#without actually @'ing mal
gyubby99 · 1 year
Mal x reader headcanons
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Would never stop bothering you
Pain in the ass but good pain
Likes joking around with you
Takes a candid photo of you and puts it as her screensaver
Shows you song recommendations
Snake memes
Fluffy likes you a lot
Laughs with you without a care in the world
Extremely sassy when teasing you
Updates you about the latest news ALL the time
Her love language is physical touch and she loves holding your hand
She loves resting her head on your thighs
She's ok with all body types so she definitely won't judge you
Will never let you talk bad about yourself
She loves making food for you
Food always has to be heart shaped. Doesnt care if it's mathematically impossible because IT NEEDS TO BE HEART SHAPED
Do not.. ask about the high stockings
Cuddles with you at every chance she can
Mal is the little spoon canon from me
Makes you try her Miso Soup
Kills people for you.
You would wake up with the heart of your arch nemesis in a jar on your nightstand and she'd be like "happy anniversary babe!"
Loves constant kisses
She cannot breathe for one second without holding you
Writes you poems
Grumpy firefly. Need head pat.
Will sing you "isabella's lullaby" to sleep
She bites randomly
Chaotic neutral
Always the one bringing snacks in indoors date night
Smooches you all over the face just because
Takes you out to theme park dates in Lu Lu World
Mal: *blows a kiss* this is for you baby~ *shoots the target and completely misses*
You have to deal with her dad jokes im sorry
Be ready for lots of PDA.
You have to like fluffy
She talks to u about the people she killed in the past
Cuddles with you as you both watch the final destination films- she always has something to say every ten seconds
You can naver have a peaceful horror movie night with her but it's fine because it's Mal
Will drop kick anyone who stares at you in a creepy manner
Will walk you home to ensure your safety.
Loves holding your hands from time to time and can never let go of it
Will look for you in crowds as she sings a song she secretly dedicates to you. She won't admit she'll dedicate a song to you you just have to find out.
Will caress your hair as she stares at your pretty eyes
If you have freckles congrats she counted all of them
Buys you clothes because she's that bitch
Sends u cat memes in the middle of the night and says "us ♡"
Fluffy steals her cuddles
Will not hesitate to commit crimes with you and for you
Takes home different test subjects to see if sinners can die twice and you just have to deal with that ig
Aponi tells you Mal shat her pants in 4th grade canon from me
"You're a dumbass but you're MY dumbass"
Like 69-ing
She pulls your face deeper inside her as you eat her out
She's VERY vocal
She likes knife play
Asks if you have any safe words
Likes a few drugs before sec
Mal is not opposed to 3somes actually.
She will make you c'm on each other and you both lick it off
For fem! Reader. She fingers you and puts it in your mouth
She loves Tying you down
Degrading kink
Wouldn't mind if you call her mommy OR daddy
Chokes you if you consent to it
If you tell her you don't have a safe word she comes up with one for you
Her safe word is "spark"
Pain kink
Choking kink
Mommy AND daddy kink
Knife play
Likes exploring things
Will leave hickeys and bite marks to places where everyone can see
For fem! Reader she likes eating you out while making eye contact. She has a rlly long tongue and she likes using that to her advantages when she can
Spank? No, whip.
Will call fem! Reader a good girl
She gets carried away sometimes that's why she comes up with a safe word for you
Will scream your name loudly she does not care
Wants you to spit in her mouth
Ice cube make out where you both pass ice cubes to each other's mouth without breaking the kiss are u up for it
Will seduce you on stage
Will eat fem! Reader out on period SHE DOES NOT CARE
Her aftercare is Voxflix and chill
She easily relapses- if she ever genuinely hurts you she apologizes. Even if you forgive her she's still going to think you hate her for what she did
Sh (tw) has become more of an addiction/hobby rather than a coping mechanism and it's starting to become a problem. The reason she strives for your touch is so that she can feel like you would still love her despite all the scars and pain. You're embracing her scars.
Her panic attacks include pushing people away physically because in life whenever she had a panic attack was when she was kind of defending herself from harm. So even if you dont mean any harm.. her brain was trained to feel that way.
She hates herself and there would be times where she just shuts everyone out during an episode.. and it included you.
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glitch-e-stardust · 10 months
should wait until i'm done with loop to do this, but i'd like to actually sleep tonight SO
theories and tidbits to remember is.at masterpost is a go - SPOILERS GALORE UNDER THE CUT.
is siffrin their real name? they seem to be poking at themselves at least once when they ask what kind of person can't remember their own name... is siffrin one they made up? like the king did?
obvious big question is the island. no mention of a scent of sugar i can find, and similarities to the time flashes we get when picking up stuff we already have suggests time shenanigans
BUT the red meaning breaking could also mean it's like.. some kind of shield? a shell? someone WANTED the island to be forgotten but its still there...? again i've seen enough to think i can get better info from loop so that's a big pin in that. heh...
the sadnesses that smell like sugar. i tried really hard to get siff to comment on that, especially after they fully understood what wishcraft is, but no dice. so for now i'm rolling with the idea that, given how helpful they are, the smells and the stars in their design/battle screen that they are part of siffs wish.
....sorta makes you wonder if they show up when siff isnt there
...maybe loop sent them...? that. would also provide enough prove of their ability to interfere (somewhat) subtly with the party to explain how they made it through without siff that one time..
they could also be a part of the kingdoms wish. little friends to help the saviors with their savior-ing..
why are colours gone? they didnt forget how to see them - they're just gone! where did they go. did it happen around the same time the island vanished? it sounds like that was p recent (bonnie 'remembers' forgetting, they are quite young) whereas colours disapearing is treated as a great historical mystery... so no? maybe not...
who. who cloned themselves? wheres the other one? i think this is a loop related quandry.
did the king stay at the house before taking it over...? the observatory seems to be being set up as his space, the attempts to write a forgotten name in a forgotten tongue.. the stars... idk i know there are others from their island around so it may be a co incidence
i dont think the other room is his. it's clear whatever happened there happened a long, long time ago. the books are moldering away - thats not a recent thing.
the death song sounds like laughing. its a fun touch. are the mal du pays laughing at us...? they probably should be..
that boss name is a kick in the teeth (/pos)
how do get in locked house in village? it needs a word to unlock but i never learned any more phrases for that. i know the person comes out at the end but there has to be a way in.. right?
what the heck kinda high level craft user is siff? they pull off major wish craft BY MISTAKE???? a forgotten art likely unique to their land. combined with the cloak i feel like. they used. to be someone very important... i wonder if we'll ever get info to follow up on those tidbits, given particular attention is drawn to the cloak on purpose.
OH I FORGOT. the sweet smell during wish magic and the fact siff is perpetually hungry, as well as the way they loop being a tug on the stomach. that feels... at least somewhat likely to be connected right? it still doesnt explain why siff has the ability but it might at least explain what's fueling it and why he has to eat so much (and why not eating for two days is what finally stopped him)
...i think that's all i got for now. i'll. probably come back and add more as i go. little frazzled tbh.. it's. a lot. and my brain will be rolling it around for weeks no doubt.
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graph100 · 1 year
list of slang that i have personally came up with
joe mamba - its like joe mama. can also refer to snakes.
perfectissimo - i dont think this is an actual italian word but it looks and sounds nice
gett diew - really weird way to say goddamn. pronounced like [gəʔ dʰi:ju]
whats [word]ing. ex: "whats fucking" "whats balling" alternatively with que (ex: "que [es] balling") it just means whats up but with different verb
pronous - funny misspelling of pronouns. i only ever use the correct spelling in serious situations now
al-chemy - pronounced like as if it was a german word. it doesnt really mean anything its just that our school band had a song called alchemy and i was trying to do the jan misali joke of "[word that starts with al] is actually just arabic for the [word that starts with al but without the al]" (ex: "alchemy is just arabic for "the chemy"") but nobody i know knows about definitive articles in arabic so it was only funny to me
bitchmal - it just means bitch but idk why but i just added mal to the end it sounds cool
certified - its like saying "real" or "true" for something but cooler because i made it
silly~ge (or silly~ games (or just silly~)) - describing games that are just a little silly quirky in some ways. like that one sailor moon fighting game is like silly~ like that.
forgör - this one i made up from forgor and gör because in caramelldansen lyrics they use the word gör and its weird because it sounds like pronounced like "your" so i fused them and it just means forgot
cyberpunkcore - i dont know anymore (not a definition just tired)
lorentz - bad future heisenburg from hit 2009 amc show breaking bad
jan sewi mi a - its like oh my god in toki pona but im like the only person ever to say this
thats it for now folx chatch me (holy fuck how did i spell that) catch me later for more definitons becase ik im forgetting smth
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natuska-a · 4 years
thinkin abt this today
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Time for a DnD update y'all!
Highlights included:
- we met at my place and played outside in the shade and had ice cream and it was amazing
- I finally figured out how to run the goblins in a way that made the fights an actual challenge without offsetting the balance of the encounter to much and it was GREAT
- Norlen haphazardly disguising the wagon on the side of the road by just magic-ing a bush in front of it that was woefully too small but deciding it would suffice
- Mal trying to jump into a shrub to hide but going about it a little too enthusiasticly and promptly hitting his head on a branch
- Azrui going on a perfectly rogue-ish scouting mission to map out the goblin lair and having her moment™; meanwhile Norlen and Mal hanging out in the woods outside doing dumb shit, imagined in a montage of smash cuts where they just change positions/occupations from just hanging around to napping to building a card house and other random things
- Norlen's player being (jokingly) upset about why everyone thinks his character is an egoistical jerk (Norlen's player, literally two minutes earlier: I mean, I can run faster than both you and those goblins, so running away seems like the next best plan!)
- Mal taking a swig from his flask after a desastrous reveal in a Hardened Adventurer™ kind of way, only to reveal afterwards that it's full of straight espresso, he used to work in public service after all
- "Hello, I am Norlen, and welcome to Jackass" *procedes to incinerate a whole ass goblin uncomfortably close to Azrui*
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sanktasansa · 3 years
So I finished Shadow & Bone (the TV series) and as a non-book reader, I liked it! The production value was *chef's kiss* and I really liked all of the characters and the acting. The characters were well defined and even the roles that could have annoyed me, weren't annoying because the actors brought just the right energy to bring them to life. However...I don't think I'll watch much of S2 besides whatever scenes the Darkling is in because the stakes of the plot conflict are just so... ill denfined.
Ravka and Fyerda (and Shu Han?) are at war for...reasons. It's never explained or I blinked and missed it. Is it just a land grab on all sides? Are they bored?? Bueller???
