#with even corny lines and a moment of the girls fighting
stellamancer · 5 months
my bf and I went to see Gundam Seed Freedom tonight and:
• I didn't realize it was a romantic comedy of all things.
• Shinn Asuka has been promoted to pookie status (interactions between him and mu la flaga give me life)
• the nerdy computer dude on the millennium is very amusing
• needed more Athrun Zala— some of his moments were literally the best in the movie
anyway thinking about •••• mobile suit au please hold.
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primaviva · 1 year
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PAIRINGS: gwen, miles (42!), hobie, pav, and miguel x fem! reader
SYNOPSIS: astv characters and their s/o going to see barbie.
WARNING/NOTES: matching outfits, the mention of o-o-oppenheimer 🤢🤮, barbie photo ops, miguel being a mamón
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i hate to say it so… but she wanted to watch oppenheimer first.
she sent you a text talking about sum “babe let’s see oppenheimer it looks good 🥰” and then you sent her a voice memo of gun shots from your gun sound simulator app and she understood she was wrong.
gwen thinks father of the atomic
it’s not like she didn’t wanna see barbie but she was like… it’s barbie
“babe cmon! you can’t tell me oppenheimer doesn’t look cool. what is barbie even about? is she gonna go on an adventure to find that old rubber high heel the little girl that owns her lost those many years ago? oooo so interesting.”
“do not mock me gwendolyn.”
you showed her the trailer as gwen showed you the oppenheimer trailer
in the end you both lost.
yeah… oppenheimer is a glorification a historical event that people don’t touch on the affects it had and rather the men behind it
and yeah… barbie having an existential crisis on what it means to be a woman and her place in the world sounded like it had potential
“i mean, yeah the trailer is kinda fire,” you admitted, weak in defeat.
gwen crossed her arms with a smirk of victory. “see! i told you that it looked cool,” she rubbed in your face before changing her expression, “but… barbie also sounds like it’s gonna be good. who says we can’t do both?”
you guys do barbieheimer.
and since you both were already gonna indulge in the internet craze… of course you played into it
gwen dressed in all black in this tux and even got the hat to match
you on the other hand wore all pink in tribute to barbie
she was FAWNING over you.
the cute outfit? the accessories? you in general?
you also couldn’t lie with how attractive gwen looked in a blazer I MEANNNN
she wore a bunch of rings on her hands and had a tie and all but she made it looser and looser until she just took it off and shoved it in her pocket before y’all left because it was annoying the shit out of her
“oh my you look so dapper,” you complimented, fighting back laughs from your choice of wording.
you watched as she smoothed down the blazer, shocked that she even had that in her closet. it was weird seeing her dressed like that and you couldn’t help but try to not look. it would be a bad night if she caught you peeking because yeah, you know she’s fine, but do you want her knowing that? to use that against you as leverage? hell. no.
gwen let out a laugh as she striked a pose, hands on her hips moving the sides of the blazer behind her to show off black waistcoat top. “really? you flatter me. aren’t you the bees knees yourself, babe.”
you cringed. hard.
her attempt at 1940 slang was where you drew the line and her shit eating grin didn’t help.
“gwen… dare i say gwendolyn again.”
she smirked. “yes, sugar lips?”
“i hate you.”
gwen was clearly feeling herself
you were too
and trust there was a photoshoot. and trust that it was gwen’s idea even if it was mostly her taking photos of you and her hyping you up crazy
“you’re gonna be the prettiest there babe. nobody can top my girl! not even barbie-”
“don’t be corny with me please…”
you guys decided to watch oppenheimer first and then end on a happy note with barbie
throughout oppenheimer you could see… even FEEL gwen’s eyes staring at the side of your head
she was just making sure you at least enjoyed the movie because it would break her soul if she forced you to watch something you didn’t like
you guys ended up loving it, especially the bomb scene
then you guys watched barbie…
it was a lot of laughing but the moment the movie started taking its turn bro gwen was fighting tears
and at the end of it? BALLING HER EYES OUT
if you are crying you both are just looking at each other in utter shock at the movie but also doing a really poor job at hugging each other
if you aren’t crying your eyes out with her you are comforting her while kinda laughing at her because she thought it was just gonna be some pink glam movie
it wasn’t.
“t-the message… this is so embarrassing i can’t stop crying what the fuck,” she cried into her palms which made her sound really funny as it was muffled by her skin.
you just held her close and you guys talked about the movies
especially like talking about the symbolism in barbie and how it touched on women suffering from the system and standards they are forced to live up to like it really hit gwen especially because the hate she got for how she acted in astv and how nobody was coming at the males that did the same or even worse than her
she sends you tiktok edits of gloria x barbie and says “us❤️”
overall, it was a 10/10 experience y’all went out to eat after in your cute outfits n all
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you asked him and miles was down IMMEDIATELY
he was another that thought oppenheimer looked good but he didn’t really mention going to the movie with you and the same thing for barbie
miles just thought they was both cool lookin
so you asked him.
“miles, baby, i have a very important question to ask you… one that may very well determine the outcome of this relationship.”
you spoke stern and serious, and almost vague.
"yeah, what's up? something wrong?" miles asks, slightly concerned, running his fingers through his curls and looking up at you.
“will you watch the barbie movie with me?” you pleaded with your hands, “pleaseee!”
miles eyes go wide, a smile spreading across his face.
"yes! i'm so down! i'll even be your ken if you wanna be my barbie. you know i'm a sucker for anything barbie."
you laughed, moving over to sit in his lap. he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in closer. “my ken, huh? i like the idea of that.”
“i mean, what else would i be? i’m here to serve you,” he spoke with a slight blush painted on his cheeks. you giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“we should do those matching couple outfits for barbie,” you suggested, “wouldn’t we look so cute?”
"matching outfits?" he asks thoughtfully. "y’know what, i think i know the perfect idea for our couple's look, babe."
miles had this glow to him as you literally saw a light bulb go off in his head.
“oh really, you have an idea?” you questioned, furrowing your brows at the speed of whatever little brain storm was going on in his head. “is it boricua barbie? because not gonna lie, i’d love to see you in a dress.”
"hmm, you wanna see me in a pink, ruffly dress?" miles teases you, smiling at the idea. "why didn't you tell me you were into cute boys in feminine outfits sooner, babe? cus’ i’d dress up for you whenever you want."
“you play too much,” choked out through the giggles as you shoved his shoulder. "hey now, i look amazing in a dress," he laughs. "but i do have an idea that includes both matching barbie costumes and me being your ken, if you're up for it."
miles smiles sweetly at you, his expression turning a little mischievous. “if you have an idea, please do tell,” you said in a sultry voice.
"i want to do what barbie and ken did in that one movie, where ken turns out to actually have superpowers too," miles explains excitedly. "but instead of us being the same superhero, like we both have super strength or super speed, we could be superheroes who complement each other."
you laughed im disbelief. ‘no way’ you thought, knowing exactly what he was thinking of.
he takes your hand, placing the other one on your cheeks and staring deeply into your eyes as he smiles at you. "what do you think?" miles whispers, leaning down toward you.
“you wanna be barbie and ken… from barbie princess power,” you recited slowly, a grin stretching across your face. “of course the one who is a superhero vigilante says this.”
miles' smile widens. "yes, princess power! that's exactly what i was talkin’ about," he says. "and come on, don't underestimate the barbie movies. most of them are really good, dare i say cinematic masterpieces!”
you mouthed an ‘okay’ as you rolled your eyes.
"if i'm your ken, you have to be my barbie," he says, moving his hands onto your waist and moving you up his lap. "the most iconic couple in the barbie universe, right here."
y’all outfits looked so funny but cute… like in a diy that didn’t go wrong typa way
and if you think for a minute mamita rio let y’all go without them facebook mom photos you’re sadly mistaken
"sonríe pa la foto!" rio yelled as the flash coming from her phone was almost blinding.
“mami, por favor-”
miles begging was not gonna get him anywhere with his mom.
“dios mío, you both look so cute,” rio gushed.
“señora morales…you’re too kind!”
miles dad gave you both the typical “y’all better not get into no trouble” parent speech and then you both was off
when i say he was fangirling over the barbie themed cups and popcorn… i mean it
he was taking photos of everything
the whole movie his mouth was wide open in awe
miles was actually so furious at ken he looked absolutely lost and physically upset watching that white piece of plastic run a muck in barbieland
yes, he cried at the end… and at the middle… and a little at the start
at first he was just amazed with the cinematography
but then when they got to the real world? just seeing through the movies lens and it’s take on how modern society treats women based on the parallel barbie world like he felt so unreal
at the end, he was acting like those guys on tiktok that was treating the women in they lives like absolute QUEENS walking out the theater because of the perspective they got watching the movie
not that he didn’t treat you like that before, don’t get him wrong, it’s just that he felt the need like a bunch of other guys after watching the movie to apologizes for the system men have created
it was a little funny, especially because it has nothing to do with him and men doing this type of stuff is a little corny coming from the privilege of the gender, but you appreciated it nonetheless
if you cried during the movie tho? he is bear hugging you crazy and not letting go even after the barbie world credits end
you guys leave the theater holding hands and talking about the film and he is geeking out over all the symbolism and stuff this man watches titanic you know he’s a secret film bro
“i’m so sorry mi amor, that us men have failed our women-”
and there miles went, on a nonstop rant about how you are his queen and how much he loves the women in his life.
you ended up sleeping over at his place
with the door open of course… you know rio is watching.
he had so much fun with you tonight and you could tell by the way he slept with a big smile displayed on his face.
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you asked him and he was happily accepting before you even got the question fully out.
“pav!” you called out from behind him, pulling him in from the neck for a hug. “hey, i wanna ask you something. do you wanna-”
“wait… what? pav i didn’t even say anything yet? what if i’m about to say something completely criminal?” you asked in a teasing tone.
“hehe, yeah maybe i’m a little too excited to see you. what is it, love?”
his eyes looked at you so bright and full of love, it was almost distracting.
“can we go see the barbie movie? we can even wear all pink and match…”
you were gonna say more, but you didn’t have to.
pav was immediately saying yes to everything
until the fear sunk in…
"wait, but I don't have anything pink to wear!" pavitr exclaimed, sounding slightly distressed. "does that mean you won't go with me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and giving you a teasing smile.
he knows you’d never do such a thing.
"you know, i don't usually dress in pink, but for you i'll make an exception!"
you suggested you both go shopping like a little couples date
it was chaotic to say the least… but just as fun !!
he was acting like a model with everything he put on and it got even worse when you let him look at the stuff you were putting on
absolutely whipped.
“my girlfriend is gorgeous! absolutely gorgeous!”
you thanked him again, and again, and again.
“pav, do you think you are india’s next top model? because you are not gaytari,” you teased for him not finding an outfit yet, landing a peck on his cheek as he giggled in response.
"i'II look my best for the movie," he added with a wink. "are you sure you can handle all this style?"
all you could do was roll your eyes.
y’all were almost late to the movie because of bro
but you weren’t.
for the movie he was similar to miles and just in awe
in the beginning he was rooting for ken because he thought he was just being a good service boyfriend
you can imagine pavitr heartbreak when he started talking about the patriarchy
man is anger sobbing
words cannot describe the physical anger he feels seeing ken talk to barbie in such a manner he was stunned at the switch up
he also loved all of ruth’s parts, thinks she carried the whole movie
was physically leaning backwards at the sad scenes just taking it all in
pavitr LOVED the movie
came out the theater a changed man.
“my amazing, sweetest, most caring girlfriend…the prettiest of all mumbattan,” he spoke as he got down on one leg.
‘oh boy’ you thought, preparing yourself.
“i promise you, i would never ever treat you like how ken did barbie. you are a breathtaking woman and deserve the world-”
there goes another speech.
he walked you home like a true gentleman he smoking that ken pack and y’all talked about your favorite parts
pavitr overall had a really good time with you and enjoyed the message of the movie
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hobie is not and i repeat NOT watching that atomic bomb glorification story
but a movie about the patriarchy and double standard against women that hurts both genders based on the system men built through a satire film that is actually very political and has a message? yeah he’s going
when you told him tho not gonna lie he was gonna clown you
“barbie? like that lil white girl… you sure you wanna go watch that, luv?”
once you told him about the plot and showed him the trailer bro was READY to go
the set up of barbie world being a parallel to modern society was music to his ears
“really? i didn’t really expect allat comin’ from that bird. ight then, i’ll go. now i'm kinda curious.”
yes, he dresses up with you.
hobie is a punk icon… you know gender does not define him and he doesn’t care about breaking the “rules” of fashion of bit
so what does he dress as?
erika from rock n royals barbie.
guitar included.
you? well it’s a couple costume YOU'RE GONNA BE HIS COURTNEY
it’s not like you guys wore an exact replica of the outfits it was just heavily inspired fits
y’all looked cute as hell tho trust
“hobie, i can feel you staring,” you told him as you fixed up your makeup in your mirror.
it was true, you could feel him staring at you. heavy.
you looked to the side of your mirror and indeed saw him eyeing your figure with a soft smirk as he leaned against your bed frame. “what, not allowed to look at my girl now? since when?”
he was teasing and he knew it was making you flustered just by how your face was heating up.
his outfit isn’t too far out of bounds of what we would normally wear, but you couldn’t lie and say that the new colors didn’t fit him. the purple and the blue accents of his outfit, the leather jacket, the black eyeshadow with glitter that he surprisingly let you do, just everything about him looked so good.
hobie walked up behind you and put his hands on your hips, guiding your body closer to his as he watched your hands freeze applying your lip liner.
