thepalerimitation · 3 months
My thoughts on the Bear S3 summed up:
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Writing: 7/10 (all over the place, messy, and chaotic)
Cinematography: 10/10 (all over the place, messy, and chaotic 🥰✨💖)
Acting: 9/10 (one point taken off for the Faks who should be killed)
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chaoticfandomgirly · 1 month
I've spent the last few minutes reblogging Marvey stuff to get back my muse for the fic and it worked! But one post got me thinking...The podcast that PJA is going to do of rewatching suits (because apparently he hasn't really seen it), I want him to see it and go like, "Damn, those marvey fans aren't crazy. Yeah, there is no heterosexual explanation for this."
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blood-of-zeus-fan · 4 months
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bro needs a hug
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acepandemi · 1 month
Tw: depression, thoughts about life and death
Was talking to a 28-year-old the other day who said they didn't like to think about how close to 30 they were. Like, they saw turning 30 as this Big Scary Turning Point, then End of Being Young and the Beginning of Being Old.
I tried to reassure them, that 30 is still young in the grand scheme of things, that it's not a big deal, they'll not suddenly stop being cool or anything. But I also had to admit I maybe wasn't the best person to talk to about this...
Because, as someone who used to be so depressed they didn't bother to make long terms plans because they didn't think they'd make it to 25, but who is turning 32 next month, that feeling is just so foreign to me. I loved turning 30, because I made it. I made it, I'm still here, and I'm happy. To me, every birthday is a reason for joy, another milestone I once never thought I'd reach, not something to worry about.
I loved turning 30, and I look forward to turning 40, and 50, and 60, and 70, and every single year after that and in between, even if it's sometimes still wild to me to imagine I still have so many more years to live, that I still have entire decades ahead of me, when I used to think in terms of months "untill I can't take it anymore".
But those thoughts are gone, thanks to years of therapy, and in their place is love and enjoyment of every new year.
Don't be afraid of turning 30, or 80, or whatever birthday you're worried about. It's not the end of anything, it's a new year to keep enjoying all the things you love, and of all sorts of new experiences.
Signed, someone who never thought they'd be this "old", and is loving every minute of it.
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its-alittleobsessed · 25 days
“Should i write a fanfic about—” yes. Absolutely. What kind of fucking question is that of course you should why aren’t u writing right now GO
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izvmimi · 8 months
what color motifs and flowers would you associate with you and your fave?
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tragedy-for-sale · 1 year
Aside from those Padme lives AUs where she's a badass secretly leading the rebellion, I feel like if she'd lived, her and Obi-Wan would have been depressed besties trying to raise Luke and Leia
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rocketrouquine · 1 year
My face is actually hurting from smiling.
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I squealed so much my neighbors must have thought there was a mice invasion.
Soooooo much, my god ! I’m being FED !!!!
WE won. We fucking won.
(Wish stede told him about Chauncey though but oh well)
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psalm40speakstome · 6 months
The emotional justification for Ten healed something in me that has been broken since he regenerated
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pukner · 1 year
Baz | part one
a steddyhands twt thread turned oneshot
|| Rated Gen || Stede and Ed take a brief vacation to visit Stede's family, and find a surprise.
part one / part two
They decide to visit Mary. Well, Stede decides to visit Mary.
Or, Stede gets a letter by extremely confusing means (why is fucking Jackie playing messenger) and receives word that in his absence (read: death), his wife's gone and married some bloke named Doug.
Ed doesn't feel anything about it either way, really. Stede's gone and worked himself into a tizzy (heh, like Izzy. Wait no, don't think about Izzy) and he's all guilty for ignoring his kids or whatever.
Ed doesn't get it. In his experience, the best dad is one you don't have to see.
He's a bit antsy about leaving the crew behind, to be honest. Not the most functional lot, this. Not without-- Well. Not without Iz.
