#with raph panicing on the ground xD
pageofheartdj · 1 year
Thinking again what kind of bending the bros would have!
I would never compromise on Leo being a waterbender and Mikey being an airbender.
Leo with his fluid and quick agility and sharpness and his more prominent care for family(everyone do but you can see that Leo is a bit more persistent)(and yes because blue jhd xD) And Mikey with his passifistic nature, being bouncy in the air and light-heartness and secret deadliness(and yes because orange dksh xD)
But Donnie and Raph? That got me trouble xD
At first I thought to make Donnie a firebender because of his drive to create and Fire Nation being the one with a tech, and Raph being an eartbender because of how stubborn he is and how he is a rock for a family.
But then I saw some opinions and eventually it got switched xD
Raph would be a firebender since he is also very passionate and driven person(and yes because red kjsh xD) and Donnie would be an earthbender since he is also stubborn and makes a stable foundation. Plus he can have metal bending! THE METAL BENDING!!
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Chapter 3 of No Fun in Fungus!
Leo chokes and wheezes on the yellow cloud that infiltrates his lungs. There’s a dull ache in his plastron. It could be from his old injuries, but he was well aware of a possible other cause for the sensation.
Leo would experience most attacks after getting upper respiratory infections, which he had a lot when he was younger.
It was nothing compared to what Donnie went through though.
His immune system sucked and the cold sewer with polluted water did not help his case in the slightest.
More infections meant he needed an inhaler more times than Leo did.
He never asked Splinter how he got one that first time, but he always remembers the bloody bandage around his hand.
He also remembers the birthday he asked for his supply packs.
Dad sewed it together for him.
The contents of the pack changed a lot over the years, but there were three things that never did.
A pack of dinosaur bandaids for Mikey.
Raph’s epi pen.
Their inhaler.
Despite it being years since Donnie’s last attack, that inhaler was never going to missing.
Leo takes it out immediately. Donnie was right next to him before those things came, he couldn’t be far.
“Wretched little pest….”
The voice chills him down to his core.
It’s typically believed that there are several fs when it comes to reacting to fear.
The two most well known are fight or flight.
However, there’s also freeze and fawn.
Fawn would be when Mikey tells Raph he’s the best oldest brother in the world as he hides a broken teddy bear mug behind his back.
Freeze is when you spend an entire flight in an escape pod having a panic attack and can’t even move when you get back because you just left your brother to die.
How ironic is it that someone who can never stop talking can’t say a word when he’s truly terrified?
The face man, curled up in a ball like a pathetic-
Leo covers his ears.
Where were those thoughts coming from?
Were they even thoughts?
It sounded like someone was saying it directly to him.
He feels the immediate need to curl up, not move and hope that it makes it all go away.
Seeing the glowing red eye through the thick particles in the air only makes that feeling worse.
What is happening? How could he be here?
The clanging of metal on the ground in front of him seems to give him an a answer.
He doesn’t want to look at the item in front of him.
The ninpo created weapon he left in the prison dimension.
It should have stayed there, because if it’s here, then it let him come here too.
The laughter he hears nearly makes his heart stop.
“You thought you could escape me?”
Leo can’t stop the fearful tears pricking at his eyes, quietly mumbling no repeatedly.
“You allowed me to come back. As thanks, I’ll kill you last.”
Leo hates how the words he wants to say die in his throat.
“You can watch as I slaughter your siblings, as you took away mine!”
He can hear the sounds of metallic footsteps coming towards him.
Leo can almost see his life flashing before his eyes. It makes him wonder how this response to fear came about.
Why wasn’t he like Donnie who made those escape pods?
Why didn’t he use his skills like Mikey?
Why didn’t he fight like-…….
That’s it.
If something truly scary was happening, it was Raph who protected him.
He could freeze up and Raph would be there to shield him from literally anything that would come his way.
Even if it was something impossible like giant freaking aliens with razor sharp tentacles.
Even if he hadn’t given him a good reason to want to protect him that day.
He was right next to him too before the spores came out.
Where was he now?
Leo wanted his big brother.
He screams out his name in fear as the mech that carries the main Kraang finally stands in front of him.
Just like that, Raph appears too.
Leo realizes he’s brought him right into danger and tries to warm him.
Raph kneels down and smiles at him widely.
“What’s the matter, Leo? Raph’s here, it’ll be okay.”
“D-Don’t you see him?”
“Everything is fine, Leo. I promise.”
Leo relaxes for a split second until blood splashes on his face.
Raph had been impaled where he almost had been before.
Leo’s throat begins to hurt, is he screaming again?
He can’t tell.
His face goes to the floor, body curling around himself and the inhaler still in his grip somehow.
The screaming from him is in fact happening, others could hear it even if he couldn’t.
Especially the real Raph.
After the spores had been sprayed and he couldn’t see his brothers, he thought he heard them further away.
He had no clue that the hallucinations could be auditory as well.
After rushing to where they might have been, the sounds got worse.
Donnie, Mikey, Leo, all begging for his help.
No matter where he went he couldn’t reach them.
“Guys! Where are you!?”
Raph whips his head around.
“Leo?“ He swears he can hear Leo again.
“Listen to me. When I get to the other side, you close that door.”
Raph feels his stomach drop, bringing up his arm to confirm what the hallucinations are making him see and hear.
On his wrist is the device he couldn’t bring himself to wear ever again.
The one that let him hear Leo making a decision he never should have made.
The one that let him hear what that monster was doing to him.
He starts rushing back to the direction he previously left, hoping his brothers hadn’t moved.
The rushing becomes more urgent when he hears Leo scream his name.
He’s moving so fast he nearly trips over his own feet several times.
When he finally sees Leo, everything in front of him turns into a hell scape.
Leo is in front of him, bloodied, bruised, cracks on his plastron and shell, and looking absolutely terrified.
The Krang mech is standing over him.
Raph can’t be sure at all that this how it was in the prison dimension, maybe this was accurate or maybe it’s just how he imagined it was.
Just like he never mentioned what he saw, Leo always redirected what it was like in those moments before Mikey was able to save him.
All he knew is what he and everyone else heard.
Raph knows this is all fake, something to mess with his head.
That doesn’t make his guilt go away in the slightest.
He wasn’t there to stop him, protect him.
When Splinter made Leo leader Raph wasn’t upset or mad because he got replaced, he seriously could not care less who led who in terms of responsibility.
He was worried that it meant Leo would take the brunt of the hits, be the shield when that was supposed to be what Raph does.
Raph is huge, that’s obvious.
None of his brothers can ever tell how small they are to him. Not just in size, but….how can you forget that you used to hug them close because they were scared of the dark?
They run out of your arms and when that’s when you realize that there’s so many things way scarier than the dark.
You want to scoop them back up so they don’t run too far to keep close.
Leo had managed to go so far away.
The Krang mech hits Leo across the face, splattering blood on the floor.
He hears Leo scream bloody murderer, screams he wished never would come from any member of his family.
Raph feels something snap in his brain that is usually reserved just for his savage modes.
He powers up, creating a larger version of himself to clap its arms together. This forces the spores in the air to disburse and clears the area.
He then stares down the fake Krang and stomps it.
The hallucination loses its hold. When he lifts the foot back up there’s just the pole that Donnie gave Leo under it.
Leo flinches, slowly but shakily lifting up his head.
“N-No….not again….please….” He nearly whispers.
Raph reaches out to see if he was real.
Leo tears up heavily.
Raph can see the utter terror on his face.
“Let him go. Stop….stop doing this. He doesn’t deserve it! Why can’t you leave him alone….!?” Leo shouts hoarsely, his throat already rough.
Raph quickly stops with his other form, but
Leo suddenly stands up and grabs at his arms before he can say anything.
“Get off him! How dare you use his body for this!? Again!? Haven’t you done enough to him!? To me!?”
“Listen to me, it’s not real! Those spores are making us hallucinate.”
Leo’s eyes widen.
“It’s….fake….? I….I didn’t bring him back here? You’re….you’re not….?”
