#within a week I have been a punching bag for two people I thought loved and cared about me and I just don’t fucking know what to do! l
dragonmuse · 2 years
Could we maybe get more of Jim with Pickle and/or Sweeney? I think they're so fun!!
(month and a half later, coming in with some Jim, Pickle and a little Oluwande )
Oluwande opened the door and Pickle sprinted in, yelling hello as they dashed up to Jim, 
“Are we really going?” she demanded. 
Jim dropped their breakfast plate into the sink. “We’re going.” 
“YES!” Pickle punched the air. 
“It’s a big birthday present,” Delly was saying as she stepped inside. “Are you sure...” 
“Jim was going to go on their own,” Oluwande assured her. “I’m not sure which of them is more excited.” 
“ME!” Pickle bounced. 
“Definitely the kid,” Jim affirmed.  
“Sure,” Oluwande grinned. 
“Well, I’m sure you’ll have fun,” Delly looked between them all. “I’ll be back at five to pick her up. Try to get some video for us.” 
“Can I do chin ups?” Pickle asked. 
Obligingly, Jim stuck out their arm, anchoring their elbow to their hip so Pickle could use it as a pull up bar. Delly hid a smile, 
“Have fun, sweetheart.” 
“I will! Love you, mom!” 
“Love you too.” 
Pickle managed a handful of chinups, then spent a few minutes admiring the duck collection (which these days had its own small set of wooden shelves hung next to the kitchen cabinets). She deemed her favorite as the one who had a jaunty top hat on. 
By then it was time to go, Jim jamming their things into their pockets and Oluwande taking whatever else he thought they’d need in the patchwork bag John had made him ages ago. It’s patches were starting to need patches, but it did make him easy to spot in crowd. 
“Ready?” Jim asked Pickle. 
“Yes, let’s goooooo!” 
They took the train up. Oluwande produced a little magnetic travel version of Sorry! From his bad and they played it with Pickle mostly charmed by the miniatureness of the pieces more than the game.  The station was wooded, everything lush and green when they got out. Jim shed their coat, pleased with the air on their skin. 
“Supposed to be a pickup,” Jim told Oluwande as they came out of the station. 
“Looks like some people are waiting over there,” he pointed and before either of them could look further, Pickle dashed over to the group and asked one of the other kids, 
“Are you going to the airfield?” 
“Yeah!” the kid grinned. “Are you?” 
“Uh huh!” 
The two of them were already in deep conversation within the minute it took Jim and Oluwande to catch up. A woman standing with the boy smiled at them, 
“She’s a friendly one, huh?” 
“Yeah,” Oluwande laughed. “No idea where she gets it from.”
“Thomas.” It certainly wasn’t from Delly, who could be warmed up over time, but otherwise looked disturbingly like her brother and just as barbed. Jim liked her a lot.  
“How old? The woman asked. 
“Eight,” Oluwande provided. 
“Milo is nine. He’s been excited about this for weeks.” 
“Should be fun. I’ll be staying on the ground though.” 
“Oh me too!” 
Jim let Oluwande and the woman chatter on. Pickle and the kid had run out of conversation, but Pickle didn’t seem to mind, looking upwards, 
“That cloud looks like a deer,” she said confidently. 
“Yeah?” Jim searched and found no such thing. “Cool.” 
A small bus pulled up and then it was ride into a world of open fields. Jim leaned forward in their seat to look out the window, Pickle practically climbing over them to see too. The planes gleamed, sleek, small and poised as if hungry to take to the air. Above them, a flight had just taken off, the hum of engines filling the air. 
“They’re small,” Oluwande said, a pinch to his lips. 
“We’ll be fine,” they kept their eyes on the window. 
“I know, but still.” 
When they arrived, a perky squad of teenagers started giving them a long spiel about safety and proper etiquette. Jim listened with one ear and had their eyes on the sky the rest of the time. Planes took off, soaring easy as breathing overhead.  The clouds Pickle had spotted before had mostly traveled away, an expanse of endless blue before them. 
“All right, let’s get our wings!” One of the teens said, clapping their hands together. “Our pilots are waiting for you.” 
Waiting was extremely irritating and Pickle apparently agreed, getting increasingly fidget-y in the hanger until Jim decided they should just poke around until told to stop. Oluwande didn’t even try to stop them. 
“I’ll hold your spot and text you when we get closer,” he decided, already taking out the book he’d brought for himself. 
“Love you,” they said and kissed his cheek, pleased by how it made him smile before they wandered off. 
The look confident and walk fast trick somehow still worked with a seven-year-old glued to your side which was pretty cool if you wanted to see the inside of a maintenance hanger.  No one else was inside, so they were able to investigate. 
“Look at all this!” Pickle pointed to a workbench, laden with what looked like engine parts. “What do you think it all does?” 
“That’s a piston,” Jim gestured to it, not touching. There were limits. “Know what that does?” 
So Jim explained that parts of the engine that they understood (enough to keep their motorcycle running) as they did a lap around the enormous space and it’s sleeping wounded giants. At point point they stood right under a little jet and Jim lifted Pickle up so she could see inside the plate someone had removed to get at engine bits. 
Oluwande: Almost up!  
It took a second to reorient themselves, but they got them back in time with no one the wiser.
“Hi,” a gruff looking older man with a bristly mustache approached. “Are you Dylan?” 
“Um yeah,” Pickle didn’t move from Jim’s side. 
“I’m Captain Jeff and  I’m looking forward to you co-piloting with me today. Are you taking anyone up with us today?” 
Pickle just nodded, and Jim resigned themselves to having to being an adult for a bit. Traitor. 
“I’m Jim,” they held out their hand and were pleased to find a solid shake. 
“Looks like we got all the paperwork set, so! Dylan, are you ready to go over our flight plan?” 
“We have a plan?” She asked, eyes wide. 
“Always have to have  a flight plan.” 
Jim stepped back to let Pickle get first look at everything, but they were zeroed in on Jeff’s words too. Unlike the initial safety talk, this stuff was interesting, concentrating on the nuts and bolts of flight. Jeff was good at explaining without oversimplifying.  Pickle quickly warmed up to him and happily gave him a good luck fist bump before they finally got onto the plan. 
“Ready, co-pilot?” Jeff asked Pickle. 
Jim strapped into the little seat behind them, The world was a little curved with the glass and the engine rumbled into their bones. 
“Let’s do our pre-flight check,” Jeff went through gauges and toggles. 
And then it was time. They radioed the tower and got clearance for take off. It was nothing like a commercial flight. Everything felt immediate and vibrant, as if there was barely anything separating them from the sky. Jim laughed gidily, unable to stop themselves and Jeff gave them a thumb’s up. 
“You okay, Co-captain?” 
Pickle was silent, and then nodded, 
“It’s amazing!” she shouted over the engine noise.  
The flight was short, just a loop around the fields, but Jim relished every second. Pickle’s vibrating excitement, Jeff’s calm competence and explanations, the wide green fields and bright blue sky. It was beautiful. It was only by chance that their phone dug into their thigh so they remember their promise and did actually get some video of Pickle seriously checking dials under Jeff’s guidance. 
The landing was smooth as butter. 
“I wish we could go again,” Pickle said as soon as their feet were back on the ground. 
“Me too,” Jim shoved their hand into their pocket, fingering the brochure they’d snatched from the front desk. 
It was never too late to learn to fly, they figured.
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blackvail22 · 1 year
9/24/23 — 1:10am
theres a lot that happened within the past two days its insane. on the 22nd, i had to train this new associate for the whole day. he's rlly nice, and he's fun to talk to. he caught on really quick! im excited to work with him
also, that same day, i got back with my ex!!! it could be a dumb decision (because this is the 3rd time) but i really want things to work out. again, no one is going to know besides you... and... my coworkers, but thats different
the coworker that gave me his number, he gave me a note at work that says "im awkward so i dont know how to say this out loud, but i like you" and then taped a soda tab on it (it was the "hug" meaning one, which... i dont like but could be worse). so! ive told the new associate i have a boyfriend. im going to tell them i have a boyfriend, but im telling those im closest to at work that its because i dont want my worker to hit on me anymore
if he keeps going after that, i have to report him. im not letting someone get away with that, not this time.
i have to start standing up for myself... im just scared because of that teenager who got killed because she rejected her (adult) co-worker, im afraid its going to be me. this is the reason i dont like hearing abt death.
on another note, back to abt my boyfriend....
im writing this as soon as i ended the call with him. i miss him already. i wonder how and why my brain changes how i react to things because of a label. i feel so clingy. i want to talk to him more. he does make me happy, and i hope i make him happy too
oh, i also bought this candle... its supposed to "smell like london" and it says the scent is "afternoon biscuits and tea" so thats nice. i bought it to think of you, nd its nice that the color of the candle matches my room
oh last thing ! i took my permit drivers test and i passed it! feels so surreal because i never thought i was ever gonna end up driving but here we are lol
anyways i like this song
6:06am —
dude i couldnt fall asleep until like 4:30am and my mom woke me up at 5:30, screaming at me to find something i didnt have!!! i found it! and it was in her bag, a place she didnt look (because she only looked one place!!!!!!) at least i can sleep now, but idek if i can do that because i feel awake now. im going to sob. FUVKKK I HAVE A HEADACHE AND SINUS PAIN NOW IM GOING TO CRY DUDE. and the fact that she walked up the stairs to scream at me (she never walks up the stairs)???? ooo. im so mad bro! like im going to wake up whenever i have my alarms set and im going to punch a wall because i cant sleep without getting interrupted. IM PISSED TF OFF NOW bevause i havent had adequate sleep since my last off day (a week ago) and i dont have a lot of sleep for tomorrow because i have to wake up at 6am for an appointment thats 2hrs away. sure, ill sleep in the car, but with my mom? she wont let it happen. and i dont have another off day untl thursday, and i cant sleep in for that one either becahse i have another goddamn appointment in the morning. like, is this what being an adult is? being harrassed by coworkers, never having enough sleep, never able to fall asleep.... it cant be cause those all haopened when i was a teenager too. stuck in that cycle, though, and i cant wait for that cycle to finally end.
bad things always tend to happen to me. is it because i bring bad energy? AHHHHHHH i just need to scream cry
i am going to try to sleep now. I've rambled on for way too long
been incredibly sad today. i think it was my lack of sleep, or maybe it was my mom yelling at me and waking me up. still, my heart feels so ... heavy. i cant help but feel bad for people who love me. if i was them, i would choose anyone else to love endlessly. im undeserving of it all, anyway. i dont feel happy tonight. i hope tomorrow's better. i dont know what changed and made me feel this way because when i woke up and went to work, everything was fine until half way through my shift. it didnt really effect me, but them saying "oh, fun's over.. [my name]'s in a bad mood again.. everyone get away" keeps playing in my mind. it didnt affect me then, so i dont know why i keep thinking about it
i just want to fit on my roof and look at the moon, but its been rising really early so i dont think ill be able to see it now. ill watch some livestreams from space of the earth/the moon instead. something to comfort me while listening to music. i havent been able to watch any videos all the way through recently.. havent even been able to watch those gaming streams i like. hopefully ill feel better before i go to sleep
0 notes
kthyg · 3 years
— a little flirting won’t hurt | kth (m)
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Who would’ve thought that flirting with Jimin would bring you to the knees in front of Taehyung instead of Jimin?
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Pairing : Taehyung x Reader
Genre : Smut | Friends to Lovers | Idiots to Lovers | Roommate!AU | Bartender!AU
Rating : 18+
Disclaimer : This story is a work of fiction. Description of the BTS members in this story does not reflect nor portray them in real life. Everything in this story only fits in imagination and does not apply outside of imagination.
Word count : 9k+
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Author Note :
new year fic 💌 and i was fighting with tumblr to make this post appear on the tags result 🚮 and turns out it was bcs of the banner :’) so @leemien had to make a new one for me and presumably a bit more appropriate .. or i’ll js leave this w/o banner.. </3
anyway.. thanking my lovelies (lee), weny, tease, sha (and her bf) for beta reading this <3 and to ana and nimi for being there to help me pull myself together 😟
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Warnings : This story deals with explicit sexual scene, mentions of alcohol names, alcohol consumption and perhaps a bit of inaccurate information about alcohol (since I don’t drink and this is just google based information 🥲).
Sexual scenes warnings : Unprotected sex (be sure to wrap it before you tap it, guys), kissing (and i mean a lot of it), marking and biting, finger fucking, oral sex m&f receiving, cum eating, creampie, overstimulation, (lots of) praising (because i’m a hoe for it), worshipping, nipple play, dirty talk… and I think that’s all.
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Dedication : To Tease who has been urging me to write smut.
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Home sweet home.
After hours staying at the college, you’re finally at the front of your apartment’s door. This morning, your lecturer has tasked you and the other students with two written assignments and soon you’ll have an oral presentation. It’s a pair work - the oral - and you had stayed back with your partner to work on it because you couldn’t discuss it with her at night since you have a night shift this week.
The assignments are luckily due next week, precisely two days from today. You and your partner's discussion didn’t take a lot of time because the oral is all about fact discussion and it relies on your own research but you decided to stay back a little longer to finish one assignment so you’d only be left with another one.
You punch in the passcode to your door and immediately get in. Right now you want nothing more than to flop on your bed and rest. There’s still a few hours before your shift at the bar and since it’s night shift, sleeping is essential especially when you don’t take any caffeine lately.
“I’m drained,” you sigh.
“That’s not what people used to say when they get into the house, you know?” Taehyung grins.
Beauty is subjective, you see, but Taehyung is definitely the definition of human beauty. His face proportions are perfect and a body that is sculptured by the god himself. How can he look so fine in a white T-shirt and grey sweatpants? His brown tousled hair falls right before his eyes. God his hair looks so fluffy too.
“I’m home,” you grunt.
“That’s more like it,” he smirks before making his way back to the living room and flops on the couch. “You’re awfully late today.”
You wave him off with “assignments” as you, too, join him on the couch, your bag is abandoned at the end of the couch. The screen is showing the crime documentary that Taehyung had been binging on recently.
Taehyung is your roommate who’s also your best friend, attends the same college as you and is a good friend of your boss, the owner of the bar you’re currently working at. You’re grateful to have met with Taehyung - despite all the hardships you had to face while breaking his wall and getting used to him.
It all starts with you being a broke student who wants to find a place to stay near your college with a rent within your range and Taehyung who happens to be looking for a roommate. It was not easy at all, to get accustomed to Taehyung and his whole house rules. You were so close to moving out of his house just because you couldn’t stand him and his pettiness and find another place, another roommate, but you pulled yourself together and it’s safe to say you’re numb to his pettiness and actually get along with him.
“You have work today?” Taehyung asks - though you are sure he knows the answer to it.
Still, you answer him albeit lazily. “Yeah. Night.”
You are exhausted, your energy bar is red and negative. Your eyes are begging to be closed and it doesn’t take a lot of persuasions for it to happen. Taehyung is talking about something but you didn’t catch it as your eyelids start to get heavier as seconds pass. You barely register his voice calling you as you let the darkness consume you and you drift into the dreamland.
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“Taehyung!” You whine. “Why didn’t you wake me up, you twat!”
Why did you think Taehyung would be kind enough to wake you up for work? You are left with less than one hour before your shift starts and it takes at least thirty minutes for you to get ready and another thirty minutes for you to reach your workplace on foot. You would thank him for putting a blanket over you but you would smack him for not waking you up on purpose.
Taehyung sits on a stool near the kitchen island, a glass of water in hand as he listens to your rambling and nagging. He loves to rile you up in whatever ways possible and this is one of them.
It wasn’t on purpose actually, but you claimed that he did it on purpose so he’s being kind enough to play along and entertain you. He woke up a few minutes before you and noticed that you were already late. He reached out for his phone and texted Jin, your boss, to inform you might be late and he pushed himself off the couch. Nothing is actually going to happen if you’re late since he had informed your boss, you’re just overreacting - minus the fact that you didn’t know.
Exactly thirty minutes after you’ve woken up, you’ve finished getting ready. Your outfit is simple; a black turtleneck sweater with a black pencil skirt that hugs your curves and stops a few inches from your knees. From the look of it, Taehyung is ready to head somewhere too as you see him lounging in the living room. He’s going for all black as he wears his favourite black leather jacket with a plain black shirt underneath and black trousers.
“You’re going to the bar today?” You ask.
Taehyung is a frequent customer at the bar you work at and a close friend of the bar owner, Seokjin, your boss. It’s safe to say he’s a frequent customer only because he’s a close friend of your boss and he enjoys drinking as if that is what makes him alive. He loves feeling the burn at the back of his throat when he downs the alcoholic drinks though it’s not an everyday activity for him as he still loves his liver. Sometimes he’s at the bar just to accompany you - which is kind of him - and just to chill out.
You had accepted the job as a bartender for two reasons, one is because you needed money and Taehyung offered to help you get the bartender work so you definitely couldn’t decline an opportunity right under your nose. Two, you wanted to try it out - being a bartender - this is the first time you work as a bartender and it’s new to you but Seokjin and your other co-workers have been kind enough to guide you.
“Yeah,” he sighs. “But not willingly. Jungkook forces me to come.”
Jungkook is Taehyung’s friend, who you also consider as your friend though not as close as you to Taehyung. Jungkook is the same age as Taehyung which means he’s a year older than you. You rarely bump into him at college but you both know of each other’s existence given the times he had come over to your apartment just to have dinner because apparently, he’s saving money.
“Anyway, you done? Let’s go then.”
Let’s— Huh?
“Oh my god,” you gasp excitedly as you catch on to his words. “You’re giving me a ride today?”
Taehyung stares at you for a good few seconds before an idea pops into his head. You pray to god to protect this young man from the devil or the evil - or maybe it’s too late - because you know he’s up to no good when that devilish smile creeps on his face.
“Taehyung, I swear to—”
“On a second thought, maybe no. You called me a twat just now,” he smirks as he takes his car key and stride to the door. “Go on your foot, twat.”
Remember when you had mentioned Taehyung is a petty bitch? Yes, this is it.
“Taehyung!!” You whine as you stomp your way to follow him.
He’s joking, right?
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Yeah, he’s joking.
“You’re so petty, you know that?” You grumble, opening your locker.
“Whatever makes you sleep at night, sweetheart.” He didn’t miss a beat as he pinched your cheek.
“Taehyung!” You slap his arm light-heartedly. Pinching your cheeks has been a habit of Taehyung that he had picked up a few months ago. It’s an endearing gesture, his words, not mine.
“Be grateful you’re not late,” Taehyung taunts as he saunters to the exit of the staff room. “Twat.”
Very petty.
A few moments before, you had rushed here to be on time - with Taehyung giving you a slow and chill ride - only for your boss to be baffled as he saw you rushing and out of breath. Technically, you did run here since that roommate of yours decided to park a bit far away from the bar because there’s no other parking spot which was a lie.
Seokjin told you that you told him you were going to be late and it’s your turn to be confused as he said he had expected you to arrive a few minutes later, not on time. You narrowed every possibility and it landed on one and only Taehyung.
When you hear the door shut and Taehyung is out of sight, you roll your eyes and grab your apron from the locker. It’s a black leather apron with the bar’s name embedded on the top right chest area. The apron smoothly goes over your head and settles on your neck and you tie the strips at the side of the apron to the small of your back.
You walk to the door and out to your workspace.
The bar is the vibe and the people in the bar are the vibe. The bar is the place where you let loose of yourself, enjoy yourself and live your life to the fullest. That’s another reason why you accepted the offer to work at a bar. Once in a while, you want to have fun - not the drink till you're the drunk type of fun but instead, you actually enjoy watching people have fun as if the night is still young.
As soon as you walk out of the staff room, a heavy smell of alcohol fills your nostrils and heavy music fills the whole bar. Naked by Doja Cat is playing as you stride towards the back of the counter. Seokjin’s bar or you could call, Picturesque, is lively, trendy and… chaotic - in a good way. His bar gives off an upbeat, friendly and even sexy atmosphere. Most of the students from your college often come to this bar to either throw a party or to hang out - and get wasted.
The interior design of Picturesque screams extravagant and modern. The furniture is mostly in black, brown or beige. As soon as you get behind the bar counter, you see that Minnie, your co-worker, is already there preparing drinks. She notices your presence and winks at you. Breaking into a small laugh at her randomness, you walk towards her.
“Damn, is that Sazerac?” You look over her shoulder, recognising the drink she had just slid over to the customer.
“She asked for something strong,” Minnie shrugs, wiping her hands. “I’ve been wanting to make that drink, you know? Haven’t done it in a while.”
“One Long Island, please,” the guy that sits on one of the stool orders.
“Do you want to take that order or…” Minnie asks.
“I’ll take that,” you tell her and you turn to the guy. “Right away, sir.”
You catch Taehyung staring at you when you are about to turn and get a glass. He’s with Jungkook and a couple of guys - who you assume are from your college too - that you’re not familiar with. Lips mouthing a “what” at him and he only chuckles at that. You roll your eyes and turn to make the drink. When you turn again, you notice some girls coming to his table but you didn’t manage to recognise who it is as Minnie calls for you.
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Jealousy is really a disease.
But what about unexplained jealousy?
It’s a lethal disease.
“(Y/N)?” Minnie nudges you. “The glass is going to break.”
“Bollocks,” you huff as you look at the glass in your grasp. “I didn’t even hold it too tight.”
The entire scene happening in front of you is definitely not a scene you’d like to witness. A girl’s hands all over your roommate’s body, her curves pressing over him, trying to push up her breast as you assume maybe to impress Taehyung and downright flirting albeit Taehyung looks unbothered - way too unbothered.
“If looks could murder, yours would,” Seokjin appears out of nowhere. It's a habit of his to suddenly walk up to the bar and sometimes he would act like a customer and you didn’t even notice.
Seokjin is a man in his thirties albeit looking like in his twenties. God has his favourite and this man, your boss, happens to be the favourite. His black silky mullet hair looks so perfect on him. You don’t think you could ever want to look at any man with a mullet except for Seokjin - or maybe Taehyung too. Don’t let you get started on his lips that gets any women and sometimes even men envy it. Seokjin’s lips are perfect; pillowy, pink, plump and perfectly sculpted.
“Shut it, Jin,” you huff. “Were you about to pretend like you’re a customer again?”
“No,” he grunts. You always recall that event and he is starting to think you’re being petty - for sure you had picked that up from Taehyung after living under one roof for some time now.
“I was bored in my space so I decided to check on you,” he places a hand on his chest. “Can’t you see I’m such a caring boss? You should forget that incident. You’re being petty like Taehyung, you know?”
You roll your eyes. “I’m anything but like Taehyung.”
“Yeah? Tell that to me again once you stop gripping the glass. It’s really about to break now.”
It’s Minnie’s turn to jump into the conversation. It looks like she had just finished serving a drink for a customer. She sends a wink at Seokjin and he mutually sends it back - their way of greetings.
“What are you jealous about?” Minnie asks.
“Jealous?” You frown at her. “Who said I’m jealous?”
Minnie looks in the direction you’re looking to and nods knowingly. She and Seokjin share a look before the man speaks. “(Y/N),” He points at his face. “Your face says a lot, in case you don’t know.”
“Don’t act as if you didn’t have a crush on Taehyung!” Minnie nudges you playfully. “You literally talked for hours about how much you like him, adore him, even wants to fu—”
“Shut it, Minnie!” You hiss. “I was drunk.”
“I know about it too,” Seokjin points out. “And it’s not like it’s a secret that you like Taehyung.”
“It is a secret between us!” You scold him.
“Whatever,” Minnie rolls her eyes. “Did you even think of confessing?”
“No. Why would I?”
The thought of confessing did cross your mind sometimes but it always vanished because Taehyung just didn’t catch on to your hints. You are kind enough to drop some hints that you like him - or maybe your hints were too subtle or he’s too dead in the brain to understand the hint - but he didn’t give any reaction to it, that’s when the thought of confessing just went out of the window, down the drain and out of the planet.
At this point, you are convinced that Taehyung is not attracted to you and only considers you as a friend but you have no problem with it.
Then, why are you jealous?
Shut up, brain.
Taehyung is not the only man on this planet and surely you can develop feelings for another man.
“Because you like him?” Minnie tells you as a matter of fact. “Isn’t it normal to confess?”
“And because who knows if Taehyung likes you too?” Seokjin adds, shrugging.
