#with a fashion icon like him i couldn't choose only one
0oolookitsme · 1 year
The Most Handsome Man
Type- One-Shot! (First one of model!h so yay!)
Verse- Model!Harry x Fashion Designer!Y/n
Word Count- 2.02k
Warnings- Smut... and oh, this is not proofread. Heheh
A/N- I'm so sorry (or am I?) for not completing the last scene lmaoo
Silence fell after all the cheering for Harry's 'iconic model walk' at the 2023 Versace Spring collection for men. He had been wearing a pink shirt, fully unbuttoned with nothing on under it, and a pair of sheer white pants on his bottom half. Everyone had raved about how no one, no one but Harry, could pull off that outfit and steal the whole show.
The one clip of him taking a turn to the left of the runway and winking at the camera filming him from a lower level with his infamous lopsided grin had everyone drooling on the floor. It was reposted again and again on all of the social media apps, quickly becoming viral all over the internet.
"Well, Y/n. Enough about Harry, it's been more than 15 minutes talking about him, it's your turn now." Graham said, narrowing his eyes when Y/n mouthed 'Oh no'.
"How do you feel about Harry walking for another brand, wearing clothes designed by another designer?" he asked, leaning on the arm of his couch as if ready for a statement that he could use to spice up the interview.
"He really pulled it off damn well, obviously. The show was marvellous, the clothes absolutely stunning and the models killed it!" Y/n replied, realizing how disappointing that must have been for the media. "And, Harry hasn't like ...signed up a contract to walk only for Gucci and wear clothes designed only by me, you know? Like whatever he does, he absolutely puts his best into it, so it doesn't really matter who he is walking for until he decides to perform partiality and walk like a god for one show and bad for another" she finished, joining everyone else with the laughter.
She glanced at Harry once, just for some validation for what she said and immediately released the tension from her shoulders the moment he passed her that damn smile.
Graham passed her a 'well done' smile, sighing and letting out a "Hmm, nice."
He shuffled the question cards in his hands and almost in no time his head shot up with his brows raised so high that Harry and Y/n just knew that whatever was coming couldn't be so nice for them. It was, no doubt, everytime a question the answer to which could get them dragged if they were to answer it wrong
"I totally forgot about this!" He shrieked, chuckling a little what seemed like evilly. "Y/n," he dragged her name, looking at her with a playful expression that made the crowd laugh again.
She couldn't help but quickly go over everything that he could've found out about in her brain. With a straight posture, she let out a tense chuckle, adding to the humour unintentionally.
"Harry, here, is a well know good-looking young man, everyone knows that. But this week, he has been named the most handsome man! His face almost corresponds with the ancient geek measurement for perfect beauty and proportion. It's called the golden triangle, you see," Graham went off, not really showing where he is going with this.
Clearing his throat, he continued. "So tell me, y/n, what is it like to be dating the most handsome man in the world?" He asked and the crowd roared with hoots, cheers, and laughter.
Oh, it wasn’t as hard of a question as they were expecting.
Harry hid his face behind his hands, pretending to be blushing hard while kicking his feet.
"Umm... it's definitely hard because he's a narcissist. And, now it's pretty safe to say I'll forever hate you for telling him this and blowing his ego off the roof," looking at Harry she grinned. "But it's nice too, he's a lovely fella," she added, nodding along with Graham.
"Leave her, Harry. She doesn't understand how extraordinary you are!"
"Oh yeah, but Graham totally does! If you take any advice from me, H, let it be this one- choose Graham," Y/n said in a faux serious tone, patting Hary's knee while looking towards the crowd, breaking out laughing when Graham too pretended to blush.
"Oh stop it, you. We know you had him at 'H'," he waved her off, looking at Harry who had his hand over his heart.
"Okay everyone, this interview has been going on for more than 30 minutes now," Graham panicked looking at his watch. "Please say a huge thanks to my guests tonight, Mr. Harry Styles and Ms. Y/n Y/ln!"
"Now what should they say, Harry?"
"They should subscribe to this channel."
"There you go, thank you."
The crowd cheered for them as they bid their goodbyes and left the stage. At the back, both hugged Graham, everyone in a hurry due to the unexpected delay. "I just can't keep up with time around you two," he said, laughing as he hurried somewhere else.
Y/n knew something was off when Harry didn't act much about being the most handsome man as they were being escorted out of the building to their car. Then, on the way, sleep overtook her. Not being a morning person and having to wake up at 5 in the morning over that was not something she could cover up with caffeine.
It was when they were nearing their home that she woke up. Something stopped her from raising her hand, turning to see she felt something heavy on her preventing her from moving even.
Just tilting her head, she smiled at the sight. Harry had intertwined their hands as his body had fallen onto hers, his head on her shoulders with his lips parted.
Thinking about all the stuff she had to do, she forgot about his tiredness. With all the shows he had done the past week, and then having to proceed with a meeting every single day and even online interviews, he hadn't even had the time to relax other than just straight up passing out the moment his head would hit the pillow.
He looked so calm that she didn't wanna wake him but the car turned in the driveway and she raised her other hand to tap his cheek. "Wake up, darling," she spoke slowly, lingering her finger near his open mouth to wake him faster.