“I’m the real deal, I promise.”
Leo feels the adrenaline that kept him standing give out along with his legs.
Ralph keeps him steady, moving to pick him up.
“N-No….just….let me use your arm, please.”
“You’re not in good shape Leo…..I heard you screaming.”
Leo breathes shakily.
“I want to know I can still make myself move.”
Raph isn’t entirely sure he gets it, but there was no way he was going to deny him what he seemed to need because of that.
He nods and puts Leo’s arm around his own since his shoulder would be too up high to help.
“We need to find Donnie and Mikey.”
“Maybe you can explain everything as we walk….I am so lost right now.”
“Not anymore, Leo.”
Leo smiles faintly.
“I’m going to let that corny thing pass since I think we could both use that right now.”
Raph smiles back and walks with him.
When the spores had first erupted around them, Donnie felt his hand get grabbed.
He knew who it was by the texture of the hand right away.
Of course the size is another indicator, but Donnie focused a lot on how things feel.
Raph’s hand is rougher than everyone else’s, both because he often uses his fists and the fact he lifts weights which causes calluses.
Leo’s hand is the softest because of his use of gloves during their fights, and the incredibly long list of skin care products he owns.
Mikey’s hand usually has something else on it, chalk dust, or finger paint, or, one time, peanut butter, which made Donnie gag.
That’s the hand that pulled him away.
They moved fairly fast.
“Ugh, this smells like when we found that cheese dad was hoarding so it could age. Be careful Mikey, we could start hallucinating at any moment.” Donnie warns.
“Maybe if you could do more than spend your time on dumb inventions we wouldn’t be in this mess.”
Donnie rips his hand out of his grip.
“You’re not-!….Am I trying to say something to a hallucination? Great, now I’m a cliché.”
Saying that other part out loud was also pointless, he knows.
He was basically talking to himself right now.
Those stupid invasive mushrooms were trying to turn baseless thoughts into tangible visions.
What he doesn’t understand is how and why it happened this way.
If it followed the pattern of what Mikey and Raph saw, he would see something he’s supposedly scared of relating to the Krang.
However, feeling and hearing shouldn’t have been part of it.
Had it been that case, what he did to help Raph wouldn’t have worked.
Was it the amount of spores? Was there a certain set of rules he wasn’t aware of?
He missed some variable, this is exactly why he hates when he’s missing data.
Donnie turns around to try to get back to where he was taken from.
“I can’t believe you chose those jerks over me.”
He’s taken aback by the new voice but tries to remind himself that it means nothing.
“It’s always about what you want. She makes fun of me and you join up with her just for a jacket? Do I really man less to you than a jacket…..?”
“That is not how I feel! She knows that!”
“Maybe…..maybe Donnie thinks we’re too dumb to be his brothers. He wishes we were like him.”
What? Mikey again?
“Are you kidding? I bet he wishes he was an only child. Donnie never cares about what we’re doing, he just waits to talk about what he’s doing.”
No, Raph wouldn’t say that!
He turns, only to see Leo right in front of him.
“Stop it! I know you’re not real!”
“Thanks for the advice, Donnie.”
“I didn’t give you any!”
“Sure you did. Back when Ghost Bear showed up. “Leo, sacrifice yourself? Buy us some time?” Does that ring any bells?”
Donnie freezes.
“I-It was a joke.”
“How about when I was supposed to protect you because I sell the least amount of toys?”
“Obviously another joke!”
“No, Donnie. It pushed me to do what had to be done. I’ll do it as many times as I need to.”
Donnie grits his teeth.
“No! You won’t! I’ll stop you!”
“Stop me? How? With another gift disguised as a way to tell me you hate me?”
“It was a real gift! I thought it would help!”
The shock collar suddenly appears on Leo.
“It’s a real pain in the neck, Dontron.”
It shocks him, making him writhe and scream in pain.
Donnie can’t help but scream as well.
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milkytheholy1 · 4 years
Online Buds
hey- can i request a leo/male reader meeting each other for the first time? (theyre online friends) it can b platonic or romantic aaaa
A/N: hey sorry that this is extremely long I didn't mean for it to be, but oh well. Also I set this in the Rise universe just because it happened as I typed and Rise Leo is always fun to write for. I hope you enjoy this XD
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"Dude If you're the imposter I am so defriending you." You mused as you moved your character around the screen. A gasp was heard through your headphones a chuckle working its way from your throat.
"How dare you assume I'm the imposter after I just defended you. Shame on you, shame on you~" PrimeTimes' voice came through loud and clear, disgust quickly being picked up in his tone. You continued to do tasks as your mind raced on whether he was lying or not, trying to pick up any hint of panic in his otherwise calming voice. "Whatever, man." You muttered under your breath, ignoring it for now and carrying on with the game.
Less than ten minutes later, a blue crewmate stabbed you in the back repeatedly. Your eyes trembled as you watched the yellow corpse drop to the ground, quickly growing enraged you screamed down the microphone probably making the poor boy deaf "I KNEW IT WAS YOU! YOU'RE SUCH AN ASSHAT! GOD, I was this close to completing my tasks." Your face was red as you followed that blue backstabber around the map, your expression scrunched up in disgust as you watched him kill another player.
"Listen, it's not my fault I'm insanely good at lying I've had good practice over the years. You just need to get better at sniffing it out." He reflected you laughed hard your knees tucking up to press against your chest as you whipped your head back into a cackle. "And what's so funny?" PrimeTime questioned, your chuckles slowly silenced as you wiped a stray tear from your eye "Nothing, anyone ever told you that you are insanely funny?"
"Well, I'm glad someone's finally appreciating my humour," he pondered "DID YOU HEAR THAT DONNIE, HE THINKS I'M FUNNY!" His voice became distant as PrimeTime leaned away from his mic, you couldn't hear, however, your keen ears did pick up what sounded like someone saying "Dad said I'm the funniest!"
"Sorry about that, my brother seems to think he's the funniest in the family. I've always told him he's delusional." PrimeTime's voice came back through your headphones, you mindlessly pressed some keys on your computer aimlessly chatting to some guy you'd never met, for christ's sake you didn't even know his name or that he had a brother.
"What's your brother's name?" You asked before you had a chance to close your mouth, PrimeTime's voice went quiet static only carried through the speakers.
"Wow, you're asking about my brother's name before asking for mine? I see where are friendship lies." He joked. You began to ramble and stutter out an apology getting cut off by his confident voice "I'm just messing with ya, I've got three brothers actually. The one you just heard was Donnie, spends most of the day working on machines and drinking coffee. My older brother, Raph, tends to work out a lot, keeps our family together when we're all at each other's throat. Oh and my younger brother Mikey, artist of the family, super, super talented."
"You seem to really care about them."
"Yeah but don't tell them I told you that, they'll call me a sis or something." His voice became softer as he whispered into the mic. You enjoyed the sound of his hush breaths so close to your ears as though he was beside you. Snapping out of the thought, the blush still lingering on your cheeks, you continued "So, er, what's your name?"
"Well, I go by many names: Neon Leon, PrimeTime, Leonard, Leonardo, Leo, your majesty, Lou Jitsu JR-" your mind lost track as he continued to rattle on through names, so caught up in just trying to remember one you had failed to notice he had stopped talking, probably waiting for you to respond. "I think I'll just stick with Leo if that's alright?"
"Totally, so what may I call you total mystery man who sucks at video games." He quipped you did a double-take to your screen somewhat imagining him there "I don't suck at video games-" you paused for a moment then corrected yourself "Okay I don't suck at all video games." Leo laughed aloud, a proper belly laugh, clearly being caught off guard by your admittance.
"The names (Y/N)."
"Sweet name, so wanna play another round or just chat?"
"How long do you have?" Leo groaned the sound distancing as he moved away from the mic, his voice suddenly returning in a deep sigh "About 10 minutes." You moaned, where does he possibly go? I know he said he goes out with his brothers or something but what could they possibly be doing at 12 am?
