#with his dad and then losing robert because of lee
renamusing · 11 months
excited for dingle week cause i didnt think aaron would show up (which is hilarious bc he has steered clear of the place ever since he came back and will now get locked in there with all the people he cant stand atm) i just wish ed would style his hair again. i know ppl have bad hair days in soapland and our boy is angry and secretly depressed but i would sacrifice my firstborn to see his cute curls again yeah ?
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kindtobechurlish · 2 years
Some woman has her social media, and she makes a habit of displaying foods that she likes. Well, if I just wanted to eat chips, cakes, cookies, drinks, she and I would like the same things, but when it comes down to taste, almost every time me and this woman doesn’t like the same things. And to think I thought of more than getting my dick sucked. I didn’t
Now, some later women come in the picture - and as of late the narrative of “think about marrying me” has come in the picture. I don’t want to think about marrying you because I don’t want to save any woman. I did the necessary for myself and an asshole oppresses me because he wants perfected work for himself. I don’t want to focus on him, I see someone like Rampell is talking about Title 42 - and none of her news amounts to the advice of yesterday.. advice is archaic for news. Now, advice, the word, is like the word thornback.. you say it’s “very old.” Isn’t that what Marxism is? It wants to abolish the old way of doing things just to make anew standard! And now, you see it, the woman who doesn’t like anything I like, beyond chips, cakes, cookies, I thought about getting my dick sucked and helping her lose weight.. she didn’t want that idea and now you see the fact. If you can’t eat what I eat, and you need to lose some weight, doesn’t that personify news and advice, with a thornback seeing a marriage just for the marriage to become as a sickness? “I’m getting married.” Many women’s dad isn’t Robert E. Lee.
When I say many women’s dad aren’t Robert E. Lee, their dads don’t demand that their children be a light for them in their old age, but Robert E. Lee did and he called watching people getting married a sickness because his daughter might get “sick.” Your dad isn’t Robert E. Lee when you see the marriage and liberty as a thornback, in the sea, is more attractive than love with a husband. You see me not want to be with a woman, and you think it’s the first “fifteen seconds.” Nope, it’s been a little while now. I don’t appreciate doing something for myself, being oppressed, and I see a bunch of women who are “mean” just to give me signs. I’m not scaling those walls, how about you quit watching me. Go figure
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zuko-always-lies · 3 years
So, question, because I see people saying it often that Iroh has the right to feel animosity towards Azula because she made fun of/derided Lu Ten's death (or something like that), but does she actually do that in that scene? Or does she express disdain for Iroh's reaction, which considering the culture could easily be interpreted as Iroh being the one to make light of it? (Pretty sure there's at least one instance in _Romance of the Three Kingdoms_ where one character absolutely annihilates an opposing force because his brother/father/friend dies, if we want a real-world example of the mentality. Or, like, all of _The Hagakure_.)
Does Azula call Lu Ten a coward for dying? Or does she say that Iroh is for not "getting justice" or revenge for his son's death? For not finishing the task and abandoning the cause Lu Ten died for?
Because one of these means Iroh's dislike could be justified (nevermind the fact that he wasn't present for this conversation, so if he knew about it, he would have only heard about it from Zuko). But the other is an angry/disappointed/disgusted child calling an adult out.
Good question! I think I should start by talking about what Zuko and Azula actually say about Iroh.
"The Western Air Temple"(featuring 13 year old Zuko!):
Iroh: (Iroh looks on, concerned) Prince Zuko, it's only been a week since your banishment. (Cut to a far back view shot of the 2) You should take some time to heal and rest. Zuko: (turns around and raises his voice) What else would I expect to hear from the laziest man in the Fire Nation? (Cut to a close up of Iroh's slightly appalled face as he looks down and sighs) The only way (Cut back to a frontal shot of uncle and nephew) to regain my honor is to find the Avatar. So I will.
"The Headband":
Zuko: (standing at the bars) You brought this on yourself, you know. We could have returned together. You could have been a hero! (Iroh turns a shade further away from Zuko.) You have no right to judge me Uncle. I did what I had to do in Ba Sing Se, and you're a fool for not joining me. (Iroh is silent.) You're not gonna say anything? (Enraged, he kicks a stool and bends a blast of fire at the wall.) Argh! You're a crazy old man! You're crazy, and if you weren't in jail, you'd be sleeping in a gutter!
Zuko says some pretty negative things about Iroh, right to Iroh's face!
Now, what negative things does 14 year old Azula say about Iroh? Surprisingly little, even though she clearly doesn't like him. She implicitly calls him a traitor a couple times(during times when he is, in fact, a traitor by all reasonable definitions), but never really explicitly does so. Beyond that, there's very little. This is the only thing I can think of:
Azula: So...I hear you've been to visit your Uncle Fatso in the prison tower. Zuko: (standing, incensed) That guard told you.
Which is actually way less harsh than what Zuko says about Iroh! If anything, Azula's behavior in the present suggests that she only rarely criticized, much less mocked Iroh's behavior to his face when she was younger.
Now let's turn to the meat of your question, "Zuko Alone." There are two scenes in that episode where Azula criticizes Iroh. The first comes before Lu Ten's death:
Ursa: "And for Azula, a new friend. She wears the latest fashion for Earth Kingdom girls." (As Ursa speaks, Azula picks up a doll wearing Earth Kingdom green. The Princess makes a face of disgust.) Azula: If Uncle doesn't make it back from war, then dad would be next in line to be Fire Lord, wouldn't he? (In the background, Zuko runs around practicing with his new dagger.) Ursa: (disappointed) Azula, we don't speak that way. It would be awful if Uncle Iroh didn't return. And besides, Fire Lord Azulon is a picture of health. Zuko: How would you like it if cousin Lu Ten wanted dad to die? Azula: I still think our dad would make a much better Fire Lord than (looking at the doll with disdain) his royal tea loving kookiness. (She holds out the doll and makes its head burst into flame. The screen flashes white and the flashback ends.
There are several things which seem to be driving Azula's actions here. The first is a reaction to the massive favoritism Iroh just showed toward Zuko. The second is a belief, no doubt inspired by Ozai's poisonous statements about his brother, that Ozai, who Azula idolizes, would make a better Firelord than Iroh. Finally, Azula is a confused child who is asking inappropriate questions because she's too young to understand proper boundaries. Nothing she says here is actually that serious, and I would expect a responsible adult(i.e. not Ursa) to either shrug it off, or to carefully reason with Azula in order to explain why what she is saying is problematic.
Now we turn to the other main scene, the one right after Lu Ten's death, and the one you probably actually wanted me to talk about:
Azula: (getting up and walking over to him) By the way, Uncle's coming home. Zuko: Does that mean we won the war? Azula: No. It mean's Uncle's a quitter and a loser. Zuko: What are you talking about? Uncle's not a quitter. Azula: Oh yes, he is. He found out his son died and he just fell apart. (leaning against a nearby pillar) A real general would stay and burn Ba Sing Se to the ground, not lose the battle and come home crying. Zuko: (angry) How do you know what he should do? (looking down, sadly) He's probably just sad his only kid is gone... forever.
You might note that, again, Azula doesn't say anything negative about Lu Ten. You've already noted that Iroh is thousands of miles away at the moment, so having him be "justified" in his hatred of Azula by a conversation he didn't hear doesn't make sense.
Azula is also very angry in this scene, quite possibly the angriest we ever see her at any point. That does suggest that she's taking what's happened, either Lu Ten's death or the abandonment of the siege, very personally. I don't know enough to comment specifically on this, but you are right in that there might be cultural background which specifically proscribes the achievement of vengeance as being of particular importance, and Azula is thus outraged that Iroh failed to fulfill his duty to his son.
But that not at the core of Azula's critique here. What Azula is attacking Iroh for is that he responded to a personal loss by abandoning his duty in the heat of battle, and she is 100% right on this, not only by the standards of Fire Nation cultural but also by the standards of modern western culture. Fun fact: Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, and Robert E. Lee(screw the latter two, but that's another story) all suffered the loss of children they dearly loved in the middle of the American Civil War, yet none of them abandoned their duty. Archibald Roosevelt(another problematic figure) had two brothers die in WWII, yet he continued fighting on the front line. John W. Geary literally had his son die in his arms in the middle of battle, yet he continued commanding his unit well enough to prevail. Hell, we can even turn to Joseph Stalin here, to some extent.
Again, the core of what Azula says here is absolutely correct. Iroh is a "quitter" because he responded to Lu Ten's death by falling apart and abandoning the siege when it seemed on the brink of success, rather than continue the operation until victory. I don't think we need to go further than that to establish that Azula is entirely justified calling Iroh out here. And again, she doesn't criticize or mock Lu Ten at all, instead only attacking Iroh's reaction to Lu Ten's death.
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nitrateglow · 4 years
Favorite films discovered in 2020
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Well, this year sucked. I did see some good movies though. Some even made after I was born!
Perfect Blue (dir. Satoshi Kon, 1997)
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I watch a lot of thrillers and horror movies, but precious few actually unsettle me in any lasting way. This cannot be said of Perfect Blue, which gave me one of the most visceral cinematic experiences of my life. Beyond the brief flashes of bloodletting (you will never look at a screwdriver the same way again), the scariest thing about Perfect Blue might be how the protagonist has both her life and her sense of self threatened by the villains. The movie’s prescience regarding public persona is also incredibly eerie, especially in our age of social media. While anime is seen as a very niche interest (albeit one that has become more mainstream in recent years), I would highly recommend this movie to thriller fans, whether they typically watch anime or not. It’s right up there with the best of Hitchcock or De Palma.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (dir. Sergio Leone, 1966)
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Nothing is better than when an iconic movie lives up to the hype. Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, and Lee Van Cleef play off of one another perfectly. I was impressed by Wallach as Tuco in particular: his character initially seems like a one-dimensional greedy criminal, but the performance is packed with wonderful moments of humanity. Do I really need to say anything about the direction? Or about the wonderful storyline, which takes on an almost mythic feel in its grandeur? Or that soundtrack?
Die Niebelungen (both movies) (dir. Fritz Lang, 1924)
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I did NOT expect to love these movies as much as I did. That they would be dazzlingly gorgeous I never doubted: the medieval world of the story is brought to vivid life through the geometrical mise en scene and detailed costuming. However, the plot itself is so, so riveting, never losing steam over the course of the four hours it takes to watch both movies. The first half is heroic fantasy; the second half involves a revenge plot of almost Shakespearean proportions. This might actually be my favorite silent Fritz Lang movie now.
Muppet Treasure Island (dir. Brian Henson, 1996)
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I understand that people have different tastes and all, but how does this movie have such a mixed reception? It’s absolutely hilarious. How could anybody get through the scene with “THA BLACK SPOT AGGHHHHHHH” and not declare this a masterpiece of comedy? And I risk being excommunicated from the Muppet fandom for saying it, but I like this one more than The Great Muppet Caper. It’s probably now my second favorite Muppet movie.
Belle de Jour (dir. Luis Bunuel, 1967)
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I confess I’m not terribly fond of “but was it real???” movies. They tend to feel gimmicky more often than not. Belle de Jour is an exception. This is about more than a repressed housewife getting her kicks working as a daytime prostitute. The film delves into victim blaming, trauma, class, and identity-- sure, this sounds academic and dry when I put it that way, but what I’m trying to say is that these are very complicated characters and the blurring of fantasy and reality becomes thought-provoking rather than trite due to that complexity.
Secondhand Lions (dir. Tim McCanlies, 2003)
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The term “family movie” is often used as a synonym for “children’s movie.” However, there is an important distinction: children’s movies only appeal to kids, while family movies retain their appeal as one grows up. Secondhand Lions is perhaps a perfect family movie, with a great deal more nuance than one might expect regarding the need for storytelling and its purpose in creating meaning for one’s life. It’s also amazingly cast: Haley Joel Osment is excellent as the juvenile lead, and Michael Caine and Robert Duvall steal the show as Osment’s eccentric uncles.
The Pawnbroker (dir. Sidney Lumet, 1964)
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Controversial in its day for depicting frontal nudity, The Pawnbroker shocks today for different reasons. As the top review of the film on IMDB says, we’re used to victims of great atrocities being presented as sympathetic, good people in fiction. Here, Rod Steiger’s Sol Nazerman subverts such a trope: his suffering at the hands of the Nazis has made him a hard, closed-off person, dismissive of his second wife (herself also a survivor of the Holocaust), cold to his friendly assistant, and bitter towards himself. The movie follows Nazerman’s postwar life, vividly presenting his inner pain in a way that is almost too much to bear. Gotta say, Steiger gives one of the best performances I have ever seen in a movie here: he’s so three-dimensional and complex. The emotions on his face are registered with Falconetti-level brilliance.
The Apartment (dir. Billy Wilder, 1960)
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While not the most depressing Christmas movie ever, The Apartment certainly puts a good injection of cynicism into the season. I have rarely seen a movie so adept at blending comedy, romance, and satire without feeling tone-deaf. There are a lot of things to praise about The Apartment, but I want to give a special shoutout to the dialogue. “Witty” dialogue that sounds natural is hard to come by-- so often, it just feels smart-assy and strained. Not here.
Anatomy of a Murder (dir. Otto Preminger, 1959)
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I’m not big into courtroom dramas, but Anatomy of a Murder is a big exception. Its morally ambiguous characters elevate it from being a mere “whodunit” (or I guess in the case of this movie, “whydunit”), because if there’s something you’re not going to get with this movie, it’s a clear answer as to what happened on the night of the crime. Jimmy Stewart gives one of his least characteristic performances as the cynical lawyer, and is absolutely brilliant. 
Oldboy (dir. Park Chan-Wook, 2003)
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Oldboy reminded me a great deal of John Webster’s 17th century tragedy The Duchess of Malfi. Both are gruesome, frightening, and heartbreaking works of art, straddling the line between sensationalism and intelligence, proving the two are not mutually exclusive. It’s both entertaining and difficult to watch. The thought of revisiting it terrifies me but I feel there is so much more to appreciate about the sheer craft on display.
Family Plot (dir. Alfred Hitchcock, 1976)
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Family Plot is an enjoyable comedy; you guys are just mean. I know in an ideal world, Hitchcock’s swan song would be a great thriller masterpiece in the vein of Vertigo or Psycho. Family Plot is instead a silly send-up of Hitchcock’s favorite tropes, lampooning everything from the dangerous blonde archetype (with not one but two characters) to complicated MacGuffin plots. You’ll probably demand my film buff card be revoked for my opinion, but to hell with it-- this is my favorite of Hitchcock’s post-Psycho movies.
My Best Girl (dir. Sam Taylor, 1927)
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Mary Pickford’s farewell to silent film also happens to be among her best movies. It’s a simple, charming romantic comedy starring her future husband, Charles “Buddy” Rogers. Pickford also gets to play an adult character here, rather than the little girl parts her public demanded she essay even well into her thirties. She and Rogers are sweet together without being diabetes-inducing, and the comedy is often laugh out loud funny. It even mocks a few tropes that anyone who watches enough old movies will recognize and probably dislike-- such as “break his heart to save him!!” (my personal most loathed 1920s/1930s trope).
Parasite (dir. Bong Joon-ho, 2019)
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This feels like such a zeitgeist movie. It’s about the gap between the rich and the poor, it’s ironic,  it’s depressing, it’s unpredictable as hell. I don’t like terms like “modern classic,” because by its very definition, a classic can only be deemed as such after a long passage of time, but I have a good feeling Parasite will be considered one of the definitive films of the 2010s in the years to come.
Indiscreet (dir. Stanley Donen, 1958)
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Indiscreet often gets criticized for not being Notorious more or less, which is a shame. It’s not SUPPOSED to be-- it’s cinematic souffle and both Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant elevate that light material with their perfect chemistry and comedic timing. It’s also refreshing to see a rom-com with characters over 40 as the leads-- and the movie does not try to make them seem younger or less mature, making the zany moments all the more hilarious. It’s worth seeing for Cary Grant’s jig (picture above) alone.
The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (dir. Joseph Sargent, 1974)
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This movie embodies so much of what I love about 70s cinema: it’s gritty, irreverent, and hard-hitting. It’s both hilarious and suspenseful-- I was tense all throughout the run time. I heard there was a remake and it just seems... so, so pointless when you already have this gem perfect as it is.
They All Laughed (dir. Peter Bogdonavich, 1981)
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Bogdonavich’s lesser known homage to 1930s screwball comedy is also a weirdly autumnal movie. Among the last gasps of the New Hollywood movement, it is also marks the final time Audrey Hepburn would star in a theatrical release. The gentle comedy, excellent ensemble cast (John Ritter is the standout), and the mature but short-lived romance between Hepburn and Ben Gazarra’s characters make this a memorably bittersweet gem.
The Palm Beach Story (dir. Preston Sturges, 1942)
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Absolutely hilarious. I was watching this with my parents in the room. My mom tends to like old movies while my dad doesn’t, but both of them were laughing aloud at this one. Not much else to say about it, other than I love Joel McCrea the more movies I see him in-- though it’s weird seeing him in comedies since I’m so used to him as a back-breaking man on the edge in The Most Dangerous Game!
Nothing Sacred (dir. William Wellman, 1937)
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I tend to associate William Wellman with the pre-code era, so I’ve tried delving more into his post-code work. Nothing Sacred is easily my favorite of those films thus far, mainly for Carole Lombard but also because the story still feels pretty fresh due to the jabs it takes at celebrity worship and moral hypocrisy. For a satire, it’s still very warm towards its characters, even when they’re misbehaving or deluding themselves, so it’s oddly a feel-good film too.
Applause (dir. Rouben Mamoulian, 1929)
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I love watching early sound movies, but my inner history nerd tends to enjoy them more than the part of me that, well, craves good, well-made movies. Most early sound films are pure awkward, but there’s always an exception and Applause is one of them. While the plot’s backstage melodrama is nothing special, the way the story is told is super sophisticated and expressive for this period of cinema history, and Helen Morgan makes the figure of the discarded burlesque queen seem truly human and tragic rather than merely sentimental.
Topaz (dir. Alfred Hitchcock, 1969)
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Another late Hitchcock everyone but me seems to hate. After suffering through Torn Curtain, I expected Hitchcock’s other cold war thriller was going to be dull as dishwater, but instead I found an understated espionage movie standing in stark contrast to the more popular spy movies of the period. It’ll never be top Hitchcock, of course-- still it was stylish and enjoyable, with some truly haunting moments. I think it deserves more appreciation than it’s been given.
What were your favorite cinematic discoveries in 2020?
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Albus Dumbledore being an awesome teacher and human being
Bubblegum Bitch - MARINA
(Imma be honest with y’all, it’s mostly just him being a crackhead.)
He tells stories about Grindelwald, about their marriage and their beliefs and their lives together. All of the stories have lessons - sure, a lot of those lessons are about how NOT to make pasta, but they’re still lessons!
He likes to matchmake students using seating charts and certain magical spell assignments. He’s very good at it. I mean, he’s shit at figuring out who likes each other, but he is great at meddling, so Mcgonogall tells him who to mess with and he does as he’s told. They make a great team (and are invited to a lot of weddings). Couples they’ve helped include but are not limited to: Dean and Seamus, Luna and Ginny, Hermione and Harry and Ron, Sirius and Remus, Peter and Maxwell Needles, Peter and Regulus (that was later), Lily and Severus and James, Fred and Lee plus George and Lee, Charlie and Newt (queerplatonic), Leta and Newt (queerplatonic), Harry and Luna (queerplatonic), and Sirius and James and Remus (queerplatonic). They’ve been very busy.
He and Mcgonogall have teatime almost every day. They talk about their students and work on their matchmaking plans. There’s a lot of sass and deadpanning involved. Sometimes they invite Remus, Sirius, and James. (Not Peter. He doesn’t need the same level of torturing that they do.) Bubbles of all shapes and sizes and colors float around the room the whole time. It’s fantastic.
He accepts gossip in exchange for extra credit. He’s a really good secret keeper too, so a lot of students go for it. (It hasn’t broken any friendships. There’s an understanding among the student population that Dumbledore is like Ms. Potts from that Muggle film Beauty and the Beast - well-meaning and trustworthy, but terribly, terribly bored.)
Everything in his classroom is pink. And glittery. And covered in sequins. Once a student asked him why and he just smirked for a solid minute before whispering, “Lemonade.” (As if that makes any fucking sense.)
He once taught class in a full-fledged glittery ballgown that faded from light pink to deep purple. He did not once acknowledge it or act like anything was out of the ordinary. One student raised their hand and asked timidly, “Professor? Why are you wearing a ballgown?” And his brow furrowed as he frowned, looked down at himself, and muttered, “Thought it was a bathrobe.” (Harry does not let him live this one down. His dad is not much help - Severus took many, many pictures.) (Not that it mattered. On Wednesdays Dumbledore wears pink (glittery ballgowns).)
He speaks to kids who have parents, friends, and relatives in prison, whether for being Death Eaters or otherwise. He chaperones visits to Azkaban for them so they can see their loved ones. He casts protective and invisibility charms on them so only the one they’re visiting can see or hear them, and he teaches them Patronuses (with Remus’ help, of course). He often spends these visits on the other side of Grindelwald’s bars, playing wizard’s chess against him. (Sometimes Grindelwald gives him flowers. It always makes Dumbledore smile. There may be no one left in the world who understands why they love each other, but they don’t need to understand it for it to be true.)
He stands at the front of the classroom and makes funny faces during tests and waits to see how long it takes for a student to look up. His latest record is seven minutes.
When he’s teaching Grindelwald’s history, he makes snarky comments about his husband. They range from “I mean really. Who the fuck thought wizards ruling Muggles was a good idea?” (Rest in peace that one student who thought it was a good idea to say, “You did, Professor.”) to “Honestly, that man has no concept of romance. I ask him for a nice night out and he takes me to a Muggle rally about witchcraft and tries to impress me by playing practical magical jokes on the speaker. A toddler could do that.” (He often gets mushy during those stories though, usually trailing off like “But that time he took me to my childhood home for my birthday was sweet… brought me flowers for Ariana’s grave and everything. Sure, he killed her, but… he has a sweet side…” and from there on out he’s basically a lost cause and you might as well go to your next class because he’s not going to stop humming that fucking Elvis song).
He “loses” his glasses all the time by casting an invisibility charm on them and forces his students to search the classroom for them when they’re on his face the whole time. He thinks it’s funny. Harry does not. (But Severus and Mcgonogall do, and that’s really what matters.) (Severus and Mcgonogall and Dumbledore are  a fantastic trio full of snark and sarcasm and shit, I have just decided.)
He makes little animals out of multi-colored magical dust and they fly around the classroom and perch on his favorite students’ heads. Once a dragon fell asleep on Newt’s head and wouldn’t leave even when class was over. Newt had to wait for the magic to wear off so it would disintegrate. (Of course, he had named it by that point and had a meltdown when it disappeared, so Dumbledore recreates the dragon (Robert) every class and just lets Newt coo at it, even during tests.)
He conjured and charmed two giant (I mean Egypt half-animal half-man guard statue size giant) fluffy pink teddy bears that are alive and stand on either side of him like bodyguards during class. A Slytherin student punched one in the stomach once and it vomited enough M&Ms over their head to completely bury them. The student’s partner, a Ravenclaw student, punched the other one in an ill-advised burst of illogical thought and received the same treatment, but in Skittles. (Luckily their Gryffindor aro-ace friend and nonbinary Hufflepuff friend stayed after class and ate until they could move again. Safe to say no one has dared punch the bears again.) (Though I hear they do give very good hugs. And they eat homework if you ask nicely enough!)
He has a bunch of cloaks that act as portals to realms like Merlin’s Celestiums (S.G.E., Soman Chainani). He gives one to each student for tests, and they are transported to their ideal test-taking environments, complete with whatever song they feel like listening to at any given minute playing all around them. Unsurprisingly, his students have the best grades in all of Hogwarts. (He also has a secret cloak that he uses for himself, to see Grindelwald. Grindelwald has his own matching one so he can always make it home for Thursday date night.) (They have been caught. Of course they have. But no one is going to challenge Dumbledore for his right to see his husband, even if he did marry a murderer.) (Sirius and Remus used to steal the cloak for their own dates. And later on James would steal it to take the two of them on friend-dates. Inspired by that, Dumbledore made a special cloak for Mcgonogall that he gifted her on her fiftieth birthday. The smile she gave him then is his favorite of all time.)
He bickers with Fawkes constantly. This often evolves into full-fledged screaming matches with spastic hand gestures, gratuitous spit, and angry hops on both sides. Once Dumbledore drew wand on his “useless babbling bastard of a bird”. No one has bothered to tell Dumbledore that Fawkes probably can’t understand a word of their arguments. (They do evacuate the classroom when these fights start though. The last time they stayed their hair was gone for a week, and when it grew back it was glittery and pink.) (Harry looked especially fantastic. Sirius thought he looked great. He laughed until he was in tears. Harry was not amused.) (Remus was.)
Sometimes he’s absent from class and Mcgonogall teaches them instead. When asked if he’s alright, Mcgonogall simply answers, “My partner is away on personal business for the day. Now, turn to page -” Soon enough people figured out that “personal business” meant “conjugal visit with Genocidal Maniac Husband™ in prison”. They stopped asking.
He gives all of his students the red button test (without knowing what it does, do you press the red button?). Those who pass get automatic A’s and a lollipop. Those who fail get a talking pet pygmy puff. The thing that usually trips people up is that Dumbledore considers the “correct” answer to be pressing the goddamn button. (Seamus is the only one who has ever passed (enthusiastically too!). Newt half-passed because Niffy the Niffler sat on it.) (Sirius and James would have passed too if they had not been the life partners of one Remus Lupin, whose creativity with threats and extensive curse-word vocabulary rivaled Mcgonogall’s even at the tender age of fifteen.)
He has floating war maps just lying around. He plays battleship with his students on them. What he neglects to tell them is that their moves have actual consequences in the world, as the maps are magical and reflect real battles and places. When Harry finds out (he blew up Denmark, completely unawares) he shows up at Dumbledore’s door soaking wet at five-thirty in the morning with a newspaper, his fists clenched, his face red, and his chest heaving. He wouldn’t stop glaring for weeks. (Alas, Dumbledore’s glorious beard has great resistance to fire spells.) (Following an incident involving the original four Marauders in their third year. Shhh… we do not speak of that.)