It made her laugh, how he smacked her finger away before blinking his eyes open. "Hello there," she greeted him, feeling a lot better after her nap.
But he grunted in return, slumping down further on her.
"We are home, H. C'mon, you can go back to sleep once we're in," she said as she opened her door and dragged him along with her.
Quickly, she appreciated the driver, wishing him a good night as Harry rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, walking towards the door slowly. "I really want to have a drink, my head hurts like it's been hit so hard," he mumbled as Y/n caught with him with her heels in her hands.
"It was probably hit hard when you were a child, considering you are pretty dumb now," she laughed, making a face at him when he clicked her on the head.
After some fumbling for the keys and failing more than thrice because Harry wouldn't stop pressing small pecks of kisses here and there on the skin that was exposed and near to him, Y/n finally pushed the door open and pretended to bang Harry on the head.
"Dear God! You will accidentally kill me someday!" He claimed, laughing when she almost wheezed while clutching her stomach. "We haven't even had a drink and you already seem drunk," he mumbled as he took off his shoes.
He walked on behind her while taking off his suit, swinging it over his arm as she was already onto pouring their drinks. She didn't need to ask what he wanted, it was always the same. Whiskey. And he knew what she'd take- white wine, no questions asked.
It was fitted in her system, that white wine freshened her up. No one knows where that came from, it just does.
Y/n passed him his glass, filled with some ice and his drink, and came to stand just opposite him with her arms on the countertop, just like his. "Cheers," she mumbled and took her first sip.
It wasn't long before they both finished their drinks and went to pour some more, sharing a guilty glance.
One drink turned into another and the distance between them began to decrease enough to make them buzz with some sort of excitement. Then the slurs turned into their mouths moving in sync as one pushed another's clothes off.
Her hair curtained their faces from one side as he picked her up, wrapping her legs around his hips. He climbed the stairs knowing there was a hundred percent chance they could topple over just because of the force they were enforcing on each other. His hands hungrily moved on her body and her hands tangled their fingers in his locks.
Turning on his heels to push open the bedroom door by his back, his feet carried them straight to the bed. Their mouths parted then, her chest heaving quickly as she lay on the bed, seemingly not sensing the importance of breathing while going for the side of his neck.
But Harry rose up just as her lips settled on his skin, chuckling sweetly at her confusion and look of helplessness.
He dropped down on his knees, on the cold hard ground.
Looking up at her as if she were a goddess, he cupped her knees and pushed them farther away from each other. The slight hint of her smell alone snatched his focused gaze from her confirming eyes, to where her drenched panties covered her center. 
Pupils darkening with each passing second, Harry placed his hand on her lower tummy, pushing down so that her hips slip, and her throbbing core grows nearer to him. "So fuckin' wet," he said in a voice so soft, and yet it sounded like a taunt.
A lopsided grin stretched out on his lips and carved out one of his dimples as raised his head up once more to take in her expression. Her eyes showered him in praise and begged him to go on, but her breath just hitched. He could tell she hadn't yet started breathing again as his cold hand started crawling up her knee, slipping up higher and closer with each drag of his palm.
His hungry fingers tapped and walked on her skin like a smooth metal ball bouncing up and down her body after slipping down from one's hand. Just as he hooked his finger on her panties elastic line, her thumb hooked itself on the other side and started pushing the thin clothing down. "Ow!" She exclaimed in a voice lower than a whisper when he slapped her hand away, clearly not expecting such harshness from the man who usually lays underneath her every time they're high on lust. 
"Don't do that again," he told her, almost frowning, before pulling the clothing down her legs in a rush he's never had before.
Inhaling deeply, he hooked his arms under her knees and pushed them up till his hands reached her boobs and the elbows just a tad above her hips. A small crisscross of his two limbs and she was flipped on her stomach. 
"Oh ...my god, H," she gasps, a chuckle leaving her mouth followed by a trembling breath. 
"Raise that ass for me, please," he asked her politely, waiting for her to oblige and let her ass rest in front of his sharp V-line. Smirking in contentment when she slowly, but surely, did so. He landed a quick slap to her asscheek before he turned and rested his back on the curve at the end of the bed, quickly hooking his arms around her thighs. 
He wanted to taste her first, just like she mostly does. "Ah, fuck," she shuddered as his tongue swiped between her puffy lips, separating them.
"So tell me, darling," he said, replacing his tongue with his thumb. "What's it like... having the most handsome man between your legs?"
Tagging: @reveriehs <3 MASTERLIST :)
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diahsthings · 10 months
I'm obsessed with the idea of what to wear to a ball at the castle. Like, hella fancy and what would coordinate with your significant other. Gotta coordinate with their signature color. The whole outfit is a mystery to them. Which would drive most of them crazy.
Warning: so self indulgent it's painful. Beautiful clothes. The outfits are fem for sure. This is so niche.
Obey Me
Asmodeus x reader
I'm going to be honest. I have to do his solo because I have too many for him. Asmodeus is an icon. You can't wear just anything.
It drove Asmodeus crazy to think he wouldn't know. And it was from the human realm. Yes, he's tried everything.
You had to go all out for Asmodeus. He was one of the most beautiful beings ever created.
