#with the mast?
I'm. I should be in bed. I should. But. Fucking hell is that a bad read lmfao. Just gonna go down the list shall we?
Stede starts off hesitant and asking about the rules because he doesn't KNOW the rules of a duel. Of which there are many, that he should have asked about before he accepted. Rules that Izzy, an experienced swordsman/fencer would know. Rules that Izzy, an experienced swordsman/fencer would follow, being 'the best sword on the seas'. Its not Izzy's fault or problem that Stede is overconfident and dumb. Stede isn't being 'proper' by entering a duel where he doesn't know the rules, he's being stupid. He’s TOLD this, in not so many words, by Ed (and the rest of the crew). Still not Izzy's fault or problem.
Izzy has been impatient with Stede throughout the season because he IS ignorant and naïve. And because he's arrogant despite being ignorant and naïve. And he's arrogant because he's a rich man/gentleman (in the original definition of the word: a land owner) who thinks he's better than people of lower stations than his own, even if its only subconsciously. Given that its subconscious and its a learned ideology that Stede is arguably working on, I'll give him the credit of 'he doesn't really mean it' but its an attitude he's turned on the crew as well and one that they haven't called him on (except Oluwande, but he was too gentle about it when Stede needs it to hit him like a brick) but they have narratively pointed it out.
He's not desperate, he's angry. And honestly, rightfully so, at least from his own point of view (and kind of like, in general too?). Stede has been nothing but unpleasant to him from the jump and his crew are following his lead. Izzy is not having a good time on the Revenge like Ed, Fang, and Ivan are. Nobody is letting him (even himself, in fairness). ANYWAY. Its not desperation, Stede is the desperate one if either of them are. He's not miraculously ‘out of reach’, he's running away. A lot. Not exactly in the spirit of the duel he accepted.
Stede's win is, by definition, unfair. He exploits a loophole, one that he didn't even know about, and he's lucky that Buttons did. Tossing the powder in Izzy's face is unfair. Getting Izzy's sword stuck is unfair. 'Rendering a weapon inoperable' in a traditional duel would likely mean 'disarming' the opponent with your own weapon. Getting the sword stuck fits on a technicality. Unfair. 'He just wanted to humiliate Izzy'? Have you been to like, kindergarten? Do you know what fairness is? That ain't it.
Izzy is a good swordsman and he's confident BECAUSE he's a good swordsman. He's not boastful/arrogant. He’s straight to the point. He's not the one who says 'he knows his shit' that's Ed. His confidence is earned. His downfall is not realizing he's one of the antagonists/the rival love interest in a rom-com. He can't adapt. If it were anyone else he was fighting but Stede Bonnet aboard the Revenge? He would have won. But because its Stede and because Izzy is following the rules of HIS world he loses. The same can be said for him in the rest of the season as well.
I can agree that the duel is a good show of personality but you're like. Wildly off about how it does so.
Not gonna reblog because anybody that has that bad a read of Izzy (and Stede tbh) is getting a block from me but I am happy to share my opinions. 3/10 read, you at least got the crew and Ed right.
IZZY. IZZY HANDS? HE doesn't care about rules or fairness? Off the top of my head, Izzy: buys the hostages from the natives instead of stealing them, apologizes to Ed when he believes he's wronged him, plays chaperone/teacher while the Revenge crew is learning pirating, reminds Ed of his OWN rules and holds him to them, challenges Stede to a DUEL instead of outright killing him, gets decked in the face by Ed for selling out Stede and calls it 'fair', he literally describes himself as captain as 'tough but fair'. THAT Izzy Hands doesn't care about rules or fairness? Okay. Okay sure. Totally. Right.