He has a habit of walking into random classrooms, gesturing for a student to come with him with his finger, and then taking them to his office for teatime. He usually asks them inane questions about a specific theme (fish, pasta strainers, socks, throw pillows, mooses, etc.) for hours until finally dismissing them. It drives Mcgonogall crazy. (She’s yelled at him plenty for “kidnapping students to ask them questions you know you could easily find on that Muggle infer-het thing! They have exams, Albus -” but he just smiles at her while calmly sipping his tea and she always ends up collapsing in the chair across from him with a sigh, taking the tea from his hands and chugging it before wiping her mouth, slamming it down on the desk, and asking, “So. Fish. What’s up with them?” and Albus just beams.)
He spends half of his class lessons babbling on about how Merlin was gay for Arthur and Arthur was gay for Merlin, but not in long tangents. Just a bunch of random comments without context, warning, or explanation. (He mentions “poetry” a lot and waggles his eyebrows for some reason, so… what’s up with that? (Merlin BBC))
He overshares A LOT about his and Grindelwald’s lives. It’s a problem because 90% of the time it’s something sweet or innocent like “Oh, he brought me a tiger lily that bloomed open to show a gold and ruby ring nestled inside on our first anniversary. That’s how he proposed to me” and “He used to hum while he did the housework, you know? He’d stand in the middle of the house and close his eyes and just hum. Almost entire symphonies too, just waving his wand in the air like a conductor” to “This one time in bed he…” and there is NO warning. The amount of things these poor children’s ears have had to endure… (*shakes head in mock disappointment*)
He often cooks during class using wandless magic. The pots and pans heat themselves and float around in the air. Sometimes Dumbledore dances and then they start dancing too. He whistles and creates a base beat for the sizzling, popping, clanging, and other kitchen noises to follow. This usually happens during tests. Oh joy.
He leaves the windows open when it rains, but somehow nothing ever gets wet. Harry and Hermione have a theory that it’s protection charms. (Really it’s a spell Severus made up when he was drunk because he was angry that umbrellas don’t have enough room under them for three, and he’s always been the most self-sacrificial person in his marriage.)
He regularly makes bets with Mcgonogall about the students’ love lives. Not money, but little things the other doesn’t want to do or buy. Dumbledore usually has to handle the Marauders’ detentions or give up one of his teddy bear guards for Mcgonogall’s experimental enjoyments. Mcgonogall has to do something embarrassing or let him borrow one of her glittery hats. They should really stop making bets at this point; the stakes and the winners are dreadfully predictable. He always wins when the bet is on a student’s sexuality or gender and she always wins when the bet is on who a student will end up with. Nonetheless, the bets continue. So too does their grumbling amusement.
He figured out how to make a broom invisible when he and Grindelwald first fell in love, so they could be showy with each other at their Greater Good rallies. They later used it for dates, prison breaks, and daring escapes complete with kisses under the moon. Once Grindelwald went to Azkaban, Dumbledore used it to find some privacy where he could grieve. Now, he uses it to travel around his classroom and Hogwarts and trick everyone into thinking he can fly by sheer will. Only Mcgonogall knows his secret. (And Severus, but Dumbledore doesn’t know that because he told him when he was black out drunk. So.)
He lets pygmy puffs sleep in his beard. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.
He once taught class while teetering on his feet because he had somehow gotten himself tangled in Christmas lights from shoulders to ankles and couldn’t move. (Sirius wandered in and saw this, cried he was laughing so hard, and then warbled his off-key way through as many Christmas carols as he could remember for the rest of class.) (Dumbledore tried to Silencio him but just fell over trying to make the wand movement. He broke his nose. Sirius almost had a panic attack because he couldn’t breathe from how hard he was laughing. By the end of this he had curled up in a fetal position on the floor, Remus was lying down next to him and muttering jokes to him, Mcgonogall was trying to fix Dumbledore’s face, and Severus had taken over the class. Not that they got much done - James was visiting that day. And him, Sirius, and Remus all laughing about the same thing rarely leads to a quiet and calm learning environment.) (They gave him a joint present of rainbow Christmas lights for his birthday - “Happy Gay Day, Professor!” - and he was not amused.) (Grindelwald was though. So was everyone else.)
He tends to mix up holidays in his head and often decorates for the wrong one. He goes all out too. He’s kind of a disaster, and so is his classroom. It became such a problem that the Marauders actually took pity on him and made him a very big calendar with all the holidays marked on it in glitter and fake jewels and flowers. It sits behind his desk and occasionally works.) (Occasionally.)
He’s queerplatonic partners with Mcgonogall. They held a friend-wedding and forced Severus to be the flowergirl. Harry officiated, Remus was Dumbledore’s best man, Sirius was Mcgonogall’s, James wasn’t given a job cause he was crying too much, Lily was in charge of taking care of James, and Peter was the ring bearer (he only lost them TWICE and they were ring pops anyway). Mcgonogall screeches at him a lot and Dumbledore can be depressive and neglectful because he misses Grindelwald but they love each other so it works. (And they’re the prime source of advice for James, Sirius, and Remus regarding their own queerplatonic relationship, for better or for worse.)
He puts his feet up on the desk even though it’s bad for his knees. Mcgonogall told him it’s bad for his knees and he has stubbornly put them up there every class since. (His knees are killing him but he will not give in to “a paranoid, batty old witch who doesn’t know shit about what’s good for me and wouldn’t if she was hit with an Imperio and I told her -” “I’M YOUR FUCKING PARTNER, YOU BLASPHEMOUS ARROGANT BRAT OF AN OLD FART!”)
Instead of walking around his classroom, he struts. (Yes, it worsens his knees.) He does strike poses, he does make obnoxious expressions, and he does look fabulous. WORK! (Yes, that was a Hamilton reference.)
He once taught class without a  face because Mcgonogall cursed him for “fucking up the alphabetical organization of my tea, you old twit. Honestly, Albus, it’s not that hard”. (How did he teach without a mouth, you ask? Easy, he used intermediate BSL (deaf students, plus Azkaban isn’t great on old men’s ears and he and Grindelwald are both gettin’ up there) and Sirius interpreted.) (Incredibly wrongly, crudely, and foul-mouth-ly, but nonetheless he interpreted.)
He has difficulty understanding the straight people in his class. He is fully accepting of everyone and wants the best for all of them, but when it comes to relationship advice, he’s shit.
Excerpt pulled from Pensieve of a conversation he had with a student who identified as female:
Dumbledore: “So your boyfriend is a dick, is what you’re saying?”
Student’s best friend: “Yes. Merlin, he’s such a dick. Would you believe he -”
Dumbledore: *looks at student and points to her best friend* “Why don’t you just date her?”
*cue red faces and sputtering*
(They did not take his advice.)
He wears bowties ALL THE TIME. If he’s not wearing a bowtie, there are bows in his hair and tying the ends of his beard together. Once he wore pigtails. It was great.
He has a habit of bursting into song randomly and performing full-blown Broadway musical numbers (yes, he can rap Guns and Ships at full speed). This usually involves all of the complex moves to be expected in a musical - dramatically climbing up the stairs while looking forlorn, leaping onto the desk and squatting as you launch into a whispered limerick, speedy costume changes - you know, the works. Sometimes Sirius and James back him up, if they’re there. Severus will take over teaching with a bored look on his face (“What are you looking at, Harry?” “Dad, there’s -” “I don’t see anything interesting happening, Harry.” *glares*) while Mcgonogall screeches at Dumbledore to “GET THE FUCK DOWN, YOU NARCISSISTIC HEATHEN!” It’s a problem.
When the Marauders challenge the dress code, Dumbledore is the first Professor to encourage it. While Sirius is perfectly confident in a skirt and Regulus isn’t far behind (neither is Severus, surprisingly), James and Remus are far more insecure. Dumbledore wears a tutu to class one day to show his support, and Remus wouldn’t stop smiling the rest of the day. (James just turned bright red and beamed when Sirius started laughing.) He also backed Lily up when she wore pants (along with Marlene, Dorcas, and Mary) by convincing Mcgonogall to wear pantsuits for a week. (Sirius, despite being a hardcore gay, was quite affected by this. Remus did not appreciate the water spit in his face and refused to kiss Sirius for a week.)
He plays Cecily Smith (Will Connolly) on the ukulele on late nights and stares out at the stars thinking of Grindelwald. Sometimes he forgets to turn off the Sonorus from earlier that day and ends up broadcasting his little song to the whole school. Sirius and Remus will dance to it in the common room while James watches his partners with a happy smile on his face (and Peter sleeps, because he’s tired and doesn’t force himself to stay up simply for the purpose of being cool or finishing that one assignment that isn’t due for another two weeks) (I’m sorry, do you feel called out?).
This man has weed brownies stashed away in his desk and he does eat them during class. He also offered one to Remus once, who is the only student that knows about the stash and tends to use marijuana for medical purposes (helping with anxiety and pain regarding the full moon, courtesy of my beautiful girlfriend who has never read nor seen Harry Potter but nonetheless insists to me that Remus Lupin is a stoner who wears red beanies). This prompted Sirius to ask for one, which Dumbledore refused, but then James joined in and they started a riot by standing on their desks and pumping their fists in the air and screaming, “BROWNIES FOR ALL!” while Remus giggled into his hand and was no help at all, so Dumbledore gave them each a brownie just to shut them up. (Sirius wouldn’t stop rambling about how pretty Remus’ eyes were, James was babbling on about unicorns, Severus was hissing at something no one else could see, Regulus was hissing at the same thing for some reason, Peter was crying because he couldn’t tell the difference between hamsters and gerbils and guinea pigs, and Lily was muttering pi under her breath until she fell asleep.) (Mcgonogall was unimpressed.) (No teatime for eight weeks. Damn.)
Dumbledore cares about all of his students, however little he shows it. He wants them to lead a better life than he did. And maybe fall in love with better people than he did.
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frederickthegreat · 4 years
my thoughts on TUA season 2
(spoilers, obviously)
- opened with Klaus and Ben, my kings. Klaus’s hair looks so weird straightened while short 
- AWESOME opening soundtrack 
- seeing all their powers so controlled makes me wonder how they leveled up to that skill in the alternate timeline. like the only time we saw Klaus use the powers of other ghosts in the correct timeline was when two of them caught him falling out of the sky. however Diego did end up controlling bullets and Allison used her voice to technically kill one of the Swedes
- the homeless man screaming Allison’s name alongside Luther... funny shit
- big teddy bear Hazel
- Elliot was fucking awesome i think he was a great addition as a side character. rip tho :(
- honestly i don’t understand why Diego would WANT to save JFK. like it’s not that big of a deal. does he not understand what messing with the timeline can do??
- Lila... impeccable
- Sissy and Vanya... impeccable <3
- yeah and fuck u Carl
- ugh, Klaus’s beard. disgusting <3
- Ben and Klaus definitely act like they should be, given that they’ve been stuck with each other for over a decade. i’ve seen some people calling Klaus an asshole for not telling his siblings about Ben, which is completely understandable (cause he was an asshole), but I’m guessing it was because he was afraid? that sharing Ben with his siblings would mean that he would lose him to them, or his siblings would find him selfish, or they would ask something of him that he couldn’t give. if that makes sense
- that ghost bitch comment was funny tho 
- to the guy who called Klaus pretty boy at the bar: sir you don’t know what you’re getting into
- Raymond!! he’s such a sweetheart, i really liked him in the show. i’m really happy that Allison has found a bit of normalcy (as normal as the 1960s Civil Rights movement could be). it shows how passionate she is about what she believes in: even though she knows the movement is far from over, even back in 2019, she’s not gonna abandon it
- Allison staring at the moon every night: either thinking about Luther or how the moon blows them all up. maybe both
- of course Luther would be working for Jack Ruby
- awesome cinematography during the mental asylum escape 
- yeah it makes sense that the Handler would still be alive. she was a cool villain. although it would’ve been awesome to see how evil a fish could be
- Diego’s plan was pretty stupid. that’s my boy
- honestly they revealed how Klaus started a cult really well by having one of his followers find him at jail. Klaus, ever the musical aficionado, of course writes his scripture based off of pop songs
- Raymond and Klaus meeting!! that was cool to see how their paths connected
- Lila painting Elliot’s toenails green. ugh i love that crazy bitch
- i LOVE how they incorporated the umbrella man!! tbh i’ve always believed he was the one behind the assassination. Lee Harvey Oswald was framed 
- honestly a bit understandable that Luther was planning on killing Vanya? cause he had no idea who she is now, but them reuniting was actually really sweet. he’s grown up so much
- the Swedes and their cats.
- the Umbrella company building with the nuclear family mannequins... creepy, awesome shit
- baby pogo baby pogo baby pogo baby pogo
- shanked diego shanked diego shanked diego shanked diego
- did anyone else get vibes from Klaus’s episode opening that he was an escort to the old woman? like how he was being shown off at her arm or something and getting out of jail from a call from the governor. idk maybe the lady was just very taken with him, as anyone would be
- Elliot, our helpful king
- Allison and Klaus’s reunion was so sweet!! i’m so glad they got to interact so much more in this season 
- Ben getting Raymond out through a haunting... hilarious
- sweet intimate moment between Lila and Diego
- Ray meeting Luther was hilarious, but i do feel for the poor guy. i mean i’m not in love with my adoptive sister but still
- the sit-in was really well done and beautiful while terrible. the ‘riot’ that ensued was very appropriate for today’s setting 
- D-Dave
- honestly i was scared that Klaus was gonna be overly attracted to him or whatever, which would be weird cause he’s years younger than Klaus, but honestly, at the core he just wanted to save Dave’s life. even if it means never meeting him in a different timeline. he truly loved Dave. and that ptsd flashback was done so well
- i knew Lila wasn’t trustworthy but i didn’t REALLY expect that! 
- Vanya and Luther talking with each other, Luther admitting the apocalypse wasn’t all her fault. beautiful
- the Majestic 12 reminds me of the conspiracy theory that only a few families control basically everything in the world. the Majestic 12 may be based off of that, idk
- idk about everyone else but Klaus’s scorpion and the frog story made total sense to me! frogs ARE bitches
- the diner scene.... ugh. it really shows that the two of them did fall in love and they did stupid in love things, like talking about their family, about why Dave wanted to join, favorite colors, favorite foods, etc. however that’s seen later on when Dave visits the compound
- yes it’s very disheartening when Klaus is attacked, but honestly i think it had to happen, just like the riot had to happen. the 60s weren’t a fun time for lgbt people and poc. it was only going to be a matter of time before the show HAD to acknowledge the consequences of Klaus’s ‘flamboyancy’ in 1963 Texas. it doesn’t make it right or easy to see, but it’s realistic. 
- it also makes sense that Klaus fell off the wagon after experiencing something like that. yes we all would’ve liked him to stay sober, but sobriety and recovery aren’t linear. 
- Allison is so happy with Ray can we please drop this pseudo-incest plotline let’s MOVE ON 
- Texas Grace ! who is not actually Grace rip (i think? i was a bit confused lol)
- the scene with Harlan running off was really upsetting but we got to see those weird light particles that we saw in the first season
- Pogo Pogo Pogo Pogo
- Klaus being a dick to Ben again, as brothers do. i do feel bad for Ben though it must be sooo frustrating. that scene with him and Allison was really sweet and funny tho
- i just have to say that Luther and Diego are so fucking funny this season it’s awesome. like there are a LOT of good lines overall by everyone but they’re hilarious. “At least he didn’t shank my ass” “no bro, he shanked your heart”“Dads part of a sinister CABAL that’s plotting on killing the president.” “a caBAL?”“You two still a thing? *leans in* do we need to talk?” “No, she’s married.” “Woah dude... that’s rough.” and countless others
- the sibling reunion!! 
- Klaus really does get left out of everything tbh
- Ben :(
- sisters and Klaus!! that was so awesome to see. and Klaus’s hairpins, Vanya saying she’s gonna tell Sissy she loves her, their dance sequence, Klaus calling Allison out on that incest. beautiful
- the fucking Swedish cover of Hello was PERFECT i mean i was sad for the Swedes but it was hilarious. there were a couple beautiful shots of the boat on fire though
- god it must’ve been so traumatizing for Allison to be thrust into such a hostile place with no voice and no way to contact her family
-  idk about you guys but long live Team Zero
- calling Ben that he was becoming their father was a bit uncalled for 
- the fact that Klaus didn’t help Dave’s chances, and in fact escalated Dave’s own timeline.. his trembling hands... robert sheehan is an amazing actor
- the Black president bit lmaoo loved it
- the way Reginald spoke to Diego.. i’m gonna throw hands with an old man
- Klaus LITERALLY looked like he was having a seizure and they all just... played it off?? 
- poor, poor Carl. nah fuck him lol
- that bloody opening scene was awesome! and thank god Five got to say fuck. the fact that it was about a candy bar makes too much sense
- Robert Sheehan acting as Ben: amazing showstopping spectacular he’s so talented
- the whole multiple Fives and Luther bit was honestly really funny, and i immensely respect smaller Five over bigger Five. 
- yes Klaus, you survived a family of seven. you got this
- not sad about Carl dying one bit!
- Ben... that was such a beautiful scene. not just the content of the scene, but the cinematography. Ben fading away... Vanya hugging him... ugh. the main takeaway i had from that scene is that at the core of it all, Ben and Klaus love each other immensely. they have a weird, dysfunctional, fucked up relationship, where Klaus is an asshole and Ben definitely shouldn’t of possessed him without his consent, but they’re still brothers, and Ben forgives him. 
- oof Ben’s funeral was hard. also was it just me or did Klaus’s kid actor sound weird? like it sounded like Robert was dubbing his lines 
- all the siblings back together again!!!! Klaus going with Vanya to save Harlan!! Vanya telling him Ben forgives him and that it wasn’t Klaus’s fault Ben got stuck with him!! everyone in the car!!! be still my beating heart
- yeah didn’t see Lila having powers coming tbh. i really feel bad for her she’s had such a rough and traumatic life, especially with the Handler as her only parental figure
- the Swede brother and Five putting down their weapons: “enough.” the Swede wanted revenge for his brothers - an eye for an eye, but there was a mutual understanding between the two of them: they would do anything for their family. if the Swede hurts one of the Hargreeves, Five would never stop coming after him. i thought it was very beautiful 
- mmm Reggie’s foreshadowing coming into play. proud of u Five
- the ending was so beautiful. everyone got closure in some type of way. except now Klaus is alone with nothing but his dog tags :(
- EMO BEN HAHAHA WTFFF?? is Lila in the sparrow academy? why was Ben’s portrait over the mantle piece? did Five disappear?? is the sparrow academy just older versions of the siblings who stuck around?? so many questions
- Ellen Page’s acting consistently blows me away. she is amazing 
- beautiful cinematography, funny writing, pretty good acting. i didn’t like the soundtrack as much as i did the first season’s, but some of it wasn’t bad.
- i’m glad ben got peace, but i’m also glad justin min isn’t gone for good. his social media presence is too vital for us
- i swear to god if they keep treating klaus as a joke and don’t let him get any actual development like everyone else had (he barely got closure with Dave, he reconciled with Ben through a second party) next season, i’m gonna riot. PLEASE i want to learn more about his powers now that Ben is gone. what happened to seeing tons of ghosts when he’s sober??
- Luther and Diego were probably my favorite duo of the season, I’m so happy that they’ve reconciled and are bonding more. 
- just seeing Vanya grow and be happy was amazing 
all in all, really wonderful season. i probably liked it better than the first one. now it’s time to consume fanfiction and maybe finish my own (check out “god doesn’t want him and neither does the devil” on ao3!)
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tcm · 4 years
The Golden Boy, John Garfield By Susan King
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Stanley Kowalski in Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire was Marlon Brando’s signature role. It made the then 23-year-old Brando an overnight Broadway sensation in 1947, and he electrified movie audiences and earned his first Oscar nomination for the classic 1951 film version. But he wasn’t the first choice to play Blanche’s earthy brother-in-law. Producer Irene Selznick had her eyes on Hollywood star John Garfield, who frequently took time out from movies to return to the Great White Way for limited runs.
In fact, writer John Lahr reported in 2014 that on July 19, 1947, Selznick drew up a contract for the 34-year-old actor, “one of the few sexy Hollywood stars with a proletarian pedigree. The Selznick office leaked the big news to the press. The contract was never signed. On August 18 the deal with Garfield collapsed.”
One of the reasons bandied about was that Garfield turned down the role because the contract would have kept him away from Hollywood for too long. Though Brando is considered the performer who ushered in the more naturalistic style of acting (known as “the Method”) both on stage and in film, truth be told it was Garfield who was the catalyst for Brando, as well as Montgomery Clift, Paul Newman, James Dean and Steve McQueen.
Just look at Garfield’s first feature film, FOUR DAUGHTERS (’38). Directed by Michael Curtiz, the cast includes Lane sisters Lola, Rosemary and Priscilla, in addition to Gale Page as the four musically inclined daughters of a widower music professor (Claude Rains). Enter handsome boy-next-door Jeffrey Lynn as a budding composer named Felix who endears himself with all the daughters, especially peppy Ann (Priscilla Lane).
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The household is put in an uproar with the arrival of Garfield’s Mickey Borden, the original rebel anti-hero. Unkempt, slovenly and possessing a massive chip on his shoulder, Mickey is an orchestrator who has arrived at the house to work with Felix. You can’t keep your eyes off him especially in this early monologue where he explains his anger to Ann:
“They’ve been at me now nearly a quarter of a century. No let-up. First, they said, ‘Let him do without parents. He’ll get along.’ Then they decided, ‘He doesn’t need education. That’s for sissies.’ Then right at the beginning, they tossed a coin, ‘Heads he’s poor, tail’s he’s rich.’ So, they tossed a coin…with two heads. Then for the finale, they got together on talent. ‘Sure, they said, let him have talent. Not enough to let him do anything on this own, anything good or great Just enough to let him help people. It’s all he deserves.’”
There was a sexuality and eroticism to Garfield’s performance that was 180 degrees different from Lynn’s durable and safe leading man. He was so natural; it was almost like someone found Garfield walking down the street in the Bronx and asked him to star in the movie. “He was the prototypical Depression rebellion youth,” actor Norman Lloyd told me about Garfield for the L.A. Times in 2003. They first met in 1937 and worked together on Garfield’s final film HE RAN ALL THE WAY (’51).
“He combined all of these elements of darkness and rebelliousness with the charm and the poignancy and he became the prototypical actor of that time. He never changed as a person. He remained just as a wonderful guy. He was a man of great charm, a good fellow, very likable.”
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There was a lot of Mickey in Garfield, who was born Jacob Julius Garfinkle in 1913 on the Lower East Side of New York to poor Russian immigrants. Julie, as he was called, had a rough and tumble upbringing. His mother died when he was seven. “He hated his father,” his daughter Julie Garfield noted in 2003. “His father was awful to him. He was torn away from his brother.” In fact, Garfield once said that if he hadn’t become an actor, he would have been “Public Enemy No. 1.”
Unlike Mickey, the fates and destiny were looking after him. First, it was educator Angelo Patri, who became a surrogate dad to Julie at P.S. 45, a high school for troubled students. With Patri’s encouragement, he joined the debate team where he discovered he had a gift for acting. That was further nurtured when he received a scholarship to Maria Ouspenskaya’s acting school. He was all of 18 when he made his Broadway debut in 1932 in Lost Boy and became the youngest member of the progressive and influential Group Theatre, appearing in Clifford Odets’ early masterpieces Waiting for Lefty and Awake and Sing. 
Odets wrote the play Golden Boy for Garfield in 1937, but director Harold Clurman decided to give the lead role of boxer Joe Bonaparte to Luther Adler and cast Garfield in a minor role. His unhappiness with Clurman’s decision pushed Garfield into signing a contract with Warner Bros. And FOUR DAUGHTERS made him an overnight sensation. He earned a Supporting Actor Oscar nomination, but lost to Walter Brennan who picked up his second Academy Award in that category for Kentucky (‘38).
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The following year, Garfield, Rains, the Lane siblings, Page and Curtiz reunited for DAUGHTERS COURAGEOUS, in which the actors played different characters from the prior film. It was probably the best film Garfield made that year. But Warner Brothers put him in a lot of movies that were unworthy of his talent including BLACKWELL’S ISLAND (’39) where he was typecast as a gangster. He made some good movies in 1941, including THE SEA WOLF, which also starred Edward G. Robinson and Ida Lupino and reunited him with Curtiz, and also Anatole Litvak’s atmospheric noir OUT OF THE FOG also with Lupino.
Because he suffered heart damage from scarlet fever, Garfield couldn’t serve during World War II. But he entertained the troops on USO tours and opened the famous Hollywood Canteen with Bette Davis so the troops could be entertained and be served by some of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Both Davis and Garfield appeared as themselves in the hit 1944 film HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN. Garfield also fought the global conflict on screen, giving one of his strongest and grittiest performances in PRIDE OF THE MARINES (’45), a poignant drama based on the life Al Schmid who was blinded by a grenade during the Battle of Guadalcanal. He returns home to his wife (Eleanor Powell) a bitter, doubting man who has a difficult time trying to deal with his new life.
The year 1946 saw the release of two of Garfield’s most enjoyable films HUMORESQUE and THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE. HUMORESQUE was his last film under his Warner Bros. contract. It’s a delicious melodramatic wallow with Garfield playing a poor New York kid who becomes a famous concert violinist. Joan Crawford, coming off her Oscar-winning triumph in Mildred Pierce (’45), plays a wealthy patroness who sets her sights on Garfield. Garfield went to MGM for POSTMAN, which was based on James M. Cain’s best-selling thriller. Garfield turns up the heat with Lana Turner as illicit lovers who brutally murder her husband only to turn on each other when they are caught.
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The actor teamed up with Bob Roberts to form an independent production company, Enterprise Productions, and their first feature was the boxing classic BODY AND SOUL (’47), for which he earned his second Oscar nomination as Charley Davis, a boxer who loses his way when he gets involved with an unscrupulous promoter. Not only does he have a strong chemistry with leading lady Lilli Palmer, but also African American actor Canada Lee as Ben, a boxer with brain damage. And Garfield gets to utter one of his greatest lines in BODY AND SOUL: “What are you going to do? Kill me? Everybody dies.”