“Nonsense,” you sigh. “I gave up trying to confess long time ago.” You decide to not tell them the details as you turn to look at Taehyung’s table. He’s still with the girl that has been pressing on him but just this time there’s some distance between them.
A guy from Taehyung’s table stands up and walks towards the bar counter, who you recognise it’s Jimin. He continues walking to the bar until his eyes land on you and locks his gaze on you albeit he’s a few metres from you.
“Hey, can I get a Martini?” A customer sits on the stool in front of you.
“Yeah, sur—”
“Right away, miss!” Minnie cuts you off. “How about you go take that young man’s order?” She’s pointing at Jimin and you look at his way only for him to send you a wide smile.
“Get going, (Y/N). Don’t make the customer wait,” Seokjin pushes you with his words. You give them a weird look before walking in Jimin’s direction.
Jimin is a pretty boy if you are to describe him. He has the prettiest smile, the prettiest eyes, the prettiest eye smile and the prettiest body figure - the last one is unsolicited but it is what it is - his body is a body to die for. As far as you remember Jimin is Jungkook’s friend as you’ve always seen them together at the college and you did exchange a few words or make a conversation with him sometimes when you guys share classes.
“Hey,” you approach him. “Hey, (Y/N),” he grins. His smile reaches his eyes as it turns into little crescents.
God, he’s so freaking adorable.
“What would you like to have?” You ask.
“What do you feel like drinking right now?” He suddenly asks.
“Do you want to drink on my behalf?” You ask jokingly.
He nods.
“Jimin!” You whine. “Seriously, what do you want to drink?”
“I told you; a drink that you feel like drinking right now,” he answers. His tone is playful and teasing so you couldn’t take him seriously but the look in his eyes seems serious.
“You sure?” You ask again for confirmation and he nods. “I feel like drinking Zombie right now.”
“My favourite,” Jimin smirks. “I’ll take that.”
You shake your head while you let out a small laugh and turn to get his drink ready.
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“Thought you said it’s your favourite.”
“It is!” Jimin slurs.
You don’t know if Jimin is light-weight or what but it’s only been a few minutes after drinking a whole Zombie and Jimin is already tipsy.
Tipsy is a nicer term.
“Doesn’t seem like it, Jimin,” you chuckle.
Jimin has been a great company to you. You feel like he’s your long lost best friend or he makes it seem like that. Talking to him at the bar seems to differ from talking to him in class. He’s more let loose and friendlier if you dare to say. It’s not like he’s not friendly enough in class but maybe the environment just gives you a chance to get to know him better and actually talk to him better because in class you would always focus on your professor and so does Jimin, making the two of you only exchange words solely for class purpose.
“You’re cute when you laugh, (Y/N),” Jimin looks at you dreamily, as if you’re the only person at the bar that matters.
Heat creeps on your face making you blush. You clear your throat and turn away to hide the redness on your cheeks - the bar is dimmed but you don’t if he actually can see it so you just turn.
“You’re just drunk, Jimin,” you tell him. “Let me get you a glass of water?”
Jimin reaches for your hand. Even from the dimmed light, you could make out that his cheeks are red but you’re unsure of the reason - the alcohol or he’s blushing - but still, you narrow it down to it being due to the alcohol.
“Has anyone ever told you that your eyes are enchanting?”
Jimin lets go of your hand to reach the side of your face, tucking a few strands of your hair behind your ear. His fingertips graze on your skin. Jimin’s touch feels so soft, his touch is too soft as if one wrong move could break you.
His advance on you took you off guard but you didn’t back away. You’ve experienced multiple advances people made on you whilst they are drunk and instead of jerking away and getting mad, you learn to keep calm and push them away politely.
But, flirting with him won’t hurt, right?
Taehyung is flirting with some random chick and so can you. Plus, Jimin is not bad, he’s kind of cute too. A bit of teasing won’t hurt and most definitely won’t hurt Taehyung. You’re starting to become petty, you know but you don’t care. To hell with this feeling for a man that doesn’t even get the hints.
“Has anyone ever told you that your lips look kissable?” His hand trails from your cheek to your jaw and his thumb rests on your bottom lips. His cat eyes are clouded with lust as he breaks the intense eye contact with you and down to your lips. His thumb trails your bottom lips before he tugs your chin, his body leaning closer. When his lips are a few inches from yours, he looks into your eyes, asking for permission.
Taehyung is standing behind Jimin but he isn’t looking at the drunk man instead he’s looking straight at you, downright glaring, actually. He tugs at Jimin’s collar to pull him back
“You’re drunk.”
“Tipsy,” Jimin corrects.
Taehyung rolls his eyes before walking back to his table all while tugging on Jimin’s collar. Once he settles down, you notice that the previous girl that has been pressing against him is nowhere in sight and his eyes are on you, a glass of whiskey in his hand.
Fuck, why does he looks hot even while drinking?
His throat bobs up and down for each gulp of the whiskey he drinks and all while staring at you. The intense eye contact is broken by you as you feel your body temperature starting to rise and you feel your cunt is wet from your arousal, dampening your panties.
God, (Y/N) snap out of it!
You abruptly turn your head as you try to look for anything to distract you from this situation Taehyung has put you in.
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“I’m planning to drink tonight, want to join?” Minnie asks while the two of you are getting out of the bar. Seokjin had given you the key to lock the bar because he had to leave early due to some work.
Your shift ended and tomorrow is the weekend, what else is better than getting wasted on Friday night? The offer is too tempting to decline but God seems to have a different plan for you because Taehyung is leaning against his car with his arms crossed, in front of the bar, waiting for you.
“She won’t be joining.” He tells Minnie as he strides towards you.
“I didn’t even—”
“You didn’t tell me you had a plan with Taehyung!” Minnie gasps as she takes away the key from your hand and playfully pushes you away from the door. She quickly locks the door before turning back to you, who seems flabbergasted and Taehyung who seems somewhat pissed.
“Didn’t mean to ruin your plan, Taehyung,” she sends a fake apologetic look at you and Taehyung. “Carry on with your plan!”
Just like that, Minnie dashes off to her car. Taehyung turns and strides back to his car. You remember that he had parked his car a bit far away from the bar - how nice of him to drive it here and wait for you.
You didn’t notice you had been standing like a statue for longer than intended until you heard Taehyung’s voice.
“Are you going to stand there until sunrise?”
You blink at his bluntness. Someone’s pissed.
You get into his car as you quietly wait for him to start the car with a strong rev of the engine like he always does. The night sky is such a pleasant and welcoming sight. The stars are scattered on the sky like spilt sugar, each one of them has a shine of their own and together they light up the night sky. You notice that the engine hasn't been rev to life as the car is still not moving, the stars don't seem like it’s chasing you yet.
You turn to Taehyung who had his left hand gripping the steering wheel. “Is the… Is the car broken or what,” you ask half-seriously and half-jokingly.
“Are you going to tell me what I’ve been missing out on?” He blurts out.
“Missing out? What do you mean?” Confusion is clear on your face.
“You were flirting with Jimin and almost kissed him,” Taehyung turns to face you, raising an eyebrow.
“I wouldn’t call it flirting,” you frown at him. It’s that it wasn’t flirting. You and Jimin were just talking, you’ve thought of Jimin like an old friend of yours and the conversation you had with him a few hours ago is like catching up with an old friend. It’s definitely not flirting.
“And the keyword is almost, almost kissed,” you emphasise. “But I don’t see what that has got to do with you?”
Taehyung clenches his jaw at your answer but soon he loosens it as he wets his lips and turns away from you without saying a word.
“That’s it? You were mad at me for flirting with Jimin?” You scoff in disbelief.
Taehyung is mad, pissed off for whatever reasons and one of the reasons is that you flirt with Jimin. What about him? He’s flirting with some random chick the entire night but then again you don’t have the right to be mad at him and he, too, doesn’t have the right to get mad at you for flirting with Jimin - which you didn’t, you were just talking to him.
Taehyung ignores you.
“Then, what about you? You were flirting with some random girl,” you didn’t mean to raise your voice a tad bit higher but it just came out.
“Are you jealous?” Taehyung didn’t miss a beat.
You are taken aback by his question as you immediately pursue your lips into a thin line. You are jealous but you couldn’t just tell him that, right? What would he think of that later on? It would be weird because you’re not his girlfriend to be jealous of some girls all over him or whatever, you’re his best friend for god’s sake.
“J-Just… Just get moving. I’m tired,” you are flustered so you avoid his question.
“Tell me.”
Taehyung leans towards you, killing the distance between the two of you. His arms cage you in your seat. His face is just a few inches away from you that you practically can smell the alcohol on him, his clean and minty scent of his - the smell that you dare to say that you’re addicted to. Your eyes look at anything but his eyes.
The proximity is killing you and Taehyung who doesn’t seem to budge from his position is definitely not helping. Your eyes stop at his nose and you spot the little beauty mole then your eyes travel down to his lips - pretty, fine and kissable lips of his. Perhaps your eyes had stayed on his lips a bit too long because his lips curled into a smirk.
“Eyes up here, (Y/N).” His baritone voice tells you as he tugs on your chin so that you turn to face him, eyes meeting his.
“Are you jealous, sweetheart?” He asks again, this time he makes sure that you look into his eyes as he looks into yours intensely. You suck in a deep breath, the proximity is suffocating you, the staring is killing you, your nostrils are filled with Taehyung’s scent mixed with alcohol along with his car’s scent that doesn’t smell much different from his own scent. You turn your head abruptly, breaking the eye contact but he grips on your chin and tugs you back to face him
“N-no, I’m not!” You lie through your teeth. Your hands reach out to Taehyung’s chest to push him back.
“Tell that to me while looking straight into my eyes.”
You can’t. You know you can’t and he knows you can’t. You can’t lie all while making eye contact, it will make you more nervous and if there’s anyone who can read you like a book, knows you are lying is none other than Taehyung.
“What if I tell you that I’m also jealous?”
Your eyes immediately look up to his, trying to find any hint that is showing he’s lying. There’s no way your roommate would be jealous. You must’ve heard it wrong.
“I’m jealous because you were so close to kissing Jimin just now.” As if reading your mind, he tells you again.
“He was so close to kissing you. If I was a second late, he would’ve placed his lips on you and I didn’t like that thought,” his eyes drop to your lips as his thumb grazes your bottom lips.
“He was right when he said your lips are kissable, sweetheart.”
His lips are now a few inches away from yours. Yours and Taehyung’s breaths mingle. His eyes look up to you as if asking for permission. You didn’t give too much thought, you just nod.
Taehyung captures your lips.
If your lips are kissable then what about his? His lips taste of heaven and are soft. It’s a crime that these lips haven't been kissing you, it’s a crime that these lips haven’t been on yours since day one. Taehyung kisses you slowly, very much savouring the moment of his lips on your slowly as if he had all the time in the world. Your lips work at the same pace as his, savouring the taste of his lips, the feeling of his lips on yours.
The slow making out is only heightening your lust, your desire to have more of him so you take matters into your hand. You deepen the kiss as you make the move first to slide your tongue in making him groan. His hand rests on your waist, gripping tightly. Taehyung didn’t let you have the dominance in the tongue fighting - like hell he would. His tongue explored your mouth making you let out a small moan.
“Needy aren’t you?” He pulls away from you, leaving you all panting for air. A whine involuntarily escapes from your lips at the loss of contact.
“Look at you, already out of breath just from a little kissing,” he smirks as his thumb teases with your lower lips. His thumb slowly dives into your mouth, placing it on your hot tongue.
“Suck,” he orders. Fuck, his voice sounds so sexy right now.
You suck. You just do. Your tongue swirls around his thumb as Taehyung just watches you. The wet sound of coming from you is making him hard and you know it from the hard bulge on his pants.
“Your mouth is so warm,” he praises. “Can this mouth take my cock? Hmm?”
You moan as a response. Taehyung pulls out his thumb and looks at your flushed face. Your lips are still swollen from the kiss, drools on the corner of your mouth because of the sucking and licking. Your hand reaches for his hard bulge, palming it making him let out a deep growl. His fingers travel from your waist to your thigh and down to your clothed heat. He lets his finger lightly trace your body like a feather, teasing and riling you up even more.
“Are you wet, sweetheart?” He whispers. “I can smell your arousal down there.”
His lips leave wet kisses on your neck as his hand stops at your breast. “Would like me to fuck your tits too?” He fondles one of your tits. Your nipples are erected underneath your bra. His hand travels under your sweater but the piece of clothing seems to be a hindrance of his sight to your tits so he pulls up your sweater, enough to just witness the view of your tits covered by another piece of garment.
“Lace?” He hums. “I love it.”
He kisses along your sternum. The sight of Taehyung worshipping your tits is definitely not something you had expected. He licks on your meaty flesh that isn’t covered by the bra before he bites on it, leaving love bites. You yelp as your hands travel to grip on his hair.
“Want to fuck you,” he groans. “Will you let me fuck you, sweetheart?”
“Fuck yes, want to feel you, want to fuck you,” you whimper.
“I’ll be the one doing the fucking, sweets,” he lets out a deep chuckle. His lips trail up to your lips, kissing you deeply.
“I’ll fuck you so hard and deep.”
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Taehyung is an impatient man.
Along the ride to the apartment, his hand travels from your thigh to your clothed heat, gripping it and once the two of you arrive, he picks you up and kisses you with urgency. He kisses you like he’ll die if he doesn’t. He consumes you like you’re the oxygen he needs to stay alive.
He brings you to his room and sits on his bed with you situated on his lap. You could feel his bulging crotch pressing on your clothed pussy. You roll your hips, creating more friction to relieve your throbbing pussy. Taehyung grips on your hips as a growl escapes his throat as a warning.
“Impatient are we?”
Says you.
His hands move from your hips to your ass, squeezing it. “Your ass is so sexy,” He asks in between the kisses. “I get hard every time you walk around the house with those tight pants of yours or when you’re wearing a skirt that doesn't leave much room for imagination.”
You whine at his words. His hands move lower to your clothed pussy, leaving trails of teasing touches.
“S-stop teasing!” You huff which he only replies with a chuckle.
“On your knees.”
You immediately get off him and kneel on the floor as he rises from the bed, his hard crotch right in front of you.
“Take my cock out,” he orders as his hand reaches out to brush your hair away from your face, stroking your hair softly and lovingly. You comply with his request and undo his pants to free out his length. His cock springs out immediately when you free it from his tight and suffocating pants.
His cock is massive and the prettiest you’ve seen - you’ve seen some from porn, yeah… - It shouldn’t be within your reach but here it is, standing proudly in front of you. Cum is leaking from the tip of his cock. You gulp at the amazing sight.
“Like what you see?”
Damn, yes you do.
“Do you ever give a blowjob?” Taehyung asks.
You shake your head. You never really had the chance to get a partner to do that. It’s safe to say that you’re busy being a broke student, a virgin at it. The glint of possessiveness shines in his dark eyes.
“I’m the first?” He caresses your scalp making you almost purr at the soft gesture. You nod at his question and his erection hardens. “And I’ll be the last.” He tells you with a hint of possessiveness in his voice. He pulls his hand from your scalp to pump his hard length.
“Will you let me fuck that little mouth of yours?”
Your eyes hastily bounce between him and his dick. Words are not needed, you want him to fuck you, let alone ruin you with that dick. You let out a broken sigh before parting your lips and that’s all the permission Taehyung needs.
He grips on his cock, smearing his precum along his length before he plunges into your mouth in one go. “Fuck,” he groans. “Your mouth is so warm.”
You try to take in all of him in your mouth as he hits the back of your throat. Your gag reflex kicks in as tears spring in the corner of your eyes, your hands gripping on his thick thighs. Taehyung looks down at you, your little mouth, your lips wrapped around his big cock.
Fuck, it only makes him harder.
“You take me so well,” he praises. He pulls out completely to let you take a breath only for a short while before he slams into your mouth again. He thrusts into your mouth like you’re nothing but a ragdoll. His pace is hard and rough - and you certainly like it.
“You look so fucking beautiful stuffed with my cock, sweetheart.”
Your panties are dampened enough. You feel your pussy throb harder at his words, you feel your pussy getting wetter at every praise he gives you. You clench your thighs trying to find some sort of relief for your aching pussy.
“This mouth is mine,” he growls. “Those lips should only wrap around my cock and only mine. Do you understand that?” He slows down and rolls his hips, fingers in your hair. You taste his pre cum on your tongue as you swirl your tongue around his thick length. You hear Taehyung grunting out a moan and conclude that no other sound is sexier than his moans.
“You’ll take my loads like a good girl, sweetheart? My angel— Fuck.”
You are full of his taste in your mouth, his scent fills your nostrils. He’s everywhere and you’re surrounded by all of him. Taehyung picks up his pace of thrusting in and out of your mouth. His body turns rigid and his moans fill the room as he spills his hot cum down your throat. You watch through your lashes mesmerised by the view of Taehyung reaching his high.
You try to swallow all of his loads as you angle your head properly but some still manage to escape from your mouth. His cum streams down the corners of your mouth, his cock still inside of you but it doesn't soften, if possible it only hardens as he watches you in awe, a sheen of possessiveness shines in his eyes. The sight of you taking in all of his cock is a sight to behold; tears are pooling in the corner of your eyes, your drools and his cum are mixed together at the corner of your mouth and your cheeks flush.
He pulls out and slides his thumb to collect the cum at the corner of your mouth.
Your lips part as you do as he tells you to.
He slowly thrusts his thumb into your mouth, smearing his cum all over your tongue and even around your slick and swollen lips. You wrap your lips around his thumb, tongue licking and sucking his thumb to clear it off his cum. He groans out praises, telling you how good of you to take in all of him.
Taehyung pulls out his thumb from your mouth as he grabs your arm and takes you into a heated kiss. His hard erection pressing over your clothed body.
His touch is intoxicating, everything about him is intoxicating. He’s a drug - a drug you never know you need so bad and you’re intoxicated.
“Taehyung,” you moan between the kisses. “Fu–Fuck me.”
“Yeah?” He groans in your mouth. “You want me to fuck you?”
You nod hastily. Your pussy is clenching over nothing and it’s unbearable.
He breaks the kiss. “How do you want me to fuck you, sweetheart?” He pushes you down to the bed, his body hovering over you. “Should I fuck your pussy with my cock? Or should I fuck your pussy with my tongue and fingers?”
“W-Want all of you,” you whimper out an answer.
“Greedy little girl, aren’t you?” He clicks his tongue. “Are you sure your little cunt can take all of me, sweetie?”
You pant out a yes. Taehyung takes off his jacket and pulls his shirt over his head, undressing himself. You take in the sight of his sculpted body, a body to die for, a body that will make the Greek Gods envious. He’s in his naked glory in front of you and he leans in to kiss you again.
“Take off your clothes.”
You immediately jump into action. The black sweater is discarded in a blink of an eye, your pants are gone too with the help of Taehyung. You’re now left in your undergarments.
“Fuck, you’re so sexy,” his hands roam all over your body, leaving wet kisses everywhere. His hand reaches for your back, unclipping the bra as he takes it off to give him the view of your tits. He fondles your mounds, your hardened peaks in between his fingers. He twists and tugs on your nipples making you cry out a broken moan. Once your nipples are erect enough, he takes one of your nipples into his mouth and sucks roughly. He switches to your other nipples, giving them equal amounts of attention.
His tongue is swirling around your hardened bud and it only builds up your arousal even more. If you were wet before then you’re two times wetter right now. Your nerves are on fire as the pleasure builds up, heat is spreading under your skin and your back is arching in pleasure as you chase more of his warmth.
“F-Fuck, Taehyung,” his mouth is hot.
Your hand travels down to your lower region, your cunt. You want nothing more than a touch to relieve your aching pussy. Your hands are a few inches away from your sex but you retract it with a whimper when Taehyung suddenly bites on your nipple.
“Don’t touch yourself unless I tell you to.”
He bites on your nipple again, making you let out a yelp. His hand moves to your lower region, cupping your aching and throbbing heat making your hips jerk at the sudden contact but soon you start to grind on his hand to find some sort of relief.
“Taehyung,” you let out a shaky breath. “Please.”
“Please what?” His pointed tongue laps at your areola and flicks your nipple. The hand that is cupping your sex just stays still without any further movement.
“Please t-touch me,”
Taehyung pulls away from your breast and captures your lips into another kiss. His fingers touch your wet folds, leaving light and teasing touches. You moan into the kiss when his thumb slowly circles your clit.
���You’re so wet,” he grunts. “Wet for me?”
He slides a finger into your cunt. You cry out a moan at the sudden intrusion.
“Fuck, your walls are clenching on my finger so hard,” he starts moving his finger at a slow and steady pace, his eyes looking at your face for any hint of discomfort and when he sees nothing but the look of pleasure, he increases his pace and adds in another finger.
“Need to prepare this hot and tight cunt for my fat cock, yeah?”
Your wall tightens at his words. Taehyung places a hand on your hip to hold you down from squirming. His fingers are knuckles deep inside of your heat. He curls his digits, hitting the particular pleasure spot. A high pitched moan escapes your lips and Taehyung knows immediately he has found your g-spot.
“You’re so hot, (Y/N),” he pecks your lips and looks at your face. You’re already a mess just from him finger fucking you. He continues hitting on the spot with his fingers making you a moaning mess.
“Cum for me, sweetheart.”
He picks up his pace into finger fucking you and as if at his command, your walls spasm and contract around his digits. You come undone on his fingers as your back arches and head thrown to the back, eyes rolling back in pleasure.
You calm down for your high, your breathing is laboured as you try to recollect yourself. Taehyung looks at you with a stunned look before he leans in to kiss you deeply. Your lips lazily try to reciprocate with the eagerness he pours into the kiss.
“You look so hot while coming undone around my fingers,” he tells you in between the kisses. “Bet you’ll look even hotter coming around my dick.”
He pulls out his finger, circling and playing with your folds slowly before pulling away completely from you. He picks you up by your waist as he leans against the headboard and situates you on his lap again.
“Ride me,” his hands grip your hips. His length is standing proud and hard, the leaking tip is inches away from your entrance. “Does this pussy ever take in any dick, hmm?”
You shake your head and his grips on your hips tighten. He pulls you closer until your flushed body is pressed against his, your hands gripping on his shoulders. His hands snake around your back, landing on your arse. He repeats his action of squeezing and spreading your arse all while his lips leave wet kisses on your stomach. Your heart flutters with the amount of kisses Taehyung has been giving you, kissing you on the lips, kissing your breast and now kissing your stomach.
“And it will never take in any dick other than mine,” he growls. “Your pussy will only know my dick, my tongue and my fingers.”
Your walls clench around nothing. His words do nothing but ignite your neediness, your horniness. Taehyung runs one of his hands back to your hip and the other down to your pussy.
“And while I fuck you I want you to scream out my name,” his baritone voice does wonder to you.
“But now I want you to fuck yourself on my cock,” he spreads your folds. “Can you do that?”
You hesitate for a while before you nod, taking up his request.
“Words, sweetheart.”
Taehyung mumbles praise and places one last kiss on your stomach before pulling away, letting you have your spotlight of fucking yourself on his dick.
You line up the tip of his dick to your wet entrance. Taehyung watches you with heavy lust in his eyes. You slowly sink on his length, your walls burn at the intrusion. When you manage to sink enough to cover his tip of dick, you let out a shaky breath. His two fingers in your cunt are nothing to compare with the size of his dick.
“Want help, sweetie?” He caresses the skin of your hips. Surprisingly to him, you shake your head to which he raises a brow but you give him no mind. You focus on the burn in your lower region. You want to prove to him that you can take his dick to the brim.
You are a sucker for praises. His praises.
You sink down onto his dick in one go. A high pitched moan escapes your mouth as his dick stretches your walls. Curses fall out of Taehyung lips because of your tightness, your pussy tightens around his dick, holding him with a vice grip.
“Fuck…” he lets out a breathy moan. “Taking in all of me like the good girl you are.”
Your stomach flips at his praise. The urge to make him feel good is strong. You raise your hips enough until only his tip is covered by your walls and sink on his length again. You keep up the steady pace with Taehyung’s hands still on your hips, sometimes helping and manoeuvring you. The room is filled with the mix of your moans and Taehyung’s moans.
Your legs are starting to give out as your pace starts to get slower and unsteady. Taehyung notices it and immediately flips the two of you and your back immediately meets with the soft mattress. His hands grip the back of your thighs, spreading them.
