#womxn's history
daywalkers-fic · 5 months
12. why the 1880s?
something about this decade really sings to me. I find in particular, nearing the end of the nineteenth century, so much was happening on around the world in terms of arts, politics, technology, colonization. world events and global news don’t personally reach the day-to-day lives of the everyday folk, but they are an important part in gauging what life, thought, and society was about—what things were important then and now?
basically for myself, reminding me of notable things that occured during the 1880s—some thematic, some of relevance to context and characters, and the rest just ?? interesting and/or wild?
cocaine is a hot new cure for everything and anything. perscribed, sold in foods and more. heroine introduced as a lesser-addictive substitute for morphine…
lots of developments in fields of psychology; many experiments and happenings; Freud starts his work 1886.
1880-1914 had +twenty million immigrants to the United States: Germany, Ireland, England, China had the most arrivals.
William Dorsey Swann, the first self-proclaimed drag queen, organizes a series of drag balls in Washington, D.C. 1880-1890s.
Jack the Ripper claims his “first” victim in 1888 White Chapel, London. big scare.
Sherlock Holmes first appears in Arthur Conan Doyle’s A Study In Scarlet as part of the British magazine’s Beeton’s Christmas Annual in 1887.
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson is published in 1886. Gothic fiction, drawing from emerging fields of science and psychology. & Treasure Island was published earlier in 1883 by him too!
Mark Twain drops The Prince and the Pauper (1881), Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1889).
Bel-Ami, Guy de Maupassant’s second novel is published in 1885. about a man who seduces and manipulates high society French women in the French colonies for power and wealth. MOVIE WAS ADAPTED IN 2012 STARTING ROBERT PATTINSON LOL
western European art movements very romantic and swirly and pretty: Monet, Debussy xoxo.
meanwhile, African American ragtime music becomes the “pop” music across the pond here.
North Dakota (1889), South Dakota (1889), Montana (1889), Washington (1889) become states.
train segregation laws flag beginning of Jim Crow; Civil Rights Movement of 1875 voided, making discrimination in private is not illegal, and prohibiting state intervention to personal or commercial segregation. l*nching continues throughout the south. slavery may be over on paper, but indentured labour is legal.
1882 infamous O.K Corral gunfight.
Gold Rush continues, all over the world—South Africa, to British Columbia, to California, to Argentina, to Russia-China borders.
centuries of American “Indian” wars continue.
American Dawes Act of 1887 granted American government authorization to regulate indigenous lands, including creating and assigning and enforcing reservations.
Sitting Bull’s 1883 speech of the atrocities experienced at the hands of white American settler colonists.
Canadian Pacific Railway 1881-1885. foreign labourers were hired to do a lot of heavy, dangerous, unwanted work. in America, more than 100,000km of tracks were laid by majority Chinese, Irish, Scandinavian workers.
America’s Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and Canada’s Chinese Immigration Act of 1885 was officiated, enforcing law of a Head Tax to be paid for every Chinese person entering North America. over the course of the next couple of decades, the fee of $1,500 was doubled to $5,000 was increased 500% to $25,000 in today’s currency—per person. this had devastating and lasting impacts on generations and societies of Chinese living both overseas and already in North America. propaganda at this time created many racist myths that persist today: there are too many Asians, they are taking our jobs, (the men) are gross and effeminate and a threat to (white) women, they shady and scheming people. these were the first and only major federal legislation to explicitly suspend immigration for a specific nationality in American and Canadian history. (I study Asian Canadian history, I can go on about this all day)
Tong Wars (1883-1913) had Chinatown gangs and factions in violent street wars across America, San Fransisco to New York.
large, targeted, and repeated anti-Jewish rioting (pogorm) and antisemitism rampant throughout Imperial Russia, 1881-1882 had more than two hundred anti-Jewish events alone. Jews continue to be racialized and othered.
fuck ton of colonization happening in Africa and the Middle East, Southeast Asia. Berlin conference 1884-1885 literally chopped up Africa to distribute to European powers.
Irish nationalist efforts to push forth Home Rule bill of sovereignty is defeated in British Parliament. Irish are not “white”, they are “othered” in Europe and in Americas.
use of photographic film pioneered by George Eastman, who started manufacturing film. his first camera (Kodak) was ready for sale in 1888.
Thomas Edison gets lit in New York 1883 with first electrical power station. next several year sees major cities being lit up with street lamps and public lighting with the science and works of a Nikolas Tesla (1886-1893).
hell of a lot more inventions in the works and patents being claimed. Hertz and radiowaves, Bell for telephone services.
“Between the years of 1850–1900, women were placed in mental institutions for behaving in ways the male society did not agree with”
way too much history to cram, obviously. here are some keywords for further research oki
prison industry / spiritualism / opium epidemic / irregular and uneven “modernizations” in rural vs. urban areas / class and poverty gaps / morality scares, checks, comparisons, gaps / new businesses and gadgets, products, tech to help with anything / fascination of the (colonial) Other; side shows, “freak shows” and other human zoos
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fillejondrette · 1 year
i literally was like i need to spread the idea that saying womxn instead of women to be ~inclusive~ is transphobic bc it drives me insane and this would be the most promising way to get people to stop saying it. and then just now i saw a trans woman well known as what i can only describe as a Self-Appointed TikTok Educator making the same argument. i am counting this as a blow against the use of womxn.
