#with help from the mischief discord <3
warrior-of-waistbands · 6 months
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anyway here's my pitch for a Ben 10 AU because the season 2 finale left me REELING (mostly copied over from Discord convos). I don't have the energy for proper concept art so just take these quick sketches:
- George and Harold stumble onto the Omnitrix somewhere on school grounds; it latches onto George and the boys very quickly discover that 1) oh shit this thing won't come off, and 2) oh shit George is an alien now
- I'm not entirely sure that George would immediately want to use his new powers to be a superhero—mostly he and Harold start out by using the aliens and their powers to get up to their usual pranks and mischief. And then somehow they stumble into a situation where George ends up saving the day and, being the comic book nerds that they are, they deduce that being an alien superhero must be some kind of grand destiny. "With great power comes great responsibility" and all that.
- Ree here is a retired Plumber who immediately recognizes the Omnitrix and, horrified that it's ended up in the hands of a child, takes up a sort of mentor role for the boys, helping George learn how to use his powers while trying his best to keep the boys out of danger (with mixed results....)
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- also, there's this:
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- Krupp is an ex-Plumber, and Ree is an ex-Plumber, and neither of them knows about the other, it's just a complete coincidence that they both happen to be working at the same school at the same time
- George's aliens are based off the various aliens and monsters from the books/show—we got a Littlelite, a Biglien, one of those shark aliens, the lunch lady aliens from book 3....
- At some point Melvin finds out about the Omnitrix and tries to take it for himself (?), less because he wants its powers and more so for the science of it, as well as the confirmation that aliens are real. There's a possibility that Melvin ends up as the AU's equivalent to Kevin? If that's the case, then he's completely unaware of his abilities when he tries to pry the watch off George....
- and where did the Omnitrix come from in this AU? Well, about that.....
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- It's fine. It's fine don't worry about it.
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888-fr · 8 months
Advice asking Anon here, I’d love to know about how to garner interest :)
It’s kinda difficult to figure out how to get people interested in preorders. I have pinged gasp before, but even with bumps and waiting nearly a month, I’ve only ever gotten around 3 people interested 😔. I’m not sure how to engage with the community in a way that lets people be aware of my skins, but doesn’t annoy/puts it in their face?
I don’t believe I’m overcharging uma’s (500 for an accent and 750 for a skin), but I’m not sure if there’s something I’m just missing. Maybe I just need more experience with these things ^^’
I can't help too much with garnering interest, but here's a few things I've found help with getting preorders when people are looking at your thread. I'm saying this from experience both as a skinmaker and a skin purchaser:
Always have a good preview of your skin available in the post you ping! This can be on a dragon, or on a colored base. I tend not to use the default grey background or mannequins; it simply is not good for showing off a skin's colors. Make sure lines and shadows are applied and that there is a valid way of previewing the skin if it's not on site. Purchasers like to know what the skin will look like when it's on site - not in your drawing program.
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2. Hands-off ways to preorder skins are a good way to go. I don't know if this is true for everyone, but I hate posting on forums to ask for a slot and I hate having to send payment CRs with my name to ask for a slot even more! I find that setting up a google sheets where people can write their own names down is much less stressful for everyone. People can't always access sheets especially on mobile, but it's a nice option to have. (Please make sure you are safe when you do this; it's not a good option if you've been harassed by people wreaking mischief on editable sheets in the past.)
3. If it doesn't work, try again! You can always mention a previous skin you're still printing at the end of a GASP ping for a new skin. Just make sure you're still primarily advertising your new skin.
4. Advertise yourself. Put your skins in your signature with a shop link so people can find you! Find a community that likes your work. G1 collectors and UMA buyers tend to be the same people. If there's any Discord chats you can join about these, start advertising yourself in there. Use socialization to your advantage.
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lawrites · 7 months
Riddle to Solve
BTAS! Riddler x Named Female Reader
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1.5k words: Reader hasn't seen Edward Nygma since they both lost their jobs at Competitron. Suddenly seeing him after two years forces a lot of unresolved feelings to come to the surface, for Eddie and Luna both. Did your feelings for each other matter then? Do they matter now?
This was made as a swap with an anonymous Discord friend <3. Their OC is named Luna, but this fic is first person and could be read as a "named" reader.
CW: suggestive thoughts from the rizzler, hurt/comfort, edward nygma being arrogant as per usual
You turn, recognizing that voice almost instantly. “Eddie?”
The both of you stare at each other for a moment, almost making sure the other is real, before mirrored wide grins split your faces. The heart in your chest beats faster as you realize the expression is his genuine, real smile, the one only you could pull out of him. He's truly happy to see you.
Your bodies approach each other quickly, drawn like magnets. Your momentum almost makes you look like you are going in for a hug, your arms swinging forward…but you stop just shy of touching the other. 
You both sit in silence for a moment, taking the other in up close. A slight blush makes its way onto your face, but you can't help it. He looks good. His ginger hair is more loose than it had been when she had last seen him at Competitron. Fluffier, more free…it makes your hands twitch with the want to bury themselves in the shining, copper locks. His face remains as handsome as ever, with his adorable button nose, but his clothes…
He always wore a striped shirt with suspenders when she had worked with him. Cute, but more apt for Wall Street than what you expected of him. This outfit…your mouth goes dry when you take it in. 
A dark green sweater adorns his slight torso, loose on his body but tucked into tight grey slacks match his long overcoat. The lines of his clothes highlight his tall, lean body. He looks professional for the most part, aside from the purple driving gloves. You do your best to contain your thoughts about those before making eye contact with Ed once more. A feeling of satisfaction spreads through your body when you realize that his cheeks are reddening just as yours are. 
Ed is embarrassed about his own blush, if he could be frank. It started when he caught you just as you were walking away, recognizing your shape from behind almost instantly and calling out to you. While he doesn't want to admit that that was his reasoning for recognizing you, can you blame him? 
He had to wait behind you in enough queues, see you bent over enough desks in those tight skirts you wear, that he has an entire section of his mind dedicated to fantasies about your ass. Some days he had to actively keep himself from reaching out, winding his hands around you, and bringing you back against him just to feel that delicious curve. He kept it secret, of course, he did his best to keep things professional when you worked with each other.
But after the initial onslaught of familiar thoughts…Edward was blinded by the glow of your smiling face again as you turned, and that handily won out over anything else in his mind. Your gorgeous, dark hair was up in a ponytail today, shining in the sunlight and swinging behind you as you moved towards him.
He watched you adjust your glasses nervously with a blush after you stopped in front of him, and it filled his lonely heart with a glee he hasn't felt in more than a year. But he immediately chastises himself…he needs to do his best to keep distance from you. He still has plans he needs to fulfill, and he can't allow you to be involved. What if you were hurt, in the process? What if you saw what he's become in his exile? 
The voice that you remember being full of mischief, arrogance, and, dare you say it, warmth suddenly sounds distant and aloof. 
“Luna, it is…good to see you.”
Steadying yourself, you hold back your initial  reaction to his presence and instead analyze his words, his tone, and his body language. If that's all he has to say to you, after years apart, after radio silence…then you refuse to give him any reaction he may want. Your tone mirrors his-professional.
“Yes, Mister Nygma, it is nice to see you again after so long.”
You see how he goes almost stiff when you call him Mister Nygma, his back straightening and his eyes turning dark before his face becomes impassive. But, instead of letting him respond, you continue after a beat of silence, curiosity at his presence winning out over pettiness.
“What brings you to Gotham?”
His previous demeanor relaxes a bit, and he almost looks…nervous. 
“Oh! Well…I suppose I've always heard interesting whispers about this city. And with recent rumors I've been…drawn here for some reason. After everything that happened…”
He trails off, and you can tell his racing mind is reliving the trauma of losing it all in one day, just as you had. Competitron, as your former place of work, used to be everything to the both of you. Ed came up with all of the riddles, but you helped him with the art direction. Your mind would interpret his gorgeous thoughts into a visual reality, and the code you both worked on made it an actual reality, on screen at least. 
But then the layoffs started. First it was a few lower level people…and then a few close coworkers. And then…suddenly, you walked in one day and were told to pack your bags. Years of working for them, for giving it all to make the Minotaur game, and they just brushed you away. You still find yourself frustrated and angry about it, even after getting a new job. The only credit you received was a footnote at the end of the game. 
And Ed…well…it wasn't public news, but he gave Mockridge hell over both your sacking and the lack of royalties for your work. He was planning to sue them, for the both of you. And then…he was fired too. 
You heard the news and tried to call him, but he was just gone. And you haven't seen him for two years until just now, when Competitron has been rumored to be moving to Gotham. The coincidence is too much to ignore.
He seems to startle at your use of his full name, something that you usually only did during arguments or serious conversations. 
“...I-I know that what Mockridge did to us hurt. I still have trouble getting over it, myself. But, don't let his heinous actions rule your life. I'm glad to see you, but if you're only here to harass our former boss-”
Ed stiffens again and cuts you off, “Well, I'm sorry that I can't get over that-that cretin taking credit for my work.” He spits out the words, moving closer to you almost in anger. 
You glare up at him, furious, now, “You mean our work. If you try to take even that from me after I lost my job and my L-” you stop yourself from admitting the truth of what you had felt for him, then. He notices your slip, but doesn't comment. “-my best friend…” your eyes are full of tears now. Frustrated tears. Dejected tears. How could he not notice you when you are right in front of him? What has blinded him for two years so much that he hasn't even sent a letter?
“...then I don't think we have anything else to discuss. I wish you well, Edward Nygma. B-be kind to yourself.” And you turn, prepared to leave. Two years apparently haven't changed your feelings towards him, if your racing, broken heart is any indication, but you've now realized you wasted that time pining for him after seeing him now. He is only focused on himself and what he lost…and maybe he always was. 
You are stopped, suddenly, from retreating by a gloved hand wrapping, gently, around your arm. “Luna…”
Chastising yourself for wasting even one more moment on someone who obviously won't even let you leave with your dignity, you freeze in place but don't turn. “I would prefer to go, Eddie.” You bite out the nickname that used to make him tease you, used to make him blush, even, just to get some petty revenge out of this horrid day. 
The hand on your arm trembles, and it makes you pause. You had planned to shake your arm out of his grasp and leave, quickly, to go cry in your apartment…but then you hear his voice once more. Quietly, almost whispering, Edward Nygma says, “Please.”
You almost collapse hearing the syllables leave his mouth, and turn to see the man that uttered them. In only the few moments between you turning to leave and his plea, Eddie was a changed man. His face is pale, and his expression looks pained. Green eyes that were closed off and arrogant are now surprisingly open, shining with an expression you can't name. 
“You did not deserve that reaction from me after all that we meant to each other. I'm sorry.”
Frankly? You are gobsmacked. Edward Nygma just apologized to you. At least he acknowledged and validated your feelings about his treatment of you…but it still feels like it isn't enough. “Eddie, I appreciate your apology, but I hope you can see that your behavior was not something I expect of a friend.”
You do end up wrenching your arm away from his grasp, making him wince. “If you want to come back into my life, after leaving me for two years-” your voice chokes out the last words, the reality of everything crashing in around you, “-and treat me like I was just a coworker, and not someone who you trusted, as I did you?”
A sniffle leaves you, trying to hold back your tears, “Then I would rather you save the honeyed, practiced words and just leave. I can't take you playing with my good will towards you, again.”
And as you are about to embarrass yourself and sob in front of him, emotionally confused, partly, but mainly sad…his arms bring you to him. You are enveloped in them. He keeps you there, for a moment. His steady breathing and calming, familiar scent ground you. And then, one of his gloved hands moves to the side of your head, gently leading you to look up at him, “No playing. No games. No riddles.” 
His green eyes are shining, “I am truly sorry. The moment you turned, I was reminded of the last time I had to see you go, the pain that came with it. I-I initially tried to push you away because I do have secrets, Luna.”
