#with nat being the new leader i wonder how this is all going to go down
yannaryartside · 4 months
I am tired of Sydney being a “knight in shining armor” for these immature men
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The trailer of s3 made me reflect on a big problem with the show for me so far. The use of Sydney on the plot overall and in the character arcs of men. This is a rant, if you happen to be on the side of the fandom that think these men are perfect and Syd is valued as their support, feel free to scroll.
Part 1: the woman
Sydney Adamu is insecure on her leader/social skills and her creative habilities. That, and her kindness, is what makes the audience root for her. She is releatable but most important she is real, she has taken it impulse by impulse, creating on the fly ways to succeed in a industry not very welcoming to people with her personality (or that look like her). All of that makes sense in a story of an underdog.
But yet, the show has normalized at this point how much shit she takes from a group of really emotionally immature people. And how much they expect her to figure it out answers to the problems that they themselves cause.
Thinking about it like an animal getting into a new pack without the capacity to defend herself from any attack. The shitshow she tolerated in s1 has never been properly addressed and it seems like the worst storm is yet to come in s3. She fixed the logistics of the beef and implemented a hierarchy. Things that Carmy was incapable of doing due to his story with the staff and his own mental turmoil. In s2, she was the only professional chef actively making decisions and efforts in the future of the restaurant. Carmy even reprimanded her for not making the decisions he was supposed to do. And she reminded him “you wanted the final say, this is on you)
Syd is not helpless in any way, but she has applied kindness and fairness most of the time to this point, and I wonder if this time that is gonna cut it. I am mostly tired to get her back to that scenario again. If anything, the part that got me the most excited of Richie’s redemption is how she could actually rely on him. And then it came the trailer.
Part 2: the men
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The part that got my blood boiling in the trailer is the response “Show me a functional one” from Richie and Carmy.
We are in season 3, and with all the growth and all those balls, these men seem to expect her to fix an issue, wich core is actually their own emotional immaturity. I am sick of it. “Mother, maid, therapist”🎶
She must deal with Carmy’s recklessness and the fight between him and Richie. A very green new staff and a unqualified old staff mostly. All of that creates the dysfunctionality in question, and I wonder where her character will go to resolve it. The restaurant had a shaky base (particularly on front house staff and line cooks) and now Carmy is getting on everyone’s nerves. Putting fire to an already unstable chemical.
Part 3: Heroine’s Journey
It would take a pro to resolve all of this shit, and the people involved (and responsible for the problem) turn to this young, inexperienced woman for guidance and answers because the only person in the kitchen with actual industry experience is trapped in his own destroying tendencies.
That is not only the underdog story that is human vs forces of nature, another common plot structure. Forces of nature incarnated in unstable men and our hero is a woman. That is so fucked up and yet so real. That is the value I give to this scenario.
I really don't think that, besides Tina and Nat, there is a single member if that kitchen aware of how much Syd was alone last season picking Carmy’s slack. And even they were barely able to help her. Everybody else was to happy for Carmy loosing his virginity apparently. All this scenario could very well repeat itself this season on how much they are insisting on Claire and Carmy getting back together.
I know the show is about leaving toxic cycles and the people who can help you get better. Sydney is supposed to be made from a different matter than the Bearzattos because otherwise, the toxicity will continue. I just wish she could coldly let them know how much of a pest they can be sometimes. And not be treated as unfair because she left her “role” in creating a new system. Anger is boundarie setting emotion and it can be very constructive, and expressed without the chaos of the Bearzattos. She did this in s1 and if done again I think this time the general audience (except the racist/misogynistic obviously) will understand that this tough love is necessary as well.
Let's not normalize (in this show) women taking shit to be good women and a reward for seeing the potential of men. It is not like society is not doing that for us already.
Sydney is not a punching bag, and she knows it, she definitely will stand her ground this season, wich can be very encouraging to young woman entering a workforce that is not designed to support them. I think she will go to Ember to work closely with Chef Terry (Olivia Coleman) to get knowledge of how women can shape this toxic places. It will be her version of forks. The toxicity may escalate to a turning point for her. She tolerated (and transformed) s1 and s2, we know what is in her heart. The point will definitely come, because this is the time for evolving or dying, for everyone.
But again, I need these men (besides you, Marcus, you are going to be her rock) to start taking responsibility for the shit they are fucking up. That would be nice. I am sure there will be moments of it since this growth is literally the show's theme. I am just kind of tired of the “Mother, maid, therapist🎶” undertone of it all. It could be applied to Nat and Tina as well.
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iamnotawomanimagod · 1 year
most to least likely candidate to be ~antler queen~, in your opinion.
This is a bit dated since I waited forever to answer, lol. But here's my current listing:
1 - Lottie, obviously. If nothing else, I think she'll be the first Antler Queen. All of the visual cues, the way she's being built up into a ~mystical~ leader for the survivors, even the fact that she runs a cult as an adult - that definitely all adds up to Lottie being the one.
That being said, I'm reminded of how obvious and persistent they were about Jeff being a cheater, and how they ended up turning that on its head. Maybe all of these clues about Lottie are more red herrings than true clues.
I could see a world where Lottie starts out as the Antler Queen, then gets super freaked out by the way the others are treating her, and refuses to take part anymore. And then the role becomes rotational, which is a theory I've seen floating around and I think could be an interesting direction for the show to take.
So if it isn't Lottie...
2. Natalie. Lottie and Natalie connecting in both timelines, and the way they're already caring for the group as a whole, makes me wonder if they'll share that burden. Or fight over it. There's a brief moment in Nat's hypnosis-induced memories where SHE (as an adult) is wearing the antlers. And Adult Lottie gets a glimpse of her own shadow with the antlers when she embraces Adult Nat for the first time. There's something there, even if I'm not sure what yet.
3. Shauna? Only because we've seen Shauna take to violence the most easily. Shauna was technically the first one to commit cannibalism. Shauna is about to go through some real fucked-up grief when she gives birth in the wilderness (to either a stillborn or a baby who will die shortly after birth, imo, unfortunately,) to top off her already existent grief about Jackie. I could see Shauna's grief over losing her baby, potentially due to the fact that she didn't eat enough during her pregnancy, being a thing that pushes her to convince the other girls that cannibalism is their only solution for survival, moving forward.
4. Mari. I know everyone thinks Mari is Pit Girl. And I totally see why. She's the right build and coloring, and there's only so many girls on the cast who look like that. But something about the way she stepped up to coach in this scene makes me look at her with a new eye. My girl is hungry and she is not ashamed. I could see her at least taking a turn at Antler Queen, even if it's not permanent, and even if she ends up in the pit anyway. I also think it'd just be a hilarious twist.
TL;DR: Lottie, followed closely by a rotating group of the others.
The only person I'm certain it isn't is Misty, and that's only because hers is the face we see during Pit Girl's scenes. But that doesn't mean she didn't take her own turn at it...
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notesappsoup · 1 year
I wonder how much of Nat smiling while the girls all welcome her as their new god/antler queen is about her becoming their leader and how much is about her finally getting some recognition and appreciation for everything she has done for them out there.
I saw a post a while back talking about how she was the one who faced the hard things head on (moving Jackie's bones when the others couldn't even look at them, going out hunting and being blamed for there not being food, faking Javi's death to help Travis let go) without ever getting any appreciation for it. They blamed her, laughed at her, they even tried to hunt her.
Now, they're kissing her hand and showing her more kindness than they ever have.
I wonder when the realities of bearing the antler crown will really hit her, and if she'll still be as happy about it then
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steveharrington · 1 year
your will ask reminded me that ive been wondering what ur ranking for the yellowjackets girlies is! i started watching yj bc of the post you made about the challenge cameo in the show lmao, so thank you for that! 😁
omgggg i’m so glad you like it!! i think they may have gotten a few new viewers for including the bananas backpack which is So funny and amazing to me. anyways! i’m gonna rank them keeping in mind both their teenage selves and the adult selves
1. misty <3 she’s just my babygirl. both teenage and adult misty are, imo, the most interesting and compelling character in the show and i am literally never bored when she’s on screen. i genuinely think her smashing the black box was one of the best tv moments i’ve seen in years
2. lottie!! again she is just So fascinating to me and i always want to know more about her. i think teenage lottie esp is sooo nuanced and complex like. it would’ve been so easy for the writers to make fall into that archetype of like a Malicious Cult Leader who hungers for power or whatever but it’s so obvious that she’s still unsure of her role and she second guesses herself and doesn’t feel comfortable being worshipped… love her
3. nat!! first of all i think sophie thatcher is probably the most talented actress on the entire show period like she just Kills me with her performances omfg when she’s talking to jackie’s bones…. GOD and i feel so much empathy for her as a teenager and the fact that she’s literally the only one doing fucking anything and i really wish so much of her adult storyline wasn’t centered around travis
4. van!! i love characters who are unkillable. steve harrington type beat. i’m also very intrigued by her allegiance to lottie this season and i think it’s (again) a very smart subversive choice to have van be a believer like idk i didn’t expect it for her character! also adult van running a video rental store…. stuck in the 90s perpetually…. recommending landmark gay cinema to young lesbians …… so meaningful to me
5. shauna okay it’s kinda crazy that shauna is this low because i Love adult shauna she’s one of my favorite characters but i think honestly a lot of that is just. melanie lynskey. at the end of the day while i do really like shauna’s whole deal of yearning to go back to the woods, i’m not super compelled by her teenage storyline and i enjoyed that shauna/jackie stuff for a moment there when she ate her but now i’m bored with it again 😭
6. taissa ONLY because i feel like the writers are just going in circles with her plotline. i feel like we aren’t getting Anywhere with the sleepwalking and the visions like it’s been going on for two seasons now with literally no end in sight and as much as i enjoy tai’s personality and her rationality there’s only so many scenes of her sleepwalking and then waking up and getting scared that i can watch before wanting something new :/
7. jackie sorry i was never super fascinated by her and i didn’t feel much sympathy when everyone pointed out how she doesn’t help. like. SHE DIDNT so idk her death was obviously a very monumental moment in the show and her … consumption was sooo well executed but that’s not really Her yk
8. mari. mean to misty. hope they spike pit her ass
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stuiie · 2 months
Hello darling! How have you been? It's been a rollercoaster for me with a constant down, but the new chapter helped so much! It's been so hopeful and sweet
The trios relationship is so healthy and wonderful! Communication is happening on a mature level and the love Wanda and Nat have for Ducky is so pure and sweet. My heart is melting.
OMG, KATE IS ME WITH VAL!!! I reacted the same way as Kate did. I'm the biggest Val fan and supporter, I love her so much. Kate is me. I am Kate. I'm the leader of the Val Fanclub! With Kate, of course. I love that Kate always brings humor and the ability to lighten up a tough situation. She has a great balance between being serious and silly.
Oh Ducky. I understand that she's restless and feels the need to clear things up with Yelena. She's her best friend after all, but Kate is right. Barging in there when Yel clearly asked for space is not the right thing to do. Ducky is just so desperate to make amends and most importantly help Yelena feel better again. Fixing their relationship is the most important thing for her, so I understand why she went to Yelena anyway.
Aaaah the talk went so well!!! Both clearly communicated their feelings, they let the other person talk and really listened to what they had to say. Yelena needed the outburst to let out all of her emotions so that she can handle the situation and start to come to terms with it. Ducky needed to hear how her actions made Yelena feel so that she can explain herself better. It's so sweet that Yelena was asking more questions about the trios relationship. That's progress!
I love your writing so much; it's so expressive, captivating, and real.
Hi honey!
I'm so sorry to hear you've been going through a rough time 🥺. Please know that I'm here for you if you ever want to talk or need someone to listen. ❤️
To your lovely review, it warms my heart that the new chapter brought some hope and sweetness into your day. Their relationship is one of my favorite aspects to write, and it makes me so happy know that you love them together.
And yes, Kate's reaction to Val was so much fun to write! I love that you share my love for Val too 😍! To write Kate is still so new for me, to find a good balance between serious and silly moments have been a bit of a challenge, so I really appreciate your feedback on that.
Yes Ducky was a bit irrational this chapter, and it easily could have gone worse, but her desperation to fix things and help Yelena feel better again was driving her. Let’s see how Natasha and Wanda will react to it.
Thank you so much for your kind words about my writing. It means the world to me that you find it expressive, captivating, and real 🥹❤️.
Take care of yourself, and don't hesitate to reach out if you want to talk!
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expfcultragreen · 2 years
I dreamed i was on a discovery island and my place was a big clearing that looked like where nat and i camped at the spit but with different dimensions, and where nats tent had been was where i built my house but id decided it was too exposed to shore wind there (the beach was right behind the edge of bluff around the clearing) and that i should just build annother one set into the hill. I was sort of halfway also in a room of people i used to live with all talking, and shrew was like "i hate punk" but i knew all they did was go to shows and i was like "shrewwwwwwww 😂" but leni only heard that part and i started to explain but then I was reminiscing about a party we'd had in the clearing when punks from all the islands had come and i saw that in the clearing was a torso mannequin stenciled with a liscence plate cutout to say pender. Then i was debating getting guest foam beds and where to store them in the clearing, and people were there cleaning up and leaving from the party. My pov switched to pinky from pinky and the brain squaring up in an underground tunnel with a huuuuuuge labrat, and then someone picked him up and brought him to the clearing and brain was like having an epiphay about love and service or something because pinky was saying to me "well how many do you have" referring to hoopa unbound, and i was like "none, you were going to fight it alone for me?" Because pinky and brain were both pokemon i had. Then i got distracted and i was walking to where i put the poop bucket away from the party and thinking about people just wanting to poop in the woods and wondering if it wasnt the same, waterwise. I walked along a path leading away from the bucket ridge of the bluff until i saw a 90 degree bend in it that followed the shoreline and at the bend in the trees to the right of the path i saw someone had left a big woven basket on a box, to fill with rainwater, and it was. The area around me seemed more like a town square then and on the cobbled path i found a pokemon go trading card of an npc dm who looked like a cross between this new gym leader from scarlet/violet and trixie turnpike, i was stoked to find the card. But when i got up to where the basket was it was an isolated stoop with one big book and three little books, and i recognized them as notebooks id had and rory had taken at the big party and i was so excited because finding them meant martin was giving them back and i flipped through them to make sure because it had been so long id begun to decide I'd imagined them in the first place. But it was my drawings and my writing and i flipped to a page and read a partly crossed out line that said "simon im sorry for pumping hurt towards you pumping hurt out of you" and then the little books were weird soviet bloc instruction manuals and there were only 2, but i was so stoked i ran to a sunny front yard that nix was in with a friend and i was like "nix! Nix! Look" but she wouldnt really look at me and the friend morphed from being one punk to being two yuppies and their kid, and the yuppie dad was saying stuff and i was silently grilling him like "is this guy a former punk? Is he here doing errands for martin?"
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the-lunar-pull · 3 years
SamSteve Headcanon
I think Steve’s decision to pass the shield onto Sam was not a sudden. There’s something about the way Steve spoke to Sam that day, not just like he couldn’t be prouder but also like he was low key thrilled about what was going to happen in a few moments. 
Steve showed up at Sam’s house with a legit army on his tail and on the surface, he knew nothing about him except thinking Sam was an air force pilot.
But that’s not true. Their conversation at the VA is key — because Sam immediately puts all his cards on the table. There’s no banter there like in the running scene, Sam is just opening up to Steve about his sorrow (talks about losing Riley), how much happier he is not taking orders anymore (the implication being that Sam is too much of a leader to be just a good soldier), and then he does something that totally throws Steve off-kilter — he asks about him: how he’s doing, if he’s thinking about getting out, if he’s happy. And I think that is where Sam goes from a very impressive man to someone that is clearly meant for more. Because a true leader does that. Checks in with his team, asks them about themselves, involves them, worries about them. Opens up to them about his own struggles and shortcomings.
Seeing how seamlessly Sam eventually steps up to a leadership role without even thinking about it (I think this is especially clear in ca: civil war) makes me think it’s not by accident. I think the spark of “I think Sam would be better at this than me” starts at the VA. And then it’s little things, a slow kind of build up that I don’t think Sam sees coming. It starts with Steve bugging him about joining the Avengers. Then once Sam does, it’s clear that Sam has a lot of sway over mission planning, especially on the fly (“what’s the play, Sam?”) because Sam is scary good at improvising and thinking fast on his feet.
So I picture them at the avengers compound the night before a big mission. Steve knocks on the door to Sam’s room, asks Sam to look over the plan one more time to make sure it’s solid. Sam probably just rolls his eyes, not quite getting why Steve always insists on Sam having the final say. Sam finds a couple of weak points and Steve nods, impressed.
“Never would have seen that,” Steve says.
“Good thing I’m your eyes in the sky then,” Sam says, chuckling.
“Yeah, good thing,” Steve says. He lingers maybe, wondering if he should ask Sam if he wants to practice with the shield. He doesn’t though. Figures there’ll be time enough for that later.
Then everything falls apart and Steve is basically alone. Unbound by attachments again — a man out of time, always.
And what does Steve do? He follows Sam. Still. Even when Sam is gone, he follows Sam’s lead. Steve leads a support group, like Sam had. He checks in on Nat, says all the right things to the support group about moving on, even though there’s a blankness in his eyes when he talks. He can’t be as real, as open, as optimistic as Sam, Steve knows that, but dammit he tries.
In that final scene with them, Steve says that the shield isn’t his so definitively because it’s true. His shield was just a weapon to him, it reached legendary status after Steve’s sacrifice. But what the shield means when he’s passing it on? That does belong to Sam. It belongs to everyone that came after Steve, that’s who he sacrificed himself for, but especially to Sam, because of who he is, what he’s gone through; what he’s sacrificed and what he’s lost. And what he still believes. Sam’s hopefulness is maybe what makes him the best for the shield, because what is a true leader without hope?
Steve loved (platonically or romantically - up to you), respected, and trusted Sam. He left this brand new world behind, knowing that it was in good hands — the best hands.
I think though that even if Steve had stayed in the present, he would have passed on the shield. I think living in a world without Sam for five years would have only made Steve even more sure of his decision. The world needs men like Sam — needs them to care about people, needs them to question authority, needs them to step up and lead. And as much as there is a responsibility in leadership, I think there’s an equal amount of it in following, in choosing the right person.
I think that’s what Steve learns, ultimately. How to follow. How to follow well.
How to follow his heart. 
