#wishing you all a very no cross contamination kinda week
zombie-bait · 8 months
One of the (very few) pros of becoming celiac was the little labels they put on all the food because now my friend group has an ongoing joke that I can only have stuff that's "girlfriend certified" which makes every single one of my meals that extra lil amount of fruity 🏳️‍🌈 (hehe)
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spnsmile · 5 years
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Outbreak (destiel drabble) 😷☕
Cas looking sadly down his phone with iron grip after texting his husband 30 minutes ago that he's just tested positive of corona virus, tries not to hold the burning tears at the back of his eyes while he sits alone inside the isolation room.
It had been a sweet beginning of the week with Dean kissing him good morning with a tray of breakfast in bed, hot soup and energy booster stuff. Dean is great at home cooking. Everything he prepares is like a meal shared with the gods guaranteed to make your day. Had he known he won't be able to see Dean for days next, he would have spend more time with his husband.
Cas is a doctor and the days went by alarmingly tough with rising numbers of people infected. He tells Dean he isn't in the ICU unit, being a Pediatrician, he's not much exposed like his fellow doctors, doesn't mean the kids don't get sick.
He assures Dean he is okay and keeps urging his husband to wash his hands, eat healthy food and almost everything he knows that can keep his husband safe while he takes care of those arriving in the hospital.
Dean is a firefighter and thus knows the importance of self-preservation in order to save many.
But five days later, Cas ends up positive.
Gone are the days he and Dean are worried about another kind of testing, but hey.
An hour later, here he is, alone and afraid of what's to come.
He imagines Dean receiving his text with dagger stabbing both their hearts. He couldn't call him without breaking. If he starts crying now, Dean will absolutely rush here and look how much good that will do them. Dean hasn't replied yet so maybe Dean hasn't read but...
Cas thinks of Dean finding their home empty, thinks of Dean reading the message plastered on their refrigerator with his three xxx. Hopes Dean doesn't touch it, seems pretty stupid now. Dean knows the importance of self preservation to save many.
He thinks of Dean in his uniform, watching the news with the others with arms crossed, the bulge of his muscles outlined. He imagined Dean changing his boots then quickly looking at the message with his green eyes, usually bright, slowly round in surprise. He thinks of Dean... been thinking of him forever with his boyish grin and dumbjokes, Cas is sure his husband's top priority would be to cheer him up despite this crisis, because only Dean could...
But he can't be with Dean and the thought hurts.
Can't be with Dean... but he can't be without Dean... but also... staying away... For Dean.
Memories flash like a slow movie wrapped in soft lights fill his eyes, and mostly it's just Dean. All of it. His head is full of Dean.
The firm lips he'd been biting on begin to quiver. His eyes blazing of flames and waterworks rush out on display.
Much more than his own pain is the picture of Dean waking up to find himself alone on the bed, in the kitchen, in the garage, on the couch they both love and make love on.
Had he known last Monday was the last time he'd see Dean, he would have told him how much he loves him and would like another lifetime with him. It breaks his heart to leave Dean when the world is dark and uncertain, the lonely place they both left behind to be together now clawing them back to its empty center.
He promised Dean he wouldn't ever leave. Promised him he would stay. Now they won't even be allowed to touch, let alone, see.
Cas doesn't know what's going to happen to them, to the world, or when it will stop and when the world will be okay. Like everyone else fumbling over the pandemic virus unprepared of its horror and colossal damage to mankind, Cas fears the future.
Roller coaster of emotion hits him real time but he wills himself to calm. For Dean.
To be strong. For Dean.
But waiting for Dean's message is nerve wracking and Castiel figures out it's only just the beginning.
Swallowing his heart, his body unusually hot and aching, Castiel leans on his knees, bows his head and wraps both hands at the back of his head waiting...
He doesn't know what.. The good news? The bad? He knows Dean will try to reach him but with the hospital already infected and probably nearing quarantined?
He wished he told Dean how much he loved him. Wished Dean didn't have to be so groggy when he kissed him goodbye. He closes his eyes and prays.
I want to see him.
Loud voices outside alert Castiel who raise his head to the door in confusion. Seconds next, the door burst open and to Castiel's horror and relief, Dean comes barging in, eyes glaring like a mad dragon hot and flaring and searching for its unabandoned treasure.
Their eyes instantly locked and whatever it is that's keeping Castiel's expression deadpan, crumbles to pieces when he sees his husband whose green eyes flicker over him-
"Cas!" Dean yells like his life depended on it.
"D-Dean!" the voice didn't belong to him. Emotion hits skyhigh and before he knows it, he's standing up and the angry growl of command comes washing everything out of his system. "You get the hell away from here, Dean!"
Dean startles because Cas is really angry. At the back of his mind, he knew Dean was gonna pull this. That Dean would break heaven and hell to get to him but to see it in progress- one emotions remains.
So much love for Dean to the point of sending him away. He sees Dean's eyes on him for a moment, then he's gone and in three steps yanks Castiel on his arms.
"Idiot." Dean hisses, warm cheeks pressing hard on the side of Castiel's head, making the doctor's heart thunder against their pressing chest.
