#ref: queer history
daywalkers-fic · 4 months
12. why the 1880s?
something about this decade really sings to me. I find in particular, nearing the end of the nineteenth century, so much was happening on around the world in terms of arts, politics, technology, colonization. world events and global news don’t personally reach the day-to-day lives of the everyday folk, but they are an important part in gauging what life, thought, and society was about—what things were important then and now?
basically for myself, reminding me of notable things that occured during the 1880s—some thematic, some of relevance to context and characters, and the rest just ?? interesting and/or wild?
cocaine is a hot new cure for everything and anything. perscribed, sold in foods and more. heroine introduced as a lesser-addictive substitute for morphine…
lots of developments in fields of psychology; many experiments and happenings; Freud starts his work 1886.
1880-1914 had +twenty million immigrants to the United States: Germany, Ireland, England, China had the most arrivals.
William Dorsey Swann, the first self-proclaimed drag queen, organizes a series of drag balls in Washington, D.C. 1880-1890s.
Jack the Ripper claims his “first” victim in 1888 White Chapel, London. big scare.
Sherlock Holmes first appears in Arthur Conan Doyle’s A Study In Scarlet as part of the British magazine’s Beeton’s Christmas Annual in 1887.
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson is published in 1886. Gothic fiction, drawing from emerging fields of science and psychology. & Treasure Island was published earlier in 1883 by him too!
Mark Twain drops The Prince and the Pauper (1881), Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1889).
Bel-Ami, Guy de Maupassant’s second novel is published in 1885. about a man who seduces and manipulates high society French women in the French colonies for power and wealth. MOVIE WAS ADAPTED IN 2012 STARTING ROBERT PATTINSON LOL
western European art movements very romantic and swirly and pretty: Monet, Debussy xoxo.
meanwhile, African American ragtime music becomes the “pop” music across the pond here.
North Dakota (1889), South Dakota (1889), Montana (1889), Washington (1889) become states.
train segregation laws flag beginning of Jim Crow; Civil Rights Movement of 1875 voided, making discrimination in private is not illegal, and prohibiting state intervention to personal or commercial segregation. l*nching continues throughout the south. slavery may be over on paper, but indentured labour is legal.
1882 infamous O.K Corral gunfight.
Gold Rush continues, all over the world—South Africa, to British Columbia, to California, to Argentina, to Russia-China borders.
centuries of American “Indian” wars continue.
American Dawes Act of 1887 granted American government authorization to regulate indigenous lands, including creating and assigning and enforcing reservations.
Sitting Bull’s 1883 speech of the atrocities experienced at the hands of white American settler colonists.
Canadian Pacific Railway 1881-1885. foreign labourers were hired to do a lot of heavy, dangerous, unwanted work. in America, more than 100,000km of tracks were laid by majority Chinese, Irish, Scandinavian workers.
America’s Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and Canada’s Chinese Immigration Act of 1885 was officiated, enforcing law of a Head Tax to be paid for every Chinese person entering North America. over the course of the next couple of decades, the fee of $1,500 was doubled to $5,000 was increased 500% to $25,000 in today’s currency—per person. this had devastating and lasting impacts on generations and societies of Chinese living both overseas and already in North America. propaganda at this time created many racist myths that persist today: there are too many Asians, they are taking our jobs, (the men) are gross and effeminate and a threat to (white) women, they shady and scheming people. these were the first and only major federal legislation to explicitly suspend immigration for a specific nationality in American and Canadian history. (I study Asian Canadian history, I can go on about this all day)
Tong Wars (1883-1913) had Chinatown gangs and factions in violent street wars across America, San Fransisco to New York.
large, targeted, and repeated anti-Jewish rioting (pogorm) and antisemitism rampant throughout Imperial Russia, 1881-1882 had more than two hundred anti-Jewish events alone. Jews continue to be racialized and othered.
fuck ton of colonization happening in Africa and the Middle East, Southeast Asia. Berlin conference 1884-1885 literally chopped up Africa to distribute to European powers.
Irish nationalist efforts to push forth Home Rule bill of sovereignty is defeated in British Parliament. Irish are not “white”, they are “othered” in Europe and in Americas.
use of photographic film pioneered by George Eastman, who started manufacturing film. his first camera (Kodak) was ready for sale in 1888.
Thomas Edison gets lit in New York 1883 with first electrical power station. next several year sees major cities being lit up with street lamps and public lighting with the science and works of a Nikolas Tesla (1886-1893).
hell of a lot more inventions in the works and patents being claimed. Hertz and radiowaves, Bell for telephone services.
“Between the years of 1850–1900, women were placed in mental institutions for behaving in ways the male society did not agree with”
way too much history to cram, obviously. here are some keywords for further research oki
prison industry / spiritualism / opium epidemic / irregular and uneven “modernizations” in rural vs. urban areas / class and poverty gaps / morality scares, checks, comparisons, gaps / new businesses and gadgets, products, tech to help with anything / fascination of the (colonial) Other; side shows, “freak shows” and other human zoos
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icarianarts · 7 months
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How bitches with white hair sit together. Idk
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basilpesto3 · 1 year
hi, i'm lake :] welcome to my main blog! you may also see me inferact from my mental health or my NSFW side blogs. feel free to ask me to tag triggers.
i write songs! check out my bandcamp or my soundcloud 🦋
thanks for stopping by :)
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possibly-pasta · 1 year
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Call me Ray (they/them)
i’m 25, queer, a haver of autism, a genderweird fagdyke and lots of other things i don’t feel like listing
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currently trying not to deteriorate before everyone’s eyes
interests: star trek, weed, doll collecting, lolita fashion, trans/queer history, FNAF, solarpunk, moomin, spiderman/spideypool, good omens, anime (OVAs from the Boom), The Muppets
You will see furry content on this blog. smile and move along, folks
Please feel free to send asks!! i love to talk and answer questions!! or just tell me about your day!! 🌸✨
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here are some links.
