#witches and weirdos
cosmosoracle · 3 months
Love Story With Rasmia
...uneasiness unending. She doesn't even want to go beyond her considerations about the impossibility of such an outcome. Dwelving into the matter more... good gods above. Plus, she can never know if the witch is watching them, and she really wouldn't want to explain to Rasmia, out of everyone, why she had those papers in her possession.
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undyingmedium · 21 days
"Seriously, my face is up here~" Not that she seemed like she minded... In fact, the witch was quite smug about it.
"I knooow. I have less reasons to look at that than elsewhere at the moment, if you don't mind, miss."
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For both: 🎶Do they have a type? 😡What are their deal breakers? 👫Do they display affection in public? What about in private?
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🎶Do they have a type?
── I genuinely do not think it is any suprise when I say that Robin is attracted to less-than-ideal people in terms of the standards of the general populice. Robin is attracted to people he finds interesting and 98% of the time that means they're most likely willing to do some bizarre or messed up shit. His two ships both have people like this involved, Danny Johnson being a journalist serial killer who delights in bringing misery just so he can spice up "boring lives", and Vladimir vol Kalah Heigaari being a batshit hemomancer who's like 4000 years old and maybe a single step from a god. Robin searches not only for strange, and dangerous, quirks - but he's also very aware that he needs a partner who will encourage him and his pursuits; someone to stick beside him always. His time in Zaun (and wherever he was equivalent to Zaun in other verses) taught him to be resilient and to guard his heart from almost everyone around him - figuratively and literally - he does not trust easy. When that trust is forged it is on purpose and a calculated risk he decides to take for his lover - its a great depth that he could easily drown in - and he expects that same loyalty and vulnerability in return. It creates an amazingly deep connection for the relationships he DOES have. In terms of physical - Robin legitimately could not care less as long as they bathe.
😡What are their deal breakers?
── Robin is the most important person in his life; anything that will abuse him (mentally or physically) is an automatic "no" and he will leave without worry. Following off of this he has a very troubling relationship with his own autonomy after making the deal with Abel - and he is extremely protective of it. If a lover were to threaten that independence I imagine he would make quick work of removing himself from the situation; he wil be no one's slave. Robin will also accept no form of infidelity; once it happens its over - they will no longer be his problem or his lover since they have obviously chosen to unionize with another.
👫Do they display affection in public? What about in private?
── Once Robin is used to being able to touch someone his body reveals that he's been touch starved since before he even died - and now its all layering up and results in Robin being ridiculously clingy and physically touchy. If he can hold his lovers hand, he can - he spends nearly every break in modern verse with Danny - and is happy to carry Vladimir in his bat form too. Although I suppose this is moreso fine around strangers, he's a bit more hesitant around professional settings and around people he actually knows. In private he won't stop touching and being near his partner, I'm so sorry but also not really - he will stick to his partner until he smells like them. He is touch starved and loves kisses, hugs, snuggles - and its stupidly sweet given his usual pragmastism.
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🎶Do they have a type?
── Haruko is a relatively normal person and he has pretty basic needs when it comes to the people he enjoys; honest, mature, and affectionate - he isn't asking a lot like Robin. Granted this doesn't mean at all that Haru is interested in a lot of people, it takes him time to actually care about someone enough to even want to sleep with them. This may seem a bit off course since he did have a few flings - but going into a deeper relationship with him takes time despite the simple desires he has. He also, despite his own preening, doesn't particularly care what his partner looks like - their features will become attractive to him the closer he gets. He's just very lucky that Tarhos has such pretty eyes and is like - a foot taller than him. Ok. Maybe he likes tall people.
😡What are their deal breakers?
── The obvious ones; no abuse, don't be a douchebag - that sort of stuff. But he also comes with an extremely large bag of trauma that focuses around his sexuality and sexual pleasure; in short he did not have a good time with a previous partner. That being said he is still learning how to actually love himself and if Tarhos, for some ... reason?, was ever pushing him or trying to coerce him when he wasn't in the mood - that would pretty much tank his opinion of his boyfriend. He also expects respect not only for HIMSELF but for his family - unlike Robin (in modern at least) he actually loves his family and holds them in very high regard. Disrespecting his sister and/or mother will result in him very quickly dropping his partner, he might be a bit more lenient with teasing Hina but his mom? No.
👫Do they display affection in public? What about in private?
── Oh yeah, Haru absolutely loves being kissy and gross in public with Tarhos - he doesn't care who's watching he loves his boyfriend and will happily show it. The issue is when Tarhos actively returns it or shows the same enthusiasm or flirtations; this drives Haru to become pretty flustered pretty fast. Its weird being a siren usually and then having your own pretty lines thrown right back. Between this and private not much actually changes; he will be a bit more inclined to lean into deeper and more vulnerable conversation though - he doesn't want the world to see him fold but he will happily do it for Tarhos.
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royleteas · 4 months
👁‍🗨 Zinnya walks in, a raven sits on her head between the horns. It clicks its beak and makes low raven noises. She replies with low teeth clicking and raven noises. This goes on as what would seem a genuine conversation.
She's not the strangest person to ever walk into Aeyuni, that's a hard feat to pass. But for all the strange conversations he's seen or been a part of, this was the first he'd seen of someone chatting it up with a bird that wasn't a parrot.
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apalestar · 5 months
If you can't see your reflection, and until recently you couldn't walk in daylight... how did you keep your hair so well styled?
