#without endeavour Dabi is literal ass
hawkssucks · 9 months
I am in the mood to start a fight anyways if Dabi stans keep complaining bc Hori decided to not kill Endeavour I’m gonna start whipping people
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moriihana · 2 years
we can't fix each other but we sure as hell can enable each other instead || five: those kids are fucking crazy
pairing: dabi x disabled!gn!reader
overview: you meet dabi pre-canon because your cat, nugget, literally won’t leave the guy alone. friendship, fluff and (eventual) angst ensue.
chapter summary: training camp arc! you tease dabi for being a dramatic bitch and find out just how fucking batshit the U.A. kids are
content: fluff
word count: 2132
a/n: gonna be honest this is only this many words bc of having to copy the training arc dialogue and shit down. which was a pain. i had to rewatch the whole ass arc. it still doesnt read very smoothly to me but w/e i did my best also, if ya wanna know what the outfit the reader is wearing looks like, this is a drawing i did of the self-insert the original story was based on wearing it :)
*previously known as “we can’t fix each other (but we can heal our wounds together)”; i changed the title bc these assholes aint healin shit they’re just being overall menaces
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You twirled the knife that Dabi insisted you keep on you during missions, annoyance lacing your features. “Dabi, you know I can handle myself.” You were sitting cross-legged on your bed as Dabi paced around your room. Boo watched him from her spot on the bed, while Nugget laid, disinterested, on your pillow.
“I know, but I still don’t want you going!” He snapped, throwing his hands up in frustration. “Those kids are insane, doll. I don’t want to risk you getting hurt.”
You scowled. “Yeah, they are insane! What if you get hurt? Or Twice, or Toga? You know how Toga is, she gets too excited and rushes things! I worry about you guys!” You set aside your knife and got up, grabbing Dabi’s wrists to stop him from pacing. “And stop that, you’re making me nervous. You know I can fight. You’ve seen how I fight.”
Dabi shook your hands off and moved to sit down on the edge of the bed. “I know, mouse. I know,” he said softly, “you’re just… the only other thing I care about aside from tearing down Endeavour. I won’t—I can’t—let you risk your safety without at least trying to talk you out of it.”
You sat next to him and bumped him with your shoulder. “Remember the promise I made you, pretty boy?” You smiled. “I’m not goin’ anywhere, otherwise you’d probably burn yourself to a crisp to get what you want, and I’m definitely not lettin’ that happen. I love you, Dabi. I won’t let anyone take me away from you. I’ll kill whoever tries. Besides, I don’t trust you to take care of Nugget and Boo by yourself. You’d probably forget to clean Nugget’s litterbox and he’d piss all over the floor or somethin’.”
He snorted. “Ye of little faith. You wound me, doll.”
“Maybe you should get good, pretty boy,” you teased with a grin. “That still doesn’t mean I’m not going, though, because I am. There’s a reason I joined the League, and it wasn’t to sit around until you all come back with God-knows-what kinds of wounds.”
“There’s really nothing I can do to convince you.” 
“Nope!” You popped the “p,” smiling cheekily at him. “Face it, pretty boy. You’re stuck with me.”
Dabi opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by Toga bursting into the room. “Tomura-kun said we should leave soon!” She grinned, excited. She was practically vibrating with excitement. Twice trailed behind her, scratching the back of his neck.
“Sorry, I tried to stop her. I encouraged her to barge in!” 
“It’s alright, Twice,” you said gently. “Toga, remember what we talked about? Knock before you come in—and wait for permission.”
“Sorry, Y/N-kun! I was just so excited, we get to cut people up!” Toga smiled brightly, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
“Fuckin’ psycho,” Dabi muttered under his breath. You smacked him on the back of the head, telling him to play nice.
“Anyways, we’ll get ready to go. Thank you, Toga.” You stood and ushered Twice and Toga out, then looked at Dabi and raised an eyebrow. “You gonna go get ready, or are you gonna hang out in here and watch me change like a weirdo?”
“I mean, if you’re offering, doll—”
“Nuh-uh. Out. Right now. Before I take that knife and shove it where the sun don’t shine.” You narrowed your eyes at Dabi’s smug grin. “Don’t fuckin’ say it, oh my God—”
“DABI!” You shrieked, practically shoving him out of the room. “Go get ready, dammit.”
You shut the door behind him with a huff, and began to get ready. Your outfit was nothing fancy—a cropped zip-up hoodie that fell a little above your waist, a plain t-shirt, snug-fit jeans, a holster on your thigh for the knife, and combat boots. The boots were custom-made, with zippers on the sides and velcro fasteners instead of laces—you designed it to ease the strain of getting dressed on your body.
You grabbed your cane, scratched Nugget behind the ears and gave Boo a little kiss on the head, then headed to the main part of the bar. It was time to go.
“I mean, I don’t like this. It’s not cute!” Toga fidgeted with her mask unhappily.
“This was orchestrated by the designer behind the scenes, right? Appearances don’t matter as long as it makes sense,” Mustard grumbled. He was younger than Toga, if you remembered correctly. 
“I’m not talking about that! I just don’t want to wear this,” she fussed. You pat her on the head with an amused smile.
“Hi! Sorry for the wait.” Magne approached with Moonfish and Spinner. 
“Hey, Magne. No worries.” You took your place next to Dabi, scanning over the forest from your position.
“That makes eight,” he murmured to himself. 
“I don’t care, just let me at ‘em! I’m getting too pumped up!” Muscle interrupted. You frowned—you didn’t particularly care for him. He seemed too simple-minded.
“Shut up, you crazy bastards,” Dabi drawled. You snickered at his annoyance. “Not yet… we’ll move when all eleven of us are here. Gathering a bunch of punks who are just strong will only increase the risk. It’s better to have a small group of experienced elites. First, we make them realise…” He grinned. “...that their peace is resting in our hands.” 
A few minutes passed before Twice and Mr. Compress arrived. Once they were there, Dabi turned around. “Alright, listen up. I’m only going over the plan once. Twice, Y/N: you’re with me. Magne, Spinner: you two deal with those cat heroes. Mustard, Moonfish, Muscle, and Toga: you head into the forest. Slow down the students you find, keep them separated. Once you have a chance, Compress, be sure to grab Bakugo and alert us when that’s done. Then we’ll meet up at the rendezvous point.” After he got confirmation everyone heard him, he grinned. 
“Now it begins. Take them down. The false brilliance of the title “hero”...” He turned back to the forest. “We, the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains, will condemn them.”
You watched as Dabi pressed his hand against a tree, igniting it. “You’re awfully dramatic, Dabi,” you teased. “‘We, the Vanguard Action Squad of the League of Villains, will condemn them.’ Honestly, for someone who acts so disinterested all the time, you are such a dramatic bitch.”
Dabi glared at you as he moved onto lighting up another tree. You stuck your tongue out, earning an eye-roll from him.
“That’s no good, Dabi! You were beaten!” Twice interrupted, “So weak! You small fry or something?” You scowled at that, but said nothing.
“Already? I’m pretty weak.” Dabi turned his attention to Twice, frowning.
“Don’t be hasty. You’re strong. You should think of this as the pro being very strong.”
Dabi sighed and looked away. “Make another one of me, Twice,” he drawled. “We need something to keep the pros from leaving.”
Twice turned around and flipped him off. “It doesn’t matter how many times a small fry goes in!” He then gave him a thumbs up with his other hand. “Leave it to me!”
You snorted. “Looks like our job in this area is done. We should head to the meeting point.” 
Dabi nodded and put his hands in his pockets. “Yeah.”
As you were walking, Compress radioed in, alerting the Villains that he had completed his goal. 
“Hey, you two! Did you hear the radio? I’m so pumped! Mr. Compress already succeeded! Took him long enough! I was getting sleepy!” Twice said animatedly.
Dabi glanced at him. “Don’t say that. He did a good job. Now, we just have to wait for everyone to get back here.”
“That’s not right! You’re right!” 
You snorted. “Conversations with you are quite lively, Twice.”
Dabi sighed. “This place was supposed to be hard to find because of the wall of flames and gas, but the gas was cleared away. Things never go according to plan, huh?” “At least we got the kid.” You shrugged, nudging him with your shoulder. “Hey… did you hear that?” You put your arm out, stopping Dabi. He made a noise of confirmation and narrowed his eyes at a bush. He began to walk towards it before Twice raised his hand up.
“Oi, Dabi! Speaking of which, this has nothing to do with anything, but is it okay not to call the “Nomu” guy? You said it’d only react to your voice or something, right? It’s very important!”
Dabi turned back around. “Oh, yeah. You asked me why I didn’t add it to the battle, right?”
“Be grateful! Bow before me!” You laughed a little at that, matching your pace with Dabi as he resumed walking.
“A monster specifically for me, from Shigaraki… it’s probably killed at least one person by now.”
You three walked in silence until you met up with Toga. She pulled her scarf down with a grin when she saw you. “Huh? No one else is here yet?”
“You lunatic, did you get the blood? How many people’s worth?” Dabi shot you a look, daring you to scold him. You rolled your eyes, but kept your mouth shut.
“One person’s worth!” She said brightly. 
“Just one? Weren’t you told to get at least three?!” 
“It couldn’t be helped. I thought I was going to be killed.” You moved towards her at that, concerned.
“Are you okay? You’re not hurt, right?” 
She shook her head and twirled, smiling happily. “Not at all! I made some friends and found a boy I’m interested in.” 
“You mean me?! Sorry, can’t!” Twice interrupted, then made a heart shape with his hands. “I like you too!”
“Twice, she’s like… fifteen. Knock that off,” you hissed, bonking him lightly with your cane. He whined, but backed off.
“You’re too loud. Shut up—huh?” Dabi cut himself off, looking up to find three of the UA kids driving Compress down from the sky. 
“What the actual fuck?” You shook your head. “I knew these kids are insane, but what?” 
“Give Tokoyami and Kacchan back!” The green-haired boy—Midoriya, you remembered—shouted. 
“Does he really think we’d just… do that? I mean. Kudos for trying, I guess,” you mumbled to Dabi. He shook his head and pointed his hand towards the kids and Compress.