“don’t stop cus’ of me,” he spoke sheepishly.
you continued and shortly after finished up. his eyes still stared silently at you, admiring your beauty. “looking again, hobie? y’know i hope you pay attention to this movie…”
“i am,” he admitted with no shame, “you’re the prettiest gal i’ve seen. not gonna deny that.”
he pressed a slow, open mouth kiss on your shoulder as he rested his head in the crook of your neck. his breath was warm against your chilled skin.
“shall we get goin’ now?”
he payed attention to the movie but he couldn’t help wrapping a arm around your shoulder and making little comments in your ear
hobie got quiet tho towards the middle because he genuinely got invested once her feet turned flat and barbie met the ceo
but once the movie started getting deep… BOYY the look on this mans face he was stunned, appalled, baffled, gobsmacked even at ken
and then the speech about women? lawd.
he didn’t cry at all during the final sequence and if anything i think he was confused…
“wait that’s the lady from before that was makin tea, innit?”
“yes hobie.”
“holdup, where the granny go? what’s with the white void?”
don’t get it twisted tho he understood the film and thought it was beautifully done
y’all talked about all the topics afterwards and let’s just say bro hates kens and is angry that nobody told them shit
“are they mad? they must be cus’ no way after everything that happened they just gon forgive the man for being a raging misogynist… they had the girls wearing maid costumes and not one apology was heard man that’s insane!”
hobie smoking that ken pack
he enjoyed the movie but what made him enjoy it was doing it with you <33
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you know you had to ask him.
bro was not considering anything that would take him away from his work or distract him because he feels he doesn’t have time for that
and the crazy thing is that miguel knows about the hype about the movie and the whole barbie core pink mania
but of course he gonna act like he don’t and got better things to do.
“do you wanna see the barbie movie with me?”
those the words that stopped the gears turning in his head.
“excuse me?” miguel asked, looking up from his report with furrowed brows as his forehead already began to crease.
you wanted to dwell on the fact that he is getting annoyed before you even got to explain yourself, but you pushed it to the back of your mind. no, you couldn’t let him get push you away this time.
“you heard me, miguel. c’mon, the movie with margot robbie! and did i mention barbie? one of the most popular dolls? don’t act stupid,” you told him, walking over and wrapping your arms around his neck to hug him close from behind as he sat. “you don’t think it would be fun?”
he pinches the bridge of his nose, knowing what you’re about to get him into.
“mi vida…” you hear him sigh, quietly in almost a cut-it-out type of tone. he moves his head to the side and you can practically feel the confusion behind the glare. “you’re joking.”
you move one of your hands to your heart. “miguel!” you gasped playful, “this is a serious matter. why would i even joke about watching a movie with you?”
“because there's no way you're being serious. you don't go looking for me to see a barbie movie. especially one you know i'll refuse,” he replies, his voice stern.
"Is this some sort of elaborate humiliation attempt?"
"... you're serious, aren't you? what's in it for me? i mean, it's a barbie movie."
you explain to him the premise and he still acts like this whole thing is stupid and you have no business trying to see this movie with him
but he can’t lie, he’s intrigued.
he kinda wants to see it.
and he’s trying his best to hide it.
"okay… what time?" he asked, defeated.
“really, my begging actually worked? thank god because i already brought two tickets and it would’ve been sad showing up alone,” you confessed.
“you bought them? already?” he repeated, caught off guard by how ready you were. “and what time are they for?"
“fine, fine. but i'm holding you to your word. If it turns out this is some kind of elaborate scheme, you'll be hearing about it."
he’s so suspicious for no reason
now when it came to outfits… yeah you know miguel owns no pink whatsoever
you didn’t even know he knew about the pink craze or even wanted to play into it until he let it slip
"what am i supposed to wear then? i don't own anything pink.”
“it’s fine we’ll go shoppin- wait who said anything about pink outfits to you?”
you started making fun of him but then he threatened to take back saying he was going with you and told you that you’d be sitting in a theater all by yourself
but then you brought up again how he was ready to wear pink for you and he had a little slip up
"n-no? i mean, I could… if i’m gonna go see this thing with you and it your way, might as well commit right?”
his facade was slipping, this was golden. “so you will wear pink?”
the mischievous look on your face made him annoyed but he knew what he was getting into.
“i said i could, not that i’m going to. don’t get your hopes up chiquita."
he did end up wearing pink
little said he know you were plotting something against him
it started off nice… simple.
it was white pants with a pink button up
you told him for a “pop of color” he should wear a green blazer
sound familiar? because you were planning a scheme YOU DRESSED HIM AS SUGAR DADDY KEN
it was for shits and giggles
he had no idea until it was all paid for and safe to tell him before miguel made you fix his outfit
he’s ore than a little surprised, and not really sure how to react. miguel takes a look at the outfit, and does his best to try and hold back a chuckle.
"this... is a joke. there's no way you're serious about me wearing this, is there?”
“put. it. on.”
he does a low sighs and take the outfit from you. "fine, only because it's you."
it didn’t take him long to finish in the changing room, and when he stepped out you were enchanted by the sight.
yes. indeed you were very happy.
he was paying for everything of course like the sugar daddy he doesn’t know he is
he had his arms crossed, sat down legs spread, watching you change into different pink outfits and rating telling you how he thought you looked
you’d do little spins for miguel
“muy bella.” “you look gorgeous.” “i like that one, fits you nicely.”
you ended up leaving and going to the movie and while on your way there decided to tell him about his little outfit.
“you wanna know a secret, miggy?” you ask him with a grin.
he raises a brown at you, “i feel like you're gonna tell me regardless, so i'm gonna say yes.”
you say nothing, you just pull up a photo of sugar daddy ken and show it to him.
as his eyes flicker to the screen, you see the light amusement fade away from his expression as it turns to one of genuine confusion and horror. miguel’s hand moves subconsciously to the green blazer, as the fear sets in that he recognizes exactly what the outfit is referring to. “you didn’t…”
“but i did.”
“you. you are a bad person.”
truth be told, he really liked the movie
miguel just really liked the message like it made it him think of all the women that were and are in his life like you and all the other girls he’s wronged before you iykyk
but it also made him sad because it reminded him of gabriella
just thinking about all the muñequitas she use to play with before it happens
all the dress up games they use to play, when he pretended to be whatever doll he picked for her to play pretend scenarios with her dream house
it also made him sad to think of the strong, independent woman she wouldn’t become if it wasn’t for him
he didn’t tear up, no not at all.
but by the empty look on his face you could tell just how he was feeling
you put a hand over his as the audience laughed at the screen. “miguel, you okay? you know we can leave if that’s what you want.”
he just turned, put his hand over yours and gave it a squeeze. “no, no… i’m fine. don't worry.”
you guys had a good time and you swore you could see a small smile stretch across his face during some moments
he genuinely wanted to talk about the movie with you for hours but the man does have to sleep at some point
“hey, i just wanted to thank you for uh… convincing me to see a barbie movie. yeah, it sounded ridiculous and thought you were trying to find some way to mess with me for my attention. but, i really did enjoy spending time with you. just felt compelled to tell you that is all.”
miguel holds his heavy responsibility of the universe on his shoulders and is filled with grief
he doesn’t do this with the intent to tell people how to live their lives, but to try and protect what he couldn’t
so yeah, he’s glad you could give him some relief from the day
A/N: hey guys… i feel it’s been a minute but this took so long and it’s my first time writing for all of them beside gwen so im scared it’s gonna sound like shit so ??? i hope y’all enjoyed tho 🫶 BARBIE WAS SO GOOD
© 2023 primaviva — artist credits: zvdohu
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sheluvv-gambino · 1 year
Temporary Perfection.
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pairings : e-42 miles morales x black fem!reader
summary : You came to him when he was low but now that you've left him he's at the lowest he has every been.
warnings : death/funeral, unknown illness. Also I didn't proof read this so be prepared.
part 2
Miles really did love you.
He would’ve done anything for you and you were his everything.
From the first moment he met you, as corny as it sounds he knew it was love at first sight.
Your laugh.
Your smile.
Your hair.
Your eyes.
Your personality.
The list goes on…
There wasn’t anything about you that Miles didn’t cherish and worship, you were perfect to him and no one stood a chance.
So you can imagine his eyes soften when he heard you say ‘Yes’ to a simple date with him.
But of course when it came to him with you nothing was ever simple…for you he had to go above and beyond.
As soon as you entered his life everything about him changed, at least that’s what people constantly told him.
Before you, he was seen as a boy with a cold and intimidating exterior who no one wanted to approach except the new girl in class with a small mole above her nose. You hadn’t heard of the infamous Miles Morales who was on the brink of expulsion if he got into one more fight. So when you were sat next to him in class he couldn’t help the slight grin that graced his face and suddenly lit up the room when you were the first person to talk to him without a waver in your voice as if you were scared of what his next move was. Since you were new you didn’t pity him with stare’s due to his dad’s passing over a year ago that seemed to keep plaguing his mind.
During you, well he was the happiest man on earth. No one could’ve predicted the change that spontaneously erupted in his world but everyone who knew him thanked you internally. You were the light of his life that no one could put out well i mean except for…but we’ll get into that later. He knew he would be in love with you for the end of time. You cleared his dark path so clearly without knowing. You were always there for him when he needed and vice versa. And not to mention the fact that his mother literally loved you. Rio Morales knew that you were the one person that could help Miles be the great person she knew he could be. She really thought you would’ve been his wife…shame.
After you, I don’t even want talk about the misery…
Everything in life was perfect up until it wasn’t. Miles knew that you would be his forever until he got the frantic phone call from your mother.
“She needs you, Miles.”
Was all he needed to hear and he was out the door and into yours.
When he got to your home your mother stopped him to brief him about the situation.
“The illness is basically unknown, doctors don’t know how to work it out.”
He went to your room and just held you, console you as you bawled your eyes into his chest. He didn’t want to show you his weak side so he held in his tears and kept them back because this was about you and he needed to focus on you.
He went along with you to your appointment no matter if he missed something important even when you scolded him for it.
He watched you slowly get weaker but that didn’t make him value any less, you were his light and during those times he had to be your flame.
He actually had hope that you would get to the finish line.
He had hope that he could say at your wedding that his wife survived the impossible.
But you never made it to the wife stage… just stuck as his girlfriend.
He was pulled out of class when it happened, when he saw his mom at the office with dried tears down her face so he started to shake his head because this couldn’t be how it ended.
But here he was now at your funeral back with his cold and intimidating exterior back all the way up.
There were no tears left in him to shed.
As soon as he dropped the single white rose on your casket as it was being lowered he walked away with not a single look back.
This was the one thing that he couldn't protect you from as the prowler.
You were supposed to be his forever
You were supposed to be his light
You were supposed to be his wife
…yet you had to go.
If this is how the story is supposed to go for everyone who loves Miles, then Miles Morales will never love again.
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ultraericthered · 3 months
One Villainous Scene: Nowhere For Rabbit To Run
In this episode of Sailor Moon R, all four of the Specter Sisters have spread out over town, and all four of them go after Chibi Usa/Rini when she accidentally alerts them to her presence in a failed attempt to travel back to her original time period. The episode very clearly builds up the idea that there's going to be a major battle, four on four between the Specter Sisters and the Sailor Senshi minus Sailor Moon herself, who has to protect Rini. Watching it for the first time, you're made to anticipate it, making it rewarding when it occurs.
And then you get something you probably weren't anticipating. When it looks like Sailor Moon and Rini are away from the fighting, with Rini safe in Sailor Moon's arms....glowing energy grenades rain down from the sky, and Sailor Moon, preemptively detecting it coming, takes the blow so that Rini doesn't get hurt. The assailant appears on the battlefield, and it's none other than the Specter Sisters' boss, Crimson Rubeus of the Black Moon Clan. The same guy who's been completely stationary and giving the sisters their assignments for the past several episodes makes a surprise in-person appearance to finish this job himself while the sisters are held up by the Sailor Senshi. Briefly explaining who he is, where he's from, and what he's after, Rubeus launches an all-out barrage of energy grenades at Sailor Moon, completely unrelenting and taking sadistic pleasure in seeing her run and struggle in vain to protect the frightened child.
