#with joyce and jonathan it's just kinda crazy
maddy-ferguson · 1 year
people expect nancy to be mike's mom more than they expect joyce to be jonathan's
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songforeddiemunson · 7 months
Haunting in Blackwood Hollow
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An Eddie Munson x F!Reader Miniseries
Series Summary: It’s the year 1991. Eddie and reader check into a rented house in the Appalachian woods, joined by Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, and Robin. Unfortunately for our gang, things in Blackwood Hollow are never as they appear.
Tropes: established relationship, Jonathan x Nancy, no mention of the events from ST, smut, comedy, fluff, scares, bit of whump (but nothing too crazy)
Series Warnings: Swearing, drinking and weed use, sexual and scary situations, minors please DNI.
Chapter One: Steve's Big Mistake
Chapter warnings: naughty language, mentions of drinking, weed use. This is largely setting the scene babes. Author's Note: Submission for @stcreators Event 5: Dynamics Submission for @somnambulic-thing, @allthingsjoeq, and @bettyfrommars event: strangerprompts (#14) {Okay so I took a bit of liberty with the prompt, but that's just how my brain wanted to do it! You know how that goes. ;) }
Word Count: ~2K
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You swore under your breath as the taxi pulled away, leaving you staring at the monstrosity you were meant to be staying in for the weekend.
“This is the last time I leave that jackass in charge of anything,” you muttered, prompting a snort from Eddie, who stood beside you.
You liked Steve. Loved him even, in the way that friends that have known each other for years did, who’d seen each other at their worst, thick as thieves, none of that ‘will they or won’t they’ shit, especially after you started seeing Eddie. But in that moment, you could strangle him.
Most of your group of friends had scattered to the four corners of the country, so when you all received your invitations to Joyce Byers’ and Jim Hopper’s wedding in the Smoky Mountains, you decided to rent a whole house instead of getting hotel rooms. Correction: Steve came up with the idea to rent a house, and admittedly it was a good plan. It would likely be cheaper to pool your resources, and you could all hang out in the common areas and catch up.
And then you saw the house.
It was a stereotype in peeling paint and dilapidated wood. The porch was creaky and appeared to be on the verge of collapse. Gnarled old vines and weeds encroached from every direction; you thought maybe it had been landscaped last sometime in the 1960s. A broken old fountain sat on the front lawn, with a scummy green puddle of rainwater gathered at the bottom, and there was a broken gate that hung loose on its hinges near the drive.
Eddie tilted his head in a manner reminiscent of a terrier as he surveyed the old structure. “I think it looks kinda cool, like that house in IT. The house on Neibolt Street, remember?”
You blinked at your paramour. “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I want to spend the weekend in a house like that. It’s one thing to read about it in a spooky story, it’s another thing to actually sleep there.” He had the good grace to laugh at that sentiment.
“Fair enough,” he conceded.
Of all the houses in Asheville, Tennessee, THIS is the one he chooses? You thought bitterly as you made your way up the walkway toward the porch, stepping carefully on the worn wood and looking for nails that could be lying in wait to impale your foot.
You had no idea if anyone else had already arrived, and whether you were supposed to knock or just walk in. You had decided to try the former, but your knuckles hadn’t had a chance to make contact with the wood before the door was whipped open, revealing a clearly exasperated Robin.
“Omigosh you’re here!” she cried joyfully as she threw her arms around you. You let your weekend bag drop to the porch as you reciprocated the hug.
“Robin! I’m so glad to see you!” you cooed as you gave her a good squeeze then released her. “But what the hell is this house?”
“Right?! I feel like it’s right out of a Scoobie Doo episode or something. Talk about creepy. Eddie! Hi!”
“I’ve seen worse,” a deeper voice intoned from out of eyesight, shortly before Steve stepped into the foyer.
“Steve! It’s lovely to see you, but what the fuck?” you scolded.
Steve’s expression was so sheepish that you couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
“I know, I know,” he moaned, before putting his face in his hands.
“Come here and hug me, loser. I haven’t seen you in almost two years and you’re gonna make me sleep in the house from Amityville Horror?”
“Hey now,” Robin countered, “The Amityville Horror house was waaay nicer than this.”
“True. Eddie said it looked like the house from IT.”
“Oooh yes! That fits,” Robin said.
“What’s that? It?” Steve asked, never one to embrace pop culture.
You hugged Steve despite wanting to hurt him a little bit. “Nevermind. So what were you thinking with this house?”
“Okay so in my defense the pictures were much nicer in the Want Ad, and in black and white. I didn’t realize it was going to be so…”
“Shabby?” you offered while Robin said “terrifying” at the same time.
“Yeah,” Steve said with a shrug.
Eddie chuckled as he hugged his friends by way of greeting.  “Alright well, as long as the bed is clean, I don't really care,” he said. “This one is scared of spiders,” he said, gesturing toward you. 
“I am not, you are!” you yelled.
“I am NOT afraid of spiders,” Eddie replied defensively. “It’s those fucking centipede things with all the legs. I hate those things.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m sure there are plenty of things in this house to trigger all our phobias.”
The interior was a little less gloomy than its exterior, but that wasn’t saying much. The common room in which you were standing was decorated in 50 year-old wallpaper that was peeling and yellowing. The floors were hard wood but hadn’t been refinished since the wallpaper was installed, and the dusty old upholstery was flat and worn around the edges. 
“Where are we sleeping, anyway?”
“There’s three bedrooms, one with a queen and two with a pair of singles. I figured we could draw straws or someth–”
“Dibs on the queen!” Eddie shouted.
“Eddie, we have to–” you began.
“Nah babe. We’re a couple, and we got here first. You snooze, you lose.”
“I think that’s fair,” Robin said with a shrug.
“Nancy and Jonathan won’t love that,” Steve said. “But you can fight it out amongst yourselves. I’m staying out of it. Looks like you’re bunking with me, Robin.”
“I don’t care, as long as you don’t snore.”
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Nancy and Jonathan arrived about an hour later, and while they weren’t thrilled to be relegated to a pair of twin beds, they conceded that Eddie did in fact call dibs.
“I feel like we’re eighteen again,” Nancy laughed as she explored the kitchen for a clean glass for water. “Calling dibs and bunking up together. Feels like old times.”
“It does,” you agreed from where you were leaning against the counter. “I don’t know if I would use any of the dishes in this house though.”
“I might just make a store run, get some solo cups and paper plates,” she said as she put one grimy glass back in the cupboard with a look of distaste. “Any requests?”
“Oooh, cheez-its, snapple peach tea, pizza pretzel combos…”
“PBR,” Eddie contributed as he sidled up next to you and bent to give you a quick peck on the lips.
“Well of course,” Nancy said with a smile. “Can’t forget the beer.”
Robin poked her head into the room. “Grab a couple of pizzas! I’ll give you cash.”
You all pitched in for the snacks and sent Nancy on her way as the sun began its descent behind the trees. The rest of you gathered in the living room to figure out what to do for the night.
“Care for a toke?” Eddie asked, as he held up a joint he pulled from his jacket and set it alight.
“Yessss,” Jonathan replied with enthusiasm, leaning forward to pinch the little joint between his fingers.
“That didn’t take long,” Steve said with a roll of his eyes.
“Lighten up, Harrington,” Jonathan said in a fragrant plume of exhalation, stifling a cough. “You could probably use this more than the rest of us. You’re too wound up.” 
“It’s true Steve, why are you always so stressed out?” you asked, taking a pull from the joint.
“I don’t know, I just feel like I’m the responsible one–” he began, but was cut off by a chorus of jeers and naysaying.
“You think you’re the responsible one, but everyone knows it’s Nancy,” Robin said, laughing.
“Yeah man, like…the King Steve days are over, you can stop trying so hard,” Eddie added with a grin.
“Okay, okay, I get it…” Steve said, accepting his ribbing with a modicum of grace. His voice trailed off, however, as his attention was pulled in another direction. “Hey what’s that?”
“What?” you and Jonathan asked at the same time, following his gaze. 
“It’s on top of that bookshelf…” he began, already getting up and walking toward it. He had to stand on the tips of his toes to reach it, and pulled it down, unleashing a cloud of dust and grime.
“What is it?” Eddie asked.
Steve brushed the dust off the cover before looking up at you with wide eyes. 
“It’s a ouija board,” he said.
“Oh shit,” Eddie said, laughing. "You can't be serious."
“What! No, no thank you!” Robin yelled.
“I dunno man, you might want to put that back and pretend you never saw it,” Jonathan added with a smirk.
“What, nah, that stuff isn’t real,” you said.
“No, it’s not,” Steve agreed. “It’s just a silly game.”
“If it’s just a silly game,” Eddie taunted, "why don’t we take it for a spin?”
“Oh man, no, don’t give him any ideas,” Robin piped in with her trademarked ‘mile-a-minute’ cadence. “Did you see the movie Witchboard? Well I did, and I didn’t sleep for a week afterward. Too scary for me. And it’s kinda weird that that thing just shows up in the spookiest house I’ve ever seen, and we’re in the middle of nowhere and…”
“What’s Witchboard?” Steve asked.
“Dude, watch a movie…” Eddie moaned while Jonathan doubled-over laughing.
Steve laid the box down on the coffee table. “Well, just because there was a movie about these things doesn’t make them real. The Princess Bride isn’t exactly real either.”
Eddie gasped with mock incredulity. “It’s NOT?”
“Have fun NOT storming the castle I guess,” Jonathan tried to say without laughing, which came out as a choked squeal.
“Inconceivable!” you yelled, making the entire room erupt in hearty laughter and dispelling some of the unease that had grown since the discovery of the ouija board.
“Jesus guys, are you that stoned already?” Steve asked with a smile.
“Eddie only buys the good stuff,” you said.
“Zero to zooted within three hits, or your money back,” Eddie said before taking another pull from the joint.
“Good to know,” Steve said sarcastically. “So are you guys gonna play with this thing or not?”
“Fine fine,” you said. “Eddie, let’s do this.”