You try to talk, but he cuts you off, “I can't tell you about them…not now. But I can't let you walk away, again, either.” His expression is torn, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes full of desperation for some sort of answer to his quandary. 
Both of you are dancing around your feelings, for now. But…you can tell he does feel the same, truly, he must. You can't leave the man you love so desperately confused. Your hand reaches up, mirroring his hold on you and gently making him look down, “Then…let's just get some coffee together.”
His eyes are full of hope, gleaming with affection at your answer, “Do you still like it the same way?”
You chuckle, “Of course, I haven't changed much since you last saw me.” You blush, again, worried that standing still would make him lose interest in you, somehow. 
He releases you, and you do the same to him, but he stays close. His eyes trace up and down your body, sticking to your chest for just a moment before meeting yours once more. “Oh I don't know about that…”
He chuckles, holding out his hand for you to take, a smirk adorning his face, “...you seem changed. More sure, more independent.”
You take his hand, and you begin walking together to the nearest cafe. He winks, “A most brilliant riddle for me to solve.”
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shadow0haven · 10 months
Malevolent Mischief is open for invites!
Finally able to announce the server called Malevolent Mischief! It's a creative based server that is centered around discussing anything from the show in detail to writing and art works with other creatives interested in the series, branching from the Malevolent Big Bang! We also provide image IDs to be accessible to the best of our abilities to the visually impaired. There's sprint channels for writers, spaces to discuss WIPs for art and writing, as well as NSFW/Dead Dove sections for those who enjoy the darker side of Malevolent (they are also easily ignored)!
That said, due to the nature of the show, the server is 18+ only! Before being invited to the server, please let us know that you are at least 18 to receive an invite.
Below are the rules that the server runs by. If you agree with the rules, please feel free to DM @shadow0haven (myself) or @bluejayblueskies for an invite!
Here are the general rules for the Malevolent Mischief server!
1. ***No bigotry.*** Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, aphobia, antisemitism, identity policing, and so on will not be tolerated.
2. ***Respect your peers.*** Be kind and courteous! Respect others' boundaries, interpretations, ideas, and preferences. This server is 18+ and all members are expected to interact and respect each other on an adult level and take responsibility for their actions and behavior.
3. ***Keep conversations in appropriate channels.*** Certain channels are used for certain things: beta search should be used for beta search purposes, off-topic-media for other shows/fandoms etc, and so on. NSFW and Dead Dove content needs to stay in channels labeled NSFW and Dead Dove to respect boundaries. Please check channel descriptions for help on what's appropriate and where!
4. ***Outside drama is not welcome.*** This includes drama from other fandoms/discords, chatting about fans outside this server, etc. Discourse topics should be left out of this server and kept to personal DMs.
5. ***No parasocial nonsense.*** Talking about the creator in the context of the show and its creation is welcome, but please avoid personal discussion revolving around the creator (example: sexuality, morality, personal relationships, etc).
6. ***Use image descriptions.*** To help make the server accessible to all *Malevolent* creatives, we ask that you use Image Identification when posting or linking images (unless the link contains an ID.) This does not have to be elaborate! We also have volunteers who like to help create IDs if asked!
7. ***Spoilers.*** For the first 48 hours after an episode's public release, we ask people to use spoiler bars. We also ask people to keep patreon content within the patreon channels to be respectful.
8. ***Content warnings.*** Please use spoiler bars and a content warning when discussing topics commonly found triggering (including but not limited to self-harm, suicide, rape, and real-world discrimination.) If you're unsure, err on the side of caution. Please also provide relevant content warnings when sharing fics or art.
9. ***Comments, concerns, suggestions.*** We have a channel for any questions or suggestions for the server - please don't hesitate to use it if you need it!
10. ***This server is 18+.*** Due to the nature of the show, as well as the content of the server, this server is 18+ only for the comfort and well being of members. Server invites will not be given to those found under 18.
(Malevolent Mischief is only associated with Malevolent Big Bang in regards to related servers!)
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Hollyhock is a tabletop roleplaying game set in the world of the Fae, during the Hollyhock festival– a celebration of mischief, trickery, wit, and skill, wherein the players take on the role of various fair folk as they partake in the festival, each with their own motivations and goals.
It is made for 3-6 players, and is a gmless game– everyone works together to build the story! Hollyhock utilizes a deck of cards with which players build a hand out of over the course of the game as they make moves, and it contains 8 playbooks and 7 archetypes to build a unique character from!
Currently, Hollyhock is in its playtesting phase! If that sounds interesting, follow our socials for updates, and join our discord if you’re interested in helping us playtest!
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OC-Siblings-Bracket 1.13
info down there because these posts are long ↓
Riley & Kiara Parker by @attorneybout
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OKAY. SO. leaving out a lot of details because their story takes place entirely in a huge crossover roleplay and it'd be fucking wild if halfway through i was just like "so anyways, dimentio-" so we will not do that <3 no info about these guys is on my blogs. they're only on discord sorry.
so. riley and kiara are sisters, with riley being th younger sister, at 12 (kiara is 16). kiara's dad actually found riley alone in the woods one day, and, with seemingly nobody else looking for her, took her in. neither he nor kiara knows about her biological parents but judging from how riley acted and how scared she seemed when he found her he hopes they never come back for her (they will! well. her bio mom will. her bio dad isn't relevant)
riley was basically very jumpy and anxious for the longest time because of how her mom treated her but eventually she came out of her shell and now shse's so sillygirl /pos she's very close with kiara and also close with kiara's friends it's really nice. kiara is really quiet mostly but undeniably Very Cool and she's also a streamer (sometimes she streams playing games with her friends or with riley too!)
however! a lot of stuff happens to riley, like an obscene amount. she got possessed, once. she got kidnapped into a fucking void dimension for a while. and she even got mind controlled. and kiara couldn't take seeing her sister hurt so often and even though she can't do much she has to try to get her sister back, so she ends up joining this vaguely shady organization who promises to help get riley back.
and! it works. sort of. they manage to catch the guy who mind controlled riley, with some outside help, and kiara questions him for a way to reverse the mind control. but he say he can't just reverse it like that. BUT. he offers her something. if they let him go, he'll give them something that they could use to try and reverse engineer a way to get riley back.
but if kiara lets him go, then he could go on to cause more mayhem. mind control more people. possibly even destroy the world.
but like. small price to pay for your sister being okay. so kiara, after some hesitation, lets him go. and, for the time being, they've even gotten away with it. sure, someone else got mind controlled, but not riley. never riley again. and nobody suspects that they let him go, at least not to her knowledge.
but she still feels a little bit bad about it. i mean, who wouldn't? sure, she can tell herself it will work out and that they had no choice, but she knows it's not true. and the truth is, riley wouldn't have really wanted that. but riley, despite having more confidence in herself now, is insanely self-sacrificial, and would have said it's better for everyone if she was simply gone forever if that meant everyone else would be safe.
other fun bonus things include:
riley is a realm-hopper. she doesn't know it yet. realm hoppers can basically teleport and travel between dimensions. kiara is vaguely aware of this but hasn't told riley about it yet
riley is trans!
kiara she/they swag
kiara is nonverbal at times
one of kiara's friends is also siblings with one of riley's friends but they're less iconic so i'm submitted these two instead. but their names are liberty (libby for short) eagle lawson and justice forall lawson and i need you to know that their parents are fucking insane for that one
kiara aroace swag also
riley lesbian swag
kiara doesn't share all of the same interests as riley but she always knows so much about riley's interests second-hand
kiara taught riley how to do crafts
they have a cat!! the cat's name is kiki :) i'll include a picture of her too but that's just for infodump purposes. kiki is actually named after a nickname riley used to call kiara
riley (first image) drawn by me and kiara (second image) made using this picrew https://picrew.me/image_maker/92646 and kiki (third image) made using this picrew https://picrew.me/image_maker/1713721 if i'm lucky enough to get motivation i might draw them together because i really need to anyways honestly
Additional Cat Photo:
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Mischief & Magic Grape by @mystic-sunni
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Mischief Grape is a Adventurer who travels around to the islands in Poptropica. With how much he travels he helped many people and became a hero to many. Magic Grape is his little sister just a year apart. Magic Grape is a well known author who has many successful books and is very kind to people. They both love helping people whenever they can. Also fun fact about Mischief Grape is that he has some clumsy moments that definitely are only seen in cartoons.
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Oh god it's been a year already??? April 8??? Wasn't it just March yesterday?
Oh, uh, s h i t
Happy 1 Year Anniversary! (Holy crap)
Man, time sure is f a s t. One year of being here with you guys and just vibing. Zamn. That's crazy.
I know I keep saying this, but I really do appreciate all of you guys for sticking around for so long. I never expected the silly little stories with my silly little characters 13 year old me was writing and creating would come to this in the end. It's honestly just so mind boggling, and I want to say thank you. Thank you for showing your support, for being so patient with me, for those that send such fun asks and prompts to answer, and just being so cool in general. Don't say that you aren't. I'll fight ye on that. I also thank the lurkers in my followers, I know you and I don't tango too much with interactions but your likes, reblogs or just generally looking through is enough for me.
I'd also like to thank the mutuals and friends I made in the IF community and in the Write Club Discord server for being so cool and helpful. I never expected to make any mutuals here, and I'm honestly glad I did.
I'm kissing you all platonically on the cheek because you deserve it for being the best. 💙💙💙
Now, for the Anniversary Special content...... I don't have one written. I already have a short one for 1k Followers and is just waiting to be posted, but I forgot to prep one for the Anniversary. 🥲😭😭
I was planning to make a small IF to commomerate it, but college finals reared its ugly head like a disease so I didn't have enough time. So, instead, I'll just give y'all some Beta and BtS facts about this IF before it came to be as it is now. Hope that'll suffice, and I promise I'll make it up to y'all next year. 😭😭
Back in the earliest drafts for this IF, the prologue was supposed to start with a student Magus summoning an eldritch being from the underside of Reflection and it backfiring completely. The genre was supposed to fully embrace supernatural, but I ended up scrapping it instead for what we have now.
Beta Zephyrine was a mean girl diva; supposedly Fleur's opposite and bully. I changed it after deciding that Zeph's better off being Fleur's opposite in a more positive way (the version Zeph currently is) and genuinely being Fleur's friend, than whatever toxic mess the former was.
Eliseo was originally gonna be the big bad because of well… look at him. I ended up not doing that, because… look at him. He's simpable material, unfortunately.
Emery wasn't supposed to exist. I didn't originally intend for MC to learn nor have magic in the original drafts, thus no Familiar needed either, and let them be a non-magic character in the story. I changed my mind when I thought about how unfair that'll be, since that'll just make MC more of a damsel than a person with autonomy.
The 1586 Accident and the Willowsberg family as a whole was originally supposed to stay as a "myth" and unexplored as a whole. They were supposed to be mentioned only in passing and not talked about again.
In the early drafts, Fleur's parents were already dead/gone and she was working as her family bank's CEO at the start of the story. She was an outside figure that you'll meet through either Zephyrine or Weylyn.
Cooper was originally more of a loveable asshole back in his early characterization stages; smug know-it-all that loves to be a mischief maker. I have no idea what change happened to make him the hyper golden retriever he is now, but I don't regret it and I don't wanna know.
The choice of setting the IF in a rural city and in Lumintoile Academia specifically was based on old oneshots I wrote about Weylyn and Fleur 2-3 years ago. If you want to know what those oneshots are about, both of them are confessions scenes with Weylyn being the confessor.
Before Ophelia came to be as the 6th RO, she was originally supposed to be an antagonist, mostly due to a oneshot I wrote about her as a concept character 2 years ago. There were scenes planned where she would fight the cast and drama would ensue, but knowing what I know, I ended up scrapping the idea.
Weylyn's characterization didn't change much from his beta, surprisingly, and I think he's the only one who has retained his beta traits (besides some mild redesigning). I always intended him to be, well, him. The only things that did change are in spoiler territory, but very important to his characterization.
