwavering. "I won't be a part of your tyranny."
Vader's expression darkened, a flicker of anger flashing behind his mask. "You dare defy me?" he growled, his voice low and menacing.
Amina stood her ground, undaunted by his intimidation tactics. "I won't stand by while you destroy everything good in the galaxy," she replied, her voice filled with conviction. “I won’t stand by while I watch my brother die in front of my eyes all over again.”
Vader's dark gaze bore into her, his presence imposing and overwhelming. "You cling to sentimentality," he scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain. "It will be your downfall."
Amina narrowed her eyes, her grip tightening on her lightsaber. "I will never succumb to the darkness," she declared, her voice steady despite the fear simmering beneath the surface.
Vader regarded her for a moment, a calculating glint in his eyes. "You have much to learn, young Skywalker," he said, his tone laced with an eerie calmness. "Perhaps a demonstration is in order."
Before Amina could react, Vader's hand shot out, sending a powerful Force push hurtling towards her. She braced herself, summoning the Force to shield her from the impact. The invisible barrier absorbed the brunt of the attack, but Amina staggered backwards, her breath coming in ragged gasps.
She turned her head to the side as she watched Obi-Wan fighting Vader. She slowly stood up as she watched a red lightsaber go through Obi-Wan’s gut.
Amina screamed as she ran towards him, only to fall down in the darkness with mechanical breathing hovering over her.
“Obi-Wan is dead, and soon you will be too.”
Amina gasped as she woke up slowly sitting up on the Marauder’s floor. Her hand came to hold her japor snippet as she moved her knees to her chest.
She hoped it was just a nightmare and not a reality. She hoped Obi-Wan was still alive and it was just a figment of her mind. And she wished, more than anything, that she didn’t have to be cursed with this power of the force, waking up constantly to nightmares.
None of this would be happening if Anakin hadn’t listened to Palpatine, hadn’t listened to his nightmares about Padme dying in childbirth. But instead, Anakin turned on everything, including her.
Her hand tightened on the snippet around her wrist, trying to control her breathing. The thought haunted her, what if Obi-Wan was really dead? Would Luke be okay? He was just a little baby, not even a year old.
Feeling a surge of emotions threatening to overwhelm her, Amina pushed herself up from the floor of the Marauder and made her way to the cockpit. She stared out into the vast expanse of space, the twinkling stars offering little comfort to her troubled mind.
As she gazed into the endless void, memories of her time with Obi-Wan flooded her thoughts. She remembered his gentle guidance, his unwavering belief in the light side of the Force. He had been an important figure in her life, a father and an older brother wrapped in one.
But now, faced with the possibility of his death, Amina felt a profound sense of loss. She couldn't bear the thought of a galaxy without Obi-Wan, without his guiding presence to light her way.
Lost in her thoughts, Amina didn't notice Hunter's approach until he was standing beside her, his presence a comforting presence in the midst of her turmoil.
"Are you alright?" he asked softly, his voice filled with concern.
Amina forced a small smile, though her eyes betrayed the sadness lurking within. "Just a bad dream," she replied, her tone attempting to downplay the turmoil raging inside her.
Hunter studied Amina for a moment, sensing the weight of her words despite her attempt to brush off her distress. He knew that nightmares plagued her, reminders of a past filled with pain and loss. But he also knew that she was strong, resilient in the face of adversity.
Leaning against the console beside her, Hunter offered her a supportive smile. "Bad dreams seem to be a common occurrence lately," he remarked, his tone sympathetic. "Guess it comes with the territory."
Amina nodded, her gaze still fixed on the star-studded expanse before them. "Yeah, I suppose so," she replied, her voice tinged with resignation. "But sometimes they feel too real, you know? Like they're trying to tell me something."
Hunter's brow furrowed in concern as he considered her words. "It's easy to get lost in the what-ifs," he admitted, his voice quiet. "But we can't let fear dictate our actions. We have to focus on what's in front of us, what we can control."
Amina sighed, a mixture of frustration and acceptance in her breath. "I know you're right," she conceded, her shoulders sagging slightly. "But sometimes it's hard to shake off the darkness, to see the light at the end of the tunnel."
Hunter reached out a hand, gently resting it on her shoulder in a gesture of comfort. "We're in this together, Amina," he reassured her, his touch grounding her amidst the turmoil of her thoughts. "No matter what happens, you don't have to face it alone."
She nodded, still looking out at hyperspace before looking down at her wrist and the japor snippet, “I might go to Tatooine. Just for a day or something, I need to check out something.”
"Tatooine?" Hunter repeated, his brow furrowing slightly as he processed her words. "What's on Tatooine that you need to check out?"
Amina hesitated for a moment, her gaze drifting to the japor snippet nestled against her wrist. It was a token of her past, a reminder of the family she had lost and the bond she shared with her brother, Anakin. She took a deep breath, steeling herself before meeting Hunter's gaze once more. “An old friend. When we get to Ord Mantell, I’ll find a ship and go.”
"Tatooine can be a dangerous place," he cautioned, his tone gentle yet firm. "Are you sure you want to go alone?"
Amina nodded, determination flickering in her eyes. "I have to do this, Hunter," she replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her. "Plus, I grew up there. I know the ins and outs of that place. Plus, I doubt there’s an Imperial presence, no one would go to Tatooine willingly.”
He glanced over at her, “alright then. We’ll be at Ord Mantell in a few hours. I suggest you try to get some sleep.”
They got to Ord Mantell as Omega ran up next to Amina’s side, “can we get some more food with your mind trick?”
Amina kneeled down beside Omega, her expression softening as she met the young girl's eyes. "I'm sorry, Omega," she said, her voice gentle yet firm. "But I have to go to Tatooine for a few days. It's something I need to do."
Omega's brows furrowed in concern, her eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and worry. "Tatooine? Why?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.
Amina hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal to the young girl. She knew that Tatooine held painful memories for her, reminders of her past and the family she had lost. But she also knew that she couldn't ignore the pull of the Force, guiding her towards something she couldn't quite understand.
"It's personal," she replied evasively, offering Omega a small smile in an attempt to reassure her. "But don't worry, I'll be back before you know it. And I'll bring you something nice from Tatooine, how about that?"
Omega's expression brightened at the prospect of a gift, her worries momentarily forgotten. "Really? What kind of gift?" she asked eagerly, her curiosity piqued.
Amina chuckled softly, ruffling Omega's hair affectionately. "It's a surprise," she said with a wink. "But I promise you'll love it."
As Omega's excitement bubbled over, Amina turned her attention to Hunter, who had been listening to their conversation with a thoughtful expression. She could sense his concern lingering beneath the surface, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive at the mention of Tatooine.
"Are you sure about this?" he asked quietly, his voice laced with uncertainty.
Amina nodded, her gaze meeting his with unwavering determination. "I have to do this, Hunter," she replied, her tone firm yet gentle. "Trust me."
Hunter regarded her for a moment, his eyes searching hers for any sign of hesitation. But all he found was resolve, a steely determination that mirrored his own. With a sigh, he relented, knowing that he couldn't stop her even if he wanted to.
"Alright," he said finally, his voice resigned. "But be careful, Amina. Tatooine can be a dangerous place."
Amina offered him a reassuring smile, gratitude shining in her eyes. "I will," she promised, her voice sincere. "And thank you, for understanding."
She walked away from the group as they headed to Cid’s parlor while she went off to find a shuttle or a ship to use.
After what felt like hours of searching, Amina finally spotted a rundown spaceport nestled in the outskirts of the city. It was a far cry from the bustling spaceports of Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa, but it would have to do.
Approaching cautiously, Amina surveyed the area for any signs of activity. The spaceport appeared to be deserted, its hangars empty save for a few decrepit ships scattered haphazardly across the tarmac.
Taking a deep breath, Amina steeled herself for what lay ahead. She knew that finding a ship wouldn't be easy, especially on a backwater planet like Ord Mantell. But she was determined to press on, driven by a sense of purpose that refused to be quenched.
But just as she was beginning to lose hope, Amina spotted a familiar silhouette lurking in the shadows of one of the hangars. Her heart leaped with excitement as she recognized the familiar contours of a YT-1300 freighter, its hull battered and worn from years of use.
Hurrying forward, Amina approached the ship cautiously, her senses on high alert as she searched for any signs of danger. But the hangar appeared to be deserted, the only sound the faint hum of the ship's engines as they idled quietly in the background.
With a sense of relief, Amina climbed aboard the freighter, her heart pounding with anticipation as she prepared to take off.
But first, she had to contact someone.
After a few hours of walking in the intense heat, she made it to the Lars homestead. She knows where Obi-Wan is, thanks to Senator Organa, but first, she wanted to make a stop to see Luke.
She knocked on the door as Owen opened it and tried to close it, but she put her foot in between the door, “Owen, I just want to see him. Please?”
Owen hesitated, his gaze flickering between Amina and the interior of the homestead. He knew the risks of letting her in, knew the danger that lurked in the shadows of Tatooine. But he also couldn't deny the sincerity in Amina's eyes, the genuine concern etched in her features.
After a moment of tense silence, Owen relented with a resigned sigh, stepping back to allow Amina entry. "Fine," he muttered, his tone gruff yet begrudgingly accepting. "But make it quick. I don't want any trouble."
Amina nodded gratefully, offering Owen a small smile as she stepped inside the dimly lit homestead. The air was heavy with the scent of moisture evaporators and sand, a stark contrast to the different environments she’s been to in the past few years.
But now, faced with the reality of her return, Amina couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. So much had changed since those carefree days, so much had been lost to the passage of time.