"Hey, do you like...Want to meet up someday? You know, two dudes...chilling out...as friends" you mumbled out the last part embarrassed that you had already started catching feelings for Leo, maybe just clarifying out loud that you were just friends would reinforce in your mind that nothing would happen. "You want to meet up?" His voice had become timid, nervous even. You quickly panicked "We don't have to if you don't want to, just thought we could become proper mates that's all." You wanted to avoid the disappointment laced into your tone but it still seeped in.
"NO- I mean, no. I'll, er, meet with you." His voice sprung out from your headphones, making you wince at the slight ringing in your ears, "Oh, cool." came your simple, laid-back reply "Just I don't want you to like freak-out or anything, promise you won't freak out and we can continue to be best buds."
"What? Er, yeah fine, I promise?"
"Okay, cool." Leo started whistling as the air became stagnant again, suddenly on Leo's side of the call rustling could be heard "Oh er hey (Y/N) I gotta go now my brothers need me, whatcha say we meet up tomorrow night? I'll message you the details."
"Yeah that's fine, what are you and your brothers doing anyw-"
"Okay (Y/N) gotta go, see ya later, BYE!" He shouted then the call went silent, turning off your computer and pulling out your headphone cable you sat in your bed wondering what this 'Leo' looked like and why'd he be so scared to meet you that he made you promise you wouldn't freak out. Something's going on here and you're going to find out what.
The Next Night
That evening Leo had messaged you an address stressing to meet on the roof and to come alone. At first, the message freaked you out a little bit, I mean come on this is how people get like kidnapped or something. But you were too intrigued by the possibilities of what Leo looked like: maybe he had some bad acne or burns, could be scars, bite marks? Your mind remained active in thought as you climbed the fire escape up to the roof, what if this is how you die?
Swiping away the thought you looked around the empty rooftop it hadn't looked like anyone had been up here recently, except for some nesting pigeons. You swivelled your head to the sound of footsteps on the far side of the roof, it was cased in shadows and definitely seemed like a killer's corner.
"Who goes there!" You yelled putting your fists up in a fighting stance, you tracked your mind for those boxing lessons your dad forced you to take to "be more manly." at least they were finally paying off. You didn't receive a response but felt an intense gaze on your face, your cheeks heating up on there own perhaps from fear or maybe something else. You heard what sounded like a snicker come from the shadows, your brows furrowed in frustration "Show yourself!" You tried to deepen your voice to sound more dominant and scary but it came across as more of a lump in your throat.
"Dude, chill out it's just me." You recognised that voice, that was Leo. Your hands became limp by your side as you started to relax, you remained close to the fire escape though incase this Leo guy was actually a killer. "Why are you in the shadows? I thought we were going to hang out?" You asked squinting your eyes to try and adjust to the darkness that surrounded him. "I thought we could just chat up here or something?"
"You're not going to murder me or anything, right? Because my dad made me take boxing lessons when I was younger."
"What? No-pfft, why would I murder you, maybe in-game sure but not in real life dude."
"I knew that." Leo laughed again, you stepped closer suddenly feeling a sense of confidence wash over you. "So are you going to come out of the shadows neon Leon?"
"Hey, you remembered!" He sounded shocked, you took offence to that simply pouting your lips and turning your head away from him "Well you went and threw so many I was bound to remember more than one." You muttered back to him still sulking. Deciding you had had enough, you started to make your way back to the fire escape, this quickly caught Leo's eye. His hand instinctively reached out to grab your arm, his hand retracted as soon as it touched the fabric of your jacket "Where are you going?" he sounded sad, disappointed too.
"I'm not sticking around if you're just going to stay in the shadows the whole time, I thought you actually wanted to be my friend guess I was wrong." You turned away from him placing one foot on the ladder "Wait!" he screamed out, your head popped back over the ladder staring at where the voice had come from, you didn't look very amused.
"I do want to be friends with you, it's just not many people are very welcoming to my...appearance. I didn't want to scare off the first friend I made on my own, without my brothers being there." Leo, step by step, walked out of the shadows, his lime-green skin bathing in the pale moonlight. The straps of his bandana flapped in the slight breeze, red moon-crescent stripes reflecting on either side of his face. Your eyes were drawn to the shell on his back, the way it dipped in the middle then flicked out towards the end, the yellow slashes on his arms and legs, the fact that he only had three fingers.
Leo didn't meet your intense gaze, he didn't need to. He could feel you ogling him and not in a good way, he felt embarrassed he shouldn't have done this, he should have said no and kept to strictly online buddies. Donnie was right, this was a bad idea.
"Look, I know I'm not what you expected. I mean, c'mon, a talking turtle in New York? I get it if you don't wanna be friends with me." he was looking down towards his feet, shuffling the loose stones and pebbles. "Dude-" his eyes scrunched up in fear of what you were going to say, he so desperately wanted this to work out, he wanted to have someone else at the lair, another human that wasn't just April.
"-you look awesome!" You beamed at him, walking closer to inspect the finer details like the patterns on his shell and the material of his gloves. "Yeah, I understand I guess I'll get- wait, what? You're not repulsed by me?" He required, you simply shook your head and continued to ask him questions about how he became a talking turtle, his brothers and if they were the same as him; you had found out they were all different species of turtle. You had discovered that you weren't the first human to see them and that they lived in the sewers with their father who you had assumed was a bigger talking turtle, but Leo shook his head with a laugh.
It had been over two hours since you had first set foot on the roof, your time with Leo was well spent and you both thoroughly enjoyed it. Standing opposite each other you cracked a few more jokes before saying it was a night. "We're still on for tomorrow, right?" Leo asked hesitantly, you nodded with a gentle smile "Wouldn't miss it, oh hey, what if I came to the lair tomorrow to, you know, meet everyone?" Your eyes darted to Leo's, his eyes widened while his mouth hung open a little bit, thinking you were moving too fast you tried to correct your mistake "I don't have to if you don't want me to it was just a thought."
Leo grasped you in his arms and tugged you to his chest lifting you slightly off of the floor, your face blossomed red as he spun you around slightly. Noticing his behaviour he quickly put you down and started coughing, his hand nervously rubbing the back of his neck, a habit you've noticed he was doing occasionally while talking to you.
"Sorry, I would totally love for you to meet my brothers. I know for a fact you and Michael would get on like a house on fire. I'll meet you here then we can walk to the lair, alright?"
"Yes sir." You saluted, making your way back down the fire escape you sent him one more quick smile before disappearing from his sights. Leo jetted back to the lair in record time, shoving his way past Raph and Mikey, Leo made his way to Donnie's lab where he knew he'd find the genius. Pushing open the doors, Donnie went to complain about the intrusion but stopped himself short when he saw the buzzing look on his brother's face. "So how did your little date go?" He mused, a teasing smirk on his front.
Leo's cheeks started to match his stripes throwing out a defensive "It wasn't a date!" Donnie only hummed back a response, picking up a power tool and carried on tinkering with whatever was in front of him "Actually he's coming here tomorrow to hang out. Completely casual."
"And you're telling me this because?"
"I don't want you to do any of your 'Donnie stuff' near him."
"'Donnie stuff'?"
"Yeah, you know, saying things like "Prepare to eateth thy words" and "no probbles" just things normal people don't say."
"How dare you."
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moonlightflower21 · 5 years
Always, part 6
A/N: here you guys goooo! sorry for the long delay xD i kept trying to redo this chapter and i'm still not sure with how i feel about it :/ but hope you guys enjoy!
this is also pretty long, like... really long. sorry xD
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Part 1- X
Part 2- X
Part 3- X
Part 4- X
Part 5- X
"No!" Karai bellowed out but it was too late; the turtles were up and within mere seconds threw their opponents down to the floor. She cursed at you, her breath shortening as the pain in her leg grew progressively worse. She could barely breathe but the anger and glare on her face remained perfectly intact.