“Mister, get out of the way. Y/N, stay back.” He ignited his palm. You grumbled, but moved away from the fighting.
“Roger!” Compress utilised his Quirk before Dabi let off the blast at the kids, who dove out of the way.
Your eyes trailed after Twice as he lunged for Shoto. “Faces from Shigaraki’s kill list! That little beat-up boy and you! They weren’t, though!” He dodged backwards when Shoto sent a wall of ice towards him. “That’s hot!” 
You turned your attention away from Twice after he regained his balance, figuring he was handling himself well enough, and instead watched as Toga ran towards Midoriya and tackled him. When Shoji smacked her away, you let out an alarmed sound. Dabi stopped you from rushing over, gesturing to Compress, who had deactivated his Quirk and was now holding his shoulder. “Toga can handle herself. Make sure Compress’s shoulder isn’t hurt too bad,” he said, before approaching the masked man. “Where’s Bakugo?”
“Of course…” Compress felt around in his pocket, then paused. “Hm?”
The boy with the blue mask spoke up. “I don’t know what your Quirk is, but inside that right pocket of yours that you kept flaunting were these—Tokoyami and Bakugo, right, entertainer?” He held up two blue marbles. 
“Really, Compress? You just had to show off?” You grumbled. He ignored you, choosing to respond to Shoji.
“Oh, that didn’t take you very long! As expected of someone with six arms! You’re good at feeling around!”
Dabi scowled, lifting his hand. “Moron—” Compress interrupted him, “—no, wait.” He watched as the kids swerved to avoid the Nomu, and were cut off by Kurogiri.
“It has been five minutes since the signal. Let us go, Dabi.” 
Toga and Twice went through the warp gates and Compress began to leave as well. You tilted your head in confusion, staying back with Dabi.
“Wait. Our goal is not yet—” he began, but was again interrupted by Compress.
“Oh, that? They seemed so happy that they rushed out here, so I thought I’d give them a present. It’s a habit, one of the basics of magic. When I flaunt something,” he removed his mask, “it’s because there’s something I don’t want you to see.” He stuck his tongue out to reveal the marbles that actually held the students.
You sighed and tapped Dabi. “I’m gonna go ahead and head back, since Compress is being… well, Compress.” You waited until he acknowledged your words, then walked through the warp gate.
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angstlizard · 4 years
wait why do you hate hawks?? just curious not wanting to start an argument or anything
hawks is a lil bitch and if I ever saw him irl it'd be on sight. unfortunately he is a fictional character so that cannot happen, but it'd be fun to beat him up. like, sure, I might be even shorter than him with no ability to fight, n my only defenses are knives and fire, but in my soul I know I could win against this sky bastard.
nshsksjsj but like in all seriousness (warning for manga spoilers)
im a league stan first n foremost and holy shit was was everything involving twice's murder horrific and i cried so much fkdjkdk
hawks really went "twice was a good guy and I wanna be like him. how do I do that? hmmm.... I know, by supporting an abuser!" how dare u disrespect my mans honour. perish.
he's a grown ass man who is also in a position of power as not only a hero but the number two hero. and he decides to support an abuser. idc if his fans argue that "he has trauma from abuse so that's why he still supports endeavour." if I was in the bnha universe I wouldn't want someone who tries to argue that "he's changed now" in charge of protecting me.
speaking of his job as a hero, and twice, he states his mission clear as day. he was not tasked with murder. he was only to apprehend him and take him into custody. and legally, that's all heroes can do! their job is not to kill villains, nor even arrest them, but to detain them until the actual police show up to arrest 'em.
ALSO. LOOK. as much as I love dabi, and I don't wanna see him suffer any more than he already has, if hawks would've killed either of them in self defense, it would've been dabi. you don't-- you don't kill an exhausted man via literally stabbing him in the back (neck, technically) and claim the moral high ground
^^ that was specifically aimed towards his fans tbh. with the except of a few, his stans make me hate him even more
they shove him in EVERYTHING. can the league exist without hawks??? y'know, like they've been doing??? hawks is unnecessary and we as a society have progressed passed the point of needing him (we never needed him actually)
any time I see the infernal trio + hawks I am sent into a rage. y'all really erasing the rest of the league??? there is No Need to use hawks in ur "traumatized league members" posts or whatever bc the majority of the Actual League Members have tons of trauma already
dabihawks. need i elaborate
good god hawks has permeated dabi content so much there is at LEAST like, three untagged d/h posts or just solo hawks posts every time I make the mistake of going into the dabi tag. spare me
I have what I think might be a genuine phobia of being murdered or smth, might be related to trauma things, and christ was the "hawks shows duffel bag body" scene NOT it for me. bad vibes all around n it makes me sick to even think of it. horrifying to me even tho I hate best jeanist
(also dabi didn't even say "murder someone" this man just instantly went to murder, we should've known what would happen w twice)
speaking of trauma, hes like... very narcissistic and manipulative imo and when it comes to characters like that I bounce bc those r traits way too close to my own abuser
thank u for coming to my ted talk and I am SO sorry for writing like... a whole ass essay on why I hate him dnksbskdj I sincerely hope none of this felt like I was being aggressive or hostile towards you, and I apologise if it came off that way btw!! it Was pretty aggressive but it was meant towards hawks himself + certain types of hawks stans
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
"You will be in my heart"
(A/n): Phill Collins bless your soul for this song.
Dabi is a todoroki theory is in here. Wow, and it shocks no one.
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Having a baby is not easy.
Fuck those books for newly parents whose said "Having a baby does not give much work", no. Hell no. Ever smelled a dirty diaper? Its gross. Plenty of gross. SUPER GROSS. Pukes, drools you name it.
Yet you couldn't be more happier. Your daughter Rei despite being a troublemaker was the light of your life. And for her father, her little firecrackers. A stupid nickname for a baby, but oh well, that's the man you fell for.
"Dabi-" you called from the kitchen after washing the dishes, damn sink washed you along with it "Stop teaching Rei about how awfull Enji is-" you giggled "Probably she will never meet him!"
He turned to look at you over his shoulder, his baby girl on the middle of his legs as she pointed at the hero on the screen and ocasionally mumbled irritated and angry baby noises.
The damage was done.
"She at least is learning about the fake hero society. Cant disagree with me that Enji is a completely as-"
"Dabi." You scolded but smiled no pess as hs smirked before Rei started to babble on his lap, extending her chubby hands at his face.
"What now lil' firecracker? Tired of seing Enji's face I see. Dont worry. I get sick from sieng him to." He grabbed her bu her armpits and nuzzled his pierced nose along with hers making her giggled "Yes, daddy does."
"I wonder how the league would react to seing you all mushy with a baby like that." You giggled while sitting down on his side as he only glanced at you with a poker face.
Rei extended her arms at you and let out a baby laugh. Cooing, you picked up your daughter with glee in your lap. Dabi still playing with her tiny fingers along with his own much bigger ones.
"Her hair is getting bigger." You tussled on the few red looks of Rei "Maybe is time for her first haircut, what do you think?" You looked at Dabi whose probably was way too distracted with Reu to even pay attention on you.
You were so relieved that even despite showing signs that he was aprehensive at the idea, Dabi still welcomed Rei with open arms. The only problem was that, deep inside his sarcastic and thick skull, was this unconditional fear of being the same father Endeavour was. Give his kid the same treatment he received as a brat once.
It always followed him around like a ghost. But in the moment he saw Rei's eyes or heard your words... he was on cloud nine. The happines he hadn't gotten in his early years was right there, literally on his hands as he played with the bundle of joy that was Rei.
"Sorry to interrupt you two." You giggled at the confused sound Dabi let out before looking at the clock. Sighing and getting up.
"Guess is your turn to put her to sleep." He said begrudily, making you laugh since you never saw someone fight over to put their child to sleep first. You two had to make an agrement that each time Rei was going to sleep, you had to divide.
"My turn~" you poked your tongue out at him as he deadpanned while you carried Rei to her crib.
After some time, you two decided to have some, ahem, alone time and it let you two quite exausted. Making you both to just knocked out on the bed... especially since dabi was eager to touch in any way he could.
In other words, fast and rough yet pleasant ass fuck. Okay? Okay, moving on.
Although that peace lasted for only a short of minutes before you heard little cries from the other room of the apartment. Both of you groaned even at the thought of getting out of the bed.
When you tried to get off from his chest he just pulled you back as you groaned.
"Dabi, Rei is-"
"I will go. Stay here doll face." He got up while carefully laying you back down on the bed, his smirk present as the light of the streets iluminated his face. "After all, I bet you're exausted after me doing-"
"Just go you dickhead." You threw a pillow at him as he chuckled quietly, leaving your body relax on the cold sheets and without his warm body to help you.
The blankets werent enough. Is not even about to get warm, but is only for getting physical and emotionally close to ex-villain you happen to fall in love with.
Getting to know the real Toya Dabi was like founding a diamond on the middle of a bunch of coals. Due to his past, no one could ever blame this man to secluded to himself, have trust issues and have a deep anger angst the fake and popular hero society that everyone always venerate.
The man behind that sarcastic, cold and uncaring persona was a dork. No, really, Dabi is a dork. A loveable dorky idiot. You loved him, and you only fell more for the scarred man when he demonstrate all the love and care for that little human being that had your genetics along with his.
Lost on your thoughts, you furrowed your eyebrows at seeing that dabi hadn't come back in more than one hour. Sighing, you got up and went after Dabi and your Rei.
Although, when you were on your way you heard his voice. Probably even baby talking; yes, rarely he does that; with Rei. You tip toed until you exited your bedroom until Rei's bedroom door frame and poked your head only to see Dabi, stoic face as usual as he rocked the baby in his arms, maintaining eye contact with the infant.
"One last time and you have to sleep. Deal?" He whispered while poking Rei's nose whose shrieked cutely before babbling and clapping her hands "Deal."
You furrowed your eyebrows at his worlds before widening your eyes at hearing and seeing Dabi swoon on his feet with Rei on his arms and doing the last thing you thought he could do.
"Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight." He took one of his hands and showed nonchantly to his daughter whose cooed and grabbed at two of his fingers with her baby hands.