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lexwritess · 4 years
Taken [P.P]
Inspired by this tiktok
Pairings- Peter Parker x Avenger!Reader, Steve Rogers x platonic!reader, Steve Rogers x Daughter!Reader
warnings- abuse, abduction, fighting, mentions of blood, fighting, swearing, angst, scars
Word count: 2825
a/n: in this fic tony, nat, and steve are still alive and here. may is dead :( sorry it just fit in better like that.
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Italics are translations
“Have you see anyone yet?” You hear Tony ask through your ear piece.
“No not yet...I’m going to peek behind this building.” You reply. You were currently on a mission with Tony, Wanda, Sam, Steve, and Peter. Steve and Tony usually don’t allow you and Peter do go on missions together because your first instinct is to always protect each other, and Tony knows how overprotective Peter is. But they decided that they needed both of your abilities to complete today’s mission.
“Okay be careful, you’re getting pretty close to the unit.” You hear Natasha.
You were investigating an old HYDRA unit. Even though HYDRA has been destroyed, you and the team think there are still people trying follow through with their plans.
You move from the Pilar you were hiding behind and just as you take the first footstep bullets start flying your way.
You use your powers and create a force field around your body as your eyes turn from Y/E/C to your signature neon green.
You created green energy orbs with your hands and shot them at the attackers.
“There’s people now guys. I’m west from the unit, lots more people are coming out so please hurry.” You breathe out.
They started getting close enough that you needed to go to hand-to-hand combat.
Two were coming at you at the same time. You gave one a swift punch to the head, your arm glowing green in the process giving you extra strength. The other one was coming behind you but before they could do anything you grabbed his arm and flipped him over your head.
More men started rushing towards you and you weren’t sure you could hold them off much longer.
“Guys there’s about 30 agents here now!” You say frantically into your mic.
“We’re coming, just hold them off a little longer you got this!” Steve encourages.
“Y/n, be careful please.” You hear Peter’s wavering voice.
“Don’t worry.” You pause ducking into a split from an agents hit, punching him in the nuts.
You flip back up from the ground and get back to a fight stance.
One comes at you shooting a gun. You quickly from a force shield and run towards the guy. You jump onto his back and climb up onto his shoulders. You make him spin around while his gun is firing, shooting all the men surrounding you.
You jump off his back and start firing your energy orbs wherever you can. The amount of agents surrounding you now is getting over whelming.
There’s about 6 men trying to fight you up close. Your trying to battle them out but some of them are laying some good hits on you.
You feel a sharp sting, you can quite identify what caused it. Just as you go to look, 4 of the agents have been knocked down.
You check your surrounds to see what caused the men to fall and see caps shield. You smile and let a breath out knowing you have a little extra help now.
“Thanks cap!” You shout over to him. He nods with a smile and runs over to you and starts fighting by your side.
“Where’s everyone else?” You ask while knocking an agent out.
“They’re coming. We got stuck at one of the buildings.” He replies knocking down one of the last agents. You know it won’t be the last one but you have some time to cool off for a while.
You nod and pace around, catching your breath. You look down and an agent lets out a groan and moves a little. You give him a quick kick and he’s out again.
“Hey did you see this?” You hear Steve ask.
You turn around and see him holding a used syringe.
You get nervous and start to think maybe they was the pinch you felt earlier while fighting.
“Steve check my neck and see if there’s anything.” You ask.
He walks over to you and tilts your head up to exam your neck.
“Shit...Y/N/N.” Steve sighs.
“Okay, it’s nothing to worry about Nothing’s happening.” You shrug.
“Yeah yet.” Steve turns away.
Steve is very protective over you. He’s basically your father. He found you hiding during the battle of New York. You had a pretty traumatic life. Getting abducted by HYDRA at the age of 4, getting powers due to the experiments, your parents dying, but hey now Captain America basically raised you and you’re an Avenger dating a boy with spider powers.
You look around once again and see more agents coming your way. You tap Steve and tell him to get ready.
In the other direction you see the rest of your team coming. Now you might actually be able to get into the unit.
Everyone has attackers swarming them you can barley see each other. You find it suspicious that they keep eyeing you though. But before you can finish your thought a pistol came to your head and you blacked out.
You woke up in an unfamiliar room. You’re surrounded by grey walls and strange tech equipment.
You groan out in pain. Your whole body aches and you can feel your head pounding.
You go to get up, but you’re body is restricted.
You look and see you’re body is tied up to the cold metal seat. You try to use your powers to break free, but you are left to see you’re powers aren’t working anymore.
“What the hell?” You mutter to yourself, wondering why and how your powers abruptly stopped working.
“Hello Miss Y/L/N...” A cold voice rang throughout your ears.
Your head shot up to see who it was. The man was tall with dark grey hair. He was wearing a suit and the other two people behind him were as well.
“Who are you?” You grunt out, struggling against your restraints. Damn maybe you shouldn’t of skipped out on training last week.
“Well if you must know, we are the remaining members of HYDRA. We and a couple more people have joined again to finally carry out our plans.” The one in the middle tells you. You assume he’s the leader.
“Why did you take me? Out of everyone else?” You ask them.
The man raises an eyebrow at you and then smirks. “You, dear Y/n, are one of the most important people on the team. They all care for you so deeply it’s disgusting. And quite frankly we aren’t finished with you.” The man hunches over so his eyes can meet yours.
You scrunch your nose up as he inches close to your face.
“You have something of ours.” The man tells you.
“I don’t have anything.” You say.
“Liar!” The man yells and strikes you in the face.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” You shout at the man, blood trickling from your nose into your mouth.
The man scowls at you and says something in German. Another man walks over with a knife in his hand.
He was younger then the man, he looked to be about 30.
The men all discuss while glancing at you every couple seconds. You try to hear what they’re saying but it’s all German.
You glance around the room and see there’s a camera in the corner. The light is blinking so that means they’ve been recording your whole interaction.
The younger man kneels beside you and places the blade on your arm.
“Where is our Grün serum?” The man persists.
“I told you I don’t know what you’re talking about!” You cry.
“Tu es.” The gray hair man mumbles and you feel the blade sink into your skin.
You scream out in pain. The pain never resides, you wanted to see what he was carving but the sight of your mangled skin would freak you out even more.
“I didn’t take anything!” You weep.
You start yelling in agony again when the man starts carving on a new section of skin.
“PETER!” You scream out, maybe just a little bit of hope if he was still around he’d hear your screams.
At the Avengers compound
“PETER!” They hear your painful screams through the monitor.
Peter breaks into a sob. Hearing you yell for him and he’s not able to save you kills him.
“Shut it off I can’t watch anymore.” Steve says and looks away.
“I wish we could, but we need to see if they say anything.” Sam says trying to remain calm.
“Did you find the location yet?” Tony asks Natasha.
“Almost, five more minutes.” She responds.
The team looks at the monitor as the man comes to eye level with the camera.
“If you want your girl back you must surrender to us. For now she’s hydras property.”
And with that the monitor went static.
“I’m leaving.” Peter stands up.
“Kid you can’t leave. We gotta strategize first. You can’t leave without the team.” Tony demands.
“I don’t care!” Peter shouts.
“She is being tortured and she doesn’t have her powers! Without them she’s just a teenage girl, she’s going to die!” Peter grits his teeth in anger and starts to exit.
Wanda uses her powers and drags him back to his seat.
He huffs and slouches into his seat, tears brimming his eyes.
“Did you at least find where they’re keeping her?” Peter asks, his voice tired and raspy.
“No, I thought I was close but the coordinates are false.” Natasha replies, defeated.
“Then why are we here! I’m so tired of your stupid plans! We never follow them anyway. Y/n is going to die! Die! Do you not understand what that means?” Peter starts screaming and crying as the team starts rushing towards his side.
“Peter it’s okay, we’re going to find-.” Peter cuts Sam off.
“It’s not okay!” Peter’s voice cracks. “I keep losing everyone I care about. My parents, uncle Ben, and now May...I can’t lose Y/n.” Peter walks out of the room, he needs air.
“He’s not wrong Tony.” Steve says, the tears in his eyes threatening to spill.
“Go talk to him. Calm him down, I’ll figure something out.” Tony says and Steve exits.
Steve walks out to the balcony where Peter stands.
“Hey queens.” Steve says softly to Peter.
“Hey.” Peter says, his voice just above a whisper.
“Listen I know exactly how you feel. She’s my kid! I’m mean I know not actually but she might as well be...I want to get up and go after he just as much as you do. I don’t think they moved locations. I believe they’re still at the facility.” Steve explains.
Peter takes a glance at Steve. He nods his head, after cooling off he realizes there should probably be a plan. He still would rather leave though.
“So that’s exactly what we’re doing.” Steve stands up straight getting ready to go.
“W-what? Seriously?” Peter asks with wide eyes.
“Yeah, kid cmon get your suit on.” Steve motions for him to go and Peter immediately starts walking with him.
“Mr. Stark is going to kill me.” Peter breathes out.
Peter and Steve were in a car that Steve “borrowed.” He didn’t want to be tracked down.
“It’ll fine. He’ll understand...eventually.” Steve huffs.
“So what made you change your mind?” Peter breaks the silence.
Steve bites his lip while thinking.
“Y-you I guess.” Steve let’s put a breathy laugh.
“Seeing how determined you were just reminded me I can’t just sit here. I’ve never been on to just sit and wait. And this weekends Father’s Day... I would always make sure she’s happy that day because I know how it can be not having your dad.”Steve pauses.
“You can join to of you want.” Steve smiles.
“O-okay yeah.” Peter smiles back, but on the inside he wants to cry, he’s never had someone offer him something like that before.
At The HYDRA Unit
You feel awful. Your whole body aches, your skin burns, you can feel the cuts on your arms are infected.
Looking down at your arm you see the man carved “HYDRAS PROPERTY.”
You feel dirty, you’re tired, and maybe even getting sick. You don’t know what they injected you with or what they’re planing to do but it’s really taking a toll on your mental and physical health. The abuse doesn’t make what’s going on in your body any better.
“I just want to go home.” You cry out, your voice broken.
“You can’t...you are the final step.” The man gets inches away from your face.
You get fed up and spit in his face.
“Curva dracului! Damn you whore!”The man shouts and cracks you across the face.
Maybe you shouldn’t of done that, but damn it was worth it.
You can’t help but laugh. You’re used to the beatings and you’re delirious at this point
“You think this is funny?” The man sneers at you.
“Hilarious.” You reply.
Before the man can do anything, a loud crash was heard.
The man glared at you before running towards the source of the noise.
A couple seconds later you hear bangs and grunts, you’re assuming it’s a fight.
A little bit of you hopes it’s Peter.
You see a man blasted across the wall and a red-suited figure follow.
“Spider-Man!” You say with the the first genuine smile in a long time.
“Hold on Y/n I’ll be right there!” Peter shouts and webs up another agent.
Peter comes over and unties you. Once your finally free you pull Peter into a bone crushing embrace.
“I missed you so much.” You mumble against his chest.
“I missed you.” He says while caressing your head.
“Cmon guys we gotta go before anyone else comes after us.” Steve urges.
Peter picks you up and runs back outside towards the car.
“Okay go!” Peter tells Steve.
“Seatbelts.” Steve says.
“There’s people literally shooting at us and you’re waiting till we put our seatbelts on?” Peter complains.
Steve doesn’t say anything and Peter rolls his eyes.
“Alright there go!” Peter yells.
And with that Steve slams on the gas and leaves the facility.
“I know I’ve already asked you this but are you sure you’re okay?” Peter asks you. It’s been a week since your rescue and he’s still treating you like your glass.
“Yes Peter I’m perfect.” You smile and kiss him sweetly.
Bruce and Tony worked together so you finally got your powers back.
You feel a lot better now that you’re back home with everyone you love, but you can’t help me bothered by the scaring of HYDRAS PROPERTY on your arm. Will you actually always be apart of them?
“Y/n, I know somethings on your mind...what’s up?” Peter asks concerned.
“Nothing...just look.” You pull your sleeve up and show him the healing scars.
“Baby listen to me...you’re not apart of them. You’re apart of the avengers and they can’t control you anymore. I won’t let them get you ever again i promise.” Peter pulls you into his warm embrace.
“Thank you so much Peter...I love you.” You whisper.
“You love me?” Peter whispers back.
“Yeah I do, I love you a lot Pete.” You smile.
“I love you too, Y/n.” Peter smiles back and kisses you passionately.
You giggle and pull away.
“Alright let’s focus on today.” You say.
“Do you think Steve will be happy about his gift?” You question Peter.
It’s Father’s Day and since Steve has always treated you like his own daughter, you got adoption papers to make it official.
“Of course! He’s going to love it!” Peter reassures you.
“Hey Steve!” You walk into the living room where him Natasha, and Bucky are sitting.
“Hey Y/N/N, are you and Peter ready for lunch?” He asks you while patting a seat beside him for you to sit.
“Yeah we’re ready, but before we go I got you a gift actually.” You smile.
“You didn’t have to get me a gift.” Steve smiles back.
“Well I did so here.” You let out a shaky breath and handed him the papers.
“If you want, I got the adoption papers so you could legally be my guardian. I know it’s a little difficult when I get into trouble at school and they need to see my ‘parent’ and you always the one that comes. You’re the one that’s always there when I need a parental figure, so thank you. Happy Father’s Day, Steve. I love you.”
“Y/n...” Steve pauses which kind of scared you.
“Of course I’ll be your dad. What do I have to do! Just sign?” Steve says with the biggest grin.
“Yeah, yeah just right there and it’ll be official.”
Steve signs the paper and stands up.
“Alright celebratory lunch! C’mon official daughter. And Peter you come too.” Steve grabs you and Peters arms as you walk out the door.
“Nat, are you...are you crying?” Bucky asks Natasha.
“It was a sweet moment! If you ever tell anyone I’ll kill you.”
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falling for the captain | part 11.
Summary: Captain Y/N L/N. Leader of the Avengers on Earth-563, not really a family or team strictly just coworkers. A lot of responsibility for someone only nineteen. What happens when the Captain finds herself on “Earth Earth” in the compound of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Stuck on Earth for the time being, Y/N sees what these Avengers are about. And Captain America finds himself falling for this leader, even though her age is throwing him… that and the fact no one knows if she’ll head back to Earth-563 the minute she can.
Warnings: AGE GAP (clear from the summary, it’s a young reader but legal), slight smut
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Word Count: 4.0k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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Nearly the whole team was in the gym for training, you were doing yoga with Nat for flexibility, when Tony and Bruce busted in.
“We did it! Project Beetle. The poison compound, the vaccine. We have it all!” Bruce said excitedly.
“Tell Nick. We’re going to be moving fast now. They’ll probably roll us out in a week,” Steve commanded.
Bruce and Tony nodded before walking out. This was a breakthrough and maybe after the breakthrough you guys would get a real break. Fighting was your thing so you would never stay away for long but you really wanted a vacation for the team, like the farm but longer than a week. Training was pretty much over once Tony and Bruce told you guys they solved it.
You changed into your own clothes for once. Of course, Steve’s clothes were always your favorite but you had your own style and it’s not like Rogers owned any dresses or cute shorts— although if you were wearing a skirt or shorts you’d probably still steal his shirt.
You were sitting on the counter talking to Peter about MIT and his excitement at his acceptance. You both were happy however you knew he wouldn’t always be available for missions and almost nightly movie watching would be relegated to the weekend when he came home to the compound.  
“So what did you major when you were in college?”
“You’re going to laugh when you hear it.”
“I promise I won’t,” Peter said as he handed you a grape popsicle from the freezer, he took a blue raspberry.
“Double major in Early Childhood Education…”
“That’s cool. Would you go back? Finish I mean.”
“You know after being stuck here I never considered. Maybe, I’ll probably take summer classes. Or I’ll just come and annoy you at MIT.”
“You know what, don’t go back to college.”
You and Peter laughed. You both switched popsicles, not the most sanitary but you did it anyway. The rest of the team watched from the couches. At first, they wondered how Steve kept his jealousy in check when it came to how close you and Peter were. Steve would be lying if he said it never bothered him at first but after your first discussion about movie night he came to see that to you Peter was a brother. Like Bucky or Sam.
And not once did Steve ever feel bothered about the closeness you had with Sam and Bucky so why should he with Peter just because he was younger? However, he was happy that you and Peter started joining the team occasionally for movie nights as long as you two got to pick the movie.
The popcorn finished popping and Peter poured it into a bowl. He grabbed two more popsicles for the two of you and you guys made your way to the couches. You took your spot on Steve’s lap while complaining that you were cold.
“If you wore real clothes and stopped eating popsicles maybe you wouldn’t have this problem.”
“You know what, Sam. Ain’t no one ask for your opinion.”
“Next time don’t complain out loud,” he joked as he threw a blanket and pillow at you.
You turned a little in Steve’s arms before the movie started so you could see him slightly. It felt nice to be able to do couple stuff around the rest of the team. You offered him the popsicle but he shook his head so you turned back around and continued to eat it. The movie was Peter’s choice and was Saw. It wasn’t on Earth-563 so it was a new movie series to you.
Steve looked around the room. Everyone was lounging about, some cuddled up, and focused on the movie. He was too, partly. The other part was focused on you licking your fingers clean of any melted popsicle. You jumped and grabbed the pillow when a jump scare happened. Natasha, who was getting a second bowl of popcorn, noticed as she sat back down on the floor near Wanda and Clint.
“Like the movie, (Y/N)?” she asked.
“Yeah, act like you didn’t see that.”
“Short-stack doesn’t do horror?”
“I like horror, but jump scares still mess with me. Just ignore my screams from the corner.”
Everyone chuckled and returned to focusing on the movie. You readjusted so you could hold onto the pillow and keep the blanket covering you and Steve. Steve’s hands were rubbing your thighs. It started off as a way to calm you after the jump scare but then his fingers brushed the hem of your dress. You tried to contain your gasps as he gently rubbed circles over your underwear. Most didn’t notice your gasps, except for the only other super soldier in the room.
“Reach for the popcorn right now if you don’t want this,” Steve whispered in your ear.
You didn’t do anything.
“Okay, baby. Then be quiet unless you want everyone to know how dirty you are getting off on my fingers while we watch a movie.”
You clutched the pillow a little tighter, mainly to make sure that Steve’s minuscule hand movements couldn’t be seen, while he moved his hands underneath your panties.
“What do we say, baby?”
“Yes, Captain,” you whispered.