Cas smells ash and singed hair on Dean as the doctor tries to pull away, but he's weak against the strong arms he didn't know he's been craving a lot. Dean whose presence immediately send sparks of life in his dull existence, "Kinda little too late for that, don't you think? I think I'm positive already."
"There's fire on Fifth ave right before you messaged. Had to rescue an old man on wheelchair stuck on the 10th floor. He's on quarantine already. They don't think he will survive."
Castiel gasps on his husband's chest, his hands curling on the man's waist.
"Dean... Are you...?"
"I think so." Dean noses the back of Cas ear, leaving warm on the places his mouth while Cas shuts his eyes as if in pain.
"It's alright, they are husbands." says a voice flatly coming from the door where a medical worker in full equipper suit against contamination is frowning. "Sir, I'm afraid you're going to have to stay still until we get more personnel-"
"I'm not going anywhere." Dean rumbles, his arms around Castiel digging solid and pulling even closer, almost rendering his husband breathless. Castiel stays in those protective arms feeling light headed and safe.
"Dean..." he begins softly, all emotions given in one name.
"So... This is us making do on till death do us part?" Dean chuckles but his quaking voice betrayed him. The way he holds Castiel like he can hold him forever.
"We don't even know if you're really infected, Dean! I don't want to think of you dying..."
"What are you talkin about? I'm already dead without you, honey..."
"That's a depressing thought." he tightly grips the fabric of Dean's jacket and buries his nose on the burrow of his husband's neck. Delight and dread mixes together, but it's hard not to cling for support when he's so weary and so alone.
"We won't die, Cas. We'll win this thing too like how we won the others. Okay?"
Castiel's logic wants to argue, wants to point out hundreds of scenarios why this hugging and embracing is bad. He thinks of the many cases already spreading in the world and of Dean adding in theit number. In a world where the future seems bleak, one voice speaks the loudest in his ears.
"We'll get through this together."
"Mr. Winchester," says a voice from the door again, "I'm afraid you're gonna have to let go of Mr. Winchester. For now, if you please."
Dean sighs and he and Cas parts a little to get a good look at the other. Cas almost whimpers because he thought he'd never see those green eyes, those freckles that makes his husband...
"I hate em polite people. Makes you guilty after punching one of their security off."
"He's wearing the helmet and covers, alright? It's my hand that hurts."
Castiel clicks his tongue. "So what are we going to do now?"
Dean looks over his shoulder to the waiting medical team, then whips his head back to his husband, cups Cas' small frame on his large hands and pulls him- just pulls him into a very mouthwatering deep kiss.
And nobody stopped them.
At least till the doctors are groaning and calling for support.
"You're gonna have to bear for a month till you're both cleared, Mr. Winchester, Mr. Winchester. Let's try not to make another string of the virus. I would not need to remind you to wash your hands, but for fucksake, hands off."
It was better safe than sorry.✨
#would like to thank the real heroes fighting corona 😷 stay healthy and please be strong!
#not intended for any offense ✌
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bootyful-seventeen · 5 years
What did the rude model girl do?? Also 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Slight backstory just so you know what I’m in for. I’m in college for makeup and one thing I am really good at is keeping my makeup and tools clean. Like I will go above and beyond to make them look like they’re pretty much new so people will be like oh shit okay so she takes care of her shit and I’m in good hands. I got paired up with her by my teacher last week I think to practice doing lashes and lining lips. She asked if we could do it like she uses my makeup on my face and I use hers on her face and I’m like okay cool. We were fine until it got to the eyelashes cuz I hadn’t opened any of the lash containers and she started complaining about a dog hair getting stuck on the lashes. The vents in the class were on so that could be expected for it to blow off hair or dog fur. Like no big deal you can take it off with the tweezers. So she asks me if I’ve got dogs and I’m like yeah and she’s like oh ok cuz it’s kinda really disgusting how there’s a hair on it. Then she’s slathering on that glue like it’s guacamole and using the cotton side of the q tip to clean it off so when bits of cotton get stuck to the glue cuz wow glue is sticky, she’s like why the fuck is there so much fur on your lashes, like I don’t wanna sound mean but I’m never gonna work with you ever again even if the teacher pairs us up again while she’s basically gluing my right eye shut and I didn’t wanna start an argument in class and I’m like oh no sweetie it’s okay even tho I spotted dog or cat fur on her sweater too. And then after she’s done she’s like oh actually can you just use your makeup on my face like bruh wtf. Best part was that I never put lashes on anyone before and my teacher told me mine was great I just had to curl the lashes together so there’s no gaps left. Then when I got home I spent an hour trying to get the glue out of the hairs since she missed the band and I disinfected that shit while telling my friend about it and she’s like that’s fucking rude cuz I know you and you keep your shit very clean compared to most of our classmates plus the two or three girls in her class who DON’T wash their makeup brushes after using them on someone else’s face (and she’ll use it on herself too. The warning bell was when she showed up to my friends class with a cold sore the day after she did the makeup of a girl who had a cold sore so big yikes) and they use wet brushes that are haboring bacteria on someone’s face. So yeah I got fucking pissed at that chick when I got home cuz I looked at her brush roll and brush tub, and it was dirty as hell on the inside and the first thing we learned was to keep things clean EVERYWHERE so you don’t end up cross contamination the clean brushes with the dirty brushes. I just can’t wait until this semester is over and I hope to god I’m not stuck with her again