Pushing aside her melancholy thoughts, Amina focused on the task at hand. She had come to Tatooine for a reason, and she couldn't afford to let sentimentality cloud her judgment.
Finally, she reached the doorway to Luke's room, her heart pounding with anticipation as she prepared to face her nephew. Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door and stepped inside, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of movement.
And there, lying in the makeshift crib in the corner of the room was her nephew. He was sleeping peacefully, his tiny chest rising and falling with each steady breath.
Amina couldn't help but smile as she approached the crib, her heart swelling with love and affection for the young boy. She reached out a hand, gently brushing his cheek with her fingertips as she whispered words of encouragement and love.
"Hey there, little one," she murmured, her voice soft and soothing. "It's me, Amina. I'm here to keep you safe, just like I promised."
Luke stirred slightly at the sound of her voice, his eyelids fluttering open to reveal bright blue eyes that seemed to sparkle with curiosity and innocence. He gazed up at Amina with a mixture of wonder and recognition, as if sensing the connection between them.
She let out a shaky laugh, his eyes were blue, just like Anakin’s.
Lost in her thoughts, Amina was startled by the sound of footsteps approaching from behind. She turned to see Owen standing in the doorway, his expression guarded yet curious. She could sense his apprehension, his reluctance to trust her after everything that had happened.
But Amina refused to let his doubts dampen her spirits. Rising to her feet, she turned to face Owen with a determined expression. "He's doing just fine," she said softly, her voice filled with warmth. "You don't have to worry about him."
Owen regarded her for a moment, his gaze searching hers for any sign of deception. But all he found was sincerity, a genuine desire to do right by Luke. With a reluctant nod, he stepped forward, his demeanor softening slightly. "Thank you," he said gruffly, his tone laced with begrudging appreciation. "But don't think this changes anything. You're still not welcome here."
Amina nodded in understanding, her gaze steady as she met Owen's eyes. She knew that earning his trust would take time, patience, and a lot of hard work. But she was willing to do whatever it took to prove herself, to show him that she was worthy of his respect.
Turning back to Luke, Amina pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, her heart overflowing with love for her nephew. She whispered words of encouragement and protection, a silent promise to always be there for him, no matter what. Then, with a final glance at Owen, she turned and made her way out of the room.
As she stepped out into the harsh sunlight of Tatooine, Amina started her way to the cave Bail said Obi-Wan lived.
The journey was long and arduous, the desert landscape stretching out before her in all directions. The sun beat down mercilessly, its intense heat sapping her strength with each passing moment. But Amina pressed on, her resolve unyielding as she navigated the rugged terrain with practiced ease.
Finally, after what felt like hours of walking, Amina spotted the cave in the distance. It was nestled against the rocky cliffs, its entrance obscured by shadows cast by the harsh midday sun. With a sense of anticipation coursing through her veins, Amina quickened her pace, eager to finally confront the man who had once been her mentor and friend.
She could sense Obi-Wan's presence emanating from within, a faint yet unmistakable echo of the Force that pulsed through her veins. With a steady hand, she reached out and pushed aside the heavy curtain that served as the cave's entrance, stepping inside with cautious determination.
The interior of the cave was dimly lit, the only source of illumination coming from a small fire that flickered in the center of the chamber. Amina's eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of movement amidst the shadows.
And then, she saw him.
Obi-Wan Kenobi sat cross-legged near the fire, his eyes closed in meditation as he communed with the Force. His expression was serene, his features illuminated by the soft glow of the flames.
Taking a deep breath, Amina stepped forward, her footsteps echoing softly against the cave walls. "Obi-Wan," she called out, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and uncertainty.
Obi-Wan's eyes snapped open at the sound of her voice, his gaze locking onto hers with a mixture of surprise and recognition. "Amina," he said softly, his voice tinged with emotion. "It's been too long." He stood up, “but what are you doing here? It’s dangerous, Master Yoda said to- ”
“Yeah, yeah, I know what Master Yoda said. I just… I had to see you.”
Obi-Wan sighed, before gesturing her to come further in the cave, “how did you know where I was?”
"I contacted Bail," she admitted finally, her voice tinged with a hint of apprehension. "He told me where to find you."
Obi-Wan regarded her for a moment, his expression unreadable as he processed her words. "I see," he said quietly, his tone neutral yet guarded. "And why did you seek me out, Amina? What brings you to Tatooine?"
Amina hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal to Obi-Wan about her reasons for coming to Tatooine. She knew that he was cautious by nature, wary of revealing too much to those he didn't fully trust. But she also knew that she couldn't keep her intentions hidden forever, not from someone who had once been her mentor and friend.
“I’ve been having these… visions, or nightmares. About someone named Darth Vader.”
Obi-Wan showed no signs of recognition, probably because Tatooine doesn’t get a lot of news, and because the Empire is absent on this planet.
She turned to face him, “Anakin is alive, Obi-Wan. I know it.”
“Anakin is dead. He died on Mustafar.”
Amina shook her head, “I don’t think he did, at least, not physically.”
Obi-Wan regarded her with a mixture of concern and skepticism. He had known Amina for many years, had watched her grow from a spirited young girl into a skilled Jedi Knight. But her insistence on Anakin's survival troubled him deeply, stirring up memories of a past he had long tried to forget.
"Anakin is dead," he repeated, his voice tinged with sadness. "He fell to the dark side on Mustafar, and there's no coming back from that. Now, what are your… dreams about?”
“Someone named Darth Vader, who I suspect to be Anakin. It’s usually just been me and him fighting, but in my last nightmare I saw him kill you. I had to come to be sure.”
Obi-Wan stroked his beard, “Amina, you are your brother have a unique connection to the force, allowing you to see visions. But most of the time, those visions are fake, meant to disarm you.”
Amina shook her head vehemently, “no! Obi-Wan, I know what I saw, and it was real. Maybe not the part about you dying, but I know Anakin is out there, still a pawn in Palpatine’s game.”
Obi-Wan raised his hands, “Amina- ”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Calm down.” She said, sitting down.
Obi-Wan regarded her with a mixture of concern and understanding. He knew all too well the pain of losing someone you cared about, the relentless pull of hope in the face of overwhelming odds. But he also knew the dangers of clinging to false hope, of chasing after shadows that might never materialize.
"Amina, I understand your desire to find your brother," he said gently, his voice filled with empathy. "But you have to be careful. The path you're on is fraught with danger, and I fear what you might find at the end of it."
She played with the japor snippet on her wrist, her eyes welling up with tears of frustration. “I don’t have anyone, Obi-Wan. Not anymore. Anakin is gone, Padme is gone, Ahsoka is out there somewhere, and you’re here. And… I’m alone.”
Obi-Wan watched her with a mixture of concern and empathy, his eyes reflecting the pain of his own past losses. He knew all too well the heavy burden that Amina carried, the weight of her grief and guilt threatening to consume her from within.
"Amina," he said softly, his voice filled with compassion. "You're not alone. You have friends who care about you, who would do anything to help you in your time of need."
Amina looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "But it's not the same, Obi-Wan," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "I miss them, all of them. Anakin, Padme, Ahsoka... They were my family, and now they're gone."
Obi-Wan reached out a comforting hand, gently squeezing her shoulder in a gesture of solidarity. "I know, Amina," he said softly. "But you have to remember that they're with you, always. In your heart, in your memories... They'll never truly be gone as long as you keep them alive in your thoughts."
Amina nodded, her gaze drifting to the japor snippet wrapped around her wrist. It was a tangible reminder of her past, a connection to the family she had lost and the memories she cherished. She traced the intricate patterns carved into the wooden pendant, her fingertips lingering on the smooth surface as she sought solace in its familiar presence.
"They would want you to be happy, Amina," Obi-Wan continued, his voice gentle yet firm. "They would want you to live your life to the fullest, to embrace the light and find joy in the darkness. Don't let their sacrifice be in vain."
Amina blinked back tears, her heart heavy with the weight of Obi-Wan's words. She knew he was right, knew that dwelling on the past would only hold her back from embracing the future. But letting go was easier said than done, especially when the wounds of loss still felt fresh and raw.
"I'll try, Obi-Wan," she said finally, her voice barely above a whisper. "But it's hard... It's so hard to let go of the pain, to move on when everything reminds me of what I've lost."
Obi-Wan squeezed her shoulder reassuringly, his gaze filled with understanding. "I know, Amina," he said softly. "But you're stronger than you realize. You've faced unimaginable challenges and overcome impossible odds. And you'll continue to do so, because that's who you are."
Amina felt a flicker of hope stir within her, a glimmer of light amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf her. She drew strength from Obi-Wan's unwavering belief in her, his faith a beacon of hope in the stormy sea of her doubts.
"Thank you, Obi-Wan," she said sincerely, her voice tinged with gratitude. "For everything."
Obi-Wan smiled warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners with genuine affection. "Anytime, Amina," he replied. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what. Now, you’re going to stay here for the night to avoid the Tusken raiders, alright?”
Amina nodded, grateful for the offer of shelter amidst the harsh sands of Tatooine. "Thank you, Obi-Wan," she said, her voice tinged with relief. "I appreciate it."
With a reassuring smile, Obi-Wan gestured for her to follow him deeper into the cave. "Come," he said softly, his voice echoing in the dimly lit chamber. "I'll show you where you can rest for the night."
Amina followed him obediently, her footsteps echoing softly against the rocky floor. The cave was cool and dimly lit, a stark contrast to the oppressive heat of the desert outside. She couldn't help but feel a sense of calm wash over her as she followed Obi-Wan deeper into its depths, the weight of her worries slowly lifting from her shoulders.
Finally, they reached a small alcove nestled against the cave wall, its floor lined with soft blankets and cushions. Obi-Wan gestured for Amina to make herself comfortable, a warm smile playing on his lips.