As Sailor Moon lies on the ground, her back literally against the wall and Rini crying for her to get back up, we get the most striking moment from Rubeus that really peels back his exterior and gives us our first real look at the sort of guy he truly is - with a very genuine, pleased smile on his face, he slowly raises up his hand and readies another blast he intends to launch at Rini point blank. Before, the Specter Sisters weren't afraid to get rough with the little girl and they wanted to abduct her to bring her back alive. By contrast, Rubeus here seems to have absolutely zero problem with the notion of doing terrible physical harm to child in a way that would be deadly for her. This is not merely the first of plenty more in-person appearances from Rubeus to come afterwards, but the first of many displays of Rubeus being more than just another bad guy for the girls to be up against, but a callous, deliberately cruel, abusive monster who'll go to the nastiest of lengths to get what he desires, as he thinks only of himself and how he might attain a more glorious standing within the Black Moon Clan. It's what makes him such a memorable bad guy for a section of the show that's otherwise fairly subpar and downright stupid at points (I'll never forgive what Ikuhara did to Mamoru here, who incidentally shows up to help as Sailor Moon stands back up and then for a moment it even looks like Sailor Moon's about to kill Rubeus prematurely, with him only narrowly managing to escape.)
Last thing worth noting about the clip I chose here: the DiC dub is absolute cringe - Sailor Moon, Rini, and Tuxedo Mask all have awful, terribly unconvincing voices, Rubeus' dialogue repetitiously uses "Negamoon" four times, and corny lines like "You're dusted, buster!", "You just a schoolyard bully?" "Find out, cape boy!", and "This guy could use a little scepter therapy" are completely out of place for this urgent moment in the story. But I went with it rather than the Viz dub not only due to it being my first exposure, but for the one saving grace - Robert Tinkler as Rubeus. Steve Staley's an adequate fit for the part too, but he couldn't measure up to Tinkler, who just WAS the character. The smugness, the petulant fury, the all-encompassing malice just oozing from his voice saved most of his material from the scripts. That delivery of "Ready to go? TIME'S WASTING!" and the completely unhinged chuckling that accompanies it is what your childhood nightmares were made of. He just nailed the assingment.
(Also, while I like "Moon Revenge" in this scene too, I sorta prefer how there's no song in the background until Rubeus has appeared and launches his attack. Makes the scene feel all the more special.)
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karimwillia · 2 years
Part 11
Warnings: Teen Flashback Violence
Riri rushes to the second floor restroom crying.
“Good Night Shuri.” The words echoed in her ears as Shuri left Ri’s house. This internet thing had to end now. Tonight was her Homecoming proposal all going to waste because of Xavier. She calls one of Baba’s old students basically her big brother M’Baku. “Brother I need your support with something.” “Do I have to fight little sister?” “Only you if you want.” Shuri explains the situation with Xavier and how he has the internet trying to dirty up her name and maybe she mentioned Riri. “Sister I will help you but after this you have to think smarter. Your anger is not going to solve this for the long run.” “Brother I know but for now I just need him taken care of.”
They meet at the game and Shuri texts Xavi to meet her in the women's locker room across from the field. It is not used during football season so it is the perfect cover in case things go crazy. Xavi enters the door and M’Baku moves behind him and locks it. “Xavier what is your problem? You are making fake accounts now?” With a sinister smirk playing on his face, Xavi steps closer to Shuri. “Just getting my revenge Superstar. Or did you forget I was passed up on my NIL deal for you?” “All this over an NIL deal are you crazy? I didn’t even take the deal.” “I know that’s why you deserve this. I’ll never have another shot and I am going to make it so you don’t either.”
Shuri explodes and pushes him up into the lockers. “If all this is about me, why are you bringing Ri into it? Disrespecting her with your comments.” “She was just my in because you are such a goodie goodie I used what I had. Also she just sexy asf fuck under them boy clothes and I don’t get denied if you know what I mean.” Shuri knocks him across the face for that last part busting his lip. He starts to come after Shuri but M’Baku grabs him. “X this is the end of the line. I will not tolerate another moment of disrespect toward her. I will personally make life very hard for you if you do. As for me and you. We will see if I never have another shot.”
*end of flashback*
Riri is leaning over the sink looking at herself in the mirror. The crying made her throw up but she’s not sad. She’s happy and disappointed in herself. Shuri is the one hands down there is no question she’s got to make it right the anxiety is real but no more running. She calls her sister because lunch and free period are soon so she must act fast. Shuri LOVES sweets, roses and corny stuff. So Riri hatches a plan to do the cornetist thing she knows to do.
Lunch rolls around and Sharon brings Riri all the elements she needs right at the start. Riri goes and waits at the end of the tunnel to catch some of the girl basketball players so they can help her stage and convince Shuri to come to the main locker room after the lunch pick up game. MJ is there waiting as lunch comes to a close so she can record.
Al is the major key to this because she agreed to get Shuri to the main locker room. “Yo Shuri, come back to the main with us. You got to stop sulking.” “Al I am not sulking you know I like my peace time after the pick up. Today was crazy, plus my girl is still not talking to me.” “I know but just for a second I got something that can cheer you up.” Unsuspecting Shuri follows Al into the main locker room. The lights were off but someone was standing in front of her locker Shuri noticed. Flipping on the light the team was standing holding out a rose to Shuri. In the middle stood Rihanna with a corny note on a huge post it.
“Baby I need you to know I’m sorry for being so scared and stubborn. When you told me you had my back I never knew to what extent. But today I realized there's no limit. So I’m done running. I want you and I’m with you no matter what. You are my air.” The note reads Will you go to Homecoming with me? Yes box, No box and Maybe box. Shuri walks up slowly nodding a yes before kissing Riri. All of this was captured on live that everyone’s phone got a notification for so her statement to Shiri could be done out loud. Riri loves being a genius sometimes.
The team claps and cheers rooting them one as the live ends and they decide to go to the smaller locker room to talk. Shuri is leaning on the lockers smiling down at Ri. Ri holds her gaze and smiles back. “I am sorry how I reacted was not fair to you and I realized that before today, I just felt I had to find the right moment.”
Shuri pulls Ri close and holds her chin so they can look into each other's eyes. “I accept your apology. It doesn’t need to be perfect for you to talk to me. All I want is to know what’s going on so I can help.” Riri closes her eyes and smiles. “Somehow you read my mind this time though.” Throwing her head back, Shuri laughs. “Wow, I think I can read it now. Actually.” Smirking devil like she leans in to kiss Riri. Parting for just a moment. “I don’t need everything perfect. You can talk to me even if you don’t know what to say.”
Ri closes the gap between them again. This kiss is longer and egar. Shuri runs her hands around Riri’s body to the small of her back, biting at her bottom some. This causes Ri to part her lips and Shuri takes the lead of adding tongue. They kiss and explore each other making out until the bell.
@somethingcleaverandwhitty @mal-urameshi @shuriris-stuff @dominiquesheart
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subskz · 1 year
ohhhhh this mf had me FUMING HSJSNS had 2 take several breaks before i punched a hole thru my monitor,,, when he made the “joke” about asking for forgiveness on yr knees i was ready to pummel him in his beautiful fucking face he got me FAWKED UP!!!!!! but it’s p sexy when him and y/n fight ngl like my petty scorpio ass gets it and it kinda hurts too bcuz he’s just tryna protect chan 🥹 missus rin out here creating complex layered characters ikdfr
y/n feeding chan when he’s sick,,, and their convo about the binary stars DAWG. that’s gotta b the most romantic shit i ever heard in my life stfu 🥲 CHAN CRYING WHILE EATING HER OUT GOT ME BY THE THROAT BTW SAWRY LIKE IT PROB ISN’T SUPPOSED TO BE HOT BUT IT WAS SCRUMPTIOUS 2 ME,,, then everything that came after,,, girl i ain’t even gonna pretend 2 b a bad bitch i fucking cried. idk how but you fr have this amazing talent for writing emotions beautifully but not like romanticized yanno?!?! it just feels so raw
the last line of this part hit like a truck btw 🫡 i’m literally in love wit you and this series thx for another banger chappie girlie queen i gotta feeling tht things are gonna get even crazier in the next one
LMFAOOO the way i just knew ur next ask would be abt a certain lee minho…i’m not saying i encourage you to bodyslam him but i will conveniently look away if you do 😽
i did definitely make lino nastier than he needed to be hehe despite how infuriating he is it’s admittedly pretty fun to write >:) the scene where he tries to stop the reader from checking on channie was actually the first snippet i ever wrote of bb! but i’m so glad that his intentions are coming across properly despite his terrible methods haha i had a few misgivings abt portraying minho that way so it’s a relief that his reasoning seems to be understood!
PLEASE that makes me so happy to hear 😸 the binary stars part was a bit of a guilty pleasure u know i just couldn’t resist some corny lovey dovey space talk…it is channie after all! and don’t worry abt that HAHA i understand you on a fundamental lvl…probably not the most appropriate time to be a dacryphiliac but smth abt that emotional openness in moments of intimacy is just so good <3
and what a high compliment thank you so much babe!! i’m so touched you think so, esp since evoking emotion is one of my biggest struggles when it comes to writing ㅠ i don’t really see it as my strong suit so it means the world to me that bb3 could stir those feelings in you! i’m also very sorry if it caused some tears i think this entire series has turned out a bit heavier than i’d intended…i hope the happier parts balance it out 😭 thank you so much for always being so enthusiastic in ur msgs, it’s such a joy to read what u have to say and you’ve encouraged me so much w ur kind words! i love u right back my dear ♡
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charmedojamajo · 8 months
Chapter 3.
I love how this chapter starts with @pippelulu and I complaining about how bad we are at writing weddings and musing over when they'll happen in the story. I don't think a single wedding happened over the course of 31 chapters.
This was... probably the most confusing opening scene ever written. And I can't remember which one of us is responsible for it. Why do Aiko and Hadzuki think they're doomed? Why does Onpu say "who would want to do that" after Doremi says she's getting married when 1. Onpu is already engaged and 2. It seems later on in the scene no one even heard Doremi anyway? And again WHY did we have to ruin Momoko for ✨comedy✨.
"bluenette" - yeah that was PippElulu and also very 2000s fanfiction coded.
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Now at this point it's well established that this story could not care less about continuity and plot holes and everything that happened was just for the sake of "random xD" but WHY was this mentioned lmfao. The scene opened with everyone sitting around in the living room before the conga madness. So were they all just chilling watching porn together? Did the TV malfunction at that very moment? Also love the idea of Aiko beating the shit out of a conga line while some corny porn music plays in the background lmao
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Spot the kids who knew nothing about currencies and the cost of jewellery lmao. Also wouldn't that be forbidden magic? Inflation bro...
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lmao sorry bestie but I love how PippElulu called Aiko getting excited over the engagement of one of her best friends being "childish and silly."
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Momoko forgive me... you are so smart and intelligent and wise and not the melon lord. I beg you.
Again with the "random xD" lol why is there a whole scene of the FLATY5 fighting like kids in their own home before Aiko just appears out of nowhere.
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Lmao pippelulu and I were laughing over this the other day. Homie really wrote a whole paragraph of Aiko turning into a pixie and it was just never brought up again. Where is the LORE.
Oh, and Leon transforms too (of course).
Leon took Aiko's chin and leaned in, pressing his lips to hers. They stayed like that for at LEAST 6 seconds.
This sentence reminds me of when my friend and I were flipping through 50 Shades of Grey looking for the worst lines and one was "we stayed like that for minutes. Many minutes."
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I totally stole that first piece of dialogue from a Charmed episode and that's probably why I kept it in.
PippElulu and I would send each other our parts over ffn pms and there is in fact a conversation where we argue over this.
This was posted on PippElulu's account originally so she could have just taken it out instead of adding in her author's note... OR AT THE VERY LEAST CORRECTED MY YOU'RE
"The others are acting hormonal; they're acting like 12 year old boys"
Well, makes sense given it was written by 12 year old girls 😀👍
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I don't have anything to say about this scene, I just need to make sure PippElulu reads it.
But the next line has Hadzuki summoning a bubble wand? Literally what were all the random ass abilities we were giving these girls. We fr went "magical girls? oh so any magic will do then, right?"
Momoko I am so sorry...
And Aiko has electrokinesis too????
I genuinely had no idea what "overrated" meant when this was written so I have to laugh every time I use that word to refer to the fic. Like bestie you have no clue what you're yapping about 😭
< ch2 | ch4 >
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thoughtfulsidghu · 1 year
l would normally begin with a very unique and corny statement, but I decided to stick to the topic. I have changed. Naturally and eventually.
I like staying quiet. Perhaps because I am an overthinker, even if l don’t look like one. And I don’t know if people tend to see everything around them but I observe too much. Or maybe too little.
I believe there is some hypocrisy in us. In our personalities and attitudes, even if we deny it. A lot of times, you’ll find yourself comparing a person who did something unbecoming or inconvenient, to you. You will think that you could have done the same thing in a better way and provided an easier solution. I often find myself doing this. No matter how much I preach about equality and feminism quotes on Pinterest, I still become rude or hypocritical at times. I think to myself – ‘Try better next time. Don’t judge them, it’s just what they could think of.’ The next time, however, I end up iterating the cycle.
My point is, there will always be hypocrisy in you – to some extent. If we were all equal and fair, no one would be equal and fair. Human nature compels you to find flaws in every possible aspect of your life. To be perfectly candid, there is nothing much you can do but simply let it be. Because at times, not everything needs to be positive.