Leslie Feinbergs website!!!!!
All of zir works are free to download!!!! Ze were also a photographer, so be sure to checkout zir photos!!!
Me singing 🎶
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bunfishwiggles · 20 days
Hello, hello :D
You've found the place where I toss things into the vacuum of space and very occasionally scream my thoughts.
My main (art account) is @wigglybunfish
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wyrmalien · 1 year
puts this here bc it was so fucking hard to find and i dont want to lose it
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burningvelvet · 12 days
36 chapters into moby dick. some thoughts:
- take a shot every time he expresses his love for nantucket or whaling trivia
- i know everyone said it was queer and usually i've come to expect that as hyperbole but this time they weren't joking
- CHILDE HAROLD REFERENCE?!?!?!?!?! BYRON QUOTED?!?!?!?! not surprised bc it is the romantic genre which byron & chp helped inspire & he was the best selling writer in early 19c usa & is noted for his oceanic refs & he & esp childe harolds pilgrimage esp are both noted on wikipedia's "nautical fiction" page but like. i had no idea they were immortalized in moby dick
- "Better sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunken Christian." AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
- does gay cannibal tumblr know about queequeg & ishmael?
- utterly obsessed with captain ahab for numerous reasons but does anyone else notice how similar he is to captain flint from black sails? like he's literally him but a bit older & combined with silver's leglessness.
- the part where ahab calls stubb a dog lmao
- ishmael getting worried for queequeg when he couldn't find him omg...
- "Where's that girl ? — there, Betty, go to Snarles the Painter, and tell him to paint me a sign, with — 'no suicides permitted here, and no smoking in the parlor;' — might as well kill both birds at once." MRS. HUSSEY!!!!
- i'm sure that all the focus on queequegs spirituality & his consultation with his god yojo wherein he was informed that ishmael had to pick their boat bc yojo demaded it TOTALLY won't prove to have any prophetic and symbolic consequences later on or anything
- love how the chapters are nice and short but on the flip side that means theyre tricking me into thinking i have less to go than i actually do... as long as i get more ahab i'm good i guess
-melville, at random: and now we take a break from our regularly schedule programming to give you . . . WHALE FACTS! [whips out multiple books on the history of whales and whaling, begins to recite]
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
A Smallish Masterpost On The Doctor And Asexuality/Aromanticism
Back in 2019 I apparently made this post about The Doctor and asexuality and aromanticism on my other blog and I have nooo memory of it. so, updated version that's got a bit more going for it:
A small masterpost of various people talking about The Doctor's "Asexuality" - feat. asexuality, aromanticism, demisexuality, demiromanticism, allosexuality, alloromanticism, and a whole squiggly set of queer concepts, as well as discussions about sexism
NOTE: additions are welcome, and forgive the rambles
So classic!who presented the Doctor as a type of asexual, in which the asexuality was a facet of alienness, rather than necessarily based in any community identification of the label -- in the real world, there's documentation of the word asexual since at least the early 1900s (so in tandem with the increasing use of homo, bi, and heterosexual, if not as widespread), as well as overlaps with other communities and labels, such as bisexual and lesbian communities (which both include/d ace people), dandyism, etc. -- so a rich, complex history bubbling beneath all of this (the most famous coining of asexual is in I believe a manifesto from 1978 off the top of my head)
this real world stuff was not what was going on in the world of Doctor Who when it was called Asexual as far as I'm aware - although, I mean... I'm sure there were actual ace and aro fans...? - but it's interesting to know that it was definitely going on, and so no matter what the intent was (alienness, the doctor intended as patriarchal/teacher-like, the doctor intended as for children, etcetc) there is some real overlap with actual asexuality at the time, including within the word itself
and then a bunch of people got really pissed off when the Eighth Doctor broke the rule that the Doctor must always be totally disconnected from romance- waaait but that's not asexuality. And yeah, that's the other thing. Asexuality is used interchangeably as being both aromanticism and asexuality and aroaceness, because people just don't know better- we'll try to make distinctions, but it can be difficult, with how others were conflating, so be Prepared for that in below
in Nu!Who the doctor seemingly got a bit friskier, so let's take a look at that as well
1. First some general Doctor Who – the first asexual Doctors:
The question of the Doctor's sexuality was a controversial one. It was fanon for decades that he was asexual; fans used the Fourth Doctor's line in City of Death that Countess Scarlioni was "probably" beautiful as proof. Sixth Doctor actor Colin Baker agreed with this theory, saying, "Love is a human emotion and the Doctor isn't human." (REF: The Television Companion) Both Matt Smith[6] and Tom Baker (DOC: Getting Blood from the Stones) have identified that their respective Doctors are asexual and clueless to human sexuality; both exploited this for visual humour
(note: Steven Moffat made the comment that the eighth doctor “hit puberty” which were very controversial, but Moffat has often made controversial statements in regards to asexuality, suggesting that he finds it “boring” to write in relation to Sherlock Holmest:
It’s the choice of a monk, not the choice of an asexual. If he was asexual, there would be no tension in that, no fun in that – it’s someone who abstains who’s interesting
(it's ironic that Sherlock Holmes is his other show considering Holmes himself as an asexual icon being sexualised more and more in recent iterations -- but also that arguably Elementary's Sherlock was kind of aromantic and allosexual, which is a Very Very Rare Thing To Write)
These gifs of Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy pretty much sum up the idea of classic!who smooching People
CB: He's an alien, so what's he doing messing around with human women for? For heavens sake SM: You know Doctor Who had been very successful for 30 year without canoodling anywhere
Both of these have a tad of the "asexuality is for aliens" + "allosexuality as a whole is not for this show" (which isn't quiiite true, considering the objectification of several of the companions, who did canoodle with some people... just not the doctor)
This video is a great little rundown of the queer history of Doctor Who and includes this nugget from Steven Moffat back in the day of Discourse around the Eighth Doctor being a bit less Asexual than previous incarnations:
"What on Earth (or elsewhere) is the fuss about the Dr snogging his companion? Nowhere in the series does it *ever* state that the Doc is asexual (it's purely an assumption on the part of the fans) and the fact that he has a a grandaughter might lead the pedants among us to conclude otherwise (and no it wasn't a term of affection - that's just another assumption and an entirely baseless one at that.) We know that humans and Time Lords are mutually sexually attracted (Susan and Whats-his-name, Leela and Thingummy, The Doctor and that-Aztec-woman) and that the Dr favours bimbos in mini-skirts (what, you think he was choosing them for their brains?) The most you could conclude from watching the show is that he's a little reticent about involvement (not surprising when your inability for commitment extends to your entire home planet!) So if the Doc's vow of celibacy is a fan assumption which flies directly in the face of the established continuity, why would you think a new series would pay any heed to it? Steven Moffat P.S. I mean, the guy has one snog in thirty years of saving our planet and you're all complaining! You utter, utter bastards!!