"You can rest here for the night," he said gently, his tone reassuring. "I'll keep watch outside to make sure you're safe."
Amina nodded gratefully, sinking down onto the cushions with a sigh of relief. The events of the day had taken their toll on her, leaving her exhausted and drained. But now, surrounded by the comforting embrace of the cave, she felt a sense of peace settle over her like a warm blanket.
"Thank you, Obi-Wan," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "For everything."
Obi-Wan's smile softened, his gaze warm with affection. "You're welcome, Amina," he replied softly. "Rest now. Tomorrow is a new day."
With a final nod of reassurance, Obi-Wan turned and made his way to the cave entrance, his silhouette disappearing into the darkness beyond. Amina watched him go with a sense of gratitude and fondness, her heart full with the knowledge that she wasn't alone.
As she settled down to sleep, Amina couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope stir within her chest. Despite the uncertainty of the future, despite the dangers that lurked in the shadows, she knew that she had allies by her side. And with their help, she was determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
Closing her eyes, Amina let herself drift into the welcoming embrace of sleep, her dreams filled with visions of a brighter tomorrow.
The next morning dawned bright and clear, the first rays of sunlight filtering into the cave and rousing Amina from her slumber. Stretching languidly, she blinked away the remnants of sleep and sat up, taking in her surroundings with a sense of calm.
Obi-Wan was already up, his form silhouetted against the entrance of the cave as he kept watch over the desert landscape beyond. He turned as he sensed her presence, offering her a warm smile of greeting.
"Good morning, Amina," he said softly, his voice carrying on the morning breeze. "Did you sleep well?"
Amina nodded, returning his smile with one of her own. "Yes, thank you," she replied, her voice tinged with gratitude. "I feel much better now."
Obi-Wan nodded in understanding, his gaze thoughtful as he studied her. "I'm glad to hear it," he said warmly. "Are you ready to continue your journey?"
Amina hesitated for a moment, the weight of her mission weighing heavily on her mind. She knew that she couldn't afford to linger on Tatooine for long, not when the galaxy was in such turmoil. But she also couldn't shake the feeling that there was something she was missing, something important that she needed to uncover.
"I... I think so," she said slowly, her brow furrowed in thought. "But before I go, there's something I need to ask you."
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow in curiosity, his gaze intent as he waited for her to continue. "What is it?" he asked gently.
“Do you… do you ever wonder what would happen if you made different choices? Like, you never told me and Anakin what happened between you and Satine.”
Amina's question hung in the air, the weight of it lingering between them like a heavy cloak. Obi-Wan regarded her thoughtfully, his expression unreadable as he considered her words.
"Satine..." he began, his voice trailing off as memories of the past flooded his mind. "She was... a complicated woman."
Amina nodded, sensing the pain and regret that shadowed Obi-Wan's words. She had always wondered about the woman who had captured her mentor's heart, the woman whose memory still haunted him to this day.
"I know you cared about her," she said softly, her voice gentle yet probing. "But you never told us what happened between you."
Obi-Wan sighed, running a hand through his hair in a gesture of frustration. "It's... complicated," he admitted finally, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "Satine and I... we were friends, once. But duty and destiny pulled us apart, and in the end... I couldn't save her."
Amina's heart ached at the pain in Obi-Wan's voice, the raw emotion that lay just beneath the surface. She reached out a comforting hand, squeezing his shoulder in a gesture of solidarity.
"I'm sorry, Obi-Wan," she said softly, her voice filled with empathy. "I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you."
Obi-Wan offered her a small, sad smile, his eyes reflecting the weight of his past mistakes. "Thank you, Amina," he replied quietly. "But regrets won't bring her back. All I can do now is honor her memory and carry on her legacy."
Amina nodded in understanding, “do you think the Jedi were wrong? That… connections and love are really that bad?”
Obi-Wan regarded Amina with a thoughtful expression, his gaze distant as he pondered her question. "The Jedi believed that attachments and love could lead to the dark side," he said finally, his voice tinged with regret. "But I've come to realize that love is not inherently evil. It's how we choose to act on that love that determines our fate."
Amina listened intently, her brow furrowed in contemplation. She had always struggled with the teachings of the Jedi Order, the rigid rules and dogma that seemed to stifle any semblance of humanity. But hearing Obi-Wan's perspective gave her hope, a glimmer of possibility amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf them all.
"So, you don't think love is a weakness?" she asked softly, her voice tentative yet hopeful.
Obi-Wan shook his head, a wistful smile playing on his lips. "No, Amina," he replied. "Love is not a weakness. It's a strength, a source of courage and resilience that can see us through even the darkest of times."
Amina felt a weight lift from her shoulders at Obi-Wan's words, a sense of liberation washing over her like a gentle breeze. She often wondered if what Anakin and Padme did was wrong, or if it was in fact the Jedi who were wrong, banishing admiration and attachments.
"Thank you, Obi-Wan," she said softly, her voice filled with gratitude. "For everything."
Obi-Wan smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting the depth of his affection for his former apprentice. "You're welcome, Amina," he replied. "Just remember, love is not always easy. It requires sacrifice and compromise, but in the end, it's worth it."
Amina nodded, her heart filled with a newfound sense of purpose and determination. She knew that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges and obstacles, but with Obi-Wan's guidance and support, she felt confident that she could face whatever lay ahead.
As they sat in companionable silence, the sun began to rise over the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the desert landscape. Amina watched in awe as the first rays of sunlight illuminated the cave, banishing the shadows and bringing forth a new day filled with endless possibilities.
With a renewed sense of hope and determination, Amina rose to her feet, her gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "It's time for me to go," she said, her voice filled with resolve. "But I'll never forget what you've taught me, Obi-Wan. Thank you."
Obi-Wan stood beside her, his expression filled with pride and admiration. "You're welcome, Amina," he replied. "May the Force be with you, always."
With a final nod of farewell, Amina turned and made her way out of the cave, her heart light with the knowledge that she was not alone.
Amina made her way back to Ord Mantell, making her way to the Marauder where Echo said they were currently at.
As she approached the Marauder, she spotted Hunter standing outside, his posture tense as he scanned the area.
Seeing her approach, Hunter's expression softened, a hint of relief flashing in his eyes. "Amina," he greeted, his voice a mixture of concern and warmth. "You're back."
Amina nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, I'm back," she replied, her voice soft yet determined. "Did I miss anything?"
Hunter shook his head, his gaze never leaving hers. "No, just the usual," he said. "We've been laying low, waiting for our next assignment."
Omega ran off the ship and to Amina as she bent down and hugged her, “hey, kid!” Amina said.
Omega stepped back, “did you bring back anything?”
Amina nodded, taking her backpack off and setting it down, the rest of the Bad Batch coming out of the ship. She held up a carton of blue milk and handed it to Omega, “a Tatooine specialty.” She said, handing one to each of the guys as well.
Tech looked the carton, “blue milk is also known as Bantha milk, which is produced by female banthas- ”
“Yeah, yeah,” Wrecker cut in, opening the carton as did Omega.
Omega grimaced, “ugh, I don’t like it.”
Amina gasped, “What? You don’t like blue milk?” Her incredulous tone carried a mix of surprise and amusement as she looked at Omega, who wrinkled her nose in distaste.
“Sorry.” Omega replied, a small awkward smile on her face.
Wrecker grinned widely as he took Omega's rejected carton of blue milk and took a long swig. "Thanks, Amina!" he exclaimed between gulps, his enthusiasm infectious as always.
Amina chuckled softly at Wrecker's antics, shaking her head in amusement. "You're welcome, Wrecker," she replied warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she watched the big clone enjoy his drink.
Hunter stood by, his arms crossed over his chest as he observed the scene with a small smile playing on his lips. Despite the tense situations they often found themselves in, moments like these reminded him of the bond they shared as a team, as a family.
Tech, ever the curious one, took a sip of his own blue milk, his brow furrowing in concentration as he analyzed the taste. "Interesting," he remarked, his tone thoughtful. "It has a unique flavor profile, reminiscent of certain fermented beverages found on other planets."
Amina raised an eyebrow at Tech's analysis, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "You mean it tastes weird?" she quipped, earning a chuckle from Hunter and a playful shove from Wrecker.
Echo, who had been quietly observing the interaction from the sidelines, finally spoke up. "So, how was Tatooine?" he asked, his tone casual yet curious.
Amina's expression softened at the mention of her recent journey, memories of her time with Obi-Wan flooding her mind. "It was... enlightening," she replied cryptically, her gaze drifting off into the distance. She reached into her backpack again and pulled out a bag, “maybe you’ll like this more, Omega. This is Haroun bread.”
Omega's eyes lit up with curiosity as she took the bag from Amina, inspecting its contents with interest. "What's Haroun bread?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.
"It's a traditional bread from the planet Haroun," Amina explained, her tone warm as she watched Omega's reaction. "It's soft and fluffy, with a slightly sweet flavor. My mom always had when I was a kid.”
Omega's eyes widened in surprise, her gaze flickering between Amina and the bag of bread in her hands. "Wow, that sounds delicious!" she exclaimed, a smile spreading across her face. "Thank you, Amina."
Amina returned Omega's smile with one of her own, her heart swelling with affection for the young clone. "You're welcome, Omega," she replied, her voice gentle yet sincere. "I hope you like it."
As Omega eagerly tore into the bag of Haroun bread, the rest of the Bad Batch gathered around, their curiosity piqued by the new addition to their rations. Hunter glanced at Amina with a grateful smile, his eyes silently conveying his appreciation for her thoughtfulness.