You went right to him to get ready together. Hyping each other up. He's going to think you're beautiful always but it's better to let him help.
"Let me see!!! Let me see!!! Please?!" Asmodeus whines but it's cute when he whines. Anyone else? no.
"yes, but I'll admit I'm nervous. I hope you love it."
"you're gorgeous. It's beautiful."
"I wanted to be able to look good next to you. I wanted to find something that reminded me of you, Asmo." Kissing him sweetly.
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I couldn't choose. I wanted to go with pink. But it couldn't be just anything. It has to be extra. The most extra.
I love Asmo. And think he's a sweetie. And plus it's fashion. He deserves only the finest.
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endlessdreamerxoxo · 2 years
Tbh I use to read Eddie Munson X reader fics until I fell into the hellcheer hole so I stopped reading them but I hate it when people make Chrissy a villain in the fics because it's so ooc of her and I've noticed it a lot with reader fics were the male character has a crush, interest or is shipped a lot with a female character because I remember this time I read a fanfic about this male character and they made this female character a bit of a bitch but I just thought she would get character development, I was wrong because the reader's dog attacked and K!lled that female character and even worse y/n was friends with the brother of that female character and when he found out that y/n's dog K!lled his sister y/n was being a big bitch to him telling him to get over it and it wasn't her dog (when she clearly knows it was her dog) and once I read that horrible chapter I never wanted to read a fanfic with that male character ever again
Honestly, I think this kind of dilemma speaks to the fact that society/culture has told the majority of young females (I only citing females because the majority of Y/N stories are geared toward that audience and written by those members) to view other females as competition, especially where there has been a uptick in media that prioritize one depiction of being a woman over another under the guise of "empowerment". I think it also speaks to a few stigma surrounding that one having a "past" before falling in love with their long term partner and one can't possibly love someone so different than they are.
I don't care if someone writes a Eddie x reader or an Eddie x oc stories. I've written or thought of plenty of those stories for different fandoms. But I think it's pretty obvious whenever a person hates Chrissy for whatever reason from their writing. Whether they make her a bitchy popular girl, or cut her completely out of the story and replaces an oc with her own life (along with Jason). I think this habit comes from their own projecting of meeting people like Chrissy in their lives, and the way the media chooses to portray people with her characteristics. They aren't viewing Chrissy as she is supposed to be; but rather an embodiment of everything they've learned to hate. Which is a shame because Chrissy is a great subversion of her own trope with a lot of potential for growth and depth. The Duffers hired Grace because every other actress played Chrissy straight-forward.
I think this is why movies like Clueless and Legally Blonde are such iconic films because the creators wanted to turn the tropes on their head and make the protagonist someone who the majority of viewers were going to hate. Yet, those movies makes you want to root for Cher and Elle because it takes the time to show them as 3-dimensional beings and their films doesn't mock/talk down their interests or fashion choices as immoral or wrong. These movies are also successful at not shaming the other women for having opposing views or interests. But there a lot of more teen movies where a girl that displays a hyper-femininity appearance or mainstream interests are made to be the villains, whether their behavior justify such a label.
I hate the argument that Eddie couldn't love Chrissy because she is everything he dislikes because it's such a narrow view on romantic love based on the superficial. Like yeah, on the surface, they have nothing in common and she is everything he dislikes. But the foundation of romantic love is more than physical. Romantic and lasting love is when the lust dies down, who do you want to be with you? See you at your most vurnuable state? Who do you want to see you cry? Chrissy and Eddie were on the outskirts of that type of love. They opened to each other in the forest, and they never did to anyone else. And pigeon-holding Eddie to only falling in love with an alt girl because he is in subculture is the most social conforming agenda. it's like you being arranged to marry someone solely because they like pop music and you like pop music. no consideration for any other trait.
Also Eddie is allowed to find someone attractive and the attraction is not be something to be help. You can't help attraction, even if you are heterosexual or attract to the opposite sex shockingly. And if Eddie had a type, what's wrong with that? Many people have dated outside of their type and have been very happy with their partner. And like it or not, Eddie realistically would have a type and it would've been based on the beauty standard of the time. Have you seen those video girls in the 1980s?
Finally, it is not a big deal if Eddie had past loves. It would be totally normal for any 20 year old man to have a fling or crush on someone, and it doesn't have to end badly. many people have unrequited crushes in their childhood that just doesn't work out because of mundane reasons, and doesn't mean that other person was a bitch to said person. Just because someone loved a person before you doesn't negate your entire relationship. I absolutely love the hc that Eddie x Tammy Thompson was a thing once and in my own head, the pair had their own thing and connection away from Chrissy (outside of Tammy looking like Chrissy) but they broke up because Eddie was being an asshole and wasn't being honest with his own feelings. Not because he doesn't like her. But because he liked Chrissy more and Tammy knew her worth.
sorry, this is a long ass answer because I have been thinking about this problem for a week now. So I hope that you'll like my answer and I hope that I answered what you want me too.