The heat rose to your face when Bucky stood up coughing and saying he needed to get water from the kitchen. Steve just smirked as he walked away. He kept going till you were close and suddenly it was all gone. Steve just smiled as he wiped his fingers on your skirt and went back to the movie like nothing happened. You turned to look at him, he pecked your lips. You realized what was happening the second time he did it. He would always tell you to do something if you didn’t want it anymore and when you let him know it was okay his fingers found their way to your heat. Steve was edging you the whole movie. When the movie ended you announced you were over the scary movie night and were calling it a day.
“It’s not even late,” Wanda said.
“I’m tired and don’t want to be scared again, goodnight.”
They all said their good nights and Steve followed you to your room soon after. You grabbed at his collar and pulled him in for a kiss.
“And you have the nerve to say I play dirty, Rogers.”
The ride in the quinjet was silent but drummed with energy. You were on your way to the main headquarters of Project Beetle. With the compounds and incriminating receipts, S.H.I.E.L.D. gave you guys the go ahead to end Project Beetle. If some of the poison managed to slip out they had a vaccine. So you guys were there to kill the last factory and arrest everyone you could.
Like always, you and Steve shared headphones. You weren’t playing a game with Peter this time. He was reading to try and keep himself calm and focused. Steve slipped your bracelet off his wrist and back onto yours so you now had all four kimoyo beads on your person.
“Hey, Steve?”
“Yes, (Y/N).”
“Would it be too forward if I asked to move in with you…to your room?”
Sam and Natasha smiled as they watched:
They had caught you pacing back and forth on the balcony holding Tony. You had set Tony on the table and crouched to the his level.
“So you see my problem? What should I do?”
The chicken just clucked.
“I need more than just spit it out Short-stack.”
The chicken clucked again. Natasha made her and Sam’s presence known.
“So can you actually speak to animals because first the cat and now a chicken. Also where did you get the chicken?”
“It’s Tony.”
“You stole Clint’s chicken?” Sam raised an eyebrow at you.
“I borrowed the chicken for advice.” You opened a portal back to the farm and patted the chicken on the butt until he walked into it.
“You always go to the chicken for advice?”
“Helped me kiss Steve.”
“So you do speak chicken?”
You rolled your eyes. You started to walk away but Sam stopped you.
“We saw you pacing. Need help, kid. Human help?”
“He’s gonna say no. It’s going to make our relationship weird.”
“You want to move in with him?” Once again, Nat was right on the money.
“I was going to ask you the same thing. You’re practically in my room every night anyway, wanted you to move in after the mission,” Steve said.
You both smiled at each other. Sam and Natasha, who weren’t even pretending to not be listening, gave you a thumbs up.
The fight started the minute the quinjet landed. The team had never seen you and Steve in action as an established duo and while they were occupied with their own fights, they snuck glances at you two when they could. Steve would fight before throwing the shield, knocking out a few guys while it passed underneath your feet and charged you up. You would open a portal so the shield would fly through it and back into Steve’s hand.
“(Y/N)! Peter!” Steve called to you.
You looked to see a bunch of guards ganging up on him. You ran at Steve’s shield. He knocked out a guard with the shield before bracing himself as you stepped on the shield. He pushed you off of it and you went flying with lightning sparking at your hands and feet. You landed and began to help Peter.
The upper levels had the most guards and it started to dwindle as you guys traveled downwards. You were fighting less people and throwing more of them through portals to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s holding cells. Natasha and Bruce separated from the rest of the group in order to recover any last bits of information from the computers and wipe them completely. The rest of you continued on to the main lab and meeting room. There were a few guards in the meeting room but Sam and Tony took them out no problem. You were opening portals as the rest of the Avengers threw people in your direction to the holding cells.
Until you spotted him in the back. Right next to Senator Lance Bolton, who was being dragged towards you by Clint, was Abel Bolton. You weren’t even looking at Clint when you opened the portal for him. The team watched as you stalked towards Abel Bolton who was wearing a stupid smirk on his face.
“Miss Mitchell, or should I say Captain (L/N)? I was so hoping we could go on a second date but this might put our plans on hold. Shame. I was looking for another night, with you to keep me warm.”
You lunged at him. No one moved as you hit him. You punched Abel like he was a punching bag in the gym. You spared him nothing, treating him like he was Steve or Bucky, someone who could actually take your hits. Eventually Abel’s face was becoming more bloodied by the second.
“She’s gonna kill him,” Tony said as they watched.
Steve watched as your knuckles started to bleed a little. He grabbed you around the waist and pulled you to his back until you were off of Abel. Hot tears fell down your face as Steve shushed you.
“I know, doll, I know. But we need him alive.”
Without a glance, you opened a portal for somebody to throw the scumbag through. You opened the portal for everyone to go home. Steve sat you on the counter and took out a first aid kit. Bucky took over, mentioning he was used to cleaning up you and Steve’s injuries back in the 40s.
“You good Lucky Lou?”
“I’m fine, Buck. What time is it?”
“7 pm.”
“Oh good, she should still be in. I think I’m going to go see Dr. Lin for a session. Captain, can you take Goose outside for her walk.”
Steve’s jaw didn’t clench this time. You weren’t calling him for anything kinky. Captain. You needed someone to be in control while you weren’t. He was a constant. Steve gently kissed your forehead and muttered of course. Your hands were shaking and not just from the extra charge of the fight. Silently, Steve removed your kimoyo beads and slipped them on his wrists. He grabbed both your hands until you were looking at him. Steve kissed your hands.
“Go see the doctor. Goose and I will be in our room when you get back.”
You hopped down from the counter and walked towards the elevator.
Steve and Goose were lying on the bed when you came back. Steve held out the beads for you but you shook your head still not relaxed enough to put them on.
“I cleared out half the closet and drawers for you.”
“Thank you. Do we think we can find a place for my armchair?” Steve could hear the exhaustion in your voice.
“Yeah. I’ll just move the desk a little.”
“Okay. I’m going to take a bath.”
You slowly shuffled to the bathroom. Steve left Goose on the bed. Bucky caught him carrying your stuff to his room. He smiled at Steve before retreating to his room to get ready for a date. Steve wasn’t sure how you’d organize your stuff and he imagined you’d probably change it later but he put it up for now just so everything would be put away.
You came out of the bathroom pleasantly surprised to see your armchair was already in the room, Steve’s shield in it and the Basotho blanket that T’Challa and Shuri gave you was draped over it. Steve was nowhere to be found at the moment, just Goose who meowed from your chair. You changed and sat down in the chair, wrapping yourself in the blanket. You felt calmer and realized the blanket had vibranium woven through it. You moved Steve’s shield so it was more to the side and you could lean on it like a hard pillow. He came back in with a warm drink for you. Steve sat on the edge of the bed, facing you.
“Dr. Lin wasn’t too thrilled I hurt my hands. But she says I did good, not shutting down… I still don’t think she gets me beating him up but she said the anger was better than nothing.”
“That’s good, (Y/N). I’m glad you went to her.”
“Me too,” you said before taking a sip. “Thank you for being patient.”
“It’s nothing.”
“No, it’s a lot. It can be a lot and I know that. Thank you for being patient with me, Steve. I love you. Seriously.”
“I love you too, (Y/N).”
You two sipped on your drinks in silence. When you finished, Steve turned off most of the lights to go to bed. You stayed up for a bit to read before leaving your armchair. When you got up and slipped into bed, Steve turned over and wrapped an arm around you.
Vacation actually came. Nick agreed that you all deserved two or three weeks off. Anything S.H.I.E.L.D. found would be handled by agents— bar an alien invasion maybe. So you guys were leaving the compound and the city for a five hour drive to the Cape Cod area of Massachusetts.
With a lot of you, there were five cars. You, Steve, Shuri, Peter, Sam, and Bucky in one car. Tony’s car held him, Rhodey, Pepper, Thor, Happy, and Bruce. Vision was with Wanda, T’Challa, Okoye and her husband W’Kabi, and Nakia. And Clint was driving with his family and Natasha. You were glad the Wakandans managed to take a break and come with you, but they could only stay for a week.
You could’ve portaled everyone there or taken the quinjet but everyone thought a good old-fashioned road trip would be fun. Your car was slowly regretting that decision— you, Shuri, and Peter were driving them up a wall with your music. Currently, Sam was driving and, even though Bucky was in the passenger’s seat, Shuri took control of the aux cord. It had started off calm until Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco came on. The songs weren’t bad. It was the three of you screaming them at the top of your lungs. The three older men breathed a sigh of relief when you, Peter, and Shuri had passed out. It wouldn’t last long and they knew it but they accepted the quiet while it lasted.
“Were we that bad at their age?” Sam asked as he turned down the volume.
Like they predicted, the quiet didn’t last long. The minute the cars pulled into the gas station for a refuel, you guys woke up. After filling with gas, your car parked at the spots in front of the station so as not to block other cars. People went to the bathroom and got snacks. The gas station was playing “Gasolina” by Daddy Yankee.
“Bust a move, Pete!”
You and Shuri laughed at Peter’s surprisingly decent twerk skills. You filmed him and wouldn’t delete the footage, locking your phone before Peter could grab it from you. You piled back into the car for the final two hours, Steve driving and you in the passenger seat. The last thing anyone in the car was prepared for was the fact that not only did Steve know who Lady Gaga and Beyonce were, but that he listened to their music. But the other passengers were watching you and Steve perfectly sing “Telephone”. First thing Peter did, pull out his phone and record— not that Steve and you noticed.
The car rolled to a stop in front of the beach houses that were rented for the weeks. They were huge houses so you guys only rented three and split people accordingly. Everyone that wasn’t coupled were in bunk beds and shared rooms. The houses were right next to each other, back porches facing each other.
“I want a picture of all the couples!” Tony called out.
He handed a camera to Happy. You joined the group photo, jumping onto Steve’s back. It took several tries for the photo— people claiming they didn’t look good every picture. Finally, you got a picture everyone was satisfied with.
“Someone tan with me,” Natasha said as she stretched out on a towel.
“Well I think that counts all of us out,” T’Challa said, making you laugh. However he and Nakia sat down with Nat anyway.
You played beach volleyball with Steve and Clint’s kids. He loved his family but Clint and Laura gladly dumped the children with Uncle Steve and Aunty (Y/N) for at least an hour. Despite being on vacation, there was still team dinner every night. Not that anyone was complaining. The thunder clap scared everyone.
“Damn, I was looking forward to a night on the boardwalk,” Rhodey said as he looked out the window.
You just smiled. You grabbed your bracelet from Steve and stood up from the table. Everyone looked at you in confusion when you opened the porch door. You stood outside but only the thunder was clapping, you turned around.
“Thor? Can you do something about that?”
“You want the lightning?”
“Need to show you guys a trick.”
Thor stood up to help you. His lightning alone didn’t charge you up, it had to be from a natural source but he could help jump start the sky. The others jumped up in surprise when they watched the first strike hit your hand but nothing happened. You waited until more strikes aimed at you. When you came back inside, your hair was sparking and both eyes were purple.
“Who wants a mini trip to my hometown?”
Steve dropped in the bed next to you.
“Earth-563 wasn’t as different as I thought it would be.”
“I’m not an alien Steve.”
“I know, still thought it would be a whole lot more different. I mean you haven’t heard of half the things we have here.”
“Are you still holding the fact that you knew Beyonce before me over my head? Because I thought we established—”
Steve kissed you to shut you up. You pulled away before kissing him one more time and turning to a comfortable sleep position.
The club scene in Cape Cod wasn’t the same as the club scene in New York. For one, it wasn’t some jumping high-packed club. It was more of a bar with a nice space for a dance-floor and the occasional karaoke night. The team had split between a boardwalk night and going to the club (Clint and Laura having no choice with young children but to choose the boardwalk).
While being an Avenger got you Peter, and Shuri into the club, it couldn’t get you drinks at the bar. So the three of you drank sodas, happy to at least be in. Getting ID’d was still something you weren’t used to on Earth-Earth. You enjoyed cheering on the drunk and tipsy as they sang their hearts out to songs out of their vocal range.
The club scene in Cape Cod? Different but good. And even better when the DJ came back from a break. Shuri was up the minute “Single Ladies” came on. For someone who lived in Wakanda, she absolutely loved American pop culture.
“Sorry, not exactly a single lady.”
“For three minutes you can be.” Shuri pulled on your arm.
You shrugged and got up. “It’s not me Steve, the song requires it. Our relationship will truly be missed.”
He laughed as you handed him your soda and joined Shuri. Soon, Peter joined when “Soulja Boy” came on and after “Electric Slide” naturally Sam and Rhodey had to join. Nakia, T’Challa, Steve, Bucky, and Wanda only joined when you pulled them over promising that the Cupid Shuffle literally says what to do in the song.
And then you, Sam, and Rhodey’s eyes lit up upon the opening notes of “September”. Even Shuri, American pop culture extraordinaire, wasn’t prepared. The only other person who knew what was going on as the dance floor cleared into two lines was Peter because well he lived in New York and his best friends were Ned and MJ, how would he not know. It didn’t take long for the others to understand the concept of a Soul Train line.
“No, no, (Y/N).”
You were trying to pull Steve along as you got closer to your turn going down the line.
“You don’t have to dance well, Rogers. Just groove on down the train. Come on, old man.”
He caved, when it came to you Steve would always cave. You cheered him on as he went with you. The cheerful atmosphere continued even as the songs died down into slower, calmer songs. Eventually, some songs from the 40s came on. Bucky and Steve looked over to the DJ who gave them a wink and raised a glass.
“Doll, would you like to go dancing?”
“I expect you to sweep me off my feet, Captain Rogers.”
The others watched from the bar. It was like the bar had gone back in time for those few moments. You and Steve swayed and twirled to the music. Steve looked at you in the dim light. The box braids you had gotten for vacation framed your face. Yeah, you were his sun and he knew it. He leaned in to kiss you. The others watched the slight spark of your hair as your lips met his.
(Part 12)...
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being an Avenger from outer space
Avengers x reader
a/n: this isn’t great but like im down for some avengers hc requests
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you weren’t exactly accepted on earth the moment you got there
but it wasn’t long before the avengers spotted you
“state your name and your business here” -tony
“wait, stark, just a moment! are you a [alien species]?” -thor
“...my name is y/n, i had nowhere else to go. and yes, i am [alien species]”
i mean, this would be much cooler if the avengers hadn’t already had a bad run-in with the chitauri army
but at least you weren’t trying to destroy any part of earth
“why don’t you come with us for a while? you might be safer in our custody” -cap
you were very uncomfortable with that, but you believed that whatever you were running from couldn’t get you if you stayed with “earth’s mightiest heroes”
and that you were...sort of
the bounty hunters that were on your trail, they didn’t know much about the avengers
so they were dumb enough to strike first
luckily, the avengers took a liking to you
“this is for messing with our new friend!” -tony as he straight up fries one of these goons
you seemed to fight well with them
it made them want to keep you around more than they wanted clint
“having fun, y/n?” -nat
“honestly, yes! i’ve never kicked ass in a group before!”
“i felt the same way on my first mission with these guys” -nat
“wait...is this a mission?”
“well, yeah? what’d you think it was, chess?” -nat
“what? what’s chess?”
oh, my god, this was like thor all over again, it was gonna be great
once the battle was over, they had a question to ask you
but before that...
“did any of you kill the leader?” -you
“which one was the leader?” -sam
“the one with...with the face” *puts clawed hand in front of face for effect*
“thanks, that was really specific” -sam
“you know, he’s got...” *puts fingers near face* “tentacles?”
“you couldn’t say that first?” -tony
“i didn’t know if they were called tentacles here”
okay, that was fair
at that moment the mf hopped out and you pushed clint out of the way so that he didn’t get shot. he said “ow” :( but u were too busy tackling a fellow alien
“you let the rest of those hunters know that they shouldn’t even think about coming after me, are we clear?”
“you’re sparing me?”
“don’t be too flattered, you’re nothing but a messenger to me” *shoots him in the arm*
okay that was a power move
as you kicked this bounty hunter back into his ship, the avengers crew reapproached
“got any plans now that you’ve taken care of your little ‘issue?’” -cap
“you know, i haven’t really thought that far ahead”
“well, if you’re up for it, the avengers would love to have you” -nat
you couldn’t have agreed faster lmaoo
the government didnt like you much
the human population actually wasn’t too fond of you either
but the avengers wouldn’t let anyone touch you
thor made it his own mission to show you all the new stuff that he had discovered on earth
“and these are pop tarts!!” -thor
im talking animals, snacks, music, and more
and dont even get me started on parties
no actually i will
“so, youre from space? list 3 species i’ve never heard of before” -random partygoer
“well, how would you know im not making them up if you’ve never heard them before?”
not much of a comeback for that
you’d only answer questions that weren’t stupid
like “how far away is your home planet?” or “did you have any friends or family?” or “what other planets have you been on?”
and you had a lot of questions too
“what is pizza and where can i get it?”
“you’ve never had pizza? oh, we have to change that” -tony
“what is it though?”
as you went on more missions, you got a better feel for how to work with teammates
especially when they had such different skillsets
“wanda, would you give me a boost?”
“with pleasure!” -wanda
“why didn’t you ask me? i could have flewn you!” -rhodey
“it just feels cooler when wanda launches me, but i’ll let you have your turn later”
“y/n, we should have coffee after this!” -thor
you always got excited when offered new things
*muttering* “what the fuck” -you
“hm. i wonder” -nat
thor brought you to asgard once
it was pretty. (pretty wild, that is)
“maybe you can take me to your planet one day!”
“i’m pretty sure i’m wanted on my home planet, but i’d love a challenge!”
okay maybe he was ur new bff
“so, y/n, how long is your species’ life span?” -bruce
“im not sure that our measurements of time are exactly translated, but i believe in your time it would be....900 years?”
“oh...may i ask how old you are now?”
“wouldn’t you like to know...”
“...n-no, thats okay”
honestly? sometimes your days were nothing but lazy, so you’d learn about human pop culture
“‘tatooine?’ odd, that’s a planet in my solar system. do you think this ‘george lucas’ is an alien?” -you, lying
*cue the entire fucking team going nuts bc they’re about to believe this conspiracy*
okay but like. you KNEW about thanos. you just never thought he’d be a problem all the way out here
so when the whole thanos situation came to earth you were just kinda like 👉👈 sorry guys, shoulda said smth earlier
“you know who thanos is?” -dr. strange
“...yes. i do. he’s big. really big. and purple. kind of looks like a raisin. oh, yeah, he���s crazy. obsessed with balance.”
