#without interferring too much with the main post
disillusioneddanny · 1 year
Help <3 DC x DP idea
Hi friends, I need help fleshing out this idea for a fanfic I want to write and figured I’d ask the masses! 
The idea is that Danny has been immortal for quite some time now. He’s lived millennia and at one point met his soulmate. The thing is, his soulmate keeps choosing to be reincarnated every time they die. Every time they get reincarnated they don’t remember Danny but he remembers them. Every reincarnation feels a pull to Danny, though. The more time they spend with one another, the more their memories of past lives come back piece by piece. When they die, Danny gets a few years with them before they get reincarnated. 
IDK if the soulmate just chooses to get reincarnated each time or if there’s a curse that forces it. I’m kinda leaning towards cursed. 
Whatever the reason, each time they’re reincarnated, Danny seeks them out because his core yearns for its mate but usually only when the soulmate hits the age twenty. 
For whatever reason, this time around, Danny finds them earlier than usual. He finds them as a small child. Now this is where I need opinions. 
Option 1. Dead Serious 
Danny finds Damian when he’s still a child training to be the Demon’s Head and decides that he has to protect his soul mate this time around, he realizes that Damian has no love from anyone and is like I need to show him he’s loved. he’s horrified that his soul mate is being raised as an assassin and decides to haunt him as his imaginary friend just until Damian is able to get away from the League safely. He cleans any wounds that Damian gets, he helps him when he can, basically tries his best to help Damian without getting in trouble too much for interfering. He stops haunting Damian when he’s taken to Wayne Manor and then he goes back to the realms until it’s time for him to actually seek Damian out. 
Option 2. Dead Tired 
Same concept but with Tim, except instead he sees that his soul mate is just insanely lonely and is left at home constantly so he just haunts Tim to be someone that the boy can rely on and not feel as lonely. He teaches Tim how to fight and defend himself from bullies, he teaches him tech, they just have fun together. Ofc same thing, when Tim goes to live with Bruce, Danny goes back to the realms knowing that his soul mate is going to be taken care of. 
Option 3. Dead on Main
Danny finds Jason and sees that his family is drug addicts and is like uh uh no way gotta take care of him. He gives Jason companionship, gives him food so he doesn’t starve and just generally makes sure that Jason’s taken care of. Once he’s adopted, he leaves. With this one though, when jason dies Danny finds him and is like noo, it’s way too early. Jason gets his memories back and is super happy to see Danny but Danny’s like it’s not your time, you need to go back and sends Jason back. He later finds Jason again when he becomes Red Hood and realizes that when Jason was sent back it caused him to be confused as heck and the pits are what keeps him from remembering Danny because him dying too early and being sent back broke the cycle somehow. but now Danny’s gotta help heal him from the pit rage and also help his soul mate because he’s a crime lord now and Danny wasn’t exactly expecting that this time around. 
Anyway, it won’t let me make this a poll without fucking up the post. So, if you would just reply or reblog with tags telling me which idea you think is best, that would be great. I really can’t decide and really wanna write this fic but I have sooo many ideas for all three. 
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casarecci · 3 months
Skull appreciation post (jumbled thoughts bc I just binged listening to the audiobook version of Jonathan Stroud's Lockwood & Co. series)
I love how powerful Skull is. But first, some parallels (and differences) between the Luce&Skull and the Marissa&Ezekiel duos.
Marissa found Ezekiel when she was young. She adores him. But she also fears him. Tbh it kinda seems like he took advantage of her. They bonded. Maybe Marissa was always curious about what was beyond life, but Ezekiel's been hanging around her since she was a young child, and all the research she did? All the actions that led to the Problem? She did all that under Ezekiel's advice and guidance.
And yes, Ezekiel's a Type 3, and sure he's got a golden aura, and oh he's so special, but at the end of the day, it's all just appearance.
Yes, he's powerful, fine, he's smart too, but when compared to the Skull n Lucy combo, he's an insecure Type 3 ghost who was honestly kinda creepy and predatory and took advantage/really tapped into/maybe even developed Marissa's curiosity about the other side. He throws his weight around about being dead and knowing what to do to escape death, clearly calls the shots in his relationship with Marissa, and has developed a god complex of sorts in thinking that because he knows how to blur the boundary between the living and the dead, he's the strongest thing around.
Well, thank goodness there's Skull to prove him wrong.
I LOVE the Skull-Lucy relationship. My favorite part (which is very important) is that Lucy didn't free Skull because she needed him, she freed him because she wanted to. She made her decision after Lockwood had come and helped get things in hand. Even though she was confident things were in hand and didn't know just how instrumental Skull would be in staying alive, she freed him without any condition imposed on him.
She didn't free him so long as he helped her.
She didn't free him so long as he didn't kill her or any of her friends.
She didn't free him out of a tenuous trust that he'd be on her side.
Lucy freed Skull (I think) because something that had been dawning on her this whole time really clicked into place: considering the origins of agents, dealing with ghosts, capturing their sources, and just in general interfering with the existence of the dead (thank you, Big M, for all that), combined with the fact that she got a taste of Skull's existence what with being trapped in the other world (as Skull pointed out), Lucy's sense of empathy took over and she did what she thought was right. She let Skull go because he's got an existence of his own, too.
He's not an abstract idea or apparition, no, he's Skull, a thin, sardonic looking youth with spiky hair. He's someone who in life was awful, but spent so much time in death that he forgot who he was, despite being so stubborn about clinging to life, coming back as a ghost, and NOT crossing over fully to the other *dead* dead place.
He's got personality and endless ideas about murder. He kept Lucy company for the four months she was apart from Lockwood. He became her friend. He helped her in scrapes. He guided her back to life the first time she crossed over.
Maybe the difference in the Marissa&Ezekiel and Lucy&Skull is circumstance: Marissa met Ezekiel out in the wild. It ways in TEG at one point that there's an aspect of fear in their dynamic. His source list contained, unlike Skull. Ezekiel can cause so much more harm to Marissa than Skull could when contained in the jar to Lucy throughout the time they spent together needed to develop a relationship.
But that's not the main thing. Marissa depends on Ezekiel. Lucy is fond of Skull, but depends? No.
Marissa is basically in love with Ezekiel. Lucy? She's got Lockwood. She doesn't need Skull on that front.
Marissa is literally obsessed with golden ghost boy. Lucy sees the wider picture. She likes Skull, but he's not the end all be all.
But going back to appearances, well that's kinda what it's all about, isn't it? Marissa cares deeply about her image. And so too does Ezekiel. Why doesn't she keep Skull? He's rude. Ezekiel thinks him a criminal. Neither can see past his exterior, thus completely missing out on just how powerful he is.
And then there's Skull.
For all that Skull jokes about killing George and (honestly kinda understandably) dislikes him, he sees him for what he is - an effective researcher who doesn't judge anyone for how they look or behave.
Skull sees people for who they are. He sees right through Marissa's disguise as Penelope (side note, it is SO messed up that Marissa offed both her daughter and her granddaughter to keep on living, like his awful is that). He's perceptive. He knows about Locklyle even before they do.
But back to Skull's strength, which was the impetus of this long ramble. He gets out of his jar basically in disbelief. Because this is Lucy, the wretched girl who doesn't keep her promises to him to speak about his freedom, this awful living person who's left him behind time and time again.
But for every mistake she's made, she's also tried her best to right it. Every time she left Skull somewhere, she went back for him. He even got a heartfelt apology from her when she left him behind and Rupert got his hands on Skull.