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dick-the3rd · 2 years
Robins fashion style HC
(this is very dumb but once I thought about it I couldn't stop thinking)
Dick - Despite popular belief, Dick knows how to pull together a nice outfit. He knows how to combine colors and styles and fittings, and surprisingly enough he's only a little behind on current fashion. The real crime is that, most of the time, he doesn't bother. He will just wear anything and go with it. Or worse, he will attempt to be "ahead of his time" or "bring back the classics" and it'll be a disaster. He doesn't mind though, half the fun he gets it's from seeing his friends faces anytime they see whatever he's wearing. He also buys a lot of things that he thinks are cool but once he wears it...
Jason - Jason has a very particular style that is more linked to what he sees around him and he likes than what's current fashion. He's also a more practical and easy type of person, so jeans and a tee is his go to (plus the leather jacket, of course.) But, sometimes, he'll see something he like and he'll try to pull it off, except he'll feel insecure and change it. The rare times he opts to go out with that it's going to be an outfit so un-Jason-like that once someone sees him they will have to rethink everything they thought about Jason. (Jason is unaware of that)
Tim - He's effortless fashion. Because of his upbringing it's kind of his second nature to keep up with current fashion, and to this point he knows very well how to pull together any kind of outfit. Not only because he knows how to pair things, but also because he knows how to choose pieces. Tim knows which color favours him, which brands have the best fitting, how to dress for each occasion. He looks good on everything because he only buys things that he knows will look good on him. He also opts for things that are atemporal bc it's a pain in the ass to go shopping everytime fashion changes.
Steph - She likes to joke that she's a fashion icon even though she knows she isn't (to be honest she's more into makeup than fashion but eh). She opts for color blocks or neutral tones that can go with purple. Half the time her outfit it's an statement and the other half is just the first thing she grabbed but she learnt enough from Tim that she knows how to chose what looks good on her. Sometimes she'll try something out of her comfort zone, wear it three times and feel fabulous and then never use it again because it's too much work finding something to go with it.
Damian - For Damian is less about how he'll look and more about the fabric and the colors. From all of them he's the one that have a much more strict colour palette. He likes neutral tones and the most color he will wear it's green or blue (he's slowly warming up to red but baby steps). Damian usually prefers soft natural fabric and oversized t-shirts and he absolutely despises denim. Sometimes Dick likes to play dress up with Damian and Damian will allow it only if he's on a good humour, and even then he'll never go out of the house wearing anything that Dick praises. If he really likes any piece of clothing he'll buy at least three of then (sometimes Jason will joke that Damian look like a cartoon character that only wears one thing. Damian will retort that that's rich coming from Jason).
+ Bruce
Bruce once knew what was fashionable. Back when he was starting into Batman business and didn't adopted any child.
Today he absolutely gave up on keeping up with that sort of thing and he actually pays a personal stylist for when he has to go out as Brucie.
If given the chance Bruce would wear only suits and the bat suit (because there's no going wrong with suits). He's unexpectedly fond of jewelry. Rings, watches, even bracelets and necklaces. He doesn't wear them often though, but he's always happy to lend them to whichever of his child needs then (Tim is the one that wears them the most, followed by Dick).
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dotster001 · 2 years
Hii soo id like to get matched up with one of the characters from ikepri(a romantic match btw)
I love to hangout with my friends(especially my bestfriends) and just have fun with them,i also like to bake with my friends. me and my bestfriend have this tradition where we make brownies whenever we’re hanging out at each others house’s. I dont really like cooking or baking alone though. I love shopping for clothes both online and in real shops. Im quite social and can start and hold conversation really well but i need some time for myself as well to recharge my social battery.i struggle with finding people i actually love unconditionally,i think my bestfriend is the only friend ive ever had that makes me feel like i love her no matter what.butt i actually have lots of friends that i do like and hangout with often.I DEFINITELY NEED REASSURANCE often i need to be told and MOST IMPORTANTLY SHOWED that someone cares about me(romantically or platonically). I like to read romance books quite often as well and i like to read all kinda of romance buttt if i had to pick a fav troupe itd be friends to lovers(was really close to choosing enemies to lovers).i love sweet and spicy food and hateee bitter stuff. I try my best to be nice to people since id rather not ruin someones day, and if someone was being a bitch to me id probably just ignore them and not stand up for myself since it usually doesn’t bother me but if someone insulted anyone i care about then i completely forget how to be nice😭i feel like i get along best with people that can have fun and make lots of amazing memories but also can relax and just be calm at times.
Im really sorry if i wrote too much and i cant wait to see who youll match me with 💕💕
(So I almost paired you with Yves cause he's a fashion icon, and loves to bake, but I'm playing his route right now, and he's definitely a (soft) tsundere, so that might not work out for you.)
I match you with Rio Ortiz.
(Rio route when?)
You two become friends when you find him in the rain on that fateful day, and despite having no prior memories, he never let it bother him, because he had you. And from there he fell head over heels for you in such a soft way that you fell not long after him.
He doesn't know anyone, (having lost his memories) but considering how sharp he is, any time you hang out with people, he gets along with them no matter who they are.
He just loves to be around you! You're literally his everything. You'll NEVER have to bake alone ever again. He wants to help, and spend time with you, so it's a fun bonding experience.
That said, he knows you really well, so when you do need time to yourself, he'll make you a cup of tea, (or coffee if you're a coffee person) grab you your favorite romance novel, and then head out on the town for the day. He always comes back with new books, and an outfit for you.