There were supposed to be 2 more side characters that you'll be introduced to in the early chapters with Fleur being a young CEO idea in mind, which were her two younger estranged cousins from her mother's side. I scrapped the idea for now, but they might make an appearance soon.
I had ideas to implement variables that show preferrences and proficiency in what magic MC uses, intending for them (MC) to be a jack-of-all trades instead of focusing solely on one magic. But then I thought about the long list of already existing variables I've written down, and went nope.
Eliseo & Fleur had the most rewrites and rehauls on their characterization. From what I can count and remember until recently, it's 10.
When I was making Emery, and basing him off of the Familiar Poll results, he was intented to be younger, 3 years old to be exact. I decided to age him up to 5 years old, because a) he would be too powerful, b) baby, c) "sir, that is a toddler and fresh out of infancy", and d) he would be too powerful.
The inspiration for the IF's whole vibes are from Kiersten White's 'The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein', V.C. Andrew's 'My Sweet Audrina', Laurie Anderson's 'Speak', Kyoukai no Kanata, Wonder Egg Priority, and the Dark Academia aesthetic itself.
This was originally supposed to be a self-contained story, more of a moment in the cast's life than something that will affect them in the long run or be actively going through with time, until I decided to add it into a growing timeline of events alongside other IF's.
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casiopealistener · 1 year
Join the discord server for updates and other stuff about Hobie :https://discord.gg/UXqgQRSj
As soon as you stepped into the portal, you knew you wouldn't come out of it unscathed. Even with your hand tightly clasped in Hobie's, the swirling tube that surrounded you felt like a thrill ride from hell. It spun in every direction, making you move faster than a freaking airplane. If this didn't stop soon, you were about to unleash your dinner in a spectacular fashion. Despite the chaos, you managed to catch Hobie's whispered words in your ear.
"We're almost there, babe."
True to his word, a few seconds later, you landed on solid ground. Hobie stood tall and steady on his two feet, while you... well, you were sprawled out messily. He chuckled mockingly, extending a hand to help you up, which you swatted away with a glare. He laughed louder, feigning a wounded expression.
"Is that how it is?"
"Stop making fun of me!"
You pushed yourself up, facing him head-on. That annoying little smirk plastered on his face.
"You know I'll never stop," he said, his voice dripping with mischief.
As you regained your composure, a mixture of annoyance and amusement flickered across your face.
"Alright, Mr. Irresistible," you retorted, playfully rolling your eyes. "But remember, payback's a bitch."
Hobie chuckled, taking a step closer, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous glimmer. "I wouldn't expect anything less, darling. Bring it on."
At that very moment, a teenager who looked around 16 or 17 years old burst onto the scene, shouting, "Hobie!"
Hobie's face lit up with a beaming smile as he raised his hand in the air, inviting the young man to give him a high-five. "Miles! What brings you here, kiddo?"
"Just passing through," Miles replied casually. "Gwen's here too. But hey, what about you? It’s been a while since the last time we saw you here!"
Hobie playfully pointed a finger in your direction, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'm escorting this gorgeous lady to Miguel. Looks like we're about to add a fresh face to the Spider-Verse."
Miles finally noticed your presence and instantly went into a frenzy of apologies. "Oh, dang! My bad, I totally forgot to introduce myself! I'm Miles Morales, a.k.a. Spider-Man, just like... pretty much everyone here. So, you just became Spider-Woman, huh? How did you meet Hobie?" Miles asked, his curiosity piqued.
"Well, actually, we're from the same universe," you replied.
Miles furrowed his brows, turning his attention back to Hobie. "Wait a sec, is that even possible? Two Spiders in the same universe?"
"That's precisely our problem," Hobie chimed in. "But hey, we gotta go see the Big Guy now. Oh, and if you and Gwen are still around after we're done, we should totally hang out! It's been too long."
"Definitely! We could even invite Pavitr. What do you think?" Miles suggested.
"Perfect, kiddo. Catch you later," Hobie said, waving Miles goodbye as he headed in the opposite direction.
Curious, you turned to Hobie and asked, "Um, who was that?"
Hobie chuckled and gave a brief explanation. "Just some kid who messed around with the universes and caused us a whole lot of trouble.” Hobie said, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. “He's a real party for villains, that one."
"You’ve got issues, Hobie" you remarked.
He laughed, and you added, "And what about Gwen and Pavitr?"
"Gwen is a friend of mine, and probably Miles' girlfriend, even if they won't admit it. And Pavitr is another buddy. He's Indian. A bit quirky, super funny. I'm sure you'll like him."
"Hobie Brown actually has friends? No way," you teased.
You laughed at his utterly shocked expression. "Oh, how dare you, mademoiselle? Stabbing me like that after all I do for you? Wow, I am genuinely shocked right now."
He joined in your laughter, and you continued, "Well, I can't wait to meet them."
"Miss, how could you?" Hobie continued with mock indignation. "After all the pain and suffering endure for you. Truly shocking."
“C’mon, you know I’m kidding!”
They continued their journey through the Spider-Verse, encountering all sorts of different Spider-Men and Spider-Women along the way. It was pure magic for you. Never in your wildest dreams had you imagined witnessing something like this. Being friends with one Spider-Man was already incredible, but seeing a hundred of them in one place? It was beyond anything you could have fathomed.
Although, you had to admit, amidst the sea of spider-powered heroes, Hobie remained the epitome of coolness. Spider-Punk, with his unique costume, spiked hair, guitar slung over his shoulder, and rebellious attitude... It was hard to deny his undeniable charisma. But you couldn't let him know that. He'd take way too much pleasure in teasing you about it.
Finally, you reached the end of the vast corridor, and there, a little higher up, you deduced that the man meticulously examining files was none other than Miguel O'Hara. The moniker "Big Man" made perfect sense now. Hobie cleared his throat and called out to him:
"Yo! I've got something for you. I think you should come down for a sec."
Seeing that Miguel wasn't budging, Hobie repeated, his voice more serious this time, "It's important, man."
"Hobie, I don't have time to fix your messes. Ask Peter," Miguel responded, his attention still fixed on the files before him.
"I don't think he can do much about this. I'm talking about some serious interdimensional stuff here. The kind of stuff Miles messes with. The kind that seriously sucks."
Suddenly, Miguel appeared right in front of you. How did he move so fast?
"What's going on?" he demanded, his gaze fixed on Hobie with an intensely dark and piercing stare.
"Well, hello to you too, Miguel..." Hobie tried to keep up his playful demeanor, but the gravity of Miguel's gaze caused him to abandon the joke.
"Alright, here's the deal. This young lady here is a brand new Spider-Woman. She got bitten just tonight. The problem is, we come from the same universe. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's never been two Spiders in the same universe at the same time. What do you think?" Hobie explained, looking at Miguel expectantly.
Miguel scrutinized you from head to toe, his brows furrowed and a stern, intimidating expression on his face. He then turned back to his elevated desk without uttering a word. Confused, you glanced at Hobie, and he simply shrugged, letting out a sigh.
Miguel's fingers danced across the floating screen in front of him, and suddenly, you saw a picture of yourself and your personal information displayed. He approached you both and declared, "Well, I think I know what's happened. Hobie, do you remember Miles' story? The spider that bit him came from another universe. However, since the previous Spider-Man of his universe had just died, he took his place. That's why he was alone. You two, on the other hand, there are two of you. You were bitten by a spider from a different universe. And since Hobie didn't die, you both instantly realized there was a problem."
He had figured all of that out… in a matter of seconds?
"So... are you asking me to kill myself?" Hobie joked, but his words fell silent as he saw the dark look in Miguel's eyes. "I was just kidding... So, what does this mean? Is it that serious?"
"It depends on the reason behind the spider's arrival in your universe. If it's the same situation as Miles, then we're in trouble. Otherwise, I suppose it'll be possible for you two to cooperate and become a duo. For now, I'll give your friend a watch, and we'll keep a close eye on what's happening in your universe. At the slightest hint of something suspicious, we'll be there."
"I'll take care of the watch!" Hobie exclaimed, as you noticed a piece of torn metal in his pocket. What on earth...
"I don't even want to know," Miguel retorted. "Just don't break anything."
"Don't worry!" Hobie replied with a mischievous smirk. And even after leaving that place, his smirk remained intact. You didn't notice him discreetly detaching some parts from various machines in the headquarters.
You returned to Miles, who was accompanied by a young woman with a unique hairstyle and an eyebrow piercing. As soon as she saw Hobie, she rushed into his arms.
"Hobie, finally!" she exclaimed.
He returned the embrace, laughing. "Hey, girlie! What's up?"
She stepped back in front of him and replied, "I honestly thought Miles was lying when he said you were back. What are you doing here?"
"I'm accompanying my lovely Spider-Woman on a tour of the wonders of the Spider-Verse," he replied.
The nickname caught you off guard, but it was just Hobie. It didn't mean anything.
"Hey! Miles told me about you too. I love your piercings, they're so cool ! So, another universe anomaly, huh? It must be cool to be with Hobie when stuff like this happens," she said, laughing, and you quickly joined in.
"Let's just say he has a knack for attracting trouble. But you probably already know that," you said.
"Yeah, I've had a taste of it already. Anyway, just know that if you need anything, especially being a Spider-Woman, I’m here to help. And I mean it. We're pretty rare around here.
So if this toxic masculinity around there starts getting to you, just call me with the watch you should receive soon, and I'll come to your rescue in a heartbeat," she said.
You thanked her with a warm smile. She seemed genuinely kind, although strangely, seeing her in Hobie's arms had caused a twinge in your heart. Well, it was probably just a side effect of the spider bite. After all, anything was possible. But it wasn't a big deal, no need to worry.
"Alright, where's Pavitr?" Hobie asked.
"We'd love to know. Probably off making out with his girlfriend in his universe. We tried calling him several times, but his watch is off," Miles explained.
Hobie seemed to ponder for a moment, then grinned devilishly and turned to everyone. You didn't like that grin at all.
"Hobie, whatever you're thinking, it's a bad idea," you said.
"Oh, but I think it's a great idea. Guys, why don't we pay a visit to Pavitr? It'll bring back some memories," Hobie suggested.
Miles seemed immediately on board with the idea, but Gwen appeared more hesitant.
"Hobie, you know we shouldn't disrupt the balance of the universes..." she said.
"C'mon, Gwen! Everything will be fine as long as we keep our watches. We've done this thousands of times before. Remember all our missions together in different universes? It always went well. Come on, it'll be fun!" Hobie insisted.
"Fine... but if anything goes wrong, I'm blaming you, and I don't really want to be yelled at by Miguel. Well, not under these circumstances, at least," Gwen replied.
"What's that supposed to mean exactly?" Miles asked, looking concerned.
"Nothing of your concern."
Hobie laughed and urged everyone to move forward.
"Alright, let's go. Let's find a more discreet spot to do this first," he said.
He led everyone to a secluded area without anyone around.
"Alright, here we go!" Hobie entered some completely incomprehensible information for you in his watch, then pressed a button that, like before, opened a portal between universes. Miles and Gwen immediately rushed inside, but you were a little scared of this portal of doom...
Hobie noticed and extended his hand towards you, smiling.
"I won't let go," he reassured you.
You smiled back and held his hand tightly. And off you went, once again, through those strange, colorful tunnels. Hoping with all your heart that it would stop soon. But at the same time, the warmth of Hobie's hand in yours was rather pleasant. So, in a way... maybe it could last a long time without any problems.
The trip finally came to a halt, and with a pang in your heart, you reluctantly released your hand from Hobie's grip. As you looked up, a breathtaking sight unfolded before you.
A kaleidoscope of colors painted the scene, but it was the chaotic mix of vehicles that stole the show. Cars, buses, motorcycles, vans, and bicycles swarmed the streets, creating a vibrant tapestry of movement and sound.
"Where are we...?" you began, unable to contain your awe.
"Welcome to Mumbai, love!" Hobie exclaimed with a grin.
"Wait, what? We're in India?" you asked, a mix of surprise and excitement coursing through you.