This is the girl who looked past his rudeness. Who wasn't someone under the honeyed thumb of a different ghost. Who gave him a chance and let him out not because she needed him or hoped he'd be on her side. This is the girl who ket him out knowing full well Skull would do as he pleased and made her peace with it.
Because unlike Marissa and Ezekiel who are inextricably tied together and dependent on each other, Lucy is Lucy and Skull is Skull.
And when he does come to Lucy's aid, well, he's barely even exerting himself. I love him so much.
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kimi240302 · 2 years
Bad Idea
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A/N: As always, a warning. English is not my native language and I use an app to translate my stories into English.
Summary: Y/N hates her uncle Aegon and tries to avoid him. However, he has other plans with his niece and does everything to make her his. Aegon has only forgotten that Y/N is not the innocent little girl everyone believes her to be.
Aegon Targaryen x niece!reader
Words: 3.2k
Main Post / House of Dragon Masterlist
This is the second part to Mind Games
Aegon does not force woman to have sex in this world!!!!!!
18+ I am new to the whole smut writing so please be nice
" Desire brought them together
love kept them together"
- Me
Before any more questions could be asked, Y/N jumped up. With that, everyone's attention fell back on her. "I forgot that I was going to fly out with my dragon today." Without waiting for anyone's answer, she was gone.
" Is everything okay with you?" Daemon eyed his daughter with a raised eyebrow. Looking up from her breakfast, Y/N blinked several times. " Yes. Why?" Before her mother, who had been watching her daughter the same way, could say anything, the door to the room opened. " Good morning family." Sang Aegon literally. Everyone paused in their actions and looked at Aegon in confusion.
" You know brother, this is breakfast, not dinner?" Aemond watched Aegon sit down next to their mother with a grin and put some food on his plate. " I know dear brother and?" Alicent looked at her son dumbfounded.
" You're usually too drunk to attend." Daemon interfered. Aegon, playfully hurt, put a hand on his chest, " You wound me uncle." The king gave a snort, which Aegon ignored. " In fact, I didn't take any alcohol yesterday, so I thought I would join the family breakfast." " What managed to keep you away from wine uncle?" Jace looked at him with interest. " I discovered something with more flavor." He grinned and glanced unnoticed over his cup at Y/N. She slumped a bit more in her seat, which did not go unnoticed by Aemond.
It was getting dark, which meant she had been on her little island all day thinking. Aemond also stood up. "What doesn't change Y/N?" "Aemond I will be queen someday and I need someone at my side who can rule seven kingdoms with me. Aegon is not even able to get his own life under control." She took a deep breath." Means no matter what my feelings towards him are, I need to marry someone who can take responsibility soon and it won't be Aegon."
" For someone who didn't want anything from my brother, your teeth sure marked him up pretty good." Rolling her eyes, the young Targaryen continued to stare out over the sea. " I regret showing you my sanctuary." She grabbed a handful of sand and let it slip through her fingers. Aemond sat down beside her.
" What happened? Did Aegon-" Y/N interrupted him. " No. You know better than anyone, he wouldn't be alive." Nodding, he muttered, " If not from your own hand, then from your father's or mine or your mother's. I think the list would be long." Lost in thought, she nodded.
" I don't know why I let it happen Aemond really don't." Y/n was disappointed in herself. Aemond gave a soft thoughtful sound. " Maybe because you like him more than you want to admit?" The younger Targaryen closed her eyes. "Maybe." Aemond looked at her in surprise. " But that doesn't change anything." Y/N stood up and patted the sand off her pants.
Aemond reached out and grabbed his niece's upper arm as she tried to turn away. He pulled her towards him and exhaled in annoyance. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but you won't find anyone who adores you as much as my brother does. Likewise, you won't find anyone who has as much value for you as Aegon." " Not everyone is lucky enough to marry the person they love, like you!" She snapped out of it and literally stomped in the direction of her dragon. " You are right not everyone is that lucky and I know you helped make this possible for me." Confused, Y/N stopped and turned to Aemond. " How do you know that?" Aemond chuckled softly. " I know many things dear niece." He stopped in front of her. "I know that you talked to my father and made it clear to him that Heleana and I really loved each other and so the fate of us had turned. I have the wife I wanted and children with her. You have already given me my future place as your hand, haven't you? With this you allow me to be one of the most powerful men and a good role model for my children." Annoyed, she nodded. Of course Aemond knew that she wanted to make him the queen's hand.
" Then you know I only want the best for you Y/N. Take my advice as your future closest advisor and don't waste the love for my brother. The country needs not only a strengthened regent but also a happy one!" Y/N nodded thoughtfully. " Aemond no matter what I will do. Aegon doesn't want the title of king." " Good thing he is only Consort and not the person who has the say. Otherwise I would never have opened my mouth, but would have looked for you a husband."
Laughing, Y/N boxed Aemond against his shoulder. What this perceived only with a grin.
" Mother will kill me if she catches me now!" It was pitch dark by now. Aemond and Y/N were standing in front of the castle, thinking how to get in without falling into someone's hands.
" Let's take the passage around the back. No one knows that but us and it leads directly to our own respective rooms." Aemond pointed to the back of the castle where the entrance to the tunnel systems was.
In the middle of the many tunnels, Aemond and Y/N had separated because they had to go in different directions. With her hands out to the side, Y/N made her way along the walls. She paused, however, when her right hand accidentally pushed open a door that was slightly open. Y/N's heart quickened. Not knowing exactly whose room she was standing in front of, she was worried that she was about to face her father or mother and get the telling off of her life. But Y/N heard something else.
She felt her whole body tense up. " Why do I have to catch him every time he…." Aegon's voice interrupted her quiet outburst of anger and Y/N's eyes widened at the sight presented to her through the crack of the door.
" Stay down!" Aegon pushed the blonde haired girl's face into his mattress as he thrust into her from behind. The young woman tried to hold on everywhere, but Aegon didn't even really let her breathe or moan out loud.
The Targaryen closed his eyes as the images of his niece came back to him. Sprawled naked before him on her bed, her face twisted in pure pleasure, the feel of her skin under his fingers, and the taste of her. " Y/N!" He moaned freely. After all, the one below him was one of the whores he regularly had come to the castle and he paid her to help his imagination along.
" You can go then." Aegon's voice was cold. It brought the young Targaryen out of her thoughts. Y/N immediately turned around and literally ran into her room.
Startled, Y/N held her breath as she listened to her uncle repeat her name over and over as his movements quickened. The silver-haired girl wanted to turn away, to just leave, but she couldn't tear herself away from the sight of her uncle.
Even if she didn't want to, Y/N couldn't stop her thoughts. She imagined how she would be the woman under Aegon. Which brought back memories of his hands on her naked skin and his tongue exploring her body. With her teeth clenched tightly, her hand went into her pants of its own accord. Slowly her fingers began to circle on her bundle of nerves as Aegon's voice rang out again, moaning her name. This went on for several minutes until Y/N's legs began to shake as Aegon literally screamed her name out loud like a prayer and came inside the woman. Unknowingly, he helped his niece reach her climax at the same time. With a suppressed moan and a guilty conscience, Y/N had to stop herself from falling to the floor of the tunnel.
Y/N had avoided Aegon like the plague. She had surrounded herself with her studies, resumed her combat training, and locked herself in her study. Where she even slept. Y/N couldn't stand the thought that Aegon was one room over, again screwing someone who wasn't her, but moaning her name in the process.
" You are avoiding me!" Aegon had moved to stand in front of his niece's desk and looked down at her seated form. " Before you complain again, I knocked on the door of your study. You just didn't listen."
At the sound of Aegon's voice, goosebumps formed on Y/N's skin that she neither wanted nor could keep down. She closed her eyes for a moment to get her breathing under control.