I would rather die then eat mint chocolate chip ice cream. It’s the nastiest mix of toothpaste and chocolate. They may be good on their own but certainly not together
I’m tired of bitches being like yOU DoN’T drInK CoFfeE?!?!? Like yes I don’t drink that shit cuz it tastes like dirt. And there’s other beverages too like whatever happened to drinking water omg
The foreign boys and girls are way cuter then local boys and girls. And they have really adorable accents too so that’s a sweet bonus
I don’t give a shit if I am 6 or 69, when I go to Laura secord ice cream shop I will get the super kid because that is a delicious ass flavour. Why do I gotta grow up and like only the boring flavours???? I want the colourful ice cream that reminds me of the happier times when I wasn’t surrounded by idiots and bills
Brother bear and Atlantis deserved better then this and a live action for Atlantis would be dope as fuuuuuuck
I wish I was a dog so I wouldn’t have to go to school and find work and instead I can spend all day eating, sleeping, getting affection and chasing my tail
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ausp-ice · 5 years
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Apparitions, Scene 2: Revelations Characters: Wren/Incisura (mine), Wenzel/Raffle ( @the-valiant-valkyrie​ ) Words: 2400 Archive | 1 2 3 4 5 6
Here’s the second installment of my RP with Sav
It was some time before they crossed paths again. Incisura had awoken alone a few hours later, only slightly cold despite napping on the cold roof. They had returned home, taking the following few days off to recover, only to discover that they felt fine after just one day.
A week later, they once again stood upon the roof of a building. No big fights tonight as of yet, but they made it a habit to wander the city every now and then.
It was an absolute miracle Wenzel wasn’t caught after the slip up... He wasn’t quite sure how he managed it- especially when giving his luck away. If he was caught, he probably wouldn’t have been able to get out of the house; nor would he have been able to waltz himself down to the corner store and pick up the sandwich he currently held. He meandered without much of a care, eating, tapping idly on his phone... Couldn’t quite sense anything as of yet.
Looking down at the street, Incisura spotted someone remarkably familiar. "...hm. I did say that his costume didn't do much to conceal his identity." They muttered. "Then again, I can't exactly wander the streets like this..." Luckily (hmm), the building they were on was stocked with various coats, scarves, and hats. They were out of season... They'll put it back later........... A few minutes later found them on the street, mask and cloak stashed somewhere for a coat and hat instead.
Wenzel didn’t quite notice them at first, what with his tip-typing on the phone, and his jaw going back for more of that sandwich (turkey swiss on rye, lightly toasted, added salt and bacon crumbs, for the crunch, of course), but eventually he blinked, tilting his head up. Curiosity overtook his expression, and he looked around a moment, as if someone had called his name.
"Greetings." A voice popped up right behind him, remarkably familiar.
He jumped, again, clutching tightly to his sandwich as he wheeled around. His head tilted in confusion at the stranger,
“Uh... Hey, there...”
They smiled lightly. Most of their face was cast in shadow, and the collar of their coat was pulled up high, but their icy eyes were still quite visible. "It's been a week, but it is good to see you again... Raffle." The last word was uttered quietly enough that no bystanders would hear.
His eyes first flickered with fear, before realization slowly melted in its replacement. He looked left and right for a moment, as if to ensure no one had heard the cryptic greeting, before falling pack into pace again,
“Good to see you’re doing well after last time...”
They laughed lightly, as they continued walking with Raffle on the path he was on before. "Remarkably so. The fortunes seemed ever in my favor this week. Usually I'm lethargic for a few days, but I was fine after one! Among other happenings. It was very curious. But how have you been doing? I've wanted to check in on my pati- on how your injury has healed. Has it bothered you at all?" Ah, calling them patients was such a force of habit.
“Oh, yes, It’s healed quite well, in fact...” He wiggled his shoulder just as proof, “You could barely tell I ever wrecked it in the first place. Sometimes it stings a little, but considering the circumstance, it’s pretty cool. I guess we’ve both been pretty lucky as of late, then, huh?”
"Ah, excellent! I'm glad." They glanced at Raffle. "Did you... hm." They lowered their voice. "Did you have anything to do with that? The... luck."
He chucked, giving a light nod as he took another large bite of his lunch, chewing for a while before granting a response,
“Uh huh. Pretty neat, huh?”
"It is indeed fascinating!" They put a hand on their chin. "Does it have limits? Can you give endlessly? Is it only good luck or also bad luck? Does it tire you out or-"
“Well-“ Yet another bite of his sandwich, “It’s weird...” He let his voice fade to a gentle whisper, “I can exchange it... Good luck for one person, bad luck for another. Can’t have one without the other. Depending on how intense the luck is affects how much it tuckers me out... Comes in handy in a scrape, or something.”
Incisura nods. "Mmmmm yes, yes, I see- wait." They squint at him. "Did you give me your luck?"
“For a little while, yes.”