"I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry~" he hushed her when she started to babble while still on his motions.
"For one so small
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you
Keep you safe and warm" he brought her close to hsi face and did the same thing he did earlier with the esquimos kisses as she reached for his face to try to pick his staples, you giggled behind your hand and luckily Dabi didn't noticed you.
"This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry" Rei, after a lifetime, finally let out a yawn and cuddled on her father's chest for warmth as you envy her for a moment.
"'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always..." he whispered teh last word as he notices she finally closed her eyes and puffs of air as he sighed in relief. Slowly and carefully putting her back to the crib... not leaving until he carresed her cheek with two fingers before getting out with hands stuffed on his pockets.
The poor man almost set you on fire when he saw you when he closed the door.
"You're have the courage to set the mother of your kid on fire?!" You giggled after jumping in guard whem he started to use his quirk.
"Dont scare me to death, I thought you were asleep." He turned down the flames and looked at you, smilling like a dork at him as he squinted his eyes and glared at you. "How much did you hear?"
"All of it." You smirked.
You had to settled down your laughter just tonort wake up your sleeping daughter at seing the all big and bad Dabi blush at being caught singing a music to his baby.
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ayatosmlktea · 4 years
𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐧
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Word Count: 1.7k
Dabi x Reader
A/N: I’ve had this idea in my head for months, but I’ve been too scared to write for other animes. I mean the worst that could happen is no one likes it, so why not! This is inspired by Atlas - Keshi because his voice makes me think of Dabi sooo enjoy this Dabi angst! Also thanks @suckersuki​ for being so nice and supportive! Also pt2. Finding quirks are hard. Okay that’s it!
Warm summer breeze caressed her skin, like the gentle embrace of a familiar lover. Orange rays of a setting sun cast over her as she sat on the front steps of her apartment. It was comfortable, quiet, her favourite kind of weather. Golden hour, quite the opposite of how she felt inside. It was wrong, the feelings bubbling in her chest were making her feel disgust. Why were butterflies in her stomach at the thought of him? She was stupid, it would never work out. They were from two different worlds. He was trouble, he hurt people, he was a villain. He was everything she stood against as a hero.
So why was Y/N hoping that he would stay for more than just a quick fuck. Her eyes were unfocused, fixating on one spot of concrete while her thoughts were elsewhere. She couldn’t even remember how their strange relationship, if you could even call it that, had started. Every thought of his hands on her body had her heart speeding up, her fingernails digging into her palms as she scolded herself for craving his touch even more.
 Dabi was different, no one had ever made her feel the things he did. And he didn’t even have to try, the way he looked at her was enough to steal the air from her lungs. She hadn’t seen him in a while; and while it was probably a good thing considering that meant he wasn’t causing trouble, Y/N felt a hole burning into her heart. She couldn’t help the long nights she’d lay awake, staring at the ceiling wishing that he was next to her. It was just sex, it didn’t mean anything. 
So why was she falling in love with him against her better judgement. Sighing heavily she stood up, walking back into the lonely empty apartment that only felt like home when he was in it.
Y/N kept hoping, despite the fact that she knew it was irrational, that he would show up. She was tired of sleeping in an empty bed.
‘God listen to yourself, you sound pathetic.’ She couldn’t help but scoff at how needy she sounded. Beginning her nightly routine, Y/N ignored the feeling of paranoia as she bent over to rinse her face off.  He always liked to scare her from behind whenever she was washing her face. Y/N didn’t like to admit that she was lonely but before she had met Dabi there wasn’t a lot going on in her life that she looked forward to. Sure, she was a hero and that was something she was proud of. But something about the way he actively sought out danger was...exciting.
 Pulling the thin covers over her head she tried not to think about his arms snaking around her waist pulling her back flush against his chest. Every good memory of Dabi was always accompanied with ones of his destructive nature. Ones that reminded her why they were never meant to be, why they shouldn’t have even come together at all. What they were doing was wrong, falling in love with him was wrong!
At the end of the day, Dabi was a villain and she was a hero.
Looking around the city district lit up with smoldering blue flames, the sounds of civilians screaming all around her and blood dripping down the side of her face, Y/N was reminded of why Dabi was everything she stood against. Her legs were burning, screaming for her to stop running. Sweat mixed with blood as it dripped down her face onto her hero costume. She couldn’t stop, not until everyone had been evacuated. Cursing under her breath she kicked herself for not seeing it sooner.
Dabi’s disappearance never meant anything good.
The league’s numbers had grown since the last time they had attacked the city, the number of villains was easily greater than the heroes they had available. It seemed hopeless, there was only so much they could do without destroying the whole sector. Even then it seemed like a losing fight.
‘Snap out of it! Focus!’
Shaking off her doubts she handed off another scared child to the paramedics, he had a couple cuts on his face but nothing that wouldn’t heal with time.
“T-thank you for saving me” Her heart melted at his mumbled thanks. Flashing him her brightest smile she ruffled his hair affectionately. These were the moments she lived for, saving people.
Another explosion had the ground trembling under her feet and Y/N was off running again.
The fight had barely begun and her limbs were already begging her to stop moving. Her quirk wasn’t the strongest when it came to being on the offensive side. She could remove one of a person’s senses but the longer she used it the greater a toll it took on her mental and physical energy. Her only saving grace was the years she had spent honing her combat skills.
From her peripheral vision she could see Endeavor’s flames, although having the number one hero on the scene did nothing to calm the anxious storm brewing in her stomach. Knowing who they were up against, having Endeavour there was only going to add fuel to the fire, literally.
Another explosion of blue flames on her right sent glass and debris flying towards her. The force of it had her ears ringing as her body was flung to the ground, the feeling of something sharp jabbing into her shoulder blade pulled a choked cry of pain from her throat. A mixture of orange and blue flames were blurred together as she unsteadily climbed to her feet.
“Fancy meeting you here” That low voice she knew all too well sent bolts of electricity down her whole body. Gritting her teeth together,  Y/N moved out of Dabi’s line of vision before taking away his sight. She needed to move fast, incapacitate him while she still had the upper hand. Dabi merely chuckled, a small ball of flames engulfing his hand.
“I don’t need to see you to know where you are doll’ Y/N hated the mocking tone of voice he used, like she wasn’t strong enough to take him down. Dabi moved out of her grasp with ease, even without his vision he was adept at avoiding her moves.
“Missed you” His smirk that once had her heart pounding against her chest now made her want to smash his face into the ground.
“Shut up” Her chest was heaving, the hit she had taken earlier was throbbing incessantly. The stabbing pain in her back made each inhale shorter and more frequent. It was an exhausting fight. Had she not spent so much time moping in bed over a guy who didn’t really love her and had focused her energy on training, maybe she would have been able to take him down.
“If it hadn’t been for you we never would’ve pulled this off, you’re a real hero Y/N!” The cold sharp laugh Dabi let out froze her blood.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” The strain of holding her focus on keeping him blind was testing her mental resolve. Y/N moved to incapacitate him from behind again only to have him whip around in time to send another blast of blue flames hurtling her into an alley. 
She felt broken pieces of glass digging into her skin, the pain substantial enough for her concentration to slip. The grin Dabi gave her was feral, her face and arms were burning and the tips of her hair smelled burnt. He was faster than the first time she had fought him, within seconds he was at her side. His fingers gripped the hair at the base of her neck pulling back so that she was facing him.
“Amazing the things technology can do, don’t you think? You should really keep confidential information off your phone, doll”
“You bugged my phone?” she seethed, her vision going red.
In that moment she had never hated him more, the damage he was more than happy to inflict on innocent people, on her, was enough to prove that he had never really cared for her. Using whatever energy she had left she removed his vision once again, using the milliseconds she had to take him by surprise. Straddling his waist, she put every pent up feeling of rage, heartbreak and betrayal into her punch. The satisfying crack of his nose breaking was enough for her to keep going.
“I fucking hate you!” She screamed, but she couldn’t tell whether her words were directed at Dabi or herself. One of his hands grabbed her arm, white hot pain travelled up her arm eliciting another scream as his hand print was burned onto her skin. Her focus slipped again, his eyes met hers with a carnal rage that she had only seen once before. She hadn’t even realized she was crying until her tears dropped onto his face.
“What’s this? A hero crying over a villain? How pathetic” He sneered, flipping their positions once again.
“You’re such a fucking dick” she hissed through clenched teeth, bringing her leg up to knee him in between his legs. Dabi grunted, his hand immediately closed around her throat, squeezing hard enough to leave her gasping for air.
“You’re a fucking pain in my ass” before Y/N knew what was happening she felt his lips against hers.
The kiss was anything but gentle, his teeth bit at her lips hard enough to draw blood but she matched his energy. Her fingers tangled in his thick black hair pulling him closer against her. Teeth clacked together as they fought to dominate the other, his hand gripped her hair painfully but it made her moan regardless. Pulling apart only when they were panting for air, Y/N stared into his eyes finding the expression she had been missing for weeks. 
The blood dripping down his nose and lips made her stomach clench in a way that wasn’t considered hero-like at all. She couldn’t help but crave his touch, the damage was done. The second he’d branded her arm she had lost the fight. Weeks of ignoring her, of making her crave his attention had all been for this moment. He had never planned on letting her walk away.
At the end of the day, Dabi was a villain and she was his.
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sugoi-writes · 4 years
BNHA boys with a boyfriend. Like dabi, deku, todoroki, fat gum and any other of your choice
BNHA Boys x Boyfriend (Dabi, Deku, Todo, Fat Gum)
I really had fun coming up with some hc/perceptions! Some may be a bit long winded, but I just couldn’t hold back! I may do another post like this where I feature more of the boys (Bakugou, Mirio, Hawks, etc.) Some of these are angsty as a warning though!
He’s definitely a manipulative, playboy type. He relishes you falling hopelessly, clinging to the rollercoaster of manic emotions as your hopes rise high before plummeting. He is also a domineering type, and takes great, sadistic glee to find yet another man trapped under the heel of his boots. But buckle up, because he tends to lift you right back up, sweep you off your toes, and make your head spin.