Though his next Enterprise production wasn’t a hit, FORCE OF EVIL (’48), co-written and directed by Abraham Polonsky, is a terrific film noir with a hard-hitting Garfield as a corrupt attorney trying to save his numbers-racket brother (Thomas Gomez) from his gangster boss. Garfield returned to Warner Bros. and Curtiz in 1950 for THE BREAKING POINT, which was based on Hemingway’s 1937 novel, To Have and Have Not. It’s an outstanding film noir with a superb performance from Garfield as well as from Black actor Juano Hernandez who plays his partner on the fishing boat.
THE BREAKING POINT was Garfield’s penultimate film and was not a hit because The Blacklist was engulfing Hollywood and the actor, despite the fact he wasn’t a Communist. His film career was over in 1951 when he refused to cooperate with HUAC at his hearing. Before his death of a heart attack in 1952 at the age of 39, Garfield did appear in a short-lived Broadway revival of Golden Boy, which also starred Lee J. Cobb, a young Jack Klugman and Joseph Wiseman.
Though she was only 6 ½ when he died, Julie Garfield recalls seeing her father on stage in Golden Boy where he introduced her during the curtain call. “When he smiled at you it was like being in the sun,” she noted. “He was funny and sometimes he would like to dance and kick up his legs. I remember him adoring me. He used to take me to the merry-go-round a lot in New York. He was so strong, so handsome and he loved to kid me. He would give me this mischievous smile. I wish I remembered more about him…”
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whencallstheheart · 3 years
WCTH Season 8 Survey Results
Thank you so much for participating!  Here’s what you all had to say:
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Responses to the short answer questions are under the cut!  It’s very, very long.
What do you see happening in the future with Lucas and Elizabeth?
Literally nothing except them talking about how cute they are and her stupid book
Lucas will lose everything that makes the character interesting in favor of conforming to whatever best suits Elizabeth.  They'll be so boring.
I have no interest in any story between them.
A lot of candles
Reply hazy, try again.
I can definitely see them having a lot of relationship drama and business drama, as well as Lucas learning how to be a good stepdad to Little Jack
They’ll break up when she realizes his criminal ways.
Don’t know, don’t care
Nothing good
Traveling. To see her family to get married
More depth to their relationship (I feel we were told more than shown)
LOL. They're going to be as boring and disgusting as a dead slug.
Hopefully a breakup.
Lucas is shown to be Abusive and Elizabeth will be hiding it.
He loses all his money, ruins friendships through business, constantly stalks Elizabeths every move listening to any conversation she has, having zero interest in Jack and Elizabeth reverts back to her big city attitude, but they stay in Hope Valley and annoy everyone. I’m not sure I see it lasting with the ratings are bad - I think the writers may be forced to make up their mind on Lucas for maybe even Nathan. I hope Jack rises from the dead (that would reek havoc and fun). Really I wish them all the WORST. OH and I think Lucas has deep secrets he wants to hid and I think the writers may even pull a repeat storyline (like with Nathan - even though they claim they don’t repeat storylines).... COUGH COUGH CHARLES MUCH?!? Oh and they’ll have his dad show up in town to cause drama. I almost hope Lee starts to clash with Lucas.
I want them to break up...
Lots of cringe worthy dates. Maybe some disagreements about their jobs or where they might live if they get married. Lucas spending some time with Jack
Elizabeth being out of character to fit with Lucas
the same for any new relationship - rocky roads with great romance
Problems, the two are sickening when they are together and their activities are only about them
Lucas needs to leave.  He is not a family man.  Elizabeth is a mother first, Nathan is a family man.
Lucas will learn to have a family.  Want him to loose the saloon and try to get it back. Problems with the pinkertowns
Hopefully nothing
Whatever the writers have in store. Since I'm choosing something else, I won't know and I won't care.
Well, she already has a great saloon dress, so I see her leaving teaching to work in the saloon while Robert raises Little Jack for her.😜
Boring boring boring storylines!
I do not care.
I don’t see a future as I will not be watching. Show is ruined.
Too many stupid over the top romantic dates
Engagement, Marriage, and Pregnancy
Not much.  What kind of story or life will they have?  Courting and dining and not much else.
Courtship and eventually marriage if the show lasts long enough. Lucas learning how to be a father. Maybe a trip or something after her book is published.
Get married and raise Jack together. Maybe have another kid.
More of the same. Just a physical relationship with some books and candles. Boring.
I don't know! That's my biggest problem. I can't see a future for them because I can't see them together, I always saw an end point. Where will they even live??
Marriage and a new baby girl
Not much
Trouble. Stress with things not working out as easily as they thought they would.
I honestly don’t know. I just feel like she looked so uncomfortable with him all season. Then all of a sudden she’s making out with him on a bridge?? She didn’t even want to hold his hand and when she did it was awkward.
Not interested at all.
Don't care.  Will only watch for other storylines.
Many dates, becoming a family with little jack , Lucas proposing   On  bridge in   The season 9 finale episode
Disappointment when she finds out he hired Christopher to spy. Lucas will have financial hardships and will spend time with Little jack. May partner with Nathan regarding land grab and the "bad guys".
Honestly no idea. I could see them not working out, but maybe that's wishful thinking right now while I'm still bitter.
I think Lucas will be supportive of her in her work and raising jack and there relationship will grow and they will be engaged sometime in season 9.
Dinners with champagne and too many candles. That's about it.
Chris McNally should leave the show
I'm honestly not sure. I think they have a lot of work to do before they even think about getting married because we haven't even seen a fleshed out relationship between them. I assume there will be some adjustments with how Lucas will fit into Jack's life too as he will be getting older since there has been zero interaction between them. I really have no idea but I also could not care less about either of them, so I'm hoping they won't monopolize the time in each episode. But I also think it would be hard for them to monopolize time because they don't even do anything lol, this is just a long winded way of saying I have no clue.
Getting to know each other better. Helping each other with changes with their jobs. Getting married.
I see them supporting each other through career struggles, Lucas trying to find his role with Little Jack, Elizabeth maybe feeling weird about Lucas’ money and trying to go full homesteader :)
Marriage, fights, baby Jack moments, etc.
Some boring shit...
Them having trust issues only because of how little we actually really know about Lucas and he has put himself in sketchy circumstances before. I honestly just don’t trust him, he’s been portrayed so perfect this season which isn’t realistic at all.
Relationship does not work
He will lose everything and she will see he was superficial
Probably a lot of fancy dates and romance
I don’t really know, not interested much in them.
Writers will have them marry, even though they have no chemistry whatsoever.
I guess something to do with Elizabeth's writing? I'm not sure, I feel like they had such little development together that it's the only thing they share.  
They should be working toward learning how to fully trust each other and communicate properly. Hopefully Lucas bonds a lot more with Jack. I have loved the little interactions between Lucas and Jack and there needs to be more if he is supposed to be Elizabeth's next husband.
Maybe a proposal by the end of next season. I'm really so neutral about the relationship that it doesn't matter to me. Maybe if we actually see some development I'll feel differently.
I really do not care enough to have any thoughts - I will be skipping what the show comes up with anyway.
They have a satisfying break-up lmao. That final scene was the most stilted and painful thing I've watched on the show in ages and that's saying alot.
He will break her heart
I'd hope they find they are just too different and break up. He's too smarmy for her.
A breakup
An engagement and Elizabeth pregnant with a baby girl
Moving back to Hamilton to live their champagne privileged life.  Hope Valley deserves the other characters to have their story told. Nobody wants to see a teacher and saloon owner being together.
Nothing. Completely have no interest in them. Wasted all season watching a so called love triangle.
More of the same.
I never saw them as a couple- don’t think it’s a good match — they have not chemistry — hope they
break up — I just find his character as having no charisma - he’s too slick looking.  He was never into Baby Jack.... unlike NAthan
I hope they move away.
I hope they do not marry
I am not sure. Lucus is into the business of making money. That is what drives him. I don’t see him as a family man at all. Truthfully I will be disappointed to see Elizabeth go back to her privileged ways because of Lucus. I think she grew independent of her upbringing and to set her right back into the lifestyle she was born into totally undermines the strength and courage we watched her character blossom into and fell in love with.
Lucas will die.
Moooreee loooveee
Lucas’ relationship with Little Jack as a first time father and how it affects his relationship with Elizabeth
Who cares LOL i do not watch for Elizabeth
Getting maried
Ugh! Don't care.
More courting, scenes with baby Jack, probably some tension
Lucas is a duplicitous, dishonest person. Elizabeth will regret her choice and go back to Nathan.
Business problems, secrets galore, probably a super over the top wedding
More dinner dates?
I see Lucas and Elizabeth still in a relationship, but having some problems. Lucas's trust issues and bad communication vices needs to end!
Honestly, I have no idea.  Whilst I do love the actors and watch them separately,  I find it very difficult to watch their relationship on screen together.  For some reason it sets off a deep seated anxiety in me,  so I tend not to watch them where I can help it.  If I do watch in season 9, it will be for the supporting cast stories, and I will avoid their relationship storyline altogether.
Really don't care as that pairing makes no sense to me
full courtship
Don’t really care.
courtship, some struggles,  and then marriage - hopefully
No idea … don’t care about them
Candles.  Lots and lots of candles.
Don't know
I don't know and I'm not interested
Spending time together, double dates with Lee and Rosemary, and dealing with any problems Elizabeth has with the edcuation guy from the county.
I really don't care, sorry.
A nice long courtship
I think Lucas will  encourage Elizabeth when her book is released they will continue to fall more and love and Lucas will propose in the finale of season 9
I have no idea. Their storyline was already so bland and boring. I guess they'll try to write stuff about E's book and then ppl trying cause trouble for the saloon. I dont really care what they do.  That relationship and storyline is dry as toast
Don't really have an opinion
Elizabeth stops teaching to write full time. They marry and move into swankier diggs on the edge of town. Little Jack spends his days at  Rosemary and Lee's house to get away from the constant champagne swigging and insufferably bad French.
Don’t care
I will not this show any longer. Season 8 did it for me.
a lot of kissing
Hopefully small, simple storylines that build up to an actual relationship that isn't just tonsil-sucking smooching. I think we deserve the attempt at seeing a relationship build after all this nonsensical drama.
That she finds out he isn’t who she thought he was and she made a big mistake. By then Nathan will be happy and fulfilled with someone new
More chemistry-free scenes
She leaves him for Nathan
Mismatched couple.  Very materialistic.  Maybe leave the show!
Move out of hope valley
They will make out all the time.
God I don't even know. I'm not remotely invested in their relationship so I don't really care honestly.
Far fetched - I hoping the past catches up and problems arise
Hopefully moving away so we dont have to watch them anymore
Nothing exciting
Boring storyline
I wish a break up
Don't care
L losing his money and figuring out how to be a real person with hardship. E struggling with the school but not actually doing anything kinda like the finale. I want them both to stay away from Nathan and not force a friendship.
Don't care
They will get married and have children
Lucas sells saloon and starts new, family friendly business.  He and Elizabeth court and become more serious
Dating, getting to know each other better, marriage
His shady ways will nip him in the butt and Elizabeth will open her eyes and realize how he's caused her to change into the "Hamilton" woman she didn't want to become.
Continuing courtship, then Lucas does a shady deal and leaves town
Blech- If those last scenes are any indication
Borrowing inappropriate life
I do not give a damn
I think and truly hope Lucas will show a side of him she doesn't like and she will get with Nathan. Probably won't happen but I think Lucas is just too slick and a little shady.
Think she will discover he has some things she doesn't like or agree with and will fall out of love with him
It will be a love forever!
I honestly think nothing will happen, they'll have another rather long (one season or two) relationship, then they'll get engaged, marry again, have babies... unless they decide to bring in random troubles, but honestly nothing much
Don’t care.  
I'm not really interested in these characters anymore
That they don’t get married and the storyline goes back to the original premise of the teacher and the Mountie.
I don’t care.
I don’t care.
They split up
they will settle into a comfortable relationship and then there won't be that much oppertunity for grown
They're a terrible couple and I don't really care what the writer's do with them.
Not interested in their future
A wedding.  They have unfortunately taken it this far, they have to finish it.  Anything else would make John Tinker's decision even more ridicuous.
I hope she realises she made a mistake thirty seconds into S9 and runs back to Nathan.
Don't Care, will not be watching.
I hope their relationship grows until ultimately they get married and have a family
They will get married and hav a baby girl.
Boring story line of privileged life and focus on book publishing and tour.  No chemistry "romance".Should marry right away as there scenes are so sexualized, which would be scandalous for that time.
fun romance, hopefully more with Jcak
No idea.  I can't picture Lucas involved in the school or any other part of Elizabeth's Hope Valley circle, so I imagine the storyline will give them a new focus.
Elizabeth will realize she made a mistake and leave Lucas!!! Only to find it's too LATE!
Don’t know, but I’m excited to see them as a couple! Just them getting to know each other even better and becoming more a part of each other’s lives (this includes spending time with Little Jack) as they move toward their future together. :)
They will probably get married.
Whatever serves Elizabeth’s plot line
What do you think they have planned for Nathan?
Who knows but I have no faith in the writers so they’ll probably fuck it up
Maybe he tends to a woman in need?
I would love for him to interact with more people in the town. Definitely more day to day scenes with Allie. I’d love to hear her refer to him as Dad. I hope someone new will come into town who will be perfect for Nathan and he will sweep her off her feet
Something great I hope
New romance. Maybe a tussle with the Pinkertons.
Hopefully a lot of interesting things! I'm hoping for a romance with Faith, I think they could be pretty great
Nothing. If they didn’t decide who elizabeth picked till last minute, no way they have anything planned for Nathan this far out. BB and Tinker are all talk.
Hopefully better treatment but I won’t know because I will not watch anyway
I hope someone amazing
A new love interest
More “Girl Dad” Nathan, potential relationship with Faith of a new character, a platonic acquaintance ship with Elizabeth & Lucas despite everything
Nothing that will do him justice.
No fracken clue. Maybe he’ll focus only on Allie from now on.
Nathan finds out that Lucas is abusive toward Elizabeth and ready to thrown Lucas in Jail where he belongs.
Some bullshit like always. I don’t even care to predict much. They have so much contempt for him it’s insanely uncalled for. They think he’s boring, they think he’s a Jack 2.0 (Brian Bird even said this on Twitter). They undermine his duty, frame him as if he is some like creep who followed Elizabeth to town, when in reality he was doing it out of respect, duty and honor. They are so needlessly disrespectful to him (Kevin knows this), especially bc they framed it as if Nathan never gave E space and time, which we know is BS. He is a real man and does what real men would and we know WCTH is scared of a real man. They’ll try to put him with Faith (snooze), or hell maybe they have not renewed When Hope Calls and he will become a lead on that show (I’d welcome him back into Alfonso’s arms any day). Lord knows Alfonso can write and actually respected his character.
A new love interest. Maybe a career change so he can be there for Allie more.
At this point with how they handled him so far I'm not very hopeful
I truly think something more exciting than it would have been with Nathan and Elizabeth
Not sure, can we trust anything logical to happen, hopefully he can see it was good not to be chosen by Elizabeth
He should be with Elizabeth
Probably saving Elizabeth and Lucas from danger
Help Lucas with this Spurlock Guy.  Navigate with a teenager.
If the writers/producers are smart, they will get Lucas away from Elizabeth almost immediately and get her hooked up with Nathan.  This was a blow and so deceiving to the fans!  (I only answered “someone new” to the question above because Elizabeth was not an option).  
Unfortunately not anything I trust them to do a good job with.
I am worried they’re planning to stick him with Faith.  Ugh!  
BB doesn't care, it will be tacky and messy.
Probably kill him. They’ve done everything else terrible to him.
Sadly, probably a relationship with Faith. Never been a fan of her.
A new love interest
A new love interest
I hope a new love interest. Courtship, Engagement, Marriage, and Pregnancy.
A great love story with someone new to Town!!!
Plenty of Mountie storylines, fathering Allie through teenage years, finding love, learning how to be friends with E & L. Maybe a visit from his mom.
Hopefully an epic story of heroics and a forever love who is unwavering and true to him. He deserves nothing less.
Get shot. Lose a leg. Get a life-threatening infection. Fall in a lake. Get locked inside a burning building.
I think they're gonna try to pair him with Fiona
New mountie responsibility and new love interest
No idea
Leave the Mounties and start a horse ranch or be in charge of the livery. I like him as a Mountie though.
They had all these amazing story lines for him even though it was just one road block after another for him. I want to continue to see Nathan deal with Allie growing up and their relationship.
I feel so disappointed & sad for him.
A storyline that hopefully won't screw him over, with no Elizabeth  involved. She needs to stay out of his life decisions. Bring in a new character for his love interest. But, most of all give him and Allie the happiness they deserve.
Faith romance ,more challenging cases in his job and trouble with ally father
Allie’s Dad, promotion
Not enough! Will try to find him a love interest but will focus on his relationship with Allie and her father, who will come back to cause problems. Nathan will partner with Bill regarding mining disaster investigation and Pinkertons.They need to make him prominent next season for show to survive because Kevin McGarry is beloved by fans and the best actor on the show next to Martin. The Mountie character should be prominent. If they try to put him with Faith it will be like a Dr. Quinn-Sully type relationship, and I don't think it will work. I love Kevin opposite Jen Lilley.
They will probably shackle him with Faith and that will bore me.
Have no clue
Relationship drama, Mountie stuff, trouble with Allie. Pretty much the same as this season but hopefully there will be more of a focus on him instead of Elizabeth.
Love with Faith, UGH. And more incredible fathering with Allie <3 Elizabeth could have had her chance with that family but no, apparently she’s “not in love” with him and never was.
I'm hoping we get to see Nathan form more friendships with other HV residents and deepen his relationship with others. I assume the Pinkerton storyline (which I have no idea how that will play out) will bring him and Bill together professionally, so I would enjoy to see their friendship be fleshed out more. Hopefully more of him with Allie and facing her teenage years as her father will be fun to see. I hope they bring in a new love interest for him because I would really enjoy seeing him catch the eye of someone new and vice versa.
More adventures as a Mountie.
No idea - I think he should find another path though. I don’t think he likes being a Mountie.
Another suitor, work stuff, family stuff, scenes with Allie
I just hope it is not faith as his love interest
Hopefully more storylines about him and Allie! I love them and I just really hope they focus on him and his journey with Allie. I don’t want a romantic storyline for him bc that’s really soon and he was IN love with Elizabeth so it would be unrealistic for him to jump into another relationship like that. I do want him to get over Elizabeth though and see him recover and grow from that!
Elizabeth will come to her senses and ditch Lucas for Nathan
A new love. A spunky woman who goes after him.
No clue!
Probably a love story with Faith, but I don’t like that direction if they decide to go that way.
Not to be a leading man and take the focus off of Elizabeth.
Probably a new love interest. I didn't catch that he could potentially end up with Faith at first, but I'm down for it as long as they can make it work. They've both been left behind by the people they love, that would make for an interesting narrative at least.
They probably will pair him up with a female character, but I think he should stay single and continue to focus on raising Allie.
Hopefully they don't go the Faith route, but I have a feeling they might.
A good Mountie storyline with the Pinkertons etc. I'd like to see Allie's Dad again too.
Ehhh they'll probably put him with Faith which I'm not into at all.
A spin-off I hope
Not sure, I felt he belonged with Elizabeth all along.
Who knows. I don’t trust the show runners anymore.
Faith and challenges raising ally
Hopefully leave Hope Valley and leave that shit show. I’m not really buying the writers saying they have exciting things for him. They have mislead the viewers too long. It’s a ploy to keep the viewers watching the show. It’s all about covering their butt right now and try to keep the ratings.
I don’t know. I won’t be returning to watch
I think Elizabeth has trouble w/Lucas and runs back to Nathan realizing that she made a mistake.  A blended family would have been a good storyline.
I don’t know, but it better be good!
Don’t know
I would hope that he would be allowed to at least go on an actual date with someone before he is over looked and not even given a chance at love. That the decision to whether he is able to love and be loved is not determined by the uniform he is wearing but rather by the quality of the man wearing the uniform.
Mourning the loss of Elizabeth and then finding a new love interest, hopefully successfully
Something amazing I hope but the writers are so terrible I do wonder if they can
good things
I hope love
No idea.
Exploring being a father to Allie, An ACTUAL love interest, probably more career - mountie vs “normal” life thinking
I hope that Elizabeth and Lucas break up when she realizes how bad he is. Nathan loves Elizabeth and was NEVER given the chance to even have one dinner date with her. Elizabeth needs to have an opportunity to see him now for the incredible man that he is.
New love interest, new job maybe?
Probably a romance for Allie he has to handle?
Probably to put him up with Faith...
I hope something fantastic after the shocking story-telling he has had to endure this season.  I love him and Allie, and him and Bill, and feel there is great potential there.
I hope something good for what he's endured
Action storylines
At this point have no idea.
hopefully something fun, Kevin is a funny guy and they should take advantage of that
Downplaying his role as a “police” figure
I think they will put him with Faith, but I hope not.
New love interest
I hope that he will have as important a role as before (like, for example, the one Abigail had before she left) and that he meets a new love interest.
Nathan needs some stories with humor and adventure but they will probably focus on his romance next.
Bigger mountie related stories, new love interest perhaps
Fiona, Fiona fiona
Dealing with losing Elizabeth him and faith will bond over heartache and eventually become a couple he will have some problems taking ally as she continues to get older maybe a new aspect of his job being a Mountie
Also dont care what they do because anything after this point will never make up for the way they screwed his character over.  They'll probably write him with Faith which we all know makes zero sense. I would hope someone new comes along for him to love him the way he deserves but I dont think that will happen.  He'll have problems with the Pinkertons probably.
I hope some happiness for a change
They have already telegraphed that Faith will latch on to him. Yuck, what a consolation prize.
Probably some action stuff.
He will emerge as the strong wonderful Person he is.  He will be involved with the Pinkertons storyline.  He will find a new love and be happy
Back stab his character again
Promotion and a new mom for Allie.
I hope someone new comes in and adores him.
I'm sure they'll rush a love interest for him as a consolation prize while also still trying to shove Elizabeth into his life as a "friend".
Life with Allie
Don't know with these writers
New love interest
Not sure
To be with Elizabeth that's what i want to keep watching
Saving the town from the Pinkertons. Dealing with bill and the mine. Making new friends and being admired by everyone including l&e. More sweet lessons with Allie (helping her in math) and possibly the aftermath of Dillon coming out. That could be a good opportunity to have him lean on someone new. I’d like Allie to put E in her place when she oversteps her involvement in N&A life since we know she will. It’ll show A maturing as a 14-15 y/o and serve E a much needed amount of humble pie after the crap she pulled with them in S7&8. Please no rushed friendship with e or l like give the guy a season and also make them the uncomfortable ones. He deserves to hold his head high. I would love for him to tell E he’s more than his uniform and it’s unfortunate she never tried to see that.
Don't no
A new girlfriend
He finally loses the chip from his shoulder
Not sure yet, a town mystery maybe, time him to heal with what happened.
He will uncover Lucas' shady ways.
Wrangling with the Pinkertons
No idea
Probably nothing to good
I do not want to Know. Not interested in the show anymore
I have no idea. I really can't imagine him with anyone but Elizabeth
Don't know but they did him wrong with Elizabeth's decision. She left Hamilton because of the life-style Lucas has. JUST DOESN'T FIT!!!!!!
another love
Probably more Allie and Mounties related things, and hopefully a nice, good love interest. I am really hoping they'll keep Elisabeth away from him for at least one season. The last thing we all need is her being all up in his business again with Allie and goodness forbid his new love interest #LEAVENATHANALONE (sorry, couldn't help it)
Hopefully finding love and happiness with someone who makes Elizabeth feel she made a big mistake.
j'espère juste qu'ils ne minimisent pas le temps de presence à l'écran de son personnage, qu'ils arrêteront de mal le traiter pour rien et qu'il lui arrivera que de bonnes choses
I don’t care enough to speculate.
Something lame.
Something lame.
No idea. They've just wasted the family Allie, baby Jack, Elizabeth and him already were.
sideling mountie buisness
I hope he finds true love.
A new love, but I hope they don't pair him up with Faith. More mountie stuff.
New love.  His continuing story with Ally.  More examples of his nobility, if they are smart.
If I were Kevin I don't know if I'd want to stay.
Probably another beating.
I would love to see Nathan and Fiona get together as a couple I think they would be awesome together
Romance with faith problems with ally’s father struggling with ally growing up and maybe him getting hurt on a mission.
That Nathan's heart will heal and that he will fall in love with a new beautiful godly woman coming to Hope Valley (A new teacher that can teach special needs?)  Continue to build the strong relationship with Allie and be an excellent dad.
new love
They'd better have an EPIC love story for him!
He needs to find someone NEW so when Elizabeth comes back it's too LATE!!  Faith and Nathan NO WAY!! You can't just fall out of love with someone just like that.
Challenges  in him being a Mountie . I really hope that he has a good storyline and has some romance with faith and is happy in his life and not despressed with Lucas and Elizabeth being a couple.
For Nathan, we should see him slowly healing from his heartbreak, and fully finding his place in the community beyond Elizabeth. Definitely more of him and Allie as a family. I expect our Mountie will become involved with whatever is going on with the potential new factory and the Pinkertons hanging around. No guesses as to what he and John Tinker have in store exactly, but I hope it’s good! As this is a Hallmark show, they probably can’t bear to leave a main character single for too long, so they’ll probably start setting up a new love for him, but hopefully not too soon.
Continue to be a parent to Allie and have a new love interest.
Lessening of his prominence on the show
What did you love about this season?
Well, I liked Nathan’s parts
that they attempted to fill some of the holes in plots and that they gave everyone something meaningful to do.  Ned and Florence were great.  Loved meeting the Canfields.
I was happy with the season up until the finale. I loved the thought of Elizabeth and Nathan going through everything to make their relationship stronger. Now it seems pointless. They kept kicking Nathan while he was down and he never got a fair chance
Allie and nathan
References to Henrigail.
Seeing the town become more busy and lively I guess
That Nathan was going to end up with Elizabeth.
I also loved the Canfields and the bigger storylines for minor characters.