“balance? what do you mean by that?” -tony
“like, he likes to kill half of each population for ‘balance,’ you know?”
anyways you went back to space
“so, anything else about thanos we should know?” -tony
“he has 2 adoptive daughters, they’re both badass, i know then personally, he’s from the planet ‘titan,’ last of his kind, aaaand he has an army”
“we have a—wait, no we don’t” -tony
“are there aliens that lay eggs in people? or is that just a stereotype?” -peter
“peter, is it? i heard that you’re taught that there are no stupid questions, but that was a very stupid question”
“...i don’t know if that was a ‘yes’ or ‘no’” -peter
tony asked if you could fly the ship. no.
eventually making your way to titan
which was surreal since it had just been so long since you’d left earth
gotg in the house
“where’s gamora?”//“who’s gamora?” “why’s gamora?”//“you know gamora?” “you know gamora?”//“do you work for thanos?”//“no, i’m here to kill thanos”//“so you’re here to kill gamora?”//“what? no! gamora doesn’t work for thanos anymore, it’s been like 4 years”//“holy shit”
and then thanos popped in and nebula too and she recognized you and it was kinda awk but were just gonna pretend it didn’t happen bc it gets worse <3
u, tony, and nebula got trapped in a ship for like 3 weeks but it was good for catching up
and u met captain marvel and honestly youve just met too many people in the past few weeks u were not vibing
“so, y/n, miss space at all?” -tony
“up until we went back to space, yeah. i’m not leaving this planet ever again”
“we need to find thanos” -bruce
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich //
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lilhawkeye3 · 3 years
Her Warrior
Rating: G+ ||| Word Count: 1.7k ||| Post Order 66 ||| AO3 Link
"Have you ever heard of Aayla Secura? ...she benefited the people of many worlds, and entered the folkloric cycles of several primitive cultures, where she often was merged with local historical figures or goddess-characters." (Legacy of the Force: Betrayal by Aaron Allston)
There's a bit of truth to every story. This one starts with CC-5052.
A/N: 😌✌🏽
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CC-5052 didn’t give it much thought when he was assigned and shipped off to another outer core planet. Orders were orders, and he followed them.
Orders had said to execute Aayla, the General, the traitor Jedi, yet she had always treated them well. She had been a good leader, not like the others, not like what he heard of the Marines or of Umbara—
The headache came back. CC-5052 didn’t give it much thought.
He knew there were others with headaches or fragmented memories. The first didn’t understand why order 66 had been followed. They were quickly sent off for medical checks to Kamino and reassigned.
Some had malfunctioning aggression inhibitors. They fought against the new nat born officers. They were sent on scouting missions or reassigned.
Some… some had headaches. Some of them complained of dread, or an ache behind their eyes. Some didn’t come back from the medbay. Some went to sleep in the barracks and didn’t wake up for their next shift.
A few turned their guns on themselves.
CC-5052 didn’t give that much thought either. It was safer not to.
CC-5052 wondered if the change in environment for his deployment might reduce his headaches. Different planet, different atmospheric pressures, different stressors.
There are less soldiers that look like him on this mission. The number has been steadily dwindling. CC-5052 stays silent, so there won’t be a reason to decommission him.
The thoughts continue, but CC-5052 pushes them aside.
The civilians of this planet don’t appreciate the Empire’s presence. This planet is just like every other CC-5052 has been deployed to in the past months. Another with rumors of a rebellious population, another that will not bow to the Empire’s might.
They’d ignored curfew warnings to huddle along the sides of the road that the stormtroopers now marched down. It was a show of force, and it seemed to be proving effective. CC-5052 took no joy in it– joy had no place – but he would ensure these citizens fell in line. He would not have the stain of failure on him or his squadron.
The ignored curfews grow into assaults on isolated troopers. Rocks, trash, even food scraps. The people used anything they could get their hands on. CC-5052 didn’t see the point in increasing the amount of force on the majority of the perpetrators. Most of them were younglings. They weren’t innocent in the eyes of the Empire, but hurting them would only make the civilian population more volatile.
If ever asked for an opinion, CC-5052 would say a volatile population meant more room for error.
His superior officers would say that it meant for quicker use of force from their troops.
CC-5052 wasn’t asked, so he did as ordered.
The first trooper murdered and left in an alley resulted in a riot, five dead civilians, and a dozen belligerents put into holding.
CC-5052 pulls a 36 hour shift and returns to the barracks with scuffed and dented armor, a damaged shoulder piece, and far fewer plasma rounds in his blaster than he had left with.
Two nights later, another trooper goes missing. This time, the investigation is led back to a group of street younglings who claimed to have been unfairly targeted by the newly recruited natborn and acted out of self-defense.
If CC-5052 was asked, he would believe the youngling’s account. One of them bore several fresh burn marks from a regulation blaster.
CC-5052 wasn’t asked.
When three of the younglings were arrested for treason and sentenced to death, the headaches returned.
CC-5052 dreamed that night. He wasn’t certain when he’d last dreamt– or when he’d stopped.
It was dark, wherever he was. There was a body pressed against him, fingers in his hair while his thigh pressed up between strong legs. He could feel lips against his neck, breasts pressed against his chest, soft skin underneath his palms. They smelled of a sweet perfume– something from a flower on a planet he didn’t remember the name of– and when their lips met his again, they tasted of starlight.
His spine tingled with pleasure as warmth spread throughout him, and he bucked up against them, pushing them back against the wall so he could loom over them and tilt their chin up towards his face…
He found himself staring into sparkling hazel eyes. He knew those eyes. Those were hers, were–
It was only years of training that kept CC-5052 from bolting upright as he suddenly awoke, skin flushed and heart racing faster than he could ever remember. He remained laid flat on his back for several more minutes, keeping still so he could force his vitals back to normal.
CC-5052 turns his face towards the wall and closes his eyes to try and get his migraine to subside.
The migraine gets worse. CC-5052 alters his HUD to filter out brighter lights and dampen down on harsher sounds.
The days get longer, and the migraine gets worse.
The riots continue to grow in size and fervor. Even the natborn officers know that reacting too strongly will cause a full-blown revolt. If that happens, the civilians won’t be the only ones being punished.
CC-5052’s head throbs in time with the chanting of the furious crowds below him in the city square.
“Do you ever feel like what we’re doing here is wrong?” CT-2448 asks his bunkmate in the low of night.
CC-5052 remains silent despite the worsening pain behind his right eye. If he acknowledges the conversation, he’ll have to report them. Orders are orders are orders–
CC-5052 remains silent and listens.
“Does it matter?” Comes the weary response from CT-9357.
There are several heartbeats of quiet before the first trooper responds. “It used to.”
CC-5052 remains silent.
His migraine gets worse.
The city glows a dusky orange the night it’s announced the younglings will be executed for treason against the Galactic Empire. The streets overflow with the fury of its people. CC-5052 and his fellow troopers are deployed.
The orders are to set blasters to kill.
CC-5052 fights through the increasing stabbing pain in his head and sets his to stun.
He stumbles into a side street halfway through the night and tears his helmet off of his head, throwing it roughly to the ground. There are skirmishes echoing from deeper in the city, where he’d come from and been separated from his squad– his brothers, his mind supplies– are they even his brothers? So many have vanished, being replaced over the past few months.
Brothers. How had he forgotten that?
Orders are orders a good soldier follows orders–
He grips at his temple, staggering until his back hits a wall and he slides down to the soiled ground. The real battle is going on in his head, and everything else fades away in comparison.
Bly, a quiet voice whispers.
He whirls around, looking wildly for where it could’ve come from. There’s no one in sight, and yet he could’ve sworn the speaker was right next to him.
Just a bit further, Bly. A breeze caresses his cheek on an otherwise still night.
Who is Bly? He wants to shout his question, scream it to the sky. Why can he no longer tell up from down, right from wrong, orders are orders a good sold–
CC-5052 tries to rear his head one last time, but flowers and embers and starlight fill his nostrils without warning, and the constant agony behind his eye blows away like dust on the wind.
He’s not Bly– not yet, maybe not ever without Aa- without her– but he’s closer than he’s been in many, many months.
He’s not the Bly from before Felucia, but even the broken man he is now knows that this is wrong.
He won’t stand by and allow this to continue without doing anything.
He left his helmet behind.
He would no longer act as the faceless will of a tyrant.
He let the cool air splash across the markings he chose to show the universe his love dedication belief in his general.
Innocents in danger. A warm lekku brushes against his jaw as her soft but firm voice urges him onward. Go. Save them.
I believe in you.
They’ll speak of this moment for generations afterwards: the man with the golden kiss of the Goddess on his cheeks, taking on an entire unit of stormtroopers ready to execute protesting younglings cornered in the town square.
They’ll speak of the Goddess who took the form of a blue twi’lek to guide him, hand pressed between his shoulder blades as if she were bestowing upon him a pair of wings.
They’ll speak of the scattered troopers that froze and murmured varying names: General, Aayla, Jedi, ghost– but particularly of the two troopers that tossed their helmets aside and gazed at her with reverence before springing into action, one shielding the children while the other took up second in command on the charge against the oppressors.
They’ll speak in hushed whispers of how when the fighting was over and the surviving troopers all removed their helmets to reveal the same face, that the Goddess had gifted Her Chosen warrior with the valor of an army but could not fit such power within only one body.
They’ll remember how Her Chosen checked over each and every child youngling before embracing each other and crying over brothers found again, while the one who alone bore her marks wandered off to the edge of the courtyard alone.
Only the most devout will learn of how the Goddess appeared to him in that moment, her glittering form bathing him in starlight in that darkened corner of the battlefield. The details of what passes between them is speculated but never known, for it was a sacred moment no one wished to blaspheme.
“Aayla, I’m so sorry, I– please, tell me what to do, tell me how to fix this!”
Live. Her lips brushed against one golden tattoo. Love. She kissed the other marking.
“I can’t do that without you. We– we were going to do this together.”
I’m here. I’ll always be right beside you.
Go. Help your brothers. Protect and serve the innocent.
“Don’t leave. Don’t leave me.”
...but they all tell of how Her Chosen fell to his knees before her, how she drew him into her arms before vanishing into stardust, gone in the blink of an eye.
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band--psycho · 3 years
Natasha Romanoff x Reader-I Miss You
Marvel Masterlist
Requested by my dear friend @xacatalepsyx​: I know with your challenges and life in general you might be a bit busy, but I was wondering if you’ve got the time maybe you’d consider writing me a wee imagine for me…? 🥺🙏I’ve been in a marvel mood lately, and still can’t get over Nat’s death, (cause she was bloody amazing and I wont hear any less 😭), so I was hoping maybe you’d consider doing something with Nat and a reader/oc, whatever you’re up to do!I’d like it if it could be kept to the script, (I.e. Nat’s death), but the other details of the story are entirely up to you!
This is my first time writing for Natasha Romaoff so I hope you enjoy this 
(Credit to the gif owner)
Third Person POV
“Hey sweetheart,” Natasha began, trying to work out what to say to the camera. It was Steve’s idea, Natasha refused to go to talk about the pain she was feeling about losing Y/n, but just like everyone else who lost someone to the snap, she was suffering. So this was Steve’s idea of helping, the only way he knew how. So he told her to make a video diary of sorts, for both her and Y/n. Part of her thought that this was a stupid idea, what was the point of her recording herself for Y/n when she’d never see it. But there was another part of her. A hopeful little spark in the assassins heart, that maybe, maybe one day Y/n would be able to see these videos. And if she didn’t, for now it was a form of therapy...for now at least.
“God I don’t even know what to say...a lot’s changed around here, I’m now working with some sort of space raccoon...that can talk,” a small chuckle laced her voice, but the sadness was buried deep in her eyes and she knew she couldn’t hide it. So she just continued to say everything that had been happening lately, how the world was adjusting to having half the population vanish, the meetings she’d had with al the leaders about it. Although she tried to stop her thoughts focusing on Y/n. Natasha had been on the run with Steve for two years, she didn’t think Y/n would want anything to do with her when she came back but as soon as they saw each other it was like nothing had changed. Y/n wasn’t mad. She didn’t shout. In fact the first thing Y/n did when she saw her, was hug her, so tight that Natasha thought she was gonna suffocate in the hug (not that she would’ve minded all that much). Natasha just wished she could’ve said goodbye before the snap happened. She was hoping the whole way back to the compound that she hadn’t been turned to dust, that she just had her phone on silent or something like that (Y/n was prone to doing things like that) but when the remaining avengers returned back to the compound, Natashas worst fear was confirmed. She just wished she could see Y/n again, even if it was for thirty seconds, just so that she could tell her how much she loved her, so she could smell the familiar vanilla scent of her perfume and hug her one last time...just one more time. But that wasn’t possible and Natasha knew that, though that didn’t stop the hopeful dreams of Y/ns return from flooding into her mind.
“I miss you, sweetheart, I really...really do,” Natasha breathed with a shaky breath, the tears now freely falling from her eyes. All she wanted to do was bring her back, even if it was just for a minute, just to tell Y/n how much she loved her. Just to hold her in her arms one more time, to hear her infectious laugh, to see her gorgeous eyes and her the smile that she fell in love with...she wanted to be able to say goodbye to Y/n but like everyone in the world who lost someone to the snap, she never got that chance. 
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Natasha tried to hide the excitement on her face when she turned on the camera, setting it down infront of her. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” She began, starting her video off the same way she’s started all the previous videos before. But this video was different than any of the other before. Natasha’s eyes looked brighter, more hopeful than any of the previous videos. 
“If you ever tell Tony I said this, I will deny all knowledge but he’s a genius,” she said a chuckle lacing her voice at the end, as she continued to explain the plan they’d all come up with. A wide smile tugging at her lips as the words,“We’re gonna bring everyone back.”left her mouth. 
“I’m gonna bring you back,” she whispered, her heart almost leaping out of her chest at the excitement of seeing Y/n again. For two years, Natasha had been on the run, never seeing Y/n until Thanos arrived and even then, the meeting between the pair was brief, no where near enough time for either of them to makeup for those lost year not with the war that was going on and Y/n understood that. She knew Natasha had a job to do, the plan was that once the war was over they’d make up for all the time that had been lost. The snap changed that all though but now, now the reality of getting Y/n back was starting to sink in and for the first time in five years Natasha found herself truly happy. 
Y/ns POV
I looked around the room, confusion racing through my brain, my eyes . I was back at the compound. I couldn’t believe it. I was back home. I never gave up hope, I knew everyone that was left behind would find a way to bring us back. I didn’t know how they were gonna do it, but they did. And now I was back. I bolted down the stairs of the compound only to be met with a mixture of confused and relieved looks. 
“Y/n...?” Steve breathed, walking closer to me.
“I don’t know how you did it, but whatever you did, it worked,” I replied, before being pulled into a hug which I gladly reciprocated. I peered over his shoulder seeing all the familiar faces that I’d missed so much (and a few new faces) but the one face I longed to see, I couldn’t. 
“Where’s Nat?” I asked, pulling away from the hug slightly. I saw a frown tug at the super soldiers face when I mentioned her name, and his eyes looked away from mine, purposely avoiding my gaze. 
“Steve? Where’s Nat?” I asked again, the confusion and worry evident in my voice as my eyes landed on Clint who was already looking at me with a solemn look. 
“Clint?” I asked as he made his way towards me. I felt the worry grow inside me when I saw his bloodshot eyes. 
“I’m sorry...” He whispered as he pulled me into a tight hug, his head resting on the top of my head. 
“I’m so sorry Y/n...” he whispered again; I pulled away slightly to see the tears running down his face.
“We needed to get all the stones from different times to...to attempt to bring everybody back,” Tony explained from behind us, causing my eyes to focus on him.
“But...the souls stone..it needed a sacrifice-“ Clint muttered, squeezing my shoulder softly. I didn’t need to him to finish the sentence, I knew what he was saying. His eyes said it all. And in that moment, I felt my heart break. I practically collapsed into Clint’s arms, breaking down completely at the truth that was now setting in. Natasha sacrificed herself to bring everyone back...to bring me back. She was gone, she wasn’t coming back...I was never going to see her again. I was never going to be able to tell her how much loved her..I’d got my life back but I’d lost her.
I left the others downstairs so that they could discuss the next steps for their plan. I went up to the bedroom Nat and I had shared before she went on the run with Steve. I noticed a few of my old jumpers lying on the bed, I picked one up, and the aroma of Nat’s perfume filled my nose. I held it close to my chest, as I fell down to my knees, the tears streaming down my eyes, wishing that I could just bring her back. 
A few moments passed and I heard a knock at the door, I didn’t answer, unable to find my voice in between the sobs. At my silence, the door opened and I saw Steve standing at the entrance. 
“Steve, I’m really not in the mood-“ I began only to be cut of by the knowing look of Steve. 
“To deal with people? I know, I’m not staying, I just thought I should give you this,” he explained with a sympathetic smile as he placed the camera down infront of me. 
“Why?”I asked sending him a quizzical look as I lightly picked up the camera. 
“Because it might help,” He said, squeezing my shoulder comfortingly before leaving the room. I looked at the camera for a few minutes, fighting myself on whether or not I should watch it or not. Tentatively I picked up the camera and clicked the play button. 
I felt my heart swell as the tears spilled from eyes when I heard the voice I longed to hear say “Hey sweetheart.” She’d changed so much, yet not at all. I saw the sadness in her eyes and I wanted nothing more than to reach through the camera and hug her as tight as I possibly could. 
“I miss you, sweetheart, I really...really do,” I heard her say and the words felt like a dagger to my heart. 
“I miss you too, baby,” I sobbed as I pulled the camera into my chest listening to her words. 
@barneswidow​ @muzzyandbusy​ @impala1967dwinchester​ @coldlilheart​ @amaryllis23​ @wild-rose-35 @rustedbridges​ @tigerf-cker​ @mesmerisedangel​ 
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letstrywritingmaybe · 3 years
What If?
Summary: In a world of infinite possibilities, it always leads back to the same question. What if? An endless amount of answers, but he is the only one that matters. Written for @romanogersweek
At eleven years old she knows it is all pretend and eventually she will return to the Red Room. She knows it is foolish to daydream and wish upon stars, thinking of what her life could be if she can somehow find a way out of the program. A million what ifs consume her mind late at night when normal little girls should be sleeping. It keeps her going, imagining a better timeline where the world isn’t cruel to orphans without a place to call home. It may not be realistic, but she holds onto hope somehow, or else she’ll be just like the rest of them.