"It did not affect you too badly, did it?" They were disturbed by the thought of inconveniencing another.
“Oh, no. I didn’t take enough for anything bad to happen to me. And besides, you pulled ice from my shoulder- it was the least I could do.”
"Ah... Thank you, then." They bowed their head.
“It’s no problem at all.” He gave a faint smile, glancing to his phone for a moment as it buzzed gently, but seemingly whatever he was told wasn’t too important.
"Ah. I'm not keeping you, am I?" Their steps slowed at the end of a building, streetlights casting the nearby alley in darkness.
“Oh, no, it’s just my...” He mulled over the right word for a moment, “It’s nothing, just an update from family. I’ve all the time in the world, granted that time lasts until...” He checked his phone again a moment,
Incisura opened their mouth to respond, but at that moment, a scream echoed from the alley. They jerked, head snapping towards the shadows.
Wenzel had flinched a second before the sound anyways, but the noise in itself forced a wince from the boy. His head turned immediately to the source, fingers twitching in indecisiveness.
They looked back at Raffle, noticing his wince. "I will investigate. Stay here, if you wish. Follow, if you wish for that instead." They stepped towards the alley.
There was no hesitation as Raffle tailed along behind. There was no way he could possibly... Leave the trace of danger there when he could do something about it. Especially if he had company, which could also do something about it- meaning in total they could do about twice as much thing about it.
A thud echoed from further in. Incisura exchanged a look with Raffle and ran towards the sound - until they came across someone standing over a body, bloodstained knife in hand.
"Oh crap-!" It was barely a whisper under his breath. Raffle was far more used to supersized predicaments. This person was... Stabbed! Just clean through assaulted! Were they even still alive?!
The person with the knife seemed to panic, holding the knife towards them. "S-stay back! I'm, I'm not afraid to use this!" Incisura tilted their head to the side slightly. What to do... They supposed they should help the one bleeding out on the ground, but they didn't particularly want to use their powers in front of some petty criminal, and while all they were wearing was a hat to conceal their face...
Wenzel didn't quite seem to think that through too much. In an instant, the poor soul on the ground was glowing a faint pale hue, and the sod with the knife a red one. Another red glow came from underneath the bangs of his hair, though he carefully pulled up his hood as to not so easily reveal this,
"Just drop the knife. Drop it."
He tried to make his voice a little deeper than it was.
"W-what's happening? What are you doing?" He frantically glanced at himself and the poor sod. He gripped the knife tightly. If he could knife both of them and run, maybe he could get away...
"I said put it down!" He pulled his phone from his pocket, waving it as if it were a detonator to a bomb, "I can call the police!"
"Th-th-then I'll just be gone by then!" He ran towards them - making the mistake of aiming at Incisura, who caught the knife in their bare hands. "Hmm..." They frowned, watching their blood drip. The man's eyes widened, but he couldn't seem to pull it out of their grip.
Feverishly, Raffle had opened his phone, scrambling to type the numbers in. He only paused when his screen went black, eyeing his friend sheepishly,
"My, uh... My p... My phone's dead-"
Incisura sent him a Look. They sighed. "You have to remember to charge your phone every day. You know, so you can call someone when people are getting knifed in back alleys? Well," they gave a half shrug, reaching into their pocket. "Use mine. You can call the police without unlocking it, while I'm dealing with... this." They tossed it towards Raffle.
He grabbed it, hastily dialing, cupping his mouth to the phone so one couldn't hear exactly what it was he was saying. Even though the criminal was apprehended, his hands still shook like a leaf. Just so long as he kept all his luck focused on that one guy.
In meantime, Incisura had jabbed the guy in the eyes and knocked him out while he was screeching. They looked at the person bleeding out on the ground, then at the bloody knife, and stuck the knife in their mouth.
Raffle eventually turned around after a while, looking first at the man at the ground, and then at the knife, half stuck in Incisura's mouth,
"That's... Thats weird, but you just... You do what you have to-"
They popped the knife out of their mouth, shrugging. "Hey, I can only help them if I've ingested their blood." They looked towards the person. "I've stopped the bleeding, and removed the contaminants from their blood. Once help arrives, they'll be fine." They looked back at the knife. "... Maybe I should hold on to this. Now that it... kinda... has my spit all over it........"
"You probably should..." He replied, inhaling deeply and stopping the glow, letting the alleyway fade into darkness yet again,
"Gosh, I hope they'll be alright... A stabbing's never good..."
"Worry not! It's only a light stabbing." Before long, an ambulance and police car pulled up to the scene. Incisura jerked, cursing under their breath. "Fudge nickels. I did not think this through." One of the paramedics ran up to them. "Wren? What are you doing here?"
Raffle castes a glance between the paramedic and his ally, blinking in confusion,
Wren tsked. Well, it's probably fine. They took off their hat, revealing their face. "Yes, I'm here, someone got knifed, the criminal is there, the knife is gone forever, that person's stabbed and you might want to help them."
Raffle nodded a couple of times, stepping back and gesturing to the previously knifed man on the ground,
"Please help them- it looked pretty bad..."