He agreed, and you sat on the floor on either side of the coffee table. You opened the box, took out its contents, and each placed the index finger of your right hand gently on the planchette. You sat silent for a moment, not doing or saying anything, unsure of where to begin.
“Uhhhh,” Eddie said before dissolving into giggles.
“Ask it something!” Robin whispered, leaning forward in her excitement.
“Okay, uh…” you began, pausing to think. “Is there anybody here with us right now?”
It seemed like the entire room held its breath with anticipation.
“Is there anyone here in this house?” you repeated.
The silence ticked onward.
“Well this is thrilling,” Jonathan said with a snort.
“Give it a minute,” Steve said.
“Thought you didn’t believe in this stuff, Stevarino,” Eddie teased.
“I don’t, but–”
You thought you felt the planchette move ever so slightly. 
“Wait!” you gasped. “Did you feel that?”
“No, wait. Maybe?” Eddie whispered.
You sat motionless for a beat, but nothing happened. You began to think that it was your imagination when…
….suddenly the front door banged open with a loud smash, and every single person in the room screamed like a banshee.
“Jesus, guys!” Nancy said as she struggled to hold several brown paper grocery bags. “A little help here?”
“Oh fuck, sorry babe,” Jonathan said, and the rest of you sheepishly got up to help, leaving the ouija board on the table. You bustled into the kitchen to put things away and pop open cans of beer, laughing about the silly jump scare you’d all just shared.
What none of you saw, however, was the planchette on the ouija board slide over to ‘hello.’
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To Be Continued...
Sorry this one is short, but I needed to get it out. More is coming! As always, comments and reblogs are the lifeblood of every fic writer!
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steddieas-shegoes · 11 months
"do you know any hobbits?"
This is a drabble based on a line I said in this. It's not technically necessary to read that before this, but it definitely is funnier.
Steve was quiet today.
Usually, when he sat with Eddie, especially if they were alone, he talked nonstop. Almost like he didn't get to talk to other adults often enough.
Which, now that Eddie thought about it, was probably true.
He'd talked a bit about his day at first. He took the kids to the school so they could all volunteer for a few hours, checked on El and Hop, and helped Jonathan with Joyce's car.
But it's been damn near 30 minutes of silence while Eddie pretends to read and Steve pretends to watch the tv in the room.
"I've got a question," Steve suddenly asked.
"Go ahead," Eddie set his book down, sort of grateful that the silence was broken.
"Do you know any hobbits? Like, in real life?"
He was so serious.
Eddie bit back a laugh when he realized that Steve was being so serious.
Oh boy.
"Nope. Um. I don't." Eddie was so proud of himself for not being a smartass.
"Do they only live in that, like, Middle Earth place? Where is that?"
Eddie was only human.
He laughed.
He felt so guilty about it after, but he had to laugh.
Steve's brows furrowed and his head tilted, like he was trying to understand why Eddie was laughing.
"Sorry. I just. Middle Earth isn't a real place and Hobbits aren't actually a type of people," Eddie schooled his features, but it was too late.
Steve's entire face turned a bright red. He looked away from Eddie then, focusing on the wall directly across from his chair instead.
"So this Token guy, he just made it all up?" Steve asked quietly.
"Yeah. Kinda crazy how he built this whole world on his own, right?" Eddie needed to turn this conversation around.
He couldn't handle the sad look in Steve's eyes, like he'd let himself down, like he was used to letting himself down.
"Yeah. Crazy."
"But really, you never know if there are Hobbits somewhere and they just haven't been found. I mean if government monsters can exist, why can't they?" Eddie continued, smiling when Steve's face turned to him.
"Hobbits aren't created by the government though," Steve said, face relaxing back into his casual conversation smirk.
"If they can hide the Upside Down, maybe they can also hide Middle Earth."
"You're ridiculous."
Eddie shrugged, picking up his book to continue reading.
Steve started talking again a few minutes later, seemingly back to normal.
Eddie smiled to himself as he complained about something Dustin did in his car on the way home from volunteering.
"Maybe Dustin's a Hobbit," Eddie said, which got Steve on a new tangent that Eddie was happy to listen to.
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kiirotoao · 4 months
Season 3 rewatch notes
Wait a minute, I just realized that Mike and Will are the only ones in The Party who’ve canonically been dungeon masters. Idk what that means for them, but, yeah. Another exclusive detail of theirs
Oh, lord. Mike’s arm being torn off in the D&D game better not be a prophecy. If those s5 notes are accurate about Mike being seriously injured… I’m scared.
GOD I’ve never noticed how hard Will breathes in the rain scene. Poor baby he was so stunned 😭😭😭😭
The thing that I love most about Jonathan and Nancy is that they’ve been through the real shit. Arguments and hardship through the supernatural and the struggles of discrimination and privilege.
I love how Max is usually the one who speaks after Will. It’s like she’s the only one brave enough to answer after he says something profound or important. I need more of Max and Will’s friendship and them having well-thought out arguments I swear
Omg I love Erica’s little green star on her cheek. It’s so cute 😭🩷
After watching The Princess Bride, I am fangirling so much over Cary Elwes - it’s so crazy to me that he got him to play such a character! I wonder if they thought of him because of all the physical stunts lmao
As much as Karen isn’t in the know of much of anything in the supernatural story, I love how she’s a picture of raw strength in the Wheeler family, the true head of the household. She takes charge. Stops at nothing to help. Not even in the face of temptation. Go Karen.
DAMN I forgot that Billy dropped an f bomb! I thought that the closest that the show got was when Max got cut off in the hospital, but nope. There it was
Shit, I’m tearing up at that scene when El collapses into Mike’s arms because I know that that was real exhaustion. Poor Millie 🩷🩷🩷. She did such a phenomenal job there.
I LOVE whenever Joyce is angry this season. Now that’s how you demand. Straight to the point, justified in her worry, and cutting past any unnecessary bs while still including the cherry on top “please” or “good day” of politeness out of basic decency. I want to be her when I’m upset.
I’m always so blown away by Maya’s performance when she comes out to Steve. Straight (haha) through the heart, so good. And I always, always smile at Steve’s reaction. So in character, so accepting. No questioning if she’s being honest, just immediately questioning her type and believing that she’s into girls. So, so important.
Oh, no. Holly saw the trees moving in the woods. Thus far, she’s noticed the demogorgon coming out of the wall, and now this. She’s definitely a target next season.
When El tells Billy the memory of his mom, I teared up a little! Something about the way that El says, “you were happy” breaks me, dude. Millie and Dacre did so well.
Also, thinking in foresight of s4, Max’s letter is so heartbreaking. The Mind Flayer made a huge show of killing Billy slowly and painfully. I don’t blame her for being too horrified to move. It really wasn’t her fault. That was traumatic. Sadie did amazing there, too. Ouch.
I’m never getting over the helicopter lights being blue, yellow, and red. Were starboard and port always blue and red? And isn’t starboard supposed to be green? It’s all intentional, I’m telling you
I love how Max and Lucas are supposed to be “butchering” Never Ending Story but those two theater kids actually sound amazing. I just wish they harmonized 😆
Oh my gosh Jonathan did the Byers hold to Nancy 😭😭😭😭 I am not okay 😭😭 I never noticed that
Okay wait. This is kinda horrible. I feel bad for saying this. But y’know how Mike has a Will voice? Well I just noticed that Mike definitely does not have a soft voice for El. I swear, he’s always so loud around her like nothing’s different about her 😂😭 Any time he’s sweet with her he’s just like YEAH. COOL. and it’s kinda hilarious.
Jancy is WRECKING me this season wtf. Charlie and Natalia are so cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh my gosh David’s voice kinda breaks at “doze off.” Fuck.
Erica has blue, yellow, and pink balloons plus a rainbow drawing on her door. I now headcanon Erica as pansexual/panromantic, thank you.
AHHHGHH I can’t wait for the original version of Heroes to play next season over Byler kissing when everyone thinks that they might be dead but they’re just surviving in the Upside Down, clinging to each other and having the highest moment of their lives!!!!!!!
This has been my s3 thoughts for the 6-8th time watching? I forget? And I missed a number of moments because I got too absorbed so, oops. Anyway, I love Jancy, I love Jopper, I love the Scoops Troop, I love Suzie, I miss Alexi, Byler is endgame, and this season was way more fun than I remembered and it always makes me laugh. My list of favorite seasons has been shaken expertly.
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In case you missed them, here are the next ten works posted from the Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang!
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It's not a one night stand (if it turns into two) by @annanevermore | Art by @lady-lostmind
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Henry Creel | One | Vecna, Dustin Henderson, Heather Holloway, Jeff, Gareth, Unnamed Freak, Steve Harrington's Father, Samantha Stone, Tommy Hagan
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson/Henry Creel, Steve Harrington/ Samantha Stone, Steve Harrington/Tommy Hagan
Summary: “We should stop,” Eddie continued even as he kept kissing Steve. “Why?” “Ah, you’re not into guys?” His words sounded pretty stupid even to him, Steve’s lips just on his and his tongue in Eddie’s mouth, and his body still pressed to his thigh. “Maybe you are?” Eddie said, feeling increasingly stupider. Steve glanced over, gaze trailing down to Eddie’s lips. “What do you think?” “I think you’re pretty drunk and I should let you sober up.” Steve seemed to be assessing him but didn’t respond. After a couple of seconds, he straightened his clothes and stood up, leaning down to hold Eddie’s jaw for a moment and placing a last, gentle kiss on his lips. “See you around, Munson.” Or: Eddie signed up for the “TatCon” tour very much despite the sales pitch of convention reps Steve and Robin - and absolutely NOT because of Harrington’s flirting. It’s the biggest tattoo convention in the U.S. so it’s good for business, that’s all. When Steve continues to hit on Eddie, he’s still not interested. At all. The guy has an exceedingly straight reputation, and Eddie is not going there. But Steve is a persistent man when he knows what he wants.