To survive in this world means there can be no sign of weakness. Being soft in this ruthless plane of existence can and will be the end for whoever dares to keep their heart. Natasha Romanoff knows this well; the cost of staying alive is lonely, but when the alternative is death, there really isn’t a choice. She remembers the words of her fake mother well, pain only makes you stronger, a mantra she keeps repeating over the years. Melina’s other word of advice however, is the reason why the past still haunts her, don’t let them take your heart. It’s broken with too many scars to count, but it’s beating still the same, and that’s the problem isn’t it? Keeping the heart intact leads to emotions she would rather keep hidden away, a Black Widow cannot love. Her venomous bite can only kill, there is no room for anything else, but there’s always an exception.
“Nat, you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“Then why are you still awake?”
“Why are you?”
“I was asleep for seventy years, what’s your excuse?”
“Would you believe me if I said I just had too much coffee?”
He laughs, shaking his head, but he doesn’t press her for more details. He settles next to her on the floor facing the window, a comfortable silence as they watch the bright lights of New York City. The city that never sleeps, a perfect home for a couple of heroes who need better coping mechanisms. She glances over at him wondering what demons haunt him at night, of everyone on the team, he should be the one most put together. Then again she knows all too well how looks can be deceiving. Their leader, their captain, yet here he is in the exact same situation as her. Sitting together side by side, every now and then baring a part of their souls as if they’re friends. She scoffs aloud at the idea drawing his attention, she keeps quiet, he lets it go though she knows he’s curious. Trusting her to tell him if it’s something he needs to hear, odd how this understanding exists between them. They’re just teammates, soon to be partners, yet she feels strangely at ease around him. In their line of work, it’s rare to find someone who offers comfort especially to someone like her.
“What exactly are we doing here Steve?”
“Keeping each other company.”
“I don’t remember asking you to stay.”
“No, but that’s what friends are for.”
“Is that what we are? Friends?”
A single word spoken with such conviction, there is no room for argument. She finds that she doesn’t want to prove him wrong, the instinct to push him away is still very much present but she ignores it just this once. He offers her a smile, she reciprocates as they both turn back towards the sparkling lights. She shifts her focus on the night sky gazing at the twinkling stars. Allowing her thoughts to drift, a habit she can’t seem to break free of. Deep down she’s still that little girl who claims she wants to be alone, longing for someone out there to stay.
What if it’s three in the afternoon instead of the morning right now? Would she still accept his friendship?
His deep blue eyes light up as bright as the shooting star he’s pointing at, telling her to hurry and make a wish. She normally isn’t the type to entertain such childish activities now that she’s older, but seeing his boyish smile allows her to take a leap of faith. She closes her eyes and makes her wish.
If there is one person more stuck in the past than she is, then it must be Steve Rogers. It’s in his mannerisms, the way his eyes hold this far off look when he thinks no one is paying attention. The fact that he still carries that compass is a pretty clear giveaway too. Even after everything, being on the run together, he still thinks about his first love. She’s not jealous, not at all, it’s more disappointment than anything. Building this new life together despite a falling out with the rest of the Avengers, keeping their family mostly intact, it should be enough to look forward to the future. Should being the key word here, bringing her back to the one question that haunts her: what if we met first? Would you still hold onto me the way you do with her?
“Ready to go Nat?”
“I should be asking you that, you’ve been staring out that window for who knows how long.”
“Just have a lot on my mind.”
“You don’t need to tell me unless you want to. I’m not going to force it out of you.”
“Sometime I wish you would.”
“That can be arranged.”
He smiles, a light chuckle escapes his throat, they don’t continue the conversation. Maybe they will another day, but right now she’s content with the feel of his hand on hers as he tells her it’s time to go. His hold on her tightens when they reach the others, she doesn’t pull away for once.
She volunteers to go to Voirmir with Clint, she knows she needs to be the one to do this. None of the others seem to realize going there is a one way trip, or so she thinks. Steve is suspicious when he asks whether or not he should go with her instead. His gut is telling him he needs to be there with her, she convinces him otherwise, he’s the type to make the self-sacrificial play and he’s the only one capable of beating her to it. He deserves to live and chase after his happily ever after, revisit the past and make his peace, she will not allow him to throw away the one chance at seeing his former flame again.
“Just promise you’ll look out for each other and come back together.”
“Clint and I have been partners longer than you and I have.”
“I know, I just have a bad feeling about this.”
“Don’t worry Steve, it’ll be fine. We only have one shot at getting the soul stone, and I’ll do whatever it takes.”
“They would be proud of you, we’re going to bring back everyone we lost.”
“I know.”
“You’ll have to introduce me once this is all over.”
“I don’t know if you’ll want to meet all of them.”
“I’m sure I can handle Alexi.”
She laughs at that, the Red Guardian finally meeting his nemesis of sorts, if only she could see that happen. She hopes he’ll still go visit them in her place after they defeat Thanos, give closure and tell them she thinks of them as her family too. It’s the one thing she holds on to, her family being alive and in one piece.
What if she could bring them back? Isn’t the purpose of being a hero to sacrifice yourself to save the ones you love?
He lingers at the door, not wanting to say goodnight just yet. She wonders if he knows her plan. She fakes a yawn, pushing him out of her room, they need to rest for the big day tomorrow. She doesn’t give him a choice, he does however, pull her into a hug before leaving.
“Sweet dreams Nat, I’ll see you in the morning.”
Spending all of eternity inside the soul stone isn’t as terrible as one might think. It does get boring and lonely, until the bad memories begin to loom over her head reminding her it’s better to wish for some excitement instead of living through her worst nightmares again. So she stops complaining and just simply exists, without any connection to the outside world, not even the ability to keep track of time. That word holds no meaning for her now, no worries about wasting something when there is an endless supply here. She allows herself to daydream, thinking of all the possibilities that could be, finally achieving the nice quiet life she yearns for. The downside to being alone is that there is no one to talk her out of overthinking, her anxiety skyrocketing without an answer to help ease her worries.
What if it wasn’t enough? Her sacrifice must have been right? This wasn’t done for nothing, she only wishes there could be a sign telling her they won.
She turns around with a smile, her memories with him are by far her favorite. She wonders which one it is this time, their mission in San Francisco? On the run in Morocco? At the cafe on a Wednesday afternoon? As long as it’s not their last moment together, she hopes he’s happy wherever he is. He’s running towards her now and the scenery isn’t changing, is this just her imagination again?
His arms wrap around her hugging her tightly afraid she’ll disappear if he lets go for even one second. She feels a water droplet hit her skin, a stray tear from his ocean blue eyes. He tells her he’s taking her home, but isn’t she already there? He’s been her home for as long as she remembers, staying by his side as his equal, it’s where she belongs. Except it’s too late for that now isn’t it? He cannot stay here with her, but still she clutches onto him pretending this is real.
“What if this is real Nat?”
“Then what are we waiting for?”
What if she survives and returns to their timeline together? What if the former ruthless assassin gets to live and stay with her family? What if everything is just a bad dream that goes away after the final credits roll?
“Do you remember the last words you said to me?”
“See you in a minute.”
“I don’t know how time works in the soul stone, but that was definitely longer than a minute.”
“Sorry I’m late, I was busy trying to save the world.”
“You’re lucky I don’t hold grudges, Romanoff.”
“You’re a terrible liar Steve.”
“Only because you know me too well.”
“I’m not the only one who can read you, everyone needs practice.”
“Good thing I have you to teach me then.”
He laces their fingers together, taking her hand to place a soft kiss upon her knuckles, adoration clear in his eyes. A trial and error type of deal, not wanting to scare her off, but also knowing life is too short to second guess. They’re taking it slowly but surely, keeping a steady pace. Not exactly ideal for her tastes, but at least she’s here standing next to him instead of wasting away in a different realm never to return. She can’t complain especially after seeing all of their friends laughing around her, it’s good to be home.
Also available on ao3 <3
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lovelyirony · 4 years
I am a HUGE winteriron shipper so if that's acceptable for you could you do a fic, however short or long you want with winteriron and the prompt: Russian Bucky. That's it. Russian Bucky. How, why, is up to you but that's the prompt! Thank you!
Bucky does not like that he’s in America again. Even if he is really only here to act as security for Natasha’s new art showing. 
It’s loud, friendly, and he just wants to drink in silence. People never stop talking. 
Natasha’s first night is all the exclusive donors and previous buyers. He knows some of the people. Bruce is actually his favorite American because he’s awkward and doesn’t like talking anyways, but he has a great way with reviews for art and placement of it. 
There’s Clint, who’s a disaster who bought him a tiny bottle of shitty vodka and said “welcome to America! Please don’t kill me,” and Bucky’s not honestly sure why he’s invited because he’s very broke. 
“He entertains me,” Natasha says, scarlet lips pulling into a grin as he watches him nearly trip and fall over an untied shoelace. “And he’s...fun. Very American.” 
“Didn’t know your type was Americans,” Bucky mutters. “The first thing I know you to have bad taste in.” 
“Oh, as if your type is any better,” Natasha mutters.
“And what is my type, exactly?” 
“You don’t have one,” Natasha says glibly, “because you prefer staying forever alone and broody.” 
“I’m not broody.” 
“Your all-black outfit begs difference,” Sharon calls, grinning. “Hey Buck, long-time no-see.” 
“Hi Sharon,” Bucky says, smiling slightly. 
He sees Steve behind her, almost looking like a golden retriever. They had served together in the army when they were young, and Bucky’d had to drag that stupid boy out of too many fights. 
It made them best friends, almost like brothers, and it’s the only reason why he usually adventures out to America. 
“Missed seeing you,” Steve says, bringing him into a hug. “There’s only so many times Sharon will tolerate sushi with me.” 
“He claims that it’s a miracle food,” Sharon says, rolling her eyes. “I just think he likes it because you like it.” 
“I do not!” Steve teases. “Hey, Natasha.” 
“Hey stranger,” Nat says, grinning. “Surprised to see you out of running shorts and tank tops.” 
“You don’t only see me when I’m running,” Steve says, rolling his eyes. “You come to see Sharon about every week.” 
“Yeah but I only have eyes for her,” Natasha says, winking. 
“Stop flirting with my wife.” 
“Then stop being married to such a beautiful woman.” 
Sharon snorts, looking down at her phone, and then back up at Nat. 
“Hey, I’ll be right back. I need to let my cousin in. He’s the one I told you about who liked your newspaper collage-work.” 
Natasha looks over at Bucky for a moment and oh no. She has her match-making look on her. 
“I think you’ll like Tony,” she says grinning. 
“I’m sure he’ll be a good client of yours,” Bucky responds, lips pressing into a straight line. “I don’t need to be dating, Romanov.” 
“Ooh last name, how scary,” she teases. 
Tony is....American. 
He’s already laughing loudly with Sharon about some sort of in-joke, and walks right up to Natasha with a smile. 
“Miss Romanov, you look as wonderful as your art. It’s an honor to make your acquaintance.” 
He then kisses the top of her hand and starts into conversation about how he discovered her art from his assistant, Pepper, and he thought it would be a good fit for his personal home. 
Bucky stays in the background, hoping that this talkative machine would follow along with Nat and distract her for an hour or two. 
And then she turns. 
“Tony...have you met Bucky Barnes? He runs security.” 
“I haven’t,” Tony says, smiling. “Nice to meet you. Your parents name you after a family member?” 
“President,” Bucky answers stiffly. 
“And here I thought you were Russian.” 
“I am. They just hated communism.” 
Tony barks out a laugh. 
“Well, come. Look at art with us and tell me more about yourself.” 
“No,” Bucky states. He then turns on his heel and walks away. 
No sense in giving this guy hope. 
But he’s undeterred. 
While he maintains his space, he still talks to Bucky throughout the event. 
He comes back the next day with two robots to help wrap the works. 
“What,” Bucky says, looking at the two creatures who seem to be bickering. 
“They’re fighting over who gets to put the bow on it,” Tony says. “Dummy, put the bow on. You, I’ll give you a bow to put on. No sense in fighting.” 
“You named them ‘Dummy’ and ‘You’?” 
“Spelled differently,” Tony says. “Dum-E is just...he likes to make oil smoothies, and U has opinions about the alphabet arrangement. Don’t ask them about it. But how are you doing, Bucky?” 
“Only fine? We’ll have to change that. Let me take you out for a burger?” 
“No. I don’t like American food. Or Americans.” 
“Can’t blame you there,” Tony says with a sigh, but grins anyways. “Let me know if you do change your mind at all though, Barnes.” 
Yeah, he won’t be. 
Except that Nat likes America, and he thinks she found a muse in Clint, because she told Bucky that she’s staying in America for the next six months at least. 
“I hate you,” he says, cursing her out. “Why here?!” 
“Why not?” Natasha says. “Their winters are similar, if not nicer. Besides, you can be friends with Steve and not have to see anyone else besides Clint. And maybe Tony. I like Tony.” 
“Why do you like him?” Bucky groans. “He talks too quickly. He is too American. I don’t trust his teeth.” 
“Don’t trust his dentist then, not the teeth,” she responds with a shrug. “And I like him because he’s good people. Even if he doesn’t seem it. Keep an eye on him for me when he’s around, okay?” 
“What, afraid he’ll overpay for your work again?” 
“I’d like that,” Natasha muses, thinking about the obscene amount of money he had sent her way, under the guise of “her having too much immense talent not to.” 
It was enough to give Bucky quite the generous raise, which was appreciated. But he still didn’t like him. 
Tony becomes integrated into their lives with ease. 
He likes improving Clint’s building, checking in on Nat, and invading Bucky’s space. 
It’s not all bad. Sometimes Tony gives him a hot dog, which is good. 
“You’re going to go rail-thin at this rate,” Tony says, shoving a baguette into his hands. “Who goes grocery shopping for you? Mice? Why do you have, like, miniscule portions? I know that Russia is different, but you still get fed.” 
“We sacrifice half our food to the leader of Mother Russia,” Bucky deadpans. “And then we get our yearly tracksuit in return.” 
Tony laughs, and Bucky kind of likes making him laugh. 
Not in that way. Don’t go thinking that. 
“Well, regardless. I think you’re almost conning me into doing this.” 
“What, me? Getting free food? A whole baguette? I don’t think so,” Bucky says. “But next time, give me soup.” 
Tony laughs again. 
Bucky didn’t think he’d take him seriously. 
“I wasn’t sure what soups you like or if you have allergies, so I brought four different soups,” he answers. 
“Tony, you didn’t have to do that.” 
“Silence Ice-Pop,” Tony shushes. “This one is black-bean soup, this one is broccoli-cheddar, this one is your standard chicken-noodle, and this one is French onion...” 
“Well come on in, then,” Bucky sighs. “You’re gonna have to help me finish this soup.” 
He doesn’t know why he does it. 
But Tony’s bodyguard had a surprise funeral, can’t make it to a high-up event for Tony, and so Bucky volunteers. 
It’s a charity, one that Tony never misses. Ever. 
Natasha asks him to do it. 
“I know you’ll complain and bitch, but genuinely he-” 
“I already told him I’d go,” Bucky says. “Texted him.” 
“You have his number?” Natasha questions, brows furrowing. “I thought you hated him.” 
“Gave me soup. Can’t hate a guy who gives you soup.” 
“Holy shit, are you gonna marry him?” 
“Why would I marry him?” Bucky splutters. “What, because I accepted soup?” 
“One time a guy called you cute, and you told him that he needed to stop revealing so much about himself because you could kill him,” Nat said. “You haven’t even threatened Tony’s life yet! I can’t believe I didn’t put it together! You like-” 
“Do not finish that sentiment,” Bucky threatens. “Do not, if you do-” 
“You like him!” 
“I don’t!” Bucky hisses. “I do not like an American!” 
“You do!” Natasha proclaims, laughing. “Oh my god! You like an American!” 
“Shut up!” Bucky groans. “I hate myself!” 
Natasha cannot stop laughing, wheezing on the couch. “Holy shit!” 
“Do not tell him,” Bucky begs. “Don’t tell anybody.” 
“You’re such a nerd,” Natasha snorts. “I won’t tell anybody for two months. But you have to tell him.” 
“I don’t have to tell him shit,” Bucky scowls. 
“I think you do. I think he could potentially like you.” 
“No. I’ll get over it.” 
Natasha gives him a flat look. 
“You can’t just ‘get over’ a crush.” 
“Yes I can. I’m Russian. We can do it.” 
“No,” Natasha says simply. “Two months, Yasha! Two months!” 
Now he has to deal with liking an American. 
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wkemeup · 4 years
By Any Other Name (Epilogue)
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series summary: When Special Agent Bucky Barnes is tasked with infiltrating the notorious gang Hydra and gathering evidence against its leader, Brock Rumlow, Bucky finds himself drawn to the woman who doesn’t seem to belong in this world of violence, the wife of the head of Hydra… you. pairing: bucky x reader chapter word count: 6.3k warnings: smut (18+), domestic bucky, the end of the series ❤️ a/n: I seriously can’t believe its been months of you guys sticking with me on this series week after week ❤️ I’m going to miss that so much and can’t begin to express how much the love and support for this series has meant to me. I do plan on doing headcannons/drabbles/bonus one shots at some point so if you have questions you’d like answered, requests, or prompts, send them in! 🌟 🌹series masterlist 🌹
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“Agent Barnes, I thought I kicked you out when visiting hours ended last night.”
The stern voice of one of your nurses emerged from the doorway; a no-nonsense middle-aged woman named Rosa, who wore bright blue eye shadow and a silver cross hanging around her neck. Hands planted firmly on her hips, her eyes narrowed upon Bucky as he slowly raised his head from the edge of your cot. Sleep lines were carved into his cheeks and a painful crack snapped in his neck as he stretched it to the side, having slept hunched over from the folding chair placed beside you.
“You may have mentioned it,” he chuckled nervously, massaging the stiff muscles in his shoulder.
“And yet, you’re still here.” Rosa rolled her eyes, slowly making her way into the room to begin checking the vitals on the monitor at your bedside. “You’re lucky we’re discharging her today. Your flashy gold badge was about at its end of favors around here.”
She must have been expecting a quick remark or a joke of some kind because she seemed surprised as she turned to find Bucky smiling ear to ear, focus turned entirely to you as you slept soundly; bandages now absent from your burns as they’d begun to heal, life renewed back to your skin, a steady rise and fall of your breaths.