Also there is a civil war brewing...and we have no reason to care if Ravka does or doesn't stay together. The leaders on either side are rapey/ambush-y dicks; I am ambivalent.
So then you got The Darkling--who is a BAD MAN-- but he seems to be the only character interested in progressing the plot?? Because no one else has any plans to do something to major with the war?? Of course, his big idea is morally, ethically Bad because he's the Magneto, fighting for his people but in a genocidal way we don't approve of in this house! On the other hand, as a POC, I get the anxiety of "any second now the majority can turn on me/us when not outright persecuting us stops being useful to them", and that's without me personally witnessing the hundreds of years worth of atrocities done to my people. So yeah, Bad Manipulative Dude, no question, but The Darkling's motivation is clearly defined and he's brings the Epic Dramatics so no wonder he's the most popular character for the local bitches (I am local bitches). I'm just more curious to see what he does next then anyone else because I know what he wants and why it's so important to him. Also Bin Bons crushed it per usual.
I guess the Crows + Nina will be Oceans Eleven-ing and shit which will probably be fun but completely divorced from the A plot. They gave no hook for the Alina and Mal continuing story (to my show-only eyes, anyway) other than Alina wanting to eventual destroy the Fold, but it seems like she only wants to do so b/c she is hero now and that's hero shit. But honestly, I just want her to be as assertive as she was in E5. I kind of wish we had an extra episode of her training and gal paling around the Little Palace with Genya and her other girlfriends. She was so happy!
And you know, I mostly really liked Alina (Jessie is lovely) and I'm all on board with her being livid at The Darkling for his manipulations, but when she was like "You created the Fold! You killed my friends!", was I the only one like:
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No, sis; it was YOUR codependent ass got your crew ganked in the Gash because you couldn't deal with your separation anxiety! And I'm not taking any "She couldn't have known!" because she destroyed maps of a sizable place; of course they weren't gonna take just one cartographer when they got a whole team that could split the work! She had to know she gonna be signing up at least one other person for danger. I know that it's different in the book; ostensibly this change gives her more agency, but when you give a character extra agency just to do dumb shit that gets people killed--and then it's never use for character or plot development-- what have you really achieved?
Shipwise, I feel perturbed that by the end of 8 episodes we already know that 90% of the ships are all A) requited, B) genuine, and C) the only thing keeping the two parties apart is personal baggage to could be worked on through consistent communication (granted, Nina and Matthias have a more complex situation but at the base is trust issues). All that is left is the actual getting together which is like, the least interesting part because we already can tell they all will be functional-ish couples. Idk it just feels like Netflix really shot their wad there.
And then...there's dysfunctional Darklina. Listen, no argument that it's toxic, but at least what pulls them together and what keeps them apart are connected both with specific character psychology AND Themes (i.e. ideology clashes, yin yang, magic soul connection, lonely gods, etc. etc.). That's that good angsty depressing Russian shit with a little German Strum und Drang b/c Alesi be spilling his emotions all over the place like mom's spaghetti! And whatever happens with them could actually effect the Big Picture (the saints have granted The Darkling a soulmate and he's making it everyone's problem), so high stakes. Also, listen man: they got nice horny chemistry 🤷🏽‍♀️. Don't @ me about how it's toxic; of course it is toxic, everyone is clear on this, including (and most importantly) the narrative, but in the absence of complex plot, imo (IMO!) it's the part of the story that is most dynamic; dynamics are entertaining, yo. It's gonna end badly (probably?) and I'm ready for the catharsis!
As for S2: I know there is a Lovable Rouge waiting in the wings, so perhaps that casting will intice me to watch the whole season. Regardless of my viewership, I really hope they get renewed ; this cast deserves to be employed and wearing beautiful keftas for years!
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dylanobrienisbatman · 3 years
Ok honestly, a part of me thinks that Alina could’ve ended up like the Darkling if it weren’t for her having Mal as a friend. Like yeah, she was bullied and picked on quite a bit in the orphanage, but she was never alone. Never lonely.
..... So... i made a whole big ole rant-ing post only to realise i misread this !!!!!!!!! i'm SO sorry!! thanks to @hopskipaway for pointing out my error lol! So, lets try this again now that I actually know what you were talking about... sorry!!!
--- Alina being like the Darkling! It's an interesting concept actually, the idea that without Mal, she would have become something like him. I think part of my original very salty response actually does apply here, but in a different way! So, if Mal hadn't existed, Alina would have probably ended up in the Little Palace when she was really young, after she was tested. That means that little pre-teen Alina would have been sent straight into the waiting grasp of the Darkling, without Mal existing to fight for her and protect her. She would have been abused, manipulated, taken advantage of, and probably enslaved (if the Darkling had been able to find the Stag... which... would he? Could he find it without Mal? that's a whole different discussion!!). So the psychology of who Alina is as a person would be totally different! However, I still have trouble imagining her ending up like the Darkling, just in the sense that he is really a very, very different person than she is, like to her core. When you get to his chapters in Rule of Wolves, you see that he has a complete disregard for the lives of anyone but himself. You can assume that from his actions in the trilogy, but the glimpse into his psyche that we get from his POV chapters really makes it very clear. Even his most ardent supporters, they are all just tools for him, they all exist simply to serve a purpose in his master plan. I think even if Alina was abused and controlled from a very young age, there is still a part of her that is so intrinsically good that she would never be able to really go full 'evil' the way he has. I think the closest she gets in the books is after Mal dies in Ruin and Rising. If Mal had stayed dead, I could see her fully loosing her grip on reality and going totally insane with power, and, considering at that point she has the power of all three amplifiers, if she didn't lose the power at that point like she does in the story, I think it would have over taken her, much the way the power of the Merzost did the Darkling, and she could have maybe gone to the dark side. (She would have definitely still killed Darkles, lets be clear. She would have merked his shadow ass and then gone on a rampage, but still. He's dead in every scenario.) However, in this scenario, Mal doesn't exist. So whether or not she'd be able to even find the other two amplifiers is debatable, and, more importantly, the catalyst to her descent into darkness is no longer there. So Alina would have to find a way to the dark side without that traumatic event, and idk if that's really possible.
I think she would have ended up more like Zoya, if I'm being honest. Zoya, in the first book, is needlessly cruel and vicious to anyone who threatens her status at the Little Palace, specifically as the Darkling's favoured student. She is cold and she seemingly doesn't give a damn about anything or anyone besides her own power and her own status. The Darkling's abuse of Zoya was much the same as his abuse of Alina. This constant push for her to believe that nobody was as special as her, nobody was as powerful as them, nobody was as important as them, it created this internal struggle where Zoya had been groomed into believing that anything the Darkling asked of her was acceptable because she was special, and the two of them were going to "change the world". Alina growing up under those same circumstances, I think it would have affected her similarly. I think she would have ended up bitter, lonely, and so paranoid about loosing her status and her power that it would have made her cruel.
I don't think she would have necessarily ended up as cruel and evil as the Darkling, but also, time would have told us if that was true. What would Alina look like after a century, two, three, five? What would she look like if she spent her entire life convinced that nobody in the world was as important as her, as powerful as her, that nobody on earth mattered as much as she did? What does that kind of psychological twisting do to a person? But I think the most crucial difference is that The Darkling believed that all on his own. The Darkling saw his power as a mark of his importance. He believed that his power put him above everyone else. Alina never believed that, and if she came to believe that, it wouldn't be because it was something she came to believe on her own, it would be because someone powerful who was grooming and abusing her convinced her that that was true, much like Zoya.
So while I do agree that yeah, there are paths that Alina could have taken in which she turned towards the greed and darkness that the Darkling inhabits, I don't think she could ever be like him, because, at his core, the Darkling is an evil man who believes that nobody in the world matters as much as he does, whereas Alina, through the entire story, always believed in the goodness and the value of the everyman. Alina always believed that the people around her were worth fighting to save.
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Wow uh I’d really love to read that Crystal interview 👀👀👀 I always love reading his stories they’re all fantastic. So um what exactly did he do for Roger? I mean I know he was technically his personal manager/assistant but was there actually all that much “managing��� going on? Because based on his stories I’m not so sure there was 🤔 which is what I assume your “personal manager still loling” tag is getting at yes? jfjsgjgshsgs Anyway i can’t imagine anyone in that band ever being managed tbh especially not Roger. Oh btw was he ALWAYS with Roger? Or just occasionally when Roger needed him?
LOL, ‘what exactly did he do for Roger’, I’m sure he often asked himself that...
OK, here we have to distinguish slightly between real life, where one very successful adult male employed another adult male in a professional context, exactly to make life easier for him in various ways so that he could focus on making music, and fandom ‘roger and crystal’ where Roger is anything between giant BABY and walking disaster. I think a lot of us when we see Roger and Crystal go into ‘fandom roger and crystal’ mode. Crystal’s stories do tend towards that view of things, but that’s I think quite nice and clever on his part - his stories put Roger in a comical light but never make him out to be nasty or sordid, and he doesn’t say things that would make Roger’s then-girlfriend Dominique or his children upset. None of the ‘phwoar, life on the road, fifty girls every night, let me tell you’ attitude that you find in some roadies. Roger as far as I know has never actually spoken about Crystal on the record other than occasional references during the time Crystal was employed by the Queen organisation which are all positive.
So now my take on what Crystal’s role actually involved. He started out as Roger’s roadie pure and simple. After a certain point he, and I think Ratty, were added to Queen’s payroll so that they were permanent employees and not just hired when the band were on tour. Partly, at a time when they were recording all over the place, this enabled Roger to have his ever more complicated drums moved through customs as necessary, but it also meant that Crystal was there to do for Roger some of the stuff that Paul Prenter did for Freddie - the tedious practical things to do with travel that no-one really enjoys (have you got your passport?) but also like a lot of really good roadie assistants - Mal Evans with the Beatles or Bob Pridden with The Who - he became a personal assistant/gopher/trusted companion. I think it’s really interesting that this happened at a time when the band’s longtime friend/roadie John Harris had to leave because of illness, and also the band was slightly starting to separate out - John and Brian often travelling with wife and children, and they both had kids a couple of years before Roger started - and Freddie starting to hang out with boyfriends and a gay entourage. While Roger and Freddie remained good friends, if all the stories are true, they both wanted to do a lot of offstage shagging, only in rather different directions.