While many would argue you’d never have time for each other, he has a way of sneaking up on you. Literally. Wherever you are, whenever he feels like it, he will come to you. He is very selective with how much you know of him, and will not let you get too close. Whether that’s in fear of you discovering parts of himself he wants to keep hidden, or him trying to 10 steps ahead of you, you’ll never know.
He’s not particularly passionate, and if you’re being honest, the times that he is… They either leave you feeling underwhelmed or completely on the edge of your seat. Dabi definitely doesn’t draw any sort of line in the sand when it comes to identities and genders… he tends to go for people who are either very gullible and naive, or people who have a tenacious resolve, and unwavering loyalty.
This is really all your relationship is. It’s much more casual, with a friends-with-benefits vibe. While you constantly crave more from him, he’ll always leave you dangling helplessly until you’re frustrated. With time, and maybe your commitment to watching the world burn… who knows? Maybe you can get your way just yet.
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If him and Dabi share one thing in common, it’s how dodgy and busy they are. But, like the villain, Deku makes sure to make time for you and come to you. However, your relationship is much deeper, and public. He wouldn’t be secretive in the slightest about you two, and will openly ramble about you should someone present him the chance. He is the type to remember every passing detail. Every birthday, every dinner date, every milestone… he’s already planning for 90% of what you celebrate or do together. And in that respect, you find things easier, as Deku can purposely manipulate his schedule to be with you.
Passion? Clear signals? Not a worry in your book. Even though Izuku can tend to shy away from confrontation between friends or peers, he does his damndest to be one hundred percent upfront with you. And he will also expect the same from you in return. He works his ass off not only to save his home, but also to keep you happy in your relationship, and have a stable future with you. It’s a future in which his mother hopes you become a part of. She loves you to pieces, and isn’t concerned with neo-typical things (becoming a grandmother, planning a wedding for her DIL, etc).
That being said, you can expect Midoriya to be the type that wants to eventually settle down with you, grow old, and just linger, with you by his side. Despite his big dreams, he’s also a simple man. And he thanks his lucky stars that you chose him to be with you.
A boyfriend? With the way that Endeavour had raised him, Todoroki would have never expected to want to be beside another man/male presenting person his entire life. Against his will, he always thought that his role was to carry a lineage he was never proud of, to produce kids for a man that would never appreciate them in a genuine way. He thought he would end up giving his father grandchildren for the sake of a Genetic Lottery.
However, as his and his father’s relationship improved, so did his views. He began to think more freely, experiment with his sexuality and relationships, and then… there was you. He had thrown out the window his prior mindset entirely, discovering a relationship with you that thrilled him. It was something unplanned, and a future that was different than the one he dreaded. And he makes sure that you know that.
Expect him to be overly doting, and enamored with you, as if you have him under your thumb. He is more than lovestruck, and finds a zest in living that he would have otherwise dismissed. Your days together are spent being together, trying new things, dabbling in domestic life… but ultimately, he wants freedom for the both of you. Freedom to chart your own destiny, without having to be weighed down by lineage, descendants, or even commitment. And should you ever drift apart, or you want for something else in life? He will be sad, sure, but will ultimately be happy for you. Because of you, he discovered a part of life that was missing, a part inside him that always existed, but was suppressed. But, if he’s being honest… while he’s soaring in the Hero Rankings, and saving countless lives… he hopes that he can always come back to you, and experience the newer, spontaneous parts of life with you. In your relationship, the same Todoroki that you started to fall for will still be there, but some of the harder, stoic layers begin to peel away, showing you so much more.
Fat Gum
He is a huge, HUGE child in a grown man’s body. In context of his hero work, he is usually the type to be laser focused, and always goal oriented. When he comes back to you, after an excruciating day… he sheds off all of the stress and let loose. He is a prankster, a riot, a great lover, and your wingman all wrapped up in one package. His jolly and RIPPED forms are both happily welcome in your life, and FG will take you as you are, with no restraints. FG is not a draw-the-line-in-the-sand kind of guy: he’s only looking for a handful of things in a partner… and you scratched all of them off. You being a man/male presenting didn’t affect his choice or desire to be with you.
He may have a bit of free time on his hands compared to some pros, but he is headstrong and prefers to keep himself busy. At times, he can get a bit stir crazy, and likes feeling productive. Despite his light hearted side, this will transfer into your relationship, too. If there’s something he can work on? He’s actively doing so, and will often ask you about what you think, or what he still needs to address. He also works in tandem with you frequently, mapping out what you might want and expect from each other. This is another guy that has all the cards out on the table. If you two have what the other wants, great! If not, he’ll work on it, and you two can reach a middle ground or figure something out.
Expect a lot of crazy shenanigans, last minute work and activities, but most of all: a guy that can be really dedicated to you, and ensuring that the both of you are thriving and happy with life.
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So....I'm literally in love with your rei&lov stuff and wanted to ask if you're still taking scenario suggestions? In case you do; how about dabihawks, in which dabi figures out/always knew that hawks is actually a spy but convinces hawks to actually become a villain? Or literally any hawks&shouto interaction in which they talk for some reason(internship?) And bc of that hawks figures out that dabi=touya and endevour=horrible and has kinda a breakdown? (Bonus points of shouto already knew) Thx
First of all, thank you so much! I’m definitely still taking requests- sorry this one took a while to post, but I’ve been in finals this past week and things have been hectic. Second, I’m going to have to apologize in advance because I saw all of your awesome suggestions here and instead of tackling this like any sane person would by choosing one thing to write about, I decided to write all of them in one request… So in other words, this sucker is LONG. Anyway, without further ado, enjoy the piece!
- All it takes is one boy being saved for everything to go absolutely batshit crazy.
- Keigo “Hawks” Takami is a cunning man, ruthless when it comes to intelligence, speed, determination. He’s been trained- raised his whole life to be the personification of the perfect working hero: instinctive, quick, capable of wearing as many masks as it takes to get the job done and hiding all of that deadly capability behind a warm, smiling face that keeps him the darling of the public eye. 
- And yet, despite his wit, despite his impeccable skill for analysis, despite every sign that should have given him a few warning bells about this situation, Hawks had stumbled in completely blind. Nothing could’ve prepared him for this.
- It had started off as nothing more than a basic street brawl. Hawks had taken the day to patrol with Enji and Shouto, the young man having returned to his father’s agency for his internship. In fact, it was mostly because of Shouto that Hawks had decided to head out with Endeavor in the first place- he was curious about the youngest Todoroki. The boy already had a pretty impressive reputation regardless of the fact that he hadn’t yet gone pro, and Hawks was curious to see whether or not he would hold up in person.
- So when they’d gotten the call that there was a robbery four blocks away and that a fight had broken out in the square, he hadn’t given two thoughts about it, really. Hell, the kid had faced off against the League shortly after entering his first year and come out without a scratch. He could take a couple amateur thugs no problem.
- And at first, things actually go really well. Shouto’s got some serious skill, and it doesn’t take long for them to get the situation sorted out-
- That is, at least, until a few familiar faces show up.
- Hawks swears he’s going to kick Dabi’s ass into next week when he, Toga, Compress and Twice all round the corner and straight into the whole mess. Like, it’s bad enough that now he’s going to have to put up a fight with them, but for fuck’s sake the last thing he needs is to be gearing up to face them while also trying to put on a nonchalant expression as Toga starts laughing her ass off at the sight of him being there.
- So of course shit goes sideways and a second fight breaks out. Hawks has never been more thankful of Twice, because the man just keeps sending clone after clone his way and it’s keeping him busy enough that he doesn’t have to throw punches at any of the others. After all, the League had just started warming up to him, and he really doesn’t want to be sending anybody home packing black eyes on his account.
- But that also leaves three villains against two Todorokis, and while that still shouldn’t be a problem, it turns out to be.
- In hindsight knowing what he’d come to learn much later, maybe it was the way Endeavor barked the boy’s name. Maybe it was how he’d whipped around so suddenly the flames on his body guttered and flared. Maybe it was even just the simple matter of having his arm raised when he turned.
- Either way, whatever he’d been going to tell his youngest child goes unsaid, be it advice or otherwise.
- All Hawks knows is that it takes a full two seconds for Endeavour to shout his son’s name, to wheel around to face him, arm still rigid above his head from the last burst of flame he’d sent at Compress, hand exploding into a raging blaze once more- and then Dabi is fucking sprinting.
- And at first, Hawks almost goes after him because it seems like the fire-user is about to take out Shouto and quite frankly, it didn’t matter who you are: going after a child is a low blow, plain and simple.
- So when he dispatches Twice’s next clone in a messy hurry and moves to follow, he’s stopped dead in his tracks by a display he never thought he’d witness: the patchwork villain yelling “Sho!” so loudly his voice cracks before quite literally hauling the young hero behind him and bracing his free arm in front of them both in a gesture that is so inherently and naturally defensive it makes Hawks pause.
- Half a second later, there’s an explosion of blue fire so fierce and bright that it’s damn near blinding. It takes a few moments for the winged hero to blink the light from his eyes, but when he manages to do so, it is only to take in the sight of three faces equally painted in horror.
- And here’s the thing; Hawks expects some kind of reaction from Shouto, so the fact that he’s still stunned and unmoving behind this villain isn’t exactly a surprise. Hell, he expects a reaction from Dabi too, because that degree of defensiveness, that scale of fire, the sheer desperation in his movements seconds before the explosive blast- it’s so unlike him, especially over some hero’s son?
- But it’s when Enji Todoroki blanches just as pale as the other two, eyes wide as Shouto’s, hands shaking like Dabi’s, that Hawks feels an uncomfortable clench in his gut. That feeling persists, too, as the fighting stops around them, and everything falls into silence, ashes falling down around them like snow. It’s the first time that Hawks has noticed that the walls of the surrounding buildings have been scorched black from the heat, smoke still rising in the air. 
- There’s blood leaking down Dabi’s face, his arms, past his burnt jacket sleeves and the collar of his shirt. He’s in pain, Hawks can tell, even from where he’s standing. That move took a lot out of him- 
- But there’s also no way he wouldn’t have known that before doing it, and that raises more than a few questions.