“Y/n can come home?”
Rosa sighed, a slow smile pushing up on her own lips. She was a tired woman and she’d seen a lot in her years, but she’d come to like Bucky, even if he was a major pain in her ass.
“Yes, Agent Barnes. She can go home.”
It had been nearly a week. A week of sleeping in positions that were sure to cause permanent damage to his back. A week of holding your hand as nurses tended to the burns on your skin. A week of smooth talking the night shift into letting him stay past visiting hours and using hospital showers and eating mediocre cafeteria food.
But now, you could come home.
Only, he wasn’t quite sure where home was anymore.
“Bucky?” Voice groggy and filled with sleep, you slowly opened your eyes, smiling sweetly up at Rosa as she finished making down your vitals.
“Ready to get out of here?” Bucky grinned, pulling your hand up to his lips to kiss your knuckles.
A smile began to light up in your eyes, but something went wrong along the way. It disappeared as quickly as it arrived, replaced with the harsh reality of burning fires and a mansion up in smoke. It wasn’t much of a home but it was the only home you had. Bucky’s stomached twisted in on itself.
“I…” you started, stare falling down to the floor. “I don’t have anywhere to go.”
Bucky already had suitcases full of clothes at his apartment for you, a dozen series of books lined up on the kitchen table, toiletries that Natasha purchased at his request filling baskets under the bathroom sink. He even had Sam and Steve clean the place spotless, much to their reluctance. It was ready for you. He was ready for you. But he needed it to be a choice.
“Steve said the Bureau would put you up in a hotel until you could find an apartment,” Bucky offered, though he could tell quickly from the way your eyes shifted just slightly it wasn’t a good option. You squeezed his hand. Bucky nodded, asking, “what about May’s place? I’m sure Peter would love to have you over.”
“Aunt May’s got enough on her plate. She doesn’t need me to take care of, too.” You shook your head, a heavy breath nestled into your chest.
Tears were starting to well in your eyes, an aching kind of helplessness he’d only seen in you in the moments you were forced to submission beside your husband, a lingering sort of emptiness, a loss, and it nearly ripped Bucky straight in half.
“Stay with me,” he blurted out. He clenched his jaw, cursing at himself, because he was supposed to be a lot smoother about the preposition. 
Your eyes snapped up to his; wide, suspicious. “…What?”
“Come home with me,” Bucky offered again, firmer, sure. “Stay with me. I know my place is small but I’ve got the room. I’ll buy you all the tea you can drink and line the windowsills with plants I can’t easily kill. Whatever you need, I’ll get it for you. What do you say, sweetheart?”
Chewing on the edge of your lip, you could hardly hold his eye. “I can’t ask you to take me in Bucky…”
“You’re not asking,” he replied quickly. “I’m offering.”
He could still see the hesitancy in your face, the quick flash of your stare to his shoulder. It had healed faster than the divots around your wrists and still, the guilt managed to find its way inside you. It crept around the light and slithered through the shadows no matter how many times Bucky had tried to pry it away.
“It will make me feel better,” Bucky tried, recalling the first night in the hospital he’d been sent away after visiting hours. He’d come back the next morning to find dark circles under your eyes and tear marks down your cheeks. You’d clung to him for hours just trying to reassuring yourself he was really there, that the monster in your dreams hadn’t left to him to the flames instead. Leaving you alone after that wasn’t an option.
“Please, sweetheart,” Bucky urged, squeezing your hand a little tighter. “Let me take care of you. It’ll be temporary, okay? Until we can find a place of your own.”
It seemed to lessen the tension clenched into your jaw at least. He would have asked you to move in entirely if he thought you were ready for it. He could spend the rest of his life surrounded by dozens of bookshelves and mugs half filled with tea from the night before, cozy blankets thrown over the back of the couch and more pillows than he could count upon the cushions. He could spend an eternity with you.
But even with the monster slain, there were still demons in the closet; nightmares that were sure to plague your sleep, shadows that would set panic in your veins at every corner, guilt that will swept its way into the darkest corners of your mind. There were still evils to protect you from, it seemed. 
“Okay,” you nodded, letting a smile brush up at the ends of your lips.
“Nat’s already got everything you could need waiting for us back at my place,” he told you as he quickly began gathering your things from around the room; books Peter had brought you from his school’s library, empty Styrofoam cups half filled with over steeped tea, and newspapers highlighted in yellow marks with names of Hydra affiliates who were now sitting behind bars.
Hands filled with various belongings, Bucky turned back to find you watching him intently, a shy kind of smile on your face. “What?”
“You’ve been planning this, haven’t you?”
Bucky shrugged, sliding the books and papers into his bag and tossing the spare cups into the bin. He brushed a hand through his hair, tugging on it a little as he pushed it behind his ears. “Is that so crazy? After everything we went through to get here, I couldn’t stand the thought of you being anywhere else. Gotta keep an eye on my girl, don’t I?”
You smiled and it lit up right into your eyes. “The case is over, Buck. You don’t have to protect me anymore.”
Bucky shook his head, leaning forward as a hand swept back along your hair and nestled against your neck. He pressed a short kiss to your crown. “We may be free of Hydra, but that part of my job won’t ever go away. I will always protect you, sweetheart. From drug dealers and mafia kingpins to broken AC units and empty tea boxes; doesn’t matter. I’m there.”
The damn near sweetest laugh he’d ever heard filled the room as you swatted him away. It made his stomach twist, his heart sing, his cheeks hurt from how wide his was smiling. Happiness was a sort of foreign, strange feeling, but it wasn’t one he planned on letting slip him by.
Another week later and Bucky could look around the apartment and find pieces of you everywhere. The mug resting on the end table in the living room, still steeping the remnants of last night’s tea. The blanket thrown over the back of the kitchen chair from when you wondered out of his room in the early morning with a chill. The second toothbrush in the cup by the sink. The sweet smell of your lotion on the dresser. The pantry filled with popcorn and Oreos.
You’d started to turn his place into a home.
It became quite domestic, a different sort of comfort, to wake up to the smell of bacon and watch you making breakfast in the kitchen, to brush his teeth next to you in the bathroom at night as you washed your face, to see the way the pillows creased to your cheeks and the way you tried to stifle yawns in the morning.
But there was a new kind of intimacy of sharing his home with you, one that grew to challenge every restraint he ever possessed.
He’d seen you change into your pajamas in the corner of his room, the whole of your bare back facing him, the dips and curves of your spine as you caught him staring, a soft smile over your shoulder. He’d seen the outline of pebbled nipples through your tank top as you ate breakfast across the kitchen table, hair still messy with sleep. He’d seen the way you looked at him in the mornings, when he woke to a hardened length between his legs and his cheeks flushed red as he muttered out apologies.
He’d tried to prolong it, knowing that you’d been through an imaginable loss, even if it was never really yours to begin with. You’d been through a world of trauma and he knew how messy things could get if he pushed you too fast. It wasn’t a risk he was willing to take. Not until you made it clear that you were as needy for him as he was for you.
If he let himself notice the signs, perhaps he would have realized you’d been aching for him earlier, but it still came as a surprise when you ran your hand along his thigh as you watched an old rerun of The Fugitive. You brushed over his length, smiling to yourself as he shuddered out a tense breath and tried to readjust in his seat.
“Careful,” he warned, staring at the television though a smirk started to curve at his lips.
“You don’t need to hold back anymore,” you told him simply. Your fingers expertly drew along the outline of his cock, pressed hard up against the thin layer of sweats. Pumping him sweetly over excess fabric, you leaned up and pressed your lips to his neck. “Let me love you.”
Bucky exhaled a shaken breath, hand sliding around the couch in search of the remote, the movie long forgotten. “You’re sure?”
You smiled against his jawline, peppering kisses along his edges until you landed sweetly against his lips. “Always.”
Bucky scooped you up into his arms, the pain in his shoulder nothing but a distant memory as he carried you to the bed. After setting you upon the mattress, Bucky quickly stripped himself of his clothes, tugging at your sleep shorts with fevered haste as you laughed, swatting his hands away and doing it yourself. 
Hearts racing like it was the first time, and maybe it was, because there were no more shadows lurking in the corners, no demons to invade tiny glimpse of heaven you shared.
Bucky kissed his way down your body, mapping a trail to the soft crease at your legs, touching so sweetly to the most intimate parts of you until his lips latched around the bundle of nerves between your legs. Arms curling around your thighs, nose brushing over soft curls, nestled tight against the woman gave his life to.
He pulled gasps and whimpers from you, withering underneath him as he held you down, drawing the most beautiful sounds he could imagine. Your nails raked to his scalp and as you came, his tongue sweet with the taste of you. You whispered you loved him.
He knew. He’d heard it enough times but every time was like the first. It still surprised him, knowing you could love him after all you’d been through; that you could trust anyone after the web of lies and manipulation Rumlow had put you through, after you were taken advantage of and used and made to be the property of a vile man, and somehow, you still had room in your heart for love. It felt impossible, and yet, here you were, kissing him like his touch wasn’t enough, like you needed more, need him.
When he sank into you, your hand gripped at his shoulder, a soft whine in your voice as he waited patiently for you to adjust. You exhaled a heavy breath, aching and sore and eager, but your fingers paused at his arm, tracing over the light pink scar there, the raised edges and bubbled skin.
Before you could say anything, Bucky dipped down and kissed your lips, nudged your hand to his hair. He smiled at you, something soft and tender, and whatever was wrestling in your mind slipped away. 
You push a strand of hair behind his ear, drawing it away from his face, just admiring. It wasn’t something you were used to having the time for; always so rushed, always looking over your shoulder and waiting for the foundation to crack. You’d always reveled in the looked across the room and the heated love you made. It was a privilege to spend time in the moments between.
Bucky rolled his hips, stretching along your walls. Your eyes fluttered shut, breaths shaken, and you gripped him tighter, urging him on.
It took a moment to find his rhythm, perfectly in tune with the cry of the bed frame, the gasps of your breaths, the low moans from his own lips; a symphony between you, building, crashing, higher and higher until--
“Ah, oh God, Bucky— don’t stop—”
It almost knocked him out on the spot, almost stopped him dead in his tracks. His eyes shot to you, though you were too far gone to notice; lips parted, eyes closed, so close to the edge. He didn’t dare stop the snap of his hips to yours, didn’t dare pull his hand from your clit, but took a moment to memorize this feeling, this warmth deep in his chest. The sound of his name on your lips, etched in pleasure and love and need.
“I’ve got you, love,” he mewled to your ear, bringing you over the edge with a prolonged cry, your hands digging into the bare of his back as he chased his own release. He came only a few thrusts later, spilling into you, the weight of him dropping to your chest.
Fingers carding gently through his hair, coaxing the racing beat of his heart. His favorite place. His safest place. In your arms.
You’d started to find yourself again in the weeks after. You’d gone up to Columbia and spoken with old colleagues. You’d made arrangements to meet with the Dean in hopes of discussing your future in academia again.
Bucky could hardly contain his pride the day you’d walked back into the apartment, beaming from ear to ear, and told him about all the friends you’d missed who welcome you back with open arms, the campus that looked completely the same, and your office that remained vacant.
He’d spun you in his arms, your laugh filling the small Brooklyn apartment, and Bucky couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen you so happy. It was heaven when you smiled like that, like for the first time in a while you had the chance to be who you were always supposed to be, the freedom to make choices without permission.
You started to let yourself become comfortable in the woman you were before Brock Rumlow stormed his way into your life. You smiled enough for your cheeks to ache, laughed loud enough to bring butterflies to Bucky’s stomach, left books around on every surface and mugs of unfinished tea on the counters. You lived in oversized sweaters and ripped jeans and messy hair down by your shoulders. You hummed to yourself as you cooked and danced your way through the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your head and a bathrobe tugged tight at your waist.
It was a relief, to see you like this; so at ease in your own skin, enough so that Bucky started to find pieces of himself he too left behind to his years undercover.
He traded the black jeans and bomber jackets for worn out Levi’s and t-shirts, the tension in his shoulders for the soft brush of your hands down his back, tugging out the knots he’d built over the last year. He started to let the stubble on his cheeks grow, cast over in a shadow along his jaw and obstruct the faded scars he’d obtained at the hands of your ex-husband. 
Then, when Bucky grew tired of seeing a man he didn’t recognize in the mirror, he made a drastic change.
“Buck?” you called into the apartment, arms filled to the brim with grocery bags as you kicked the door shut behind you. “Could use some help!”
“Comin’, sweetheart!” Bucky jogged his way into the kitchen and started to pull the bags from your hands when you finally caught sight of him, let out a yelp, and nearly dropped the milk cartoon to the ground. Bucky dove for it at the last second, securing it before it could explode to the hardwoods.
“Your hair!” you gasped, staring at him with wide eyes.
Bucky clenched his jaw, nodding in acknowledgement of the cut he’d had done while you were out on your errands; short and tight to the sides of his head, full and swept back on the top. He set the groceries down on the counter and when he turned back to look at you, you had already crossed the plane of the kitchen, hands rifling up through his hair and messing away any of the product his barber had styled in.
“Do you hate it?” he grimaced, noticing how you’d tugged your lower lip between your teeth. You were silent for a moment, studying him, and Bucky’s stomach nearly turned over on itself. But then, you softened, gently rubbing your thumb down along his temple and he sank into the feeling.
“This is what Bucky Barnes looks like, isn’t it? The long hair was part of the cover,” you smiled, settling his hair back in place as your hands slipped down over his cheeks, brushing over the grown in stubble. You remembered the image you’d seen in the factory office with Brock, the photographs thrown in rage of a man with short brunette hair and golden badge draped around his neck.
“Yeah,” Bucky admitted, stomach twisting a little. You’d known him as James Karpov for so long, gotten so used to the name and face and the fall of his hair down by his shoulders. He knew he looked different, a few years younger maybe, and it was a change. A big change. One he wasn’t certain you’d like, but he needed it off. He needed to be himself again in every sense he could, to wash himself clean of Hydra and the man he’d left to the fire.
“Well, Bucky,” you sighed, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheekbone, just over the faded pink scar, and then, to his lips. “I love it. Might miss having something to tug on, though.”
You winked over your shoulder as you started making your way to the bedroom, holding his stare with that devilish kind of look in your eye, until you slipped your sweater up and over your head, dropping it to the floor in the hallway. Bare back exposed to him, you sauntered inside to the warm embrace of sun-kissed light filtering in through the windows and Bucky chased after you, laugh heavy in his chest, the groceries long forgotten on the counter.  
It was the day Bucky’s name was cleared by Barton and Maximoff; the day the remains of your old home were removed of their crime scene tape and left to be weathered until the city stoke its claim upon the land and bulldozed the ruins.
As Bucky pulled the car into park, you found yourself staring up to the charred ashes of a home that had once kept you caged prisoner. The memory of the flames was still seared in the back of your mind; the heat of the fire burning at your skin, the smoke filling your lungs, the dizziness in your head, the panic as the gunshots went off. You could still feel how your heart had broken free from your chest and the stones embedded under bare feet as you rushed towards the fire, Steve’s arms circling around you to hold you back as a scream ripped its way through your lungs.
“Y/n?” Bucky’s voice called softly, tugging you back from the memory. He was standing outside the passenger door, extending a hand to you.
You turned to the driver’s seat, not having realized he’d even left his place beside you. Your eyes flickered from his hand back to the house.
“They really ruled it self-defense?” you asked for the second time that morning as Bucky helped ease you from the car. You looped your hand at the crook of his arm, tucking in close to him as you both made your way to the ruins of a home you loathed.
“Like I said, doll,” Bucky replied, ever so patiently, “the only evidence they have is my word. Everything else is up in smoke.”
“So... was it?” you asked, pausing for a moment as you looked up at Bucky. “Self-defense?”
He sighed, a heaviness inside him alongside the truth. Your free hand reached up along the side of his face, cupping at his cheek sweetly to coax his eyes back to you. You nodded at him, like you already knew the answer and you were simply waiting to hear it from him. There was no judgement between you, no secrets, and he had no interest in ever lying to you again.
“Yes,” he exhaled, wholehearted, because he did genuinely believe it. “The law might not see it that way, but it was. In defense of you, anyway. A jail cell wouldn’t stop a man like Rumlow from coming after you, from pulling strings and making orders even with Hydra disbanded. I should have known that from the start. He threatened your life, Y/n. He didn’t give me any other choice.”
“I know,” you told him and a weight fell from his shoulders. “You forget that I know Brock better than almost anyone. I know what he’s like when he’s pushed to a corner. You did what you had to, Bucky. I believe that.”
A solemn smile pushed at his cheeks, small and subtle, but it was rooted in a disbelief, in an awe, that he could have ever managed to find someone as loving and understanding as you. For you to love him, despite his flaws, despite the blood on his hands behind the guise of a shiny gold badge, was unimaginable. He still didn’t quite understand it and yet here you were, tucked against his arm, cheek to his shoulder as you stared up at the charred ashes of your home.
“You sure you want to do this?” he asked gently, tense in his shoulders as he glared at the remains of the mansion that kept you prisoner.
You nodded and there was an ease in it, a calm, you didn’t have before.
Bucky let you lead him up to the what remained of the front door. The second story was completely caved in; only pieces of the foundation and walls still standing. It was black, covered in soot, and you stepped through the archway where the door would have been.
Inside, the staircase still remained, though it was withered and degrading, and there were bones of old furniture and the outline of the brick fireplace at the edge of the living room. You didn’t pause before you turned down the hall to the left and perhaps, Bucky shouldn’t have been surprised as he followed your lead to the library.
You paused for a moment as you came upon the opening. The left door was still unhinged, thrown under the frame like a bridge from when Steve attempted to suffocate the flames long enough for you and Bucky to escape. The chair still placed at the center of the room where you’d been bound and tied and left to the vengeance of the fire.
You released yourself from Bucky’s side, slowly slipping away as you stepped into the burned remains of your library.
Bucky watched from a careful distance as you wandered around the room, giving you space to grieve. Your hand trails along the broken shelves, black with soot, and you examined the black ash upon your fingers as you pulled away.
It was all a memory now. Everything that you built, everything that kept you safe and sane and secure those years trapped within this home with a man you despised. It was all gone.
You paused at the corner of the room, shoulders sinking, and you slowly bent down to the floor until you picked up the charred remains of a novel. Hardcover, black soot coating the binding, crumbled bits of burnt paper spilling out the edges as you stood. You sighed, brushing your hand over the title, the colors and design on the front hardly recognizable if not for the high school library tag on the binding.