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olowan-waphiya · 9 months
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About the Campaign
The Aim:
We are seeking 30 acres of land with healthy soil, ideally with a previous history of agricultural use. The land should be within 20 miles of Denver, CO and grant us both water and mineral rights. The land should be valued equally to all members of the ecosystem that occupy it. We intend to use this land to grow food for our communities throughout Denver and as a place of education and healing. The land would be owned by the organization, FrontLine Farming, but would also be open to collective use in our BIPOC community.
Now is the Time:
Black, Brown and Indigenous Farmers across the United States have been systemically excluded from access to land whether through outright intimidation and theft, loan discrimination or laws such as Heirs Property Rights. Land in the United States was stolen from Indigenous Communities and while BIPOC communities represent a quarter of the US population, they own less than 5% of farmland and cultivate on less than 1% of the land. Yet those who have historically cultivated the land and comprise the over 2.4 million farmworkers in the United States are people of color from diverse communities and foodways. They are descendants of Africans brought here, immigrants, refugees and people who have continuously brought their agricultural knowledge and skills to feed nations.
We have used our radical imaginations for our vision of coming back to the land and are ready to bring this vision to life. To acquire our own soil and land will fortify our efforts to honor our ancestors, to educate our community, to generate independent economic systems, to manifest equitable policies and systems change, to lead by example, to understand history and to create our future. It is a way to co-create generational wealth for our communities, and more importantly, shared power.
Acquiring the land that we envision requires moving money and resources. We are seeking support from philanthropy, local and national networks, and donors. The funds raised from this project will aid our vision and goal.
Frontline Farming
We are a BIPOC-led farmer advocacy and food justice organization that strives to create greater equity across our food system on the Front Range of Colorado. We support and create greater leadership and access for Black, Indigenous, People of Color and Womxn in our food systems. We achieve these goals through growing food, listening, educating, honoring land and ancestors, generating policy initiatives and engaging in direct action.
In 2021, we distributed 26,000 lbs of farmed produce through various programs such as our CSA, Healing Foods and SNAP/WIC recipients. We also advocate for farmers and farm workers alike to ensure that the people who grow our country’s food have access to basic rights and protections that are already afforded to other workers in the state.
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theepoetspoem · 21 days
I bite my nails now. A disgusting habit I thought I'd kicked when I was 12 and looked over and saw how beautiful long nails looked on the girl who sat next to me in social studies. It's kind of wild that social studies as a class exists, when it stands as the study of social relationships and the functioning of society. We learned about it for a minimum of six years, and then we go out into the world and see what we see now. History repeats itself in a new color and we all cry collectively as a community about the things we can't fix, bc despite the idea of democracy, we really don't function as one. I have things to blame. So many. But even at a very base level, how can so many be neutral to genocide?
I bite my nails now. The anxiety is subsiding. I read an article about how anxiety is like living as a trauma doctor. Each day you see the worst, and you fix it. You stitch, patch, administer, heal and then go again. One day it's slow. There's no patient sitting in need. But the adrenaline is still there. The readiness to deal with another catastrophe. Bc you know there'll be one. That feeling doesn't go away.
I bite my nails now. "It's called complex post traumatic stress disorder". I hear the word "trigger" and cringe. Mostly bc the only womxn I really hear use that word, are the yt ones who want so badly to be a victim in a world that caters and holds them in safety. I think about my actual triggers. I hear three kinds of specialists lay them out in front of me. The scientist that I am, picks them up, looks them over and nods. "Your findings are sound". I agree. I have triggers. "How do I fix this?". The specialists look back at me. "In short, you'll need to learn to love yourself".
I bite my nails now. As we go over my case plan. Meds. Therapy. Possible IOP. Group. EMDR. Did no one else notice I needed this much help? A woman on the television set talks about how there was a surge of need for mental health workers since the beginning of the pandemic. I laugh knowing I've gone through this entire process before, decades ago. Decades. I am aged. Now we all need help. It was only a matter of time after the fourth catastrophe of our generation hit.
I bite my nails now. As I listen to my therapist go on about loving myself. I think of how often I use a filter in my photos alone. How many likes and comments I get. I think of how I've even made pocket change convincing others that my nose and chin are smaller. That my skin is smooth. That the circles under my eyes don't exist. I hear the love of my life tell me I'm beautiful. Sorrow fills my heart, because I feel for a man who deserves much better than falling in love with someone who looks like me. I shake my head. Try to remove the thought like an etch a sketch. Why am I so mean to myself?
I bite my nails now.
I tell myself I'll stop.
I tell myself so much.