Speaking of, he loves going to shops with you to find clothes. He often asks you to pick an outfit for him as well, because he trusts your sense of fashion implicitly. 
You never have to doubt his love for you, because he tells you every chance he gets. When you wake up, when you have to be apart, when you do things together, when you go to bed. He's very vocal about it.
You felt a soft kiss on your forehead. As you're roused yourself from sleep, and your eyelids flutter open, you see Rio looking at you with so much love and affection in his eyes it was almost overwhelming.
"Good morning, love," he whispered, his smile brighter than the morning sun.
"Good morning," you whispered back.
Rio began stroking your hair out of your face.
"Are you feeling more recharged today?"
"Yes, thank you. I'll never understand how you always know what I need."
Rio grinned. "Oh that's easy. It's because I just love you sooooooo much." He tickled your sides, and you couldn't help but laugh at him.
Rio rose from the bed. "Since you're feeling better today, do you want to check out that new clothing store in the town? There's a coat in there I have my eye on, but I want your opinion."
"Of course, that sounds amazing. Let me just get dressed first."
You rose from the bed, and began to get ready. Rio headed to the door, but paused in the frame.
"Oh! But the way!"
You glanced up at him. "What is it?"
He gave you a soft smile with all the emotion he could muster.
"I love you."
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miss-bookworm · 7 years
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Robert Week ⇨ Day 4: Best outfits (part 1)
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kimhargreeves · 3 years
Making Art-Artie x Reader (Cruella 2021)
Summary: You are Cruella's sister who stumbles upon a beautiful small shop with an interesting employee. There you both begin to work together for Cruella's clothing and make a huge impact on the punk community. (I've decided to make Artie bisexual since the movie didn't really specify how he identifies. Please don't feel offended I just loved him in the movie.)
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'Meet me at this address'
I read the address written on the small paper Estella wrote to me before she left for work, I walked across the street and into a clothing store. I noticed that The Baroness' red dress was no longer here, Estella must've bought it now.
I looked around me and the shop was quiet well except for a vinyl records nearby playing a Queen song. "Seems like no one's here." Then why was the door unlocked?
"You've arrived." Estella stepped out of nowhere and seemed very different. She wasn't wearing her red wig of glasses, she was dressed very fashionably.
"I-I have I was busy doing-"
"There's no time for that, (Y/N) meet Artie. You two will be working together." Right when she mentioned the guys name he stepped forward out of the storage room and I couldn't help but stare at him.
He's unique for sure. His whole style reminds me of David Bowie. He's tall with light blonde hair and has only one of his eyes with eyeshadow.
"Good to know I won't be working on your outfits alone. Pleasure to meet you love, as you can see I work for this store and your sister here has convinced me in working for her."
"Same h-here. It'll be nice having someone else around. I really love your style." I confess and feel myself getting nervous.
"These old clothes? It's nothing compared to fabulous ones you own." He points to my clothes. I was wearing Estella's studded boots with knee high socks, skirt with suspenders and chains along with a dark shirt and leather jacket.
"The whole punk aesthetic is just fabulous to me, you okay guitar?" Artie asks when he notices the one I'm carrying in my case.
"Yes, I play in my spare time."
"I wouldn't mind listening to you sing then." Artie smirked and winked. Or was that just me?
I didn't pay much mind and began to go into the storage room with Artie when Cruella gave us some ideas on which color in fabric to choose. Cruella had gone out to see Anita Darling leaving just the both of us.
Artie closed up shop and we both began heading to what I call home with all the different fabrics, beads and needles.
"Make yourself at home, Artie. Horace and Jasper are somewhere around town, my sister and I share this place with them.'
"Only you four live in here?"
"Yes, why?"
"Just curious, I thought someone like you would live in a much cleaner place and different."
I placed the fabrics onto a couch and looked at Artie. "Not that this place isn't nice-"
"That's alright, Artie. I get what you mean. It's all we have unfortunately, maybe someday we'll live differently." I'm still hopeful for that to happen.
"I've never met someone as powerful as your sister, so let's do our best in making her some iconic looks." Artie smiles and takes my hand leading me over to check the rest of the things he brought in.
"Let's make some art then."
I was finishing up glueing some newspaper on a pale dress Estella had told me to come up with, I was concentrated on it while I felt fingers in my hair. Artie was braiding my long hair, he was still surprised at my two different colored hair.
Estella and I have black and white natural hair which did make some people turn heads. I wish I could be like her.
"There beautiful as ever." I heard Artie say when he finished my braid. "You should braid your hair more often, or comb it for the matter. You look better like this."
This makes me chuckle since I always have my hair all messy not really bothering in styling it. "You're here now, right? I'm sure you'll help me with it."
Artie even cut off a bit of damaged hair and styled my bangs evenly. "Do I look like my sister now?"
"Even more beautiful love."
I felt my pale cheeks warming up due to his nice comments. No one ever has complimented me. "Thank you a lot, Artie. It means a lot to me."
"You know I'm planning to put on a show later on, and I want you to be the lead guitarist." Artie suggests me and I move away from him
"No way!" I tell him. "As you can tell I'm nothing like my sister, we have different interests and I'm not as confident as she is. Everyone now looks up to her and loves her, I'm just..I'm nothing compared to her."