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Stop Insisting That I'm Not A Lost Cause by @slippy-slip | Art by logiedraws
Rating: Teens and Up
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Dusin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Summary: Steve finds something has changed since their last run in with the Upside Down, he’s not the only one. He’s not handling it so well but that doesn’t mean he’ll accept help easily.
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Good Puppy by @marsetta | Art by @feralsteddie
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Character(s): Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson
Summary: Weird Russian drugs turned Steve and Robin into werewolves. Crazy Upside Down bats messed with Eddie. Steve goes into the Upside Down by himself to find Eddie’s body and gets more than he bargained for. Warnings: Eddie thinks it’s non/dub con but Steve is into it almost immediately. Kinda rough themes.
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End of Beginning by @artaxlivs | Art by @alduade-art
Rating: Mature
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Will Byers, Eddie Munson, Steve Harrinton, Eleven, Nancy wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Barbara Holland, Joyce Byers, Jim Hopper, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair
Relationship(s): Will & Eddie, Steve/Eddie
Summary: Eddie’s not an idiot. He knows how this goes, he’s been playing Dungeons and Dragons since its creation. He knows exactly what happens when a disembodied voice promises you things while you’re in the fugue state of death.
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Stardust by @entanglednow | Art by @imfinereallyy
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Argyle
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Summary: Steve is starting to feel like his life is just one disaster after another. He didn't mean to make friends with Eddie Munson along the way, but for some reason he's always there, and if anyone knows how to get up again after being knocked down then it's him.
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Pas de Deux by @malikat24601 | Art by @glitterfang
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Wayne Munson, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Argyle, Maxine Mayfield, Background Nancy Wheeler, Background Jonathan Byers, Background Corroded Coffin, Background The Party, Background Dmitri Antinov, Background Alexei, Background Eddie Munson's Parents, Original Characters, Jonathan Reeves (Center Stage), Juliette Simone (Center Stage)
Relationship(s): Eddie Munson / Steve Harrington
Summary: Pas de deux, /ˌpä də ˈdə/ noun: In ballet, a pas de deux is a dance duet in which two dancers perform ballet steps together. *** Eddie "the Freak" Munson and "King" Steve Harrington were irrevocably bound by dance, shared family and a genuine, unexpected, happy accident of a friendship for which Eddie was grateful every single day. Even if Eddie was also desperately, laughably, head over heels in love with him. *** A Steddie Ballet AU
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Come and Get Me by @lorifloragolina | Art by WaldosAkimbo
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): Graphic Depictions of Violence
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson
Relationship(s): Steve/Billy/Eddie
Summary: “Forgive me father, for I have sinned”. Steve is new in town and is troubled by a stranger provoking him from the window. Billy works hard in the garden on his knees and is delighted to express his love for the Father. Eddie celebrates the biggest love everyday and helps people reach their "targets".
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You're the One Who Disappears by @house-of-chant | Art by @marsetta
Rating: Mature
Warning(s): Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Character(s): The Party, Billy, Robin, Eddie, Hopper, Joyce, Benny, Neil Hargrove, Susan Hargrove
Relationship(s): Max/Lucas, Jonathan/Nancy, Jim Hopper/Benny Hammond; (background) Mike/Eleven, Robin/Barb, Steve/Eddie
Summary: This isn’t the first time Max Hargrove has gone missing. It’s not even the first time this year. But this time, she’s not the only one. Bob Newby is found dead in his diner. Chrissy Cunningham disappears, leaving behind only a bloodstained jacket. Newspaper employees stop coming home. Joyce Maldonado (formerly Byers, although she’d appreciate you not bringing that up) is the busiest she’s been since her ex-husband took the kids to California; Chrissy's best friend Robin Buckley is on a quest to find out who murdered her friend; Max’s best friend Jane Hopper enlists a psychic boy to help her look; and Susan Hargrove breaks out the Ouija board in search of her daughter. Roleswap AU.
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Hell Hound by @madaboutmunson | Art by Droolovacoco
Rating: General Audiences
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Eddie Munson, Barbara "Barb" Holland, Wayne Munson, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson, Corroded Coffin (Stranger Things), Gareth (Stranger Things), Jeff (Stranger Things), Doug (Stranger Things), Eddie Munson's Battle Vest - Character
Relationship(s): Eddie Munson & Wayne Munson, Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson & Eddie Munson, Gareth & Eddie Munson, Corroded Coffin & Eddie Munson, Barbara "Barb" Holland & Eddie Munson
When Eddie Munson died, he didn't expect to wake up. And when he did wake up he definitely didn't expect to be strapped to some sci-fi hospital bed. And when the door opened he didn't expect to see Barbara Holland version 2.0. And he definitely didn't expect her to tell him, he was now a dog, and worse still that it was all his own fault.
Eddie's dying wish got him in this mess, and now he has to make Hawkins love him in order to return to his human form, or so he thinks.
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The Major Lift by @ghostdeb | Art by @sunflowerharrington
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply
Character(s): Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Chrissy Cunningham, Dustin Henderson (background), Max Mayfield (background), Wayne Munson (background), Jim Hopper (background)
Relationship(s): Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson; Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham; Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson & Chrissy Cunningham
Summary: Steve is home to visit Robin after the regular MLB season and Robin drags him along to be her wingman at the new coffee shop where the object of her affection works. Eddie and Chrissy own the coffee shop. Cue smitten kittens.
Stay tuned for more incredible works from the Stranger Things Reverse Big Bang!
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Part two of this
Eddie pressed his folded hands to his lips in prayer, focused entirely on Steve as the other began his story.
"So it all started when one of my kids, Will, disappeared on his way home. I didn't know them, then, so I guess he wasn't my kid yet. Anyway, Will disappears, and Mo- his mom, Joyce, she flipped her shit."
"As any good mother should," Eddie agreed, earning himself a nod of approval from Hop.
"Yeah, but like, the whole town thought she lost it after two days. She kept saying that Will was in the lights, bought about six different boxes of Christmas lights and put them up in her living room to talk to him. She had another son, you remember Jonathan?"
"The same Jonathan I screamed at outside Len's place? Shaggy hair, definitely high, talks about knitting patterns a lot?" Eddie confirmed, causing Hop and Steve to scoff.
"Argyle is his partner from California. We'll get to that, don't worry," Steve promised with a snicker, sobering to continue. "Well, Jonathan and I were in the same grade, but I was- ah, more social? I was a dick, basically. Well, Jonathan showed up in the woods behind my backyard that week. He took a bunch of really creepy pictures on this old camera while I was having a party. We found out the next day at school, my friend Tommy saw them and showed me. We kinda gave him shit for it, it was creepy as hell."
"Aw, Jonathan. I thought he was cool." Eddie pouted; he really did like the guy. Steve shook his head, grinning.
"He was sixteen, Munson," Hopper groused. "I'm sure you weren't a walk in the park at sixteen, either."
"Nah, but I didn't take creepy pictures and show people."
"He wasn't showing anyone, Eds, Tommy went through his shit. I told you, my friends and I were... Not good, back then." Steve shifted on the couch, tugging on his sleeves and keeping his eyes low. Eddie felt his heart lurch at the sight, so he wriggled closer and draped his upper body over Steve's lap.
"Okay. Jonathan was kinda creepy, but he's cool now. You're good, too, Stevie." He said softly, smiling when that made the man relax. "Now, come on. Missing kid, creepy pictures?"
"Well, Nancy was pissed that we'd treated Jonathan like that, so we were arguing. She wouldn't answer my texts or calls, and then I got a message from Carol- she was Tommy's girlfriend and Nancy's neighbor- that Jonathan was sneaking out of Nancy's window. I got pissed, but I was just gonna dump her. Tommy found out because Carol's a fuckin' snitch, and he started telling everyone that Nance was a slut. I didn’t stop him, and I should have, but I was angry and I thought she was cheating on me so I didn’t. And Nancy confronted us at the movies, but I was still an asshole, so I told her it was probably true, and then Jonathan told me to stop, and I said- I-”
“That’s enough, Steve,” Hopper interrupted. Eddie glanced over, but Hopper’s grumpy disposition was replaced entirely with concern; Steve was trembling as he spoke. “I told you that we're not stupid. Tell me why.”
“P-people aren’t black and white,” Steve recited quietly. "I made a mistake but I fixed it." Hopper nodded firmly, and the exchange made Eddie smile.
“Do you want your dad to finish the story, honey?” Eddie prompted; Steve quickly shook his head, jerking to make eye contact with him.
"No. I’m fine, just needed a second.” Steve gave a heavy sigh, dragging his hands down his face. “Okay. I told Jonathan that Will probably ran away from his crazy-ass mom and creepy older brother. I accused Jonathan of- of molesting Will, and Jonathan punched me. We got into a fight, and then one of Hopper’s deputies showed up. Jonathan was kicking my ass, but he smacked the cop too, so he was cuffed. I ran away. I don’t- I have no idea what happened after that with everyone. But I felt bad, so I went to his house to apologize that night. I didn’t mean any of that shit I said, I knew it was wrong, but Nancy answered the door and I started to freak out at her. She was screaming at me to leave, and I panicked so I was screaming at her, and then she pointed a gun at me-”
“What the fuck, Steve, why are you still involved with this woman?” Eddie sighed heavily, squeezing Steve’s thigh. “You’re too good to people, Stevie.”
“I’m really not, Ed, but shut up, here’s the weird part. So she pointed the gun at me, and I screamed, and she told me to get out, so I started to get out, but then there was this noise and the wall opened up. It was like this film was between the wall and somewhere... else. And this thing, like, clawed its way out. It went straight for Jonathan, so Nancy shot at it, and then it went for Nancy, so I grabbed the bat from Jonathan and started swinging. There was a lot of screaming, but I guess the they had a plan to catch the monster? And we led it down the hall and into this bear trap.” Steve shuddered. “It was scary and terrifying and I ended up being smacked into a wall, kind of hard. But I woke up, and it was gone. Jonathan and Nancy were freaked out, I guess I’d been out for a few minutes longer than I thought. They helped me get to the couch and we waited for- I don’t even know what. But they made me stay awake until Hop got there, and Hop said I had a concussion. He made me go to Hawkins Lab, and he told me about all the stuff I missed out on.”