So Crystal’s role changed over time to someone who was, yes, paid to be Roger’s attendant, wing man, and go-to person to do anything from the roadie stuff to more personal assistant style work, but also someone Roger could rely on to be supportive and effective but also good fun, not out to screw Roger over either in money or in selling him out to the press, and, probably, not a pushover. It’s really hard to tell how much he actually had to do, but some of the stories suggest that while the band were recording he was ‘on-call’ (like the one wher he is living ‘on campus’ in Duckingham Palace) and others that when they weren’t working, he had his own life, but if Roger called and said ‘fancy a trip to Monaco’ he would probably be expected to go unless he had a really good reason not to.
My favourite Roger and Crystal story is the one about ski-ing. Crystal is expected to go on the Alps trip, that’s his personal assistant role, but Roger made a whole big effort to take Crystal for ski-ing lessons in Aviemore so that he could enjoy himself the next time they went ski-ing in the Alps. By the standards of personal assistants, that’s being a prince among employers. You can see why Crystal put up with the fact that he was working for someone who couldn’t get in a car without it blowing him up...
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dani-luminae · 4 years
Before the beginning, and POV
I’m working on the next chapter of Good to be Bad: A Disney Descendants Twisted Tale, so this ask will be answered in relation to that!
Under the cut ‘cause it’s a little long.
Mal and Ben actually did have a disagreement over the use of applications when it came to getting kids off the Isle of the Lost. Ben didn’t think the applications were necessary, and he definitely didn’t think the whole “who’s your favorite VK?” question was needed. He left that conversation feeling slightly like Mal was using all of this as an ego boost or a popularity contest instead of an actual proclamation that hundreds of children’s freedom relied upon. He didn’t tell her at the time, of course, because he didn’t want to turn a disagreement into a full-out fight.
POV: okay, this one’s a little tricky, because the story is written in third-person, but I’ll try to write a bit from first-person in Celia’s shoes! For the ‘steal the ember from Hades’ scene.
“Alright,” Carlos said with a deep breath. “Let's go challenge the Lord of the Underworld and hope he doesn't steal our souls.” We all shared his sarcastic enthusiasm.
We set off through the trees, trying to be sneaky as possible so Hades didn’t hear us coming. Even though the idea of trying to face Hades, with his full powers, was terrifying, I felt a little thrill – he wasn’t the only one with powers. It was time to see what my shadow and I could do. Dad always told me stories about his shadow, back when it was still alive, and my joy when I came to Auradon and saw my shadow move on her own for the first time was indescribable. Now it was time to put my power to the test. We needed that ember, and my shadow could get it for us.
But I guess we weren’t as sneaky as we’d hoped. “I know you're there!” Hades shouted through the trees, startling Carlos and making him jump. “Sneaking up on me won't work... I thought you were a better planner than that, Mally.”
All of us froze like statues. Mal looked irritated at that name. ‘Mally’? What was that about? I wondered. “Don’t call me that,” Mal said, striding forward again. Carlos and I dashed through the trees, trying to follow the plan – we had to surround Hades. My shadow had to get as close to him as possible, without him noticing.
Hades glanced around at all of us. But he didn’t seem concerned – why should he be concerned when he was powerful again? What chance did five teens stand against him? He would find out, sooner or later. “What are you doing here?” He leered at Mal. “You're a long way from home.”
Mal paused for a moment, and then she said the most shocking thing. “Let’s call it a family visit,” she said slowly, and Hades looked at her like she had lost her mind. Then, Mal announced casually, “Hi, Dad.”
We were all shocked into silence, even Hades. But he was the first to react, laughing it off. “Aw, how sweet of you. You brought all your friends just for a family reunion? I'd say I'm touched, but, sadly, I know better. You're not getting your powers back.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the ember.
Now was our chance! My shadow crept through the trees, stealing closer. Mal seemed undaunted by our shock, and that was good, because she kept Hades’ attention on her. “You think I'm here for my powers? I'm here for something even grander,” she announced, suddenly holding out her hand. “Give me the ember.”
Of course Hades wouldn’t give her the ember. Distracted as he was by Mal’s absurd request, he completely missed my shadow slipping through the trees behind him. He stepped back from Mal, holding the ember behind him, keeping it far from her. It would be all too easy to grab… “Oh, don't fool yourself,” Hades said to Mal, like she was a silly child. “You couldn't even use it. You're only half-Hades.”
My shadow wasn’t close enough to grab the ember yet. All she needed was just a few more seconds, maybe a minute. It was tricky, admittedly, when the very first test of our abilities was such a vital task. Mal caught my glance and lowered her hand, working to keep Hades distracted. “Alright, then, let's go for something different,” She decided. “The King of Mean, who set you free. What do you know about him?”
There was a tense moment of solid silence. Evie, Jay, Carlos and I didn’t say anything, or hardly even move. The situation was tense enough, and if we said the wrong thing or made the wrong move, we were all done for. Hades stalled for a few seconds, but he still didn’t know anything that was happening behind him. “Not much,” he answered. “Originally, he only wanted to free the kids from the island. How noble of the guy, right? But I convinced him to set us all free, to let us handle the heroes so they didn't fight him. He was monologue-ing all about taking back his power somehow. He's quite the dramatic sort. Can't tell you much else, because I don't know much else. He's the head of the operation. Everything that's happened is because of him.” He concluded with a nod and a smile, like he was proud of himself for negotiating their freedom too.
Mal nodded slowly. “And he has Mom's scepter,” she said.
Hades rolled his eyes. “Yeah, he's got the scepter, the stupid kid. He's only your age, maybe. He's either pretty cocky to think he can handle its power, or he's got nothing to lose. Either way, almost makes me feel sad for the kid. That scepter's power is going to chew him up and spit him out – ”
Right at that moment, my shadow struck, nabbing the ember right out of Hades’ hand.
I couldn’t help my proud, victorious grin. She’d done it! My shadow had succeeded! We had the ember. But as Hades whirled around in anger, he spotted me in the trees. “Of course,” he snarled, “Facilier’s kid…” He spun around, back to Mal. “Your plans was far too obvious, Mally. ’Get the bad guy to blather while you take his weapon,’ and I thought you could come up with better plans than that! No matter. YOU'LL ALL REGRET THIS!”
Hades turned and shot a blast of fire at the trees where Carlos and I stood. Luckily, it missed us, and we took off running towards the other side of the forest, where there was a beach, the seawater, and hopefully, safety.
I enjoyed answering this ask! Feel free to send more about any of the writing-related things I reblogged!
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popatochisssp · 6 years
Are any of the skeletons into D&D? What classes do you think they'd play? Do any prefer DM-ing to being a player?
Believe it or not, I am prepared for this ask! >:D
…but please forgive any inaccuracies of actual D&D gameplay because I personally have only done two or three sessions because our group was too rowdy and meandering for a DM who couldn’t corral us properly and after awhile we started playing Hearts instead to keep from stressing him out.
So! I definitely don’t feel like D&D would’ve been a thing Underground for anybody, so I’m going to answer this from a lens of somebody looping them into it on the surface and them giving it a try for the first time!
Sans (Undertale): Wizard; any DM’s worst nightmare, all his dice rolls are suspiciously perfect and he always seems to know all the campaign’s carefully hidden secrets but nobody can effectively call him on his cheating. He just keeps saying “a wizard did it,” and everybody in the party has absolutely wanted to kill him at least once. Probably does something to get himself banned, sooner or later, and then he’ll just lurk around eating snacks and being the peanut gallery. He is also preemptively banned from DM-ing, everybody just knows, instinctively, what a shit-show it would be.
Papyrus (Undertale): Paladin; a model player, he follows the rules and sticks to the objective, happy to collaborate with his party members in whatever way they need him to. He goes absolutely hog wild for any battles he gets into, though, and loves describing his heroic action scenes in vibrant detail–to the point that his party members learn the best time for a bathroom break is when he’s waxing poetic about the sing of sword against sword and they can be gone for a few minutes without missing anything important. He’d be a good DM and would probably enjoy running challenging campaigns for his friends, but he personally prefers playing over DM-ing. It’s more exciting being in the thick of it!
Sky (Underswap Sans): Fighter; also a pretty good guy to play with, he’s as skilled as Sans Classic at picking up little hints and tells about secrets and important things, but he also has enough respect for the game and the DM not to spoil everything or purposefully go against the grain. He’s a DM’s dream because he’ll subtly keep the party on track and if there’s any hints the DM is giving off about what they hope the party will do next, Sky may try to play into it so the story runs the way it’s supposed to. He likes the game in small doses, but he’d never DM himself or pick it up as a main hobby, he’s not great at sitting still for long periods and prefers to do more active stuff.
Paps (Underswap Papyrus): Bard; he’s every terrible stereotype about his class that you’ve ever heard. If it’s sentient, he will try to roll to seduce it, plus a million other silly things that get him and his party into trouble. He thrives on the looks of exasperation, amusement, and sometimes horror that it gets him. The only hope a DM has of reining in his cavorting nonsense a little is by having a compelling storyline– if they can get him invested in where the story’s going, he’ll more or less play by the rules if only so he can find out what’s going to happen next. One thing… he is very stubborn in some cases and is absolutely the type to argue with the DM over things that don’t make sense to him. “what do you mean, he still died? i gave him a bandage, no, he should’ve lived, you’re just killing off some poor npc arbitrarily, that’s dumb.” He might be a pretty decent DM himself, but he’s also probably not passionate enough to run a campaign for more than two or three sessions before getting some combination of bored or frustrated and not wanting to do it anymore.
Jasper (Underfell Sans): Rogue; absolutely a dark horse, he is a surprisingly good player and takes it more seriously than you might guess. He won’t go full-on roleplay, but he’ll play the campaign straight aside from picking a pocket or two, stealing random shit here and there and generally be a good asset to his party. Mentally, he treats it the same as a video game: do whatever side-quests are necessary and minimize fucking around in order to complete the objective. As serious as his character may be, though, he himself will be cracking a lot of jokes during sessions, usually making fun of somebody for being a dumbass or failing a roll, and he doesn’t have a lot of respect for the DM. He’ll treat their word as law and all, but there will be a lot of grumbling if he doesn’t agree, plus plenty of eye-light-rolling and passive-aggressive sighing. Would never DM for himself, that’s way too much work for something this nerdy.
Pyre (Underfell Papyrus): Ranger; takes it pretty seriously, too, but depending on how all-in the rest of the party is…maybe too seriously? He’ll definitely do the full-on roleplay thing and have a whole intricate backstory made up for his character that will probably never come up, but he needed it! For his motivation! He’s easily frustrated by bad rolls and things not going the way he wanted, but he’s more bark than bite so once he yells a little about the injustice of it all and gets it out of his system, he’ll settle down and just get back to the game. He’ll get pretty peeved at players who don’t take it even a little bit seriously, though, or ones who do things that don’t fit with what their character would actually do– what’s the point of even playing this game if you’re not going to play it?! He would never actually want to DM because uncooperative players trying to derail his elaborate campaign would really piss him off and he knows it, plus he wouldn’t be able to roleplay and that’s his favorite part.