Taehyung makes love and he also fucks. When he fucks, he fucks deep and hard, just like he had told you. He didn’t hold back from snapping his hips in and out of you hard and deep. You are a moaning mess when he hits your g-spot. He tortures your pleasure spot, hitting it with his length.
He leans into you, kissing you once again. He rolls his hips, his cock buried deep inside your cunt. You moan into his mouth and he gladly swallows your sounds. His lips trail down to your jaw and finally to your neck. He sucks on the skin of your neck, littering your neck with his marks all while rolling his hips, his length buried deep inside you.
Taehyung pulls away only to replace his pace with a powerful and deep thrust. Every thrust has you closer to your climax. Taehyung sees your face contorted in pleasure, your walls tightening around his dick. He brings his thumb to your clit, circling and pinching it. You’re a mess, skin flushed and red, naked under him with his cock buried deep inside you, moaning uncontrollably with each hard and powerful thrust.
“You’re close, sweets?” He asks with a heavy breath.
“I’m c-close. Want to cum, w-want your cum inside of me.”
Fuck it makes him crazy.
“Want my cum inside of you?” You could hear the smirk in his voice. “Want to paint your walls white with my cum, yeah?” Taehyung continues circling your pearl with his thumb, pushing you over the edge.
As if in command, your walls flutter around his cock. You come undone around his cock with a loud cry of his name, your eyes rolling to the back, your back arches and your thighs shaking. Taehyung slows his pace as you try to calm down from your high. His dick slides in and out of you, Taehyung watches the way your essence is coating his length with every thrust.
“Fuck, so warm,” he rasps. “Going to fill this pussy with my cum, yeah?”
Taehyung starts to pick up his pace, deep and punishing thrusts. You whimper at the feeling of overstimulation. Your pussy is still sensitive from the powerful orgasm but you want him to cum in you. Broken moans leave your lips and that serves as motivations for Taehyung. Your moans and cries are a melody to his ears. You are a mess under him and he is the reason why you’re a mess.
The thought of painting your walls white with his cum, filling your pussy with his seeds. With one last powerful thrust, Taehyung spills inside you, emptying himself inside you. He cums in you with deep grunts followed by a string of curses. You are dizzy with the pleasure that you start seeing stars.
Taehyung leans in and hides his face in the crook of your neck. His heavy breath tickles your skin. You feel his length softening inside of you. He leaves open mouth kisses at the expense of your skin before pulling away. As he pulls away, his dick slowly slides out of you. His cum spills out of your pussy and his fingers collect it, stuffing it back into your pussy. You are shaking, your pussy flinches at the overstimulation. He brings his fingers that had collected his cum mixed with yours to your mouth which you gladly open.
“Good girl.”
The streak of possessiveness shines in his eyes as he looks at the mess he has made. You. But it seems that he’s not done when you see him leaning down to your pussy. He blows at your entrance, watching the way your pussy clenches making his cum spill out again and he gladly moves his fingers to stuff it back into you.
Taehyung brings his lips to leave trails of kisses along your thighs, leaving bites here and there too. He comes back to your pussy as he spreads your pussylips. Suddenly, you feel his hot tongue lapping on your cunt. Your hips automatically jerk at the feeling. Taehyung places his hands on your hips to keep you still while he’s eating you out.
He sucks on your clit before pushing his tongue into your pussy. He looks at you through his lashes, you are already looking at him. Having Taehyung in between your legs, eating you out makes you feel something indescribable but it’s a good thing. Taehyung looks at you intensely all while eating you out. His tongue sloppily laps on your pussy as he consumes you whole. He pulls away as he spreads your pussylips, finding your clit only to suck onto it again making you moan out a cry.
With one last suck, he pulls away completely. He gets up and leans into you to capture your lips into a deep, heated kiss. You could feel your taste with his in your mouth as his tongue dominates you. Your fingers play with his soft and fluffy hair, gripping it at some times.
“Sweetheart,” he rasps. “Does this mean you’re mine?”
“Only if you agree you’re mine, if yes then I’m all yours.”
“Fuck, I’m yours, sweetheart.”
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You never thought the bathtub in your shared apartment would fit two people in it but you guess it’s because you never try getting in with another human so obviously you would’ve never thought.
You’ve lost track of the time and honestly, you would like to just pass out after the sex with Taehyung but he insists on cleaning up the two of you first so here you are, in the bathtub with Taehyung.
His hands massage your back and shoulder. The silence is not making it awkward but instead, it’s a peaceful silence, comfortable even, only the sound of water and the slow breathing of the two of you are audible.
“Do you know that Jimin has feelings for you?” Taehyung suddenly breaks the silence. His question catches you off guard.
“What do you mean?” You frown.
“You’re dumb.”
His dick is resting on your back so you push back to roll your arse on him. He had to put his hands on your hips to stop you. “You’re asking for more, sweetheart,” he grunts.
“Jimin likes you. That’s why he comes along with Jungkook to the bar,” he tells you.
“Well? I don’t like Jimin, so…” You shrug.
“You were about to kiss him. What about that, sweets?” He kisses your shoulder. “Were you trying to make me jealous?”
“Maybe,” you lean back on his chest. “But isn’t it fair for me to flirt with Jimin when you were there flirting with some random girl?”
“I wasn’t flirting,” he argues. “She’s the one who’s pressing her body on me.”
“Yet you didn’t push her away.”
“Because all my focus is on you.”
You giggle. Taehyung cups your jaw to turn you so that he can kiss you. His lips mould with yours in a slow and passionate kiss. The kiss doesn’t involve tongues, only the movements of the lips.
“I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you too, baby.”
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All rights reserved © 2022 kthyg. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost without permission.
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rayslittlekitten · 3 years
"Wanna Be"
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 4.5 | Part 5
UPDATE: Wrote a one shot, Teenage Dream that takes place some time after Part 5.
A/N: It's finally coming to an end. I've honestly built everything up to this final moment. There was a Writer Wednesday prompt from back in September of last year that I had wanted to use when I had first started writing this series. I couldn't figure out how to build to that yet and I had written a good chunk of this last part even before I wrote the last few parts. I had to know for sure how it ended before filling in the blanks. Believe it or not, an actual child's birthday party that had a bouncy castle sparked a sentimental moment so I built around that. "I Love You Always Forever" by Donna Lewis (YT link below) was the perfect song for this and it inspired and motivated me. Not just lyrically, but melodically. It gave the perfect summer time nostalgic feel I was going for. I highly recommend listening to it if you don't already know the song.
Thank you again @lovebarefootblonde for beta reading and helping me with this. Thank you all for reading, commenting, and reblogging. I hope you enjoy the end of this.
Rating: T
Word Count: ~3.5k
Pairing: Will "Ironhead" Miller x F!reader
Contains: pining, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, mentions of near death
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It feels like it’s been longer than eight months since you’ve last been back to Red Feather Lakes. You’ve gotten used to the hustle and bustle of big city life since you’ve graduated college and moved to New York City. You actually have moved around and traveled quite a bit since you’ve gotten your Bachelor’s degree but the Big Apple has become your second home for the last few years.
You took a week off to visit your family and learned that your little cousin is having their fifth birthday party hosted at your parents’ place. You are expecting a plethora of small children within a few hours so you’re helping your family prep by stuffing little cheap plastic goodie bags with a variety of candies, stickers and dollar store toys and knick knacks.
The doorbell rings and you pause your task for a moment to go answer it, but your mother says she's got it so you continue on.
"Are people coming already?" you ask particularly no one. "What the heck do you even do with these?" You put up what looks like a miniature Power Ranger-themed kaleidoscope to your eye and look around. Everything you see is multiplied twenty times as if you're looking through the eyes of a house fly.
You can hear your mother excitedly greeting whoever is at the door. You hope they didn’t hire a clown or some superhero.
"Oh my gosh, honey, look who's here!"
You see your mother and whoever is with her, times twenty, as they walk into the dining room where you’re seated. After amusing yourself for a whole 15 seconds, you put the toy down and then see your mother with someone you hadn't seen since you were eighteen years old. The two of you make eye contact and just stare at each other unmoved, not saying a word or making any noise. You’re pretty sure you’re not even breathing.
Somehow, both a million thoughts and nothing are running through your head at the same time. You have so much you want to say to him and so many things you want to ask but also don’t want to talk to him. You want to hug him and never let go, but at the same time, you want to punch him in the face as well. You’re not sure if you’re ecstatic to see him or livid that he just randomly showed up to your parents’ house.
"Maybe you two have some catching up to do. Come outside when you're ready, Will." Your mother pats his shoulder before heading out to the backyard.
You open your mouth but no words are coming out.
Will forces his legs to move, taking his time to take short strides towards you as you slowly get up from your seat. You push the chair aside and step closer to him as he rounds the table. As you close the distance, you trip on the leg of the table and fly towards Will and he instinctively catches you. With your hands on his arms, you notice his biceps and forearms are much firmer and bigger than you remember. One of them even has a tattoo. He's also gained some width and height as well. He's no longer a lanky baseball star. He is definitely broad enough to be on the football team now. He is grown, but still as handsome - maybe even more so now. He’s got a beard now and his hair is different. It’s shorter than what you’re used to, but longer than a buzzcut.
You’re sure he’s noticed you’ve changed a bit too, seeing his eyes darting all over you.
"Still clumsy?" Will cracks a smirk.
"Still an asshole?" you ask without missing a beat, half-joking.
“It’s good to see you too,” Will says with a slight twinkle in his eyes even though they don’t seem to shine as bright as you’ve always known them to.
"W-what are you doing here?" you ask, befuddled as you straighten yourself out.
"Helping your parents move some things in the yard." Will points to the doors leading out to the patio. "They’ve also invited me and my parents to your cousin's party."
“Wait, how long have you been back for?”
“I actually flew in earlier in the week. How about you?" Will shifts his weight to his other leg. “Do you still live here?”
"No, I landed yesterday from New York," you answer. “How long are you staying for?”
“I’m actually leaving tomorrow morning.”
You nod politely and it's back to awkward silence.
“Is my mom making you--“ you point your thumb towards the back yard.
“She isn’t making me do anything. My mom asked me to come across the street to give a hand in moving some heavier things. I couldn’t say no even if I wanted to." Will shoves his hands into his jean pockets. "I love your mom. She’s the sweetest.”
“Did she promise you cake?” you shoot him a knowing look.
Will nods. “And pizza and ice cream.” He smirks. “Can’t pass up Ray’s. It’s the best pizza in town.”
You smirk as well. “I’ll make a special goodie bag just for you then.”
“Please don’t give me any tootsie rolls. No one eats that shit.” Will chuckles.
"Fine. I'll throw in an extra pencil topper for you instead." You point the said item at him. A warm smile spreads across Will's face.
"Or maybe I should add in an extra pencil as well? In case you might want to write a letter or something?" you add while shrugging, trying not to sharpen your words and tone too much. His smile softens and then he lets his head hang.
"I'm sorry to interrupt," your mothers strolls in. "I need a hand--"
"Don't worry about it." Will immediately picks his head back up and shakes it. “I'm right behind you."
"See you later?" Will turns back to you.
You nod. "I hope so."
Will reaches his hand up to the top of your head and ruffles your hair, pulling a small smile from you, before walking out to the backyard.
The sun has already started to set, painting the sky in a pink and orangey cloudy haze. Most of the children have left and the remaining ones are inside the house waiting to get picked up or playing with your little cousin. The kids had worn themselves out earlier either splashing in the pool or jumping around in the bouncy castle your aunt and uncle had rented for the child's birthday party.
You and Will volunteered to clean up the backyard and the only thing left to do is to deflate the bouncy castle, but Will suggested you two have a few jumps before doing so. A few awkward jumps turn into you two knocking into each other and falling and rolling around. The two of you did have quite a few drinks. The both of you stay horizontal on the vinyl as his contagious laugh fills the castle. It's been so long since you've heard his genuine heartfelt laugh.
Actually, it’s just been so long since you’ve really heard him at all. The both of you lost touch a few years after you started college and he joined the military. You used to write letters to him and he would write back when he could, but somewhere along the way, the letter exchanging became less frequent until it came to a halt. Then you started collecting and sending him postcards from the different places you would visit, not knowing if he was even getting them. You didn’t really write much on them though. You didn’t really have much to say to him if he didn’t have anything to say back, but you still wanted to keep the line open.
Will was able to get a few days off and came home to see his family as well. He didn't expect you to be there, nor did he know if you or your family still lived in the same house, but he's more than happy to see you again.
You look over and watch as Will looks up through the open top framing the hazy sky, watching the clouds slowly passing through, seemingly content with this moment based on the smile on his face. A smile that reaches his blue eyes, accompanied by some fine lines around his mouth and corner of his eyes. You see a little peek of the spark you missed earlier. Another thing you missed in the last near decade.
"Hey, you know what I found while helping my parents get rid of some old stuff?” Will looks over at you.
“My N64.”
“Wow. You still have that?” You ask, surprised.
“Yeah. You wanna see if it still works?”
“You’re never taking the Mario Kart championship away from me, Miller,” you laugh. “I’m taking it to the grave with me.”
“Afraid you’re gonna lose?” Will taunts.
“Oh, please," you scoff.
"Come on then." Will sits up and gets to his feet. He takes your hand into his, and then pulls you up.
He drags you out of the castle and pulls you along across the street into the garage where a bunch of boxes are piled all around. As Will goes to dig up the gaming console, you look around and poke into a few boxes, recognizing some of the items.
“Oh shit, you still have this too?” You ask excitedly as you walk over to the dusty bicycle.
Will looks over at your direction.
“Yeah. Think my parents are gonna donate that.”
“Hey, I have a better idea. Let’s take this out for a spin one last time,” you suggest.
“I don’t even know if it can handle the two of us together anymore,” Will chuckles.
“Come on! Maybe just around the neighborhood?” You pull the bike out and Will follows you to the driveway.
Will gets on the bike and you start laughing because of how ridiculous he looks being 6’1” straddling a bike meant for someone shorter than him.
“Are we gonna do this or what?” Will asks. “Hop on!”
You get behind him with what little space there is and wrap your arms around his waist like the way you used to. You're immediately hit with a nostalgic feeling of warmth and fullness in your chest. A feeling it seems you hadn’t felt in a long time. Or maybe it’s just something you've only felt with him. You hold onto him a little tighter and press yourself against his back, not wanting to ever let him go.
“Hang on tight!”
Will starts pedaling but you can’t help but start laughing again picturing how silly he probably looks, like a clown riding a tiny tricycle. Will surprisingly makes it pretty far until he goes to make a turn and the bike tilts over. Thankfully Will’s quick reflexes prevent the both of you from completely falling over.
“Damn. We had a good run though.”
You both hop off the bike and quietly walk it back towards his house.
“How’s Benny doing?” You ask, breaking the comfortable silence.
“He’s doing well, considering.” Will nods. “My parents worry about him - about us really - but I reassure them he’s doing fine.”
“You’re scared shitless, aren’t you?” You ask him after a few moments.
Will chuckles and then nods.
“Every single fucking day. Told him he should have gone to college instead but I knew it was really for my own peace of mind than for his.”
“Benny is a warrior and always has been,” you tell him.
Will lets out a heavy sigh.
“Yup, he is,” he nods.
Will returns the bike to where he found it, and then the both of you head back across the street to finish cleaning up, the N64 long forgotten.
Afterwards, the two of you find yourselves in your childhood bedroom.
“Wow, nothing has changed,” Will looks around recognizing all the furniture and decoration, including your Backstreet Boys posters plastered on the wall. "At all."
“Yeah, my parents basically kept it the same way after I moved away.”
A picture frame on the nightstand gets his attention. It’s the photo booth picture of you, Will, Benny and his date at the time. Will sits down on the bed and smiles while looking at it.
“Wow, you still have this? I remember this night.”
“How can you not?” You walk closer to the bed. “That’s when you fell in love with Angela.” You throw yourself onto the bed and lay on your back with your arms behind your head.
“Yeah, I did, didn’t I?” He cranes his neck to look back at you for a moment before setting down the picture frame and then laying down next to you.
“You fell hard. Scraped your knees and palms pretty badly.”
“Probably my face too,” Will chuckles. “Ah, young love.”
“So you got any Angelas in your life?” You look over at him.
Will turns to look back at you for a moment, as if his eyes are searching for something before turning back to the ceiling.
“Nah,” he scrunches his nose and shakes his head. "I mean, I've had some girlfriends here and there but nothing really serious."
After a beat, Will turns to you. "How about you? Are you still with Ian?”
The mention of your ex only means there’s only one way he would know about him.
“No, we broke up years ago,” you turn to look at him.
"I'd say I'm sorry, but he sounded like a dick anyways," Will smirks.
You immediately sit up.
"So you have been getting my letters this whole time?" you ask, probably a little calmer than you had actually wanted to.
Will looks up at you and his smirk fades.
"Why'd you stop writing?” You ask, looking over at him.
“I didn’t,” Will answers quietly, staring up at the ceiling light. “I just never sent the letters out.”
“Why not?”
Will continues to look up and think for a moment while chewing on the inside of his cheek.
“I guess I felt like I didn’t deserve you and when I stopped getting letters from you, I thought that was it. That you finally gave up on me.”
“That you didn’t deserve my friendship?” You scoff. “That’s silly. I didn’t give up on you. You stopped writing back. I thought maybe you’re too busy defending our country or god forbid--” You turn your face away from him, take a deep breath and wipe the tears that threaten to fall.
Will’s brows pull together as he looks up at you and puts his hand over yours.
“But after three years of not hearing back from you, not even a phone call, I had got in touch with Benny and he said you were fine and he had still been in contact with you so I don’t know what happened,” you sniffle.
“No, I thought that I didn’t deserve you.” Will sits up. “I didn’t think you’d wait for me. Hell, I didn’t want you to wait for me. Look at all you’ve accomplished. I mean, we’ve both done some traveling like we always planned but seems like you’ve done more than I have. Thank you for the postcards by the way,” he throws you a tight-lipped smile.
“Why would you think I wouldn’t wait for you?”
“I guess I thought if my own girlfriend wouldn’t wait for me, why would you?” Will shrugs.
“Will, you were my best friend. I would have done anything for you. I mean, Jesus, it’s not like I would have had to put my life on hold for you. I just wanted my best friend back.”
Will takes a deep breath.
“There were just things I wanted to tell you and I was not ready to, so I wrote them out but held on to them,” Will tells you.
“You know you can tell me anything, Will. At least, I hope you felt that way,” you say. You let out a heavy sigh and lean back to let yourself fall back down onto the bed.
“I missed you.”
You glance over to Will who’s now looking down at where his hand is still covering yours. You can feel his thumb caressing your knuckles. You gently squeeze his fingers and he looks over to you.
“I missed you, too,” you reply, feeling your eyes welling up again.
Will looks at you for a moment and then brings your hand to his mouth and presses his lips to your fingers. You scrunch your brows together at his gesture.
“I missed you so much,” he whispers.
He lays back down next to you and scoots closer to you. He entangles his fingers with yours and then turns to his side facing you. Your head is turned, facing him.
“I’ve missed you since the day I told you I was joining the army.” Will reaches out and swipes his thumb under your eye. “I’m so sorry I ghosted you.”
“I actually nearly died a few months ago and it made me think about you a lot and how much I haven’t told you, haven’t shared with you. How much I want to share with you and experience with you.” Will cups your face and caresses your cheek with his thumb. You close your eyes and savor his warm, soft touch, leaning into his hand.
You sense Will shifting and then feel him kiss your forehead. You open your eyes and find his face right in front of yours. He searches your face and you nudge your nose against his. He leans in closer, ghosting his lips over yours until you close the distance. The two of you cautiously kiss at first, and then Will deepens it as he cradles your neck. You follow suit and return the passion. You can taste the beer he had earlier on his tongue and lips. Your head feels light and floaty as you continue to make out with him.
He pulls back, breaking the kiss and he locks eyes with you.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a very long time,” Will says breathlessly.
“Me too,” you smile.
You feel your eyelids getting heavy and you’re having trouble keeping them open. You cover your mouth and move away as you yawn.
“I’m sorry, your kisses are not boring me. I think I’m just a bit jetlagged,” you tell him.
“I really should be in bed by now too. I have a really early flight.”
“I wish we could spend more time together.”
“What better time than now?” Will kicks his shoes off and finds a comfortable position before wrapping his arms around you and enveloping you in his body.
You kick off your shoes as well, wrap your arms around his waist and snuggle your face into his chest. You immediately feel like you are home. You close your eyes again, and let the beating of his heart lull you to sleep.
The morning sunlight and chirping birds right outside your window awakens you. You yawn as you rub the sleep out your eyes and stretch out your stiffened muscles. You then remember Will was with you last night so you sit up and look around your room. There is no sign of him.
You start to feel a tightening in your chest and a sinking feeling deep in your gut. You take a few deep breaths to put your tears at bay, but one slips out and rolls down your cheek.
You lost him again.
You finally let it all out. Let these feelings of rejection, abandonment and sadness overwhelm you. You had thought you had a chance to at least say goodbye to him and confess your feelings before he left.
You pull yourself together long enough to grab a tissue from your nightstand. When you do, you notice a handwritten note sitting next to it. It was the one you had slipped into his goodie bag when you had felt the resentment bubbling up yesterday, except it had additional writing on it:
“Do you still want to be pen pals? ☐Yes, I promise to write back. ☑︎No, because I am an asshole who leaves their friends hanging. I’d rather talk to you on the phone instead. 555-4108.”
You laugh at the note, not because you found it funny, but because you are relieved. You thought you were never going to see or hear from him again. You wipe the tears from the corner of your eyes and blow your nose into a tissue. You take a deep breath and call the number on the note, but it goes straight to voicemail:
“Hi, you’ve reached William Miller. Please leave your name, number and a brief message and I will get back to you as soon as I-–”
You smile hearing his voice, but you hang up before the beep kicks in. He must be in the air already. You decide to send him a text message:
“I’m mad that you didn’t let me say goodbye to you, but I hope to hear from you soon. I better be saved as Mario Kart Champion on your phone.”
Satisfied with your text, you send it off and get out of bed to start your day. As you approach your door, you notice a piece of paper taped to the back of it:
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janshu · 3 years
Inu!Bakugo...for @ultimate-astridwriting's Hybrid collab!
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Summary: My part of the hybrid collab. I had so much fun writing an angry Pomeranian Bakugo. 10/10 would do again. I'm not completely happy with it but who ever is? I'm still proud of myself!
Word count: 2.2k.
Warnings: Fem!Reader, Bakugo being an ass, sexual content, somnophilia, collars, choking, humping, creampie, name calling (bitch, slut, whore etc.), use of the word cunt.
You sigh as you rummage around in your pocket to produce the key to your home. After a long day's work all you want to do is get some dinner, take a bath and go to bed but none of those things would be possible would they?
No, not after the spur of the moment decision to adopt a hybrid of all things. The week earlier was one of torrential downpours and near freezing temperatures, the roads making a slushy substance of half-melted ice and salt to prevent the very thing it was being mixed in with. People stayed indoors the best they could when they weren't at work but life had to shit on you and make your car breakdown in the parking garage. Umbrella rested on your shoulder, rain boots on your feet with your spare in your bag and you trudged through cold, mushy hell back home. The streets were barren as a Walmart on a weekday at 4am, no life passing by you until you crossed an alley between two businesses. A pathetic whimper had caught your attention and your gaze drifted down to a soaked cardboard box. What was in that box you weren't sure if you should curse or love. A hybrid.
Narrow red eyes stared at you in suspicion, fangs bared at you but the creature didn't make any attempts to nip at your fingers when they neared to ruffle the spikey head of hair. The hybrid had leaned into your touch before recoiling away as if you had smacked him. The black and orange collar had seen better days, the charm that dangled on the hollow of his neck read "Dynamite" but he didn't give any indication that was his name when you repeated it outloud. He was barely dressed in anything, a thin t-shirt, shorts with ragged Converse that had more holes than Swiss cheese. Truthfully he looked a few days away from starvation and how could you keep that on your conscience if you left him there? After laying your warm coat over his shoulders you somehow, someway, managed to get him back to your place. Everything went downhill from there in the blink of an eye.
The weak puppy persona was gone the moment warm food settled in his belly and within the hour he acted as if you had crowned him king of the house. Beginning his rambles of curses, demands and biting at your fingers. The worst of it happened when you tried to take his collar off for a new one, one that wasn't frayed and barely hanging on. "Katsuki" as he spat out his name with enough venom to put a Black Mamba to shame had flipped over a coffee table, ripped up every couch cushion and went so far to chew on the linoleum on the kitchen floor.