The paramedic nodded, and approached the prone man. Wren sighed a little, gradually releasing their hold on his blood. It wouldn't do for that to be revealed as well. "Who's he-" The paramedic asked, as he tended to the victim. "Just a friend." Wren said curtly.
"Hello..." He waved, sheepishly, "I... I was the one who called..."
"Well, it's good you did. It's a deep wound." The paramedic's hands glowed golden for a moment. "That should be enough to stabilize him. Unfortunately, I can't do much." The paramedic called others over to help put the victim on a stretcher, carrying him to the ambulance as the police detained the assailant. "I'm surprised, though. You never talk about having any friends while at the hospital." Wren sighed. "Go do your thing. Can we leave now?" The officer seemed to protest for a moment, but they cut him off. "We're going, contact me if you must. You have my number. But, places to go, things to do." With that, they grabbed Raffle by the shoulder and waltzed out of the alley.
He winced slightly at the contact to where such a serious wound would have been, even despite the fact that it had more or less healed, but Raffle took the hint, waking at their side as they exited the alley way,
"... Who was that...?" He questioned after a while, glancing behind him
Wren hmm'd. "She's Aria, someone from work. At my... day job. She has the power to slow the progression of wounds for a bit."
"Oh, that sounds quite helpful..." He noted, casually, before trailing off for a little while,
"Wren's your name?"
Wren paused for a moment, contemplative. "I suppose it's time I properly introduced myself." He seemed like someone they could trust with the info, somehow. They lifted their hand to their chest, bowing slightly. "Wren Curtis, surgeon of the Aeon Hospital - at your service." Raffle almost automatically jolted back, as if Wren were as hot as white coals,
"Surgeon? Like.... Doctor, snippy snippy, surgery surgeon?"
Wren raised an eyebrow. That was quite the reaction.
"Yes... They call me in to operate on those deemed to be lost causes. Not that they'd know, but I occasionally... use my abilities to my advantage."
"I... Mmn..." He hummed, quietly, rocking back and forth on his heels, before finally granting them a sheepish nod,
"That... That's pretty neat, I guess... I'm, uh... Wenzel... Just Wenzel."
"Nice to truly meet you, Wenzel." They gave a light smile.
A long moment passed, before they spoke up again. "Do... do doctors make you uncomfortable?"
"Well... Maybe a little... But that's a long story..." He shrugged, a stray hand scratching the side of his head
"Ah. My apologies. I do not mean to pry..." Wren brought a hand to their chin, before pulling out a business card from who-knows-where. "My number. I thought that perhaps I should get out of your hair for tonight. The hour is late."
The boy blinked, surprise and intrigue lining his features at the little trick, carefully accepting the card. He scrutinized it for a second or two, before tucking it in his pocket,
"Oh, thanks... If you'd best be off, I better not hold you."
"Indeed. May we meet again. Now, I've got a coat and hat to return!"
He took a glance at the clothing, but figured he better not comment on it anymore than they already had, taking back off into the security of the streets.
Wren promptly returned the coat and hat back to precisely where they found it, donning their mask and cloak once more before returning to their lair home.
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artificialqueens · 6 years
I keep closing my eyes but I can’t block you out (vixaria): chapter two - melody
A/N: Sooooo, I took a long time for updating and for writing shit in general, I’M SO SORRY :(((. School got back and it literally killed all my creativity, and I got a huge ass creative block. It’s still hard to write, and I didn’t putted all of me on this chapter bc I was tired so I apologize again, because I wish I did better.
Thanks to the lovely @ artificialmillie for proof reading this, they’re amazing, send them love!!!! Hope you enjoy x
It had been about thirty minutes, Vixen was sitting on a pretty and retro yellow couch, fidgeting with the buttons of her denim jacket and looking slightly uncomfortable and nervous. It wasn’t that her date was late or something, but her friends made her up thirty minutes before, in order to make sure everything could eventually be a success.
The problem was that she wanted to give up at the moment she came through the bowling alley door; dating wasn’t her strong spot - neither was bowling. Vixen didn’t need even to know the girl, but she knew everything would never be a fairy tale.
She promised her friends - and herself - that she would try, so that was what she was doing there. Maybe it could be just a date, and then they would never meet again. Or, just a tiny fling that would end in two weeks, or last. Vixen was convinced that she could control that, and predict everything.
What was actually bothering her was the noise. The bowling ball rolling on the track and tipping the pins made more noise than she thought, but all the people talking out loud was a thing she didn’t predict. She massaged her temples trying to amenize the huge headache she felt it was coming, while some dude yelled more and more with his friends about winning that round.
Her eyes almost jumped out of her face by the way she widened her eyes in surprise. The reason of her reaction was a certain blonde girl walking through the same door Vixen walked through in pure confusion, but the difference was that Aquaria was all smiley and confident - and you really couldn’t say the same about Vixen.
Aquaria’s steps in Vixen’s direction looked like in slow motion. The blue and purple neon lights of the place pleased her figure, making Vixen hypnotized by every step she was taking. But internally, she was overthinking. Her date would never be Aquaria, Asia wouldn’t be that bitch, or fate wouldn’t be so ridiculous at that point, right?