Mal (Swapfell Sans): Warlock; he’s not a great pick for this, honestly, even though he’ll definitely give it his all. He’s very tactical and a great asset to his party in that sense as he’ll always know who needs to have what and the best strategies to use to achieve the objective, personalized from player to player. The only downside is that he’s very impatient and very much of a control freak: he wants to be in charge of the party so they can accomplish this quickly, and any world-building, flower-sniffing, or meandering is going to really tick him off. He sees the campaign as a task that he needs to get done and if he perceives his party to be dragging their heels, they become obstacles in his mind and he’ll start asking the DM if he can just split off on his own. If the Great All Powerful Evil kills him, that’d be fine, the other players can just lower his character’s casket in the ground so they can let him down one last time! You can see how he’d be not too fun to play with if you’re just in it for a good time. He’d make a decent DM with a cooperative group of players, but if there are any trolls in the bunch that won’t play the game right, he’ll definitely get pissy and if it goes on long or far enough, he’s not above a good old-fashioned rage quit. Creative stuff is just…not his thing.
Rus (Swapfell Papyrus): Sorcerer; the first couple of sessions are going to be very awkward. He’s a little nervous in groups and very concerned about doing a Wrong Thing that will make somebody mad at him, so he stays pretty quiet and a common phrase out of him is, “i dunno, what should i do?” But as long as he’s with a good group of players who are willing to help him out and don’t get shouty over little stuff, he’ll get a bit more comfortable and start doing stuff on his own–though he’ll still double-check a lot with whoever seems to be the leader of the party and will be pretty conscious of places he could conceivably be stepping on someone’s toes so he can avoid them altogether. He could very easily come to like the game and if it’s an inspiring enough campaign with characters he likes, he may be a sweetheart and draw some peoples’ characters for them or stuff for the DM to use. Would not DM himself, though, that’s way too much pressure.
Slate (Horrortale Sans): Druid; he’ll try but this kinda game is just really not for him. He forgets a ton of stuff between sessions–especially if they’re far apart, and they usually are because schedules suck–and he has to spend more time asking questions about what the hell happened last time or those other times than he spends actually playing. If the DM’s accommodating or he has a buddy in the party who can give him a recap of all the relevant stuff as it comes back around, he might do…okay? But he’s not really going to be having fun, it’s mostly just him alternating between being confused and then frustrated at himself for being confused. He’d definitely pass on DM-ing for the same reason, little details are important in a campaign and if he can’t remember them, it won’t be as good for everyone else. Probably best if he sits this particular hobby out.
Papy (Horrortale Papyrus): Monk; he loves it just about as much as Papyrus Classic does! The only difference is that he tries to avoid battles where he can: his view of conflict isn’t quite as romanticized as it used to be and he thinks of it more as a necessary evil. That said, when there is a fight, he won’t hold back (dice rolls permitting), especially if his inaction might mean something bad for his fellow players! He’s very empathic as a player himself, so if there’s a befriendable enemy or something a party member needs that he can help with, he’s all over it–and if ever a dramatic sacrifice is necessary, he’ll be the one to heroically fall on the sword. Overall a great guy to play with, not the least because he usually takes it upon himself to bring snacks for everybody like a mom. Would like to DM someday, but needs awhile to build up the confidence, and that’s fine! It just means that when he’s ready for it, he’ll have had plenty of time to draft up a killer campaign that his players will love.
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mvlonc · 5 years
hello hey what’s good hunnies, i’m rollin up late but uh !!  my name’s maia, 25 y/o living it up it up in the ast part of the world and uh listen i don’t have discord bc i’m a literal grandma when it comes to keeping up with all the new means of being social lmao so if you would like to chat and/or plot?? just shoot me an im on here — i’m usually always mobile & i obviously love to talk a lot !  and i’m a heaux for dramatic / angst-fuelled plots .. just a little fyi … i’m excited !! so anyway !!!  onto the Idiot of the Hour you’re actually here to read about; my darling malone. i have a pinterest board for him  HERE  , a playlist for him  HERE  , his stats page set up  HERE  , and a connections page  HERE  which as you can see is bare as all hell so let’s plot <3
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have you seen  MALONE SINCLAIR  since the storm? some say they look like  DACRE MONTGOMERY  but they’re  22   & go by  THE LOTHARIO .   HE  lived in halloway for  EIGHT YEARS  & they are originally from  MANHATTAN, NY . before the town vanished they were studying  BIOLOGY  and lived at  UNI BLVD . most people knew the  CIS MALE  as  BODACIOUS  but i’ve heard they can also be  EVASIVE . for some reason, they feel  UNEASY  about the town’s disappearance.
okay so homeboy here has had it pretty easy his entire life. his dad works relentlessly as chief of neurosurgery in lower manhattan and his step-mom had worked as a prestigious legal practitioner; one of the most sought out lawyers in the state, and later, a socialite. like the infamous philosopher dr justin roberts once said: “six figures, i was only four”, malone was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. while most would assume he’s a straight up trust fund punk, though, he inherited his father’s impeccable work ethic to a fault.
as an only child and therefore sole heir to the sinclair estate, his parents have been on mal’s ass his entire life to give his absolute best in everything he does. health, school, sports, friendships, relationships, the whole shebang. his marks were always near the top of his class, he excelled at his two favourite sports; hockey during the winter, baseball during the summer. but it wasn’t until he hit his mid adolescent years, started developing an interest in girls ( whom he once thought were riddled with cooties ), that his focus faltered a wee bit and good lil o’malley boy started being a teenager.
embracing his lavish lifestyle and all the popularity / opportunities it handed him on a silver platter basically, mal was ho-ing himself around, partying it up with the elite crowd, earning himself a pretty risque rep among his peers. it wasn’t until he met his first actual serious girlfriend that he did his best to tone it tf down. and it worked, for awhile. but !! of course he fucked it all up and even though what’s done is done, he has big regrets. BIG regrets. mainly bc girl went absolutely wild and took a baseball bat to the ferrari his parents had waiting for him for his 16th birthday yikes.
sO after this wild series of events, his step-mom urged the family to move back to his dad’s hometown in halloway, new hampsire. it was within reasonable travel distance for senior sinclair to fly back and forth for work, and the town seemed a lot more quaint and quiet compared to manhattan, somewhere malone could focus better on his studies. no matter how defiantly he protested, delivering as many good points to stay in new york as he possibly could to his parents, their minds were made up and so malone spent his high school years in halloway. of course, he still stirred up his fair share of drama just as he did in manhattan, and continued to party with the best of them.
after graduating high school with exemplary marks, instead of taking the opportunity to potentially thrive in the big leagues of the sports world, malone opted to stick to his roots, following in his dad’s footsteps. he got accepted into halloway university as a pre-med student, studying all the biological sciences, and would be entering his senior year come september... until shit hit the fan and all hell broke loose rip. at first, the idea of living without any sort of authority figure attempting to keep him in line was thrilling to the young man. he took full advantage of this with the rest of his fellow university students, partying it up to celebrate the end of the world. but as the days went on, malone felt ... uneasy about the false liberated situation they were in. 
what had happened to everyone’s parents? his parents? why hadn’t anyone tried to contact them, or come back for them (wherever the adults went)? were they all really left to fend for themselves - had they actually been abandoned? he’s actually pretty pissed at the thought, and also saddened but that’s not something openly he shares with the others. for now, he’s cooperatively working with the group to ensure their survival until somebody - anybody - comes back to take them to wherever it is he assumes the adults are doing the same.
wanted connections ; 1) ok so uh he obviously needs his boy(s), 1 or 2 who he’s pretty dang close with. they travelled together, were each others’ wingmen at one time or another, always have each others’ backs through thick & thin. it’d be cool if their parents had been friends and so the boys kinda grew up together like brothers. 2) also on that note, maybe a fella he’s experimenting with?? bc he’s a bicurious soul, potentially bisexual, so that would be a loAD of angst huh. 3) he need him some fwb / hook up type deals, whether they be a regular occurrence or a one time thing. 4) ex gfs!! i don’t see him having like… a SHIT load of exes bc he tries to stay away from relationships but probably anywhere between 1-3?? whether they be on good terms, bad terms, lingering feelings, etc. i’m cool with whatever. 5) maybe somebody he tutored?? bc while he gives off mad Big Dick energy and tends to think with that head lmao, mal is actually very intelligent. 6) how about some enemies tho. like… idk man i’m SURE there are ppl he rubs the wrong way bc he’s kind of narcissistic lmao. or maybe they think he’s fake. or maybe there’s some sports rivalry or classic case of polar opposites or he broke ur bff’s heart?? the possibilities are endless.
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dafuqqqqqqq · 4 years
My thoughts on “Shadow & Bone” no one asked for (Part 2)
You can find part one, where I put the story in context and talk about imagery, here.
Let’s talk about the love triangle.
Personally? I love a love triangle. The angst! The choices! The representation of what all of this could be! Lemme tell you something though: both👏🏾love👏🏾interests👏🏾SUCKED👏🏾
The reasons I hated Mal’s presentation as a love interest are many, but I’ll start with I THOUGHT HE WAS LIKE HER BROTHER. We meet them in the orphanage and they’re “a boy and a girl” who grew protective of each other and sought refuge in each other against adults. That first chapter is all about them growing up and honestly all of it sounded very brother and sister to me. (Am I just gay? Sure but also, I don’t think that’s what this was lol.)
When she mentions the butterflies in her stomach in the next part I thought, “hm, that’s weird.” And kept reading and was like, “that’s suspicious.” And when she finally, explicitly states that she did have feelings for him, I was of course first grossed out, and then second confused. I had to re-read the first chapter. It felt like she was Avril Lavigne-ing her way through the ground work and it’s like YES, LEIGH BARDUGO, I NEED YOU TO MAKE THIS *MANY* MORE OBVIOUS. Pardon the pun. 
My other beef with Mal is the way he treats her, even at the beginning of the book. I’m down for Alina’s character pining over someone she feels doesn’t see her, that’s fine. But at that point, he wasn’t even being a good friend. Let alone someone she could be with. I would’ve loved a story arc where they both realize that. Because it’s not just him ignoring her as a potential love interest: we can all be into or not be into the people around us, obviously. But that doesn’t change that he took her for granted and really only went to her when he felt like he needed a close friend, but ever bothered reciprocating that. However, being a little shit? Something a brother would do. And! The story would still hold up, as far as both of them being willing to sacrifice themselves for each other. Just saying.