- All three men look like they’re reliving some kind of flashback, some kind of memory or unanimous nightmare. It’s Shouto who speaks first, voice wavering, and even then it’s only one word, indistinguishable from their current distance- but it’s enough to snap Dabi out of whatever reverie he’s in and cause him to snarl and bolt.
- Nobody goes after him, not even Endeavor, and in seconds the patchwork man is gone, lost to the shadows and alleys. Being realistic, it would take Hawks less than a minute to soar up above the buildings and scout him down, demand some answers, but Twice is quicker to the punch.
“Let us handle this for now- you can take of him later, I’m not handling his broody side.”
- The rest of the League is in the process of disappearing as well as Hawks makes his way up to the pair of still shell-shocked heroes, quirking an eyebrow and tugging at a few feathers that got bent in his fight.
- “You want to tell me what that was all about? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
- The hard glint in Enji’s eye as he glances at him and then spins around on his heel without a word, walking in the opposite direction is all the confirmation he needs to know that maybe they have.
- Days pass. It had been hard enough not asking questions for the rest of their patrol but when, four days later, Endeavor still won’t give him the time of day and Dabi won’t respond to any of his texts and calls, Hawks has had about enough.
- Aizawa’s not exactly thrilled about the Number Two hero calling in to ask if he can take part of the morning to talk to Todoroki about some of the events of their last patrol, but he presses that it’s important, and Aizawa eventually gives in on the grounds that it’s safer for them to talk at the school about mission work than anywhere else, really.
- And that’s how he and the dual-quirked boy end up facing one another over cold coffee in the otherwise vacant teacher’s lounge, Shouto guarded as ever, and Hawks feeling a bit nervous despite the circumstances. Truth being told, he isn’t sure what he’s looking to find here, exactly, but the whole situation has been burning a hole in his stomach for half a week, and something about it really isn’t sitting right.
- “…This is about the whole… Incident with him, isn’t it?” Todoroki asks eventually, tone flat, and Hawks has to admit that he’s chosen some interesting phrasing.
- “Pretty much, yeah,” Hawks scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, unsure where to even start. The whole thing seems pretty absurd. The youngest Todoroki hums and sips at his cold coffee, the light rippling of the liquid being the only thing betraying the slight tremour of his hands.
- “If you have questions, why not ask him instead?” Hawks immediately wrinkles his nose at that.
- “Who, Endeavor? Something tells me he wouldn’t be the most willing audie-”
- “Not Endeavor.” Shouto fixes his cup back on its saucer before turning curious but carefully blank eyes on him, “Dabi. You two seem close enough for it.”
- Well, fuck.
- Hawks’ brain is going a mile a minute trying to figure out how Shouto managed to put two and two together. There’s no way he’d figured it out from that patrol day- they hadn’t even interacted at all, and Hawks had been careful not to mention the patchwork villain around any of the other heroes so as to not raise suspicion with his mission, or to have anyone go snooping too deeply into something that could also get him in a huge deal of shit. 
- Not really knowing how else to play his cards but to try and save face, Hawks squints and shakes his head at the boy in confusion, hoping the “dumb-bird” act will save his ass. Underneath the surface, though, he can feel the pinpricks of an impending anxiety attack, the boy’s blunt and unexpected words having shredded every assumption of caution that he thought he’d put up. Hell, if Shouto has figured things out this far, has he also figured out Hawks’ connection to the League? Has he told anyone else? The Commission is going to skin him alive when they found out-
- “I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about,” Hawks tries, grimacing at the end of the statement for effect, “Unless you’re meaning because I didn’t intervene when everything went down and help you guys out- sorry about that by the way, but I figured you two would have everything under control, and when all the fighting stopped, I just froze.” He shrugs, trying his best to look sheepish, “It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes when the shock is great enough I’m more of a natural freezer than a reactor. Probably some kind of weird bird thing.”
- Shouto regards him for a solid second, unblinking, before cracking a small smile.
- “You’re a good liar.” He says simply, before sipping his coffee again. “But that’s not what I’m talking about at all.”
- Those pinpricks return again, and Hawks’ wings flutter somewhat nervously on their own accord. He resists the urge to let them expand just to give himself a bit more of a size advantage, and instead tries playing it off again. Shouto’s eyebrows raise at the attempt, and it’s with almost exaggerated disbelief that he sets his cup down for the second time and announces, in that odd, cool way of his, “So you just let any villain wear your feathers, then?”
- Hawks chokes on his coffee.
- This time, he legitimately does not know what the hell Todoroki’s talking about, but it turns out that the observant teen had caught sight of a long stretch of cord that had shifted somewhat out from under the other man’s loose shirt when he spun around to run.
- And there’s nothing weird about that in itself. Dabi’s kinda a jewelry guy, and Heaven knows he’s got enough piercings to prove it. But when Todoroki gets to mentioning that there was a small red feather on the end of the rope, Hawks can’t help but flush pink just a little bit because he’d left that feather as a calling card to tell the other man he’d broken into his apartment two weeks ago and he’d gone and strung it on a necklace what an absolute fucking dork-
- “I don’t think Endeavor saw,” Todoroki continues absently, “So it’s just me that knows, and I don’t want any of the details,” He looks at Hawks solemnly again, this time his voice growing quieter, “I’ll keep your secret, but forgive me for using it to make sure you keep mine.”
- Hawks examines him for a slow moment, fully aware that neither of them are moving, and the air is growing tense. This boy could bring his career crashing down around his ears with a few words muttered in the right direction, and yet Hawks is inclined to believe him when he says he’ll keep a secret. With a sigh, the winged hero extends a hand.
- “Deal.” He agrees, shivering at the contact of ice on his palm, Todoroki apologizing for the slip under his breath. “Now, what’s this secret, then?”
- Shouto chews his lip for a moment before sitting back in his seat, hands clenched into fists.
- “I need to tell you a story.”
- An hour later, the entire fucking world has been turned on its head, and nothing is ever going to be the same.
- Shouto Todoroki sits quietly for a moment, before calmly reaching out for his coffee cup again, more for the simple grounding action of holding it than anything else. The silence in the room is stifling, especially after the burrage of information Hawks has had dumped on him in the last sixty minutes, and his brain is still sluggishly trying to process most of it.
- “He’s… He’s your brother?” The hero manages eventually, mouth feeling dry, stomach churning. That panging ache in his stomach that he’d felt before has returned tenfold, and it takes everything in Hawks’ apparent willpower to not run for a garbage bin and puke from all the nausea. 
- Todoroki won’t meet his eye, and Hawks doesn’t blame him- after everything that’s been revealed at this coffee table, he’s not sure he could look the younger man dead in the face without breaking down in some way. Seeing his scar, mentally comparing it to Dabi’s many, brain running lists of all their similarities and those lists coming up remarkably long.
- The worst of it is the carpet that got all but torn out from under his feet as Shouto had explained what his father had put them all through, his involvement at home, how they had assumed for so long that their oldest sibling had died, and that it had been their father’s fault, no different than Rei’s hospitalization and, by extension, Shouto’s burned eye. It’s this news that curdles his stomach more than anything, makes his blood freeze in his veins.
- He can already tell that when he allows that news to settle, it’s going to hit like a bombshell, but he can’t do that in front of Shouto, so he pushes it to the back of his mind for now until he can handle it later and instead tries to focus on the subjects that he thinks can be safely discussed.
- Todoroki just nods, seemingly spent on this whole ordeal as well, and also not really knowing what to do with it. 
- “I’d had some suspicions,” He admits softly, fiddling with his hands, “But I didn’t want to think on them too closely or get my hopes up- he was dead, or supposed to be anyway. And then that patrol happened, and… I don’t remember much of him, really. The memories are all hazy. I was so young- but he used to call me Sho as a nickname when we were kids. When he ran out in front of me though, I…”
- “You remembered it wasn’t the first time.” Hawks concludes, and Shouto nods again, his shoulders slumping.
- “It was exactly the same,” He murmurs softly, “And it just… Triggered memories of all of these things I’d forgotten, but now they’re all coming back, and I don’t-” He sighs in frustration, taking a deep breath to rein in his thoughts, “I don’t know what to do because he’s not dead anymore, but at the same time, I’m not sure that he’s really alive either. That part of him that I knew might be gone entirely- I’m willing to believe that his actions during our patrol were out of memory reflex more than anything.”
- But Hawks is already thinking about all of those times that Dabi has helped Toga arrange her hair into buns when it’s being too stubborn, and the almost-petty sibling banter he slings back and forth with Shigaraki sometimes just to get a rise out of him. There are other habits too, just little things here and there, but the more Hawks imagines Dabi being a former sibling, the more connections he sees.
- They clean up their dishes quietly, dirty laundry aired, secrets hanging heavy. Before they leave, though, Hawks turns back to Todoroki one last time.
- “You know I can’t bring him back, right?”
- It’s a harsh reality, but a very real one. Quite frankly, Hawks suspects that there’s a lot of the person Todoroki remembers in this new Dabi figure, but no matter how much of that remains, no matter how many different and surprising and kind, soft, gentle, loyal angles Dabi has, it doesn’t change the fact that he is first and foremost a villain. That takes precedence over anything, and there’s really no turning back from it, not now, and not after the extent he’s gone to. Shouto nods, hair falling in his face, though Hawks can see through the fringe that his eyes are clear. There’s no judgement, no upset. He’s more than aware, and something in Hawks’ chest twinges again at how quickly this child had to grow up, seeing the world with such adult eyes.
- There’s something else still tickling the back of his mind, and at first he hesitates to ask it. Shouto’s been through enough today as it is, and he doesn’t want to push too far, but at the same time, he’s dying to know. There’s this sense in him that it’s probably important, and Hawks has long ago learned better than to ignore his gut.
- “One more thing- what did you say to him that day? Right before he ran?”
- Shouto’s hand freezes on the doorknob, literally freezes on the doorknob, ice crawling over his fingers. For a second, Hawks is considering apologizing and moving on, afraid that he’s overstepped a boundary. But then Shouto’s grip on the handle eases, and the ice crackles and falls away from his hand, falling to melt in the fibres of the carpet underfoot.
- “Touya. I called him Touya.”
- They leave the room and don’t look back.