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headmate-ideas · 24 days
✦ Name(s): Melora, Honey, Truffle ✦ Pronouns: she/her, it/its, xe/xer/xers/xerself, xe/xem/xyr/xyrs/xyrself, sweet/sweets/sweetself, care/cares/careself, e/em/eir/eirs/emself, fae/faer/faers/faerself ✦ Species: European badger (anthro) ✦ Age: adult age slider (middle aged to elderly) ✦ Role(s): caretaker, chef, hygienist, protector, anger holder, curadare, naturalist, comforter ✦ Labels: agender, demiwoman, womxn/gxrl, honeygender, comfic, cozycoric ✦ Xenos: nature, berries, trinkets ✦ Interests/likes: tea, history, crafts ✦ Dislikes: feeling out-of-control, technology, misplacing things ✦ Music taste: classical, indie pop, heavy metal, pop punk ✦ Aesthetic(s): cottagecore, fairycore, honeycore, grandparentcore ✦ Kins: mushrooms, bees, figurines ✦ Emoji proxy: 🦡🍯 ✦ Details:
Melora is an anthropomorphic European badger who dresses like an English woman from the late 1800s/early 1900s and is inspired by illustrations of talking animals from that place and time. Melora enjoys fairy tales and children's stories and is happy to read them to syskids or age regressors in the system. She also enjoys history (especially but not exclusively of the place and time from which she is inspired) and can take on a teacher-like role to other headmates. Melora's primary function in the system is that of a caretaker. She loves the other members of her system and does everything she can to make sure that they are physically and emotionally taken care of. This includes taking care of physical needs such as food and hygiene, but also emotional needs, such as offering comfort when other headmates are upset or scared. She is more fond of nature than technology and makes sure the system spends enough time outside. However, Melora has a less calm side as a protector and an anger holder. Melora is very protective of the system and can get very aggressive when she thinks members of the system are threatened, as well as when thinking about ways the system have been or could be mistreated. Melora will not hesitate to stand up for herself and the rest of the system or to cut off people who are hurting them. However, she listens to headmates or friends who think she's reacting too strongly and will try to restrain her anger if their comfort level requires it, and she does not actively enjoy being angry. Listening to aggressive music, such as anything derived from metal or punk, can help with this.
[These can be edited and changed as needed, and headmates will almost definitely not turn out EXACTLY as described.]
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artistsonthelam · 3 months
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Happy International Women's Day! ✊ And Happy Day I Spent at the Post Office Mailing All Zine Pre-Orders! I'll be spending the weekend sending out individual emails with tracking numbers, so thank you, as always, for your patience. :)
Here are two works you'll be seeing in LAMINATOR Vol. 1:
Reflejo de una Soldadera: Jovita Idar, hand embroidery, collage, and gilding on paper; and
The Face of a Mexican Revolutionary: Maria Del Carmen Alatriste, hand embroidery, graphite, acrylic, and gilding on paper
by Laura Rodriguez (Phoenix, AZ).
Laura says: "Soldaderas is an homage to the untold, heroic stories of Mexican womxn of the Revolutionary War of 1910 and thereafter. These womxn have a legacy of creating agency for themselves during a time when they had none. They were influential writers, journalists, scholars, leaders, educators, and much more, yet their stories go unrecognized as contributors during a pivotal time in Mexico’s history. It is my hope that this body of work re-ignites their history so their legacies will be celebrated and not forgotten."
LAMINATOR (c) Jenny Lam 2024
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chemicalarospec · 1 month
my biggest fail in spreading accurate information about queerness was when there was posters for "Womxn's history month" and an acquaintance wondered why they have the 'x' and I said "it's to include nonbinary people, but some people don't like it because...... I forgot" and so he was like "well I think it's good if it makes more people feel included!" And then hours later I was like NO HOW COULD I FORGET THE REASON WAS LUMPING ALL NONBINARY PEOPLE IN WITH WOMEN AS JUST VARIATIONS OF WOMEN NOOOOOO
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radkindoffeminist · 1 year
I have a lot of issues with your pinned post and if you are willing to have a respectful discussion in dm's or whatever I will gladly explain my rationale on several of the points you made but I think you are really missing the point of inclusive language.
Yes, there are people who attack individual women for calling themselves "pregnant women" instead of "pregnant people." The reality is that there is always someone out there arguing for the stupidest possible version of any belief in existence. But that isn't the point of inclusive language.
The reason it's actually important isn't about validating people, it's about people getting access to the healthcare they need. If you, as a woman, go to a gynecologist looking for help with birth control, or pregnancy, or menstrual issues, etc etc you're not going to be turned away because "you're a woman, not a person." (This is NOT the same as not being taken seriously btw. Before you bring up that argument.) But trans men can and have been turned away from those procedures because "this treatment is for women/you can't possibly have [insert issue here], you're a man." Basically, read Stone Butch Blues I am begging.