"Yep, that's right! I did mention he's Indian," Hobie replied with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“Yeah, but I didn’t think we’d… actually go there.”
You gazed around, captivated by the new surroundings. While you had traveled to a few countries before, India was an unexpected destination. The liveliness, the colors, the energy—it was a sensory overload that filled you with joy. A wide smile spread across your face, reflecting the sheer delight you felt.
"I knew you'd like it," Hobie commented, his own smile matching yours as he met your gaze.
Miles and Gwen seemed to have already dashed off, undoubtedly in search of their friend. Feeling a slight flutter in your chest from Hobie's lingering gaze, you cleared your throat and averted your eyes.
"It's beautiful. So, when do I get to meet this famous Indian guy?" you asked, eager to make his acquaintance.
"In just a sec, princess," Hobie replied, his enthusiasm palpable.
With agile grace, he effortlessly swung from one building to another, momentarily forgetting that you couldn't replicate his acrobatics. But you knew that in time, you would learn and adapt. It was all part of your journey.
Suddenly, Gwen and Miles returned, accompanied by a Spider-Man. A Spider-Man who wasn’t Hobie. A Spider-Man who was unmistakably Pavitr Prabhakar. They came to a landing right beside you on the rooftop of the building where the portal had brought you. The boy was buzzing with excitement to meet you.
"So, it's you, huh? Finally get to put a face to all the hype!" he exclaimed.
"Do we… know each other?" you asked, a little confused.
"I know you. Hobie's been singing your praises forever!" he replied, bubbling with enthusiasm.
Just then, Hobie swung back into view, giving Pavitr a solid high-five.
"Reunited at last! Man, I missed you!" he said.
They started cracking jokes and sharing stories, speaking in a language you couldn't quite decipher, but it was still a joy to witness their tight bond. It hit you that this was the first time you'd seen Hobie interact with someone who wasn't you. In your universe, you were his one and only friend. Not out of obligation, but by choice. Hobie wasn't exactly a people person, so you felt honored to be part of his inner circle. It also felt weird because he didn't act the same way with others as he did with you. Less touchy-feely, less flirty, almost... like a regular person. Well, maybe it was because you had the same attitude as him.
Finally, Pavitr remembered your presence and turned to you.
"My bad for spacing out! What were we talking about again?" he asked.
You figured it was time to give Hobie a little grief, sporting a smile as you said, "Oh, just discussing how long Hobie's been yapping about me."
Hobie turned to Pavitr. "Dude..."
Pavitr chuckled, then added, "Oh yeah, that! I've been itching to meet you for ages, with all the wild tales Hobie's been spinning! I can already confirm one thing he got right—you look very cool!"
"Aw, thanks! I love your costume! Though, can't say the same because Hobie never talks about his friends. But I bet he'd say the same about you if he did," you replied.
Pavitr glanced at his friend, hand over his heart.
"Whoa, so that's all I am to you, bro? You don't even mention your best friend to the girl you spend the most time with? Thought we had a tight bond... But I guess you're just like everyone else," Pavitr teased, playfully taking a jab.
Hobie chuckled, a mix of amusement and embarrassment after what Pavitr said about him to you, and fired back, "You know I can't spill the beans on the other Spider-Men to someone who ain't in the club. Besides, it ain't even an issue no more, now that she's one of us. And seriously, don't you ever dare say I'm like everyone else."
"No accepting that excuse, my man. Since when do you play by the rules?" Pavitr retorted.
"Since I don't want the spider feds snatching her up 'cause she knows too much about us, genius. She wasn't even supposed to know I'm a spider!" Hobie shot back, getting a little too into the debate.
Seeing Hobie getting all worked up, you jumped in, "Alright, alright. How about we hit the road and explore? Pavitr, would you mind showing me around? It's my first time here, and I’d really like to see everything."
Pavitr instantly forgot about Hobie, turning to you with a spring in his step.
"Hell yeah, beauty! Hop on."
"Hop on?" you questioned. He spun around, pointing at his back. Oh, he wanted you to ride piggyback on him, using his spider webs for transportation. Without a word, you complied, while someone else seemed utterly appalled.
"Seriously?" Hobie muttered.
You laughed in Hobie's face, who usually played the role of... transportation when you traveled together. He begrudgingly followed along, alongside Miles and Gwen, who were engaged in their own adorable banter and laughter. From the perch on the Indian boy's back, you had an even better view—a vivid tapestry of sights, the street vendors enticing with local cuisine, the bustling crowd animatedly chatting, shouting, and strolling, the laughter and merriment, the free-roaming animals mingling among the people, the multi-tiered houses, the charming little shops... You wished this adventure would never end.
They all decided to head to a bustling café, filled with vibrant colors, aromatic spices, and the sounds of lively chatter. Gwen and Miles sat close to each other, and Hobie, true to his nature, found a way to inject his flirty and teasing remarks into the conversation, directed directly at you.
As they settled into their seats, you and Pavitr found yourselves sitting next to each other. You exchanged curious glances, intrigued to learn more about one another. Pavitr, with his charming smile, initiated the conversation.
"So, what's your deal, chica? How'd you end up tangled with our friendly neighborhood Spider-People?" Pavitr asked, leaning back casually.
You smirked, playfully returning the question, "Well, I could ask you the same thing, Spider-Dude. How'd you wind up here?"
Pavitr chuckled, leaning in closer. "Oh, it's a long story. Let's just say, when destiny calls, I don't ignore it. And trust me, it's been quite a ride."
Hobie, overhearing their conversation, interjected, "Ain't that the truth! This guy here has more stories than a comic book store."
Pavitr shot Hobie a mock glare, then turned back to the girl. "Don't listen to him. He's just jealous that my adventures are way cooler than his."
Hobie raised an eyebrow. "Jealous? Nah, I've got my own flair. But hey, if you two are gonna compete, at least make it interesting."
Gwen chimed in, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "Oh, I love a good competition. What do you say, guys? Who can come up with the funniest Spider-Man moment?"
Miles perked up, excited to join in. "Yeah! Let's do this. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."
The café patrons glanced over at their table, intrigued by the lively group of Spider-People engrossed in their banter. You couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all.
"Only in the Spider-Verse would you find a group like ours having a contest over who's the most spectacular Spider-Man," you exclaimed, shaking your head in disbelief.
Pavitr grinned, leaning closer to you. "That's what makes it fun, chica. We're a unique bunch, from different universes but brought together by the spider-threads of fate."
Hobie, unable to resist the opportunity for a clever remark, quipped, "Yeah, and I'm pretty sure I'm the one weaving those threads."
Gwen rolled her eyes, playfully smacking Hobie's arm. "Dream on, Hobie. The real fun starts when we swap stories and realize how similar we all are. And hey, maybe we'll even learn something from each other."
As their laughter echoed through the café, the Spider-People settled in, weaving together their stories, their experiences, and their unique perspectives. First, it was Miles : he found himself caught in a sticky situation when he accidentally webbed himself to a lamppost while trying to stop a purse snatcher. As he struggled to break free, a group of pigeons mistook him for a human perch. It took some creative maneuvering and a lot of embarrassing bird droppings to finally escape the feathered frenzy.
Then, during a battle with a group of bumbling bank robbers, Pavitr's web-shooters malfunctioned, resulting in a webbing mishap. Instead of shooting strong, sticky webs, they sprayed silly string all over the criminals, turning the serious confrontation into a ridiculous, colorful mess. The villains couldn't help but burst into laughter, allowing the Spider to apprehend them easily.
Gwen attempted to deliver pizzas across the city to make some extra cash. However, her superhuman agility and webs caused more chaos than efficiency. She accidentally flung pizzas onto rooftops, tangled them in power lines, and even webbed a pizza to a passing bird. The customers were amused, and the pizza shop owner ended up giving Spider- Woman a lifetime supply of free pizza as compensation for the hilarious mishaps.
Finally, Dance-Off with the Villains: Hobie found himself in a bizarre showdown when a group of villains challenged him to a dance-off instead of a typical battle. With his signature acrobatic moves, he showcased some unexpected dance skills, surprising both the villains and onlookers. The showdown turned into a lively street dance party, with even the villains unable to resist joining in on the fun.
Listening to them recount their adventures filled you with longing. Suddenly, you had an overwhelming urge to become a true Spider-Woman and embark on thrilling escapades. But, of course, you needed to start by mastering your newfound abilities. Leaning in towards your new friends, you inquired, "So, I've got a question. How does one become Spider-Man exactly? I mean, how does it all go down? How do you make it official?"
"For the official part, it's a piece of cake," Gwen replied with a smirk. "Just swing around the city, saving a couple of people here and there, and soon enough, everyone will be talking about you."
"And when it comes to learning the ropes, no worries, darling. That's what I'm here for," added Hobie nonchalantly.
"Alright, Spider-Punk, tell me your secrets. How do you plan to make it happen? I don't even have a costume. Or any gear. Or a name. Basically, I'm empty-handed," you retorted playfully.
"Well, actually, correction time. Drumroll, please!" Hobie extended his hand, revealing a gadget. "Behold, your gear. Your very own watch, connecting you to the Spider-Verse."
"Wait, where did you get that? Who handed it to you?" you asked, puzzled.
He chuckled mischievously. "Made it myself, babe. No biggie."
"Huh? Seriously?" you persisted, wanting to know more.
"You know me, always got some tricks up my sleeve," Hobie replied, shooting you a wink.
With a sigh, you surrendered and donned the oversized watch on your wrist. Inconspicuous? Not so much. Instantly, a holographic interface materialized in the air, displaying your personal details: name, address, age, spider number, and a myriad of other information. To be honest, it was a bit scary.
"Now that you've got that, what do you say we head back home and start training?" Hobie suggested.
"Already? No way! Stay a little longer! We've just reunited!" Pavitr protested. "Plus, it's not fair to hog her all to yourself. I want to hang out with her too!"
He was referring to you, and it brought a smile to your face. Assuring them, you said, "Don't worry, we'll be back soon. Just as soon as I'm ready."
Pavitr mulled it over for a moment before nodding, accompanied by a sigh. Once again, you hopped on Pavitr's back for the return journey, much to Hobie's chagrin. The goodbyes were swift but tinged with the promise of a reunion. You knew that your paths would cross again soon. It all depended on your dedication, and you were brimming with determination.
Finally back home, after braving those hellish tunnels, you collapsed onto the couch. Hobie, who had followed you here and naturally invited himself in, looked at you with a defeated expression.
"What do you think you're doin' here?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"What do you mean, what am I doing? I'm resting. Maybe it's just another night for you, but personally, I'm not accustomed to interdimensional travel in the middle of the night."
Indeed, even though it was still daylight in Mumbai, it was as dark as when you had left here.
"And what about our trainin’?" Hobie inquired.
"Hobie, I'm sleeping. Shut it," you replied with a tired murmur.
He laughed and shook you.
"Come on, we gotta train!"
You freed yourself from his grasp and whispered wearily, "Tomorrow..."
"Why wait till tomorrow when we can do it now? Nighttime's always the prime time!" he insisted, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Are we still talking about training?" you asked with a smile.
"You'd like us to talk about something else, huh?" he retorted, sporting the same smile.
After giving him a playful tap on the head, you made your way to your room, closing the door in his face. You heard him take off his clunky shoes and flop onto the couch. He would probably spend the night here, as he often did. Even though you never explicitly told him, it didn't bother you that he spent so much time at your place. It was actually quite comforting, especially at night. Well, he wasn't just anyone; he was Spider-Punk. But... he was also Hobie. Drifting off to sleep, the distant sound of the television accompanied your thoughts, imagining your friend peacefully dozing in front of it, most likely still fully dressed in his tight jeans. A smile lingered on your lips, mirroring his.
The next morning, unfortunately, it wasn't the gentle morning sun that woke you up. It was the cacophony erupting in your kitchen. Also known as Hobie attempting to cook. Goodness, you had no idea what to expect, but you knew you were about to enter a nameless chaos. You emerged from your room without paying much attention to your appearance so early in the morning.