“There’s shit you missed out on?” Eddie exclaimed softly. He saw Steve’s hands trembling, so he picked one up and squeezed. “This is kinda wild.”
“No, I missed out on pretty much everything. I barely survived the horror movie. Side character at best. Dad, can you-”
“Experiment Eleven escaped containment. She opened a gate to an alternate dimension under duress; Nancy’s brother found her and hid her in their basement for a week. She has mind powers, like that one superhero with the robot boyfriend.” Hopper reported plainly. “She killed the- what did they call it, Steve?”
“Yeah, that. She killed it, got stuck in that alternate dimension, and it took her a little while for her to get out. While she was trying to get out, we worked on regrouping. Will was safe, the rest of the kids only had scrapes and memories. Steve had a grade two concussion, but they took care of him at the Lab, once they got rid of Brenner.” Hopper then pushed himself up. “I’ll be back in two weeks with El. We can prove ourselves then. Take care of my boy, Munson.”
Steve watched as his dad shut the door behind him. Eddie was quiet beside him, squeezing his hand like it was something important. “I know it’s a lot to take in. And it sounds dumb. But I promise I’m not lying. Please believe me.”
“I believe you, honey, it’s just a lot. Interdimensional monsters? Magic girls? Experiment Eleven is El, your sister that doesn’t understand social norms?” Eddie paused, looking at Steve oddly. “Have you been telling me about your family by being vague? Is your little brother a magical boy?”
“No, he’s just a genius.”
“Oh. Great. So a superhero, an angel, and a genius. You and your siblings could take over the world.” Steve snorted, shoving Eddie without any force. “Seriously, Stevie, what the hell? How am I supposed to impress your mom if your siblings are- a superhero and a genius? Baby, it took me three tries to graduate high school, and I can’t kill monsters.” Eddie laughed softly, tugging Steve in for a hug.
“You kill the monsters in my nightmares, that counts for something.” Steve laughed, and relaxed finally. Eddie counted that as a win.
"Steve. This doesn't change anything. You're just a little more badass. But you only said you got hit once. You told Barry downstairs that you've had nine concussions, how'd you get the other eight?"
"I got one protecting my kid Lucas from a racist, one I got while being interrogated-slash-tortured by Russians underneath a mall, one from the time I almost got eaten in an alternate dimension, and the other four I got from my biological parents." Steve listed sleepily, and Eddie tensed.
"Your parents gave you four fucking concussions?"
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teambyler · 6 months
"Byler Endgame, One Episode at a Time" - s5e1
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Plot beats and scenes leading to a Byler endgame, one episode at a time, for Season 5 of Stranger Things. (This is just for fun! I have no insider knowledge!)
Also see Part 0, where I explain what I think a Byler Endgame has to address.
Since we’re going back to s1 themes, a shadowy U.S. government organization is involved. It wants to contain and study the hellscape in Hawkins. People are ordered out of parts of Hawkins. The Byers don’t have a home in Hawkins. Joyce stays at Hopper’s, with Jonathan too probably (Ted wouldn’t let Nancy’s boyfriend sleep in the house. He’s perfectly fine with “Mike’s friend Will” though!)
When Will arrives, he asks to stay in Mike’s basement. Mike says it’s cold and uncomfortable and he doesn’t have to. Will says he’s fine, he prefers a quiet place to do art, he likes that it’s where they played D&D... “We get to play D&D again, yes?” “Of course!” Mike insists on putting a bed in there, etc. Will is fine with the couch. The whole time Will is trying to be cool, trying to get over loving his straight best friend.
Will walks into Mike’s room, to see that Mike has framed the D&D painting and is hanging it on the wall. Mike: “This is a really nice present you gave.” Will’s in shock… does he know? It becomes clear Mike just thinks Will and El talked about what to put in a gift they were both to give Mike, while things were still good between him and El. “It’s too bad things went south so quickly…” Mike shares that he and El aren’t seeing each other. Will looks at the painting, thoughts racing… Mike says he doesn’t know what’s going on with El because after the pizza shop he thought they were official again, but she’s still being cold toward him.
Will sleeps on the basement couch, remembering their "Crazy together" conversation. He cries quietly.
After coaxing Lucas who’s spending time at the hospital with Max, the Hellfire Club play D&D in Mike’s basement. Dustin is the dungeon master. It’s a very feel-good, “the party is back together” scene. Will’s so happy to be playing D&D with Mike and is sitting next to him. In the game, Will risks his life to cast prismatic spray and save the group. The spell fails. In the game, Mike risks his life to protect Will. Will is blushing and it feels kinda romantic.
“A PLOT” SHENANIGANS. Will is rubbing his neck a lot and this is a Will-focused season. (There’s a million ways the A plot can go down so I won’t even try!)
School was disrupted by the events of s4. Bullies with nothing better to do target the Hellfire Club members, blaming them for recent events. Bully #1 lost a loved one when the hellfire opened. The party has to split up to get away from them. Bully #1 corners Will and says he hopes he gets AIDS. Will is terrified and once he’s alone starts crying.
Jonathan senses Will is really down. He invites Robin over. She arrives and kisses Vickie goodbye in front of Will. Will is shocked. Jonathan leaves the room, and Robin and Will connect. Will asks what it’s like to come out. Robin says some people shunned her, but others like Steve and Jonathan didn’t. She found out who her real friends were: “I got to have friends who love me for being me.” Will cry-smiles and thinks about this. Robin says to tell the people you trust the most.
Joyce and El are at Hopper’s cabin. Will looks like he's ready to tell both of them. But he waits for El to step out. Will sits down next to mom and comes out to her. Will: “Do you still love me?” She goes into Mama Bear mode: “Of course I do!” She hugs him. She's heartbroken to think Will didn't know how she'd answer. “Look at me Will. I’ve GONE TO HELL AND BACK FOR YOU WILL. I’ll do it again! I will always, ALWAYS love you.” They have a big ugly-cry hug.
FOLLOW ME for the next part of “Byler Endgame, One Episode at a Time”!
Part 0 (what a Byler endgame needs to address) Next episode
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castleclerics · 11 months
revisiting the stranger writers 2019 letter; what it could be hinting about will, and a little dive into the byers
something that everyone seems to skim over is the first tweet in the letter's thread:
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and if this letter is to will, no matter if it's from jonathan or mike, it sounds like will had something going on soon so someone he loves made something for him.
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look at the "hope this is (enough to) last until (you get back)?".
like... if it is "until you get back"..... sounds like the "something" will had coming involved going somewhere. we all know will already had significant trauma in his life before 1x01, so if he was going somewhere for a little bit for his mental health/to "fix" him or whatever tf, it's kinda convenient that it's the same time he goes to the UD. like something was preventing him from doing what he was going to.
i'm sure this is about jonathan's mixtape since music is something that can last before you get tired of it. and i think it's interesting that mike made the dnd campaign and him saying that it took two weeks to plan means that it probably doesn't take that long to plan usually.
so what if mike also knew what will had going on and wanted to make a good enjoyable campaign for him with the rest of the party before he left? and mike being super serious about it and wanting to make sure it's finished before they leave/wanting 20 more minutes.
also since will only tells mike what's up in his life:
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it makes sense that mike is the odd one out and is the most intense about trying to find will out of everyone in the party.
also my mom has pointed out before that yes while joyce has every right to be that crazy in s1 since her son is missing, she says it's like something else happened to will before the series that we don't know yet. and i have to agree like the energy joyce and jonathan have is this weird unspoken knowing like an "oh shit it's happening".
(getting a little off track into like will's past with lonnie) but not to mention the weirdness with joyce literally trying to make hopper less suspicious for some godamn reason:
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then joyce sighs after this and gets annoyed with chester barking and leading hopper to the shed lmao
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then all the direct mentions of lonnie and the byers trying to misguide hopper:
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jonathan goes out to try to prevent him from going to lonnie's since joyce telling him not to didn't work:
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hopper tells him to stay with joyce and then jonathan goes to lonnie's anyways in case will was there ??? literally wtf are they hiding bc it's definitely more than just will's abuse from lonnie i think!!!!!!!!!
SO. if i'm right and will had something coming up and he suddenly goes missing right before then, i get why everyone would be freaking out especially if the byers are already involved with HNL or the government in some capacity because of will.
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pinkeoni · 2 years
i have a hc that joyce doesnt really KNOW the extent of lonnies abuse and how bad it truly was because he didnt work much at all (probs did drugs/made drugs refering to kaypeace's theory on him being a meth dealer) so she had to work crazy hours. meanwhile jonathan knows the entire extent of his abuse and thats why hes so against lonnie in every aspect while will (as you said) doesnt remember his childhood well at all which is why hes so ,,,okay with lonnie. when i first started watching st it gave me the vibe of jonathan (who knows everything that happened) trying to coax will into NOT spending time with lonnie ("when was the last time he took you out to do stuff YOU like?") and at the same time not trigger any upsetting memories. it feels like lonnies abuse is kinda unspoken cause will doesnt bring it up except for the general understanding that their dad was a violent man
(as someone who got physically abused themselves, its entirely possible about joyce not knowing lonnie could get physically violent because my dad strangely never left any bruises despite him beating me lmao)
I agree with about 90% of this.
I do think that Joyce doesn’t know the extent of Lonnie’s abuse, I don’t think she would have even let him bacj in the house if she did know. And it’s not to say that she’s a neglectful parent, I imagine it was, as you said, just due to her working crazy hours. We even see this in episode one, Joyce is about to leave for work and she tells Jonathan that she won’t be home until much later at night. She wasn’t home the night Will was taken, but she also expected Jonathan to be home. She relies on Jonathan to get Will up for school and to cook, so I expect that when Lonnie was still around she might have relied on him for that as well.