Individual women can call themselves women as much as they want, but in medical settings it's important to use inclusive (and accurate!) language. "People who can get pregnant" acknowledges that there are women who are too young or old to get pregnant, or lack certain organs necessary for it, while including people who aren't women that can. And by the way, there are plenty of trans people who do encourage the use of inclusive language when it comes to male healthcare and are frustrated by terms like "womxn" being popularized.
You say you don't hate trans people or want us to come to harm? Help us protect our access to basic healthcare.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Medical inclusivity? Really? What makes you think that just turning from ‘pregnant women’ to ‘pregnant people’ is going to make people recognise that there are female people who don’t identify as women who can still get pregnant? Like, is that really going to be such a big problem in the medical community that actually we need to change all of our language because that alone will make doctors recognise that trans men can also get pregnant?
Moreover, even if I accept the above -that the language needs to change to accommodate trans people, especially as it seems like disagreeing with you about this makes you think that I want trans people to be harmed but I’ll deal with that later- why should it mean that I’m not allowed to be offended by this language change when it forces me to address myself and other women by our organs? This is especially offensive towards women who have a long history of being treated as a walking baby-maker/uterus/vagina. You only picked pregnant person in your example, but there are so many other terms I’ve seen: uterus owner, vagina haver, menstruator, etc. Why is my offence taken as hate on trans people? There are so many other terms which could be used which are significantly less offensive but those ones aren’t chosen, just the ones where we’re forced to refer to ourselves by our organs. Women, AFAB non-binary people, and trans men, for one.
Finally, if the actual argument that you’re going with is because it’s necessary for medical reasons then why is it only women who are targeted with this language? I literally don’t care that some people are encouraging the male equivalents because the reality of the situation is that these terms are directed almost exclusively towards women. There are so many examples of sites which use this language for women while men are still male! It just goes to show how deeply misogynistic this all is and how it was always meant to dehumanise women and separate us from our sex and our sex class.
You’ve basically just said ‘it’s better and more inclusive to trans people so shut up about being offended about it because if you disagree then you want harm to come to trans people’. You’re never going to care about my arguments or my feelings on this subject because all you’re going to do is say that I just hate trans people and want them to be hurt if I disagree. You don’t care about the fact that this language is deeply misogynistic and targets women. You just want us to shut up, accept it, and feel bad for being offended.
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hexagonalcat · 1 year
Happy birthday Midnight! And happy Womxn's history month!
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neonscandal · 2 years
Manga With Me: JJK Crackpot (But Maybe Not) Pocket Theory Edition
Miwa's Origin
The Games are revealing more and more to us while the tunnel vision around each fight leaves a lot to the imagination, specifically as it pertains to the health and welfare of some of our favorite jujutsu sorcerers (and those in training). I’m of the mind that nothing in Gege Akutami’s story has been without purpose and that includes the inclusion of some of the less flashy characters. So, go with me down this "what if" rabbit hole -
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⚠️ Spoiler warning: covers content through chapter 187
Buckle up, dorks, this is going to be a bumpy one. I'm doing a lot of mental gymnastics to get there so, if you're not interested in the read, jump to the end for the TLDNR!
With the way jujutsu society is set up, we've got a lot of big family names that go back centuries and have carried weight within the community. The Zenin, Gojo and Kamo clans come to mind most readily (though we find that Toge Inumaki also comes from a jujutsu family).
At this point, it wouldn't be surprising, with the incarnation of several old curse users, that we start seeing more situations like the below wherein someone's great-great-great-great something runs the risk of cropping up and crossing their own kin.
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What a messed up family.. bush?
What's critical about this reveal is that we see Kenjaku has been deeply ingrained in the fabric of jujutsu history. He's worn many names and faces that aren't limited just to Suguru Geto, Kaori Itadori and Noritoshi Kamo. Additionally, we see that with each iteration, he's closing in on his end goal which includes the experimentation and evolution of curses. With an evil that seems to span hundreds of years, I'm sure he's besmirched the good name of plenty of sorcerers but, more importantly, born witness to much the jujutsu world has to offer. At this point, we know that includes none other than Hajime Kashimo as revealed in recent chapters.
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In terms of characterization, we see that Kashimo is driven to destruction, drawn by the promise and delight of a good fight. At the height of getting beat down by Hakari's technique, we're given a glimpse into his distant history. Having laid waste to a foe and discontented by the lack of challenge, he's approached by Kenjaku!John Doe who he recognizes immediately and simply as Kenjaku. Lamenting about the fact that he picked the wrong fight, Kenjaku alludes to the fabled strength of Ryo Ishigori (which suggests Kenjaku hadn't met him) before ultimately redirecting Kashimo's bloodlust toward Sukuna. This explains how Kenjaku essentially curried Kashimo's buy in for the Culling Games and this is emphasized by Kashimo's one track mind while in game.
Okay? But what does this have to do with Miwa?