A Farewell to Arms.
You tugged the book to your chest, its words long lost to the fire, the edges burned black and unreadable, but it survived. You didn’t dare open its pages to see if Bucky’s childhood scribbles remained. A tear slipped past your cheek.
“I’m sorry,” Bucky said quietly, shuffling his feet. You looked back at him under a furrowed brow, the book in your hand slipping down to rest at your side. Bucky exhales, looking around to the aisles empty of the novels you cherished, their pages consumed in the fire. “You lost so much here.”
You smiled sweetly at him before you shook your head, looking back to the room in fondness. “It’s what this room represents that matters.”
“But your collection--”
“I’ll start again,” you replied simply, reaching out for his hand, gesturing him towards you.  Bucky took it graciously and you squeezed his hand, gently nudging his shoulder with your own. “Feels right, doesn’t it? A new start.”
You sighed, staring out to the rows of empty shelves, the piles of ashes on the floor beside them. The couch you’d spent so many nights curled up under blankets and a warm cup of tea in your hands, where you’d read for hours to escape from the monsters outside the doors, where Bucky decided to tell you who he was, where he made love to you in a rushed heat. The windowsill once filled with a beautiful array of plants, where only the broken clay pots remained, the glass of the window burst to the floor alongside broken remains of the ceiling.
Bucky followed your gaze, feeling a loss in his own chest for the room that he came to know you in. This was your sanctuary, your safe haven. This was the room that was completely and entirely yours within a home constructed to be cold and shallow. It was your escape.
But this room meant a great deal to Bucky, too.
“I fell in love with you in this room, you know,” he said fondly, looking to the charred remains of the couch where he’d read next to you for house, where you’d fallen asleep on his shoulder, and he started coming up with reasons not to leave.
He found you staring up at him when he looked back to you, that sweet kind of smile on your face as you slipped your free hand up against his cheek and brought his lips to yours. Soft and warm, the soothing motion of your lips between his, on his, the slip of his tongue gently along yours, and he pulled away with final kiss to your cheek, your nose, then the crown of your head as he wrapped his arms around you.
Surrounded by the ashes of a room that protected you from the monsters beyond its doors.
A room that served as a safe haven.
A room you opened to the stranger with kind, blue eyes and a sweet smile.
“Let go home,” you mumbled to the collar of his shirt, breath warm against the fabric and Bucky felt a skip in his chest for a moment before he settled.
Home. He liked the sound of that.
T H R E E  M O N T H S  L A T E R
It was a Monday morning, the first of many, because you were starting your position back at Columbia. The first day of school was always a bit intimidating, even as a professor, even knowing half the staff was eagerly awaiting your return and the fact that your class had filled to capacity in the first few minutes of course selection.
That hadn’t happened even when you were at the height of your career, but you supposed your name plastered across the media and your connection to the takedown of Hydra had something to do with it. You suspected the influx of criminal justice majors were more interested in your time in Hydra than they were in 19th century literature. You didn’t mind, though. It was an opportunity to spark a love for something they didn’t know they had yet.
And maybe you’d throw in some mafia stories to keep up the intrigue and bait for class participation.
You tucked the edge of your shirt into the front of your pants, slipped on a cardigan over your shoulders, and tossed your hair up into a bun before you made your way out into the kitchen. The moment you opened the door, you were met with a waft of smoke as the fire alarm began to cry. 
Bucky was at the stove, apron draped over the bare of his chest, sweatpants covered in stains of pancake mix as he grumbled to himself. You bit back a laugh, leaning against the wall to watch him rush around the kitchen, waving towels in the air in hopes to break up the smoke and cursing at the alarm to ‘shut the hell up you stupid piece of--’
“Hi, honey.”
Bucky spun around, clearly startled as he held a spatula between his hands gripped like a vice.
“Y/n! I, uh, I didn’t think you’d be ready so fast,” he chuckled nervously, trying to wipe the flour from his forehead, though he only made it worse. He glanced back at the mess of the kitchen, the burned pancakes piled on the plate and the sizzling pan behind him. “I made pancakes...?”
��Did you?” you teased, biting down on your lip to keep from smiling too wide and bruising his pride more than it already had been.
“I tried anyway,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair, leaving particles of white flour amongst his dark brown waves. His lips curved down to a frown as he chewed on the inside of his cheek, feet shuffling at the floor. “It’s a big day for you. Wanted it to be special.”
You smiled, heart warm as it’s ever been. “It’s always special with you, Buck.”
Bucky looked up at you, a teasing in his eyes as he shook his head, low, defeated. “Ah, don’t try and make me feel better about this mess, love. It won’t work.”
“You sure?” you asked slowly, making your way up to him and placing your hands against the expose skin on his hips. “Not even if I...”
A kiss to his cheek.
Then, his neck.
Finally, at the corner of his mouth, not quite close enough.
“Huh-uh, not even then,” he exhaled, though his grin was betraying him. “Give it one more try though, will you?”
You laughed, smiling so wide it hurt. “You're relentless, you know that?”
Bucky shrugged, a slight nod in agreement he leaned in to kiss you. His hand reached behind him, like he was trying to steady himself against the cabinets, but the stove was still bright red, still scalding hot from where the pan has been.
“James!” you yelped in a panic, yanking him hard away from the stove before his hand could touch it. Your heart was pounding as you held him against the sink. He was still against you and you realized then what you’d said.
Your eyes trailed up to him slowly, embarrassed, and you found him smiling sweetly at you, always patient, always kind.
“I’m sorry, I—I didn’t mean—”
“It’s alright, doll,” Bucky replied genuinely brushing the flyaways from your face with the hand that had nearly been seared clean by the stone top. “I don’t mind if you call me James.”
“No, I-- I remember how important it was for you that I knew your name when I couldn’t and I—” you sighed, leaning into his touch as you lost yourself in the feel of him gently coaxing the doubt away. He leaned down a pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“You can call me anything you want, sweetheart,” he said simply. “I get to come home every night knowing that it’s you I’m waking up to every morning. You can call me anything as long as I get to do that.”
You laughed through the swell of tears in your eyes. Bucky reached behind him and turned the stove off to ease your conscious. With a quick glance at the clock, your heart skipped, realizing you were already running late.
“I’ve got to go!” you yelped, half laughing as you raced around the room. Bucky stood back and watched, arms folded over his chest, something like pride and joy bolstering in his heart.
“Pete’s coming over after school, alright?” Bucky called to you as you quickly threw on your shoes. “He’s got some project for his forensics class and I promised I’d help him out.”
“Y-yeah, uh-huh, sounds good!”
Bucky chuckled as you raced back into the bedroom to grab your bag with one sleeve of your coat on. “Steve is picking me up in an hour to help filter out recruits but I’ll probably be back before you are.”
“Okay!” You rushed into the living room, a little winded though you were giddy with excitement. You pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before you sprinted to the door, though you paused, freezing in the open doorframe as you glanced back to Bucky.
He stood leaning against the counter, a mess of homemade pancake mix around him; this lethally trained special agent who woke up early on a Monday to absolutely destroy the kitchen in an attempt to make you breakfast, with a light pink apron draped around his neck and flour coating his forehead.
“I love you,” you said simply. You’d told him enough times but it still felt like an admission. You liked to remind him, liked to say it as often as you could because it was a choice to love him, a part of you that you were finally able to let the sunlight touch. You’d shout it to the world.
Bucky shook his head, laughing, as he leaned against the counter. “Love you, too, sweetheart.”
He smiled back at you, something genuine and loving unlike you’d know in years. The same smile that allowed you to trust him nearly two years ago, the smile that reminded you what it was like to feel butterflies in your stomach and to miss someone when they were gone. Wrinkles up by his eyes, dimples in his cheeks. A brightness of a man who gave everything just to give you a choice again, to let you decide your own fate, to free you from the chains of a man who would have rather seen you burn than love anyone but himself.
The man who saved you, who held your hand and danced with you on garden view balconies, who loved you enough to run through fire. The man who risked his career, his life, on his trust in you. The man who reminded you that you were more than you were told, who showed you how to smile again, who brought back your laugh and put joy into your heart.
The man who ushered you to through the door to your first day back at work, who encouraged you to find your place in the world again, who give you the space to reconnect with old friends, who held your hand gripped tightly in his own and willingly chose to follow where you led. He opened doors and waited for you on the other side. He gave you choices, a new life, a new start.
The man you adored. The man you loved.
Your Bucky.
Your James.
Your everything.
Thank you so much for reading! ❤️ If you enjoyed this fic, please consider supporting me at my ko-fi account ✨
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Welcome To The Pack: Sing My Song
Part One
Summary- 6.2k Steve Rogers x You. Having you back makes the Alpha very happy, and has a hard time keeping his hands to himself. Which you don’t have any issues with that. Shuri continues her work with you, and making progress everyday, enough so Steve hopes to take you on a run through Wakanda. Bucky and his team are drawing in on Brock, but will they be able to take out the ex Alpha and his bitch for good? Warnings- Smut and Violence. Divider made by @firefly-graphics​
A/N- Im breaking this into 2 parts. Its long and I feel like its just a lot to handle all to once. So next chapter will be posted soon. As always, Thank you for sticking with me and The Pack, I hope you all enjoy. As always feedback and your thoughts are encouraged, I’m always open to hearing what you all think and would like to see for them in the future. Happy Reading 🐺❤️
Chapter 8 / Pack Masterlist
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You scanned over the crowd, but you still couldn’t see Steve. There were so many people passing mingling, and the room was huge, fit for a palace. You closed your eyes instead and tilted your head slightly to sort through scents, inhaling for him. It made you wish your Little Wolf was back, she would have honed right in on your Alpha. But you could do it on your own, Steve would stand out, woodsy pine and iron, it would stand out from so much of the panthers that the moment you found it, your body curved into it, craving to find the source. Your eyes slid open to look once more and that's when you saw him. His long powerful strides coming towards you, blue eyes roving all of you as if he hungered, all Alpha Male, all your Alpha Male. The white button up was stretched taut over his chest, and the black slacks, crisp, his hands were shoved in his pants pocket for now. Glancing up you could see his hair swept back from his forehead, and underneath his eyes were honed in on you as if stalking you down. In a way he was, as large as Steve was, he weaved through the people with one thing in mind. You. It was simple, and a fitting look for Steve as you felt your breath hitch a moment. His hand swept through his hair, and you could see that he still had a look of surprise on his face, as well as pleasure. Steve seemed to like you looking like this, and that alone made you bite your lip a bit shyly and glance down momentarily, but the moment he paused in front of you, his slight rumble from his chest drew your attention to his warm heated gaze all for you. 
“Little One, you look beautiful.” His hands immediately slid along your side, and stepped in closer, your head tilting up to meet him. 
“You really do like it? Natasha swore up and down that wearing blue would be the best choice.” Your fingers danced up the buttons of the white shirt while Steve circled an arm around you, there was music playing and the two of you started to barely sway while talking. Steve’s hand pressed against the small of your back, heated through the thin fabric of the dress, and you leaned in against him. 
“She was right, reminds me of sitting out on the deck under the night sky when you're wearing this blue.” He assured you and grasped your chin lightly, kissing you deeply. “Come, we must mingle with the Panthers, I know Shuri has been waiting for you.” He nuzzled you gently before tucking you into his side. Already the Alpha felt calmer, more in control having you at his side. The Wolf preened being able to show off the Little One at his side, and Steve had to agree that it did something to him to be escorting you around. 
The night proceeded, and although the function was formal, Steve couldn't seem to keep his hands off you, letting it slide from the small of your back to the curve of your ass, pulling you aside onto the open balconies to steal nipping kisses. You were sure that there was at least a red mark on your neck from where he couldn't help himself, the lash of his tongue and a touch of his teeth making you whimper excitedly while you two were just out of sight. Steve hissed in your ear. “I can't wait to get you back upstairs, make you all mine where I don't have to share you with anyone else.” 
You would tug on his shirt with a whimper, and brush your own lips against his ear. “Still have to play guest Alpha.” And you would lead him back inside, your hand swallowed in his, together getting lost in the crowd, going back to dancing with one another and being introduced to members of the king's guard and other leaders of the tribes following the King. Steve currently got caught up in proper military techniques when you split a way to go to the bar, opting to switch from the liquor they had been serving you to ice water. Tipping your head back and drinking deeply, the ice cold water cleared the parch from your throat when you heard Natasha sidle up to you. Her pale cheeks flushed red from dancing, and her lipstick slightly smudged. 
“Been having a good time Nat?” you smirk, and she winks at you. 
“Just as much as you have been. I've seen you disappearing with Steve every chance you two can get. Plus your lipstick is smudged. More than mine I'm sure.” Natasha pulled out a compact from a wrist bag and handed it over. Grabbing a napkin off the bar, you used a dab of water to clean yourself up. 
“You were right, with this dress, he can't help himself.” You admitted quietly to Natasha so no passersby were aware of their conversation. “I don't know how much longer he's going to want to stay.” 
“Then don't.” Natasha turned around to keep an eye on the crowd, Smirking as she caught the eye of someone. “Speaking of the devil, and he shall appear. Hey Rogers, looking for someone?” she grinned teasing at the Alpha as his hand slid up your back and cupped the back of your neck, his fingers massaging the column loosely. 
“Not you, but there was a panther over on the other side of the room, wondering where you disappeared to.” Steve motioned over his shoulder with his free thumb, and Natasha finished off the last of her drink at the bar. “Then I shall go, I had promised him I wouldn't be long.” She leaned over, pecking your cheek with a grin. “Enjoy your afterparty Y/N.” Before Steve could shoo her away, she disappeared from sight, and you turned towards Steve, sipping from what was left of your glass of water. “Thirsty Alpha?” you held up the glass and he groaned. 
“I am thirsty, but not for water.” He pulled away the glass from your hold and pulled you in for a deep kiss, taking your breath away. Pulling away before he got too carried away, Steve dipped his nose in against your neck, growling possessively against your pulse when you started to arch into his body, the whisk of fabric between you two reminding you both that you were not back home. 
You and Steve put in some more effort to mingle with the others, but once you nudged against Steve's shoulder about an hour later, whispering into his ear that you were tired, Steve nodded while placing a kiss against your temple “Give me a moment to excuse us.” He left you for a moment at a table to bid T’Challa a good night, and thank the queen for her hospitality. When he returned to the table, offering his arm to you, you grasped it lightly and moved to a stand. “You ready Little One to go up?”
“Yes Alpha” You stifled a bit of a yawn, that made Steve chuckle and together you headed for the elevator to the top floors. 
 Back in the room, Steve was quick to pin you up against the door once it shut behind you, his mouth heavy and demanding on your neck. It had been torture for Steve to wait to be alone with you after T’Challa brought up the idea of future children. It made him heated thinking about it, wanting to bury inside you, watching you come undone all for him. Add that dress that clung to all your curves he was becoming familiar with, well it made him left with a hard on that was driving him crazy. 
You tilted your head back to let him inhale you and leave his own scent, his beard rough against your flesh while burning a trail in that way that made your knees shake and your body want more. Your fingers nimbly tug at his shirt until buttons popped across the floor and you pressed hands against the muscular wall of his chest, and around to his bare back, digging your nails into the muscles jerking in response. “Steve, you feel so good.” you panted his name and he lifted his head up enough to look at you. “Get me out of the dress.” You flipped around so he could undo the ties and he tried. Fuck he tried. But there was just so much, and Natasha tied it so tight, his fingers wouldn't cooperate in just this moment. Giving one frustrated growl, Steve yanked hard once and the fabric ripped, making you gasp. 
“STEVE! This was Shuri’s dress.” You giggled softly, and he drew it off, his hands grasping against the globes of your ass through your panties, making him growl in a teasing manner as he pulled your ass back into him. 
“You tore off my buttons.” He hissed against the back of your neck while pressing his groin into you, clearly able to feel the outline of his cock through the fabric of his slacks, making you tilt your head to look at your Alpha over your shoulder. “I will buy her a new dress.”  
“You should probably replace the shirt as well, right? We did borrow it for tonight.” You giggled softly. Steve gave a sharp laugh, amused with your attitude and he gave a sharp nip to your neck which made you yelp with a laugh as his arm circled around you to lift you, bringing you to the bed. He let you bounce on the mattress while he worked on getting his pants and boxers off with a sense of urgency. You twisted and laid on your back, watching Steve while you pressed your hands against your breasts and arched into your hold as you teased your nipples through the fabric of your bra, saying his name again. “Mmmhh, Steve.” 
Finally ditching the last of it, he grabbed your ankles and dragged you down the bed a bit. “Little One, I don't think so. Only one allowed to touch you, is me. Only one to get you off is me.” You gave a playful pout as his shoulders parted your thighs open till you spread them. Giving a inhale against your clothed core and running his tongue over your soaking cotton panties, you wriggled as another rush of wetness filled you. “Fuck you smell so good, just like sex.” growling out as his fingers found the elastic band holding it all together and snapped it sharply, making you yelp at the sting while he peeled the wet cloth away from you.  
“We are all about destroying all the clothes today Alpha?” You lifted your head to look at him, biting on your lip as he dragged his tongue along the red mark the snap of the band had caused.  
“When you look and taste this good, you don't need them Little One.” His eyes lust blown, lips wet and bright red where he had dragged them against your skin. Your gaze followed him as his tongue buried into your folds while his hands pressed against the back of your thighs, folding you back. 
“Oh Fuck!” You cried out, feeling your body stretch tight with the way he folded you and his tongue tease your sensitive cunt while he groaned and growled just enough to vibrate through you. A tug at your clit had you snapping your back and twisting to find something to grasp and Steve angled a forearm against the back of your knees to keep you open for him. Fingers soon started to stretch you open, adding to the full sensation he was demanding from you. At first your hands sought to grip the sheets, but it wasn't useful to tug on them. Instead you pushed your fingers into his hair, pulling harshly and rocking your hips to grind yourself against his face for more. Steve’s beard burned your thighs and sensitive folds roughly, causing you to cry out once in a while. But he didn't stop till you were locking around his digits, rush of your juices escaping to coat his tongue and lower jaw. He wouldn’t stop though, if anything when you came, he doubled his efforts, his mouth and fingers working you through it to the end when you collapsed back against the mattress. 