- Hawks walks Shouto back to class, only to pull Eraserhead outside for a moment and explain nothing more into the situation than that the youngest Todoroki experienced some stressful things during their last patrol, and that after their discussion that morning, it probably wouldn’t hurt to have him take the rest of the day off just to recuperate a little.
- And with any of the other teachers, he might have been hit with a hardass no, but this is Shouta Aizawa, and if there’s anything that man cares more about than cats, coffee, and the occasional witty remark, it’s rest and his students. As much as he likes to deny it, he keeps a better eye on those kids than they know, and he’s caught Todoroki acting a bit more reserved than normal, less concentrated. He nods slowly, dismisses Hawks with a casual comment about wasting his time, and goes to fetch Shouto from the classroom again.
- The winged hero leaves to the sound of Aizawa telling Shouto that he’ll get a notes package done up for him for the day, and to go rest. There’s some muffled arguing before the older man makes some statement about mental health that effectively shuts Shouto up and sends him back in the direction of the dorms, Hawks grinning to himself the whole way down the hall, until he can no longer hear the two. Shouto Todoroki has had one hell of a life, that much is certain, but nobody can deny that he’s in good hands now and that itself is a relief beyond words.
- That being said, it takes all of ten seconds upon returning home to his apartment and getting the door shut behind him, before Keigo Takami all but collapses on the hardwood and begins to sob. Once the tears start flowing they just won’t stop, and there’s this kind of warm, gentle light streaming in through the floor-to-ceiling-windows that seems to just encourage the outpour even more. 
- Were anyone to see him at that exact moment, they’d probably think it made an interesting picture, the Number Two hero weeping on his knees, wings spread about him like some kind of devastated creature of God, light pouring down his shoulders and face as though his halo had melted and dripped like tear stains over his skin. There’s this burning, raw sensation inside him that just won’t ease, and as he lies there, a crumbled statue of a once proud Icarus, he lets the truth rage over him like wildfire, lets the heat of it all melt the wax and burn the feathers, and feels it pull him into a drop he’s not sure how to recover from, or if he ever will.
- There’s this war raging inside him on how to feel, a million emotions crushing his chest all at once. The first that hits him is disgust, disgust for this man that he had looked up to for so long, who had been a hero to him even when he’d had nothing, nobody, not even a dream. He had put so much faith in him, had defended him at every turn, had stood by him as a colleague, watched his back, taken wounds to keep him safe. This was the man he’d bled for, if he deserved to be called a man at all.
- But the emotions that follow after this are so rapid-fire, they’re almost impossible to keep track of, aside from the pain- the pain lingers and grows, makes itself known in every damned crevice of his being. There’s betrayal, both to the person he is now, and to the young child who’d cheered the fire hero on, who he’d wanted to impress so badly. There’s sadness for the world he thought he knew, for the person he thought he knew, and all of that being stripped away to reveal something so much more grim and ugly. Grief for the loss, mourning for the death of something he’d seen as a foundation to his person, the pain so strong throughout.
- One of the worst, though, is the anger. When the anger arrives, it isn’t in a gradual wave like the other feelings had been, full of upset and still-numb disbelief. When the anger arrives, it is as a battering ram of rage that burns so fiercely in his core, he wants to scream. Rage for Shouto Todoroki, rage for Rei Todoroki, rage for Fuyumi and Natsuo, and damn it all, blistering, agonizing rage for Touya Todoroki and the unjust cards he was dealt. When the anger arrives, it’s with the passion of a man who has longed for family his whole life, and can’t imagine how an individual could so carelessly ruin what another would die for.
- When the anger arrives it stays, and it leaves Hawks trembling on the floor long after the tears have stopped rolling, after the damp spots on his cheeks have dried, after the pain has stopped clawing at his throat, and taken up permanent residence in his heart instead.
- And that’s how Dabi finds him three hours later as night starts setting in, and the light from the windows has faded, the warmth in the floorboards gone. Hawks is so out of it, so physically and emotionally exhausted, that he doesn’t even hear him come in, only notices him when the tall man crouches down in his line of vision, concernedly snapping his fingers in his face.
- Somehow the sight of him just manages to drive the knife in deeper, and he has to take a deep breath to keep his composure. Dabi’s eyebrows are drawn together in worry at the scene, hands beginning to rapidly check him all over for wounds of some kind before Hawks weakly bats his hands away, protesting. The cremation villain sits back on his heels, unimpressed, and flicks the other man’s forehead.
- “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all afternoon- why weren’t you picking up your phone, dumbass? I thought something must have happened.”
- The irritation in his voice thinly covers his relief, and Hawks can only manage to blink up at him once or twice before clenching his eyes shut altogether. He doesn’t mention that Dabi hasn’t responded to any of his messages until today either, figures a fight isn’t what either of them need right now.
- “I talked to Shouto today,” He says quietly, voice so hoarse from crying, it’s almost hard to listen to. Dabi stiffens, but doesn’t turn away or make a sound, so Hawks continues, “He told me… Everything. Everything that happened, everything that that bastard did,” Hawks takes another steadying breath, choosing not to look Dabi in the eye for this part, “He knows who you are- I know about that part too. And that’s fine, really, it is; I won’t call you by that name or anything if you don’t want me to. I just… I can’t believe that I looked up to him so long, and he was doing all of this and nobody knew-
- And suddenly it’s all spilling out all over again, and there are more tears, but much less than last time, a slow and steady trickle compared to the earlier downpour. Dabi doesn’t do anything but listen as the minutes pass, as the sky grows steadily darker and they’re left in the kitchen with no lights on, almost silhouettes in the room. Somehow, it feels comforting- Dabi has a way of making shadows feel less like threats and more like hiding places, and Hawks has never felt it more strongly than now.
- But it isn’t until he’s done his tirade that he realizes his most crucial mistake- that in confessing all of this, he’s just botched his own story of being done with the hero world, the lies that he’d given Dabi when they first met. He’s just outed himself as a turncoat. And not only that, he’s just outed himself as a turncoat to a villain who is still kneeling over him in a dark room, and who would have literally nothing stopping him from crisping the winged hero right there, not even Hawks himself. Fast as he is, he doesn’t think his reflexes will save him quickly enough in this state, and all it will take for him to be completely defenseless would be Dabi moving his hands an inch or two forward to light his wings on fire, exposed as they currently are.
- He can feel the panic building in his chest as Dabi stays silent, breathing picking up a few notches before he’s suddenly scrambling to get into a less vulnerable position, trying to make out Dabi’s expression in the dark. Maybe if he can get out a window fast enough, he’ll be able to catch a draft and soar out of the way- it’s his best bet, but the kitchen island is against his back now because he scooted too far back, and there’s no way for him to get to a window without either getting through Dabi or-
- The panic attack that he was feeling earlier decides to kick in at this exact moment, and that’s when Hawks realizes that if Dabi wants him dead, he’s dying in this room. All of his instincts and nerves are shot, he has no sense of coordination, he can’t see, the dark no longer feels safe-
- The lights come on, and Hawks glances up sharply from his position against the island to see Dabi with his hand still on the lightswitch, expression hard to read, but not the crazed, maniacal look Hawks would have expected to receive if the villain were planning to outright kill him. He watches as the other man slowly walks forward, gaze locked, until he kneels so closely on the floor in front of him that if Hawks so much as slid his knees a centimetre forward, they’d be hitting Dabi in the chest.
- His heart is hammering so fast, he’s sure he’ll either hyperventilate or pass out at any given second, body trembling, brain unable to focus. He manages to force his eyes closed as Dabi extends a hand out, certain that he’ll be feeling those blue flames crawling his skin the second they get close enough to burn. The flames never come.
- Dabi’s fingers trail across his temple, brushing back a few strands of sweaty hair, before going to cup his cheek entirely. The action is so uncharacteristically tender that it causes Hawks’ eyes to flash open again, the scarred man looking at him with intent eyes.
- “Take a few deep breaths, pretty bird.” He says calmly, not even flinching when Hawks’ hand comes up to clench hard on the patchwork man’s bicep.
- “You took all of that info rather well,” Hawks states, almost accusingly, through gritted teeth. His breathing is starting to slow, heartbeat becoming less erratic, though Dabi’s sudden smirk isn’t helping anything.
- “I’ve known that you weren’t legit from the first day,” He scoffs, looking a touch of smug, but also somewhat offended, “Give me more credit than that, sweetheart. This isn’t news.”
- The simple, familiar arrogance of it all forces a sharp laugh from Hawks’ throat, and against all odds he can feel the adrenaline draining from his system, beginning to relax again. 
- “You’re such an asshole, you know that?” Said with a tired grin. ‘I’m relieved this one corner of my world isn’t crumbling down too.’
- “Only time you’ll catch me alive saying guilty as charged.” Said with a smile as crooked as a broken law. ‘I’m not going anywhere.’
- They wait like that just a few minutes longer, listening to the hum of the overhead lights, nothing needing to be said for those moments at least. Then, once Hawks has calmed down enough to relocate, they move to the couch.
- “So,” Dabi is the one to begin this time, throwing his lanky form across the whole sofa and stretching out well enough across it that his head can rest on one of the arms, his ankles dangling off the other. “You know about my shitty childhood. I`d rather not talk about that any more tonight, honestly.”
- Hawks, appreciative that he seems to be willing to let to matter of the anxiety attack drop completely, chooses to take a seat on the middle cushion, leaning back against Dabi’s hip as a support and letting his wings fall over the back of the sofa and behind it. The longest feathers drag on the floor from this height, and Dabi watches for a second as Hawks flares them temporarily to adjust his wings in a better position before continuing. “And I know about you not being true to the League. Anything else you’d care to hash out while we’re in the sharing mood?”
- “Yeah, actually,” Hawks shoots him a look and raises an eyebrow, “If you knew I was lying, why the hell did you keep me around?”
- Dabi goes entirely still, one hand subconsciously draping across his chest, and Hawks remembers the comment Shouto made earlier about the necklace. He wonders if the villain is reaching for it now.