Relax, I'm getting there.. probably. Akutami has a penchant for coded names as seen with Fushiguro and Nobara Kugisaki. Hajime apparently means beginning so, for the sake of argument, let's say that's where this whole thing starts. SO, this is the first exchange we really see Kenjaku interacting with someone at the inception of this whole chain of events. If you're wondering why that's integral to my theory, let's peep this fight scene.
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Why on earth did Kenjaku!Geto try to body silly little Miwa with Maximum: Uzumaki just then? Baby girl is holding onto that katana for dear life and, at every junction, it's taken from her. Maki clowned her (and broke her sword) and then it breaks again in the heat of this battle. With Mechamaru out of the picture, and if we're strictly focusing on close combat, I'd definitely stake my money on Todo over anyone else in the Kyoto school though we know he's largely unreliable as he's given to find his own fight elsewhere. I suppose that's why they put Miwa as their frontman during this botched attempt at catching Kenjaku!Geto off guard but.. what if this was actually their best foot forward because Miwa's a sleeping dragon?
For a cast of characters that boasts such bad ass womxn, Miwa's been downplayed and cut off at the neck at every opportunity she's been given to shine. What if the big reveal is that she's related to Kashimo.
You really went from A to WTF pretty quick, pls explain
Um, gladly, just know that this started as a crackpot theory and it's maybe held together by silly string but the more I write the more I'm like "ain't no way I'm wrong!".
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One could say Kenjaku!Geto was priming his attack to unleash on Yuji, Choso and Panda as, at the time, they were the biggest threat before him. However, he caught wind of Kyoto School fairly quickly and had eyes on Miwa as she launched her attack wherein he broke her sword. Threat dealt with and yet he still saw her and said "get wrecked". WHY?
Here's what we know about Jujutsu Kaisen in universe. Nobara, shown as a child with dark or black hair, is shown as a teenager with orange dyed hair canonically. So if black is the figurative blueprint, why is Miwa's hair canonically light blue? We know that previously her mother would hide the color by dying it black for school which reiterates black as the natural canon and emphasizes how unnatural her light hair is. In a previous Akutami interview, we also know that Miwa was recruited into Jujutsu High because of her hair. I'm guessing it's the color over the choice in cut.
Here's what we know about Kashimo. Aside from being a bloodthirsty, power-seeking relic from 400 years ago, he has light hair in both iterations. We associate light hair with age of course but also power (Gojo-sensei where you at- oh). In the throw back, sure, he may be shown as elderly but what if the cough of blood into his hand is the product of a hard won fight as opposed to the luxury of dying of old age. Aesthetically, his younger vessel also having light hair has got to count for something. Additionally, intentionally exposing Kashimo and Kenjaku's shared history in this way better alludes to what would trigger Kenjaku!Geto to attack right then.
Do Kashimo and Miwa have the same power, no, but maybe it's because she hasn't yet realized the katana is ill-fitting as she is shown time and time again? She keeps getting bested and what if it's because she hasn't yet unlocked her birthright✨
The fact that we caught a glimpse of Miwa 10 or so chapters back suggests something’s coming and I can’t wait to see what.
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It's very much giving "Boulevard of Broken Dreams".
TLDNR: In their face off, Kenjaku!Geto recognized Miwa as a threat because of her hair which is why he felt the need to godsmack her out of existence with Maximum: Uzumaki so perhaps she's distantly related to harbinger of destruction and menace Hajime Kashima.
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
'I am begging the people of Film Twitter to read a book. Any book will do, really, but specifically American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer, Kai Bird’s 721-page doorstopper of an Oppenheimer biography.
That book is the source material for Christopher Nolan’s upcoming film Oppenheimer, about the life of the physicist who led the team that created the atomic bomb, only to call for the end of nuclear warfare following World War II.
I bring this up because Oppenheimer is the latest film to be caught in a cycle of Twitter outrage before its release. It seems there’s no escaping it these days. Some Brave Little Poster will see a movie trailer and inevitably grade a movie based on the supposed morality of its characters instead of the actual content of the film.
What are people attacking Oppenheimer for, you ask? Is it for any scenes of violence that might be in the film, since it’s about the creation of the most destructive weapon in the history of mankind? Why, no. People are up in arms about the age gap between Cillian Murphy and Florence Pugh, who play Oppenheimer and Dr. Jean Tatlock, respectively. Tatlock was Oppenheimer’s girlfriend before he met his wife, Kitty.
“Not to be that person, but there’s a 20 year difference between Cillian Murphy and Florence Pugh. Why does Hollywood keep doing this?” Twitter user @ginagemeni wrote. “Let womxn age! Cast womxn that are the same age as their co-star!”
Bear in mind these are two real people, who lived two real lives. This relationship is not a spoiler of the movie; it’s all history. Tatlock was 22 and Oppenheimer was 32 when they first met at Berkeley and got involved. He was a physics professor and she was a medical school graduate student. Historians credit her with introducing Oppenheimer to radical leftist politics in the 1930s. She died by suicide at the age of 29, a fact that haunted Oppenheimer for the rest of his life, according to American Prometheus.