Nothing at this point, it’s all tainted by garbage finale
Too rushed and not written well
There were more stories with other people
The ensemble as a whole....
The Coulters, Henry and Christopher, the Canfields, Florence and Ned, and Hickam and Fiona.
The Nathan / Allie storyline.
Jack Jr, Elizabeth and Jack Sr Photo
Absolutely nothing. It was blasphemy. My favorite moment was Either the Fort Clay argument at Bills uniform event thing, or Allie sticking it to Mrs. Thornton by ripping up the dinner invitation in front of her face in the school house. I like any suffering Elizabeth went through and Lucas.
Some things that were left hanging from prior seasons were resolved. The Canfield family- it was nice to see faith-related things being more included in the show again like in earlier seasons. Florence and Ned were adorable. Mike and Fiona were pretty cute together too- love how they encourage each other to be their best!
Not much but Nathan as a character
The Canfields, Ned and Florence, Rosemary and the paper, and the ending of the triangle
Nathan's smile.
Florence and Ned
The Canfields and  the bell even though Lee should have is back jam when he lifted the bell.
The Nathan/Elizabeth scenes
Allie's adoption. Joseph Canfield becoming the new minister.
Florence and Ned’s romance, Lee’s one liners, Molly’s pursuit of Bill, when Elizabeth thought she was holding Lucas’ hands but it was actually Nathan
I loved the Nathan/Elizabeth story of getting over fear and do what you are afraid to do theme, until it all went sideways in the last 20mins!!!!!
Fiona and Mike
Nathan and Allie
Rosemary and Lee
The end of the triangle
The Canfield's.They are a breath of fresh air. I love that they love God, their family, and others. Ned and Florence was a beautiful love story. Bill and Molly. Molly giving her dress to Florence, Fiona adventures, Nathan and Allie's stories, Rosemary and Lee, and every minute of every Canfield.
Relationships - Fiona and Hickam, Allie and Nathan, Henry and Christopher. Joseph becoming the pastor. Nathan’s character growth.
The Canfields, Nathan’s storyline( even though nothing went his way he was always noble and true), Rosemary and Lee as always
I liked Hickam getting more story. I liked Rosemary starting the paper. I liked Minnie working at the restaurant.
Elizabeth finding love with Lucas
Allie and Nathan. Getting to see some of the fun side of Nathan.
Nathan and Allie. I liked Elizabeth with them too until the ending.
Seeing Nathan and Allie. Canfields. Mike and Fiona. Ned and Florence. Bill and Molly. Lee and Rosemary. So I guess the point is the attention on the other characters and couples. I think I enjoy the new couples just because we finally got to know two more side characters each time.
Nathan & Allie.
Everything BUT the annoying love triangle!
All the Lucas and Elizabeth dates, almost kiss in the rain ,  and the finale was the best episode of the entire series, there kisses were enchanting
Humor, Ned and Flo, finding out Nathan's involvement with Jack finally. I thought Kevin did a magnificent job  and I loved seeing Jaeda shine- she is so talented. I loved Henry and Christopher and the positive impact of Rachel. My personal quote favorite: "Go stuff your trout!"
Nathan's face. Rosemary and Lee, the Canfields, Ned and Florence's wedding.
The triangle  Rachel and chrispthoher  can fields rosemarys paper
Anytime Henry referenced Abigail and telling stories about ALL the characters, not just Elizabeth. I like the whole ensemble cast feel. This season did keep me engaged, I always tuned in when it aired.
The Canfields arriving, Henry mentioning Abigail, and Nathan and Allie - because Kevin McGarry and Jaeda Lily Miller are incredible actors with fantastic chemistry.
I really loved seeing more storylines introduced with the other characters and then for the most part developing those storylines. I adore Ned & Florence, I thought their wedding episode was so sweet, and I think they will bring a dynamic as a couple that will be fun to watch. I like how they have such a rapport together and with the mercantile being the center of town, I'll enjoy seeing more of them next season. I loved the edition of the Canfield family, both Angela and Cooper are so sweet and are great additions as HV kids. And Minnie and Joseph quickly turned into some of my faves this season too! I love them as a couple and I love them building relationships with the others, the Lee & Joseph friendship was definitely one of my favorite things this season. And Minnie is such a soft-spoken badass, I would listen to her read an audiobook all day long haha. I enjoyed learning more about Henry with the addition of Christopher, I definitely liked the depth their scenes brought. Any time my faves Lee & Rosemary were in a scene together was a win for me. I liked the crush developing between Allie & Robert too, v cute. Overall, I really enjoyed the new relationships that were formed and the new additions that were brought in, I think it paved the way for a number of new stories that I will be excited to see play out.
Fiona and the Canfields were the best storylines this season.
Lucas and Elizabeth are finally together.
Lucas' character is a real gentleman.
Martin Cummins was phenomenal, and I loved the whole Christopher story, including him and Rachel, and Henry reflecting on Abigail and being there for Ned. Joseph and Lee’s friendship is great. Loved Rosemary finding a new career. And Robert!
I would’ve liked Clare and Jesse struggling if they handled it better. I liked the general structure they began of drawing out stories and slowly unpeeling their layers but they set up too many in every episode and didn’t follow through well. If they can tighten that structure, it would be great.
Angst, Henry, The wedding, etc. (triangle ending too)
Allie and Nathan's cute family, Fiona and her interactions with Mike, Rosemary and the newspaper thing, flirty Molly and Bill
The Canfield family! I adored them they are so sweet and I really hope we see more of them next season!
Nathan and Allie
Nathan and Allie's adoption also the Canfields
Joesphs family and the return of faith to Hope valley! I also loved Lee and Rosemary’s relationship.
Lee and Rosemary were my favorites. I basically watched this entire season for them and Nathan and Allie. Ned and Florence were fun to watch as well.
Ned and Florence and the Canfields
Carson and Faith's conflict was honestly really compelling to me, and I'm fine with Carson leaving as well. The theme of calling was also really good in my opinion. I also loved Rosemary in general. She's my favorite character and I love watching her grow throughout the whole show.
I was very happy to see more representation on screen. The Canfields brought representation for POC and people who are blind. I would like to see more diversity in the cast.
I really liked the Canfields. They brought a nice dynamic to the show. As always, Rosemary and Lee were my favorites. As far as I'm concerned, they're the heart and soul of the show. Ned and Florence's wedding was nice too.
The Canfields. Lee & Rosie and Rachel. Henry and his son. Bill & Molly. Ned & Florence. Mike & Fiona.
Everything except the love triangle! The love triangle was one of the worst things I've seen on television (even before the finale). Everything but the love triangle was better than anything we've gotten since season four. Christopher, Henry, and Rachel were my favorites of the season. Loved all the stuff surrounding those characters. Also Fiona and Mike are really becoming great!
Allie & Robert
Allie's adoption was finalized.
Mike and Fiona
Triangle Clara and Jesse faith becoming a doctor Nathan adopting ally Elizabeth’s book Lucas and Elizabeth  kiss
Nothing. It made me mad.
Nathan and Allie, Henry and Christopher.
Nathan and Allie
Rosemary — and Lee.  But the season writing was not good - need more dramatic things happening like - in past seasons.  It was almost goofy dialogue- the Fiona barber shop thing was stupid too — boring!  What happened to the blacksmith that liked her????
Canfield’s, FloYo wedding
Allie and Nathan
I loved the fact that Rosemary was patient with Elizabeth even though she didn’t deserve to be treated like she was by her.
More episodes
Glad to see Elizabeth be happy, at least for now. Also they have a number of different story lines that they can play with and help some other characters share the limelight, like Lee and Rosemary
The Canfields
Nathan and Allie
Aside from the gutsy decision to go with the less outwardly popular pairing? (I applaud it) I loved the new characters (Canfields/Christopher not Rachel) and seeing more of Nathan and Lucas outside of the triangle
Seeing Nathan get set free from his guilt and finding his voice to declare his love to Elizabeth and watching Elizabeth always pursuing him. After loving Elizabeth so much, it is not right to try to set him up with someone else.
Learning more about Henry and watching Florence and Ned get married!!
Nathan Grant
The Canfields
Fiona is a fabulous character, I really enjoy the dynamic she has brought to the valley.   I have always loved Mike, so those two are always a joy.  Always love Lee and Rosemary.  Nathan and Allie.  Bill and Molly, Florence and Ned.  Robert.  
The multiple storyline being dived into more
Not able to come up with a positive answer at this point.
The Canfields, the angst of the love triangle - it felt more realistic then this show has in the past, with people making mistakes and trying to find their way.  For anyone who has ever had strong feelings for two people at the same time, there was a realism in the way the writers handled it with the shifting feelings, the questions about what and who is right, the missteps and the emotional angst.  The last two scenes of the finale (writers, actors, setting, humor) were pure magic.   Oh yeah  - Ned and Florence!!
Watching anything with Nathan and Allie
The Canfields
Scenes between Elizabeth and Nathan
Nathan/Allie relationship and her adoption
Not much
Rosemary starting the newspaper!!!!
Ned and Florence, Allie and Nathan
Lucas and Elizabeth
I loved everything having to do with Nathan and Allie.  I just wanted E and N together and to join their families into one. It would have been beautiful.
Seeing Nathan and Allie's relationship deepen
Not much, it was all over the place. I can't believe how much I've come to dislike the main character.
Not much. It has gone on a different path.
The Canfields
The Canfields were lovely, Bill was better-written, Henry had amazing scenes.
Lee & Rosemary.  Looking over your lists of major/minor storylines, I realized I didn't really enjoy any of those storylines. But I always enjoy when Lee and Rosemary are on screen.
Allie and Nathan
Nothing, the finale ruined the whole season.
I loved the Canfields. Always love Rosie and Lee scenes. I am enjoying that the show is becoming more of an ensemble rather than focusing on just a few main characters.
I loved the addition of the Canfields.
Nathan and Allie.
The Canfield and the new side they brought
Nathan and Allie. Canfields.
Chemistry between Nathan and Elizabeth
Nathan and Ally
Nathan and Allie, Bill being Bill, FloYo, Henry, The Canfields
Elizabeth choosing Lucas in the end.
Nathan with Allie
To me each character was given the chance to grow and was able to work on things in their life.  I enjoyed the new writing. It made the show better to me.
Bill and Molly. They were so cute. And new characters/family.
Rosemary’s journey to find a new hobby
Canfield family
Fiona, the Canfield, Nathan & Allie
Lee and rosemary and the Canfields
Nathan and Elizabeth chemistry
The Canfields, Fiona and Lee and  Rosemary
The Canfield's and Rosemary
End of season.
Honestly, Allie's scene at Nathan's inquiry was the best thing of the season. I loved all their story lines, I'm ready for a whole season about them.
Most of it except the last episode.
the characters of Nathan and Allie
Ned & Florence
The build up to her choosing Nathan... oh wait.
Fiona I love, Lee and Rosemary I love always
the canfields and nathan and allie
Rosemary and Lee's story line.
Not much.
Nathan's nobility, Ally, Ned and Flo, and the Canfields, especially their faith aspect.
I still think the last scene of the second episode was the strongest scene this show has ever got.
The Grant Family.
I really loved the additional episodes and hope they approve at least the same number or more next season.
Lucas and Elizabeth dates Clara and Jessie’s struggles the barbershop opening and Lucas and Elizabeth kissing and her finally choosing him.
Ned and Florence's romance and wedding. Nathan and Allie, the Canfields.
ned & Florence,  the end of the triangle, robert at the babysitter, Canfield life lessons
Nathan adopting Allie and everything about their relationship, hearing Henry talk about Abigail, seeing Ned & Florence come together, cute Robert becoming a part of "adult" Hope Valley, Lee & Rosemary doing absolutely anything.
Not Much Elizabeth is not a good character anymore.
Nathan and ally Ned and Florence Elizabeth and Lucas I’m glad the triangle is over and everyone can move forward with there lives
The Canfields! They were such a welcome addition. I also loved Florence, the Florence and Ned wedding, Elizabeth and Lucas as a couple. And this was a pretty good season for Henry! Happy to see Faith back too. I also appreciated that there were more storylines that lasted more than an episode or two and it felt like a coherent season. It wasn’t exactly fantastic, but I don’t expect that of When Calls the Heart and I quite liked the season overall.
The addition of the Canfields.
Nathan and Allie
What did you miss this season?  What could there have been more of?
Common sense
Lee and Rosemary!  Not enough of them.
Dates with Nathan
Nice Elizabeth
Um...more Henrigail.
Emotion. I feel like other than the stuff with Nathan and Elizabeth there were no other instances of real raw emotion
A Kevin McGarry shirtless scene. Also I missed Bill. I felt like he had very little to do this year.
Elizabeth getting called on her shitty behavior
Deeper story lines
Lee and Rosemary
I did wish Allie had called Nathan dad at least once
That they dropped the ball on Rosie wanting a child
I think Lee and Rosemary could have gotten where they ended up in the season finale half way through the season. I think that would have been nice.
Nathan x Elizabeth. She didn’t even have a rain check dinner she promised him.
More of Jack Sr Mentions, but also Elizabeth not hiding what she is really feeling
Nathan and Elizabeth and their little family with Allie and Jack. I will never forgive the robbery of such happiness.
The kids in the schoolhouse.
Little Jack, more of the kids, school, L and R
more time spent on few stories - too much jumping around and not enough substance
more time with the individual characters, fewer chopped up plots
Elizbeth acting as a mother first.  She should be concerned who would be an outstanding father/role model for Jack.
A date between Elizabeth and Nathan
Nathan and Elizabeth actually getting together.
We needed more Lee and Rosemary, and I really missed the kids bc of Covid.
Some common sense maybe??? A good ending to the season maybe???
better writing and the Elizabeth that left everything she knew to make her way in a new place.
Heart warming wholesome moments. They were few and far between.
More school scenes
Interaction with little Ja  CB k
The kids. I missed Opal.
More schoolhouse scenes
More Bill, Rosemary, Lee, Molly, Henry
I missed Lee & Rosemary! It felt like they barely got screen time. And then truly if Elizabeth & Lucas were going to end up together I would have liked to see their actual love story build, instead of her dating him while staring at Nathan the whole time, which is what we got.
More Rosemary and Lee; them adopting or having a baby
But lightheartedness. The whole season just felt stressful and misleading
Truth I missed Elizabeth and Nathan flirting.
Opal!! I feel like we needed another girls sleepover night or camping trip. It feels like we barely saw the kids aside from Allie crushing on Robert. There were no festivals or fairs. It was a bland summer for the kids.
Nathan finding happiness with Elizabeth.
Nothing really
Rosemary having a baby, Henry with oil business, jack and Lucas scenes, faith working in the infirmary , Elizabeth’s book .
They dropped Nathan's chances at being with Elizabeth after he cried out his love for her and we should have seen him get more of a chance. Really wanted to see Allie more and less of Elizabeth. Hoped to see more of Fiona, too as she is comical playing off Hickam. Show really veered off course-[ writers kind of dropped stuff in and out on a whim and I thought the show lacked connection between storys and characters over time. Lots of whiplash- Canfields just moved in to a cabin then almost immediately sold it. Rachel was dropped in then all of a sudden leaves to celebrate a birthday. All of a sudden newlywed Ned applies for a bandaid patent! What the hell???
Better writing.
I didn’t miss anything. More of the hope valley children
Some type of villain. There was no crisis, no major overarching storyline aside from the love triangle. It overtook the whole season. Thought I was watching The Bachelorette for a second.
The love triangle was set up to bring Elizabeth and Nathan together - and don’t tell me they weren’t in love, Brian Bird, you literally spend 3 seasons showing them getting closer, feeling physically affected by being around each other, protecting each other, and becoming more open and you literally had Elizabeth seek him out and draw him in over and over again, getting closer to Allie as a mother figure in the process. Don’t tell me that’s not what a woman in love does for someone she loves, both romantically and deeply. And no resolution for ALLIE: Elizabeth telling Nathan to pass a message to Allie in that rejection scene, not even seeking Allie out to apologize? Is that somehow supposed to make that little girl feel better?! Treating Allie, her beloved student, like some insignificant afterthought, after everything Allie’s been through, just because she realized she’s in love with Lucas? Unbelievable. So yeah, sorry not sorry but I’m sore and pissed off, I feel manipulated and I’m angry. I did not buy Elizabeth’s sudden desperation to find Lucas, I did not buy that kiss or that she would want to spend a lifetime with him. The storyline literally did not support this ending at all. Even if I did want Elizabeth with Lucas I would feel shafted because their interactions were so damn surface-level the entire season. Here’s a replica of Elizabeth and Lucas’s backyard date conversation:  Elizabeth: *wears a saloon-worthy, not flattering, potentially scandalous dress*  Lucas: Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?  Elizabeth: yeah you mentioned it a few times  Lucas: do you know how happy I am to be with you?  Elizabeth: yeah...you said. Me too I guess. Oh and by the way, sorry about baby Jack, sorry he exists, and that we had to have dinner in my backyard  Lucas: leave the dishes, I’ll have Gustave my slave come and collect them. Tonight should be about us  Elizabeth: ... *crickets* *light hand holding*
So for season 8? I wanted more of Nathan and Elizabeth getting together I guess.
Obviously I am bummed about the lack of a baby Coulter this season, but the interview with Kavan & Pascale has made me hopeful it will happen next season. Even with the lack of a baby for them, I was disappointed with the whole Rachel thing because they barely spent any time "parenting her". She spent more time with Christopher that we saw on screen than she did with either Lee or Rosemary, and every scene they were in together was pretty much spoiled in the trailer for that episode, so that was a let down for me. I would have liked to see them actually spend some time with her or watch them struggle with parenting her. I always want more of them in general too, but I do feel like they got pushed to the side this season to make room for the triangle and other stories to play out. I'm really hoping for more of them next season, especially as it seems as though their journey to parenthood is finally in the cards. I also would have liked to see more of the HV kids this season, I did enjoy most of the scenes with the kids.
Elizabeth and the school children.
Rosemary and Lee were tired and wasted for most of the season, needed more of their fun. School scenes - I wish they would’ve tried to do something outside. More stories that weren’t romance. (And you didn’t ask but I could use way less of Elizabeth dramatically stopping and gasping.)
Kid scenes. There could be more kid scenes and unlikely interactions among all the main cast.
Elizabeth at least giving a chance to Nathan
There could’ve been more good and consistent storytelling lmao
Little Jack
Drop the triangle mid way and let the focus go back to HV
More time for Elizabeth to grieve and process. Would have loved to see her more in her role as a mother.
More Nathan and Elizabeth. It felt like they never gave Nathan a chance.
Nathan and Elizabeth going to dinner and spending time together.
More development for Lucas would have been really nice. Not that he wasn't present enough, but I feel like he took a back seat for his character development, growth, insight, etc. Also, if they focused on him more, especially in relation to Elizabeth, her choice would've made more sense to me.
I missed a certain simplicity which was evident in other seasons. I often felt that there was too much going on and that weakened the storylines since there was only so much time for each one.
More focus on the other characters and less on the love triangle.
Gah, so much screentime was wasted on the love triangle. I miss the time we could have gotten exploring other stories.
Better story telling.  It was boring, frankly
Elizabeth interacting  a lot with Little Jack and falling in love with Nathan like it should have been.
Mike and Fiona. I hated that she was gone for so long.
The magic that we saw in the earlier seasons. It’s too far from the books. They should have just replaced Jacks character with another actor.
More in depth storylines
Better writing.
Good story lines, more  serious stories - less fluff / silly stories, —-and Elizabeth - disappointed in her decision— and where the show is going with her character. Acting is just limited to not engaging with the characters ....dialogue not deep enough.
The kids and school scenes. Covid, I know, but I did miss them!
Not sure!!
Not much comes to mind
Meaningful stuff for the Coulters
Rosemary and Elizabeth
Missed the Teacher Elizabeth scenes
There could have been some more opportunities to see Nathan have a chance to pursue Elizabeth. There could have been more of Elizabeth taking her own advice to drop her fears (of marrying another mountie) in order to allow Nathan to shine for himself. They did have chemistry. I wish I would have seen LESS of Lucas trying to charm Elizabeth with extravagant gifts and the extremely unrealistic scenarios he created to win her heart (so many candles, so many lanterns in the sky, etc.)
More Lee/Rosemary family focus
Nathan actually having a chance to prove himself to Elizabeth
Oh, that is a hard one to answer right now, it might come off as bitter.  Actual consistency to ensure the past 3 years hasn't felt like it has been for nothing.  Clarity around some of the characters and their choices (and I am not just talking about the triangle), respect for the characters in the writing.  Need I go on.  
As cheesy as it is to say, more heartfelt moments. Because they did so much, felt as though I couldn't appreciate singular storyline as in depth as I normally do
Lee and Rosemary
No answer
a baby for the Coulters, missed the kids and little Jack but I get why
Rational writing
I miss the short story arcs where they focus on a few characters and tell a complete story in one or two episodes instead of having every character’s story stretch out for the whole season.
Depth of conversation
More Rosemary and Lee
Better writing
More school time with Elizabeth and.her students, but I understand the restrictions.
More harmony, there was so much conflict!
Josie Bassett as a love interest for Bill
I wish Rosemary would have found out she was pregnant Elizabeth would have made her choice when she and Lucas were in the rain and Jesse and Clara wouldn’t have had problems
Not enough screentime for our main character Elizabeth. Things havent been centered around her for a long time and I dont think that will ever change. More heart to heart conversations that are actually real and meaningful without being cringey and forced.  The show also never replaced the vacancy of Abigail's character. She was the glue that held the whole town together and offered sound advice. We dont have anyone like that anymore
I missed story lines with the school children.
gee, i dont know, ACTUAL PLOT?
Meaningful scenes for Jesse and Clara, Lee and Rosemary, and possibly Fiona.
The storylines were awful ad choppy.  
I missed the triangle that was supposed to play out.  Instead we got Elizabeth dating one man and choosing to be with that man in the finale.
Need a better writer
Intelligent dialogue with meaning and substance.  Written for an 5 yr. old.
Smart characters
More Rosie and Lee scenes
Always more Henry.
I would have liked to see someone care about Nathan. I wish he'd interacted with more people and not just in his role as mountie; same with Allie. I want to see her have more adult female support instead of just Elizabeth.
The school
Elizabeth and Nathan
Actual dates between Nathan and Elzaibeth
Elizabeth and Nathan
More Lee and Rosemary. There could have also been more completed storylines they honestly made so much cut short or unclear.
Elizabeth and nathan
it's all good.
Should have been more depth for Lucas with Elizabeth
More of actually giving Nathan a chance instead of constantly pushing him away. It wasn't really a love triangle.
Character development
better writing
I wish there was more Lee & Rosemary.
Heartwarming wholesome stories
Are you kidding?
More development of Nathan's character
Development of Nathan's character
As I said earlier, I think they could have dug deeper into the adoption/ biological father of Allie, because it would have been a lot more interesting than some out of the blue story lines (Coff coff Jesse's and Clara's money coff coff)
Seeing Nathan and Elizabeth on a real date.  
a smoother transition to succeed in understanding the final choice of this false love triangle
Bill & Molly comical scenes
Anyone and everyone other than this triangle.
Broken storylines. What was the point of Allie’s dad? The Pinkertons? Wyman? Mentioning Abigail? Even Rachel and Christopher if they never return to HV? I get cliffhangers but they dropped stories or made storylines feel pointless.
the children
Interaction and actual dates with Nathan and Elizabeth where she got to know him so she didn't think of him as Jack 2.0.
A better sense of community.
Everything that Alfonso Moreno did: a clear, focused, measured, believable story arc.
Nathan and Elizabeth to be given a chance. More logic and less crazy, in what universe does the writing of the finale make ANY sense.
I missed seeing any thought process in the writing....To late for anything more.
I would love to see a little more action and adventure or maybe a mystery
Missed the well written story telling like Moreno's.Tinker and producer's lack of integrity to mislead and get fans fight against each other, instead of building a good story to justify why the choice was made at the end.
I missed Jesse & Clara being happy.  I always miss Abigail. I missed Faith & Carson in sync. i missed the romance I anticipated between Elizabeth & Nathan.
The essence of Hope Valley is gone. Less focus on the love triangle more about other characters, family community. Elizabeth is not NICE
Though they never tend to be my favourite storylines, I actually missed being in the classroom more.
Could have done with more Canfield family stuff.
I know she was there, but it didn’t feel like there was enough Rosemary (never is tbh).
I always want more of the Florence and Fiona friendship specifically, as well as all of the female friendships. There were some lovely moments this season, but I’d still like more.
I understand they rushed the resolution so they could save it for the finale, but I would have preferred way more of Elizabeth and Nathan each dealing with Jack’s death and more time spent on settling their feelings for each other.
I wanted more of Rosemary and Lee's story with infertility. I'm pretty neutral on this season.
What do you hope to see in season 9?
Maybe but only if they make Nathan a main character the same as Elizabeth
Henrigail. I'm copying and pasting at this point.
More of the kids!!
Lee and Rosemary having a child! More Henry! And a Kevin McGarry shirtless scene, lol.
Absolutely nothing
Better story lines
More stories for all the cast
more stories that involved multiple characters (and characters that don’t interact as much to interact/form new and unique relationships)
I won't be watching Season 9.
An apology from TPTB.
Lucas true dark and evil side
Nothing. I’m not watching blasphemy.
Lee and Rosemary become parents. A fun new love interest for Nathan. Mike and Fiona dating.
For it not to happen. Take me back to season 7 ending
new love and adventures for Nathan, a baby for Lee and Rosemary, fun and challenging love for Elizabeth and Lucas
Honesty, no more bait and switch just for ratings
I won't watch it.  After 8 seasons it sickened me to see Lucas as the pick when he is not a father figure or role model.  So unlike a moral mother to not look at a person's interaction with your child first when choosing a partner.  
Less scenes between Elizabeth and Lucas since she found her love focus the season on Nathan finding his
Nathan and Elizabeth actually getting together.
Nothing. I'm moving on to greener pastures.
I would like to see Rosemary and Lee finally have a baby or adopt, Elizabeth and Lucas break up or just leave town so I don’t have to watch them make out, Nathan find a better love, and Lee as mayor take on Wyman Walden and the Pinkertons.
Elizabeth realizing that she actually loves Nathan and Lee and rosemary surprise pregnancy or adoption.