Hobie was standing in the kitchen, preparing what seemed to be eggs. There were wrappers everywhere, the television blaring, and the blanket he must have used during the night lying on the floor. Noise, agitation, colors. Just the way you liked it.
And, seriously, it wasn't fair. How could Hobie look so good even in the morning? He probably woke up not too long ago, yet he was already radiating. His hair perfectly in place, eyes wide open, silver piercings gleaming, clothes appearing impeccably clean... while you most likely had messy hair, enormous bags under your eyes, and an old, wrinkled t-shirt you had slept in.
However, as soon as he spotted you, his entire being lit up as if you were the eighth wonder of the world.
"Hey there, sunshine! Slept well?" he greeted.
"I think so... What's all this about, exactly?" you said, pointing at the mess he had created.
"That, young lady, is the fuel you'll need to be at your best during trainin’."
"Wow, all this for me? Might as well propose to me right away. It'd be quicker," you teased.
He laughed, though he tried to hide his face a bit.
"I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit longer for that."
"You'll probably replace me with another girl eventually, like everyone else," you said playfully.
“Enough with everyone sayin' I'm like everyone else! What's with y’all? And you know damn well you're irreplaceable to me, darlin'," he affirmed, winking to emphasize his words.
"Um, yeah, whatever," you replied dismissively.
He handed you a full plate, tilting his head and declaring, "For my amazing Spider-Woman."
"Actually... I came up with a name last night.”
He waited for you to continue, staring at you in the eyes.
“What do you think of Spider-Veil?"
"Ohh, I love it!! That’d be so cool!! Do you have any ideas for a costume to go with it?"
"More or less. I'll figure that out later."
"I could help you if you want. I made mine myself. Well, you don’t have to, but..."
"I'd love that," you replied with a warm smile.
"Okay, great. Perfect. Let's do that. Well, finish eating, and we're off, my Spider-Veil."
My... Well, no time to dwell on insignificant details. Those eggs were actually amazing, even if you’d never tell Hobie. He’d take too much pleasure in your praise, and we was already proud enough as it was. You hurriedly devoured your plate, Hobie doing the same, then turned to him, realizing something.
"Wait, where do you plan to train me? Is there some kind of dedicated room in the HQ?"
"A room?" he laughed. "Nah, not really. We're going to do it on the rooftops."
The rooftops? The rooftops... Of course, the rooftops... It was Hobie, after all. What did you expect? Well, this day held promise... you wondered if you would make it through in one piece. Or if you would make it back at all, for that matter.
On the rooftops, the urban landscape sprawled out before you, a maze of buildings and alleyways stretching into the distance. The wind tousled your hair as you and Hobie stood side by side, ready for your training session. It was still pretty early in the morning, so you got to see the sunrise, which you had to admit was beautiful from where you were. It maybe was not such a bad idea, after all. Hobie wore his signature leather jacket, the spikes and studs reflecting the sunlight, while you sported a makeshift outfit that blended comfort and flexibility.
"Alright, love, listen up," Hobie began, his voice carrying an air of authority. "First lesson of the day: mastering your web-slinging skills."
He pulled out a pair of web-shooters, showcasing the sleek design and intricate mechanisms.
"Now, watch closely," he instructed, his movements swift and fluid. He demonstrated the proper technique, shooting webs into the distance, each strand attaching to a nearby building.
"Your turn," he said, handing you a pair of web-shooters.
You took a deep breath, your heart pounding with anticipation. With a flick of your wrists, the web-shooters sprung to life, and you aimed at a nearby lamppost. After a moment of hesitation, you released the web fluid, watching as the strand shot out, wrapping around the lamppost and holding strong. You were actually proud of that. That was your very first intentional Spider-move, after all.
"Yes! That's it, Spider-Veil!" Hobie cheered, a proud grin on his face. "Now, let's work on your agility."
He guided you through a series of intense acrobatic exercises, leaping from one rooftop to another, balancing on narrow ledges, and executing impressive flips and spins. With each leap and bound, you felt a surge of exhilaration, the adrenaline coursing through your veins. You didn’t know how you were doing all of this, but you didn’t even try to find out. You never felt freer before. And since when could Hobie do all of that? You already saw him fight some villains a couple times, but it was nothing compared to what was happening in front of you now. You had to admit you underestimated him.
His encouraging shouts echoed in your ears, spurring you on to push your limits. He challenged you to move faster, jump higher, and react quicker. And with each challenge, you surpassed your own expectations, surprising even yourself. You were determined to be a better Spider than him, no matter what it would take.
As the training session progressed, Hobie introduced combat techniques, teaching you how to utilize your newfound agility in a fight. He demonstrated various punches, kicks, and defensive maneuvers, emphasizing the importance of speed, precision, and adapting to different opponents.
You engaged in mock battles, exchanging blows with Hobie, testing your reflexes and honing your combat instincts. The rhythmic sound of fists meeting air filled the rooftop, accompanied by your shared laughter and banter.
Hobie's training style was unconventional yet effective. He pushed you to your limits, yet always made sure you felt supported and encouraged. His words of guidance echoed in your mind, motivating you to dig deeper and unlock your full potential.
He cracked his knuckles, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Alright, love, time to put your skills to the test. Get ready for some real combat."
A playful smirk danced on your lips as you assumed a defensive stance. The air crackled with anticipation, an electric energy enveloping the rooftop. You locked eyes with Hobie, the unspoken challenge hanging between you, both eager to showcase your abilities.
With lightning speed, Hobie lunged forward, aiming a swift kick toward your side. You swiftly dodged, spinning away from his attack with a graceful backflip. The wind whistled through your hair as you landed, a confident smile playing on your face.
"Not bad, Spider-Punk," you teased, your voice laced with a hint of flirtation. "But you'll have to try harder than that to catch me."
Hobie chuckled, a mix of amusement and determination in his eyes. "Oh, I intend to, Spider-Veil. Brace yourself."
The rooftop became your dance floor, as you engaged in a mesmerizing display of acrobatics and combat skills. Each move was a calculated maneuver, a testament to your agility and reflexes. You traded blows, each strike resonating with a resounding thud, a symphony of movement and adrenaline.
As your bodies intertwined in the rhythm of battle, a playful banter flowed between you. Quips and jests accompanied each feint and strike, the tension between you tinged with a magnetic chemistry.
"You're fast, but can you keep up?" Hobie taunted, a glimmer of challenge in his eyes.
"I'm just getting started," you retorted, a playful wink accentuating your words.
The rooftop transformed into your shared playground, a canvas for your dynamic fighting styles. Hobie's moves were a blend of raw power and finesse, each punch and kick executed with precision. Meanwhile, your agility allowed you to weave effortlessly through his attacks, retaliating with lightning-fast strikes of your own. As the battle intensified, a flirty energy crackled in the air. The close proximity between you heightened the anticipation, the adrenaline fueling the fire that burned between two kindred souls.
"You fight pretty well, love," Hobie complimented, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "But can you handle this?"
In a dazzling display of skill, Hobie executed a series of intricate flips and spins, his movements fluid and captivating. It was as if he moved with the grace and agility of a seasoned dancer, his every motion a tantalizing invitation.
You met his challenge head-on, mirroring his elegant maneuvers with a touch of your own flair. The rooftop became a stage, the battle a captivating performance, and the unspoken chemistry between you intensified with every graceful step.
The ebb and flow of the fight mirrored the dance of two souls entwined. There were moments of close proximity, where you could feel the heat of each other's breath, and electric tension crackled like lightning between you. It was a game, a dance of desire and playful flirtation, each move a seductive invitation.
But amidst the exhilaration and playful banter, there was an unspoken trust and respect. You knew that behind the flirtatious facade, Hobie had your back, just as you had his.
Together, you were a force to be reckoned with, a dynamic duo that complemented each other in every way.
As the battle came to a close, a mutual understanding passed between you. You had tested each other's limits, pushing yourselves to new heights.
You didn’t even realize you just spent the entire day here. As the sun began to set, casting a warm golden glow over the city, Hobie called for a break. You both sat at the edge of the rooftop, catching your breath and admiring the panoramic view.
"You're doin' amazing, Spider-Veil," Hobie said, his voice filled with genuine pride. "I knew you had it in you."
"Thanks, Hobie," you replied, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction in your voice. "I couldn't have done it without your guidance."
He smiled warmly, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of friendship and admiration.
"That's what friends are for, right? Now, let's rest up…
You and Hobie made your way back home, the exhaustion starting to settle in. Yet, the excitement and the sparks of the fight still lingered in the air, infusing the atmosphere with a playful energy. You were both so tired you even forgot to eat.
As you entered the familiar comfort of your space, a mix of exhaustion and adrenaline fueled your interactions. Hobie's playful nature took over, his eyes gleaming mischievously as he looked at you.
"Phew, that was one intense workout, wasn’t it? You held your own up there," he complimented, a hint of admiration in his voice.
You grinned, playfully swatting at him. "Well, I had a good teacher, didn't I? You definitely pushed me to my limits."
Hobie laughed, the sound filling the room with warmth. "That's what partners do, isn't it? Push each other to be better."
The exhaustion tugged at your limbs, but the playful banter between you kept the weariness at bay. You found yourselves engaged in a game of light-hearted teasing, each remark laced with a flirtatious undertone.
As you both lounged on the couch, the day's events melted into a blur of laughter and shared secrets. Hobie's fingers traced patterns on the back of your hand, a gentle touch that sent shivers down your spine.
"So, love, any thoughts on the costume we talked about earlier? I'm curious to see what you come up with," he said, his tone tinged with genuine interest.
You tilted your head, pretending to ponder his question. "Hmm, I might need your expert fashion advice. After all, you're the one who made his own killer suit."
Hobie feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart dramatically. "Hey now, no need to belittle my fashion prowess. But I'd be more than happy to lend you a hand. We'll make you look even more amazing than you already do."
A playful glint danced in your eyes as you leaned closer, your voices lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "Is that even possible, Hobs? I thought I already had you under my spell."
Hobie chuckled, his voice dropping to match yours. "Oh, you definitely have me captivated, hun. But a little costume fashioning never hurts, right?"
The air crackled with a mix of excitement and unspoken tension as your eyes locked. In that moment, the playful banter faded, replaced by a shared understanding. The connection between you deepened, and the line between friendship and something more blurred.
However, the exhaustion began to take its toll, and the need for rest started to outweigh the desire for continued playfulness. With a contented sigh, you leaned your head against Hobie's shoulder, finding solace in his presence.
"We should probably get some sleep. Can't save the world on an empty tank," you murmured, your words laced with genuine fondness.
Hobie's arm wrapped around you, pulling you closer. "You're right, love. We'll continue our adventures in dreamland tonight. But remember, tomorrow's another day for us to conquer the world together."
As you both settled in for the night, the teasing and flirting transformed into a shared warmth and comfort. With a soft smile, you closed your eyes, feeling the gentle rise and fall of Hobie's chest against your back.
In the hushed silence of the room, the echoes of laughter and playful banter whispered their way into your dreams. And as sleep claimed you, the promise of a new day and the thrilling possibility of what lay ahead lingered in your thoughts, intertwining with the warmth of Hobie's presence.
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veritasislehq · 1 year
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whilst the island danced the night away ...