- “You don’t ease into anything, do you?” He asks eventually with a chuckle, Hawks’ answering grin speaking for itself. “Alright, it’s… I guess, you know when you’re in a deep body of water and your head goes under, and it kind of hits you that you could drown there? And the first thing you do when you see it is reach for the light?” Hawks nods even though he’s always had an aversion to swimming due to the weight of his wings and has never been close enough to drowning to truly know. “It’s… Fuck, I’m trashing the hell out of this, but it’s like that. I could tell I was sinking, and I didn’t give a shit. And then you showed up, and I knew right off the bat that you were lying to my face, but for once, there’s this light right in front of me, close enough to reach for. I never really meant for it to be more than that.” He paused for a second before adding, “But there was something about the fact that you were batshit crazy enough to walk into the wolves’ den for your cause, and you just kept coming back. You had to know we’d figure it out eventually, and when we did you’d be done, but you kept trying anyway.” Dabi grins slightly, fingers definitely closing around the necklace this time, “That’s real hero shit. I’d spent so long hating all of them that I’d forgotten they weren’t all like the one I grew up with. And I can’t ever be like you, I’m not hero material, but… Reaching for that light here and here, it makes me feel like maybe I can be more than this someday.”
- He didn’t expect this kind of response. He didn’t expect this kind of honesty, barbless and vulnerable and kind. He didn’t really expect to find himself moving to straddle Dabi’s waist so he could be in a better position to kiss him, either, but that happens as well.
- Wordlessly, Hawks tugs Dabi’s hands from his necklace, and settles them on his hips, the winged hero pressing his own palms to either side of the villain’s scarred face, leaning forward to rest their foreheads together. He can feel Dabi’s breath against his mouth and cheeks as the other man lets out a soft exhale, his skin carrying that familiar slight chill that it always does, cooler still where his fingers rest on staples. He could stay in this forever, this moment, safe and sure and grounded. It isn’t until Dabi pulls away from him slightly to trace one hand down the curve of his wing and into his primary feathers that Hawks realizes that in his contentment he’s brought his wings up almost defensively, shielding them off from the rest of the world though there’s no one else around to see.
- “I used to hate the colour red.” Dabi murmurs, repeating the action once again, Hawks fluttering his wing against the fire-user’s calloused hand just to bring a smile to his face. That smile carries into the kiss Dabi pulls him in for an instant later. It isn’t their first kiss, not by a long shot, but there’s something more sweet and slow about this one, and it takes Hawks a second to realize that unlike the kisses they’ve shared in the past, this one isn’t laced with the premonition of an ending. Usually, there’s this sort of rushed tension in their more intimate moments, an unspoken understanding that whatever this thing they have is, it can only last so long. But that’s missing this time, the overlying pressure of awareness, of only whispering things that won’t break your heart later, of never knowing when each embrace might be the last and being prepared to cut your losses if it is. This time is different, sanguine, and Hawks suddenly gets the feeling that things are about to change.
- He isn’t wrong.
- “What if you joined us for real?” Dabi breathes, eyes hooded as they draw apart but still lingering close. Catching Hawks’ incredulous look, he runs his hands up the other man’s arms, taking on a more serious tone. “I mean it. We can get you out from under the Commission- they’d never be able to touch you again. You want a world where heroes have more spare time on their hands than they know what to do with? That’s never going to be a possibility the way things are now. Most of the groups and agencies are corrupt over the profitability of it all, and there’s a lot of heroes in the same boat. Believe me, birdie, they don’t want the crime rate going down- they just want it televised.”
- Hawks knows it’s true- Dabi isn’t just saying this to sway him. The winged hero has seen this firsthand. There are heroes out there who would sooner go into a situation after a disaster has already happened rather than stopping it before anyone can get hurt, because it’s flashier. It’s more likely to gain attention, even if it means innocents being injured or, hell, dying in the process. And there’s all the other stuff too- the notices they get at the beginning of each new year, informing them that if they save ‘x’ number of people from various minority groups, there will be a bonus payout for them by the end of the year, as diversity is good for their public image. Hawks always threw those papers away, but there were some who held onto them, kept a tally going. There are heroes who are only on the field for the money, who couldn’t care less about the people they’re saving so long as there’s a cheque at the end of it with their name on it. Hawks has even heard of a few cases where heroes staged or set up disasters and accidents to be noticed. There’s the Commission, literally grooming child soldiers and people like Endeavor who wear two faces to hide a darker truth from the public eye.
- For an organization made to help, the hero collective is a dog-eats-dog world, and it’s ruthless. Dabi’s right about Hawks’ dream being impossible- because as long as people are profiting off crime, they’ll never allow it to stop.
- Suddenly, all Hawks wants to do is sleep, cut the nightmare short and try to let himself catch up with the feeling of free-falling. He can’t go back to working beside Endeavor like nothing’s happened, he knows that. And to make matters worse, he told Shouto he wouldn’t tell anyone about this though he desperately knows he should, but at this rate he’s not sure it wouldn’t do more harm than good. There may be a time later in the future where the truth can be revealed without completely annihilating the small, fragile, bright world that the youngest Todoroki has been slowly building for himself, but to have the public come after him over something this big, demanding answers and surrounding him at all times… He can’t handle that yet, and Hawks can tell. Someday, but not yet. 
- “And after you dismantle the system? What happens then?” Hawks asks quietly, noting the surprised flicker behind Dabi’s blue eyes. He hadn’t been expecting him to entertain this idea.
- “Hey, my job’s just to burn it to the ground,” Dabi snorts, nonchalant, but his hands stop moving up and down Hawks’ arms, and loosely circle his wrists, “I think I’ll leave the rebuilding to those of you who will do it right. Let the real heroes take care of the hero world, and maybe everything else will settle too. Maybe things can be better- and who knows,” He puts on a smirk, “Maybe the heroes will find they’ve got some spare time on their hands, just like you said.”
- Hawks considers this, nods once, makes up his mind and goes ‘fuck it’ while cutting his losses. 
- “Fine.”
- Dabi freezes under him, confident look replaced by something much more comical.
- “What?”
- “Fine, I’m in.” Dabi goes to say something about considering options for more than three seconds, but Hawks cuts him off. “No, I’m serious. Things need to change, and that’s not going to happen with the way everything’s going now. I’m a hero because I want to help people, not because I have a license, and damn it there are more people I can help by fighting against the hero track than on it, which is really fucked up in itself. I’m in, and I’m saying that while I’m pissed off and bitter enough to go through with it because for fuck’s sake I can’t keep going back to that place and letting them wring me out until I’m dead. None of this is normal or okay, and I can’t keep pretending that it is. I need to do something.”
- The fire-user just stares at him awestruck throughout all this, and for a long while afterwards too, before eventually sitting up.
- “You’re certain?”
- “Yes.”
- “…Damn it, pigeon, what the hell am I going to do with you?”
- Hawks laughs at the weak pet name even as Dabi cups his face and pulls him in for another kiss, the blond’s laughter spilling out across their lips, fingers carding through Dabi’s hair. It’s a bright moment to end a dark day, something hopeful amid the tentative nature of something new. 
- “We’re never rushing this again.” Hawks grins when they both need to take a breath, that warm embrace of security and peace having returned to him once more, settling in his chest and radiating so strongly he’s surprised he’s not glowing. Dabi hums in response, turquoise eyes mostly closed as he leans down to dust a kiss on the other’s collarbone, almost painfully slow as if to prove a point.
- “We won’t have to.” He promises, chuckling lowly at the slight gasp he receives for turning the kiss into a nip, “Welcome to the dark side, birdie.”
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dabistits · 6 years
1) Reading some of your meta on the Todorokis made me finally watch The Handmaiden for which I’m forever grateful so I hope you don’t mind me adding my thoughts. See, I agree on Horikoshi sucking at abuse/power imbalance narratives (to the point of living in fear of Dabi’s villainy being used to further “humanize” the Dumpster Fire) and Rei and Fuyumi’s forgiveness being particularly foul but from a Watsonian point their reaction makes a sad sad amount of sense because of a sad sad truth: no one
(cut for length and tw for discussion about fictional domestic violence)
2) ever believes the victims. Even before her hospitalization Endeavour had to have been the Number Two Hero for a long-ass time, meanwhile Rei was basically sold to him by her own family (of whom we never hear again even tho their only canon interaction is her begging them for help before her breakdown). But afterwards she was “that crazy woman who permanently scarred her son”. She literally has no other option that resigned acceptance and not rocking the boat yet. Meanwhile, the kids had lost
3) their mother, Natsuo was an understandably pissed child, Touya “died”, Enji continued to be neglectful to everyone but Shouto and Fuyumi was the oldest. Even tho they apparently had a butler madame too that’s a position that requires serving the head of the house or being fired and being no help anyway. It’s not hard to see Fuyumi trying to step up Katara-style to fill the hole their mother left; given the asshole’s indifference to their children I doubt he’d care enough to force her to live
4) with them, meaning she’s only doing it to stay close to Shouto. So of course after their mother starts feeling well enough to be part of their lives again she’d see it as a positive thing and support her. Nothing will give them back their childhoods but at least this would give her a chance to live for herself a little more. So yeah, they are narratively stuck on a shitty position and while Natsuo definitely has a point his outbursts aren’t of any real help to them.
heya anon! first i’m glad you watched the handmaiden it is a fantastic movie and it deserves to be on the lesbian movies canon forever.
second, i don’t disagree with you at all! of course abuse victims have complex reactions to their abuse and complex relationships to their abusers, which can be even further complicated by their material circumstances. my criticism of this as a narrative decision is two-fold: one is the fairly basic criticism that it’s more indication of horikoshi’s misogyny that he isn’t capable of writing women outside of merciful and nurturing roles (it’s not a coincidence that the tdrks who choose to forgive are the women, while the men seem to have—at the very least—complicated feelings), and the second is that while we may very much want to believe that rei and fuyumi have complex and fully fleshed-out reasons for feeling as they do towards their abuser, we simply don’t know because horikoshi has not shown us!