I do not care what happens.  
Elizabeth/writers/ producers realizing they are incredibly stupid. Apologizing and Nathan NOT taking her back. She needs to be alone and probably miserable. I think that’s what the show and she deserves. They’ve ruined it. I’m gone.
Less soap opera
No more triangles
Nathan finds true love. Allie getting an amazing Mother. The Canfield's (every minute of every Canfield). Rosemary and Lee. Bill and Molly. Clara and Jesse maturing. Every minute of Nathan and Allie. The kids. Ned and Florence enjoying married life and seeing him strike it rich. Lee for Mayor. Henry coming back. Mike and Fiona. Faith being a Doctor.
Healing and happiness for Nathan after getting smacked around in Season 8
A baby for Rosemary and Lee, Henry and Abigail to return together, Carson to come back and propose to Faith because she obviously does love him and want him to stay, an amazing newcomer to fall head over heels for Nathan
A cohesive storyline!
Rosemary and Lee have a baby
The whole season just felt stressful and misleading
Allie and Nathan prominence in the community and storylines. Lucas and Elizabeth to go on an extended international book tour.
Lee and Rosemary having kids finally!!!! Mayor election!
I won't be watching anymore.
A storyline that doesn't screw Nathan over.  Rosemary/Lee blessed with a family. Less Elizabeth/Lucas kissing scenes. More focus on other characters.
Rosemary pregnant,faith and Nathan getting closer, more of Nathan being a Mountie,jack and Lucas bonding, Lucas and Elizabeth dates and kissing , Lucas proposing .
I already cancelled Hallmark first thing this morning. The writers and showrunners have no credibility for me any longer, and I did not make my decision based on the triangle alone.
More focus on characters not named Elizabeth.
Henry and Abigail  rosemarys paper lee for mayor Elizabeth and Lucas getting closer Nathan finding someone
I want Henry and Abigail to come back and see how that relationship plays out. I like the show but what got me excited was there relationship. Love enemies to lovers stories play out. I also hope they bring back Lori. Though she definitely does not need to be such a huge part of the show as she once was.  
NOT Faith with Nathan.
Minnie Canfield becoming more a part of the town community with her fabulous boldness and integrity. I really love her.
Allie and Nathan having some incredible adoptive father-daughter laughter and tears moments, like her teasing him, him teasing her, and them going on trips together, just ALL Nathan and Allie. They deserve a spin-off. They are a great father-daughter love story. Way better than the romantic one.
Elizabeth and Lucas go on a very long trip to Europe together and season 9 is all about Hope Valley without them.
Fiona doing everything she does with boldness and fun, cause she is fantastic. Fiona getting into some real schemes!
Henry brings Abigail back.
First and foremost a little Coulter. I'll be interested to see how Rosemary's paper and hopefully Mayor Lee are doing haha. Definitely more of the friendship b/w the women, I love Florence & Molly as well as Fiona & Clara & Faith. More Nathan & Allie, and hopefully Nathan enjoying himself and meeting someone new. More of the Canfields.
Better writing
Less stressful situations. Mr. Canfield becoming the town's preacher. So happy that Hope Valley will have a preacher. Someone the town people can go to with their problems. Only good can come from putting faith back into the show. Thank you.
Henry and Abigail in some form; Rosemary being a tenacious journalist; real relationship  work and personalities for Jesse and Clara; a fun mayoral race; the town coming together again for important things unlike the complete lack of momentum this season from Jesse being lost or the rig exploding; and just get rid of Faith. Bring back Dottie or something.
Nathan and Allie, Nathan Nathan and Elizabeth’s friendship, Nathan and Lucas getting along, Nathan moving on from Elizabeth, Lee and Rosemary talk about kids, and more Canfields.
A well-written storyline for Nathan, not him just as a background town mountie popping if needed sometimes
more happiness!!! Obv I still want drama but also it’s my comfort show so I just want to watch it and not be yelling at Elizabeth and other characters the whole time lol.
Elizabeth and Nathan - together!
Less commercials
Won’t be watching, but best wishes to the show!
I would like to see Abigail return, and have Lee and  Rosemary somehow have a kid, though I’m not confident that either of those things will happen. I’m not sure if I’ll tune into season 9, we’ll see.
Rosemary and Lee finally starting a family, and for anything good to happen to Nathan whether it's above interest or something else. He suffered this season, he deserves good things to come his way.
I hope to see more character development. I would especially like to learn more about Nathan and Lucas now that the decision is made. I want them to be more than suitors for Elizabeth. I would also like to see them become friends. If Nathan must have a love interest, I would be interested in a woman of color being casted for the role. Also, even though it would be nice to see Rosemary and Lee have a baby, I think it would be really interesting to have them adopt a child or two (siblings).
Up until a little while ago, I was very opposed to the thought of Abigail returning. I wouldn't put it past them, and if Gowan isn't gone forever, it could be an interesting plot. (She would need to take on a less involved role, and not sure Loughlin would agree with that)
I want Henry back (don't care if it's with or without Abigail). Lee & Rosie to have a baby (don't care how). Nathan (& Allie) to have a good storyline and to be happy.
I just want to see Lucas and Elizabeth break up. I cannot hammer home enough how painful that final scene was. If this is how their relationship is going to be, I'm barely going to survive.
Elizabeth comes to realize she is indeed in love with Nathan when she sees how taken Little Jack is with him.  Little Jack never warms up to Lucas...ever.
I’m not watching, so I don’t care.
Henry’s happiness ally and Nathan scenes more Elizabeth and Lucas dating and an  engagement   and nick ham oil buisness
It should be the last season. The writers deserve to be unemployed for taking the series to this point.
Not watching season 9
Don’t care.
Elizabeth - goes to Nathan — bring up happy with Lucas —- so they can be together (hey, they guy had more emotion than Lucas !!
I’ll wait to watch. Follow along on social media to make sure they don’t massacre any other storylines first.
Elizabeth and Lucas break up
Nathan to find his true love and Rosemary and Lee to start a family.
Elizabeth and Lucas to be married, Rosemary and Lee addressing the baby question and what happens with Henry trying to start with a clean slate
Better plotlines for the Coulters and the return of Henry
Henry and Abigail
A continuation of the stories already set up.
The survey did not give me an opportunity to say that Nathan needs to STILL get together with Elizabeth, so I had to pick someone else. The survey should be designed so that I do NOT have to pick an answer that I do NOT believe in. I hope that the writers will realize that they set up a story, especially at the end of season 7 and in 8 where it looked liked they were setting up Nathan as Elizabeth’s choice. Her choice of Lucas makes me wonder if she is only responding to the “temptation” she feels around Lucas. (He tells her,  It is not a date, but if it were a date and he lightly touches her hand...This is duplicitous behavior!) Elizabeth and Nathan have tough conversations about real life and they have the kind of relationship that is very healthy for a long term marriage. ...Frankly, I CANNOT watch a “romance” develop between Lucas and Elizabeth. They might have a similar interest in literature, but the inside character and values of each of them are very different. Elizabeth only needed a little opportunity once Nathan was free of guilt to give him a chance to win over the “romantic” side of her heart.
Lee and Rosemary adopting a child!
For Elizabeth to dump Lucas or for Nathan to meet someone new who will really value him and let him in
I am not sure if I will be watching season 9 as yet.  I need to figure out if I can get past the finale first...  It took me over a year to come back after Jack's death and with the way the finale has disrespected the past 3 seasons, I don't know if I have it in me.  I want to, I just don't know if I can.
Still on fence about watching it
Wholesome cast
Do not really care.
a baby for the Coulters, the development of the relationship between Elizabeth, little Jack and Lucas, the story of Nathan's journey to love,  a challenge the community has to face together,  a love interest for Fiona, the development of the Canfields.  No more Bill and Molly.  I love Bill's character - especially the role he has in Elizabeth and little Jack's life - and Molly is fine too, but I don't see any chemistry there.
Nathan becoming more popular than Elizabeth
I want a happy ending for Nathan and Allie.
Only the new adventures of Nathan, Allie, Rosemary, Lee, the Canfields, Bill and Molly, Florence and Ned and the return of Henry.
No interest in watching 9
I hope the mayoral race is fill of humor and not contention.
Whatever they write
Mike and fionas business Rosemary pregnant Nathan and Lucas are friends Elizabeth’s book is released maybe a baby for Clara Nathan and faith together ally and Robert together  Henry returns Lucas and jack bonding Elizabeth continue to teach and Lucas proposing
I wont be watching to find out, but some respect for Nathan and Allie, and Rosemary and Lee.  I have an inkling that Rose and Lee are going to be screwed over next.  Hopefully E and L just break up randomly bc idk how anyone could sit through the show and watch them together. It's disturbing
I'm not sure of the year anymore, but the Spanish Flu should be showing up any day. I have a list of characters that could fall victim.... let's start with Elizabeth.
less kissing
Better writing, less pair-the-spares, more focus on relationships and less on interpersonal drama.
More Nathan
More Lee and Rosemary.  Nathan getting a storyline instead of being a punching bag.
Not going to watch it.
Not watching
Rosie and Lee having a family of their own either by adoption or pregnancy.
Increased focus on entire ensemble.
I won't watch season 9, but I hope that they finally give Nathan and Allie happiness. I hope Allie calls him dad, and that she gets her own horse, and I wish that Elizabeth would just leave them both alone now. I hope that whoever they do pair Nathan with loves and appreciates him for who he is, and loves Allie, and puts them above everyone else. Bonus points if whoever she is tells Elizabeth to back the hell off at some point!
More of Nathan
Not watching
Break up of Elizabeth and Lucas
Don't care not watching anymore
More action and real suspense.
Don't care not watching anymore
Lucas and Elizabeth getting married.
Meaningful conversations between E & L; Nathan being Allie's dad/Allie supporting him through his loss of Elizabeth; Hopefully Elizabeth, Lucas, and Nathan can still be friends.
Continued better writing and character growth.
More of Nathan. I really like his character. I want more of his past and what has shaped him. I want to see his honest and noble character.
More challenging life experiences; give Fiona more prominence ... perhaps as a stringer for Rosemary’s paper; Jesse develop some character.
better more coherent writing
Henry back
I don’t care. I’m no longer a viewer after this season.
Elizabeth realizing Nathan is the one and Nathan rejecting her the whole season, having another serious love interest but forgiving her for her bad choice at the end
More emotion from Nathan . A chance in Elizabeth
Elizabeth realizing she made a mistake
Many interesting stories
Lee and Rosemary getting back on their "parenting issues" the whole Rachel thing was put in and taken away way too soon? There were a lot of things thrown in this season just for something to do, and at this point, since Nathan is still the mountie...more proper mounties storylines, like the investigation on the tampered oil, that was cool (maybe I should just switch to Murdoch's Mysteries XD)
Very little of Elizabeth and Lucas
Improved writing by then staff
see less of E and L and see more of the other characters , Nathan and Faith just become friends who console each other for their heartaches not a couple
Bill & Molly
I have no hope for season nine
Abigail come back as EP because obviously Erin is terrible at it. Kick Tinker to the curb and bring back season 1 showrunner. Bring back Julie and Cat Montgomery.
Abigail come back as EP because obviously Erin is terrible at it. Kick Tinker to the curb and bring back season 1 showrunner. Bring back Julie and Cat Montgomery.
less drama
Lee and Rosemary have a child.
I'm not very hopful.
Nathan and Ally moving on and eventually finding a family with a woman as selfless and noble as Nathan.
I don't even know, I'm just so angry and sad.
Don't Care , will not be watching..  I am finished with the Hallmark Channel  and anything Hallmark.
Just a continuation of the hopeful storylines and of course the romance
Faith being more in charge Ned and Florence being married lee running for mayor Elizabeth and Lucas engament jack growing ally and Robert and a baby for Clara
Focus on building a compelling beautiful story for Nathan; that his heart will heal. That he will fall in love with a new beautiful lady coming to town, which will be a deeper and more epic love that would have been with Elizabeth.  More storylines with Nathan and Allie; Rosemary and Lee to be parents.  Hope that writers and producers will not ruin Nathan's character and storyline. And do not pair Nathan with Faith nor Fiona.  Hope there will be less of Elizabeth and Lucas and focus on other characters.
more time spent on the storylines - not so many brief scenes
Nathan gets a love story as glorious as Elizabeth & Jack.
Will not be watching. This heartie is broken and lost hope.
Elizabeth engaged
Elizabeth and Lucas happy and in love. I hope we get plenty of Florence and she doesn’t fade into the background now that they gave her a romance. I’m also hoping for more of the Canfield family. Idk if there will be any progress on the Coulter family front, but I would like to see them adopt an older child or at least decide to sometime later this season. Nothing against them finding fulfillment without a child (I love a happy childless couple!), but it’s been established they want to be parents and it would be nice for them to do that as well. I do hope Henry comes back without Abigail! I’d miss Henry, but I don’t miss Abigail lol. I won’t be mad if she comes back, but I don’t want her either. Looking forward to whatever the season brings!
More story with the Canfields.
Don’t care
Any other comments?
I will only watch to support Kevin, Kayla, and Jaeda. Nathan was by far by favorite character on the show. Kevin McGarry deserves better than this decision and I hope that they will give his character more air time next season
Everybody calm down. There was nothing new, better, worse, different, or surprising about how this season was written/handled. We don't watch WTCH for it's sparkling dialogue and satisfying storylines. We hope for something showing decent people living good lives with faith and optimism, and they still manage to do that (and have finally brought back the "faith" part of this with the arrival of a new pastor) even if they screw the pooch with the details.
I understand why people were mad about the finale, but idk all this hate on IG us just rude and disrespectful to the crew
Team Nathan!
I cannot enjoy WCTH because it’s not remotely entertaining if you can’t trust you understanding of the story over time.
This was my first season watching live and despite the fallout from the triangle I had fun
Nothing I haven't or you haven't or the fandom hasn't already covered. I'm just disappointed in all the potential they threw out the window. I have zero trust in the PTB. They don't care about these characters.
I will pretend that the series finale was season 7. I don’t know how I will ever love the show like I used too. I’m too tired of the letdowns.
You’re the best, I’m so thankful you let us vent and give us sane, logical takes about this show. OH and all you Team Nathan people boycott the crap out of this show and maybe they will reverse their decision to Nathan on the love triangle. At these tank the ratings. You don’t owe the show runners anything for destroying this show.  
I truthfully haven't seen a single episode. Had it recorded and followed this blog and live viewing comments on the FB page. After hearing how everything went down in the last episode, I have absolutely no desire to watch the season. I could have forgiven Elizabeth for how she acted towards everyone if it was truly her working through her fears of being with another Mountie. But since that wasn't the case, I have a lot of dislike for her (and the writers) now.
Thanks for your blog. I appreciate it. There must be a reason for how this turned out. Although we we can't see it and will probably never know the answer. It suck
I was Team Nathan for a long time - pretty much two years.  I saw the writing on the wall when Lucas said he would wait and again when Elizabeth was resistant to moving forwarding with Nathan at so many steps along the way.  Even the hand holding post wedding seemed intentionally friend zone. And look on her face when she realized that she was acting with Nathan like she did with Jack, to me that was the end.  All the signs were there.  Some people were so routed in Nathan that they couldn't see another possibility.  I have opened my mind to Lucas because I love the show.  And you know what - it's not so bad in land of Lucas and Elizabeth.  For those who are devastated and done, maybe down the road, when you're feeling less heart broken, you might want to try going back and watching with a more open mind.  There is some pretty hot stuff there.  Because of my love for Nathan (and yes, I still love him!) I couldn't have said that a year ago. :)  
It's not because my guy didn't win the girl, but because this story is getting too much like a soap opera and in the case of that last love scene, a little trashy for a family show.
After next season I will look at the recap.  If you have changed Elizabeth's stupid decision I will watch again, if not, there are plenty of other shows to watch.
The love triangle wasn’t real in the true sense of the word since Elizabeth never went on a date with Nathan.
Brian Bird is a jerk.
I have never been so mad and sad  at the conclusion of a TV show..not really my personality.  BUT the chemistry between Nathan and Elizabeth was undeniable.  Nathan proved over three seasons to be his own unique character, and fans would not have labeled him as Jack 2.0.  There would have been plenty more stories to tell.  Now I think I am done watching.  The other characters are great, but the story is mostly Elizabeth’s....the way it was created and, in spite of Jack’s death, the way it has continued.  I honestly think the producers want a show that is going to last for a long, long time, so it needs to begin focusing on other characters.  And I also think that Nathan and Elizabeth would have been so great together that the spotlight would have stayed on them.  This would have wrecked the direction the producers want the show to go, but instead the show is just wrecked by a new formula that isn’t working.
What a relief that I can move on and actually feel so good about it. Yippee!
I was really enjoying this season, I thought they were doing really well and better than they ever have and then in the last episode it felt so rushed and thrown together without any thought!!! That ruined the entire season for me. I can’t even go back and watch it again because it’s all for nothing! It was so obvious that E was in love with N but just scared of her past, I was waiting for something to happen for her to realize. And maybe to see the quote that N gave her again. It seemed that L was just a rebound/distraction I didn’t see one ounce of affection from E toward L. And what about the bachelorette party? Didn’t that mean she was meant to be with N? And the touch in the library? They were portrayed as “sparks” but apparently it was mistaking him for Jack??? Come on, we are meant to believe that garbage??? There was none of those scenes with L, what love story are they talking about in the last scene? So many things! How can N say it was L all along when we saw zero evidence of that!
I’m finished with the show. I do not care to see how S9 plays out. They do not deserve my time after the complete disregard to viewers time and investment over the last 8 years. I am appalled at the reaction from Brian Bird and Chris McNally. I have never been so offended as a fan. I will not watch so they can send their rude tweets to the very few people that still watch their show. I’m DONE!!!
Disappointed in Elizabeth but think back to season 2 and how she led on Charles...no surprise with how she treated poor Nathan
I'm going to watch Season 9. Just skip over E's storylines. I now hate her.
Too many storylines this season, writers need to tighten it up. Love triangle was handled the worst possible way it could be handled.
This season was a disappointment unfortunately. And not only because of Elizabeth, but also because my favorite characters either weren’t a big enough part of the storyline or they just were so different from previous seasons.
I'm still so shocked at the outcome of this finale. It's even more egregious to me because they managed to ruin just about every character and it was so unnecessary. I wish they had Elizabeth choose Lucas in the first episode of this season that way they could have let them grow together while also letting Nathan begin to move on and Nathan and Lucas to begin a friendship. But they took it so far and raked everybody through the coals that I just can't imagine any of that happening right now in a realistic way. I think I'm the most upset because there is a world where I would have been fine with Elizabeth choosing Lucas. But they spent the whole season + prior seasons showing us that her love for Nathan was deeper, that there was more to explore there and that her time with Lucas was limited & she couldn't be with him because she kept thinking about Nathan (I don't care what any one says, that is what was done) that I couldn't even get into the relationship between Elizabeth & Lucas. Then at the last second went JK NOT THAT'S NOT WHAT WE WERE DOING AND YOU'RE STUPID FOR THINKING THAT! It's just so unbelievable.
Unsure if I will watch
Very disappointed with the finale.
They got it so wrong...
The love triangle was annoying and a straight line. Elizabeth was horribly written.  Nathan was screwed over. TeamNathan got screwed over.  I will still watch just to see what happens next.  I will not let Elizabeth/Lucas storyline ruin it for me.
The finale was my favorite episode of the series. I’m so happy they didn’t go down the same road  as jack with her picking Nathan .I love Nathan’s character as a Mountie but NOT with Elizabeth. I’m so looking forward to seeing her and Lucas as a happy in love couple I’m just so happy  and there kisses were so beautiful and passionate I couldn’t love them more.
They made the case for a beautiful love story between Nathan and elizabeth- not for Lucas and Elizabeth. The ending of that triangle was not believable for me. Kevin McGarry is a fabulous actor with tremendous range and seems to bring out the best in any scene partner he has had. He has always been believable in everything I have seen him in. He is a true leading man and they should be treating him better or he will/does not have to stay with the show. I am not trying to trash Chris McNally, but he is rather limited as an actor and looks almost wooden in some scenes. I can't always hear his dialogue because he speaks too low or too fast sometimes and he is not always believable for me- nice to look at, yes, but not the actor Kevin is. Maybe they partnered him with Erin so she could help him develop more. I love Allie, Rosemary, Henry, Bill, and Fiona and can see some great stories ahead for them if the writers don't screw things up. I would never be able to stomach Lori Loughlin and Abigail again, and I feel they will force her back on the fans next season. As evidenced by the love scenes in the finale, Hallmark is changing this show forever- it will be edgier, sexier and much less "Christian-based". Not sure if the Hearties will accept that. I don't really care anymore as I am no longer supporting Hallmark channel. Don't like the mess they made this season, or many of the changes made in their movies of late. I have found myself tuning out a great deal. I hope people like Kevin McGarry, Jaeda, Kayla Wallace and Pascale are seen i other non-Hallmark projects so I can enjoy seeing their work. Really disenchanted with Erin Krakow's performances of late.
Thanks for all the work you do running this blog!
I’m very happy with this season I will continue watching as long as it continues. Does anyone here watch new Amsterdam tv series?
Love that they took characters who are always in the background and gave them actual storylines.
I think I’m in the anger phase of grieving. I’m sorry if the answers cause a reopening of wounds but it feels right to me to call them on their shit by voicing the injustice of treating your viewers this way. These writers just told the laziest, quickest, ficklest (?) “love story” I have ever seen, EVER.
Thank you so much for everything you've done this past season! I really enjoy your blog and your insights on the show as well.
There can be a conflict with women owning business (no offense) and other women in the show working and having families. Please keep the show from becoming so feminist. Please retain some strong men.
Thanks for the survey!
I hope season 9 explains things and or finishes plots left behind in season 8.
That ending really just made no sense at all..what was the point of the whole season before it?!
Terribly written finale. So rushed and smacked together. Yuck
Sigh... it really was a letdown after it seemed that all the signs were pointing to Elizabeth facing her fears and accepting the love of Nathan and loving him in return and them being one big, happy family.
This was my first season watching WCTH in years (since like season 2), so I’m glad I wasn’t too invested just to be disappointed in the end with the decision Elizabeth made.
I hate that Elizabeth used to be my favorite character to the point of seeing myself in her, but now I really dislike her. On the bright side, at least I've grown to love Rosemary enough for her to be my new favorite!
I think the writers need to listen to their audience and work to smooth out this bumpy season. I hope the writers are more selective with the storylines they choose so that those arcs can be fully developed. For example, Jesse being missing in the last two episodes was mishandled in my opinion. So few people cared that he was gone and I don't think the writers even fully explained what happened to him.
So glad the triangle is over, and I hope we never see anything like it for anyone else again.
Overall I liked this season (except the love triangle stuff) but I don't know if it will be enough to keep me watching. Guess I'll have to see how season 9 plays out.
I'm glad Carson is gone lmao. I'd be pretty happy if I never saw him again. Henry better be back. Lucas and Elizabeth can move to Hamilton...seriously. Baby Jack deserves a more attentive and present mother. But honestly, keep Carson away & write Lucas and Elizabeth off and I'd be DELIGHTED and actually stoked for season 9.
The stories are lame.  I want more Lee and Rosemary.  I did not like Christopher/Rachel.  And, why are they doing with Henry?  It’s all confusing.
Please consider reversing Elizabeth's choice. She and Nathan look so good together.  Lucas is too lecherous looking in my opinion.
I wonder if Rachel will return will Lucas and Nathan become friends?
The season sucked! The writing was poor and there really wasn’t a triangle. They misled and lied to the viewers. It would have been easier to accept Elizabeth’s decision if we saw her date both men and see how it worked out with each of them. The writers never gave Nathan the opportunity but instead used him as a punching bag the whole season.
I can’t even bear to rewatch any of the seasons after that ending. I’m so glad I didn’t preorder the season—and I’ve canceled my HM subscription.
Get new writers!
I was for either guy at the beginning of the season. All they had to do was show me the love story. They didn’t do that.
The choice of Lucas was ridiculous. Will no longer watch the show. I’m very sad.
If you are going to have Elizabeth and Lucus in a relationship I would hope that you would work on him becoming more child friendly. If he doesn’t accept little Jack then he doesn’t deserve Elizabeth. They are a package deal.
Love the show. I think people that threaten to stop watching because “Team Nathan” are just bellyaching and will wind up watching it again just to have something to grouse about. It’s just a TV show, people. If it always goes the way you want you’ll just complain that the writing is getting stale!
love your blog
Extremely disappointed with this season. Will no longer watch.
This season felt like it was perfectly setting up for the next. It felt like a lot of new beginnings were being set up leaving us ready to explore.
I’m personally Team Lucas so I’ve been happy with the decision but I actually think if Nathan had “won” it would have been more interesting for Lucas in s9 so actually think Nathan as a character will have a better, more interesting s9
I said the season was good and the writing was, but I will clarify that the finale TOTALLY ruined the underlying track that was being built up for Elizabeth to choose Nathan. I don’t believe that the script writers gave Nathan the chance that they gave Lucas. Elizabeth grilled him to try to find him guilty of wrong, but Lucas had a number of shady deals that reveal poor character and Elizabeth did not find out about those and have a chance to grill him. If she knew those things, would she still be choosing him? Elizabeth was allowed to be “charmed” by his superficial lifestyle and empty promises. Because of Lucas’s shady dealings, he and Elizabeth almost got killed in the saloon. Later, he said he would never let anything happen to her. Nathan was the one who saved Elizabeth and Nathan’s life in that scene. Lucas is a talker with empty promises and Nathan is the one who actually rescued Elizabeth from Lucas’s bad deeds. The ending of Season 8, Episode 12 is NOT even logical. She needed someone like Nathan to protect her from Lucas. If this is REALLY who Elizabeth is, I don’t want to watch her. She does not follow her own advice. Once Lucas’s full character is revealed, we would only have to watch her get hurt over and over.. I CANNOT watch an Elizabeth and Lucas love story. The writers should not be biased against Nathan just because he was a Mountie. He should be seen for himself. Also, if Elizabeth cannot love Nathan because he might get killed this is not a strong enough reason. Lucas could get killed. She told Ned that he could miss the joy if he didn’t go thru with his wedding with Florence. This should have indicated that she would get over her own fears so that she could experience joy with Nathan.