No doubt you'd be greeted with the same sight as always. Messy, dirty, unknown stains everywhere and dishes still in the sink waiting to be moved to the washer. Maybe if he wasn't such a loud ass you could train him but your frazzled nerves were at their wits end. You didn't know what to do, you were about to throw in the towel and put him up for adoption. Yep, you were disappointed to be proven right. Katsuki reclining on the couch lengthwise, remote in his hand with the most bored expression on his face while idly flipping through channels.
"Fucking finally, you're home! I've been waitin' for fucking hours for your ass to get back! I'm hungry, get your shitty ass in the kitchen and make dinner." He barked. Barely giving you any time to hang up your coat and slip off your shoes before his orders began.
"Katsuki...I can't, not tonight." Could your voice portray anymore pleading? Apparently not because he didn't seem to notice, or care.
The fluffy ear at the top of his head only flicked in response, the top lip curling into his signature snarl. "Then what the fuck are you good for? Get your fucking ass in that god damn kitchen and fucking make dinner already."
All that you were good for? All that you were good for? How dare he! He's been freeloading off you for a week now without so much as a thanks for saving him from the streets, feeding him, clothing him, keeping him warm and dealing with his bullshit and this is how he repays you?
"I've fucking had it with you!" Your voice rose higher than you meant to but at this point you didn't care, a line had been crossed. "You fucking sit there and ruin my shit and yet I'm the useless one? I have half a mind to kick you out! You can make your own fucking dinner, I've had it! I'm done! I can't take this anymore!"
Despite not having any clunky shoes on your feet still managed to resonate in the small living room while you stormed past the couch. You had expected anything, anything at all. A slap, a punch, a groan, literally anything but you were met with only silence and that somehow pissed out off even more. How could silence be so infuriating?! You didn't even notice the terror that washed over his face as you screamed at him or the way his chest heaved with the sob or how he trembled underneath your wrathful gaze as you walked away. The bedroom door slamming made short work of that.
"Fuck I'm such an ass.." You mused to yourself already regretting blowing up at him but what would an apology do that wasn't already broken? So better yet why not send yourself to bed without dinner as some kind of punishment? He'd linger at the doorway to the kitchen, staring at you with those intense eyes if you made dinner anyways so why let him win? He could his own shit for fucks sake!
After a quick shower to dethaw your bones and warm up what was left of your dead soul the softness of your pajamas helped ease the guilt gnawing away like a puppy on its first bone. Laying in bed until sleep eventually overcame you and when he knew it was safe to slip in and sneak over towards your bedside.
Rustling was what woke you. The rustling of clothes and the jingle of something metallic in the darkness of the bedroom. Whatever grogginess you normally suffered when waking up was vanishing the more details were dissected and understood by your half-asleep brain, a process that took an embarrassingly long time. Clothes rustling, the bedsheets moving, heavy pants and something incredibly warm nudging up against the sensitive skin of your inner thighs. Naturally your brain assumed the worst and your eyelids flew open to show nothing; at first. As your eyes adjusted to the pitch black room they found the blazing stare of those vermillion eyes, the bared fangs that belonged to your hybrid.
What the hell was Katsuki doing on top of you?
Noticing that you were awake the snarl turned into a smirk as he huffed, his large chest expanding with each desperate pant. Why did your folds feel so good just as you were waking up?
"Feel that?" How could you not? The feel of a scorching cock bumping up your folds and sensitive clit, wet from the pre leaking from the tip. There was so much of it from what you could feel, too sticky to be your own. His hips had yet to cease moving, no word from your shocked form to still his rutting hips.
"W-what the hell are you doing?" Was the most logical question your brain could come up with in the moment.
"Humping...fucking dumbass." His warm breath created goosebumps on your cool skin, his head must've been so close to yours by the hair tickling your forehead. "Tryin'ta...help ya. Shitty woman.."
"Help? How the fuck is this helping?"
"You've been working so hard so I thought maybe...a good fuck would calm ya down, relax ya." Katsuki's voice was so desperate, so needy, the humping of his cock on your labia increasing.
He was trying to help? He was going to fuck the frustration out of you? Is that was he was offering? Having sex with a hybrid was common enough to not be considered taboo but you couldn't help but feel he was trying to worm his way into your good graces. Unless your words had struck some kind of cord with him. "Okay, alright, I'll let you help."
"Fuck yeah!"
With that the head of his cock nudged against your cunt, already spread and waiting for him. How long had he been doing this for? The burn of the stretch was delicious, he was just big enough to fill you up but not hurt. Settling right up to kiss the tip of your cervix when he bottomed out. His hands grip at your thigh and hip, pulling his back to slam his cock right back into you. Over and over, over and over, over and over. Practically using you as a fleshlight to get himself off but damn if it didn't feel good, him bouncing you on his cock so roughly each thrust was sending the headboard against the wall.
"Oh fuck...oh fuck, Katsuki!" Your hands pat around and eventually find his biceps and you cling on for dear life, your nails digging crescent shaped markings into his skin.
"Yeah, yeah...you like this form of stress relief, don'tcha you dirty slut?" Undoing the collar around his neck the frayed cloth of the strap is tied around your neck, the buckle clamping down tightly to constrict your airflow while two fingers slip under it to pull and tug. "You're my dirty fucking slut! Mine...mine...mine...mine, fucking mine!"
Your fingers trailed down the tiny amount of space between your bodies down to the precious, neglected nub between your legs. Barely able to wiggle your index and middle finger down there from the rabid fucking you were receiving to circle the bundle of nerves and send yourself over the edge. Each clap of your thighs smacking against each other forcing your hate for his behavior ebbing away. If he was going to act like this all the time how could you kick him out?
"F-fuck! Gonna cum...fucking cum..cum for me. Cum with me!" Katsuki snarled as the pressure around your throat increased. Your hand was smacked away from your clit and was replaced with the large pad of his thumb, frantic circles sending your body into a writhing mess of flails and kicks.
The orgasm that had been steadily building from your ministrations had been ripped away and replaced with one quickly approaching to push you over the edge. The white hot pleasure-coil that formed underneath your belly button snapped and all of it coursed through your system in one go. Paralyzing your body for a split second as you squirted all over the hybrids cock, his still rubbing hand sending the liquid everywhere. Coating his thighs, your thighs and the bed underneath you.
"Fucking fuck! Such a whore, such a dirty girl for me! Oh my fucking g-god!" One last slam of his hips and his own body stilled, burying his cock deep inside your cunt to shoot his cum deep in your womb. He stuttered before his body collapsed on top of you, suffocating you in his sweaty muscles.
Bathing in the afterglow, coming down from your high you could've sworn you heard something. Mumbling, soft mumbling too indistinct to understand. Katsuki's head laying on your shoulder, his nose brushing along your collarbone and was he laying kisses here and there? No, you must've been seeing things. Still buried to the hilt he turned his head to speak, his fluffy ears perked and his tail gently swishing behind him. The sudden light from your phone illuminated the room, casting light on Katsuki's face and the sight made your breath hitch in your throat. Clearly he had been crying. Tear stains streaked down his cheeks, brows knitted together and the same lost look he had plastered on his face appeared again.
"Please, please don't kick me out. I'll do anything, please...please don't abandon me. Not again." His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer as he hid his face in your neck. Voice breaking, shoulders trembling, the verge of crying all over again quickly approaching.
Your heart broke and you returned the favor by hugging him around the shoulders, a hand carding through his hair to soothe him. Had he been abandoned? Did his previous owners not like him? Was all his aggressiveness some kind of defense mechanism? Was he giving you a reason to kick him out to keep himself from experiencing that kind of pain again? Oh, poor baby. "Never again...just don't destroy things anymore, okay? Help me around the place a little more will ya?"
"Yes." Katsuki snuggled on top of you. Finally believing he had a real home with you, a place where he could belong. "....Master."
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Desperate Measures 1
Warnings: nonconsent and rape (miniseries); stalking, fear, intimidation.
This is dark!Steve Rogers and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: At first, you think it’s a joke when you get the strange messages, but when they don’t stop, you realise too late how real it all is.
Note: This was going to be a one shot but it kept going and going and going, so it’s gonna be split in 2.
Thank you. Love you guys!
Please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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Have a piece of American dream Open up, and swallow, on your knees And say Thank you I'd like some desperate measures, please
The first picture was sent on Monday. You remembered it clearly unlike most Monday mornings. It was the same boring ritual; a coffee that had long turned cold, a pen that wouldn’t write, and a computer that ran as if on dial-up. 
The only bright side was that your small desk was near a window and you could look out onto the city streets, though they were hardly less miserable than your own existence. You were so high up the people were merely moving specks. You often found yourself distracted by the crowded traffic below.
You were drawn from such a distant reverie by the buzz of your phone. You kept it face down by your monitor. Despite the temptation, you limited yourself to succumbing only once an hour. You sat back and your chair creaked as it tilted beneath you. You checked the time in the corner of your screen and reached for your cell, the rubber case scuffed and scratched at the edges.
Notifications for the same emails that sat open in front of you and a few personal ones in the next bubble. Another for the game you played on the subway or when you were overly listless, several updates for your hoarded apps, and a single text. 
There was no number attached to the message, only the foreboding thick font that read ‘unknown number’. You chewed on your thumb as you leaned forward on your elbow and swiped your screen up and punched in your password. The screen flashed and you hit the last notification. No words, just a file. You hit download.
You blinked as it ate your data and the image of your apartment door appeared. You glanced around and laughed to yourself. You shook your head and keyed in your response; ‘very funny, Eva.’ You hit send and set your phone back down. 
Your old friend liked her jokes and you hadn’t missed her little ploy the last time she showed up at your place angry over her latest fling. You had thought she was getting a picture of the stain on the hallway carpet that looked suspiciously like blood… or feces… or a mixture of the two.
You went back to your work and switched the document you’d been picking at for most of the morning. Your job was as entertaining as watching paint dry then peel from age. When you applied for an editing position, you’d expected thrillers and melodramas. Instead, you got dry textbooks and educational guides.
You yawned and pushed through to your scheduled break. You dumped your cold coffee and headed down to the café to grab another. The coffee they kept in the office was cheap and bland. You ate your salad in the lunchroom as you watched the clock tick away. You checked your phone. No reply to that unusual text. Eva must’ve chickened out.
You scoffed and switched chats to send her usual number an ‘lol’. You tucked your phone in your pocket and punched back in before you headed back to your desk. A couple more hours and you’d be home to stew in the early week daze.
The last half of the day went quicker and your subway ride was uneventful; well, for New York. You walked home from your stop and pulled out your phone as you climbed the stairs. You slowed down and moved your feet blindly. You’d finally gotten an answer. ‘Eva?’
You opened the chat again and hit the image. It filled the screen and you squinted as you came to a stop. The stain wasn’t there. Your landlord had finally relented and had the entire hallway torn up and replaced with an even duller shade of grey. The picture had been taken since then; within the last month. The last time you’d seen Eva, you’d gone to hers.
Your chest clenched and you gulped. You hit the little icon in the corner of the conversation and hit ‘block’. You continued to your floor and neared your door. You looked down the hallway and back to your door. You tried the handle. Locked. You took a breath.
It could still be a joke. The stoner next door, Perry, had your number from when you agreed to feed his cat that one time. Maybe he was high or just trying to be funny. Still, it hadn’t come up under his name. Well, he might have changed his number since then.
You unlocked your door and scurried inside. You made sure to turn the latch and slide the chain into place. You tossed your bag beside the mat of shoes and added your flats to the pile. You dropped your phone on the coffee table and untucked your work shirt as you walked around the small living room. 
Nothing was out of place, not that you truly believed whoever it was had gotten past your door. You rubbed your forehead and went to the small kitchen that looked out into the living room. You grabbed a can of sparkling lime whatever and plopped it next to your phone.
You went to your bedroom and stripped yourself of your stiff work clothes and pulled on the night shirt crumpled atop your blanket. You looked down at the thin grey cotton and reached under to unhook your bra. You flung it in the corner knowing you’d be cursing yourself when you couldn’t find it the next morning.
You flopped onto the couch and grabbed your remote. You turned on some mindless Youtube video and opened the mobile game which had taken too much of your life from you. You connected three and four and five and somewhere in between your existentialism kicked in and had you wondering at the point of it.
You closed the app before it ate all of your battery and your phone shook in your hand. 
‘You didn’t tell me who Eva is.’ The message flashed over the top of the screen then disappeared. You pulled down the notification and hit it. You were certain you’d blocked the number. The other messages were gone though and ‘unknown number’ was still emblazoned across the top. You blocked the convo again and dimmed the screen. 
You plugged in your phone and sprawled out across the sofa. You stared at the television, a blur and a buzz to your frantic mind. 
It was dark already when you dragged yourself off the couch and heated up a microwave dinner. You ate it without tasting and your phone chimed to signal a full charge. You left it as it was on the arm of the couch and resumed your repose on the sofa. You fell asleep to the angered commentary of a gamer trying to fight a clam.
You awoke with a start. You blinked through your daze as your television showed stills of mountain and grassy fields. You sat up and grabbed your phone. You checked the time; midnight. Another message.
‘She’s the one you had coffee with last week.’ It said.
You gaped and dropped your phone. You looked around as if whoever it was would be hiding in the corner. You shook as you reached down and took the phone. You swallowed and began to type.
‘Whoever this is, this isn’t funny anymore. Cut it out.’
‘Funny?’ The response came quickly.
‘I mean it. Stop.’
‘Good night, sweetheart.’
You recoiled at the message and bit your lip to keep it from trembling. You checked your door again, the chain still in place, checked every inch of your apartment in your paranoia. Nothing. You let out a breath and took a blanket from your bed and huddled up on the couch. You turned on a playlist, not sure you’d be sleeping much that night.
You weren’t sure when you fell asleep again but you rose before your alarm. You drank your coffee as the sky turned a duller shade of grey. You went through your usual morning dance and headed out the door with a bagel hanging from your mouth. You chowed down on your way to the subway. You felt your bag buzz as you stepped on the train.
You ignored it and clung to the bar as you counted the stops. You got off and stopped by the coffee shop. You ordered a black tea and headed down to your building. Your desk was as it was when you left it. The chair was tucked in and your mouse was hidden behind the keyboard. You sat and booted the laggy machine.
As you waited for it to start, you stirred around in your bag for your phone. You had another message. You dreaded opening it but the circle just kept spinning in the middle of the monitor. You hit the bubble and your phone unlocked.
You took a sharp breath as the image glared back at you. It was you, on the subway, that morning judging by the jacket, staring at the door as the photo was taken unknowingly. Your phone slipped from your grasp and you spun in your chair.
Everything was as it should be. Your co-workers looked just as dead inside as you. Your boss was boxed up in his office on a ‘conference call’. You shuddered and turned back to your desk. You burned your tongue on your tea and signed into your computer. Your phone vibrated beside your shoe and you bent to retrieve it.
‘You looked tired this morning’. The next message blipped on the screen.
You were quick to sweep the clock upward and type. ‘Who the fuck is this?’
‘Sweetheart. I don’t like that kind of language.’ The response was quick and sharp, even in text.
‘Tell me who you are? Why are you doing this?’
‘One thing at a time.’ The letters burned into your vision.
‘Who are you?’ You keyed in again. No answer. 
You set the phone down and watched it. Five minutes, no buzz. You hovered your hand over your mouse and tried to focus on your monitor. Your heart was so loud in your ears, your head began to pound.
When you got on the subway at the end of the day, you looked around frantically as you settled into a seat, your bag hugged to your chest. You glanced up and down the car a dozen times over as you awaited your cue. Your toe tapped anxiously and you stood so fast you were dizzy when your stop came up.
You rushed down the sidewalk, peeking over your shoulder every other step. You didn’t say anything unusual; no one following you, no one watching. You ran up to your building and unlocked the door clumsily. 
You hurried up the stairs and down the hall to your apartment. The key slid in roughly and you turned it so quick, you were certain it would bend. You skirted inside and put the chain in place.
You looked down as your thin-soled boot brushed over something. A pile of flyers slipped through the slot in your absence. You picked them up and sorted through them, an envelope amidst the mess. On its face, it read ‘for my sweetheart’.
You hovered by the door, staring at the envelope. After a moment, you slung your bag down on the floor and placed the flyers on the end table by the lamp. You clicked on the light and ran your thumb along the lip. You carefully opened it and pulled out the paper inside. You unfolded it and your breath caught in your chest.
It was a sketch, quite well done, of you. You’d worn that sweater last week. You went to the park and walked around, sat by the fountain, tossed rocks into the babbling basin. They had been there, whoever it was. How long had they been watching?
And they had been at your door, close enough to slip this through the slot. You folded the drawing and shoved it back in the envelope. You stomped into the kitchen and tossed it into the bin beneath the counter. You backed up and gripped the other counter behind you. You felt a lump in your throat. 
What the fuck was going on?
You started going in early to work; catching the train half an hour before your usual one. You left late and changed your route between the station and your building. You entered through the back, hopping the low concrete barrier between the apartments and the backlot.
Still, it only gave you a single day of peace. No messages, no pictures; and you thought the game was over. You hoped it was. That it was just a sick joke that had finally grown tiring. 
But Thursday saw another image of you just outside your work building. Friday, another of you on the subway.
The weekend was listless. You did your shopping quickly and on Sunday, you wore a loose hoodie to the laundromat. You could find nothing peculiar around you. The city was full of sketchy people but none seemed to be watching you. The hordes were still about their own lives; ignorant of those around them. You felt entirely alone, as if you were being hunted.
Monday was much the same as the last but how could it ever be dull again. You shut your phone off so you could focus on your work. When you were finally done, you dialed the toll-free number for your provider. You took a taxi home and spent two hours on the line but you got your new number and a sense of relief.
You kept your phone on, ringer on max, and nothing. You watched the screen rather than the television but it only lit up with emails and a random text from your mother. You slept in your bed that night,almost soundly.
You still kept your eye over your shoulder. Still searched out any sign of unusual interest. Perhaps you were clueless or maybe your lack of response had finally gotten through to them. Once their messages bounced back as out of service, they might have given up. They got their laughs, now you wanted peace.
It lasted until Friday. 
A full week and you were certain it was over. You finished work and stopped by the liquor store for a bottle of wine on your way home. You could finally let loose. Life had gone back to its usual tedium. You browsed the reds lazily but pondered a pack of coolers instead. Your phone buzzed. You slid it from your pocket out of habit.
‘That cabernet on the top shelf is on sale. Just to your left.’ You stared at the message and backed away from the shelf. You looked around but all the other customers seemed intent on their own purchases. You gulped and blocked the unknown sender.
You left emptied-handed and ran for the train. You got home an hour later than usual. You raced up the stairs and stopped dead in front of your door. The tall gift bag looked familiar; it had been hanging in the store by the till. You neared and peered inside. The golden cap of the wine that had stood in front of you; top shelf.
You bent and flipped the little card attached to the string.
‘For you, sweetheart. Enjoy your weekend.’
You stood and grabbed the bag. You glanced up and down the halls and stormed back down the grey carpet. Your feet hammered down the stairs and you burst through the back doors. You threw the bag into the dumpster and heard the shatter. Your lip trembled as you spun and sprinted back inside.
When you reached your apartment, you called Eva. You struggled to open your dresser with one hand and started pulling out clothes and stuffing them into your neon duffle. She finally picked up.
“E-eva,” you stuttered, “can I-- Can I stay with you, please? J-just a night or two--”
“Wohoa, whoa, slow down,” she said. “What’s going on?”
“I can’t… I can’t tell you now. I’m just-- I’m freaking out and I can’t stay here.” Your voice cracked and you sniffed back tears, “I-- Please. I’m so sorry.”
“Yeah, it’s fine. I… I have plans but I can cancel,” she offered.
“No, no, I… don’t--”
“You’ll have the apartment to yourself,” she said, “I’ll just let Ray know I’ll be late.”
“What time are you supposed to--”
“Seven but it’s fine,” she assured you. “You okay?”
“I… Wait, you’re fucking around with Ray again?”
“Do you want the couch or not?” She half-kidded, “you want me to meet you there or--”
“No, no,” you whisked into your washroom and grabbed your toothbrush, “I’m coming right now.” You returned to the bedroom and shoved an armful in the bag. “Eva… thank you.”
“Stay on the phone,” she said softly. “Please… you’re scaring me.”
“Okay,” you zipped up the duffle, “yeah, I’ll stay on.”
You hung up as you came up to Eva’s building. She met you at the door, a thick silence between you as you sensed what she wanted to ask you. You weren’t sure how to tell you. You weren’t sure if you could.
You pushed the door closed behind you as you entered her apartment. It was cuter than yours, a spiral staircase led to a loft above and the curtains were lace and matched the dainty pillows on the couch. You placed your bag on the floor and she turned to you.
“Just give me a moment,” you said. She didn’t need to ask.
She went to the desk in the corner of the spacious room and turned on the ring light of the round mirror. She fished through her make-up box and pulled out her eyeliner. She was already done her base and highlight. You neared and hovered just beside her desk.
“I don’t even know…” you stopped yourself and went to your bag. You pulled out the paper you’d shoved in the side pocket on your way out. “Look.”
You crossed to her again and unfolded the sketch on her desk. She glanced down from drawing a wing along her eye and lowered the pencil. She blinked and shrugged.
“Look, someone dropped this through my mail slot. No address on the envelope, just this.” You felt crazy. “And I thought it was all some joke. They were sending me pictures, of me, of my building… I blocked them but they just kept on. I even changed my number.”
She scrunched her lips and looked back to her mirror. She finished her other eye and set the pencil down.
“You call the police?” She asked calmly.
“I… the drawing is all I have. I just deleted the messages when they came because… well, I didn’t think much of it at first. Not until… There was a bottle of wine waiting for me when I came home. The very same I was looking at right before I booked it for my train,” you rubbed your cheek, “Eva, I’m not crazy. I swear.”
“I believe you,” she said, “why wouldn’t I but… there’s nothing you can do but keep a log of what happens from here on out. Screencap everything.”
“You think… you think the police would help if I did?” You asked.
“Not much. Stalking isn’t really something they take seriously. I knew this girl in college-- Well, the evidence can at least get you a restraining order… if you ever figure out who’s sending you all this,” she paused and glanced down at the drawing. “Whoever it is, they got talent.”
“I’m sure they’d be happy to hear that,” you scoffed and crossed your arms.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay here with you?”
You pondered her offer but shook your head.
“As much as I think you should send Ray along, no. I can’t ask any more of you.” You sighed and grabbed the sketch. You dragged your feet to the couch and flopped down on the cushions, “I really do appreciate it.”
“I always told you to get out of that neighbourhood,” she said as she searched her assortment of make-up, “but you know I never mind you hanging out.”
You spent the night on Eva’s couch, alone. She didn’t get home until three in the morning and you waited until noon for her to wake up. When she did, her face was smeared with eyeliner and her hair a mess. 
You hadn’t touched your phone since the night before. You chewed your thumb as you waited for her to emerge from the shower, restless and unsure what to do with yourself. She slammed the lid down on her coffee machine and growled as she turned and crossed her arms.
“Are you okay?” she asked sharply.
“I’m sorry,” you said as you stopped pacing. You barely remembered getting up to walk circles around the coffee table, “I just don’t know what to do.”
“Well, how about a latte?” she yawned behind her hand, “my coffee machine is fucked… again.”
“Um, maybe that’s best, get out and… distract myself,” you twiddled your fingers as your stomach ached. You hadn’t eaten anything since the day before and that was just after noon.
“We’ll get lunch,” she rubbed her forehead, “soak up the wine.”
You shook your head and said nothing. She always drank too much around Ray but you didn’t have the energy for that argument again. So you stayed quiet and watched her disappear into her bedroom.
She emerged as you zipped up your purse. You didn’t bother with your phone as you waited by the door but felt listless without the device. It was like a shield you used when you went out in the world. It kept you from eye contact or awkward conversation.
You set off and headed down the street to the pub that seamlessly shifted from brunch to ladies’ night every Saturday. You ordered breakfast tacos as you sat just inside the large floor length windows that looked out onto the shady patio. The other guest lent a sense of normalcy as they carried on their own conversations and reminded you that you were just another ant on the hill.
As you got your latte in the stemmed glass, Eva pulled out her phone and scowled at the shaking. She was so wrapped up in her texts with Ray she hadn’t even mentioned the reason for your overnighter. You were happy for it and yet, you couldn’t think of anything else.