Cillian Murphy is 47; Florence Pugh is 27. So, yes, the age gap of the actors is double, but Twitter users were just as up in arms about Oppenheimer and Tatlock’s real-life relationship as they were Murphy and Pugh’s age difference.
All this for a film hardly anyone has seen yet (the critics who have seen it have praised Pugh’s performance). I’m sure Pugh, a grown woman, had full input into how she portrayed Tatlock. Is there a broader conversation for us to have about how Hollywood treats older women and the types of May-December romances that often show up in films? Of course. But applying today’s cultural standards to relitigate events that happened nearly a century ago helps nobody.
Oppenheimer (the film) is also under attack from leftist Twitter spaces who fear Nolan may not devote enough time to Oppenheimer’s Communist ties in his early life or his anguish about creating the atomic bomb. People also seemed worried that Nolan would somewhere use this source material to make an unequivocally pro-nuke film.
Again, if y’all would read a book and stop viewing life through Twitter eyes, you would know that Oppenheimer’s conflicting feelings about nukes and Communism are easily half the material in American Prometheus. The man was conflicted about the bomb and Communism. In real life, people are complicated, and we should have art that reflects those complications.
‘Napoleon Bonaparte was a TERRIBLE PERSON’
Elsewhere, Twitter users are shocked that anyone would want to make a movie about Napoleon Bonaparte, because…Napoleon was a bad guy.
Big, if true.
The follwoing tweet came after Apple dropped the first trailer for Ridley Scott’s biopic of Napoleon:
“Napoleon Bonaparte was a TERRIBLE PERSON,” historian @ProfDaveAndress tweeted. “He was a TYRANT. He betrayed every ideal he ever claimed to stand for. He was a shameless pathological liar who killed millions of people for his own insatiable vanity. He is literally one of the worst people in history. You think he looks cool because he paid people to make him look cool. He used the entire resources of state and empire to make himself look cool to future generations. And meanwhile millions of people died, because peace amongst equals was alien to him.”
Look, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m sure Scott, who excels at making nuanced movies about bad people (The Last Duel, Kingdom of Heaven, American Gangster, among others) knows what he’s doing by making a Napoleon movie at this point in history.
If we only made and consumed art about good people, art would be boring. We can learn something about ourselves by watching movies with messy protagonists. Depiction does not equal endorsement, but that seems to be lost on a lot of people who want everything they consume to line up with their views.
Come on, Barbie, let’s go party in the South China Sea
You thought Barbie would get out of the #outrage cycle unscathed? Think again.
This outrage is bigger than Twitter, though. A map in the Barbie film features a dashed line drawn on a map off the coast of Asia. The line, which critics have identified as the oft-contested nine-dash line—a boundary more than 1,000 miles off the coast of Beijing that Beijing uses in order to claim a majority of the South China Sea as its own. The United Nations ruled the nine-dash line in 2016, but China has refused to acknowledge this.
Vietnam disputes the border and has for a while. As such, Barbie is now banned in Vietnam, according to a state-run newspaper: “We do not grant license for the American movie ‘Barbie’ to release in Vietnam because it contains the offending image of the nine-dash line.” Vietnam has banned other films, like Uncharted, for the same reason. The Philippines, however, has said it will allow Barbie to be screened.
American GOP senators like Texas’ Ted Cuz and Tennessee’s Marsha Blackburn have criticized the map, saying that it panders to Chinese censors.
A Cruz spokesperson told the Daily Mail that Barbie is trying to “appease the Chinese Communist Party,” while Blackburn alliteratively tweeted that Barbie is “bending to Beijing to make a quick buck.”
“The map in Barbie Land is a child-like crayon drawing,” a spokesperson for the Warner Bros. Film Group said. “The doodles depict Barbie’s make-believe journey from Barbie Land to the ‘real world.’ It was not intended to make any type of statement.”
Sadly, these types of news cycles before a film’s release are nothing new (remember what happened to The Last Temptation of Christ?). But it seems these are part and parcel for every film now, and the reactions range from stupid to political clout-chasing. The Barbie outrage has more merit than the Napoleon or Oppenheimer clamoring, but the world will forget all of this in a few weeks. Then the internet will have something else to be pissed about. Calling it now: PETA will be up in arms about The Meg 2 and Strays, and video gamers will be mad that Gran Turismo doesn’t portray them in a good enough light. Or something
Funnily enough, a tweet sums it up the best:
“If you’d told me that between Barbie and Oppenheimer, one would start online discourse about on-screen age gaps and the other would lead to international controversy rooted in 1940s Asian geopolitics, never in a million years would have I guessed which one would yield which,” Siddhant Adlakha tweeted.
So go outside. Read a book. Touch some grass. And always remember to never comment on a movie without seeing it first.'
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circulo-amsterdam · 2 months
BRAZIL - Diasporas and forced migration
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The “Caixa do Divino” is the only exclusively womxn drumming and singing tradition in Brazil and exists in the context of Candomblé Houses (afro-indigenous diasporic semi-autonomous land) and Maroon Communities as part of the celebrations of Oxalá, an ancient force of nature that praise for the prophecy of The Earth having hundred years of peace through the ruling of children.