I think what's also interesting about this comment is the inevitable link between allosexuality and sexism that also exists in Steven Moffat's tenure as showrunner. how does one show a [man] into a [woman?] By making her wear short skirts and having the dude make comments about it of course
Also very funny it actually hits upon a very good point -- there are allosexual Timelords (I'd disagree about the Doctor and that-Aztec-woman) (second note here about how even in this message it's kind of clear how secondary romance was for DW, the romantic partners are Not memorable characters), so if the Doctor is sort of... not like the other Timelords, then the asexuality and aromanticism is not alien... it's the Doctor
2.  A bit about the show's attitude towards writing the Doctor as asexual and how that interest has waned over the years:
But that was then and this is now, and the discussion over whether or not the Doctor is still an asexual character has certainly become very heated. Many fans have asked whether or not the Doctor can still be considered asexual, given the nature of the current show. John Richards, in a brilliant and surprisingly funny essay for Queers Dig Time Lords titled “The Heterosexual Agenda,” lamented the aggressive assertion of the Doctor’s heterosexuality
This is the Confidential episode around The Girl In The Fireplace around the Doctor and "snogging" and ways in which fans might read it (fans can "explain it away" as "she kissed him")
In it we get a bit more about Moffat's whole... deal... around women and the Doctor. It's interesting because he argues that it works because Madame de Pompadour is a "match" for the Doctor due to being well-educated and civilised and multi-talented... "if the Doctor was going to settle down, it would be a girl like this," in the season in which one might argue the main romance is with Rose, a working-class woman who never finished highschool
so a bit about the ways sexism, classism, and heteronormativity also play into the writing of a "more allosexual" Doctor...
It also includes DT saying they had an extraordinary relationship that was over before it began -- I just like how he refers to it without attempting to label it
the framing of the confidential episode is very romantic, just so you're prepared. It also has more unintentional framing of the Doctor's potentially "falling in love" as a more "human" emotion (in contrast to alien emotions of not falling in love)
as you can hear, it conflates allosexuality and alloromanticism throughout
3.  Eleven, He's A Little Confused But He's.... kinda? Got the Spirit (and an unfortunate slice of sexism/heteronormativity):
One thing has been a constant, though — the Doctor himself has been entirely asexual, save for the notorious on-screen kiss during Paul McGann’s performance as the Eighth Doctor in the one-off special made during the show’s wilderness years, a kiss that had fans outraged precisely because it was so out of character and proved that the producers behind the telemovie had no idea what they were doing.
It’s interesting how recent Doctor Who has, if anything, emphasized this idea of the Doctor’s asexuality; Matt Smith said earlier this year that his version of the character was “more asexual than some of the others,” and in 2011 he answered a question about whether his version of the Doctor is at all interested in sex as follows: “No. The Doc’s idea of an orgy is playing chess with an ostrich. His brain doesn’t work in that way. He would find it weird and peculiar. He finds women peculiar. He is quite asexual.”
The idea that the Doctor “finds women peculiar” is probably one that says more about Matt Smith than it does about the Doctor’s character — 30 years of Doctor Who history rather contradict the idea that the Doctor finds women any stranger than men, and in general he has been characterized by his enduring affection for humanity in general, regardless of gender.
In general the way people talk about Matt Smith’s doctor to me, often has a bit of infantilisation along with it - of course we can read him as ace, because he’s boyish, hyperactive, and distracted... he's weird and alien
There's also this cute little fan-video that has some Nine, Ten, and Twelve but is mainly focusing on Eleven's asexual Vibes in a couple of scenes, which actually is something I've always struggled a little more with, because Moffat had Eleven doing sexist shit occasionally and was also soooo male-gazey, but it's also got one of my favourite ace moments for the Doctor period ("I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS!????")
(the scenes with Amy in this exemplifies so much of what I dislike about Moffat, but it's also fascinatingly The Tightrope Of Asexuality -- Amy is essentially violating the Doctor's consent over and over, but it's fine because "he's" a "bloke" -- she then goes on to show the Doctor's former companions on screen.... but notably only the women, and making a biiig mistake in including I think both Zoe and Ace, who were teenagers when they travelled with the Doctor... implying that that was... idek......)
I will also acknowledge here that while I don't think Moffat ever got... super comfortable writing queerness, he did get much, much better and stopped constantly referring to the doctor as a "bloke," who does bloke-y things (like objectify women, care too much about machinery/the TARDIS, and be a playboy who whisks away young girls in order to seduce them, I guess?)
and I personally think that the gender component plays into the Doctor's increased asexual vibes in his run (which is ironic considering where Moffat started lol), but I'd have to do wa-HAY more of a deep dive to actually confirm that... just a theory.... but also interesting that asexuality and aromanticism is more fine, because the Doctor is not a bloke......
it's complicated
4. Ten, The Jessica Rabbit Effect (just because you think they're hot doesn't mean they want to fuck)
[Patrick Troughton and Sylvester McCoy] would hardly have been much cop as Casanova; the 2005 TV role for which Tennant won much praise. Perhaps that's why the Times christened him "the first Timephwoard". "That's the Times?" he boggles. "It's, er, quite surprising..." Or why the Pink Paper voted him the Sexiest Man In The Universe, above Brad Pitt and David Beckham.
in general, it seems unequivocal to me that ten doesn’t like getting hit on, even playfully [...] not only does he seem consistently uninterested in these advances, but in most cases, a bit confused and/or unsettled by the idea of being hit on by anyone. contrary to the ‘space casanova’ narrative frequently espoused by magazines and interviewers, in reality ten is no stud. far from it. apart from with rose, he never reciprocates flirtatious behavior, nor does he ever seem pleased to be on the receiving end of it. 
