#yeah I can totally empathize with wanting to kill your dad I get it
hawkssucks · 9 months
I am in the mood to start a fight anyways if Dabi stans keep complaining bc Hori decided to not kill Endeavour I’m gonna start whipping people
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fandomsandfeminism · 2 years
"Romeo and Juliets romance is just so unrealistic! It's not what a romance is like in MY experience!"
Oh? Oh really? You, adult living in 2022, you never went to a fancy Venetian masquerade in the 1590s and met a mysterious stranger and then your first conversation spontaneously forms a perfect sonnet? That's not a totally relatable experience for you?
Is Macbeth unrealistic because of the witches? Is Midsummer unrealistic because of the love potion?
Like, there's no explicit magic in Romeo and Juliet, but it still exists in a heightened reality, and overlooking the role that language plays within the text itself kneecaps your analysis of the intent.
When we hear of Romeo, his dad and friends are discussing his recent sad mood- he's upset because the girl he likes has no interest in him. His friends try to distract him from it with a party, but dont really seem to...connect with or fully empathize with his sadness. When we first hear of Juliet, her father and Paris are planning her marriage (without her input.) They are both talked about but not really listened to. The way they are spoken about isolates them from others.
Then they meet, and with no knowledge of each other, not even their names, they click into perfect rhythm. They finish each other rhymes. They form perfect ABAB quatrains in conversation, their sentences form a rhyming *couplet* at the end.
You know the song Ana sings with Hans in Frozen? Love is an open door? We finish each others- Sandwiches? Yeah- it's riffing on this. The idea that you meet someone perfect and right away your souls can make poetry together. The immediate intimacy of being so in sync that your introduction is a love poem.
I don't know, yall. Romeo and Juliet isn't a gritty hyper-realistic Oscar nominated docu-drama. It teters on the edge of fairy tale and myth, it leans on its language to convey deeper emotional truths that a 5 act play doesn't have the time to develop as deeply as we, in our world of movie montages and long form TV, are more accustomed to. This isn't a slow burn, pining, enemies to friends to lovers. It's soul mates love at first sight, and when you accept that, the play can get on with the business of saying what it wants to say about hate and the cycle of violence and social rules and decorum and how grudges and blood fueds can destroy the magic in the world if we let it.
"It doesn't matter if they are really in love. They should be allowed to be stupid hormonal teenagers without dying" I see many people say, and while I think that sentiment is true, I DO think it matters that they are in love. I think it matters that their meeting sparks a sonnet, and that poetry is snuffed out by the violence around them.
I think it matters that what they had wasn't an arranged marriage or a "good match" made by approving friends- that it was spontaneous and instant and inexplicable, but that the world couldn't let that be because it defied all the rules. Because it wasn't set up by parents and wasn't politically convenient, because it wasn't part of a proper, prolonged courtship with chaperones and social approval- it was love and poetry that defied all of that and so it was snuffed out. That they are pushed to such extremes not just by the killings, but by Juliets impending engagement to Paris, they have to act now because their love doesnt fit into the proper pattern set out by society- I think that matters.
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happy-beeeps · 4 years
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I Don’t Do Droids Pt 4
Pairing: translator!reader x Din Djarin
WC:2.5k woohoo! Longest part yet!
Warnings: cursing, brief mention of space slavery, incredibly quick speed throughs of episodes 1 and 2 on my part.
A/N: We’ve jumped ahead! I wanted to start focusing on their relationship, and getting Yodito in the mix. Also, I’m sorry if anyone is disappointed that I skipped over massive parts of each episode, I didn’t want this to just be a speed through of the episodes. I probably won’t even touch on much of episodes 5 and 6, this is just a good spot to start! As always, if there’s something you want to see, let me know!
* * *
In the months you’ve spent flying with Mando, you had to admit, this was one of the weirder jobs you’d accompanied him on. The lack of information, the remote location, and the clientele had made this a much more… complicated mission.
Still, you had to admit. That shiny beskar pauldron on his shoulder glinter with just the right amount of starlight, you could imagine the motivation for finishing the job. Letting a glance linger on him a moment more, you tried to think what he’d look like covered in the silverish metal.
“What are you staring at vaar’ika?”
“Thinking about what your bucket head is gonna look like with a matching tin suit.” You responded, earning a quiet scoff from your counterpart. He relaxed back in his seat for a moment, before switching the controls to autopilot. “Gonna check the weapons. Can you watch the ship?”
“What did you hire me for?”
“Speaking mostly, you already excel at that.” He placed a gentle touch to the top of your arm, letting it linger just a moment too long before tearing his glance away. Even under the shield of his visor, his eyes felt heavy on you. “Right then I’ll just… watch the ship.” You smiled, turning your attention to anything, the stars bleeding into one another out the window, the dust under the controls, literally anything but the giant man standing behind you. Once you heard the door behind him close, you released a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding. The months you two had spent close together, waiting for him on the ship while he wrestled in a new quarry, hunched over children's books you had saved on your datapad while you tried to teach him new languages, your feelings for the Mandalorian had absolutely flourished. You hated it. Each moment spent with him was suffocating, you felt butterflies in your belly when he touched you, leaving scorching marks where his fingers had been.
All this fanfare for a man you couldn’t even see.
The sound of quick beeps brought you back into your senses, as you prepared to switch the ship off of autopilot. “Mando!” you called, and were met with the sound of bustling and clambering as he stepped back into the cockpit. The bright light of Arvala-7 soon came into view as he pulled the ship out of hyperspace, and you looked around at the landscape as you circled around to land. “Looks like Tatooine.”
“Not every sand planet looks like Tatooine.”
“Yeah, well, this planet also has Jawas, so it’s basically Tatooine, alright bucket head?” “There are no Jawas here. You’re being ridiculous.”
“Who’s the linguistic genius of this operation?” You asked, earning nothing but an exasperated sigh from the man next to you as he set the ship down in a seemingly deserted sand patch. “I still think there’s Jawas here.”
* * *
“Just, stay here. Don’t start anything.”
“You act like I haven’t been with you for months now.”
“And you have the blaster I gave you?”
“Alright thanks dad, go do your thing now. I’m a functioning adult.” The ramp lowers as he prepares to step out into the blinding sunlight before he turns to face you. “I need to train you more on a blaster.” With his final remarks, you’re left on the ship, with a tiny blaster gifted to you by the weapons obsessed man before he steps out.
He makes it, by your guess, maybe a tenth of a click away from the ship before he gets absolutely rocked by two gigantic creatures. You laugh for a moment, before realizing how long it’s taking him to get up. “Oh shit,” you mumble, before keying in the code to lower the ramp to run out to him. Once you’re out there, and the gigantic creatures face you, you realize how stupid you look, tiny blaster pointing at these huge animals, shots reflecting off their thick hide. “I thought I told you to stay on the ship!”
“Oh yeah you have everything totally under control here!” You call, while one of the animals tears itself away from Mando to come charge at you. “Shit shit shit shit shit!” you call out, sending shots at them and resorting to a run. You’re saved by a large shot to the animals side, more following onto the remaining member of the herd. You glance over at Mando, pinned by one of the beasts, when a small Ugnaught approaches, riding his own creature. “Thank you.” Mando offers, and you’re always put off by how reserved he is with strangers. If he’s quiet with you, then he’s radio silent to everyone else.
“You’re a bounty hunter?” The man offers him.
“And you?” He says, looking over at you, where you stand. The two of you must be a sight, a battered Mandalorian and a you, clad in your favorite skirt and shortened top from a market stall in Naboo, you had prepared yourself for a day of comfort, and secret blaster practice while he got the quarry. “I’m his translator.”
“Mmm,” he mumbles, looking pensive for a moment before giving a short and simple, “I will help you.” Mando looks over at you, and you glance up at the Ugnaught again before he speaks once more. “I have spoken.”
* * *
The Ugnaught’s camp is quaint, you happen to quite like it. Mando looked large and uncomfortable, nestled around smaller, homier things, but you happen to feel rather at ease. The man seems kind and blunt, two things you value, and it reminds of your home in Coruscant, or the small place you lived on Tatooine. Now, however, you are brought to the ever present mortality of your counterpart's profession, as you saddle up behind him on the bluurg he will ride to the location of the asset. You and the Ugnaught will return to his farm after dropping Mando off, you know better to mess with him and a quarry, and frankly, from the way it sounds, it would take a miracle for you to not die on the way. “Hey, Mando?” you start, as you stand next to him by the bluurg, “can you try not to die on this one?”
“Don’t I always?”
“Just… try double hard?” He looks down at you, holding your wrist for just a moment before softly speaking, “Is that the scarf I bought you on Devaron?” Before you could offer a reply, the Ugnaught returned. “We will leave when you’re ready. I have spoken.”
The ride to the asset’s location is long, and under different circumstances, probably enjoyable. Blurrgs were fun to ride, they way the bounded over the canyons made you feel free. The feeling of dropping off Mando at the encampment still clung to you like a wet rag. You couldn’t wait to be done with this bounty.
* * *
You appreciated that the Ugnaught (whose name you learned was Kuiil, when you realized that Mando had forgotten to ask) was kind enough to not only keep you at his camp for the night, but keep you busy. He was kind, talkative, and appreciated the help in small repairs. “You seem to have much knowledge of many things. Where are you from?”
“I’m from Naboo originally, I had a very expensive education.” “Naboo is wonderful, so I’ve heard. Was rule under the empire hard on your people?” The question struck you with some difficulty. The rule was by no means hard, you just happened to be unlucky. “Not entirely. I didn’t get to live there long. I enjoyed it very much though, I would love to go back.”
“Why did you leave?”
“I…  was studying to be a handmaiden for the queen. When I was twelve, the academy was attacked. We were picked off and sold into slavery. My owner fell into hardship, and freed all of us before fleeing the system. I was on Tatooine for many years before I was helped by a man. An old bounty hunter, who needed some assistance on a job. He gave me credits and contact, and dropped me off on Coruscant.” Kuiil hesitated for a moment before reaching over and placing a gentle hand on yours. “I was a slave for many years. I worked for my freedom, and now I live here in peace. I empathize with you. You would’ve made an excellent handmaiden, but I think you work much better with the Mandalorian.”
“Thank you. Although, I have to admit, he’s fun and all, but have you seen how fancy some of the dresses the Nabian royalty get to wear?” With that Kuiil let out a hearty laugh before patting your hand. “Get some rest. Your Mandalorian will return in the morning. He cares deeply for you.” He rose with this, and you stretched out on the bench in the hut. You shot him a confused look quickly, “What do you mean?” He smiled before walking towards the small cot in the far side of the room. “I have spoken.”
* * *
Kriff. He was going to kill you. Actually kill you, chop you into little pieces and then feed them to Kuiil’s blurggs. You knew it wasn’t your fault, Kuiil had assured you that Mando would’ve been in the hut with you too, but still.
Jawas had stripped the entirety of the Razor Crest. Every tiny piece. They even took the very thing you were looking for, the ceramic caff cup you got on Rodia. “Kuiil. He’s going to kill me.”
“He will not.” “He’s gonna drop me off at Mustafar and never look back.”
You spent the day assisting Kuiil with any repairs you could, and practicing your shooting at the abandoned part of his farm. Every passing minute made you more anxious, you needed him to be back soon, but you couldn’t imagine how he’d feel when he returned, and asked to go back to the ship.
It was nearly the following nightfall when he returned, and you could tell by the way he walked that he was not very pleased. You ran out of Kuiils house to meet him, “Mando!” you yelled, running towards him, he visibility softened at the sight of you, grabbing your arms before asking, “Are you ok? The Jawas took everything. Were you on the ship?”
“Mando I’m so, so sorry. I thought you said there weren’t any and I didn’t even think to guard it and-”
“We’ll deal with it somehow.” He responded, before turning his attention to the busted control pad on his arm, leaving you to soak in the adorable green bundle at his feet. “This is what everyone was searching for?” Kuiil asked, causing Mando to look up for just a moment.
“I believe it's a child.” he responded, leaving you to send them both a scoff. You scooped up the tiny baby in your arms before turning to them. “Ugh, men. Of course it’s a baby. It’s PRECIOUS.”
“Best to turn it in alive then.” Kuiil said, sending a sinking feeling into your gut. Turn it in. For some reason or another, this was a bounty, and it was Mando’s job to turn it in.
“I will take you to the Jawas to get your parts. I have spoken.”
* * *
You and Mando had returned to the ship, him absolutely caked in mud, and you still smirking over the memory of his butchered Jawa Trade Talk. The ride back to Kuiil’s was quiet, him brooding over the baby in its floating bassinet. He had mentioned something amazing had happened, but said nothing more. “You’re lucky they didn’t try and use Jawaese, you can barely get trade talk down.” You had teased, trying to lighten his mood. After a few moments of silence he retorted, “Says more about my teacher than me.” With a gentle nudge to your side.
Now, you were practically knee deep in parts, as you worked with him to repair the ship after he had bargained with the Jawas, and retrieved their weird fuzzy egg. The baby was beside him, enclosed in the bassinet, while he worked on finishing up some of the interior wiring in the hull. Kuiil had turned in for the night, leaving the two of you to work until you were exhausted.
There was something about seeing him like this, with the baby floating behind him, tools slinging off of his hip as he repaired the ship… he’s almost paternal. Your heart flies up to your chest as you watch him work in the soft work light you had loaned from Kuiil, and the warm fire that barely dripped in from outside the camp. In spite of yourself, you let yourself stare a little more, wondering if he’s handsome underneath that helmet. What color his eyes are. You’re almost sure they’re brown, the inviting and comforting kind. You can’t shake it, it’s the same desire you felt on Devaron. The woes of falling for a man you’ll never see. Your moment of solitude is up when he turns to face you, letting a breathy laugh escape from under his helmet-- so slight the modulator almost lets it by. “What are you staring at?” Maybe it’s the light, or maybe it was the chaos of these past few days, but you let yourself say it. “You.” He hesitated for a moment before stepping closer to you, leathered hand snaking around your wrist. “Would you believe it if I said I was staring at you too?” You turned away from him, a deep blush spreading across your face as you tried to look anywhere but at him. “Your dumb visor blocks me out, how am I supposed to know if you’re lying or not?”
“I guess you’ll just have to trust me.” Your red faded into a pink as his hand snaked up to rest on your cheek, you leaned into it and felt him step even closer. “Can I trust you?” he asked, his voice soft and quiet. He leaned over and tapped out the work light next to you, plunging the hull of the ship into pitch black. “You can trust me.” You whispered, and his thumb traced your cheek for just a moment before he responded. “Good. Close your eyes” In seconds, you heard the sound of his helmet coming off, and you squeezed your eyes shut, willing them closed with all your might before you felt his lips on yours. You sighed into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and running your fingers along the edges of his hair. It felt longer than you expected, but not unkempt. His breath tasted like caff, and something else you couldn’t quite place, and you could melt into how soft his lips were. This was perfect, this was bliss. You could die right here and now so help you gods. He pulled away far too soon, and you soon heard the hiss of the helmet reconnecting. “You can open your eyes now,” he murmured, and he was once again illuminated by the soft work lamp. “You have no idea how long I wanted to do that,” he spoke, and you stepped towards him, placing his hand in yours, “Well, maybe I’ll just have to stare at you more often.”
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suckmysupernatural · 4 years
Sunshine - Chapter 2
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Series Masterlist
Word Count: 1642
Pairing: Sam x OC Sunny
Series Summary: The Winchesters meet a cheerful hunter named Sunny, who quickly captures Sam’s attention. Little do any of them know what lies in store when Sunny gets invited to join the brothers. Who can say how Sam, Dean, and Sunny will be some training days, a handful of hunts, romantic dates, a kidnapping, and one vengeful demon later.
Chapter Summary: The Winchesters show Sunny the bunker. 
Warnings: language
Driving back to Lebanon went a lot faster than expected. Sam attributed it to the anticipation he felt at the thought of talking to Sunny again. Looking at her car in the rearview was nice, but not nearly good enough. Every once in awhile, he would catch Dean smirking at him and honestly didn’t blame him. Sam had a total crush on the woman. 
The two classic cars pulled into the bunker’s garage, one right next to the other. Sunny was already fascinated with the brother’s home base. The garage had about a dozen different cars, all in mint condition. 
She exited the car, pulling out her duffel bag from the back seat. Everything she owned fit inside of it, aside from the weapons that were expertly organized in the trunk. Sunny watched as the brothers grabbed their things and ushered her to the door that leads to the bunker’s interior. Sunny was surprised to see how spacious the place was and was excited to explore it. 
“Wow, it’s just the two of you here?” she asked, looking towards the men. It seemed like there could be room for over a dozen people. 
“Yeah, well, we like to take in strays, now and then. You’ll probably meet Cas at some point, so don’t be surprised if you find a man in a trench coat wandering around. He sometimes stays here as well,” Dean told her. 