I won’t get into Alina & The Darkling because I get why that was written the way it was written. With that relationship, Bardugo did a solid job of foreshadowing and setting up her dominoes to tumble at just the right time.
And this next part might just be my gay little heart doing the reading but GENYA WAS RIGHT THERE OMGGGG. The first time we meet her, Alina *LITERALLY* says, “She was easily the most beautiful person I’d ever seen.” And then the proceed to be besties! Just feels like an aggressively heterosexual move. Oh my goddd the potential this had. Genya is technically below Alina in the social strata, but it’s one that Alina is new to, so like of course they bonded. Them being friends has already introduced a bit of awkwardness, but if they were together? It’s giving me Titanic; I’m getting Monster in Law; like. This is the angst! 
Genya is a good friend! She treats Alina with care, they don’t judge each other. Because they were so good as friends, they would have been AMAZING as a couple, and it would’ve upped the emotional stakes when they see each other in Kribirsk. Smh!
And now, the part where Alina fails her own Bechdel test.
Alina. Girl. Actually Alina, this isn’t your fault. Leigh Bardugo, why did you give this girl absolutely no motivations outside of her love interests? We discover power as she tries to save Mal, sure. But then she learns how to control it when she lets go of him. She figures out the amplifier when she needs to save him again, I meannnnnn. She mentions Ravka a few times, but it always feels like an afterthought.
Collins, Adeyemi, and Jemisin all gave their leads love interests and all of those love interests developed alongside an internal conflict, therefore they were part of a larger story. Bardugo lays a strong foundation of world building and then doesn’t give us the richness we get from Orïsha, for example: the country in Adeyemi’s text that, like Bardugo’s Ravka, builds story off of the social stratification between those who do and don’t have magic. However, because Zélie finds romance in pursuit of her goal, as opposed to that being Alina’s goal, it feels a lot richer.
TL,DR: Shadow & Bone ticks all the boxes on your YA bingo card without bringing anything new to the table. The characters feel underdeveloped and the imagery feels stale. In terms of passing the time, it’s fine, but don’t expect to be blown away.
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lattetudes · 7 years
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requested by @atnuka idioms + expressions list. mostly idioms. an idiom, as defined by the dictionary of cambridge, is a group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word on its own.
coucou! french idioms. it’s about all authenticity and truly investing yourself in the pathway towards fluency.  you are going to get confused when you hear expressions like fat morning or to drink like a hole. that’s inevitable, confusion is a part of learning. making mistakes is a part of learning. you may be able to translate these expressions literally, but knowing the figurative definitions and fundamental meanings beyond a fixed group of words is much more important. i’m going to say this once, and i’ll probably say it again: when trying to reach fluency in a language such as french, do NOT translate everything LITERALLY, especially if you’re doing more complicated work. just don’t do it. it will lead to problems down the line, i can promise you that. french and english for example, differ in nature, structural systems, phonetics, many (many) aspects of grammar, basic sentence construction, syntax, semantics, rhythm, etc. it’s essential to realize what some languages require linguistically / socially, and what some do not. 
i wanted to include so many more, so if you guys want a part two i’d totally be open to writing one.
resources of choice
if you’d like to search for more french idioms, google them in french “expressions idiomatiques en français”, not in english “popular french idioms”. you’re bound to get more accurate results that way as they’re more often than not written by actual french writers / authors / bloggers.
thank you for 7K followers! i’m planning to do something very special @8.5K. vote on upcoming masterposts
french movie and song playlist
french proverbs: a guide
french idioms and expressions, part two? 
idioms, a-z
au fur et à mésure - as one goes along
à l’eau de rose - sentimental, insipid, bland - usually refers to a book or movie.
à bout de souffle - breathless, out of breath; on its last legs
avoir l’air crevé - to look exhausted. 
avoir d’autres chats à fouetter - to have better things to do
ah la vache - holy cow, oh my god
avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre - your eyes are bigger than your stomach
au pif -  a general estimate.
avoir le cafard - to lack morale, to be so bored that you’re depressed.
avoir la banane (pêche, patate) - to feel happy, to be in high spirits.
avoir une faim de loup - to be extremely hungry, to be starving
avoir une peur bleue de - to be scared to death of something, to be extremely terrified of something.
avoir la flemme - to be lazy.
aller au droit au but - to go straight to the point
bourrer le crâne - refers to an ill-informed individual
bouge ton cul! - move your ass, hurry up
boire comme un trou - to drink heavily.
brève de comptoir - a one liner
boire un coup - to have a drink
croire dur comme fer - to firmly, strongly believe
ça marche - that works, alright, okay.
ça craint - this/that sucks
ca lui prendre au bout de nez - he/she’s got it coming
ca va barder - shit is going to hit the fan
c’est la fin des haricots - it’s the end, there’s nothing left
casse-toi - get lost
c’est nickel - it’s all good, it’s spotless
c’est casse-couilles, c’est coton - it’s a pain in the ass
coûter les yeux de la tête - to cost an arm and a leg, to cost a fortune
con comme la lune - particularly stupid.
devenir chèvre - describes a state of extreme anger, rage
dire ses quatre vêrités - to tell it like it is.
en avoir marre (j’en ai marre) - to be fed up with something, someone
en avoir rien à foutre/faire -  to not give a shit, to not give damn
en avoir ras le bol - to be fed up with something, sick of something
être canon - to be hot, to fit someone’s standards of beauty
être crevé - to be extremely tired, exhausted
être en train de - be + ing
être paf, être ivre - to be drunk, to be stoned 
être chiant - to be annoying
être à l’ouest - to be spaced out
être mal en point - to be in a bad state
en prendre de la graine - to take a page from someone’s book
fais gaffe - watch out, be careful
faire une nuit blanche - to pull an all-nighter
faire flanelle - to abstain from doing something, to do nothing.
faire un tabac - to be a hit
faire une croix sur - to write something off, to kiss someone goodbye, to give up on
faire la sourde oreille - to turn a deaf ear, to pretend to ignore someone
faire le pont - to take a long weekend
faire la grasse matinée - to sleep in
friser le ridicule - to be a laughing stock
faire la tête - to sulk
jeter l’argent par les fenêtres - to splurge, to carelessly waste money
(jeter) un coup d’oeil - to take a look, to glance at something
larguer quelqu’un - to break up with someone
manger sur le pouce - to eat on the go
mettre du piment dans sa vie - to spice up one’s life.
mise en abyme - the story within, a story within a story
ne pas y aller de main morte - to not pull one’s punches
ne pas sorti de l’auberge - to be well and truly in it, to not be out of the woods
n’y voir que de feu - to be clueless
pleuvoir des cordes - to be raining cats and dogs
pleurer comme une madeleine - to cry your eyes out
prendre la téte - to drive crazy, to give yourself a headache
prendre son courage à deux mains - to summon the courage to do something
point barre! - period, that’s that
prendre quelqu’un la main dans le sac - to catch someone red-handed
prendre ses jambes à son cou - to run for one’s life
poser un lapin à quelqu’un - to stand somebody up
quelque chose qui cloche - to not add up, there’s something wrong
raconter des salades - to talk bullshit, to bullshit
ramener sa fraise - to join a conversation without being invited to do so, get your ass over here.
revenons à nos moutons - let’s get back on topic
s’envoyer en l’air - to get laid, to have sex.
sage comme une image - quiet as a mouse 
sur un coup de tête - on an impulse, on a whim
se casser la gueule - to hurt someone (/fall down), to smash someone’s face in [humor, loose translation]
sentir le sapin - to have one foot in the grave
se ronger les sangs - to be worried to death
se faire une belle jambe - to make oneself look good
s’en mettre plein les poches - to line your pockets.