[Link to a gifset in which The Witch in The Shakespeare Code tries to seduce the Doctor and he answers “now that’s one form of magic that definitely won’t work on me.
the second/third/fourth gifs are of David T saying: “she nearly kisses me. I don’t nearly kiss her. It’s an important distinction.”
This interview is around the time the final RTD/DT episodes were beginning to air
Interviewer: Lots of snogging you've done, there was- DT: Not lots Interviewer: More- I'm trying to think now I don't remember any of the previous doctors- DT: More than Jon Pertwee did, yes Interviewer: Yes a lot more than Jon Pertwee... what-how come...? DT: I can't help it if the ladies of the Universe are flinging themselves at me, you know? Its not, you know, it's just part of the job I have- It's- usually it's not a sexual thing with the Doctor. He's a fairly asexual character. Interviewer: So what's with the kissing then? DT: Well, I don't think- there's a genetic transfer as it was once... or, and you know these women just can't help themselves, I don't know-
5.  12, Too Old To Be Romantic?
Capaldi talking about his relationship with Clara, noting the age-difference as reasons why they would never be a romantic couple (the subtext here is non-sexual as well, although it conflates the two).
[Capaldi] said there was “no romance, but deep love” between the Doctor and Clara, played by Jenna Coleman.
“It would have been completely creepy,” the star told the Radio Times. “It’s fine if you have handsome young men like Matt [Smith] and David Tennant, but as a father I felt it would be inappropriate.
Capaldi laughed off complaints that his first full episode last year was promoting a gay agenda after it featured a kiss between a lizard woman and her human wife. “I think it was good,” he said.
“Actually it’s not just lesbian. It’s across species, which is even worse, presumably. It’s crazy if people get up in arms about it. There should be lots more kissing in Doctor Who. So long as it’s not the Doctor and Clara.”
Honestly I wonder how much the hype died down because he was no longer young and "hot." Skill issue honestly
6.  The Doctor and The Master/Missy 
I feel like I don't have enough on this, and that's also a facet of the whole "is the Doctor now allosexual and alloromantic." It seems to only really come up in relation to the [seemingly] het relationships
I don't really see much in relation to the Doctor and Jack (who's canonically in love with the Doctor) or the Doctor and Simm's Master -- I mean, fanfic, yes, but not bigger article-worthy discussion...
(and Jamie and the Doctor and Adric and the Doctor and Alan Turing and the Doctor......)
so if anyone has a bit to add on that
Most of it is in relation to... Moffat's sexier "Missy." (sigh). However very interested in what Michelle Gomez (who was excellent as the character!) had to say about it:
She added a female time lord "blows open all these new possibilities for different relationship that couldn't have happened before" but denied the idea of sexual chemistry between Missy and the Doctor.
"You're reading into it something I've never even thought of," she said.
The Scottish star added: "With [the Doctor’s young companion] Clara, it would have been straight away, ‘What is the romantic connection, does the Master fancy her?’ No. We can move past that, into something much more interesting, much more detailed, which is life. That’s what life is. It’s not all black and white."
Idk, she seems to get something intrinsic about the possibilities of all this that many others don't
Gifset of The Mistress (being questioned by Clara on the nature of Missy’s/the Doctor’s relationship): Try, nanobrain, to rise above the reproductive frenzy of your noisy little food chain and contemplate friendship.
I find the whole post quite charming actually, it's a small moment in Doctor Who fandom from a specific person. I don't even remember how I originally found it
7. Misc
I don't really have anything on Thirteen currently, because I haven't seen all of those seasons yet. I know Yaz/Thirteen is very shipped, I assume I'll prooobably feel similarly to all the other Doctor/Companion ships in that I'll be going at it from an aromantic lens
I have seen discussions about how the Doctor’s perceived romantic and/or sexual relationship with this person or other (insert your preferred person here, Rose, Madame de Pompadour, River…) has made him too human, too normal. Discussions that assume that romantic and sexual attraction is an inherent part of human experience, so removing them from a character makes him alien.
This is about the way "Asexuality" (meaning aroaceness) applied purely to alien creatures isn't... great... for aroace people
I have lost count of the number of times I’ve heard fans discuss wanting a more alien “asexual Doctor”, which is generally taken to mean “no romance in the Tardis.”
It often goes back to the same questions: is the Doctor's "Asexuality" (that is, asexuality and aromanticism) purely used to indicate the alien? When John Smith is human he falls in love and asks "what sort of a man" the Doctor is that falling in love didn't occur to him. Many classic actors (whom I have a great deal of affection for) tend to use alien as the reason for the so-called Asexuality, and that seems to lie at a lot of the fans discomfort with a more "sexy" Doctor of nu!who, rather than anything to do with character or portraying asexuality and aromanticism in sci-fi
and on the flipside, people who very much like an alloromantic and allosexual Doctor dismiss aroace Doctor reads because of things that are absolutely within the purview of an aroace experience (I've seen anything from having a grandkid to being hot to caring about others to knowing what sex is)
I wonder if actually consciously writing an aroace Doctor would make people really uncomfortable as well, since it would remove the "alienness" from the idea of it... also it would make people who really really like allosexual and alloromantic Doctor angry too... so no winning I guess
I wonder how Ncuti Gatwa alongside RTD's queerness will redefine the subtext of it all once again...