Opening her eyes and looking stubbornly at the parchment in front of her again, she tried to ignore his burning gaze. " No, I just don't have time for you." Aegon chuckled quietly. " What are you doing here Aegon?" Her uncle leaned down, propped both palms on the massive desk and tilted his head.
" To see if my favorite niece is still alive. You've been in here for days." The silver-haired Targaryen looked up to reply, but that was her downfall. When her eyes fell on his lips and the hungry expression in his eyes, her body tensed again.
With a quick movement, she stood up, turned away from him, and stood with her back to Aegon, at one of the many windows.
Her uncle followed hers and stood right behind her. Aegon placed one arm against the wall next to the window, the other on her hip. His head buried in her open hair, where he breathed in her smelling of roses. " How long are we going to do this stupid back and forth game?" The hand that was on Y/N's hip slowly moved up her back until it reached the hair at the nape of her neck. There Aegon brushed Y/N's hair out of the way, put his hand back on her hip and let his lips meet the now exposed skin. Y/N moaned out as Aegon applied more pressure to her hip, pressing his body closer to hers. Her hands went to the windowsill in front of her where she tried to dig in. She felt Aegon applying more pressure with his hips with each additional kiss on her skin. Y/N could feel his cock getting harder and harder.
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" Aegon!" Y/N turned to him. She placed her hands on his chest and pushed him away from her a bit. With an annoyed sigh, he let go of her. But before Aegon could say anything his niece interrupted him. " I will not sleep with you Aegon!" " Why not, you want it too?!" " Because I'm not one of your sluts for one night! Even if you like to pretend that they are me." She didn't want to say the last, but Y/N couldn't stop it anymore. Aegon's head cocked to the side. " Where from?" " Does it matter?" " Y/N, first of all I want more from you than just one night and…" " What exactly do you want Aegon?!" Her uncle's hand tightened on the wall next to her. " You as my wife! Even though I keep finding that you drive me crazy!"
Surprised, she looked at him. " What?" " You heard me right. I want to marry you." "With me comes the throne you hate so much." Amused, Aegon expelled air from his lungs. " You sit on the throne as queen and I serve the queen as her devoted husband. My butt will never feel the throne, unless you want to ride me on it. I would have no objection to that then." Annoyed, Y/N looked at him.
Aegon looked deep into his niece's eyes, "Iksan aōhon se nyke va moriot emagon issare, ao sepār emagon naejot finally mazōregon nyke hae bona (I am yours and I always have been, you just have to finally accept me as that.)" There was a brief silence and Aegon feared Y/N would send him out. But she leaned towards him, his gaze fell on her lips and as his niece closed the last few inches between them, he kept his eyes open for a few more seconds to look at her closing eyelids and to be exactly sure. That if he closed his eyes, she would not simply disappear.
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Y/N wrapped her arms around her uncle's neck and pulled him even closer. Aegon meanwhile placed both hands on her hips and squeezed gently. He would wait to see how far Y/N would go. What surprised Aegon even more then were the next words Y/N spoke.
"Jaelan ao uncle ( I want you uncle)!" Murmured Y/N without opening her eyes after they broke away from each other for air. She nipped at Aegon's lower lip, then opened her eyes after all to see his reaction, blinking innocently at him through her eyelashes.
Aegon looked down at his niece, searching for doubt and uncertainty in her gaze. But was confronted with his niece's almost burning lilac eyes. Tightening his grip on her hips, he pushed her backward against the wall and let his lips slam down on hers.
"Before we go any further…", Y/N squeezed harder with both hands. Aegon got wide-eyed and wanted to protest, which turned into a moan. " No more sluts. I'm the only woman in your bed or I'll make sure you won't be able to bed anyone anymore. Do you understand?!" Aegon just nodded and tried to move his hips faster as his hands buried themselves in Y/N dress. His head lowered to her chest as his moans grew louder. She took her hand away from his cock and pulled it out of his pants. The hand on his neck squeezed a little tighter. " I asked you a question Aegon!" Swallowing he looked at his niece again. Aegon wondered when he had lost control and Y/N had taken it over. But if he was to be honest with himself, he enjoyed it. " You are the only woman in my bed and in my life… My Queen."
Aegon lifted his niece by her thighs and carried her to her desk. Without thinking twice, he threw everything down and seated her on it. Immediately she spread her legs to let him between them.
" Tell me to stop, I'll do it and we'll wait until the wedding night…" Laughing, Y/N looked at him. One of her hands moved from his shoulders , right into his pants and grabbed his now hard cock. Slowly she started moving her hand up and down. Aegon almost choked on his own spit as he groaned in surprise.
" I thought you were always the innocent one of us all." His voice was no more than a whisper as he began to thrust his hips towards Y/N. Grinning, she shook her head. Her free hand went to Aegon's neck and squeezed a little. Immediately her uncle moaned loudly, which only increased Y/N's grin. For she knew right then that she had her uncle at her mercy.
Y/N's lips touched his again and her hands started to unbutton his top, which ended up with his pants in some corner of the room. Aegon grabbed Y/N by the waist and lifted her off the desk. Surprised, she cried out. " Aegon, what are you doing?" He turned her around and began untying the strings that held her dress in place.
Every inch of newly exposed bare skin, at her back he blessed with a loving kiss. Groaning, Y/N stretched her back and propped herself against her desk. When Aegon had worked his way through the many layers of Y/N's clothing and she stood naked before him, he turned her around by your shoulders. Again he let his gaze slide over her body. Aegon had to grin, because he just realized that this body would be his for the rest of his life. His to touch, his to admire.
Y/N looked closely at her uncle, placed her hand on his neck and pulled him to her again. Aegon bent gently down, placed his hands on his lover's thigh a repeated time and lifted her up. As he did so, they both moaned into the kiss. Aegon turned to face the couch and sat down with Y/N. Looking down at him from above, she grinned. " So you like it when the woman is in control?" Y/N put her hand around his neck again and squeezed. Aegon moaned as his hips moved up and hit Y/N's now wet pussy. Barely noticeable, she flinched and moaned out. " Only you my queen!"
Y/N lowered her lips to his. Ran her fingernails of her free hand over the skin on his chest, all the way down between the two's bodies. Aegon's grip on her hips grew stronger and she was sure in the morning his handprints could be seen. She grabbed her uncle's cock and held it tightly so she could lower herself onto him.
Aegon let go of her lips and moved to her neck to her breasts, where he took one nipple in his mouth and sucked on it while one hand massaged the other breast.
" Aegon!" Y/N had settled completely on top of him. He released her breasts and looked at her with lust in his eyes. " I like the way my name falls from your lips." Y/N rolled her eyes and began to slowly move up and down. Aegon's hands again found hold on her hips where he helped her find the right rhythm. His lips quickly found their place back on Y/N's breasts as he moaned her name over and over.
The silver-haired Targaryen picked up her pace, burying her hands in her uncle's hair as she did so. She pulled on them so that Aegon had to look at her again. Their lips met again.
" Who do you belong to?" Y/N's grip tightened in Aegon's hair and her gaze intensified. Aegon moaned out and noticed that his cock got even harder and started to twitch slightly. Which caused Y/N's walls to tighten around him. " Only to my queen! Only you!" Y/N sped up even more and Aegon tried everything not to come immediately.
The young Targaryen leaned forward to his ear. " My good boy!" Aegon groaned loudly and arched towards her. He knew he should be embarrassed, but he didn't want to hear anything but just that. So he nodded and pulled her to him for another kiss. His fingers placed Aegon against her bundle of nerves and massaged it.