The night of the masquerade was going smoothly. Everyone in attendance seemingly enjoying themselves. Sure, the occasional quarreling was overheard but that's to be expected when drinks are flowing from an open bar. What most attendees were unaware of was the stirring on the other side of the island. See, nestled at the tip on the edge of Ravenwyck is what appears to be a cozy lighthouse. The lighthouse is home to an ancient wixen who has kept their eyes glued on the prisoners of The Forgotten Isle since its start. Through ancient spells and charms, she along with a few others ensure that no one escapes. There's only been one incident that resulted in a painful death, resulting in none trying since. Unfortunately, whilst the rest of the island is enjoying themselves, a bubbling from inside the mountain of Midnight Labriynth stirred resulting in those thought dead floating to the surface. Ghosts and ghouls were silently making their way across the island, some causing mischief, others filled with confusion. A small group of ghouls led by the aforementioned prisoner made their way to the lighthouse, taking the guards and the ancient wixen by surprise and killing them resulting in most the warding spells failing and prisoners easily making an escape. Once word hit the council members at the masquerade, it was too late to stop things from escalating beyond repair. Acting fast, perhaps somewhat ill-advised, with help of a few powerful magic wielding beings they put the ball under lockdown. Those able to, with power left to see what they could do to calm the situation whilst the rest slowly started splitting attendees into groups until eventually all were split up, some with familiar faces, others not so lucky. Still, few knew what was actually happening, is keeping thousands of supernatural beings mixed with humans in the dark admist chaos truly the answer? There's truly only one way to find out.
Out Of Character Details: The music has stopped, the ball has come to an end, and attendees have been split into groups in hopes to better control the masses. It's possible that one or two have managed to slip out, but the majority are now under lockdown until things are under control.
ghosts are now an available species. more info can be found here. escaped prisoners can also be applied for, though at the moment we'll only be allowing one per mun.
in order to keep us from confusing the dash event threads from new ones, we've decided to test out Discord as we find it can be easier with group threads. Everyone will have access to all the groups as it is quite fun to be able to read what everyone is up to during the event! A Tupperbox tutorial will be shared on the resource blog and in the server, though the admins will also be around for any questions!
The groups have been randomized, and we've done our best to ensure muns don't have more than one character in a single group, but unfortunately for some we had to double up. You can find it below, under the cut.
Group 1 - Basement 
ryland shao ( keanu reeves )  easton jesse allen ( josh heuston )  xiao longwei ( kuang tian )  safieh nassar ( yasmine al-bustami )  scarlett barlow ( lisa ann walter )  
Group 2 - Master Bathroom 
onyx coldwell ( gabriel guevara )  silas sanguis ( pedro pascal )  alisa ( wakeema hollis )  rory sylliboy ( drew ray tanner )  weston porter ( thomas weatherall )  li na shao ( simone kessell )
Group 3 - Recreation Office 
delphine ren ( havana rose liu )  fujita kenji ( mackenyu arata )   rhiannon ( natasha liu bordizzo )  lucien greenwood ( elias kacavas )  omari jackson ( mason gooding ) 
Group 4 - Meeting Room 3 
basilton huang ( lewis tan )  cordelia coldwell ( catherine zeta-jones )  cian moore ( fin argus ) ari tiernan o'cléirigh ( robert sheehan )  defne karahan ( aslihan malbora )  christian “kit” silvestre ( casey deidrick )
Group 5 - Reception 
emrys abbott ( adam dimarco )  stefan benitez ( harvey guillen )  ember silverton ( maia mitchell )  alwyn locklyn ( morgan davies )  river silverton ( joshua orpin )   nazario veres ( taylor zakhar perez )
Group 6 - Meeting Room 1 
cleo santos ( devery jacobs )  dorian marias ( lakeith stanfield )  soren ardelean ( logan lerman )  celeste hotland ( florence pugh )  alaric golitsyn ( nicholas galitzine )  sapphire zhou ( poppy liu )
Group 7 - Corridor 1 
mateo luna marin ( saak )  julian santiago ( oscar isaac )  marcel nkusi ( ncuti gatwa )  micaela “kai” silvestre ( ursula corbero )  zane xiao santos ( charles michael davis )
Group 8 - Corridor 4
atlas perez ( omar rudberg )  zahra osman ( aiysha hart )  dustin nieves ( froy gutierrez )  magnus katiyo ( rege-jean page )  asterion valphyr ( adam demos )  dawson porter ( skeet ulrich )
Group 9 - Kitchen
chainika giri ( amita suman )  fujita ryu ( ryan potter )  adriana sanguis ( stefania spampinato )  elvira santos ( bruna marquezine )  mahsuri wan ( michelle yeoh ) 
Group 10 - Garbage Room 
mateo luna marin ( saak )  amethyst ( greta onieogou )  obsidian kincaid coldwell ( thomas doherty )  roisin balfe ( morfydd clark )  rowan reyes ( vico ortiz )
Group 11 - Library 
kaveri natarajan ( simone ashley )  neo marin ( lizeth selene )  ever solano ( mason alexander park )  julian santiago ( oscar isaac )  marcel nkusi ( ncuti gatwa ) 
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gatekeeper-watchman · 2 months
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Daily Devotionals for July 19, 2024 
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 21:3-4 (KJV): 3 To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the LORD than sacrifice. 4 An high look, and a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked, is sin. Proverbs 21:3-4 (AMP): 3 To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. 4 Haughtiness of eyes and a proud heart, even the tillage of the wicked or the lamp of joy to them, (whatever it may be) is sin (in the eyes of God).
Thought for the Day
Verse 3 - Living consistently with integrity toward God and our fellowman pleases God more than an occasional sacrifice with fasting or giving up something important. It is not easy to live a disciplined life. Our human nature is such that we tend to become slack in doing what we should. God desires to lead us into a lifestyle of righteousness that is not erratic.
Sometimes we think outward actions, such as good works, giving tithes and offerings, etc, are sufficient to please God. God, however, desires a relationship with us. Sacrifices may help us live unselfishly and uprightly before God, but they should not be motivated by a desire to pacify Him or to earn His love. They should be the natural results of loving Him and walking in faith and obedience with Him. "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone" (Matthew 23:23).
Verse 4 - Pride causes a man to feel that he is above others, thus looking down on them, revealing that he considers himself superior to them. Earlier in Proverbs, we found a list of seven things that are an abomination to God. A proud look heads the list: "These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood. A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren" (Proverbs 6:16-19). God resists the pride and exhorts us to humble ourselves before Him. "...God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you ...Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up" (James 4:6-7).
Where the King James reads "plowing" in verse 4, the Amplified Bible reads "tillage or lamp of joy." The good things in this world, like food (tillage) and entertainment (lamp of joy), can become stumbling blocks for us if we do not honor God in them. God made these things for us to enjoy. However, if we pursue them with our time and money so that we have little time to spend with God or to do His will, they become sins to us. Jesus said that if we seek first His kingdom and righteousness, all those things would be added unto us (Matthew 6:31-33). Pride in any form will cause us to sin and set us up for a fall. "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever" (1 John 2:16-17).
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Dear heavenly Father, I am thankful that You have always supplied all of my needs. Help me to always trust You and not to worry about having a supply of food and clothes and the other things that I need in this world, but to just seek You and Your will daily in my life. Lord, I want to be more concerned about having a pure heart in Your sight than any material thing. Lord, I humble myself in Your sight and ask You to remove all pride and critical attitudes from my heart. Give me a heart of mercy and love for others and most of all, I want to always love You and follow You in all things. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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empathyxsunset · 2 years
Just some cliff notes for my Persona Verse
Twilight and Sunset are both wildcard with the latter awakening to her first power.
Sunset Shimmer’s velvet room is a throne room with a round table.
Igor sits on a throne whilst Sunset Shimmer’s attendant sits on the side of him.
There are several stained glassed which are blank until certain conditions are fulfilled, then they are replaced of imagery of the past.
Sunset Shimmer is summoned to the velvet room every time an arc is completed.
ARC 1 - Sunset Shimmer and Eris + Twilight repairs Luna and Celestia’s bond. ARC 2 - The Sirens and Sunset awaken to Clementia ARC 3 - Twilight’s Shadow is formed after Twilight loses Circe from all the stress but Sunset defeats Twilight’s shadow and helps her regain her persona. ARC 4 - The group fight against Gaia and defeat her. ARC 5 - Forgotten Friendship (Sunset Shimmer repair her bond with Celestia) + Twilight gains Harmonia which allows her to defeat Discord. Fluttershy befriends Discord. ARC 6 - Timeloop (Time Twirler)
ARC 7 - Sunset Shimmer fuse Eris and Clementia to defeat Grogar + hospitalized temporarily due to injuries and exhausting herself
Twilight Sparkle - Circe / Harmonia -  Goddess of magic  / Goddess of harmony and concord Sunset Shimmer - Eris / Clementia  -  Goddess of strife and discord  / goddess of clemency, leniency, mercy, forgiveness, penance, redemption, absolution and salvation Rarity - Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty and married to Hephaestus. Pinkie Pie - Até - Goddess of mischief, delusion, ruin, and folly. Applejack - Demeter - Goddess of agriculture, fertility, sacred law and the harvest. Fluttershy - Cybele -  Goddess of caverns, mountains, nature and wild animals. Rainbow Dash - Iris - Goddess of the rainbow and messenger of Hera Celestia -  Helios -  personification of the sun Luna - Selene - personification of the moon
The Rainbooms
Twilight Sparkle - Nuclear / Bless + Wildcard Fluttershy - Ice Spells + Mainly support Pinkie Pie - Psy Spells + Glass Cannon Applejack - Lighting spells + Tank Rarity - Support Rainbow Dash - Wind spells + Heavy Hitter Sunset Shimmer - Fire / Curse + Wildcard
Sunset’s bonds
0. Fool Arcana - Twilight Sparkle I. Magician Arcana - Flash Sentry II. Priestess Arcana - Cadance III. Empress Arcana - Luna IV. Emperor Arcana - Shining Armor V. Hierophant Arcana - Celestia VI. Lovers Arcana - Rarity VII. Chariot Arcana - Rainbow Dash VIII. Justice Arcana - Tempest Shadow IX. Hermit Arcana - Moon Dancer X. Fortune Arcana - Starlight Glimmer XI. Strength Arcana - Big McIntosh XII. Hanged Man Arcana - Fluttershy XIII. Death Arcana - Maud Pie XIV. Temperance Arcana - Applejack XV. Devil Arcana - Trixie XVI. Tower Arcana - Juniper Montage XVII. Star Arcana - Pinkie Pie XVIII. Moon Arcana - Spike XIX. Sun Arcana - Wallflower Blush XX. Judgement Arcana - The Rainbooms XXI. World Arcana - Herself
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couldn’t sleep do my homework until i made this
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
Yo yo! Top Gun anon here and first I’m so happy people are seeing the v i s i o n. To add to it and a bit of what others said imma put it in a list because I have so many ideas but I don’t wanna overwhelm!
1) To play on the cozy player/stronk chain thing and the gravity of the initial rift/difference between the two parties: reader with softer hands/less scaring than the group. Why? Not just for the fluffiness of hand comparisons (and the “must protect”) but for the realization that they’re the farthest thing from what these fools got going on.
They lift up a sword, and I dunno how rough the handles are but these guys definitely have no problems with it. Yet for player it’s much rougher than anything they’re used to. Holding onto it for so long could be painful. Laying in their types of (most likely) makeshift sleeping bags? Coarse fabrics=uncomfortable. Mid rant funny thought about how the chain my see player as “fussy” or something along those lines but instead they’ve barely ever, if at all, came in contact with this much extended “roughing” of the “it”. Lowkey this makes me think of how cozy and nice things can be now in comparison to then.
2) Same-ish point but Stronk chain? Angry player being fireman carried by whichever link away from (danger/mischief/etc) and just hitting his back, not hard but enough where a normal person give up and set em down, but he isn’t even phased. Just calling over his shoulder like “Are we done?🤨 Got it out your system?”
3)Angst warning that plays on Player being more affected by the carnage and battle: That scene from monsters inc where Sully is forced to scare and thus terrifies Boo? That but Player accidentally stumbles into battle because of Dink let’s say. A Link (let’s say Hyrule bc peak angst) whips around and Player has a sword pointed inches from their eyes. A bloody face and stony/wild eyes meet wide and watery ones. Player tries to play it off, they know it was an accident/misunderstanding but…they can’t help but to be on edge for just a little while. And Hyrule/the Link you choose? Ooooh boy.