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chronicallydragons · 8 months
anyone else ever wish they could lie down harder? Like, I'm already horizontal, but I need more horizontal. I need to be absorbed by the floor. I think that would fix me
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the-most-sublime-fool · 11 months
Then, too, at sea—to use a homely but expressive phrase—you miss a man so much. A dozen men are shut up together in a little bark, upon the wide, wide sea, and for months and months see no forms and hear no voices but their own, and one is taken suddenly from among them, and they miss him at every turn. It is like losing a limb. There are no new faces or new scenes to fill up the gap. There is always an empty berth in the forecastle, and one man wanting when the small night watch is mustered. There is one less to take up the wheel, and one less to lay out with you upon the yard. You miss his form, and the sound of his voice, for habit had made them almost necessary to you, and each of your senses feels the loss.
—a sailor's diary entry, on losing a shipmate, ca. 1834 (from Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Henry Dana Jr.)
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huariqueje · 9 months
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The Mistery IV   -    Francis Di Fronzo , 2020.
American, b.1969-
Oil, watercolor and gouache on panel , 15 1/4 x 19 1/2 in.
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mysharona1987 · 8 months
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Honestly I doubt he’s the only one in congress that feels like this, he’s just the only one dumb/arrogant enough to say it
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chaosmagetwin · 15 days
Y'all, I keep seeing HDG posts pop up on my feed, and I can feel it calling me like a fucking siren. I know if I read it, it'll be fucking OVER for me, because I can feel it. I'm not going to be normal about it. I already know I'd be a floret, and I already know I'd enjoy the fucking space lesbian aliens who treat you nice and domme you and everything.
The problem! The fucking! PROBLEM!!! is that I know! It's going to hurt me! I know! It's going to fucking make me yearn my goddamn heart out, and then it's going to be over, and I'll be inside HDG with no way out.
Someone called it info-hazardous material for transfolk, and I can feel the radioactivity from here, read the many warning signs left by past transfolk going "Ah shit, they weren't lying, them broccoli women do be fascinating, now I yearn for the domestication mines", hear the loud buzzing from my geiger counter.
I give myself a week before I give in and read it.
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shimmeringembers · 2 months
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It’s very windy on The Mast
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a-titty-ninja · 28 days
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「Goddess of Victory: Nikke - この夏の思い出の一コマをパシャリ📸」
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thebibliosphere · 4 months
For all the progress I've made with my health (and I've made a lot), it's still one of the most annoying features of my MCAS that stress--or basically any too strong an emotion-- can trigger an anaphylactic reaction.
On the one hand, it's forced me to do so much therapy to get a hold of my emotional dysregulation and trauma, and that's a good thing. That's good for my emotional wellbeing.
But it's also a bandaid to the fact that my immune system is so broken it throws my entire body into fight or flight mode at the least provocation, and instead of choosing either fight, flight, or fawn, it goes for the secret fourth option which is to set fire to the house (me) and swell my throat shut.
Like that is the opposite of a survival instinct.
That is my body sensing the tiger in the tall grass, and going, "No, thank you," and noping the fuck out before the tiger can even get to it.
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Nikke Mast(マスト) by Gloomyowl
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imbiactually-28 · 6 months
waking up to see that we won’t be getting this scene actually hurt me in ways i didn’t know were possible
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but i trust alice in that they still found a way to make it work
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emotionthread · 2 months
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the mast again
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opendirectories · 3 months
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cerastes · 4 months
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Hooooly shit
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Now that’s a 200 Trust line god damn
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emilybeemartin · 9 months
y'all, I'm really sorry for this one, I did not mean for it to be this thirsty, I swear
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No see, listen--shut up, listen--I was thinking about Troy and then of course the Odyssey we all missed out on, which naturally led to thinking about the various iconic scenes we could've had, and OBVIOUSLY the siren scene is at the top of that list, and I was playing with how to depict the effect of their song, and I've used this look before with Eugenides with pretty good results, but then I was reflecting on how aside from VFX this scene would take a lot of body acting, and how Sean's so good at conveying pain and that would translate naturally into the seduction of the spell, and huh when I write it out like that I absolutely did intend for it to be this thirsty.
Man I hope one of my manuscripts gets picked up soon; being off-deadline is not healthy for me.
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bigcatbulges · 7 months
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Source - sweatysabel
(Artist's FurAffinity Itaku Picarto Bluesky and commission info)
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