ta gueule - shut up
tomber dans les pommes - to faint
tenir au courant - to keep up to date, to keep posted
tomber dans le panneau - to fall into a trap
tomber des nues - to be shocked, to be flabbergasted 
tout craché - spitting image
tourner au vinaigre - to get out of control, to get nasty
tu m’étonne - tell me something i don’t know. [ironic]
un coup de foudre - love at first sight
un suppôt de satan - hellbound, a minion of the devil
un froid de canard - to be icy cold
une bouchée de pain - for next to nothing
y mettre de sien - to put one’s all into something
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worddonor · 7 years
...Aaah ah
"Suit and taaah aah ah!" "Watch out fa mee, I'm aboouuut to glow-oh..." Tired. Tired of being a naai. Tired of living like a weak piece of k#k. Tired of swallowing my hopes and dreams and giving in to a st attitude of laziness and listlessness and fear and anxiety and f#*+ing depression (forgive my foul mouth Lord, they need to feel my frustration). No man. Jesus didn't bleed out on a wooden cross so I can wish and wish and wish, blatantly ignoring the grace and power he bestowed upon me and every single person on Earth to possess. If we just listened to Him, His Word and took possession of our destinies, of our own unique personas: who we were MADE to be, we'd be changing the world...not fudging looking at the next man to try and do what he's doing or the next lady to duplicate her path and then getting sad because we could never achieve the greatness they do no matter what we do. Of course we couldn't do that as well as the person we're eyeing: why!? Because you're an eye and that person is a hand. Finish and kla. An eye can't hold a hammer, it can look hard at that hammer and wish it could fling it around but it can't. What it CAN do is make sure that hand knows where the fudge it should be hammering otherwise it's swinging in no man's land moering everything in range except for its intended target. What good is that? How many times must this story be told before it hits home?? I should take my own damn advice, for fudge-sake. I've been doing this my entire life, you'd think I'd get it by now, but usually relationships are formed through things we have in common or can all relate to. This usually means aligning with people who have the same interests and joining a group or keeping up with a particular crowd to feel that 'deep' sense of connection we NEED to ignite those explosions of tangible 'happiness' or contentment...to feel loved (or what we think is love)...to feel like we belong to something/someone...to feel like we matter at all. We're humans man. Sometimes we just want to be part of a tribe - it feels good, it's comforting. It's good to follow positive influences, but if following a path or people comes at the expense of our individuality, principles and unique gifts for the purpose of fitting in: it's destructive and drives us away from purpose and the paths and people we should be following. We were not made to live as silos or islands alone, even I get a buzz from having a stimulating chat with folk. You instantly feel better about life, especially about whatever struggles you're facing internally or your circumstances at home etc. It brings perspective and genuine joy. Why don't we look to who made us and ask Him for guidance? My whole life I've been comparing and writing basically full-on essays about other people, their strengths compared to my myriad weaknesses...comparing myself to John, comparing myself to Jill, beating myself up, hating myself because I could never be as confident or as cool or as athletic or dance as good or be as quick-witted or work as fast, or work as cleanly and as beautifully with my hands or make friends as easily as John or Jill. I could never be as sure of myself as them or as content with my personality, not even my strengths let alone my quirks and weaknesses. I still don't understand my strengths - only God can show me what I'm good at so I'm going to try listen and see what he says, say what you will if you think I'm a mal naai - I probably am. What has this mal naai got to lose in any case seeing as I'm basically talking to myself on this piece of twak blog. I actually enjoy reading other people's daily entries, even if it's mundane crap, I don't know why - I love people's stories and getting to know their weird and wonderful perspectives yet making small talk in person is like climbing Mount blady Everest for a man, goodness. I make too many excuses, stuff that noise. I must make a greater effort, so what if I'm shit - I have to keep falling on my face until one day when I make that step and it's glorious; absolutely fudging spectacular and nothing but winning follows thereafter - I can pat myself on the back for a job well conquered. Going to Vegas and riding around with my cousin having experienced the life he's built for himself overseas inspired me: I had never felt so free and so full of positivity as the time spent with him. Goodness. Plus he actually enjoys my writing, the poetry or the prose or whatever else - he enjoys it and can't wait for me to write more. That in itself is enough to keep me going as he is someone I admire a great deal (we've come a long way), it helps me get up in the morning I won't lie. BTW did I mention that I prayed out loud (medium volume levels, lol) in a small group at church yesterday?? Sounds like nothing, but you cannot believe how intimidating it is for me to speak at ALL with anyone other than family especially in prayer - even though it was just my mother and another church member (albeit someone we all know well, he has quite a strong personality and is deeply knowledgeable of the Word [is that correct English?], academically inclined, works out so has a decent physical frame [it matters bru] and not afraid to share his views about anything, definitely no push over). I held my own although I fluffed a bit when I hit a wall towards the end of the prayer there, but I was proud of myself - me, proud of something I did? Is the sky falling? Are we all gonna burst into flames on New Year's Eve?? Yes, I was pleased that I didn't wuss out like I always do. I manned the fudge up and went for it despite stammering and all that jazz. Of course God knows I'm capable of much more - I limit myself, so it probably wasn't much for Him. I have prayed before, but it's been years since I've been in that setting and felt confident enough to add my two cent-chees there. Anyway, coming back to today...yesterday may have contributed to why I was so upset today at the end of the day...I felt like I was slow because there were tasks I couldn't complete that I tried to make and time ran out...I knew for a fact my colleagues would have finished what they needed to on time...even walking out the door I felt like I was unable to keep up with them without sweating a bit by trying to move faster...I just felt stupid, I know making any decision is kak-hard for me to do fast if at all so I have always felt like I was holding everyone up and still feel like this. This includes holding myself up which is keeping me from moving forward. It's terrible. The last thing I want to do is make people wait, because I hate waiting as much as the next person, but shit man I'm such a damn slow poke. My head keeps wheel-spinning and getting nowhere. Ai. I love looking at the sky though and the clouds and at details of things around me and at people and their quirks and habits, especially their body language...it's soo interesting, I could people-watch for daayyyzzz bru. I enjoy reading so much too...Just tryna figure us out... Anyway, as of recently, for the first time in my Life, my WHOLE LIFE, I can sense my purpose taking shape, I feel a peace that I've NEVER felt before, NEVER! The Holy Spirit is speaking to me and guiding me and it's being proven to me each and every day I take a step of faith [note: a STEP!], words from different sources (twitter, the Bible, Facebook, my dreams, Youtube videos [Prince Ea whaddup!], the books I'm reading, the things I watch on TV): ALL of it. When I act in faith, another little door opens. When I shimmy a tad forward, another window opens and so it goes. I'm enjoying this...like the Bible says in more eloquent terms though, 'Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.' (Psalm 119:105) - just a lamp, not full daylight, just enough to keep me going forward and to keep me holding on to it, to keep me looking into it for for further guidance as I take my next step in the dark. For the first time in my 30 years in existence, I've felt a weight lift from my shoulders regarding purpose. The Lord said he's got my back, so I'm just going to keep taking life one step at a time (my mother also said this the other day...one day at a time - I was frustrated then too, but it's a good strategy, my previous methods haven't worked so it's time I try this.). Who knows what I'll be doing next, where I'll be doing it and with whom :). Peace people. P.S. Las Vegas was phenomenal and I was treated like a king at the fam's home. The US is a beautiful place (saw the Grand Canyon, went wild at Six Flags Magic Mountain and even made it through to Venice Beach :D - my favourite place if I must be honest), I'll definitely be back soon.
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audreysl0ve · 8 years
Unlaced - Dragon Outlaw Queen
A/N: This is a VERY late birthday present for my dear dragon loving friend, @outlawqueenbey. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HOLLIE! YOU DESERVE ALL THE BEAUTIFUL, SEXY THINGS. :)
There's a fluffy, cutesy part of the story and then a HARD M rated part of the story, so be forewarned. And yes, it's Dragon Outlaw Queen.
As always thanks to @brookeap3, @the-alpha-incipiens, @somewhereapart, @trina-deckers for helping me when I could not remember what words were anymore. And special thanks for @repellomuggletum15 for beta-ing the shit out of this. She is worth twice her weight in gold, you guys.
Halloween in Storybrooke is a curious event these days.  
During the curse, residents were unaware of the oddities of the American tradition, and participated gleefully without question.  
When the curse had lifted, activities like trick-or-treating were met with laughter and skepticism.  After all, the town had their pre-curse memories back. They were aware of the fact that many of the characters children would dress up as and imitate actually existed in their world.  They knew that witches, and monsters, and fairy tale characters were all too real.  
But still, they had their cursed memories too.  And halloween, for all the nonsense, all the inaccurate depictions of the heroes and villains of the Enchanted Forest, all the gentle ribbing of the land of magic they didn’t even know existed back then...well, it was a good time.  The memories they had of their children dressing up and trick-or-treating were so pleasing that they had decided to continue with the ridiculous tradition.
Of course, there are people living in Storybrooke who had not come over with the first curse, and to these people the concept of Halloween could be….confusing.  Dressing up as a ghost, a ghoul, a zombie, or a witch was quite terrifying to the people who had watched these creatures devour their family members, haunt their dreams, or curse their futures.
So Regina holds an informational town hall meeting describing the ritual for the newcomers. There are a sea of questions, for people asking why anyone would want their daughter to model her wardrobe after a witch, or a werewolf (a scantily-clad werewolf at that, the Little Red Riding Hood costume draws all sorts of uproar).  
In the end, the meeting draws more questions than answers, and most of the new members of town are thoroughly against the idea of halloween, but vow to wait out the vulgar holiday in their rooms, at least, instead of taking arms to battle trick-or-treaters themselves.  Still, even with the residents deadset against the holiday, there seems to be enough interested in participating to have a successful night in the town.
Regina lingers back at the end of the meeting, shutting down the lights, stacking some misplaced chairs (the janitor should do it, but he never does it right, god damn it, and it will only take a minute…), while she clears her mind, when she hears the old familiar voice.
“And what will you be for Halloween, little one?”
She looks up from her stack of chairs and smiles.  “Perhaps I will be Snow White.”
Mal flashes that radiant smile, a quick little thing, but bright and broad.  She circles Regina, looking somehow both seductive and predatory — something  so quintessentially Mal.
“You could never pull it off,” Mal concludes, looking Regina up and down, “You’re much too sinful to play someone so pure.”
It’s harmless flirting.  It’s gone on for some time since their time together in the vault. But with all the casual flirtation, they still haven’t discussed that night, or what it meant, or where it’s going, or rather, where it can’t go.   Before they had time to so much as say a word about that night, Robin was back in Regina’s life.  The dragon knew the story of the man with the lion tattoo, and though she hadn’t been aware of their recent dramas, she knew that they were soulmates.
And so Regina is not surprised that Mal never asks to discuss that night, nor is she surprised that Mal has never propositioned her for another night, despite the fact she seemed more than interested it.  It’s not as if Mal respected any of her past relationships, and she certainly wasn’t a proponent of monogamy.  Regina liked to think Mal had recognized that this relationship meant something to her.
“Why isn’t forest boy helping you with these?” Mal asks, pointing to the chairs before she flicks her wrists and magics them into a neat little stack.  
“He’s with his son,” Regina reminds her, “They’ve been through a lot lately, Robin wants to make sure he’s adjusting.  You know, the memory loss can be tricky.”
“Ah, yes, the boy,” Mal sighs, flicking her wrist to magic a broom to sweep the floor of the auditorium.  “What a delightfully dull evening you’ve got in store for yourself.”  
“It is, isn’t it?” Regina tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. Mal’s words may have sounded like an insult, but it was anything but. They’ve talked about this, about delightfully dull evenings where you return to your home with your untouched and alive loved one.  Where you turn in your children for the night, and retire to bed early, feeling safe, and warm, and cared for.
And god, what could be better?
“You look happy, little one.”
“I am happy,” Regina confirms, “we should — have you ever been introduced to Robin? I should have done that sooner, I just —”
“I’ve met the thief.  Briefly.” Mal interrupts over her stammering, “so will his son be participating in this trick or treat invasion you've warned us about?”
‘He will.”
“And what particular horrifying creature will he be dressed as?  A goblin?  Zombie?  Oh please, Regina, anything but a prince.”
Regina’s eyes sparkle, sly smile spreading as she admits, “He wants to be a dragon.”
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The Clone Wars     The Zillo Beast Strikes Back
         (Season 2 Episode 19)
I really thought the first episode     was surprisingly good and I hope the     quality     con-      tin     ue s;
           Moving on;                         Cost   ly-                Recap,       getting real deep                 into the details                   ......              Good     that shows commitment to the story                       ..     And      attention to the (good) details 
               . .                      [Also how yeah are they going to transport that     beast?]
                Who said spent a little more time     explaining it to       the natives          [Why   they needed a dead    beast]
         Still good                 still good,
“Tensions       Run         high,”
Hey,    that’s      a       reasonable    reaction,
   (They’re going to put extra   security     on it?)
  How long   till it breaks out.