“Steve you gotta stop for a moment.” you tugged gentler on his hair, trying to get him to lift his head. But his eyes lifted and you shuddered from his look. Steve had no plans on stopping yet. 
Fingers twisted to stroke your walls, and just the motion made you want to do just as he asked for. He nipped the back of your highs he had held back, worked down to sink his teeth in plump ass cheeks enough to leave a playful imprint before going back to tease and suck on your clit. 
The Alpha had you coming once again, locking around his fingers, and he nuzzled against you while lapping your essence with satisfaction. “So good Little One.” His beard dragged a moment along the back of your thighs, leaving a trail of yourself in its wake. It was only then that Steve let your legs fall back and his hands framed your hips to slide you up the bed, pressing kisses and gentle bites to your fluttering stomach till he had you where he wanted you. Steve pushed himself up your body to drag that soaked beard along your skin, biting just hard enough to make you jump slightly, whining his name. 
He rumbled from his chest in pleasure hearing you call him Alpha, his hands palming your breasts through your bra, and working your bra down enough to expose your breasts. “Yes Little One?” He asked before he claimed a nipple, sucking and tugging on it, pressing a finger back into your heat, spreading slick and teasing your spot only his long fingers could reach. He was bringing you high again, rather quickly as you never came back down from before. Your whine turns needy, your fingers grasping at anything, his back, his shoulders, his hair. None of them could quite save you, not when he was looking at you while swirling the tongue over your nipple until they were hard peaks, so sensitive that you were arching into it over and over “You're going to make me cum again.” 
A particular hard suck made you shudder as he smirked. “That's the goal Little One. Your not leaving till I’ve had my fill and I fuck you good. Seeing you dolled up like that made the Wolf hungry.” He promised, before switching to the other, and his weight across your body kept you in place while you came again all over his hand that was pumping and grinding your cunt. 
“Steve, oh I need a breath.” you said in a gasp, your hands fisting in your hair as you tried to drag air into your lungs. But he didnt give in yet. Sliding up the rest of your body, his lips interlaced against yours, tongue that was warm and still tasted of your taint took control, and at this point, you just hung on, trying to draw air where you could. Only when you were gasping for air against his lips did he lift away from you, taking a lingering look at you. 
Steve’s eyes were like caresses all on their own, taking his own sharp inhale to enhance the moment before his gaze fell back to yours and a smile ghosted his lips. “You look beautiful tonight, especially right now, all dazed and breathless Little One.” His hands eased along your hips and twisted you to your stomach, lifting your waist up so your ass was raised above you, his palms cupping your curved globes and letting his fingers sink in. It was no secret that Steve loved seeing you in this position, and truth be told it was one of your favorites as well. It reminded you of your heat with Steve having you this way, and you felt him for days afterwards. His marks would be left on your hips, and every time you caught sight of them in the mirror following that heat, you were excited, turned on knowing he couldn't contain himself, having sent him into a rut.  Here you took a breath, drawing it deep and humming in satisfaction when he leaned over you to place hungry kisses against the back of your neck. 
“One day when you're ready,  I'm going to give you the bite Little One, I will take away the memories of these scars. Of those hands.” His nose traced the back of your neck, dropping your head to let the sensation fill you. “These will be the only ones to trace your skin, hold your body still. The only one to love you like this.” 
How badly you wanted just what he said, curling your fingers into the pillows you were pressed against and took a dragging breath. You wanted to tell him to do it, you wanted it, you only wanted his bite to be the one that mattered on your body. But you didn't want to do it without your Little Wolf, the bond belonged to both of you. 
“You promise?” You whined, shivering wherever his hands traced you, and his mouth laid claim to the curve where your neck met your shoulder. “When the time is right?” 
“As long as you will have me Little One.” He growled as his cock pressed against your cunt, and so easily stretched you open for him, your head was thrown back and he wrapped a hand around the front of your throat while he thrusted himself in further. The stretch, it felt so good that tears formed in the corner of your eyes and you arched back to meet him, pressing yourself to accept all of him. Steve set the pace, rutting behind you with a slap of hips against your ass, and shared grunts and groans between you. You were pressing your chest into the mattress till he pulled you up to your elbows, shifting your angle and tilting his hips to grind into you, you gasped when he pressed against your spot. 
“Again Steve- fuck- right there, fuck!” 
“Such a dirty mouth on you Little One.” be licked along your neck and you whimpered when he obliged, now aiming just for that spot over and over till you were crying rather loudly in pleasure, tears streaming down your face and sobs of incoherent words falling from you. Your cunt squeezing and flexing around him for relief, to feel him spill in you. 
“Fuck, your right there.” He hissed out from clenched teeth, and his hand slipped around to press against your lower stomach to feel his cock drive into you, swelling and pulsing as he pressed down making you whimper once more at the sensation of how full you were. Steve could have came right there hearing you whimper at him like that, knowing he was taking you apart just to bring you back together. It was then he let his hands fall lower between your thighs pressing and rolling your clit, making you buck underneath him.
“Alpha, Oh-!” you cried out, and Steve just growled in response, a loud animalistic sound ripping from him.
Your nails dug into the pillows until you pressed a knuckle into your mouth, biting down. The rush, it was fast coming, those coils in your belly snapping one by one till you locked around him, flooding him and half collapsing if it wasn't for his hold on your throat. “So good Little One.” Steve grunted in your ear, and moaning softly to let him know you heard, his thrusts started to slow, groaning as he dragged his cock through your swollen cunt. His breaths heavily against the back of your neck and his chest pressed hotly against your back . 
Steve's hands grasped your hips and straightened to chase his own rush, sure to fill you with his own seed, the drive to fuck a child in you made both him and the wolf happy, and he let those images drive his hips forward till he started to tilt over the edge, with several hard thrusts that pushed you hard into the mattress beneath you, the air from your lungs escaping in a harsh gasp. Steve's release painted you with his seed, pushing it deep to the womb. “Fuck Little One, I’m never going to get enough of you.“ He groaned as he sank to drape over your back and his weight kept you pinned there for a moment as he came back to you. Nuzzling your neck, he wasn't able to move away, the knot still buried deep, but he could relieve the pressure on your back. 
“I'm gonna roll us a bit.” He huffed against your shoulder and you whined as he tipped you and him to your sides, spooning behind you now while you still were catching your breath. 
Your face was pressed into the pillow for a few moments, until you tilted your head to breath, drawing in the sex filled air, heavy with the scent of your sweaty satisfied bodies. You could feel the rasp of Steve's chest against your back, his hands pressed to your hip keeping you drawn back against him while the feeling of his knot was still holding you to him. Your hand reached back for his, weaving your fingers through his and bringing it to wrap around your midsection. 
“Alpha?” You said softly, and you could feel him nuzzle the back of your neck, scenting you as he hummed in response. 
“Are you okay Little One?” he shifted enough so that he could kiss your shoulder. Gentleness compared to his mouth before on you. 
“Yes, I am fine.” You tilted your head to look at him over your shoulder, your fingers squeezing with his just a bit. Your Little Wolf would have been so proud, and how you wished she could have been with you for this. “I love you Steve Rogers, Alpha. My Alpha” 
Steve's eyes widened, although he had felt this for you well before Pierce, or what he felt was love, it was so very different this time then it was before with his ex, he had never wanted to push you into feeling the same way. But hearing those words fall so easily from you, he knew what it was. You were quick though to press your fingers against his mouth before he could say anything. 
“Dont, you don't have to say it back. You don't have to Steve.” Your eyes flickered over his before you settled back down, Steve gave an open mouthed kiss to your neck, his tongue pressing against the thrum of your pulse, just barely grazing his teeth against the very spot he would give you the bite once you say you were ready for it. 
“Y/N, Little One, I love you too, my Omega.” You shivered a bit hearing him call you Omega, his omega. It was a term honored for someone truly special to an Alpha. You could feel your heart almost ache hearing him. 
Steve never pulled out, you ended up drifting to sleep like that, your Alpha wrapped around you, inside you, your head cradled on his bicep. His other arm was splayed against your stomach as he held you close to him, his nose buried in your hair. Both of you are satisfied and at ease. The dreams that night, Steves Wolf continued howling for his Little Wolf, and you saw pale flashes of fur in your mind and barely audible howls back to him, or were those just his echos? 
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Days turned into a week, and daily Steve would bring you to Shuri’s lab, then back to the room to rest as you would be tired. Her technology was fascinating to Steve, Him and Natasha would watch Shuri work from just outside her lab. Steve didn't want to be far from you, and Natasha was keeping an eye on her Alpha. When Shuri got to work, large images would be portrayed before her, and it didn't take long for both the wolves watching to realize that they were seeing an image of your mind, the electrical current of your thoughts and memories, your brain telling your body what to do. Shuri chased each one with intense concentration till she would isolate it, figure out what the charge was for and right the issue. Each day a little more would happen. One day at lunch with Steve and Natasha, you suddenly grasped Steve’s forearm in surprise. “I saw her, she wouldn't answer me, but I saw her.” You would say, your eyes snapping shut to seek her out. Natasha paused mid bite with her food, and Steve turned towards you. 
His hands cupped your face and a soft rumbling demand escaped. “Open your eyes.” They sprang open for him to search them, sure that the Little Wolf would make herself known to him soon. A spark of yellow, a soft howl for his Wolf. Anything, but nothing yet. “She will be back soon, a little more everyday.” Steve assured you afterwards. 
And it happened again, Steve was gentle in his love making that night. His hands clasped against yours that were pressed on either side of your head, rolling himself in and out of you as you withered beneath him with soft cries and moans. Chanting his name in that soft whisper the closer you were about to come for him like it was a way to keep yourself from falling apart beneath him. 
He flushed kisses down your neck and chest. Keeping his thrusts slow and deep, letting you feel that stretch and drag of his cock through your channel. It was an afternoon of lazy lovemaking for you both. No desire to reach an end, but enjoying the feeling of each other.  Your legs ached with tension when they locked around his hips, the rest of your body stiffening underneath him while arching your chest into his. You head tilted back into the pillows and instead of your passionate cry, you howled instead. It started out in a soft tone and rose sharply till you collapsed underneath him, your eyes opening to show hints of yellow. You were too dazed to even know what happened, and Steve didn’t say anything while you were like this. He dropped his head to yours, catching your lips to kiss you while he found his own ending, lowering himself to keep you secure between him and the mattress while you clung to him. 
Afterwards you were laying against his chest, his hand sliding up and down your back, and your breathing telling him you were asleep. Steve thought back on that intimate moment, and how you had let yourself go to your wilder side. 
<She’s close. I can smell her coming back.> The Wolf said excitedly, his muzzle lifting to smell for her. <It will be the Full Moon here soon, she will want to run.> 
Steve's head dropped against your head, inhaling deeply. Sure enough you smelled like you always did to him, soft honeysuckle and fresh ferns, but there was that other distinct scent. You. You and Your Wolf. She was coming back. 
Just a few more days. Your right. Just in time for the Full Moon. We will speak about it to T’Challa. 
When Steve did bring it up with the Panther, he was more than understanding, as his people used the Full Moon to do their own gathering. “Of course, if she is ready, You, Natasha and Y/N feel free to go anywhere in Wakanda. No one will stop you from your Run.” 
Elated with this news, Steve was sure to thank him profusely, and go tell Natasha. A knock on her door and she opened it, ushering him into her room. You were curled up on her couch, currently using a phone to talk to Sara. 
“Just here and there. Steve said he noticed her the other night. I’m hoping for it any day now. I really do miss her.” Catching Steve’s scent, and hearing him greet Natasha, you turned back to your phone call. “In fact he’s here right now. Would you like to talk to him?” You questioned while unfolding from your spot, and approaching him. His arm held out so you could tuck into him while handing him the phone. “It's Sara, she was just checking in on us.” 
Pressing the phone to his ear, he could hear his friend's sleepy voice. “Hey Alpha, Y/N tells me you all are really doing good in Wakanda.” 
“Yes, we are. I know Natasha’s been enjoying the extra sun for sure.” His gaze turning to the red wolf, who now was sporting a tan, she grinned and nodded, speaking a bit louder. “I might just stay, there's this one Panther Sara, who is just… whew!” 
Steve scowled at her while you laughed, hiding your face in his side, and Natasha had no shame in her Cheshire Grin. 
“You would fit right in here, you're basically a feline now Romanoff.” Steve replied with a shrug, feigning he wouldn't care, but both you and Nat knew better.  
Sara on the other end was howling with laughter, Sam could be heard in the background. “Go back to sleep!” A shuffle sounded, and a click of the door signaled she left the room to Sam. 
“How’s Sam liking you two being the stand ins?” Steve turned it back to the conversation. 
“Oh he grumbles and complains, but he's just fine. You know Sam. We have this place running just fine till you and Y/N come home.” 
“And Bucky, Clint, Wanda and Pietro?” Steve questioned, almost hesitant. He hadn't heard anything from Bucky since he arrived, and had hoped Sara at least had. But the sound of her voice was soft. 
“No Steve, nothing. I have left several messages. To be honest, I'm getting worried about them.” 
Steve and the Wolf didn't like that, a slight rumble brushing through the Wolf in worry for his packmates. Torn between wanting to go back to find the group, and making sure you had everything you needed to bring back your Little Wolf left him unsettled. “I don't expect to be here much longer, if you don't hear from one of them in a few days, send out a call to the packs nearby. Maybe one of them has seen the group.” 
Natasha sat on edge of the couch, near you listening intently. Once Steve hung up, she got up. 
“Let me go home. You two are fine without me now.” 
Steve hesitated and you shrugged at him softly from behind Natasha. It seemed like a good idea, as he had said before, they shouldn't be here too much longer. and the Alpha nodded. “Starks jet is still here, go and see if they are okay. If Brock did something to any of them… “ He led off in a growl and Natasha nodded, going to gather her stuff. You pushed off the couch and went to Steve, rubbing at his rumbling chest and looking up at him. 
“I'm sure they are okay Alpha.” you said, and he nodded, letting his hands ease along your back, the simple move making him relax, regain his calm.  
“I'm sure they are just busy on the trail.” 
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Busy was right, Bucky watched out front of where they found Brock and Alanna, holed up. A series of trails finally led them to here, in this suburban looking area where every house looked exactly the same. The last place Brock would have thought they would look for him, seeing how he hated people as much as he did. It was exactly what Bucky suspected him to do. 
<Clint and Wanda are out back, Pietro with us. It's probably the best time to storm the place. Most of the neighborhood is at work.> The White Wolf cautious to his surroundings, as vigilant as his human counterpart. The beast craved to be more hidden, out of sight. Right now Bucky was leaning against the door of the car with a pair of binoculars, scoping the place out for any sign of movement. Any sign of Cassandra still being alive. 
I hate to go in when nobody is there, we will just blow our cover and they will be gone again. I can smell them easily, but I can't tell if anyone is inside. 
There was a slight crackle to Bucky's earpiece. “Barnes, we just had a curtain move upstairs and Alanna looked out. She’s at least there, and I doubt she would stay all alone.” Clint's voice came over. Pietro looked at Bucky expectantly, waiting for him to make the decision. 
<He’s in there. Rumlow is a son of a bitch, but he's untrusting of anyone, including a bitch he claimed as his. He won't leave Alanna alone with Cassandra. He knows Alanna is a jealous bitch.> Bucky pondered the White Wolf’s words a moment and then responded to Clint. “You and Wanda go in the back, we will go in the front. Watch yourselves.” 
Pietro and Bucky left the van, quick to go across the street. Bucky heard a loud bang of a door, and his foot also connected to the front door, ramming it in as they entered. Hoping for an element of surprise, expecting it actually. What they weren't expecting was several smoke bombs to go off, their senses overwhelmed with the burning smoke. Clint tried to get up higher, above it while rushing up the stairs, a boot connected to his chest to push him back down. A masked Rumlow leaping over the bannister and landing in front of Bucky. “Fuck, good to see you again Barnes.” He laughed muffled into his mask while he went after the White Wolf, who was still coughing and trying to catch his breath. He was able to match Brock's throws, blocking them, and giving off his own while he wheezed in more of the gas. 
From behind Alanna went for Wanda, who was trying to summon enough of a breeze to dislodge the gas, red sparks shooting around her, but a swing connected behind the woman's head before she even knew anything hit her, and Wanda was down. Pietro was doubled over coughing when he happened to notice Wanda collapse nearby and made his way to his sister. He leaned down next to her to slide his arms underneath her to bring her out of the house, when Alanna caught him unaware as well, Pietro collapsing next to Wanda. Alanna was quick to pull out two sinister looking collars from her back pockets, and latched them around each person's neck while calling out. “two out of four Brock!” 
“Get the fucking archer!” He snarled as he blocked Bucky again while the two men moved crashing around the room. Both of them tripping over living room furniture and trying to get the upper hand against the other. Bucky faltered for a second, hearing that two of his team were already taken out. Brock took that moment to send him sprawling back to crash into a bookcase, sending its contents scattering.
Alanna paid no heed to who was getting the upper hand between Brock and Bucky. She had her order from her Alpha, and that sent her scrambling to get to the staircase, and up the stairs to take care of Clint. Looking up she didn't see any sign of him, and fear of where he might be made her and her wolf hesitate in a cower for a second. She knew she wouldn't be a match for him. Not single handed.  Smirking she turned back to Wanda and Pietro, who were now collared, and starting to come around. “Sobaki.” Alanna called them dogs in Russian, and they both turned their attention to her, eyes lowered and vacant as they stared ahead, waiting for her command. 
“Ahh, that's better. Go get Clint and put this on him.” She handed Wanda another collar, and barked out. “NOW!” 
Without hesitation, both the siblings went racing up the stairs, and Alanna could turn her attention to Brock and Bucky, who were both evenly matched. But Bucky was starting to get the upper hand, placing more hits to Brock, instead of blocking. Taking advantage of his opponent getting tired, using his speed and size to back him up, leaving him no way to escape. “Where is she?” Bucky screamed his question as he started to corner Brock, his teeth bared at the ex alpha. 
Brock spit blood off to the side while dragging his forearm across his mouth. His whole demeanor changed from a scowl to a red stained grin, his face going hard and cold as he squared his shoulders, a smirk sliding in place. “Cassandra your sweet little village whore? Is that who you're talking about?” Bucky closed the gap between the two, a hand flipping a knife out from a holster at his side, and pressing the blade to Brock’s bobbing adam’s apple.
“You tell me where she is Rumlow, and I might kill you quickly.” Bucky threatened.
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