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bonnieura · 2 months
i hate queer people
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+ ref and a ramble under cut (god forbid tumblr doesn't kill the quality
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honestly it fucks me up just how detailed some sources' claims are when it comes to JFK and lem billings' relationship. of course if we just throw out the idea of them pulling things out of their ass, how was jfk not considered bisexual at least? also i find it pretty amusing how allegedly whenever kennedy was ill (even if for a moment, like dizziness which afaik was a common symptom/result of addison's disease) he needed lem to be there with him no matter yow many nurses (attempted to at least) aided him. if all that was true that would be a mix of both wholesome and odd fuuuuck
Frankly it pisses me off how american queer history is never discussed in the american public. even the most iconic and famous (or infamous) of american figures had had parts of themselves completely overwritten by texts and articles to not rub up sad conservatives the wrong way. So much of history is lost because of this disgusting discrimination but sigh what can i do
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siryouarebeingmocked · 4 months
Someone recently claimed that the new Davies era of doctor who has no more wokism* than the show used to.
Now, maybe I've just changed in the past few decades, but from what I've heard of the 60th anniversary specials it does seem a tad more concentrated. Cherry-picking SPOILERS, sweeties.
- Donna got married offscreen. To what I can only assume is the last black cab driver in London.
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- Her kid is trans. Specifically, non-binary, female presenting, says the wiki.** - In the next episode, we learn the Doctor is gay/bi when he thinks Sir Isaac Newton is hot. I'd smugly say this bit has no real relevance, but...the actual scene does carry the episode theme of accidentally changing reality. It's just the queer bit that seems tacked on. Though it does carry forward themes from 10s era. - Sir Zack himself is played by a half-Indian actor. It's not exactly hard to tell. I'm assuming they're running on Bridgerton logic. https://twitter.com/frozenaesthetic/status/1731332492282429950 - This episode is basically just Donna and the Doc exploring a weird location, and running into monsters, who happen to look like them. It would be a bottle episode, except for the large vfx budget. And yet ol' Rusty somehow managed to awkwardly wedge in an  progressive issue. - In the next episode, the villain explains how he's just exploiting the divisions that already exist in human society, including cancel culture. - no wait he's got a point. Jpg - This is ironic, given that Davies and/or his broadcasting house masters are pretty blatantly on the team that a) coined the word,  b) cancels people the most often, and c) defends the idea of Internet lynch mobs*** (***as long as they're left wing. If not, they're *ist "trolls", even if they're just complaining about the latest sacred cow.) Maybe the Davies was criticizing his own team. * Because the Toymaker was kind of racist back in the day (white dude dressed like a stereotypical Chinese dude), Davies made the new version a bit racist "as a callback to his original, problematic depiction back in 1966." - TVtropes, ref. DW Unleashed. On the other hand, the Toymaker also mocks and dresses as several other cultural archetypes. All the ones I've seen were white European ones. He just does this to everyone, apparently. - Toymaker also weaponizes the Spice Girls hit "Spice Up Your Life". No, I will not explain. Though I will note that a line about the "Yellow man in Timbuktu" was apparently drowned out in the episode. Probably for being a tad spicy. - One new UNIT character is a lady in a wheelchair. When the new Tardis - no, I will not explain - has a wheelchair ramp, she happily points it out. Which makes me wonder why the blue box would be so limited, considering it often deals with alien species. - Also, the same actress played a disabled Companion in the Big Finish audio dramas. I'm not sure why it was considered essential to do so in an entirely audio format, but there have been controversies over this sort of thing before (EG Artie on Glee, various racial voice acting controversies). - At this point, casting Ncuti Gatwa as 15 doesn't even register. Not really a blip on my radar. Black Doc? Whatevs. His sonic screwdriver has Rwandan words on it? So? I go to church with lots of Africans. Heck, I'm a black immigrant to ol' Blighty myself, just from the other side of the pond. Ncuti is, chronologically speaking, more British than I am. - Though given that he's Rwandan-Scottish, there may be some debate on the "British" part. - Wikipedia says the actor is pretty left-wing, but the actor seems good so far, so I'm willing to give him a sha-
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Oh, come ON!
Maybe the original person speaking was comparing it to the Chibnall “history has always been a whitewash” era, which had a character who was a paper thin Trump satire. A tad ironic, when the whole point of bringing Davies, Tennant, and Tate back is to play on nostalgia.
*Tangent: that word was apparently voted  the most annoying words in English. Which is kind of hilarious if you know that it was originally created to self-describe certain progressives. And the "you can't even define that word!" meme was almost certainly ripped off from the right wing "what is a woman?" Meme. ** This is apparently because she's part Time Lord, through Donna. It seems a tad interesting to me that a few works featuring non binary characters happen to make them enby due to some sort of supernatural (Omniscient Reader) or sci-fi (SW Squadrons) influence which the vast majority of IRL enbies don't have. ...As far as I know.
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naamahdarling · 1 year
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Gowan Threacher
Handsome lad(y). He's 40-something here. Ex electronic/pop superstar, current political activist and community organizer, HS mathfail dropout self-taught in law/history, ADHD. He/they, queer and very charming, gifted fiddle player in love with his art, adores cats. I love him so much. Need to do another where he's looking more flamboyant.
Just this sketch, with a ref, took me hours, I am SO rusty, but I think it came out great.
GOD please say nice things or ask questions. I had a very anxious day and crave validation/interaction.
Rebelle 4 with default everything.
Ref heavily used; Ioan Gruffudd, looking real pretty in a promo for Harrow.
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ink-pen-rat · 10 months
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John of Salisbury, a clerical writer of the mid 12th century, whilst commenting on what he viewed as the destruction of morals, wrote that 'actors and mimes, buffoons and harlots... and other like human monsters which the prince [Henry II] ought rather to exterminate than to foster...'