I am surrounded by a lot of people. Like my teachers and peers and family. My schoolmates, for instance, have been around me for several years and I know them quite well. When we were in middle school, I used to have a presumption about almost everyone I knew. I was stubborn that this girl was nosy and that that boy was rude. Later on, there was a long pause and we were not around each other. But, a lot of those presumptions stayed with me; even when I grew older, made new friends and forgot others. When we got back, I was pleasantly surprised. Not just on seeing everyone’s physical appearances but also the moments when I got to interact with them.
I came to the conclusion that I observe too much. Because that one month was quite a reset. All of them had forgotten – or moved on from the fact that – we had had arguments or even significant fights. I spoke to a lot of people for the very first time; even if they had been right there for a decade!
It dawned on me that people can be good and they can change for their own good. It was just me who matured earlier and felt that others would remain the same while I would go on to become an adult. How strangely the mind works!
I now jump onto a new trend. Imperfection is the new perfection. (My friends would definitely call me a hypocrite on this one because I can get fussy about trivial things.) Earlier, communities used to be married to the idea of perfection. The perfect family or the perfect child or the perfect behaviour. Now, we don’t do perfectly. We do imperfectly. (That’s quite a hip thing to say, I must admit.) Why? I’ll just guess, my imperfect answer.
Society took perfection to ungodly heights, in my opinion. Everything had to be in a certain way. It was like that psychology - the more you suppress an emotion or put barriers over things, the more you long for them, and the more inquisitive you become. I am not saying those times were bad, but that nature hung in the air. Opinions weren’t popular, per se. There was definitely some external influence, but I don’t know what changed at that time. I suppose we found flaws in the status quo and disrupted it.
And today, I believe that the reason why imperfection is so powerful is that we want to portray ourselves in the most humane way. It’s like an overly emphasized justification for our mistakes by making those mistakes. Again, if we were all perfect no one would be perfect and again your human nature will do this reverse psychology trick and find flaws and that whole picture in understanding is mind-blowing.
To conclude my very long thoughts, I would say that I would not at all prefer to put lines like - ‘Let’s be positive about everything and hope for the best.’
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from-dre · 8 days
The Feature Presentation
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As vital a moment as it was, the last-minute coughing fits and readjusting of strange bodies in creaky seats would still happen, every time, without fail. The lights would dim, our minds as well. Automated unseen machines roped in the cheap velour curtains to the sides of the now-wider screen. Though it had every last pair of eyes in the theater glued to it like cement—mine included—I now retrospectively wonder to myself, how of all the inanimate objects in the known universe; the immeasurable amount of toys, towels, shoes, and large plastic Starbucks straws, how among the zillions of products one’s mind can imagine, the simple concept of the screen deserves humanization more than any other.
Personifying a screen—more specifically, a theater screen—should be easier than it sounds, and make more sense than it does. Had it only known how many different pairs of strangers’ eyes it’d attract over its lonely lifetime, maybe it would’ve fought harder. To be fair, it did fight. Unknowingly, it fought incredibly hard for its well-deserved attention, many times. A canvas, however, has no say in what color its artist chooses to splatter across its blank slate. It must sit there with a silent smile and accept the work at hand, regardless of personal taste or opinion. Realistically, a giant roll of white vinyl offers up no critique whatsoever, so our own are then perhaps, projected onto its face, shoving for space between mindless dialogue and senseless explosions. The screen—assuming it could—would probably try to hear your thoughts, most likely agree with you that, “Yes, the original was much better.” Though, it cannot and will never possess that humanistic trait, to cease communicating others’ thoughts and ideas and begin belting out its own logic, love stories, and musings. Heart-wrenchingly, the mere ability to possess a skill doesn’t promise it ever being put to good use. A million human beings are thinking the exact same thing right at this very second, and because they know this very fact, will continue to do so, simply because a million different independent minds can’t be wrong. However, how many of them are projecting organic ideas and not merely playing the quiet canvas, sitting idly by, allowing and even encouraging some artist to splotch away at their unique mental-prints. How many of them don’t realize they can be their own artist?
What you aggressively allow no other person to see, the screen takes all in. It devours the tiny details that may have never crossed your own mind. The boy’s shaking arm slowly reaching around the back of the girl’s seat but stopping just short of full-contact, palm-to-foreign-shoulder. The man who’s been fidgeting since he sat down, one moment a ring on his finger, the next, after reaching into his coat pocket, gone. The woman in the next seat over seems to be enjoying herself, as well as having a bare finger all night, not noticing the man’s inability to decide whether he should be here at all.
I’m no different. It’s looked back at me many times before. It’s peered into my wistful eyes, themselves peering at a seemingly safe object. Through them, it’s seen my soul and read every line in my subconscious library of secrets and regrets. I imagine some of the more bold-faced phrases included such gems as: “Do I really love her?”
Its method is absolutely genius. There are lovers embracing on its widened-face, having just gone through an experience that nearly killed off any possible future of them reuniting again, and yet, here they are, on high-definition display for the world to witness. Most sets of eyes are at the very least glazed-over, mine are not only dry, but rolling as well. The screen sees this. It processes it with remorse. It doesn’t want to see that much cynicism radiating from a single person, no matter how corny the scene may be. Perhaps it’s not of two newly-weds at all, and instead shows a short transitional scene of a not-so-happy average person pulling into a parking stall at their not-so- spectacular job. A ritual they’ve performed for many years and will continue on with for many years to still come. Maybe the movie’s supposed to be a comedy. So why is this unimportant scene making me unconsciously tear up? The screen knows, even if I never will.
It’s witnessed my upbringing. It’s been there for my maturation, regression, ups and downs. First dates, excitement for sequels, anxiety-filled precursors to a talk I’ll have to eventually have tonight with a girl who’ll be completely blindsided—the screen’s been there through it all. At sixteen, it saw my blood-shot eyes and unusually stiff demeanor, correctly deducing just how paranoid a few hits off of a water-bong earlier in the day can make an amateur like myself. At eighteen, it saw my date do things no person should ever feel comfortable doing at a midday-showing of Kangaroo Jack. At twenty-two, it saw my expressionless face in vividness it probably wishes it could forget. In hopeless attempts to do exactly what it was built for and distract me from whatever seemed to be weighing on my frontal lobe, it filled its face with bright colors, state-of-the-art visuals, and swirls of different worlds, realities, and lives—to no avail. It’s been beaten down by the very kids who’d come running down its halls, shouting in excitement and picking out favorite seats in front-row sections that parents hated. Those kids grew up into cynics who aren’t impressed by loud, booming noises and superhero costumes like they once were. Fair enough, maybe indie dramas and underground horror festivals? It still comes up short. At least, it did with me. I wish I could look it in its face with pure honesty, at some point before the pre-show or maybe after the credits. Those handful of minutes in- between the very end of the last show and long before the next one’s start-time. I wish I could stare into its dark abyss, let my eyes relax and let the center of itself envelope my thoughts so I could tell it how much it deserves.
“You have always been here for me!” I’d admit. “I do lose myself in your stories!” I don’t say anything though, I don’t even think about it, because the alternate realities I’ve become accustomed to seeing up there is exactly the reason for my disenchantment now, and why it’s nearly impossible for my being swept away at twenty-seven like I was at seventeen, at twelve, and at nine. Much like walking out into the sun after hearing a sermon that sounds like its got your name written all over it, and with even a thousand other people in the congregation, the pastor’s speaking directly to you, the first time walking out of a first-viewing of Jurassic Park, Inception, or Lord of the Rings feels like bathing in a warm, bright, shimmering enlightenment. I envy those who have yet to see those classics and others, as you only get one “first time.” The sermon stays with you for a while, maybe only until you reach your car, but the radio comes back on at some point, doesn’t it? Or a text reminds you of something you’d been intentionally putting off for a while now. One way or another, the sun too, sets and goes away and the cold night air reminds you that while fantasies are fun in temporary doses, reality will ultimately creep back in and cause the dreamers heartache. It will thread its sickness into their mental fabric, and unable to catch it in time, they’ll wake up one day and realize that those are just as they’d feared—dreams, and that the screen is just a screen, that a canvas is and can only ever be a canvas, whether it’s blank or bragging about the Picasso it holds. A canvas could never change the world, likewise, the screen sits alone, late, after midnight when the house lights are all shut off and the pitch black darkness reminds it of just how lonely it truly is. It has the widest and loudest-heard voice, but cannot speak. It’s looked at in awe and wonder by the youth, the magic-drained, dreamless “average guys” of tomorrow. In the darkness though, it sits alone and wonders, if through all the eyes it’d captivated, there wasn’t one pair that would take what it’d just experienced back home, and keep it sheltered, safe from the overreaching sadness of the outside world? If even when they’d age too, like the rest, wouldn’t they still look back to it with the same awe and respect and pure imaginative stare that they’d once had? Maybe today was it. Maybe it was finally the day where it got through to the one mind it needed to. Not with the story it was forced to show, of course, but with the mere fact that it was showing a story at all. Maybe its dialogue was forced, or its car-chases didn’t make logical sense, or its two lovers were never guaranteed a perfect future together so the ending was filled with ambiguity, but—it’s a story. It’s a beautiful, perfect story, because, it’s ours. It may be a hollow copy with little heart, but even those are based on greater, larger possibilities. Those are our lives up there, on the big, shiny, silver screen.
For the moment, I may not be so easily swayed to believe in them again. I, however, still show up, with varying degrees of consistency, but I still show up and find a seat and wait for the lights to dim and the velour curtains to pull back so that I can see my friend again. Depending on what it’s got for its theater tonight, the screen may or may not get the respect it deserves. Attention, however, is a non- issue. For the next two hours, it owns us, will captivate us and try as hard as it can to make us believe in bigger, brighter futures again. Of greater, larger possibilities. It’ll watch us as we watch it. It’ll notice all the small nothings we’d never look twice at. It’ll speak to couples on the verge of divorce the only way it can—not through its immediate art, but instead, the collectiveness of its art. At some point in their relationship, the screen played a vital role, its only goal tonight is to merely nudge them in reminder of it. So I sit and wait, knowing the feature presentation isn’t far off now. Knowing that everything that’s come before it are previews. Knowing I’m not here for those stories, even if I have to sit through them momentarily. Knowing the story I’m here to see is something completely different, perfectly specific and something I’ve waited an agonizingly long time for. I look up at the screen and though I may or may have never seen this unique screen tell a story before, I know it recognizes me, like it does everyone else in the theater. The screen is all of them at once, showing thousands of different stories at the same time. Alternate realities. I inhale a deep breath and feel strangely comfortable, like I’m at home. I’m just realizing how much I envy the screen’s strength, to know how powerful its canvas can be, yet to never be able to have organic, original thought displayed. I’m just realizing that if it could, it would pick my body up and shake me into the understanding that I have the ability to do what it will never be able to. I’m just realizing how thankful I am to it when the lights begin to dim. Someone coughs a few rows back and a smile stretches across my darkened face. Maybe I’m becoming the screen myself.
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slumgirlqueen · 1 year
How to be a novelist: Writing the plots in numbered notes
Teaching you on this blog of how to write a novel I have to weigh what I can show you and what I cannot for the purpose of preserving the story. I know people that are learning to write, they want me to give real examples as much as possible instead of just making up examples for the sakes of the lessons. So in this lesson I will make an allowance and show you what I prepared for Chapter One since it is only the first chapter and only half of the notes are done for it. I started writing the notes for about sixteen chapters so far but I will show you the notes for the first chapter. I have about twenty or so notes to write down for this chapter so it would not give away much of it.
In this lesson, I want you to write the events, descriptions, and narration that makes up the chapters you are writing. In essence, write your plots in notes per chapters. When you have about forty notes per chapter you essentially have a completed plot for the entire chapter you are writing. The notes for the chapter is numbered and you should do the same to gauge if you have enough material to start writing that chapter.
Chapter 1
A fight between Mister Inch and Sera.
A bad day at school got her crying
Introduces a new girl character
Maria’s father picks her up from school with a beat car.
She goes to church
She sees bright white light in oncoming traffic
She is riding her bike home and a car swerves almost hitting her. She dodges and falls into a pit banging her head on the pavement. Her father goes to her to pick her up.
Then she leaves a prince and sees all of a place
She attends the church as the choir sing Ave Maria during evening mass
5:00 mother Teresa audiobook: glory to be to Jesus Christ!
Something funny as swimsuits magazine in episode 2 of 'My Boss, My Hero' and Aragaki Yui coming scares him
Be embarrassing. That is youth. Trump hand in fighting. Write a corny scene like this 
Class parliament where they discuss what happens at school. “Vote to make milk optional”. From ‘Only Yesterday’
A metaphor as narration. Talk about something like girls getting periods. The metaphor caterpillar becoming a chrysalis in order to become a butterfly even if even for a moment it never wanted to become a chrysalis. It adds complexity to the story. From 'Only Yesterday'
Question about math. People that understands fraction right away understands life right away. Use something else but this is good. From 'Only Yesterday'
I’m not shaking hands with you from 'Only Yesterday'. Need a "Grey, take my hand moment".