It looked like the blonde girl was confused too, because she raised one eyebrow to her and waved clumsily. Vixen waved back, biting her lip in contemplation to Aquaria - who now was stopped in front of her.
‘’Oh my god, hi! Remember me?’’
‘’How could I forget?! We ended a bitch together.’’
Aquaria laughed, the sound of her laugh was as charming as Vixen could’ve imagined it was. But not just the way she laughed, the way she tucked her hair under her ear while doing it added a ton of cuteness as well.
‘’I didn’t know you liked bowling,’’ Aquaria took a seat at her side, ‘’but you’re not the person that I see walking alone, I mean, you’re so gorgeous and cool, who would leave you? What happened?’’
‘’Actually, Miss Aquaria, I like to be alone sometimes! But when I’m not alone, my friends practically force me to go out on a da-’’
Vixen couldn’t end her sentence because the blonde at her side yelled, putting both her hands on her mouth. She didn’t even know her, why she was that acting excited? Maybe Aquaria was just a very witty person, and Vixen was too bitter for social interaction anyways.
‘’Oh my god, me too!’’
‘’No way!’’ Vixen raised one eyebrow, figuring out everything. ‘’Don’t tell me the person who arranged you this date is named…’’
‘’The girl with a continent name? Asia?’’
Damn Asia! She probably walked around the whole university area asking for a girl named Aquaria for that date. Well, finding a girl named Aquaria wouldn’t be that hard, so Vixen assumed giving Asia her name was a bad idea.
‘’That’s my friend… Jesus, I’m sorry!’’ Vixen put one hand on her face. ‘’Looks like I’m your date tonight.’’
Aquaria’s blue eyes sparkled with Vixen’s words, she didn’t look upset like Vixen thought she would be. ‘’I’m very satisfied with it… And this is cool because we aren’t strangers.’’
‘’But we are strangers…’’
She doesn’t want to take away the spark of Aquaria’s eyes. But, suddenly, a sad face replaced the excited countenance she had seconds ago.
‘’I mean, not total strangers at all…’’
Vixen decided to give her a try. She wouldn’t make Aquaria sad in that way, it was just a date, dammit. She seemed nice, and Vixen would have to deal with that date no matter who was with her. Actually, she was kind of happy it was Aquaria - she didn’t know why, but she was.
‘’At least you can tell I’m the most cute stranger you’ve ever met.’’ Aquaria winked flirty, with her witty vibe coming back.
Well, she was right. Vixen looked at her from top to bottom, she really looked cute. Nothing was wrong with her: she was cute, and nice, and had the best laugh Vixen ever heard. But, Vixen just was still thinking about how everything was pathetic. Anyways, she thought she could predict what was going to happen with them, so she accepted giving that date at least a try.
‘’Guess I’m right, you can’t stop looking at me.’’
‘’Okay, yes. Happy?’’
‘’I am always right, and here is my new affirmation: you will think I’m even more cuter when this is over.’’
‘’Hope your cuteness is equal your talent in bowling, then.’’ Vixen smiled and pointed to the bowling track next to then.
The fact Vixen wasn’t that nervous with flirting was a surprise. She usually did it on her previous dates, almost all the time - making the flirting thing come mostly, from the girl she was dating. She got a good reaction from Aquaria, since she blushed and smirked a bit. Vixen didn’t know why it was so easy to talk to her, but it was.
‘’Oh wow, bowling nerd,’’ Aquaria mocked, getting up and running to the track Vixen pointed to. ‘’C’mon, don’t stop there.’’
The way she struggled with running with those bowling shoes was ridiculously cute. Aquaria looked like a child at a carnival. If she didn’t know her already, Vixen would say she wouldn’t even hurt a fly.
Vixen got up, with her head still kinda hurting because of the noise. Aquaria got a bowling ball in her hands; she looked so distracted figuring out her move, it was really adorable. Suddenly, Vixen got an idea. She got closer to the blonde girl and held her, leading her from behind.
Aquaria didn’t seem to expect this - neither did Vixen herself - but she smiled, accepting Vixen’s help. She bowed her hand, and threw the ball. The ball rolled along the lane in slow motion for her, it looked like the moment it would hit the pins was never coming.
She could feel Aquaria’s heart pounding, breathing on her neck while the ball rolled. Aquaria reacted so well to all of that, but Vixen couldn’t deny that she was still surprised. Clearly, she was excited about that, and Vixen sort of became contaminated by her vibrant energy.
And the moment that the ball would hit the pins never came. The grumpy expression on Aquaria’s face was kinda hilarious, and when she realized Vixen was smirking, looking at her, her own arms crossed and pouting at her results. She rolled her eyes.
‘’I’m sorry, it’s just funny that you suck at it,’’ Vixen mumbled, trying not to laugh.
‘’You meanie!’’ Aquaria pouted, while the pins were being regrouped. ‘’I’m trying, Vix.’’
Vixen blushed when she heard Aquaria calling her this. Somehow, she became soft with that, and with Aquaria in general: ‘’I’m sorry! Hey, you can have another try,’’ she comforted, placing a lock of Aquaria’s blonde hair behind her ear. Somehow, she could feel safe flirting with her, and being sweet. Probably because Aquaria made her feel safe before, and she wanted to do the same thing for her. Vixen didn’t used to do that, but with Aquaria, somehow she felt the need to make her smile - and blush, as she was doing at that moment.