"This place is guarded up, you're going to need a hell of plan to escape" she gritted out, snarling at you and the turtles as her fingers clenched around her thigh despite the blood leaking through her fingers. She sounded breathless, her back leaning up against a wall glaring daggers at you.
"Save your energy. The more you move, the further that rod cuts deeper into you" you replied back sarcastically, eyeing at her disgust. But looking around, the confidence you held was slowly diminishing. She wasn't wrong. The footbots that surrounded you all were beginning to circle closer toying with their weapons, waiting for the order from their leader. It wasn't as you though you could run to the exit, they had the door locked with a guard of footbots standing there keeping watch. Even if you escaped, you couldn't imagine how many lay outside waiting to take you all down. But now was not the time to panic, you had to find a way out of here.
"This is a nice reunion, isn't it Y/N? You with the turtles, especially one in particular. Your boyfriend... Oh wait.... Ex-boyfriend, isn't that right?" She chuckled, as someone tried to fix her thigh. She let out pained cry, when the object was removed and you allowed a small smirk on your lips. You wanted nothing more than to stab her again with the same object, this time making sure it penetrated deep within the muscles and tendons in her thigh. You knew she tried to get into your head, trying to get you to break down. You hated her for the same thing, because Donatello would always play such a big part in your life. No matter how many times you pretended he didn't. All the turtles did... but Donnie was different.
"We were never a couple to begin with, perhaps check your facts before you so confidently spill them" you counteracted calmly, a look of satisfaction at the pain she was in. You composed everything well on the outside, but inside it was all a mess. It had always been a mess since he left.
Donnie scanned you over with his intelligent eyes and from here, it seemed as though you were okay. Physically, yes. But mentally, maybe not so much. He saw the pain that flashed in your eyes when she mentioned him and his brothers, the hurt that you still carried over his actions and with that, the amount of guilt that flooded his gut increased. You were never obliged to stay with them, you could have done and lived your own life. But you didn't, you stuck with them even through the darkest moments. He pushed so far, you couldn't enter the lair without being hit with the reminder that he hated you. But he didn't hate you, why couldn't you see that?
Donnie was never one to believe in regrets, living his life as best as he could. There were few people who knew of his existence, you being one of them. And looking at you now, if only he could go back in time and reverse his actions, he would've done so in a heartbeat. Because this wasn't just some ordinary friendship, you were one of the few he told deep secrets to. The same person who would be there for him, chatting at 3am when his mind wouldn't rest. When the rest of his family were snoozing peacefully blissfully unaware of the nightmares that would sometimes haunt his mind. Or the times when after a bad patrol, he would come to his lab and sit in silence reflecting. You would help him realise he wasn't alone in what he was feeling, he didn't have to share the burden by himself. You were there during the lowest moments of his life as well as the happiest. A dull pain throbbed in his heart as he realised he may never be able to experience it ever again with you. He ruined it all. And despite being the genius of the group, he had no way of understanding how to fix it.
"Where even are we?" Mikey whispered, his hands curled around the hilt of his nunchucks. His wild eyes looked around frantically for an escape but it seemed barren, nothing clear to indicate their location. Or so he thought.
"I-I think we're underground... see those pipes over there..." Donnie looked up, trying to look for an escape route as his hand stretched out his bo staff for protection. The footbots were guarded around, their face nothing but a sneer at you all.
Yet there was a ladder, far across from where the footbots huddled up. The ladder seemed to trail upwards, leading to another pathway. Whether it was the correct escape route or not didn't exactly cross your mind, any sort of exit from here would be great. It was just a risk you were willing to take. The boys slowly backed up, their hands firmly placed on their weapons as their eyes scanned the room. Realisation settled on their features, knowing why Karai would pick such a location. Fighting wouldn't be the wisest, unless they attacked first. They needed their energy for later.
Leonardo noticed you looking to the side, following the trail with his eyes and let out a soft gasp when there was a ladder. With an arched brow, he looked to his brothers who too, found possibly the only escape they had. "Attack them!" Karai snapped angrily, trying to stand up but you all five ran for your lives. You stepped on the ladder first, quickly climbing to the top which lead to another alley. The walls were metals, and the thumps created by the enemies made your head pound loudly. It hurt to think but you had to get out. The boys were defending off the footbots as you searched blindly for a door to run out of. There was a little light that flickered above a door and with squinted eyes, you read the sign. EXIT.
"Through here!" You yelled, opening the door and finding the open ground and the fresh air hit your face. It seemed like you all were in some warehouse but you would cross the bridge when it came. It was dangerous to be here and you opened the large doors for the turtles to come in.
"Let's go, guys!" Leo ordered, kicking off a footbot from his frontal vision and running forwards towards the exit. You were about to follow them when you saw a shadow in the background, aiming something for the purple clad turtle. He was occupied with fighting off what was in front of him; he didn't spare a glance to the parts where he would be most vulnerable. The back of his head and shoulders.
"Y/N! Hurry!" Raph yelled out to you, opening the door and you looked to him and then back. Everything was playing in slow motion, it was so conflicting which one to choose from. "Donnie, bro!" Mikey shouted, about to rush back for his brother but you ran past him, instead.
It was as though instinct took over. Despite everything, despite what he had done you couldn't let him die. Not when you could save him. "Behind you!" You yelled, throwing him down and feeling something slice deep which you later found out was a knife. It punctured the skin of your stomach in a quick upward motion and with a soft breath, your body fell to the ground. Your name was screamed through the room as swords clashed against each other but the hammering in your head muted their sounds. Your body felt simultaneously numb and heavy, your eyes wanting to close by themselves as the darkness seemed to welcome you with open arms.
"Y/N?? Y/N! Oh my god- Stay with me! Leo!" a panicked voice overcame and you figured it was Donatello, but you couldn't hear him straight for your blood roared over your ears and the thumping in your head heightened with every minute. The warm blood oozed through your clothes, staining them in a deep red that would put Raphael's mask to shame.
"Take her, let's go!" Someone instructed in a clear and sharp voice, interrupting the ramble of the younger turtle. "I got it" He picked you up bridal, and all four turtles made their way to the exit, ramming the door shut as best as they could. "We gotta get home now! Any idea where we are?" Leo asked Donnie who looked down at you with fear and sadness. He snapped out of his trance as his brothers looked at him expectantly.
"Y-Yeah I just gotta...." He placed you in the arms of Raph and quickly tightened a piece of fabric over your stomach. "That should put pressure on the wound until I can properly access it" his voice was almost breathless, as though this was a nightmare he would wake up from. He couldn't believe this, you were stabbed here in his brothers arms and your blood spattered everywhere. He should have protected you, he should have taken the hit. Why did you jump in??
"S'gonna be okay, Don. We gotta get the hell outta here" Raphael spoke quietly, knowing that the genius was already overwhelmed as it was. It surprised him that Raphael could speak in this warm tone, only ever hearing him use this towards Mikey when he was badly hurt. The thumping in the distance grew louder and he knew that he had to get his acts and thoughts together.
"Yes, okay. You're right" he smiled softly at his older brother before looking at his team. They gave encouraging smiles back, even if danger was right behind them. "Let's go" and with a clear order, Donnie's brain seemed to work properly once more.
There was a gentle beeping that awoke you and without even thinking straight, you knew you were in the lair. Something covered your mouth and with a shaky hand you removed it weakly, stretching out your cramped arm a little. But in doing so, a shot of excruciating pain went through your stomach and you winced, clenching your jaw in pain. How far had this knife hit you?? You sighed exasperated, and leaned your head against the pillow. The smell of coffee, vanilla and mechanic oil wafted through the air, flooding your brain with memories of Donatello. Donnie....
Looking down, the end of your blouse was ripped for easy access to the wound. Though the top covered most of your stomach, the bandages peeked through which made the events of the night unfold. You looked to the ceiling, having no energy to pause the events from unfolding. You had remembered pushing Donnie out of the way, remembering the complete shock when your body came into contact with the ground. And the numbing pain that shot up your abdomen alongside warm blood which pooled out incessantly dripping down your arm and to the floor. You hated that, feeling so deeply for Donatello even if you thought he couldn't feel the same way. Because no matter how many times you repressed those very feeling, they seemed to be coming in stronger and more frequent. You heard a shift near the door, indicating you weren't alone.