“So is that me? One of your strays?” Sunny joked to the older brother.
“Nah. You’re our Yoda,” Dean smirked. The three of them made their way down the staircase and Dean split off from the two, giving his brother a wink before heading to his room. Sam bit back an insult to his brother, instead offering to carry Sunny’s duffel. 
“How ‘bout you pick out a room and then I can give you the rest of the tour?” Sam asked, to which Sunny responded with an enthusiastic nod. Sam motioned for her to follow, showing the way to his side of the bunker. Walking down the hallway, Sam stopped in front of a door.
“So, this one is mine right here,” Sam said, giving his bedroom door a small smack. “You can choose any empty room, they are all basically identical so whatever works for you.” 
“I’ll take this one,” Sunny said as she opened the door across the hall. She was met with a basic room, bare apart from the furniture. Sam couldn’t help but smile. He had been hoping that she would choose one close to his. The two walked into Sunny’s new room, Sam sitting on the bed as he watched the woman unpack.
It didn’t take her long as most of her belongings were clothes, but she had a few trinkets as well. Near the bottom of the bag were two photos, each in its own frame. She put them on the nightstand and couldn’t help but smile. She turned to Sam, pointing to one of the photos.
“That’s my sister and me. I was 6; she was 3. We went on a family vacation to Disneyland. It’s one of my happiest memories,” she motioned towards the other one, which showed a couple laughing as they held one another, “This one is from my parents’ wedding day.” 
“So, where are they now?” Sam asked.
“Gone. Have been for a long time now. It was a djinn. My whole family was at home, eating dinner one night when there was a knock at the door. My dad went to see who it was and when we didn’t hear anything for a few minutes, my mom followed. The djinn got to them both before walking into the house and getting my sister and me before we could even notice. It’s funny, my dream was just finishing dinner. 
A hunter who had caught wind of the djinn, ended up killing it right there in my living room. I was the only survivor. I was 22 and my whole family was dead. I had no extended family, no clue what I was going to do. So, I decided to start hunting. The one who saved me, Jason, he taught me the basics before I went off on my own. Last I heard, he had moved to Hawaii.” 
“Wow, I’m so sorry,” Sam empathized. He knew loss quite well by now. 
“At least I know that they got to live long, happy lives. Even if it was just in their heads,” she said. Her positivity was something Sam was glad to be around. Sure, he wasn’t entirely negative but the shit that he and Dean had gone through made them rough around the edges. Sunny, on the other hand, seemed to seep optimism from her pores. Sam found it refreshing.
Sunny continued to unpack her things, pulling out a few worn-down novels, a lavender candle, and toiletries. She liked to keep a candle with her. It was something to make motel rooms feel the slightest bit like home. 
Once the bag was empty, Sunny kicked it under the bed. Sam stood and started the tour. He showed her all the main places in the bunker: the bathroom, the kitchen, infirmary, dungeon, Dean-cave, and library. He also showed off the gun range and mat room where she would be trying to teach the brothers. Once he had shown her just about everything, they ended back up in the hallway that led to their rooms. 
“I am gonna go unpack my duffel, let you get settled. Dean and I will be in the library later; you’re more than welcome to join us.” Sam smiled at Sunny before leaving. Sunny simply nodded in response. She decided to take a shower, more than thrilled to be somewhere other than a motel. The water pressure in those places is horrendous. 
Walking into the bathroom, she locked the door behind her and scoped the layout. The shower was nicer than she was used to, stepping onto the cool tile and looking over the knobs. She quickly figured out which one was connected to the hot water and turned it up. Soon, the warm water washed over her, all the tension in her muscles quickly dissipating. Sunny took her time, enjoying a quality shower for the first time in what felt like forever. She didn’t want to use up all the hot water in case one of the brothers wanted a shower, so she sadly turned off the water and wrapped a fluffy towel around her. 
Her bare feet padded towards her room, finding it with relative ease. She decided to dress for comfort, pulling on a pair of grey sweatpants and a pink crop top. Using the towel, Sunny squeezed most of the water from her hair before heading out to meet the brothers in the library. 
Only making one wrong turn, it didn’t take long before she found the two brothers sitting at the center table. Sam and Dean turned at the sound of her entering the room, Sam trying his best not to show a reaction. He was once again baffled by her beauty. Even in sweatpants and wet hair, she was basically irresistible. 
“Hey, Sunny,” Dean greeted, motioning for her to sit at the table. She sat, giving the older brother her attention. “Whatcha want for dinner? I was thinking of getting take-out.” 
“I eat just about anything,” Sunny said, “I’m not picky.” 
“Mexican?” Dean offered. 
“Yeah, sure. A burrito sounds fantastic,” she agreed. Dean chuckled, taking Sam’s order before leaving to go grab dinner. 
Sunny couldn’t help but stand, fascinated by the number of books in the bunker’s library. Her hands skimmed the spines, her head tilted to read the titles. She was mesmerized by the amount of literature, her eyes sparkling as she cataloged the material. 
Sam couldn’t take his eyes off of her, appreciating her wonder. He almost couldn’t bear it. She was just perfect. Standing, he walked over to where she stood. She looked up, smiling when she met his eyes.
“Yes, Sam?” Sunny batted her eyes. It was apparent he wanted to say something. 
“I know this might be a little… forward, but I like you, Sunshine,” Sam reached down, taking her hand in his, “I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?” He was nervous; it had been years since he had asked a girl on a date. He felt like a teenage boy all over again, his heart racing as he looked at the beautiful girl. Her smile grew even bigger, and he could swear her eyes were sparkling. 
“I like you too, Sam,” she said, “I would love to go on a date with you.” Sam grinned, a slight blush creeping onto his face. He nodded slightly, trying to contain his giddiness. With his free hand, he brushed her cheek before going back to his seat. He didn’t want to rush anything. Not with her. Sunny was exceptional, and he wanted to make sure that she knew it. 
Sunny turned back to the shelves, rocking slightly on the balls of her feet. She was excited to see where things went with Sam. They had been drawn to one another right away. It felt right to pursue something more than just friends.
The two stayed where they were, with Sam nursing a beer and Sunny looking at the titles of books until Dean returned with dinner. Immediately, the older brother could sense that something was different between the two. Glancing at Sam, he saw his younger brother give a small nod to confirm that something had indeed happened when he was gone. Dean was proud of Sam; it wasn’t every day that he was this bold around women. But even Dean knew that Sunny was different. 
That she was someone that had the capability to change Sam’s life.
Chapter 3 ->
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quinintheclouds · 4 years
Thoughts on Putting Others First: SvS Redux as they come to me
I am LOVING this opening art style. The way it shows all the things Thomas could say and shuts them each down, the silliness tying in perfectly to the video game setting, the way we could SO STRONGLY empathize with Thomas despite him not saying anything. Well done!
“Eff friends, Patton!” Patton and I made the exact same gasp and noise at the same time in reaction to that dsjfhljdhg
Lookit Thomas’ lil vest awww <3
they’re rhyming is this gonna be
(Logan off somewhere watching all of this: “You guys are doing a RAP? Without ME? .....Unacceptable”)
Seriously poor Logan being left out BOTH TIMES despite clearly having excellent points on the matter
But I’m loving this Patton/Roman dynamic being explored in this way. They have a lotta similarities but the differences are really standing OUT so far and I like it! Also it looks like Roman isn’t gonna just shut up and do whatever Patton says out of fear that he’s a bad person/bad for Thomas this time. I’m glad they’re both getting a chance to talk cause they aren’t exactly taken seriously a lot of the time.
RETURN OF THE BLINDFOLD METAPHOR followed by Roman saying “in Patton’s defense...” so they like, KNOW what Deceit meant about the blindfold? Were they playing dumb? Or do they just suddenly get it now that it’s coming from Thomas?
Ok this Feral Cat Story of Roman’s is too specific for me to dismiss and now I’m convinced either Remus brought a shitton of cats home one day and they just flooded their house/rooms, or Patton brought home a bunch of cats out of love and didn’t realize he couldn’t take care of em...either way that’s an adorable anecdote
The car jump line that Patton took literally is just making me miss Logan even more :(
I’m glad they’re giving context to the relationship between Thomas and Mary Lee & Lee! A lot of fander questions and opinions circled back to “well it depends how close they were” so it was smart of them to fill us in.
“those baby-makin’ catholics”
6:45 Patton has clearly thought through a lot of possible outcomes to talking to Lee and Mary Lee before going to the wedding... he never brought them up, even when Roman did and then Deceit did. But he’s bringing up points no one had addressed, and I think that’s a great way to put more intensity to Patton’s apology to Thomas for lying back in SvS pt 1. He hid a lot more than he let on. Man, how much guilt is this poor man feeling right now? :(
“Talking about it could have been harmful” I’m very intrigued by the parallels between Patton wanting to keep things from Thomas’ friends to protect their feelings in this episode and SvS, and Deceit disguised as Patton in CLBG trying to get Thomas to... keep things from his friend to protect their feelings...
WOAH “But was it worth it? I don’t--” “No.” Thomas cutting Roman off with that much certainty DAMN Thomas REGRETS going to the wedding HARD and also is agreeing with Roman finally??
Patton: “sometimes you can make all the good choices, and still not get the good ending.” Thomas: “I’m not even sure there was a good ending to get.” Roman: “Mmmm, I’m pretty sure there was.” There is so much to unpack here oh my gosh.
WOAH WOAH WOAH WHAT??? DAMN THOMAS CAME FOR PATTON WHAT ON EARTH??? Patton: “I think we can all agree that you are a good fellow.” Thomas: Can we? ALL? Agree on that?” Patton: *sputtering noises*
Poor Patton... I mean they’re right but gosh I feel for him. He wants so badly for Thomas to be a good person and he realizes now how strict and unyielding he’s been, and wants to not do that but doesn’t know how to be more lenient without sacrificing integrity cause that’s his JOB and he doesn’t know how to do it better aaaa this is such a mood
Return of the bagel. Except this time it’s Roman guessing/wanting the bagel and Patton being like “what? no?”
ok not a song but video game style is back!!
“ugh you’re such a dad” I love it
Patton just made more puns and Roman omg “Like, you’re SUCH a dad that like it’s too much to handle sometimes”
I am loving this whole scene jdfhjadshg Patton ily and I relate
Thomas and Roman teaching Patton how to come up with imaginary scenarios skjfklsjdfh
Sondheim wrecking Leslie Odom Jr is such a hilarious visual
Ok all three of them are peak dumbass and I’m so here for it (like they’re smart and all but they’re peak dumbass)
Daaaamn Patton is letting out so much this episode. Like he’s been holding back but wowie. R: “Just like how you didn’t HAVE to give him a hotdog” P: *sucks air through his teeth* “I feel like you kinda do though?” YES PLEASE let’s discuss the concept of obligation in morality again!!! Where’s Logan when you need him? Or Deceit even? (I feel like D’s gonna show up later but I wanna hear Logan’s thoughts this time too)
Patton: You can disagree! But... it’d kinda be wrong?
LOGAN POPUP! Ok fine if he isn’t in the ep at least he pops up in a lil dialogue box on screen. Also he popped up to support Patton... neat!
“It’s just me, Logan. I’ve taken this form because I didn’t want to be too...invasive.” POOR LOGAN NO YOU’RE NOT INVADING ANYTHING YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE HERE! Also Roman getting scared by the popup while Patton just waves happily like he always does upon seeing Logan aww
Okay I am getting serious DOPAMINE from Logan talking. Like, he’s spittin’ FACTS. Something about the way he talks is so interesting and soothing and makes me so excited to LEARN. Roman mockingly mouthing ‘behoove’ had me snort though XD
LOGAN AND I WERE IN UNISON HELL YEAH! Patton was all like ooh you’re sharing your lil factoids! And Logan and I at the same time corrected, “Facts,” and proceeded to state the definition of factoids (we worded it differently but yeah as usual Logan is on my wavelength)
Logan’s sprite getting so disappointed at Thomas’ interruption joke jgdkjghks he looks so DONE
Oof Thomas finally feeling like he GETS it and Patton being like yeah but not if you’re doing it bc you want to feel  good tho... (also that’s the same argument Deceit made in SvS pt1??? I’m confused by Patton/Deceit’s functions lately and I’m very invested)
Oh ok Thomas just brought up that very point haha
“we all agreed the right thing to do was go to the wedding” um are u sure about that
“I was wrong” PATTON CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?? I know Logan has the reputation of not being able to admit when he’s wrong (which isn’t true -- he doesn’t like to but he has done so countless times...well not literally countless but you understand my meaning), but Patton rarely is in a situation where he has to, so this is jarring in a hopefully good way. Istg if this is Deceit disguised as Patton again I’ll be so disappointed... I feel like the writers wouldn’t do that though
Patton: says smth deceit said. Roman: and you...agree? Patton: Definitely! I mean uh maybe? (WHAT IS HAPPENING INSIDE PATTON’S HEAD RN SO MUCH TURMOIL)
Roman: “I’m not an expert in the... moral medium” Thomas:  “Go ahead Roman, we wanna hear what you have to say.”  Patton: *halfhearted gestures and noises for roman to go ahead* jashfjdh he’s trying so hard
AWWWW they’re validating Roman so much I love it
“whomstsoever” ok I take it back roman’s not valid
I adore Logan’s popup fun facts, and him giving definitions for Roman’s vocabulary reminds me how much the two of them love writing and poetry and language aaaa
Patton trying not to be harsh is somehow 10x harsher than he normally is
oh wow that got real.
I know I’ve said this but I love logan’s insertions... but I do wish he got to say them out loud like earlier :/ Pausing to read them is less fun than hearing him talk.
oh wow that got real part 2
I want. So badly. To jump into this video and debate Patton on the nature of morality and what “the right thing is.” Roman you’re not being dumb, you’re bringing up excellent points and you’re valid again.
Oh no Patton... empathy is not morality... please please address that there are people who can’t experience empathy and choose to be moral and good
Logan’s popups bc he doesn’t want to “be too invasive” and making them optional to read hurts my heart :( He knows Patton, Roman, and Thomas aren’t reading any of it but he doesn’t want to be too much so he stays silent. Why?? Logan it’s okay! Why is this a thing now but not in the last 2 episodes? What happened to Logan :(
OOOOOOH Patton didn’t flip the switch :o Interesting! Daaaamn he’s arguing to let 5 people die rather than flip the switch so only one dies
HE’S TALKING ABOUT DEONTOLOGY YES LOGAN THANK YOU FOR TELLING PATTON WHAT I PHYSICALLY CANNOT please tell me you’ll talk about utilitarianism and moral particularism next
Okay he used consequentialism but it’s close enough to utilitarianism that the outcome is the same. (Do you get it? Do you like my joke about how the outcome is most important? When we’re talking about-- oh you got it already? Good, moving on.)
“I’m okay, figment of your imagination, so.” Okay so CAN the Sides get hurt or can’t they?? Cause Patton clearly got bonked, roman got hit in the eye with paper and said ow, but logan got hit in the head with a throwing star and had his teeth ripped out and he was totally fine?
 Thomas is being so HONEST with himself so early in the episode, wow this is refreshing and I’m hype
AW YAY Patton called textbox Logan in to help with philosophy yay :’)
Logan: “Pity seems to be at the center of your idea of ‘putting good into the world’” first, Logan doing a voice impression of Nietzsche is GOLD, and second.... I wish they’d let him finish cause I was waiting for a “but” cause Logan siding with Nietzsche on this one feels... wrong? Like I could see Dee bringing it up or Logan using it in an argument only to continue with a contradicting philosophy but Logan equating empathy to pity... idk I thought he’d grown more than to think that :/ Actually I don’t think he ever saw it that way. It feels out of character but I’m guessing he had more to say to debunk that.
HOLY SHIT PATTON SKIPPED ALL THE REST OF LOGAN’S DIALOGUE AND YEETED HIM OFF THE SCREEN bruh he may have been right and he should’ve gotten to say it >:(
sjfkdjgjsh okay aww Thomas good job, Patton too. Thank god they’re being nice to him
Patton is having a breakdown holy heckity about time
damn Patton is freaking HARSH
“I have a difference in opinion on this one, Patton” Thomas: *relieved sigh whisper* “ohhh thank you, Logan” YES APPRECIATE THE BOY YES YES I LOVE HIM why are they looking around like he isn’t making sense?
LOGAN YES! CALL HIM OUT! LET THOMAS VALUE HIMSELF AND PUT HIMSELF FIRST SOMETIMES! “Every point you’ve made in today’s discussion has contradicted that sentiment.” I love you but also you sound a lil like deceit... very lawyer-y and feels calculated like he’s been keeping notes for this purpose... I want deceit and logan to debate already damn it. Maybe it’s just that Logan’s inflections feel reminiscent of Deceit to show...something?