The thing I’m not 100% sure on is exactly how severe Lonnie’s abuse of Will is. There are telling shots (like Jonathan looking into the bedroom) and like you said I do think Jonathan is trying to sway Will away from Lonnie without trying to trigger bad memories. However, oftentimes with abuse a lot of it happens behind closed doors. There’s a chance that a lot of Lonnie’s abuse of Will could have happened at a time when Joyce was working and Jonathan would have been at school.
BUT, there’s still more supplemental evidence to suggest that Jonathan does know the extent, I believe kaypeace also theorized that Jonathan went through similar abuse as well, although he has a different way of coping than Will does. Jonathan seems to be much more acutely aware of his trauma while Will seems to be more blissfully unaware. Jonathan was also the one who built Castle Byers with him, he must’ve known how important it was that Will have a safe space away from home that he could go to, even if Will is less conscious of the significance of this. That being said, it’s still possible that Jonathan doesn’t have all of the details. So I’m a little split on that point, I’ll have to think about it.
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frenchgremlim1808 · 2 years
Okay so, today I got a little crazy and I wanted to make an analysis of why Billy Hargrove is a terrible racist piece of shit and why you shouldn't have that much pity for him. I thought this might wake up some Billy/harringrove Stan. After all when you make mistake all you need is to learn from them. So I went to the harringrove tag to see what they could post there and....
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wtf is that. WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS THAT. 23k people ship that crap. That like much more than I imagined. I never went to that tag before and now I'm actually scared. Like, let's make comparisons.
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So if I understand, people are more interested in fucking harringrove , a fanon non existent toxic ship over lumax and jopper two established, lovely and healthy ships. People are more interested in a racist piece of shit that may I remind you tried to kill a child relationship over JOYCE BYERS who is one of the best characters in the show and an established characters from season 1. And also stop the cap I can see the blatant racism like, I get it you can have favorite characters and not all of them are important to your heart, but isn't kinda strange that of all the characters, it's mainly the poc who are underated. Like Lucas is one of the main character since season one but he has less people who follow his tag than a certain dude who just came around in season 4. And worst his tag is filled with other ships ( cough... Cough.. steddie) or other characters. Like really. Like I'm a byler blog but I promise you I'm gonna take every opportunity to burn and destroy that horror that's harringrove and make people realize the wonderfulness of my underrated kings and queens (Jonathan/Lucas/Erica/argyle etc)
So I gonna do that Billy eat my ass grove hate paragraph but now i won't keep my composure cause if grown ass people ( probably if their children then like grow up) excuse abuse in fiction then it's already a matter of time before they think it's normal in reality. Because yes, fiction affects reality and the people who act like it doesn't are the one who are already affected by it.
Thank you for listening to my rant, sorry if I sounded mad. Love y'all
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
i don't like j0pper either but when people say joyce should've stayed with bob they always lose me because i have a hard time believing she even liked the man
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monsterhunting · 11 months
Triangle is the strongest shape pls🙏🙏
This one is actually SO close to being done lol it just needs some editing and the last scene needs to be finished but anyway. The vibe is that el lucas and max are in a love triangle situation where Lucas and max are dating but max also likes el and the three of them hang out and stuff and none of them knows how to talk about it or what to do. So the fic flips between el pov as she’s having a conversation with Jonathan and Lucas’ pov as he’s having a convo with Nancy and Max’s pov as she’s having a convo with Steve and they’re all talking abt their situation like “ahhhh this is so complicated and crazy what should I do”… meanwhile stoncy has been secretly dating for months. I’ve never written elumax before nor have I written from any of the kids’ perspectives before which is kinda why I got stuck but I do hope to finish it soon!
Anyway here is a snippet!!!
No, El isn’t close with Jonathan like she is with Hopper or Joyce or Will, but she likes Jonathan all the same, because he’s sturdy and reliable and knows a lot about movies and music and possibly other things. And so maybe it’s this that makes El say, “Could I ask you a question?”
“Shoot,” Jonathan says, taking a sip from his glass.
El chews on her lip again, then says, “Can someone like more than one person at one time?”
Jonathan abruptly chokes on his water.
Ask me about other WIPs for the WIP meme!
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xxtinymiseryxx · 1 year
Strange things ship rating
Argylen (argyle & eden) 8/10 adorable
Boyce (Joyce & bob) 9/10 yeah
Cammy ( Tommy & carol) 6/10 I don't like there character
Cunnington (Chrissy & Steve) 0/10 why
Duzie (Dustin & Suzie) 10/10 adorable
Hellcheer (eddie and Chrissy) 4/10 i think they would be friends
Henfield ( Dustin & max) -1/10 no
Henderhop (Dustin & el) 0/10 ummmm as friends?
Hopclair ( el and Lucas) 0/10 no not just those two
Jancy (Nancy & Jonathan) 7/10 there alright
Jopper (Joyce & hopper) 10/10 love them
Kaleddie ( kail & eddie ) -100/10 wtf who made this
Lumax ( Lucas & max) 10/10 one of my favs
Madwheeler (Mike & max) -10/10 wtf
Mileven ( mike & el ) 1/10 i hate this
Nangyle ( Nancy & Argyle) -1/10 ew wtf
Nanceddie ( Nancy & Eddie ) 0/10 as friends yes but
as lovers 🤮
Stali ( kali & steve) -100/10 ok why do they keep putting her with these men
Stancy (Steve & nancy ) -1/10 I hated them
Tigercheer ( Chrissy & Jason) 5/10 they where cute
Wheelgrove ( Nancy & billy ) -1/10 he tried killing her...
Argilly ( argyle & billy) 0/10 again why
Byclair ( Lucas & will) 2/10 i mean ok
Byerson ( Dustin & will ) 1/10 no
Byler ( mike & will ) 9/10 yesssssssd
Byergrove ( Jonathan & billy) 0/10 whyyy
Cargrove ( billy & Jason) 0/10 why put two assholes together?
Chauman ( Mr. Clarke & Murray ) -100/10 tramitizing
Edna ( Eddie and Henry/001) 3/10 ok but here me out.
Eddithan ( Eddie & Jonathan ) 1/10 could maybe work
Edgyle ( argyle & eddie ) 1/10 again could maybe work
Greatwise ( Gareth and will ) 3/10 could be cute
Harringrove ( billy & Steve) -100/10 I hate this so much
Henclair ( Dustin & Lucas ) 0/10 I know people like It but no
Jargyle ( Jonathan & argyle ) 8/10 I like them
Jilexei ( hopper & alexei ) 0/10 no
Jonson ( Jonathan & jason ) 0/10 anyone shipped with Jason is gross sorry Chrissy
Mungrove ( Eddie & billy ) 1/10 no
Munver ( eddie & Jason ) -100/10 whoever made this is crazy
Murrlexei ( alexei & Murray) 6/10 hear me out
Newhop ( Bob & hopper ) 0/10 ew
Steddie ( Steve & Eddie ) 100/10 my fav ship
Stommy ( steve & tommy ) 0/10 gross
Stonathan ( steve & Jonathan ) 0/10 again no
Stargyle ( steve & argyle ) 0/10
Tomgrove ( tommy & billy ) -1/10
Tomathan ( tommy & Jonathan ) -1/10
Tomrick ( Patrick & tommy ) 1/10 I could see it sorta
Wheelclair ( Mike & Lucas ) -1/10 no
Wheelerson ( Dustin & mike) 0/10 ummmmmmm why
Bancy ( Barb & nancy ) 5/10 actually kinda cute
Bucklway ( robin & heather ) 2/10 I don’t know how I feel
Buckingham ( robin & Chrissy) 9/10 I love them❤️
Berkins ( robin & carol ) -10/10 umm just no
Chrickie ( Chrissy & Vickie ) 2/10 no sorry
Cerkins ( Chrissy & carol ) 3/10 could actually see it
Elmax ( max & el ) 10/10 yes
Elzie ( suzie & el ) 1/10 cute but no
Garden snake ( heather & Eden) 1/10 no thanks
Huckley ( Barb & robin ) 3/10 kinda a vibe
Joyren ( Joyce & Karen ) 0/10 yeaaaaaaaaaa no
Perwheel ( Carol & Nancy ) 3/10 ok but i could sorta see it
Queen of Hawkins high ( Nancy & Chrissy ) 5/10 kinda cute
Ringham (robin & Eden ) 4/10 they would get along
Rockie ( robin & Vickie ) 9/10 adorable 🥰
Ronance ( robin & Nancy ) 9/10 we all love this
Tambin ( robin & Tammy) 7/10 not bad ig
Achillean apocalypse ( steve , eddie , Jonathan & argyle) 2/10 i Don’t really like it
Byleven (Mike, el & will) -1/10 will and el are siblings
Bywheelclair (Mike , Lucas & will ) 0/10 no thanks
Chrissyxjasonxeddie (eddie , chrissy & jason ) 2/10 i don’t know how I feel
Duzieclair (suzie , Dustin & Lucas) -1/10 leave duzie alone
Elumax (max, Lucas & el ) 9/10 no joke I love this ship
Gotta love Nancy ( Nancy , Jonathan , Barb , robin & Steve) -10/10 OMG NO
Harringroveson (billy , Steve & eddie ) 4/10 i Don’t fully like this ship my sister does tho
Henderhopclair ( Dustin , el & Lucas ) 2/10 I have nothing to say other than 2/10
Jargen ( Jonathan , argyle & Eden ) 5/10 kinda cute ngl
Jangyle (Jonathan , argyle & Nancy ) -10/10 i hate this
Jonsteddie (Jonathan , steve & eddie ) 2/10 not the biggest fan
Sapphic senate (Chrissy , robin , Vickie & Nancy ) 7/10 again I love this
Steddissy (chrissy , eddie & steve ) 2/10 nothing to say
Stoncy (steve, Jonathan & Nancy ) -10/10 i thought I hated stancy
Stongyle ( steve , Jonathan & argyle ) 1/10 no
Stonagrove ( steve, Jonathan & billy ) 0/10 nooooooooo
Stoner lovers ( argyle , Jonathan & eddie ) 5/10 kinda vibing with it
Vobancy (Nancy , Vickie & robin ) 6/10 solid
Warrior throuple ( steve , Nancy & robin ) 0/10 robin is gay
Robeddie friendship ( eddie & robin ) as friends it’s a 10/10 if it’s lover -100/10
Stobin ( steve and robin ) as friends 10/10 if lovers -1000/10
You don’t have to agree with my opinions I was just bored so yea
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
Do you ever see those takes that are like "the Byers hate Steve because of what he said about them in season 1"? I always think. Do they even know about it? Because I am pretty sure Jonathan would not tell Will.
