wizardswheezez · 5 years
- Romione -
Hermione: Ron and I are just friends.
Harry: Bullshit.
Ginny: Bullshit.
Ron: Bullshit!..
96 notes · View notes
wizardswheezez · 5 years
- Professor Snape -
Snape: Why are you so late to class, Mr.POTTER?
Harry: Does it matter? You still get paid, right?!
103 notes · View notes
wizardswheezez · 5 years
~The Marauders~
Sirius: I got detention..
Peter: Why? What did you do?
Sirius: The professor pointed a ruler at me and said there is an idiot at the end of this ruler..so I asked which end... :)
Remus: ....
James: THAT'S MY BOY!!
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wizardswheezez · 5 years
- One Direction -
Niall: Harry, what is the meaning of life?
Harry: Louis.
Niall: Is because you love him?
Harry: No, cause life is short.
Louis *walking through the door*: I Heard That!
Liam and Zayn: ...*high five*
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wizardswheezez · 5 years
- The Marauders -
Sirius: I prevented a murder today.
Remus: Really? That's Amazing! How did you do that?
Sirius: Self control.
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wizardswheezez · 5 years
- The Marauders -
Peter: Why are you looking at me through a fork?
Sirius: I'm pretending that you're in jail.
Peter: why?
Sirius: It's spiritually healing.
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wizardswheezez · 5 years
- Sirius Black -
When I drink alcohol, everyone calls me alcoholic.
but when I drink Fanta nobody calls me Fantastic.
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wizardswheezez · 5 years
- Sirius Black driving in Muggle World -
*gets pulled over for speeding*
Policeman: Papers?
Sirius: Scissors. I win.
*drives away*
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wizardswheezez · 5 years
~The Marauders~
Sirius: I need a word that's a mix of angry and sad.
Remus: well, there's malcontent, disgruntled,miserable, desolated
Sirius: Smad!
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wizardswheezez · 5 years
- The Marauders -
Peter: Sirius, I have a problem.
Sirius: Does it affect me?
Peter: no..
Sirius: Then suffer in silence.
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wizardswheezez · 5 years
- The Marauders -
Sirius: Can you stop?
Peter: Stop what?
Sirius: Stop whatever you're doing right now. It's getting on my nerves.
Peter: ...I'm just breathing.
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wizardswheezez · 5 years
~The Marauders ~
Peter: You should always use 'please' and 'thank you', Padfoot.
Sirius: Please shut the hell up, thank you.
Peter: ...I'll mark that down as progress.
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wizardswheezez · 5 years
~The Marauders ~
James: What's for lunch?
Sirius: food, generally.
James: no, i mean what are you having?
Sirius: an unwanted conversation.
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wizardswheezez · 5 years
~Young Marauders~
James: It's times like this when i wish i'd listened to what Remus told me.
Sirius: why, what did he tell you?
James: i don't know, i didn't listen.
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wizardswheezez · 5 years
- James & Lily -
Lily: I'm trying to test out my new signature, can you tell me if it's good?
James: sure, use this to practice.
*gives Lily a sheet of paper*
Lily: cool, thank y-
*looks closer at the paper*
Lily: This is a marriage certificate.
James: I know.
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wizardswheezez · 5 years
- The Marauders -
Remus: Water can solve all problems!
Remus: Want to loose weight? Drink water!
Remus: Clear skin? Water!
Sirius: Tired of someone? Drawn them!
Remus: Sirius, No!
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