I truly hope everyone gets to the end of season 9 and is pleasantly surprised.  It is the eternal optimist in me, but I would love to see getting there and being unable to imaging things being any other way, despite the heartbreak we all feel for the series right now.  As I mentioned, I have my doubts, however am trying very, very hard to keep an open mind.
I hated the way Nathan was treated this season and won’t be watching anymore.
You are amazing for what you do with this blog and I thank you for your efforts to make it so enjoyable day after day.
I think my opinion on this site is in the minority, but Lucas and Elizabeth have solid chemistry and the chance for an interesting relationship. However, I would have been cool with Nathan too.  I love Kevin McGarry and want to see more of his fun side as he dates and raises Ally.  Could absolutely be a great relationship between Fiona and Nathan, but someone new could be exciting too if it's the right person.  Happy the triangle is over. Disappointed at the number of self-proclaimed "Hearties" who are acting like angry (Team Nathan) or gloating (Team Lucas) children.  I love this show because it's about kindness, being decent to one another, and forgiveness.  I had hoped fans on all sides would follow that lead, but not so much I guess. Here's to hoping we all embrace the Hope Valley way, putting the triangle behind us and moving on to whatever comes next!
I thought I would continue to watch even if she chose Lucas but after the way the season played out, I feel like TPTB care more about generating drama for the ratings than good storytelling and I won’t be used like that again.
I gave season 8 an average rating because I liked the stories about Nathan/Allie, the arrival of the Canfields, the love story of Florence/Ned and finally the story of Henry and his son.
Fans need to stop getting hung up on everything BB and the actors say to manipulate viewers into watching. I learned that lesson the hard way from Pretty Little Liars. We were misled over and over by the showrunner and let down every season finale. The series finale was the longest hour of  ridiculous shit to ever air on tv. We were looking for clues the whole time (7 years) and there were no clues, just a lot of pointless crap. I never pay attention to anything BB says on social media or what actors say in interviews. I watch WCTH without looking for clues or expecting any outcome. I saw E picking L a mile away. I like the idea of a heartbroken Nathan getting his own romantic storyline and look forward to that new love story next season.
This was a very good season I like the direction they went with this season and I’m very happy the triangle is finally over and she ended up with the man of her dreams. Lucas and Elizabeth are endgame .
Screwed us over big time. Not just us but the characters too. Nothing made sense and the whole season was for nothing because the story didnt go anywhere. Dont trust Hallmark anymore to write a complete, meaningful, and satisfying story. They disrespected everything about storytelling, the show, and disrespected the community that watched and supported the content. Someone either stupid, bitter, vengeful, or horny decided this finale. F them
Thank you for all you do!
The more I read about the writers of this show and some of the actors responses to the fans disappointment, the Lee’s I want anything yo do with this show. They’re arrogant, disrespectful; I guess thy think they’re so popular that everyone will tune in again next year. They think they have it in the bag. Nope! I believe season 9 will be a failure and probably their last one.
I don't hate the season but the bad balanced out the good so severely I felt like it was just a 'meh' season. I guess that's still an improvement from how I felt about S6 and 7, though.
Hopefully HM fires John Tinker his writing was awful.  I don’t mean the triangle everything was dumb and disjointed
I don't know why I watch this show.  But I must enjoy it on some level.  
Been a fan from day one - you lost 70% of your viewers. Some comments from   WCTH have made the fans feel if you don’t like their story line don’t watch - they are correct - I won’t ! Should of listen to the 70%. Good luck with your viewer ship you forgot who pays you!
I was surprised that E. was so insensitive leading Nathan on for so long.   She is also very materialistic and obviously chose Lucas for all that he could do for her without much depth.
Honestly, I mainly watch the show for Rosemary and Lee. I would like to see them become parents at some point, but I would also like a little more of Rosemary’s backstory. We gotten some of Lee’s backstory. I think it would be interesting to meet some of Rosemary’s family at some point. I am glad that Lee and Rosie are finding their niches career wise.
I just don’t see Lucas as Jack’s father. He hasn’t cared one whit for the boy, and yet the boy is everything to Elizabeth?? Doesn’t make sense. Since I don’t want Abigail back, I hope Henry isn’t going to get her. Alas that also means I think he’s likely left the show. Maybe good for Martin, since it has veered so far away from its beginning.  Thanks for all your work on this Melanie. I value it a lot!
I wish I could take back the last three years of life that I invested in this show. If I had known they would do this I never would have come back after Jack's death. Despite that, I still love and adore and am invested in Nathan and Allie, and some other side characters. But I can't even fathom watching season 9 after what the writers did. My WCTH, the one I loved and enjoyed, ended with season 7.
Bring Elizabeth and Nathan together
See Elizabeth and nathan hitched and get married  
love the show Wish there wasn't such a long wait for the next season
I hope they can redeem themselves. I'm a true hearty and I've never missed an episode. I can't stomach the person Elizabeth is becoming. I will stop watching if she doesn't go back to the Elizabeth we fell in love with.
New actors for Ally and little Jack, or less time on screen
The storytelling was not coherent; storylines started and ended abruptly with no flow. They need to get back to the roots of the show and make it more of a family drama again, not an over-the-top soap opera.
Chris McNally and Brian Bird’s attitudes are contemptible. I was not happy with the finale and how everything played out, but their comments have set me over the edge to choose not to support anything they are in or a part of. Rude, self righteous attitudes from both. I’m done.
I am shocked at my own reactions. A TV show shouldn't have so much affect on me but I am truly unhappy with Elizabeth's choice...and I think I am crazy because it is really bothering me!!
I am upset how the season ended. She picked the wrong man. I see no chemistry there.
Honestly no, I am not happy with how the characters were written, both Lucas and Nathan deserved better, Elisabeth came across as constantly freaking out and not following her heart while running over a lot of people (Rosemary, Nathan and Allie in particular) but she's never been my favourite character anyway, so whatever.
p.s. thank you so much for all your amazing work! I love your gifs and your blog <3 keep it up!
Elizabeth’s character has changed drastically.  She has become  egotistical, pompous, cruel, The character that Jeanette Oke originally wrote is nothing like the Elizabeth we now have.
Elizabeth played games with Nathan and Lucas just like she did with Jack and Charles. The series was written about a school teacher and a Mountie.  Not so anymore.
The betrayal of the original story and the fan base is hard to overcome.
I have completely changed my opinion about this show, Erin Krakow, and the direction this series is going in.
This season had so much promise but the finale left me angry. Agree with other comments that if they had invested in a better story for E&L it would be different. Warming the serge was the only time E “might” have been confusing Nathan for Jack. Their relationship was so different... single parenting, especially. Their love story could’ve been even more epic than E & J. Just a real shame. Will not continue to watch. Moving on.
The writer's blew this. I am absolutely disgusted with the character of Elizabeth. There is no way a school teacher and mother would have been allowed to associate with a saloon owner in that time period without being run out of town. It's ridiculous that they expect fans to be okay with this.
If I decide to watch, I will skip the Elizabeth and Lucas scenes.
I just discovered your Tumblr site yesterday: it a really comprehensive and insightful work!
Thank you so much for your blog, I seriously need a place to vent and scream for a while. This is ridiculous.
Tell your bean counter I will not be watching .  Hallmark has gone WOKE.
Hopefully John tinker will continue a show runner he did a wonderful job brought some new life to help Valley
I’m very happy with all of the promising storylines in season 9 , Rosemary and Lee’s business vendors, faith being the head doctor Henry’s story Elizabeth and Lucas finally being a couple there is a lot of promise in season 9
Tinker and the producers destroyed in 1 season, what Moreno worked so hard in weaving and building up a beautiful storyline with Nathan and Elizabeth to form the Grant family.  They have to understand that fans are leaving not because of Elizabeth's final choice. The reason is that Tinker and the producers disregarded the premise and the family wholesomeness of the show, and debased it by making it into a poorly written soap opera with lots of shouting and cheap superficial steamy scenes and called it "romance'. They did not take the time to carefully development of storyline of why Elizabeth's decision. If they have done a good job leading to Lucas as a decision, I think that Team Nathan's fans would have accepted the choice. Instead, they played with fans emotions and hurt them badly through the season from both Teams misleading them and make them think who was the endgame. They need to realize that we watch WCTH because of the feel good and heart warming story. The fans kept to the end because they wanted to see their guy been chosen, even though there was lots of anger and disappointment. Who really wants to watch a show that does not entertain us in a heartwarming way. Tinker and the producers are arrogant, prideful, foolish, and not to be trusted and have no integrity to go back to what WCTH values that kept the loyal Hearties coming back yearly. They destroyed all Moreno's hard work to rescue the show after season 5.  We wanted a family friendly clean show that make us happy and hopeful.  The show is shifting to likes of Dallas and Dynasty with steamy scenes, skimpy clothes, bickering and may become darker stories.  
Tinker did a horrendous job by introducing too many disjointed scenes and characters that led nowhere. He did not take the opportunity to develop the story behind Allie's dad, Rosemary and Lee barely had any storyline, many couples bickering and destroyed Elizabeth's character as a morally strong caring woman. The "new" Elizabeth in this season was cruel, mean, self-centred, uncaring and was not really sorry or remorseful for her actions that hurt Nathan and Allie badly, as well as Rosemary. Is unrealistic that Nathan was the one who convinced Lucas to stay.
Positives of the show was Ned and Florence's romance and wedding. Loved the Nathan and Allie's storyline.  Nathan portrayed as the noble, sacrificial, kind, wise, heroic and because he loved Elizabeth, he let her go. It showed that Nathan was the better man with an impeccable character.
After this season, Elizabeth has been cheapened to a weak character that did not overcome fear, getting onto people's affair (Especially into Nathan's even when she rejected him, which gave him false hopes), was attracted to wealth and superficial romance, instead of the deep abiding unconditional love with Nathan. She became hypocritical by giving everybody advise and yet she did opposite to what she was saying. This Elizabeth did not deserve to have Nathan. He is too good for her. I don't know what will happen to littleJack as I can't see Lucas to love Jack as his own. He might be raised by nannies (as Elizabeth have already done)  and become a Little Lord Fauntleroy.
If the writers and producers are smart, they should focus on developing a compelling and heartfelt story for Nathan. In my opinion, he is the favourite character that embodies all the good values in When Calls the Heart, even through his imperfections. If they focus on Nathan and weave a great story, they may get some of Team Nathan fans coming back to the show and avoid cancellation after season 9.
Thank you for providing a platform to voice my opinion and disappointment of Tinker and the producers (eg Bird, Erin Krakow) ruining a show that could have been wonderful with lovely storylines for years to come.
It is time to move on from the love triangle.  No matter what a fan group was going to be heartbroken.  No point feeling so betrayed. We were never promised an outcome one way or the other so there was no betrayal.  There was only disappointment of not getting what we wanted.
This was my least favorite season overall.  The main characters didn't seem quite themselves, key couples weren't in sync, no compelling storylines other than the arrival of the wonderful Canfields, Elizabeth & Rosemary were even on the outs.  Missed the kids (although completely understand why they couldn't be there). And very, very disappointed in the ending.  Not a fan of Lucas' character at all.
Hallmark really dropped it on this one. Look at the survey and polls  the  fans wanted Nathan! A good show ruined.  If this was the plan for Elizabeth a different actor should have been cast as Lucas.  No chemistry , a saloon owner it just makes NO sense. The storylines are so disappointing. I am done!
I have some complaints, but overall I liked the season and am genuinely excited for season nine! Positive feelings here for sure! Still, I understand and respect that a sizeable portion of the fandom is upset (I was prepared to be completely crushed myself so I Get It). Since the love triangle ended the way I wanted, I’m relieved and prepared to just enjoy whatever comes our way next.
PS to the person behind this survey and blog - we have some ugh... disagreements, but you have contributed so much to this fandom with your gifs and these surveys. Thank you so much for that. <3
Ratings were down in the key 18-49 demo by 10 percent last year, and now 20 percent this year while total viewers remain flat. I guess we’ll see if their gamble pays off next season. But it really seems like a lot of their most loyal fans really got hurt, and as we know, karma is a b%^^. So much for the showrunner righting the ship.
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softspt · 3 years
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The Beaufort Family is a Founding Family with one of the more scandal-free histories of any of them, but don't get it twisted: it's because they've got more money than God and will pay anyone off to keep their mouths shut and leave town. No one's quite sure how they made their money, but the Beauforts have always been one of the wealthiest families in town and own a majority of the real estate available in Miriam's Well. Their children are all well-educated and they take public service very seriously — well, sort of.
They did, at least, until the current crop of Beauforts popped up, and most of them are more interested in doing well, literally anything else. The current generation of Beauforts has seen more tragedy than any past generation, though: both Beaufort parents, Vanessa and Bradley, have met more untimely fates, as have two of the seven siblings they’ve grown up with. Most recently, Charlotte Beaufort, their beloved sister,  passed away. That was about a year ago, and they’re still crumbling a bit and trying to deal with the fallout of it all.
The Beaufort childhood was idyllic — to an extent. I mean, it’s easy for a childhood to be idyllic when you’re rich and can buy your children’s affection with toys and cars, or whatever else they really want. Bradley, the Beaufort patriarch, was kind of an absentee parent, more focused on running the business (the Beauforts own a small bourbon distillery and a bar) than raising his children. This only worsened after their mother, Vanessa, passed. Vanessa, on the other hand, was super loving and nurturing, but hindered by the loss of her first child but still a good parent until she sort of just… loses it and never fully recovers. 
The Beauforts have been in Miriam’s Well since its inception (duh, founding family), and quietly smuggled homemade liquor during the prohibition era with the Bradys, but they were smart enough to get out before the government caught on. There might be some bad blood there still, but the Bradys are much more focused on their feud with the Pryors, which works out well for the Beauforts.  
The current generation of Beauforts moved back into Beaufort Manor, which had been abandoned some time in the 1930s, and began redoing it in 1984. Since then, their family has been host to a rash of premature deaths and a myriad of other tragedies. 
Yes, this is lightly Hill House inspired!! Mostly, it’s just a family that’s been through tragedy after tragedy and tried to remain standing through it all. There’s a lot of unsettled emotion and feeling, especially after Charlotte’s passing, and they all kind of resent each other a little, even with how much they love each other. 
Vanessa Beaufort, mother, deceased (2005) 
Bradley Beaufort, father, deceased (2014)
Robert Beaufort, eldest brother, deceased (1991)
Gideon Beaufort, (now) eldest brother, needs to get laid [ Alyx ] 
[Sister] Beaufort, eldest sister [ open ] 
Grayson Beaufort, second-eldest brother, needs a tracking device on him [ Liv ]
Charlotte Beaufort, second-eldest sister, deceased (2020) 
Lee Beaufort, second-youngest brother, needs to smoke a joint and stop worrying about his classic cars [ Jenn ] 
Penny Beaufort, icon, legend, the moment, needs to stop crying at everything [ Nina ]
[Sandwich] Beaufort, youngest brother* [ open ] 
*This is just a joke but if you named him after a sandwich (i.e. Monty for Monte Cristo, or anything from this list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sandwiches, I would love you forever). 
Here’s a quick little timeline, just to get things sorted: 
1984 - Bobby is born
1986 - Gid is born
1989 - [Sister] is born
1991 - Bobby dies (pushed by a ghost fell down the stairs? Fell from the balcony? Freak accident), a month or two before Grayson is born?
1991 - Grayson is born
1993 - Charlotte is born
1995 - Lee is born
1996 - Penny is born
1998 - Sandwich is born
Late 2004/2005 before disappearing - Mom shows signs of “losing it” and just becomes really off 
2005 - Mom disappears, presumed death by suicide (they find something of hers near the river months later) - what actually happened is speculation for each kid to decide? Word on the street is that Dad did it, but did she kill herself? Did dad murder her on try to frame it like an accident/suicide? YOU DECIDE (aka each kid has their own version of what happened)
2011-2014 - Dad starts deteriorating, first mentally then physically (diagnosed with cancer)
2014 - Dad passes away in Beaufort Manor in his sleep, but they’ve all got their suspicions. 
2020 - Charlotte dies in Beaufort Manor. 
Basically, please take one! They’re all still reeling from their...entire… lives, but they do love each other a lot at the end of the day. Lots of hashtag complicated family emotions and dynamics that I’d love to play around with ok thank you!! Faces are open, and ages are a bit flexible, but there’s a lot of “lore” aka dumbassery that we’ve got in mind for them! Pls take one! 
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gillian-greenwood · 3 years
My Episode 7 Predictions!
Mother of God! How have these weeks passed by so fast?! I've decided to share what I think will be answered tomorrow night and some of the fates of our beloved characters! The series has gotten off to an even bigger success than it's predecessor and EVERYONE'S talking about it! Without further ado, let's see what I'm predicting!
Who's H/fourth man (or woman) and will we find out?
The question that's on the nation's minds. That has been boggling us since 2017... My personal prediction still stands as CC Philip Osborne, however... I think he's purely sitting on his arse and pulling the strings, whilst others are doing his dirty work. Those people are Patricia Carmichael: who in all honesty I'm manifesting isn't actually bent but is so career driven and a bit of a lick arse that she's just taking orders and not questioning anything, plus she doesn't think much of Ted either... I have joked that she's been shagging Osborne on the side which would be quite funny. I also believe Buckells has been Osborne's true scape goat for years. Someone as laid-back and unpassionate as Buckells is easily manipulated - I mean how the hell has he become a super? As Steve rightfully says, he couldn't order a piss up in a brewery. Seeing the connections go well back into the early noughties whilst Buckells was part of an oasis tribute band, it's an easy conclusion to make. Lastly I will mention Thurwell, now I think Thurwell may have been more involved on his own doing anyway but I think he'd still been pretty busy doing things on behalf of Osborne up until his alleged death in sunny Spain (Belfast but shh). I know a lot of people still think Buckells, some reckon pas-agg Pat is the top woman... and a few still think our beloved Kate is 'H'.
Now the other part of my point is actually finding out... I think us as viewers will certainly know the identity of this mysterious individual. But, I think we'll find out in the very last few seconds and poor AC12 won't be any the wiser which will open up the foundations for a possible series 7. I think a lot of things will be answered for us viewers but not everything for the characters. I know that if they had a series 7 there would be an other primary focus but I just think it would be clever. Just like how we found out as viewers at the end of series 1 that Dot was a wrong'un.
Is Thurwell really dead?
I'm still very amazed by the whole induction of Jimmy Nesbitt as a series of photos. I know we were supposed to have a secretive guest actor appearance and I believe it was Robert Carlyle's name floating about which would have been insane! But that moment we saw Jimmy, I yelled at the screen. So, this answers the question of seeing a character that had only been mentioned previously - which has been very much hiding in plain sight. Even with a rewatch, I had forgotten about Thurwell and therefore hadn't even considered him. But, I did mention the list from series 3 which did loosely tie in. Anyway, when we learned that Thurwell and his Mrs were now dead and clearly had been for a while - it was cleverly shot so we didn't see who it was, only the Spanish Police's word. You know, I think if we were to get a series 7, Thurwell could appear and he's in fact not dead. It's very rare you get a very well known actor in for something so small without it leading to bigger things. Although, they got Andi Osho, a very much loved comedian in purely for archival photos and videos... I do feel that Thurwell could have easily been on the other end of the fake MSN, and doing Osborne's dirty work - especially with the Spanish connection. In a BTS photo we have seen a clue to a piece of paperwork regarding a time share (Spain mentioned) in front of Kate which will likely have a connection to Thurwell and Spain. I think he's possibly still alive but we'll see...
Joanne Davidson
Kelly Macdonald has been welcomed with a very warm reception. Wow, her connection to Tommy Hunter (albeit disturbing, homozygous DNA... nasty business) was not something I ever expected although I guessed very much so when we learned of the DNA match with a nominal. Would I define her as bent? I mean in layman's terms, yes she is. However each guest star has had a very complicated relationship with the definition - all have done dodgy things and usually for good reason... But I do sympathise with her because of her background, born into trouble, it was very hard to escape - even if her mum took her to Scotland for a life away from it all. From the very start of her career she was doing the OCG's bidding and it transpires she was in the police on Tommy's orders - so very much another caddy. I do feel Jo had always wanted to be a good person and do right and in some ways she did - however she's in too deep. Next I'll mention her relationship with Kate and it's something I'd never have predicted. A lot of suggestive and sapphic behaviour from the off. Now, I do think Jo cares deeply for Kate and has developed strong feelings - and I think Kate deep down has also but I don't think anything will happen sadly. And that's more for the fact that they had run out of track before they could even get going as so much has happened. Kate's gonna save Jo when her transport gets ambushed, that's a given... but I don't think we'll see anything happen that we want to happen. I hope I'm very wrong and we get something but with the hour we've got I don't think it'll be the case. And as for her fate? I think she'll survive. Guest leads usually die, eventually... with the exception of Roz who's serving time with one arm in Brentiss. Giving how unfortunate her life has been from her conception, I think it'll do her justice to escape with her life. Witness protection? Hmm perhaps... Although I think she's done enough dodgy stuff to warrant a prison stretch. Will she be instrumental in revealing who the fourth dot is? Well yeah actually, I think she grew up thinking Thurwell was her dad... and of course having connections to both Osborne and Buckells. Jo joined the force just before the turn of the millennium so would have been a copper when the Lawrence Christopher case occurred in 2003. Even though not directly working with them, I'm sure she knew what was going on and would have come across Osborne and Buckells at that time. I have a strong inkling that she knows exactly who she's been talking to and has been under their wing since the start. If she dies I will be gutted.
Where are we going with Kate? Well she's just killed Ryan (lawfully) and has gotten away with it. But Carmichael isn't thick... and nor is Steve and Ted. They all know but I think that'll be that for now. For ages I thought she was gonna D word but I think she's gonna be alright now. I hope that somehow she gets back into anti-corruption permanently because that's where she's best suited. I'm shocked that she hasn't had a glass box spectacular - my predictions for her to be accused of being bent and all that were way off the mark... and not a single mention of the two dying declarations... With only an hour tomorrow and so much to deal with, I guess that's not going to be mentioned. And Kate ain't gonna be sanctioned either. But, there's always opportunity with a series 7... She'll definitely be back in AC12, interviewing... I can't see all the BTS photos being Jed Herrings. But we'll see tomorrow!
Poor Steve eh? He's not had an easy time of it. Addicted to painkillers as I rightfully predicted, unable to trust his gaffer, torn on a transfer and a up and down friendship with his 'mate'. Oh and the car, actually let's not talk about the Mazda... Anyhow I believe that Steve will talk about his back and recent struggles with meds after a lot of emails from occupational health. Will he get pulled off the job at the last second because he didn't book an appointment... yeah I think that might happen and Kate takes his place or something. But there is a counsellor or something credited so I'm pretty certain on that. Will he lose his long overdue promotion? It's possible! I don't think the test was going to come back as a fail but more of a cause for concern - just that the levels of codeine etc in his system was higher than it should and it would be best advised to talk to someone. We haven't seen much pill taking going on since the drugs test so has Steve been going cold turkey? Or have they just veered away from that part of the story? In all fairness he's appeared fine with his back since the Windermere convoy - he ran across an industrial estate... I mean. I hope Steve gets a glimmer of hope and happiness because he rightfully deserves it. Ever since the start he's had his fair sharing of aggro and he deserves a break. I do think however he may be partly responsible for nailing the final nails into Ted's coffin - especially after he discovered the 50K up Merseyside and the truth from Lee Banks. I think he could be potentially happy with Steph, it would be nice for something to happen with them but we'll see. Steve needs a big hug.
This is going to pain me saying it. But, I don't think Ted is going to make it to the end. His retirement is inevitable. I can see the argument of the retirement being rescinded if they unmask the fourth dot etc and solve stuff but realistically, he's past retirement age. He's so focused on getting to the end of this marathon that I don't think he will see it through and know who it is - because he'll... yeah I don't need to say it. How? I've been saying his heart is gonna pack in. He's going to be in deep trouble over that 50k because Steve and Kate know the truth. But why would the likes of Carmichael find out... Well we've seen a clue of 'definate' on some paperwork - I reckon Ted by coincidence also makes this spelling mistake often as it is one of the most commonly misspelt words and therefore will be in the 'H' running again - he wont be 'H' as I reckon Osborne makes the same mistake... He alleges he misspelt it cos he studied the texts carefully but I think he spelt it how he usually would. They'll all go down the wrong path and accuse him which will lead to his ultimate downfall. Another little teaser is Steve appearing to listen to Ted's 2019 glass box spectacular however notably Carmichael says AC12 interview and not AC3... so mixing two different interviews to tease us? Maybe Ted might feel he has no choice but to sacrifice his career for the truth. However it all gets too much. Lies cost lives... I can't see Ted going on from beyond here and Ted was always supposed to be a minor character until he was very well received by the audience and he was made a main character. Realistically, his story is told and he's at his endgame. I hope he survives, by god I do... He's one of the most loved fictional characters at present. But I have a really bad feeling and I'm worried! It seems a total Jed thing to do for Ted to meet his end without ever finding the truth... seeing that's what his heart has been set on for about four years... I'm sorry to even be going there but it's what I think will happen. And I want to be wrong.
Miscellaneous Predictions
I want to round this all off with other little points. Carmichael won't be bent, maybe still involved with anti-corruption, you love to hate her, there's so much more they could do with her character. I don't think Steph's dodgy at all, she's just a widow whose been helped out by Ted in an unlawful way. I think her and Steve would be well suited. I hope Chloe will get to the end and continue on in anti-corruption, she's got a lot of potential. If Osborne isn't sussed, I reckon he'll still be CC. DCC Wise isn't bent either, just getting on with her job. But if Osborne does get caught and I'm wrong, there will be a lot of chaos for both him and Wise. Farida gets out of jail and starts afresh. Buckells I reckon will get out but won't be apart of the police force anymore. Lomax isn't bent, just a regular cop trying to get the work done. The rest of Jackie's remains will be found under the workshop floor, maybe with someone else? God knows who. Or maybe with some evidence that helps lead AC12 on the right track. Steve will still be an officer and Kate will be back where she belongs. There's probably more but my head hurts.
Will there be a series 7?