Ok can I just say that Logan gets so much rep for his strictness or high standards but he’s been SO GOOD about that lately and him teaching about the importance of leisure and self-care and freedom in your life and self-esteem and valuing yourself like you do with others... not even just this  video -- he’s been like this in the last few as well and these recent episodes remind me of early Logan (esp My Negative Emotions)  and that makes my heart so so happy.
Continuation of the above, compare this to how Logan acted in Why Bed? with regards to Roman. Roman advocated for leisure time and following dreams, while Logan had a schedule that optimized productivity and health. Now he’s taking a similar stance to Roman and asserting the importance of these things... WHY is so much of Logan’s character development OFFSCREEN?? I wanna know what made him switch on this! Maybe just cause he’s listening to roman from why bed?
Why is Logan being so abrasive? He sounds like his intent is more to disprove Patton rather than state what he actually thinks... not a fan of that but he’s not wrong
OH, MY GOD. If Logan didn’t step in and save them here this would have been catastrophic. I can feel my relief. I mean, he screamed, but it was a relief. WAIT IT WAS DECEIT THE WHOLE TIME??? Daaaamn good job on this one Deceit and I definitely like him more now but also WHERE IS LOGAN. Was it the whole time? That makes sense in hindsight and makes me feel better about some things he’s brought up but I feel like it really was Logan at the start, it wasn’t until he started calling out patton that his voice and inflection and stuff changed
Patton trying to attack Deceit   and hitting Thomas instead was  an EXCELLENT way to  showcase the effect SvS 1 and 2 are having
Deceit’s lil “A DUH DUH DUH DOY” looked and sounded just like Logan’s lmao don’t tell me it’s another switcheroo (I doubt it greatly lol)
So wait what was the point that Deceit switched with Logan? Cause Logan’s saying “one more fact” so he was himself earlier right?
“Not that any of you care, but  I am unharmed.” Nooooo they care </3 “I will do you all a favor and spare you my company” okay OUCH
EFFECTIVE ALTRUISM YES aw he’s talking about him and patton working together yes thank you
Damn, Deceit is LOVING everything Logan says haha same
Logan and Deceit teaming up to teach Patton that it’s okay to care about yourself
DECEIT WHAT he’s being so supportive of Roman holy heck this is so genuine OH Roman’s arguing with it  this is a lot of stuff I didn’t expect roman to say out loud wow
WAIT WOAH SORRY HIS NAME REVEAL!!! He’s Janice?? Is that true?
fuck.... patton...roman....deceit....thomas....logan....I’m gonna go cry about all of them now
LESLIE ODOM JR IS HERE??????? oh there he goes
patton oh my god I love you  this ANGST are you trying to kill me?
Patton telling thomas he’s worthy of love I actually teared up
dfjdakjhfa deceit don’t push it
Wowie that was an EPISODE
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cas-kingdom · 4 years
Would you be up to answering 10, 15, 29, and 31 for any of the OCs from the DWCs that you're feeling a bit stuck on? Or any OCs you're feeling, really. I'm not picky. Hope this helps with mission: write or that you at the very least have some fun with it. :)
To be honest, this would totally help. I’ll have a go (thank you, saviour).
You all know I write my OCs as readers considering the reader inserts are wildly sought after on this site lol. BUT I adore writing about my OCs & have tons of stories with them that I keep to myself and read when I’m down, so here we go!
The 4 I’ve yet to write include Tallulah Cullen (Twilight), Matilda Northman (True Blood), Akela (The Witcher) & Clark Kent’s sister, who I’m yet to create an OC for (atm my only JL OC is Arthur Curry’s sister, Ani) so I won’t write these questions for her considering I don’t really know her.
WARNING: this is going to get long. I apologise & a big pat on the back to whoever actually reads it.
10) How open is your oc to trying new things? Are they the adventurous sort, or would they rather stay in their comfort zone? Why?
Tallulah: I think, honestly, Tallulah’s been a vampire so long she’s not sure she has anything new left to try lol. She’s older than her siblings by a lot and is often lost with these kinds of things. Though if there is ever anything new, I’d say she’d be absolutely open to trying them out! During the events of the books/movies, I’m sure there were many of these opportunities, what with Bella and the excitement and adventure she brought along with her. So, yes. No comfort zone for T, though perhaps there was one once.
Matilda: Tilly’s pretty restricted with what she can and can’t do (having Eric as your guardian will do that to you lol) but again, like Tallulah, with the events of the books/series, a lot happens that she’d be involved with, and it’s all a bit adventurous and out of her comfort zone. She’s used to the so-called quiet life, considering Eric keeps her out of his business so she remains safe, so after meeting Sookie and all the disruption she brings to her life, I’ve always thought it to be quite a big thing for her. As she grows older however, she certainly grows used to it, and perhaps rebels a bit against her guardian to join in on the excitement he’d rather she stay away from.
Akela: Akela’s whole life is trying new things. She never knows if her day will be quiet or not so much. If she’ll be sleeping under the stars or in an inn. If she’ll have a great, peaceful ride or someone will run up to them, thrusting money at Geralt and asking him to kill a monster. (Seems like a nicely spontaneous life, minus the monsters). Tbh I think she likes it. She’d like her life to be completely safe with no interruptions, but in all honestly she’d get bored after a while, and really, if her life was all sweet and honey, then Geralt wouldn’t be the same, and that’s the last thing she’d want. I think her comfort zone is very small, and not demanding at all. She’s ready to try whatever, as long as it guarantees her and her Witcher’s safety!
15) What is your oc’s favourite time of day? Why is this? Do they have a daily practice during this time?
Tallulah: I’ll be a bit stereotypical here and say her favourite time of day is night. She doesn’t sparkle, she can blend in with the humans completely... and I guess she just likes it in general because of the dark, and the peace that often offers. She sometimes goes hunting with her family in the dark, and she has many memories of those times that she holds onto.
Matilda: Yet another vampiric-stereotypical answer, but Tilly’s favourite time of day is definitely the exact moment the sun is out of sight. Because then Eric’s instantly safe, and she can spend as much time with him as his ‘duties’ and his job allows. Another human’s favourite time might be day, because that’s when the most happens, and Tilly’s is night for the exact same reason. To her it’s simply normal - she’s always slept during the day to adhere to her vampire guardians’ routine - and she knows no difference.
Akela: Night. (Apparently all my OCs are night owls, guys). She likes her evenings and her nights, right before she sleeps, because most of her memories from those times are of her lying next to Geralt on blankets, under a starlit sky. It’s totally quiet, save for the nightlife, and the two of them can just lie there and let the trials of the day wash away as they stare at the stars. A simple delight.
29) How empathetic is your oc? Or are they closer to being a sociopath? Any reason why?
Tallulah: Hundreds of years as a vampire has definitely made Tallulah more in touch with people’s emotions. She 100% takes after her father in the compassion side of things. He’s taught her to hang onto most of her humanity, and she’s never fed from a human in her life. I can’t see her hurting a fly. Sociopath? Never.
Matilda: Tilly... is perhaps more sociopath than empath, but that’s something that changes over the years. She’s young at the beginning of the show, and she worships Eric and (discreetly) wants to follow him wherever he goes. That doesn’t change so much, but she finds herself over time, and learns to give in to her human instincts. I definitely think Eric’s growing appreciation for humans after meeting Sookie makes her more aware of her true self, and she makes friends she wouldn’t have ever thought about making, and generally just becomes less afraid to be herself. She learns to understand people’s feelings - and her own - which is something she probably found difficult to do when solely around vampires. (Though in saying that, she probably begins to learn a lot more about how Eric’s feeling. That’s shown in the DWC I’ve yet to write lol).
Akela: For as much as Akela loves Geralt, and for as much as she grew up under his guiding hand, she certainly didn’t adopt his so-called ‘emotionless’ Witcher persona. Really, that’s a victory on Geralt’s side. She’s 100%, totally human, and that’s something he wouldn’t take away from her (tbh he does his best to keep her away from anything Witcher-y that could change her from who she perfectly is). But, in all honesty, I do think Akela gets her selfless and empathetic nature from Geralt. Discreetly, of course. That guy is a different person when he’s with her, though it might be difficult to see, and he’s honestly just a Good Dad, however much he’d strive to disprove it.
31) What is your oc’s sense of humour like? What do they find funny? Do they try to be funny? Are they actually?
Tallulah: Tallulah has big brothers. I think that speaks for itself. XD Though perhaps not all of them... mainly Emmett and Jasper. And Alice. They like to make her laugh. Probably Emmett’s main goal in life. BUT, similar to the first question, Tallulah is an old vampire, and she’s probably heard most jokes and developed a sense of humour that’s different to the others’, if that makes sense. Though I’ve always had her as the vampire who was turned at 16 and, in all honesty, is still 16, deep deep down. Her maturity isn’t crazily more than any other 16 yo’s.
Matilda: God. I don’t think she’d have much of a sense of humour. Tilly’s life is vampires, blood, ‘stay away from humans despite being human’... when she meets Sookie and the others, and her humanity starts shining, her sense of humour becomes more human. She can joke around without worrying that Eric will take it too seriously or Pam will insult her (Pam insults everyone but she still loves Tilly, don’t worry). So, yeah. Matilda’s life doesn’t leave much room for humour, but it sneaks in somehow as the years go on - not to mention Eric’s not an ass to her and does treasure her smile and her laugh above all else in his long life.
Akela: Oh, Akela lives on humour. She loves to insult Geralt, and he loves to insult her right back. That’s just them. And it’s pretty damn perfect. Not to mention when Jaskier joins their dysfunctional family, you’d be pretty robotic to not laugh or smile even once when in his presence. As for if Akela’s actually funny... I’d say definitely. She counts it a victory if she says something and Geralt’s lips turn upwards the tiniest bit. Making a Witcher smile is something to celebrate.
Whoo. I loved that. Now to go write.
(That last bit was a joke. Unfortunately).
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 250: Why Is This Family Not in Therapy
Previously on BnHA: Fuyumi invited everyone over to Camp Todovid for a wholesome family meal because what could possibly go wrong. Kacchan and Deku proceeded to spend the evening blinking distress signals at each other in Morse code while Natsu shoved breadsticks into his purse and skedaddled after getting mad at Endeavor in a completely unexpected turn of events which absolutely no one could have foreseen. After dinner, Shouto had a heart to heart with Fuyu (and then Deku) about whether or not he was ready to forgive his dad, and meanwhile Endeavor said a prayer for his very dead son Touya. Poor Touya. He was such a nice boy. You know what he really used to like? Messenger bags. He’d put the oddest things in them, too. I wonder if Touya would still enjoy collecting strange and disturbing things in bags if he was still alive today. Alas. We’ll never know.
Today on BnHA: Some guy named Takami who just got out of prison decides to show up out of the blue and fucking kidnap Natsuo because WHY NOT. But before that happens, we get a nice scene of Kacchan and Deku sitting down with Shouto and Fuyu, who finally decide it’s high time they talked about THEIR SECRET DEAD BROTHER seeing as LET’S BE REAL, THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS DINNER TO BEGIN WITH. So basically, (1) he’s definitely dead! For sure! 100% deceased!, and (2) Natsuo apparently blames Endeavor for his death, lol no big. Deku and Kacchan are for some reason super fucking chill about hearing this, and then Endeavor comes over and is all “TIME TO HEAD BACK” and omg I’ve never hated him more. And then as they’re driving away from Todofield Hall, Takami shows up and is all “HEY ENDEAVOR LOOK I KIDNAPPED YOUR CHILD AND I’M GONNA KILL HIM!” and holy shit but Horikoshi is just fucking with us now, though.
(As always, all comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity afterward, and added some  ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
all right manga, do your worst. I’m completely spoiler-free on this one. watch it not even be a flashback, after all of that lmao
(ETA: lol I read these two asks after I read the chapter and they’re pretty great:
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honestly this week wasn’t that bad, though! the worst part of it was the whole “only 13 pages again” thing honestly. next week, though, it looks like we’ll be in for some fun times. oh goodness.)
so it appears night has fallen on Todofield Hall, and hoooooooooly shit you guys, are they. are they all gonna have a sleepover at Shouto’s house, because fdszllk I. I’m gonna. ldskfjla
(ETA: [kicks Endeavor in the shins] why do you hate fun!?)
who is talking?? are these prison stripes??
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so is this the Takami guy narrating, then? just like we all predicted last week. ???
(ETA: so I saw all these people going “wtf is this Hawks’s dad??” and I was like “lol what” and it took me longer than I’d like to admit to put two and two together, but anyways, long story short, “Takami” just so happens to be Hawks’s recently revealed surname (with the same kanji and everything -- 鹰見). so while every instinct in my body is screaming at me “gtfo no way they’re related”, it is an extremely bizarre coincidence, so uh. ?? I got nothin’, basically.)
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also I will never understand villains who get all smug about being captured alive. “your one mistake was not killing me when you should have!” like okay, so you’re admitting you’re a piece of shit who should have died, and that the hero totally could have done it, but they were nice enough not to so SHAME ON THEM, apparently
anyways I really don’t understand what’s going on at all lol. some guy looked up to Endeavor and then got himself captured by him for some reason. let’s continue I guess
oh lord it keeps getting creepier
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-- oohhhhhhhh shiiiiiiit, is this fucker about to air Endeavor’s dirty laundry?? is that what this is about?
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NATSU SWEETIE WHERE ARE YOUR SELF-PRESERVATION INSTINCTS?? IT IS NOT SAFE! and also what the fuck, does Endeavor just not have any security in his home at all? surely he must, if for no other reason than the fact that HE HAS KIDS and he’s not always at home! I have to imagine that any pro hero with a family understands that they’re a potential target for villains and would take precautions. I wonder if we’re about to see this sneaky guy get wrecked
(ETA: nope, Endeavor really has no security whatsoever and Natsu got snatched while waiting outside for his Uber. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he was too busy missing his brother and being sad to remember that he actually has a quirk himself. c’mon Natsu.
-- actually, come to think, props to Horikoshi for once again bucking the trend and having a guy be the one who gets kidnapped and becomes the damsel in distress. I’m just going to assume that had Fuyu been the one to get captured, Endeavor wouldn’t have even heard about it until he received a text from her with a picture of the guy encased in ice and a caption asking “so dad, uh, what should I do with this?”)
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hhhglkohhhhh myyyyy godddddd
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Shouto says it’s not exactly an easy topic to bring up, and okay, fair. buuuut also, this is the same child who ambushed Deku in a corridor back when they barely knew each other and was all “let me tell you all about my dad’s quirk marriage and how he abused me and my mom and how I got this scar” so like. what exactly do you consider “easy to bring up” though
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we’re getting DETAILS. ABOUT. TOUYA’S PAST fkdslfh holy motherfucking shitballs someone pinch me
she says it happened right after Rei got hospitalized, which yeah, we all figured based on the middle school uniform in the photo. so that definitely pins down his age then, doesn’t it? Shouto was six when that happened, so if Touya was in middle school he’d have been between 12 and 15. so it’s very likely then that he was 14, the exact same age as Fuyu, so therefore THE TWIN THEORY IS CONFIRMED! WE DID IT TUMBLR
anyways back to being sad though, because
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can someone please hug this child?? what are you all even doing?! do you not see his face?? jesus christ
oh no oh my god are you serious are you
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okay, before I go on to the next panel and commence FREAKING THE FUCK OUT, I need to stop here though, because the thought that the Todos actually were in the process of healing nine years ago and could have potentially been spared years of additional pain had it not been for this tragedy is. just. I fucking can’t. I need a minute here. god
anyway. so now on to the freaking out though, because
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:) :))) :))))))) huh. you don’t say
(ETA: hmm in hindsight I promised freakouts and then all I did was go “:)” but please understand that the “:)” conveys so much more inner freaking out than words could possibly communicate. just picture me screaming and waving my arms around like a Kermit the frog gif okay.)
look at this you guys. this revelation is so stone cold fucking sober that it even got Katsuki to make an actual normal face for the first time in god knows how many chapters, wow
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by the way, words can hardly express how much I appreciate that Katsuki is sitting here chilling out drinking tea with the rest of them and listening to this tale of woe and empathizing like a normal, well-adjusted person, though. I will never take that for granted. thank you character development gods. y’all are bros
anyways the face in question that Natsu was making is so fucking sad, and just. THEY ALL NEED HUGS. why is this family not in therapy
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YOU SON OF A BITCH!! JUST LIKE THAT YOU’RE RIGHT BACK ON MY SHIT LIST, ENDEAVOR!! CHRIST ALMIGHTY ARE YOU SERIOUS, SO WE’RE REALLY JUST GONNA LEAVE OFF THERE? “LOL SO YEAH, NATSU STILL THINKS DAD KILLED OUR BROTHER AND THAT’S WHY ALL THE TENSION” and Deku and Kacchan just nod like that is in any way a satisfying explanation rather than an INCREDIBLY OMINOUS STATEMENT which only goes and raises about A BILLION MORE QUESTIONS OMG. “oh okay, so he hates your dad because he thinks that he murdered your mysterious other brother we’re only just now hearing about. say no more. no further context necessary” fucking -- 
listen, you two. where the fuck are your investigative skills?? SOME SCOOBY SQUAD YOU ARE!!
oh my goodness gracious
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listen guys, things I was not expecting to check off my character development bucket list today: Katsuki joining the Fuyumi fanclub and bonding with her over recipes. I wasn’t even aware that was on my list. BUT IT SURE WAS, AND IT’S CHECKED NOW AND I LOVE IT
also love that Shouto tells Fuyu to just text the recipe to him, and then he will share it with Katsuki. because they are best friends
also Deku is the only one here with any manners at all but oh well. we all been knew
(ETA: though to be fair, Katsuki asking for the recipe is about as big a compliment as one can give to a chef, and it kind of serves as a combination “thanks for the meal” and “everything was really good” tbh. shit, now I want her recipe.)