Stede doesn't get it. "Honestly," he says, mouth pursed in that unhappy way of his, "Izzy was hardly the only competent member of our crew."
"Besides Oluwande and Jim," Ed says, flatly, "Yeah, he was."
"Lucius can write--" Stede offers.
"So can that molly we ran into last week. So can--"
"The-- he tried to sleep with you? Asked you for a drink and then I stabbed him?"
"Oh, goodness--he was a courtesan?"
"Mate, don't say--"
Alright, so the conversation gets a bit derailed. He imagines Iz standing between them and snapping at them to Fucking Stay On Track or something, but they wouldn't be having this conversation if he was here, would they? If he hadn't slipped away unnoticed the second Stede returned--
if Ed had just paid attention, if Ed hadn't gone so profoundly off the rails in those last days before Stede showed back up, if he hadn't--
Ed tastes blood when he wakes up some nights. He wonders if Izzy does. He wonders if he's dead. He talks to Stede about it, some nights.
And he understands, is the bizarre thing. Stede looks at his worst moments, the tar leaking out his mouth, the I Maimed My Dearest Friend And Also Tried To Kill Lucius of it all, and says, "Alright, that's fine. You're terrible but so am I. We can be less terrible together."
They end up going to Barbados, in the end. He talks about Iz again, as they walk. It's a nice island. Very breezy. Sunny. It's like he's hemorrhaging all his feelings.
Stede listens, and murmurs, "I don't miss him like you do, dear, but I miss him all the same."
Then, because Stede's fundamentally a bitch, he adds, "Even though he was an irritating little man."
Ed doesn't like that. Not the thing about Iz, he absolutely is irritating and little, but the fact that he's talking in the past tense. Then Ed realizes that he did the same.
They meet Mary and her Doug. They're great. She's kind of a bitch, and Ed thinks immediately that he can never let her meet Jackie, or Anne, or Mary (the other one, Read). He also meets some broad in an eye patch that he immediately clocks as a threat.
The kids aren't home.
"You just let them run around with some stranger?" Stede says, appalled.
Stede gets appalled a lot. It's his whole thing. Ed's sort of wandering around and picking at stuff they have lying around. Paintbrushes, cushions. A doll lying on some fancy sofa.
Place looks nice. Dying was a good parenting move on Stede's part.
"He isn't a stranger," Mary's saying, in that patient tone that all women have when they're thinking of murder, "He's our neighbor--"
"Well," says Doug, coughing into his hand.
"Alright, so he lives in the woods, but he's a perfectly nice--"
"He watches the children when I'm having showings--"
"What on earth are you showing?" asks Stede, sounding unreasonably baffled.
"...my art, Stede."
"Ah. Well, what about Doug?"
"I work," says Doug, brightly.
"Some people do that, Stede," says Mary, pointedly.
"I work!"
"I doubt that," says Mary, which is fair. Ed doesn't think what they do qualifies as work.
They bitch at each other about this guy. Apparently he watches the kids. He's teaching Alma how to swordfight. And teaching Louis how to sew? What the fuck.
"--sword fight!" Stede says, shrilly, "Mary, that's hardly appropriate--"
"You literally ran away to become a pirate," says Mary, flatly.
"...fair," says Stede.
They hear a lot about this guy over tea.
He helped get rid of a nasty pirate situation, apparently. He's good with a sword, despite his limp, the cane he needs. He grows excellent beets? Has a nice flower garden. Knits up a storm. Kind of a wanker, very crabby, but soft on kids. The kids love him, apparently.
"--Alma's developing quite an interest in sailing, thanks to Baz," Mary is saying, and Ed drops his fork.
He looks at Stede, panicked, and then when Stede doesn't give him the panic eyes back he realizes Ah He Doesn't Know. Stede isn't Jack, or old Sam. He doesn't know.
He looks at Mary, just then, and spies out a sly little smile on her face. It's a schemer's smile, this one. He's seen it on Jack often enough. Oh, he can never let her meet Annie. He's already afraid of the implications of her knowing Jackie.