“Jesus, I told him we were having breakfast and he’s blowing up my phone,” she huffed, “just a second.”
“Eve,” you said as she stood and slid her thumb across the screen, “our foods gonna be here--”
“I won’t be long,” she promised and lifted the speaker to her ear and turned away, “Ray, I’ll be over later, promise. I barely slept--”
Her voice trailed away as she wove between tables and pushed out onto the patio and went to the short fence to chat beyond the ears of diners. You sipped from your drink and stared down at the splintered curve of the table. You couldn’t stay with Eva forever and she was hardly any comfort in her distraction with her on-again, off-again dirt bag. Maybe, if you moved--
“There you are, sweetheart,” the low voice startled you and you sat stalk straight as a figure smoothly slid into Eva’s empty chair, “you gave me quite a scare, up and leaving without a word…”
You stared wide-eyed at the stranger across from you. Well, you knew who he was. Everyone in the city, in the country, even the world, knew Steve Rogers. He smiled at you as his blue eyes glimmered. His posture was cool and confident and it was you who felt out of place.
And you knew, it was him. The shock was not enough to fuel your denial as that feeling deep down assured you of it. That little voice that told you this was your tormentor and that you were fucked.
“I…” you breathed and blinked. You couldn’t find the words, you hardly understood the storm of emotions flowing through you. You glanced through the window as Eva threw her hand up and continued berating her phone, “it’s you?”
“I hate that it has to be this way,” he said, “you know, my work keeps me out of town so much and I just wish we had more time.”
“Wha…” you gulped and gripped the edge of the table, “why--?”
“You haven’t been answering me,” his smile fell, “I don’t like being ignored.”
Your hand shook and you kept it in your lap to hide the rising terror along your spine. You sat paralysed as he sighed and glanced around the restaurant. He tilted his head and pushed his shoulders back.
“You threw out my gift,” he said evenly, “that wasn’t very nice.”
“Go…” you uttered, “go, please--”
“Sweetheart, we’re just talking,” he took a gulp of Eva’s Americano casually, “I missed you… I miss you every day and it hurts that we have to be apart.”
Your shoulders slumped and you clutched your hands in fists on your lap. You could scream but what good would that do. He was Captain America, the first avenger, a hero. 
As if your thoughts sent a banner waving, a young kid approached the table and smiled nervously as he held one of the colouring pages supplied by the restaurant in his hands.
“Um, Captain, uh, America,” the kid stuttered, “will you sign-- Will you sign my--?”
The kid smiled through tight lips and held up the colouring page. Instead, Steve chuckled and took his cap from his head and fished around in his pocket. He pulled out a sharpie and signed the brim and placed it back on the kid’s head.
“There you go,” he said.
“Thank you, Cap!” the kid almost squealed, “oh my gosh!”
“No problem,” Steve laughed and watched the kid run back to the table where his mother sat, she waved at the man across from you and mouthed a thanks. He cleared his throat and stood as he tucked away the marker, “sorry, this is why I didn’t wanna do this in public,” he gripped his hip with one hand, “but… we’ll have our time.” He slowly backed away, “I’ll text you. You’ll answer.”
He grinned one last time and strode away. He stopped before the door as he held it open for Eva and she batted her lashes at him as she gushed. You could guess at her star struck words but couldn’t make them out. He left as she finally stopped her babbling and she almost skipped over to you.
“Oh my god, did you see him?” she trilled, “I didn’t think he’d be even better looking in-person.”
“See who?” you asked dumbly as you tried to disguise your discomfort in your latte.
“Steve Rogers,” she announced, “ugh, even without your phone, you got your head in the ground.”
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misteria247 · 2 years
A cup of coffee mixed with a little bit of ADHD
It had been a long week, studying without an ounce of sleep visible in the bags under your eyes, you made your way to the brothers shared kitchen hoping to find what you were looking for. By the kitchen you saw Donnie filing his seventy fifth cup of coffee in his purple cup, jackpot. He was just about to take a sip when you asked if you could get some too, Donnie looked at his mug, then at the coffee pot. He estimates that one cup of coffee won't be enough, so he gives you his cup, takes the coffee pot, and leaves. That's Donnie for you, with the wobble of a ship on an ocean you made your way to their couch spotting Leo and Raph arguing close by, like usual so you didn't pay much attention, snippets of their argument piping in here and there. Something about training ehh… twenty dollars, lack of sleep and Mikey, with that in mind you did what any sleep deprived person would do.
“Yo Mikey, want some coffee?”
The bouncing shinsine halted in his steps as he snapped his head toward your direction. He was never allowed to touch his brother's cup.
“boy do i”
He maneuvers over the couch into your lap making grabby hands at the mug unfaced that you had your lips on it, his brother's groaned but you could care less. But the premonition of Mikey spilling coffee on your pants was not to your liking, so you placed the mug on the coffee table, manhandled Mikey off your lap and gave him Donnies cup. Within seconds the contents of the cup was emptied as Mikey started spewing rapidfire about what was on his mind.
Leo and Raph had already left to do their own thing as you're left with the hyperactive turtle that slowly but surely, starts to slow down in his speech. The signs only started showing ten minutes after the caffeine consumption, then five and now two. Mikey was slumped against you struggling to stay awake. It wouldn't be long until he fell unconscious, seams like you and Donnie weren't the only sleep deprived creatures in this dean.
Ralph could feel his blood pressure increase at what he was seeing, Mikey lay sprawled out on top of your torso fast asleep, and then there was you. He swears that the little snores you let out were mocking him, he clenched his fists. Leo nudged him with a shit eating grin to top it all of, Raph let out an exasperated groan as he reached into his… pocket taking out twenty dollars and begrudgingly gave them to Leo as he gloated knowingly. It took everything in him not to punch his idiot brother.
(Did you know that coffee has a different effect on people who have ADHD? Sure it may be a bit overdone here but I thought that I'd give you a little insight into their daily interactions.
First off I'm in love with this especially the ending with Raph and Leo being the somewhat watchful eyes on the reader and Mikey and that apparently they had a bet going that Raph lost like that was great!
Second off.....omfg no wonder it takes more than one cup of coffee for me to get more awake. I never knew that about ADHD and I have it lmao.
Anyways thank you for sharing your work with me once more!!! I absolutely adore it when you do!!!!!
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hoonhrt · 3 years
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: pairing — idol! heeseung x music store worker! reader 
: genre — fluff 
: album recc. — case study 01 by daniel caesar and any of the albums i mentioned throughout the story! 
: a/n — this is a little more on the lengthier side so please know that before reading! (i couldn’t help myself i luv hee too much) 
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it was a slow day at the shop. the dim fairy lights hung around lowly, making the atmosphere feel even slower. you walked around the store pushing a small grey cart that held all the albums, records, and cassette tapes one could ever imagine of, placing everything in their correct spots for future consumers to find. 
the sound of a faint bell was heard from the back of the store. where you were, indicating that someone had came in. you flatten out the front of your sweater and rush to greet the costumer. you are met with a tall man dressed in all black from head to toe, water droplets fell off the shoulder of his jacket and you make a mental note to mop the floor later. 
“hello! welcome to moonshines music. please let me know if you need help with anything, i’ll be happy to assist!” you cheerfully exclaim. you welcome costumers with a joyful energy that even cheers them up, it was your thing. the costumer pulled down the black mask from his face and waited for you to react. he was a slightly astonished when a reaction never came. no gasps, no eyes widening, no realization of who he was. just you with a firm smile on your face waiting for him to walk away and start shopping. he eyes you for a little before nodding his head and makes his way to the direction of the CD albums.
he pondered this feeling for a little. he wasn’t used to not being recognized. i mean, everyone knows him. he was on ever magazine cover and topped all the charts with his music. his face was plastered on every product poster that covered the walls of the busy city. so how could you not? he thinks that maybe you didn’t want to scare him off or bother him with pictures and autographs,  inflating his ego a little bit. but still, why did you not say anything? 
“excuse me! do you mind helping me out?” you could hear his voice from across the store as he shouted for you. jogging from your previous to his still figure. 
“how can i help you?” continuing on your energetic personality. he didn’t have a real reason to ask for help, he was just too intrigued by you and needed a reason to converse with you. he looks around the store frantically for a minuet before looking back behind him to the CD’s he initially walked towards. “can you choose an album for me?” he blurts in your face loudly. 
this wasn’t the first time someone asked for music recommendations but he walked in with confidence so you assumed he was a man who knew his music. “uhh yes um— do you perhaps have favourite genre that you maybe like?” you question him. he just stares at you, his lips folded in with a blank expression on his face. he shakes his head no. you politely nod again, now even more conflicted with what to recommend. you trail your eyes around the store till you see through the window next to the door. the sky is crying, whilst gray clouds surround it. the streetlight emitting an orange hue that reflect the fallen rain drops on the glass and you suddenly remember the small drops of water that trickled down his jacket sleeve when he first entered the store. 
walking behind him you scan for the letter D section and begin to search for the album. letting out a soft ‘hmm’ before pulling out the album and handing it to him. “Case Study 01 by Daniel Caesar. perfect for rainy days when you aren’t lost in your thoughts.” you end with a smile on your face. ‘so they really have no idea to who I am, huh’ he thinks to himself. he looks down at the album in his hands than looking back up at you. a gentle smile reaching his lips. he follows you to the cashier register and pushes the album towards you. “that’ll be $10.15! card or cash?” he whips out his wallet and takes out a credit card. you can’t help but notice it was a black card, a card only the richest of people have. you wonder how this man can be so rich and why he is buying from a tiny music store in the middle of a unknown area. 
you’re pulled away from your thoughts when the sound of the machine goes off,  indicating the purchase has gone through. you delicately place the album into a tiny bag and hand it over to him with glee. “enjoy the album sir! if you ever do comeback, let me know what you thought about it!” you say in a courteous manner. the young man now looks at you with a toothy grin on display for you to awe at. he nods in affirmation before exiting. the atmosphere becoming quiet again. you hoped to see that man again. 
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another week has rolled around. you hum under your breath a silly little tune from a song on one of your many playlists, sending another customer off a new record they seemed to be extremely excited about. your job wasn’t much but seeing people share the same love for music as you was something that never failed to make you love life. wiping down the cashier, you hear the door chime and see the same handsome man from last week. you catch a glimpse of the clear sky and the natural light of the sun from out the door as he enters. 
“i LOVED that album! you described it literally perfectly, it fit the vibes of the weather sooo much but didn’t leave me agonizing about life like how the rain usually makes me feel.” it made you so happy and almost accomplished to have someone come back and praise you for your music choice. you were about to start telling him it was no big deal before he proposes, again, to choose another album for him. you look at him a little unsure, you honestly didn’t know what to give him this time and you were scared he wouldn’t like it this time. he can see the anxiety flush over your face but lets you know he is looking for something this time. “give me your childhood favourite album. like, you know every single lyric for every song on this album.” your eyes go wide as you practically jump towards the shelf. he giggles quietly, thinking how cute you looked. 
you prance towards the shelf knowing exactly where it was. in your hands was the Up All Night by One Direction, you shove the album into his hands with a passionate smile. he looks at you and tries to hide his judgment from you, which doesn’t work as you can see his eyebrow arch up and study the album in slight disgust. “hey! i danced to this album every night before i went to sleep for 3 years as a kid okay? it’s my favourite album!” your bottom lip pushes out, gazing at him with eyes the resemble a cute puppy. he throws his head back lets out a laugh that you think you could listen to for hours on end. 
just as the prior week, he passes you the album to scan through and pulls out his card to pay. he was about to make his way out before you stop him. “can I have your name?” you requested. you took a liking to the kind guy, he had a pretty face and laugh that you particularly enjoyed. he checks his phone and swiftly swipes through the millions of notifications he has, then gazing back up at you. a genuine look plastered on your face. a look that feigned innocence, kept promises, and truly enjoyed life for what it was. “heeseung. my name is heeseung.” 
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you tug the key out of the door lock with a little force. the moon created a source of light and comfort as you made your way away from the shop and towards the subway station. you worked longer than usual and fatigue was the only thing felt within your weak bones. a car pulled up next to you, the window rolled down and revealed the person that has been occupying your thoughts recently, heeseung. 
“on your way home?” you nod. “hop in, i’ll drive you home, we can listen to some music while we’re at it.” now you usually don’t just get into random peoples car, but you trusted him. who else would listen One Direction because someone asked them to? 
his car was black from top to bottom, mirroring his outfits that he always wore. the windows were tinted and it looked intimidating from the outside, but on the inside sat a doe-eyed boy with the prettiest smile to exist. heeseung’s hand reaches out to turn up the volume of the car sound system. the sound of Frank Ocean’s voice fills up the empty sound within his car. it was song you were unfamiliar with. you ask what song this was and he lets out a dramatic gasp, almost looking offended. “you DON’T know this song? I guess pretty people can have flaws huh,” he turns his head to watch you flush a pink shade that can still be seen despite the darkness. a sight he thinks is quiet lovable. 
the car ride to your home lasted much shorter than you wished it did. you two talked about everything under the moon. favourite songs, old childhood friends, past lovers. heeseung enjoyed the fact that you didn’t know his career identity. to the world he was Lee Heeseung, world renowned singer and model, but to you he was just, heeseung. a young boy who loved music and loved the world involved around it. you made him feel like a regular person again. 
as you open the car door to make way into the glass doors of your apartment complex, heeseung grabs your wrist and pulls you back into the car. “how about... i lend you my favourite album this time, and next week on—” he checks the schedule his manager sent him, “saturday at 6 pm, i pick you up and we can talk more about it hm?” he holds his phone towards you with a cheeky smile on his face. you shake your head in disbelief as you bit back a smile of your own that is creeping on to your face. “I’ll see you then, hee.” your heart skipping beats as you walk away from the running vehicle. 
unbeknownst to you, an excited heeseung punches the air rapidly with excitement. he silently screams into the night like a kid. feeling as if he was on cloud 9 to have scored a date with someone who’s a) the most beautiful person he’s ever seen and b) someone who likes him for his truest self. 
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redandyellowziam · 2 years
A view from 30,000 ft. Sometimes you "can't see the forest for the trees." Out of all the members of One Direction, who has expressed the most public vocal support for said group? Who, since the "hiatus" has on more than a few occasions been hinting at a reunion for the group? Who has routinely given public praise and support for the other members of the band on their latest projects? So, if you thought to sabotage all of that goodwill and brotherhood and unleash a firestorm within the fandom and GP; whom would you choose to be the vehicle to accomplish your goal? Who else but the spokesman for all things One Direction and the favorite punching bag of the "fandom" Liam James Payne. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.
Timing, why now? Why Minnesota? Harry, out promoting his latest album answers a question seemingly differently than the interviewer expected by saying that all of the members of One Direction still love each other. Louis, in the midst of a successful world tour with PRIDE flags everywhere. Zayn launches a merch line which highlights color combinations that many believe represents his relationship with Liam. Liam's two weeks old "relationship" reportedly has ended. Yes people, two weeks. All of this happens around the start of PRIDE MONTH.
Within a narrative discerning fact from fiction is difficult. The words that someone says may not be their own. If a contract can, force you to say that you are the father of a child that in fact is not yours. Then they can force you to say anything. He/she who contractually controls your public image controls the way the public sees you. Corrupt narratives are meant to be convoluted, meant to confuse. Thus, less likely to be understood much less believed. The purpose of the confusion is to shield the narrator and call into question the very existence of the narrative itself. Example, Harry with a burgeoning career, a "nontraditional wardrobe," however girlfriend narrative tentacles still attached. The tricky part is that not every word or act is part of the narrative, part of the sabotage. So, you look for clues by those controlled by the narrative. In this case teddy bears, tattoos, song lyrics, wardrobe. The lads are speaking. The question is anyone listening.
Five albums in five years. A stream of girlfriends to parade before the public and the first baby daddy narrative. The band rebels against label/mgmt. for this and many other reasons. The five members refuse to renew their contract. Label/mgmt. retaliates by creating a narrative that the band is going on "hiatus." Talk of infighting, disagreements and jealousy ensue. Also, a narrative.
So, it continues. It could be just another bump in the road on the long One Direction trail. Or it could be a slow decent of the beginning of the end of this long nightmare that the lads have been subjected to for the last 11/12 years. I believe it's the ladder, the narrators are running out of time. Contracts have an end date.
Whichever one it is, currently:
Each actor is under contract. Each actor has a narrative. Each narrative is different, and no actor controls his narrative.
Liam has always been the spokesperson of 1D, that never changed. I'm not mad at any of the boys, I just wish that they would show their support for Liam. Because Liam does it too, for all of them.
It's easy to point a finger at someone and accuse them of things, but to dig deeper and find out the reasons for someone's behaviour is something most people don't do.
People always hated on Liam and I don't think it will stop anytime soon, but you're right 'they're all under a contract', but apparently it's a fact people love to forget/ignore when it comes to Liam.
Liam is a wonderful person and I'll forever hate his team for making him someone he'll never be, in the public eye.
In reality: All of their teams suck at their job and I hope you're right.
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mystic-sky · 4 years
A fan fic of Gojo Satoru inspired by the song Heaven by Julia Michaels 😭 I enjoyed your writings 🥰🥰🥰
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The moment you met him was ingrained into your brain, even years after you both parted. It had been raining that day, possibly 7:30pm, and you were held up in a cafe for shelter. You had been dosing off a bit after your classmates left you an hour or so prior. You regretted staying up so late to watch that sit-com the night before. But it was a Friday, and you didn’t have class the next day. The paper was finally finished and you proudly packed your things together. You kept fantasizing about how your efforts during the week were soon to be rewarded by slumber. 
The sound of thunder brought you back to reality within the quiet coffee space. 
“I guess I should sit back down,” you said to yourself. You were standing by the glass doors and ready to leave, bag over your shoulder. You held your book in one arm before fisting the sleeves of your sweater. The one time I forget my umbrella, you thought.
There was something soothing about watching the busy streets of Tokyo while rain hit the window screen. You felt yourself unwinding, relaxing in place. Sometimes your school and work life felt so hectic. It was nice to slow down  from time to time and breathe. 
“Man, you don’t have an umbrella? That sucks.” An incredibly tall, white haired male spoke beside you, snapping you out of your zen moment. 
You turned your head towards him, and he wasn’t even looking at you. He wore a thick black sweatshirt,  black jeans and dark boots. He had thick black shades on, and surely an umbrella in his hands. He had a gorgeous profile, and his jawline was extremely defined. Was he some sort of supermodel, you thought.
“Yeah, I know.” You say, sighing to yourself. You were partially offended, but mostly tired. He was handsome, but you didn’t have time for flirting. You just wanted to go home and run a hot bath. He looked like he was going to break your heart anyways.
“It says the rain is going to stop within the hour on the weather app.” He said, scrolling and tapping away at his phone. “You goin’ to the train station?”
“Oh, yeah.” You say shyly. You nervously tucked some hair behind your ears before looking straight ahead. Why the fuck was this supermodel speaking to you?
Granted, it was hard for you to stop looking at him every so often.
“Like what you see?”
You blinked at him repeatedly, earning a cocky chuckle from him.
“Wanna walk with me?” He asked, peering down at you. You looked at him, pondering if he was seriously trying to hit on you right now. Surely if you had known him, maybe walking to the station with him solely for the use of his umbrella would’ve been fine. You don’t know if it was the sleep deprivation or the fact that he truly did seem a little arrogant that stemmed your next response as you spoke.
“I don’t even know you.” You said bluntly, and you meant it disrespectfully.
“Not yet.” He said slyly. “But I’ve seen you around campus a lot.”
You stood still, pondering again if you had actually seen him before. Wait- wasn’t he in your political science class? You put a finger to your chin before finally igniting the imaginary, anxious little light bulb above your head.
“Professor Edamura’s class right?” You were such a lecture worm in that class, and the professor had yet to start group assignments. You had absolutely no need to befriend anyone  in that class yet. Nonetheless, it was your largest lecture class this semester, and you only met once a week. 
“Bingo.” He grinned.
“There’s like 120 people in that lecture.”
“Yeah. But I think you’re the cutest.” You stared at him, dumbfounded and blush stuck on your cheeks.
“Thank you,” you say, squeezing your arms around your book and pressing it towards your chest. 
“Oh look, the rain is stopping.” He says, leaning forward and intently staring out the window.
“Well, see you Wednesday.” He smiled a cheeky smile.
You felt like a child, blushing foolishly whilst you watched him walk out and down the street. 
You almost wish you hadn’t met him.
Days would go by until you saw him again. He made his appearance on Wednesday, at 2pm in Professor Edamura’s class. He sat beside you, offering you a wink before taking out his own computer beside you and your own. Aside from a greeting, he didn’t say a word until the lecture ended. You really had spoken too soon about not befriending anyone, because you had gotten slurped up into a group project with  4 other people.
“So, Friday night, we could all go to my place.  I don’t live too far from here.” You wanted to meet at the library instead. Why did he want to go to his house? However, it seemed he was a rather popular guy and everyone loved him. You learned his name was Gojo Satoru. And then you lost the vote 4 to 1. 
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes as the women in your group swooned at him as he talked. This sucks.
All of you created a group chat in which you sparked ideas for the project’s format. You honestly think the other girls in your group were just more excited they had his number. 
Thursday night came, and you were in your robe and face mask when your phone went off. You blinked repeatedly, realizing Satoru had texted you directly and not the group chat.
Hey, Is everything okay?
Yeah, I honestly just can’t wait to see you tomorrow.
You stared at the message, absolutely not having time for his shit. You didn’t respond. Rather, you went in your settings and purposely turned on read receipts and went to bed. 
You wished you could’ve left him on read in real life too as you sat on the floor pillow in his living room the next evening. The other three group mates bailed, texting the chat just 20 minutes after you got there.
“Guess it’s just the two of us,” he chuckled. 
“Don’t look so happy about it.” You rolled your eyes. This project was 30 percent of your grade, you wanted to punch someone.
“I can’t help it,” he says, sitting across from you on a different floor pillow. “I won’t lie. I had been thinking of asking you on a date. I didn’t think I’d get so lucky.”
“And did you text the other girls in our group the same thing the night before?” You say, nonchalantly opening your book. You didn’t even look his way.
“No, they’re incredibly annoying.” He sighed genuinely. You finally looked at him. They were pretty annoying. Because of them, you were sitting across from him with nothing separating you but an extremely expensive coffee table. The library would’ve been better.
“You’re pretty cool though. Kind of bummed you didn’t text me back.” 
“Because I know what you’re up to.” You say, scribbling away in your notes.
“And what might that be?” He takes off his shades, putting them on the glass coffee table. You’d never forget the way he stared at you with his mesmerizing blue shells.
“I’m not going to fall in love with you. I don’t have time for that.” You firmly set your pencil down, looking at him. 
“I don’t exactly want you to.” He chuckled. You looked at him before speaking again.
“So what do you want from me?” You say, placing your face in your palm and leaning forward a bit to look at him directly. The intense stare you had was sure to ring out the truth from his lips.
“I said I wanted to take you on a date.” He laughs. “Get to know you a bit, but ultimately take you to bed at the end of the night, if you don’t mind. You can decline, I just wanted to show you a good time.”
He just blatantly asked you to sleep with him. Somehow, you admired that. You hated people that wasted your time. At least this way, you felt like you had some power in the situation. You could decline him or not, and you knew exactly what would become of your situation-ship if you started something.
“Sure,” you say calmly, to his surprise. You shift yourself around the table, right beside his body.
“Seriously,” you took hold of his jaw, delicately planting a kiss. He had no idea you were so confident. He only had a girl initiate the kiss once before. Your lips were incredibly soft and pillowy. He was already hard, wondering just what your sex was like if you kissed him like this. The semester’s stress had gotten to you. You were only hoping he could help you unwind.
You shifted over his body, straddling him against the bottom of the sofa. You’d give him exactly what he wanted.
“You better be good at this, or don’t even bother looking at me after we finish this project.” You break from his lips. 
“Oh princess, I don’t ever disappoint.” He smirked. You were alarmed at his strength when he lifted both your bodies off the ground. He sucked in your lips, kissing you firmly as he brought you to his bedroom. 
That night, he gave you the best sex of your entire life. He wasn’t lying about not disappointing you.