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... [reaches out to gently touch the panels] so soft
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[faint sound of my heart imploding] ah
oh my god his face
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and Katsuki’s face too. boy are you jealous. to think you were all “WHY THOUGH!?” coming here, only to walk away from it all with a kickass new mapo tofu recipe as well as a new person to add to your secret list of people you would literally die for. awwwwwww
and Shouto. omg. this is the most bashful panel I’ve ever seen. what a blessed chapter
anyway so now they’re all driving away (back to school?? I think he said?) and Endeavor’s talking to them about their upcoming schedule. so I guess they are heading back to school, then
anyway so he wants them to work the weekend as well as two weekdays? damn that’s a lot of class to be missing, he’s asking them to skip literally half the school week (since they have Saturday class too)
wow you guys look at this panel
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takeaways from this: 1.) I honestly would have thought Deku would be the one tutoring other people in English, if anything. as of the midterms, he was above Shouto in academic rankings, but more importantly he’s also the biggest All Might fan on the planet, and All Might spent a lot of time in America in his youth and presumably speaks decent English himself, so you’d think Deku’s English would be passable just from his obsession alone. but I guess you just can’t beat that fancy private school education
and the other takeaway: Katsuki doesn’t like being squished in the backseat of a cramped Japanese car with Deku and Shouto. this one is absolutely shocking. I’m gonna need a moment to process this for sure. anyways poor Deku, he’s probably getting so many elbows to the ribs right now. I hope he elbows back
(ETA: actually the fact that Katsuki is apparently sticking his head out the window here in addition to complaining about the cramped conditions makes me wonder if he’s actually getting carsick. my poor baby do you need some dramamine.)
guys, meet Endeavor’s chauffeur
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so anyway this is a bit sudden but I have a new favorite character now. life is funny like that. does he remind anyone else of Major Armstrong
wow Endeavor is answering the question seriously
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okay but shit, I really fucking love this answer, though. he’s so matter-of-fact about it. because the thing is, the question isn’t really “when did you start baby-sitting a bunch of kids”; it’s “when did you actually start caring about something other than yourself?” and the answer is that it happened when he finally reached the top and realized the responsibility that went hand in hand with that role. it forced him to finally look past just himself, and to think about what it really means to be a hero. shit, I feel another essay coming on, but it’ll have to wait for some other time lol. we still have to see if Natsu’s going to make it out of this alive
anyway so now Armstrong is chuckling and saying that status really does change people huh, and they’re driving on into the night
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THAT’S A NICE SON YOU’VE GOT THERE, ENDEAVOR. IT WOULD BE A SHAME IF SOMEONE... okay you know what, I’m not sure where I was headed with that joke, but in any case I can’t finish it because this isn’t funny at all actually, this is actually SO FUCKING BAD oh shit oh shit
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oh no he’s so scared oh fuck. fuck. he’s only 19, he’s just a kid still. god. why do I always get so worked up over these parts. what am I doing reading a shounen manga if I can’t handle seeing kids in peril. HORIKOSHI PLEASE BE KIND TO MY BABIES
holy shit
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okay, is this implying that Katsuki was sticking his head out of the window in that previous panel?? I realize more important things are happening and this is hardly the time to dwell on this, but jesus christ my kid is out here trying to get himself decapitated. boy what is wrong with you
anyway so now something is going "pop” and I have no idea. ??
(ETA: lol I guess it was Endeavor? you know, how Endeavor sometimes just goes “pop” for no reason. that’s just the sound someone makes when spontaneously bursting into flames.)
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far be it from me to start whipping out analogies about a mama bear and her cubs, but. damned if that ain’t what’s happening though. motherfucker, you mess with his kids? so would you like to die fast, or slow
so now some weird fucking shit is happening to the car, and I guess it’s this guy’s quirk again?
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wow my man, so you’re really attacking the car with the three protagonists with SOMETHING TO PROVE in the backseat. you really do have a death wish
(ETA: on top of that, attacking the car mere minutes before the winter break ends, and with it, the deadline for “defeating a villain quicker than Endeavor.” HMMM anybody got some popcorn?)
now Endeavor is shouting “LET HIM GO!” because that’s what superheros shout when someone is being kidnapped
lol poor Natsu looks kind of awkward now
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like, don’t get him wrong, he’s still scared for his life. but also he’s starting to get a bit of that same feeling that Katsuki and Deku were getting in the last chapter, like he’s suddenly found himself right in the midst of some grade A melodrama from which there is no escape. anyways don’t mind him, he’s just going to chill here in this big pile of bandages and see where this goes
so Endeavor is all “........... YOU’RE FROM SEVEN YEARS AGO!” and honestly that’s impressive. I guess the quirk is a pretty memorable one, though
wow now they’re suddenly being all coy with this guy’s name? what the hell
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?? Natsu bud, I feel ya, this really is some awkward shit right here
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that’s the name of the chapter! well all right then, so at least that much makes sense now
so now Ending is apologizing to Endeavor, and wow, tons of essay fuel in these next two panels here
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“you had so many things that I could never get” doesn’t this sound remarkably similar to Deku’s speech to Kacchan during their second fight at Ground Beta? huh
and also, I think we are slowly dancing closer and closer to the Thing Katsuki Lacks That He Needs To Learn From His Internship From Endeavor. what do you guys think? I have a lot of thoughts about this, but again, I’ll save it for another post seeing as shit is hitting the fan right now and all
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well shit. okay so when he says “don’t make the same mistake twice”, he’s clearly talking about Endeavor letting him live the last time they met, but also I can’t help but feel like there might be some kind of double meaning here as well. the fact that he went from theft to kidnapping and attempted murder, on top of him mentioning earlier about how he went digging into Endeavor’s past, makes me wonder if he could possibly be trying to recreate a specific set of events. or is that crazy??
but just, hear me out. what if something similar to this went down before, with Touya perhaps being taken hostage by a villain (though it couldn’t have been the same guy because the timing is off, and also Endeavor didn’t recognize him right off the bat), and Endeavor making some critical mistake which resulted in him failing to save him, and Natsu then blaming him for that and holding him responsible for the death. honestly that makes the most sense to me, since I would think that “literally murdered his own kid” would be kind of a deal-breaker as far as the rest of the family ever reconciling with him. so yeah, this could get very interesting here
(ETA: hoo boy, so I’ve been browsing the bnha tags a bit, and it seems that a lot of people are interpreting the hints in this chapter very differently from me lol. I admit I could certainly be wrong about the “don’t make the same mistakes” bit having a double meaning. but like, do we really believe that Endeavor just straight up murdered his son and got away with it, or that it was covered up or something? or that he drove Touya to suicide? I think it’s much more likely that Touya pushed himself too hard, or that he accidentally got caught up in one of Endeavor’s attacks, or something along those lines.
what really struck me, though, was that a lot of people actually seem to be hoping for it to come out that Endeavor really is responsible, though. like, to the point where they’re prepared to be outraged if it turns out he’s not, and this part of the story doesn’t end up conforming to the narrative of Endeavor just being a sinister cartoon villain. and like, I don’t really know what to say about that. except that I really hate this idea that if an abuser is ever portrayed as something other than a heartless monster then it’s super-problematic and/or just bad writing. that Endeavor not murdering his son = Horikoshi endorses child abuse. or something. anyways I don’t have the spoons to really throw my hat into the ring here, but basically my opinion is that life is rarely just black and white in that way, and this story reflects that, and I think it’s absolutely the right call to make and is actually very good writing and I respect it. 
and also like, it’s not some all-or-nothing thing here where he’s either a perfect saint, or the worst person to ever exist! what he is is a man who made some terrible choices in the past and abused and hurt the very people he should have loved and protected the most. and what he is, also, is a man who has realized the awfulness of the things he’s done, and is trying his best now to be a good person. what he is is a human being. and acknowledging that doesn’t mean that you condone the abuse; it simply means that you acknowledge that people are made up of more than just the worst things they’ve done in their lives. that’s it.
anyways, for all of my “not gonna through my hat into the ring” nonsense, I’m doing a pretty good impression of exactly that, so I’ll shut up now. damn you Endeavor and your controversy-sparking ways. what kind of psychopath looks at the fucking BnHA fandom and says “not bad, but you know what this place could use? more discourse.” you knew exactly what you were doing, you fiend.)
anyways I’m going to hope and assume that Natsu isn’t actually about to meet his end here at the hands of this bestriped man and his peculiarly thematic villain name and sinister bandage arrows (are they bandages?? maybe not since they seem pretty solid and he’s threatening to stab Natsu in the eye with one. idk). and for all of my joking earlier, this guy actually does appear to have a real, genuine death wish since he keeps talking about how Endeavor should have killed him before. so in addition to all this other drama, toss in an attempted suicide by cop as well! this fucking arc, man. goddamn
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astranne · 4 years
(Natalia Romanova) Crossover Harry Potter x Marvel
So, Natalia Romanova. Daughter of Black Widow and the Winter Soldier. The Avengers are totally her honorary uncles and aunts. Since she‘s James‘ daughter she‘s a super soldier too and HYDRA did some experiments so she‘s now stronger/faster than Captain America. She is now also an empath and telepath. And since this is an AU, Black Widow is a witch (Harry Potter universe here). But she never learned magic like all the others, she never needed speels and a wand. Just like Natalia. The royal family has always been magic, so they are important too in the wizarding world. But since Natasha never has been at the magic places they think she‘s a squib and like her daughter magicless. Anyway.
So, the muggle world thinks, that Natalia goes to a private school with other rich kids, bc Natasha wants her childhood as normals as possible. They send her to Durmstrang, bc this is the perfect school for her. (In this fic, many dark wizard families send their children there, Durmstrang is almost as big as Hogwarts and a proud school. The asshole Igor somewhat is not there) And a former Red Room 'friend' of Natasha is teacher there, so she can train her daughter while school. She goes under the name Natalia Romanoff, but somehow they realize this is the princess of russia. Naturally they try to become her friend, but... her glare is really scary. And then she starts talking about her father and they are like, nooopee not with me. But someone doesn‘t recognizes her. One Draco Malfoy. His father sends him to Durmstrang, bc the school is known for the good teaching in DADA (they totally also learn some dark spells) and Lucius will not send his heir to the school where this Dumbleshit is. Draco only says once, 'my father will hear about this', but no one fears his father. They are all pretty chill and not like britain wizards. So Draco slowly changes, doesn’t become this little brat who runs to his father everytime. He’s more like: oh fuck, my mom will kill me, when he does something dumb. It‘s in the middle of the school year, when he sees Natalia in the library and they just start talking. He has no idea who she is, bc Malfoys hate the muggle world and yeah. Natalia notices that and decides, this is now my best friend. They start to hang out, prank some olders and become friends with Vikor Krum, who starts his career.
And everybody is like: boy, do you realize this is a princess? Draco is just confused until she tells him and he‘s just: why did you do this to me??? I thought we‘re friends? He takes it with humor, yk Draco isn’t this little shit like in canon, Well, he still can be, but only when necessary. Anyway, he’s totally proud, that he’s the best friend of the princess of russia.
Anyway. They become friends and Draco writes a letter, before he comes home. There he casually writes he befriended the Romanova heir and how she teached him some moves with knifes. His father pales, bc draco- how in the bloody hell did you become friends with the russian princess, who is the daughter of the most feared assassin??? His mother is proud and excited to meet this Natalia.
Anywayyy. Draco comes home, his father tries his usual shit, but his son just walks past him and hugs his mother. Narcissa approves™
Uhm... probably should mention that Draco let his hair grow? Bc omg- twelve year old Draco Malfoy with a undercut and a little bun. Omg- and then some years later. You either die, bc he‘s so cute or bc he‘s so hot.
Anyway. Draco and Natalia write through the summer and also meet. James begins to teach Draco, bc you are now the best friend of my daughter. She can‘t always protect you. The Malfoys meet the Romanovas and somehow the whole wizarding world knows this.
Lucius called Natalia a half blood, bc he tought James is one.
“Excuse me, my Lord. But my father is the head of the Barnes family, an old and ancient house of America. He is a true wizard, if the muggels wouldn‘t have tortured him, his magical core still would be intact.“ James stares at Lucius, like he’s ready to kill and then mutters something in russian. Natalia snorts unladylike, while Natasha grins. (James called Lucius a little boy, (in not so nice words) bc he fears his daughter who is twelve years old. Shame on you, Lucius)
Bc Natalia is bored, she created an Instagram account, where she immediately gained millions of followers.
“Hey there! You probably think, what the bloody hell is the princess of-"
“Stop swearing, young lady!“
“And this was my father... anyway. I have summer holidays and while I still prepare for the next school year, I have sooo much time to do nothing! And- Draco, come here! I want you to introduce to Instagram.“ Natalia grins widely, while she films Draco, who was reading a book about the history of Russia.
“What now, Nat?“, he mumbles.
“Look in the camera!“
“You know, if you say that, I will especially not doing it.“
“And this is my best friend Draco.“
“Draco Malfoy.“ She rolles her eyes playfully, when he still ignores her.
“Draco Lucius Malfoy... now stop being such a brat and come here.“
“I hate it, when you call me by my full name.“
“Anyway. This is Draco Malfoy, my best friend. We met in the middle of the school year and since then-“
“Everybody has to suffer because of our alliance.“
“We are friends, Draco! Stop being such a bloody-“
“Young Lady-“
“It was Draco!“ Her fans love their interactions. Some even do competitions about Draco‘s insults at random people.
“My dad teached Draco some things and now he won‘t let this bloody knife-“
“Natalia Romanova, no cruse words in this household.“
“I swear, my dad knows everytime when I cruse. It‘s spooky.“ Draco snorts, while he still twirls the knife in his hand.
“Your father knows everything you do.“
“That‘s true.“
She gets the permission, still to post on social media while being at school. As long she doesn’t exposes the wizarding world.
“I wanted to introduce you to another friend of mine! This is Viktor-“
“Stanislav! Did you hear? I‘m friends with the princess, take that you fucking asshole!“
“We are not friends anymore, Vic! Stanislav, you are now my new best friend!“
“Hey! What about me??“
Some people are concerned, that she only has male friends, since they only met the three.
“Please. Girls can be soo dramatic, it‘s so fucking annoying. But I have some female friends. Like Daphne. But she goes to another school.... Draco? Do you think we could kidnap Daphne, so she goes with us to school?“ Draco is so done with his life. Why did he became friends with her? She only makes problems...
So yeah, Natalia is a cheerful person, but if you try to hurt her friends or family, she raises hell. Draco tries to control the chaos she creates, but is not always successful.
Uhm, fast forward I think? To fourth year, the Triwizard Tournament. Bc Draco and Natalia are one of Victor‘s closest friends, (and have powerful names) the go for a year to Hogwarts. They also meet the golden trio, who has no idea who they are, but Ron is searching for the princess. Hermione tries to stop him, but he already did the mess. Natalia begins raises an eyebrow and asks him what business he has with the princess.
“I need to speak with her.“
“And you are? Draco, is he a part of the pure blood families?“ Draco just shruggs and says: “I‘m not entirely sure, he has the looks of a Weasly and while they are a pure blood family, no one of the elite likes them.“ Harry begins to shout at Draco, Ron too, while Hermione wants to bang her head against the wall.
“I‘m sure, this is a misunderstanding. I‘m not from England, so I don‘t know the important families like Draco does. He simply said what your political position in the wizarding world is. I‘m sure you know the Malfoys, this is Draco Malfoy and he‘s my best friend. I appologies, if something we said came out wrong, but in Durmstrang you normally don‘t offend students with the political positions of their parents.“
Hermione becomes friends with the two, Harry and Ron are then pissed. Does she care? No.
So, they have their fun in Howgarts, they also befriend the Weasly twins and prank some people.
And then comes the fifth year. People loose their absolute shit, bc boy- They haven‘t seen Draco for 3 months and suddendly he‘s one of the hottest teenagers of the world. They start to ship the two, but Natalia doesn’t react to the fans about this.