"Y/N?? Dudette??" Someone called out warily and you turned your head slightly to see Mikey looking at you with shock and then happiness. His eyes widened when they captured you awake. Injured, but alive. Your heart stripped when you saw him. You couldn't help but feel sad leaving them, out of the blue.
"You're awake... you've been knocked out for hours" he came in, holding a jug of fresh water and your throat felt tightened, needing some of the refreshing liquid down your throat. It hit you how badly dehydrated you were.
"Oh, here ya go" he smiled, pouring some water in a glass and coming over to you. He held the glass and you held the rim of the cup as you drank the water. Something didn't seem quite right, the usual happy and bubbly personality he normally donned had gone. He smiled at you but you narrowed your eyes at him, his smile didn't seem genuine enough.
"What's wrong?" You whispered, voice a little groggy from having just woken up. You leaned up on one elbow, to take a real good look at the youngest turtle. "What- me? Nah, nah I'm good. I'm good..." he chuckled, coughing slightly to rid the tremble so easily heart in his voice; hoping you wouldn't see through it. But even so, you spent enough time with him to know there was something else he was hiding away from you.
"You're lying, what is it?" You asked more sternly, clear that you were in no mood to mess about. Carefully, he set the jug to the side and eyed the bandages in your stomach. His heart twisted in his chest, thinking about the whole situation. How easily he could have lost someone he cared about, whether it was you or Donnie.
"You-you took a knife for him Y/N. You could have died, tonight. Seeing you there, in your own blood..." he took a deep breath, trying to shake away the brutal image of your limp body passed out in Donnie's arms. "I.. it wasn't anything big. I would have done the same thing for any of you" You replied, softly patting his hand that was next to you.
"But Y/N, we have bulletproof shells. You have soft skin, on your back. I-I wasn't ready to bury my best friend, not now not ever" he whispered, his eyes shining with unshed tears as he finally raised his head to look at you. You looked to your lap, feeling the guilt way upon your heart. He called you best friend, which meant that he forgave you. "You did what was you thought was right. And you're okay. You're alright" he smiled softly, repeating the sentences softly as though he still couldn't believe it. You sure had a lucky escape tonight. Mikey rubbed the top of your hand with the pad of his thumb in a calming manner, as though to reaffirm your thoughts. You nodded, smiling slightly at him.
"I wanna say something else. Thank you for saving, Donatello. I know what he did to you... wasn't right. But you left us behind, you acted like we didn't exist" he spoke sadly, sighing softly at the whole situation. And there it was, the sentence you dreaded hearing. It made you sound like a bad guy and in a sense you were. They had done nothing but you chose to ignore them anyway.
"I'm so sorry Mikey. I couldn't come here without... remembering him. It's not a good excuse, I know. But I'm truly sorry" you looked in his eyes, meaning every word and he let out another sigh, giving you a chuckle. "I understand. You don't have to explain, we kinda figured. You're awake, now. I better tell Donnie-"
"No, I don't want to see him. I can't" you begged him and Mikey looked at you wide eyed before placing his hand gently over yours. "I'll tell him not to come here. As long as everything stays well with you" he smiled and you nodded hesitantly. "Okay, that's fine" you sighed and he chuckled. "Let me go tell the others" he rushed out of the room and you sat up slightly looking at the floor. If Mikey was hurt this bad, it made you wonder how Donnie must've felt. Hell, if even cared. Since he was so wrapped up with April.
"Y/N?" Leo knocked and came in, and your head snapped up to meet his look. This was scary, how would the leader react? Would he cold and calculating; would he be displeased to see you after a whole month of practically no communication?
"So I see you're doing quite well" he chuckled softly and sat down gingerly on the chair besides the bed. You raised a brow slightly, so sure he would talk about the whole situation with Donnie. But he seemed to avoid it, and you couldn't be more glad.
"Yeah, everything's fine. Thank you" you chuckled, until the red brute trickled in. And to your surprise, he gave you a half smile.
"That was one nasty cut you took. Still that fiery Y/N? Who never backs down from a challenge?" Raph smirked, sitting on the other chair and you laughed gently with him. This felt nice, having that communication back with the turtles with no awkwardness. The last turtle hadn't come into the room and while you were thankful for Mikey, a part of you missed him being so affectionate towards you. Making you feel so special and loved. But the laughter and jokes prevailed throughout the room, the sharp pain in your abdomen was soon forgotten as the boys helped cheer you up.
Donnie stood behind the door, a feeling of being relieved as you sounded okay. Yet his heart tightened up, he forgot how much he missed having you around and hearing your giggles. How much your jokes would make him chuckle and how how much your smile would make his day. He regretted everything he ever said to you that day. A tear trickled down his cheek, you hated him now and he couldn't blame you. But as long as you were okay, that was all that mattered. He couldn't help but feel so damn envious and jealous of his brothers, who so effortlessly got along with you.
Perhaps one day, you would talk to him.
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capncrankle · 5 years
Bedtime stories.
TMNT 2016
Story used in the end: The Stars in the Sky.
Headcannon story: Mikey used to have a lot of nightmares as a child, and his brothers tried different ways to help him. After years of almost no nightmares, or if he did have them, they wouldn’t be scaring him too much anymore. He has a nightmare that terrifies him.
Mikey likes bedtime stories, any kind. Princess tales, adventure, fantasy and on. He’d have Leo reading them for him either after nightmares, for comfort, or if he’s in the mood and tired. Leo (or one of the others) is always up to help him out.
(Lmao i tried my best xD)
Michelangelo had woken up about 30 minutes ago, and he was fully awake. His nightmare had terrified him, he’d never been so afraid in his life. Normally he’d shaken the nightmare off cause they didn’t get to him anymore, but that wasn’t an option this time.
It was 3am last time he checked.
He’d been sitting up in his bed, knees pulled up the best they could as his shell was against the wall. He searched the room in the dark every 5 minutes. He didn’t check under his bed though.
No way.
His brothers were sleeping and it’s been years since he’d woken one of them up after a nightmare. And he didn’t want to start again.
Silently but quickly he jumped out of bed, if anyone was here they would have pointed out that he landed about almost a meter away. But Raphael - Who slept on the top mattress - was asleep anyways. Same with, Leonardo on the other side of the room. Donatello was nowhere in sight though. His small “corner” was also pretty dark when his LED lights were off
But he hadn’t checked under the bed and this turtle, wasn’t taking any risks. Quickly walking to the door he opened it and closed quickly. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, he was still freaked out after all. 
You know, that thing every person goes through when they’re a child. Monster under the bed, better jump out of it with a meter’s distance to be safe. Better close the door quickly, to not let the evil thing out after you.
Or keeping the door open cause using the bathroom is really needed, and the evil might be out, so you quickly close the door and jump into bed before anything can grab you.
Mikey quietly walked into the tv room and sat on the pizza box couch, turning the tv on quickly and getting comfortable.
He kept looking around to make sure he was good, but heard rustling towards Donatello’s lab.
Even though there was a great distance from the couch and the room where Donnie did his science things in, he still got anxious.
He silently sneaked over to see what he was up to. He was cleaning his things and he almost looked done. Mikey let out a quiet sigh and went back to the couch.
His mind drifted to the nightmare he had and he suddenly grew scared again.  He hid his face in his hands as he tried to forget it.
He was in a giant closed off place. Giant walls surrounded him, they looked old. They had cracks and giant scratches.
He wasn’t alone, but he surely hoped he was. If something could make such giant scratches he didn’t want to be anywhere near it. They were deep and looked slightly bloody.
He ventured alone in the giant forest. The biggest trees he’d ever seen was over him. They were tight and he felt claustrophobic out of a sudden.
He stumbled past something that was colored.