A very moving ending where she runs back to her love like in 'Only Yesterday'
Fantastical story like 'Kiki’s Flying Delivery Service'
Flying above the ocean amongst seagulls. Write a scene like that. Its beautiful. From 'Kiki's Flying Delivery Service'
She enters the parish and the choir is singing Ave Maria. And she is transfigured like Paul. A moment of sheer rejoicing. 
The ending line for Chapter one is. “Then we hear siren”
The italics are the notes numbered. I have gotten twenty notes so far for the chapter, so I am only got half so far. You noticed there are references to the Studio Ghibli's films as I used those for the basis for my inspirations. You should feel free to be inspired from great works previous made. Just as you give them their credits you will be fine. For example, some of the scenes from the original 'Star Wars' movie were inspired from previous films George Lucas seen and the Yann Martel's beautiful novel 'Life of Pi' draws inspiration and similarities to Moacyr Scliar's novella 'Max and the Cats'.
It can be controversial at times when doing this, but if you are learning something its okay to draw on ideas from other writers as long as the proper credits are given.
For example, when I was writing 'Journey to Oclarious', I learned much of it by reading other screenplays. And like 'A New Hope', I wrote some similar scenes to another work, in my case 'Batman Begins'. I got Christopher Nolan's and David Goyer's blessing, so I went ahead and wrote my screenplay.
That is how you learn. Just a note, for my second 'Postworld Warfare' screenplay, I wrote everything without having to draw inspiration from other films. When you learned everything from writing first work, there would be no need for something like that since you have learned all there is to learn for you are now a writer. Anyway, happy writing!
0 notes
annes-andromeda · 2 years
Nah fuck volume 2 tbh. Catch me with my rewrite:
• Eddie gets to live because his death was literally for no reason and he gets to be the party’s cool uncle and he has his badass guitar moment while being a hero (basically being a bard like Dustin)
• The whole j*ncy vs st*ncy thing is finally laid to rest with Nancy breaking up with Jonathan and being an independent woman
• Brenner, Owens, Enzo, Murray, and Yuri die cause I can honestly live without their existence (and fuck the writers for trying to make us sympathize for Brenner)
• Tbh I don’t know what to do with Karen so maybe have her find out about the whole upside down stuff. Oh and kill off Ted so she’s finally free of her loveless marriage.
• Robin asks Vickie out but Vickie says that she’s dated a few boys and that causes Robin to loose hope. Only for Vickie to say that she’s eyed some girls too, revealing herself to be bisexual. Robin gets to be happy and have the girl of her dreams all while being a badass goofball.
• Jonathan gets to be a badass monster hunter and teams up with Steve, Nancy, Robin, Eddie, Argyle, and maybe even Vickie, and they form the monster hunting squad. #LetJonathanBreakSomeonesKneecaps
• Mike gets Vecna’d and we find out about his internalized homophobia and his massive crush on Will. And his monologue is about how he’s been forced to conform his whole life and how he doesn’t know how to accept himself for who he is and he’s literally having a gay crisis.
• El has a mutual break up with Mike and she ends being an independent woman and Hopper’s love is what gives her the power to fight Vecna. She still has her emotional reunion with Hopper but she also gets it with the rest of the party cause we need more party moments.
And the most important things of all:
• Wil gets a proper coming out scene and Jonathan accepts him and loves him. Will actually says out loud that he likes boys and is gay and it’s not subtext or whatever.
• Will gets to give Mike the painting and it’s of them on the swings on the day they met. Will says the “without heart…” line and Mike notes that’s it corny and they both laugh about and it’s a cute scene.
• Mike gives Will a bunch of letters all signed “Love, Mike” and a mixtape signed “For Will”, revealing byler to be requited.
• Will also gets Vecna’d and we get a Lonnie flashback. It’s this big emotional moment where Mike openly confesses his feelings and says I love you. This is what causes wills powers to emerge. Before getting his powers though, he gets to use a shotgun and blow demobats up or something. As a treat
• Its actually revealed that the reason why Vecna is targeting people now is that due to Will and El moving, his two biggest adversaries are out of the picture and he can regain power once more. And yes, Dustin was right and Vecna is working for the Mind Flayer.
• Eleven isn’t enough to stop Vecna, so she teams up with Will and the Wonder Twins save the day. However, this victory is at a cost. It turns out that Hawkins and the Upside Down have merged together, bringing about the return of the Mind Flayer. That is the cliffhanger of the season.
• With byler requited, Mike and Will get together (miss me with that waiting another season bullshit) and they have their big kiss. We see Lucas and Dustin walk in and Dustin mutters a “finally…” under his breath, all the while Lucas is shook. El and Mike end off on good terms and El is happy for her brother, but she will snap Mikes neck if he even thinks of hurting Will.
• Byler have their forehead touch and they hold hands tightly as they watch Hawkins become a literal hell on earth. But they’ll face it together. Because the rest of the party stands with them. The monster hunting squad stands with them. Hopper and Joyce stand with them. The last shot is the whole cast standing together, looking over Hawkins, ready to face the apocalypse, face Vecna, and face the Mind Flayer.
Crazy together
Alright deadass who wants me to write this and who wants to help??
218 notes · View notes
juxtaposition ~ eminem
word count: 1209
request?: yes!
@girl-toxxic​ “I don't know if you've seen the cat meme from "she did ballet and he was a punk" so I came up with this for an Imagine, Em and Reader go out to spend the day and there are a lot of hugs, kisses and fluff and they They are having such a good time that they do not realize that there are paparazzi and they take a lot of cute photos and one of them that goes viral on the internet is where Em is serious and hugs Reader, while she is all sweet giving kisses on his cheek. AND ADD SOMETHING MORE, LOVE THIS IMAGINE.”
“hiiii, I love your contents!! can I request a eminem x reader? reader is a softie. that's all you can do the rest. tysm!!”
description: after being caught out together, their fans start to realize that they are exact opposites and decide to make memes about it
pairing: eminem x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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They say opposites attract, but I never thought it was an actual thing. I always thought it was just a trope used in books and movies for a cute plotline. And then I started dating Marshall, who was the polar opposite to me. Publicly anyways.
Marshall’s public persona for years was that of a serious, cold rapper who liked to drop more explicates in one sentence than he probably should’ve. In private he was much sweeter than anyone would ever believe, but no one ever really saw that side of him besides the people closest to him (so mainly me). Then there was me, who was constantly a happy and positive person - in private and in public. It was like a whiplash in personalities whenever someone met the two of us together.
Going out in public was always somewhat amusing. The looks we would get when I was being all touchy feely and Marshall was his stone cold self was priceless.
On a day the two of us were out running errands, my usual desire for affection hit me suddenly. I took Marshall’s hand in mine and placed my head on his shoulder. We stumbled a little as we walked in our awkward position, which made me giggle.
“You’re gonna cause us to fall over,” Marshall teased.
“That’d be a sight,” I said with a giggle. “I’m just feelin’ all warm and fuzzy right now.”
“Don’t you always?”
I looked up at him and stuck my tongue out. His cold façade broke for just a moment as a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
We stopped at a crosswalk to wait for the light to tell us we could walk. Marshall wrapped his arms around me, which surprised me because it was an unprompted public display of affection and he usually wasn’t big on that. I wasn’t about to fight it, however, and leaned into his embrace. Just before the walk signal flashed, I quickly kissed his cheek then pulled away from him to cross the street together.
It was a moment that I didn’t think too much about. Forgetting how extremely famous he is, I just thought of it as a quick moment of affection with my boyfriend while we were out running errands. Looking back, I should’ve been more aware of any potential paparazzi around us, but it was honestly the last thing on my mind.
It was Marshall’s daughter, Hailie, who made me aware that our picture had been taken. She had sent me a text with a picture attached, the message reading, “you and dad have become a meme! 😂”
It was the picture of the two of us at the crosswalk, Marshall with his arms around me and me leaning up to kiss his cheek. Of course whoever had been there had managed to catch the one moment of the most PDA that Marshall and I had ever shown. I really should not have been as surprised as I was.
Above the picture was a tweet from a fan account that read, “Em and (Y/N) really are the real life versions of that one line in Sk8er Boi”. The picture had a white bar above it with black text that included the aforementioned like from the famous Avril Lavigne song: “He was a punk, she did ballet, what more can I say?”
I couldn’t help but giggle to myself as I looked closer at the picture. Whoever had taken it had managed to perfectly capture Marshall’s serious looking face, while also getting in the slight smile I had on my face while I kissed his cheek. It was the perfect picture to show how polar opposites we were, while also just being funny to see Marshall looking so serious while being so sweet.
Marshall was sitting on the other side of the couch watching football as I received the message from Hailie, and my giggle caused him to look over at me and raise an eyebrow.
“What are you laughing at?” he asked.
I moved closer and held my phone up so he could see the image. I saw his eyes looking over the screen before he looked at me and said, “I don’t get it.”
I laughed. “It’s just a joke. It’s pointing out how different the two of us are in the image. So like you’re all serious and I’m all soft. I think it’s funny.”
I rested against him as I went on scrolling on my phone. Marshall didn’t say anything else about the image, but I could feel hid body tensing against mine. I knew he was thinking about something, and I was almost positive I knew exactly what that something was.
After nearly an hour of the silence, besides the sounds of the game coming from the screen, I tilted my head back to look up at Marshall. His eyes were staring straight forward at the TV, not making any acknowledgements that I was there at all.
“Penny for your thoughts?” I asked.
He shrugged in response. I sat up so I could actually look at him. “Marshall? Come on, what’s up?”
He shrugged again, but this time he added, “Nothing.”
“You forget that I know when you’re thinking about something. Is it about the meme I showed you? It’s just a joke, I didn’t mean to upset you with it.”
“You didn’t upset me,” he said. “I’m just thinking.”
“That’s usually pretty dangerous,” I teased. “What about?”
He didn’t respond at first. I didn’t want to push him, so I was about to let it go, until he said, “What if I’m not right for you because we’re so different?”
It caught me so off guard that my first reaction was to laugh a little, but when I saw the serious look on Marshall’s face I realized that he was being serious.
“Look at us in that picture,” he said, nodding towards my phone. “I look like I’m almost mad to be there, but you look all happy. You should be standing next to someone who is going to mirror your happiness in pictures like that.”
“Babe, this is just your public persona. I know that you’re happy to be with me, and you’ve mirrored my happiness in plenty of pictures. You really don’t have to worry about anything.”
“Maybe you should be with someone who is genuine even out in person, not someone who has such a negative public persona.”
I sighed and cupped Marshall’s face so he would look at me. “Listen here, you are not that persona you put on for the cameras. You have your reasons for that and I understand them, but just because you put that face on when we’re out in public does not mean I deserve someone better. There’s no one better for me than you, Marshall. I adore you so much, and you are the sweetest person in the world. Don’t let something like this get to you.”
For added measure, I pulled him forward to kiss him. He smiled at me as I pulled away and put an arm around my shoulders to pull me back into his side.
“That was corny as fuck,” he said.
I laughed and playfully elbowed him in the side.
hi i know it was short i’m sorry i hope you enjoyed it though
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iuwon · 3 years
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▸ DESCRIPTION : the moment you think college life might just be going your way - with being accepted to the highest and most prestigious university all over Asia, you find yourself entangled with three of the biggest and infamous devilish troublemakers the world has yet to know of, set along with their undivided attention - yet seeking for fucked-up contrasting commodities from you. the only way out? is through. let me ask you, do you like to play games?
welcome to Heartbreaker University.
▸ PAIRING : female reader x enhypen ‘02z line (love triangle)
▸ GENRE : romantic-comedy, fluff, angst, suggestive, DRAMA, tragedy, slice of life, university!au, enemies-to-lovers!au, roommates!au, business-shit!au, bar-workers!au
▸ WARNINGS : slow burn, overload of drama and chaos, sexual tension, suggestive content, profanity, violence, ‘best bros fighting over one girl’ type of shit, tsundere!sunghoon, troublemaker/bad-boy!jay, fuckboy/popular-flirt!jake, ‘02 line being way too overprotective and possessive, ‘02 line is WHIPPED over reader but they’re also assholes, rollercoaster of emotions because these boys are hella moody. do not read any further if you are uncomfortable with the plot.
▸ TAGLIST : open! (forms: ‘heartbreaker university’ tag-list // general tag-list)
▸ SERIES PLAYLIST // STATUS : slow updates
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▸ FORWARD.          
UNKNOWN ERROR 303 : character profiles
UNKNOWN ERROR 303 : introduction/teaser  
▸ ARC ONE.            
▸ and they were roommates | you needed to save off some money, and they needed a place to stay.
▸ oh my god they were roommates | you wanted them out of your house, but did you forget who these men are?
more to come ⇢
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▸ MINI-TEASER/INTERLOGUE : The room is eerily quiet.
It’s too quiet, that much to your surprise, you’d do anything for the first time in forever just for Jake to crack a corny joke and cling onto you – or for Jay to playfully throw in a sneaky flirt line – you’d gladly even take Sunghoon’s creative insults he’d never seem to run out of. At least situations then weren’t so . . . incredibly awkward.
They stood stiffly and rigid in front of you, their arms crossed in warning to each other – tensed and alert. Each of them was doing the best they can from strangling and murdering the other from then and there they stood. You were ready for the ground to swallow you whole.