"Thanks for bringing back supplies, Amina," he said, his voice genuine as he reached for a piece of bread. "We were starting to run low."
Amina waved off his thanks with a dismissive gesture, her focus solely on Omega as she watched the young clone take her first bite of Haroun bread. "It's no problem," she replied, her tone casual yet sincere. "I'm just glad I could help. I stole it from some Jawas.”
Hunter chuckled at her admission, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, as long as they didn't put up too much of a fight," he joked, earning a playful shove from Amina.
"You know me, I can handle myself," she quipped, a mischievous glint in her eye as she leaned against the side of the Marauder.
Tech, ever the inquisitive one, examined the bread with a critical eye, his brow furrowing in concentration as he analyzed its texture and composition. "Fascinating," he remarked, his voice tinged with curiosity. "The molecular structure of this bread is quite complex. It appears to be a blend of various grains and starches, resulting in a unique flavor profile."
Amina chuckled softly at Tech's analysis, amused by his scientific approach to something as simple as bread. "Just eat it, Tech," she teased, earning a chuckle from Hunter and a playful shove from Wrecker.
Tech raised an eyebrow at her playful jab, his expression earnest as he continued his examination of the bread. "I prefer to approach things with a methodical mindset," he replied, his tone matter-of-fact. "It allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter."
Hunter shook his head with a fond smile, amused by the dynamic between Amina and Tech. "Sometimes you just have to go with your gut, Tech," he remarked, his voice gentle yet firm. "Not everything needs to be analyzed to the nth degree."
Wrecker nodded enthusiastically in agreement, his mouth full of bread as he gestured emphatically with his free hand. "Yeah, Tech, just eat it!" he exclaimed between bites, his enthusiasm undiminished by his mouthful of food.
Omega, who had been eagerly sampling the Haroun bread, chimed in with her own opinion. "It's really good, Tech," she said, her voice muffled by a mouthful of bread. "You should try it."
Tech hesitated for a moment, torn between his desire to analyze the bread further and his curiosity about its taste. Ultimately, his curiosity won out, and he reached for a piece of bread, taking a tentative bite.
His eyes widened in surprise as he savored the flavor, his analytical mind momentarily forgotten as he focused on the sensory experience. "You're right, Omega," he admitted, a hint of wonder in his voice. "This is quite delicious."
Amina grinned triumphantly at Tech's admission, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Told you so," she said smugly, her tone playful yet satisfied.
As the Bad Batch continued to enjoy their impromptu snack, Amina couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. Despite the uncertainty of their current situation, moments like these reminded her of the camaraderie and bond they shared as a team, and maybe, as a family.
Maybe Obi-Wan was right, the Jedi were flawed, and attachment wasn’t so bad after all.
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tags: @callsign-denmark
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ravensilversea · 4 months
Victory Comes Late
Summary: Victory came too late for Ponds and for so many other brothers. Three years of war plus some months of hashing out a peace treaty written in the blood, sweat, and tears of his brothers but makes no mention of them at all. It’s a Senate proclaimed accomplishment, like they hadn’t refused to even consider peace for three years.
Tags: Canon Divergence, Palpatine Dies AU, Post-War, Light Angst, Grief/Mourning, Reunions, Bittersweet Ending
The largest exhibition hall in the Jedi Temple is almost too small for the sheer number of clone troopers in it now. Really, it is actually too small, but none of them are too concerned with the concept of personal space when this is the first time they’ve all been together for three years.
And yet, Fox pulls his helmet off and tucks it beneath his arm. His guard brushes past him, calling out into the space that’s already echoing with brothers trying to find each other. And yet, they aren’t all here.
Rancor Battalion is still on Kamino and participating in negotiations alongside General Ti to hopefully place the cadets and tubies into the custody of their brothers. The thought alone is almost inconceivable: entire batches of clones who never have to serve on a battlefield, who can stay together and stay alive for years longer than their elder brothers could.
“You joining the party, Fox?” Stone asks, coming to stand beside him.
“You really think Salvo would let us miss it?” Fox walks into the exhibition hall instead of just hovering in the doorway. “Besides, someone has to tell them all how the chancellor really died.”
Stone coughs into his hand. “Would that be the actual story or another one of your tales this time?”
Fox refuses to learn about any of the details of Chancellor Palpatine’s, unfortunate, accident. It would ruin the fun of coming up with stupider and stupider ways the late chancellor died and sharing them around the caf brewer. Call it his own personal revenge against the man who insisted on calling each and every one of his brothers by CC or CT number and number alone, the way the Guard all but tiptoed around him, how many of his brother assigned to the chancellor’s guard when traveling off planet simply disappeared without a trace, and every single shiny who the chancellor sent down into the lower levels who came back in a body bag, if at all.
“I have a list of stupid ways for asshole politicians to die, and this might be my only chance to share any of them,” Fox says primly. “Allow me my fun.”
Stone shakes his head. “If you say so.”
They weave through a particularly thick crowd of brothers, and someone flags them down. “Hey commanders, I think your squads are meeting over on the stands!”
“That’ll be Cody’s idea,” Fox mutters as Stone thanks the brother for the directions. “Always did need to be on top of things.”
“Not sure the stands top Tipoca City’s comm tower.”
Fox looks up at the ceiling that rises so high above their heads it can barely be seen and then gives Stone a look.
“Okay, so maybe they could.”
The commander squads are gathered in a clump in the middle of the stands, and sure enough, Cody’s yellow-orange paint is higher than anybody else, shining like a beacon. Fox and Stone pass Alpha Squad on their way up the stands where Wolffe and Thire look about two seconds from murdering a squadmate or two.
“I’m sorry,” Gregor says just as they pass by, “but do you think you could repeat that? Or maybe replay it? I’m not sure I heard you correct-ly!” His voice rises sharply as he falls back under the weight of two brothers, and Fox hops up a handful of rows. Stone jumps back with a curse.
Poet looks up from their padd with a distinct ‘can you believe I’m stuck with them?’ expression of their face. Fox bites his lip and shakes his head, mentally wishing them good luck. 
Force, Alpha’s only missing Blitz whose stuck on Kamino. They all made it, the lucky bastards.
“Fox! Stone!” Salvo slams into Fox with a broad grin and pulls Stone up the remaining steps to wrap his arm around him too. For a moment, the three of them just breathe. “It’s good to see you again,” Salvo whispers.
“Yeah,” Fox pulls away and meets Gree’s eyes over Salvo’s head. “Wait until you hear what happened to the chancellor.”
“The old one, right? Cause the one we have now is an upgrade.” Gree throws a thumb back over his shoulder. “C’mon, we grabbed a spot by Chimaera.”
Fox starts laying out the first ‘So this is what I heard from somebody who heard it from somebody’ as they walk lengthwise along the stands until Gree and Salvo pull them down onto the benches. Just above them sits Chimaera Squad with it’s three near-silent members. As he tells his story, Fox watches Neyo try to get Keller and Faie to say more than a few words strung together, and it suddenly hits him that both Lock and Colt were dead.
The story ends, and his brothers make noises of disbelief. “Oh really?” Fox says. “Well, how about this one that I heard from a janitor who heard it from his sister’s husband’s brother’s friend.” Stone buries his head in his hands with a groan.
Ponds would have told Fox to stop by the second story, but he’s not around to hear them. The lack of protest from that quarter sits heavy in Fox’s chest. He barrels through the story anyway, almost even more spitefully. 
Victory came too late for Ponds and for so many other brothers. Three years of war plus some months of hashing out a peace treaty written in the blood, sweat, and tears of his brothers but makes no mention of them at all. It’s a Senate proclaimed accomplishment, like they hadn’t refused to even consider peace for three years.
Almost four years of war because of one man who strung them all along like dew drops on a tent-line.
Fox’s eyes land on a small empty space in a sea of brothers, and his next words die in his throat. There’s a brother standing in the middle of the empty space. He’s thin with shaved hair and implant scars. What’s left of one arm is in a sling across his body, and Fox knows who he is even without the blue of the 501st edging his almost shiny-white, probably borrowed armor.
Come get your Dominoes, Rex had messaged three years ago.
Unless they’re commanders, I don’t claim them, and even that’s debatable, he had messaged back.
Within days, Rex had informed him that due to the sudden death of their commanding officers and the subsequent lack of collection by Fox (Fox had rolled his eyes at this), he was personally taking them under his wing. Rex then spent every other message to Fox bragging about ‘his Dominoes’ like there wasn’t hundreds of Domino training squads spread throughout the army.
For a moment, Fox selfishly wishes that Echo truly had died on the infamous Citadel mission. Seeing him standing alone in a sea of reuniting brothers when Fox is the one who killed his last squadmate…
Victory really did come too late for Rex's Domino squad. 
The reunions and conversations continue on around Fox, blurring into the background. A sea of noise and color turning into a drone as a time seems to slow, but Echo never blurs. He continues to stand alone, seemingly in the middle of a swirling galaxy of brothers without a single person to welcome him home.
Fox finds his feet moving without any input from him. He's halfway down the stairs before Salvo asks him where he's going. “To get another Domino,” he says, almost under his breath, but his squad hears him just the same. 
The floor of the exhibition hall seems to echo with his footsteps. Which is impossible. First of all, the sheer number of clones in the room alone would drown out any noise Fox could possibly make even if they weren't talking at loud volumes. Second of all, there was no way in hell that the Jedi didn't sound proof this room within an inch of its life given the number of lightsaber duels- duels between children at that!- this room must have been used for.
Maybe his footsteps are echoing through him, Fox muses. He takes another step and feels it in his chest.