" By the gods… Aegon right there!" He intensified the pressure and quickened his pace. " Aegon I…" He just nodded and noticed how they both climaxed together.
Exhausted, Y/N let herself sink against Aegon's body. He immediately wrapped his arms around her and placed a kiss on her forehead. His cock was still deep inside his niece, but neither of them wanted to move right now.
" What else did I want to tell you dear niece." She whimpered slightly. " What's next?" " It is still not proper to watch others, especially not through a crack in a secret door." Aegon immediately noticed how Y/N tensed. Which elicited another groan from him and her. Y/N rose slightly to look at Aegon. When she saw his self-satisfied grin, she knew she had to do something about it. Again she began to move her hips painfully slowly and came close to her uncle. " It's also not proper to moan another woman's name and try to copy her look!" Aegon was about to say something, but Y/N grabbed his neck with one hand and his hair with the other. " I think I still have to teach you that!"
A/N: what do you think of the story?
I'm about to do a series for AemondxreaderxAegon, if you want to be tagged feel free to write me. Otherwise I wanted to open my request, so if you want a story or just have ideas. I have an open ear
@tvrgvryen @dreamtogether2000
@afro-hispwriter @lili-flower03 @solacestyles
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raayllum · 27 days
i’m sorry but how is the mystery of aaravos not about aaravos. :)
+ the dragon prince arc centered around zym so so fully he had so much screen time in every season even just as an egg. like that’s just not a fair comparison…
plus, zym Is a main character, (the five of us) the only thing making him not as key is that he is basically a dog. aaravos is definitely key too, and he has so much impact in the mystery of aaravos and he hasn’t even had his theatric entrance yet. how can you say he’s not a main character?
aaron even said in the Reel James interview that in s4 we could have gotten more aaravos content without it interfering with anything ToT like even just a small cut to whatever he’s doing in prison. It’s not asking for much at all. rayllum fans get SO much and always ask for more content and tie things back to rayllum all the time but get mad and salty when we do the same with aaravos? like ok. make it make sense.
rebuttal to the first half here (zym and aaravos are not main characters, they are currently by and large macguffins, it is a very very common story convention; arc 1 is about other characters trying to return/protect zym or stop him from going home; he is a motivation, that's not the same as him being a Main Character).
it also may surprise you but i've been in other fandoms before where my favourite characters were #1. completely side lined by their rightful narrative as a core co-protagonist (hi Finn from star wars), #2. minor side characters who didn't need to be more in the story more (hi Kai and Jinora from the legend of korra), #3. killed off or taken out of the show for seasons or both (hi Shiro from voltron) and I only bitched about 1 and 3 for 6ish months each at all because it overlapped with racist and ableist storytelling.
Wanting more of your fave character is understandable, but people don't complain or get up in arms that Gren isn't in every episode, meanwhile I've seen people routinely whine about how the Mystery of Aaravos doesn't have enough Aaravos in it because they ignored the Mystery part of the title. The post in particular, which I think was pretty clear, was about being annoyed that people thought Aaravos himself as a personality/character would be a central focus in s4/s5 and complaining that he isn't, when it's pretty clear in early S4 that well - it's going to be a Mystery, and we're mostly seeing how characters react to the missions or fears he (or others have) given them.
All fans ask for more stuff of their favourite characters (whenever there's a cast and crew Q&A, I always ask about Ezran) no matter how much canon material they already have — that's kind of the nature of fandom, even if people move from wanting more in fanon rather than from canon material cause sometimes things need to / should end.
The reason that so much gets tied back to Rayllum is because they are main characters, the show's main ship (and fandoms already tend to be more ship > solo or brotp heavy, though I'd appreciate more balance on the latter), and because they are thematically and literally connected to the entire cast of the show at least adjacently (largely through Callum as Amaya + Janai get looped in as his aunts) with a lot of parallels.
TDP is the first fandom I have ever been in, in 14+ years in fandom, where my favourite ship was the biggest in a fandom (or in the source material). I've been in your position 99/100, I have sympathy for it. I've just never shown my ass about it
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awesomefringey · 2 months
I need to get this off my chest because its just killing me these past 2 days. I was a larrie, now turned neutral. I love them both so much and I adore them both separately. Their music literally saved me and they will forever be my fave. Do I think they were once in a relationship, yes! Like you can clearly see till the end of 1d we had pretty clear idea about it as well. For the next few years, their lyrics, them signing towards a relationship, etc gave them off. I was sure about their relationship till then. I also understood that there were some hitches here and there. But for the past few years they have mostly kept the topic of larry closed. I have now grown up enough to understand that we literally don't even know 1% of their actual lives so how can we assume that they have a relationship when we have literally not gotten some clue more than a bit of blue greening from their side which amounts to nothing. Like we dk if they broke up or do they just want a pvt relationship yk so why are we so set on making assumptions? Why are we interfering so much? Like back in 2015, with rbb and sbb, larry wanted us to take a hint and talk about it. They wanted to show their love through these hints they dropped. Now they just don't want it these days so why cant we understand that and just support their music without searching for "hints" in each of their actions or posts? Here by we, I mean larries. And what I have seen is that tumblr larries are smart and understand this all. Whereas twitter larries are just becoming too senseless and even a bit annoying without actually giving it all a thought. Like girl, just think about it logically and stop acting like a fool. They really need to take a step back and analyze a bit.
I think the biggest delusion that WE as a fandom fell for in the last couple of years was to believe LARRIES are a community of people with shared values and interests.
This fandom fell apart the second the individual became more important than the collective. Everyone’s the main character now. Being a fan of Larry has become a lifestyle that has to fit personal interests first and foremost.
And depending on how self-righteous people are to think that makes them smarter than everyone else a different stance will get berated, ridiculed and met with an arrogance that is hard to understand considering we all sit in the same boat.
My advice to “Larries” would be to stop making each and every single opinion everyone else’s problem. Maybe we can breathe a little and let each other be, huddle with our moots and be peaceful, that’d be nice.
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twopoppies · 2 months
I need to get this off my chest because its just killing me these past 2 days. I was a larrie, now turned neutral. I love them both so much and I adore them both separately. Their music literally saved me and they will forever be my fave. Do I think they were once in a relationship, yes! Like you can clearly see till the end of 1d we had pretty clear idea about it as well. For the next few years, their lyrics, them signing towards a relationship, etc gave them off. I was sure about their relationship till then. I also understood that there were some hitches here and there. But for the past few years they have mostly kept the topic of larry closed. I have now grown up enough to understand that we literally don't even know 1% of their actual lives so how can we assume that they have a relationship when we have literally not gotten some clue more than a bit of blue greening from their side which amounts to nothing. Like we dk if they broke up or do they just want a pvt relationship yk so why are we so set on making assumptions? Why are we interfering so much? Like back in 2015, with rbb and sbb, larry wanted us to take a hint and talk about it. They wanted to show their love through these hints they dropped. Now they just don't want it these days so why cant we understand that and just support their music without searching for "hints" in each of their actions or posts? Here by we, I mean larries. And what I have seen is that tumblr larries are smart and understand this all. Whereas twitter larries are just becoming too senseless and even a bit annoying without actually giving it all a thought. Like girl, just think about it logically and stop acting like a fool. They really need to take a step back and analyze a bit.
Other than adding TikTok larries to the list of fans who take things too far, I very much agree with everything you’ve said.
I also get that it can be very hard to let go of things like seeing patterns and making interpretations of lyrics. I’m just trying to keep in mind that “Larry” no longer seems to be one of the main aspects of what the two of them are trying to communicate these days. I’m trying to respect that.