It reminded him of something but he couldn’t quite point out what it was.
He picked it up and realized it was a bandana.
A purple one to be exact.
Okay so maybe he wasn’t alone. Somebody lost this, he was sure of that. Maybe they wanted it back?
‘Stupid to think when you’re in the middle of a giant mess, Mike’ he thought to himself.
Venturing deeper he found crosses made out of wood, placed in the dirt. They looked bloody as well.
He was freaked out now. Stumbling upon this kind of thing wasn’t exactly what he needed at the moment.
He noticed another bandana and quickly picked it up. This was one was slightly bloody as well, just like the purple one.
He knew he’d seen this somewhere. He grew frustrated and wrapped it around his wrist with the purple one. He sighed out and quickly hurried out.
It wasn’t long before he stumbled upon metal pipes of some sort poking out of the ground in different directions and making the grass and dirt look messed up. Leaves covered some of the ground.
walking through the field of metal pipes or what they were he stumbled upon a red bandana.
Picking it up he thought he heard growling. He stiffened. ‘Shit.’ went through his mind.
He tried to quickly wrap the thing around his wrist but failed as his shaky movements triggered another low growl.
He didn’t dare turn around but rather decided to attempt an escape.
He had no idea where to hell he was going or how would somewhere safe, cause the thing or whatever the hell it was, was catching up to him rather fast. He was running as fast as his small legs could carry him at the moment. He was out of air rather quickly, as he went between the thick trees and stopped when he found a curved tree and quickly scooted under it.
He found himself hyperventilating when he looked to the bandanas.
These colors.
These bandanas.
They meant something, and they meant a lot.
He needed his brothers. He needed them now.
Mikey was too lost in his own thoughts and lost in his nightmare to hear the faint panicked voices from the real world and they grew louder and louder as they ventured around the place.
Someone walked quickly into the tv room and what they were about to witness would break them for the next week.
There on the couch. Was Raphael’s baby brother. He was hyperventilating and choking on tears.
“Guys i found him!” Mikey heard a voice again, as an ear piercing sound kept growing around him, around him, as a pounding headache creeped up on him. He looked up and to his side when he felt someone wrap their arms around him and pulling him towards them.
He grabbed onto his older brother as he sobbed into his chest.
He could feel his two other brothers beside him. They had come to the rescue when, Raph, yelled for them.
They woke up when Donnie sneaked into the room heading for his bed, but realizing Mikey wasn’t there. He woke up the hothead first to hear if he knew where he was. Maybe he had woken up and seen him leave?
After a few minutes of them comforting him and whispering words back and forth, he finally calmed down enough to pull away from his brother’s side.
He looked up and noticed the scar over his brother’s lip. Raph had been the first to find him and he’d been the one hugging him. Comforting him. “I had a pretty bad nightmare..” He trailed off as he chuckled slightly.
His brothers understood instantly and they helped him stand.
Raphael helped him back into their bedrooms and into his bed. He sat beside him on a chair.
Leonardo returned with a big book, Mikey found himself smiling as his brother dragged a chair up beside him, his oldest brother smiled brightly at him.
Donatello came into the room, he had a class of Mikey’s favourite juice and placed it on a table nearby, he sat down on Mikey’s bed by his feet.
Raph turned on a small orange lamp beside him, that they had made for him when they were children, back when he was dealing with nightmares weekly. It helped and he stopped using it after a while. Since nightmares were almost monthly and sometimes he didn’t really have any for a long time.
Splinter was silently standing in the doorway. He had woken up when Raphael had called out for his brothers. And he had seen everything.
The small turtle got his blanket over his shoulders and Donnie kept a hand on his lower leg over the blanket.
Splinter was smiling. His eyes full of love as he turned around to leave. He heard the start and was satisfied with how it was turning out.
He could see how much they cared for him. How Raphael came to the rescue when he found him, in complete panic on the couch, as he pulled him close to his side. How Leonardo went to find a book, he knew they had training, he knew they needed sleep. How Donatello looked drained of energy, he looked like he could pass out any minute, but he stayed awake to comfort his little brother. They all got up to search for him, they were worried cause either he could be in danger, upset or sleeping somewhere else without telling them. And their baby brother came first. He’d always come first.
Leo opened the book as he began.
”Once on a time and twice on a time, and all times together as ever I heard tell of, there was a tiny lassie who would weep all day to have the stars in the sky to play with”
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totallytubulargirl · 7 years
(idk it's been done already but...) How would the guys react to being in a steamy make out session with their s/o and Splinter or one of their brothers interrupt? I love your blog!!!
I really feel like I've done this before too haha but fuck it I couldn't find it and I love you thank you for enjoying my stuff 🌻
Leo: If master splinter walked in on Leo and his S O doing the naughty, holy cow that turtle boy would be embarrassed let me tell you. He'd probably throw blankets over you and get up and bow to master splinter profusely. Now if it was one of his brothers.... that's a different story. Leo is still an animal... so I think the territorial side of him would kick in and he would stare them dead in the eyes and smile until they got so uncomfortable that they left.
Donnie: I think Donnie would panic but also wouldn't be able to stop. So I think in this moment Donnie would sort of have an out of body experience where he sees what's happening but is powerless to stop it. So he'd be looking at splinter and back at her and just do that until she noticed and was like "OMG DONNIE WTH" or splinter just left. Lmao and if it was one of his brothers, I think the only difference is he'd throw something at them and tell them to get out.
Raph: Raphael would probably throw you off of him so hard, you'd be sitting on the ground wondering what the heck happened when he threw the blankets on top of you. He'd stand up and be like, "Sorry dad- master er- uh we were just doing nothing I'm sorry." Splinter would just huff and walk out. If it was one of his brothers, I think he would also get territorial but he'd get into like attack mode. His shoulders would hunch over (depending on your position) and he'd growl deeply and say "get out."
Mikey: Lol the Mikey train stops for no one sorry splinter. He would probably try to hide the fact that they were doing it like if you were under blankets he would keep subtly thrusting his hips like, "no we're- mmf- just laying here." If one of his brothers walked in he wouldn't even try to pretend something else was going on. He'd just be like "enjoying the show?" Haha Mikey is such a show off XD
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tmntreasures · 7 years
Honor Among Thieves Ch.1
  Thought it might be fun to upload the roleplay we’ve been having. And it could also maybe hold over anyone who’s waiting on more prompts. XD; Michelangelo’s Reunion is coming soon, we swear! But yeah... Here’s something a little different with our OCs. Hope you enjoy!
     "Fuuucck! Fuck!"  Bonnie hissed under her breath as she was running down the alleyways of New York City. Various alarms and sirens could be heard going off in the distance. The heist she had pulled didn't go as successfully as planned, and soon the cops would be on their way. She still managed to get something out of it though. A backpack full of cash. She had also managed to stuff her pockets, and bra with dollar bills. As she was running, she glanced around hectically, trying to find a way up and off of the ground. If she was above ground, it would be harder for the police to catch her, but this was a new neighborhood to her, and for some reason all the fire escapes attached to the apartments were busted. It would be impossible for her to scale the buildings without any gear.
     "What kind of fucking ghetto ass neighbor am I in? Damn!" She mumbled to herself before darting around a corner. On the turn, something snagged her backpack and jerked her back. The motion caught her off guard, and she smacked on the ground, dollar bills flying off her person. She hissed and laid on the ground for a good minute. "You gotta be fucking shitting me..." She groaned.
     Aida was on one of her nightly strolls, looking for some lost tourists or up-town folk to bribe or swindle. Her father was two hundred dollars short on rent for the house and she did not have the heart to tell him. So she was out, looking for some poor soul who might have dropped a phone or kept their wallet in their back pocket.
     She heard a loud metallic noise before a slur of curse words echoed in the night. The eighteen year-old girl smirked and jogged silently over to the source of the noise. When she saw what was going on she shook her head in disbelief and happiness. On the one hand, this was too good to be true; on the other, this was too good to pass up. Without another thought, the girl swooped in and snatched up a handful of cash, tapping it in her hand. "Gracias! You really are too kind," She curtsied to the struggling girl on the ground, flashing her a quick grin.