Time and sound suddenly crash into Fox. Conversations burst into a roar, suddenly Fox can hear so many squadname jokes all at once. It no longer feels like he's stepping through taffy, and all he can do is stand there. Like an idiot. Just in front of Echo.
Force, all he has to do is lift his arm and he could touch this orphaned shell of a brother.
Well, maybe not a shell, he reconsiders as Echo straightens, jutting his chin out a bit and brown eyes flashing with a challenge. There's still quite a bit of fight left in his one, which is more than Fox can say for the Chimaera commanders back on the stairs. 
“Echo,” Fox says, figuring that's as good a start as any.
“What do you want, commander?”
Fox falters. Opening and closing his mouth, he glances back at his squad who have ceased any and all conversations to stare at him trying and failing to talk to a CT.
“If you're here to apologize, don't. There's nothing you can say,” Echo continues, and Fox winces. If it was his squadmate shot and killed by another's hand, he doesn't think he would have said those words so mournfully acceptingly. No. Every trooper in this hall would likely have to hold him back from trying to beat the shit out of the one who killed his squadmate.
He flexes his hands, tries not to imagine how Aurra Singh's neck would feel wrapped in them as he squeezes the life out of her for what she did to Ponds. 
“It's not something that can be forgiven, no matter how much I regret it,” Fox says. “But that isn't why I'm here, trooper... Echo.”
“Then why, sir?”
For a moment, Fox hesitates, unsure of whether his invitation, his touch would be welcome, but he decides to do it anyway. He reaches out and gently grabs Echo's remaining wrist and lightly tugs it in the direction of the stadium. “Come on. No Domino gets left behind.”
He waits for Echo to take the first step, watching his brother's eyes blink, widen, and then sharpen. Echo looks past Fox towards the Domino commanders, and whatever he sees there, convinces him.
Fox settles Echo down in the empty spot where Ponds should be, and the way Echo looks around with brighter eyes and a harsh swallow tells him everything about how Rex's little dominoes must have gathered too.
Setting that aside, Fox turns back to his brothers. “Now, where were we? Oh yes, so the Chancellor had ordered breakfast and for some reason, this involved fish. And you know how fish have these tiny little bones they don't always manage to get out when preparing them?”
Gree sighs loudly as he realizes where Fox is going with this latest story about Palpatine's death, and Salvo begins slapping Fox's knee like that's going to stop him. Behind him, Echo muffles a snort, and Fox grins.
Victory came late, but not too late. There are still brothers here who were saved after all.
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chocochipjewel · 2 months
Okay yall Bad Batch finale aires in just under 12 hours and I have some finale theories to talk about! Hopefully I'll be able to post at least some rough art after the finale where I talk about the show some more but for now final theories!
I think CX-2 is Cody, it's too late for it to be Tech and it would be delightfully tragic if Rex or someone (who I think is definitely showing up for the finale) kills CX-2 and unmasks him after the fact or something
I think Hemlock did retrieve Tech's body and I think he's one of the experimental CX units who have not been released yet. But I don't think it worked. I want his sacrifice to mean something, so I want him to stay dead (even if my heart wants otherwise 😭) maybe his body is found, maybe he's never seen again, but I don't think he's coming back
I'm pretty sure Rex and his group of renegade clones will make an appearance, and I hope Phee gets a final moment to be badass as well. Apart from that, I'm hoping for no more extra characters cluttering the episode cause we already have so many loose ends up tie up here
I wouldn't put it past Disney to end the clone rebellion storyline on a cliffhanger tbh but I so badlyyy wish it won't be that way. Let their story end here. It will be sad but you know what that's better than the finale just being a tease for a future show. Let all the Tantiss prisoners break out and branch out to live new lives and die naturally as they deserve.
Now... for the actual Bad Batch itself
I'm certain someone is going to die. No one they're all making it out, not after all the teases and death flags. This isn't going to be like Mando S3 where the characters retire on some field for the rest of their lives (that's just for my fix it headcanons ❤️)
As for who, I've gone back and forth on this but I'm not sure. Every remaining member of the 4 troopers we have here have enough death flags on them and I've read compelling theories for all possibilities, including ones where they get Rogue One'd and everyone dies 😭
So I guess I don't really have a theory for this. I'm certain someone is going to die and I'm honestly scared for who it will be but I don't have a specific person yet. I'm leaning towards Hunter or Crosshair cause their conflict and relationships with Omega make the heart of the show itself, but I wouldn't be surprised if Wrecker or Echo died instead, or any other combination of the team members
Only thing I'm mildly certain about is Omega surviving. Disney Star Wars doesn't like to kill kids much. She's not 100% clear but least likely from my perspective. Plus it would end the show on too sad a note if the character driving the entire plot so far dies 😭 I can see a possibility in which she dies to delay Project Necromancer indefinitely, and it would honestly be sad as hell, but that's just it, it would be way too sad. I don't think the show likes being that dark, especially for its finale. And frankly, Omega's arc deserves to end with her finally getting to stop running and just live her life on her own terms.
Hemlock is definitely getting eaten by the Zillo beast while it destroys Tantiss and Rampart is almost surely making it out and turning a new leaf in my eyes. He's not any less of an asshole but he might just go live somewhere away from the Empire and away from the Bad Batch too.
Emerie is an interesting case cause I can't tell if she'll get the redemption = death thing or she'll make it out too. I honestly have 0 predictions for her. I can see her dying to save the force sensitive kids, but I can also see her making it out.
The force sensitive kids, clone cadets, Batcher, and Phee are probably gonna make it out and you know what good for them. They'll probably be the emotional support for the remaining members of the Batch (if there are any) to move on after this.
I am hoping and praying for no Boba Fett or Ventress or Vader or Palpatine cameo cause this is the last episode of the Bad Batch show and it should ideally focus on. The Bad Batch. The show already has too many loose threads. No more cameos please.
As for whoever survives in the Batch, my ideal wish would just be for them to retire to Pabu under a new identity or something and live out their lives. After Tantiss is destroyed, there would be no clones left in captivity. They can finally rest then. It would be bittersweet to see the end of their adventures as they knew it, but it's at least a peaceful end.
Anyways, that's all for my theories I think! Whether I end up being right or not, I hope the finale is actually good 😭 and I hope whoever dies doesn't make me TOO sad, just that sweet spot of devastated but in a good way 😭😭😭
I'll be reblogging this after I watch the finale with updates on whether my predictions were true or not, probably with a thank you post to the show, so I suppose this is it.
See you all on the other side, TBB nation!
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marvelstars · 2 months
The Persona/Shadow or Anakin vs Vader
This is just my HC but given how much inspiration Lucas got from the old stories of Samurai Warriors whose code of honor meant everything, to built Star Wars and the Jedi order as well as oriental philosophy and Calr Jung psicology, my take on the duality between Anakin and Vader is similar to that between the Persona and the shadow, the shadow being:
The Shadow acording to Carl Jung: is an unconscious aspect of the personality that does not correspond with the ego ideal, leading the ego to resist and project the shadow, leading to a conflict with it.
The Persona: literally meaning the Mask, that which is our conscious personality and which determines how we deal with the world.
Persona is contrasted against the shadow. Jung regarded the shadow as unconscious—id and biography—suppressed under the superego's ego-ideal, the way the superego wants to be.
Anakin tried to suppress those aspects of his personality that made him uncomfortable for many years trying to become what he was told was the "ideal jedi" like he suppressed his worry for his mother, his anger at slavery, his anger at being separated from her, his sense of isolation, his sadness for not fulfilling his dream of freeing Tatooine´s slaves, his guilt over abandoning his mother to her fate, his guilt over killing the tusken raiders, his fear of losing his loved ones to death, etc.
This lead to him developing increasing ideal ego characteristics that he could not realistically aspire to, he could not stop his mother, friends, soldiers, wife from dying, he knew that but if he was the chosen one then how could he not save people? how could he not save his mother, his fellow padawans, his master, ahsoka or padme from dying if he truly was the chosen one? for what was all this power for then if not to save people? wasn´t he supposed to be the hero of the galaxy? wasn´t he meant to help everybody? that made him uncomfortable.
Then he was send to a war in which he felt every soldier, fellow padawan and civilian die in the force and he could do nothing but see it, he probably told himself well, at least I can keep some of them safe.
Until his master apparently died, ahsoka had to leave because he could not protect her, his soldiers were killed by a fellow Jedi while he wasn´t there to help them on Umbara and then Padme becomes fearful of the "shadow" growing in him and ends their relationship for a while before coming back.
Then he is sent to war for months without an end until he comes back, Padme tells him she is pregnant but his dreams that told him his mother would die, told him as well Padme was fated to die on childbirth and the shadow/dragon/vader slowly starts taking control until he falls, in the middle of a psycotic break, on Palpatine´s office he is sent then toattack the temple and save the one loved one he can save, then he attacks his wife, he attacks his master because Sidious told him they were traitors, he attacked and killed the very people he sought to protect, keep safe and keep alive,until he is left alone burning alive and there is only Sidious at his side.
Anakin´s fight was with death itself, he wanted to defeat death for failing to save his mother from it and he was willing to use the darkside to do it, that was his tragedy, and it is very sad that Vader´s mask is meant to be similar to a mortorious mask, he killed the people he cared the most about, he killed Padme, he killed his child, he killed himself, his ideals, his dreams, his goodnees and all there´s left is the shadow, "all he has left is death, all he is good for is death, so death he became" he only added his loyalty to the Empire, to the Emperor and his wish to keep order to give meaning to his actions, to give himself a meaning to the little life he had left. "All I am surrounded by is fear and death men" he wasn´t trying to be poetic, he literally saw his life as Vader this way and the only peace he would get was death.