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starscreamfireworks · 6 months
wrote out some explanation for the other main characters in my sentient vehicle story, Benjamin and Kwadwo
Growing up in Côte d'Ivoire, he became obsessed with vehicles and mechanics from a young age, fascinated by how they worked. Often times, he would sneak off at night to observe other people's cars close up, especially if they were very expensive or fancy.
Observing them with nobody else around, he began to notice something-- it seemed like some cars would do things of their own volition, turning on their engines and headlights, or moving their wheels about without anyone controlling them. Whenever he said something, it was always brushed off as a kid's active imagination. However, he became umovingly convinced that cars possessed sentience, yet had no way of showing it in a way that humans could understand.
As he grew up, he moved to Ghana for better opportunity and went into engineering. He spent a lot of time finding cars in scrap yards and taking them apart to learn how they worked, alongside speaking to local mechanics. Then, he experimented with attempting to give them ways to express their sentience in a way understandable to him-- hooking them up to radios or computers, trying to set up a language of morse code they could both understand and speak in, etc. Eventually, one day he came across a vintage, very beat up car that was close to being scraped for parts.
Hooking it up to a radio, he found that it was giving off transmissions in a very specific pattern that suggested the structure of a language. After much trial and error, he found a way to communicate with it, and found that it could comprehend human language. After being woken up, the car said his name was Kwadwo, given to him by his previous owners who had moved and hadn't been able to take him with them.
Benjamin, ecstatic with the fact that he had been right all along, used Kwadwo as a specimen, learning from him all the inner workings of sentient vehicles (how to communicate, how they came about, how they viewed the world around them.) He eventually learned how to purposefully instill a vehicle with sentience, rather than it being random chance. After many years, he got together a team of other researchers and engineers and used this knowledge as a basis to create Cassandra.
The "grand-engine" of sorts to Cassandra. He was created in Ghana and bought by a couple, who he lived peacefully with for two decades before they moved and were unable to take him with them. Too old and beat up for anybody to want to buy him again, he was placed in a scrap-yard, where he slept dormant and forgotten for years before Benjamin found him.
The conciousness of vehicles is different from humans'. They have no vision, relying on sound through the vibrations they feel through their wheels or the air. To communicate, they create infrasound (very low frequency sound waves) with their engines that have encoded messages within them, and they can either be sent out as a general message to anyone receiving, or targeted towards someone specific. (Think posting on a forum vs. direct messaging someone.) This method of speech creates a vast, extended network between all vehicles in a certain area.
It is all nonsense to humans, and cars were often chalked up as being annoyances with very noisy infared sound that interfered with radio signals and had to be worked around. The only way Benjamin recognized language in it was through the structure/pattern itself, not any actual translation of it. Kwadwo can understand (and choppily speak) human language because he became conscious very early into being built, in the same way that young children pick up language easily.
Their world is almost entirely comprised of sending and receiving these signals, spending their entire lives deep in their own minds. Their physical forms are viewed as nothing more than vessels for their minds, and they barely pay attention to the physical world. The only thing they might take note of is a change of terrain or their parts moving by themselves (when they are being driven by humans). Many vehicles notice the sounds of humans and can differentiate them from the rest of the world; some are interested in these beings, most aren't. Kwadwo happened to be very close with his humans, finding their constant presence to be reassuring and comforting.
He was the first sentient vehicle revealed to the public by Benjamin. Though at first people were incredulous and convinced he was a trick, as they began to realize he actually was sentient, he paved the way for the recognition of the sentience of many other vehicles. His existence led to the enforcement of tests on all newly created vehicles to figure out whether they had sentience or not, and if they did, to treat them humanely.
Vehicle sentience is a bit of a gamble-- sometimes it will happen, sometimes it will not. Vehicles can gain sentience at any stage in their lives: while they're in development, after they've been built, or in some rare cases much later on in their lifetime. There has been a push for a strict divide between sentient and non-sentient vehicles, but this has spawned some problems, given how spontaneously sentience can manifest. The sentient ones are given apparatuses to express themselves in ways easy for humans to read, like giving them eyes, voiceboxes, faces (features either physical or on a digital screen), or monitors to type words into.
The biggest concern about sentient vehicles is the ethics surrounding them; for centuries, people have believed vehicles were inanimate, and have treated them as such. How many cars have been crashed, scrapped, treated harshly, under the pretense that they weren't aware of anything? What steps should be taken now, how should this newly discovered mind be integrated into society? Many people turn to Kwadwo himself for the answers; wouldn't he know best?
In reality, Kwadwo has no idea how to respond. He's disgruntled by all the controversy, having spent all his life as a family car with little to no conflict, and stumbles through the odd new life he's been thrown into without really understanding what's happening. He doesn't like all the experiments Benjamin does on him, but is too-mild mannered to retaliate, and reasons that he's helping his other vehicles be properly understood by their creators.
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yumedoca · 3 months
Are your opinions on UY characters that dont get the spotlight often, like nurse sakura, cherry, kotasu cat, benten or oyuki, ifntheres one i missed pls tell me i love hearing your analysis
Hai there, hope you're doing great!!
Sorry this is a bit late, I had some events to attend the past few days..! And thanks!! It makes me happy to hear that you like my rambling :)
As for my thoughts on the other characters, I love most of them actually!! I love love love Sakura!!! I especially love how well her character is structured: through design, through her backstory, through daily life and relations and even how well her name suits her lmao. I really like how she has a background where she was really sick as a child (till we meet her), and how her being a miko, nurse and counsellor (she has three fucking jobs and I love it) has her help others since she knows how it's like to have problems (physically or psychologically). Sakura counselling might be my favorite bit though, just seeing how she helps guide mostly the students is really nice and I wish it was appreciated more. And don't get me started on how she is the perfect straight man to the craziness of the others. She was part of the craziness at first (from her intro to her earliest nurse days, Ataru straight manned instead), but it seemed like RT thought Sakura straight manning was much better while Ataru was cemented as the funny man in their dynamic and it suits them so well. The sane Sakura having to deal with everyone's BS (esp Ataru's) is my favourite thing lol. I also really like her relationship with Tsubame, him being the dumb to her smarts.(The remake plays down Tsubame's idiocy btw and it disappoints me so so much) They're that one couple we all ship without knowing it lmao. The chapters which focus on them are really nice, esp that one with the ghost girl who interfered with them and Sakura got super jealous lmao, it we interesting side to see from her and it was really fun :)
Oh shit, I rambled so much about Sakura, I forgor this ask wasn't just about her, I'm so sorry lmao, she is in my top three UY gals for a reason XD
I think up next in UY blorboism to me (who aren't main characters) would be Asuka. Idk, I just love her, she is so cute and so silly. I think what put her in the blorbo category specifically were these panels: one where Asuka made her own armor from a military tank or something idk and she looked so cute while wearing it!!!! And the second is from the arc where Asuka goes to school and she wears a pair of broken glasses in the final panel of the arc which looks super funny and silly XD
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Asides from that, I love her voices, both of them!! They sound so soft and sweet!! And her shtick is very entertaining and chaotic, I love all her chapters!!
I think up next in terms underrated characters I love would be Benten and Oyuki. They both have personalities which bounce off well on other characters and especially each other. They're like my #1 Yuri ship in the series, but even in a platonic sense, they're dynamic is really good!! I need to draw them more, lol.
That's it for characters who I feel are widely underrated.. this post would be even longer if I talk about everyone in detail so I'll just speedrun my thoughts on the ones you mentioned plus a few others...