4) I will later address the Top Gun Au when I get this all out my system because bayBE these ideas are FLOWING?? What’s the discord link again??/hj
Bonus: I know I glossed over the softness of hand comparisons but I gotta be honest the idea of Player’s skin being softer, smoother, less blemished or whatever sparking up a bit of teasing within the group. Maybe it’s just the basics of lighthearted digs at the idea of them in a fight or something as simple as them not being accustomed to handling such heavy weaponry. Let’s say Wars gets up first and takes their hand to compare it to his own battle ridden one. It starts off with the old “taunt”, laughter from the rest (including an “angry” Player) then as the rest carry on he zones out, thinking about how their hand is so much smaller in comparison. So much more…delicate? No no, that couldn’t be the word. Though when put next to him of all people it wouldn’t be far fetched. I’d carry on with this bonus but I don’t wanna make a whole mini fic in your asks GCHBYCHB but I SHALL expound farther on these ideas and more if y’all want because I have been STARTED.
Okay, anon, I would love all of these ideas expanded on I love them a lot!
Player being more soft compared to the others just brings a whole storm of ideas, as are their materials. I think you may have or someone else did mention it in another ask where one of the boys steal Player's clothes because of how comfy they are and I think it's a perfect idea! Them relaxing in Player's hoodie, their eyes heavy because wow this is the most softest thing they've ever felt! Then in comparison there's Player struggling because why is this fucking tunic so itchy and horrible??? Man alive is there fire ants woven into their clothes?????
Also Player just being carried in frustration would be hilarious?? Player snarks Legend and Hyrule has to carry them away while they blow up flustered in frustration because this shouldn't be happening! Even if they're heroes and buffer!
Now Player being much softer to those topics. I can definitely see Hyrule maybe being a frantic fighter as he's dealt with close calls many of times! Imagine how heartbroken he would be, seeing Player's horrified expression, stumbling back away from his sword and looking at him with a hurt that makes him want to drop to his knees and beg for their forgiveness. He wouldn't want them to brush it off, not when he can tell that they're obviously still struggling but he knows pushing the subject wouldn't work in his favour either.
ALSO WAITING FOR THE TOP GUN AU but of course take your time
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phoenixyfriend · 4 years
AU where Deidara becomes inexplicably fond of 'Tobi' to the point of just going 'fuck it' and following Obito into crazytown and, if Obito survives The Kaguya Nonsense, he now has a bitchy art school grad student following him around like "you fucked with my head for a year after making people pressgang me into a terrorist cell, now it's my turn to fuck with you." This is partly because this one post lives in my head rent-free.
(Brainstormed on discord with help from @britishassistant​. Please note that while I do usually headcanon Dei as nonbinary, this brainstorm kept to he/him pronouns and referring to him as a boy.)
Confession that this arose because I keep imagining 'person travels back to the Founders Era and wreaks havoc via Confusions, using different characters capable of 'why the FUCK' reactions every time, pinged on T7+Obito but Obito had to bring Deidara and everyone Regrets, because... boom.
Nobody wants Deidara involved, except Deidara. People especially do not want Deidara and Sai in the same room, because between Deidara's hands and Sai's 'commentary,' someone's going to get murdered. -- (Deidara is of the opinion that he should be involved in everything where there is the potential for blowing something or someone up. Deidara was sort of invited, in that Obito refuses to leave him unsupervised, but nobody really wants him, like, doing things.)
Team Seven is trying to help push a peace treaty through for the Senju and Uchiha. Keeping an eye out for Zetsu, Obito's talking Madara around as the person who actually knows him best, Naruto is Vibing with Hashirama on a level nobody hoped they'd reach, Sakura's smoothing ruffled feathers by healing the dying, Yamato is demonstrating Mokuton as evidence of something, and Kakashi has his hand over Sai's mouth so they don't cause an international incident. Sasuke isn't helping, just kind of in a stare-off with Izuna.
And then Obito says, "Wait, shit. We're missing a blonde." "Where's your idiot, Obito?" "He's not my idiot, Bakashi, he just--" BOOM "Ah, shit." [cue maniacal laughter in the middle distance]
"This is why I told you to keep an eye on him while I talked to Madara!" "I told Sasuke to do it!” "Why do you expect Sasuke to do anything you tell him to do?"
Part of what I was going for was: 1. Deidara and Obito have a preexisting relationship that angles heavily towards mutual antagonism due to the whole Tobi thing. 2. Deidara is both completely unhinged and capable of mass destruction, which means he's perfectly set to Cause Problems. And of course 3. This means a role reversal where Obito finds the shoe on the other foot because now he’s the one trying to rein in Deidara.
Obito is 100% done with Deidara, but this asshole is kind of his responsibility? Like? What's he gonna do, hand the kid over to Onoki? Nah, bruh, his douchebag teenage sidekick deserves better than Iwa. -- (Deidara does not, in fact, deserve better than Iwa.) -- It’s like Deidara is his kid or something, like he knows he’s hellspawn but he’s Obito’s hellspawn.
Madara: You came to convince us of peace, yet you bring-- Obito: No, shut up, it's better than leaving him to his own devices, at least this way I can stop him. Hashirama: How do we convince the Daimyou this is a good idea? Madara: We need to make him think there's a bigger threat, maybe? One that he can't fight without united shinobi clans to hire, rather than pitting us against one another to maintain his economic dominance. Hashirama: But there aren't any bi-- Deidara: I VOLUNTEER
Obito: So what are we going to do? Deidara: Blow up buildings belonging to the rich and powerful. Obito: And what are we not going to do? Deidara: ...blow up the innocent? Like kids? And poor people? Obito: Okay, yes. That's pretty much it. Deidara: Wait, can I blow up a monastery? Obito: Do you want the Shinigami to come after our heads?! No!!! Deidara: What if it's a Jashinist temple? Obito: We have seen evidence that one exists, do you really want to risk it?
Hashirama, full of 😀 : I brought dango! Deidara, to Obito: Are you going to eat it with your eye again. Madara, Izuna, all the Uchiha: [turn to stare] Obito: Literally why do I put up with you.
(Deidara is that one kid who Delights in telling everyone about the weird and dumb shit Obito pulled as Tobi.)
Deidara: Hey, dipshit, you wanna-- Obito:
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Also, Kakashi has his four brats so Obito gets to keep Deidara. It’s only fair. -- Kakashi at least has Tenzo to coparent, and some of his kids are well-behaved... ish. They try, at least. Obito's just got a Hell Child who actively delights in causing mischief and mayhem. -- The most Naruto's going to do is dye your hair in your sleep. Sai makes dick jokes and Sakura punches things, but overall, they're not bad kids! Sasuke is. Sasuke. But that's okay, that's why there's a solid five people in that team to handle his bullshit.
Whereas Obito is stuck. With an art school grad student. -- Deidara is contextually the epitome of "I think I will cause problems on purpose." -- (Deidara... is what Tenzo would call “a bad influence.”)
Btw? Keep Sai and Deidara away from each other. Kakashi learns that the hard way. -- "Captain, the art kids are fightingggggg!"
Kakashi: Obito get a handle on your disaster Obito: DON’T YOU TALK ABOUT MY BOY THAT WAY
Jumping back a tiny bit though, Obito regularly asks Yamato to use his Mokuton to seal up Deidara's chakra for a bit. (Is this how it works in canon? Probably not, I think it's just bijuu chakra, but I also Do Not Care.)
But honestly, when it comes to Team Seven, Deidara is that one older cousin at family reunions that teaches you how to hotwire a car. -- Deidara is okay with Naruto and Sakura, ish. -- He antagonizes Sai in a way that ends in tears. -- He. Has to be kept away from Sasuke. For a variety of reasons, most of which have to do with Eyes and Explosions and Itachi.
Sasuke barely remembers who Deidara is, he’s just grumpy he couldn’t bring anyone from Taka with him.
Meanwhile Taka is just. They’re assholes? Taka bitches enough to hunt him down. They excuse it with "Juugo needs you" -- "I'm in a different dimension, eighty years in the past, how did you..." -- "Science ninja. Best sensor on the continent." -- "Also we asked Orochimaru for help." -- "Yeah, we asked Orochimaru for help."
Taka being there signals a marked improvement in Sasuke’s demeanor and cooperation, and Kakashi just resigns himself to having four more kids. -- Juugo is a godsend when he's not being set off into a homicidal rage. And he apologizes! Meanwhile, Karin and Suigetsu are The Worst.
T7+Obito and Deidara have been in the past and bullying the clans into a peace for like a week and then they just hear MASSIVE ROARING a mile away and Sasuke's like "Oh, hey, it's my idiots." -- Sasuke’s grinning for the first time in weeks. (It’s tiny and barely perceptible but it’s there.) -- I don't know that Taka could actually help at all, but they sure can cause more problems. Unlike Deidara, most of them are not intentional.
Suigetsu: Hey, Sasuke, so I know that Deidara guy tried to kill you... Sasuke: He did? Suigetsu: --but would you be mad if I tried to hook up with him? Sasuke: I don't care, knock yourself out.
(Suigetsu is the kind of man that wears tearaway pants just to reveal rainbow leggings that say "I'M GAY" on them. If Suigetsu and Sasuke didn't have at least one 'no homo' make-out session... well, I wouldn't put money on it either way, but I do think it's a valid reading of the text.)
Deidara: What's it like when Obito actually decides to be serious? Kakashi: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh Obito, previously:
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Kakashi: Trauma. It's trauma.
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mimisempai · 3 years
The beat of your heart soothes me to sleep
5 times where Loki falls asleep in Mobius' presence and once where Loki helps Mobius to fall asleep.
Answer to an anon prompt request on tumblr
"Loki falling asleep with Mobius around"
As always when it goes on this trope, I got carried away.
2597 words - Rating G
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As Mobius emerged from the shelves of the archives, deserted at this hour of the evening, his gaze fell on the tables, and one table in particular.
The table that reminded him of the first days of his meeting with Loki, and the very first time he had realized how much Loki trusted him.
They were both still in the taming phase at this point in their relationship, each gauging the other's reactions.
They were doing intensive research. Mobius, immersed in the files, had not noticed that Loki had become silent while a few minutes earlier he was commenting on every sentence of what he was looking for. He yawned and at that moment noticed something unimaginable, Loki had fallen asleep.
Moreover, it was not a light nap. From the sound of his steady breathing, it was a deep sleep.
For someone as suspicious as Loki, the fact that he slept in this way in the presence of someone was a miracle in Mobius' eyes.
To sleep in front of someone you barely know. How much trust does that take?
At that moment Mobius knew that something had changed, at least for him.
He didn't know at the time what the future would hold, but before waking him up, Mobius told himself that he would do everything in his power to preserve the trust that Loki seemed to have in him.
Whatever it takes.
He recalled the memory fondly as he stroked the table with one hand in passing, right where Loki had fallen asleep that day.
As he looked up to continue on his way, he was surprised to see Loki waiting for him on the doorstep. He wondered, blushing slightly, if Loki had seen his gesture and if he too remembered.
Mobius didn't have to wonder for long, Loki leaned over, kissed him on the cheek and simply said in his ear, "I remember, too." Then Loki straightened up, took Mobius' hand and added, "Come on love, let's go home."
"Okay, tell me what are the top 3 laws to avoid breaking?"
Loki sitting at his desk, let out a deep sigh before protesting, "Mobiuus, I can't take it anymore, you've been making me repeat the laws and workings of the TVA for two hours."
Mobius replied firmly, "Even if you think you don't need them, it's important that you know them, you're going to be responsible for training recruits in the field and while I have no doubt about your teaching skills, you'll be a role model and as such you-"
"Do not disrupt the flow of time," Loki began to enumerate in a sullen voice.
Mobius smiled fondly and nodded approvingly as Loki continued, "Avoid time travel and do not contact people in the past to save them from their future."
Loki yawned ostensibly to show his annoyance.