This is also why Luke´s existence(and Leia´s) is so important, because their mere existence meant not everybody was dead and not everything was lost, he didn´t have to belong to the darkness forever but just as the shadow took time in getting control, it took time for this to truly help him control of his old self. That maybe he wasn´t totally death/evil/maybe there was something worth in him left/something good.
"The boy was good, and the boy had come from him–so there must have been good in him, too. He smiled up at his Son and for the first time loved him and for the first time in a long time loved himself as well. (ROTJ NOVEL)
Those were Anakin´s/thoughts as he laid dying at Luke´s side and he still saw his goodness in past tense but he was whole, the only way to heal the shadow and the persona was to accept them both and becoming whole once again, seeing him accepting both sides of himself in Ahsoka series felt healing for Ahsoka but it was also healing for him, in spirit he is no longer separated and he is stronger because of it.
This is my take on Anakin and Darth Vader duality and yes this is why he makes me so sad, because all he wanted was to help and Sidious used this very same wish to do good agaisn´t Anakin. Like a classic tragic character his character flaw grew out of his virtues.
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hedonisticjedi · 2 years
I like anidala bc I like the way Padmé and Anakin as individuals and as a couple explore autonomy.
Neither Padmé nor Anakin got childhoods. Then both go on to hold so much responsibility in their "day jobs". They were both so used to being corrected and their emotions stifled because their emotions always had to come second to the greater good. Being together, even before they were romantic, allowed them to express their emotions and be themselves without being corrected. With each other, they got to explore their "childish" behaviors. Anakin could trust Padmé's words were to be of comfort and not a lesson or telling him to lessen his emotions, and Padmé could trust that Anakin loved her without an agenda and for who she is not what she represented.
I think that's part of why Anakin wanted their marriage to be out in the open. He wanted to be out of the order and wanted the autonomy he found with Padmé. Padmé is the manifestation of autonomy to Anakin. She was there when he was freed from slavery. She fought against all odds to keep her people from being subjugated and continued to fight for other beings' freedom and autonomy in the senate. Their love was untouched by slavery or the order. So, his attachment is not just to her but to his own autonomy.
We, as the viewers, know that Anakin can leave the order and do whatever he wants. And theoretically, he knows too, but Anakin never rly had the autonomy over his life to know he can make big decisions like that. Exerting one's autonomy, like anything else, is a skill that we need to see modeled and practice ourselves. Anakin had neither. So, he needed someone else to make his decision to leave for him.
Padmé was so good in the senate and with her personal boundaries because she spent her formative years learning about and how to exert one's autonomy. That's why she was one of the few senators willing to stand up to the chancellor. She so deeply values autonomy that right before she was going to die (or so she thinks), she does the most autonomous thing she can, which was to throw EVERYTHING to the wind & confess her love. Before, she was unwilling to let him leave the order bc she didn't feel like he should make that decision because of or for her. Anakin never expressed any desire to leave the order except to be with her. So, in Padmé's mind, Anakin leaving would be a reduction of his autonomy. I, however, think Anakin wanted to leave the order for many other reasons as well. Anakin wanted his full autonomy. He wanted to free enslaved beings and be with his wife. The order kept him from doing both. Which is the crack Palpatine pours his poison into.
Rots ends the way it does bc of each of their upbringings. Anakin only ever knew service, subjugation, and the limited autonomy he found in his marriage. He never knew (in a way he could put into practice) that he could literally do whatever he wanted. Anakin came to see the jedi as a threat to his autonomy. He feared what Padmé's death would mean for his autonomy and fear will make us do terrible things, especially if we've been groomed by someone who wishes to weaponize us. Padmé on the other hand, not only didn't have Palpatine's influence (hence why Palpatine tried to have her killed so many times), her autonomy wasn't funneled through the lens of her marriage.
Padmé and Anakin loved each other deeply bc they both highly valued autonomy and found a new sense of autonomy with each other
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erinnkenobi · 2 years
Whelve² | episode two
Episode One -> Episode two
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 — Anakin Skywalker x fem!jedi!reader;
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 — mentions of death, grief and I guess that's it
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 —Info: Leia is always up to something.
𝐑𝐄'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 — This was supposed to be longer, fortunately I've decided to cut and please, just a warn to the next episode of this imagine, prepare ye heart. If you enjoyed please you're free to reblog and give me a ♥︎ Remind you folks, I'm not good enough with my English, so I do accept advices, be easy on me please.
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He lied to him,Sheev Palpatine,The Sith called Darth Sidious lied to the man you most loved and he fell,fell to the dark side,though he did not fell entirely until he knew what Sidious said right after the helmet being put on Anakin's head, that Anakin "killed you."
"— Where is y/n?Is she safe?Is she all right?".-he asked slowly.
"-It seems in your anger,you killed her."-he said.
"—I?I couldn't have.She was alive,I felt it!".-Anakin,your Anakin now Vader says,he could not stand it,he just accepted become Sidious apprentice because of you,to prevent death,your death!But then he was the reason why you got killed.
Anakin is dead,the moment Vader were born,he fell totally to The dark side after the thought of losing you.
Only if he knew that you were alive with his babies,safe,Would ye try to bring him back to the light side of the Force?
Deep down your guts,you knew that your mere existence was a threat to Darth Sidious Empire.
You had Anakin love-heart in the palm of your hand,could you have now Vader love and heart and soul curly in the palm of your hand?Well,you've always believed that there's good in him.
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[Mechanical sounds in the background around you echoes,RD-D2 and C-3PO are discussing in the corner of your medical room]
‐Oh no RD-D2, I couldn't live a life without our dearly master,what if she dies now?She shed a lot of tears and lose too much blood that I thought I could have been the one gone!!!-C-3PO was gesturing his droid hands-arm franctly desperate,it would have been funny if your vision wasn't blurred.
[RD-D2 beeps replied back]
You know Artoo is correcting C-3PO arguing back that you still alive.Yoda and Obi-wan efforts to make you be still should not be underestimate.
-Oh RD-2,thank you my friend,I'll try to being calm for the sake of our master.
You try to lift your upper body, but unsuccessfully you just receives a twinge at ye back that makes you squeak and makes you remain lying down, your body reaction and cry causes C-3PO and RD-2 notice you've woken up.
Relieved both of them, C-3PO clumsily rushes over to you, while RD-2 glides to behind him until arrive by the other side of your stretcher.
-"Oh heavens!" Oh heavens, awakening Mrs. Skywalker now is, Oh good heavens, grateful I am, Master y/n,what a huge fright you gave us, we thought you would die and I would not endure.
[RD-D2 beeps wittly sally C-3PO to control himself]
-I...I am glady that both of you worried over me.-you say with a weak smile staring at the two droids,their presence relieves you,until.
Lifting slowly a hand to ye womb,panic runs over your body noticing that there's nothing inside,your belly bump wasn't there anymore as a few hours used to,oh no no..You let your fear speaks lounder,what could had happened to your babies,what happened with Anakin?
Pale as a ghost,putting your hand on ye belly; "-They're not here...It couldn't be.." fear runs through your veins,cold sweats trips by your forehead and ye hands were trembling at this stage,the pain in your upper body doesn't matter anymore,you want your babies desperately,your newborns.
Lifting ye backs ignoring the cruel pangs and the wish to cry by pain,you change glances between the two droids.
Artoo e C-3PO, where are they?Where are my babies?-your bare hands stills laying down on your empty belly,with your tearful glossy eyes and the nose starting to burn,you won the droids double attention,you didn't notice that you had done some damages behind your back with some machines,objects and other stuff now down on the ground that caused shrill sounds.
[Beeps trying to say to you stay calm because everything it's Okay and that you doesn't need to worry,thus C-3PO is frightened,what if you smash him without knowing?]
-Oh master y/n!Don't worry,everything is fine fine,you must not being stressed,I will bring master Kenobi and master Yoda so you could calm down.
-I do not want them,Threepio!-you snap back in a desperate and angry tone,blaming them you're not,but you unfortunately smashed an innocent cleaner droid,being smart and quickly,Artoo beeps warning C-3PO that he have to stay with you while he would brings the Jedi masters Kenobi and Yoda until you,RD-D2 did not wait for any clumsy response from C-3PO,because he had already left the medical room in search of them quickly.
-That small and stubborn droid!What a good friend he's.-he forced a weak laugh.-So...Mrs.Skywalker before I can say something further,I beg to you not smashes me,just like what you did with the poor cleaner droid near you.-you looked at the small thing literally a few centimetres far from you feeling guilty.
-Sorry...-you stares back at threepio.- I just,sorry again for being rude towards both of you and I'll say sorry too to RD2 when he comes back,but...I just cannot remember Threepio, where am I?Where are we? What is this place,everything seems so confuse and my head is aching,my heart...-you put your hands now upon you chest.–It hurts...-your voice trailed off,the way that you said that, makes C-3PO feel for you,pitying you with sadness, you're exhausted, dare to say weak.-I cannot remember exactly what has had happened.
"A tragedy befell with you...
[...] Could you overcome it?"
The last things that you can remember are flashes through your memories,you reckon landing on Mustafar,a planet with an intense connection to the dark side,your desperate tries and brokenness heart that you got trying to convince and bringing Anakin back to the light side of the Force, so both of you could raise your baby,before you knew it was twins,the he choking you with the force saying that ye turned against him and right after you black-out,then a racking pain all over your body took place by giving birth  not for only ONE baby, but for TWO beautiful babies, fruits of your pure and innocent love watered down years before, that now the seeds has now been harvested. Through your shed tears and blood, alone.
How unfair is this?Your nose burns while warm tears falls over your cheek,  C-3PO attempts to calm you down in a clumsy, though empath way.