Ran and Ryu are two characters who I feel are really popular which is why I didn't mention them above. Ran's bipolar nature is so good and funny while her growing understanding and reconciling with Lum slowly is really sweet. Ryu is one of those characters who I wish was treated better because I feel like she deserves everything she wanted but her stupid father comes in the way. Ryunosuke's character is one of those things I wished was done better. Give her all the sailor suits, bras, swimsuits, skirts, etc. she wants!!
Cherry is really funny, like in a way he's basically Ryunosuke's dad but done so much better. The amount of moments where I've wheezed laughing cause of him is way too many too count. I like Kotatsu neko, he's cute and it's funny how he's one of the strongest characters!! Ryoko is another one I like because of how insane she is lmao and Inaba is so so sweet!! Meanwhile, Rei is hilarious and his cow form is so silly XD
I also really like Rupa and Carla too, Idk, the way they're supposed to mirror AtaLum and their crazy dynamic captivates me.
And I guess I'll stop here! There are others, but this is already super long so I'll end it here!!
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xenon-demon · 1 year
hiya!!! just wanted to say i LOVED your kas!steve post so much it makes me squeal with delight no joke
any chance you can drop some details about steve's new appearance/abilities 👀 because i would love to hear more!!! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Hi thank you SO much!!! <3 I have so many THOUGHTS about Kas!Steve constantly and am always keen to talk about it! (if I defeat my crippling executive dysfunction issues long enough to post more I can tag you in it if you'd like 👀👀)
Kas!Steve's whole deal is that Vecna revived him to act as his "ultimate weapon", particularly against the bunch of meddling kids who already interfered with his plans once. He's not worried about the government or any of the scientists ruining his plans, he's worried about Eleven and her allies. He knows damn well the Party & co are going to have a much harder time defeating one of their own, or at least something that looks like one of their own, than an assortment of inhuman beasts. Plus, having a second in command who is intelligent is an asset to Vecna (and Steve, while not academically gifted, is really good at tactics/strategical thinking).
This got wayyyyy longer than I thought it would so I'm chucking this under a readmore, I have "can't shut the fuck up" disease and it's terminal.
BASICALLY I wanted Kas!Steve to be at least a little different from the classic fandom depictions of Kas!Eddie, just for flavour - so to start with Steve absolutely Does Not have wings. Regarding his appearance, the main stuff is:
prehensile, multiple tails like the demobats do - Steve has 5 tails, with one (the central one) being slightly longer and thicker than the rest while the rest sort of loosely weave together around it at rest. They can be controlled independently, but it's quite difficult to do so and Steve is absolutely not at that point yet. It's like - if he went "I want to grab that object with my tails" they would all wrap around it to grab it securely like a human hand would, but it would take a looooooot of practice and experience with this new form to go "I want to hold a different object in each tail at the same time" (and even then it'd be tricky as fuck/take a lot of concentration).
FANGS. So all of Steve's teeth are now sharper and pointed, like the democreatures tend to have, but in addition to that boy's got MAD fangs. His top canines actually jut out from under his top lip and visibly dig into his bottom one, Steve has to relearn how to hold his face when his mouth is shut to hide them. His bottom canines are also larger and pointier than the rest of his teeth, but less egregiously than his top ones. Plus he has claws too, where his finger/toenails have essentially expanded and hardened so instead of just being a "cap" on top of the digit, his fingers and toes blend from skin to keratin and end in a hardened, sharp point. It is actually possibly to file/trim them without hurting him though, with appropriate tools (since they're harder than human nails).
Steve's eyes have vertical pupils now (like cats), since he's got what essentially amounts to DnD darkvision. They also glow gold when Steve's craving blood. Or craving... other things. (I'm talking about being horny his eyes glow gold when he's horny. In Steve's defense, bloodlust and regular lust are kinda intertwined when you're a vampire.)
His skin is also just that bit tougher than it used to be, Steve no longer gets scrapes or cuts as easily.
He does still eat food in addition to blood, he's just carnivorous now - lots of meat (can be cooked but tbh raw is better) and animals products like eggs and dairy. He doesn't digest plant products properly anymore and will throw up if he eats too much of it. As for human blood... he doesn't NEED it to survive, but he craves it, and it gives him a boost to his abilities when he's drank some recently (in that what I've described is him at Full Power™, and if it's been a while since he's had blood it's progressively harder and harder to do those same things). He also just Looks Sick if it's been a whie since he's drank blood. Also when he's out of the Upside Down (especially if, say, he was no longer connected to the hivemind) if he doesn't drink human blood on a regular basis he WILL go feral and revert to a much more animalistic state of mind.
Now the fun stuff, aka his powers:
Superhuman strength, pretty much no one would be able to beat him in a one-on-one, hand-to-hand fight. Bring a weapon, ideally a gun. He also has better stamina than a regular human would and tires much less easily.
Heightened senses - he can see in the dark better than humans ever could and his sense of smell is heightened (particularly smelling blood, human blood in particular). His hearing is actually not that much better than a normal human's, but very high pitched or "artificial" sounding noises grate on him in a way they never used to (e.g. Curse The Fucking Fluorescent Lightbulb Buzz).
He's connected to the hivemind like all UD creatures are, but unfortunately that means he's connected to Vecna. Vecna has a very strong connection to him, given that it was through Vecna's powers that he was revived, and he can plunge Steve into a hallucination whenever he pleases just like with the curse victims. This is how he communicates Steve over long distances.
Steve also has vampiric thrall/mind control abilities, but he can only really pull it off when he's freshly loaded up on blood. It also works best for simple instructions - he could exert simple, one-word-command type control over almost anyone, but complicated multi-step instructions or more abstract things (e.g. being encouraged to forget about something or instructed to not answer certain questions going forwards, indefinitely) would only really work on someone Steve has an extended, close relationship with. It works through eye contact - the gold eye glow also happens when Steve's using these abilities. But shhhhhh I'm sure Eddie's going to be totally fine, everything is chill he'll be fiiiiine ;)
God this is WAY LONGER THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE I'M SO SORRY. I hope you enjoy the lore drop!! <3 Let me know if there's anything else you want to know about because I could talk about this AU all day, I'm obsessed with it
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agentangeles · 7 months
hello everyone please enjoy the first post i've made in my writing blog in easily 6 months and it's just to yell about the fucking center venn diagram point for two big fixations
now you might be wondering "angeles when you start moving towards other fandoms will you still be nootboots" and the answer is yes, its my brand, but also ace attorney has a fucking vice grip on my neurodivergent mentally ill ass
as a side note i am too much of an idiot to remember to read the manga but i know Points Of Interest and when I can sit for a good bit and consume it I will, so bear with my anime main knowledge
Anyways consider the concept of family clans in JJK and the Sahdmadhis and their shit in SOJ. Obviously, we see how shit happened with maki her sister and how that works, and clearly the clans are structured differently depending on the family (what the fuck is going on with gojo. love that funky little manic twink but. What.)
And yes, AA and JJK get to hold hands because of Higuruma, which means I now get to think of both of them and daydream about crossovers, and y'know what? In the JJK verse, you can reasonably explain so much shit, especially w/ Khurai'inism and bloodlines, because Khura'in's designated holy figure being a super cool badass hundreds of years ago with an equally badass sister? Sorcerers who kicked ass. Hella sorcerers who kicked ass. would be special grades without a doubt if they were alive today.
and like cursed techniques having genetic tie ins ALSO FUCKING SLAPS because that's a huge factor! you can also explain why the feys and the sahdmadhis have spirit channeling because *it's the same fucking bloodline* and it's not a stretch to say someone was kicked out of the clan, fucked off, and then those traits started popping up again in later generations
that aside, clan hierarchy also gives a nice port over from an actual extra country that capcom decided now exists, because instead of a ruling kingdom family it's a Big Fucking Clan With A Lot Of Weight To It
(And also makes sense then why when the revolution starts up, nobody steps in to do shit. interfering with another clan's family drama? no fucking thank you. not my paygrade.)
also i just think nahyuta would be really fun as a sorcerer and their rosary beads would DEFINITELY be a weapon for cursed spirits and their title as "last rites prosecutor" would doubly fuck
Unrelated to SOJ but still on the AA train, this also means that Simon Blackquill is just. Always busting out cursed techniques. And since nobody can see it they think he just slices shit with his fingers. And that's fucking hilarious to think about, the idea that someone probably got after him for it and he went "Consider this though: who is going to ask questions with the everything else i have going on", because Simon "Definitely Uses The >:3c Emoji When He Is Texting" Blackquill refuses to fucking listen to people.