Thank you all for reading my jumbled thoughts all packed into a text post. I'm nervous but excited for tomorrow night's finale. Let's see if I get anything right... probably not...
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calacuspr · 3 years
Calacus Weekly Hit & Miss – Tom Daley & Kentaro Kobayashi
Every Monday we look at the best and worst communicators in the sports world from the previous week.
Tom Daley is finally an Olympic champion.
After 13 years of trying, Daley, alongside diving partner Matty Lee, won Team GB’s second gold medal of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games with victory in the men’s synchronised 10 metres platform.
"I still can't honestly believe what is happening.” Daley said. “That moment, being about to be announced as Olympic champions, I was gone. I was blubbering. To finally have this around my neck, I've been diving over 20 years.
"Lots of people would have counted me out but I'm in the best shape and with the support with Matty, we've had that unstoppable mentality this year and that's the first time I've ever been able to think like that.”
After winning Olympic gold medal at the fourth attempt, Daley must feel like an enormous weight has been lifted from his shoulders.
Ever since he burst onto the international stage at the Beijing Games in 2008, aged just 14, he has been in ever-present in the British media, not least as a result of the huge expectations he has faced from such a young age, but also because of his private life.
From the media attention about moving schools after being bullied in the wake of his initial diving success, to losing his dad Robert, who died following a battle with brain cancer, Daley has faced so many challenges on his long journey to Olympic glory.
The public eye has also constantly scrutinised his sexuality. Speaking on Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs in 2018, Daley admitted that he often felt inferior to everyone because of his uncertainty regarding his sexuality.  
But since coming out as gay in 2013, Daley has been a real inspiration and role model for so many young, gay people.
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After winning gold, he said: “I came out in 2013 and when I was younger I always felt like the one that was alone and different and didn’t fit. There was something about me that was never going to be as good as what society wanted me to be.
“I feel incredible proud to say that I am a gay man and also an Olympic champion.”
He added: "I am a gay man and also an Olympic champion. And I feel very empowered by that because when I was younger I felt I was never going to achieve anything because of who I was."
Olympic gold arrives in Daley’s first Games since become a father to son Robbie - who is named after his late father.
“Being a father was a massive turning point in my career as an athlete,” Daley admitted. “I realised whether I did really well or terribly I can go home to a husband and son who love me regardless.
“Feeling that and knowing that love is unconditional, I can take that pressure off myself, enjoy it and say I'm doing it because I love to do it.”
Speaking about his husband and his child in front of the world media, next to athletes from China, a country where neither would be permitted for a gay man, Daley continues to act as a key spokesperson for the LGBTQ+ community and for LGBTQ+ rights.
His words have been widely praised by sporting stars, with Gary Lineker tweeting: “Absolute inspiration to so many. Well said and well played @TomDaley1994”.
Two-time Olympic champion rower James Cracknell also praised Daley on Twitter, saying: “So pleased for @tomdaley pioneered for his sport, was overwhelminghly supportive when other divers won GB’s first diving gold in 2016. But backed himself to perform in @tokyo2020 enjoy it and well done @mattydiver”.
Daley has overcome so many obstacles in his journey to achieving Olympic success, which highlight just how mentally strong and how much of role model he is.
Still just 27, he has played a vital role in transforming the sport of diving in the UK over the years and continues to inspire the next generation of athletes.  
Tom Daley has captured the hearts of a nation and is a deserved Olympic hero.
The Olympic Games may be somewhat different this year, given the delays and lack of crowds and visitors caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
But the Games have always stood for inclusion, friendship and respect for others.
So it was no surprise that the show director of the Tokyo 2020 opening ceremony was dismissed a day before the event was held after offensive comments were discovered from the 1990s.
Footage emerged of Kentaro Kobayashi, a former member of a popular comedy duo Rahmens , in which he appeared to make jokes about the Holocaust and was quoted saying “Let’s play massacre the Jews.”
Given the terrible loss of life to military and civilians, including a quarter of a million people killed by the nuclear bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Kobayashi’s comments could not have been less appropriate.
Kobayashi at least issued a statement responding to his dismissal and said: “It should never be the job of an entertainer to make people feel uncomfortable.
“I understand that my choice of words at the time was wrong, and I regret it. I would like to apologise for making people feel uncomfortable. I am very sorry.”
The Simon Wiesenthal Center condemned the anti-Semitic ‘jokes’ with Global Social Action Director, Rabbi Abraham Cooper saying: “Any person, no matter how creative, does not have the right to mock the victims of the Nazi genocide.
“The Nazi regime also gassed Germans with disabilities. Any association of this person to the Tokyo Olympics would insult the memory of six million Jews and make a cruel mockery of the Paralympics.”
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Kobayashi’s departure is the fourth senior Tokyo 2020 executive to depart ahead of the Games.
Earlier last week, one of the event’s composers, Keigo Oyamada, resigned after old magazine interviews resurfaced in which he joked about bullying other children at school, including classmates with intellectual disabilities.
In March, creative chief Hiroshi Sasaki quit after suggesting that plus-size comedian Naomi Watanabe could appear as an ‘Olympig’ while in February, Yoshiro Mori was forced to resign as the head of the organising committee after he made remarks that women talked too much and that meetings with female board directors would “take a lot of time.”
Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee President Seiko Hashimoto said of Kobayashi’s dismissal: “We found out that Mr. Kobayashi, in his own performance, has used a phrase ridiculing a historical tragedy.
“We deeply apologise for causing such a development the day before the opening ceremony and for causing troubles and concerns to many involved parties as well as the people in Tokyo and the rest of the country.”
Another embarrassing scandal in Japan revolving around the Olympic Games can be an opportunity, according to Sayuri Shirai, a professor of economics at Japan's Keio University.
“Discrimination was never a major issue, so many people are careless. A lot of foreign media pay so much attention (to the Olympic Games), so every negative issue is under the spotlight...
“People are starting to be more sensitive about discriminatory expression," she said, adding that the scandals was a “good opportunity for Japan” to think more about discrimination and diversity.
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It would be cool if they did another 400 days type mini series with some characters. like showing us the beginning/middle/different parts of the apocalypse from the perspectives of: Marlon, Louis, Violet, Sophie, James, and Lilly. I think it would do well
I think something like this would do well, too. We talk about this a lot and I keep hoping that if we continue to talk about it, they’ll somehow hear us and actually do it haha. 
Just think of the possibilities- a game with each episode dedicated to following a different protagonist during a different time in the apocalypse, telling a previously unheard story. They could even do more character-driven stories that focus more on that aspect rather than the walkers and outside dangers, y’know? 
Really the only downside I could see if they actually did this is that people outside the fandom would be whiney about it? I mean, people who casually played Telltale games would look at Skybound like “Rehashing old characters who aren’t muh Clementine? Pass.” Y’know? And to be fair, I could see people within the fandom being disappointed, too. 
But a majority? I think we’d all be happy to just have another twdg installment if Skybound wanted to make one... as long as they leave Clementine alone. That’s my one condition haha. 
Leave her alone, Robert. 
I’ll even throw out a bunch of possibilities for episodes-
Carley and Doug - I would love an episode that starts with Carley working as a reporter just as the walkers come. We could meet her crew, go through when they were attacked and explore the trauma she experiences after watching her producer get eaten alive in front of her. 
Then, in comes our hero: Doug. Doug saves her life, and the two of them manage to escape and hideout. This is the perfect time to explore Doug’s character, too, as well as the relationship he and Carley had before they met up with the drugstore crew. 
We can learn more about how Carley came to be so good with firearms and more about Doug’s technical background. Not only that, but it would be interesting to see these two actually interact since, y’know... they canonically have romantic feelings for one another. 
Then the episode could end with them meeting Glenn outside, who brings them back to the group at the drugstore. 
The St Johns - Here me out, but I would totally be on board for an episode about these people and how they starting picking off their farmhands for food. We don’t even have to play as any of the St Johns, we could play as a farmhand that actually escaped that fate after discovering what these people were doing. 
It could definitely be more horror based, too. Like a cat and mouse sort of chase scene with the protagonist and Andy or Danny with them escaping with their life at the end and journeying off. 
We could also see more of the bandits and how that agreement came to be with them. We could see more of Jolene, too. 
Lilly - Okay, I want to know what the hell happened to Lilly between s1 and s4. From what I’ve gathered and inferred, Lilly wandered alone for years before finding the delta, the first place she ever considered home since... well, the motor-inn. Which... is nuts. 
Then there’s all the trauma of losing Larry on top of what a piece of shit he was. I know I laugh at her for being all “No more ice cream, no more hair dryer” when she was telling Clementine about Larry cutting their power but we don’t know much about just how abusive Larry was. 
Plus, we don’t know what happened to her mom. Larry still carried her wedding ring even into the apocalypse and died with it in his pocket. There’s just... a lot of things. 
So I think an episode about Lilly by herself could be an interesting exploration of her being her own enemy, y’know? When I say character-driven, I mean solely character-driven with Lilly having flashbacks or nightmares or talking to herself or even hallucinations. Think Michonne, but even better executed. And with no ghost children. Maybe a ghost Larry, though. Which is arguably worse. 
And it could end with someone from the delta finding her. 
Christa and Omid - I feel like this is an obvious one since everyone loves these two and we’re still salty that they never brought Christa back. So it’d be cool to see these two either before meeting Lee’s group, or their time with Clementine between s1 and s2.
This is the only time I’ll allow Clementine to be here. If they feel they have to plop Clementine into this, then do it this way. We could explore Clementine’s guilt of what happened to Lee and the trauma she suffered while with the stranger, we could explore Christa’s pregnancy and learn more about her and Omid’s relationship. 
We could see some dad moments with Omid as he and Clementine bond, perhaps dive into the fear and anxiety of a baby that’s coming, too. 
Kenny and Sarita - So... while Kenny’s not my favorite person, I can’t deny that I’d be interested in seeing him after he apparently escapes the walker horde after killing Ben and what he went through before he met Sarita. 
Hell, have an episode where we play as Sarita as she stumbles upon Kenny and how she saved him from the restaurant he was hiding in. We could get a glimpse into Kenny from Sarita’s point of view and what they went through during their time together. We could learn about Walter and Matthew, too. 
Honestly, I just want to know more about Sarita as a character rather than a plot device to die in order to further Kenny’s development, y’know?  
Bonnie - Yeah, yeah, I know. No one likes Bonnie and “who wants to play as Bonnie again?? she sucks??”, but damn it... I want them to redeem how badly they fucked up with her story in 400 Days. 
I want an episode about her struggling with her drug addiction and how it affected her when the dead started walking. What she was willing to do to get her fix, y’know? Bring back Leland and Dee and how they helped with her road to recovery.
Leland himself even said that when they found her, she was still so stuck on those drugs. I think exploring that could be a fascinating experience. 
Jane - An episode about Jane and Jamie? An exploration of Jane’s struggle with keeping her sister alive while having that internal survival instinct trying to take over all leading to her finally giving Jamie what she wanted- to leave her. Then how that guilt and loss took a toll on Jane and hardened her.
And like, I know Jane is kind of in the same boat as Bonnie where a lot of people [specifically Kenny followers] absolutely hate her and would whine about an episode dedicated to exploring her character, but I don’t care. I’d play it, I’d love to understand Jane more, even if I don’t particularly like her. 
David - This one is here for selfish reasons. I want an episode all about David. I don’t care what you do, but I want to see David’s struggle of literally losing his entire family in a single night, as well as losing the world to the apocalypse and having to move forward.
Like... seriously, remember what Kate was all “I bet David was happy when the world ended” or some shit? I actually disagree, Kate, since the day the world ended, he lost his father, mother, brother, uncle, his fucking children, and you, his wife within a night.  He spent years thinking you all were dead while traveling with Ava and his unit, fighting the dead and trying to survive.... but no, the day the walkers came was probably super great for him. Ugh. 
The bonus is we get more Ava, too. Also, I don’t think anyone would oppose if you threw in the whole “David and Lingard might’ve had a thing”... just sayin’. We stan bisexual David. 
Javier - Throwing this one in there because I think an episode about Javi, Kate, Gabe, and Mari would do incredibly well. Everyone misses the Garcia’s, everyone was bummed that we ever got a follow up to what Javi was up to after ANF. 
Y’know... since ANF was a mess, they probably didn’t feel they could do a follow up because people wouldn’t play... but I’m telling you, we’d play another adventure as Javier Garcia. I don’t know what kind of story you’d tell, but it doesn’t matter. Well, it does... but ya get me. 
Plus, more Gabe and Mariana content. C’mon. 
James - *slams fists on table* I want my James and the whisperers episode damn it!! And I’m gonna keep saying it until someone either makes it or pays me to shut up. 
I don’t care if you like James or not, you can’t deny how fascinating it would be to have an entire episode dedicated to the whisperers. On top of that, we’d get to see James and Charlie and how their relationship suffered during their time with the whisperers, as well as James realizing what a monster he became. 
Maybe we could have a scene where James actually makes his famous mask, or a scene of James escaping them and leaving Charlie behind. It could end with James in his camp until he hears gunshots one night. When he goes to investigate, he finds Clementine and AJ trying to escape Lilly and Abel and we get him intervening from his perspective. 
There ya go, there’s a second Clementine cameo that doesn’t fuck everything up. Ta-dah. 
Sophie and Minerva - A popular one that most of us would want. Them after they were taken away and how they suffered within the delta. It’d be cool to play as Sophie, and tragic since we know how that would end. But we could be the one who acts out and tries to escape all while doing our best to keep Minerva from giving into them... which again, imagine the heartbreak. 
The Ericson crew - Like with the twins, this would be a popular one that most people would want to play. While I’d rather they kept their fingers off Louis and Violet since they’re bound to fuck them up, I can’t deny that I want to know what happened at the school during the first days. 
We could even play as Ms. Martin as she chooses to stay and take care of all these kids, how she bonds with them before inevitably meeting her fate in the greenhouse. 
And c’mon, you know you want to see baby child versions of our Ericson kiddos. Imagine Louis and Violet at these young ages? Seeing other kids we never got to meet? We’d eat it up! ...Well, assuming they did a good job with their characterizations. Y’know. 
Those are all the major ones I’d like to see, but hey, if any of you had other ideas for episodes following characters I didn’t mention, feel free to share! 
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sugdenlovesdingle · 3 years
So many theories. My new one is Luke’s dad killed lee but the evidence pointed towards Robert because he did hit him. But when enemy finds out that Robert is actually innocent, she wants make to Luke happy which means making vic happy and that leads to getting Robert out
i'm good with anything involving Robert getting out tbh.
But yeah I did say something like that too when we found out they're bringing in the dad...
or maybe he just got out of prison (because apparently he's abusive) and he was at the IOW and Robert's prison bully (just because) and he's coming back to just casually torment his ex and his no good son (luke) and when he finds out the Good Son (lee) is dead he loses it at poor little luke, who then confesses to killing his brother, wailing wendy overhears and decides to Do The Right Thing and tell the police.
Luke gets sent down, Robert gets out, Wendy fucks off, and since emmerdale love making victims be all friendly with their abusers, dad posner sticks around and they'll make aaron hire him at the scrapyard where robert has to see him every day and make nice with him.
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samshogwarts · 4 years
Character Profil - Samantha O´Connell
Ok Guys, first things first - this will be a very long Post with every Information about Samantha which have already been published. And this Post will be editied time by time. But so that it doesn't get too long, I will put the Informationen under the Line. Based on this Character Profil, I draw my web Comic. So let´s go!
Last Update: 3rd Aug, 2020
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Amortentia (What do they smell like?): Grass field on a summer sunset, Candle smoke and a bit of vanilla.
Amortentia (What do they smell?): grass, fire, smoke, honeysuckle (Charlie Weasley), a forest after the rain.
Faceclaim: -
Voiceclaim: her singing voice: AmaLee (I´m a stupid Fangirl)
Samantha O´Connells Story
Before Hogwarts:
Samantha was born in Ireland as the dauther of the pureblood witch Claire O´Connell and the Vampire Wizard Matthew O´Connell. Grow up with a many love, Samantha doesn´t know any evil and starts to be a daydreaming girl. As a half-Vampire she didn´t drink blood, but still have some (weak) Vampire-Power, like inhuman ears and a fast Wound healing.
Even her father was a Vampire who visted Hogwarts, he runs a muggle hospital and never understand why the wizard world don´t use muggel technogoly like a Fringe or Telephone. One Night, her father got a emergency call from his hospital. In that night Deatheaters break into the O´Connells house with the goal to kill the hole family. Claire O´Connell was a shame for the Wizard World because she married a monster and her daugther wasn´t allowed to existed. 
Clarie hides her daughter in a secret Base behind a Closet and say “What ever you heared, don´t come out. Stay hide. I love you” This was the last time Samantha saw her mother alive. Before Claire could leave the room, she was surrounded by Deatheaters. They tortured her, trying to find out where she hide the “little monster”. The only thing Claire scream was: “STAY HIDE! DON´T COME OUT!” What nobody knows was, that Samantha saw everything. She saw how her mother was tortured, she saw all the blood and she saw her mother was finally killed. 
Before the Deatheaters could find Samantha, the Auror showed up and defeted the enemy. 
The funeral and the life with the Roberts:
After that night nothing was the same again. Samanthas father becomes cold and distant. On the funeral a old friend of Claire showed up - Angela Roberts and her son Jacob Roberts. Jacob was a few year older than Samantha and take care of her the hole funeral. Angela and Matthew talked to each other that maybe it would be the best if Samantha would stay a few days with the Roberts. So Samantha goes with them, without knowing this was the last time she saw her father for a very long time.
One week later Angela Robert filed a lawsuit in the ministery. She wants the custodyfor Samantha because Matthew is a dangouers Vampire and against the magic world. She wins, but never tells Samantha, that it was her idea. Angela tells her new adopted daughter it was her fahters idea because he can´t look in her face anymore (because she looks like her mother).
The next hell in Samanthas life showed up, because her adopted mother was obsessed with the idea to turn Samantha in a Claire 2.0(the way Angela saw her mother). Samantha was crowded to dress, to act and to talk like “ a true lady”, a princess, a tender flower. She hated it. Only Jacob helped her and stopped his mother sometimes. He starts calling her “Pip” because he reads Lord of the rings (Samantha gave him the book”, and Samantha calls him gib brother or Jacke. It was the worst time of her life, when Jacob was in Hogwarts and Samantha couldn´t wait to become a hogwarts student too. But then Jacob vanisted and Samantha has to faced her adopted mothers paranoia alone (which become worsted, because of Jacobs Vanish). The psychological terror becomes physically (Details unkown). But finally her Hogwarts letter arrived one day and Samantha saw her first chance to be free or even to find out what happend to her brother....
Hogwarts Year 1-3:
Ok, if I would tell you everthink in Detail, it would take hours. So here is a shorter vision:
In her first few years, Samantha was very shy and don´t know how to act or interact with people at her age. She starts her adventure  with the cursed vaults, found Hints about what happend to Jacob and was even able to find some friends! But on every Holiday, she had to went back to her adopted mothers house (or hell, there was no big different). 
In the end of the 3rd Year, Bill Weasley and a other Sutdent beomce suspicious and call Samanthas Dad. Matthew showed up at Hogwarts. After a awful Situation, the Turth came out and Samanthas father Matthew was able to get the custody back. Samantha talks never again with Angela and it´s unknown what happend to her (just the Fact, that Samanthas Aunt Hel, trys to kill her, but she was stopped by Matthew).
Since that Day Samantha lived with her family again. And after a few Starting difficulties, she and her fahter had a really good realtionship! The 3rd Year is also the Year where it came out, that Samantha is a half-Vampire (before that, she covered her ears with a spell)
Hogwarts Year 4-7:
At the beginning of the 4th year, everyone could see how much Samantha changed. She become more open, more self confident and simple - more happy. This also the Year where she become friend with the most other MC´s :D and of cause - Charlie Weasley. in which she also fell in love. It wasn´t love at the first sight, but Samantha realise her feelings after Charlie tells her, she is not a princess or a  a tender flower, she is more like a Dragon. Ready to fight with much Power. In the Winter (Yule Ball) they become a couple, but they keep it a secret.
And she became the Seeker for the Ravenclaw Qudditch Team and a Perfect. 
Also the Adventure continued and Samatha and her friends finally found Jacob Roberts in the portrait vaults.  Rakepick betrayed the Friends and Jacob chased her without answering Samanthas questions. Samantha felt deceived.
At there next meeting, Samantha will punshed Jacob and for the first time in her life she tells someone how she felt without thinking.
After defeating “R” and the curse of the vaults, Samantha and her friends have one last enemey - the future. Samantha had simple no idea what she want to do after school. After talking with Tonks and Mad-Eye she decided to start training as an Auror. She knows Charlie wants to become a  Drakologe in Rumania. Also Samantha loves Dragons too, she also know that this wasn´t the right job for her. But maybe she would find a different Job in Rumania, after her Auror Training. Unfortunately both didn´t talk to each other fast enough. So Samantha thought Charlie didn´t want her in Rumania and Charlie thought Samantha dind´t want to come with him. They break up, but promised to be still best friends (haha! the Dorks didn´t talk to each other for 4 years now because of there broken hearts).
After Hogwarts:
Samantha starte her Training as an Auror with Tonks and finished it with Bravura. She was finally able to control her Vampire side and using her Vampire skills. Maybe that´s the reason why THEY talk to her at her Graduation ceremony... After that conversation Samantha had no other choice but join.....
But in the end, Samantha found her final happy end. If you already want to know more read this post about the MC-Future-Challenge. 
HP Character:
Rowan Khanna: Rowan was Samanthas first Friend. Like in the HPHM Game, they met at Diagon Alley. After her Dead, Samantha lose the first time her control about her Vampire side. After that Samantha and the others establish the circle of Khanna.
Ben Copper: In the first Years, Samantha and Ben were really closed firend. But after Bens Change, they lived apart. In the end there were just acquaintance.
Penny Haywood: Penny made it her personal mission to improve Samanthas self-confidence. It was Pennys Idea, that a Ponytail would suit Samantha well. There were good friends.
Bill Weasley: Bill become a borhter like friend. He is the only one how calls Samantha “Sammy” without making her angry.. They become really closed and Bill was one of the first SammyxChalire Shippers (one of the reasons why he always invited Samantha for Christmas)
Nymphadora Tonks: PRANK BUDDIES! Tonks and Tulip used Samanthas knowledge about physics for pranks. But Samantha has one rules “don´t make me catch you guys as a perfect! AND NO EVIDENCE!”
Tulip Karasu: Also a PRANK BUDDY! Tulip and Carewyn were the people how find out, that Samantha loves to sing. 
Barnaby Lee: I´m not sure, but i would say Barnaby had a little crush on Samantha once. There were on there first Date and he support her a lot. However, sometimes Charlie get a little jealous, when Samantha spend to much time with Barnaby.
Talbott Winger: Talbott is one of the people, how helped Samantha to become a Animagus. He try, but he can´t escape Samanthas Friendship. Especially both lost the mother and know how each other feels about that. He is the first one how know Samantha is a Half-Vampire.
Andre Egwu: Andre and Samantha are good friends. He always give her fashion especially (since Samantha has absolutly NO Fashion taste).
Charlie Weasley: What could I say? they love each other a lot and are also best friends. Charlie always think it´s absurd to call Samantha a Princess or weak. She is so powerful and had such a great fire inside. She is like a welish Green, but irish. On the other side, Samantha is maybe one of the few how never make jokes about his Dragon passion. Charlie is the only one how call her Sam, without making her angry. 
Jae Kim : Jae teach Samantha cooking basics. And he discovered her passion for Nougat chocolate. So Jae alway ofer Samantha chocolate, when he needs her notes or someone for Private tutoring
Badeea Ali : Badeea trys to teach samantha how to draw, but Sammy has simple no talent.They like each other, but you can´t say there are closed friends.
Liz Tuttle :To be honest - Samantha don´t know what she should think about Liz. Samantha admit Liz passion for magical creatures and they can work together, but there aren´t really friends.
Diego Caplan : We all know Diego is a womenizer and he always flirts with Samantha (but she don´t understand the allusions). And after her identity as a half-vampire was realsed, Diego always wants a Duell, but he never win. :P
Fred + George Weasley : The twins became like little brothers for Samantha. There were never able to prank her. Samantha was the one how bring the idea of a own Joke article store to there mind. Samantha teached the twins the physics basics. As a Perfect she had a lot of work with this two!  
Cedric Diggory : Cedric admired Samantha form the very beginning and want to be one of her friend. I am not sure, but maybe he had a little crush on her or try to impress her.
Merula Synde : Rival-Friends just in the typical way you can imagen. They both drag each other to her limit. They would never admit it, but they respect each other.
Ismelda Murk : Ismelda is maybe the only student on Hogwarts which Samantha simple don´t like. Ismeldas talking about the Dark art and how cool the dark lord actually is, makes Samantha angry. They both had one than more duell.
Beatrice Haywood : While Beas edgy emo phase, Samantha understand how she feels and Bea knows that. When her relationship with Penny was the worsed, Bea said she wished Samantha would be her sister. But Samantha know, this was just to hurt Penny, so she never takes this serious. 
Percy Weasley : Like Cedric, Pery admired Samantha. Especially as a Perfect. It take a long time since he realise how much Trouble Samantha makes XD
Chiara Lobosca : Chiara is a high morally support for Samantha. They both has some kind of “We are monster”-Friendships.
Cherster Davies: The Ravenclaw Perfect has a hard time with the little Girl. He saw her potentional but cry for every point Ravenclaw lose because of Sam. (dosen´t matter how many points she earn before).
Sykpe Parkins: Samantha and Skype are Quidditch Partner, but not really friends. They had a excellent Teamplay. But they didn´t talk much outside the field.
Orion Amani: Samantha thinks Orion is funny. She likes his chilly style and he is a good listener. He is the first one how thinks Samantha would be a good seeker because of her inhuam ears.
Murphy McNelly: Murphy and Samantha are Puns buddys. They simple CAN´T have a normal conversation.
------------------- other characters--------------
Harry Potter : Of cause Samantha knows the story about the boy how lived. But she doesn´t had a lot to do with him. He is a friend of Ron and later Ginnys Man and Samantha likes that. She also likes his cheeky styl.