– I can't feel him, Threepio.-you shared with the droid in a soft tone,but holding as much as you can the sobbing tears.-I don't feel Ani,not anymore.-you look the droid which Anakin with such young age was able to build,C-3PO and RD-D2 the two droids that shared the best day of your life's,that day being your secret wedding day.-What have happened?Where are we?-you begged again.
C-3PO was ready to say something until a soft manner voice echoes behind your back herein with beeps sounds,R2 calling C-3PO to get out of the room with him,while the man by your back would now talk with you.
-Obi-wan.-you expressed a relief breath.-Where are them?-you asked for tour babies.
Kenobi search for one of ye hands caressing it."—They're with Yoda two room near to yours,but before I bring them to you,we must talk y/n,I will say to you everything that I know and what happened before you gave birth,okay?"
Totally,this is what you needed the most,now the truth even when you know that this might be a blow in your heart,an eternal wound in your heart.
[Explanation time skip]
If what my dearly friend is telling me is the truth,then my truly husband is gone.
He explained me after Anakin choke me to death and I faint that he fought his killer on Mustafar, he said the man were called Darth Vader,when the fight ended Obi-wan rushed to me with the droids taking me back to my shuttle,he asks to Yoda and Bail Organa to come over a planet called Poliss Massa where soon I gave birth.
Gladly I were able to survive,attended by medical droids,I gave birth to my twins Luke and Leia on Polis Massa,Obi-Wan being the one by my side while Yoda was watching all the scene,I was pleased that both of them looked after me,but...
-Where is master Calian?-I asked looking at Kenobi blue eyes now concerned.
-Y/n I don't think this is the right time,but.-he said,he said a thing that I most feared,master Calian Graham is gone,the man who trained me all these years, gone.
"Master Calian,you had promised me that you would be here,there for me when I most needed you to give me advices,I thought you would make it.Why aren't thou here?y-you must've see my babies. "- you says inside your mind.
How was his death?Kenobi didn't know and this riddle would perpetuate,Graham knew a bunch of forbidden stuff from the deleted jedi archives,it was impossible to kill him easily.
There's much more information that I knew my heart wouldn't bear, I couldn't stand one more bad notices,Obi-Wan still recalls me once more so my attention comes back to him.
-I am sorry,I'm so so sorry for being useless,I knew that something bad was coming and I did nothing to help,I'm so sorry.-I started again shaking and sobbing, but Obi-wan put his hands on my shoulders.
-You did nothing wrong y/n,some things runs out of our hands and there's is nothing more that we can do,but now I see that you deserve more than anyone a moment just to yourself enjoy these..-a slide door sound is heard, my heart beats getting lounder.
-Kenobi, leave Alden with her babies and talk we must.-master Yoda comes through the door with Bail Organa by his side carrying in his arms two little packages wrapped in a white blanket.
Kenobi stands up leaving my side,I was anxious to see my two beautiful babies I my arms.
-Mommy sees truly excited little ones.-Bail came to my side helding to me one of the babies,finally.
-This is...Luke.-you smiled caressing carefully his cheek while the Organa,a good friend of yours and your master was holding the girl,Leia.-Can I hold both of them?
-Of course ma'am.-Bail smiles giving now Leia to me ,both of them sleeping.
All your attention is now towards the two babies,their roundy cute faces and rose cheeks.
They are at peace into their mom core embrace,they're safe,staring at them you are able to feel peace,nevertheless deep down with the New Galaxy Order,the things will just get harder.
- Mommy will do what I must to protect both of you,whatever it takes, my beloved children,I promise you.-you give em a peck kiss in their round rosy nose.
Bail observes you giving a tenderness grin, him and his wife are great friends of you, your master liked them a lot, knowing him well, you knew that Calian doesn't like much people, Bail presence is indeed good, but it reminded her him, him should've be here to you,Graham had to be here, but beyond anything else,Anakin should've be here too,for you and for your little family. 
Someone clearing their throat behind you catches both of your attention, still holding your twins you look at Obi-wan figure, he look so tired, exhausted, though he still smiles at you holding his apprentice children. 
- Bail, may I...- he did not needed to continue the phrase, Bail understanding his voice tone stood up saying to you better be better soon, wishing your well-being before leaving the room just so Obi-wan and you with the twins could be alone. 
- Something happened? Are you bringing me good news or bad news? -you asked with a funny face, Kenobi laughed while walking to the seat beside you sitting down, oh thanks maker! You have made Kenobi smile and laugh after all this mess. 
- Sure this time y/n, I guess I'm bringing good news, we have settled down a good planet so you and the babies could live at peace, you might raise them  without worrying if something will happen, do you want me to continue? 
-Of course master Kenobi.-you say giving him a grateful and hopeful smile which he did the same. 
-You don't need to call me master, aren't we friends? 
You chuckles looking at him, you knew that he doesn't enjoyed you calling master after all the adventure you were by his side, you're his friend as much as you can reckon, you met him even a year before master Qui-Gon brought little Ani to the Jedi temple. 
-You right, Obi-wan.-you replied with a smile without showing your teeths, you now glances between your babies to Kenobi. 
-Master Yoda and I were thinking about a safe place that the kids would be safe to be raised by you.-he begins.- We were thinking either Tatooine or Dagobah, but Dagobah is not a place neither for you nor the twins, Tatooine is a good one, although I rethink about it and unfortunately wouldn't be so good due to the Hutt control spreading around and also due to the bounty hunters being constantly around, I also considered bringing you and the babies to live in your home planet, on Hawko, however something says to me that coming back to ye home planet wouldn't be a good choice, then...My dear friend.-he stops looking at my face at its reaction so he coul continue, I positively shakes my head.‐ Bail Organa suggested to us his planet, Alderaan, he said that he and his queen would've love to help you, giving a nice house on the countryside or even a dwelling house near their palace, only if you want go of course, he said that he would take you and the babies upon his care, it would shall lack nothing for you. 
-Wouldn't we bother the Organas?-you ask shyly.-Oh Obi, we have already bothered you.-Obi-wan laughs smoothly shaking negatively his head,crossing his arms. 
- No no y/n, you out of all people think, you're like family to me, master Yoda also considers you.-he continues.-It would be delightful to help you and also there's one more thing.-he waves a single finger. 
-And what is it?-you adjusted Leia, you noticed the baby lips moving, she's hungry and soon the boy would be so. 
Kenobi notices yours and the babies reaction, he need to be quick, so he could settle everything. 
- I...If I'm do not bother you...-he stares at you.- I would like to help you, help you raise the babies until a certain age and I know that you are enough to look after them, the babies, but I don't want to risk neither your safety nor the children, if something happened to you and them...-he slowed down his tone, you noticed when his eyes drafted away from you, he seemed distant for a moment until he cracks back the attention to you.- Will you... 
-Of course!I will gladly enjoy your support and presence, helping me raising the twins...-you smile at him,reassuring confidence to him.-Your help is well welcomed, so...If you plase, leave me alone with them, I would like to breastfed Leia and Luke, the might cry soon.- you laughed staring at the two beautiful faces. 
Obi wan step back blushing, shaking lightly his head while fettling his robes, you knew he was happy with your answer, you knew that allowing him helping you raising the kids, Anakin's children means so much to him, he also had lost everything in this bloody unnecessary war, that Sidious were capable to create, remembering of his name made your heart ache, a thought were running through your mind. 
When the time calls you, you will ruin everything that he built, nevertheless now, your obligation is with your children, Darth Sidious neither the Empire will took them from you, Anakin was everything for you, the only one, always....
Before you could have your grief moment, now you need to take care of your twins, come on, they are hungry.
Staring at them in fully peace between your arms, you start sobbing quietly. 
-My cute beautiful babies, mommy will always be there for you,your daddy would also be so happy if he could be right here.-with both of your thumbs, you smooth their cheeks, then Luke and Leia whines, finally opening their eyes.- Okay okay, I know it's your milky time.-you tried to clean the tears from your cheekbones brushing them away with your shoulder, your last phrase just reassured your oath to your children safety.
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Obi-wan exiled himself, shutting down his contact with the force, after the twins sixth birthday, Kenobi talked with you about his exile and the moment he shutdown the force from his life, it hurted deep in your core, but you knew that he also needed time to heal.
Unfortunately this day wasn't the one that you longed for, today you visited the Organas Palace, you needed to attend Breha family meeting, all of you pretended to be Bail side family, unfortunately Luke wasn't feeling well today to come, so he stayed at your house being under C-3PO and R2-D2 watch, indeed they're the best babysitters, you knew whatever might happen with Luke,they would warn you instantly.Besides no
Leia today wasn't being a good girl, being honest she's her father's daughter, even though he wasn't present to look after you and the twins, while they were growing up their likeness turns out to be just like Anakin's traits, both appearance and personality. 
[ Reader pov ] 
The white metallic door slides open allowing me to enter the room, a royal servant follows me alongside. 
- We're going to be late, honey.- I came closer holding a holopad.- Come on, let's hurry it along.-I stopped in my tracks, Leia force presence it's not here, hmm.- How is she? Is she ready?- I ask looking at the three handmaidens 
- Yes ma'am.-one of them said, I smiled even though I knew that my girl isn't here. 
-Great.-I tap in one more thing on the holopad then giving it to the servant near behind me.- Thank you.-he cordially leans taking the holopad.- Darling, remember, today the Queen's whole family is coming, uncle Bail and aunt Breha need their support, so try not to make anyone cry.- I take her hands cautiously leaning  down near her ears.- There will have sweetmallows at the reception after,if you behave well, I will let you... 
Well, this was fun till I found it enough, not knowing where she would be at this stage just worries me, I look at this little girl hand and put down her hood revealing her appearance, definitely not my Leia.