"You're going to expose sorcerer society to the masses" Wrong. Everyone is going to think he can cut shit with his fingers because he's a scary samurai man who went to prison for murder and clearly this is something that tracks for that persona.
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therealvinelle · 2 years
Brief thoughts about language and brains (and vampires)
@madam-melon-meow tagged me in this post, and I decided to just make a post.
Another semi-relevant post.
So, to give a somewhat serious answer, "bilingual humans tend to think in their birth language" is at the core of what cognitive research in linguistics is even about.
This isn't something I know too much about, let me very clear on that. I'm happy to be corrected. However:
Recent studies indicate that language isn't compartmentalized in the brain, that is to say I don't close my Norwegian box and open the English one when I'm on tumblr. I'll be using English, but Norwegian will still be there in my brain and may interfere.
That is to say, without getting into how we're defining bilinguals (is complete mastery required? Regular use? Language context, i. e. if a person't native language is French, they're living in Sweden and speaking Swedish, but their workplace uses English, what results will Edward get following them through the day? There are many definitions of bilinguals. And of course, there can be multiple birth languages (and what is a birth language?)), to say that people tend to think in their birth language is... well it won't hold up in court.
When it comes to what language people (not just bilinguals) think in and the degree to which they think in language, researchers have yet to be able to give concrete answers (that I know of) but they do research code-switching (when you switch between forskjellige språk in the middle of setninger). The hope is that understanding how and why people code-switch will better the understanding of how our brains process language and, question of the hour, how we think in language, to the extent that we do, but there are not yet any definitive answers.
(Though it's worth mentioning I don't know much about code-switching at all, and am far from the person to ask about the subject.)
A common theory worth mentioning is that when code-switching between two languages occurs, one of them is the matrix language (the "main" language) and the other is the interfering language. That is to say, you'll be predominantly be using one in a given context but code-switching by borrowing from the other.
All this to say the question of how language is processed in the brain is at the core of linguistic research and I for one have no idea which it is, certainly not how Twilight vampire brains would process them.
(Thanks for coming to my TED talk.)
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lykorises · 23 days
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VIRCHE EVERMORE › ANKOU + canon divergence.
absolutely in no way connected to adolphe because i can do what i want on my blog ty. he is his own person, with his own story & connections to the main cast, esp regarding his interest in all of them. › ankou is the GATEKEEPER of hades, acting as watchman and ferryman to those who meet their ends whether through natural or unusual means. following a gruesome uptick of deaths in arpéchéle, he takes a special interest in ceres, the so-called "maiden of death" on the island. forbidden from interfering in human affairs, he's not able to simply give her the answers to solve the mysteries of the murders + suicides taking place, so he takes on the role of a semi-helpful observer, trying to nudge her in the correct direction without interfering too directly. that is, if she doesn't accept his contract.
he is :
not human. he's a god of death, however much he denies it.
not death himself, but rather, one of death's reapers.
immortal and unkillable. no matter how drastically he is injured, he will always be restored physically.
morally ambiguous, though he seems to have the best interests of certain people in mind at all times ( read : ceres, yves )
indeed gathering the lycoris flowers as yves tends to them for the purpose of crafting a bouquet, though the truth behind the story of whether or not it's meant to ultimately be the means to a proposal from death or not is something he lets remain steeped in myth, never confirming nor denying.
not omniscient, but knows quite a lot about others, including things they have not told him.
aware of ceres' personal affliction that makes her death incarnate, but is unable to tell her nor would he bother. his promise to help her become a normal girl is genuine. likewise, he is aware of the truth behind the death curse on the island.
he is also aware of many of the identities of characters hidden to the core group throughout the story and does meddle in all their lives in small ways, at times. this includes lucas as bourreau, capucine as ortie, and jean as camille.
powerful, but not violent without reason. he seems to be capable of magical / miraculous feats, but chooses not to interfere with the world around him as per his duty. still, he does lesser tricks rather frequently : disappearing into a mess of flower petals, invisibility among mortals, healing minor wounds for others, and giving them immunity to toxins if they drink his blood.
etc, this post will get updated periodically bc i'm going to add it to my muse list via a link to have his canon divergence lore on hand. this is just a rundown ty.
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I just got through reading your Earthspark posts, and they really made me rethink some things about the show. Not in a bad way! Just helped me notice it's little missteps! Anyway, do you have any thoughts on the last batch of episodes?
Hello to you too, anonymous friend! I'm actually surprised that someone finds my posts and agrees with some of my ideas, it seemed to me that such an opinion is as unpopular as possible. But I'm glad that someone finds something new in this for themselves! In fact, I do not criticize this cartoon out of spite or negative motives, on the contrary, I really like this show, it shows new interesting ideas and has huge potential, and I want it to use its capabilities and only get better. And I hope that in future new seasons it will be so.
But, unfortunately, the final part leaves much to be desired. It is clear that the problems of the previous episodes have continued and intensified here, some of my theories about the writers have been confirmed, as I think. It is clear that they tried to cram too much into the limited timing, and this greatly interfered with the story arc. The focus of the narrative was concentrated on the wrong things, the morality was again crooked in some places, and there is no connection between what the screenwriters want to show us and how they show us in the end. Most of the episodes, because of such a fickle tone, are poorly remembered and have no weight for the story. It is sad.
That is why I am preparing a post listing all my claims, this is a way for me to sort out all my thoughts that are spinning in my head, and, I think, to offer some ideas for reflection to other viewers.
But for now I can only offer my disagreement with some audience criticism. Copied from previous answers, sorry for that ;)
1. About the behavior of the Jawbreaker. Supposedly it is illogical and so on. People say he's out of character. But as if the problem is that he didn't really have a character. He had little screen time, he showed only one behavior model. And here, because of frustration and uncertainty in the choice of altmod, under the pressure of successful siblings, whom he cannot catch up and protect, excluded from their training – of course he is dissatisfied and upset! He wants to be on an equal footing, and not to be a "tender younger brother without an altmod." He literally says himself that he does not want to be considered someone with one character trait, that he wants to be different in different situations, like the rest. And the audience is unhappy that the character literally refuses to be a cardboard? Because if the character is cute, then let it be a cardboard? A very strange opinion. A Jawbreaker behaves logically for, firstly, a child who got what he wanted and wants to try everything, and, secondly, for someone who wants to show himself as capable as the others and get the approval of an elder. Probably, on the contrary, this is the most logical thing that the screenwriters did with his character.