You remember the day you guys finally had to present your project, which didn’t come out too bad. Satoru had seduced the girls who didn’t show up on Friday into doing majority of the work. You remember him telling you that they deserved it after you attempted to nag him for messing with them like that.
“You and me worked hard last Friday night, right princess? So what’s the big deal?” He whispered into your ear while you all gathered in front of the lecture. You presented your part that you did on your own with constant red hues plaguing your face. You wish he waited to say that after the presentation. Now, you were worked up again. The events of skin touching skin had been stuck in your mind. 
You couldn’t get his extremely large hands and hot body out of your head. For something that was supposed to be a stress reliever, the thought of his sex lived on within you and it was getting annoying. He caught up with you after you rushed out the room as soon as class ended.
“You have time before your next class?” He peered down at you, grinning a sexy and devilish smile.
“Why?” You ask. 
“Let’s go grab a bite to eat, on me. I promise really do work harder than I like to show off. The thing I did for the project isn’t really my character. I just didn’t like how the other girls were going to push all the work on you.” 
He sounded genuinely sorry for the situation.
“It’s fine. They deserved it anyway. They never replied to me when I texted them. If it wasn’t for you using your ‘sexiness’ to make them get busy, we would’ve gotten a shitty grade for sure.” You used air quotes around the word ‘sexiness’.
“You think I’m sexy?” He said smugly.
“Of course that’s all you picked up from the entirety of what I said.” You rolled your eyes, and he laughed a hearty laugh.
“Obviously,” you say quietly, he almost didn’t hear you. 
“You’re so fucking cute,” he said, laughter dying down. You had this annoyed blush on your face as the both of you walked. You did end up going out to eat with him. But somehow, you also ended up fucking him in the restaurant bathroom right after.
His hands squeezed your hips as you pressed you ass closer against him. You never realized you could feel so full. He slammed his length into you, while you shamelessly watched yourself pant beneath him in front of the mirror.
“You’re such a pretty girl, look how pretty you are. I wanna see your face again when you cum.” He coaxed you whilst gripping your neck. 
“Don’t be so loud though, then we’ll get caught. You don’t want this to end do you?”
Your juices were running down your weak legs, and you were holding back pleasure filled squeals while he rammed himself into you. It had been a while since you had been fucked so well aside from last Friday. And something about the thrill of someone knocking on the door, which wasn’t even locked, helped you find your climax during that 10 minute session.
You called out his name as you clenched around his length, causing him to throw his hand over your hot mouth.
“Shhh,” he shushed you as he lifted your body towards his own. 
“We won’t be able to do stuff like this in the future if you’re so loud.” His hot breath poured into your ear. Your knees were burning, but the pleasure in your core was enough to over shadow it. You were ashamed to admit it, but you were cumming again onto his dick.
“Satoru, my legs...” you muffled against his hand.
“I’ve got you sweetheart, don’t worry.” His thrusts were quickening and you felt him twitch inside you. He released himself into the rubber he wore before removing his member from you. You collapsed your upper body onto the sink for support.
He was incredibly sweet somehow, sliding your jeans and panties up for you. 
“Can you walk?” He asked.
“I can manage.” You say, stumbling back against his chest. He caught you whilst you buttoned your jeans. 
“The look on your face is priceless.” He said, looking at you in the mirror. You were a disheveled blushing mess, but somehow you were scowling at him for making you cum in such a short time.
“You can hold my arm for support,” he watched as you fixed what you could of your top and hair. 
“Shut up.” You said, wrapping yourself onto his arm and exiting the bathroom.
Sex with him was filled with plentiful moments like this. He would spontaneously show up around you, asking to hang out. It helped out a lot, considering you were less stressed and chirpier, your friends noticed. A little bit of dick does everyone good sometimes. 
You did your best to keep it strictly sex related, and you felt like he was casually following whatever you wanted to do. He was a decent friend, listening to your qualms about school and your other friendships. He took in a lot of stories and life situations from you, but he rarely ever talked about himself. You had slept with him countless times by then, but you really knew nothing about him. The thing that made it worse is that he started to sex you more passionately, stirring your feelings in a bunch.
He towered above your body in the dark moonlit room. It was another Friday, and you were lost in his sex yet again. He was so close, kissing and sucking your lips til they were sore and bruised. He dragged his mouth against your neck and down to your chest. You didn’t know what had gotten into him, but he was keen to keep the space between you as close as possible. You hadn’t see him all week, and you both didn’t have any classes together this season. The spontaneous adventures became more planned due to your busy schedules.
He inserted himself into your warmth, making you arch your back and press your breasts to his chest. 
“Fuck, I missed you.”
Your entire head was hot from the whisper he made into your ear. You wished he wouldn’t say things like that. It was starting to fuck with you. You let out a moan as he filled you up completely, grinding your sex towards him from underneath.
“It looks like you missed me too,” he chuckled. Your sex was loud and wet. You couldn’t lie to him even if you tried— your body wouldn’t let you.
You found yourself moaning how much you missed him as he rolled into you endlessly throughout the evening. 
“I know baby,” he placed sweet kisses against your face and neck, “I know.”
You chose to block this specific memory out whenever you told your friends this story. He had sexed you like he loved you that night and you had too many orgasms to count.
You awoke in the morning with him clinging to your naked body. It really wasn’t the first time something romantic like this had happened but it was the first time you felt provoked to say something.
“Satoru...” You said against his hair. He grumbled a groggy hum into your neck. You didn’t know if this was the right time to say it, but you were tired of the subtle hints of affection he had been mixing in with all the lust. 
“It’s getting hard for me to keep this relationship strictly sex based,” you begin.
“I really do want to get to know you more. But sometimes you throw me these mixed signals and I get confused.” 
He sat up, bringing his blue gaze towards yours.
“Then we should stop.” He said bluntly. He wasn’t asking you either. 
“We should,” you sort of agree, confusedly.
“I had a feeling this was going to happen.” He said, tearing himself from you. 
“But it’s cool. I’ve got somewhere to be. You need a ride home?” He asked. You nodded. That morning for the first time in a long time, you both got dressed together in solitude. There was no banter, no joking around and none of the occasional compliment or kiss.
He drove you home, in comfortable silence on his part. When you both of reached in front of your house he finally spoke.
“Don’t look so down, honey. At the end of the day, you were just a warm body to me. Cheer up though, you served your purpose.”
You could’ve cried but you knew exactly what this was from the beginning. Was it possible he was starting to feel something? And this was his way of running from it? You stared at your lap. There was no point of trying to read too hard into it now.
“Thanks for the ride.” You say, shutting the door. He watched you walk into your house. He hadn’t known you were so sensitive considering the persona you’d been giving him since the very beginning. He would never be able to apologize to you for it either— he had too much pride.
He never texted or called you after that. Not that you were surprised, you knew he wasn’t the one for you. He was too secretive despite his outgoing nature. An experience it was, you thought it was fun. You did your best to look at the situation as optimistically as possible.
Whenever you saw him on campus, you didn’t even bother looking at him. You walked right by him. He knew better than to speak to you. One day you were sitting in the cafe you first met him in. It was raining just like it was last year. You knew he saw you scribbling away through the glass window. He entered anyway, with a brunette attached to his arm. She laughed loudly as she pressed her breasts to his bicep. You casually sipped your iced coffee, eying him briefly before returning to your work.
He was pretty ballsy.
“You okay babe?” Suguru slid his large hand over yours, breaking you out of your thoughts. 
You hummed in delight, watching him take hold of your hand and press your knuckles to his lips. 
“When you’re done, how about we go to that Hibachi place you like?”
You held back an excited squeal at the dark haired male in front of you.
“I’d like that a lot.”
part 2
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Day 36: Entwine
"But Harry, we just think you'd be so much happier if you-"
"Found someone to settle down with," Harry finished for Hermione. At this point he'd heard the lecture so many times he could recite it in his sleep.
She sighed, "We just worry-"
"That I'm lonely and miserable," Harry said. "I know."
"We love you, mate," Ron said, clapping him on the shoulder.
"I know," Harry said, and it was true he did know, otherwise he would have probably stopped being friends with them by this point. "I love you guys, too. But you have to stop setting me up on dates."
Hermione stared calculatingly at him, "Two weeks," she said. "I'll give you two weeks reprieve and if you've started dating someone by then we'll leave it."
He was still stewing on this conundrum when he stopped in to pick up a cup of coffee and (hopefully) a pastry the following morning.
"Morning, Potter," Malfoy called over his shoulder without even looking up to see him.
"That's going to bite you in the arse someday," Harry said as he stepped up and rested his elbows on the counter.
"I've told you," Malfoy said, turning around and handing him a cup of coffee that Harry knew would be made perfectly and a pastry bag that had Harry's mouth already watering, "You have a very distinct magical aura. I know it's you."
Harry rolled his eyes, but he was secretly charmed. "When you say things like that I completely understand how you and Luna get on so well."
Malfoy rolled his eyes but there was a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
It suddenly occurred to Harry that he got on pretty well with Malfoy, too. "Hey," Harry said, opening his mouth to speak in true Griffyndor fashion without hesitating to think. "You're single aren't you?"
(Read more below the cut)
Malfoy groaned, "Not you, too. My friends are always harping on me about dating. I'm perfectly fine-"
"Right, yeah. Of course you are," Harry hastened to add, "I am, too, obviously and that's the point."
"Potter drink your coffee, you're making even less sense than usual," Malfoy said.
"No, listen. Pretend to date me. Please, Malfoy, I'm literally begging. I will do anything to get my friends to stop setting me up on horrible dates."
Malfoy stared at him for a long moment, "That's an interesting idea, Potter."
"It's a fantastic idea," Harry assured him. "I promise to be the best fake boyfriend you've ever had."
"What would it involve?" Malfoy asked, slowly.
Harry thought for a minute, "We could go on 'dates' and just, you know, hang out; we can have dinner together, go to quidditch games, whatever you want. And then when we're out with friends we'll just sit together, maybe hold hands or something? I haven't thought it through yet but what do you say?"
Malfoy tilted his head to the side, "I'd say you're in luck, Potter, because I had a really bad date last night with a bloke that Pansy tried to set me up with. So, let's do it. Merlin knows I could use a break."
"Done," Harry said, grinning widely at the other man, "Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"
The corner of Malfoy's, Draco's, lips tilted up, "Sure. Where did you have in mind?"
"Do you like Italian?"
Draco nodded.
"Perfect. I get off at 4:00 today, do you want to meet here?"
"Sure," Draco replied with a little grin.
Harry smiled back, "Thanks for the coffee and the pastry. And I'm looking forward to see you tonight, sweetheart."
Draco laughed, "Disgusting. Get out of here you prat."
Harry placed a hand over his heart as he backed toward the door, "You have the sweetest way with words."
The other man shook his head but he was smiling as widely as Harry.
This was clearly the best idea that Harry had ever had.
This was the worst idea Harry had ever had. Not because he and Draco didn't get on, but because they did.
Within two weeks Harry was spending more of his free time in Draco's company than out of it. They'd gone out to eat together eleven times (in thirteen days!), they'd taken Teddy to the park together, and Harry stopped by the coffee shop twice a day now and arrived half an hour early so he could spend time talking to Draco before he had to leave for work.
Yes, he was getting up early just so he could have more time to spend with Draco.
He was in so much trouble.
And it was only going to get worse since they were attending pub night tonight with all of their friends and they'd agreed that holding hands, casual touching, pet names, and the like were all acceptable for the evening.
Harry was standing outside the pub, waiting for Draco and trying to get himself under control, when the other man appeared.
"Ready?" Draco asked, giving him a small but genuine smile that had Harry's stomach doing back flips.
"Yeah," Harry said, nodding once to himself.
Draco held out his hand, wiggling his fingers for Harry to take.
He reached over and slid his fingers through Draco's, their hands fit perfectly together, and Harry thought he might be having a heart attack. Holding someone's hand shouldn't feel this good.
He was absolutely, entirely fucked.
"Alright?" Draco asked.
"Yeah," he answered but his voice came out all funny and breathless, and honestly, if he could have punched himself in the face he would have. He cleared his throat, "Yeah, fine," he said. "Let's go."
And as if holding Draco's hand hadn't been enough, once they got inside the pub, Draco sat next to him and rested his hand at the top of Harry's spine, his fingers trailing lightly over Harry's neck and wrapping around the curls at the base of his skull.
It was like he was in a bubble; conversations were happening all around him, people were laughing and joking, people were probably telling all sorts of stories but he didn't process a word.
Slowly, he forced himself to relax, leaning into Draco's side and letting his hand slip over to rest on Draco's knee.
The other man gave his neck a gentle squeeze in response as he continued his discussion with Luna.
"Harry," Hermione said, waving a hand to get his attention.
"Yeah?" he asked, perking up and trying to ignore the tingles racing up and down his spine as Draco's fingernails scratched lightly at his scalp.
"You were a bit lost there, mate," Ron said.
He smiled, "Sorry, just a bit out of it."
"That's alright," Hermione said, "I was just saying that you and Draco seem to be really good together."
"Yeah," Harry said weakly, glancing over at the other man who was quite engrossed in a conversation with Pansy and Luna. "Yeah," he repeated. "He's really something."
Hermione nodded, "You seem to be good for each other."
"Yeah," he said, feeling a bit sick because they did seem good for each other, they did somehow make sense. "Sorry, could you excuse me for a minute?" he asked as he stood up and fled the table, making his way quickly to the restroom.
He all but ran into a stall and locked it behind him, barely managing to stop himself from banging his head against the wall. This wasn't supposed to have happened. He wasn't supposed to have fallen for Draco Malfoy.
"Harry?" a voice called.
He held his breath, maybe if he just didn't make any noise Draco would go away and he could finish having his crisis in peace.
"I can see your shoes," the other man said as he knocked softly on the door. "Let me in?"
Reluctantly, Harry opened the stall and made room for Draco to slip in with him.
"Do you want to tell me why you've been acting like an insane person escaped from the psychiatric ward tonight?"
He winced, tried to think about what he could say, how he could deflect, but what came out was, "I don't want to pretend."
Draco's brow furrowed, "This was your idea," he said. "And if you wanted to stop all you had to do was say so."
"No," Harry said, reaching out to stop the other man from leaving. "That's not-" he huffed and entwined his fingers with Draco's. "I mean that I don't want this to be pretend."
Draco stared at him uncomprehendingly so Harry continued, "Holding hands with someone has never felt like this. Going on dates with someone has never been this much fun. I want to be around you all the time, even when you're making me crazy."
"I don't understand."
He sighed, "I can't pretend with you because none of this is pretend for me any more."
Draco blinked once, then he leaned forward and caught Harry's lips with his own. The hand not holding Harry's came up to cup his cheek and tip he head down so he could kiss him more easily and Harry's body lit up like a firework.
He pushed Draco back a step until his back hit the wall and pressed his body against the other man's. Harry's body had been made for this. Every neuron was firing away happily, every atom of his being singing with joy at the other man's proximity.
Draco's fingers threaded through Harry's hair as his tongue flicked over Harry's bottom lip. With a soft moan, Harry opened his mouth, his tongue reaching out tentatively to touch and twist with the other man's.
They might have continued on like that all night, were it not for the outer door to the restroom slamming open as a drunk man staggered in.
Draco pulled back, cheeks flushed and lips swollen. He put a finger over Harry's lips and pressed a kiss to his nose, and Harry wasn't quite sure how he hadn't simply melted into a puddle of goo yet.
Once the man left, Draco removed his finger and pressed one more gentle kiss to Harry's lips. "This isn't pretend for me either," he murmured.
Harry smiled, "No more pretending."
"Honesty about where we're at from here on out," Draco added with a smile.
And it was a promise they kept until the day they died. They both had to wear masks for the outside world but they never hid from one another.
Day 35: Tears | Day 37: Secrets
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siimjaeyun · 3 years
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blue bag- jay park
genre: fluff, angst, bad boy au
tw: street violence, mentions of gangs
Jay's reputation at Belift wasn't exactly a secret to most people. The loose uniform with the leather jacket, covered bruises, and exposed tattoos were noticeable to anyone who bothered to pay attention.
Most people would like to assume to not judge him by his appearance, but his character matched it to a tea. He never bothered to give anyone the time of the day, much less even look in their direction. The only people who received such privileges were his closest six friends.
Or anyone who dared to cross his path- including the slight punches he's thrown at the occasional classmate.
But people couldn't see behind his intentions. Like the time he almost beat one of uppers to a pulp when they tried picking on jungwon his first year. All good intentions.
On this fateful day, the teacher had thought a slight change would mix things up. Instead of placing Jay in the back by himself like usual, he placed him right beside you.
"Hi Jay!" Your warm welcome startled him to say the least. Sure, he was used to love letters by other girls, but you didn't really look at him that way.
He stayed silent and placed his head back onto the desk. At the end of class, you bid him goodbye and walked out with your friends who seemed to tattle over him almost immediately.
After yet again another argument with the rivaling gang leader, he finds himself cornered in the back of an alley way. Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to think you could fight five men at once.
Tired, and out of breath, he's barely holding onto himself before there's a final blow to his lower stomach, collapsing onto the ground before him.
The men are about to approach him, this time, aiming towards his back, but retreat at the sounds of a siren.
"Here, hurry! They might come back." He looks up and finds it's you, carrying a bag in one hand and reaching out towards him with the other.
"Get lost." Jay, who is too stubborn to ask for help, attempts to get up before his knees give up on him.
"You can't walk. Stop being a bitch and let me help you." You swing his arm over your shoulder, and pull him up, guiding him towards the exit of alley way. At the closest convenience store, you rest him on a bench, bringing a towel to his face to wipe off the blood from his brow and lip.
"How did you see me?" He barely manages to ask.
"I didn't know it was you until I saw your face, which is very beat up by the way." He observes quietly and patiently waits for you retreat the towel from his face, slowly admiring the way you move your eyebrows while humming a small beat. 
“I’m done. I’ll call a taxi to take you home so you can finish up. I’m going to assume this isn’t the first time you get beat up.” Jay, snapping back to reality, stands up quickly and blocks your view of the street. 
“I can manage. Now go home.” He nods towards the direction of the grand city. 
“You can barely walk. Either I take you home, or text someone to come pick you up.” Jay immediately takes the second option, and searches quickly for his phone before realizing he must of left at it home. 
“Go ahead, call the taxi.” He mutters under his breath. The bright lights signal to him that he has arrived, and in silence, you drop him off, and leave, not letting Jay even look back and say a quick ‘thank you.’ 
If Jay didn’t know any better, it’s almost as if nothing had occurred yesterday. He’s still wearing his black mask to cover up his bruises, but you walked in with a smile and the same welcome from the past two weeks. 
Usually, he would turn the other way or not even bother to look at you, but his slight nod was reassurance enough. 
At the end of class, he was almost the last to leave, given that he had woken up from napping the entire class. Rather than seeing the empty room he was used to waking up in, he saw you again in front of him, holding a blue bag. 
“Here. Eat well okay?” You left the bag onto his desk and walked out again before he could respond. He stuffed the bag into his backpack and went towards the lunch room he was used to meeting his friends in. 
“Jay’s late and beat up. What a surprise.” Sunoo’s snarky comment doesn’t catch him off guard, and instead pulls out the blue bag from his backpack and rests it on the table. 
“Oh? Jay brought lunch? Quick, let’s rate his cooking skills.” Before Jay can react, Heeseung had already snatched it from the table, pulling out a Tupperware with a sticky note on top. 
“Who’s y/n? And why did she call you a loser?” Heeseung asks, opening the container to a bento box. 
“No one, now give it back.” Jay takes back the container, almost admiring the contents inside. 
It was the first time his heart began to take notice of you. 
Everyone was quickly suspicious about Jay’s relationship with you. It all started with him publicly going to you and thanking you for the food. Then it was the constant good mornings when you would welcome him at the beginning of class. Then it was the morning coffee, and walking you to class in the morning. He was practically stuck to you when he wasn’t with his friends. 
“You know, I think Jay likes you.” One of your friends mentioned casually, causing you to roll your eyes. 
“Stop taking those rumors too seriously, he’s just paying back a favor.”
Yet, your friends weren’t the only ones who were beginning to notice. Most noticeably, Jay’s very own friends. 
“Sunghoon, I don’t like her, so can you shut up?” Jay, almost irritated by the constant confusion of emotions. 
“So, you wouldn’t mind her being so close with Sunoo?” Jake points at your direction. You laughing and trying to hold yourself together while punching Sunoo in the arm. 
“No. Of course not." Yet, he still finds himself burning holes into Sunoo's skull as he sees you wrap an arm around his neck to pull him into a head lock.
It seemed as if that was the last straw because in the next moment, Sunghoon was attempting to prevent Jay's next big mess.
"Get your hands off him." Jay commands, catching not only your attention, but those around him as well.
"Relax Jay, she's just playing around." Sunoo gets himself out of the head lock, and looks at your face who's been cleared of any laughter.
"I'll see you later Sunoo." You can't even look at Jay in the eyes before walking off with another friend.
"What's wrong with you? You know she wasn't hurting me!"
"Don't talk to me right now Sunoo." Jay storms off in the opposite direction while Sunoo turns his head to the side at Sunghoon.
"Am I going to die?"
"Not yet anyway. I think if you stay off y/n, maybe it'll extend your life line." Sunghoon states honestly.
"What do you think would happen if I told him she's my cousin?"
"I don't know but I've never seen Jay so..like this. Its a good look on him."
However, Jay is his full fledged rage, begins to shove everyone in his way including a poor freshman who happens to fall in front of your locker.
"Jay what the fuck!? Are you okay?" You crouch down and reach your hand out, giving Jay a bitter feeling.
"Is this how you catch men? You pretend to be the good guy?"
"Excuse me?" You repeat, shocked at Jay's sudden attitude.
"Nevermind just stay away from me? Got it?" You don't even process the words before he dashes off, ignoring his friends who are attempting to catch his attention.
"Sunghoon, what's his issue ?" Sunghoon only let's out a heavy sigh before shrugging his shoulders.
"It's not my business, but I can assure you that anger won't end well."
And it just so happens that Sunghoon's response was quiet accurate considering Jay's familiar situation. He's been long enough member of his gang to know what territories they're not exactly welcomed.
Yet, he doesn't care and does so anyway because anything is better than having to imagine you with some one else.
"Haven't seen you in a while Jay, must have been busy hmm." The leader mocks him, but it only infuriates the pent up anger within him causing him to land a punch at his gut.
"Don't test me." And as if history repeats itself, he finds himself once more cornered in the back of an alley way. With the collection of bruises forming on his stomach, one could tell he was a kick or two away from a good surgery.
"Jay! Stop!" He curses himself mentally when he watches you run towards him.
"You better leave pretty one...I mean unless..." He approaches you, reaching for your chin to tilt it sidewards, leading to Jay using his last strength to push him off you.
"Don't touch her." Jay grits his teeth, earning a smirk that quickly turns into a frown at hearing the sound of police sirens.
"You got lucky this time." He flees the scene leaving you again with a bloodied up Jay.
"You promised me to not fight anymore!" Jay chooses to ignore you and limps away to a nearby post.
"And I told you to stay away from me y/n. I don't need people like you to worry about me because they pity me" He responds.
"How am I not supposed to worry when you left so suddenly? One moment we're good and the next you're mad at Sunoo and everyone?" You place him on the stair case while getting your first aid kit ready.
"How am I supposed to stay away when you worry me? Do you have any idea how fast I ran here with this when Jake told me you weren't at your house?" You continue to apply a bit of alcohol on his open cuts.
"I'm sorry, I was upset. I saw you with Sunoo earlier and I don't know what came over me. Sunoo is so darn perfect, and what about me? I was afraid you'd leave me." Jay mumbles the last part quietly, but you manage to hear it well.
Without much hesitancy, you press a light kiss onto his bruised and swollen lips. He gasps slightly but manages to wrap his arms around your waist.
"I'm not leaving okay, I'm here to stay if you want me to." Jay grabs you and pulls you in for a hug, resting his face in the crook of your neck.
"Please stay." He mumbles, letting his grip on you get stronger. He stays there for a while, before looking at the blue bag in your hand.
"What's this?"
"I brought some dinner because I figured you would be too lazy to do it yourself and end up eating frozen nuggets again." He smiles slightly before admiring your features.
"I really like you y/n.." Jay confesses, still in the position of hugging you.
"I like you too Jay...I really do." A grin forms on his face and he drops another kiss on your cheek before leading the way out.
Perhaps Jay wasn't exactly perfect, but you always knew he was more than ready to love and learn by your side.