Stede decides, before Ed can say his thing, that he's got to meet this Baz bloke.
Ed can't speak, on account of the phantom taste of blood in his mouth. He looks down at his plate, at all the meat he's pushed to a side.
part two
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dnf-fics · 11 months
there is a glorious sunrise
by jack_not_found
Every evening, right before dinnertime, Dream shows up at his door with a giant smile and an invitation to join him for dinner, and no matter how many times George begs off–usually using work as an excuse, taking advantage of the fact that Dream has no idea what he actually does for his job–Dream keeps coming back. He feels bad turning him down, and a voice in his head that sounds a lot like his mother reminds him that he can’t hide away from his problems forever, but at this point, it almost feels like he’s too late. Like he’s said no so many times that agreeing would turn into some huge deal and it would be uncomfortable and George would have to move again.
or, george moves to florida on a whim to escape a painful breakup. instead, he finds a place he can call home and a person who shows him how to be happy again.
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
Thinking again what kind of bending the bros would have!
I would never compromise on Leo being a waterbender and Mikey being an airbender.
Leo with his fluid and quick agility and sharpness and his more prominent care for family(everyone do but you can see that Leo is a bit more persistent)(and yes because blue jhd xD) And Mikey with his passifistic nature, being bouncy in the air and light-heartness and secret deadliness(and yes because orange dksh xD)
But Donnie and Raph? That got me trouble xD
At first I thought to make Donnie a firebender because of his drive to create and Fire Nation being the one with a tech, and Raph being an eartbender because of how stubborn he is and how he is a rock for a family.
But then I saw some opinions and eventually it got switched xD
Raph would be a firebender since he is also very passionate and driven person(and yes because red kjsh xD) and Donnie would be an earthbender since he is also stubborn and makes a stable foundation. Plus he can have metal bending! THE METAL BENDING!!
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peachesandghosts · 6 months
If someone tells you that you deserve better, even if it’s an excuse, believe them. They either can’t or won’t give you what you need and that excuse? Can spare you a lot of hurt.
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ehgood-enough · 11 months
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I like that she thanked #free Britney in the book. The part felt really  sincere.
I read the entire book today. It’s not a great book. She barely touches the surface of most things. I feel like she spent most of the time talking about her childhood and Justin.
She seems a little immature or stunted which really isn’t shocking with everything she’s gone though. Overall it works because it does feel like she’s telling to story to you but there’s points where it just feels like maybe she should have gotten more help with the book.
I am glad I bought it and read it. Yes it made me cry, and angry, and scared and joyful. Hers is such a crazy story
While I am not a huge fan of her music I have been a Britney fan for years. My heart breaking for her when she started falling apart and appalled at what Kevin and her family did to her. Too much of it hit close to home for me a few years later
I remember being shocked when I learned she was still in the conservatorship while she was doing the residency in Vegas
I was fully onboard with #free Britney and legit jumped up and down and cheered when she won her case
I think she’s got a tough road ahead of her learning how to navigate life on her own. I hope she’s able to get people who care about HER, not her money and their power over her, in her life so she can feel loved and supported
I hope the media and general public will show her some compassion as she is working on finding herself again and feeling settled as a whole person in charge of her own life
I would have loved to have heard more about what was going on but she went through so much trauma if this book is all she wants to share then that’s fine with me
I will never read or listen to what her parasite family has to say about her, the conservatorship, her career or even that the sky is blue. Fuck the lot of them
I could write so much more. Her story means so much to me but I’m going to stop. While I said the book ain’t great I still recommend it if you’re interested in Britney’s story at all
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eebie · 7 months
all these askblogs r inspiring me ..
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echeveriaaa · 10 months
Reconnect with your 14 y/o self they said.
It'll be fun they said.
Now I'm back on Tumblr being delusional about fictional characters
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