If we assume that every character tells every character everything about things that happen and all the characters are allowed emotional responses to that. Then Max hates Jonathan for the picture incident. She are both definitely the type that would think that is super gross and she didn't have a preexisting bond with Jonathan to counteract it. Honestly the picture shit probably spread around the school and so did the cheating rumours so there is a decent chance Robin knows. But we aren't shown Robin or Max hating Jonathan so they probably don't.
So many characters have a right to be mad about shit they don't know about. From Nancy only getting with Steve because Jonathan didn't ask her out. To the Sinclairs finding out the rest of Scoops Troop endangered their daughter (also saved her but we are ignoring positive stuff).
i think it’s kinda funny when people try to say that joyce would hate steve, because he’s a ‘troublemaker’. like, prior to s1 she did not know who that boy was. in canon, all she probably knows about steve is that he used to date nancy, and he’s helped save the kids. i don’t think she’d have particularly strong feelings about him either way.
and yeah, jonathan wouldn’t tell joyce anything about the fight. s1 couldn’t reiterate it enough, jonathan has felt on his own the last few years, and doesn’t open up to his mother or tell her about his life. she talks about how she feels like she’s abandoned him or something when they’re looking at will’s pictures.
but even if he did, it would be in the vaguest terms possible. i’ve seen fics where joyce knows exactly what steve said, and it’s like, jonathan’s not listing it off??
“well, first he called me a queer, then said i was just like my dad, then said you’re crazy!”
please try to understand jonathan’s character a little better, he would not fucking do that.
yeah! 100% all of the characters have done shit that would make other characters hate them, but they’re not all just sitting around gossiping, especially about shit that’s long over and largely forgotten about. (people just loveeee to drag out all of steve’s mistakes though, which is why we only see it for him and very rarely other characters!)
i think robin would probably know about the cheating rumours, and she might’ve heard about the photographs, just because that is the sort of shit that gets spread around. if she does know, she probably spoke to steve about it. maybe she considers jonathan a little gross? (which is why she’s pushing nancy to cheat on him lmao) but steve’s not really fussed about it anymore, so she isn’t.
honestly i think part of the reason we don’t see characters react to shit they logically would, is because the duffers aren’t amazing writers lmao. and the show’s plot based, not character based.
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har-rison-s · 11 months
your good will: 38
family meeting
a/n: hiii, a big milestone chapter finally here. i hope i get to finishing this story sooner. i have less than 3 weeks left in my home country, then i'm moving away and i kinda wanna incorporate all those feelings into this story, yk? like method acting, only method writing :D happy reading!
series masterlist
stranger things masterlist
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word count: 5.3k
characters in this chapter: maggie byers (oc), will byers, joyce byers, jonathan byers, el / jane hopper
warnings: angst, comfort, i suck at endings
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gif credit goes to owner!
Maggie is sure she's only seen her mother smoke this many cigarettes when Will went missing. Well, alright, the whole year between November 1983 and November 1984 was a good year for Camel cigarette sales in Hawkins because of Joyce. Surely she's not as anxious now as she was then, this - telling your kids they're moving away from their hometown - is a lot less stressful than having a missing kid is. But her hands are steady, so that's a good sign, at least. 
Sitting beside her mom at the table, Maggie can feel how much her mood differs from the rest of the kids. Jonathan is a little antsy because of the job search, Will and Eleven are just waiting for Joyce to tell them whatever it is she brought them together for, they're a little confused. Maggie's just impatient to get this over and done with already.
“Okay, guys, here goes,” Joyce finally says, making everyone straighten their backs for the millionth time this morning. It's been a while since Joyce sat them all down to tell them the news, there have been many attempts to say it nice and easy, “I–”
“Is this about the house?” Jonathan asks, raising his head from its usual low hanging point. Everyone looks to him. “I saw an unpublished flier in the ads room while I was still working at the Post.” 
Maggie didn't know that Joyce had already marketed the house, she looks at her mom. Joyce sighs and takes another puff from her cigarette. She has been found out. “Well, that's an easy way to start this,” she says and huffs, “yes, I put the house up for sale. Our house.” She says and looks her kids over, Maggie included, so that there's no suspicion of her knowing before the rest of them find out. It's not exactly good to hide something like that from the rest of your family. 
There's no reaction from the kids yet, only blank stares and raised eyebrows. Except for Jonathan's furrowed brow. Maggie scratches the back of her head. No one says anything. Joyce takes that as a sign to continue.
“I've been… thinking about it since last year,” she admits, “since we got that thing out of Will.” Joyce says and looks at her youngest. Will hugs an arm around himself. “How so many shitty things have happened in this house,” she continues. The man in the wall with no face, Will going missing at home. Fights with Lonnie. Billy Hargrove and Steve having a fight, smashing up some kitchen cutlery in their way. A demogorgon actually being in this house, “so many shitty things have happened to us here, especially in the last few years.” Joyce shakes her head. “I just… I just think we need a fresh start. Somewhere new, where nobody knows us, where nothing like this happens. And of course, things can happen to you anywhere, because not in a million years would I have expected for things like what we've been through to happen in a small town like this! It's crazy.” She takes a drag of her cigarette and shakes her head.
“But…” Will gets the first word in, “but we grew up here. I have friends here, I–I… this is my home.” He tells his mom, looking right at her. The glassy look in his eyes and the slight tremble of his lips make Maggie's heart ache. “Our home,” Will adds, searching his mother's eyes for understanding. And there's plenty of it there, it's just that determination wins over it, “mom.” He whispers the word. Tears are bound to overflow any second. 
Joyce nods in response without saying a word. The tension in the room could be cut with an axe. Maggie looks everyone over, she sees confusion on everyone's faces, disagreement in her brothers' eyes. El has a deeply furrowed brow, Jonathan's sporting a less serious one. “I know,” Joyce finally says in a quieter voice, “I know. It's my home, too. I watched you guys grow up here.” She breathes a deep sigh. “Everything, and I mean everything has happened to us here.” Joyce shakes her head. “Living in a new place would be… refreshing, I don't know. A restart option.”
“Mom, it's not like our current lives have stopped for us,” Jonathan argues back, “all three of us still have school, and El should go to school, too, right?” He looks at the others for back-up. Maggie and Will shrug. “Maggie and me have relationships here, you know. It's not like life's stopped for all of us just because it's stopped for you.” Maggie raises her eyebrows at this statement.
He's not wrong, but he could have framed it differently. Nicer, less mean. Joyce looks at him, aghast. “Jonathan…” she whispers, “I just want things to be normal again. I want us to live a normal life.”
Jonathan grins in a not-amused way and bites back a sinister chuckle. “Mom, I'm sorry, but that's just… never happening,” he tells her with a shake of his head, “ever. The very reason you want us to move in the first place is not normal. Interdimensional monsters and mad scientists. It's not something you can just run away from and forget.” That's also true. “Will and El still have nightmares. They're still tied to everything, even if something like that never happens again.”
“He's right, mom,” Maggie says with a nod. Joyce feels a little betrayed by the only person she'd expected to take her side in this, even though they've had their arguments over this exact topic before. 
“It's not something we can get away from,” Will adds on, “me and El…” he looks at the girl, “we can't just forget it.”
“Yeah, but it will be totally different from here,” Joyce argues back, “there's places and things here that remind you of everything that's happened to you, but there's not gonna be any to where we move!” She explains. Will and Jonathan huff, nearly in unison. “It will be… moving on. For all of us.”
“Where are we going, exactly?” Maggie asks the question she hopes is neutral to ease the tension a little bit. Her mom turns her head to look at her. 
“I'd really love to move to Maine,” Joyce says and lights another cigarette, “but it's actually Owens' call. He'll know where the best place for us is.” She takes a drag from the new cigarette and looks the kids over. Silent, but tense. “Bob had a house in Maine, his parents' house. But we'll have to see. Owens is visiting today or tomorrow, don't know exactly.”
Maggie sighs. Will sleazes back into his chair. “So that's it,” he says, “we're just moving because you decided. We have no say in it.”
Joyce looks at her youngest. “I'm not looking to argue with any of you. This is a decision I've made that's best for all of us.” Joyce glances at El, who hasn't said a single word yet. “Owens suggested it, too. For El's safety from the government and everything.” She shrugs. 
“I think it will be safe,” El speaks up finally, a gentle nod swaying her head in agreement to Joyce, “the new place. Fresh start.” She looks at Joyce, and the woman squeezes her hand, shooting El a quick smile. Thanks for the support.
“And how soon will we be leaving?” Maggie asks in a near whisper, dreading the answer. If mom has talked this over with Owens, it means there's been more concrete talk or where and when. Joyce shrugs.
“The next few months,” she guesses, “but it's hard to tell now. It can't be right away, because that would be too suspicious. Would attract eyes we don't want on us.” Joyce sighs. “No later than October, I bet.” She looks her kids over again. Will rolls his eyes, Maggie looks at her fidgeting hands in her lap. She can tell no one except herself is happy with this news. “I promise it will be good for us, guys. Yes, also hard, but when have things ever been easy for us?” She means this for her flesh and blood more, though she knows El can more than agree with her on that. “You can get as mad at me as you want, but it's not going to change anything. Until you know stuff better than me, I know what's best for you, okay? And you bet your butts I'm gonna act on it.” She tells everyone. Will shakes his head again, disapproving of all of this completely. Classic teenager rebellion. Maggie and Jonathan are hardly teenagers anymore, but they're on the same stand as Will. “I just wanna…” Joyce sighs, exasperated, “I just wanna move on. Not linger where everything that's happened to us is all around us, right here, in every inch of this town. It's weighing me down, and can't be healthy for you guys, either.”