Brazil is the country that had historically the largest forced migration population from the African continent in the world during more than 400 years of enslavement operated by the Portuguese Empire and financed by colonial enterprises based in France, Spain and The Netherlands. There would be a lot to be said about the global implications of this nefarious economic strategy and the immense welfare that was taken and stolen from the colonised country. Activities such as gold and silver mining, sugar cane, cotton and coffee plantations, and animal breeding are among the activities that support this economic strategy, enforcing an intense exploiting project for the benefit of Eurocentric economies. This economic strategy is still in place in the current globalized economic context, and it had and has immense implications for the livelihood of millions of people and the environment, including the destruction of the Amazon and other forest biomes, contributing to the current alarming climate change crisis affecting the whole planet.
During the implementation of this economic strategy based on the slavering labour model,  the whole of the Americas suffered the biggest known genocide in history; in 100 years of colonisation, 97% of the native population was brutally killed. In this regard, besides not being the focus of this project, we believe that it is important to highlight that the Eurocentric perspective tries to re-tell colonisation stories, removing or hiding the horrors done to the original populations in the Americas, to their territories and the global consequences it has until nowadays.
In this context, this project aims to acknowledge the complex diasporic ethnic culture or resistance and the permanence and continuity of people (s) and lands throughout this violent process, despite and beyond all the difficulties. This resistance process made Brazil one of the most prominent and welcoming places for immigrant populations. Brazil has the largest remaining indigenous protected territories in the world, the largest African-descendent population outside the African continent, the largest Japanese community outside Japan, the largest Lebanese community outside Lebanon, and huge communities of Italian, Spanish, German, Chinese, Romani and Jewish people, among many others. Nowadays, despite the process of forcing their mixing, this diversity of populations living in Brazil holds a place where anyone can become and name themselves, for the good and the bad, as Brazilian. One of these mixing strategies, not from the perspective of oppression but from the standpoint of resistance, resulted in the interchange of two main traditional structures: the Amerindian cosmology and the African diaspora.
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sendinglovexx · 4 months
september 21, 2023
I am more than this body, this vessel
In this frame, there are havens, I nestle
More than my anxiety that translates to RBF
All encompassing emotions that spiral like a treble clef
I am more than a sex symbol, a mortal
Between my legs I transcend time + space, I’m a portal
More than a pretty face that I didn’t choose
I can snatch souls with one look, I am a muse
I am more than my trauma + it’s repercussions
I come from warrior blood + that’s not up for discussion
I am more than a mother, more like the Empress archetype
So fuck what you read in your Bible, cause that’s a mistype
More than a wife, I’m the Bonnie to her Clyde
Loud + proud, we don’t do closets, we don’t hide
I am more than a shepherd, my alchemy is Maktub
My mere hands can heal, Reiki infused in a back rub
More than these walls that guard my interior castle
I yearn for connection, but for most, piercing them is a hassle
I am more than my unforgiving ancestral history
The God complex of those who came before me remains a mystery
More than the magnitude of grief my family has had to endure
I am my father‘s daughter, + that, is my cure
More than the feeling you get in a cold, concrete jungle
More like a palm tree studded horizon with a sunset that’s bright, yet humble
I am more than my humxn form in this physical realm of unjust
My soul is not of this world, compressed stardust
More than my feminine appearance that has come to fruition
My masculine is woven with the energy of the Magician
I am more than the box society puts me in
Challenging norms + breaking cycles of generations
More than the damsel in distress at the movie’s end
I’m the hero of my own story, like ‘coach put me in’
I am more than a resounding example of strength
I’m soft, ethereal, so I often stay at arms length
More than the voice of a womxn
More like a lucid dream, pouring out from a pen
I may be a jack of all trades + a master at none
But I am unapologetically + unequivocally me, the only one
So you may be intimidated to dive into my depths
But the choice was sink or swim + this is my breath
- K
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daywalkers-fic · 8 months
10. housekeeping, taglist
ughhh I am over the buggy search bar on blogs for tags, so this here entry is for me when I go on mobile. don't mind me here !
— posts ;
#hoofnote / footnotes ramblings from yours truly
#*hat tip* / cowboy content from other creators
#pony mail / asks & replies
#mp3 / sweet country tunes
#media / cowboy films, games, and shows
#yeehawgust / for Tumblr's annual cowboy month
#prompts / writing or visual prompts
#photography / historical or old-timey photographs
#🦇⛪ / gothic and occult western aesthetics
— references ;
#ref: research / resources and information
#ref: indigenous history / I said
#ref: poc history / what I said
#ref: black history / tamisha iman
#ref: queer history / is coming
#ref: womxn history / for you
— story stuff
#ref: visuals / self explanatory hehe
#ref: scenery / also self-explanatory
#ref: costume / also also self explanatory
#ref: design / and yes self explanatory
#ref: char / posts that describe my characters
#ocs / stuffs about my original characters
#vibes / things that generally inspire my project
#update / story developments through blog entries
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gbpflag · 1 year
Mythbusting March: Women's History Month
March is #Women’sHistoryMonth! There are so many powerful LGBT women in history and at present. Being both a woman and LGBT can sometimes feel more isolating because of the multiple identities being held. So, this March, GBPFLAG is here to uplift these voices. 