I breathe deeply exhaling right after, the wee girl smiles at me. 
-She insisted you would find it amusing, ma'am.- all I can do is change glances with the three handmaidens who quickly stares down at the floor. 
I turn staring now at the servant behinds me,I lift my indicative finger suggesting the possible places where Leia could be found. 
-She's either in the cellar, in the kitchen...- for a moment I sighs shaking my head to the side.- Or in the woods. 
This young lady, she will see what will be waiting her when we come back home.Holding my dress hem while I were leaving the dwelling room in search of this wee girl, that again runaway using her friends to escape, so she could be in the woods, exploring and having fun, even though I told her many times that without me would be dangerous, what if she went far away now? 
Bail already sent the guards searching for her, though I knew she would be smarter and faster than them, she would not even be caught, Leia wouldn't be so lucky in this time. 
And there she was, Leia was running through the trees while her small droid chirpy following her, until both of them were climbing a central tree, it seems to be Leia favourite spot to see and guess every spaceships that flies away. 
Leia and Lola were discussing if the Aquillian Raider was scouting for Merson pirates or for traders. 
- Leia Skywalker. – you exclaimed with a ringing breathy voice, letting go of your dress hem you look up to see your daughter amazement blank reaction.- You had to do this today ?- she stares at you looking from the tree and changed glances between you and Lola. 
-Do what?- she says sheepishly, she knew this question were rhetorical, what a bold little girl. 
- Down.-  you cross your arms, you do a single hand gesture, meaning to go down. 
Leia change glaces one more time with Lola, before  putting her feet on the grass, she's was pouting at me.
You couldn't deal with her cuteness, you always need to remind that you is the Mommy here, even though you'd like to say "It's Okay, I'll let this pass just this time", unfortunately mama bear need to be tough against Leia cute features. 
You muttered to yourself "-It's like raising a rebel Jawa when you say "give it back" and them do it anyway, plus ran away". 
- No Lola for the rest of the day. -you say bolstering ye hand on your waist looking at Leia. 
- But she didn't do anything. 
- Shut her down.- Leia was ready to reply back to ye, but your features made she be quiet.- I mean it. 
She stills with her wee pouting while shutting down her bestfriend, the wee droid. 
[ Lola deactivates ] 
Y/n firstly hides the droid behind her back, then holds gently Leia small hands, both of you going back to the Palace tracks. 
-If you behaved as well as you climb the trees, you'd might be a senator already.- deep in your guts you rather have said; -"You'd be a Jedi knight already with such young age". 
Leia sighs unsatisfied. 
- Oh honey, we're running late, you'll have to change in the speeder. Come.- you haste your steps along with her. 
-It's not like anyone would miss me if I wasn't there. 
Now is your time sighing. 
-Well, mommy would miss you, just like I am missing your brother herein too. 
- Mommy, all I do is wave.
- Then little one, do more than just wave.- you knew that just waving is such a boring thing, mainly when her brother was not present as today, he is usually the one to enliven her up when you needed to attend preppy talk with the others adults. 
Almost arriving your destination, unexpectedly Leia abruptly stops and apologise, you sensed that she's up to something. 
- I'm sorry, mommy.- she says with a smooth voice almost melting ye heart with sweetness, this was so unfair, your kids already knows how to disarm you, just like Anakin once usually used to do before them.- I really am, I promise I won't do this again.- you stares at her giving in with her words, letting a small smiled escape. 
Leia holds out her arms so you and her could share a hug, and there you are, you knew she was up something because when you hugged her, Leia tiny hands were working behind your backwards so she could pick up Lola back. 
- You know, I can feel you doing it.- Leia quickly moves away, still near you, from you with a sassy sheepishly grin. 
You huffed unbelievable, you can't bear her cleverness and subtle tiny hands with this cute smile. 
-Oh young lady, come on.- you motion ye head  indicating the entrance way ahead. 
Both of you starts again in your tracks, being followed by two guards behind. 
- It's like living in a prison, mom.- Leia says unhappy holding your hand once more. 
- A prison?- you asked with a curious, but not surprise tone. 
- Yeah, I rather go back to our house and stay with Luke, he must be missing us mommy. 
Oh your poor baby boy, Leia was right, so as soon all this meeting comes to an end both of you will pack your things and come straight home, what leaves you unconcerned is that you can trust leaving Luke under C-3PO and Artoo care, well rethinking about it...You are kind concerned now.
[ y/n pov ] 
Before me and Leia alongside the two guards goes to the end of the entrance, I pin my head towards the woods, as if I was searching for something, I felt a quiver down my spine as if we were being watched by someone hidden on the woods, my mind is like a speeder right now, the force is trying to tell me something, but I don't like it, because it was trouble and within trouble there'd danger. 
I squeeze my daughter shoulders, making her hurry to go inside, I need this meeting comes to an early end, I wanna go home with Leia and see if my Luke is fine, oh Maker... 
Before all of us disappears in the hallway so Leia could change her clothes, I stops in my tracks looking back again, scouting for something in the woods, all that I sensed was an upcoming danger.
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( 𝐏.𝐒: Why you, 'Luke and Leia need to attend this kind of events? There's a quick explanation; since you all were brought to Alderaan, Bail and Breha took both of you under their protection which as a result all of you received a new life, new names and some other stuffs, therefore there's one more thing that I need you to know, y/n is now under the surname Organa, though when you're alone or in private you calls your twins by Anakin's surname.)
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identityflawed · 6 months
maul was never meant to succeed sidious. he was just a tool and a weapon. he was never an apprentice and he was never really, truly a sith. as all of sidious’ apprentices (yes, all), he was entirely disposable, though sidious had no apt replacements at the time.
had he not died, i am sure sidious would have continued to use him for covert missions, but he would’ve recruited someone else (dooku still, i imagine) to lead the separatist side of the war. and while there are a litany of things to show that maul was little more than a weapon, the clearest one is from The Wrath of Darth Maul.
the key tenet of the sith is that the apprentice yearns to kill the master. both tyranus and vader had the desire to murder sidious, though dooku was far less eager to act upon such things in comparison to vader… arguably this is second proof of dooku’s pure disposability, was the fact that palpatine first endeared himself to dooku, so he was always a friend before he was an enemy.
(anakin is the exception. he is a son who wishes to kill his father. palpatine saw that, and he acknowledged that no amount of false affections would be enough to keep vader’s killing intent at bay.)
back to maul. during his final trial on hypori, where he dueled sidious, he lost his hatred for his master. it became unwavering loyalty. treachery is the way of the sith, and this is the antithesis to that. palpatine needed a subordinate. he did the same with dooku, but dooku always figured that by the end of the day they would be somewhat equal in the post-war empire. dooku was deluded. maul was just… never meant to be a sith. too bad for him. he had all the anger and all the strength, and he would’ve absolutely crushed it about a thousand years earlier. but he was not built for the modern era of darkness, where deception and political cunning reigned supreme.
sidious preaches finding apprentices who are strong where you are weak, but also weak where you are strong (the creation of monsters). maul could carry out assassinations and hits and takedowns that sidious could not, but he was never well-accustomed to the world of subtlety and subversion. he chafed at the idea of being restrained to non-force action, as any sith would, but he prioritized his master’s will over his own. and it’s good that he did, from sidious’ perspective, anyways.
and while sidious considers vader to be his minor masterpiece, this guy is absolutely terrible at picking apprentices and keeping them. or, more like, he’s just a terrible fucking dude and master as well. and he didn’t really want a successor; he just wanted monsters and tools and subordinates.
but the dark side is founded not only on anger but on arrogance. you have no truly humble sith lords, no true sith lords who believe that they are just fine where they are. this hunger for strength makes good students and good masters, but terrible, terrible tools. maul was a failed apprentice because he thought he had everything he needed. he died. dooku was a failed apprentice because he never thought he needed more. he died. anakin was a failed apprentice because he needed what only palpatine could provide. each in their own way failed to carry out the will of two because of palpatine’s ability to engender dependency on him.
tldr: what palpatine really needed was a neurotic and insecure force-sensitive who didn’t get arrogant and die to a jedi on naboo. nice try, old guy.
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kylosbreedingkink · 2 years
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This man went through someone trying to kill him in his sleep once. From someone who would have been like a father figure for him, someone who he had spent the majority of his life with. Even if Snoke said immediately afterwards that they were expecting this (but how much can you really expect or prepare for waking up to a parental figure standing above you with a drawn weapon?)
And then it happens again. Maybe not from someone he trusted nearly as much as he would have his uncle master, but someone he had previously looked out for in the past. Whom he had worked with closely in the previous few years.
Twice, Kylo was almost killed in his sleep. The first time would have seriously messed with his mental state and I'm sure affected his sleep immensely, but that second time too. Most people don't expect this to happen once, but twice? Each time he goes to kill the one doing the deed - but then doesn't fully commit. He lied to himself and said he did with Luke, and with Hux? He was so close, but stopped.
Just imagine being at your most vulnerable, and then wake up to someone you are supposed to be able to trust, ready to kill you. It's a terrifying concept, one which most of us will never be able to comprehend.
And then imagine the poor sleep afterwards. The constant uncertainty on who you can trust. Just how safe would you be in bed, really? That constant paranoia and fear, wanting to much to just not die but never knowing if others will grant you that wish.
It's really more of a wonder that Kylo's mental state wasn't worse off, even just taking this alone and ignoring the presence of Snoke and Palpatine, ignoring any sort of ideas on upbringing, ignoring the Force (Which I'm sure has a mental toll on users, the more intune with the Force, the worse). Just these two events alone would be enough to mess anyone up.
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