     Groaning, Bonnie stood up and dusted herself before noticing the Latina. "Uh-un!" She snapped at the girl, and held out her hand. She curled her fingers back towards her, gesturing for her to ‘gimme.' "That ain't yours, little girl." She stated.
     Aida stared down at the wad of cash in her hand, the sound of sirens barely audible in the distance. "Hmm, sounds like it's not yours either," She smirked and started waving the money around. "Tell you what, I'll keep my mouth shut about seeing you. In fact, I'll even tell you the best spots to dip from the cops." She then pointed to the cash and glared. "If you let me keep this."
     Bonnie stayed quiet, but gritted her teeth. There was only one person she shared her fortune with, and that was only if they were performing the job with her. She sighed annoyed and rolled her neck. "I've never had to beat down a kid before, but if have to," she said as she rummaged through her backpack, eventually pulling out a switch blade. She popped out the knife and pointed it at the girl. "Now gimme, and don't try to run, because I'm definitely faster than you, and I will catch you."
     There was a rush of panic when the moonlight glistened off the blade, but she quickly pushed the fear aside. The girl squared up her shoulders and started to bluff. "Puta please, where do you think you are? You think that butter knife is going to scare me?" She shifted her weight, ready to flee if she needed to. "Come back when you bring a real weapon," She huffed and began to walk off, hoping the girl would just back down.
     Bonnie scoffed and was about to make a move on the girl, but stopped when she felt the ground shake below her. There was a loud thud and the collision made her lose balance, and she had to regain her footing before being able to turn around. At first only the shadows were visible from the alley way, but slowly a large figure began to appear. Bonnies’ body tensed when it began to approach her. It was much larger than a human being, and there was an ungodly aroma that followed it.  She held up her knife in defense, but her whole body was shaking.
     "You mean, something like this?" A voice said, and out from the shadows it appeared. A giant beast! Bonnie's eyes grew wide, and she froze in place at the sight of being. The beast had green, scaly skin that was slightly different shades on certain areas of its body. It had a humanoid appearance besides only having three fingers and no, protruding nose, but it was wearing human clothing. It wore a mask similar to Bonnies’, except it was colored orange, and had eye holes wide enough for those baby blues to be seen. The beast had a toothy grin on his face as he swung around the wooden sticks in both of his hands.  
     "I know these are not as common around these parts but... They'll do right?" He shrugged.
     "Whaaat the fuuuck?” She breathed.
     Aida stared wide-eyed at the creature. Her body trembled and she did not notice the money falling from her hand. This had to be a nightmare of some kind, it had to be! Creatures like that did not exist!
     Very slowly the girl started to back away. Just as she turned around, another force landed in front of her; she was not quick enough and slammed into the hard mass that had appeared all of a sudden. She fell on her rump and began to scramble away when she saw a second, even bigger, monster in front of her.
     This one worse red instead of orange and had a foul snarl etched on its face. Scars littered its body and lip as fearsome green eyes glared down at her.
     "Nah man. I think she means something more like these!" Giant three-fingered hands grabbed two fork-like weapons. It twirled them around expertly, the moonlight shining off the polish surface.
     Aida felt her heart pound in her chest as she stared before letting out an ear-piercing scream. The bigger monster cringed and covered the sides of his head, giving the girl enough time to crawl between his legs and run off down the streets.
     The orange wearing turtle had flinched at her scream and dropped one of his weapons to cover his head. When he flinched, Bonnie knew it was her time to go too, but greed held her back. Her eyes snapped to the weapon when it hit the ground. She couldn't help but wonder how much she could make off it. She would need the money since her heist didn't go over as well as wanted it to. She quickly scooped it up into her hand and bolted off in the opposite direction of the other girl.
     "Wait, what?! N-No! Stop!" The orange one called out to her, as if his command would do something.
     "Don't just stand there you knucklehead!" The red-clad creature scolded as he pushed past him. "We gotta get her!" He charged after the fleeing woman, his feet pounding into the concrete below. "Better give that back if you know what's good for ya!" He hollered after her.
     Bonnie whined as she ran. "That was a stupid idea!" She thought, but kept moving as fast a she could, though she could hear the best following behind, and they were not far from her. They would catch up to her soon if she didn't do something about it. If only there was something to climb, she thought. When she looked behind her she could see the beast, still on her tail.  "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!" She cursed.
     "Hey lady!" The orange one called out again. "That nunchuck is special!! I've had it since I was a kid! If you give it back, I'll go easy on ya!"
     She clenched onto the weapon even tighter. Knowing it had sentimental value to this... thing, only made her want to keep it for herself. She cut another corner and found herself in an alleyway that narrowed off at the end. Her eyes lit up and she laughed victoriously. There was no way those things could fit through, but she definitely could. She put on the breaks and stopped for a moment, waiting for them to catch up so she could taunt them.
     The red one stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her stop. This was some sort of trap, he could feel it. His fingers gripped his Sais tightly as he eyed the woman suspiciously. "Listen, I'm not afraid to hit a woman," he warned, pointing one of his Sais at her. "Just gimme my brother's nun-chuck and I'll be as gentle as possible," he smirked a little, slowly stepping toward her.
     When the other one finally caught up, he placed a hand on the red ones shoulder and took a moment to breathe. "Dude, like... Is everyday leg day for you at the gym? Like... what the fuck?" He panted.
     "Hmph!" Bonnie smirked and flipped her pony tail back behind her shoulders. "Well, it was fun, but this is where I bid you adieu!" She curtsied before turning on her heels and bolting down the narrow alleyway.
     "Hey--! Damn it Mikey!" He shoved the smaller turtle off of him and barreled after the girl. He did not realize the alley would narrow down until his body jerked forward, the edges of his shell getting stuck between the walls. He grunted and tried to move forward but nothing would work. "Fuck!" He slammed a fist on the side of the wall and he started to push himself back. "Can I get some help here!?"
     Michelangelo's brows perked when he heard the distant sound of sirens going off. "Oooh fuck.." He said and then scurried over to his brother. He grabbed ahold of his shell and with one hard yank, he popped him out of the alley. "Raph, we gotta go!"
     "What?" His head snapped in the direction of the sirens. He rolled his eyes and stomped his foot. "Of cooourrrssse..." He whined. Luckily for them, there was a manhole cover in the alley. He walked over to it and bent down, lifting the circular piece of steel easily. He paused for a second and glared at his little brother. "I'm not covering your ass when you have to explain what happened to your nun-chuck."
     "Hrrrmmm…This, suuucccks!" He groaned before jumping down into the sewer hole.
     Raphael followed after him, making sure the manhole cover was back in place before delving deeper into the familiar tunnels. "As far as Leo knows, we never saw them. Got it? I don't need another lecture about how to do my job."
     "What am I supposed to say about my nunchuck then? I just lost it? That'll go over great with Splinter.." He mumbled.
     He shrugged and pushed past his brother. "Not my problem, remember?" He shook his head. "Christ that chick has a set of lungs."
     “For real though! I'm pretty sure that if I take off my mask, there'll be a spot of blood." He thought on the idea for a moment and then actually did it out of curiosity, but found nothing. He shrugged. "Just kidding," and tied the bandanna back around his head.
     There was a small smirk on his face. "See, that's why I wear red," He pointed at his own bandanna. "Makes you scarier if they can't see you bleed."
     Mikey rolled his eyes, and grinned. "Alright Deadpool..." He grew quiet in thought. After a few minutes he spoke again, "So, outta those two girrrrlllsss--" He smirked.
     "Oh my god..." Raphael rubbed his face. "Mikey you gotta stop doin' this to yerself."
     Mikey tapped on his chin with a finger, and stared up at the ceiling. "It's kind of hard to decide... They both had delicious chocolate skin, with dark sexy hair.” 