“Have these assholes made advances toward you as well?” The three of them blurt out – slicing in the taut atmosphere, interrogating in sync. Each of the three stared at you with expectant gazes, willing for you to state otherwise - as if they wanted you to laugh it off and say that it was all under false pretense, and confess your undying love for them.
You were ready to scream. Seriously, why hasn’t the ground swallowed you whole yet? 
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copyright ©iuwon. all rights reserved. 
902 notes · View notes
wkemeup · 4 years
Sunrise (4)
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summary: After an explosion takes his arm and his only sense of belonging, Bucky is content to live out the rest of his days in the hollow comfort of the dark. This is, until Sam drags him down to the local VA and he meets you. (Modern AU) pairings: bucky x reader chapter word count: 5.2k warnings: symptoms of depression, PTSD, anxiety, some really sweet moments to balance it out, more book recs 🧡 series masterlist / series playlist
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“You’re staring at the doors again, sweetie.”
Chin resting on your hands, arms folded out on the countertop of the library’s front desk, you tore your eyes away from the entrance to find Mrs. Jefferson peering over at you from over the bridge of her glasses. She smirked as she returned to her book, knowing she’d caught you in the act.  
“Have patience,” she said simply.
“Book club is tomorrow and—” you sighed, a heaviness returning to your body as you slumped back against the counter, stare drifting back to the doors at the entrance. The sun was beaming outside, reflecting in beautiful rays as it illuminated the walkway and touched over old oak and the colorful bindings of novels. 
You frowned. “I really thought he was going to come.”
“This James Barnes... he’s a soldier, yes? Like my boy?”  
You nodded, disappointment burning like a lump in your throat, though you swallowed it back. “A Sergeant. Sam said he came home a little under a year ago.”  
“Then he’ll come,” Mrs. Jefferson pressed confidently, sliding her glasses up her nose, the chain of purple beads clicking against the gem stones on her sweater. “Boys like that don’t break their word. Even if he is a bit of a hesitant one.”
You knew what she meant by that. Hesitant.  
No one liked to talk about the dangers of a soldier post-war. It was uncomfortable; the idea that they could still be fighting a battle long beyond the absence of a weapon in their hands and the threat of present danger. Heroes weren’t supposed to have chinks in their armor. They weren’t supposed to crumble and break under the weight of what happened beyond borders and the guilt they carried.  
They were supposed to be strong; a symbol of a great country and a willing tribute to place upon a pedestal. It was unacceptable to be a burden, unacceptable to do anything other than seamlessly integrate back into a society that they never really knew to begin with.  
It was all a farce; a rigged game set to line the pockets of the rich and exploit everyone else in its path – sent off to fight for a cause no one really understood or believed in. It left behind good men and women to the rubble; Bucky Barnes among them.  
Sam hadn’t told you much about Bucky before you met him, but you knew enough to tell that it was a struggle to get him to leave the apartment. He was isolated and quiet and hardly recognizable from the man you’d seen in photos. Only, it wasn’t the lack of his left arm that drew your attention when you first saw him, but the lingering sadness in his eyes.  
Sam had a picture hanging in the office that often pulled you in. Bucky stood on his left side, smiling so wide it left lines on his face. He was bright, light as a feather, only weighed down by Steve’s arm slung around his shoulders. You wondered if the man in the photo would have flirted shamelessly with you, if he’d have corny pickup lines or offer to take you dancing. He looked like the sort of man who had girls chasing his tail, a line of heartbreak in his wake. He was beautiful.  
It was strange to see him like that, comparing him to the man he was today. Now, it was like a cloud lingered over his head, draining the color from his skin and chipping away at his soul until it dimmed and crumbled and faded away.  
But you’d seen glimpses of the man in the photo. He was still beautiful; a little hurt and dragging his feet, but beautiful. His smile wasn’t quite as wide and the cloud was still present, but there was a peak of sunshine peering through. A single ray puncturing over stormy skies, but it was something. He’d laughed and teased and it was more than Sam had known him to do in months. You were determined to see the sun touch his skin again. If only he’d let you guide him there.  
“I’m going to go restock on the second level,” you conceded, pushing yourself up from the counter and sauntering over to the cart lined heavy with books.  
“Alright sweetie. I’ll be sure to page you when your Sergeant shows up.”
You felt a heat burning in your face at the very idea of ‘your Sergeant’. Mrs. Jefferson chuckled to herself, eyes still down on her book. She waved you off, not giving you a chance to object, even if you could string together a coherent sentence.  
Bucky couldn’t get out of bed.  
He’d been in this predicament hundreds of times before; staring up at the ceiling, wasting the days away as the curtains blocked the light and shielded him from the reminder of another sun daring to rise beyond his window. His energy would be drained and his willingness to so much as brush his teeth was obsolete. He’d known what it felt like to not be able to get out of bed.  
This was different.  
He had somewhere to be. He actually wanted to get up. He really fucking wanted to.
But the pain in his arm had flared to one of the worst episodes he’d had in months and it rendered him useless; the arm that was both there and not there. He could feel his left hand curl to a fist, could feel the itch on his palm, but when he tried to scratch it, he was only met with thin air, his right hand sinking to the mattress in search of the sensation that didn’t exist.  
It was infuriating.  
The nerve endings in his shoulder were going haywire. It felt like his arm was being ripped from his body and it took nearly all the energy he had not to let it consume him. He’d even gone as far to bite off a piece of his cheek in an effort to suppress the lump in his throat.  
Sam would have frowned at that, spewed him some bullshit about how crying can be therapeutic and Steve would nod his head annoyingly in agreement, but Bucky was tougher than that. He had to be tougher than that. If he allowed himself to unlatch that gate, it would consume him whole. He’d drown.  
Hinges squeaked at the front entrance as the door swung open and a pair of heavy footsteps came rushing into the apartment.  
“I’m coming, buddy! Hold on!” Sam called, the plastic swish of the grocery bag handing off his arms dropping to the floor. Bucky tried to concentrate on the sound of running water, the bottle of pills shaking in the small orange bottle, and not on the pain threatening to tear him in half.  
The door to his bedroom flung open and Sam rushed in with a glass of water and his fist closed around two red capsules. He paused in the frame, a frown pushing down at his mouth, and Bucky could only imagine what he looked like; disheveled, sweating, laying in day old clothes and muddled sheets. His right hand was shaking.  
“Alright, help me out, Barnes,” Sam said, setting the glass down on the bedside table. He placed a steady hand on Bucky’s back to help push himself upright. Bucky swung his legs off the side of the bed, finding his balance before Sam placed the pills in his hand.  
Bucky threw them back into his mouth, holding his hand out for the glass of water that would come next. It landed in his grip and he gulped down the medication. There was no instant relief with pain like this, but the knowledge it would soon wear off to something manageable was enough.  
“Thanks,” he mumbled out, voice tense as he struggled to find it.  
“Insurance companies are assholes,” Sam scoffed, shaking his head, though he patted Bucky on the knee. “Cutting off coverage for a fucking vet with no warning like that? Can’t believe you’ve been without this stuff for almost a week. It’s messed up.”  
Bucky had come to expect it. He knew something had to go wrong eventually with how things were starting to turn around. He’d actually been looking forward to seeing you at the library and almost went that next day if it wasn’t for the sudden attack on his own body. He'd tried to deal with it on his own, thinking he might sleep it off, but then it became unbearable. Insurance wouldn’t budge and he didn’t have the energy to argue on the phone with them all day. Thankfully, Sam did.  
Except now it was a day before the next book club meeting and Bucky didn’t know how he was supposed to face you. Part of him wondered if you'd be disappointed, if maybe you’d steal a glance over the doors and hope that it was him walking through, only to be let down as each day passed by. The other half wondered if you’d care at all.  
But he’d seen the way you’d smiled at him, how you’d lit up at the idea of him stopping by.  
You’d care.  
He wasn’t sure if that hurt worse, seeing as he never showed up.  
“You could still go.”
Bucky sighed at Sam’s suggestion. He wasn’t teasing him, wasn’t wearing that shit-eating grin. He was being serious. It was the kind of look that reminded Bucky that under it all, Sam was one of his closest friends, one of the few that stuck around when everything went to shit.
“She’ll want to see you,” Sam continued, nudging Bucky’s side with a soft smile, but Bucky shook his head, unconvinced.
“What am I supposed to say to her, Sam?” Bucky groaned, pinching at the bridge of his nose. “’Sorry I stood you up, but I felt like my hand was being sawed off on an arm I don’t even fucking have?’”
“Why not?” Sam shrugged, earning a glare in response he let roll off his shoulders with ease. “She’d understand, Buck. She knows what comes with the territory here. She’s a lot more familiar with this stuff than you think.”
Bucky narrowed his eyes, a pang of jealousy burning hot in his chest. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Maybe you should ask her why she got involved with the VA in the first place.”
Bucky pressed his lips to a thin line, a silence coming over them. That was an immensely personal question; one akin to someone asking him how he’d lost his arm. He wasn’t sure that was an answer you’d be willing to share.  
Sam exhaled a heavy breath, patting Bucky three times on the knee before he stood up. “Let the meds kick in, but promise you’ll try to go, alright?”
Bucky stared up at Sam for a moment before he conceded with a short nod. The pain in his shoulder was starting to lessen, at least. It didn’t feel like his arm was being torn from his body or a knife was plunging into a part of him that didn’t exist anymore. It would likely get back to a place he could deal with within the hour.
“I promise,” Bucky said. “I’ll go.”
A brush of warm air filtered in through the vents as Bucky stepped inside the library. It was bigger than he remembered with large stain glass windows on the outer walls, filtering in a colorful sunlight onto the aisles upon aisles of books. At the center, just ahead of the entrance, was a reception desk. Bucky exhaled a tense breath in an attempt to rid himself from the nerves rattling in his veins and made his way to the woman sitting behind the counter.  
She was reading quietly in her seat, a pair of glasses on a beaded chain perched at the very tip of her nose. She didn’t look up in his direction until he stood at the edge of the desk, and only then, she caught glance of him over the top of her glasses before a smile rose on her lips.  
“Can I help you, young man?”  
Bucky cleared his throat. “I’m supposed to meet someone. She, uh, works here. Y/n.”
The woman nodded. She wore the kind of smile on her face Bucky was familiar with. He’d seen it in Sam about a dozen times in the last week; the kind of smile that said ‘I was right.’
“You must be Sergeant Barnes,” she said as she picked up the radio from the desk.  
Bucky nodded quickly, glancing over his shoulder. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, but he felt jittery. He tried not to let the fact that you’d clearly talked to this woman about him throw him completely off his game. If he even had game to begin with…  
“Yes, ma’am,” Bucky replied with an even tone. She smirked.  
“Y/n,” she called into the radio, “you have a guest at the front desk.”
The woman held up a finger to him though it trembled with age, signaling for him to wait a moment. Bucky nodded, tucking his hand into his pocket as he silently made his way over to the series of chairs lined along the wall.  
He gripped his fist tight inside his pocket, trying to ignore the pulsing in his shoulder. It had lessened considerably since Sam brought him his meds, but it hadn’t gone away completely. Showering had taken longer than usual and it took him nearly four minutes just to pull a shirt over his head. His army jacket hung over his shoulders, wrapped in a protective layer, loose sleeve at his side. 
“If you’re pulling my chain, Mrs. Jefferson…”  
Bucky perked up at the sound of your voice. You were crossing the main entrance from the staircase, half jogging to the counter where the woman, Mrs. Jefferson, was grinning to herself from behind her book.  
You draped over the counter, toes barely keeping hold on the tile floors as you attempted to reach for her book, but she snatched it from your grasp just in time. You huffed, sinking back down the floor.  
“It’s not funny!” you whined and Bucky almost felt a little guilty for not making his presence known yet, but you were just so cute the way you slumped your shoulders and glanced back at the entrance.  
Mrs. Jefferson pointed over to where Bucky had slowly begun to make his way towards you, but you folded your arms over your chest. Bucky cleared his throat when he stood a few paces off your shoulder, but you didn’t seem to hear him.  
Mrs. Jefferson caught Bucky’s eye before she turned her attention back to you. “Sweetie, he’s—”
“He’s not coming, okay?” you groaned and Bucky felt a stone drop into his stomach. “I—I thought he would but… I was wrong.”
Bucky parted his lips to speak but suddenly his throat was dry. Mrs. Jefferson’s smile started to fade. Clearly, Bucky wasn’t the only one who heard the disappointment in your voice, the sliver of heartbreak, too. He tried to speak, to call your name, to say something, but he was marbled stone.  
“I’m going back to work.”
There wasn’t time to pull his words together before you slammed head first into Bucky’s chest. He stumbled back a few paces, surprised, and you gasped, hands flying to your mouth.  
“Oh God, I’m so sorry! I didn’t—” You stilled, taking in who was standing in front of you. “Bucky?”
He pressed out a smile, though his ears were burning red. “Sorry I’m late.”
“No! N-no, you’re totally fine! I didn’t—I didn’t think you were—” You blinked a few times before your eyes darted back at Mrs. Jefferson who only smirked from behind her book, adjusting the glasses on the tip of her nose. You turned back to Bucky, brushing out the hem of your skirt and wrapping the thick layer of a lavender colored cardigan tightly around your waist, almost like a blanket.  