"You will be once you show everyone who you are. Now, be a dear and play some music for me. " Artie sat down on my once messy bed since he couldn't stand seeing it all over the place.
Nervously I grabbed my acoustic guitar, tuned it and began to play Love Of My Life by Queen.
"Love of my life, you've hurt me
You've broken my heart, and now you leave me
Love of my life, can't you see?
Bring it back, bring it back
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know
What it means to me.."
I played just a bit of the song and heard Artie clapping when I ended. "You never told me you had a beautiful voice, you for sure have to sing with me now or I won't stop annoying you."
I chuckle nervously and agreed. "I'll try my best not to pass out from the large crowd."
"You better cause I'll be there to pick you back up."
I blush and try to hide it by going back and fixing my guitar back in it's place. There's no way he's into me, he's just a flirty guy who likes to have fun. Jasper has told me that Artie likes to hang out with guys but not in a just a friend way.
People like him still aren't accepted like many others. I'll still be friends with him no matter what, but I can't help but feel some sort of comfort when I'm with him.
"Hey, Artie..do you umm..like someone?"
"I like a lot of people, you have to be specific dear."
Should I even ask? I avoided the question and began to place another punk vinyl cd on the player. "So, love?"
"N-Nothing! Hey, so wanna practice the song you said?" I suggest instead hoping he'll forget what I asked first.
"So what's the name of the song?"
"I wanna be your dog by The Stooges."
I smile and prepare my guitar again and hand him a microphone. "Nice! You have great taste in music." I begin to strum and keep up with Artie's singing. I wonder how this'll all turn out on the night he'll sing this.
"Marvelous song you both are playing." I jumped and nearly tripped on the cables when Estella appeared and smirked at us both.
"One of the bests." It seems like he's always flirting with my sister but I think that's just him being himself.
"You're such a dear, how come you don't have someone?" Cruella asks and takes a seat down to view her own sketches.
"I've been taking a break from dating, maybe it's time to give it a try again." I hear Artie tell my sister and I continue to unplug the chords when I realized it was getting late.
The sky was already dark and Jasper had arrived with Horace and the dogs, only that the dalmatians were no where to be seen.
"Artie, I would like to return the favor, you heard me sing so let me make you an outfit for that upcoming night." I offer and tell him when he grabs his coat ready to leave.
He hums and looks at me deep in thought, "Well you are Cruella's sister so I have faith you'll come up with something stunning and bold as me."
With that I said my goodbye to Artie and saw him leave, I went to sit at my table when Estella came by and handed me a white fabric but with black spots. "I want you to turn this into a fabulous coat."
I stared at it surprised and then it made sense to me. "Don't tell me this is the d-dalmatians?" I asked afraid to touch the fabric now.
This isn't Estella now, this is Cruella. My sister smirks and shrugs her shoulders, "Make sure to not stain it and use every single piece of it."
Oh, god. Artie won't be pleased to know about this and neither will Horace and Jasper. I'm certain the queen would have my head if she'd heard about it, what has gotten into my sister?
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nadineeb · 4 years
Hi dears! It’s me again. After my tech review, I’m navigated to this 2016 movie -  Crazy Rich Asians which came from the first book of its trilogy novel. This is always at the top of my list and my favourite movie. Hope you’ll enjoy this movie review as it feels like you’re watching it when you’re really just reading. All credits goes to the owner of the photos and GIFs. Thank you so much!! Enjoy it as much as I do. 
- XOXO, Nads <3
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New York City - Rachel Chu, a young, lovely, part-timer economic professor who dates for over a year now, a hunk, eye-turner, history professor, Nick Young, at New York University. Rachel already introduced Nick at their family dinners but since Nick's family are from Singapore, he hasn't presented Rachel formally to them.
Nick's closest female cousin, a double - heiress in her family, an icon in the fashion industry, had already chatted with Rachel. She's the only one that has known her cousin's girlfriend. Astrid was always busy with the Paris' fashion week, shopping spree every week, buying ancient jewelries that costs a fortune and building her own family with her only son and her husband who's also busy gaining investors in his technology business. 
(Astrid down below)
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Being that it's Araminta and Colin's wedding, Colin, who happens to be Nick's bestfriend and cousin since their diaper days. Colin wants him to come home for he is his bestman in his wedding. He wants to take this chance for Rachel to meet his gigantic family and have her experience his childhood in the country where he grew up. It's also a great opportunity for her to visit her college bestfriend, Peik Lin , who always asks her to come to Singapore where she lives.
Excitedly, Rachel asks his mom for help with what dress will she be wearing when she meets his boyfriend's Ah-ma (grandmother in Chinese) during the family dinner to welcome the guests of the wedding. She forcibly agrees when her mom tries to get her wear the red dress. Her mom says that red is a color of good luck in Chinese traditions and also a little bit more of a plus point from Nick's Ah-ma though she also got a pure Chinese blood but grew up in America which promotes an entirely different culture.