i get on hori’s case a lot for not showing, particularly in regard to the world-building, but in the case of writing abuse narratives i think it’s absolutely a matter of doing justice to show the complexity of emotions that come with the experience of abuse. without taking the time to show that complexity, especially if you want to write a non-resentful victim (but even if you want to write a resentful one tbh), the narrative very easily skews towards “forgiveness is the right way to deal with someone who wronged you” as a moral, rather than “abuse is often fraught and complicated and sometimes victims make decisions for their own sake that may involve reconciliation and forgiveness or may involve never forgiving.” i’m not the biggest fan of narratives that only choose to explore forgiveness+reconciliation, because i do believe that path is valorized undoubtedly because it’s more comfortable to abusers and their allies, but i can accept it as long as it’s well done and it prioritizes the feelings and motivations of the abuse victim without cutting the abuser any slack.
the problem with horikoshi is that… he doesn’t do any of the work that would make for a fully fleshed-out abuse narrative. as much as we might want to make up headcanons to explain it, the fact of the matter is that we don’t know why rei forgives her abuser. we don’t know why fuyumi wants to reconcile with him. the pro hero arc was all about centering the abuser and what he thought about his crimes and what he feels about them, inserting us into his perspective in order to stir up the reader’s sympathies for him. just because a character’s reaction to abuse makes sense and may mirror real peoples’ reactions to their abuse doesn’t mean that it’s written with good intentions.
we should always question why a narrative is written a certain way and whose purpose it ultimately serves. rei’s forgiveness was not written for her sake. it’s not for the sake of abuse survivors out there (who are surely salivating for yet another character who forgives their abuser for no apparent reason). hell, shouto’s breakdown while watching his abuser fight on television was not for his sake, because those scenes were shown in the context of the narrative trying to stir up sympathy for his abuser and showing him as heroic. that doesn’t mean shouto’s reaction wasn’t realistic; it means we should question why it was shown at that time, and why it was shown outside of the context of his abuse. couldn’t a better statement about abuse be achieved if we saw that scene from shouto’s perspective, coupled with his flashbacks of his childhood?
so anon, i totally understand the watsonian explanation for why rei and fuyumi are like that. i think it works as a fine explanation for people who want to flesh out those characters for their own sake, or who want to write about them in their fanfiction and needs those motivations. my concern and much of my criticism, however, lies at the doylist level, because i don’t believe in using my headcanons to do hori’s work for him. that’s why i very rarely involve headcanons in my meta and try to stick purely to what’s been presented to us in-text. i don’t want to end up in the situation where i say “rei and fuyumi’s characters are badly written and are basically there to advance abuse apologism, but it’s realistic!” because whether or not it’s realistic is sort of beside the point. the question for me is, as always, what purpose does it serve and why did the author put it there?
in this case, the answer to those questions doesn’t reflect well on horikoshi.
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alkhale · 6 years
Crackpot Theory Extension on the Dabi is a Todoroki
okay, hear me out
as crazy as this may sound and maybe it’s not because someone else thought it too we just need to put both our crazy brains together and talk I have this idea that what if, WHAT IF--
It’s not that Dabi is a Todoroki
But Dabi’s best friend/closest compatriot was Touya Todoroki.
“How the fuck did you get to that idea--” So this is what I’ve been thinking.
1 - The Backstory
- Dabi and Touya Todoroki were classmates in school, whether all throughout elementary, middle and high school, debatable but possible, dunno. They were best friends and Dabi’s watched Touya come back to school, dejected and useless and somber and clearly lacking in the love and attention he deserves in a proper household. Dabi knows it’s because of the fact that his father’s Endeavour and Enji doesn’t even give this kid the time of day because
Touya’s Quirkless.
How could the man striving for the top position, instilling his hopes into his next generation ever want anything to do with his firstborn being Quirkless? (cause this is all pre-enji being a better guy anyway)
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the eldest and unidentified sibling is significantly shorter than both Fuyumi and Natsuo. I kinda can’t help but wonder if this meek and quiet, clearly nervous looking kid with body language has more to be nervous and afraid about because, well, he’s Quirkless, he didn’t even stand a chance.
- When they get older, Dabi suggests and talks Touya into running away with him. Their society isn’t worth a fucking dime anyway so the two of them, with some coaxing on Dabi’s part, leave their homes and try to live life on the streets the best way they can (this covers the bases where the Todoroki family isn’t aware of Touya’s current state and why Natsuo goes and says ‘and what happened to big bro Touya...’ Shouto would be too young to really properly remember the face of an elder brother who’d run off)
“Let’s run away.”
The abandoned clubroom isn’t really much of a secret hideout. It’s musky and there’s dust on some of the shelves, but they’ve stashed old gym matts and magazines in here to keep them entertained and comfortable. The small window that opens up to the outer edge of the school is propped open with a slab of broken wood and there’s a bit of sunlight streaming in, dark orange and molten with the evening coming.
It hides them from the rest of the world and that’s enough for him.
Touya makes that funny face he does when he’s heard another of his crazy ideas and is pretending like he didn’t hear it right. He feels a crooked grin starting to crawl over his lips as he watches Touya. The sunlight just barely ghosts over the top of his head, turning his red hair ruby.
“I think Okinawa’s nice around this time,” Touya says finally. “I’ve always wanted to bring one of those lion statues home for my mom. They ward off evil, y’know.”
“Wherever the fuck you want to go,” he says, sitting up straighter and turning toward him. “Just as long as we go.”
“For how long?”
Touya puts the book in his hands down. His eyes are a ridiculously pretty shade of turquoise, like chips of the sea frozen over. Touya hates them though because they remind him of his dad.
“C’mon,” he tries again. Now. It’s gotta be now, Touya. “Think about it for a second, it doesn’t sound so bad, right? We’ll take whatever we can carry and just go. My old man doesn’t give a shit about me with that broad around and your asshole father won’t even blink an eye. Let’s just go.”
Touya bites his bottom lip. The look on his face tells him everything he needs to know that this plan might actually work--Touya’s making the face that says he’s thought of it before.
“I can’t,” Touya says.
“You can,” he says firmly, coaxingly. He plops down beside Touya so they sit shoulder to shoulder and he leans into him a bit. “What, you don’t want to rough it out on the streets without those nice maids and fancy food at your beck and call?”
Touya laughs and he knows he’s getting somewhere. “I can’t because I’d have to be rooming with your smoking ass--”
“Cause I’m hot?”
“Cause you literally smoke, dumbass. And plus...” Touya trails off, staring at his hands. “What about Yumi and Natsu? I barely even talk to Shouto and...”
Touya stares harder at his hands, lacing them together. “What about mom?”
“We go away for awhile then,” he says suddenly and Touya watches him. “We go away for awhile. We get older. We come back and we sweep your family out from right under his thumb and we live happily ever after. How about that?”
The smallest smile stretches over Touya’s lips and he knows he’s almost there, he just needs that final push. “When’d you get so optimistic?”
Since you gave me a reason to actually want to be someone’s hero. He shrugs, tugging on one of the piercings on his ear. “I’m the brains and the brawn, remember? I cook up the plans and you tag along with my stupid shit.”
Touya turns his head toward the window. A little breeze tugs at tufts of ruby red. He turns his head a little too to see what Touya was looking at and sees nothing but the school’s concrete wall isolating them from the next street over and a short stretch of grass. There’s cigarette butts scattered on the floor from his bad habits and Touya always tells him to clean it up before he’s caught.
“It’s going to be hard,” Touya says.
“We’ve dealt with harder.”
“I don’t know if I can handle your dumb, smoking ass.”
“I’ll become a rich hag’s call boy and warm her bed up a bit and then we’ll be living the good life, nice and cozy.”
“You can’t even cook.”
“But you can.”
Touya laughs. It’s the happiest sound he’s heard come from Touya’s lips in forever and then he turns those pretty sea eyes his way and he smiles at him. His inky black hair brushes against ruby red and he sees Touya’s eyes take him in and then they go somewhere far again.
So he calls him back.
“He’s never given a damn about you,” he says, a quiet, husky whisper, “you don’t owe him anything.”
Touya’s eyes see him again and he knows then that’s he’s finally beaten Enji Todoroki, the Number Two Hero.
- They live like this for awhile, maybe even stooping to the occasional petty crime but they’re happy and Dabi thinks this is the best fucking thing that could possibly happen to both of them in this shitty word
- a tragedy strikes, some punkass villain or psycho ormugger or whatever happens, Touya gets hurt so bad and it’s too late for them to get to a hospital, Dabi’s stuck cradling his best friend in his arms screaming for heroes or for someone to do something please but no one comes
- Dabi breaks down and kills the villain/mugger himself, takes Touya’s body away and makes the turn to follow Stain’s ideology because what kind of world is it where the people who were supposed to save and do good won’t even lift a finger unless there’s a paycheck behind it, Enji won’t even miss his son because he wasn’t worth anything anyway
- the villain Dabi is born
2 - The Reasoning
- With their current society, there could actually be a really fair amount of the population wielding fire related Quirks, this is cemented during USJ attack when the villain holding Kaminari mentions their electric type Quirks and Jirou’s like yeah your type have it easy
This scene:
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- Being because Dabi’s heard plenty of stories of the cute youngest brother who’s their father’s prodigy now because he’s finally the result Enji wanted. Touya isn’t bitter, maybe sad and wistful because he, being Quirkless, could probably never be a good enough older brother for a kid like that
- Dabi thinks its ironic and laughable that the perfect son is here, failing before him now and he just thinks of the huge hole losing Touya has left inside him
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- I’m all aboard the Dabi is a Todoroki theory and heavily lean toward it too, but just for the sake of this crackpot theory, what if this whole confrontation is easily explained because, well, Dabi fucking hates Enji. He abused his son, Dabi’s best friend, forced him into a corner and never gave him the time of day, doesn’t even know that Touya’s gone and you know what? It’s time to pay
- Dabi could have easily let even just a little more slip about this whole thing and we would’ve gotten the confirmation that he is a Todoroki, and it’s either because Horikoshi just wants to tease this big reveal OR it’s because Dabi isn’t a Todoroki but just has a vendetta against them because of Touya
3 - The Conclusion
Dabi probably is a Todoroki since Horikoshi’s stalking tumblr anyway, but in the off chance this crackpot theory is actually plausible
Dabi’s just this guy who lost his best friend and now he wants to see the world burn.
- I finished my astronomy final and this is what I came up with
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