For information, they are in the sixth year when they come together (somewhat)
But in the summer after the fifth year, some agency contacts Draco and asks him if he wants to do modeling. And he‘s like, why not. Then I have also a name in the muggle world and much influence.
He does a great job. He gains a fandbase, (he already has one) who are like: fucking finally-bitch, what took you so long???
He also starts social medias, mostly talks about his life. And the world meets his mother and they are like: ok wow, we understand, Draco. She‘s an angel, a badass angel. We know now, why he‘s such a perfect boy
So yeah, Draco starts modeling, his father tries to throw a hissy fit but can‘t really do anything about it.
I totally forgot about it, but Voldemort came back and James is like- fuck this shit and killed him. And destroyed all his Horcruxes. He went to all his former followers and was like: bitches, this was a half blood who wanted to destroy the wizarding world. Don‘t follow his mistakes or I‘ll kill you all.
They look at him with big eyes and he then tells, he wants his daughter save and how can she be save, when the parents of her friends follow a mass murderer?
And yeah, this is how the Winter Soldier destroyed Dumbledore’s plans and didn‘t even know it.
And yeah. Draco starts also acting (he‘s really good at it) and is a part time teacher in Durmstrang. Natalia is doing princess stuff, represents her house in the wizarding world and just lives her life.
They marry some years later (the biggest wedding of the century after Natalia‘s parents).
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elareine · 5 years
In silence (Jason, Bruce)
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The city speaks to him.
It’s not good or bad; it just is and has always been that way, for as long as Jason can remember. He’s eight when he first learns the word for it, ‘telepathy,’ and that he’s probably considered a ‘meta.’ Someone different. But Jason likes it. Having a secret is something just for himself, something he doesn’t have to share if he doesn’t feel like it.
He’s really more of an empath than a telepath, though occasionally, a clear thought comes through. It’s not like he’s dangerous or anything. Sure, sometimes it’s difficult to separate himself from anger his dad feels, from the fear his mother goes to sleep with daily, but surely that’s the same for everyone?
Being a meta doesn’t keep him from being hungry. The opposite, really.
He wonders, sometimes, if his mom possesses the same capabilities, if it’s that what she’s trying to numb. The other possibility is that she’s trying to forget about him. Neither of these is great, so he tries not to focus on that.
She dies either way, and Jason is alone on the streets, as alone one can be with about a thousand voices and feelings in your head.
He does not hear Batman come up behind him. It’s a total surprise when the hand clamps down on his shoulder.
Jason lashes out in surprise and disgust. What kind of person does not radiate any thoughts or feelings? Maybe it’s true, what they say. Batman isn’t human. It’s the only explanation for the sudden silence in Jason’s head.
Later, after he tried getting rid of Jason twice and fails, Bruce explains to him that he learned to silence his head in a monastery in… Tibet? Nepal? Wherever it is, Jason immediately vows never to go there. He doesn’t like the numbness that spreads through him when he meditates. It feels like shutting out a world he’s always been connected to. What if you miss out on the good parts because you want to avoid the bad ones?
He thinks Dick might agree with him if only Jason could talk to him about it. Bruce makes it clear he wants Jason to hide his abilities. And Dick is barely in Gotham, anyway, and when he is, he argues with Bruce. Jason gets that. It would just be nice to talk to someone who knows Bruce like Dick does.
As the years pass and he becomes Robin, other downsides of Bruce’s policy become apparent.
“Why are we not punishing them?” Jason is shouting. He knows Bruce hates that, but—he can’t. In front of him is a so-called human being who even now is preparing what to say to his lawyer so he can get out of jail and do all this again soon. How could Jason stay calm?
“That is not what we do.”
Jason thinks of the little girl back in that cold, cold apartment. “If you could feel her pain—”
“Emotions are not a reliable guide for actions.” Batman turns away. The discussion is over before it ever began.
Jason still hasn’t felt a single thing from Bruce. No anger, no pain, and certainly no love.
Maybe it’s time he starts looking elsewhere. He can’t deal with this anymore.
It takes Jason a long time to figure out what’s happening.
When he comes out of the pit, his telepathy is stronger. He can feel Bruce, now, know him and all the disgust he’s always felt at Jason; how he values the life of criminals more than that of children. He can feel how the rest of the so-called batfamily looks at him like he’s an animal that needs to be put down.
None of them deserve to call themselves Gotham’s protector. Jason has absolutely no compunction in treating them as if they’re barely a step above the criminals.
Until he meets Arsenal.
Roy… he’s so soothing.
Despite all the shit he’s been through, there’s still this light in him, and he generously passes it onto others. Here’s one person who even Ra’s cannot taint, and it breaks the spell.
Yes. Spell. Or rather, the way being in the pit with Ra’s had messed with his head. Finding out Ra’s tainted the one thing Jason thought he could rely on… It feels like more of a violation than having to dig his way out of his own grave.
Doesn’t feel great, knowing that he attacked people for no good reason. Even worse is the desire to do it again.
“That’s not on you, man,” Roy tells him. As always, it’s backed up by his thoughts, his feelings. Jason doesn’t have to consciously check anymore. He knows Roy means what he says.
Still he shakes his head. “I should have noticed.”
“Yeah, but it’s not like there’s a 101 class for you take. What the fuck does Batsy expect if he just tells you to not use a power you cannot switch off?”
Jason deliberately does not answer that question. “Introduction to Telepathy? What would that even look like?”
To his surprise, Roy genuinely considers the question. “Dunno, but we could find out. I know a telepath on the Titans, let’s start there.”
They do. Kori even introduces him to an entire alien race of telepaths. It’s great. Jason’s filters improve every day. He can choose when to listen, now; he can walk along a busy street without picking up on every stray feeling. Life is quieter but never silent.
Learning how to get a handle on his powers is one thing. Allowing himself to see certain things… that’s more difficult.
Gradually, Jason begins to trust that the replacement has never held more than some well-earned wariness against him. There’s even some respect there, along with a genuine offer to help if Jason wants it. Dick is confusion and the earnest, if occasionally misguided, desire to make things better. The others are a bit more difficult, but that’s okay. Jason has no intention of becoming family again.
He still doesn’t know if Ra’s manipulated his telepathy to the point that he received wrong signals from Bruce, or if it was just his own head, trying to replace the silence in Bruce’s mind with something more familiar. Honestly, at this point, it barely matters anymore. Jason has got to stop doing this to himself and move on.
With his friends’ minds glowing warmly in the back of his own, he thinks he might just manage that.
All Bruce ever wanted was to shield Jason from the horrors of his mind. Surely his own anger could only fuel Jason’s; his own sadness increase Jason’s; his endless thoughts on the unfairness of it all only drag down a child who has already experienced so much of it.
(He will not admit that he was ashamed. He was not. It was—it was just better that way.)  
He knows he’s wrong, now. Arsenal was the one who spit in his face, who told him he isolated a boy who needed connection more than anything else and left him vulnerable to manipulation.
Bruce has never even considered that possibility. To him, it was obvious that the tendencies Jason already had as a child had been strengthened by trauma; that Jason was choosing to spit in the face of the values that Bruce worked so hard to instill in him; that he continues to do so.
Absurdly, his first thought when he figures out that something else went terribly wrong is: ‘Why didn’t Dick tell me?’
Because he didn’t know, Bruce realizes. None of his genius-level children figured out Jason, because Bruce never told them he was—is—a telepath in the first place.
Anyway, Bruce tells himself, it doesn’t matter what he did or didn’t say, because some apparent manipulation on Ra’s part doesn’t excuse Jason’s actions. He should have known better than to kill. And doesn’t he still walk around with his guns?
Still, Bruce vows to be better with Duke and tries to find a way for Jason and him to move forward.  
“Show them trust,” Dick says in answer to a hypothetical question that they both know isn’t hypothetical, “and maybe, they will return it in time.”
So Bruce keeps his mind open. It’s a struggle, after all these years, but he does in the hope that Jason will see something there that will help him move on; that will get Bruce his son back.
But Jason never seems to look. It’s as if he can’t be bothered to; as if he has given up on Bruce.
Maybe he has. There is no way for Bruce to know. He’s not a telepath, after all.
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The Empath (Pt.5/?)
Summary: Time has a way of healing itself, as many time travelers have pointed out. In this instance, the apocalypse is back on and the Umbrella Academy is scrambling to save their sister and the world. 
Word Count: 2,135 - decided I had to split it in two parts lmao
WARNINGS: Blood; Death; Language
Pairing: Diego x Reader; Platonic!klaus x Reader
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5 Pt 6
A/N: We’re getting to the end! Do you guys want more after this? We know they go back in time, so perhaps reader goes with them and helps the team figure out how to right the wrongs? I hope you guys like this chapter. I’ve had some ideas for these specific scenes since I decided to start writing the Empath and was really excited to finally get it down.  
(=♡ ᆺ ♡=)
You held onto a crumbling pillar as the house continued to shake, explosions coming from the bedrooms. You could feel the fear coming from the members of the Umbrella Academy but from Vanya? That was new feeling you had never felt before. There was an anger, a feeling of contempt, but it was... Calm. Full of power. It seemed to creep through your veins slowly, making you feel like you were swimming in a pool of molasses. 
You almost didn’t hear Klaus calling your name, but his anxiety brought you back, frantic energy coursing through you again. “[Y/N]! Get out!” 
“What about you?!” 
“I’m finding Diego and mom! Just go!” 
You considered following him for a moment but ultimately deciding running was the best option. You weren’t sure how Vanya’s anger was going to affect you and you couldn’t stop the apocalypse if you were dead. 
You tripped over a crack in the foyer, groaning as you tried to push yourself back up. Out of all the ways you imagined yourself dying, getting crushed by a falling building by a woman with newly discovered powers was definitely not what you expected. Multiple overdoses managed to not kill you, of course it would take getting crushed to finish the job.
Large hands grabbed your own, pulling you from a dip in the floor before helping you back to your feet. “Luther!” He didn’t reply as he gently guided you back outside. Allison wrapped you in a hug when you joined her, wiping a bit of blood off your brow. You reached up to gently run your fingers over the cut, pulling them back down to inspect the warm blood that coated them as if you could see whatever Vanya was feeling that caused you to feel like that. 
“Klaus,” you realized, running down the street to look down the alley between the Umbrella Academy and the next business. “Klaus! Diego!” You gasped as the building finished falling, Diego screaming for his mother. 
You held the cuff of the sleeve of your cardigan to your cut as you watched Diego try to search through the rubble for his mom. 
“Diego,” Klaus said softly. “Diego.” He stepped up to grab his brother, pulling him back. 
“Let me go! What are you doing?” 
“Stop! Stop! Mom’s-” Klaus shook his head sadly. “Mom’s gone. She’s gone.”
“What do you wanna do? You wanna-- wanna... w-w-w-w-walk away from this?” 
“No.” Klaus shook his head again. The pain and sadness hung on you like a weight, and there was nothing you could do to allieviate it. You wanted to comfort the men in front of you, but as close as you and Klaus were, was there anything you could say to him to make this better?
“What about Pogo?” Diego asked with a little more force in his voice again. 
“He didn’t make it,” Luther announced when he and Allison finally joined the rest of the group. “Vanya killed him.” 
Klaus shared a look with the empty space beside him. Diego shook his head in disbelief. “But Vanya wouldn’t--”
Luther interrupted, “No, I saw it. Just before we got out.” Allison looked down in shame, dragging her eyes over the ruins of their home. 
“Mom. Now Pogo.” Diego slowly lowered himself to sit on a vaguely smooth piece of a former wall. 
Your heart ached as you watched Diego. You wanted to comfort him, hold him, something, but after your fight earlier you wondered if he would allow it. 
Five jumped over the ruins, a newspaper in his hand as he shouted, “Guys!” Everyone looked at the youngest appearing member. “This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today.”
You huffed, dropping your hand from your forehead in defeat. Of course the world was still fucking ending. 
“I thought you said it was over!” Luther reminded, taking a few steps forward. 
“I was wrong, okay?” Five held up the newspaper in his hand. “This newspaper, I found in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn’t changed.” 
Diego shook his head, refusing to look at anyone, jaw set to keep himself from crying. “No, that doesn’t mean anything. Time could’ve been altered since that newspaper came out this morning.” 
“You’re not listening to me!” Five grumbled bitterly. “When I found it, I assumed this place came down along with everything else. But here we are! The Moon’s still shining, the Earth is in one piece... But not the Academy.” He waved the newspaper to accentuate each word. 
Klaus quickly lunged forward to snatch the paper from his brother’s hand. “I’m confused,” he mumbled as he started to look at it, angling himself to use the light from a nearby fire to illuminate the words. 
“Then listen to me, you idiot!” Five followed him for a second. “Vanya destroys the Academy before the apocalypse.” He let out a huff. “I thought Harold Jenkins was the cause, he was the fuse. Vanya is the bomb. Vanya causes the apocalypse.” 
Everyone looked up when they heard the blades of a helicopter, the search lights starting to graze over the destruction. 
“We have to find her. Regroup at the Super Star! Go!” Luther demanded, everyone taking off in different directions. You followed behind Klaus and Ben, though you weren’t totally aware of the other. 
“Look, I hate to be the one to say this but everyone needs to prepare,” Luther began once everyone had taken a few moments to clean up and rent a lane. 
“For what?” Diego growled. 
“To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya,” Luther answered. Allison smacked Luther in the chest with her notebook. “We may not have a choice, Allison!”
“Bullshit.” Diego glared at Luther. “There’s always a choice.”
“Yeah? Like what?” Five questioned. 
“Not killing your sister is an option,” you suggested sarcastically, confused grimace on your face, holding up your hand as you did. 
“You’re not even part of this family,” Luther reminded, causing you to roll your eyes. “Look, whatever we decide, we have to find Vanya.” Luther stood up with a sigh. “And fast, okay? She could be anywhere.” 
“Or, right here,” Klaus spoke up from where he was flipping through the newspaper. “Look at this.” He leaned foward so everyone could catch a look at the ad. 
“That’s right. Her concert is tonight,” Diego remembered quietly.
“Hello,” the worker said cheerfully. “I hate to intrude but my manager says if you’re not gonna bowl, you gotta leave.” 
You huffed as you stood up to get out of Luther’s way as he grabbed a ball, tossing it over his shoulder, still managing a strike. 
Allison scribbled on her notebook before holding it up to Luther. She’s our sister. 
“We’re the only ones capable of stopping this. We have a responsibility to Dad.”
You and Klaus rolled your eyes in unison, but Diego snapped. “To Dad?! No, I’ve heard enough about--” 
“He sacrificed everything to bring us back together!” 
“Did he, though? He sounds like a dramatic bitch,” you whispered to Klaus from where you stood behind him, rolling you sleeves to cover the blood on the cuffs. 
“I’m with Luther on this one,” Five decided, leaning forward to rest his elbows against his knees.  “We can’t give her a chance to fight back. There are billions of lives at stake. We’re past trying to save just one.” 
Klaus looked over at the table where the bowling balls were stored, nodding slightly before looking back at the others. “Hey, you know guys, uh.... Maybe I could help,” he suggested. 
Luther huffed and Five rolled his eyes. “Now is not the time.”
“No. Let him finish.” Diego took a few steps toward Klaus. “He saved my life today,” he clarified when Luther gave him a questioning look. 
Klaus looked directly behind him with an apologetic smile. 
“Is that true?” 
“Yeah, yeah, I did... Take credit for it.” Klaus motioned awkwardly to the space beside him. “In fact the real hero... Was Ben.” 
Everyone silently stared at Klaus in disbelief. 
“Look.... Today. Today, he punched me in the face.” Klaus pointed at his face as he walked to stand beside Diego. “And earlier at the house, he was the one who saved Diego. Not me.” 
“You are unbelievable, Klaus,” Luther huffed. 
“Ben did punch him! I saw it,” you defended, Klaus holding his hand out toward you as proof. 
“Forgive me for not trusting the junkie in love with Klaus.” A flash of fire took over your hand for a second before dying out just as fast as it came. 
“You want proof, is that it?” Klaus grabbed a bowling ball, turning it over in his hands a few times. “All right. I’ll give you proof.” He sniffed, mimicking throwing it a few times. “Showtime, baby.” 
Everyone watched the ball arch in the air, and it bounce on the floor. 
You closed your eyes, scrunching your face as if you were in pain. “Oh, babe,” you whispered with a huff. 
Klaus pressed his lips into a tight line, ruffling his hair as everyone glared at him. 
“Is there anyway you can silence the voice in your head that screams out to be the center of attention?” Luther growled. 
Klaus turned to look at his brother. “You know, I liked you a lot better before you got laid.” 
Luther and Allison’s eyes both went wide at that. Luther glanced at the woman in fear. 
“Which was a complete.... It-- It wasn’t his fault, ‘cause he was ridiculously high, right?” Klaus tried to explain to Allison. 
“Klaus,” you tried warning. 