You exhaled a nervous breath, a nervous smile lifting into your cheeks. “I’m happy you came.”
“It would have been sooner, I swear,” Bucky replied quickly, watching helplessly as your smile brightened into a laugh. “But, um, my uh—”  
He chewed on the edge of his lip. Was he really going to tell you what kept him held up in his room for days on end? Would it bitter the sweet way you looked at him to know that he was a mess under a poorly constructed surface, tied together with string and scotch tape? But you were looking at him so fondly, he wondered if there was anything he could say that could take that away.
“My arm,” he admitted, waiting for a flash of disgust on your face that never came. You softened a bit, but your eyes never left his. He cleared his throat. “It, um… It was just acting up. I ran out of meds and the pain it—it got bad. The kinda pain that sorta makes me wish I had the arm just so I could saw it off myself.”
Shit. He hadn’t mean to say that much but there was just something about the way you looked at him that made him feel like he couldn’t say a damn wrong thing. You pursed your lips, nodding in as much understanding as you could offer. You gestured to the staircase and Bucky followed you without question.  
“I would have been here last week,” Bucky finished because he needed you to know. He couldn’t stand the idea of you being upset, of that sliver of disappointment in your voice when you’d accepted he wasn’t going to show. He needed you to know he’d tried.  
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me,” you said simply, though he could tell you appreciated it nonetheless. You offered him a smile, one that washed away any feelings of doubt that crept up to the surface. The pain in his shoulder was long forgotten when you looked at him like that.  
“I just wanted you to know.”
I just wanted you to know I’m trying.
He had something to look forward to now, a reason to get out of his bed and open the curtains and look at the fucking sun for once. He had reason to shower and go outside and shove away all the thoughts of self-doubt and paranoia because there was something incredible waiting for him beyond the door.  
I just wanted you to know you’re the reason I’m trying.
“Come on,” you grinned, leading him to the staircase. “I have a few books in mind you might like.”  
Your hand extended in his direction, but you caught yourself when you realized what you were doing. It was seamless enough that you easily played it off as you tugged your sweater tight around your body, but he noticed. It was an intimate gesture, a closeness he hadn’t known in years.  
He hadn’t remembered what it felt like to crave something like that.
It didn’t take long for Bucky to settle on The Martian by Andy Weir. It was the first book you pulled from the shelves, one amongst a series of alternatives you had ready in the event this one didn’t appeal to him. All it took was a single glance over the back cover, a slight incline in his brow, and he was sold.
“I trust you,” was all Bucky had said; so simply, as if it didn’t take the breath straight from your chest.   
Bucky didn’t have a library card you realized as you brought him back to the front desk. He’d sheepishly asked to check it out on your account, but you were determined to see more of him and you hoped that by getting him his own card, he might be more inclined to come back. Not that you explained it that way per say, but he didn’t object at least.
It had taken a lot less time than either of you anticipated and you found yourself following him to the exit, both of you dragging your feet.
“So, um…” he started, a nervous chuckle in his voice. “That was easy.”
“Yeah,” you scratched at the back of your neck, glancing to the clock hanging high on the eastern wall. “I hope you like it after all this trust you’re putting in my judgement.”
“I’m sure I will.”
A short silence swept over. Neither of you moving to leave. A couple swerved around you in an effort to get to the doors. The silence wasn’t awkward, but there was a nervous energy in it, like you were both waiting for the other to make the first move. Only, you both did it at once.  
“Would you want to—”
“I’m off at four—”
You bit down on your lips, suppressing a laugh. You gestured for him to go first. His looked so sweet with the pink in his cheeks. A man who had been once rendered as a weapon and he wore a blush in his cheeks. Your stomach held butterflies in its cage.  
“There’s a coffeeshop nearby,” he continued nervously. “I was thinking I could replace that coffee of yours I spilled last week…”
Your cheeks were starting to ache from how wide you were smiling. “Give me five minutes? I just need to wrap things up with Mrs. Jefferson and then I’m yours.”
Bucky’s eyes widened for a second, a flash of something unreadable on his face. He shook it off quickly and nodded, telling you he’d wait by the chairs along the wall until you were ready. It wasn’t until you were halfway to the desk that you’d realized what you’d said.  
I’m yours.
A harmless saying; one people used every day in passing. Still, you felt that same surge of energy at the thought. From the twists in your stomach and the stammer in your heart, you knew that if he’d asked, it would be true.  
Bucky watched as you scurried back to the main desk, a few quick glances back over your shoulder in his direction like you were making sure he was still there. You were smiling so wide, he wondered if it ached in your cheeks. He’d never known anyone to smile as much as you did, like you had this limitless supply of joy eager to be tapped into. He couldn’t help but feel a twist in his stomach, knowing he had been able to syphon some of that joy and bring it to the surface. It was him you were smiling at. It felt like a dream.
He glanced down at the book nestled into the sleeve of his bag; a stunning ombre in shades of orange to red to black, a lone astronaut in the center – like he was floating adrift. You’d told him it was a story of survival, of the intricacies of humanity and human connection. It was funny at times and filled with science beyond your pay grade, but it was mesmerizing.  
There was an unspoken hope he could read in your eyes that he might connect to the main character, Mark Watney in his search for connection, in his desperate hope to free himself from the isolation, in his resilience. You’d said Mark was an exceptional character, one with courage and determination to be admired.  
Bucky wasn’t sure he could stand up to the likes of Mark Watney, but he would certainly try.  
The glimmer in your eye as you spoke about the book, almost as if it were an old friend, was enough to convince him. For the first time in years, he felt the urge to read when he got home, just so he could see the look on your face in book club when you realized he’d already started it. He wanted to make you proud, wanted to see more of your smile. It was his new drive.  
A few minutes later, you came jogging back up to him. Your purse hung over your shoulders, a few new books of your own tucked under your arm. You’d done more than finish your shift at the desk though, he realized, because his eyes flickered to a reflective shine on your lips, one that hadn’t been there before. You’d put on lip gloss.
His heart flipped.  
“Ready?” you asked, gesturing to the doors. All bright eyes and sunshine as you looked at him.  
“There’s a café called Luciana’s not too far from here. I’ve heard good things about it. Might be quiet,” Bucky offered and a flash of something unreadable crossed your features. “Do you know it?”
“I go there every Sunday before book club! It’s my favorite,” you replied, nearly skipping in your steps. “Replacing my coffee and getting it right down to the same shop? I’m impressed, Bucky.”
He chuckled, hanging his head as he followed you down the descending staircase and into the heavy flow of pedestrian traffic. He’d forgotten how busy the sidewalks could get at rush hour and the smile quickly drained from his face, though he wouldn’t let you see.  
Bucky tried to focus on you as the strangers circled in around him, how you were laughing at the coincidence of it all, starting on a tangent of your favorite donuts at the shop. Your voice was like a beacon and he did his best use it as a guide.  
But he could feel the quicken pace of his heart inside his chest, how it thumped through his ribs and pulsed into his head the closer strangers got to him. He swerved out of the way of a tourist who was too busy looking down at his phone to notice Bucky in his path. He kept his head down, hand clenched tightly in his jacket pocket, eyes staring at the concrete.  
Teenagers were whispering behind him, snickering under their breath, and Bucky could hear the harsh ‘shhh’ of a father at wit’s end. His lungs felt tight, certain that the boys were mocking the loose sleeve hanging down by his side. He could have taken it if here were on his own. His ears would flush red and a wash of shame and embarrassment would flood his senses, but he could have taken it.  
Not with you by his side. Not when you could be privy to the harsh stares and the cruel voices, the validation to a fear he’d known to be true long before he met you – that he was a broken mess of who he used to be and he would never find that sense of normalcy again. He was kidding himself into thinking that you could ever want someone like—
When he looked up at you, your smile had fallen away, replaced with concern. It must not have been the first time you called his name. He didn’t know what to say. He felt small, like a child, embarrassed that even on a good day the influx of people still rendered him to a state of panic.  
“Come on,” you said quietly, glancing around to an alley off your shoulder. “Let’s take the scenic route.”  
He followed gratefully, staring at your shoulder blades as you led him away from the busy hustle of the crowd and along empty side streets and residential neighborhoods. It would take longer this way, but you didn’t seem to mind. You were too busy admiring the architecture of the brownstones and the beautiful array of plants and flowers hanging along the windows. In the open space, you skipped a few paces ahead, arms out wide and twirled around, simply because you could. You laughed and it echoed up along the buildings.  
Bucky could have handed you his heart right then. He could have pulled it straight from his chest and set it into your palms. He wondered if you would handle it with the tender sort of care he hoped you would. His heart was fraying and damaged, after all. It required a gentle touch.  
You fell back in line with him easily and you checked to make sure the next block wasn’t too busy before you led him down another side street. He tried to ignore the voices telling him he was a burden, that his baggage was dragging heavy at your feet, but it crept to the surface no matter how many times you smiled at him.  
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled out, willing his voice to be stronger than it felt. “I don’t know why this is such an issue for me. I was fine on the way over.”
“You don’t have to apologize, Bucky,” you said gently, slowing your pace until you came to a stop.  
Bucky dragged his feet, stopping along a bush of pink hydrangeas planted outside a stunning brick townhome. From the corner of his eye, he watched as your hand reached out to him instinctively, almost in slow motion, and you only paused as you realized what you were doing and pulled back. You cleared your throat.
“I’m not ever someone you have to apologize to about this stuff, okay?” you continued with a kind of sincerity in your voice, Bucky didn’t have a choice but to believe you. The way you looked at him nearly pulled him to pieces. “It comes and goes. Waxes and wanes. There’s no fault. No blame. Just tell me if something’s wrong, so I can help. That’s all I ask.”
Were you speaking from experience? Did you know someone who had been as shattered as he was? Was it the reason Sam wanted him to ask about why you were involved with the VA to begin with?  
It was quiet on the side street; the only sound the distant footsteps from traffic up ahead and the low rumble of car engines in the distance. A bird chirped from a low handing branch above.  
You shoved your hands into your pockets in an effort to keep yourself from reaching for his. He was surprised at the twist in his stomach when he wished you would have tried just one more time. Maybe he could have had some courage to take it.  
“Okay,” Bucky agreed, feeling a weight lift from his chest. When you smiled again it was small— a little heavy— but it touched your eyes. There was a relief in it, maybe an appreciation, too. It swept away some of the anxiety from his veins.  
“Okay.” Your smile widened as you continued to walk down the sidewalk. Bucky found himself feeling a little lighter as he followed behind.  
When the two of you approached the main street again along the block Luciana’s was tucked away in, Bucky didn’t feel as though he was suffocating anymore. He could sense his reflexes picking up, a subtle increase in his heart rate, but he walked a little closer to you, your hip bumping against his every so often and he found that it grounded him. It kept him firm on the surface when he felt like he was floating up into a distant unknown. He wondered if you knew the extent to which you affected him.  
Luciana’s was quiet inside as Bucky jutted out ahead of you to reach for the door. A soft strum of an acoustic guitar and a Spanish speaking singer’s intricate melody hummed over the speakers. He felt a solid breath of air fill his lungs, tasting of coffee beans and fresh pastries.  
“Welcome to—” a voice called from behind the counter before she paused, eyes falling on you. “Y/n!”  
A woman ran out from behind the counter, dressed in a stained apron and a long, bright pink dress, and held her arms out to you. You laughed as she enveloped you to her chest.  
“My darling! It is not Sunday, you know. You’re getting your days mixed up!” she exclaimed, wagging her finger at you. She didn’t even give you time to explain before she turned to Bucky, who suddenly felt a burn of heat on his face. “Ah! You finally brought me one of your boys!”
Bucky narrowed his eyes, turning to you quickly. His stomach dropped.  
“She means at the VA,” you explained, a little embarrassed at her implication as you shuffled your feet, eyes darting at the floor. Bucky raised an eyebrow in realization, eyes flickering back to the woman – who he assumed to be Luciana herself – as she scurried back around the counter. He noticed then that she was wearing slippers on her feet.  
“Come, come!” She called eagerly, waiting with a tapping toe at the register.  
You and Bucky exchanged a glance, a breath of a laugh escaping before you stepped up to the counter. You didn’t hesitate in your order, though you took some extra time in looking over the pastries and donuts after Bucky told you to pick something out for him. You put so much thought into it, it was really quite sweet. He waited until you reached down for your purse to slip his card over the counter to Luciana.  
She wore that same smile he’d seen on Mrs. Jefferson at the library. That smirk. Like they knew something he didn’t.  
You heard the ring of the cash registered and looked up at him, agape. You swatted his arm without thinking twice about it and there was a comfort in that. He laughed, taking his coffee and settling in at a table by the windows as you followed behind.  
As he watched you across the table, your eyes glancing out to the pedestrians as they walked back, nursing the steaming mug of coffee between your hands, that morning suddenly felt like it was a life time ago.  