Entertainers, comedians, and actors have throughout history been targeted for their 'otherness' and inherant queerness that threatens a false gender binary, and in this essay I will-
ref below the cut
From p.65-69, chpt 2: Imagining Sodomy, Sodomy, Masculinity and Law in Medieval Literature: France and England 1050-1230 by William E. Burgwinkle, Cambridge Press, 2009
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flugame-mp3 · 8 months
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no longer post limited :D
apotheosis (theo), he/ze/they/whatever, in my 20s
pronouns.cc / cohost
free palestine
tags + blinkies + more under the cut :)
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blinkie/stamp IDs in alt! ^^
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this is my main blog but it ends up mostly fall out boy and supernatural! known decaydance/bandom freak and stump club vice president, also enjoys things like spn, doctor who, ttrpg (incl. baldur's gate, just roll with it, etc.), the legend of zelda, and long walks on the beach
beware: i use suicide jokes and reclaimed slurs. ask me to trigger tag stuff with "cw thing" and i will
no dni i will just block you. however: terfs/radfems kys. zionists are not welcome here. wincest & waycest shippers, brendon urie apologists, mcr "fans" who are racist towards ray, and people who are weird about pete wentz + his writing get blocked on sight. also post-hiatus fob/MANIA haters youre weird and wrong.
previous urls include will0wpark, vengolorbraad, and raytorologist
mutuals pls ask for my discord! also feel free to dm me ab anything, im not the best about keeping up conversations but i enjoy talking to y'all :)
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i have many tags that i use inconsistently. however here is a little metaphorical charcuterie board of stuff i use a lot
PERSONAL/BLOG STUFF theo.txt - my original posts n whatnot asks - exactly what it says on the tin cool art - pretty much any art i reblog important - useful, uplifting, life advice, etc. nsft - pretty much anything i wouldnt want my manager seeing if they glanced over my shoulder at work queer stuff - similar vein to my trans tag but wider umbrella trans tag - catchall tag for trans stuff art history stuff - catchall tag for things relating to art history (my field of study!! its me and dutch post-impressionist painter vincent van gogh against the world) me and queue setting in a honeymoon - queue tag. if u want that for some reason
FALL OUT BOY STUFF fob - fababoi tag :3 pstump - patrick tag pwentz - pete tag joe trohman - its so trohver (joe tag) andy hurley - andy tag p2 - exactly what it says on the tin. i got tired of typing out "half doomed and semi sweet" every time maniaposting - loveposting about the hit 7th studio album from american rock band fall out boy yayy !! ioh - im making an ioh tag but she's not done yet soul punk - ask me about debut solo studio album "soul punk" by american musician and national treasure patrick stump
MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE STUFF mcr - my chem tag ray toro - ray tag :) gerard way - gerard tag mikey way - michael romance real...? (mikey tag) frank iero - frank tag bullets - ibymbmlymblymblymyl tag :3 danger days - tangentially related to mcr, mostly killjoys fanart
i will generally tag other bands/artists that i like (e.g. thursday/geoff rickly, ricky montgomery, mitski)
SUPERNATURAL STUFF spn - supernatural tag yay (ive entered my cas lover era be aware.) sammy - my love my light my sweet psychic mentally ill nerd antichrist girlfriend (sam tag) dean - eldest daughter (terminal diagnosis) ...but in a cool leather jacket (loving). cant express my heartfelt feelings if my arteries are clogged due to HAMBURGER (dean tag) cas - silly queer autism angel captivates me mind body and soul. more at 10:00. "but he murdered half of heaven" what do you want me to do about that. and he looked good doing it! (castiel tag) the brothers winchester - crying over Tragic Siblings (salmondean sam + dean tag) tfw - one ex-blood-junkie, one drop-out with six bucks to his name, and mr. comatose (sam + dean + cas/team free will tag) destiel - i can't stop thinking about those tragic little gay men /ref (dean x cas tag. why are they like that.) i do other spn tagging too, like sastiel, but mostly character names (like bobby or crowley), and also jackles/misha <3 (and jarpad mostly for filtering purposes. he gets on my damn nerves.) have fun!
MISC FANDOMS STUFF dw - doctor who tag (a lot of 9/10/15 and donna. and rose) loz - legend of zelda tag (specific games are also tagged) jrwi - just roll with it tag (bitb, riptide, fated, etc. are also tagged) bg3 - baldur's gate 3 posting (lots of karlach and astarion. and gale. astarion fans be normal challenge) ttrpg - d&d/pf2e/coc/vtm posting (i have separate tags for some of my characters and campaigns as well please please please please please talk to me about tabletop stuff it is my entire life outside of tumblr aughhhhhhhhh)
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and the award for world's longest pinned post goes to...
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tiffanytoms · 1 year
Honestly, the World Cup has me so horny, I decided to write something different while watching it. If this isn’t your jam, my bad.
But I’m not sorry 😇
NSFW - Smut
He did it.
You don’t know how, and yet, you never doubted him for a second.
Of course James Potter scored the game clinching goal to advance England to the semi-finals. As if there would ever be a doubt in your mind that his level of skill and cockiness wouldn’t push his team past the finish line.
You’d watched. You’d cheered. And now you were so unbelievably wet.
It had been nearly unbearable to wait as his team celebrated — like nails on a chalkboard as they all did their perfunctory post-game interviews, but he was here now. In his small little player hotel lodging room. With you.
“Baby, did you see—?” he asked eagerly, somehow still wanting to prove himself to you, somehow still caring about your opinion even as his whole country was probably chanting his name.
“On the bed. Now,” you demanded, living the dream of at least 28 million women and queer men. You pushed his warmup jersey up, over his abdomen, needing his help before it got tangled with his broad shoulders. It was the first test to see if he was just as horny as you were. By the grace of the gods, he allowed it.