“And-- And the girl, she thought he was a furry--” 
“Stop!” Luther finally interrupted. 
Klaus folded in on himself, mumbling an apology. 
Luther followed an annoyed Allison outside, Klaus and Diego sitting back down. 
You sighed and started to pace a bit, wondering how you were going to help stop Vanya when she made you feel like that. You were distracted by a woman and her son coming up to your group. 
“Excuse me! Excuse me, it’s my son Kenny’s birthday today, and... Uh... Wouldn’t your son be happier playing with kids his own age?” She looked between Klaus and Diego. “Assuming it’s okay with your two dads.” 
Klaus and Diego shared surprised looks with each other. Diego quickly reached out to grab your hand as you had stopped pacing beside his seat, pulling you beside him so he could wrap his arm around your waist. “I’m okay with it if you are, baby,” he said up to you with a playful smirk. 
You placed your arm across his shoulders with ease, making note of how natural this felt. You heard the woman mumble an apology for assuming the wrong two people were the couple. “I’m fine with it, darling. Go have fun, Five!” 
Five grimaced at you both, grinding his teeth in annoyance. “I would rather chew off my own foot,” he snarled at the boy and his mother. 
Kenny and his mom recoiled at that, quickly walking away back to his party. “I’m so sorry!” you called after her. “Teenagers, am I right?” 
Five stormed off and it was a moment before you and Diego figured out that you were still connected. You took your hand back and tried to take a step back, but Diego kept a firm hold on you. “I want to apologize. For earlier. I was being a dick,” he said softly. 
You could feel the regret for his words and it made you feel a lot better. You smiled, replacing your arm on his shoulders. “We’re okay,” you assured. “I know how rough lost love can be.” Diego let you go then, but you left a kiss on his scar before pulling away the rest of the way. “You can always talk to me, you know.” He just smiled a bit in response. 
“You’re bleeding again,” Diego pointed out, standing up to look at the gash. He held up his finger to get you to wait for him, running to the food counter to grab some napkins. You sat in the spot he just abanoned, smiling fondly when he came back. 
“You wanna go out after all this?” 
You flinched when he pressed on the cut, Diego offering his other hand for you to hold. “You really think we’re gonna survive all this?”
“Hey, Klaus?” Diego asked over his shoulder. “Can ghosts date each other?” 
You giggled, punching the vigilante in the stomach. 
“That’s not how you should treat the guy who is trying to make sure you don’t bleed out,” he pointed out, giving your hand a squeeze. 
You rolled your eyes, hitting him again just out of spite. “Fine, we’ll go out. Either on this plane of existence or the next.” 
(=♡ ᆺ ♡=)
Tag List: @misspygmypie @mischiefnevermanaged94 @stars-cant-be-broken Message me or reply if you’d like to be put on the tag list!
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itwill-comeback · 5 years
Some things to note
Alright, so this is my work's blog, a side blog inside a bog, don't mind me. Nickname's Casper or Cas for now. I'm 20, a Capricorn, a decent writer, huge Hozier fan. This is where I'll be putting the stuff that I write as well as on AO3 which to be fair, I'm not as good at using since I just started using it.
About my writing:
I'm an absolute mess of a writer, zero update consistency, sorry. No editor, unless you count Grammarly. I'll probably only ever post my COVT works here and AO3 so there's that.
× I love the COVT just the way it is, but I crave some new things in it. In my writing you'll probably find the following
× Vlad not being bad at like everything, boy needs some skills and hobbies dang it!
× Vlad having motivations and in some way resembling his father when that motivation is what's driving his decisions, don't worry he won't become his old man, but lord outside of physically resembling Tomas he needs to have some of his traits.
× You don't know where we are canonically in my works? Join the club babes. Call it an AU or post-canon if it makes you feel better cause I'm just writing for the fuck of it, and you're in my candy cottage now kids.
× Vlad has ADHD canonically I'm almost certain, so don't be surprised if it's in my works. He's on adderall and Henry reminds him often to take his medication so he's not the Big Forgetful.
× Vlad is willing to flex on people about being the Pravus because he's aware it tricks vampires out and he finds that funny.
× Henry has an Attitude™ and does Not tolerate shit from vampires. Thank those Slayer Genetics.
× Vlad schemes. No context just,, be aware.
× Dorian is ostracized in Elysia, but he's not actually that creepy, people just really don't like that he's powerful and has a penchant for playing the Cheshire Cat. Cryptic soft boi with a grin that claims madness, promise he's just lonely.
× Vlad is far less awkward in my writing, he's clued in to social and psychological influences.
× D'Ablo has gotten a fucking redemption arc. Will I write it? Unlikely. (I did) But you see in my head canon he's faced off with Tomas and Vikas, and being the incredibly hard to kill bastard that he is, got out of it alive despite their best attempts to be rid of him. Pravus blood will take you so far. He lied low, got bored, came back to Stokerton and basically told Vlad "You're the Pravus, we been knew, want my job back, idc bout u or ur uncle or the Elder Council, like being President tho so tell Otis to scoot." And Vlad was like "yeah sure, Otis wants to go back to being principal anyway & the Elder Council doesn't take up near as much time as the Stokerton Council cause it hardly ever convenes, don't fuck wit me again, my dad's dead btw, oh and Vikas too. Let's just be chill." And that was that.
× Vlad has vampire friends and empathizes with other orphans. Not far fetched. Like at all.
× Vlad has a few jobs, gets that bread... for a college aged kid at least.
× Did I say bread? D'Ablo is rich af. Stunts on everybody in Armani suits and wears Red Bottoms. He's the President of a Council, you know that job pays. Old rich Italian vampire rolls in mad cash and has taste, surprise surprise ?
× Know who else is an old rich Italian vampire? Dorian Ciotti, his family uses stocks and real estate as monopoly money. And you thought they were just a humble family with a small business, jokes on you they haven't been humble for hundreds of years. Dorian is known to travel all the time, where did y'all think he got the money for that? You better believe he spoils Cecile, she's his baby girl. A rich single dad who thinks he might fuck up at any moment, he's doing great at raising her. Your fav could never.
× Elysian Councils are mostly afraid and indignant towards Vlad, but don't worry, he can see through them quite well at this point. (Read: he was raised by Tomas fucking Tod, the king of liars, other vampires don't have shit on him.)
× Elysia is not entirely the Councils, Elysia is a world of vampires full of pocket communities and niche tribes all tied by the same undead thread.
× Otis and Vlad share the issue of having a terrible sweet tooth, and now that Nelly's gone they have to figure out how to bake for themselves. Also blood candy and blood mixed baked goods exist and Vlad is really wanting to try some.
× Vlad has the most powerful weapon against vampires on him at all times now, is curious to find out how it works and what it runs on. Elysia knows he doesn't leave it anywhere, if he's somewhere the Lucius is there with him.
× I will be inventing a few of my own charms (like the tego charm) with latin words so you can always ask Google what the charm does before I tell you. (I.e. Tego = to cloak, to hide. This charm is used to allow the vampire who creates it to have a lock down on any humans they place it near.) Tomas places these around the citizens of Bathory to keep other vampires from reading their minds and discovering his location, he closes their minds in a way.
× Vlad has more complex hidy-holes for his things these days.
× Remember that key in the first book that looked like head of a woman that was described in detail and then left behind and never mentioned again? Remember it. I'm gonna use it. Red herring? Who?
× Henry has not forgotten the time he saved Otis' life. He's gonna call in that favor someday, Otis, you know he will.
× Otis has a lot more faith in Vlad to not act like a child and will treat him like an adult.
× Vlad has a huge crush on somebody. Not saying who.
× Vlad's a big hippie. On god, he loves the earth, hates conflict, and wants to tell D'Ablo about how many slave children worked to create his outfit, but wants to keep their peace more.
× Vlad has at long last, filled out and isn't the lanky child he once was, could throw you through a wall but is probably too nice for that. Probably.
× Vlad and the Pravus are separate entities sharing the same vessel. Pravus isn't a ghost though, he's the Adam of the vampire species and died a long ass time ago and wanted to live again after a while. Much like D'Ablo, he lied low, got bored and wanted his place in the world back. Had to create a new form of life to exist in, created the vessel (Vlad's body), could've gotten rid of Vlad's soul and just worn his body, but kind of ended up adoring him before he was even born and, entranced with the concept of this new existence, decided to share the body with him, which sort of forces him to stay hidden in Vlad's subconscious or divide their body into two bodies. Which he can totally do, but it's kind of a lot of trouble and would hurt Vlad badly so he doesn't bother. He really adores this dumb kid and doesn't want him to be lonely, but that'll present its own issues in its own time.
× Dorian is aware of all of this. Pravus can fix his mind and his cravings for vampire blood, but he can't force this from the two of them because it would kind of fuck Vlad up. Oh you mean that fox in the back of my mind isn't my mental support animal, it's an ancient vampire and kind of absurdly powerful? Cool cool.
× Eddie Poe becomes a bigger problem than ever before! Fun!!
× The Slayer Society becomes a bigger problem than ever before!
× As far as I'm concerned, Em is not being manipulated by D'Ablo in the books, he answers to her, she's autographed bible old, you think he could pull one over on her? Tomas Tod couldn't even manage that. (Canonically I know Vlad insinuates that D'Ablo is holding some power over Em but I just can't see that realistically being true.)
× Em went home to Europe after that Slayer cleanse nonsense, she's still President of her Council, but she is no longer on the Council of Elders. Kind of in hiding because she suspects Vlad's about to take over the entire world.
× D'Ablo's cult is still a thing, they send Vlad gifts sometimes. Sometimes it's a dead bird, sometimes it's an envelope full of cash. D'Ablo doesn't care either way what they give him, Vlad prays it's not a dead animal every time tho soo.
× Remember how Mellina was never said to have any family? Turns out her family were just religious nutcases and promptly disowned her (and her child) upon finding out she was having a child out of wedlock.
× Vlad is in touch with the Tod clan in Scotland cause he wanted to get in touch with some part of his family and prove to himself that his dad's side isn't all bad, they kind of give him Evil Dad War Flashbacks™, but they're good people. A few are vampires and they think Vlad's a cool kid.
× There's always gonna be magic in my writing, don't worry though, I'm not gonna make Vlad OP.
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lucyyh · 6 years
Ranting: Arrow 7x11
Well, I don’t have much to say about this episode. I did enjoy it, but is not one of those episodes where you analize every little thing and have theories for everything...it was just normal.
First, I have to say: David, you are amazing. I really hope he has more opportunities to direct, if it’s in Arrow or another thing, doesn’t matter. It was so refreshing to watch an episode without awful camera angles, and scenes that goes to fast to enjoy them. It was like the first seasons of Arrow, when we had good directors always, and not once in a whle...
The action, the bad guy was great. Although it always annoys me that everyone blames Oliver for what that asshole of a father he has did...like, I’m sorry Emiko, but Oliver isn’t to blame for your dad’s cowardice, or because you think he robbed you from a family...which is...so fracking ridiculous...and didn’t you consider your mom your family? Can the writers stop pushing this line of thinking, that you only have a family if it’s composed of a mom, a dad, and siblings? A family can be only two people. Not need for the poster family from the american dream jeez.
Emiko can be perfectly wary of Oliver. In fact, she doesn’t need to have a relationship with him if she doesn’t want to. But don’t fracking blame the guy for it...just let her say she doesn’t know if she is ready, because she doesn’t know if they will get along...blood is blood, nothing more than that. And sharing DNA doesn’t mean you will love, or care for that person.
It’s a nice change of pace when Curtis is not as annoying as he usually is. But still, too much Curtis, too much judgement. I guess the self-righteousness is still present. But, thank you for metaphorically kick the lizard’s ass. Finally.
Although, what Dinah said to Oliver was right, I would have preferred if someone else had said it. Dinah lost the right to give Oliver pep talks, since she didn’t care about what happened to him last season. Now she suddenly grows a heart and believes Oliver is the best to ever happen to Star City?
Tumblr media
Yeah, no thanks. And I wish she would stop making eyes to Oliver, seriously. What in the hell.
I didn’t think I would say this, but BS back story was good. I won’t say I empathize with her, but I can understand her. And even if her “friendship” with Felicity feels a little...rushed, it’s still more credible than Felicity being friends with any of the newbies. At least BS was sincere with her trying to kill them.
Oliver, my son. Stop blaming yourself for every shitty thing your father did, and for every wacko that tries to killed the people in Star City.
The Olicity was great. Felicity continues to support her husband, and I totally align myself with @allimariexf theory about Oliver not seeming as affectionate as Felicity.
Minor Complaint: I NEED A FRENCH KISS PLEASE AND THANK YOU. If it lasts like a minute, all the better.
That’s all.
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Baby Daddy - Chapter 24
You can read it here on AO3 or find the Tumblr Chapter Index here. 
It’s late—almost midnight—when Dad finally gets dropped home by Parrish, but Stiles is still awake. He’s showered, and changed into his pajamas, and he’s been lying on his bed wondering if he’ll ever get to sleep. When he hears Parrish’s cruiser pulling up, he pushes his comforter off him, wincing at his stinging hands, and trails downstairs in time to meet Dad at the front door.
“Come here, kid,” Dad says, his face drawn, and Stiles steps forward into his hug. It’s awkward with the crutches, but they make it work. “How are your hands?”
Stiles steps back and shows him the patchwork of Bandaids. “Okay. Nothing that needs stiches.”
Dad sags with relief.
“Are you okay?” Stiles asks.
“Getting there.”
“How about Parrish?” Stiles swallows. “You guys are good?”
“We’re on the same page,” Dad says, and Stiles thinks from his tone that he’s drawing a line in the sand here, and nothing is ever going to be said about what happened in that motel room ever again. Stiles can get behind that. He never would have thought his dad would be the kind of cop who would help cover up a murder, but, also, he’s having a hard time feeling morally conflicted about it. Kate Argent was a killer, and she deserved everything she got as far as Stiles is concerned. Then again, Stiles has never sworn an oath to uphold the law, has he?
Stiles hugs him again, and hopes that says more than his words could. “I can smell cigarettes on you, by the way. Don’t think I don’t know just because you’ve tried to drown yourself in air freshener.”
Dad gives a guilty start.
“You’re quitting.”
“It’s really not an everyday thing.”
“You’re quitting,” Stiles repeats. “I want you around for a lot more years yet, okay?”
“Yeah.” Dad rubs his back awkwardly. “Okay, kid. That sounds like a plan.”
“Good.” Stiles closes his eyes for a moment, and draws in a deep breath. “About Laura and the baby. I—”
“Kid,” Dad says. He leans back so he can look Stiles in the eye. “I’m sorry. I was hurt, and I took it out on you. I was hurt you felt you had to make that arrangement in the first place, that I’d failed you by putting you in that position, and I was hurt that I wouldn’t get a chance to know the baby. But whatever relationship you and Laura end up with, and you and the baby, that’s for you guys to figure out.”
“It is?” Stiles wrinkles his nose.
“Yeah.” Dad smiles. “Turns out I’ll get to be an honorary grandpa anyway. I don’t think we’re getting rid of the Hales any time soon, kid.”
Stiles feels warmth flood through him.
“You’re not,” Peter says, appearing from out of nowhere. For a guy who only a few hours ago got a bullet dug out of him with nothing but a pair of tweezers by Laura as Stiles watched, equally fascinated and grossed out, he looks incredibly chipper. “Now come and sit down so you don’t strain your knee. I’ve made you grilled cheese.”
Dad looks pleased. “I love grilled cheese.”
Peter rolls his eyes. “Of course you do.”
Grilled cheese. Stiles has fallen into some alternate dimension where his dad gives a werewolf the okay to kill someone—but only if he makes it look like suicide—and apparently they’re discussing grilled cheese. What the fuck? Like, Stiles has always been an overthinker, and it’s got him in a lot of shit in the past, but this is totally underthinking, right? What he’s seeing here? If anything should be overthought, isn’t it murder and police cover-ups?
And also babies and contracts and parental shit?
And also also what Derek said back at the motel? A mate bond? Stiles is pretty sure it saved his life today, but what the fuck is  it? Whatever it is, it feels big.
Stiles has way too much to think about, and he is totally off kilter right now.
But he’s alive, right? So he’s got that going for him.
He heads through to the kitchen to get himself a soda.
He’s got that going for him.
Stiles takes his soda upstairs. There’s no light coming from underneath the door of Laura and Derek’s room, but Stiles can hear the low murmur of their voices, so he leans on the door and knocks softly. “You guys awake still?”
“Come in, Stiles,” Laura says.
Stiles shuffles inside, and sets his soda down on the chest of drawers.
The room is in darkness, but there’s enough moonlight filtering through the window that he can still see well enough. Laura and Derek are in bed, and Laura is hogging all the blankets, leaving Derek stretched out beside her in his sweatpants and a tank top.
“Hey,” Stiles says, and the word has never felt so stupidly inadequate.