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts haha, but I figured we could all use a little fluff with everything going on :( <3
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bratkook · 3 years
eleven months. (m) myg. two.
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pairing: min yoongi x reader genre: fluff, slow burn!!!, eventual smut, warnings: brief non-descriptive mention of death, otherwise none word count: 7k author’s note: here’s some more backstory on both of them as well as more interaction beyond yoongi hunting down an album by the cure lmao. like i said before, i’m really soft for yoongi in this story so lmk what you think! (also..because i hate myself and love piling up wips, theres mention of oc having a previous love interest that’s actually part of another story that takes place in this universe that’s a prequel soooo...coming soon lol) taglist (open): @min-yus​ summary: it’s been years of yoongi living his routine life, accustomed to his pace of living, going with the flow and simply existing. until you come along. yoongi absolutely can not see the logic in the way you live, but he weirdly craves it. craves the feeling of not being afraid of not knowing what’s coming, being able to just let the cards fall wherever they land. and maybe you can help with that.
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In the next coming weeks it becomes obvious that Yoongi is in fact a regular. His routine visits allow you to remember the usual days and times he’d pop in, so you knew if you’d be working on his chosen days. 
Somewhere in between his casual drop ins, the two of you had formed somewhat of a friendship— or the beginning stages of one at least. Yoongi liked your sense of humor, how open and friendly you were to anyone you encountered, always having something to say about anything. Conversation came easy to you, never running out of stories. It left Yoongi thinking you’ve definitely lived about ten lifetimes compared to him.
In turn, you liked how he let you steer the conversation any way you chose. Most people would probably watch on in horror at the way you’d go from talking about a specific song or band, and then switching to a story about how you chased a pickpocketer during your travels before moving on to talking about your roommate’s cat. None of it gave him whiplash though, seamlessly flowing into the next topic with a grin on his face, never feeling like he had to think too hard to keep it going. It worked best this way. Yoongi was observant by nature, a great listener above it all, so if you were the one doing most of the talking it was fine by him. 
Everyone at Rkive360 had taken notice that Yoongi’s usual five minute visits had turned into ten, and then twenty, until it became very clear he was lingering inside the store. No one told him anything, besides the fact that he was bestfriends with the owner and had immunity, all of you were fond of him. Taehyung enjoyed the sly remarks Yoongi would make, Sana just enjoyed ogling at him, Namjoon would never mind seeing him, and you would take any chance you could to attempt to wow him with your small knowledge of music. 
It was a nice distraction whenever he stopped by, always heading straight to the back where the vinyl was kept. Sometimes he had a specific album in mind, other times he was simply browsing, but he only ever bought one at a time. It was routine, maybe even a weird ritual of sorts if he really thought about it. 
On the days you knew he’d be coming you would spend a little extra time in the beginning of your shift picking out a few records to suggest to him if he didn’t have one in mind. Because of this, he had stopped his usual path to the bins and now came directly to you, the first stray off his usual routine. 
Today you’re standing behind the counter, ringing up a customer when he walks in, a smile on your face as you chat away. He patiently waits at the far corner, leaning back against it as his eyes roamed the interior of the store, taking note of the way Sana and Taehyung were trying and failing to build a giant display. It looks like a mess of parts, scattered around with no instruction manual in sight— definitely Taehyung’s idea to toss it judging by Sana’s look of frustration. 
He tears his gaze away from them beginning to argue when he hears you wish the customer a good day as they leave, pushing away from the counter and shuffling your way with a grin on his face. You smile back at the way his doughy cheeks push out, high points of them reflecting the light from above. 
“Any shirt facts of the day?”
That had also become another common occurrence. Whenever you decided to wear a band shirt, he somehow always had random facts about whoever it was. It didn’t matter if it was some obscure french band or a 90’s rapper, Yoongi knew something about everyone, like some walking encyclopedia of musical artists. So when you take a step away and spread your arms out, he sees your shirt of choice today is The Doors, and he scoffs. Too easy.
“The Doors were the first band to ever advertise a new album on a billboard.” He nods his head slowly, almost as if he’s telling you yes I know, amazing right?
A hum leaves your lips at his fun fact, slightly impressed by it. “Interesting. Like always, I did not know that.” You peek under the counter top at the selection of records you kept stowed away for him, safe from any undeserving customers. “Now, do you want to see my daily, hand picked selection just for you.”
This was his new favorite pastime, getting to see the random albums you’d group together for him, wanting to know what you thought was worthy for him to listen to. When he nods, rubbing his hands together in excitement, you haul up the stack and carefully spread them out across the top.
The genre of the day was R&B, he can tell that much as he sorts through the albums. You’re familiar with the way he clumps together certain records, marking them down as albums he already owns, until he gets to an orange colored cover. The words The Internet fill the top right corner along with Ego Death on the bottom left. This he had never heard before. He picks it up and flips it over, scanning the song names with interest.
His eyes raise up to yours with curiosity, the same sharp gaze that somehow still makes you nervous holds the obvious question being passed between you with no need for words: are they any good? And the way you nod your head immediately convinces him enough. “Alright, I’ll give them a shot.”
A small sense of pride fills your chest, a tiny victory whenever he decides to pick something from your stack, trusting whatever music knowledge you had somehow convinced him you have. “I promise you’ll love them.”
When you hand him his change and the brown paper bag, you immediately check the time and clock out, dipping back under the counter and grabbing your bag from its hidden spot.
“Are you off?” Yoongi finds himself asking, no longer used to leaving immediately after he purchased something. The usual fifteen minute conversation you two had was missing today, and he’s not too sure how he feels about that. 
“Yes I am, you were my last customer. The store will now be run by those two heathens. Here’s to hoping they don’t bite each others heads off while they finish building whatever the fuck that is.” Taehyung is now standing up, lazily holding up a part of the display as Sana tries to screw something together, angrily giving Taehyung commands but he only mimics her with a ridiculous face. And when she socks his thigh, her fist aiming a little too close to home, you let out a laugh.
Yoongi highly doubts that’s going to be possible, Namjoon would probably have to be the one left to finish building the display while also putting them on opposite sides of the store whenever he came in for the day. It was truly a shock that they had gone this long working together without an actual fist fight breaking out. If it came down to it, Yoongi had his money on Sana being able to whoop Tae’s ass. 
“Do you know any good take out spots nearby? I’m starving and I’m still new to the area so I’ll take any recommendations.” Your voice snaps him back, his eyes looking at you briefly as the question registers within him.
“Oh, yeah. There’s a place not too far from here that has pretty good jajangmyeon.”
“Hell yeah.” Your hands pat your belly softly, coming up to readjust your bag as you walk around the counter and head for the door, shouting out a goodbye to Taehyung and Sana as you leave the store. When you exit the shop, your hand holding the door open behind you, you glance back inside in confusion when you spot Yoongi still standing by the counter with wide eyes. “Well, aren’t you coming?”
Truth be told, he had been wanting to talk to you outside of work for a while but he was scared to ask, not wanting to make you feel obligated to say yes just because he was a regular at your place of employment. Something about you seemed familiar to him, and to be quite honest he just craved social intimacy. His job consumed him and coming into this record shop was the small escape he needed, you being there was just a newly added plus.
You’re on the same page he is, wanting to hang out with him just as much as he had, something about the way he seemed like a half open book interested you. Throughout all of your adventures you had forced yourself to come out of your shell, no longer afraid or bashful when it came to initiating friendships. If you wanted to get to know someone better, then you’d bite first. And you definitely wanted to get to know Yoongi better.
It takes him a moment to react, his gaze switching from you to look back over at your coworkers, seeing Sana sending you a curious glance. Yoongi was about to attempt to muster up the courage to ask you to hang out and you beat him to the punch, but after a second he grins at you with a nod. Of course he was coming.
The weather in Seoul is forgiving today, the usual cold of autumn being prevalent in the air without the need to bundle up, the slight wind not stinging your skin as it blows around you. This was probably your favorite season, comfortable enough for you to do whatever you want without feeling restricted by heavy layers or sticky from the heat. 
A soft smile is on your lips, hands shoved into the pockets of your baggy cardigan, and a small pep in your step as your eyes take in the world around you. That feeling you get when you visit a new town on vacation, how you’re just passing through for a brief moment in a place so many call home, it makes you realize how small you actually are. 
It’s a feeling you always longed for, to experience a new place and make it home, it's the main reason you always bounced around so much. Staring at all the shops around you, taking in all the people just going about their daily life, you’re content with your new choice of scenery. 
Too lost in your own head as you take in the shops and people around you, you snap out of it when Yoongi reaches out and clasps a hand on your shoulder, steering you to turn right when you keep walking straight. “Get your head out of the clouds.” 
He hears the snort you let out, allowing him to guide you the correct way. Slowly trailing away from the main road, the amount of people lessens, only a handful of stores line up around the alley you had turned into. When you spare a glance at Yoongi you can see the excitement on his face, speeding up his pace until he’s standing in front of the restaurant. It’s a small hole in the wall shop that didn’t even look like it served food from the outside, all black exterior with a red sign hung up on top showcasing their name, Ipum.
It’s charming, and the way Yoongi spreads his arm out puts a similar smile on your face. Only then does he pull open the door, allowing you to step in first before he follows. 
Once Yoongi steps inside he’s immediately greeted by the workers calling out his name in glee, bowing in response with a bashful smile as he approaches the small counter set up for take out orders, not needing to read the menu. You don’t realize he’s waiting for you as you take in the interior of the restaurant, the red dining tables surprisingly packed despite their lack of advertising outside. This place really must be as good as Yoongi promised.
“Anything specific you want?” he asks, finger pointing to the small menu in his hand in case you needed it. When you shake your head, letting him know he can order anything he wants, he does exactly that, placing two orders of jajangmyeon, along with fried dumplings and sweet and sour pork to complete it. It was his go to choices whenever he came, so he hopes you’ll enjoy it as much as he does. 
As you step to the side, backs pressed against the wall closest to the counter in order to keep the space open for the workers and patrons to walk comfortably in the small shop, you turn your head to glance at Yoongi again. “You come here often?”
The way the workers had spoken to him had made that glaringly obvious, but you wanted to hear it from him, wanted to know if he came here for comfort food or some other weird tradition like his ‘one-vinyl-a-day’ way of life. 
It was sort of a habit he had fallen into years ago. Having grown up in this city his whole life, he had stumbled upon this place his last year of high school. It had become a staple soon after, a place he would come to directly after classes were done to come stuff his face before heading home. Then it became a place his girlfriend and him frequented when the apartment they moved into turned out to be a mere block away. 
In a way, the owners of this shop had become like a second family. The amount of times they’ve seen Yoongi at his best and worst throughout the years, never once throwing judgment his way even if he came in beyond plastered back in the years he used to drink, never turning him away even if he cried into his noodles. 
He decides that’s a little too much to unpack right now, so he just nods in confirmation. “Yeah, I’ve been coming here for years. One taste of their noodles and you’ll be hooked too, trust me.”
Oh you trusted him, the amount of plates you’ve seen so far just made your mouth water once they passed by you and the smell of the food reached your nose. “We should’ve just sat down, I’m not gonna be able to wait until I get home to eat this.”
As you say this one of the workers approaches you two with a tied up plastic bag in his hand, the inside stuffed with takeout boxes and utensils for you to take. Yoongi grasps the bag with a smile and thanks him as he walks away. “Don’t worry, I live like a block away.”
He realizes how his words could be taken immediately, how he had assumed you two would innocently go back to his place to share a meal. You had invited him to eat but the location of where you would be doing so had not been discussed and the last thing he wanted was to come across as a sleaze.
His mouth was ready to back track completely, until he sees the way you dramatically place your hand over your chest, and he knows it's too late, “Oh damn, your place? Saucy, but I’m starving so I’ll do almost anything.”
You can see the way he relaxes when he notices you aren’t being serious, taking his words lightly the way he intended them. His eyes roll behind his lids, a lazy smile gracing his lips as he shoves your shoulder lightly to get you to start walking. 
“Is jajangmyeon all it takes?”
“Slow your roll, good jajangmyeon is all it takes. I’ve yet to have a taste.”
Yoongi smiles at your words, taking the lead when you step out of the shop and turn back down towards the main street. His apartment was on the next block over, a short walk that you didn’t mind, especially since he took it upon himself to point at random stores you passed to let you know the best places to get what.
He has a lot of love for this city, the memories it possesses spread out through his entire childhood and early adult years, lingering in each crack on the sidewalk. He often sits and wonders how different his life would be if his parents had decided to move to Busan instead of Seoul, or stayed in Daegu altogether. The thought of the timeline of his life being altered so drastically to the point of possibly not being able to be living this moment sends his mind into a flurry, so he's grateful you’ve reached his front door now as his mind settles.
“Oh my god who’s this?” You coo as you step into his apartment, crouching down towards the white stone floors to pet the fluffy gray cat that greeted you, enjoying the way it purred and rubbed against your knee.
“That's Yuri, the queen of the house.” He steps away from you, setting the plastic bag on top of the kitchen counter a few feet away, his hands pulling out the containers and setting them down. “Don’t give her too much attention or she’ll never let you leave.”
Yuri glances up at you, her bright green eyes peering up innocently at Yoongi’s words, almost as if she was pleading for you to keep petting her. It doesn’t take much convincing for you to scoop your hands under her and press her against your chest as you stand up, your fingers gently scratching the top of her head. Yoongi lets out a sigh when he sees his cat has succeeded in wrapping you around her finger.
“Sorry, she’s too cute to not cuddle with.”
She nuzzles into your chest, purring in appreciation when your fingers trail down onto her spine. Yoongi watches you as he pops open the lid of the container that holds the noodles. Yuri is his baby, yet every time a new person comes into his place she acts like he doesn’t exist— well not until he pops open the container holding the sweet and sour pork. That's when her head pops up, her green eyes sharpening when she spots the food, and Yoongi glares back at the fluffy traitor.
When Yuri's fluffy body shakes slightly as you laugh Yoongi glances back at you, breaking up the staring contest he had going with his cat. “She’s gonna betray your love right now for some pork.” 
You don’t doubt him, not with the way her paws start to push at your arms, attempting to stand up in your embrace until she’s hopping off from your arms and slowly walking towards Yoongi. She’s absolutely shameless as she rubs her body against his legs, and Yoongi can only look down at her before staring back up at you, gesturing out with his hands. “You see?”
The act of betrayal doesn’t sting, not when she’s as cute as she is. Instead you just chuckle, walking towards the stools Yoongi has by the oversized kitchen island, a breakfast bar set up at the end, the food spread out on top of it. He ignores Yuri for the time being, pulling out the stool beside yours and sliding into it. The both of you pull your chopsticks apart and get to eating instantly, swirling the noodles until they’re evenly coated in the sauce.
You try to ignore the way Yoongi blatantly stares at you as you bring up the first clump of noodles, waiting to see what your initial reaction would be to the food he held so near and dear to his heart. Yoongi knows this could go south so quickly, there is nothing worse than trying something new when you’re starving and having it absolutely suck. Sensing his nerves, you slurp the noodles up, and when the salty taste hits your tongue you hum, chewing them thoughtfully to make a show for Yoongi.
He waits patiently for you to swallow, sharp eyes analyzing your expression, seeing you lick your lips and grin at him. “You weren’t lying, definitely some of the best jajangmyeon I’ve had.”
In pure dramatics, he practically sags in his seat and raises a fist into the air in success, being able to properly enjoy his food now that he knew you approved of it. The two of you begin to eat in relative silence, the sound of munching and slurping filling up his kitchen space. 
As the minutes go by, the back and forth of your chopsticks plucking out a dumpling after he did, lands with you snatching the last one. An evil cackle leaving you as you pop it into your mouth and grin at him, cheeks puffed out slightly and he can’t find it in himself to be irked at you snatching the last dumpling when you looked like that.
The compromise of that is you leaving the remaining pieces of pork for him to enjoy, and when Yuri gracefully hops onto the counter you see why he had suggested that. He grasps a tiny piece of pork on his chopsticks and feeds her like a parent would a toddler, airplane noise and all until Yuri opens wide and gently clamps down on the meat.
“She’s spoiled because of you.”
He merely shrugs, a giant smile spreading across his face as he watches her with adoration as she chews the food. “I refuse to confirm or deny that.”
As you finish up the last of your food you just watch on as Yoongi alternates between feeding himself and Yuri until no more pork remains. Seeing the soft way he acts with his cat just warms you up, Yoongi had always seemed like a blunt person from the times you’ve seen him at the store, his sense of humor is one that could easily be taken as harsh or cold if you didn’t match it, but you’d never expect to see him this way. The tops of his cheeks push out as he smiles at his cat, cupping her face between his hands and rocking it back and forth before planting a kiss on her forehead.
She seems to understand that that's her cue to hop off the counter, knowing that snack time is now over as Yoongi starts to clean up the empty containers. When you reach to clean your own mess up he’s quick to slap your hands away, smirking when you retract them with a small wince, your fingers rubbing the back of your palm that he had swatted with a pair of chopsticks.
“Shoo.” He waves his arm in the direction of his couch, not giving you another glance and missing the way you pout at how he had dismissed you like he would his cat.
With a huff you turn on your heel, properly taking in his living room. From the small tidbits of half truthful information that Taehyung had provided you with, you knew Yoongi was somebody in the music industry. You had always assumed that when people said that it meant struggling soundcloud rapper or something of the sort, but from the look of his apartment alone it was very evident that Yoongi was not a struggling soundcloud rapper. 
The wall of his living room was lined with floor to ceiling windows, letting you catch a glimpse of the cityscape down below, the darkening horizon and slowly flickering street lights blending together. A dark grey couch was on the wall adjacent to that, directly facing the entertainment center he had set up, complete with a massive mounted television and soundbar, a collection of DVDs organized in the storage unit below it.
You walk closer to it, catching sight of the picture frames he had displayed along the top of it. They were all simple black frames, all differing in size, all of them having photos of Yoongi and his friends on them. The one in particular that had you smiling was a photo booth picture with Yoongi and Namjoon, they were accompanied by three other people, a boy with slightly red tinged hair and a bright smile, another boy with dark brown hair and a slight pout on his face from Namjoon squishing his cheeks, and a girl with light brown hair smiling widely as Yoongi gave her bunny ears.
Namjoon was a very smiley person, never needing a reason to be, but seeing Yoongi sporting a massive gummy smile had you realizing how nicely a smile suited him. It was clear that he held this group of people near to his heart considering they all occupied the remaining photos as well.
A couple of steps right beside that was where he had his prized possession, his record player that he had fully customized to get him the desired sound he was looking for. It was a sleek black, accents of silver shining off of it, resting pretty on a dark stained wooden stand. A few of his records were stored beneath it, but what really caught your eye was the eight by eight makeshift gallery wall that showcased his current favorite LP’s, each individually shelved to show the album art in all its glory.
“Should I give this a listen with you here?”
His question has you turning your head towards him, cutting your admiration of the album covers short. He stood a few feet away, his hands holding up the orange cover of the album he had bought today with your suggestion, and a small sense of nerves bubbles up in your stomach for some reason. You had always suggested music, confident in your choices when you were in the safety of the record store, but having to witness his first impression made you a little uneasy. What if he hated the band entirely, or worse, what if he pretended he didn’t hate them just to soothe your ego.
Is this what he felt like watching you take your first bite of food earlier?
“Sure,” you choke out, taking a giant step back from his record player, hearing him chuckle at your odd behavior.
As he lifts the cover up and slides the giant record out of its sleeve you decide to go sit on the couch, sinking into the plush material and welcoming Yuri into your lap when she jumps on as well.
With a few clicks, the low whirring is heard of the turntable beginning to spin. And when he eases the needle onto the record a small crackle sounds before Get Away starts to play. He fiddles with the volume slightly until satisfied, only then does he turn back around and join you on the couch.
His face is settled in thought, bobbing his head gently to the beat as he rests back against the couch, sinking into it with a groan until he’s fully comfortable, legs spread out with one arm resting casually on his lap and the other on the arm rest, fingers tapping along.
You watch on in silence, your fingers raking through Yuri’s fur until her purring calms your nerves and you’re sagging back. Before you know it your eyes shut as you listen along to the music, your belly is full and your limbs are sore from the unpacking and rearranging that had to be done at work so being able to sit here and shut your brain off while mellow music filled the room was what you needed.
Before long the A side is finished playing, Yoongi having to get up to flip it over until the B side plays all the way through, the ending voicemail of Palace/Curse playing until it fizzles out entirely, the room falling into silence once more.
Yuri had gotten comfortable herself, sprawled out across your lap with her head by your hip, but when Yoongi gets up with a stretch her head pops up, eyes narrowing at her owner until she senses no threat and lays back down.
“Verdict?” You repeat his earlier question, seeing him hunched over with his elbows resting on his knees, his lips pursed in thought.
“Honest opinion?”
“Brutally honest.”
He hums with a sly grin as he turns his head to face you. “They’re good. Kinda makes me feel nostalgic too for some reason. But as a whole, it's great music that calms you down.”
With the way you’re laying practically boneless on his couch you can attest to that, they were definitely a band you listened to to unwind. He catches the wide smile spreading across your face as he stands back up to properly store the record, your smile only getting bigger when you see him replace one of the displayed albums on the wall with the new one. 
“It's going on the wall of favorites,” he announces, sliding the previous record back into the storage underneath.
“I’m honored.”
He steps back from the wall with his hands on his hips, admiring how the orange of the album pops out against the others. Yoongi very rarely switched these albums out, but he had a feeling this wall would eventually become full of the random albums you’d recommend to him.
“Quick question,” he starts as he turns back to face you, taking in the sight of you and his cat cuddling together. “It’s been sitting at the back of my mind, and Taehyung has given me like three different answers.”
A small laugh leaves you as you raise your eyebrow at him in question. “Sure, what is it?”
“Where did you move from?”
You stretch your legs out in front of you, your toes just barely reaching the coffee table he has set up a bit away from the couch, Yuri mimicking your actions and stretching out as well. You were definitely gonna grow as attached to her as you were to your roommate’s cat.
“Like where was I last before this, or where am I actually from?”
He walks towards his fridge, still being able to see and hear you due to the open layout of his place. “Both I guess.” The door pops open and he reaches for a bottle of water.“You thirsty?”
“You have some wine, or some beer?”
Yoongi grunts at that, shaking his head slightly, “Sorry, I don’t drink anymore but I’ve got water and juice.”
You’re sitting up straighter now, voicing out that the water was fine. “Where I’m from is classified information, you’ll have to level up on our friendship for me to tell you that.” You accept the water he hands you, smiling at him as he sits back on the couch. He was fine with your secrecy, taking whatever you feel comfortable telling him. “But I was in Madrid before I came here.”
“Oh? Did you leave where you’re from to go live there?”
Your fingers capture Yuri’s paw, squishing her toe beans as she gently swats at your hair. “No, I was in Amsterdam before that, and Berlin before that as well to name a few. I’ve been bouncing around since I was 20, so about 6 years now.”
He has a look of interest on his face as he sips the water, leaning onto the couch sideways to face you. “Do you ever want to go back to those places?”
“Like visiting the place more than once?”
He nods, his eyes focusing on Yuri’s fluffy body, seeing her sitting back up to hop onto the ledge of the couch, rubbing her body against the back of your head before settling on the backrest of it and getting comfy.
“Hm, not sure. I can’t see myself wanting to flip back the pages of my life to reread a story I already know the outcome to.” With a sigh you shrug at him, your fingers now tracing the material of the couch. “Maybe in the future, years from now, I’ll crave a specific memory and want to go back, but it hasn’t happened yet.”
The amount of new cities and countries you’ve been lucky enough to call home for any amount of time held a special place inside of you, the memories and stories you had because of those experiences helped shape you into the person you are. Sure not all of them were movie-like experiences, some close calls happening at a few places that made you question whether you made the right choice living your life the way you did. But then you’d have moments that just felt right, and right now, sitting on this couch with Yoongi, this was one of those moments.
“So you don’t plan on staying here forever?”
“Well what do you mean by forever?”
He smiles, not thinking he would have to explain what forever meant to him. “For the rest of your life. Is there another version of forever Y/N?”
“Shut up,” you laugh. “It’s not likely, but who's to say. I never move somewhere with a time frame of how long I plan on staying.”
“How do you decide? Sorry if I’m prying but I just can’t imagine that moving somewhere new would be easy. Picturing having to leave friends behind would probably wound me.” 