Had he really been paralyzed with pain, unable to move from his bed, just a few hours earlier? It felt like a century had passed in between. In a rare indulgence, Bucky let himself wonder what it would feel like to spend all his time with you; if maybe time moved so fast it swept him off his feet or if it moved slow enough to allow him to catch every second.  
All he knew was that he wanted more.
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ablackfangirlwrites · 3 years
Adore you
A/n: the first part of my little project of smut and what better place to start than with my birdy hawks also this one was definitely inspired by the song adore you by Harry styles
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The first time Hawks realized he was in love with you was when the two of you were on a mission together. There was nothing special about this particular mission. Yet he found himself in awe of you, how you fought with the villains never missing a beat, and how you working with him so seamlessly. How you didn’t seem to have a care in the world, as you danced around fighting. 
He had always known that he liked you, otherwise, he wouldn’t invite you over his place from time to time. But it was a very specific relationship. Simply it was a friends with benefits deal you had. It worked better that way because real relationships were already sticky and being important heroes who had the time to put in that type of real work? Keigo was always good with that deal you had too. 
But something was different today, maybe it was because earlier that day you had been gushing about the hero Eraserhead and how you thought he was hot despite being way older than you. Or was it how he saw Dabi looking at you when the two of you worked together the other day trying to infiltrate the league of villains? Could it have been from jealousy that he found out that he was in love with you? Maybe, but the end result was him reflecting on you and your relationship with him. 
He saw you laughing as you quipped with the villain you were fighting. You were always like that, he thought. From the very first time he met you when the commission told him you would be working with him, you were all smiles and quips. Always so bright, always finding a way to make him smile. 
“Get your head outta the clouds birdy,” You called after him playfully. 
He hadn’t even realized he was lost in his own head about you. As he was backing you up during the fight.
“You think too much,” You said returning to his side. Keigo only hummed back, He was now focused and thinking about how he wanted to quickly be done with the mission, so he could spend more interrupted time with you. 
The mission went on way longer than Hawks would have liked but now it was done and the two of you found yourselves back at his apartment. He was in boxers standing in his kitchen debating if he wanted something to eat while you were using his shower. 
After a while, you joined him in the kitchen Keigo at first he gave you a nod when he saw you approaching but then had to do a double-take when he saw you were only in a towel. You sighed rubbing your shoulder and rolling your neck, “That was just what I needed.” 
You went to hug Keigo from behind laying your head on his back, “It would have been a much better shower if you had joined me though.” You teased hugging him tighter.
Keigo froze for a brief moment at the feel of you on his back but relaxed when he felt you kiss at his neck.
“You know it’s difficult to be in there with the two of us,” He said with a smile in his voice. That much was true showering with him and his wings was always a task that left you more tired than clean. “Besides,” Keigo turned to face you now. “You don’t have to get me in the shower if you trying to get me naked.” 
You smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips, “You-” 
Keigo didn’t give you a chance to say more words before Keigo took your lips in a kiss now. 
It was feverish the way his lips moved across yours. Like he couldn’t get enough of you You attempted to pull away a few times only for him to take your lips all over again making you giggle.  
Keigo picked you up letting your legs wrap around him as he walked back to his bedroom never letting your lips go. Until finally he sat down and pulled his lips away. 
“I just wanna look at you,” Keigo said caressing your face as he gazed at you. Your face melted in his hand as you stared back into his eyes, “What’s gotten into you tonight?” You asked straddling his lap. 
You knew Keigo to be an affectionate guy, but tonight something felt different.
 “What? I can’t admire how beautiful you are?” 
You giggled as he started to pepper your face in kisses again. “You know I adore you Y/n.” 
“That’s sweet,” You hummed.
“Well, you know I try,” He smiled.
 “Well it’s working tonight, most of the time you’re pretty corny Kei-” you shouted suddenly as he flipped you over and was hovering above you slowly taking the towel from your body. 
“What?” He teases and continued to kiss your face. “Can’t I show you just how much I adore you?” he went to start kissing that sweet spot he knew was on your neck making you squirm under him. You bit your lip holding back your groans in your throat which made him suck harder no doubt leaving a mark there. He knew you hated that, but he didn’t care right now. Keigo was more determined in marking you as his right now more than anything. 
“Kei-” You hissed his name.
“Come on sweetheart don’t hide that voice from me,” He whispered in your ear.
“Keigo don’t be a tease,” You sighed.
He chuckled and sat up a bit watching you try to grind your cunt against his knee that was between your thighs. He pressed it a little harder to give you a little tension that you so craved, which only made you moan in more frustration. “Keiiii!” You whined.
“Ok, ok.” he leaned over to give you a quick kiss before moving down and throwing your legs over his shoulder. “You can’t blame me, babe,” He slowly kissed the inside of your thigh. “You look so hot when you’re like this.” He kissed at your other thigh. You whined again as he dipped his tongue into you. 
“Fucking finally,” you sighed sinfully. Making him smile. You grabbed his hair holding it tight as the sensations ran through you, and he took this moment to move his right hand from around your thigh and inserted his middle and ring finger into your pussy curling them up to hit your sweet spot. He was moving at an agonizingly slow pace, enjoying all the profanities you whispered as he played with your clit. Keigo loves the way he feels you gushing around his fingers and eventually he started to speed up as your cries were only driving him crazier. He knew you were close by the way you arched over the bed and how tighter you held on to his hair.
Until finally you screamed, “Kei!” 
His fingers were pushed out of your cunt as you squirted over his face and the bed. “Fuck..” He all but whispered watching you come undone under him. “You’re so fucking beautiful Y/n.”
He practically rips his boxers off annoyed by how they were restraining his hard cock. He didn’t even give you a full minute to recover before he was hovering over again. 
“Keigo,” You whimpered under him as he gave you a sloppy kiss. You could taste yourself on hips lips while you could feel him lining himself up with you. 
“You still with me babe?” He checked in with you and when you nodded he kissed you deeply with a groan in his throat as he sheathed himself into you. “Fuck, you feel so good Y/n.”
You hummed as he slowly pulled his cock in and out of you, again starting off painfully slow. “You’re so beautiful,” Keigo said watching the pleasure wash over your face. It was his favorite thing to see in the whole world and his chest filled up with pride knowing he was the one providing it for you. No one could fuck you like him. 
No one could love you like him. 
He knew you were close again feeling your pussy pulsing around him. Making him pick up his speed, “You gonna cum for me, pretty girl?” 
“Yes-I’m so close-” You whined.
Keigo was grinning at your cries, “I know, I know.” His speed was relentless now chasing his own release. It only got more intense when he felt your hand move from pulling his hair to the patagium of his wings. “Fuck, Y/n.”  It was unexpected but it brought him to the edge and before he knew it you were cuming and he was releasing his seed inside you. 
“I fucking love you,” He said out of nowhere as his body twitch while he was coming down from his high. But he quickly realized what he said. “Shit.” 
Your eyes were dazed, but he could see the hint of mischief in them, “You lo-” 
Too embarrassed from his slip of the tongue and not wanting to face you just yet he flipped you over to your stomach before you could question him. “Kei-” You gasped when you felt him enter you again this time in one hard thrust.  
“Shut up,” He said in a harsh tone. He didn’t want to think about what you were going to say. He wanted to just stay in this blissful moment for a little while longer. But his mind continued to wonder, what if you really didn’t feel the same way? What if you only wanted to stay his friend with benefits, all while you found real affection with someone else?
“Kei, please,” you begged. His thrust were hard and agonizing, there was no pleasure in it for you and you could tell he was in his head, “Come back to me,” you cooed at him. 
“Tell me I’m better,” He demanded. “Tell me I’m the best you’ll ever have I’m better than Eraser, All might, Endeavor or any other hero you can think of,” Keigo’s pace was now merciless, “Hell, That’s I’m better than that prick Dabi.” 
Keigo moved you so you were pressed against his chest, his fingers pinching your nipple, The other hand on your throat; all while never slowing his pace just pounding into you, “Tell me Y/n,” He bit at you’re ear.
“You’re better!” You screamed, “You’re the best. Fuck! I love you,” Finally feeling satisfied Keigo moved his fingers to massage your clit. He barely had to touch you before you were cumming all over him again. Still fucking you through your orgasm Keigo reached his own high. 
You fell to the bed first and him soon after, both of you completely exhausted.
A long silence filled the room. 
Keigo didn’t know if you really meant those words he practically forced out of you a second ago and wasn’t so sure if he was ready to talk about his own with you yet.
But before he had enough time to drive himself crazy with thoughts you had moved closer to him and wrapped him in your arms making him the little spoon. You still didn’t say anything but Keigo could feel your heart still beating fast, he found it both soothing and nerve-wracking.
“Keigo?” You finally spoke.
“You love me?” You asked him tracing your fingers down his spine.
“I do,” He answered, “Is that a problem?” 
You smiled and kissed his forehead, “Why would it be bird brain?” 
“Cause I know how our relationship started isn’t this crossing that line?” 
“No,” You told him plainly. 
“Oh,” was all he said. The two of you went back into silence again, but then you cleared your voice again, “Keigo?” 
“I love you too...Is that a problem?” 
Keigo moved his head so he could look at you, “Of course not,” he kissed you
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silverhandsamurai · 4 years
Morning • Judy Alvarez/Fem!V
summary; Morning after a date V cuddles with Judy
warnings; swearing
Setting; Judy’s apartment • middle of the game
"Well aren't you two just a bunch of fuckin' lovebirds."
The first thing I hear in the morning isn't an alarm. No, it's the talking tenant in my head.
" Oh shut the fuck up. Just because I can get some pussy and you can't don't be takin' it out on me."
Johnny huffed taking a long drag of his cigarette as I set up slightly to glare at him leaning on the wall. I was careful not to wake Judy as I moved.  He didn't reply right away  so not sparing him another look I laid back down in the bed and embraced Judy from behind.  I figured I had chased him off into the depths of my head.  
Now I could try to head back to sleep.
" Technically we both got pussy last night. Also, you could use a lesson or two on how to truly please chicks. Could tell ya how if you willing to listen."
I have never felt anger roll through me as quickly as it did then. Bolting up in bed I threw my pillow at Johnny making it slam into the wall.
" Go please the only true hole you know how to fuck! Your hand!. Fuck off!"
Johnny gave a mocking smile and flicked me off with a wave of his middle finger before disappearing.
Sighing I fell back into the bed too annoyed to even try to sleep. Turning on my side I glanced over at Judy sleeping with the sheets hanging just above her waist.
Johnny may have woken me up but he wasn't going to ruin this morning.
Tracing my fingers gently along the tattoo painted on Judy's lower back. I couldn't help but admire how the lines hugged her curves. I was always curious about the ink that decorated her skin. I wonder what stories she has hidden behind them.
Running my palms up her waist I massaged her sides as she nestled deeper into the bed still sleeping. Her skin felt chilly to the touch probably from the morning air seeping into the apartment.
Bouncing from one gig to the next while trying to deal with the relic was exhausting. I rarely had a moment to breathe let alone any peace. All this equaled one thing - no private life. My time with Judy was nonexistent and I could see the growing worry building on her end.
She would message me more often. Sometimes random things or just to vent to me about her work. She wasn't very subtle in hiding her concern. I felt guilty for being unable to reassure her that everything would work out.
The truth was I didn't know what the future held. It was unknown.
Still, I wanted to show Judy how much she meant to me. She had been a sturdy pillar of support for me throughout the hell that had taken over my life.
I could put the burning world on pause for one day with my girl.
So that's exactly what I did. Nothing was going to stop me from having at least one decent date night. Not a rockerboy. Not any corpos or gangs or whatever hell else the universe wanted to throw at me.
We drove out of the city into the Badlands blasting music along the way and in a random spot we had a picnic. It was simple and maybe even corny on some levels.
But to us it was perfect.
As the sunset, we drifted back into the city and headed to her apartment.
From the door to the bed we fell into our temptations our hands never leaving each other throughout the night.
Remembering yesterday made a grin form on my lips and I couldn't fight it. I was just so damn happy.  Arching forward I lightly laid kisses along the nape of Judy's neck trailing them down her shoulder.
" Now this is a type of good morning, a girl could get used to."
Hearing her voice I tilted back just a bit as she turned to look over her shoulder and she gave me a slow sensual kiss - our lips barely able to part as she pulled back.
" Sleep well, Jude? "
Her dark eyes glinted for a moment with mischief as she narrowed them turning herself to face me completely humming in thought.
"I don't know. I mean a certain someone wouldn't let me rest..."
Laughing I tapped her on the nose playfully. "Hmm, what a cruel person. Do I know them ?"
Snorting in amusement Judy edged closer kissing my ear. " Oh, yea you know her. Reeeal Badass with a killer bod. Cute smile too. "
Holding back a chuckle I slide my arms around her nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck.
"You know someone might get the wrong idea. Describin' that person like that someone might think you got a crush."
Her hands wove through my hair as she laid her head on my shoulder  " I really care for you, V..."
I could tell we were no longer bantering. Her tone had taken a serious dip and I could feel Judy cling to my body. My eyes softened realizing how lucky I was to have her.
"I care about you too Jude... always will."
Here is the request I got for Jude. Might write the date they were on at some point.
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