“Get in here,” Laura says, flinging her blankets back.
Well, fuck it, right?
Stiles climbs into bed between them, and wrestles for control of Laura’s pillow. She lets him win.
“I have questions,” he says at last.
Laura elbows him. “Of course you do.”
Stiles darts a glance at Derek, and catches him watching him back. “What’s a mate bond?”
“Do you want me to answer that, or is it something you want to talk to Derek about?” Laura asks.
“I mean, I guess you can give me the low down?” Stiles’s arm is pressed up against Derek. It feels nice. He shifts, looking for Derek’s hand and finding it. He laces their fingers together. Derek’s palm feels weird against all his Bandaids. “Then maybe me and Derek can figure out what we need to figure out from there.”
“Okay,” Laura says. “A mate bond is a type of pack bond that happens between mated pairs. It means that you’re very in tune with the other person, and that you can feel what they’re feeling, and they can feel what you’re feeling. It’s like any other bond though. If you nurture it, it gets stronger. If you reject it, it can break.”
“Okay, but I don’t even know what a pack bond is,” Stiles says. “Explain it like I’m five.”
“Pack bonds are like…” Laura is silent for a moment. “They’re like what holds us together and tells us we belong. They’re like…”
“They’re love,” Derek says softly. “Like how you and your dad love another. With a side order of low-grade empath ability.”
“There it is,” Stiles says. “This guy knows how to explain it like I’m five! Thank you, Derek.”
Laura snorts.
“And a mate bond is stronger than a pack bond?” Stiles asks curiously. “Because Derek used it to ask me where I was in a freaking dream!”
“It’s not stronger,” Laura says. “Not exactly. But Derek was able to use your mate bond, and your pack bond, and the baby’s blood bond. You’re the trifecta of bonds, Stiles, even if you’re not a werewolf.”
“Huh.” Stiles exhales slowly while he turns it all over in his brain, and no. No, none of it makes sense yet. But maybe it will, in the future, when Stiles has had a chance to work through what happened today first. “Thanks, by the way, for telling my dad he could still be a grandpa. I guess you’ve figuratively ripped that contract up, right?”
“Thanks. I’m still not ready to be a dad though, just so you know.”
Laura nudges him. “That’s totally fine, Stiles. I can see you as more of the cool uncle anyway.”
“Right?” Stiles laughs, his heart fluttering as he imagines it.
The cool uncle. Stiles will be the guy who turns up with the most obnoxious noise-making toys that he can find. He’ll be the guy who gets to take the kid to see all the fun movies, and do all the fun things. The mall Santa! Stiles is going to have a legitimate reason to line up to see the mall Santa! He’s going to be Uncle Stiles.
And a part of him can’t help imagining himself not just as Uncle Stiles because of his own connection to the baby, but also Uncle Stiles because he and Uncle Derek have a mate bond. Is a mate bond like being werewolf married?
Stiles reels that thought in before it leads him crazy places. He’s only known Derek for two days. He should go for at least a week before he’s writing their initials in a love heart on the inside cover of his school diary, right?
He clears his throat. “I think I can manage cool uncle status. Hey, does that make you my sister? I always kind of wanted a sister, so that’s cool.”
“It is cool,” Laura agrees.
“I never wanted to impregnate my sister though,” Stiles says. “That totally came out of left field.”
“Yep. Gross.” Laura throws the comforter back and climbs out of bed. “On that weird incestuous note, I’m going to sleep in your bed, Stiles. You can stay here. Goodnight.”
Beside him, Derek shakes as he tries not to laugh.
The night draws on, and Stiles’s soda slowly turns warm and flat where he left it. He thinks of it once, regretfully, but he’s too comfortable to move. Well, to move far. Because somehow while he’s been lying here, he’s rolled towards Derek, and they’re sharing a pillow and their legs are tangled together, and it should feel incredibly awkward…but it doesn’t. Of all the crazy shit that’s happened in the last few days, this is the one thing that feels like it makes sense.
The moonlight gleams in Derek’s eyes, and he blinks.
Stiles resists the urge to raise his hand and trace Derek’s stubbly jaw—and then rethinks resisting the urge at all. Because why the hell shouldn’t he do it?
So he does it, drawing his fingertips along that surprisingly soft scruff, and is rewarded with a shy smile from Derek.
“I don’t really know what it means to be mates,” Stiles says at last. “I don’t know what sort of relationship you want, or even if you’re attracted to me physically—”
“I am,” Derek says.
Stiles feels the heat rise in his face. “Um, awesome. Because totally reciprocated here, no question. But I also think there’s a lot of stuff we need to work out, so what I’m saying is that I want to take this slow, you know? I don’t want to mess things up.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“See?” Stiles rubs his thumb along Derek’s jaw. “That just proves you don’t know a thing about me yet.”
Derek’s smile grows.
“Are you okay with taking it slow?”
“Yes.” Derek nods. “I’m okay with that.”
And Stiles thinks of Kate, and what she said back in the hotel, and how Derek was only sixteen, and he knows that Derek is dealing with a deeper pain than Stiles can even imagine. Stiles never wants to hurt him like he’s been hurt before. Stiles can be reckless and brash and thoughtless of other people’s feelings as he streamrolls right over them, but for Derek he can also be patient and careful and slow. Because whatever this thing is between them, it’s a warm glow inside of Stiles, and he wants to nurture it, and tend to it as gently as he can. Because there’s one thing he knows for certain, as sure as breathing, and it’s written in his heart now: Derek Hale is worth waiting for.
There will be lots of nights like this in the future, and there will be lots of days too, and Derek will have room in every single one of them. There will be school, and Dad, and pack, and a baby he gets to be an uncle to, and at the heart of it all there will be Derek.
And Stiles will mess up sometimes, and Derek will too, but those will just be stupid bumps on the road that won’t even matter, because it’s the journey that counts in the end. And the journey, Stiles thinks, will be beautiful.
He smiles as he traces his fingertips along the line of Derek’s jaw, and gently leans in to brush their mouths together.
It’s brief and soft, and barely a touch at all.
It’s their first kiss of thousands more to come.
It’s their first step on the road that is their lives together, and that warm glow inside Stiles’s chest burns bright and golden.
He leans back again. “Was that okay?”
“Yes, Stiles,” Derek whispers back to him. “That was perfect.”
Stiles likes the sound of that.
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kylosrehn · 7 years
for the tv series thing, I know it isn't one but star wars?
send me a tv film series and I’ll tell you:
my all-time ultimate fave character: 
Since the sequels came, I’m highkey loving Rey. But before that it was Vader. Still is, I guess. They’re kinda tied. Yeah I like the villains okay fight me.
a character I didn’t used to like but now do:    
Hmm…Kylo I guess. I never disliked him, but I was pretty meh about him. I just didn’t care all that much. But I like how they fleshed him out in TLJ and built-up his backstory, and I’ve warmed to him since. He’s very much a tragic character and I always like that. Between the two of us, he reminds me a little bit of Ward—or FW Fitz, take your pick. It’s the whole lack of affection/evil mentors make monsters out of good boys/men thing all over again. 
      a character I used to like but now don’t:
I actually left this question til last to see if I could think of something, but nah, I’ve got nothing. I don’t think I went from liking to disliking any one character completely, just kind of…liking them less. Padme is one of those. She used to be my girl through my childhood and now I’m more meh about her. I guess that’s the closest example I can think of right now.
a character I’m indifferent about:
There’s a good few. Rose, Finn, Holdo out of the sequels. They’re the first ones that come to mind. Boba Fett, Phasma, Hux (aside from the fact that he makes for good comic relief). I don’t know, probably a few more.
a character who deserved better:
Maybe Padme, because the whole ‘breed and die’ trope, but it was obviously necessary because she never shows up in the originals and they had to explain that somehow. And Obi-Wan. Though it’s less of a ‘deserved better’ and more of a ‘fuck he’s been through a lot of shit in his life.’ The Rogue One crew I suppose, though again that was a plot thing. 
a ship I’ve never been able to get into:
Finn/Rey. I’m just not very interested in friends to lovers ships (looking at you FS.) And maybe Han/Leia. I know they’re basically at “iconic” level by now, but they never really wowed me. Tbh most SW ships are like, “eh, okay” for me. I tolerate/moderately like them, but there are very few that make me go into hardcore shipper mode. Mini-me loved Anidala growing up, they were literally one of my biggest childhood OTPs, but over time the allure has started to fade and I’ve picked up on more and more flaws, and honestly, I think I’ve just outgrown them. Now I’m focusing on Reylo because it’s just such a cool dynamic that’s never been explored in the films before (I mean, a telepathic/empathic bond that lets them tap into each other’s skills and memories? That’s so awesome, I’m so here for this) and all that build up and development in TLJ really got me. I was kind curious (but mostly in the worried kind of way) to see how they’d approach it after TFA but now I’m 100% on board. I loved what they did with them. Aaaand that’s not the question. (Totally unrelated: I lowkey shipped Vader with Aphra from the Comics. It’s such a rarepair, but the dynamic was quirky and I’m always here for that. She was kinda like a S1-Skye cracking jokes at this evil, murderous Sith Lord. Plus, the line “you’re what I’ve been waiting for my whole life.” ‘Nuff said.)
a ship I’ve never been able to get over:
Reylo. Please don’t screw it up in IX, please please please.
a cute, low-key ship:
Jyn/Cassian. Also, I really like platonic Finn/Rey. And Luke and Leia’s relationship. And I wouldn’t be opposed if somehow Finn/Poe happened. And Poe/BB-8. Okay so not all of those are ship-ships, but y’know.
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it:
Tbh I lowkey wanted Poe to be with Paige, Rose’s sister, but lol she got killed off pretty quickly. Unpopular…well, I’m kinda looking forward to seeing how Han/Q’ira plays out in Solo (I’m 99% sure she plays him somehow. But hey, that seems to be my type.) I don’t know.
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened:
Eh, I don’t hate any ships, really, or think something was “wrong.” Not a huge fan of Rose/Finn just because I don’t see any chemistry between them and it sorta feels one-sided, but I mean, you can develop feelings over time, so that might change in IX. I don’t mind them, they’re just kinda…there. Not a fan of Kylux but that’s just a fan thing, so whatever.  
my favourite storyline/moment:
Right now it’s the Reylo Force Bond scenes. Yeah, all of them, lol. And the throne room fight scene because you expect them to start attacking each other, but instead they work together and subvert all expectations and I loved it. That scene at the end of Rogue One where Vader just demolishes the rebels. It was so dark and chilling and just all around ahh. Also, the Obi-Wan/Qui Gon/Maul fight from TPM is one of my all-time favourites. And the music! Ahh, awesome. Oh, also, the arena fight on Geonosis. I’m not sure I have a favourite storyline—though I’m admittedly a sucker for the whole ‘here, go on a totally-not-romantic trip to protect to senator on this beautiful, lush, fragrant world and try not to fall in love lol bye’ storyline because it’s just so wonderfully tropey. It’s like something pulled straight out of fic (and not necessarily in a bad way.) I’m kinda tempted to write a fic based on that, ngl. One day. 
a storyline that never should have been written:
Predictably, lol, I’m gonna say the Jar-Jar Binks/Gungan stuff from TPM. The whole underwater kingdom concept was cool, but it just felt like it took up way too much screentime. I wouldn’t have minded if it was just more of a background thing, or if it was of lesser importance. They’re just a huge part of this film and then they’re virtually never brought up again (in the films) in any significant way, so all of that just feels so moot and unnecessary, like it was just a run time filler. The political plot, although somewhat frustrating, does prove relevant to the story later on so I’m cool with it. I don’t think I hated any storyline really. TFA was a disappointment for me in that it felt a little too familiar and I really wished they would’ve taken more risks and tried to pave their own path as opposed to recycling elements (I mean, ANOTHER Death Star? Sorry, Starkiller Base. Really? And the Empire’s defeated but like, merely a few years later they’re back and crushing the rebellion again? Sorry no, that’s…It’s the First Order now. Got it. Totally different. My bad.) from the originals just to please the hardcore fans, but luckily TLJ assuaged most of that frustration. I can only hope the mood for IX is closer to TLJ than TFA because that would be regression and honestly just a huge insult to the saga.
my first thoughts on the show films:
I think I just loved them straight away, lol. I must’ve been…five at most when I first watched them—well, the originals and I and II, they were the only ones that were out at the time—on the good old VHS with my dad because he was/is a huge fan and he got me into it. Obviously the more nuanced stuff flew over my head as a small kid and certain things only really clicked when I rewatched them years later, but the love was there. 
my thoughts now:
I still love it, though my love tends to come in sporadic bursts now as opposed to being linear all the time. Like, I can just push it to the back of my mind for a year/two/three but then something like Rogue One comes out and reminds me just how much I love that world. I ride the high for a few months, read fic, etc. and then the hype tapers off and plateaus for a while. Nothing for another few months/a year, new movie, and wham, I’m sucked back in. 
I try to stay in my own little corner though and not get too involved in fandom because the drama is just nasty and can really suck the enjoyment out of, well, everything really. For a long time I guess I just wasn’t aware of how nasty the SW fandom was—aside from the group that hates on the prequels for the sake of hating the prequels because it’s what the cool kids do or whatever—probably because I didn’t actively go looking for this type of stuff. But then TFA came out and it kind of erupted like a volcano that’s been…somewhat dormant since III in 2005. Still, I stayed away from it for the most part, only hearing stories of hate in passing, and never really engaged until after TLJ, when it became a little “safer” for the Reylos to emerge. Before that it was two years of hell and name-calling and threats and verbal abuse and general fandom wank, to my knowledge. And that’s fucked up. No one should have to endure that, not in any fandom. Stuff like that just pisses me off so much. But I’m sure you already know that.
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angelenoabroad · 7 years
A letter to my high school self...
(My femininity, sexuality, and cultural identity has been a little more sensitive lately from outside triggers. The past two weeks I’ve battled internal conflicts of what it means to be a woman, an ally, and a person of color. This all relates to my experiences living abroad and processing any kind of resolution. I realized that a path to moving forward is acknowledging who I used to be, and the person that is evolving now.)
Dear 17 year old Stef,
You wrote your college Personal Essay based on your experience living with 16 other people under one roof--aside from your immediate family, you shared a home with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins from the motherland. It wasn’t until these last few hours I’ve realized why you likely didn’t get into the schools you wanted to based on said essay.
I, your 31 year old self, along with your mentors and teachers, would all probably agree that it was an engaging topic. Not everyone can relate to that kind of living situation and it was a unique experience with your family. However, your perspective didn’t showcase what you’ve learned from this experience and how it has influenced you for the better. 
You were under the impression that you were entitled to some kind of privilege that you did not have. Not entirely. Not then, anyway. I’m not sure when you became aware of the term “Model Minority” but at some point in high school, you thought this applied to you, especially around the time of college admissions. In some cases, it did. You lived in an affluent neighborhood in a sizable house (granted, it was to accommodate the 17 people under it). Your parents’ dual income made you ineligible for certain financial aid. You attended “California Distinguished” schools. You were eligible for the GATE program in elementary school. You participated in extracurricular activities: Modern Jazz, Filipino folk dancing, Taekwondo, Field Hockey, and Video Production. You had a diverse group of friends. All of these facets definitely contributed to your successes.
However, in other ways this “Model Minority” stereotype didn’t exactly fit you either. You are of South East Asian / Pacific Islander descent. You were born in a developing neighborhood that wasn’t immune from local crime. Your grandparents, relatives, and neighbors looked after you and your brother while your parents worked full time jobs with overtime, picking up very early and very late hours. You were brought up in a Filipino-Hispanic Catholic Church. Let’s be honest, your SAT scores were shit. You didn’t do well in math, science, and US history. You didn’t read a lot (outside of required reading, which is weird because you love to write). You had test anxieties, trouble focusing, and being self-disciplined. You snuck out of the house. You were boy crazy. You shared your body with others who didn’t deserve it. You risked unwanted pregnancy. Your family’s cultural values did not match those of many of your classmates. You were highly depressed, and had suicidal thoughts. Who knows what other mental illnesses you would’ve been diagnosed with if you had looked into it, but that’s no ones fault.
Undoubtedly you have privileges and disadvantages. You’re a smart girl, you were aware of both. I’m proud of the opportunities you’ve seized and the ones you’ve created for yourself. If privilege was a contributing factor to our success, then I’m grateful. But Stef, it’s the minority that you belong to that you’ve suppressed and hidden. I’m glad you’ve adapted and risen to be who you are now. It got us a great job in New Zealand and avenues to explore other cities. You’ve hidden the person you are at heart as well as her voice. You’d be happy to know that person has come out more since high school.
I’m going to share something with you that you don’t realize:  you’re trying to be white. I know. You think I’m wrong. Even 23-30 year old Stef thinks I’m wrong. I don’t blame you. You noticed others around you advancing in ways you thought would be accessible to you as well. Yeah, you kind of dicked around and let responsibilities slip through the cracks. Yet there’s also no denying that you weren’t treated as fairly because of things beyond your control. You’re also aware of others with even lesser opportunities than you, and I appreciate that.