"Perfect!" replied Mobius who walked away from the desk as he spoke, "Now we will review some of the punishable crimes by the TVA, such as time theft, time misconduct, or time jumps that can destabilize the continuity of space-time. What can you tell me about that last one, Loki?"
Silence answered him.
"Loki, stop being a child and answer," said Mobius in a slightly irritated tone.
Still no reaction. Mobius turned around and couldn't help but smile at the sight in front of his eyes.
Loki had fallen asleep, his head on his arms crossed on the desk.
Mobius approached and looked with tenderness at the black locks that had slid down his lover's face, the little puffs of air that came out of his mouth and made the sheets of paper in front of him tremble, but above all the look of complete surrender.
Mobius shook his head and looked around before finding what he was looking for. He went to grab a blanket folded on the arm of a chair in the corner of the room. He unfolded it and laid it gently on Loki's shoulders. He leaned over, placed a kiss on Loki's head and whispered in his ear, "I'll come back later..."
Loki answered with a groan under Mobius' amused look.
"According to Hesiod, Eris is the daughter of Nyx and gives birth alone, like her mother, to many children, all evil. She is the relentless Discord, both companion and sister of the murderer Ares, who at first rises timidly, but soon touches the sky with her forehead and treads the earth with her feet. The most famous story of Eris tells that she started the Trojan War by provoking the Judgment of Paris. The goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite had been invited, along with the rest of Olympus, to the forced nuptials of Peleus and Thetis, who would become the parents of Achilles, but Eris had been dismissed because of her tendencies to cause trouble.So she gives birth to the worst calamities and seems to announce the apocalypse."
Mobius paused in his reading as he felt Loki fidgeting, shaking his head in Mobius' lap. They were enjoying what was probably one of Mobius' favorite activities since they had been living together.Loki lying on the couch, his head in Mobius' lap while Mobius read aloud, one hand in Loki's hair or in Loki's hand on his chest.
Loki, surprised to learn that Greek and Roman mythologies had many similarities with Norse mythology, had asked Mobius to read him the story of the goddess Eris, Loki's Greek equivalent.
"Of course, there's nothing good about my Greek equivalent!" snapped Loki. "Whatever our origin, we can only do evil."
Mobius grabbed Loki's chin to turn his face upward and said in a scolding tone, "Loki, I thought you knew by now that this was not the case. That you didn't have to live up to this destiny. After all this time, you still don't believe it? You still don't believe me?"
Loki sighed and took hold of the hand that held his chin and intertwined his fingers with it, "Of course I believe you, it's just hearing that, brings back memories that taste bitter."
Mobius leaned over, pressed a kiss to Loki's mouth and resumed reading. "I think you'll like the next part... Eris is also the one Zeus sends to awaken the fighting spirit of the warlords so that they will throw themselves into battle.She is therefore also the goddess of emulation.  Eris is a portal that opens to individual energies. It generates the pioneers, to move the collective energies. She unconsciously forces us to take a direction, to take a path."
"Hm you're right," Loki interrupted him, "I really like that. "Go on."
Mobius chuckled and continued, "Eris forces action, reaction.  Eris causes chaos to prepare the necessary future mutation. Eris is a trigger, a revealer. She participates in the tragedy of life."
Mobius felt Loki's head get heavier on his lap and Loki's hand clutching his own slowly loosened its grip. He leaned forward a little to see that Loki had fallen asleep. This was no longer a rare occurrence, but it never ceased to amaze Mobius as to its deeper meaning. He pulled the plaid that was at the end of the couch over Loki's legs, taking care not to wake him up, then resumed his reading.
"Eris turns our lives upside down, plunging us into chaos. If she spreads mischief through all, she also throws the trouble in oneself. It is to open a new way. A new life where we will never be the same again."
These last sentences made Mobius smile, because this is exactly what Loki had done in his life. He had opened a new life for Mobius that had changed him forever, for the better.
He closed the book carefully and put it on the armrest. Carding his fingers gently in Loki's hair, who purred in response, he let himself be lulled by the sweetness of the moment and fell asleep in turn.
"I am exhausted, ex-haus-ted!" exclaimed Loki as he entered their apartment.
Mobius, busy preparing the meal, watched him enter the kitchen, smiling at his lover's antics as Loki continued to talk while undressing.
8 hours training new recruits in combat techniques combined with magic!  8 hours! Mobius you are the boss, you could do something!"
He had arrived in front of Mobius, planted a kiss on his lips before continuing to unbutton his shirt without giving him a chance to respond. "I'm going to shower and come eat, love."
Mobius followed him with his eyes and shook his head before returning to the dinner preparation.
Later, sitting at the table, they ate dinner and talked about their day. Loki was much calmer and more relaxed after showering.
Although the training had indeed exhausted him, Loki was nonetheless enthusiastic about his students' progress. But towards the end of the meal, as Mobius told an anecdote about one of his day's events, he saw that he was losing Loki's attention. His head was nodding as he visibly struggled against sleep.
"Loki, sweetheart, let me put the dishes away and you go to bed, I can see you're really exhausted," Mobius said in a gentle tone.
Loki didn't protest, got up and gave Mobius a gentle hug before saying, "Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve someone as caring as you."
To which Mobius replied, "Nothing, you're just you and I'm just me."
Loki smiled and gave him one last kiss before walking off to their room like a robot.
Mobius went to put the dishes away, turned off the lights and headed for their room. When he entered he was surprised to see Loki sitting on the edge of the bed.
Receiving no answer, he walked over to find that Loki had fallen asleep like that. He must have really been exhausted.
"Loki, sweetheart, you should go to bed."
Loki groaned in response. Mobius laughed silently. He opened the sheets, gently helped Loki to lie down, carefully removed his sweatpants and T-shirt, Loki malleable as a disarticulated doll in his arms. The degree of trust and acceptance that Loki had in his arms was something new for Mobius every time. Something absolutely extraordinary.
Mobius laid down beside him, covered them both before taking Loki in his arms and after a tender kiss on his forehead, let himself be carried away by sleep.
Loki knocked gently on Mobius' office door before poking his head through the doorway.
"Ready to go home?"
Mobius looked up from his work sheepishly and replied, "Loki, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be able to leave right away, I have some urgent reports due tomorrow, so I'll be staying late. It's not even worth waiting for me."
Loki didn't hold it against him, he walked over to him, took his face in his hands, kissed him gently before pretending to wipe the creases on Mobius' forehead with his fingers. "Don't worry like that, love, take as much time as you need. I'll leave you a piece of dinner in the fridge for when you get home."
"Thank you for being so understanding."
"You're welcome." replied Loki as he walked away.
Mobius followed him with a grateful smile on his lips before getting back to work.
Three hours later he walked through the door of their apartment, the living room was in darkness except for a small lamp lit near the armchair where Loki was sitting.
He gasped as he approached, Loki was sleeping, that was something he was used to, but what surprised him was that Loki was wearing one of his shirts. Mobius swallowed when he saw that he wasn't wearing any pants, just the shirt and his underwear, bare feet curled under him on the chair. He looked so vulnerable like that, that Mobius' throat tightened. Mobius crouched down in front of the chair and lightly placed his hand on Loki's bare knee so as not to startle him as he called softly, "Loki... Sweetheart... our bed is much more comfortable to sleep in."
Loki's eyes flickered before slowly opening, a smile lighting up his face when he saw Mobius.
"Mobius, you're finally home."
Mobius nodded, stood up and held out his hand to Loki, "Come on, the bed is more comfortable."
He accompanied him to their room, watched him go to bed before going to get ready for the night, also feeling exhausted.
A few moments later, he joined Loki in their bed. He lay on his back and Loki came closer, resting his head on his chest and wrapping his arm around his stomach.
"Loki..." Mobius had a question burning in his mind.
"Why are you wearing my shirt?"
Loki cleared his throat, obviously embarrassed, "I tried to fall asleep in our bed, but without you I couldn't, so I thought if I wore something of yours, maybe I could, but no, the bed is too big without you, so instead I waited for you in the living room, and finally fell asleep in the chair."
Mobius tightened his arm around Loki's shoulders and said in a voice hoarse with emotion, "you can go to sleep now, I'm here, sweetheart."
Loki snuggled up to him in approval and it wasn't long before Mobius felt the weighted head and steady breath against him, which in turn lulled Mobius into a deep sleep.
Mobius sat at the kitchen counter, clutching a cup of tea. He couldn't stop shivering.
It was the middle of the night,  it was half past two in the morning. He had been awakened by a nightmare and could not get back to sleep. He didn't want to wake Loki, so he came to the kitchen to try to calm down with a cup of tea.
The nightmares of Mobius were often the same, reminiscences of the lives that he had erased in the name of the previous TVA. It was often the conversation with Sylvie that came back to haunt him.
"All that time, I really believed we were the good guys."
"Annihilating entire realities, orphaning little girls, classic hero stuff."
Of course Mobius had never thought of himself as a hero, but he thought he was doing good and now realized how blind he had been.
And it was hard because there was no way to make amends, no way to redeem himself, because most of the people he had taken had ended up in the void and had not survived Alioth. At night Mobius could not think beyond the throbbing pain of guilt.
Suddenly, hands rested gently on his shoulders.
"Mobius? Are you okay?"
Then without waiting for an answer the hands slid forward and Mobius found himself with Loki's chest pressed against his back and Loki's chin resting on his head.
"I had another nightmare," he whispered, hoarse and vulnerable. Loki hummed, moved back and gently rubbed the back of Mobius' neck..
"Come back to bed with me," Loki's voice was warm and sleepy. Loving. Soothing. He took the cup from Mobius, discarding the now cold tea and rinsing the cup, before taking Mobius' hands and dragging him towards their room. Loki made him lie down before tightening his arms and legs around Mobius who in turn tightened his arms around Loki.
"Thank you," he whispered into Loki's soft hair.
Loki simply tightened his arms around him, and said softly, "Sleep my love, I am here, this time I am the one protecting you."
Mobius fell asleep, a dreamless sleep, only aware of Loki's presence shielding him from the world and from himself.
Whole series of one shot here : X
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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dojimakaichou · 2 years
Knowing your writing partners can potentially make writing together a lot easier. Repost, don’t reblog.
NAME: Dawn
PRONOUNS: she / her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Typing frantically on Discord to my mutuals. 
NAME OF MUSE(S): The only blog that I have publicly available on Tumblr is this one ! Daigo Dojima from the RGG world and Yakuza franchise.
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG: A long time. I was introduced to roleplay through playing and GM - ing TTRPGs when I was a young teenager. I have about 15 years under my belt as a DM in D&D. In terms of online roleplay, I used to rotate through GaiaOnline, Skype, Curse, different forums, etc. before I landed on Tumblr. I wrote here from 2012 - 2017ish and came back in December 2021 with Daigo.
BEST EXPERIENCE: The platform that I’ve enjoyed the most is Tumblr. It’s janky at best, but I like being able to incorporate quotes and aesthetic posts. It helps muses feel fleshed out.
MUSE PREFERENCES FOR ANGST / FLUFF / SMUT: My favorite genres to write are gore, horror, & medical gore. I suppose the answer to this, then, is angst ( ? ). Between the three, I would say angst is #1, smut is #2, and fluff is #3. 
PLOTS OR MEMES: Either ! I prefer to plot to have at least a base line of how our muses approach one another, but I do adore memes for the sheer spontaneity and mischief of them.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Long. I have a hard time writing replies that are 3 paragraphs or less. I’m a terribly verbose person.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: In the morning before I get ready for work. I try to write while it’s still fairly cool during the summer days for the sake of my rig. A cup of iced coffee and a few replies do wonders for getting my brain started for the day.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: Yes ! ‘ Baby Daigo ’ / Yakuza 2 / punk era Daigo specifically. We have the same overall aesthetic ( down to the puffer coat, though my preferred one is a bright red trench with a black ruff and silver detailing ). I also swear incessantly and associate getting inked with healing. 
tagged by: @stingslikeabee tagging: you ! feel free to @ me as the person that tagged you.
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