In 1987, the U.S. Congress declared the entire month of March as Women’s History Month. It was after years of lobbying and organizing from women and feminist groups that this celebration came into effect. Each year holds a different theme; 2023 is Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories. 
In some women centered groups or feminist circles, the word “woman” is modified to represent a shift in attitude toward semantics. Some of these variations are “womxn,” “womyn,” “wimmin,” and “womban.” The removal of “man” from the word “woman” suggests a shift in feminist discourse about the role of men in women centered spaces. 
Yet, these terms have been co-opted by Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists, also known as TERFs. This movement seeks to exclude trans people, specifically trans women, from feminist organizing. This #MythBustingMarch, GBPFLAG will provide a variety of threads about trans inclusion and how to support trans people in these spaces.  #Women’sHistoryMonth is the perfect opportunity to educate and learn about women and how best to support them. There are many books, movies, and community resources to find this support and community. GBPFLAG offers a transfeminine/non-binary affinity group that meets every second Saturday at 9am. Email [email protected] for more information. Happy #Women’sHistoryMonth!
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hardynwa · 1 year
Watch Ghanaian drum artist, Shadrack “Shaddy” Oppong steals the show at 20th Panama Jazz Festival!
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As part of only four drummers accepted into Berklee College of Music’s exclusive Masters program known as the “Berklee Global Jazz Institute” for the 2022-2023 academic year, Ghana’s Shadrack “Shaddy” Oppong has been scaling heights ever since! In a latest update on his experiences gathered so far, the Ghanaian power-drumming enigma has found himself thrilling thousands at the world renowned Panama Jazz Festival which took place from the 16th to 21st of January 2023 at the Ciudad del Saber as its educational venue & Wyndham Panama Albrook Mall Hotel & Convention Center. Founded in September 2003 by pianist and Grammy winner Danilo Pérez, Panama Jazz Festival which has spanned a period of 20 years witnessed the mastery of big names in the game perform to an audience of over 60,000 music lovers. https://youtu.be/6zG2Bhiy9Io Shaddy, who participated as the official drummer for Berklee Global Jazz Ambassadors, shared stages with mega names in the world of jazz music including Cuban pianist Chucho Valdes; singer Catherine Russell (daughter of Panamanian native pioneer of jazz Luis Russell); Children of the Light featuring bassist John Patitucci, drummer Brian Blade and pianist Danilo Perez; Latin pop star singer-songwriter (of the global sensational song “Despacito”) Erika Ender, master drummer from Cuba Roman Diaz; and the all-star ensemble Global Jazz Womxn featuring Israeli sax player Lihi Haruvi. Other artists that performed on the night were Proyecto Acustico from El Salvador and distinguished national projects such as the Luis Russell Collective, Hijas del Jazz Big Band, Anthony Morris Kuna Jazz Quintet, Panamanian folk star Celsito Quintero, Idania Dowman, and many more.picture with the “Children of the Light” – from the left (Brian Blade – drummer, Shaddy, Danilo Perez – pianist and John Patitucci – bass) In addition, through the program Arts Envoy, the Embassy of the United States in Panama hosted distinguished global jazz musicians Farayi Malek, Nadia Washington and Chase Morrin. It was a week of enriching concerts highlighting the great gala night held at the Anayansi Theater in Atlapa Convention Center on Wednesday, January 18, 2023. The same theater presented great live jazz performances on Thursday, January 19, and Friday, January 20. Ateneo Theater, located in the City of Knowledge, also presented night concerts on Monday and Tuesday of the week of the festival; and Wyndham Hotel presented intimate performances every afternoon. The Panama Jazz Festival’s signature educational events happened at the City of Knowledge and hosted distinguished institutions such as Berklee College of Music and the Berklee Global Jazz Institute of which Shaddy put up a sterling performance while sharing knowledge & experiences gathered in his years of drumming, with students and patrons. It also hosted the New England Conservatory, and New York Jazz Academy, among others. The Festival celebrated the 11th Latin American Music Therapy Symposium bringing together music therapists from Panama, Chile, the United States, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, among other countries. Other important symposiums that took place during the festival included the 2nd Symposium of Natives Peoples, the 7th Symposium of the Culture and Music of Afro-Panamanians, and the first Symposium of Panama and the Caribbean in Jazz History. https://youtu.be/4Cc2qydK66s This is only a testament to the unparalleled laurels awaiting the young chap who took a step of faith to walk on water all the way from Obuasi to Boston with nothing but a dream, a persevering spirit and an incredible talent! Read the full article
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