I know that we can’t undo the past. Even if we could, I may not be writing this to you or be where I’m at now. It could be better, it could be worse. I wish I could go back and tell you:   - Don’t be ashamed to check box “Filipino/a” on ethnic censuses (as opposed to “Asian, other than Pacific Islander”) - It’s great that you did activities, like going to the park and pool, with your younger cousins. Also, let them discover American things on their own terms.  - You’ve made mistakes. It’s okay. Don’t let them deter you from your passions.  - Try not to get caught up in comparing yourself to others. You progress at your own pace, and it doesn’t make you any less gifted or capable. In fact, you’ll come to find later that you’re quite weird, which you love about yourself and others love too! - Yeah, I know... Emo, New Wave, and indie rock seem cool. They are fun. So is country and heavy metal. Girl, R&B and Hip Hop are cool too. Don’t be shy to blast your Blaque, Luniz, and Aaliyah CDs (ProTip: 90s and early 2000′s R&B makes a HUGE comeback. It’s kind of obnoxious, really). And guess what, later you DJ the type of music you grew up on! Pretty neat, right? Also, your love for The Carpenters and the like never dies. You still slay at Karaoke, too (hint: Bjork).  - Boys are scum. Some men you meet later are worse. They come inside you without permission. They make crude comments about how you look. They force themselves on you. They make assumptions about you and your sexuality. Some women aren’t too great either. I don’t know how to protect you from them. I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. Hang in there. You do meet some very good ones. You really challenge them, though. They’ll come through for you. More importantly, you’ll come through for yourself. - Cut your parents some slack. Know they’re cutting you some slack, too. You love them. It doesn’t feel like it, especially at 17, but they love the shit out of you.  - Speaking of parents, there comes a point in your adulthood where you just start to figure things out. This is later coined as, “adulting.” Note: it’s nowhere near the same as your parents’ version. So don’t get caught in with their expectations on you as an adult either. I think they end up coming around anyway. It almost doesn’t matter what Mom and Dad did or didn’t tell you. Ironically, you’re not keen on learning but you’re pretty damn good at it when you want to. (Also, “keen” is a word you pick up in NZ).  - Your family was relentless in spending time together, despite how crazy they drove you and vice versa. I know... Cherish it. - Friends will come and go. Some are gone forever, indefinitely, or come back. Value all of your friendships. And don’t be friends with just “westernized” ones.  - Pay attention to politics. You don’t always have to participate, but be aware of what’s going on around you. You’ll see that it affects the people and communities you care about deeply. - It’s okay to value yourself. Care for yourself. Love yourself. (It’s not always easy, but you do).
I’m proud to say that you’ve consistently been a real individual. You have a uniqueness about you and please try to accept that. Looking back on your Personal Essay, I know how living with 16 members of your family influenced you. You develop a deep care for your personal identity and those similar to you. You appreciate trips back to the Philippines more, and find ways to connect a little more with the family who live there. You empathize / sympathize with various minority groups in their struggles for equality and visibility in the world. You love your family more and slowly find ways to re-connect with them. Ultimately, you’ve helped me stay true to us and appreciate our Southern Californian, Filipina-American roots. I hold onto the things we love dearly. It helps me translate our perspective into other countries and how we relate to the local citizens, immigrants, and (especially) indigenous groups.  Stef, we’re totally doing okay. We may not have gotten into a top university, but we fucking kill it at the school of life.
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ellana-ravenwood · 7 years
Birthday surprise and Hope - Old Man Logan x Reader
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Well first, thanks :-). And second, here’s your request (I’m using the movie version of Old Man Logan), might be a bit long, and again, I feel like I could have written something better, that maybe I didn’t write quite what you were expecting anon’ but...Yeah, that’s all I got right now. Hope you’ll like it anyway (don’t hesitate to drop a message to tell me so) : 
You can find my masterlist here : @ella-ravenwood-archives
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Before the world all went to shit, before you lost all of your friends but Logan and Charles, before you had to run away to stay safe...you were doing some research about your boyfriend’s past. About where Logan actually came from.
The only information you had was that his real name is “James Howlett”, and that he was born somewhere in Canada, probably in Alberta. Which wasn’t really much. You didn’t even had an estimate of the year he was born in, his healing factor making it impossible to guess his age...The research weren’t easy. 
But, finally, right before Charles had his massive seizure that killed most of the X-men a year ago, you had a lead. You found his birth date, and the place he supposedly grew up in. Everything fitted perfectly, there was no doubt that you found the right date and place...but you never got the occasion to take him to Canada and show him your findings, because of what happened that dreadful day in Westchester county...After the death of almost all of your friends, Logan, Charles and you fled the school, and since then,  you just kept on the move almost all the time. 
Caliban joined in pretty early on, and you finally settled down at the US border near Mexico. Your idea of taking him to his birth place and all, forever buried away...Until she arrived.
Laura. His daughter. He could say whatever he wanted about it, but you considered her his. She looked like him, she was “made” with his DNA, and was born naturally with the help of a Mexican girl that birthed her...She was his daughter, no questions asked. And from the moment she entered your life, everything moved faster than ever. 
You guys lost Caliban. But you didn’t even have time to mourn him, running from Transigen, trying to be as far as them as you could. 
Charles had another dangerous seizure, Logan refused to speak to the kid, who obviously wanted nothing more but to bond with her father, you were tired of all this pain and misery...life wasn’t really the greatest. 
It’s early in the morning when you wake up that day. You’re in a shitty motel, Charles and Laura are sleeping in the room next door. Logan’s head is on your chest, one of his legs slumped over your waist, and his arms are clinging to you. Typical. You often wake up to find yourself tangled with him, as when he has nightmare, he holds onto you as if you were his lifeboat. You caressed his hair lovingly, and he groaned. Light sleeper. It breaks your heart to have to disturb his slumber, but you know you gotta go soon. 
You both sit up on your side of the bed, he turns around to look at you, and you do the same. Your eyes lock, and he takes one of your hand in his, brushing his lips lightly on it, before letting go and going to the bathroom. 
You wince at the sight of his scarred naked body, but you don’t say anything. He knows. Feeling your heart heavy with nostalgia and a bit of sadness, you look at your watch and...it’s the day. It’s the fucking day ! 
His birthday. The excitement you suddenly feel however, soon disappear. What are you gonna do ? Buy balloons and shit and throw a surprise party where only you, Laura and Charles will be present ? 
You sigh, and, putting on some clothes you go to the bathroom where Logan is taking a shower. You hesitate to tell him right there and then “happy birthday” and to give him the only gift you have : birthday sex...but you decide not to. This past year, Logan hasn’t been the same, and you weren’t sure how he would react. Sure, you know he loves you, he still tells you, and he shows it to you more than once a day but...all trace of mischief, his sense of humour you liked so much, the way he always mocked himself and the way he smiled at your stupid jokes...All of that was long gone. The death of the X-Men destroyed the man you loved, and he spent more times brooding and drinking than anything else. Back to his old ways, before he met you and the others...he probably didn't want to celebrate his birthday. 
You loved him so much that it made you physically sick to see him like that. But what could you do ? If he knew your thoughts, he would tell you that you were already doing enough, that the only reason he didn’t kill himself so far was because you were there, and that without you, nothing would have much sense...
Feeling your presence, he opened the shower curtain and gestured for you to get in, you smiled weakly at him, but shook your head.
-Sorry babe, I need to...clear my head a bit. Go for a walk on my own before we leave. 
He looked disappointed, but he understood more than anyone the need to be alone. You guys always understood each other so well...Well, up until recently. You hated his behavior towards Laura. 
-Just don’t go too far ok ? I can’t lose you. 
And on those words, he closed the shower curtain once more. It made your heart sing when he said things like that, when he proved he cared about you a great deal...And in that moment, you decided that you were going to throw him some sort of surprise party, that you were going to try and make this day a little bit less bleak and sad. 
As you started to walk, you spotted Laura sitting on a picnic table, playing with a bouncing ball. You approached her. When you laid your hand on her shoulder, she turned around so quickly you didn’t see it, and her claws were on your throat. She quickly sheathed them again, and stood up, looking at you with the most apologizing look you ever seen. You see her eyes dart where the door of your room is, and you realize she’s probably terrified at the idea of Logan seeing that she just almost killed you. She might be just a kid who haven’t seen much of the outside world, but she understood pretty quickly what you meant to him, and the last thing she wanted, was to anger him further more... 
You ran your fingers threw her hair, a gesture Logan found soothing when you did it to him, and that was clearly hereditary as Laura relaxed a bit. 
-It’s OK little one, don’t worry. I’m used to it, I sneaked up on your dad a few times, I can’t count on my fingers how many times he almost clawed me haha. 
Laura looked at you as if you were crazy. Understandable, you took the “attack” so lightly...You were a weird one. 
-I’m not afraid of you, or of your father. I understand things more than you think Laura...Do you know what I mean ? 
You stop caressing her hair and she grabs your hand, putting it back on her head. You get the hint, and sit next to her. Imperceptibly, the kid scoots closer to you. Her eyes are fixed on you, curious. 
-I understand how it feels, really. To be you. To be Logan. It’s my power. My curse. I’m a telepath, a bit like Charles, but less powerful. I’m mostly an empath, when I touch people, I just...know things about them. And I understand how they feel. So...Don’t worry Laura. Don’t worry about what I think of you. I know what you went threw. And...About Logan...He’ll come around. He’s just...He went threw a lot too you know ? 
She nods, and as you look into her big brown eyes, an idea hits you. 
-Actually...would you...be up to help me do something special for him ? 
She nods once again, more vigorously this time, and you can’t help but smile at her. She smiles back, and your heart melt. That kid. 
You sneakily give Laura money, and she goes to the closest grocery shop to buy the supplies you asked her to get. You tell Charles your plan, and he loves it. When the moment will come, he’ll keep your Wolverine busy. 
That day, you convince Logan to stop earlier in a motel, and because he was never able to resist you, he finds yet another shitty motel and stops. After making sure the car is hidden, and that there is easy exits to leave in case of emergency, he goes to the front desk. Only one room is left, but apparently there’s enough place for four people...And that’s when the ex-professor comes in the picture. He’s brilliant in the role of the “annoying cripple that needs attention” (as he jokingly calls himself sometimes), and he drives Logan crazy by asking him to do many things for him. Logan doesn’t say no of course, because deep down, he’s a softy, and you know it. 
You and Laura run to the room, and she helps you decorate it. She has quite good tastes, as she coordinate the balloons and banderoles’ colors perfectly. 
Your excitement spreads to her, and soon, it’s just smiles and laughs between you too, and you can’t help but feel a deep bond of love starting to be build between you two. You know you’d do anything for that kid, and you were going to do everything to make sure Logan realized how amazing she was, and finally treat her as his daughter. 
You manage to find old CDs of music, mostly bad country but oh well, it will do, and settle the shitty mini-stereo in the room so that it’ll be ready to run. 
Laura helps you putting candles on the cake she bought earlier (his favorite), and she thinks it’s extremely funny that you try to put as much candles on it as you can. It makes the cake looks like a hedgehog with all of the spikes. 
Finally, the two of you look at your work, and it’s pretty good. At least, as good as it’ll get. You’re still feel proud though, because it almost look like you planned things since a long time. 
You hug Laura, and, surprisingly, she hugs you back. Once again, your heart melt. That kid...
You let Laura go back out, asking her to bring Logan and Charles in. You light all of the candles, shut the curtains, and, in total darkness, you wait. 
Logan destroy the door by kicking it and enter the room, claws out. 
You look at him, stunned, with the cake lighten, and Charles turn the lights on. 
You and Logan are both confused, and turn to Laura’s laugh. Logan asked :
-What the...What the Hell is going on ? 
-What the Hell indeed ?
-She...She looked panicked and pointed where you were. I thought something happened to you and...I...I ran here and...What...What is all of this ? 
As you realized Laura probably pulled on a show to make it a real surprise, you bursted out laughing. Of course she would. That kid was truly amazing. Yours and Laura’s laughter makes Charles laugh, and Logan just stands there stupidly, claws unsheathed. 
-Babe, it’s alright. Laura and I just wanted to surprise you, that’s all. Maybe she got a bit carried away hahahaha...
Logan looked around, still confused. You walk to him and pecked his lips, instantly, his claws retract. Charles pat the Wolverine on the leg, and wishes him a happy birthday. Laura smiles shyly to him. 
-Happy birthday babe. 
There’s a moment of silence, and your afraid he’s just going to leave. That he’s going to be angry or something...But he just stares at you stunned, and says :
-Wait..it’s not...it’s not my birthday. I think. I don’t know when it actually is...
-Yes it is honey. 
-Are you...are you sure ? 
-Yes baby, I...Before things went all to shit, I did some research. I wanted to...help you know about your past you know ? I wanted to do more for you, because you’ve been nothing but good to me and...I just wanted to help. 
Logan was looking around the room you and Laura decorated, and you could see quite clearly  on his face that he was deeply touched by the gesture. Exactly the reaction you hoped for. He walked slowly to you, and took you in his arms, wrapping you in a tight hug that made you suffocate a bit. 
He finally lets go of you, and turn to Charles :
-You bastard, making me do all of those stuffs just to keep me away while they prepare everything eh ? 
-Guilty as charge. 
You all chuckle, until he turns to Laura, who’s standing next to you. He looks at her intently, not really knowing what to do...he settles on ruffling her hair a bit roughly. 
-Hum...thanks hum...Kid. Appreciate it. 
She smiles, in awe. It’s not exactly what you were expecting, hoping for something a but more, but apparently, it’s enough to make her happy...Which is all you wanted really. Making them both happy. Logan then awkwardly stop ruffling her hair, looks at her a bit more, and abruptly goes toward the cake, blowing on the hundred candles, amused. 
The rest of the day happens splendidly, and you almost forget that all your lives are in danger. 
Charles seems healthier than ever, and eat half the cake almost to himself. 
Laura is more expressive than she’s been so far, smiling a lot, even laughing, and looking at Logan with eyes full of admirations and such. 
Logan just...enjoys himself. Going to the extent of trying to talk and stuffs with Laura. Of course, she doesn’t answer, but at least, he tries to somewhat bond with her. Very awkwardly, but still. 
You have the time of your life, happier than you’ve been for a long time. 
You all dance to the shitty country music you found, devour the cake, laugh and tell stupid jokes, dance some more, sings “happy birthday” songs very badly etc etc...and it almost feels like old times. When things were easier, happier, brighter. It almost feels like your Wolverine is back. It’s a great surprise birthday party, even though the cake was small and you were only four. It’s just great. 
You can’t help but smile at the fresh souvenirs of the past evening. How everything felt like a family. How Logan’s face shined with a smile you hadn’t seen in ages. And how Laura seemed happy...How everyone seemed happy. 
When the kid fell asleep on the shitty motel room couch, exhausted, and Charles started dozing off in a corner, you and Logan sneaked out, and he made love to you on the grass of the field nearby, loving you under the stars. His coat thrown over you, you were currently cuddled against him, just enjoying his presence. His hand was caressing your back tenderly, while the other was under his head. You were brushing light fingers on the scars on his chest...
-When all of this is over Logan, let’s go to Canada, OK ? Let’s go where you were born ? Let’s...let’s...try ? 
He’s silent for a few minutes before saying : 
-Try ? 
-Yes. Let’s try to build a life. You, Charles, Laura and I. Like a family. I know it sounds cheesy and you’re not much for that, but let’s do it. We don’t have to go to Canada, it just seems like a safe place that’s all...We can also just get the sun seeker and...
He cuts you off. 
-Yes ?
Another silence. 
-When all of this is over, when Laura will be safe, I’d...I’d like doing it. What you just said. 
-Really ? 
-Really. I’m tired (Y/N), tired of running. Tired of surviving more than living. Before everything happened...I had plans. I wanted to marry you. To have kids with you. To...I wanted many things. It didn’t seem possible since...since the death of the X-Men, but now...Now...
He choked on his words, and you knew his throat was tight with too many feelings. Even before, he was never a man to talk about his emotions like that... He kept going. 
-I don’t know what’s going to happen, we’re in constant danger, and I can’t protect you as I used to...But what I know is that I love you. I always have really. And I always will. No matter what happens, I want it to happen with you...I...I...
He couldn’t speak anymore. Brushing soothing hands in his hair, you said :
-I know Logan, I know. I understand. I always understand.
His grip tightens around you, and you slowly drift off to sleep. 
That night, you dream of the future life you were hoping to have. The house, Logan, Laura, Charles, a baby maybe ? And you smile in your sleep, hopeful again for the first time in ages, not knowing that, unfortunately...you will never have any of those things you dreamt about. 
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