In Aquaria’s second try, Vixen led her again. But this time she instructed her, making her throw the ball again. Aquaria took down five pins, that never would be too much for Vixen, but she got surprised when the blonde yelled and covered her mouth, gagged.
‘’I made it!’
Vixen was proud of her, but didn’t want to ruin Aquaria’s mood, she would never kill her smiley face. Aquaria’s smile was the prettiest thing in the world, and the way her eyes closed when she did it could further prove that fact.
‘’I know you think it’s not too much, and they say I’m cocky…’’
‘’You know I know you think I’m cocky.’’
‘’What the fuck this is so random, but it’s so funny! Your turn, cocky bitch’’ Aquaria provoked, making Vixen think about why even her provocations were so nice.
She grabbed one ball, it was a honor question now. She didn’t care that much about bowling at all, but somehow it was like she needed to make Aquaria proud of her, as she unintentionally was feeling for her.
With all her confidence, she dropped the ball, biting her lip as it was rolling. Vixen’s parents used to take her bowling every birthday, and she got some skills from how much her mom loved it, and she taught her well. That moment reminded her of old times, warm times, that reminded her of happiness - what she weirdly was feeling in that moment.
Aquaria gasped when she saw Vixen hit seven pins on her first play. She ran to hug Vixen from behind, placing a kiss on her cheek. ‘’You can do it!’’
That made her blush a lot. She smiled, trying to not seem upset with that - because she liked what Aquaria did, but was still surprised and amazed with that. Aquaria whispered, ‘’It’s okay, do your next try,’’ in her ear, and everything suddenly seemed to be alright.
Again, she rolled the ball. But the confidence she needed for that play was Aquaria: her ocean blue eyes looking at her with a lovely cheerful expression, and her perfect smile. She was everything she needed; just like the previous incident at the café, they were a team.
When she took down the remaining two pins, the witty, blonde girl ran in her direction, hugging her. She stroked her soft hair, and Aquaria’s hands were interlaced around her neck.
‘’Yes, Vixen, you’re the number one!’’
Vixen didn’t want to lose time. She held Aquaria’s chin, and kissed her softly. She decided to not fight with what she wanted, and live her life instead of worrying. And doing that felt so good, because the feeling of kissing Aquaria couldn’t be explained.
And even though she thought she could predict what was going to happen, Aquaria was so unpredictable. She liked that, and hopefully they would stay like this: unpredictable and different from all the things Vixen had experienced before.
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germainetrittle86 · 4 years
A Glimpse of Bukidnon
2017 was the last busy year I had for travelling on an assortment of speaking engagements. The downside of my new position at work was that I no longer had much official trips and was compelled to remain in the office as “taong-bahay”. Add to that the fact that I had also reduced my hours spent on advocacy work to focus on family time. Fortunately, by God’s grace and the goodwill of a few close friends, I managed to land a few rackets here and there to keep me sane.
Towards the latter part of the year, I had back-to-back trips to the South to facilitate several workshop-dialogues towards developing a stakeholder’s manual for an elderly program. The audience were from really depressed and remote areas, so we had a great deal of coordinating to do to bring them all to a safe and convenient place. Most of the chosen locations were in urbanized centers of the province with enough facilities, but there were a few times when the best the host-organizers could do was to put us up in seedy pensionne houses and hold our sessions at the available LGU building.
One of our pilot areas was in Region X, specifically Bukidnon province. And while I had the opportunity to go around Southern Mindanao before, particularly the Davao provinces when I was working for the National Amnesty Commission, this was going to be my first time to really see Northern Mindanao. Admittedly, a few years back, I had the occasion of going to Cagayan de Oro and Camiguin island several times. At one point, I was able to make a sidetrip to Dahilayan Adventure Park in Bukidnon to try their zipline. But I had always been curious about Bukidnon and its famed abundance.
My UP Los Banos classmate, Sen. Migs Zubiri used to boast about the rich farmlands of his home province - the sweetest pineapples and horseback riding amongst the cattle on the hills. He proudly portrayed it as the “land of milk and honey”, and perhaps with good reason. Not only were they blessed with fertile agricultural land and sufficient water sources from the rivers and waterfalls from the mountains, high elevation and the passage of very few typhoons granted them good weather all year round.
However, because of Bukidnon’s land-locked and mountainous location, the closest commercial airline entry point was the new Lagunduingan airport by way of Cagayan de Oro. So there we were, coming in by plane and driving through El Salvador in the outskirts of CDO where the airport was actually located. Heavy traffic usually plagues this area but at least the view of the blue sea was a refreshing sight, albeit in between the numerous seafood restaurants which line the road.
Upon reaching the city proper, we headed directly for the bus terminal to catch the earliest trip to take us to Bukidnon. Like Victory and Dagupan buses heading up Northern Luzon, buses here leave within regular intervals, not waiting for the bus to fill up. So besides getting seated comfortably, the aircon bus itself was clean and well-maintained, with its own CR, on-board movies and wifi. Since it was going to be a long 4-hour trip, I managed to buy some food to snack on. Lo and behold, I found the biggest and juiciest grapes this side of the world!