“Really?” he asked smugly, standing before the mattress shirtless. Every muscle in his body seemed primed and ready to go, not yet having lived down the adrenaline of having just performed on a global stage. You tried not to ogle, but— fuck that, you were ogling. You were ogling fucking hard. His ribcage expanded and retracted with every breath he took, highlighting his upper and lower abs in turn. You knew how he’d earned them. You saw him sprint up and down the pitch, saw him tumble when he’d been on the receiving end of a bad tackle — being knocked to the ground by a desperate opponent, trying to take him out once and for all. But he’d jumped right back to his feet (much to your poor heart’s relief). You loved that he didn’t have to act and roll on the ground in false pain. He was good. He knew it, his opponents knew it, and ultimately, the ref did too. She could tell when he was fouled without him having to act it up — and you loved that.
“Yes. Really.” You pushed him backwards making his fit, perfect body fall onto the bed behind him, bouncing up and down lightly. He was so sexy, and so yours. You couldn’t believe your luck at having him all to yourself, but you supposed that was something to ponder at a later date. Now was the time to soak it in. Physically.
James bit his lower lip, looking up at you as you stood at the mattress’ edge. “So you enjoyed the match?”
Oh James. He’d always loved compliments, always loved hearing you sing his praises. Normally you relished withholding them from him until he’d done something on your body worthy of all the adoration, making him really work for it — but tonight was different. Tonight he was a champion, and you wanted him to claim his prize for all his hard-earned accomplishments.
Tonight you wanted him to claim you.
His eyes grew infinitesimally wider as he gleaned your realization off of your expression. Or perhaps he gathered as much when you reached for the hem of his joggers, pulling them down easily before you climbed up on your knees on the mattress and reached for your vibrator on his nightstand.
“Let me warm up first, then you can do whatever you want to me,” you declared.
He wanted to speak, you know he did, but how easily you slid down onto him, his cock finding zero resistance against your slick body, rendered him nearly speechless… save for a small ‘fuck’ he whispered into the stale hotel air.
This man had just made history. This man had just changed the course of a nation’s pride… but right now he was beneath you, completely at your mercy.
You smiled as you bounced yourself up and down over his body, making sure he was as hard as could be before you switched over to the deep grinding you preferred, activating your toy and bringing it down onto your clit. “Fuck, James,” you moaned, throwing your head back, as you settled into your familiar rhythm.
His hands claimed your hips, his eyes scanning down, realizing you were still nearly fully dressed. “Baby, I love that you’re wearing my jersey—” you were, as a cute little dress, “—but now…”
A circular swivel of your hips cut him off, forcing his head back into the pillow as he bit his own tongue. You’d seen this man dribble past four defenders before easily sinking the ball into the net, and yet here he was, uselessly overpowered by your small thrust. “You want it off, baby?” you taunted, your fingers leaving their perch on his pecs to toy with the hem of the jersey, blocking his view of your body.
It pained him to force his eyes open in response. “Yes. Please.”
Well, you couldn’t deny him such an ardent plea. Never breaking your steady grind on top of his body, you peeled his shirt off of you, reveling in the way his face broke as he realized you hadn’t been wearing a bra.
“So… fucking beautiful…” he panted as you rode him harder still.
He was exhausted, you knew he was. He’d played the whole game and all the overtime being their star player, so of course he could barely lift a finger now, having given it his all.
Then again, that was hardly your problem. You smirked as you leaned back, placing a hand on one of his muscular thighs to manipulate your weight, driving your cunt forward over him, forcing as much friction onto your clit as possible. James hissed, his nails digging into your hips that he was desperately holding onto.
“Are you close, baby?” he whined. You could tell he so badly wished you were. One of his hands flew up to your tits, smooshing them together as you writhed on top of him. “Does it feel good?”
“Yes,” you hissed, but you still knew it wasn’t enough. This was always the position that got you off, but tonight, it wouldn’t do. Tonight, you wanted to come by James Potter ramming into you from behind, 'penetrating your defense,' or whatever kinky shit that one particular commentator always seemed to say. You had no idea how they still had a job with all the explicit shit they teased, but… you also realized that the whole world maybe wasn’t as horny as you. (But only because they had never seen the game’s star player naked before. Because you knew that if they had… every word out of everyone’s mouth would also be an uttered plea to fuck them silly too.)
“I want you behind me,” you ordered, hopping off of James’ cock as you moved onto your knees on the mattress.
“Wha—?” he asked, still lying on his back, dazed and confused.
You refused to take pity on him. Not tonight. He was a god, and he would fuck you as such. “Get to work, Potter,” you demanded, your face half smooshed into the bed, looking back at him eagerly. You’d almost forgotten about the vibrator, but you put it to work now, moving it into place against your clit. James and you both knew what you using it meant — it helped you get wetter, take him in deeper and harder than usual. The fact that you were using it now let him know you weren’t playing around.
He’d never been able to deny you, and tonight would be no different. Obliging you, James got on his knees behind you, and slowly fed his cock back into you, making you moan as he made you whole. “Nothing feels as good as this…” he breathed, seemingly lost in the sensation. “Nothing.”
You groaned as he bottomed out, his hands finding purchase on your hips once more. He started establishing a rhythm, pumping in and out of your greedy cunt as you pushed back at him wanting more and more. “Harder,” you begged, rubbing yourself against your vibrator’s soft nub. The combination of its relentless motion with James’ harsh, punishing strikes was guaranteed to make you see stars any second now. “Just like that—“
“Shit—“ James moaned, biting the back of your shoulder as he did the exact opposite of your desperate request. “You feel too—”
“James, I said harder, not stop—”
“I’m sorry,” he panted, cock fully in you but motionless, lips grazing the back of your neck. “You feel too good, I’m edging, baby, give me—”
“No,” you deadpanned, fingers clenching in the sheets beneath you. You were too close for this shit. He was not allowed to let you down now. If he could do it for England, he sure as hell could do it for you. “Keep, going.”
A primal grunt ripped from his throat as James brought his hips back up to speed, his fingers interlocking with your left hand as his right held onto your neck, pushing your face deeper into the mattress. “Is this hard enough, baby?” he cooed, his cock completely destroying your soul. “Is this what you want?”