Amazed by their First Class seats and soft silk pair of pj's given by the airlines, Rachel couldn't contain her happiness while sipping on their glass of champagnes on their flight to Singapore. Astonished as she seemed, she nags Nick on why he can afford the First Class tickets to a country miles away from them while Nick uses her Netflix password. He admits that they are living "comfortably" which what exactly a member of a crazy rich family says.
As soon as they land in Singapore, Araminta and Colin, the soon-to-be wedded couple was there at the airport with balloons in their hands and joy in their auras. After introducing them to Rachel, they plan to eat Newton Food Centre, a place where they serve delicious street foods especially laksa curry and satay bowls from street food vendors which gained Michelin stars.
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Right before the Nick's family welcome dinner, Rachel visits Peik Lin in her house which everything is brilliantly gold-plated and was inspired by the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles. While catching up over their food for lunch, Peik Lin's mom interrogates her about her coming to Singapore. When she said that it's for the wedding of his boyfriend's bestfriend Colin, Peik Lin's family were shocked, they said that it is the wedding of the year and even them having that rich, they aren't invited to the wedding. It seems like Rachel didn't do a research at his boyfriend's family!
Peik Lin also warned Rachel that the Youngs are kind of snobbish that would belittle a commoner. She would not let Rachel wear that little red dress to the dinner so she gathered all of her fancy clothes and choose the best for Rachel to wear.
The Youngs - migrated in the 1800's to the small island of Singapore from their main land, China  with a vast amount of fortune. They started real-estates business until this family became most probably the landlords of Singapore.
Nick escorted Rachel and Peik Lin to his Ah-ma's house which is the largest, most beautiful house that Rachel didn't expect to see. A house that Nick and Astrid grew up in. A house that has lots of wings that you'll probably get lost once you enter the wrong one.
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Finally, Nick introduces Rachel to all of his cousins. Nick's mom, Eleanor, is busy in the kitchen scrutinizing every detail of the food to serve to their guests. When the couple went down to the kitchen, Rachel thrillingly hugs Eleanor which made Eleanor uncomfortable around Rachel. That is why Rachel immediately concluded that Eleanor doesn't want her for his son.
In the middle of the garden, sits a fragrant Tan Hua flower which usually blooms fully once a year, a great opportunity for the guests to see this once in a year. While waiting for it to fully bloom, Nick introduced Rachel to his Ah-ma, surprisingly, she likes Rachel the moment they talked in Chinese. She said that Rachel should come back to the mansion when there are no more craining necks so that she can teach Rachel how to make their family's traditional dumpling recipe which was passed to generations.
The Bachelor and Bachelorette's  Party where Nick and Rachel's love was tested. The Bachelor's party is located literally in the middle of the ocean, filled the cargo-like ship with sexy girls and men that is enjoying the scenery. As they are talking about anything under the sun and with the influence of alcohol, some men questions Nick on Rachel's details. Though the men want to know more about Rachel, Nick went hot-headed as the men start to sexualize his girlfriend. He decides to leave the ship that day with Colin, the bachelor, to an island with a small wooden floating house and a raft.
On the other hand, Rachel met Nick's ex-girlfriend, Amanda, in Araminta's Bachelorette party at a private island. She did not know that Amanda wants to be friends with her so that she and her mean friends can pull off their plans and that Rachel would want to leave. Their plans succeeded, while crying Rachel went to her villa to get her things and leave, she bumped into Astrid. They two found that Rachel's bed was covered in tuna's blood with a tuna head at her headboard.
That incident led to them to the seashore talking about why Amanda is like that. Astrid also opened up to Rachel how she found out that her husband is not really busy going to business trips but rather he is busy having an affair with a woman she doesn't know. It seems like the two found comfort in each other.
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Dumpling day comes and also another day to test their relationship. While making dumplings, Rachel found out that Ah-ma doesn't want Eleanor for Nick's father way back then and she doesn't have the heirloom engangement ring of the Youngs since Ah-ma didn't approve of her. Ah-ma arrived at the dining table exactly after Rachel knew the backstory of Eleanor and Nick's father. Ah-ma was pleased after seeing Rachel again. She adoringly expressed her interest in Rachel's face features which made Eleanor jealous of Rachel.
On her way to the toilet, Rachel's lost in the mansion and was shocked that Eleanor found her. Eleanor talked to Rachel and frankly told her that she will never be enough for her son.
(Rachel and Eleanor Scene)
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The wedding of the year came, famous business elites and the royalties attended. Rachel wore a pretty blue elegant dress paid respects to Eleanor and Nick's aunties though Eleanor doesn't want her to sit with her.
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Princess Inta, who demanded a whole row of the front seats to herself so she would not be bothered by anyone, approached by Rachel who doesn't have seats, she talked about the princess' book about economics and that they have the same stand. They immediately been comfortable with each other. Escorted by Astrid, Ah-ma came and everyone was shocked at her presence. They said that Ah-ma never came to such events.
Not long after Ah-ma arrived, the grand wedding started which left everyone in awe on how beautiful the oriental, Gothic-themed was.