Ron and Ginny Weasley : Both are like siblies for her. Sometimes Ginny calls Samantha her big sis, which makes her really proud. Ron thinks that Samantha is really cool and can do everythink.
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley: Both like Samantha a lot. She is always welcome. Athrus always aks her about muggle stuff and her fathers hospital. Mrs. Weasley had a time where she thought Samantha and Bill would be a great couple, but she is also very happy after Samantha and Charlies ends together.
Fleur Delacour : First Fleur thought Samantha would be also against her wedding with Bill. Fleur even thought Samantha could be in Love with Bill. But she relaise very fast Charlies and Samanthas feeling for each other. Before the wedding Fleur and Samantha becomes good friends. (also because Samantha was never agains this relationship and always think Fleur is a badass, which she likes.)
Canon MC´Friends
So, this is important again XD. Long Time ago, I ask how wants to be Samanthas friend and sometimes they already interact with each others. So here is the list. 
NOTE!: If you want your MC also be Samantas Friend and in my Comic, just say it! On the other hand - if you read your MC´s Name here and don´t want that or you are not happy with there relationship, just say somethink too! So lets go (why I am nervous???):
Glennis Augustine - belongs to @etoilesbonbon : A creative Gryffindor. Samantha meet Glennis in flying class and tries to help her. Later they become friends. They meet often in the Courtyard. Glennis is drawing and Samantha plays Guitar (Glennis could wish the songs for the right mood for her Drawing.
Dusty Emerald - belongs to @dusty-emerald-hphm : Dusty is a Slytherin Perfect. Samantha just randomly said she really likes Dustys styl and however they start talking and become friends. They both like swimming, so if the weather allowed it, they do swim races in the black sea and giggle after that. No matter how wins.
Aishwarya Mehra and Arjun Singh - belongs to @hogwarts9 : Samantha know there are Royals at Hogwarts which belongs to Gryffindor, but she didn´t know who and to be honest, she didn´t care about Royals and stuff. One day she sit for breakfast on the Gryffindor Table ( the clique dind´t really care about the house separation) Arjun and Aishwarya sit beside her and for one reason Samantha starts talking gaelic with a lot of gesture. And because Samantha is a clumpsy Idiot, she hits Arjuns Glass and poured the hole pumpkin juice over his clothes. She just realized later, that this two are the Royals. After that she waits the half day in front of the Gryffindore Common Room to apologize to both. So the three become friends and train together there magic (Duells and stuff).
Keira Jones - belongs to @hphm-brooke : will follow
Brooke Atkison  belongs to @hphm-brooke : will follow
Kai Williams  belongs to @hphm-brooke : will follow
Ryan Seacrest  belongs to @hphm-brooke : will follow
Niky Dona belongs to @nikyiscreepy: Niky, a hufflepuff. was near by losing control about her “Lilith” again and runs in the forbidden forest. Before she losing control completely, she heared a strange sound. “I-It that a guitar? In the Forest?” She follwoed the sound and she founds - Samantha! Sitting on the ground, humming and playing gutiar. They start talking and Samanthas music calms Niky down. This is the start of there friendship. To calm her down, Samantha would sing everywhere and at any time.
Kyril Vasiley - belongs @kyril-hphm : A Tsunlytherin young and shy Slytherin. First Kyril was just a quit Boy, how was near by Jae. One Day Samantha had a Duell with Ismelda again, and even Ismelda try to cheat Samantha wins. She thought no one saw her, but acutally Kyril was in a corner wachting. He takes all his courage and talk to Samantha. She realise that he is “just” a Tsundere and very shy, but she likes him and both become friends. Even Samantha puts him sometimes in uncomfortable situation, they trust each other and both know that the other one accept them the way they are.
Night Rhea - belongs to @nightrhea-hphm: Night is a joyful slytherin and a beater in the Qudditch team. So she and Samanther met the first time on the matchfield. First Samantha was a Chaser. After Samantha got some of Nights Hits and was still on her broomstick, Night was impressed and talk to Samantha after the match. One Day Night found out, that Samantha can play Violin too. She coudn´t understand why Samantha don´t want to play anymore And Samantha tells her the Story about her mother. Night persuaded Samantha to play a song for her and Samantha acutally plays an old irish song. So, when Night feels lonely Samantha plays on her violin.
Finn McGarry - belongs to @theguythatdraws: A Gryffindor with a scar over this face (and more). He maybe looks scary in the first place, but acually he is very kind. The first time he and Samantha interact with each other was because he heared Samantha swears in gaelic. And since he is also irish and speak gaelic, he talk to her. Both like weapons and fight without wands, so both sneak into the forbidden forest for training. And actually Samanthas Uncle Andrew likes Finn a lot, so when he is in Town he takes both to the three boomstick. Most visitis ends (to be honours EVERY Vistis) with a drunken Finn and a drunken Samantha talking gaelic and no one knows what they say.
Helene Adler - belongs to @heleneplays: A Badass Ravenclaw. One Day Helene catched Finn and Samantha while training in the forbidden forrest.... and she join it. Before that Helene and Samantha were mistaken sometimes because both are blond Ravenclaws (and Helene sometimes wear a ponytail). After they become friend, both make jokes about that or even confuse new students, how didn´t know them. And Helen really admired Samanthas Aunt Hel O´Connell.
Luna Silvermore - belongs to @lunasilvermorny: A tall Ravaneclaw Girl, how is a beater of the Qudditch Team. Of Cause Samantha saw Luna before in a few classes or on the Ravenclaw Table in the great hall, but Samantha was to shy to talk to her (even Samantha loves her Hair color!). And then both start playing Qudditch and one day Luna said she will protect Samantha on the match field no matter what. Don´t ask why, but this flip the switch in Samanthas Head and she starts talking like a waterfall (where she also said how much she loves Lunas changing hair color). After a few seconds of awful silence (where Sam thought about simple running away) Luna burst out laughing and they start talking normal. Samantha and some other girls found out about Lunas crush for Rath and the Hogwarts Wingwomen Club was born. Also both like to drink with each other. And when they are drunken, they had stupid ideas. Really stupid...It´s a wonder Hogsmead isn´t bruning down XD. And both like watching muggle TV with Alice.
Roger Lopez - belongs to @hphm-roger​: A kind Slyhterin. He likes macigal creator and sometimes he goes for a walk into the forbidden Forest. That where he met Samantha for the first time. Stucked....in a Tree. She had a bet with Finn and Luna how can climb the hightest tree. Samantha won, but was unable to climb down. Luna and Finn where supposed to get help but didn´t return atm. Roger start laughing and said Samantha reminds him of a cat. And this associationstay for the rest of there friendship. And of cause Samantha loves his different Hair colors and always want to touch it, if it change.
Elaiza Schuyler - belongs to @annabelle-tanaka-official​: Elaiza is a Ravenclaw girl and one of Samanthas first friend, since there share a room. Samatha is fascinated how many languages Elaiza speaks and even teach her some gaelic sentences. Since Elaiza is bad at flying class and Samantha at Herobolgy,both help each other with this subjects. Both like cooking, so sometimes they sneak into the kitchen and cook or bake something. 
Williamina Schneider  - belongs to @leamontee​ : A cute and cheerful Gryffindor Girl with a hard backstory. Willie was there when Samantha yelled at her father in the end of the 3rd year. It reminds her of her own story. After the summer holidays she and Samatha were in the same compartment in the Hogwarts express and they start talking. Willie thinks Samantha is brave and both wants to break the vaults curse, so they work a lot together.
Clara Iln - belongs to @lins-hogwarts-mystery​ : will follow
Lillian Baker - belongs to @thehogwartscursebakers (don´t know why, but i can´t tag her :( ): Lillian is one of the Ravenclaw Qudditch chaser. She met Samantha in her 2nd year, when both become part of the Quidditch team. And both met each other in the duell club, where there start to talk to each other. Both had no fashion sense, but both love shopping with Carewyn.
Stephanie - belongs to @hanihonii​ - will follow
Ryan, Cara, Sara and Conor O´Donnell belongs to @unfortunate-arrow​: Samantha and the O´Donnells don´t have an easy start. Samantha was mistakes as a O´Donnell and there a lot of people who were thinking the O´Donnells were half-vampires. So when they finally meet each other there were like “ STOP STEALING MY NAME!” Maybe they even had duells. But in the end they all realise, that this fight is stupid, and they all become friends. But they will still mistaken.
Alice Beaumont belongs to @mizutoyama​: Alice is a very closed friend and one of Samathas Roommate. Alice is one of the few person on this earth woh can wake Samantha up, whitout realse her morning beats. So Alice is the reason why Samantha is able to stand up in the morning and brush her hair. After Samantha returns to her father, Alice visit her sometimes in the holidays and they watch muggle TV with Luna. 
Wendy Gordon - belongs to @drinkyoursoupbitch​ : Wendy is one of the few people at Hogwarts how understand gaelic, since this Ravenclaw girl is scottish. Most of the Time Samantha speaks without irish dialect unless she talks to Wendy. There both are in the same arithmancy class, so both study a lot together or talk about Quidditch.
Tu Liang - belongs to @wangxianforever000​ : Tu is a Gryffindor Girl and definitely a chaotic Dou with Samantha. There are in the same Rune class, plays Qudditch and both are bad at posion. Tu meets Samantha in the great hall and thinking form the very beginning, Samantha is funny. Somehow (don´t ask why, no one knows), every time they want to rock, things will end up chaotic, Both are very protective, so they keep an eye on each other. Sometimes Samantha sit on Tus head as a Crow.
Flavio Ceccere - belongs @sirfluffig​: After Chester Davies left school if was on Flavio to take care about the ravenclaw house honour and keep an eys on Samantha.He is Samanthas best study buddy and they meet every week in the libary. Since Flavio loves coffee, Samantha want to try it too. But non of them know, that coffee works a lot on Vampires. So Samantha was the rest of the day like a Duracell Bunny. (Poor Flavio^^;). Samantha helps Flavio to relax time by time since he is always serious.
Carewyn Cormwell - belongs to @carewyncromwell​ : A Slytherin Perfect and definitely Samanthas mama-bear-friend. Both become friends after they realise how much they both love music and singing. Carewyn and Bill were the first one how had the theory, that Samantha and Charlie are more then friends. She and Tonks developed some kind of special sense which called Samantha “The Mama-Bear-Antenna”. Carewyn were always a morally support for Samantha, which saw Samantha cries. 
Her Family
Claire O´Connell - Mother
coming soon
Song that descibes there relationship -  Celtic Woman - Tír na nÓg ft. Oonagh
Matthew O´Connell - Father
coming soon
Song that descibes there relationship - Celtic Women -  The New Ground / Isle Of Hope, Isle Of Tears
Andrew O´Connell - Uncle
coming soon
Song that descibes there relationship - Dropkick Murphys -  James Connelly
Helga O´Connell - Aunt (Profil link) 
Song that describes there relationship - Nightwish - Elán
Angela Roberts
Song that descibes there relationship - Linkin Part - Numb
Jacob “Jack” Roberts
Song that descibes there relationship -  Hoobastank - The Reason
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, November 9
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Duchess Kate sets the record straight on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 
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Page 2: Ben Affleck is wasting away and friends fear he’s taking his new health regimen too far as the six-foot-four star usually weighs 208 pounds but has shriveled to a spindly 165 -- a nutritionist put him on a sensible meal plan but he’s altered it with his own fantastical ideas such as he won’t go near bread and he’s ditched pasta and he’ll eat cantaloupe and blueberries one day and nuts and seeds the next and he’ll only drink boiled water and green tea for 24 hours then break his fast with a small bowl of quinoa -- instead of pumping iron he does exercises using his own body weight like ten-minute planks -- Ben thinks he looks great but his pals fear he’s traded one addiction for another
Page 3: Love-hungry Katie Holmes is thrilled to have a new man in her life but she’s breaking the bank to keep him happy because Katie is picking up the tab wherever she goes with Emilio Vitolo Jr. because it helps her feel she’s in full control of the relationship but Emilio may be taking advantage of Katie’s generosity because Katie has been showering him with designer clothes and jewelry and even paying for a personal trainer to whip him into shape -- Katie enjoys giving her guy things he can appreciate because he’s made her so happy but she may go broke doing it and it’s not like he doesn’t have any money; he’s worth a cool $1.5 million himself
Page 4: CNN rocked by sex scandal -- Jeffrey Toobin’s sleazy sex scandal has rocked CNN but it’s just the latest in a string of scandals at the network 
Page 5: Axed Fox News anchor Ed Henry fought back against his co-worker’s rape charges in a blockbuster lawsuit by handing the court explicit selfies and texts in an attempt to prove their tryst was consensual 
Page 6: Ryan Seacrest is downplaying his latest shocking absence from Live with Kelly and Ryan but the TV dynamo is battling a mystery illness that may force him to sign off for good -- the co-host who is a well known as a workaholic skipped out on the daytime show for the third time this year and used the coronavirus pandemic as his excuse -- Ryan was suffering badly from flu-like symptoms on the weekend before his absences but came back negative for coronavirus however doctors remain baffled by Ryan’s ongoing battles with exhaustion and weight loss and stroke-like symptoms, disgraced perv Bill Cosby’s latest mug shot shows he’s a shriveled shadow of his former self and the fallen funnyman flashed a maniacal grin while refusing to look into the camera in the picture snapped behind bars in September and he’s unshaven and his hair is ratty
Page 7: Lizzo has embarked on a radical vegan diet and extreme exercise program to save her life -- doctor warned the 350-pound singer that her daily intake of 5000 calories a day was a dangerous path to self-destruction and she needed to change her life or lose it and Lizzo finally got the message and is committed to this program but it’s been a living hell for her 
Page 8: After surviving a fiery crash at the Daytona 500 NASCAR hero Ryan Newman is locked in an ugly $50 million divorce showdown with his estranged wife -- Ryan and Kristina Newman split in 2019 after she was caught having an affair with another man and paying her love $450,000 and now Ryan’s lawyers are trying to freeze Kristina who was once referred to as the First Lady of NASCAR out of his fortune -- court papers reveal the two split in July 2019 when Kristina went to live with her boyfriend U.S. Army Captain Joe Schwankhaus who is the Chief Operations Officer of Kristina’s company VRX USA 
Page 9: Ellen DeGeneres debuted a high-flying pompadour hairstyle on her new talk show but the makeover still doesn’t get to the root of her recent problems and although her hair may be rising her show’s ratings are falling 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- pregnant Kelly Rowland, Andy Cohen took his son Benjamin for a stroll in NYC, Will Smith held court in L.A. while shooting King Richard a biopic about the dad of tennis greats Venus Williams and Serena Williams, Angela Bassett caught a drive-in screening of One Night in Miami in L.A. 
Page 11: Grieving Lisa Marie Presley has broken her silence over the suicide of her beloved only son Benjamin Keough saying her heart and soul went with him sharing her heartbreak on what would have been Ben’s 28th birthday and she added she’s dedicating herself to raising Ben’s twin half-sisters and actress sister Riley Keough, Chaka Khan refuses to duo with Ariana Grande again saying she’s not gonna do a song with no heifer -- Chaka and Ariana worked together in 2019 for the Charlie’s Angels soundtrack
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- DWTS pro Emma Slater kept a handle on her coffee while steering her e-bike (picture), it pays to be Brad Pitt’s girlfriend as his new squeeze Nicole Poturalski has doubled her modeling fees, dancing siblings Derek Hough and Julianne Hough are out of step over her sloppy personal life and his hot new judging career because these two were supposed to be the next Donny and Marie Osmond but his solo career is exploding while hers is falling apart, Madonna has always been a big believer in astrology but now she won’t even meet with people if it’s not written in the stars and she’s spending a fortune to have an army of people read her charts 
Page 13: Losing his beloved son to cancer has sparked new fears for fragile Robert Redford because Robert has struggled with his own health over the years and losing his son to bile-duct cancer is extremely worrying; he’s already frail and this has friends fearing the worst, Jeff Bridges is confident he’ll win his battle with lymphoma by coupling medical care with a strict vegan diet and chanting and spiritual healing techniques
Page 14: Convicted wife killer Scott Peterson may soon walk out of prison and grisly photos lawyers say could set him free -- following years of appeals California’s Supreme Court overturned Scott’s death penalty and now another appeal is forcing a lower court to reexamine his conviction for murdering seven months pregnant wife Laci Peterson and their unborn son Conner -- if Scott gets a retrial his legal team will be allowed to introduce new evidence including crime scene pictures that Scott’s former defense attorney said suggests Laci’s disappearance was an abduction by a satanic cult 
Page 15: Former child star Zachery Ty Bryan of Home Improvement was jailed overnight and released on $8500 bail following his bust for a fight with a galpal at an apartment complex in Eugene in Oregon -- the drama comes on the heels of Zachery’s split from wife Carly Matros the mom of his four kids
Page 16: Ryan Reynolds can’t wait to film a new rom-com with close pal Sandra Bullock but it’s causing tension with wife Blake Lively even though Blake trusts Ryan and would never forbid him from taking this part but the idea of him getting cozy with Sandra again still makes her uneasy -- now Ryan and Sandra are signed up to do The Lost City of D and despite Sandra’s denials they ever had a romance Ryan is gushing about them getting back together 
Page 17: Isolated and overlooked Today show host Hoda Kotb is being bullied off the morning show because of tepid ratings and the absence of former sidekick Kathie Lee Gifford and Mean Girls treatment by co-hosts Savannah Guthrie and Jenna Bush Hager have pushed the disillusioned anchor closer to the door -- Hoda recently filled out paperwork to adopt a third child and she’s clearly putting more emphasis on family than her career and it sends the signal she isn’t happy with her role and is not thinking of Today as her top priority, trainwreck Matthew Perry is holed up in his new Pacific Palisades beach pad  pounding out an explosive tell-all and his former Friends are quaking about what secrets he may reveal -- Matthew wants to rush the book out while interest in the Friends reunion special which was postponed by the COVID-19 pandemic remains high -- he knows an uncensored account of his time on Friends and his drug issues would be a bestseller and he intends to blow the lid off his on-set romances and address rumors he and Jennifer Aniston were more than friends 
Page 18: American Life -- her tall tale: I have the longest legs in the world 
Page 19: Jessica Simpson has been flaunting her body after dumping a shocking 100 pounds but buddies worry the drastic drop in size isn’t natural and suspect she’s been taking diet pills again and they’re worried this could escalate into a big issue
Page 20: Devastated Reese Witherspoon was hit with a depressing double whammy -- the death of her dog Pepper from cancer and the delay of her long-awaited sequel Legally Blonde 3, Hollywood Hookups -- John Cena and Shay Shariatzadeh wed, Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum split, Cardi B and Offset on again
Page 21: Bruce Willis is back in another Die Hard but this time it’s a commercial for Advance Auto Parts and Die Hard batteries and it’s a clear statement on the state of his career that Bruce has to revisit his amazing past to make a fast buck in the present, Giada De Laurentiis has been given the green light to get married by her 12-year-old daughter Jade -- Giada has dated TV producer Shane Farley for five years and he’s been living with mother and daughter for five months during the pandemic lockdown which gave Jade a firsthand look at what it would be like to have a new daddy and Shane’s passed the test with flying colors 
Page 22: Cover Story -- Prince William’s heartsick wife Kate Middleton is breaking her silence about the royal family’s tumultuous bitter break with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to set the record straight and save Britain’s monarchy and she’s tired of all the rumors and lies and backbiting and after all the drama and negativity she wants to get the truth out there and end this unprecedented crisis that’s endangering the monarchy’s survival -- friends are trying to convince Kate to do an official sit-down TV interview about what really happened between once-inseparable William and Harry and how Harry and Meghan tore the family apart even before they moved to America but Kate is resisting because she fears that could backfire like Princess Diana’s TV tell-all about her marriage to Prince Charles 25 years ago -- Kate had to turn the other cheek often after Meghan joined the family and she offered to help Meghan adjust to royal life from the start but Meghan rebuffed her and Kate in tired of Meghan painting her as the bad guy especially when it was Meghan’s antics that tore the family apart -- Kate also is upset that Harry and Meghan are portraying themselves as victims of a world that’s against them while she and William take on a phenomenal workload to cover the responsibilities the Sussexes left and losing precious time with their own three children and it’s hard not to be bitter but Kate is trying to take the high road and forgive Meghan and move forward
Page 26: With their marriage hanging by a thread Tori Spelling fears Dean McDermott will cheat on her again while filming a new TV show in Canada for six months; Tori wanted to bring their 5 children to Canada with him but Dean put her off saying it would be too distracting -- she’s been a jittery mess and he can’t stand to look at her and he only took this job because they need the money, Melanie Griffith is frustrated with Chris Martin and wants him to put a ring on her daughter Dakota Johnson’s finger -- the couple have been dating since 2017 and Melanie’s fed up with waiting for Chris to pop the question -- Melanie began to lose her patience after the couple reunited following a split last June when Chris won Dakota back with promises to settle down 
Page 28: COVID Vaccines: What you need to know
Page 32: Miley Cyrus claimed she once spotted a spaceship over Hollywood and even locked eyes with an alien but she also admits she’d bought weed wax from a guy in a van in front of a taco shop, whiny Kris Jenner is blaming social media for killing off Keeping Up with the Kardashians after it helped the reality TV clan make a mint
Page 34: Ozzy Osbourne is terrified a doll has cursed him -- Ozzy told son Jack Osbourne on their Osbournes Want to Believe show that Robert the doll was responsible for his recent bad luck and failing health, Tom Cruise and his Mission: Impossible 7 team caused chaos at an Italian hospital by filming there during the COVID-19 pandemic -- Tom and his crew including 100 security staffers plus trucks and other equipment descended on the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome for a week and legions of fans also flocked to the filming creating even more commotion in the streets outside the hospital and adding to the bedlam the production commandeered an elevator drawing criticism as hospital staff were treating 140 coronavirus patients with 12 in intensive care -- filming was done in an administrative section of the hospital but still sparked an official protest as well as complaints from trade union members
Page 36: Health Watch 
Page 38: Superhero screen pals of Chris Pratt rushed to rescue the actor’s reputation after he was mercilessly dragged into a silly social media meme when a Twitter user posted pictures of Chris Pratt and Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans captioned with the instruction one has to go but a flood of responses slammed Pratt as the worst Chris causing his Marvel co-stars to prop him up such as Zoe Saldana and Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Ruffalo and Jeremy Renner and Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn and Chris Pratt’s wife Katherine Schwarzenegger also bashed the social media bullies, Matthew McConaughey kept saying alright alright alright to making romantic comedies until the day he was so fed up he turned down $14.5 million to do another one -- Matthew revealed in his memoir that he didn’t mind making a string of mindless rom-coms because their paychecks rented the houses on the beach he ran shirtless on but he eventually wanted to try something else so he turned down a big payday so he could get more serious 
Page 42: Red Carpet -- Drew Barrymore 
Page 47: Odd List
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727l30bucktommy · 4 years
Evidence that there is a plan for robert to return. Thinking about this makes me feel better, somewhat. Share any thoughts and I will update the list. Seriously. The more evidence the better. I'm sure I missed something
1. How Robert's story ended. It is unfair to the fans. They could have given him a tragic ending that gave us closure. But instead they ripped them apart. Why end it that way and upset the fans, unless its not really the end?
2. Aaron losing seb. There are plenty of stories they could tell about a single, gay dad. Arguements with Rebekah, seb missing robert, Seb getting sick or injured. Aaron struggling to be a dad and business owner. Aaron setting up playdates and interacting with other parents or kids. Even struggling to date because he has a kid. There is no shortage of stories. It's as if they just want aaron to be miserable. But why make him miserable?
3. No news about ryan Hawley. He didn't seem to quit for a better opportunity. He doesnt seem to have a new job so what is he doing? Hypothetically he may just be spending time with his family or traveling and wants to take a break. If so, he will come back.
4. There was an interview about ryan leaving(I cant find it or I would share its location) but danny and ryan were asked something like : are there plans for Robert to come back? And Danny's answer was something like: I dont want to give any spoilers. To me, spoilers implies that there is something to spoil. He didn't give a vague answer like it's a possibility, instead saying spoilers
5. Robert is still mentioned. And he is mentioned in such a way that maybe aaron is accepting his loss. For this to be a good story, they cant just have aaron miserable and then magically fixed when robert comes back.
6. Ryan's hair. Assuming the pics are really him, then his hair has gotten long. I have never seen him like that in anything hes ever been in. So I am choosing to assume the long hair is for his robert character. Like robert isnt taking care of his appearance in prison.
7. Danny Miller's Twitter post with a reply from rugtree bonds. I am being optimistic, but I dont think they would both torture us with that if ryan wasnt returning
8. Daisy's pregnancy. I had assumed ryan was just taking time off for personal reasons. Finding out that daisy is something like 5 months pregnant adds credence to the idea they wanted some time off, alone, to have some fun before the baby, and now that the baby will be here in maybe December, it's possible that he plans to come back to work.
9. Living in Leeds. They seem to still live in leeds and are de decorating a nursery there. Since leeds isnt great for acting jobs, Ryan must be planning on staying with ED
10. Ben and aaron. Still early so dont know how this will work out, but it seems like this story is rushed. Like they missed so much time due to covid and now they need to finish this story in an accelerated way to keep up their long term robert returning schedule. Also Ben is already a name used in a british soap for a gay character in a famous relationship. I really doubt the writers would use the same name for an important long term character in a gay storyline.
11. As of oct 14, it's been 11 1/2 months. And robert is still mentioned. The divorce was finalized. Aaron looks at his ring finger. Theres the wedding photo in the pub. If a soap wanted to get rid of a character they wouldnt bother with all this
12. Lee's brother hit lee the same day Robert did. It's a plausible way for Robert's sentence to be reduced.
13. Robert is refusing to appeal his sentence. It's likely robert would want aaron to think that he isnt going to appeal, even while he actually does. So aaron doesnt get disappointed if it fails.
14. Kayak boy still makes no sense. I think they're dragging his story along so there will be some tension when Robert does come back.
I think robert was expected back a few weeks after kayak boy showed up, but the show chose to wait until covid filming restrictions were gone. Which at this rate could be never since there is a delta variant, and in a few months will be others since viruses mutate
I know some of these are me grasping, and nothing I wrote is definitive, but I need to be optimistic
If anybody has any thoughts please share and I can update this list.
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