Maggie sighs. She knows there's no changing mom's mind, but she still disapproves of this decision. She'd rather stay here with Steve, work and finish school, than move to a completely strange place that she'll once again have trouble fitting into. She hardly fit into Hawkins, and her brothers hardly fit, too. The last year and a half haven't been helping with that, either. “Yeah, well, running away isn't exactly moving on, mom,” Jonathan finally says and leaves the kitchen with quick pace. Now Joyce sighs and hides her face in her hands. She's tried her best to explain herself and make the situation better for everyone, but evidently, it's not working. And she hoped Jonathan would have a more mature response to this decision. She expected better from her first child, but she doesn't realize how this makes him feel, not really.
It's different for Joyce here than it is for her kids. All three of them still have school to finish in the next few years, and leaving in October means they'd be changing schools in the middle of the semester, which messes with their heads. Everything that's happened to them over the last two years already throws their focus off in school, and now a big move wouldn't exactly help, either. All that Joyce would lose leaving here is a job, and she can easily find another one in the place they move to. Changing jobs isn't as disorienting as changing schools.
Will has friends here that he's grown up with since kindergarten. He's known them all his life. Jonathan is with Nancy, and Maggie is with Steve. Joyce lost Bob last year, and Hopper this year. The few friends she has here aren't that close friends with her, really, they're not real friends. Hopper was a real friend. She's not exactly sure what Murray could classify as, and he doesn't live in Hawkins, anyway. Joyce doesn't have as much here to leave as her kids do. 
She doesn't realize that, because she's lost everything she could lose already, except her children. She's also forgot how defensive teenagers can be in their reactions and feelings, she's forgot how it feels to be a teenager. While going through tough times, friends and other forms of relationships are what ground a person, what can help them get through those times. And a person often gets attached to anything that helps. Joyce has lost those kinds of people, but her kids still have them. She can't just pretend they're not there and make her kids forget about them. 
Jonathan leaves the house, disrupting the tense silence with slamming the door shut. Everyone hears him powering up his car and leaving in less than a minute. Joyce really hoped he'd take the news better than he did. “All right, I have to get to work,” Joyce says, getting up from the kitchen table with her pack of cigarettes in hand. She kisses Maggie's forehead, and walks over to Will to do the same, but there's some reluctance from her son at first. It saddens her, but she guesses she deserves that. Making Will's decisions for him has never really been productive. She squeezes his shoulder just a little tighter than usual, “have a good day, guys,” Joyce embraces El before leaving the kitchen, “I'll see you later.” She says quietly, grabbing her keys and then leaving through the front door like Jonathan did a few minutes ago, though quieter than he did.
Will sighs once mom has left and shakes his head. “I really don't wanna leave,” he says and leans onto the kitchen table, arms crossed under his chin, “I have… everything here.” Maggie nods. El sits in silence, just listening to the Byers siblings. She understands them, and she understands Joyce, and agrees with her more. But she understands it can be troubling to have such big changes one after the other in their lives, she understands the meaning of this place to Maggie, Will and Jonathan. 
“Me too,” Maggie says quietly and offers her brother a quick half-smile. She leans on the table as well, one hand under her chin and the other resting on Will's arm, offering a comforting touch, “remember when Owens came by recently?” She asks her brother, and he nods, intrigued. “Well, I heard mom talking to him about adoption papers for El,” Maggie looks at the younger girl with a smile, “you will legally be our sister.” She tells her. 
The small news make El smile from ear to ear, a smile only Max had the honor to see recently. She nearly sheds a tear, but only nearly. Maggie and Will look at her with big smiles. “Big sister,” El says to Maggie, and she nods, chuckling quietly afterwards. 
“Come here,” Maggie urges the younger girl, stretching an arm out to her, and Eleven listens, coming to sit in Maggie's lap, both girls embracing each other, “two sisters with two brothers.” Maggie says, looking at Will, who is now holding her hand on the table. “I really don't wanna leave home, either,” Maggie says in a deep breath, “but staying here can't be safe for El. I mean, there were FBI agents crawling in Hawkins last year, thank God hopper hid El from the rest of us.” She admits. “Otherwise we'd all be interrogated or something, and not in pretty ways.” 
El nods. “And the bad men,” she says. Maggie agrees with a nudge of her head. Even though the lab has been empty since winter, she's had doubts whether they're really gone. Gone forever.
“That's true,” Will says, seemingly having no other choice but to agree with them, “I don't think you could really go to school here,” he tells El, “too many people have seen you somehow.” Eleven nods, knowing that. Too many people. Too much exposure. Rumors and theories would start to spread, leading to news and investigations. Will sighs again. “Mom's probably right.” He says in defeat. Maggie chuckles. “And she would never let half of us stay here and the other half to move away, she'd never allow that.”
Maggie shakes her head. “Never in a million years,” she agrees. “I can��t split up my family” echoes in her mind, “that would be us splitting up, and she would never let that happen.”
“Yeah,” Will breathes quietly, defeat in the air between them again, “I guess she's… right. I don't think she understands how we're feeling about this.” He says and huffs, his eyes switching between El and Maggie. His sister nods and tucks her head under El's chin, the two of them embracing closer. 
“Jonathan could have said it nicer, but he was right. She doesn't have much left here, you know. No Bob, no Hopper.” Maggie says quietly. “I think he was kinda her last tie to this place. Home.” Her last chance at having a normal life. “And she's right in that… so much has happened to us here. This place just reeks of all the… trauma that's happened to us.” Maggie sighs. “I guess she can't take it anymore. I don't blame her. And she wants you guys to get better.”
Will nods, thinking how wise his sister always is. If she played D&D, she'd have to take his mantel and be Maggie the Wise. Sometimes, like this moment for example, he's overcome with how thankful he is to have someone like her. The closest women in his life - his mom and sister - are both smart, strong, always give the right advice, have kind hearts and are forgiving (though that's not always healthy for them), and are just little miracles that someone in creation dealt Will to have and cherish. And he does cherish them.
The Byers siblings sit in silence, El taking in what the siblings-by-blood are saying and feeling, seeing from their point of view in this situation. Will lays on the table, arms crossed under his head, thinking about this big change in their lives. He's had a couple of those already, and none of them have exactly been 100% pleasant. Maybe this move will be at least 90% better than it will be for the worst. Will hopes so. He's so tired of receiving bad news, tired of bad things happening to him and his family.
Maggie's pondering about what house Owens will be offering them, and if they really can put the move off until October. That's a good amount of time to fit in anything she wants to do until they're gone. Her thoughts travel to their plan for the day, and she realizes they have none. Maybe Owens coming by, but Maggie pegs him for a morning type of person, so he'll probably be here tomorrow. She doesn't wanna bother Steve again - though, of course, she knows he wouldn't call that bothering and would be happy to see her at any time of day - and she's wanted to bring the younger siblings together, anyway. 
“You guys wanna rent a movie, maybe?” Maggie suggests to the younger ones, catching their attention. “We could make popcorn or buy candy and watch something fun.”
“You don't have any plans for the day?” Will asks, and Maggie shakes her head with a gentle smile on her lips, looking at her brother. “Not even with Steeeeeve?” He turns his head at Maggie playfully and says Steve's name in a sing-song voice that sounds more like a whine, not a celebratory, romantic mention. Maggie chuckles, and even El cracks a smile, loving the dynamic between Will and his sister. 
“No, not even with Schteve,” Maggie tells Will and pushes at his shoulder a bit, teasing him back in her own way. Will smiles and nods, “what would you guys wanna watch?”
“Whatever,” Will says with a shrug and leans back in his chair, “what do you like, El?” He looks at his step-sister-to-be. El rests her head atop Maggie's and lets out a long sigh.
“Something funny,” she says.
“Maybe let's just go to the video store and we'll see what's there, huh? Whatever catches your eye,” Maggie suggests to El, looking up at her, and the younger girl nods. Maggie checks with Will with a glance, and Will agrees with a nod, too, “okay, let's change and go. We'll take our bikes.” She says and El gets off her lap as if on cue. “Wait, El, do you know how to ride a bike?” She asks. 
El looks a little puzzled. She's used to moving objects, not using them really. She thinks how hard can it be? But then gets anxious. She's less sure of herself now that she's out of her powers. She hasn't really tried practicing in the last few days, and Max said to give it time, but it hasn't left her mind. Can she do anything at all if she doesn't have her powers? Maggie notices her growing nervous, and shakes her head with an assuring smile. 
“It's okay, we can teach you. You can sit on the back of my bike today,” Maggie tells her, and El nods with a small smile on her lips. She's so glad there's no rush and no pressure. She's used to getting that from people around her so much that it's become a permanent feeling of pressure and expectations. El is glad the Byers are different from the people she's used to being around.
She enjoys that Will asks her personal questions without it being like an interrogation, or an interview. She likes that she can feel he asks her stuff and shares his own thoughts because he wants to know about her, not because he wants something from her. Like if she likes scary movies - which she doesn't, well only ghost movies and thrillers, because the ones with paranormal stuff and monsters remind her too much of the Lab, and of everyone's perception of her. A monster. Or if she likes any sort of music, which she does - Jim Croce reminds her of Hopper and good memories, and Madonna reminds her of Max and good memories with her. 
El doesn't know it yet, but the Byers - especially Maggie and Will - bring her such a feeling of normalcy, a reassuring feeling of being a person rather than a subject, and in a family, sibling kind-of way. They're her friends, but also more than that. Max is her friend, like a sister. Maggie is, too. But Mike was a friend, and then a boyfriend. And now… she doesn't really know what he is. But with these people, who are as close to her as Mike is, it feels kind of easier, with less expectations. 