That was true, that was definitely the hardest part of doing this— emotionally at least. The people you met and befriended were a factor in deciding how long you’d stay somewhere. After the initial week of exploring a new place, it gets lonely. You’ve been to places where even the roommates you’d stay with weren’t friendly, and you’d have to take it a step further and search for friendships elsewhere. It was the main reason you had learned to not be timid when it came to making the first move.
“It’s kind of a gut feeling. The longest place I’ve lived in was Paris for two years.” A smile spreads across your face as you recall the two years you spent in that city, how you probably would’ve left after a few weeks if you hadn’t ran into that cute boy right before the club you were in shut down for the night. That experience alone was one of the main reasons you made it a conscious decision to not fall in love, not wanting to experience the inevitable heartbreak that came with it. 
Paris was the first place you moved to, jumping head first into adventure and taking everything that came with it, including romance. Leaving friends behind had been hard, but leaving Park Jimin behind had been a different version of painful.
“Before this I was in Madrid for a month. I found myself getting comfortable too fast and when I get comfortable I get bored. When it's no longer new and exciting I don’t see the point of staying anymore.”
Yoongi absolutely can not see the logic in the way you live, the carefree aura radiating off of you, but he weirdly craves it. He craves the feeling of not being afraid of not knowing what's coming, being able to just let the cards fall wherever they land. His entire life had changed in the last few years and was now built off routine, bullet point to-do lists and deadlines he had to meet. The only adventure he experiences anymore is thanks to his friends, luring him out of his apartment to fulfil any of their spur of the moment ideas, but nothing comes close to this. 
He’s not able to understand how you can be suspended in freefall for the majority of your life, and instead of panicking about your lack of parachute, you’re admiring the view.
“Do you plan on staying here forever?”
That question makes him freeze a little, he had been prying into your life no problem but now that a question was directed at him, he felt himself growing uneasy. “I guess I did.”
“Did...why past tense?”
You see the way he hesitates, his mind is already playing through all the scenarios that can come because of this but he decides to just bite the bullet. “Love makes you think of forever. I pictured forever with my fiance.”
At the mention of a fiance your mind thinks of the girl in the photos with Yoongi, the girl with the bright smile and wide eyes.
Was Yoongi a married man?
He can spot the way you process his vague information, knowing he should elaborate before you think anything else, before your eyes move to his ring finger only to find it bare. “When you’re with someone for almost 8 years its normal to think of forever you know.”
The flashes of his relationship play in his mind, meeting his fiance in his last year of high school. How they had pulled each other out of their shells, becoming rather chaotic in their adventures over the years, turning into adults and supporting each other in every aspect of life.
The memory of Yoongi proposing to her still feels fresh in his mind, taking her to Jeju island since it was a place she had always wanted to visit, not being able to due to caring for her family.
“We were actually planning our wedding, having invitations sent out with everything nearly ready but she uh–“ he stops to breathe slightly, his eyes moving to stare at the picture frames, proving your assumption of the girl being his fiance right. “She got into an accident.”
He hadn’t specified if she died or not, but that faraway look in his eyes spelled it out for you. Forever didn’t have any sympathy for his situation, but he just shrugs it off, forcing himself to not speak further on it. There was more that tied in to the tragic passing of his fiance but he felt he had overshared enough already, not wanting to make you uncomfortable by unloading this information on you. The last thing he needed was to turn this nice day into a pity party with him being the center of attention. 
He’s just waiting for the routine apologetic words that would fall from your mouth—maybe you’d reach over and rub his arm like some people did, tell him how sad it was as if he didn’t already know. Some half assed attempt to make him feel better even though you were clearly blind sided by the topic. 
Yoongi didn’t want that, always hating the way people would stare at him like he was some charity case. This was why he rarely chose to stray from his circle of comfort, from the people that knew the baggage that came with him and accepted him, keeping his group as tight knit as possible in order to not pick at scabbed over wounds. 
When you sigh, he braces for it, mentally accepting that this might be what ends your new formed friendship before you could really creep through the cracks in the wall he built. But instead you reach forward and grasp Yuri once more, scooping her up and bringing her to your chest like a baby. “So Yuri wasn’t the only queen of the house, is that it?”
Yuri purrs in confirmation and Yoongi turns to stare at you again, blinking the wetness away from his eyes before he could even call them tears. You had a smile on your face as you stared at him, not that typical sympathetic smile people always sent his way, it was a genuine one, letting him know he was free to talk more on the subject if he needed to.
And for the first time Yoongi acknowledges that maybe he did need to. He was so used to bottling his emotions in, shutting himself off after her passing, pushing all of his friends and family away and locking himself at home as he mourned, submerging himself in his work to numb himself from feeling anything. Even now, his friends never pried, let him handle his feelings any way he wanted to. But Yoongi can’t act like his chest aches from keeping it all in, the pressure slowly releasing even with the minimal information he had given you. 
“Yeah,” he sighs out in relief, reaching out to pet Yuri. “Hani was the queen before Yuri got promoted.”
As you coo at his cat he feels himself sagging back onto the couch. The small dam of emotions he had inside finally released, and before you know it he’s spilling everything out, telling you tidbit stories of him and Hani, and somehow easing you into sharing similar stories of you and Jimin. 
The sun fully sets through the windows, neither of you noticing as you talk well into the night, and Yoongi found himself laughing and smiling at the mention of Hani for the first time in two years. You urge him on, watching on with interest while he talks about the day they had picked up Yuri from the shelter. 
His eyes are crinkled up in that endearing way you had seen more of today than in the past weeks of knowing him, and it fills you with warmth to know he’s allowing you to know about this part of his life. It felt like sacred information, uncharted territory from the way he had hesitated in the beginning, almost like he wasn’t sure if he could trust you with the precious memories he held tightly. All he needed was a gentle nudge and a genuine smile to slowly let you flip the pages of his brain, knowing you wouldn’t judge the bleeding ink and scratched out words that came with each story. 
As he stares at the way you smile at him, he comes to the realization that your sneaky ass must have already managed to slip past the cracks of the walls he built, infiltrating the tight knit circle he had for himself. He has to hold in a laugh when he recalls the way Taehyung had seriously suggested that you might be a spy sent here from another country. Maybe he was onto something, because he was refusing to accept that his willingness to overshare and stray from his norm was due to anything but your highly trained interrogation skills. 
You clearly had his cat fooled as well. When Yuri leans up and nuzzles her face against yours he sighs, knowing she had claimed you as her favorite solely based on the attention you gave her. You were good. Yoongi guesses he would have to keep you around now, just for the sake of his cat, nothing more. 
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manonblaqkbeak · 3 years
Summertime and Fresh Strawberries
Back again for Day 6- the firstborn arrives. this is a completely different fic to the one i had all ready written two weeks ago, but i just looked at it last night and decided to try something different.
this one is a lil bit angsty and a lil bittersweet.
CW: brief mention of termination. bullying/name calling. mild labour. (if i’ve missed any, pls don’t hesitate to let me know!)
1.4k words.
Aelin, in the end, didn't ask for an epidural, much to the obvious displeasure of Dr Hazifa and the mid-wives, much to Rowan's bone-deep worry.
But after today, Aelin wasn't sure if she would ever want to experience pregnancy, child birth ever again. So she went without pain relief, wanting to experience child birth like this.
Aelin had never experienced such physical pain. The feeling like her body was being split in half. She cried and gripped Rowan's calloused hand in hers with all the strength she could muster. She was sure that she saw him wince and hiss in pain, but that moment was gone in a blink of an eye as she kept pushing, pushing, pushing.
Aelin's golden hair clung to her and Rowan wiped away at the sweat with an ice-cold cloth, gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, telling her what a great job she was doing.
Rowan had told her a lot how proud he was during the pregnancy. How he was proud that she didn't let those insulting her, get to her by calling her a slut and a whore, how she was just going to be a drain on the welfare system. How she was going to be a dead-beat mum and that she should have terminated the pregnancy, because who the hell would want to have a seventeen year old mother?
Rowan barely got anything thrown his way. The most he had heard was that he was going to be a dead-beat dad and would run away from Aelin and their 'mistake' as Remelle Frost had named their baby.
It was the kindest name she gave their child. The others Aelin blocked out.
Aelin had wanted nothing more than to punch out the senior, but then that would have just spurred on more abuse—that Aelin was nothing but a half-feral beast, a good for nothing whore.
It wasn't as if she had planned to be a teen mum. She didn't plan for the condom to break, it just did.
So Aelin ignored Remelle and all the others making snide comments and harsh glares and got on with her life. She did her homework, went to her part time job at her Great Uncle's antique store, and watched virtual birthing class videos because at the end of the day, she was too tired to go to yet more classes.
Well, that was one of the excuses. The other was that some of the other expectant parents would cast disapproving looks her way, and she had enough of that at school, and didn't want to deal with it in the evenings as well.
She still sucked at swaddling, but Rowan was amazing at it.
It was ten fifteen, and Aelin would be in maths class right now, learning about trigonometry. Instead, she was still pushing and wanted nothing more than to go back to bed.
But she had to deal with this horrid hospital bed that smelled too strongly like disinfectant and this seemingly never-ending pushing.
An hour went by far too slow and somehow too fast, and Aelin's daughter was born. Screaming into the world with bellows for lungs. Rowan kissed her cheek again, and told her how much he loved her.
Aelin mumbled it back, her eyes glued onto her—their—baby. Nine months later and she was finally here, their firstborn child.
It felt as if Aelin was in a dream, but that illusion was disrupted when her baby was placed onto her bare chest, clean and hungry.
Rowan moved in closer, gazing at their little bundle with nothing but love and adoration.
“She's perfect,” he said softly, a dazzling smile on his face, carefully trailing a pinkie through the little cluster of hair on her fragile head.
She was perfect, and that just made everything harder.
Because after today, they would have only thirty days to decide if they officially wanted to give her up for adoption.
Aelin really wanted to go back to bed.
They had ended up naming her Summer, since summer was the season that Rowan had asked her out when she was thirteen and he was fourteen. The season where they had their first kiss weeks later. The season when she was born.
It was far too sentimental, but the name had slipped out from Aelin without a second thought. It wasn't exactly official either, since they had yet to complete the birth certificate. That was a decision to be done at the adoption agency office, where Aelin and Rowan would make their final decision as to whether they would be raising Summer, or giving her up.
The month had gone by so quickly and now that moment was here.
Rowan had to take the day off from his apprenticeship carpentry job that her Uncle Gavriel offered him, and a day off from studying, as it was part of the trade, since one couldn’t be a carpenter without the certificate. It was a good future career; Rowan always liked building and creating things.
Rowan had driven them, since Aelin still didn't feel comfortable behind the wheel. Her parents were in the car behind them. They were acting as moral support, as they had been doing from the moment that Aelin had announced her pregnancy, and from the moment Aelin had told them she and Rowan weren't sure on what to do—if they had wanted to keep her, or give her up for adoption.
Rowan's parents wanted nothing to do with the whole thing. They loved their son, but were utterly heartbroken and disappointed in him. Aelin had overheard them say to him that Rowan was throwing his life away if he decided to be an eighteen year old father.
Rowan hadn't spoken to them since. He had been living with Aelin in the granny flat that Aelin's parents had built years ago for Aelin's great-grandmother Mab who didn't want to die in a hospital. It had two bedrooms, a bathroom, a decent sized closet and kitchen, with a living/dining room.
How long it was going to be their home was yet another unanswered question.
Taking a deep breath, Aelin exited the car, Rowan at her side in a heartbeat, extending a comforting hand to help her out. She gave him a grateful smile, although her eyes watered from the circling emotions within her.
It had been a long and exhausting month. She wasn't sure if she could have done it on her own, but Rowan insisted she could have.
Rowan kissed her cheek, telling her everything he didn't say in that one sweet action.
She held his hand as he lifted Summer out of her seat, shouldering her nappy bag.
Her parents exited their car, and taking a deep breath, she and Rowan went inside.
The adoption agency was nice and cool, the walls painted a fresh shade of light, calming blue. The secretary walked Aelin, Rowan, Summer and Aelin's parents to Yrene's office, the woman who was overseeing their case.
She was one of the nicest people Aelin had ever met, one of the few adults that didn't look down at her, who had listened to everything that had come babbling out of Aelin's mouth over the last several months, helping them find the perfect counsellor to talk to. She always had Aelin and Rowan's favourite snacks on hand.
Yrene welcomed them, her hair shining like it always did.
They make conversation, asking how the first month had gone. Rowan answered for them, and not because he doesn't let her speak, but because he knew from the look on her face when they stepped inside the office meant that she felt like she was close to vomiting from anxiety.
When the polite conversation was over, Yrene had the paperwork ready in her hands, and asked the question that Aelin and Rowan had thinking about non-stop, aware that it was going to be asked as soon as the moment arrived.
“Have you two made a final decision?”
Aelin looked at Rowan, and Rowan looked at her, his fingers laced through hers, his dark green eyes calm and steady and in them she read, To whatever end, Aelin.
Because whatever decision they arrived to, Rowan would be there, as he always had and would be. It didn't matter that everyone thought that they were too young, Aelin knew that she was going to be with Rowan for the rest of her life.
Breathing in and out, taking her time, Aelin kissed Rowan's hand and Summer's head, their daughter smelling like fresh strawberries, and turned to Yrene, the response on the tip of her tongue.
Aelin answered for the three of them.
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deathnotescenarios · 3 years
Hello hello. I was thinking of a bigger story with a fem! reader, Matt, Mello, L, and Near. get ready.
Here's an intro: Reader was always best friends with Matt and Mello. They did everything together. But she was also friends with Near, and scolded Mello for picking on him and scolded Matt for doing nothing. When Mello and Matt decided to leave, Mello decided you could not follow them. And that wad that. Reader had no choice because if she left with them, they would desert her eventually anyways. So she stayed with Near, took the #2 spot at Wammy's and hated it. When she went to work on the Kira case, she decided to find Matt and Mello, and ran away from Near. Near, of course, knew already. (that bastard), and told Matt and Mello ahead of time. (I would like this to end with reader getting involved with Matt but still being close to Mello, please). Also, plot twist, Light knows about Reader. And Matt, Mello, and Near have to work together to keep her safe. (If we could change the story to where Matt and Mello's deaths were FAKE so Kir would get cocky, that would be great)
Yeah, definitely. This is going to have to be a multiple-part story otherwise it'll be too long to write in one sitting. I hope you enjoy it!
Anything for you: Reader x Wammy Boys
"Nateeeee," You say, whining and following a very tired Near just trying to find a quiet place to think. You thought saying his name might trigger a response since the last 20 times of asking for a reply hadn't worked. "I break one toy and suddenly you ice me out like I'm the North Pole." No response. "NATE RIVER!"
"Yes?" He says, finally, clearly unbothered by your agitated state
"I'm bored"
"You are always bored, y/n. That's inevitable at this point."
"Nate, all we ever do is talk about Kira and, occasionally, L. This isn't exciting. I wanted my life to be exciting."
Near stopped walking, and turned to you, the same melancholic face plastered onto him. "You know what you want to do, y/n. And I know I can't stop you."
"I do know what to do. The only question is; can I?"
"Yeah, I can." You say, holdig a first class plane ticket to America. Near was kind enough to buy you a ticket. Although, his phone call with Roger lasted way longer than expected. Normally it's straight to the point and over with. "Whatever." You decide
As you board the plane, you drift into thinking. What if they're different? I mean, how different could they be, right? Matt can't love jokes and games any less, and Mello.... yeah. He's probably different. Oh yeah. When he left, he didn't even say goodbye. And when Matt left, it was even harder on both of you. You two were all you had for years until you left that hell-hole house. And then you woke up one day, and he was gone, leaving nothing but a note telling you what was happening, and one singular picture of you, Matt, and Mello together, which Matt said in his note to take to your grave. You planned on it.
"Finally" you groan, rubbing your very sore behind "I thought I'd die before I got here. I sort of wish Kira had gotten to me, that was brutal. Okay, last time I flew with Near we just walked out and there was a car there. I'll just do the same thing."
As you walked throgh the glass doors of the airport, you saw a pecular looking car parked near the curb of the entrance you came out of. You looked for the driver, only to see a highly familiar face. Leaning o the front side of the car was Matt, smoking and glaring at the people around you, obviously not wanting to be there. There he was, stnding there after years. You didn't know weather to cry or punch him. Well, you did both.
You dropped your bag and ran to him, feeling tears run down your face. Matt looks at you and for a second does nothing, before his whole physique changes. He opens his arms, smiling and calling your name the same way he did when you were kids and hadn't seen each other for a couple hours. Only this time it had been years.
You jumped into his embrace, him twirling you around in pure joy, you bawling at this point, and him laughing, partly out of joy and partly out of how silly you looked. He set you downand for a couple minutes, didn't let you go, just enjoying having you around again. Until you punched him. Hard. In the chest.
"Ow! God damn." He exclaimed "What the hell?!"
"How dare you leave me and not take me with you, you bastard? You were all I had left Matt."
For the first time in your whole life, you saw Matt actually feel bad about something. He looked down, dropped his cigar and put it out. That was enough of a apology for you (he knew you hated him smoking). "You're here now, and so am I. And soon it will all be the same again. And please, y/n, don't hit me again. Mello abuses me enough, I don't need you doing it too."
As you were driving in Matt's... eccentric is the word you decided to call it... car, you began to think again about what would happen. What if Mello didn't want you there? What if he was mad at you for staying with Near? Well he left you so if he's mad about that you were going to set him straight.
Matt's car pulled up to the hideout and you got out, Matt guiding your lost in thought body through the hideout to find Mello. You began to think about how Mello looked, all baggy clothes, messy hair and big eyes. You wondered about how much he really changed because it couldn't be that mu-
Holy shit.
Well i hope you guys liked this chapter. It's relatively short but I figured it would be funny to leave it here. I'll write chapter 2 within the next two weeks ish, unless someone wants me to write sooner. ;)
Kisses xo
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rebelwrites · 4 years
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You’re Home
Clay Spenser x Reader
Gif credit @likeyoumorethelesseryoubreathe
A/N thought I’d make up for all the heartbreak I’ve caused today 😜
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Clay Spenser Masterlist
This Months Writing
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“Mummy, will daddy be home for my birthday tomorrow?” Larni asked, looking up at you with her big blue eyes as she sat on the kitchen side watching you make dinner.
“Larni baby, I don’t know” you sighed standing in front of her, placing your hands on her knees. “I haven’t spoke to him for a couple of days but he should be calling tonight, hopefully he knows when he will be heading home”
“I miss him” she pouted. “I don’t like it when he goes away”
“Neither do I pumpkin but it’s his job okay” You said softly brushing her blonde curls out of her face, she was the spitting image of Clay, even down to her mannerisms, so at times it made it harder when he was on deployment. “But tell you what, how about we stay up and have a movie night and wait for daddy to call”
Before she could respond the laptop started going off to signal Clay was calling, glancing up at the clock, it was too early for him to be calling, but it probably meant he wasn’t going to make his usual call.
“Daddddy” Larni giggled as she tried to jump off the counter but you caught her just in time.
Hitting answer on the call, you couldn’t help but smile as you saw Clay’s face pop up on the screen.
“Daddddy” Larni screamed again as she saw his face.
“Hey pumpkin” he grinned. “I miss you”
“I miss you more” she giggled touching the screen “are you going to be home for my birthday tomorrow?”
You knew by the slight falter in his smile what the answer would be.
“No baby I’m not” he sighed “that’s why I’m calling now, because we are having to go fight the bad guys tonight”
“I really wish you could be here” Larni pouted.
“So do I sweetie pie but Daddy has to save the world” Clay smiled.
“You are a blonde superhero” she giggled.
“And you have been spending to much time around Uncle Sonny” Clay laughed and in the background you heard Jase shouting him “I’m sorry this is such a short call, we gotta go for briefing, but I promise we will be home soon and when I get home we will do whatever you want for your birthday okay. And happy birthday for tomorrow princess”
“Okay Daddy” Larni nodded. “I love you to the moon and back”
“I love you too pumpkin” Clay grinned, kissing his fingers, pressing it against the camera. “Let me speak to mummy before I go”
“Hey baby” you smiled “you look tired”
“Yeah I can’t wait to sleep in my own bed that’s for sure” he laughed. “I’m sorry we aren’t gonna make it home in time”
“Clay stop apologising, we understand” you nodded “Yes it sucks but it’s your job and we are going to have a great time tomorrow so you just focus on getting back home to us in one piece and let me worry about what’s going on here”
“Copy” he laughed
“Seriously Clay hurry your ass up we gotta roll” Jase shouted walking into the shot.
“Mummy, Uncle Jase said a bad word” Larni gasped.
“We know what that means don’t we Uncle Jase” you winked.
“I need to put money in the swear jar when I get home” he said pouting. “And happy birthday nugget”
“Right I really need to go, I love you both so much” Clay grinned.
“Love you daddy” Larni grinned “Love you Uncle Jase”
“I love you baby now go before Jase punches you” you laughed, and with one final kiss blown the call ended. You hated not knowing when he would be home but you didn’t have time to focus on that, not with Larni turning 5 tomorrow.
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“I hate lying to them man” Clay sighed as he packed the laptop up, grabbing his bag and throwing it over his shoulder.
“Yeah well you wanted this to be a surprise, we have known we were flying home tonight for a week now” Jase said pushing him out of the bunk.
“I can’t wait to see their faces when we turn up” Clay smiled at the thought of being reunited with his girls.
“I think this might be nuggets favourite birthday” Jase nodded as they walked onto the plane. “Get comfy boys it’s a long flight home, get plenty of rest because we will have an excited five year old on our hands tomorrow”
After a fourteen and a half hour flight they were home and were itching to crash a five year olds party, Clay couldn’t stop grinning at the fact he would be reunited with his girls within the next hour. Tossing his bag into the back seat of the car he headed home.
The sounds of his babygirl giggling with her friends was music to his ears, each day that went by he missed that sound more and more. Now he was hearing it he swore his heart was going to burst. He just stood watching everyone from the garden gate, no one had noticed him yet which was a bonus and even if they did they wouldn’t have said anything.
He watched as you single handedly keep the food topped up and just generally being super mum.
Spinning around, you tossed so rubbish in the bin liner you were holding, when you locked eyes with Clay, you had to double take for a second to make sure your brain wasn’t playing tricks on you. The moment you realised this was real you dropped the bin bag and ran over to him, jumping into his arms the moment you were close enough, your legs wrapped tight around his waist and your arms around his neck as he spun you around.
“You’re home” you whispered as happy tears filled your eyes before your lips connected with his as he held onto you tightly.
You weren’t kissing for long when all you heard was a tiny voice.
“Eeeeewwwww that’s gross” Larni shouted making your both laugh as Clay gently placed you down on your feet before scooping Larni up in his arms, sending her into a giggling fit.
Her tiny hands went on his cheeks as she laughed at his beard.
“You look funny daddy” she giggled.
“I look funny do I?” He smirked as he kissed all over her face.
“You said you weren't going to make it” she pouted as she realised he had lied. “You know your nose grows when you lie”
“But Daddy is let off this time right?” He asked spinning her around making her giggle again “because daddy would look funny with a big nose”
“Yeah daddy’s nose is big enough” Sonny laughed as he walked by kissing Larni’s head before pulling you into a hug.
“Hang on a minute” Clay said placing Larni on the floor, crouching down to her level taking in her outfit, his grin growing wider as he realised she was wearing one of his shirts that you had tied around the waist, her bright pink tutu, black leggings, timberlands and to top it off a cap that definitely belong to Clay. “I have a little mini me”
“I’m dressed like you daddy” she grinned “well except the tutu”
“I think daddy would look good in a pink tutu nugget” Jase laughed, making Clay roll his eyes.
“I always told you she was a mini female version of you” you grinned, placing your hands on Clay’s shoulders.
“Come on daddy, you need to come on the bouncy castle” Larni grinned, placing her tiny hand in Clay’s, dragging him through the garden.
Your heart was going to burst as you watched the two people you loved the most be reunited and sharing a moment neither of them would forget as they messed around on the bouncy castle. You knew for sure this would be a birthday Larni would never forget, she didn’t care about the presents all that mattered was her daddy was home.
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@chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @supervalcsi @everyhowlmarksthedead @talicat713 @disasterfandoms @bravo-four-seal-team @thegirlwhoisalwayswriting @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @lotsoflovefromlea
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