After the ceremony, the program continued at the Gardens by the Bay, a reception for the wedding. It was filled with laughters, everyone is having a great time dancing and enjoying the beat. In contrast with this, stands Rachel and Nick called by Ah-ma and Eleanor for the truth behind Rachel's identity. They said that they cannot let Rachel join their family for the fact that she lied to them about his father after they hired a peivate investigator. Little did they know that Rachel only found out then that her mom's husband, which all throughout her life she believed wa sher father, isnt really her biological father. Rachel walked out for she is deeply hurt by their actions. Ah-ma later then gave Nick an ultimatum. Once he leave, he can't come back. Who will he choose? His family or Rachel?
After a few days of crying, Rachel's mom found her in Peik-Lin's house and not eating. Her mom admitted that she left her husband because she was impregnated by Rachel's father and that her husband was not kind after all. She flew all the way to America to start a new life with her baby, Rachel.
Before leaving Singapore, Rachel wanted to talk to two people; Nick and Eleanor. She ended her relationship with Nick and declined Nick's offer to marry her and start a new life in New York as he will cut his ties with his family.
Rachel meets Eleanor at a Mahjong Parlour where they had a mahjong game along with two deaf players. She told Eleanor everything that had happened before she met with her and that she knew that Nick loves his family so much that even though Nick decided to leave his family for her, she couldn't stand to see Nick away from them. He is the only son that would inherit their wealth. She decides to let him go.
Also broken-hearted with her cousin Nick, Astrid decides to leave his husband for she cannot be blinded by her husband's affair. She decides to take their son with her.
Rachel and her mom are boarding the aircraft when Nick chased her to fly to New York with her.   She don't want to listen to Nick at first but when she realized what Nick's doing, she decided to  clisten to him and is completely speechless when Nick get down on one knee. Her face brightened when she saw the small box with the emerald stone ring embedded in diamonds that Eleanor wore on their engagement with Nick's father is vividly shining right infront of her eyes. She said Yes!
Them three left the aircraft to celebrate their engagement with their friends at the top of Singapore's most popular hotel - Marina Bay Sands. Ended as Eleanor genuinely smiles at Rachel as Rachel shows her engagement ring.
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This movie taught me that you can’t choose who you’ll love. If you're looking for someone with the same wealth level as yours or even the same race as yours, you may never find your true love. Given the circumstances of Rachel and Nick, they don’t want their wealth status to be a hindrance in their relationship.
Though family always comes first, if it's a matter of going through what your family wants for you or going through what you want for your future family, always choose the latter. I only get one chance to live and I don’t want any regrets, so for as long as possible, if my decisions don't violate a person's right, i’ll do everything and whatever it takes.
This part below, where Rachel met Eleanor at the Mahjong Place where they talked about why Eleanor didn’t want Rachel for Nick the second she arrived in Singapore. Eleanor said that there is a Hokkien phrase “Ka ki lang” which means “Our own kind of people.” This is why the Chinese people tend to want to marry the same ethnicity as them because they want to preserve their traditions and would want to keep it going for as long as possible, which Rachel is not. Not because she is not wealthy, but because she is a foreigner, an American, although the Chinese blood runs through her, she grew up in America and Eleanor doesn’t want that.
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One of the Chinese’s cultures is that they are taught to build things that last and not to feed in what they want, but in what they need. I understand Eleanor in this part because as an Asian, we are taught by these things - to prioritize our needs and build connections that will benefit us in the future. But for me, we should give respect to other cultures and not close our circle entirely. We all have different perspectives regardless of our race, that is why we should not judge one’s personality based on their race.
Rachel said that Nick proposed to him the day before and she turned him down, though Nick stated that he will stay away from his family for good. She said that if Nick would choose Rachel, he would lose his family, and if Nick would choose his family, he might spend the rest of his life resenting Eleanor.
Eleanor shows her Mahjong tiles which she thought she won, but Rachel looks at her, sighs, and says,
“ I’m not leaving because I’m scared, or because I think I’m not enough, because maybe for the first time in my life, I know I am. I just love Nick so much. I don’t want him to lose his mom again, so I just wanted you to know that one day, when he marries another lucky girl, who is enough for you, and you’re playing with your grandkids, while the Tan Hua’s are blooming, and the birds are chirping, that is was because of me. A poor, low-class immigrant nobody.”
Then she showed her Mahjong tiles and she won to Eleanor. She left the table and fetched her mother with a smile at the other table to leave the place. What a queen! Powerful. That is the best scene ever. The feels, the script, the emotions, they are just so perfect.
Astrid, my favorite character, not just she is stunningly beautiful but among all the cousins, she has the purest heart. She doesn’t want the people around her to feel that they are left out when they are with her. She wanted everything to be perfect when it comes to her family. Though her shopping spree every time she’s going to Paris fashion week is a bit overwhelming to commoners, she deserves all of it.
Astrid and I have similarities in our personalities. I’m also calm when there are problems that are coming my way. I can remain composed and I buy my time until I can find solutions to it. I remember the time when the man I loved cheated on me just like when Michael (Astrid’s husband) cheated on Astrid.
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I can relate to her when she said that she’s wrong when she’s turning down jobs because Michael might feel lesser than her. I used to lower myself when I’m with him because I worry that he might feel that I’m the superior one between the two of us. But when he cheated, I realized that it shouldn’t be like that. It will be his fault for being insecure in me. Just like what Astrid said,
“It’s not my job to make you feel like a man. I can’t make you something you’re not.”
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