Exiting CDO once more, my eyes were again treated to the beautiful sight of the blue sea. Cagayan de Oro has one of the busiest ports in Mindanao next to Davao. From a distance, we can see that both passenger and cargo shipping lines congest the CDO pier. Leaving the coastline, we suddenly ascend a zig-zagging route and the air changes from hot, humid sea air to a cool, mountain breeze. I am reminded of our summer route from La Union’s beaches going up to Baguio every Holy Week in my youth and the childhood memory made me smile. Soon, pine trees and fog are what I see through my window, and I realize these highlands are a perfect holiday destination because of its cool weather.
In about an hour, we entered Manolo Fortich, best known as the location of Asia’s largest pineapple farm - Del Monte Pineapple Plantation in Camp Philips. Because of its elevation, Manolo Fortich also gives one an idea of the wide expanse of the Mt. Kitanglad mountain range which characterizes Bukidnon. Manolo Fortich is also where the famous Dahilayan Adventure Park is situated. Once touted as having the longest zipline in Asia, it is still a favorite holiday destination of families and tourists.
Along the way, we traversed various croplands planted to rice, corn, sugarcane, and coconut. I am told smaller farms also cultivate bananas and other fruits and vegetables. We crossed some rivers with rampaging waters from the mountains and I can only imagine the power generated by these bodies of water.
After two hours on the road, we reached Malaybalay City, the provincial capital of Bukidnon and its center of political and economic activity. With its government buildings, various transport terminals for buses, inter-municipality jeepneys, and tricycles, it is what would pass as “urbanized” in these parts. The only other “urbanized” place in Bukidnon would be an hour away - Valencia City with the same aura of economic hustle and bustle with its assortment of shops, stores, and restaurants for people passing through. After token stopovers at these main hubs to unload and pick-up passengers, our bus once again traversed the tree-lined mountain roads. At times it opened up into rolling, green hills dotted with free-range horses and cattle gorging on the lush and verdant grass.
Worth mentioning is the fact that we passed through checkpoints where every one was asked to disembark. My legal background has taught me that at checkpoints, one should never to get down from your vehicle, and never let them open your glove or baggage compartment, because anything the authorities wish to confiscate from you should only be in plain sight.
Lining up outside, we were told to show our IDs while the military men boarded our bus to check inside. Only senior citizens were exempted from disembarking, so they stayed inside the bus. There would be a few more of these checkpoints as we continued our travel because Bukidnon and its mountainous areas are also havens for the NPA rebels. It just shows that because the wealth in natural resources doesn’t necessarily translate into reduced poverty for all people, this kind of peace and security situation results.
Nonetheless, I appreciated the times we were stopped and asked to get down for agricultural quarantine issues. We had to dip our shoes in some disinfecting solution placed on mats or rugs so that contamination from Foot and Mouth disease in pigs and avian flu in chicken is prevented. Apparently, the province was afraid of a repeat of an animal epidemic a few years back which gravely depleted their poultry and livestock. These had dire consequences for an agricultural-based province like theirs, so they also impose similar restrictions to protect their crops.
Finally, we reached Maramag and got off at the highway for our provided lodgings. We were staying at the newer building of the only hotel in town because it had a swimming pool and they had a restaurant there. While our accommodations had free breakfast everyday, lunch and dinner were not included. Sadly, there are no fast food restaurants around, so the best thing was to eat at the carinderia stalls at their local wet market. To be honest, I was never a fan of Northern Mindanao cuisine after my bad experience in Camiguin island during my first visit. Except for the famous CDO lechon and occasional seafood buffet sans shrimps, crab, and squid because of my allergies, I was hardly impressed. So I steered clear of the viands I wasn’t accustomed to because even the longganisa and sisig were kinda weird tasting.
Note that Maramag is famous for having the cleanest wet market in the Philippines and has been featured in media often. There are no flies buzzing around, no blood and guts stinking up open canals, no muddy footprints going up and down the stalls. Instead, the beige-brown tiled floors are frequently mopped with disinfectant by designated cleaners. You can smell the Zonrox emanating from their mops as they went about, up and down the whole stretch of the meat section. Truly, it is even cleaner than some fast food restaurants’ floors!
The next day, we headed for the famous RR spring resort near the mighty Pulangi river. This great river has many tributaries and runs through several municipalities of Bukidnon before emptying out to sea. Probably because of its elevation, this river looks more like a mountain lake surrounded by pine trees with its clear, still waters reflecting the sky above.
The whole day workshop-dialogue went well, but since it wasn’t really safe to be going around a place where you are an unfamiliar face, we were told to stay close to our hotel. Not being one of those highly-populated municipal centers, nothing really happens after dinner and at around 7PM, the roads are seemingly abandoned. I opted to take a swim in the hotel pool while my companion took advantage of the cable TV in his room. The next day, we left early to be able to catch our respective flights back to Manila from Cagayan de Oro.
All in all, Bukidnon is a nice place to visit and experience its beauty if only momentarily; perchance to quickly pass through but never to tarry.
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