[I mean thing   might look tiny]
Look at all those        buildings
     [also this will be a nice   scale
 We really didn’t   get much of it
On the   desert planet
 Cause there were no buildings around
  After the   destruction
  (Neat      Detail-)
That one trooper’s      really excited
You think you want to be a   zoo-logist?
Spiky and big       but sleepy
Uhm.     (Cute)
(Oh you stop with that death music it’s     adorable)
As are most animals
Though that’s likely     more so      anticipation music        . .        So it’s Fine
      But just look at       ‘em,
Ador-able       !
(I’m sorry I cannot take this     seriously with him sleeping     so peacefully)
Good    for        ‘em
[Oh yeah      [just]       bring the     Chancellor here.
 Is he going to get     Donkey     Kong-ed?         i’m sorry     but just the idea.     .
Of Sidious     held hostage      By a   giant beast,      On top of     a building..
It’s just so     hilarious.
(Not to mention his     force lightning      powers)     Baby      [An-imal]      Possib     ly        .     Okay,      Right,       Why would      they     stop.
 Aight         —-         Okay           -         Good      Ideas           -     A-ight.
   Whelp,          Good
     Uhm,        Right,
  Okay     ,
  Now,     Right,
Wh-       Elp,  
 Uhm,     Okay,
Chancellor      isn’t having it
Tumblr media
At him
You ruined his evil     diatribe, Windu
He isn’t having that     “you should assume some accountability”        argument..
Ruining the   giant monster plot-          -      with his logic
   Good       times
[Palpatine’s going to dismiss him    rudely      isn’t         he?
    He’s pissed           -              Terrible war
Note; how he said nothing   about the beast safety
Which is Windu’s     main concern
[and his earlier   gaslighting of      Windu’s    conscience
*Put      Down      *             ?        .    
^ ^
 Sleepy.      .
 Bean.      (Pet      Name-       Light     ly.]
 Any way!
  [There’s the   scientist.]
  Seems        Nice.
   She doesn’t have   au-thority
 Nor      Do     You.  “Good care,”
Mace         Is     Humanitarian       towards          Ani-     mals-
 -also can we stop calling at the        “beast”?
   It’s an      animal?
[’Beast’ is for when it’s attacking you      And           it’s not fully identified]
 And     it’s   adorable
[as well   as has an already established name]
[i’ll say call it whatever you want     but this is   assumed     authority,       And whoever     names it first             is          king         . . . .      Seriously ?     does no one  care for it as a     cute fluffy animal?       (I know it’s scaly  my point stands)
Like seriously everyone’s viewing it as a       resource
[Makes me   sad]
Starting to think that one clone trooper      Should      be in   charge,
He at least       seem-ed to give a     -shit
Well treated
As a resource
Windu;       i’m calling bullshit     but   alright
[is he going to     spring him?
I want Windu to spring ‘em for      environmental justice
Ok, how long does the plotting   bullshit goes down and they start   tearing the scales off the thing?
He’s calling     Heavy.. bullshit
Good for     Windu..
(I like this character   .very much.)
 Nope      [Death       Music      .]
  Good           -           Aight
Uhm        ..     Bu-        ld
Obi-Wan      shut up 
[You are the worst character]
Not in character design
Just in being the     absolute    .worst.
   Al-      right-
I mean-     he could be studying it to find which climate would be best for it -   I mean you can’t just drop a random      Non native-       Life      Form     -     Onto     a random planet-       and   Hope for the     best-
And this is the closest thing to safe neutral   controlled   territory       . . .      that they have
So make sense that they bring him here   to figure it     out
  [The chancellor      able to manage     who they have treaties with and which planets are inhabited
[and what uninhabited planets could be   possibly viable        environment        . . . .         Re-hom-ing    locations-
For him     *em
Oh yeah   not worth the effort to make sure the very   rare species     doesn’t      dare
  [this is why you’re     the fucking worst.]
   Any        Way-
   Well that was a   calm way of saying,           He didn’t      give me an      explanation            . . .       Which is     understandable      and          A pretty         decent      response,
    .         Try
    Wait what?
Can we       re-wind that again?       ...  Obi-Wan     -     no       -        All he said 
“was that he didn’t get an answer,”
  Do not   escalate the situation.
  Do not send     Anakin to badger the    chancellor.
[If Windu wants to escalate the situation   he will,]
You are not the responsible [least     Toxic] Adult
Please just let       Windu handle it
[I love how they cut away like you know   Windu’s    rolling his eyes
Well,  not too bad     just seems tired
Planet acclim-      ation          -         Or the   sed-      atives           -           Will do   that    to you)
Though admittedly it could be a less     in-vasive     environment-
With more   com-patibility-
    Oh       No!
[Don’t hold    the fluffy bean!]
What   is going on   exactly?
Like don’t get me wrong I know there’s 
  slight discomfort
But    how     bad-
[like is what they   inserted into them a sedative?
 That’s      Good
  But seriously
If you’re going to      study an animal   you shouldn’t do shit like that
Passive observation
  Seeing if it sheds
  Perhaps,        Getting        Samples
The only time   those things to be    taken off -      ... them         ...  is upon     death         -     with respect to the    life        cycle,            And,      the decomposition     cycle-
     Not going-
Toxic   excessive-
And causing        -   pain
Sentient       Bean-
   Oh          No.
Oh it is picking things up   relatively quickly,
Surprisingly    quickly,
figuring out that     this was the one to      Yell          at           ...    despite there being      Mryaid        Of     possibilities,
  And   would usually focus on the,
  Pain-    ful         Ones,
  So take a small       scrape sample. off the scales
   Like you straight   up tried to       rip   off      the scales.      ... Armor-
And not the   Jedi’s?
   Just thought -in the     pecking order they’d be lower
   Under tanks    and 
And protection to the     higher ups           ...
Centurion        Armor.
  Ok how about you   don’t..
Or send her to the planet   and wait to     see if she sheds.
Until the   bean       ... is dead       (Un     fortunate)
 You      can’t-    be doing-          ....    Stuff-         Like         That-
    -         What the     fuck?
  Also;     mace Windu       a thousand miles away;      I hope the fuck you do       you be a dead son of a bitch,
Lady, just call the Jedi
Mace Windu is clearly an     environmental         -     animalistic         focus            -      Have him insta kick this      bitch
(Which he can as    his specialty)
Call tox
    *Like         Medic
And kick the bitch   to accountability
* or semi   accountability in this case 
 (’Cause if you get caught with a           Spoon-       -”
  Mace Windu       -     Has a teammate-
Oh no-
Oh noo
That    could’ve been possibly        meant
“I thought   that was just an   extraneous detail”
You’ve been calling it a   Beast   this whole time
Also,     damn look at those    sad eyes!
That Things 100%         Sent.
You can’t do      that!
Ok I need to plot this out
This living creature-
Is sentient      enough        To     Un-der      Stand
   And feel pain
Let me just play a few scene   so I get the morality right
So,     dude’s sleeping under ground,
(Those guys apparently just         . Got injured by its sleeping movements,)
  It finds some guy
 Tries to get it off him        (Reasonable)
   Those two guys flee     (After     Anakin spent multiple occasions getting in     it’s way..
  Clearly     un-wonton       and     un-wanted
    So clearly going over the        “don’t bug others         rule,”
    Then these guys   -definitely heck with it
     By throwing        bombs,          And    generally breaking        every        (rule).  The liquid thing is kind of weird
      That being the equivalent of        pumping     planet waste material            Poison)               So it pretty well fits under the attempt of harm                /murder
        And the    guards clearly attempt        to murder it.
So immediate      accountability is in play
  But     they try to kill them
   (Note I know the situation is bad but it’s     Immediate Accountability
     Not immediate death
(However,       it’s really weird with non      humans)
    (Or even just   humanoids,)
  Because I know what another      human could do
  Humanoids have the same       about structure
   With minor     ex -cessive- differences?
    Like- how
(The standards      are really different        here)
   I’m not sure she could have even picked them up       without hurting them.
         I really hope     we get to see her talk
        So   we can get more info
      Because that’s    really    fascinating.
 Hey     it noted that!        ...   That’s   -really   neat
[Also   geez that must suck,       Having    to be moved from your   planet...      Against       your       will     and things   that you might not be able     prevent. .         Because     some asshole won’t     share the damn planet, 
And everyone   else is enabling.
(It’s the frozen planet thing    All over again    .but better.]    This time   the species     might not actually have an option,
But   doesn’t   negate         -  it’s   sentience,
Dude,   seriously,
Like I’m not a fan of it   but you could just sedate them,
Turn the fuel wanted some kind of solid       (Point)
(It brings me no   moral pleasure to say this) 
Cut the scales from the     skin-
Without,   too much pain 
(Still   should   not do it)
(Also lady just      call the Jedi)
 You know one who’s against it
You don’t even have to mention the   chancellor by name
Just say some crazy orders got   brought down the line
 And you need   -some help
‘She   ain’t having your bullshit’
Good scene       setting.    
You really feel how   out of place   Anakin is,    -  
The music’s    really nice
Really helps set the scene
And the height       Just-
Perfect       (Sets a beautiful        set of risk)
 Oof and Obi-Wan questioning     Am-idala
(The costume choice works        very nicely here-       Causing Amidala        to stand out,       From the       variety,         But still have the kind of    muted sense of the situation,
    (Lot of other senators           wearing purple            (-though more             solid)
And the lighting is pretty nice too,
Looking pretty   naturally with the setting-
Oh,     no,
Aw, that’s kind of nice
 A good    bit of levity
(Possibly    parodying     the masters,         Amidala          and        Anakin      technically)
     (Anakin    did build        CP3PO         though)
     Aight,          Nice,
 Pro      B-
 You know   that actually would make sense
I was actually expecting     the more blow it up    solution
   But    just trying bugging the      Senator      (Chancellor)       Palpatine             .       Is a pretty good    (non-escala      tory)         First  step       . . .       .
That would   just let Senator   Amidala see it,     assuming   she wouldn’t have an   issue;     and wouldn’t   notice the smell     rift.    .. -      Male-stare
‘ Mace Windu   told you to leave it alone     and let him handle it,     And you decided fuck     that       I’mma   gonna screw things up,       Didn’t         You?”