2. Robbie and Mo save everyone at the end. I have a complaint about pianos in the bushes and energon at Terrans, but about this in my big evil post. Here I am against the opinion that Twitch should have saved the situation instead of Robbie and Mo. Firstly, Twitch has already been given the most time in the season, more than other siblings. Secondly, since the scriptwriters chose the way to turn off all transformers, then she had to turn off as well. Thirdly, there is narrative poetry in this ending. The story began with Robbie and Mo, they are the first and main protagonists, they are the chosen ones or something, activated Emberstone at the beginning and with its help, they saved everyone in the end. It is logical that everything should end on them, at least this arch. They activated their siblings, they helped all the transformers with the help of abilities, it's logical if we take the general plot for granted. In addition, the series has already begun to devote less screen time to them, so they had the right to moment of shine.
And I think you can also share some interesting ideas about the final part of the season and the first season in general, it would be interesting to listen!
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nedxnancy · 11 months
Barbie (2023) and Nancy Drew (1959)
I have to put this under a read-more because it's gonna talk about the way Barbie (2023) ends.
I went to see the movie today, and I couldn't help thinking about Ned and Ken.
There are a lot of similarities between Nancy Drew and Barbie (in fact, if somehow that ever actually happened, a Barbie modeled on Nancy Drew instead of just general Detective Barbie or Spy Barbie, I would lose it. Lose. It. A friend made me some vintage-inspired-Nancy-Drew Barbie outfits and I LOVE THEM.) - Barbie is allowed agency and high-profile careers and all the importance, although, as the film points out, Stereotypical Barbie exists only to be pretty and blank.
(I also didn't realize until drafting this post that the Nancy Drew revisions, removing racial stereotypes and streamlining/shortening the plots from the 1932-1958 books, which began in 1959, started the same year Barbie was introduced.)
My Barbies were always involved in crime plots. Evil Barbie was blackmailing people and trying to steal their boyfriends. It was like a reality show in my Barbie townhouse. My Kens (who were outnumbered by a significant ratio) were pretty much always just accessories, either literal or figurative.
Nancy Drew is on the cusp of adulthood and has no stated money-earning career, much like Stereotypical Barbie. She loves mysteries and is an amateur detective, but it's very clear that she is not professional, is not paid for her work, and would be unable to operate as an amateur detective were her father unable to bankroll her activities.
Ned, like Ken, exists without Nancy—but also has no job. Ken does "beach," but performs no function there. (The film aside that Ken's domestic sphere, the Mojo Dojo Casa House, sells like hotcakes, is fascinating: masculine-coded toys seem to have castles or Batcaves for "homes," and are heroes or rescuers or doers in some sense; Ken is allowed to just be a horse enthusiast who also loves full-length fur coats. Ken doesn't sit in the Pink [White] House being absolute ruler all day.) Ned is a college student who plays sports but also isn't employed beyond temporary summer jobs. To the viewer/reader, Ned does functionally disappear without the context of Nancy. Nancy defines Ned's life.
a yellowed-paper heart imagines Ned without Nancy, much like Ken, but in the story Ned recognizes that Nancy has been made to never return his affections; he has agency, where she is bound by the decisions of her creator. Ned seeks meaning in reality but it's to escape the pain of knowing his love won't and can't be requited. He gets to be his own main character for a while, but recognizes that the lack remains.
Ned can't return. But Ken does. Ken comes off as kind of incel in the last part of the film, but he also freely admits early on that even if he did "stay over" at Barbie's house, he's not sure what that would actually mean. He's hurt that his feelings aren't returned, not that Barbie is denying him (functionally impossible) sex.
I think it's very easy to read Nancy Drew, especially original Mystery Stories, 1932-1979, Nancy Drew, as asexual. She can't return Ned's feelings because she hasn't been given the capacity. She does feel warmly toward him, he is her favorite escort, but her priority is always her mysteries, and for the most part Ned has no interest in interfering with that, because the excitement of her mysteries is part of what he loves about her.
I think it's really interesting to read Barbie as asexual too, although the film makes the point that Barbie lacks functional genitalia (until the end, anyway). Becoming a "real woman" doesn't make Barbie attracted to Ken. Stereotypical Barbie can't be married Barbie because that isn't a universal goal.
You can argue that Nancy Drew is niche; she's not stereotypical Barbie. But Nancy Drew also breaks gender norms in a few different ways while reinforcing others, and just like Stereotypical Barbie, Nancy calls the shots in her relationship.
Ned doesn't exist only for Nancy's gaze, even though he very obviously hints that he wants to marry her eventually. Ken wants to make a home with Barbie partially because Kens just don't have homes in Barbieland. Ned, were he to change his mind and seek another partner, is presented as a very attractive guy.
In the movie, the ways the Kens perform a lot for and with each other was fascinating. The Barbies interact with each other; Kens are temporary distractions from the work. Nancy and her friends interact with each other; Ned and his friends are around to serve as muscle in dangerous situations, crew sailboats, and call the cops before returning to their summer jobs. In that way, Ned does have a role, where Ken is shut out.
(This is also ignoring the Kens who clearly DID have careers, or at least the wardrobe to imply them. Those Kens always seemed niche, though. Doctor Ken was a thing. Otherwise, Ken comes dressed appropriately to accompany the corresponding Barbie on an adventure.)
Nancy Drew can't end. Barbie can't end. They were written to survive and be and read ourselves into. Marriage/relationships aren't the goal we all have - and even if they were, we aren't all straight - so the characters can't have that, but that doesn't mean that they, that Barbie, can't be people, adults, complete.
It's just interesting to think about.
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kingkatsuki · 5 months
hi jo! do you find it harder to manage things from a side blog vs posting fics on main? was just wondering about your opinion on it!
Hihihihi! Honestly since Tumblr updated it so you can now reply to comments from a sideblog it’s SO much better. I used to have the issue that my old main handle was a Z Nation reference so whenever I’d post on here and respond to someone they were like “who even are you? I’m talking to the AUTHOR” and I was like bitch that’s me😂
So that was one of the more frustrating things. Now I’d say the worst thing about this blog being a sideblog is you can’t block people from the Tumblr app if they follow your sideblog. When you click block in the top corner of the app it only blocks them from your main account, which is okay because I think it still limits their access to your sideblogs but I like to keep organised so it’s super annoying the way they do that.
And I have a Naruto writing blog which is a sideblog that I didn’t have to delete or change up when I made my BNHA one. So that one can stay active on tumblr with all my old works without interfering with this one or my main. It really annoys me that all my Z Nation and TWD fics are now lost somewhere in my main, like it’s just messy😭😂
I would say though, having this blog and then my Blue Lock blog can be irritating because I forget about the other one and I find it difficult to juggle them both. So maybe I should’ve just posted all my writing on the same blog… but too late now I guess😂
Long story short, I’m glad I have this sideblog for my writing and I don’t post it on my main! Cause then I can use my main more for personal posts and shitposting you know?
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sailor-aviator · 7 months
5, 6, 7, 8, 17
5. What made you start your blog?
I started it so I could post my fanfiction without it interfering with my personal blog! Although, I haven't really logged in much on my other blog, so I guess this is kind of becoming my main blog now? A fresh start I guess.
6. What’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
The BEST part is getting to see all the reactions to my stories! I love hearing what everyone thinks and I love that you guys send in asks because you want to know more!!
The WORST part is sometimes there are people on here who aren't very nice and they want to start drama for drama's sake. Or when people come on and demand content instead of realizing that content creators are people with lives too.
7. What scares you the most and why?
Hmmmmm....Not to get deep or anything, but the idea of never being enough. I try really hard to be good at things and I'm probably very much a perfectionist, so the idea that all of my efforts would be for nothing? Hate.
8. Any reacquiring dreams?
I'm assuming they meant reoccurring dreams, and yes! The original concept of MMATS was from a reoccurring dream I had! I've had several others too.
17. Name 3 things that make you happy
Traveling/New Experiences
Send me numbers!
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