There's no sense of doing anything wrong in their eyes, El feels like she could never do wrong in their house and that she's not under any pressure. In expressing feelings and thoughts in the Byers house there is no hesitation, and no fear. Maggie and the others, but Maggie especially, has made her feel so safe and secure. None of them really expect anything from her in any sense, and that eases El by a lot. They're really family to her. They've become that in a short time, though El knows it's gonna last forever. At least she hopes so. She has a good feeling about this.
And what if they are leaving their home? El understands that can be tough - Hawkins has been her home for the last almost-two years, yet she never really felt like she belonged, or had a right to live here. She can see and will see later how hard it is to leave one's home. Somewhere only you know, a place where you've grown up and had shaping experiences, earned friends and more. Where you took your first steps, said your first words, had your first kiss, screwed up something for the first time, were scared for the first time. 
But at least they'll be doing it all together. None of them will be alone, like Will was in the Upside Down, like El wandering the woods after escaping the Lab, like Joyce believing Will was still alive and doing everything she could to prove it, like Jonathan dealing with his brother's disappearance in the same time as being bullied at school and by his father, like Maggie dealing with Hopper and his daughter's death, and its toll on the poor man. The Byers and El are going to experience moving to a different town, different house all together. 
It makes El feel like she finally belongs somewhere. Like she has a safety pillow to fall onto. Like she has a home.
She used to watch movies with Hopper at their cabin all the time, and tv shows, too. But El’s never been to a place where you can rent videotapes for movies or shows, so Family Video is like another world for her. She’s sure Hopper had some tapes, too, but he was much more of a television guy, she didn’t really get an offer for him to watch a rented movie or anything. 
Family Video is deserted, as the rest of the town is - they’ve lost almost half the population to the Mind-Flayer, so no wonder. But the less people, the more comfortable El feels. Maggie lets her roam the store while she and Will look for one or two fun movies to rent. For now they’ve got Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, they want to find an extra movie just in case it gets boring for either of the three of them.
“Need any recommendations?” That sly voice Maggie could recognise anywhere speaks up from their left. She quickly glances at looming Keith at the end of the aisle, and notices he has that strange smirk of his that tells you he’s up to mischief. She rolls her eyes when she turns her head back to the tapes, and Will holds back a snort.
“No, thanks, we’re just browsing,” Maggie responds as she usually would to anyone else asking. She hopes Keith will take the hint, but she knows him better than that. She doesn’t feel particularly comfortable in his presence, he’s always been creepy and even stalker-ish - both when he was still in school and now, after he’s graduated for more than a year.
“You know, I’ve noticed you coming in here a few times already,” Keith continues the conversation and comes a little closer, while Maggie and Will move further away, nearly in tandem, so the distance between them and Keith would remain the same while moving around, “you like movies a lot, huh?” 
Maggie huffs, “I sure do,” she replies flatly and finally finds what she was hoping to. Footloose, 1984, “let’s take this one.” She tells Will, holding the tape up, and Will nods, a smile stretching across his features. 
“Perfect, I’d forgot about it.” He says and admires the simple poster on the tape’s cover. “This will be fun.” He tells his sister, and she nods. 
“Go get El, and I’ll pay for these,” Maggie says, and Will follows suit. Ah, crap, now she has to pass Keith and also talk to him while she rents the two tapes. She makes her way into the parallel aisle to Keith’s, and holds the two desired tapes up in her hand. Keith nods and quickly makes his way to the cash register, beating Maggie to it first, “I’ll probably return them on Thursday.” She tells him.
“No problem at all,” Keith says and types whatever it is he needs to type into the store’s computer, “I’ll put it in until next Monday, the 22nd.” Maggie nods. Keith makes calculations on a piece of paper, presses buttons into the cash register and gives Maggie a sleazy smile. “That will be twelve bucks.” Maggie raises her eyebrows. “Gave ya a little discount there.”
Maggie chuckles weakly. “I appreciate that, but you didn’t have to,” she says, but pulls out the exact money and lays it on the counter. Now this is getting more awkward than it was before.
“Just come by some more,” Keith urges, taking the money from her, and Maggie gives him an attempt of a smile, “and, by the way, we’re hiring. The fire and everything lost us a couple employees. Plus, we could hang out. Maybe rent a movie ourselves.” He gives Maggie a receipt. Now she’s properly creeped out by him.
“I’ll decline that offer.” Maggie sighs. “I’m with Steve, for your information,” she reminds him, collecting the receipt and putting the tapes in her tote bag. Keith’s face falls to disappointment, Maggie gives El and Will, who are approaching the desk, an awkward smile, “but I’ll think about the job offer. Do I have to hand in my resume or something to come by for an interview?” She braces her tote bag over her shoulder.
“You we’ll take without a resume, just come in some day and I’ll teach ya everything,” Keith answers, and sends Maggie a hint - the disappointment on his face now seeming like only a fleeting feeling, as he proves to still be super bad at taking a hint. Maggie fights back the urge to roll her eyes and just simply nods instead, “enjoy the movies.”
“Thanks,” Maggie says and finally turns her back to Keith, walking with her siblings out of the store. Will gives Keith a good-bye wave as they slip through the door, and laughs as soon as they’re out of there, “Jesus Christ.” Maggie groans under her breath so her general disagreement to Keith as a person wouldn’t look as obvious through the Family Video window. Her grumble makes Will laugh more. 
“He is so weird,” he says finally, beginning to explain the context of the situation to Eleven, who feels pretty lost in it, “in every way possible.” 
“How have you noticed that?” Maggie inquires. Will shrugs.
“He’s always been kind of a bully to us, he uses the weirdest insults,” he starts counting off, “and he’s been asking Mike for a date with Nancy, and me for a date with you, since we started coming to the Arcade.” Will shakes his head.
Maggie huffs. “He really is creepy, I had kinda forgot about him,” she says, “in school he was weird, weirder than me, and now… He offered me a job here, said I don’t need to have a resume, even asked me out. Jesus…”
“He must be into you,” Will says with a chuckle, and the face his sister gives as a reaction has the chuckle expanding into genuine laughter, “better not tell Steve.”
Now is Maggie’s turn to laugh. “I tell Steve everything, and this wouldn’t bother him,” she says, knowing Steve isn’t one to be intimidated by a guy like Keith, “well, maybe the case of me getting hit on by a creepy dude can bother him, but he won’t get jealous, if that’s what you mean.” He did get jealous of Jonathan pretty fast, but that was a different case.
“Alright, alright,” Will raises his hands up in defense. El comes closer to the siblings.
“What does “getting hit on” mean?” She asks them and glances between the two.
“It’s when someone’s interested in you and they’re trying to ask you on a date or something,” Maggie says, “it’s a little more aggressive than flirting, but mostly they’re the same thing.” She looks at El, and the younger girl nods. She could see the Family Video guy was making Maggie feel uncomfortable. “Steve and Robin could work there, though, now that Scoops is destroyed.”
“And the rest of the mall,” Will says with a sigh, “you could work there, too. Maybe if you and Steve both get jobs there, Keith will take the hint and lay off you.” He suggests.
“Huh,” Maggie says, crossing her arms over her chest as the three of them cross the street, “that’s a good idea. Yeah, maybe I could work there. Save up some money for moving.”
“Yeah,” Will breathes with a heavy air between them that has suddenly breezed in. Maggie didn’t mean to change the topic of conversation to the least comfortable of them all, she knows how her brother feels about it all. She has her own complicated feelings, too. She hugs him close and kisses the top of his head. He gives his sister a faint smile. 
They get to their bikes and hop back on, El sitting on the so-called trunk of Maggie’s bike and holding her tote bag for the ride. She takes in the look of deserted Hawkins, the toll of the Mind Flayer’s terror games on the town really coming into view for her as they bike home. Some trees have lost their leaves because of the constant heat, making the center of the town look a bit like a town in the middle of the desert, reminding El of a western she once watched on TV. Hopper would have fit right in, the cowboy-dressing cop that he was. This town really suited him.
series tag-list: @givemequeen​​​ @yllwtaxi @wnygirl2012​​​ @watercolour-sloth​​​ @brinaprfct​​​ @whormotional​​​ @chaandii​​​ @e-lysium​​​ @tina1938​​​​ @mochminnie @talksoprettyjjx
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2 notes · View notes
willel · 2 years
I believe you think all the Byers are sensitive and that their dormant powers need a trigger. But what about the day Jonathan was attacked by Bruce and Tom? Doesn't that count? Or that time Joyce, Murray and Yuri nearly died on that plane? Or Will's vanishing in general? That must have been extremely traumatizing. Tbh I feel like Will is the only one who has the potential. Or at the very least he's the most powerful Byers. I could be wrong tho.
I think we can agree being kidnapped into an alternate dimension, breathing toxic air with no food or water, and having an alien tentacle crawl into your body is a different kind of trauma than the trauma of losing a family member or getting beat up or even being in a plane crash. Especially if we account for how long Will was suffering (a whole week) in such a hostile environment.
I don't know the threshold of trauma required to awaken in a non-lab environment, but I feel like it has to be a lot. Something that will irrevocably change you. Something you won't recover from in a few days.
I also think age probably plays a significant role in this. Will was only 12 years old when all of this was happening to him. A wee bab.
I think unless Jonathan and Joyce experience something like..... super physically and emotionally traumatic over an extended period of time, nothing is going to spark in them.
(btw, I honestly think Joyce has already sparked. You have to admit her intuition is kinda out of this world. That is probably all she'll get. Maybe Jonathan will follow in her footsteps.)
Also, going by the crazy theory that is the Montauk Project, even if someone with potential meets all the requirements to awaken something, they still might not awaken anything. The example used that I can remember was a psychic man who had two children. His eldest who had potential never awakened, but his youngest did.
I think once we learn what exactly sparked Henry's awakening we can better understand how all this works. I think they dropped enough hints that both of his parents were sensitive (they were really close to figuring him out and his mom actually did) So whatever happened to him will probably apply to everyone who has power in this series.
I don't think they need to go too into depth and explain how powers work. Just a "This specific thing flipped my switch. Same for everyone else." and we can be done with it.
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