Raphael shook his head and furrowed his brow. "Why you always gotta compare women to food? Like, calling April melted cheese. How is that sexy at all? Hell, how is food sexy at all?”
     "Dude, just imagine whipped cream and sprinkles all over--"
     "Mikey... Where's you other nunchuck?" A familiar voice called from the distance.
     Mikey immediately shot up and froze when the voice spoke to him.
     Out of the shadows appeared Leonardo, the eldest of the brothers. He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the orange turtle when he hadn't responded. "Mikey.." He said in a stern tone.
     "Uuuh..." He clenched his teeth and cringed. "Welllll.. What had happened wasss-"
     "Mikey saw a couple of cute girls and dropped one," Raphael butted in, punching his little brother in the arm.
     Donatello came up from behind Leo, his brow furrowed in thought. "What girls were out this time of night? And I thought you guys were checking out that robbery?"
     The red ninja shrugged and stumbled for an excuse. "What, girls aren't allowed out past midnight or somethin'? They were out, Mikey saw them, and did what he does best."
     Ye-yeah!!" He rubbed at his neck and chuckled nervously. "I mean, if you'd see the knockers on--"
     "Mikey, stop. The truth." Leo demanded.  
     "Whaaa--whatdd'ya mean the truth? Th-that is the truth! " He said and fiddled with his sunglasses, eventually taking them off his neck, and putting them over his eyes to hide with.
     "No.. it's not." Leo let down his arms and lifted his chin. "You're a terrible liar, so spill."
     Mikey winced again and looked to Raph, then to Leo, then back to Raph. "Eeeehhhh..." He whined.
     Raph groaned and rubbed his face. He should have known better than to expect Mikey to keep a secret no matter how small it was. There was no way this would end well for either of them. "I hate you so much right now Mikey..." he grumbled halfheartedly before speaking up. “You know that robbery? It was two chicks."
     Donatello pushed his glasses up, "You guys get a good look at them?" He huffed and pointed at Mikey. "He'll give you a better picture of 'em. But one 'em screamed real loud when she saw us and Mikey dropped his nun-chuck. So the other chick took it and ran off."
     Leonardo glared over at his smaller brother. "Really, Mikey?"
     "It was an accident!" He threw up his hands! "I was in the middle of doing a sick move, and it caught me off guard!"
     "So the thief that you were supposed to stop, robbed the bank, and stole your nunchuck?" Leo raised a brow. He already knew the answer, but he wanted to make the two feel stew in their failure.
     "...Yeah." Mikey frowned and looked to the floor.
     "How did she even escape you?" Leo asked.
     "Well, she was really fast."
     Leo scoffed and crossed his arms again.
     "She really was! Like, I'm pretty sure she's even faster than you Leo!" Leo slightly shook his head. "Unlikely... You two were obviously unfocused!" He pointed.
     "We were not unfocused!" Raph sneered. "They were both just tiny!" Donatello scoffed, "'Tiny'?" He repeated with a grin. "Why does that matter?" He turned to him and huffed. "Because! They squeezed into places we couldn't!"
     The purple-clad ninja nodded off in thought "Mmm...Alright."
     Leonardo sighed and shook his head again. ".. So what did they look like?"
     "Alright, so like I was telling Raph. Chocolate beauties--"
     "Mikey!.." Leonardo gave him a knowing look.
     "Alright! Alright!" He threw up his hands defensively. "So... They were both women of color. The one who stole my nunchaku was black, and the other, some sort of Hispanic? Latina maybe? They both had dark hair, dark eyes, both wearing black…” He trailed off and grimaced when he realized what he was describing was pretty vague. He shrugged. "Sorry.. that's all I've got."
     Leo sighed again and rubbed his head. "Great… Alright, Michelangelo. You're gonna go explain to Splinter what happened, and why your nunchaku is missing." He pointed at him.
     Mikeys’ eyes widened and his mouth dropped. "What?! C'mooon Leooo!!" He whined.
     Leo completely ignored Mikeys' whining and turned his focus back to Raphael. "And you." He smirked a little. "Since you were unable to chase the girl down due to not being tiny enough, it's time to hit the gym! Fifty-five Burpees!" Leo then turned on his heel and begin to walk back towards the lair. "Maybe we need to put you on a diet too, and cut out pizza."
     "Wha-? That's counter-productive!" Raphael chased after him. "If anything, Mikey's the one who should go on the diet!"
     Donatello poked Mikey's sides and chuckled. "You are getting a little soft Mikey~" He teased.
     "Okay." Mikey held up a finger and looked stern.  "You take away my pizza and I will literally murder you all, no joke. I don't even care if you’re my brothers."
     Leo snorted, "If anything, that just tells me that pizza is a comfort food, and that we probably should take it away from you."
     "Plus if you are comparing girls to food, you might really have a problem," Donnie added fuel to the fire.
     "Look on the upside Mikey," Raph snickered, "Maybe those two 'chocolate beauties' will find you less repulsive!"
     Michelangelo clicked his tongue. "The girl only screamed when she saw your ugly mug Raph! I'm gawgous!!" He flexed his arms and puckered his lips. Raphael grinned at him and pointed, "Yeah but she was trying to get away from you!"
     "Guys.." Leo paused dramatically. "After a few seconds he turned and said, "You’re both ugly, so, there." He shrugged and grinned.
     Michelangelo clasped his hands together and held them up to his lips. He inhaled sharply and then lowered his hands with an exhale. "Boi!"
     Aida had run all the way home, not daring to look back. Never before had she been so happy to see her beaten-down house before. She jumped over the rusty tricycles and stained plastic toys littered about the yard before diving inside her home. She slammed the door shut and pressed her back against it, panting heavily.
     "Papa?" A little voice squeaked followed by the pitter-patter of feet on the hard wood floor. A little boy and girl, no older than four, peered out around the corner. At the sight of her the boy frowned but the girl kept smiling.
     "It's Aida!" The girl cried and ran to her older sister.
     Aida sighed in relief and hugged her the toddler tightly. "Rosa, why aren't you and your brother in bed?"
     The little boy waddled slowly over. "We thought you were Papa," he grumbled, squeezing himself in to get a hug.
     "Oh, Riqui it's Wednesday. Remember? Papa's working third shift tonight," she patted his head comfortingly and rested her chin on Rosa's head. The two little ones didn't say a word for a while. Aida eventually pulled away and looked down at both of them.
     "Did Orlan and Montae come home?"
     They both nodded.
     "Are they both still home?"
     They nodded again.
     "Good," Aida nodded with a smile and stood up. "C'mon. If you two are in bed before I'm done brushing my teeth I'll read you a story."
     The twin toddlers giggled happily and ran off down the hall. Aida smiled at them before yawning loudly. At least she was safe here.
     By the time Bonnie arrived at her home, the sun was rising. She had climb the fire escape and was opening her back window to get in. Once inside she practically collapsed. She had exhausted herself from running so long. The inside of her apartment was a cluttered mess. There was a lot of luxurious objects strewed about, along with random junk, and small amounts of change was scattered on almost every surface. 
     "God that was choppy." She groaned as she laid on the floor.  "And what the hell were those things?" She asked herself. She groaned again when she got no response, and pushed off the floor. She easily maneuvered her way through the clutter and made her way to her bathroom, dropping her bag and nunchaku on the floor, then removing her clothing to take a shower.
     After about fifteen minutes, she came out of the shower with only a towel on, and the nunchuk in hand.  She walked back into the main room and sat down on her couch, picking up a phone from the coffee table in front of it. She snapped a picture of the nunchuk with her phone and sent it off to a random number.
     "How much?" She waited for a response. It wasn't long after that she received a message back.
     Her face scrunched in disappointment. "150?" She sent back.
     "It’s not a pair." The number replied. "250 for both."
     "What if I told you I got it from a 7ft tall reptilian?"
     "I’d tell you to go fuck yourself."
     Bonnie smirked. "Can I get 175 for one?"
     "Fine. See me at 8."
     "I'll be there."
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