Oh     that’s actually a smart plan        -     Gang up on the   chancellor       .      Never mind      A second    pair of eyes     might be   helpful in case   he tries that      hologram   shit again,
(Never mind the fact that     Ami-dala- doesn’t go missing   under mysterious circumstances,”
It’s  a good   plan
That’s-    pretty damn fair-     -      Voice-         -     That’s- a little too     environmental but I get the point
(As in it’s ignoring the fact that the    Zilla beast does have a voice,    Just no one‘s listening
  Or reading its body language,     Like a good    sentient would
  (The issue is it’s         accountability          -The ability      to hold others        accountable-
  Which it doesn’t seem to be capable of doing to the         fine degree of      other humans-
   Other   humanoids-
 “ Be it’s      accountability,”         Is More        accurate          a phras-           ing
     Also geez can you imagine that   sit-uation?
 Like either force-d to kill another sentient species or be submitted to   this?
   I give the Zilla beast a lot of damn   credit-
   For the re-straint
Real         shit           . ..    Sit-
   Neither have    you,
  Seen your    -self
   In action!
Like   yeah dude you pull out a laser sword,      When someone threatens you,
(Pretty damn unaccountable)
At least the Zilla beast has a       damn good excuse,
 Warr         ant a discussion
   No,         It warrants the   envir-onmental focus-          Kicking the     offender,          Straight to      accoun-tability            And     every     one else,    Lea-ving    the damn thing       alone,     (Bastards)          ....    ?
I mean-
 That’s       kinda fair-
Heck     not every-       one-       
   Heck- not every generation-     Has an environmental focus
    And,  animals are damn   weird-
   But- I’m going to say      if you see a puppy kicked-        You should      tell that dude to        fuck       off,
  And no I do not      resent that-
   Even if it’s      food
(Which no one should be messing with     in the first place)
   But fair-
    Still don’t    like this-
 Stop being a complaining        dick and eit        -her do it or    don’t-
  Oh does he have a   hesitation from his previous experience?
    Secrets do not stay       secret
   Mate you deployed the military,              Who have to answer                 to the council,
          Not to mention all of the               Internal law and military                 enforcement                    On planet                     That saw     this shit go down
                (Would probably be    defensive of you holding a dead    creature)
Also yeah   it’s Obi-Wan’s        fault
(How he knows about something      he didn’t witness.       Idk,       Guess   someone told him.”
   What-       ever.
Called        out
No the point of democracy is to form a      hierarchy of authority         And with some people’s decision     matters more than others          There was very little ability to        self determined,
     And often times  ends up just arguing over    basic human decency,
    Doesn’t have to involve   subterfuge
   But things can escalate for the worst with   toxic behavior
       *enabling            espec
Any   -one paying attention to that?
(Dude, blown cover!      )
No, better option just go straight to     Windu,
You thought     he was being held for a tests     ... He   wasn’t    ,       Time to get the ass kicking squad in for     questioning,
*Not      Obi-      Won-    -
 That was   damn threatening
(Also yes, you do,    Go tell    Windu.)
Here’s the conversation;
 ‘Ok, I’ll just relay that to      Master      Windu-”
    “Wait, no - don’t do that-         !”
   (Done jokingly)
 The conversation’s         fine,
  War is never going to be won until someone assumes         accountability
Both points of “feck you” 
  Well at least Anakin isn’t hail-ed as the    “enabling Savior”,
   And does sorta take          Amidala     ’s          Side,         ,       Re-     asonable
          [call             Windu]
Shit     ...
Also      “your       groomer       has     groomed        you       well”
    To       never        pick       a side       .  .. Ex-         Cuse-        Me-         -         Help         ing     ...       He   noticeably     switched            his       body       over      to your side,
      And his   “both sides thing,”               .... .        Was is clearly a        ‘feck          you,
  Appro    -priately
     No he       DOESN’T!
      And Anakin isn’t innocent   here,
  So knock off the   tone
  No puppy dog   was kicked,
   Anakin fully   knows what he’s advocating       is wrong
   And appro         -priate tone should be applied
 ‘That was      malicious
You can’t hoodwink an     adult,
Productives are well aware    of common decency            Rules,
 Selectives know      their shit
   This is an          act of        malician          . . .          And should be           framed as such     .   yeah I have no idea what’s going on with   him either
[Doing that    unaccountable juice again.)
Oh,     hi,    ,       Wait you’re just gonna straight up gas      ‘em-
(Does this turn them   into a super angry pissed off monster?)
Stop enabling   this!
   [Character            Yell,]
Kill      em’
  ‘I will grab the thing    , but I’m still asking you to do the thing,”
    This is why       ‘sorry             is bullshit,’
      . .
      Um      Whelp,         Time         to see     the baby       get kicked,”      -          “I’m  Sorry,”
We talked about how that doesn’t excuse     actions    ... I swear if they pull that they said they were sorry, so that means everything’s ok every episode,
  [I will    strike every episode]
Til the mark
Any      way.
Begin     procedure        .       And with that she is undoubtably      irredeemable,           . ...
(I swear to god if they play happy music of an ending where she is supposedly redeemed
   Or enabled)
Calling    heavy   bullshit,
   A   puppy     killer     runn      -ing           free       With        No           Ch   -ance        Of even the slightest bit of      come      uppance,            ....   Isn’t      happy         - - -         Any       Way,              Even worse   that      it’s sentient           -           Going to switch        from       “That’s              A          Puppy!”         to       “THAT’S              A         SENTIENT!”
(Both are equally      frick-ed up)
  De-     served-   
Turns out when you threaten someone’s life they immediately going to assume accountability mode   
 I’m just really angry
At the characters in the        universe
But yeah,  Damn,
        Poor             Zilla,
         Got            tears            in my eyes
     [Like imagine          that bullshit]
Like either she was restrained            her self enough        so she didn’t kill people
Or the situation was so bad          it literally caused       an adrenaline          like situation
     Free-         ing herself
     Seeing as she doesn’t seem to be a bad   “pers’- 
     [The accountability scale-           still         un-established,”     [Selective          accountability?
     Involuntary         accountability?
    Does her body       just flare up into attack mode          when stuff like that happens)
  Don’t shoot the      baby   !     sent    ient!
 I don’t     like the sound of that,
You’re not going to like    
what they did to her?
[also wait,    what are the properties of that gas?
  Like what does exposure      do to her?
  [I know they said it was poisonous,        But      that was coming from the assholes  that thought stabbing      her was a good idea,
 Any      Way,   
Good point
Like how          dude’s backing away               .       Good trooper
I hope he was the       Zoologist           One            .      seems to be       smart,
(Dude didn’t even get to see the        Zila,)
   It    doesn’t even attack anyone!
  (It goes away        from the tanks)
    My        Damn          heart,
       I hurt
(Oh geez,   she probably didn’t even know they were still out there.”
Okay, fakers,
Also she took out was the beams screwing with her,
 There         was like one guy,
   (I remember         I thought about commenting, ��        “Karma,”.        at that moment,
  If Lady’s on the ground        it’s her own fault,
Zilla,     didn’t do anything to her
  Oy,       Bullshit,
   She, went the other direction
  And      seemed very specific about     avoiding things
 I’m calling      very light         (Cir-cum        stantial-)    Bull shit
    There must be a fire     Oh no
    (Yeah the structure-
     Must suck
    To be sp-
How is he     reaching her 
after her thing was destroyed?
Also, wait 
it’s night?
How long     have they been   standing there?
(Also Mace     Windu       is going to     kick    your      ass.”
Also, look at that
She’s trying to go under the beams!
This is clearly not     malicious,
  And I mean it makes     a lot of sense,
   She’s a ground living          creature,            (Sentient)
        She probably thought lower altitude was safe
  And not with all    this      (non      sense),
Oh yeah    just gas     the city!                 -      with multiple     in-     habitants     of    different   biological      structure-
                                 [Don’t bother turning it into a   blade]
                                 Or                                     bullets]
[Not try anymore       practical       solutions,]
 Have you done     this?
[Oh yeah don’t bother sounding the alarms for      everyone,
   Screw them
    Only           the servants matter,”
 “Gen,       No,      don’t stay      with   General    Kenobi,        He      will       get      you     killed,
Now, I kno
-     See,   she gives them a warning yell!
She’s more-so tripping than     malicious,
Also made if you saw a (malicious) beast coming your way and decided to stand near it
  -That’s your      own fault,
   Like,        Darwin’s          law           No          Euth,
     To be fair dude does give the orders.  And that      was her way of saying I don’t like that guy
         I’m just really sad about her      condition.
   High     er    Van         Ta          Ge
    Also yeah that does seem like a smoother safer advantage point where she wouldn’t hurt anyone
   Okay, seriously      how the fuck are            there fires?
   She      hasn’t- 
   That’s just something completely     different,
    [Like-         I don’t know if I wanna know the story but that           is intriguing]         
      Aw,           Small,
       See now    she’s sticking to sections       where she can’t      hurt       people.         .
    “Also everyone get to your   rooms,
    These       frickers;
 Like there was an alarm      earlier      right?
   There was a      siren       ..
 Yes you stay on top of that dome
   Proud          Of           This          Zilla’
     Eva-           Cute?
     Also wait   wasn’t she just in the scene below
 Some        One-
   Dude all she did was   yell at him,
  Re-     Strain         T!
   Gosh darn, Yoda -     you fricking        enabler
Also how long until Windu finds out she’s been injured and..  freaks out.
And,   they were all given fair warning and if you’re not smart enough to get out of the way that’s your own fault
* Un    accountable
How’s    Windu    feeling?
 Bullshit,    you planned that-
Also   why are you including everyone else?
That seems like a   security   hazard?
Clearly no
You should be     glaring daggers at him  
being like   “bitch    no,”
Padme      Isn’t      innocent
[Windu        is going to kick a bitch]
  Hey, want to talk to you
  OH NO   
Fuck off Yoda
You shouldn’t   shoot them in the first place-
Also this is just establishing that     Mace Windu is literally the only sane person,
 Yoda literally only cares about the       chancellor         . . .      and would’ve shot him
   Dick,       Don’t
(Feckin   dammit Anakin,)
   The Zilla        Just       Wants      a nice talk.
Yes just let the Zila talk you         irresponsible fuck
Like, seriously        Now she’s       going to have to try and catch you with her hands,
   And if anyone gets hurt      it’s their own damn fault.
     Damn-         Just.  Talk
  with the damn Zila,
  I swear..
 I fuck-
She was already paying attention 
you damn fuck
                Zilla-         catch-  Whelp,
Dumbest freaking      plan ever,
Zilla,          Pick up
“ also you have to think about what Zilla- is thinking at them       at this moment-
  Oh- shit
They could possibly die!  She     just yells at them this     entire time!
Pretty sure   that dude tried to shoot      her...
   Oh         No,
   She gave dude      five fucking warnings
        De-press                   ....
I’m       Go       Write          A        Fluff        Fic
0 notes