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"I have fingers and a sense of touch, don't I? And people are less likely to approach if I didn't have the best hair in the Gate."
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okruee · 11 months
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cow guy
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For Orufrey: "They're tragic wlw who have devoted their lives to each other since they were kids. They live together, they cook together, they're raising four girls together and they're doing the best they can. Olruggio would do anything for Qifrey if Qifrey would just Let Him 😭 but Qifrey is dead-set on protecting Olruggio and keeping him safe and in the dark no matter what it costs... i cant 😭..."
"Man I don't know they just have the vibes. They have toxic yuri energy but they are two grown men. They've known each other since their apprentice days and have stuck together ever since. Qifrey's main magic type was something he took up because Olruggio proposed that he learned to control the water he feared. They live together away from most of society with Qifrey's four apprentices, living the sapphic cottagecore (ateliercore???) dream. Qifrey, due to the fact that his eyesight is very much failing, something which is very problematic when it comes to witches, who need their eyesight more than most, is getting very desperate to get all he lost to the Brimhats, the witches who took one of his eyes and his memories, and Olruggio ends up noticing this pursuit and is implied to have done this more than once. Qifrey does not want Olruggio to know about both his failing eyesight and his goals, so he ends up completely wiping Olruggio's memory of those things, and laments that Olruggio is a kind person, and one who would most likely forgive him again, but also one who would try to save him, even when he didn't want to be saved. He also apologized right up until the moment Olruggio's memories of his secret were gone. In general I think chapter 40 is the somewhat toxic guy yuri chapter ever. I'm very tired so I do not know how to explain any of this, I just thought "wow Orufrey reminds me of this one poll I saw on Tumblr" and then spent three days straight hunting for your blog before completely forgetting my reasoning for Orufrey being yuri right before I submitted this."
For Bruabba: "Jojo transcends gender"
"Just look at them. So much wlw swag, Bruno was also designed to have a 'feminine silhouette' (mangaka's words, not mine). Abbacchio follows Bruno on a suicide mission to kill the mafia boss after telling Bruno he's only at peace by his side. They met while Abbachio was in the middle of a depressive spiral after his friend's death (that he's partially responsible for) and Bruno gave him a new purpose in life. Abbachio is kind of a bitch overall but he's always protective of Bruno and his nicer side mostly shows around him. Tragic mafia gay yuri"
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laguzmage · 1 month
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Oh my god Arturia rules
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cosmosoracle · 18 days
Zinnya is sketching again, humming a nice tune to it. She's actually pretty damn good at art, even her quickest sketches tend to be quite realistic and highly evocative. Before, Lia had seen her sketchbook contain perfectly realistic studies of new plants and their insides, convincing portraits of people she found particularly beautiful, and even a dog juggling dog toys while riding a monocycle, among many other things. What could she be working on right now?
Suddenly, she looks up in enlightened realization! "Wait! Azarketi are ALWAYS wet!" And with newfound fervor, she starts a new sketch. She seems to be very absorbed in this one.
Wincing on the spot as Zinnya calls her out of her meditation, her tentacles slowly unfurl again. "Goodness, Zinnya, you gave me a heart attack!" She hadn't died enough times already, had she? She sighs, calming herself down, actually focusing on the statement.
"Well... we need to keep our gills nice and moist at all times, yes? That's the main reason I'm so attached to the Decanter of endless water..." and any trace of malice in that sentence is disintegrated.
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undyingmedium · 1 month
A bag of constantly moving and screaming... something... it doesn't sound like a person, not a sane one at the very least, but it's also not quite like an animal... The screaming is horrid and the bag can't be carried with all this violence in it, but when placed down, it starts moving towards the closest person, with inexplicable speed. It stinks like nothing you've smelled before, worse than rotten fish, yet different with a strong unknown flavor. Whatever is inside punches with flesh-like toughness, though it has an unsettling softness to it.
Damn, what a gift. Maybe it's scared of being tied in a bag, maybe it's just violent; in any case, if it's a violent creature, she would kill it without remorse - no matter if it was restrained and concealed, or not.
"Aaaalright, easy, you stinky thing!" The woman deepens her voice to sound imposing and tries to use her blasts to untie whatever kept the back together, or simply sear it to grant a way out to anything that was inside. She seems wary, but also kind of skeptical. Did anyone, by any chance, hear she doesn't have a pet of her own? She already has her teammates to take care of, they're enough as surrogates!
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*Zinnya winks at cute boy*
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A glint of amusement danced in his eyes, adding a spark of mischief to their emerald depths as he took in the contents of the paper before him. Rare did he like to waste away time with silly games but … well, he could make an exception. The corners of his lips curled into a gentle smile, culminating in a soft chuckle that escaped him, blessing the room with a sense of warmth and levity. With a graceful motion, Robin folded the paper, a gesture as polite and refined as his demeanor, and extended it towards her to take. However, the sudden wink from her made him pause in inviting her for tea. His gaze lingered on her, his wide green eyes unwavering as he assessed her. Robin remained the epitome of composure, his expression carefully controlled as he held her gaze. With a courteous nod he lilted,
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sugaryewscythe · 4 months
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valkyrie supports queer rights 🏳️‍🌈♡
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spookysalem13 · 8 months
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I was the kid making potions out of mud & random findings.
Now I'm a grown adult who practices paganism 😅 haha! Little me would be so proud 💜
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