“Yesss,” you hissed, finding yourself climbing right back to that peak that he’d so selfishly nearly left you hanging at. “Right there— just like— James—” you mumbled pathetically before your orgasm washed over you, forcing you to succumb to the devastatingly beautiful way his body nearly brought you to tears.
Turned out he wasn’t done with you yet. Rolling you over like you were a rag doll, James quickly scooped you up in his arms, your knees settling in the crux of his elbows as he lifted you off the mattress, ready to go to town on you. As his cock sunk in and out of your pussy at lightning speed, he whispered in your ear, “That goal was just for you, baby.” Your head lolled exhaustedly to the side, but it only made him pull your body closer to his, driving himself harder up into you. “And the next one will be too.”
Enjoy the match guys! ⚽️🔥
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bodylanda · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈♣️✨ chodark for tha ask game ^_^
God this ended up long and kinda rambly OOPSIES… SORRY
Also idk how to read more ok mobile without possibly breaking the post so 🫡 im sorry, but thank u again for sending this ask!!
Link to the list of questions: [click here]
🏳️‍🌈 what’s some queer headcannons you have? (Can add a specific character in ask)
I think i have some pretty simples ones all things considered? And they’re all pretty fluid/all exist at the same time but for these
Chosen: made with they/them in mind -> experiemented with she/they/he -> had a crisis abt it -> she/her at the end
Dark: started we they/he -> she/they at the end
This isn’t really a queer headcanon (maybe?) but i do think theyre soulmates in a “whatever souls are made of, yours and mine are the same (insult)”, which is probably the closest thing i have to a queer headcanon LDNWOODOW.
I typically use they/them when discussing them in general tho!
♣️ angst headcannons? (Can add a specific character in ask)
I got a bunch here but not sure if it counts as angst? Makes me 🥹 so i’ll count it as such
Headcanon 1: Chosen knew about victim
-The moment chosen was born she immediately started being a hater. She threw the first punch (fireball?)! Why’d she do that? The moment second was born, they seemed more curious and inquisitive, but none of that curiosity happened to chosen.
-i know the popular theory is that its bcs chosen’s a virus (considering she was beaten by an antivirus in ava 2 + in a way so is tdl and tsc) but idk, they were made by alan (maybe tsc is a virus but thats a theory for another time), but i also like to think its more that chosen knew about victim in some like, unfathomable way?
-like the avatar in ATLA hahaha. Is this angst? I’m not sure. But this is why i think she immediately started going sicko mode
Headcanon 2: Chosen is the tragedy of a stick born without love
-honestly just took this one from kirby
-Chosen’s creation was definitely intentional, while Second’s wasn’t. Why are they so different? Its not like second got that much love either initially, but they did manage to get some free time.
-Second was less a literal second coming of chosen and more of a “history could repeat itself again”
-this is. Getting into second & chosen territory Moving back to chosen/dark APDJOWKFOWKDP
Headcanon 3: Dark has nightmares about killing chosen
-well she was made for it wasn’t she? Sometimes the directive just takes over for a bit
-a lil like wall-e
-Will isolate herself during these moments
-Shrugs it off after the fact but kind of always has this lurking lingering fear that one day her programming will take over and try to kill chosen (even though their friendship handshake thing and also their literal friendship in ava 3 kind of nerfed it a lil to the point that it can’t actually make her do that.
-in the end she discovered a new fear; She actually choose to fight Chosen and it wasn’t some divinely mandated/program forced thing.
✨ fluffy headcannons is you have? (Can add a specific character in ask)
More AU than headcanon: Dark survived!
-Sees error of her ways
-Still awful
-Actually doesn’t she just doesn’t want to get her ass handed to her again by a fucking kid that was pretty embarassing
-Morality gained through wanting to avoid getting an ass whooping. Like “Hmm i think today i will make a virus- no i wont. That fucking orange kid’ll beat me up somehow”
Headcanon: They both have their own way of communicating
-Both can technically speak in the same way Second can speak, but chooses a different method almost always.
-the way they communicate is so completely all over the place. Its a mix of formal (actual proper typing/Some kind of sign language (stick version of it? Body gesture language?) used correctly) and informal (impact text font memes like fucking philosoraptor format)
-Kind of a contrast to tsc and color gang’s communication method that is also all over the place, but older memes and refs bcs they’re an older generation
-Dark: Back in my day the best cat on earth was longcat and now everycat can just be i can haz cheeseburgers…. Tch this used to be a respectable career
Yellow: (what the FUCK is she saying…….)
-Chosen being gaptek is something thats actually so near and dear to my heart and also a lil bit of jadul chosen. She gets sent some really gen z memes on stick whatsapp by second or color gang and just squints and shows it to dark like “what is she saying” and dark just gags
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spiceandtealeaves · 8 months
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Icon made by: peonycats
Blackwater Fever - Vandana Khanna
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Hetalia Focuses: India, China, Iran, OC: Tamil Nadu
Hetalia Ships: Indchu, Indran, Indchuran
Gold and Silk: OC: Rama, OC: Sita
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Main: @astrophilic-soul
HWS Asia Week: @hwsasiaweek
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AO3: astrophilic_soul
DreamWidth: astrophilic-soul
Pinterest Boards: Gold and Silk , aph India
Letterboxd: astrophilicSoul
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#p: indian posting - posts about India or Indian culture
#p: culture - culture of any kind I reblog
#p: history - anything about history
#p: writing ref
#p: music
#p: queer
#p: reference
#p: not hetalia - anything that isn’t hetalia related
#p: my posts - posts I make
#p: my art - self explanatory
#p: my writing - self explanatory
#p: gold and silk - name of Original Story
#p: hetalia oc
#p: politics - current events and political stuff
#p: commentary
#p: feminism
#p: caste
#p: racism
#p: news
#p: [type of media] - (ex: p: quote) used to separate #p: not hetalia further
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